#and it when i went to the wrong section they all looked at me weird but kept acting normal??
tvonq · 1 year
i had a dream that i was sitting in my primary school playground with some friends (idk who they were) but renjun was one of them and he wanted to plait my hair so i said yeah. and then it cut to me walking through some thin corridor/alleyway and i see exo walking towards me. so i run back and i didnt even get that far before i turn around. and theyre all looking at me giggling and pcy was like ‘u didnt have to run away from us’. i was doing like an embarrassed sorry to each of them when they walked past and then i was like forget this and wanted to walk back but i bumped into bbh 😐 so i ran back to the alleyway and he was walking with his manager and was like ‘nice eyes’ to me and i was like HUH
0 notes
lyjen · 21 days
No Way Out | Evan “Buck” Buckley
Summary: When the 118 responds to a call with the mission to pull out the last victim, Evan splits up from the team to sweep the last floor. The victim turns out to be the sniper, with the goal to shoot firefighters. (Y/n) is a stubborn cop who goes against orders from captain Nash and still tries to save Evan from the shooter.
Request: @lizwinchester16
Taglist: @oliviah-25 @shauna-carsley
Feel free to send in request in my “Ask me a question” section! 🩷
9-1-1 Masterlist
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With his eyes focussed onto the burning building through the window of the firetruck, Evan placed his hand onto the lever of the door. He pulled the lever and stepped out of the truck.
When he felt the asphalt underneath his boots, he placed his helmet on his head. “Dispatch said there’s a single victim inside named Ethan.” The voice of his captain snapped him out of his thoughts and got him back to reality again.
Buck watched his captain walking in front of him. “Miller, Ravi, hook us up to some hydrants. Start hitting it from out here.” Bobby said as he pointed at the hydrants he spotted from where he was standing.
Bobby turned around to the rest of his crew, “Hen, Chim, Buck, you’re going in” he commanded the last three of the crew. Buck nodded as a small “Copy that” fell from his lips.
It was weird being on scene without his best friend, it just felt wrong. Like there was some kind of empty void that couldn’t be filled, not by anyone. Knowing Eddie was in that awful hospital room, Buck guessed he was already crawling the walls by now.
Evan turned on his heels as he made his way to the correct compartment of the fire truck. He clicked the door of the compartment open as he claimed one oxygen tank and mask.
With one knee connected to the asphalt and the other leg at a ninety degree angle, he put the helmet on the ground in front of him. He pulled the straps over his shoulders so the oxygen tank would hang on his back, and placed the mask on his face as he adjusted the straps. When the mask was fully connected to his face, he placed his helmet back on.
“Ready?” Hen asked as she was waiting on the two guys from her team finished prepping their gear. “Let’s go!” Buck yelled, trying to make his voice audible through the mask.
They made their way through the doors, as they started to sweep the first floor, looking for the last and only victim. The ground floor was empty, as well as the first floor.
“Ethan! Are you in there?” Hen’s muffled voice sounded through the second level of the building. Followed by Chimney’s voice, “LAFD!“ he yelled as all three of them swept the second floor. “Ethan!” Chimney added as he was determined to find the lost man in the fire.
“No sign of Ethan here!” Hen concluded as they came together at the staircases. “Dispatch said he might be unconscious.” Buck reminded the other two firefighters. ”I’m heading up to three!” Buck continued as he glanced at the staircase that went up to the last and final floor.
“Are you sure?” Chimney asked. “Trust me! I will be in and out in a second, like a ninja.” Buck answered his brother in law. “Copy that Buck!” Hen spoke up, “Let us know if you need something” she added as the two of them took a few steps on the staircase that led them to the ground floor. “Copy that Wilson” Buck smirked at her, he knew she hated it when he used her last name instead of “Hen”.
Buck made his way up stairs, on the wooden staircase. He had to work fast, the fire was spreading, the entire building was almost existing out of wood. When he reached the last step, he took one second to focus, and with one hard kick he broke the door open.
Evan took a second to scan and take in the scene he entered just now. The entire level was filled with smoke, making it hard to see further than 3 meters.
“LAFD! Anybody up here?” His voice roared over the third floor, he called out as loud as he could. He was trying to make himself intelligible through the oxygen mask he was wearing. He carefully tried to make his way through the smoke, trying to find their last victim.
“LAFD!” he yells again, but gets caught by surprise as he gets interrupted by his radio. “One eighteen, we have a direct order to evacuate the building” May’s voice sounded through the radio that was clipped onto Buck’s fluorescent jacket.
Evan’s eyebrows furrowed at the request from dispatch. “Evacuate? On whose authority?” He heard his captain’s voice ask over the radio. “LAPD” May answered as Evan made his way through the space.
“Ethan!” He called out again, but just as he was losing faith, he spotted two legs sticking out beside a small wall. He quickly made his way towards the person, “LAFD! Sir, can you hear me?” He asked as he crouched down next to the victim.
He touched the man’s body, but it didn’t feel like a body. His eyebrows were in a frowning position as he could feel something was off. When he pulled the body slightly off the ground and took a look at its face, he realized it was a mannequin.
Immediately Evan drops the body and he straightens his legs again. He was turning on his heels, but during that spin he could hear a gun load. Within a blink of an eye he was standing eye to eye with the shooter.
There was a few feet of distance between Evan and the gun. Ethan. This had to be Ethan.
Slowly Evan showed his hands, telling him without any words that he didn’t mean any harm and that he was unarmed.
“Come in Buck!” Chimney’s worried voice sounded over the radio. “H-Hey, I just want to talk.” Evan said with a trembling voice as he could feel the adrenaline rushing through his veins. He could feel his mouth suddenly go dry. “Buck, respond!” Hen said. “Call them back in here” Ethan said as he had his eyes deadlocked onto Buck, and motioned with his head towards his radio where the voices came from.
“Buck, what’s your twenty?” Bobby’s voice filled the small spot of silence as Buck was in his mind digging for an answer of what to do. “Do it” Ethan said, determination overtaking his voice. “I-I can’t do that. I can’t give o-orders. I’m just a firefighter.” Buck stuttered.
“Call ‘em in! Tell them you broke your leg or something” Ethan said, the tone of his voice becoming darker with every word that left his lips. He took a step closer, towards the firefighter he was holding at gunpoint.
“Do it!”
(Y/n) pushed the gas pedal with her feet until the pedal hit the floor of the car. She had the steering wheel in her hand, tightening her hand around the wheel as if she was trying to break the wheel.
Her eyes were deadlocked onto the road ahead of her. She could see the burning building in the street and coming closer into her vision, with the ladder from the truck of the 118 expanded until it reached the roof.
She pressed the brake, pulling to a hard, rough stop as she took out the keys with her right hand and her left hand was already on the lever from the car, clicking it open. When she stepped out of the car, she was pretty sure she could smell the burning rubber from her tires.
(Y/n) scanned the scene with her eyes as she saw Athena walking towards the 118, who were standing in a circle. When she walked towards the same group as sergeant Grant, her heart dropped down her chest as she could hear the 118 calling him over the radio.
His name was coming through over the radio over, and over again. But he wouldn’t answer.
“Ethan Copeland? He’s not a victim. He’s the sniper.” (Y/n) could hear Athena say as soon as she joined the group of people. Terrified looks were shared. As Chimney called out one more time. “Come in Buck!” over the radio.
“The sniper is LAPD?” Hen asked with confusion in her voice. “Ex-LAPD” the LAPD Deputy Chief Pate quickly corrected Hen. “After his partner quit, we realized Copeland was a problem and we removed him from duty.” the deputy chief clarified. “Now he’s making everybody pay for it” Detective Danvers added to the story.
“Anybody have any idea where inside this building Buck is?” Athena asked with her eyes locked on the burning building. “Third floor, Bravo side.” Bobby answered her question. “Somewhere around that window” He added as he pointed out at the right window.
“Buck, come in!” Hen tried again as she pressed the radio close to her mouth. The team could call his name countless times, but he wouldn’t answer. He couldn’t. Even though Ethan told him to.
“Everybody, switch to channel tac channel fifty.” the deputy chief said as he turned ninety degrees, directed to the people that belonged to the LAPD. (Y/n) placed her hand on her radio as she switched the channel with a small turn on a button.
Detective Danvers, the deputy chief and Athena gather around to make some kind of plan. But (Y/n)’s eye falls on her firefighter friend, Hen, walking away from the group.
“Hen!” (Y/n) called out to the firefighter paramedic as she ran towards Hen. Hen stopped in her tracks and turned on her heels as she heard her name fall off (Y/n)’s lips. “Yes?” Hen said as she saw the young police officer jog towards her, and stop in front of her.
“Can you get me in there?” (Y/n) asked as if it was the normallest thing in the world. Hen’s eyebrows furrowed at the request of the officer. “What? You want to go in-” Hen spoke but got cut off by (Y/n). She knew Hen would be against this idea. She was just an officer.
“Hen, if we don’t do anything. Buck is going to die in there.” (Y/n) said as a desperate expression morphed onto her face. ”You need to help me.” she added, trying to get some kind of reaction from Hen, who was just looking at (Y/n) like she was insane.
There was a silence between Hen and (Y/n), as Hen was thinking of a way to get her friend inside.
“Help you do what?” Bobby’s voice entered the conversation of the two females. (Y/n)’s head turned to the captain of the 118, “To go and get my friend” she said, determined.
“No. You’re not going in there.” Bobby instantly answered.
“Cap, with all due respect. I’ve been in that building, and it’ll be easy.” Hen started. “Cut in on the delta side, where most of the fire has been contained. She goes in and she makes her way across to bravo-” She tried to talk her captain over as she made her instructions clear.
“I understand what you’re saying Hen, but there’s one thing wrong with your plan.” Bobby said. “She will be in a fire.” He added as no one answered, and pointed out at the officer that was standing diagonally across from him.
“Put the gear on me, I’ll be protected! Trust me, I’m not going to be in there for long.” (Y/n) said, as she tried to talk him over once again. His eyes shot from Hen towards (Y/n), “No, it’s too dangerous. I don’t care if you’re wearing protective gear, you’re not trained for this!” the captain said as he made motions with his hands.
“But-” but she gets cut off by Bobby. “No buts, you’re not going in, and that’s an order!” he cut her off strictly, as he pointed at her. ”Hen let’s go, I need you to help Chim.” Bobby continued as he waved Hen over. Hen shrugged her shoulders, “sorry” she nonverbally mouthed at (Y/n) and followed her captain.
A loud sigh left (Y/n)’s mouth. Help or not. She was going in, and no one could stop her.
(Y/n) took one last look at the burning building, she had to do something. She shook her head, she wasn’t going to let this happen. She couldn’t just stay there and gawk at the window, waiting for someone to take the lead.
Determined she walked towards the firetruck as she popped open a compartment, she took a look in the compartment, but it was filled with bags. Nothing like she’d hoped for. She didn’t even know what she was looking for.
She closed the compartment again and opened the one to the side of it, revealing a fluorescent jacket, a turnout jacket.
She grabs the turnout jacket, and quickly shrugs it on as she closes the compartment again with her left hand. This will have to do the trick. She placed her facemask, which was hanging around her wrist, onto her mouth and placed the elastic bands around her ears.
However this might be a violation of section 14-49, she needed to do this. “Lord forgive me.” she mumbled as she made a quick prayer, looking up at the sky.
(Y/n) didn’t have an oxygen tank, so she had to improvise. And this face mask could help.
With her back pressed against the side of the firetruck, she looked over the hood, standing on her tippy toes to see if there was a free entrance.
With her eyes she scanned the scene at the moment, on the left side, detective Danvers, the deputy chief Pate and sergeant Grant-Nash who were discussing. And so were the one eighteen on the same side, (Y/n) could see Chimney pressing the radio to his mouth. They were still trying to get some kind of reaction from Buck.
(Y/n) spots the back entrance on her right. If she did this quickly, she could get through unseen and she could enter on the Delta side like Hen had told her.
She pressed her eyes closed for a quick second, as she took a deep breath as she pressed her hands into fists. There was no time to overthink this. She was doing it, even if Bobby told her off. He wasn’t her captain, she didn’t take orders from him.
“Screw it.” she whispered under her breath. She bent her knees a little to make her feet tap lighter against the asphalt, making her way towards the front of the fire truck. She peeked around towards the left side. They were still discussing.
She sneaked across the street, which was around twenty feet from the fire truck she got the jacket from. (Y/n) found the door, quickly opened it as she sneaked inside. Soundless she closed the door behind her as she scanned the space she ended up in.
A stairwell.
(Y/n) remembered Bobby telling Athena that Buck was on the third floor bravo side. Meaning she had to go up three stairs, and go straight across from the side she was on now. She could do this.
She slid her gun out of her holster from her hip and pointed it out in front of her.
The stairwell was filled with smoke, but she could see enough. Without thinking twice, she started going up the stairs. Counting every door she met, when she stepped onto the last stairs she could hear Evan and the shooter talking.
When she was over fifty percent of the stairs, she peeked through the open door frame. She vaguely could see Evan holding his hands next to his face as Ethan held him under gun point she guessed. The smoke made it hard to see what was happening.
“This is officer (Y/L/N), I’ve got eyes on Ethan.” she whispered through her radio, as she peeked through the door frame. “(Y/L/N), did you ignore my direct order to not enter that building?” Bobby asked through the radio, which was weird because only the LAPD was on tac channel fifty, but she figured he heard it from Athena’s radio. But she didn't answer, not when he already knew the answer to his own question.
Before any of the others could call over the radio, she turned the radio off. She couldn’t have any of the others communicating over the radio, not when she was that close to Copeland and Buck.
She swallowed, she was scared while the adrenaline was rushing through her body. But she couldn’t make the same mistake as a few months ago, even though she had already come further than she expected.
Ethan was on the bravo side, she couldn’t just walk straight forward towards him. She needed to make a beeline. She could go along the alpha side, or the charlie side.
As she stepped off the last step of the staircase she entered the third floor. She quickly glanced at the two choices. On the alpha side the fire was already roaring, while the charlie side had a few small flames, but mostly smoke.
Charlie side it is.
She slowly but silently sneaks along the walls of the charlie side, with her gun pointed in front of her. “We don’t get to choose who lives or dies.” she could hear Evan say, “we save everyone we can” he added, (Y/n) could hear a vibration in his voice.
He was terrified.
“You don’t have to make the tough choices, but people love you for it! And hate guys like me!” An unfamiliar voice sounded over the third floor. With every step she took, she came closer to the source.
“You think saving lifes is a hard job?” Ethan said, as she could see the silhouette become larger. She had to be quick, before he actually did something. It sounded a lot like he was tired of waiting and chatting. “Try having to take them.” he added. (Y/n) could see Ethan’s finger pressing the trigger.
She didn’t have a second to think, as she ran towards Evan and pushed him out of the way of gun point.
A loud bang sounded through the third floor, as first one dull sound took over the scene, and not a second after, another one. Evan’s eyes grew wide as he turned on his heels and saw two bodies on the ground. How didn’t he get shot?
But as soon as he saw that one of the two was wearing a firefighter jacket, he rushed towards the body. He let himself fall down onto his knees as he placed two hands onto the shoulder of the -he thought- firefighter. He carefully turned the body, but was met with an oh so familiar face he didn’t expect or hoped to see.
He stopped breathing for a second as he recognized the woman in the turnout jacket. It was (Y/n). “Oh my god-” he stumbled as he saw (Y/n)’s face, “(Y/n)” her name fell off his lips.
Why was she in here? How did she know where he was? Why was she wearing a turnout jacket? A million questions were running through his mind.
With one arm around the back of her shoulders, he held her upper body up. He was checking if she was still breathing, and he left out a relieved sigh as he saw her chest rising and her eyes fluttered open.
“Hey- Okay.. okay. You’re okay.” he tried to calm himself down as he let out a small relieved laugh and pressed his cheek against the top of her head.
A groan left her mouth as she felt the sharp sensation in her upper abdomen, she squeezed her eyes closed as she pushed her hand on the GSW.
Everything happened in a flash, Evan had so much information to take in at the moment that he didn’t know what to do or to say.
He clenched hand around the radio that was connected to his turnout jacket.
“Officer down, I repeat officer down!”
(Y/n) turned her key in her front door and pushed it open. “Thank you for doing this. I didn’t know who else to call.” She said as she held the door open so Buck could walk through the door frame with the two bags he was holding in his hands.
“No need to thank me, that’s what friends are for, right?” He answered, as he gave her a questioning look where to put the bags.
“You really didn’t need to help me carry my bags in, you know” she smiled as she pointed at the dining table in the middle of the room, as a sign for Buck that he could put the bags there.
