#fat nuggets is also on the wall
Angel: And here is my wall of inspiration.
Husk: Is that a picture of you?
Angel: Yes. I am big enough to admit that I am often inspired by myself.
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fraugwinska · 4 months
I know canonically Alastor doesn't sleep but let's assume it's not because he doesn't have to but because he doesn't want to - he feels powerless and vulnerable when he sleeps, also he is tormented by nightmares.
What if one night everyone is waken up by hotel almost falling apart: walls are cracking, everything is shaking, and a green glow is flowing through the corridors. Turns out, Alastor is asleep and having a very bad nightmare. And unless they want the hotel to fall apart, someone has to wake Alastor up... (reader volunteers as a tribute)
LOTS of angst with a comfor ending? :)
You ask, Anon - and I deliver (at last)! Thank you for being so patient with me! Today just felt right to write this, and I sincerely hope you find it worth the wait! <3 TW: Depictions of Blood - Minors DNI - 2.8k words
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The Eye of the Storm
"What the fuck is going on?!"
Another loud boom shakes the ground of the corridor, almost making you trip and fall if not for the handrail you managed to grab. Angels door opened at the other end, a scared squeal of Fat Nuggets faintly audible as Angel stumbled out, clearly as startled and scared as you.
"Fuck, toots, what is that?"
"I have no idea!"
You had no idea, but whatever was causing it, the entire building was shaking like in an earthquake and you were terrified some of the older, worn out parts of your floor could collapse any moment. The cracks on the walls were growing with every rumble, and a bright, green glow had overtook the lamps, turning the usually warm and inviting space into an eerie nightmare.
You exchanged a terrified look with Angel, both of you unsure what to do next. He hurried over to you, his piglet shaking in two of his arms, taking your hand with his free one and pulled you with him. "C'mon, we need to find Charlie, before the fucking ceiling falls on our heads."
You didn't even have the time to reply before the lights went off, a terrified scream leaving your mouth before you could stop it. You heard a string of curses from Angel and felt him squeeze your hand tighter. The both of you ran down the stairs as fast as you were able to in the dim darkness. You tripped several times, but Angel held you steady, trying his best to not fall himself. The lights went on again with another rumble, making the stairway moan like it was in pain.
"Charlie! Vaggie!"
You reached the lobby, where you found the rest of the residents already gathered. Everyone was there, looking shaken and confused, but unharmed. You saw them look around and then up to the ceiling, the cracking of the wood and walls sounding louder and more violent than upstairs.
"Ey, you two, are yo' hurt?" Husk yelled over the noise, his eyes scanning Angel with a worried look.
You shook your head, letting the spiders hand go so he could run up to Husk, who took his pig into his arms and hugged Angel close.
"Is everyone alright? Where's Niffty... and Alastor?" Charlie's voice sounded shaky, and you could tell she was doing her best to keep calm and not freak out.
"I'm here!" The little cyclops girl appeared behind Sir Pentious's hat, her eye wide. "But I think Alastor's not okay."
"What do you mean?" Vaggie asked, her hands stiff on Charlies trembling shoulders.
Niffty looked around, biting her lip. "He has bad dreams sometimes, and he's really scary when he does, and then stuff like this happens. He can't control his powers, and-"
"Wait, so it's HIM who's causing all of this?" Vaggie's eye widened in anger and another boom made the whole lot of you duck as the glasses from the bar fall from their shelves, flooding the floor with shards of glass and debris.
"Yes, but he can't help it, it's his brain messing up! We need to help him!"
Vaggie cursed, while Charlie and the others started to ramble over another.
"Someone has to wake him up, before the hotel really collapses."
"Are 'ya crazy, Charls? We can't go in there!"
"Yeah, at this state, yo' won't know that fucker won't rip yo' to shreds befo' you even reach his room."
"It'ssss better to evacuate, I think."
"And leave the building to fall into pieces? Ugh, maldito idiota de la radio..."
Your head turned worriedly back to the green glowing corridor. Alastor. What the hell kind of bad dream would make him lose control over his powers like that? Niffty said it was his brain messing up, whatever that meant - did he really suffer from nightmares? You felt a sting of worry for the deer demon. You didn't even want to imagine the kind of terrors he had to have in his head to cause something like this.
"I'm gonna go."
Everyone stopped talking and looked at you. Husk gave you an incredulous look, still holding Angel and the pig in his arms. "Y-yo' can't be serious. That's straight-up suicide."
You shook your head. "Someone has to. I'll be fine, just... get out of here, wait outside and make sure no one is getting hurt."
Angel tore himself out of the cat demons grasp, taking you by your shoulders, his eyes pleading. "Toots, Alastor is not himself right now. He can't control what the fuck he's doing, and if he hurts 'ya, I don't... Please, don't do this, that bastard ain't worth it."
You knew the spider demon was worried, and you appreciated your friends' concern, but he didn't know the Radio Demon as well as you did. You were aware of his reputation, the stories of his atrocities and his sadistic nature. You knew how cruel and unforgiving he could be, but you also knew that over the last few weeks, he had shown you a softer, less menacing side. You and him bonded over his love of cooking and your love of eating what he prepared, over your shared interest for record players and classical music and your affinity to magic and the obscure. He could be a lot of things, but he wasn't just the bloodthirsty serial killer most of the denizens of hell made him out to be.
You gave the spider a smile, putting a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. "Don't worry about me, Angel, it's going to be alright. He's my friend, I can't just leave him in there to get crushed by the building."
Before you could be held back, you started to run towards the stairs. Charlie cried out to you, but you ignored her, you just took a last glance back, shouting as you vanished into the darkness.
"Just trust me, and get your asses out of here."
The group stood there, unsure what to do, and a loud snap coming from the second floor made them turn and run for the doors.
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The higher you climbed the stairs, the more intense the shaking and rumbling got. You had to crawl on the steps at times, because it was too dangerous to walk, and you didn't trust your legs not to give way under you. The walls were splitting, the green light was burning in the lamps, and the air was crackling with what seemed like dark magic, ominous glowing symbols appearing and fading in your vicinity.
When you finally reached Alastor's door, it was already hanging from the hinges. It had probably blown when the magic started to burst out in violent waves, the green glow brightly pulsating and threatening from within the inside. You wondered if your heart could beat any faster without giving way. It wasn't the first time you were scared witless, hell wasn't exactly a carnival. But as much as you believed the best about Alastor, he still was one of hell's most powerful overlords. He still had countless bodies in his name. You trusted him, but if Niffty and the others were right - and it seemed to be the case that they were - he had little to no control over himself when lost in a nightmare. Could a demon like him sleepwalk and kill you in their sleep?
You took a breath and squared your shoulders, turning around to call into the room, not daring to set a foot inside yet.
"Alastor? It's me. Can you hear me?"
The rattling of the sudden radio static made the framed pictures on the wall shatter to the ground, and from the edge of your field of vision you noticed the lights fade once more, turning the already ghost-like bedroom almost black. You reached for the doorway and lowered your voice.
"It's me, you have to listen, okay? It's okay. I just came to check on you. It's safe now. You are safe."
No answer, again. The darkness felt suffocating, as if it was about to crush you any minute. You felt dizzy, disoriented, like a rabbit that had caught the eyes of a fox. You didn't dare say anything else, not until you could at least see him, figure out what was going on. With shaking legs, you took a step over the threshold. The lamps flickered again and you tried your best not to stumble as you scanned the room in front of you in between the shutters of brightness for traces of the other demon.
When you found him, you had to bite down a cry of horror.
You wished you hadn't.
He was curled up and violently shaking on his bed, the covers ripped and laying in pieces around his sweating body. His head was almost between his knees, hair spiky and disheveled and his overgrown and twisted antlers slicing the mattress and pillows with every tremor rushing through him. You could barely see him, the flickering lights making his face obscured in the shadows, but what you could see made your heart sink. He was sobbing in between shattering breaths, his chest heaving up and down erratically and his claws digging deep ridges into his torso as his body jerked and twisted, blood pooling into the covers in deep red.
"Al." You couldn't control yourself anymore. The shock, the dread and worry freed your legs from their stupor and you rushed to the hunched form, nearly stumbling on the ripped fabrics.
His eyes flew open at the touch of your fingers, burning in bright crimson with ticking dials as irises, almost completely overtaking his entire eye sockets. The howling of radio static screeched from his lips as the room shook again as he bared his sharp teeth, his clawed hands swiping at you with violent intensity that send you flying on the ground. You tried to catch yourself, but fell to your side, letting out a pained cry as you felt the wound on your waist, dripping with blood and split wide open.
You watched him with wide eyes as his limbs grew, afraid to even move. His stare was petrifying you, you had never seen such violent, uncontrolled expression on him. He growled, his head turning towards you, his mouth, no, maw opening. He looked like he wasn't there anymore, that nothing left was inside besides a manic creature ready to slaughter everything it crossed. A nightmarish beast in its lair that had cornered a small helpless prey, ready to be swallowed alive.
He got up in one swift motion, the pieces of fabric that once were bedcovers flying through the air and a dark aura creeping into your vicinity. Your breath hitched. You couldn't get out of his range with him like that, the open wound kept you from moving fast, and his maw was so big it seemed he could rip you apart by just inhaling.
"Alastor, it's okay. It's me." you breathed, desperate not to lose hope. There must be something that could call to him in the deepest parts of his mind, something that could snap him out of this lucidity. You scrambled back as he stepped in front of you, lowering his head to meet your eye level. His claws dragged on the floor beside him, and in a sudden, swift move, his large hands grasped you, the pressure on the gash blindingly painful.
"I-It's okay, it's not y-you, it's just a bad dream. I'm here to h-help you. Let me..." You gasped, a sob leaving your throat as his claws started to dig into you.
"Nnnghh... Y...-you c..c-c-an't ...-he..lp...m...m-e-e.."
A snarl left his lips and he raised his face into the air, his arms lifting you effortlessly and you whimpered in fear. Pushing through the hazy fog that invaded your brain, you tried again.
"Please, Al, j-just look at me. Wake up a-and look at me. You'll be okay."
"W...-why d-d..id..-.yo...-u co..-m-e... -h..e-re...?"
The blood loss was making you feel faint, and you lifted a bloody hand, desperate to touch him, to reach the man behind the monster. With blurry eyes, you brushed his cheek, his face just near enough your fingertips reached the fizzing skin. It felt like dipping your hand in pure electricity, numbing and painful, but you didn't care.
"Because you a-are scared and h-hurting, and I care about y-you. What f-friend would I be if I l-let you s-suffer alone?"
At your words, his enormous form shivered, and you felt his grip on you loosen ever so slightly. The dials fixed on you were still ticking, but the red of his eyes dimmed. Your other hand came up, slowly, to take the other side of his face.
"Can you wake up for me, Alastor?"
More growling, more shaking.
"Pl-please. Wake up and come b-back to me."
His eyes flicked, the howling static became more hushed and his ears twitched under the forks of his antlers. You took a shuddering breath of relief as the animalistic stare on his face lost its threatening gaze and felt the buzz under your fingers slowly dying down. The sharpness under your hands subsided fully as you saw Alastor shrink back, slowly becoming aware again of his surroundings. The green glow that filled the room flickered and turned into the familiar oranges and reds. You held onto his face and his eyes, not daring to let him go until he had finally settled and transformed back into his regular form, the last clicks of the vanishing dials fading as his irises turned to dim reds once again.
"What happened. Why are you..." The sound of his familiar voice was all you wanted to hear now. As your legs gave away, you didn't fall however, Alastor's slender hands were quick to catch you, his smile confused and irritated. He let his eyes travel down your arms to the wound and pools of crimson surrounding you, and back at your face, now pale.
"What do you think you are doing, dear." he breathed, settling you down slowly on the ground.
"You had a nightmare. The hotel... everything was chaos. I had to come, had to... get you out of it." you stammered, watching him looking around to see the damage, his face warped in realization as he put the pieces together.
It was rare to hear the usually so poised and reserved Radio Demon swear, but for this situation you'd agree it was entirely appropriate. But the hotel still stood and he was back, and that was all that mattered. When he took you up in his arms and buried his face in your neck, you felt the more alive than in the whole time on earth.
"You foolish girl. You could've been killed by my hands."
You let him embrace you, his long arms circling around you protectively and his forehead resting on the hollow of your throat.
"But I wasn't." you said simply, smiling weakly into his hair. Your arms felt heavy but they still managed to find their way onto his back, reassuring and tender, letting him know you were fine, mangled maybe, but alive and there. You stayed that way for a moment, both of you unable to move or say something as you found some grounding in each other's warmth and the now peaceful silence.
