#and im like if i were doing something like being at a Halloween party i wouldnt b so stress abt not doing something bc id b like making
opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
#somewhere halfway across the country my parents r at a Halloween party#and im laying here wracked with guilt bc im very tried and wasting time by not doing anything#bc its like: draw! but i cant draw until i finsih these things i have to write and i have to look up some stuff and do some research#so i cant draw bc i have things to do. but im too tired to do things. so i should just go to sleep at like 8pm lol#but my brain hates that idea bc no sleep. we cannot sleep. sleep is a waste of time#so ill just lay here too paralyzed to do anything. at least im kinda sore from yesterday so it actually feels nice to lay down#sigh... the exhausting ordeals of exostance#and im like if i were doing something like being at a Halloween party i wouldnt b so stress abt not doing something bc id b like making#memories and not just adding to the blur of days i dont remember bc theyre basically identical. tired. tired#this is truely my burnout phase. im all washed up at 25. nothings interesting enough to hold my attention#i just want to draw and draw and draw all day everyday. draw until my hand hurts. that's what i want to do#but i cant bc there r things that need to be done and i should just sleep so i can go to the store tomorrow#sigh. stupid irrational brain. stop it.#whatever. sorry im v chatty when i dont sleep. im just like fuck it everyone gets to hear my thoughts bc i dont care#blah. tomorrow. tomorrow i will do things. i say again like i do everyday#and everyday my attention avaids focus#but maybe. maybe. maybe#unrelated
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nomaishuttle · 1 year
like pirating is so normal 2 me i forget there r ppl who r like antipiracy which btw is stupid. obviously
#LIKE. IDK ITS JUST WEIRD. WDYM YOUR PARENTS JUST.. BOUGHT MOVIES ?????? did you not eat as a child. be serious#that happens sm where ill be like haha. yeah. you guys remember the ol 'oh im not hungry' trick your dad used to pull#and everybodys like what. no and im like no you know where hed be like oh im not hungry but after everybody else ate hed grab the leftovers#it is like annoying. like i understand not everybody grew up in poverty but the way ppl will act like its likee. insane#there was this one time where we were doing wants vs needs for 4th grade#and one kid was like a need is having your own room. and i was like <- shared a room with both of my siblings at the time Thats not true#and everybody in my class looked at me like i was crazy. like ok laura sorry your basement movie theater is bigger than my apt but we cant#all live like that. thats true btw there were these twins and they had a halloween sleepover party and they hsd to invite me bc class rule#and it was so like. there house was hugeeeee we didnt even go to their rooms bc 'they were messy'#but we just hjng out in the basement where there was legit a movie theater. and an entire seperate living room from their main living room#which we also werenr allowed to go in#genuinely think its bc they were forced to invite the poor kids Lmao. so we werent allowed to go to the main house#lest we get our poverty germs everywhere or steal something#but yeah it was awesome. but i also think that was one of my huge Oh life is unfair radicalization moments#but i mention likee. even lighthearted shit from my childhood. and ppl r like O_O THAT SOUNDS SO TRAUMATIC#and its like. the traumatizing part of poverty isnt like#being close witj my siblings and having done a lot of activities outside of like. going to disneyland#or getting a new toy every week. yk...im not saying poverty isnt traumatizing bc it is but its like#annoying that you mention anything abt it and evrrybody in a 50 mile radius is like POOR THANG!!! like. no i think its funny that we always#got rly shitty junker cars that my grandpa sold to my mom. i was joking sbt the fact that my moms never had a car eith functioning brakes#i wasnt like. asking for pity#but whatevrr
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countess-of-edessa · 2 years
my roommate and i had an argument today which is not good because i have never had a single argument with anyone ive ever been friends with and i have no idea how the next five months of living together aren’t going to be super awkward now
#i asked if i could have some people over for Halloween#a couple of girls#she said yes but when i told her today i anticipated there being 8 people in all there including us she kept insisting#i had only told her 2-3 people were going to be there and basically accused me of lying to get her to agree#and like. i had thought we were friends. we watch shows together in the evenings and have gone out for ice cream and stuff#and when there’s some kind of miscommunication (I know for sure i did not tell her there would only be two or three people there because i#was not planning to have only 2 or 3 people there!)#she immediately goes to accusing me to my face of lying for something as objectively stupid as inviting two to three more people than#expected to a Halloween party?????#if she had said she had thought there were going to be less people and wasn’t comfortable with the idea of five or six guests that would#have been fine. but she kept insisting that i said it would only be two or three people and accused me of lying to her about it#and then immediately left to call her mother and complain about me. she’s 22 lol#so i changed my party plans to meet up at my former roommate's apartment#because i would feel gross having it with her around anyway now#but I’m just like#I don’t get into arguments with people#i avoid conflict until i forget about it or i cut them out of my life#with neither path open to me now i have no idea what to do#im not really interested in hanging out with her as a friend anymore if she’s going to switch up on me so quickly#but it also makes me wonder if she ever thought we were friends or what#or if she has been judging me this entire time because i have two friends and occasionally hang out with them because she literally never#ever goes out anywhere#like one of the things we bonded over as roommates for compatibility was that we didn’t party and have overnight visitors and stuff#but I do occasionally leave the house to hang out and watch a movie with my friends#and literally three or four times a year i go to a bar#and come home before ten PM#im normal. im not crazy. im not out all hours of the night. ugh
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calumfmu · 3 months
The King's Reign
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King Steve, the stupid nickname you had heard your entire life. The rumors, the huge ego to match. It was everything that made you hate him, especially when your best friend wouldn't shut up about him. Robin was forcing you to be friends with him, but it wouldn't stop the passion you had dedicated to wanting nothing to do with him.
Steve Harrington x reader, enemies to lovers edition, 7.7k+ words
cw: smut, unprotected sex, oral, Steve talking you through it (!!), fingering, angst, tension, 18+, mdni
You had heard rumors of ‘King Steve’ your entire life. Being in a small town like Hawkins allowed every rumor—big or small, to be spread like wild fire. Even when it came to talking about Steve Harrington’s dick. No matter what you did, nothing could allow you to escape the whispers throughout the town.
When Robin had befriended the man of conversation, you were annoyed, to say the least. You could barely escape him when you were trying not to listen to the gossip mill, but it was even harder when your best friend wouldn’t shut up about the guy.
You chewed on a fry, eyes focused behind your friend as you gazed at a group of girls from your school across the way. They were walking into a Tammy’s, hair higher than ever and short shorts hiked up on their long legs. You stared at them, wondering if they had a run around with the guy.
Robin was droning on about something Steve had done today at work, involving a bunch of kids who seemed too young for him.
A fry hit the side of your head, knocking your focus into her instead of the girls across the mall.
“Yn!” Robin sighed, rolling her eyes at you. “You’re not even listening to me.”
“And you would be incorrect,” you responded, smoothing the grease off of your face from where it hit. You grimaced, annoyed at her antics. “You said something about Steve, some kid named Justin, and a stupid handshake or something.”
Robin pressed her lips in a straight line, rolling her eyes once more. They might roll out of her head at this point, you thought.
“His name is Dustin, and the handshake wasn’t stupid, it was cute,” she huffed, throwing her hands in the air. She pushed her food tray away from her, burger half eaten and fries lay abandon across the plastic.
You gasped, leaning across the table and you crossed your arms over your chest. “Woah, Rob.”
She furrowed her brow, wondering what you were getting at.
“I had no idea you swung that way, new development I see.” You wiggled your eyebrows at her, wanting to see how far her patience went. “I just have to know—is it as big as everyone says it is?”
You laughed and leaned back in your chair, blocking your face with your arms as Robin threw a handful of fries at you. Her patience ran out, clearly.
“Yn, can you please be serious for once?” The brunette whined, pouting out her bottom lip as she looked at you. Her infamous begging face. “I’m just telling you because I want you to be friends with him. I can’t be a child of divorce between you. It’s so emotionally draining.”
You giggled, eyeing the way her uniform made her look ridiculous as she begged you. It was rumpled in all the wrong places, red tie hanging loosely at her neck. It made her look like she was perpetually going to a Halloween party.
“How do you think I feel being an actual child of divorce?”
She gaped at you, mouth hanging open as she was at a loss of words. Sputtering, she found the words to say, “Fuck, okay my bad. You know what I meant!”
“I know, Rob, Im just fucking with you,” you laughed, shaking your head as she flushed in the face. She genuinely felt bad, you could tell.
Your parents had recently divorced, next month marking the full year since their split. Tommy and his stupid friends had made it their entire personality and asked you about it ever since the news hit the town. What’s wrong with Mommy and Daddy, they would ask. Daddy found out Mommy slept with the entire town?
You grimaced, thinking about the memories. None of the rumors were true, but that didn’t falter the town people into thinking that you all should be walking around with a Scarlet Letter on your chest.
Shaking your head, you diverted the subject as you hand came to rest of the table. “Me and Steve have never been friends, so you can’t be a child of divorce, Rob. And also, I don’t want to be friends with him.”
Robin stretched her arms across the table, grasping your hand in the two of hers. “Yn, please. I know we both used to hate him-”
“Still do.”
“-but I really think you’ll like him,” she continued, not batting an eyelash at your interruption. “He’s not that same Steve-”
“King Steve.”
“-that everyone talks about. Those rumors are just rumors, I mean, you know how it goes.” She paused when you looked away from her, squinting as you stared unfocused in the distance. You took a deep breath, clearing your throat in discomfort as you turned to look back at her. “Please, Yn?”
You chose silence in this moment, blinking at her with a serious expression on your face as she pouted at you. Her blue eyes were practically watering at this point, long lashes batting rapidly at you.
“Please, Yn.”
Her pleads continued, grip squeezing into your hand as a deadpan expression was being held on your face. This went on for another two minutes (you counted) as she begged you, leaning down every 15 seconds or so to kiss at your hand.
“Okay! Okay, fine, Rob!” You gave in, laughing as she decided to place kisses all over every inch of your hand. She cheered, throwing her hands in celebration before shaking them clasped at the sides of her head, as if thanking an audience for winning an award.
“I literally love you so much, Yn,” she beamed at you, lips stretched thin as she exposed all of her teeth to you. You don’t think she’s smiled this big, ever. “So, tonight, I was thinkin-”
“Tonight?!” Your eyes opened wide, heart beating in your chest as you realized how soon this interaction was going to be. You thought you at least had more than a few hours.
“Oh,” she smirked at you, tilting her head to the side. “Did I not mention that it was tonight?”
Sighing, you trailed a hand down your face, pulling down your features as she shared the details to come. You loved your friend, you really did. She was your best friend, but Christ was she a lot sometimes.
Awkward wasn’t the word to describe the tension in the room. The only sound you could hear was Robin’s nails clacking against the sound of her glass, and Steve’s occasional cough.
You were curled into the side of the couch, Steve on the other, Robin in between the two of you. Steve was looking every which way except the two of you, hand running through his hair as he chewed on his bottom lip. Robin glanced between the two of you, taking sips of her watered down sloppy cocktail in her hand. She kept moving to say something, mouth opening and closing around empty words.
You with your back against the arm of the couch, feet tucked into you as you stared down Steve. You were curious, if they were to ask you. You took in his features, his long hair, giant brown eyes, and navy—is that fucking cashmere?—sweater across his shoulders.
You were observing why him and Robin were friends, why this man had such a hold on your friend. He was attractive, you could admit, boyish features drawing you in, in a way you would never admit in a thousand years. He seemed nervous in this moment, something you hadn’t expected him to be. Cocky, arrogant, rude, brash, anything but this.
But he was still King Steve. The man you had heard about since you went to elementary school together. You were forced to listen to stories of Steve kissing girls underneath the jungle gym evolved to him fucking them in the back of his BMW at the drive-in. It was repulsive.
Robin cleared her throat, drawing your attention away from Steve as his into her. She offered a small smile, awkwardly tugging at the corners of her mouth.
“So… guys,” she phrased it like a question, voice dragging up on the end of the word. “How about actual conversation?”
The two of you having contradictory answers caused your eyes to be pulled into each other. Your face was unmoving as Steve raised his eyebrows at you, confused.
“I’d rather sit in silence,” you muttered, breaking eye contact with him as you leaned your head into your hand. Staring at him while he was focused on something else was one thing, but holding eye contact made you crumble, a slight blush crossing your features. You focused on Robin, shaking your head as she gave you a pleading look.
The blush on your face didn’t go unnoticed by Steve, a suggestive quirk of his eyebrow coming up to cross his face. It was like a switch flipped, the cockiness that surrounded the King Steve rumors coming into play.
“I think that’s a great idea, Rob,” he muttered, voice low as he stared into you. You turned your face towards the coffee table, examining the items abandon on the glass. Your eye twitched at the nickname of your best friend you so often used. You studied the nearly full bottle of vodka surrounded by shot glasses, a deck of cards, and a joint tucked into a clear baggie.
Robin had been optimistic at the night having a positive turn of events.
“I’ll start,” Steve said, turning his entire body so he was facing you. Your bodies mirrored each other, Robin sitting awkwardly in the middle as her eyes flitted between the two of you. “So, Yn… How come I’ve been friends with Robin this long, and have never had the honor of meeting you?”
“Wish I could say the same,” you rolled your eyes, leaning your head on your hand. Your heart was beating heavy behind your chest as you watched this man practically morph into a completely different person.
“Yn…” Robin’s hand came to rest on your knee, squeezing as her voice was a warning to you. Be on your best behavior, you could hear her thoughts.
“Hmm,” he answered, you felt his eyes brushing over your figure. You felt insecure in that moment, focusing on the bottle of vodka as you debated the quickest way to black out in that moment. “I’m just saying, Yn. I’ve heard about you for so long, yet I think this is the first time I’ve even seen you.”
You cut your eyes suddenly to him, your own gaze darkening as his words echoed through the room. You weren’t going to crumble (this time), your mind intent on showing him you weren’t intimidated by him.
At the eye contact, his smirk widened even further. There was a glint of something in his eye, similar to the stories you had heard of the Harrington Charm, or so it was called.
“Funny enough, I’ve heard a lot about you too, Steve,” you replied, huffing as his name left your mouth. “This town can’t stop talking about you. King Steve and how you’re so irresistible.”
The last word in your mouth dripped with venom, squinting your eyes at the suggestive look on his face.
Silence held the next few moments, Robin looking at the ceiling as she muttered words under her breath. It sounded something like a prayer.
“Would you like to find out, Yn?” His voice was low as his eyes bored into you, teeth dragging across his bottom lip as your name escaped his lips. Hair hung into his eyes, head tilted down slightly as he leaned forward an inch. Your breath hitched at the small movement, words at a loss.
Robin shot up from the couch suddenly, arms thrown into the air as she turned around to face the two of you. She shook her shoulders, grimacing at the interaction. “Okay!”
Steve slowly dragged his eyes away from you, smirk disappearing as he glanced up at the brunette. Just like that, King Steve was gone. He settled back into the arm of the couch as his eyebrows were raised to his hairline, lips parted as he stared at your best friend.
“Enough of whatever that was,” Robin tried to blink away the memory, hands resting at her hips. She turned to look at the coffee table behind her, leaning over to grab the abandoned bottle of vodka and the deck of cards. Grimace still present amongst her features, she held them up. “Drinking game, anyone?”
The night continued among the three of you, shots being poured as matching face cards were being thrown onto the table. You were pretty drunk at this point, vision blurring as you leaned into your friend. She was resting her head on top of yours, laughing at something Steve was doing.
He had stuck a card to his forehead, trying to guess which one it was. His eyes were glazed over, slightly hooded with intoxication as him and Robin bickered back and forth about the number of cards there was in deck.
He was losing the debate, set on why Robin was wrong. You had a dopey smile on your face, enjoying the interaction between the two of them. You could see why they got along, energies so different, yet so similar.
“Harrington, you’re so wrong,” Robin laughed, shaking her head as she ripped the card off of his face. A small red mark was left behind, Steve groaning as he rubbed it.
She stood up from the floor, stretching her arms out as she walked away from where you all were surrounding the coffee table.
“I’m starving, Steve, come with me,” she demanded, holding a hand out to help the man up as he complained.
“What about me?” You asked, frowning as you watched him begin to trail her into the kitchen. Your question went unanswered, the two disappearing around the corner.
You sighed to yourself, laying out your body on the floor as the room began to spin in circles. Eyes closing, you held your breath, praying you sober up a little before the end of the night comes upon you.
The look on Steve’s face flashed behind the darkness of your eyes, the sound of your name in his voice echoed in your ears. You felt a small smile creeping on you, only for you to open your eyes suddenly, viscerally shaking the memory out of your mind.
What the fuck, Yn? You questioned yourself, blinking as you looked around the room. Glancing at a clock across the room, you noticed it was half past 1 a.m., way later than you realized. Fuck, my parents are going to kill me.
You glanced towards the direction of the kitchen, head tilting back against the carpet. Robin and Steve’s voices were low, but urgent, causing you to sit up on your elbows.
You strained your ears, trying to focus in on her words.
“-don’t even know what you’re talking about.”
Their voices were heavy with the liquor, almost sounding drowsy.
“Stop trying to fuck my friends, Steve. I’m serious.”
Your heart dropped to your stomach, breath getting caught in your chest as you heard Steve laugh loudly at her words.
“Shhh!” You heard a thud, presumably the sound of her hand hitting him, based on the “Ow! What the hell!” that followed.
Silence followed the conversation, your ears straining to see if the conversation continued, only for you to be met with the sound of footsteps coming your way. You panicked, moving to lay back down on the carpet. You crossed your hands over your chest, breathing fast as you tried to pretend like you hadn’t eavesdropped that entire thing.
Glancing up, you saw Steve swaying over you, hand on his hips as he smiled down at you. The overhead light shone over him, creating a halo around his perfectly styled hair.
You allowed yourself to stare for only a second before rolling your eyes.
“You’re blocking my light, Harrington,” you muttered, turning your head in the opposite direction.
He chuckled, moving so he sat next to you. He sat with his legs pulled close to him, being held together with his arms as they were clasped together.
“Sorry, didn’t realize you were getting a tan,” he was sarcastic in his words, light look on his face. He stared down at you, eyes grazing over your stretched out limbs.
“Why don’t you like me, Yn?” He asked, teeth pulling at the skin on his lip.
You closed your eyes, sighing as he started up that shit again. Did you not just have that conversation earlier that night?
“I quite like you,” his voice was a whisper now, hand coming out to dance at the edge of your own sweater. You pulled your arm away from him, tucking your elbow into your side. “You’re good for Robin.”
Questioning where Robin was, you glanced in the direction of the kitchen. Coming out was muffled sounds of her moving around the refrigerator, glasses clinging into one another. She was muttering to herself, something about pickles dipped in Greek yogurt.
“I think you’d be good for me, too.” The low tone of his voice had you squeezing your legs together, watching as his eyes briefly looked down at the movement. He ran a hand through his hair, pulling the strands back into place.
“Leave me alone, Steve.” You tried to even your voice out as much as possible.
“I know you’re curious,” Steve cocked his head to the side, eyes trailing over your face. “About King Steve and his reign.”
You hacked a laugh, surprised at the boldness he had in this moment. The man’s ego was huge, even if he had the looks to back it.
“His reign? Is that what you want to call it?” Before you knew it, a small smirk of your own toyed at your lips.
“Oh, we can call it whatever you want,” the smile dropped from his lips as that darkened look took over his eyes once more. The amber glow of his irises turned nearly black, eyes narrowing as he stared into yours.
“The only thing I’m curious about,” you felt his fingers brush your clothes ribcage, ignoring the sensation, “is how there’s not a single bad thing to be said about this King Steve.”
His eyes slowly dragged over you, starting at your eyes to your lips to your chest and lingering at the spot between your thighs before returning to meet your gaze. He sucked in his bottom lip, gaze glancing towards the kitchen door as Robin began to make her way out, balancing about seven things between her arms.
She giggled, paying attention to the shaking of the items as she tried to not spill anything.
Steve’s voice dropped to a low whisper, barely audible, “Don’t you know that curiosity killed the cat?”
You gulped, eyes on him as he switched it off, getting up to help Robin as she struggled with the items. You are so fucked.
Ever since that night between the three of you, you had been tagging along with Robin and her newfound friend more. The facade had been dropped, Steve no longer being flirtatious with you as you tried your hardest to ignore him.
He began to treat you the same as Robin, making stupid jokes towards you and letting his nerdy side come out during the interactions. Your hard exterior slightly crumbled away, defenses lowering as you realized that Robin may have been right about him. They weren’t completely gone, just lowered just enough to get to know him.
He wasn’t as much as an asshole as you imagined, he spent most of nights with a bunch of kids anyways. It was surprising, you had muttered some joke about the kids being “a little too young for you, Harrington?” only to earn his disapproval back. It was the most serious he had been since you met him, eyes dropping to the floor as he shook his head. You felt bad, seeing how defensive he had been over these kids he had practically adopted.
After that interaction, you dropped the King Steve stuff, seeing that your perception of him had been completely wrong. You would love to say that a beautiful friendship was blossoming between the two of you, but it was the opposite of that. You still hated him.
Every time you looked at him, you were reminded of his past, his stupid friend group that he used to hang with. Tommy had made the past few years of your life a living hell, torments of your parents separation and alleged affairs circling in the depths of your mind.
