#and is mildly salty about it
Angel: And here is my wall of inspiration.
Husk: Is that a picture of you?
Angel: Yes. I am big enough to admit that I am often inspired by myself.
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eggplantgifs · 9 months
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Kazuki Tomono: Halston » 2023 Japanese Nationals
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swallowtail-ageha · 7 months
Biggest pain in the world is when fanfiction writers write characters that are in the age range from mid twenties to their fifties like they're teenagers in both dialogues and emotional responses luv he's an assassin for the ruling body of a theocratic and xenophobic regime HE WOULD NOT TALK LIKE THAT
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mando-abs · 9 months
No but wouldn’t it be so fucking hilarious if Pedro won the Emmy for Best Actor and said back to Kieran
“Suck it, Kieran. Sorry. Mine.”
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torchickentacos · 5 months
i feel like commentary youtube has a subsect of videos that come down to 'this could have been a tumblr vent post'
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dragonrider9905 · 2 years
We’ve been robbed! We’ve been cheated!
I recently found out that we were supposed to get a Kashyyk arc in Clone Wars with Master Yoda and the Bad Batch! But it got cut.
Most of you probably knew that but it was news to me. One of the creators confirmed even though those were cut episodes they are still canon and hence Wrecker’s comment was a sort of hint of that.
Can you imagine the glorious chaos and fun that would have ensued between Master “break me out of jail because we’re friends young Skywalker so I can do what I want and even though is very serious, is also very silly” Yoda and the Bad “we don’t listen to rules or anyone for that matter” Batch.
So I’ll say it again, we were robbed. We were cheated out of glorious chaos.
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cloverkind · 17 days
also, i went to that class to potentially meet people and make friends, but i didn't really end up talking to anyone there except for the group leader. however, it was still nice to just go somewhere and be a part of something for an hour and come home with a cute craft. so yippee
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etherealvoidechoes · 11 months
Thinking about the whole “volunteer” aspect of the ADVENT army peacekeepers and like to imagine those that volunteer and don’t get shipped off to be converted or stripped down into goo, are mind controlled and moved to some place where they get “hooked” into the system to control a peacekeeper to do their “job” for the day.
The peacekeeper will roughly match how the person looks minus what’s under the helmet. A bit of a security blanket if they ever cross paths with family and friends.
Once their shift is over, they’re moved back to the wherever and simulate “clocking out” before being released from the mind control.
And false memories get implanted.
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ericamzdm · 7 months
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baked-hylian · 1 year
why does each new season give me interesting crumbs in between annoying writing choices?
I finally watched the new season of tdp (didn't even know it was out) and I gotta say whatever writers left should come back please
episode one was extremely stale, maybe it's largely because I don't like how they've been writing Rayla and Callum's relationship, but it felt so forced and unnecessary of an episode all to force a "I trust her unconditionally" type of plot that doesn't even work with the information she's been hiding from Callum. Like why even hide what happened to her parents and Runaan? By now everyone is mostly aware of why the Moonshadow elves put the hit on Harrow, Rayla has been forgiven for her part in it. What purpose did that serve to the narrative other than to force the unconditional trust point that episode. A point that could have been done using the pirate town and her potentially having an arrest warrant from there, causing friction between the humans that still don't trust elves and Callum who doesn't ask her about the warrant, merely trusts that there is a good reason for it. I did really like Domina Profundis' design from the episode and I am still salty about the crap with the elf and human camp from the previous season and had to be reminded of it when Karim appeared.
episode two was better because of Claudia and Terry. Terry is great for her, love him for that, but I do dislike how much he shifts the tone during Claudia's scene considering she seems to be either being set up to stay a permanent enemy or perhaps episode nine will be her rock bottom before taking a different path. Also love all the shit going on in Viren's mind palace, poor guy needs a break.
episode three was interesting. I like the slow set up with Karim working towards taking back the kingdom via his first follower. I also really enjoyed the scenes with Amaya but it's Amaya and really hard not to like her. it does seem like tone is a difficult thing for the series to balance, and even by episode three it felt like whiplash at times between implied horrible thing and poop jokes.
