#and it just feels yucky knowing these words would be laughed at :(
trailmixtime · 1 year
idk. i just think it's kind of shitty to make fun of celtic languages or try to project english rules onto them. just because a language has a latin alphabet doesn't mean it follows english spelling rules and celtic spelling rules actually make sense when you actually learn the rules. and just because a word may sound like a rude or adult word in english doesn't mean it's ok to make fun of it. it's as beautiful as any other word in the language and shouldn't be made fun of i think.
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cameronspecial · 2 months
A New Kind Of Normal (Part 5)
Pairing: Dad!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Relapse
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 3.5K
Summary: After a fight with his dad, Rafe makes another mistake that could cost him everything.
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Stella spots her dad easily in the crowd of parents and runs toward him. He picks her up, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “How was daycare, little witch?” Rafe asks. She moves in his arms to look at him, “Good. It was my turn to feed the fishy today.” For the past few weeks, Rafe has been picking up Stella at daycare and dropping her off at the diner. It was tiring at first to drive back and forward from the Outer Banks to the mainland every day, so he rented an apartment close to Y/N’s house to make the journey shorter. Ward wasn’t too pleased when Rafe started working remotely, but Sarah talked to Ward about it. “That’s sounds fun. Are you still mad at Sabrina?” he asks while buckling the little girl. She finds his eyes through the rearview mirror, “Yes, she stole my boyfriend.” “That’s okay, you’re too young to be dating anyway. Boys are yucky,” he laughs at the pouty face she gives him.
Y/N is refilling the sugar container when Rafe walks through the door. Her surprise is written on her face because Stella is at her grandparents’, so he doesn’t need to drop her off this evening. She sets the sugar down, “Hey, is everything okay?” “Yeah, just didn’t really know what to do with my time since I’m not dropping Stella off. I thought I’d keep you company,” he states, sitting down at the counter. She laughs, “I remember the first time my parents took her for the weekend. I had a lot of time on my hands and I didn’t know what to do, so I rearranged my spice cabinet three times.”
“That sounds fun. How did you arrange them?”
“By country of origin, and then by taste, and then by alphabetical order, which is how I already had it. So I’m glad to be your spice cabinet for this evening.” 
Harvey comes out from the kitchen and sees Rafe at the counter, “Hello, Rafe. I’ll be with you in just a moment.” “It’s okay, Harv. I’m going to the kitchen to get something to drink. I’ll put in his order in. You can head on your break once you serve your table,” she informs, putting the sugar back under the countertop. Patty receives his order and Y/N heads back out to stay with Rafe. “How has your day been?” she asks, sitting on the stool across from him still behind the counter. He looks up from his phone, “It was a little disappointing. Work was the same as ever and I didn’t get to see my little witch. Seeing you is the best part of my day. How about you?” Her heart flutters and she uses a cough as an excuse to hide the sparkly in her eye. “I like seeing you too,” she says, focusing on the countertop. He gives a little chuckle, “I was asking more about your day, but it’s good to know you appreciate my company.” 
He knows she turned him down for a date and it hurt at the time, but Rafe hasn’t given up hope. She said that she liked him and timing was the only issue. He just has to show her he can stay sober and be in a relationship with her. Her eyes shy away, “Now, I feel stupid. My day was not bad. Business is better than usual, which means more money for me.” “Don’t feel stupid, Buttercup. It’s a simple mistake. I’m glad that business is going well,” he comforts. 
The two engage in smile talk until Patty comes out to give Rafe his food. “Patty,  I could’ve brought out his food,” Y/N protests, moving out of the way so Patty can slide the plate directly in front of him. Patty gives him a warm smile, “I know, but I just love seeing this handsome face.” “Aww, Patty. I love seeing you too. If only I was a few years older,” he plays along. She shakes her head, “If only. I would never dream of taking you for Y/N/N though.” “Patty, he isn’t mine. He is free to do whatever he wants,” Y/N interjects, disappointing Rafe. He turns his attention to Y/N, “There isn’t anyone else that I want other than Stella.” She looks at him with shock, understanding the hidden meaning behind the look in his eyes. “Stella is one lucky daughter,” she states while breaking their eye contact. Harvey calls Y/N over to ask her a question and this ends their conversation. “You love her,” Patty remarks. Rafe nods his head, “I do, but she doesn’t love me.” “Just you wait. She’ll come around. You’re already on the right track. Stella is definitely the way to her heart,” Patty returns to the kitchen. 
With Stella away, Y/N decides to give Patty and Harvey the rest of the night off and she would close up shop for the day. What she didn’t anticipate was Rafe staying with her until she closed. He spent eight hours with her at the counter. About three hours in, he commandeered her laptop to keep himself busy as she took care of the customers. He would tell her random facts to catch her attention and tell her a joke to hear her melodic laugh. He would steal glances at her every so often. Unbeknownst to him, she would steal some right back. She told him multiple times that he didn’t need to stay, but he insisted he needed her company to fill the hole of Stella being gone. The last customer leaves the diner and Y/N locks up behind him.
She turns toward Rafe, who still hasn’t left, “Do you want something to eat? You have been here for eight hours.” “I could go for some fries, but only if you eat something too. You haven’t eaten since I got here,” he points out. Right on time, her stomach growls in a long low tone. She didn’t realize she skipped dinner and felt butterflies at the fact that Rafe was keeping an eye on her. “Okay, I’ll be right back.” 
Around fifteen minutes later, she returns with a place full of fries and a burger. She rounds the counter to sit beside Rafe and puts the plate between the two of them. “Do you want to watch a movie?” she questions, pulling her laptop to her to open Disney +.  His hand finds a fry, “Sure.” He lets her pick Ratatouille since it feels like fitting with them being in a restaurant and all. Y/N inspects the fries on the plate and before she can take the fry she decides on, Rafe mindlessly grabs the one she wants. The fry is near his mouth, but she grabs it out of his hand and shoves it in her mouth. “Hey! I was going to eat that, Buttercup,” he complains. She shrugs her shoulders, “I like the crunchy ones, Button. I’m sorry, but I couldn’t let you have this crunchy goodness.” 
“That’s awfully selfish of you. How are you going to make it up to me?”
The pair had unknowingly gotten closer to each other. Their faces are only about three inches away from each other. His breath finds her lips and it takes everything in him not to bring them to his. She stares into his eyes, trying to figure out what he wants her to say. “Well… I don’t have much, but how about I let Stella sleep over at your place next weekend? Does that make you feel better?” she genuinely offers. Upon seeing she is serious, his face turns to joy, “I would love to have her sleepover. I have to get the spare bedroom ready. Maybe get her a few toys and some-.” “Woah, slow down there, Button. She is only there for a night. You don’t need to do too much for her,” Y/N stops his tangent. 
“I know. I just want her to enjoy her weekend with me so she’ll want to come back. So I can prove that I am a good father.” 
“Rafe, no matter what you do, she will want to be with you. You are her father and that’s all she needs.” 
Her right hand finds the side of his face and she plays with the bottom of his earlobe. He leans into her touch, letting himself be comforted after he is a little vulnerable with her. Her eyes flicker down to his watch and she notices the time. “Damn, it’s late. I should probably start walking back home,” she worries, scrambling off the stool and cleaning up their late-night snack. He looks at his watch, “You are walking home? What happened to your car?” “Joshua asked to borrow it and since Stella is not with me, I said it was fine,” she notes as a matter of fact. He helps her clean up and takes out his car key, “I see. I’ll drive you home then.” “Rafe, you don’t have to. You know it isn’t that far for me to walk,” she tries to refuse. He shakes his head, “Y/N, I’m not letting the mother of my child walk alone close to midnight. So, don’t worry about it and let me drive you.” She stops arguing and gets to work quickly cleaning up.
Once she closes the diner, they walk side by side to his car. He notices the goosebumps running up her arm and shrugs off his grey North Face jacket, wrapping it around her shoulders. She whispers a thank you. They get into the car and make their way to her house. He walks her to the door with his fingertips itching to touch hers. At the door, they turn to each other, looking into each other’s eyes. He takes a tentative step forward and she doesn’t move back. He is about to take a chance and lean in for a kiss when the door flings open to reveal Benedict.   
“Finally, you’re back. You sure took your sweet time with closing. Hey, Rafe. Y/N, do you have any mayo? I feel like eating just straight-up mayo,” Benny interrupts, walking away from the door to the kitchen. She pulls away from Rafe and follows her brother inside, devastating Rafe. He slowly enters the house after a few seconds to see the siblings bickering about Benny eating only mayo. The domestic sight makes him feel left out, so he bids goodbye to the pair. He is almost to the door when Y/N catches up to him. “Button, wait,” she calls out, gently grabbing his arm above his elbow. “I wanted to say thank you for keeping me company tonight. And for taking me home. I know you didn’t have to stay and that part of the reason you did is because of me. So thank you.” He looks back at her with a soft smile, “No problem. I have to protect the woman I lo- I have to protect the woman who gave birth to my baby girl.” She caught what he was about to say, nails finding their way between her teeth. “Right, well… goodnight,” she mutters, stepping back into her house. He moves back towards the sidewalk, “Goodnight.” Y/N waits for Rafe to be out of sight before closing the door.
Rafe opens the door to his apartment to find Ward Cameron waiting with an annoyed look on his face. “What do you want?” Rafe grumbles, leaving the door open and walking away from it. Ward enters the room, “You can’t keep living here. You need to come back to the Outer Banks.” “No, I don’t. I’ve been keeping up with my work and going back when we had a meeting. So I don’t see a problem,” Rafe argues, going to the kitchen to pour himself some water. 
“When are you going to realize that you are just playing pretend? That you are eventually going to get tired of playing family. It’s better you realized that sooner rather than later.”
“You have no idea what you are talking about. I’m not going to leave my family. You always say that family comes first and that’s what I’m doing.”
“Listen, Rafe. I know you and the only thing that you can stay committed to is coke and the family business. So stop kidding yourself.”
Rafe shakes his head in frustration, “Well, I’ve changed. I want to give my daughter the support you never gave to me but you gave to Sarah.” “When you realize this is all a mistake, don’t come crying to me to fix this problem. I already told you to sign a paper saying you’d only give child support,” Ward warns, heading back out the door. Rafe yells in frustration, throwing a water bottle at the wall. He doesn’t understand the point of his father coming over just to tell him he is going to end up abandoning his family. It drives Rafe crazy that Ward thinks he knows everything about his son when Ward barely takes the time to talk to him. His feelings for his dad come cropping up and he needs something to relieve the stress. 
A knock on the door causes him to stop his tantrum. Shit, he forgot he is supposed to have Stella over for tonight. A second knock comes when he is splashing water on his face to calm down. At the third knock, he opens the door to see an excited Stella and a nervous Y/N. His daughter walks into the apartment as if she lives there while Y/N notices Rafe’s emotion. “Are you okay? She can sleep over next weekend if this is a bad time,” Y/N says. He doesn’t want to talk about it, “I’m fine. She can stay. I could use her company.” She isn’t sure if what he says is the entire truth, but she trusts him to know what he needs and if he needs his daughter, she won’t stop him. “Okay, well call me if you need anything. I’ll be at home all night,” she informs, heading inside to give Stella a kiss before she leaves. Rafe sighs once the door is locked, turning toward his daughter with a fake smile. “What do you want to do, little witch?” She gives him a massive grin and pulls something out from her bag, “Can I practice my face painting on you, Daddy? I can make you into a monster.” “Doesn’t that sound like a great idea? I would love to be your model.”
The evening he gets to spend with his daughter is the best he’s ever gotten to spend. They went on a Target run and got a variety of stuff. Toys. Clothes. Food. Board Games. Accessories. Anything she wanted found its way into their cart. He didn’t care about the looks he got for wearing skeleton makeup that Stella put on his face. It may be June, but it is never too early to celebrate the spooky season. They got back home after the shopping spree to make all the food and play all the board games they bought. He had just put her to bed when the bad thoughts started to creep back in. The doubts he is feeling about being a father start to seep through. So far, everything has been great. They always have so much fun. But what happens when the real struggles of parenting start to begin? When Stella won’t simply go to bed because he told her so. When she starts to resist his authority because the newest of having a dad is over. 
His hands are going crazy with fidgeting with his watch. The leg bouncing up and down is the only thing emitting a sound throughout the living room. He goes to call Diana and is sent to voicemail. He wants to call Y/N but thinks twice about it because he doesn’t want to worry her. He knows he shouldn’t but he needs to stop the voices in his head. The DVD case in the TV centre is calling to him. His feet lead him closer to what he shouldn’t be close to. He gets out the case and opens it up to find the little bag of powder. Before this day, he forgot he had stashed it there and that is why he hasn’t got rid of it yet. It’s okay if he has a little bit though, just a little. Maybe if he knows he should control himself, then it will be better than using more. He just needs a little something to stop his brain. 