“Oh I know, but I don’t think the doctor would be happy if one of those stitches came loose because of carrying these bags.” He said as he placed her bags on her dining table, and arched his eyebrows as he looked at her.
A small laugh left her mouth as she shook her head. Oh, she knew he was right. But Buck knew that once she felt good, she’d be rushing into things. He knew her too well for that.
“You want a drink?” she asks as she shrugged off her cardigan and placed it over one of the dining table chairs. “I mean if you want to, if you have nothing else to do-“ she quickly added. She didn’t want to push him into things.
Evan smiled at the way she tripped over her words, “sure” he said as he took the scene he entered. His eyes scanned a bookcase, filled with books and framed pictures.
Buck had never been inside this apartment since they met. They knew each other for eight months now, but usually they’d meet up at a bar or at his place. He had dropped her off a few times outside, when he walked her home. But he never had been inside.
“Hey can I ask you something?” Evan spoke up as he took in every detail on the pictures, and turned back around.
“Sure.” She said as she grabbed the can of ice tea out of the fridge and poured the drink into two glasses.
“Why did you do it?” He asked, as he walked back towards the dining table and placed his hands on the back of the chair. “Push me away, and catch the bullet yourself?” He added as he tried to get eye contact with her.
He could see her expression morph into an thinkful one, as she finished pouring the glasses full. But even though she had that thinkful look on her face, she didn’t answer. He pushed himself off the back of the chair and he made his way into the kitchen.
“You know there were a hundred different options.” He continued and leaned with his left hip against the counter. (Y/n) places the can into the fridge, and closes the door.
“(Y/n)?” He said her name as he didn’t get any kind of response on his words. With her back towards Evan, she closed her eyes and she took a breath. One hand was still on the door of the fridge. “I just.. wanted to help.” she sighed.
“You wanted to help..” he repeated her answer and a small scoff left his mouth. He let a hand go through his hair. “And you thought the best way to help was jump in front of that bullet?” he asked as he shook his head.
“I didn’t even have one second to think, Buck.” she said, scared to turn around, and go into the conversation. She’d rather skip this one. But here they were. “What you did was stupid, naïve and reckless.” he started. “I could’ve lost you.” he added, as he waited for her to do something, to say something. To try and win him over that this was the only and right choice.
She gathered all her courage, as she took a deep breath and turned on her heels, making a 180 degrees turn. “You could have. But you didn’t.” she said, keeping a straight face as she finally had the guts to look Evan in the eyes. “And you know what, yes maybe I am stupid, maybe I am out of my mind. But I couldn’t just stand there, waiting for orders.” she hissed, as she took a few steps closer.
“You are no firefighter! You are a cop! Why the hell were you in that building in the first place?” Evan started to raise his voice, which made (Y/n) a little scared. She never heard him yell before, hell they never even fought before.
“You really want to know why I made myself a target? Why I made the choice to jump in front of that bullet?” She asked, as she felt her hands automatically making fists.
“Yes! Please tell me.” He answered as he folded his arms over each other. “I did it because of you, and all of those people outside! I wouldn’t let any of them take that risk.” She started as she pointed her index finger at him.
“They have people, family, waiting for them to get home safe and sound.” (Y/n) added as she could feel a lump being created in her throat and the tears burning in her eyes. “I have nothing to lose.” Her voice was getting less louder with the words she spoke.
“There’s no one waiting for me.” She cried as she shook her head, and tried by squinting her eyes closed to get rid of the stinging tears. But instead of getting rid of them, they flowed down her cheeks.
“Really?” Evan started, ”Or did you do it because of what happened with Lance.” Buck mumbled under his breath.
Oh he wasn’t actually going there.
Her eyes grew slightly wider as she realized what just came out of his mouth. “Don’t-” she warned him.
“The moment you stepped inside of that burning building, and they shot him.” He continued. Trying to get to the edge. “Shut the fuck up” she hissed, with her teeth pressed against each other. She was trying to calm herself down, but the scene he used cut as deep as a knife into her skin.
He knew how much Lance meant to her, he was her brother. But once he stepped into the world of drugs and gangs, she realized how much of a red flag he actually was, and she broke contact.
But one day, when she arrived at a scene, and she entered some abandoned building, she saw her own brother getting shot, by those so known “friends”. That was now a year ago.
And the only person she had told about this, was Buck.
“Sounds like this one hit a little close to home.” He added. Her fingernails which were on the inside of her palm, still in the fists she made, were cutting into her palm. “You don’t know anything about me” she said under her breath.
A silence took over the room as Buck stopped pushing her to the edge of her emotions.
“I really thought that you’d be one of the persons who’d understand why I did what I did.” A now calmer but slightly trembling voice from (Y/n) took over the silence. She was looking at the now oh so interesting floor. “But turns out.. you’re just like them.” She added, as she looked up at Buck again, shaking her head and the tears in the corner of her eyes.
“You wouldn’t fight for your team. You didn’t do that for Eddie, and he’s your best friend.” She said, going in to attack modus now.
“You just stood there. Looking at how his body tumbled to the ground.” she continued, but the second those words left her mouth, she regretted it. This wasn’t like her. She knew Evan was only trying to make her aware of the things she did in the situation, and that she shouldn’t be acting before she thought.
He was only trying to help her.
“What now?” His voice sounded lost. Evan was aware that he said some awful things to her. And maybe involving her brother’s story wasn’t the right move, he knew that.
A feeling of rage was rushing through his body. As he was speechless, did she just really say that? Evan pushed his hip off the counter as he turned around, with his left hand against his forehead he looked up at the ceiling.
“Do you have any idea how toxic you sound right now?” He asks, as he rubbed his hand against his temple.
He turns back around to face (Y/n). “I..-” Evan stops mid sentence as he moves his left hand from his forehead towards the back of his head. And he starts laughing.
“You’re insane.” he said, as he moved and left the kitchen.
“Buck.. please I didn’t-“ but before she could even finish, she could see him leaving through the front door combined with a loud bang of the front door being smashed against the doorframe.
A sigh left her mouth as she covered her forehead with her hand. What did she do..
This is four Adam twelve” she coughed through her radio as she tried to keep the smoke from entering her airways by placing her mouth in the crook of her arm.
With her hand still remaining on the radio, she scanned the room she was in now. “The fire has surrounded me.” she continued.
Yes, she was inside of a burning building, again. But this time it wasn’t burning before she entered.
She ran after a suspect for a few blocks, until he entered an abandoned building. She had called for backup, but she couldn’t risk losing the suspect. So after she called it in, she didn’t wait for backup to arrive.
She wanted to prove herself so bad to the department. She wanted to show them she could do this on her own.
But when she was checking the fourth floor, some kind of explosion roared over the level she was on.
Last time she was inside, she had a face mask, which helped with keeping the smoke out. But since she had to get out of her car and run, she didn’t have it with her this time.
(Y/n) could feel the smoke entering her lungs, making it hard for her to breathe. With every breath she took in more, and more ashes. Causing her to cough, making her head ache.
The smoke was burning in her eyes, causing tears which were protecting her eyes from the smoke and getting the suspension out of her eyes.
She couldn’t navigate over the level anymore, she was disoriented, since the fire was everywhere.
This was it. There was no way out for her. Maybe she would actually suffocate in here. She didn’t get to that suspect. This was her first shift back. Was this her karma for that fight with her friend? Her friend she was scared to admit her feelings for? The one she pushed away when he came too close? The one she broke the rules for?
“I’m on the fourth floor. I..- I don’t know where.” she gasped through the radio, trying to get in more air. She let herself fall down onto her knees as she scanned the environment once more. “Please..” she cried to herself.
Evan could hear the coughs through the radio as he was in the stairwell, just passing the second floor. He could sense the desperation in her voice as she told them she didn’t know where she was.
Chimney and Buck made their way towards the fourth floor. But he could feel his soul fade away as soon as he opened the door to the fourth level.
Flames had taken over the entire floor. “Chim, you take the right side! I will take the left!” Buck said as he pointed out to both sides. “Copy that!” Chimney answered back as he continued to sweep in the right side of the building.
The feeling of guilt was still roaring through his body. He never wanted to let things get out of hand the way it did. With his left hand he slid along the wall, following the shape of the room.
“Fire department! Call out!” Buck yelled over the floor he was on. But no reaction.
He scanned the room over and over again, he wasn’t going to miss any detail. He had to find her, and that stupid fight between the two of them wasn’t going to stop him.
“LAFD! Call out if you can hear me!” he continued. When he made his way through the room, he stopped as soon as he could swear he heard a sound. But then suddenly his eyes fell on a silhouette, kneeling down on the ground.
He squinted his eyes, trying to focus “(Y/n)!” he called out her name as soon as he could see her hands down on the ground, and so were her knees.
She tried to call out as soon as she could hear Evan’s voice in the distance, trying to locate her. But she couldn’t. She could feel herself fade away, the smoke inside her lungs was becoming too much for her. Suffocating her almost.
Her knees were burning, due to the heat that was flowing over the fourth floor. She was conscious but it was like her senses were shutting down. As if someone was turning the volume of her ears down by using a button.
But as soon as she could feel someone place a hand on her lower back and pull her arm around their shoulders, the feeling of desperation made way for relief.
She pushed herself onto her feet, as she leaned partly onto the shoulder of Evan.
“Chim, I got her! On our way out now!” Evan spoke through the radio as he held (Y/n) at her waist with his left arm and his right hand held on to her arm that was around the back of his neck. “Copy that! Leaving the building!” Chimney answered back.
“Come on, we’re almost there! You’re doing so well!” Evan told her as he guided her down the stairs and through the doors outside, which Chimney held open as soon as he saw the two coming.
Evan ripped the oxygen mask he was wearing off his face and let it hang aside his body. He moved his hand from her waist towards her shoulder, as he wanted to guide her towards the ambulance.
But suddenly (Y/n) stopped in her tracks, as she placed her hands on her thighs and bent over when she started to let out loud coughs.
The fresh oxygen was reaching her lungs now. But she could feel it burn inside of her airways. “Get off of me!” She said as she pushed Evan away, causing him to let go of her body. She spit out some saliva as she tried to control her breathing.
“Im fine!” She said, as she could feel his hand onto her shoulder again. She turned her head to the side as she glanced at him.
Tears were burning in her eyes, as her face was partly covered in ashes. “You’re not fine.” He said, as he looked at her with a worried look in his eyes.
“I just…-” she gasped as her breathing was taken over by a loud cough. “need to catch my breath” she added. “Mmm and I am Prince Charming” he said sarcastically. “Why don’t you stop being so stubborn for a second and let me help you.” He added as he searched for eye contact again.
“You’re acting like a lunatic” he said as he shook his head, and sighed at the view he had right there and then. She was practically suffocating from the smoke inside of that building he pulled her out of. “You’re running into burning buildings, making yourself an actual target, putting yourself in danger.” he continued.
“I don’t recognize you anymore. What happened to that intelligent, badass, sweet officer that I met eight months ago?” he asks as he places his right hand on his hip.
(Y/n) doesn’t say anything, but shrugs her shoulders like she’s some child getting a lecture. “What are you even doing on duty? Shouldn’t you be at home? Let that wound heal?” He said pointing out at her stomach.
“What are you? My mom?” She mumbled moody as she avoided eye contact and spit out some more salvia onto the ground.
Evan sighed, but a laugh left his mouth. It felt like the same fight all over again. It had been six weeks. Six weeks of no contact and it was killing both of them. There was an emptiness inside of them they couldn’t seem to fill.
“Don’t tell me you ignored the doctor's advice and went to work anyways.” He went on as he placed his fingers on his forehead.
He glanced at her, and she looked back at him. But when she didn't actually deny what he said, another sigh rolled from his lips. “(Y/n)..”
“You know I can’t sit still. I needed to get back out here!” She shot back in defensive mode. (Y/n) pushed herself up again, so she was standing straight.
“I'm not a doctor but from what I know, you’re not fully healed! Healing a GSW takes two to three months!” He told her as he turned around. “Please tell me you’re still talking with Dr. Sanford.” He continued.
“I have talked with her.” She started, as she placed both her hands on her hips. “One time.” she added. Making Evan instantly laugh in disbelief again. “Jesus. Seriously?”
“She doesn’t get me Buck!” Her voice was audible over the entire scene. She was talking to a person with his back towards her, almost making it look like some fight between love birds.
“I don't get it..” he started as he turned back around again, ”they’re offering their help services to you and you just don’t accept it.” he pointed at her, just to make her feel a little more guilty about the things she did.
“I don’t want help from some professional woman.” She said as she placed her hands in her hair. She felt like a crazy person. Like no one actually understood what she was saying. Was she speaking Chinese?
“Then tell me what you want. What do you need?” He stepped closer, finally after all these minutes.
She just stared into his eyes. Desperate for someone to understand her. Why was no one listening to her? “You.” The words slipped from her lips. The words she couldn’t get back after letting them out.
“I need you.” she continued. Evan’s face morphed from anger to a more calmed down one. Did she just really say that?
“You know me better than anyone else.” She added, as her eyes narrowed. “And I’m so sorry for saying those awful words. I didn’t mean it. I was a dick and I’m sorry for lashing out at you like that. The second I said those things about Eddie I regretted it but I just-“ she rattled.
“Oh shut up” he interrupted her as he took a few quick steps closer, grabbed her shoulders and pulled her roughly to his chest.
Their lips connected, and the warmth of both their bodies came together. The dried up sweat from Evan’s face combined with the ashes visible on hers.
Her body was tense, but when he crashed his lips down onto hers, she could feel her body relax. Her arms were dangling beside her body, one of Evan’s arms was pushing her lower back, and his other hand was lost on the back of her head.
Her back was bending backwards by surprise, as she held her eyes closed.
When Evan pulled back, their noses connected, and small gasps left both of their mouths. One of her hands was placed on Evan’s shoulder, as she placed the other one on his cheek.
“Uh.. okay” she mumbled in confusion. “I needed you to stop.” He gasped, as he felt her breath tickling his short hairs on his face.
“Was it.. wrong?” He asked when he couldn’t figure out by the look on her face if she wanted the same thing as him. “No” she whispered as she rubbed her thumb against his cheek. Making Evan smile.
“Okay pay up!” Hen’s voice sounded over the scene. Hen was standing at the back of the ambulance as she was holding her hand out, moving her fingers as people from the 118 placed money in her palm.
“You placed a bet on us?” Buck asked when he glanced a look to the side, and saw Hen grinning at the sight she had.
“Oh, it’s not that hard to figure out when the two of you keep fighting, hovering and risking your lives for each other.” Hen said loudly enough to reach the two of them.
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sweetiesicheng · 2 months
mingyu - acting
word count : 1,119
once you park your car in mingyu's driveway, you have to mentally prepare yourself before going inside. after everything that happened before you left the studio, you aren't sure how to approach anything.
all of a sudden, you hear someone knock on your window and whip your head to see mingyu standing outside of your car.
"open the door," you hear him say.
you open the door and pull your legs out of the car to turn and face him.
"what happened on set?" he asks.
"it's that guy again," you say while crossing your arms. "he was being touchy in our scenes," you mention, "and he was just being weird today in general."
"did you tell someone?"
"yea, but they were all claiming that it made the scene look better. i just can't believe that!" you almost shout. "and i have to be on set at five in the morning with him," you add.
"i'll make a call. let's go inside," mingyu says to you, holding out his hand. you grab your stuff and take mingyu's hand as you get out of your car. "have you eaten yet?" he asks you.
"diet," you answer, leaving mingyu only to sigh.
"but did you eat?" he asks. you shake your head. "i have food in the fridge. let’s cook something," he suggests as you two walk into his home. "do you want to shower? you can wear my clothes," he offers to you.
you drop your belongings on a table and nod. "yea, if you don't mind," you reply.
"go," mingyu gestures with his head.
you leave to go upstairs to take a shower. mingyu waits for you to be out of his view before taking his phone out and calling someone.
"hello? oh director! i'm sorry if i'm bothering you," mingyu says when the call goes through. "how did the rest of filming go tonight? is that so? i'm glad to hear it went well. oh, well...how should i put this... nothing's wrong, but you know that new kid playing the boyfriend of the singer? yea, him. i'd watch him carefully. i was talking to another director, and they weren't happy with how his scenes ended up. just a warning, but i'm sure the scenes under your direction are fine. no, of course. don't go too crazy now, sir. actually, i might be on set early tomorrow. alright, have a good night. get some rest."
mingyu ends the call and starts cooking dinner. you're still taking a shower, trying to calm yourself down before going back downstairs.
after you're done showering, you go downstairs wearing shorts and one of mingyu's shirts. you go into the kitchen and find your boyfriend cooking.
