#and i'm bad with math
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pianokantzart · 2 months
Hey Piano!
The other day I was looking through Mario movie stuff (A.k.a how I spend most of my free time) and I came across this!
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It’s more of a size chart but we still kinda get an idea of how tall everyone is in the movie….so yeah!
Okay, the height difference between Mario and Peach has me convinced that Mario is definitely shorter than 5'1 in this universe. I added a red line here to represent how tall Mario would actually be without his hat:
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If each line represented one foot, Mario would be about 5'4, but if that were the case Princess Peach would be 7 feet tall, and Bowser would be almost 12 feet tall (if we're including his shell.)
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It is commonly believed that Princess Peach is 6 foot. So, If we recalculate accordingly... that would mean that each line represents roughly 10.3 inches. Based on this assumption, I present to you the new canon heights of the Mario cast:
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Do what you will with this information.
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yorshie · 11 months
A Day in the Lair
Bayverse turtles x femreader (No Y/N)
summary/warnings: SFW. A day in the lair for reader with her favorite turtles. Hm... is it just me or are they planning a surprise behind her back? A bit more on the nose with the relationships in this one. Set in 2023 (turtles 24-25)
Tags: @jackalope-in-a-storm @tmnt-tychou
The lair was the best place to be on the weekends.
The music was already on when you entered, a sure sign that everyone was in a good mood. Dumping your bag in an empty chair, you took the moment alone to sway at the deep bass, wondering if Mikey or Donnie had chosen the shake remixes. 
A warm hand slid up your arm, a bulky body following to press up against your back as Mikey started to sway in time with your movements. “Sweetie Pie! There you are!” His free arm snaked around your waist, keeping you close as he moved you both through an impromptu series of steps, pulling a bubbly laugh out of you.
You smiled at the new nickname. Every few weeks it seemed like he was trying out a new one for you. He once said he liked the way your face lit up whenever he surprised you with a change, and bonus points if it made his brothers cringe noticeably. 
“You ready for some fun?” He asked, twirling you out before returning your back to his front, holding your arms aloft and shaking them side to side when the music switched to vocals. 
“Hm… did you guys have something planned? Donnie was being purposefully cryptic in his word choices when he called earlier.”
Mikey let out a little high pitched laugh, a sure sign that something was afoot and he had been sent out first to keep you distracted. Amused, you tilted your head to the side, raising a brow to give him a look that had him giving a short, whistled tune, practically hopping you both side to side, shell blocking you from seeing the rest of the room.
It made you laugh, these giant dorks, somehow saving the world more than twice, taking on terrorists and aliens, but unable to hide from you they were sneaking something literally behind your back.
But a new song came on, and you felt the shivered beat in your bones, and so you looped your elbows over Mikey’s, laid back against his chest, and let him lead you through movements just shy of being inappropriate. When you took a half step too far, his larger foot was there, thigh hard against the outside of your hip as he swayed you both to the side in a move you were sure you’d seen in the dojo.
“Ooo, you’re ok. Mikey’s got ya.” You could feel his smile against your ear, before his head turned again, likely checking to see if the coast was clear yet.
You snorted. “Something distracting you from the here and now, Angelo?”
One hand moved, wrapping around your waist as a slower, deeper song started. “What?” Two steps forward, your smaller feet practically on top of his own. “Nah, with you in my arms?” He lifted you up, arm coming up under your butt as he hopped the railing around the kitchen, taking you closer to the wall of boomboxes and away from the entrance. 
Now, he let you out of his hold briefly, twirling you around, grip firm when he slipped his arm low on your back to keep you from spilling over. “Oof. Little dizzy, baby?”
You hummed, let him use the excuse to reel you back in, your hand not trapped in his own looping up in the space between his neck and shell. “Maybe. But I don’t think my dance partner minds.”
Mikey’s dimples flashed at either corner of his wide smile. “Naw, the dizzier you are, the tighter you hold onto me.”
“Flirt." You accused, going along with his movements, delighting in the little shiver the deep hum in his chest caused. 
“Faster song’s comin’. Think you can keep up?”
At your nod, he let you have a little more room, legs offset, the hard edge of his plastron a line for you to lean against. You pressed a little kiss to the bicep next to your face just to hear Mikey coo, before you were following his lead through the steps, letting him take your weight when you became too dizzy. By the end of it you were practically held aloft, breathless and feeling butterflies tickling your stomach, though he didn’t seem anywhere close to complaining.
“Wow, you two’ve been practicing.” Donnie, standing stock still at the edge of your impromptu dance floor, wide smile plastered to his mouth. When you gave him your attention, amused, he jerked his head in a not subtle manner, and Mikey twirled you out of his arms and over to his brother. 
