#and i'm too much of a coward to stab myself.
disneyanddisneyships · 10 months
The Prophecy Of Imortal Fire 3
"You what?!" Elias practically yelled. "He Stabbed me!" "Yeah like 10 years ago! Give or take! Why would he lie now?! Listen, I've met his father. Not a nice guy, and not easy to beat in a fight. Even if Alistar was doing this for his father, he wouldn't have any chance against him in combat!" Ella argued. "Ella... he almost killed you! He kidnapped children, and your father.... he killed me for a hot second! He called you names, gave you trauma, hurt you! Broke you! How can you trust that?" Elias asked. "I don't! I don't trust him as far as I can throw him, but right now we don't have a choice!" Ella answered. Eli looked over at Alistar, glaring before his eyes softened. He sighed. "Fine. He can't wield a sword with a broken arm anyways," he muttered. "Youd.. be surprised...." Alistar replied, earning some looks from the group. "Oh.. god, no! I learned my lesson! Besides i-...." alistar trailed off as he glanced at Ella and Eli's kids in the other room. "I wouldn't take a parent from their kids," he muttered. "No, but you'd take a kid from her parents," Loreley spat. "... I'm sorry," Alistar spoke. Eli scoffed. "Dont say it to us," he muttered, glancing at Ella. Alistar looked down, embarrassed. Eli rolled his eyes. "Coward," he muttered before walking out of the building. Everyone followed. Except for Ella. Ella hesitated. "We were friends you know...." she stated. ".. I know," Alistar replied. "What in the world happened to you after we stopped contacting one another that day?" Ella asked. "Too much to fit into one conversation....." He whispered before looking at her. "I'm sorry. What I did was selfish, and wrong, and shitty. You didn't deserve that.... and fucking hell you are NOT fat. You never have been. And if I could go back in time, calling you that would be the first thing I changed," Alistar ranted. Ella kept a distance between the two. "I did what I did because I was in love with you....but my father taught me that love was weak.... and seeing you choose someone over me... broke me... and it reinstated the fact that love was weakness.... so I thought I could marry you by force..... but i..... I shouldn't have thought that," Alistar stated, tears brimming his eyes again. "Alistar.. I wasn't in love with you. You were my friend.... how could you have possibly thought that doing what you did would change that?" Ella asked, crossing her arms. "I don't know," his voice cracked. "I don't know what I was thinking.... I just made choices and i...... God I regret every single one," Alistar muttered. "I'm not gonna ask for your forgiveness.. cause I realize its too late.... but please.... don't let my mistakes create a leeway for my father to come in and Destroy the life You've built," Alistar stated. Ella stood there for a few moments before walking closer to him and hugging him. "I can't forgive what youve done.... not yet at least..... but.... I believe in the fact that you're telling the truth," Ella sighed. Alistar let out a breath. "Thank you...... I'm so so sorry.... I-I didnt..... I shouldn't've..... I'm sorry," he all but whispered as he tried not to cry.
........ The group as a whole stood in the dining area, a giant map on the table. "So if we can destroy his forces from the inside, we can possibly win... but how are we gonna get in?" Loreley asked. "Theres a passageway through the dungeons. I found it when I was 10 when he locked me in my cell after breaking a vase. I made it myself from a small hole in the wall," Alistar replied, pointing the area out to the group. Mia glanced at him. "How many times did he put you down there for you to make an entire crawlspace?" She asked. Alistar raised an eyebrow as he calculated. "Uh.... maybe 5 times a week. 2 if I stayed out of trouble," He answered. The group looked at him. ".. what?" He asked. "Okay, so we'll go through there. Do you have armor?" Ella asked, turning to alistar. "No. Just this," he stated as he gestured to his shirt and pants. "Hm okay. Elias will fir you for some armor later," Ella stated. "What so he can stab me with it?" Eli asked. "Elias," Ella scolded. Eli sighed. "Fine. We'll do it now so I can get it over with. Cmon," Alistar gulped as he followed Eli outside.
"Lose the shirt," Eli stated as he picked up some already made armor. "P-pardon?" Alistar asked. "The armor won't fit right if your measurements aren't correct and your shirt is too baggy," Elias stated, an unamused look on his face. "O-okay but can't we just-" "Oh my god do you want me to help or not?" Eli asked, clearly frustrated. Alistar sighed. Eli rolled his eyes, turning to grab a measuring stick. His eyes widened at the sight of all the scared on Alistar's back and chest, blending into smaller ones on his arms. "Woah.... what... happened?" Eli asked, almost forgetting what alistar did. Almost. Alistar sighed as he hung his shirt over a chair in the hut. "After my mom died, my dad thought waking me up by having people whip me was a wonderful idea... and when he and I dueled, he would stab me," Alistar replied. Elias' eyebrows furrowed. "You're really messed up, aren't you?" Eli asked. Alistar chuckled. "Yeah... I am...." Eli gave a small genuine smile before walking to work on Alistar's armor.
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mirohtron · 2 years
Commitment issues hero X desperate Villain
their world was falling apart.
"you're a liar," whispered the villain.
the hero stared down at them. before they'd been coaxed into sleep, the fire had made the hero's brown eyes look warm and gentle and embracing. but that was back when they were pretending, when the villain believed the hero wouldn't leave, wouldn't dare think of leaving.
the hero looked utterly cold right now.
"i thought--i thought this was worth it," the villain went on. their throat felt tight. there was a void yawning open inside them, because nothing could've prepared them for this. for this hard outer shell to bounce back out when they'd tried to coax the hero out of it with aching patience. "you know how corrupt your people are." the villain took in a quivering breath. "you can't. we can be so great. please."
the hero's brow twitched. their gaze faltered. the villain went straight for it.
"you're so beautiful it hurts." i love you so much it hurts. "i want us so badly. please. listen to me."
"i'm listening." of course they were. the coward wouldn't even look them in the eye. "we can't go on."
the villain took in a short, shuddering breath like they'd been stabbed. then there was silence, and the hero's painful apology was echoing. but they didn't voice it. of course they didn't fucking voice it.
"you know how the stories go."
"this isn't a story," the villain said through teeth.
"i have to leave."
"you can stay!" it came out weaker than intended. the villain squeezed their eyes shut and felt weak tears roll down their face. everything spun around like a carousel going too fast.
everything burned. their heart ached with it. the hero had been so sweet just a couple hours back, what had changed? something the villain said? their hero's stupid brain said something?
the villain took in another quivering breath. they thought of holding on to the hero's jeans pathetically. as if that would do anything.
they always left. always. they'd been foolish enough to think that the hero would be different, but still. this one couldn't leave. they just couldn't. the two had gone through so much.
"i almost died for you," whispered the villain. "why are you leaving? i almost died for you! i would've died for you happily. i would've given myself away freely if it meant you could live on." but the hero had saved them. they'd taken care of them through their convalescence and handled their horrible parts with burning affection. "i'd kill for you--"
the hero snapped their gaze up. "i can't love you."
the villain stopped dead.
"i can't." the hero shook their head. "not someone like you. i--" their voice turned choking, then they swallowed hard. "you're relentless. your foundations are so... wrong. i can't love that."
the villain was dying. "you can't say that. you're lying. that's not true."
"it is."
"you can't say that," the villain repeated. "you kissed me." the hero kissed them as they fell asleep, god damn it. they heard them say it. they heard their whispered confession before they fell asleep. they heard it with their own ears. "you--were you always planning to leave me? is that why the soup tasted weird? you don't want me to get up and chase you relentlessly?"
the hero winced. the villain wanted to yell. to hit something. to punch some sense into the hero, but the one person they'd given themselves away to so freely had drugged them because they were too relentless. too determined.
"stay," said the villain. "please. just stay for a bit."
the hero shut their eyes. there was pain writ large on their features. it drove them mad. if it hurt so much, why leave? if they couldn't look them in the eye, why talk? why try to talk? why not just fucking leave and ignore the villain's calls begging them to come back?
the villain wanted to stand up. to hold the hero's face and make them look. for all their courage they looked so small and vulnerable. the villain felt young and insignificant, like they could do anything and it still wouldn't change the hero's mind one bit.