"do you need help?" you ask mingyu. he looks back and smiles at you.
"no, it's okay," he says. "do you need to go over lines or anything?" he asks.
"oh, i should," you reply.
you grab your bag and take out your script. you sit at the countertop and review a few sections while mingyu finishes up cooking.
"you have all your scenes with that guy, right?" mingyu asks as he brings the plated food to the counter.
"huh? yea, i'll just deal with it. it's only for another few days," you say before sighing.
"i called the director," mingyu mentions.
"huh? why?" you ask, "i can deal with it, mingyu," you say to him with a huff.
"i can't help it when my girlfriend is in distress, especially if we're costars," mingyu says to you and starts pouring water into empty glasses. "i'll show that kid that he shouldn't be messing around and that he'll regret it big time."
"luckily, my character is intimidating as hell," he adds.
"yea, cause you're just a big puppy in real life."
"babe!" mingyu exclaims. he looks at you as you smile and laugh, realizing that you're starting to feel better after everything that happened earlier.
"babe! i got you a gift," he beams at you and hands you a box.
"hm? what is it?" you ask and open the box, to find a bracelet inside. you gasp, "it's so pretty," you say in amazement.
"it took me awhile to pick it out, but i'll buy you a ring later. i just thought this was too pretty to not buy for you," he says to you as he looks at you in adoration.
you look at him, "babe..."
"come on, let's go meet with everyone," he says and takes your hand into his before you two walk off.
"and cut! alright, let's move to the next scene."
you let go of your costar's hand and put the bracelet back in the box. you hand the box to an assistant and wait for the next scene to be set up.
"we did a great job," your costar says, patting your upper back. he leaves his hand on your shoulder, smiling at you.
"yea, glad we're done with this one," you reply before yawning. it's really early, and you're yearning for a cup of tea or coffee.
"you alright? do you want to sit down for a second?" your costar asks.
"oh, i'm okay. it's just too early for me," you reply.
"excuse me." you turn around and see mingyu walking up to you two.
"oh! sunbae!" your costar immediately speaks, "good morning. i didn't expect to see you today."
"good morning," you greet.
"oh, i reserved a coffee truck for everyone since filming started early today. you should get some to wake you up," mingyu says to him.
"i'll gladly take that offer. y/n, want me to get you coffee?" your costar asks you.
"ah, y/n, i already got you one," mingyu says, handing you a cup of coffee.
"thank you, sunbae," you say to him. the cup is warm, which feels nice since there's a bit of a breeze.
"i'll be leaving now," your costar says and hurries to the coffee truck.
you sigh in relief and take a sip of coffee. "thanks," you say to mingyu.
"mhm." mingyu smiles and brings his hand up to put some of your hair behind your ear. "i was waiting to see him in person, but i hate him even more now," he says, talking about your costar.
"well, i can already tell that the director noticed something because some of our earlier scenes were changed a bit," you reply. "thanks for coming by."
"had to be with my girl," he says. "walk with me for a second." the two of you walk off set and find a building and hide from staff. "love you," he says and kisses the top of your head.
"i love you too, mingyu."
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can you do a gideon graves x gn!reader? any hcs (sfw or nsfw) about anything is fine :3
Dating Gideon Graves Would Include…
Pairing: Gideon Graves x GN! Reader.
Summary: Read the title.
Warnings: Both SFW and NSFW (sections are separated: SFW is first), You take Gideon to therapy because he needs it, Gideon is selfish, Oral sex, 69 position, Mentions of cum, Face-sitting, Face-fucking, Aftercare is necessary!
Writing Time: 30 minutes.
Word Count: 716.
I think I went on a rant here… but it’s ok. Hope you enjoy!
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• Dating Gideon “G-Man” Graves… woah.
• You must be bold or something.
• If you’re not, I have no idea what you’re doing.
• Gideon is a little shit, most of the time.
• He loves to tease.
• He wants to see his lover look up to him with tremendous trust, respect and admiration.
• All things I think partners should look at each other with, but Gideon can definitely take it too far at times.
• He wants to submit to him in all ways.
• He’s your saviour and your kind, without him you would be nothing.
• Not very healthy at all.
• For example, he expects you to constantly ask him for permission for everyone.
• Generally he’ll always say yes and laugh at you even asking.
• But if you ever think you don’t need to ask, you’re wrong.
• Do something he’s always said yes to before without asking him prior and he’ll be upset.
• Gideon has got major issues.
• I think you could convince him to go to therapy, both on his own and with you (couples therapy).
• But it might take a couple asks.
• And when you do convince him, he’ll think he’s basically sacrificed himself for you.
• One session and he thinks he’s a new man and YOU owe him for going.
• Will absolutely expect some kind of reward.
• Gideon is a weirdo too.
• It’s normal for him to hang around outside while your taking a shower, kind of weird.
• Won’t join without an invite but it’s still weird as hell.
• Gideon loves to watch you do anything tbh.
• Cooking, cleaning, brushing your teeth, go to work, work, come back from work…
• The little everyday tasks everyone does is just a little more interesting to Gideon when he sees you doing it.
• He likes it if you watch him too, it’s kind of a weird form of love to him.
• Your therapist calls it abandonment and attachment issues.
• Gideon thinks that’s BS and claims he just loves to look at you.
• Which he does, but your therapist is still right though.
• Most ‘rewards’ Gideon expects demands are sexual.
• You shouldn’t have to be even told to get on your hands and needs for him after he’s gone to therapy for you.
• Your place is either besides him or underneath him.
• Gideon’s preferred position is 69, don’t fight me on this on.
• In this position, you both get pleasure.
• And despite how selfish Gideon can be, he does want you to feel just as good as him.
• When he’s forcing his dick down your throat and slapping you in the face with his balls, you must surely be enjoying it just as much as him, right?
• And obviously he’ll go down on you afterwards, because that’s only fair.
• Gideon gives oral real lazy though.
• Expects you to just sit on his face but be careful of his hair and face.
• Gideon has definitely flipped out before and killed the mood when you once accidentally came on his face.
• Only in his mouth, inside of him or away from him where it won’t make a mess.
• But obviously he cums all over you, whenever he wants to.
• That’s one of his selfish needs.
• Gideon is surprisingly great at aftercare.
• He will bring you a towel or carry you to the shower, whatever you want.
• Clean you up himself and the toys too if you use them.
• And bring you some tea or water as well.
• Then cuddle you when your both all cleaned up.
• After sex is one of the rare times you’ll see Gideon being kind.
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aliveinacoffin · 1 year
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Miguel O'Hara fluff
A spider-reader has the fattest crush on Miguels fat ass.
And maybe he does too.
Have a crush on your ass, not his.
Also more than likely ooc but we both know if you're here you don't mind. (I'm so sorry)
"I do not!" You huffed out, throwing your arms up.
"Oh come on, literally everyone here has noticed your thing for Miguel." Jess laughed, setting her hip on the table while she looked through her watch.
"Even if I do, he one hundred percent doesn't feel the same." You sighed, setting your feet down from the metal table. Your spider eyes wide and to the sky, your mask hid the deep frown you had.
Jess looked up to you, and even though she couldn't see your face, she could tell that you were upset. You didn't bounce back to your usual positivity and silliness, instead replaced by silence.
"I didn't mean anything by it, I'm just teasing you." She rubbed your shoulder affectionately.
"I know, thanks mom." You brushed her hand away, chuckling airily. Getting up you leaned over the table to oversee all the science-y papers that had accrued.
"On the tone of mom...."
"It's so cute! Jess is really excited to have a baby. I just wished she hadn't told me her and her husband have been trying for awhile." You said.
"Good for her! I'll have to ask her more about it later." Sun spider, or Charlotte as you've come to know her, said. She already had been jotting everything down in her notebook for the Spider-Weekly, a weekly magazine made for the spiders in the verse, by the other spiders.
It wouldn't make front page, maybe somewhere in the drama section.
"Yeah, she's really excited to be a mom." You had your back turned, your attention focused solely on following the recipe to make more web. You didn't notice the door open to the private lab, or Sun-Spider panicking to do something 'important.'
"Whose excited to be a mother?" A deep voice growled out, commanding in the way the question was asked.
"Jess! Haven't you-" You turned around, the smirk you wore dropped when you saw him.
Miguel O'Hara, or Spiderman 2099 stood towering over you, serious face and a deadly look in his eyes.
He was always so deadpanned, Miguel always wanted spiders to focus on missions and missions only. He never liked gossip, and any time you came in to spill the tea, he did everything in his power to ignore you. Which is why recently you had to go to new avenues, like Sun-spider. It wasn't like she wasn't your friend, you two just weren't that close.
"Uhhh, Jeeeeess???" You winced out. You weren't really I'm the mood to get scolded at, especially not with company. But leaning over, you saw that Sun had abandoned you.
Miguel's eyebrows went up a fraction, such a fast and small movement that if you hadn't been staring at him you wouldn't have noticed.
"I wasn't aware of that." He simply stated, looking over to see what you were doing. He called out your name, quickly taking the vials you were holding.
"Hey! I was working on that." You leaned over to see what he was doing, encroaching on his personal space, his weird hologram suit fizzing gently against your felt one.
"Well, you were doing it wrong, mensa." Miguel said, annoyed. So annoyed that he had to help you doing such a simple task.
"Hey! I may be a no sabo kid, but I know what that means, pendejo." You huffed out, you watched him quickly mix together a variety of liquids and chemicals. Quickly transferring and stirring each step of the way.
"Of course you'd know all the curse words." His brown eyes met yours, a bored look on his face.
"I do not! I know like, simple shit. Yo comprendo un pocito tambíen, cara de caca." You cackled, turning around to hang up your lab coat.
You missed the way he hung his head and smiled, holding back a silent chuckle.
"¿Sí? Veo que eres bilingüe." Miguel straighted his hunched over form, looking to you over his shoulder.
You stared at him, slowly piecing together what he said. "Hey kiss my ass!" You threw a random manilla folder at him.
He caught it before anything could spill out, surprisingly fast for a man with no spidey senses.
"I'd rather not."
You rolled your eyes at his serious response, and came over back to the table. "Thanks! Though, could've totally done this myself." You shrugged, putting out an overconfident personality.
"Yeah, that's why it wasn't on the verge of exploding. How you managed that is beyond me." Miguel shook his head, rolling his eyes. Watching you refil your web slinger.
Silence filled the room while you completed the simple task, the air tense.
"You haven't come to me in a while. I thought you went AWOL." He said, simple words you were waiting for him to utter.
"W-well. I've been turning in my reports on time. Just as long and descriptive as always." You shrugged, not meeting his intense gaze.
"That's not what I meant."
He meant the fact that you hadn't come to his office to complain the the printer wasn't working, or that the morning was horrid as always, or the drama in the office.
The truth? You started to look forward to speaking to him, seeking it to quell the loneliness that was left after the butterflies. You started to avoid the feeling of your fave heating and the speed of your heart, knowing that the stoic man would literally never feel the same.
"I just-got...busy?" It was more of a question than a statement, unsure of your answer.
"How? You've done nothing but prance around as usual."
Okay, um wow, ick.
Just kidding, his ass was too fat to get the ice.
"Hey! I'm a busy spider person! I have many, spider things to do." You were waving your hands around. You turned on your heel, going to walk out before a strong hand literally covered your shoulder.
"Wait, did I....do something?" Miguels voice drastically changed, stern to soft in seconds. His eyes were searching yours too.
"I-no, it's just. I don't know man, I'm sorry." You admitted, eyes looking down while you played with your hands.
"If-if I did something, you should come to me to fix it, as your superior you should always report to me." Miguel said, sliding his hand off your shoulder, and his usual face of stoicism came sliding back on.
That as well, Miguel was technically your boss, the man you scouted you out and now that you work under.
"I know. That...this doesn't have to do with that."
"Then what-what is impending your work." He was stretching, you knew that, but you couldn't just tell him, hey I'm totally in love with you but I know you don't feel the same so that's why I'm avoiding you!
Things don't work that way.
"Nothing it's just...it's nothing really, it's fine." You turn back around, missing the way Miguel reached out to stop you.
A ding made Miguel O'Hara look up from the feed he was watching. He turned behind him, looking at the new report that just came in. It was from you.
Miguel filed it away from later.
He had once complained to you how long they were, and how he didn't need to know every detail. You made a point after that to make them even longer and lengthier.
He would never, never admit it out loud, but he liked to read them just before bed. He loved your writing, how he could just step in and be there, like he was there with you, fighting alongside you.
"Miguel?" Your voice was unsure, timid. You couldn't see the platform he was usually brooding on, and you stepped out to try and find him.
Your face dropped to an annoyed when you saw him slowly descending from his throne.
"When are you gonna make that thing faster?" You called out.
"I do it so it so my work isn't disturbed further." Miguel said pointedly. You climbed up the platform when it got close enough, pushing away the floating screens from your face.
"I brought you lunch! I didn't see you at the cafeteria so..." You shook the box, and put it down on his desk.
The awkward silence hung on the air again, before you couldn't bear it, but the beating of your heart made you falter.
The sight of Miguels' handsome face and built body made your heart pound and stomach twist.
You mentally slapped your face before you took a deep breath in.
"So did you hear about plush spider-man and Toy Spiderman?"
"You should return to your universe." Miguel had waited until the two of settled in silence to say something. Usually, you ranted for awhile before you were called into a mission.
But this time, nothing pulled either of you away. And Miguel listened while you talked, it was mostly you anyway. At first when you started to bug the older man, you didn't know if he was listening or not, but you saw how his ears perked up and how he'd subtly remind you of details of stories that you'd told.
"Woowwww, you're kicking me out? I'm not that annoying, am I?' You looked up at him from where you were hanging, a fake hurt look coming to your face.
"You are, and you should leave." He didn't even look back to you, only reading some article or report.
"Miggyyyyy." You called out for him. He hated it when you used that nickname, but you loved watching him shake his head.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, and watched what he was doing with your head on his shoulder. A massive shit eating grin decorated your face as he tensed and glared at you. You ignored your racing heart and hot face just to see the look on his.
He didn't push you off there, merely pausing for a moment before resuming his work. "You know I hate that nickname, it's annoying and unprofessional."
"Unprofessional? Because we're all a super serious business, a super legit business too." You laughed.
Miguel rolled his eyes, they constantly flick from your face to his work.
"Whatcha doiiinn." You rested your chin on his head, quickly getting bored.
"Working. Like you should be doing." He said, exasperated.
You made a fart sound, "Working is for nerds, me? I'm a cool guy." You walked away from him, getting ready to jump off the platform before you looked back at him. Shocked to see he was staring at you.
There was silence, again. Something so unusual for you two, for you.
"Yeah?" You asked, timid.
"Theres...." Miguel stood up, turning to you fully. "Lunch, tomorrow. Would you...like to go out for lunch tomorrow? There's a special going on at some place downtown, and I thought it'd be something that you'd enjoy."
You blinked owlisly at him, this was so...out of character for him. And he seemed apprehension, like every word he said was like pulling teeth. His fave seemed more red, his skin making it more apparent since he already had a reddish undertone.
"I-I'd love to! I mean," You cleared your throat, and stood up straight, putting on a serious persona, "Yeah sure its whatever." You snifged, wiping your nose to try and look cool.
Miguel gave you a blank stare, but unlitmatly rolling his eyes to let out a chuckle. The sight was something to behold, especially from your serious leader.
"I'll see you tomorrow! And I expect you to be wearing people clothes, since we'll be going out as people!" You laughed, jumping down and running from the platform.
Miguel just let out a fond sigh as he watched you leave. And he turned around to Lyla giving him a smug look.
He scowled, "I don't want a word from you."
She mimicked zipping her lips closed, smirking.
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userlando · 1 year
Reader w bestie lando feeling down bc he’s surrounded by more conventionally attractive girlies/people because of his profile and him listing all the positive qualities and things that he likes about them except he lets slip saying he LOVES it about them n getting all flustered stuttering and then confessing years of longing my HEART can’t handle this pls add ur thoughts vulnerable lan is my kryptonite
oh my god please 😭😭
reassurance (1492 words) best friend lando/fem!reader confessing feelings
please beware that this can have allusions/mentions of body dysmorphia, reader being insecure and self-conscious about how she looks. nothing too major, but it may trigger someone!
The both of you are standing by the kitchen counter, it’s late and Max is sleeping upstairs, oblivious to what’s going on outside his bedroom door. It had been a long night of drinking with half the grid and their respective partners, buying out a VIP section and ordering buckets of icy drinks.
It was at two a.m. that your social battery died out and so did Lando’s. You didn’t think a person could be so happy as he got when he glanced your way and caught you surreptitiously hiding a yawn behind your hand, asking if you were ready to head out. He’d only had one drink, so he drove the both of you back to his and Max’s place.
