#and idk maybe it was bc he might’ve not heard a lot but… still
thefleshyougoveggie · 4 months
getting correctly gendered by someone who doesn’t even know you’re trans is so euphoric to me
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neoraso · 4 years
royal guard!minho
requested | some gender neutral hc for how he starts to wish he was maybe more than just a guard to you 
to put things lightly, minho was the ace of your entire guard
like he was better than anyone …at everything
so originally he was on (your father) the king’s immediate guard
he was nothing but professional and saved the king too many times to count even from like stepping on rocks idk 
when you turned like 17 and had to do more public appearances obv u were in a lot more danger so ur father jumped at having minho reassigned to u as the head of your personal guard “nothing but the best for his child”
the first time you met him… he only nodded or said yes or no to everything u asked him n ur jus like ok not much of a talker that’s not so bad ig haha ʕʘ‿ʘʔ
he was so quiet and “polite” for months despite you constantly trying to get something out of him
ur other guards always tried not to laugh bc if only u knew he had like two friends and was generally a pretty serious guy
but one day there was a festival in your kingdom’s central city so obv you had to make an appearance which u were very excited abt bc you only get to go into town like twice a year and THIS was one of those times
being “of age” and that much closer to taking the throne you might as well have painted a big red target on your head to signal people against the throne
everything was going fine, everyone was having fun and you decided to visit some of the booths and musicians around the square
minho was already suspicious of the situation and tightens the rest of your guard without u evenn rlly noticing but like
just as you turned to show these cute little candies to minho to maybe get a reaction for once -
the second he looks at you, someone moves to grab you but the flash of a knife in his other hand causes minho to jump immediately into action
honestly who knows what rlly happened minho moved so damn fast but the next thing you know, ur in the middle of your whole guard squad
looking through the gaps of their shoulders you see minho pinning down your assailant with a blade against his neck waiting for someone to arrest him even though he rlly wanted to just execute the guy right there 
the festivities were kind of killed for u after that bc you and your family were rushed back home which u might’ve been more sad abt if u werent in so much shock :<
obv minho was the one to escort you back but like all he said was “you’re okay?” and after u dumbly nodded with wide eyes he walked with you but kept a hand around your shoulder
no one really talked after that which wasn’t unusual for him but in his mind he was rlly like 
“?? ok i know its literally my job to protect this family but?? hm whyyyy do i seem to care sm more rnnn??//?” help him sdhskjd
u just looked so shaken up and disappointed and suddenly he was like damn </3 they rlly have no fun in their life and this one time they could was ruined :///
u had to stay inside for weeks after that bc it turns out there was a whole conspiracy to “eliminate” your family line so you waited in safety until the criminals were “taken care of” 
minho had everything triple checked around the castle for your safety and secretly made sure you had extra treats and warm drinks sent to your room sometimes with little notes that he had the cook pretend to have sent because lately he’d heard you had trouble sleeping sometimes he’s shy boy aw
he started to realize how much he had gotten used to your smile and your little jokes and the way you sometimes tripped on the corners of rugs. and he thought maybe it was a good thing you guys didnt have many interactions lately because he was way too attached
you on the other hand, couldnt even rlly complain about having to stay inside so much bc you had everything you needed and- you knew it was for ur safety but- it wassss kind of suffocating at times
u tried sneaking out at first ((just to the garden!!)) which obviously was a bad idea bc it’s impossible to get past minhos fcking hawk eyes lmao
he STILL didnt say anything like he would just follow right behind you
n like u kinda huffed but whatever honestly at least it was just him and not 15 other guards like everyone acted like you needed
plus it was somewhat comforting to have someone so solid around even if he never talked smh
one night you sat near the little pond and tried to calm your mind by watching how the moonlight rippled in the water
you can feel him behind you so u just turn around and look at him ignoring how he was already looking at you
 “would you at least sit with me?”
he kind of hesitates bc …what if someone tried to come up behind you? but with the sad look on your face he cant help but give in and sits on the stone bench at the opposite end of you
it becomes actually somewhat peaceful until you just decide to ask everything you’ve been wondering n u just blurt out-
“would it kill you to talk with me once in a while? i mean, talk like a normal person and not a machine? i dont bite i promise..”
he furrows his brow bc he’s shocked you cared at all and also he doesnt rlly know how to respond without being like “its not really in my job description to make conversation” but he honestly just thought you were being talkative out of niceties.
 before he could even form a sentence you continued,
“i mean- i’m always trying to get your attention. i dont get to meet many people for obvious reasons but my guards are the closest people to me-literally, and i dont want there to be a big gap between us just because of my status..”
he cuts you off before you ramble yourself to death 
“i didn’t know you were this troubled by it… i just take my job very seriously and i dont want to risk anyone’s safety for the sake of conversation”
u almost roll ur eyes but not wanting to be rude ur just like “even at home? i know you’re serious about your duties, believe me, i just… i get lonely.”
smthing inside him literally breakkkssss when you say that like u are such a pure and sweet person that deserves to have all the love and friends and fun in the world so he just gets quiet for a second and looks down
“im sorry.” he said it so softly you almost didnt hear him “i’ll be there for you more- if thats what you need. im essentially in charge of your safety and care and i’ll do anything to fulfill that responsibility.”
well this was good right? so why did you still feel unsatisfied?
“i dont want to just be a responsibility, cant we just be like friends? or…”
you cut yourself off before talking too much again
you had to admit to yourself you had developed a bit of a liking for minho, not just because he was probably the most handsome person in your kingdom, not even just because he saved your life, but he had really been a pillar of security in your life and you respected his loyalty and ambition.
he was more than admirable and everything you wanted as a standard for your kingdom
sometimes you let your mind wander to him getting on one knee and leading alongside you..
no, now youre getting sidetracked and delusional and he can practically hear the gears turning in your head so he stands up and reaches his hand out for you to grab 
“of course you’re more than a responsibility to me, come on, lets go inside it’s getting cold.’
taking his hand and realizing the conversation was over, you moved to link arms instead  as he walked you all the way to your bedroom door 
u slept a lot better that night 
Tumblr media
from that point on you could not get rid of minho 
like everyone was borderline uncomfortable with how jarring his change in attitude was 
like he was constantly behind you looking right over your shoulder or grabbing your arm to stop you from bumping into things
even when he wasnt technically on duty he had taken it upon himself to give you little lessons in archery and even some defensive moves to help you protect yourself in case someone wasnt fast enough to help you 
your tried not to get flustered every time he adjusted your form and the way you could feel his breath behind your ear
or the head pats when he walked you to your room at night
or his hand on your back when you guys would take walks in the garden
honestly it did not take long until one night you were sat next to your pond and after some comfortable small talk you noticed how close his face was to yours
but he noticed you didn’t pull away even as he leaned in closer and finally just kissed you
when he pulled away and saw your eyes still closed and how soft you looked his heart almost exploded
“i didnt mean to make things weird i just,, couldnt help myself, sorry”
his rushed confession pulls you out of your daze and you’re so happy (a little shocked) but you’re quick to reassure him
“it’s ok, i’ve been wanting you to do that for a while …”
he’s jus like “rlly?😳”
obviously this complicates things a lot and you aren’t really sure if you would even be allowed to have a relationship with minho bc of ur position
or if he would get in trouble for breaking the rules of attachment to u
all of this is kind of racing thru both of ur minds as you look at each other but you laugh after u both start talking at the same time
you prod him to go first so he grabs your hands and says like
“look i care about you a lot, and i know we’re not really supposed to be doing this but if i can be by your side … beyond my duties…i would really love to. but if we can’t, i can survive with just being here to protect and serve you in anyway i can”
he’s so honest and genuine and earnest it shocked u a little
even tho you were uncertain abt the situation as well you knew you had grown a little too fond and dependent on minho that you would do anything to make it work
luckily an arranged marriage was not required for you so that wasnt really the issue, but falling in love with someone not at all royal..? it was a daunting thought how the idea would be perceived 
you wouldnt have said anything if you both weren’t completely sure of your feelings;  but you really could not imagine being content or safe spending your life with anyone else so you mustered up the courage to ask the king and queen…
when you brought it up to your parents they looked pretty concerned
minho went on the whole “i’ll do anything to protect them and this kingdom” speech and your father just waved him off and was like
“i know u would …. i’ll allow it because there’s really no one better to represent the kingdom and because i want only the best for my child ;)”
u and minho were literally in shock but just quietly said thank u and left the room
when you had privacy he immediately pulled you in for a kiss (maybe several all over ur face)
you had a lot to figure out and many responsibilities but now you had an amazing person by your side to help you through it :.) <3
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queerdiaz · 3 years
I guess you can use this as a prompt if you’d like but also I’m just curious. How would you like for them to get together?
This is such a great question thank you! I decided to just write my thoughts instead of making it a prompt bc there's actually a lot of different ways that I wouldn't mind it to go/would want them to do. So if I wrote if it'd be just one of thos ideas (but I still might write it).
But I will start with that I definitely want them to have at least some inkling of feelings from either Eddie or Buck or even both in the finale. Because, if the writers really are gonna give us a romantic buddie storyline, I really don't see how they won't have at least a hint, even if it's one of those 'saying it saying it things'. However, since it's what I personally would want (while I try to maintain a more realistic approach lol) I would love to see somewhat of a confirmation that both have feelings for each other, even if it is a 'saying it without saying it'.
And then s5 we get mutual pining era.
Okay, so before I go any further I wanna point out a scenario that my sister mentioned even before last ep aired. I know this won't happen, but I would just love if we get some good friends to lovers angsty drama i.e. like what they did with caskett in Castle. Where maybe when Buck is saving Eddie one of them confess in the heat of the moment. Like the confession doesn't even have to be big, it could just be an 'I love you' that some people could still interrupt as them 'being bros who love each other as bros'. BUT THEN after Eddie is okay, either a) Eddie asks if he or Buck said anything and Buck tell him 'no' (you know like a liar) or b) where Buck asks Eddie if he remembers anything and Eddie says 'no' (also like a liar). And then later Buck talks to Taylor and Taylor mentions how she and him could never work, not when he has feelings for someone else and then maybe tells him "I think the universe came to you a long time ago. You just didn't realize it yet.' She then walks off and leaves him wearing a pikachu face. And then with Eddie, he breaks up with Ana and tells her that she was everything he thought he wanted, was taught to want, but that he needs to reevaluate himself. And then she maybe says something like "I hope you find what you're looking for. Though I feel like you might've already have" and he does not have the pikachu face. Instead he just gives her a small smile and nods. And then season 5 we get the drama of the mutual pining and one of them keeping the secret about the love confession bc they have to self reflect and afraid of losing what they have and worrying what the other would think and blah blah classic fic angst that I can see them put in the show since they've done so many fic tropes anyways.
But again I do not see that angsty drama happening but I would love to see IG. I do would like for them to still have those scenes with Ana and Taylor to help confirm the mutual pining.
And with Eddie, I can really see him getting shot be his epiphany moment. Whether it's him realizing that he's in love with Buck, or that he already had somewhat a knowledge of having feelings for his best friend but pushed them aside. But either way I can really see this epiphany where he realizes that he can't hide himself anymore and breaks up with Ana. BUT he still just went through a trauma that effected both Buck and Christopher, and I would like for that to trigger his PTSD. So I would love for him to want to do something about his feelings for Buck but still needs time to focus on himself. Meanwhile Buck is there with them every step of the way. (Roommates era while Buck helps Eddie anyone??)
And on Buck's side, I would want him to maybe just realize his feelings so he's been digesting them for a few months and kinda freaking out about it. But at the same time there are things in canon that showed that maybe he was aware. Idk I feel like it could go either way and either way  can see his current journey being that he also needs to revaulate himself and maybe also trying to see if Eddie feels the same way.
And in the meantime he helps with Eddie deal with his PTSD and they both kinds work in healing together and Chris as well. And if that's the case, then I would love for his they get together is a scene similar to the Kitchen Scene™ where they talk about the latest things go on in their life it's all very domestic while they're doing dishes or something and then Eddie getting shot is mentioned and that leads to them finally opening up and then rush into a kiss.
Or, maybe bc of still dealing with the trauma they kinda explode and argue in the kitchen which leads to one of them shouting "Because I love you!" Which immediately silences the other as they ask in a bewildered voice. If it's Buck who says it then I can see him try to retract it in a "you know as a bro" kinda way (of course he's not gonna actually say that but it's the vibe) but Eddie interrupts him and goes to kiss him. But if it's Eddie who shouts it I would want him to either be silent or be silent and then holds his head high and says, "You heard me". And then Buck proceeds to kiss him.
Oh! Another thing I would love is Buck's realization that he has feelings for Eddie makes him realize that he's not as straight as he thought and since he doesn't want to do anything that could risk losing Eddie (especially him getting shot my goodness) I would love if it s5 he kinda explores his sexuality a bit and starts dating Ravi. And we get jealous Eddie which leads to them probably arguing in the kitchen and a love confession.
Either way I want them to get together in the kitchen. It's a mighty need.
So yeah, as I said, there's so many ways that I would want it to go (some less realistic than others lol). But, my main thing is I would just love some kind of feelings confirmation or even hints of it in the finale. And for me I would personally want it for both of them bc there's been lead up for both of them having a realization. And then I would just love to see the Mutual Pining Galore while they help each other through the traumas. And then us watching and seeing how long these two idiots in love can keep their feelings in.
And none of none of these are probably that realistic, but tbh no how they do it, if they actually make Buddie canon (and endgame) then I would freaking love it with all of my heart (unless it's something that's messed up or idk which I highly HIGHLY doubt).
But yeah here's to whatever the future hopefully holds!
Thanks again so much for the ask :)
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 years
So I got artificial for the word generator and thought of a scenario where Kiyo, Kiibo and Ryoma's s/o gets killed and leaves behind an alter ego they made. Idk if that makes sense sorry if it doesn't.
Oh this makes perfect sense!! Thanks for the angst! (ya’ll better strap in bc these HURT to write)
The anthropologist tried keeping calm during the trial, but all throughout it..he was shaken up, unable to compliment the “beauty” of finding out the killer’s motivations.
Because it was you who became the victim--his beloved who promised to travel the world with him when all of this was over.
He lost his composure as soon as the culprit was identified, screaming why you were taken from this world so quickly. Not even Sister could calm him down; he couldn’t bear listen to her speak of how you were only “getting in the way”.
How dare she speak ill of you?! 
You’ve pulled him out of the darkness, his own madness..and showed him the true beauty of love
And yet..the culprit took that love away from him overnight.
If it was up to him, he would’ve given them a fate worse than death. But he knew he couldn’t interfere, so he watched their execution with a solemn smile behind his mask. And he left the trial room with an aching heart.