"please," they whispered.
the hero sat beside them. it didn't make them feel any better, it just made them realise they'd tired out the hero ridiculously quick. that they'd leave anyway. the villain stared into oblivion and felt as cold as though there really was no one with them.
the fire died slowly like the villain's dying heart, their dying world. freezing over like water.
"i know you so well," whispered the villain. "i know how you cry. how you laugh. i know how dearly you like plums."
the hero made no noise. in the wake of the villain's words, the silence paraphrased them, saying this: i love you, i love you, i love you, i love you.
their almost-lover waited till the drugs weakened them further. they put out the fire and wrapped the blanket around them tighter. they kissed the crown of their head and left with no apology. just a burning mark in the shape of their lips over the villain's mouth.
the villain didn't die, actually die. they were just left alone in a living body, dying in a different way.
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moonmoonthecrabking · 2 years
a metric fuck-tonne of rtc incorrect quotes
Ocean: I love you guys, you're the best thing that's happened to me. Constance: We're the best thing that's ever happened to you? Ocean: Yes! Noel: And I thought your life couldn't get any sadder. Constance: Maybe you, I'm a damn delight.
Constance: Noel, keep an eye on Ocean today. They're going to say something to the wrong person and get punched. Noel: Sure, I’d love to see Ocean get punched. Constance: Try again. Noel, sighing: I will stop Ocean from getting punched.
Ocean: Penny and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us Noel: Sighing What did Penny do? Ocean: They chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and… Penny: Who wants a steering wheel?
Ocean: Ugh. I'm going to regret asking this, but why are you on the floor? Noel: I'm depressed. Noel: Also I was stabbed, can you get Mischa, please.
Ricky (through an aac): We need to get through this locked door. Constance, give me your credit card. Constance: Here! Ricky, pocketing it (still through an aac): Thanks. Mischa, kick down the door.
Ricky (through an aac): My dear, if I accidentally sat on a voodoo doll of myself, would I be trapped forever in that position, doomed to starve to death? Penny: How am I supposed to know? Noel (shouting from the kitchen): You say, as if we don’t use you as a source of knowledge of the occult. Penny: sighs Penny: You wouldn't be trapped.
Constance: Dandelions symbolise everything I want to be in life Ricky (using an aac): Fluffy and dead with a gust of wind? Constance: Unapologetic. Hard to kill. Feral, filled with sunlight, bright, beautiful in a way that the conventional and controlling hate but cannot ever fully destroy. Stubborn. Happy. Bastardous. Friends with bees. Highly disapproving of lawns. Full of wishes that will be carried far after I die. Mischa: edible
Noel: Mischa stole from me first! Ocean: Mhm. Noel: Stole my heart… Ocean: It is still illegal to commit murder. Penny: Only if you get caught.
Mischa: Here’s a fun Christmas idea. We hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it. Ocean: Mischa no. Constance: Mistlefoe. Ocean: Please stop encouraging them. Constance: Sorry! ;)
Ricky: .. .----. -- / … --- .-. .-. -.-- [translation: I’M SORRY] Penny: What's that? Ricky (through an aac): Remorse code. Penny: I'm even angrier now.
Constance: Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming? Ocean: Does anyone in this gosh darned group ever think before they speak? Constance: Sorry, Ocean! I love you. Ocean: That's the only reasonable thing I've heard come out of your mouth this week. Constance: Ocean: Love you too.
Constance: Ocean! My face is on fire! Ocean: Constance! Are you ok?! Constance: Sorry, I'm fine! I just said that to make sure you'd come in here quickly. Ocean: But your face is on fire. Constance: Yes! It's much faster than shaving.
Karnak, negotiating with Noel: We have Ocean. Give us ten thousand dollars and they will be returned to you unharmed Ocean: Whoa, whoa, wait, you think I’m only worth ten thousand dollars? Noel: Karnak: Ocean: MAKE IT ONE MILLION– Noel: OCEAN SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH YOU'RE LUCKY I'M RESCUING YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE
Ocean: WHY. why did you give Noel a KNIFE?! Penny: I’m sorry. They said they felt unsafe. Ocean: Now I feel unsafe! Penny: I’m sorry. Penny: … would you like a knife?
Ocean: Let me show you a picture from last night that really upset me Constance: Okay, but in my defense, Mischa bet me 50 cents I couldn’t drink all that shampoo. Ocean: That’s not what I wanted to- you drank SHAMPOO?! Ricky (through an aac): For 50 cents? Weak.
Constance: Come on, I wasn’t that drunk last night. Mischa: You were flirting with Ocean. Constance: So what? She's my wife! Mischa: You asked her if she was single. Constance: Mischa: And then you cried when she said she wasn't.
Penny: Who thinks I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth? Ocean: You are not what the world needs. Noel: But you are a coward. DO TWENTY.
Noel: Care for another sundae, weenie? Ocean: I am not a weenie! Ricky (through an aac): Relax, you’re among friends. raises their drink Ocean: My friends don’t hang out at Weenie Hut Jr’s. Mischa: You tell ‘em, Ocean! sips their drink Noel (betrayed): Mischa, what’re you doing here? Mischa (equally as betrayed): I’m always here on Double Weenie Wednesdays.
Constance: Hi, I know I of all people should be able to tell, but is Ocean sleeping or dead? Noel: Hopefully dead, I hated their guts. Ricky (through an aac device): Yeah, so did I. Ocean: Okay first of all, how dare you-
Ocean: I currently have 7 empty notebooks and I have no clue what to put in them. Suggestions? Noel: Put spaghetti in it. Ocean: I'm currently taking suggestions from literally anyone but you. Ricky (through an aac device): Put spaghetti in it. Ocean: I'm currently taking suggestions from anyone but you two. Constance: Put spaghetti in it. Ocean: I'm no longer taking suggestions.
Noel: Tonight, one of you will piss me off. Constance: Is it me, Noel? Noel: No, it’s not you. Ricky (through an aac device): Is it me, Noel? Noel: It’s not you either. Ocean: Is it me, Noel? Noel: Noel, mockingly: Is IT mE Noel? What the fuck do you think.
Ocean: How did none of you hear what I just said? Ricky (using an aac device): I’ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours. Constance: I got distracted about halfway through, sorry! Noel: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
Ocean, about Mischa: Apparently we’re getting someone new in the group. Noel (slightly too eager): Are we stealing them? Ricky (using an aac): New or used? Constance: Wonderful responses, both of you.
Ricky (using an aac): Self care is actually getting into fights with dog aliens who suppress cat aliens' rights on strange planets. Ocean: No, self care is stuff like taking a bubble bath, or putting on a lot of makeup if you like it, or taking a nice warm nap! Constance: Self care is the burning heat when rage washes over you!! Self care is when you feel the bones crack under your powerful fists!! Self care is the fear in your enemies’ eyes!!! Noel: Lmao self care is taking Ocean's birthday cake just so I can eat the frosting. Ocean: If you touch the birthday cake Constance made for me I’ll make you eat your hands.
Constance, setting down a card: Ace of spades RIcky, pulling out an Uno card that says: +4 Noel, pulling out a Pokémon card: Jolteon, I choose you Ocean, trembling: What are we playing?
Mischa (referring to Ocean): I prevented a murder today! :D Talia: Really? How’d you do that? Mischa: self control.
Mischa: I actually have a black belt. Noel: In what, karate? Mischa: No, from Gucci. Mischa: Admittedly, I stole it from my adoptive mother. She didn't even realise it was gone.
Noel: i went through an entire character arc during quarantine Noel: i became more evil if you’re curious Constance: We're still in quarantine, don't worry, there's time for a redemption arc still! Noel: i’m going to get worse on purpose
Constance: Stubs their toe FUCK! Ocean: Mind your language! Constance: What else am I supposed to say, “Woe is I”??? Ocean: Constance: You have to accept that swear words are necessary sometimes.