The quiet was broken, however, when you heard frantic footsteps in the hall outside and the uproarious group of the hotel staff came charging through the opened door, halting when they saw your display. Alastor didn't lift his head, in fact, he didn't move at all. You turned your head, your hand barely leaving his back to give the speechless group a lazy wave.
"Are 'ya ok? I'll kill 'im if 'yer not, I don't give a shi-"
"You were so incredibly brave, oh gosh, look at all this blood. Vaggie, we need to get the first aid kit!"
"I'll get my mop! And a broom, look at the mess!"
"Aye, this fucker really owes you."
"Umm... this is rather... Should we give thossse two a moment?"
"Lo juro por Dios, un día de estos lo voy a matar..."
Through the mass of noise the others made, talking and fussing and scurrying, you heard Alastor's quiet whisper against your bloodied skin, loud and clear.
"Thank you, dearest."
You smiled, closing your eyes and holding him a bit tighter, even if it made your wounded side sting.
"It's okay, Al. What else are friends for?"
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alastor-simp · 7 months
Be My Valentine - Alastor x Female Reader
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♥️HAPPY VALENTINES DAY EVERYONE! Also I know Alastor is AroAce, but lets just assume in this fic he is not. Enjoy♥️
It was finally Valentine’s Day in Hell, a little holiday that some demons enjoy doing with their partners and others that find it absolutely ridiculous, like a certain deer demon. Alastor didn’t much care for a silly little festivity like this. He found romance a bit ridiculous, but he wouldn’t go as far as to make fun of someone else in a relationship, it wasn’t who he was. He did find Charlie and Vaggie’s relationship adorable, since he saw how happy the two of them were together. The little sparks between Husker and Angel were easy for him to spot, and it led to lot of teasing at the hands of Alastor, which earned him a middle finger from a certain cat on occasions.
Since it was Valentine’s Day, Charlie thought it would be a great idea to decorate the hotel. Heart paper strings were hanging from the ceiling, along with XOXO and heart balloons on the walls. It wouldn’t be Valentine’s Day without some sweets, so Charlie along with Niffty made some chocolate covered strawberries and pretzels for everyone else to enjoy. You were trying to figure out how to help liven the mood. “Music would be nice” you thought. Heading over to the record player, you skimmed for any good songs to play. Frank Sinatra was what you picked, and you decided to play that. The melody began to carry out all throughout the lobby, catching everyone ears, causing them to sway. “Ah! Excellent choice my dear!” You heard Al’s voice call out from behind you. He was sitting on one of the chairs, with a hot cup of coffee in his hand, wearing a pleasing smile. Smiling back, you made your way over to the couch and took a seat, listening to the tunes.
Soon Charlie came running back, “Okay everyone! Ready to start the Valentine gift exchange!” Before the decorations were put up, Charlie suggested that everyone pitch in and do a Valentine gift exchange. The gifts would be exchanged between two individuals: Charlie + Vaggie, Angel Dust + Husk, Niffty + Sir Pentious, and You + Alastor. Everyone got together and presented the gifts. Charlie had given a bottle of perfume and new hair bow for Vaggie. Vaggie gave Charlie a unicorn plushie and T-shirt with their faces on them. Angel got Husk a fancy bottle of Italian wine. Husk gave Angel a popular perfume from the Lust ring plus some mini outfits for Fat Nuggets. Niffty had actually handmade mini plushies of Sir Pentious and his egg bois. Sir Pentious got Niffty some roses plus a new sewing kit.
Now it was time for you and Alastor to exchange gifts. While you did have something for Al, there was something else you wanted to give him, but it was a surprise. Alastor was smiling down at you, hands behind his back, holding a mini box and bouquet. “Here you are my dear!” He handed you the box and flowers. Ahh he remembered how much you loved (your favorite flowers). Thanking Alastor, you opened the box, which contained a beautiful ruby necklace
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“W-ow Al! This is beautiful! Thank you.” Holding the necklace up, you looked up at Alastor, face flushed. “You’re welcome, my dear! Allow me!” Grabbing the necklace from your hands, he motioned his body behind you, helping to place the necklace around your neck. Turning back around, you pulled out your gift and presented it to Al, “Happy Valentines Day Al” Grabbing the black box with red ribbon from your hand, he opened it, revealing a new rose tinted monocle. He had broken the one he had before, and didn’t have the time to replace it. “Ah I needed a new monocle. Thank you kindly, y/n!” Smiling you nodded your head and faced back towards the others
Al looked into the box again and saw a little piece of paper that was placed underneath the monocle. Turning away, he took the paper out and read it:
“ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴏᴏꜰᴛᴏᴘ ᴀᴛ 8 ᴘᴍ”
Well well, what was this? Another surprise, perhaps? Smile widening on his face, He placed the paper in his suit pocket, before turning back to everyone like nothing happened. The day continued as normal, with everyone chatting about random topics and participating in some bonding activities like board games and watching some random romance movies. It soon gotten late and it was time for everyone to head to bed, or so you thought. The glances you saw between Charlie and Vaggie hinted that they were going to be doing something else. Even Husk and Angel dust, especially since you saw Angel dragging Husk into his bedroom, well good for them, they make a cute couple. Going to head up and finish your plans, your eyes caught Al who had looked right at you. You smiled and walked away.
**8 PM- Alastors POV**
"Hmm I wonder what the little darling has planned for me?” Al thought to himself, as he made his way to the location you told him in the note. Ascending up the stairs, Al arrived at the door that led to the rooftop and opened it slowly. His eye widen at what he saw. In front of him was a small dinner table with chairs, decorated with candles and roses.
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He was left stunned by what he saw. Walking closer to where the table is, he admired the little set-up. "Do you like it?" Turning his head around, Al saw you standing there, wearing a flowy black dress, bright smile place on your face. Alastor looked back at the table, then at you, "Was this the little surprise you had planned for me? If you wanted to have dinner with me, all you had to do was ask, my dear." Alastor gave a soft smile, making his way to you, lifting your chin, "You look positively radiant, darling." His words caused you to flush, "T-thank you. Go and take a seat Al. I'll be right back," Alastor smiled and let you go, heading over to the chair to take a seat.
Soon, you came back holding two plates, the aroma wafting off of them was mouth-watering. Placing them down, the smile on Al's face had widen. In front of him was a tender venison steak, his favorite, along with a side of salad and baked potatoes.
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After that, you had grabbed a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon, and poured it into the wine glasses for both you and Al. Once everything was set in place, you slowly took a seat on the other side of the table. "This is my first time cooking venison, so I hope you like it." You fidgeted with your fingers under the table. "This looks spectacular! Thank you my dear!" He grabbed his wine glass and held it up in front of you, "Cheers, my dear!" Smiling, you grabbed your glass, bumping it against Al's, letting out a small clink. The both of you started to eat the meal you prepared, well you were watching Al more than eating, monitoring his reaction. You knew about his diet and what he mainly ate, so last thing you wanted was for him to try the venison you prepared and do a spit-take. The fork in Al's hand, held a piece of steak, and slowly it made its way into his mouth. The whole time you were sitting there, gazing at his reaction to see if he liked it. His expression didn't change, but he went back in for another bite, and another, and another. Heaving a sigh of relief, you were happy that he liked the meal, letting you go back to your meal.
Soon the both of you had finished eating, letting out a satisfied sigh. "Delicious!" Al said, wearing a pleasant smile. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. Are you in the mood for some dessert?" You said as you got up from the table, and made your way over to grab the dessert that was hidden. Walking back, you placed a bowl of chocolate covered strawberries on the table.
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"My dear, you know I'm not a fan of sweets." Al said to you, while looking at the bowl with strained face. "I made these myself using dark chocolate, so they won't be as sweet, trust me." Grabbing one of the strawberries, you held it up towards all, "Say ahh." Al raised an eyebrow at that, but he shook his head, amused at your actions, before taking a bite. Looking at him, you were expecting him to spit it out, but surprisingly he swallowed, "Not bad!"
Whew, glad he liked them. Now it was time to tell him what you were thinking/feeling. "Um Al? Can I ask you something?" Alastor looked at you, smiling like the joker. "Of course my dear! What is it?" He leaned in, placing his elbows on the table, lifting his head up with his hands. The butterflies in your stomach were going crazy, and your palms were sweating. Your eyes looked down at your hands, until you turned your head back up to look at Al. "W-will you be my valentine?" Alastor eyes widen at that statement, but he continued to gaze at you. Feeling nervous, you looked back down to your hands, "Y-you don't have to answer, I understand you find romance and stuff a hindrance." you said. The two of you were sitting in awkward silence, until you heard his chair scrap across the ground, indicating he had gotten up. You knew it, he was going to leave. You had made him upset.
A hand was placed under your chin, making you look up. Alastor hadn't left, he had only gotten up to get closer to you. "Stand up, my dear." He said to you. Moving slowly, you got up from your chair and stood in front of Al. He continued to look down at you, his eyes flashing crimson. Then he got closer, and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a warm hug. "What an adorable request! I must admit, developing relationships with another is still new to me. However! I wouldn't mind forming one with you, my dear. I accept!" He whispered all of this in your ear, causing goosebumps to form. Your eyes got teary, as you hugged him back. After a while, Alastor moved a bit, placing one hand under your chin, and the around your back. He had a small smile on his face and his eyes were soft. "Happy Valentines day, my doe." His head moved closer to yours, causing you to slowly shut your eyes, letting his lips press against yours in a soft kiss.
@pepperycookie , @yourdoorisunlocked, @ghostdoodlen, @aceofcards0-0, @jyoongim, @saturnhas82moons, @unholycheesesnack , @luujjvi, @forbidden-sunlight, @pinkcrystal44 , @veethewriter , @rains-sleeping @danveration , @demoarah, @cookiekyo , @iiotic, @delectableworm , @91062854-ka , @alastorsgoldie , @lokis-imaginary-friend , @themysteriousslenderman
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colourstreakgryffin · 3 months
Hey there, fellow writer! How are you doing? :) I just wanted to request a platonic Angel Dust x Nephew (or Niece) reader who is the son/daughter of Molly from when they were alive. Angel hadn’t really got to know them as he had died when they were little, so now that he's reconnected with them in hell, he's trying to bond with his niece/nephew as they are older now
Oh, Hello, fellow writer! I have returned from being dead and this is quite fun! Awww. Another Angel request and of course, it’s hella wholesome. I love it! Can do so! Have a great day, loves!
Angel Dust- Little Spiderling
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You know, right away, Angel drags you back to the Hotel when he finds out you’re his niece/nephew by pure accident. You aren’t the little one he remembered once seeing his beloved Molly having but you’re still a minor, not eighteen yet! So, he must protect you! And he will!
Angel has a barley functional life down here and is really struggling through it but the one thing he knows how to do is express his love for people so he does it a lot to you
He tries SO hard to let his walls down to bond with you, to let you know you matter to him and he won’t shut you out. You are really the only person he doesn’t act like a sarcastic prick to but he will not tell you his problems since you’re his family, not his therapist
He really wishes he got to know you when you were both alive, he was so wrapped up in his own life, he didn’t acknowledge you. He barely remembered your name and he is clueless on what you like so he just tries to bond with you by trying to seem like that ‘cool Uncle’
Angel asks for advice all the time. He asks Husk, Charlie, even Vaggie. Advice for how he can try bond with you better and how to talk to you better. He already became your guardian… at his own word, so he needs to know how to connect with you
Angel often gets you gifts, it’s how he sees making you happy with him. Like, he’ll buy something whilst he’s out than he’ll offer it to you when he’s back at the Hotel, smiling so nervously and hoping you’ll like it. He is that one awkward but loving Uncle!
Angel basically dies again, of pure joy, when you express love or appreciation. He already has so much guilt for how little he knows you and how little he paid attention to you back on Earth but now, he wants to try again and he really wants to rekindle so he believes all his effort is always rewarded with the way you smile at him and say ‘thank you’ or ‘I love you’ or ‘I’m glad you want to join’
Angel is also that uncle who goes ‘aww, you’re so pretty. I remember when you were so little! Now, you’re big!’. If he had pictures of you, he’d be admiring them whilst crying
Angel does seem like a selfish man but he’s really only selfish with… everybody else. When it comes to you, he spoils you. He kinds parents you. He doesn’t know how to tell you your mom’s in Heaven so he distracts you with other stuff and he even shows off his beloved Fat Nuggets, to make you smile
Angel has a habit of picking you up, since he is much taller than you, and putting you on his back when it is time to go. He only does this when you escape the Hotel or leave against his wishes, and he can always keep his eyes on you this way
He also puts you on his back if you’re tired or want a nap or even miss him. You weigh nothing to him, and he can handle it well
Angel also loves taking you out to shopping trips with him and Cherri. He loves dressing you up in feminine/masculine clothing and praises you so you feel confident. You look great, and in-fact, he’ll buy that outfit so he can see you in it again and boost you up like a good Uncle does!
