#and if joe hasn't seen it today no one has seen it
Errors, "Errors," and Sci Fi: The Nail Gun Gray Zone
I have more thoughts on errors in sci fi, specifically what does and does not count as an error. So I made a graph.
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I'm a firm believer that at some point, your story will just be better if you bend certain rules of reality. A story with 100% realistic gun battles will be impossible for audiences to follow. One with ultra-realistic dialog will be boring and impossible to follow.
HOWEVER. Ice floats in water. Residents of now-Phoenix in the 1700s might've not known that, but it's hard to imagine anyone alive today who hasn't at minimum seen an image of a drink with ice in it. So GI Joe (2009) hinging a major plot point on a block of ice sinking in liquid water is widely regarded as silly and world-breaking. Same goes for The Strangers (2008) making a character unable to use her phone while it's plugged in and charging. Even in 2008, a solid majority of U.S. moviegoers owned cell phones and regularly used them as they were plugged in. Errors. Firmly.
But on the opposite end of the spectrum, you have "errors" that only bug a small subset of your audience with relevant expertise. You can always count on some of that subset to take to Reddit and whine pedantically about a 10-round gun firing 11 rounds, but I doubt those count as errors. My personal example is the lack of a character named Surprise in Inside Out — I've studied and taught Paul Ekman's theories, so to me the fact that they included only 5 of his 6 "universal" affects is always going to look weird. But I know that's less an error than a pet peeve, because there wouldn't be much for the character Surprise to do that isn't taken up by Fear or Joy. (The sequel also has a Surprise-ish and a Contempt-ish character, so there's that.) Same goes for the water main not being pressurized correctly in Batman Begins — I'll take city planners' word for it that Scarecrow's plan wouldn't work, but COME ON. It's a sci fi movie about a furry who makes a living punching aliens. If you want realism, watch a documentary.
That said. There's also that middle zone. What I call the Nail Gun Gray Zone, because it really is hard to tell how much some errors are obscure and piddly, how much they're mainstream and obvious. Because. Nail guns can't shoot nails. They're not projectile weapons. Not unless the story takes the time to show a character modifying the tool to override the fact that it has to be pressed flush against a board before it will fire. BUT. If you told me "99% of modern Americans know that!" I'd believe you. If you told me "only professional contractors know that!" I'd believe you. That poll clarified basically nothing — roughly 25% of respondents had used a nail gun, ~25% didn't know much about them, and ~50% had only seen one used. (I didn't ask "do you know that a nail gun can't be used as a projectile weapon" because then anyone who read the question should by definition answer "yes.")
Anyway, I think that a lot of online arguments about errors/"errors" in sci fi can be captured by the Nail Gun Gray Zone. Most of us can agree that only pedantic blowhards would say that the lack of Surprise ruins Inside Out, and most of us can agree that it'd be nice if The Strangers had simply broken Kristen's phone. Nail guns? One person's "oh come on, that looks ridiculous!" is another person's "it's called a nail gun, right? so why not use it like a gun?" and I don't think doing more polls will resolve it one way or another.
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spamgyu · 9 months
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DESCRIPTION: She had grown tired of being on his back burner, the person that he had kept warm until he gotten the girl he has had his eyes set on for years... And with a little help from her friend, maybe... just maybe she'll finally be the first choice. PAIRING: Seungcheol x Reader | Mingyu x Reader GENRE: Angst & Fluff PART 3 | SERIES MASTERLIST | MASTERLIST
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When he had told Jeonghan that his roommate had convinced him to go over to his best friend's house to finally tell her how he felt, he wasn't lying.
It wasn't just for show – to tell a fake story to make their lies believable.
"Seungcheol fumbled, are you going to do the same thing?" Minghao asked him, keeping his eyes trained on the screen while they worked together to complete their game's mission.
For the past few months, they had almost always circled back to one topic.
It was almost as if a switch had turned on in his head the day he realized that she was the one he loved this whole time. Just as has his mother predicted since their high school days, Mingyu had fallen in love for the one constant that was in his life.
"It's complicated, Hao. Shoot shoot– fuck." Mingyu cried, chucking his controller to the side as the screen flashed "MISSION FAILED".
Minghao shrugged. "How complicated could it be?"
"Well for one, it's one sided." He listed. "And then what, I lose her? Rather not have that."
"Just give it a shot. I doubt she'll cut you out anyways. She's stuck around this long, hasn't she?"
He was right.
She had seen the good, the bad, and the ugly and yet, she was still here. She still stuck by his side through it all.
He brought his fingers up to his lips, biting his nails – a bad habit he had developed whenever he allowed his thoughts to consume him.
The worst that could happen was that she could reject him, which he was 99% sure she would.
He just needed to get this damn weight off his shoulder.
Now more than ever.
Sighing, Mingyu stood from his seat. "Alright, I'm going to do it."
He had all the intentions of doing so that Valentine's Day. Showing up to her doorstep with a small bouquet of tulips he had picked up at Trader Joe's along with her favorite sweet treat from their bakery section – the brownie cookie combo that he swore was far too sweet for anyone's taste buds.
But instead, he was greeted by a girl with red eyes – it was clear that she had been crying just minutes before his arrival.
"Are those for me?" She sniffled, pointing to the contents in his hand.
"Yeah, I figured you were going to be upset this Valentine's day." He chuckled, lying through his teeth.
It wasn't the right time.
Mingyu wanted to tell her how he felt.
He wanted to finally feel the weight come off his chest but he knew it wasn't right.
Not when he still plagued her mind.
"Thank you." Y/n smiled, using the sleeves of her sweater to wipe her eyes. "No plans today?"
Mingyu shook his head, plopping down on her couch. "Today is for couples."
"Fake dating?" Minghao repeated what his friend had just debriefed him after his arrival. "At your big age, you're going to pretend to fake dat– You know you've had many bad ideas before but this one takes the fucking cake."
Mingyu groaned, putting his head in his hands. "I know okay? I know, I just– She– I don't know. You know I'd do anything for her."
"Including helping her get Cheol back?" He cried.
"I just want her happy."
Minghao sarcastically clapped. "Let's give it up for the stupidest boy alive."
"Leave me alone." He pushed his friend's hands away from his face.
"This is going to be so fucking messy." He shook his head as he headed for his room, leaving his friend in the living room to wallow in his own thoughts.
After three days of non-stop activities, she was ready to tap out – groaning in her bed as she flipped laying on one side to the other. She had mistakenly agreed to go hiking with Seokmin, Seungkwan and Hansol the day before and as someone who rarely did any physical activities, she was regretting her decision – feeling her thighs ache under the covers.
"Let's do something." Mingyu suggested from his bed, growing bored of the show he had been watching on the television.
Everyone else had left the hotel early in the morning to go ziplining, and considering her current state and his fear of heights, the duo had opted to sit this one activity out.
Getting the rest they deserve.
"I'm tired." She whined.
"Come on, I wanna go back up north and look around the shops." He pouted dramatically, batting his lashes at her.
They had all been so busy trying to complete the itinerary Eunji had so kindly organized that day that they weren't able to fully enjoy all the small town had to offer – Mingyu making note to pay it another visit during his free time.
Which was now.
She never could resist him.
Letting out a sigh, she sat up in her bed – trudging over to her suitcase. "You better fucking buy me something."
"I'm your boyfriend not your sugar daddy."
Grabbing the nearest article of clothing, Y/n turned around and threw it at him – hitting his face.
"I'm the luckiest man alive." He chuckled, tossing it back at her – making it perfectly into her suitcase.
"You sure are, baby." She winked, heading straight to the bathroom – outfit in hand.
"I thought we won't use baby!" He called out as the door slammed shut – a wide grin on his face.
He didn't care if it was in pure sarcasm. Mingyu felt his heart skip a beat.
Just as it had been the past few days.
Oh he was down bad.
Within an hour, they were back on the same road, blasting the same playlist – the two taking turns singing obnoxiously along to her favorite songs.
"I like it here." She reached over to dial the volume down, turning to point her film camera at him. "Smile– oh my god don't pose– ew!"
After a year of nothing but pure heartache, riding the roller coaster of emotions that Seungcheol had managed to strap her into, this was the first time in a while that the girl had enjoyed her time.
She couldn't help but dread the thought of the trip wrapping up, having to face the music of her reality – going back in to work, coming home to an empty apartment... and be alone with her thoughts.
With no Mingyu to distract her.
In the past few days, she had gained a new appreciation for her friend – noticing the small details of his actions. Especially after voicing this to Seungcheol on the beach, in attempts to defend their lie.
And even more when Mingyu had confirmed this two days ago.
At the time, she was simply saying what was at the top of her head. She had always known that he was there for her, answering all her calls in an instant and showing up with no questions asked.
Even if it was to help her get a bird, that had accidentally flown in and wreaked havoc, out if her apartment.
She remembered how stressed and terrified he was of hurting the poor thing as he used a broom to usher the small creature out – recording the whole thing on her phone for future entertainment purposes.
"Thank you." She glanced over at him, a soft smile on her lips.
"For what?" Mingyu's brows furrowed, confused at the sudden change of tone and air between them.
"Just being a good person." Y/n shrugged.
"Are you going all soft on me, y/n?" He teased.
"Don't make me take it back."
"I'm kidding." He chuckled, reaching over to give her cheek a poke. "I should be thanking you. You bullied me into being a good person."
Aside from his parents and his sister, she had a big influence on who he was and the man he had become today.
Y/n had never once let any of his mistakes go by without a single lecture. He remembered all the times he would sit in silence while she talked his ear off, even if it was something minor as forgetting to clean the lint trap out of his dryer.
Something about starting a house fire.
Before, when he was in his teens and still unappreciative of her nagging, Mingyu would simply roll his eyes – letting her words go in one ear and out another. As time had gone by, he had learned to appreciate it.
Welcoming it even; beating her to the punch to text her of his mistakes and asking for advice on how he could make it right.
"Not enough though. How many girls have cried because of you?"
"Don't make me take it back." He jokingly threatened, using her line.
Laughing, she allowed for the views to distract her once again – snapping a few more pictures.
"We should come back here. Make it a tradition." She said, as the treaded through the small tide pools, pointing out the small school of fish that swam along their legs every now and then.
"Holding you to that."
The two had many traditions that they had set in place, one of them being spending a week during their summers camping with both of their families. A tradition that began when he had tagged along during one of her family trips – it wasn't long until his family joined in the following year, their fathers instantly becoming friends during the first day.
This would merely be another trip that they would continue on until they were old and grey.