Were you watching over him from the afterlife? He could only hope so.
He laid in bed, wide awake for hours, wondering why things had to turn out this way. Maybe..he could speak to your spirit. He had all the books he could ever want in his lab. Surely there’s some way he can hear your sweet voice again..
Though right as he sat up, the Monokubs pad on the table beside him suddenly lit up. "Huh? How strange..” Then he reached over to grab it, and what he saw on the screen made him gasp:
It was you, but..in a small pixelated form. As though you were trapped in some video game.
“Oh! It worked! Thank goodness..it was tricky bypassing the programming on this tablet but-”
He heard your voice, and he felt his heart soar as he smiled. “Oh, [y/n]! Y-You’ve returned to me!”
“Ah, Korekiyo. I’m sorry but..I’m not exactly [y/n].” Your avatar spoke regrettably. “I’m an alter ego they made, a..digital avatar with their personality programmed into me. There’s nothing supernatural about what you’re witnessing.”
“...oh, I see..” The joy he felt was swiftly taken from him as he propped up the tablet, hugging himself. “So the reality is..my d-dearest [y/n] is truly gone forever. I can only hope they’re watching over me, wherever they are-” 
As his voice broke into a sob, tears dripped down his cheeks, soaking into the fabric of his sleeping mask. “It’s just not fair...i-it wasn’t their time yet! Why them?! Why-?!!”
“I’m here, though! So technically..my creator is watching over you.” You remarked, hoping your words could calm him down in some way. “Please don’t cry. When the time comes, I’m sure you’ll be with them again, Kork.”
Korekiyo immediately tensed at the familiar nickname, saving him from yet another breakdown.
To hear this AI say that with your tone of sweetness, even though it wasn’t actually you, made him realize...you’ve created something truly beautiful thanks to your Ultimate.
With a quiet sniffle, he reached over, gently stroking the screen with a bandaged finger. “Oh, [y/n]...I suppose I was wrong about technology corrupting humanity’s beauty.” He laughed softly. “Forgive me for misjudging you.”
Losing Miu was painful enough. But for you to be gone, too?
K1B0 swore he was about to shutdown when he saw your body, cold and lifeless.
In the trial that followed, he spoke the least..still unable to come to terms with the fact somebody killed you--the one person who showed him what “love” was for the first time in his life. 
It was a truly wonderful human emotion...and just like that it was taken from him.
Miu might’ve given him new tools like flashlight eyes, but you’ve upgraded him to feel more emotions, particularly sadness and love. And he experienced true sadness when he cried real tears and demanded the culprit to explain their actions--he didn’t even care for Kokichi’s mocking anymore.
Since then, he just couldn’t stop crying as he left the Shrine of Judgment and went to his lab. 
An hour before you were brutally murdered, you told him you were working on a special project, installing an AI of yourself onto his Monokubs pad. You used some of the technology from his lab, and left it in there for him to find later.
If finding this AI meant he could talk to you again...then he’ll go for it.
With a quiet whimper, K1B0 dragged himself into the lab, spotting the tablet not too far away. As he picked it up, it activated, and before long a small pixelated version of you appeared on it.
“Hello? Can you hear me K1B0?”
“[Y/n]...I-I...” Warm, salty tears streamed down his face once more as he collapsed to his knees, clutching the tablet. “No..y-you aren’t them. They’re gone..you’re their..s-secret project, right?”
“Indeed, I’m Alter Ego [Y/n]!” Your avatar nodded. “I thought you’d be happier to see me, but..now that I’m aware of what has transpired..that no longer seems to be the case.”
“N-No. I’m..I’m happy I found you. I just don’t..understand why I’m crying if I’m happy.” He muttered, looking at the screen. “I suppose..I’m on my own now with these new emotions.”
“Crying doesn’t always have to come from sadness, it can come from any overwhelming feeling, even from the happiness you’re experiencing.”
“...huh? How do you..?”
“I’ve been pre-programmed with vast knowledge of human emotions--in the event my creator isn’t...available to explain them to you.” You seemed sad for a moment, but your avatar perked up. “But as an AI, I’m still learning new things everyday so..we can sort through these feelings together!”
“That’s...true.” K1B0 managed to calm down, a smile on his tearstained face. “I failed to protect [y/n], but..I promise I will do my very best to protect you, Alter Ego [Y/n].”
Seeing your body get devoured by the piranhas until nothing but bones remained was traumatizing enough...
But to later learn that the culprit drowned you and tried to pin the crime on Himiko by putting your body in that piranha tank?! That absolutely destroyed Ryoma.
How cruel and ironic was it that you--someone who had everything to live for--became the next victim while he--someone who had next to nothing to live for--survived this trial?
Everyone was shocked as the ex-tennis pro suddenly broke down when asked about his alibi, trying to convince them all he killed you and dismissing the obvious evidence that he couldn’t have done it.
You died in his lab, right? Therefore he knocked you out. He handcuffed you. He drowned you in the sink-
But..he gave up after failing to explain to Shuichi how he could’ve gotten your body from his lab to the gym. And since his hands showed no evidence of rope burns...he couldn’t have done it at all.
Despite trying to lead everyone to the wrong answer, nobody blamed him for lashing out that way.
Even after Kirumi confessed and was executed....Ryoma could only leave the trial room in utter distraught.
You were gone and never coming back--just like everyone else in his life.
He was inconsolable as he returned to his dorm, crying the moment he shut the door and locked it. “D-Damnit all! Just when I thought..things would be different this time....” Clutching his beanie, he curled up on the bed, not wanting to wake up ever again.
The despair he felt was extreme; the kind that...made him want to d-
However, he noticed his Monokubs pad lighting up, halting his train of thought. In confusion, he grabbed it, wondering why it suddenly started up. But he nearly dropped it as he saw who was on the screen:
“Hey..can you hear me?”
“Ah! It worked!” Sure enough, you were on the screen, though you looked like a digital avatar of some sort. “My creator..are they around?”
“...so it’s not you.” Ryoma sighed, feeling crushed once more. “Y-You were..really killed.”
“...oh, I see.” Your avatar mumbled in sadness. “I’m a digital recreation of them--Alter Ego [Y/n]. They created me in case anything were to happen--n-not that they thought they were gonna die, but because they loved you a lot and didn’t want you to feel alone.”
"This is what they’ve been doing in their lab all this time?” He was surprised, though at the same time..he knew you had remarkable programming skills thanks to your Ultimate.
“Good news is I managed to delete your motive video. They were very concerned about it. So it’s just me on here! And...I’ll do my best to give you a reason to live, Ryoma. That...was my creator’s first and final request. I may not be them, but I’ll try to.....Ryoma?”
Your avatar noticed him crying again, though when he looked at the screen, there was a small smile on his face.
It was true that you were gone forever, and that he’ll never be able to hug you, kiss you, or tell you how many times you’ve saved his life. 
But as long as you lived on within this “alter ego”...perhaps he could live on, too.
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paipayaseeds · 3 years
(idk if there was a certain person supposed to be at the door i don’t remember the game oops so i just picked kaede bc they need the cameras or some shit idk)(also there’s alcohol in this so if that’s not okay pls tell me to rewrite it or just end it if you want to! i just want to make sure ur okay dandbrjsjnfndan)(also idk man i only have one experience drinking vodka and i hated it so if it’s weird that’s why LMAOFIDJDJ)
waking up with a gasp, she looked up at the monitor mounted to the wall of her room. she winced at the loud volume of the speakers, and at the unnecessary reminder that her life would be cut short tomorrow night. when the tv turned back off, the uneasy feeling in her chest lingered; there wasn’t anybody there to hold her and tell her ‘it’s okay, it’s just the announcement...’ her arm was asleep, and when she looked down, she was hit with yet another reminder of how alone she was, met with the sight of a detective’s jacket... but no detective.
for a good half hour, she tossed and turned on her mattress trying to fall asleep, but to no avail. once she spent the night with shuichi, there was no way she’d be able to spend another one alone again. so, she got up and took a warm shower: one last attempt at relaxing herself enough to fall asleep. (she wasn’t a stinky little bitch-baby like shuicheese across the building). she didn’t care about her face, she wouldn’t have to see it for much longer anyway. she brushed her teeth and combed her hair before changing into some clean clothes. she was going to slip under blanket until she noticed the uniform still sitting there. i should... give it back. it was really just an excuse to go to shuichi’s room. she folded it over her arms and walked over to his door, leaving her mask in her room since everyone would be in theirs anyway. once she got there, though, she couldn’t bring herself to knock. instead, she just stood there with her knuckles barely brushing against the door while she was frozen. eventually, she backed up and folder the clothes neatly and placed them on the floor right in front of his door for him to pick up in the morning.
she managed to get a little shut-eye during the night, but not much. she let out a loud groan at the morning announcement before dragging herself out of bed and cleaning herself up for the day. that included putting on her mask. despite it only being two days, out of habit she waited for shuichi to come and walk with her. but, when she stood outside her door and noticed kaede knocking at his door, holding the clothes she had left there last night, she realized that wouldn’t be happening today. she shook her head before heading out the door and towards the dining hall.
when she arrived, she walked into a very weird conversation. rantaro and ryoma seemed to be arguing.
“nobody will be dying, you hear me?”
“you heard the bear, someone’s gotta kick it if you wanna live another day. i’m sayin’ that someone should be me.”
fumiko was a little shocked. why was ryoma trying to sacrifice himself...? he offered a lot to the group, and he helped out with the chores a lot!
“n-no...! k-kill... kill me instead.” fumiko spoke up, making the rest of the room look over and realize she was there. korekiyo seemed to be very interested in the conversation, how brilliant was it to see not one, but two people willing to give up their lives for the sake of others. “i’m- i’m serious.” because you deserve it. rantaro shot her a look that sent a shiver down her spine.
“i said, nobody will be dying. if any of you try anything... so help me god... just- just trust me, alright? don’t do anything stupid.” the green-haired man said, placing a hand on fumiko’s shoulder as he talked before leaving the dining hall. her gaze followed him, and when she turned around she saw a detective and a pianist standing at the doorway, seemingly watching this whole thing go down.
“fuck this, i’m gettin’ somethin’ to drink! if anyone wants to join me, feel free, hmph...” miu said, following in rantaro’s footsteps out the door before opening the entrance to the warehouse. i’ve never gotten drunk before... fumiko thought. she stood there in thought before ultimately deciding to follow the inventor into the warehouse, brushing her shoulder on shuichi’s as she did.
“h-huh? someone actually came?” miu said when she heard the door open. “Y-YOU...? FOR REAL? HAH! i might’ve underestimated you!” the blonde seemed to have known exactly where to go to find alcohol, as if she’s done it before, and she pulled out a bottle of vodka. fumiko stole the bottle from her hands and started downing it like it was nothing.
“w-w-what are you doing....!? H-HOW?” it tasted awful, and she hated it. but being drunk was supposed to be fun, right? so she squeezed her eyes shut and dealt with the pain. the door to the warehouse opened, and fumiko continued drinking. miu was so fucking out of it, she had no idea what was going on. she saw kaede and shuichi at the door and knew what they were going to ask. before she acknowledged them, though, she ripped the bottle from fumiko’s hand.
“give me that,” she mumbled, “WHAT THE FUCK? YOU DRANK HALF-”
“miu!” the pianist shouted, walking towards her, “are the- are they finished...?”
“yeah, yeah, come with me. i’ll give ‘em to ya.” miu stomped out of the room, open bottle in hand, and led the two visitors to her lab. all fumiko did was sit on the ground and rub her head. her whole body felt shitty already from the idiotic way she drank the beverage, the gross taste lingering in her mouth for much longer than she’d liked. it didn’t help that she got maybe an hour of sleep the night prior, which already rendered her ill. what was she thinking? that she would be dead by tomorrow. that’s what she was thinking.
Opening the door to his room, he was met with Kaede, and... his clothes? How did she get his clothes? Voicing his troubled thoughts, he furrowed his brow at her, "W- why do you have my clothes...?" Kaede blinked, "Huh? Wha-?" She looked down at the article she had held in her arms, somehow forgetting she had picked it up. "Oh! I found this outside your door!"
Taking the folded clothing from her hands, he gazed down at it thoughtfully, racking his brain to try and think of why that had been— "C'mon, let's go! You already made me wait long, we have to get Miu's cameras and then you know," She spoke in a hushed tone, a cheeky smile on her face, "Set up the plan."
Shuichi found himself balancing on the line of giving her space, and running to her side to check on her—and you know what? It was stupid! He was stupid. What if she got alcohol poisoning? What if she does something rash? Most importantly, why? Throwing away the barrier that prevented him from interacting with the girl he loved, he concluded she had enough space. 
God knows if she forgave or not for his bullshit, but that was beside the point she had just downed half a bottle of Vodka. As he practically dashed to the girl sitting on the ground, he left the disgruntled pianist behind—sadly, this hadn’t been the first time he had done that. 
Slowing down to a stop, he crouched down across from her, subconsciously trying to see her eyes. It was strange, but he found himself wishing for a flashlight to see if the alcohol had kicked in yet.
Shuichi had to shove down the urge to scold her on drinking alcohol, knowing she didn't enjoy yelling nor was it even an okay thing to do. He had put himself on a permanent hiatus from yelling, he didn't want to see her upset like that, not today, and not ever.
"H- hey, uh..." He flinched at his own shaky and awkward voice, feeling the huge difference to how he talked to her before. Things shouldn't have felt so tense between them, today could've been the last day they— No. No, the plan would work.
"Why did...-" Shuichi pursed his lips; why did he bother asking? He knew why, didn't he? Well, maybe he just... didn't want to believe it. "W- were you drinking because of... what you said earlier? A- about the.." He trailed off, expression slightly saddened as he remembered her self-sacrificial remark.
Clearing his throat, he sat himself down fully on the floor across from her; a safe distance as he was afraid she still didn't want to be too close to him. Forcing words out of his throat, he spoke with feigned determination; despite his soul-crushing fear of 'what if the plan doesn't work?', he tried to remain strong. If not for himself, then for Fumiko, right?
"No one is going to have to die. E- especially not you, never... never you." He tried swallowing the rising lump in his throat, eyes focusing onto the ground as he tried to get rid of his emotions. He cleared his throat again, blinking violently as to rid the tears; he wasn't going to cry in front of her. And especially not Miu. "... S- sorry." Ah yes, the apology he had forgotten to give to her when he yelled near her. This fucking prick-
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miss-musings · 4 years
TROS Review - after second viewing
I’m glad I knew all the spoilers going into my first viewing. If I hadn’t known Ben died, I would’ve screamed. Although I’m pretty sure I heard someone at my second viewing go “What?!” when he fell over and vanished into the Force.
OK, let’s break this down.
The movie looks great.
