#and it takes a while for clint to consent to being more civil and then they realize they get along well
moeblob · 3 years
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posts OCs one (1) person will appreciate
Orange haired boy is Clint and he has fire powers and overheats a lot. Other boy is Emil and he has electric powers and his hair charges in a sense so when his hair has the yellow highlights he’s happy. The more yellow, the happier he is.
And they’re boyfriends.
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thespectralvision · 3 years
Flufftober 2021 - 2. Sneaking Out Together
Part of the @flufftober2021 challenge, featuring Wanda, Vision, and the Minimoffs. You can also read this on Ao3 HERE
Rating: PG/Teen
Pairing: The Vision x Wanda Maximoff
Characters: The Vision, Wanda Maximoff, Pepper Potts, Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark
Warnings: N/A
Other: This and the other one-shots I’m doing for this collection are set in my wider Paprika series. While most of these Flufftober stories take place after WandaVision, this particular one is a scene I didn’t know where to include in some of the earlier parts of their story, set between Age of Ultron and Civil War.
Summary:  Wanda and Vision have been asked to be on their best behavior for a press event, the rest of the team not wanting their new relationship getting into the media's hands. Vision is happy to comply - it's only one night- but Wanda has other plans.
*- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *- *-*
“Wanda, Vision, can you two stay for a minute? Everyone else - please remember we need to meet downstairs in the lobby at 6 PM.”
Vision glances nervously across the table at Pepper, then to Wanda sitting beside him, and nods as the rest of the team shuffle out of the conference space in the hotel they’ve arrived at for the event later in the evening. Tony at least offers them a sympathetic look and a pat on Vision’s shoulder as he passes by.
“Don’t let Pep scare you too much, everyone’s going to have a great time tonight. See you in a few hours.”
“Don’t be late Tony. Or else.” Pepper’s tone indicates she means business and it puts Vision on even higher alert. Next to him he can feel Wanda fidgeting in the cheap office chair, her knee hitting his gently as she rotates the seat back and forth.
“Sorry about that. You two aren’t in trouble, I promise. I just want to set some ground rules. Tonight is an extremely high profile event and I just want things to go smoothly and not create any drama. Tony is enough of a handful and I have been informed of some developments between you two-”
Vision tenses at the term but isn’t sure why. Nothing he and Wanda have done is wrong – far from it. He knows exactly where this conversation is going and Wanda’s telepathic abilities brushing against him indicate she knows too. “Here we go again.”
“- and as you both know we’re short on rooms due to the hotel being overbooked for the event.” There is more than a hint of annoyance, and Vision suspects it has more to do with how much money the Avengers are bringing to this location by staying the night and Pepper feeling like the least the event staff could have done was make sure each of the high-profile guests got their own room. Vision did not require a room either way – he did not need to sleep, and it was no secret among the Avengers that he often shared Wanda’s quarters, watching TV or handling calculations and research while she slept. They had thought the arrangement would have made this situation easier, especially now that he and Wanda have acknowledged that the relationship between them is more than platonic, and yet that does not seem to be the case.
“As much as I’m happy for you both, I don’t want to cause a scene or let the press catch wind of this relationship yet. I’ve already spoken with Natasha, and you will be sharing a room with her, Wanda. And Vision will be with Clint.”
“But Vision always keeps me company-” Wanda’s protests make her sound much younger than she is, almost like a petulant teenager arguing with a step mother, and Vision wants to step in. They are both consenting adults and there is no reason they shouldn’t be able to spend the evening together-
“I know, Wanda,  but the press have been pushing us for a story. You both know that the tabloids are looking for any way to make the Avengers as a whole look bad, especially you two. Vision’s existence is still being questioned. I promise, we will find a way to break the news soon so you two don’t have to hide forever. I think we can all agree that it would be better if we make it public before some paparazzi snaps a photo. There is just too much else happening for us to do it tonight, ok? It’s just for one night, and you can spend your time on the floor together. Just keep things PG, alright?”
Vision can feel Wanda’s frustration radiating around them but she finally backs down. “Fine. One night.” Her hand finds his under the table, squeezing perhaps harder than necessary and Vision returns it. Once Wanda agrees he nods as well.
“We can do that.”
Vision should have known then that Wanda would never concede so easily.
“Let’s get out of here, Vizh.”
Vision feels Wanda’s presence before she reaches out to him, her hand brushing against his back as she comes up behind him.
“Wanda, it’s not yet midnight and we promised we would remain-”
“And?” There is a glint of mischief in her green eyes as Wanda takes an overly-innocent sip from her drink. Vision has lost track of how many she has had – it has been a fair amount – while he has barely touched the second glass he was offered. He finds her flushed cheeks strangely fascinating and wishes they didn’t have to be pretending there was nothing between them. He understands Pepper’s concerns, of course, and knows that none of this is personal. Not really. The others just want to keep him and Wanda away from as much of the negativity surrounding them as possible.
The still-new romantic relationship between himself and his best friend only complicated matters. While it was no secret that he and Wanda were close, exactly how close was still a secret known only to their inner circle of friends. The speculation in the media was bad enough – the world at large did not seem to be ready to accept an enhanced like Wanda or a synthezoid created from an AI like himself, let alone a romance between them. It seemed as if every week there was another poll asking where the line needed to be drawn. Vision was often surprised by how many people seemed interested in romantic or sexual pursuits with a being like himself, but there was a lot of bigotry as well.
“The night is winding down, Tony is already too drunk to remember what the rest of us are doing and Pepper is babysitting him, as predicted. We can sneak off and have some us time. We deserve it.” Vision can nearly taste the vodka on her lips as Wanda reaches up to whisper to him, her accent far heavier with the influence of her drink and Vision realizes she’s speaking her native language. Wanda is also brushing against him just enough for him to know she’s not being innocent and the movement is intentional.
“I think perhaps you are a little drunk yourself, Wanda.”
“I’m Sokovian, I can handle it.” She glances at Vision’s still full glass and shakes her head. “Maybe you didn’t drink enough?” She teases.
“Wanda, we both know I don’t like having my systems impaired. I had enough to be polite, that is all. Besides, it’s-”
“It’s a waste of alcohol because your body metabolises it differently, I know.” Wanda is grinning as she finishes his sentence without having to read his mind. Once again Vision finds himself distracted by the light in her eyes and the way the make up she’s wearing makes the green pop even more; the way her flushed state makes her freckles stand out; her lip gloss mingling with the alcohol – and he wants to kiss her. He could, and from the way Wanda is leaning into him Vision suspects that’s exactly what she is fishing for.
“Well...I suppose we have completed our, uh, our mission. We stayed most of the night, after all...I would be happy to escort you back to your room Miss Maximoff.” He keeps his tone casual and level and just loud enough that anyone passing by would think he was just being gentlemanly.
Wanda gives him a surprised but please look and hooks her arm through his, leaning in perhaps a touch too much to be considered platonic but in her drunken state he is certain if anyone notices he can blame their intimacy on that.
Luckily for Vision it seems that no one is paying much attention to the red synthezoid and his friend and he’s able to lead Wanda to the nearest exit without being stopped. The whole time she is teasing him, fingers roaming and her lips and nose brushing against his exposed neck occasionally. She knows exactly what she is doing, playing coy whenever someone glances their direction. If the press hadn’t already suspected something between them then Wanda’s current behaviour would at least confirm her interest in her synthetic friend.
Vision knows he’ll have to leave before Natasha returns to Wanda’s shared room for the night, but if he knows the spy she will remain part of the party until the very end. They have a few hours at least, enough to enjoy one another’s company in private. Just ahead is the elevator and then it’s just a short walk to her room and-
“Where are you two heading?”
“Natasha! I...we…” Wanda quickly stands at attention as she stumbles through the words and Vision is surprised how much the loss of her against him bothers him. He’s glad his body doesn’t have the tell-tale signs his human counterpart does, appearing red at all times and hiding any blush that may have matched Wanda’s.
The spy is leaning against the wall, perfectly hidden from the inside of the room but clearly guarding the outside. Vision wonders if Pepper put her up to it but something about Nat’s expression has him curious.
“Wanda has er, she’s had a bit too much to drink and I was just escorting her up to her room, Natasha.” Vision saves and Wanda nods vehemently in response.
“Uh-huh. Sure. Look, I don’t care what you two are up to as long as you’re being safe. I’ll let Clint know there’s been a change of plans for the night. We’ve shared far worse quarters.” Natasha steps aside and gives them a knowing look as Vision once again grabs Wanda’s hand and as they step into the elevator she adds, “I’ll be by in the morning to grab my bag, just make sure you two are decent.”
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lesbiradshaw · 3 years
What’s your thoughts on both Mcu buckynat and the comic version of them?
i don’t read many marvel comics to be honest? i’ve read a few including the mcu steve involved prequel comics and planet hulk but i’m more of a DC physical comics fan so i can’t speak much on comic BN. but mcu BN i do NOT like at all. a lot of the shippers i’ve seen for the mcu version ship them mostly just because they’re a couple that exists in the comics and both have the Deadly Assassin sexiness but if you actually look into it there are a lot of problems when it comes to the common headcanons. bucky and nat clearly did not get to interact as themselves in the mcu on screen that we know of and i doubt they will, so there’s no reason to ship them from that point on in my opinion. if they met each other knowingly for the first time in the 2010s (nat does say bucky shot her as the soldier in 2009 but gave no other hint she knew him personally) what do they have in common besides the brainwashing? not much in my eyes, which opens the door for the possibility of what the shippers call “their history” aka bucky being at the red room. his presence there does make sense. he was with the russians for a while as we see in civil war when he assassinated the starks for the serum suitcase in the nineties, which was around the time when natasha would have been in the red room herself. we know this because besides the aou flashbacks, there’s also a deleted civil war scene where she mentions her parents being russian and her avengers file says she was born in 1984, so she would have been anywhere from 7-15 in the nineties. this makes sense because in the mcu, the red room is shown as being for KIDS. CHILDREN. this is why shipping red room instructor bucky/red room student (aka prisoner) natasha is a problem. the aou flashback shows little girls dancing and the red room episode in agent carter also only shows girls that are a very young age. the aou flashback shows that natasha’s graduating experience in that place was to be involuntarily sterilized, something i suspect happened around when she would have been coming of age. so lets say she was in the red room until 2002 when she turned 18 since she said that was the final test. bucky fell when he was 27, so besides the fact that they both would have been brainwashed and unable to consent on THAT principle, she was a CHILD for most of her time there! he was a grown man! not cute! natasha said she first had a run in with the soldier in 2009, one year before ironman 2 was set, so i assume clint recruited her at least a few years before that considering how much trust fury assigning her to someone like tony stark would take. there are lines about her doing modeling work in her early twenties i think but that could have just been a cover story. anyways ... mcu BN ranges between gross and boring to me. either they interact under creepy conditions or they don’t interact when they’re both free minded at all depending on when you think they meet. the shippers who like saying they fucked in the red room need to think critically because .... i’m sick of seeing past mcu BN inserted into stevebucky fics actually ...
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Civil War - Brooklyn
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Chapter 15 Tit-For-Tat
Previous Chapter
Pairing: Steve Rogers/Reader/Bucky Barnes, Reader/Brock Rumlow
Word Count: 6,405
Warnings: Non/Con, Rape, Forced Orgasm, Brief Flashbacks of Torture, Angst, Depression, Nightmares, Manipulation, PTSD, Physical Abuse, Gunshots, Minor Character Death, Explosions.
Summary: Recovering from her torture our reader struggles with some PTSD. With her mind scattered she comes back to one thing, Revenge. But when she seeks it will she be ready when the lies finally become truth? Someone from her past shows up unexpectedly turning everything she thought she knew upside down. Brock won’t give her up without a fight and will go through drastic measures to show her that she belongs to him.
A/N: Seriously read the warnings. It’s dark near the end and I don’t want anyone being triggered while reading this. I also want to apologize to my followers who have been waiting about 5 months for an update to this. Most know I have been dealing with health issues and trying to recover. Hopefully I can continue to update like I want. I’m wanting to wrap this story up in the next five chapters but we shall see.
Thank you to my beta reader @music-culture-mythology​ for always supporting me, helping me and being there for me. I know you are busy with college and I’m grateful you still make time for me.
Thank you @whimsicalrogers​ for the page breaks
kotyonok  - means kitten  
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I do NOT give my consent to have my work translated or reposted on any social media platform, apps or third party sites. If you see my work anywhere other than MY Tumblr or AO3 then it was stolen. I will NEVER give written or verbal permission as this is MY work. 🚫🚫
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Steve sat in the living room, shrouded in darkness, and sipping a glass of whiskey as he went over the events from a few days ago. They had a plan in place to take down Brock but once again he got away. How could it all go so horribly wrong so quickly? 
