#and is willing to try a few times to get lucky with bonus kills
fixfoxnox · 5 months
Summary: Just a short little thing I wanted to write since my back is hurting again (which naturally means Roach's back is hurting again). This is technically a mini-sequel to Replacement, which I wrote a long while ago, but you don't have to read that to understand this! Enjoy!
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"This is it," Roach groaned, feeling pain shoot up his spine as he shifted, "I'm done for. I love you both, split my items amicably. Make sure the worlds best son mug goes to Eddie, just to see Johnathan pout about it."
There was a small laugh from next to him, "You're not dying bug."
"Besides," Ghost chimed in from the other half of the room, "you wouldn't be dead for long, I'll drag your ass up from hell. No getting rid of me that easy." He didn't look up from his stack of paperwork.
"You would force me back i to a world of suffering and pain?!"
"You're being dramatic," Soap chimed. He took Roach's hand in his own, rubbing circles onto his skin with his thumb. "You've just thrown your back out again. Dr. Sanchez said you'll be fine in a day or two."
"My own boyfriend, doubting the depth of my suffering." Roach threw his head to the side dramatically, only to groan again as the movement jostled his back.
The heating pack he had on was helping a bit, but it couldn't erase all of the pain he was feeling. Not even the Tylenol could really help with that. It was just something his body would have to deal with and fix on its own. Just as it had caused the problem on its own.
On the bright side of things, Roach had the privilege of being doted on by his darling boyfriends for a few days. The two hadn't been willing to leave his side after his rather dramatic moment of his back trying to kill itself.
He'd just bent down to pick up his dropped keys, then the moment he'd started to rise back up and there had been a shooting burning pain down his spine. The pain continued on, flooding down through his legs until it felt like it was at the tips of his toes. His knees had given out then, and before he'd even had time to realize that for himself, both Soap and Ghost were at his side checking on him.
"Why do I have to have these issues?" Roach gave a whine, finally done with his dramatics. At least for the moment. "I'm not that old yet!"
Soap gave another laugh and moved into Roach's side, cuddling up to him with his head on his chest. "You know thats not why your back does this."
Roach gave a huff, "You get hit by a car one time and now you've got to deal with lifelong back problems." He shook his head, "Sick and fucking twisted."
Soap gave a small hum and Roach knew the man was likely agreeing with him. After all, Roach knew that Soap had his own issues and recurring pain with his shoulder. He remembered well enough the panic he'd felt when Soap had taken a bullet to the shoulder. Then the panic that came after that when months after healing Soap had a few days where even lifting the limb slightly would cause him pain.
Ghost didn't say anything, but Roach figured the man dealt with much of the same issues as them. He was certainly better at hiding it, but Roach always noticed when he was favoring one leg over the other or would give a wince under that mask because he'd stepped a bit wrong.
It was part of the job. Roach knew that, and he knew that they were all lucky to have only those slight problems, rather than lost limbs like Alex and Jackson, or worse like the many men he'd seen fall in battle before him.
He gave a final sigh, deciding that it would be more beneficial to just enjoy the warmth of his boyfriend next to him rather than complaining further. He needed to take the opportunity to relax anyway. And what an opportunity this was.
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"So are you guys gonna blow my back out like you did the last time I was bedridden or what?"
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sekhithefops · 1 year
Diablo IV Sorcerer Build: Electrical Burn
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Been a yip since I posted anything on this blog hasn't it? Well, thats because I've been kinda busy... in Sanctuary... killing the hell outta Hell.
While I normally go with the Necromancer (for the minion army) or the Druid (yip yip Imma furry,) I was surprised to find that it was the Sorcerer I stuck with all the way through the end of the main story quest.
Thing is, I greatly prefer to solo in games like Diablo IV, and for solo players the Sorcerer usually has the same life expectancy as a fly in a wind tunnel... and yet mine is easily my strongest character.
So, I figured I'd share the skillset I use with him with you all, a mixture of Fire and Lightning magic I've dubbed the Electrical Burn Build.
Basic Skill Tier:
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For my basic skill I went with Spark, taking the enhancements to give it occasional multi-garget and the chance to form crackling energy. I also try to stick with a wand and focus as much as I can so that I can spam the hells outta this one. Faster cast speed is your friend with this spell, you wanna be able to machine gun this sucker! Assault Elixir is very useful for this as well!
Core Skill Tier:
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For my core ability I chose Chain Lightning. Its an excellent spell for both groups and solo enemies as, should the Sorcerer stand alone against a single foe, the bolt of lighting will pinball between you and your foe so that it still hits multiple times!
Defensive Skill Tier:
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For the defensive tier I took Flame Shield over Teleportation. Its a fun trick, but I found the self heal I got from Flame Shield really came in handy in a lot of situations!
As for Glass Cannon... its a risk, but with my Sorcerer most enemies die before they can land more than a hit or two on me, so this one works out pretty well if you're willing to take the increased damage.
Conjuration Skill Tier:
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For Conjuration I actually took two spells, foregoing anything from the Mastery tier ability-wise. Lightning Spear and Hydra make a very deadly combination of sentient fire and lightning to decimate my enemies, whether they be alone or in groups.
I also took Precision Magic to increase my Lucky Hit Chance as much as I could. As for why...
Mastery Skill Tier:
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I didn't take an actual spell from that, but I did take all three Lightning passives! Crackling Energy is a big part of my strategy in the game, and these are vital for my build. Any time an ability has something that can make Crackling Energy, I take it. When I run low on mana I can just dodge around and there'll usually be a few spheres nearby to nab for a quick recharge, and an extra burst of damage to boot!
Ultimate Skill Tier:
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Naturally my Ultimate is Unstable Currents, or as I like to call it "Fuck you, I win." This, combined with a fast attack speed and spamming the hells out of Spark, will absolutely ERADICATE anything around my sorcerer. Swarms of foes, elite enemies, even bosses are laid low by this one!
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Even the mighty Butcher has wound up dead at my feet with this build, multiple times! The last three encounters with the massive brute had him on the floor and me still standing with seven potions in reserve!
All thanks to my last skill...
Key Passive Skill:
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When I pop Unstable Currents, crackling energy rains from the sky. It appears EVERYWHERE! When I grab it, my cooldowns are cut dramatically against elites. Against bosses and the like, that means I can get off Unstable Currents again VERY quickly under the right circumstances!
The Butcher might be able to survive me using it once... I got it off three times last time we fought, and he was fried beef by the time I was done.
Speaking of frying things... as for why this is called the "Electrical Burn" build...
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Both my Enchantments are Fire ones!
Fire Bolt's enchantment gives ALL my spells a burning Damage over Time effect for bonus damage, and the Fireball enchantment is a holy terror for enemy mobs!
I can fire off one Spark into a single bat in a swarm, and then just sit back and watch the fireworks display. A whole mob of Ghouls? Chain Lightning the leader and its raining limbs! Fireball's enchantment isn't much use against boss monsters, but against enemy mobs its absolutely devastating and lets me steamroll dungeons with ease!
So yes, thats my build. I'm still level 59 at time of writing and working out my Paragon Tree, but I may well update this once I'm done there. Feel free to give this a try if you like! It may not be for everyone, but I find there is very little that can stand against me with this setup.
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sunnyvaiprion · 6 years
3.0 and Aether Raids
 IS announced that after tommorow’s update, there will be new ways of gaining lift (and the battles are closed today, so we cant waste aether and then regreat it) and ... yeah, I’d say everyone has seen this coming, since if you think about it - it’s flat out impossible to make Tier 20->21 leap as of now, and that has to change. 
 But the most straighforward solution (and something that will likely get implemented at some point, since Aether Fountain HAS level, unlike cosmetic items) to that problem would be simply making the fountain upgradable... But that doesnt fall under “new ways of gaining lift” description. And even if it somehow does - “wasting aether on day 1” wouldnt be an issue, so I say no.
 Now, its no secret to anyone that I absolutely love AR the way it is. Now, to anyone complaining about repetitive LynHardtRonicaDDR def - yeah, guys, that’s called “meta” and you cant get rid of it in some shape or form no matter what you do. But unlike current arena - it’s tied to units’/skillsets’ actual performance and team synergy rather than some arbitrary scoring number. I (T16 now, was pretty close to T17 but didnt make it), personally, saw a huge variery of pretty interesting defence setups that dont use these, and even some that do (actually I straight up lost a couple of times, and god, those losses were not against the team above. That’s why I’m not T17). As well as offence teams that use some ‘exotic’ +10 SS units/even functional theme teams built around them. Yes, you can use ‘meta units’ but you dont have to, especially if you have well-built faves. 
 So I would be really upset if they add some kind of limiting factor (such as bonus unit kills they did for arena - which instantly turns offence/defence meta into babysitting/anti-popular-bonus galore, even thought it’s not as bad as BST scoring). I am not entirely against changes and I’m curious of what more cool things they can do (I have no idea why you guys keep talking about light/dark structures when it’s clearly blessings, but okay whatever, that’d be interesting too), but still, I do have my worries. 
Probably should’ve just waited a day, huh? But I wanted to say that anyway.
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lliminall · 2 years
Hello hello I am the same feitan loving anon from before!! I just had to let you know that the line “power wash 3000 sloppy toppy” absolutely killed me and I was reading this in the car with my mom 💀 I forced myself to read it multiple times because it made me giggle so damn much 😭😭😭 also loved Paku and Machi 🥺 they wouldn't treat me right but I love them anyways 💙
I figured since I'm here I might as well ask this too: how tf would yanderes deal with a darling during their period 😔 feel like feitan would just be so mean about it! Mocking my pain and pawing at my boobs even though they hurt 😭😰 mean, mean man right there
Anyways, periods are homophobic and I hate them but lovely writing as always!!
anon!! thank you for the kind words, I’m glad my dumbass sense of humor landed well with you lol 😭
the power this question holds…our brains must be syncing because I’ve been thinking about period sex with the yans lately, so I had to take this as an opportunity to write out some headcanons for some of my faves hehe
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Feitan is absolutely an asshole about it but he’s also very, very into it. Firstly because it allows him to indulge his sadistic side a bit more, given how sensitive your body is. You’re absolutely right about the boob thing, he’d be kneading the tender fat on your chest and pinching your tits just to see how your face twists up underneath him.
He also loves how needy you become during that time of the month. You can try your hardest not to show it, but he’s more than aware of how good an orgasm feels when you’ve been miserable in bed with cramps all day. Maybe he can even pat himself on the back for it later, when you’ve come three times and the endorphins have numbed your poor body enough that you can finally drift off to sleep. Good boyfriend behavior if he says so himself, you should show a little more gratitude to him for it tbh. (not that he’d ever EVER call himself something as sappy as your boyfriend but you get the point lol)
And of course the blood is nothing he’d shy away from, if anything it’s an added bonus. Not only because it works as a natural lube, but also because it creates such a raw, carnivorous experience for him. Cutting people down is a hobby of his. He’s done it for long enough that the smell of blood becomes exhilarating, and to smell it while he’s driving his hips into yours only gets him that much more worked up. It paints such a striking mess across your torsos, smearing down your thighs, the sheets, and everywhere his hands touch after he fingers you to climax. It’s Feitan lmao I hope y’all weren’t expecting it to be wholesome 😭
can I be extra gross and say that he’d even be willing to eat you out, if you got him riled up enough? hm maybe another time lmao
Chrollo doesn’t mind the blood. It isn’t particularly off-putting or attractive to him. What he loves about period sex is the opportunity it gives him to prove how well he can take care of you. Your cramps are keeping you up? And the painkillers aren’t working? How unfortunate. Lucky for you, he knows just the thing that will take your mind off of it :)
You just don’t have the energy to talk back and refuse him when you’re like this. And…it does make you feel better. He’s so gentle with your body, asking you what feels good, what hurts, bringing you to climax as many times as you’ll allow him. He’s basically a dream boyfriend through all of it. It’s confusing and frustrating, and 100% intentional on his part. He wants to show you how good he could be to you, how prepared he is to give you everything you want (minus a few minor things like, uhh your freedom) if you’d just behave for him.
He’ll take care of you in any way you’ll let him. Ordering in comfort foods, bathing you, throwing a heating pad in the microwave, putting on any dumb show you want to watch and cuddling on the couch. In the beginning I think he would offer all of this himself, but after you two have been through it a few times and you get used to it, I can see him being a little shit and making you ask for it yourself. You’re looking at him all expectantly and he just plays dumb. You’re going to have to ask for it and he wants you to be very specific. Tell him you want him to fuck you or it’s not happening. Ugh
Machi feels a little bad about it, but she comes to almost look forward to your periods. She’s a high-level nen user and hers don’t bother her much, but the same sure can’t be said about you. You just look so pitiful lying on the bed with your heating pad clutched to your belly. So when she comes to offer you help, she can act like she’s doing it for your benefit, obviously. If it’ll get you to stop moping around then fine, she’ll finger you a bit, if she must 🙄✋
It lets her feel like she’s doing something good for you. Getting you painkillers, bringing you a hot pad, refilling your pads and tampons without being asked. She feels more guilt than she’d like to over forcing you to be here with her, and providing for you like this soothes that ache a bit. Of course, she’ll never admit any of it. You’ll probably feel like you’re a burden to her, like she does it all out of begrudging obligation. Maybe someday you’ll be familiar enough to see through the act.
Don’t call her bluff though. It’s humiliating enough to be so wrapped around your finger, but for you to become aware of that fact…it might be more than she can gracefully handle.
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king-finnigan · 4 years
The first time Geralt dies, it’s during the Trial of the Medallion
he’s fresh out of the medical wing, his hair going white at the roots and his body unfamiliar when he’s told that he has to complete the Trial of the Medallion
they have to swim across a lake, go through a tunnel system without waking a troll named Old Speartip and they have to make their way to the circle of elements
some survive the Trial, some don’t. Geralt doesn’t. he drowns in the middle of the lake
they fish him out and burn his body in the courtyard along with the two other boys that didn’t make it. eskel’s by his side from the moment that the body is pulled from the lake to the moment they light the pyre, trying to hold in his tears and sobs as they lay his best friend to rest
unbeknownst to them, geralt’s standing at the edge of the courtyard, watching his own body as it’s swallowed by the flames
he thinks he’s a ghost until someone notices him and starts shouting
Chaos Ensues
after a thorough medical examination where they find literally nothing wrong with him, they decide that It Must Be The Extra Mutations
they kill him again a few times just to see what happens. he wakes up in the middle of the lake every time, his new body gasping its first breath when he breaches the surface, naked as the day he was (re)born. the old body stays.
he redoes the Trial of the Medallion and lives, this time around
and so he is sent on the Path, Geralt of Rivia, the Witcher that Won’t McFucking Die
they praise him lucky and say that it’s a miracle, a blessing from the old gods themselves. they soon find out that it’s a pain in the arse, is what it is.
people keep claiming Geralt has died (which he has, but that’s besides the point) which causes a lot of confusion when they see him walking around a week later, just fine and dandy, thank you very much and no I didn’t die, what makes you think that haha
he also gets a reputation for grave robbing because people bury his body still fully clothed while Geralt wakes up in the nearest body of water Naked AF. he learns to be a little more stealthy after that
sometimes he has to track down his stuff because other people beat him to the grave robbing
also, he prefers to die at night because during the day there’s people fishing at the lakes who get awfully confused when a naked witcher walks out. he also starts sticking to the more dry areas of land because he found out the hard way that he’ll wake up somewhere in the nearest body of water and if that’s the ocean, well...
“we could head to the coast” geralt, remembering the time he was reborn fifteen miles from shore and hit his head on a boat upon resurfacing: absolutely fucking not
speaking of, jaskier has to learn the hard way that Geralt keeps getting reborn. sobbing-over-your-best-friends-dead-body-and-looking-up-to-see-him-standing-naked-in-front-of-you hard way.
yennefer takes one look at him and starts laughing uncontrollably. she Knows. she always does, somehow. she won’t stop making jokes about it, too.
sometimes she needs to blow off some steam and geralt, always willing to help, lets her stab him 20+ times, ides-of-march-style. it’s quite fun for both of them, actually. who would’ve thought?
and yes, the stabbing still hurts, but after a few times, dying just gets boring, you know?
geralt, bleeding out from several slash wounds in his chest from the archgriffin he was hired to get rid of: hey can you kill me real quick i wanna get this over with
jaskier, dagger in hand: sure thing, geralt!
some peasant who stumbled upon the scene when he heard the commotion, seeing jaskier stab geralt through the head: what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
jaskier suddenly gets a reputation as both the witcher’s bard and the most feared man on the continent.
his Witcher Repertoire™ includes: Toss a Coin to Your Witcher, Stop Robbing Witchers’ Graves, and If You See Me Killing A Witcher, Keep Your Mouth Shut (or The Murder Song)
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psycopath06 · 3 years
Secretary Part 1: Volturi Kings x Neutral!Reader
A/N: The parentheses next to the quotes are the translation to any words that are in Italian.
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I had been working as the new secretary for the Volturi for a week now. I had been lucky with the few guards, that didn't have a stick up their asses, were nice enough to tell me what to avoid that would cause my death. The secretaries got killed for the stupidest of reasons.
   I only took the job because I desperately needed the money even if the job seemed sketchy. My family didn't help get me better off finacially but put me in even more debt. The immortality part was just a bonus to the job.
   I had manage to not piss the kings or the guards off thus far, but that could easily change with Caius' temper. He's been out for my head since the day he met me. Thanks to Aro and Marcus I have been able to avoid Caius' wrath for the most part. Aro and Marcus were neutral to me being there. They would tell Caius to stop threatening me whenever he saw me.
   It was late and I was going to be off duty in 15 minutes, so I got up to deliver the letter that they got in the mail. I had decided that giving them their mail before I was let off for the night gave me a better chance of survival, since the kings were also ready to retire for the night.
   I walked in to the underground Throne room and gave my best smile as to not get on their bad side.
   "Ah, young y/n has brought us something." Aro's eagerly said as he got off his throne and walked to the edge of the platform.
   "They should not have interrupted." Caius stated his hatred for me loud and clear to everyone in the room. Always had something to say about whatever I did.
   "They're new." Aro half-ass defended me.
   "Aren't they all?" Marcus rasped out. For once Marcus was doing something besides being depressed!
   I watched Caius smirk at the joke, smug bastard. I had to focus on why I was here as to not want to slap Caius.
   I stepped up on the first step and extended the sliver tray to Aro with the letter on it. They INSISTED that I use this stupid tray when I gave them letters. Surprisingly I wasn't that bother by the kings being vampires and didn't really fear them which was why I was comfortable being this close to Aro.
   Aro took the letter from the tray as he gave me when of his creepy smiles that I have gotten use to at this point. He opened the letter and started speaking Italian. "L'amore ci mantiene tutti giovani. Bella and Edward are to be married." (Love keeps us all young)
   Marcus once again spoke "What joy." Now the depression was back, it never went far from Marcus.
   "This is the Cullen's way of announcing her transformation? They mock us with their delays." Caius declared. Always the first to want to start a war with someone.
   Aro turned to look at Caius. "Patience, brother." He reminded him. Like Caius ever had patience in his life.
   Aro put the envelope on the tray, while Marcus and Caius began to stand from their thrones.
   "Though you do have a point," Aro's airy voice muttered, "The human did interput." He dropped his happy sharade at the end of his sentence as he gently brushed my face with his finger. By then, Marcus and Caius were by his side.
   I sighed, knowing this was the end of the line for me. I turned around and walked over to Felix and Demetri.
   "Alright, kill me now boys! I know you have been wanting to do it since you met me!" I exclaimed loudly, I just wanted to get this over with as fast as possible. Better a quick death than a slow one.
   Felix and Demetri looked over at Aro for approval but Aro only chuckled. "So easily willing to let us end your life. You're such a fascinating human." Aro fondly expressed.
   Then these motherfuckers just walked away while Aro was saying "Oh, I do love weddings."