"Do you think our kids will be friends? Like us?" Y/n asked aloud, stopping him in his tracks.
"I haven't really thought that far."
A lie.
He has.
Though, he would much prefer if their kids were siblings rather than friends.
They say a man knows in an instant whether they want to marry a girl or not.
Mingyu was no different.
He remembered that day so clearly. She had dragged him along to the mall to help her find the perfect dress for Jeonghan's wedding, and with nothing better to do he had agreed.
She had stepped out of the dressing room in a one shoulder satin maxi dress, fitting perfectly on her body. It was a simple dress, no ruffles, no sequins, no lace. Just a plain satin dress; but somehow she made it look like it was worth far more than the tag attached at the seams.
Mingyu remembered his heart skipping a beat that day, the breath in his lungs didn't seem enough as he took in her beauty.
He didn't know what triggered it, maybe it was the constant talks of the wedding, but his brain was instantly flooded with the thought of being the one at the end of the aisle – waiting for her as she made her way down in a white dress.
This soon then spiraled to thoughts of a married life with her; spending the rest of his life with his best friend.
It took him nearly a week to snap out of this day dream, his mind constantly wandering back to that day and the whirlwind of emotions that hit him like a ton of bricks.
"Have you at least thought about what you want for dinner?" She laughed; bringing him back to reality.
"Poke probably." Mingyu muttered.
"Sh.. the fish can hear you." She feigned shock as another school of silver fish swam by her toes.
"Yummy yummy fish." He cooed.
Sitting atop of the roof of the car, the two picked at the various small bowls for cubed fresh cut of the day that they had picked up from the local market – humming in content each time they took a bite.
Instead of meeting the rest of the group for dinner, Mingyu and Y/n agreed it would be best to simply pick up the poke he had originally suggested as opposed to racing back to the city.
Watching the sunset while parked by the sand was far better than the chaos, anyways. The two needing a break from all the voices that seemed to always talk over one another.
"Hold still," He picked up his phone and pointed it at her. "This would look good on my story."
While they sat in silence, digesting the dinner they had just finished not too long ago, Mingyu couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked under the soft orange and yellow hues of the sun that had dipped halfway into the horizon – illuminating her face in a new light.
Both metaphorically and literally.
Without a second thought, the girl listened to him – holding her pose of looking straight into the shoreline, a soft smile on her face. "Lemme see." She held her hand out as he handed her his device. "Send this to me."
Mingyu swallowed as his heart battled with his brain to do the unthinkable.
Maybe it was the fact that they had spent the whole day alone, acting as though they were still around their friends – pretending.
Or the fact that this his trip had given him a glimpse of what his life would be if they were actually together, the flirting, the hand holding, the soft whispers, waking up to her in the morning; the sweet moments he yearned for.
Or maybe, just maybe, it was because he's been wanting this for so long – unable to hold off any longer.
"Bug?" Her head tilted to the side, seeing the gears turn behind his eyes.
There goes that nickname.
The one that they have sworn to use just as part of the act that soon became a part of their daily vocabulary. Even when it was just the two of them.
"Let me just–" His mumbled, leaning down – which wasn't hard as they were already only inches apart, capturing her lips in his.
She didn't pause.
She didn't push him away.
In fact, she kissed him back.
Bringing a hand to cup her face, Mingyu moved his lips against hers slowly. He had been dreaming of this for a while now, and he could have sworn he thought their first kiss would be much rougher – thinking he would be hungry for her lips.
But this moment was delicate. He knew that it could all come crashing down the minute he pulled away, so he proceeded it with caution – his thumb caressing her cheek as his tongue swiped her bottom lip for permission.
She allowed it.
Mingyu's head was spinning at this point, wanting nothing else but to stay in this moment forever.
But he knew he couldn't.
They needed air.
Pulling away, Mingyu swallowed; preparing himself to receive an earful from her.
Instead she sat in silence, blinking at him.
He had fucked up.
"I'm sorry." He croaked.
Mingyu knew that if he wasn't the first one to speak up, she would let the tension swallow them whole – leaving them to drive back to the hotel without uttering a single word to each other.
"I think we should head back." She cleared her throat, scooting towards the moon roof they had slipped through.
"Hey–" He placed a hand on her shoulder.
She turned her head, lips pale. It was clear that she had regretted what had happened, a lump forming in Mingyu's throat as the worst had finally come.
"What?" Y/n asked softly.
"Just wanted to see if you were foaming at the mouth." Mingyu joked. "Since I have rabies and all..."
A small smile formed on her face, a wave of relief washing over him. "You're so fucking stupid." Y/n ducked into the car.
"No rabies?" Mingyu called out.
"Get in the damn car, Mingyu." She called back.
They were going to be alright.
For the first time in a while, she was confused.
She should have listened to the voice in her head when it had warned her that pretending to date her best friend was a bad idea.
At her ripe age of twenty six, she should have known this would happen.
Maybe it was the close proximity, or the fact that they had spent the whole day absentmindedly pretending to be a couple despite none of their usual audience being around, or maybe it was that he kissed her.
They made out.
Either way, her mind was in a mess.
It wasn't like she's never had feelings for him before.
But the last time didn't count.
They were in high school — and everyone had a crush on him.
It was tiny crush that she had soon gotten over when she met her first boyfriend.
But this time was different.
There was more on the line.
Their friendship, their whole group's dynamic.... and Seungcheol.
The man who had been the main reason why she was in this predicament in the first place.
A part of her wanted to dismiss the moment atop of their car as a moment of weakness, the sunset and island hypnotizing the both of them.
Besides, it was Mingyu. He had plenty of girls in line, waiting to get a chance with him.
He must have simply been caught up in the moment.
If it was anything genuine, he would have acted differently instead of jumping back into the sense of normality as they drove back to the hotel.
But no, he made a joke out of it all.
It was a mistake to both of them.
But another part of her wanted it to be real – falling into the trap of their own acting.
While he had excused himself to the hotel gym, to work out with Joshua and Soonyoung, y/n was left with her thoughts – wanting nothing more but to silence it all.
She didn't want Mingyu, even if his actions was everything she wished for in a man.
It was– It had to be Seungcheol.
A knock on the door pulled her out of her thoughts.
It was as if the universe read her mind, opening the door to see him standing with a plushie in hand – nervously shifting his weight from one foot to another.
"Hi." He greeted softly, holding the t-rex stuffed toy out. "I uh– it reminded me of you."
If her mind wasn't a mess before, it sure was in pure chaos now.
It reminded him of her.
She recalled back to the one good week they had. No fighting, no tears, no mixed signals.
She had come down with a nasty cold and he had doted on her while she was bed ridden – staying over at her apartment to nurse her back to health.
They had spent that whole week binge watching all the installments of Jurassic Park, cuddling on her bed despite her protests of not wanting to pass whatever virus she had come down to him.
He didn't care for it, showering her with kisses.
"Thank you." Y/n accepted the plush.
She picked up on his nervousness, stepping aside to let him in. "Is everything okay?"
He nodded, bringing his hand to scratch the back of his neck – trying to find the right words to say. "I– I want to say sorry. For all of it. The pain, the confusion..... I– I'm sorry for being a dick."
"It's fi–"
"It's not." Seungcheol shook his head. "I had some senses knocked in me and–"
Y/n watched as he licked his lips, pacing in front of her before he came to a stop.
"It's you." He breathed. "I– I choose you."
Her world came into a halt.
The metaphorical glass shattering.
"That night, when you asked me to choose, I– I shouldn't have hesitated. I should have stopped you. I'm sorry." He continued, pain evident in his eyes.
He was being genuine.
Y/n tried to search for any signs of lies on his face, unable to comprehend the words that left his lips.
This was the moment she had finally been waiting for, but why was she so afraid?
"I know an apology can't fix it. But if you'll allow it–" Seungcheol hesitantly took her hand in his, giving it a squeeze. "If you'll take me back, I'll spend however long trying to prove that it's you."
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damnfandomproblems · 3 days
Responding to 3 anons in #5796
"I agree with this tbh. Like adults are the ones making things unsafe for minors in fandom spaces. YOU are the ones who approach minors unprompted. Minors are just minding their own business in fandom, then you all come along and bother everyone."
Predators that are adults are not synonymous with all adults in fandom. It's not the fault of the vast majority of fandom that kids purposefully bust into adult spaces and arbitrarily believe the creeps saying they're "safe" adults. It's the fault of your parents for not reaching you worth a damn and the predator. And yes, kids do fucking barge into adult NSFW spaces. None of the the ones that say they mind their business actually do.
"I agree with this post, cause like... the ones doing the most harassing are adults. I am a minor, and it makes me feel unsafe in fandom spaces. Especially when I see adults drawing nsfw of characters who are MINORS! aging them up does not excuse that gross and creepy behavior. Just stop and give us a space where we don't get pushed into a corner and called annoying. Leave our fandom spaces!"
It's gonna be really funny when you age out of your favorite characters and have a moral dilemma over the fact that you don't stop thirsting over Bakugo or whoever the fuck the minute you're older than him.
And aging up is...how time works. That's like saying no one can view anyone sexually, fictional or real life, because they were once a child. Do you realize how stupid that sounds? If you don't want to be sat at the kids table, learn how to behave rather than screaming at the main table because Aunt Milly told an off color joke and Grandpa Joe has a naked Princess Peach tattooed on his arm.
"I see people getting mad about Fandom Problem #5796, but that kind of is just proving the point? You all act like the minors are the biggest problem in fandom, but you are the ones constantly inserting yourselves and making it about you.
I see adults say things like:
- "Fandom wouldn't exist without adults."
- "Who do you think created fandom? Not minors!"
- "Minors wouldn't have content if it weren't for adults."
All are ignorant of the idea that minors are the foundation to fandom. Fandom would not exist if it wasn't for minors being interested in it and starting groups for people to join. Often times, the best artists and writers in the fandoms are THE MINORS.
Adults make the space uncomfortable by inserting themselves and putting NSFW fics and art of minor characters. Then they get pissy when a minor points out it makes them uncomfortable and go "stop invading our space!"
You are the ones trying to push minors out when we just want to have fun! Just leave us alone!
-A minor"
Minors aren't the biggest problem, no. But by food are they the loudest. You say you just want to have fun but minors have on mass harassed people that were leaving them alone simply because they didn't understand the concept of dead dove don't eat.
