#and im not entirely sure on the details so
cozymochi · 2 days
oh nooo... mochi I have just now realized you've combined my childhood and current hyperfixations and
I don't think I can recover 😬😬 ANYWAY I have too many questions about Tia and her life before and after isekai-ing so here's a few
-granma and lottie characters names?
-gramma based off mama Odie?
-how did Tia react to her first culinary crucible?
-her opinion on Crowley?
-and I don't typically like reading character reactions to yuusonas/MCs/OCs, but I genuinely want to know how Tia interacts with the characters? I love her so much ahhh🤩
adios y gracias mochi!
AAAA yay! Well im gonna see if I can address each of these.
-granma and lottie characters names?
Granma’s name is “Eva Dumarais”, from her father’s side. Tia’s middle name is named after her! Granma prefers to be addressed by her name “Eva” or literally anything else. I was intending on including that in practice, but I didn’t want to confuse anybody.
I actually drew up Tia’s friends for my own self reference over HERE!! (The info is still mostly accurate since posting.) But, the blonde girl (that is, yes, very much an intended allusion to Lottie) is named Lisette. A.K.A “Lizzie.” She was Tia’s longest friend. This is them in an old drawing I don’t remember making.
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-gramma based off mama Odie?
Not necessarily, however I can see how that allusion can be made. It’s an easy train of thought to have! So, I’m not opposed to it and if anyone thinks that, that’s totally fine. Then I took her eye out for no reason other than it looked cool.
Pretty much every person from Tia’s home-world doesn’t really show up anyway since they’re just people from Tia’s previous life. Not that they don’t have influence on her, but in the grander scheme they aren’t too significant. So I suppose it doesn’t matter either way! I had a drawing of her not in her sleepy time getup but I may have deleted it on accident. WHOOPS!!
-how did Tia react to her first culinary crucible?
SHE ATE IT UP!!!! Probably the most in her element course she’s taken— but Tia always wants to learn new things so I’m sure she went all in. However, she and Grim are counted as a single student. Take that as you will. Total aside, I feel like I’m the only person who takes that into consideration at all 😭.
-her opinion on Crowley?
She screamed and threw a plush monkey at him when first saw his face. As if the talking cat-like monster wasn’t enough. (Context? Who needs it)
Okay AFTER all the initial shock in being transported, magic, coffins, getting shoved into Ramshackle, being the only girl on the entire campus, and god knows what else (which is a story in itself)—-, Tia finds Crowley to be unreliable and capricious.
Tia is a lot more pressing about trying corner the guy about how to get home and question him, but Crowley will usually weasel out of it or pretend not to hear altogether. (It’s sillier in practice)
Besides, he makes her fix issues at the school and deal with it its students, then regularly blackmails, and guilt trips if she has any refusal, so it’s not exactly positive.
On the other hand, Crowley finds Tia really inflexible (and depending on the day, that can be bothersome), but!! On the bright side that can translate into someone just PERFECT for getting these students in line!
Though, because he intentionally gets under her skin for various reasons, that just makes her wanna prove herself more. So in a weird way, she wants to be recognized as capable to him but also is somewhat aware that she’s probably being strung along.
THERE’S A LOT, I FIND TIA AND CROWLEY VERY FUNNY, I just never actively discussed it or showed it much.
-how Tia interacts with the characters?
Given that there’s 20+ characters there’s no way I can feasibly answer this individually in the detail I would like to without making the longest post ever. Cuz, I do have answers!! Pretty much every base universal status quo is still the same, but. Y’know.
But if someone can imagine a generalized Tiana “base” character starting point, and put her near any of these guys— someone could probably make a feasible guess and be mostly on the money, give or take a few details (cuz there are a few things different overall…). There are characters I didn’t think Tia would gel with, but as she came into her own it sorta fell out of my hands, in a way. Lol.
As for not being into how other people’s MCs and the sub-categories and how they respond to characters, I just wanna say… I’m the exact same way. It’s exceeding rare for me to do the same. So don’t worry, I feel you. It’s pretty much why I don’t bring up Tia unless I’m posting a drawing with Grim on it OR if somebody asks first jfjdjdhrub so thank u!!! That just means something resonated enough!!
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“ you're here, why? 
