#and idk why but i hate being comforted when im crying and my sibling will try and then ill break down further
Tw animal death
I just lost one of my pet rats and I need to talk about it I guess
I just didn't expect this. He's been doing better, eating and drinking and moving around the cage. Last night I let myself believe for a moment that he would get better. But then I checked on him this morning and he was gone. I let his brother see him, and once he lost interest I took him out. But once I held him in my arms I just couldn't let him go. Because that's my baby. He's my baby and I love and miss him so much and I don't know what to do.
I got him and his brother from a friend because she had to move to an apartment that didn't accept pets and her family couldn't take them, so I took them because I was moving and wanted some critters to accompany me. And they were the best things that ever happened to me. Taking care of them and loving them was one of my favorite parts of life. I missed them while I was at work and couldn't wait to get home and let them out for free roam time. And now one is gone, and I have to tell my friend and I don't know how to. Text or call, what to say, anything.
He's in a little box with a couple toys, some goldfish crackers (his favorite snack) and a piece of hammock (he loved snuggling with his brother in a hammock). And I had to decide how to take care of my baby. I live in the city with no green spaces and no yard. When planning I thought I could just put him out with the trash, but holding him after he was gone made me completely unable to do that. I checked some rat groups on Facebook and they recommended burying him in a plant pot, so that's what I'm going to. As soon as I'm okay enough to leave my room I'm gonna go to the plant shop and get him a beautiful plant in a nice big pot. And I wanted something to keep of him, and to give to his old owner if she wants it, so I took some of his fluff and put it in a little jar meant to hang on a necklace and I'll mail it if she wants it.
I just needed to say all of this to process it ig. I wouldn't mind some nice words or pictures of your pets, if you're willing to share. Otherwise, I hope you all have a wonderful day.
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strangeclouddream · 28 days
So I think I might be autistic, or on the spectrum. here's why
I sucked my thumb until THIS YEAR (I'm older than ten, and I had recently got braces off when I finally stopped. I know, its really embarrassing) because it provided a way to relax/provide comfort/stim that made me feel happy and safe. Like i couldn't function without doing it (ofc not a school, but at home and at other safe spaces) Now ive realized i just like to flap my hands, or crack my finger bones.
I don't have a lot of memories of Pre-K but I do remember trying to mimic the other kids, and I have this one vivid memory of REALLY liking the way kinetic sand felt. I also remember getting really upset when other children expressed discomfort because that meant my safe space was suddenly not safe anymore (I hated the sound of crying, I would cry because I felt SEVERELY uncomfortable, but my teachers thought otherwise. I have a memory of my preschool teacher telling us a story about Jesus being crucified- it was a christian preschool- and telling me ‘To not cry’ I was just like ???, like as long as nobody gets upset, I'm fine.)
I disliked scenes in movies/shows that had lots of emotion, like scenes where the main character gets betrayed (I called them ‘sad scenes’ After a ‘sad scene’, would come the main character's redemption arc), or someone dies, etc. I couldn't handle it and would always go upstairs (Same with my sibling)
I liked the quiet. Ive always liked the quiet, unless I was focusing on something I liked, ie coloring/playing with dolls/writing I cannot work in loud spaces
Whenever my little sibling cried I would dislike it (See above) and I wasn't trying to be mean or anything, I just couldn't handle the noise. So of course I would pull a face. 
When kindergarten first started i couldn’t handle the sudden shift in routine and I got REALLY upset over it, to the point where I cried every single day except the day before break and the last day of school
Growing up i really liked to sort things into little containers, like you would empty a bunch of blocks and tell me to sort them by color, Im your girl
I was really good at reading, like this doesn't have anything to do with the autism thing (I just wanna brag), but I was a level G in kindergarten. Also my teacher yelled a lot, which would get me upset (Because obviously, i was sensitive to loud noises)
During first grade I couldnt tell time that well, and I was allowed to go to the third grade classes (Something about being smart idk) to do some extra work there. I couldn’t tell time, so i would go up to the teacher and be like ‘Oh I think my time is up can i go back to my classroom’, and since i COULD NOT READ CLOCKS it would always be four minutes later or something (i was supposed to stay there for 15) and she would be like ‘oH yOuR tRyInG to GEt oUt oF wOrK’ and i would be like ‘???? NOOO???” like i cannot tell time girl
I hated whenever a teacher/friend wouldn't be coming to school i would have a near meltdown because A) the substitute teacher they brought in wasn’t very nice to me, and B) it would be an interruption to the routine. You don't interrupt the routine, you can’t do that
When I was in third grade, a day of PE was canceled. We were all herded (along with another class) into a dark room with one teacher in it. I was already on edge when we went in, because everything was too loud. The teacher screamed at everyone to shut up, then turned on a cartoon. I don't remember much of the cartoon, but it was really bright and loud, and at one point they showed butts (It was baby angels) and everyone started screaming, and the teacher started screaming, and I was so overwhelmed I started to cry. When my teacher later found out, she told me that THE WORLD DOESN'T REVOLVE AROUND ME. LIKE SORRY I GOT SO OVERSTIMULATED BITCH 
I hate the feeling of denim/shiny/itchy things pressed against my skin. I hate low rise jeans, I hate baby tees/any article of clothing that's way too tight. I like being able to breathe, I can’t understand how people wear them without ripping off their skin. I hate how it's too tight, my legs need to feel free, it shouldn’t feel like the denim is becoming a second skin. Same with tight shirts, the ones with sleeves. How do you not feel uncomfortable, especially with deodorant? My armpits need to BREATHE! IT'S LIKE BEING IN A STRAIGHTJACKET. I’m hyper aware when something feels wrong, and I cannot focus until that problem is removed
I change my personality to fit people. When I was little I would copy what other people were doing so they could like me, and now I'm super aware of what I am doing around other people. I want them to like me so badly, sometimes I even jokingly call myself out by saying “(Something abt current hyperfixation)- oh lol why did I say that that's so cringe!” When they’re talking I monitor what my face is doing, so I look interested and not bored. I find it really hard to pay attention when the subject isn't on something I like, and I want to talk about. Sometimes I even zone out, and I feel really bad about it later. Sometimes I overshare, because the person i’m talking to is so cool, and I just want to tell them everything about me (As affection). Sometimes I don't even notice what I said is rude, and when I do, I think about it for hours and hours. 
It feels like I’m constantly obsessed with everything, and I need to know everything about that thing.  For example, when I was young (Six  or seven years old), I first picked up a percy jackson book. That sent me into a spiral. I read every single book, watched all the movies, drew fanart and made fanfiction of my own. I started listening to music that made me think of the characters, imagining them in scenes and AU’s of my own. I would info dump on anyone I met who even knew of the series, making headcanons of them with me, talking their ear off about it. (This pattern continued for the nevermore series, the serafina series, harry potter, studio ghibli…) It was even to the point where i would dominate conversations just to talk about it, not caring if other people wanted to talk about something else (This still happens but im trying to work on it) I also loved playing with dolls, making up stories, I would even go as far to make little books, papers, posters for them out of sticky notes and tape (I WAS SO OBSESSED WITH DOING THIS). Miniatures fascinated me, so did rocks, birds, and fish. 
I loved routines so much it was scary. When I was little, whenever we drove to Pre-K, to make sure i had a great day, i would force my dad to play this one japanese song over and over because it reminded me of a pretty girl in my class. When I got older, and I would get really anxious about school, because school was over stimulating and scary, I would have this little routine. Get up, do my normal morning routine (if it even changed a bit i would probably throw a fit), and I would refuse to wear anything that was red, blue, orange, or yellow, because to me, that symbolized a ‘bad day’ (I still don't like wearing red or orange). After breakfast, I would write in a small journal that my mom and teachers forced me to write in because my anxieties about school were at an all time high. It had to be between 6:55-6:58, no questions asked. It had to have the same format,and always end with a drawing of me being attacked by a wild animal. Time skip. When we went into the car, we always had to play the muppets 'manamana’, and while we were driving, I would only look at houses that were white, brown, green, or gray (See above). After manamana, we had to play moving right along, and if we weren't at school by then, we had to play it again. Once we got to school I had to walk across the courtyard, jump over two overturned bricks, walk up the stairs, and go to my classroom. After that, while we were walking through the halls, the walls had these different murals that showcased the alphabet. One of them was an elephant with a bunch of easter eggs. Whenever we walked past it, i ALWAYS had to think ‘eddie elephant eating excellent easter eggs’, and if i didn't, i would be upset.
Im so sorry this is long, but its not even half of it. I'm tired, and I need to go to bed now, so I'll update this tomorrow.
I'm showing this to my therapist. I might be autistic, I might not be, but I just want clarification. I was just a really sad and anxious kid and there were some traits that made me different from other children my age. Most of what you saw above were just core memories I have of being different, but part two will be things I still have today. I still have a lot of weird routines I do, nothing harmful, I still have giant hyperfixations on things, I still try and mimick people so they will like me, and I still get overstimulated easily.
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i23kazu · 2 years
♡ the comfort you give should be returned
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summary: being an older sibling is tiring, and sometimes all you need is some of the comfort you give.
warnings: general family pain, a bit of gaslighting (?) idk abt that one
a/n: im not feeling the best rn bc #oldersiblingissues! except that the older sibling is me and im the one whos having issues. am i procrastinating on homework because i need to satiate my hunger for big sibling fics? maybe. shh. i need it and so do my other older sibling people. i gotchu <3 its so so so hard. and yes this is a vent fic
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"go away! i hate you, you're not mom!" your younger brother yelled bitterly. you irritating, stuck up brat, you thought.