   I just stared at the door they left out of. Why am I still alive? I questioned that as I headed back to my room, ignoring the bodies on my way out of the underground throne room.
   The next day went like it normally would. Caius insulting me every second he got, most guards glaring at me, Marcus being depressed, and Aro's creepy tendencies.
   Everything was going well and I was about to leave early for the day until I got an email. The email was about a job application regarding my position as a secretary for the Volturi. Apparently someone sent this woman an email saying the position is open and she could start tomorrow. Now I did what any sane person would do when they realize they were about to get fired, which meant death. I went to the store, got some alcohol, got my favorite ice cream, got my favorite snacks, and enjoyed my last few hours of life.
   Sadly, at about one in the morning someone had opened my door to check on me. I was still awake, drunk, eating ice cream, surrounded by snacks, and binge watching my favorite show on TV all while crying out of my own self pity. Why did I take this stupid job?!
   "Carissimo? Why are you still awake?" (Dearest) That voice was Marcus. Sweet and slow as always. I was gonna miss that voice, no matter how depressed he could be.
   I laughed bitterly as I continued to eat my ice cream. "Like you care, you get to have a brand new secretary tomorrow!" I mockingly joked.
   Marcus gently grabbed my face and turned it to look at him. "You are unbelievably drunk and crying. Why are you this way, piccolo?" (Little one)
   I moved my face out of his hand. "Why do you care? I won't be your problem tomorrow." I growled angrily as I stabbed my ice cream with my spoon.
   Marcus had finally left after a minute of staring me down. Unfortunately, he came back with Aro and Caius.
   I could feel Caius trying to glare holes in my head with his stare as soon as he saw the state that I was in. Aro was immediately by my side mumbling something in Italian that I couldn't bother to translate.
   "If you're going to glare at me the whole time your here then leave." I said as I glared back at Caius. Something I never did since I met the kings. Mostly for fear of them killing me on the spot. What the hell did I have to lose at this point?
   "Caro, why are you drunk and crying?" (Dear) Aro's normal cheery voice was laced with concern.
   "What does it matter? I'll be dead in a few hours. Can't have one last night to enjoy being alive? Too much to ask from a bunch of vampires?" I grumbled angrily while finishing my ice cream. What was with all the sudden new pet names anyway? They normally call me by name, or rarely they say "human" just to mess with me.
   "Who told you that you were going to die tomorrow?" Aro calmly asked.
   I rolled my eyes and answered. "No one because no one has the balls to say it to my face that I'm no longer useful." I than look up at Caius again to glare at him. "You couldn't wait to get rid of me, could you?"
   I put my empty tub of ice cream on my nightstand, I would deal with it tomorrow. I am too drunk to be wondering the halls for the kitchen. Since the kings weren't going to leave any time soon, I made myself comfortable. Put my pillows against my headboard and wrapped myself in my blanket.
   Caius hadn't said a word since he got here and quite frankly, it was pissing me off. "For once the most feared king doesn't have a damn thing to say. Shocker." I snarked at him. Marcus and Aro were quietly chuckling at my antics, which made me turn my glare to them.
   "You're like an insufferable toddler when drunk." Caius snarked back at me. I tried to get up and punch him in the face, but Marcus cuddled me in his lap while sitting on my bed. I could enjoy this little bit of comfort from Marcus before I die. Punching Caius in the face would be a pleasure I could do before I died tomorrow.
   Aro just had to ruin the moment by trying to read my thoughts. I tried to move away but Marcus kept my arms in place so Aro could touch me. I huff at being ganged up on like this.
   After a minute, Aro pulled away and had become eerily quiet. That was never a good thing with Aro, someone normally died when Aro was quiet. Marcus was gently rubbing my back which was causing me to relax and finally fall asleep. The last thing I saw was Caius finally moving away from that stupid doorway.
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star-puff · 4 years
HQ boys + plants they would own
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note: based on a conversation i had with ari @/seijch about sakusa if sakusa would own a plant that eventually just spiraled. spoiler alert - he would. psa i am not a plant expert, please take this with a grain of salt :’) i am going off of vibes alone
ty to @mooshys​ for indulging in my herbal sakusa hcs
feat. hinata, asahi, noya, aone, futakuchi, kita, sakusa 
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hinata → round cactus! he saw it in the store one day and thought it was really cute so he just took it home and has been caring for it ever since. much to everyone’s surprise, it hasn’t died yet, but there have been a few attempts by natsu to try to touch it to see if “it really is that spikey!” she hasn’t succeeded thus far but she’s still making plans to see her mission through to fruition. in recent news, his cactus sprouted a flower recently! the entire family is very happy about it. (bonus: he’s thinking of buying a bunny ear cactus some time soon :) )
asahi → he’s kind of scared of killing plants so he tries to get the ones on the more resilient end. he really isn’t bad at all, just new at plant care! a worker suggested him a chinese money plant, and asahi’s been keeping with it with him ever since :) he likes the flat shape of it, thinks it’s unique in the best way! he’s thinking of buying more once his confidence is boosted after having his pilea thrive under his care, but it will always remain as asahi’s favorite even after his plant collection is expanded. (bonus: he likes to divide it the offsets and give them away as gifts! everyone looks forward to their turn at receiving a baby chinese money plant at their birthday now)
nishinoya → a chia pet. no further explanation. (bonus: he likes the bob ross ones the best. it makes him very happy.)
aone → a pro gardener, he has everything. not only does he have a shelves of potted plants near his window that he tends to regularly, he also has a number of large palm tree plants and monstera! the entrance to his backyard is basically his own little plant center at this point. everyone who sees it is very impressed. as they should be! not only that, he also has a variety of outdoor plants as well in his garden, ranging from flowers to fruit to the classic leafy greens! he gets the happiest smile on his face when he waters his plants okay, they’re his babies i’m literally going to cry just thinking about green thumb aone. (bonus: he’s started to get into japanese rock gardening as well! he got a little mini japanese rock gardening set and it makes him very happy :) )
futakuchi → he literally has the blackest thumb in existence. it makes aone quite sad. not that he doesn’t try his best, he really does! he tries to search up all the articles regarding plant care and buys all the books he can and even asks the workers at the plant stores the best ways to care for them! but one thing always leads to another and....let’s just say his plants either end up yellow and crispy or sad and droopy from overwatering. kenji has bought every single plant from every single ‘easiest house plants to take care of’  list and killed every single one. occasionally sends a text to aone in a panic along the lines of “AONE WHAT DO I DO IT’S TURNING YELLOW” and kenji jr. gets sent off to aone’s intensive care unit for the week. sometimes aone can save it, most of the time he can’t </3 get a fake plant at this point, kenji. you’re breaking aone’s heart. (bonus: for his birthday, aone gets kenji a zz plant. basically indestructible. kenji knocks it off the table and shatters the pot. he cries a little.)
kita → lucky bamboo! like, the ones you get in the glazed ceramic pots at asian supermarkets. he uses a red ribbon to tie them and everything. very attentive with his bamboo stalks, makes sure they get the exact amount of sunlight and water they need to thrive. he used to only keep them straight, but after his granny told him that he could twist the stalks into spirals and braid them for aesthetic purposes, his bamboo pots now don the funkiest designs. very cool! (bonus: granny yumie recently got him a bonsai tree! he trims them at the end of the day for his ritual relaxation hour :) )
sakusa → sakusa likes functionality, so he has a couple of potted herbs on his kitchen counter near a window. basil, mint, and rosemary are his current collection, but he’s willing to buy more if the need arises. he still has them post-timeskip, and some of his teammates atsumu try to snip some stems off when he’s not looking. sakusa always knows. (bonus: he’s currently looking into thyme care!)
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jerakeenc · 4 years
many kidfics i’ve read and loved
look who’s reccing a million year old fics now. kidfics, very many. posted to dw for snowflake, thought I’d copy here as well. will be reading most, if not all. if you don’t hear from me again, this list is the culprit.
101 Ways To Get Lucky (In Love) by lenore
18,200 words | SGA, McKay/Sheppard
Rodney McKay is rich, gorgeous and at the top of his game—except someone just moved the goalposts! Now Rodney realizes he is sorely lacking the one status symbol that everybody seems to have…the perfect family. Rodney needs help, so he hires a relationship coach. Single-dad John Sheppard may be an expert, but not when it comes to his own relationships! And every day he spends with Rodney makes him wish that he could be the one to fill the vacancy in Rodney's life…
A Beautiful Lifetime Event by astolat
29,000 words | SGA, McKay/Sheppard
Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans.
An Earlier Heaven by regann
67,400 words | X-Men, Erik/Charles
In the wake of Cuba, Charles and his students are ready to pick up the pieces and work toward achieving Charles's dream of a safe haven for young mutants. Those plans, however, take a surprising turn thanks to a very unexpected complication. As he slowly builds a future for his students and for his child, Charles struggles with the loss of Erik and the secrets he's willing to keep to protect his family, but those strides are shattered when Erik makes a startling reappearance into his life. [mpreg, kidfic, ensemble]
And everything nice by noelia_g
30,200 words | Social Network, Mark/Eduardo
The one where Mark somehow ends up with a child and of course needs a nanny for the amount of time he spends at the office. Only problem is a string of nannys keep trying to get into his pants for what he assumes is his money. Cue Mark's assistant hiring a male nanny, enter Eduardo.
asking to be born by longtime_lurker
26,500 words | Bandom, Pete/Patrick
"Don't worry, it's probably just his big gay freakout," Andy yells cheerfully and unhelpfully into Patrick's ear as they're hustling Pete over to the nearest private clinic.
Better with You by harriet_vane
38,100 words | 1D, Liam/Louis
Based on this prompt at the kinkmeme:
Single parent and solo artist Liam Payne hires Louis Tomlinson to be a full time nanny to his four year old son Sammy. Although the two men don't quite click from the start it's love at first sight between Sammy and Louis. Eventually Louis and Liam warm up to each other and get on like a house on fire, in fact the two become a little too fond of each other.
I refuse to apologize for how sweet this ended up, okay? It's kidfic, I am forever writing kidfic, and this one is even kid-fic-ier than usual.
Can't Get Enough of You (Baby) by eternalbreath
22,100 words | Inception, Arthur/Eames
Eames vanishes from dreamshare and Arthur goes a little crazy looking for him until he stumbles across him -- with a baby.
Chelsea, Chelsea, I Believe by empathapathique
300,800 words | Hockey, Kane/Toews
Patrick meets a girl his rookie year.
Don't You Shake Alone by dsudis
62,180 words | Generation Kill, Brad/Nate
Nate looked exactly like Brad always pictured him: exhausted in the full life-in-a-combat-zone sense of the word.
Dude, what's a bulwark? by kellifer_fic
12,150 words | Teen Wolf, Derek/Stiles
Beacon Hills is the kind of small town where everybody knows everybody, and what everybody knows is that surly diner owner Derek Hale and free spirited single dad Stiles Stilinski have been in love with each other for years. If only they knew it too.
Every Other Beautiful World by rhiannonhero
43,280 words | SGA, McKay/Sheppard
Some things are unexpected but still inevitable in every beautiful world.
Forever, Now by harriet_vane
227,100 words | Bandom, Frank/Gerard, Jon/Spencer, Brendon/Ryan, Brian/Greta
Brian rescues kid!Gerard and Mikey from life on the streets, and eventually everyone finds a family.
here comes the sun by oflights
56,600 words | Social Network, Mark/Eduardo
This is a story about growing up, sad 70's rock songs, too much hair gel, "Maxwell's Silver Hammer", a baby with curly hair, a Geiger counter, a dog that isn't named Max, the Chicken Dance, Cheerios, pepper-spray, drugs, sex, and a stuffed chicken named Cluckerberg, nicknamed Cluck. or: Mark raises Sean's accidental baby, and I write the fluffiest thing ever.
I Got a Love (That Keeps Me Waiting) by svmadelyn
163,700 words | Hockey, Kane/Toews
There's a lot of different ways this summary could go, like:
Patrick Kane gets more than a gold medal in Sochi.
Or, the classic: It's too late to pull out now.
Or: Patrick Kane continues to thrive in high pressure situations.
Or: Patrick Kane gets knocked up, goes to White Castle, and finds love, not necessarily in that order.
But, ultimately, all that really matters is this: Patrick Kane is keeping his baby.
I Would Be by cathalin
20,290 words | American Idol, Kris/Adam
AU. Adam and Kris meet a few years down the road, when down-on-his-luck Kris and his young daughter Katherine show up to rent a room from Adam, who never made it to an Idol audition.
Ice Ice Baby by uraneia
51,340 words | Hockey, Claude/Danny
A gold medal isn't the only souvenir Claude brings home from Prague.
OR: The one where Claude gets drunk, gets pregnant, and gets convinced to move in with Danny, whom he's been secretly in love with for years. What could possibly go wrong?
my heart is bigger than the distance in between us by estrella30
15,000 words | 1D, Nick/Harry
Nick chuckles quietly but grabs the remote and follows Emma, Aimee coming up close behind him. It’s indeed Harry on the telly, singing along to his latest radio hit and smiling slowly into the camera far too seductively for half eight on a Friday morning, if you ask Nick. He presses the volume just in time to catch the crowd’s roaring applause and see the pink flush Harry’s cheeks. Nick watches him duck his head as he gives a small wave to the audience, and it hits Nick that Harry is still the most humble and appreciative billionaire Nick’s ever met.
Good job, popstar, Nick thinks to himself.
or, Nick is a single dad and Harry is his bff and it's a bunch of years into the future and they fall in love
Once Upon a Furry Octopus by skoosiepants
11,270 words | SGA, McKay/Sheppard
He was an intelligent, intuitive pet, but he wasn’t going to start sniffing out ZPMs or hidden Ancient weaponry or detailed instructions on how to kill a Wraith with a common household item. A pen, for instance.
Reconcilable Differences by astolat
40,000 words | Smallville, Clark/Lex
Luthor Family Values.
Shelter by harriet_vane
63,500 words | Social Network, Jesse/Andrew
From the kinkmeme prompt: Some sort of AU vaguely based on Shelter! For whatever reason, Jesse has to take care of Hallie and give up his dream of being an actor. He ends up working in a dead end job when former, now successful friend (Andrew) returns home. They fall in love, etc, only Jesse can't go away with him because he has a responsibility to his family. CUE ANGST.
Show Me The Way Back Home Baby by stilinskisparkles
15,000 words | Teen Wolf, Derek/Stiles
In which Lydia and Jackson produce the world's cutest baby, and the pack goes crazy-- the good kind of crazy. Except for Derek, who is afraid of tiny cute babies and Stiles who plans to be the best Uncle ever. Even if Danny called dibs on Godfather.
Skybird by windsweptfic
33,785 words | Inception/White Collar, Arthur/Eames
Arthur and Eames adopt a kid and raise that kid into Neal Caffrey.
Small Cells and Fibers by sevenfists
7,830 words | Bandom, Frank/Gerard
Tuesdays were finger-painting days. Frank made sure to wear his oldest pair of jeans, because even with his full-length apron and his constant reminders that paint belongs on paper and not on clothing, he always ended up with tiny, multi-colored handprints all over his clothes. There wasn't a thing he could do about it, so he just wore pants from 1995.
Small Primes and Square Roots by liviapenn
12,500 words | SGA, McKay/Sheppard
"I hope you picked someone really intelligent, otherwise it seems like it would be kind of a waste. Of incubation time, if nothing else."
So Wise We Grow by deastar
81,250 words | Star Trek Reboot, Kirk/Spock
"Commander Spock, we have located your son," the Vulcan lady on the screen says, which would be great, except Jim can tell by the look on Spock's face that he's never heard of this kid before in his life. "If it is expedient, the child will be sent to join you on the Enterprise within the week."
Something Better by lovelypoet
18,350 words | Bandom, Frank/Gerard
"We all have to take jobs we don't like sometimes, you know?"
The Next Time You Say Forever by Thistlerose
27,300 words | Star Trek Reboot, Kirk/McCoy
After his ex-wife's death, McCoy is forced to leave the Enterprise to look after his teenage daughter. Under normal circumstances, this would be the end of…whatever it is he has with Kirk that's more than friendship, but less than what he wants. But the universe has other intentions.
The Reeducation of Misters Kane and Toews by jezziejay
15,900 words | Hockey, Kane/Toews
In which Kaner sort of has a kid, and Mr. Toews doesn't know which of them is the bigger brat.
AU featuring teacher!Jon and hockey-player!Kaner. With bonus 'Hawks characters, love notes, pasta jewelry, Be Better Pizzas, pirouettes, a sprinke of angst and guest appearance by Derek Jeter.
The Road Delivered Us Home by keelywolfe
117,430 words | Hobbit, Thorin/Bilbo
In the years since Bilbo left Erebor, he has lost his respectability, gained a nephew, and gotten on with life at Bag End.
He'd left aside adventure for the comforts and peace of his little Hobbit hole, and for the love of a child who needed him. Though perhaps, adventures can yet find him.
This Story Was Brought to You by Our Sponsors by scaramouche
29,500 words | Supernatural, Dean/Castiel
Dean's post-apocalyptic life is a friggin' soap opera. Romance! Angst! Separations! Reunions! Pizza Dinners! A Child Dean Never Knew He Had! It's all very dramatic.
throw a little sparkle all over it by etben
26,000 words | Bandom, Frank/Gerard
"Hey, Ma," Mikey says. "No, everything's fine—well, I mean, Gerard accidentally adopted a baby—no, he's changing her now, he can't talk."
Tiny Houses by ohmyjetsabel
77,130 words | Teen Wolf, Derek/Stiles
"So this is what Stiles does. He lies in Scott’s bed and waits for Melissa to say she’s found someone to get it out of him, to cure him of the wrongness and the bad, and he dreams.
God, he dreams.
He dreams of fire and swollen bellies and that scene in Alien, of giving birth to jackals through his urethra, the whole horrific nine yards. His head is a terrible place to be, he can’t imagine his stomach is much better, why anyone would want to put a thing inside of it."
Tip, Slide, Tumble by j_s_cavalcante
42,900 words | due South, Fraser/Kowalski
Ray knew when he found the body in the alley it was going to change someone's life. He just didn't expect that life would be his.
Turn by saras_girl
306,000 words | Harry Potter, Harry/Draco
One good turn always deserves another. Apparently.
Unless it's lies or it's love by sprat
25,300 words | American Idol, Kris/Adam
In which Adam (a rock star) meets Kris (a single dad) at an Emergency Room in Arkansas at the end of a particularly shitty night. Also features: San Francisco, fresh starts, baked goods, OCs, cameo appearances by Matt and Megan, pirates, monsters with garbage heads and a recording studio.
What Child Is This by lamardeuse
30,150 words | Merlin, Arthur/Merlin
A modern AU with Merlin, Arthur, mayhem, a baby and a jingly elf hat.
What to Expect by arsenic
29,200 words | Bandom, Bob/Mikey
Mikey has his band, and his little girl, and that's enough. Really, it is.
Winter's Children by neery
66,890 words | Marvel, Bucky/Steve
When their attempts to recreate the super soldier serum failed, Hydra started trying to breed Captain America clones from his genetic samples. Unfortunately, the serum's effects aren't passed down genetically, so instead of an army of tiny Captain Americas, they get a bunch of tow-headed, asthmatic, allergic, immuno-compromised little Steves.
And then the Winter Soldier stumbles across Hydra's failed experiment...
With Six You Get Eggroll by speranza
31,000 words | due South, Fraser/Kowalski
"Kick 'em In The Head: A Guide To Parenting."
ETA: Bonus! Because I apparently lost my bookmark for this one but have the memory of an elephant for kidfic, so it came to me eventually. :D
A Farm in Iowa 'Verse by sheafrotherdon
166,000 words | SGA, McKay/Sheppard
John inherits a farm, Rodney ends up entirely out of his element, and there is much ado about baseball.