“Hey, baby, there’s something I gotta go do. Do you mind, uh, helping Donnie with-”
But you were already waving him on, knowing you’d be able to make him crack if you wanted, but there was something so sweet about what they were doing, and so funny about how badly they were going about it. 
“It’s fine, Mikey, are you kidding me? I get some Donnie time?” You shimmied over to stand in front of him, craning your head to watch his smile turn more natural, his eyes soften.
Michelangelo was already gone, but his tallest brother let you take his hand, let you pull him through a few swaying steps as he corralled you into his lab and further away from the others.
“So, Dee.” You sidled into his space, hearing the dull thud of his carapace nicking the edge of the table as he corrected his stance. You wrapped your arms around his middle, laid your upturn chin on his plastron, and batted your eyes. “What have you guys been up to?”
If it was possible, he turned into a steel beam in your arms, his muscles going from pliably relaxed to rigid under your grip. “What? Nothing- that is, we’ve been up to nothing.”
“Oh, you poor baby.” You grinned, planted a kiss to his chest, his arms finally coming up to hold you back. “I was hoping you’d give me a tour of all the experiments you’ve got going on right now, but since you’ve been up to nothing-” You let your lower lip tic out before drumming your fingers across his shell.
His eyes lit up, roved between you and the bits and bobs he had laid out across his main workstation, before the tone caught up with him, and he refocused on your upturn face, suspicion written in the wrinkle between his eyes. 
Your lips were pressed together, in an effort not to laugh at his adorableness. He pet the small of your back with even strokes, content to hold you for a moment before whatever thought crossed his mind pulled another smile.
He sighed dramatically and readjusted his grip, jostling you as he leaned back and hooked an ankle under his chair to pull it closer. “Alas, I hear the voice of Admiral Ackbar in the back of my head.”
“Oh do you?” You went along with his direction, sitting in his chair, one leg under you and the other bent so you could hug it. You let Donnie sway the chair back and forth with his foot, content to steal his spot as long as he kept that pleased expression on his face. “And what wisdom does the famous admiral have to impart?”
Donnie gave that cute, little chuckle, reaching over to the large red button beneath his monitors and giving it a hearty slap. A loud voice blared out ITS A TRAP and he picked it up, giving it a little twirl before he looked at you expectantly.
You held a hand to your chest, splayed it out wide in mock offense. “A trap?? I would never.”
Donnie gave that chuckle again, this time with a little snort, as he grabbed the sides of the chair and gave you a sharp spin for your lie. “All the pretty girls are traps, love.”
You mimicked the high pitched sound he often made when he was happy, making him huff in amusement before he hopped on the back of the chair, one leg pushing it in the direction he wanted as you both scooted around the lab. 
“I could show you how the underground garden is going, or we could look at the Tesla coil?”
“Hm, maybe the one that’s least likely to end with a trip to the emergency room.”
“Yea, I’d hate to die if Leo caught you over the safety line again.” He said in mock seriousness, and his foot clipped out, hooked around the leg of a table, and the chair turned for the growing room door.
Inside, the grow lights were set high above, on a Northern Hemisphere June cycle Donnie had once explained, and below in orderly rows, vegetables and fruit trees grew. As he led you through the aisles, explaining the different things he was growing, experimenting with, you reached up, threading your fingers with his. 
“Hm, wait a moment.” One hand slipped free, and he stopped the chair, leaning to the side towards a bush overhanging its bed. When he saw you sit up to help, he waved you back into your relaxed position. “No, no, let me. There’s thorns.” 
You restarted the tour with a lap full of blackberries, holding one up every now and then for Donnie to steal from your fingers. If he took advantage to nip your fingers, you were careful not to call him out for it.
Leo found you both in the citrus row, Donnie using your lap as a makeshift bowl for a few lemons he had decided look ripe enough to move to the kitchen.
“Oh, hey, Leo,” Donnie swayed as he turned the heavy pots in quarter turns, making sure each tree had access to water while you watched bemused, hands full of fruit. “Is it time already?”
“Time to swap.” Leo answered, and you rolled your eyes in humor, standing and setting the lemons back in the warm divot of the seat. 
“Oh, no, not another sketchy human transfer.” You teased, wrapping your arms around Donnie in farewell. You could feel his grin in your hair, taking a moment to rub his snout against you before he let go.
“I shall miss you, be good for Leo.” He intoned, mock serious, his lips twitching when Leo only shook his head and touched your arm.
“Yes, Mom!” You told him, turning at the slight pressure, letting Leo lead you out of the garden and back through Donnie’s Lab.
“So,” You asked, clasping your hands behind your back, skipping to plant yourself in front of him. “Can I ask what’s going on?”
“No.” Leo said simply, shaking his head when you started walking backwards. His large hands came up automatically to nudge you away from obstacles. “I need your help with something, though.”