"i'm not mom! that's why i care about you like this!" you grew increasingly frustrated. all this over a curfew, seriously? dude, all you said was to come back by 10. that was hella gracious already! when you were his age, your curfew was 5pm sharp. anything later and you could say goodbye to that phone your parents so kindly let you have.
sighing in frustration, you closed the door gently, lest you alert your mother that you were in a mood – no, no; that wouldn't do. no door slamming from you, no showing any signs of displeasure or disappointment towards anyone unless you wanted someone to reprimand you for "scaring your younger siblings" and "taking out your anger on people who love you and don't deserve this".
it's been like that for years. 
always being resented by your gaggle of siblings for not being that fun, wild-spirited older sibling that they always saw in the movies.
always getting scolded by your parents for not keeping your siblings in check when in reality, they refused to listen to you.
always needing to pick yourself up with the world came crashing down on your shoulders and there was no one to comfort you when you cried.
no crying in front of your siblings unless you wanted to be teased and judged for being weak when you were supposed to be the glue of the family.
always needing to be the family therapist – parents included, but mostly the receiving side of your care.
years of this. you were sick of it to say the least – anyone would be. years of constantly feeling invalidated and of your feelings put lower than your younger siblings would do that to anyone. i take care of everyone, you thought upsettingly. when will someone take care of me? 
you wanted someone to be able to sit down with you – to talk you through the days when everything felt like too much and you were balancing the emotions of everyone in your household.
you wanted someone whom you could make mistakes with freely. you wanted someone to comfort you, tell you when to stop, when to push, when to apologise. enough about all that bullshit from your end, you wanted to hear it from someone who cared for you unconditionally. not because of a title they held in their hand. someone who chose to stick by you so they could guide you.
those who you took care of in your life took you for granted, because they didn't know how much you wanted the same care you gave.
resent me all you want. i'm just being the person i wish was there for me.
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invader-bean · 9 days
having a lot of. memories come up about stuff that just. forgot. or didnt, like. like i locked away and didnt think about on purpose and stupid dots are connecting and just
suicide mention and like. just my parents being dicks i guess.
its literally just me trauma dumping i guess but i want to write it down before i forget about it all again.
idk if my mom even remembers the url to this blog anymore but shout out to her! fuck her for alienating me from my g parents and aunts and uncles and cousins and any family i have by guilting me into believing they were abusive pieces of shit that would hate me for being gay and getting angry at me if i even wanted to talk to them after you 'broke things off' with them. idk if my grandpa is even still ALIVE. i dont know how to CONTACT grandma to CHECK.
"broke things off."
aunt saw me saying i wanted to kill myself so she called her dad, scared, and when grandpa showed up to make sure i was okay... all mom cared about was screaming at me at 3 in the morning that I let *them* know we were moving soon.
screamed at me until i deleted my blog and lost all my friends and art and memories. started randomly doing 'checks' on my computer and then, hiding the screen from me, screamed about all the PORN you found on it. just to see my reaction.
there wasnt any fucking porn. you just liked making me cry.
and who cares if i wanted to kill myself. gpa and gma knew we were moving soon. oh no. end of your fucking life, right asshole?
shout out to my dad too! when i told my therapist that i wanted to kill myself he told my parents - obviously - and then took my mom into the room separately and your words of comfort were
"why the fuck would you do this now. Why are you putting your mom through this? couldnt you have waited or not even brought it up at all?"
he was very nice in FRONT of the therapist. but once we were alone in the lobby he started that kind of shit.
and then mom told me i 'didnt need therapy' anymore and I never went back to the guy who could fucking maybe have helped me.
very cool guys.
and somehow my dad - who didn't have a sober fucking day in his life until I as 10 or 11 - ended up being the good parent. at least he changed his behavior and shit. mom's a martyr. what behavior?
i miss my grndparents. i wan tto talk to them. to my aunt. I have baby cousins i never got to meet. i mis smy fucking *aunt* man i miss aunt b she was my friend. everyone else was so fucking nice to me and i miss my family but im too afraid to try and contact them cus what if they tell mom or what if mom got to them first or what if what mom said about them is true
i don't. have any family. and it really hurts. i only have my boyfriend and his sibling. and maybe their dad.
i dont have any fucking family anymore and i didn't realize until now my mom made it that way on fucking purpose.
god fucking damn it!
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babysizedfics · 4 years
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remcycl333 · 2 years
Void/LOA success by 💇‍♀️anon
This post is gonna be a bit lengthy , blunt and unbelievable 😭 also very sloppily written cause i’m havijh so much fun. i really have got out of my comfort zone and I’m so happy i did. No you do not have to follow every step I did! This is simply for motives and inspo.
So, yeah it's obvious i was one who struggled with void and loa blah blah blah for a LONG TIME! I was a hardcore druggie, physical and mentally abused all my life, had a very rare illness and so much more. But who gaf ab the old story. ☠️
So after a day of sending that cringe ass message to u i ended up prioritizing myself. It’s clear I was idolizing void and I’ve been doubting in LOA too like ??? So in the 3D i moved in with my one and only friend, got a job at a fastfood place (pls this is sorta embarrassing), and decided homeschool was much better for me. Also between that time I learned how to correctly manifest and shiz by you and @theandreiaeffect<3. And girlllll literally less than the next week I manifested perfect mental and physical health, my dream job, desired appearance, and 7,000,000$ with a 15,000,000$ home me and my bestie now live in. I was already so happy how it was. Yet after that crazy ass week passed by i woke up in the fucking void. I have no clue how but i did.
Now for what I manifested in void.
- ‘i heard a rumor’ power - a power of this girl from a netflix show. basically you say ‘i heard a rumor ____’ and it happens. its like a brainwash power? its simple to explain but idk. (If u watch that show my fav character is klaus whats urs?)
- Time travel(?) - so when i got in void it was prolly like september 11th 2022. i just said in the void ‘it is August 30th’ and when i woke up it was august 30th as you can tell so now I’m just relapsing my days but in a goodway.
- changed family - my bestie is like family and i changed her appearance to her desired appearance, more cousins, siblings, aunts etc. my dad being a famous nfl star.
- Revenge - basically just fucking with my abusers life the same way they fucked with mine. I have no regrets so🤷‍♀️
- Name and age revision - I always hated my full name so i changed it. I was 17 and just revised that i’m 21. yeah it was a big gap but idc it was worth it for me honestly. i also manifested i’m not gonna die till like 90 and age like wine so.
- a bf- oh let me tell u. i’ve always had a crush on ralph macchio. and now i have a boyfriend who is his twin but even more attractive. his personality and the way he showers me with love is mwah.
- Removing phobias - i’ve always been scared of animals🤦‍♀️ not anymore tho now i have 2 cute lil puppies and a parrot:)
- Vegan restaurants and shops opening up close to me - I’ve been vegan since the beginning of the year due to animal cruelty and just not enjoying meat.
- Immune from getting preggo til 25 - its self explanatory what i be doing but i’m not ready for a baby yet so🤫
- Being protected and safe 24/7 - anyone around me also is aswell its like a invisible barrier to danger
Now those are just a handful of what I manifested. I literally manifested sooooo many other priv things. Just get ur shit together. I have nothing else to tell u. Honestly idk how LOA coaches don’t get fed up with y’all constantly crying ab how u dont got ur shit when u are the reason why. U have a cheatcode to life. Not many people are spiritually awoken. Do you know how fortunate you are to have discover LOA???? Keep this in mind and maybe ya know manifest ur dream life. To Rem, I thought I’d be on tumblr way longer as your anon, but I’d rather go live my life to the fullest for a while. I hope my story leaves an imprint on the LOA community. Andreia, you have also really inspired me. I’m so fucking happy I made a whole 180 with my life. Rem and Andreia, i will NEVER forget what you have done for me. Thank you so much really. I love u guys so much🥲🥲
yesss im so proud of u!!! when u said u traveled back in time from september i got the chills! and baby go live your life and enjoy it, you deserve it!!! come back whenever u want and update us <3
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years
KAEYA PLAYING WITH ABYSS MAGES AHDHSHDHSB IM- that’s so cute????? Guizhong being older than Zhongli is such a valid hc, I fully support and condone it. Thank you. And Childe growing to like battle was something I found interesting because he was once mentioned to be fragile and weak in his character stories iirc? I like to think that maybe the initial reason he persevered was to overcome that past status.
Also, YES. They’d have the worst habits, and it would eventually become more visible the more comfortable it becomes, but Keqing just gives up on trying to change anything because it’s literally hopeless.
I also headcanon that they have different ways to show appreciation for Keqing. E.g. Childe sometimes uses one of his cringy ass Russian nicknames and when she looks up the meaning, she turns from the most straight-faced woman known to man to a highkey affection-starved queen self-destructing in her room.
Diluc leaves a note on her desk that are simple “Sleep early today. Tomorrow is your day-off.” or “Don’t over work yourself.” messages. He’s so self-conscious about it because like, what if Kaeya catches him up at night contemplating whatever reaction he’ll get. Ends up feeling so accomplished whenever his messages bring a smile to her face.
Kaeya, I feel, would be more open in a sense? Keqing is the last person he thinks he’s be able to deceive, and so he chooses not to. He’s probably one who enjoys deep conversations about literally anything be it mosaic artwork or changes in between modern and archaic politics. A good listener and a fine conversation partner, I feel they’d certainly have interesting conversations.