The kitchen had become your refuge, only one small lamp being the source of light as you got comfortable by the counter. Lando had, as suspected, sought out Max’s stash of snacks, ignoring your halfhearted protests because the last time he’d raided the pantry, his best friend had gotten so pissed that he’d locked it.
Normally, you would’ve joined him in the drunken snacking, giggling and carrying a stupid conversation that usually went in the direction of weird-ville, ending with ‘what type of worm would you be, if you could choose one?’
But tonight, you were staring dubiously at the bag of Walkers and packet of Hobnobs, all kinds of self-conscious thoughts swirling in your mind. You thought of earlier that night, when you’d trashed the dress you had in mind because it didn’t look right on you. You thought of how you’d gone for jeans, immediately regretting it when you arrived at the club and spotted the girls in short skirts and gorgeous dresses that looked like it was moulded for them. It was difficult to not feel some kind of way when everyone around you looked like they’d just stepped off the runway.
“You alright, peach?” Lando’s voice cut through your thoughts and you glanced up at him, hanging over the counter and chewing loudly on biscuits.
You grimaced at the nickname, one that you really hadn’t had many feelings about until recently. It had started as a joke, being photographed walking the paddock with Lando during an obscure weekend and Lando had giggled so hard that he turned red, almost losing consciousness as he read a tweet someone had posted about you.
ass so fat it looks like a peach
It had been funny, and Lando never really let it go. He’d started calling you peach ironically, until it stuck and replaced your name entirely.
But now you weren’t so sure about the positive aspects of the nickname.
Lando made a noise in his throat, swallowing dryly around the crumbs and reaching a hand out to poke your cheek. You twisted away slightly, blowing out a breath.
“Tell me what’s wrong.” He demanded, sounding much like a defiant child.
You gave him a look. “Nothing’s wrong.”
“Don’t fucking lie to me, I can see you pouting.”
“I’m not—“ You caught yourself before your blood pressure reached a new high. “Shut up.”
“Peach.” He said again and you looked down from his probing eyes, staring hard at the opened packet of Hobnobs that Max would for sure notice were missing.
“I just…” You trailed off, not knowing how to express your feelings without sounding so childish. What would you say? I don’t feel beautiful. I feel like an ogre next to your friends’ girlfriends. I hate the way I look. “I’ve been feeling a bit self-conscious lately, that’s all.”
Lando didn’t say anything and you looked up, thinking that he might’ve missed your words completely but he was staring at you softly, so gentle that emotions almost clogged your throat up. You scrunched your nose, and Lando let out a breath he didn’t realise he was holding because he knew what that scrunch meant. He knew that was something that you automatically did when you were close to tears.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” He asked, and you couldn’t help but smile a little tearfully.
Leave it to Lando to never push, to always listen and never judge you when you were feeling every range of emotion. It always tugged at your heart. You truly loved him.
“I feel like a sack of potatoes when I see the girls.” You laughed wetly, reaching a hand up to wipe away at your eyes. Lando smiled when you unknowingly smeared your makeup. “They’re my friends and I don’t resent them for it, but it strikes me sometimes how we’re so different when it comes to looks.”
Lando frowned a little at that, placing a hand on top of yours. Palm against palm, pointer finger finding your pulse point on your wrist and resting it there. The way he always did.
“I like potatoes.” He murmured and you shot him a dry look. “But you’re right, you are different.”
That made you frown deeper, bottom lip sticking out in sadness and it broke Lando’s heart. He hurried to wipe under your eye with a thumb, smiling gently.
“You’re different because you’re my peach. You’re different in the way you treat people with so much kindness that it blows my mind sometimes. You’re different in the way you smile so hard that your eyes disappear, just like that.” You shielded your face behind your hand, letting out a laugh you couldn’t contain. “You treat me like me. Not like Lando, the driver. You shove me when I burp and you twist my arm when I tease you. And I love you for it. I love that you’re different, and I wouldn’t want you to be anyone else.”
You blinked at him, slowly letting his words sink in.
“You love me?” You asked, aware that he might’ve meant it platonically but Lando’s reaction made you stop breathing for a second.
His cheeks turned pink, palms flattening on the surface of the counter to push himself up, like he was trying to put a little distance between you two. You’d only ever seen him act this way a handful of times, eyes wide and a little panicked, tips of his ears red as he opened his mouth and closed it. Like finding the right words was suddenly difficult.
“I mean— I just meant…” His voice died, shrugging a little helplessly the longer you stared at him.
Your heart was going a mile a minute, not believing what you were seeing but if Lando was fumbling his words and shrugging like he was hoping you’d let it go, he was dead wrong. You were gonna grip this opportunity with both hands and hold on.
“Look,” He pulled a face, blowing out a sharp breath of air through his mouth. “If I tell you something, will you hold it against me?”
Fuck. It was happening, wasn’t it?
“Perhaps.” You answered, voice almost inaudible because you were putting all of your excess energy into not passing the fuck out.
Lando rolled his eyes, looking a little trapped all of a sudden and you hurriedly rounded the corner, smiling at him when he took a small step back the closer you got to him.
He glanced at the counter like he considered walking around it, putting the distance back between you two but you quickly grabbed his arm, prompting him to look at you.
“How long?” You asked, soft and quite frankly, a little stunned.
“What?” He asked but his eyes said it all.
“Stop.” He laughed, sounding breathless and a little frustrated. “Stop saying my name like that.”
You frowned at him, tilting your head when he turned his gaze away. He still hadn’t pulled out of your hold though, not even when you palmed his left pectoral. You didn’t know if it was wishful thinking or your imagination, but there was a steady thud against your palm that felt a lot like his racing heart and it made you smile.
“Like what?”
Lando sucked his bottom lip into his mouth, letting it go with a tsk.
“Like you love me.” He said quietly.
It was like someone had reached down your throat and grabbed your heart, squeezing the blood out and popping the vessels. You almost gasped for breath, smile stretching your lips and Lando’s expression went from cautious to slightly hopeful.
“What if I do love you?” You asked.
“Then…” He trailed off when your hand travelled from his pec to his cheek, cupping it. “Then I’d say I love you. I’d say that I’ve always loved you.”
You let out a laugh, like the absurd amount of happiness blooming in your chest was too hard to contain. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, getting on your toes to hug him properly.
“Took you long enough.” You murmured against his ear and Lando squirmed, pinching your side just to hear you squeak.
It was his favourite sound in the world.
this isn’t beta read, I wrote this in my notes app at work so I hope it’s okay 🫣 it wasn’t smut this time (sorry) but I wanted to save the juicy stuff for longer fics hehe. I hope you enjoy this xx
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specialagentlokitty · 9 months
Spike x reader - our routine
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Wondering down the street, you took a turn around the corner near the shop and you screamed when something jumped out at you and yelled.
Without thinking you punched your supposed attacked and he yelped jumping back to hold his nose.
“Spike? What are you doing?” You asked.
“Well I.. I’m robbing you clearly! Give me your money!”
You blinked, and you rose a brow at him.
“The fact you’re holding your nose and I know you can’t hurt me isn’t that scary to be honest with you.”
“Well you punched me!”
“You jumped out at me! Are you okay?”
He pulled his hand away and you looked at him, putting your hands in your pocket as you looked around.
“What do you want money for anyway?”
“Blood, bear and smokes, what else?”
“Right, just the usual then.”
He grinned a little.
“Exactly, so give me money.”
You walked past him, and he trailed behind you.
“Don’t walk away from me!”
You turned around to look at the currently harmless vampire and gestured to the shop down the street.
“I’m going to the shop I need food, are you coming?”
“Lead the way.”
You carried on wondering you got inside the shop.
Picking up a basket, you handed it over to Spike who took it with a little confusion.
“If I’m buying you things you can at least help.”
“Fine, but only because I’m getting something out of it otherwise I wouldn’t do it.”
You grinned a little at him and walked to the snack section, looking at something that seemed appealing to you.
“If this is your idea of food then someone should be worried for your well-being.”
You looked at him.
“What’s wrong with snacks?”
“Nothing, I like a good snack just as the next person, I just think blood is a better one.”
“That’s gross.”
“It’s true.”
Spike crouched next to you, picking up a packet of biscuits and went to put it in his pocket.
Reaching out, you grabbed them and put them in the basket.
“Come on, no one would know. Don’t be boring now.”
“I would know, if you want something just put it in the basket.”
You put some chips and chocolate in there before you made your way to the actual food so you could browse.
Spike followed you uninterested, he walked over to the alcohol and put some cans in the basket.
“So, what does the slayers follower do when she isn’t plotting my demise?” He asked.
“I work, unlike you spike some of us actually have things to do.”
“Wow, ouch, okay. I didn’t know you could be so rude.”
You smiled a little and you stood up, heading your way over to him to set a few more things into the basket.
“All sorted.”
“Perfect because I don’t want anybody seeing me walking around with the slayers lapdog.”
“Keep pushing it pale boy, remember who’s buying your what you want.”
You put the basket on the counter, and Spike leant against the counter as he looked at you.
“You wouldn’t really take it back.” He said.
You said nothing and he looked at you.
“Come on, you can’t buy them for me and then take them away that’s just cruel.”
“I won’t, don’t worry. Though I do have one more favour to ask.”
He sighed heavily, putting the cigarettes into his own bag along with his beer and picked it up while you picked up yours and your change.
You made your way out of the shop and looked around a little uncomfortable.
“There’s just some… weird guys hanging near my apartment…” you mumbled.
“So, the big bad monster hunter is scared of a few guys?” He mocked.
You looked at him.
“I’ll buy you shopping every week in return? All I ask is you walk me home after..”
Spike thought for a moment before agreeing, because to him he was getting the better side of the deal.
It meant he could keep getting what he wanted and it all came as easily as just walking one human home once a week.
So, he walked you to your apartment, and you awkwardly shuffled closer to him, finding it safer to be near the once deadly vampire than you did being around the very drunk guys hanging around the street.
“No touching.” He said quietly.
You glanced at him but said nothing, just rushing inside the complex and you led him up the stairs.
“Wait here a second.”
Heading inside, you left the door open and spike looked around at what he could see.
You set your bag on the couch and grabbed your bag, pulling out some cash and you walked back over, handing it to him.
“A deal is a deal.” You smiled.
“Same time next week pet, don’t be late.”
With that he left with a little grin.
The following week, just as you were leaving your apartment Spike was there.
He followed in line with you as you started to walk.
“I don’t see why you don’t just go in the day.” He shrugged.
“Between Buffy and all that, and work, then school, I just don’t have time during the day, this is the only time I can, but it just so happens the guys across the street like to party.”
“Could go in the morning.”
“Same issue, plus if I did then who’s gonna buy your shopping? You’re clearly not scaring anybody.”
Spike stood in front of you and glared a little.
“I’ll have you know I’m terrifying!”
You grinned up at him.
“So terrifying, you’ve got a butterfly in your shoulder.”
He went to swat it away and yelled in pain as he clutched his head.
“Point proven.”
You held your hand out, and he backed away.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“Getting the butterfly, stay still.”
Spike stayed in his spot, and you held your hand out again, carefully you picked the butterfly up and you placed it on the wall behind him.
“See, all gone.”
“Tell nobody.” He grumbled.
You smiled at him.
“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me Spike.”
You began heading to the shop, and you made your way inside, following the same routine as last weeks you got your shopping and his, and he walked you home and you paid him.
It was a good little system, that even a man like Spike who hated humans couldn’t find a flaw with, he got money out of it and he needed that.
If you accoutred each other around Buffy or anybody else you pretended to hate one another.
Even after months of doing the same time, on the same day at the same time, it was still a good system for you both.
Today was no different, you made your way downstairs, and you grinned at the vampire who was stood there waiting for you.
“You’re late.”
“Sorry, sorry, small injury at work.”
You hoped down the steps, and you grinned a little bit at him.
“What did you do, fall over a rat?”
You scoffed a little, limping down the street.
“No, someone tripped me up.”
“Like on purpose?”
“Yes Spike, on purpose. Not everybody looked up to waitresses.”
Spike hummed a little bit, and he grabbed your arm as you nearly tripped over and he let go once you were steady.
“I don’t get paid enough to deal with you tripping over.”
“Come on, I know you secretly like me.” You teased.
“You give me money, that’s enough for me.”
You walked into the shop, and Spike gestured to the bench out front.
“Spike I’ve got to shop.”
He pushed you over to the bench.
“I said sit.”
You sat down and he held out his hand, and you rose a brow at him.
You handed him the money in your pocket.
“You better not runaway.”
“Oh please, you wouldn’t be able to catch up if you even tried.”
With that he walked away and not long later he came back out and handed you your bag once your stood up.
The following day at work, you were standing behind the counter doing some cleaning, when a familiar face appeared in front of you.
“Two visits in one week? Do you miss me Spike?”
“You shouldn’t be working.”
“I have bills to pay for and a very obnoxious but nice vampire to feed.”
He rolled his eyes, sitting down at the counter, and he looked around.
He didn’t do much but sit there while you worked, watching you wonder, clean tables, tend to customers.
He saw someone throw paper at you and you just seemed to ignore it.
But he noticed it going on over time, they would throw more and swear at you and you just took it.
So, when you next came over he grabbed your arm to make you stop.
“Why not beat the crap out of them?”
“I can’t, I need my job.”
He glanced over at them.
“How often do they do this?”
“Every night, it’s a daily thing.”
You smiled at him, setting a can of beer in front of him.
“It’s fine, I need to go back to work. Hang out if you want.”
You left and when you returned you noticed Spike wasn’t at the counter anymore.
Through all the people you couldn’t see him in the building, so, you had assumed he had left, and you went back to working.
When you shift ended, you noticed the night had been quieter than normal, and Spike was standing outside, leaning on the building.
“Hey, what’s up?” You asked.
“Let’s go.”
You furrowed your brows as you began to follow him.
“Go where?”
“I’m taking you home obviously.”
Spike said nothing and you glanced at him, but didn’t say anything either.
“What did you do to them?”
“Relax, I didn’t hurt them, I’m a tame puppy, remember?”
You walked in front of him, forcing him to stop.
He raised his hands.
“We had words, that’s all. Just harmless words, which may or may not have included some very colourful threats, and the stealing of wallets.”
“Spike!” You hissed.
“Relax pet, they won’t know that I know you.”
He reached into his pocket, pulling out a bunch of cash.
“Oh, they wanted you to have this for your troubles.”
You laughed and you pushed his hand back towards him.
“You deserve it, thank you.”
You carried on walking and spike trailed along with you.
“Plus hey, doesn’t that mean you won’t have to come to the shop with me? You’ll be alright for a few weeks with that.”
“Wait, wait!”
He jogged in front of you, walking backwards.
“Let’s not be too rash, I mean I could earn twice as much here.”
“You don’t like walking me home, you’ve made it clear.”
“Who said that? I never said that.”
“So you do?”
“I never said that either..”
You laughed a little, shaking your head at him and you stood, crossing your arms to look at him.
“Let’s go, it’s getting late.”
“I’m not moving.”
“Fine, I’ll make you.”
Spike grabbed your hand and he began to drag you behind him, and you laughed, jogging a few steps to catch up and he carried on walking.
You wrapped your hand around his and you stopped which made him stop.
“What now?”
“Uh… you remember those commando soldiers after you?”
You looked at him.
You pulled him out of the way for a shot to just miss him, and you began to run down the street.
“You need to go home!” You yelled at him.
“Fat lot of good that does, they know where I live!”
“Mine then!”
You dragged him down the streets, and neither of you stopped running until you got there, and you threw the door open.
“Come in!”
You pulled him inside and slammed the door shut, locking it and you gasped for breath.
You saw spike wince a little and you looked up at him.
Turning on the light, you watched him take his jacket off and look at his upper arm.
“Come on, is nothing scared with these people?!” He hissed.
“I can fix it, come on, sit down.”
You grabbed a few boxes and sat on the couch next to him, opening the first one and he looked at you.
“What’re you doing?”
“Stitching your wound, then I’ll fix your shirt so you’re not such a baby about it.”
He took his shirt off and handed it to you and you set it aside and slowly began to clean and stitch his arm.
He watched you as you carefully worked, and a few moments later you finished, put everything away and picked up the next box.
Grabbing his shirt, you did the same thing and you looked at how dirty it was.
“Spike this shirt is gross, don’t you wash your clothes?”
“I’m sorry, remember me to push a washing machine in my tomb.”
You shook your head and stood up.
“I’ll wash it, I’ve got a spare shirt somewhere hold on.”
You vanished, and returned with a sweater for him and he looked at it.
Spike took it and put it on, and he trailed behind you as you went to the kitchen.