He forms one line. One line should be enough. The relief he feels, once he snorts the line, begs him to do another. One more couldn’t hurt. He doesn’t realize he has gone through the whole bag until he can’t make any more lines. The energy he feels gets him up and moving. He cleans up the mess they made while cooking and organizes the board games they played. After a while he starts to crash, so he lies down on the couch to try and get some sleep but the coke isn’t letting him. He stares at the ceiling for hours until eventually, the mindlessness of sleep overcomes him, forgetting to clean up the evidence of what he did. 
Y/N taps the door as lightly as possible to hopefully not wake up Stella. She wants to help Rafe get breakfast ready for the little girl. The knock goes unanswered, so the next one that comes is a little harder. Rafe opens the door with a confused look that turns to panic when he sees who it is. “Hey, Button. Sorry to wake you up so early. But I thought I could help you make Stells some breakfast. I hope you have some eggs because I was thinking about making some eggs benedict,” she explains, heading toward the kitchen to place down the tote with the food she brought. Rafe scrambles to block her view of his coffee table, “Uh, yeah. The eggs are in the fridge.” He was too late. Her eyes are already narrowed at something in the living room and he knows she saw his last night late activities. 
She heads toward the table to make sure she is actually seeing what she thinks she is seeing. “You relapsed,” she mutters to herself in a calm and worrying tone. Rafe runs to her side, gently turning her to look at him, “Buttercup, I know I did. But I promised it wasn’t that much. I just needed something to stop my thoughts.” Her head starts to shake violently as she yanks her hand out of his hold and walks back slowly toward Stella’s room. The anger she feels is now showing, “If it wasn’t that much, then how come the bag is empty, Rafe? How much was in that bag? HOW MUCH COCAINE DID YOU DO WHILE MY DAUGHTER WAS UNDER YOUR CARE?” The blow comes in twofold. The first, she didn’t call him the playful nickname she always does. The second, she called Stella her daughter instead of theirs. 
“I know I screwed up, Buttercup. But I promise, she wasn’t awake.” 
“You don’t get to call me that right now. I don’t care if she is awake or not. I’m upset at the fact that you did drugs while she was in the house. That she could’ve woken up while you were sleeping and had access to the mess you left. Or worse, you died on the couch because you overdosed. ” 
“Of course, you are allowed to be upset. But it was a mistake. I’m sorry. It will never happen again. Y/N, please.”
“I can’t Rafe. I know that relapsing is sometimes a part of the journey to sobriety and I can forgive that. I can’t forgive putting Stella at risk.”
Y/N walks away in the direction of Stella’s room. All he can do is wait there as he hears the door open. “Stella. Baby, wake up. It’s time to go,” Y/N murmurs, kneeling beside the bed and running her fingers through Stella’s hair. The girl gently stirs, “Why, Mommy? I haven’t had breakfast yet.” “Because, Baby, Daddy needs to go somewhere so we have to go. We can make breakfast at home,” the mother explains, helping her daughter put of the bed. She knows Stella wants to debate more, but isn’t allowed to because Y/N is packing Stella’s stuff as fast as she can. 
Rafe is still standing there when Y/N comes back out with Stella in one arm and the little girl’s bag over the other shoulder. This makes him rush toward her, “Y/N, please. Don’t go. Please.” She ignores him and walks out the door, leaving the food she brought. He can hear Stella demanding to say bye to her Daddy and it rips his heart out as he hears Y/N firmly say no. He slams the door shut, screaming into the oblivion of his pain. 
Taglist: @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @drewstarkeyswifehoe @kisstaya @magicalyoura @mp-littlebit @loverfu55ii @dark1paradise @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @alyisdead @emeloyy @js-a-writer @kisstaya @optimisticsandwichgladiator
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mellowsadistic · 1 year
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Aubree’s face was bright red as she toddled into her nursery, looking for her Daddy. He’d been her boyfriend once, and she’d been a regular woman, but that was her old life. That was before the new laws came into place a few months ago, stripping women of their rights. That was before she went from a confident, independent career woman to her boyfriend’s personal property, his little toy to do with as he wished. And of course he couldn’t have just turned her into his little sex-pet, like had happened to some of her friends. No, that wasn’t good enough for him. He’d been determined to put Aubree in her “rightful place”, to “fix” her attitude and make her understand that women were nothing but overgrown children, and that she was no different.
Aubree’s heavy, loaded nappy jiggled between her legs as she waddled into the room. It was absolutely soaked with pee, just like it normally was, and there was a big, yucky mess in the back as well. Aubree had made poo-poos in her pants almost two hours ago – there was no way Daddy would ever change her diaper straight away, but it had been long enough now that she could try and persuade him.
There he was, bending down by her changing table, restocking it with a fresh supply of adult-sized nappies for her to pee and poop in. He heard her approach, and looked up. A wide, satisfied smile spread across his face as he took in the sight of his former girlfriend standing there slightly bow-legged, with her full nappy drooping between her thighs.
“Hi, sweetheart!” he said, his tone sweet and condescending. “Were you looking for Daddy?”
Aubree’s face was scarlet. She hated the way he baby-talked her! She looked at the floor and nodded.
“Awww,” he cooed, “did baby want some cuddles from Dada? Or maybe she needed something else, hmm? What’s the matter, sweet girl? Are you hungry? Thirsty?”
Aubree seethed silently. He knew what she wanted! But she wasn’t allowed to ask for a nappy change. Daddy said she wasn’t allowed to use her big girl words that way. Any time she wanted a clean nappy, she had to do what Daddy called her “diapee dance”.
Aubree took a deep breath, and then, cringing with shame, she looked up into his smirking face and lisped, “Diapee danth, Dada!”
Then she turned around, fell into a squat, and started wiggling her diapered bottom from side to side so that the sagging seat of her nappy swung about madly between her legs. She wrinkled her nose in disgust as she felt her wee-wee sloshing about in her pants and the horrible mess squish against her bottom. Tears of shame stung her eyes. How could this have happened to her?! She was supposed to be a grown woman in the prime of her life!
She could hear Daddy laughing behind her. “That’s Daddy’s little dancer!” he praised as she continued to shake her bottom and make her droopy diaper jiggle about. “That’s my little wiggle-butt!”
She felt him come up behind her and pat her bottom firmly. She stopped shaking it immediately. Slowly, as if he were savouring every second, Aubree’s Daddy turned her around and tilted up her chin so that she was looking into his face.
“Poor little thing,” he crooned when he saw the tears of humiliation on her bright red face. “It’s okay!” He stroked her cheek gently. “I know you’re upset because your big-girl life is over and you’re just a silly baby now, but you’ll get used to it, sweetie.” He patted her sagging diaper firmly again, smiling. “One day this will all be normal to you.”
“But I don’t want it to be normal!” Aubree wailed.
“It’s okay, baby girl,” her Daddy soothed again, pulling her into a cuddle and reaching down to pat her bottom, gently this time. “You’re just a little cranky right now. But Daddy knows how to make you feel better.” He moved his hand from her bottom to the front of her soggy nappy, and started to rub.
Aubree gasped. She opened her mouth to tell him to stop, but instead, totally against her will, she let out a slutty, breathy moan. She felt herself going even redder than before.
“That’s it,” her Daddy coaxed. “Good girl! Baby likes her rub-rubs, doesn’t she?”
Aubrey moaned again, biting her lip in pleasure as Daddy pressed the sodden, pissy padding of her used nappy against her sensitive little pussy.
Still rubbing the front of her diaper, he led her to a chair in the corner of her nursery. He took a seat, pulling her, facing him, into his lap.
Immediately, she started to grind her diapered pussy desperately against his thigh. A part of her wanted to stop, was screaming inside her head to control herself, but the pleasure was too much. Daddy always kept her on edge, saying it would make her easier to control. She knew she was proving him right, but it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered now except humping his leg as hard and fast as she could. She felt Daddy press his knee up against her crotch, and she squealed in pleasure.
Aubree looked down at her Daddy, her eyes slightly crossed, her chin slick with drool, and saw him smirking. She let out a noise somewhere between a moan of pleasure and a groan of shame. She felt like a stupid baby. She felt like a dumb whore. With a final moan that made her sound like a bimbo slut, Aubree orgasmed in her soggy, stinky nappy and collapsed against her Daddy’s chest. She felt his strong arms hold her tightly against him, felt his hand cup her padded bottom. Then he kissed her on the top of her head and said, “That’s my little girl.”
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strangerxperv · 2 months
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65. “you’re being particularly insufferable today”
Exasperated Dom/ Daddy Jim Hopper x loser perv sub/ little reader
Warnings: NSFW/ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, Age difference, degradation, you're a loser/ unkept/ chapped lips/ almost constant dehydration, curvy fem bodied, Jim is a Dom turned annoyed daddy, you're disgusting and full of lust, Jim secretly loves its, spitting, and breeding.
Daddy's Little Pervy Loser
You're not Jim's usual type and you've found peace in this knowledge. He likes you and hasn't broken up with your degenerate ass yet. Most people in this situation would try to bend over backwards. You?
You like to annoy Jim so he'll be mean to you. You love how it feels for him to make you feel small. The way Jim's big burly arms cage you in close.
Jim's cock stuffed down your throat forcing drool and precum to waterfall. Slip past your chapped split lips and drip off his full balls. His hands engulfing the sides of your face with his calloused thick fingers entangled in your hair.
But you loved it even more when Jim fucked you full of cum over and over, promising to knock you up. All the while his deep voice whispers words of twisted praise. The degrading look and tone fills you with satisfaction knowing you have brought him to sin.
Chief Jim Hopper a true and just man laying with a disgusting young perverted loser. You tempt him and he used to hate it. Jim thought he hated you and was even cruel. But that didn't deter you and instead it encouraged you to push harder, like it was a game.
So yes, your relationship is odd and most don't understand how it works. Jim isn't embarrassed by you or ashamed of the relationship. He does hate that you like to make people uncomfortable by jokingly calling him daddy.
He hates it even more feeling his dick twitch to life at the title you've given him, "Daddy!" Your goading bratty tone pulls all the right strings. Jim wants to make you scream it until your horse voice begs Daddy to forgive you. He wonders if you're aware of the effect that name has for the large man.
You must know to some extent based on your current behavior, "Mmm...I can't reach my cup! Can you pleeease help me, daddy?" It's obvious that you can reach the cup on the shelf completely in grasping distance.
Or when you bent over to grab the remote from under the couch. Your ass poking out from your skirt before you widened your stance. Ass up and back arched he sees your glistening petals, "Oooooh! My fingers can't reach it, daddy! I need your help!"
But worse yet you sitting on his lap bugging him during the game, "Don't you wanna play with me instead daddy?" And this time you feel him twitch, "I can catch you balls until it rains!"
Jim begins to shake from under you before his boisterous laugh echos around you, "You want me to fuck you? Till you squirt?!" It's humiliating that him laughing at your flirtatious offer makes you more desperate, "How you're dehydrated-" Jim's laughing so hard he can't breath and his face is getting red, "The only drinks you ever open your mouth for is daddy's spit or cum!"
You feel hot all over from embarrassment and excitement, "That's cause daddy tastes so much better than yucky water!" With that you open your mouth as wide as you can physically handle. Your tongue lolling out in a lewdly debauched display of submission.
"you’re being particularly insufferable today," He's not laughing anymore, "Only good girls get daddy's spit. You want it?" His hand grips your jaw forcing your face away, "Earn it and drink that big glass of water." To prove his point Jim spits onto your puffy cheek.
Fuck. Fuck. FUCK. You can't help but hump your ass onto his throbbing cock. It's so fucking mean you want more. Stumbling off his lap, Jim rights you, almost tripping over your own feet before gripping the large cup.
Gulp after gulp you're soon drenched and your shirt is soaked, clinging to your fat tits. Nipples are poking out at Jim and he barely takes notice of you gasping for breath. A few gulps more and the cup is empty so you toss it aside.
"Wow," it's sarcastic, "You're that much of a desperate fucking loser whose only thought is to get stuffed with cock-" a shake of his head, "You're willing to drench your shirt just to obey your daddy?"
A moan squeaks from your dripping lips while you wiggle in place. Your hands pull your skirt up to show your puffy cunt. The fabric bunched in your small hands, "Please, Please look at me!" Jim can't look away from your pussy squished between thick thighs, "I wan' you to fill my fuck hole full of your sticky cum. Wan' you to fuck me, daddy, I wan' feel your full balls slapping me!" One hand slips down as you spread your stance and then your lips, "My clit is so hard it hurts!" Your whine makes Jim clench his jaw.
"You're a degenerate pervert." Jim growls out as his glare watches slick drool from your hole. It only makes you more wet and serves to piss Jim off further, "I swear to God. You dumb fucking whore, do you know what You've done to me? How you seduced me and twisted me from a good man to one that craves you constantly?" He rises from his chair to tower over you, "I need to ruin you like you've ruined me."
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addthespaghetti · 7 months
She’s Mine
i’m not even going to lie, i listened to so much pierce the veil while writing this. so the ending is based of off a match into water because i can.