Zhongli lowkey seizing every opportunity to bring up Rex Lapis and his sense of humor is lowkey degrading Morax for his past mistakes. He’s like “Oh, I thought you hated him. I hate him too” and proceeds to laugh at the fact that the oh-so legendary Geo archon bore a hole in his hoodie for his hair. FOR HIS HAIRS. Keqing is losing her sanity trying not to expose herself as a closeted fan.
The anon lists’ name is super cute btw! Makes me feel pretty blessed for being there haha. I just finished midterms and goodness, I am exhausted. We’re having a short break so I think I can send asks much faster during the brief moment of rest. And pls drink responsibly 🙏
Sincerely, Keqing harem brainrot anon
I lowkey plucked Kaeya playing with mobs and shoved it into the royalty au because god damn, that’s fucking cute. I’m so behind on my asks;; but it’s okay cause we’re here now. I don’t know, Guizhong being that older sister/mother/whatever figure is so heartwarming to me. I think you’re right? I vaguely remember him saying he was pretty fragile but I have the memory of a goldfish haha. Lowkey, this is why I really want the part 2 and 3 of character story quests to go more in depth with their actual character stories. I want to see Childe talk about his feelings and meet his siblings, I want to hear more about Guizhong, I want to hear about the crippling loneliness and depression that Bennett and Barbara have (NO I WILL NOT SHUT UP ABOUT THIS PART. WHY THE FUCK IS GENSHIN NOT TALKING ABOUT THIS? I KNOW ITS FUN AND GAMES BUT LET ME CARE ABOUT THEM. 1.4 has these hangout events and istg, bennett and barabara have one and if we don’t talk about our feelings I’m going to cry). 
oml their bad habits, Zhongli and his extensive collection of plants because that’s the most social interaction he gets (yes, zhongli is a planter. no i do not take criticism tyvm) and it starts off with a couple plants. Not too bad. Then the next day Keqing walks and it looks like their entire home turned into a forest. But Zhongli loves his plant children and Keqing is slowly losing her mind and starts referring to the plants with the nicknames Zhongli gave them. 
This. This is cute. These appreciation ideas. I fully approve and we need to bring them back. I don’t know anything about Russian but I have a friend that does. But I don’t know how to casually say “hey, can you give me Russian nicknames of endearment. It’s for research.”. Keqing radiates professional in the front, social anxiety in the back. I just love that they added the detail that she’s secretly a Rex Lapis fan but pretends that she hates him. I know there is art of Zhongli lowkey being creeped out or vv smug when he find’s Keqings stash but idk, imagining him being a proud dad and giving headpats even though Keqing is an adult. 
Okay. Let me level with you. Sticky notes of reassuring phrases are the best and why the fuck aren’t people doing it more. I’ve been reading “my mom left a note on the table” or “my partner puts sticky notes in my textbooks as a pick me up” for CENTURIES but am I seeing it in real life? Fuck no. Please, if someone does this for you. Keep them, never let them go. I can imagine Diluc writing these messages, feeling confident when he writes them and ready to be a supportive person. The next day he’s looking at these notes and thinking “what the fuck did I just write, this is garbage” (totally not how I feel about my writing). Then he proceeds to throw them in some cabinet but since Kaeya doesn’t know the first thing about personal boundaries he goes snooping around in Diluc’s room, discovers the notes, and he ends up taking them and putting them on Keqing’s things. It makes her happy so Diluc is going to ignore the very pressing issue with whether or not he should commit manslaughter. 
You know, that’s very valid. That’s how I feel about Kaeya’s relationship with Lisa or Albedo. People that don’t get riled up or annoyed by his antics the same way Amber is. I feel like if you’re looking for small talk, he’s not a bad choice, but if you want those deep 3am conversations he’s definitely the person to go to. Zhongli isn’t a bad choice either but Zhongli tends to go into historical and philosophical moments (which isn’t bad) but you want to have someone relate to you or it feels like an actual conversation and not a history lesson then he’s actually perfect. Especially more controversial topics, I feel like Kaeya would probably have very different opinions from the norm. 
YES. YES. YES I’m replying to these as I read them but YES. Honestly, I get it. Zhongli is a super polite and respectable person. But. But. Have you seen how he clowned on Childe?? That entire interaction?? He didn’t even look the slightest big apologetic for almost destroying Liyue and using the man who was going to kill him to pay for his funeral. What a power move?? And you’re telling me you don’t see him being a smug prick. I love Zhongli’s story quest where everyone is saying “oh the first mora was treasured or it holds mythical powers” and Zhongli is looking at them as if they’re idiots. 
tyty (❤´艸`❤) I’m blessed to have you here. Oh, I hope you did well on your midterms tho and be sure to rest. I am a bit late to replying to this so hopefully I caught you before your break was over.
Always lovely hearing from you,
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So obviously this came from insta and it speaks for itself.
For me i use bisexual because ive been through hell with that term. I came out as bi about 6 years ago and my mom lectured me for 2 hours over how i was sinning and gonna go to hell and all that bullshit and even convinced my dad to be mad out me ( they were both drunk and forgot i even came out so I just went back in the closet. They were the only two i came out too) so i last yeat I came out again as bi and it has went way better. My mom has grown and learned to be more accepting (she still has work to do but she is actually trying and has even offered to take me to pride which shocked me because i didnt think she was that cool with it) my dad makes dad jokes about and laughs whenever i make a stupid joke involving being bi. The rest of my family knows too and the only one who doesnt accept is my grandmas sister but she isnt that important and her acceptance doesnt matter. It wasnt until a few months ago that soemone said pan fit me better and yeah it probably(idk if i spelt that right it looks weird to me) does but me and the term bisexual ive been on a journey together and i feel so fucking proud when im around somd asshole and they over hear me talking about a girl I have a crush on and they are like "oh so your a lesbian. Did you even give boys a chance? (Legit had someone say this to me and my mom was like stay calm and i was like tf) anywas when they said that i went " ive had a bf before he ended up dating my best friend (ex bff)" them "oh so what you dated one and decided they were all terrible and went lesbian" me "im actually bisexual so no i didnt just give up on boys". Anyways I feel proud when i declare im bisexual idk its just so empowering to finally be able to say it and not worry about how my parents are gonna react and to just say it out loud is amazing. When i came out the first time it was hell and afterwards i had to listen to some bullshit until they changed and i was finally able to come out again and it felt so good to have my dad make a joke on how i couldve came out to everyone. Also this is my first time going to pride and being out. (I sent once with my aunt when i was really little and didnt understand anything or know what i was) and i fr lowkey feel like crying because im supposed to be going this year and on top of that my mom is gonna go with me to show support like idk its so amazing to me. So yeah sometimes there might be a term that fits someone but its their sexuality and they get to say what makes them feel comfortable. Obviously i love my pansexaul siblings in the LGBTQ+ community but bisexual was what i held onto when i had to listen to my mom be hateful. I held onto that term telling myself one day I was gonna come out and be happy and proud and not have to be scared my mom was gonna kick me out or scared she would talk shit with my other aunt. I told myself i was gonna come out as a loud and proud bisexual and now i have people telling me that it would be better to call myself pansexaul like excuse you but this is my sexuality and this is the term i had a journey with and now im gonna wear it proudly. Like i said ive been to hell with this term and i love all the other sexual identities but this is my term and im not gonna give it up based on someone elses opinions. Im bisexual and proud.
Sorry if this was way too long and confusing. I just wanted to share why i use bisexual over everything else. Saying im bisexual makes me happy and its comforting everytime i say it out loud.
I love yall and please be safe.
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loniereads · 4 years
cr: Sufficiently Advanced Magic
*spoiler warning*
Chapter 1 - 5
Chapter one
“I was prepared in a thousand different ways that didn’t matter” - Me for every test I’ve ever taken ☺️✨✨
Omg is he gonna go look for his brother 🥺 This book said found family but make it literal - side note, love the name Tristan.
I hope it’s explained as to WHY hundreds of 17 year olds are enduring a judgment to their possible death????
Imagine you’re brother going basically missing, your mom leaving, and then your dad pulling you out of school so you can prepare to possibly ✨die✨
“It could take years to grow strong enough-” 🥺 He’s going to sacrifice years of his life and risk certain death just for a chance to reunite his family is this book gonna make me cry?
I don’t like his name as much as I like his brothers but yanno whatever- how do you even say Corin
I already hate the dad??? Hello? Your first son is gone and your second could follow in his fate and you don’t even see him off?? Fuck you buddy why are book dads such assholes
“I loathed hurting people. I always had.” so i have decided that if anything happens to Corin I will kill everyone in the room and then myself. WHAT A CUTIE SWEET SOUL
If this book forces him to hurt someone I’ll riot-
Oh my gosh he hates fighting but he’s willing to fight for his brother I LOVE HEALTHY BROTHER RELATIONSHIPS they’re so pure
Corin is so nice to try to explain all of this weapon stuff and rune stuff to me like I have any idea wtf he’s talking about- he’s talking and I’m like I’m just happy to be here ☺️
I feel like the fact that he’s paying for everything he takes is important- like maybe other people just take and don’t leave anything? But he’s like here’s a coin for you scary tower~
“It was too cute to die” why do I love Corin so
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What a cute ass sweet ass cinnamon roll, my god🥺
Chapter two
Why does everything he say sound so intelligent
ldmoaha not Corin having a convo with a book
It’s been too long since I read a normal romance book why did my brain just decide to ship Corin and a BOOK
Ok but him taking time to ask about his brother has me so soft
What the flip chapter 2 was so short??? ):
Chapter three
“You shouldn’t have done that” how ominous and amazing and I love it
He so casually was like OH LOOK A DEAD BODY OH LOOKIE PEOPLE
Omg is he gonna find his brother in here- OH MY
just... kidding. He did infact not find him.
