#I had to take a pregnancy test today because my period was 4 days late
deathdaydreamm · 4 months
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man I have had a fucking crazy week
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finnsbubblegum · 1 year
Two Red Lines (Joel Miller X Reader)
Pairing: no-outbreak!joel miller x f!reader
Warnings: fluff, sweet joel, domestic joel, rom-com, pregnancy
Summary (Series): reader as Joel’s neighbor. Joel’s wife left him so Joel asked his neighbor for help in babysitting Sarah. 
Summary: meeting your ex-boyfriend when you were buying pregnancy tests with Joel might be the best revenge you could ever have.
Words count: 2.3k
I’m trying to make this as a rom-com, hope you like my new series! This is part 14 of Where It All Starts. But it can also be read as a standalone. I'm so grateful for all of you! Thank you for your comments, reblogs, and likes ❤️ There are still more chapters for this series so stay tuned! Love you!
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
It had been a few months since you and Joel decided to try for a baby. You were too excited that you always bought pregnancy tests each time your period was late, even just for a few days. 
Your heart beat faster while waiting for two lines appearing on the stick you were holding as you sat on the toilet.
“Another negative.” You sighed and tears started falling down your cheeks.
“Hey, baby. It’s okay. We have all the time we need.” Joel crouched next to you.
“I’m sorry, baby.” You apologized.
“Hey, hey. Don’t. No pressure, okay.” Joel rubbed your back and kissed your temple.
You had been disappointed by the results a few times but Joel always supported you and gave you the strength and hope not to give up. The two of you leaned on each other and kept trying. Few months flew by and this time, your period was about a month late but you didn’t realize because you were tired of getting negative results. Until one day, you started eating more than you usually did.
“Excuse me, can I have one more plate of these, please?” You called for the waiter.
“You’re not full yet?” Joel asked you.
“Uh-huh. I didn’t eat much for lunch today.” You took another spoon and put it in your mouth.
Joel nodded, having no clue that you were pregnant because your excuse made sense. 
“Can I have a bite, mommy?” Sarah asked to take a bite of your food.
“One bite, okay? Mommy’s still hungry.” You gave Sarah a bite.
Joel looked at you and chuckled. He had never seen you so protective of your food before. It was his first time and he found you very cute. 
At home
“Oh my God!” You screamed as you looked at yourself in the mirror.
“What?! What?!” Joel ran to you in the bedroom.
“I gained weight! I’m fatter. Look!” You showed Joel your body that was bigger than before.
“You look beautiful as always, baby.” Joel sighed. He was relieved that you were not screaming because of getting hurt or something.
“No, Joel! This is bad! Ugh! Why did I eat two plates today?!” You regretted eating two plates for dinner tonight.
“Baby, calm down. You can always eat as much as you want. You’re always beautiful to me.” Joel hugged you and rubbed your back.
You started sobbing and wet his shirt. Joel brought you to bed and comforted you until you fell asleep with your face buried on his chest. It was 4AM and you found yourself awake feeling hungry again. You remembered how you regretted eating a lot the night before so you forced yourself to get back to sleep, ignoring the hunger in your stomach. You held it for a few minutes until you couldn't hold it anymore. You flipped your blanket open and got off from the bed. Opening the door slowly not to make any sound as possible so you didn’t wake Joel. 
The fridge was the first thing you checked right away when you arrived in the kitchen. Your mind kept repeating “chocolate ice cream, chocolate ice cream, chocolate ice cream.” Bad news, you didn’t have any chocolate ice cream in your fridge. The last time you went to get groceries, you just bought strawberry ice cream for Sarah. You started crying as you held the strawberry ice cream in your hand then you put it back. You closed the fridge and sat on the kitchen floor crying. Holding both of your legs to your chest, burying your face on your knees, sobbing. 
“Baby?” Joel’s voice came out of nowhere.
You raised your head and saw him standing beside the kitchen table. He saw your eyes were red, face was wet with tears. You snorted as you pouted at him. 
“Baby, what’s wrong?” Joel crouched next to you and put his hand on your shoulder.
“I want ice cream.” You sobbed.
“Okay.” Joel stood up immediately and opened the fridge. 
“Here.” He took the strawberry ice cream and gave it to you.
“I want chocolate ice cream.” You pushed away the strawberry ice cream.
“We only have strawberry ice cream in our fridge.” He shrugged.
“I’m so upset.” You sobbed as you wiped your tears.
“I’ll get you one tomorrow. Eat this for now.” Joel opened the lid and got a spoon for you.
“No. I want chocolate ice cream.” You insisted.
“Do you want kitkats? We have kitkats. It’s chocolate.” Joel took some kitkats from the snack box you stocked.
“No! It’s not the same!” You covered your face with both of your palms.
“What do I do, baby?” Joel sat beside you and stroked your back.
“I’m so sad!” You cried.
Joel was trying his best to make you feel better but you knew the only thing that could make you better now was only chocolate ice cream. But you couldn’t have it. It was too late and all the stores were closed. You had to wait until morning to get your cravings satisfied. So you decided to get back to bed and sleep on it. 
The next day, you went to get groceries with Joel and Sarah. You felt like you had waited ages just to get your favorite chocolate ice cream from the grocery store. Joel pushed the trolley and Sarah followed beside him. You went straight to the ice cream place to get the one that you had been craving the whole night. You took 5 cups and put it inside the cart. 
“Whoa! Baby, aren’t 5 too much? You’re gonna get diabetes.” Joel joked.
“Don’t provoke me, Joel. I waited the whole night for these.” You glared at him.
“I was just jokin’. I’m sorry.” Joel backed off right away as he noticed you were oversensitive.
“Can I get 5 too?” Sarah put another 5 strawberry ice cream in the cart.
“No, babygirl. You only get one.” Joel put back the other 4 cups back. Sarah pouted.
You and Joel walked around the grocery store and passed by a pile of pregnancy tests. Joel suddenly stopped. 
“What?” You asked him why he stopped.
“I think you need 5 of these.” Joel grabbed five different brands of pregnancy tests and put them inside the cart.
“You think I’m pregnant?” You scoffed.
“90%, yeah. With your mood changes lately, increased appetite, not to mention the cravings.” He nodded and pointed at the ice creams in the cart.
“Mommy’s pregnant?” Sarah squealed.
“Shh, sweetie. You’re dad’s just joking.” You shushed Sarah.
Joel raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms. 
“Fine.” You rolled your eyes and caved in.
“Fuck! Not again.” You cursed as you saw your ex-boyfriend again.
Joel saw your ex-boyfriend walking towards you and he groaned. He knew what your ex did to you and he hated him too. 
“Hi, long time no see.” Your ex waved his hand to you.
“You look good.” He complimented you and you just scoffed.
“Hey sweetie, can you help mommy to get mommy’s favorite snack?” You crouched and stroked Sarah’s head. 
You looked Joel in the eyes giving him a sign to leave with Sarah so she didn’t hear anything that your ex would say to you. 
“Come on, babygirl.” Joel nodded and held his daughter’s hand.
“What do you want? Didn’t I say I don’t want to see you again?” You crossed your arms.
“I was really just around and then I saw you. I swear.” He swore.
“I-uh-Congratulations.” He put his hand in his pocket awkwardly.
“For what?” You furrowed your eyebrows.
“I see a ring on your finger and some pregnancy tests in your cart.” He pointed at your hand.
You raised your hand and looked at your ring. 
“Thank you. I guess.” You took a deep breath in and out feeling guilty for being rude to him.
“I wish you all the best. You deserve it.” 
“I know.” You nodded.
“I-I just wanted you to know. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have cheated on you. I was stupid.” 
“Oh you just realized that now?” You scoffed as you cut him.
“I know, I know. You’re the most perfect woman I’ve ever known, (y/n). I regretted breaking your heart. No woman I met can be compared to you. You deserve the best. I hope your husband is treating you right. I hope you’re happy now.” 
Apparently, he just broke up with his girlfriend that he cheated on you with. This time, she cheated on him.
“I am. I’m a lot happier now. He’s treating me like a princess.” You tried bragging about how good Joel was. 
“That’s great. I’m happy for you.” He smiled.
“Okay, I-uh-I’m gonna go now. I’ll see you later. Or I won’t see you again if that’s what you want.” He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
“I’ll see you later, Chad.” You smiled back at him. 
“Happiness and health to you and your baby.” He smiled at you again.
“Thank you.” You turned away to find Joel and Sarah.
Your chest hurts, you wanted to cry. You had mixed feelings, you were sad but also happy. You were relieved you finally had closure from your ex because he finally apologized to you but on the other hand you wanted to cry. But you held your cries because you didn’t want everyone to stare at you. 
“Got everything?” You asked Joel who was paying for the groceries at the cashier.
“Yeah, everythin’ all right?” He rubbed your back which made you want to cry even more so you just nodded.
When you put on your seatbelt on the passenger seat, your tears started welling up in your eyes. You couldn’t hold it anymore. You closed your eyes and the tears fell down. 
“You okay?” Joel put his hand on top of yours as he drove with his other hand.
“I’m okay.” You nodded and rested your head on the headrest. 
“We’ll talk later.” You whispered because you didn’t want Sarah to hear.
“Okay.” Joel kept resting his hand on your and rubbed your hand with his thumb while he drove home.
At home
“Do you want to talk about it?” Joel sat beside you on the edge of bed.
“He apologized.” You felt that you were going to cry soon.
“That’s great, right?” Joel put his hand on your back.
You nodded as you started crying. Joel started moving his hand to rub your back helping to comfort you. 
“I forgive him, Joel. I’m happy he apologized but why do I still feel so sad and hate him?” You cried.
“It’s okay, baby. It takes time to forgive someone. You could still forgive someone and hate them. He hurt you and it left a scar on you and that’s normal.” Joel rested your head to his shoulder. 
Joel stayed there and let you rest your head on his shoulder as long as you needed. You finally stopped crying after an hour.
“Right, where did you put the pregnancy tests?” You suddenly remembered about it.
“It’s still in the paper bag. I’ll get it. Wait here.” Joel went downstairs to get it.
You stood up and went inside the bathroom as you waited for Joel to come.
“Here.” He passed you one stick and opened the other ones.
You pulled your pants and sat on the toilet to pee. Joel stood in front of you and stared at you. You laughed all of sudden.
“What?” Joel raised his eyebrows.
“It’s-uh-I can’t focus.” You laughed.
“I can’t pee if you’re staring at me like that. Go away for a second.” You shooed him.
“I want to be here.” He insisted.
“Okay, turn around.” You chuckled.
Joel turned around and now his back was facing you. You tried to focus on peeing on the stick.
“I still can’t, Joel.” You giggled.
“Okay, then how about this.” Joel suddenly made a shushing sound to help you pee. 
“What’s that?” You threw your head back and laughed.
“That will help you pee. Trust me.” Joel continued making shushing sounds.
You closed your eyes and focused on the sound he made. Not long after, you peed.
“Told you it works.” Joel chuckled and turned around to look at you.
You smirked and shook your head. 
“Okay, now we just have to wait.” Joel and you put the stick on the sink and squeezed each other’s hand.
Three minutes went by..
“You ready?” Joel squeezed your hand and you nodded.
Joel took the stick and showed it to you. You gasped.
“Two red lines.” Joel chuckled as tears welled up in his eyes.
“We’re pregnant.” You were tearing up too.
“You’re pregnant.” He kissed your forehead.
“We’re having another baby!” Joel hugged you so tight you couldn’t breathe.
“J-joel, I can’t breathe.” You tapped his back.
“I’m sorry, baby. I’m too excited.” He loosened his hug. 
“I’m excited, too.” You smiled and tip-toed to kiss him.
“We should tell Sarah.” Joel held your hand and dragged you out of the bathroom.
“Easy, mister!” You chuckled as Joel dragged you. 
“Sarah! We have good news for you.” Joel burst opened Sarah’s bedroom door.
“What daddy?” Sarah sat on her bed.
“You’re gonna be a big sister!” Joel screamed in excitement.
“Yay! Yay!” Sarah squealed and jumped on her bed.
“Careful sweetie. You’re gonna fall.” You chuckled.
“Come on!” Joel jumped on the bed and invited you.
Joel jumped with his daughter and you joined them. The three of you held each other's hand and made a circle as you jumped together. 
*breaking sound*
“Ahh!” You and Sarah screamed.
The bed leg broke. 
“Oops.” You shrugged. Sarah giggled.
“Not me.” Sarah shrugged.
“Not me either.” You and Sarah looked at Joel.
“So my fault then?” Joel pointed at himself.
“You’re the heaviest between us.” You crossed your arms.
“Fine, I’ll get it fixed tomorrow.” Joel chuckled.
The night ended with the three of you sleeping together in Joel’s and your bed.
To be continued...
A/N: Sorry for the long wait,  pregnancy fic as requested by @kelh27 hope you like this one! 
@lovelyygirl8 @skysmiller @moonlightdivine @crocodiile @angie2274 @pulchritudinousrogers @peqchsoup @msecho19 @happinessinthebeing @nyotamalfoy @nakedmoondiaries @dzaga890 @pa1g3-t0mm0 @prettysbliss @wanniiieeee @one-sweet-gubler @x-ap0llo-x @feministfanboi @ordinarylokix @afterglowsb-tch13 @padgraysonssram8re @tomorrowseverything @hummusxx @iranispunk @mrsyixingunicorn10 @likeanimagepassingby2 @mediocrewallflow3r @pedr0swh0r3 @mxtokko @dorck26 @cascactus28 @cheyxfu @stupidthoughtsinwriting @undermoonlightwalk @bigmoodyjoody @humanbug @sarahhxx03 @krisviciousx @quixscentsposts @dgct2 @dgraysonss @heybabyshae @fluffyspaceprincess @toottmblr @avengersfan25 @xixxala @dianaffddz @onzayhe @violetwitchmcu @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @kelh27
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drarrygirl27 · 14 days
Hello Peeps!
I haven't been on here in a long ass time once again. At this point, I think it's just to be expected of me. LOL! 😆
Anyway, a lot has happened since I last posted. So... First of all, Nezuko is doing well. She's already a year and 4 months old already. Where in the hell did the time go?! She hasn't gotten too much bigger though which is why Doug and I both refer to her as our forever kitten. She's on the lean and petite side which is pretty common when it comes to female cats. She has recently gotten fixed, but if her surgical site looks like it is mended at least for the most part (It's been healing very well from what Doug and I have seen throughout this week.) by the time Doug gets back from work today (This is officially her 7th day of recovery since we had her fixed.), she'll finally get to be completely free and not have to stay in a relatively well sized dog kennel for most parts of the day anymore which would be awesome for all because she's missed her freedom to do as she pretty much pleases in the apartment and Doug and I have missed her and her kitty cuddles and such and she has missed that as well. We have fairly recently allowed her some supervised time out of the kennel in our bedroom with the door shut so she can get a little exercise and such which of course she has really liked and just yesterday, she went back and forth here and there between where Doug was at and where I was at in our bedroom to get some good quality time and get nuzzles, snuggles, and cuddles in too as well.
Second of all, we've had another cat for probably about 2-3 months now considering that he was estimated to be 6 months, 3 weeks, and 2 days old on May 30th for when him and Nezuko both got fixed. His name is Tanjiro. Unfortunately, with a lot of things that were going on at that time and the time before then, we couldn't seem to find the time, money, and or energy in some cases to get some things done including getting both Nezuko and Tanjiro fixed at technically a good or decent time so that by now, they could have been properly socialized and such, but recently we've been getting some things going and prepared which is good because of the 3rd really big thing that has been going on for a long while now. However, before I get to that, please keep us in your thoughts and prayers for when it comes to anything and everything pertaining to all of these crazy changes. We are most definitely going to need it for many reasons. You'll see why for when I mention the 3rd and biggest change that is very life-changing in and of itself that is happening in the Jones and Filkins household.
Third of all, I'm pregnant! Doug and I both have been trying to get pregnant from June 1st of last year. I officially stopped taking my birth control pills on that day after we discussed it with my OB prior to that. I started feeling mild nausea for about 3 months starting in August or September I want to say in the early morning hours to about late afternoon hours of the day everyday and around that time and sometime after my period had started to regulate naturally, my flow was starting to fluctuate in quantity here or there (I made myself some charts that went from that specific pack of my birth control pills, including listing the last day I took one, and the day I stopped taking them altogether, that I was stopping on to June of next year because that's what my OB suggested for Doug and I to do before looking into our fertility and such like that (Not the detailed month charts. Writing down the month charts was my idea to keep track of things.). Then there was some spotting here and there happening more and more frequently as the months went by until there was almost nothing to absolutely nothing really showing up sometime in September or October if I'm remembering the months correctly so Doug advised me to take some pregnancy tests. I took the first two from the package on Nov. 5th and both the digital and + or - said positive. Well I did my due diligence just to be on the safe side of things and waited exactly a week after Nov. 5th to take the second two from that exact same package (a digital and + or - one) relatively around the same time in the morning that I took the first two and both of those also said positive.
We both were pretty sure that I was pregnant given my symptoms and the 4 positive tests that were taken exactly as the directions written in the pamphlet, but whenever we told his immediate family about it, we did both say that it's still just a possibility that I could be pregnant and that this wasn't technically an official announcement and that we won't know for sure for sure until getting it officially confirmed with my doctors so to please not say anything about it to anyone else until we get confirmation on it. They were of course very excited just like we were about the real possibility that I could be pregnant.
Fast forward to Nov. 28th, where we get told by my primary physician that the pregnancy test that they just did had come back positive. So... By that point, we have 5 pregnancy tests in total all saying positive which in and of itself was incredibly surreal, but nothing and I mean absolutely nothing could have prepared me for how more surreal things could get until I went to get my first out of 4 total ultrasounds I've had done where I got to see my baby for the first time right there in front of my eyes on the screen and hear their heartbeat on Dec. 7th. No words that I could ever think to say would be able to describe even a little bit of the feelings that I felt hardcore while I was seeing this little human inside of me and hearing their heartbeat especially for the first time. That was the moment it felt incredibly real, but still so surreal at the same time. After trying to conceive for just a small number of months, Doug and I were officially on our journey of parenthood.
So... As you can see here a lot of changes are heading mine and Doug's way and any day now I'll be having our baby because I am now according to the What to Expect App, 39 weeks and 5 days along and the estimated due date is literally this Sunday, June 9th which is insane because my own birthday is this coming Monday. Either way, you look at it Doug is going to be dealing with not only two Geminis (We be crazy sometimes. We're fun, but things can get crazy with us here and there.), but two female Geminis. May the Lord and all the highest, bless him and his soul is all I have to say. LOL! 😆
So... Yeah those are the biggest changes from last year to now that has happened and or is happening still. Oh and Doug and I both have a raise coming up in September and it's actually a really good one to be honest especially his because he gets paid more as a Plumber for the school district than I do as a Custodian for the school district, but what I have coming my way per hour is pretty damn good. I'm not at all complaining about it. Oh and another thing, whenever I get back to work from my maternity leave, I'll be at a different campus. I'm going to miss my boss and my co-workers and the people I've cleaned for and such, but I have to do what is best for my daughter which is why I'm being transferred to a different campus so I can work the morning shift while Doug works the evening shift. I'm a bit nervous and anxious about it, but a tad bit excited too because while the morning shift custodians get paid a little less than evening shift custodians do, it's also usually from my very little experience doing it at other school campuses a bit easier cleaning wise so that's a plus in my book especially being a new mom and all. My new work shift will be 6 am-2:30 pm instead of 2:30 pm-11 pm, but I know I'll be all right. I adjust to different work shifts relatively well. It'll take me, mind and body wise probably at most 2 weeks to adjust to that time difference especially as long as I allow myself enough time to eat a good breakfast and enjoy a cup of coffee before getting my work day started.