Angel actually trusts Cherri with you. He is very protective over you so really, only Charlie and Cherri have the permission to take care of you when he is busy
Sinners often confuse you for Angel’s son/daughter, mainly for the way he treats you, and even Valentino has called you ‘Angel’s kid’ before but he doesn’t take that shit from anybody and sets it straight. You’re his beloved sister’s baby and whilst he loves you, he’d never act as if he is your parent. He is your guardian, get it right
Angel teaches you how to cook the meals of the family. He loves cooking and he’s happy to be a mentor so he’ll ensure you know how to take care of yourself if you’re ever without him and know how to whip up a fine Italian cuisine. Cooking together is one of his personal made bonding methods
As well as baking. Angel knows you like baking so he tries to bake with you. Four arms are very useful and yes, he messes up a lot but the way you laugh at his attempt makes it feel like his eggy crispy frosting mess of a cake was totally worth it. You’re growing to like him more and not be annoyed with the fact he didn’t really care for you much in your past life
I will say now. Angel apologises a lot for the past but you take it maturely and understand his point of view. Though, your acceptance doesn’t remove Angel’s guilt and he takes a long time to feel better about himself, even when you two grow closer and you become more and more fine with him being your guardian
Angel doesn’t understand why he didn’t acknowledge you all those years ago… you’re so cute. What is there to not like?
Angel always sees his twin sister in you. You even look like her, so it means you look… more than a bit like Angel too, and he’s glad. It reminds him that he’ll always have a piece of his beloved sister with him as well as a family member who doesn’t dislike him
Angel’s kinda clingy, straight up. He cries whenever you do something he considers ‘cute’ and mews and calls you ‘Spiderling’ whilst hugging you. Angel is also THAT type of Uncle but it’s pretty cute how attached to you he is
Once more, he does get jealous of Arckaniss. He wants to be your favourite! Not his older brother so he sweeps in and steals you away from when you were talking to Arckaniss too much for his comfort. He is soooooo much better!
Really. Angel, in this entire situation with you, is trying and always trying. He tries to be the best guardian for you, he tries to be the best best friend for you, he tries to be the coolest best uncle for you! He tries and he hopes it works
He is actually fine with you calling him ‘Anthony’ over ‘Angel Dust’ and to make it fair, he calls you your real name over your demon name too!
“Spiderling? Hey! Hey! You’ve been out all day! How come? I thought you liked our shopping trip together! I’m your coolest uncle, aren’t I? You liked that scarf I got you! Should I get another? Yeah? Yeah? What do you think?”
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denofbloodandlove · 2 years
First Timer
Mandi looked at the store like some giant looming beast that she had to battle, never had she been to a sex shop and for good reason. The moment she even thought about sex her face flamed with heat, she was technically embarrassed.  Not because of the act of sex, but because of what she enjoyed watching.  Being only 21 and still a stupid virgin she had, one night, fell down a rabbit hole of aliens, tentacles, and ovipositors.  They only person in the whole world that knew was her best friend JJ, who was as gay and happy as a bag of sunshine and rainbows but also the biggest slut that Mandi knew.   He was the reason they were here at a place called OtherWorlds, a boutique for the weird and unusual.  But according to the website that JJ found, totally normal for people like her.  People who enjoyed the idea of monsters, suckers and knots filling up their bodies. JJ had wanted Mandi to be herself so, like a great best friend searched the world wide web and found this little nugget.  Forced her in the car and drove the three hours it took to show up.   “For fucks sake Mandi, walk in, it’s a sex shop not a fucking scorpion.  Which, by the by, I think they have dildos that resemble the tail.  Lets go!” JJ pushed Mandi over the curb and straight at the door.  The tiny bell jingled as the door opened and Mandi stood frozen at the sight.  JJ however ran right in and began looking. “Come on Mandi! It’s time you experiment!” He giggled as he held up a huge wiggly horse cock.  Covering her face with her hands, Mandi shuffled her way towards JJ.  “Would you stop that!” She whispered as JJ started to flick his wrist, making the soft cock go round in circles.  “I think I need one of these for me girlie!  Man this would feel great shoved in my ass!.” JJ exclaimed as a worker made their over with a grin on her face.   “First time huh?  We can always tell, either too shy or too excited. How can I help you guys? Looking for anything in particular?”   Mandi began to shake her head, but JJ being who he was cut her off.  “Yes, she needs tentacles.  Ovipositors with the eggs that come with.  A medium to large probably since she is……unused shall I say.”  “Oh gods above JJ, really?! Tell everyone that I’ve never had sex why don’t you, jeez.” Mandi buried her face in her hands as JJ laughed, but the woman just smiled and took hold of Mandi.  “I have the perfect stuff, come on.  Most people come in here like this, first timers, shy because of what they like but its no biggie.”  As Mandi followed the lady she looked on the walls.  Dildos of massive sizes were displayed, some had giant heads with long thin bodies while some were reversed, had a slender head but a massive shaft. Some were so large it looked like it would split her in half.  Gulping down what she knew was excitement she kept walking.  How could she be excited about her feeling like she would be getting cut in two?  Another section housed more horse cocks, small ones, medium, massive ones that looked like when fully inserted it could reach her throat.  Near the horse cocks, were wolves.  These too were in various sizes but they had knots as the bases.  Some had multiple knots throughout the shaft, going from regular at the head, knot, shaft, bigger knot, shaft, and even bigger knot.  Wouldn’t a person get stuck on that?   How would her cunt feel so stretched out that she would literally be stuck on a cock. Mandi felt sweat trickle down her back at the thought.   “You know I can tell what you’re thinking buy the looks on your face, you don’t hide your facial expressions well.  My name is Nimmie, and yes the wolf cocks do feel amazing stuck inside of you.  Too big to slide out but to big to push further in.  Your pussy trapped on an immovable object, trust me, its worth it. Worth the pain. The dragon cocks are much the same without the knots.”  Nimmie pointed towards a display case that housed a pleothra of muticolored dildos.  Some were short and fat while others had what looked like scales in different layers to add a whole new feeling as it pushed against the walls of a pussy or ass. “But these are what you’re after. Yes?” Mandi looked over her shoulder as Nimmie pointed to a blue/black wall.  Her mouth popped open as she saw so many different kinds of tentacle dildos. S-curved that ended in a point, short stubby ones that had a bulbous head, each one had different sized suckers on it, mimicking a real octopus.   “But, I think your friend mentioned ovis, you’re more interested in the eggs and the feeling of them inside you, right?  I’ve used one, fuck it was the best orgasm I’ve ever had.  But that was our old stock we got some brand new ones no one has ever tried.  They look amazing.  Here.” Nimmie reached down and under a self, pulling out what looked like long slender tube with a short flat head on top.  It was a dark mossy green that faded into yellow at the tip.  Reading the package her eyes widened at the size.  Nearly nine inches in length  and at the widest nearly two inches at the base.  But what intrigued her more was the carton that was attached to the underside of the plastic container that held the cock.  “Its eggs! Look! Turn in over, each one is in their own cum, to give you that real effect.  So what you do, theres twelve by the way.  So what you do is you have to place the cock on the floor and through the opening at the tip of the cock, you just insert the eggs, push them all down and have your fun. As you fuck it, see the little button, you push that and the didlo will start to undulate and push the eggs into you, all that cum and eggs filling your cunt up.  When you’re done, pop off and push the eggs out, and repeat as many times as you want.  The cum, its some kind of new material that doesn’t wash away, like an egg sack thing. I dunno, but I can’t wait to try it myself..” Mandi turned the package over looking it over and listening to Nimmie talk about it.  Fuck, but she was wet just imagining it.  She had watched a porn with this woman who had something similar. The eggs had fallen out of her swollen cunt, falling to the ground in pleasurable ‘plops’.  She wondered if they would sound the same falling out of her.  And could she take all twelve at once? Mandi ran her hands over the eggs, thinking about where she could place it and fuck it. That was the moment JJ ran up to her, his arms filled with lube and cocks.  “Get me outta here girlie before I go broke.  You found something?” Nodding her head, she hid the ovi behind her and together they walked to the register.   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “I know you got that egg thing girlie, call me after and tell me ALL about it! I for one am going shove these beautiful things up my ass.”  JJ kissed Mandi on each cheek and left her standing at her door with the black bag in her hand.  Excitement rode her.  Mandi could feel her slick cunt, needy and ready to take in her first dildo.  The apex of her thighs felt heavy with need yet hollow.  It was like a low ache, one that was almost painful right behind her entrance.  She could almost feel her own heartbeat in her pussy, each thump of her heart knocking at her tight entrance.  Placing her phone down, she hit record and then began to undress.  Throwing off her clothes, she knelt on the floor and positioned herself so she could watch her body take in the cock.  Once everything was lined up correctly, she opened the plastic package with trembling fingers.  The cock itself was soft and malleable, but at the thick base she could feel beads that would rotate upwards, she figured those were how the eggs would get pushed up and into her pussy.  Next she opened the eggs.  Sighing, Mandi reverently grabbed the first one.  Nimmie was right, it felt as if the egg was encased in the same slime like substance a chicken egg was surrounded by.  The clear like slime wiggled between her fingers as it slipped from her grip into palm after palm, her hands rotating to constantly catch it.  Biting her bottom lip, Mandi held it to her face and it roll against her cheek.  It felt so warm, almost as if the crate it was in kept them a certain temperature. Before she could think better of it, Mandi popped it into her mouth.  The gel like casing rolled on her tongue and nearly down her throat.  But the taste.  It was like an aphrodisiac straight to her pussy.  Juices flowed and coated her thighs as she leaned her head back and moaned, rolling the egg on her tongue and nearly down her throat. Gagging she coughed the egg up and into her hand.  She’d definitely  have to practice more on how to hold that in her mouth, maybe with the cock fucking her throat too.  Mandi fingered the cocks opening and watched as the egg slide down and into the tube where the other 11 quickly followed.   Taking a deep breath, Mandi ran her fingers through her swollen pussy, her clit was so enlarged it hurt, her fingers rubbed hard on her clit, eliciting a long low moan from her throat, then she squatted over the cock.  Her back was against a wall and with wide eyes she watched herself slowly get impaled on the camera of her phone.   Her tight pussy pushed against the head of the cock, opening her pushing against her maiden head.  She watched in fascination as her cunt spread, allowing a foreign object to be inserted, thankfully the cock wasn’t giant at the tip, but she could feel the resistance of her flesh, pushing back, not wanting anything to push past her barrier.  Her thighs burned as she lifted herself up slightly then fell back down a second time. This round pushed hard the cock breaking though and she let out a painful moan as the cock stretched her new flesh, up and down she moves, deeper and deeper her squats came as she fucked herself down nearly to the two inch base. Her pussy ached, burned as it stretched and tears welled in her eyes. It was too big!   But she thought about those wolf cocks and getting stuck, widening her stance Mandi leaned back and placed her hands on the floor and moved her hips.  Her pussy made sucking sounds as the cock moved in and out, deeper until she screamed in pain, fuck she wanted to get stuck, wanted this foreign cock with its eggs to seal her pussy as the eggs pumped into her.     Tears gathered in her eyes as she moved her legs farther out, her knees hit the floor with a sharp thud and she sat, forcing her pussy to sit down all the way on the cock.  Looking into her phone, she could see the skin stretched, her cunt swollen and red, her clit hard and ready for the slightest of touches to send her over the edge.  Taking a deep breath, Mandi lifted one leg and felt her way around the base, finding that button Nimmie talked about.  Pushing it down, the beads that sat at the base of the cock began to vibrate, rotate around and up.  Her cunt tightened its grip and her body jerked as she rotated her hips.  Fuck she could feel the eggs rising with the undulations of the beads.
“Fuck. Fuck, Fuck!” Mandi panted as her hand left the floor and slapped at her swollen clit in tandem.  She felt the first egg explode from the cock and straight into her, she could feel it right against her cervix, followed by another, then another.  Her hand slapped harder at her clit and as she moved she looked down at her flat belly, she watched as her skin moved, pushed out by the eggs filling her.
Her orgasm took root and she flung her head back and screamed.  Pressure like never before built low in her belly as she came.  Her hand never stopped slapping and rubbing her clit until it was too much and she lifted off the cock, her pussy releasing all her cum and juices in one great spasm.  She watched in awe as she squirted, the eggs falling out of her one by one with a wet slimy pop. One after another she watched as she forced her pussy to push the remaining eggs out, each one slowly falling to the floor.  Her pussy pulsed and her body trembled with aftershocks of the best fucking orgasm ever!