“Ri-ight.” You drew out the word, giving him a wink what earned you a fond huff and a dip of his head. You could tell he was leading you towards the back of the Lair, where the bedrooms are. He took your arm in a careful grip to traverse the stairs, urging you to turn so you would trip over the raised door frame when you entered his room.
Everything was clean, in its usual spot, but there was a small clutter of objects in the center of the floor. You sat down next to the project, folding your legs up under you to mirror Leo as he sank to the floor next to you. He somehow made the movement graceful while you were still pulling one of your feet up and under your thigh, waiting patiently until you were settled to hand you something.
It was a pressed flower, inky purple and still vibrant despite its crinkly nature, and you turned it slowly, letting the low light catch on the color. 
“Leo, where’d you get a hollyhock?” You asked, watching as he carefully set down a sheet of glass and nodded at the flower in your hand, letting you set it flat on the surface before answering.
“I  accidentally let a flower shop owner see me a little bit ago, and they’ve started setting out old flowers that didn’t sell for me to take.” He paused. “I think she thinks she’s feeding me.”
You snorted in laughter at the look on his face. “Ah, maybe she’s trying to woo you. Is she pretty?”
He gave you a look, deep blue peeking up from under his lowered head, and you pressed your lips together to keep from laughing at the ‘done with your shit’ expression. “One, she’s close to eighty. Secondly-” you cut him off, reaching for another flower, pressing your whole arm against him before letting your lips rest against the curve of his deltoid. 
“I’m teasing you, Leo.” You retreated, holding the much bigger flower up for inspection while he openly watched you. 
“Well… good.” You could tell you knocked him off his train of thought, so you only hummed an answer, moving to set the faded pink rose a little above the hollyhock.
He handed you the next one, another hollyhock, before he started shifting through the flowers, clearly looking for ones that fit in with the others. You waited patiently as he handed them out slowly, until you realized you had sprigs of apple blossom and fern in your hands, and he was pressing the delicate red petals of salvia on the glass so they stuck.
He looked up as you paused, a question in his eyes, but you only smiled, set the two bundles down before taking the vine of morning glory he handed out. “Did this come from the flower shop, too?”
“Uh, that one-” He preoccupied himself with the piles of dried flowers, which you could now see were parceled out in three even stacks. Your heart melted at the sight, but you only twirled the vine of pink flowers, waiting. 
He finally looked up at you, huffing at being caught. “That one I found.”
You hummed at him, before setting it down on the glass, starting to arrange the foliage so the little pops of color caught the eye. “Well- they’re pretty, you know?”
“I thought so too.” He was setting out another pane of glass on his floor, so you slid the completed one to the side, a little eager to see what he handed you this time.
Baby’s breath. He handed you two full blooms, another in his hand, and had the audacity to smile at you. “I thought we’d make a few, hang them up in the main room.” 
You tapped down the well of warmth in your chest, set the flowers down next to his own to make an arc. “I like that idea.” 
He handed you dill, coriander and thyme, the smell of the herbs stronger than the blooms, and you let out a little ‘few’ at the smell, pulling a chuckle from him as he pressed daisy flowers and white carnation into the greenery. He let you have full control on the third panel, only handing you the flowers, watching your face at you set them all out.
Ivy, faded hyacinth with just a hint of blue still left in the petals, cheery white clover, tiny forget-me-not, more salvia but blue this time, and yarrow in big, faded pink and yellow bunches. You were just tucking the flowers into the fern when a knock at the door sounded, and Raph stuck his head in.
“Ah, he’s got you playing with flowers, princess?”
You upticked your cheek, catching the look Leo threw his brother, and patted his knee in comfort. There was little doubt in your mind that Raph saw anything beyond the obvious fact that you two were pressing flowers.
He jerked his head back towards the lair, leaning on the doorframe and giving you that slow smirk. “Thought you might want to go for a walk, let Fearless here finish up his uh- well, finish up what he needs to do.”
Leo rolled his eyes. “Smooth, Raph, smooth.”
“Smoother than you, jerk.” Raph puffed up, and you stood quickly, waving your hands to keep them from continuing the brewing argument. 
“Alright, alright, let’s go.” You let Leo squeeze your hand as you left with Raph, only pausing to watch him start to place glass over the arrangement’s before the red banded brother called to you in reminder:
“Let’s go, princess!” 
“Coming, coming!” You called, giving Leo a little wave when he looked up at the sound of your voice. You pretended not to see Donnie and Mikey with their backs to you in the doorway of the Lab, arms akimbo and whispering as they clearly struggled with something.
Raph led you out the back way, unlocking the circular door and leaving it propped open. “C’mere, sweetheart, we’re going for a bit of a jog.” 
He held open his arms, and you went readily, curling up against his shoulder and letting him hook your legs over the bend of his other elbow. 