You watched him as he sat on the back porch of his house, cigarette hanging between his fingers as he reclined in the lawn chair over looking the pool. Robin sat in the chair next to him, turning the dial of the stereo as she tried to find a station with “goddamn decent music.”
The night sky hung heavy over you, your feet dipped into the pool as you watched the two from your perch on the side of the pool.
Smoke circled around him, lacing in and out of his hair as he looked in the night sky. A single light from the sliding glass door illuminated the back yard. His hair was annoying, perfectly framing his features as he blinked into the stars of the night.
As you took in the view of him and the rest of his backyard, rolling your eyes at the wealth that stood around you. Typical Harrington and his perfect home.
“Okay, fuck this,” Robin sighed, huffing as she shut off the stereo. She rose from the lawn chair, slipping on her shoes that lay beside it. “I’m over this, I’m going to bed.”
She began walking towards the sliding door, ruffling Steve’s hair as she past him. You protested, kicking your foot in the water.
“You’re going home?” You asked, watching as she paused to speak to you.
“Gonna sleep in Steve’s parents room, they’re not home,” she shrugged, yawning as she stretched her arms over her head.
“Never home,” Steve muttered with a shake of his head, thinking it was under his breath as he took a drag of his cigarette. You glanced at him, brow crinkling slightly at his comment.
“Just come up whenever you’re tired, Yn.” Robin turned, muttering a “g’night” as she made her way into the house, sliding the door behind her.
You looked down at your feet, watching the way the water circled at your ankles. Sounds of water swirling and crickets chirping in the stickiness of the night were filling your senses. You almost forgot Harrington was there, the sound of his cigarette burning out in the water interrupting your thoughts.
You looked at him from where he flicked it in the water. He stared at the way the burned bud floated in the water, moving in small circles as it soaked up the water around it. He seemed to be in a trance, eyes unfocused as they squinted around his thoughts.
You turned your eyes towards your feet again, ignoring him. You didn’t care. He was still that same Steve you despised so much.
“You want to sit here?” Steve asked, pulling you from thoughts once more. “Waters gotta be cold.”
“Absolutely not.” You were stubborn, squaring in your shoulders as your defenses picked up. You heard him huff, breath long as he exhaled.
“Why the fuck are you so rude?” He snapped, your head quickly swiveling to look at him. He shook his head as his hand rested at his bent knee, he continued to stare into the water. The half empty cigarette box was being turned over and over in his grasp.
“Easy for you to say, Harrington,” you shot back, anger seething through you as you got out of the pool. Water dripped around your feet as you grabbed your shoes next to you. You began to storm past him, muttering curses at him. “Good fucking night, asshole.”
You stopped at his chair, glaring down at him as he looked at you, eyes shifting up in your direction as his head stayed centered. Warmth flashed over you as you imagined he looked just like The Fallen Angel in this moment, eyes rimmed red as his gaze cut into you.
You ignored the thought, leaning over him as you seethed, “I don’t know what you think this is, Harrington, but we are not friends. We'll never be friends. You made my life a living hell, and I will resent you for that for the rest of my life. These rumors painting you in good light makes me loath you even more.”
Steve scoffed at your words, getting up so he stood in front of you. You bit your tongue as he towered over you, breath heavy as he searched your face, your harsh words lingering in the air.
“I didn’t do anything to you,” he whispered, voice low as your heart thundered. You swore he could hear it as he glanced down your body. "I've been nothing but nice to you."
“Liar.” You shook your head, taking a step back as he took one in your direction.
“Okay,” he nodded his head, lips forming a frown. His hand reached up to pull at his hair, rolling his eyes as they closed with a sigh. He opened them, hand moving to rest at his hip. “Tell me then, what did I do that was so bad for you, Yn.”
“You know.”
He shook his head, not taking that answer. He remained silence.
“You know,” your voice cracked, tears prickling at the corners of your eyes.
He shook his head again, tilting his head as he examined you. His own eyes blinked rapidly, jumping back and forth between the two of yours.
You sighed, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. All of the anger dissipated, sorrow filling your chest instead.
“You let Tommy torment me, you let him say what he did about me and all of his stupid friends,” your voice was fragile, volume moving up and down as your words came out. “You might not have said anything, but that’s the worst part, Steve. You were a bystander during the worst times of my life, and you didn’t. Do. Anything.”
Your finger punched at his chest with every word, emphasizing your point. Steve looked down at the assault of the digit, grabbing it between his fingers at the last word.
His touch burned your skin, a feeling that felt so wrong, but so right at the same time.
“You’re absolutely right,” Steve agreed with you, fingers holding your hand tightly. “I was—I was terrible. I was a jerk, a coward, if you will.”
Your eyes looked up into his at his words, hearing him out.
“I’m not friends with him anymore. I met Nancy all that time ago, and things changed for me,” he continued, thumb rubbing circles over the skin. Your heartbeat quickened, glancing down at his movement. “I met Robin, and things only got better. That perception you have of me is so different. So, so different than me now.”
He left go of your hand, watching as it dropped to your side. Steve was only inches away from you, the left over tobacco scent mixing with the detergent of his clothes.
A single tear streamed down your face, your hand shooting up to wipe it away. His gaze softened, shaking his head at you.
“It appears King Steve has dropped his crown,” he muttered, earning a small laugh out of you. You dropped your head, stepping back as a small smile tugged at the corners of your mouth.
Steve’s laugh followed your own, chuckling low as yours picked up. The two of you stood there laughing at each other, an ache in your side forming as you realized the ridiculous situation you were in.
You both quieted down, staring at each other as the moonlight filled the sky above you. The buzzing of the porch light filled the air.
Steve’s eyes were huge in this lighting, his long lashes curled up towards his brows. The small pout of his lips were wet from his tongue darting out, licking at the skin. Moles dotted his skin, cheeks full as joy crossed his features.
You could see him in this light, for who he truly was. That asshole image may have lingered in the back of your mind, but you could see that he was truthful in his speech.
“I may miss him, you know,” you said, looking at your feet as the words came out. “King Steve.”
You glanced up at him, crossing your arms over your chest. His eyes were dark again, mouth pressed into a thin line.
“Oh?” You couldn’t pull the emotion off of his face, a mask placed over it.
You nodded, continuing, “I never got to know him the way most people did.”
Smirking at your words, you turned towards the house and walked up towards the sliding glass door. You didn’t bother looking back at him, opening up the glass as you stepped through muttering a goodnight as you entered the house.
It was dark in there, the only light illuminating was the one hanging over the staircase. The image of the look on Steve’s face burned in your mind, how his dark eyes reflected the moonlight. As you trekked up the stairs on your way to meet Robin, you couldn’t help but think that you took things too far at the end. You’ve hated him all this time, why all of a sudden did you want to mess with his head about the idea of King Steve ?
Reaching the end of the hall, your hand reached for the doorknob, stopping in its place as you heard footsteps running up the stairs, fast in their pace.
Your brow furrowed, turning towards that direction as you watch Steve ascend the stairs, turning the corner to the hall in your direction. He was slightly out of breath, colored in the cheeks.
“You want to?” He blurted out, fast paced with his words. You were confused.
He was crossing the distance to you, eyes determined on yours. Your hand was still placed on the doorknob, grip loose.
“Harrington, what are you talking ab-”
Your words were cut off as Steve closed the distance, crashing his mouth into yours. His hands came up to rest on the sides of your face as your eyes shot open in surprise at the intrusion. Your hand left the doorknob, resting at his chest to push him away.
“What the hell was that,” you exclaimed, finger digging in his chest. Smiling at you, his hands still present on your cheeks as he tugged at his bottom lip.
He made a shushing motion with his lips, stepping closer to place his mouth on yours again. You didn’t protest, fluttering your eyes shut as his mouth began to move into yours, molding into the perfect shape.
His mouth was soft, tongue darting out to lick between your lips, an urgency as you were pulled into him. One of his hands left your face, finding your waist to press his torso into yours. Huffing, the firmness of his body against yours left you breathless as you leaned up into the kiss.
He pulled away, placing two quick pecks to yours before placing a step back. The absence of his hands on your body left a chill throughout your spine. Eyes glazed over, you blinked at him, tongue running over the feeling of him on your lips.
Steve was smug, hands on his hips as he smiled at you. Your mouth flapped open and close, not finding the words to say to him in that moment. You should be repulsed at him, that was your first thought, but you couldn’t be bothered.
“I-I don’t know what to say.” Your fingers came to brush at your mouth, looking anywhere but him. It was the first time you had been shy around him. You were starting to understand the Harrington Effect.
“You don’t need to,” he rushed, crossing the distance to you one last time to crash his mouth into yours.
He pulled you into him simultaneously pushing you into the wall next to the doors of his parents room. Your body hit it with a full yet loud thud, not caring about waking Robin in the moment.
Your mouth moved in sync with Steve’s, hands coming up to mess up its perfect style and leg curling up to rest at his upper thigh. He moaned into your mouth as his hands gripped your ass, pulling your hips into his.
This is wrong, you found yourself thinking as Steve pulled away to mouth at your neck. He sucked bruises into the delicate skin, fingers digging into your flesh. Your hands roamed free, wildly pulling at his belt his teeth grazed your earlobe.
His bulge ground into the fabric of your jean shorts, leaving you breathless as you fumbled with his buckle.
“S-Steve,” you panted into his hair, arching into his grasp.
You felt the smug fuck smile at your neck, breath sending a chill down your spine. “So needy, baby.”
The nickname had you mewling, panting even further as once of his hands came to help with you the buckle. He freed himself, leather straps hanging at his waist as he unbutton the jeans, pulling the zipper down.
Your hand reached inside, grabbing his heavy cock. You both gasped at the feeling, Steve throwing his head back at the sensation of you tugging at him under his pants. The sounds echoing through the air were filthy—Steve groaning, the wet slickness of your hand on his cock, your dirty words of affirmation flowing out of your mouth.
His hand came to rub at you through your shorts, the thick material making you see stars. Your own head hit the wall, the thud louder than before.
“Shhh baby,” he muttered, pushing them to the side as his fingers brushed over your clothed opening. He smirked at you, low groan escaping his mouth as you were already dripping wet. You huffed, squeezing at the base of his cock in retaliation, feeling the way his hips jutted out.
“C-can’t wake Robin,” he gasped, hips moving rhythmically in sync with your strokes. His head was dripping wet, the inside fabric of his underwear soaking it up.
You felt his fingers prodding at your entrance, the thick jean and thin material of your underwear pushed to the side. They brushed your folds, collecting slick as he applied pressure to the sensitive bud.
“Need you, Steve, fuck,” your face was twisted in pleasure, core throbbing as he continued to tease you. The look on his face let you know he was falling apart at your touch too, brow furrowed as his bottom lip was sucked into his mouth.
He removed himself from you, tucking the exposed part back into his pants. Grabbing your hand, he pulled you down the hall, leading to an open door. He pushed you inside, shutting it behind him as he pushed you down on the bed.
You bounced, half smiling as you rid yourself of your shirt, throwing it across the room. The jeans shorts followed, leaving you exposed in your bra and panties.
Steve stood at the end of the bed, gaze roaming over your figure as that familiar dark look took over his features.
“The things you’re doing to me,” he breathed, crossing his arms at his waist as he pulled his shirt over his head. The sight of his chest, littered with hair at the top, made a rush of heat go straight to your core.
Your eyes followed his hands, watching as they pulled down his jeans, still unbuttoned from the hallway. His boner pushed at the front of his boxers, wet patch present as the material tented.
His eyes followed your eyeline, smirking at you as he saw your legs subconsciously opening wider. Your hand came down to rub between your legs, the panties becoming stickier with each passing moment.
“You want me to show you, baby?” His voice was taunting, leaning over the bed to make his slow crawl over your body. You nodded, eyes big with desire as you felt his heat over you. “Say it.”
“I-I want you t-to show me, Steve,” you moaned, free hand reaching up to grab at his neck. He stopped its movement, hand loose at the wrist as he sucked his teeth.
"Ah ah ah, say it again." His low voice had you falling apart, wetness pooling between your thighs.
"I want you to show me, Steve." Clearer this time, you arched into him spreading your legs so he lay between. He smirked and let go, leaning down to briefly kiss your lips before making his way down your neck.
The urgency you felt in your body contradicted his slow, languid movements. You felt the admiration in his movements, teeth nipping at your skin lightly, his tongue soothing over the marks. He made his way down, kissing over what seemed like every inch of you.
As he spread your legs, he maintained eye contact with you, hair falling into his eyes. His fingers rested at the waistband of your panties, mouth pressing light kisses over your clit. The fabric was thin enough to feel the heat of your breath, and it had you mewling.
"You're so beautiful, Yn," he whispered as he pulled the piece of fabric off of you. Your hand reached up to brush his hair out of his eyes, leaning up on your elbows so you could get sight of him.
His tongue darted out, licking at your clit as you exhaled deeply. Your hips jutted out, trying to feel the full heat of his mouth as his tongue gave you tiny licks, teasing you. Steve's smirk grew, arm resting at your waist to hold you down.
"'M just getting started, my love."
He began to suck at you, tongue dipping in and out of your folds as one of his fingers found your entrance, pushing in. You watched as his eyes fluttered shut, moaning at the taste of you.
It was heaven watching him. Seeing the way his face was pushed into you, fingers moving in and out of you with a fever. They curled inside of you, toying at the bundle of nerves deep in your walls. Clenching around him, your hips began to stutter, the weight of his arm adding a pressure that made your head feel light.
Bliss approached you, slowly then all at once. You swore you blacked out for a moment, vision going white as he licked you through the pleasure. Your breath was fast, chest heaving as that familiar over stimulation worked its way through your thighs.
Steve pulled away, satisfied with your unraveling. He licked the taste of you off of his lips, rising to his knees as he pulled his boxers down. His cock sprung free, dark red at the head as it dripped in desperation.
His hand came to stroke himself, squeezing small drops of precum out of the head.
"Steve," you groaned, hand reaching to grab at him. His hips angled towards your reach, he groaned as you made contact. You gave him short strokes, focusing your attention at the head.
"You wanna give me a little taste, sweetheart?" His sweet words of affirmation had you soaked with anticipation once again, a nod coming in reply. You repositioned yourself, lying on your stomach, propped up on your elbows as you licked at his head.
A low groan escaped him, hand coming to rest at the back of your head. You took him in your mouth, lips stretching over his girth as you opened up for him.
His hand pushed on your head, forcing down some of the length that you felt shy in taking. You sucked at him, looking up at him falling apart with small thrusts of his hips into your mouth. His head was angled to the side, eyes closed as you saw them move behind his lids. His mouth was open, free hand gripping at the roots of his hair.
He looked beautiful in this light, chest glistening as a sheen of sweat covered him. His hand guided your mouth, feeling the suction of your lips over his shaft. The way his hips stuttered into you had you choking, drool pooling at the corners of your mouth.
"M not gonna last, baby," he muttered, removing himself as you looked up at him. Steve glanced down at himself, seeing the way his cock shone with the glistening of your spit.
His eyes rolled, teeth digging into his bottom lip at the sight. You understood the feeling, the both of you being so turned on, it fucking hurt.
"Turn around for me." Rising to your hands and knees, you positioned yourself, arching your back. Blind to his movements, you heard him shuffle behind you, warm hands gripping at your waist that sent a shock to your spine.
His cock nudged at your entrance, a burn coming as he stretched you open. A high moan escaped your lips, hips running from the intrusion. His hands pulled you right back, cock pushing in even further.
"Shh, baby," he whispered, running his hand up your spine to soothe you. "It'll be okay."
You nodded, looking back over your shoulder at him admiring the way you stretched over him. As he pushed in further, the stretch burned even more. The pain was soothed away by the rubbing of his hands and the words of encouragement he gave you.
"'S okay," he muttered, pushing to the hilt. "I'm right here, baby."
Your knuckles were shaking as you gripped the sheets below you. Your eyes fluttered closed, a sigh escaping your lips.
"All right here, baby. I'm not gonna hurt you." His hips reared back before pressing in again, your back arching as pleasure flowed through your body.
"Steve, fuck," you moaned his name, feeling the way he pushed into you over and over, movements slow. He grabbed onto your hips, fucking into you as the sounds of slapping skin echoed through the room.
"You're taking it so good, my love."
His words had you gasping, hips shooting back to meet his movements half way. Seeing the effort you gave him back, his thrusts became faster, fucking into you with a passion.
Steve's words continued praising you, I love to see you falling apart and feels good, baby? and take it, you love my dick so much. You were panting his name, the only word you could focus on.
That pleasure arched up your spine once more, legs shaking with the promise of release. Your orgasm hit you like a truck, falling to the bed as Steve followed you to it. His large stature hung over your body, fucking you through your high.
You couldn't help, but press your face into the mattress, pleasure rippling through you as his movements quickened. You felt him approaching his own high as his words became short, breath raising a pitch.
"F-fuck, Yn," his voice was even an octave higher, face pressing in between your shoulder blades. His thrusts were irregular, slamming into you as the entire bed rocked. "Gon-gonna cum, baby, f-fuck, you did so well."
He released into you, pressing deep as you felt him fill you up. The warmness of his cum made you moan again, the thick liquid threatening to spill out the sides of his cock deep within you.
"Such a good job," he whispered to you before pulling out, collapsing next to you. He lay on his back, hand reaching out to rest at the small of your back.
You turned your head towards him, blinking slow as you took in the mess of the man. His hair was sticking to his face, cheeks red, and wetness around his mouth. He stared back at you, smirk ever present.
"I still hate you, Harrington," you whispered to him, noticing the way your legs felt numb. Sensing the irony in your words, you felt him leak out of you. A grimace crossed your face.
He laughed out loud, winking at you. He leaned to press a kiss to your nose, watching the way it crinkled under his touch.
"I'm sure you do, sweetheart."
You hid your smile in the sheets, rolling your eyes shut. Happiness warmed your body, the lingering effects of your orgasm. A gnawing feeling came to your heart, chest pounding for a different reason. You had fallen for it, the typical Harrington charm. At that moment, you tried not to tell yourself that things may be different, thinking of his words earlier.
He was different than before, however, the thoughts of King Steve still plagued your mind. This couldn't end well, Steve doesn't end well. You opened your eyes, finding him still staring at you.
"You know, I meant what I said, right?" He asked you, seemingly reading your mind. You blinked at him, ready to push that hard exterior forward. "I am different than I was."
Warmth filled your chest, hope bubbling at the surface.
"I don't know if I believe you," you whispered, voice sounding small in the big room. He pressed his lips together, mouth dropping at the corner.
"Let me show you," he replied, hand coming to brush the hair behind your ear. "Let me do that at least."
Hesitation came over you, silence filling the air between you. A few moments passed as he searched your eyes for any sign of emotion. It was like you had an angel and devil on each shoulder, warning you yet jumping for joy at the same time.
You slowly nodded, a sigh escaping your lips. Steve beamed at you, eyes squinting with the smile.
"I swear, Harrington, if you do anything to fuck me over, I will murder you," you shook your head, not believing you'd give him a chance. He leaned over again, pressing another kiss to your lips this time. His smile was contagious, you fought it back.
"Is that a promise?"
masterlist. requests and inbox are open.
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luminetti · 8 months
Dressed to Kill
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༘⋆ Summary: In which, you, a professional cosplayer, mistake Bakugou’s hero outfit for a really good Halloween costume. ༘⋆ Pairing: bakugou katsuki x fem!reader ༘⋆Warnings: n/a, reader is just the biggest dumbass (lovingly) also, i cannot stress this enough. they are NOT CHILDREN in this. they’re both at least the age of college seniors  ༘⋆Notes: huge thanks to one of my biggest inspirations for writing in general: @andypantsx3 ! this fic is lightly inspired by—and lowkey a lovechild of—her pieces, baby are you playing tricks and unconventional, so if you somehow haven’t read those yet, i strongly recommend doing so!  also now that i actually have more than one piece of writing, id love for some writer/fandom moots! im very new to tumblr and would love friends :’)  ao3 release
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Halloween was by far your favorite holiday. 
As a child, you were always drawn to Halloween, not just for the candy, but for the extravagant costumes and house decorations. Nearly every year, you stayed up late with your father, hand-sewing various details onto your costume. Finally, for your eighteenth birthday, you were gifted your very own sewing machine which officially kickstarted your interest in cosplay.
Throughout your first couple years of college, you worked on your Twitter account, posting quick mirror selfies of your various cosplay projects. Only during senior year did you finally feel comfortable enough to go out in public for your first official photoshoot.
‘Comfortable’ was a bit of a stretch. Very seldom does one feel truly comfortable when posing in front of a grandiose fountain in the middle of a public garden, fully clad in foam armor. What made it significantly worse was when the aforementioned armor looked more like a metal bikini than an actual chest plate worn into battle.
Poor character design choices aside, you loved Halloween for that very reason. With everyone dressed up–or down, for some–there was no reason to feel self-conscious during your monthly photoshoots. Sure, there was the occasional snide remark, but the number of supportive comments from passersby was enough to quiet your uncertainty.
This year you had stayed up late for the past month putting the final touches on your purple staff, even attempting an LED system that allowed parts of it to glow. It had taken two weeks to get the prototype of the dress situated since you weren’t used to sewing such a large amount of detail into your fabrics. Unfortunately, this also meant it took significantly longer to finish the outfit than expected, leaving almost no time to do your wig. But, in true cosplayer fashion, you managed to whip something together with an older purple wig, just in time for tonight.