Oh wait someone younger than him though- so is going into the tower a choice? That would make it a little better. Like you decide when you go in or? I NEED MORE INFO PLS
The word resh is growing on me
He risked his gold key on her 🥺
I love this little merry band of criminals- also just hoping the kid doesn’t yanno....die
omg Keras is out here crushing stones with his bare hands 😏 hellooooo
Wait I’m so conflicted??? I want to trust Keras and Vera but I also want to trust the book alsnsish
Vera is a whole mood I really hope she’s not like evil or just a weird thing in the tower or idk whatever I want her to stay
AWWAIT ☹️☹️☹️ They left Keras behind- that can’t be it. He’s gotta come back right? Like book person is gonna save him? Right!!??
Chapter four
This ‘kid’ they’re carrying is just making out like a bandit, he’s just getting carried through the tower 😂
Okay this might be a weird jump- but WHAT IF THE BOOK ENTITY ISSSSS HIS BROTHER??????????? Like the book person seems to really care if Corin lives? so it’s either just like a really caring person, OR HIS BROTHER
Pls let me be right
That would be so cool
The book entity helped him to finish the rest completely? Is this allowed? This feels not allowed
Corin: fighting monsters with criminals in a magical tower, very time sensitive needs to escape quickly
Also Corin: lemme just wrote a little diary entry ✨☺️
So obviously he’s going to get to keep his memories
Also like he got out of the tower so easily? What?
“And don’t let anyone hassle you about your attunement.” HOW VERY OMONIOUS OF YOU TO SAY
Honestly- Fuck Magnus Cadence
His childhood bestfriend is his half sister? I love that???? Instead of making them love interests they’re half siblings that’s cool as hell. We love childhood friends to siblings trope
I will reiterate, FUCK MAGNUS CADENCE
I hope we get to see their friendship bc I’m here for this trope
Chapter five
🥺 he sent the boys glove to his parents I’m so soft
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Their relationship makes me so happy?? Like I love this. So they better reunite or I’ll riot
I miss Keras 🥺
I am so unsure of Sera. I do love the sudden sibling, and I really really hope they end up having a cool relationship and like she helps him find his(their) brother and hdjsjdjs
If anyone gives Corin a hard time for his attunement I’ll throw hands-
Not them earning points at their schools- All I can think about how is “10 points to gryffindor”
I love the word behooves
Can they go back into the tower already 💀 This down time is killing me. I want book entity, Keras and that boy who was unconscious the entire time back.
-side note, I absolutely love how all three of them(Keras, Corin, and Vera) were all so concerned with this unconscious boy and they literally carried him to complete safety. Who is this boy?? Will he come back? I miss him he better not be be dead. Vera can die but not unconscious boy.
I don’t know if I’m supposed to like Sera... but she’s giving me “I’m better than you because I have a better attunement” vibes and I do not like that at all so if Icneed to I will pretend to doesn’t exist.
Aw the schools has like animal representatives decisions?? CUTE UM. - there’s way too many for my brain to keep up with but I love them anyway
Not them assigning kids to basically play pranks on everyone else and tell them if they don’t find the prankster kids they lose points- what a weird ass school
-Also I know Tristen isn’t dead because like then what would be the point huh? HUH? So he’s got to be alive
Or I’ll riot.
“A walking rainstorm” idk why but that is so fucking adorable. I love my new comfort raintorm, Corin.
I can’t wait for them(Corin and Sera) to meet up with their friends and they have to explain that they’re now half siblings.
Them reminding him to not lose his little sigil pin makes me feel like he’s going to lose or forget it ummmm
Imagine getting fucking EXPELLED because you forgot your pin on your other uniform.
I feel like that would be me honestly. Are people not just...forgetful in this universe??
Ngl i would hate to be in the tortoise division
Corins attunement is lamer but his division is called the Phoenix? Like that’s so much cooler than tortoise
The fact that sera is trying to convince me the Spider division isn’t real makes me feel like she’s in it???
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I know my babey Corin didn’t mean this as snarky as I would have liked him to but I love this line so much.
Ngl I was hoping they would have roommates- I love a good school roommate dynamic
For the third time I would like to make my opinion to be known; FUCK MAGNUS CADENCE
Why has no one made a playlist for this book on Spotify? I am throughly disappointed
Not Corin being ghosted by his book-
I wish I had half the motivation Corin has? Like it’s my boys first day of school and as soon as he gets into his room he starts studying. I would have taken a nap
Oop jk as soon as he couldn’t find the rune he was looking for he went to lay in bed.
I’m sorry what in the hell is Wyddsday??? Did I miss them explaining to hat this universe has different names for it’s days of the week?? How am I supposed to know when this is Corin? Or what day it even is currently
World building is so intricate and interesting and I absolutely live for it- but it’s literally so frustrating sometimes learning and remembering everything
Okay Sera being less irritated about her studies being interrupted because it’s Corin is cute
I still don’t know if I’m supposed to like Sera
Tashday, Fersday, Kyrsday, Tensday, Vasday, and Wyddsday- either I can’t count or they’re missing a day. And what order do they go in? I need a calendar insert pls and thanks
Wait wait did he just run into an ex? What is this sndlsnsin “long-buried emotions”??
Oooo we get a name. Cecily Lambert
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I didn’t possibly think I could relate to Corin anymore than I already do but here I am
The dorm chiefs introduce themselves to everyone? How cute and Curtis didn’t seem at all annoyed by Corin asking so many questions I love when upperclassman in books aren’t rude for no reason. It’s such a tiring trait they often have smh
I need his exams to hurry up because I would very much like to get back to the fast paced tower scenes-
I know absolutely nothing about Jin but I love him immensely
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fairycosmos · 4 years
chloe what do you do when you feel really suicidal? but like not like before- but NOW that you are grieving such a painful loss? dont need to answer but i read your a. to the anon that felt trapped and like they couldnt leave now bc their sibling died too and like you and that anon i feel the same. im so so suicidal chloe. i cry every day and night and i feel despertate but my parents just lost their child so. how do you cope... as much as its possible. what do we do? fuck.
dude i am so sorry you're in the same position as me and you are going to hate me for saying it but there is no satisfactory answer 😔 it's a cruel joke. we're in the worst pain we've ever been in, and our instinct is to want to make that stop. but we can't because now we're obligated to stay alive, where all the hurt is, because we're one of the only ones left. and we dont want to cause more of this feeling by ending it all. it's like a contract you didn't agree to and are now trapped in for the foreseeable. grief is the absolute heaviest thing a person can carry, it's a fucking nightmare. it doesn't make any sense, it doesn't have a cure and it's disorienting as fuck. it's ok to be exhausted by it. reality has been irreparably  worsened and it's an absolute tragedy,  it's completely unfair. personally i'm more suicidal than i've ever been, but like you, i know i'm not going to do anything.  and in moments of great pain, where i want to act on those thoughts, i find myself coming back to that fact. i watch the idea of suicide run its course through my head and then i acknowledge the reality of things, that i can't leave. that it doesn't matter how sad i am and how tired i am, because i'm still here, and processing these emotions is a part of that. the urge to kill myself is there, but the actual act of suicide has never been less of an option than it is right now. so i can feel whatever i need to feel, but there's no point leaning into it or daydreaming about it. because it's not going to happen. sometimes i'm screaming and crying to myself in absolute agony while this is all going on, and sometimes i'm just sitting staring at my phone, numb. the desperation is very real, and i understand that. but it is not as urgent as it feels in the moment. no matter how many times i think i'm at my limit, i know that there's going to be tomorrow. and at the moment that sounds like a really bad thing. but i know that by waking up my parents aren't getting a call saying i'm dead, which for now is kind of the whole point. i am living to minimize their trauma, i am living for them, and an optimist would have hope that that could keep me alive long enough until i get to the point where i can eventually live for myself again. i could definitely see that for your future, even if you can't. the thing is you don't have to know what to do and you dont have to look for ways to fill the void that has been left behind by your sibling. you just have to learn to exist alongside it, and i do mean just exist. as awful as it is. waking up, putting one foot in front of the other, crying and crying and crying. that is good enough. i know it doesn't feel like much of a life, but. it's the short term answer, or so it seems to me. another thing i remind myself of is how it all comes in waves. waves are the nature of both grief, and strong suicidal urges. maybe they're always running in the background, but the moments of pure despair where you feel like you're bursting at the seams, they're so strong and harsh that they flare out faster than you realize. and they feel unbearable, and i know those moments are very frequent when you're in our position, but it's good to remember that the intensity of their nature makes them temporary.  especially if the grief is fresh, every little thing triggers an avalanche of hopelessness.  but some part of me believes these experiences will either a. become less persistent with time or b. become a part of us we learn how to navigate.  at the moment, the simple act of being completely broken by these episodes means you're surviving them. i think it's not a matter of knowing how to cope, but knowing that if you're here to ask these questions - what do i do, how do i go on, etc - then that is proof you have been coping. and it probably doesn't feel like you have been. i think there's a common misconception that coping is thriving, letting go, having positive memories. and sure that's a part of it. but there is a lot of darkness and absolute horror to work through before that. additionally,  there is no rule book on how exactly to work through it. theres just time, experience, learning what works for you and hanging on. i'm trying to hold my own hand through it, i'm trying to look at the present moment i'm in and just think about what i need at that very second.  not what i'm going to do tomorrow, not what i should've done yesterday, but what i have to do right now to make it through.  a lot of the time the answer is nothing, and i just sit and stare or cry, because like i said, ultimately nothing can fix it. theres no epiphany that can change what happened. 