“I’m telling you JJ I think I lost one! I have eleven eggs nit twelve! What happens if one is still inside me? What am I going to do? Go to the doctor and say hey doc by the way I fucked an alien dong, had its fake eggs shoved inside of me and now I lost one.  Can you look in my cunt and tell me what you see?”
JJ just laughed, “It probably rolled under something so stop freaking out! But look we need to go back to that store, cause girl I done used all that lube and those dildos! I’m so gaped I could fit my fist in there!” Shaking her head, she finished her conversation with JJ, thinking that he was probably right.  The eggs had come out at first so fast that she lost one.  Had to be.
That night Mandi lay curled on her side, her thoughts on sleep, her mind drifting off into nothingness, she felt a soft, wet squelch come from between her thighs.  Moaning in her sleep, her body thrashed about, wetness soaked her pussy and sheets as her legs spread by some unseen force.  Through her sleep, pain had her eyes flip open and she screamed as e cunt stretched.  Her knees bent and she rose on her elbows as she looked down her body.  One long thick tentacle slide from her cunt.  It was the same hues as the dildo, it slid from her pussy and onto her thigh, the rings of the suction cups molding to her flesh. Scrambling away, her body spasmed as the tentacle stayed stuck inside of her womb, the one long tentacle slithered off her thigh and moved up, the tip pushing through the slit of her wet core. The pointed tip flicked her clit hard enough to shock Mandi into pure pleasure.
“Ohmagod its real.  Oh fuuuck its real.” Her voice went from a high-pitched scared cadence to a low, pleasurable moan.  This is what she had fantasized about the first time she watched that damn porn.  Her fantasy becoming a reality.  The alien inside of her wiggled growing thicker, spreading her sunt much like the dildo did, stretching her to the point of pain, sealing tight.  The tip of the tentacle slide back and forth on her clit, the suction cups moving languidly over her clit, sucking and releasing each time with each suction cup.  The thick base shoved deep in her began to slither in and out, fucking her until she could no longer stand it, her orgasm tore through her body.  Her body bowed off the bed, every muscle seized in pleasure and her cum flowed from her pussy in great rushes around the tentacle. Her breathing labored she lifted her head to watch the tentacle move and slither back into her cunt, her lower belly becoming slightly pooched out where it rested in her womb.  
Would the other eleven eggs be the same? If they stayed in her would they hatch too?  How many could she keep inside of her at once?  She wanted to fond out.  Would it be like that porn?  A tentacle for every hole? Her mouth, ass and pussy all having one at the same time? Her pussy pulsed as her cum leaked from her open slit.  There was only one way to find out.  Jumping out of bed, she found the ovipositor, and began to pop the remaining eggs into the cock.  Her belly wiggled in anticipation as she positioned her phone once more, then sank low on the cock, hoping that the other eleven eggs would too take root inside of her womb.  
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froggywritesstuff · 7 months
dysphoria | angel dust
Tumblr media
ship/pairing: Angel dust x trans!male!reader (reader has a uterus and still gets his period)
fandom: Hazbin Hotel
request: Can I request Angel Dust comforting his trans boyfriend when he gets his period and is extremely dysphoric and depressed about the whole thing. This whole week has been a shit fest of dysphoria and crying.
warnings: maybe ooc idk , I didn't clarify in my writing but first confession of love i guess, periods, gender dysphoria, swearing, crying, emotional breakdowns, petnames (reader gets called baby), rushed ending, bad sex joke
word count: 758
A/N: sorry this is really short i have zero motivation to do anything 👍 fem and cis readers dni
You didn’t even need to tell Angel what was happening, nor did he need to ask. The second he saw your face contorted into one of discomfort, he was all over you. He hung up a dozen ‘do not disturb’ signs on your hotel room door (though it was basically a shared room at that point), prepared to verbally or physically attack anyone trying to disturb you. Before you could even mention cramps he had a heat pack fresh out the microwave for you, checking every five minutes if it was still warm or if you wanted it reheated. He would cuddle you tightly, him and Fat Nuggets doing their very best to cheer you up. Angel showed how much he truly cared for you. You couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend than him. However you felt nothing he could do would make the dysphoria you felt go away. He’s an amazing boyfriend but unfortunately he can’t stop your period or give you a dick. (he could do the second one if you asked him nicely)
”Ok I think this is all the chocolate in the entire hotel, I refilled your water, and I got you some of those snacks you like.” Angel listed as he sat on the bed beside you, dumping the food in your lap before readjusting the pillows wedged between your head and the wall, wanting to make sure you were as comfortable as you could be.
”Ange, you didn’t have to do all that.” you mumbled despite knowing it was pointless and he would continue to insist on helping you. 
He pulled you closer to him, letting you rest your head against his shoulder, “I told you it’s fine. I want nothin’ more than for you to be happy.”
You lazily snuggled up to him. Dealing with your period and the gender dysphoria that tagged along with it tended to drain your energy, "Thanks. I really appreciate you helping me with this."
Angel's arm snaked around your waist, holding you close to him, "Of course baby. But of the list of things I'd do for you, this is pretty mild. If your period was a person I swear I'd fuck 'em up real bad. Make 'em regret ever makin' you feel this way."
You couldn’t tell if it was just your hormones going batshit or not, but Angel’s words had you burst into tears. You quickly buried your face in the crook of his neck as he pulled you into a tight but comfortable hug.
”You’re ok babe, I’ve got you, just let it out,” his whispers comforted you as his hand gently rubbed up and down your back soothingly, not even caring that your tears were staining his shirt. 
Shaky breaths left your lips as you cried, “I'm grateful you're helping me. But I hate this. I hate my body. I hate it so fucking much.” your voice cracked as more tears rushed down your face. Angel was quick to pull out of the hug and cup your face, his eyes on you as his thumb caressed your cheeks. “It’s not fair.”
Tears brimmed Angel’s eyes, his heart breaking at your words, “I know baby. And you're right, it’s not fair. And you don’t deserve to feel this way one bit.” he pressed his lips to your forehead, “You hear me?" you gave a small nod as his thumb wiped away your tears, "And you're not your body. You're the hottest, the funniest, the kindest, the strongest, and the most handsome - yeah you're the most handsome and hottest man I’ve ever met, who also happens to be the best boyfriend in the world. And I wanna do anythin' to help you with this pain."
A small smile grew on your lips as you listened to him. He was so genuine and sincere, a big contrast to his usual sarcastic and snarky demeanour. On a day you felt like dying only he could make you feel like living, "I love you. So much."
He smiled ear to ear, feeling his heart swell at your words, "I love you too baby." he handed you one of the snacks he had brought, "Do you wanna eat something? And then you can talk more about what's botherin' you, or we can watch movies, or we can just nap. Whatever you wanna do."
You nodded, taking a bite of the snack, "That sounds good." Angel shifted on the bed so he was beside you again, one arm around your shoulders, while the other wiped your remaining tears.
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akystaracer22 · 7 months
Distrust Fall:
A leap of faith gone wrong, an eternal promise kept eternally. No matter how long it has been some things never truly change.
How to fail a trust fall: Step one
Vaggie's relationship with Adam is very complicated, but at the moment there is a lot of animosity and it shows.
Adam is of the opinion that Sorry doesn’t mean jack shit if you make the mistake again, so he just doesn’t apologise because he thinks he’ll just fuck up again so there’s no point.
The hotel needs a licensed therapist at this point dear lord.
Alastor still isn’t over the whole “Radio is fucking dead” thing.
If there is one thing that Adam knows off by heart, it’s the names of animals scientific or otherwise. That was the guys job once upon a time and assuming he doesn’t know that stuff is the true quickest way to piss him off. He’s also really good with animals which pisses off Anthony because Fat Nuggets *likes* Adam and it drives the sinner up a wall.
Alastor and Lucifer are on the ground. Angel, Husk, Charlie, Vaggie, and Adam are on the roof.
Alastor was going to let him get a cm from the ground before catching him dw.
Lucifer used to be friends with Adam in the garden because I live for that sweet sweet friends to enemies tragedy.
Adam really does not like people staring at his face, it’s a mild form of scopophobia caused by his time in heaven with people always giving him shit for how he looked, particularly his facial features (Yes I drew on everyone calling him ugly and average on twitter and shit). He used the mask to get around it, that way people couldn’t actually see what he looked like.
This was originally 1260 but then I got an idea that blew this out by 500 words lol.
The graveyard with be elaborated on in a future connected one shot.
This is officially a fully fledged AU
Regarding Adam's claws, they're gold to combat the greyness of his palette, but also as a nod to Midas, the arrogant king who's touched turned everything to gold. Angelic blood is also gold so if you want you can interpret it as having blood on his hands.
Fingerless gloves because I thing they're neat.
I based Lucifer's wings off of duck wings!
Also Lucifer's angelic appearance was based on space. I heard Sera call Charlie "Daughter of the Morning Star" and I went feral.
He has a full shifting night sky in his wings, clothes, and hat.
Angels have white pupils now I don't make the rules.
References saved my life.
Word count: 1725
(Comic and fic under the cut! Click for better quality)
Adam leaned away from the edge as the wind drifted through his wings, keenly aware of the fact that his wings wouldn’t break his fall and he did not in fact trust jack shit in hell to break it except the ground.
“Are we sure this is a good idea?”
“I’m with princess perfect this is a fucking death sentence,” Adam agreed, a little reluctantly because it was still the princess of hell, “You’re trying to fucking kill me.”
Vaggie smirked, because of course she did because she was trying to kill him, he wasn’t that dense, and just shrugged, “I mean, worked for me didn’t it?”
“That wasn’t even a fucking trust fall that was to get you to fucking fly and you know it! Fucking bitch,” The first man scowled and tried to step away from the edge, the crack whore of an arachnid immediately shoving him back up, “Would you fuck off?!”
“Would you stop being a dick?”
“Would you stop sucking them?”
The white jumping spider stared at him for a long moment and Vaggie stepped away from him for once, great! Cool! One person was leaving him alone and soon a second one will!
Great! About fucking time they got the message-
Lucifer paced nervously around Dazzle’s statue; this was a terrible idea. Having Adam go through a trust fall this early was going to end in disaster one way or another.
The main issue being nobody liked Adam and wouldn’t care if he fell. Hell, Charlies girlfriend has already tried to kill Adam off for good multiple times since he got here!
This was going to be a mess; Alastor was supposed to be catching Adam but he was just standing there looking completely unprepared and-
“Are you going to get ready or not.” Lucifer snapped at the radio demon, wings flicking out behind him in agitation.
“Oh, I have no intention of catching him.”
Lucifer froze, his tail stilling before lashing behind him as he turned on the deer-eared sinner, “What.”
“You heard me.”
“Oh, I heard you alright, and I think you should try that again.”
“And why are you getting so worked up, hm?” The sinner hummed, sneering down at the king, “Last I checked, the first man was your enemy after he tried to kill your own daughter.”
“I-” Lucifer paused, then scowled because Alastor was right. Why was he getting so worked up over this. This was Adam they were talking about. Adam who was crass and rude and cold to everyone. Adam, who would rather sit in his room all day than even look at any of them. Adam who was…
“…Luci, do they all hate me?”
“I can see why they left me for you.”
“It is good to see you again my friend! Come, much has changed since your last visit!”
… Adam who was so much more than who he was now. Who was probably the only person left in hell that remembered Eden.
“That’s none of your business you son of a bitch,” The fallen angel snapped at the cannibal, eliciting nothing more than a growing grin from the bastard.
Not a day went by in hell where Lucifer wished that this wasn’t his circus and that the sinners weren’t his monkeys.
Someone screamed above him.
The seraphim whipped his head up, eyes widening as he registered Adam twisting the air as he was shoved off the roof by Angel Dust.
Fear struck his heart like an exorcists blade when the first man tried to use his wings to glide, only for a single wing beat to send him into a spiral hurtling towards the ground.
He caught Adams eye for a single moment before it was obscured by his good wing, the man was terrified. He didn’t know sinners reformed after death and despite it all. Lucifer would never wish someone to experience falling from their death after quite literally falling from heaven.
Not even on Adam.
Something in his heart spurred the king into action, kicking off the ground as his wings snapped open to catch the air. A single beat of his wings and he was already well off the ground.
Lucifer reached a hand up for Adam as the fallen angel reached out to him in kind, panic written across both their faces at the idea of a horrible accident.
Lucifer’s wings moved the air one more time and-
“And… you will catch me?”