You did, however, only realize the character also had a sword occasionally, but there was no way you were going to make that in time so the staff would have to suffice.
The night had already been proving to be one of the best so far. Starting around eight in the evening, you and some of your closest friends had gotten together for a costume party, a series of shitty horror movies, and a plethora of even shittier cheap cocktails. Despite not being much of a drinker yourself, you always participated in the annual spooky-themed cocktail charcuterie. This year you weren’t holding back. Your pride and joy charcuterie consisted of nine drinks including, but not limited to ghost-themed Aperol Spiritz–nicknamed Spirit Spiritz, Bloody Marys, and your personal favorite, Bonejitos. They even had little skeleton dudes sitting on the rim of the glass.
Unfortunately, your friends weren’t very amused by your festive drinks, even going as far to say your ingenious Bonejitos were a stretch. So, clearly they didn’t see the vision. Eventually, the party events died down as the guests began to go home, allowing the night to evolve into just drinking.
“Did you get a photo of your costume yet?” Himari, your friend from freshman year, questioned.
You shook your head, absently watching as the rest of your friends downed your masterly made Bonejitos. Liars, all of them. “‘A stretch’ my ass,” you scoffed.
Himari dug around in her bag, retrieving her camera. “Halloween photoshoot? Your fit is cute and I’m getting bored here.”
You did like the idea of photography-major level photos with none of the price involved. “I love you, Mari.”
She stuffed your spear under her arm and with that, the two of you stepped out into the cold and crisp autumn air, the breeze running over your bare shoulders and thighs. You shivered lightly, pulling up your thigh-highs and hugging the excess fabric close to your body.
Himari glanced at you in concern. “Does the Raiden Shogun not wear a jacket?”
“Unfortunately, she doesn’t.” You chuckled, rubbing your arms. “You can’t be sexy and wear a jacket,” you joked.
She hummed in sympathy, looking around for a good place to set up. The park was a particularly popular spot during Halloween, specifically known for its comforting lighting and ambience.
 “What about there?” Himari pointed to a small gazebo surrounded by violets, lit up by a string of fairy lights. There were a couple groups nearby, but otherwise it was pretty much empty.
You nodded, excited. “Good eye as always, Mari.”
She handed over your spear and offered an arm,helping you step up onto the platform and underneath the gazebo. While she adjusted the lights to her liking, you took a moment to adjust your skirt and sleeves.
“Do you think it’s too short?” you asked, tugging on the cloth. Thankfully the character wore a pair of shorts underneath, but the dress was barely miniskirt length.
Himari looked over briefly before turning back to the lights. “No, not really. Why? Are you uncomfortable?”
Before you could answer, a group of college-aged girls passed by the gazebo, clearly a bit drunk. As they left, one of the girls that was hanging onto her friend’s arm looked over. “Don’t be, girlie! You look hot as fuck!” she shouted out, words slightly slurred.
You flustered, blabbering out a quick thanks in surprise. There’s nothing like a friendly drunk girl to get your confidence up.
From behind the camera, Himari gave you a thumbs up. “Give me one of these.” She mimed leaning against the wooden banister. “Yeah like that, but with your leg more out.”
The shutter clicked several times as you did your best to recreate her gestures.
Himari proceeded to guide you through a series of poses, occasionally having you incorporate your staff or the gazebo. Eventually you got used to the flashing camera and allowed yourself to melt into the character, embodying her essence as best as you could.
Time flew and before you knew it, Himari was calling you down from the gazebo to look over the photos. You hovered over her shoulder as she flipped through each one, pausing at her favorites.
“I’ll import these onto my laptop and send them back edited sometime this week,” she told you, removing her glasses and wiping them off with her sleeve.
You nodded. “Thanks for doing this, you really didn’t have to.” You rummaged through your bag, hoping to find at least a little money for her efforts. Feeling a couple bills between your fingers, you held them out to her.
Himari’s eyes squinted and you realized she was staring over your shoulder. “I think that guy in costume was looking at you,” she said, still cleaning off the lenses.
You turned to see a tall man across the park, large grenade shaped gauntlets resting on both his arms. He quickly looked away once he saw your head turn. Looking closer, you realized he was dressed in a dark black sleeveless jumpsuit with orange and green straps along his body.
He was clearly a Dynamight cosplayer. And by the looks of it, a really talented one at that.
You were almost convinced that he had real hero equipment on. His armor pieces were strikingly accurate, and you made a mental note to look for more realistic prop materials.
“He probably spent a lot of time on that,” you mused to Himari, who had already gone back to inspecting the photos.
“You should go ask him about it.” she suggested, collecting the rest of her things and zipping her bag. “I’ve gotta catch an Uber soon.”
Maybe it was the lingering confidence gifted by the girl from earlier, but you managed to muster up enough self-assurance to wave goodbye to Himari and stride right up to the cosplayer.
As you got closer, you realized just how much work must have gone into all the details. The gauntlets–a very convincing metal–had several dents and scratches, giving it a worn down look, as if it had been used frequently.
His hair looked far too real to be a wig, likely just being his natural hair with lots of product in it. The most impressive detail by far was his physique. Had he trained specifically for this? The closer you got the more you noticed. If you were lucky, maybe he’d give you the name of his supplier.
“I love your outfit!” You smiled cheerily at him.
He turned to look at you, slightly taken aback. “Thanks?” he replied, folding his arms as he looked you over, eyes lingering on your cosplay.
You felt a twinge of anxiety as he inspected your outfit. He probably just didn’t recognize the character, you convinced yourself.
“I’m a cosplayer too,” you clarified, gesturing to your dress. “But clearly not as dedicated as you.”
You watched as his chest puffed lightly at the compliment, though he titled his head, a bit puzzled.
Clearing your throat awkwardly, you tried a different method. “How long did it take to make?”
He blinked at you and shrugged. “Dunno. Maybe a couple of months? I just told them what I wanted.”
Oh, you got it now. He’s just a model. It wasn’t uncommon for people to collaborate on cosplays, especially ones where one person either commissions or buys a cosplay from an artist, and then models it themself. Either way, he was still one of the best you’ve seen.
You nodded in understanding. “Do you have social media? I’d love to see what else you’ve done.” Pulling out your phone, you loaded up your Twitter, preparing to enter his tag.
“Dynamight Official. All one word,” he replied hesitantly, looking you up and down as if he was scanning for signs of sickness.
You chuckled faintly. He was really dedicated to his role. “Well, what's your name? I follow a lot of cosplayers already. Maybe I’ve seen you?” You pulled up your profile and turned the screen around to show him in case he recognized your tag.
His arms unfolded and his face slowly morphed from confused to exceptionally amused. “Bakugou Katsuki. I am Dynamight.”
Waving him off absently, you nodded as you scrolled through your followed accounts. You swear you’ve seen him online before. “Sorry, I’m not really good at roleplay. But you’re pretty convincing.”
He leaned against the cold metal lamppost, watching you sift through various Twitter accounts. You sneaked a glance to check his facial features again, but he was already staring straight back at you.
In such close capacity, his striking crimson eyes stood out to you. Even his contacts were high quality… Fighting back the warmth that threatened your cheeks and ears, you averted your gaze downwards.
Your eyes flicked to his waist. You hadn’t noticed it before, but a thick black bomber jacket was tied tightly around his torso, unlike the real hero’s costume. Well, you stand corrected. You certainly can be sexy with a jacket.
Speaking of jackets, you had been so caught up in conversation you hadn’t realized how cold it had gotten. The soft breeze from earlier had picked up into chilly wind, rustling the fabric of your dress as it blew by.
Bakufaux–haha–seemed to notice your interest in his jacket, untying it and tossing it over your shoulders. “Bit cold for you, Princess?” he drawled. “D’nno how you’ve managed in that outfit.” He gestured to your short dress and tall socks.
You couldn’t help but notice how his gaze lingered on you for a half second longer than normal. Not that you would’ve said anything. Thanks to his jacket, you were enveloped with warm and musky scents of charcoal and sandalwood. Though, being honest with yourself, you’ve been distracted ever since you walked over.
You snapped out of your trance when he pushed himself off the lamppost and leaned over you. It could’ve been twenty degrees out and you’d still swear you were overheating.
“Ever considered cosplaying in my costume?” He asked, watching your darkening cheeks closely.
Maybe it was the shit eating grin he wore proudly on his face, or the sneaking suspicion in your gut, but you had an inkling of a feeling he knew something you didn’t. In a surge of confidence and curiosity, or perhaps just pure adrenaline, you took a step forward.
“And if I have?”
Something snapped behind his eyes and you could’ve sworn his gaze dropped to your lips. He might’ve actually kissed you if you weren’t interrupted by the sound of glass shattering and the screams of customers inside a late night coffee shop.
You felt your heart rate increase as he swore under his breath, whatever smug expression he previously had was replaced by something far more intense and serious.
‘“I’m not leaving you out here alone, stay close to me,” he urged, taking one last look at you before turning and running towards the sound.
It took you a second to realize you were running behind him as fast as possible.
As the two of you neared the coffee shop, you noticed numerous shards of glass laid out on the concrete. On a second glance, you noticed some of the smaller shards were beginning to melt, turning the ground slightly slick.
You halted to a stop, almost crashing into your new friend. You felt a warm hand snake around your waist, lifting your body off the ground and onto a nearby bench.
“Don’t touch the ground, and stay right here,” he told you sternly, before turning and rushing straight into the cafe.
You watched, frozen in astonishment, only able to hear the horrific sounds of glass and… explosions? Occasionally you caught a glimpse of blonde hair, dropping off a poor customer caught in the crossfire, before dashing straight back inside. In what felt like seconds, he had already retrieved nearly every patron from the cafe, all while the villain was still inside.
Quickening footsteps approached from behind your place on the bench. You barely had a chance to comprehend the noises when a flash of red zipped past you, making a beeline straight for the cafe. Only after several trips in and out of the building did you finally recognize the eccentric costume of Pro-Hero Red Riot as he gathered the remainder of the victims outside.
Through the ringing in your ears you could only vaguely make out shouting between Red Riot and someone else still inside the building. It was all intelligible until he turned to you and the victims. The last words you heard was look away, or at least you assumed.
You weren’t interested in waiting around to find out so you shut your eyes tight and turned away from the scene as best as you could.
At first nothing happened. But after a beat, you felt your eyes burn behind your eyelids as a blistering wave of heat surrounded you. You think you screamed, but you weren’t entirely sure. Every muscle in your body tensed as the bench shook underneath you, threatening to break.
But as quickly as it came, it passed. You couldn’t tell how long you had been trapped in that position, clutching your knees to your chest with your eyes sealed shut. A warm hand shook you out of position, jostling your eyes open.
When your eyes finally adjusted, blocking your vision of the cafe was none other than a tall silhouette, and familiar red eyes.
“Hey, stay with me, Princess. You hurt?”
You felt calloused hands hastily press against your body, examining you for injury. He took a hold of your ankle, easing you into extending. “Anything?”
Shaking your head, you gripped onto him as he lifted you from the bench to your feet, steadying you with strong arms.
“Happy Halloween,” you managed to mutter meekly into his chest.
You felt him shudder beneath your head as he laughed, surprisingly heartily.
“Certainly one you’ll remember.” His low voice resonated in your brain, calming whatever nerves were remaining. “Let’s get you home, m’kay?”
You let him navigate you back to your apartment surprisingly deftly given your shaky directions, until finally you found yourself thanking him at your doorstep and shutting the door behind you.
Now that you were home and given a chance to breathe, you weren’t sure what was real. Everything mixed together in a blur and you couldn’t tell if it was all a dream or not.
As you groggily slumped against your bed, you felt something soft bundle against your back. Sitting up, you reached behind your back to feel the cool fabric of the black jacket you had been holding tightly against yourself. Embroidered on the sleeve were a pair of initials you hadn’t noticed before.
With a strange pounding in your chest, you pulled out your phone.
Sure enough, you had one new notification.
@DynamightOfficial followed you back
The device buzzed in your hand with a second notification. A direct message request alongside an image. Swiping to your messages, you opened the text from your new follower.
Front and center was a quick photo of Bakugou’s hero costume, laid out neatly on his bed. Directly underneath the image were two small text bubbles.
u take commissions?
ive got something in mind for ya
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v3nusxsky · 7 months
Hey Mars! How you're doing well!
Would you feel comfortable with doing a mommy/lactation kink with mommy Larissa and sub r? Totally open to whatever situation/story you come up with!
Costume 18+
*Authors note~ sorry this is taking me such a long time to get around to but Larissa for gwens birthday and this prompt wouldn’t leave my brain*
Trigger warnings~ lactation kink mommy kink dom l sub r  lingerie spanking admission of feelings implied smut
Prompt~ see ask^^^
Nevermore’s staff always throws a Halloween costume party away from the students prying eyes. After all they deserve to celebrate the holiday too, Larissa Weems however, would always wear a costume that covered everything up until this year. Over her years as Principal of Nevermore she’s witnessed sexy police officers, firefighters, play boy bunnies, slutty killers, pole dancers and everything else you could imagine for a costume, she’s probably seen it. That’s why she knew this had to be something you’d never seen before, to grab the attention of yourself.
Her outfit took days of planning but once adorning her tall frame she had to admit, she looked good. Opting to be a ghost rider, she was clad in black lace lingerie with a thin layer of opaque covering to hide her bare skin. Her prompts for the night being a black cow boy hat and a riding crop. Her make up done perfectly to add to the look of a ghost rider. This was the most out there thing she had ever done and truly she was thinking about not going, but instead she pulled on her floor length coat and made her way to the party.
Arriving at the party she immediately spotted you, of course dressed as an angel. And to Larissa you were the most beautiful Angel to ever exist, your outfit was fairly skimpy yet still modest which happened to be driving the principal mad. The way your cleavage was popping out of your corset and the little white skirt barely covering your ass set her plan in motion. She had to have you, tonight.
“Larissa” you cooed as you approached the tall woman happily, “what’s that in your hand?” Your innocence shone through as the principal twirled the riding crop in her hands, “Only the best thing to spank sweet Angles with like yourself of course” she purred watching your eyes darken with lust. “Thou mustn’t sin, for im an Angle of God Larissa” you giggled before stealing the woman’s hat and placing it on your head after removing the halo. “You little minx! Darling let me have my hat back or you wont like your punishment, I’ll ride you into the afterlife and keep you as my pet.” The teasing word’s effecting you more than Larissa knew you decided to keep the hat, after all, it’s just a little fun right?
As the night continued you both mingled but some how always found a way back together where you teased one another some more, only when a teasing smack with the crop landed on your ass did you start to catch on, “much too short for an Angel of god isn’t it y/n? Everyone can see what’s mine” Larissa purred gently rubbing the sting of the crop. “I don’t believe I belong to you Ghost rider, in fact there’s no proof.” A dark spark of lust clouded her eyes as the crop landed on your other ass cheek, “then be mine pretty Angel, I’m tried of loving you from afar.”
Her lips cut your whimper off as she slammed yours together, immediately falling into a dance as if it was centuries old, her hands coming to rest on your round globes before giving them a squeeze and pulling away from you to rest your foreheads together. “I-“ you whimpered before slamming your lips to hers once more in a needy kiss, one that stole both your breaths and left you hungry for more. “My angel now” Larissa purred before pressing a sweet kiss to your lips and dragging you back to her office.
“Mommy!” You squeaked as your back hit her office door. “Mommy hmm?” The blonde teased once more, “what can mommy do for you little Angel?” Without a second thought you began to tug at the top half of her outfit in an attempt to free her beautiful breasts from their lace confines. “Want my mouth on them!” You whined unhappily as you struggled against the fabric. A chuckle filled the room as Larissa helped you undress her just enough to give you what you desired. From there you happily suckled on her exposed breast, going boneless in the blondes arms as she basked in the sensations you provided her with. “Oh my sweet Angel, you could’ve told mommy you had this kink, you would’ve been getting this very thing a lot sooner” Larissa couldn’t help but tease you, truly you were both fools for not admitting feelings for each other sooner, but now, you have all the time in the world to discover what each of you likes in this aspect of life. Little did you know Larissa had a raging breeding kink that you would tease her for later on.
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sohnric · 7 months
paris – l. juyeon
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pairing: lee juyeon x fem! reader
genre: exchange student! juyeon in paris (ft. his erasmus friends). friends to ???, angst, fluff. actually, the genre is longing. halloween party au but the halloween part plays like,, 0 part in the fic, basically. idk the paris pics did something to me he is so european coded. paris by the 1975 without the drugs in a fic, essentially
warnings: cheating from yn's side, swearing, alcohol, smoking. the reader is canonically french im sorry 💀
word count: 6k
There’s quite a few reasons why Juyeon never told his friends from home about you- the girl he met on his student exchange trip. Some were the cause of Juyeon’s insecurities in himself, some the cause of your relationship status, all the cause of his unrequited love and the way you broke his heart, making Juyeon’s whole memory of Paris a bit hazy and bittersweet and the leave, paradoxically, that much harder.��But still– and maybe you’re the reason for it– oh, how he’d love to go to Paris again.
a/n: do NOT cancel me for being a casual matty healy enjoyer i am a 2014 tumblr girlie at heart
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“And where are my gifts? Where are the souvenirs?” Hyunjae calls after the boy that’s still kind of jet lagged from the flight (even though it’s been 3 days since his landing and he slept the whole day after his brother picked him up from the airport), the latter looking at him with tired eyes. 
“That’s all you want from me after not seeing me for 6 months?”
“Yes. Where’s my baguette?” Hyunjae glares, making the younger boy whine at the request.
“I didn’t know you wanted a hard rock baguette from me. If I had known, I would’ve taken one with me and smashed it against your head the moment I arrived here.”
“Well, if it’s authentic,” Hyunjae shrugs, laughing. “I’m just joking… I know we’ve been calling and texting like, every other day, but let me ask again. How was it?”
Juyeon finally smiles at his friend’s question. This is what one expects after coming home from studying abroad for 10 months– not a souvenir request. And trust me, Juyeon did bring gifts, out of the warmth of his own heart, but after being asked for them, he kind of doesn’t want to play Santa anymore. Kind of like when you decide to wash the dishes, but your mum tells you to do it at the same time of your decision– the motivation fades away the mere second you’re requested to do the thing.
“Well, it was good,” he shrugs, “it was… something,” Juyeon says– because how does one fit 10 months of their life into a few sentences without stammering– and before he gets a chance to say anything, Hyunjae catches him off guard with another inquiry.
“Is it true, by the way? Are European girls really prettier?” he grins, wiggling his eyebrows at the boy as if to suggest something– but all it does is make Juyeon shrug, acting not really bothered with the question. 
“Dunno,” he hums, “I think it’s equal to here.”
“So you’re telling me you went 10 months without getting laid in France?” Hyunjae gasps, making Juyeon furrow his brows in utter disbelief.
“When did I say that? Or anything that would even suggest that?” 
Now, this was a trap. Juyeon is too gullible. See, Juyeon was pretty transparent with everything during his calls with Hyunjae back when he was in Paris. He told his friends back home all about the European food, the rock-hard french baguettes, the weird looks and annoyed sighs he got when speaking English to the clarks in the shops, the cold showers in his accommodation and the pretty park in front of his university building. They also know all about his friends from Paris– the international students he met in his course like Shotaro from Japan, Bence from Hungary and Marco from Italy– but when the question of girls came around, specifically in the romantic light of things, Juyeon went awfully quiet. You can’t blame Hyunjae for getting into suspicions.
“So you did?” Hyunjae gasps, grasping at the straws.
Juyeon sighs, reaching for his bag. His awfully big hand slips inside of the black backpack, fingers touching various things before he brings out a bunch of gifts: a keychain with the Eiffel tower, some magnets, postcards, a fashionable beret he found in one of the souvenir stores but never saw anyone actually wear in the whole 10 months in the streets of Paris, some perfume and high quality chocolate. Hyunjae’s eyes go wide, making satisfaction swim through Juyeon’s veins at the sight– he managed to deflect the attack.
Sometimes, having materialistic friends is a plus.
As he watches Hyunjae touch all the things on the table, fingers trailing over metal and the shiny wrapping of the dark chocolate with an acknowledging nod, Juyeon takes out another thing out of his bag– his digital camera that he brought along for the ride. He sent his friends a lot of pictures when he was in Paris, and he also posted quite a few on Instagram for everyone to see, but the camera held more memories and more moments than anyone’s ever seen before– it’s a source of treasure for himself as well, but he figures it wouldn’t hurt to share a glimpse with his best friend.
“Wanna see? I took tons of pictures, but you can look through only the interesting ones, if you want to,” Juyeon hums, offering the camera to the male, the display already shining at him from the gallery, small icons of all pictures on the SD card in a 3x3 row on the small thing. 
A few pictures of the town are on preview right now, but if you scroll through the gallery, moments of his friend Marco’s birthday party that his friends threw for him, or the snapshots of his friend’s faces come into sight– Juyeon’s sure Hyunjae’s eager to see how all of the people he’s been talking to him about look like.
Hyunjae nods, taking the camera from him and squinting at the little icons. His fingers move along the touch screen and scroll through the gallery, eyes zooming on the interesting ones and grinning as he shows them to Juyeon, awaiting the backstory of a certain image. 
