#and if u know who’s wearing the armor feel free to tag
avirxy · 1 year
time travel huh
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stanningjay · 1 year
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Balance the Scales
A new original story, posting chapters weekly & free!
Cedric & Gideon are two dragon shifters locked in an epic battle of hook-up chicken. They both know they must search for their true fated mates, but somehow can't help returning to each other's arms (and beds). Then they meet Alex, a human barista who knows nothing of the world of shifters, who turns them both upside down.
Balance the Scales is a polyamorous, fated mates, dragon shifter story. The first chapter is here, and new chapters post on fridays! Teaser after the cut.
ao3 style tags: #eventual smut #medium burn #Porn with feelings #NSFW, #fated mates, #dragons, #lovers to idiots to dragons to lovers once again, #threesome, #polyamory, #anal sex, #blowjobs, #awkward first times, #coffeeshop meet-weird #aggressive use of kitchen tongs #marking #no ABO dynamic #non ABO shifters #original fiction #unprotected Sex #ot3
It happened like clockwork. Like my libido was on a fucking timer. When had I become so predictable? The snap of my briefcase rang out in my empty office, a satisfying thunk that felt like closing a chapter. Every time, I told myself it would be the last time.
And then, the ache in my gut would start. It would grow unbearable, and I’d find myself here. Sitting in my office after dark, long after I’d sent everyone home. Staring at my phone. Typing and deleting a dozen texts, all variations on a theme:
U up?
U Busy?
U free tonight?
I used the abbreviation for ‘you’ mostly to annoy Gideon. I texted instead of calling mostly to annoy Gideon. I did a lot of things to annoy Gideon.
Annoying him was safer, safer than letting myself really want him. Because, if I was going to be a slave to my urges, I wasn’t going to be miserable alone. I would dig my fingers into the lingering bruise of our semi-regular hookups so Gideon was just as full of self-loathing as I was.
I was pretty sure Gideon hated me.
I was pretty sure I needed Gideon to hate me, because the alternative was even more painful, because hate was at least something, something deep, fiery and primal.
And, we dragon shifters were nothing if not deep, fiery and primal.
The place between my shoulder blades itched, my human skin wearing thin and tight like an ill-fitting suit. I unbuttoned the collar of my shirt, as if that would help. The urge to shift always rose with my desire to see Gideon. At his place, I could wear the skin of my ancient fauna. I could stretch my wings, the bones in my jaw and skull expanding to accommodate fangs and horns and the armored plates that rand down my vertebrae. Gideon would shift, too. And in our dragon forms, we’d fight. Then we’d shift back, and we’d fuck. The sparring was foreplay, brutal and animalistic. One of these times, I always thought, Gideon and I really might kill each other.
It was the same every time, a constant, but goddamn it if it every time wasn’t the highlight of my life.
Gideon and I had met at a farmers’ market six years ago. A real bougie meet-cute right out of a gay hallmark movie. The small-town farmer and the big city executive. I’d been passing through town on the way to visit my parents, and I stopped to get a pressed juice and a pastry, and some flowers for my mother. And there was Gideon, standing at his little farm stand, haloed in an explosion of color, dozens of flower arrangements and elegant bouquets. He was huge and rugged. Scowling. Beautiful. Putting all the flowers to shame.
I approached with caution, because I could tell he saw me immediately for what I was, just as I recognized him. I looked into his icy blue eyes and saw the beast beneath.
For a several moments, we’d just stared at each other.
I bought some flowers. He gave me his card.
It took me three weeks to work up the courage to call him.
We met for a drink, despite the fact that we both knew we’d never work. It was just my luck—the only other ancient shifter in a hundred miles, and he wasn’t mine.
And I wasn’t his.
That was the thing with ancients. Our power came with a lot of rules, many of which didn’t have much bearing on modern life, except the first, and the biggest. Each shifter born with an ancient fauna only had one mate. A true mate.
It was something you just knew, deep in your bones, deep in your soul, when you saw them. It was an instant, undeniable attraction. Fate. Destiny. Blah blah blah. My parents could—and often did—wax endlessly poetic about the day they’d met. Their story was sweet enough to turn anyone into an instant diabetic
As hot and infuriating and toe-curling in the sack as Gideon was, he wasn’t mine. He wasn’t my destiny. I’d mostly given up on finding my true mate, and I imagined Gideon probably felt the same. We could never have that kind of soul-deep pair bond between us that would allow us to be truly complete. Truly settled. Whole.
But we could absolutely get together from time to time and fuck each other’s brains out. It took the edge off being so goddamn lonely. Kinda. With a resigned sigh, I looked down at the screen of my phone, brushing my thumb over it, like maybe I could feel my way to a better solution.
I hit send.
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Shout me a coffee <3
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louwhose · 2 years
Tag Game to Better Know You!
Send this to people you’d like to know better!
Thanks for the tag @playinggalaga and @tired-twili! And @aheavenscorner so I actually remember to do this lol
What book are you currently reading? Rereading Mistborn. Yes, the Final Empire, because I have been procrastinating for months but hope I can get the Lost Metal and I desperately need the refresher on everything.
What’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year? Lightyear is the only one I saw in theatres this year.
What do you usually wear? Jeans and a t-shirt
How tall are you? 5'6"
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event? Gemini and I don't know anything cool about my birthday beyond it's my birthday
Do you go by your name or a nick-name? most people call me by my name but I have a couple of sisters that usually call me "lou"
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child? uncertain of what I wanted to be as a kid. but considering that I'm not some fantasy wizard or dragon or something... no?
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one? u m. no. and no specific crush (irl- if we're talking fictional that's a whole nother ball park) at the moment beyond thinking approximately half the people I ever meet are cute
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at? being extremely weird with people I know vs. any form of socializing at all with strangers
Dogs or cats? CATS. no question.
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year?
still unashamedly most proud of this:
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and pfft as if I remember what I write but I dug through stuff real quick and found this
He turned to see what it was. And there, leaning against the wall, in a loving embrace around each other, were two bodies that had finally given out after lasting far too long. It was a tragedy, but also not. They had fulfilled their destiny, and now they were truly free, and their souls were now bound to nothing but their own desires.
What’s something you would like to create content for? Dwight In Shining Armor. I do create content for it but not enough. Not enough.
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with? Zelink duh.
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year? lots irl but that's a little too personal. um, I guess I'll go with miraculous ladybug. just the fact that this is the year I lost interest in it says something about my feelings on it.
What’s a hidden talent of yours? not sure what to say so something that people on here might not know that I can do is play the piano. not hugely talented with it and certainly don't practice enough but I can do it
Are you religious? yes. christian
What’s something you wish to have at this moment? an attention span.
Tagging no pressure and sorry if you've already been tagged but @deiliamedlini @farore-or-less @pastelsandpining and @whogirl2011
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gwaean · 3 years
The Rescuers  
Part One: “Old acquaintances meet again"
 Summary: You are a mandalorian rebel friends with Captain Rex so you are well aware of the entire "clone situation" going on. And of course you want to help as much as you can. You then go to Ryloth trying to help the Syndulla's and maybe find your old friend Cody. 
 Pairing: None. Yet. But will be a Crosshair x Reader.
 Gender: There'll be no mentions of gender or pronouns on this part yet. Though further in the story it might have she/they pronouns used.
 Word count: 1.6k
 Tags: Injury recover, post-clone wars story, rescuing clones/friends, a bit of melancholy?
 Warning: Brief description of injury.
 Notes: So, I literally dreamed most parts of this story (I know, crazy Star Wars obsession here). I filled up some parts as I was writing of course. And it turned out a bit like a beautiful sad tragic. I might even do a playlist for this fanfic actually. Hope u enjoy it :) 
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 The war, the republic, the jedi all have ended. Literally on the same day. And what it seemed like a fresh start, finally a moment of peace in the chaos turned into nightmares. You weren’t there when it happened, you just heard the news of Obi-Wan saying the jedi order and the republic had fallen and you also heard the now Emperor Palpatine telling everyone that the clone wars has ended and the jedi were traitor, they’ve tried to assassinate him according to well… himself. And now he’s forming this new galactic empire, giving people numbers like the ones clones used to have and killing off any resistance against this new order. Everyone seemed to believe him, you gotta give him that he was a pretty damn’ good  liar indeed. But you knew better than that. You are mandalorian after all and were friends with no one less than Duchess Satine and Senator Padmé. You helped them countless times in their diplomatics and you even fought with the jedi and the clones at times. They were good people, yes, the order might have messed up at lot but traitors? Murders? They sure didn’t deserve to die like that and I guess… No one does.
  You quickly then joined the rebellion. There you found many of former politics like Senator Organa and even a clone… Captain Rex (or is it Commander now?). You’ve met him once before and he seemed like a good person and looks like he’s really a great man just like you thought. You soon became friends. But sadly, the other clones you knew before like Cody were still with the empire. Though both you and Rex were very determinate to help others like him. And also, obviously, protect your allies against the empire.
  Well, as expected trouble begins. There’s been rumors about what’s going in Ryloth with the Syndulla’s and the empire occupation. Worried about them and their people, you go there to help as you can. And if there’s need, you’d call more rebels to help too though you didn’t want to envolve more people yet because you’re afraid of the reaction it could cause ( and what that would cost for ryloth and its people). You also have a tiny tiny hope that maybe just maybe Cody could be there.
  Arriving in Ryloth, you discover the Syndulla family have indeed oppose agains the empire occupation and they’ve went into a lot of trouble because of that but apparently a group of mercenaries (?) have already rescued them from the prison they were sent to. One less problem for you to fix I guess. You were glad for them but you still want to spy a little on the empire and see what you could find out after all, the trip couldn’t be for nothing.
  You find your way and get to a particular high hill with a great view of one imperial base. You pick up your binoculars and the only person you see in a sort of balcony is a very depressive-looking Crosshair. You remember him from that one time clone force 99 saved your butt from the mess you’ve yourself in. He was… quite unfriendly, let’s say. But he did get the job done and made sure you were okay so you just ignored his behavior. Looking at him now it was looking at a shadow of him. 
   It made you remember what Rex told you once: 
“We clones were all created with this chip thing in our my minds. We were made for the war and the war only but apparently someone thought it would be great if they let us think we've got free will. That we could be anything we wanted to be after the war. So we made friends, some of us found a family with our jedi. They let we hope. Just so we have all of that taken away from us with order 66. The war had ended for everyone except for us. We had our will taken from us, our minds controlled by this chip and we had to follow orders. While we're still there conscious of what we were doing we had to kill the people we fought together the entire war. I remember her face... I'm so glad she didn't see my face. I couldn't bare.” 
 Thinking about what all the clones been through, you can’t just leave him like this. He did save you once and this was your chance to repay that. Rex keeps saying we can’t save everyone (more to himself than to you) but one person is better than nobody, right?  At the time you improvise a plan: neither the empire nor Cross can’t know yet that you’re a rebel. You haven’t done anything yet incriminating (at least not that they were aware of). So you can just jump in there where he was standing and talk to him. Worst case scenario he ignores you. However you sure knew how to annoy him enough that at least he would call you out and when that happens you act. Ok, that you still have to figure out exactly how you would act. Well, half of a plan is better than no plan.
  You just jump in behind his back and of course he points his gun at you as expected. But he apparently recognizes who it’s standing in front of him and put his riffle down. 
   “ Hello there.”  You say.
   “What do you think you’re doing?”  He replies.
   “Oh, please, don’t act like you aren’t happy to see me.” 
     He gives you a faint of a smile. “Don’t flatter yourself.” 
     You smiled back. “But seriously, what you’re doing here all alone? And why- You finally noticed the burn mark on his now bald head. - are you like this? Doesn’t the empire takes care of its soldiers? Nor your squad? The bad batch, right? That’s what you called yourselves?” 
     His face closes again. “You have nothing to do with that. I’m-” 
     “By yourself?” You pause for a moment. “Alright, I get it. You’ve probably been through a lot. We all have. Not sure why you’re like this but it doesn’t matter right now. I just wonder… Don’t you want to get out of all of this?” 
     Cross pauses for a moment. It seems like he's considering the possibility. “I… I can’t.” 
     “But…”  You then think. You remind yourself of how protective he was that one time you were saved by them. Maybe this instinct was still there, you had to try. You saw a pointed rock close to where you were standing and decided that you would accidentally cut yourself. “Ouch!” 
    “What’s up?” 