He took you up to a larger tunnel with a waterway in the middle, steps slow and even once the path leveled out. 
“This is nice, that we can do stuff like this now, without the sewer smell.” You commented, leaning to watch the water flow on it’s way back from treatment. 
“Yea, we upgraded from sewer to water intake.” He joked, arms curling in tighter when you tapped his shoulder to be let down. “Let me hold you for just a little longer, princess. Everyone else got to have you close.”
“I thought I was just messing around with flowers with Leo, Red?”
Raph barked out a laugh. “He made the mistake of leaving that little book out. We all know exactly what he was up to.” 
“Shh.” You poked his side. “Just because Leo prefers to be romantic doesn’t mean you should make fun of him.”
“You mean Fearless likes to beat around the bush.” He snipped, clutching you tighter for a moment before throwing you up in retaliation for poking him. 
You had one moment of weightless breathlessness before his arms caught you again, and you laughed to realize you hadn’t even had time to yelp. 
“I’d rather just come out n’ say it.” He groused, and you interlaced your hands, set them on his shoulders and gave a practiced simper. 
“Hm?” He hummed, when he clocked the movement. “Oh, did you want something from me?” His muscles tensed, and this time you had a second to balk before you were up in the air again. This time, he threw you higher, and you had enough time to yelp in fright before you were once more in his arms.
“Sides,” he continued, as if you weren’t red and flustered in his grip, “he ain’t the only one that’s romantic.” As if to back up this point, he stopped and dropped his snout into your personal space.
His snout touched your nose, and you went a little crosseyed as he rumbled, “you just gotta know how to get your girl going, that’s all.” 
Heat flared low, and you stuttered, not at all immune to the way he cooed at your silence.
“Hm, nothin’ to say? Thought you were lookin for something. But if not?” He gave an easy shrug to go along with his shit eating grin, and straightened back out.
You were left red faced, blinking repeatedly, before you visibly startled. Raph’s booming laugh echoed back from the walls when you pinched his arm and sulked.
“Alright, alright, c’mere.” He ducked back, and you squirmed, not buying it, so when he blew a raspberry on your cheek before kissing it you were prepared.
You were nearing the end of the tunnel when he spoke again. “You could beat around the bush a little less, too, ya know?” He gave you a side look from under his brow ridges, slightly goading.
“Oh?” You mirrored the look, knew you fell short compared to him. “You need a little more verbal confirmation, Raph?”
“I wouldn’t say no to a little more than verbal, princess.” He leered, and you openly rolled your eyes.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” He acted like he would toss you again for the cheek, causing you to scramble and hold tighter, before he chuckled. The sound carried through his chest and settled against your bones, comforting.
“I do, you know.” You said when you neared the door again, and he looked down at you in question. “Love you.”
He smiled, a little bashful, but touched foreheads with you all the same. “I know.”
He whisked you back inside before you could comment, let you slide down out of his grip and pad into the main room on your own volition. “Alright, alright, so what have you guys been sneaking around with?”
Silence, and you turned, looking for the suddenly missing red banded turtle. “Raph?” You spun around, hands on your hips, looking. “Guys?”
A tinkle off to the side, that you pinged as Mikey stifling a chuckle, and you pursed your lips, rounded in a sway to head towards the noise.
You knew it was coming, but still had to clap your hands to your chest to hold your heart in place. Streamers popped, confetti billowed out, and you laughed to see them all wearing party hats, Mikey supporting a layered cake. They laughed at your reaction before spilling forward towards you.
Donnie took the cake from Mikey, holding it up high above your heads so the youngest could sweep you up in a hug. “Happy anniversary, babycakes!”
That was not the word you were expecting. “Anniversary?”
“Yeah,” Raph tapped Mikey in a silent ‘share the hugs’ message, and took his turn, pressing you up against his side before Leo could cut in. “The day we met, remember?”
You laughed, holding onto his side, but when he stiffened at the sound you went to Leo, curling up under his arm to hug him as well before explaining. “I remember. I was expecting something else.”
“What were you expecting?” Donnie asked, passing the cake to Mikey as he took his turn, and you hummed, trying to buy time.
“Well, uh,” you stepped back, grinning at their waiting faces, “its- kinda - it’s my birthday, ya know?”
It’s a good thing they were ninjas, because Leo’s quick reflexes were the only thing that saved the cake when Mikey’s arms went limp with shock.
“It’s your birthday?” Mikey whispered, sounding betrayed, and you gave them all a sheepish look.
“Yea, I don’t know how that didn’t ever come up.”
They all made various noises of annoyance at that, Raphael’s deepening into something more tee’d at the little grin and shrug of shoulders you gave them.
“Surprise?” You asked, holding up your hands, but your declaration was met with stony silence.