as far as practical things you can to do combat suicidal thoughts goes, i have a few suggestions that i really hope you consider as viable choices: talk to your doctor/therapist - idk where you live or what your financial situation is like, but if it's at all an option i would really urge you to seek professional help. at least let your GP know what you're dealing with so maybe they can refer you to a therapist, or give you some mental health resources. grief counselling is also a step in the right direction. having someone to talk to and implementing positive coping mechanisms into your day to day life, even if it's the last thing on earth you want to do, can work wonders. understanding your own suicidal thoughts, why you react the way you do and what you can do about it, can really come in handy when you're breaking down. it's ok to reach out. it's ok to visit different counsellors until you find one that fits you. it's ok to treat your emotional turmoil as seriously as you'd treat any physical disease. there is always support and treatment options available in some form, and it is always worth looking into.
call a (grief or suicide) hotline - i've had the hotline number open in my browser for days. if you are in a moment of crisis, it can absolutely help to have someone talk you through your emotions, listen to your pain, and then give you some gentle recommendations as to what you should do next or where to go from here. you don't have to tell them your name, you don't have to say anything you don't want to say. you're in control of the call and they care about keeping you going. you're not alone. theres also online grief support groups - i'm in a sibling loss group on fb.  it's absolutely crazy how many people are in this position. 
talk to your parents/family/friends - i know saying 'this is a tough one' is a giant understatement.  idk if it's the same for you, but i've been isolating to cope and i don't want to tell anyone what i'm thinking because they're already having such a hard time grieving my sister. but if there's anyone you trust, i just want you to know it's alright to lean on them. it's up to you how much you open up, but the urge to keep to yourself leads nowhere. those around you can relate (to an extent) with your grief, and sharing it, talking about memories and crying together - it's fucking awful, god it's the worst thing ever, but it's necessary. and i don't want to say it helps, but a shared burden is always better than trying to shoulder it alone. you deserve to be listened to and supported. and if you think you're being an inconvenience to your loved ones, that's your inner self hatred talking. they would likely rather be there for you when you need it, than have you harm yourself because you kept it all pent up. it's a lot easier said than done, but it's important to keep in mind that it's an option.
try to create a safe space - try to remove things from your living space you could use to harm yourself with, and make the environment as comforting as possible. refer back to safe coping mechanisms/ distractions that have worked in the past - this can be as simple as going for a walk, watching stupid shit on your phone, meditation, having a crying session, writing to your sibling or just about how you feel in general. these are not suggestions that will solve anything or cure mental illness by any stretch of the imagination.  they just get you out of your head. that can really make a difference. 
create a crisis plan and learn what triggers you - this is a bit of a process but that's alright. being able to identify what sets you off, and being able to recognize your own toxic thinking patterns/behaviours, is the first step towards combatting them. another idea is, if you do end up talking to a loved one or a mental health professional, come up with a plan with them regarding what they should do when you're suicidal and your judgement is impaired. you can even start by just making one for yourself, like writing down a few suggestions as to what you should do when you're in a crisis, what your other options besides suicide are. 
i think that's all i've got right now. i'm sorry this got so long, especially when i know nothing truly helps. i just know what it's like having all this useless life in front of you that you're going to have to fight through without the one person who always should've been there. i keep thinking about what she'd say to me if she could see me, and i know she'd be livid if i threw my life away, but. that doesn't change the fact that she didn't get to live hers, and that i miss her so so much it aches. i keep coming back to the idea that our relationship will continue to grow beyond  death. i can still talk to her, reminisce  with her, understand her, love her. so much of this reality was shaped by her. it's not the same as when she was here, but it's not total absence  either.  anyway, i'm so so sorry for your loss and i hope you can just focus on taking care of yourself, love. because your life still has so much worth and you deserve to see your own future even if you cant stand the thought. moments of happiness and peace are still 100% possible. it's just never going to feel like it did before. and it's ok if you spend the rest of your life struggling to come to terms with that fact, because at least you got to live the rest of your life. i'm sending so much love to you and i'll be here if you need a friend. one day at a time.
*no pressure to read all this you can just refer back to it whenever you feel the need
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literupture · 3 years
i’m kinda in a weird spot right now. earlier today i was woken up by a phone call from my brother, telling me that our eldest brother (who lived in the Philippines) passed away from COVID yesterday. that news was... awful, but it didn’t break me. We were never close because we didn’t have any common interests to bond over, I didn’t grow up with him, and the biggest factor: he was on the complete opposite side of the political spectrum from me. He was very much lost to the far-right rabbit hole; back in high school I had to hide him from my facebook feed because it was that bad and I didn’t feel like I was allowed to remove or block him altogether because he was family. i didn’t actually remove him from my friends list until last year because 1) I stopped using facebook 4 years ago and 2) i only got on last year to remove people who were tr*mp supporters. during that time he said some real stupid fucking shit to me, like i responded somewhere along the lines of “this is almost incomprehensible” and he lashed out at me for that, which I promptly removed and blocked him for. that was the last time i spoke to him.
my response to the news of his passing was just.. idk. I feel like I kept saying “that sucks” and “oh dang”. and i was being genuine about it, I’m just terrible at words of comfort. i never had a relationship with him so the most i felt was sorry that he passed so young (I think he was early 40s?) and some sorrow over the fact that we weren’t close. 
at one point i asked my brother John (the brother whom I’m actually close to) if our older brother had been vaccinated. this is where it really went downhill. John said that, yes, he had been vaccinated, but he added “and that’s why the vaccine is bullshit. it’s propaganda.” that sparked a long ass debate between us, with me calling out his logic as being ripped directly from faux news (he even said that people asking about vaccinations was felt very “star of David-like” ??? wtf), and the discussion ended up turning into a debate about racism. I had mentioned something being a “systemic issue” and he blew me off for using that word. that’s when i started to get pretty frustrated. when I’m frustrated I start to angry-cry, plus I’m not a very eloquent speaker, which just made me more frustrated, mostly with myself. 
i ended that phone call sobbing and through gritted teeth i told him that i needed to hang up because I was getting frustrated. he told me that was fine, I just need to make sure to pass the news to our mom’s boyfriend via text or email. fine, i could do that, even though it’s been almost 6 years since I cut contact with my abusive mom, and she certainly never cared for her firstborn child (or any of us, really). it was my at my brothers’ father’s request that I tell her, because she had a right to know, even though she abandoned him.
god. i felt so awful. a phone call that was supposed to be about my eldest sibling’s passing, ended with me arguing with my brother and hanging up in frustration. i still feel awful about it.
i did text my brother some time after i hung up, telling him that i was sorry and that i wasn’t mad at him and the phone call didn’t need to go that way. i told him i was just sad (mostly true, but I was more sad that he was spouting such misinformed bullshit).
im feeling a little weird, i guess. sad, yes. bit of emptiness, but not in the same way one would be when grieving their sibling. definitely not the same way i felt when i lost my grandma. i hate that my family is mostly conservative and i feel like i’m fighting a losing battle, one where I can’t even explain why things are important to me without outing myself to them. why does it come down to having to weaponize myself for just a bit of acceptance?
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luvuwite · 4 years
all, go
i hate you
1. What was the last present you gave?
uMMMM probably a commission i gave to pancake (archie/vivi)
 2. What was the last present you received? 
i dunno? if its a doodle then i got that a week back!
3. What animal best represents your personality? 
from the oOoOO spirit animal tests i took im a snek
4. What are you most afraid of? 
sometimes my own mind EYES EMOJI
5. Who is your favourite villain? 
HMMMMMMM probably like,, megamind i love him
6. Who is your favourite family member? (we all have one, admit it)
7. If you could name your own planet what would it be called? 
8. Stars or Moon? 
9. Do you have/want kinds? 
if my other partner wants them, sure
10. What is your greatest life goal? 
making it this far
11. What is something you can’t live without? 
12. What is a place you associate with your childhood? 
one of the parks near the store-area
13. How was your first kiss/how would you like your first kiss to go? 
i never kissed, so i wouldn’t know, but pls,,,ask for consent,,, and warn me if we gonna kiss or not,,,,,
14. What is some life advice you have acquired? 
ive learned a lil’ bit, but one of em probably has to be to just be like,, dont cry over something you know is fake, at least thats what i remember atm HAHA
15. Who in history has influenced you? 
bruh i dont like history idk
16. What is something strange that you think about often? 
h,,,hopless romantic noISIJEIORQ AHHAHA i like to think about weird scenarios in my head basically
17. Baths or Showers? 
showrr i get shy with myself in baths
18. Tea of Coffee? 
19. Alcohol or soft drink? 
alchohol bad brisk brisk brisk
20. Writing or typing? 
typing since its easier
21. What is you most favourite thing in your bedroom? 
my bed its sexy and comfy
22. Spontaneous holiday! Where are you going and with who? 
wait what UH I DONT KNOW probably just close close friends and family
23. Introverted or Extraverted? 
i have my moments with both
24. Describe yourself in two words. 
small and aggressive
31. What do you think of when you hear ‘portrait’? 
a picture or image of someone/something
32. Tell me about your partner/ideal partner? 
i mean no one is perfect yeah? i just want them to be honest with me and accept my AHEM struGGLES with relationships since im not the best partner
33. Tell me about your siblings, if you have any? 
my sister is what you call a “girly girl”, she likes disney movies, outdoors, being loud and running around, yknow just like any other child ever
35. What are you a big advocate for? 
my friends!!