Daisy, Adam and John Williams all FUCKING brought it for this movie.
I actually liked some of the fan-service-y bits like Wedge getting a cameo, Han having a memory chat with Kylo/Ben, and Luke motivating Rey. I also noticed on the second go-around that Kylo flies an old Imperial TIE fighter (one from the Death Star ruins) to Exegol. And I like that shot of the old X-Wing of the Rebellion and the old TIE fighter of the Empire there alongside each other.
Most of all, I loved ALL the Reylo scenes we got in this movie. About 70 percent of the runtime seems to be dedicated to Rey, Kylo/Ben or both. I mean, it’s basically Reylo: The Movie, and I’m totally here for it. (But more on that below.)
I actually liked seeing Kylo in the mask again. I think it makes him look... sexy? Idk what I feel, y’all.
Some of the new creatures and characters were cool, even if we didn’t spend much time with them. (Again, more on that below.)
Loved Leia’s moments and how she had a big part to play in the story even if Carrie is gone. 😢
Those are all the big things; there might be a few small things that I’d remember if I were watching the movie in real time, but I can’t remember them now.
So, let’s get into it:
Oh, boy where do I start?
The pacing in both the very beginning (first 20-30 minutes?) and the very end (last 10) was ridiculous. My dad even agreed that the beginning felt rushed and disjointed.
While I love Kylo/Ben and Rey, the movie spends so much time focusing on them that no one else really gets an arc. Say what you will about TLJ, but Finn and Poe both had arcs in that movie, even if they were small. I felt like Poe did in this movie what he did in that last one: took to heart the words of wisdom of others around him (or at least, regurgitate their lines). He did it with Leia and Holdo in TLJ, and he did it with Zorri and Lando in this one. Finn doesn’t get any arc in this and the fact that he’s supposed to be Force-sensitive is like ... ??? What? I don’t even have time to unpack all that.
Also, Rose and Hux were sidelined majorly. I don’t even like Hux but even I felt his character and end were poorly done in this movie.
Something about both Finn and Rey’s Force abilities that bugged me was that I thought all Force sensitives can intuit or understand what others are saying in any alien/droid language. Remember how Rey could understand Chewie when she first met him but Finn couldn’t? It makes sense why Rey could understand a droid like BB-8 but why a Wookiee? Are there a lot of Wookiees on Jakku? No, she could understand him bc she’s Force sensitive and it’s an ability she has. But, in this one, neither she nor Finn could understand Babu Frick. I know it’s a small detail, and I could be misremembering canon, but it just bugged me both times.
So, Rey being a Palpatine... makes no sense. How and when did Palpatine have a kid? Was Rey’s dad a cloning experiment, or a naturally conceived and born child? This is something I’m morbidly curious about. I liked it better in TLJ when we thought she was no one, and this seems like a GIANT retcon and slap in the face to Rian Johnson. They even had to write a line about how Kylo supposedly never lied to her. Part of me wonders whether the Emperor was lying??? Maybe making Rey think she was his granddaughter would trick her into being obligated to come and end his life herself? But then, why was that Jedi Hunter looking for her parents? Oh well. Anyway, I did want her to be Rey of Jakku and no one else. But I also appreciate the thematic parallels and the yin/yang thing going with her and Kylo/Ben. He’s the embodiment of the Dark Side even though he’s descended from the Light, and Rey is the embodiment of the Light Side even though she’s descended from the Dark. So I’m a bit conflicted, but I hate it more than I love it.
I also HATE that Ben died. BUT, at least he didn’t die from falling into the pit, and at least there’s still a possibility that he’s coming back. The worst of it is that after he disappears, he’s never addressed again at all. Wouldn’t Poe or Finn ask about him? They don’t necessarily know he’s dead, and he would be a major threat if he were still alive. And why wasn’t he a Force-Ghost at the end? I HOPE it’s bc they’re leaving it open for him to come back. Or maybe his energy is living on in Rey whether spiritually (the dyad thing) or physically (maybe pregnant???).
But here’s the deal: in some ways this movie felt like the series finale of beloved TV show. All your favorites come back for little cameos, your main characters go out on a high note, and everything is resolved to a greater extent. Sure, there are more stories to tell, probably, but the Main Conflict has now been resolved. Think Avatar: The Last Airbender TV show or Star Trek: Voyager as examples.
BUT, in other ways, it DOESN’T feel like a finale. It feels like they’ve left doors to open and questions to explore in future properties. Is Finn Force-Sensitive? Is Jannah Lando’s relative? Is Ben Solo really dead? What’s gonna happen to Rey? Etc.
So, the movie needed to pick a lane. Either be The End of an era, or not. You can’t wrap up a story but then tease us with more stories. That’s not how this works. Fuck, even Harry Potter — as much as everyone hates JKR — got this right. Big Bad Guy is dead and instigating conflict is now resolved. Palpatine was the one who started this whole thing, so now that he’s dead, all is well???
Well, here’s my other big complaint about the movie. JJ & Co don’t seem to know how the Force works.
The Force is about a balance between the Light and the Dark. When one side becomes too strong, the other side grows stronger to compensate. When one side wipes out the other, the other responds. There must always be balance. Snoke even pointed this out in TLJ that Rey was Kylo’s Equal in the Light bc he was growing stronger.
And the Sith and the Jedi are religions on their respective sides. Not all Dark side users are Sith; not all Light side users are Jedi. And there are some Force users who use both freely and some who stay in balance.
The Mortis arc of TCW demonstrates this very well.
This is why so many people were pissed that Ben died. Not only are you losing a great character but you’re also losing the potential of what Ben and Rey could’ve been together as Force-users.
Palpatine and all the Sith are dead. Luke, Leia and all the Jedi are dead.
Except for Rey, who is descended of the Sith but trained by Jedi. So, she (and Ben) would have to figure out exactly how to keep the Force in balance. If the last Jedi just destroyed the last Sith, then the Dark Side is going to have to respond. But, if Rey could find other Force-users and teach them how to be in balance and use both Light and Dark in harmony then balance could be restored. There would be no need for these extremes if everyone stays in the middle.
This means Rey would have to end the Jedi. Which is what Luke wanted in the last movie. But then we find out that Leia received Jedi training??? So was Leia a Jedi? Is Rey? I’m so confused.
I like the fact that Rey’s saber has a darker hilt but it’s a yellow/orange blade. It kinda hints that maybe she will stay in balance — using both light and dark, being neither Sith nor Jedi, but something in between — a Skywalker, if you will.
So I guess, that’s a tiny win. The theory that the Skywalker(s) could be a new religion of Force-users in balance with the Force could still happen after that scene of Rey on Tatooine.
But, still, I hate all these retcons and the idea that the Jedi are the end-all, be-all. The Sith definitely aren’t good; but the Jedi weren’t always great either. And I hate that Rey had to fight Palpatine alone when it should’ve been her AND Ben — the balance between the Dark and Light should’ve been stronger than him, but whatever.
Also, one last thing, but why did Rey have BB-8 on Tatooine? Didn’t Poe make a big deal about Rey hurting BB-8 at the beginning? Why wasn’t BB-8 with Poe? Why wasn’t Chewie with Rey on the Falcon? (I guess he might’ve been and just never got off the ship.) Wouldn’t R2 and C3PO have been more appropriate in that final shot? They were in all 9 films. They’re more iconic and thematically appropriate than BB-8 to close out the saga, but oh well.
TL;DR: I have really mixed feelings about this movie. At the end of both showings, I was smiling, so that’s something. I had fun... I think?? But yeah, it’s definitely bittersweet.
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strvwberryblcnde · 4 years
👫 preston & scout
send a 👫 and I’ll write four headcanons i have about our muses’ relationship.
i cn imagine them somehow being wrangled into babysitting fr her sister bethan one time n.... she has three kids who r all young (like 6, 7 n 7 bc she had twin boys then a girl) n they’re all a handful in their own way. the boys r SO boisterous n loud like they’re truly feral n the girl is very.... like scout bt..... an outspoken n absolutely fearless version...... the only time she’s quiet is when she’s reading a book. anyway. i cn see scout n preston being run RAGGED hving to look after these demons like the boys wld slap mud prints onto the wallpaper..... they’d pull drawers out looking fr their confiscated toys when they misbehaved n cutlery wld crash bc it’d fall on the floor... they’d run away frm the scene of this crime after..... bebe scout wld be like..... UR THE UGLIEST BOYS I’VE EVER KNOWN..... AND I HATE U!!!!! hurling crayons at her brothers fr their mischief... n scout n preston wld have to somehow neutralise all of this chaos. it wld be exhausting. i cn anticipate it mounting frustrations n tensions to the point where scout n preston might even bicker between themselves jst over stupid stuff like scout being like preston u can’t give them chocolate before they’ve had their dinner n preston being like cmon.... let them live a little...... this isn’t a dictatorship... n scout being like do u WANT them to b bouncing off the WALLS???? literally like a married couple.... they’d finally manage to put them to bed in bethan’s room (which ws renovated into a room w three beds fr them to stay in when bethan needs help aka needs scout to babysit) n scout wld usher preston frm the room to let them settle n once she thought he wasn’t watching she’d tuck each in n kiss their heads n be like love u hell spawns. then she’d go dwn n eye preston on the couch frm the doorway like >_> bt still go to get them a beer each..... i cn picture literally by the time she returns frm the kitchen preston being asleep bc the children r relentless.... n even if they’d been bickering a bunch scout wld roll her eyes n kind of smile abt it n swig her beer then put it dwn n grab a blanket n carefully tuck it over him so he didn’t catch a cold in their drafty house w a faulty boiler.......... sickening.
this is related to scout’s nephews n niece again bt in summer they always play in the yard w the hose n i can picture scout n preston having like.... a fight in the morning mayb n her storming dwnstairs n leaving him to get dressed n leave or whatever jst childishly........ n then by the time he got down if it ws summer the kids wld be prancing around outside n shrieking up a storm as scout sat angrily in a fold out chair watching over them........ mayb they’d all b like PRESTON PRESTON STAY N PLAY n he’d be like i’m gna head home............... n they’re like NO PLAY W US PLAY W US n one of the boys even sprays him w the hose. mayb preston wld join in playing w them just picking him up n pretending to fling him around n they’d all be laughing n screaming n scout wld be a tiny bit mellowed by this bt still stubbornly clinging to being mad...... her niece is like SCOUT PLAY WITH US PLAY WITH US n she’s like maybe in a bit. i cn imagine preston spraying her w a little bit of water frm the hose to b childish kind of joining in w the kids being a nuisance n scout being like WTF??????? n then snatching the hose off him n spraying him bk n it just breaking into an all out war where they’re trying to get the hose off each other n both end up soaking wet n she breaks  n laughs n he’s picking her up as the kids all cackle n scream. their fight jst somehow resolved in the space of half an hr when they were jst on the verge of another stupid breakup............. this tumultuous relationship........ no wonder their friends r sick of them.
scout’s dad is...... certainly a character n she hasn’t heard from him in yrs bt he made a big reputation fr himself in town to say the least.... was just in w some rly shady ppl n always fucking everyone over fr his own selfish agenda.... truly jst a liability to b associated w nvm to have as a husband/father so the wilders rly.... went thru it a bit w him. it ws like being buckled into a rollercoaster. nw he’s been gone a few yrs they’ve managed to pick up some of the shrapnel he left behind bt there’s still pieces n tht’s evident in the fact tht every so often guys he used to run w will come knocking trying to shake them dwn fr debts Poppa Wilder still owes them. he’s on the run frm the law nw n they hv no idea where he is bt they still have to deal w these repercussions. anyway. scout is very much like... I Will Deal With Everything In The World On My Own bt with luca in prison, jasper out n about all the time n rarely home sometimes bc he’s a free spirit, her mum working long night shifts n sleeping thru the day n her sister bethan being moved out w kids a lot of the time it’s..... just scout in the house which she wld never admit gets rly lonely after growing up w a big hectic family. i cn imagine one of these guys waiting fr scout after her shift at the diner n just asking her again when he’s gna get his money n her being like fr the last time idk where my waste of space father is!!!!!! n he wouldn’t make a threat or anything bt he knows where they live so tht night i feel like scout wld be kind of nervous n peering out of the curtains a lot jst On Guard in case he shows up to take wht he’s owed by fleecing the place or smthn. mostly paranoia idk if he actually wld bt. scout wld just be kind of scared sleeping there alone n even if she’d wna deal w it on her own i feel like she’d put off contacting preston until pretty late when she’d eventually snap n just be like. can u stay over tonight? n she wouldn’t text it either which is kind of unusual fr her bc she mostly texts bt she’d wna hear his voice to calm her a little i think. again none of this wld b verbalised she wouldn’t even tell him abt this situation bc she tries to be independent as possible n not rely on anyone else fr anything bt......... it would calm her down a lot when he arrived n ws sleeping nxt to her. i feel like his laidback attitude is quite gd for her in tht respect like it has a soothing effect at times..... others perhaps not bt <3 miley cyrus life’s a climb.....
i feel like her ex............. wld not be happy abt scout dating preston. he’s quite a loose canon / volatile character n jst............... scrappy.......... n antagonistic sometimes...... not the worst bt definitely not the best! honestly i feel like if he ever bumped into preston he wld maybe even pick a fight w him except he wouldn’t mention scout he would just act like it wasn’t related bt it Would Be. if preston ws injured in any way via this then i can’t even express hw furious scout wld be she’d actually lose it a bit.... KJGFKHFKGHSFKGHS hell hath no fury like a scout wilder scorned <3 she’d nurse preston better if he had a bust lip or whtever (she’s quite gd at doing these things after yrs of living w reckless brothers who were always getting into fights n also hving a mother who’s in nursing n taught her first aid etc) n she literally wld refuse if he tried to be like i can do this myself she’d b like SIT. DOWN. stomping around the place grabbing her supplies n being so angry until it actually came to like.... dabbing his face where she’d b extremely gentle. stark contrast. she’d keep ranting abt how she was gna confront her ex fr it n even if preston was like just leave it she’d refuse at first then eventually be like ok :) w a tight lipped smile bt. the next day bc she knows where her ex hangs out she’d storm up to him on the street n jst fking RIP him a new one she’d b fully shouting at him unleashing such an ungodly rant w no fks given to who was watching..............if it was in a tv show i’d imagine her rampage all silent as opera music plays over the top n she’s jst yelling in slow motion as a child across the street gasps so loud at the multitude of swear words raining in his direction.... honestly i cn imagine this getting bk to preston w how public it was bt i get the feeling tht even tho he might’ve been like nah leave it he wld find her unbridled wrath funny n know it ws rooted in hw protective she is of those she loves which. as reluctant as she ever likes to admit it definitely includes him at this point.....