“To talk”
Can't say  i didn't expect this, the songs aren't exactly discreet 
Were sitting here waiting for someone to say the first word
“ i came here to apologize for my friends actions, and mine we’ve been too ashamed and embarrassed to talk about what happened at the oscars we sort of acted like it never happened until your songs came out, but i miss you i can’t sleep without you,  miss you singing in my shower not knowing i can hear you”
  i can't help but smile at his confession 
“ are you sure your team isn't just too proud to say an official apology and not try and defend their actions like they did backstage at the oscars? Please Spencer, I don’t have time for bullshit.”
“Please, meet us at dinner tomorrow”
I shake my head “ cant, i have a show tomorrow at coachella”
“  we’ll be there. Dinner afterwards?”
To be petty or to be not to be petty
“  ill see.”
Its like i can physically see him relax after i said that
The next mid day
Did i maybe wait to perform a song specifically about the bau and theyre arrogance  
Is this maybe adding fuel to the fire???
Most likely 
As i cheerly walk up on stage crowd loud as hell which is making me happy i walk up to the mic stand
“Hi coachella.”
The crowd erupts in cheers i see in the corner of my eye the team backstage on the side of me watching me and the crowd looking surprised at how loud they are 
‘’ I wanted to start this by singing an unreleased track called u.a.b.  Yes, i know its a weird name doesn't mean anything just wanted to be weird about it”
The crowd laughs…lets hope they don't spell that backwards and somehow crack the code name
The instrumental plays, i've been working hard on my high notes and riffs so lets hope this goes well.
Yeah, you really tried
But I was planted all the lies you told me, oh
All the shit you've done
You can't outrun the way you understand me
You acted like you bought me at a bargain sale
You don't even care
You focused your frustration on a small detail
Blew it out of scale, like my ponytail
Well you don't want to see the girl I want to be
Then why, then why should I listen
If you don't want to do the things I need from you
Goodbye, goodbye
'Cause I gave it away, I gave it away, I gave it away
And I'm taking it right back
 I'm no blow up doll, no free-for-all
No slave to your decision, ooh
Gotta find a way to break the spell
To get the hell away from those who block my vision
You used me as a fragment of your grand design, hey
And you, you don't get to put me on your bottom line
You don't get what's mine, and I'm doing fine
Wow, i've never hit a note that high in my entire life and the team looks incredibly shocked, i could laugh
Said you don't want to see the girl I want to be
Then why, then why would I listen?
You don't want to do the things I need from you
Goodbye, goodbye
I gave it away, I gave it away, I gave it away
I'm taking it right back, baby
Well you don't want to see the girl I want to be
Then why, then why should I listen
If you don't want to do the things I need from you
Goodbye, goodbye
'Cause I gave it away, I gave it away, I gave it away, I gave it away
I'm taking it right back, hey
Taking it right back, baby
Taking it right back
 I did it. The crowd is happy im so proud of myself i walk off stage after finishing the rest of my songs 
Not even paying the team any mind i go to my management and friends getting water etc 
Spencer walks up to me  
“ that was amazing, genuinely unbelievable  you must be exhausted, are you sure you feel like going to that dinner?’’
I forgot about the dinner.
links to the other parts of famous!reader series!
https://www.tumblr.com/spencerreidsbookfairy/752739792312320000/i-have-no-one-to-blame-but-you?source=share https://www.tumblr.com/spencerreidsbookfairy/752706752752025600/you-made-me-miserable?source=share https://www.tumblr.com/spencerreidsbookfairy/752661898593435648/apologize?source=share https://www.tumblr.com/spencerreidsbookfairy/752629582800257024/opposites-dont-attract?source=share
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storiesofsvu · 1 day
CM 17.3
Alright!! 17e3 here we go!!
(I meant to rewatch the first 2 eps before this but didn’t get around to it, so a more in-depth review/more film student analysis is still to come.)
Enjoy this chaos with no context for now! (a lot of it likely isn’t gonna be fully fleshed out cause I have a full thought/reply and try my hardest to type it all out super fast before the show moves on but I have to stop to pay attention OR something else comes up and im just SCRAMBLING)
Absolutely hate there’s no subtitles right away for this but I mean.. I could wait a couple of days til its on Disney I just have no patience.
GOD why is it so fucking dark.
Thank you Emily for not letting luke spill the beans, like, kinda like Rebecca as a person, but can’t trust her as long as her job goes
Okay, em is in the right here, both in the sense of keeping it quiet originally but also making luke keep hush. Cause im sorry but she’s right. It would’ve 1000% drove the team to the brink and split them apart AND made them spiral so deep about what was on the site/other people seeing them/trying to cleanse the web of them (which obvi is impossible). Esp jj of all people? Like I’m not really sure *what* is on there, but jj is the one with KIDS, a full family, she’s still in contact with her parents (at least the mom?) she’s probably likely known in the circle of the boys friends parents? Like that’s SO much damage control to stress over??