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sasa-gay-yo · 4 years
Just Us (Chapter Fifteen: Dedicate Your Heart)
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← Chapter Fourteen
I thought I was going to die. Sitting there hearing his pompous ass ramble on about how better his life than ours in the Capital was going to make me go crazy if he didn’t stop. He seemed to enjoy it too. The way his lips curled into a smirk when he heard Jonas groan next to me as he went on and on about the luxuries of the capital and what the Military Police get for their monthly bonus. I was just trying to keep my best behavior up because Ben had threatened Jonas and me before this meet-up. It was even worse than I thought it was going to be too because Catrin wasn’t there to talk over him. I’d rather hear her babble on about her baby and hair salon than whatever shit is coming out of his mouth now. Duran was point-blank lying about all of this and you knew it. MPs just sit around and do nothing in the capital, and now he was accepted to join a special team that was so top secret, he could only tell us every detail? I didn’t buy it. Also, how was he considered an elite soldier? These were all the thoughts running through your mind while he talked. 
“That sounds like an amazing opportunity for you Duran. Maybe we can visit you as a family in the capital after your training.” I also laughed at Ben’s proposal, knowing good and well I was never going to willingly venture onto Duran’s turf where he can bullshit to us even more. If anything, we should show up at a random time so he’s taken by surprise and can’t cover up his lies with a few changes of cash. 
“But enough about me,” he feigned, “What’s been going on with you all here back home?” Ben looked at Jonas and me, then to his wife, and realized that he was the only one willing to talk, so he started off about his job and the cafe. I knew I’d be next, so I was trying to build some narrative in my head that Duran couldn’t pick apart. In the middle of the part where I’m trying to figure out how to not tell him about closing the shop for a period of time, Jonas kicked me under the table. As annoyed as I was, when I saw him move his head towards the back door I was the first one out of my chair. 
“Fresh air,” I mumbled, before walking out, not hearing Duran’s comment when Jonas got up to join me. 
“Those two finally together?” I slammed the door, forgetting that Jonas was right behind, and he walked out holding his head. I mumbled sorry before starting up the ladder to the roof. The spot that Jonas and I always went to do nothing. Once on the roof, it gave a nice view across Trost and I could see the top of the walls where the guns and Garrison sat in wait. A few days ago, the whole of Trost was awoken by cannon fire, and it took all but two hours for the café to be bustling with the rumors that the first titan had reached the outside of Trost. To say it was scary was an understatement, but it was overly annoying that now the people were rejoicing how close the Scouts were to save Trost if anything happened. I don't remember those praises when the mission to reclaim the wall had happened. How easily they could switch up because they needed personal protection astounded me. After that incident, the Scouts had allocated a few people to stand watch every day at the wall to kill any abnormal or call for help if the titans that destroyed Shiganshia were back again. It was morbid, but I was waiting for the day that the Colossal Titan, as people were calling it, reached a hand over Trost’s walls. Staring at them now, I could just picture it. 
“Penny for your thought, Ev?” Jonas took out a pack of cigarettes, a habit he acquired in the past few months, and got something out of his pocket to light it. The roof and outside of my apartment was the only place he could do it without getting yelled at by Ben or his roommates. I had done my best to warm him the first few weeks, but he seemed not to care. Still, I had no idea why he started now when he had years previous to do it.
“Thinking about when the Colossal Titan reaches Trost.” He took a drag and just nodded, counting on comments of morbidity to come from my mouth. It was a common theme now. 
“Anything else less… intense? I’m trying to have a relaxing time up here before I have to go down and listen to Duran’s mouth.” I smiled lightly, dangling my legs off the edge of the building. I had to think of something else to say because that’s truly all I was thinking about. These days, I don’t try and let my mind run.
“I was thinking about paying a few petty gang members to jump Duran on his way back to Mitras. You want to donate a few notes?” He sighed, this time shaking his head, but I could see the smile on his face. It was a tempting offer for the day we’ve had to endure. 
“Unfortunately, my crime funds have run low. If Catrin was here, she’d donate though.”
“She would.” The wind whipped through once, and I put my arms around myself, regretting not storming out with at least a jacket. It was almost winter. One month till the end of the year. Six months. 
“How long did Ben say Duran was staying? Am I going to have to entertain him tomorrow in the café?” Jonas snuffed out his cigarette on the brick before leaning back a bit to feel the wind enter his ashed lungs. 
“The week I think. At least he’s not staying in your old bedroom. Now I can’t stay at home when I want to for the next week. I have a double shift in two days and it was so much easier to come back here and sleep.” I groaned. God, I was going to have to entertain him and his new happy-go-lucky attitude. That was the worst part. While he was still annoying, braggy, and covertly malicious, the only thing that changed is that he seemed less interested in fighting outright. Actually, it was even more annoying because there wasn’t anything to call him out for upfront. He hid his ass well and Ben seemed to be eating up this fake persona.
“At least Ben isn’t forcing you to make food for this fucking family picnic inside the walls. It’s your fault for telling him about the meadow. I have no idea why now Ben feels like we need to be a family again, I’m almost thirty.” Jonas huffed one in laughter.
“I could think of a few reasons why, but I’d like to keep the peace we’ve made tonight.” I nodded, knowing what some of those reasons were.
“I’m glad you’ve made that decision.” He threw the cigarette off the building and I watched it fall and hit the ground. The last spark flew out of it when it hit the mud, and quickly burnt out. I just stared at it for what seemed like forever. 
“If you went back to your old self, you know, became happy again, I’m sure Dad wouldn’t force you on family picnics.” Ah, there it was. The daily comment about my state of emotion. It was different than last time. I wasn’t crying anymore and I didn’t show up to the café with bloodshot eyes from no sleep. No, I was calm. I was living on spite. There would be no tears for someone who would never drop them for me. There was anger. Definitely anger. Sometimes it came out too. The latest victim was Elias who had spilled over a whole pail of water and I yelled at him loud enough for Jonas, who was outside throwing away garbage, to hear. I bought him any sweet he wanted from the corner shop to apologize. He wasn’t the only one I’d let my anger out on. 
Hange visits me now. I don’t know why she does it, and every time she sits in his seat. At first, it was annoying to be reminded of him, but I grew to like her conversation. Once, however, she talked about him, and I yelled at her to stop. She seemed used to it for some reason, not even flinching with my harsh words. Even after, she continued as nothing happened and let me feel guilty. The last time she came, about the same time the first titan reached Trost, I treated her to an extra tart because of it. 
“This is me now, Jonas. Pretty much.” I pushed back the skin on my nails knowing he would protest that. 
“No, it’s not. I’ve never seen you act like this. This isn’t you.” I just hummed, agreeing so he would stop pressing it. I’d try my hardest every day to not think about it. One-track mind. 
“You two! Come back down! It’s time for dessert!” The door slammed behind Ben, signaling he’d gone back inside after yelling at us. Jonas stood up before I could say something back, motioning that the conversation was done. This is how it usually went. He was too overwhelmed with the fact that I had no emotion anymore and then just left the conversation. 
“Well come on then.” 
For the rest of the week, my detest towards Duran was building. He came every day to the café, dressed up in his MP uniform, and talked to everyone like he owned the place. Some of the older women also flaunted over him, remembering the days he was here and making some form of fake past where he actually stayed in the café. I couldn’t even remember a clear time when he was in the café while I was working, and I worked there every day. They must have remembered something very, very different than I did. I just stood there and watched with distaste and told all my grievances to Jonas.  On the day of the picnic, I was about to completely snap. 
The family picnic had included Elias and June and Jonas’s sister. Elias and June had come to the café that morning, asking if they could stay with me since their family was starting another cult meeting and I agreed, knowing it would be a welcoming distraction to Duran. We were now waiting outside Jonas’s house. Waiting for Duran to put his stupid MP gear on. He thought the citizens of Trost would marvel at his status, not having any MPs here, but I told him that they’d rather spit on him. That set him off once, but he easily controlled it. I guess this new squad needed him to control that nasty ass personality to be in it. Good.
“And the person who bought the book said that it was like brand new! Mr. Philpa even commended me on my work! I really think I’m starting to get the hang of it.” I mustered to give June a smile, trying to keep her happy atmosphere up. I would need it today if I was going to be forced to listen to Duran for hours now. Since I insulted him this morning, I was going to have a target on my back the rest of the day. That was very clear when he complimented how well my makeup covered up the huge black circles on my face. Passive aggressive ass. 
“Alright, everyone! Time to head out!” Ben was over the moon that his family had gathered to do something. He was the family man, always. It was probably instilled in him by Mrs. Flynn, at least that’s what Catrin had said, and it was getting to be annoying. I could come to their house to eat, but to forcibly make me make food for Duran who was just going to complain about the flavor? I couldn’t handle that. I swore up and down the kitchen when I was making this last night. As we walked to the Trost entrance, Duran just kept talking, and even at the front of the pack with Jonas and Elias, I could still hear him rambling. It was giving me a headache, which was a telltale sign I was going to burst any minute. This is always what happens when I yell at someone. The anger builds up into physical pain, and I can’t get rid of it any other way. In the dead of the night, I’ll wake up from a dream and find no better remedy than yelling Fuck really loud. It’s embarrassing when I forget Jonas is usually on my couch.
“You good?” Jonas leaned in to whisper in my ear and I just looked at him out of the side of my eyes. He got the memo and continued talking to Elias about his school work. It was too loud in this part of Trost, and Duran’s stupid voice was even louder. This coupled with the fact that people would stop to talk to Ben or even me was getting to be way too much. This is why I stayed in the café most of the time. 
“Eva, haven’t seen you come this way for a while,” the Garrison captain called out from where he and the morning watch were playing cards on a barrel. At that moment, I vividly remembered punching him in the face, and I was tempted to do it again as he stopped the whole party to talk to me. The way he said it was definitely hinting at the fact that I was no longer in his secretly assessed relationship. 
“I’ve just come when you’re not around, Captain. Probably drunk in a pub somewhere.” Duran was the first to hop into the conversation, ready to begin a military circle jerk. 
“Evylnn, that’s not how you talk to a military member! Good morning, Captain.” Duran held his hand out to the Captain who gave one weary look at it and shook it. He remembered Duran correctly and he knew how much trouble he’d gotten into as a kid. He was also probably surprised that he had an MP uniform on when he would throw rocks at the Garrison.
“I don’t know what it’s like in Mitras, but that’s how we talk to them here in Trost, Duran. Then again, what would a military mouse like you know?” He turned and glared, making me reminisce about the real Duran. The signature glare was still there. You just had to wait for it.
“We’re just leaving, Captain. Sorry to bother you!” Ben grasped my shoulder, hard, making me pay for what I’d said to both the Captain and Duran. He pulled me too, right to the front where Jonas and the kids were standing. While he pushed me, he whispered a threat in my ear. 
“If this picnic is ruined by you, you’re paying.” I didn’t react, even though I wanted to roll my eyes at him. It wouldn’t be my fault if I said something to make everyone uncomfortable. It would be Duran’s fault because he provoked me. I just tsk-ed as he let me go and started walking back to join Analee. 
“You don’t know how bad I want to ruin this picnic now, Jonas.” He sighed, but I could definitely tell it was to hide a laugh in front of Elias and June. When we got to the open gate, the Garrison soldiers saw my glare and just let us through without any protest. Usually, this large of a group would be questioned thoroughly, but since I was in it, they knew not to ask me anything. Duran seemed surprised by this and stopped to yell at them for not doing their job, holding us up again. I just stood there, halfway through the tunnel as he blabbed on and on able the Garrison's responsibility like he was their boss. An MP wasn't going to boss Garrison members around, but here he was in his arrogance, trying to do that.
“You don’t know how to do your jobs! If there’s a group this large the-” 
“Scouts are coming!” Someone yelled from above the wall, and when I looked out the entrance, I could see the horses nearing the walls. They were leaving late today, but how could I forget it was the first of the month. 
“Please, Miss. Flynn, we're going to ask you to move and stay here till the Scouts progress through. It won’t be that long there isn’t a lot of them.” I was touched by one of the Garrison soldiers, and I quickly shrugged their hand off of me, not wanting to move. I could see Erwin now in front of everyone, and subconsciously I was looking for the black hair. Jonas was the one to come over and drag me to the side of the tunnel so I wouldn’t get trampled on impact. 
“How could I forget?” I whispered, and I knew he had heard it. Technically, there were supposed to leave by the time I woke up today, making sure I never was tempted to look out my window when they left. Whenever they came back, I would sit in the back room too. I was making such an effort to never see him, but now I was forced to stand here as the Garrison blocked the two sides of the tunnel. Duran and the rest were held back and only Jonas, Elias, June, and I stood in the tunnel. I couldn't even hide. I was there in plain sight and I knew I would be face to face with him. I hardened my face quickly as they approached. He wasn’t going to get to see any emotion from me. Just like he did to me. He stood on his horse right next to Erwin and right in front of me. I didn’t even look at him like I said I was going to do. I stared right at Erwin who was stopped by the Garrison squad leader to do a head and supply count. 
“Commander Erwin!” Elias called out, making everyone who didn’t care about our presence now look right at us. I felt the eyes. I heard some of the whispers. Some of them didn’t die between then and now, and they remembered my face. It was telling too that I couldn’t stare at Levi, but I didn’t feel his eyes on me. He didn’t care about me. I had to remind myself about that. He didn’t care. That’s why he left me. He used me. I just had to tell myself this over and over again to try and forget. I was doing so good recently too. I’d only think about him once a day now, but this instance was going to ruin it. If I even glanced and met his eye, it would all be gone. 
“Hello, Elias. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you. You’ve grown,” he looked over to me, noticing that the two of us were just glaring at him instead of looking at each other, “Eva. It has been too long.” I fought back the urge to scoff, but I knew I had to respond. I had to let him know I wasn’t hurt. 
“It has, hasn’t it Commander. If you come to the café with Squad Leader Hange, I’ll treat you.” I smiled. The best smile I had mustered in months. He needed to know I was done. I was past him. I didn’t need him. I didn’t think of him every night. I didn’t regret not sleeping in my bed once with him. He needed to know that I didn’t. 
“Of course I’ll take you up on that offer, Eva. Well, we’ll be off.” He nodded down to the Garrison soldier and they moved the blocks out of the way so the horses and carts could continue. When his horse started walking, I thought it safe to look at him. His eyes were filled with that one emotion. The one that was there when he had nightmares. When he confessed his feelings to me. When he told me about his life in the Underground. The emotion, still unnamed to him, I had labeled pain. He was in pain. I hoped my eyes didn’t display the emotion that I was feeling either. With one look up, and one sheer shot of pain through my heart, I looked back down on the ground. He knew. He knew exactly what I’d been through. What I was thinking. And it was sadistic of me to think that for one second that that look of pain was because he missed me. No, it must have pained him to see how hopeless I was. It must have further proved that I couldn’t live without him. Pain. I was feeling pain. I was feeling it this whole time. These whole six months. 
“You may carry on, Mr. Flynn.” 
“I didn’t know that you knew the Commander of the Scouts, Eva. Fitting.” I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. He was talking about Kristian. I handed the picnic basket of food to Jonas and took one look at Duran and smiled wickedly. 
“I’m sorry you’re jealous that I’m closer to high ups than you’ll ever be, Duran. Maybe if you got on your knees for them like you probably did to get on this special squad of yours, then you’d be in my position. Sorry brother, but I’m not hungry anymore. I’ll be cleaning the café.” Ben didn’t stop me, but I knew he was mad. I’d ruined his figurative perfect family picnic and now he was going to have to deal with a pissed-off Duran and talk about me the whole time. I did feel a bit guilty, but I just couldn’t stand being there. Not now. I took the long way home, making sure not to cross the main road, and walked up to my apartment from the back. I shut all my windows too. Loud. Hoping that maybe if he was situated outside my window in formation, he would hear it. 
I left those upstairs windows closed for what felt like forever. Jonas would always complain how stuffy it felt with no light besides oil lamps in the living room, but I always yelled at him if he went to touch them. I need to stop myself from being tempted. Every first of the month, I would hear it. I heard the horses and the carts match forward. I listened to Erwin’s speech each time. Every speech had a similar form and ended with the famous line shinzo wo sasageyo. There would be some lowered shouts and then they would all ride off to the other gate into the land of the titans. Give your hearts. How to give your heart when it’s in pieces? That’s what I thought every time and if the windows weren’t closed, I would have looked out to see Levi. Was he looking up at the windows like he used to? Giving me a firm nod before they left, only to do the same when I saw them come back. I wanted to know so bad, so that’s why I kept them shut. If I looked and he didn’t do it, it would ruin the illusion in my mind that somehow he still had feelings for me.
Eren, Armin, and Mikasa came back too. One last time before they were off to training camp. I was touched that they would remember my single act of kindness, and I treated them to their last sweet meal for three years. 
“If we can write letters, Miss. Eva, I’ll write one to you.” Armin told me in confidence, and I nodded, telling him that I would like that. Even if I’d known them for so little, it was hard to see them off to training camp. They were cadets now and Eren was still going on about killing all the titans. I guess it was a bit refreshing to see such passion in his eyes, but it still scared me a little. I told him to calm himself down before they stepped off back to their last night in the Garrison storeroom. They waved, even Mikasa, and I made them take a little food-to-go. Once they were done with training, they would be stationed in Trost as cadets before going to be Scouts. They would visit me then, they promised. I would be able to see them all grown up. I also told them that I would probably be able to see them when they graduate regardless, but it gave something for the others to look after. Armin and Mikasa seemed much less enthusiastic to go out in the field and kill titans.
“Their names are Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. At least, Eren said he wanted to join the Scouts.” I passed the cup of coffee over to Hange who seemed to be scribbling furiously in her notebook. I had to even light a candle since she had stayed so late, stuck by some inspiration. After their last exhibition, she’d gotten to study a titan’s gut up close and she said she needed an extra dose of coffee to be able to draw everything. 
“If they want to be in the Scouts that bad they will. Only the top 10 people get to be an MP and then the rest usually go to the Garrison. Scouts are a special breed. We usually only get twenty in good years.” I took a sip of my coffee, not caring about how long I’d stay up tonight. I’d probably be here talking to Hange either way. She seems to have made it her mission to not let me feel lonely. Every time she comes she has little tasks for me or something that she needs to consult people for. I never get sleep on the days that Hange comes, but I feel a bit warmer slipping into bed. 
“I have a brother who went to the MPs, that means he was in the top ten of his class?” I gave her a look of disbelief. There was no way Duran was actually good at what he did. Top ten my ass. He would be bragging about it if he was.
“The only way they would allow that if most of the top 10 pick Scout or Garrison. The MPs need to hit a certain quota every year, so that could be why. What do you think of this? Is it proportional to the titan's body?” She showed me her notebook and pointed to something that looked like a small intestine. I shrugged.
“Hange, I don’t know what titans look like.” She sighed, nodding. 
“You’re right, I forget that you aren’t a Scout. You know, you’re the only person who isn’t a Scout that I know.” I didn’t know if I should take that as a compliment or not. 
“Don’t you have a family, Hange?” She pulled back the notebook and erased the part she pointed out at me, redrawing it. 
“Well, yeah, but they don’t count. It’s just my parents and they don’t really care about titans either. I think they’re just fascinating.” I gave her a light smile before turning to look out the window at the setting sun. The snow was starting to melt now, but relatively early. I wondered what Eren and the others were doing. If it wasn’t dinner, then probably more training. Their first day was only a few days ago and Hange had told me again about the man who trains them. Hard as a rock and yells really loud. She didn’t have him personally, but he spent his last year in the Scouts when she had just joined.
“I wish I knew more about titans and the military. A lot of people I know are in the military, so it would make sense, you know?” She put her pencil down and crossed her hands. 
“If you want to know more about titans I can tell you about all my experiments. If you want to know more about the military, you can ask me. I’ve been there a while.” She pushed her glasses up again and I turned to look at her. Hange really was an almanac in front of me. 
“Do titans really look like they draw them in the newspaper? They look like big humans?” A finger went up as she started her lecture. 