“We’re gonna need more food.” Donnie suddenly turned about face, phone already out.
“Wait- don’t.” You started, but you were back in Raph’s arms before you could protest, only able to watch them scurry off from your high vantage. “Annnnd- they’re gone.”
“Leo’s gone to get candles for the cake.” Raph stated. “Mikey, probably to grab the pizza he planned for later. Donnie, eh, who knows.” He shrugged, and started walking with you to the living room area.
“But I’m fine with just cake!” You laughed, exasperated.
“Well, we’re not. Jesus, sweetheart, you didn’t think to tell us it was your birthday?”
“I don’t know, I thought you guys knew?” You shrugged in his grip, craning over his shoulder and shell in an effort to see where the others had gone. “I kinda thought that’s what you guys were up to- I just wanted to not spoil all the hard work.”
When you turned back to him, Raph had a put upon expression, and you knew he was corralling his emotions. So you gave him your sweetest smile, the one that always got you out of trouble. It succeeded in pulling a huff of air from him, which was as close to a laugh as you’d get in that moment. 
He dumped you on the couch with a very pointed finger jab that conveyed ‘sit, stay’ and you held up your hands in a show of surrender, leaning back and settling in to do just what he wanted. He stalked off, turning dramatically halfway across the Lair as though to catch you in the act of leaving your assigned seat.
You waved cheekily, and blew a kiss which earned an eye roll.
Mikey returned first, balancing a box of pizzas and what suspiciously looked like easter themed candy. He set the bags down on the ginormous metal door turned coffee table that Donnie had welded legs to, and bopped off again. You watched him dig through the bookshelves of DVDs in search of something, until Donnie reappearing captured your focus. 
He had bags of take out, the cheery logo on the side proclaiming your favorite diner, and without thinking you made grabby hands towards the bag. He snorted, swatting away your reaching hands to set it on the table, sliding it out of your reach when you scooted forward to peek. 
Donnie set a long finger against the middle of your forehead, pressing you back in the seat with a fond, amused look at your grumblings. “Wait at least until everyone gets back.” 
You flopped back dramatically, already smelling your favorite smells wafting from the containers, but he only chuckled, slouching down to set his shell into the giant bean bag beside the couch. 
Leo brought back the cake, a pack of candles in his other hand, and he eyed you before opening the package and frowning at them. You snorted at his hesitance, gesturing for him to pas the package over before handing him back the correct amount. 
“Oh I see you’ve turned 21 a few times there, love.” Donnie quipped from his beanbag, and you reacted on instinct, snapping a pillow into his face with deadly precision. He took it to the snout, hands rising up too late to do anything other than clutch the projectile.
Leo huffed a laugh, raising a finger and straightening to intone in a falsely wizened voice, “a ninja never comments on a lady’s age.” 
“That’s a gentleman, Leo. Ninja’s are ‘don’t let the lady catch you in her bedroom’,” came Donnie’s muffled answer.
“Who’s catching who in the bedroom?” Mikey asked, setting a small stack of DVDs down on the rapidly disappearing table as he squeezed in next to you, stealing another hug before wedging his shell against the arm of the couch.
You leaned back against Mikey, letting him wrap a bulky arm around you and pull you closer. You both watched as Leo painstakingly added the little candles to the cake, before Mikey made a small, regretful noise next to your ear.
“Man, we couldn’t get you presents-”
“What makes you think this isn’t a present?” You asked, amused, reaching for his hand and giving it a squeeze. “I have all I’ll ever need, right in this room.”
“Mikey’d be a shitty present, he farts in his sleep.” Raph sassed, stepping into the living room area with what looked like his whole stash of soda and chocolate. 
“Hey!” Mikey protested, and when Raph went to sit on the couch next to you he lifted you up high, determined to keep you for himself. “Jokes on you now, you get no cuddles.”
“Oh, no, how will I ever-” he struck out, fast, belting the side of his closed fist against his brother’s plastron and catching you when Mikey let go reflexively with an oooofff and depositing you between them again. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
Leo looked up from where he was finishing lighting candles, slid the cake over so it was right in front of you. “Alright, time to make a wish.”
“Can I wish for-”
Donnie made some rushed sound, cutting you off, and you all turned to him, confused for a beat before Mikey caught on. 
“Can’t tell us, babes, else it won’t come true.”
You rolled your eyes fondly, taking a moment to glance at each of them. Donnie had leaned forward, smooshed the bean bag down to create a faux back to balance on as he watched the sparkle of the little flames. You caught Raph sticking a finger out, stealing a bit of icing when he thought no one was paying attention and popping it into his mouth. Mikey had snuck his hand into yours again, fingers engulfing your own while smiling. Leo had leaned his elbows against the coffee table, opposite you, bright eyes trailing between your face and the cake.