Well... I believe that just about covers it really at least for now. Have a good day and Ttyl, Peeps!
Sincerely, Kendra E. Jones
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midsummereve1993 · 2 years
your what
@youlightmeupfinn @la-undercover-latina @appetite4savage @valeriiecameron
Warnings talks of pregnancy.
A/n so this was something I just cooked up last night before I went to bed and just finished it up this morning, please let me know what you think and let me know. Be geting a lot more ideals in my head.
May 3 2022 9:00 am
Mick woke to the smell of breakfast and got up and headed downstairs to see his wife dancing in the kitchen, after a beautiful mourning of making love they fell asleep roughly after five this morning and to see his wife wide awake with no hint of tiredness made him smile, he listen and heard the lyrics of girls girls girls which made him smile because that was the song she would sing when she was happy. ““Well this is a sight to see my wonderful wife dancing to my song he said and watched her jumped and turned around to look at him her green eyes glareing into him, ““what did I said about scarring me like that because I could’ve had something in my hand she said and turned back to the stove pouring the eggs into a bowl and turning off the stove brought the food to the table.
““This looks good baby he said and give her a kiss as he sat down in the chair, today was band practice for the stadium tour next mouth and honestly he couldn’t wait, it was going to happen in 2020 but Covid shut everything down and now its happing this year. ““So what are your plans today baby he said looking to his wife and saw her take a slip of her water and looked back at him. ““Well I am going to hang out with the girls today and probably do some shopping today she said geting the dishes up and heading towards the sink and mick went to give her a kiss and headed out the door to practice.
After he left Abigail begin to cry,  she had started feeling sick two weeks ago and thought it was just something she age but this mouth her period was late and she brought a test which come out Positive sent her into a breakdown. When she married mick in 2009 he asked her on there honeymoon if she wanted kids and she told she was perfectly happy without any kids which was true since mick had three growing children of his own but now she was pregnant and she had no ideal how he would react.
May 4 2022 12:00 pm
After hours of practicing they let loose for a break and that is when mick heard the girls coming In but was shocked to learn his wife was not among them, ““Brittany where is Zelda mick said worrying something was wrong, ““you tell us she called before we come over and said she wasn’t feeling too good and decided to stay at home which is strange because just a couple days ago she was ok Brittany said heading over to Tommy leavening mick speechless. She was right it was definitely unlike his wife to miss out on hanging with the girls especially since him and her was ruby godparents and Abby didn’t kiss a chance to spend time with her. 
““I wouldn’t worry too much Courtney said as she saw the look on mick’s face, ““she probably just wasn’t feeling it since today is your birthday and she probably wanted to get some things done which we understand Courtney said giving mick a pat on the back and headed off to find her husband. After a few more hours they finally decided to call it quits and head home. On the way home mick tried to think of what he could say to his wife when he got home, he was right to worry since sh didn’t hang with the girls and he noticed she had be acting strange and maybe court was right maybe she did have something planed. As the car pulled in the driveway he told his driver thinks and headed inside the house.
May 3 2022 6:00 am
By now it was six o clock which was when he normally walked in from working or being in the studio but this time it was different, as soon as he opened the door he smelled chicken Alfredo which was odd because Abby always said that was the hardest dish to make since Abby wanted things to be homemade and not store brought. ““Baby i”m home he said out loud and headed into the kitchen to see the delicious food siting on the table but he didn't see his wife.
He saw the bathroom door open and saw his wife step out of the room making him notice how pale she was and made his way over to wrapped her in a hug, "Hi baby I didn't know you was home Abby said Leaning in to give her a husband a kiss before heading over to the table to pour some sweet tea for the both of then. "I just got home he said siting down and waited till she fixed there plates before he asked the dreaded question. "So I spoke to the girls today and they told me you didn't come and I noticed you haven't be acting like yourself since last week which worried me he said and noticed how big her eyes got.
Abigail was shaking like a lead on tree as she thought of a way to tell him and hope she wouldn't leave him, "I'm so so sorry mick I really am and I understand If you want to leave me Abigail said crying her eyes out at the dinner table making mick get up and headed and pulled her from the table into his arms. "Leave you baby why would I leave you, just because you didn't meet the girls doesn't mean I am going to leave you mick said confused. If she thought he would leave because of that then she was being silly.
"No no no it isn't about not meeting the girls it's what I found out and now you will definitely leave Abby said breaking free of mick arms and headed toward the bathroom prompting mick to follow, "Baby slow down please tell me what is the matter and we can get through it together he said comming to the bathroom door to see his wife looking into the mirror and saw the doubt in her eyes. "Baby just tell me please mick said grabbing his wife hands.
"I'm due in December she said which made mick freeze, "what did you say he said wanting to make sure he heard right. "Mick I'm pregnant and due at the end of December Abby said fully breaking down at the look on mick face. "Hey baby look at me mick said grabbing his wife head and making her look at him, "I am not going to leave you because of this no way in hell he said Leaning in to give her a kiss on the cheek.
"But mick I know I told you that I was perfectly happy with just living with you but I don't want you to think I planned this and I Abby said before tears started falling down her face making mick pull her into a hug. "Hey calm down baby and listen to me, "I know what you said but look at it like this we gonna have our own prince or princes to spoiled he said making Abby laugh at the thought of there son or daughter being spoiled.
"And I aways wanted another girl, I have stormy but I definitely wouldn't mind another girl mixk said kissing his wife on the lips. "Mmmm this is how we got into this mess in the first place mick we need to stop, "dinner is geting cold. Both of them headed into the kitchen and ate supper before doing the dishes and headed up to bed.
"You know something this is the best birthday present I ever got well almost he said making Abby giggle, "honestly this wasn't something I had planned to share on the day before you birthday but tomrrow I got a whole lot plan so why don't we just cuddle up now and tomrrow I will give your birthday present Abby said Leaning up to give him a kiss before going to bed. Mick laid there thinking about the new life growing in his wide stomach and couldn't wait to become a dad again, if nikki could do it then so could he.
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raysofcrosby · 3 years
37 and 45 for matty please!
37. “welcome to fatherhood” + 45. “you’re getting a vasectomy. that’s final.” w/ matty tkachuk
The one thing you and Matt both agreed on from the moment you got married and even before, was that you wanted to have at least, 4 kids. He grew up with a brother and sister while you grew up an only child, both of you wanted your future kids to experience life with a sibling by their side. 
And Matt especially had been eager to start a family from the moment the words “I do” left both of your mouths. He spent most of your reception whispering into your ear all of the things he had planned for the nigh, how he couldn’t wait to get you alone and just how excited he was for your honeymoon in Turks and Caicos— “I hope you don’t plan on leaving the room for the first two days...you know, adjust to the time difference and all.”
It was only an hour time difference between Turks and Caicos and your permanent summer residence in St. Louis, but Matt didn’t care— it didn’t matter, and the two of you definitely didn’t leave the room until your third day into your two-week honeymoon.
Which is why it was no surprise to anyone that you found out you were  pregnant a little over two months later when you were packing up to go to Calgary for the season. You were packing up some of the bathroom stuff when you came across a box of tests from your bachelorette party when it was decided the group of you would play “pregnancy test roulette” which thankfully— no one was actually pregnant.
But there was one left and instead of taking it with you or just leaving it behind, you decided to use it and see if maybe the back to back...to multiple back nights on your honeymoon and even then after, resulted in you being pregnant. Matt came into the bathroom, having stripped down to his gym shorts by the time he reached your bathroom only to see you holding the pee stick in hand.
“Is that?”
“I’m pregnant.”
He only stood there shocked for a few seconds before he swept you up into his arms and kissed you, the excitement shining in his blue eyes as he put you down and smiled. “We’re gonna have a baby.”
Your pregnancy was actually...pretty idyllic when it came to first pregnancies. Your appointments all went perfect, you were in good health throughout and even though at most times you were sure that your moodiness would chase Matt away at any given moment, he never faltered. He was with you every step of the way whenever the Flames schedule permitted it.
He took pictures of the ultrasounds to send to family, if he was on the road he’d always send you a text asking for a bump date, and then get a little cheeky asking straight up for a size check on your chest because he ‘wanted to see how the boobs are looking.’ He was loving, attentive and you felt more than lucky to be able to have him with you throughout.
You were sitting in the friends and family box at a Flames game when your water broke all over the nice fancy carpet floor of the suite. Both your Mom and Matt’s were helping you out of the suite, your last words to Keith before leaving for the hospital being “tell him my water broke, but do not let him leave this game!” A wish that Keith abided by and that Matt, when in an intermission, sent you texts worrying about missing the birth. You assured him that you doubted that you’d be having a baby in the 20 minutes of third period hockey.
The Flames won, Matt skipped media and came rushing to the hospital to be by your side, making it right as you were getting your epidural. Your families were in the room with you, waiting to pass the time and trying to distract you from your contractions. By the time you were fully dismayed, both you and Matt were escorted to the delivery room Brady yelling out via FaceTime that he hoped Matt didn’t pass out.
Out of all the books and websites you read and from the stories some of the WAGS had shared from their experience and friends experience, the pain was definitely worth it in the end. At one point, you thought that Brady’s chirp might actually come to fruition and Matt would pass out, since he was starting to look a little pale, but thankfully it never happened and his color returned once that small little cry erupted throughout the room, bringing the both of you to tears as he brushed your hair back and kissed your forehead, whispering small praises as you held the baby on your chest.
Grayson Tkachuk proved to be every bit his father. From the moment he was born— he was just always fussy. Fussy when he was tired, when he was hungry, when he was and and even when he was happy, he couldn’t stay still and couldn’t stay quiet. You were thankful that both of yours and Matt’s parents stayed around for a few weeks to help you and Matt adjust to parenting, especially you since right after Grayson was born, that following week was the Flames longest road series of the season.
Your late night FaceTimes with Matt and even the ones he had on free days, you could see that he was feeling sad and even a bit guilty that he wasn’t there to help you out. But you assured him that your parents were a great help and that if he felt so bad, he could change the first dirty diaper Grayson had the moment Matt came back. “Sure, it can’t be that bad.”
Matt came back late one night, your parents were all away in their guest rooms and you were struggling to fall asleep after Grayson’s last feeding. You felt gross, tired and in desperate need of a shower, but that didn’t stop Matt from cuddling you into the bed and kissing you endlessly.
“How’s my baby?” He mumbled, kissing along your jaw.
“He’s sleeping, thankfully.”
“No, my other baby.” He laughed, leaning up on an elbow. “You, you dork.”
“Oh, I’m—“ Graysons cry came through the baby monitor and you sighed, nudging him away and standing up. “I’m feeling like that.”
He shook his head and for up with you. “Come on, let’s go see our baby.”
You walked down the hall to Graysons nursery, his cries getting louder as you neared the crib. You knew what kind of cry it was, ready to tell Matt what he needed before he picked up Grayson and shook his head. “His butt is heavy.”
“Diaper change, Matty.” You laughed, walking with him over tot he changing table. You helped Matt get Grayson undressed from his onesie, Matt instantly gagging at the smell the was coming from Grayson.
“Oh my God, it’s leaking!” He groaned, shoving his nose into the crook of his elbow and looking at you with pleasing eyes. “He burst the diaper.” 
“You called dibs on the first diaper change of your return home. You smiled, leaning up and kissing his cheek as you patted his shoulder. “Welcome to fatherhood, Matty.”
Eight years and three kids later,  you’d become all too familiar with those signs of pregnancy— or so you thought you had. Grayson was a random positive pregnancy test, Madelyn was a ‘watch your period tracking app religiously’ planned kind of pregnancy and Sienna was not quite planned, since you found out you were pregnant with her only 7 months after having Madelyn.
You and Matt loved having the three of them so close in age—Eight, six and five— and while the three were also at each other’s throats over the smallest of things, toys, food, who’s car seat went where, they were also all extremely close. Most mornings, it wasn’t rare to find both girls cuddled with their big brother in his bed, or him sleeping on the floor in between their beds.
Their favorite time of the year, which also happened to be yours and Matt’s as well, was when both families got together at the Tkachuk’s lake house during the week leading up to the 4th of July. It was endless days of laughter, watching your kids play with their cousin and coo over the newest and smallest member, a baby boy Emma and Brady had welcomed only two months earlier, making their four year old son Tucker, a big brother.
Nights spent grilling out and enjoying the night summertime air only to wake up early the next morning to go out on the water— you loved it all. It was arguably the best time of the year.
Until the worst stomach cramps you ever felt in your entire life, ended up with Matt rushing you to the hospital where doctors listened to your assumptions of maybe it being your appendix. It was...a pleasant surprise when they came back and told you that you were pregnant before being told to relax while they brought an ultrasound tech in to make sure that everything was going okay.
“Pregnant.” You huffed, rolling up the tank top and stuffing it beneath your bathing suit top. “Pregnant! I was just pregnant!”
“Actually...it’s been awhile, five years. We wanted to wait a bit since Mads and Sie were so close in age.” He replied, spinning himself around in the stool. “And hey, with this being baby number four, we reached our goal.”
“And after baby number four, I’m staying celibate.” You mumbled.
You went back on birth control after Sienna was born, but it just never agreed with you. Through the last five years, you’d been through the implant, the pill, the iud— and all of them messed with your hormones so much that you and Matt went strictly back to condoms, much to both of your disdain for them.
“Alright, Y/N, I’m here to check to see what’s going on with your little one today,” the tech smiled, walking into the room. “Not your first rodeo?” She laughed, picking up the gel as she nodded at your rolled up t-shirt.
“Our fourth.” You replied, no longer phased by the cold feeling against your skin.
“Well congratulations again,” she smiled, turning on the ultrasound machine before picking up the wand. “I assume that you know what this is?”
You and Matt both nodded as she placed the wand against your belly, moving it around. “Can we do that thing we did with Madelyn? Guess the gender and whoever’s right gets to pick the name?” Matt smiled, holding your hand as he rested his chin on your arm.
“As long as you don’t turn it into a bet with your teammates.” You nodded, glaring at him. “I’m still not amused with the fact you almost let Sienna’s middle name be Sam because Sam guessed the gender correctly.”
“Sam’s not too bad—“
“Sienna Sam Tkachuk?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. “It doesn’t flow Matthew! If this is a boy, we’ll let him use his winning bet as a middle name, but no more bets with the guys.”
The ultrasound tech laughed as Matt started to blush. “Okay, agreed.” He said, kissing your knuckles before looking towards the tech. “So how’s baby number four looking?”
“Well, you’re definitely not around 8 weeks like you thought you were. You’re more around 12 weeks and the babies are doing great. The pain you felt was probably more having to do with your pelvic floor trying to prepare for them.”
“See, babe? The babies are fine.” Matt smiled, looking at you before snapping his head back to her. “Wait, babies?”
“Babies,” she smiled, turning the screen towards the both of you and pointing at the three different figures on the screen. “Baby A, Baby B and Baby C, and they’re all looking good in measurements and I don’t see any worry you should be having.”
Your jaw dropped and you felt Matt’s grip on your hand fall as the both of you stared at the screen in shock. “Babies...plural...three,” you said, letting out a small laugh. “Triplets?! I’m having triplets?!”
“Mhhm, and I’ll get these scans for you. But just know that they’re doing great and with multiples, your doctor is probably going to want you to check in a lot more. So when you go back home, be sure to make an appointment as soon as you can.” She smiled, handing you a paper towel before walking to leave the room.
Matt got up and walked towards the screen, staring at it before squatting down beside you and staring at your belly, poking it. “Huh...I guess I can kinda see a bump. I can’t believe there’s three mini us’s in there.” He turned to you with a big smile, only to let it falter as soon as he saw your glaring eyes.
“You’re getting a vasectomy. That’s final.”
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Maybe pregnant hcs for Todoroki, Iida, Shinsou and Amajiki???💓💓💓💓💓
-Ohoho!!!! This right here just melts my hurt. Even thinking about it makes me weak.Plus a little heads up, everyone is having daughters cause I’m weak to the knees with the thought of these four and their babygirls so be prepared. Hope I don’t disappoint.💖💖💖
*All characters are aged up so around the ages of 20-25 and up*
Todoroki Shouto
-You and Shouto have been together since your second year in UA.
-You got married when you both got well acquainted with the hero life and now live a happy , yet busy, life in an apartment near his mom’s house. 
-We know that this boy would want his family to be close to him and the fact that you get along with everyone fills his heart with so much love. 
-You two never really talked about children.
-Maybe a few suggestions of having a child in the future but nothing serious.
-Que the morning sickness. 
-Shouto was really worried about you, I mean look at you.
-You’re emptying your guts in the toilet every single morning. 
-You can’t eat most foods that you used to like and have a weird craving for tuna yogurt?!
-He doesn’t want to leave the house, he even convinced you to take some days off and try to relax.
-Give your body rest.
-He promised to get some days off himself to take care of you.
-You had your suspicions, tbh.
-You just didn’t tell him.
-Whether that was to not get his hopes up or to post pone the heartbreak you didn’t really know.
-So what if you were mildly panicking over the fact that the 5 pregnancy tests you just took were all positive. 
-It was the first day of your mini ‘vacation’ and thankfully Shouto had been called in today.
-Because you’re panicking and legit losing your shit over this, you call....Rei.
-Okay maybe it wasn’t the best course of action considering you were on the verge of cardiac arrest, but what can you do.
-You asked her if she was home and if you could stop by.
-Of course she said yes, delighted to see you and mentioned that Fuyumi was also going to stop by in around an hour.
-You made your way to her house, arriving just as Fuyumi was pulling into the drive way.
-After greeting each other and going inside, you took your seats in the living room and waited for Rei to make some tea.
-Fuyumi was going on and on about what the kids at the kindergarten were doing and how cute some of them were being. 
-Neither of the Todoroki women had missed your puffy eyes or how your smile would constantly waver, but they decided to let you tell them on your own accord. 
-Once Rei joined you in the living room, they both turned to you.
- “So how have you been Y/n, dear?” Rei said watching you really closely. 
-You looked down, feeling hot tears starting to form in your eyes and your throat tightening painfully. 
-Fuyumi moved closer to you while Rei draped an arm around your shoulders which were shacking at the moment. 
- “I-I’m p-pregnant.” it was barely a whisper, but they heard it alright.