Lucifer laughed softly, a gentle chiming sound from where he stood behind Gods first man. He was trying to show him a game Lucifer and his kin would play from time to time amongst the spires of heaven.
The game was simple, one angel was to stand up high with their wings folded and fall. Then the other angel was to catch them. It was supposed to build trust, not to mention it was a delight in and of itself.
Standing amongst the grasses of Eden, Lucifer saw no reason not to share this game with Adam. He’s already grown fond of the way that Gods creation would go out of his way to show the angel what he’d been up to since his last visit.
“Be not afraid my friend!” Lucifer’s wings spread quietly to punctuate his point, divine magic threading his words, The Voice ensuring that the first man would hear and believe him.
“No matter how far you fall, I shall always be there to catch you.”
Lucifer wrapped his arms securely around the fallen angel as his wings curled around wing and man alike, bracing himself as the added weight as they both fell together.
It’s funny, it reminded him of when Adam first fell, a fiery ball that could have almost been mistaken as a shooting star had Lucifer not known better.
They hid the ground with a slam and the fallen seraphim had to bite back a shriek as his wings took the brunt of the force. They’d be left aching for a while.
Lucifer grunted as he pushed Adam off of him, sitting up and folding his wings in, allowing them to slip out of existence while they healed, he definitely didn’t want to do that again.
He slowly got to his feet while the first man got his bearings, dusting himself off and rubbing his shoulders to try and alleviate the pain.
“Why the fuck did you save me?”
Lucifer jerked and looked down at Adam from where he was glaring up at him, a note of confusion held carefully in his gaze before it dropped.
“Well, isn’t this quite a surprise!”
Lucifer’s expression shot into a scowl as he rounded on the radio demon very blatantly interrupting the moment. The bastard just grinned and stared down at the both of them.
From the corner of his eyes Lucifer noted Adam’s good wing hitching up instinctively to cover his face from the demons gaze before dropping.
Lucifer turned his attention back to the radio demon with a glare that could melt steel, “You were going to let him fall,”
“I was going to do no such thing,”
“You just said-!”
“I said nothing you just assumed I was going to do nothing at all!”
“Listen here you!” Lucifer was just off again by the main doors opening and the other’s all barrelling out at the commotion.
Lost in the sudden onslaught of attention and having to field Alastor’s snarky comments, Anthony’s suggestive remarks, and Charlie’s concern, he didn’t see Adam flee the scene.
It wasn’t until much later that he was able to recognize the first man’s absence, searching the hotel to see if Adam was okay.
He found him at the graveyard, sitting among the many tombstones for the exorcists slain in the battle that caused Adam to fall.
Lucifer paused at the entrance to the burial ground, watching Adam sit there facing away from him for what felt like an eternity.
Despite the dead being gone, the king of hell still felt like the exorcists weapons were pointed at him, a warning that if he made one wrong move they would rise from their graves to protect their leader, to avenge him, to strike Lucifer down in an instant.
The once-angel of the morning star carefully stepped away from the cemetery, making sure he didn’t break the silence. Even if Adam wanted to be disturbed, he wasn’t the right person to do it, not in this place.
Besides, he still had his own thoughts to sort through, like why in the name of the divine he saved Adam when he would have survived regardless. He would have been fine even if he did hit the ground unimpeded so why-
Lucifer grimaced as the answer stuck to him like a parasite, he knew damn well why he saved him. It was the same stupid reason he preened Adams wings for him, the same reason he treats the first man’s wing rot and the exact same reason he made that deal with Adam after he fell.
He was attached.
Stupids horribly foolishly, Lucifer still cared for Adam even after everything.
By the stars he beat Adam within an inch of his life! Adam tried to kill his daughter!
But emotions were hardly logical. They weren’t logical when he fell for Lilith in the garden and taught her and Adam both The Voice, they weren’t logical when he freed Eve, and they weren’t logical now.
Lucifer cared for Adam, even if by all logic he should hate the man.
Lucifer looked up to meet his daughters eyes, a small smile letting her know he was okay, “Hey there Duckie.”
Charlie’s expression softened at the nickname even if he still looked concerned, “Dad… are you sure you’re okay?”
“If I’m not now, I will be, so stop worrying about little old me Char-char,” Lucifer chuckled, “However… Adams in the graveyard if you want to talk to him, he seems like he needs some company right now.”
He made his exit quickly after that, he knew what Charlie would do, it was in her nature to help people, it was what made her so special.
But Lucifer, he helped people once, and now… he had a new person he could help again.
And he might just know where to start.
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allmyocsarebritish · 6 months
Happy birthday Angel Dust!!
Pairing: Angel Dust X Reader
Warnings(?): fluff, brief mentions of drinks and drugs, we love Angel <33
A comfortable silence engulfed Angel Dust's room as you lay on his bed, lovingly stroking Fat Nuggets. Angel sat backwards on the chair by his dresser, facing you as he rested his chin in his palm, another of his hands twirling a cigarette absentmindedly.
"You know," he began in a serious tone, a sudden break in the banter you had been sharing prior to this moment. This caused you to pause and devote your attention entirely to the star. "This is probably best day I've had in a long time, despite the, uh, moments."
You both laughed softly at the memory of Charlie's attempt to make Angel's birthday special, resulting in utter chaos filling the hotel. It had begun with decorations, which had been torn to shreds by cat alastor, a strange new arrival at the hotel. This was followed by the princess herself dropping the cake, having been tripped by one of Sir Pentious's eggs. The mess was extremely distressing to Niffty, as she had just finished waxing the floors.
Later events also did not go quite to plan, with Angel's party being crashed by Cherri bombing down a wall. This turned out to be a positive turn, though, as she was his best friend and made the day vastly more entertaining. The final disaster was when Niffty, ever the lightweight, became rather tipsy quickly, and proceeded to tidy away everyone's drugs and drinks.
Despite all this, you knew that the day had been more than ideal for Angel, and just what he needed, following the long week he had in the studio. As evening drew out, you and Angel joined Husk at the bar for some celebratory drinks, laughing and joking together long into the night.
"If your birthday is today, does that make you an April fool?" Husk asked intently, a slight smirk playing on his lips, as you stifled a laugh when Angel's response was to flip him off.
Eventually Husk decided to retire to his room, and, as he didn't trust either of you unsupervised around his alcohol (even more so when together) you were forced to head off to Angel's room. So there you were, surrounded by comfort brought only by your favourite person in your favourite place, talking and cuddling the night away.
"I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm grateful. For everyone at the hotel, but, especially you, toots." His voice was slightly wobbly, not noticeably so, but you still picked up on it.
"I'm grateful for you too, Angie. I don't know what the fuck I'd do without you." You hopped off his bed, making your way over to the chair he was sat on and wrapping your arms around him. Angel hugged you back immediately, burying his face in the crook of your neck as you joined him on the chair, practically sitting on top of him.
"Thank you, for being here." He whispered against your skin.
"Of course." You gave him one last tight squeeze before pulling back and pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. "You know we love you, Angel."
His smile grew at your words, followed by your own. "And I love you the most."
"I love you too." He responded, hand rising to cup your cheek.
"Happy birthday, Anthony."
"Thanks, sweetheart."
Of course, following the theme of the day, your sweet moment was interrupted. Biting back a laugh at the irony of this continuously happening, you looked down at what (or who) interrupted this time. Met with a cold, wet snout pressing against the back of your hand, you leant down and scooped up Fat Nuggets, sandwiching him between you and Angel. Leaning your head against his fluffy chest, you let out a sigh of contentment. All four of Angel's arms were put to use, the lower set hugging you and the little demon pig close, one gently running through your hair and another petting Nuggets.
"Y'know, I really can't consider this eternal torment." You whispered. "Not when I'm with you, baby."
"Me neither, toots. Me neither."
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qu1cks1lversb1tch · 5 months
What they're like when you're sick
Includes: Alastor, Angel Dust, Charlie, Husk, Lucifer, Sir Pentious, Vaggie, Valentino, Velvette, and Vox
Warnings: None
Word Count: 858
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He's indifferent and often times cruel, but if he cares about you, he's a real sweetie.
He'd bring you your favorite warm beverage.
He would cook something for you; probably something his mom made him when he was feeling under the weather as a child.
He'd check in to make sure you're resting. (You better be, or else.)
His shadow would keep you company, mostly keeping an eye on you while he's doing a broadcast.
He'd secretly be worried out of his mind, but he's to prideful to admit how much your wellbeing means to him.
Angel Dust
He's concerned as fuck; going as far as blowing off Val just to make sure you're okay.
Checks in every few hours with a new joke, just to see if you're well enough to react.
Let's you cuddle with Fat Nuggets while you sleep.
Have you eaten? Are you hungry at all? He'd grab you something quick from the kitchen, just say the word.
Watches movies with you until you pass out from exhaustion.
Practically shoves water and vitamins at you like he's a concerned mother.
Nothing to her is more important than you getting better. Sorry world, that's just how it is.
She's practically perched at your bedside with vitamins, water, a fresh box of tissues, and a trash can.
Makes sure you eat at least one meal.
Let's you rest, but keeps close in case you need her.
Will do anything to make sure you're comfortable while your body works through the Hellish virus.
Keeps everyone else from bothering you.
He's worried about your wellbeing, but also knows you're not gonna drop dead on a whim.
Leaves crackers and medicine on your bedside table for whenever you wake up.
He conveniently only checks in when you're resting, just to make sure you're taking the recovery seriously.
Will make sure everyone knows that you're resting so that they'll try their hardest to not bother you.
Straight up goes 'dad mode' (as Angel calls it) if anyone makes a particularly loud noise that echoes off of the walls.
Sends you back to bed if you try to join everyone else. You need to rest.
Panics like he did whenever Charlie got sick.
Makes at least a dozen little ducks that resemble your personality so that you have his presence even when he's not in the room with you.
Brings you soup and your favorite hot beverage.
Warm compresses, warm blankets, cool room.
Gets absolutely anything you want.
Checks in on you religiously, but quietly so that he doesn't wake you.
Sir Pentious
He's literally probably the sweetest.
Will run to the store if you need something specific, no questions asked — would even leave the Egg Bois with you so you're not alone.
Has the basic necessities on hand.
Would fluff your pillows when you sat up to drink water.
Hungry? He's sending the Egg Bois downstairs to grab you something that you can eat.
He'd stay in the room and do his own thing, just to be close.
Is mad that you got sick, but is worried.
Would bring you your favorite sick soup if you said you were hungry. It's salty, but just what your body needs.
Death glares anyone who comes down the hallway too loud.
She would be distant, but still close by.
She's making sure your room's environment will help you get better. (Ex: cool air, warm blankets, closed curtains, etc.)
Will scold you if you get out of bed for anything other than the bathroom.
He literally doesn't even notice at first, but once he does notice, he's sending someone to your room with your favorite hot beverage and antibiotics.
If anyone goes near your room that isn't him or the demon he's sending while he works, they're probably getting torn apart.
Every few hours, you'd wake up to find stuff on your bedside table that hadn't been there. Little trinkets, notes, and candies.
Threatens anyone who gets too loud.
At your bedside at the end of the day, making sure you drank something and at the very least took your vitamins.
Pushes you to eat something, while simultaneously leaving you alone to rest.
You're sick!? This show is on hold until her favorite person is all better.
Refuses to go in the room without Hell's equivalent of Lysol on hand.
She comes bearing food and little trinkets to keep you occupied in your moments of boredom when you're not resting.
Will kill anyone who tries to bother you for some inane bullshit, best model or not.
Texts you periodically to make sure you're alive.
Will do research to help you the best she can.
He's watching you through the cameras and checking your vitals during his free time.
Let's you watch cartoons on his screen until you fall asleep in the late evening.
Is there with water the moment you go into a coughing fit.
Will ask around trying to figure out what to do for sick demons.
He brings you your favorite food and a weird looking stuffed animal that Velvette helped him pick out.
Works less to spend more time with you while you're recovering.