Mischa: Lol heads up if you try to make a candle with food coloring, the food coloring will just sink to the bottom of the glass, and when the flame eventually reaches the bottom all the food coloring will catch fire and become one giant tall flame that you cannot possibly blow out and the glass will start to crack and then you'll throw your tea on it in a panic and then the extremely hot food coloring will boil and sizzle horribly and then the glass will shatter. Please take my word on this lmfao Talia: What did you my love? Mischa: A MISTAKE
Mischa: You're like 10 times funnier and sexier than me Talia: 10 times infinity is still infinity though Mischa: Jokes on you, I'm too bisexual to do math Talia: My love, so am I, but I have common sense (and that's how passionflower came out to each other)
Talia: Okay. I get it. You've had a really hard time lately, you're stressed out, seven people died- Mischa: Twelve, actually. Talia: Not the point. Look, they're dead now and really whose fault is that? Mischa: Mine! Talia: That's right: no one's.
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Why does a man seek to destroy the world?
(i think the first time i was listening to this i was makind dinner and i was just. losing. my. shit. Obviously)
(teasing) Anyways, don’t tell me the phonebox down there doesn’t appeal to your retro aesthetic.
can we talk about how Jon REMEMBERED a small thing Martin said ONCE while he still kinda hated him?
MARTIN: I mean, they’ve finished all the interviews? Apparently they’re calling it a “terror attack.” ARCHIVIST: Doesn’t surprise me. (heh) Appropriate, in a way.
..... (imagine the news tho if it got out that legit paranormal stuff was happening)
ARCHIVIST: Let me know if you see any good cows MARTIN: Obviously I’m going to tell you if I see any good cows.
isnt it funny how nothing after this moment ever happened :'))) (i swear EVERY TIME i see cows i go "omg good cows / is that a tma reference??"
Hello Jon. Apologies for the deception, but I wanted to make sure you started reading, so I thought it best not to announce myself.
[The Archivist makes a pained couple of sounds out-of-statement-character, as if he’s trying to tear himself away from the statement and physically cannot.] [When he picks the statement back up, the words sound like they’re being torn from his lips.]
CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW FANTASTIC JONNYS VOICE ACTING IS HERE???? he even sounds like Elias...... help
Why does a man seek to destroy the world?
because you're a stupid bitch man jonah, hope this helps <3
It’s a simple enough answer: for immortality and power. Uninspired, perhaps...
"why is it always immortality, why does no one ever want anything more interesting?" (jonah magnus is a basic bitch)
All this talk about the freedom of being evil and destroying the world... i mean i guess but you could also.... not do this?! have you considered the joy of making the world a tiny bit better. he's a coward.
I am to be a king of a ruined world, and I shall never die.
WAIT HE ACTUALLY SAID THAT?? i thought that was one of that fanon quotes
Jonah / Elias' backstory is so interesting and i wanna punch him i HATE that his plan worked. i'm 100% convinced tho that the web was always pulling some strings, Jonah is giving himself waaaay too much credit
Gertrude would HATE knowing that she contributed to him figuring out his ritual...
How is Martin, by the way? He looks well. You will keep an eye on him when all this is over, won’t you? He’s earned that.
ELIAS I WILL STAB YOU WITH MY NEEDLE!!! (i know we say Elias is gay AND homophobic but he said gay rights here)
i gotta saw the summoning, for lack of a better word, is a absolute BANGER; it's so powerful
MARTIN (frantic) Wake up. Wake up. Wait, John, John, John, WAKE UP! [He slaps the Archivist; the Archivist immediately shudders awake with a disoriented yell.]
No. No, it’s everywhere. They’re all here now. (voice shaking – but in awe?) I can feel all of it.
wouldn't it be funny tho if the apocalypse was just contained to the UK? if they hadn't left the EU it would be the EU too but the fears respect their decisions.
Look at the sky, Martin. Look at the sky. It’s looking back.
this quote HAUNTS me TO THIS DAY!!!!
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DIABOLIK LOVERS : Haunted Dark Bridal — Hunter Prologue
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The loss of my heart, the capacity to love
The Fall of Man, the forgotten garden
To defy is to be banished
To be strong is to be alone
Then, to be weak is to be loved
A truth I found absurd
I cursed the world, 
and held my head high in spite
Though somehow, I wished to try again
[Someone's Thoughts]
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— Location: Entrance Hall
Kayo: ...Alright, hear me out!
Reiji: This is ridiculous.
How can a bride attempt to stab the eldest son the moment she steps into this house?
Kayo: To be fair, I didn’t actually end up stabbing him.
Reiji: The point still stands that you attempted to do so to begin with.
In fact, I'm a little disappointed that you didn't go through with it.
Ayato: Eh, losing Shuu wouldn't be that bad. It's like losing your favorite fly.
Reiji: Favorite is a bit of an overstatement.
Laito: Aah, don't you think we should keep her anyway~? She's pretty easy on the eyes!
Kanato: I agree. Wouldn't breaking someone like her be fun? Fufufu...
Subaru: I don't trust anyone swinging around a knife like a lunatic, much less a hunting weapon.
If you aren't gonna kill her, I will.
Kanato: Aren’t you just talking about yourself?
Kayo: Ahaha... hahaha... let's not be brash everyone!
( I’m fucked. )
( I didn’t quite think this through, did I…? )
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— A flashback occurs. Location: Church.
Yui: Huh? Kayo-san, weren’t you supposed to leave with father this morning?
Kayo: Ooh, yeah, about that. Change of plans. 
You’re going to Europe.
Yui: Eeh?
Really…? Father wanted to take me after all?
( How strange, when he left, he seemed sure I wasn’t going to accompany him… )
Kayo: …Yeah, he did. He started crying on the way to the airport and decided he was going to take you along.
Yui: ...??
( No matter how much father loves me, I doubt he’d start sobbing like a child. )
( Is this her way of making a joke? I should laugh… )
Hahaha, very funny, Kayo-san… but are you really serious?
Kayo: I’m serious, though. See, I even got you a ticket.
Yui: ( …! So she wasn’t joking? )
( A lot of this doesn’t seem to make sense, though… but Kayo-san is an earnest person. Why would she lie? )
I see… will father see me at the airport?
Kayo: ( He has no idea she’s coming. )
No, he’s pretty busy, but if memory serves me right, he’d be in the Vatican by the time you arrive. Just go tell him you were going to go to the Sakamaki mansion. He would know what that means.
Yui: The Sakamaki mansion? Those are our relatives, right?
Kayo: ( Am I really gonna explain everything to this kid? No way, I’m not gonna freak her out. )
( Seiji-san will do the talking. Not me. )
Yeah. It’s hard to explain, but I think Seiji-san would be able to explain it to you.
Just trust me, okay?
Yui: …I see. Okay. 
What about you, though, Kayo-san?
Kayo: Oh, you know… the usual. Don’t worry about me.
Have fun, okay?
Yui: Alright…!
To be honest, I barely had any time to think this plan through.
I was supposed to go to Europe with Seiji-san in order to complete my rite of passage as a demon hunter, a trial set in order to test apprentice hunters and allow them to work independently from their masters.
Though, I ended up overhearing a few clergymen talk about how Yui was chosen as the next sacrificial bride.
Haphazardly, impulsively, I decided to take her place.
We’ve only ever spent time together once, but she’s a good kid. She deserves better.
It won’t be too bad if I went in her place, anyway. I’m the unwanted child of the church—considered a demon for reasons I can’t understand myself. 
For as long as I remember, I was the child of the devil, trained to kill demons, a twisted sense of irony.
Despite all my training, however, I’ve never been able to kill a demon without any remorse. I always hesitate. I’ve never killed without crying afterwards.
“You’re a coward, you can’t bring yourself to kill your own brethren.” What a ridiculous train of thought. I’m human, after all.
Yet, my own empathy was punished constantly…
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— The flashback ends.
Kayo: ( That’s right, I was going to pretend to be the sacrificial bride instead. But when I saw that blond man sleeping on the floor… )
( I thought, wouldn’t it be a better idea to get rid of these guys, so no more girls would be sent here? )
( But in the end, I stopped myself… I’m just a coward, after all. )
( Now I’m surrounded by the vampires I only heard of from stories… )
Reiji: “Let’s not be brash?” 
I believe you’re the last person in this room who should be saying those kinds of things.
Laito: Isn’t that right? Nfufu, let’s see here…
Kayo: …!!
( He suddenly embraced me from behind! )
Laito: What a sexy body… but I’m also quite interested in this knife you have here...
Looking closer, Subaru-kun was right. It even looks just like his!