    “Oh! Nothing! Just might have cut myself here.” You show your hand now with a bit bigger than you expected cut and some blood.
     He almost laughs at it. “What a little clumsy one you are, eh?” 
     His mocking at you, that’s something, right? “Yeah, I guess….” 
     “Well, let’s go?”  He points to the door.
     “Go where?” 
     “Don’t you wanna take care of that, sweetheart?” 
     “Right, medical bay then?” 
     “Obviously.”  Perfect. He would be right where you needed him to be.
  The both of you enter the facility and walk directly to the medical bay. The empire base is pretty much a bland dark and boring military base with some troopers walking around, some commanders (you think) yelling at the soldiers and some droids doing whatever they have to do. You knew only that they were “r - unities” but droids weren’t exactly your area of expertise. However you do notice that the troopers walking around still wear the same clone armor from back the war. And you feel guilty. Because as much as you’d like you won’t be able to help them all. They’ll stay there with their chips on being controlled by the empire…. By the force, that was a hole guilty trip you knew you shouldn’t take. It wasn’t your fault. No, no. They did this. Palpatine and his men were the monsters. Not you. And certainly not these poor clones. One day, yes, one day maybe you could come back and save them?
 “Hmmm…. You wanna me to do this?”  Cross says. You were so distracted in your thoughts you don’t even realized you were already in the medical bay.
 “Oh. You don’t have to.” 
 “It's fine. I’m used to do this anyway.” 
  “Ok. Be my guest then?” 
  “Wow, you’re so funny.” He jokes.
  “Whatever. Just do your thing.” 
  “Give me your hand.”  
 You give him your hand and he takes it. And to your surprise he’s very gentle while taking care of your wound. He applies some alcohol pads to clean the wound. And as he presses the wound to stop the bleeding you reach for your gun and keep looking at his face. His very concentrated. It’s almost like the rest of the galaxy doesn’t matter. He’s only there at the moment focused on helping you. And you’re trying to plan how you’re gonna knock him out to take his chip off.
 “Now I’m gonna get some stuff to make a bandage for ya, ok?” He says and turns his back. Now is you chance. You turn your blaster to stun only and shoots. He falls. 
 “I’m sorry. But there’s no other way.” You whisper as if he’s actually listening. 
 It takes some effort (seriously, Crosshair's heavier than he looks) but you manage to put him on one these surgical stretchers. You also have to learn super quick how to use the pad control to see where the chip’s in and take it off. But it’s done. And you wait and wait… For what it seemed like hours though it was only like 15 minutes.
And he wakes up very confused.
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thecreativepoppy · 4 years
bro im just that crying cat meme @ ur wizards AU. thank u so much. would you happen to have any more headcanons for it?
I’m actually still working on it, so this’s a list that I’ll probably upload if something else comes in my mind.
I’ve also decided the tag would be “childouxie au”, so stay tuned to that;)
General informations
Douxie is four/five years old: his age is not sure for anyone, has nobody knows exactly when (or where) he’s born. Merlin has of course his suppositions, but he’s not gonna reveal them to anyone.
Douxie has no memory of his family: he only remembers his name and having lived with Archie. He simply knows nothing more- and this can have been caused by a memory loss due to magic or by a “simply” traumatic event (as the death of his entire family).
Morgana is nineteen years old and has been training with Merlin since she was ten/eleven- the age one normally developed sufficient magic skills to become an apprentice. She’s still adressed as “Princess”, but she prefers the title “Lady Magician”. I’ve got a desing for her: she’s keeping her hair in two different and shorter braids and she’s starting now to wear darker clothes, due to the death of her sister-in-law.
She’s pretty good at magic and she normally follows Merlin’s orders and teachings but in the last period she’s started to lose her respect for him, since the help he had given to her brother. So she’s like living a sort of teenager rebellion (and she has solid points to do that).
Queen Guinevere has passed away a year before Douxie was found by Merlin. She was only twenty-two and has been married with Arthur for a year.
King Arthur is twenty-four years old. He’s become king when he was only twelve, due to his and Morgana’s parents death. He’s been a very good king, building a solid and happy reign for his people and forming the Round Table’s knights. Since the death of his wife, tho, he’s written rules against all the magic creatures, with the help of Merlin himself (that has also helped him reaching Excalibur from Nimue, the Lady of the Lake).
Merlin is fifty-two years old. He normally doesn’t wear the armor we see in the serie, but some green tunics and capes of the same color. He’s got dark hair and beard, only a little streaked with grey and white.
Merlin follows the knights in their raids against the magical creatures’ village on Camelot lands- there are many of them, since before the queen’s death the relationship with humans was difficult, but they were normally left free in their villages even outside the wood.
Merlin follows the knights principally to kill the magic creatures they aren’t able to slain: he’s not feeling right tho.
Douxie and Merlin’s informations
Douxie is very shy at first and Merlin doesn’t know what is taken to speak (and to raise) a child so little. So at first, it’s very complicated for them to get to know themselves and to function as a family.
Before meeting Merlin, Douxie has lived alone with Archie: so in many ways he behaves like a dragon-cat. He climbs every accessible superfaces, wardrobes and shelves included (for Merlin’s desperation); he normally sleeps rolled into a ball and he tends to his when he’s nervous. He also doesn’t like too much close spaces and so Merlin tries to bring him in open spaces as more as he can. At least Douxie has a good vocabolary, thanks to Archie’s fluent human language.
Douxie has had bad experience with adult humans: they were not only scared by his magic, but in some case also pedophilies. Luckily, nothing has ever happened, but Merlin is the first person after a while he’s able to trust.
Douxie doesn’t like king Arthur at all, because he’s too big and watched him with a strange and scary expression. Every time he sees the king, Douxie clings to Merlin’s legs. Merlin doesn’t like it so much.
Douxie is very fascinated by magic. Merlin’s been clear he’s not going to learn spells in such a young age- the most important thing for them now is to gain control on Douxie’s magic to avoid conflicts of any sort with Arthur. But Douxie loves magic so much that Merlin tries to avoid that he sees Morgana’s practices: this means a very early bed-time for Douxie.
Douxie has tried to sneak over Merlin’s laboratory to learn magic or to see Morgana: this hasn’t finished well.
Douxie likes also to sing, often songs in languages Merlin doesn’t know. From this, he supposes Douxie isn’t not of British heritage.
Douxie starts to throw tantrums only after a long time he’s staying in Camelot. Merlin’s got zero chills about it and his tactic consists principally in leaving Douxie cries on the floor or on his bed.
Morgana often tries to intervene in Douxie’s raising and education, much to Merin’s annoyance. She’s super sure Douxie should learn magic also now.
Staying in Camelot, Douxie learns more human costumes and also takes reading and writing’s lessons by Merlin (who’s very not much patience but he’s done the same thing also to a young Arthur).
Douxie doesn’t like so much the knights, even if Sir Lancelot has tried many times to become a sort of father/brother figure to him.
Archie gets super protective, even against Merlin. Archie’s not used to have around someone else that cares for Douxie and doesn’t trust Merlin a bit. So he practically never leaves Douxie’s side. And this can lead to some problems.
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husbandograveyard · 4 years
Congrats on 300 followers Hzael! You deserve it! Can I ask for 42 (I'm going to save you from the terrible date you're having) with Aizawa? Thank you! OwO
Hi love! Here’s some knight in shining armor Shota to save you from the other douchebags on donkeys! Hope you enjoy! 
Come save me - Shota Aizawa x Reader 
Cliche with bae event Prompt #42: come save me from the terrible date I’m having  Character: Shota Aizawa - Word count: 1.7k 
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Hunger. Regret. Embarrassment. More regret. Anger. Frustration. A whirlpool of emotions was going through you as you kept your expression as neutral as possible, aggressively cutting the piece of steak in front of you and eating a bit to try and distract you from the man sitting in front of you, talking while he barely made eye contact. You weren’t exactly sure what he was talking about at the moment, but you couldn’t care less. You wanted out of here. Now. How did you even get in this situation?
After dating around some in your circle of friends to no avail, you had finally turned to online dating. You made loads of profiles, installed all the apps, did the matching, the swiping, you name it. Out of the hundreds of possible candidates, you immediately deleted anyone that wasn’t looking for anything serious. You were no teenager anymore, you had a job and a home and you were ready to settle down completely.
Your biggest help in this adventure had been your coworkers and best friends, Hizashi and Shota. The three of you had gone to school together and now all three of you were teaching at U.A. Any guy you’d ever date had to go past these two, and honestly, you didn’t mind. Their protectiveness was endearing and they were pretty good judges of character.
They had been helping you weed out matches, even secretly (but not so secretly) tagged along on dates to make sure it wasn’t some creep. Even though you’d be perfectly fine fending off a creep by yourself, you were a capable hero after all, you really liked them looking out for you.
Now for this date, it had been a little different. You had gotten this match from one of the more expensive sites. The kind where so-called experts matched people based on their personalities and profiles. It took you a whole long time filling in a question list for them, but when you got your match, you were not disappointed. Dating apps and such made you a little more shallow, looks were the first thing you saw on those, but hell, you were pleasantly surprised. Your ultimate match was extremely good-looking. But almost insanely so. Shota grabbed your phone, said ‘probably a douche’, and gave it back. Hizashi only laughed at the remark and let you first read up on his profile.
Your match did a normal office job but had an intelligence-based quirk that allowed him to understand everyone regardless of the language they spoke, which he used in his line of work. He was two years older than you, stable income, own house. He did some volunteering in his free time and most of your hobbies seemed to line up or were compatible at least. It was almost too good to be true, which was exactly what Hizashi said.
“Well, who pays so much money for such a personal dating service and then goes around and lies on their profile? That’d be stupid.” You were zooming in on the pictures he shared, desperately trying to find traces of photoshop, but to no avail. Right as you were about to say something, he sent you the first message. You replied enthusiastically, and a nice conversation was born.
Everything seemed to be going smoothly, and your match had proposed to go have dinner somewhere. It was a pretty fancy restaurant he proposed, but you accepted, it was a nice change to maybe dress up and have an actual fancy date. You were keeping realistic scenario’s in your head but you couldn’t help but wonder if this guy was maybe the one you had been waiting for all along.
The date came along and you were actually in a sour mood before you even got there. Mostly because Shota had been increasingly mean about the guy the more you gushed about him. At some point, you had made a remark about jealousy, and that had caused quite a discussion until Hizashi broke it up and told you to get ready, and he’d be off for a guy’s night with Shota. It had been a while after all, and that way you wouldn’t even have to worry about either of them spying on you during your date.
How you were regretting that now. You wished they had spied on you because this date was a disaster. He had been over twenty minutes late, didn’t tell you the name of the reservation so you were waiting outside in the cold until he finally showed up. He looked great, just like in his pictures, but way less well-kempt than he had been looking on his pictures. You had dressed up in your best dress, had gone to the hairdresser to get your hair on point, applied a subtle amount of makeup to look your best, and appropriate for the date and the location. He was wearing some jeans, a T-shirt that had some spots on it that you didn’t even want to know about.
You smiled anyway, greeting him by holding out your hand, not too keen on hugging a total stranger, but he had gone straight in for a kiss on the cheek, and you noticed how he didn’t smell nice either. It really busted your mood, even more, were you only worth so little effort that he showed up like that? But you kept his hobbies, and all the nice things he had said in chat in mind, and went into the restaurant, putting all your hope in the person he was in your chat messages, which had been a terrible idea.
The food was expensive and way too little, and this man had not stopped talking about himself. The volunteering was a one-time gig, ‘always pleases the ladies’ he had smugly added to the story, and many other things on his profile weren’t exactly lies, but were mostly polished up truths to make him look better. He had gone as far as interrupting you multiple times even after he himself had asked you a question, degraded female heroes and generally any woman who worked because ‘you gotta let men do the job’. He expected his partner to drop their job for him, so he could be the sole provider. He was looking for a housewife, but the way he described it, was more a live-in-maid he could have some intimacy with as well, just whenever he pleased. It made you sick to your stomach and you wanted to leave, but that was not so easy in such a fancy restaurant without possibly causing a commotion.
You briefly excused yourself from the table, and he gave you a pissed-off look because you had clearly interrupted whatever very important thing he was saying. You made a beeline for the bathroom, contemplating for a second to just walk out but again, you had some kind of reputation to uphold. Once in the bathroom, you immediately dialed Shota’s number. He picked up within seconds.