And no, you are not, nor have you ever been, the foundation of fandom. It has always been adults, from the very beginning when Sherlock Holmes novels gained an international fan club unlike the world had ever seen to the 1960s housewife Spock/Kirk shipping Trekkies starting conventions, mailing lists, having coalate parties for zines, and laying down the foundation we have today. Adults were the ones that got sued my lunatic writers in the 90s, and they're the ones that, 90% of the time, are buying the services or media for you to consume in the first place.
And I'm sorry, but the best artists and writers in the fandom are never minors. Exceptionally talented minors are exceptional for a reason. The rest of you sit somewhere between "average and has potential" to "would make My Immortal hide its face in secondhand embarassment." Art and writing are skills, and anyone under the age of 16 likely hasn't been writing fiction long enough to run with the heavy hitters. Considering the state of the US education system, this is an even more laughable stance.
Many minors have great potential, but acting like your the best in show when you just made it out the gate is the height of hubris.
Posting as a response to a previous problem.
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joeys-babe · 9 months
Joey B Imagines: You’re My Best Friend
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Summary: You and Joe have been best friends for as long as you both can remember, but maybe it’s more than friendship.
Warnings: fluff
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
*No specific date for this fic!*
Imagine getting dumped a week before your birthday.
Lucky me I don't have to imagine.
I was stupid to think things had been going even a little good with the guy I was seeing but I just wanted to prove my best friend wrong.
My best friend since diapers that is.
Having Joe Burrow as your best friend should be a flex but it was a curse.
We couldn't go out in public anymore and I stopped going to his games since his rookie year because of a rumor that I was his girlfriend.
Joe was super apologetic about it but refused to make a statement saying that we weren't together.
It ended up being a huge argument that wouldn't be resolved til weeks later… but now Joe and I were neck-deep into another quarrel.
My friend from high school told me that my ex-boyfriend from senior year had a mega glow-up. I reached out to him and though he had matured looks-wise… he was still the same douche he was years ago.
I was bored so why not entertain it for just a little bit?
That was a big mistake because I ended up developing real feelings for him.
That's when Joe and I had our argument.
He told me that it was a bad idea, but I told him he didn't know what was good for me. Both of us ended up saying words we wish we hadn't. Now Joe and I haven't talked for three weeks.
Our families would get together regularly but if Joe found out I was going he'd say he was busy, and vice versa.
Today was my 26th birthday, oh and that's another thing about Joe. He loved bringing up that he was older than me.
I had invited him to the party today even though we were in the middle of a fight because it wouldn't be the same without him nonetheless.
Joe hadn't sent a message back or even reacted to the message, just left it on read.
There was a pretty low chance of him even coming, but I wanted him to have the option to come if he wanted.
I sat in the kitchen, looking through the window over the sink at the backyard decorated and full of people.
Except the one person I wanted here, wasn't here.
“Sweetie…” - your mom walked up behind you and squeezed your shoulder
“He actually didn't come, Mom. Joe hasn't ever missed one of my birthday parties. Have I gone too far?” - you
“You haven't done anything wrong, honey. Have you told him about Chad breaking up with you? That might make him a little happy.” - your mom
“Why’d that make him happy?” - you rolled your eyes
“y/n… because he didn't want you guys together for a reason.” - your mom smiled
“He just didn't like Chad.” - you sighed
“I don’t think you're reading into this enough. I've seen the way you guys look at each other, and it's not in a best-friend way. Don't you think it's kinda odd he’s always gotten mad when you go on a date with a guy or get a boyfriend? There's something there that isn't purely platonic, and it's not one-sided either, y/n. I think he feels the same way about you that you feel about him.” - your mom
The way I feel about him.
The feelings that had slowly turned from friendship to finding him attractive to having a full-blown crush on him. It didn't happen in just a month or even a year, this has been going on since OSU.
I've never even thought about confessing to him because it just felt like a one-in-a-million chance that he felt the same way. I'm his best friend or was, there's no way he likes me.
My mom ended up making me go outside to socialize with my family and close friends who were basically family… minus one.
There was a part of me that had hope that Joe was going to come but now that I had changed out of my party outfit and was helping my mom clean up, all hope was gone.
I had my back turned to the door taking the Happy Birthday banner so when I heard the sliding door I figured it was my dad.
“Hope I'm not too late.” - Joe
My heart stopped when I heard the last voice I expected to hear. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my mom give me a wink before she walked back inside.
Turning around to face Joe, he stood in front of me with a tower of gifts in his hands.
“Parties already over Joe might as well just go home.” - you
“Listen… I had full intentions of coming but I was working out and l lost track of time. There was this pee-wee football team who all wanted pictures with me and I gave them a little speech. Anyway, the moral of the story is… I’m so sorry that I'm late and have been such a jerk the past couple of weeks. I hope you'll forgive me because it's not fun going a long time without talking to you. Happy Birthday… by the way.” - Joe
Without saying a word I took the gifts from Joe’s hands and placed them on the table I was cleaning off.
“I deserve th-” - Joe
Before he could finish his sentence I engulfed him in a huge hug.
“I missed you.” - you
Joe was tense at first but relaxed and cradled the back of my head against his strong chest.
“I missed you too… so much.” - Joe
“I’m glad you came.” - you mumbled
“Me too.” - Joe
We stayed there for a moment, way too long of a hug for ‘best friends’.
“I have something to tell you.” - you
“Me too, but can I go first?” - Joe
I nodded and Joe forged ahead, our arms still around each other.
“I’m sorry about how I acted about Chad, as long as you're happy then I’m happy, and if he makes you feel that way then so be it. Maybe you're right too, maybe he has changed. I shouldn't judge someone off of their past.” - Joe
“Joe I appreciate your apology but he broke up with me a week ago, that's what I was going to tell you.” - you
“Oh. I'm sorry… I hope it wasn't messy. Are you okay?” - Joe
“I’m fine. Just sucks that yet another guy has driven me closer to losing faith in the male species.” - you
“Maybe you're just not dating the right guys. There's someone out there who will show you true love, I'm sure of it.” - Joe
His words made me feel hopeful and sad at the same time. Joe believed that there was someone out there who was right for me, but I wanted it to be him.
“Thanks, Joe.” - you
“Mhm. He might be closer to you than you think…” - Joe
I looked up at him with a skeptical look on my face, but he looked serious.
“What do you mean?” - you gulped
Joe tugged at my waist and looked down at me with such a twinkle in his eyes.
“y/n… you're my best friend.” - Joe
“Mhm…” - you
“I need to tell you the truth then.” - Joe
“Joe… what?” - you
“I wasn't pissed off that you went out with Chad because I thought he'd hurt you… I was pissed because you wanted to go out with him.” - Joe
“Wh… what?” - you
“For as long as I can remember I've just been your best friend, the guy you go to complain about other guys, and I can't take it anymore.” - Joe
He tried to read my expression but when he got nothing, he dropped his arms from my waist and nervously played with his wristbands as he kept going.
“I know it sounds like a stupid Hallmark movie line… but I don't want you to keep getting hurt when there's someone who can treat you so much better right at your fingertips.” - Joe
“Who, Joe? You keep saying that but won't say who.” - you sighed
“Me! Me, y/n. I've been hopelessly in love with you for years while I just stood to the side and watched you look for love in the wrong faces. This might ruin our friendship but it's not fair if I don't tell you… I want to be more than just your best friend.” - Joe
My jaw dropped open as my heart rate rapidly increased. He felt the same way?
“You’re in love with me?” - you
“Yes, and I'm sorry if that makes things awkward… I just really want to show you that not all men are pieces of shit.” - Joe
I stood up on my tiptoes and crashed my lips into his. Joe was taken aback at first but kissed back with just as much passion.
Joe wrapped his strong arms around my waist and held me against him as we kissed. Neither one of us wanted to be the one to break away first.
In the end, I did. I needed to say those words back to him.
“Joe, I'm in love with you too.” - you
“Yeah?” - Joe smiled
“Have been for a long time, I just was worried you didn't feel the same way and it would ruin our friendship to confess.” - you
He flashed that perfect smile at me and laced his fingers with mine.
“Can I kiss you again?” - Joe
“Go for it.” - you smiled
Joe pushed me into him by my hips and my hands went to his chest.
“Everything okay out her- oh my!” - your mom
Though I'm sure Joe heard her just as well as I did, we didn't break away from each other and went on claiming each other’s lips.
When Joe and I finally did disengage from our kiss, we both laughed as he wiped his salvia off of my lips.
My arms wrapped around his middle and I laid my head on his shoulder.
“So I guess I can ask you what I've been dreaming about asking you for years.” - Joe
“Mhm.” - you grinned
“Wanna go out with me tomorrow?” - Joe
“As friends?” - you played dumb, just wanting to hear him say it
“I was thinking more of… boyfriend and girlfriend because we can skip the get-to-know-you stage right? Only if that's okay with you…” - Joe
I pulled my head away from his chest and kissed his soft, freshly shaven cheek.
“That sounds perfect to me.” - you looked into those gorgeous blue eyes you've come to be obsessed with
“Will you be my girlfriend?” - Joe
“Only if you'll be my boyfriend.” - you
“Sounds like a deal.” - Joe
Joe and I stepped away from each other before we shook hands in agreement, something we'd done to solve things since we were little.
We laughed together as we walked up to the back door hand in hand, happy that we'd probably resolved the arguing for the time being.
As we opened the door it revealed both of our moms standing there in a pose that looked like they had their ears on the door just a few seconds ago.
“Yes?” - you
“Can we help you?” - Joe
“What's going on with you two?” - Robin
“Yeah, what she said. What does this hand-holding mean?” - your mom
Joe and I exchanged a look and nonchalantly shrugged before he spoke up.
“We’re dating.” - Joe
“What?!” - your mom’s in sync
“How’d this happen? You guys have been fighting for weeks.” - your mom
“It just kinda happened.” - you shrugged
Robin and my mom looked at each other skeptically.
“Are you sure you guys aren't rushing things just a little bit?” - Robin
“Mom, I've never been more sure about anything else in my life.” - Joe
I looked at him with a surprised look on my face, he only winked with a wide grin and reassuringly squeezed my hand.
“Me too.” - you
Authors note: on the 7th day of Christmassssss y'all got whatever this is. I really wanted this to end in smut but I need to control myself. 💀
Request for this fic; thank you anon! 🤍
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mariposa-writes · 1 year
Pressure - Joe Burrow
Joe burrow x reader
Summary: I hate writing these, so read and find out. Or if any one cares to write a short on for me thats fine.
Word count: IDK, feeling lazy today.
A/n: Thinking about turning this into a series, but idk.