-Mom mode activated 2x.
-They reassured you that everything was going to be fine and how lucky you are.
-They repeatedly said how excited Shouto will be and what of a push over of a dad he would become.
-After 4 long hours of baby talk, you returned home, collapsing on the sofa before passing out for a good 3 hour nap.
-When you woke up, Shouto was home and sitting next to you weaving his fingers absentmindedly through your hair. 
- “Hey there sleepyhead.”
-How could his voice be so soft!?!?
-You buried your face into the blanket, which really confused him, I mean...what did he do?
- “We have a problem...” pause....awkward silence.... “I’m pregnant.”
-*Windows noises*
-After the mild stroke, he lifted you up so you were looking at him and just stared at you. 
-Those seconds that he just looked at you felt like eternity.  
-The torture ended however, when he lowered his head to your stomach and lifting your shirt, placed a small kiss right under your belly button.
- “Hey there, snowflake. Nice to meet you.”
-And with that, 9 exhausting months started full of mood swings, weird cravings, back rubs and a never ending list of baby names.
-You two learned you were having twins on your fifth appointment, but you decided to keep the gender a surprise. 
-On a cold January night your two girls were brought into the world and it was one of the few times you had seen Endeavour and Natsuo in the same room bawling their eyes out. 
-Your white haired baby was named Rei *after her grandmother* while your mixed red and h/c babygirl Ren. 
-When Shouto held them for the first time, you thought he was going to have a mental breakdown.
-He’s a total push over and your girls are daddy’s girls to the core.
-He’s the best dad they could ask for.
Iida Tenya
-You and Tenya have been married for 6 years now and have been trying endlessly for a baby.
-You both agreed that you were ready for the responsibility and that having a little Tenya running around the house sounded like a great idea.
-Saying that you were exhausted form the attempts was an understatement.
-Tenya had incredible stamina and even more libido, so you can safely assume that during the week long process of baby making you couldn’t walk straight.
-However, your little shenanigans stopped when your doctor delivered you the news.
-You had been hit by a blood related quirk while dealing with a villain and had to get a check up afterwards.
-You were given a scolding the moment you saw your doctor because why aren’t you in desk duty you RASCAL!?
-You were confused beyond belief and it was written all over your face.
- “You don’t know do you?” 
-Le sigh.
- “Mrs. Iida I’m happy to announce you that you’re expecting, so that means you are to be put in desk duty for the next 4 months or else I’m making sure you don’t leave the house for a good 9 months.”
-You. Were. Ecstatic. 
-You ran to Tenya’s agency, bringing down the damned door to his office giving the man a heart attack.
- “Y/n what’s-”
-Que ecstatic air chopping. 
-Tenya went into full dad mode during those 9 months. 
-Buttt he’s also kinda nervous.
-Nervous like Tamaki in a crowd level nervous.
-You get the image.
-You have anything you want whenever you want it.
-The nursery is done the moment you find out you are having a gilr.
-Unlike Todoroki he isn’t patient enough to keep the gender a secret.
-When the day arrives, you’re just chilling outside with him when you nonchalantly blurt out ‘my waters broke’.
-This goes on until you are screaming and crushing his hand in the delivery room.
-Your little girl is born and she’s a carbon copy of Tenya.
-Same colored hair and eyes.
-The face structure looks like you.
-She has your nose and mouth, along with your eyebrows but apart from that she’s a mini genderbend Tenya.
-Because she was born early in the morning you decided to change her name and so little Asami Tenya was officially a part of this world.
-Tenya cried.
-You cried.
-Asami cried.
-You were one happy crying family.
Shinsou Hitoshi
-You and Hitoshi have been together for two years now, but you haven’t put a ring on it.
-Sure you live together and act like a married couple already but you’re not Mrs.Shinsou.....yet.
-You have been feeling strange for days now and your period was late which never happens.
-You are panicking but unlike Shouto you two aren’t married.
-He can leave with almost no complications.
-You were his girlfriend not his wife.
-The pregnancy tests you had taken were mocking you from the bathroom sink and your poor hormone ridden mind couldn’t handle the stress.
-You cried a river until you heard keys jiggling and HItoshi’s iconic ‘Kitten, I’m home!’
-You couldn’t face him like this.
-In a haste you shoved the tests into the laundry basket along with their packages and covered them with some sheets. 
-Fixing your hair and washing your face, you straightened and walked out the door.
-After greeting Hitoshi with a kiss you calmly told him to go get ready while you made him something to eat.
-Your mind was running laps thinking how you could tell him or how you could solve your little problem as quietly as possible.
-That is until he walked in holding what seemed to be a box.
-A pregnancy test box.
- “Y/n, what’s this?”pause “Are you..?”
-Anddd more crying.
-You sobbed about how sorry you were and how you couldn’t explain how it happened.
-Both of you were so careful, how did this happen???
-After a good 15 minutes of you bawling your eyes out on the kitchen floor while Hitoshi was trying to calm you down, you finally stopped at the sound of his chuckle. 
- “Well, damn kitten, your surprise definitely beat mine.”
-Then he pulled a small velvet box from his pocket and watched you closely.
-Now you are Mrs.Shinsou.
-These 9 months weren’t as bad as you would expect.
-Hitoshi was really good at giving you everything you wanted and during the whole pregnancy you didn’t lift a finger.
-One October night your waters broke and you found yourself in a long procedure of bringing your child into the world. 
-Hitoshi was a wreck and had called Aizawa for emotional support who called Hizashi who called Midnight.
-Once you were finished, Hitoshi rushed into your room and found you utterly exhausted.
-He was the first to hold your baby and you have never seen him cry this much in your life. 
- “Hello my little Kei.”
-Kei Shinsou was a happy little girl with an amazing father by her side.
Amajiki Tamaki
-Ah love.
-Something Tamaki found during high school and held onto it ever since. 
-Now a well known pro hero, Suneater was more than happy with his life with you.
-He always wanted a little something more but never expressed it. 
-He loved the idea of having a mini you running around the living room or waking him up in the morning with little squeals and kisses.
-He loved you to the moon and back, more than life itself but having a kid with you sparked a whole new sensation in him.
-So he tried to be sly about it.
-Forgetting the condoms or to pull out.
-You not being able to find your pills.
-A whole lot of fun. 
-You were newly weds and your libidos were high af and with the prospect of children on the table Tamaki became 10x more driven and horny.
-So you weren’t all that surprised when your doctor gave you the news. 
-You had gone for a plain old check up when he came into the room with a bright smile on his face and congratulations falling like a waterfall from his mouth. 
-Once back home you put your plan in motion. 
-You had a feeling Tamaki was trying to knock you up for some time now.
-He couldn’t forget to pull out every time like come on.
-But you were fine with it since you too wanted a kid with him.
-You just would’ve liked a little heads up first.
-You made your little bun and put it in the oven.
-And waited.
-And waited.
-And waited.
-Until finally Tamaki walked through the door,  a smile gracing his features as he made his way to you.
- “Hey bunny.”
-Giving him a quick peck you told him to check the oven real quick to make sure the food was all good.
-He obliged, walking to the kitchen and seeing the sole bun sitting in the oven.
-He was beyond confused on why you would only make one bun in the oven and not more, I mean you are two peop- ohhhh.
-He did it. 
-He let the news settle in before going back to you.
- “Are you sure?” nod “100% sure?” another nod.
-At that he fell to his knees in front of you, attacking your stomach with kisses and I love yous.
-To whom they were directed you couldn’t actually tell but you were happy either way.
-Calls the baby butterfly.
-Makes the whole nursery along with Mirio who is ecstatic.
-Butterfly themed baby room.
-Expect many back and belly rubs along with Tamaki coming home early because Fatgum cannot allow him to stay at work when he’s preparing for a baby.
-When your waters break you are buying some onesies with small octopuses on them.
-You have never been taken to the hospital so fast in your whole hero career. 
-After many painful and stressful hours, your baby girl is born and she’s stunning.
-She has Tama’s ears and hair but your eyes and nose. 
-She’s a perfect mix. 
-The Big 3 cry as a team.
-When she’s given to him, Tamaki just cry laughs at how gorgeous she’s.
-Many thank yous are exchanged.
- Cho Amajiki.
-Tamaki cannot stop repeating the name even after they have taken her away.
-He curls on the chair next to you, holding your hand the whole night, falling into a deep sleep, imaging his new life with his little butterfly. 
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xpeachesncream · 3 years
Hey Nikki! Could you do a perfectly wrong drabble of reader thinking she is pregnant? thank you <3
perfectly wrong | drabble [10]: why are there multiple kinds of pregnancy tests for Taehyung to decide between?
word count: 1.9k
warnings: cussing, implied sexual content, pregnancy scare (use protection and use protection well, folks!)
note: this ended up being a little longer than i thought lol sorry! hope you enjoy still. i also just whipped this up before going to bed so this is pretty raw - excuse any mistakes pls. love me still 🥺
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"Fuck!" You yelled as you ran to the bathroom as a huge wave of nausea hit you yet once again this morning. You were abruptly woken up early in the morning due to the feeling, not getting much rest after the first time you hurled last night's dinner into the toilet bowl. Taehyung had just walked into your apartment, mouth slightly open as he furrowed his brows watching you run off to the bathroom.
"Baby, what's wrong?" He says, swinging the bathroom door open as you dry-heaved into the bowl, curse words trailing shortly after. He crouches to your level, rubbing your back and holding your hair out of the way.
"I don't know, I just woke up feeling--" He watched as you threw your head back into the toilet bowl, a little bit of the water you had taken down earlier coming back up. "Really shitty." You continue after you spit.
"Shit, did you eat anything bad yesterday?"
"I don't think so? Nothing seemed suspicious." You pointed at him weakly. "And you look perfectly dandy being that we ate at the same places." You rested your back against the wall, eyeing how god-like your boyfriend looked.
"I'm sorry, love." He pouted. "You okay to get up now? Let's get you in bed and I can run out to grab whatever you need me to grab." You sat there, pondering on your thoughts for a second. The food you ate last night didn't seem bad, but also you never know. However, you were starting to freak out mainly because of the countless, amazing, 'let me rearrange your guts' type of sex you've been having with your boyfriend. That thought always has to be taken into consideration.
"What's the date today?" Taehyung quickly whips out his phone to check the date on his lockscreen.
"The 20th. Why?" Your eyes widened. You were supposed to get your period 5 days ago. Albeit, you've always been on a weird, irregular schedule ever since you were younger. Getting on birth control somewhat helped regulate that, but lately it hadn't been wonky. You usually got it on the 15th. "Why, baby?" His eyes started to widen.
"I'm late, Tae. I should've gotten my period 5 days ago."
"Okay, let's not panic. We can't assume just yet, right?" He begins to slightly freak out, but he's doing his best to keep his emotions in check. He was worried as hell now, not only because you were hurting but because this?
Lord, please. If you get me out of this one, I won't slap Y/N's ass ever again.
Don't get him wrong, he really wanted to be a father. He had always dreamed of having a good sized family with the love of his life. But right at this moment? He wasn't ready. You weren't ready. You both were just trying to survive school and that was already work on its own.
"Right." You say, but you're fucking screaming internally. Jesus fucking christ?!
"Let's get you in bed. I'll grab you some gatorade and soup while you get some more rest." He says, helping you up. You loved his cologne and taking in his scent, but today you couldn't deal. You sat on the edge of your bed, immediately grabbing the trash can next to your night stand and puked a little bit more acid.
"God, I'm so tired. Let this be ooooover." You whined as Tae tucked you into your sheets and wiped your face clean with a warm, wet towel. He folded it in half, placing the towel onto your forehead to help regulate your temperature as much as possible.
"I'm so sorry, babygirl. I hate seeing you like this." He kisses you on the cheek. "Don't drink water just yet, it doesn't seem like you can keep it down. I'll come back right away, okay? Try to get some sleep."
"Can you grab a test?" He swallows the lump in his throat.
"Yeah, of course." He smiles toothlessly, watching as your eyes slowly droop and shut close, the exhaustion from all this effort hitting you out of nowhere. Tae was worried sick, and he honestly wished he could snap his fingers so that the things you need would just appear and he wouldn't have to leave you alone.
He gets to the closest convenience store that would have everything you needed in one place. He grabs you a few bottles of gatorade, making sure to grab you the blue Glacier Freeze bottles because he remembers you saying that's the only flavor you grew up drinking. He grabs a couple of ingredients to whip you up some chicken noodle soup later once you're able to tolerate the gatorade at the very least. He also grabs a few unnecessary things like snacks for you both [mainly him cause it's based off of his own cravings right now] and then makes his way over to the aisle that has the condoms and pregnancy tests.
Multiple kinds?
How the fuck is he supposed to know? Does one differ by the other much? They all look like the same fucking stick. They all look like that game of pick up sticks.
His eyes go from one box to another, mouth slightly hanging from how overwhelmed he is right now. This one says 6 days sooner, but the other box has two sticks for the price of one? He's assuming that's a nice safety blanket to have an extra stick confirm your results. But there's also one box with two sticks AND the 6 days sooner message.
Then a box with 4 sticks?
"Hooooly mother of pearl, fuck it." He says, grabbing the one with 4 sticks and the 6 day message. That's the gold for him. It makes him feel a little better knowing he could look at all 4 sticks. Does Y/N even have enough pee for this? He's about to make his way out of the aisle when he passes the condoms and lube.
Heh, no lube cause I make my girl hella wet already.
But condoms? After today, he was highly thinking about it. But lord knows how much he'd hate to have to wrap it up like that. Condoms are for sure your friends, but that raw feeling when he's inside the girl he truly loves - Exquisite. Chef’s kiss. Absolutely irreplaceable.
He eyes the boxes one more time before a little elderly lady walks past him in the aisle. She looks at him, smiles, then looks at the condoms before looking down at his basket with the pregnancy tests.
"A little late for that, don't you think?" She chuckles as she jokes to herself.
Well, damn? Like that??
He purses his lips into a fine line before rushing out of the aisle and making his way to the self-checkout lanes. He quickly checks out, not realizing he had gotten a little distracted from his own thoughts.
Getting back to your place, he notices you're still sound asleep. He takes your trash out and dumps it down the trash slot outside of your door. He cleans up a little in your living room, folding your blankets neatly and lighting your favorite candle. He washes the dishes left in your sink as he waits for the stove to heat up. He starts to whip up that chicken noodle soup for you so it would be ready.
Once he's done, he grabs a bottle of gatorade and sits on the edge of your bed, gently brushing the hair out of your face.
"Here baby, drink some." He says, handing you the opened bottle. You stir in your position, sitting upright in order to get some of the gatorade into your system. You hope you can keep it down and make some progress. "I got you the tests." He shows you the box with 4 sticks.
"Damn, babe. Four sticks?" He clicks his teeth and points a finger gun at you.
"The more the merrier, amirite?"
"I should probably do those now." You take your time standing up with Tae right beside you, making sure you don't get dizzy or lose your balance. In the bathroom, you stand and stare at the box for a little, reality kind of settling in for you. This is actually happening right now.
"Hey, whatever happens, I'll be right here, okay? We'll figure this out." He reassures you, giving a kiss on the side of your head as you silently nod and open the box. You sit on the toilet, Tae helping you swap out the sticks until you no longer need to pee. He sets the aside the sink carefully, putting on a timer on his phone.
"Fuck. I can't just sit here and watch." You dig your head into your hands.
"I almost bought condoms." He chuckles, trying to brighten the mood.
"Taehyung and condoms? No way. My boyfriend would never."
"I would if absolutely necessary - and by absolutely necessary, I mean like today o’clock." You shoot him a look, the statement only heightening your anxiety. "But! I didn't, okay! We'll be fine, we can't assume."
"You're pulling out next time."
"I mean if you let me bust my load on your—"
"No, you're gonna cum in your own fucking hands after today." You furrow your eyebrows angrily.
"Baby." He laughs. "That's no fun."
"Taehyung, we're sitting in my bathroom waiting for four pregnancy tests to show their results!" His timer goes off and suddenly you feel sick again.
"I guess we'll find out if I'm daddy in a few minutes." You smack him on the chest.
"Don't ever."
"Please, ladies first." He nods towards the sticks.
"Why me?"
"It's your sperm that did this!"
"Woah m'lady, it takes two to tango!"
"Pick up the goddamn sticks." He clicks his teeth.
"Fuck, fine!" He picks up the stick. "Oh my god, baby." He says, gasping with his mouth agape.
That's it. You're gonna fucking cry. Everything is turning into white noise. Yes, you wanted a family but all of this shit was happening so quickly you couldn't even—
"You're not pregnant." He says in the same dramatic tone.
"I'm going to fight you!" You shriek at him, grabbing the sticks to double check. You see one single line across all four sticks, causing you to breathe a sigh of relief. You start to cry a little, causing Taehyung to laugh and pull you into a hug. He knows how stressed you just were and he knows this moment alone must have taken a lot out of you. He can't help but wanna cuddle you in his arms for the rest of the day.
"Oh never again, love."
"Don’t get me wrong. I wanna have your babies but I’m not ready to right now."
"I fully agree, 100%."
"I'll call my doctor tomorrow just to make sure we're in the clear." He nods.
"Feeling a little better?" You shake your head.
"Honestly, I still feel like shit."
"Go sit in bed, I'll bring the bowl of soup to you." He kisses you on the nose. "I love you."
"I love you, too." And that's what you do - sit in bed while your man brings your bowl of soup that he delicately prepared over so you can get something in your system. Luckily, you were able to hold both that and the gatorade down and that's what your diet consisted of for the rest of the day.
The good ol' doc says it's nothing but a dumb stomach bug and that your birth control is just playing mind games with you, showing you the results to confirm the negative pregnancy test. He demands you take it easy and get lots of love in the mean time until you fully recover from whatever thing you ate that day that wasn't prepared carefully.
You live and you learn. Life is all about that, right?
"Never again, Tae."
"We don't mean that." He whines as he chases after you walking towards the car.
"You try being in my shoes during a pregnancy scare then!"
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myrandom-fandomlife · 4 years
Expect The Unexpected
JJ Maybank x Carrera! Reader
In which something unexpected happens but you and JJ make the best of it.
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Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: Vomiting, Mentions of sex, some smutty themes in there, teen pregnancy, lots and lots of fluff, angst if you squint
A/N: So this has been about 3-4 days in the making, because I hit a bit of a block the other day but then I accidentally cranked out almost 2k more words than planned. I was gonna do some heavy editing but I ended up going back and adding a whole extra part of the story so it’s heavily unedited lmao. Let me know if you like it! 
Finding Out
“So, your period is late, and you have had migraines, nausea, and food cravings for the last two weeks?” Your best friend Sarah Cameron says to you, walking back from her massive en suite bathroom into her even bigger bedroom. “We need to get you a test,” She’s currently helping you figure out your situation. You think you might be pregnant. It makes sense when you start thinking back to the times you and your boyfriend, JJ, had sex to see if you could remember a time you didn’t use protection. There were a few that came to mind. The most recent being when the two of you had been making out in the hammocks and things got a little too heated. That was a month and a half ago.  