Kayo: ...?
( I caught a glimpse of his face from the corner of my eye. His tone is playful, but his face is cold, almost calculating... )
Ayato: Wouldn’t that mean… she’s some kinda vampire hunter or something?
Kayo: No. Why would you think that?
Ayato: Really?
Kanato: I… are you really going to believe everything this girl says? She just tried to kill Shuu.
Sometimes I wonder how we’re related.
Hey, Teddy, wouldn’t this girl be really pretty as a doll, though? She’s tall, and her skin is smooth like porcelain…
Even her eyes are utterly lifeless, fufu…
Kayo: …
Kayo: ( Ugh, I can’t move! It’s like this pervert’s arms are made of steel! )
Laito: Eeh? Trying to escape while we’re trapped in a passionate embrace like this?
Kayo: ( I am quite literally trying to run away right now. )
Subaru: Che, leave it to that pervert to abandon all sense of danger at times like this…
Oi, gimme that.
— Subaru takes her knife.
Kayo: Wha—hey! 
Subaru: It looks just like mine… what the hell is this?
Answer me, dammit!
Kayo: Hey, I don't know either!
( I just got that knife from Seiji-san when I started training... I heard it was special, but I could only wonder why. )
Ayato: It’s weird though. Haven’t heard about a single new bride recently, but this chick suddenly shows up?
Well, Laito’s right. You're definitely one of the hotter ones.
Say, even if she isn't actually a bride, let's keep her.
— Ayato approaches her.
Ayato: Scream lots for me, okay?
Kayo: No way.
Ayato: Aah? Do you really not understand who's at a disadvantage right now?
Laito: Fufu, it's like a butterfly trying to escape the web, Ayato-kun. I say you let her do as she likes.
The more she tries to wriggle out, the more trapped she becomes...
Kayo: ( I should be angry right now, but... )
( Deep down, I guess he's right. Even if you don't count the fact that I'm outnumbered... )
( Even now, I can't find the courage to do it. )
Reiji: Alright, that’s enough! We are not tolerating this girl’s presence alive or dead.
Why would the church send a vampire hunter here? I would understand if they stripped her of her weapons, however…
I have my reasons to believe you shouldn’t be here.
Kayo: No, no. I’m definitely the one you’re looking for.
I had no idea how that knife got into my pocket. Or how it ended up in my hand. Or why I was about to stab that guy.
Reiji: Are you even trying to make up a convincing lie?
Usually the triplets would take someone like you out, but the fact that you're... a young woman, is distracting them.
Kayo: ( He has a strange look on his face. It's almost predatory. )
Reiji: I'm not going to risk you causing a mess in this mansion.
Kayo: ...!!
— Reiji approaches her, wrapping his hands around her neck.
Kayo: Guh...! St...op!
( Fuck, how are these guys so strong...?! )
( I've dealt with pureblooded demons before, but are vampire princes really this... )
Reiji: Struggling is futile, though that face you’re making… Fufufu, how about you kick around some more?
Or are you too weak to do even that?
Kayo: ( ... ... )
( Why am I struggling...? I'll be put out my misery faster like this. )
( But that kid... if they try to find her, then... )
— Kayo is pulled away.
Reiji: ...?
Kayo: Hah... haa... [cough]
W... What...?
( ...!! The blondie I tried to... )
Shuu: Ah, what a pain...
Ayato: Oh, you're alive?
Shuu: I actually had faith for once that you guys weren't going to do something stupid. Really should take it as a lesson to abandon all hope.
Kayo: ( He's saving me? )
Shuu: If this girl gets killed, I'll get booted to the North Pole again.
Kayo: ( Oh, nevermind. )
Reiji: Don't tell me, she's actually...
Shuu: If she wasn't, she would've been dead the minute she pulled that knife out on me.
Reiji: ...
I would have preferred if you went over this with at least one of us before this happened. Shuu: Too much trouble.
Ayato: ...Che. At least that means you're the real deal, huh?
I kinda wanted our next bride to be some plain girl who goes "Kyaa!" at lightning, though.
Kayo: That's oddly specific...
Shuu: Hah... whatever. The old man said not to kill her. Do whatever, but if she dies on your watch I'm handing you the ticket.
Laito: Oh, so we really are going to have a good time with our little vixen here!
Kayo: ( I actually don't know if I should be relieved that I'm alive or annoyed that I have to keep dealing with these guys. )
Kanato: Hmph. If she's the bride, then we should be able to do anything we want to her...!
Why is she getting special treatment all of a sudden? She doesn't even smell good.
— Kanato approaches and sniffs her.
Kanato: ...In fact, you smell like nothing at all...
Kayo: ( Ugh, he sniffed so close, I shivered a little... )
Laito: Hm, that's what I've been checking out. This girl is practically a phantom in terms of scent...
Kayo: ( So that's why he's been embracing me since earlier. )
Ayato: I guess you can't have everything.
Would've been a lot better if you were hot and had great tasting blood.
Subaru: Oi.
— Subaru throws her the knife.
Kayo: ...! What?!
My knife! It's dull!
( My favorite pastime was sharpening this thing! )
( Well, to be fair, it was my only pastime... )
Subaru: Pissed, aren't you?
Consider it a welcome gift.
Kayo: You—!!
Get back here, you brat!
( That kid...!! )
Subaru: Heh, keep screaming. You're a hundred years too early to try and pick a fight with me.
Reiji: Ah, so you left to dull her knife down.
As much as I would like to argue with father over letting another problem into our household…
Well, might as well take advantage of this situation. You’re utterly harmless without a weapon.
Kayo: ( His mood changed suddenly...? )
Kayo: Huh?!
A whip?! Where did that come from?!!
( These guys are total nutjobs! )
( I can't believe I'd find someone worse than Seiji-san! )
Reiji: I look forward to turning you into a proper woman.
Laito: I’d love to be the one to break her slowly though, with my love rather than with sticks and stones, nfu…
Kayo: ( Somehow this feels a lot worse than them threatening to kill me… )
( What about the blondie? He saved me once, even if it was to avoid getting punished himself... )
Kayo: Hey…
Shuu: Grabbing onto my sleeve…? Don't get cocky just because I saved your skin once.
I’m looking forward to punishing you for earlier.
Kayo: ( I really got my hopes up for a second there. )
( Ugh, what can I do…? I can't kill them, but they can't kill me either. )
( Even still, if I have six guys throwing me around and drinking my blood, I might as well end up dying... )
( Plus, there's also the chance that they could learn about the real bride. )
I'm a demon hunter!
Shuu: A rather ineffectual one. So what?
Kayo: ( He didn't need to mention that last part. )
Well, you see, that means I was raised in the church—I have very traditional values!
That means, even if you guys are vampires and all... I only want one man to be my everything.
Shuu: Pfft. I can see you cringing from a mile away—you don't really believe that, do you?
Kayo: It's true! It's just embarrassing to admit...
Ayato: Heh, once a church girl, always a church girl, huh?
You heard her! I'll do the honors and be her everything!
Laito: Are you really deciding that on your own~? What if I'm her type? I know how to take things nice and slow, nfu~
Kanato: I hope you're saying this so no one can get between us.
If we can’t kill you, then I might as well make you a living doll.
Though, that process is a lot more painful than just getting killed outright, fufufu...
Subaru: Che, just seeing these guys get all competitive over her is pissing me off...
Laito: Oh, are your teenage hormones acting up, Subaru-kun?
Reiji: Traditional values or not, you neither have the blood or pedigree to be making outlandish demands like this.
Still, I'm interested in disciplining a wild girl like you.
Shuu: Hah, whatever. You're not worth fighting over... but I'm not against you throwing yourself at me, anyway.
Kayo: ( These guys are easily goaded... thank goodness. )
( At least I only have to deal with one of them from now on. )
( Who should I choose? )
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Character Select
[Shuu] [Reiji] [Ayato]
[Kanato] [Laito] [Subaru]
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Since the concept of “Adam and Eve,” and therefore also “Lilith,” were not introduced at the time of Haunted Dark Bridal, Kayo is referred to as “Hunter,” while Yui would have been “Bride.”
