#and it was just a nice atmosphere
timegears-moved · 11 months
i've seen some talk about bw getting a legends style game rather than remakes and while they absolutely should not release anything like that any time soon i would be 100% down for that tbh
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Alongside the commentaries, the guy who ripped the Camp Camp Blu-Ray ripped just about everything else, including the most adorable Blu-Ray menu I have ever seen, and I saw no harm in sharing it with you all.
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botanautical · 7 months
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(textless version below the cut)
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aroaessidhe · 4 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
gothic fairytale
set in an imaginary German town where every generation, the monstrous witch in the woods steals someone away to be her companion, never seen again
follows the daughter of the duke, lonely and grieving her mother, who offers herself up as the witch’s newest companion
she assumes she’s destined for something horrible, but is mostly left alone in the old castle, and tries to find out more about the mysterious witch & what happened to the previous companions
eerie and atmospheric
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I'm the wife in my marriage.
It's funny to me anyway. Funny to me because my wife is the very picture of femininity, loving, caring, sexy, pretty, beautiful wife, loving and adored by all her children. And a satisfied and hot for her husband.
But to me she is beautiful and terrible as the Dawn! Treacherous as the Seas! Stronger than the foundations of the Earth! All shall love her and despair!
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And yet she chose me.
So to all the hella ladies who rejected my advances? Y'all missed out. Because she saw in me what way too many people couldn't. And sometimes still can't.
And she wants to run my life. And the lives of our whole family. And we all kinda love it. Mostly. But it ain't worth the headache or heartache of fighting her on anything. She's Daddy's little princess and her mother is the loving matron and queen bitch of the family and we all stay in line. Mostly. I love to do my own thing too much for my own good. But it keeps our fights about stupid stuff instead of my weed use again.
(I'm dead ass functional and present from 6am on till I finally get my insomniac ass too sleep while high just to escape the constant anxiety about my sick daughter's upcoming surgery, my dying suegro, my mourning wife, disturbed autistic son, special needs princess Daddy's girl I'm spoiling her to death to make her just as powerful and ungovernable mother and it's working too well already. Have you ever negotiated with a hostile bitchy entitled as fuck child? )
Anyway, you wouldn't know it looking at me or talking normal chitchat, but I'm pretty fucking manly. In the way my culture defines manliness. I'm not very masculine. But I'm very manly.
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I'm feminine as fuck in my household. I mother the kids, help their emotional development, work on my wife's emotional and mental well-being, and I'm the one never in the mood for sex. And I do every single thing she says. And then she does the discipline and management of the family's affairs. And she's the one who has to seduce me. Did I mention she was sexy as fuck? (While I'm awkward as fuck every time we even roleplay.) And a horny Latina. (That's why these horny sexy, nice, Latinos are taking over. It's natural selection. The Whites just can't compete and as usual are getting their panties in a twist over not being able to compete even with everything in their favor to out reproduce them all but it was too many kids for a nuclear family to handle Whites.) So beautiful hot queen sexy as fuck Latina seduces me every night. #blessed. So fuck yeah I don't wanna fuck up this arrangement. So I do everything she tells me to and treat her real good and let her win every argument and over apologize. Except when I make a rare exception to make a stand in something important or just to make some trouble and have some fun.
Oh yeah. She's a clean freak 😮‍💨 But she's an impatient Latina housewife perfectionist clean freak. So she gets mad at my perfectly good job when company isn't ever coming job and tells me to stop even trying to clean. Go play Minecraft with your daughter to keep her occupied.🤣
I have the best living situation ever. I'll be your bitch my bitchy highness. Just please keep playing with my hair on your lap. Oh, and that sucking my dick the way you do and being right 95% of the time on judgement calls.
So yeah I'm the wife.
And I got a pretty good life.