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warnings: drinking, sexual reference, angst, fluff, and violence
1800+ words
You love your job. You do. Saving people, working together closely with people you consider family, and most of all, it led you to meet the love of your life, Emily Prentiss.
When you met Emily, it was like your life finally made sense. You worked hard to get into the BAU, ignoring your social life and, most importantly, your love life. You felt like you had no other purpose than getting into the BAU.
You thought you would feel fulfilled, finally getting the job of your dreams. Once you got that call that you got the job, you had the feeling of etterath. You got the job you gave up your entire life for, but now you have no one, no friends, no family, and no one to celebrate your accomplishment with.
The day you started at the BAU, you were excited for the first time in years, but you still couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness.
You felt it the entire time it took you to get ready, aware of it as you drove to the FBI building in Quantico and on the elevator ride up to the BAU.
While opening the big glass doors to enter the bullpen, you heard a woman laugh, a laugh you were immediately captivated by. You looked to find a source of that laughter, and that's when you saw her sitting at her desk, laughing at something someone said. Usually, you would be interested in what she was laughing about, but you couldn't focus on anything but her beautiful smile and gorgeous dark brown hair.
After that day, your crush on Emily grew, but you could never figure out if she had feelings for you back.
Until one girls' night, Penelope wanted to go to a bar that had just opened because she had heard they have good drinks. So you and the girls stayed out late, drinking away the stress from the last case.
You woke up the next morning naked in a strange bed, confused by what you did. You weren't the type of person to have random hookups. When you finally decided to look at the woman's bed you were in, you were shocked to see your coworker, Emily Prentiss. You weren't surprised that you hooked up with Emily. You would have done that if she asked. You were more shocked that she hooked up with you.
Fast forward six months later, and you and Emily have been dating for five months. You could not be happier, and neither could Emily.
Just because you love your job doesn't mean you don't have moments where you hate it. Like right now, you are in Emily's lap, making out with her when your phone rang.
"Fuck!" you groan as you get out of her lap to grab your phone.
Emily, stretching out her arms, trying to pull you back onto her lap, she states in an irritated tone, "Just let it ring. If it is so important, they will call back."
You look at Emily, debating your options. You really wanted to continue to make out with Emily, but you know that is probably Penelope calling about a case.
"Emily, we can't. You and I both know that call is Penelope with a case." You look at Emily with an apologetic look as you pick up the phone.
Emily sighs, "I know, but you look so good right now."
You duck your head, trying to hide your blushing face from Emily as you answer the call from Penelope.
"Yes, Penny?" You speak in a calm tone.
In a very energetic and fast tone, Penelope tells you, "Case we have a very yucky awful case."
"I figured, oh, and Penelope?" You ask.
"Yes, my favorite fruity friend?" She asks in the same energetic tone.
You sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose, "Garcia, how much coffee have you had today?"
"Technically, I only had one," Penelope said while shaking from the caffeine.
You look at Emily with an exasperated look on your face. You weren't trying to get annoyed at Penelope, but her fake math concerned you with how unhealthy it is most of the time.
Emily stood up and grabbed the phone from your hand, "Garcia, we are on our way, and when we get to Quantico, I am taking away your caffeine and switching you to decaf."
"WAIT WHAT, ARE YOU DOING WI-" Garcia yells into the phone before Emily hangs up.
You stand there surprised at what Emily did before she looks at you, "What? You better start getting ready. We don't want to be late." She tells you with a smirk on her face.
"That was hot," you fake cough, "We might be sick and need to stay home from this case." You try to grab your girlfriend, but she walks away to get ready.
You groan and decide to get ready. Grabbing your phone, you connect it to your speaker and start to play music.
You and Emily get ready quickly with only minimal distractions. You couldn't stop teasing each other, but luckily, you learned to get dressed fast during high school.
The car ride to the BAU was filled with lengthy touches and quick kisses. Emily wouldn't let go of your thigh while she was driving. She almost caused an accident because of it.
After getting to the FBI building, you and Emily walked in together, talking about random stuff while riding to the sixth floor.
As soon as you both walk into the round table room, you and your girlfriend are immediately questioned by Hotch, "You late. Where were you?"
You look over at Emily, having no idea what to say. You and Emily decided not to tell the team you were dating yet, but that can cause issues like now.
"We went out last night, and she stayed at my apartment. When we got the call from Penelope, I had to drive her to her apartment so she could grab her go bag and get ready." Emily quickly responded to Hotch.
"That is fine. Just don't let that happen again." Hotch said in his usual serious tone.
You do not know where your girlfriend got her lying skills, but you were lucky she had them because Hotch believed her. You and Emily quickly sat down in a seat to not get reprimanded by Hotch.
After Penelope explained the case, everyone went to the bullpen to grab their things, striking up a casual conversation here and there.
Thirty minutes later, the whole team, minus Penelope, was on their way to the sunny state of Florida.
This case was crazy and took many unexpected turns, but you shouldn't have expected any less from a Florida case. Still, you were surprised when what was supposed to be a routine talk with a witness ended with you getting stabbed. You were also left with a sizable scar on your chest as a result of that.
On the way back to Quantico, the jet was so silent you could hear a pin drop.
You sat in the back of the plane alone, with your headphones in, listening to your favorite songs, trying to stay awake. You haven't been able to sleep without having a nightmare since your attack, and you are worried you will have one on the jet if you fall asleep.
What you don't notice is your girlfriend staring at you from across the jet, worried about how you are coping with your attack.
Rossi moves across from Emily, "You know, just staring at her is not going to magically make her better, kid."
"I know, I just don't know what to do. I wish I could take all of the pain away she is feeling," Emily says, looking at the older man.
"You love her," Rossi says more as a statement than a question.
Before Emily could squeak out a defense, Rossi quickly spoke, "Emily, I'm not going to judge you, but you know she has been through a lot now and in her past. You need to be there for her, be the shoulder for her to cry on. Make sure you remind her how much you love her. You cannot take away her pain, but you can help her cope and learn to grow."
Emily looked over at you before she spoke again, "I will. Thank you, Dave."
"It's no problem, kid. You learn a thing or two after three marriages," He jokes.
Emily grins at his joke while turning to look at you again. This time, you notice her and give her a weak smile. She smiles back at you. She looks at your tired features that highlight your lack of sleep and feels a sense of worry wash over her.
After the jet lands, Hotch lets everyone go home early. Before you could leave, Derek invited everyone out to grab some drinks. You didn't want to say no because everyone said they were coming, and you felt bad being the only one not going.
So now you sit at the bar alone. Drinking when you definitely shouldn't because of the medication you are on. All because Hotch and JJ left early for their kids, Rossi and Spencer left because it was past their bedtime, and everyone else is dancing.
When Emily finally comes to the table and sees you not having a good time, she decides to call a cab and take you home.
It took her a while to get you to her apartment because of how drunk you were, but as soon as she opened the door, you immediately walked to the couch to sleep. Since Emily is an incredible girlfriend, she got you up and dragged you to the bathroom to get ready for bed.
After she washed your face and brushed your teeth because you could barely walk, she went to unbutton your shirt to change your bandages, but you immediately stopped her.
"Baby, what's wrong?" Emily asks, concern in her voice.
The alcohol in your system was making you honest, "I'm ugly. The scar ruined my body," you said with tears rolling down your cheek.
"You are not ugly. You are as gorgeous as ever," Emily reassures you.
"But-" before you can finish your sentence, Emily kisses you to stop your self-deprecating.
Emily breaks apart your kiss and speaks against your lips, "You are the most beautiful person I have ever met, and no scar will ever make me feel different."
"Change my bandages, Emily," you look at Emily with tears and love in your eyes.
Emily unbuttons your shirt slowly and takes it off your shoulders. She slowly peels off your bandages and grabs the supplies to clean the wounded area. After she disinfects the scar, she leans down and kisses the mark.
Emily looks up at you, "Your so beautiful, and I never want to lose you. You are my best friend."
"I love you too," you say with tears rolling down your cheek again.
That night, you fall asleep in Emily's arms without one nightmare in sight.
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 1 year
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[12:07 pm]
(cw: dad!johnny, gn!reader)
“You know I really thought our beach trip would be a weekend trip and not a week long trip at a beachfront hotel,” You sighed, settling down onto the beach towel you had just laid out under a large beach umbrella.
“What my baby wants, my baby gets,” Johnny smiled, pressing a kiss to the fat cheek of your daughter in his arms.
“She can’t talk John,” you rolled your eyes and extended your arms for her, “how did she tell you she wanted to come to the beach anyway?”
You began rubbing sunblock onto your daughters cheeks, cautious of her eyes and mouth, “We were watching tv and she got really excited when she saw the beach on the screen.”
You scoffed playfully, readjusting her bucket hat so her face was completely covered, “Your daddy spoils you, my little love.”
“Daddy spoils you too, now, let’s get my baby girl in the water!” Johnny smiled brightly, scooping up his daughter before he excitedly made his way to the water.
You couldn’t fight the smile on your face as you watched her chubby little legs kick with excitement and heard her faint squeals of happiness.
While you were relaxing in the warm shade and salty breeze, Johnny was busy getting his daughter used to the fresh ocean water that lightly lapped at his feet. He squatted down, holding his daughter beneath her arms and let her feel the water on her feet. She babbled happily, arms waving around while she dug her tiny toes into the wet sand. He sat her down, sitting behind her so she had support, and let her feel the sand in her hands. She loved it, grabbing tiny fistfuls and throwing it around, but he did have to stop her from eating it countless times. Every time a wave would make its way up shore where they sat, her breath would hitch in excitement while she squirmed, readying herself to feel the cool water. It was enough to keep her entertained for at least an hour.
Her hand came down to slap the water, Johnny smiled, hearing her happy baby babbling which was soon interrupted by sudden cry. Johnny checked to make sure she wasn’t hurt, but then he saw it- her hand in her mouth. “Oh, my little love. I know it tastes so yucky doesn’t it?”
He held her to his shoulder, swaying her back and forth as they walked back to where you were sat enjoying the calm beach day. You turned at the sound of your daughter’s cries, reaching for her as Johnny explained what happened. You reached for her water and some of her snacks, hoping that the taste would soon be out of her mouth. “At least she was having fun before she tasted the water,” you laughed lightheartedly, wiping away the streaks of tears from her red cheeks while she drank from her cup of water.
Johnny chuckled with you, “Wait right here.” Then he was dashing off somewhere behind you after he snatched up his wallet from the large tote you had beside you.
You pushed the hair away from your daughter’s face, ticking her to get her to laugh while you held her snack puffs in your palm. You pointed out some dolphins to her in the horizon, repeating the word in the hopes that she would parrot it back, but all you got was her usual baby noises.
In just a few minutes, Johnny returned panting with an armload of different popsicles and ice creams. He fell onto the towel in front of his daughter, startling her before she laughed at the dramatic behavior of her dad. He held up each package he bought, opening the first one that the baby reached for, a strawberry popsicle wrapped in bright yellow and pink, of course.
They shared bites of the cold treat, leaving you to have your pick of the leftovers. You all ate quietly, enjoying the sound of the crashing waves on the shore and other families enjoying the beach as well. You occasionally heard a soft ‘ahhhh’ as Johnny moved to feed your daughter again or a hum of approval from the baby sat between your outstretched legs.
“All done, little love. Did you like it?” Johnny asks the baby, pressing a kiss to her forehead while he wipes away the remaining red syrup around her mouth.
“We brought her food, it’s in the bag,” you tell Johnny, watching your daughter rub at her eyes with a closed fist.
You pulled her into your arms rocking her back and forth to lull her to sleep, “I didn’t want her fun time at the beach to be ruined by one bad moment. I had to make it up for my baby girl.”
“I would sure hope not, we've got 5 days left here. You spoil her John,” you sigh, tearing your eyes away from the waves to make eye contact with your husband who was still laying in front of you.
He laughed loudly, quickly muffling his laugh when you gave him a stern look, “Says you. Remind me again, was it you or me who had to go out and buy our daughter, who has never been in a body of water outside the bathtub, six new bathing suits?”
You averted your gaze to your daughter peacefully asleep in your arms, long eyelashes brushing the tops of her chubby cheeks. “Fine, we both spoil her.”
“And I spoil you both, you deserve it, my love.”
“We love you John, now let’s get little love out of her wet clothes,” you smiled softly, leaning forward to kiss Johnny gently before you stood up and grabbed your tote.
Johnny shook out the beach towel and followed behind you, “Maybe tomorrow she can try floating in the water, I got her some floaties.”
“Not happening John.” You told him in a voice that told him you were not to be argued with. Yeah, no floating for little love after all.
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Liked by y/nsuh, priv.leemark, priv_ttyong, and 122 others
priv.suhjohnny it was all fun and games until little love tasted the water
leedonghyuck_priv i miss little love😭😭
y/nsuh we miss you hyuck
priv.leemark look at those tiny toes🥺🥰
priv.suhjohnny bro please keep that weird shit to yourself✋
jjaehyun.private Mark😳
leedonghyuck_priv bro…
priv_moon_taeil bro…
y/nsuh bro…
priv.leemark Y/N NOT YOU TOO😫
A/N: did you guys like the ig post at the end? this one was really fun to write, enjoy!