Im so fucking excited for prentiss’ wacko neighbour to come back loool
LOOOOLL em’s “oh.. oh no…” reaction. I love this.
Did pen just say “tik tack” instead of tik tok? or was I not listening properly lol
“what are you gonna do?” “put out fires” that is LITERALLY a boss’ job. This being said as a boss.
“I don’t want to say no to your face…” SAME girl… same
GOD Emily is so fucking beautiful
This back and fourth with Garcia and her opinions on tyler is SO annoying. At first she hates him and doesn’t want to even look at him, then they’re flirting, then they’re fucking. Then she’s all twitterpated and wrapped around his finger. Then she AGAIN wants nothing to do with him?? Even though in the last ep she was all high school girlie about working with an “ex”?? I GET that the writers/showrunners are piling the comic relief onto her/the situation but come ON.
“I didn’t call you” “your landlord did” BRUH. COME ON. I don’t care how crazy things are, you ALWAYS double check that! I once saw a dude backing into my driveway with a ladder and immediately went outside to be all “uh..hello?” he immediately pulled out his phone, named my landlord, pointed out what he was there for (damage to the siding of the house, I hadn’t noticed cause I hadn’t left the house and live in the basement) AND offered to call my landlord. ALWAYS BE SUSPICIOUS.
WHY THE FUCK ARE JJ AND LUKE PAIRED UP!!!!????? Jj’s a profiler, she’s obvi gonna be able to get it outta luke, or press him for details, or whatever. If he’s supposed to keep shit quiet why tf are they off together. (or were they specifically asked to be together by voit? Cause that’s just him playing into his bullshit again)
“Emily practising deception isn’t a lie. It’s good leadership” THANK YOU.
Also...to feed all the jemily shippers out there… if this was a fic written by me.. it would be bundled into the AI shit, but there would be pics of Emily and jj hooking up that were very easily proven to be legit and the entire situation would out them and that’s what the actual issue was/is with the site…
I understand jj is outside with Sydney and luke’s job is to keep the girls distracted inside but of COURSE its himbo’s first reaction to pull out the soccer ball INSIDE.
Okay is that just some weird direction/camera angles or are we eluding to the older sister being a cutter?
Emily’s reactions to brian were perfection.
JFC NO! who’s out there stalking them? Uggghh (though I will say that the moment something clinked in the parking garage I said to myself “pls don’t let her get kidnapped in ep 3…”
Why does it feel like tyler knows more about gold star than the bau does?
Oooo but he cloned the phone! Good boy!!
Penelope: in charge of tracking down tyler
Tyler: texts Penelope “I need to see you”
Penelope: “NO!” doesn’t reply….
Ah yes.. I was right about the cutting… oof. Uugggh talk about heartbreaking..
LOOOOL tara teasing rossi! “I think I pulled… everything…” HHAH
Im not gonna lie, I absolutely HATE that they went down this AI *porn* route, as if these fucking poor characters haven’t been through enough, and like, again as I said, JJ… she’s got the most damage control to do no matter what, and poor girl hasn’t dealt with more than half her trauma so far…
“but I didn’t exactly get it legally, so you know what rebecca’s gonna say” THANK YOU. But also, like fuck that. cause this show has ALWAYS been above the law in that sense. I can’t remember if I said it in last week’s summary or if it was another random post, but CM vs like, SVU is WILD because we NEVER see things past the cuffs being put on/the unsub getting killed/killing themselves. We never go to court, we never see the legal side of it BECAUSE 99% of them would be not guilty due to mental…defect? LOL I know that’s not the right word/phrase but you know what I mean. CM is about the mind of the criminal and chasing them down and finding out the trigger and stressor and figuring out the pattern, not seeing things through to court and prison.
and while I love the addition of her character (Rebecca), it’s making other characters act in ways they never have before/never would simply because now the show is implicating the legal side of things. again, love having Rebecca and that boundary in line for the team but it is messing with the normal dynamics we are used to. Like..as IF Penelope would have any issue using an illegally cloned phone in the past. She was all “don’t ask questions” “well yes I *could* get access to that record, but it is technically sealed” and hotch would be all “I didn’t hear anything…”
LOL Emily with a full bottle of wine at her desk. Love her. god she’s SO annoyed with brian and I love it.