36. If you’re comfortable to answer, what is the sickest you have ever been?
migraine + stomach bug + mental in trash +  stomach pains + lil appendix pain
37. When were you the most scared in your life? 
when i broke my arm
38. Ever had a paranormal experience? 
ACTUALLY YEAH i thought i heard someone yelling help outside my window and i peaked out and realized it was nothing and i figured i was just tired but i was still kinda freaked
39. Biggest celebrity crush at the moment? 
im not like other girls,,,,....
40. What is something happening in your life right now? 
uhhh just general anxiousness/paranoia(?) tbh
41. What is your favourite mythological creature? 
42. Marvel or DC?
dont know what those are
43. What object would be on your family’s banner? 
44. Favourite flower? 
pink rose
45. One characteristic you like in a partner? 
s,,,support/reassurance pls
46. What planet/star would you travel to if it were possible? 
i wanna,,,, actually i dont know i think i would just enjoy floating around in general 
47. What is your favourite meal… ever? 
48. First time…. doing anything. Describe your first time doing something? 
first time i drew was twiggit sperkl and that was the most proudest i ever felt
49. Who is your favourite superhero? 
50. What is your favourite poem? Recite it?
i dont read
51. What is an exercise you despise doing. 
52. Secret talent? 
53. Current song on replay replay replay? 
55. If you weren’t in your current occupation what would you be doing? 
sleeping probably
56. What is the first thing you notice about the person you fancy?
,,y,yo they kinda,,,, scrumptious,,, AHUIWRWQI 
57. If you had one wish that would definitely come true, what would it be? 
58. If you could time travel, when and where would you visit? 
i would go to future bc i wanna see what i look like
59. What is your lucky number? 
60. If you adopt a pet what would it be and what would you name it? 
a cat!! and i actually am planning a name and calling them clementine!! 
61. Do you believe in fate/everything happens for a reason?
i believe your fate is decided by ur own actions/words
 62. What is your favourite thing about your personality? 
im not too hard to get along with,, i hope
63. What is your favourite thing about your appearance? 
64. What is your favourite clothing store? 
primark bc everything is like 2 bucks
65. What is your favourite online store? 
i dont do online shopping too much
66. Use one word to describe your most favourite person? 
67. How do you usually have your hair?
down with a clip, then ponytail next day
 68. What was your favourite subject in high school? 
69. What makes you feel empowered? 
power over something/someone(as a joke/in games, not in a bad way)
70. What motivates you to do something? 
a prize at the end
71. What advice would you give someone who is going through a rough time? 
it gets worse before it gets better, and in the worse ill be there for you so you dont have to go through this alone
72. Ideal date? 
wendys!!! sweater weather!!! cuddle!!! left 4 dead!!! comfy clothes!!!
73. What is the best date night movie? 
i am not that attractive to be taken out on a date
74. What is something you are currently looking forward to? 
nothing atm tbh im just here bc i have to beIEOJRWIOE
75. Tell me a funny joke? 
oo wa oh wa ooh
76. Do you like musicals? If so, what’s your favourite? 
never listened to one actually
77. What is your favourite song currently? 
sweater weather. always.
78. What song never fails to make you dance? 
79. What is your favourite “classic?”
gnomeo and juliet
 80. What is the best advice you have ever been given? 
obese paragraph and comfort doodles? lets go
81. Where did you ancestors come from? 
puerto rico
82. What have you learned from your parents/guardians? 
be tough nugget and dont take shit seriously till you have to
83. What is a phrase you heard a lot growing up? 
dont step on the crack or youll break ur mothers back
84. Do you believe in magic? 
85. What reminds you of your best friend? 
86. What are you passionate about? 
dance dance dance
87. Tell me a story from middle school? 
one time
the end
88. Who was your favourite teacher and why?
i love my bio teacher rn bro shes such a sweetheart
 89. Can you roll your tongue? 
90. What made you pursue what you are studying? (including school subjects) 
my little pony
91. Where would you like to travel to? 
japan for those toys gimme gimme
92. What is something on your bucket-list? 
i wanna see coral reef
93. What is home to you? 
place that brings feeling of comfort/security
94. What do you do in your free time? 
95. If you could buy anything right now, what would it be? 
96. If you could see anyone, living or dead, right now, who would it be? 
probs one of my online friends
97. If you could choose, what would your last meal be? 
soup dumplings brisk and rice
98. How would you like to die? 
99. List five of your favourite pieces of art (paintings, books, songs etc) 
ruby eyes / sweater weather / ponyo / wall-e / idk
100. What would you change about this world?
global warming SHOOO U FAT
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the-albino-lioness · 4 years
girl-in-the-tower: Hello! Can I have 9 and 19 for the dragon kids, please? All of them if it's alright or you can pick whoever you want!
I'm only gunna do some of them because doing all of then for 2 asks is a lot😂
9: Your OC is having a nightmare. What is it?
Pendragon: Pendragon and Light are the last of their species so Pendragon will often have nightmares of the day his family and friends were all killed on the Isle of Night. This nightmare sadly happens more often then he'd like but everytime he has it Light is sleeping right next to him and comforts him. Poor boy is literally drenched in sweat and has tears in his eyes because the dream is so insanely vivid for him.
Light: Light's nightmares vary but the one she has the most is about losing Pendragon. Being the last of their kind she's insanely terrified that he's going to get taken away, go missing, or worse get killed. She hates having these nightmares because she wakes up crying and aggressively hugs onto Pendragon and cries into his chest until she falls back asleep.
Fang: Fang's nightmares are pretty much about him being burned to a crisp by his own flames or worse burning his friends. It's a constant fear he has whenever his body bursts into flames that it's going to go out of control and burn him or his friends.
Drake: Being the oldest he is very scared about something happening to Blaze. Its common for the older sibling (hes a few minutes older btw-) to be protective of their younger sibling and hes just scared that Blaze will get hurt or worse. These nightmares don't happen very often.
Umbra: Umbra is able to shoot out sharp spears at people (Stormfly whatever the spikes she shoots out) and she gets worried she will either really hurt herself or the other dorm members. The spikes sometimes do not go where they are supposed to and it freaks her out when they have gotten close to the other members. She will wake up and gasp and start panting heavily and then have a breakdown.
19: Your OC’s life is a musical. What’s the title of their big show-stopping song?
I actually don't know any musicals at all so im just gunna put what songs would fit them tbh😂😂 this one will be mad short cuz again idk musicals-
Light: Nightglow from Honkai Impact 3rd. Idk why but I can really see her singing this.
Pendragon: Immortals by Fall Out Boy. Again idk why either- These answers for this are gunna suck just saying-
Fang: Just imma just link the songs tbh im so bad at this sorry
Yeah just saying I didn't like doing this one cuz im bad at picking specific songs for my ocs so sorry that this one was crap😂
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Thoughts on ep 7
-so this episode did not impress me for a number of reasons
- S3 Anne had really made me dislike her character. I don't hate her but this episode was...yeah. she was a bit insufferable but that's just me
- I don't think it would be very difficult to understand that Anne's section in the paper was based off Josie. After all the people had witnessed her confront Billy and tell him he shouldn't have touched her (Josie) and then comes a paper about fairness and I don't think it's too hard to put two and two together
- I'm glad the reaction to it wasn't downplayed and could be fixed with a little apology. Well it was kinda fixed with an apology but at least Anne realized that she had been in the wrong
- oh my little shipper heart is broken. I was hoping Derry would survive. But as soon as the scene of them in the woods began and Jerry had said I don't know to whatever that question Diana had, I had a feeling it was over. Maybe she did like him but partly because this was forbidden and therefore, exciting. Then the honeymoon stage was over and she realized she didn't really like him like she thought she did
-i kinda wish that part was just a lie and she's only saying that to convince herself
- I don't want this to be the end of Derry!!
-we better get a scene of them making up or her apologizing or something
-did anyone else feel like Diana was acting weirdly out of character? Maybe it's because she's been making different decisions lately but idk she just did
-i was hoping they weren't gonna ask Matthew for his opinion then he'll say something and they'll take it the wrong way/get mad at him
-im glad we got a Jerry/Anne scene together (is this the first one this season??) But why does it have to be angst?? I want some funny scenes of them bickering like siblings. Although I would also like a comfort scene, where one is crying and the other sooths them. They could do it if Derry is done like we all suspect
- the fight was unexpected but I don't remember if they've fought before not, if not then at least this part is being realistic. It was bound to happen. I do have to say I think Dalila and Amybeth acted out this really well
- was anyone else half expecting Jerry to be in the background working and then be noticed when Diana was insisting it didn't mean anything? I'm glad that didn't happen though
- I wonder how long Diana has left before finishing school and if she and Anne will be not speaking to each other until the last minute
- the protest, at least the signs that said freedom of speech is a human right, felt really modernized. That's all I got to say about that
- my phone was acting so I didnt see the Shirbert scene but ima watch it later!!