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"He still hasn't called?" Hannah, your best friend asked over the phone as you plopped down on the couch.
"Nope." You said popping the p. It'd been 5 days sine you broke the news to Joe. You were worried about how he'd take it and you'd run many scenarios through your head.
Hannah was silent as you both thought about the news, "What if he hates me and never wants to see me again?" You whispered, almost to scared to voice the thought that had been in your head ever since you broken the news to him.
Hannah sighed, she'd been your best friend since 2nd grade and gone through everything with you. "He's not going to hate you, he can't."
"How do you know?" You asked, your voice wobbly and tears forming in your eyes.
"I've seen the way he looks at you, it's clear to everyone that he loves you. You're his entire world." Her words did little to soothe you, but you'd take the tiniest bit of comfort you could get.
"I wish you were here." You spoke, hating that she was currently in California for a work conference.
"I'll be home in 3 days and then we can drown our sorrows in ice cream and alcoho-" She paused, "not alcohol, just ice cream."
You laughed, through the tears that were currently streaming down your face. You swore the hormones were already getting to you, despite only being 4 weeks pregnant.
"It's not like you planned for this to happen, joe has to know that. Plus you thought you couldn't have kids" Hannah was right, you'd always thought you could never have kids.
When you were 21 the doctors told you, you'd most likely never be able to have kids and since then you'd been telling yourself that you were fine without kids, but now that you were pregnant you couldn't lie to yourself anymore. "Like you just got promoted at your office and you've always told-"
Knock, Knock, Knock
You cut her off, "Hold on, someones at my door. I'll call you back." You quickly hung up, wiping the tears from your eyes before getting of the couch.
You looked through peephole, to find Joe standing outside your door. You froze, not sure if you wanted to see him. It'd been 5 days and he'd been MIA not even bothering to send you a simple message.
"Y/N, I know you're in there. Please answer the door." He begged, after knocking a few more times while you stood at the door frozen.
You placed your hand on the nob and slowly opened the door. His heart broke at seeing your tear stained face. He knew he was the reason you had probably been crying.
He entered your apartment. He'd been here a thousand times, but none ever felt like this. "I'm sorry, for not answering."
"It's fine." You lied, not wanting to admit how much he'd hurt you. "Would you like something to drink?"
"No, thanks. I was hoping we could talk." He sat down on your couch, while you stayed standing.
"Listen, I've been thinking about this and I'm here to support you in whatever you decide." He paused, "if you want to keep the baby I'll help and if you want an abor-"
"I wanna keep the baby." You blurted out.
"Are you sure?" Joe asked, standing up to be closer to you.
"Yea," You whispered taking a step away from him.
He sighed, getting the hint. "Have you really spent time thinking about this?" He started pacing your living room.
"I've thought about it and I want to keep it." You could tell he clearly wasn't happy with your decision. You'd never told Joe that your doctors told you that your chances of ever getting pregnant were slim to none.
It'd never came up and you didn't really care to talk about it. "Listen, lets just think about this." Joe said, coming to a stop in front of you. "I'm just starting my career as a qb and you just got promoted at work. Think about how this is going to affect us. How are we going to raise a baby if you're working all the time and I'm traveling for almost half of the year."
You blinked, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill. "Joe, if you don't want to be a part of this thats fine but get out of my house." You seethed angrily, as tears started to fall.
You walked over to the door, opening it for him to leave. What happened to 'I'll be here to support you'? He'd just said those words a few minutes ago and it seems he's already forgotten them.
"Babe," He said, trying to defuse the situation.
"Joe, either get on board to have this baby or get out." The tears had stopped and now the only thing you could feel was anger. Despite the anger you were feeling, you secretly hoped that he'd get on board to have the baby, but when Joe walked out of the door with his head down and shoulders deflated your heart broke.
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bitacrytic · 4 months
Do you think in the period between Joe/Ming's breakup and Joe's death, if during that time Tong came along and offered Ming his affection- Ming would have let Joe go? I don't really know, I mean I am not sure if Ming tending to Joe's "shrine" in that apartment and keeping the light on is because of his guilt and remorse of what was lost or if it was love.
I mean I am also not sure if love is free from those feelings...I just... I watched episode 4 today and I have so many questions.
(P.s. Excited to get back to ansa and bassey)
Hey Anon. 😊 Happy Sunday.
Ok, I'll address this ask in points just so I can arrange my thoughts better.
1. Tong would never because he's straight and there's no need to add any effort when the bare minimum is giving him maximum benefits, (ie, Ming committing crimes for him)
2. Ming won't let Joe go. Ever. A person's absence has never been enough for him to let them go. Hell, he tried to let Tong go for his sister's sake by going abroad, but that just made him fixate more on Tong. So we know he can hold on to his feelings like a mother fucker. But we also know that he obsesses over people he can't have. Joe broke up with him and didn't look back. That's enough gas to power Ming's obsession indefinitely. So no, I doubt Tong's affection would have been enough. If anything, being readily available to Ming might have made him lose a bit of interest in Tong.
3. Camping out in Joe's home is a mixture of 3 things, in my opinion.
Guilt should be the biggest, but it's probably the tiniest part of it. Yeah, at the back of his mind, he knows some of it might be his fault, but I'm sure this silly boy probably counters that with "Well, if he'd listened to me...".
Love is the next big thing. No one can convince me this guy didn't develop feelings for Joe. Joe was kind, handsome, brilliant, talented. I mean, if anything, I'm sure it was sexy watching him teach a class, or perform for the cameras. He was attracted to Joe, beyond the back thing. He liked to look at Joe and kiss Joe's pretty face. But more than that, he was happy whenever Joe was around. He enjoyed their time together. He experienced a moment of introspection when Joe got sad about the mugs. He's a piece of shit, but he fell in love and he hasn't let go of the man, or even the idea of him.
The biggest reason he's stayed is his obsessive nature. He's used to focusing all his attention on people and with Joe nowhere to be seen, it's only amplified his need to be near Joe. I honestly don't think it's a powerplay or some look-I-stayed-for-you bit. I just think he can't help himself. A man that he was in love with went missing and the last thing he said was that he'd wait. But it's not a deliberate act. It's a bit mental. He's not living. He looks lifeless and doesn't even go anywhere. He's been in mourning for 2 years. While other people might close in on themselves or become listless at home, he's doing it in Joe's place because his obsession has taken over his mental state and Joe was it's most recent occupant.
Me thinks.
It's a mixture of so many things, like you said. Ming is not an easy character. His layers are murky and uncomfortable. Which is why I don't think his reason for staying is as easy as one thing. A bit of love is involved but it's also a bit malice or a psychological breakdown.
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sweetbottletops · 6 months
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We are experiencing Aya's villain origin story in real time.
Quite a different arrangement from when they had the RHCP fail for their first big concert "together". And while Aya would rather the short term upgrade from umbrella sharing to seat sharing with Mitsuki than have Narita there, I think he and Kanna are likely yuri enablers for the long haul.
Ch 81
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Fuji Rock Festival '24. A real life festival and it seems like there's a lot of glamping that happens around it. I wonder how the Koga family does things. On a budget or all out?
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Is Narita rich or something to make him think someone has festival tickets, lodging, and transportation money as teenager? And Aya, don't you have a full time job working for Mitsuki? They owe you.
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This the most "dad" Uncle Joe has ever looked. What is with that festival...fit? Bucket hat...socks and sandals? NSYNC on top and RHCP on the bottom.
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I feel like I should get this reference, but I'm all headachy today and should be in bed for my totality road trip, so right now it just sounds like she's either won a game show prize or possibly has been taken in as an apprentice.
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"Was this manga always like this?" If you could only see inside Aya's mind, Mitsuki. It's been much much weirder.
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Aya now has means, motive, and opportunity. Will we get a "and there was one tent" moment? Yuri Camp!
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Boop your shoulder. You know festivals are really packed and scary at times. Better hold hands so you don't get lost.
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Kanna thinks this is hilarious, but she hasn't seen Narita motion sick before.
Aya = Angry Mitsuki = Scared Joe = Annoyed Kanna = Trollolo
Has Narita even expressed what music he's into? He seemed more into fashion and relationship watching. Maybe that's actually what's got him excited. I assume he's going to be a helpful soundboard as Aya and Mitsuki hatch their separate plans to woo the other, but currently he's being the anti-tiny umbrella in this situation. That was not the thigh Aya wanted to be pressed against.
Now about this festival...how is the sleeping arrangement going to go down? Two tents? Two rooms? Boys vs Girls? Did Kanna's friends also hook them up with expensive lodgings?
It looks like we did a time jump to late July so she's really cutting to the chase at least. I like that we're going straight to a big event and heck, with four pages a week we could stay at the festival til real time July and I wouldn't mind.
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alonetimelover · 2 years
Action! - 2023 - Social Media
Pairings: Director!Reader x Joseph Quinn (+Ex!Harry Styles)
Warnings: swearing, some angst in comments(?)
Summary: Harry unexpectedly releases a new album. Fans are shocked. Twitter is in flames. A small restaurant in London becomes a gossip place. New beginning.
Side note: The album is made of songs by Joji, Bruno Major, Giveon and Lewis Capaldi.
Also it was supposed to have a written blurb within, but it already has 3k words. Just let me know if you want to read about Joe listening to the album and the confrontation.
check out this series SM posts! part1 part2 part3 part4 part5
series masterlist feedback
Part based on a message I got from @little-freak-satellite. thank you and I hope you enjoy it!
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liked by harryupdates, harrysmoustache, hArrysbtch, harryshoee and 19 192 828 others
harrystyles •1133•27192• my new album is OUT AT MIDNIGHT
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harrysmoustache excuse me???? i- speechless
harryupdates another sleepless night, thank you, harry!
ynupdates oh... i have a bad feeling
⤷ ynsmybestie i do too, i hope it's nothing too bad
⤷ ynshands besties.... you think he wrote a whole album for her (again)?
⤷ ynsmybestie probably. look at the artwork. his hand is real and has a shadow. the other one is only a shadow. this person is probably no longer with him, just like yn
⤷ ynshands noooo, im not ready to cry 😓
⤷ ynsmymama i did a quick calculation and, well, 1133 days are 27192 hours, it's about 3 years and a month...
⤷ ynshands youre kidding! the time they were in a relationship is an album title?????
⤷ ynsmybestie oh god, he really hasn't moved on
annetwist ❤️
harryshoee ehmm, are you okay??