You knew what your wish would be, and you leaned forward without hesitation, determined to extinguish every candle on the first try.
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tricoufamily · 5 months
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jacques's, nancy's, and mrs. villareal's parents circa 1960-something + baby jacques and nancy bc they were there in cas anyway why not
this feud's been going on for approximately this long
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carrymelikeimcute · 7 months
If we take the actor's actual ages as canonical there's a 9 year gap between Izzy (57) and Ed (48). Mateo Gallegos, who plays 'young ed' is 17, but was 16 in 2022 when s1 came out.
Which means if Ed went to sea immediately after killing his Dad, and met Izzy right away, that Ed and Izzy met when Ed was 16 and Izzy was 25.
Which would mean Izzy has known Ed for more than half of his life. And Ed has known Izzy his entire adult life.
Imagine you spend 32 YEARS with someone, probably protecting them to start with, then being equals, looking up to them. You watch them turn from a boy into a man into a pirate into a captain - your captain - you kill for him and nearly die with him and you spend every. single. day. together for decades - and then one day he turns to you and says he don't want the life you share anymore. He's bored. He's done. He'd actually rather be DEAD than carry on as you are??
And then bang. He hears about some guy and pursues him and less than like a week later they're living together and you're barely able to get five minutes to talk to him. He doesn't even look at you or listen to you properly. You're losing your boss, your only friend, your family, your home, the person you love and the axis of your existence - all at once. And you never told them what they were to you, so you're to blame but now it's too late. Much too late.
Fuck me, I'd be shattered. Furious.
To add perspective, Stede ran out on his wife and kids. The actress who plays his daughter was 13 in 2022. Meaning, if he and Mary conceived her fairly soon after the wedding (which, as per convention/obligation, they probably did) he's been married to Mary for LESS THAN HALF the time Ed and Izzy have been together.
Stede left a 14-ish year marriage and she only got a letter, but christ she had friends and a house.
Ed side-lined his 'wife' of THREE DECADES and just...sent him off in a rowboat like he was nothing because he challenged Stede to a duel and couldn't just accept how things were now.
When Izzy calls Stede Ed's 'boyfriend' at the end of S1, it feels so aggressive but that's what Stede is - he's an infatuation, a romance, a whim. He's a boyfriend of a few weeks compared to DECADES of complicated, deep dynamics. Ed's pining, but Izzy's so far beyond that for him and watching him mourn the loss of Stede, but not the loss of them must be agonising.
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thechaoticdruid · 1 month
I wanna kiss Astarion's nose.
That's it. That's the post.
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ratstuckinamarble · 9 months
Haven't seen anyone mention these on here so:
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From the Nickelodeon UK instagram account btw.
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another-goblin · 4 months
So I felt an urge to find out how heavy Dr Ratio's book is (for science).
When closed, it's basically a block of marble. I roughly estimated its dimensions (in comparison to the character). And knowing the density of marble, the book weights about 20kg (44 pounds). It's heavier than a 5 gallon bottle of water.
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It also has thick gold elements, and gold is much denser than marble, so the book is likely much heavier than 20kg.
And he doesn't just hold it with one hand, he whacks enemies with it. No wonder he's jacked.
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garzzum · 1 month
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This is stupid 😭
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thatfanfictionchick · 7 months
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Someone is about to receive the disappointment of a lifetime.
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goldenshrikecomic · 7 months
Hello! GS is one of my favorite comics right now and a huge inspiration in my own journey of working on a comic. One of the things I find the most impressive is your paneling. Visually each of them are laid out in a way that gives this great flow, it feels really natural to imagine the pages in motion.
Would it be okay to ask what your thought process is on panelling, or just general advice/thoughts on setting up/laying out pages? I hope this makes sense
When I think about page layout, my number one question is what kind of panel I want the page to end with. It shouldn't cut the conversation or motion awkwardly, and ideally it should be something that acts like a hook that makes you want to click to the next page, like here:
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It's all about getting from part A to part B. Part A, you're here. Where's the part B? The cutting point, the point where the page ends, where the chapter ends, and ultimately where the story ends.
What kind of story you want to make?
What kind of plot points you want to cover in your chapter?
How much content there is in this one page, does it forward the plot, relationships, or just show a side of someone you want seen?
You can go even smaller. Is this panel important? Does it need a full background? Could these three small panels of characters talking be one big panel? It'll save you time and look nicer.
You'll get it with practice! The old first pages of my comic wasted a lot of space, sometimes they still do. Don't stuff it full but don't get too loose! Don't be afraid of small panels, reserve big ones for big moments, like mother saying goodbye to her kid, or a yellow deer meeting a god. I see many starting comicers use very few panels per page, but this is a LOT of unnecessary work that builds up versus you including more panels per page. It's all about the bubbles. Bubbles lead everything. It's the silent pages that are the hardest.