“Let me guess. He’s a douche.” He wasn’t even trying to hide the smug tone in his voice. “He’s terrible… please come save me?” “I don’t know if I can. I mean… I cannot possibly interrupt your date with this perfect, wonderful, beautf-” “Shota I swear to god, get your ass over here. I need you right now.” It was silent for a few seconds, and then you heard a low chuckle before he spoke up again. “One rescue mission coming up.”
He had not put in the slightest effort to hide his annoyance, but you knew he’d show up. You refrained from splashing cold water in your face because you didn’t want to mess up your makeup and headed back into the dining room. He made some remark on how long you took and you focussed back on your plate, inwardly praying Shota wouldn’t take too much time in getting there.
Luckily for you, it was only about fifteen minutes later that you heard some commotion and before you could even look up what had made some other customers make surprised gasps Shouta was standing at your table. In full Eraserhead gear. Not that that differed so much from his usual clothes, but still, very recognizable. You frowned. “Wha-?” “No time for questions. It’s an emergency, got your costume in the car.” You nodded and stood up, apologizing to your date, who was too speechless and too busy comprehending what was going on to come up with a retort.
Shota looked him up and down once as you were making your way to the exit, sending the man one more apologetic look and wave. “You look like you can handle the bill. Hero duties call sir. Good night”
You got in the car, and not five minutes later Shota got in too and started to drive. You weren’t really sure what to say or what to do. “Where’s…” “Hizashi? Got drunk and got home. I just dropped him off when you called.” “Oh…” You were feeling strangely uncomfortable, but you were not really sure why exactly, probably because the argument from earlier was not really resolved yet. “Shota, I’m sorry about-” “Don’t mention it. I could’ve reacted more maturely”
You nodded, looking ahead again. No use for deep discussions when Shota had a road to focus on. You looked around and were surprised to not be going back in the direction of your house. “Where are we going?” “A decent place” “What do you mean?” “Well, it’d be sad if you dressed up all beautiful like that for no reason. I know a place.” You blushed a little and looked at him, his eyes focussed on the road as he said that almost matter-of-a-factly. “Like… like a date?” you almost didn’t dare as k. “Like a date.”
You were speechless. In all your dating adventures you had never even considered the option that the perfect match was around you already all along. “If you’re up for that, if not, I can just drop you off at home?” “No no…”, you smiled, “I’d like that. No surprises with you.” “No stupid profile needed.” He smiled a little from behind the steering wheel and you felt the corners of your mouth curl up too. “No stupid profiles needed indeed.”
You knew what you were going to do when you got home: delete all that bullshit from your laptop and phone. Cause this time, it could really be the one.
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1orweth · 4 years
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NAME:  Iorweth.
HAIR STYLE / COLOUR: Deep, dark brown.
HEIGHT: around 5"10.
CLOTHING STYLE:  He wears a mix of human and elven clothing, some taken from dead humans and elves.His current clothing consists of a long green armored robe, a light leather vest, wide blue fabric wrapped around his waist with a belt, light leather boots, and his red bandana covering his scar.
BEST PHYSICAL FEATURE: his general facial structure, in my opinion. Ioweth just thinks he's ugly.
FEARS: that his struggle is in vain.
GUILTY PLEASURE: probably cannabis and good food.
BIGGEST PET PEEVE: dh'oine. just, in general.
AMBITIONS FOR THE FUTURE: freedom from human opression, a free state for his people, where they can live in peace and prosper.
FIRST THOUGHTS WAKING UP: probably thinking about what has to be done today.
WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT MOST: honestly? probably stratergy.
WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT  BEFORE BED: either nothing as he's exhausted, or the feeling of dread that lurks in the back of his mind about the futility of his struggle.
WHAT THEY THINK THEIR BEST QUALITY IS:  his intelligence and cunning, probably.
SINGLE OR GROUP DATES:  neither......... but definitly rather single dates w saskia.
TO BE LOVED OR RESPECTED: respected, but deep down he wants to be loved too. just by the right person/people.
LIE: yes.
BELIEVE IN THEMSELVES: yes, most of the time.
BELIEVE IN LOVE: yes......
WANT SOMEONE: yes, but he knows its probably in vain :/
DONE DRUGS: ......maybe...
CHANGED WHO THEY WERE TO FIT IN: not in a long time, but when he first joined the scoia'tael under Isengrim he probably did. By now he's too old and sure of himself to.
FAVOURITE COLOURS: forest green.
FAVOURITE ANIMAL: it'd be a cliché to say squirrels, and probably not true. maybe horses, or cats.
FAVOURITE BOOK: probably a book with elven legends. Otherwise he doesn't read much.
FAVOURITE GAME: chess, maybe just regular archery competitions with the scoia'tael younglings.
HOW OLD WILL THEY BE: unknown, over 100 at the very least. i'd guess around 250
LAYER 09: I...
I LOVE: Saskia, please come back 😭
I FEEL: hatred.
I HIDE: my feelings of uncertainty and dread, as well as my softer side.
I MISS: peace and safety.
I WISH: my struggle would end, and that the scoia'tael would finally win.
i wasn't tagged oops but i stole it from @takivvatanga go give them a follow 💕
i'm tagging @bakedsweetroll @regongars @penny-anna @serpenstoned @muslimelf @temerian-lily @edensbuttercups @advena87 @ashenhaiir @gridelincarver @cealach @zagubionywilk @almosinnia @angrykittybarbarian
steal it if u want to!!
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weartirondad · 6 years
Keep Me Steady
Prompt: Forehead Kiss - “Hey is there we send in the ideas for the prompts? They're all so cute but I love the forehead kiss one!! And thought it would be angsty and fluffy if it was Peter kissing Tony's forehead in medbay because he got hurt and isnt waking up? Perhaps because he took a hit meant for his spiderson? Anyway love all that u guys do and thanks for tagging me! ♡♡“  @ironfamjam
Warnings: CPR
A/N: ....... this is a prompt for our 1k followers celebration.... not sure you remember it........ 
FF.net I ao3
He shook his head, never looking up from where his hands were clutching his mask so tightly that it cut off the blood supply to his fingers. The chairs in the waiting area of the compound’s med bay weren’t the usual cheap plastic ones he remembered from the last time he had sat in a hospital waiting for news.
Shaking his head again he squeezed his eyes shut to make the voices in his head go away. They were too loud, too many and he was too afraid that they were right.
He wouldn’t let himself go there. If he did all the tiny pieces that made up his soul that he had held together for the past three hours would finally break and crumble and he couldn’t – he didn’t have the energy to pick them back up again. There were more important things to focus on, like the heartbeat he could hear through closed doors ever so faintly. As long as it kept beating Peter would be strong he vowed.
A heavy hand settled on his shoulder making him flinch.
The motion was familiar but not the person it had come from. The feeling of the hand on his skin was all wrong, the fingers not calloused enough to belong to the person he wanted – needed – right now. The wrong man settled down in one of the cushioned chairs and kept looking at him with a worried frown. It was a wrong sigh he let out and the voice was wrong, too.
“You’re still in your suit.”
The teenager heard the silent suggestion that swung in the statement but the mere thought of leaving left a bitter taste in his mouth and made his heart clench painfully in his chest, so he simply nodded and continued fidgeting with the mask in his hands and shuffling his upper body until his shoulder was free of the man’s touch.
Rhodey let his hand slid down his arms, leaving goosebumps in its wake that were covered by the red and blue suit. He didn’t move it, though, simply let it drop down into his own lap again. “Have you called your aunt?”
He gave a sharp nod. “I told her I’ll be staying here,” he felt compelled to add, his tone challenging the other superhero to object, to tell him off. He was surprised when the older man simply cocked his head to the side and continued to watch him intently. “I just –“ He crumbled a little under the patient gaze. “I just can’t leave him, you know?”
“I know.”
Peter met his gaze again and for the first time he realized just how tired Rhodey looked. Almost as tired as Peter felt himself.
His entire body was tense and the worry seemed permanently etched into the wrinkles on his face. He recognized the look, knew exactly what it felt like. Rhodey really did understand. He figured he must have spent most of his life worrying about Tony and the thought made the young vigilante feel nauseous.
“But we can’t really do anything for him right now,” Rhodey told him matter-of-factly, voice calm and collected and gentle. “And I know for a fact that they won’t let you into his room looking as filthy as you do. Something about open wounds and dirt, hygiene they call it, I think.” He cracked a smile but it seemed forced at best. Still, Peter appreciated it.
He just really didn’t want to go.
Rhodey sensed that and with a motion too quickly for his tired brain to keep up with, he pulled something out from – from where exactly? Behind his back? The chair beside him? Did it matter?
A pile of clothes landed in his arms and instinctively he grabbed to hold them. His favorite pajama pants and one of his science pun t-shirts and a dark red hoodie he had never seen before. It was soft. He frowned but before he could open his mouth to ask, Rhodey explained.
“It’s Tony’s. Was his favorite back in the day. He’s rarely wearing it outside anymore but I’m pretty sure he still wears it at home. I thought you would appreciate it.”
He did. Curling his hand around the soft fabric, he felt gratitude spread in his chest, fuzzy and slowly melting the fear that had taken his heart hostage.
“He’s gonna be okay, right?” he croaked. Of course he’d already asked that and the doctor had reassured him but he needed to hear it from someone who was just as scared as he was, just as shaken because they knew what was at stake.
“Of course he is,” Rhodey scoffed fondly, and his wet eyes almost didn’t betray his light tone, “You know how it is, bad weeds grow tall.”
Something similar to a laugh slipped passed his dry lips before he conceded with a huff. “Fine,” he said, “But F.R.I.D.A.Y. is gonna call me the second there are any news whatsoever.”
When he pushed himself up from the chair he felt a lot older than sixteen with all his joints creaking and cracking from having been curled up in one position for too long. His heart, too, felt older than it had just this morning.
 As much as he hated being away from the action, if you could call the deserted waiting room that, he had to admit that the shower did wonders on his tense shoulders. The dried tear tracks on his cheeks were slowly fading when he let the hot water pour over his face. He just had to keep his mind busy because the second he didn’t, he was back there and he was holding on to Tony’s lifeless body and he couldn’t stand picturing the man like that.
Tony was vibrant. Always with a sarcastic quip on his lips and a twinkle in his eyes when they met Peter’s. He was strong and smart and alive. He was a god damn superhero.
Peter blinked the tears away that burned in his eyes and mixed with the water until he couldn’t tell which was which anymore.
“Great job, underoos. One down, one to go,” Tony’s voice sounded through the comm and he grinned at the praise as he shot out a web at the Ironman suit that was flying past him. As soon as the web attached itself to the armor he felt the strain on his shoulder when his self-designed material stretched and then he already took off, tagging along on the flight.
He loved flying. Loved the exhilarating feeling of his heart dropping to his stomach. He knew without the shadow of a doubt that he was safe here. He was with Tony after all.
“Kids these days,” he heard his mentor mutter in mock annoyance, “Too lazy to web their own way down to the fight.”
“Gotta keep you on your toes, don’t I?” he quipped back before shooting out another web and leaving the billionaire’s side to land on the side of a nearby building gracefully. “What’s the plan, Mister Stark?” he asked, narrowing his eyes at the huge thing (honestly, he wasn’t sure as what to classify the weird metallic body that was currently out for their blood).
That’s the moment War Machine joined them, flying up in to hover next to Iron-Man, blasters out and ready to, well, blast. “We’re gonna kick some ass is what we’re gonna do.”
The last thing he heard before Rhodey started firing was Tony’s carefree laughter in his ear.
He had just stepped out of the shower when F.R.I.D.A.Y. informed him that Tony was out of surgery. It didn’t take him more than three minutes until he was back in the med bay, pants on the wrong way around and hoodie barely pulled over his head.
Looking like the mess he felt, wet curls hanging in his face and almost tripping over his feet, he barreled into the room and – stopped and stared.
The sight that greeted him felt like a punch to the stomach and knocked the air out of his lungs, making him stumble.
Tony seemed to be swallowed up by the big bed, tubes sticking out of various parts of his body. He took a tentative step closer but not too close, too scared to accidentally touch some of the wires and mess something important up.
“He’s –“ he stammered, “Is he –?“
“He’s fine.” Rhodey’s voice was gentle but firm, demanding attention that Peter didn’t have to spare. His gaze seemed permanently stuck on the slight rise and fall of his mentor’s chest.
Breathing meant alive. They could work with alive. An alive Tony would fight his way back to them.