Your stomach is turning from anxiety. You were only 18, and JJ 19. What would you do about school? Or Kie, your sister? Not to mention the fact that your parents would probably die. You can feel your eyes welling up but then your stomach turns and you have to rush to Sarah’s bathroom to puke for what seems like the 10th time today.
Sarah follows you, holding your hair and rubbing your back while you empty your insides into her toilet. When you’re about done she stands up to fill a small cup with water and hand it to you for you to sip on. She grabs a towel and dampens it with some warm water to dab at your sweaty face and forehead, “I’m sorry, Sarah.” You manage weakly.
“Oh, no, babes. You have nothing to be sorry for. How about you lay down on my bed while I see if I can find you a test? Want me to call JJ and see if he would come to see you?”
“Oh, shit. I completely forgot about JJ. No, don’t call him. I need to see the tests for myself first before I talk to him about it.” Sarah nods in understanding, helping you back to her bed and covering you with a blanket before leaving for what you assume is the store. Despite all you’re worried, you drift off, exhausted from puking your guts out all morning.
You wake up to the sound of Sarah clicking away on her keyboard at her desk. When she sees you sit up she turns to you, “Feeling any better? I got a couple of tests at the store, but I didn’t want to wake you when I got back.”
“A lot better actually,” Your head had stopped its incessant pounding and your stomach had settled. “Thank you for this, Sarah. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” You walk over to the older girl, hugging her.
“Of course, anytime. Now, you have some sticks to pee on!” She tries to brighten the mood, making you chuckle. You take a deep breath and head to the bathroom. 
Wait 8 minutes and if you are pregnant, two bold pink lines will appear on the screen.
It had been 7 minutes and you were pacing around Sarah’s bedroom. “Y/N, calm down.” She grabs your arm, “Whatever the outcome, it will be okay.”
You sigh, trying to slow your breathing, “I know, I’m just anxious. Why do these tests take so long?” Just then, your 8-minute timer rings and you jump at the sudden noise, “Sarah I can’t look.”
“I’ll look with you, okay? You have to know.” She grips your arm tight as you walk to the bathroom, looking at the 3 tests on the counter. You gasp when you see six bold pink lines from all the tests.
“Oh my god, oh my god,” You walk to Sarah’s bed again, feeling like you might fall over. “Oh my god, Sarah. What am I gonna do? How am I gonna tell JJ? What will Kie, or my parents say?” You ramble, your breaths getting quicker with each word.
“Hey, hey. One thing at a time, okay?” You nod, “First thing you need to do, tell JJ. You may not want to but he needs to know, and I am pretty sure it would take a lot more than a product of your love to make him stop loving you. That boy is whipped, he’s not going anywhere. Also, if he tries to leave you Kie and I will kick his ass.”
You smile, Sarah’s words reassuring you,  “Okay, you’re right. I just need the right time to tell him. My parents are going on a date tonight, so Kie is working The Wreck. I could invite him over?”
Telling JJ
You breathe deeply, trying to calm yourself about the night ahead of you. You were going to tell JJ tonight. Sarah had offered to be there but you knew this was something you had to do on your own. Luckily, your nausea had calmed down after your nap at Sarah’s and your anxiety about the situation was doing much better due to Sarah’s reassurances.
Just as you were pulling your hair into a messy bun, you hear a knock on the door. Taking one more calming breath, you go downstairs and open the door.
The blonde boy’s eyes trail up your body clad in his hoodie and short shorts, “You look so pretty in my clothes, babe.” He moves forward to wrap his arms around you, “Are you feeling better? Sarah said you were pretty sick this morning,” He presses a soft kiss to your neck, nuzzling his nose into you.
You pull away and look up at his bright blue eyes. He frowns when you leave his embrace, sensing your tension. “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about, J.”
You see the panic rise in him, “Oh my god, are you okay? Is something wrong? You aren’t badly sick, are you? You’re doing okay and everything? I couldn’t stand it if-”
“I’m pregnant,” You cut off his rambles and his eyes widen.
“What did you just say?”
You feel fear rising in you, “I’m pregnant,” You repeat softly.
You’re about to start crying with the silence that follows when his face breaks into a smile. “Oh my god, you’re pregnant? My baby is in you? Oh my god, baby!” He picks you up in a hug and spins you around. He must feel your tears on his shoulder because he puts you down, looking at you with concern, “Why’re you crying, princess? I mean, I know we’re young but I’ve known since before we started dating that I wanted to have a family with you. This is like a head start.” 
His words make you sob, “No, it’s happy tears. I’m so relieved you’re happy. I can handle Kie and my parents and the pogues being mad, but not you. I have my first ultrasound on Friday and I want you to come. I figure we can get a few extra copies of it as our way of telling people.”
He smiles softly, “Anything for you and our little one. How are you feeling now? Are you hungry? Wanna sit down?”
You laugh at his antics, “I’m craving some spaghetti and I really wanna snuggle with my boyfriend while watching Disney movies.”
“One plate of spaghetti and a boyfriend who loves watching Tangled with his baby mama.” He winks at you, knowing your favorite Disney movie since you made him watch it on one of your first dates. He presses a kiss to your cheek, heading to the kitchen to make dinner for the two of you.
Later, when you’re lying on the couch together watching Flynn and Rapunzel launch lanterns into the sky, JJ looks at you seriously, “I don’t want to be like him.”
This makes your heart clench for the boy, “You won’t, J. I promise you won’t. You’re already nothing like them. When you met my little cousins for the first time, you were so compassionate and patient with them. That was the first time I really knew I wanted you to be the father of my children.”
He kisses your forehead, “I love you so much gorgeous, we’re in this together.”
You lay your head back on his warm chest, “I love you too, so much, J.”
Telling Everyone
Your ultrasound went well, you found out that you were 6 weeks along. JJ and you both tearing up at the sound of your baby’s heartbeat. You got a few extra copies of the ultrasound and that’s when you started getting nervous about telling your parents. About half an hour ago you had told the pogues to meet you at The Wreck where you knew your parents and sister already were. Now, you and JJ were standing outside hand in hand. He gave yours a little squeeze and you guys went inside. 
“Hey guys! What’s this meeting about?” Your mom immediately asked upon you walking in.
You saw that your dad was next to her, Kie and the rest of the pogues at a table near you also looking at you. “So, I called you guys here to tell you something and I don’t want any of you to overreact, okay?” There was a chorus of agreements from your loved ones, “I called you guys here to tell you that I’m pregnant.” 
You winced at the multiple gasps you heard, but you got reassuring looks from Sarah and JJ who was still holding on to your hand tight. “Before you get angry, JJ and I have decided to keep the baby and we want to raise it together.”
“Well, if you’re sure you want to keep it, then I’m not mad.” Your mom spoke first.
“I agree with your mom. Though, I need to have some words with JJ.” Your dad sent a pointed look his way, you knew it was all fun though. Your dad always had a soft spot for JJ given his home situation. He had been allowed to stay the night when it got really bad and you just knew your dad loved JJ as if he were his son.
“As long as I’m godfather, it’s cool,” came from Pope.
“Hey! No, it’s only fair that I am!” John B argued with him.
You turned toward Kiara, wanting approval from your big sister, “Kie, are you okay with this?”
She sighed, “Yeah, I’m honestly just in shock. Debating smashing JJ’s skull in, but I’m good,” But you knew she was joking because she had a huge smile on her face, “I can’t wait to be an aunt, though I’m a little disappointed you didn’t tell me sooner.”
“She only found out a few days ago,” Sarah jumped in.
“You knew before me?!” Kie was incredulous.
“Well, when she had a sleepover at my house earlier this week and was throwing up every ten minutes I was concerned so I asked her how long it had been going on. Then she told me her other symptoms so I got her a few tests,” Sarah shrugged.
Kie seems to accept it because she launches into another question, “How far along are you?”
“Well, we went and got an ultrasound today, and I’m six weeks along. I got some pictures too.” You hand the few strips of photos to your parents and the pogues to pass around. 
“Ah! My first grandchild! I’m getting this framed!” Your mom exclaims with tears in her eyes.
“Aw Miss C, don’t cry! You’ll be the best grandma!” JJ wraps his arms around her making you smile.
Kie holds her arms out for a hug from you which you gladly accept, “I love you all so much. This baby is going to have the best family.”
The Baby Bump
Seven months into the pregnancy, you were ready for it to be over. Your bump was pretty big now, and your back constantly hurt. Though the morning sickness had ceased, you still got migraines, cravings, and you couldn’t sleep comfortably for the life of you. Even with JJ there, you struggled to get to sleep every night.
Now, you were putting on a bikini because the pogues were all going boating today. When you managed to get into your swimsuit, you looked in the mirror, feeling self-conscious. Your baby bump just made you feel fat. Pulling at the bottoms to try and cover your butt a little more, you frowned. You had definitely gained weight from this pregnancy.
Before you could dwell on it more, JJ came into your bedroom, donning his favorite swim trunks. He came up behind you, putting his hands on your waist and pressing kisses to your neck and jaw. “You. Look. So. Hot. Right. Now.” He said in between kissing your soft skin.
“Really baby? I feel disgusting.”
“No, you look so sexy. Knowing you’re carrying my baby is even better.” He nips at your skin making your breath catch in your throat. 
You could feel his hard-on starting to poke your back, “Really babe? Now? We have to leave in 15 minutes.” Despite your words, your hand reaches up to tug at his hair.
He moans into your neck, “Guess we have to be quick then, yeah?”
Baby Shower
Even though you protested, your mom, sister, and Sarah had decided to throw you a baby shower. You were about 8 months along now and so ready to have your baby. You never found out the gender, wanting it to be a surprise. 
Your gender-neutral themed shower, held at The Wreck, was a success. You ate good food and played some fun games. Your friends wished you congratulations, asking to feel the bump and making small talk.
Your favorite part was the gifts, though. Your mom and dad agreed it would be best for the two of you to stay with them, at least until after college, that way everyone could help with the baby while you were getting an education. God knows you have enough rooms. 
Your mom was so excited about decorating the nursery, so you weren’t surprised when she bought you a matching crib and rocking chair for the baby’s room. Sarah bought you a very nice stroller and Kie got you a nice changing table that doubled as a dresser.
You received lots of diapers and wipes, so many cute clothes, bottles, a diaper bag, and a ton of cute toys. 
You, Sarah, your mom, and Kiara were cleaning up from the party when JJ arrived. You were trying to clean up some of the trash but he immediately kissed you and said, “Woah, take it, easy princess. I got this, you sit down.”
You scoff, “JJ, I’m pregnant, not dying.” You still sit down, but reluctantly. He had been acting like this around you since you guys found out, even though you told him it was okay and you could actually do more than sit down. You appreciated the gesture, a lot, but it was a little over the top. Even for JJ.
“I know, babe. I just don’t want you to be stressed. I want the next month to go as smoothly as possible for you.”
You swear your heart melted, “I get it, J. Wanna see the new baby clothes? They’re so cute!”
“Sure do, baby,” He pulls a chair up and wraps an arm around your shoulders, kissing your forehead. “I love you and the baby so so much. I didn’t even think it was possible.
“I love you so so much, too. I can’t wait to have our baby.” You lean your head on his shoulder, showing him the new baby items from the shower. 
When you couldn’t get to sleep because of a pain in your stomach, you thought nothing of it. This had happened multiple times before where the baby was kicking too hard for you to sleep. But, when the pains kept getting worse, JJ made you go to the hospital. Your mom, dad, sister, him, and you all scrambled to get dressed in the middle of the night. When you were pulling on a pair of his sweatpants, your water broke, so it was officially go time.
You all piled in the car with the baby bag that had been packed since the day of your shower. When you arrived, they brought you to a room in a wheelchair, immediately putting you on epidural. 
When you were fully dilated, it was time to start pushing. JJ was the only one allowed in the room for this part. He held your hand and let you squeeze it for the whole 2 hours but it felt like 2 minutes.
You heard the first cries of your baby and JJ saying, “It’s a girl. Princess, we have a daughter.” He sounded choked up and when the doctor let you hold her, you started crying too.
“Stella Marie Maybank,” You said softly as you looked up at JJ. You had discussed names for both genders for a long time and you were in love with the ones you picked out. 
JJ took Stella from your arms to hold her himself and he looked down at you with the biggest smile on his face, “Thank you.”
“For what?” You were confused by his words, wondering what he meant.
“For this beautiful baby. For sticking by me even when I didn’t deserve it. Thank you for giving me the family I always wanted. I love you.”
“I love you too, J. So much.”
Tags: @overly-b​ @midnightmagicmusings​
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brideofcthulhu10 · 4 years
The Lost Boys Find Out Their Fem!S/O is Pregnant [4/4]
Alrighty then, my lovely fang babes! Here we are, we have the last of the first edition of the pregnancy saga! Worry not, dearest readers, for there is hope! I plan on doing a separate series about going through the pregnancy, and maybe even going through the childbirth with how the boys are as new dads. Let me know in the comments if you'd like to see more, and by tomorrow night we'll have a whole new set to love!
It was such a blast writing Paul's, I'm not gonna lie I got lost in the magic! We have a cute little character cameo for all you 80s movie nerds, lemme know if you can figure out what it is! So, without any more delays; here he is. The gorgeous, the goofy, the one, the only:
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Today had been an unexpected challenge. You barely got through your shift at the record store, every time you were in light it made you dizzy. Hangovers had nothing on this! Did you drink too much the night before? No, now that you thought about it any attempts to drink had you hugging a toilet. Not to mention your period was late as hell! Well, not the cramps, go figure. Just no blood. None at all. 
You never let on to your beau, Paul, though. The party boy vampire would become overly worried if you told him you were sick, and you weren't about to spoil a good time with a bit of nausea. So here you were, stumbling about the day into the late afternoon absolutely miserable. Your manager Iona offered you some crackers and ginger ale during your lunch break. No dice, within an hour you were running to the bathroom again. 
"Gosh hon, I dunno what ta tell ya. Maybe you ate something nasty, I told you that boardwalk food was fishy," Iona sighed, poking at her own lunch with a fork. Currently your coworker Andie was watching the front until you were feeling better.
"Kill me now, Iona," you groaned, chin resting on the table with your arms laid over your head. Then there was a smell. The greatest, most flavorful, mouthwatering scent you've ever experienced. Like a honey baked ham and a New York sirloin had a glorious new baby drizzled in ecstasy. Glancing over, your stomach growled at whatever it could be. If this were a cartoon you'd be flying to what it was.
Oddly enough, it was coming from Iona. Well, whatever black stuff was in her little plastic tupperware dish. Who cares what it was, it smelled incredible.
"Hey uh..," you asked, leaning over towards the sticky, mysterious delicacy calling your name. "You wouldn't mind if I had a bite, would ya?"
"You sure, hon? This isn't exactly your average dish, it's kinda weird," she tried to explain. God you couldn't take your eyes off it! Finally, your merciful manager pushed it your way, and you couldn't resist any longer. 
"I don't even care, this is the first thing in the past two days that hasn't made me nauseous," you muffled between cosmic bites.
Oh shit, this was heaven! It had to be some sort of meat, it reminded her of a nice spicy kielbasa, a slow roasted brisket, every second it changed to some new world of food you had never tried. What it was didn't matter by this point.
"Wooow. I've never met someone who liked black pudding that much."
Pudding? "I thought it was meat or something? It doesn't taste anything like pudding," you insisted, polishing off the very last specs of it. "Got any more?"
"No, no, not like chocolate pudding or stuff like that, kiddo. black pudding. It's this dish from the UK my new boyfriend made me. It's congealed pig's and cow blood mixed with spices."
You made a face. Blood? Like, blood blood? The cow equivalent of what Paul drank on a daily basis? Yet this was the first time you didn't puke, in fact, you kinda wanted more. Even knowing what is was made of.. for some reason you craved more. Meanwhile Iona continued to talk on and on, until one phrase caught your ears. "Yea, ya know my mom was so into for the longest time. Said she craved it her whole pregnancy, I never got a taste for it honestly."
A single thought popped into your head. A dangerous, foreboding thought that your intuition said was very much a possibility. In a flash you jumped up, nearly slamming your hands on the table. "I gotta go. Oh shit, I gotta go! I'll be right back, I swear, I'm so sorry, I swear to god I'll be right back," you shouted as you bolted out of the store.
"Wait what-?!"
You'd make it up to her once you got back. You had to know! You had to be sure..! Please just let it be paranoia! Please let it be anything, anything at all besides what you thought it was!
Once you reached the nearest CVS you made a B-line to the women's health section. Your hair clung to your face, your lungs stung like crazy but all you could think about was getting answers. And cue the disapproving glare of some old bat picking out a box of pads. Alright being 17 in front of the pregnancy tests looked bad. You weren't just a high schooler, you looked it too. "What're you looking at, " you snarl. Immediately she clutched her pearls, startled by this abrasive youngin' in no mood for dirty looks. God why'd there have to be so many options? Pink boxes, purple ones, bright yellow insisting it worked the fastest. The heavy fluorescent lights were no help at all, it made your head spin. You had no time for this crap. In a sweeping motion you grabbed three different brands and threw them into your basket, all you needed was….where was your wallet? Shit... Glancing around you checked for any nearby cameras or staff. Karma be damned, it was an emergency! Five finger discount it was. 
Once again you made a mad dash back to the record store as the sun finally set. All three boxes were crumpled in your hand, your boots running so fast it you hit a rock that'd be it.
But getting back to the record store was your best bet. You weren't about to pee in some dirty, old, nasty pharmacy bathroo- oh fuck. There was something that finally slowed your steps, nearly making you trip in the process. Four bikes parked right outside. Three of which were occupied by by Dwayne, David and Marko all talking amongst themselves.
Shiiiit, shit, shit! All you could do was swear repeatedly. Before they could spot you, you practically dove into the alleyway behind the store, rapidly disabling the alarm. If that went off it'd be a dead giveaway. Quickly you looked left and right before you slammed the door shut behind you still trying to catch air.
But there, right past the door to the employees lounge, over by the counter you could see a mass of blonde hair chatting away with Iona about Led Zeppelin's best album to date. Paul, gorgeous as every, laughing. It made your heart flutter, but then it sank. What if it was a-... He was never the type to run away from a challenge. But then again, a kid wasn't a challenge, it was a massive ordeal. It would take a huge chunk of his life- well, afterlife! Boozing and cruising would be switched out with drowsy days and busy nights. You weren't sure if you wanted him to know if you were, it would take all that from him. Unfortunately, he must've smelled you or sonething, because immediately he turned around like a puppy being called.
"Babe," he cheered with delight, rushing over to hug you. Rather squeeze you by your hips and lift you four feet off the ground. Quickly you stuffed the skinny boxes into your back pocket, now smushed up against his chest. "Where were you? Ion's said you just bolted mid-shift, we were worried sick! Well, I mean, I was more worried though, cuz I can't stand you bein' gone, kitten."