SEE this is why luke never should have said anything. Cause it doesn’t matter how hard you try not to look, you’re never going to be able to resist being able to look it up, no matter how bad it is, how fake and evil and ugly it is, you’re still gonna want to know and jj didn’t need to see that/know about it. How is she supposed to go home and act ok now??
“okay they’re here… somehow” DUDE YOU KNOW BETTER EM! Doesn’t matter that youre in an fbi parking garage, no cop gets there that fast!!
Also..that red coat is TRENCH COAT. YEESSS
“FUCKING BRIAN!” thankkkkk you em
Also…in all seriousness. Em was in HER office at the BAU, somewhere you (I assume) need clearance to get on property, much less in the building or into the parking, so WHY/HOW the FUCK were both brian, the guys who beat him up and whoever took the pictures get clearance?? SHOULDN’T QUANTICO HAVE SOME PRETTY FUCKING HIGH SECURITY LEVELS???
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rwbysketches · 10 months
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skitskatdacat63 · 5 months
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"Non paeniteo potitus."
+ details & process
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And, process !!
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The jump btwn the second to last and last always surprise me whenever I make one of these because I always forget to take snapshots after I start painting. It's always like: oh yeah heres the lineart with some colors- BOOM fully finished✨️
What he's holding are the Austrian imperial scepter and orb, seen below:
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I was going to draw the crown too but decided I don't hate myself that much(maybe some other day), and gave him a golden laurel crown, bcs I'm obsessed with that as a motif, and also its very remincient of the boy king statue that started this whole thing!
There's some symbolism of this, both intentionally but also just historically. I love that the orb represents that the monarch is holding the world in their hand, basically every old monarchy has one of those, and I think it's very cool for symbolism. But also bcs of that, I was forced to basically draw catholic fanart so, you win some you lose some. The star halo above him head is both to reference those religious statues with star crowns(I saw them a lot in Europe and they imprinted onto my brain), as well as: his four championships of course!
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hella1975 · 5 months
wondering why old ladies aren’t smiling at me around town as much this morning then remember im wearing hoops and a puffer jacket and generally look like a bitchy year 9 girl who’s about to punch someone
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ind1c0lite · 2 years
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king and lionheart
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sparring-spirals · 26 days
folks. im about to post perhaps the most soapboxy. lengthy. pseudo-philosophical. unecessary essay length answer to an ask i've ever written. i apologize in advance, understand if everyone decides to skip past it, and also request that if you do read it and vehemently disagree, that you do not direct ire towards the asker who probably did not know i was going to compile an essay in response to a single question.
anyway. as always. hope folks are well. also no one let me get on a soapbox again (jk none of you can stop me and i might do it again).
(srs tho i AM a little sorry. oops)
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sillybitchdisorder · 2 months
fun new kin experience for me,,, more canine traits becoming more and more a part of my identity, i think bc ive been getting more comfortable w my identity. like,, i dont Look like any sort of canine, im still very much only demon/monsterkin, but with Heavy canine-esque behavior which is very fun !!
not sure what terms i feel comfortable using for myself yet, since im still figuring it out,, like, i wouldnt quite call it a theriotype, but im not sure,,,
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iftitah · 8 months
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thevalleyoftriumph · 21 days
im beginning to think that i am mentally ill and the internet makes my mental illness Worse
#i dont often get personal on this blog but im going to be so honest idc anymore. no one has 2 read this if they dont wanna i promise#but anyway. if *ACCIDENTALLY* rbing a Bad post and deleting it within ~5 seconds of it happening AND blocking the op#is enough to send me into one of my downward spirals of NEEDING to check my notes and inbox#and opening and closing my blog to make sure its Actually deleted and im not just Imagining its deleted#in order to feel even slightly okay#only to immediately remember/realize that blog notifications on mobile not only send INSTANTLY upon a rb happening#but show every detail of the post and dont stack either#therefor sending me even FURTHER into my checking and sending me into a panic#because this means people possibly Wont Know It Was A Mistake and instead might think its a genuine opinion of mine#therefor making me panic MORE#if ALL OF THAT is just because this fucking website cant impliment a proper quick-rb button for desktop#and a mistake happened#then i dont think the internet is good for me at this point and i think i need to smash all of my devices#i already get a lot of those like... needing to do Something to make sure nothing bad happened/happens#like i get that a lot already from my irl life i do NOT need it to happen online too.#because like.. i dont know WHO saw that. so am i making a huge fuss out of nothing/a mistake everyone could have made?#yes! probably! but i cant really stop myself now that ive started so this is going to Legit Haunt Me which is Not Normal!#whatever mannnnn#got so upset over this i cried and then circled back around to just Mildly stressed to apathetic entirely within the span of 4 minutes#still checking my notifs/inbox every two seconds but at this point ive accepted Someones probably gotten a notif and well. nothing i can do#kitkat chitchat
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nexus-nebulae · 1 month
it's kinda funny how similar to my grandpa i am considering my birthday was three days after his
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ssspringroll · 3 months
the good news is i still have Waay'los' tray files. so even if i lose my entire mods folder there's Hope.