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jae-canikeepyou · 5 years
| untold | j.jh
Tumblr media
pairing: jaehyun x fem!reader genre: angst + fluff a/n: idk but i just feel like breaking your hearts. badly written bc ur girl doesn’t proof read at all hahaha :p fluffy ending since angst endings hits the heart hard. anyway enjoy reading~
a sigh from your boyfriend made the atmosphere more tense than before. you both had arrived to his apartment. even at the car earlier, he did not say a word. however the silence was enough for you know what was on his mind.
your friends and acquaintances did say lucky you, for you to hung out with the campus’ star and he didn’t seem to dislike your presence. it hasn’t been a year since you’ve said yes and gotten together with him. he was on every girl’s head and the man of their dreams. it wasn’t all luck and good times though. there’ve been fights with jaehyun, so often that you both had on each other’s nerves. it was normal to fight.
but to jaehyun? not so much.
especially when your relationship was a secret to everyone.
jaehyun sat tiredly on the sofa, no energy to even change his clothes. he looked at you where your heavy eyebags became more visible each day. you wanted to speak but you did know what you were getting yourself into when you did.
you huddled yourself beside him, in hopes he would talk to you. he had his arms wrapped around your waist. “y/n, why are we still doing this in secret?”
“do i have to explain myself again, jae?” you asked. “my parents.. they’re kind but they’re also strict and it’s hard to get my words to them.”
“i know but it’s hard on me too. as a man it kinda hurts my pride when my girlfriend’s.. afraid of what people might think and-”
“it’s not that i’m afraid..” you sighed as you rubbed circles on his palms.
“look, i’m fine if you wanted to keep us a secret at school, but i’m not gonna spend time pretending when i’m off-school too.”
ouch. you didn’t know how much the wound had hurt him, his honey voice turned bad. it was hard for him to endure months of hiding your relationship from everyone, his and your parents included.
you didn’t utter a word after he said that, even if you had a lot of things to say. he might view them as excuses. on the other hand, jaehyun understood the results of dating the daughter of the dean. yes, which explained why you were hard to get, closed off from dating and to focus on academics. your parents had eyes on you 24/7, but you knew they were doing it for your own good.
but he saw it differently and probably took it as a challenge. you were shackled from your parents’ discipline and orders. he knew you were kindhearted and loved them a lot so in one time during lecture, he befriended you and thought you were fun to be with despite not having friends who were ladies. and in the process of getting to know you, he fell in love.
“just a little longer i promise i’ll tell them.” you said softly.
“really? they’ll probably be cross if you tell them now. we should’ve told them when we were still new.” he slid his body to sit on the carpeted floor. his voice colder than usual. “might’ve changed their minds.”
“do you think i got a choice? i’m at a hard place right now.” you furrowed your brows.
he scoffed a laugh, a bitter one. “you got a choice to either break their rules or break my heart.” he spat in a higher tone. “choice, right?”
your quarrels with him were always about this certain topic. nothing else. your eyes stung with thin air, forming tears that you didn’t want them to fall. they did and there was no helping to it. a sniff from you made jaehyun turn around.
he never saw you cry, and it broke his heart seeing your weak self coping with the situation. his mind thought of a lot things that maybe he was too harsh on you. maybe he had put more pressure than it did before you both dated. but who knew? for now he just wanted to stop the innocent tears that were damping his clothes.
you felt constant rubs on your knees, probably his way of comfort as this was a first for him. he was facing you but you chose not to look at him in the eyes. “why does it sound like you think you’re not worth for me?”
jaehyun shot up at your words. “y/n i didn’t mean-”
“or am i not worth it to be yours? you got my heart but it seemed like you didn’t take it fully.” you said between hiccups. “ever since i told you about my parents.”
“nonono babe.” he pulled you to his embrace where you were wrapped by his frame. “you are worth it. i’m just frustrated at the fact that i’m not seeing things in a bigger picture. please don’t think that i don’t love you enough.”
you just sobbed and to him this was new. jaehyun nuzzled himself onto your neck. “oh y/n, i just think saying out loud means it’s real.”
“and hiding us does not make us real?” you sniffed, only to be stopped when your phone buzzed. “i gotta take this.”
jaehyun hit himself internally. stupid. he heard tiny voices telling him he has a handsome face but a fire tongue— qualities of a turn-off.
“hi mom.” your hoarse voice echoed the living area. “no no i’m not crying. i’m not feeling well that’s all. mhm..”
your soft voice and the growing anxiety made jaehyun shuffle in the sofa several times. he only saw your parents from afar and truly they seemed to be people of hard approach, let alone to last a good conversation with them.
jaehyun’s heart couldn’t stop from feeling anxious. any word from your parents have always caused him to flinch or to cross his arms.
“you saw me earlier?”
“y-you want to meet him?”
oh man..
jaehyun practically nudged you, panicking like he did something wrong. however your mother’s tone seemed eager, open and kindhearted than most days. you pressed the call on mute as your eyes shot daggers to your boyfriend, well at least to him that was how it looked like.
“what did she say?” jaehyun bit his lips.
you sighed heavily, but a smile from you was not noticeable for jaehyun to see. “my parents wants have dinner with us tomorrow.”
his expression was as if his soul had left him. “ah r-really?”
you decided to unmute the call. “mom, i think- oh.. i see..” you covered your mouth.
jaehyun had a lot of things in his mind. whatever the outcome, he thought he would be ready for it. his body couldn’t take the silence as he saw you listening to your mother, staring into space.
“okay. we’ll be there. love you too. bye.” you ended the call.
jaehyun has his arms all over the place, plopped down onto the sofa while hitting his head onto a pillow. a bit dramatic but that was because he doesn’t know, yet. “babe! i didn’t agree on this!” he complained, later scoffed at the thought of meeting your parents sooner than expected.
“you didn’t. but your parents agreed.” you said.
“of course i did not- wait what?” his brows knotted. “what did you say?”
“it’s your parents who agreed for the dinner tomorrow.” you shrugged as you tapped his shoulders for him to sit with you on the sofa.
he was still dumbfounded. you waved your hands in front of him. “babe, my mom just told me she’s best friends with your mom.”
“ha?” he asked, looking more dumbfounded. “if that’s the case what’s the point of us doing this in secret?” he groaned, his body slowly laying down.
“i’m sorry..?” you singsonged. “jae, we didn’t know they’re best friends.” you wiggled his sloppy body, a laugh escaping from your lips as he pulled you to his chest.
you got up to where your hands rested on his, admiring him when his smile shocked you. “you’re not angry anymore?”
he pecked your lips, his hands instinctively cupping your neck. “i’m not.”
“isn’t this good for the both of us? i mean we could-”
“i’m very angry at you for making me think the call was gonna be the end of us!” he lifted you in a bridal style, spinning you around. “the short silence was too scary!”
“like the heck i know it’s gonna be a dinner!” you laughed. you felt your body being put down.
jaehyun caressed your cheeks again, kissing you like he did earlier. “did your mother say anything else?”
“if i tell you, will you not freak out? or melt?” you asked with your hands gesturing in the air.
“if that’s what my girl wants, i’ll try not to.” his chuckled.
“you know my parents didn’t want me to date, right?” you bit your lips. jaehyun stared into your eyes, waiting for an answer. “well, my mom met your mom to discuss about me because she had a hunch i was dating. so when she saw us earlier, she took a picture and showed it your mom.”
“and?” he trailed his word.
“your mom was like ‘that’s my son!’ and basically my mom felt giddy because she wanted her best friend’s son for.. me.” you said in one breath, deciding not to repeat it again.
you looked to jaehyun, who was now holding in a smile. he wanted to be a man of his word, but couldn’t anyway because it was about you. “isn’t this kind of an arranged marriage?” he asked.
“i wouldn’t say it’s arranged..” you trailed off. “more like.. destined?”
jaehyun had reached his limit, his body collapsing onto the carpeted floor. you laughed as his ears reddened than before. “i don’t like this! i’m too happy to even look at you right now!” he grabbed and hugged onto a nearby stuffed animal he got from ikea.
“i guess everything’s okay now.” you stood there as you looked down at jaehyun. 
“help me up babe.” he acted cute but you weren’t buying it. “please?”
“fine.” you brought forth your hands, only to be pulled down to the floor with jaehyun.
“i love you so much.”
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session 10 notes
oh wow yeah the layout of these will just forever be trash now bc it’s a lot of formatting work like a LOT sorry
• Presentation prep
○ Jacob is doing a tier list of every smash character in the world ever
• Apparently picchu was really busted
○ Idk who picchu is tho
○ Peechoo
○ I think it's picchu bc I think I've seen that before
• Are waterbenders ghostbusters
• R we starting
A few my little pony quizzes real quick
• When we last left off
• We were using medallions or whatever to search for stuff
• Broke into the city of the dead
• Were ambushed but interrogated one of them after killing the others
• Adam convinced that one that we chucked the stone
• We let him live but adam took his pants
• Not midnight but it's raining a lot
What are we doing
• As we leave the graveyard adam is getting chains out of george bush and putting it back on the gate
• Nvm we're just gonna follow naya
• Put chains back on 
• Squelching through mud
• Make way back w little trouble
○ We were able to set up the stuff?
○ Looks like some ppl r patrolling
○ Still hard to see bc rainy so we haven't been noticed
• Keep following naya
• Make way out safely
• Naya varies the pace every now and then
• Rain dies off later in the night
• Start approaching poorer area of the trade ward; fewer shops and businesses, more poorer housing
• Naya looks like she's leading us towards a windmill in the distance
• Just a towering windmill
• Not much wind so not spinning
• Cel makes perception check at disadvantage, can't see anything
• Naya runs up and stops in front of the windmill then vanishes
○ The second time we used naya's scry power? Maybe? Nvm?
• Does ur wifi ever poop itself
○ Nice
○ Ok I'll just keep sitting here ig
• Ok we're in a dark room and can't hear any sounds of a bloodbath
• There's a door
• Adam puts his ear to see if he can see anything, perception check
○ 8
• Door is solid wood
• Adam opens ground floor door
○ There r two doors
§ One on the side and one on the top
§ Ok we're in the windmill
• Cel pulls out lantern
• Adam opens door and sees a lot of people who look like they're sleeping on the floor
○ 5ish
○ Look like squatters
• Adam rolls 22 perception to see if he recognizes anyone, no one looks familiar
• Sneak by them ? Try to ?
• Adam can see another door that goes further in
• Adam snaps tiny flame on finger and rest of us follow the flame
• We walk over to next door
• Not locked
• Quietly go through
• Asyna is going to stay in the first room w ppl to watch them
○ In case they wake up / as guard
○ "hehe . Shillelagh"
○ "whack 'em with your 'forget-me' stick"
• Proposition for asyna to pretend she's sleeping
• Enter next room, just as dark as other
○ A few doors leading to left and right in front of us
○ In distance can see more people sleeping but only two
○ Looks empty
○ Lights lantern
• Adam pokes head through closest door
○ There's just more people
○ Strategy to burn entire building will not work
○ Cel can't tell if anyone looks like they're armed
• Do I want banana bread
• Going to peek into all the rooms
• Every room marked w2 has ppl sleeping
• What's happening in w3
• "so I look outside bc I heard somebody blasting despacito… there's a pickup truck towing a boat and there's a bunch of teenagers on it raving" - dom, 2020
• W3 is a wc a water closet as in a bathroom
• W4 is a closet w some cleaning stuff and grains
• Some ppl have woken up but they don't bother to like really watch us suspiciously
• Upstairs we go
• Three doors leading out of the room but also a large millstone in the center of the room
• Under debris, soaking wet from a hole in the ceiling
• Adam tries to move debris
• Cel rolls 15 perception, can't hear anything
○ Adam rolls nat1 and the stone resists adam's efforts
○ Technically a 0
• What's behind door w6
○ Caved in sections
○ Floor littered w bird droppings
○ Adam investigates "that's a 12 for eggs dominic"
○ There are eggs but they are fertilized eggs
○ Adam has to b careful
§ Gently picks up pigeon egg
§ "I have a plan if combat starts"
§ Adam is now carrying a pigeon egg
• What's in w8?
○ W7 first
○ W7 is locked
○ Adam tries the key; theo makes perception check first
§ Nat1 so can't hear anything
§ Adam tries the key
□ "I'm gonna stick that key into the lockhole"
□ It doesn't fit
§ 14, can't unlock
§ Aerana tries, 22
§ Lock clicks open
§ Cel peers inside
□ There's an open window, the room is cold
□ There's a door leading into a separate room
□ Armoire
□ Also two human males holding shovels
□ "congratulations - you're free" - adam
□ "what the hell r u on about"
□ "we unlocked your door that was previously locked presumably from the outside but now the door's open and you can walk through it"
□ "we locked it on purpose"
□ "none of ur business how we do ours what do you want"
□ "why did you lock yourself in here"
□ "bc this is our apartment"
□ Smth abt a rock
□ A tiny boulder ?
□ Rolls 20 for insight
□ Guy had a flash of recognition but he doesn't have it
® But what r they wearing
® Indiscrete, utilitarian clothes
® "can we search your room or will you tell us all you know"
® "is that a thweat"
® "a thweat? O thorry sorry a threat"
® Adam rolls for intimidation
◊ 9
□ "we could just lasso them"
□ "how much health do they have combined"
□ "ok so you guys aren't gonna tell us anything"
□ As adam turns around to leave he casts sleep
® 5d8 
◊ "is their combined health equal or less than 22"
◊ "together they had 8"
□ Asyna moseys on upstairs
• I try so hard
○ And then things like this happen to me
○ It's fine, I say, albeit wholly unconvinced
○ Wow ok it really b like this
• Adam makes investigation check for anything in the bed
○ 18
○ There's a cut in the side of the bed w a bag of coins
○ "we shouldn't rob these people"
○ Apparently it's not a lot so we leave it
• Going to check other room
○ W8
§ Try to open door but immediately hit smth blocking it
§ Aerana and cel try opening the door
□ 14 strength check; doesn't budge
□ Peeking inside can make out a lot of heavy stones
□ 3 in gap
□ "so we can't fit through it . But a much smaller animal could probably fit through it"
○ Would b asyna's second wildshape
§ Investigate room wd40 but it's w4b
○ Asyna and cel r gonna go to w4b
○ Adam sticks arm through crack
§ Adam gets sense roof has collapsed
§ Feels beam of wood blocking door
○ Dom thinks we're too weak to hammer the door
○ Cel goes first
§ Dexterity save
□ 19
□ 2 damage; steps inside side closet and floor collapses
□ Falls down into w4a on first floor
□ Picks self up and goes back upstairs
○ Gonna try n shimmy over, 10 for acrobatics
§ Starts making way over then falls; dex save 11
§ 2 damage again
§ "uh hearing cel fall from the second floor twice , I come out"
□ Cel is gonna try and jump to w6
□ Adam gets crowbar from cel
§ Adam uses mage hand to open the door
□ Cel can just see a bunch of pigeon nests in w6
□ Cel jumps into w6
□ More pigeons
® Investigates; 20
◊ Finds the odd shiny thing a crow might've brought in; for the most part looks like a bird's dwelling
◊ Some fish bones in one of the nests
◊ Nature check, 5; can't tell what kind of nest
◊ They look like pigeon eggs tho
◊ Whisper yells to asyna "pet pigeon ?!"