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pandenewie · 8 months
PROLOGUE: The Contract
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Masterlist | Next
Niki has never been big on love. It’s become a running gag in the friend group, as all of the boys have fallen in and out of love over the years while Niki makes sarcastic comments from the sidelines. His friends all claim he’s just being immature, that he’ll soon meet someone and stop being “bitchless” (in Sunghoon’s words). But Niki doesn’t know when that day will come and to be honest, he doesn’t really care.
What he does care about, however, is the teasing. Being the baby of the group, he’s used to getting away with pretty much anything. He’s usually the one dishing out the insults and jokes - not the one at the receiving end. So when Jake started the running joke that Niki was going to be forever alone and all his other friends jumped in on it - to say he was not impressed would be an understatement.
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“Wait, you guys seriously broke up?” Sunoo asks in disbelief, causing Jay to shrug. “Dude, summer break is supposed to be when you start relationships, not end them. That’s completely backwards.” Heeseung shoves his younger friend, earning an eye roll in response. “I know that but things weren’t working out. You guys know what it’s like.” Jay says. “Well, Niki doesn’t.” Jake laughs, causing the rest of the group to snicker towards their youngest. “Haha, really funny guys.” Niki says sarcastically.
“So, no summer romance for you, Niki?” Sunghoon teases, ruffling Niki’s hair. “Don’t rub it in!” Jungwon laughs, trying to nudge Sunghoon off their friend. Niki rolls his eyes at their teasing. “Rub what in? I doubt you have anything going on.” He points out, his words causing Jungwon’s cheeks to pinken slightly. “I was working most of the break…” Jungwon mumbles, annoyed at how this was somehow turned on him.
“At least he has an excuse.” Sunoo states. “Yeah, what’s yours? Other than being too cool for yucky love?” Heeseung teases. Niki can feel the annoyance bubbling in his stomach as his friends continue to laugh. “What if I told you that I did have a summer romance? Maybe some of us aren’t so immature that we need to talk about it 24/7.” Niki grumbles. The sound of Jake’s high-pitched cackle only annoys him further, as he watches his friend almost collapse from laughing.
“Sorry… just the fact that you thought we would believe you is, like, really funny.” Jake giggles, wiping a tear from his eye. “I’m not kidding! Just because I have a personality aside from whoever I’m dating, doesn’t mean I’m not dating at all.” Niki points out smugly.
He’s technically not wrong - Niki certainly isn’t the type of person to limit his discussions solely to his relationship status. The only problem with his sentence is that he isn’t in a relationship. Not even close. He hasn’t even had his first kiss yet - but his friends don’t need to know that.
“So you had your first kiss then?” Jay asks, raising an eyebrow. Okay, so apparently they do know that. “He’s making it up, Jay.” Heeseung rolls his eyes, causing Niki to scoff. He’s not sure why his friends not believing in his fake relationship makes him so angry, but it does. “I’m not lying. I just like to keep some stuff private.” Niki mumbles, suddenly avoiding eye contact. “Wait, he’s blushing! It is true!” Sunghoon exclaims, pointing at Niki’s red cheeks. He’s blushing because he’s embarrassed but, sure, that works too.
“Alright then, who’s the special someone who stole our maknae’s heart?” Jungwon teases, throwing his arm over Niki’s shoulder and nudging him in the side.
Shit… Niki hadn’t thought that far ahead. He can’t name someone that they know, because the guys will ask them about it. But what if he makes someone up and they call his bluff? He’s never been the best under pressure.
As Niki’s brain scans through every person in his year, he suddenly lands on Y/n. It’s almost perfect - a friend of a friend, so it’s not completely insane if they were to meet, but also someone with no ties to anyone else in the group. The closest would be Sunoo, whom they share a history class with but Sunoo doesn’t even go to history so Niki highly doubts he’ll know them.
“Their name’s Y/n.” Niki mumbles, growing slightly dizzy from Jungwon’s shaking. The group all look at him puzzled as they try to rack their brains for any knowledge of Y/n. “Who the fuck is Y/n?” Jake asks, confused. “Probably made up.” Heeseung shrugs, causing Niki to roll his eyes. “Y/n L/n, my year, they’re in history with Sunoo.” He clarifies, wanting to immediately slap himself. Why the hell did he say that? “Damnnit, the one class I don’t go to.” Sunoo sighs, pouting slightly.
“It’s fine, you can just introduce them to us, right Niki?” Sunghoon asks, teasingly. Um… what? Niki looks up to see the rest of his friends, looking at him expectantly. “Oh haha… I mean, yeah I guess. I’ll have to ask them first but… okay.” Niki rambles.
He absolutely will not be doing that.
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Niki wasn’t lying when he said Y/n had no ties to the group - so much so that he hadn’t even seen them all day. He likely would have forgotten about the whole thing, if it weren’t for Jake and Sunghoon bringing it up every 5 minutes.
“So… are you gonna tell us more about your romantic summer with Y/n?” Jake asks, wiggling his eyebrows. “Um… what do you want to know?” Niki asks nervously. “How did you guys get together? You can’t leave school lonely as fuck and then come back with a whole ass relationship and not give us answers.” Sunghoon points out.
Shit. Niki really hasn’t thought this through. How do people get together? Is he supposed to describe some big romantic event that happened? He really should have planned this out…
Looking around nervously at the group, he tries to think of a story. Something simple and romantic, but not so crazy that it sounds unbelievable. His eyes land on Sunoo’s drink, the familiar pink and yellow can catching his attention. Sunset Pash - it’s his friend's latest obsession, a passion fruit blend that’s refreshing and light. The can causes a light bulb to go off in Niki’s head.
“It wasn’t anything crazy. We were both at the beach for a week with our families and just ran into each other. One night, we went to watch the sunset together and we just kissed… then when we got back, we figured we’d try dating.” Niki shrugs, trying to make the whole thing sound as nonchalant as possible.
“Kissing while watching the sunset? How romantic.” Heeseung teases, causing Niki’s face to heat up with blush. “Our baby really is growing up.” 
“So when do we meet them?” Jay asks, causing Niki to internally groan. Why do his friends have to be so nosy? “Give him some time. It probably hasn't even been a month yet.” Jungwon says. Niki has never been so thankful for Jungwon's rationality before. “And knowing him, it probably won't last till then.” Jake snickers. “First of all, rude. Second of all, Y/n wouldn't want to hang out with you guys, anyway. So you will not be meeting them.” Niki says.
“I have history last period. Maybe I'll actually go today and ask them myself.” Sunoo shrugs, causing Niki's eyes to widen. Sunoo can't go to history! If he talks to Y/n, he'll find out that they're not actually together and Niki will be exposed for lying. They'll make fun of him for that even more than they did for him being single. Niki will just somehow have to track Y/n down before last period and convince them to play along with his lie.
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Niki has no idea how to track down Y/n. He doesn't know what classes they take (except for History, which is apparently last period) and even if he did - he probably wouldn't know where the classrooms are. Realising he probably won't just magically run into Y/n, Niki settles for plan B - Eunchae.
The first few times Niki tried to get Eunchae's attention fell flat - earning him nothing but a scowled expression and whispered “Shush”. He tried tapping her on the shoulder, nudging her in the side - he even threw his pen at her.
Eventually, he settles for a good old-fashioned note; I need to talk to you written in bold ink and subtly slipped onto her desk. Eunchae reads the note carefully before rolling her eyes.
“What is it? I already told you, I'm not giving Jay Yunjin's number.” She replies in a hushed whisper. “No, it's not that. This is more important.” Niki says. Eunchae looks at him suspiciously, making Niki sigh. “I need to talk to Y/n about something but I don't know their classes.” He admits. 
The suspicion on Eunchae's face gets swapped with confusion as she takes in Niki's words… what does Niki want with Y/n? As far as she’s concerned, Y/n and Niki have met like twice.
“What do you need to talk about?” She asks. “Um… that's between Y/n and I.” His answer does not satisfy her, evident by the deadpan expression on her face. “Well now it’s between Y/n, you and me… spill.”
Eunchae has never really been someone Niki confides in… but right now, she’s the only person who could potentially save him from devastating embarrassment. “If you tell anyone, I’ll tell them all about your anger management teddy that you use to take out your aggression.” Niki threatens, his words making her eyes widen. “Don’t you dare talk about Mr Stuffles.” Eunchae says, earning a shrug from Niki. “I won’t tell if you don’t.”
Eunchae looks at him with narrowed eyes before holding out her pinky, Niki quickly securing it with his. “Okay, so I kind of might have lied to my friends and told them that Y/n and I got together over summer break so they’d get off my ass about being single.” Niki admits. Eunchae chokes on her saliva, looking at Niki in disbelief. “You’re kidding.” She laughs, making him shush her as he nervously looks around the room. “I’m not,” He says in a hushed voice. “So I need to find Y/n and get them to play along before Sunoo talks to them during last period.” 
Eunchae has to stop herself from laughing out loud. “You’re such an idiot.” She giggles. “I’ll help you though, just because this is insane.” Eunchae pulls out her phone and starts typing a message to Y/n. “I think they’re in calc at the moment and then they’ve got bio and then history… I’ll double-check though.”
Thank god Eunchae is so willing to dish out information on her friends.
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The sudden call of their name causes Y/n to stop in their tracks, spinning around with a slightly confused look on their face. They spot Niki leaning against a group of lockers, his hands in his pockets and a stupid smirk on his face.
“Niki?” Y/n asks, having to rack their brain to remember his name. They honestly don’t think they’ve ever spoken to him without Eunchae present. “Can we talk? It’s kind of important.” Niki asks. Y/n looks up at the clock to see that they’ve got 5 minutes till their next class starts. “Uh… just make it quick, I guess?”
“Okay so this is going to sound really weird but like, I promise it’s not actually-”
“-Sorry, that’s actually my locker.” Niki’s sentence gets cut off by a kid pushing past him, causing his ears to flush pink with embarrassment. “Oh… yeah… sorry about that.” Niki coughs awkwardly, causing Y/n to giggle slightly. The two move out of the way of people and Y/n gestures for Niki to continue.
“Okay so basically my friends have been making fun of me for like… years, because I don’t really date people and I was getting really annoyed with it, right? So I made up a little story about how I started dating someone over summer break and my friends asked who and I just said your name without thinking so now my friends all think we’re together and Sunoo’s going to ask you about it in history today so would you be able to maybe pretend that we’re in a relationship for a little bit?”
Y/n stares at Niki blankly as they try to take in everything he just said. He made up a story about them dating? All because his friends were making fun of him?
“I get that this is probably really uncomfortable for you but I promise, it’ll all be sorted out soon I just-”
“How did we start dating?” Y/n asks, cutting off Niki’s sentence. He looks at them confused, making Y/n smile slightly. “If I’m going to get questioned by Sunoo, I need to know how we got together.” They say simply. Niki goes to reply but gets cut off by the bell ringing, indicating that they need to get to class. “Meet me on the bleachers at lunch, we can talk about it then.” Y/n smiles, causing Niki to immediately perk up. “Oh… okay.” He agrees, a little too eager. He continues to stand there like an idiot as Y/n waves goodbye before walking to class. Oh shit. Niki needs to get to class.
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Y/n doodles little stars in the corner of their page as they wait for Niki on the bleachers. A few minutes after lunch started, Niki comes running over, his bag slung loosely over his shoulder.
“Sorry, my friends were pestering me about hanging out with you.” He pants slightly, dropping his bag next to Y/n’s feet before sitting down. “It’s okay, I wasn’t waiting too long.” Y/n replies sweetly, closing the cap on their pen before turning to Niki. “This is going to be our contract.” Y/n states, holding out their notebook so Niki can see. So far, it’s just an empty page - except for the words NDA (Not Dating Actually) written in orange gel pen, surrounded by scribbled stars and hearts. 
“Why do we need a contract?” Niki asks. “If we’re going to do this fake relationship, there needs to be some boundaries, things we will and won’t do together.” Y/n clarifies, opening their pen to write the first rule.
Rule One: Eat lunch together
“Why is that a rule?” Niki asks, his eyebrows furrowed. “All the other couples at school spend at least one of their breaks together. If we want people to believe we’re actually dating, we need to fit in.” Y/n shrugs. “So we’re just… adding stuff we have to do together?” Niki asks, earning a nod from Y/n. “Stuff that’ll make our relationship believable, yeah.”
Niki thinks for a moment before reaching into Y/n’s pencil case and pulling out a purple gel pen. “What days are you free after school?” He asks, making Y/n look at him slightly confused. “Every day but Friday.” They say, earning a nod from Niki. Y/n places a hand gently on his shoulder and leans closer in an attempt to see what he’s writing.
Rule Two: Wednesday = study date
“Why do we have to have study dates?” Y/n asks. “There should be at least one day a week where we hang out outside of school, right? That way if people ask it’s more believable.” Y/n can’t argue with his logic so they just nod in agreement. 