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A/N: I guess these are my thing now 💅 if you want, you can join my discord here. It's absolutely no pressure if you don't want to, but if you wanna make some pretty cool friends, join in! The vibes are good like 90% of the time. If you're 18+, just make sure to let me know in the introductions chat :)
As always, my requests are open! I have 3 anon requests sitting there that I'll get to eventually — I swear I will lmao. I hope everyone enjoyed this! I love the support thst I got on the best friend's hc's <3 I appreciate all of you
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mgc02 · 6 months
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Angel's Special Day
Angel Dust x Male Reader
You had it all planned. This birthday would be one he would never forget
Angel returned from work that night exhausted but happy
"I don't know how I managed to get my birthday off but I can't wait for tomorrow"
You smiled at him "oh you're going to love it"
It would be impossible to fool him into thinking you had nothing planned so you just kept teasing him with it
"Come on! It's my birthday can't a get a little hint" he complained cutely
"It's not your birthday yet. That's the point. And it's too much fun messing with you"
He gave you a dirty but playful look "you just wait till you're birthday baby. I'm gonna top whatever it is you're doing for sure"
Oh you doubted that
You went about planning everything
The food, the wine, the music, the ring
You even knew his ring size which was due to the fact that he had promoted a jewelry company once for extra cash
You had spent months secretly training Fat Nuggets and you knew that he was going to be the best part
The next day you surprised him with breakfast in bed
Eggs, bacon, sausage and pancakes
"You're too sweet baby" he said when you brought it to him
You then told him that you had hid little gifts for him all over the hotel
He grew excited hearing that
He went around searching while you followed him
"Could you give me a hint?" He asked
You smiled mischievously "there are six in total"
"That's it!?! That's all you're gonna say?" He whined
You laughed "I told you its fun messing with you"
Angel Dust fake gasped "on my birthday? How dare you?
He ended up finding all six
A new lipstick in the couch cushions (which he joked about covering you with later 😉)
His favorite wine behind the bar
A framed photo of Fat Nuggets hidden on the wall
A new pair of earbuds in a case in a drawer in the kitchen
A pair of pink fingerless gloves in the parlor
And a delicious box of chocolates underneath the dining table
He loved his gifts
He put on the gloves immediately and ate one of the chocolates
"Well have to drink this wine together later" he winked
"Maybe when you meet me at my room tonight at 6" you replied
Throughout the day Angel celebrated his birthday with you and the other hotel members
Finally you left to your room around 5 to set up
At 6 you heard a knock and let him in
"So what you got for me no-" he stopped when he saw you in a suit and the room decorated in candles and rose petals. The door to the balcony was open and a beautiful candle light picnic was visible. And there was soft romantic music being played on a vinyl record.
"This is... the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me" he tried not to get choked up
You led him to the balcony and you guys popped open that bottle of wine
You drank it and ate the food you had prepared
You made spaghetti and brought it in a big pot
He had taught you that recipe himself
"I don't know how I'm gonna top this" he exclaimed
"It's not over yet" you told him mysteriously
You whistled and called over Fat Nuggets
As the little guy waddled over you spoke
"I wanted to make this birthday one you'll never forget and I also realized that I want to spend every birthday with you. Every good day, every bad day, every holiday. I just wanna be with you for eternity no matter what. So... I have a question."
Angel gasped when Fat Nuggets approach with a ring box on his back
He opened and saw a big and beautiful ring
"Will you marry me?"
Angel didn't respond right away he was too stunned to speak but he saw the look of worry on your face and snapped out of it
"Yes! Yes! I love you so much! Of course it's a yes!" He burst into tears and threw his arms around you
The breeze blew the curtains into his view and his eyes wandered to the decorated bed
"Now... I think for my last birthday wish this year I'd like to make love to my fiancé"
Although it was Angel's birthday you felt like the lucky one. And you knew there was no one else you'd rather be with. You couldn't wait to get married.
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fizziepopangel · 8 months
“Sometimes, I kill mother bugs in front of their children as a warning to others.”
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Despite not coming across as the sharpest crayon in the box, Niffty is actually quite bright.
Along with killing mother bugs in front of their children as a warning to others, she also captures bugs in jars. She jars lined up along her walls in her room. No one will go into her room for this reason.
She would absolutely vibe with the song Dirrty by Christina Aguilera.
Niffty is closest to Husk because their souls are owned by the same overlord, so she often gives him small gifts and cooks/bakes for him.
Oftentimes, Niffty will use her short stature to sneak up on the other hotel residents to scare them since no one ever really looks down considering she’s the only one not normally at eye level. The only one she hasn’t been able to scare by doing this is Alastor.
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Unbeknownst to everyone but Alastor, Niffty was a dominatrix in hell before selling her soul to the radio demon.
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All of her clothes are hand sewn by her and she often patches clothes for the others. Sometimes she’ll just steal things from everyone else when she notices it needs patching so she can fix it. It drives everyone nuts, but she always returns the items good as new.
She has ADHD and Charlie has tried to get her to take medication for it, but Niffty didn’t like the way it made her feel. Despite being a bit annoying and scary to the others around the hotel, Niffty loves herself the way she is and refuses to change herself drastically for any reason whatsoever.
Her hyperfixation on men is the result of trauma, but Niffty herself doesn’t see it as a bad thing at this point since she has felt more control over the men she’s legitimately let get close to her since she’s been in hell.
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While Angel Dust doesn’t trust Niffty to watch Fat Nuggets on her own, she loves to spend time with the little demon pig when Husk babysits him. She can play with the little creature for hours.
Despite being closest to the bartending hell cat, Niffty doesn’t actually drink every often if at all so Husk makes her mocktails so she isn’t left out when the others drink together.
Niffty is the type to wholeheartedly try to fight an angel during the extermination. Charlie has to tie her up to keep her inside during that time…. She enjoys being tied up during this time way more than she should.
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After finding out that Alastor was a cannibal, she was curious about it. After trying it herself, Niffty decided that it wasn’t for her taste.
Niffty has mastered the art of “the puppy dog eyes' ' and” and often uses that talent on Charlie and Sir Pentious to get her way.
When she’s not overly sexual and borderline terrifying the others, she enjoys cuddling with anyone who is willing and often cuddles with Fat Nuggets when Angel allows her to.
Keekee won’t allow Niffty to get too close to her because of the small demon's inability to sit still very long. Niffty does her best to move slower and sit still in order to pet and cuddle the cute little creature but she hasn’t mastered the art of being chill yet so it almost never lasts longer than a few moments.
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princessfroslass · 7 months
I am glad HuskerDust it's a slow burn because I want to see them being best friends and shit- but I am clawing at my enclosure on the thought of Established!Huskerdust. Like call me corny but if Loser, Baby's visuals taught me anything is that they would be stupidly cute- like that is kind of what happens when you keep everyone at arms leghts but the one person that gets you.
Just imagine: Husk purring whenever Angel scratches him at the ear/general physical affection; Angel trying new cute fits everyday just to fish for compliments from his BF; the CUDDLES UGH THEY ARE BOTH SO FURRY SO IN KNOW THAT SHIT IT'S FLUFFY-; Angel always sitting on the Bar Top waiting for Husk to close up so they can go to bed; Husk actively keeping himself up to wait for Angel to finish his shifts and have someone to receive and check on him; Husk begrudgingly looking after Fat Nuggets and slowly fall in love with him as Angel just gush at the background; Angel taking ALL THE PICS- most of he shows on his Social Media, but he has an embarrassing amount of pics hanging on his wall of their most intimate moments- and of Husk just sleeping; everytime they go out of the Hotel, Husk is super on edge of how every single sinner they come across keep catcalling Angel (at best) and while he knows he can handle it, doesn't stop him from putting a protective wing around him and growling- growling alot; HAND HOLDING- if the dance section in Loser, Baby taught me anything is that Husk's paws are big enough to hold all four of Angel's and that makes me feel a certain type of way....; THEY GROOM EACH OTHER- Angel uses actual hair/skin-care products and Husk just.....Cat.; Did you know that Male Spiders make a sorta of sound that it's very similar to purring? Letting that out there; They are both from the early 1900s so they do the old couple thing where they vibe to old tunes and dance when alone; Charlie ships them- she is just happy to know Angel is actively seeking for normal human connections and that Husk ain't so dead inside; Cherrie is a bit wary of it at first because y'know, the last time Angel "dated" someone....it was fucking Valentino, but eventually warms up to him and even finds him a cool drinking buddy; they call each other baby on the regular- no I won't accept otherwise, I REFUSE; Husk it's the only one that calls Anthony by his actual name- but he still calls him Angel, though most like a cute petname rather that.... y'know, a weird reference to how he died; Angel had the habit of throwing himself out of high stages and shit because he knows that Husk will always catch him- and reprimanded him, but still catch; They go flying together and it's amazing and freeing and totally A New Whole World Vibes; they spend alot of lazy mornings chilling naked without actually doing anything but cuddle- it's mostly an indirect way from Husk to show Angel that he can be on his birthsuit in front of him and nothing he doesn't agree to will happen- but also because they are fucking furries I know that shit it's warm; they just love each other very much and I love them.
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pipsqueakparker · 9 days
I will say I'm also super weak for the idea of them planning to but getting caught up talking and just looking at each other to commit the moment to memory in case they don't make it
yesssss okay but listen just. hear me out.
everyone else has emptied out so it's just angel and husk left at the bar. when angel suggests it, it's mostly a joke - "tonight may be your last chance to get a piece-a this, kitty cat" or something, literally the dumbest come on he's attempted, and husk just looks at him, at the smirk on angel's lips that's there out of more fondness than lust, and he just puts his bottle down, puts angel's glass away, and says "yeah, alright"
and angel is. shook. like at first he doesn't understand, but then husk is on the other side of the bar holding his hand out to angel (he's a Gentleman), and angel's staring at it and husk laughs. "you having second thoughts?"
and angel takes his hand and books it, drags husk behind him up to his room, but once they're there and the door is closed and they're staring at each other they're just like. fuck wait now what.
and it is the softest exchange when husk finally asks if he can kiss angel and angel almost laughs in his face but it gets caught on the lump in his throat so he just nods and husk has to stretch onto his tiptoes to reach and angel sinks down against the wall to make it easier and they just. stay like that for a while. their lips moving slowly, hands roving bodies, but it's gentle and calm and angel is melting.
literally melting into husk's arms and husk isn't helping because he's pulling him closer and they finally do move to the bed. and once they're on the bed it feels... more serious. more promising. and there's more heat flowing through angel's body as husk's hands find his ass and his find the buckle of husk's pants and in no time they're both down to underwear when they encounter their first interruption.
fat nuggets is snuffling at angel's thigh and angel breaks away laughing and cooing at his pet and husk is laughing and feeling fond watching angel, nearly naked and still straddling his waist, snuffle his nose against nugg's and then cradle the demon pig into his chest. and then husk asks about when angel got nuggs, and that's kind of a boner killer - which angel of course tells him - but husk has always been more interested in knowing angel than fucking angel (there are moments where it is barely stronger, but it still wins out in the end) so he asks to hear it. and angel tells him about getting fat nuggets from val, a gift, but then he of course has to expound on how val's gifts always have strings attached, which should have been his first red flag when he's reflecting on it - which he does, a lot, reflect on the events that led him where he is. and he stops himself, embarrassed that he's turned their last-night-alive-fuck-sesh into a trauma dump. but husk pulls him in, lets angel duck his head into his chest, and he starts purring because he knows there's some funky psychological shit that makes people feel calmer when they hear a cat purr. (and it works, but no one will ever be sure if it's because of the purring or just being so close to husk)
and husk starts sharing some of the mistakes he made in his past, the things that led him to being an overlord, to making that deal with alastor in the end... he doesn't tell angel everything, there are things angel is safer not knowing, but he tells him the important things. the things he cares about. and at some point the intimacy of it all leads them back together. fat nuggets is deposited safely on the floor and encouraged to go lay in his own bed for the night, and then angel is back on husk and husk flips them over so he can lock angel between his knees and leave bites and kisses over angel's chest and just do everything he can to keep angel making those little noises, little huffs and gasps and moans. and soon each sound was punctuated with a little thrust, angel's hips twitching up against him, and then they're rocking into each other and one of angel's hands fly out, up against the wall, knocking three little polaroids off the wall and onto angel's face and they both lose their rhythm as they start laughing. and husk starts collecting the pictures from around angel's head and glances at them as he hands them back to angel. and angel looks at the top one, it's a selfie he took with fat nuggets, and he turns it back to husk because look how CUTE WE ARE, and husk agrees, and watches as angel flips to the next one and he lingers there for just a moment before tossing them off to the side, but it was just long enough that husk could almost -
so he asks what that one was and angel tries to steer them back to the matter at hand - their still hard dicks, which he emphasizes with another roll of his hips, and husk does agree that this would be the more immediately enjoyable decision, but he can't help but ask about the name. 'who's molly?' and angel tries to brush it off, tries to direct husk's mind back to his cock, but hearing the name out loud broke a dam in his mind and now it's flooding and he's crying - he didn't even realize that picture was still up there - but that's because he covered it with the selfie of him and nuggs. he never had the heart to take it down, but he couldn't keep looking at it.