“Titans have faces like humans sometimes, and other times their features are often... oversaturated. We have no idea why this variation happens occurs. Some look like big versions of you and me, and others look like they have giant eyes, a small forehead, and huge lips. Like three feet long lips. They’re naked too, but without human genitalia. It’s just bare down there. Most of the time, they just look like pink humans. Then there are abnormals.” 
“I’ve heard those words before,” I pointed out and she nodded quickly. I wasn’t going to tell her who I heard it from, but I’ve heard it. 
“Abnormals are those who don’t act like regular titans. They might have more intelligence or partially weird bodily traits. Some can jump, others can crawl. You probably heard it when people talked about Shiganshina. The two titans that broke through the walls were abnormal. One was taller than the walls and the other was really muscular and had armored plates on its body. And it was yellowy-orange, which is not a titan color. But you want to know why those titans are even more abnormal than abnormals?” Her eyes lit up in the candlelight, and it was almost scary how she was getting when talking about this. I wondered how the Scouts got so lucky to find someone like Hange to discover these things for them. 
“They disappeared. Poof!” She yelled using her hands, “Into thin air! No matter which titan they are, the body is always there to cut into. Once we got there, both the Colossal and the Armored Titan were gone in thin air. There was no way that would happen with any normal titan. I just want to know why! This is like one of the biggest titan secrets ever!” They disappeared into thin air?
“That doesn’t make sense.” 
“I know!” She seemed delighted with this information, “You can see why people left this out of the newspapers. The citizens would go crazy if they knew a titan that was like 80 meters tall just walked off!” She went off in her usual manic laughter after that, just overly joyed that a titan like this could have an ability like that and she was one of the only people who could figure out the mystery. 
“Hange, are you supposed to tell me all of this?” She stopped laughing and blinked once or twice before breaking out into a smile again. 
“No.” This made me laugh too. That was Hange’s ability. I don’t laugh unless it’s about her. Really laugh. She says jokes or acts in a way that lightens the mood in the empty café. I thank her for that regularly.
“Hange, it’s getting late, you should probably head out. You have an expedition tomorrow… Unless you want to stay here. I have space upstairs.” This was the first time Hange had come over when an expedition was the next day. She apparently snuck out to come here and it would probably be hard to sneak back in. I knew by the way her eyes lit up too that she was going to agree. 
This is how I found that, besides the length of the pants, Hange and I were the same size. She sat on the couch, a blanket around her shoulders, staring down at the notebook with the same intensity as earlier. This would be the first time Hange had stayed over. Hange was also very comfortable with this idea. I offered her space in my bed and she took it right away. However, this began to be a mistake on my part because she couldn’t stop talking next to me. 
“This bed is really comfortable, what is it made out of?” 
“If you had to choose between eating a whole onion or eating a cockroach, what would you pick?” 
“Can I choose neither, what kind of question is that?” 
“Okay, eaten or stepped on by a titan.” 
“... stepped on.”
“I agree!” At first, it was a welcomed distraction. When I was alone in my bed, these were the times I thought of him. Especially since I would wake up to the sounds of the horses at my front door. I wouldn’t cry anymore. It had been too long. Pretty soon, it would be over a year of loneliness and discontent. I hadn’t seen his face since the picnic disaster, and all I had of him were the letters. The letters that I now kept shoved under my mattress so that I could read them. Over and over. The letters that hid his lies. I fed into the lies too. When I read the letters, I didn’t feel alone. I would revert back to the times when I met him. The times when he wrote me these letters. When I was in love. Who am I kidding, I’m still in love. I never forgot. That’s why the letters are sitting under my mattress, right below my arm. It hurt. It always did. Loving someone who didn’t love you back. I never experienced it till now. This was how Jonas felt. 
“Eva?” Hange asked, seeing that I was staring up at the ceiling, getting lost in my thoughts. I’d have to remember that she was there. I couldn’t wake up screaming into the night like I had before. She wouldn’t ignore it like Jonas did. 
“Yes, Hange?” She shifted so that she was facing me. 
“He still asks about you.” My heart clenched and I closed my eyes. No. Not now. It was fueling me. The thought all the way back in my mind. He was lying. He did love me. 
“Does he?” It was hard to spit out and it sounded like a whisper when it didn’t mean to be. 
“I’m not allowed to tell you everything, but he does. He misses you.” 
“Why are you telling me this, Hange?” I could feel her smile next to me, and I turned my head to see it. It was a smile that was hiding secrets from me. 
“Because I want to make you two happy again. You two aren’t happy like you were before.” I sighed, turning away from her as I felt tears well in my eyes. There goes my three-month-long record of no crying. 
“He doesn’t love me, Hange. You of all people know that.” She tsk-ed, just like him. 
“You’ll know soon. Both of you will. I know it.” I sniffled once, and she already had her hand on my back. Great. She heard me. Was she going to tell Levi about this? 
“It’ll be okay, Eva. Trust me.” 
The next morning, she woke me up. She was already dressed and hopping around the apartment and I just took my first few steps out. The front windows were open too, for the first time in months. The light was radiating down onto the kitchen counter and living room table she was currently sitting at, gathering her things.
“Good morning, sunshine! Isn’t it such a nice day to go see some titans?” I huffed once, rubbing my eyes to get them more awake. This was the earliest I’d been up at in a while. Only Hange would say something like that this early in the morning. 
“Don’t you need your gear?” I walked to the kitchen, looking out at her in the living room. 
“Moblit will bring it. He knows I’m here. He’s a member of my squad.” I nodded, turning on a kettle to make hot water for coffee. I’d offer it to her as retribution for comforting me last night. Maybe I’d ask her to not tell him what happened either. I didn’t want him to know I was still weak after all this time. She just looked down at her notebook, writing more and more things in it, a book to her left. I never knew how she could read so much. 
“Coffee?” I offered to after I poured some, but she shook her head, saying it would make her even more jittery during the expedition. I could already see that when the time entered for the horses to be filling up in Trost’s main drag that she was shaking, not with fear, but excitement. What a weird girl, I thought, shaking my head at her. We talked a bit here and there about the expedition's plans, but at this point, we were both waiting for the Scouts to come and pick her up. I was planning too. Planning whether I would close up those windows as she exited.
When they finally came, she did something unexpected. She grabbed my wrist, letting me put on some proper shoes, and then pulled me down my front stairs to hundreds of eyes preparing for take-off. It was a bit embarrassing that I was just in a single nightgown in front of all of them, and Hange seemed to forget I was only wearing sandals as she pulled me.
“Moblit!” She yelled and pulled me into the middle of the Scouts. Now, I was feeling really watched. Those who survived had now seen my face for the third time. When Hange yelled, a long-faced blonde turned around, ODM gear in his hand. He looked shaken too like he was about to get yelled at. 
“Moblit, this is my friend, Eva! I was having a sleepover at her house last night. My gear, thank you!” The blonde man, Moblit, dropped her gear and bowed to me. I bowed a little bit back, putting my hands on my arms. The morning was still not yet a summer one, so wearing nothing over my slip was making me start to freeze. Everyone here had on a coat and the signature green cape while I was bare. 
“Hello, Moblit,” I managed out and he turned to Hange to talk about something. I just stood there, not knowing if I was able to just leave, or if Hange had wanted to talk more. With every passing moment, I was getting more and more anxious about seeing one face in the field. That’s why I was staring right at Hange, eyes not moving anywhere no matter how tempted I was. 
“Oh my goodness!” Hange announced loudly, making others turn to look again, “You’re freezing! How could I drag you out here like this!?” She turned around to look through the bags on the cart behind her. She was probably looking for something to give me so I wasn’t freezing and shivering. This probably meant that she was going to make me stand and talk to her before Erwin dismissed the families. That’s what usually happened. Some wives, husbands, and families who relocated to Trost would come in the morning to say goodbye for, possibly, the last time, and Erwin would politely dismiss them before giving his big shinzo wo speech. 
“Moblit, do we have any extra capes, I can’t find on-” The green dropped over my shoulders rather sloppily, but I could feel the warmth left behind by the previous wearer. I didn’t want to turn behind me to see who it was though. I knew who it was. So did Moblit. So did Hange. So did the others who were still looking at me. They knew who had given me the cape, and they were surprised at the generosity. I was scared. Scared of the generosity. What did it mean? How did it align with what Hange said last night? 
Mint, lemon, and cedar. 
“Please, don’t expose yourself in front of my cadets.” The horse trotted off to the front, but his foot lightly brushed my back. Just that one touch. That one single second. It sent a chill down my spine. It had been so long since I’d touched him. The last time was our last goodbye. Just like the families here in Trost. I’d held him on my doorstep, right before the expedition, not knowing that it would be our last goodbye.
Hange stood up, giving me the same smile she did last time. It said those two words. Trust me. What was Hange doing? Had she changed his demeanor? Why could I still feel that chill down my spine? Why was I holding his cape so close to me when I should’ve been throwing it on the ground? 
I took the cape off my shoulders, taking one look at it before giving it back to Hange. I wouldn’t let him do this. I wouldn’t let him care about me. The chill, however, was unbearable after I handed it back. It wasn’t just the chill of the morning wind anymore. It was the chill of his eyes still on me as I handed it back to Hange. 
“I-I need to get the… the café, yeah, I need to get it ready.” She nodded, the smile still on her face, and I turned around to go back up to my apartment. 
“That’s cute! Haha, look at this, Moblit. Levi marks his cape with a little L so he knows it’s his!” I stopped walking. I was at the edge of the Scouts, all of them behind me, yet if I looked to my side I would get a view of him. He was always on the right of Erwin. So, that’s what I did. After Hange said that, I looked at him out of the corner of my eye and locked eyes. There it was again. Pain. His eyes were full of pain. Vivid pain that made me feel it too. My heart twisted inside, and I was so close to getting caught if I didn’t stalk up the stairs to my apartment and close the door. I crouched down, my back against the door, the tears coming again. Pain. That’s all I felt. Pain. Why had he done that? Why was I suffering this whole time? Why had he put an L on his cape? What was it supposed to show me? Why were we suffering? Why couldn’t he just tell me plainly? Why couldn’t I understand what he was doing? Why? Why? Why? 
I cried through Erwin’s speech, his words a lot louder this time. They were echoing in my head. About sacrifice. About saving the world. Everything that would make an apprehensive cadet ready to go outside the walls and die. And then he ended it. That one phrase. 
“Cadets! Scouts! The people of Trost! Shinzo wo sasageyo!” The cries lifted in the air. They made my head hurt. I wondered if Levi heard my cries from inside my apartment. I held my head in my hands. 
“I can’t. I can’t dedicate my heart. Not again. Not again.”
Jonas found me like that when I didn’t show up for his morning delivery. The café remained closed that day. And the next. I closed the windows back up too. Jonas didn’t question what happened either. He just stacked up the delivery boxes in the stock room and then left, promising he’d come back later when he was off. When he came back, I was still in the same spot he put me on the couch. He echoed his words from the first time. 
“What did he do?” and I just shook my head. 
xx just a cute little double update for yall
Chapter Sixteen →
Chapter Masterlist
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littlemessyjessi · 4 years
Sirius Black Name Headcanons: “Black Ice” Story Edition: Sirius Black x Juniper Potter
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A/N: Hello, lovelies! Since I wrapped up the Siri and Juni story but I had several people ask for more SirixJuni, I figured we’d do a little bit of this.  Still them but not necessarily another chappie, lol.  Hope you enjoy! 
S: Smile 
Everyone see Sirius’ infamous smirk but there are a fair few that actually see a genuine smile from him.  However, one tried and true way to get him to smile is to just have him near when the Potter siblings start their bickering.  He can’t help but laugh at James and Juni’s squabbling. 
I: Idolized
Admittedly, he idolizes the Potters.   He thinks they are the perfect family.  They’re not of course because that’s an impossible concept.  They have flaws like anyone else.  But to Sirius, their pros far outweigh the cons.  He’s hopelessly in love with Juni and James is his best mate.  The Potters took him in when he had no where else to go.  He honestly believes that the best thing that could ever happen to him would be marrying Juniper.  For obvious reasons, of course but also because the Potters would be his in laws.  He’s even seriously considered taking June’s last name instead of her taking his.  
R: Rad
He literally thinks Juniper is the coolest person he’s ever met.   Much to James’ dismay.  Juni is just a total badass to him.   He knows that she loves him but he also knows that whether she has a man or not has no baring on what she’ll do.   If he’s down for the ride, then great.  She’s there to share both of their victories and help each other through hardships.  But if he knows that he were ever to step to her in a “you have to choose’ manner... he’d be fucking up.  Juniper takes no shit and he fucking loves that about her.  
I: Identical
He is 100% that boyfriend who will match his girlfriend. Ya’ll think I’m playing.  He’s always stealing Juniper’s Ravenclaw jumpers.  Always goes full on when she competes.  Is 100% that boyfriend with his chest painted to match her costumes.    
U: Unconditional
His love for the Potters is abundant and unconditional.  Monty and Mia are the best parents he could ask for.  James is his best mate.  His brother.   And Juniper is the love of his life.  
S: Social
This bit is funny because when he was with his birth family he wasn’t very social at all.  But at Hogwarts and at the Potters- he’s the life of the party. Because he’s comfortable.  And he’s comfortable because he feels safe.  
O: Obedient
For all his rebellious nature, Sirius really is a good guy.  Also, he’d rather die than admit it but he does like being called a good boy.  It’s likely something that stems from childhood trauma and it’s all usually tied to his animagus form with the Marauders but even so.   However, if his temper gets the best of him and Juni just rubs her hand across his stomach and says some shit to him like, “Down, boy.”  Lol, it’s on.   Get’s him really riled up.  And that cheeky witch will wink at him and say some shit like, “Be a good boy and I’ll give you a treat later.”  James nearly vomits and of course bickering always ensues.  
R: Razor Sharp
Nothing gets him going like watching Juni basically cut someone to ribbons with her quick wit.  This boy, lol.  His ass be over there smirking and checking her out.  Just look at her like- what else that mouth do? He said it to her once and she sassed him to his actual knees.  He’d never been so smitten.  
I: Impish
Speaking of, he will pick a fight with Juniper sometimes just for attention when she gets too busy with school or skating. She’ll be ready to murder him and then she’ll realize and she just gives him cuddles.  It’s all.
“Oh, I’m sorry, baby.  I didn’t mean to ignore you.” 
“It’s ok, princess. All if forgiven when cuddles are given. I’m sorry for picking a fight.” 
“I know, babyboy.  I got you.” 
The boy fucking turns to goo. 
O: Open Minded
They’re honestly a pretty open minded couple.  They’re willing to try just about anything with each other.  The only thing Sirius will NOT do is impact.  The thought of ever putting his hands on Juniper like that has literally caused him to have a panic attack.  He just can’t.  He’s told her that he was ok with her doing it to him.  He was used to that.  That had been a red flag and they worked through some of his unresolved issues after that.  Eventually, they just decided that maybe that type of thing just wasn’t for them.  
N: Nourishment
He literally melts every time Juni asks if he’s eaten.   Juniper wil give him all the attention he wants.  All the kisses and cuddles that this sweet touch deprived boy clearly needs and she’s all too happy to do so.  But he knows that her love language is actions.  Like making sure he’s eaten.  Fixing his morning cup of tea.  Placing the jam on his toast for him.  Giving him copies of her exquisite notes- as well as enough for the rest of the boys after a full moon when she knows they’re all feeling rough.  Her teling him to let her know whenever he gets where he’s going so that she knows he got there safely.  Juni tells him that she loves him every day but she SHOWS him every second. 
B: Baby
Sirius melts when she calls him Baby.  He is baby.   So shut it.  But she probably calls him Baby more than she actually says his name.  And when she does call him by his name he is so offended.  He just pouts.  “I’m not Sirius. I’m Baby.”  “Ok, baby, whatever.”  “That’s better.” 
L: Lucky
There are times when he literally can’t believe that she’s with him.  He just can’t fathom how he got so lucky.  
A: Abandonment Issues
To expand on that, he is literally scared to death of losing her.  All of his friends.  Certainly the Potters.  But he worries about fucking things up with Juniper a lot.  Like ALOT. To a point, that she’ll catch him trying to be perfect and basically walking on eggshells.  
C: Cupid
She’ll remind him that she’s smitten with him and that she loves him endlessly.  Wild horses couldn’t tear them apart.  On those days, the two of them just cuddle in bed for the longest time. 
K: Kinfolk
Sirius NEVER wants Juniper to meet his parents.  It’s already enough that she tutors Regulus and they got to school with his cousins.  He doesn’t want Orion and Walburga Black anywhere near his princess. 
BONUS: Padfoot Nickname Headcanons
P: Princess
Speaking of, while Sirius is obviously Baby- Juniper is Princess.  I mean, he thinks she’s a Queen.  A goddess.  A fucking gift from the heavens.  An angel.  He worships the ground she walks on.  That’s his precious sweet baby princess, lol.  Also, she looks like a princess in her skating gear and he’s all too happy to be the court jester who keeps her smiling.  
A: Adorable
His favorite thing in the world is Juniper in the morning.  Half asleep.  Hair a mess.  Still not awake. In desperate need of caffeine. Plus she’s clingy when she’s sleepy and he LIVES FOR IT! 
D: Drama Queen
His is a drama queen.  100% no getting around that.  There are definitely times when things get out of hand and he blows thing out of proportion I.e.- her skating partner. 
F: Flirt
Sirius made the mistake only one time of accusing her of cheating on him by flirting with her skating partner.  She let him know that sh eloved him but if he EVER accused her of something like that again that he’d no longer have to worry about it because she’d be gone forever.  She forgave him.  They moved on. 
O: Obscene
However, that does not mean that Sirius makes any mistakes about making it known that they’re together.   He will scream Juniper’s name in bed until he literally has detention.  Fuck it.  Worth it. 
O: Obsessive
To further this, he literally charmed his leather jacket to proudly display “Proud Property of Juniper Potter” .  Additionally, he got her a matching one that said, “Sirius Blacks’ Princess”  James gagged.  
T: Temper
He only really lost his temper with her once.  Bellatrix had hexed him and Juni decided she’d had enough.  She literally challenged Bella to a duel and cast a sheild around them so that they couldn’t be interrupted.  Bella cheated, of course, and seriously hurt Juni.  But Juni was clearly the better of them and demolished her. 
Sirius had screamed at her for that. 
“You could’ve died! She could’ve killed you!” 
“I was in no danger.  I was prepared.” 
“Well, I wasn’t and I never will be! Don’t you ever do that to me again!” 
“Sirius, I’m fine.” 
“Well, I’m not.  I can’t lose you.” 
She just held him.
“And one more thing.” 
“What’s that?” 
“Don’t call me Sirius.  I’m Baby.”  
Hello, loves!!! I hope you enjoyed this and if you want to see more things from Sirius and Juni, just please hit me up the ask box or drop a comment! 
All my love darlings!
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou
@littledeadrottinghood @blackirisposts
@therealmrshale @woodworthti666@thegreatirene@fanfictionandjunk
@sullybot @georgiagrl1990 @whenallsaidanddone
@mischiefnevermanaged94 @inumorph
@fanfics1717 @mrscasnovak
@thickemadame @babygirl-barnes
@theladyofmasks @aengsty
Love, Kenny
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 5 years
Flash Forward: Other bits
Lila was sitting in a white room dressed in a white shirt and blue jeans. She was eating a meal and looked bored as she did so. Once she was done she looked up.
“If you are finished mask on,” a voice said through the walls.
“You can trust me. I won’t do anything!” Lila replied, sounding charming.  “Miss Rossi you do not have permission to leave your room without a mask. Mask on.” Lila stared at the ceiling before a look of utter rage passed over her face, startling the watchers. She grabbed something sitting next to her and put it on, tying it behind her head. It was a half mask, with slits in the front. Putting it on, a click was heard and she growled, the mask showing it also had a voice program as it came out distorted and computerized. “Thank you.”
Waking out of the room when the door opened, Lila carried her plate and utensils, heading to a window in a wall she put them through. Around her others dressed like her were walking around. Only a bare few had masks though.