“We should do some boundaries next.” Y/n mumbles, carefully taking the book from Niki’s grip. They quickly jot down their rule before passing the book back.
Rule Three: No Kissing
“Wait.. but won’t it be obvious we’re not actually together?” Niki asks, causing Y/n to sigh. They guess he’s right… the other couples at school do a lot more than kissing. They’ll stick out like a sore thumb. “I guess you can kiss me on the cheek and stuff… just not the lips.” Y/n clarifies. Niki nods, jotting down (on the lips) next to rule three before quickly writing the fourth rule.
Rule Four: Don’t fall in love
Y/n can’t help but snort when they read what he wrote. “Do we have to specify that?” They ask. “Just being specific, I’m quite a catch, you know.” Niki teases, making Y/n playfully roll their eyes. “I don’t think we’ll need that rule, but okay.”
Y/n takes the notebook once more and jots down the fifth and final rule.
Rule Five: Break a rule, break the contract
“What does that mean?” Niki asks. “If either of us breaks one of the rules, we stop this immediately.” Y/n says simply. Niki nods. That seems simple enough. “Is there anything else you want to add?” Y/n asks, looking at Niki expectantly. He hadn’t even thought to write a contract to begin with so he shakes his head no. “It’s sealed then.” Y/n smiles, signing their name at the bottom of the page with a heart. They then hand the book back to Niki, watching as he writes his name in bold print next to their cursive one.
“I was going to ask… why are you going along with this? I mean, it’s not like you’re getting anything out of it.” Niki mumbles as Y/n begins to pack up their pens. “I don’t really have a reason not to. You said your friends were making fun of you and if doing this will help them stop then I don’t see why not.” Y/n shrugs, looking at Niki with a small smile.
Y/n is a good person - almost too good. They’re a part of the school’s sweethearts, Y/n, Eunchae and Danielle, also known as the sunshine trio. Whilst others wouldn’t do something unless they had something to gain, Y/n does so without even batting an eye. As long as it’s not hurting anyone, they’re in. Niki is beginning to think that they were the perfect person to drag into this mess.
“Can you tell me the backstory now?” Y/n asks, their lips curving downwards into a slight pout. A tiny part of Niki’s brain almost freaks out at how cute they look, but he quickly pushes that thought to the very back of his mind. “I tried not to be too specific, I just said we were both at the beach for a week and ran into each other. We kissed one night while watching the sunset and started dating when we got back.” Niki shrugs, causing Y/n to nod. “...so it’ll be our one month soon?” Y/n asks, causing Niki to look at them confused. “People usually wait a few weeks before going away to try and beat the summer rush. If we went on holiday a few weeks before summer break was over, that would mean we’ve been together for almost a month.” Y/n says.
Niki hadn’t thought to rationalise it out like that. He guesses it makes sense, though. Y/n is probably a lot more prepared for this sort of thing than he is. 
“Is there anything else I need to know?” Y/n asks, tilting their head slightly as they look at Niki. “You can probably just make the rest up… just let me know what you say so the stories are consistent.” He says, earning a nod from Y/n. 
They hold out their phone, causing Niki to look down at it with confusion. “I’ll need your number.” Y/n clarifies, causing Niki’s mouth to drop into an “o” shape. Just as the two finish exchanging numbers, the bell for the end of lunch. The two start collecting their things and Y/n suddenly stands in front of Niki, expectantly. “Do you want to walk me to class?” They ask, holding their hand out for him. “Oh… uh… I guess I can do that.” Niki mumbles, carefully taking their hand in his, as if it were made of glass.
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Walking hand-in-hand with Y/n down the school halls was not how Niki imagined his day to end. He can’t help the way his cheeks flush a subtle blush as a handful of classmates notice the pair. Just his luck, the two even run into Jay and Heeseung on the way to class - resulting in Heeseung almost spitting out his water when he noticed the couple’s intertwined hands.
“I didn’t know this was all going to be so… public.” Niki mumbles as the two finally make it to Y/n’s classroom. “Welcome to dating in high school.” Y/n replies softly, peaking into the classroom to check if Danielle is there yet. When their eyes land on their friend, they send a small wave before turning back to Niki. “I’ll text you later?” Y/n asks, smiling when Niki nods. He doesn’t know exactly how to say goodbye. Does he give them a hug? A kiss on the cheek? Niki settles for gently squeezing Y/n’s hand and giving them a quick head pat, before turning on his heel and walking to his own class.
Y/n almost laughs at Danielle’s confused expression as they sit in the empty seat next to her. “What the hell was that? Since when were you close with Niki?” She asks, causing Y/n to bite their lip nervously. “I’ll explain it all later.” Y/n whispers, lowering their volume when Mr Yoon walks into the room.
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Sunoo didn’t end up questioning Y/n that afternoon, Mr Yoon not giving him the opportunity to do so. He forgot how fast-paced his teaching was - blink too long and he’ll be on a completely different topic. Sunoo did, however, see Y/n and Niki’s cute little goodbye at the beginning of class. And with the way that Y/n and Danielle quietly whispered to each other throughout the lesson, there certainly seemed to be something going on between his friend and his classmate. He’ll just have to investigate another day.
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TAG LIST (open): @j-wyoung @thesassy-mia @luvistqrzzz @yourmyst4r @heerinnie @odisdad @wzy3ka @mrchweeee @rizzkisworld @beomsbeanie @ablackbtsstan @sweet-kisses-and-bloody-screams
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webslingingslasher · 9 months
how you think peter would react to trouble being extremely jealous over some girl? (this is not a request! answer only if u feel like it <3)
i think he wouldn’t know at first. he’d just think you’re acting off and he thinks he may have done something to mildly upset you and he’s trying to do his best to be good to ease the tension some.
when he thinks you may need a breather he nods at a girl from his lab in the kitchen, they’ve talked a few times and he thinks she’s chill to talk to, so he kisses your cheek and tells you he’ll be back and tries to depart for his new conversation partner.
tries. because you tug him back by the wrist and hold him at your side, you scoff at him. ‘no you absolutely won’t be. you’ll be here all night. understand?’
peter looks down at your tight hold with confusion, it’s bordering aggressive, he’s never seen you like this before.
‘you alright, trouble?’
you have an icy glare towards his classmate.
when the staring contest becomes a war he goes silent, it’s a battle of dominance. you’re telling her if she wants him she needs to pry him from your hands.
you grunt, ‘c’mon, let’s go.’ you pull him behind you, he looks back to the kitchen and your ‘competition’ is watching with narrowed eyes. peter can feel how pissed you are by the grip on his hand.
he’s never seen you so possessive, he loves it.
when you have him outside you find a few friends of his, heading that way, because it’s a safe zone, peter can’t stop a bubbling laugh. it’s almost like a giggle.
‘what’s so funny?’ aka ‘is she why you’re so happy?’
‘i have never seen you so jealous. normally you just brush it off but i really thought you were about to pull out the cat claws.’
you grunt, ‘yeah, well, when a bitch goes around talking about stealing you, i have to make it known i’ll fucking kill her.’
you lag when peter stops walking, you try pulling him with you but fall back into place with him. peter looks confused and upset.
‘she said what?’
you look bitter, ‘she was fucking bragging to a friend about it and sarah heard it. fucking bitch was gloating about how easy you were to steal from me.’
peter’s head turns back to the house, he almost wants to go in there himself and set the record straight.
‘woah, woah, woah. was she really? i mean, are we sure it was her?’ his words make you sour, ‘yes.’
you hitch your voice like a bimbo, ‘all i had to do was bat my eyes and he did all the work for me, he’ll be under me in a week.’ you mumble under your breath, ‘fucking bitch.’
peter’s trying to think back and he winces, he doesn’t know how he didn’t see the signs. he used to be the number one flirter, but now all he has is tunnel vision for you.
you made him unaware to outside influences, his mind revolves around you.
‘oh. that’s not… she…’ peter squirms around, he feels uncomfortable. ‘that’s… yucky. it’s yucky.’ he doesn’t know how else to describe it.
you still look pissed, ‘yup.’
peter pulls you in for a hug, ‘you know you have nothing to worry about cause i had no idea she was even putting the moves on me.’ you smirk into his chest, you suppose it’s true. it’s not him you’re mad at, you can’t blame her for being interested. you can blame her for not respecting you and trying to swipe what you claimed as yours.
you still want to remind him, ‘i’m not mad at you. well, maybe a little, but only because you’re so pretty.’ peter squeezes you for three seconds before releasing, it’s like he wrenched all the frustration from your bones.
‘i can’t wait for our next lab, she’s gonna try to talk to me and i’m just going to walk away. that’ll hurt more than a gentle rejection.’
a smile breaks over your face, its the first one you’ve had all night.
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scarletwinterxx · 8 months
bigger than the whole sky - haechan imagine
helloooo, i think a few months ago i wrote a haechan dad scenario. but after watching The Lost Boys, it made more emotional🥺 our hyuck would surely be the best dad in the future💛
here's a sequel to that scenario😊
pt. 1 - Lee and Lily
if you have a request or scenario you want me to do, just send me a message I'll see what I can do😊💌
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
and if you want, u can buy me coffee(totally optional but any donation is very much appreciated!) thank you🥺💛
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2023 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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There are many things you admire about your husband, from his cheekiness to his voice to his assuring words. But one thing you love the most about him now, something you only found out after your daughter was born, is how great of a father he is.
Haechan is very busy with work but he is a family man above all. You and Nari comes first. Which is why he decided to take the duty of driving and picking Nari up from school.
"You sure you want to do it?" you ask him the first day he did it
"Yea, gives us more daddy-daughter time. Take the morning for yourself" he tells you, kissing you on the forehead
"You know she loves you right? I know you, the wheel are turning in there" you tell him, weaving your fingers around his neck and playing with the ends of his hair
The moment Haechan found out you were pregnant, he vowed to always be there for your child. He always dreamt of being a father, a father who will always be there for their kid. And he has, but there are still times he feels like he missed too much because he's too busy with his career.
"Times flies by so fast, she used to fit right in my arm. Now she's running around, and she talks more than me. Would you believe that"
You chuckle at his words. She does have the talent to talk your ear off, she's now at that age where everything ends with a "why?" question.
"Daddy, why is the sky blue?" "Mommy, why do the fishy float?" "Daddy, why is this sweet and that one yucky?" referring to salt and sugar
Just some of the daily questions of Lee Nari.
But really that girl can ask you why water is wet every breakfast and you still wouldn't have it any other way.
And so the tradition started. Haechan is now on school duty while you stay at home.
"She does this cute thing when I drop her off, she goes bye bye daddy I love you" he tells you one day.
"How many times have you cried in the car after she said that?" you tease him
"Like 2 maybe 3, the first time was the worst. After she said it, she just walked away and left me"
"Stop being dramatic, she was just going to pre-school" you laugh
"The other day she asked me why was the sun chasing us when we were driving to school"
"What did you say?"
"Can't remember, something along the lines of 'the sun likes nice people'. I'm running out of answers" he tells you dramatically, making you chuckle once again.
It's been months since that routine started. the two Lee's enjoying the quick drive from and to school. Haechan would play his favorite songs while Nari sings along, his heart swelling with pride as he listens to his daughters singing.
One particular morning, it unexpectedly got hectic. You left earlier than the two due to do some errand and get a quick checkup. While on their way to school, Haechan got an urgent call from work.
"I just got here at Nari's school, why?" he waited until he was infront of the school and the car on stop before answering the call. He spots the teacher who welcomes the student every morning and fetch them outside, waving over to them and opening the backseat door.
Haechan was still busy on the phone while Nari waits, her teacher ushers her inside as Haechan smiles and wave as his daughter walks away.
Just as he was about to pull up on the driveway to get his stuff ready for work, he received another call this time from you.
"Yes?" he answered
"Did you drive Nari today?"
Confused, he answered your question "Yes, I just dropped her off. Why did something happen at school?". He didn't even wait for your answer, already starting the engine once again to drive back to her school
"Her teacher just called me, she was bawling her eyes out apparently. Had a mini melt down when you didn't say goodbye to her"
Just then Haechan remembered their little tradition. Feeling his blood run cold, he didn't say i love you to Nari and now she's sad.
"Oh my Nari, I'm driving back there"
"No need, I'm like 5 minutes away from the school. I'll handle it. You have a meeting today too" you tell him
"But-" he tries to protest
"It'll be fine, we'll see you later okay"
How can he focus on work when all he can think about is how he made his little girl upset. When you got home from Nari's school, it wasn't a surprise to see your husband sitting on the living room couch. Nothing but silence inside the house.
"Hey, she's fine now" you say, catching his attention
"I really didn't mean to forget, I was on the phone. I waved goodbye to her, I guess it flew my mind" he tells you, you can tell he's just as upset as Nari was.
You shot him a small smile before walking towards him. Immediately he opens his arms, hugging you around the waist while you pat his head lovingly.