Everything goes well, until Hyunjae gets to the latest pictures on the SD card– well, apart from the ones Juyeon took from the window on his flight home. And Juyeon really doesn’t know what he was thinking, but hey– sometimes he doesn’t think things through as much as he should– and that’s why when a particular photo comes into his best friend’s sight, turning the camera towards Juyeon with a shiteating grin on his face, the question ‘Who’s that?’ makes the poor boy a bit shaken.
His tall figure, standing alongside someone shorter– you, in your vampire costume, fake blood running down the side of your mouth, a hand thrown over his shoulders and your side pressed into his a bit too close as he stares down onto you with an obviously star-struck face, suit covering his body in a poor attempt at Joker’s costume– the moment stares back at him like a haunted memory.
He clears his throat. “That’s… that’s just Y/N.”
Hyunjae hums, having a staring contest with the picture on the screen. The date on the bottom reads 31/10/23, the last day of Juyeon’s stay before he had to go home. “How come I’ve never heard about Y/N?”
“There wasn’t much to say, I guess,” Juyeon shrugs, taking a sip from the bottle of beer on the table.
“Sure…” Hyunjae doubtingly nods, scrunching up his nose in disbelief.
“I’m serious. She’s just a friend I met there,” Juyeon offers, licking his lips in nerves. 
And it’s the truth– you were just a friend and there really wasn’t much to say about you two– so why does Juyeon’s heart hurt a bit as he recognizes the events of the night as if it happened yesterday? Why does he feel nostalgic, maybe a little bitter about the way you two left off? 
Hyunjae doesn’t know, but there’s quite a few reasons why he never heard about you in the first place. Some were the cause of Juyeon’s insecurities in himself, some the cause of your relationship status, all the cause of his unrequited love and the way you broke his heart, making the whole memory of Paris a bit hazy and bittersweet and the leave, paradoxically, that much harder. 
But still– and maybe you’re the reason for it–
oh, how he’d love to go to Paris again.
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The buzzing of the room makes Juyeon’s already thumping head ache in its crevices, the smell of alcohol in the breath of everyone talking to him only making his stomach twist and turn with acid. He’s had his fair amount of drinks himself, but there is a very faint line between the amount that’s just enough to keep him going through the night and the amount that makes him puke and have a two-week hangover, and with the flight home he has to take tomorrow afternoon, he doesn’t think drinking more would be a good idea.
“Don’t break it!” Juyeon tiredly hurries out as he sees his friend Marco handle his camera, the device almost falling out of the foreign friend’s hands. 
“I won’t! Hold on, let me just–” the Italian mutters, the coating of vodka shots and the cheap red wine (made to look like blood to keep things festive) making his words slur together as he speaks. 
Juyeon reaches towards his drunk friend (while also questioning how he’s going to take a plane back to Italy tomorrow in a very hungover state) and tries to pray the prized possession out of his hands, but comes to a fail as the tall man waves him off with a theatral arm wave, shoving the poor boy towards the white wall and putting the camera up against his own face. “I’ll take your picture! So you can– you only take pictures of us, Juyo,” he rambles on, “I’ll take your picture so you can show it at home to your friends!” Marco grins, having Juyeon aimlessly sigh and stretch out his lips into a fake smile, waiting for his friend to take the picture so he can get his camera back to safety.
“Me too! Me too!” he suddenly hears from somewhere to his right, and before he has the chance to decipher the owner of the female voice, a weight on his shoulder tells him you just jumped at his side– almost topping him over and into the spooky decorations to his right– as you giggle into his ear. “Have it?”
“Aaaalmost!” Marco stretches out as he squints at the camera– and in the spare few seconds before the shutter goes off, Juyeon allows himself to stare down at your figure glued to his side. You’re wearing a dark lipstick on your smile, a drip of fake blood rolling down the side of your mouth. There’s a corset top enveloping your middle and a flowy black skirt only pulling the whole look together even with the absence of fangs– and while you don’t suck out his blood, Lee Juyeon can physically feel how you sucked out all oxygen out of his lungs in your sexy vampire costume. 
He’s seen you around tonight, but he never got the courage to walk up to you. Something about this being his last night in Paris might be the reason why. 
He was simply too bummed out about how things between you and him never went further than fits of laughter in class as you helped him with his French, or friendly hugs when you bid him goodbye at the corner of his street. Maybe it was his own fault for falling for someone so out of his reach. He always knew his stay in France was temporary– hell, he was an exchange student, he was aware of what he was getting himself into– but still, he couldn’t help but recognize the familiar warmth in his stomach whenever you were around and the strange racing of his heart whenever you were close enough for him to smell your shampoo for what it was. He was completely, utterly smitten with you– a french local that would be erased out of his lifestyle as soon as he lands back home in Korea.
The shutter of the camera is all it takes to break his train of thought, making him snap his head back to his Italian friend. A sigh of relief is heard in the room as Juyeon finally reunites with his digital camera (he was surprised to see Marco let go of it so easily), and before he has the chance to think of a conversation topic to indulge in with you, you have his words catching in his throat at your own pace of speech.
“Have you been here for long?” you ask, flattering your eyelashes at him. Juyeon gasps before he presses his lips together into a tight line, shrugging.
“A bit.”
“Why haven’t you said hi?” you frown. “You said it’s your last night! You wouldn’t leave without a goodbye, would you?” you shake your head at him, playfully poking his shoulder with your pointer finger.
He was going to. Not anymore, he guesses.
“No,” he disagrees instead, “I was gonna look for you when it was my turn to leave,” he quickly comes up with an explanation, having your features relax as a warm smile overtakes your pretty features again.
Even with your face all bloody and your eyes having dark circles under them from eyeshadow (and mascara that weared off a little, which you were completely unaware of), Juyeon finds you absolutely, utterly and fascinatingly beautiful. He’s glad no one is able to read his inner monologue– or else he’d be the one with blood running down the side of his face. If the punch to seal the cut would be coming from you or your boyfriend, he’s not quite sure. 
Maybe both. The main thing is, you’re taken and his feelings aren’t reciprocated. 
Which is why his silly crush on you that maybe, just maybe, turned into something more meaningful was that much damaging to his poor soul. 
Because Juyeon swears he never loved anyone before, but after spending the night with you drinking cheap wine in his empty dorm room on his birthday completely alone– since it fell on a Sunday this year and he didn’t have that many friends yet to celebrate with, only having spending 2 weeks in Paris at the time– during which you taught him French swear words and kissed his cheek goodbye (which he thought may be a cultural thing, although he wasn’t sure); after all of this, he felt like you’re the person he’ll think of when someone asks him about his first love when he's old.
And even if he had the balls to do anything about it (which he didn’t), he simply couldn’t. You were out of reach.
“You’d better,” you hum, “or else I’d hitchhike a plane and come over to Korea just to kick your ass.”
“You can’t hitchhike a plane, you weirdo.” 
You sigh, shaking your head. “Of course I can. Watch me.”
Juyeon finds himself grinning at the adorable determination in your voice. It makes him feel a certain type of way that he knows he shouldn’t– but after spending 10 months with the feelings (5 of which you were single, 5 of which you’ve spent dating your boyfriend) and absorbing the idea of leaving you and everything behind tomorrow, Juyeon no longer feels as guilty about the act of loving you. Not anymore– not tonight.
“I like your costume,” Juyeon comments, pointing to the attire you’ve dressed yourself in.
“Really?” your eyes light up. “Look, I even wore the bow my idiot of a boyfriend said looks tacky,” you say, making a little twirl for the man. Your skirt flows nicely in the air and you stumble a bit due to the alcohol in your system, but when Juyeon catches you by your forearms and steadies you, there’s a content smile sitting on your lips despite your previous sentence.
“It looks pretty on you,” Juyeon hums, nodding. “It’s not tacky at all.”
“I always knew you had more taste than him,” you sigh dramatically, making Juyeon question your actions. 
“Anyways, I like your costume as well,” you comment. 
“Thanks,” he says, although his half-assed attempt at a Joker’s costume wasn’t anywhere near your level of preciseness, “Shotaro was supposed to go as Harley to match with me, but he pulled out of it at the last minute,” Juyeon pouts.
“Gosh! That would’ve been fucking amazing,” you laugh, swatting your friend in the arm playfully– the way you always do when you laugh– but as you come down from it, there’s a bitter tone in your voice. “I asked my boyfriend to wear a couple’s costume too, but he said all my costume ideas were lame.”
“Y/N–” Juyeon starts, wanting to speak up about the matter very obviously present in the conversation, wanting to console you, say anything, but you cut him off again– your courtesy– with a shrug and a grin on your face made to mask your true emotions (didn't work. Juyeon knows you too well).
“It’s okay. That’s why I dressed up as a slutty vampire just to spite him,” you say. 
“What’s his costume?” Juyeon asks.
“Not sure. I think he just bought the Scream mask, or something,” you mutter, rolling your eyes at the male.
And now, Juyeon was never big on gossip. But if gossiping meant poking fun at your boyfriend, the last night before his plane back home takes off is not the time he’s passing on a snarky comment. “Lame.”
“I’m so glad we are on the same page, Juyo.”
His heart leaps at the nickname– a lot of people call him that, but the tone you say it in, the sweet melody of your voice as you throw it at him like a promise (of everything and nothing at all– you’re fond of him, but never fond enough), only you have this effect on him when you call him that. He wishes he had you saying his name recorded, documented somewhere on his phone, your accent and all, so he could hear you say it when he foolishly misses you in the middle of the night, like he knows he will when he lays awake at home, in his tiny, silent room.
“Do you want to get out for a bit? It’s getting too hot in here,” you say as you wave yourself, hoping to cool off, but failing miserably with the heat created from the bodies swimming through the house, and Juyeon finds himself nodding at your question.
Your feet drag you outside of the house, the cold breeze instantly cooling down your sweaty bodies. You two stand on the front porch together, watching the world around you revolve in a fast, yet slow manner– there are couples making out in the corner of the yard, one of them pressed up against the tree, and friends chasing each other down in zombie costumes, passing by bottles of alcohol between each other. 
Juyeon hears you hum, making him turn his head towards you and see you offering a cigarette to him. He'd never been much of a smoker before, but Europe taught him to never turn down a cigarette when offered, and so he only takes out one out of the pack, watching you mirror his movements. You fish for your lighter in your bra (and Juyeon finds himself too mesmerized to look away during the action), clicking it and putting the flame against the cigarette trapped between his lips.
He doesn’t know what it is about the action that makes his eyes hooded as he watches you– noticing the forgotten speck of glitter from some step of your makeup routine under your eye, making him want to swipe his thumb over it and take it off for you– but he can’t get his gaze off you as he breaths in the smoke, his head going more fuzzy than it has been only a few minutes prior.
When Juyeon’s cigarette is lit, you move to light your own, all while the male watches you with almost a dreamy look on his face. Somehow, he’s glad no one’s watching you. He doesn’t think he would be able to conceal his feelings for you tonight.
“Are you gonna miss this?” you suddenly ask, looking up at him from his right.
You? Absolutely. 
“I think so,” he nods, “it’s a lot different to home, but I made a lot of memories here.”
He watches a hint of smile spreading over your features. “Do you remember when you accidentally told our professor you were horny instead of excited?” you laugh.
“Oh, shut up,” Juyeon laughs at the memory. His French never really got to a perfect level– that’s why most of you settled on speaking English between each other– but the first few weeks were a living hell of a language barrier for Lee Juyeon. “The more concerning part is that this is what made you approach me,” he notes.
“Well, I recognised that you needed help, and I was willing to provide it,” you say, taking a drag out of the cigarette and blowing the smoke into his face.
Juyeon looks at you through the smoke cloud, snickering. “I’m kinda grateful, though. You were the first friend I made here.”
You look at him with a tender look– something so full of care Juyeon swears he feels his stomach doing somersaults– before you press your lips into a solemn smile. “Well, I’m honored, Juyeon Lee,” you drag out in a posh accent, making the boy break out into a laugh.
He takes another drag off the cigarette, inviting the nicotine into his system. Mixed with the alcohol in his veins and your aura surrounding him, he almost feels on cloud 9, like he’s flowing in space and he can’t get down. He watches as you lean over the railing of the porch, forearms meeting with the metal in a set of goosebumps. Breeze flies through the air, making your barely-clothed figure shiver.
He knows he probably shouldn’t. Your boyfriend is somewhere inside, and although you two are seemingly in a weird sort of fight, it’s not his place to act as a gentleman. 
Still, Juyeon finds he has nothing to lose. He shrugs off the suit jacket he’s been wearing and drapes it over your shoulders wordlessly, noticing the way you look back at him over your shoulder with a soft smile on your lips. 
A comforting silence overtakes you two. Juyeon takes the last drag off the cigarette and puts it out on the iron railing, enjoying the effect your sheer presence has on him. The music coming out of inside is only a mere background noise now, providing him an occasional distraction to the buzzing of his own thoughts.
“Say, Juyo,” you start, “do you know where Dorothy lives?” you ask.
Juyeon hums in disagreement. “Don’t think I do. Why?”
“I’m sleeping over at hers tonight,” you mumble, mentioning your best friend– the girl Juyeon’s met plenty of times in the 10 months of knowing you. “I was supposed to stay at Andre’s, but I’m not talking to him right now.”
“Oh,” is all Juyeon says. The mention of your boyfriend always throws him off the track a little.
“I dunno where Dorothy went, but I’m getting kind of sleepy.”
“Why can’t you just go home?” he asks.
“Juyo,” you laugh, “my parents would kill me if I got home tipsy and smelling like cigarette smoke. Don’t you know how they are?” you joke, shaking your head in disbelief.
He doesn’t. He kind of wishes he had the chance to know, though– because if he knew your parents, maybe it would imply something. Signify something more.
“Do you want me to walk you to Dorothy’s?” 
“Yeah,” you nod, lids heavy. Juyeon doesn’t know what time it is, but the last time he checked, it was well past midnight– he doesn’t think he’d stay around much longer himself.
“Okay,” he nods, watching as you slowly peel yourself off the railing and wear his suit jacket properly, the fabric drowning you, but keeping you warm. The sight, the sentiment of it, makes Juyeon’s hands shake and his throat go dry. You’re so close, yet so out of his reach.
Your feet are slow as you march towards the direction of your best friend’s house. Juyeon doesn’t know how far it is, but he wishes for you to take the long way home– if those are the last moments he has with you, he wants to drag the evening out the best he can.
The night is quiet. The only thing ringing in your ears is the sound of your own footsteps, when Juyeon surprises himself with the question that noisily cuts out of his throat.
“Why don’t you break up with him?” he asks.
He expects you to go mad at the question– you were known to have quite the fierce temper. You and Andre have had a few problems in the past: he was known to be reckless with his snarky comments that somehow hurt your pride, his nasty behavior when he got drunk, and the not-so-happy opinion your parents had of him. You were known to blow things out of proportion, screaming, crying and making a scene whenever you could if you thought it was appropriate, known to talk about your conflicts with your friends and digging out opinions out of them on the matter.
Juyeon always made sure to give you lukewarm arguments whenever you asked him about your boyfriend. Never too heated to make himself seem suspicious. Your relationship was none of his business.
Again– tonight, though, he has nothing to lose.
“I dunno,” you shrug, your steps a little uneven on the pavement, “it’s… a matter of habit, maybe? It’s weird,” you say. 
The explanation gives Juyeon just about nothing. A matter of habit? Is it a habit to stay with someone? Was there not more needed for a relationship?
Juyeon doesn’t find it in him to reply. Instead, he lets you talk.
“I think I might love him, or something. I’m not really sure…” you mumble, the sentences breaking Juyeon’s heart a little by little, shattering it right in front of you on the pavement, “because if I didn’t, why else would I put up with all of this?” you ask, not really expecting an answer.
“All the shaming, the spiteful remarks. The pettiness, the silent treatment… tell me, Juyo, do I have any dignity?” you laugh, shaking your head in disbelief.
The snicker that escapes out of you quickly turns bitter. Your body grows impossibly closer to his, your hands sneaking around his bicep. You walk with linked arms, your head falling to his shoulder. “I don’t think I really love him, though,” you suddenly rebuttal, “‘cause like… I wouldn’t- I wouldn’t tell my grandkids about Andre, y’know? I think that’s the way you know. If you can imagine thinking so fondly about someone that you… that you’d mention them even in 50 years, ‘cause the memories still feel fresh and you’re delighted you once knew them, then…” you trail off, voice fading.
“Do you know what I mean?” you hum, pouting.
He does know.
“Sorry, I’m rambling–”
“No, I get you,” he reassures you, nodding to himself. 
“You always do,” you sigh, breaking Juyeon’s heart into a million pieces, “anyways, with that being said… I think I’m with him only because breaking up is too much of a hassle. And, I think I like the attention,” you splutter, laughing at yourself, “that’s… so desperate of me, I know. I’m starting to doubt if it’s even worth it.”
“He’s not,” Juyeon finds himself saying as you two cross the corner.
“You’re only saying that as my friend.”
“No, I’m saying that as your– as someone who cares…?” he stutters, mentally kicking himself for sounding so readable. Surely, you must’ve already noticed. If not from his current statement, then from the way he looked at you the whole night. You are a smart girl– you were always quick to point out the men that would soon hit on you when you were at the club. You have a good eye when it comes to others.
You only laugh, though. Oh, how Juyeon loves the sound.
“Thank you,” you hum.
You two fall silent for a while. Juyeon finds himself enjoying it. It feels comfortable– to walk with you through the emptied Paris, accompanied by the yellow lampposts and soulless streets. Only you two, your linked arms and his suit jacket around your shoulders.
“We’re at Dorothy’s,” you muse when your steps come to a halt, gesturing towards the silent, dark house on the other side of the street, “I think she’s not home yet, though. Her light would be on.”
Chewing on the inside of his cheek, Juyeon looks from the house and back at you, then back at the seemingly empty house again. “And now what?”
“I have to wait for her,” you shrug, “will you… keep me company?”
You don’t even have to ask. He’d always keep you company. 
“Well, I’m not just gonna let you stand alone in the street in the middle of the night, am I?” he playfully shakes his head in disbelief, but secretly enjoys the fact that he has more time with you before you have to pay each other goodbye.
“Always knew you were a gentleman.”
“Pretty sure that was my middle name,” he notes.
“I thought you said that was ‘handsome’ once?”
“I have two,” he laughs.
“Is that possible?” you tease.
“Of course! Look it up,” he says, turning to you as he talks. “My name’s actually Lee Handsome Gentleman Juyeon, it’s on my ID and everything,” he jokes, watching as your eyes turn into moon crescents and your throat lets out a fit of amused giggles.
Another playful punch to his shoulder. A happy sigh. A shake of your head, full of disbelief. 
“Damn, Juyo. I’ll miss you like crazy, you know?” you suddenly utter, making the boy’s heart fall down into his stomach. The implication of your words sounds a lot like a goodbye, and although he was aware of the fact that he was leaving before, he doesn’t think he really let the reality down on him until now. 
This time tomorrow, there will be no Paris. No Marco. No Shotaro. No Bence. No French locals, no bagels for breakfast, no shitty ass dorm room.
No you.
“I’ll miss you more,” he says. He thinks he’s right.
You’ll miss him like a friend. He’ll miss you like his first love.
You stare at him for a heartbeat. One, two– before you latch onto him, much like when you first met tonight. Your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him close, head resting on his shoulder only when you notice his hands wrapping around your middle. Breathing in your scent, Juyeon focuses very hard to keep his heart rate in check– it’s hard to not falter under your touch when your nose buries itself into his neck, cold skin nuzzling into his hot one, hands squeezing him tighter.
Juyeon doesn’t think you’ve ever hugged him like this before. 
And now, you won’t ever again.
You break away from him only enough to still be in his hold, your forehead resting against his. The new intimacy between the two of you makes him gulp, eyes focused into yours– watching the silver and gold swirl around your irises, counting your eyelashes. Noticing the faint mole on the top of your nose bridge. 
Foolishly letting his eyes dip lower. Memorizing the shape of your lips with his gaze. Taking in a shaky breath when he feels your fingers playing with the hair on his nape.
“Will you tell your grandkids about Paris?” you ask, voice barely louder than a whisper. Juyeon would almost think you’re suggesting something with your question, but when you speak up again, the suspicion is proved correct. “Will you tell them about me?”
The boy drags his eyes up back to yours. He examines the intention. He finalizes that he has nothing left to lose. 
Tomorrow, this will all be a memory. A moment out of his reach– much like you, all this time. A moment of time he experienced and won’t ever get back.
“I will,” he nods, swallowing. “Will you?”
You smile at the boy, the curve of your lips capturing his attention again. If anyone asked, he’d tell them it’s pure biology– the way his eyes zoomed in on your mouth the moment your expression changed. That’s how attention fluctuates– he learned about it in class somewhere, he’s fairly certain.
Why he’s unable to look back into your eyes after the question is a matter of something else, though.
“I think I might,” you breathe out.
There’s buzzing in his fingertips as he relishes the moment. The sentiment makes his knees weak, his brain fuzzy, his sight blurry and a little hazed. When he finally catches a glimpse of your gaze, he finds it glued to his mouth. 
He could take it as an invitation. 
He won’t, though.
“Kiss me?” you ask, whispering.
He shakes his head in disapproval. “I can’t.” 
Not when you’re taken. Not when he’s aware. Not when he knows you might regret this in the morning.
“Can I kiss you, then?” you ask. 
That, however, is a whole other situation. 
You asked to. You're making the first step. He doesn't have to feel guilty– who cares whether either of you might regret this decision tomorrow.