“Rossi,” one said, walking by.
“Smith.” She responded, heading through the room and out a door, to where a fenced-in outdoor area was. Lila sat on a bench and just watched people before someone walked up to her. It was Chloé, wearing similar clothes but with gloves.
 “I thought you were avoiding me,” Lila said.
“I was.” Chloé said simply. “But I have news.”
“Oh? The Justice League realize they made a mistake and are letting me go?” Lila mocked. “Please. You knew your magic had people listening to you and believing you no matter what you said. You willingly used your magic on others and turned out to be working with a magical terrorist since you were fourteen until eighteen. The one time they let you go unmasked here you used your magic to spark a riot.” Chloé snorted. “You deserve to be here like I did.”
“Did?” Lila asked.
 “I’m leaving next week. Parole.” Chloé told the girl and Lila snared, the sound menacing in her mask.
“You sided with him just like me! Hell you willingly let him cast magic on you- that’s why you have those damn gloves!” Lila said.
“I know. I was a petty and jealous brat who wanted to be special. I was so mad I would never get the Bee Miraculous back, I was so mad Ladybug didn’t like me. So I foolishly didn’t think of anyone but myself and sides with him.” Chloé told her. “It took me nearly killing my dad just by hugging him to realize what I did. Lila, how do you feel knowing your mother is sick to her stomach when she sees you because of how much magic you used on her?”
“It wasn’t that much.” Lila snapped and Chloe shook her head.
“Your mother can’t be in the same room with you without going into shock.”
“Your mother-“
“Is in jail for insider trading and child abuse,” Chloé said coldly. “And good riddance. But this didn’t about that. This is about me and you.”
“What could you possibly want with me? You hate me.”
“I do. But sadly you’re my only friend here.” Chloé said. “And we’re similar. We both fucked up. Difference is I realized it and am trying. I’m getting out. I’ll never not be able to not wear gloves. My touch with either kill or paralyze anyone. That’s fine- I got offered skin right and skin coloured gloves I’ll be wearing. I get to change my name and appearance and integrate back into society as long as I keep in contact with Canary. That’s great.”
“And you think I can too?” Lila sneered. “I can’t turn off my magic.”
“You can control it you just don’t want to. You’re damn lucky they gave you a mask instead of casting a spell to permanently silence you and you know it.” Chloe told Lila who glared at her in answer. “Lila don’t let the mistakes you made as a teenager affect you now.” Lila didn’t answer as Chloe stood and left her alone in the yard.
Alia was sitting in a cubicle, working on something. She looked different with her hair in a short bob and wearing a set of business casual clothing. She looked fairly focused as she was typing, only stopping when someone stuck their head into the cubicle.
“Hey, someone’s waiting for you in meeting room B.”
“Thanks,” Alta said, standing up and heading to the room. She looked puzzled as she entered it before a smile crossed her face. “Rose!:
“Alta!” Rose looked older, with her hair longer then it was currently, and her outfit a white sweater and jeans. “It’s good to see you! Sorry about dropping in on you at work…”
“It’s fine. I don’t have any cool stories right now- mostly the normal stuff and that’s pretty easy to write.” Alya told her. “Why are you here?”
“Juleka and I are getting married!” Alya squealed and threw her arms around Rose who laughed and hugged back.
“God! You guys beat the odds! I’m so happy for you!” She pulled away with a smile.
“Thanks! We wanted a reporter covering it- famous model marrying a charity worker so we thought of you!” Alya squealed again and hugged Rose again who laughed. “But uhh…”
“If it’s about Nino it’s fine. It’s been years- we broke up and we can be civil.” Alya said in amusement. Rose winced. Alya frowned at her.
“It’s Marinette.” Alya frowned at Rose.
“Me and Marinette are cool too.”
“You guys stopped being friends so suddenly-“ Rose began but Alya lifted a hand.
“No. We stopped being friends earlier then we thought. Neither of us realized it though until after Lila’s bullshit. It took her telling me to my face she was over Adrien and her realizing I hadn’t talked to her about anything not about the blog for us both to admit we’d stopped being friends. It was new kid friend syndrome. We were buddies but didn’t have a solid enough basis in common interests to remain besties. And that’s fine. It happened.” Alya chuckled. “Didn’t know you were still thinking we had issues.” Rose shrugged but smiled.
“I’m glad you’re okay with that.” Alya chuckled and her smile grew.
“Yeah same.”
 Adrien was working in his classroom, marking papers.
“Ugh,” he sighed, rolling his eyes. “What is with teenagers.” He finished the last paper and stood up with a sigh. He put the papers into his desk and begun to get ready to leave when the door opened. “Mylene! Hey.” The woman smiled.
“Hey, just wanted to see if you were staying late. How’s your first month?” The woman came in to sit on a desk, still smiling.
“Pretty good. Thanks for vouching for me. Might not have got the job without it.”
“You could have.” Said Mylène in reply. “You’re a good teacher Adrien- much better than our examples.” Adrien laughed a little bitterly.
“Well not hard.” He shook his head. “... ever hear from anyone?”
“Well, you did get the invite right?”
“Yeah Rose and Juleka. I’m happy for them… just not sure if I want to go. Not sure if everyone wants me.” He looked down at his empty hands for a second. “... after everything.”
“You messed up Adrien. But you were a kid. Rose wouldn’t invite you if she didn’t want to give you a chance. If any of them wanted not to see you.”
“I… Mylène what I was like, what I did… it was wrong. It was disgusting. It took me literally being slapped by Ladybug, by Marinette and being sued for me to get it through my head. Not to mention-“
“That’s not your fault Adrien. Don’t blame yourself.” Mylène got off the desk and went to place a hand on his shoulder. “You’re a good man. C’mon- I’ll buy you a drink. Us teachers are all going. They want you to come.”
“... if you’re sure.”
“I am.”
Nathanael was bent over a desk, drawing something with a focused look on his face. He barely paid attention to Marc who walked in, the man laughing quietly.
“Nath, you’re going to hurt your eyes drawing so close and in such bad light.” Marc told him, putting a hand on his shoulder, a wedding ring on his hand.
“I’m fine Marc, promise.” Nathanael smiled at the man, patting his hand. “I think your husband’s-“
“Nathanael, don’t do this.” Marc sighed.
“Do what?”
“Do this ‘I want to wallow’ thing.” Marc shook his head. “Look yeah you were a shitty boyfriend in high school but that was mostly your own issues being bi and all the crap your parents gave you more than anything. And the whole Lila crap- in case you forgot I believed her to until she managed to say one lie I knew was wrong and you snapped out of the magic when I showed you it was wrong.”
“I… I dunno.” Nathanael sighed. “I think I’m just tired.”
“Yeah well no wallowing my friend. C’mon- Marinette called and she wants to see us before Rose and Juleka’s wedding.” Nathanael looked pleased.
“That’s good. Is she still willing to help with talks about our book becoming a movie? I’d rather her or her boy toy being there.”
“She’s going to kill you if you keep calling Tim a boy toy.”
“She grew over six feet tall and she still wears heels. Tim is 5’6”. I will never stop. Jason lets me.”
“Jason likes riling up his girlfriend. She pins him better.”
“... how do you know this?” Nathanael asked his partner in business.
“I’m married to Roy- Jason’s best friend? We talk.”
“... how much can we use for our porn books?”
“Where do you think half the ideas came from?”
Kagami was setting up her office, smiling as she put a photo frame down that had her on a podium with an Olympic Gold Medal around her neck.
Pulling back, she looked around the office and smiled.
“Fuck you mom,” she declared. She looked pleased as she set the final piece down, a plague declaring her name.
“Someone sounds happy,” a blonde stuck her head in, grinning. “That exciting to be heading your own company?”
“Of course. I worked hard for this.” Kagami smiled at her. “And stealing Kara Danvers is just a bonus.”
“You’re only saying that because you think it’s funny.” Kara laughed. “Wouldn’t leave you for the wolves after you saved my ass.”
“Anyone else would have done it or well anyone we know.” Kagami told her. Kara gave her that with a shrug.  “What’s on the plan for today?”
“Well business wise we have a meeting with Tim Drake-Wayne- he’s currently trying to get permission for some sort of body armour to be made for teens that can be a hoodie or a sweater.”
“It disgusts me we need those. Let me guess the government won’t have it?”
“Not unless he has back up, or if he agrees for the military to have it to for free.”
“That’s disgusting and I’m going to rip them to shreds.”
“Yep. And for pleasure, you’re meeting your girlfriend at that waffle place she likes.” Kagami grinned, looking pleased. “And your other girlfriend is meeting you guys later. She’s busy with helping her youngest brother with something- wanna tell?”
“Damian is proposing to his boyfriend later. And yes you can call in with this info to hangs your bets.” Kara pumped her fist.
“Yes! Clark and Bruce’s families finally join!”
“Dare you to tell them that.”
“I will gladly do so.”
Luka was busy tuning his gut air when the door opened and Nino stuck his head in. “Yo, Luka- your sister is here.”
“Nice.” Luka grinned as Juleka came in, Nino following. “Jules!”
“Luka!” The two hugged. “Ugh, how’s the recording going?”
“Really well. How’s the wedding planning?”
“Better now that we took Marinette’s advice and hired her friend Bart- he’s amazing at it.” Juleka told her brother. “Rose wants to adopt him I think.”
“Bart? Yeah he has that sort of feel.” Laughed Luka. Juleka shook her head.
“Of course you know him. So… dating anyone?”
“Not really. Sort of dating this one guy Conner but we’re not that serious.” Luka shrugged.
“Aww. Hey how about you Nino?”
“Nah man, I’m flying solo still. Busy with my music and helping Luka out.” Nino told them. “Though I do have a date so… later!”
“... one night stands?” Juleka asked Luka who laughed when Nino was gone.
“Yeah. He’s having fun.”
“To each their own,” Juleka said. “... he’s not-“
“Juleka. He and Alya broke up and I will not let you two hatch a matchmaking scheme at your wedding. It’s about you, no one else.” Luka told him. “As well Nino told me there’s some stuff he doesn’t like talking about with their relationship. And he doesn’t want to get back together.”
“... Alya says-“
“Different people Juleka. Different people and Alya may not be saying everything either.” Luka told his sister. “Aren’t we talking about me?”
“You and your music career making a killing while you also run around with interesting jewelry?”
“Says the one with her fancy rings.” Luka teased. Juleka laughed and smiled. “And the fact she’s a world-famous model now.”
“Yeah we are really killing it aren’t we.” Juleka smiled, then frowned. “... heard about Chloe?”
“Yeah. I think we can trust her though. There are telepaths working there.”
“I know it’s just…” Juleka made a face. “Viperion and Black Claws might need to step in.”
“Maybe. Hopefully not but maybe.” Luka sighed. “... I’m glad you saw through Lila so fast.”
“Got lucky with Rose knowing Ali… he’s coming by the way.”
“King at your wedding. Nice.”
“I know.”
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mangleschmidt · 4 years
DRV3 Boys playing TF2 Headcanons
(First made long before the F2P mute and bot crisis but I added the bot crisis)
Me and my bro made up many scenarios AND cosmetics for the class (my brother mostly help me with the idea)
I originally have the terminologies explained like market gardening, friendly and such but cut it because it’s getting too long. If you want the terminologies, you can tell me. Btw, I’m not an imagines blog, just doing this one for fun.
Kaito Momota
Main: Soldier
Thrilled to play this game, saying that's very manly and it's one of the coolest games yet
He, along with Kaede (and to an extend, Chiaki), are the ones who introduced the game to the class
Was a scout main at first and likes the scout unironically
A terrible tryhard warpig soldier
Saw a rocket jumping soldier at a High-tower map and wanted to imitate that, almost like he's blasting to space
Watch this guy try to market garden someone and then get fucking rekt by a Medic of all classes
He just dies, a lot, which is frustrating and his team gets mad at him
Kaito gets better at it fortunately, but it's a painfully slow process
You'll be lucky if he decides to go back to Scout in a round lmao
Rages in chat or voice but is the best cheerleader you can have in your team, he never actually shits on you for being shit on the game
There's that one time where Kaito got the Rocket Jumper from a drop, fired it at an enemy, got angry how it didn't worked, realized it doesn't do damage and embarrassed himself
Gets a bit pissy when no one is doing the objective so he avoids the maps Hightower and 2fort most of the time
Capture the flag and payload races mostly pisses him off for the same reason (tho he would go to Hightower for the sick rocket jumps)
So he doesn't like friendlies (but he may or may not, you know, do the conga, rock paper scissors, mannrobics, kazotsky kick-)
Anything that looks cool and manly cosmetics, but mostly you'll see him decked with space cosmetics
Bonus: Avoids Full Moon and Scream Fortress, is obviously afraid but he gives Alien Invasion a shot when it comes up, loves it. Also like Doomsday
Rantaro Amami
Main: Engineer
Everyone seems to be like it so why not give it a shot?
He got invested and also found the trading system
Rantaro usually plays engineer but is willing to change classes if the team needs a class
Is at least good at every other class
Rarely does turtling or battle engie but enjoys doing it with the other engies for laughs, and is very good at battle engie
Some people confused him with Uncle Dane
Hc that Rantaro looks up to Uncle Dane
Imagine Rantaro and Uncle Dane having a collab, that would be sick as fuck
Casual and competitive but more casual, often plays in community servers
That type of person who voice chats
Rantaro is one of the ones who would help his classmates play, along with Kaito. Imagine him like in a server with Kaito and Gonta, helping Gonta how to play and Avocado and Space boy act as a translator while Bug boy plays cutely
Doesn't mind friendlies, he chills with them a lot and he is easily well liked by the community
Some even suggested him to make a tf2 youtube channel
Has an unusual hat, making him look like a pro, has a lot of medic girlfriends because of this
One of the two reasons why the whole class have a wide array of cosmetics
Gonta Gokuhara
Main: Medic
At first he doesn't like how violent the game is
But since this violence is just for fun and in game and no one is actually getting hurt and dead so he's at least convinced
Still wants to play passively so Gonta goes with Medic, healing and helping his team seems to be a fitting choice!
The game is not too complex so he learns easily... i-in a way
Best boy learns fast, he should be fine
He's definitely that type of Medic who would go to someone when they press the E key and whoever is near him
Doesn't know where to look most of the time, gets lost easily to big maps like the control points
Gonta still has a firm grasp on what to do, like if he noticed that someone is in low health, he'll heal them immediately without needing the 'e', build up uber, spy check the patient, and never heal spies when they're disguised
Can't aim for shit, though he supposedly gets better at it with the crusader's crossbow
He sometimes would accidentally forget to pop when it's necessary and then die
"Danke!" Says that a lot
He doesn't play a lot despite having fun, he's an outdoor type of guy
Absolutely LOVES friendlies and just loves it when someone just stops, does the conga taunt and everyone follows, creating a conga line (until someone kills them all but it's all in good fun!) He loves silly servers
Is honestly surprised that there’s even such thing as silly servers and friendlies, thought it’s all blood and gore (he sometimes switch to pyro vision googles to avoid gore)
Sometimes plays as Heavy for the protecting part and the friendly Hoovy part for this reason
Anything fancy for the cosmetics, especially for hats the Gentleman's Gabsy or the Vintage Tyrolean (a good cosmetic for a good gentleman!)
Has a lot of cosmetics like Rantaro and trades them with the class
Bonus: Isn't fond of Banana Bay and the Second Banana... because banana
Kokichi Ouma
Main: None (most played: Scout)
Bold of you to assumed he never played this game before
... or is it a lie?
Needless to say he likes it for the cartoony and chaotic vibe of the game
Switches between the 9 classes, even if there's 5 spies he'll be the 6th one
He'd be that Medic who would leave the others to die, Scout that steals sandwiches from Heavy that's meant for the dying Medic and so forth
He might as well pretend to be a sniper bot
Chaos incarnate
This is the fucker who spams E and X+5 (Place the dispenser)
Also taunts in every kill
When he's on a losing team, he would try to bind kill right before the time is up or taunt kill in humiliation, sometimes works
Actually really good at the game, he's one of the very few people who picked up very quickly
Though he fooled Gonta once as a disguised enemy spy. He got rekt when they both noticed the achievement
Also dominated someone so badly that they immediately rage quit, another achievement
Another "you'll be lucky if he plays seriously" which is rare
Is definitely on a 30+ killstreak
People would sometimes thought he’s a squeaker (a kid who rages in voice chat) so he just fucks around with them and then just pulls a no u card
Neutral opinion on friendlies though he gets bored when no one is doing the objective or any action happening so he burns them all and watches them get mad in the chat
Obnoxious combos of cosmetics that you can easily recognize that purple neon Scunt from afar even if he's under an alias
Korekiyo Shinguuji
Main: Spy/Sniper
Not interested at first but is interested when others play and hovers over their shoulders to watch
While watching Gonta and Kiibo playing with the friendlies, he got interested
You don't see that in a lot of fps games
Korekiyo looks like an edgy sniper/spy main who just watches the chaos enveloping from the distance and getting headshots/backstabs out of nowhere
He's very calm and collective despite the crazy amount of chaos and all the deafening sounds of the vc
It's amusing to him, he even find the Administrator interesting and would sometimes go into many modes to hear her voice tone changes and a lot of behaviors of many players too
He even noticed the voice lines of the mercs and got invested in the lore of Team Fortress 2
Korekiyo still does his job in the game but can sometimes be interpreted as him in afk, almost got him kicked
Though he does get kicked for the being good at sniper, people getting butt hurt and called him a hacker
Also an amazing spy checker
Is interested about friendlies, he would come up to them close and observe them and he plays along with the taunts
He got really interested to see this "culture", like how most of the players collectively decides to play silly, serious or both, resulting him trying out almost every game mode and map there is
Unironically loves 2fort, Hightower, Suijin and Degroot Keep
Often joins community servers and silly servers but will do casual/pub servers whenever he feels like it
Something that resembles him irl, he looks edgy with the mask tbh
Other than that, his cosmetics changes depending on what mood or observation he wants to do
Ryoma Hoshi
Main: None (most played: Demoman)
Convinced by Kaito into playing
Not that much actually
Mediocre at best, he’s just doing his own thing
Definitely would stick around even if there’s one person in the server
Imagine getting killed by a Medic as a Demoknight in a melee fight with a shit weapon Do No Harm, couldn’t be me... or Ryoma
Likely plays Passtime
He will never admit it but he finds the ragdolls in the game funny
Also unironically likes the Scout
Demoknight tf2
God, imagine Ryoma has demonknight speed, combine it with his own speed and Solarlight skills, he’d be infinitely flying across all maps and go beyond the skybox
Ryoma too strong pls nerf
Doesn't play it often, not really his thing
Doesn’t mind friendlies, honestly surprised that there’s even such thing as one
Doesn't customize himself, though he likes the animal cosmetics
I apologize to the Ryoma fans out there for this being short
Shuichi Saihara
Main: None (most played: Spy)
Also doesn't see the appeal, but convinced by Kaito into playing
When he played the game for the first time, every time he dies, he switch to a class just to test them out
It’s too much for him, please hold him
Probably fell off a cliff several times-
Imagine the sheer amount of panic he feels when playing any class, especially Medic since Medic is a death magnet
Rockets, explosives, bullets, fire, blood and ragdolls everywhere! ... oh hey why is that guy just crouching with a melee?
He gets the hang of it over time
One of the best spy checker there is as well, not only as Pyro, though he feels sorry for the new spies (or newbies in general) so he tries to teach them the best way he can
The server kicked him for using hacks to find spies but for him, it’s obvious???
He usually plays the class whatever the team needs at the moment
Hard reads are strong in this one
Sushi likes the friendlies, chills with them a lot :>
Doesn’t customized himself, Kaito’s the one who helped him with it
Main: None (most played: Heavy)
Tries it out
It's ok I guess
He also doesn't have a main because he'll try to accommodate in which class is needed
If the whole team is like a full house of cards (in a 4 snipers, 5 engies type of way, you get the idea), he'll mostly go for the Medic since he knows it's vital for a team to have a Medic
There's rarely any Medics or Heavies in the start of the round, are they an endangered species??