Brock had you, their girl, in his possession and who knew what lies he was feeding you at this very moment. They had been so close to having you back with them but now, it was like you had completely vanished. There had been no clues for them to follow so they could look for you. Steve drained his glass and slammed it down on the table. 
If they could just get you back, explain everything as Bucky said that they would do from the beginning, then maybe there was a chance to win you back over to their side. Yes, they have murdered people in the past but they would never kill those you loved. They were not the monsters that they were made out to be. Your father was family to them as he had taken both men in when they were young. The thought of you thinking they could murder him crushed both of them. 
Bucky walked into the room and could just make out Steve’s form pour himself another glass. He took the chair in front of his friend and sighed, “I left a message on Rhodey’s phone again. He still isn’t picking up when I call.”
“Well ain’t that fucking great.” Steve took a swig. Tony would be the key to reeling you in at this point and if they couldn’t get into contact with him, they knew you would be lost to them.
“Look, Steve, Stark is probably laying low for a reason. There is no doubt in my mind that he will want his revenge on Brock when the time is right. I mean he hated Brock more than us. We just need to keep our people out looking for any signs of Hydra.” 
Steve ran a hand over his face and sighed, “We fucked up. We’re the reason she’s in this mess in the first place. The reason she was tortured by that maniac Zemo. I swear to god I will tear this whole state apart to find her.”
Bucky leaned forward in his chair, resting his arms on his knees. “So far we have Natasha and Clint on our side. Even though Thor and Loki helped with our search earlier they won’t act further without Stark.”
Steve nodded his head. Thankfully they had a few families backing their cause against Hydra, but, they were still missing some crucial key players. 
Bucky continued, “Quill and his crew can’t be reached. I heard they went underground when Thanos killed half of their families over a decade ago. If we could locate Stark we will have the numbers.” 
Steve looked at his friend. “First, we need weapons. Let’s get a count at the warehouse and see if we need to restock. Then I will try Rhodey's cell phone again. If anyone knows where Tony is, it’s him.”
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The warmth was something your body craved as you woke around midnight in the oversized bed at Brock’s mansion. You had awoken, chilled to the bone because of a nightmare from your torture. Quickly you pulled the covers off and walked to the master bathroom where you ran a hot bath.
Brock had rescued you a week ago from a nightmare that you never thought you would be able to leave. He had brought you to a hospital to be looked over. The nurses attended to all the wounds they saw on the outside while the doctors prescribed medication to help with the pain. As for your mental health, well that would take some time. You didn’t want any pain medication as you didn’t want to be in a daze. The injuries, the pain, kept your mind focused. It was a reminder of what you had to do once you were healed. Revenge.
Afterward, he brought you back to the safety of his house and let you shower in peace. You had climbed into bed to rest and had drifted off. The bedroom was your sanctuary and you had refused many times to leave it when Brock asked you to come downstairs to eat. Thankfully, he would bring your meals to you and leave. He had confirmed to you that Tony was indeed dead on one particular night that you asked. The grief was raw just like your trauma. You felt lost and angry that you never got to say goodbye. 
You stripped out of your clean clothes and stepped into the tub. The warmth washed over your bruised skin as you sunk into the tub. Your eyes closed as you tried to process everything you have been through. 
Soft kisses along your neck make way to gentle caresses down your body. Firm thrusts within you had you moaning in pleasure as Bucky and Steve each took you apart. 
The time with them was a lie a voice says in your head. They made you into a fool, their whore. They only wanted your territory and to run the family business. You were a pawn in their game of chess. 
Your mind cuts to you holding Tony’s bloodied body as he calls out the name of his shooter ‘Steve.’ You last saw Tony alive in the hospital fighting for his life. But now he is gone. You never got to say goodbye to the only person that mattered. They had taken Tony from you.
Shaking that thought away, you sighed as you sank lower into the warm water. Soft sounds from a dripping faucet echoed loudly throughout the room causing your mind to pull you back to that filthy, cold room. 
Darkness is what you saw behind exhausted eyes. Just when you would close them, maybe for good, a jolt would wake you and his face would be there to haunt you. 
Zemo… “kotyonok, I’m not done with you yet,” his voice frightened you, cursed you.  His torture was constant and so many times you begged for your death. But, he would give you no reprieve. 
“Sweetheart, the water is cold. You’re shivering, let me help you out.” A deep voice cut through your dark thoughts, causing you to jolt. 
You hadn’t realized that your body had become chilled. How long were you in the tub? With the conditions you grew accustomed to over two months, the cold was something you learned to accept to survive.
Your head tilted back and you locked eyes with a pair of dark brown ones. Your savior from the hell you were in, Brock, was kneeling next to the tub with a towel in hand. He smiled softly as you shakily stood and let him wrap you in the warm oversized towel. 
Brock lightly put his arm around you as you limped to his bedroom. It was dark out and the lights in the room were soft compared to the harsher ones you were used to.
Your mind was distant as you dried your body off with the towel. Brock walked over and handed you shorts and a t-shirt. As soon as you changed you sat on the edge of the bed still staring off into the distance.
Grief coursed through your veins as you tried to push the pain deep down inside you. Show no weakness to anyone. This did not break you… Loudly those phrases rang inside your head.
Lips softly touched your forehead, snapping you out of your trance and you watched as he pulled back from you. “I know you are still scared and unsure about everything that’s going on. So I will leave you here, while I take the spare bedroom. If you need me I will be next door.”
You watched as he turned to leave and your hand grabbed his wrist, halting his movement. “Brock… Can you stay? I...I just don’t want to be alone tonight.” Your eyes looked up to his face and you could see he was surprised by your request. 
“Are you sure sweetheart? I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable with everything you have been through.” He knelt in front of you, resting his hands on your thighs, and watched as you bit your lip.
Nodding your head, your hands gently grabbed his. “I’m sure, I would feel safer if you stayed.”
“Nothing is going to happen to you. You are safe with me, in my home.” He stood and went to one side of the bed and climbed in.
You pushed yourself up the bed as Brock grabbed the covers you had pushed down earlier and pulled them up over you both. The bed was soft against your sore, abused body. It was a welcoming comfort from the cruelty of that hook you hung from every day. 
The light was turned off by Brock and you started to shake in fear. The darkness was haunting, cruel things were done when the lights went out. You didn’t realize you had moved closer to him until you felt his toned arm wrap around you. 
“Easy sweetheart, I’m here. Nothing is going to harm you.” As your eyes adjusted you noticed the moon shone through the windows, giving some kind of light within the bedroom. His hand softly caressed your arm as you laid your head on his chest.
This felt different than what you were used to with Steve and Bucky. Brock was built like the guys but there was something about being here in his bed that made you uneasy. It may be from everything you went through or it could be that this was wrong. Though Brock had proven to be the one telling the truth all along. Maybe this is where you were truly meant to be. 
All you knew for certain was this assignment from the FBI to take down Hydra was a sham. There was no way you could go back to Steve and Bucky. Not after the lies and murders. They were going to answer for their crimes against you and your family. Your eyes grew heavy from exhaustion and you could feel yourself about to drift off. The last thing you thought of was hell was going to rain down upon them but first, you were going to take everything away from them.
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You woke early thanks to the nightmares that continued to plague your mind. Brock had comforted you to the best of his ability with gentle caresses and soft words of comfort. 
A buzz on his phone caught his attention as he pulled away from you. Untangling himself from your limbs he got up to take a phone call. With him up for the day, you decided to shower and change.
Your mind was processing and planning what you had in store for Bucky and Steve. Hitting their major warehouses would debilitate their operations. Did you want to see them be brought down a level? Absolutely. The thought of watching them flee and scramble for weapons brought a smile to your face.
Dressed for the day you headed out of the room to see where Brock was. As you made your way down the hall hushed voices spoke behind a door that led into a room you'd never been in before. Slowly you walked to the door, trying to hear what was being said.
“I expect that you get everything under your control soon Brock. We need to take control of the territories soon. It’s bad enough I had Fury sniffing around Shield before he disappeared. Hydra will rise but unless you do what you need to, you won’t be standing at the top leading it.”
“You worry too much Pierce. Things will work out the way we want.”  
What did that man mean by Brock had to do what was needed? As you tried to lean forward to see who this Pierce was the floor creaked under your feet. You quickly walked to the steps and headed downstairs to the kitchen in search of coffee. 
You poured yourself a cup trying to act as natural as possible. Looking out the window you took in the water. Whatever game Brock was playing you figured he would bring you in whenever he was ready to.
Strong arms wrapped around your waist from behind, startling you, “Morning sweetheart. Sorry I had to get out of bed early on you. I had business to attend to.”
Glancing over your shoulder you smiled up at him. “No worries, I had to freshen up anyway before we got started with our plan.”
Brock gently turned you to face him, hands resting on your hips. “Someone is eager for revenge. Anyone ever told you that you are sexy when angry?”
A chuckle left your lips. Of course, you have been told that but he didn’t need to know it was from your former lovers. “You are the first Brock. Most men don’t like the mean side of me.”
Slowly his fingers traveled from your hips to under the hem of your shirt. Fingertips lightly run across your skin and he pulled you to his chest. “I love that spark within you as it ignites a fire within me. Together we will burn this city to the ground.” He crashed his lips against yours taking you off guard. The kiss is possessive and greedy as his hold on you grows firmer. You let him dominate the kiss even though you wanted to pull away. 
He leaned away reluctantly, “Maybe later when this is all done we can finally celebrate the right way.” You knew what he meant, sex, but your mind wasn’t ready for it. The thought of rolling around in bed with him made your skin crawl. How could you be intimate with someone you thought was the enemy for so many years?
You smirked at his remarks, trying to blow off what he said, “Maybe.”
Brock grinned at you, “Oh, next time you try to snoop on business that doesn’t involve you there will be consequences.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about.” Your voice never wavered as you spoke but you felt nervous.
Brock watched as you looked away from him. He leaned into your back and whispered, “That office is off-limits. Do you understand?”
“Yes. I do.” You spoke evenly trying to not show your fear. Curiosity plagued your mind over what he was hiding in that office. A part of you wanted to find what secrets were behind that closed door.
For now, your mind thinks of one thing only, revenge. You were going to burn everything to the ground and finally take back your city. 
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Steve had hung up the phone as Bucky made his way into the warehouse office. Both men had been busy with meetings and phone calls. It had been over a week since their search for you began. The search had expanded outside of Brooklyn to the Bronx, Queens, and Manhattan. They were looking to expand the search east to Long Island but they knew it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Bucky walked over to the couch and plopped down. Just like Steve, he was tired from the lack of sleep he was getting every night. He was worried about you and wanted to find you sooner rather than later. Bucky closed his eyes and draped an arm over them to block out the light from above. His eyes were not even closed for a full two minutes when Steve’s phone was ringing.
Steve looked down at it to see Natasha was calling. As soon as he put her on speakerphone she started to talk frantically. “We have a problem, Cap. Two of our warehouses were just attacked.” 
Bucky sat up and walked over to the desk, “What do you mean attacked? Who would be stupid enough to hit our buildings?”
“Which buildings Natasha?” Steve ran a hand down his face in frustration.
“One at the docks and the other on the outskirts of town. Both buildings are up in flames. Clint and I are the docks. We barely got out before it blew.”
Bucky ran a hand through his hair. “We need to get down there.”
“I wouldn’t come down here. The fire department and cops are here. Clint and I will head to you. Do you know who would be stupid enough to hit your buildings?”
Steve knew exactly who was behind the buildings being hit and by the look Bucky gave him, his friend knew as well. “Nat try to see if anyone made it out of the other building. We will see you when you get here.” Steve hung up the phone and started to text Thor. “I will have Thor and Loki look at the other building.” The only people that knew of their warehouses would be those involved in their weapons and drug trades. Y/N would have this knowledge.
After texting Thor, Steve’ and Bucky’s phones both buzzed with a text message. It was from an unknown number. Clicking on it they both read the same message, “You destroyed everything my family built. Now I will repay the favor.”
Just then the power shut off, leaving both men in the dark. Before they could react, the windows shattered as Molotov cocktails were tossed into the building. As soon as they hit the floor, they exploded and fire broke out.
“Shit!” Bucky yelled as he dodged a second Molotov as they both rushed to the office door, the fire rapidly spreading up the walls. Steve is ahead of Bucky as they make their way into the large opening of the warehouse. The fire was everywhere as they continued running and coughing from the thick smoke. Finally, they reached the front door and rushed through it. Before they could get a few feet from the building they noticed Hydra men were surrounding them.