Rhodey stood up from the chair next to the bed, slowly approaching Peter until he was right beside him. Again, the hand settled on his shoulder, pulling him back from the spiraling thoughts in his mind, grounding him in the moment.
Peter looked up, Rhodey’s face blurry through the veil of tears that he couldn’t force back. “I should’ve – I should’ve done something.”
“You know as well as I do that there was nothing you could’ve done.”
Deep down he knew that he should have found a way.
“He knew what he was doing and he knew the consequences but, most importantly, he knew what would happen if he didn’t act.”
“Well, this is very not good.”
“You don’t say, platypus.” Tony’s eye roll was audible over the comms and if Peter hadn’t been so focused on the thing they were fighting getting ready to fire a blast of something very not good into a nearby skyscraper he might have even cracked a smile. As it was, he was otherwise preoccupied.
He was so far out of his wheel house right now, he realized, when he swung to another building closer to the two other heroes. “What are we gonna do, Mister Stark?” Because surely his mentor knew what to do. He always knew what to do.
“About that –“
It all happened so fast that Peter barely had time to process Rhodey’s scream in his ear before Tony had flown in the way of the monster, putting himself between the monster and its target and –
When the green blast hit the arc reactor Peter’s heart plummeted.
Hope flared in his chest when Iron- Man somehow reversed the fire power, hitting the alien being that burst into a million pieces. But then he didn’t reply and simply fell.
He fell and fell and fell and then he stopped.
Once Rhodey had left it took him a while until he dared to move closer to the bed.
Tony looked so fragile, broken, and as much as he couldn’t bear to see him like that, Peter found that he was incapable of averting his eyes. Underneath all the ugly bruises he was still so undeniably alive and that was all that mattered, all he let himself focus on to keep his mind from spiraling.
Eventually he settled into the seat Rhodey had vacated and gingerly took hold of his mentor’s hand, careful to avoid any and all wires he was attached to but especially the perfusion pump supplying him with a steady stream of pain meds. He seemed to need it.
The older man’s face was calm, the anesthesia working its magic in relaxing his muscles and keeping the pain at bay. It seemed wrong, though, to see the expressive face of Tony Stark so devoid of any emotion and tension. Only a few wrinkles remained, especially the frowny ones but Peter could make out the crow’s feet and lines around his mouth, too, that told a story of an easier time with laughter and movie nights instead of bloody hands and hospital beds.
The monitor was showing him the ECG recording and he let the steady beeping lull his unsettled thoughts until he was calm enough to really take in the injuries of the man that made up half of his small make-shift family.
The oxygen mask on the billionaire’s face was fogged with his breaths (he was breathing) but it seemed to be working because the pulse oximeter on his left hand recorded an oxygen saturation of 100 percent.
Peter let out a small breath.
His blood pressure was steady, albeit a little low with 110 to 60 but so much better than when –
The stiff neck Tony was wearing looked uncomfortable but he didn’t seem to mind so Peter tried to be okay with how weirdly rigid and unmovable it made the man look.
His eyes flickered over the case report on the nightstand.
Fracture of both anterior and posterior arch of C1
Type III fracture of C2, stable, no indication for surgical treatment.
Stable. He held onto that when he skimmed over the rest of the text.
Type II spleen rupture
Fractured 4th, 5th left and 2nd right rib; 3rd rib broken bilaterally after CPR by first responder –
Peter reached him as soon as he could but it was still too late. Tony wasn’t moving, wasn’t responding, wasn’t –
“Karen,” he choked out, crawling to the lifeless armor on hands and knees, “Can you get F.R.I.D.A.Y. to open the suit?”
Not a second later the pieces of the suit retracted, revealing his mentor’s beaten form. “F.R.I.D.A.Y. detected fractures of the upper cervical spine. It is recommend to move the patient’s neck as little as possible to not risk severing the spinal cord.”
“Then why didn’t she just keep the armor on?” he spit out, thoughts racing and suited hand pressed against his masked mouth. He couldn’t look at this, he couldn’t breathe through this. He couldn’t –
“Mister Stark is in immediate need of CPR.”
He couldn’t do that.
“Mister Rhodes!” he managed to call out to the superhero still flying through the air to keep the collateral damage as low as possible, “You need to –“
The commanding voice that replied was tense and not at all reminiscent of the playful teasing just minutes earlier. “I can’t, Pete. You gotta do it. You know how to do CPR, right?”
Of course he knew CPR. He knew the steps, knew the moves but –
“I’m – I’m too strong,” he whispered even as he pulled up his mask halfway and started kneeling at his mentor’s head to get a better angle, “I can’t control my strength – I’m gonna – I could kill him!”
Still, he started pressing down.
When he heard the first rib crack, Peter cried out in pain but didn’t stop. He bent down, tilting the man’s head as carefully as he could and breathed for him twice before continuing to press down on his ribcage.
Another crack. A broken rib. And Peter couldn’t see through the tears that were running down his cheeks and he couldn’t breathe but he struggled through the panic sealing his lungs because Tony needed him to breathe for him.
“Heartbeat detected.”
Beep, beep, beep, beep.
His heart was still beating. It was still pumping blood into his circulation, was still supplying his cells with oxygen and was still keeping him alive. It was a steady heartbeat and it felt strong when it pulsated against Peter’s fingers that were pressed to his mentor’s wrist.
Thud, thud, thud, thud.
He could hear it, too. If he concentrated hard enough he could make out not only the thud but also the blood streaming through ventricle and atrium. He heard the valves open and close and the soft swoosh when the blood fell back against closed valves.
Still, he couldn’t forget the utter silence that had greeted him earlier. The memory of holding the lifeless man seemed to have been permanently etched into his brain. An image so horribly familiar that it made him feel sick and scared as if he was the small little boy again, begging for help.
Please don’t leave me.
Peter was moving before he had consciously formed the thought and it made him stop in his tracks. Was he allowed to? The doctor had said to watch out for the wires and to be careful with his ribs and neck. But maybe if he was extra cautious it would be okay?
Almost in slow motion he pushed the cables and tubes aside carefully and moved to sit on the bed. Tony was laying a little more to the left side of the bed and so the teenager very deliberately draped himself on his mentor’s right side until he was curled around the man without jostling him too much.
He wound his arm around his head gingerly and dropped his face to rest in the sweaty mob of hair. He breathed in the familiar scent that he could make out beneath all the dust and dirt and blood and sweat. He breathed in Tony and, ever so slowly, he started to relax.
“ETA 3 minutes.”
Three more minutes of Peter holding on to his mentor’s head, too scared to move, too scared to do much of anything but let his body shake with silent sobs and keep listening for that heartbeat that was still fluttering in his chest much too weakly for his taste.
“It’s gonna be okay.” For a lack of better option he started talking to the unresponsive man whose head was resting on his thighs and who didn’t look like he was ever going to wake up again. But his heart was beating so he was going to wake up. He had to wake up.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y. could probably fly you home in the suit but we don’t wanna risk –“ severing your spinal cord “ – it, so we’re waiting for the ambulance. It should be here any minute now. You’re gonna be fine, right? I mean, you always said you’d probably die of something stupid like tripping over Dum-E not on the battlefield. You promised not to die before my wedding.”
It was stupid and childish yet he couldn’t help but beg.
“You can’t die. You were gonna teach me how to build an arch reactor and you promised to watch the new Star Wars movie with me the second it comes out. We already planned our costumes, remember?”
Suddenly the Kylo Ren and Han Solo dress up they had planned seemed so inconsequential and trivial. He could’ve spend the time arguing about Kylo’s true feelings telling his mentor how much he appreciated him. He should’ve told him he loved him instead of disagreeing over his breakfast choices. He should’ve held on to him more when he had the chance. He should’ve –
He would, he vowed silently, he would tell him.
“I love you,” he whispered, the words he had never directed at him before oddly familiar on his tongue. “Just, please wake up so I can tell you in person.” Before he thought better of it he leaned forward, pressed a gentle kiss to Tony’s forehead and rested his own against it.
Now that he was surrounded by the warmth of his – his person and could feel his chest moving with every breath and could hear his heart beating steadily he realized just how tired he was. He could rest for a bit, right? Tony surely wouldn’t mind and he would tell the nurse where to shove it should she jostle Peter… yeah… he’d just rest his eyes a little. Just for a few minutes.
His eyes slowly started to drop close, succumbing to the exhaustion that seemed to have settled deep into his bones.
Of course Tony took that moment to blink blearily, almost making Peter jolt in surprise.
“Love ya, too, kiddo,” he slurred, not really focusing on anything in particular, “Should know that.”
And, without another word, the older man wrapped his right arm more firmly around his protégé and fell right back asleep with a soft snore.
Tony spent almost a week in his bed in med bay until the doctors were certain he would be able to move his neck without danger of becoming paraplegic and Peter came to see him every day, spending most of his time in the small, barren room. He would bring his homework after school and once he was done with it they would watch another movie or start on another TV show. Sometimes Rhodey or Pepper or May would join them and bring them a home cooked dinner. Sometimes they just munched on the pizzas F.R.I.D.A.Y. ordered.
Sometimes Peter would fall asleep curled around Tony and sometimes May would threaten him with grounding if he didn’t come back home to sleep in his own bed at some point but every time, before he left, Peter would lean down to Tony and press a kiss to his forehead gently. He would tell him he loved him and his mentor would say it back.
He never would have to be scared of not having said enough when he still had the time ever again.
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inveesible · 5 years
OC Interview - Lisa
Tagged again by @marvilus73, thanks for thinking of me ; u ; it’s mean a lot
I’m tagging @rogue-snorunt (Rory pleeeeease), @scarecrow-forest (Dale pleeeeeeease), @adhdnightmare, @radioactiveblight (daje), @leporidaefluff, @scuttlebuttin (Lovelock or Sue pleeeeease), @red-king-4, @catastrotaffy and YOU!
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1. What is your name?
“Lisa. Ackermann.”
2. Do you know why are you named that?
“My real name is actually Lisabeth but it’s also my mother's, they told me that my father used to call her “Betty” and me “Lisa” and I quite like it.”
3. Are you single or taken?
May, a few feet away: “SHE’S 11 YOU CREEPY PIECE OF-”
“I had a boyfriend back in D.C., for four days, we went like on two dates, if a walk in the courtyard of the Citadel it can be called a date, and we kissed once, it was clammy and tasted of canned food, we didn't exactly break up but we never hung out again after that.”
May, a few feet away, shrinking herself from embarrassment: “.....oh...”
4. Have any abilities or powers?
“I can bring a broken laser rifle back to full capacity in less than a minute, and Lancer Captain Kells is the only one who I've never been able to defeat at chess, but it's only a matter of time and experience.”
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
“... if this is supposed to be some type of joke, I didn't get it.”
6. What’s your eye color?
"I know, it's not easy to notice but they are not simply blue, they are greyish blue.”
7. How about your hair color?
“Well, you should be able to see it yourself, but is blond, like my parent's.”
8. Have any family members?
“The Brotherhood is the only family I’ve ever known.”
9. Oh? How about pets?
“Emmett! he’s actually Proctor Quinlan’s, but I'm the one who feeds him most of the time. He never bites me when I rub his belly...”
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like?
“People who make noises while eating, like Samuel. Yes, Samuel, I’m talking about you, keep your stinky mouth shut, it's not that hard! Oh, and super mutants, synths and ghouls as well...”
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
“Not that I have much free time between training, study and duties, I like drawing, especially complex power armors, playing chess but I think I'd already said that and, um, I don’t know, I just love power armors and look at people who work on them...”
May, in Italian: “she loves to look at one person in particular work on them...”
“Did you say something, Initiate May?”
May, ironically: “not at all, Squire Lisa.”
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
“It can happen during a close combat training, I broke Marco's nose with an elbow, once. The most serious injury I've seen, though, was in the Citadel when another Squire, trying not to get caught by his attacker, namely our instructor of that time, he hit his head hard on a steel column... that poor boy was bleeding from his left eye and nose and he was in a coma for three days, but they told me he is fine now.”
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
“I have to do it, someday...”
14. What kind of animal are you?
*confused* “........ Homo Sapiens...?”
15. Name your worst habits?
“I don't think I have any, everyone says I'm a good girl!”
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
*with stars in her eyes* “Paladin Danse without any doubt! One day I want to be strong, brave and invincible like him, and then more than him! I’m sorry for you, sir, but I'll be the next to become Sentinel!!”