Secondly, with the context that you already played at least once as Yui, Kayo’s prologue shaves away stuff like not knowing their names, not knowing they’re vampires, etc. It’s both a meta joke and also because Kayo herself knew all of this before entering the mansion. I hope this revision isn’t too jarring, it helps cut away a lot of unnecessary fluff!
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nochi-quinn · 1 year
candela obscura chapter one episode 3: bad news: the rest of it
hand porn people come get your juice
(it's me I'm hand porn people) (you think I watched four seasons of Magicians for the plot?)
you mustn't read from the book
cool I hate it
auggie: EYYYY
auggie's expression in his art is still so good. love character art that says so much about a character
"before each of you are visited by - " my garbage brain: "three ghosts"
oh the grey streak in charlie's hair is new
backstory, bacKSTORY
oh not the mental arguments, those are the worst
auggie my beloved
howard's been high on ghosts for a week
"what were you doing?" "ghosts"
"have you had it looked at?" "I've looked at it :D"
I heard that "insight check" she didn't say
I had to step away, who drilled a hole in their head this time
okay nobody drilled a hole in their head but auggie is Impersonating a Police Officer
god all I can think of is the opening to the Lungfishopolis section in Psychonauts
"Doing well, Officer O'Lungfish! Following all posted laws, to the letter!"
do you scarlet?
give the baby cocaine
the average nextdoor poster
nefarious something somethings
"come back with a warrant"
aw he got his hoity-toity politics niece a book
it's tusk love
I'm something of a spooky story myself
"there's DRUGS in the WALLS"
you what your what
"they're both equally shit"
roll for ricochet
table: howard no robbie: HOWARD YES
"to make you go to sleepytime"
oh oh that one episode of doctor who
idiot's lantern! that one
oh that's very cool
we love an interactive prop
oh no irl dark
insert symmetra "fall back" voice line here
oh I hate it
too tall. too much. too much limb.
when I step you step we step
I very much heard "crying"
I didn't ask how big the room is I said I cast oil lantern
ghost floaters
"only you can create forest fires"
I'm just thinking of the werewolf from paranatural
[percy lovm voice] I AM EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE
"that was my kamehameha" nerd
"drive it like you stole it"
"I don't know the rules, I can't roleplay my way out of this"
auggie :(
lycanthropic ficus
"what do you have?" "a gun! :D" "NO"
my permanent fallout brainrot insists on hearing "deacon" instead
of "deagan"
"it's a magic gun that's bat at ghosts"
[tma voice] ghost bullet
oh I haven't been looking, I didn't realize ashley took the jacket off
stop I'm already gay
I am not immune to matthew mercer's version of slimy charm
playing dishonored be like
arlo's little dreamy voice going "I have a rifle :D"
matt that sound effect was ENTIRELY unnecessary
god help me for the reference I'm about to make
elephant graveyard but for trains
"we're urban spelunking"
oh, it's filch
sounds like something someone who was skulking would say
"tetanus is the true enemy"
howard Leeroy Jenkins margrove
and then arlo had no face
[zenyatta voice] experience nothingness
"a person appears in the portal" stanford?
that is a joker from improbable island
(please play improbable island)
matthew I have never hated your sound effects so much as I do in this moment
OOF obsidian stab
you are flying through the air no matter what
you ever grow another arm just to punch a guy
the softest "oh no"
"what is the exact light temperature of your ritual"
noooo let arlo do her cool trick shot
summon the spirit of percy
hey matt what the fuck
howard's made of ghosts
"I feel strange" because you're made of ghosts
I enjoy that ashley stays in character voice the entire time she's playing. like she's just auggie now.
okay what matt said was cool but I also like the idea of auggie not being able to rely on being able to physically fight his way out of shit and having to actually read the situation
hey robbie what the f u c k
bad news: the rest of it
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scalamore · 1 year
I wanted to confirm something, I’ve seen a few people stating that the trash emperor was either adopted into imperial family or that he was only a half sibling to Akans. I don’t remember the manhwa bringing up this detail, so is it true or just a false novel spoiler? 🤔
As far as I'm aware, the three are blood-related brothers. I've heard some people say the crazy Emperor is a half-brother/adopted, but I haven't seen that myself, so I'm pretty sure it's a wrong spoiler. I did a brief flip-through, and all it says is "younger brother". The order of the siblings appears to be Roy "Akan", unnamed crazy Emperor, and Ventibolt In the manhwa, both the crazy Emperor and Ventibolt both have red hair and gray eyes, while Akan has dark brown hair and gray eyes. So that seems to suggest they're all related too. Fun info: During Akan's rule, Crazy Emperor was known as the "grand duke" at that time and was always considered a threat to Akan. As the eldest brother, it was natural for Akan to become crown prince and Emperor, while the crazy Emperor excelled at being at war, and at that time was known for his military accomplishments. They got along well, up until the point where he met Eva, and was caught in Duke Miramonte's spell where he became obsessed over her. It's said that Akan and the crazy Emperor had rising tensions, because of the way he wanted to own Eva, while Akan wanted to free her and have her live as a Vellneli citizen (she was sent over as a peace offering). The tensions got out of control the moment Akan found out Eva was pregnant, and by that time things were really messed up: In an era where Vellneli was still at war with Willetan, the public wanted complete victory but Akans was choosing peace; they would rather support the Crazy Emperor. So eventually, his rebellion succeeded and he stole the throne through sheer force, and was able to completely possess Eva. Unfortunately, he was not fit at all to be Emperor. Politics were super corrupt, and most of the resources were poured into the military where eventually Rupert was in charge of, and had contributed so much to it. It's suggested his insanity was a result of Miramonte's curse - it's pretty clear he was a terrible Emperor in all aspects. Ventibolt, the third sibling was always known to be a coward. Neither Akan or crazy Emperor considered him a significant threat, although he knew that Ventibolt, his younger brother, is bound to stab him in the back/rebel and steal the throne for himself, just like how he did to Akan. That's why Rupert's proposal was so appealing to him: Rupert found evidence of Ventibolt's rebellion thus alleviating the Emperor's fears + fixing Eva + his achievements as Barbarossa = as the next crown prince and then Emperor, he has proved himself capable and the target of Ventibolt's wrath will be directed at Rupert, and not him. Selfish until the end.
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thesorcererspen · 2 years
And Here Lies My Heart
@flashfictionfridayofficial #FFF188 'Where Secrets Lie'
Look at me. Fucking coward. I couldn't even say it. I may never see him again, and yet--maybe I should turn back.
But I just can't do it. Because I am a fucking coward. Not that he would ever believe that.
He thinks too highly of me. I'm not even the hero of my own story.
He's better off, honestly.
I gripped the steering wheel tightly with both hands, my eyes burning with unshed tears. My breath shook, struggling to calm myself down. My mind was in a hurricane, but the road ahead was clear, so I pressed my foot harder on the gas pedal.
My eyes were pulled forward, focused on the road ahead. Through the windshield, I could see the barren wasteland stretched for miles. It wasn't a very long drive from where we'd parted ways to the highway, but it still felt as though I hadn't moved for a long time. Trapped here with my thoughts and my bitter regrets.
Would he be happier without me around?
I leaned forward, resting my elbows on the leather-wrapped steering wheel. I let my car drift slowly in the middle of the empty road.
I wanted to be worthy of him.
If I'd had the balls to admit it to him myself, I'd have said this:
"I love you."
But I didn't want to risk him not saying those words back to me. He's the only true friend I've ever had. Why ruin it over 'feelings?'
Fuck my feelings, right?
I put more pressure on the gas pedal, speeding up my vehicle.
He always hated when I drove fast. Hated how reckless I was. But I need this right now.
I looked down, seeing the pavement rushing past me. There was nothing ahead but empty fields and the open road. Even though it was dark, the headlights lit the way for the blacktop far in advance.
Wait! Am I seriously doing 120 right now?!
The car swerved violently to the left, and I slammed my foot down on the brake. The car skidded to a stop.
It lurched forward again, but there was nowhere to go, and I felt like I'd been struck blind; my vision was blurred around the edges, and my hearing was muffled as if I were underwater. There was a loud squeal as metal shrieked against metal. I braced myself as the car spun wildly around, bouncing across the road.