-also I'm sad we have 3 episodes left. We better get a s3 but I guess we won't know that until after it's premiered on Netflix
-i also think Josie's scene with her parents was well done as well. I never really paid attention to her before but I like how her character is acted out (if that makes sense lol)
- edit: I forgot to say that Gilbert's "not that I'm telling you what to do" comment was cringy im sorry lol but it was
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karmanticmoved · 5 years
1-85 uwu
j esus okay
1. describe yourself.
uh,, emotional ig, dumbass, quiet, exhausted all of the time, v queer, healthy mix of feminine and masculine, insecure, and not tha t great tbh. kinda a pussy ass b itch
2. if you could go anywhere for a week all expenses paid where would it be?
idrk. maybe somewhere like a hella nice beach in another country, maybe somewhere in europe. i like travelling but i hate the travel to get there and have no money so i havent put thought into it. maybe hawaii or somewhere like that.
3. do you have siblings?
the one thats still alive is my half brother
4. what is your favorite constellation, why?
orion maybe bc i don't know a lot but i can see that one from my bedroom window even in the city n idk. its comforting. or scorpius cause i'm a scorpio
5. favorite color.
yellow, pink, or blue.
6. what kind of music do you listen to?
almost anything. whatever catches my interest.
7. favorite flower. (you can name as many as you want cause flowers are awesome)
forgot what i said last time but those
yellow carnations i think?
8. if you could do magic, what is the first spell you would learn?
maybe smth to put myself to sleep immediately bc f uCk
9. favorite childhood memory.
my summer camp memories are pretty great. also memories of my dad and i going fishing are good.
10. have you ever been cheated on?
i mean in theory i couldve been bc online relationships but no. n im polyam and have identified as such for a majority of my relationships so no.
11. if you could describe your perfect room, what would it be?
big but not too big, yknow? like big enough that it can be filled and have room to walk around and lay on the ground or whatever but not Empty. and a pretty big bed to stretch out on, n a closet in the room. multiple windows w blackout curtains so theres light but it can be blocked out. n fluffy rugs or carpeting but preferably rugs in case smth spills so we can get it out of at least Remove the rug. and probably a cat tree thing in corner for dipper. n a computer desk and actual lights that light up the whole room. but probably,, fairy lights too bc full lights too bright. and i kinda want a pink room but blue or yellow work also. a nd pride flags on the walls + posters and various other stuff bc plain walls are boring. and tons n tons of b ooks too.
12. favorite animal.
river otter
13. what was the last photo you took of?
Tumblr media
14. do you believe in soul mates?
i'm not sure. i do kinda think there are people who you will like. really really click with and who become so important in your life that they're like. apart of u yknow? but i don't think that anyone as an individual needs to keep those people in their life forever. they arent destined to stay with them, and they shouldnt force that relationship (platonic, familial, romantic, or whatever) even if they were close for years and years. screw destiny. youll have people you care about, and sometimes you have to break that bond to save yourself, and thats okay. there will be other people who can and will be just as important. that got kinda off topic skbsks. i don't think theres really like Destiny soulmates. but there could be like. soulmates in the sense of for however long we're together, we're soul bonded. even if its not forever. does that even make se nse skbsns
15. do you hang toilet paper over or under?
over is the one thats socially acceptable right
16. your go to place to eat & your favorite thing to get there.
idk theres a place near a movie theater closeish to my house and its a nice little cafe and i dont eat there bc i dont eat much in general but i get their bubble tea and i love. raspberry bubble tea w rose popping bubbles. its comfort drink.
17. do you believe everything happens for a reason?
no. sometimes shit happens for no reason, and its bullshit, but you can't reverse it, so you gotta figure out how to move on from it.
18. guilty pressures?
im assuming thats meant to be pleasures
umm,, idrk. i don't know what exactly i like that would count as a guilty pleasure so,,
19. favorite mythical creature, why?
merpeople are s o cool i fuckin. love funky aquatic pals hell yeah. maybe im just Water babey but. they're rad. dragons are also hella cool bc like dragons???? theyre scaly and prett y and can breathe fire or have wings and kill u?? also like selkies bc again. water. but i used to hear a lot of stories abt them and theyre so nea t
20. something most people don’t know about you.
i have the potential to be a huge asshole and also kinda Wish to fuckin murder someone sometimes but. i act nice most of the time anyway.
not murder murder but i can get angr y enough that i just wanna Stab smth
21. where did you grow up, what was it like?
grew up kinda near the edge of the city, still in it but not like the main city area. in western washington. it was kinda rly boring, i used to spend a lot more time outside or just by myself playing with leaves or toys or whatever. when i had friends i played make believe w them even when outside of school. so yeah. boring id say.
22. do you believe aliens exist?
23. what was your last google search?
other than names for some actors n stuff, i was looking up various star wars things
24. what did your last relationship teach you?
the one that like. ended? i guess thatd be. be careful with your own feelings and try to figure them out before jumping into anything, and also don't try to force smth that in reality isnt really working.
25. would you relocate for love?
honestly yeah
26. do you hold grudges or forgive easy?
both. it just depends on how badly i or someone i care about was hurt by it. more likely to hold a grudge if a friend was hurt by someone d eep enough to leave a lasting impact or if they don't get a genuine apology i will be 🔫🔫. or if the person keeps hurting them. even if that person is also my friend.
27. favorite book.
favorite graphic novel is bloom by kevin panetta
favorite books in general are autoboyography, more happy than not, and what if its us. all gay. i know. its okay. im a kinnie.
28. do you consider yourself an extrovert or introvert?
introvert by far
29. have you ever kept a journal, do you now?
i tried once. i probably will have to once i go see a therapist, or at least one for my Bad Thoughts
30. top 5 favorite movies.
in no particular order
little shop of horrors, love simon, coco, it (2017 and 1990), and shazam! ig? maybe others but i definitely Forgot all the shit ive watched
31. do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
32. what is your greatest fear?
definitely gotta be all of the people i love hating me and abandoning me or secretly hating me and then leaving me without saying anything. and the worst part is im always afraid its gonna happen babeyy
33. favorite alcoholic beverage.
im baby
34. most embarrassing thing you’ve done.
im embarrassed by my own existence. i don't remember the Most embarrassing thing
35. do you believe in ghosts?
not until i have proof that i can actually trust and believe in
36. what is the best and worst part of your personality?
idk ig im nice. but im also. very easily set off on certain emotions especially the bad ones which sucks like especially jealousy bc i dont wanna!! feel jealous!! tho i think that ties into my greatest fear bc my brain immediately tells me im useless to everyone and they hate me. but. sometimes i get jealous and then feel bad for that and then hate myself for all of it. bc my friends deserve to hang out w other people and care about other people im just fucking stupid babey !!
37. should you split the dinner bill?
i rly don't get why you wouldnt tbh like if u both wanna be there u should both pay. but if one person gonna pay it should be the person that asked.
38. are you a good liar?
most of the time. when it comes to my mental health i can either lie great or im literally breaking down in front of the person so
39. what keeps you up at night?
depressing thoughts. anxiety about everything. wishing i could cuddle and fall asleep w jay. sometimes i just cant sleep bc im too restless.
40. would you rather go without your phone or music?
music. i need my phone to text my friends and i Need my friends
41. do you believe in god?
what god would let the world get to the point its at. what god would allow people to do such fucked up shit.
no. i don't.
42. how do you relax when frustrated?
cry, take a nap, take a shower, listen to music, cuddle dipper
43. what’s something that offends you?
when people go "oh yeah i support gay rights but im still gonna eat at chick fil a bc its good" like i get so fucking. pissed off by that. youre not gonna fucking s ta rv e without their goddamn chicken. i know a bi person who goes there and says its okay bc they dont Directly Give Their money to Specifically anti gay organisations but im just. ugh. fucking pissed bc there are other places to get food just avoid the one place for fucks sake. their food is good it doesnt matter. its like saying yeah pewdiepie is a bad person and nazi and a racist asshole but his videos r funni haha so im gonna watch him anyway
44. favorite food
i hate myself whenever i eat food
45. if you were on a 10 hour flight and could sit and talk to any person the entire time, who would it be?
@destinedformuchmore or @pinaplelee
46. when do you feel the most confident?
never? but ig i feel confident when working on tech construction during theater tech. as long as i know what im doing.
47. what do you do in your free time?
sleep. draw. cry. play video games. talk to my friends.
48. is there anyone who has completely lost your respect
matpat did for being a dick abt neopronouns and making a transphobic joke and only apologizing when a cis person told him to. not when hundreds of trans people did. and also other jokes that are inherently offensive to various groups. a n d for making extremely not Child friendly jokes in his videos which are very much targeted towards kids. say what you will about the target audience, there are a lot of children who watch them. please stop making creepy nsfw jokes if you won't even swear, sir.
49. have you ever broken someone’s heart?
i guess so yeah. but she also broke mine first.
50. did/do you play sports in school?
i did. i don't anymore bc highschool sports are bullshit but. basketball, ultimate, and soccer.
51. when are you happiest?
talkin 2 jay prolly
52. coffee or tea?
53. what is one possession you own you wouldn’t want to live without?
my binder. or my stuffed cat puppet thing ive had since i was 7
54. what is the first thing you notice about a person?
their general emotions, mostly. like if theyre in a good mood or if theyre bored or distracted or whatever. or if they seem interested in actually talking to me
55. what is your favorite season, why?
fall. my birthday, the atmosphere is nice, it's pretty, its hoodie weather.
56. what makes you laugh?
stupid little comments or jokes my friends make tend to make me laugh a lot harder than i should but jabdn
57. are you a clean or messy person?
a mix. i Cannot have some things messy or i will ksjqkd. Die but i don't make my bed too often bc its ha rd when its against 3 walls.