"If it makes you feel any better, I forgot her favorite blanket the other day and she said she felt upset with me" you hear him chuckle from below you
"But then she hugged me and said it was okay. Our little girl doesn't have a single bone of hate in her body so don't worry too much okay? You're her favorite person ever" you added
"What if all she'll ever remember is me forgetting to say I love you to her?" he asks, looking up at you.
Sighing, you pull away to sit beside him but Haechan pulls you over to make you sit on his lap. Like he just needed your comfort right now.
"What she'll remember is how good of a father you are, how you practically hung the stars in the sky. You've always been the best dad, don't go doubting it now" you tell him, cradling his face in your hands.
Your words are always enough to wash away any doubt he has. It's a magic you posses. With that, he feels a lot better.
"She'll be home in a few hours, why don't we go and pick her up? Meanwhile, go do some work" you tell him, giving him a quick kiss before standing up.
A few hours later, the two of you drove to pick up Nari. You go to the front office to get her while Haechan waits outside, holding a bouquet of flowers for his little girl.
You and Nari walk outside hand in hand. Haechan thought she was going to be mad at him but the moment Nari sees her dad, she made a dash towards him. Immediately Haechan kneels down to catch her in a tight hug. Picking her up and hugging her close to him.
"Hi baby, dad's so so so sorry about this morning. Sorry I forgot to say I love you" he mumbles, the little Lee just hugs him for a while. You got to where the two were standing, taking the flowers from Haechan so he could carry Nari more comfortably.
Nari pulls back to look at her dad, the two of you waiting for what she has to say
"I got sad because I didn't get to say I love you to dad" she pouts
"You got sad because you didn't say I love you to me?" Haechan asks back, Nari nodding at her father's question
"Oh lovebug, you don't have to be sad about dad. I know you love me very very much" he tells her
"But I always say it to you"
You smile at your husband and your little girl. Loving hearing their argument of who loves more.
"Even when you don't tell daddy, I already know. But okay, I promise to not leave you until you say it to me. How does that sound?"
"Okay, I love you daddy" she says then hugs Haechan again.
"I love you, more than anything in this world, my Nari" he looks over at you, mouthing the same words to you.
You sent him a smile. Guiding the two over to the car,
"Okay now that's done, what do you want for dinner?" you ask the two
"Kimchi fried rice!" you hear the tiny voice say from the backseat.
"You heard the girl" you chuckle
"I'll cook you the best kimchi fried rice, it will be the best ever" Haechan says, starting the car and driving away. The conversation continues, with Nari's endless stories and wonders while the two of you answer.
He looks over at you, taking your hand and giving it a quick kiss. Just then you hear Nari's voice again,
"Mom, is the moon sleeping during the day?"
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hawkins-losers · 2 years
Grease stains and coveralls | Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: During a hot day, you pay Eddie a visit at the auto shop and the sight of him in his coveralls is hotter than the July weather
Word count: 0.7k
A/N: Now that it's canon that Eddie knows mechanic, here is mechanic!Eddie
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Generally on scorching hot days like today, you would be inside with your fan on, but you decided to pay Eddie a little visit during his shift. Bring him a little refresher to beat the sweltering heat.
Working in coveralls and boots in a garage must be a nightmare.
You hissed as you got in your car, the leather of the seat burning your skin when you sat down. You quickly rolled down your windows, letting some air in. It was a shame that driving in a bikini wasn't allowed because it would've been today's outfit of choice. Right now, you were sweating in your denim shorts and cami.
You drove to the auto-shop and parked your car, grabbing the large slurpee in the cup compartment to take with you.
The garage door was open, allowing some air in the working area.
‘’Hey, Y/N!’’ one of the guys greeted, looking up from the hood of a car with a wrench in one hand and another tool you didn’t recognize in the other.
You greeted him back and smiled politely. It wasn’t your first time at the auto-shop. You knew most of Eddie’s co-workers by now.
‘’I’m gonna marry you if you say this is for me’’ he joked, nodding at the slurpee in your hand. ‘’I’m dripping in sweat.’’
You chuckled. ‘’Don’t let Eddie hear you.’’
The guy laughed, knowing how protective the young mechanic was with you. ‘’Munson! Your girl’s here,’’ he called out, directing his voice to the end of the garage. ‘’Last car on the left.’’
You thanked him for the info and disappeared to the end of the garage, feeling the heat getting hotter and hotter the farther you went. How did people work here?
You found him leaning over the engine of a blue Chevy, licking his lips. His coveralls were undone at the top and the sleeves tied around his waist, leaving him in a black wife beater. His hair was pulled back in a ponytail for practical purposes and he had tied his bandana over like you had taught him to.
Fuck. The picture before you made you clench your thighs.
You righted the cup in your grip as you took a moment to collect yourself before sauntering over to Eddie.
Upon hearing your footsteps approaching, he straightened up and flashed you his signature smile. The one he kept just for you. ‘’Hey Sweetheart,’’ he said as he wiped the sweat from his face, leaving a streak of grease in the wake of his hand.
‘’Hey baby,’’ you responded with a chuckle as you handed him the slurpee you brought. You had mixed all the different flavors at the gas station just the way he liked. The color was a yucky purple-ish brown, but Eddie swore it was delicious.
‘’You got this for me?’’ he asked. His skin glistened in the hot summer sun and he had patches of grease scattered over him.
‘’Thought you could use something to cool down with this heat.’’
Eddie wiped his sweaty, greasy hands on an old rag, then took the cup and had a long sip. You wanted to tell him to slow down or he would get a brain-freeze, but you knew he would ignore you. ‘’Did I ever tell you I love you?’’
‘’A few times.’’
‘’Well, I’ll say it again: I love you.’’
You smiled and grabbed the rag to wipe the black streak on his cheekbone, feeling like a mother cleaning her child after getting ice cream. ‘’Want to go swim in Lover's Lake after work?’’
‘’Yeah. I could go for a swim. We’ll go in my van though because you're a shit driver on dirt roads. Last time, your tires got stuck in mud and you almost backed into a tree-’’
You gasped and threw the grease-stained rag at him. Eddie laughed, meaning no harm with his teasing.
‘’I did not back into a tree.’’
‘’Why is there scratched on your rear bumper?’’ he taunted with a shit-eating grin, already knowing the answer.
‘’Shut up. We’ll take your van.’’ You looked around, checking if anyone was in earshot before whispering a dirty promise in his ear. ‘’And, if you're nice enough, I might go topless.’’
Eddie grunted, your words getting straight to his dick. ‘’Are you trying to make me hard in my coveralls?’’
Taglist: @broadway-or-noway @violetsleftfist @thelaststraw3  @cursedandromedablack  @Slashersimpfor  @savagejane1   @wh0reforbucknasty   @eddiemunson-slut   @slvdsjjk  @hehehehannahthings  @dreamdancers-world  @grace-loux  @iamharrystyleslover  @matildavol6  @Original_babababoo  @eddiemunsonbby  @notbeforelong  @lexi-2004 @violetrainbow412-blog  @tatespillows  @alwayslexii  @lilygreennn   @milkiane  @imahomeslice  @bunnygrl16 @cwritesforfun @marauders3rawh0re  @your-mom21 @parkersmyth @voguesir @milkiane @andrewgarfields-girlfriend @lilygreennn @alexxavicry @charlie-chick  @wandamaximoffs-deadchild  @horrorstreet  @rmeddar123  @Pastel-abyss-x @lil-tracys  @lanalanabanana
Eddie Munson taglist: @nighttwingg @yourfavoriteakutagawakinnie @heizenka @eddiemvunsongf @Eddie_munsons_girlfriend @magicalchocolatecheesecake @eddiemunsonistheloveofmylife @avril-reblog-cave @Fandomfaeryreads @harrys-tittie @straycatarang @fourlokiss  @eddiemattress  @ghoulishlygrey   @paola-carter @bubsonnobx @pauldanoswifereal @ofherscarlettwitchways @kiszkathecook  @truewdw1 @bubsonnobx @ohhrexella @Dreamtiara @pastelbabygirl19  @steves-robin @eddiemunsonbby @jenlouvre @bonked-beyond-belief2  @tvserie-s-world @bootlegmothman420 @courtmr @chrisxevans-seb @satinselenite @thikkiesixx  @jennilynn63  @nia-um  @welcometohellfirw @strangermarvelgirl @sugar-simz @fandomloversvaries @miakatharinaa  @julsss321 @m1rkw00dpr1ncess  @Minksblog @soph69420world  @ameliakf13  
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mykoreanlove · 1 year
Leave you Loving you
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Part 1
You gotta be kidding me!
You woke up restless in a shitty mood, once again. You had not heard from him in days and your anxiety quickly got the best of you.
Did he forget about me? Is he done with me? Is he really not saying anything to me about this?
The doubts grew day by day and you couldn’t shake the yucky feeling that Minho had dumped you. You grabbed your phone and opened the dating app on which you two had met. Shakily, you tapped on his chat and scanned his profile. You noticed it right away – he had updated new photos. Alluring depictions of his beautiful body, like he was ready to be conquered. You felt your chest tighten and gasped for air.
Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, this cannot be true! Tears already falling from your eyes, you put the phone aside and wondered what the hell was going on.
You thought back to when you had met him for the first time. You went on that app for some fun, knowing damn well that you were not ready for a relationship just yet. You were eager for your first trip to Korea and nothing, especially not a boy, would ruin that experience for you. But having non-committal fun with no strings attached? Hell, yes! Especially, when the fun looked like Minho.
You remembered him texting you first – proposing a loose relationship that was going nowhere since he wasn’t looking for anything serious himself. He was funny, witty and extremely handsome. You liked his duality ranging from serious and severe to playful and goofy. His pictures showed him cuddling his cats, as well as dancing with force and elegance. You remembered praying for him to like you back – which he thankfully did.
You smiled sadly as you thought back at his first interaction with you. He tried to rizz you up by using cringy pick up lines which made you laugh, liking him more immediately.
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With sadness in your heart, you thought back to all the dates you had with him, all the time you two had spent together and how special every moment was. Minho made you forget about not wanting something serious, the connection between you two being too special, too strong to ignore.
At least that’s what you had thought. Were you mistaken that badly? Had he played you? Had you been nothing but a nice fuck to him?
You remembered your first date – sharing sweet drinks in a dim lit bar talking about all the shared interests you had. You grew up in the same area and moved to the city once you got sick of a narrow life, you discussed your passion for dance or bonded over your sarcastic sense of humor. He laughed at your jokes, his eyes beaming with desire for you. You bit your lip in anticipation, nervous and shy at the same time. You ended up under your umbrella that night – coyly kissing each other under the warm spring rain, not wanting to let go. Minho chuckled into your ear about how kDrama-esque this whole moment was.
You saw each other again the night after. He invited you over to cook for you, little did he know you planned on being the dessert. You remembered how it felt to kiss him, undress him and let him have his way with you. He knew what he was doing, your body giving into his automatically. Tangled hair, sloppy kisses and eyes filled with lust – you enjoyed every second with him. But you started to really like him in the moments after getting intimate with him. He was holding you in his strong arms, listening to you ramble about your plans of going to Korea, cautiously listening to every word you said. Minho was very attentive to you and your needs – the moment strands of hair fell into your face; he placed them behind your ears, so you were not bothered by them. Or for him to have a better look at your face, you didn’t mind at all. He looked at you with adoration in his brown eyes, making them shine even more.
“I know I might sound crazy, but I need to tell you this. I’ve only known you for a very short time, but I don’t feel like it.” He positioned himself on top of you, his nose touching yours slightly, his lips brushing yours seductively. “Actually, I feel like I’ve known you for a very long time, babygirl. And not only know you, but like like you. A lot.”
He looked into your eyes daringly, hoping to get a reaction out of you. Truth was you felt the same way. But you had learned to play it cool, to not give too much to a man, hence you played it nonchalantly. You smacked your hands on his bare ass and smiled at him. “Lee Know, don’t you dare falling for me!”
You stuck out your tongue and squeezed his firm ass cheeks once more. Minho’s widened eyes turned into crescent moons, as he burrowed his head in the crook of your neck laughing.
Thinking about those moments made your heart ache even more but you were not done with visiting memory lane just yet.
You thought of your third date with him; it was the first night you spent over at his place. Time was limited because of work but you used every minute as if it was the last – kissing, fucking, talking, sleeping, fucking, cuddling, parting ways but this time it was different. This time you started to catch feelings – how could you not? Compliments, confessions, secrets, future plans; Minho was behaving like he caught feelings for you, too.
“I told my friends about you.”
“I haven’t been meeting anybody else. Have you?”
“This week has been stressful as fuck and this evening is the first time that I got time for myself, time to breathe. And I thought of unwinding by myself. But I’d rather spend it with you.” 
Were you foolish to believe that he really liked you, too? Had he been deceiving you that badly? Was he like that with every girl? He couldn’t be, there was just no way that he was lying that painfully. You really felt special to him but now you felt played, used and thrown away like stinky trash.  You wiped away the tears as you thought about the meaningful texts he had sent you.
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Now those texts were all that was left of him.