You watched as they coughed and took big gulps of fresh air. Their eyes looked around, taking in the Hydra men, and finally landing on you. There is confusion on their faces that quickly turned to anger as Brock made his way to your side.
“Isn’t it beautiful? Out of the fire, a Phoenix shall arise. People will tremble when they know I have taken down the feared Captain and Winter Soldier. The only question is do I kill you slowly or quickly for what you have done to me?”
The anger coursed through your veins as both men stood before you. Bucky took a step forward but stopped when you raised a gun at him. “Doll, whatever Brock has told you it’s a lie. We didn’t do what you think.”
Steve raised his hands, “He’s right if you would let us explain we have proof that Brock is lying. You should know we would never lie to you about this.”
A laugh escaped your lips. “You wouldn’t lie to me? But yet, that’s all you have done since you came back into my life. I trusted you, I loved both of you!” Tears threatened to fall from your eyes as you tried to control your temper. You felt like your heart was breaking all over again. 
Brock touched your shoulder, causing you to look up at him, “Sweetheart, they are the enemy. Remember your task: they killed Tony and your father. Finish them and take back what is yours.” 
Bucky took two more steps forward and stopped as you faced him again. “Doll, please. He is the enemy. You should know better than to listen to his lies.”
Your arm shook as the gun felt heavier in your hand. Unsure of who to trust, you started to lower the weapon. It was a battle between your heart and your head. Maybe you just needed to hear them out?
Brock sighed as you dropped your gun to the ground, “I expected better of you sweetheart.” He grabbed you roughly by the upper arm and dragged you back to the SUV. Shouting over his shoulder, “Kill them.” 
The men that surrounded Bucky and Steve aimed as you screamed for them to stop. Your heart pounded in your chest as panic consumed you. The thought of losing them for good made you sick. This felt like a nightmare you couldn’t wake up from.
You tried to pull from Brock’s grasp as you pleaded for them to stop. Brock opened the door and just before he could shove you in, gunshots rang out. A scream tore through your throat as you closed your eyes, expecting the worst.
You opened your eyes slowly and watched as a couple of Brock’s men dropped to the ground, dead. Steve and Bucky were unharmed but looking past you. Glancing over your shoulder you saw Rhodey, Thor, Loki, and Tony standing there with guns in their hands. Tony looked livid as he stared down at you and Brock. You could see the tension between both men as your world started to spin on its axis and all you could do was spin with it. 
Tears fell from your eyes, “Tony?” Confusion and relief flooded your system as you realized he was standing there, very much alive.
Brock grabbed you harder and shoved you into the SUV as he followed you in. “Get us out of here.”
The driver peeled away from the men and the burning warehouse. You turned in your seat to observe out the back window, Tony yelling something as the SUV sped away. 
Hydra agents were locked in a firefight with Tony and the other men. You turned back around and looked at Brock. He was seething from the events that just unfolded.
Finding the courage, you spoke up. “I thought you said Tony was dead? I...I need to see him, pull over and let me out.”
Brock's jaw clenched, “We are not stopping.” 
“Brock just let me see…” 
A hard slap hit your cheek causing your head to snap to the side. He gripped your chin hard making you look into his eyes. “I said we are not stopping. We will discuss this when we get back to the house.”
He let go of your chin and shoved you away. How dare he strike you for wanting to see the person you thought was dead. Never had he been violent towards you until now.  
If you were in a better situation you would have hit him back. You clenched your fist as your mind tried to process everything that just happened. Helplessness washed over you as a sense of anguish grasped you by your throat, making it hard to breathe. 
There were so many questions that needed to be answered and at this rate you didn’t know who to ask. Lies poured from the mouths of those you trusted and at this rate you could only count on yourself.
With Tony being alive, that meant Brock had been lying to you as well. You needed to get into his office that was off-limits to see what he was hiding in there.
The drive went by quickly and the SUV pulled up in front of the house. Brock opened his door, “Do I need to drag you inside, or are you going to behave?”
You stared into his dark eyes, he was not happy. “I can behave.” You slid across the seat and got out on his side. He wrapped a hand around your arm as you both made your way into the house. 
Hydra men were scurrying around the house as he pulled you up the stairs, leading you to the bedroom. As soon as you reached the bedroom he pushed you inside. “Don’t leave this room.” 
There was no way you were going to sit in here with everything going on. You watched as he closed the door, leaving you on the bed alone. You approached the door and listened as he made his way downstairs. Something was going on and you were now more than ever determined to figure it out. 
The burner phone that Brock had given you earlier was still in your coat pocket. You reached in and pulled up your text messages. Typing quickly you texted Tony’s phone. “How are you alive?” You pressed send and within a minute he messaged back.
Tony: “I went into hiding once we found out what Brock was up to. Where are you? You aren’t safe with Brock.” 
Your stomach tensed at the last part. You typed back, “Somewhere on Manhasset Bay. Something is going on here, there are Hydra men everywhere.”
Tony: “I’m going to find you, kiddo. You need to know Steve did not shoot me, Brock did. If you can get out of that house safely then do so now.”
Quickly you stuffed the phone back in your pocket and pulled your boots off so you could walk quietly in the hallway. Slowly you turned the handle and peeked into the hallway. Thankfully it was empty as you made your way into the hallway. There were voices yelling downstairs. Brock was upset with someone. You reached the office doorway and glanced inside. No one was in there so you decided to sneak in.
Carefully you made your way over to the large oak desk. You started to pull out each drawer to look for anything that could be incriminating. Pushing files around, nothing stuck out to you. That was until you opened the middle drawer.
You pulled out a schedule and flipped it open. Inside were cargo schedules and what was inside each container. Pulling out your phone you took pictures of the pages. After several pictures of shipments and contacts, you went to put it back in the drawer. You watched as the photos slowly started to upload in the text you sent and you tucked the phone in your pocket, hoping they didn’t take too long to send.
You looked into the drawer and something caught your eye. As you laid the schedule down on the desk, a gasp caught in your throat. Reaching into the drawer you pulled out the ring that Zemo had taken from you. Tears welled in your eyes as your finger ran across the stones. You thought that the ring was long gone. 
The realization hit you like a bus. Brock had hired Zemo to kidnap you. All of the pain and torture you went through was because of him. So you wouldn’t get caught with it, you stuffed it into your pants pocket. 
“I see you don’t follow directions very well.” A familiar voice startled you, causing you to look up in shock. Before you stood Agent Jack Rollins, gun aimed at you, just inside the doorway. 
“Jack? You...You work for Hydra?” You raised your hands in defeat. 
A grin came across his face, “Of course I do. Did you honestly think Richards was the only mole inside of the FBI? Richards may have been in charge there but I was assigned to watch you. Now be a good girl and come out slowly from the desk. I don’t want to hurt you but I will.”
You did as he said and walked to him slowly. Jack moved the gun, signaling you to walk in front of him. With the gun at your back, you both made your way downstairs. Hydra men were staring at you both as you walked into the kitchen. The door leading to the garage was half-closed. That same guy, Pierce, was inside yelling at Brock. Jack pushed you into the garage, causing them to look at you.
“Found her in your office snooping around. I think she was taking photos of your paperwork.” Jack closed the door behind him as you stood before all three men. 
“This is the one that you are fussing about Brock?” Pierce stood in a well-tailored suit, studying you. 
Brock outstretched his hand, “Hand over your phone sweetheart.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about. I wasn’t doing anything…”
“Now sweetheart. I won’t ask again.” 
You reached into your pocket, grabbed your phone, and handed it over reluctantly. Brock snatched it from your hand and looked through it. “Christ, you took photos of the shipments.” Angry, he threw your phone across the room where it shattered against the wall. 
Pierce glared at you as he approached you. He pulled a gun from his holster and aimed it at your face. “You should have just killed the bitch as I ordered you to. She has caused too many issues just like the Captain and Winter Soldier.”
Brock drew his gun and aimed it at Pierce. “Drop the gun old man. I’m done taking orders from you.” 
You stood in shock as the barrel of the gun Pierce was holding hovered inches from your face. Death never looked so freeing and scary at the same time. Would Brock let him kill you? You almost wish he'd shoot you, if only to stop all of this torture.
“Brock, I know you can’t see it now but this is for your own good. You will thank me later when she is gone, you can just take over the territories without her.” Pierce grinned at you, “It’s nothing personal.”
Before Pierce could pull the trigger Brock shot him in the head. You screamed in horror as blood splattered on you and the older man fell dead at your feet. Over the years you have seen many people killed but to see Brock murder his boss terrified you. If he could do this with no remorse what could he do to you?
Jack opened the door and let a couple of Hydra men in. They brought in a tarp and rope to dispose of the body. Jack looked to Brock, “I will handle this if you need to attend to other business issues.” He briefly looked at you and smiled sinisterly. 
Other business? Panic set in, his gaze making your skin crawl. 
Nodding in agreement Brock grabbed you by the arm and pulled you into the house. He stopped just inside the living room as you wrenched your arm from his grasp.
His dark, haunting eyes stared down at you. “I’ve tried to be patient with you sweetheart. I tried to win you over but it seems that no matter what I do you are still just an ungrateful bitch.” 
On the last word, he punched you in the stomach, knocking the wind out of you. Before you could fall to your knees he grabbed you by your hair to steady you. Fear consumed you as his grip on you tightened. 
Your hands flew to where his hand clutched you. Trying to free yourself you kneed him in the stomach making him grunt in anger.
Another punch hit you in the stomach, harder this time, making you cry out in pain. Black spots danced across your vision as Brock picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. Nausea was radiating through you as he made his way up to the bedroom. 
“Put me down you son of a bitch.” You started to punch into his back as he made his way into his bedroom, shouting angrily. He dropped you onto the bed and slapped you hard across the face causing your head to snap to the side. Your cheek burned from where he hit you. Fear invaded your mind as you thought back to your torture from Zemo.
“You just had to text your dear brother those pictures.” You turned to see him pulling his suit coat off and throwing it on the ground. Pushing yourself to sit up on the bed, Brock hit you again, causing you to cry out in pain. “I told you there would be consequences if you went into that office.”
Your fingers touched your heated cheek as he stared you down. Quickly you sat up and lunged towards him, punching him in the face.
 “You’re a monster. I swear you will not get my family's territory or the backing of the other families. Now that Tony is alive he is probably rounding up Steve, Bucky, and the others to-”
His left hand grasped you around the neck and squeezed, choking you. Another slap then connected to your face, the sharp sting stunning you. Blurry dots danced in your vision as your back connected to the bed. Disoriented you felt him rip your pants and underwear off. 
Dazed, you punched and kicked at him as he towered over you but that just angered him more. No matter how many times your hits connected it did nothing to deter him from you.
“You are going to learn your place sweetheart.” Roughly he flipped you onto your stomach and pulled his tie off from around his neck. You made one last attempt to get away but he snatched your wrists and tied them firmly together at the small of your back. Large hands grabbed your hips and turned you over to your back. With your wrists pinned under you, the position had your arms aching. Anger and lust burned in his eyes as you tried to kick at him again. 
“We are going to do this properly this time. Last time you were unconscious in that townhouse. I like my woman with a fighting spirit so resist all you want. It just makes it more enjoyable for me.”
Your eyes grew big from what he said. He was the one to rape you? “Go fuck yourself! I will kill you for what you’ve done.” You thrashed against him but he pulled your hips to the edge of the bed where he stood.
“I wanted to have our first time be perfect but I deserve a reward for dealing with your shit.” He undid his zipper and pushed his pants halfway down his thighs. Spitting into his hand, he stroked his half-hard cock until he was hard. He wasn’t as large as Bucky and Steve but he was still well-endowed. 
You struggled against him as he pushed your thighs open, “Please Brock, don’t do this.” Fear raced through your head at the thought of what he was about to do. 
“Scream all you want, it’s music to my ears.” He lined his cock up to your unprepared cunt and thrust hard into you. The intrusion had you screaming out in pain. 
His hands pinned your hips to the bed as he took you hard. Every harsh roll of his hips had you crying out for him to stop. It was clear that he was loving this, the way that your pussy hugged his cock with every push and pull. This was your worst nightmare, being taken by the man you despised.
You closed your eyes as he fucked you with vigor, trying to make your mind think of anything else but this. The pain felt like he was ripping you apart and you whimpered with every snap of his hips. 
His right hand made its way between your bodies in search of your pearl. His thumb found its destination and rubbed tight circles around it in time to his thrusts. The pain slowly started to melt away as your body gave in to the pleasure he was giving you. A moan left your lips as he kept an even pace. You were mortified that you were enjoying yourself from this forced pleasure.