He might start an event or something dedicating to the two classes
It never goes well despite Keebo's efforts in those, let's be honest
Though sometimes the team has like three Medics, the poor boy is confused
He's actually doing alright with all the class
The bot problem, oh god the bot problem
So there's that one time where the Myg0t bot joined, the enemy team said in the chat about kicking the bot
Well... obviously this made Keebo upset, as he thought they were referring to him
The server thought Keebo was trolling when he said something about him being a robot and saying that they're being robophobic... and sending them to court-
By some kind of miracle, the server liked Keebo because of this so he wasn't kicked out but he's incredibly salty throughout the match
"The server is robophobic" "Keebo, they were referring to the aimbots, they weren't robophobic" "... What Aimbots?"
His classmates were able to explain with videos and experiences, and also told him about several other types of bots that ruins the fun, which made Keebo embarrassed for having the wrong assumption
Though he still gets offended whenever it happens-
Like Kaito, he also doesn't like friendlies, insisting that that it's not how really play the game, though is guilty in pre-game conga lines, mannrobics and kazotski taunts, he likes the mannrobics
Bonus: Does NOT like the bot deco and is conflicted with the Mann vs Machine game mode
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kumeko · 3 years
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A/N: For the FashionXV zine! I wanted to have a little fun with Iris and fashion tips for this one. Even at the end of the world, you still need to be stylish. It’s a once in a lifetime event, after all.
Summary: It’s time for Iris’s special, step-by-step guide on how to slay demons and look fabulous while doing so. As a warning, this guide is not Glaive or brother approved, but when have we ever needed permission?
It’s time for Iris’s special, step-by-step guide on how to slay demons and look fabulous while doing so. As a warning, this guide is notGlaive or brother approved, but when have we ever needed permission? No, we’re more than capable of fighting demons on our own. We have to be, honestly.
Now, as a warning, you will need a few things before we get started. The most important thing is access to weapons and combat clothing. I, fortunately, have my brother and his terrible secured cache. It is ridiculous how many swords he fits in there, I honestly think the royal armoury has less gear than he does. Sadly, some of you might not be so lucky as to have an weapons junkie for a brother. If that’s the case, don’t worry about it! You can make do with items in your house, the store, or just contact me and I’ll secretly drop off a few choice items for you.
I want to clear up one thing before we start: I’m not writing this article because Gladdy hates my training with Cors. The world might be ending, but that doesn’t stop him from being himself. I’m not that petty. No, my goal is bigger than that. This is about me giving back to everyone. Maybe it’ll even save a few lives, who knows. Anyways, ready?
Step 1: A flimsy shield is worse than no shield at all
This is perhaps the most important step, even more so than the weapons. What’s going to stand in the way of an eight-inch claw and your flesh? What’s going to look good in blood or in rain? Your outfit. You can’t get much done if you’re bleeding out in a ditch.
It’s important to use strong combat clothing. It doesn’t even have to fit you properly, you can always adjust it in the next step. You want something that is tough enough to protect you from damage, but flexible enough that you can move effortlessly. If the material’s too tough, you’ll dodge slowly, making you an easy target. If it’s too thin, then you’re not really protected from anything.
It might be hard to find this material in regular stores. It’s not really something that people use on a daily basis. In that case, just stop at your nearest Glaive depot and pick (or steal) one there. Or, if you’re like me, take it from your relative. Just make sure to be stealthy!
As a bonus tip, take extras! You never know when your clothes might get utterly destroyed by some Flan’s acid or if you’re terrible at sewing (like I am) and need several tries to get it right. Spares are always useful.
Step 2: Find the you in your clothes
Now, you can skip this step if your clothes already a) fit you and b) look great. But if either of those things are missing, this part is essential. Now, sewing is hard enough as is with normal clothes, and with this type of fabric, it’s almost impossible for a newbie. But don’t fear! Just find a friend who’s good with machines, or maybe call up one of your aunts. If you still have any. There’s always an old lady somewhere with a sewing machine.
Don’t be afraid to cut up your clothes to match your vision. There’s always more where that came from (there’s a reason my brother seems to only have one outfit: that’s all I’ve left him). Keep enough fabric to protect yourself but adjust to rest. After all, who says you can’t look great while slaying a daemon?
Personally, I like leather jackets and featherless gloves. It makes me feel really fearless and strong.
Step 3: Every rose has its thorns
Now, while I said clothes was the most important aspect, that doesn’t mean you should neglect choosing your weapon. After all, while your clothes keep you alive, your weapon is what’ll slay the daemon in the first place. And that’s what we’re all here for, to become daemon slayers.
I would say pick a weapon that matched your abilities and your clothes, but every weapon is black and almost everything my brother owns is black, so they balance out neatly. Make sure your outfit has plenty of pouches for small knives, smoke bombs, and other small weapons. They can mean the difference between life and death.
Step 4: Grand Theft Auto
Well, I call it Grand Theft Auto because for this step, you have to steal a fast car. The run-of-the-mill vehicle you take to the grocery store won’t cut it here. Daemons are fast, and you need to outrun them if you can’t beat them. You need a car that can outrun the wind itself.
I, of course, steal my brother’s car when he’s not looking. As the Crownsguard, he has access to some really nice things. Which mean I have access to them too. It doesn’t hurt to know a mechanic who’s willing to give me his spare keys.
Step 5: Write a will
I know, I know. It sounds dramatic. It kinda is. But you could get hurt fighting daemons and a will is very useful. People know how to divide whatever’s left of your stuff, you can leave goodbye notes, all of those fun but sad reasons.
Step 6: Stare longingly at a loved one’s photo
In my case, it’s a photo of Prince Noctis. King Noctis? He didn’t really have a coronation ceremony, so who knows what his title is. Now, you all know me and my big crush on him, but I promise you that is not the reason I stare longingly at his photo before I go. If I could, I would stare at a photo of my dad. Not my brother, because he gives me an earful every time I come back and I don’t want to hunt while grumpy.
Unfortunately, I don’t really have any pics of my dad anymore. I’d have to dig through rubble in a daemon-infested city to find them, and while I love my dad, that is probably not the best way to show my feelings. Prince Noctis isn’t around either now, but I do have photos from his road trip, and they make a good secondary option.
Anyways, pick your favourite photo, and stare at it longingly. This might be the last time you can see their face and you want to make your peace with it.
Step 7: Slay Daemons
This part is pretty self-explanatory. Don’t try to make your attacks look nice, just kill the monster and be done with it. If you can, set up a camera before hand to take some photos. Or get your brother’s best friend to tag along, under an oath that he will not tell your brother a thing about it.
Step 8: Gloat
Now that you made it home in one piece and with some photographic evidence, it’s time to show-off. You killed a daemon and the world (your brother especially) deserves to know about it. The best way, obviously, is to write an eight-step how-to article and rub it in his face. Now he’ll know better than to ever question you again.
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natsubeatsrock · 4 years
The Rewrite of Fairy Tail: Bonus (Killing Juvia)
Why is the decision to kill Juvia so hard?
Well, I've been hinting at this for a while now and I might as well do it. Despite everything I've said about the way Juvia died and come back in canon, I have struggled with the idea of how to handle it when rewriting the moment. Normally, it would be as simple as one decision. However, I don't see it as one decision. I see it as an issue with a number of intersecting points. I want to spend time on some of them.
The first big one is whether it makes sense to have brought back Juvia in canon. For the longest time, I struggled with finding a reason for what happened in chapter 500. As it turns out, there is a reason, though it's a bit complex. 
Thanks to Universe One, from a few chapters earlier, Tenrou Island was connected to the main continent. As you may remember about the island, it's Fairy Tail's sacred land. An important part of that is that those who wear the guild mark are protected from death, while the giant tree is up. So with it connected to the continent, Juvia never would have died, regardless of how much Mashima pushed her to death. You'd think that means I shouldn't be able to kill Juvia.
However, that's not a hilariously hard issue to go around. All I need is to not have the island be a part of the continent. That way, when Universe One hits the continent, it won't be connected to the mainland. As it stands, it makes more sense for Tenrou Island to be similar to Caracol Island, in that it's far away enough to not be considered a true part of Ishgar or Alakastia. And, if I want to kill off Makarov (a character who doesn’t need a post similar to this), that’s definitely a way to make that happen. So it's not like I can't get around that.
In fact, there’s a good argument to remove that safety net regardless of if I decide to kill Juvia or not. Knowing that Tenrou was connected to Ishgar makes it hard to believe that any members of the guild that were in fights between Universe One being set and broken were in any danger once that fact sets in for fans. Mashima’s lucky that such a detail went so seemingly unnoticed by fans and Juvia and Makarov were expected to come back by virtue of being Mashima characters.
Now if I were to kill Juvia, would that seriously affect the rest of the series? Even though there wasn't much series after this moment, does the fact that Juvia is not present when she is in cause problems in continuity? There are only two real moments Juvia is in and does anything after chapter 500. That's not necessarily bad, as they could prove to be important.
The moments are as follows: in chapter 507, she and Gray are reunited after his fight with Natsu, and, in chapter 542, she helps push a boat Gray and Lyon crafted with ice into the water. Of course, there's chapter 545, but I'm not obligated to keep the canon ending.
There is a base assumption regarding Natsu and Gray's fight that I disagree with. Many people regard the conclusion of this fight to be a beautiful moment because Juvia and Lucy stop their supposed influence. However, I see it as an amazing moment despite them showing up. Because, true to form, Erza is the one to stop Natsu and Gray from fighting. I could easily write that same moment and not have Juvia show up at all. The impact would still be the same.
As for the other moment, that feels a bit more inconsequential to me. I can see the argument for Juvia being here for that moment but I don't buy it. In fact, I made the point around the time it happened in the manga that all Gray and Lyon would have to do was make the ship on the water. Someone mentioned that it would be better to make the boat on land and push the debris as it comes in. But, if that's necessary, I could always abuse the little known fact that Jellal knows water magic. Or the less well-known fact that Erza's first form of magic is telepathy. Point is, I don't have to rely on Juvia for this to happen either.
To be clear, none of this is to say that I have to kill Juvia. All of this is to say that I don’t necessarily need to keep Juvia alive, so long as I can justify her dying for other reasons. And here’s where it gets conflicting for me.
The actual fight which resulted in Juvia dying is a series low-point for me. I didn’t buy the fact that this was possible, nor could I buy the idea that Juvia wouldn’t end up dead by the end of it. I just didn’t expect Juvia to actually kill herself and then make it worse for herself by giving Gray more blood than she could probably afford to given the situation. Of course, even typing that out all these years later, I don’t think I can be blamed for that.
If I really try, I could accept the idea of Juvia learning special magic that makes blood for this kind of situation as a possibility. Considering her arc is about learning how to love better, it would make sense that she would learn a type of self-sacrificial magic. Regardless of how you want to interpret Juvia, having her final magic act be a display of sacrificial love for the person who made her able to love in the first place is very fitting, even as I feel like it comes out of seemingly nowhere.
But I don’t know that the way we got there was any good. I get that Invel was controlling Gray and Juvia’s minds during the fight. But that kinda gets undercut by the idea that both of them are able to come up with the idea to attack themselves. They have just enough free control of their minds to kill themselves, but not enough to find another way to fix the problem.
The big way most detractors I’ve seen bring up is having Gray eat the ice as a Devil Slayer - an ability he rarely if ever puts to good use given his abilities. In fact, if I was going to have Juvia die, it would make sense to shift focus from Juvia’s attempt to break free from Invel’s hold on her mind to Gray’s similar attempt. That way, you get Gray trying to struggle enough to use his ability to eat ice before Juvia decides to sacrifice herself. 
Speaking of which, remember what I said about Juvia sacrificing herself with the Blood Make magic? I don’t have the same feelings for Juvia and Gray deciding to stab themselves. Much of what they’ve learned up to this point is that they shouldn’t go dying recklessly. Juvia says that she lives for her friends in the Tenrou arc and Gray has run around the “Iced Shell is a bad idea” block three times by this point in the series (and is a few volumes away from round 4). It could be argued that they’re being forced into a situation where they have to change their views in ways that make sense for both of them given their arcs up to this point. While I understand that argument, I think it still falls because there are other ways for them to escape the situation, as I’ve argued earlier.
And here we get to another issue with Juvia dying. After Juvia dies, he gives himself over to the dark side of Devil-Slayer magic. I get that this has been hinted at as possible in the previous arc. As I’ve mentioned earlier, I love how this results in one of my favorite moments in the series, when Erza stops him and Natsu from fighting. However, it’s hard for me to take Gray’s condition seriously when there are actual ways it could have been handled differently. 
So, I’m in a bit of a pickle. I have a character to whom I have no obligation to keep alive, even though they were brought back from the supposed dead. I have a character who died in ways that make very little sense in canon. Do I kill Juvia or keep her alive? Did it make less sense for Juvia to die or come back?
While you’re working on the answers for that, consider that this is just about how Juvia dying relates to the events of the series. This isn’t going into how people who know me for my views on Gruvia as it’s played out will perceive me killing Juvia off. This doesn’t go into how much I actually love Juvia as a character and how killing her, especially after making the changes I’ve talked about previously, will be hard for me to live with. And I’m not opening up the can of worms that is “fridging women”, especially given that many people already see Juvia as a means for Gray to be developed as a character, to begin with.
Regardless of what I end up doing, it is important to recognize that Juvia’s sacrifice is the end of Juvia’s arc. (Not just in that she potentially dies.) Ultimately, Juvia comes to the point where she is willing to put her life on the line and sacrifice herself for the person she has been shown to have the longest and most invested love in.
However that love takes shape and how this moment happens, this is absolutely not something I want to take lightly in rewriting. Consider that this entire debate concerns chapters that are among my least favorite in the entire series and arguably the second biggest relationship in the Fairy Tail fandom. I want to do justice to this moment and this character.
Based on Part 19
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Could I request a fic with your sweetest, softest male character? He has a really terrible stomach flu (fever, shivering, cramps, cant stop throwing up or retching even when he's empty) and is trying his best to hide it from his friends-- maybe afraid of being a bother. Bonus points for eventual comfort and lots of belly rubs.
Dude this is such a good request! I love when characters hide being sick!! thank you. This ended up being rather long, for me anyway, so I couldn’t add in everything you wanted. But I would be willing to write a second part to this fic if anyone was interested. 
Alexi felt disgusting, but he looked pretty darn good for someone running a 102.2F temperature. He didn’t have much choice; it was either admit to feeling like absolute garbage, thus ruining the whole day for his friends, or keep up the façade and pretend that his eyes weren’t melting inside their sockets.
So yes, Alexi looked perfectly normal…he hoped. Though his cheeks were flushed, the convention center was insanely hot and crowded for anyone to think something was wrong. He just pushed through the mass of people, knowing that in such tight quarters he was spreading his flu…well like the plague.
It felt like the plague anyhow. His head was throbbing, as if his brain were trying to escape through his ears; that unnatural chill that only came from a fever was causing goose bumps to pop up all over his arms and down his back; and his belly was roiling.
As Madix, Riley, and Micah were all waiting in line to get pictures with obscure, second choice and therefore affordable actors, Alexi snuck away to the bathroom for what felt like the billionth time that day. By noon, he was very aware of where every single bathroom was located in the building.
This trip to the toilet was like all the others. He locked himself in a stall and gave himself permission to express the pain he felt clear across his face. Hugging his aching stomach, he squeezed his eyes shut and tried to take slow breaths through his mouth. Alexi had no way of knowing how high his temperature had gotten since that morning, but he could tell he was feeling worse. Breakfast was sitting heavily in his gut which he knew wasn’t going to be there for much longer.
The nausea was intense, so much so that he needed to brace himself against the stall walls to keep himself upright. This time he was lucky that there was no line to get into the bathroom, because he felt dangerously close to seeing partially digested waffles fill the toilet. Alexi’s Adam's apple was bobbing up and down like a buoy on the choppy ocean. He continuously swallowed down waves of saliva. As he shoved the bottom of his palms into his eyes, his knees gave up and he slumped to the tile flooring.
With his elbows on the dirty toilet seat, he spat sticky tendrils into the bowl. Deep and guttural burps echoed in the small space around him, and could probably be heard by every other person in that bathroom, but he couldn’t find the effort to care.
A gag suddenly took him, and he found himself leaning into the toilet, prepared to catch anything his stomach was going to send up. His jaw felt tingly and heavy, but still nothing came up but wet belches. One harsh heave interrupted the burps, but it was dry. The second heave came soon after and this one was much wetter. It brought up gush of thick pale vomit that made Alexi shiver as it rushed up his throat. Tears leaked from his eyes from his eyes and his arms felt weak as they supported his body. A deep groan was heard from his stall as Alexi flushed the toilet and left while rubbing his face. The few stares from the witnesses didn’t bother him, not while his stomach was bothering him so much more.
Alexi returned to the line after having cleaned himself up. He washed his hands, gargled water in his mouth, and splashed his face so that he didn’t look so ashen and sweaty. Of course, as he met back up with his friends, a new wave of sweat had broken out across his nose and a new chill shot down his back. He wrapped his arms around themselves, partly to stay warm and partly to hide the goose flesh that any sane person would question in this scorching room.
Alexi ducked under the rope and joined his friends halfway through the line. He plastered his happy-go-lucky smile on his face and said something random. That was one of the downsides of always being chatty and bright – it was so much more obvious when something was wrong.
His boyfriend seemed to relax slightly once Alexi had returned. Micah took Alexi’s hand and swung it against their legs. He gave Alexi a quick peck on the cheek, but he moved away rather slowly. The smallest trace of worry crept across Micah’s features, though it dissipated as soon as Madix changed the topic of conversation.
The lineup took ages. Thankfully, it gave Alexi time to rest. He wanted so badly to sit down but he knew that would draw attention to himself. So, he stayed standing, shifting his weight back and forth on his legs. Alexi soon rested his chin on Micah’s shoulder, hoping that it came across as boredom and not fatigue.
Micah gave him a strange look. Though before he could question it, Alexi excused himself to the bathroom once more. As he turned to leave, Micah grabbed his wrist.
“You just went, Lexi,” Micah remarked. “Besides it’s almost our turn.”
“I know, but I’ve been drinking a lot of water.” Alexi looked around nervously. “I’ll be quick I promise.”
Alexi wasn’t quick. In fact, he stayed in the bathroom even while the three other boys got their pictures, autographs, and merch. Micah was getting worried. As the three of them left the line, Micah’s eyes were darting in all direction, looking for his boyfriend. There weren’t even any bathrooms in sight.
“Micah, slow down,” Riley said as he struggled to keep up with his cousin. Madix was trailing behind as well.
Micah bit his lip worriedly. They were stopped in the middle of the room, with booths and people all around them. “We have to find Alexi. He won’t know where we are.”
Madix urged the group to the side of the room where the likelihood of being trampled was far less great. “He has been gone a long time. Is he okay?”
“I don’t know.” Micah started to chew on his thumbnail. “I’m gonna go look for him, you guys stay here so we can meet back up.”  
Micah embarked on his mission. He pushed through slow walkers and squeezed past people in amazing yet impeding cosplay. The first bathroom he saw was his destination. He made a beeline for it, and just as he came upon the door, Alexi emerged. He hadn’t spotted Micah yet. Micah noticed the way his boyfriend held his stomach and the way he staggered slightly as he walked. He called out to him.
Alexi jumped, but quickly composed himself. Before the pair could head back into the madness of the con, Micah pulled Alexi to the wall.
“You were gone forever, Alexi.” Micah said, sounding a bit annoyed, though he changed his tone to something softer as he carried on. “What’s going on? Are you feeling alright?”