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liked by ynupdates hArrysbtch, harrysmoustache, harrysmylife and 10 182 others
harryupdates Like you all know Harry announced today his newest album - 1133 27192. His website also got an update - after it loads on your computer for a split second one of 13 photos is shown. Each photo can be seen only once on an individual IP address. Those photos are the ones that got caught by fans.
1133 27192 out at midnight. Pre-save it on Apple Music and Spotify now!
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ynupdates this is so fucked up... harry, what are you doing...
ynshands he used the photos we've never seen of them???? wtf, harry. wtf
ynsmybestie im ready to fight him. yn just got married two months ago, and had her first baby and he's pulling this shit??? nah, man. not with me those tricks
ynshands im just wondering if there wasn't even one person on his team that said 'Harry, its a little too far' BECAUSE IT IS TOO FUCKING FAR!!!
harrysmoustache well, i cant keep defending you, harry
harryshoee at least these are some nice photos! 😬
user182 isn't that an invasion of privacy?
joeandynfann im wondering what joe's thinking of it
⤷ ynshands this poor man. he's a new dad, has a wonderful wife, and needs to somehow deal with her unrestrained ex
⤷ ynsmybestie i feel so bad for him. if i were him, i would probably not last with yn. he loves her so much 🫠
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 2h
you remember me from Harry's house breakdown? well, the 'numbers' album dropped almost six hours ago and let me tell you... i've listened to it 5 times already, cried my eyes out - im dehydrated. but...this album is just for, about and everything YN so i have to do a breakdown (1)
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16k comments 💬 80k shares 🔃 201k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornorbabe 2h
1. she chose me: it's the easy one - song that didn't make it to Fine Line (Harry's house too). just harry not comprehending how YN could love him. 'Why was it I and nobody else? The most beautiful girl that I'd ever seen And she chose me' (2)
14k comments 💬 65k shares 🔃 193k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 2h
2. tapestry: through the first listen - this was the song that firstly made me cry. it's basically harry's response to champagne problems (that i BET is a story about how yn rejected his proposals). in champagne problems there is a line 'you'll find the real thing instead, she'll patch up your tapestry that i shread'. and harry's responding yn with 'you'll always be a part of my tapestry' meaning - without you, no one will patch up this tapestry - his life. ALSO it's a second on the album, just like champagne problems is. (3)
17k comments 💬 15k shares 🔃 65k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 2h
3. nothing: again a song that didn't make it to Fine Line (either Harry's house) 'there is nothing like doing nothing with you' (4)
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yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 2h
4. pointless: ehh, this is a song where harry is in denial, i think. he's singing about how well yn and he know, love and cherish each other. 'i'll wait for you, you'll wait for me too' is repeated throughout the whole song until the actual end - when he realises the truth 'of all the things I'm chasing, there's only one I choose, everything is pointless without you'. (5)
15k comments 💬 14k shares 🔃 57k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 2h
5. feeling like the end: i think he wrote this song while being angry, quite blaming yn for what had happened between them 'you used to promise me it would be forever, feeling like the end, don't think it will get better' (6)
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yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 2h
6. unholy matrimony: CHAMPAGNE PROBLEMS CONFIRMED! harry did propose to yn, she rejected him - break up. but this song is more or less a hypothetical turn of events if she accepted engagement. 'now i know we'll never know what happens when our love just ain't the same no more' - maybe it would be different if their love stayed the same. 'our love story's ended way too soon, you're supposed to love to the tomb' and also 'love will give you what you need but also take what you don't appreciate' (7)
14k comments 💬 17k shares 🔃 62k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 2h
7. before the day is over: i think it made be the first song he wrote after the reality kicked in - yn was not his anymore, he wasn't hers; but he was still hoping she would call, text. 'say something soon, we might lose it all'. and then 'i can't take another day, i could go insane, there's only so much i can take' he deep down knew it was ultimate end, no turning back, no 'saying something soon'. (8)
16k comments 💬 16k shares 🔃 61k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 2h
8. die for you: song about harry getting to know about yn and joe being together. 'i heard that you're happy without me, and i hope it's true' 'i hope you're getting everything you needed' when he is 'not the same without your head on my shoulder' 'and it's true i need you here closer'. yn being happy is killing him but 'that's okay 'cause i'd still die for you'. and they're not friends because 'only time we speak is in my dreams' im crying again... (9)
19k comments 💬 15k shares 🔃 65k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 1h
9. glimpse of us: BE AWARE ! WATERFALL OF TEARS ! harry has/had a new woman, she's perfect but he still wishes it was yn - because 'sometimes when i look into her eyes, and that's where i found a glimpse of us'. he's a dick. because that lovely woman is his rebound. and then this man is crossing a line, ladies, gentleman and non-binary folks - 'maybe one day you'll feel lonely and in his eyes you'll get a glimpse, maybe you'll start slipping slowly and find me again' THE NERVE ?! im so angry but im crying so much as well (10)
21k comments 💬 19k shares 🔃 71k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 1h
10. dissolve: here he knows that it was a dick move in glimpse of us, he sings 'who the hell am I to think you're my angel from above? it's not right' BRAVO, it's not, harry. and then again 'you got the life you always wanted, please don't leave me behind'. he can't stand yn being happy with joe (11)
15k comments 💬 17k shares 🔃 64k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 1h
11. heartbreak anniversary: so, after using my math skills i calculated when the heartbreak happened. it was around 3rd of July 2020 - around the same day and month in 2023 yn's pregnancy got revealed. i think (i'm certain) this song is a product of harry getting the news. (12)
13k comments 💬 18k shares 🔃 68k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 1h
12. to let a good thing die: it feels like a warning harry gives us, 'life isn't like a movie, but it sure will make you cry'. it also feels like harry's telling us about what that 'good thing' did to him, he wants to prevent us from that pain. ending the song with 'stop wishing for forever, 'cause nothing ever lasts, if it's keeping you from sleeping wipe the tear from you eye, 'cause sometimes, it's time to let a good thing die.' it's not a healthy advice but harry doesn't know any other, heartbreak consuming him still. (13)
16k comments 💬 19k shares 🔃 70k likes ❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 1h
13. the most beautiful thing: it might be a song where harry's saying that he's over yn. i don't believe it. in 'she chose me' he calls yn 'the most beautiful girl' and here he's singing 'the most beautiful thing that i have never seen'. maybe he wants something new, maybe his over yn, but considering he released 12 songs saying how much he still loves her, i don't buy this 'i'm over you' bullshit, a a (14)
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harrysbtch @iheartharryandyn 1h
i cried so much while listening to this album. and i still haven't stopped listening. he's voice - so heartbroken, hoarse and low???
1k comments 💬 0,4k shares 🔃 3k likes ❤️
joseph my love @joemyman 1h
it's a beautiful album but i feel so sorry for joe, he hasn't got a day in peace since starting a relationship with yn
2k comments 💬 0,9k shares 🔃 5k likes ❤️
yn the queen @ynmyqueenandsaviour 1h
@joemyman i just hope he and yn just haven't listened to it yet and don't plan to. it's really too much to handle, i think. especially with having a little baby under your roof.
2,3k comments 💬 1,1k shares 🔃 5,6k likes ❤️
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liked by ynupdates, harrysmoustache, harrysupdates, ynsmybestie and 8 292 others
joeandynupdates Joe this morning at the London café! The person that took the photo said that Joe was checking his phone constantly, getting visibly upset by something.
Just let me remind you that it's been just about 9 hours since Harry dropped another album about YN.
credit: josephmyman
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ynupdates i hope it wasn't the moment he got the news about the album...
hArrysbtch i still have hope that Harry had contacted YN before releasing the album... i know, i am naive
harrysupdates please tell me no one was bothering this kind human being
⤷ josephmyman so hi! im the one that took the photo. After that, i politely walked up to him to just say hello and literally praise his work. he was soooo kind and lovely, so smily. he refused a photo ('so sorry, love') but propose a hug and to sign something for me. i was more than happy!
⤷ ynsmybestie do you know if him and yn know about the album?
⤷ josephmyman im more than certain. his phone was on the table and from the corner of my eye, i saw IG opened with a post about THAT album. he also smirked at my t-shirt (unfortunately i had a tee with harry's photo with the text 'that's my man' on it)
⤷ ynshands id love to see joe's face 💀
eddiesbaby dad life treating him well, look at this man 🤤
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liked by josephquinn, taylorswift, florencepugh, tchalamet, ynupdates, hArrysbtch and 11 028 383 others
yourinstagram meeting granny and papa for the first time 🩷 (I'm afraid i'm gonna turn into an instagram mum...)
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josephquinn best nannies in the world
⤷ florencepugh excuse me?
⤷ taylorswift excuse me?
⤷ tchalamet excuse me?
⤷ yourbestfriend excuse me?
florencepugh little Mae my love 🥰
tchalamet THAT'S MY GODDAUGHTER!!! 👶
taylorswift look at her holding her head without a problem! she's growing up so quick 😭
⤷ yourinstagram don't, tay. i cried today because she has two times more hair than a few days ago...
ynshands her name is Mae???? it's so beautiful !!!!
⤷ ynsmybestie i think it's a nickname
⤷ ynsmymama what if its Maeve??? it matches and its from Irish mythology that yn likes so much
⤷ hArrysbtch yes!!! i agree! Maeve was a warrior queen!
harrysmoustache look at you being unbothered, Queen behaviour!!!!
harryupdates beautiful family! 😍
harrysmylife i think she still doesn't know about the album...
⤷ joemyman you think joe didn't tell her?
⤷ harrysmylife I mean... if I were joe, i wouldn't tell her
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liked by harryupdates, ynsmybestie, joeandynfann, ynshands and 28 293 others
There is no information of where it was on who got the photo.
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ynshands what in a matrix just happened?????
ynshands excuse me?????
ynshands im so confused i- WHAT?!
ynshands wtf
harrysmoustache jeixhejisjdjdiis you're kidding!!!!! its not real
hArrysbtch what in the fuck is going on???? is it real? is it photoshop? are the fans lying??? maybe it was someone else? not yn and joe? whaaaaat
joeandynfann this is so random
user492 is this some kind of pr move? why are they meeting in public?
⤷ ynsmybestie i may be wrong but I can't imagine yn inviting harry to her and Joe's home. and neither going to harry's house where they made so many memories
⤷ user492 it makes sense
⤷ user917 but why not some low-key restaurant?
⤷ ynsmymama tmz uploaded a video of them leaving. it's literally some small restaurant outside of London. there were just a few people there.
ynshands i calmed down, do we know more about it??