“Look at me, sweetheart.” Brock panted above you. Your eyes squeezed shut as you refused to do what he said, “I said look at me.” Another hard thrust had you opening your eyes unwillingly. “You’re mine, do you understand that? Answer me.”
You cried out unwillingly, “Yes,” as he continued to pound into your now wet channel. Shame clouded your mind at the thought of him claiming you, making you agree to be his.
His fingers worked your clit faster and you could feel your orgasm building. Tears welled in your eyes as you felt you were betraying Bucky and Steve. 
Brock grabbed your right leg and rested it on his shoulder. The change in position had him hitting your spot inside you. It was overwhelming, your body betrayed you as you fell off that edge and reluctantly moaned out your orgasm, hating every second.
As soon as your pussy tensed around him Brock groaned. “Music to my ears sweetheart.” You turned your head to the side refusing to watch him reach his release. 
He grabbed your chin, “Open your eyes, sweetheart.” As soon as you complied he gave a few more harsh thrusts, cumming deep inside of you and grunting out your name. A shudder of disgust traveled down your spine at the thought of his cum inside of you. 
He stilled inside you and watched as tears fell from your eyes. “You are mine now. You will learn to love and please me or I will take it by force.” He pulled out of you and some of his release spilled down your thighs onto the bedsheets.
“Once my cargo deal goes down we are leaving New York. We won’t have peace until we get you away from here. With Pierce out of the way, Jack is going to work on taking out your brother and those two assholes you love. Once they are dead we will come back to rule these cities together as man and wife.”
“I won’t help you rule anything. You might as well kill me now.” You spat out with anger.
“Don’t be like that sweetheart. Tonight we made some progress in starting a family. Who knows, maybe I fucked a child into you just now.” He tucked himself back into his pants. Roughly he turned you over and untied your wrists. “I have to make some phone calls. Make yourself comfortable because you are not leaving here anytime soon.” Brock turned and left the room, door locking behind him. 
You sat up on the bed and made your way to the bathroom to wash away the filth from Brock. For the first time in years, you felt helpless. With no phone, you weren’t sure how Tony was going to find you. Hopefully, the shipment schedule reached Tony before your phone was smashed as that would be one of the only leads for him to find you.
Next Chapter
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buckybarnesbingo · 4 years
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BBB Week 24 Roundup!
Please remember, if you don’t include ALL of the following information, your fill may not make it on the roundup.  And if it’s not in the roundup, it’s not in our spreadsheets, which means you may not be able to get your badges.
Title of work
Collaborator (that’s you)
Link (AO3, Tumblr, etc.)
Square Filled (letter AND number AND prompt)
Ship/Main Pairing
Rating (Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit)
Major Tags/Warnings (AO3 tags are a great example)
Summary of work
Word Count (if applicable)
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Title: idiots in love Collaborator: jurassicworjd Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y5 - Didn’t Know They Were Dating Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Teen Major Tags: swearing Summary: It’s pretty obvious that Bucky and Clint are dating. Everyone can see it. Well, everyone except for Bucky and Clint. Word Count: 2346
Title: Rapid, Stupid Love Collaborator: plutosrose Link: AO3 Square Filled: U3 - Kink: Office Sex Ship: Stucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Alternate Universe - Teachers, Alternate Universe - College/University, office sex, self-esteem, lunch dates, some covert Sam Wilson/Natasha Romanov, explicit sexual content Summary: Yeah, turns out it takes about three weeks for Bucky to realize he's probably in love with Steve. And to get paint all over his thighs while they're having sex in Steve's office. Word Count: 2532
Title: Baby, You Can Sleep In My Car Collaborator: ibelieveinturtles Link: Tumblr Square Filled: U5 - Cold Ship: Bucky/Darcy Rating: Gen Major Tags: meet ugly, homelessness Summary: Darcy needs her van for a date but first she has to rehome the homeless dude that’s been squatting in it. Word Count: 824
Title: Next Time Collaborator: ialwayscomewhenyoucall Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K1 - knives Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Teen Major Tags: implied/referenced self-harm (more like self-neglect), massage, nightmares, angst, fluff, first kiss Summary: Clint’s nightmares often drive him to the range in the middle of the night, where he pushes his body harder than he should to try to get rid of the images in his brain. When Bucky finds him there, both of them get rather more than they’re expecting. Word Count: 1741
Title: We Were Too Annoying For Prison Collaborator: plutosrose Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y1 - Brooklyn Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen Major Tags: going to prison with your bf, new identities, television shows based on characters’ lives, Steve making threats and having it being taken as folksy, the importance of making your own choices, a sliver of angst, but a happy ending, Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Summary: Steve hatches a hare-brained scheme to get himself and Bucky back to the United States - go to prison together. The ridiculously popular television show based on Bucky's life is a little bit more unexpected. Word Count: 8053
Title: Kindred Spirits Collaborator: rya_204 Link: AO3 Square Filled: U3 – Shieldra Ship: Bucky & Alexander Pierce Rating: Teen Major Tags: Pre-Captain America: The Winter Soldier; Alternate Universe - Soulmates; Soulmate-Identifying Marks; brief mention of rape; Angst; Hurt Bucky Barnes; Drabble Collection Summary: The world is divided in two: souls that leave marks on you and those that don't. The souls who communicate with you are called kindred spirits. Word Count: 567
Title: Apply Firm Pressure - Chapter 1: Chase them down Collaborator: darter-blue Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y3 - Never meant to hurt you Ship: Stucky Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Shrunkyclunks, angst, canon typical violence, hurt, protective steve rogers, bucky barnes POV, bottom bucky barnes, eventual smut, angst with a happy ending Summary: Bucky and Steve are (finally out of the back of the truck) tasked with getting themselves safe and getting to Becka. All of the pieces are falling together and this nightmare (dream? does all the amazing sex, does the fact that he's fallen head over heels... does that override the terror of his life having been turned upside down?) might soon be over. They might have solved all of it. Also Steve may or may not have accidentally let slip that he plans on keeping Bucky around - like, post this weird kidnapping holiday. He wants to keep seeing Bucky. Steve does. Superhero, literal enhanced human being, secret government agent, god like creature with biceps that could incite a revolution, Steve. Wants to continue to see Bucky, anxiety ridden, one armed, science nerd, hipster-esque disaster-human Bucky. But they have to survive this first. And suddenly that seems like it might be harder than they thought. Word Count: 7923
Title: Aria in B♭ - Chapter 10 Collaborator: 27dragons Link: AO3 Square Filled: U2 - Terrible Choices Ship: WinterIron Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Alternate Universe - Historical, opera singer Bucky Barnes, nobleman Tony Stark, Prostitution, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Dubious Consent, Pining, Dueling, Gambling Summary: Lord Stark has his faults – a bit too fond of a drink, a little too reckless at cards, and entirely too happy to flout his good fortune in his rivals’ faces. But a man as wealthy and powerful as Tony Stark is bound to have a few peccadillos. What he is not, is the sort of man who would force himself upon another unwilling, unlike Lord Killian, who seems to have taken a particular shine to an opera singer in the troupe Killian is hosting. Tony rescues Mr. Barnes from Killian’s untender mercies, moves the troupe into his own home, and takes Mr. Barnes as his bed companion for the season. The arrangement provides protection for Bucky and the troupe from Killian’s spite, and tweaks Killian at the same time – a win all around, as far as Tony is concerned. He wasn’t counting on Bucky being so utterly charming and wonderful, or for the possibility that he might actually, after so many years a bachelor, fall in love. Word Count: 38,678
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pigtailedgirl · 5 years
Tony Stark Ends My MCU in Endgame
Just sharing some stuff I did on dreamwidth with a few updates. I’m new to tumblr, give me patience.
Here is why I'm never watching another MCU film or giving money to them or Marvel if I can help it. Tony Fucking Stark. The capitulation to and adoration of both RDJ and that character shows me that their brand of heroism is nothing I want to do with. Endgame validated his worldview and I can't reconcile. Look. I'm no big fan of Tony or Iron Man. Been tolerating since Avengers. Been outright thinking he deserved a tell off and comeuppance since Civil War. Did not believe he'd get it, but thought, well, thought at the least he'd still be not outright unchallenged or proven right. Basically, I was wrong in that I thought the films were conscious of his flaws they were highlighting, and that even if they could never be confirmed or explored while RDJ was onboard, because I think RDJ would never consent to looking bad because he's a narcissist and he has star power, they were there, canon, and recognized with subtlety. And I had other models of heroes in Steve and Thor to say Tony is not the only version of hero to emulate. Iron Man as a character through his movies and the Avengers film is a hero born of guilt and mired in a complex selfishness. I thought this always but especially with repeat viewings. He's fascinating because he does help people, and commit good acts, but it is born not from a desire to care for others. It's often a side-affect of his overwhelming ego. That is the kind of hero Tony is. A selfishly, not selflessly motivated one.
I eventually got very tired of Tony not seeing others around him that were hurt instead of helped by his brand of heroism. A replacement for his brand of weapons at Stark Industries or his rock-star persona. Or seeing others at all. It's something that regardless of results, I think society needs to re-examine the strength of. The ego. The self. An American world doesn't need more internal selfishness to admire. It should wear Tony down in a very different way than the MCU reflects. It should have a foil and a cost. Endgame has erased and ignored this, validated and lionized Tony as a hero role-model, to an awful degree. To start Tony is made weak in the opening and given his monologue goodbye to Pepper to garner sympathy. For him. Not for Pepper. Not for Nebula do they have kindly interaction together; we are squarely with and in Tony POV. It's re-occurring, this sainted POV of Tony in this film. You'll notice it especially in his funeral, when he’s already dead, as on-lookers who have no connection or tenuous relation to him gather and mourn because to the film he's the icon of the MCU and the hero.
This POV is not extended to others, say Natasha’s loss. The film has a central character it is focusing and idenitfying with, and it’s Tony Stark.
The main thrust of argument in the film is also weighted in Tony's favor. Tony gets off the ship on Earth. To be hugged and comforted by his foil Steve. He is fragile and we linger on his emaciated frame in his argument with Steve and the others. We linger on him in bed after, surrounded by caring loved ones. Held back by Rhodey. Our sympathy is supposed to be centered squarely on him. Yet his argument itself is devoid of logic or reason or compassion for others that are not himself. 1) Ultron was evil and the Iron Legion was causing civil unrest even before and is gone through no others decision. Tony never rebuilt it. 2) The reason the Avengers were not working together in Civil War and after was entirely because of Tony. It's Tony who got the olive branch of a phone Steve sent and hasn't used it. Indeed Steve came as soon as Bruce and Rhodey phoned. It's Tony who went to space and left the others behind. It's Tony who lost trust and therefore tracking of Vision causing him to go off-grid. It's Tony who agreed with the accords, has since broken the accords, and has since not done anything to demolish them. Accords which Ross wanted to use to stay hands in Infinity War as well. 3)Tony is in a room playing photos of the dusted, came with a woman who's sister is murdered, and can only focus on his hurt about the Snap. On losing Peter, because of what it means to him. Of the others not being with him to comfort him in his time of battle and loss. His priority is his pain alone. It's supremely selfish. It's given no rebuttal because the narrative agrees his pain is what matters. So characters feel sad for him instead of anger or their own hurt. If they don’t agree with him, no time is devoted to seeing that.This is where you expect an argument. A reflection by everyone. A hash-out on the priority of one's personal pain versus the whole universe's losses. None ever comes. The film avoids another interesting conflict on selfishness vs selflessness to approve of onlyTony when in the five year gap it celebrates in Tony's family, at the expense of everyone else refusing to move on. Only Tony gets happiness in time through his not thinking about others. Now Tony does regret Peter. So Tony decides to help reverse the Snap. But he is given zero push back on the decision to do so entirely for his benefit, that it is his alleviation of feeling Peter's loss, and not for the world's losses, or Peter's loss independant of Tony. Again it’s a selfish and self-motivatied choice. 