A simple nod–
that’s all it takes before you lock your lips with his. Your mouths move against each other with a passion he’s contained for his whole stay. You taste like vodka and orange juice, the slickness of your lip gloss making Juyeon’s lips slide against yours with more ease. He kisses you like you’d kiss your first love– with everything in him, with everything he is. 
He kisses you in a way that shows he wants to remember this forever. In a way that makes you lean even closer, pressing up firmly against him as you angle your head to make the kiss deeper. One of your hands moves from behind his head to twist itself deeper into his hair, tugging a little at the root to make the boy gasp under your actions. That has you inviting your tongue into his mouth, eager to taste him, to explore.
Juyeon doesn’t think he’s ever been kissed like this. He doesn’t think he’s ever felt so vulnerable, so open while kissing someone. This is him with his heart on a plate, naked and ready to be stabbed, squished by the weight of circumstances breathing onto his back.
His cold fingers move along your sides. Your hands settle on his shoulders to steady yourself, head pulling away to gasp for oxygen.
You look so pretty when he opens his eyes. Lipstick smudged and eyes blown out, hair a little messy from the October wind. He’s like an addict presented with his favorite drug– he can’t get enough, he can’t resist as he chases after you, leaving kisses along your jaw and the corner of your mouth, where the blood is, slowly meeting your lips again in another lock.
Everything else disappears. In this moment, there’s just you, you, you…
No flights. No weight of his own conscience. No boyfriends, no unsaid feelings. 
No regret.
And Juyeon thought he had nothing to lose, but suddenly, with you in his arms, he feels as if he’s being stripped of everything he never even had, only got the glimpse of last minute, a few hours before he’s gone.
You lean away again. Juyeon watches you with big eyes. A smile appears on your face as you move a finger up to his face, cleaning up the side of his mouth off the dark lipstick you’ve imprinted on him. He feels fragile under your touch. One bad move and he breaks, falls apart under you.
“You have to come back to visit one day,” you whisper, cradling the side of his face.
Juyeon nods. He doesn’t know if he’ll ever get the chance.
But as you stand on your tippy toes and press a kiss to his forehead, making a million different fireworks erupt in his stomach, he doesn’t let himself think of that (im)possibility. He watches as you smile at him, locking your eyes in a gaze tender and soft, yet electrifying, holding something special.
Before you take off to meet your best friend walking up the other side of the street, you hug him one last time and whisper into his ear.
“Goodbye, Juyo.”
Seeing as you lock your arms with Dorothy, walking up into the silent house and never looking back, Juyeon lets himself feel the last hint of longing for someone he always knew would never be his. And it’s strange, because he hasn’t even left yet, 
but oh, how he’d love to go to Paris again.
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spiderlandry · 11 months
Murder Party — ethan landry
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Description: You’re the only one who knows where Ethan’s costume is from. You quickly realize you both have more in common than you originally thought.
Pairing: Ethan Landry x GN!Reader
Warnings: ghostface ethan is implied, also some sinister energy coming from reader, alcohol consumption (not by reader), mentions of canon typical violence/mentions of murder
Word Count: 1.2k
Author’s note: thank u for the support ive been getting lately!! i appreciate all ur comments and likes and reblogs :] also has anyone else seen murder party? i feel like im the only one lol
At Chad’s request, you attended the one of the frat parties being held for the upcoming Halloween. It wasn’t unusual, you often got invited to parties because of your connection to some people in the football team, like Chad, who you’ve tutored a few times. However, you almost always never went to any of them—except this one.
You were willing to give it a chance. One, because it was almost Halloween and nobody deserved to be alone during that. And two, because Chad said, I have somebody I wanna set you up with.
Chad didn’t know you too well besides what you’ve talked about in the tutoring sessions, so you wondered what could’ve possibly made him think he had the ability to set you up. But you went anyway, out of morbid curiosity. What was the harm?
That’s what brought you to this moment, in the dimly lit kitchen of this random house, the smell of sweat and alcohol floating through the air as you raided the fridge for a soda. The red jumpsuit you wore was just a tad bit too tight and restricted your movement, and you held your scissors in one hand while you took a coke from the shelf.
Ethan wandered the unfamiliar hallways of the house until he found escape from the mass of moving bodies, ones dancing to the music and stumbling around like a bunch of newborn deer. That was how he ended up in the kitchen, leaning against a cabinet, thankful for some space. The kitchen was empty.
“There’s no guy with an axe after you, is there?”
He was wrong. His head snapped to the voice, a sweet sound almost music to his ears, and saw somebody sitting on the counter right at the corner. How could he not have seen you?
“I’m sorry, what?” He didn’t catch it the first time, frankly because he didn’t think anyone was there at all.
You laughed, an even sweeter sound that he must’ve missed out on all his life. “Your costume,” You sipped from a coke in your hand then nodded to his makeshift knight outfit. “It’s Christopher. From Murder Party.”
He looked down at himself, as if he didn’t know what he was wearing. But he met your eyes once more when he realized someone finally knew it. “Yeah!” Cringing at sounding too excited, he toned it down. “Yeah. It is. And no, there’s no guy with an axe after me.”
“No Bill?”
“God, no.” He shook his head, flashing you with a wide grin, unable to help himself. He walked closer toward you. “You know, you’re the only who knows my costume.”
“To be fair,” You smirked. “It is kind of niche. You a big fan of horror comedy?”
He nodded, “Grew up with them. You?”
You shook your head. “More of a fan of elevated horror.”
That was when he processed what you were wearing, and saw the large scissors on the spot beside you. “You’re a tethered. From Us, right?”
“Yep,” You pursed your lips into a thin smile. “Can’t really beat Jordan Peele.”
Something, like a shadow, passed over your face for a singular moment that was difficult to miss. But you recovered quickly and continued the conversation.
“You don’t seem like a party guy,” You commented, more of an observation.
“I’m not, no. Not at all.”
“Me neither. Hate drinking.”
“Why are you here, then?”
You rolled your eyes at the reminder. “Some guy on the football team said he wanted to set me up with somebody. Don’t know where he is.”
“How do you know he didn’t just invite you here for himself?” Ethan got more confident as time went on, maybe it was the shots Chad had him take.
“He doesn’t seem like that guy.”
“How do you know he is who he says he is?”
By then, Ethan had gotten a little bit closer since the music was turned up. You didn’t mind the proximity though, and it seemed that he liked it.
“I don’t,” Your eyes narrowed. “But I’m a pretty good judge of character.”
He raised his brows. “Are you?”
It dawned on you that you never asked for his name. “What’s your name?”
“Ethan,” he breathed shallowly, seeing that you were only a few inches away from him. “You?”
“Y/N.” You held out your free hand, “Nice to meet you.”
Despite his sweaty hands, he took it.
A booming voice interrupted your slowly inching faces, to both of your disappointment.
“There you are!” You saw Chad at the end of the hall, then he did a double take. “And you! You guys know each other?” He was definitely a little drunk, from the slurring of his words.
“N—no, we don’t. We just met.” Ethan replied. Was he supposed to know you?
Chad strutted closer and gestured to you with a solo cup in his hand. “So, thoughts?”
You were taken aback. “Thoughts on what?” There was no way he was asking what you thought he was asking.
“On Ethan!” He shouted over the music. “He’s the one I wanted you to meet.”
He was. You sighed, biting your lip. You looked at Ethan, who was gaping and clueless right next to you.
Before you could say anything, a woman in an orange jack o’lantern top tapped Chad on the shoulder. “Hey, big guy.” He turned around. “You’re needed.”
Chad left on fast feet, leaving you and Ethan.
“For the record,” you tilted your head, leaning closer to him again. “I was gonna say I liked talking to you. I don’t know you that well yet, but I think we’d get along.”
He was relieved upon hearing that, to say the least. “I—I liked talking to you, too.”
You took out your phone from your back pocket, unlocking it, and pushing it in his direction. It was a few seconds until he understood, mainly because nobody had ever done that to him before.
“You want my number?” He needed to clarify that.
“Why else would I give you my phone?”
Ethan laughed. He may be nervous, but not once has he felt embarrassed in your presence. There was no one in the world who could do that to him, besides you.
He put his contact as ‘Ethan :)’ and saved it, closing the phone. As he handed it back to you, it lit up and something caught his eye in that millisecond that he saw your lockscreen. It was you with someone else.
“Who’s that?” He asked out of curiosity. Why did the woman in your lockscreen look familiar?
“Oh,” you sighed. “That’s Amber. She’s my best friend.” You didn’t feel like going into it right now, but by Ethan’s name and matching the description in your head, you had a feeling he was the one you were looking for. Richie’s family that Amber told you about who were just as crazy as him.
It dawned on Ethan. But there was a commotion by the stairs that caught both your ears—one of them sounded like Chad’s voice.
You checked it out, standing right next to Ethan when you finally saw the woman you’d been waiting for—the sole reason you offered to tutor Chad.
Tara Carpenter, the one who killed your best friend.
Additional A/N: i didnt know where this was going when i began writing so it ended up here…for some reason. originally it was non-gf ethan and reader meet cute but i thought i’d switch it up. the backstory here is that amber and y/n are childhood friends and went to different schools, hence why core four doesnt know them. kind of a plot hole but! its whatever. idk. i also wrote in past tense bc it just felt right
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byhuenii · 7 months
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✩°。 ⋆⸜ matching halloween costumes w/ jjk men
AN: listen yes i know IM 5 days late to halloween but who gives a fuck! i love me halloween i love me some matching halloween costumes and i love me some jjk men. simple girl with simple needs 🤷‍♀️ Fem!reader BTW
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Included: Gojo Geto Nanami Toji Choso !!
Gojo Satoru - Beast Boy and Raven
at first he was totally against the idea of turning his hair green because duh it was what made satoru satoru! but with some little convincing he caved in (YES!)
he knew of beast boy and raven is what he told you but he didn’t he really didn’t have a childhood to which he could watch cartoons, so he had to look up beast boy and robin he even watched some clips of just beast boy and raven. he wanted to fit the role—the more he watched the more he was convinced yeah he is beast boy.
and when the costumes finally came in on time for shoko’s halloween party, he was already in character. instead of calling you princess baby he now calls you mama. you can’t lie it makes you giggle at how dedicated he is. and to be honest he really just wanted to see you in that body suit with tights and a cape. before and during the party he couldn’t keep his hands off you. (he is so beast boy :c)
Geto Suguru - Woody and Bo Peep
at first he was confused like, why would you want to be dolls? why couldn’t you be like mario and princess peach? but no you had to convince him to be woody and bo peep. it took some actual convincing a whole powerpoint presentation.
he knew of those two already since you loved doing toy story, it was your comfort movie. your go to movie. your my personality movie. he still never got the whole appeal of it still. it wasn’t like you two were doing anything it was just going to be a simple chill at home handing candy to kids while satoru and shoko were there being themselves annoying geto. so when he put the costume on the day of halloween he looked himself in the mirror laughing. you who was confused thought he liked it oh so wrong. he thought he looked stupid,
you were already in the living room with satoru and shoko talking. he wanted to walk out without the costume but he knew you had always wanted to match as bo peep and woody—he put it back on and sucked it up. satoru being satoru of course laughing at suguru but he didn’t care suguru did it for you. (he would look so cute as woody with his long hair/man bun DONT @ ME.)
Nanami Kento - Flynn Ryder and Rapunzel
DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON NANAMI. that man is such a gentleman he doesn’t care what you guys are for halloween, as long as you’re happy that’s all that mattered to him. he never cared for halloween it was just a silly holiday to dress up, this was serious for you SERIOUS BUSINESS.
the two of you binged watched every single disney princess movie and you came to the conclusion he liked tangled the most. there was just something about the movie he liked it. you immediately ordered everything for the costume so when he finally out it on, it was game over. it was like he was fit perfectly for the role as flynn ryder. he thought he looked good but when you put on the costume you looked amazing to him,
something about the corset and longer hair did something to him, got him giggling kicking his feet! you could say the same. the white open top button with the vest…it was like his normal attire but just more flynn ryder. safe to say he had kiss stains all over his face
Fushiguro Toji - The chef and Remy the rat
Listen you are basically already toji’s sugar mommy cause that boy cannot hold a job and for that why don’t we give him a job on halloween as a one of the many chefs from ratatouille!
you moreover the rat wouldn’t maybe say remy but definitely a cute ass rat! toji was all for it until you put on the ears. he looked at you all weird like you were some human sized rat which you weren’t. you literally had a grey corset white skirt and rat ears. CUTE rat ears. he wouldn’t even kiss you or hug you because he thought he would be seen as a rat lover like what??
you didn’t care you looked cute and took picture cause at the end of the day your goal was just to make you and your greasy boyfriend look cute together, maybe you should’ve done ghost face but who cares you were a cute rat.
Choso Kamo - Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy
it was a last minute costume, both of you weren’t going to do anything but remembered you could just walk around Shibuya! …well itadori invited you two because he knew you two would laze around on the couch watching cheap horror movies on the TV with some popcorn that was probably too stale for you two to eat.
and with last minute costumes calls for last minute shopping and what did you find? some spiderman suits. i mean take what you can get and don’t throw a fit! choso was skeptical cause its just a bodysuit, he would be exposed! but he still bought it, and man that shit formed his body perfectly, his abs were outlined his biceps.
the two of you ended up just throwing on some sweats/cargos over the bodysuit and called it a day. choso had the mask hang out of his front pocket, you just wanted to grab it wrap it around his neck and pull him into infinite kisses. yuuji thought you two looked so cute with the matching costume! if yuuji likes the costume and you like the costume that is all that mattered to choso, he was happy loving every moment he spent with you and yuuji.
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tonixe · 7 months
"Oh Micheal..."
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notes: I'm back and for real this time, school kicked my ass and I'll going to try to answer all the requests and publish all of them, sorry guys for not uploading xx.
warning: smut, p in the v, creampie, readers a virgin, non-con to semi-con, penetration, and BJ.
pairing: micheal myers x fem!reader
word counter: 2.2k
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The old rusty clock, the arms of the clock moving to what you think is taking its sweet time. Laying down your head on your desk, looking at your friend who was sitting to the right of you, Laurie Strode. You guys knew it each other since middle school, and your moms are parents too which put some relations between you guys.
Finally, the bell rang as you got up took your books, and walked to Laurie who was just packing up like you, "Laurie, what are you doing on Halloween night?" I asked, putting my back on the side of my shoulder, and leaning down on her desk. "Im going to babysit Tommy today, he's my neighboorhood' kid, and they're going to be busy this Halloween," Laurie muttered before you guys started walking out of the classroom to the the hallway. It was usually loud during between periods, but it was the end of the day. -And it was Halloween, "So, what are you going to do this Halloween?" I heard Laurie mention, turning my head towards her realizing I virtually didn't have any plans this year, I was too old for trick or treating and I wasn't going to some dumb Halloween party being hosted.
"Hm, never thought about it before.." I said, looking down the hallway, it was pretty packed with people getting their stuff out of their locker. "Maybe I'll just hang out with you while you babysit, don't wanna be alone on Halloween" I exclaimed, "So.. you're just going to watch some Halloween movie with the kid and give him snacks and shit like that," I asked.
"Probably" She giggled, "maybe some jack o' lanterns if he's lucky," she said, we walked out of the school building, hearing Lynda screaming out names, as she got to us. She was heaving, leaning back, "Where the hell were you guys going?" She exclaimed, "Home" I looked at Laurie and we laughed together, "Come on guys" She groaned, and we walked down the pavement, to the street crossing to our high school.
Haddonfield was a quiet place until 1963, with a kid named Micheal who murdered his own sister, i heard of it everywhere. Different stories and various, it was cruel. I learned from it with my dad's old newspapers, with the letter bold of what the young elementary kid did. "HEY," We heard some yelling again, before Lynda lit her cigarette, smoking it. She turned her head, "It's Annie" She said, "You guys didn't wait for me at all" She yelled, "We did, like 15 minutes and you totally did show" Before we started walking again, Lynda and Annie sharing a cigarettes, as she shared what happen.
"Paul really dragged you to the locker room" I giggled, "Yeah, and he got grounded so he won't be coming over to mine tonight" She blew out the smoke from her lips. "Laurie whatcha thinking about?" I asked, "I forgot my chemistry book!" she groaned, rubbing her head. "So what! I forgot all my books, like my math book, chemistry, English, and more" Lynda started ranting, "Even my French book" She giggled. Before a car started driving across the road, grabbing Laurie's attention, I noticed looking at the direction she was looking at, "Isn't that Van Grahm?" Lynda said, "I don't think so.." Laurie whispered.
"I think he's cute" She smiled out, as we all watched the car drive before Annie said something, "Hey jerk! Speed kills!" She yelled before we noticed the car stopping in its tracks. My heart was beating fast against my chest, waiting for something to happen before it started driving.
"Phew" I muttered, "Sometimes Annie you're going to get us in some deep trouble," Laurie said.
"Totally," Lynda said. Before we all started walking down the pavement.
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I was at Laurie's house sitting down on the couch, she was babysitting a kid named Tommy Doyle, and he was glued to the TV screen watching some kid Halloween movie, i was bored so I watched some of it.
I heard the doorbell ringing as I got up from the couch walking to the door, "I'll get it, Laurie!" Looking into the peephole, it was Annie and her little sister. I opened the door, "It's Annie and her sister" I yelled out, "I didn't know you were going to be here Annie" I said, "Yeah, just need my sister to be here, so I can go to Paul's place" She said, "I thought he was grounded?" I questioned, "he is but his parents are going to be out" She gave me a sneaky smile.
I and Annie were in the middle of a conversation after that Annie left to go back to her house, I put on some different Halloween movies as I walked to the kitchen with Laurie preparing the jack o' lanterns, "Those are so good jack o' later" I pointed at the pumpkins, "Thanks" she said, "Could you make some popcorn for Tommy and Lindsay?" She asked, "Sure" I took some of the microwave popcorn popping it into the microwave setting the timer, before leaning back on the counter.
"So this is how you're going to spend your whole Halloween" I asked, "Yeah, but it's a little fun" She confessed, "How is taking care of two brats fun?"
"I don't know maybe because I have something to do" She shrugged
We spoke until we heard yelling from Tommy, Me and Laurie ran to the living room, "Boogeyman!" He screamed before he grabbed our attention, I rushed to him, "Where?" I said, looking at the window he was pointing to, "Y/N, did you add anything?" she asked, as she held Lindsay, "Nope, nothing there Tommy" I said, "Oh, stop Tommy stop that, there no one there" Laurie said,
"Nobody believes me" Tommy muttered, "I do Tommy," Lindsay said, as they sat down on the couch. Some part of me believed what Tommy said, especially with all the mysterious things that were happening around Haddonfield, "Is there a boogeyman" I whispered looking through the blinds, before I stepped back and sat down on the sofa. A few minutes passed and I got stuck watching some random movie with the kids. The phone started ringing and Laurie got up to answer it, "Are you fooling around again?" she put her hand on her hips before her eye faltered, "I'll kill if this is a joke" I turned my head, "Annie" she repeated to the phone before she quickly put the phone back on the charge.
"Who called?" I asked, "Annie" she said, looking at the window before trying to call her again. "Hold on, could you watch them for me?"
"Sure," I said. A few minutes passed before I looked at the time, "Okay, guys it's time to go to bed" I said, "But it's so early" Tommy groaned, "Well, you guys should be up to date, now bed, now" I watched them as they got up the stairs going to a room, "Now, where the hell is Laurie" I whispered.
I watched some TV, waiting for her, almost falling asleep, I heard banging from the door, and Laurie screaming from behind, I quickly opened it as she shut the door behind her locking it and turning off the lights. Running the phone, putting in the policy number. Her clothes were ripped and she was scared, "Laurie, what happened?" I asked worriedly. She put down the phone, becoming more frantic. "Where's Tommy and Lindsay?"
"There sleeping, right now" I said, stretching my arms, "Laurie what the hell to you?" I pointed to her clothing. "Tommy was right, something is outside" she heaved pushing me down as she was down hiding behind the couch, before she saw a figure. There were armed with a bloody knife, I screamed, backing up before Laurie stabbed the intruder with a large crochet needle. "What the fuck" my eye widen, my heart pounding.
"Come" Laurie grabbed my hand, and we ran some else to the house, hiding from the intruder, "W-what is going on.." I whispered, "Be quiet" she whispered back. Hearing footsteps creeping, the hit didn't affect him. "I'll going to be right back," she said, quietly getting away from where you were, I was scared my heart to my chest.
I held my breath as he got closer, before I saw his knife beside me, I screamed before running up the stairs, my legs had never gone that fast before, I ran upstairs locking the door behind me, before I leaned back, a knife was inserted. As I screamed, crawling back further down. The shadow broke the door as I saw up and personal, he had a white mask with hair and was in a coverall.
"Please," I said, feeling tears on my cheeks, as I crawled back, "please, I won't tell anyone," I said, as he got closer to me his knife in hand, before stopping. I looked up at him, I couldn't see anything but the window did something showing his big shadow.
I felt my body trembling, as I breathed in. I didn't know what to do, looking at him. "What do you want.." I yelled, he didn't respond to me, blankly staring at me.
An idea came into my head and made me feel shameful for doing it but I crawled towards him and looked at him, he didn't lower his knife it seemed like he was frozen in the same position he had before.