58. what is important for a successful relationship?
communication communication communicati
talk about ur goddamn problems n keep talking to each other.
59. what was your upcoming like?
if thats supposed to be upbringing
idk, very relaxed. pretty easygoing and kinda boring.
60. favorite holiday?
any holiday in december rly. i don't celebrate a Lot but the atmosphere and others celebrating is nice to see. i kinda wish my parents did more to embrace the jewish part in our family blike. whatever. christmas is fun.
61. what is the first thing you’d do if you won the lottery?
give half of it to my parents. and then probably use it for plane ticket
62. what’s the best pizza topping combination?
hawaiian pizza. pinapple n canadian bacon ty
63. favorite outdoor activity.
64. how are you? honestly.
not great. i want highschool to end.
65. would you rather go camping in the woods or stay at a beach resort?
idk. camping is fun but if i get to stay at the resort for free i would rly love 2 stay at a resort tbh ive never done that
66. what is the most beautiful thing in nature?
waterfalls. or rivers or just. water in nature. and very green forests. aNd snow.
67. favorite type of candy?
68. if your life was a book, what would be the title?
i can and will do arson, an autobiography
69. what movie quotes do you use of a regular bases?
i quote john mulaney and whatever my obsessions are pretty regularly
70. what was cool when you were young but not cool now?
silly bandz. pokemon cards. these weird unicorn figures i collected
71. what’s the craziest conversation you have ever eves dropped on?
im mostly the one having the weird conversations
72. what’s the most interesting documentary you’ve ever watched?
i watched one about dogs and cats and their evolution which was lit
73. what’s the worst hairstyle you’ve had?
when i let the lady just go fuckin ham on my hair bc i was watching spirit that horse movie and didnt wanna stop so it was. rly bad bangs and hella short in back but not the sides
74. what do you like to cook?
whatever im hungry for. i don't have the energy to cook a lot
75. what’s the coolest animal you’ve seen in the wild?
really pretty tropical fish
76. what’s the funniest tv show you’ve ever seen?
idk. i rly like schitts creek its pretty amusing
77. do you usually follow your heart or your head?
heart at first but my head if things get bad
78. what is your favorite quote?
"i have a splitting headache and i think i'm dying. how are you?"
or a character just saying "try harder" when another failed to do smth.
this is supposed to be deep or whatever but im in a Mood
79. what’s the weirdest crush you have ever had?
once had a crush on a character in a minecraft parody lmao
80. what’s your love language?
sending shit that makes me think of them. n just. making tons of stuff for them both online and irl like bracelets.
81. do you ever feel alone?
oh yeah. all the time. im not but it feels like i am which sucks
82. ever been bullied?
83. are you usually early or late?
late bc of my parents rip
84. what kind of art do you enjoy most?
drawing, or writing. also theater.
85. what do you wish you knew more about?
i just wish i could remember everything ive learned more about. i know a lot i just forget all.
id like to know more about forensics tho
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crafiet · 5 years
1-50 OC questionnaire !!
ill use ary
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?anyone else paranoid about people stealing their unpublished work or ideas or name bc me. her name is ary and i found it from a generator [lmao so original] and i thought it was cute. her last name is like pretty standard for fantasy and it inspired me to have everyone elses last names in a similar vibe2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?WELL lmao shes had a lot. prisoner #22876, the wraith, princess ary. ive scrapped all except the prisoner one and u can guess how she got it3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory? she was raised among royals and nobles so she has a lot of good memories with her parents and other kids her age running around doing dumb shit. most of her bad memories happen once she becomes a teenager4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents? she has an overwhelming love for her parents, she idolizes them heavily and is grateful for how much they taught her. a good memory is probably them teaching her how to use magic for the first time and she being unable to control it and almost burning her eyebrows off lmao5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?no siblings6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?tbh i havent thought much about their education system as young kids, since its not really relevant and i dont tend to worldbuild stuff that never shows up. however she did attend an academy specifically for her magic caste and she had a fun time up until some shit went down and she deserted. shes pretty competitive and liked versing her friends7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood? she was one of those weird kids who preferred hanging out with her parents over everybody else. so she had one good friend in the academy whos still her friend today, but otherwise she would race home and annoy her mum lol8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals? no pets. she has a soft spot for horses though, because she has had so many in her “career”9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals? horses like her, i guess they can sense shes good with them. at one point in the novel she sees some jackals and is afraid of them so shes probably not a dog person10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?she doesnt have anything against kids, but shes not very good with them, shes never been one for baby talk or dumbing herself down. in one draft she takes care of some adolescents and lets cyri take over bc he loves kids lol11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?nahh12. What is their favourite food? uhhhhhhhhhhhhh13. What is their least favourite food?uhHHHHHH14. Do they have any specific memories of food/a restaurant/meal?man idk, its not like my characters arent well rounded realistic people but im not gonna know her favourite fucking colour bc it doesnt matter in the story lmao15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?i would say shes ok, she doesnt burn anything but shes not a gourmet chef [despite having lessons as a child]16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it? ohh i used to have an answer for this but she probably doesnt now just bc shes pretty nomadic and usually only has the clothes on her back lmao17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?cameras dont exist in her world my dudee. but if she lived in modern day which ive thought of, shed be the type to take a bunch of pics of her friends and stuff she likes bc she likes having the memory in a solid form, her actual memory is shit lol18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything elsehmm i suppose shed be a horror fan, and shed love making fun of stupid characters19. What’s their least favourite genres?man idk. romance? shes kinda #2edgy4me20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?hmm i think shes more a soft music fan, just something idly playing in the background. ex. a bard playing something for the crowd while she kicks back w friends21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?she has a short temper. shes easily triggered with any emotion so shes quick to argue or whatever22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?id like to think shes witty, and she always says stuff to peoples faces bc a bitch has rabies and wants to fight apparently23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?bad memory, shes gone through physical torture and isolation [wew] so. shes better at names, growing up with royals she got to learn a bunch of family names etc24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?a light sleeper. crazy light. and she can sleep anywhere, so she has no problems sleeping on the ground unlike others25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?she pretends to be stoic but when u get to know her her humour’s pretty lame, shell laugh at anything if just to make u feel better26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions? she tends to hide them under an indifferent mask27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?despite being able to hide her emotions, she does succumb to fear a lot and cries openly, but will continue to do whatever shes doing through tears so shes scary in that regard28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?abandonment is a huge one. shes not a fan of predatory animals. shes brave though, and will do whatevers necessary, kinda like unwilling exposure therapy lol29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective? she doesnt like exploiting people so shell never use someones fear against them. for friends, shell protect them and warn them if something like that is gonna happen30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out?lmao she walks or goes horse riding everywhere and is severely malnourished31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing?i just wrote a scene like this!! shes louder in general, laughs more. her guard comes down more and more with every drink. she can hold her liquor pretty well but when shes blacked out shes pretty much useless32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?she prefers comfort and mobility over everything else. she tends to dress pretty masculine, and never does anything with her hair. does she know what a brush is?33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?...................ask her lol idk. probably just basic comfy ones34. What is their body type? How tall are they? Do they like their body?she is 5′9. when shes healthy, she has a willowy figure but more on the boxy side than curvy. she doesnt really attribute much to her body [imagine living life without dysmorphia mfg]35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure? i dont she counts anything as a ‘guilty’ pleasure. she just enjoys what she enjoys, fuck whatever people think36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?she loves fishing! she used to do it a lot with her dad. i dont think shes a particularly good singer37. Do they like to read? Are they a fast or slow reader? Do they like poetry? Fictional or non fiction?yeah she likes reading. she reads pretty fast and prefers nonfiction. she thinks poetry can get too pretentious lmao38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?#deep but i think she admires kindness and care in others. she wishes she was a better person at times and wants to be able to express how much people meant to her39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging? lmao letters are the only thing in her world. if she lived w us shed probably be all about texting 600 in a row and then calling when u dont reply “what do u mean you cant answer. its called INSTANT messaging for a reason!!”40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert?she stays awake through sheer willpower shes a beast41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?shes bi/pan. not really a thing about labels in her world. she loves long hair and soft personalities42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?plot spoilers!!43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?shes not religious. there is a heavy theme of religion in the novel [which i need to write better in the second draft] but she was kinda skeptical as a child and probably lost faith entirely after she went through some harrowing stuff 44. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most? winter. she prefers the cold and hates heat45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves? i think people see her as scarier than she is. shes a formidable opponent and does not give a fuck what you say, but her reputation precedes her a little bit, a lot of things she did out of fear or force are seen as ‘badass’ and ‘brave’46. Do they make a good first impression? Does their first impression reflect them accurately? How do they introduce themselves?shes a compulsive liar, and a good one at that. so she tends to show herself differently to almost everyone she meets, but usually its a false potrayal47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event?ugh she haaaaaates formal stuff and parties. she grew up royal and had to suffer through many a dinner and gathering. at this point in her life youd never get her in a dress that impeded her movement. shes ok with dresses but really big poofy ones she refuses to wear48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend? in our world shed be one for a chill house party. show up with a case of beer, sit outside by the barbie, listen to music and talk shit. shes not good at organising so she doesnt tend to host, and if she were dragged by a friend itd probably be to a formal event or with people she didnt know so shed just sulk in the corner49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them?she abandoned her material possessions before the story a. bc she was forced and b. they bring back way too many painful memories50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials? food, change of clothes, weapons. thats about it. she tries not to be super nasty and find an inn to shower and stuff but shes also poor af
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