◊ "are you gonna throw it?"
◊ "let me just tell you guys right now . You have more than one chance"
◊ Both have to make dexterity checks
◊ There are at least 5 eggs
◊ Cel rolls 22, asyna rolls 16
◊ The egg made it across successfully
◊ Cel just jumps back
○ Adam lightly pats down the two sleeping dudes
§ Some money, small utility knife
§ Gonna crowbar w8; strength check w advantage
§ Adam tries using the crowbar on the hinges, 8
§ Warhammer ? 15
□ 11 damage
□ "ok. Bonk"
□ "screws were invented in the first century so there WERE screws in the renaissance"
® Oil the door, adam tries to pop out the bolt with a dagger
® Two 4s
□ The people we cast sleep on are still asleep
○ Nat20 for athletics check to go onto the roo
§ You go to top of the windmill
§ Drop down into the room
□ Huge collapse of stones from the ceiling, beam of wood propped up against the door
□ Nat20
® Positive there is nothing in the room, just ceiling debris
○ "I'm gonna give their hands a little bondage"
§ "and then jerry seinfeld walks in like 'what's the deal with airplane food'"
§ Adam shakes the more serious-looking guy awake
§ Takes out key and asks if he's seen it
□ Wakes up and says "wot"
□ Other guy wakes up and is flailing
□ Cel rolls athletics check to tie him up
® 14, is able to tie him up
□ Looks at it and says it's his
□ "what's it for?"
□ "none of your business"
□ "you guys have a hobby of graverobbing?"
□ Adam says he's with the citywatch
® Deception check at disadvantage
® 9
® "yeah we're from the watch . Watch your back"
□ "why were u in the mausoleum"
® Jacob makes intimidation check w advantage
◊ 16, more serious one says "well u know we don't normally do that sort of thing"
◊ "we was paid to do it"
◊ "by whom"
◊ Lorsa morclav
} Losser mirklav paid them
– Asdjdmaf nice
® "what's the key for"
® "it's private"
® "can you make it public? For money ?"
® "45" adam puts knife closer to throat "I'm guessing that's a no" "I'm guessing that's a less please"
◊ Asks if we've played the dnd equivalent of poker
} Adam says he wants names first
} Younger one is urlaster
} Older one is volkarr
□ Threaten to bludgeon toes
® "how connected r u to ur toes"
® "rather intimately"
§ Says he buried his treasure
□ 10 to hit, slams ground
® Adam asks to see where loser mirklav is
◊ Southern ward
◊ By a bunch of apartments
◊ Half elf guy - cellar street ?
◊ Lives in an apartment
◊ "wig shop"
◊ "a weed shop"
◊ "a wIG shop"
§ "did u guys steal anything else from the tomb"
□ "we was hired to steal bones"
□ "losser's a necromancer"
□ Did they pick up a stone ?
® Losser saw a really thicc rat
® Losser kills the rat but it just vanishes, leaving the stone
® Losser took the stone
◊ Insight check, 8; can't tell if he's telling the truth
} "u guys broke into the tomb of a noble family for a necromancer for how much gold"
} 10 gold
} "we're keeping the key"
} "is loser the type of person that stays up at night"
} "well he's a mostly nocturnal fella"
} "yeah he likes his beauty rest during the day"
} "he's a strange little fellow"
§ "how badly do you want this key back"
□ "that's my life savings I want it back"
□ "what does losser look like ?"
□ Halfling fellow w long gray ponytail, he's wrinkly and smelly
® Is it bad that every time I hear the word necromancer I think necrophilia not necromancy
® "yeah I'm licking your life savings right now buddy"
◊ Adam fake swallows
} Performance check, 8
} "you're the worst actor I've ever seen"
} Actually swallows it
} "oh fuck"
} Key is made out of rusty iron
} "alright . Bye"
◊ "do you want your key back within 1-2 business days"
} "why don't you just puke it out"
} "I don't want to"
} "you guys keep quiet, I'll return the key to you in 1-2 business days"
} "that's disgusting"
} "alright . Bye"
– We’re leaving them tied up 
– "wow we're being judged" - marguerite, 2020
– We take their shovel
– "say what was your name"
– "reginald"
– "deception"
w Rolls a 20 total
w "that's shilanda shilanda brilanda and tiffany"
w Nat1
® "it might come out less rusty than it was before"
◊ "hey dom when should I roll for that poison"
§ Cel takes knife, toss the shovels
□ Barricade door ?
○ Going back to mirt's to rest ?
§ Go back to mirt's
§ Fog has settled in over streets, early early morning
§ Make it back no problem
§ Past midnight
□ Rest with watches
□ During adam's watch reads book
® Investigation check, 20
® Details house growlund and their lineage
◊ It's a genealogical book
} A lot of the pages are blank bc it's continuously added to
} At some point it's described that some of the children were born with tails
– "I look at my tail . Then look back at the page"
– But then those tails were amputated
} Any inbreeding ?
– Investigation check, 13
– There was inbreeding
□ Cel keeps pigeon egg warm
§ Morning arrives, daytime mostly spent in fog until noon
□ 8 a.m.-ish
□ "do I have to uh use the bathroom dominic"
□ "is there any key"
□ "oh I thought you were talking about real life"
® "does the key come out"
® "oh my god no it does not"
® "this is a great disaster"
◊ "it was a large key"
◊ "then how did I swallow it?!"
◊ "oh god whatever"
◊ Key was small enough for adam to swallow without choking
} I didn't say this but I thought it: what if he had practice tho
• Renaer is up
○ Cel grabs asyna and adam to go ask renaer to watch their pigeon egg babies
○ He is incredibly confused but he affirms he won't eat them
○ "ey what's poppin mirt"
○ "how's it going"
○ "groot is chunky" - aerana?
○ "groot is the best kind of chunky" - cel
○ "mirt, I'll buy you a wig" - adam
○ "make it purple"
§ Purple like …. : - D ahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahhahaAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAA
• We bust our way down to cellar street
○ Southern ward is the one where a lot of ppl move to from foreign lands
§ Eclectic
§ We find a small shop w some wigs in the front
○ There's a young half-elf woman running front desk
○ Headstands w wigs in the front, some r purple
○ Adam walks up to the half-elf woman asking for a special order w loser
○ "sorry we don't have anyone by that name"
○ "losser?"
○ Adam wants a private meeting to place an order
§ Insight
□ 16, she looks surprised n confused
○ There was not an apartment above the store
§ This corner is mostly businesses
□ Nat20 wisdom saving throw
® She is uncharmed
○ Has gray hair, smells like an excessive amount of lavender, 
§ Says his name is val
□ Mirklav backwards
○ "is your boss here right now"
○ Lets himself in sometimes to say hi and to check in like once a month but he has a key
§ "how do you know him"
§ "uh do u remember how I said I was throwing a bar mitzvah ? He's invited"
□ 15 deception, works
□ She goes to the back
○ Nothing suspicious looking in the shop aside from the normal weirdness you'd expect from a wig shop bc it's just head mannequins
○ An elf walks in
§ "hey . Yo"
§ He nods
§ Doesn't necessarily look like he needs a wig
§ Wearing a tricorner hat like gwash
□ Makes idle conversation
□ "interesting things happening in the city, eh?"
® Heard abt the house that got blown up
® "oo . What's the juice ? What's the juicy gossip my guy"
® They say some kind of explosion
® Says he's more into politics
◊ "of course he is"
® "well I concern myself w the affairs of princes and princesses"
◊ Talks abt making deliveries
® "well many of them r comfortable . Of late I was able to make a v special acquaintance who essentially helped me w smth I needed doing"
◊ "I'm adam nice to meet you . Is it impossible to explain or "
◊ What's this guy's name tho
◊ Says he's good at making ppl happy or sad ???
◊ "you're like a performer"
◊ "do smth for us"
} He lost his silver handkerchief
– Can turn silver into gold, flicks it
– Admits puppetry is not his particular area of expertise
w Name is Jamboreal
w Nat20 insight check
w Looks different but it's the other guy
w Oh it's the guy the disguise guy your handkerchief bruh you really forgot about your own doings n stuff
w AHAHAHHA I SEE IT NOW OOPS wow I was really off
• Clerk lady comes back in
○ Brings back note of smth
§ We'll just sneak back later at night ig
§ Adam gives her a gold and says he'll take her purplest wig
□ Brings out a fluffy purple toupee
○ Wig shop closes around dusk
○ "do you want this wrapped"
○ "do you want to come to my bar mitzvah ? I'm turning 14"
○ Jamboreal is haggling a price down
§ Concept: take asyna to the zoo
□ Adam runs intelligence check for a 
□ Uh are we going to the zoo ? We're going to the zoo
□ There's a bunch of animals
Pause; next time we’re going to the zoo
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Dino Rant (Nov 27 + Other Side Tales)
My siblings are currently mad at me. Here’s what went down. Tagging: @akaskira​ @ce-la​ @caratheillustrious​ Who are all practically my spiritual online older sister/sage advice givers and @lizard-in-the-rain​ who can be an idiot along with me.
For context:  Ate = Sister Kuya = Brother * My dad and I have a rocky past because he’s very old-fashioned, hasn’t been always supportive about my mental health, and is really old and out of date (especially about LGBTQ, feminism, HK protests, etc.) * My sister also has a rocky past with me but has since calmed down a little thanks to old age (she’s 23) * My brother is constantly busy with school (and stressed), is still mourning his breakup after a few months which continues to salt his wounds (not because his ex is crappy but she’s really nice. He’s having a bit of trouble still.), and is a very sensitive person (more sensitive than my sister)
Further in, you can see what happened at the orchestra concert on Saturday. For context, you can check out a previous rant.
Me: Dad got some bad oil burns. I was in the family room as he was yelling “[MOM NAME x 3] WHAT DO I DO WITH OIL BURNS?” Mom was upstairs and didn’t hear They are kinda big He’s upset
Ate: What the why didn't you help him call mom???? did you??? yike oil burns are no joke bc they hurt for longer bc water just steams away but oil sticks and keeps burning and the scars are worse
Me: Uh... I was scrolling on tumblr? I don’t know. I thought he already put ice.
Ate: smh
Me: But looking back, I heard the water running for less than a minute.
Ate: LOL
Me: And never heard the freezer open
Ate: water won't help unless you use soap anyways
Me: So I thought he did that but he was really just yelling for mom He didn’t even ice it. He said he ran some water over it.
Ate: make sure you help if someone yells for help next time even if you think it's handled bc if a person is panicking/in pain they're likely not thinking straight to help themselves speaking from experience
Me: Mom tried to give him advice now and he just walked away going “uh huh”
Ate: even I know to put my hand under cold running water and ice it but I've definitely not done that when I've burnt myself before I would be pretty choked too if there were 2 other people in the house and neither of them came to help me when I got oil burns
Me: Mom was upstairs and couldn’t hear. I thought he was crying wolf as usual.He yells for mom around three times on a daily basis
Ate: fair but fr next time take the 5 seconds to check bc sometimes bad things happenesp if all you hear is a thud
Me: “[Mom Name x 3 again] I CANT FIND THE [blank]!!!” Mom: it’s been in the same spot for over a decade. Look with your eyes.
Me: Mom does that once every other day (has a big thud) usually because something broke. When I heard the yell this time, I thought it was because he knocked something over. Dad is always yelling He even asked mom how to make the rice And didn’t make it because she didn’t answer fast enough Dad is a drama queen. That’s where we all get it from.
Ate: I mean
Kuya: Tf is this situation How can you ignore someone in need of help Regardless of who it is Doesn't it hurt to see someone suffering
Me: I didn’t see anything
Kuya: Unless you hold extreme animosity Like they killed your mom or something I have to hand something in by 10 But I find this quite upsetting
Me: I didn’t see anything, and the last thing he yelled was an oil burn, and the only advice I had was water and ice which I thought he already did.
Me (in response to animosity): Not extreme, but living with him with only me as the child has screwed a lot of things up.It has taken a toll on my sympathy for people (or whatever is left)
Ate: Same but he's still our dad?
Me: Eh, I honestly thought it was a small thing until I saw it.
Ate: I have only shreds of respect for him left but idk if I would go as far as to just overlook "oil burn" and figure "oh, I can't help so I'll ignore him" like that's a lil funny
Me: Again, when someone is constantly yelling, there’s a point where you don’t listen fully to what they’re saying. It only registered later that his burns might actually be serious and more than putting your fingertip on a hot pan. I also have little sympathy due to how he’s treated me during my past situations so honestly, I’ve little tolerance.
Afterwards, my mom called my sister who was absolutely hysterical and screaming on the other line to the point where my mom had to pull the phone away from her ear.
Some Stupid Orchestra Stories:
Things I have said to my orchestra cohorts that might’ve scared them:
*sees me bump my instrument* Trumpet: Ouch Me (walking away): Snitches get stitches and end up in ditches, and dead men tell no tales. Doug: What?
*sees me bump my bow* Doug: Ouch Me (tired because I was just excluded from the conversation today because no one would listen to what I had to say): I’m going to stab you Doug: Pat, protect me!
Me: *tells anything about school* Everyone: MAJOR CONCERN (Examples: Kid said that this guy could have sex with his friend before she turned 21 by slipping a drug into her drink, kid saying he was going to hit a girl with a metal bar from the desk, kids smoking out back, kids make noise downstairs which causes the room I work in to shake, kids throwing stuff out car windows, kids brawling, my science teacher from regular school failing me for practically no reason)
More of an annoying incident from me: Hannah: Who’re you messaging? Your girlfriend? Sean: Yeah Me: YOU’RE STILL TOGETHER?! Sean: (sheepishly) yeah
To be fair, I get weirded out whenever they flash their privilege as semi-well off rich kids.  “Remember those special trips you get to take with your school to learn more about science? // Remember those international trips you take with your school club?” Me: ...no?! I’m not poor, I just dropped out of school before I could even go to my nearest McDonalds for a field trip.
But Doug is a little dumb sometimes. He doesn’t get my sense of humour (understandable), but he’s a little ignorant towards not-privileged people. 