"Well, yeah uh, I forgot something I had to get at the store, and I forgot what time I got off," you hesitated, still antsy to escape to the bathroom. Truthfully you didn't actually want to, you had to! If you could, you'd just kiss him and ride off into the night to raise some hell like you always did. But this was too big to ignore.
Paul raised a brow. You weren't known for being this jumpy. You wouldn't look him in the eyes, they just kept darting towards the bathroom. Boy, you really did look sick, though. Pale, almost greenish with dark circles under your eyes. You even felt colder than usual. "Am I uh, interrupting something, babe?"
You managed to work out if his arms, giggling nervously. "Actually I-I had some of Iona's lunch earlier, and I just, gotta- be right back!"
With that, you bolted into the bathroom and slammed the door behind you. Again, weird. Paul just shrugged, maybe you had some bad Mexican.
 Iona wasn't convinced. Little miss jumpy-pants skipping out on her, you owed her an explanation. While Paul perused the albums she sunk over to the bathroom, rapidly tapping on the door. "Y/N! Psst! You good in there, hon?"
You were most certainly NOT good! Your hand shook, the third test finally finished. Not like it mattered! They all said the same thing. Every fucking one of them.
Positive. Positive. Positive.
No, no, no!
"Shit," you hissed. "Shit! Oh shit, oh fuck! Fuck-fuckity shit fuck fuck! Dammit." That's all you could do! You swore over, and over, and over, rapidly kicking the wall in front of you. Stupid pink plus! Why? Why did it have to be a plus?? Immediately you threw it in the trash and scooped up the other two. Maybe they were all flukes? Maybe only a doctor could tell you! You had to get home. Like now. Right now, you just had to rush home, make an appointment at the doctors, maybe hide in shame for a few days just until you could figure out what the hell to do with all this! Once again you wedged the tests in your back pocket and nearly tripped, cracking open the door to face your boss. "Iona, I gotta get home."
"Seriously, Y/N?? Why? What is with you?"
"Please, I swear I will make it up to you, I'll take a double shift, I'll wash your damn car-"
"Oh no, nuh-uh. Not until you tell me why you're being such a spaz," she practically shouted in a hissing whisper, absolutely exasperated. You teens and your drama, when she always said she wanted to fell young again this is NOT what she meant!  
"Listen i-... iyay amyay egnantpray," you whispered. Pig latin. It was a little code you two usually reserved for secrets. Well, that and talking smack about snotty customers. But wow was this a big ol' secret. 
Iona covered her mouth. Oh, you little idiot! You poor little idiot. Looking over at the unsuspecting boyfriend she sighed, looking you in the eyes. She wanted to just tell you to come clean to your man. The boy hung around you constantly, you two were the ultimate it-couple, there wasn't even sparks it was like watching supernovas. Something this big.. it shouldn't be left in the dark!
But that pitiful expression on your face just begged her to keep quiet, and frankly it wasn't her place to tell you what to do- well, at least in this regard. "Alright, alright. This saturday you're taking my night time shift, there's a big concert I wanna go to. And you gotta wax my car, it's gettin' nasty. And you better write the best damn apology note in the history of apology notes, sweetie. This is huge, you better come clean to him eventually, or I'll kick your little butt you hear me?"
"Yes. Absolutely, fine, deal. Just please, please keep him busy, I'm not ready to tell him," you whined, clutching the door. Frankly it sounded like a piss poor plan, but it couldn't be helped, not right now at least. You didn't have the strength to confront the situation head on, you were barely keeping it together. You wanted to cry all over, jump into his arms and come clean now, but this was neither the time or place.
As soon as Iona went to go over to Paul you stuffed the tests into your purse and bolted out the back door, only this time stealth was not on your side. Right at the mouth of the alleyway, just as you were about to be home free- you ran smack dab into a particularly lithe blonde that felt like a brick wall. You went flying onto the ground, your purse crashing onto concrete with a hundred pieces of your privacy going every direction. In a panic you began to rapidly stuff it all back, barely able to hide the first two tests as you threw some half baked apology Marko's way. Honestly he deserved a better one than that, but you were too frazzled to be fair at the moment.
"Oh shit, Y/N," Marko exclaimed, immediately kneeling down to help you gather the scattered remains of your purse. "Sorry, I didn't even see you, I was coming back for a smoke. Big Ed is such a douche, can you believe theres no smoking on the-..." His words trailed off, and you shortly saw why. Grasped between his pointer finger and thumb was the little pink strip, and a look of complete disbelief. All you could do was snatch it from him, a heavy moment of silence magically muffling the wild noise and shouts of the busy boardwalk. 
"Do...D-Don't worry about it. Look, I gotta get home, I'll see you arou-," you started, trying to jump up, maybe catch him off guard and make a run for it. Not this time. 
You hadn't even noticed he grabbed your wrist, it was such a blur. He stayed silent, standing up and looking right into your eyes with hidden malcontent. You swore if you answered wrong this mischievous cat would tear your throat out. After all, you were his best friend's girl. If you did anything, ANYTHING, to hurt him... Well, let's just say a pregnancy would be the least of your worries. "Why are you running, Y/N? What the hell is this thing," he asked quietly, eyes flickering between red and blue. "Did you…?"
"Oh don't fuckin' even," You snapped, smacking his arm, yanking your hand out of his grasp. "Of course not! You butt! God, are you serious? What do you take me for- No! I- fuck I just- no!" You kick the tin trash can beside you, watching a plethora of trash fly into the air. "I am freaking out! Of course it's Paul's. Oh fucking god, it's Paul's and I don't know what to do!"
Marko's expression softened, placing a hand on your shoulder. "Hey, I didn't mean to make it sound like that, Y/N. Paul's my friend, I just had to be sure you weren't sneaking around, you know?"
You sighed, pushing back your mess of a hair with misty eyes. This was perfect, a real big screw up from start to finish. All you could do was look over at Marko with pleading eyes. "You can't tell him yet. Please, just please please PLEASE, Marko, don't tell Paul yet!"
"Tell me what, babe?"
Shit. Shit on a stick. You looked behind to see Paul halfway out the back door with a look of concern, one that he rarely carried. You and your dumb mouth, go figure.
The blonde pushed through and let the door close behind him, looking over at his best bud standing alone with his girlfriend who was begging him to keep something secret, from him no less.
"Nah, nah, don't look at me man, this is all on you guys," he sighed, hands up in a shielding motion. "Good luck buddy. Gotta go, Y/N." with that the young vampire excused himself from this melting pot of drama, hands stuffed in his pockets. 
You just stood there, keeping the little strip tightly grasped behind your back. Paul was silent, but glancing at his hands you saw they were balled so tight his knuckles were white. "P-paul…," you hesitated, biting down on your bottom lip. "I should really… get home.."
Paul only raised a brow, glancing at your arms still tucked behind you. This wasn't like you to hide from him, and that alone frightened him. Nothing had ever frightened him before. And he didn't like the taste of it one bit. "What's behind your back, babe?"
Again his spoke, this time his voice lowered into a low growl. "What... do you have... behind your back, babe?" The way he said it was so firm, it made you shake a little. You didn't like stern Paul. They way he hissed the word "babe", practically spoken through clenched teeth
Your throat ached, eyes darting across the ground struggling to think up a good excuse. Anything. A book, your purse, a surprise for him! Anything!
"N-nothing." Apparently, you failed to find any excuses. Great.
Paul's knuckles began to crack, jumping forward to try and snatch it from behind you. When you dodged him, he grew even more furious. You both began to struggle, pushing him away, insisting he just stop and let you leave. But every attempt to reject him only upset him further. Why were you hiding things from him?! How could you just ditch him at the record store when he was worried sick about you??
The struggle built up until finally he had enough. His eyes turned white with rings of fire, brow looming heavily over his eyes and fangs jutting out where his incisors once were. In a flash he grabbed you by you wrists, pinning you so hard to the wall it shook. You still tried to struggle. Thrash, kick, squirm! Steel wished it could be so strong, your muscles ached. This probably wasn't even his full strength, but it dwarfed you in comparison. This terrifying side of Paul you had certainly seen before, but never had you been on the receiving end. It was in all sense of the word, predatorial. He'd never try to kill you, but you still felt that horror build up inside. Rapid, sharp breaths made your chest heave, too afraid to look up at those red eyes still fixated on whatever you kept hidden from him. He continued to pry your stubborn fingers open, ignoring your shaking whimpers. He squoze your wrist, the tendons aching and contracting until your fingertips began to lift up. Any resistance was pretty much useless at this point, but dammit you still tried everything to worm out of his grip. But he had finally had it, you weren't gonna be keeping secrets from him. Now your last finger was pushed off, and he could see what was so damn important that you physically fought him to keep it secret. It was almost slow motion the way the strip spun to the ground, clattering down and landing beside his mud caked boots. He froze, slowly looking down at it. That's it? That's all you-...
You could barely read his face, so many different emotions flashing across it all at once. Occasionally he'd look back up at you, then back down at it. To the point you almost got annoyed that you were still being stuck to a wall while the reality set in. After all, it didn't take a rocket scientist to know what that was, just put you down already!
Paul looked at you still pinned beneath him, horrified at how he lost his temper and immediately released you. Still rubbing away the pain across your wrists, you watched him pick it up. A wave of guilt swarmed your body, you didn't know whether to hug him or punt him in the chest.
Hell, a massive tidal wave of guilt overflowed him too. It'd been such a long time since he got that angry.. but worst of all he'd never been like that with you. Never grabbed you so forcefully and ignored your pleas, it was a dark side of him he never wanted to display in front of you. Glancing at the little pink plus at the end of the stick, his mind swirled with a plethora of questions. But slowly he stood up, looking down at you still really trying to process everything that had happened in the past few minutes. "I don't… I don't understand.."
"You- You are such an ass," you shouted out of nowhere, enough that it made him jump. There you were. That's the fiery girl he knew, not the one he exactly wanted to be on the opposing side of at the moment, though.
Paul wasn't surprised you were pissed, but he definitely didn't expect you to start punching his arm. Again. Then again, and again you just kept hiting his arms, his chest, pushing and crying, you were so mad you wanted to chuck him in the ocean! It didn't really hurt that much, but he felt awful he drove you to that point.
Tears blurred your vision as you lashed out on him. All you could do was yell names between sobs, even whack him with your purse. "Paul, you absolute jerk! Butt! Jackass! You smarmy, half wit, blood-sucking tool! You said you were packing blanks, you absolute liar! I was gonna tell yo-! I mean, I know I shouldn't have run-! But you just couldn't wait- and then Marko- and you! You ! Jerk ! Butthead !"
"Hey, ow! Ow! Ow, dammit! I know, I know I went to far-ow not the hair dammit," he demanded, grabbing your arms before you could lay another mighty blow. "Babe! Babe, stop! I thought I was! I swear I didn't know- I-..I never thought that I could get you...." His hands slowly released your shoulders, moving to your hips. "I'm so sorry, baby. I swear, I didn't know.. I'm so sorry."
The way his voice softened only made you want to cry more. This whole day was a mess. You didn't mean to try and run.. You never should've tried to in the first place. God, you were so tired. All this running around, all this secrecy, the fighting, it was exhausting. Paul was the last person you wanted to fight. Sure you had spats and a few heated arguments. Every couple did, even vampires. But this, it was just so.m draining. With a firm thud you plopped your forehead on his sternum, your fingers tightly clinging to the upper sleeves of his jacket. "Wh-what am I supposed to do-… what are we supposed to do now..?"
Paul pondered his options with a solemn face, but there was only one that made him happy. Only one that sat right in his heart. What else could he possibly do, there was only ever going to be one answer even if you told him right away. Most of all, he couldn't stand the sorrow in your eyes. A frown never suited such a beautiful face. He never expected there to be anything to come from your heavy sexcapades, it never seemed like there was any risks in it. He'd never seen a vampire munchkin, least of all he'd never even heard of a vamp conceiving with a human. All he knew now is you, crying in his arms, terrified of what you were carrying. What it could mean. In that moment, he steeled his resolve and came to a final decision.
Silently he tilted your chin up, using his thumb to brush away all those tears staining your cheeks. Those blue eyes, you could get lost in them. Swallowed up by the sea. It wasn't hard to read his mind when he held onto your hip with one hand, while the other that pushed away salty droplets now cupped your cheek. Within moments you crashed your mouth into his, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck.
Warm. A surge of heat filled your body. It was the first time you felt truly alive all day. You could feel your chest heave against his, you didn't want any space between the two of you and only pressed tighter until there wasn't anything left. Each kiss gave momentary breath before you dove in for more. Neither of you could stop. You didn't want to pull away, not even for a split second. The way he smelled, the way he tasted, the way he touched you, the way he felt beneath your fingers; it made your head spin. His hands began to wander, you clutched at anything you could get a hold of. Your body burned, so sweet and long. In those moments the world stopped, it just melted away in streams of light. No one was there but you two. 
It was over too soon, both of you rapidly panting for breath still intertwined. Oh, how you could stare into his eyes forever.
That frown was long gone, replaced by a tender smile. The one he had come to cherish. Paul chuckled softly, breathlessly nuzzling against your collar bone. Slowly he leaned in close to your ear, his disheveled blonde hair brushing up against your cheeks. Lips trailed up flesh, reavhing just beneath your ear. And then you heard those three forbidden words. Such sweet, tender words, you hadn't expected him to say. Although he whispered them so softly they might have gotten lost in the wind, to you they were as clear as the moon on a cloudless night.
"Y/N.... I love you."
It made your heart throb, you thought you might even faint. A lifetime of struggles led up to this beautiful moment. You never expected it to be a half-undressed heavy make out session with your vampire lover, the father of your unborn spawn, in the back alley of a record store on the Santa Carla Boardwalk. But here you were, nestled between him and an old brick wall. Paul loved you, he had said it, he finally said those words that could destroy any doubt you had. And more than anything in the whole wide world, you knew once and for all, you loved Paul.
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theivfdiaries · 3 years
How IVF made me a mother before I had children
It is unbelievable to me how much I have grown since starting IVF treatment, and I thought I’d just take a moment to reflect on it.
I remember vividly, September 2017 I was 20 years old and in my senior year of college. I had to get some standard bloodwork done, but my mom was out of town. I scheduled the appointment online and went on my own. I was so anxious about it. I brought a water bottle and a granola bar to have afterwards to make sure I wouldn’t pass out. I texted my mom afterwards to tell her I had done it. I was so proud of myself for having done this on my own.
That was less than 3 and a half years ago. I wonder what 20-year-old me would’ve thought if she would have known that less than 3 years from that day, she’d be driving herself to have blood drawn anywhere from 2-5 times a week for months. It’s just amazing to me looking back on that day in 2017, a day that still honestly feels relatively recent (I even remember what flavor granola bar I ate in the car on the way home) and to realize that I’m a totally different person today.
Fast forward a bit, to a year and a half ago. Summer 2019. We had just gotten married. We threw out the condoms. We decided that we weren’t ready to “try” yet, but that if a baby happened, then we’d be ready for it. We returned from our honeymoon and my period was a day or two late. I texted my best friend and told her I felt like I was pregnant. Of course I was. I had to be, right? We had unprotected sex, and that’s how this worked! I took a test and it was negative. My period started the next day. I thought, oh well. We didn’t really want it yet anyway.
That summer we continued having unprotected sex. “Not trying, but not preventing” is what we said. It only took about a month for me to realize I wanted to try... or to at least get curious about trying. I went to the dollar store and bought a few ovulation tests. I took the first one in the bathroom at my yoga studio because I couldn’t wait. It was positive. I couldn’t believe my luck! We had sex that night. Did this mean we were trying?
I didn’t get pregnant that month either. I started doing more research on fertility. I started to learn about peak days, and cervical mucus, and counting my life in “dpo.” I still wasn’t pregnant.
I started to learn more about pregnancy. I was having some GI issues that summer too. I felt nauseous all the time, and my stomach was constantly upset and in pain. I started to think, maybe this is for the best that I’m not pregnant yet. Am I really ready to be nauseous all the time? Am I really ready to give birth? I’m way too much of a wimp for that. Maybe this is for the best. It’ll happen when it’s meant to.
In September 2019 my husband turned to me and said “Ok, I’m ready for a baby. Let’s start trying.” Trying for real. So the other months hadn’t counted yet. This month I would get pregnant.
But I didn’t. The next month passed and I didn’t again. And again. And again. I got more and more obsessive about it. I started to wonder if I even really wanted a baby or if I was just obsessed with getting pregnant. It had somehow evolved into both.
In June 2020 we received our infertility diagnosis and were told that our chances of ever conceiving without IVF were less than 20%. I said I’d do it, I was sent the medication and the consent forms. I almost threw up while reading the consent form because I was so terrified. Surgery, daily injections, almost-daily doctor appointments. I couldn’t do that.
But I had no other choice. I went back to the consent form a few days later and basically all-but signed my life away to my clinic. I haven’t looked back since.
In September 2020 we found out we were pregnant and were blissfully happy. So blissful in fact, that I was sure that all the bad things had already happened to us and therefore we were in the clear. That 1 in 4 miscarriage statistic wouldn’t be us. It couldn’t be us. But it was. When my doctor suggested the pregnancy could be ectopic and that we would have to terminate the pregnancy or else it could kill me, my response was “that’s ok, can you just save him?” Of course, that wasn’t a possibility. But I realized then that my fear of losing my child had outweighed my fear of dying.
“Luckily” it wasn’t ectopic. I sat around for days waiting to bleed. Waiting for the nightmare to be over, as my child--the child we had hoped and prayed and suffered for--died inside me. I told my husband I didn’t want to try again. We had other embryos on ice, but I just couldn’t go through this again. I couldn’t lose another child. I was done.
About 6 weeks later we started protocol for our next transfer. I couldn’t really be “done.” I hadn’t done all of this, fought all this time, for nothing. If for no other reason than I felt that I owed it to my son to give his siblings a chance to live. They were tiny clusters of cells in a dish, but I was their mother. I had to keep fighting for them.
It’s amazing how I can think about all this in hindsight as if it’s a distant memory, yet all so frighteningly recent. I’m sitting here now, 10 weeks and 2 days pregnant. I have gotten blood drawn multiple times a week for the past 6 months. I feel nauseous almost all day every day, and honestly I love every second of it. I think about my potential birth plan with excitement rather than fear. I’m not afraid of physical pain. Not anymore. I’m not the same girl who was scared to get her blood drawn by herself 3 years ago. I’m not the same girl who was afraid of morning sickness. I’m not the same girl who was too afraid to receive daily injections. In fact, towards the end I ended up injecting most of them myself.
I’m not that girl anymore. Infertility and IVF has truly changed who I am as a person. I’m more anxious, more aware of things that can go wrong, and more fearful of the future. But I’m also a fighter, a survivor, and a mother. And I was a mother long before I got pregnant with this baby, I just hadn’t realized it yet. I was a mother the moment I stopped being that scared little girl, the moment I realized there was nothing I was more afraid of than not being able to have children, and now nothing I am more afraid of than not being able to protect my children.