so angel sits up and pulls his legs into his chest and he grabs the polaroid he'd just tossed aside and holds it out for husk to see. it's just a picture of him, poorly forcing a smile and holding one of his arms out into the empty space next to him. in that space, a crude stick figure rendition of a more feminine version of himself - at least, that's what husk saw - with an arrow pointing down from the name 'molly'. angel tells him that it was a stupid thing he did, to try to make himself feel better - a long time ago, one of his clients was a therapist, who apparently got off on listening to other people's traumas. as angel was putting his clothes back on the therapist suggested he take a picture of himself and draw molly in, to physically represent that she's always with him, even if she's not literally with him or whatever. angel thought the exercise was stupid, but after he did it he couldn't just get rid of it. so it went on his wall, and when he couldn't look at it anymore he just covered it up. and that, of course, is their second boner killer conversation as angel tells husk about molly in life, and how he's never found her but he isn't sure if that means she's not here, or if she doesn't want to be found. he obviously doesn't think she should be in hell, but with their lives he's terrified that she didn't make the cut either.
and that's probably the lowest the evening goes, but they end there with angel's head in husk's lap and husk's fingers carding through angel's hair and just to break the tension angel makes a joke about ruining their last-chance-fuck-fest once again, and husk tells him that nothing's ruined. he likes this, just being around angel, talking, getting to know who he is and why he is the way he is and understanding him. and angel tells husk how fucking gay that is, but also kisses him in an even gayer way, and the night is just that.
they were fully intending the fuck each other's brains out, but then they'd get distracted with a thought, a question, a story. they weren't all as serious as previous conversations, husk tells angel all about his favorite brands of cereal and angel tries to convince husk that there absolutely is a wrong way to boil an egg. husk tells angel about a wild night he had once when he was new to hell, and angel tells husk about some of his nights out with cherri. and suddenly its really late and they do need to sleep - but they don't willingly fall asleep. they probably fall asleep mid-sentence or mid-kiss because it isn't that either of them just wants to sleep with the other before their possible last day around.
they just don't want to waste a single, final moment without each other. because if this is going to be their last night together, they have to cling to as much of each other as they can. they have to get as close as possible, and hold the other as tight as possible, to make up for the time they didn't use and the time they're about to lose.
..... but the night after they SURIVIVED? they railed each other on every single surface in husk's room. (angel didn't want to scar fat nuggets)
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selineram3421 · 2 years
An Ansgty fic about Platonic!Angel Dust with a 13 y/o fem!reader that has very bad trust issues but they somehow manage to form a strong big bro <--> lil sis bond??? Maybe he comes back to the hotel all bruised up thanks to Valentino (ugh, how I hate that man 👌👁👄👁) and when reader tries to help him he snaps due to the stress of the situation and yells at her/throws something her way and now the reader is scared that Angel might hurt her, so he reaches out slowly trying to make it up for his error but the reader flinches away from him, running stairs down to lock herself in her room and to not came out for 1 week only letting Charlie and Nifty enter her room??
I agree, Valentino is literal garbage.
You Ok?
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Angel and Child (T) Fem Reader
Platonic Oneshot
Warning! ⚠
⚠ using she/they for reader, trust issues, trauma/ptsd, Valentino being a piece of shit, injuries-blood/bruising, yelling/throwing things, mentions of murder, hurt/comfort ⚠
"I'm gonna head to work.", Angel says, picking up his bag with work items and putting on his jacket.
"Ok.", you nod, carrying Fat Nuggets.
"If ya go out, make sure you ain't followed. Keep an eye on your surroundings, be sure ta take your phone and a weapon.", your older brother says and pats the top of your head.
You nod again with a smile.
"Good. You have my number and the hotel staff is around, 'kay? Make sure ta tell 'em somethin' if some guest is being an asshole to you.", he says and kisses Fat Nuggets on the top of their head. "There's a twenty in my vanity drawer, bye!"
Once he leaves, you and Fat Nuggets look at each other.
"Wanna raid the candy pantry?", you ask, earning an oink in return. "I didn't hear a no!"
Putting the pig down, you go out of Angel's hotel room and close the door behind you two.
"Ok, on three.", you get ready to run. "One, two.."
The pink little pig also readies himself.
"Three!", you shout.
Both of you race down the hall.
"What did I say Angel baby?"
The spider demon backed up till he hit a wall, having no where to run. Valentino steps closer, placing a hand on his employee's cheek.
"I told you not to talk when dancing. You know how much costumers like quiet pretty things.", the moth demon coos softly.
Its a false sense of security.
The soft touch turns into a violent one when Valentino clutches onto the spider's jaw tightly.
"Ack!", Angel gasps and tries to push the demon's hand away.
"Let's teach you again, yes?"
Hours have passed.
You and Fat Nuggets lay on the lobby couches, bored out of your minds.
There was not much to do.
You were sitting at the bar with your pig companion, playing find the broken glass. But Husk quickly told you to beat it and that he didn't want to deal with anyone today.
"He deals with random demons all the time! Dang cat works at the bar for Satan's sake!", you huff.
"Oink oink", Fat Nuggets snorts.
"Yeah, yeah. I know.", you reply and turn to lay on your side. "Charlie is doing whatever, Vaggie is with her, Niffty is..somewhere, and the red guy doesn't like being around me or Angel.", you list of with a groan. "And Pentious is annoying."
The pig rolls onto his stomach and sniffs at you with little snorts.
"I just wish there was more fun around here. I can't really do anything.", you mumble.
The sound of the lobby doors opening catches your attention, making you sit up from the couch and look to see who walked in.
Its your brother, covered in bruises and blood. He wears a pained grimace as he limps into the lobby.
"Angel!", you shout, rolling off the couch and run up to him. "Are you ok? What happened? Oh god, your eye is swelling. Let's get you some ice and-", you reach out to him.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!", he snaps, hitting you away with his bag and letting it go.
The bag slams into the wall and falls to the floor, the room becoming deadly silent.
Angel just got back from work and everything hurt. Valentino kicked him out for the day since the bruises wouldn't look too attractive to costumers.
All he saw was red but his other senses were on high. So the spider demon reacted on instinct when there was a loud voice and a hand coming toward him.
He knows the bag hit someone before flying to the wall. When he takes a second to calm down and looks at the small demon backing up, he realizes who it was.
"Oh shit-", Angel gasps, letting your name slip out with guilt. "Kid, I didn't mean to-", he moves forward with a hand lifting up towards her.
She flinches back clutching their arm, shivering in fear as tears roll down their cheeks.
"Don't touch me!", she manages to get out before running off.
"Wait, kid!", he tries to go after them but hisses at the pain coming from his leg.
Stumbling over to the wall, Angel leans against it and slowly lowers himself onto the floor. The spider demon doesn't notice he's crying until Fat Nuggets comes up to him to lick off the tears that have fallen on his hands.
"I'm sorry.", he whispers before closing his eyes tightly and sobbing, covering his face with two of his hands. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry!", his other set of arms wrap around his legs as he balls himself up before whimpering out another apology.
You locked yourself up in your hotel room and the little door for Fat Nuggets. Not wanting to risk it, you also angled a chair under the doorknob. Just the thought of Angel kicking down your door and beating you was terrifying.
Not again. I don't want that to happen again. You think of how your living life was and close your eyes. They're dead! I killed them twice! They're gone!
There was some comfort from holding the pillow and burying your face into it. All you wanted to do was stay hidden away until he forgot about you.
A knock on the door made you jump.
"Hey, you ok in there?", the voice of the princess comes through. "I brought dinner."
You slowly get off the bed and quietly make your way over to the door. Taking a peak through the gap on the bottom of the door and feeling the vibrations on the floor, you confirm that its only her outside.
Upon the door opening slowly, Charlie smiles at you in relief.
"Alastor made your favorite.", the blonde says.
"Thanks Ch-Charlie.", you stutter and quickly take the plate, widening the door gap for a second to bring the food inside, closing the door and locking it.
"Oh. I wanted to talk, is that ok?", she asks.
"I don't really want to go out and talk right now.", you say, moving the chair back.
"How about just talking like this? You don't have to leave your room or open the door.", the princess offers. "I just want to make sure you're ok."
"I'm..ok.", you say, rubbing your arm.
"Mentally?", she asks.
You stay quiet for a few seconds.
"Is anyone mentally ok in Hell?", you answer her question with a question.
She sighs and you hear her shift outside the door. You sit down, leaning your back against the wall and pick at your food.
"That is a really good question.", Charlie says. "However the answer is obvious."
You eat a bit of the food.
"Can you tell me what happened?", she asks after a bit.
"Angel-", you take in a deep breath before continuing. "Angel came back from work all beat up. I was worried a-and reached out to him but then he..", you take another breath, feeling your chest ache at the memory. "He hit me with his bag."
Your curl up into a ball and hug yourself.
"Is he ok?", you ask in a whisper.
"Vaggie took care of him, he's ok.", she says.
"That's good.", you hiccup, hugging yourself tighter.
"I'll come back in the morning, or I'll send Niftty to check up on you, ok?", Charlie says.
You can hear shifting outside. She probably sat on the floor too.
"Thank you for telling me. That took a lot of courage.", she says before saying goodnight and leaving.
Angel skipped work.
He didn't want to go back, and he also needed to apologize to you. Problem was that you didn't leave your hotel room for almost a whole week, only opening the door for Niffty or Charlie. The princess suggested that they'd do a therapy session, but he didn't want to do that. It would make it seem forced and he wanted his sister to know that he was not forced to apologize.
So on the seventh day of her being locked up in her room, he got all of their favorite snacks and went over.
Angel knocked on their door, but she didn't answer. "Hey, I got you some snacks.", the spider demon says.
"You ok kid? You've been in your room for a week now. Everyone's been worried. Heck, even Husk!", he waits for a response, but still doesn't get one.
Sighing, he goes to sit down and leans his back against the door, placing the snacks next to him.
"I should'a came by and said this earlier but I'm sorry.", he says and looks down at the floor. "I didn't mean to hit you, I reacted on instinct. It..", he bites his lip before continuing. "It was a trauma response. I heard you being loud and when you tried to touch me I freaked out."
He looks up and covers his eyes with one of his arms, trying not to cry.
"I just want you ta know that I'd never hurt you on purpose. And-", he sniffs and starts wiping the tears that start falling. "What I did wasn't ok and I understand if you don't trust or forgive me, I understand if you hate me now and never want to speak or see me again.", the mascara he had put on earlier was now ruined. "I just want you to know its ok. All I want is for you to be safe. I'll be happy with just knowing that you're ok."
Suddenly he falls back, before he can hit the ground, he's engulfed into a hug from behind. The spider demon feels her hold onto him tighter and also as she leans her head against his back.
"You're ok, right?", they mumble. "You're not hurt anymore?"
"I'm ok.", he confirms, moving an arm back to pat the top of her head. "Are you ok? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."
His sister nods and sniffles.
"C'mon. Sibling cuddle therapy.", he says before moving them into a proper hug, letting her rest their head on his chest. "Let's watch movies and get sugar high, we can even do some pranks on the girls.", he lists off, petting their head with one hand and rubbing their back with another as the other set of arms just holds them.
"Mhm.", she hums in agreement.
"Ok, I'ma pick ya up now. 'kay?", he says and lifts them up after they nod, making sure to grab the snacks as well.
He carries them over to his room.
"Fat Nuggets misses ya.", he said before opening the door.
"I missed him too.", his sister replied. "I missed you."
"I missed you too kid."
Charlie and Vaggie saw the whole thing on the security cameras.
~Seline, the person.
@ducky-died-inside @c4rved-pumpk1n @stolas-thebirb
ML for Angel Dust🕸
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nostalgic-woodwind · 3 months
I'll Be There For You
CG!Husk, CG!Fat Nuggets, and Regressor!Angel
Plot: Angel has a nightmare in the middle of the night and his papa comforts him.
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Request by @yourneurodivergentlady
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Angel's little age: Newborn
TW: Mention of Valentino, diapers (100% SFW, of course—just putting out a warning in case you're not comfortable with the topic)
Original Three Baby Spiders lyrics are from Adventure Time. It Will Be Okay belongs to Helluva Boss; lyrics are edited and modified by yours truly ^^
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It was a peaceful night at the Hazbin Hotel, even though Hell outside painted a different picture with its noisy, rambunctious ambiance. Everyone inside of the hotel was asleep. Even Niffty–who usually hunted for bugs to kill during this time–was sleeping peacefully. In Husk's room, the cat-demon was snoring quietly in his bed. Next to him was Angel, literally sleeping like a baby in his bedside crib. Fat Nuggets was also asleep in the spider's arms. Yep, it was all quiet and peaceful.
2:22 A.M.
Angel woke up from a nightmare that unfortunately involved Valentino hurting him and his pet pig. The bad dream caused Angel's headspace to drop more than it was and he immediately began to cry. Fat Nuggets woke up to the ruckus and became worried. He licked the spider's cheek to cheer him up, but it did little to make him feel better. 