Danse, a few feet away, he’s smiling proudly.
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
“Excuse me? i mean, I know what that means but I don't feel confident in answering this question right now.”
18. Do you go to school?
“I take class here on the Prydwen. ”
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
“Who knows? Maybe one day...!
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
“I... don’t know what are you talking about...?”
21. What are you most afraid of?
“I'm not afraid of anything, just like any member of the Brotherhood of Steel!”
(N.B: Lisa is actually afraid of thunder, but she will never admit it)
22. What do you usually wear?
“My uniform? Every Squire has two of them and it's our responsibility to keep them nice and clean. Repairs also depend on us, if we lose a button or the sole of our boots we are given instructions and materials to bring them up to code. Of course my uniform is still in perfect condition.”
23. What’s one food that tempts you?
“Nothing. I'm immune to temptation. But sometimes, when the allied farms send us the crop, Samuel's mom bakes cookies for us children if we do good, and as I said, I’m always a good kid.”
24. Am I annoying to you?
“No, why are you asking?”
25. Well, it’s still not over!
*confused* “Fine, I guess...?”
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
“I swear, sometimes I don’t really know what are you talking about, and I’m pretty smart.”
27. How many friends do you have?
"Well Marco and Samuel are friends, more Marco than Samuel, I have other friends back in D.C. like Miranda, Terry, Juan Pablo... OH! Emmett” Emmett is my best friend!”
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
*does a sneer of disgust* “The only pie I've ever eaten, at the Citadel, was made with Mirelurk meat and no, thanks.”
29. Favorite drink?
“Nuka-Cola Orange. Sadly, there wasn't much in D.C. ...”
30. What’s your favorite place?
"I don’t know, I’ve been only here on the Prydwen and at the Citadel. I like it here, though...”
31. Are you interested in anyone?
*blushing slightly* “I... rather not answer...”
32. That was a stupid question…
*still blushing* “Look, let's just... let it slide, OK?”
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
“I don't think it would be safe. They taught us to swim in a pool, just in case, but I hope I will never end up in radioactive water.”
34. What’s your type?
*babbling* “Type? You mean THAT type? I... I like... no, I don-”
May steps in: “OK, enough of the questions! Lisa, why don't you go feed Emmett now?”
“Y-Yes, sir...”
35. Any fetishes?
May: “I SAID ENOUGH!” *she karate-chop that freak*
“36. Camping or outdoors?” is written in the interviewer's last note, but now he's not physically capable to read it...
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bonepranks-a · 6 years
. OUT          i’ve been wanting to write extensively about my experience playing undertale/intro to the fandom so... i’m gonna do that. it’s below the cut if u want, it’s very long -- I eventually want to condense it to perhaps share elsewhere, so consider this a first draft.
I don’t consider myself a video game fan. As a kid, my interests were grounded in more “outside” activities, and I was rarely seen without a book in hand. We couldn’t afford gaming consoles, and my parents were vehemently against anything that promoted violence (I wasn’t allowed to go to a laser tag birthday party. Yes, I’m serious.) And that’s what video games were to them, especially my mom. Violent games about shooting and killing people.
As a result, I was very out of the loop when it came to gaming culture. I would watch my friends play Mario Kart at their houses, I think I did Wii Bowling with my grandma once... but other than that? I didn’t know what was going on. I missed the Minecraft craze when I was in middle school. Even mindless iPhone games just didn’t interest me. 
Of course, internet fandom did not escape me. As I got into high school, my interests shifted a lot. When I was more free to use the computer, I practically lived on tumblr (though didn’t we all?). And so even things that weren’t my specific interests were still on my radar. Undertale was..... perhaps the exception to that.
Do you remember those memes that were like “here’s me describing a fandom I only know from my dash”? If you had given me Undetale, I wouldn’t have been able to say anything. (Looking back on it, I’m pretty sure I thought Undertale and Homestuck were the same thing.) “Sans Undertale” was something I had heard before, but I didn’t know who or what that was. Hilarious, in retrospect.
And for context -- when Undertale came out, I was a senior. I wasn’t new to internet fandom, I was very aware. And yet, any knowledge of the game just managed to slip past me somehow. Beyond the fact that it existed, I couldn’t tell you anything. Still though, it seems like Undertale was just... always there. For a lot longer than it really was (again, maybe because I thought it was Homestuck?)
So, we fast forward three years. It’s  I’m a junior in college, it’s November, and I’m RPing over on my Tyrone (Gravity Falls) blog. Saturn picks back up her Chara muse, and suddenly all these Undertale blogs start following me. I try to write with as many of them as I can, but I really don’t know what’s going on, and I don’t like writing with fandoms characters from fandoms I don’t know. (That’s actually why I got into Gravity Falls - a Ford followed me on my Star Trek blog, and the rest os history.) So anyway -- I absolutely fall in love with Chara as a character, and the little bits of the story I know through Saturn. I had heard mixed things about the game itself, even people who enjoyed the characters saying things they didn’t like about it. And eventually, on New Year’s Day, with nothing better to do, I decided to bite the bullet and just play.
Needless to say, I had a difficult time. With no video game experience, dodging attacks in the bullet-hell world of Undertale was nearly impossible. But, luckily for me, I was also.... extremely clueless and unobservant. I do recall finding the Faded Ribbon in the Ruins, but I never figured out how to equip items so I went through a majority of the game wearing only the bandage. And of course, that meant that I fled. From.... everything. Which is a fine way to play if you don’t later need money for healing items. I missed a lot of small things along the way too... it’s frankly embarrassing looking back on it. But because I never figured out how to spare, Toriel gave me quite a bit of trouble. And...... in the end, I killed her. I didn’t mean or want to, but I couldn’t figure out any other way. And I didn’t even feel that bad about it. She had creeped me out a bit, unsettled at how much she wanted to keep me with her.
Onto Snowdin. Everything was fine at first, and I decided I wasn’t going to kill anyone else --  just kept running away. Until I got to Dogamy and Dogaressa. I couldn’t avoid their attacks, and eventually I got my first game over. When my game reloaded, I was..... back in the ruins?
Surprise! I never figured out how Save points worked, either.
I somehow managed to save in the crystalized cheese room without realizing what I was doing. But all my progress after that, I lost. I took some time to really evaluate what I was doing. I had started to finally feel guilty for killing Toriel (I think I tried to call her once, and the “but nobody came” message fucked me up), and so I resolved to fix my mistakes and not kill her this time. 
I went into her battle and decided I was only going to fight her until she had low HP, and then use a different tactic (had I figured out sparing by this point?? I think maybe.... maybe.) But once again, I failed. I killed her AGAIN. And for anyone who’s never experienced that.... she says something very unsettling.
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So after that, I reached Flowey again. and uh -- 
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Needless to say, I was very freaked out by this point. But I persisted. I moved through the rest of Snowdin with minimal trouble, and went on to Waterfall. Undyne.... was a whole other issue. Dodging her attacks was incredibly difficult. My tiny computer keyboard was just not suited to the rapid precise succession in which I had to press the arrows. So I died... and died.... and died. But, the more I played, the better I got. I looked up the fight mechanics, I knew exactly what I had to do to beat her. I actually made it to the Papyrus phone call, which of course is the end of the battle. But dumbass me, didn’t realize that she catches you again after, and that you can flee again right away. So I start fighting her again. I knew that attacking her instead of sparing makes her attacks easier, so that’s what I did. I actually managed to drain her HP! And then....... she killed me. 
I knew I needed a new tactic. And, having been running from almost all battles.... I barely had any gold. I had one healing item, and that was it. So.... I did what I had previously vowed to never do. I sought out 2 monsters and killed them. Stocked with more gold and more HP, I returned to battle. And finally -- finally -- I escaped all the way to Hotland. 
So, here’s the real kicker about my Undyne battle. By the time I decided to kill more monsters, I had already beaten the battle. If I hadn’t been so oblivious, I wouldn’t have needed to. And yes -- I already had Toriel’s death on my conscience, but deaths with the intent to kill just made me feel even worse. But god, I hated her. I was even willing to kill her. The night before I beat her, I’d been dealing with some personal issues relating to a person I really don’t like. I was determined to take out that anger by beating the shit out of Undyne. I stayed up late fighting her, and the battle made me so anxious that I made myself sick (throwing up and all). I couldn’t get her battle music out of my head. But... I got on the computer the next morning, and did it in one try. I’d finally won. But at what cost? Backtracking to her house revealed... this:
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And for the first time, the consequences of my actions, even the smallest ones, started to set in. But it was too late to do anything about it now, so on I went. I killed monsters in Hotland because at this point, there was no point in doing anything else. I remember killing the Royal Guards... I never even learned about their love for each other. As I got to New Home and did the walk through the hallway, hearing the monsters tell the story, I started crying. Now, I’m not a crier normally. Very few things can elicit actual tears from me, but that did. And when I reached Sans in the judgement hall, and he revealed the meaning of EXP and LOVE, I understood. I realized what I had done, and I hated myself for getting this far like this. But again, too late. 
I went on to Asgore, and.... I just couldn’t. His attacks were too strong, I was too weak, I had eaten the pie already, and I still didn’t have enough money to even buy Temmie Armor. I was stuck. His battle was too difficult, and I no longer had the Determination to keep going. I tried to make some strategies, I thought maybe taking some time would help. But a few days turned into a week, and a week turned into two weeks, and eventually I started wondering if I would ever pick it back up again. Finally, I decided that I wanted to right my wrongs. I reset, without finishing my neutral run, and played Pacifist, properly. 
Pacifist runs are the same across the board, so I won’t give you too many details. Well, except the few things the game remembered from before...
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Thanks Flowey.
And that was that. I laughed, I cried.... I knew a lot of the twists already, but there were so many wonderful surprises I didn’t know about. I could feel the love the game radiated -- and yes, I do love Undyne now more than almost any character from anything.
So, two months after playing, I’m reflecting on my choices, and what I’ve done since. I feel like I’ve dived into the 2015 fandom, but three years later. It’s odd, discovering such old content for the first time. I’ve introduced a few friends to the game, and though I tried to not backseat game, they asked for help and I readily gave it. But I told from from the get-go: don’t kill anything. My biggest fear was that they would kill monsters by accident, get to the end, but not like the game enough to go back and play the whole thing again. And I was convinced that the true ending is what makes the game so meaningful.
I was wrong.
As much as the ending got to me, I think I needed the experience of my first run -- with all my messy murders and shambling gameplay tactics -- to make the happy ending sink in. Which is what, I believe, was the intention of the game from the beginning. Toby knew that a lot of people would go into the game thinking they had to kill, and by the time they realized otherwise, it would be too late. The game is designed in such a way that playing it twice isn’t entirely tedious, with plenty of hidden gems you only get to find by making difference choices. Feeling your sins crawling on your back, realizing that you’ve been a villain, hearing Papyrus tell you that Undyne’s called you a murderer -- it makes you feel. It gives you an odd attachment to the characters that I don’t think you actually get if you go Pacifist the first time.
And no, I never finished my neutral run. I never was faced with the decision of whether or not to kill Asgore, already having blood (er, dust) on my hands. I never had to decide what to do about killing Flowey either. For an intentional Pacifist run, those questions were no-brainers. I never got to see what my phone call would be like (the Undyne ending is some scary shit from what I can tell). I sort of wish I had. But in the end, I think it says a lot that I literally couldn’t despite being so close.
My friends never got any of that experience. One of them went on to say something like “how could anyone kill people!!! They’re all so nice!! Imagine killing Toriel!! Anyone who does genocide is a terrible person!” And.... well, I know that it’s that kind of logic that gave the fandom such a bad reputation in the early days. And I just don’t agree. Not because I want to justify my actions, but because I really think that you don’t get the full impact of the story and the true ending unless you’ve gotten a “bad” ending first. But again, that’s just my personal experience.
I don’t know if there’s a real moral to this story. All of this was much more eloquent and had a purpose in my head, but writing it.... well, I dunno. I think if you ask most people, they’ll tell you that Undertale came into their lives at a crucial time. Or that it had some sort of big impact on their lives. For me, I find it hard to put into words exactly what it’s done for me. I just know it’s something really special. After all, a video game where you don’t have to kill anyone, where violence is never the answer, and mercy is the point of the story -- that’s the kind of game my mom would’ve let me play as a kid. 