Again, this is just how I do it. I bet there's tons of different approaches that work for the right people. Hope you find what works the best for you, best of luck with your project!
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Oh hi there transfem discussing her experience in the trans community i just had a quick question about your post
What does tme mean?
Oh okay i see i understand, thank you.
What does transmisogyny mean?
Ah I see, I get it.
What's a trans woman?
Oof scary. One last question.
What's a woman?
Thank you for being my own personal google (not like you had anything better to do right?) and derailing the point of your post for my own personal education. I will now add nothing of value to this post in return. Bye bye!
#channel 3#ignore me i'm bitching#it's just like. somehow the word tme/tma magnetizes people who refuse to do a second of thinking EVERY SINGLE TIME#like on one hand i almost feel bad for bitching#because generally if someone is unaware enough to ask theyre probably not aware of the precedent of multiple tme people asking on every post#what tme/tma means#BUT ALSO it happens so often it straight up feels like it's intentional#and like even if you don't want to look it up i feel like it's easy to guess by context clues#but like regardless of that#could you imagine going to literally any other discussion like that and asking them to define basic terms#'hi thank you for sharing your math thesis with us. just one question what does that t shaped symbol mean? this one: +'#'hi thank you for your in depth analysis of whether the cubs win this year. just one question. what's baseball'#'hi thank you for this in depth character analysis. just one question. what's a book?'#like in all of these cases we can agree that either a. they're a bad actor or b. they're not doing the bare minimum to engage with the post#why is it that people think it's still okay to do that on posts by transfeminists? (<- knows the answer)#(also i'm sure this also happens to cisfeminists but i think more people know better than that now)#like. if you do this i don't think you're evil or like transmisogyny incarnate or whatever but like. in the nicest way#i want you to think through what you expected to happen with. like sincerely and ask yourself was this productive to anyone#did this add anything of use to the post or to anyone else#explaining tme/tma doesn't add use to the post because transfems have explained it billions of times elsewhere#and knowing what it means is generally the bare minimum for interacting with a post discussing transmisogyny#so who does it help to ask? further who does it hurt to ask? in what context might my question be taken?#whagever who give a shit
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jtl-fics · 11 months
For WIP Wednesady, I request Math Nerd AU because I love the name.
WIP Wednesday - Closed (7/5/23) | Math Nerd AU
"Andrew, I'll be fine. Riko can't really hurt me." Neil says, "Go do your Christmas plans like you planned, you wanted to check out that new M&M store in New York City." Neil soothes.
"Neil, you don't need to go at all. Come with us to New York City." Kevin pleads stepping further into the conversation, "Riko...if Riko finds out how close you are to Ichirou...he will hurt you." Kevin says.
"If I don't go no one will be able to watch Jean's back." Neil says, "He has to go, he doesn't get a choice." Neil says and the answer to what that could result in for the Backliner is evident in how Kevin gets paler.
Kevin looks to Andrew, his fists tighten at his sides, "Go with Neil. I'll be okay with Riko's attention focused and I'll stay close to everyone." he promises. "You have to watch his back." Kevin pleads.
"That's been my plan you don't need to ask me." Andrew rolls his eyes.
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mspaint-flower · 2 months
why are people like... mad at math?
it just art but with numbers
i have never undersood when people complain about math
i can't tell you why since i wasn't mad at maths anywhere in my post but
i also find maths pretty fascinating and it's actually really fun when you understand it. it's just extremely difficult that's the bad part
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solitaire-sol · 10 months
02: Number
For: @prongsfoot-microfic
Month: August 2023
AO3: Link
Notes: ---
By Third Year, James and Sirius had a certain... reputation. They had no problem scoring higher-than-average marks, of course, but holding the attention of either boy was another thing entirely, particularly with the distraction of each other's company. Only Professor McGonagall had any success in keeping Black and Potter's attention on the task at hand, and even then it was accompanied by a sinking feeling that their focus synced directly with its less-than-school-approved uses. No-one in their Transfiguration class would forget the day they covered the Draconifors spell: While most struggled to do more than give their matchbox or pincushion a scale-pattern, James and Sirius had Transfigured an entire flock from wooden spools and discarded Every Flavor Beans boxes and forks nicked from that morning's breakfast table, the palm-sized dragons gem-like and metallic and an eye-searing orange that had once been Peter's prized Chudley Cannons trading-cards. The classroom had been thrown into chaos, students gaping in awe and fending off the tiny reptiles when they began snatching quills and nesting in peoples' hair. McGonagall, in the midst of restoring order, had leveled a stern look at Sirius and James, who were too busy collapsing in laughter at their own cleverness to care.