"Wha- huh?" Husk grumbled as he woke up. He sat up and spotted Angel wailing. "Hey, Angel. What's wrong?"
Husk scooted over to Angel and gently picked him up, cradling him in his arms.
"What's wrong, pumpkin, hm?" Husk asked. Angel continued crying, but they lessened as his caregiver rubbed his back. "Did you have a nightmare?"
The spiderling tearfully hiccuped as he hid in Husk's shoulder.
"Shhh, shh-sh-sh-sh, it's okay. I'm here, shhh-shhhh," the cat-demon whsipered soothingly.
Husk stood up from the bed and continued comforting the baby. He then turned on the bedroom lights.
"Can I check if your padding needs changing?"
Angel nodded his head and allowed Husk to check his diaper.
"M'kay, let's get you changed and we'll see about getting you a bottle, yeah?"
Angel nodded his head and sniffled as Husk carried him over to the changing table. After grabbing a pacifier from the paci drawer and popping it in Angel's mouth, the cat-demon wiped away his tears and began to change him.
"Do you want to talk about the nightmare?" Husk asked. Angel shook his head, and Husk respected that as he continued changing him, narrating his actions so the spider knew what he was doing. The cat-demon then got an idea on how to cheer Angel up. He cleared his throat and started to sing.
Three baby spiders
Three bitty baby spiders
Were playing in the sun
The rain came down and it was no fun
La la la la loo la loo
Oh me, oh my, what should they do?
The first spider grabbed some umbrellas
The second spider played and he was happy all day
The babiest of all splashed and had a ball
They grew up very tall and lived inside a wall
Sometimes, the sun shines
even on baby spiders and you
Angel smiled and began giggling in the middle of the song, especially when Husk sang the "la la la la loo la loo" part. He loved the Three Baby Spiders song whenever he was on the younger spectrum of his headspace.
"Yeah, you like that song?" Husk cooed as he taped a fresh diaper on Angel and cleaned his paws with a fresh baby wipe. He then put Angel's pajama pants back on. "Was that silly?"
Angel continued laughing as Husk picked him back up and placed a kiss on his cheek.
"M'kay, let's get you a bottle so you can go back to bed."
The last few words immediately took Angel out of his jubilant mood, and he grasped onto Husk's pajama shirt in terror. He whimpered through his pacifier and hid his face in his caregiver's shoulder.
"Hey, what's the matter?" Husk cooed as he gave a gentle bounce and rubbed Angel's back.
The baby shook his head.
"You don't want to go night-night?"
Angel shook his head again.
"Are you afraid of having another nightmare?" the cat-demon inquired, receiving a nod from his baby. "It's okay to feel scared, rebenok pauk. Nightmares are just bad dreams and will never get you in real time. If you have a scary dream again, Fat Nuggets and I will be right here to comfort you and give you all the cuddles and kisses you want."
Husk planted a kiss on Angel's forehead and carried him downstairs to the kitchen. He set the baby down on the floor so he could make a bottle for him. The spider was not happy about this and began to fuss once his bottom touched the ground.
"I know you want to keep being held, piccolo ragno, but I can't do that right now," Husk said. "I just have to make your bottle. It won't take me but a few minutes."
Husk began making Angel his favorite little drink, angel milk (without sugar, of course, because a sugar rush would ensue). As if on cue, Fat Nuggets walked into the kitchen with the spider's baby blanket. The pig handed the comfort item to Angel, who took it gratefully and cheered up again. Angel cooed happily and gave Fat Nuggets a hug. The spider then yawned and rubbed his eyes.
"Is someone getting sleepy?" Husk asked once he finished making the bottle and testing the milk on his wrist to see if the drink was at the right temperature. Angel nodded again as he reached his arms out to the cat-demon. Husk picked him and Fat Nuggets up and carried them back upstairs to his room. 
Once in the bedroom, Husk turned on the bedside lamp next to his bed. He then turned on the lamp next to the rocking chair. The cat-demon then turned off the main bedroom light, leaving the lamps on. He walked back to the rocking chair and sat down. He cradled Angel on his lap. The spider snuggled in Husk's arms while he cuddled Fat Nuggets and his blankie. As Husk began rocking the chair back and forth, he removed the pacifier from the baby's mouth and replaced it with the bottle. Angel drank the milk contentedly as he rubbed his eyes again.
"There we go. You're doing such a wonderful job drinking your milk," Husk praised softly.
The next few minutes were spent with Angel humming sleepily as Husk fed him his bottle. The cat-demon soon grew sad for his baby. He wished he could be there for him all the time. However, a certain piece-of-shit overlord was always trying his hardest to keep the spider from staying here at the hotel. Husk remembered back when he used to be an overlord. Even if he was made of stone, he would never ever allow for someone to go through abuse. If he met Valentino during his overlord era, he would have ripped his antennas and wings to shreds.
Angel's exhausted coos from behind his bottle broke Husk's train of thoughts.
"I'm okay, spiderling. Papa's okay," Husk reassured. "I want you to know something. Remember when we read the Sleepytime book before bed, and the mom said to her kid that she will always be there for her? Well, that's true for you and me. No matter what happens, no matter where you are, I will always be there for you, even when you can't see me. Do you wanna know why? It's because I love you."
Husk then began to sing.
It always seems more quiet in the dark
It always feels so stark
How silence grows under the moon
Constellations gone so soon
I used to think that I was bold
I used to think power was fun
Now all my stories have been told except for one
As Husk sang that last line, he rubbed his nose against Angel's before continuing to sing. 
As the stars start to align
I hope you take it as a sign
That you'll be okay
Everything will be okay
And if the Seven Rings collapse
Although the day could be my last
You will be okay
When I'm gone, you'll be okay
And when Creation goes to die
You can find me in the sky
Upon the last day
And you will be okay
The song ended and the bottle was empty. Angel whinged because of this, but Husk soothed him by placing the pacifier back into his mouth.
"It's okay. It's all okay, now," Husk said as he continued rocking the chair.
Angel calmed down and suckled the soother as he was rocked to sleep for a few more minutes. Once Angel was out like a light, Husk stood up after checking to see if Fat Nuggets was safely secured in the spider's arms and carried them to bed. He gently laid Angel down in his bedside crib and tucked him in. He turned on the crib attachment toy and kissed Angel’s forehead before heading off to sleep himself.
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silverwolfstuff · 4 months
CHAPTER ONE (HuskerDust)A Comforting Night
2:10 amHazbin Hotel- Angel’s room
Vee-Tower- Angel’s room
It was late. Early morning late. He couldn’t sleep, not with what was on his mind at least. He sighed and rubbed his eyes, sniffling. Angel looked down at his hands, shaking in fear. He shoved the heart glasses off of his bedside table, quietly sobbing. He couldn’t help it, knocking down a glass, smashing it in the process. He looked over and glanced out the window of his room, looking out the window from his bedroom in the penthouse that also served as VoxTek headquarters. He shivered, rubbing his arms as he dressed in his robe, wiping his eyes a little, sitting on the edge of the bed. He couldn’t keep doing this. He didn’t have a choice though. He slid down to the floor, crying into his arms. He felt Fat Nuggets push up against his arm. He sniffled, wiping his eyes with his upper hand and jumped a little bit when a knock was heard on his door. He didn’t want to answer it, but when he saw the red smoke at the door, he knew he had to answer it. He wiped his eyes and took a slow breath before opening the door, arms crossed over his chest and middle, head bowed down as he averted his eyes away from the moth pimp. 
“Angel cakes…” he heard him whisper, walking in and shut the door behind him, tilting his head up with his hand. The moth smirked, red saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth. Angel couldn’t help it; that feeling of being pulled into the moth’s affection wasn’t going away. He sighed softly, still having the look of despise on his face. The moth smirked, kneeling a little to get down Angel’s eye level, still keeping his chin in his hand, forcing him into a gentle kiss. 
“You put on a good show today, baby,” the moth crooned, stroking back Angel’s hair from his eyes. The spider didn’t say anything except from pulling away from the moth and sat on his bed, looking down at the ground, wiping his eyes subtly. The moth stepped closer to him, reaching out, showing affection. Well, if you even want to call it that at this point. Angel flinched, hissing a little when he was forced into the moth’s arms. 
“Fuck off, Val,” Angel cursed, standing up and getting out of Valentino’s arms. The moth glared, blowing smoke from his cigarette towards the spider demon, who looked away, fumbling for the doorknob. 
“Baby…” Val chuckled, standing up and snapped his fingers, creating a red chain that looped around his neck. Angel panicked; he knew what it was. 
“Do you need a reminder of who you belong to?” Valentino tugged on the chain, pulling the spider demon towards him forcefully. Angel flinched away but knew he couldn’t get out of this, at least not yet. He didn’t say anything which earned a slap to his jaw, causing him to stumble back and catch himself on all four arms on the floor. “I asked you a question, Angel,” Valentino growled, tugging on the red chain that was in his hand, but around Angel’s neck, tugging him up to his feet. The spider demon didn’t answer, holding his tongue. He knew it would hurt in the end. The moth growled and pushed the spider against the wall, red drool at the corner of his mouth. Angel hissed in pain when his back collided with the wall of the room, catching himself against the wall with his lower set of arms. He rubbed his arm, knowing there would be a bruise there in the morning. He then quickly realised that he was on the floor. Wait when did-? He wiped his mouth, tasting blood. Valentino was pissed at him. He knew that. He held his hands to his face, bracing for the next impact, knowing it was coming. He hissed in pain when he took a blow to his chest, coughing up blood after a few blows to his stomach and chest; blood sticking to his fur as he tried to sit up a little bit against the wall, but it was no use. He was weak and unstable, unable to hold himself up without falling over again. He was shaking as he took another blow, listening to the words that spewed from his boss’s mouth. “Pathetic whore… No one is ever going to love you,” was the only thing he could hear correctly from the moth pimp. When the moth finally left him, he broke into sobs, curling up as the blood and tears mixed together in a pool under him. He hurt everywhere, curling up against the wall, the salt from his tears mixed with his wounds and it stung. He wanted out. He wanted to be free…
3:35 am
 Angel woke with a scream, hyperventilating, hands shaking. He took deep breaths, unable to stop the panic attack he was having. He ran his claws through his hair, breathing heavy. He didn’t hear the worried voice intensify from the side of him. Nor the fluttering of the bedsheets. He pushed himself against the wall after he stood up from the bed, hands finding the windowsill. He slipped down towards the door, panting and wiping his eyes. 
“Fuck, fuck…” he breathed shakily, sitting with his head against his knees and his arms around his legs, years falling. He tried to compass himself as he tried not to show how “weak” he was. He flinched when he felt a hand on his shoulder, freaking out even more. 
“Angel,” said the voice beside him, gentle and smooth. He didn’t look up, still hyperventilating as he tried to calm down and not think about the voice being Valentino’s that was beside him. He took a shaky breath, hands shaking as he looked up a little, freaking out when he saw Husk’s wings opening from behind him. He sighed heavily, still panicking but slowly unravelled himself and let his arms go limp beside him. He wiped his eyes, sobbing quietly. The demon sat beside his lover, gently rubbing his back. 
“You wanna talk about it, Ang?” he asked slowly, gently rubbing his arm and taking his upper hand into his own, softly kissing his cheek. Angel calmed down a little bit and his breathing called down a little more. He finally composed himself as he looked up into Husk’s eyes, taking a deep and slow breath. He lay his head on his shoulder, still breathing heavily. 
“Angel?” he whispered softly, wrapping his arms gently around the spider demon’s figure and wrapped his wings around him, holding him close. 
“I’m here…” the cat demon promised. 
“V-Val… He-,” Angel stammered over his own words, taking a deep breath and pulled back from Husk, taking his shirt off to show the latter what had happened that day at work. The demon beside him went wide eyed, lightly tracing the bruise he saw on his chest. He stepped away for a small moment and grabbed the first aid kit from under the bed and tended to his lover’s wounds. He kept his tone gentle and smooth when he spoke to the spider demon, gently kissing his forehead. 
“I’m here, Angel… c’mon…” he whispered softly, picking up the spider demon and walked over to the bed, laying down with him and allowed the spider to curl up beside him and the cat demon wrapped his wings around Angel, keeping him close to his chest, wanting to keep him protected from whatever was bugging him. He held him close, rubbing his back softly. 
“Thank you, Whiskers,” Angel whispered tiredly, holding onto the cat demon tightly while they slept. Husk smiled and kissed Angel on his forehead, keeping him close and was by his side the whole night.
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