My hands were on the waist part of his pants before I felt his hand grabbing mine, I was scared but he released them. Maybe what I had in my head was right, pulling his pants fully down. There was an evident bulge poking out. I held my breath, my thighs rubbing against each other, it was huge.
I had second thoughts of doing it but it looked like he wanted it.
Taking off his boxer revealing his cock sprang out, and the tip was red. I bit my lip, looking up at him, there wasn't a response just silence. Licked the pre-cum oozing out, looking up, he was just staring at me. I started taking him into my mouth, my jaw got tired, felt it hitting the back of my mouth, and it wasn't fully in. Tears on my waterline, before I felt some hands on the back of my head, shoving his dick into my mouth.
Some saliva dripped out of my mouth, breathing through my mouth. I heard his groans, as he kept face fucking me. I put my hands on his thighs, trying to stabilize before I felt hot loads going down my throat before he released his hands over me. I gasped, breathing. My salvia connects to the pink tip of his dick.
Rubbing my legs, feeling my cunt getting wetter, looking up at the intruder. It felt shameless that I was getting horny off of this, rubbing myself. Feeling his hands on me, he forcefully took off my panties underneath my skirt, flipping my skirt up and revealing my cunt. The cold air hitting it made me feel tense. I propped my elbows on the floor, "Wait, please!" I cried out, feeling a sharp pain inside of me, making my body jolt up.
I whimpered out in pain, feeling his large hands on my hips. Thrusting up into my g-stop, making me moan, turning my head. My walls spasming around his cock, his hips smacking into my pelvis, making my moans tremor. "F-fuck" I groaned.
My body jolted with every rhythmic smack to my pelvis. I didn't know why I enjoyed it, I should be in fear by now, but I'm just savoring every moment. Feeling a hot sensation in my lower core, feeling his cock hitting my stop, making me bend my back.
Before I saw a white flash in my eyes, a loud moan ripped out of my throat, I gripped the sheets beneath me. "P-please" I whispered, my eyes feeling heavy. He didn't stop, thrusting into me, making me bend in a sort of way. My skin felt sticky with sweat on my body, I breathed out and in. His rhythm getting sloppier, feeling his hand on my legs.
Lifting them, as he plunges into me, his groans getting louder. feeling him inside of me in parts I didn't know existed. Bending over in ecstasy. Before I felt hot loads inside of me, making me hot.
My chest rose slowly, my eyes looking at him lazily. "Please.." I whispered, his grip still on me. I felt his dick soften inside of me.
Feeling his grasp coming off me, I put my head down. My body feeling tired, and before I felt myself closing my eyes. The last thing I saw was the intruder leaving, I tried to get him but he disappeared.
the only thing I saw when I woke up was Laurie, she had a towel wrapped around my body, the police checking the house and a doctor, I think his name was Mr. Loomis was with us.
"What did he do to you" I heard Laurie whisper to me, I didn't say anything just look at the house, which soon filled with police officers. I felt something dripping down my leg, squeezing my leg. I remember the shameful thing I did with him, biting my lip.
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jchampionsgf · 5 months
first kiss w non gf ethan landry!!
One of your girls
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word count: 946
summary: you bring the shy dorky guy to a frat party . A/N: this is my first request ever so thank you sm for requesting! i've been on here for not a lot of time and im already receiving sm love so tysm! i've never written subby ethan before so sorry if its not that good but hope you enjoy.
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ever since you've joined econ ethan has been observing you from afar. ethan was really hot, and quite a lot of girls had a secret crush on him, but behind that pretty face, ethan was just another shy dorky guy, who'd no one would suspect of anything bad because he was so shy and dorky. and despite the attention, ethan never even had his first kiss, he was waiting for it to be with you. you never really payed that much attention to him, but after your teacher paired you up for a project, you really got to know him. "so what do you wanna do first?" said ethan, nervously. you two had agreed to do the project on your house, so on top of his nervousness of even speaking to you, there was the amusement of being at his crushes bedroom. "i dont know, how about you search for key words while i do the flyer?" you said. after you two being really awkward for a while, you actually found ethan really funny and nice to talk to. and after thet forced interaction because of the project, you two became really good friends. and ethan actually agreed to go to a halloween frat party together. you two agreed to go as ghostfaces together, which was quite ironic considering all of ethan's friends accused him of being one, even though he wasn't. 
"hey im here, where are you?" you texted ethan when you arrived at the party. ethan was so nervous he couldn' even drive properly. it was the first frat party he would go to, let's just say, ethan wasn't much of a party person. when ethan arrived he felt so out of place, there were people making out, drinking, smoking, things ethan never did. "im in the kitchen" he texted you. a few minutes later you found him. you were wearing a black tube dress, fishnets, a ghostface mask stuck on your upper thigh and a pair of black boots, you looked gorgeous in ethan's vision. "hey, i missed you" you said, hugging him. ethan didn't even have time to respond when you said "c'mon lets dance" dragging him to the dance floor. the party was crowded, and as mentioned previously, despite not being popular, ethan had a lot of secret admires, sometimes he would open up his locker and and a bunch of letter would fall on his lap, love letters to be exact. you and him were at the dance floor, the amount of girls who would look at him was too much. even you started to notice. and ethan started to get uncomfortable. "hey are you okay?" you asked ethan, worried. he shook his head in response. you grabbed his hand and led him to the nearest bathroom. "whats wrong?" you asked him, before locking the door shut. "i feel so out of place Y/N" he said, tears filling his eyes. you got on your knees to look in the eyes of the boy who was sitting in the toilet with his head down. "look, i know you're not used to this kind of stuff but i can help you." you said "its not that. sure im not used to these kind of places but its just i feel so-" he said "lost?" you interrupted him. he nodded. "how? i mean those girls were looking at you with hungry eyes out there ethan." you said, trying to comfort him. "but i dont want any of those girls Y/N, i want someone that cares about me, someone who i can feel safe with, not just some one night stand." he said, no looking at you in the eyes. "i want someone like-" he said, before pausing regretting him words. "someone like you." he said, taking every drop of courage in his body to say that. you grabbed his cheeks and leaned in slowly, kissing him on the lips. he looked shocked, and that concerned you because you thought that you did something wrong or that he simply just didn't like the kiss. "im sorry, i have no idea what came into me" you said, getting up and grabbing the door handle of the bathroom. you were about to open the door when he grabbed your waist spinning you and kissing you one more time. "im sorry if i looked like i didn't like it, trust me, that's what i've wanted for months now but-" he said "its just...that was my first kiss" he said, stuttering. now the one in shock was you, you would've never expected that a hot guy like him who gets that much attention never got kissed until that moment. "what?" you said, in complete shock. "i know, just, lets not come back out there, i dont want anymore girls looking at me Y/N, you are the only one that i want." he said. "what if there was a way to make them go away?" you said, an idea popping in your head. "c'mon" you said,  grabbing his hand and one again, dragging him to the dance floor. "just trust me okay?" you whispered in his ear. you grabbed his hand and put it on your waist. you pulled his head closer to yours, french kissing him. you were expecting him to be a horrible kisser, considering that a few minutes ago he had his first kiss, but you honestly wouldn't care. the thing you weren't expecting was that he was actually a great kisser, like amazing kisser. "you are an amazing kisser, im kinda surprised not gonna lie" you said, shocked for the second time of the night. "i watch porn so.." he confessed. "ethan!" you said, laughing.
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lokigonnakmsforbucky · 9 months
Perfect (S.W.)
Sam Winchester x Plus sized F! Reader
Request: maybe some s1/2 sam? it’s the reader's first time, and sam js is really sweet to her, focusing on her pleasure, guiding her through everything, and noticing how she reacts to his touches and teasing her, just like body worship lol. nicknames, Sam being lowkey an oral god🤭 lol. maybe the reader is just a little bit shy because she is more chubby? idk if this makes sense but yeah!! I hope you can do this, have a lovely day <3 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Rating: Mature (minors DNI)
Warning: Some violence, p n v, unprotected (Wrap it before you tap it!), Sam Is an oral god 🤧, talk of insecurities, loss of virginity.
Gif, not mine*
A/N I am accepting requests and making a supernatural tag list!
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The lock behind you clicking locked sounded like music to your ears. Working straight after class from 4-12 was exhausting, to say the least, at a bar nonetheless. Annoying college frat boys, creepy old men, prostitutes (get the bag sis), you get it though life is hard.
“Only two more months then Im out of here…” You whispered under your breath. You were right though, only two more months at Standford and you were off to do big things in the world.
The walk back to your small apartment outside of campus was cold and damp. You could feel how moist the air was and the cold breeze hit your face and your legs, yet you loved this weather. Not too hot nor too cold just a bit chilly. The trees around you had orange leaves and every house you pass had pumpkins outside carved with scary or funny faces. Halloween was just around the corner. You were ready for it.
For the first time in two years, you were ready for this Halloween. After everything that happened.
You couldn’t believe what happened when you found out that Jessica, one of your closest friends from elementary school was killed in a freak fire accident and her boyfriend Sam found her.
You, Sam, and Jess were inseparable at Stanford. Even days before her death you guys were at a bar celebrating Halloween. Well, jess was. You and Sam were wearing the most boring casual clothes ever. You both didn’t like the attention.
The Party scene, the crazy frat boys, insane sorority girls. Wasn’t your thing. It wasn’t his. But it was all for Jess. Which made the arrangement work.
You lost contact with Sam shortly after Jess’s death. Which stung. Thinking he was one of your best friends and you lost your other to the crazy fire. Yet, life goes on.
The door to your apartment was dull, no sign on the door. No welcome mat. Nothing that indicated a human living there. Thats how you liked it.
You opened the door to find it pitch black in the room before you.
Thats odd. Did I turn the lights off? I swear I don't remember turning them off before I left.
Your mind was racing with questions, you reached towards the left, using the dim hallway lighting to shine just enough for you to see your light switch. You flick it and your apartment shines.
Your apartment was dull. School textbooks on the counter, your backpack on the chair. Your small tv looked dusty in the living room from the lack of use, and the sad couches that hardly were sat on.
You were never home hardly, from working shifts at the bar and school. The only downtime you had was in your bedroom in the comfort of your bed with the latest Stephen King book at your disposal.
You hang your jacket on the hanger and throw your keys on the counter. You sigh loudly, your body was ready for that date to the bed.
A bang in your room made you break your train of thought. You turn your head towards your room and grab a kitchen knife. Slowly making your way towards your room, your heartbeat was picking up slowly.
Your door was open like it was before, but you could feel that something was off. You flicked the light on and nothing was there. But, you discovered that your window was wide open and your books from your end table were on the floor.
You walk towards the window and slide it shut and look out. Nothing seemed to be different yet...something felt off.
You took another breath before you felt arms lock your upper half. You scream and thrash to no avail.
"Please don't be scared...I'm just very hungry. You will come back...don't worry." The voice belonged to a man, you know. You thrashed again and looked up to see yourself looking back. Your mirror showed the man behind you.
He was a kid...maybe only 19? Looked like a freshman in college in his Standford Sweatshirt. But, his teeth were sharp. You kicked the wall and to your surprise, you broke his hold on you as you both fell to the ground.
This was your chance.
You collected yourself quickly running through the door and into the living room grabbing the closest thing to you for cover. Which in this case was a light fixture.
The boy walked through the door, his breaths were heavy. "Look I didn't want to hurt you. "
"Well, I really wanna hurt you."
Sam? That voice couldn't have been him.
A bang of a shotgun went off from your right, you looked to your side to not only see Sam but another guy with him with the shotgun. The man beside Sam seemed to notice you staring at him. His green eyes piercing into yours.
“Get behind me!” He yelled.
You didn’t have to think twice, you ran behind him and Sam while they took care of the deranged man.
“Close your eyes y/n.” Sam finally spoke to you, a machete in his hand. The man beside him was above the man that was kneeling down in pain with a shotgun pointed at his head. You looked back up at Sam, and his face was still just as handsome as it always was.
You finally closed your eyes. Hearing Sam’s footsteps move in front of you. I could hear the deranged man grunting, “Damn you Winchesters. One of these days. We will Kill you.”
“Well, good thing today isn’t the day then.” You could hear Sam’s voice and then a grunt following with a thud.
“Y/n keep your eyes closed. I don’t want you seeing this.”
You kept your eyes closed, tempted to open them. Just to see Sam. He is finally back… after everything that happened. He’s back.
Maybe this is just a dream?
What felt like hours of your eyes being closed was mere minutes as you heard grunting and a door close soon after.
“You can open your eyes now.”
You slowly opened your eyes, your eyes stung from the bright lights, your vision blurry. You reached your hand up and rubbed your eye one by one. The room was still lit with your lamps on the sides of the couch, but you could see the traces of dark red blood on the floor. You could see they were smeared like they were trying to clean it.
“You…. Killed that boy?” You looked up at Sam, the person you hung out with the most, missed the most after everything that has happened.
“He.. wasn’t a human. He was a vampire and he was gonna turn you Y/n.” Sam’s voice was so quiet, like he was afraid you would be scared of him. But, you knew Sam. He would never lie about this.
“This can’t be real…” You looked around and walked towards the couch. Sam following behind. Sitting beside you.
“It is…everything in the supernatural is. My family has hunted them for years…after my mother died from the yellowed eyed demon. Like Jess.” Sam’s voice cracked of mentioning Jess. You slide you hand in his and squeezed.
“A demon killed her?” You didn’t want to believe it, but it explains how weird her death was.
Sam took a breathe and looked at you, “Yes. He did. But, we are going to kill him. The guy that was with me, thats Dean. My brother. He basically raised me while dad hunted to avenge my mother. Now… it’s just me and him.”
Sam never talked about his family much, but he always mentioned his brother a few times. Which explains the facial similarities of the green eyed hunter.
I took a breathe and let his hand go and rubbed my arm,“Why was the Vampire coming for me?”
Sam sighed, “Me and Dean found leads from recent vampire attacks a few towns over. Has to be a nearby the university. Says why a lot of students went missing too.” You grabbed my phone to see it was now 1:45 am, how has it been almost two hours sense this all happened? “The boy that attacked you, went missing a few weeks back. He was sent to take you.”
“To be a vampire?” Your voice cracked a little in fear. Sam nodded, “I wouldn’t have let that happen. You deserve a good life.”
You finally did what you wanted to do for so long, you wrapped your arms around Sam and gave him a hug.
“Sam Winchester you deserve a good life too. Don’t sell yourself short. Thank you for saving my life.”
Sam hugged you back tight, like you were going to disappear any moment.
“Your not safe here Y/n. I got a motel room downtown. Pack clothes and bring a book. I need to know you will be safe.”
2 weeks later
The last few weeks have been eventful to say the least… Sam came back, you met his Metallica loving brother, they rid of the vampire nest and overall you finally felt at ease after the two years of not knowing what happened to Jess.
Sam and Dean stayed near Stanford to keep an eye on you and make sure all is well. Coming down any other day and eating at the diner or having a drink at the bar, (which meant free drinks while your manager wasn’t working since you were the bartender), and having a new friend and your best friend back. All was well.
Yet, you could feel some tension between you and Sam. You’ve always had a small crush on him, who hasn’t though? His thick hair, his height, his hazel eyes, plus his personality? People would be crazy to not have a tiny crush on him.
But, with this small crush you could feel the guilt in the back of your mind. This man was one of your best friend’s boyfriend.
What would Jess think if she was alive?
“Y/n!” Sam’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts. You looked up at him, your popcorn still in your lap as you we’re watching Scream on the Tv with Sam.
You came back home a few days ago and Sam wanted to spend a night over, since tomorrow he and Dean will be heading to South Dakota to see a friend of the family’s.
“You okay? You’ve been quiet for 30 minutes and you usually never shut up about Billy and Stu.”
“I’m just thinking…”
Sam paused the movie and turned towards me. “Spill it.”
You sighed and laugh a little. “Sam, it’s nothing.”
Sam took the popcorn out of my hands and scooted closed towards me, “Must be something if you are quiet for a long period of time.”
You took a breathe, Sam wasn’t gonna give up until you told him what was on your mind, “I’m just thinking about my future. I guess.” You laughed nervously.
“Your future? What about it?”
“Just thinking about everything, what I’m gonna be doing, Where I will be, If I would marry. Stuff like that.” Sam looked at you seriously after you mentioning marriage.
“Y/n, if someone wouldn’t marry you. I would be very surprised. Who wouldn’t? Your funny, down to earth, strong and plus your personality is amazing.”
You laughed, “Yeah. No. I’m not the looks of someone to be married.”
Moments passed, The silence thickened. You could hear your own breathing and Sam set down the popcorn on the table and took the blanket off of me and him. “Get up and come with me.”
Sam grabbed my hands and pulled me up towards him. “Come with me. I have to show you something.” As he said that he took your right hand in his and walked towards your room and opened the door.
Your room looked the same as it always did. Bed maid, your window closed, your books on the table.
Sam took you in front of the mirror, him standing behind you.
“What do you see?”
You look at him through the mirror and give him an odd look.
Sam took a breath, “In the mirror, what do you see?”
“I see me…. We done?”
“No. You see yourself, what do you see about you? What do you like or dislike?”
You rolled your eyes, “What’s your point, Sam?”
"I want you to see the beautiful woman, I see."
Beautiful? He was talking about me? Your mind was spiraling in thoughts. Years of self-doubt, men leaving you since you didn't fit into their "desires". Just to have Sam, your best friend and crush call you beautiful looking at you with no makeup, shorts that showed your curve, thick thighs touching each other, and a tank top that didn't hide your bloated stomach.
"I want you to see how perfect you are to me. Your personality, your smile, how you change the room. " Sam chuckles, "Even your weird obsession with old 90 movies." Sam's hands gently roam down your body to be around your waist.
Beautiful. Perfect.
Not in a million years those two words would fall out of anyone's mouth. Not Sam's at least, You never would have thought that he would talk about you like that.
“Everything of yours is perfect. Your curves, your hips, your smile. " As he said that his hands were all over your body...touching every inch gently. You look at Sam through the mirror, "Sam..." Seeing his hands on your body felt fantastic and right.
"I know the past two years have been hard, I wish I was here for you. Things happened...but I am here now." Sam said his hand was now on my cheek caressing softly. "Let me have this chance."
You took a deep breath, this felt like a dream. Sam Winchester really said that and meant that.
You look up at Sam and nod your head. Instantly his lips met yours.
The kiss was full of passion yet gentle. Like You were a fragile art piece in a museum. His hand was on your waist and he pulled you in closer as he finished the kiss.
"Is this okay?" His hand had my shirt. You nodded your head and he took your shirt off revealing your black bra.
You covered your stomach as Sam looked at you, he wrapped his hands on your arms and moved them away, "I told you that you are beautiful, don't hide yourself from me.
Sam pinned your arms to your side and from your lips down to your stomach near the top of your pants. He kissed every scar, and stretch mark as he went. Whispering all sorts of sweet nothings, while he kissed you.
Sam looked up at you and smiled, "Take your pants off and lay on the bed baby girl."
You took a deep breath and turned from Sam, slipping your pants off and laying down on the bed. Sam was now shirtless and working on his pants.
Once he was left in his boxers he walked towards you and climbed on top of you, his face above yours. He gave you a small kiss on the forehead, the tip of the nose, and finally your lips.
It felt euphoric, the amount of times you never thought this would happen or even think you would be alone for all your life was out of the equation. You were happy.
With his small kisses, Sam cupped your breasts in his hands and softly squeezed them. Making you moan out softly. He lifted you up and unclipped your bra. You slipped out of your bra and allowed him to throw it on the floor. He kissed you once more before fondling your breasts and using his mouth on your nipple, swirling his tongue around your sensitive bud.
You softly moan and hold his head. Yanking his hair softly, Sam releases your nipple and looks up at you, "Better be careful Y/n. I want to take my time, but I will take you right now if you want."
Sam kissed your breasts and went down to your clothed pussy. Kissing the top of your underwear. His dirty talk made you feel excited for what's to come. Your underwear was soaked and Sam knew it, he rubbed your clothed pussy up and down making you moan out loud.
This was really happening. You were going to lose your virginity to Sam.
"Sam... I've never done this before." You admitted to him. He looked up at you and kissed your lips softly, "If you wanna stop we-" Before he could finish his sentence you cut him off with another kiss.
"I want you Sam."
You kissed Sam once more, deepening this kiss. His hands go back to your underwear and easily slide them off.
He breaks the kiss and goes down to my pussy, looking up at you before licking up and sucking on my clit. You moan out loud feeling the sensation of his tongue, Sam licked up and down and sucked on your clit before using a finger and thrusting in your pussy.
His one finger felt amazing inside, yet it stretched you out. If you couldn't take a finger. When he finally goes inside it may not fit. But, no matter the pleasure right now was overwhelming. You didn't want it to stop.
Sam does stop abusing your clit, rubbing your pussy, and adding another finger. You close your eyes and arch your back up, moaning out.
He was paying attention to everything that made you feel nothing but pleasure. He used his two fingers in a scissoring motion and that plus his mouth on you took you over the edge.
Your eyes feel blurry and your breaths are heavy, you could feel Sam's eyes on you. He leans up and kisses you. "Feel good baby girl?"
You smile and nod, "Yes."
You never noticed that Sam slipped his boxers off, his length hitting your thigh. You look down and take a breath.
It's a lot bigger than I thought...I don't think it would fit.
Your mind was spiraling and you could feel your nerves go through the roof.