He literally said he goes to sleep at 9:30pm, got into university (this is a semi-prestigious one) first try with 90s in all of his classes (at least), has a girlfriend, has friends, and doesn’t understand why anyone would stay later than that unless they had poor time management. His words, not mine. My brother stays there until around 12am studying. He was not happy to hear that. Doug is first year so my siblings are making fun of him saying he will perish in a year’s time. My parents saw him stealing kisses from his girlfriend in a parking lot during the day of our last concert. I seriously though the girl in his profile picture was his sister and not his girlfriend because they were both seriously white. Whiter than a bowl of milk I tell you.
He also doesn’t know what a period app would be for. I was a little annoyed. My brother knows about this well enough because we all know my sister and mom would not let anyone in this family live if they did not know the ins-and-outs of a period. Doug was like, “Why would you need to track that?” I responded, “Because they’re irregular.” He looked a little puzzled and I said, “Douglas, you’re a science major. There’s sex ed in school.” He responded that he is going into research (not sure what that has to do with menstrual ignorance) and never paid attention during sex ed (since it’s never for marks). I then got a little more pushy and said, “Well, if you ever want a girlfriend, maybe you should learn.” To which he said, “I have a girlfriend”. To which I gave him a look of:
Tumblr media
Stories from the orchestra concert:
I did tell the bass instructor about this so maybe it’ll get sorted out but I did this “tell the teacher” thing twice where it backfired terribly. Let’s hope university kids are a little more grown up.
My messages from that night: Pat told me it was cute when I played in the wrong spots. It was genuine like she said it was cute. But it was like ??? I was having a panic attack. My brain left my body. I don’t want to play anymore. Then she put up her bow to make sure I wouldn’t flip the page Then she hit her bow on her bass. I really don’t want to play anymore. (She also repeated the same thing twice knowing from a previous talk that I have bad anxiety. She has anxiety as well.)
Me: Then Hannah and Patricia were commenting on my shoes. I like wearing my orthotics. They make my feet feel not in pain. Ate: tell them that Me: I did They told me to take off my shoes “They can’t even see my feet” I’m all the way in the back behind people “Then take off your shoes” “But then I’ll be in pain” “But you sit” (I have one foot on the ground) “So take them off. It’s for dress code. People can see you” Ate:  but it's literally a medical thing Tell them to actually fuck off hoh my god it's like asking a blind person to put their stick away bc people will trip on it or that you can't have your service dog with you like????
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blue-dream-rhapsody · 5 years
kugo-centric brave souls CFYOW campaign screaming
bc like what do you guys expect from me at this point
So with the first part of the campaign coming out in brave souls, likely more or less serving as the “official” translation, we’ve already got some interesting bits, both new things I’ve noticed and variances from the fan translations we’ve gotten so far (huge credit to missstormcaller for her work!! what’s been put out, she’s already translated wonderfully)
[any differences I point out between Brave Souls and fan translations are NOT criticisms/insults to the fan translators’ efforts. The BBS team likely has access to the original intentions of any line they put in, which means they could know for sure if they were presenting lines accurately. BBS also cuts text and minor scenes, so while it’s good for getting the basics across, there is also a lot of nuance that it will miss. Even if you play Brave Souls, read the fan translations. They’re much more in-depth.]
-oh real quick, Aizen at the start was interesting, when he talks about Tosen with Hisagi. Because there’s far less of his usual derision or condescension when he talks about Tosen. And even though what he says is incendiary to Hisagi by its very nature, his intention doesn’t come across as goading so much as a sign of respect. At first I thought I might’ve been seeing things differently without surrounding context and nuance (since BBS doesn’t describe things like facial expression or tone and uses stock expressions). But one of the very last chapters of the actual novel actually confirms this—Tosen held a genuinely special place in Aizen’s esteem, and was the only person he could ever confide in even remotely (like, keep in mind who we’re talking about here). He calls killing him an act of mercy not because it’ll get under Hisagi’s skin, but because that’s truly what it was, particularly in the mind of Tosen himself. It doesn’t make Aizen anything close to an uwu innocent babby but what it does do is make a character with no attachment to anything infinitely more interesting. After all, what fun is a stagnant god?
-And about the event story, it seems like Grimmjow and Nel’s second stages were supposed to be drawn out by Aura? Tokinada talks about her “puppets” being effective, and while she had a part in Hikone’s creation I think Hikone acts on their own here and isn’t being strung by her, so I don’t think they’re the puppet. Don’t know if I’m misunderstanding it, and if I’m not I don’t know if this implies the other Espada’s second stages will be her doing, too. And maybe she’s not drawing out the power itself and is just making them appear and disappear, and the Kyogoku/Valley of Screams makes them go into second stage somehow. (or it’s just an event story and means absolutely nothing??)
-Kukaku just casually called Shuhei’s eyes handsome and idk why that’s so funny to me
-Okay yeah there’s this thing, which could have some implications depending. The fan translations have Shuhei say he heard Kugo didn’t go to Hell, but Brave Souls has him say he’d heard Kugo had escaped from Hell. And uh, big difference. Like listen I love my boy but even I don’t think he’s powerful enough to rip himself out of HELL and crawl back to the Soul Society. It’s not that I don’t think there was reason enough to send him there, but I had always been under the impression that he had been spared from it deliberately, thanks to Ichigo and/or Ukitake (or perhaps Hell’s Sinner Detector™ knowing how fucked over he was and just not taking him). 
-You know thinking about it, Shuhei does call this a rumor. And there are a metric fuckton of Soul Reapers who would be pretty pissed off if they found out Kugo Ginjo, Soul Reaper Hunter, was just hangin’ out in Rukongai. They’d probably go nuts trying to kill him, and tear down Kukaku’s house in the process. I wouldn’t be surprised Kugo’s identity and presence in the Soul Society has been kept very secret among a few Captains (at the very least Yamamoto, Kyoraku and Ukitake, and Kurotsuchi who can find out fucking anything), or at the whole Captain level. Everybody else who asks just gets told he’s in Hell where he belongs. There was probably a sighting at some point which started rumors he got out.
-“Shu... Shu... SHOOT, IT’S BEEN A WHILE HUH LIEUTENANT?” Ganju stop covering your tracks it’s okay we know you forgot
-Ganju says he won’t allow bad blood between Soul Reapers and the Shiba family (not “friends of”) and thereby kind of implies that the Fullbringers are members of the Shiba family. Kukaku says she accepts Kugo and co. for who they are, and calls him “our freeloader” (not “the”). Considering Kugo’s apparent lifelong lack of a place to belong, this little kind of thing hits me dead in the kokoro.
-It also sounds like Kugo makes a differentiation between a half Soul Reaper and a Substitute Soul Reaper, the first being a “biological” state one is born with and the second meaning someone given Soul Reaper powers while alive. This would mean Substitute and Deputy aren’t interchangeable: “deputy” is solely a rank for a sanctioned non-pure Soul Reaper, and they have to either be half or Substitute before they can have the “deputy” title. Both Ichigo and Kugo became Deputies specifically when they were given official passes. Kugo seems to say he was always a Substitute, as in someone given Soul Reaper powers while alive, whereas Ichigo’s Substitute powers were cut off by Byakuya early in the series and the ones he then regains are entirely his own from his father’s ancestry. So between his first Hollowfication and his getting the badge, Ichigo was neither a Substitute nor a Deputy. He was a half (or third or quarter or however it works out), and remains as much through the end with his Deputy status tacked on. (And presumably Kugo has lost his Deputy status, but I’m fairly certain he still remains a Substitute.)
-Use of the word “friends” instead of “comrades” or “allies” makes the masscre story sting worse. I consider this permission to use it in all my commentary now and spread the pain.
-Also, he makes it sound like they were killed by more than one Soul Reaper. Meaning he could’ve been outnumbered when they attacked, or they might’ve been scattered around targeting Fullbringers and he was only able to catch up to the one that he killed. Like, thanks! I hate it!
-Here he seems to say he learned about the pass at the point this happened, as opposed to figuring it out before and then surmising that that was how he was found. Literally I just wrote a part about this, why do you gotta play me this way.
-Also oof, “But aside from me, why did my Fullbringer friends have to die, too?” Like, implying if he had to be killed because they didn’t trust him, then fine. Plus he was willing to die killing Ukitake if that’s what it took—because it’s not about himself, or him winning, or him being more powerful. It’s purely retribution for the lives taken, whatever the personal cost. You look me in the eyes and tell me this isn’t a man with a lot of guilt inside him.
-I’m mad they didn’t have Kugo and Shu’s little exchange (or Ganju and Kukaku’s) after Hisagi leaves, since there were like five story-free chapters while Shuhei bikes back to the barracks that they could’ve put something into. but fine I get it I know that’s not why most people are here it’s fine
-but you know what I do appreciate? They really kept true to Giriko’s role in this adaptation, very carefully portrayed him with as much weight as he has in the proper novel. I don’t feel like I’ve missed a thing where he’s concerned. So yeah if you need me I’ll be over here bleeding out in the corner
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not-a-feron · 6 years
Buckle up here are my thoughts on Deltarune
I’ve been seeing a lot of ppl here and videos on YouTube talking abt theories and stuff so I thought I’d make my own megapost to surmise my thoughts and my own theory on wtf is going on in this game Part of this was @brigadeinvader​ and me talking over discord and discussing the game, I don’t think either of us would’ve come up with this on our own
Timeline Placement & Stuff
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As Toby stated, Deltarune is neither a sequel nor a prequel because it’s not the same world as Undertale, and this is important. You can call it an AU if you want, it’s not far from what I believe it is. However, somethig doesn’t have to be a prequel or sequel to happen before or after something else. Lemme explain.
I personaly stand for the idea that Deltarune is an alternative wolrd to Undertale, hence why the same characters are there, only different. It being an alternative world means it’s still somehow connected to Undertale. If you know anything about the multiple worlds hypothesis, then you should know Undertale and Deltarune’s timelines would run parallel to each other without interfering (they might’ve been one and the same at some point, but not anymore. And timelines cannot merge back). This still means the events of one can take place after or before the other, just in different worlds.
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Not necessarily in that order, but like so. We have two dates to go by, and those are the begining narration of Undertale and Ralsei’s cut manual for Deltarune. Undertale’s is 201X, while Deltarune’s is 202X. This would normally mean Deltarune goes around a decade after. However, the date at the beginning of Undertale is not the date the events of the game take place on, but the date the Fallen Human (I’ll refer to them as Chara) ends up in the underground. The game asks us to name the human from the beginning narration, which isn’t Frisk, so we don’t know exactly how much time passed between Chara’s arrival and Frisk’s. It has to be a lot of time, though, seeing as six other humans fell down in that time and most of the monsters underground don’t remember/flat out haven’t seen the surface or the humans by the time Frisk arrives. And if we take Asriel’s transformation at face value, then enough time has passed for a Dreemurr to age from a kid to a... young man, I guess. Which is certainly more than a decade.
Arsiel being in university in Deltarune doesn’t put it after Undertale, because I’m pretty sure Asriel would also be around that age, if not older, by the time Frisk comes around if he hadn’t died.
If you don’t want to take Toby’s declaration too seriously, since he doesn’t outright say anything but Deltarune being a different world from Undertale with different characters that lived different lives; then Chapter 1 still has some evidence that points towards this. None of the characters you meet that were also in Undertale are exactly the same. Not even their sprites. Everyone has at least something different in their designs when compared to the ones seein at the ending credits of the Pacifist run in Undertale. Asgore doesn’t have a crown, Undyne doesn’t wear an eyepatch, Alphys doesn’t have her labcoat and was probably never a scientist, Mettaton never became a star, Toriel has a darker shirt underneath her purple sweater (check it, I’m serious), Bratty and Catty hate each other, and so on. Sadly we don’t get to see Papyrus, The only one who’s exactly the same is Sans.
There’s a post by @napstamuse (idk about putting links bc of tumblr’s recent algorithm, sorry) comparing all the main sprites of the characters in both Undertale and Deltarune, and Sans’ jacket is has the same color, even down to the hex value of the blue. Not only that, but his personality remains untouched. He still has some sort of attraction (I don’t mean romantic necessarily) to Toriel, still fond of puns, etc. He’s the only one of those we see that’s exactly the same in Deltarune as in Undertale.
He’s more than probably even the exact same Sans from Undertale. As in, he somehow moved from one timeline to the other, unlike the rest who aren’t the same characters per se. We all know by now Sans wasn’t from Undertale, not really. His Genocide fight convo states “I gave up trying to go back a long time ago.” and “getting to the surface doesn't really appeal anymore, either”. This means 1) he’s not from there, from Undertale’s world/timeline and 2) whatever place he’s from isn’t the surface. That’s important. Because a lot of details point towards Sans being originally from Deltarune’s world, then for some reason moving to Undertale’s sometime before Frisk arrives. But when we find him in Deltarune, what does he say?
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And when you ask about “Friends”.
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Meaning he also came from somewhere else. Considering Deltarune’s town is in, apparently, the surface; then it makes sense why Sans didn’t originate from there, since he didn’t come from the surface. And he knows the surface, as evidenced by him telling Papyrus what the Sun is (though that could also be bc of Alphys’ anime).
But if he doesn’t come from Deltarune’s town, and he also deosn’t come from Undertale’s world; then where does he come from?
I propose Sans is a Darkner. I don’t know if someone has already made this point in a video or post, but hear me out.
Unless Sans is from a different world altogether, then the only place in Deltarune that isn’t the surface (that we know of) is the Dark World. Not only that, but we know thanks to this infamous scene:
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... that Darkners bleed.  Monsters do not bleed. Susie right there more than probably doesn’t bleed either, and yet Lancer assumes everyone in the Fun Gang does. That can only be because his species, the Darkners, all bleed. You know who else bleeds?
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Sans does. And yes, I’m aware there have been ppl saying the red thing coming from him is actually ketchup from a bottle inside his jacket (which, knowing sans, wouldn’t surprise me tbh), but that wouldn’t explain why it comes out of his mouth as well. Hence it must be blood. Monsters from the underground all turn to dust upon defeat, yet Sans is the only one in the game who doesn’t. It doesn’t help the fact that we never see him die on screen and the sound effect that plays when the battle ends isn’t the one of a moster being defeated, but of one being spared. We also never really see Darkners bleed, that’s true, since they all flee from battle and you can’t kill anyone in Chapter 1; but Lancer’s bucket scene tells us that yes, blood is a thing in the Dark World that does come out of bodies when they are beaten.
There’s also another thing that might be minor, but all Darkners get tired after enough time in a battle. It’s the way you defeat the Chaos King and it’s the easiest way to spare enemies in Chapter 1. They all fall asleep. After enough time in a battle, Sans also falls asleep. It’s also the only way to defeat him in Genocide.