Although there is truly nothing worse in my life than having suffered through infertility, I am proud of the woman and the mother it forced me to grow into.
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erin-bo-berin · 4 years
Darkest Storms & Brightest Rainbows (Part 2)
Part 1
Part 3
Hard Love (unofficial Part 4)
Since I couldn’t leave y’all hanging for too long, here is part 2 of my Spencer/Reader/Cat fic. This is where things kind of go in a different direction from the show, but I thought it would be a nice twist than what we know from the show. This takes place over about a year so that’s why there’s so many skips in time. But in this part, there’s some answered questions from the first part...only to be replaced with more unanswered questions and perhaps another cliffhanger. Happy reading!
Spencer Reid/Reader
Word Count: 4,168
Rating: G (some angst, some fluff)
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Grief is a strange thing.
Some people grieve quietly, away from the public. Others, dive into work or another activity to keep their mind busy as they try to place that grief into something else. Occasionally, people skip grief and go straight to anger, questioning the world why they lost their loved one; but in most cases one grieves normally, keeping the person alive in their memories as the pain fades and becomes easier to live with.
But sometimes, grief can consume you. It can completely engulf your entire body, feeling like every cell of your being has been replaced with sorrow. The world doesn’t seem real as the only world you inhabit is the one inside you, filled with despair and sadness. No one could ever be able to describe it, no one could truly know how awful it feels.
You had never felt such a horrible feeling. At least not until now.
It was less than a week later that Spencer’s funeral was held. The amount of people that had shown up was astounding, not that you could blame them. Spencer truly was one of a kind; not only great at his work, but a wonderful person.
You couldn’t help but think the sea of black that surrounded his casket was a metaphor for your current emotional state. The world felt dulled by your pain. 
With nowhere else to go, you were forced to stay at Spencer’s apartment, a blessing and a curse in one.
The dark green walls, the deep brown furniture, the living room filled with shelves and shelves of his books were both comforting and painful at the same time. You couldn’t help but notice just how quiet the entire place felt without him to fill the atmosphere with his knowledge and loving nature.
Almost immediately after the funeral, you took to staying in bed. The deep brown sheets still smelled like him and you didn’t want to leave. You just wanted to stay in this little bubble forever.
 The scenery was filled with busy streets, people walking by on the sidewalk and cars and buses zooming past on the street.
He sat at an outdoor table of the small café, sipping his coffee, awaiting his company. It wasn’t long until he spotted her amongst the crowd of pedestrians, her long blonde ponytail swinging as she walked.
“Hey,” she sat down across from him.
“Coffee?” he offered.
“No thanks.”
She pulled out two manila envelopes, ready to get down to business. 
“In here is the information you need to access both of your bank accounts. One here in Moscow, the other in St. Petersburg. Both have enough in them for you to be comfortable while you lay low.”
“Alright,” he took both envelopes and put them in his bag for safe keeping.
“Are you doing okay?”
“I’ll be fine. How is she?”
She blew out a breath, not sure she could tell him just how bad it was.
“Not good.”
“Promise me one thing, okay?”
“What’s that?” she asked.
“Take care of her while I’m gone. Please, JJ, that’s all I ask.”
She nodded, moving to stand.
“Be careful, Spence.”
It’d been only a month. 30 days since you’d heard the terrible words “Spencer’s gone”.
You couldn’t wrap your mind around the fact that he never made it off the operating table. The bullet had just been too hard to find, there was too much blood, he was crashing too fast.
At least that’s all you could remember being told by the doctors, the numerous members of the BAU and other people you couldn’t remember. It was like the entire experience had been wiped clean from your mind, only bits and pieces of memory flashing here and there.
Your mental health had taken a nosedive. You barely left bed because all you wanted to do was sleep. You ended up losing your job, but you didn’t have enough energy in you to even care. 
You didn’t eat.
You barely managed to get out of bed for a shower. Somehow you stumbled to the shower maybe once a week and that was because your friends made you.
It had been a rotating crew of the team visiting you. 
Mostly it was Penelope, Emily and JJ, but Rossi, Morgan and Tara stopped by a few times too.
Even Hotch showed up.
You could tell just how much your misery bothered him and he, like Morgan, spent his time trying to make things right rather than pay you visits.
Not that you cared all that much.
“We will catch her,” Emily said.
You sat in the middle of the bed, one of the brown sheets in your hand as you played with it, not looking up at your company that was sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Spencer wouldn’t want this for you. He wouldn’t want to see you not able to leave bed, not being able to grieve properly,” she said gently.
“I don’t know what Spencer would want. Cause he’s not here, is he?!” Your lower lip trembled, tears threatening again.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, brushing away the tears although it did no good since they were falling faster than you could wipe them away.
“It’s okay, I understand.” Emily pulled you into a hug, “We all miss him too.”
She let you cry until you felt completely drained of tears. With all the crying you’d done, you were amazed there were still tears left to shed.
“Have you eaten anything today?” She pulled back, looking at your face.
“I tried to eat some toast this morning, but I threw it up.”
“It’s probably because you haven’t eaten much,” Emily answered, “Do you want me to get you something? We could order a pizza?”
You shake your head, your stomach rolling at the thought of it.
“Thank you, but no.”
When Emily left ten minutes later, you crawled back into bed, shutting your eyes, willing sleep to come and rob you of your memories.
“We should tell her.”
“Garcia, no. You know that Hotch advised against it,” Morgan said.
“But she’s miserable,” Emily added.
“Guys, Spencer made us promise we wouldn’t tell her. It’s safer that way. If she knows he’s alive, Cat could come after her to get to him. That’s the last thing he wants,” JJ said.
“I was just over there last night and took her some food. I thought she was going to puke just looking at it. It’s like she’s wasting away to nothing,” Penelope frowned, “Literally and figuratively.”
“Reid was basically all she had, other than us. With no family left, we’re all she has,” Rossi jumped in.
“That’s why we’re not going to give up on her, okay? Or finding Cat,” JJ said, looking around at the other teammates, “We’re going to find this bitch if it’s the last thing we do.”
The next time you had company, you were too busy with your head in the toilet to hear anyone let themselves in.
“Oh my goodness, honey.”
You hear the distant voice of Penelope Garcia as she rushed into the bathroom, kneeling to rub your back as you retched again.
“Did you eat something bad?”
“I haven’t eaten anything for 48 hours. I’m amazed there’s anything left in me to throw up,” you groaned.
“How about I make you some of my infamous Garcia chicken noodle soup?”
You nodded, even though your appetite was nearly nonexistent and let her assist you back to the bedroom.
“You look horrible,” Garcia winced, “Sounds like you’ve caught a nasty bug.”
You pulled the sheets up over you as you laid back down.
“Tell me about it. All I want to do is sleep but I can’t for throwing up. Plus I guess I’m starting my period cause my boobs hurt like hell.”
“Oh that’s the wor-” she paused mid sentence and you look up at her, waiting for her to continue.
“I’ll be back in a little bit okay? You just rest and I’ll get that soup started.”
She dashed out of the room and you peered after her, too exhausted to question what was wrong. Soon after, you drifted off.
“JJ, Y/N’s throwing up, exhausted and her boobs hurt doesn’t that sound just like…?”
Penelope was pacing the length of the kitchen, which wasn’t very big to begin with, as she talked to JJ on her phone.
“Yeah, it does,” JJ agreed.
“Should I ask her or?”
“Give me an hour to grab Emily and we’ll be there.”
In your dream, you woke to Spencer shaking you gently, smiling sweetly down at you. Your heart swelled with love for him, just looking up at him. You reached out to touch him, when he called your name again. Only it wasn’t coming from him this time.
“Y/N? Y/N?”
You felt a gentle shake of your shoulder and your eyes opened to see JJ, Emily and Penelope surrounding you. You sat up, rubbing your eyes, confused.
“What’s going on?”
“Garcia called and told us you’ve been pretty sick lately,” Emily said, “I remember you said you were sick the last time I visited. How long have you been throwing up?”
You shrugged, “It’s been off and on for a few weeks. Why?”
The three exchanged a look before turning back to you.
“When was your last period?” JJ questioned.
“Oh, uh,” you stopped to think, realizing you’d been so consumed with grief you hadn’t even registered the absence of your monthly cycle.
“About two months before the hitmen case.” Your eyes widened at the realization.
That was over 3 months ago now. Then, you’d just assumed it was stress making you skip your periods.
“Could you be pregnant?” Garcia gasped, trying hard to suppress her grin.
“I...I don’t know,” you answered truthfully.
You couldn’t remember the last time you and Spencer had been intimate. The last few months of his life had been so busy, filled with cases that usually it was just a matter of being together when you had a spare moment.
“Don’t worry. That’s why we brought these.”
JJ held up a bag with three different pregnancy tests.
“One for each of us to check,” Emily added.
“Now why don’t you go take these and go take a shower. We can check them after you get out,” Garcia said.
You nodded, obeying their orders. 
After a quick shower, you stood in fresh clothes, your hair still dripping wet. The three women stood looking at the pregnancy tests you’d taken and left out.
“Well?” you asked, biting your thumbnail.
“Positive,” JJ answered.
Emily looked up from hers, “Positive.”
“Positive!” Garcia squeaked, bouncing on her feet.
You felt your mouth drop in utter surprise and wonder, your heart feeling lighter than it had in weeks.
“I’m...pregnant?” you whispered, tears forming in your eyes, a small smile on your face.
“You’re pregnant!” Garcia squealed, rushing over to hug you, the other two joining in on the group hug.
For once, your tears were tears of joy. There was a part of Spencer that would always live on through this baby.
You had a reason to live again; a tiny, growing reason, but a reason nonetheless.
The following weeks were less than desirable in your opinion.
After being forced to visit the hospital by your friends and having an examination by Derek’s fiancé Savannah, you discovered that you were severely dehydrated from your weeks of grieving.
You couldn’t help but feel guilty knowing you’d deprived your little one of the food and nutrients it needed to grow. Savannah—who happened to be close to delivering her and Morgan’s first child—had assured you that after some fluids from a couple of IVs you would be fine. All you had to do from here was to continue to eat properly and take your prenatals and the little one would be just fine.
“This is what you get to look forward to,” she’d  chuckled, rubbing a hand over her round 35 week pregnant belly.
You had found out that you were 12 weeks along, just a week shy of your second trimester. Unfortunately, you had still experienced morning sickness all day long and still only looked bloated, not pregnant.
But time passed quickly.
Four months turned into six. Six turned into eight. There were many changes that happened around you besides the growing human inside of you.
The search for Cat continued, the team working their asses off to find her, but with no luck nor leads.
Changes to the team happened too.
Derek Morgan retired from the FBI, wanting to be with his now wife, Savannah and his little boy Hank. You’d sent him off tearfully. He was one of Spencer’s best friends, one that you had become close with too over the years, but you knew he was going to be the best dad.
A new member joined in his place, Luke Alvez. He had been familiar with Spencer as well and the team welcomed him into the family, as did you. 
Then Hotch decided his time with the FBI was coming to an end. After a particularly grueling case, he put in his resignation paperwork. He was happy to be a more involved father to his almost teenaged aged son, Jack. You wished him all the best, knowing he was going to have the time of his life with more time for Jack, even though it was hard to see him go.
Emily stepped up as the new unit chief and brought in agent Matt Simmons, another agent you were familiar with. A tall, handsome, hardworking sweetheart, you were glad to welcome him to the team as well.
The changes within you were just as extreme as the ones around you.
Your belly grew bigger, your little one stronger. You felt kicks and movement daily now, each move warming your heart, although you couldn’t help but wish quite often that Spencer was around to witness this. He would be so in love with this baby, you were sure of it.
You struggled with the decision to find out the sex of the baby. With a vote between you and your friends, it was a unanimous vote for yes.
Mere weeks after the discovery of your pregnancy you found out you were carrying a precious baby girl. You were completely overjoyed, as was the entire team. You couldn’t help but feel grateful for the team of people that would be loving extended members of the family and of course, babysitters. Occasionally though, the melancholy feeling would creep back into your subconscious.
Spencer would’ve been over the moon knowing he was going to have a little girl. He would’ve spoiled her so much and she would have him wrapped around her little finger. You missed him daily, even though a part of him grew in your belly. You couldn’t help but be sad for your little girl who would never have the chance to meet her amazing father.
It was then after many weeks of contemplating a name, that the perfect one came to you. You decided to keep it a secret until she was born, much to the team’s dismay, but you wanted it to be a surprise. In your heart though, you knew it was the perfect name for her. 
Your ninth month of pregnancy had finally arrived as did the other symptoms of your final trimester. You were tired, achy and felt like you’d swallowed a watermelon. You were so ready to get this baby out.
As if overnight, Spencer’s apartment had been filled with baby things in preparation for her arrival. Her crib was in the spare bedroom, although she wasn’t going to leave your side for the first few months, hence the bassinet next to the bed in the bedroom.
Bottles were lined up in the kitchen, boxes of diapers sitting in the living room. You couldn’t believe it was almost time to meet her; secretly you hoped that she took after her daddy, both in looks and personality.
“How are we feeling today, mama?” JJ asked when you met her and Garcia for your weekly lunch.
“Like a huge, swollen basketball,” you laughed.
“Hey princess, auntie Penelope can’t wait to meet you,” Garcia rubbed your belly, making you grin.
“Maybe you need to give her more pep talks because I’m so ready for her to get out,” you groaned, “And to see my feet again.”
“Henry and Michael are so excited for her to be born,” JJ chuckled, “I’m going to have to tell them to be gentle with her though, they’re not used to little girls.”
You grinned. You loved JJ’s two boys. Spencer had been their godfather, so you’d kind of become an auntie to them. She often brought them to visit you when you were still grieving Spencer’s death and they were the only ones who could bring a smile to your face during your darkest period.
After you’d found out you were pregnant and started rebuilding your life again, you often volunteered to babysit them. Other than your little girl, they were the ones who motivated you to begin healing and getting stronger. 
They got more excited the bigger your belly grew. Henry, the oldest would often try to explain to his younger brother Michael that babies came from mommy’s tummies. He also told him that there came a point when mommy and daddy loved them so much that there was no room left for the baby in the mommy’s belly. So, the baby had to come out in order to get the rest of that love. It warmed your heart knowing that one day, your child would be this big and this smart.
You were so thankful for them and for the entire team in general for pulling you out of the hole of despair you’d been in for you might not be sitting here right now.
When you’d ordered, the three of you sat and chatted about their current cases and baby stuff until you felt a slight trickle down your leg. With a glance under the table, you realized your pants were soaked. For a moment, you thought you’d peed yourself.
You groaned, expressing your concern. Even though that was just a symptom of pregnancy, it wasn’t any less embarrassing.
But the flow of the trickle became heavier. When JJ came around the table to assess the situation, her eyes widened, taking in your now soaked seat.
“I think your water just broke.”
A flurry of activity followed.
18 hours of labor and nearly 2 hours of pushing later, you were holding your daughter, staring at her in amazement.
Her tiny fist was holding onto your finger and you smiled down at her, tears blurring your vision. It was early yet, but you thought she looked just like Spencer.
She had a head of brown hair, his eye shape and his mouth, but your nose; although it looked much cuter on her.
“She’s so cute,” Garcia cooed at her, stroking her cheek.
“Spence would be so happy, Y/N,” JJ said.
You smiled up at them. They’d been the ones you’d requested to be in the delivery room and they’d been amazing helping you through the rough labor.
“Can I hold her?” 
“Of course,” you smiled, handing her to Penelope.
“Me next,” JJ smiled, holding her little hand.
“So are you gonna tell us her name now or what?” Garcia urged.
“Yes,” you smiled, “I thought it would be appropriate for her to always have a part of her daddy with her. So I decided to name her Spensa. Spensa Rose Reid.”
“That’s beautiful,” JJ breathed, looking down at her, “Hello, Spensa. You look just like your daddy.”
Adjusting to being a single mother was difficult, but so rewarding. It helped a ton that you had so many willing helping hands, as well.
Spensa was such a laid back baby and loved to be sociable, even at five months old. She truly was the light of your life.
You loved watching her grow and learn new things, from rolling over to waving and clapping her hands. She babbled a lot as well nowadays.
Her dark head of hair had lightened to a lighter shade of brown and was just starting to curl at the ends. Her blue eyes surprisingly hadn’t turned dark yet and she still looked so much like Spencer.
She had the little dimples in the side of her cheeks that only showed up when she made specific expressions and she liked to scrunch her nose occasionally, just like daddy. It was almost hard to tell that she was yours, but you didn’t mind one bit.
She was the sweetest baby and you fell in love with her more every day.
As to be expected, the entire team fell head over heels for her and often took turns visiting when they had time. Sometimes, you even took her to the BAU to visit all her aunts and uncles.
You often talked to her about Spencer, even though you knew she was too young to understand. It was amazing how the knowledge of her had eased so much of the grief you had felt those first few months. You still longed for him, missed him so much, but in a way he was alive and with you within Spensa.
It was nearing her bedtime one night and you were rocking her in the chair next to the crib.
“Do you want to hear another bedtime story about daddy?”
She baby talked in response, playing with her toy giraffe.
“Well, your daddy was the bravest man I know. He was so passionate about his work and he was good at it too. He was sweet as you are, ladybug.”
You tickled her stomach, smiling at her giggles.
She laid back in your arms, still playing with the toy in her arms, her gaze on you.
“He cared so much about the people he loved. He would have loved you too munchkin. He loved kids so much and he wanted his own some day. I wish he could be here to see you.”
The tears choked you and you wiped a hand over your face as they fell. Spensa started fussing as if she could sense your sadness.
“It’s okay baby,” you repositioned her on your lap, reaching for the frame of you and Spencer on her dresser.
“You wanna say goodnight to daddy?”
Spensa babbled to the picture, putting her hand on it. 
It might have seemed silly to do such a thing every night, but you never wanted her to not know who Spencer was.
You kissed the top of her head.
“I love you, Spensa.”
In Moscow, it was a pretty standard day for Spencer. 
He had managed to set a pretty strict schedule in his time here. It had been nearly a year and he had gotten used to life in Moscow. He still worried daily about his girlfriend though, worrying for your safety.
It was Thursday evening, the usual time he went to the market, yet when he returned to his place, something felt off.
On the entrance table, there was a lone red rose and a note. His eyes scanned over the note.
Roses are red
Violets are blue 
I have a surprise
And a secret too
He automatically reached for his gun that he carried at all times, just underneath his pant leg, in an ankle holster.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” came the taunting, familiar voice from behind him.
He turned around to face the living room and saw Cat sitting in one of the arm chairs, her gun on the arm.
“Spencie,” she grinned, “Miss me?”
It was just after nine. Spensa had just been put down again after her 8 o’clock feeding and you were attempting to rinse some dishes off before you headed to bed.
The tv played in the living room and you turned, confused when you no longer heard any sound coming from it. You shrugged it off, chalking it up to a possible power outage.