You thought about the last time you saw him. You went over to his place, spontaneously on a Friday night. You had to leave town shortly after for a couple of weeks, hence this would be your last time seeing him for a long time. It irked you. You didn’t want that much space between the two of you. Sometimes, when your anxiety got the best of you, you wondered if it would be all over by then. Would he forget about you? Would he date someone else? Was this too good to be true?
You ignored those feelings for now, but he noticed your changed demeanor. “You seem gloomy, y/n. Are you okay?”
Were you? No. Were you telling him about your fears? Hell no. You forced a smile on your lips and shook your head. “I’m okay, don’t worry about me.” Minho frowned, but let it go. You enjoyed every second of your 4th date as if it was your last one – who would have thought that this was really the case. This time you didn’t spend the night, much so to Minho’s dismay. He ordered you a cab and walked you out, waiting for you to be collected. Even though it was a warm night, it was still chilly, which made you hug him naturally. Minho started to get annoyed because of the delayed cab but stopped when he found you laughing. “Why are you laughing?” You shook your head amused. “Well, we are standing on this empty street, hugging each other while the night sky is clear as day and you can see the stars shining for us brightly. I don’t know about you, but I am thankful that the cab takes a bit longer.” Minho’s features softened and he smiled at you, holding you closer to him. “You really are the neutralizer to my toxic thoughts.” He kissed your nose and hugged you even tighter.
This moment felt perfect. Your head rested against his chest, his scent all over you. You sighed contently as you heard him whisper in your ear: “It’s going to be so hard to not see you for that long. Like, painfully long. But you know what? We’ll text each other every day and send a lot of pictures and before we know it, you’re back – and we’ll be the happiest when we see each other again.”
You often thought about that promise. A promise that he did not keep. You felt him distancing himself, turning away from you. You gave up after initiating the last conversations as you felt too unwanted. You spent many nights lying awake wondering if your fears became a reality. Did he really forget about you? Was there someone else? Why not end it properly then? Was he okay? Did something happen to him? You pondered on these questions for a long time, arguing with yourself if you should ask him. But you didn’t. You were afraid of his reaction. "I told you I don't want anything serious with you!" And when you saw the new photos on his dating profile you were set on being rejected. He must had lied, must had seen you as a game. As prey that you fed kind words and loving actions to, so it did whatever you wanted it to do. Was that it?
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goldrushzukka · 2 years
as promised. the first 1k words of aidays10:
“Jet,” Sokka repeats. Nearly chokes on it.
He thinks, fleetingly, terribly, that this must be how wild animals feel before an earthquake. 
“It’s good to finally meet you, Sokka,” Jet says. Something icy prickles up Sokka’s spine at the sound of his name in Jet’s mouth. “Zuko’s told me a lot about you.”
Jet is handsome, athletically built, and his smile drips charm like venom on the fangs of a snake.
Sokka’s gaze shifts to Zuko and finds him looking right back, his cheeks burning red. 
“I would’ve let you know,” Zuko says, uncharacteristically shy, “but we were already running late –”
“And I can’t say no to a party,” Jet – fucking hell, breathe, Sokka – says. “I hope I’m not crashing.”
Sokka can feel everything starting to bottleneck inside him; all the feelings – the shock, the fondness, the anger, the bone-deep wanting – trying to overwhelm him at once. There’s no time to breathe, no time to think through any of it, no time to process. 
The world is ending, and Sokka is still shaking the guy’s fucking hand.
He needs another drink.
“No, it’s, um –” Sokka clears his throat. It doesn’t help. “You said it yourself, man, it’s a party. The more the merrier.”
Jet opens his mouth to speak again, anxiety grips Sokka’s heart in a tight fist –
Someone bumps into Sokka, and he drops Jet’s hand to steady them by the shoulders. Ty Lee giggles as she thanks him. Her lips are the colour of sparkling rosé.
She’s still laughing as she says, “This place looks amazing, thanks so much for inviting us!”
“Thank you for coming,” Sokka says, manners tumbling out on autopilot. He’s not even sure if he means it, it’s just what he knows he’s supposed to say. He needs to get out of here, before he says something stupid – or worse, something he does mean.
“I see you’ve met Jet,” she preens, “isn’t he just a peach?”
She smacks a loud kiss onto Jet’s blushing cheek. He doesn’t wipe away the smear of lipgloss she leaves behind.
“Oh, he’s a charmer,” Sokka says, scanning over her head for a way out, any way out of this nightmare.
Jet starts to say, “Well, I –” when Sokka finally spots an opening. Katara, standing by the bar, waiting to be served. Her fingers tap out a rapid beat on the glass display case.
Sokka puts on the most apologetic smile he can muster and does not look at Zuko. “Would you excuse me? I think my sister needs me for a minute.”
“Oh, I know all about that,” Ty Lee says, and a laugh spills from Jet’s mouth, like it’s an inside joke. 
“Good!” Sokka says, in response to nothing but the anxiety bubbling in his blood. “Great. Thanks. Uh –” He snags Aang by the arm on his way past, presumably also heading for Katara, and turns him to face Ty Lee and Jet and Zuko. “This is my best friend, Aang. He’ll give you guys a tour, okay?”
Aang throws Sokka a bewildered glance over his shoulder, asking with his eyes, I will?
Sokka gives him a pleading look, hoping to high heaven that no one else sees it, and Aang plasters on a crooked grin. Right before he slinks away, Sokka hears him ask, “Did you know the Dance Dance Revolution here has the Star Wars soundtrack?”
Sokka doesn’t falter a single step on his way to Katara, even when he’s sure he can feel eyes on his back. He just throws back the rest of his drink and keeps walking.
Katara is ordering when he reaches her. He tells Haru, “I’ll have what she’s having,” because if he knows his sister at all, she’s having something strong and evil.
“You don’t like what I drink,” Katara says, as Haru sets down four shot glasses. “In fact, I believe the word you use for what I drink is yucky.”
“That’s because what you drink is basically moonshine,” Sokka says. “And moonshine is yucky.”
“Coward,” she says. Haru pours, and she raises a shot glass. “Bottoms up.”
Sokka taps his shot against hers with a quiet, plastic clink, and drinks before he can talk himself out of it. He holds his breath and chases it with the second one.
The burn is cruel and merciless and exactly what he needs. It grounds him. Gives him something to focus on that won’t send him into a spiral of what if and maybe and should have.
He buries his head in his hands.
Katara scoffs. “That yucky?”
Sokka groans and looks up. He glances over his shoulder. Aang is at the concession stand explaining the intricacies of the Suki-related pun names of each menu item to Ty Lee and Jet and Mai, who Sokka swears wasn’t there when he left them, and –
Zuko is looking right at him. 
That spiral starts up again, deeper than before. 
Sokka looks away.
There’s another shot in front of him. He takes it, to clear his head, to cloud his inhibitions.
He turns to Katara.
“Don’t look now,” he tells her, “but the guy listening to Aang talk about onion rings is Jet.”
She ignores his advice, frowning as she cranes her neck to see over the other partygoers. “The one who broke up you and Zuko?”
“We didn’t – we were never together. There was nothing to break up.”
The jacket stretched across Sokka’s shoulders still smells of tea leaves and lilies. A voice in the back of his mind whispers, yes, there was.
Katara looks back at him, eyes rolling. “Forgive me if stopped sleeping together so one of you could try dating another guy and it didn’t work out but you didn’t start sleeping together again because you don’t think he loves you back takes too long to say.”
Sokka puts his head in his hands again.
read and i'll do anything you say (if you say it with your hands) here
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anonomouswriter-blr · 3 months
Kyo Sohma X Reader: Protective [fruits basket]
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You love your school friends, but one has always been a little more protective than the others.
      Even though I’ve been at school since the beginning of the academic year, I’m still not adjusted well with the students. Some students still treat me with disrespect and no remorse. I’m happy to at least have supportive friends like Tohru, her friends, and the Sohma’s; especially Kyo.
For whatever reason, he’s been very protective of me as of late — as weird as it is to put it that way. Truth be told, it does get on my nerves sometimes. His support is appreciated and all, but I can also take care of myself. Though none of this is to say I want him to change. I wouldn’t change my friends at all.
It’s currently the morning of the school day. I’m putting away my shoes in my locker when Kyo, Tohru, and Yuki walk up to meet me. Yuki gives me a wave, partnered  with a "Good Morning" and Tohru says a quick hello in passing. The two of them head to class, though Kyo hangs behind with me.
     "So, Kyo, How's your morning been so far?" I ask him. He scratches the back of his head.
     "Annoying. Yucky Yuki's already ticked me off," he says.
     "Oh, is that a new record? I’m sure he’s done worse sooner," I say sarcastically.
     "Haha," he feigns an unenthusiastic laugh. "What about you? No one's tried to mess with you yet, have they?"
     "Kyo, I can handle myself. Besides, no one gets violent. Just a couple of crude words,"
     "I want to make sure you're safe,"
     "I know, Kyo. Thanks,"I say, resting my hand against his shoulder. "C'mon. Let's get to class,”
The two of us start our trek to class. I noticed Kyo trying to hold my things for me, and while I appreciate the gesture, I tell him I can take care of things myself. We arrive at the room well before homeroom starts and claim seats with Tohru, Uo, Hana, and Yuki. Of course when the teacher actually gets here we’ll have to move to our assigned seats for the whole day, but for now some light chit-chat should be fine.
“Hey, you guys. Where's Yuki?” I ask, noticing his absence.
“He had some prince business to attend to. He’ll show up later,” Uo explains.
“I hope he’s doing alright,” Tohru says.
“Me too. He didn’t seem to want the student council position to begin with, much less to be the president. I hope he knows if he’s struggling he can come to us. That goes for all of you, as well,” I say.
“He’ll be fine. He was practically born for the role,” Kyo says, rolling his eyes. This, of course, earns him a quick jab to the ribs, courtesy of myself. Our chatting continues as the class waits for things to begin. For some reason, I thought it would be a great idea to drink a huge can of an unhealthy, sugar-filled beverage first thing in the morning, and I start to regret it as I feel a strong need to pee.
“So close to class? Excuse me guys, I’m going to use the restroom quickly,”
Yuki walks into the room just as class is about to begin, but sees you are nowhere in sight.
“Good morning everyone. Where’s Y/n? Didn’t she come to class?” Yuki asks before finding his seat.
“Now that you say that, it has been a while since she went to use the bathroom,” Hana notes. “Do you think she’s alright?”
“Orange top! Go check on Y/n!” Uo demands.
“Hah?? Don’t you tell me what to do!”
“It’s okay, I’ll do it,” Tohru suggests, but Kyo rises from his seat before she can.
“Sit down. I was going to check on her anyway,” Kyo says. As he goes to leave the room, the teacher stops him.
“Haven’t we been over this? Quit trying to skip my class,”
“I’m not trying to skip nothin’! I’m going to check on Y/n. She went to the bathroom a while ago and she’s not back yet. I’m doing your job here,”
“Just go. Don’t cause trouble,” the teacher excuses him and Kyo heads off.
The bell rings and I know I’m late for class. But it’s not completely my fault. Two students, a boy and a girl, had stopped me on my way back from the restroom. I don’t know their names, but they’ve stopped me before. They’re not really my biggest fans. I stand there against the wall as they ask and say to me things no one should ask or say, cruel words I would rather abstain from repeating. But it doesn’t really affect me. I stand there with no reaction as they berate me. Turn the other cheek, you know? 
“Hey!” The interjecting voice is immediately recognizable to me. Kyo. His eyes are narrow as he walks up to the two students and I. “How about you shut your mouths? The both of you,” Kyo offers.
“Kyo, it’s alright, I got it,”
“No, I think these idiots need to learn who they’re talking to,”
“Kyo I said I got it alright? Getting aggressive isn’t going to change their perspective so let’s just head back,” you say. He grabs my hand, passing the two students a dirty look as he drags us away from the scene and back to class.
The bell rings, concluding the school day and letting the students out. To be truthful, I’ve been avoiding Kyo a bit. I’m not mad, just a bit annoyed. It’s great having such a considerate friend, no one has ever looked out for me the way he does, but when he steps in for me it looks like I can’t handle myself. I open my shoe locker, pulling out my things to leave. When I close the locker door, Kyo is leaning against the ones next to it, looking down at the floor.
“I’m sorry,” he says. I cross my arms and lean against the lockers myself.
“About what?”
“I know you don’t like it when I get really protective of you,”
“Yeah, what were you even doing out there?”
“You hadn’t come back yet and we were starting to get worried. I was starting to get worried,”
“You’re a good friend for staying by me, and I appreciate what you do for me, wanting me safe and happy, but I can fight my own battles. You can stick up for me, but you don’t need to act responsible for me,”
“I know. I’m trying to not get annoyed by them, it’s just…” Kyo trails off, debating his next words, “I don't like when people make fun of the person I like"
“Gosh, ya need me to spell it out for ya?” I stare at him for a moment before realizing.
"You… like me? More than a friend?”