So Sans might be a Darkner. Why he left the Dark World (what is the Dark World) and why he then left the world of Deltarune to arrive at Undertale... we don’t know. It could have something to do with Undertale’s Gaster (or maybe Deltarune’s), but again, we don’t know. We’ll have to wait for the rest of Deltarune to come out to have more material to go on, I suppose.
Also the stuff about the “don’t forget” picture with the three smiling people on it. The song at the end credits states “don’t forget, I’m with you in the dark”, and the Fun Gang is comprised of three people. But we have no definitive evidence on that either.
More on the Timeline Placement
I personally believe Deltarune takes place before Undertale, though I suppose a better term would be “earlier” than Undertale in the split worlds. By no means whatever happens in Deltarune affects Undertale, we know that thanks to Toby’s tweet. But Sans being there means something happened that made him leave and enter Undertale, so in some ways it is before that game.
I also know there are some things that make this difficult. I still believe Deltarune comes before, but untill we see Asriel or have any definitive dates we cannot be sure as to which one is earlier in the timeline. Gerson being dead complicates things even more, unless you want to tell me monsters age slower in the underground.
Jevil & Seam
Seam’s line if you speak to him after defeating Jevil, the “darker, yet darker one”, is too specific not to be deliberate. We know Jevil spoke to someone that broke him, and we also know said someone was not the Knight. Not only that, but Jevil uses sprites way too similar to the Everyman to also be a coincidense, when using his carousel attack. We also see the Everyman in the wall of the alley Alphys is at the end of Chapter 1. So something is going on there.
I think by now we’ve all somewhat accepted the idea that Gaster is more present in Deltarune than he is in Undertale. The same sound that plays during Entry 17 can be heard if you try to use your phone in the Dark World, and it’s also the noise that sounds near the red doors in the woods of town, only slowed down by a crap ton. The tweets before Deltarune was launched are also more than probably written by Gaster, considering the name of the account was changed to black bars and every tweet was in his text style.  During the survey part of Chapter 1 it’s also very probable the one conducting the survey is him, judging by the text style and all the weird choices (like blood types C and D, or the PAIN flavor). That is, of course, until someone else interrupts them. The text stopps being all in uppercase and the speech pattern changes, which is even more evident in the Japanese version as it starts using the correct form of speech (kanji + hiragana) instead of the weird one from before (katakana + hiragana). Coincidentally enough, the only character we know of that speaks in a textbook example of correct speech (thanks to the Japanese version of Undertale), is Chara.
And before anyone starts saying Gaster isn’t there; he is.  We just don’t know where. He has to be there, with no Core to build and no accident to happen that means the Gaster of Deltarune is 1) untouched, probably the same he was before everything went down in Undertale and 2) not a scientist, by that matter. Alphys is a teacher, so Gaster has to be around somewhere (more than probably behind the red doors south of the church, but who knows). We can say, though, that there might be more than one Gaster there. Since Undertale’s was “shattered across time and space” because of the accident, and Deltarune’s never had said accident, then both could be around during Chapter 1.
Also the game continues to crash/restart if you try to name either creator or vessel after him.
Dark World
It exists, lets get that out of the way. I highly doubt it was a dream or an hallucination or something, and there’s some evidence pointing to that. 
It is very probable, though, that it doesn just... exist. How do I even began to explain this.
It might have been created by some otherworldly power influenced by what was present in the abandoned classroom when Kris and Susie return to town. There was a chess board, chess pieces, a deck of cards, a stuffed toy that looked like Seam, etc.  But it did certainly happen. They entered the supply closet. If everything had been a dream or a game, then 1) Susie wouldn’t be surprised and confused (in the case of a game) and 2) they would still be in the supply closet by the time they return. But they were not.
Also, the pencil Kris carries changes if you defeat Jevil before coming back. Not only that, but there’s an item that carries over into your inventory from the Dark World. The egg.
If you are given the egg behind that tree by... whoever that was, it will still be in your inventory when you return to town. You can leave it in Asgore’s fridge and it will multiply, much like the Dog Residue of Undertale. What is up with the egg, we don’t know. Who even gave Kris the egg is also unknown, but for every character we don’t know we could simply answer “Gaster” so we don’t have any clues either.
Some random thoughts before I close this off.
So Kris. Great adittion to our sweater wearing protagonists, now we can call them the kfc gang.
Seriously, though, Kris. I don’t even know where to begin here.
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You can still move their soul when they trap you in the cage.  I think this points to the idea that we control Kris by their soul. It’s what appears on the map when we avoid attacks and what, just like in Undertale, we take control of during battles.
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It’s also Kris’ file the one we overwrite at the beginning of the Dark World. It’s pretty obvious that we are taking control over them by taking control over their soul. It might just be a bad case of silent protagonist, but Kris never reacts to anything, even when those around them are shocked. He never tries to do anything on their own, except for that one time they chose to protect either Susie or Ralsei (I don’t remember). Also the “your choices don’t matter” theme going on in Chapter 1.
Us being in control instead of them is even more evident when you try to drop the Ball of Junk once you return to town. Kris doesn’t want to, and is upset when we force them to, but they still throw it away; because they have no control over their body. They’re even relieved if you decide not to after the first question.
We can also suppose this control we haver over them isn’t a first time thing, though maybe not necessarily our control. The only objects they posses are the Ball of Junk and the cage over the red... wagon? (I forget what that is called). The rest of their side of the room is empty, as if they were afraid of having anything the ones controlling could simply toss away.
That explains perfectly why they rip their soul out at the ending of Chapter 1, though not the knife and the smile. Though that’s the most speculation in this rant. 
Anyway, congrats if you read through all that lol Feel free to add your theories/thoughts and help me correct stuff if there’s anythign contradictory in either games that could debunk anything here.
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fmdtaeyongarchive · 5 years
okay below the cut is a bunch of updates on ash’s life and where he is development-wise right now. i started to write this for myself to keep track because i’ve had so many plots dropped/changed/cleared/etc. over the past several months and i wanted to make sure i knew what was going on, but i thought it’d be a good reference for people i’m plotting with too?? or just other people in general if you have an interest at all in where ash is lmao. there’s, like, three plotting ideas interspersed too (which are italicized!) so if you see something we could work with lmk
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professionally -
ash is currently promoting love shot with knight. his heart isn’t in it, but that shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. he’s back down to not a lot of lines again, so he feels like he can get away with it. he’s still wary after his attitude/laziness scandal a year ago and recent netizens commenting on how he doesn’t seem to care about the group anymore, so he tries to keep it not super obvious to the public. he doesn’t care to hide it as much in private around the members since he tends to distance himself from them a lot anyway.
he really does feel over knight, in the sense that he wishes if it’s not possible to end his contract early altogether, he would be allowed to leave the group and only make solo music until he can part ways with bc. at this point, if that opportunity was ever presented to him, he’d take it in a heartbeat, probably even if it would hurt the group/the other members. it won’t be tho so... sucks for him
one of his main focuses outside of knight is preparing for his solo concert (on march 29, 30, 31 at olympic hall~). he isn’t super obvious about it to people he’s not close to, but he’s very excited/nervous/anxious about it and it’s one of the first performances he’s felt that way about in a long while. anyone who wants to say their muse is coming to his concert is more than welcome to?!?! i’d love to plot some stuff around it too and maybe do some threads or whatever if anyone’s interested !!
his other main focus outside of knight is working on his collab album with yoona and he’s not exactly thrilled about the concept but he’s accepted it at this point. he feels like it’s a scandal waiting to happen, and he doesn’t want to deal with that or drag someone else down with him, but he’s not fighting it, just #stressed about it
the collab album is planned by bc to be the first step in pushing a sexier image for him, which he isn’t fully aware of at this point. the idea is that he’s distanced himself some from his scandals but will never be able to marketed as enitrely wholesome and innocent or a perfect son-in-law type and the love struck singer-songwriter thing isn’t unique enough to carve a niche that maximizes profitability, so they’re leaning into what they have to work with
he’s still spending all of his free time in the studio working on music, for himself and for other people (y’all, feel free to give him more people to be working on songs for *eyes emoji* my messages are always open!!)
personally -
ash is sorta ~in the middle~ with his mental health right now. he hasn’t gotten as bad as he was during december 2017/january 2018 since back then, but promoting untitled, 2014 did set him back a little on the self-love train (did he have tickets for that in the first place??). he hasn’t been drinking as much either, which is progress... but not really.
he’s been looking at places to move out as soon as he can, but he’s confused about what he wants. the idea of living alone scares him because he’s never done that before and he’s scared of what might happen if he’s left alone to his own thoughts too often, but he really can’t bear to live in the dorm any longer than he has to and he craves the independence. if he hasn’t picked a place by the time the earliest possible move out date comes around, he might even ask to crash on a friend’s (a guy friend of course, bc isn’t going to let him live with a girl obviously lmao) couch until he can finalize and move into a new place. so that’s a possible plot i might be looking for??
he took up boxing and violin in the new year! he actually really enjoys boxing and has been doing it regularly (where’s that energy for the therapist appointments he’s been cancelling since 2017?). he doesn’t get excited about new stuff often, so it’s good for him. re: the violin, he just wanted to keep expanding his musical repertoire and he enjoyed starting to learn saxophone last year. violin is slow-going so far since he doesn’t have that much time to practice or meet up with his teacher.
with his friends, he might’ve been a little less ghost-y than usual lately after wrapping his solo promos so congrats to the three friends ash has for possibly having actually heard from him lately!
uh that’s all i think idrk what the purpose of this was but thanks for reading this massive lump of nothingness if you did and yeah idk let me know if any of the plot ideas i littered throughout speak to you or even anything that wasn’t explicitly a plot idea
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darby-drabbles · 6 years
Just some talk about various pairs in the High School AU. (Feel free to send more pairs and combos for me to talk about some other time, I made a post earlier with what characters are involved in the AU)
We don't have a solid timeline of who dates who and when, so those thoughts are kinda tentative, but I mean, I want all the classic ships to still be here!!! It’s just hard to get there if there’s a buncha jealous teens who still need to work out feelings... I also kinda struggled in general with some of this, a lot of the world building was back n forth with @duck-n-clover​ with BOTH our characters and I forgot to think about how some of my guys are just.. Together. Like I know How They Act in this au but what are their Opinions...
Andre & Nathan
TY @agentchimendez​
They probably met through Dante, one of Nate's best friends and Andre's, idk, eventual friend he starts to hang out with frequently. (I’ll talk about them too in part 2 probably) Andre hasn’t had a lot of good friends for a while now and he’s a little skeptical of people liking him and wanting to spend time with him suddenly and immediately. Sounds fake and unrealistic....
I feel like Nate and Andre wouldn't mind hanging out alone together pretty soon though. (I'm sure they're nearly always with other parts of their group, but they WOULD.) Despite Andre being unsure of calling him a Friend and maybe being skeptical, Nate's talkative enough that it'd be decent company AND he doesn’t have to work too hard about opening up. Initial thoughts, Nate thinks Andre seems cool but he wallows in self pity too much and he gets kinda worried about him.. hopefully he's doin okay. Nate will cheer him up!! Andre probably thought Nathan was a little Too Much, but didn't necessarily dislike him. Just. Needs to be his friend in small doses some times. Nate (and Dante) likes to tease Andre A Bit, like with any of his friends, but Andre's not used to Being his friend and gets easily frustrated with that. He doesn't WANT to be Teased he's Sensitive.. Nate likes to pester, and take foods off your lunch tray, and startle you then laugh when you get scared. It's usually Obviously a goof and Andre can kinda react reasonably, but sometimes it's taken a little too far for Andre’s liking to try n laugh off and he snaps at them all.
Nate's always pretty touchy-feely with all his friends, even acquaintances (This boy Loves HUGS!) and Andre's appreciative of him for it. He might not admit it Out Loud, but he likes when Nate randomly wraps an arm around him or touches his arm or back or something like that. Andre isn't used to so much positive physical contact, tbh, and its nice. (no, andre, fist fights and giving hjs to randos under the bleachers doesn't count)
Nathan crushes on people easily and often, so I think he’d like Andre. Andre doesn’t admit his feelings to himself as easily, and is trying to get away from not that great casual hookups at the time he’s getting friendly with him, so I feel like it would take him a little while to admit he’s crushin’? BUt yeah itll happen.
They both skateboard, Andre’s better at it and does actual tricks while Nate’s Learning but mostly just uses it to get around faster. He’s genuinely impressed at even the most simple tricks Andre does..
When Andre breaks him arm, he gets Kriss to paint on his cast a little but he doesn’t have anyone sign it. He’s kinda afraid of bein close to people still and doesn’t think much of it? But eventually Nate just takes his arm and signs his cast and draws a big ole heart and hands the marker to Dante. “There, now it looks like you’ve got friends who want you to get better! ‘Cause you do!” Andre chokes back tears and tries to convince him it was only blank bc he liked the aesthetic of it.
Izzy & Andre
TY Anon
Izzy and Andre feel a bit more reserved. They met through Nate (Izzy's another of his good bffs.) but it probably takes them a while until they'd be comfortable hanging out one on one. I feel like Izzy's heard more bad gossip about Andre, or at least cares about it a little more than Nate would. And she doesn't necessarily hold it against him, he still seems like a Decent guy and not like she's perfect anyway,, but she's aware of what people say about him, while Nate just kinda shrugs those things off completely. Andre thought she seemed cool but a little aloof (like him) and he knew he'd have a harder time getting to know her. He might've thought she was dating Nathan at the time they met? (And who knows maybe they were??) I don’t know how that affects his thoughts but, he did think it..
They eventually bond over liking a lot of similar bands, and helping each other discover new music, too! They’re both kinda, sad kids sometimes and they either bounce that sadness back and forth, or feel At Least a bit comforted that they can relate their feelings, but, it’s hard and u never know which one you’re gonna get when they vent with each other.
Izzy & Nate & Andre & Ricky
I Think eventually this lil group would wanna form their own little punk band, instead of Izzy and Nate joining Mark & Drew’s band like in canon. They’re experimenting with their OWN thing, and they manage to convince Andre to join singing and guitar playing! Darla’s oc Ricky will probably be on the keyboards!
(Levi occasionally jumps in when his schedules free and sings along with em for fun! Not an official member but they welcome him happily.)
This was a sudden thought we haven’t worked out all the details, but it’s a really good thought so it’ll happen for sure!