The wheels locked as the car stopped again, spinning slowly in place as the engine roared. Everything happened in slow motion. A flash of white in my peripheral vision.
I couldn't stop. I couldn't pull over.
Nothing was on the road to keep me from sliding right off the edge of and into a deep ravine. The car was still accelerating, and there was no way I could stop it in time.
No, no, no, no, NO!!
I screamed, gripping the wheel with all my might.
The car shot forward with a deafening roar. It seemed to leap off the edge of the road and into oblivion, disappearing instantly beneath the earth.
I was thrown violently forward against the seat belt as the car careened toward the ravine, then slowed abruptly to a halt.
All was quiet. There was nothing but the whirr of the tires and the faint sound of wind rushing through the trees.
This can't be happening. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
A sharp pain stabbed into my chest.
I coughed, spluttering blood.
I'm going to die here. Here in the middle of nowhere. Alone.
I can't feel my legs. They must've been crushed by the car in the crash. I couldn't feel much else either.
Oh my God. I really am going to die here.
I'll never see him again.
I'll never get to tell him how I really feel.
And here is where my secret will lie, in the grave.
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staledirt87 · 1 year
I mean really, what's stopping me from offing myself, huh? My parents? Glad to be free of the expense. My friend? I can't bring myself to care. It's a hard burden to be responsible for someone's fucking life and you're the only one responsible and they keep trying to push you away and you want to let them but you can't because what does that make me?
Let me rest, whether it be sleep or death I don't care. It would be poetic to die by ODing on antidepressants huh? I know how much acetaminophen I need to take too from my bout last year.
I certainly have enough medication to die from it, but no, I'm too much of a goddamn coward to go through with it. And even better if I die then my friend has told me he'll take revenge on those who wronged me then follow! I hate this I'm stuck I want to LEAVE. I want to start over and be taken care of.
God fucking damnit I want to jump off a bridge I want to stab myself in the heart I want to pack a bag and run away with never a backwards glance.
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tiredassmage · 2 years
*slaps on table* 6, 16, 18 for best agent boy Tyr
(Aaaannnd 21 for your GW2 necromancer 👀 pleaaaase)
I want you to know that every time we trade agent asks I feel like that cat slamming the like and reblog buttons while making laser eyes. xD
As always, rambling under a cut involved, lol xD
best boy best boy best boy best b-
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6. Their vices (physical or emotional)
Probably impressively given everything that happens, Tyr manages to dodge any physical addictions. He's far more of a social drinker than one likely to turn to a bottle for his solutions.
But also I have been thinking so intently even before this ask set about how I really don't think Tyr recognizes his own brand of self-sacrificing. He has the potential to be incredibly self-destructive about it, but almost by my sheer spite on the matter, he hasn't. Yet. If this game gives him so much as half an excuse to act on half the shit he thinks and says about taking down the Empire swinging, I'm going to stab this man myself so he can't do it.
I don't even think he'd call it self-sacrifice. He would low-key cringe at the idea of anyone thinking him a hero. Yeah, sure, yada yada, Immortal Sith Emperor is dead, whatever. He's just a lucky bastard with a blaster. All the real work was everyone else's. And watch - he wouldn't let you call him humble about it, either. While he's not particularly forceful or upfront about it, Tyr does have some strong ideas about how, exactly, people should remember him. There's still a part of him that is like (softly) "don't." This wasn't part of his briefing when he agreed to join Intelligence, damn it.
But, yeah, I'd say his biggest vice is that almost resignation to what he was/is as Cipher Nine, double agent to the Republic. He's not going to be ridiculously reckless and take unnecessary risks, but if you handed him a critical mission with a slim chance of a working exit strategy that would put a huge dent in the Empire?
Equally part of his problem is that he recognizes wars of attrition are not sustainable nor have they resulted in lasting peace, but find someone who gives a damn. If he could use a blaster against the Immortal damn Emperor, what is stopping him from taking on the rest of the Sith Empire? (Logic. Logic is what. He's not an idiot. He's just. Opinionated.)
He wouldn't tell Theron. Theron would try to stop him. Theron can know like. Right before he leaves. Maybe. That's maybe not the kind of message he'd like to leave with Jonas alone, after all. (Yes, Tyr and I have thought about this too much. It's such a problem. That's why he's not allowed to do this shit!!!!! Tyr!!!! PLeaSE!!!)
16. Dark Secrets/Skeletons in the Closet.
Hmmm.... hmm, hmm, hmmm.... Ohhh, the things spies don't tell other people. This one's tough. There's plenty of things he won't tell someone. Bastard still hasn't exactly clarified what his relationship with Shara was to Theron, for one. Half of his Intelligence career is still 'whatever you found in the records or think you know probably wasn't the half of it.'
Okay, so, his biggest one he won't probably ever been keen to spell out is that he probably wouldn't even bat an eye at a scenario like our theoretical occasion from the last question. At the end of the day, Tyr is still willing to push his own limits and cross some of his own boundaries to achieve an objective. And he knows there's shit like that that Theron would never agree to. And he would, knowing this, choose to omit details, if it came to this.
Throws my papers up in the air. And Theron was all in knots after Nathema, and Tyr is still willing to pull this shit. What am I gonna do with these two????
Anyway. I think also, in a way, there is a very, very tiny part of him that might, might accuse him of being a coward if it ever managed to wriggle out of the recesses of his mind because I do not believe Tyr would have ever asked Shara to leave the Empire. Part of it would be not thinking, even before he knew about her own programming, that it's what she wanted - and a backhanded accusation at himself from that would be that's not for him to determine to begin with. But I also think part of it is that he loved her, he trusted her to guide him as Cipher Nine, yes - all of that is true.
But I don't think he trusted anyone to understand why he would defect. That's one thing I don't think he would have trusted to her, given an opportunity.
Of course, none of this exactly strikes him as problems to deal with because they're not causing problems right now. He can't change the past and he certainly can't predict the future. So he'll just have to make do with what he's got and what comes at him whenever it gets here.
Oh, I got ahead of myself, didn't I, considering 18...
18. Things they'll never admit.
Okay, well, the last part of the last question is probably his biggest one. He's going to take that with him to the grave. One day he might explain a bit more of who Shara was to him to Theron, but will he ever admit that particular nuance? Absolutely not. Not relevant, unchangeable, nope. Nope nope nope.
There's probably a part of Tyr that could really benefit or feel something from someone giving him a pat on the shoulder and telling him, "you did alright, kid." (A), He, once again, doesn't actively realize this and, (B), BioWare where is Ardun Kothe? I increasingly need to know because I am increasingly having thoughts about him unexpectedly showing up on the Alliance base and it just being a Quiet Thing they acknowledge in private that Tyr would be... so relieved to see that man again. Bastard. He cares about you. They never officially call adoption, but like, Tyr was adopted. (This is even more hilarious to read back knowing like yEAH you're not wrong, but like, different context alkfnsaldkfd). Anyway, bold of anyone to assume Tyr actually had the courage to ask anyone. Did he look into this himself for answers? Who can say????? He sure won't.
I also think for like. At least half a hot minute Tyr kinda crushed on Vector. I've been slowly rotating this in the back of the mind since Tyr met Vector and was like "oh I like them" like, so fast. Tyr trusts him so fast - maybe too fast for being a Cipher, honestly. But also like, the whole complicated thing with feelings for Shara, later he falls absolutely in love with Theron, so... yeah, they ended up just being friends and Tyr never acted on this and, to this day, this is unacknowledged by both parties. And Tyr is, of course, happily married to Theron now.
Okay!!! Guild Wars mY WIFE time!!!! I'm love her...
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21. Turning points in their life.
Okay, Letallia is still sort of coming together because I haven't finished everything yet, but what I do know came together surprisingly quickly! So, most of these events are primarily related to the first 30ish levels of personal quests.
Letallia is the oldest of twin siblings adopted by nobility and raised in Divinity's Reach; her and her brother never knew much about their birth parents and, of the two of them, Letallia was more okay with that. Her brother always wanted to unveil the mystery and find them, if they could, and this was something she never exactly discouraged, but she felt more close to the lives they were currently leaving and was relatively content to let the past be the past.