⤷ ynsmybestie well, apparently it was all about the album. a person that got the photo also recorded them. tmz has it on its website
harrysupdates oh, that's so strange
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liked by harrysmoustache, ynsmybestie and 293 292 others
tmz "Well, it's not only about you. Not everything is. She didn't have a say in it. You did it behind her back. The least you can do now is apologise. And I don't think your proud ass can do that." Those were some of the words that Harry Styles (29) heard from his ex-girlfriend - YN YSN - husband - Joseph Quinn (29). The actor didn't hold back with words towards the pop star and neither did YN - just calmer. To listen to their conversation go to the link in our bio!
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harrysmoustache "You know how much it hurt to have my, our photos out there without permission. You said you felt the same. And now, you're reliving the past. But I'm the only one just off the boat. You betrayed all my trust, even the last strands of it that I've had." Oh man. it feels so wrong to listen to it, buuut tea 🍵 yn said what needed to be said
hArrysbtch "Man, I'm not asking you to do anything for me or because of me. I know you hate me, and if I'm being honest you're not my favourite person on the planet either, but if what you sing and write is true about YN, do it for her. For the last three years, she didn't catch a break. You're everywhere and it's tiring. You're a famous one, so you really can just stop this. For her." JOSEPH YOURE THE MAN I LOVE. LET ME GET ON MY KNEES.
ynsmybestie "Talk with Anne and Gemma. They know you like nobody else, they're there for you. Just, just get better, Harry. All of this is consuming you. You deserve better than still hanging on something that is no longer there." she still cares. she still is giving him advice. 😭
harrysmylife "I really am sorry, YN. Please tell Joseph. I regret, I regret what I did. I know it looks like a PR move. It wasn't. I just was a prick, did it for myself, for private benefit. I'm sorry for affecting you and your family, again. I'm so sorry, darling." HE SLIPPED THE PET NAME. HARRY YOU SIMP, OH GOD
harrysupdates i literally hate the person that recorded them
ynshands does the person that recorded know its illegal???
ynsmymama you're sick for uploading it! it was a private conversation!
⤷user396 they were in public. should've stayed at home.
⤷ ynsmymama just because it was at the restaurant, doesn't mean they had the right to record.
ynshands oh Harry... thank god Joseph is a nobleman and didn't beat your ass up. I wouldn't blame him. I'd beat you up if you were saying all this about MY WIFE
joeandynfann I can't believe im the only one drooling over joe smoking????? he looks so hot
⤷ ynshands it is!! but didn't he quit (because of becoming a dad)?
⤷ joemyman he did say that. maybe because of all the stress he just needed one?
joesupdates also joseph didn't say half of the things that are in your caption. why are you trying to put him in a bad light?
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liked by yourinstagram, ynupdates, ynsmybestie, joeandynfann, joesupdates and 2 201 910 others
esquire "They are my whole world. There is nothing I wouldn't do for them. Being a husband and a father are the best things that happened to me in 2023 or my life. I'm just so happy with having met YN those four years ago. Without her, I really don't know who I'd be." says Joseph Quinn, this year's last front page star. To read the whole article click the link in bio, or buy the paper magazine!
photographed by yourinstagram
styled by yourinstagram
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ynupdates "I don't want to comment on that. It has enough attention, in my mind. I'd just wish it all went differently. Preferably without affecting my wife this badly." I knew that YN wouldn't take that album slightly...
ynshands "My wife is, how can I say it without talking for hours? She's special. Too good for this world. My best friend, my love, the mother of our beautiful daughter. She went through so much the last few years, I still am in awe. She's the strongest woman I know." crying....
ynsmybestie "It's scary to have a child. That little baby's counting on you with their life. It's- it's absolutely terrifying. But seeing her grow so quickly, learn and just be happy with the world is super exciting." Maeve, baby, can I borrow your daddy for a day or two???
joemyman lookin good dad
yourinstagram is he single???
⤷ josephquinn nope. i have a wife, lady.
⤷ yourinstagram damn it!
florencepugh dad life is paying of, joseph
ynsmymama b e a u t i f u l man
harryupdates he's so in love with yn. it's lovely to see!
hArrysbtch happy to see them happy besides all the drama
harrystyles stopped following yourinstagram
you deleted the number: yn🌻
text messages between Harry and Anne
i did it. i'm starting fresh.
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raedear · 8 months
Moon spirit 3 moon spirit 3 for gods sake moon spirit 3
This is another one where I think maybe I'm starting from the wrong point and I should scrap it and start again:
Joe feels like the star of every bad horror movie sitting down to Google something the audience already knows to fear, but he doesn't know what else to do. He can't even begin to guess at what Nicky is. He has no frame of reference for the moon blinking, for strange men promising him temporary safety for his soul, for shadowy cults taking human sacrifices. Entirely without his knowledge or consent his world has shifted, and he doesn't even know where to begin in righting it on its axis.
No matter what he searches though, no matter what combination of Nicky and moon and soul and sacrifice he combines, he finds nothing even remotely similar to what he went through. In a moment of embarrassing desperation he even finds himself looking up “is the moon Italian?” before he admits defeat.
He does find news reports hysterically chronicling the disappearance of and subsequent search for a billionaire pharmaceutical CEO and his board of directors. When he watches a video of the young magnate's TED talk, Joe recognises his high voice, the slight lisp to his Rs. Behind him in every public appearance is a tall black man, broad with muscle Joe recognises from his gym. It doesn't answer the why, or the how, but gives him an idea of the who.
‘What is wrong with you?’ Nile demands the third time Joe spills coffee directly into his keyboard. It shorts out with a particularly pathetic pzzt sound, and Joe drops his head to his desk.
‘Nothing,’ he mumbles into his wrist support. Nile doesn’t even deign to acknowledge it. Just waits in silence. ‘Not been sleeping well. It’ll pass.’ It’s not untrue. It’s just not true in the way Nile clearly takes it to be.
Joe has no trouble falling asleep or staying that way. It’s his dreams that are giving him problems. His dreams twist and turn on themselves in a way he's never encountered before. The slick sickliness of fear turns over and over in his stomach until it's something else entirely. Until the memory of chains around his wrists and ankles or knives held against him becomes the memory of Nicky's lips on his neck, Nicky's body over his, the bright appraisal of Nicky's impossible eyes. He wakes up torn between terror and wanting, and doesn't know what to do with the remembered sensation of Nicky's cool breath on his overheated skin. Although, if it was only his dreams Joe would probably be coping better. But it's not.
'Are you getting the train home today?' Nile asks without looking up from packing her bag. 'I'm going to the gym, or I'd come with you.'
Joe got the train home yesterday. Just before he boarded his train, he looked across to the other platform just in time to see a man step off of the railway bridge. He was tall, with dark curly hair and a coat not unlike Joe's own.
He also had a face not entirely unlike Joe's own either, and when he caught Joe's eyes with eyes Joe had only ever seen in the mirror or on his mother's face, he had smiled.
'Probably,' Joe lies, and walks to the bus stop with his headphones in and his head down as quickly as he can.
The nights are drawing in, it's dark almost as soon as he leaves work now. He used to love this time of year, but now, in this strange new world he's found himself in, he doesn't know how to feel about nights with a moon that hasn't changed phase in a week
Mind when this fic was supposed to just be a silly excuse for smut. lol.
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truexnfootball · 2 years
Woah There Lil' Doggie
Cowboy Joe Burrow x Fem!Reader. Again no smut, just soft, lovey Joe. This is sort of a Part 2 to Round-Up. TW: Light Swearing
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Raising champion barrel horses is not something you and Joe ever thought you'd be doing. But when your mare, Euro, suddenly had a foal, you were determined to train that thing to be like Comanche.
Fast forward 3 years and you managed to work with the colt, who you named Captain America, to get a saddle on and take the bit without biting. He wasn't mean, but since he was so young, he had that playful side to him, which got in the way of work.
When you put your left foot in the stirrup to get on, Captain wanted to start walking, but you swung your leg over the other side and slid your foot into the other stirrup just in time.
Joe was watching from afar, making sure to keep an eye on your knee and your face for any signs of discomfort. You had a bad injury 5 years ago while helping him build stalls in the barn. You missed the ladder to climb down from the loft and hit your left knee pretty hard. Ever since your knee hasn't been right and tends to slip out of place. Luckily, it hasn't happened in a while, but he's still worried.
You made Captain lope in the left lead, which was not your favorite thing to do, nor his, but it was something that came with training.
After going around the area 4 times, Captain got tired of this and took a sharp turn to the right and kicked the gate, causing you to be startled and thrown into the side of the arena, and ultimately, off Captain.
When you fell, your left knee popped out of place and you went to stand on it, but couldn't. Joe ran over, which didn't take long, considering his long ass legs and height. Ja'Marr was over too and grabbed Captain before he could trample you.
"Baby are you okay? What happened?"
"Yeah I'm fine. I guess Captain got tired of that lead and decided to do something about it." You chuckled, trying to clear the air. You pulled up your shirt and seen a big bruise beginning to form.
"You don't act okay, can you stand?"
You got up to stand, but it was still difficult. Instead, you pushed on your knee and it popped back into place.
"Yeah, I'm good now." And you walked over to Ja'Marr and retrieved Captain.
"Thanks Jay." You said, giving him a friendly smile.
"No problem Y/N". He said before going to follow Joe and have a seat on the porch of your house.
You got back on and loped lead after lead and managed a collected trot out of Captain too. It was getting late, Ja'Marr left an hour ago, but Joe was still sitting on the porch swing, drinking a beer and watching you.
You hopped off Captain and led him to the barn. You were still shook up and pissed off about what happened earlier. Your anxiety was through the roof, but you tried not to show it around Captain or Joe, in fear Captain can sense it and act up.
Joe walks into the barn and lifts the saddle up on the rack, like he has to do everytime, which doesn't bother him a bit. He turns to look at you refilling Captain's food and water will fidgeting with something in his pocket.
He had called Ja'Marr to tell him to come back over and he was silently recording in the back.
You look up at Joe with a smile on your face and walked to him to place a kiss to his lips.
"You did so good today sweets." He said hugging you.
"Thanks babe, he's a cranky son of a gun, but I can make him listen". You said looking up at him.
He backed up and said "I shouldn't be the only Burrow known for their toughness."
You were puzzled but realized what he was doing when he fished in his pocket for something and got down on one knee.
"Y/N, these last 7 years of us have been the best. My family and friends love you so much. I love you even more. I can't imagine going through life without you. So, will you marry me?
You started to cry and hugged him.
"Oh my God yes Joe!" You said excitedly.