#and know you know the rest of the story#when i was s younger man i had a good paying job at a factory plant as a temp worker#i liked this job#and it was easy clean indoor temp controlled light labor with a jovial#kindly and generally loving crowd of people all just trying to earn a living in this shit economy#and care for each get along with each other#it was a really nice atmosphere. there was only a little manager taking advantage of a woman's situation to force a relationship.#but she was petty please about the whole arrangement because she was lonely and he was kind and likable and#good looking younger guy#and it made her job impossible to get the boot#even as it got easier to boot#anyways i worked my ass off and just tried to get along with the boss#and it paid great#We could have been poor and happy working jobs like that for life if i really had to got some reason#but anyways this bossman manager sees me sweeping my ass off a clean floor and instead of telling me to go lean on a post for a bit#tells me I'm doing a good job#and that I'll make a someone s fine wife someday#i wanted to slap that smug mother fucker up there head w my broom. But i was laughing to hard at that fuckers joke because i liked the guy.#and i liked my job#anyway#here i am being a good little wife#and I'm living the life of Reilly doing it#i don't know the etymology of that phrase is. only my Dad says it in my experience#it might be good own little creation.#you're welcome#And the mother fucker just let me keep sweeping my dumbass all over a clean floor!#Union strong
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elialys · 2 months
no but seriously, tumblr might be half dead, there might only be 6 people left who care about fringe on this website now, it's still 10000 better than twitter
i love you guys, all 6 of you
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thespoonisvictory · 1 year
desperately need more worlds beyond number episodes right now pls
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wyldblunt · 8 months
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lorelei's fancy fussy healer fit is really cute and i love it BUT i also wanted to throw together a set for turning my brain off and running around on power longbow which i will swap to whenever i get tired of doing ASS damage on druid
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ifindus · 8 months
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Back with some more Norwegian Regions! ✨
Molde football club had a match against German Bayer Leverkusen in the Europa League last week. Norwegian football teams ending up in group play in Europa League is pretty big and many national newspapers will say that we need to band together as a nation and support the teams that make it. However, everyone hates Molde - especially people from Trøndelag.
So, when I, my German friend who is a fan of Leverkusen, and another friend of us drove to Molde to watch the game, we all rooted for Leverkusen. My friend was a little unsure whether if they should wear their Leverkusen shirt or not - meanwhile I clearly wore the colours of Rosenborg (Trøndelag's football team) and our friend wore Bodø/Glimt (Northern-Norway's best football team) colours and merch.
Shout-out to my friend who said: "this is the beginning of a bad joke; a german, a trønder, and a northerner walk into a Molde game, and all of them support the germans".
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punkeropercyjackson · 11 days
"Why didn't Miles get mad at Gwen for not knowing black/latino manners?!He's literally afrolatino!"Well you see,speaking as an afrolatina myself,the awnser to this is very simple:As seen by Miles and Gwen swinging through the city together,Miles goes outside.There's your awnser♡
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wastedlands · 1 month
why are your couriers not befriending ashley so they can see his reaction to the strip!!!!!!!!!!
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yanguazalie · 9 months
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I watched a movie and a character was wearing pink clothes that I liked. Yes, I did use Kitty as a muse because she has pink hair to match :}
And I attempted to draw a little bit of background because I wanted to get into that more. It hurt a lot but I'm being strong about it ;~; Here's to better full illustrations in the future!
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rubyfruitjungle · 10 months
Tag game: 3 books, 3 songs, 3 films
ones you think changed your life/you just love very much
Thank you for the tag @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog 🥰
I loved all of the memories brought up while thinking about these answers, I feel like I have been so many versions of myself in my life .. so here is a taste of them 🙈
making this collage was harder than I think it needed to be 🤣
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3 Books Rubyfruit Jungle - Rita Mae Brown White Oleander - Janet Fitch Women Who Run With the Wolves - Clarissa Pinkola Estes
3 Movies Donnie Darko True Romance The Big Lebowski
3 Songs Atmosphere - The Woman with the Tattooed Hands Meg Myers - Desire Blink 182 - Adam's Song
no pressure tags, just showing some mutual love .. 🖤 @kewwrites @mishasminion360 @sailormoooooned @pedrit0-pascalit0 @last-day-of-magic @neverwheremoonchild @nightmaretoker @nosesitter @ghoulettesinspace @pascalsbby
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cor-ardens-archive · 9 months
love when movies have a distinct 2000s blue tint. like yass blue filter it's the the 2000s for sure
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Yippee I’m finally feeling better and getting over this 10+ day horrific migraine!
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goldensunset · 3 months
rain restores my hp and cures me of status conditions
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