So, while they had their differences, they were overall thick as thieves (badumtss here bc her brother I have on theif, lol). Letallia primarily focused on the public appearances of the family - high society gatherings and dealings with the fellow nobility while her brother focused more on the common folk that served them, often to be found helping them with loose odds and ends.
So far, their two main galvanizing events have been discovering the history of their parents & joining the Orders of Tyria. Letallia chose the Vigil while her brother, always favoring the cloak and dagger type, joined the Order of Whispers. While they've had individual focuses before, separating paths to join the Orders is probably their first long-term departure from each others' sides. Letallia still collaborated with him where she could, though they each respected their allegiance to their Order and their secrets.
But! Igniting them onto such a path was the discovery that their parents spied for Queen Jennah's father. For Letallia, this reforged her desire to see, explore, and protect Tyria as a whole. She wishes to honor that legacy by striving for the unity she believes her parents fought and died for. Her brother took their deaths a bit harder, driven to stronger loyalty first and foremost to Kryta and their Queen. Ultimately, their motives may differ, but they strive for the same ultimate goal, which makes her relationship to her brother quite important to her.
This legacy also sort of solidifies her relationship with being a necromancer. The art can be unsettling, especially with the Risen so close at hand, but understanding is power and she believes all must live and serve in their own way. Meeting and befriending Trahearne also proves quite beneficial to this confidence. She quite enjoys working with him!
(Bonus fun fact, my google doc with all of this, inspired by that first post I think I did is called 'please don't store ur gw2 lore in tumblr tags' since it grew to be... more than I had anticipated when I started, lol)
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mineral-poetry · 5 months
“I just wish [Min] was nice again”
I do too. You don’t know how much I wish I could go back to the way things were, before the voices screaming in my head, telling me horrible things, before the anger, before I lashed out, before the hurt. I don’t want to be in the “here and now” , no matter how much people tell me that it will help, they say “focus on the present” as if the present is anything other than a time that causes constant turmoil, regret, sadness and anger.
You have no idea how desperately I crave the reality that used to be. The vague memory of the happiness I used to feel. the world where nothing happened to me.
A world where I’m nice again.
I want the reality where I can look at a knife and think about what food I’m going to make, I don’t want to have to think of all the reasons I shouldn’t slice my skin open. I don’t want to have to fight back thoughts of stabbing myself. or others. I want my brain to be nice again.
I want to be nice again.
The voices tell me horrible things about myself, and then they give me ways to fix them. But I’m too scared, too fucking scared to finally rid this world of the disease that is my existence. I'm sure it’d be better in the long run, everyone would get over it eventually, I was never worth more than a week or two of mourning at the best. Eventually they’d realise that their life was better before me, and it will be better after. But I'm a coward, and by being so I continue to force everyone I've ever known to continue putting up with the inconvenience that is my general existence.
The voices are so loud, they scream at me, they tell me I’m a bad person in voices I almost recognise. I used to be able to brush it off, I used to be able to tell them that I'm not. I used to be able to defend my actions. I used to have actions worth defending. but as days, weeks, months go by, as the consequences pile up, and up, and up, its becoming more and more difficult to defend myself, because as time passes and the voices get louder, I begin to think that maybe I am a bad person, maybe the voices were right after all, I seem to only do things that hurt others. everything I say, all that I do... I achieve nothing, create nothing, besides the sadness of those around me.
I want to be nice again.
I just want to be nice again.
But I don’t know if I can.
I’m sorry.
I might be too far gone.
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countlessrealities · 2 years
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@petalsxfallen sent: “You’re good at fucking, Rick!” (rejuvenated verse)
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Rick almost dropped the flask he had been about to bring to his lips at the sudden exclamation, caught off guard. The comment was a total non-sequitur to...whatever Petal and Morty had been talking about. To be honest, he had stopped listening five minutes into the conversation, allowing their voices to be his white background noise while he took a fast walk along the road that was supposed to take him to "get really fucking wasted".
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"Wh...What the fuck?!" He exclaimed, sitting up straight from where he had sprawl out in his chair.
The statement in itself didn't bother him. He knew that he was good enough in bed to blow the mind of beings who were much more experienced than this version of Petal, so she was telling him nothing new. Not to mention that he had received much more detailed, more explicit praises.
The issues was that Morty was right there and the teen had been supposed to stay in the dark about the fact that he had been fucking the Gem behind his back. Goddammit. He could already picture the kind of lecture he was in for.
Morty, on his part, had moved from staring at Petal in confusion to openly glaring at his grandfather. His expression told everything he still hadn't said. He was incredulous, mad and thoroughly disappointed.
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"R-Rick!" The teen exploded, throwing his hands in the air. "W-What...Are you...I-I can't fuckin' believe you! H-How could you do something like that?!"
And there he went.
"M-Morty, don't fuckin'..." Rick tried, but he was instantly cut off.
"N-No, Rick, you don't!" Morty snapped back, stalking over until he was standing in front of the scientist. Their height difference made the whole scene look a little comical, but in that moment he was clearly not in the mood to be amused. "Y-You took advantage of her! Y-You know that Petal doesn't...I-I mean, I don't know what your d-deal with her was, b-but it wasn't that!"
He stabbed his finger in the man's torso, right under the sternum, where he knew that it would hurt.
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"I-I know that you don't give a shit, b-but this is too much! E-Even for you! W-What do...How do you think Petal will react w-when she gets her memories back and finds out?!"
Rick almost grimaced at that last question. He had been thinking about it and he knew that the Gem would most likely be real fucking pissed at him. Still, as annoying as dealing with that would have been, he wasn't worried that it would ruin their relationship. After all, he and regular Petal basically didn't have any sort of relationship. So why not to have fun while he could?
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"Y-You know what, Morty? I-If you think that I'll just sit here, l-listening to some dumb kid w-who only thinks about videogames and jerking off, w-well, think again!" He barked back, pushing himself out of the office chair. "I-I'll deal with shit when the times come. R-Right now? I don't care. I-It's not like I forced myself on her or shit. S-She started it. An-And, memories or not, she's a fuckin' consenting adult, s-so there's nothing wrong with what I'm doing. Y-You have a problem with it? W-Well, deal with it. I-It's your problem not mine."
And with that, he whipped out his portal gun. Like hell he was staying and continuing that discussion. He heard Morty yelling something like "Y-You cowards!", but he simply flipped him off without even turning around as he stepped through the portal.
Morty let out a growl and stomped his feet on the ground, before turning on his heels and marching out of the garage, completely forgetting that Petal was there too. Rick might think that he had won and that he could do whatever he wanted, but he wouldn't have let him get away with it so easily. No matter what.
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recycledsurvivor77 · 2 years
I almost tried to kill myself today. I wrote notes and prepared everything. I didn't even make it all the way down the porch steps before I pussied out.
There's this part of me that wants my life. I have this dream that I can eventually manage myself enough to do good for the people around me, enough to make things and work toward things I'm passionate about. It feels so unrealistic.
There was a time I was happy. Maybe I was drugged up and deluding myself, but I felt a love for life and determination to get better and do better. I relished the little things. I was doing so well. Then I let it all fall apart.
Even if I do take steps to improve, who's to say that it'll last? Why should I hope for anything when I have a pattern of utter failure?
I feel as though I'm being called. I imagine the force calling me as a corpse-like woman, beckoning me to her so she can wrap me in her sweet oblivion.
Why should I be happy, if it will only get ripped away? Why should I be miserable? Why should I continue to fail, hurting others in the process?
I can simply return from where I came. From energy to energy. This body needs to die. I need to see her. I need to end the cruel joke that is this life. I will be free. I will rest. My loved ones will be safe. I will be reborn when my soul and spirit are ready.
And yet, I'm a coward. The journey to my true mother is terrifying. And I am selfish and stubborn. I don't want to quit until I'm proud of myself. I don't want to bow out before I can look at my life and know I did everything I could.
I play games like Celeste, Rogue Company, and the Binding of Isaac. I love a challenge. I will throw my head against a brick wall until one of us cracks. So why am I so quick to give up my life? Game has rules. Losing the game is merely a setback rather than a devastating blow. Progress and improvement are noticeable even when the end result is still failure. Success is satisfying and builds to more success. I can take breaks when I need to.