Alexi slumped his shoulder against the wall. Apparently, he wasn’t so good at hiding his pain. In that moment, he was sure that his face was sickly green and betrayed the truth of how he was feeling. The sour taste of vomit was fresh on his tongue, but he tried to ignore that while he spoke. Micah didn’t need to know that he was throwing up, because then he would surely make them all go home, and Alexi couldn’t do that. They’d all been waiting a year for this con. He could keep up the semblance of health.
Alexi’s face turned red. “My stomach was a little upset, but it’s better now.” That was lie…but Micah didn’t know that. In truth, Alexi’s stomach was killing him. He would have loved for Micah to take him home.
“You sure? It’s okay if you need more time, I was just worried before.”
“Yeah I’m sure, let’s go.”
“Okay…” Micah said hesitantly. He wasn’t entirely convinced, especially with the way Alexi was holding his belly, but he didn’t want to press the matter and make Alexi embarrassed.
It was easy enough to find Madix and Riley. They were pulled off to the side of the room, casually watching the cosplayers walk by and gawking at their favourite characters come to life.
When Alexi approached them, he looked less alive than he had seconds ago. His belly was still so upset, despite having just thrown up; apparently, he rushed himself a bit too much. He stumbled to the wall and caught himself, narrowly stopping his aching head from colliding with drywall.
“Whoa Alexi,” Riley said, reaching his hand out to grab his friend’s shoulder, “you look rough.”
Madix got closer as well, which Alexi wasn’t too thrilled about considering that he was pretty sure he was about to heave his stomach into his hands.
Madix looked back and forth between Alexi and Micah, wondering if Micah had noticed his boyfriend’s state. “Lex, you look like you’re about to pass out. Your face is grey.”
Micah wanted to jump in and relieve Alexi of everyone staring at him, but he really did look awful. Perhaps it was worse than what Alexi was letting on. “Babe, I thought you were feeling better. Tell us what’s wrong so we can help.”
As if he were drunk, Alexi’s vision darkened and he swayed where he stood. There was no denying it now, not when his friends were interrogating him like this. “I feel awful,” he admitted, while dragging his back down the wall and sitting on the floor. He pulled his knees up to his chest and groaned.
At the same time, the three other boys all crouched down as well. When Alexi’s eyes focused, he found both Micah and Madix staring at him worriedly. But they were so close, too close. He only wanted Micah. Just Micah and no one else. He wanted to be away from all the noise, the people talking, the bright lights, the crowds.
He put his head in his hands. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled. “I tried to ignore it, but my stomach is a mess, I can’t stop throwing up, my head is killing me, my –”
Micah put his hand on his boyfriend’s shoulder. “What! You threw up?”
Alexi nodded miserably.
“Oh Alexi,” Madix added, “you should have said something.” He gave a sympathetic look to the sick boy, seeing the way his nose dripped with sweat.
Madix instinctively reached his hand up to touch Alexi’s forehead, then paused with his hand hovering halfway in the air. “May I?”
Alexi nodded weakly, already aware of what Madix was going to find. His golden curls were brushed back by Madix’s cool hand that felt nice against his burning skin. He leaned into the touch, momentarily letting someone else support the weight of his head.
“Shit, man.” Madix pulled his hand away slowly. “You’re on fire. No wonder you feel like crap.”
Alexi moaned and curled in on himself. “I feel like I’m gonna be sick.”
“Yeah, we’re going home right now,” Micah said decidedly. “Lexi, can you stand?”
Alexi probably could not have stood up in that moment, but he didn’t need to try because it was then that his stomach decided to spasm again. He retched emptily at first, succeeding only in making his body lurch forward. Everyone took a step back out of shock, and everyone except Riley moved back to keep Alexi from falling forward.
The second heave burst from his chest, sending up a thick wave of vomit that covered his legs and dripped down his chin. Alexi choked out a sob and squeezed his eyes shut as a felt his stomach do another flip. By this point, Micah was rubbing his back and muttering something sweet he couldn’t hear. Blood was pulsing in his ears, making him dizzy and drowning out any attempt at comforting him.
God, he felt so sick. His stomach continued to contract painfully, even when he had nothing left to throw up. He clutched at his chest while he heaved dryly in the crowded room. Thankfully, Micah and Madix were partially covering him from view. This privacy, however, did nothing to lessen the gut churning sensation in felt in the pit of his stomach.
By the time he finished, his cheeks were streaked with tears, his chest was tight, and his hands were shaking. The worst part was that he still felt like hell.
Micah was soothingly brushing his hair away from his face. “Alright, take it easy, babe. Try to catch your breath.”
“I feel so sick,” he moaned while looking at the mess drying on his crotch. “I want to go home.”
“I know you do.” Micah said, still gently massaging Alexi’s head. “Madix and Riley went to find the car, so you don’t have to walk as far.”
Alexi wanted to thank his boyfriend. He wanted to apologize for being sick. He wanted to do so many things, but he couldn’t even keep his head from lolling around. He simply closed his eyes and wished for the day to be over. He wished to be lying in bed while Micah played with his hair. If it was any consolation, part of that wish came true. 
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lokidiabolus · 4 years
The Deal - Bonus
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel (web series)
Pairing: Alastor / Angel Dust
Warnings: human!Angel Dust (Anthony), Deal with a devil AU
Summary: Sometimes you had nobody to spend the Christmas with. Sometimes you didn’t want to. Sometimes you took a chalk and drew a pentagram on the floor fully ready to deal with anything that would come out as an alternative to self-pity occurring otherwise.
The time when Anthony thought if he can’t get anybody to love him properly, he can just make a deal with a devil and find out what affection feels like. Alastor thinks this mortal is pitiful beyond belief and concede. Cuddles happen.
Can be found on Ao3.
Notes: I swear NOW it’s done lmao.
2024, 275th day
It was rather unexpected to see this kind of development, when it came to the form Anthony took in Hell. When Alastor gave it some thought here and there (more often than he would admit, granted), he could imagine Anthony as some sort of cat demon the most. There was something feline about the man when alive – the unpredictability maybe? He wasn’t sure.
So when the Hell opened to swallow yet another sinner – and the sinner was his beau – his expectations were about everywhere but in what he actually saw once he located the trembling creature in the Pentagram outskirts.
A spider demon. White as fallen snow, but covered in his own blood, six arms and two long, long legs and tear stained face, trembling in Alastor’s arms like a frightened child. The last few months of Anthony’s life were fluctuating and the more Alastor had to stay in Hell to deal with Vox, the more Anthony’s light was dimming, and Alastor knew that, he saw what was happening, how the will was weakening and the desire to join him here winning over. A selfish, petty part of him thought good, finally, come to me but at the same time Anthony was young, so, so young to die, it made him indecisive and when was the last time he felt like that? If ever? Not even during his own life and death he never doubted, but with Anthony… he wanted him to be his without remorse. No regrets, no sadness over his life ending.
But now here he was. Finally calming down, the trembling subsiding, the pain from his face easing away until he was just resting in Alastor’s arms, breathing deeply. An adorable spider, caught in the web of his own inner demons… maybe it was fitting.
“You are pouting for an hour already.”
“I’m sorry to rain on yer parade, but I’m a fuckin’ spider monster,” Anthony flashed him an unhappy sneer and glared at his reflection in the mirror for umpteenth time, his eyes narrowing, sharp teeth baring just to growl and turn away from it once more. “Who fuckin’ picks this? What did I do to deserve bein’ a six-armed horror?!”
“But imagine how good are you going to be at hugging,” Alastor couldn’t stop himself from grinning, even though Anthony was clearly distressed by his new look, but there was simply no reason to be. He was such an adorable creature, white and pink and soft and cushy. If he wasn’t walking around like a ticking bomb, swearing at each step, Alastor would definitely be trying the new cuddle arrangement. But there was time for everything.
There was eternity for them now.
“I could hug with two arms just fine!”
“Maybe I would like to be hugged with six,” Alastor shot back, which stopped Anthony in his stomping with a defeated sigh.
“But… spider,” he whined, gesturing to his lanky body and abundance of limbs, and ironically all Alastor could see was a cute pouty face and dangerous claws he honestly found threateningly appealing – all six clawed hands with them. Anthony just couldn’t see past the shock yet, but Alastor had means to make him so.
“And a deer,” the red-eyed demon smiled at him from the table he was sitting behind.
“All ya have is a cute Bambi tail and ears, big deal,” Anthony rolled his eyes – his unevenly coloured eyes, Alastor mentally added, which was fascinating – and glanced down at his feet with a frown.
“If that is all you can see, then I suppose I am a lucky man,” Alastor tapped on one of the radios near him and smooth jazz started playing. True, he never had a single issue with his demonic appearance, even when he first arrived here. At this regard he was always a perfectionist, so all of him the others could see was perfectly tailored to show his dominance. Nothing about him was cute, no matter what Anthony was saying. Not the tail, not the ears. He was an Overlord, demons feared him.
Well, except of this particular case, that is. But Anthony was special, he was allowed.
“Oh yeah, I forgot, handsome guys are scary as fuck,” Anthony grumbled, but there was some sort of playfulness in his voice, which signalized his mood was getting better. “Pretty sure all demons just run at sight of ya, oh nooo. Pretty guy inbound, ruuuuun~.”
“They do run though,” Alastor smiled at him sweetly. “Different circumstances though.”
“Yer dad jokes, huh,” the pretty spider smirked at him, softening the rudeness. “Don’t blame them.”
“Now now, Anthony,” Alastor tapped his claws against the table, stopping any other eventual teasing that would definitely follow, because Anthony never left things at only one jab when he had a chance. “If you are done with your moping, how about you come here?”
There was an evident hesitation in the demon’s features, insecurity written in his whole body language, but Alastor was patient and willing to show him there was nothing to feel insecure about. Only proud.
He tilted his head to the side, eyes narrowing, and Anthony let out a squeak when a pair of shadowy hands curled around his waist, gently pushing him forward like walking a child on the first day out.
“Aww, hi Al Junior,” Anthony cooed back at the Shadow, which gave him a raggedy grin in return. Evidently too happy to see him, that for sure. Even more evidently appreciative about Anthony’s new look as well. “Haven’t seen ya both in one room yet, that’s new.”
The Shadow waddled him all the way to Alastor’s desk and nuzzled his neck from behind, obviously delighted about the experience. Anthony patted him with one of the six hands, still not that good at coordinating them all, apparently, and Alastor cleared his throat while tapping against the table again.
One more nuzzle and then the shadow slithered away, blending into the walls, and Alastor would have sworn if it could, it would stick its tongue at him.
“Hehe,” Anthony looked happy though, which was amendable, and then finally circled the mahogany desk and stood next to Alastor comfortably sitting in his chair. He let himself to be touched on his thin waist, lower on his hip, then back up on his chest – fluffy chest, if anybody asked, so, so fluffy – and then let Alastor took one of his hands and gently pull him on his lap, sitting on his legs carefully like he could shatter any moment.
“There~,” Alastor crooned. “Not that hard, was it?”
“Might be even easier with the voice,” Anthony suggested meekly, like he was asking for something risky, and Alastor circled one of his arms around his waist and touched his face with the other.
“Whateva you want, darlin’,” he spoke softly and Anthony’s smile widened. “Feelin’ better now?”
“Yeah…” the spider demon nodded curtly. “Still weird, but I’ll get over it.”
“Don worry, I’ll be there fer you every step on da way,” Alastor tilted his head down and gently pressed their lips together. “Promise.”
He was right – six armed hugs were absolute heaven.
2024, 277th day
Alastor took several more steps before he realized Anthony stopped all of sudden, staring at the vending machine sitting between dark corners of dubious streets filled with vermin. He was staring at the lowest button, head tilted, and Alastor returned to him with a silent question in his eyes.
Not that Anthony noticed, his eyes were glued to the vending machine with something akin to wonder, and when Alastor glanced down at the point of the spider’s interest, he noticed Angel Dust written there in all italics.
“Fuckin’ swell, huh,” Anthony mumbled more to himself than to Alastor, judging from his expression. “That this would be here too.”
Alastor knew how Anthony died, of course he did. PCP overdose might have come as a surprise, but at the same time they talked about it when Anthony’s heart was still beating. His coping mechanism, his addiction, his attachment to something that could ease the state of despair. If Vox didn’t get in Alastor’s way, maybe there would be a possibility to prolong his life for few more years.
But then again Alastor would be lying if he said he regretted having Anthony here with him, finally. He wasn’t that much of a good guy for playing a Good Samaritan (if even a little, honestly), and if Anthony wasn’t in such a bad state at the beginning of their deal, he would probably (definitely) drag him to Hell right away, especially after being asked to be killed from the get go.
“Anything you can think of,” Alastor commented. “Any drug. Any alcohol. Any poison. Any weapon. It is all here. And worse.”
“Hell yeah,” Anthony chuckled bitterly and averted his eyes from the nameplate, little raw at the edges, vulnerable. Still so new, still so open. “Oh well. Sorry. Let’s go.”
Alastor made sure they didn’t pass any other vending machine on their way back to the Radio Tower.
2024, 285th day
It wasn’t like he wanted to make a habit of spying on Anthony, but once the spider demon left the tower on his own and ventured to the city, he had his reasons to make sure he would make it back home in one piece. Barely any demon would notice the shadow of a person was different unless really looking, and he kind of doubted Anthony would meet anybody like that on his first independent stroll anyway.
There wasn’t much the spider had planned, from the way he behaved outside. He just wandered around, peeking into shops and avoiding trouble, then peeking into more shops, got some clothes and then practiced his totally not six armed spider act when he managed to hide the middle set of arms like they were never there. Alastor didn’t know he could actually do that, but he was impressed anyway.
He had several cat-calling demons around whistling at him while skilfully flipping them off, and in case they wouldn’t be deterred, the Shadow blinked at them menacingly and they scuttered to dark corners like filthy rats.
It was nothing out of ordinary until a dark purple limo stopped at the edge of the sidewalk he walked on, pulling down the window just to reveal the Princess of Hell herself smiling nervously, calling at Anthony in her bright princess-y voice. Now that was interesting for sure.
“Hey,” Anthony blinked in surprise at her sudden invitation to get in, obviously not having a single clue who the girl was. “Daddy told me not to talk to strangers.”
Alastor totally did not choke on that.
The princess laughed, bright and happy and shook her head while opening the doors of the limo wide open.
“We won’t do anything bad,” she assured him, and there was another girl next to her in the car, though Alastor had never met her. Her displeased expression was spot on though. The princess dragged her closer, leaning her near the opening of the doors. “I’m Charlie, this is Vaggie! We just want to talk a little?”
“Ya can talk with me standing right ‘ere,” Anthony crossed all his four arms, eyes looking her up and down, not budging. “Whaddya want?”
“What is your name, mister?” Vaggie stared him down pointedly, her voice sharp as a knife. Anthony visibly hesitated, then glanced away to the rest of the street. They talked about it shortly after Anthony got to Hell – not everybody wanted to keep their human name. Alastor did because he was not a fan of aliases, The Radio Demon nickname just happened on its own. Anthony didn’t seem to be in need of getting any kind of demon name either, but now there was an obvious reluctance in his features.
“Angel Dust,” he looked back at them, the drug name slipping past his lips. Intriguing. “Ya can call me Angel, toots.”
Vaggie didn’t look impressed but Charlie was smiling like a sunshine. When they started spouting nonsense about rehabilitating a demon in one of a repurposed royal family’s buildings, Alastor laughed so hard he almost let the Shadow spill it out.
It was only an hour later when Angel burst into the Radio Tower, dropped the shopping bags and yelled:
“Ya won’t fuckin’ believe what I’m just gonna tell ya, I shit ya not!”
Just few days later the 666 News broadcasted Charlie’s plan live (with an immense failure in the reception, but that was expected) and Alastor got a brilliant idea. Out of everybody involved, Charlie was probably on the board of it the most.
2024, 300th day
The hotel was a whack. It was a total fucking ruin in dire need of reconstruction. Angel didn’t know what the hell was repurposed here, but it must have been hiding in a basement because the rest of it screamed ancient. Not that any part of Hell was pretty or anything, but at least some of it had class. Ironically the most class was visible in the Lust circle in porn studios, but Angel was not getting even near of that filthy lair, that for sure (not to mention Alastor didn’t even let him wander too close, probably for a good reason. Said something about moths. Angel didn’t question it).
Niffty made a bit more presentable though, scurrying around the hallways like a sonic Roomba and at least the entrance hall looked nicer once Alastor was done with it.
Alastor The Radio Demon, Angel learned. An Overlord even. Vaggie was super into telling him how bad and evil and absolute horror-ish Alastor was, how bloodthirsty and merciless, and Angel just thought of his Bambi tail wagging when they hugged and kind of spaced out.
Sure, guy had a reputation. Angel saw some flattering posters in the 666 News studios with BEWARE !!! HIM and RADIO SOUNDS = STAY AWAY and DO NOT FUCK WITH HIM but if Alastor was anything, a cuddler would be the right description. Also probably a cold-hearted murderer, but nobody was perfect.
He told the girls he was new and had barely any kind of comprehension of Hell’s inner workings back there when they stopped in in the city, and obviously that immediately must have raised red flags when he got to the Hotel just few days later with Alastor leading him in and keeping him close like a pet on an invisible leash (though not really a pet, Angel was just super amused by the height difference, so he stuck close to him for shit and giggles).
“You can stay here, Angel,” Charlie was just telling him in a shushed whisper when they walked through the hallways, Alastor several steps in front of them, looking around with wide smile on his face. Fucker was definitely enjoying it, but even Angel felt rather giddy about it.
“Here?” he imitated her low voice and she quickly glanced towards Alastor humming a tune and twirling his microphone.
“You know. If you need a place to stay,” she gestured towards the deer demon quickly.
Oh. Oh. She thought he feared Alastor or something? Or that Alastor kept him around against his will? A big bad Overlord and a newbie, what else would she think, right?
“Can’t do, Cha-Cha, made a deal with this guy,” he made finger guns pointed at the red-clothed figure with his all four arms. “Hands are tied.”
“Oh,” Charlie’s eyes widened for a second, like she was saying oh no, you fucked for good, gurl and then hesitantly nodded. “I see. But… I mean. It depends on the deal, of course, but… If you needed to stay away or something, you understand?”
“I fear that just won’t do, my dear!” Alastor’s voice thundered through the hallway cheerily, loud as fuck, even though he was standing few meters away from them. “I own his heart, you see. He cannot leave even if he wanted to.”
Charlie’s eyes widened even more, and Angel had to bite his lips to stop himself from laughing. How fucking vague, just playing it like Angel was suffering in the Radio Demon presence.  
“Isn’t that right, my dear Angel?”
“Oh yes, poor me,” the spider demon swooned dramatically. “Can’t leave ever! He’d totally find me and cu-,” ddle me to death, he wanted to say, Alastor’s eyes warning him not to, “-t me to death! Double death even.”
Charlie started to visibly panic. Oh damn, she was so naïve, it was fun.
“Do not be alarmed, princess,” Alastor assured her with a chuckle. “No cutting needed. Angel is quite knowledgeable in his duties.”
“Aren’t you, my dear.”
“’bsolutely,” Angel saluted him. “Controlled by fear and fear only.”
There was a mischievous gleam in Alastor’s eyes right before he turned around and continued his way through the raggedy hotel, resuming the tune. Angel patted the small woman on the top of her head, but still wasn’t sure if she got it was all a joke or she unironically feared for his life.
2024, 304th day
She feared for his life. She kept on trying to get him to stay overnight in the hotel for therapies and fun activities and movie nights and Angel was wondering how to break it out to her without revealing Alastor was a big softie who liked to snuggle in bed (and honestly he liked it even more now, in Hell, and Angel was wondering if it was because he was fluffier or because Alastor was just happy he didn’t need to keep fearing if he didn’t leave the stove or lights on in Radio Tower when up in the land of living).
From all he gathered during the days he spent in Hell by now, Alastor was a big thing around the Pentagram City. As one of the Overlords and one not hellborn on top of that he harnessed tremendous power through fear, his shady as fuck deals and radio broadcasts where he delivered the carnage for everybody to hear. Angel didn’t listen to any yet, but he was sure he would eventually, when Alastor would feel like letting him on it.