That Tony refuses to give up his 5 year family, which will come at the expense of 5 years lost to the returned, of the collateral we saw take place in Infinity War, at the deaths and changes since is not examined because the narrative doesn’t care to disagree with Tony. I'm not saying erasing Tony's family is right, heroic, or a choice he or the film should advocate for. But there is zero thought or discussion to the idea that Tony's family or pain is not all there is to consider in this plan. Where is Thor, saying how dare you value your happiness over all the dead of Asgard? Where's Natasha mad at her effort to keep everyone together, including world crisis prevention? Where is Carol with the universe as a whole perspective? Where is Banner saying help me at least not kill ourselves trying? Where is Clint not wanting to be a killer when his family comes back? Where is any nuance that just because Tony wants this in this way, it's not the only way everyone would feel. This film never puts anything above Tony's feelings. This extends to his heroic sacrifice at the end. The final two ways the film absolutely prides Tony's view versus anything else are his death and mourning. Tony is treated as the ultimate hero. Out of 14 million scenarios, it takes him alone to win. Him using the stones barehanded when all others couldn't. Him saving the world. His ultimate sacrifice and entirely his choice. All about him. It's not selfless that way. It's killing yourself yes, it’s saving others, but you are the ultimate universe saver. The ultimate avenger. You defeat the bad guy. Not bring people back in an act of return, but in an act of rightfulness you fix what you've been complaining others wouldn't let you and defeat evil all by yourself. Your entire motivation is rewarded, because you protect the universe by killing all your bad guy enemies. Rooted in how you feel and what you want. His final line "And I am Iron Man" a rebuke to anyone who doubts the greatness of him. Tony was right and perfect everyone. Listen up.  But there is no self-sacrifice here, because it's not about him losing. Oh, fans will mourn him. Lament Tony's lost family and happiness. Rally against his pain in dying. But Tony doesn't. There is no reflection in the film from him on the potential cost or the reality in the moment. No care is extended to the daughter's feelings or Pepper's or his friends. Nothing is about the impact or loss he'd feel of leaving them. Instead he's, like always, the focus. The film is entirely about losing him and how it's the worst for you and the world. That is what the film wants you to be sad about in these moments. Every character props him. Steve's tears. Peter's "Mr. Stark we won", and Pepper's "You can rest now." It's all about making Tony look good. This continues with the funeral. Morgan talking to Happy being about a callback to cheeseburgers Tony loved. Tony Stark 's first reactor is “Proof Tony Stark Has A Heart” floating away, wreathed in flowers. It's all tribute to the man and only about him. That's not selfless, it's self-aggrandizing. The character has gained no humility or grace. Just more fame. I'm not interested in that. In fact I'm angry. The overarching message of his rightness also destroys his foil, Steve. Who stands behind Pepper at the funeral? Steve. Who stands with Tony throughout the film? Steve. As his character's end, Steve adopts Tony's mindset of not being a selfless hero and chooses to do as Tony did and think only of what Steve currently wants. Peggy. In the past. At others expense. Steve chooses to be a selfish hero. As does Thor going off the rails in film and off with the guardians and abandoning his people. Marvel thinks that's the right way. A summation of all their films and a thing to look back on and celebrate as Tony hologram's monologue tells us. All heroes are reduced to the Tony Stark role model. It tells me they never thought Tony's world-view was a problem. And I disagree. Or they wanted to honor him so they warped everything else to work it. If they do it once, twice, always...well, what next? So I'm done.
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Hey guys I was wondering if you could help me find a fanfic I was reading but never got to finish/it was not completed yet. Here's some information on it.
I found it on Archive of Our Own (Ao3) but it could be in other places.
It's a crossover between the Avengers/MCU and Supernatural.
Sam Winchester and Tony Stark/Iron Man positive. Very critical of Dean Winchester and Steve Rogers/Captain America. (I first found it under the Abusive Dean Winchester tag but it is no longer there. I think the author may have changed it and am hoping the story was not deleted because I found it very interesting.)
Set sometime AFTER Sam Wilson/Falcon joined the team but BEFORE Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch. JARVIS is still alive. In Supernatural it is set right after Gadreel leaves Sam/is forcefully expelled/Season 9.
I remember Clint Barton/Hawkeye being VERY disapproving of Dean letting Gadreel possess Sam without his permission. It reminded him of Loki and he was very not cool with it.
The two universes are separated, it's implied that God/Chuck sent them (the Winchesters and Castiel) to the Avengers universe. They think this because Sam hears a voice, Castiel and Dean did not hear the voice and are very suspicious. Sam didn't think anything of it because he thought they all heard it. The voice basically told Sam to be happy or find peace/something similar.
There was a part where JARVIS was basically giving Sam therapy. Sam told him almost everything and JARVIS told Sam the Apocalypse was not his fault.
Steve/Cap did not understand why Dean letting Gadreel possess Sam was a big deal because Dean did it to save Sam's life and it was out of brotherly love. (I think his thoughts imply he would do the same for Bucky.)
There is a part from Natasha/Black Widow's point of view where she is very dismissive of Tony's worries and concerns about another alien invasion. She was speaking to Bruce Banner/Hulk while thinking/talking about this. Natasha thinks Tony is fascinated by the alien technology rather than worried. She does not believe he has PTSD.
Caatiel was at first insistent Sam be placed with Dean (the brothers are on different floors because they are working through issues) but soon came around to understand Sam's point of view. He was sort of patronizing, believing Sam would make bad decisions without his brother's influence.
At one point in the story Tony tells Steve to leave him alone for a night because he is making (or ordering?) a special dinner for Pepper. I can't remember if it was their anniversary or Valentine's day but I think anniversary. Anyways, Steve ignores it and calls Pepper and Tony down. It was for some security issue having to do with Sam and Dean and the floors they were on I think. (They were not allowed to leave the floors or something and Pepper was needed to sign some papers I think.)
Dean flirted with one of the guards at one point who was either asexual/aromantic or a lesbian. She was wearing a pride flag button on her uniform but Dean did not understand what it meant. When she is reassigned to Sam's floor she speaks with Sam and he understands about pride flags.
There is a moment where Sam and Dean talk and I think Sam mentions dreams he has where Dean is hurting him instead of Lucifer. Basically Dean is forced to face the truth about his abusive/controlling behavior and later gets drunk. This is also how Pepper sees him when she is evaluating whether or not to let him have more access to the tower or something. Steve also takes this the wrong way and thinks SAM is the one in the wrong because how Steve saw it was Sam comparing Dean to the Devil. (Sam did not tell Dean he was the Devil, Sam said that in his dreams Dean hurts him just as bad as Lucifer and says they both make him feel the same way.)
There is part where Dean, Steve and a few of the other Avengers (maybe Castiel too? I forgot) go out to a bar and Dean tells HIS version of events and says Sam was in Hell. He does not tell the others that Sam got there by sacrificing himself so the world would continue. He implies or says the Apocalypse is all Sam's fault. Thor later asks Castiel how Sam went to Hell when he thought it was the place bad mortals go. Castiel explains WHY Sam did it and implores Thor to be open-minded. Thor and Sam talk about it.
Steve/Cap is very annoyed Sam and Dean can't just get along and doesn't at all understand Sam's side. He constantly compares Sam and Dean to him and Bucky (in his mind mostly). There's one part where Steve, Sam/Falcon and Clint (maybe more but those are who I remember) are talking with Dean (this is directly before Sam & Dean's talk I mentioned earlier) and Steve talks about his misunderstanding of the events. I think it is Sam/Falcon (so hard when two people are named Sam lol) who tells him he must be more understanding. He doesn't really change his opinion that much.
Sam and Dean at one point have an argument in the tower's garage. Rhodey/War Machine and Tony are watching.
I think 16 happens after they get back from a restaurant. The other two notice Sam does not like the smell of meat (or maybe a certain kind of meat?) because of his reactions while eating in the tower and choose their meals accordingly. (It also might be Bruce/Hulk instead of Rhodey or Tony who goes with him to the restaurant and witnesses the argument but I'm not sure.)
I remember reading in the Author's Notes that they maybe planned to take this story all the way to Civil War.
That's all I can remember for now. Please link me this story if you can help. I really liked it and was hoping the author would finish it. I'm hoping the tags just got messed up or the author moved to another site. Maybe the author changed it because they no longer views the Dean in the story abusive. I was looking to add this story to my bookmarks and subscriptions even if it hasn't been updated since I last saw it. I really want to reread it too.
I so rarely find fics that critique a character while still keeping them in the realm of possibility. I could believe Dean and Steve would act this way if confronted with this situation. I also live fics where Sam sticks up for himself or someone sticks up for Sam.
One last thing: SAM WINCHESTER DID NOT START THE APOCALYPSE!!! lol sorry but I hate how some people act like it's all Sam's fault. I dislike how people seem to gloss over Dean consenting FOR Sam and just excusing it because Dean was trying to SAVE Sam. I don't care. Sam did not consent to Gadreel entering his body. It was a horrible, gross violation. Obviously something had to happen to get the story going again but Dean was wrong. Sam said NO and no means NO! Dean tricked Sam because he knew Sam would say no. After watching Dean get possessed by Michael I think he would reconsider letting Sam get possessed again.
Sorry,none of that was important regarding the story. I just wanted to give my opinion.
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machi-kun · 5 years
"Iron Man 1 gets quoted so much but are you really telling me that a self-proclaimed genius needed to be directly hurt by his weapons to know that innocent people were hurting over them too? There’s no way to make weapons and be good, there’s no way to make weapons like Jericho and believe that no innocents are being hurt by them. We constantly hear about how he stopped making weapons after Iron Man 1, but he didn’t. (1/6)
He just made weapons for different people. He made Insight for S.H.I.E.L.D., made Ultron for himself, and that’s not to mention the ridiculous amounts of weapons we’re shown in the tower scene in Homecoming, that if he made that weapon for S.H.I.E.L.D. he’s likely to have made others. Tony also pushes the Accords, which are in violation of several human rights, on the Avengers simply because someone walked up to him and said “my son is dead and I blame you”. (2/6)
Imagine having to be told to your face that an American died as a consequence of your ridiculous murder bot so that you care enough to do something about it. Because he knew people had died in Sokovia but did nothing about it until a photo was shoved in his face. There’s no excuse for Tony teaming up with Ross. A man who drove Bruce Banner to attempt suicide. There’s no excuse for Tony restricting Wanda to the compound and calling her “a weapon of mass destruction”. (3/6)
There’s no excuse for him shooting Sam in the chest after Rhodey falls. There’s no excuse for him bribing blackmailing and kidnapping Peter. There’s no excuse for the vicious way in which he attacks Bucky. He never apologizes for Ultron, he says “and then Ultron, my fault” in Civil War and then in Endgame he brings it up and claims he was right, even though Ultron was a disastrous occurrence. (4/6)
He blames Stee for breaking up the Avengers when Tony himself brought the Accords upon them and then pushed Steve away when he chose to help Bucky, Sam, Wanda, Clint, Scott instead of giving up the glory of being a hero. Tony probably only asked Steve to choose between the shield (being Cap) and Bucky (keeping his family, and I mean all of them not just Bucky, safe) because in Iron Man 3 he gets rid the Arc Reactor, symbolically giving up Iron Man for Pepper and then he doesn’t stick to it (5/6)
And he thought Steve would choose the same way. His monologue in the beginning of Endgame was pretty much just Hydra rhetoric, he says “what we needed was a suit of armour around the world whether it impacted your precious freedoms or not”. Our “precious freedoms” are a human right, Tony Stark has no claim to them. Not to mention that a suit of armour around the world would have done jack shit to stop Thanos or the snap.“ Machi, I do not know if I cry or laugh. (6/6)
I don’t… Honestly, thank you for sending me this in ask format because I don’t know what I would have done had I seen this on my dash out of nowhere. I honestly can’t imagine what my reaction would’ve been. I’VE REMOVED ANTIS SO EFFICIENTLY NOTHING BUT THE PUREST LOVE FOR TONY STARK CROSSES MY DASH, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. 
I tend not to interact with antis in any capacity because people who hate a character usually don’t hear to what other people have to say about that character, even if it’s in a calm, polite, and perfectly reasonable manner. My only interactions with antis have been on occasions where they come to me, not the other way around, and that’s why this kind of stuff doesn’t even bother me anymore.
Because I don’t get it. I truly, honestly don’t get their logic. I guess laughing is my pick, because I don’t waste no tears on something like this akdhkajshfkjashfh
Let’s go over this, shall we? For some lighthearted fun. 
The weapons manufacturer argument always sounded weird to me - it sounds like a very standard anti-military speech; Which I could get, if that criticism were ever extended to the other military characters, such as Rhodey, the entirety of SHIELD, and Steve himself. Because… you know… the soldier in super soldier is not just a cool nickname. Steve is also part of this war based system and people seem to be very forgetful of that fact. If you want to be angry about Tony enforcing war indirectly, don’t forget to spare some of that anger of yours for the other characters too! Make sure everyone gets their share! Oh, but Steve only wanted to protect the little guy, you say? Did you fall asleep when Tony says “I saw young Americans killed by the same weapons I build to protect them”? Is the use of the word Americans that bothers them? Enough to ignore everything else this sentence is composed of, including meaning? Also, personal morality aside - Tony is not, in any way, a war criminal or profiteer, as many antis like to put it. He is a legalized, certified weapons manufacturer, and all unlawful use of his weapons seen on screen is caused by Obadiah’s double-dealing. Ever since IM1.