“Why are you so nice to me?”
You shrugged a little.
“You were nice enough to agree to walk me home each week, even if it was for payment. Plus I just don’t think it’s fair.”
You turned around, leaning on the counter as you looked at him.
“That you can’t fight back, I think it’s only fair someone else could fight back. I mean don’t get wrong it’s good you cant.. you know, kill people or hurt them, but it’s still not fair, you aren’t a threat to them now.”
“You’re serious?” He asked.
“Well, yeah. They already made you harmless, I don’t get why they can’t leave it at that.”
Within a few seconds spike was across the kitchen and had you in a tight hug, and you laughed, hugging him back.
He pulled away, and you smiled at him, and he grinned a little.
“I think you’re safely my new favourite human now.”
“Awesome! Does this mean if you go all big bad vampire I’m safe?”
Spike planted his hands on your shoulders and he leant down, kissing your head.
“Absolutely pet.”
You grinned and wondered away, and he watched you go.
He never thought anybody would stick up for him, but you did, and you looked after him even though you didn’t have to.
You couldn’t left him there for the soldiers, you would’ve let him go without money, could’ve staked him through the heart if you wanted.
He saw you as somebody he had to protect now, he had to keep you safe, because he liked you
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ushys · 1 year
⸻ spider-verse characters reacting to your jealousy
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characters: miles, earth-42 miles, miguel, hobie
a/n: i was thinking of making it a story but i thought you making it into little sections with different characters would be better.
cw: fluff, cussing, jealousy, a small mention of killing, gn! reader, that’s it :p
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MILES MORALES: he’s kind of oblivious to that kind of thing, which makes it even worse for you. so, when you see him talking to someone who is obviously into him, you’re mad. you’re mad because they’re trying to hit on him and he laughs it off, not knowing their true intentions. it made your blood boil. they would touch his shoulder, laugh a little too hard at his jokes, all that. you walked away and miles noticed this. he said his goodbyes to the other person and chased after you.
“is everything okay babe?” he questioned, brows furrowed as he was confused. “everything’s fine, go talk to your other bae.” you said rolling your eyes and speeding up. “wha? babe what are you talking about- oh. are you jealous?” you stopped and turned to look at him. then you quickly turned around again and said “no.” yup, you were jealous.
“my love, there’s no need to be jealous. they’re just a friend and i would never leave you for them. i don’t even see them like that! i’m sorry for for making you feel this way, i just don’t know what’s wrong and right and i didn’t think they were doing anything weird.” now you felt guilty. “i’m sorry, you didn’t know and i just overreacted.” you later took him to your room and started talking about different ways people hit on others. he made sure to take notes to not upset you ever again.
EARTH 42 MILES: you were on a date with your boyfriend, walking around and looking at different displays that different shops were showing when suddenly, a stranger goes up to him and compliments him. “wow! your jacket is so cute. where did you get it from?” she giggled as she started touching his arm. miles was obviously uncomfortable and shot you a quick glance, watching as your expression went from a content smile to a rude glare towards the girl.
“my bae got it for me.” he replied as he puts his arm around you, holding you close. they quickly change expressions, now having a hurt look on their face. “oh..! haha, i didnt see her there. they’re your s/o..?” they said as he replied instantly. “yeah that’s what i said. why? do you have a problem with that?” “no. whatever. the jacket was ugly anyway.” they said walking past you, purposely bumping into you.
you were about to turn around and confront them but miles stopped you from doing so. “baby, they’re not worth it” he said planting a kiss on your head. “you were jealous weren’t you though?” he smirked as your eyes widen. “nuh uh” “yuh huh” “nuh uh” “it’s okay baby, you’re the only one for me.” he said, making your face warm. “i could never be jealous of them, they’re the one who was jealous. i hate how good looking you are, having to keep going through that” you pouted. “you’re good looking too, you’re ethereal, you get hit on too.” he said, sarcastically rolling his eyes. “but there’s a difference, i talk bad about them, you plan on killing them.” he laughs and shrugs. “oops?”
MIGUEL O’HARA: he would take good care of you, occasionally. his work has been a huge problem between your relationship, you guys could barely hang out a lot. so, to get closer, you decided to join the spider-verse team with him. as his assistant. you were happy he let you be his assistant, even though you practically had to beg him to let you because according to him, “it’s too dangerous” “”you could get hurt” “too much stress”. it’s a good thing that he wanted you to be safe but shouldn’t he let you do what you wanted?
well anyway, as his assistant, your job was to make sure everyone knows what they’re supposed to be doing and helping new members who are joining the spider group feel more comfortable in this new area. so when a new spider-woman joined the team, you knew what you had to do.
“and this is where miguel usually is at! miguel! come down and greet our new member!” you yelled out calling for him. “it’s best if you don’t bother him when you see him doing work, he can get a little.. harsh.” you say as he makes his way towards you. you look at the spider-woman who seems to be biting her lip and smirking. ‘is she okay?’ you thought to yourself as you looked at her and miguel. “welcome, y/n make sure she’s gotten a full tour of the entire building and understands what her job here is.” “oh, but is it okay if you were to help me instead? she’s not that good at explaining things” the woman lied, obviously just trying to get miguel’s attention.
miguel can sense your jealousy as he knew that the woman was trying to hard. he grabbed the woman’s hand, guiding her to another part of the building while he left you there, standing alone, in shock. ‘what?’
after a while, he came back and saw you sitting in your chair next to where he would usually do work at. he walked up to you and questioned you. “is everything all right mi amor?” you ignored him. “amor?” nothing. “silent treatment huh. why is that?” nothing again. “are you okay?” “yeah i’m fine go talk to your other bitch though. ask her if she’s doing fine.” you said, not looking at him and continuing whatever work you were doing. “you were jealous weren’t you.” “no.” “it’s okay mi amor, you don’t have to worry about a thing.” “and why is that” you questioned. “i sent her back to her dimension. she’s never coming back any time soon.”
HOBIE: “babe?” you called out wondering where hobie was. you’ve asked multiple spider-people wondering where he was but they had no idea. until gwen came up to you. “oh hey gwen what’s up? have you seen hobie?” you asked. “oh yeah, i have. that’s what i wanted to tell you. i know where he’s at.” “you do?! oh thank god, i thought he might’ve gone on a mission somewhere and could’ve gotten hurt. so, where is he” you asked, raising an eyebrow. “don’t get mad, because i don’t know much about it, but i’ve seen him walking with someone and i have no clue who they are. i think they’re new. i’ve seen them go into the lunchroom right now. they’re probably still there” someone new huh? that’s weird.
“thank you gwen, i appreciate it.” you hug her as you start walking away. you head to the lunchroom and suddenly you caught eye of hobie with the other person. “who is that?” you whispered. you then saw them getting real touchy with hobie. ‘what the hell are they doing?’ you furrowed your eyebrows, a disgusted look planted on your face. you can see hobie slightly trying to dodge their touches. you let out a small smirk. so, they don’t get the hint that he doesn’t want them.
you started walking up to him and you suddenly appeared next to him. “hello my love.” you planted a small kiss on his cheek, making sure the girl noticed. “hey baby. where have you been?” hobie asked, turning to look at you and putting his arm around your waist. “that’s what i should be asking you, who is this?” you say pointing at the new person, who was clearly furious. they closed her eyes and smiled. “oh! i’m alex! and you are?” they asked, a vein appearing on their forehead. “they’re my s/o.” hobie replied for you. alex slowly opened their eyes and gave you both a blank stare. “oh is that so? sorry to bother you, i’ll be on my way.” they said walking away, not wanting to face the both of you.
“jealous huh?” he said as he smirked at you. “no.” you lied, not wanting to admit it. you were embarrassed. “yeah you were. thank you for saving me. they were making me uncomfortable” he said in a sarcastic tone, even thought what he said was true. “i don’t want anyone taking away what’s mine” you said looking away. “don’t worry, that’s never happening.” he said giving you a kiss on top of your head.
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girls next fr 🙈
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terras-domain · 5 months
what do you think the sexiest thing StayC Isa would do? (Besides showing off her thicc thighs)
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terra's note: Hey anon, took me a while to write this, cuz I have to think of a wild theme but I couldn't make it short enough like I usually do. So uuuh yeah, hope you accept this little short "smut" of her getting railed hehe. Anyways love you all, whoever it is reading this and hope you have a nice day <33 (trigger warning: voyeurism, cum in pussy, stranger sex)
words: 967
Isa one time going out to a water park with the girls, and after a tiring day of going rides and splashing water she rests on a giant floaty, laying down on her stomach while she relaxes on a lazy river. While she lets the stream bring her across the lap of the chill pool, she feels a hand groping on her soft covered ass, causing her to jolt up and look around the area, seeing there's actually a guy that was groping her.
For some reason the guy had zero idea who he did that too, in his mind that was just some random hot chick you would find at a water park. The fact she's alone makes it the more reasons for Isa to be a prey for his lust. Isa, seeing the guy not even flinch after making direct eye contact, tilted her head in confusion and questioned, "do you not know who I am?". The pervert only gave a short reply, "no idea, but your body sure does sing for me." Isa could only shake her head in disbelief. Is Stayc really that underrated? After a little thought, she's pretty stressed from schedule and when else will she ever be treated like a normal woman? She looked at the guy that groped him and left her floaty somewhere she can pick up later. The guy was ecstatic to see Isa still there with him even after practically molesting her.
The lazy river was deep enough to submerge Isa's lower body, so when the guy kept touching and squeezing her round ass, it wasn't visible. It was a slow day sure but there's still people around to see the guy groping her ass. They ended up near a section where they spray mists of water which covers the vision of most people around. The man stopped her, letting the journey around the lazy river to a short pause. "Let's have a little fun baby~" he lowered his shorts, letting his cock out and lead her hand to hold it.
Isa was shocked to feel her soft hands holding such a huge member, out in the open, only hidden underneath the pool of water mixed with chlorine. She had no other choice but to take a step forward to close the gap between them, making sure nobody sees them. "Fuck this is so wrong..." Isa muttered, her voice breathy from anxiety, scared of getting caught. "Don't worry sweetie. Nobody can see us~" the soft yet deep voice from the man reassured Isa to be more calm. She kept her hand moving back and forth on his cock, working it up to make him hard, almost leaking a bit of precum from his cock.
"Oh gosh baby you're a pro at this aren't you?" As the guy endured Isa's soft hands jerking her off, he reached down to her thighs, groping her. It's either the mist is too thick today or the people that went past them were blinded by the two having literal sex at the corner of a lazy river. The fact they haven't been caught yet boost the ego of the man, wanting to take more risks. He turned her around and slowly slide his cock in between her thick milky thighs. Isa yelped, but immediately covers her mouth with her hand, suppressing her moans while the pervy guy keeps doing his business. She can see multiple people crossing paths with them as he fucks her smooth thighs, but for some reason nobody was noticing anything weird about them. The man in heat continues his pursuit between Isa's thick thighs, humping his cock back and forth as he grunted, trying to hold back his load.
"Fuck baby, I wanna cum." He grunted, whispering in her ears so that it won't be heard by anyone else. "What? But then they'll see your cum though" Isa argued, worried as she raised an eyebrow whilst looking at him. It was too late, he couldn't wait any longer. He had to improvise somehow. Last resort, he slide Isa's underwear to the side, and slide in his cock deep inside as he shot his load deep in her tight cunt, leaving Isa to bite her lips, fighting the urge to scream out her moans as her pussy gets filled up. "Fuckkk....." Isa looked back at him, seeing his panting, joyous face from cumming to such a baddie. As much as Isa wanted to punch him in the face and tear his horny dick off, she had fun, so she lets him off. "That was fun~" the man smirked, huffing and puffing to regain his breath. "What's your name cutie?" He asked, trying to hook up for another round sometime else. "oh sorry~ I can't give you my number. I uuuh can't really do that" Isa replied, her forehead sweating as she tries to find herself a way to get out of the river to get back her floaty. "aww why's that babygirl? I promise it'll be worth your time the next time we meet." He countered, pushing his luck to get the girl who satisfied his lustful needs. He wants her again, more and more of that juicy body. "Sorry dude, it's pretty complicated. Search up Stayc, maybe you'll find some answers." She smiled, in a show off manner as she climbed the steps to get out of the pool of chlorine, her thighs jiggle at every step which made the public eye fixated on her for that moment, especially the one that managed to cum in her tight pussy. She walked away, hiding the cum deep in her pussy hoping nobody sees it. "This is one hell of a story to tell Sieun unnie" she sighed, walking away quickly as her steps fades away from the scene.
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breezybangtanbebe · 7 months
3D: JJK Part 2
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A/N: Jungkook is in a closed triad with Janelle, the bubbly brown skinned bookworm with alluring eyes and luscious hips, and Katya , the semi alt bartending vixen with copper toned curls and a silver tongue.
Tags: Jungkook AMBW fic with original characters. Sex, raw and protected. Oral (female and male recieving) Threesome. Some fluff anx mild plot because theyre lovers after all 😌
6.3k words
The night after leaving the diner....
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Jungkook lingered in the bathroom doorway with his shoulder pressed against the frame.
Just a few feet away, the shaded silhouette of Janelle's curves could be seen through the foggy shower curtain. She hums softly, soothing and melodic as she washes her body.
God, he loved her voice. It was the first thing that got his attention. Like the twittering of a songbird at the crack of dawn, she appeared to him in the bleakest of places. And now some years later, she'd never left and Jungkook considered himself a lucky son of bitch if you were to ask him.
He didn't realize the thought of her importance had him smiling until it faltered at a different thought.
Tonight was...weird.
Meeting Kat at their usual spot was supposed to put everyone at ease instead of the inevitable awkwardness that came with asking someone to be a third in a two-party relationship.
He was nervous, halfway expecting their mutual friend to be offended by such a proposition.
But it was the fact that it went exactly the way Janelle predicted that surprised him.
And worried him...
*knock knock*
The curtain draws back just to reveal her angelic face that is haloed by dark loose dripping curls. She blinks rapidly to dispel the water dripping over her brow, locking eyes with a very distracted-looking Jungkook.
"Hey.." she exhales, wiping her face. Jungkook perks up at the greeting, his smile returning.
"Hey.." was all his discombobulated brain would let him say, although Janelle didn't find him out of sorts. Jungkook tends to be a man of few words.
"Something wrong?" she lifted her brows and Jungkook shook his head empathetically.
"Naw, nothing at all. Was just seeing if you were still in here.." he lies, something he rarely did when it came to her unless he deemed it necessary.
At his quick response, the slight worry fades from Janelle's expression.
"Oh, well I won't be long in here if you want to hop in after me." she goes on to say, still fighting rivets of water from getting into her eyes.
Of all things crowding Jungkook's mind tonight, a shower was at the very bottom of the things he wanted to do. But perhaps it was the in he needed to begin getting some things off of his chest.
Jungkook's distracted gaze falls to the bunched-up curtain barely covering Janelle's body, his bottom lip tucking itself between his teeth.
"How bout I just hop in now? Save some water?" he tilts his head cutely, his eyes returning to her face.
Janelle smiles at his unsubtleness, knowing he didn't give a hot damn about saving water.
She nods and Jungkook moves to join her, stripping out of his clothes smoothly, stepping in behind her, and pulling the curtain back in place to shield them from the cold air creeping in.
"You washing your hair?" he asks her from behind, placing his hands on her hips to guide her closer to him under the steady streams of hot water. Jungkook nearly stood at 6 feet, putting the top of Janelle's head just below his nose. From that vantage, her hair was all he could see.
Janelle's dark brown curls were elongated and stretching down her back from the saturation of water and whatever sweet-smelling concoction was dripping from it.
He inhales the scent of it fondly, enhanced by the humidity encasing them.
"I wasn't trying to but it got wet anyway. So I'm just conditioning it now. I'm gonna blow it back out tomorrow." Janelle confirms as she begins sectioning her hair down the middle, gathering half of it to the side to section again and begin twisting.
Jungkook watched her hands move expertly through her curls with usual interest. He loved playing in Janelle's hair when she'd let him. Whether it was oiling her scalp, taking down her braids, or just coiling his fingers in her curls to watch them spring back into place, he jumped at any opportunity he had to run his fingers through her thick mane.
"Hmm..Need my help?" he asks, already running his finger down the crooked part splitting at her nape. Janelle's shoulders rise at the ticklish sensation and she gives him a look.
"Not if you're gonna do that.." she smirks over her shoulder. Despite her words, she reaches in for the conditioner and squirts a generous amount in Jungkook's eager hands.
Working the milk and honey-scented conditioner into the strands at the back of her head as he slowly twisted it, Jungkook unwillingly allowed his thoughts to revert to his original anxieties.