He slid the ring on your finger, a beautiful black diamond, his favorite gemstone, nestled into a band of blue topaz, your favorite gemstone.
You looked at it and hugged Joe one more time before giving him another long kiss.
Ja'Marr couldn't help but shed a few tears as well, sniffling in the process, which caused you to look behind Joe.
"Damn you Ja'Marr!" Joe yelled, "You were supposed to be secretive!"
Joe let go of you and tore after Ja'Marr, he heard you laughing in the background, watching 2 of your favorite guys chase each other like kids.
Joe gave up on trying to catch him and ran to you instead. His amount of speed scared you a little and you tried to run yourself, but underestimated how close he actually was.
He grabbed you and picked you up bridal style.
"Very fitting Burrow." You said under the circumstances you were in.
"Can't wait to do this on our wedding day." He said carrying you in the house, and telling Ja'Marr to go home.
Sooooo, tell me how you like it, and if there's anything I can improve on! I love all feedback. Thank you again to @americaarse for this lovely request, and please don't hesitate to request absolutely anything regarding Joe or Travis Kelce.
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septembersghost · 2 years
What do you think is the actual deal between Harry and Taylor? Because they seem to be each other's muses- and with the lyrical back and forth that's been going on, EVEN AFTER A DECADE- it can't be nothing. They give off major soulmates vibes (musical-wise) and even relationship-wise (although they could also be star-crossed lovers) with such shitty timing everytime 😂 i've supported joe and taylor for years, but I've got this inkling in my mind like someway and somehow, H and T might still find their way back to each other. Joe just seems meh :/ tbh.
i almost feel like i shouldn't answer this because it's a bit loaded, but it's 3:30 am so why not 😅💕
i'm going to first defer to my friend @cowboylikedean who said:
"they can be soulmates, but not romantically. Consider: their whole relationship has been leading to a friendship which was always destined, but needed a contextual foundation that only an ill defined on again off again/only communicating through sex then song could create. Consider that. Joe is Taylor's forever person. doesn't mean Harry has to be nobody."
we don't know if they've forged a friendship behind closed doors or not, and whether we ever know anything about that is up to them. their interaction at the grammys was warm and familiar, which at the very least speaks to their feelings of respect and kindness towards one another as artists and people. taylor's support for him was clearly genuine (though you could say that of her support for basically everyone in that room). i think it's really important and meaningful to acknowledge that there are a vast array of dynamics that can be considered a soul connection - not only romantic, but familial, platonic/friendship, artistic, those can all be transcendent and vibrant relationships too. i personally feel there's a soul element and connection within their music that needed to exist as a spark to get them where they are today. (had they not been what they were to each other, what would their careers even look like? what would 1989 be? what would hs1 be? etc) and they were also, in many ways, peers when they were together, and in unique positions of fame at a young age that most other people couldn't understand. their timing was consistently wrong/off, but that connection in their hearts and art still came through clearly. to me, it's part of the invisible string - they had to meet and have that complicated on/off thing and have love for one another to be on the paths where they were supposed to go, in different ways, and to be able to stand in a room together where they're both succeeding and both feeling gratitude for what all of that meant.
i think it's a disservice to joe to...not pay attention to what taylor has explicitly said about him, and why that relationship is so different and profound for her. i've seen a LOT of commentary lately about him being boring and not "getting" their connection, and it strikes me as somewhat unfair because we don't see it, we're not privy to it, and we shouldn't be, that is very much by their design. (she did say romance isn't dead if you keep it just yours!) but because someone like h is sparkly and charismatic and a musician, and joe is somewhat more reserved and less obviously visible and an actor, there's this sense that we "know" him less, which can easily seem less interesting, but keep in mind that how any fan sees him and how taylor herself sees and describes him are totally different. he's home to her, he's that gorgeous dream to her, he's the daylight to her, and that's what matters. he's who she's built her life with and found her peace with for many years now, and vice versa. h hasn't found that yet, but i hope he does. but that doesn't necessarily mean harry has to be nothing to her. whether that's fondness and recognition of their influences on one another and gentle nods to the past, or whether that comes in actual friendship, i think it's really important and valuable to acknowledge that the soul connection can happen and NOT be romantic, or initially be romantic/sexual and then transform into something else later, and it's no less of a cosmic pull. in one way or another, they'll always be connected, even if it remains in lyric and melody - and that's also always going to keep having a life of its own.
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lcndonboysstuff · 3 months
ok, I just go here. Do we know if Joe had any events today?
Regarding the friend, I saw this. Is this guy his friend? But also swifties have been known to edit fake stuff so how do we know it's legit?
About London, the movie supposely opens 28th right? I thought it would be like NY and the red carpet the day before. But interviews and stuff a day before that. But if you're saying Yorgos and Jesse are doing stuff earlier, idk then. Why are they doing so early in the week? Could it be the rest of the cast does it later? Or maybe the other actors are doing promo in other countries? Supposely at the 28th is like a general premiere right? Atleast the London shows will be done by then. Two done, only one left
regarding Joe and exercise, I haven't seen the full interview only Joe saying he hasn't run in years. He strikes me as someone who plays sports for fun and buffs up in the gym when he needs to. Not because he enjoys it. And I think he does it specially when he needs for roles. I remember the DM sighting of him and gym clothes. Maybe why when he disappears for a bit and then he reappears, it's visible he put a bit of weight. Luckily for him, seems like he has a good metabolism and can adjust easy
“joe’s bestie” who even is that😂
they’re doing it early because yorgos’ new film starts filming soon apparently.
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slutforsfender · 1 year
Hey I got a request 
So basically Sam is a single dad to a girl who is 2 years old and he was doing an interview and you was backstage with some one and all you was doing was crying and somehow you got out of there arms and run to Sam and hug him crying and everyone was like aww that so cute
Hope that make sense
Interview Tears (Request)
Sam's POV
I left my little girl, Rue with the guys backstage as I got ready for an interview with NME on recent events in my career. She hadn't stopped crying for a hour or so now but I knew the girls and guys backstage could calm her down like I did. 
"Are you sure can handle this one?" I asked for a hundred time.
"Sam we adore her, of course we can" Joe spoke as the rest of them rolled their eyes. 
"Plus we have all these girls here to help if we don't" Tom spoke as he pointed at their girlfriends and women crew members. 
"Okay okay fine" I say, pressing a little kiss to Rue's head as she slightly started to settle in Drew's arms. 
I walked into the room next door, ready to start the interview. I straight away come to face with the interviewer. 
"Hi. Nice to meet you, I'm Jamie Young" The women in front of me spoke as we shook hands. 
"Hiya, I'm Sam but you know that" I say, causing a laugh in the room. 
"Right, so how it is going to go is I will ask you questions on your music and recent events and you just have to answer. That sound okay with you?" She asked as we sat down on the seats in the room. 
"Aye of course, sounds alright" I nod as they make sure everything is ready.
My mind wandered to Rue as I wondered whether she had settled and if she was okay. I knew she was in safe hands but she had been very unsettled all day today with all the travelling. Definitely learnt the rock and roll life is not for a two year old, apparently. 
"Right here we go" She nodded as they pressed go on the recorder. 
"I'm joined here today with Sam Fender, a name that has became very apparent over the past few years. How are you Sam?" She introduced. 
"I'm doing great, thank you. Aye buzzing lately" I answered. 
Jamie went to ask me all about St James Park and supporting Bruce Springsteen before we talked about TRNSMT and upcoming festivals. 
"Aye TRNSMT was amazing like. It's one of my favourite festivals to perform at so for it to be my first headliner was even more special to me. Definitely one hell of a gig" I respond to the question about how I felt about my first headliner.
"I bet it was, looked incredible. Now I bet another incredible thing in your life is your daughter, who you are admiringly raising by yourself. We've seen her walking around behind gigs with you, what's that been like?" She asked. 
"It's been a roller-coaster for sure. It's incredible to show her all these gigs and stuff but the rock and roll life is not made for a two year old for sure. She's up and down-" I was cut off as the door opened behind us as my little girl waddled in towards me. 
"Daddy, cuddles?" Rue cried in front of me as she climbed onto my lap. 
"Of course darling, you okay?" I ask as I wipe her tears. 
"Want daddy" She mummered, snuggling into me as Joe explained she managed to wriggle out. 
"She was in Tom's arms, must have wriggled out wanting you. She kept asking for daddy cuddles" Joe explained as walked out. 
I laughed as I let her snuggle into me and settle down. 
"As I was saying, today is definitely a day where she is feeling unsettled from the travelling like. Little madam hasn't stopped crying all day. Definitely not got the rock n roll in her bones just yet. Sorry about this but looks like she is here for the interview" I joked as we finished off the interview with her on my lap, snuggling into my arm. 
"Last question. What would you say your favourite thing about having Rue on tour with you is?" She says, pointing at the girl on my lap. 
"Having daddy cuddles whenever I want. Usually before I go on and after. I just love having her around me and being able to give her things I didn't see until my twenties is just incredible so if I have to deal with days like these, I'll take it" I explain as the interview comes to a close. 
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acourtofthought · 1 year
A word I have not seen used about Az and his bonus chapter (and probably because no one wants to start shit) is “incel.”
That’s what we call dudes who are polite and friendly to women on the outside, treating them like princesses on pedestals; while secretly harboring nothing more than sexual fantasies and raging entitlement towards them.
When I read that chapter it was all I could see, I didn’t even want him near Gwyn after that. What a gross dynamic to start a romance pairing with. Elain deserves better.
I have seen quite a few people who compare him to Joe from You so you wouldn't be the first to think this.
While I don't know that Az meets all the criteria to be considered an incel, he is prone to violence and from what Rhys tells us, some of that seems to be a result of Mor's unreciprocated feelings:
"Mor gets spooked. And what Az did today scared the shit out of her."
"The violence?"
"The violence as a result of what he feels, lingering guilt over the deal with Eris - and what neither of them will face."
And yeah, I don't think his reasoning that since his brothers were given the two sisters he as the third brother should have been given the third did him ANY favors 😂
There is a part of me that feels bad for any female he ends up with because he really does have a messed up view of love. I get that to some degree because he had an extremely traumatic childhood but I would have hoped that after spending centuries with a found family who loves him he would have been able to overcome some of his issues.
But he hasn't and he has some major stuff to deal with before his endgame person feels believable.
With that said, it's SJMs specialty, turning the impossible into possible and I think she'll work her magic and have us convinced of his romance by the end of his book. However, I don't think he'll ever be sitting in one of my top book boyfriend slots.