And I can’t wrap my head around getting angry about a character that makes weapons in a universe where aliens are constantly knocking at your door asking if they can blow up your planet! What are you going to fight them with? Please, someone, give me an answer, because I can’t come up with any ideas.
Ultron. Aaaah, I love talking about that garbage of a movie. I also don’t understand why people pin Ultron on Tony as if Tony has intentionally made Ultron evil, when the thing inside the Mind Stone is what makes Ultron sentient, and when Tony builds Ultron with the help of Bruce with the intentions of, and I quote, “not letting the next alien get past the bouncer”. It’s the same speech, “weapons are bad! He made a weapon, so he is bad!”. But again, if weapons are not the things we’re gonna use against aliens, against Thanos, what will we use?! The Infinity Stones? Ultron was made of Infinity Stones! Where is the logic in that! I know, we’ll clock Thanos in the head with a frying pan, that’ll solve the problem akjdaslkfalskf No more weapons, everybody. We’ll just close the doors and windows and pretend we’re not home. Let’s get into a fistfight against Thanos, the huge ass purple alien, when that alien beat the shit out of the Hulk once with no problem! I’m sure that will work out just fine!
But by far, my favorite thing about antis arguments is the use of the Accords as a justification for demonizing Tony, when there is no evidence the Accords are a bad thing! No, for real! Not one! It’s all speculative! I’m sure a lot of people immediately draft comparisons between the Accords and SHRA, but the truth is, they couldn’t be more different! It’s not even that hard to realize this, so long as you’re paying attention to the canon cues. If the Accords where SHRA, Clint would’ve received a copy. So would have Scott, Hank Pym, every single enhanced person in the Agent of SHIELD series, every single superhuman. But they don’t! Only active-duty, currently present Avengers. So it’s not a register of every single individual, only of those who are currently working under Avenger’s jurisdiction. Second, it’s hysterical to me that someone would be angry that Tony is supposedly prioritizing American lives, but is okay with unauthorized American military intervention. Because that’s what the Avengers are! They are a government-endorsed and based paramilitary group, a special unit. It makes sense that they, a specialized team, are sent to deal with alien threats, because no country has a say in the legality of who gets to take the alien to court. So that’s not a problem. But when you go to a country to chase a specific person, a totally human person, without permission and you bring your special ops team with you, destroy some buildings, and then act like you didn’t do anything wrong - that is something people tend not to like, ya know. 
It gets to a point that the hate becomes a total lack of empathy. “It’s not fair that people are acting like Wanda is a threat. It was an accident!”. Had a person I love been in that building, would it matter to me if it was an accident or not? “Clint was fighting for his right to freedom, even if he didn’t read the Accords! He has the right to freedom!”. He sure does. How was his freedom endangered, exactly? By this document he never was prompted to sign? “The Accords are a violation of your right to freedom!”. Are they? Is a person forbidding you from entering their home if they fear you might destroy it, is that an infringement of your right to freedom? Do you have the freedom to go anywhere you please and do whatever you think it’s right, even if it destroys someone else’s property, or wound or kill someone, so long as you did what you had to do? “He has no right to lash out against the people who have murdered his parents or almost killed his best friend! They didn’t mean to!”. Oh, doesn’t he? Is he not allowed this distressed emotional response? Alright then. Where was that rage when Wanda, Toomes, and so many others blamed Tony for the weapons Obadiah sold without Tony’s consent?
I don’t have time for this double-standard. I’m gonna be here sipping on my loving Tony Stark juice and having fun with my complex and well-written faves, while antis marinate in their hate for 25 minutes on low heat. Wake me up when it’s time to kill Thanos with a wooden spoon or with a petition for him to leave. One of the two lksahfakshfskajfhkjsf
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artemisegeria · 5 years
Vision v. Yon-Rogg
I have seen comparisons between Vision and Yon-Rogg. I was going to leave it alone as I try to do with most fandom things I disagree with, but it’s been bothering me too much. So I am going to attempt to explain why the entire contexts of their relationships with Wanda and Carol, respectively, are completely different.
In order to be totally transparent, I’d like to note that I am biased toward Wanda and Vision’s relationship and Vision as a character. Therefore, there’s a certain amount of confirmation bias at work in my analysis, but that does not erase the text of the movies in question.
Let’s start from the beginning. Wanda and Vision do not have the most auspicious introduction. At first, Wanda is terrified of Vision and tries to stop his birth because of what she saw when Ultron’s consciousness was being downloaded into his body. Once Vision is born, that fear quickly gives way to a mutual fascination and intrigue. We can see this from the way that they look into each other’s eyes and Wanda continues to stare at Vision during the following scene. They go on to fight side by side against Ultron. They do not work together directly, but they are fighting toward the same end. Then, Vision flies in to rescue her.
When Yon-Rogg meets Carol, he and his comrades shoot her plane down. He seems prepared to leave her unharmed, though based on everything we know about him anything he says could be a lie, if she does not interfere with his plans to take the core. When she does not back down, he is prepared to kill her until she absorbs the core’s energy, and he sees a use for her. As Carol says later, Yon-Rogg steals her from her home and her family.
From their introduction, we have Wanda and Vision who are thrust into a new world of the Avengers. They are both separated from the others by birth and history. While they may not be on a completely equal footing, they are both outsiders who are struggling to adjust to their new lives. They are connected by the Mind Stone and the struggle to understand the full extent of their powers. On the other hand, we have Yon-Rogg who from the very beginning seeks to control Carol’s powers and lie to her about their origin.
Moving on to Civil War, roughly a year has passed since the end of Age of Ultron, and Wanda and Vision are more used to being part of the team. I’d like to start with the scene where Vision phases into Wanda’s room, which many see as a gross invasion of Wanda’s boundaries. That is not the only reasonable interpretation. One way to read it is that a previous conversation about phasing into her room was limited to when the door was closed. Also, Vision is quick to point out that Steve wanted to know when Tony arrived, so because Steve was already in her room, he could have thought it was ok to go in, which may still be an error in judgment but not a malicious disregard for Wanda’s feelings.
Next, we see them sitting next to each other in the conference room and the lounge during the discussions of the Accords, which is a small thing but still a sign of their closeness. Vision expresses a desire to protect Wanda.
In contrast, the next scene we see of Carol and Yon-Rogg, first in movie time, second in chronological order, shows that Yon-Rogg is still doing everything in his power to control Carol and convince her that she owes everything to him. They do seem to have grown somewhat close because Carol seeks him out in the middle of the night/early morning for a sparring session and the dialogue suggests that this is not the first such occasion. He immediately focuses on her weaknesses, pointing out how he knocked her down and calling her emotions a distraction. He then goes on to make threats that her power could be taken away and she needs correction from the Supreme Intelligence.
Next, we go to the kitchen scene in Civil War. Here, we see Vision making an attempt to comfort Wanda by giving her a piece of her homeland. He understands that she is still feeling guilty over what happened in Lagos and tries to make her feel better using something that is special to her. We also see that he is happy to step aside and bow to her expertise when she offers to help with the paprikash. When she goes to taste it, he nervously waits for her approval. Vision expresses confusion when she says that he used the wrong spice, but he does not question her.
Then, there is the discussion of their powers. It starts with the “no one dislikes you,” emphasizing that Vision has not fully gotten the hang of human expressions and may not be the most skilled at saying what he really means. Then, he goes on to say that people’s fear of Wanda is involuntary, which also might not be the most tactful thing to say, but it again adds to the fact that he may not always express himself the best, but is genuinely trying to comfort Wanda. Then, Vision suggests that he is not afraid of her or her powers. We see Wanda’s uncertainty about herself and her powers when she hesitates on the words, “I’m still me I think.” Then, she says that no one else sees her the same way. I think it is fair to infer that she still fears her powers somewhat.
Vision then draws the connection between the Mind Stone, Wanda’s powers, and himself. Wanda asks him if he is afraid of the stone. He talks about trying to understand the stone that powers him and not knowing its true nature. With the connection between the three already laid out, this implies that Wanda can gain greater control and understanding of her own powers and that she is not alone. But Vision does not say that she should not use her powers.
Finally, we come to the reveal that Vision is keeping Wanda at the compound without her knowledge or consent. It seems clear that it was originally Tony’s idea to keep Wanda in the compound, which Vision went along with. Vision implies that Tony fears Wanda using her powers in public and causing an incident (which requires several inferences for that fear to make sense, but that is another story). He distances himself by saying “Mr. Stark would…” This does not completely absolve him, but it suggests that he does not feel the same way.
I am not defending Vision’s willingness to confine Wanda. I do feel that it was a breach of trust in what I see as a close friendship. This has come to be one of my biggest problems with Civil War because I feel like a simple conversation with Wanda and the team slightly earlier in the movie, being honest about why they think she should remain in the compound for a while, would have easily avoided most of the conflict in the movie.  
Anyway, seeing as this is the movie that we have, Vision’s agreement to keep her confined is something that would require forgiveness, time, and making amends to overcome. But this is an aberration in what we see of the rest of their relationship. While it was wrong and misguided, this failure does come from a genuine place of concern over Wanda’s well-being, as shown by the overall context of the conversation of his wanting to cheer Wanda up and show her that she’s not alone, despite the literal words “not yours [safety].” When Wanda figures out what is going on, he makes no attempt to pretend or lie to her. He immediately admits that he agreed with Tony to keep her inside. We see that Vision hates lying to her and confining her. The way he ducks his head and his voice goes very quiet suggests his doubt and remorse. He goes on to say that he wants people to her as he does and not to be afraid of her.
The next major confrontation between Carol and Yon-Rogg occurs in Mar-Vell’s lab, after she has learned the truth about her powers and Yon-Rogg. Despite her new knowledge, Yon-Rogg still tries to convince her that she owes everything to him and the Kree and use the Supreme Intelligence to brainwash her. He traps her and confines her with the Supreme Intelligence’s tendrils. There is absolutely no repentance. He is still just trying to use Carol as a weapon, as his weapon.
Returning to Wanda and Vision, we get to the scene where Clint comes to take Wanda from the compound. See this post for a good explanation of why Vision might have thought that Wanda didn’t want to leave. When Vision comes back from handling Clint’s distraction, he tries to get Clint to stop and fights with him to prevent him and Wanda from leaving. When he has Clint in a headlock and Clint says Wanda can overpower him, we see Vision’s hurt and surprise, but he does not appear to make any attempt to fight back against Wanda. He does say, “If you do this, they will never stop being afraid of you.” I am also not defending that statement because from their earlier conversation, Vision would know that it is something Wanda fears. In a different context, his using that against her, along with the earlier implication that he is the only one who is not afraid of her, could be extremely problematic. However, given that at the time he said it, Wanda had taken control of the stone that powered him and was making his body super dense in order to push him deep into the ground, I feel like he should be given some slack. Along with the aforementioned failures to say what he actually means.
This brings us to Carol’s final confrontation with Yon-Rogg, after she has already defeated Star Force and scared away the Accusers, when Yon-Rogg has seen her conviction in herself and her powers. He still has not changed at all. He still makes a last-ditch effort to convince her that she has to fight him on his terms and prove herself to him. He also makes the poisonous assertion that he is proud of her, subtly trying to take credit for the increase in her powers and her ability to master them, when he has done nothing but try to stifle her and keep her from her full potential.
Going back to Wanda and Vision, we next see them at the airport fight, where they do not engage each other at all. When Wanda is hurt by Rhodey’s sonic blast, Vision immediately goes to her side and apologizes to her, which she returns. Now, they both wronged each other in ways that require more than a simple apology to heal. I imagine they had more in-depth conversations on the subject during their two years of stolen moments. You can criticize the writing choices for not showing any of that and skipping ahead, but as I will discuss, it seems clear that forgiveness and atonement did occur. To be fair, they are minor parts of a huge story; if they did not leave some of these pieces to the imagination, you’d have 10-hour movies.
Then, we see Wanda in the RAFT, clearly traumatized, and Vision pondering things over the chessboard. Now, I have adopted the popular headcanon that Vision helped rescue everybody from the RAFT. This theory is admittedly based on nothing concrete and not stated in the text of the movie, but to my knowledge, nothing contradicts it either. In my mind, this would be an important part of Vision beginning to make amends for confining Wanda and allowing her to be imprisoned. Wanda would still have to make amends for her part, but that was clearly achieved as well.
This brings us to Infinity War. When we see Vision and Wanda again, they are clearly very comfortable with each other and in a relationship. They are in sleep/loungewear, the pillow on the other side of the bed has an indentation in it, they touch each other without hesitation, and they look at each other like they’re the only two people in the world. Vision asks her to go into his mind and the stone without showing any fear. They have clearly had other conversations about the stone when Wanda asks if it’s bothering him again. When they’re in the street and Vision asks Wanda to stay with him, he immediately backs down when she hesitates. This shows a true respect for her feelings and boundaries. He continues to put aside his own feelings when he starts to go back to New York after they see the news.