Normally, being this close to her calmed his mind but there was just too much noise in his head to allow the night to go on another second without them discussing the obvious.
"You're happy, right?" he asks her seemingly out of nowhere. It had been a little quiet since she allowed him to help her with her hair but Janelle didn't think much of it.
"Of course. Why wouldn't I be..." she mutters distractedly, coiling the end of her twist around her finger as she completes it. Working much slower than her, Jungkook continued to wrap the small sections of hair around each other.
"I don't mean in general. I mean with how tonight went. With Kat." he finishes the twist, pulling it to watch it bounce the way he always did.
"Oh. Well, yeah." Janelle shrugs a shoulder.
Another pump of conditioner fills her palm and she lathers it between her hands.
"She seemed up for what we were offering. Which was surprising. I expected her to look at us like we had five heads.." she laughed breathily as she finger-detangled another section near the front of her head. Jungkook tossed the fat twist he'd done over her shoulder, finding most of her head already done and leaving him with nothing left to do.
"She kind of did, Nell." he chuckles, reaching around her to rinse his hands. Janelle is caught against Jungkook's muscular chest and between his arms, the shadow of his body darkening the wall in front of her.
"Eh...only when you flirted with her. I don't think she was expecting that from you. Here, switch." she taps his chest for him to give her the space to reach outside of the small shower for a shower cap she'd left near the toilet tank.
Without any resistance, Jungkook stepped around Janelle as she covered her hair beneath the cap so that he was now under the shower head.
Jungkook tips his head back, allowing the water to soak his hair and face thoroughly before turning his back to Janelle, who was sudsung up a washcloth in preparation to wash his wide back. Something that was now routine for them after sharing a space for so long.
"Hey...That 'Kitty Kat' thing didn't bother you did it? I knew she'd hate it but then I considered you and I felt like an ass as soon as it came outta my mouth.." Jungkook asks over his shoulder with his eyes closed, shaking his head shamefully at the memory. Janelle continues to wash his back, running the soapy towel between his shoulder blades.
"Naw..I thought it was cute. Kat didn't seem very flattered by it and I think that was the point. To get under her skin."
"Yeah.." Jungkook chuckles dryly.
Janelle smirks.
"Yeah. Yall's interactions are funny to watch." she giggles, gliding the washcloth around to Jungkook's front, where he takes it from her gently before she can poke into his naval to tease him.
It was something she always did because of how ticklish he was there. And normally it would catch him off guard, but he was too wrapped up in his worries.
"Hm.." was all he uttered in response as if there was something more he wanted to say but just wouldn't. Janelle frowns at his stiffness, taking a small step back from him.
"What's wrong?"
Jungkook could just about see her face even though his back was to her. Eyes big and full of concern. Lips pursed and pretty.
He sighs.
"Nothing. It's just..."Jungkook shrugged nonchalantly as he washed his chest, turning his back to the shower head to face her.
"I'm happy if you're happy. This is something you've been thinking about for a while. And I'm honored that you feel safe enough with me to explore that but.." he tapers off, his gaze trailing towards the clear pool gathering at their feet as he lifted his arm to wash underneath.
Janelle watched the soap drizzle down his naked body aimlessly, that suspected concern puckering in her brow.
Jungkook switched arms, scrubbing his armpit for a few seconds before setting the dripping cloth aside with a deep sigh.
"Ok look.....I'm gonna sound like a huge bitch for saying this but, I'm nervous about how this whole "throuple" thing will affect us. Like I said before, I have no desire to be with anyone other than you. Cheating has never crossed my mind..." he begins and Janelle's eyebrows go up.
"Never? Like ever?"
Jungkook blinks.
"Never. I swear."
"Even when you're mad at me?" Janelle tilts her head, a hint of unseriousness and disbelief in her voice. Jungkook huffed at the idea.
"When have I ever been mad at you Nell? I piss you off more than anything.." he chuckles, earning a stiff nudge in the chest.
"Stop it. I'm sure I get on your nerves more often than not. Or what about when you're just tired of me and think about being with someone new...you could tell me, you know." her eyes widen earnestly, her hands now sliding up Jungkook's torso to rest on his shoulders.
He melts under her touch, returning the affection by caressing the dip of her waist, his thumbs strumming over her hip bones as he squeezes her.
"I am telling you. Trust me..it just doesn't cross my mind. You're pretty much as perfect as a human could be. Your farts don't even bother me."
At that, Janelle snorts in offense, tugging on Jungkook's pierced earlobe playfully.
"That's disgusting and a lie because you don't deal with my farts. Like ever.." she denies adamantly. Jungkook winces and leans into her pull with a charming grin.
"Oh please. Don't give me that 'I don't fart' bullshit. We're not new.." he shakes his head, flinging his soaked hair about over his forehead. Droplets of water flick her in the face as she rolls her eyes.
"I'm not claiming that I don't, I'm only saying it doesn't happen around you. I'm pretty stealthy with mine at least.."
It was Jungkook's turn to snort incredulously, reaching up to smooth his wet hair back and out of his face for Janelle to see how sure he was.
"You can't account for every single fart, Babe. We do share a bed at night, remember?.." he wiggles his brows suggestively and Janelle blanches at the thought of Jungkook being awake while she's asleep and pooting happily into the sheets.
Counting them like sheep from his side of the bed and snickering maniacally like an idiot.
"Shut up! ANYWAY....Say I wasn't in the picture at all and you were single. You don't find Kat attractive? You wouldn't date her?"  she steers them back on topic, much to Jungkook's disappointment despite him being the one to bring it up. His shoulders drop, as does his expression as he contemplates his response.
"I mean...She's attractive, yes but.."
"And don't you two have a lot in common?" Janelle cuts in, seeming too hopeful for Jungkook's liking.
"Babe, that's not the point." he starts but Janelle is already shaking her head.
"We don't have to do this if you're uncomfortable. I can call Kat tomorrow and let her know. I'm sure she'd understand."
It wasn't that Jungkook was 100% opposed to it. Hell, what guy wouldn't be willing to try being in the middle of two gorgeous women? And if he were with someone other than Janelle, he was sure there would be no apprehension.
But Janelle was different. And Kat was soooo different from Janelle.
Jungkook scoffs at the suggestion, his eyes going to a milky white stream of water and conditioner threatening to drip down Janelle's face. He lets go of her waist to swipe it back into her widow's peak with his thumb
"Sure she would. And she'd feel like she was right about all of this. That you're being coerced into liking girls and Im a scum bag manipulator boyfriend pulling the strings and convincing you we need another person in our lives when all I want...all I need is you..."
There was a pout in his voice that was far too endearing to ignore. Janelle twists her lips to the side as she regards her boyfriend's worrisome expression, reading every line on his face carefully.
"Since when do you care what people think, huh?" she gazes up at him sweetly, melting the tension in his jaw slightly. Jungkook hissed lowly between his teeth, looking away bashfully.
"I don't. I care what you think.." he gives her an emphatic look before returning his attention to yet another drizzle of conditioner about to drip between her eyebrows. His mouth sets in a grim line as he uses his full hand to wipe over Janelle's forehead again, this time pushing back the shower cap, running his palm over her hair, and squishing the fat twists to extrude the excess product from her curls.
All the while, Janelle considers everything he's said.
How he was worried about offending her when responding to Kat's brattiness the way she expected him to.
How adamant he was about her knowing he was happy with just her, even though he never outright objected to the idea of them doing this.
"Oh my God.." Janelle gapes and Jungkook's eyes snap to hers warily.
Janelle doesn't respond immediately, only reaching up to cup Jungkook's cheek before running a hand through his soaked hair.
"You're afraid," she says after a beat and Jungkook tilts his head back in surprise.
"Um.Not the word I'd use..." he mutters.
"And I am so selfish..wow." Janelle continues, dropping her hand to stare off into space.
"Another word I wouldn't choose.." Jungkook slides in under his breath again and Janelle sucks her teeth in disagreement.
"But it's true. Here I am, thinking you're just going with the flow because you're invested in the idea of us doing this...when it's just to appease me. Oh God...I'm the scum bag boyfriend." her hand goes to her mouth and if she weren't so damn cute, Jungkook would have been able to keep himself from laughing.
Whatever tension was there dissipated with the fog surrounding them, and the shower water started to cool from being on for so long. The temperature hitting his back now was the least of Jungkook's concerns that Janelle was blaming herself for his insecurities.
While they were valid, he still didn't want her to blame herself.
"No baby...." he pulls her hand from her face, lifting her chin with his knuckle. Her bottom lip trembled a bit, further breaking his heart as he locked her in his gaze.
"I'm not scared. I just don't want you to end up hurt, that's all. So many things are playing out in my mind where that happens. I'm happy with you and you alone. You know that. But if doing this makes you happy, we can try it out. Hell, there are no rules so we can pretty much structure it however we want. We can set boundaries. The extent of me and Kat's involvement can remain strictly platonic." he shrugs assuredly. Jade's expression shifts to confusion at his suggestion.
"Really? You'd be ok with that?" she asks and Jungkook smirks.
"Why not? She can't knock you up so beyond that, I'm good." he jokes, his attempt at humor barely thawing the tension.
"But seriously. You two can have your own thing and I won't interfere. We won't kiss or have sex...She seems more interested in you than she is in me anyway so.." he turns away from her briefly to cut off the water, which was now ice cold and no longer comfortable.
Janelle realized that her hair was still full of conditioner but rinsing it in the sink would just have to do. She blinks up at Jungkook's subdued face shyly, sucking her bottom lip between her teeth before mumbling.
"But...I want you to."
Jungkook blinks back at her, partially due to the water running down his face from his drenched scalp.
"You.......want me to?" he lifts a brow, genuinely oblivious to what she was getting at. Still worrying her bottom lip until little divots formed from her teeth, Janelle steals a glance at the misted shower curtain before responding.
"You know..." she peeps, shrugging a shoulder, and Jungkook watches her avoid eye contact just long enough for him to figure out exactly what she meant.
"Wait...You want us to..." he trails off, waiting for Janelle to look at him. When she does, her expression is expectant. As if she'd be faced with some sort of judgment in the face of her partner for wanting something so unexpected.
When she says nothing, an impish smirk spreads over Jungkook's dripping lips.
"Oh.." his eyes flutter in realization, still not instilling confidence in Janelle based on how her brows slanted worriedly.
"Oh?..as in 'oh hell naw' or.." her voice tapers with Jungkook's rejection and judgment already accepted in her mind. She hugged herself against the chill that was now filling the shower space, but it was clear her body language read deeper than that.
She was closing herself off, retracting her willingness to be open and vulnerable with the one person she should be able to be with. After being with her day in and day out for a while, Jungkook knew how hard it was for Janelle to be open in her past relationships.
It was hard enough being so soft-spoken and a chronic people pleaser, but dating self-serving assholes didn't encourage her to speak up for herself when it came to what she wanted.
At least until she met Jungkook...
Jungkook sighed, cursing himself mentally before pulling one of her arms that covered her chest. He lifts her hand to his mouth, brushing her soft knuckles against his lips.
"Naw...' Oh' as in...' Oh, ok cool'. Or 'ooooh you nasty.'..." he wrinkles his nose, pulling her to stumble into him over the bath mat. He then smushes her cheeks between his fingers, forcing her lips to pout out for him to ravish in a playful kiss.
Janelle yelps as his other hand skims down her wet and slippery back to cup her backside, squeezing a healthy serving of her booty cheek until she squeals again against his lips.
She reaches back to grip his wrist, steadily giggling in his grasp.
"Stahp! And don't call me nasty! You nasty. I feel you getting hard against my leg." she notes, the bridge of her nose scrunching in mock disgust despite not pulling away. Jungkook grins and bites his lip as he presses their bodies closer together.
"Duh. You're naked and wet. So tell me something...Why is that something you want?" he hugs her, his hand still resting at the crease of her ass. It didn't matter that the water was no longer running and the warmth of its steam was long gone. Janelle felt perfectly content standing in the bathtub, trapped in her man's embrace.
His question had her feeling shy all over again, her face tingling with the rising blush under her skin.
"I...I don't know...because I think it would be kind of sexy to...ya know..watch. Sometimes." she shrugs, keeping her gaze fixed on Jungkook's throat. His Adam's apple shifted a little when he tilted his head, in an attempt to summon her eyes towards his.
"Watch? Oh, you nasty foreal..." he teases.
At that, Janelle was over it. She stifled her smile as she pushed him away, yanking at the shower curtain to make her escape. Jungkook chuckles as he follows her, both of them stepping carefully over the damp bathroom floors. Janelle is already wrapping a towel around her body by the time Jungkook finds another conveniently folded on a shelf.
"I don't know why you're acting all innocent about this. Everyone knows you nasty Nell. Me more than anyone.." he shakes his mop of a head out before rubbing the body towel over it.
"Oh, whatever..." she waves him off, securing the towel's fold at her chest.
Janelle reaches past him for the cabinet that contains her skin products. She selects her favorite scented body butter and oil and shuffles to perch on the edge of the bathtub to begin moisturizing her skin.
Jungkook continues dabbing the water from his hair with his eyes screwed shut. He remains unabashedly naked in front of the sink, his inked-out sleeves flexing with the subtle movements of shuffling the towel over his head.
Oh so domestic and cozy with each other per usual.
Janelle's eyes lifted casually to watch him as she rubbed the cream over her knees and shin, admiring his height and muscular frame without him noticing. 
Jungkook dropped the towel from his head to hang over his shoulders, his hair now half dry and spiking in all directions. He turns to face the mirror and regards his reflection with a focused scowl, turning his head to inspect his skin. As he does, Janelle's sneaky gaze falls from his face and impressive upper body, to what she could see of the wobbling appendage between his legs, hanging handsomely and only slightly erect as he leaned closer to the mirror to poke at a tiny pimple threatening to form on his chin.
Salacious thoughts roll through her mind, some including him bending her over the counter right now and easing the ache between her thighs. All this talk about their relationship and exploring the unknown together did something to her.
On top of Jungkook looking like a literal god, a statue of marbled stone sculpted by Michaelangelo himself.
Another thought pops in of her dropping to her knees in front of him and surprising him with her mouth as he attends to his lazy skincare routine. She could already taste him at the back of her throat.
And then, as that scenario continued to play out in her head, the image of herself stroking his shaft is eventually accompanied by a pair of pale pink and slightly freckled lips wrapping around his mushroom tip.
Lips that weren't hers but equally as full and wet.
Equally as pretty, with a long pierced tongue that curved around Jungkook's girth.
Janelle's vision of Kat laving his dick in front of her on the bathroom floor has her going silent Her lips part slowly as she zoned out, her eyes shifting off focus while her oil-covered hands moved slowly over her legs.
Kat's moans, or what she imagined her moans to sound like.
Deep, a little raspy, and whiny.
..surrounded Jungkook's dick as best as her mouth could. Her head bobs slowly, siren eyes lifting to watch Jungkook's brow furrow in ecstasy.
"Fuck.." his lip ring jiggled with the hoarse curse, water still dripping from his dark wavy mane as he watched his dick get coated in Kat's saliva. Janelle's hand continued stroking him from the base and his hooded scowl shifted to her as he groaned.
"That's it..fuck, that's it.." he reaches for Janelle, caressing her cheek with tatted knuckles. She looks up at him adoringly and Jungkook smirks down at her.
"You're so fucking pretty baby..." he praises her, grazing her bottom lip with the pad of his thumb. Kat whines childishly with bubbling spit pooling at the corners of her mouth. She pulls off of his dick with a dramatic slurp and glowers up at Jungkook.
"Hey..what about me?" she simpers and both Janelle and Jungkook chuckle. Janelle turns to Kat, giving her her signature sugary sweet smile.
"You know you're the prettiest Kitty.." she says to her, using her free hand to tuck a loc of disheveled copper hair behind Kat's ear before running her fingertips down her cheek. Jungkook hums in agreement, licking his lips.
"Mmhmm..especially with my dick in your mouth.." he mirths, covering Janelle's hand that was still wrapped at his base to take hold of himself. His swollen tip smooths over Kat's lips like an applicator, smearing the remnants of her spit and his pre cum over her bottom lip teasingly. Janelle's eyes fixed on the wet point of contact between Kat's pliant lips and Jungkook's dick, her mouth beginning to water.
"So pretty.." she echoes, her fingers curling under Kat's chin and coaxing it to drop. Kat's mouth opens just enough for Jungkook to slide himself back in with a strained hiss between his teeth.
"Ugh..yess.." he calls to the ceiling, tipping his head back as Kat's mouth engulfed him in her warm and wet sanctuary.