You returned to the dirty dishes, the clinking plates masking the noise of the sliding porch door clicking shut. A creak from behind you made you freeze in place. You glanced up, a figure approaching behind you clear in the reflection of the window. 
Before you even had the chance to cry out, something hard struck the back of your head and everything went black.
You groaned, your head pounding. You reached up to rub the sore spot, wincing as you try to sit up. It was bright behind your eyes and you fought to slowly open them, blinking a few times until your surroundings come in to focus.
That’s when you saw them.
Across the room stood your dead boyfriend, lips locked with none other than Cat Adams.
Tag List: @dreatine​ @reid-187​ @groovyreid​ @reidslibra​ @suvikamahes98blr​ @fuckthealarm​ @whatspunispun​ @iamburdened​ @cindywayne​ @thomasfoockinshelby​ @tinyminy88​ @theitcaramelchick​ @missprettyboy​ @hushlilbabydoll​ @sammy-jo1977​ @theonlyone-meeeee​ @haileymorelikestupid​ @lemonypink​ @multifandommandy​
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plannedparenthood · 5 years
Stories From People Who've Received Care Through Title X
"People have been rallying, contacting their representatives, and sharing their stories about what Title X and birth control means to them. Congress needs to listen to the people and #ProtectX. 
As the nation's program for affordable birth control comes under attack, we’re sharing the voices of people who’ve received care through Title X. Here are their stories. 
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Karina, Arizona
“I walked into a Planned Parenthood health center outside of Phoenix, Arizona with $20 in my bank account. I was scared, nervous...and so, so overwhelmed. My period was late, and I had spent days wondering how I'd ever juggle a baby and college. Planned Parenthood was there for me. Title X was there for me. Thanks to Title X — the nation's program for affordable birth control and reproductive health care — and a wonderful, kind provider at my Planned Parenthood health center, I was able to get a pregnancy test and find the right birth control for my body. I could stop worrying, and focus on my future.
Without Title X, I would have had literally nowhere to go. And that’s why it's so, so important that all of us throw our support behind Planned Parenthood in this moment. Health care should be a human right — something we never have to stress about, scrounge for, or bargain over. That's not our reality, though.
There's a huge divide between who can get health care in this country, and who has to go without — and it's people without means, people of color, and the immigrant community who suffer. People like me. Title X levels the playing field by making basic health care accessible for 4 million people. That's 4 million people who can go to work, study, and care for their families without worrying about how they'll afford their next Pap test or breast cancer screening.”
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Emma, Washington
“It was the week of my 22nd birthday that my OBGYN recommended to perform a laparoscopy to diagnose or rule out endometriosis. After the procedure, my doctor informed me that I do have endometriosis, a common health problem that causes chronic pain, and if left untreated could lead to infertility. At this time, I was working a minimum wage job in customer service and could not afford to pay for health insurance or doctor’s visits out of pocket, so I went to my local Planned Parenthood health center.
The woman at the front desk gave me a form to fill out before my appointment and told me not to worry, they would take care of me, with the amount of money I made yearly, I qualified to pay for services on a sliding scale. I met with a health care provider that day and she went over my medical history I brought from my OBGYN and we decided on a plan: I would get the Depo-Provera shot to minimize and hopefully stop my cycle.  During a time when I wasn’t sure if I would be able to even have children in the future, or exactly how to manage this new disease, the last thing I wanted to think about was the cost and how to navigate the system. Title X was critical to me finding care and managing my disease. Without it, I don't know where I would be today.”
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Ixya, West Virginia
“As a university student, planning for my future is extremely important. As a Latina, the topic of sexual and reproductive health does not come up and can sometimes be dangerous to talk about. I want to make sure I am prepared, safe, and do not have a surprise pregnancy, so I decided I wanted to get an IUD. Unfortunately, if my parents found out I used their insurance to get an IUD I'm afraid they'll make me leave WVU and make me go back home, which is why utilizing Title X helped me get affordable birth control without risking my relationship with my family and risking my education.”
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Ray, Oregon
“I had moved to Eugene, Oregon for school and needed to get tested as well as start a new form of birth control. I went to the Title X funded facility off Franklin Blvd and received the care I needed — at no out of pocket cost. Inspired by this new wave of access when it came to sexual health, I decided to get involved. I was still at a point in my life where I felt ashamed and disgusted by my sexual history — unable to overcome the taunting as a kid and the self doubt as a young adult.
When I started out I was doing the Health Center Advocacy Program, collecting stories from my community. And I as I asked, complete strangers, if they had a story to share, I discovered that I was far from alone in my experience. I was not the only one that was raised in this culture of shame and silence. I knew that the only way to break this stigma — was to break that silence. As I spent the rest of my collegiate career sharing my story, expanding resources on campus and fostering a culture of affirmation, I couldn’t help but look back at that 16 year old girl and see how far I have come. And that’s exactly what Planned Parenthood does for their patients. Throughout my life Planned Parenthood has given me information and resources to address my mental and physical health — but the most important thing they have done is help me find my voice.”
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Elizabeth, Alaska
“I am one of the millions of Americans and thousands of Alaskans who rely on Title X for BASIC health care: pap smears, cancer screenings, and STI testing. I have traveled a lot and lived in many places, but no matter where I go, Title X and Planned Parenthood are always there. Because of Title X, I’ve never had to worry about whether I could afford the basic care I need. And in times when I’ve not had insurance, I’ve been able to pay what I could afford. Because of Title X and Planned Parenthood, when a Pap test came back abnormal a few years ago, I didn’t have to worry. Planned Parenthood took care of me, and got me the follow-up care that I needed. Today, I’m grateful to have insurance. And I’m grateful that I can continue going to Planned Parenthood for high quality care. Health care is a human right, but too many policymakers treat it like a luxury. Title X is one of the few positive cornerstones of our American healthcare system. And it works.”
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I need insight on some female-reproductive health issues I have going on.
First, I’m not asking for any sort of medical advice, simply if other people have had a similar experience or can relate. I have NO idea what’s going on, and my first appointment with my new OBGYN isn’t until the 19th. I just would like some peace of mind in the meantime I guess? Warning: I’m going to get VERY TMI and put things in a timeline.
So, a bit of backstory. I’m 26. I’ve been on birth control for over 10 years now (first the combo pill, but I had to switch due to having certain types of migraines). I’ve now been on Nexplanon (the arm implant) for almost 5 years, and yes I’ve had it replaced after the 3 year mark. Before Nexplanon, I always had heavy periods, they were regular, but rarely any PMS symptoms or cramps or anything like that. After starting Nexplanon, I only had a period about twice a year, and they were always very short and light.
Within the last yearish, I started having periods more frequently as well as PMS symptoms and cramps. They’ve now become more regular. I’ll get a period every 5 weeks now, they’re heavy, and I get terrible PMS and cramps along with them. I’ve also been having light spotting between periods too, usually around the time I’m ovulating. I realize that’s normal. However, things have become very NOT normal lately.
My last period came a week early (the standard 28 days instead of 5 weeks). It started on September 25th and ended after only 4 days and was super light compared to usual (mine usually last 5-7 days). I had one of those weird gut feelings that something wasn’t right. I ended up taking a few pregnancy tests over those days of my period just to be safe. This may seem like overkill to some, but I wanted to be absolutely sure. I took a blue dye stick test. I wasn’t sure if I saw a VERY faint 2nd blue line or it it was just my anxiety. So, I went and got that triple pack of First Response tests (pink dye, digital, and rapid result). All of them over the next few days came back negative. So I just figured everything must be fine
A week ago (1 week after my last period had started), I began having pain in my lower abdomen/pelvic area. It was a dull ache and kind of felt like I had a 10 lb rock sitting inside me. I’ve had that feeling before and it tends to go away, so I just waited it out. But then on Thursday and Friday of this week, the pain got SO much worse. I have a general dull ache in the center/left of my pelvis/lower abdomen as well as on and off sharp pains on the left side around where my ovary should be. I have a LOT of pressure too as well as spotting, on and off nausea, and an on and off low grade fever.
Yesterday (Friday) when I woke up and went to the bathroom and wiped, I had some light yellow/green discharge and a bit of pink spotting. That was the only time I’ve had that discharge. I went to urgent care, they tested me for a UTI that came back negative and said to follow up with my OBGYN and go to the ER if the pain got worse, as they were limited in what they could do for OBGYN issues. Later in the day, I started having a bit more spotting that was dark chocolate brown (sorry to make that comparison but that’s exactly what it looked like. I checked my period calendar, and based on a 28 day cycle (which my body recently decided it was going to start), this was the day I was supposed to release an egg during ovulation. I chalked it up to maybe I’m just dealing with that weird syndrome where you have spotting and some pain during ovulation.
Today (Saturday), I woke up and felt okay at first. But then as I got up and started moving around, the pain and pressure came back and it’s SO bad. It’s radiating to my lower back, hurts to move, the spotting is more to where I have to wear a pad now and is more red than brown. I’m SO bloated (which I always am to some degree, but moreso now). A few hours ago, I started getting what sort of felt like a cross between menstrual cramps and diarrhea cramps. It came in a huge wave and I immediately went to the bathroom and pooped (important because I haven’t been able to do that in days because of the pain and pressure). Felt a bit better understandably, but I’m still having more menstrual-like cramp pain in addition to the sharp pain on my left side that’s now pretty constant instead of occasional. I still feel like I have to poop, and it feels like I have an inflated water balloon on my left lower abdomen. I feel like whatever is going on down there, there’s just so much pressure that it’s pressing on my bowels and making me feel like I need to go to the bathroom when I just can’t.
I did take another pregnancy test earlier. My reasoning was if it for some reason came back positive, I might be dealing with an ectopic pregnancy. It was negative though.So now I’m stuck here wondering what stage of medical issue am I at: 1) Is my period just fucked up due to something undiagnosed like cysts or endo? 2) DO I have a cyst and that’s what’s giving me these problems? 3) (the least likely but still on my worry list) WAS I somehow pregnant and the tests came back negative because I’m going through a miscarriage now?
I don’t want to go to the ER unless I feel it’s absolutely necessary. I’ve already been twice this year for other unrelated things and know how they can be about women’s reproductive health. I’m terrified of going and them just telling me it’s IBS and an irregular period and to follow up with my OBGYN. But at the same time, I’m not sure I can wait another week and a half if this issue doesn’t start to get better. Urgent care can’t do anything. I can’t get into Planned Parenthood until AFTER my OBGYN appt is scheduled for. I may not be able to get into my primary doctor either. So I’m stuck.
Has anyone else had similar issues? What ended up being the cause? Did anything help? Currently, OTC pain meds don’t really help and I’m just in bed and only moving when I have to. I know no one can tell me with certainty what I’m dealing with, I just hate feeling confused and alone and in pain not knowing what the issue is. Thank in advance for any insight or advice or kind words.
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trulymadlysydney · 4 years
Today I'm stuck in the concept of dad H I don't know why. Normally everyone starts to suspect a pregnancy when their period is a few days late, but those of us with pcos can literally go MONTHS without having a period. I mean, a couple of days wouldn't be a red alert in the slightest, plus getting pregnant is harder (but not impossible). So that got me thinking; What if H knows the situation and that's why you don't lose your temper when your period is late, as it is normal and the reason is never pregnancy. And, of course, because you're on contraceptive treatment; so practically you two never go crazy with the idea of ​​pregnancy because you know perfectly well that for that you need to go through a whole process and prepare your body to have a baby. BUT, what if one day you start showing symptoms (nausea, headaches, low or high appetite, etc.)
(pt 1)
but decide not to say anything to H and continue as normal because you think it's due to work stress and it'll eventually go away. However, although the symptoms disappeared, he begins to notice changes in your mood, in your routine, in the small insignificant things that you think he doesn't notice (but he does) and it's then that he begins to take note, he begins to analyze you, observe you in secret and investigate to have the correct information (either from the internet or from his friends who are already parents). And then he comes to the conclusion that you may be pregnant. And of course, he cannot be guided by a late period (like most couples) because he knows perfectly well that it's normal for you to be irregular. So he's looking for a way to get you to notice the signs, but he knows he can't be completely straightforward because you've made it clear that you don't want to have babies (at least not yet).
(pt 2)
So he occasionally starts talking about the elephant in the room to see your reaction, to which you always reply: "Did you watch videos about babies on instagram? Or will one of your friends have another baby?" He takes a moment to think about what to say because he doesn't want to raise suspicions "Yes, some videos appeared on my tl and that made me think" and you try not to smile at the thought that it's one of his secret hobbies "Baby videos made you think of babies? Shocking" He wants to laugh at your sarcasm, but he knows he must focus on his plan "What do you think of them?" and that's when you put all your attention on him and look at him seriously "They are adorable, but my position remains the same" Hearing you say that discourages him a bit, he knows that you two are still young (you being younger than him for a few years) and thinking about having a baby isn't something feasible at the time, but he still likes to imagine that in the future it would be a viable option and both would start to consider it.
(pt 3)
"So you don't think having a baby with me would be adorable?" You smile softly "I think having a kitten would be even more adorable" And he thinks 'Jesus woman, I'm losing my mind here and you're talking about kittens'. Still continue with his plan for more days until you have enough: "Harry, why are you suddenly talking about babies and all that stuff?" To which he just shrugs, dismissing it and saying it was just to kill time. But he knows that his plan has worked, because it made you start to question the possibility. So one day you secretly take a pregnancy test and it comes out negative; which makes you feel relieved, but your gut tells you to get more tests. They all come out negative and that's when you make an appointment with your doctor; mainly for your contraceptive checkup and to regulate your period. And when you explain the situation, your doctor does a blood test. But he assured you that it was highly unlikely, since having the implant had only a 1% chance of getting pregnant.
(pt 4)
Then you calm down and stop thinking about it. Meanwhile, H finds the pregnancy tests negative and that's when he decides to confront you. He waits for you to get home and when you walk in the door you see him standing in the living room and you know right away what he is about. He tries to be as calm as possible, he doesn't want to bother you and he didn't want to argue, he just wants to let you know that something like this is also his business and you shouldn't feel the need to hide it. Because he only wants to be for you, as you are for him. "Why didn't you tell me about the tests?" You keep quiet because you know you should have told him "I didn't want to worry you, I didn't want it to become a big deal" He looks at you confused and a little bit offended "Do you think this isn't a big deal?" You know you should have chosen other words.
(pt 5)
Then you try to calm him down because you already had the results of the blood tests (although you hadn't opened them) and that way you could show him that there was nothing to worry about. "We shouldn't think about that because it's obvious that I'm not-" and that's when you read the results and realize that you ARE. And when he sees that you went blank, he takes the results from you and reads them for himself. "Oh my..." You both struggle to try to process all the information and you panic because you never expected to have a baby at that moment, you start to feel dizzy and then you pass out. Which makes H also panic and scared to death seeing his love completely affected by the news. Then he takes you in his arms and lays you down on an armchair and after a few minutes you wake up and he doesn't leave your side at any time, less when you start crying because everything was so overwhelming and you didn't know what to do.
(pt 6)
He comforts you all night long, hugs you, whispers sweet words to you until you calm down a bit and you two agree to go to the doctor in the morning. And while you sleep, he cannot help but see your little tummy and the baby that's growing inside 🥺. However, he would completely respect any decision you make because it's your body. The most important thing for him is to know that you are well and happy. So when you are with the doctor you find out that the change in routine of your implant was made with a slight delay of a few days and it was at that moment that the 💖little baby Styles💖 was conceived since in that short interval there is a greater risk of becoming pregnant. None of you could believe that all of this could happen in the blink of an eye, as you had always been very careful. So to check that everything was in order, the doctor gives you an ultrasound and it is HOW YOU FIND OUT THAT YOU HAVE BEEN PREGNANT MONTHS AGO.
(Final part)
sorry this was a very long concept, I can't help it, I started writing and couldn't stop 🥺🤧
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oliviastan17 · 5 years
Just a dream (5/7)
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Warnings: 18+, all the fluff in the world, language, smut
Length: 3.6k
A/N: I am a nurse so this is way more medically accurate than what is needed for the story. I just started typing and all this nurse stuff came out (#nurselife) and I took a lot out but sorry if it’s too much. There’s nothing graphic though. I put a lot of gifs in because I don’t feel like I can accurately describe what I dreamt. I own none of them. DO NOT POST ON ANY OTHER WEBSITE! Please reblog and I love reading comments!
It took 2 months but today was the day. It was packing day. Your brother needed to drop Harper off because she had a fever and couldn’t stay at daycare. She seemed to be feeling okay after some ibuprofen and was playing with some toys with Sebastian (or so you thought) while you worked on packing.
You walked into your bathroom to find Sebastian sitting on the floor facing away from you and Harper brushing something on his face. Wait, is that my makeup brush?
“When did you guys come in here?”
“He’s almost ready,” Harper informed you.
“Ready for what?”
“The party. Auntie, you sit there,” Harper commanded.
“Okay then,” you said sitting on the edge of your bathtub. Harper had been really into makeup lately so you exactly what she was doing and couldn’t wait to see her masterpiece.
As Sebastian turned around you gasped, “Oh, Harper! He is so beautiful! You did such a good job!”
He had red lipstick covering his mouth and part of the stubble on his chin. There was charcoal grey sparkly eye shadow all the way above his eye brows and his cheeks were a bright pink. Sebastian just looked at you and smiled as he held up his hands.
“Oh, you did his nails too? They look amazing!”
“It’s your turn!” she exclaimed.
Just then your brother walked through your door effectively saving you from a makeover.
“I hear your daddy,” you said and then Harper ran out to see him.
 You and Sebastian followed and as your brother took in the sight of Sebastian and laughed.
“Hey kiddo! You feeling better?” he asked as she ran up to him.
“She had motrin at 4:30,” you informed him.
“Thanks Y/n,” he said looking around at all the boxes. “Man, it’s weird to see this place packed up. Am I seeing you before you leave?”
“Probably not. Did Mom call you to have you help move what I don’t take into storage?”
“Yeah, we’re coming on Saturday. Well drive safe. Call me when you get there.” He offered a handshake to Sebastian and said, “Sorry about all that,” he said referring to the makeup.
Sebastian shook his hand, “It’s no problem.”
Harper gave Sebastian a hug and then you knelt down to hug her. You didn’t want to let her go. “I love you forever.”
“Love you!” She said laughing while you kissed her cheek and then blew a raspberry making her laugh. You had tried your best to prepare her for not seeing you as often but you weren’t sure how much she actually understood.
Your brother came over to give you a hug.
“Thank you. I don’t know what I would have done without you,” he said as he hugged you.
“Love you. Have Noah FaceTime me later okay?”
“I will,” he said as he turned and he and Harper walked out of your house. You closed the door behind him and Sebastian wrapped you in a hug. He was trying to say comforting things but as you looked up at him you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing.
“I can’t take you seriously when you look like that,” you said laughing. “There’s makeup wipes in my bathroom.”
“No, I think this is a good look. Get used to the new me,” he said leaning in to kiss you but you playfully dodged it. He had too good of a grip on your waist so you ended up with lipstick all over your face.