During the fight with Proxima and Corvus, they both work to protect each other. Vision pushes her out of the way of Proxima’s attack, attempts to cushion her fall into the train station, and tries to get her to run away for her own safety. Meanwhile, Wanda rescues Vision from Corvus, cushions his fall when he crashes into the street, and prepares to defend him in the train station. This whole fight shows the mutuality of their relationship, unlike Yon-Rogg’s relationship with Carol where he is constantly trying to stay ahead of her and keep her thinking that she relies solely on him. Instead, Wanda and Vision are always looking out for each other.
Later on, the distinction between Vision and Yon-Rogg becomes even clearer. When they talk of destroying the stone, Vision acknowledges Wanda’s powers. He points out that Wanda is the only one who can destroy the stone. When they’re in Wakanda and he asks her to destroy the stone again, his sole focus is on reassuring her that she’s not hurting him and letting her know that he loves her.
In conclusion, on the one hand, we have Yon-Rogg, who tries to control Carol consistently throughout the whole movie, takes credit for her successes, and never changes or expresses any remorse about what he’s done. On the other hand, we have Vision, who is still learning about being human, befriends Wanda, wrongs her by trying to confine her without talking to her first, almost immediately expresses remorse and apologizes, and is ever willing to acknowledge Wanda’s strengths and power.
It is a triumphant moment at the end of Captain Marvel when Yon-Rogg’s persuasion does not work and Carol understands that her power comes only from herself, sending him back to the Kree with nothing more than a message that she is coming for them. Wanda, however, does not need to escape a man who truly loves and appreciates her in order to unlock her full potential.
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phroyd · 5 years
The image kept replaying in attorney W. Warren Binford’s mind after she left a migrant detention facility last week in Clint, Tex., where hundreds of children were held: The 15-year-old mother, her baby covered in mucus.
It seemed no matter how many times she washed the sick baby’s clothes in the sink she couldn’t get them clean. There was no soap. And when she tried to find baby food, there was none of that, either. All they had was instant oatmeal for breakfast, instant soup for lunch and a frozen burrito for dinner, “every single day,” Binford said.
Child care was not the forte of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Binford could see. Here, in a warehouse filled with filthy kids who had not bathed in days, some with lice and influenza, it was kids taking care of kids.
“We were just horrified,” Binford, director of the clinical law program at Willamette University, told The Washington Post, adding: “It was just horrendous, the stories that we were hearing.”
On Sunday, faced with mounting reports of grave conditions at border detention centers overwhelmed by an influx of families and children crossing the border, President Trump and Vice President Pence responded by blaming congressional Democrats. News anchors asked what they planned to do if they were impatient with Congress, but Trump and Pence remained focused on demanding action on a $4.6 billion emergency spending bill intended for the border crisis, with $2.88 billion reserved for unaccompanied minors.
“We’re doing a fantastic job under the circumstances,” Trump told NBC’s Chuck Todd on “Meet the Press,” soon after agreeing that conditions were “terrible.” “The Democrats aren’t even approving giving us money. Where is the money? You know what? The Democrats are holding up the humanitarian aid.”
'Where is the money?': Trump, Pence blame poor migrant detention center conditions on Congress
President Trump and Vice President Pence blamed Congress on June 23 for the poor conditions faced by children in migrant detention centers. (Drea Cornejo/The Washington Post)
On CBS’s “Face The Nation,” Pence complained that Congress “refused to increase bed space in the appropriations bill” earlier this year. “They continue to delay efforts on additional humanitarian support.”
“So we just have to accept the conditions being described here?” host Margaret Brennan asked.
Pence said no, before noting Trump’s negotiations with Mexico to stop the flow of migrants, and quickly returning to Congress: “The president and I are going to stand strong, call on Congress to do their job,” he said.
The emergency bill passed through the Senate Appropriations Committee last week with bipartisan support, although House Democrats had been drafting their own version of the legislation. Earlier this year, Democrats opposed increasing the number of Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention beds (which is different from the bed space in CBP detention facilities) because they believed that would force ICE to prioritize enforcement efforts on criminals.
Democrats expressed outrage about reports of poor conditions in migrant detention centers. Sen. Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif)., called the conditions “child abuse happening at the hands of the United States government." Some House Democrats threatened to refuse more money for immigration authorities.
“These radicalized criminal agencies are destroying families and killing children,” Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) said in a joint statement. “It is absolutely unconscionable to even consider giving one more dollar to support this President’s deportation force that openly commits human rights abuses and refuses to be held accountable to the American people.”
President Trump said immigration agents are planning to make mass arrests and deportations days after striking a deal with Mexico to curb the flow of migrants. (Luis Velarde/The Washington Post)
Concerns about CBP facilities reached a fever pitch this weekend after Binford and a team of several other attorneys traveled to the Clint facility to interview dozens of detained children.
The attorneys were investigating Clint as part of ongoing litigation monitoring whether the Trump administration is complying with a 1997 consent decree. Known as the Flores Settlement Agreement, it requires that the federal government keep immigrant children in “safe and sanitary” conditions while they are in custody and that they are transferred out of detention quickly.
The attorneys typically do not speak to the media about what they find inside these facilities because of the pending litigation — but after visiting Clint, they felt they could not remain silent, Binford said.
Some children had been detained for as many as three weeks, she said, although by law, child migrants are supposed to be transferred to the custody of Health and Human Services within three days. They should then be placed with a parent, relative or guardian already living in the United States. The failure by the federal government to do so — rather than Congress’s failure to send aid, Binford argued — has left children languishing in overcrowded facilities meant for adults, with some sleeping on cold concrete because there are not enough beds and mats, she said.
“By the end of the second day, we were on the phone with the legal counsel on the case saying, ‘These kids are at risk. There’s gonna be another kid who dies if we don’t do something.’ This is not just about complying with the Flores agreement,” she said. “This is inhumane.”
Binford saw a 4-year-old with hair so matted and dirty she thought it would have to be cut off. The child had not bathed in more than a week, she said. She witnessed a 14-year-old caring for a 2-year-old without a diaper, shrugging as the baby urinated as they sat at a table because she did not know what to do.
Some of the kids had showered or brushed their teeth only once or twice in three weeks, Binford said. Some did not have toothbrushes at all. The warehouse had portable toilets; the main building had toilets in plain view, which humiliated the kids, who tried to cover themselves with blankets as they sat on the toilet, she said.
Some had been separated from their parents and siblings for undisclosed reasons, she said, and some were inconsolable.
“One of the terrible ironies is one of the little girls we interviewed was separated from her mother, her father, her younger siblings,” Binford said. “Her father told her not to worry, that they were going to take her to a place that was better for children.
“And then they brought her to this facility.”
In a statement to The Washington Post early Monday, CBP said the agency “leverages limited resources to provide the best care possible to those in our custody, especially children.”
“As DHS and CBP leadership have noted numerous times, our short-term holding facilities were not designed to hold vulnerable populations and we urgently need additional humanitarian funding to manage this crisis,” the agency said. “CBP works closely with our partners at the Department of Health and Human Services to transfer unaccompanied children to their custody as soon as placement is identified, and as quickly and expeditiously as possible to ensure proper care.
“All allegations of civil rights abuses or mistreatment in CBP detention are taken seriously and investigated to the fullest extent possible,” the statement added.
The attorneys involved in the Flores case have been demanding in court that the government provide children with basic necessities such as toothbrushes, soap and adequate sleeping conditions since the Obama administration.
Last week, a Justice Department lawyer argued that the government shouldn’t be required to provide those basic hygiene products because none of them explicitly appear in the Flores agreement — a position that astonished all three judges on a panel from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit.
[Detained migrant children got no toothbrush, no soap, no sleep. It’s no problem, government argues.]
Pence appeared to dismiss the attorney’s argument against providing toiletries during his Sunday interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union,” saying, “I can’t speak to what that lawyer was saying.” He agreed with Tapper that “of course” hygiene items such as toothbrushes and soap are necessary for being “safe and sanitary” but again blamed Congress.
“It’s one of the reasons we asked for more bed space. . . . It’s one of the reasons we continue to call on Congress to give DHS Customs and Border Protection additional resources at the border,” Pence said.
“This is the wealthiest nation in the world,” Tapper said. “We have money to give toothpaste and soap and blankets to these kids in this facility in El Paso County — right now we do."
“Of course we do,” Pence said.
“So why aren’t we?” Tapper said.
Again, Pence pointed to Congress as the problem.
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queenlyfae · 7 years
I’ve got Red in my Ledger: An Exploration of Black Widow’s debts
“I’ve been compromised. I’ve got red on my ledger. Now I need to wipe it out.” In the film Avengers, Black Widow, in an attempt to interrogate Loki, comes to him under the guise of pleading for Clint, saying the above line. Now, normally this would mean two things: The Red Room, where she was trained, has marked her for her entire life. She aims to finally be free of the influence. Blood. She’s a former assassin, and the blood of her victims run deep. While both of those are probably true, there’s probably a different reason: She has a lot of debt, very likely to both Nick Fury and Hawkeye.