She sucks him deeper, earning another growl from above that sends her pussy into a clenching frenzy. She whimpers around him again, her eyes rolling back as she resumes sucking him off slowly, taking as much of his length in as she could. Jungkook takes his hands off of himself and away from Janelle's face and uses them to grip the counter's edge, relinquishing all control over his pleasure to his lovers.
He looks to Janelle, tipping his chin in Kat's direction.
"Help her out, baby. Show her how I like it
..." he croons, sending a shiver down her spine that manifests in a slow drip of arousal down her inner thighs.
Nodding, Janelle moves any distracting curls from Kat's face before pushing her head down hard on Jungkook's dick, gagging the redhead until tears rolled down her cheeks.
Janelle pulls her head back with a handful of copper tresses in her clutches to allow Kat a moment to catch her breath, eventually guiding her back towards the angry red tip in front of her.
"That's my girl...fuck.. don't stop either.."Jungkook ruts slowly, matching the pace that Janelle set for their girlfriend, aiding her in taking every thick inch that their boyfriend had to offer.
Jungkook's voice pulled her from her daydream, the sound of her name in his stern voice startling her. Her eyes flutter up at him attentively, her hands still coated in oil idling over her ankle.
"Hmm?" she pouts her lips.
Jungkook's towel was now wrapped loosely at his waist, a peak of his pubic hair just barely visible over the fold. His hair was a damp spikey mess, as expected, but he looked fresh off the pages of some magazine spread.
"What are you over there thinking so hard about? You've been lubing up the same leg for 3 minutes." he chuckles.
Janelle's doe eyes flit from her boyfriend's face to his happy trail and her brow crinkles into a scowl of thought.
At her silence, Jungkook smirks. He approaches her at the bath, squatting down so that they are at the same level.
He tilts his head, waiting for her to look up at him.
"Talk to me." he lifts the brow twinkling with silver.
Janelle locked eyes with him inevitably, stifling her smile at how Jungkook stared at her, his hands resting on her knees. She bites her lip worriedly before relenting.
"Ok. Be honest. Is it weird that I want this? To want to see how you are with someone else and me because it turns me on a little... a lot." she admits after a beat. Jungkook's expression is unwavering as his mouth shrugs at the question.
"Weird? No..Different, yeah. It doesn't matter though. If you want it, you got it, baby. As long as you are comfortable at the end of the day. I am curious though..." he pauses.
Janelle's eyes follow his as they drop where his large hands are still resting on her knees. They moved up her thighs slowly, pushing the towel back and encouraging them to part as he filled the gap on his knees.
"Has this always been a thing? This fantasy..or is it just with me?" he asks, his hands massaging Janelle's shimmering flesh in slow circles with his thumbs. He inches closer, teasing the tip of his nose against hers until she smiles.
Fuck, she loved him. For every rough edge, there was a softness that Janelle liked to think was only for her. The intimacy. The tenderness. His hands had traveled so high up her thighs, that her towel was barely covering her lower body anymore and goosebumps tickled her skin from the exposure. He was inches away from grazing a part of her that begged to be touched by only him.
Jungkook noses at her cheek, planting a little kiss to her jaw before pulling back just a little to wait for her response.
She barely remembered the question, hell...
"Just...just you.."  she stammers in reaction to his lips and Jungkook makes a sound from deep in his throat that makes her tremble. She steadied herself by holding him at his biceps as he threatened to nudge her into the tub.
"Hmm....so, you've imagined me being with other women in front of you?" he probes further, similarly to how one of his hands was snaking up to rest on her hip while he pressed against her heat. His thumb passes over her clit just barely, making Janelle gasp.
"Um. I didn't used to..not until I saw Kat. She's just so...sexy confident and bold. Everything I wished I was all the time, she just is. Sure of herself and is unapologetic about it."
Jungkook would have disagreed with her words wholeheartedly any other time. But the fact that Janelle was being this transparent with him kept him quiet. He didn't want her to stop talking, nor did he want to stop touching her the way he was.
"I read people pretty well, y'know?..It's just something about her. It's funny. She actually reminds me a lot of you."
At that, Jungkook pulled back with a confused brow, halting his teasing hands for a moment.
"Huh? How?" he turns up his nose. Janelle shrugs.
" I don't know. Just does. Yall like the same kinds of music and movies and fashion. Even a little about sports. More than I know at least, I sit between yall thinking I'm listening to Simlish." she laughs, although Jungkook is too stuck on her seeing him in another woman.
He sits back on his knees, resting his hands on hers again.
"Wait. So you've been fantasizing about me having sex with basically the female version of me..and that gets you hot?" he furrows his brow with a smirk, a look that made Janelle's core constrict.
"Yeah, but it's not just about sex though. It's the bond we could all have. Her attending to needs you have that I can't or me having someone close to confide in on things that just a friend can't understand. It's hard to explain. Like I said, I don't want you to do anything you're not comfortable doing. Me and my kinks are just that and I don't have to indulge them. They aren't anyone else's issue but mine.."
Janelle drops her chin after speaking, seeming to feel some form of shame that Jungkook would not tolerate. He places a finger beneath her chin, making her look back up at him.
"They kinda are though, Nell. Not an issue but...I mean..we agreed that we'd be honest with each other about stuff like this. Keeping an open mind and shit."
"And that's all I'm doing..." Janelle cuts in.
"Opening my mind to something new and kind of taboo. I know the risks. I'm not delusional. You two can hit it off and end up much more compatible than you and I are.."
Jungkook snorts loudly.
"That ain't happening. If she really reminds you of me, then that tells me that there is very little about our personalities that'll mesh. I'm a bit of a dick. She already seems like a bit of a brat as is. I hate brats." he grimaces and Janelle scoffs at the blatant lie.
"Please. You love brats. Look at all your exes."
He'd rather not. Nothing about the women he was with before Janelle was worth the memory.
"You're not a brat, and I love you.." he smoothly states, rising back up as his hands sneak up her legs again.
He doesn't pause to tease or make her anticipate his next move. Jungkook just kisses her. One peck to solidify his point. Another to savor the taste of her lips the way he always did.
Janelle melts into him, wrapping her arms above his shoulders and digging her fingers into his damp scalp. She kisses him back with less fervor, knowing their conversation would cease if she allowed his tongue to slip past her lips one more time.
She abruptly tips her head back, breaking the kiss, much to Jungkook's disappointment.
"You're cute. Doesn't mean you love brats any less though. So it's a perfect match if you ask me. You're dark and broody, she's loud and moody, and then there's me, bringer of light and balance in the middle." she smiles adorably, booping her nose against his for emphasis.
Jungkook's pout gradually shifts to a smirk of surrender. At least he could agree with the last part of what she said.
Janelle was the light. She brightened up his life the moment she entered it and there was no way anyone could get him to look away. Even if it blinded him, he'd stare into her sun until she forced him not to.
A day he prayed would never come.
Easing back to just look at her, to admire the softness in her eyes and the perfection of her honey-brown skin, Jungkook narrows his gaze at her.
"You really wanna do this, don't you?" he asks her, his tone soft but serious.
Janelle's smile softened too and she nodded.
"I do. But only if you do too."
Jungkook regards her for a moment, recalling everything that she said, as well as everything she'd ever done for him throughout their relationship.
Janelle was selfless and kind. She never made trouble or fed into drama. She never picked fights or nagged at Jungkook when he knew he deserved it. His initial resistance to commitment. His ugly habits. In her delicate way, she smoothed out his roughness like sandpaper. Loving the hell out of him., literally chasing away the demons that convinced him he'd never find a love as pure as this.
He owed her this, at least.
What was the worst that could happen?
Janelle's eyes brightened at his short response, her spine straightening immediately.
"Ok?" she verifies and Jungkook nods.
"Yeah. I'm with it. We can try this thing out and play it by ear. Take it one step at a time. As long as you know who you are to me. And how much I mean it when I say I would never, ever..do anything to hurt you. At least not on purpose. I'm still a dumb ass sometimes.."
Janelle's lips crash into Jungkook's before he can finish his sentence, and he chuckles sharply through his nose as he reciprocates the kiss. He hugs her waist, pressing his body flush against hers with her legs wrapping around him.
If he'd known his being on board would make her this happy, Jungkook would have never raised the issue. But he was glad he did.
Something about this moment brought them closer, and there was very little he wanted more.
Janelle breaks their kiss again to gaze upon her partner's face, and Jungkook doesn't pout this time.
He too basked in the beauty that was Janelle, asking himself how the hell he got so lucky.
"I love you." she sighs.
"I love you." he smiles, wagging the silver hoop at the corner of his mouth.
"And you're not a dumbass. I told you about that." she scolds him lightly.
"Mmhmm....Well, what word would you use? He asks sarcastically, but Janelle's eyes shoot to the ceiling as the invisible Rolodex of 'Jungkook Adjectives' sputtered in her mind.
After a few seconds, she settled on one.
"You are.... exceptional." she muses, the apples of her cheeks rising.
Based on what he knew of the word, its connotation was fairly neutral. Unusual. Uncommon. Not typical. That said a lot considering what he just agreed to.
Gaining a better understanding as to why this was something she felt was needed, more for her satisfaction than his, was surprisingly comforting. Here he was worried that she felt like this was something he secretly wanted because let's be honest..
Most men probably would.
And the old Jungkook was like most men.
But this version of him in this alternate dimension where he actually learned how to love someone non-toxically, he'd do anything this woman asked him to do. Even being willing to share her with someone else. Something most men, even under the best circumstances, wouldn't be secure enough to do.
So maybe he was the exception.
Maybe they both were.
Jungkook's eyes danced between Janelle's irises, his gaze and little smirk darkening by the millisecond.
"Hmm..Whatever that means.." he snickers, leaning in to slip his tongue into Janelle's mouth again, hoisting her up to straddle his hips as he walked them carefully out of the bathroom.
Effectively ending their conversation.
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mako-neexu · 6 months
smth smth rambles that are entirely my opinion and i could be wrong (so dont attack me) you know this chapter made guda, fuijmaru ritsuka with already Many Issues worse is because of "mash" or rather kyrie's death but ultimately comes back to mash...that dantes did for them.
we even see a while back how guda was already shaken by not knowing whether mash is safe during lb6 after that fog like their priority is mash. mash.
they were already frantic as soon as they remembered mash almost questioning everyone about her whereabouts and immediately got reckless just trying to reach her at norwich. and when only when they were together did the "narrator" emphasize on the sheer relief guda felt like-- wow the obvious signs in OC chapter 2 makes you realize furthermore that guda's sanity hangs on a thin thread named 'mash' asdfgh
yes guda loves mash!! yes they care about her!!! but look and read at how guda tells absolutely nothing to mash- and that applied the same to kyrie!
(more below)
kyrie wanted to know and ask her senpai about the situation like we see her really wanting it but ultimately backtracking in the end because she trusts guda and she's even supportive. and guda was grateful/relieved that she stays innocent about the weird things going on in their tokyo.
they do compromise at one point that if kyrie really demands on explanations, guda would tell her but...
guda doesnt tell her anything, (kyrie believes in her senpai so even when faced with death, kyrie didnt break under pressure) keeps her in the dark so no one comes after her. for her to be ultimately safe. so she remains...innocent, normal who stands alongside "mama" and "little sister" as they arent involved in the first place about whats been happening. and guda wants to keep it that way for their family. not a real family, but a family nonetheless that cared about guda. an epitome of normal- which mash kyrielight has attained.
and now you see guda, who, upon waking up asks mash kyrielight if she was okay. if she was alright. guda doesnt stop their questions until mash answered. and so mash answered.
"I'm okay, Senpai. My vital signs are normal... so I'm completely okay."
all the while guda had just dismissed being in pain literally one minute ago and just hugged her tight. they "save mash the trouble" to tell her about the pains they went through in the singularity so as not to burden mash. so they stuff their pain inside the corner of their heart again, completely satisfied with mash's safety and disregarding their own health. (you also see in section 23 that theyre cherishing the normal and small moments with mash.)
mash is normal. mash looks pure to guda, her heart filled with "color" in comparison to guda whose heart has become "transparent". an inverse character development which will ultimately destroy them both.
for mash, who sees her Senpai as strong and unwavering, the image of kindness and strength when they held her hand during part 1 crushed by a coffin which she continues to believe them to be that way until now.
for guda, who sees mash as someone who's become normal. one last remnant that reminds them of a past life lost, mash with that purity and normalcy becoming an ideal to protect (as if she was glass) because they no longer have their own. (and mash is also literally the only one left close to guda, who remembers all the events of part 1. which... adds more to how losing mash would break guda even further.)
(also we see guda say 'tadaima' coming home to an empty house, the loss of kyrie and their family still in mind, and a little later, the Avenger mindset comes back and settles in as they're plagued by bloodlust. then when guda comes back to mash, their home, mash is their home. do you realize that? do you realize what im saying? mash says: "welcome home, senpai." and that was enough for guda. that eased everything in guda's tumultuous heart.)
i remembered guda avoiding on telling "mom" that they and kyrie were near the "gas leak site" / britoalter's battleground so like.....of course their lying to medical staff about getting back to the battlefield would carry over here.
deliberately making sure the "normal" components of their fake high school life remain untainted is what we see guda do. they shouldered everything, terrifying as it is, just to protect them but ended up inevitably losing them in the process.
there's also that contrast in seeing a dead body between kyrie and guda. kyrie still stood strong against dantes and remained rational and calm while telling "ojisama" that this wasnt good for guda. meanwhile guda, while still able to think about calling the ambulance after seeing the da vincis absolutely lost their mind when it came to kyrie which their mind thought of mash- and i think guda thought of both as 'one' person so they went absolutely insane right then and there
during the conversation with amatsuka, thats the part where guda became finally stable. because its implied guda's mental state really broke at kyrie's death which their mind automatically thought it to be "=mash is dead". but ukelele-senpai saved the day by reminding guda where they are, if mash and kyrie were the same person, and helping guda calm down and think of seeing that blue sky with mash during the part 1 epilogue.
and augh guda you shit!!! you need therapy!! dont put mash in a pedestal!! dont treat her as if she's fragile!! dont treat her like porcelain meant to be protected while you take on everything for the sake of keeping mash safe because she is the only remnant of your past left, because she is the only "normal" person you have left!!! guda you need to understand that if ever mash gets hurt someday or dies and its out of your control, you need to understand that it wont be your fault!! you need to understand that because someday you will part ways with her as well and you need to be able to be ready to lose again. if you lose mash once and for all, what will you do!?!?!? this is not healthy guda!! gudaaa you hear me!!?? gudaaaaaaa
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daisysliv · 2 years
worth it | eddie munson
word count: 3721
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: the aftermath of eddie's attempted confession.
warnings: light swearing, angst, fluff, sad eddie deserves its own warning just cause, pining
notes: im sorry this took so long to get out, i caught the flu and then had friends visiting so its been an eventful month but the long awaited part two to my last eddie fic!! as always, not edited so all mistakes are my own.
part one
stranger things bookshelf
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A week. An entire week has passed since that night, and Eddie could still feel the way his heart split in two when you told him to leave. He didn't understand, and you never gave him the chance to understand. 
Each time he tried to reach out to you, he was met with silence. Whenever he saw you, you turned the other way. You literally ran from him, and he didn't know how to handle it.
He walked into Family Video, knowing you would be starting your shift soon, and was hit with nerves. He didn’t know what he would even say; he just knew he needed to see you. You were there for him during the worst moments of his life, and he was there for you. You were best friends, and he wasn't going to let some stupid feelings ruin that. 
He couldn't handle it if he lost you.
The bell rang over his head when he walked into the store, and he looked around to see if you had arrived for your shift yet. But he didn't see you. “Hey, Munson,” Robin greets from her spot behind the counter. 
“Hey,” He mumbled, leaning against the counter. 
“Just hey? Normally by now, you're asking if I have a new movie recommendation, so what's wrong?” Robin stands up straight, crossing her arms over her chest. Eddie internally curses the woman for how well she knows him.
He shook his head and leaned against the counter. “Do you?” 
Robin nods. “I think you're gonna like it– wait! Don't change the subject.” 
“I’m not.” He shrugs, picking up the tape sitting on the counter, reading the title; Pretty in Pink. One of your favorite movies. He only sat through it because you loved it. 
Robin’s eyes settle into a glare, snatching the tape out of his hand, “what happened?”
“Nothing! I'm tired.” He lies, crossing his arms. He walks away from the counter, going to the New Releases section in hopes that she'll drop it, but she doesn't. Instead, she follows him around. “Robin!” He shouts, his annoyance getting the better of him.
“Eddie!” Robin shouts back, earning a glare from a nearby customer, but she couldn't care less. “Did something happen with Y/N? Because she's been acting weird all week.”