Maybe life is less like a rigged game of poker, and more like Kaizo Mario. Nearly impossible, but I can do it if I learn the tricks I need to use.
I feel I have an impossible decision to make. On the one hand, I still want to make this life the best it can be. I'm not ready to give up yet. On the other hand, I want to see my mother. I want to rest. I want to be free from the physical world, even if it's only temporary. Neither option is entirely appealing.
S loves me. S wants me around. S believes in me. Maybe that'll be enough. Please, God, let it be enough. I gotta make it through. I gotta be there for S. I owe it to them.
I feel so worn-down. Bone tired. I'm twenty-five, and I feel ancient. Doing normal chores and making myself food feels like too much. I'm no good. I don't have the same amount of strength as everyone else. I wish I could live in a place where I could get prompts or help to do things. But doesn't that make me even more pathetic? Twenty-five and I still need help like a child. I can't understand what S sees in me. Or how whatever it is could possibly make up for the fact that I'm a retarded cripple. I'm useless. Their parents are right.
I don't know what I could possibly do about it, though. Leaving them isn't an option. I'm too cowardly to die. There's only so much I'll be able to do even if I do get better. Once again, no good choices.
I want to sleep forever. Just go to bed and not wake up. Get hit by a drunk driver. Get stabbed in an alley. I don't care. I want things to be better, but I have no faith that they can be. So I'm stuck in this awful limbo where I'm not moving forward, but not committing to dying, either.
I'm very sad, and all I want to do sleep.
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I am in dire need of cat pictures
#tw vent#which means i really want to kill myself#i had an argument with my sister. she was there for three days. Three days.#and i managed to get into an argument with her in three days.#i had a pillow in my hand and i threw it at her#what bothers me is that if it had been a brick i probably would've thrown it all the same.#i don't want the mari incident to happen again.#i almost threw a sculpture of basil i made down the stairs while she was extremely stressed about cleaning.#i'm only good at doing the same mistakes all over again aren't i#she told me the reason why my mom was sick was because of all the stress i put her under#and i know it's true. because they talk more than my mom and i talk. they've always gotten along together much better than with me#my sister threw everything that belonged to me that was downstairs in my room#and my mom saw it - that my room's the only room in the house to be messy. again. and i know how stressed it makes her#they're all downstairs and my mom's boyfriend is there and i don't like him#and i can't come down because i've been crying for an hour straight and the last thing i want is to ruin my mom's mood#she just came back from a three days trip with her boyfriend. she's happy. i know she hages being with me so i'll just stay up here#i need a shower. i want to die so bad#but i can't even do that because i don't have anything to do that with#and i'm too much of a coward to stab myself.#i wish i could just disappear#it'd be better for everyone. and my mom would be so much happier.#i know she'd feel better if i wasn't there. she's told me that before.#i asked. it's alright. i know she's right anyway.#i wish i could do something#my sister broke the sculpture of basil i'm trying to make while throwing wverything in my room.#it's fine. i can fix it.#it just sucks.#maybe i should just throw it all away#it's ugly anyway#sunny
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juuheizou · 4 years
ok but consider: chubby suzuya
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seungstarss · 2 years
wc: 950
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⸻ [ 章 40 ] 。 ❛❛ I love you. ❜❜
Right, the letter. How could Yn forget? Jungwon had made such a big fuss about opening it on graduation.
But somehow...
Somehow it felt wrong — opening it without him.
But still, with tears welling up in her eyes, Yn slowly unsealed the navy blue letter, pulling out the neatly folded paper that was sealed with a cherry blossom sticker.
Hey Yn! You're opening this now so it must be graduation! Or you couldn't wait till graduation :( But, nonetheless, how are you? Hopefully, everything is still going great! I mean why wouldn't it, right? We graduated together, and we're probably living our best lives. Remember when we talked about our dream universities together? I'm sure you got in, and Hopefully, I got accepted too ahaha.
Honestly, it's so weird writing future you a letter. I mean, I just saw you yesterday in the office after class while we sorted out files together. Did I tell you how pretty you looked yesterday? Probably not. Well, you did, I mean you always do. Ever since the first time I met you, you were always smiling and compassionate, even when you were going through a tough patch in your life. You forgive easily but reasonably, and everything you do is beautiful. Ah, this is so cringe because we're probably sitting in an empty classroom right now after our graduation ceremony just reading this letter together. You're probably clowning me and teasing me.
But the whole point of this letter was to tell you how I feel about you. For the past couple of months, I've been trying to work up the courage to tell you all this but I just couldn't muster up the courage. I know Yn, I'm a coward, and by the time you're reading this, I've probably already told you since I'm not the best at containing my feelings. Let me get to the point. I love you. Fuck, that sounds so bad and cliché, but it's true. I can't imagine what my life would be without you. With you, I feel complete, and without you, I don't know how I would go on. You mean so fucking much to me. Every time you cry, I feel the life getting utterly sucked out of my chest, and when you smile, your radiance replenishes everything. It pains me to see you hurt. It feels like knives just stabbing me constantly when I see you cry, and it breaks me to see you hurt in any way. If I didn't feel these intense emotions, I doubt I could confidently say that I love you. But because of that, I can say it with the utmost confidence.
Gosh, this is cringe I'm so sorry, but it's how I truly feel. Maybe I've told you already since graduation is a while from now? Did you reject me? Or? Are we possibly... Nah, I shouldn't dream, but if you did reject me, I hope we're still friends. Cause... I would hate to lose you. But I'm probably by your side right now, right? Don't laugh at me too much, I know you're the type that enjoys endless teasing!!
But if we aren't friends anymore, I uh... I know I'll regret everything I did that pushed you away. It's suffocating. Even the thought of you not being beside me hurts even more than I could formulate into words. Whatever I did... I just know I'll hate myself for the rest of my life, regretting every minute, beating myself down constantly. Cause I know if we weren't friends anymore, I would just... just fucking break. I don't know how I could even live with the thought of hurting you. I mean, you mean more to me than my life does.
But that's probably a stupid concern, right? Haha, I mean, why wouldn't we be friends anymore? What could've gone so wrong that would shatter our friendship completely? I mean, maybe I'll get sad when you reject me and all but I would never exit your life because of my stupid pride haha, and I'm sure — I'm sure you wouldn't want me gone from your life, right? Unless I'm delusional or something. But gosh, this is probably so long and unnecessary. You're probably gonna laugh out loud even before you finish reading this letter because I'm so cringy ahaha. Well, it's okay because I'll be next to you, laughing and enjoying our graduation together.
In all honesty, my only wish is that you're happy. I don't care about anything else but your well-being, and I hope you're beaming with energy right now and living your best life. I just want to let you know that the memories we made together really were the highlight of my youth. You made everything shine brighter, and once again, I love you.
So as a final conclusion to this letter: hey Yn! We've finally graduated! We made it!! So, let's make even more memories together, alright? Ones that we'll remember for the rest of our lives.
Yours truly,
Yang Jungwon
"He... loved me?"
Jungwon had loved her, and she did too. Feelings were left unspoken, and apologies would never reach one another.
Yn fell onto the floor as the heart-wrenching pain stabbed at her relentlessly. Tears streamed down her face not seeming to stop anytime soon. His worst fear had come true, the unthinkable, and it ended up being his fault. How much guilt must he be feeling? The girl could only sob, regretting everything that lead up to this point.
It had finally hit her.
Yang Jungwon was gone. He was no longer by her side.
But maybe in another life —
In another life, she would make him stay.
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SYNOPSIS. after spending months suffering from amnesia in the hospital due to an “accident,” you return back to your normal school life where your close friends who you remember stick by your side 24/7. Unexpectedly, you cross paths with ex-student council president yang jungwon, who you failed to remember but feel oddly drawn to. however, after the meeting things start to get odd and you slowly begin piecing together the mystery behind your accident.
a/n: wow and that's a wrap!! Recall is officially finished (minus the epilouge that I'll be publishing tmr) but thank you all for your support once again!! It really does mean the world to me 😭💖 I think recall is probably my last smau or at least I won't be writing anymore smaus in a while bc I want to focus on written fics instead. But then again, thank you guys for enjoying recall so much💖👋 it's been a long ride
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