But hey, I’m, preaching to the choir here, aren’t I? We all wouldn’t be here right now if it hadn’t touched our lives in some way, and I’m not saying anything that hasn’t already been said by people over the years. I’m just -- very very grateful. For the friends, the memories, the experience. And Papyrus, just because. 
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redwoodrroad · 5 years
🖊 !!!
!!! oh man i really wanna talk about morten because for all i draw of him i dont talk about him enough. here’s a pretty recent screenshot of him in Skyrim, the game i made him in:
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his full name is Morten Alexander Iversen, and i originally made him uuuhhhh over 6 years ago, i dont really remember but it was the first time i played skyrim–i actually named him after the lead singer of A ha, Morten Harket lmao, because i wanted him to fully encapsulate that like Nordic / Norwegian vibe (and also at the time i had an obsession with a ha and lbr it never went away); his last name is just a name i found, and his middle name is a reference to my own last name!
some general info: he’s got shoulder-length black hair that he does fishtail braids with, one on either side of his head that follow the curve of his head until he reaches the back of his ears, and then he lets it down; he also has light blue eyes, a Pretty full beard, and several scars on his nose (they might be hard to see in that picture but i draw them pretty prominently). he’s probably about 7 feet tall in-game, but in any modern retelling i do with him, he’s about 6′2″. he also has a deep voice but no, like, traditional nordic accent. if you can imagine like an east coast accent that isnt quite southern, isnt quite northern, it’s like…. somewhere in there. in the game, he tends to wear heavy armor, but he prefers using a bow for most situations and then switches to a sword with his right hand and ice / fire magic with his left hand. i dont wanna fill up my followers’ dashboards, so if you’re interested in reading about him, i put it all under the read more! :D
so in the game, he’s a nord as i said, but he doesn’t completely align with the nords–i have an ENTIRE sociological mock-up of the culture of nords in skyrim, and to sum it up, they’re very conservative, theyre close-minded, and they dont care for people (even among their OWN people) with mental illness / disabilities, people who arent so much power- / dominance-oriented, or, say it with me now: gays. on that list, morten falls under all three! hat trick!! so he kind of keeps away from his brethren in that regard; he’s also a very quiet person overall and prefers to not be in big crowds or even in big open spaces, he really likes his solitude. which is tough when youre the dragonborn and everyone knows it rip
speaking of being dragonborn, i imagine that his dragon is like…. an entire personality within himself. not that it has really any agency, but it’s a nagging sensation that draws him towards what dragons want: power, money, sex, food, naps, etc. morten’s dragon is very dominant and wants morten to go all out–it wants him to fight everything, garner lots of wealth, reach a worldwide level of notoriety, and like anything else you can imagine a greedy, power-mongering dragon might want. morten himself, however, does not want any of that; he just wants to chill. so you can imagine the duality there, huh. more physically, his dragon is like an ice-oriented dragon, so morten’s shouts (while mechanically can be whatever he wants because it’s all in the game mechanics) in my mind always have a little twist of ice. he prefers the ice-oriented shouts, and anything else not related to ice will still have little ice particles come out (even if they might be melted by fire-oriented shouts). likewise, morten’s use of magic with his hands are always ice- or cold-oriented
beyond the dragon, he has terrible memory problems, and ive worked the canon amnesia into something of like…. a trauma response? it’s way too much to go into and also has to do with some of my personal childhood experiences, so for now we’re just gonna let it be shielded by amnesia; likewise, that sort of brain-haziness also applies to present memory-storing, and morten really has trouble remembering names, dates, conversations, and even situations even as he is adventuring through Skyrim. this also applies to processing issues–he for sure has dyslexia, and not just in reading; he might hear a sentence but parse out the words in a different order–and over-stimulation, which is really why he hates being around other people or even talking to other people for a long period of time. he also suffers from depression, anxiety, and paranoia, and because of all these mental things, he really found himself becoming drawn to the Prince that oversees this general sphere of mental health: Sheogorath. during that quest where the dragonborn helps him and pelagius inside pelgius’s mind, morten was incredibly drawn to sheo and in my mind took time to sit with sheogorath at the end of the quest just to chat because sheo made him feel like…. that haze that covers his brain just lifted and let him think clearly without the stressors of the outside world affecting him. even the dragon soul stopped yelling at him in that moment because it too was soothed by sheogorath’s presence. so with that, morten grows closer to sheogorath, and in my canon, they chill out a lot in skyrim haha
i also want to say that morten grew really close with the greybeards–particularly Arngeir. Arngeir, being really the only one who Could talk to morten and who always had such helpful wisdom for him, really became something of a father figure to morten, and without needing to, morten returns a lot to the temple to just chill with arngeir, he just loves him so much.
finally, i also wanna talk about his relationships: he becomes the thane of Whiterun first and meets Lydia, and they become absolute bros. later down the line, he meets a guy (havent figured out who it is yet, might end up being an OC) who he falls for a little, and they have a thing for a long time–until this guy starts becoming really abrasive with morten and displays such a lacking in understanding of morten as someone with mental illness, so he leaves–and he’s replaced later by the beautiful and adorable Erik the Slayer, whom morten meets as the dragonborn normally does in Rorikstead, and after he gives erik’s father money for erik’s armor, and after a few months when he returns to find erik trying to become a hired mercenary, morten asks him to join him in adventuring. it takes some time, but there’s a mutual crush, there are late-night chats under the stars, drunken storytelling that involves coming-out stories and previous bad or silly relationships, and eventually a big gay kiss. and of course, a marriage in the temple of mara. i may or may not have had to hack the game with console commands to let morten marry him because he wasnt romance-able but we’re here now and they live together in the Lakeside Mansion just outside Falkreath. morten also meets Serana during the Dawnguard dlc and becomes bros with her too (and introduces her, the raging lesbian, to lydia, the rampant bisexual, and you know).
sheo is still a huge influence on morten’s life, and there are TONS of silly instances where both erik and sheo have to sit in a room together and just kind of accept the fact that on one hand morten is sleeping with an actual terrifying daedric prince and on the other hand morten is married to a boring mortal and not a fun daedric prince, can you guess which one of them holds which opinion
so right now, morten is happily married to the love of his life, he has some pals livin it up with him in the upstairs bedrooms and a prince who visits him occasionally, and his little farm is full of chickens and cows and horses and a library tower full of books and a full garden outside WITH BEES, and hes just living his best life !
thank you for asking!! i hope you enjoyed reading about my boy!! he’s my blog icon, and i love him so much. also feel free to check out my “morten tag” tag if you want to see like general vibes about him, aesthetic posts, meme shit that reminds me of him or might be something he would do or like, and art ive made that features him! and thank you again ;u;
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hrlaw · 6 years
the gates to the castle are impressive, he hasn’t seen gates ( down ) in a while, the islands never have their defences up ------ mostly because in order to get to the islands anyone would have to go through the iron fleet which is, impossible to defeat. or at least it has yet to be defeated since victarion was able to built it back up to full strength after the greyjoy rebellion --- why anyone thought they should take a city specifically built to destroy ships and prevent ironborn attacks was beyond the knight, and he wouldn’t particularly care, except his father lost his ship in that battle, and it was the finest ship the harlaw’s had ever captained. he’s glad of course that they had sent a raven ahead of time, he would not like to know what it looked like to have to wait outside the gates. he had a feeling that the method of intimidation was rather effective. and not something he wanted to think too hard about. otherwise he might scare himself. land-folk had a strange way of thinking. but the feather crested scythe was prominent on the clothes he wore, being careful to make sure he hadn’t armor on…. the last thing they needed to be wearing was something to make these people worry, when there were only… like four of them.
the man that greets him as he dismounts the horse introduces himself as man of the house, and he’s guided through the whatever these places are called to some sort of hall. he remembers balon greyjoy’s words that the land locked men are not to be trusted, they have never liked people as free as the ironborn, and would murder them for jokes and good fun. but the ironborn were growing more and more powerful under their new king. a power that was going to go unmatched if that horn that his cousin-in-law said he had actually worked the way he said it did. which meant they needed allies, harras had been rather happy with his knighthood title ------ a title given to him by a priest unaligned with the faith that the title represented, a title that had changed importance under their new king. the ironborn didn’t know much about knights, but they were sure of one thing, they were well trained and they didn’t take wives. apparently… his mother and new king didn’t care. harras was too old to be starting to look for a wife ( at his age on the islands he would have been married eight years ago and already have at least four children ---- from salt and rock wives ). and the lack of interest the knight had in both of these was ( he suspected ) the only reason this house had allowed him to come.
the riverlands had once been ironborn territory, but that had been before the targaryens had taken over their continent, but the riverlands were strong men, and good men. which meant the ironborn culture of salt wives was something he had been told he would have to swear off if he was to even think of meeting the man’s daughter. which was fine, they hadn’t believed him at first, but he made up some lie that the reason he was against it was his mother’s house values not his own disinterest and it worked. he notices who it is right away, the man doesn’t need to introduce his daughter for harras to spot her, she reminds him of asha. women who’s strength and honour are too grand for the role they are set to play.  “ m’lady. ” the greeting is accompanied with a simple dip of his head as a makeshift bow, eyes dart to the man as if to ask permission to approach before returning to her, “ your father said you could show me around ? ”
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beanhusk · 3 years
30 questions meme
@alwaysdramatizing tagged me (thank u !! <3) & these are fun so ! here we go-
rules: answer these 30 questions then tag 20 people you wanna get to know better.
1. name/nickname: bea
2. gender: Girl™
3. star sign: cancer (but maybe gemini idk i'm on the cusp or smth)
4. height: 5’2”
5. time: 3:01 pm
6. birthday: june 21st
7. favourite band: i don't have one but i've been enjoying AJR recently
8. favourite solo artist: hozier maybe ? ooh or sleeping at last idk i don't rlly have fave musicians i just like sounds that tickle my brain.. tchaikovsky & holst have composed some of my fave music of all time but i don't think they count as "solo artists" haha
9. song currently stuck in your head: clara's theme from dw
10. last movie watched: much ado about nothing (2011) if that counts as a movie but if not then i think it was tenet (2020)
11. last show watched: surprise surprise it's doctor who ! (slowly making my way through rewatching/catching up on all of nuwho)
12. when i created this blog: feb 2021 (but i've been stumbling around this hellsite for far longer)
13. what i post: mostly series 4 of doctor who, much ado, basically anything involving catherine tate
14. last thing i googled: "ex treasure dark armor" (i was playing botw)
15. other blogs of yours: my "normal" tumblr is @uncoveredlamb but i haven't been v active on there recently
16. following: 22
17. do you get asks: i mean i've gotten a few so yeah ? i love asks tho pls feel free to send me anything <3
18. why you chose your url: tbh i was like "hmm i've loved donna for years but i haven't thought abt her in a while" & suddenly i was hit by an extreme & unyielding wave of tendonna brainrot & the only way i knew how to cope was to finally make a tumblr blog as a receptacle for it so! in a feverish state late one night i hurried to come up w something that wasn't already taken & just used their nicknames for each other :) in hindsight i could've chosen smth better but i'm attached to it now so here we are tl;dr- it's basically "oi watch it earthgirl"/"you're not mating w me sunshine"
19. lucky number: tbh i'm not rlly sure what a "lucky number" is but i think 3 is a good number- it's a nice amount of things to have
20. followers: 258
21. average hours of sleep: oh to have a consistent amount of sleep each night.. i'm going to dodge the question & just say i would like to have 8-9 hours
22. play any instruments: uhhh clarinet (Bb & bass), uke, guitar, bass, piano, viola
23. what’re you wearing: black shorts, green tshirt, black hoodie (i promise i can dress cool but i'm effectively in my pjs)
24. dream job: not to get too deep but the thought of a future under capitalism sends me spiralling into despair.. i just want to be someone's platonic housewife pls
25. favourite food: mashed potatoes my beloved (but 西红柿鸡蛋面 is a v close second)
26. nationality: canadian
27. favourite song: i genuinely can't answer this but what i can tell you is that my top 3 instrumental pieces of all time are waltz of the flowers (tchaikovsky), jupiter (holst), & the 4th movement of the new world symphony (dvořák)
28. last song you listened to: good old-fashioned lover boy (queen)
29. last book you read: legends of camelot (jacqueline rayner)
30. 3 fictional universes you’d love to live in: doctor who (but only if i can be the tardis' human version of a housecat instead of ending up as a poignant casualty that contributes to the doctor's guilt), the shire (which i know isn't a fictional universe on its own but the rest of middle earth is terrifying no thanks), or the 2000s barbie cinematic universe
srry i'm not tagging anyone bc i know a grand total of like 2 ppl on here but if u see this & want to do it then u can say i tagged u ! <3
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The Best Revenge Plan (Jughead x Reader)
Prompt: Heyyy. Could u do a rly angsty Jughead x Reader where the reader catches Archie (her bf) making out with Betty or something and she goes to Jughead, her best friend, and asks him to help her make a revenge plan? They start acting all lovey-dovey to make Archie jealous of what he lost and they make sure he finds them in 'compromising situations'? I think it'd be really cute and funny. Thx!!!!