episode four was probably the best of the first half of the season. It was so obvious that the book drop was going to be used as a makeshift fortress to keep out the corrupted banthers. However the episode just got laughable when the library became overrun with them. Would have been nice and cool of them to turn it into more of a zombie movie-esque situation and have corrupted elves and other animals appear, maybe even a dragon. also a little confused on how fast the corruption is supposed to work but hey, for plot reasons we need Zubeia to not become completely infected instantly, instead draw it out for several days/episodes for drama (same as the drama of whether or not Amaya and Corvus lived)
episode five was extremely predictable. Of course the first old elf ocean mage that the group meets is the one they need. We can't make this journey too complicated and heaven forbid that we take a moment to do anything, but maybe I'm still salty from the previous episode cause it seemed pretty far fetched that Zubeia couldn't just annihilate the corrupted banthers with ease and instead had to abandon Amaya and Corvus, because.... Amaya yelled for the first time on screen? BUT it did introduce my new favourite bad bitch Kim'dael, a bloodmoon shadow elf with some very interesting lore that I would have loved to see hinted at more when we were first visiting their forest.
episode six by far was one of my favourites introducing Captain Finnegrin but alas, all good things must come to an end because by episode eight he's dealt with like he was a stereotypical bully in a high school movie instead of a fearsome pirate captain.
episode seven was most interesting at two points. Janai being kidnapped by Kim'dael and the reveal of Finnegrin's ship being a giant hermit crab with a ship built around it. That was pretty sick, along with Callum literally stealing the wind from Finnegrin's ship prior to the crab reveal.
episode eight gets disappointing though with the way everything wrapped up with Finnegrin. I think I was hoping too much for that little thread of Finnegrin wanting to kill the ocean arch dragon due to wanting revenge for his first crab ship being killed by her. Really interesting, especially when he finally got the info he wanted from Callum about dark magic strong enough to kill an arch dragon. I thought it'd be really cool to see him return again, maybe even united with other antagonists at some point. BUT nope. Instead Soren uses the power of being a chill dude to convince Elmer he deserves to be treated better, and it worked somehow. Idk you'd figure a man who has been pirating over 40+ would maybe have had one or two actually loyal crew and not a bunch of essentially slaves. Seriously those kids would have been so fucked if Finnegrin had had some truly loyal men.
and lastly episode nine. Just poor Claudia, she really deserves the support she gets from Terry. Girl just wants to keep her family together. Was NOT expecting her to get her leg cut off in the confrontation, hopefully that sticks and she does some funky dark magic prosthetic for it. However the episode has left me wondering if they'll actually straight up kill Viran and use that to drive Claudia completely to the dark side, blaming Katolis and elves and dragons alike for getting in the way of her protecting her family, or will Viren live and try to walk Claudia back from the darkness? As it stands, I can totally see Aaravos forcing the dark magic spell to make Viren's resurrection permanent, but I do wonder if that was the only reason he created their freaky moth son or if there is more to that still.
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hexellent · 1 year
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"This some bullshit."
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
I’m gonna make more ice cream bread and then maybe work on some fic stuff we’ll see
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wordswithkittywitch · 2 years
I just had a horrible thought.
So, per the tags on my last post, I have always wanted to know how people wore cosmetics in the dark ages because we have archaeological evidence they did but no record of how it was actually worn. And, being a Doctor Who fan, I've always said, "Well, that's what I'd ask the Doctor to help me with if I was a companion."
Here's where the horrible thought comes in.
If I was a companion, the Doctor would not take me to the dark ages. The Doctor would take me to "the BBC's interpretation of the dark ages" and that has always rankled me as an historian. They have a very, very bad track record with historical accuracy in that period.
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starlitwishes · 1 year
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((I was talking to a couple of friends about it this morning and I thought I should probably make a sort of disclaimer here about it too, but it’s a really unfortunate thing I’ve noticed with the Genshin fandom in relating to Scaramouche and his three betrayals—a lot of it is from YT videos/comments, random posts, effect tho so I don’t think the RPC typically does it, but…))
((… I am not going to downplay the Three betrayals for Scaramouche. Each event he faced in those early stages of his life were SEVERE traumas that affect him to the present day, and it’s important to me personally that they are treated like so. I’ve ESPECIALLY seen people downplaying what Ei did to him via her abandoning him, making more about how Scaramouche “perceived” Ei leaving him in the Pavillion as a betrayal rather than acknowledging that, while Ei had decent intentions, she still essentially abandoned Scaramouche in the wilderness by himself with little to no support from her.))
((That’s all I wanted to say, really—because it’s something I’ve noticed that bothers me and I wanted to just, shove that off the table and say yeah—while Scaramouche did bad things and considered those traumas as betrayals of Gods, humans, and the world itself—that doesn’t lessen the fact that they were severe traumas for him.))
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sysig · 2 years
All the Requestober Speedpaints have officially posted! Check it out, see if yours is there!
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hellflcmes · 2 years
I'm going to chill here and on Keigo tonight as my bf isn't going to be around much tonight. I'm thinking of doing a small purge of my drafts for Enji. Nothing extreme, just threads that sort of seem to go stale? But I may not, we'll see.
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