BACKGROUND “I’m Russian…or was.” According to Winter Solider was born Natalia Alianovna Romanoff, on November 22nd, 1984. In some MCU info, her birth city was given as Stalingrad, Vogograd.1. We don’t know much about her past life, if she had any family such as parents or siblings, if they’re alive or dead. One fact we do know is that she was very young when she got recruited.   Now of course, from what we learn from Agent Carter, the Red Room was a branch of the KGB, the Soviet Union security agency. According to official records, the KGB was around from 1954 to 1991.2            This means that Natalia was only seven when the KGB dissolved, but it’s entirely possible that The Red Room was self-operational at this point. In addition to her ballet training (as seen in a flashback in Age of Ultron), she was taught various martial arts, such as Karate, Akido, and Judo, and has also shown proficiency in multiple styles of Kung Fu. during her time here, she quickly picked up mastery in English, French, Latin (according to Iron Man 2) and at least several different languages. Oh, and weapons training.            When Natalia ‘graduated’ from the program, she was put under and had very likely a radical hysterectomy. We can assume that she was very likely in her late teens when this happened3. I’m going on the idea of a radical hysterectomy because while a regular hysterectomy removes simply the ovaries, she could still have children via a donated egg/IVF. Radical removes all chances of this. This is done because as Natasha states in Age of Ultron, a baby could be the difference between a mission for your country, and defecting.            From the way she talks about it, the operation was something she didn’t consent too, and was devastated by this.   THE RED IN HER LEDGER “Can you? Can you wipe out that much red? Dreykov’s daughter?Sao Paolo? The hospital fire?” Shortly after the recovery from her operation4, Natalia was made a field agent and started working. It’s possible she could be working for the Federal Security Service, but then again, she could be an agent for The Red Room itself. During her tenure as an Agent, she committed several offenses and caused (likely) international incidents, in such places as Sao Paolo, and with such people as the daughter of someone named Dreykov. One incident that gave her attention was a fire in a hospital.            A Black Widow tie in comic suggested that the hospital incident was a cover up for an assassination. To make it look like an accident, Natalia started a fire, however it soon got out of control and killed several people.            Now of course, in a deleted scene for Winter Solider, Alexander Pearce suggests an incident involving a ‘Children’s Ward.’ this suggests to me that quite possibly this could be connecting to the previously mentioned Hospital Fire, in that the fire spread to the children’s ward of the hospital, but until Marvel decides to cover it in a future movie/tv series, I’m just grasping at straws here. ON S.H.I.E.L. D’S RADAR ”I have a very specific skill set. I didn’t care who I used it for, or on. Igot on S.H.I.E.L. D’s radar in a bad way. Agent Barton was sent to kill me, he made a different call.” At some point, Natalia got the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D, an international intelligence agency primarily based in Washington D.C., radar, likely due to the reputation she had built up over the past several years. Because she was a growing threat to society, Nick Fury, likely under the orders of Alexander Pearce/The World Security Council, gave the orders to Clint Barton to take her out. Burton, being a loyal shield agent, went to do so, but once he encountered her, couldn’t do it. He instead suggested to Nick Fury that they attempt to recruit her. You see Fury respects Burton on a level the previous Avengers haven’t seen. We see this in Age of Ultron, where Burton mentions to the other Avengers that when Fury came to recruit him, Burton requested that Fury allow for Laura and their unborn child to be kept off the files. Fury did so, even allowing Burton to set up his family in a home somewhere in rural America (despite the farm scenes being filmed in England) though it would be correct to assume that Clint, at least before the events of Avengers, probably keeps an apartment in Washington D.C. for overnight trips. We’re unclear as to when Natalia joined S.H.I.E.L.D, but she very likely she joined sometime before 20095, given how she said in Winter Solider (set in 2014) she was already working for S.H.I.E.L.D. when she encountered Bucky as the Winter Solider during an operation in 2009. Whatever the case, the defection must had been a hard one to make, for she was leaving the only life she ever knew to start over in a country where she only knew one person. However, this worked in her favor because Clint saw the poteinal in her. The two of them became more than just friends, they became family. She owes him her life and much more. DEBTS NEED TO BE PAID “Truth is a matter of circumstance.” Now of course, Nick Fury, despite forming a close father/daughter like relationship with Natalia, who know goes by Natasha, keeps her just close enough where she feels like she can trust him, but just far away.            We see this in Winter Solider, where Fury fakes his own death and not only makes Rogers believe it, but Natasha as well. “But they cut you open.” She protests. She owes her life to not only Clint, but Fury as well. Had somehow, she screwed up, not only would Clint had likely lost his job, but this would have been a red mark on Fury’s ledger as well.            Now, it’s very likely that the Russian’s did not to take to Natasha’s defection lightly. Knowing Natasha, she very likely burnt several bridges when she did leave, leaving the Russians thirsting for revenge. However, because she was under the protection of Fury, any attempts to kill her as long as he was alive, were useless.            At the end of Winter Solider, all the S.H.E.I.L.D files go online, exposing the fact that Hydra has been a part of the agency since the beginning, as well as all the identies of everyone who’s ever worked there. While most of the workers seem to rebound just fine, with Maria, whom Fury was probably grooming for his position before Winter Solider, getting a job at Stark Industries and Sharon Carter getting a job at the FBI, Natasha’s future is up in the air.            For not only are all her covers blown, but the fact she testified in front of Congress and with Fury dead, those covers wouldn’t be able to protect her even If she wanted too, they know what she looks like now. She’s a moving target at this point.            Like she says at the end of Winter Solider, “I blew all my covers, I gotta go figure out a new one.” This new Natasha is who we see in Age of Ultron and Civil War, more confident, more open about her past. One where her ledger, is painted black.6 — NOTES 1-    The comic refers to Volgograd as Stalingrad, despite the city not being called that since 1961. 2-    After 1991, the KGB was reorganized into the Federal Counterintelligence Service, later reorganized into the Federal Security Service. 3-    Most of Europe, including Russia, the standard age of consent is age 16. While Marvel may want us to think that she’s about 18/19 when the procedure is done, it’s quite possible she could have been around 16 when it was performed, perhaps even younger. A non-tie in comic suggested usually the life expectancy for a Red Room graduate was around 22/23, so it’s possible for the organization to try and milk as much service they could get out of them before they died, usually in the field. 4-    A Radical Hysterectomy is only done in real life if cancer is present due to the sudden loss of hormones the body will experience. The average recovery time is six or more weeks, but wouldn’t be surprise if she was up and moving within three weeks, possibly less. If you could get up and walk, you can walk off the pain 5-    if she began acting as a Russian spy between the ages of 16-18, that means she went active sometime between 2000-2002. The actor who plays Cooper Burton, was 12 in 2015, which was when Age of Ultron came out, meaning if Cooper was the same age as the actor portraying him, he was about 11/12, putting a birth year at 2003. This suggests that Hawkeye became active around 2002/2003, which suggests Natasha probably defected sometime 2005/2006.
6-    In Accountant terms, Red means debt, while “in the black” means your balance is positive. This suggests the saying “red in my ledger”. Of course, paint it black is an old Rolling Stones song for all you younglings.
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imaginetonyandbucky · 7 years
Either Bucky or Tony is very shy when thi gs turn towards cuddling,kissing,nudity,sex and the other helps them overcome it
As usual, please remember that unanswered prompts aren’t bad prompts. Sometimes, our authors/artists just don’t get inspired, and after a certain amount of time it makes more sense to post them as unanswered.
If anyone wants to fill one of the unanswered prompts, go right ahead. And if you send us the link to it once you’ve posted it, we’ll even share it here on the blog!
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Imagine: Tony and Bucky come out publicly after being together for years and they gotta deal with the backlash from public figures. But then a couple weeks later same-sex-marriage is legalized and fluff because Bucky proposes?    
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out of all of the Avengers Tony is actually the most health conscious. when the others moved into the tower they thought he wasn't taking care of himself but he actually takes good care of his body. and for a good reason, his immune system is all shot due to the reactor so when he starts showing symptoms of a bad case of the flu and he Bucky take care to make it so it doesn't get bad. however it sneaks up on him and hits him like a freight train, 103 degree fever, and all.  
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Somehow I can't stop imagine Tony as a Despicable Me dad. Only that the minions are his boots and those cute flying batteries from his sorcerer supreme alternative-self. And I can't stop thinking of Bucky as a teacher to those children that gets somehow sucked up into the world of this very strange and crazy man and can't help fall in love with first his children and than this strange guy and his even stranger companions.      
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(Mind the cut, mobile users!)
Imagine a parent trap-ish AU where Bucky's kid and Tony's kid are friends at school (their age is up to you :) and they're total besties and they know their dads are totally into each other even though they won't admit it, so it would be super awesome if their dads get married and they become a family right?? :DDD
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Hello lovelies, I love the work that you all do, I was hoping you could do a story where tony has asthma due to the fact part of his lungs were taken out to make room for the reactor.  Bucky freaks out when he learn that he has asthma and starts to mother hen Tony. How tony react is up to the writer.            
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how about a The Martian AU? Bucky and Tony are apart of the Hermes crew and were sent to Mars along with the others ( Steve being the commander ). Tony and Bucky were already a couple when they left earth and Bucky planned on asking Tony to marry him when they got back but then Tony is lost and presumed dead. then they find out that Tony is not dead but surviving on Mars like a badass, they get him back and Bucky finally gets to propose. Tony says yes of course!            
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Tony suddenly loses all of his money (only for a short while) And he gets super sad and scared, because he just knows the Avengers will now leave him. They have no more reason to stay right? They don't like him, so now they have the perfect opportunity to leave. He can't provide for them anymore. Who cares that he loves them so much? But to his suprise the moment they find out they just start helping and when they realise what he had thought they start hugging and telling him that they love him.   
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Hi first I want to say how grateful I am for all the amazing stories all the authors write, I can't get enough of them. (Imagine that when Bucky loses control of the Winter Soldier,he seeks physical challenge not trough fight but trough sex,for some reason he keeps finding Tony for that,but when he comes to he doesn't remember that. So tony thinks bucky only wants sex. I know the matter of consent is unclear here so I would understand if you decide to ignore this)       
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(part 1) AU where Tony is still a child when the Winter Soldier kills his parents. Because Bucky is brainwashed, he has to follow the order to kill them, but instinctively tries to hurt as few people as the orders let him (like shooting through Natasha and letting her live in MCU). Tony is in the same car when his parents are killed, but doesn't see much. afterwards, Bucky gets Tony out of the wreckage and to safety, and takes care of him until emergency services arrive, and vanishes. (part 2) Over the years, Tony may start to notice strange things happening around him that prevent him from being hurt in accidents.
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Everybody adores Tony. That means everybody wants Tony Time he and Nat watch ocean documentaries, cuddling. Steve and he draw together, Tony blue prints, Steve, usually another teammate. He bakes with Clint, science time w/ Bruce, falling asleep on Thor as he tells stories about the stars. There is always some sort of cuddling involved with Tony Time (Tony loves it) and Bucky gets the least and is grumpy about it cuz he loves Tony and wants to hold him all the time and Tony is oblivious of this.
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Imagine Bucky being the only one on the team able to handle things to Tony. Maybe the team (or pepper) realize before Tony, and Bucky not understanding why it's a big deal (or on the contrary Bucky being really proud and happy, he is the only one).... Yeah anything about Tony trusting Bucky to handle him things... Thanks!!! You guys are doing an amazing job and all your fics and drawings are beautiful!            
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My last Prompt of 2015 goes to you lovelies! Bucky is tired of  his dads (the howlies), Steve, Natasha, Sam& even Clint! giving him grief over being single every effing holiday. (They just want him to be happy, but damn.) This weekend is the annual 4th of July get away to the family cabin. Well this year he's bringing his fiance! Okay fake-fiance. Tony the sexy mechanic, he flirts with on the way to work. Only he hasn't exactly asked Tony yet.. Oops! Thank you for all the lovely fics this year!   
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Can you do one where Tony is sent back in time and falls in love with Bucky and when he comes back to the present he falls in love with James ( the name Bucky prefers to go by after regaining his memories) as well? 
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Tony takes his baby daughter to an art gallery (at the insistence of Pepper), and Bucky is there to support Steve. In front of an ambiguous piece of modern art, the baby points to a splotch in the painting and deems it "poo." Unfortunately this gets Tony into a bit of fuss with the artist, and that's when Bucky decides to help the gorgeous man he's been eyeing all night instead of the art.   
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Tony and Bucky got together but maybe it was at a bad time, where one or both of them are emotionally or perhaps physically vulnerable, so it's mostly arguments and they break it off but after a couple of years of angst and avoidance, they decide to try again   
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Imagine medieval au where King/Prince Tony and King/Prince Steve are arranged to be married but Tony fell for Steve's royal knight and best friend Bucky instead (despite them arguing a lot) 
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Maybe Avengers using pick up lines on Tony or Bucky for Bucky or Tony?
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Avengers being mean shits and flirting with Tony just to make Bucky jealous, cause they are so done with his pinning.      
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Tony is acting just fine ang happy, but then something triggers him, so he runs to the lab. A little bit latter JARVIS ask Bucky to go to the lab. When he gets down there he find Tony in the middle of a panic attack. Fluff angst ensues.      
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Imagine Tony being totally annoyed with having to help with the whole de-program Bucky shit. Really he just sits there and reads a Russian dictionary out loud and looks if Barnes reacts ... well Tony is annoyed until he finds the one phrase a young HYDRA recruit planted in the Winter Soldier programming for shit and giggles, the one that no one at HYDRA ever found out about, the one phrase Bucky has no bad memories of - the instand-orgasm-phrase!   …lol   
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Imagine prince Anthony is betrothed to somebody that he has never met and he does not want to marry so he runs away you can have this go anyway that you want     
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Prompt: Bucky has a talent for making good coffee. Amazing coffee, really. Tony, as everyone knows, has a coffee problem. (And if that makes for a great excuse to spend more time with Bucky, well...) (Basically, fluffy coffee-themed shenanigans? Please?)
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Bucky works at an animal shelter, tony finds a stray dog and they hit it off during the check up so tony actively seeks dogs around the city's streets in order to bring  them to him to spend more time with him     
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Prompt: Winter Soldier goes to kill the Starks, but (Hydra) Tony is with them. "Mission compromised. Report to handler Stark for punishment".     
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Bucky and Tony start a relationship post cacw. Tony doesn't tell Bucky that he and Steve had a relationship because he is afraid he will be like Steve and choose everyone over him       
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Post civil war Tony no longer trusts the team. He pretends like everything is normal only trusting Bucky even more so than he did the team before. The team realises how bad they fucked up and they can't fix it.     
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Oh man I'm so pumped prompts are open again okay so I've been dying for a Mr and Mrs Smith au with these two! But instead of two organizations its Iron Man doing his own thing vs Hydra (who Bucky thought was doing the right thing) ft Avengers trying to bring them both in (on the team or to jail no one is sure). Thanks!  
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"The Last of Us" AU, where someone (Tony or anyone else) is immune to the cordyceps infection and the other person(s) tasked with the job of taking them to wherever they're going to create a cure.  
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P1 Can you Write one about Tony who is blind from birth (Whether the team knows or if its a quiet afair is yours) but still manage to fall in love with Bucky voice and Bucky doesn't understand why Tony never see him but gets a gloom face when he talk P2 when in reallity thas's Tony's face of trying not to show how that voice makes him feel Thank you Btw your blog is amazin & there isn't enough words to say how much we love you! & how we wait for 11am to read all of you or how many times we read u
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Can we get a sequel to the prompt where Tony is sneaking around so Bucky follows him and finds that he volunteers to work with kids (sciencing). Maybe where they do adopt Bruce after their heart to heart.    
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Hello, how about young (18-19) Tony being Ironman and an avenger and lots of UST between Tony and Bucky. And the team finds out that Tony has been trained as a spy and that he sometimes works for SHIELD. Cue badass Tony and worried/protective Bucky.         
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