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crowntaken-a · 6 years
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- ̗̀✰ •【 TIMOTHÉE CHALAMET / CISMALE / 24 】announcing the arrival of his royal highness, ( DMITRI VOLKOVA ), the ( CROWN PRINCE ) of ( BELARUS ). I’ve heard that he is ( DOGMATIC ) & ( DRAMATIC ) but can also be ( RESPONSIBLE ) & ( CREATIVE ). ( DMITRI ) is arranged to marry ( ANY FC ). Rumor has it ( HIS FAMILY STOLE THE THRONE FROM THE RIGHTFUL HEIRS ). We hope you enjoy your stay at London!
hi friends ! i’m pluto, i’m 21, and i’m sure i’m about to ramble about dmitri for WAY too long and in a WAY too messy fashion. let’s get started ! 
HISTORY ( brief abuse mention tw ) 
dmitri was born to andrei & hanna and he was followed by two siblings
bc he’s the oldest, he was treated fairly different. their parents were strict overall but more so on him bc ! he’s probably going to be the king someday and they wanted to make sure he stayed in line. 
that meant special tutors and a lot less free time. he couldn’t tell u whether he learned english, belarusian, or russian first tbh 
it was also thanks to the tutors that he found a lot of enjoyment in writing, music, and art. an artsy boy. 
his willingness to cooperate with the life of royalty has been .. on a rollercoaster. as a child it was all he knew, but as he got older he became less and less interested in becoming a king bc he never really got a chance to just be a kid and have fun and he wanted that . promises of grandeur meant nothing when he just wanted to do his own thing 
he finally got the chance when he was 15 when his parents decided that boarding school was the best option for their kids and o ! boy ! did they regret that. for dmitri, at least. he behaved well for the first few months, not wanting to totally fuck things up, but little by little did the rebellious streak kick in. 
they brought him home after one party in particular and they finally let him in on their little family secret which was that their family ? not exactly the rightful heirs to the throne. before, during, & right after the war their family had been second only to one family. they seized their chance as soon as they could ( did they frame them for something or assassinate them ? it is a mystery.mp3 . bc i’m not sure yet. ) so God Help Him if he did anything to put a stain on their family u know ?
so holy fk did his attitude ever change. it suddenly felt like every mistake he made would be responsible for ruining their lives 
he went back to boarding school and began to behave a Lot better, but his parents checked in often bc they were sure if they let go of the leash again he would right back to his antics but he was definitely freaked out enough to not do anything too bad lmao. he got a bit more leeway when he went away to university in the uk ( idk where yet exactly. england ??? )
i’m sure there was a slip up or three while he was away tbh 
and to boot, he’s told 0% of people his secret. not even his siblings 
while he’s not totally on board with the summit, he knows he needs to commit to it bc he doesn’t know what would happen if he didn’t and he doesn’t want his siblings to have the same level of responsibility that he does -- although their’s is still pretty up there 
so ya ! he became a lot more obedient thanks to the secret being spilled but he’s found freedom where he can. the restrictions now mostly come down to his marriage and his behaviour in public. his dad’s p nasty (read: abusive) but at this point he’s conditioned to it 
he figures he’s got additional freedom away from home. specifically being that he’s at the summit where he’s going to get married to whoever his parents want him to 
provided he doesn’t do anything terrible in public, he figures he is in a pretty good spot 
responsible: having an obligation to do something, or having control over or care for someone, as part of one's job or role. in short, this is v specific to his responsibilities as the crown prince and he is very good at it. all the politics and behaving well, he’s got it covered. this isn’t to say that he can’t be reckless because he most certainly can be -- when it comes to other things. he’s also a pretty adventurous guy when he gets the chance. 
creative: relating to or involving the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work. as i mentioned before, he’s an artsy dude ! he loves the arts. music, writing, and art are all things he can rly appreciate. he’s not spectacular with instruments or with drawing, but he does like to doodle and he enjoys listening to all kinds of music and analyzing art regardless of his own ability. writing is something he can do, though. catch him waxing poetic in his journal. but don’t actually bc he wouldn’t let you read it anyway. 
dogmatic: inclined to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true. he is one STUBBORN mf. he’ll listen to a differing opinion but just know that his thoughts almost entirely consist of: you’re wrong, i’m right. 
dramatic: (of a person or their behavior) intending or intended to create an effect; theatrical. he’ll make a big deal out of anything baybee !!! anxious might’ve been a better word to use and this is definitely due to the strictness of his parents. small things seem so intense and he will make a big deal out of them. he’s 99% sure he’s the cause of everything bad in his life 
beyond the traits i put in his app, he’s also a ( relatively ) honest guy
i like to think that he’s a charming guy but we’ll see how well i can write charming LOL. but regardless of how well i write it, know that back in belarus most ppl love him bc he’s that charming. now just imagine that i write him like that 
he’s chill af and if ur a chill person, he’s easy to get along with. he also RLY appreciates nice people. i wouldn’t say he’s more nice than the average guy so finding someone who practically majors in nice is something dmitri likes. 
he’s a fun-loving guy !! he might not be able to go out and get crazy but he likes to play games of all kinds, go bike-riding, he rly likes to climb stuff, sit in mutual silence and read, etc. he’ll also still party behind closed doors but it’s a v specific setting. 
there’s prob more to say but idk rn 
friends thank you ! new ones, family ones, childhood ones, i want it all.mp3
it’d also be goals af for him to have 2 close girl friends so i can reblog this lmao 
enemies thank you ! 
if ur character is from russia or ukraine, hmu tbh bc neighbours and his family probably visited those countries the Most 
maybe someone that he was potentially going 2 be betrothed to but their family had a falling out and they had to keep it lowkey 
ex fwb 
ex relationships 
i’m the very bad at connections but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i need everyone to please hit me up and plot with me immediately 
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kveom · 6 years
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My first follow forever (wOW)!!!! cya 2017!!
It’s so crazy to think that at the start of this year the only Seventeen I knew was the number… and now, whenever I hear the number seventeen, the first thing I think of is the group of 13 boys that brightened up my 2017.
After my introduction to seventeen came my introduction to this fandom and to some really beautiful people. I’m so grateful to all of you for being so welcoming, and filling my dash with posts that are memetastic, creative, beautiful and filled with the awesomeness of 13 precious boys. Oh! Also, thanks for brightening up my dash with awesome tags as well hehheheh. I hope 2018 treats you all with the happiness and love you deserve 💕💕
So for my mutuals I thought I’d write out my first impressions of each of you or the first post I saw from you (i’m really cheesy okay). Most of them I remember, but for the few I couldn’t, I wrote down the post that is most memorable for me or what I love about you/your blog :))
Also, it isn’t in alphabetical order... eep too lazy
@dokyeoms-angel - ’wow she loves dk as much as i do... i love her’
@17dad - i was a bit like ‘lol wut’ at your url because you were one of the first blogs i followed (and i was still getting to know svt) so i didn’t know how much of a dad scoups was
@kwoncoups - i followed you when you were imhobi and i remember thinking your url was for hoshi (even though i’d never heard hoshi being referred to as hobi idk) because i didn’t know hobi was jhope’s nickname lmao
@exxtramint - the first thing i saw from you was this vocal unit gifset and it was an instant follow hehe
@pechajun - i’m pretty sure i started following you when you were lunarjun and i rly liked your username ^^
@powerfulhoshi - this is the first gifset i saw from you and the font and the gifs and everything was soooo clean and nice!!!!!
@bubkwan - i wanted to steal your description
@hoshi-ssi - i’m pretty sure it was hoshi’s palm fairy gifset that made me follow because... yes... that’s the content i’m here for
@junshva - i found your layout so beautiful <3333 esp. that picture of seokmin *-*
@kyoem - i think this was the first i saw from you, but even if it wasn’t, it’s amazinggggg
@mvngyu - ‘heehee the sidebar is so cute’
@swimmingfool - this!!!! freaking!!!! edit!!!!! <3333
@jeong-hanie - beautiful gifs, must follow
@keyboardaegyo - i thought your theme(+ navi page) was really cuteee!!!
@vernons-laugh-is-my-aesthetic - ‘memes??? um YES’
@jeonwoooo - okay, this one is probably the creepiest... i thought ‘ooh i like their name’
@wonnwoo- i loveeee your wonwoo starsign edit
@santascoups - read your desc + about page and thought you seemed cool lmao
@the1the8 - i think the first thing i saw of yours was that simple but gorgeous chocolate edit <333
@woenoo - i thought your tag for wonwoo was so cute wnfnadssndk
@wonshu - will always remember you as the one to tag me in that lethal dk photoset... so there’s a love/hate relationship (jk i love)
@leejhs - tbvh, your love for milk tea is what i remember
@dearseventeen - ’this theme is sooo cuteeeeeeeee... dino!!!!’
@vitaminniedk - ‘they love dk, i love them’
@myungho - tbh your url kept coming up on my dash because of follow forevers/mentions and i was like this person must be really cool lmao (and you are)
@96kwon - your memes 😂
@rappershua- *reads* lee seokmin; you’re my love (on your navi) ‘SOLD’
@jeongahn - i found your layout so beautiful!!!!!
@7unhui - saw this and... yeah...
@jisoostar - this was the first post i saw from you and it was amazing (colours!!!) and i also thought ‘why haven’t i seen that photo of dk, he looks so good skdnfjdfsn’
@wonhuis - i love that you’re a tag talker hehehe
@bbaksu - i love your rocket edit *-* (it also might’ve been the first edit i saw from you but i can’t 100% remember)
@jishua - 'this secret santa is so sweet lfmslmdf’
@pitdae - ‘only an awesome person can write this about page’ (and thank you for awesome gifs ^^)
@pinktomatocat - this edit made me cri follow, it’s so nice!!!
@kwoncity - ’wow they know their stuff’ (was reading your answers about music and yeah)
@chiwoopsie - the ‘types of carats during comeback season’ post was the first one i saw from you. it’s gold <333
@hoshidotcom - ’i like my soonyoungs spicy’ yes okay that’s a follow
@captainoates - thank you for everything you provide for this fandom <3333
@boosonseok - lmao this post
@xiyeonah - ’wow... her dk tags.... are me....’
@zeonghan - i’ve said it before but you’re a cOOL person
@softmanscoups - ’this one’s a riot’ / i still remember when dk was your bias and there was one post about slushies and tongues lmao... i will never forget
@seokmins-thighs - i don’t think you had this url when i followed you but it said somewhere that this used to be your username and i thought ’they should totally go back to seokmins-thighs’ (also, the fact that you have a tag for his thighs... thank you // edit: i’m going through that tag now and your tags are gold 😂😂 i luv dk stans)
@bangtanbombdotcom - this one’s probably the most vague but... it was some sort of text post about seventeen that made me follow you but i can’t remember lol (it might’ve been talking about their dancing or just praising them, but anyway i agreed so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
@cafewoozi - (you were meant to be down there ↓ like a day ago but now you’re here and that’s amazing) ‘pastel everywhere 😍’ *reads description* ‘ahhh’
@sunshine-turkey - ‘sunshine-turkey... interesting url’ lmao
If we’re mutuals and you’re not here, pls let me know!!! and if you’re up there ^ and we’re not mutuals... hope you had fun reading my first impression anyway!!!
I know i’m the worst mutual ever because people scare me but I hope you know that I love and appreciate all of you!!!
The rest aren’t mutuals, but are still blogs I adore <33
@woozzi, @camera-seventeen, @verngyu, @12fools, @incorrect7teen, @svt-laughing, @happydk, @17cuties, @amemericans, @pledisboys, @yoonjeonghannie, @gyuofficial, @17hateblog, @seungkwa, @dokyummm, @juunshua, @adoreu-carat @livelovelunch, @je0nghans  + my whole blogroll (also there are some blogs who i constantly reblog from or who make me laugh but i can’t remember the urls so... there’s that // there’s one in particular i tried to find but i can’t remember :(( )
okay, now this is gonna get real extra but here are some special mentions lmao:
@verymerryotl - when i was first getting into svt your analyses were really interesting and helpful, so thank you for writing them ^^
@pabospoiler- your giffing of dk actually made me start giffing because i wanted to make him shine like you do :) (even though i’m doing a bad job of it lmao)
@fyseokmin - *bows down* you really make my dash a happier place (you might not see this bc you’re on hiatus but i hope you’re doing okay <333)
@kristian-do - thank you so much for everything you do for this fandom!!! i know you’ve said before that you’re not sure how long you can maintain your blog for, and i hope that when the time comes, you put yourself first ❤️
@jisoosmeoli - the first person to talk to me on tumblr!! thanks for dealing with this socially awkward weirdo >< you’re awesome 💕💕
@raphamster - thanks for being dk trash with me 💖💕❤️ i’m so glad i made that post about seungkwan being the best person ever :))
Happy new year!!!! Kick 2018 in the behind 😎
The last part is just a cheesy thank you to seventeen, which you don’t have to read if you don’t want to (and i couldn’t put it under a read more, sorry) -- this is kinda something I don’t want people to see but I also do because it needs to be said and I want to show people how wonderful seventeen is
so halfway through the year i found out about seventeen. i’d never stanned a kpop group before and i never really wanted to, just because of the emotional toll it would take on me. but seventeen pretty much said ‘nuh uh, coming through’ and... yeah... and i’m so grateful for that :’)
discovering seventeen this year has helped me a lot. these boys just radiate happiness and love, and you can’t not feel it. i’m a really (negative) emotional person, so if i get one whiff of sadness or anger, either from others or myself, i fall into this dark hole of negative emotions, which i usually just wait out. but now, whenever i’m in that dark hole, i can watch some seventeen videos or listen to their music and my heart will feel a bit lighter. i mostly watch their dance practices idk why?? maybe because it makes me feel so proud??? oh, also their performances!! which shows how much of an impact their stage presence/energy has. anyway, just watching them do anything really fills me with warmth and all these good emotions that override the bad. even just daydreaming about what it’s like to be part of their lives, surrounded by that bubble of joy and love they create gets me through it :)
they also made me realise that i need to surround myself with people who make me love life. i have a circle of friends but we’re not super close and i used to be fine with that, but learning about these boys and how important they are to each other made me realise that i shouldn’t settle for that. i need a friend that i can tell anything to, to lean on when i need to (and who’ll listen to me talk about seventeen all day). they give me hope that i’ll find friends like that, who i’ll treat like family. they also reinforce my belief that everything happens for a reason. can you imagine if scoups or woozi had debuted before the rest?? or if seungkwan ended up in jyp?? but nope, they all found each other and they adore each other so much while creating AMAZING music, so they give me hope for the future :) 
i wanted to write another paragraph about dk but i’ll just say this: he reminds me of all the good things in the world and he can make me smile like no other 💖💖
so to sum this up, i want to thank the 13 beautiful boys of seventeen for making my 2017 a bit brighter just by being them :)) go and make 2018 your year like you did 2017, but look after yourselves!! i hope you carry this joy for life and love for one another into the new year 💕💓💖❤️💕💞💘💚💛💙💜❤️💕 
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