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martinjost · 1 year
On the State of "The Matrix"
[translation of:]
We weren't entirely sure if this new "Matrix" film really existed or if we had dreamed it. It came to theaters during the peculiar dream-like time called The Pandemic and is, of course, available on home video by now. In the public consciousness, it hasn't left as significant an impact as the "Matrix" trilogy from 1999 onwards. The original film is 24 years old. Back then, it felt like it had propelled us more than a quarter of a century into the future, but today, Part One seems more like an artifact of its time. So, what about this latest sequel? Is it from the present, is it nostalgic, or does it give us a glimpse of the future?
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There's a structural difference between the latest installment of "The Matrix" from 2021 and the old trilogy (1999 – 2003) that feels subtle but sets the mood of the film: In the fourth "Matrix" film, "Resurrections," unexpected allies keep appearing, where previously surprising saboteurs provided tension. In "The Matrix," Cypher (Joe Pantoliano) betrays Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) and his crew to the enemy machines at the most inconvenient moment. In "Resurrections," there's a ceasefire, and some machines have joined the humans. It may happen that an intelligent machine appears at the right moment to help humans out of a dangerous situation.
If self-irony were sugar, we'd have heartburn now.
The color scheme subtly contributes to the feeling that we're in a more optimistic Matrix. Warm light and sunset ambiance replace the previously dominant gray, pallid clouds, and pale faces glowing from computer screens. "The Matrix Resurrections" is in every way more joyful, optimistic, and confident than its predecessors – one might even say it's almost silly. If self-irony were sugar, we'd have heartburn now.
At the beginning of the film, Neo (Keanu Reeves) is back where he was at the beginning of the first part: working as a programmer. His experiences as a freedom fighter against the machines in the real world were mere delusions, he believes. He processed them into a successful video game series called "The Matrix Trilogy." The plot initially follows the same path as the first part, but this time with meta-commentary and fan jubilation from the sidelines. It's a younger generation led by Captain Bugs (Jessica Henwick) who seeks Neo in the real world and frees him from the Matrix. To them, Neo is legendary.
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And for us, he is too. The film is a class reunion for Millennials. We'd like to know if someone who has only seen "Resurrections" and no other "Matrix" film can make sense of the fourth installment. The dialogue consists almost entirely of inside jokes. The rest is made up of quotes. Often, we can even directly compare the scenes, as fragments from the original films are constantly present – either as flashbacks or as films within the film. When the characters watch excerpts from the previous parts, the sequences in diegesis are taken from Neo's blockbuster video game, which they've all binged.
Déjà vu
This time too, Neo needs two attempts before swallowing the red pill and deciding to escape from the virtual reality. The meeting with Morpheus (Yahya Abdul-Mateen II) takes place in an old cinema. On the torn screen, the same scene from the first "Matrix" is shown, in which the old Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) lets Neo choose between the red pill and the blue pill. Did we say above that the echoes of the past were subtle? Scratch 'subtle.' By the way, the soundtrack is also very familiar to us, having watched "Matrix" 1 to 3 more than once.
Neil Patrick Harris (Barney from "How I Met Your Mother") plays Neo's psychotherapist. Later, we discover that he is responsible for much more than gaslighting Neo. The analyst's glasses glow blue, just like the pills he prescribes to his patient for his "hallucinations." He has a black cat named Déjà vu. Did we say above that the echoes of the past were subtle? Scratch 'subtle.'
Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss) is called Tiffany in this version of the Matrix. She is a mother and wife and spends her remaining time on her hobby: motorcycles. She has also played the "Matrix" trilogy computer gane and felt oddly familiar with the story. The character Trinity in the video game looked remarkably similar to her as well.
Neo's Eleven
The second half of "Resurrections" falls into the genre of a heist movie. Like in "Ocean's Eleven," the free people from the city I/O and the crew of the Mnemosyne plan a heist. They don't want to rob a bank but rather free Trinity from a high-security tower. However, she must first want to break free from the Matrix herself.
We can be pleased that the dialogues about the theory of the Matrix are as concise and pointed as in the first part, even though we miss Hugo Weaving as Smith and Laurence Fishburne as Morpheus. The new "Architect" of the Matrix understands human nature even better than his predecessors. In a monologue, he explains how to more efficiently harness human bodies for energy generation: one must engage their minds with emotions, contradiction, and anger, then the yields increase year after year. This moment corresponds to a scene in the first part where Smith explains to Morpheus that enslaved humans would rebel against a paradisiacal golden cage and only function correctly when their lives are a gloomy struggle.
In both the latest and the first part, the irony lies in the fact that the machines understand and exploit human nature excellently for their purposes. The machines' view of humanity has been adapted to themes like fake news, attention as currency, and political trench warfare. The question of whether AI (artificial intelligence) will take over the world has become even more acute since 1999. Despite all the nostalgia, "Matrix: Resurrections" has caught up thematically and is a film of today. [translated with ChatGPT.]
"The Matrix Resurrections"
USA, Germany 2021
Director: Lana Wachowski. Screenplay: Lana Wachowski, Aleksandar Hemon, David Mitchell. Production: Lana Wachowski, Grant Hill, James McTeigue. Music: Johnny Klimek, Tom Tykwer. Cinematography: John Toll, Daniele Massaccesi. Editing: Joseph Jett Sally.
Starring: Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Jessica Henwick, Jonathan Groff, Neil Patrick Harris, Priyanka Chopra, Jada Pinkett Smith, Lambert Wilson, Christina Ricci, Toby Onwumere, Max Riemelt, Brian J. Smith, Eréndira Ibarra, Telma Hopkins, Chad Stahelski, Julian Grey, Andrew Lewis Caldwell, Ellen Hollman, Freema Agyeman.
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anna-neko · 2 years
this puts us almost halfway thru the story! You will know you in right place, as Mort will be in a TAVERN the line to stop - "Everyone had seen Mort run through it three times. He just hadn't opened it" get ready to watch ya boi learn the job a bit, mess up, meet some new cast members…. (a few things will seem like Good Omens references.... but this IS Pratchett we talkin about, so really, it's all comin from the same creative pool)
lets do some Sir pTerry notes so far! behind cut to save others timelines
DISNEY at one point had optioned Discworld, MORT specifically, for an animated movie
the deal eventually fell thru as Discworld came as more of a complete package than they wanted (don't know details of rights sales/ownership here. Gonna guess it was maybe similar to Jim Henson's MUPPETS being diff package to Henson Workshop creatures type thing?) a lovely pre-production concept art by Claire Keane. Keli to Ysabell contrast is really *chefs kiss*
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Another lovely art: its not quite as book described, but maybe this is what Disney was already rewriting it to be? absolutely captures the PRESENCE of Ysabelle in Death's house tho
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This is purely "pop culture has ruined me" but for the first day kept reading "Mort" as "Morty" each time its there, right. as In Rick and Morty almost kinda works in that hilarious awkward way, as for MOST of the book everyone keeps referring to him as "boy" and he corrects "Mort" Every. Single. Time. So did my brain kept forcefully correcting and rereading the name each time, to get it right ahhh Mortimer, we really in it this time
so basically Discworld summaries is literal shitposts. Perfectly accurate, but they all come off this way! like, u try a good summary that isn't spoilers: "if Meet Joe Black was B-story to Great Expectations" that is my summary for this book, make up your own when you ready!
*flipping thru notes* the scene with the thieves was fav funny bit: the dashes swears being so effortlessly pronounced! Also reannual plants!!! a throwaway joke that'll get reused like…10 books later
Geography notes: All the diff places have diff rulers here, all their own city-states. Sto Lat has a King, Ankh-Porpork has Patrician, Djelibeybi had pharaohs? ("sto lat" if the T is softened up & the "a" is sounded out like "eh" it very much sounds like "100 years" in russian. Make of that what you will) When they mention Klatchian and whatnot - The Seriphate of Klatch, desert country, across the sea. At this point of the books, a world-map hasn't been properly created (didn't bother until the late-90s) so don't worry about keeping some places straight. The important part is if a certain fiction VIBE is there, roll with it (it's probly another 2 pop-culture references holding up a pun)
A round of applause for Death naming his horse BINKY I like to headcanon that bebi~Ysabelle was allowed to name horses
Also, again a throwaway line, but SUCH A GOOD JOKE - Death commenting he gets his coins in pairs i read it, nodded, moved on… like an hour later the full meaning of the line smacked me upside the head
When they go to visit a certain dude ready for reincarnation - in real life, that name is a reference to a Tibetan monk … who turned out to be fake btw, buuuut he did published lots of books!
This book was written in the 80s, so i feel some stuff may have been more obvious to people closer to that pop~culture era Once we hit the mid-90s (later books duuh) …. u gonna be seeing it Every Line!! Like you know, if today I make a Seinfeld reference, half the room will give blank stares, and half will nod knowingly... LIKE THAT!
oh, and just a heads up goin ahead, as we will be meeting WIZARDS dog-Latin will happen! As in basically take a normal English phrase, and translate single words into latin, so it kinda forms a phrase? Not following any proper latin grammar rules.. but it looks fancy!
"I feel like there's opportunity to see how someone can lose themself in their work that it erases part of who they are" YES!!! you are a bit early on this point, but this is EXACTLY what will be happening to Mort, in a way….. don't wanna say too much, you will absolutely see it happening in the later part of the book
Ysabell is….. oh there's a reason she is the way she is, and there will be a fantastic scene which breaks it down. For the current moment, she is basically playing out The Great Expectation novel, what with being so stand-offish and constantly calling him "boy" Altho thats the entire b-plot in itself…. Sir Terry absolutely makes parts of all his books this way, and it never gets old!!
Princess Keli is …. ooooh boy is she a major plot point, not spoiling. The man does not write in anything needlessly, everything will come back in some way
YES YES YES 100 TIMES YES on certain puns needing a minute to…. "digest" or "sink in" as it were. There is ONE line in freakin Monstrous Regiment, that no joke, took me MONTHS! Like within the story it works a certain way [it works!! it makes perf in-fiction sense!], but then fast forward and us goin to see Beetlejuice musical and a song lyric suddenly snuck up and my brain went "hol…up… wait wait wait… motherfuck!!!" as the secondary meaning of the pun from the novel suddenly made too much sense! (which i then inflicted on a friend some weeks later, and his reaction was just as priceless)
This is the absolute wonder of Pratchett's writing - he will tell a great story, it will be very engaging! But on 2nd look… all these lil hidden puns and references and extra touches come thru, and it … just… SUDDENLY EVEN BETTER
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