“You want to order in? I’m not taking you anywhere looking like that and you just ruined what little makeup I had on.”
“Sure. Whatever you want,” he said.
As he walked away you took a look around at all the boxes around the house. You were definitely sad to be leaving but you were also excited about your future. It was scary but it would be an adventure. Everything with him was an adventure. Even something as boring as packing was fun with him.
After one more day of packing, you did it. You packed up your car and drove (well Sebastian drove) to New York. The drive up went as smoothly as it could. Between his carpool karaoke and the games you created on the way it really was fun.
On the second day of the road trip your brother called you to inform you that Harper was put on antibiotics for strep throat and that she also came down with bronchitis. Great you thought as you remembered her coughing directly in your face.
Three days later and you were at the doctor for the same thing. Nothing was able to stop you from coughing so the doctor gave you some cough medicine. The good kind with codeine.
Sebastian was doing a great job taking care of you and went to three different stores to find apricot nectar because that’s what your mom would give you when you were sick. When he got home the first thing he heard you say was, “Oh my god, Chris! Watch out!”
Why is Chris here? He rounded the corner and found you on the couch watching Civil War stoned out of your mind.
“What are you doing?”
“That’s not your ass,” you said pointing at the screen.
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He just laughed, handed you your nectar and went into his office.
His office was very close to the living room so he could hear every comment you made even though you were hoarse and could not stop laughing.
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“Oh, that was so hot!”
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“It’s not Bucky’s fault Tony!”
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“Back the fuck off T’Challa!”
He finally gave up and walked out of the office and over to the couch. He lifted your legs up, sat down and laid your legs across his lap.
“I thought you didn’t want to watch?”
“I want to hear your commentary.”
“Hey, can you introduce me to him?”
“No, Tom. Cause if I was 10 years younger…”
“Get out,” he said pointing at the door.
You laughed and grabbed his shirt to pull him closer for a kiss but then you stopped yourself.
“No, I don’t want to get you sick,” you said as he kept moving closer to you.
“I’ll take my chances,” he said before he kissed you. You fell asleep soon after.
Living together came easy. Everything was going great. You had found work doing some consulting for a production company and could mostly work from home. He had a few months until he started a new project so he was home. When you finished work you two would go explore the city. Some mornings you would go for a run, some you would stay in bed and just be together.
You hadn’t felt up to running the last couple of weeks. You just felt so tired but now you felt like you were gaining some weight because you spent the last 2 weeks being lazy around the apartment and eating crappy food. Today when Seb got home from his run and you were still laying in bed curled up he got a little worried.
“It’s probably just a stomach bug. I’m fine. I just need to rest,” you reassured him.
The next day you weren’t much better but you still got up and did some work in his office. Then the following day Sebastian wasn’t going to take no for an answer.
“Alright, that’s it. We’re going.”
“No, I’m fine Seb. Really. I promise I’m…” your sentence was cut off by you taking in a sharp breath as you grabbed your stomach in pain.
“No, you’re not. It’s been 2 days Y/n. Let’s go,” he said as he reached for your hand to help you up.
After a short cab ride you arrived at the hospital and were in with the triage nurse.
“Any chance of pregnancy? Last menstrual period?”
“I’m on birth control. They are really light if I even have one at all. I don’t really remember.”
After a ton of other questions and taking your vitals she brought you back into a room.
“Just change into this gown and the doctor will be right in.”
You rolled your eyes at the gown.
“Just put it on. Humor me,” Sebastian said.
“This is stupid. I’m fine,” you said but you had your hand resting on your stomach.
“Stop being so stubborn, babe. Just do what they tell you to.”
 “Hi, are you Y/n?” a nurse asked walking into the room.
“Yes,” you said as you sat on the bed. You weren’t going to put the gown on unless they absolutely made you.
“And your birthday?” she asked looking at your hospital bracelet.
“Okay, I’m Caryn and I’m going to get a blood sample and put an IV in. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the absolute worst, what would you rate your pain at?”
“Maybe a 6.”
“Is it constant or does it come and go?” she asked while getting the supplies out of the locked drawers.
“Comes and goes.”
You answered all of her questions. It’s been 2 days of intermittent cramping, no bleeding. You were tired and felt kind of bloated and were sure this was just a stomach bug.
The nurse drew your blood and put the IV in then walked out of the room. Sebastian stood up and leaned over to kiss your forehead. He started walking around the room snooping in the cabinets and drawers.  He pulled the otoscope down from the wall and turned the light on.
“What do they do with this?”
“Have you ever seen a doctor? That’s what they use to look in your ears.”
His mouth pulled up into a frown as he nodded his head. He put it back and then started to pull the covers for the otoscope out of the dispenser and placed them on his fingers.
“It’s like those me me’s of Chris with the fingernails.”
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“God, my boyfriend is a 12 year old. And it’s meme. Not me me.” You knew he was just trying to distract you and it was kind of working because he was so adorable.
The doctor then came in the room and introduced herself.
“Okay, so we got the results of your tests back and it seems you are pregnant.”
“I’m sorry…I’m what?”
“Your blood tests came back positive for pregnancy. I’m guessing you didn’t know?”
You and Sebastian looked at each other in shock.
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“No, I’m on birth control.”
“Birth control is only 99% effective so becoming pregnant when taking it is rare but not unheard of. Have you been on any antibiotics recently?”
“Yeah, like 2 months ago.”
“That could definitely be a factor as well. Some antibiotics lessen the effectiveness of birth control. Now you have had no bleeding so that is a good sign but I’m going to do an ultrasound to check on everything okay?”
Frozen in disbelief you didn’t answer so Sebastian did.
“Yeah, that sounds good.”
You had stopped listening and weren’t sure when exactly when she left. Sebastian brought you out of your haze. Sitting on the bed he grabbed your hand and said, “Hey, look at me.”
“This can’t be happening. How did I not know?” you asked. As you looked at his face he seemed so unbelievably calm.
“Whatever happens, we’re going to get through it. We are going to be okay. I’ve got you, okay?”
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes.
“Yeah, okay,” you agreed.
“Come on,” he said as he pulled you into his arms. He lifted your head up to kiss you.
“I love you.”
“Love you.”
The doctor came in bringing in an ultrasound machine and you laid on your back. Sebastian was sitting in his chair next to your bed and was holding your hand between his and resting them under his chin.
As you turned your head and looked at him he smiled and said, “I’ve got you.”
You forced a smile. The room was quiet with the lights turned down and you were holding your breath for what seemed like an hour while the doctor started the ultrasound. You were too scared to look at the screen so you just stared at Sebastian.
“Okay, so based on the measurements I would say you are about 7-8 weeks along. If you look here, this is the amniotic sac and this is the baby right here,” the doctor said pointing at the screen. You turned and looked at what she was pointing at. “And this flickering here is your baby’s heartbeat.”
You stared at the little moving black and white form on the screen and you brought your free hand up to your mouth while Sebastian let out a breath and kissed the hand he was holding.
“Is the baby okay?” Sebastian asked the doctor.
“I would say so, yes. The heart beat is strong. You’re still going to want to go see an obstetrician as soon as you can but I think everything looks great here. Some women experience pain in the beginning of pregnancy because their body is preparing for the growing uterus so your pain is not unusual.”
You were ugly crying at this point but you didn’t care. You had gone from being in pain to being a mom not knowing if her child was okay or not to being the happiest you have ever been.
“I’m going to print some pictures for you and I’ll get you started on some prenatal vitamins. You can take tylenol for the pain. The nurse will be in shortly to take out your IV. Congratulations!”
“Thank you,” you said as she walked out of the room. You looked at Sebastian and started to say something but were cut off by him crashing his lips against yours.
“You have no idea how happy you just made me,” he said hugging you, then kissing you, then hugging, and kissing and all over again. You had never seen him this happy before. He looked like pure joy wrapped in bliss and covered with all the love in the world.
“Oh my god…Oh god. What if I’m not ready? Oh my god, I’m not ready!“ you started freaking out and panicking.
“Are you kidding? You’re going to be the best mom. I’ve seen you with Noah and Harper. You always know what to do and they love you so much. You’re going to be amazing. I have no doubts.”
“I have doubts! Me! I have doubts!”
“Y/n,” he said holding your face and looking deep in your eyes. “Let’s go home and I’ll tell you 1000 reasons I know you are going to be a good mom. And I’m going to tell you over and over until you believe me.”
His eyes always had a way of hypnotizing you and calmed you down.
“Ok,” you said as you wrapped your arms around him and he held you tight.
“I love you so much,” he said.
“I love you too. You better be right or I’m going to be so mad at you.”
It took him 2 days but he eventually convinced you. Then it was his turn to freak out. It was so nice of you two to take turns. He had been so busy keeping you calm and convincing you that you would be a good mom that he didn’t even think about what this made him.
“You know how I know you are going to be a good dad? You don’t give up when things get hard. You let Harper put makeup on you. You fixed her toy that she broke. You love me so you are obviously smart. You are so wonderfully caring and considerate. And your mom raised you right. You’ll know what to do by just being her son. I have no doubts.”
“I have zero doubts,” you repeated as you put your arms up around his neck and kissed him. He had his arms low and around your waist. “We have 7 months to prepare. We are going to be fine.”
“You better be right or I’m going to be so mad at you,” he repeated your words back to you. Even when he is scared he is still trying to make you laugh.
With both of you finally done with your freak outs you decided to keep the news between just the two of you for a little while. It was sort of fun keeping a secret. You had both known for about a month so you were now 12 weeks pregnant and definitely starting to show.
You and Sebastian FaceTimed with your family and told them to which your mom cried happy tears. You and Sebastian went to dinner with his mom and stepdad and told them. They were thrilled of course. His mom told you, “Good luck with finding a name. Nothing goes with Stan!” You told a couple of your close friends back in Atlanta and they were sworn to secrecy as were Seb’s close friends.
They all had the same follow up question to the news: when’s the wedding? You never really gave Sebastian a chance to say anything because your response was, “I have bigger priorities right now.”
Everyone asked. Everyone except Chris. God bless him.
“Not drinking Y/n? Are you pregnant or something?” he asked jokingly when he met you and Sebastian for dinner while doing press in NYC.
When you said nothing and Sebastian just smiled Chris turned into a child on Christmas morning.
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“No way! Seriously? I’m so happy for you! This is so great!” He stood up and hugged you and then Sebastian. “So I’m like the godfather right? I mean I’m the reason this is happening at all.”
“Yes, Chris you will be the one doing all the hard work,” you sarcastically responded.
“Well, Chris…it’s a great name. Something to think about,” Chris offered.
“Yeah, not happening. Sorry man,” Sebastian said
Dinner was spent catching up. You hadn’t seen Chris in at least 5 months and probably only talked a few times. Sebastian talks to him more. You and Chris were weird. You could work together every day for months and then not see or talk for months but you always picked up right where you left off.
After telling Chris 3 more times that he would not be naming his child Chris, Sebastian looked at you and asked, “You ready?”
“Yeah, let’s go. Chris…thanks for dinner.”
“I’m so happy for you guys,” he said giving you a huge hug and then one to Sebastian. “Hey, I’m back in New York in a few months so if I don’t see you before then just do me a favor. Promise me you’ll think about the name. Middle name would work!”
“Quick. Just walk away,” you said grabbing Sebastian’s hand and walking away.
Once home you went straight into the shower while he returned a call to his manager. You were in there for maybe 5 minutes when Seb walked into the bathroom on the way to the closet. As he walked in he saw you through the steam and the glass doors. Your hands were running through your wet hair and your stomach was beautifully plumped out with his baby.
When you noticed him standing there you simply opened the door and asked “Are you coming in or not?”
He immediately undid his belt and zipper and walked out of his pants while taking his shirt off. Stepping in to join you he walked you backwards until your back hit the wall. Despite it being a hot shower the wall was cold and you took in a deep breath as the temperature change shocked you. His lips were on yours while his hands were massaging your breasts as he leaned against you. You brought your hand down to stroke his cock and he sighed into your mouth.
He slowly moved his hands down your sides stopping at your hips and tightening his grip to pull you even closer. One hand continued to trail down your side to cup your ass and the other reached up to move your stroking arm up around his neck so you would have something to hold on to. With both hands on your ass now he lifted you off the ground and your legs were hooked around his waist.
Wasting no time he lined you up perfectly and with one thrust he was in. He gently moved his hips so he was moving in and out while his mouth was on yours. You broke the kiss when he began to speed up his rhythm and he buried his face in your neck. Your grip on his shoulders was getting tighter and he knew you were close so he didn’t hold back. Giving you all he had he felt you tighten around him as your back arched and his name passed your lips. He loved hearing you say his name and it took only a few more thrusts for him to come.
You brought your hands up to cup his face and kissed him as he set you back on your feet. He told you he loved you as his hands rested on your stomach. 
“I love you too. I’d love you even more if you went out and got me a cheesecake.”
“Whatever you want,” he said with a loving smile.
Next Chapter
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crackedoutgiraffe · 4 years
The Stars in Your Eyes
Part 2: Chapter 1 Part 2: Chapter 2 Part 2: Chapter 3 Part 2: Chapter 4
A/N: I’m starting a one-shot “series” based off of songs, send me a message with any songs you want to see! Send me an ask or message if you want to be on the taglist. Also, S12 E13
Warnings: Fluff and Angst
Word Count: 1,282
This morning was like any other, the only thing that set it apart was the date. It was valentine's day and Reid wasn’t there. He told you he was going to see an Alzheimer’s specialist in Houston. He left you alone with his senile mom.
You tried your best to understand what he was going through. Hotch and Morgan had both left within six months of each other. It hurt the entire team but Reid took it the hardest. Morgan partly named his son after Spence and then left. Hotch and Jack went into protective custody when Scratch escaped from jail. The team gained two new members, neither bad, but they weren’t Morgan or Hotch. 
You were laying in your bed awake when your alarm went off. Groaning you pulled the covers off and placed your bare feet on the cool hardwood floors. You changed into a pants suit and made your way to the bathroom. You brushed your hair, your teeth, and put on a little bit of makeup before heading to the kitchen for coffee. Diana was still asleep on the couch so you got your coffee and slipped out before she could wake up. You made your way to the parking lot and started your car. The drive to work was boring, Reid had always made them more exciting. He would tell you a joke only you would get or a fact that was kind of scary, but you felt safe. 
The elevator brought you up to the sixth floor, dinging to tell you your day was just starting. JJ, Penelope, Luke, Prentiss, and Rossi were all standing around in the bullpen when you came in.
“Sorry I’m late,” you smiled as you set your bag down at your desk. They all seemed to shift their feet around. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Prentiss was quick to answer. “We are just doing paperwork today, why don’t you go home and take care of Diana?”
“Emily, are you sure?” you went to grab your stuff again. 
She looked around the group with a nervous look on her face, “Yeah, Reid would kill us if we made you stay.” They all seemed to fake smiles, but it was a day off and you were going to make the best of it.
“Thank you,” you grabbed your stuff and headed back to the elevator. You had a smile on your face the whole way home. There was one detail that you and Reid left out when you told the team Diana was coming to live with you. Reid hired a caretaker for her who could come when you were at work.
You hadn’t had a day off in a while so you had no idea what to do. There was only one thing you were sure of, you needed to go to the drugstore. You stopped at a CVS and bought a pregnancy test. It wasn’t the first time you’d bought one so you stayed calm the whole time. The only reason you bought it was because your period had been two weeks late. You had made a list of the causes and this was the easiest to cross off. 
When you got back to the apartment, you b-lined to the bathroom. You followed the directions to a t. While it was processing you sat in the corner and thought about how your life may change in the next five minutes. The timer on your phone snapped you out of your trance. You felt like you were floating as you walked back to the sink. 
Two lines. There were two lines. You, according to the pregnancy test, were pregnant. You made the decision in a split second that Reid was going to be the first person you told. 
The rest of the day was incredibly boring. All you did was clean and worry. No one had called you, at all. At around 6, you had had enough. You called JJ, whose phone went to voicemail twice before she finally picked up. 
“Hey, how’s it going?” you kept your voice happy and upbeat.
She let out a long sigh before finally speaking, “Y/N you should come back,” she took a long pause and you didn’t breathe the entire time, “it’s Spence.”
“What happened?” you pressed the phone between your shoulder and your ear while you grabbed your stuff. 
“We’ll tell you when you get here,” she sighed.
You started your car and put the phone on speaker, “ok, bye JJ,” you hung up. The frustration that overwhelmed you was immeasurable. You banged against your dashboard and let out a loud scream before putting the car in drive and heading back to Quantico.
When you got there you took the elevator up. The entire time you could feel your heart beating in your chest. The doors opened and you nearly started crying. The tone of JJ’s voice didn’t meet the sight you saw when you stepped out. Everyone was standing outside of the elevator’s. You noticed the somber tones and the meticulously placed FBI jacket on Reid’s hands.
“What’s going on?” you asked as you stepped out of the elevator. “Spence?” 
He looked down at the floor with a guilty look on his face. 
“He got into some trouble in Mexico,” Prentiss started. “They believe that he murdered a doctor named Nadie Ramos.”
“Oh my god,” you felt light-headed and nauseous. 
“We know you didn't do anything wrong,” JJ explained.
“But I should have told you guys I was going there,” Reid apologized. “I never... never imagined in a million years it would have turned out like this.”
“No one thought that this could have happened,” Prentiss stepped in.
“Look, you're not in this alone anymore,” Walker’s voice was very calming. “Ok?” 
“No secrets,” Rossi added.
Spence smiled, “deal.” 
“My turn,” Garcia interrupted. “Come here, you. Oh, my God. Your color's better. All I had to look at was that mug shot, and it had me really worried.”
“Yeah, we all were,” JJ added.
“Glad you're back,” Prentiss placed her hand on his shoulder. 
“Me, too,” Spence turned to look at you. “How's my mom doing?” 
“She's fine,” you answered. “You don't need to worry about her, I promise.”
“I can't help it,” he smiled. “Can I talk to you?” he stared at you and waited for you to respond.
You nodded, “of course.” The two of you walked farther down the hallway for some privacy. “I’m so sorry,” you wrapped your hands around his neck and started to cry.
He laid his head into your shoulder, “I should be the one apologizing.” You let him go from the hug and wiped your tears. “I should have told you,” he frowned.
“No, all that matters is that you're safe,” you placed a quick kiss on his lips.
“I  won’t have much time here so I need you to know that no matter what happens I love you,” he smiled.
“I love you too,” you gave him another hug.
You felt a hand on your shoulder and looked up to see Rossi, “I’m sorry guys, it’s time to go.”
“I love you,” Reid shouted again as he was escorted away.
The tears rolling down your face prevented you from saying anything more than a whisper, “I love you too,” you muttered out. It was hard to watch your husband being dragged away but Luke came over and gave you a hug. JJ drove you home and made sure everything was ok before she left. The first thing on your mind was that you didn’t tell him about the baby. You decided that it was for the best, he didn’t need another thing to worry about.
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