A/N: I'm going to do that so the reader finds out about Archie and Miss Grundy instead of Jughead as she's walking past the classroom. Hope you like it! (Sorry I’m not the best with angsty stuff ugh) Requests are welcome!
Warnings: Archie x Reader (in the beginning), Cheating, Underage relationship (stupid Miss Grundy), Small amount of swearing,
The Best Revenge Plan (Jughead x Reader)
You had a bad feeling in your gut. Your boyfriend of a few months had been canceling dates and avoiding both you and your best friend Jug.
He was supposed to go on a roadtrip with Jug on July 4th but instead you and him sat in Pop’s trying to figure out why Archie canceled on the boy.
“It doesn’t make sense, Jug. He told me yesterday that you guys were leaving early?” You sigh and frown at your melting milkshake.
“I don’t know, (y/n)...”
“Do you think he got into some sort of trouble?” You push the basket of fries towards your best friend. The thought of your boyfriend lying to both you and him made your appetite disappear.
You glance out the window of Pop’s.
Why were you even dating Arch?
Everyone thought Betty was a better fit but you knew the blonde was more confused about everything.
You had talked to the blonde before saying yes to Archie. You knew she liked him and didn’t want to go against one of your best friends.
You were surprised when she told you that she was starting to question her sexuality anyways so she didn’t want to date Archie when she was trying to figure herself out.
Your parents and Arch’s Dad were happy when you two announced the relationship.
Sometimes you felt the relationship was making everyone else happy instead of you and him.
It’s not that Archie wasn’t a great boyfriend. No, He was a gentleman and did everything right.
Or at least up until summer started.
It was into the first week of school when you found out.
You were walking along the halls during your free period when you walked past the music room.
There he was.
Your heart drops as you watch Miss Grundy, the music teacher, step a little closer to your boyfriend.
He puts an arm around her waist and glances down with that charming smile.
Was he cheating on you? With the damn music teacher?!
“I don’t think so, Andrews.” You mutter and rush to find your best friend. Your blood boiling at this point.
“JONES.” You almost screech when you see the famous gray beanie.
He jumps and turns to you with a glare, but drops it with concern when he sees your face. “What happened?”
You grab his arm and drag him into an empty classroom.
He rubs his arm when you let go. “(Y/n) what-”
“Archie’s cheating on me.” Your voice breaks a little as you interrupt him.
His face changes. “What? With who?”
“The fucking music teacher, Juggie! Out of all the people, a fucking older woman is the one who he cheats on me with!” Tears gather as your voice raises a little.
Jug instantly wraps his arms around you. “I’ll kill him.” He growls as he holds you.
“I have to break up with him, Jug.” You mutter against your best friend’s chest.
“Okay. Do you want me to punch him for you?” You let out a giggle at the thought. “I’ll do it. He shouldn’t get away with this. With hurting you.”
You pull away slightly and grin up at the angry boy. “Thanks Jug… Actually I have a plan.”
Your eyes meet his. “Will you help me, Jug?”
Step 1: Break up with Archie Andrews.
“Archie!” You call out when you see his bright red hair on his porch.
“Sup, (Y/n).” He looks up at you, making your stomach turn.
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“Can we talk?” You keep your voice soft. Not wanting to show him just how angry you were with your childhood friend and soon to be ex.
“Of course.” He shrugs and places the guitar down behind him.
“Listen, Arch.” You sit down in the chair next to his. “I think we should break up.”
“What? Why?” He frowns, immediately questioning you.
“Arch, You’re never around anymore.” You remind yourself to use your words carefully. “I barely saw you all summer and you won’t answer my texts.”
“I went on that roadtrip with Jughead! You know that.” You glare at the ginger.
“I’m not stupid, Andrews.” Screw this step, this boy is getting your fury. “I was with Juggie all summer! Hell, He took me to see the fireworks instead of my boyfriend!”
“(Y/n).” His voice gets lower.
“No. I’m cutting this off. You weren’t into me and I wasn’t that into you. Simple choice, we break up.” You stand up. “Oh, and have fun with that cougar of yours.” Your voice sharpens with every word.
Instantly, He grabs your arm hard. “What? (Y/n), what do you know?!” He harshly whispers at you.
You shake out of his grip. “You know when you’re cheating on your girlfriend with the damn music teacher, maybe not do it in the music room during school hours?”
He grabs your arm again. “You can’t tell anyone, (Y/n).”
You shove him away from you. “Screw you, Archie. You don’t even deny it! And why shouldn’t I tell everyone in town?! You hurt me, Arch!” Your voice getting louder.
Before he could say anything, Jug came around the corner.
“(Y/n)? You alright?” His voice laced with concern.
“Yeah. I’m just leaving. Walk me home, Juggie?” You make it down the steps when Archie goes after you.
“You can’t say anything, (Y/n). Or…”
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“Or what, Archie?” Jug interrupts, glaring at him.
“It’s a little late for that bud.” You step towards Jughead.
Jug puts his arm around you. “Come on, You look like you need a milkshake.”
The ginger boy watches as you and your best friend walk away, one holding the other.
“So, You broke up with him?” Betty and Veronica both frown when you told them about the break up.
“Yeah. He was never around and he cheated on me so yeah. But I’m more hurt that he cheated rather than him not being that into me. Our relationship was more of a label than anything else.” You shrug as Jug glances at you. “Plus, Juggie here is excellent at cheering me up.”
He rolls his eyes and pats your head. “Anything for the princess.”
“Woah, wait a minute. Princess?” V raises a brow.
“What about it?” He shrugs, taking a bite out of the burger in front of him.
“Since when did you call her princess?” V crosses her arms as Betty giggles.
“Ronnie, He’s called her princess since we were in like third grade.” Betty leans into Veronica side.
“Yeah. I got jealous that he was always wearing a crown so He made me a paper one and crowned me ‘Princess’.” You grin at the memory.
“You know I’m surprised you haven’t punched Archie for cheating on (Y/n), Juggie.” Betty changes the subject back.
“I wanted to but Princess here has a different plan.” All eyes turn to you.
“Oh god. Another plan. What is it this time?” Betty groans and V claps her hands.
I grin at Jug. “Well like I said, Jug has an excellent way of cheering me up.”
“I absolutely approve. Oh My God.” V smirks at you two.
Step 2: Have Archie catch You and Jug in Compromising Positions.
“Juggie, You don’t have to do this. I can find someone else to help me.” You tangle your hands in his black locks.
“I don’t mind. Plus do you really trust another guy to keep his hands to himself in these situations?” He smirks and nods to the position you guys were in.
You had Jug push you up against the wall in the back of the library and you had your arms wrapped around his neck.
“True.” You giggle. “But You’d break their hands if they touched me the wrong way.” You kiss his nose, making his face turn red.
“Stop.” He tries to keep a stern face. “I still hate you for knocking my beanie on the floor.”
“It had to happen Jug! He won’t believe it if we don’t pay attention to detail.” You roll your eyes at him.
“So what are we doing again?” He keeps his voice down so no one can over him.
“Betty invited him to study with Her, V and Kevin. Kevin is going to point us out to him when he sits down. Before that, You’re going to have to kiss me. One more chance to get out of this, Juggie.” You brush a strand of hair out of his face.
He shakes his head. “I told you. I don’t mind helping you. Plus It’s not like we haven’t kissed before.”
Both of you blush at the memory.
It was before Archie asked you out. You had been dating one of the guys on the football team.
He broke your heart and Jug broke his nose.
Then later that night, Jug climbed in your window and held you while you cried.
“Why am I not good enough for them?” You had voiced your insecurities to him.
“What are you talking about, Princess? You are beautiful and deserve way more than him or any stupid guy like him.” He had kissed you a few moments after.
You simply replied with a smile and a “Thank you for being my knight in shining armor, Juggie.”
You turn your gaze to a flash of red and varsity jacket. “He’s-”
Jug gently presses his soft chapped lips on yours. Your heart speeds up.
You kiss him back with a bit of force and grip at his hair.
He places his hands on your waist and tugs you closer to him.
You faintly hear Kevin say something but Jug bites at your bottom lip and you lose all thoughts.
A chair slams against the floor, scaring you both apart.
You glance back to see the group all staring in shock as Archie storms out.
“You know..” Jug clears his throat, trying to hide the creeping grin. “The best revenge plan would be if we somehow started dating..” A faint blush makes its way up his neck.
You lean in and kiss him again. “How about we just date because we like each other?”
“I love you.” He sighed.
“Gross. Why?” You giggle as he captures your lips again.
Step 3: Scrap the plan and Realize the only one for you is Jughead Jones the Third.
A/N: Ahhhhh It’s not as angsty as you requested but I hope you still liked it!
Tag List: @nooneshoney@isitfuckingfridayyet @barbarachern @gottalovetheapocalypse @yazminmcd @casismyguardianangel @the-winter-imagines @jealousbitxh @kindfloweroflove @lustfulskam @cat200037 @xxnaomixxblr @baasooreexiiaa @apocalypticangell @morgan--lee--currant @superoriginalteenwolf @heir-of-light-33 @mesmerizedbyblackandwhite @murderyoursoul @irrajj @fan-of-many-bands @multiversegalaxygirl @mrssstilinski @molethemollie @anotherweekinhell @katshrev @saycute1998 @milkshakejones @itsjaynebird @bangtanbookfrog242 @awesomefandomsunited @imagine-lovebug @imperfectanatomy @sgarrett49 @theatregeek01 @annoyingsibling @xbobaaa @theselfishllama @kaylinfayezink @stephyra17 
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inkweaver22-blr · 8 years
Okay so I had an idea for a Mystery Skulls Animated fic. It has been on my mind for some time and I wanted to share it with you all. But when I went to write it… It wasn’t a pretty sight. It wasn’t BAD, but it wasn’t all that great either as I’m severely out of practice.
Plus my motivation for it died faster than the hype for No Man’s Sky.
So I’m just going to post a detailed summary of what the story was going to be like and let someone else try their hand at it. I’m also going to tag my favorite writers/drabblers/idea farmers/AU crafters from this fandom so they see this in case they want to adopt it. Let me do that now.
@phantoms-lair @ectoimp @providentially-demonic @squigglydigglydoo
I’ll leave it under the cut so people can be spoiler free in case someone does come along to write this out. Feel free to ask questions if something doesn’t make sense! Here we go, a detailed, yet slightly silly, summary of my almost fic: ‘Under Your Skin’.
So firstly, yes. This IS a ‘Arthur becomes something other than human’ fic. And yes, I think the creature I picked has been done before. HOWEVER! I’m hoping the way it happens and my original variation on said creature will be different enough to be interesting.
To begin with, some background. This takes place about a year after the hypothetical reunion of the gang and Lewis no longer wants to kill Arthur. They’ve all been through some therapy both individually and as a group (Mystery knows a guy/elf who does this) so the majority of their issues/insecurities have been worked out. Their bonds of friendship and/or love haven’t been better.
But instead of focusing on the romance between Lewis and Vivi (and MAYBE Arthur), I wanted this story to focus on the friendship between Mystery and Arthur. Like how that he’s now able to talk freely to them and so they get along. My main example was Mystery actually preferring Arthur’s choices in music over Vivi’s and Lewis’.
Anywhos, onto the plot! The gang receives a call for a job on the coast to help retrieve a stolen magical item. The client, a woman, refuses to give many details until they meet in person. Vivi, being curious, insists that they go. So they load up the van and head for the coastal Texan city/town of BLANK. The opening of my original draft was towards the end of this trip with Arthur and Mystery up front enjoying some music while Lewis was in the back with Vivi as she napped.
And that was as far as I got. The rest is what I had planned out in my head. If you do plan on picking this fic up you can go into as much or as little detail as you want based off my ramblings. No names or physical descriptions were ever chosen for the OC’s so go wild. Onwards!