"Well duh. Why wouldn’t I?” I shrug.
“I don’t know. It’s not like you flirt with me. I don’t remember you telling me or asking me out,”
“You seriously never noticed?”
“Didn’t have a clue,”
“Well, then you must be really dumb because I made it really obvious,”
“Hey!” I say, nudging his arm. “I guess like you too… dumb dumb,”
Kyo smiles. He stands up straight, extending his hand to me. “Want me to walk you home?”
“Sure,” I say after rolling my eyes. I take his hand and we walk off the premises together. I guess I should pay more attention to things.
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f1nalboys · 1 year
Pathetic - Wayne Bailey
Wayne Bailey x GN!Reader
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WARNINGS: nsfw, degradation, hair pulling, humiliation, oral (amab recieving,) dracryphilia, face fucking, wayne calls reader a bitch. wayne is a mean yucky guy >:) not proofread
“Look at you,” Wayne stands in front of you, looking down with a sneer on his face. You sniffle, shifting your weight; your knees hurt and your hands are balled into fists at your sides. You want to touch him, were aching to, and he knows it. “Pathetic.” The word makes you clench your thighs together, a whine stuck in your throat. This is how he wanted you, getting off on his degrading words, wanting him to continue to be mean to you, to get you closer to that edge. “Aren’t you?”
“I am.” You’re quick to agree, nodding your head. There are tears threatening to spill over onto your warm cheeks and you could feel your chest tightening with want. You both were fully dressed and you were eye level with his crotch, the bulge evident through his slacks. “I want to-” He grabs your hair roughly, yanking your head back at an uncomfortable angle. You stop talking.
He shakes his head at you, lip lifting into a sneer. “You want to what? Suck my cock?” You try to nod your head but it hurts and you wince. He laughs. “Of course you do. That’s all you’re good for. Isn’t that right?” His words are sharp but they soothe you somehow, stoking the fire in your gut that he had started long ago when you had first met. “I asked you a question.”
“Yes, Wayne, yes, that’s all I’m good for.” You sit up a bit straighter, staring him in his eyes. His grip on your hair tightens at the sight of you, wide eyes filled with lust, hands shaking at your sides to stop yourself from clutching at his pants. It really was pathetic. “I was made to suck your cock, I swear. Can I? Please, god, I need it. I don’t want it, I need it.”
Wayne watches you for a second, deciding if he would give you the privilege of sucking his cock, when he grins. “Get to it then, bitch.” He shoves your head into his crotch, squishing your face against him. It’s something that a few months ago would have had you feeling embarrassed, humiliated, but now all it did was turn you on, make you salivate, make your tongue fall out of your mouth in anticipation as your shaking hands worked on his belt. The second his belt is undone he’s shoving you off of him gently and tugging his pants and underwear down.
Your mouth is on him in a second, taking him down as far as you can before gagging, pulling off and wrapping your hand around him. He watches with an uninterested expression but he’s hard in your hand, cock pulsing underneath your fingers, and you know what to do to make the facade of indifference; you’ve done this exact thing hundreds of times before. Swirling your tongue around the head of his cock, you keep your eyes on him. Another pump of your hand and then you’re taking him back into your mouth until your nose settles into the trimmed hair just above his shaft and you’re gagging hard but as you pull off he’s doing exactly what you expected.
“Aww, there you go,” He coos in a faux apology, shoving your head down further onto him, plunging his cock down your throat. You gag again, harder this time, the tears finally spilling onto your cheeks. When he lets go and allows you to pull off of him for air you grin and laugh, licking a stripe up the base of his cock. This is what you wanted. This is what you needed. He’s breathing heavier now, cheeks flushed red, a wild look in his eyes as he watches you ignore the tear streaks and go back for more of him.
He loves to see you cry.
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Come up with the most ridiculous, absurd reason Jack died? Feel free to go batsh!t insane. I want to be cracking up in uncontrollable fits for an entire hour.
“I’m so sorry,” Ianto mumbled, buttoning his shirt up as he spoke. His cheeks were flushed maroon, and despite the January chill outside, he felt suddenly, abruptly hot, although whether that was embarrassment, arousal or panic, he didn’t quite know. Perhaps it was all three; the evening’s events had, after all, not panned out exactly as he’d expected them to. “I had no idea you would… that I could…”
He looked down at Jack’s dead body, which was slumped sideways on the floor of his office, still arranged in a vague kneeling position with his eyes open. Ianto had knocked him over while panicking, and rigor mortis had now set in; Jack was stuck like this for the next few minutes, as Ianto tried to compose himself and allay some of his mortification – although that seemed like a vaguely uncomfortable word to be using given the current situation. He took a deep breath and then poked Jack with his toe, trying to think of a slightly nicer way to describe his temporarily-dead-partner than ‘corpse’, which had connotations of… well, general yuckiness, especially given how this incident had come about. The phrasing of that, too, made him wince.
“I’m sorry,” Ianto said again, his tone slightly wheedling as he retrieved his tie from Jack’s desk and put it back on with shaking hands, before looking around for his trousers. Jack had chucked them in the general direction of a filing cabinet, and indeed, there they still were, caught over the edge of a drawer; Ianto snagged them and stepped back into them, buttoning them with shaking hands and trying not to allow himself to worry. It always took Jack a few moments to come to, didn’t it? It wasn’t an instant thing. And surely he’d find this whole situation funny when he woke up, even if it did make Ianto want to disappear into a hole in the ground.
Unfortunate wording, he thought to himself again with a touch of hysteria, and he made a strained laughing, hiccupping sound as he poked Jack again with his socked foot, feeling a touch bolder this time.
“Please wake up,” Ianto implored him. “And we can just laugh about this and move on.”
There was the distant sound of a door banging open, and Ianto let out a muted yelp of horror as he realised what day it was, and what time it was, and cursed himself for forgetting; he was, after all, the one who printed out the rotas and stuck them on the noticeboard. Could he hide? Should he hide? How would he then hide Jack? Surely it would freak Jack out more if he woke up in a cupboard after having died on his office floor, and what if he made a noise of some kind? He usually let out a loud gasping, choking noise when he came back to life, and something about that seemed like it might draw attention, albeit it might also be enough to convince any listeners that they ought to be left alone.
Which, really, they ought to be. Please. For the sake of Ianto’s sanity, and for a quiet next few years.
No, instead there was the distant sound of Owen singing to himself as he strode through the Hub, some terrible punk anthem that undoubtedly involved an awful lot of headbanging as he went. How did anyone do that, Ianto wondered with a degree of irrational hysteria. Didn’t it hurt your head?
Unfortunate wording, his brain supplied again, and he bit back a panicked laugh, looking over at the still-dead Jack, and wondering if he could somehow drag him enough to hide him underneath the desk. He wasn’t sure how clean it might be under there, but at least it would spare him the embarrassment of having to face Owen, and explain… explain… explain…
“Ianto?” Owen asked, and Ianto yelped, spinning around to face him and realising a fraction of a second too late that his fly was still open; his cheeks turned an even more violent shade of scarlet, and he tried to will his colleague not to look at the floor. “What are you doing…” Owen seemed to sense his panic; he looked down and caught sight of Jack’s body. “…here?”
“Filing,” Ianto said, with as much dignity as he could manage; nonchalance was the name of the game now. Casual, easy nonchalance. Nothing to see here. “Just doing some late-night filing.”
“Right,” Owen raised his eyebrows and nodded slowly and thoughtfully in a manner that fully conveyed to Ianto that he knew that he was talking bollocks. “Why’s Jack unconscious?”
“Oh, I hit him with a filing cabinet drawer,” Ianto lied, and Owen’s eyebrows inched closer to his hairline. “Total accident.”
“Is this some kind of kinky sex thing?” Owen teased, and Ianto’s blush deepened. How was that possible? If he turned any redder, he was going to be permanently maroon; there was no coming back from embarrassment like this. “Because if so, I’m not participating in it. I don’t consent to being involved.”
“No!” Ianto shook his head hard, although he knew the reality was far worse. “No, it was just an accident.”
“So why’s your fly open?”
“Is it?” Ianto said unconvincingly, looking down, feigning surprise and then zipping it up one handed. “Oops. So it is.”
“Why isn’t Jack breathing?” Owen continued, taking a step into the office, and Ianto considered – fleetingly – trying to stop him, but instead he dropped to his knees – Ianto barely suppressed a snort – beside Jack, taking his pulse and then looking up at Ianto with an expression that was equal parts amused and horrified. “Please explain. I mean, please explain in a manner that might involve a great deal of lying, to spare my blushes, because I’m a delicate soul and I really, really don’t want to know about your dead-person fetish.”
“It’s not that!” Ianto said at once, fighting the sudden urge to cry. “We were just… doing something, and he didn’t… he didn’t say anything… and the next thing I knew…”
“You’d bonked the boss to death,” Owen concluded, and Ianto felt a brief stab of gratitude that he didn’t appear to be laughing. Yet. “Wow.”
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bored0writer · 1 year
Can you do Leviathan for a yandere alphabet?
And the text in pink? Have a nice day.
yess of course thank you for this request!:)
gn reader
warnings- Mentions of murder, non consensual hugs and kisses, mentions of being locked away, yandere behaviours
Affection: He'd be quite affectionate whether that be him giving you hugs and kisses too sitting you on his thigh whilst he does his school work or gaming often inviting you too play with him.
Blood: He's not a big fan of the mess that get's everywhere but sometimes depending on what that persons done he'll have a small smile on his face laughing as if he's done something right, but normally he's not too messy
Cruelty: He wouldn't really mock you his darling but if you were going on and on screaming at him telling him he's a monster that you hate him, He'll just laugh Darling he knows that and it hurts him hearing those words come from that mouth of yours but he knows your lying to get a rise out of him.
Darling: The only thing other than not letting you leave is that he'll hug and kiss you.
Exposed: He won't be too vulnerable until you start returning his affection giving him kisses without trying to pull away, giving him hugs without cursing him out then after making sure your not doing this too try and get away he'll be a lot more vulnerable.
Fight: He wouldn't really like it but as he expected this would happen just like in the animes he's watched, So he'll try not to get to upset or angry the first time just trying to pin you down until you calm down mean whilst you scream kick, grab, punch at him.
Game: No he wouldn't really like the idea of you trying to escape so when he see's you trying to, He'll just start clinging onto you trying not to cry all you can hear is his sniffle's as he's yelling at you.
Hell: Your worst experience with Levi was when he locked you in a closet or room for 9 days without seeing him or anyone else (not that you'd really see the others) making sure to only come in when you were asleep with some food and water.
Ideals: His ideal future for you and him is You being happy and comfortable around him because then he'll gladly let you roam free and hang out more with his brothers again.
Jealousy: Do I need to say anything about this?, All I will say is that when he's jealous (which was most the time before he abducted you) he would sulk on your shoulder sighing repeatedly and if you or the other demon that was there didn't get the hint he'd stare at them for a while, The day after they would be avoiding you and you were left wondering why.
Kisses: He's really affectionate after a while, A lot more before your abduction so not a whole load will change after him abducting you.
Love letters: He's was really shy and embarrassed about coming up to you and confessing his feelings for you, But when you had rejected him he just said "Of course you'd never love a yucky otaku like me" and walked off.
Mask: He's pretty much the same just a bit less shy and more affectionate.
Punish: The way he'd punish his darling is locking you somewhere dark and alone for a few days sure he hates it and it's a punishment for him too but he'll still do it.
Oppression: mainly just leaving there is no way he's going to even allow you near the door making sure to always preoccupy you with something, seeing others until he feels it right and you've behaved long enough you won't get to see his brother's the last time you saw one of them was when you were trying to get away from leaving running down the halls but getting tackled by beel as he sighs an apology and lastly if he's extremely annoyed and you've kept screaming, yelling, crying he covered your mouth groaning telling you too be quiet as much as he loved your voice he didn't like some (most) of the insulting things you would say.
Patience: He can be quite patient a few years or so but even then we all have a braking point and his is coming slowly but surely.
Quit: he wouldn't be able to take it sobbing for every night even yelling at henry.
Regret: Of course nearly everyday he feels guilty about it but that doesn't mean he'd let you go, he's doing this because he loves you .because he's keeping you safe right?.
Tears: He feels extremely guilty if its because of him. if it's because of something else he'll still feel bad and try to comfort you. If your isolating himself (well trying) Levi never leaves you alone (unless it's for a punishment) He's always by your side having you play games, read manga, do cosplays you always have something to do.
Unique: (idk 😭)
Vice: praising him, touching his demon form, kissing him, hugging him, complementing him any of those can exploit his weaknesses but keep in mind he'll often be on guard and will be able to tell if your being sincere or not
Wit's end: Never He's only hurt you by accident when he went to grab something for you too watch with him accidentally hitting you when he swung backwards after you poked him not realising you were waiting behind him.
Xoanon: A lot he'd do anything for you
Yearn: 3 or 4 years.
Zenith: nope he doesn't want his darling to be broken he loves you too much and couldn't bear to see you like that
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