"Don't overthink, keep your eyes on me. It will be uncomfortable but I am right here." Sam noticed you were in your head. His hands were rubbing your legs comfortably to make you relax. He kissed you gently and pulled you close to him as he rubbed his cock near your entrance.
Sam pulled away looking at you in your eyes, "You ready?"
A moment passed and you finally nodded your head. You wanted it You leaned up and kissed Sam once more. The head of his cock rubbing against your cunt.
During the kiss Sam thrusted in, You gasped in the kiss and he stopped moving while you looked like you were in discomfort.
When your face relaxed he thrusted again slowly until you told him to go faster.
The pleasure felt amazing, nothing felt better than being with Sam. You didn't want anyone else but him, the feel of his kisses, his touch. Was the most amazing thing you have ever felt.
The feeling of his cock filling you up to the brim felt amazing, how you stretched around to fit him and only him.
Sam was grunting as he thrusted, he started to moan softly kissing you while he thrusted into you. He gripped the sheets beside you as you gripped his shoulders filling him into you.
Sam pulled out and came on your stomach, "Sorry.." He chuckled and grabbed his shirt and cleaned you up, You smiled and looked down at him cleaning you up.
The one thing you knew for sure was that not only Sam was your first love, but no matter what he would always be your last.
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melswifeasf · 9 months
Was it ever real?
part two
Fandom: Yellowjackets
Pairing: Shauna Shipman x fem!reader
Genre: a little angst; fluff.
Words: 7.4k+
Summary: based on this request. you have a huge crush on Shauna and she accidentally hears you in the locker room.
Notes: i definitely got carried away with this one lmao. both parts are pretty long, if you guys prefer shorter imagines don’t be afraid to let me know!
not spell checked!
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Taissa elbowed your side making you flinch. she smirked at you and kicked the ball that was under your feet before kicking it over to Van who stopped it and kicked it toward Lottie next. you rolled your eyes at her, a bit embarrassed that she had caught you in the act. you cleared your throat and motioned for Lottie to pass it to you next which she did with ease. Taissa chuckled at your attempt of distracting her from the situation but she planned on teasing you later on once you were in the locker room.
just a couple feet away was the source of your distraction, the brown eyed girl who you had been staring at since the beginning of practice. her hair was pulled back into a pony tail with just a couple strands framing her face. she was passing the ball to Jackie with a smile on her lips as she laughed about something she had said. you'd do anything to be the source of that smile. you were casual friends, just as you were with the rest of the girls on the team. Tai, Van and Lottie were the only three you were closest to. Lottie had been your best friend since you were kids and the couple were just better company than the rest. Jackie brought in a lot of drama that you weren't particularly interested in having to deal with and Shauna was only close to those who Jackie approved of. you didn't think you were one of those people.
"you should tell her" Taissa said, too impatient to wait until the locker to talk about it. you let out a sarcastic chuckle at the thought. telling Shauna was the last thing on your mind. she was straight and in the slim slim chance that she wasn't, she would probably be in love with Jackie. they were inseparable and you'd never seen her look at anyone in a way to indicate that she was interested in them.
"yeah right. she's straight or in love with Jackie. besides, she barely acknowledges my existence" you responded looking at the curly haired brunette. Lottie and Van took a couple of steps closer so that they could be in the conversation without Shauna hearing.
"i don't think she's straight" said Van with an amused chuckle. you looked at her with a deadpan expression, not at all buying her words or even that she believed them.
Lottie smiled as she glanced between you and Van, "there's only one way to find out" she shrugged optimistically. you rolled your eyes at all of them. this had been a regular conversation and it always ended the same. you weren't going to tell her. the rejection would break your heart and it would just fuck up the group dynamic.
"im not telling her. end of story" you said and like a miracle, seconds afterwards the whistle blew signaling that practice was over. the three teens laughed in amusement but followed quickly behind you as they changed the conversation to the halloween party that Jeff was throwing at his house.
with hope that the conversation wouldn't shift back to a certain dough eyed brunette, you zipped and button your jeans before reaching for your blue hoodie. much like you had expected the conversation did in fact not end where you left it on the field.
"look, if you tell her and she says no then whatever, at least you can move on" Taissa said from beside you. she was on the bench tying her shoes and Van was leaning against the lockers with her hand gripping one shoulder strap. you groaned in annoyance and threw your head back to really show just how over it you were.
"if i tell and she says no then i have to live with being the sad lesbian who fell for the straight girl" was your quick response. Taissa and Van glanced at each other, not all that sure what to say that could contradict that statement. truthfully you probably would end up being the hopeless girl in love with a straight girl and there was a high chance that it could get around the school. you had come out as bisexual during your freshman year but that was just to make things easier and before you had realized you only liked girls. it made things easier, the boys still thought they had a chance so they treated you like any other girl but being rejected by a straight girl? now that you wouldn't survive.
a sudden voice behind you spoke. "or she's just not straight" said Lottie making you flinch and your chest tighten. you closed your eyes as you held your hand against your chest where you could clearly feel your heart beating against it.
"fuck Lottie!" you exclaimed, "you scared the shit out of me!" that seemed to have been the most amusing thing ever as the three teens bursted out laughing at your reaction.
"i was behind you the whole time. you need to start paying attention to your surroundings" muttered the tall girl as she walked past you and sat beside Tai. great. now it was three against you. again.
a groan erupted from your throat, "all of you are so fucking annoying. seriously. Shauna doesn't like girls and she doesn't like me so can we please just drop this?" you said and closed your locked a lot harsher than you intended causing it to make a loud noise and the other three girls flinched lightly at the suddenness of it. you grabbed your backpack and threw it onto one shoulder before walking toward the exit in a hurry. not quick enough though, Tai, Van and Lottie were on your heel with fast steps. figures.
the door opened in front of you and you stepped out of the locker room completely. met with an empty gymnasium you continued to walk until Lotties voice stopped you. "okay okay," she said quickly and grabbed your arm so you would stop walking. you came to a halt and finally turned back around so you were met with the three girls once more. "we won't say anything anymore. we just don't want you to keep pining over her" she shrugged which earned nods from the other two.
"plus you guys would look good together" added Van, in hopes that you wouldn't stay too mad at them for meddling so much. with a small smile you rolled your eyes at her words. a small blush spread across your face and you were sure if they didn't feel so apologetic for being nosy they probably would've teased you about it by then.
your mouth opened in an attempt to assure them it wasn't a big deal but your words died in your throat as your eyes shifted behind them. the locker room door opened to reveal a pair of best friends. it seemed as if the oxygen had been knocked out of your throat as you let out a little gasp at the sight. the three girls looked at you confused before they followed your eyes sight which elicited a similar reaction. their eyes widened in shock.
the only thing you could do in that moment was to hope they hadn't heard anything. hoped that in some magical way they weren't paying attention to your loud voice when you admitted to having a crush on her. oh fuck. her not hearing was impossible, it was like someone held a microphone up to your lips for fucks sake. Jackie glanced at you with a look you couldn't quite read but that wasn't your answer, it was the fact that Shaunas eyes were actively avoiding you as she grabbed Jackie's wrist and practically ran out of the gymnasium.
you were so fucking fucked.
the house phone was held up to your ear as you were in your room with your legs propped on your headboard and your eyes were trained on the ceiling. "she heard." were the words that left your mouth for the fifth time during the phone call. a loud groan reached your ear from the other line.
"no she didn't." Taissa said again. after having seen Shauna you ended up freaking out the whole car ride home. Lottie was always the one to give you ride to and from school which meant she had to be the one to hear you go on and on about the fact that Shauna and Jackie would probably tell the whole school. or Jackie would tell Jeff and he would or Shauna would tell someone and they would and so on. words were spilling from your lips faster than you or Lottie could process but she still tried her best to listen and reassure you that it would all be okay. yeah right. like you were going to believe that it would all be okay.
you rolled your eyes at Taissas effort to console you. "of course she did. she could barely look at me! i can't do this. i'm skipping school tomorrow." you shook your head.
"no you aren't. your parents would kill you." she responded which was true. but you figured being grounded was better than having to face Shauna. at least then you'd have an excuse to not go to Jeff's party which she would most definitely be attending.
"i can live with that." you nodded even though she couldn't see. you could practically feel her roll her eyes through the line.
Taissa huffed, "seriously y/n. it's not a big deal. people have crushes all the time, it's not the end of the world"
"it is when you're a lesbian and you know that" you responded with a slight drop in your voice, almost as if someone else could hear.
the line was silent for a couple of seconds which you knew meant that what you had said was right and she had no way of arguing with you. "maybe," she agreed. "but it'll go away in a couple of days. something will probably happen at Jeff's party and that'll be the new gossip. just come to school tomorrow. Van, Lot and i will be there with you" she said a lot more thoughtfully this time.
you contemplated her words. you didn't doubt that they'd try their best to distract you from the whole ordeal but at the same time you weren't sure if you could deal with Shauna avoiding you. it's not like you were close anyway, she only talked to you if it was about soccer or once in a blue moon when you went to parties but it never got further than that. maybe it wouldn't be that different. maybe she'd make things normal for the sake of the team. god you hoped so.
like promised Taissa, Van and Lottie were with you during the whole practice. it was just a scrimmage so you didn't have to interact with Shauna much but during the small amount of times that you did she would try her best to look anywhere else but at you. every time it happened you couldn't help but feel a tightening sensation in your chest and a wave of embarrassment to wash over you.
the actual school part was fine, it seemed as if you were wrong about everyone finding out because it was just like any normal day. it had been another junior that got everyone's attention, not you. that was a relief.
once the whistle blew which indicated that practice was over you ran into the locker room to wash off as quickly as possible so you could go home. just five minutes later you were dressed in your light jeans and white hoodie. your three friends were standing near you talking amongst themselves while they were still getting dressed, not exactly in a rush like you were. you were on the bench tying your shoes as quickly as you possibly could, too distracted to notice anyone around you. if you had maybe you would've seen Jackie and Shauna whispering hastily but a couple inches away. the ones who did notice were the three musketeers that had been teasing you about her since you confessed to them.
the three of them glance at each other confused by what was going on. they wouldn't have cared if Jackie wasn't motioning in your direction with her head. it didn't click until they saw Shauna take a breath and begin to approach you with nervously. it was obvious by her posture her and the way she kept glancing at her fiddling hands before looking up at you, who was still getting your last shoe tied.
"y/n," Taissa said softly hitting your arm with the back of her hand. the action made you roll your eyes. you quickly finished tying before looking at her.
"what?" you asked annoyed. she looked at your with pursed lips as she motioned to the brunette with her head as slyly as possible. your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Lottie and Van turned their body and began to take a couple steps toward the door so they could give you privacy. Taissa didn't seem to have gotten the hint causing her girlfriend to whisper her name twice before she finally went with them.
by then you had already met Shaunas nervous gaze. at first you thought she was going to confront you about what she had heard and maybe tell you that it wasn't going to happen and you needed to get over her but that thought quickly vanished once you saw Jackie smiling at the both of you on the other side of the locker room. your brows shot up as you realized what was happening, your nerves began to sky rocket and you could swear you felt your heart skip a beat.
the brunette stood directly in front of you, both of her arms at her side by you could see her hands gripping at the end of her flannel which she seemed to do a lot when she's nervous. you blinked, once, twice before you finally stood up from the bench and shot her a shy smile. "hi" you breathed out. if Shauna didn't look like she was struggling internally you would've been afraid that she had seen how nervous you looked.
"hey," Shauna responded and finally looked directly at you. when her brown eyes met yours, a dozen butterflies began to swarm in your stomach which made you feel queasy. "i . ." she trailed off, almost looking behind her but she stopped herself before she could. "yesterday i kind of overheard you talking." she said. the butterflies soon turned into dread at the thought of how wrong you were about how this conversation could've gone.
fuck, fuck. you wished you had one of your friends to hold onto but you didn't. you were standing on your own with the girl you were madly in love with in front of you. "im sorry about that" you rushed out, hoping with every fiber of your being that she wouldn't humiliate you. "i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable and i promise i'll back off if you want-"
Shaunas voice cut you off before you could continue to spurt out apologies. "no," she said quickly making you shut up instantly. no? what does that mean? she sighed which made her shoulders visibly relax, "i like you too." she confessed lowly.
she.. what..? at first you weren't sure if you had heard her correctly or if it was just your mind playing tricks on you but by the hopeful smile plastered on the brunettes lips you were positive it hadn't all been a dream. holy shit.
"you-you do?" you asked nervously.
Shauna smiled and nodded, "yeah." she confirmed a lot less timid than she had been before. nothing was said on your end, the only reaction that came from you was the sight of your eyes widening and your jaw dropping slightly. Shauna almost thought you were adorable. it didn't click that you weren't going to say anything until Jackie cleared her throat behind the brunette, snapping her out of it. "i was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?" she finally asked.
she expected you to have a delayed reaction like you had been having since the conversation started but you didn't. instead your lips quirked into a smile and you nodded, "yeah. id love that" you confirmed.
that seemed to be enough to make her smile widen. "cool. i'll pick you up tonight?"
all you could do was nod. the brunette shot you one last smile before turning around and walking up to Jackie. the two of them left the bathroom quickly after leaving you standing there with your jaw slacked, completely frozen in place. the three girls still in the room ran toward you and began to squeal in delight knocking some sense into you.
"i told you she liked you back!" Lottie exclaimed happily but all you could do was smile.
the date was amazing. she had taken you to a small italian place. the lights were dim and they had the typical checkered table clothe along with a single candle in the middle of the table. it was a bit awkward at first, neither of you knew what to talk about so it of course resulted in soccer. after that the conversation seemed to have flown freely, it shifted to personal things and so on. you had almost lost hope that the date would so be so awkward that you'd have to just stay friends but that thought left your mind quickly after. the longer the date lasted the more you felt a fluttery feeling form in your stomach.
an hour and a half later the two of your had left the restaurant and Shauna began to drive you home. it was pretty silent compared to the restaurant. Shauna had put on music which was sounding softly in the background whilst you looked out the window. truthfully, you were itching to do something, hold her hand or maybe even kiss her but you were too scared to. you didn't want to mess things up. Shauna continued to drive in the direction of your home silently until you saw an ice cream shop and offered to buy some since she had been the one that paid for dinner. the brunette didn't seem opposed to the idea and so she pulled into the parking lot that was relatively empty because it was so late.
a scoop of strawberry was on your cone and chocolate was on hers as you both leaned against the hood of her car. it wasn't awkward, it was actually nice. you'd never really thought you could feel so comfortable not having to fill the silence on a first date but Shaunas whole demeanor was just so calm. you weren't sure why she was so different compared to anyone else or if it was all in your head and she was the one feeling awkward. regardless, you turned to face her direction as you began to talk.
"you know . . this is the first date i've ever be on" you confessed a bit shyly. your eyes were trained on your strawberry ice cream and you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. if that didn't make it obvious, the light pink hue on your cheeks surely did. Shauna looked up from her ice cream with her eyebrows raised in surprise. she was sure she had seen you hanging out with guys before. maybe they had just been friends but it didn't seem that way. not to mention the fact that everyone loved you. regardless of your sexuality, guys and girls loved how nice you always were to everyone. the boys especially loved looking at your sweet smile or listening to your laugh even though they knew you were just laughing to make them feel better. being pretty was just the nail on the coffin.
she had her reasons to ask you out, that was a given, but you being the sweetheart that the whole school loved, well, it just made it all the better. hearing that this had been your first date was shocking, surely someone would've already wanted to take you out. she had even seen you with the captain of the basketball team but maybe that was just a fling.
"really?" was her quiet surprise.
hearing her talk made you finally get the courage to look at her. "yeah. is it that surprising?"
Shauna shook her head quickly, "i just thought you dated Mason" she explained. the last thing she wanted to do was offend you or make you feel bad about your dating status. it's not like she'd been on many dates either.
the truth was that you had hung out with the captain of the basketball team. he was cute, had curly black hair that was always perfect. he had a sharp jawline and a perfect smile, not to mention the body of an athlete and he was kind. but he was just like any other guy. his idea of a date was hanging out in his basement with his friends whilst they got drunk or high with you on his arm, almost as if you were a prize. it lasted three months before you couldn't take it anymore. you didn't even talk, when he picked you up to take you to school he would just blast music. during lunch he'd talk to his friends and the one time you went out, he took you to watch a horror movie and tried to put his hand down your pants but you punched him before he could. it was then that you realized he only wanted to be the first guy to ever sleep with you.
after him you began to crush on Shauna so no one else would pry your mind like she would. she'd be the only girl you could think of during the day or before bed. the only time you wouldn't think about her smile and those brown eyes was when you slept.
your lips curved, "we hung out but the only time he took me out, he tried to do stuff that i didn't which led to a punch in the face. so i don't really consider it one" you said with a shy laugh. it was hesitant and Shauna could tell you were embarrassed by what you had just confessed.
"oh" she said her big eyes widening before she began to laugh along with you. that made you feel better about the whole thing.
you shrugged, "yeah. i guess im the cliche kind of spontaneous roses or dancing in the rain or showing up at my doorstep with a boombox. i don't know. i'm kind of a hopeless romantic which is stupid." with a shake of your head, you looked back down at your ice cream. the same blush that had been prominent practically throughout the whole night was still there and it was making your body burn in slight embarrassment.
Shauna was quick to reassure you, "it's not."
her words made your eyes snaps toward her. "really?" you asked hopeful.
she nodded. "yeah. i mean everyone is in a sense. i've actually always wanted someone to make a mixtape for me." she confessed and you could tell she was a bit flustered by her pink cheeks and the way her eyes kept darting down toward her shoes.
a smile formed on your lips. "why a mixtape?"
Shauna smiled as well. "i don't know. i guess the idea of someone taking the time to choose a song and everything is just really romantic" the two of you looked at one another for the first time that night. you saw her and she saw you. it was then that you realized who she was, not just the idea of her. and if you were being honest, it only made you fall even more.
that night during the drive to your house, you learned more about her. her favorite color, her favorite song, the reason she started playing soccer and even how she and Jackie became best friends. when she finally pulled up to your house, you expected her to just drop you off and leave but she didn't. instead, when you turned to say goodbye, she leaned in to press her lips against yours. it was sweet and short. even then, it had been the most magical kiss you'd ever experienced.
music was blasting through the speakers throughout the crowded home. drunk teens were all over the place, some just talking, others making out or playing beer pong. there was smoke from some teens smoking weed and some places were sticky with alcohol that had been spilled because of how drunk they were. outside, where there was a full moon and bright stars crowded around, drunk teens were in the hot tub and others just standing around with a drink in hand. the yellowjackets - mostly all were downstairs where most were playing beer pong. Jackie and Jeff were going against Taissa and Shauna. you had already gone but you sucked massively so you asked Tai to take your place.
you were standing to the side in between Lottie and Van who were talking about the last match which you all had won the last second. you weren't paying much attention, having to listen to them and also the four teens playing was starting to make you dizzy. Shauna and Taissa were competitive which meant they were trying their hardest to win. throughout most of it you could hear Jeff egging them on and telling them they sucked. it was obvious they were all joking by the way Shauna and Taissa had quick joking responses. even Jackie was in on trying to get in their head so she and her boyfriend could win. the prize? you weren't sure, probably just bragging rights but that didn't matter to them.
it was Jeff's infamous halloween party, you had arrived with Lottie since Shauna had gotten ready with Jackie. when the two of you decided to make it official, you didn't realize you also had to include Jackie in almost everything. they were best friends, sure, but Lottie was yours and you didn't have to include her when you hung out or had to cancel plans because she felt like you were neglecting her. you couldn't help but wonder if Shauna did that to her when it came to her and Jeff's relationship. just the other day you had planned a cute picnic date since it was going to be the last time it would be hot out, it ended up being Shauna, you and Jackie. maybe they didn't feel it but to you, it was awkward as hell. you spent the better half of the date listening to Jackie and Shauna talk as if they were alone and you knew your girlfriend felt bad, especially when she would place her hand on your thigh when you looked like you were zoning out or the way she would ask what you thought about the topic. it was sweet of her to think of you but you would've preferred if she had just cancelled.
that specific day had been no different. Lottie and you had gotten ready at your house. Lottie had on a purple skirt and a white shirt whilst you had on a black dress with thin lace at the edges of it. it wasn't irregular for you to wear such short dresses but the way Shauna looked at you when she saw you was like no one else had. sure, guys would gawk over you or check you out shamelessly but it was different when it came to her. she looked at you as if she needed you and you loved it. your girlfriend had on a short dress and you were sure that had been Jackie's doing and not hers.
it had been three hours so you arrived there and it was now almost two in the morning. you were a bit tired but Shauna seemed to be having fun so you didn't want to ruin that for her. she was your ride home after all. Lottie had offered but you hadn't been alone with the brunette since your first date which was almost three weeks ago and you wanted some privacy.
one red cup was left on both sides and the tension was growing between the four teens. Van and Lottie's conversation had been long forgotten as soon as they realized how close the game was to ending. it was Jackie's turn, everyone was tense as they watched her get the perfect angle. a moment later the ball flew across the table and landed swiftly in the last cup. groans erupted between Taissa and Shauna while Jackie squealed. you saw her turn to Jeff and throw her arms over his shoulders followed by him picking her up and spinning her. not really caring for them, you turned toward your girlfriend and friend instead. Taissa booed at them but it didn't really matter to her so she turned toward Van and Lottie to explain how she did have amazing skills but she 'had too many drinks'. that instilled a chuckle of amusement from you.
your eyes trailed away from your friends and toward your girlfriend who was looking at her best friend silently. at first you thought she was just being petty for losing but the longer you looked, the more it made sense. it had nothing to do with the game, it was them. you'd realized that when you first started paying attention to the brunette, the way she'd always look at Jackie distantly when she was with Jeff or the way everyone would always direct their attention toward Jackie and only ever acknowledged her presence with a small greeting. it was always about Jackie and you wanted things to change. things would be different with you, you'd make sure of that.
a smile curved on your lips and you took a step toward your girlfriend. the action made her finally pay attention to you, a small smile forming on her own lips. once you were close enough, you interlaced your hands on the back of her neck and pulled her close to you. "hi," you whispered softly which made her smile grow. she still had her hands at her side, something that had been a habit of hers since your first date. she was always too shy to touch you in any way, probably too afraid that you'd somehow not like her touch and pull away. that never crossed your mind though. instead of waiting for her to decide for herself, you grabbed her hands and placed them around your waist before putting your own back on her shoulders.