Privately, Minerva would admit to being at impressed, though that didn't stop her from assigning the proper amount of detention.
When both James and Sirius signed up for Arithmancy, the decision was met by confusion from most and by satisfaction from a few, who anticipated their humbling by the notoriously difficult subject. Those who'd been hoping to see them fail were disappointed: James and Sirius spoke numbers as easily as they did spells, and Ravenclaws who had the misfortune to share a class with them snapped more than one quill over the course of the term, their pride wounded when they spent all night laboring over numerology tomes to produce what James could rattle off while doodling snitches, what Sirius could correlate and defend while devoting a greater amount of concentration to balancing his chair on two hind legs. The careless way they conducted themselves drove Professor Vector mad, but she was fair: Their homework was timely, their classwork faultless, and she spent enough time grilling them to prove that they weren't copying off each other.
Unlike most students, neither James nor Sirius had any interest in knowing their futures; determined, perhaps, to shape them themselves, or convinced that only bright times lay ahead. What piqued their interest was Arithmancy in spell creation, how it could change or alter a spell, which both boys gravitated towards as if the idea itself was a puzzle to be solved.
Such spellwork, of course, lay far beyond their current abilities, as Professor Vector didn't hesitate to say: Even students as talented as themselves could hardly hope to produce proper results with such limited experience.
“Yes, Professor,” they'd chorused, exchanging glances as soon as her back was turned. As always, what was meant as a proscription had been taken as a challenge.
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oneatlatime · 8 months
The Chase part 2
Apologies for the technical problems. Battery power must be conserved for necessities, which unfortunately does not include Avatar. But the power's back on now, so!
Picking up from Toph treating a senior citizen like a snooker ball...
I do like how Mai's not shy about participating in Ty Lee's nonsense.
The way Zuko Jr. says "I'll follow this trail" is very menacing.
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We're continuing last week's cowboy theme.
This village has the same menacing single windchime as the village in the Spirit World Part One did.
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This was may more satisfying than I was expecting! It was completely unfair how easily the Fire Nation ladies defeated Sokka & Katara so getting Appa'd was a nice payoff.
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No disability unmocked this episode. Also nice stance from the lizard.
This whole scene with Toph and Iroh has the most beautiful backgrounds. I sense phone wallpapers in my future.
Forget about the visuals, every line of this exchange was golden. Two towering pillars of wisdom and emotional maturity meet for tea and not a soul goes untouched. Also a nice moment of calm in an otherwise frantic episode.
Can this PLEASE be the rock bottom for Zuko. I can only take so much more second hand embarrassment.
Fully-provisioned princess of the fire nation v. sleep-deprived half trained avatar v. starving outlaw who seems to have forgotten to bring his swords, the only weapon he's good at. Place your bets, folks!
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Zuko in a nutshell.
Ok so we're getting the whole gang back together.
The whole whole gang.
The whole whole whole gang.
How the hell did they mess up six on one?!?!
A princess can't surrender with honour when she doesn't have any!
That was kind of Katara to offer to help. I didn't expect that.
Final Thoughts
This episode doesn't let up once. Even the break with Toph and Iroh having tea doesn't do much to dispell the rising tension from the chase. The musical stinger that plays over the title card was a surprise bit of foreshadowing in that way.
That tank thing was neat. Shame about what it contained, but that's a really cool design.
Poor Appa was once again the MVP this episode. It was uncomfortable watching him get so exhausted.
It seems like the thin veneer of level-headedness cultivated by Katara over the last season or so is indeed quite thin. It was interesting to see how the different characters reacted to being tired. Sokka was alternatively amped up and completely chilled out, Aang got quiet (until he felt Appa was being insulted), Katara reverted to her early season one characterisation. It's hard to say with Toph, because we've only known her one episode (it feels like more) but I think she just got more Toph-like.
Please let this be the end in Zuko's experiment with independence. He's not good at it. He needs uncle. Points for trying, but he failed, so please bring uncle back.
Sokka low key wins this episode. He's the one with sense, the only one who stays clear-headed when it counts, and it turns out that clear head of his can defeat the pokey thing Ty Lee does.
I don't know how much time is supposed to have passed between picking up Toph and the start of this episode, but I can't help but feel that Toph really got the short end of the stick here. She did give up everything, even if much of what she gave up was not that great for her personally. And in return she got to travel in a way that completely blinds her and get yelled at. Meeting Iroh was a nice consolation prize.
Now I kind of want a story where Toph doesn't come back to the Gaang and instead goes around unleashing bending hell on the earth kingdom.
Was there no b plot or c plot this episode? Everything kind of collided in the final couple of scenes, which I did not see coming.
Frantic is the word I keep coming back to for this episode. Everything fit together nicely. I'll definitely rewatch it when I have the chance to do so in one sitting, without unforseen technical problems.
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