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steampoweredskeleton · 7 months
#delete later#god i wish i was neurotypical#found out my flatmate is going to be away for a few days after they left and bc id had no warning my anxiety spiked so hard#that i had such a wave of nausea i had to lie down#idk why that fucking happened. ridiculous. irs not like it really affects that much. just the thing of my home being changed in any way#without warning freaks me the fuck out. couldnt do any work til id laid under my weighted blanket at lunch#and like obvs this is an entirely me thing. i dont expect my flatmates to tell me every detail of what they're doing#not sure how to keep myself from freaking over it though. will think on it#but yeah. if i was neurotypical id be fine. i also want to play ky video games after work but im akways so exhausted that all i can do#is lie in bed under my weighted blanket. it is so frustrating. im so tired. not helped that pain is fucking me up in new ways#so im also upset aboit that. and that christmas is approaching abd that changes the routine completely#and is always overwhelming#but this year im staying home so i will be able to keep it quiet and low key and it'll be just me so i dont have to think about#masking in any way which is kind of nice as even the vibe of Christmas takes a lot oit of me#i enjoy the thought of it and always hate the day. same as my birthday. fun in theory. incredibly stressful actually#idk whether it's work stressing me oit long term but right now any change to what im expecting from my routine is making me#so so so frustrated and upset#i had to go get meds after work on tiesday and became so upset by it that i was awake until 1am and was super nauseous#not enjoying that as a primary symptom of anxiety rn. i find eating hard enough as it is#the hair washing routine has given ne sone stability this week which was very nice abd made me feel calm. abd mt physio routine#the energy it takes to do it is outweighed by the relief i get when ive done that part of my routine and then go to bed#work is hard. working full time is so hard. im coping but not well. defo think i need to try getting regular therapy sessions if only#to help me plan for what i need to do and work through coping strategies bc im really hitting a wall. i need to problem solve all#these things but im so exhausted that i can't. so they just keep piling up
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bmpmp3 · 7 months
literally such a tragedy what channel zero did to search and rescue woods youre telling me the author lost the publishing rights for THAT like im still so mad. we could have had a book. we could have had a book
#sorry i hate the third season of channel zero always have and im speaking my truth now HJKDLSJHFKD#okay like. channel zero in general. the first season is like#i wouldnt say its good. honestly it started okay and kinda intriguing#and then got kinda bad. and then at one point it flipped back around and became camp to me#so i kinda like the first season but through no credit of itself HJKHJKDS#and as an adaptation i thought it was like too confusing for people unfamiliar with the creepypasta but too uninterested in the details#of said creepypasta to appeal to fans of it. but it was a bit camp. a little bit#the second season was fine. it wasnt perfect but i thought it held up decently as a story and as an adaptation#i never got around to watching the fourth season. i hear it was fine#but that third season was WRETCHED i remember it being rated well as a story but it was so like. disrespectful as an adaptation#(also it was too focused on gore and blood for me at the time. like i dont mind gore but it felt so like. meaningless?)#(and i wasnt sure about its depiction of mental health at the time but maybe my opinion would change nowadays it has been a while)#like you got the rights to such a weird and surreal concept and ignored it entirely....what on earth#no baby crying loop in the middle of the wilderness alone....no stairs that cut off your arm cleaning in the woods...NOTHING#literally so tragic. @ nosleep authors and other online horror writers PLEASE watch out when giving out adaptation rights#if i remember correctly the poor search and rescue author got screwed over by syfy which is so sad 😔#also please publish some kind of paperback version of ur stories for lil ol me. pretty please#basic print on demand is fine id just love to have more creepypasta and nosleep stuff on my bookshelf LOL#also still sad theres no left right game book. blease it would be so good published BLEASE
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humanmorph · 10 months
AUSTIN (overlapping): Also do we really like Orth?
why would he say this.yes we do
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