"hi," was her low response. you leaned in to peck her lips once making her smile grow and a light pink color to form on her face. you always found it extremely cute that she'd always blush when you kissed her.
she gripped your hips a bit tighter in support which you didn't mind. "wanna go upstairs?" you asked lowly so that none of your friends could hear you and make a big deal out of it. they had been teasing you about any little thing ever since your first date and although you weren't thinking about doing anything other than making out, you knew they wouldn't believe that.
the brunette nodded softly. that was enough confirmation for you to grab her hand and turn to the rest of the teens. "we're gonna get refills," you and began to walk away, not giving them enough time to protest. they were going to play another round which you knew and you didn't want any of them pulling her back. it was about time you had some alone time with your girlfriend.
"yeah sure," Tai called out behind you, "use protection!" she further teased making you roll your eyes in annoyance. with the hand that wasn't interlocked with Shaunas, you held it up and gave her the finger which earned snickers from the rest of the teens.
it didn't take long to get upstairs. there were some drunk teens crowding around the stairs and others making out in your way which made you have to shove past way too many people. the first room you entered was the bathroom so you quickly closed it and went to the next closed door. you wished you hadn't when you saw two half naked teens making out in Jeff's parents bedroom. finally, the next bedroom was empty and from what Shauna had told you, it was a guest room.
Shauna sat on the bed while you locked the door behind you. there was a sense of both excitement and nerves rumbling in your chest. not to mention the zoo of butterflies fluttering in your stomach. she was just Shauna. the girl who was probably just as nervous as you. the girl who had been nothing but sweet with you since you asked her to be your girlfriend. the girl who would open your car door or carry your backpack when she knew you had a more intense practice compared to her. the girl who would leave sweet little notes in your locker when you first started do it to her.
with deep silent breaths, you walked up to the brunette who was sitting at the very edge of the bed. she did look nervous. you could tell by her fingertips that were tapping against her thighs and the way she was biting her lip. it was probably the alcohol running through your body but it was enough courage to straddle her lap. you were hesitant at first, keeping your arms to your side so that she could push you off if she wanted to. she didn't. she placed her hand on your waist like she had just minutes before which helped you place your own hands on her shoulders for support.
you couldn't contain a smile, even when you bit your bottom lip to mask it. of course she'd still see how she was the one to make you like this. "i really like you." the words came out in a low whisper. you were close enough to smell the beer still lingering on her breath. close enough that you could see her soft skin and every little detail on her face. so close all you had to do was lean in a little bit and your lips would be on hers.
"i really like you too," she admitted in a whisper. her eyes kept glancing down at your lips and you knew what she wanted. you knew she wanted it but she couldn't do it. she was afraid to do something wrong or to mess things up with you. so you did it for her.
the distance closed between the two of you as you pressed your lips against hers. she kissed back instantly, her hands gripping at your waist which you had learned was a nervous habit of hers. typically the action would make you smile at how cute she was but the alcohol in you was making your body grow hot in a way you knew well. the kiss was slow at first. you were trying your best to let her ease into it since it was the first time you kissed longer than just a couple of seconds. you eased your way into it, leading her throughout it until she finally eased into it.
then the kiss grew rougher. her hands gripped at your waist a lot harsher as your tongues glided against one another. it was fast and hot and it made you want to grind onto her but you didn't. you weren't ready for that. not yet at least.
instead you gripped the back of her neck in support and got lost in the kiss. neither of you pulled away until your chests were burning with the need of oxygen. it was you who pulled away, both of your chest heaving up and down. pink lips were swollen and both of your pupils were blown out. the temperature in the room had began to rise and although you wanted to take things further, you didn't.
Shauna couldn't help but overthink if you thought she was good. did you think she was a bad kisser so you pulled away? were you going to tell that her that you wanted to go downstairs? it caused a wave of panic to rush through her so she did what she had seen done in movies dozens of times before. she leaned in to press kisses against your jaw, they were light and almost made you giggle but you fought the urge to. it didn't take long for her kisses to reach her neck. she pressed a small light kiss against your skin which made you smile and a small shiver to run down your spine. a second later she pressed down a lot rougher, her mouth opening and her tongue gliding against your skin. you moaned softly at the feeling and tangled your hands through her dark locks. when she began to suck at the skin, you pulled her hair a bit rougher than intended. the action fueled her pride, as well as every little noise you were making. even though you were trying to muffle it why biting your lip, she could still clearly hear you.
she didn't stop until you pulled her back by her hair so she'd meet your gaze. it's not that you wanted to stop but you were afraid that if she didn't, you'd take things further and regret it the next morning. a look of worry flashed through her eyes when you stopped her but you didn't let her overthink as you leaned in to kiss her. the kiss was wet and slow, unlike the one just before. she accepted your tongue gracefully and you could hear the lude noise throughout the room along with heavy breathing. as the kiss progressed, you realized you were wearing a dress and you began to realize that there was a possibly that she could feel how turned on you were. that made you pull away.
her eyes were closed as you looked down at her which made you smile. when they began to flutter open you leaned down to peck her lips quickly before pulling away completely. your teeth were on display as you smiled down at her. you were sure your cheeks were pink because so were here. she looked more disheveled though, her lips were a dark shade and her hair was messy from you pulling on it.
when the both of you recovered from such an intense kiss you both stood up, ready to go downstairs. you helped her fix her hair before you fixed your own appearance in the mirror. it didn't come to your attention that there something on you that hadn't been there when you first entered until Shauna pointed it out.
"shit," she whispered, her eyes locked on your neck. "im sorry, i didn't mean to." she nervously explained. you raised a brow at her, not really caught up on what she was apologizing for. instead of asking, you turned to the mirror and looked where her eyes had previously been staring.
there was a purple mark on your neck. it wasn't huge but it wasn't exactly small. definitely big enough that anyone else could see. it didn't bother you though. you actually found it kind of hot. you turned toward the brunette with a smile, "it's okay. i don't mind" were your words as you places a comforting hand on her arm.
"are you sure?" she asked quickly, far too anxious to believe you.
you nodded. "yeah. i'm sure"
the wave of relief that washed over her made your smile grow.
lights were hanging all around. there was christmas music in every store, on the radio and on the television. decorations were up on most homes making their house with Santa Clauses or Reindeers. christmas movies were on every channel and stores were packed with shoppers. it was the happiest time of the year and that was true for the couple. the time of year in which most families got together or traveled to celebrate.
wrapping paper was spread around the living room, the chimney on with the christmas tree lit up. the smell of freshly baked cookies and hot chocolate lingered around the kitchen and living room while 'home alone' was playing on the tv. there were kids running around playing with their new presents while the moms were in the kitchen making dinner. the dads of course, were sitting around talking or watching the movie on the screen. you weren't doing any of those things. instead, you were upstairs with your girlfriend who had snuck in after you finished opening presents. the brunette was laying down with you on her chest while you watched a christmas cartoon.
she had been there for almost two hours and you still had another hour before dinner was ready. you had asked your parents if she could come over but they had said no, claiming it was christmas and everyone should be with their family, including you. if only you actually talked to any of your family though. all of your cousins were children and the only one who was around your age, went to Mexico with her boyfriends family. that meant you had to either stick with your dad or your mom. both things sounded boring.
considering it was almost time for her to leave, you figured it was time to give her, her present. when she first arrived you exchanged presents but you had another one that you knew she'd love even more. she had gifted you a necklace with her initial on it, something you had been hinting at wanting since she gave you that hickey during the halloween party. after that night, it was as if neither of you could get enough. every time the mark would fade she'd make new ones. it would always result in your friends teasing you but it was with it. but like expected, your parents saw them when you had gotten in your hot tub. you had completely forgotten about it and didn't apply makeup like you always would. after that they said they wanted to meet your girlfriend. that was a very awkward dinner. your mom had made a 'sly' comment about how hickeys are tacky which left Shauna embarrassed. you hated that. she didn't even try to leave one after that day which would always leave you craving something to show that you were hers. it was soon after that in which you mentioned the necklace.
when you sat up, her arm fell from your waist. she looked at you confused, not expecting you to get up so abruptly. you moved across the room quickly and rummaged your desk until you finally found it. you quickly grabbed it and held it in the air as you turned your body in one swift motion. Shauna looked at you with wide eyes as, a smile playing on her lips at your excited state.
"i have one more present for you" were your words as you got back on the bed on your knees. you shuffled toward the brunette as fast as possible and handed it to her once you were close enough.
the brunette frowned gently, "i thought we said one present each" she said, now upset that she had only gotten you one whilst you had gotten her two.
with a shake of your head you looked down at the wrapped object. "it didn't cost me anything. it's just a small thing that i figured you'd like" you shrugged.
she looked a little hesitant but once she saw how hopeful you looked, her frowned turned into a smile once more and she began to unwrap it. considering how small it was, it didn't take long for the red and white wrapping to be crumbled into a ball on the bed. she looked confused at first as she looked at the cassette until she saw the words written on it. 'when i think of you -y/n'
her big brown eyes looked shiny as she looked down at it with her lips slightly parted in shock. suddenly her body came whirling towards you as she wrapped her arms around your body. she leaned back for a quick moment to kiss you softly before she leaned into the hug once more. you giggled softly at her actions. "those are the songs i always listen to what i think of you. which is always by the way." you said. even though it sounded as if you were joking, you weren't.
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AITA for lying and not wanting to being a gay guy to a lgbt Halloween party—???
(So I can recognize)
So by time this posted Halloween over in not looking for advice or anything and this ain’t rushed- I just wanna know if im the asshole here or not-
So for context: I live in a safe state but my area is kinda republican but not bad (worst is usually a judgmental glance). Well in the town over about half an hour away there’s an LGBT center I go to and volunteer at. Since gays love Halloween we’re having a party (non alcoholic for youth) which hopefully was super fun idk it’s in a few days from when writing this-
Now for the guy I mentioned. He’s gay and even if he wasn’t he would still be allowed to go because we welcome allies. He and I… have a history. I won’t go in detail unless people vote INFO. Short version of it is it wasn’t a healthy friendship. He would only talk to me when he needed things and would constantly talk about a straight guy he liked but when I would take about this straight (he’s bi but at time time this happened I thought he was straight) guy who was giving me mixed he would get mad. And to top it off~ he ruined my life by calling the cops over a JOKE. (It during the time when people were eating tide pods and I said something like “imma do it and drink some bleach to wash it down lmao” which again- A GEN Z JOKE). Him calling the police on me fucked me up, ruined my family life, my mom hasn’t bought bleach since (she never bought the tide pods to begin with), and I have severe trust issues. Afterwards I cut contact and didn’t talk to him for two years since we graduated.
Skip to current events.
He saw on instagram a post of me with this organization hosting events and another post about the Halloween party so he dm’s me. I’ve talked to him a handful of times since but always keep him at a distance. He asks if I can give him a ride to the event and if I’m hosting it. So here’s where I’m wondering if im the asshole. He’s a gay guy and this is the only LGBT center within 3 hours of us. As a queer person, I feel like I should welcome him and bring him there so he can have a safe space. However, as just- a person- he fucked me up so much. This center is the ONE safe place I have that’s not online. If I bring him I’ll lose that.
So I lied.
I told him that the Halloween party is a fundraiser… and that you need to pay to enter…… and that I can’t give him a ride because my car is in the shop and im getting a ride from someone who isn’t comfortable driving strangers………
Was that a dick move?? It’s been 5 years- I should be over it and move on and make amends but like ???? No ???? I’m not gonna ruin the one safe place I have ??????
What are these acronyms?
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Party and Sad clowns
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ignore the fact that i forgot the nose on the sad clowns anatomy
Tips and such on the party and sad clowns below 👇!
Party clowns and sad clowns are two of the most common and similar types of clowns, and they can sometimes be mistaken for one another, but usually you can tell the difference as party clowns usually have brighter colors and poofs on their legs, meanwhile sad clowns usually have poofs on their arms and dimmer colors.
Party clowns are often the clowns you think of when you think of parties, and they tend to be the ones at parties as they are usually the ones most capable of dealing with parties, able to keep everyone entertained without losing too much energy.
You should not get one just for a party, then get rid of them, as they are living thinking beings just like you, they should be treated with respect, and their purpose is not only entertaining people at parties.
If you dont want to keep a party clown but still want a party clown, you can hire someone to bring their party clown instead of buying one yourself.
If you do that, you should pay both the owner and the clown itself, for the owner money of course, and for the clown many treats and perhaps some praise as well.
There are many types of party clowns, though the most well known is the common party clown. Though, there are also some types that do well for specific kinds of parties, like the common party and scare clown mix, the halloween party clown, which as you could probably tell usually does well at halloween parties!
Party clowns are usually the best clown to go for when you are a beginner, as they are usually the easiest to take care of out of most kinds of clowns.
Party clowns and sad clowns may look very similar, but they are very different.
You may feel some sympathy, seeing a sad clown sitting, sighing in a sad tone and frowning softly, but dont worry, it is perfectly healthy for them to be like that.
You only really see them smile whenever they are truly very excited about something or when they feel very cared for and loved, though it is a small one, but you can always tell.
Though you should make sure that they are a healthy amount of 'sad,' you should still interact with them, preferably in a gentle caring way.
Usually, just sitting together in silence is enough, but whistling a tune together or reading a book or two together would also be good.
They also tend to like helping, so its a good idea to bring them with you when you go out shopping, as they tend to like helping with simple things like that.
They also tend to dislike feeling like they arent doing anything around the house, and feeling like they are being lazy, so its a good idea to let them do some chores.
They also tend to like doing tricks where they purposefully fail, so you should try to keep them from things such as tight ropes, acrobatic equipment, trampolines, and the such as their natural instinct is to fail and trying to fail a trick on any of those could result in injury.
Though they are Sad clowns, there is such a thing as being too sad for them.
Signs of being too sad are the signs of depression, attempting to starve themself, hurting themself, and developing an interest in smoking and drinking, which are just as unhealthy for sad clowns as it is for anyone else.
If this ever happens, you should try taking them outside a bit more, giving them more of their favorite items and foods, perhaps some hugs or cuddles, and you can also give them bubble blowers as a substitute for cigarettes. In case you dont know what im talking about:
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These often give good results, as sad clowns tend to find much enjoyment in blowing bubbles from these, and if you have others clowns they tend to like blowing bubbles at them and watching the other clown/s chase and pop the bubbles.
If you were planning on getting one of them, or if you are now, hope these tips and such helped!
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ghouljams · 8 months
ah, i realize ive been liking a lot of your posts at an alarming rate IM VERY SORRY I DIDNT MEAN TO IYGRWGFHERU i took a break from tumblr and have just spent the day catching up on everything i missed (my bad:( ) BUT WOW SCRUMPTIOUS AS ALWAYS THANK YIU FOR THE FOOD GODBLESS HOLY FUCK. YOUR KNIGHT N PRINCESS AU GOT ME SOBBING ITS SO WELL WRITTEN I WANT TO SCREAM (1fae1 and viking!soap still has me bouncing your writing is SO insnae oh my god AND THE DEMON DARLINGS? i was having SUCH a blast bingeing) BUT. still standing on the hill of goose being my favourite god im so in love with her WITCH IS A CLOSE SECOND please please just one chance... 🧎 🧎 🧎 (i get disembowelled) im like, so serious about this. your goose x reader fics are my favourite fucking thing in the world. goose (and on occasion witch, ...i think im just very gay) is the only one that can make me squeal and giggle and run laps around my room you dont understand the visceral squealing that was happening. the cod men? yea im hyperfixated but like ehhh🙄 mid. just some guys. some dudes. got me straight faced no expression i read for mindless entertainment. (/hj) LMDEFOIGRJGRTUGTOGFEWFER BUT GOOSE?? IM BARKING IM MEOWING ANYTHING PLEASE JSUT ONE CHANCE IM CRAWLING ON MY KNEES ARRURRYRGHRRRR 👹 👹 👹 👹  (so sorry for being abnormal in your ask box im done now 😔)
Be abnormal in my inbox I'm loving it. I'll write some Goose x reader just for you my love(and for me)
The only thing worse than Halloween in the city is Halloween in the country. There seems to be nothing these people enjoy more than scaring the hell out of the city folk unlucky enough to wander into their "haunted trail" or "corn maze of doom." Popular attractions that boasted what looked like startlingly real entrails, and over excited ranch hands revving chainsaws at anyone that walked too close. It's the best, you would spend every weekend out here if you could. Especially if it means getting a peak at the real attraction.
You've seen more than one person posting on social media about one specific corn maze's "killer". The mask is nothing special, one of those blank white party masks, but the bursts of laughter and physicality of the woman under it? You were a little smitten.
Smitten enough to be leisurely as you wander the maze. You're properly spooked by the glowing eyes in the corn, the growing sense of unease as you come across blood splatters and viscera, even the other scare actors jumping out to make you run for the next turn. Still, none of them are who you're looking for. You're not quite paying attention to the maze, you don't think you're lost, but you're starting to worry you'll get out before you ever meet your favorite scare.
You shouldn't have been.
You turn away from your fifth dead end and come face to face with her. Everything about her is curated to inspire danger, her clothing ripped and splattered with blood, the grimy mask leaving just enough room for her eyes to shine through it, down to the butcher's knife clutched in her hand. Deep crimson liquid drips off the startlingly realistic blade and onto her boots. Her posture makes you feel like you're staring down a wild animal, her movements unnatural as she takes a step towards you.
Despite all of that your heart skips a beat for a reason so far from fear you're actually a little worried about your mental state. You're frozen at the sight of her, unsure how to drag out this moment. You want to say something. Fuck what do you say to a scare actor you're more than a little in love with?
"You're supposed to run sugar," She tells you, tipping her head to one side. You giggle nervously at the affection, watching her flip the knife in her hand. She hums, hunching her shoulders to tip her head further, looking at you sideways. "It's no fun if you don't run, you want this to be fun don't you?" You nod, you think she wants you to say yes and you desperately want to do what she wants. "Then go on baby," She presses, straightening to her full height, "run."
She stands to the side as you sprint past her, you feel the wick of metal against your leg. When you look down your pant leg has a fresh cut right at your thigh. That's a real fucking knife. Christ, that's a real knife. Why does that make you so excited?
You glance behind you and she's gone. Your disappointment is short lived, you're forced to stop short by her cleaver cutting through the tall stalks of corn on your left. Her eyes wild with excitement as you start to wonder if this is maybe... not a haunted corn maze. She flips her knife and swings at you. You duck with a sharp yelp and take off running again. You don't bother checking behind you again, you take turns quick and haphazardly. You hear the 'shick' of her knife as she cuts the air behind you and you know she's on your tail.
Your heart pounds in your chest, your breath heaving as you run. Despite the adrenaline you can't help responding to her wild laughter with some of your own. You're having fun. Really terrifying fun, but fun none the less.
You turn into a dead end and stop short, just as you feel fingers grab the back of your neck. Your pursuer tugs you back against her chest, the edge of her knife pressing tantalizingly against your throat.
"Well that was unlucky," She tells you, low and sweet against your ear. The plastic of her mask hardly dampens the feeling of her words. You shiver, careful of her blade as you swallow.
"Fuck you're hot," You blurt out, adrenaline making you significantly less eloquent than you would have liked. You cringe a little. She snorts.
"That right?" Her fingers drift from gripping your neck to your hair, scratching your scalp before grabbing tight at the base. The ache of it is pleasantly sharp, you get the feeling that this isn't part of the scare. "Always fun when y'all come through," She breathes, talking to herself. You press back against her, feel her slot her knee between your legs as you do. You were just trying to put some distance between yourself and the edge of the knife, but this feels like something totally different. "You want me to slice you baby?" She patronizes, barely a whisper against your ear.
"No," You grit, although...
"No," She coos, "You want mean Goose to fuck you, right?"
"I'm not supposed to play with my food," She stands, "so call me once you get your head on. Probably won't be workin' by then."
She nods your head for you, careful of her knife, before pushing you to the ground. You scramble to crawl away from her, turning onto your back when you hear her crouch. She pushes her mask up with a wicked grin, still holding all the intent you'd been running from. This feels more dangerous than her knife. Something about her teeth, the way they're bared for you, sets you on edge. You think it's seeing her face, that makes this feel more real.
You recognize her. Goose. She helped jump your car when it died in town. She'd seemed so nice. She tugs a slip of paper from her back pocket and tosses it towards you.
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