They reach The Town of Ongoing Events late at night/early in the morning and sleep at a hotel for several hours. (Maybe have Mystery curl up against Arthur’s side because Lewis and Vivi are cuddling?) They then head out to the address provided by their mystery client.
Mrs. Plot Catalyst lets them in and they exchange some pleasantries. She then explains that the item that had been stolen was her Seal Cloak, exposing her as a selkie. Vivi begins to go on a rant about selfish men being jerkwads and demands to know who her husband is because in all selkie lore that’s who would steal her cloak. Seal Lady, a bit bemused, calls her husband in from the garage and after a brief misunderstanding (read: Vivi threatening the man with the painful things her pet Kitsune or Wraith boyfriend could do to him) they find out it WASN’T her husband who stole the cloak. Mr. Nice Guy actually accepts her for who she is and didn’t mind her leaving for months at a time.
What happened was a friend of Seal Husband stumbled across them when she was returning from one of her trips and asked to borrow the cloak. Friend of Seal Husband was Very Rich™ and said that he wanted to study the cloak for the benefit of all magical/supernatural beings. As the couple knew this guy well and believed him trustworthy, they agreed. That was several months ago and they hadn’t heard from him since. They had tried to contact him but all attempts failed for one reason or another.
So the MS gang and Seal Couple sit down for a plan of action. They decide that Vivi and Arthur are to go Mr. Wealthy’s office building to try and talk to him. Mystery and Lewis can’t come as this guy is super into the magical and has wards that would alert him when a magical being enters the premises. They get all upset at first but Vivi calms Lewis while Arthur reassures Mystery.
The Blue Temper Problem and Yellow String Bean head to I’m So Rich I Can Buy An Impoverished Country’s office and give the secretary some tripe about magical being conservation which immediately gains them an audience with him. They meet with Rolling In Money and he greets them kindly. The duo explain that they heard through the magical grapevine that he was doing something to help out mystical creatures. With a wide smile Mr. Potentially The Antagonist But It’s Not Clear Yet begins to explain.
It started with his Tragic Backstory™ when he was a boy. In the woods near his home town lived a family of (unspecified sentient magical creatures) that he befriended and knew for years. As they didn’t possess the ability to disguise themselves as humans or animals they stayed away from humans except for Child Version Of Mr. Rich. One day, he heard a loud commotion from his friends’ home and hid in some nearby bushes to see what was going on. A group of humans dressed in strange clothes/armor had his friends tied up. They spouted some BS about human superiority and purity and then executed the family.
Mr. Depressing Past grew up with the incident weighing on his mind and vowed to try and help magical creatures from then on. He tried to find the mysterious group as well but had no luck. He used his fortune to help protect creatures by financing relocation's and national parks where magical creatures could live semi-peacefully. But he felt like it wasn’t enough.
It wasn’t until he stumbled across the wife of his Very Good And Close Friend™ (at this point Arthur and Vivi are like ????????) shedding her seal skin to look human that he got an idea. What if he can find a way to copy the selkies’ ability to shed their skin like a cloak for other species that couldn’t disguise themselves? Then they could hide in plain sight!
So Mr. Good Intentions asks to borrow the cloak to study its magic and see if it could be copied. They agree and he begins his research. It takes several months and he has a process but he needs some further help from a specific book found only at Shangri-La. So he goes there and seeks council from the monk mystics and yeti that live there.
He learns that while he can’t make it so living creatures can shed their skin, nor can he give them human skins to hide in (ewww), there is another way. He can take the remains of a creature (fur, scales, bones, claws, teeth, ect.), turn it into a wearable item, and magically bond it to a human. The human then gains the ability to take the form of that creature by simply donning or shedding that skin like a selkie. BUT!!!! It will only work properly if he gets permission from the departed spirit of the dead creature(which he does through a ritual). If they don’t get permission they properly dispose of the remains according to the spirit's’ wishes. Also some spirits will be super picky about who bonds with their wearable item so the process won’t work with some random person they must be C H O S E N . And while many creatures have natural defenses, he decides to add minor elemental abilities to the bonding spell so they can better protect themselves. The best part is that this is hereditary so any offspring will also have this ability so in a couple generations most of that species will be able to do so.
Mr. Rich asks if they want a demonstration. Vivi is like HECK YES because despite being wary of this guy this is a major breakthrough in magic that could change a lot. So he takes the white fur scarf he was wearing this entire time and sticks his hands into the hidden pockets on each end. He seems to blur for a second before appearing as a seven and a half foot yeti from that one Mummy movie. He then makes a little crystal of ice in his paws to demonstrate the elemental add on(only $9.99 extra if you pre-order now).
Mr. Yeti Man returns to normal by simply imagining removing his hands from the pockets and offers to give the two a tour of his home the next day where he converts the remains into Cloaks™. They agree and skadoodle back to Seal Base Alpha and tell the others what they’ve learned. Mystery is unsure how to feel as this IS a good thing and Mr. Ice Ice Baby even went so far to receive permission from departed spirits so not to disrespect them. BUT he seems to have also stolen from his friends AND giving humans these kinds of powers can lead to all kinds of problems. So they decide to allow Vivi and Arthur to go alone again BUT!!! Lewis and Mystery will be hanging out at the edge of the property in case something goes wrong. Mystery gives a token of some kind to them both that they just have to press in case they need help and he’ll know.
The next day Arthur and Vivi head out and arrive at a Very Nice Estate™ that has a mansion and huge lawn and fountain and everything. Mr. Corporate Cryptid invites them in a guides them to his underground labs/workshops. There are scientists/magicians and security guards going about their stuff as they receive the tour. They meet some important people to the process like his second in command, tailor/taxidermist, and head spell-caster. At one point they are passing glass cases of Cloaks™ and Arthur just STOPS in front of one. It seems to be an actual cloak/cape unlike some of the other wearable items(Vivi scoffs at a pair of Jackalope fur Bunny Slippers). The upper half is black and gold feathers while the lower half is beige fur. He STARES at it for a minute, as if it’s calling to him, until Vivi snaps him out of it.
After a bit, Vivi feigns curiosity and asks what happened to the original cloak he based his research off. The Abominable CEO Man happily states he returned it to its owner and even gave them some monetary compensation. Vivi then just GOES OFF at that and says ‘Uh, yeah, no you didn’t’ but not as polite. Mr. Rich is both confused and slightly horrified as he hears this and brings them to confront his second in command as he was the one he put in charge of that.
After trying to play innocent at Mr. Rich’s and Vivi’s interrogation, SURPRISE! He betrays his boss and magically binds them. The security force begins to non-lethally subdue the workers that weren’t in on this as The Actual Villain begins his Evil Monologue™  He used to be part of the evil group that Mr. Rich mentions in his Tragic Backstory™ but ‘They didn’t think big enough’ for him. So he left them, infiltrated this project, and converted others to his cause. His goal? To make an army of human/mystical creature hybrids using the Cloaks™ and TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!1!!ONE!!
Jerkwad McGee takes the magical alarm tokens from Arthur and Vivi and locks them up with Mr. Rich and the workers that weren’t part of his evil posse. He then begins to try and force the bonding with the Cloaks™ on his followers as none of them were ever chosen due to their evil intentions. Hours pass and the sun starts to set. The trapped people are trying to come up with a plan to escape while Lewis and Mystery get antsy.
Alrighty gang, this is where we enter the territory that I haven’t finalized yet. Most of it will be kind of vague so get a bit creative if you decide to write this out.
Mystery loses patients and he and Lewis barge in. They fight off the guards but somehow give Bad Guy the means to finish the forced bonding process. Meanwhile the prisoners somehow escape. The workers all leave the property, the grunts are all unconscious, and Mr. Rich in his Yeti form and the MS gang confront Antagonist out on the lawn. Bad Guy then pulls out a Cloak™(in the form of a helmet) he’s been hiding made from the remains of a REALLY REALLY BAD CREATURE™ and forces the bond onto himself. He transforms into the beast and goes berserk.
I was originally going to have him be the Red Bull from the Last Unicorn, but that’s a fire elemental and wouldn’t work with what I have planned. So make him some sort of really powerful and feared monster that’s resistant to fire and ice but weak to electricity.
Mystery is like ‘OH SHIZNIZZLLE!!!’ and hops to the top of the mansion and creates a barrier/illusion surrounding the entire estate so the beast won’t escape and authorities won’t come to investigate. Lewis and Yeti Guy fight the Beast on the lawn while Arthur and Vivi hang back towards the house.
It doesn’t go well.
When things start to look even worse than they already are, Arthur feels a pull leading into the mansion. Vivi doesn’t notice him leave as he follows it. He comes to the glass cases room to find it trashed from Lewis and Mystery’s fight earlier. The calling gets stronger and it leads him to the Cloak™ he spaced out in front of earlier. He hesitantly picks it up and wonders what to do when he gets a strong sense of ‘This is RIGHT’ and ‘You can help stop this’ coming from it. With the sounds of battle in the background Arthur takes a shaky breath.
He puts on the cloak.
Back at the brawl, Yeti Guy and Lewis are injured while Mystery is straining to keep the barrier intact when a fierce cry rings out. From the mansion flies a griffon that has a metal forelimb and golden feathers puffed up in a strange fashion on its head. Electricity forms around it and it fires a HUGE lightning bolt at the beast, harming it. Yeti Guy immediately recognizes the color scheme from an unclaimed Cloak™ but is like ‘The Elemental Add Ons aren’t THAT strong wth???’ and Mystery is like ‘A Royal Griffon?? But it’s aura…? ARTHUR?!?!’.
Pausing the plot for a second to explain! Royal Griffons are something I made up. In this universe of MSA, griffons come in many subspecies. The most common being eagle/lion, there are others like hawk/lynx or raven/siberian cat. Basically any bird/feline combo of almost equal proportionate size. But then there are ones that have the body parts of OTHER mythical creatures. These are Royal Griffons. Some examples are a phoenix and house cat, or a condor and nemean lion. Arthur here happens to be a Thunderbird (think an oversized golden eagle with lightning powers) and mountain lion mix.
So Griffon!Arthur joins the battle and with the beast’s weakness to electricity they manage to defeat it, remove the Cloak™ from Bad Dude, and save the world! Mystery drops the barrier and rushes up to Arthur and begins to checking him over to make sure he’s okay. Arthur insists he is and ‘I was just running on instincts I guess’ so Mystery slaps him upside the head and begins lecturing him on being such an idiot and ‘WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? YOU COULD HAVE BEEN HURT!’ and ‘DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU’VE DONE TO YOURSELF THIS IS PERMANENT!’ and ‘THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED IN THE CAVE ALL OVER AND I COULDN’T STOP IT THIS IS MY FAULT AGAIN!’
And Arthur is all ‘HECK NAH this was MY CHOICE and it FEELS right for some reason and what about Lewis he could have been hurt and I’m not panicking so you need to stop panicking or else I’m going to start panicking and OHMYGOSH I WAS FLYING SO HIGH IN THE AIR I HATE HEIGHTS THAT WAS TERRIFYING!’.
Vivi then grabs them by the ear/feathers and gets them to chill. Yeti Guy helps Arthur through the process of taking off the Cloak™ (he just has to imagine his human self doing so). They go back inside, retrieve Seal Lady’s cloak and all return to Seal Base Alpha to explain all that happened. Yeti Guy invites them back in the morning so he put some final protections on Arthur’s new cloak so they head back to the hotel for some well deserved R&R.
Also not sure if this should be mentioned during the explanation scene or in the morning, but Yeti Guy mentions that the spirit of the royal griffon said he would only bond with ‘a loyal follower of a ruler’. Arthur then snarks ‘So a Kingsmen than?’ earning groans and a slap to the head.
During the night, Mystery and Arthur get some time alone to talk things out. Arthur admits that he does feel a bit nervous about being a griffon now but not as much as he would have before they all had therapy. Mystery admits he’s simply afraid for Arthur because Arthur is going to be alive for a LONG time now(several hundred years) and the human somehow managed to worm his way under his skin (T-T-T-TITLE DROP) and considers him a best friend. They hug and whatnot, promise to always be supportive and there for each other and then head to sleep.
Not sure if the story should end there or include Yeti Guy’s extra protection spells and maybe a scene of Mystery helping Arthur out with his new body.
But that’s the end of Under Your Skin! Hope you enjoyed reading this summary! Again, feel free to ask any questions! Let me know if you plan on writing this out or just plan on playing in this sandbox I created! Peace!
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