“She thinks yer abusing me,” he said while petting the red hair gently, lying on his back in the bed. The red sheets were silky and felt really nice around him and he doubted Alastor owned anything that was not red or black, like a walking, talking stereotype. Classy though.
“I am abusin’ you,” Alastor agreed from Angel’s fluffy chest, where his face was buried. He had been cuddling Angel for the past hour, like it was one of those days when he didn’t feel like being big bad deer and just stayed in the tower, making Angel spoil him. Then there were days he didn’t feel like being touched at all, unless it was at night when sleeping, and Angel was starting to be a real pro in reading those moods in his natural environment. Sometimes Al Junior gave him a hint even before Alastor appeared in flesh, and it was appreciated. Alastor wasn’t really making a big fuss when touched in his untouchable mood but the way he stiffened was red enough light for Angel to give him space.
“Yeah, yer a menace, I need to pee for like twenty minutes now,” Angel sighed and his poor bladder with him.
“Well, it’s yer bed I’m gonna pee in, so suit yerself,” he shrugged and Alastor huffed out a laugh. It was nice he could laugh at Angel’s crude jokes now, since before he just told him off.
“Don worry ‘bout the demon belle,” Alastor mumbled sleepily. “She’s just too nice fer her own good.”
“Aw, she’s a cutie tho,” Angel pulled a little at Alastor’s ear and it flicked. “Enthusiastic and all that shit, I guess ye don’t see that down here often.”
“Barely,” Alastor hummed.
“Well, if anybody can rehabilitate a demon, it’s her,” Angel pulled the other ear and it flicked too. Cute.
“Mmm,” his companion let out. “Don’t be too much of a good boy, darlin’. I refuse to part wit you.”
“Don’t worry ‘bout that,” Angel chuckled warmly at Alastor affectionate speech. “They’d have to kill me to take me away from ya.”
“You ‘nd me both.”
Angel thought if Charlie saw Alastor like this, she’d definitely coo at him. Honestly, he kind of wanted her to, for funsies, but maybe it was better to leave sleeping deer lie.
2024, 310th day
Angel ignored Alastor’s sound of distaste and grabbed Charlie’s hands in all four of his, eyes shining.
“Ya mean like real ones?! Not like… sugar water ones, right?” He was craving sweet things and Hell had shit. The best things came from topside and apparently not as many demons ventured there for ingredients, so Angel was seriously super low on sugar.
“Yeah!” she smiled at him happily and nodded towards the kitchen because he was still holding her hands like a vice, but she seemed to be fine with it. “We thought we could try baking them tonight!”
Another obvious attempt to get him stay the night, he knew. But cupcakes. It was like… the only bait that could potentially work, apart from Frappuccino orgy and pole dancing. She gave a vibe like she wouldn’t condone the latter though.
He sent Alastor a pleading puppy eyes and the demon let out a defeated sigh. He didn’t even need to say anything, he was just done. Angel didn’t blame him, he was bothering him about sweets for days now and since Alastor disliked those, he was driving a hard bargain every damn day.
 It was an obvious plan, really. The baking didn’t start before nine in the evening and Charlie made sure only the patients were attending, which meant only Angel, really (the hotel didn’t have many patients so far, and by many I mean none) and Charlie as a main helper. Vaggie joined them around half past nine with a badly hidden curiosity and Niffty kept running around, sweeping crumbs that had the audacity to touch the floor, and if she had nothing to sweep, she helped them with filling the forms, quite skilled for such a little lady.
“Here I thought Husky would be leading the baking party,” Angel commented when they put the first batch into the oven and Vaggie made a snorting noise somewhere behind the counter.
“Busy pouring drinks for Happy face,” she shot back while mixing the dough in the bowl. “He’s lounging at the bar like a shark, just waiting for a drop of blood.”
“Fitting,” Angel had to agree, though in much better light than Vaggie meant it. Charlie’s enthusiastic expression fell slightly and Angel just knew she got him here for a talk or two. Maybe even an all-nighter.
“Angel,” she started, swiping her hair behind her ear like she always did when nervous. “I know you said you made a deal with him and all-,”
“Careless of you, by the way,” Vaggie added with a sigh. “His deals always have a catch; you can never win.”
Angel leaned against the counter, giving them his full attention, which seemed to encourage Charlie a little. Maybe it was for the best to get them let it out of their chests and then ease their minds, no matter what Alastor would say about it. He knew his partner enjoyed people grasping for straws and worry, but neither Charlie or Vaggie deserved that – in both death and life combined they were the nicest girls he ever talked to, when he didn’t count his mum and sister. Sure, Vaggie was sharp as the spear she used, and Charlie had a naivety of a child, but they meant well, and he had to admit he was fond of them.
“I don’t doubt that,” he made a vague hand gesture for them to continue.
“He found you the moment you got to Hell, right?” Charlie asked with caution of a dancer on a nail bed.
“Well… yeah.” Not a lie. But he already belonged to him anyway, so it was not the moment of import as they thought it was.
“Can you tell us what the deal was about? Maybe we could help you somehow,” she smiled hopefully, and Angel took a deep breath.
“Ah, crap. Cha-Cha, I didn’t think you’d take it so seriously,” he scratched his head. “We were just playin’, you know. It’s not like he’s ever gonna hurt me or anythin’. Or cut me or whatever we said before.”
She didn’t look convinced. Fair.
“The only danger I’m in, and I mean, that’s a fact,” he crossed his arms on his chest. “It’s that he won’t let me get up from the bed when I need to pee. Like. That’s how lazy he is, ya know. Just not moving. Just stayin’ in.”
Okay, might have not been the best example, he realized when Charlie just stared at him and Vaggie’s upper lip curled into a sneer. Did he just make Alastor into a sexual predator?
“We just sleep together,” he assured them with all four hands raised. That didn’t help either. Charlie looked at Vaggie with tight-lipped expression and Vaggie seemed not wanting to be part of the conversation at all.
“No sex,” he added for good measure. “At all. Zero. Nada.”
Disbelieving stares. Even Nifftys’, she stopped sweeping, that’s how much she didn’t believe it.
“I mean… does he look to you as somebody wanting to fuck all night or…?”
“Ugh, Lucifer help us,” Vaggie groaned while smacking her forehead. Charlie looked unsure and huh. Interesting. Sure, Alastor was always making an impression, but he didn’t know Charlie potentially thought of him as somebody with sexual drive. But then again, Angel was probably biased, knowing him for the asexual he was.
“Okay, let me… get you on a secret,” he conceded in a low voice. “I made a deal with Alastor ‘bout four years ago.”
“I thought you said you’re new?” Charlie blinked in surprise and Vaggie raised an eyebrow. She was definitely onto him now; he saw the realization in her face.
“You were still alive,” she said in a shocked voice. “You made a deal with him when you were still a human.”
“Yeah,” he confirmed her words with a small smile. “I summoned him on Christmas Eve, and we made a deal that day. And four years later I fucked up my life and here I am. He just collected what belonged to him, is all. He’s not forcing me to do anything, ya know. I wanna be with him on my free will.”
“Or so you think,” Vaggie added with a frown. “Never thought about it?”
“No, never,” he refused immediately. “I get it, toots. He’s a big, scary Overlord here. He kills people. I mean this is Hell, of course he won’t be paintin’ their nails, right.”
She just stared at him with the same expression.
“But ya gotta believe me on this. Al is… well. He’s…” he rubbed his neck with a nervous laugh. “I don’t wanna sound corny as fuck. I just like ‘im. Like a lot.”
The oven dinged into the heavy silence and Charlie was the first who reacted, probably happy for a break in the flow. The cupcakes looked like a treat and Angel was kind of glad when they got into decorating and neither of the girls pressed him for more. Niffty did give him shifty looks though, probably still thinking they were going at it as rabbits behind the closed doors.
 Alastor was still at the bar sipping bourbon from a tumbler when Angel was finally allowed to leave the kitchen around midnight, full to bursting. They burned the first batch a little, but he blamed the talk rather than their culinary skills.
“You seem unperturbed,” the red eyed demon commented when Angel sat down next to him and put a small basket with cupcakes on the counter. Husker behind the bar eyed it with disdain and took a swing of his bottle instead.
“Well, takes more than that to ruffle my feathers, ya know,” he grinned. “Not amused by my choice of words in there?”
“I quite approve, actually,” Alastor sipped his drink again. “Except of making me into a sexual deviant, thank you very much for that, darlin’.”
“That one slipped out on accident,” Angel chuckled. The expression of the girls made the misstep worth it though. “I kinda didn’t want to give out yer a cuddle monster but had no idea how to explain properly. Charlie might have troubles to look ya in the eyes for some time.”
“I can live with that,” Alastor shook his head. “I will make sure to let you get up when you need to pee from now on at least.”
“Somebody kill me again…” Husker grumbled and dragged down the cage with a grunt, locking the alcohol behind it. “I’m fucking leaving.” And with that he shuffled away from the bar with an unhappy flap of his wings until they were alone in the hall, staring at the place he disappeared at.
Angel snorted and Alastor drank the rest of his bourbon before standing up as well and offering a hand for Angel to take.
“Shall we go home then? Or do they want to keep you here so I can’t ravish you tonight?” he asked like it was no biggie to use home and ravish in one breath and Angel felt his face heating up, probably from all that sugar, before he took the hand in his and stumbled up.
“Home…” he mewled, grabbing the basket. “Please.”
“As you wish, cher.” Alastor’s voice was low and warm and Angel really had to think more on how to express to the girls on how much he loved this man, no voodoo involved.
2024, 325th day
There were several parlours in the hotel, most of them in terrible state of neglect, except of one Angel found by sheer coincidence one day and then made it his secret hideout for lazing around with music on. He got a permission from Charlie to paint the walls and adjust the place to his own liking, since it was in the second floor and basically nobody came there anyway. He planned to ask her for a pole as well, but that could wait – one step at the time, as they say.
He mostly used it for busying himself, since there was always something to do, and if he didn’t feel like working, he could always just dance to songs Alastor didn’t find fancy enough to play in the Radio Tower and it did the trick.
To Angel’s delight Alastor visited the Hotel often, but even when he didn’t have time or didn’t feel like it (though he never explicitly stated I don’t feel like going today, really, but Angel could tell when he had to do something and when he just said it), Angel ventured here by himself, much to Charlie’s excitement every time she saw him (it was actually pretty heart-warming, really. Though it also kind of sucked he felt welcomed in Hell a lot more than he ever did during his life).
“Look at you, so busy,” a static voice interrupted Angel’s reminiscing while absentmindedly scraping the remaining tattered wallpaper off the wall, and before he could turn around in surprise, Alastor was already standing next to him, inspecting the wall with raised eyebrows before glancing back down on Angel squatting at the bottom. “No fun therapy today? Or is the manual labour Charlie’s idea.”
“Yer the only fun around here, Smiles,” Angel grinned at him cheekily. “Didn’t expect ya today though.”
It was one of those I have something to do excuses while meaning I just don’t feel like rainbows today and Angel respected that. Seeing him here all of sudden was a nice bonus and he wondered if he even checked with Charlie first or she had no idea he arrived.
“Surprises are my speciality,” the Radio Demon said, eyes skimming from every part of the parlour critically. “Which this place is, to be honest. Less of a dump than the rest of the hotel, though.”
“Yeah, it’s more neglected than tattered,” Angel agreed and put the scraper down. “Yer gonna help me paint?” He nudged Alastor’s leg with his knee and the Radio Demon seemed to ponder that. He was more of a let do my totally not cursed magic do the work rather than actually attending himself – unless it came to cooking – so Angel didn’t expect him to actually take off his coat, neatly fold it on one of the barstools and roll up his sleeves, which meant business. Angel liked when it meant business. He liked it a lot.
“I can do that for a while,” Alastor hummed and the spider demon didn’t know if he was that bored or if it was his way of asking for attention but both were cute, especially when he meant to join Angel in this. “Can’t let you have all the fun now, can I.”
“Tsk tsk, what would others say, an Overlord painting walls by hand,” Angel stood up, his upper set of hands dropping on Alastor’s shoulders and the demon let him with half lidded eyes and a smile on his lips.
“And by an ordinary fuckin’ paint too. Not even blood!” he gasped and Alastor took him by his waist and pulled him close.
“Yer riskin’ your reputation just for me?” the spider demon leaned back in theatrical swoon. “Oh, Alastor!”
“Literally only for you,” the deer demon purred back at him, holding him by the waist, letting him lean back so his head almost touched the floor, and if somebody walked in at that point, it would raise some serious questions, especially when Angel curled one of his legs around Alastor’s hips.
That’s why Charlie did arrive at exactly that point, Angel’s name on her lips, just to stutter to complete halt in between the doors, staring.
“Oh… hey, Princess,” Angel greeted her from basically upside down, Alastor not letting go or making any other move to remedy their positioning. “Didn’t hear ya comin’.”
“I… can see that,” her eyes switched from one to another. “Wanted to ask if you want to join us for lunch… both of you.”
She peered at the Radio Demon with raised eyebrows and that apparently made him get back to reality since he finally pulled Angel back up – still not letting go of his waist – but his hands were mostly just resting rather than holding. Angel dutifully put his leg down as well and earned a small cough from the princess.
“Would be my pleasure, sweetheart,” the static buzzed in a jolly tune and the Radio demon focused back on Angel, his expression softer than Angel would expect, given Charlie’s ogling. “Now shall we, darlin’?”
“We shall,” Angel grinned back at him and genuinely didn’t expect Alastor to grab his face and smooch him on the spot, then let go and leave the parlour with a happy twirl of the microphone he summoned out of thin air.
Charlie’s jaw was probably on the floor, but Angel’s was kinda too, so at least they matched.
“I’m just saying it looked like I interrupted something intimate, that’s all!”
“Juuuust please bury me somewhere alreadyyyyyy,” Angel whined, and Charlie patted him gently on his head like a dog she got in the pet store. Vaggie looked mildly interested in the conversation and that was bad news. They were the only ones in the dining room now, Alastor, that sneaky bastard, just poofed home once they finished the lunch, singing some happy tune and obviously left all this to Angel to deal with. Husker disappeared almost immediately, definitely knowing something horrible was going to happen and Angel didn’t even see Niffty the whole lunch.
“I think it was rather sweet?” she tried again, and Angel groaned and hid his head between his legs. “I suppose it gave me a bit more perspective of you two now!”
“Seriously, what did happen there?” Vaggie stared at them both, perplexed, as if she wasn’t here at the lunch where Charlie asked Alastor if he ever thought of spending the night in the hotel with Angel, in Angel’s room, to get the full hotel experience. She specifically said Angel’s room because she had no fucking filter and probably also because Alastor seemed to mightily approve of her choice of words and Angel’s utter mortified expression. The more frustrated Angel became, the wider was Alastor’s smile.
“They just kissed,” Charlie happily announced and yeah, Vaggie’s expression of total and utter disgust was spot on. “But it was cute!”
“Ya thought we were fuckin’ there at first!” Angel huffed. “And now ya say it was cute?”
“Well, you weren’t…” she rolled her hands around. “You know. And I know you said you don’t do that! So, I believe you!”
“Now ya believe me,” his eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Because of one obnoxious smooch?”
“Was it obnoxious?”
“He made a show out of it, ‘fcourse it was!” Angel groused, expecting Alastor to be real smooth about it later. Just helping he was going to say, for sure. Totally not making Angel want to hide under a rug and stay there because he was caught smooching the Radio Demon (though anybody else doing the smooch would be resting in pieces by now, so maybe it was more like a praise than a handicap, but still) and the Princess of Hell being the witness.
“I’m sorry I didn’t believe you before though,” Charlie sat a bit closer, clacking the chair with her until she could put her arm around Angel’s shoulders. “I guess I’m still a little surprised to see Radio demon actually possessing a beating heart.”
“A heart of his own, not the hearts he had stolen,” Vaggie added matter-of-factly. “Just for the record.”
“Thanks, Vaggie,” Angel huffed, but she was probably right anyway. “But it wasn’t like… why would one stupid show-off kiss make ya suddenly play a different tune?”
“Weeeell…” Charlie nervously looked away and Angel just knew.
“Ya were totally eavesdroppin’!” he pointed at her accusingly. “Holy shit, Cha-Cha, the Princess of Hell and ya just-!”
“Okay, okay!” she batted his hand down, her cheeks redder than normally he would even say steam was coming from her ears. “I might have been eavesdropping here and there-.”
“Here and there?” Angel couldn’t believe that. “So, there was more? Damn, you only act like an innocent girl, huh?”
“I was just worried!” she squeaked like a toy being squeezed too much. “I thought if he was being bad to you, I could save you somehow, but…”
Angel felt like the words actually physically smacked him over the face. Charlie, the bloody Princess of Hell, a hellborn demoness that knew him for how long? A month? This girl right there was caring for his wellbeing? She was ready to save him from an Overlord? Just because… because of what?
“But… why?” he couldn’t help but stare at her, eyes wide. “Why would ya go that far for a random sinner?”
Her face lit up with the most honest smile he had ever seen, like a puppy being petted for the first time even after peeing on the carpet, and Angel’s lower lip trembled in repressed sob she absolutely noticed, because of course she would.
“Because I care, Angel,” she pulled the chair even closer, so they were touching with their sides. “You’re my friend!”
“I bet ya say this to every girl ya meet,” he laughed trough ugly sobs and damn, that was so humiliating, he was going to need a real therapy after this.
“Just roll with it,” he heard from Vaggie, but couldn’t even look at her because Charlie was suddenly smooshing his face against her chest in a bear hug, petting him with cooing noises.
Holy shit, yeah, that was so going into a mental vault, Angel was so thoroughly embrassed.
And the worst thing was – he liked it. It was the nicest, warmest, the most awkward and cringiest thing he had ever experienced, and he did lots of shit in his life for this to top it all. Even Vaggie patted him awkwardly on his back in her way of showing support, and it only made him sob more.
It was probably good Alastor was fucking gone for this. That would be suicidal.
“Now wasn’t Charlie nice?”
Obviously Alastor was aware of everything. Angel didn’t even question it, especially not when he saw Al Junior peering at him from behind the Radio Demon, his smile wide and raggedy, as if he was not a spy master of gigantic proportions.
Alastor’s study was all lit up with the owner sitting behind the table, smiling at Angel softly. He only had a red shirt slightly unbuttoned from the top and his pants, but otherwise the rest was off, and it somehow added to the hominess Angel felt in the Radio Tower.
“Ya knew she was spying on us, didn’t ya,” Angel walked closer, stopping only a step away from the table. “Several times.”
“I would be a terrible Overlord if anybody could spy on me so easily, wouldn’t you agree,” Alastor grinned proudly, because obviously he would be proud of that in this regard. “There were no words able to sway the demon belle anyway. I may not be safest bet in any other regard, but for you, I am the safe heaven.”
“I was just trying to help.” There it was. “The situation was rather dire, as you sure agree.”
“I’m not upset, Al,” Angel breathed out with a small laugh. “I’m just… kinda offline right now. It was tiring as fuck.”
Alastor understood, that much was obvious. When he stood up and reached for Angel’s hands so he could lead him to the bedroom for a good night sleep, Angel had a fleeting worry of this all not being real, of waking up eventually in the hospital because somebody found him in the dirty bathroom of the club he overdosed himself in, and they managed to save him. And he would so fucking hate it he’d probably just kill himself with a yoghurt spoon or something the moment they’d leave him alone, just to end it.
But when Alastor pulled him close to his body and raked his clawed hand through his hair, the fear disappeared like a fleeting dream. He was where he was supposed to be. And he was happy he could cling to Alastor like a lifeline and never let go.
“Anthony,” Alastor’s static-less voice broke the gentle silence. “You touch my tail one more time and you lose dat hand.”
“That’s fine, have five more,” Angel grinned into Alastor’s chest and took the leap of faith.
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