Eddie sighs, knowing he now has no choice but to tell her. If he didn't, she was just gonna pester him more or force you to tell her. Either way, Robin would find out. “We…I went over last week to finally tell her, but I didn't. I got so close to saying it, but my impulse took over, and I kissed her. We ended up sleeping together… and everything was great until after. She basically kicked me out and has been avoiding me.” He explained, his heart sinking when he thought back to that night. 
He had begun to open his mouth to finally tell you how he felt when you told him to go. His heart broke at that moment, and he didn't have the energy to do anything but listen to you and leave. 
He didn't let many things get to him, but this was you. He needed you. You were his anchor, and he couldn't imagine not having you by his side.
He didn't know how to fix this, and it hurt. It hurt like hell.
“Wait, wait, I thought maybe it was because she told you about Bryan, but you slept together?! Oh, man! This is- this is insane.” 
Eddie furrows his brows. “Bryan? What about him?” Robin’s mouth fell open, and she was, for once, speechless. “Is she going out with Bryan?”
He could feel his heart crack like it did after you kicked him out. 
“I mean– well, she– and he…uh…yes?” Robin cringed and rubbed her hands together nervously. She hadn’t meant to mention the Jason thing since you wanted to be the one to tell Eddie. “Okay, uh… look, I don’t really know what’s going on there. All I know is that he asked her out, and she said yes, but if the two of you…slept together, then something had to have changed, right?” 
Eddie nodded slowly, picking up a random movie. “Right. Ring me up for this? I need to get going.” He makes his way back to the counter, ignoring the ache in his chest and the burning behind his eyes.
It takes a couple of minutes before Robin finishes ringing him up before he realizes the movie he grabbed was Pretty in Pink. He chuckles to himself, mentally hating himself for not realizing sooner. And Robin for not telling him. He turns to leave, halting in his tracks when he sees Bryan pull up, and you climb out of his passenger seat. 
What the fuck?
He could only hope that his eyes were deceiving him, but he knew better. He knew that was wishful thinking. He hears Robin gasp softly behind me, and he squeezes his eyes shut for a moment. He knew that you and Bryan were close due to the number of classes you shared throughout the years and being neighbors, but he didn't think you were that close.
“Well…that tells me where she was last night,” Robin mumbles, and Eddie fights back the urge to scream. 
You walk through the door, the bell ringing above your head, with Bryan following close behind. “Thank you for the ride. I'll see you tonight?” You look back at him, and Eddie feels his heart sink. He forces himself to look away, he can't do it. He couldn't see you with someone else. Not after everything.
“I gotta go. I'll see you around, Buckley.” He smiles in appreciation and grabs the movie from the counter, brushing past you and Bryan, ignoring the stabbing pain he feels in his chest. He hated this feeling, and he wanted it to be over already.
“Eddie? Hey, where are you going?” You ask before he has the chance to make his escape.
“Home. I got what I came for.” He forces himself to answer while he pushes the door open and exits the store, not wanting to be in your presence any longer. He would deal with it later but right now? Right now, he wanted to wallow in self-pity, and no one but him needed to know how badly his heart was breaking.
He makes it to his van before he hears your voice shouting his name and your feet falling on the ground as you run to catch up with him. “Eddie, I've been meaning to call you….” He doesn't turn around or even acknowledge you. He didn't want to. “Wait, please. What's wrong?”
You. You were what's wrong, but he couldn't say that. So, instead, he unlocks the van and forces himself to look at you. “Nothing. I remembered I asked Dustin for help in a campaign.” He lies, pulling open the door of the van. He throws the tape into the passenger seat, not caring where it landed and turns to look at you again, which turns out to be a mistake. You were wearing Bryan’s jacket, and he felt his heart crack a little more. He felt sick. He felt like he could throw up. “I gotta go.” He doesn't wait for a response as he hops into the van. 
Shoving the key into the ignition and starts the van, ignoring the urge to slam his hands against the wheel in frustration and pull out, not looking back at you.
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You stood in the parking lot watching as Eddie drove away with a sinking feeling in your stomach. You messed up, and you knew it. You shouldn't have gone out with Bryan, not after what happened, but you did. You couldn't explain why. Maybe it was to forget what happened. Maybe it was to avoid Eddie at all costs. Maybe it was because you wanted to see if you could feel that way with someone else. Either way, you hated yourself for doing it.
Eddie was your best friend. He stuck by you when you needed him most. He never left your side. You’ve been best friends since you were kids. He was the only constant in your life. Everyone else either abandoned you or died.
It’s likely that was what made you kick him out. You panicked, asked him to leave, and ignored him for a week like nothing had happened. You knew it was messed up, but you didn't know what else you could do. 
Walking back into the store, you slipped off Bryan’s jacket and held it out to him. He took it back with a smile, thanks, and a promise to see you later before he took his leave. It was silent for a moment, hugging your arms close to your body as you watched him pull away with a sinking stomach. You felt a presence behind you, and you didn’t have to turn to know who it was. 
“You messed up.” Is all she had to say. You and Robin had been friends for nearly ten years, having met when the two of you were alone at the playground. She knew you almost as well as Eddie did. He would always know you better. 
“I know!” You throw your head back with a frustrated groan. 
“Like I love you, and you’re my best friend, but you royally fucked up. You have a lot of making up to do, like a lot. I don’t even wanna know what was going through your head when you said yes to Bryan, especially after finding out Eddie returned your feelings! I would’ve assumed you would have been fucking like rabbits, but no! Instead, you’re ignoring each other and-” 
You were thankful that there were no customers to witness Robin’s ramble about how you messed up. “Robs. please! J know I messed up, but I’m scared, okay? I’m terrified that if we do anything about it, then we’re going to ruin a lifetime of friendship. I just… I don’t know what to do, but I can’t lose him.” 
“Tell Bryan you aren’t interested and talk to Eddie,” Robin suggests, shrugging her shoulders like it was obvious. 
“But Bryan is so sweet.” 
Robin goes straight-faced, looking at you like you are an idiot. “But you love Eddie! I mean, last I checked, you did.” 
You rounded the counter, lifting yourself up onto the surface, crossing your ankles over each other. “I do love him. Eddie is everything I’ve ever wanted in a partner, but I don’t know. I’ve been in love with him for years and dated nobody. Well, that’s not true; I dated Jason Carver, but that only lasted a few weeks, and I couldn’t stand him. I don’t know, maybe I need to move on.” 
“Are you joking? Seriously, are you? Eddie basically told you he loved you, and you took that as a sign to move on? I love you, but no, don’t be so goddamn stupid.” 
“No, I'm being completely serious right now. Don't hurt him like that because you're scared or whatever. He doesn't deserve that. And Bryan doesn't need to be led on.” You knew Robin was right, but you remained unsure. “I see what’s going through your head right now, and don’t do it. Don’t mess with your best friend’s feelings or Bryan’s. You’re smarter than that.” 
You chewed on your bottom lip and hopped down from the counter. You knew Robin would have your head on a stick if you didn’t listen, and she was right. Everything she said was right. Eddie loved you back, and here you were going on dates with another guy only a week after everything and acting like it never happened. He didn’t deserve that. And Bryan didn’t deserve to be led on either. Neither of them did. They both deserved better. 
You were in love with Steve, and that feeling wasn’t going away any time soon. A smile forces itself onto your lips at the memory of that night. You felt your face heat up when you remembered the way you moaned when you first felt his lips on yours. His lips were chapped, but it didn’t take away from how good they felt. You remembered the way your body reacted at the feel of his hands on you, and while you’ve felt his touch before, that was different. It was a good difference and still made your whole body shiver. 
You felt like you were floating when kissing Eddie and when you were connected to him in a way you have only ever imagined late at night with just your hand to keep your company, but then reality came crashing down on you, and you panicked. Now, you need to fix everything. You wanted Eddie, and it’s always been him. 
He made you feel like you were the only girl in the world, and whenever you were together, you felt like you could breathe again. Whenever you were with him, you felt like everything was going to be okay. He made you laugh more than you do with anyone else, and he never left you when your depression took over. He took care of you and made sure you still ate and showered despite your reluctance to get out of bed, and you only grew to love him more because of him.
“So, like, I know you’re the only other person here, but I need to find Eddie…” 
“Wha- No, no. Steve won’t come back, and it gets crazy in here towards the end of the day, don’t you dare leave.” Robin glares. 
“No, I’m glad you got your head out of your ass, but you aren’t going anywhere.” 
“Fine.” You pouted and leaned against the counter, watching the clock, praying that time would go faster so you could talk to Eddie. 
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Bryan had picked you and Robin up as promised and drove the two of you back to your house. Nobody uttered a single word to each other throughout the ride. He pulls into your driveway, and Robin is quick to climb out of the door like her life depended on it and waits for you by the door. 
“You okay?” Bryan asks, leaning back in his seat. 
You nodded. “I’m okay. I need to tell you something because you deserve to know, but I don’t know how to say it.” 
“Does it have anything to do with that guy from earlier? Eddie?” 
“I- How did you know?” 
“I may not be the smartest of the bunch, but I’m not an idiot.” Bryan teases and takes his hand off the wheel to rest on his lap. “Plus, when you ran out after him earlier was kind of a dead giveaway.” 
Picking at the hem of your shorts, you let out a sigh. “I’m sorry. I do like you, it’s just that it’s Eddie. My best friend who happens to be everything I want in a partner.”
Bryan smiles softly. “It’s okay. I get it. Now, get outta here and go get him.” 
“You really are the best.” You lean over the center console and press your lips to his cheek before hopping out of the van and towards your car, fumbling with the bag to pull the keys. “Robin! Go inside and call Steve. I’m going to find Eddie.” You shouted to your other best friend, quickly getting into your car. 
You drove towards Dustin’s, hoping he actually went there. While pulling into his driveway, you didn’t see Eddie’s van, but you were already here and figured you’d give it a shot. Climbing out of the car, you walk up to the door and ring the doorbell, waiting patiently for it to open. 
While waiting for the door to open, if anyone was there, you crossed your arms over your chest and thought about what you would say once you found Eddie. You had no excuse as to why you acted the way you did other than the fact that you were scared. You knew it hurt him, but you were scared. He was your best friend, and you didn’t want to risk anything; it’s why you never confessed through all the years. 
“He left an hour ago,” Dustin says the second he pulls open the door and realized it was you. “You screwed up, you do know that?” 
“Yes, I know. Where’d he go?” 
“Home. Now, go fix his heart.” Dustin slams the door, and you jump in surprise. 
Getting back into your car, you grab the wheel and throw your head forward with a loud scream in frustration. Your forehead hit the horn, and your head shot up, looking around nervously. You’ve seen people do that in movies and always found it to be a stupid thing to do accidentally because who in their right mind would hit their head against the wheel? Oh, right, you would and did. 
You pulled out of the Henderson driveway and towards Eddie’s trailer, your heart hammering against your chest. Turning up your radio, a song you recognized as one by Paul Anka came through your speakers, and you laughed at the irony. 
It wasn’t a long drive to Eddie’s from Dustin’s, but it was long enough to give you the chance to overthink what you were doing. You didn’t want to put your friendship at risk if you ended up dating and breaking up. Would it be worth it if you lost him in the run? You didn’t have an answer for that, and it did more than scare you. It broke you. 
You couldn’t lose him. You didn’t want to imagine life without him because you didn’t want to live that life. You didn’t want to even think of the possibility that there could be a life without Eddie Munson. You couldn’t even think about it without your heart split down the middle. You needed him in your life. Losing him would break you. 
You finally reached his trailer and got out of the car. You figured that he must’ve been this nervous when he showed up at your house, and you hated yourself a little more. 
Knocking on the door, you bit your lip and let out a deep breath. Your heart was beating rapidly against your chest, your hands were sweaty, and the hair that touched your neck felt like it was coated in sweat and sticking to your skin. You thought you could throw up from the anxiety you felt. 
Your heart sank. Even after you hurt him, he still used the nickname. 
“I’m sorry.” You blurt, pushing yourself into the apartment and pacing around the living room. “I screwed up, and I’m sorry, but I panicked, okay? You…we did the thing I could only ever fantasize about, and when I realized that it wasn’t all in my head, I freaked. When you kissed me, I felt like I was floating, and I couldn’t believe it. You’re everything I ever wanted in somebody, and you’re my best friend, and I’m scared of losing you. I don’t want to risk it because losing you is something I don’t even consider an option because how can I? You’re you, and you’re amazing. So, I’m sorry. And I’m sorry for going on that stupid date with Bryan when I should have been on one with you.” You rushed out, biting back tears, your chest heaving from the lack of air. 
Eddie stared at you like a deer caught in headlights. The door was now shut, but he still stood by it, his eyes wide. “Sweetheart-” 
“I know I messed up, and I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, but the idea of losing you scares me to death. We’ve been in a lot of situations where we fought, but we always found our way back to each other, and I don’t know what I would do if it didn’t happen this time. I love you more than anything, and I can’t imagine a life where I don’t have you. It would break me. I don’t want to risk this. I don’t want to lose you if we end up breaking up because I would rather have you as my friend than not have you at all.” 
Eddie takes a quick stride over to me, his hands instantly finding their way underneath your jaw, holding your head still. “Listen to me, you won’t lose me, okay? Never. And if that’s all you’re worried about, it’s okay because I am too. You mean everything to me, and I can’t imagine living my life without you by my side. If you would rather just be friends, then we can do that, but I won’t act like it wouldn’t be the hardest thing in the world.” He looked at you with a love in his eyes that you’d never noticed before, and it made you melt. “I love you, and I will do anything to be in your life, even if it means that I can’t hold you or kiss you or call you mine as much as I want, but I’ll do it.” 
Scrunching your nose, you let out a breathy chuckle. “I want to be with you, Eds, but if I lose you, I swear to God.” 
“You won’t. I’ll make this risk worth it.” He leans closer and lays his forehead on yours. Your eyes flickered down to look at his lips, but he didn’t want that. “Hey, look at me.” You pull your gaze away from his mouth and lock your eyes with his. “You won’t lose me because I’m not letting you go.” 
“Promise me?” You sniffed, blinking back tears. 
“I promise to make this risk worth it and never let you go.’ He hovers his lips over yours, refusing to press them together. “Tell me you love me.” 
“I love you, Eddie.” You whisper, allowing a single tear to fall down your cheek. 
Eddie exhales a chuckle, a smile painting his face. “Good.” He finally presses their lips together, earning a low whimper from you. You loved the feeling of his lips on yours. They were chapped but soft. He tasted like cigarettes and beer, which wasn’t the best combination, but you loved it because it was him. And you loved him for everything he was. 
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notes: since tumblr apparently has a limit of how many people i can tag, if i noticed i had you in multiple taglists for stranger things, i removed the duplicate so i can tag more people!
PERMANENT TAGLIST ( if it’s crossed out that means i couldn’t tag you )
@prettylittlemoonlight @drayshadow @evanbuckbuckleyhowlett @wildestdreamcatcher @mushroomdemon9 @levylovegood @1-800-prostitutes @AllieAprilKnox @alexxavicry @hallecarey1 @moshpot24x @AlohaStitch_626 @lucyispan @linkpk88 @juneb3rry @loveshineslikethesky @liyinzen
@hehehehannahthings @polarisfae @Pinksloosh @bvmbshell @lilahloopsy @yeosangs-left-ass-cheek @angelbbygrl @wandamaximoffs-deadchild @marauderssworld @watchingteav @scorpfairy @cherrypieyourface @soph69420world @itsquinoa @milkiane @daffodil0darling @pastel-abyss-x @maruushkka @kiwi5335
@wildestdreamcatcher @spookyconsultingcriminal @findleynovadachs111 @marvel-starwars-nerd @lovelyladymayyy @mcueveryday @ts1mikas @WolfOstar @pettyassbitch @pumpararapam @karagrace @susbuttercup @cupidlvrrr @eddiemunsonhellfire @soph69420world @lucyispan @centralperksfunds @zervopoulouu @3belladonna
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archangeldyke-all · 8 months
Well, here you guys are! The official teaser of pt. 2 in the 'Dream girl universe'- Babyfather (Angel, ik you asked for section 8 but I threw 7 in to soften the blow that is section 8. Trigger warning for abuse and reader has a mini anxiety attack, vomiting, pregnancy symptoms, attempted forced abortion, and mention of a future murder)
You didn’t even realize it when she’d laid you down in the bed on the pillows, tucking you in, until she was sliding into bed next to you, wrapping her arms around you from behind with a kiss to the back of your shoulder, “Hm?” 
She shook her head, reaching a hand into your robe to hold one of your breasts as another kiss was planted to the side of your neck, “Go to sleep, mama. I just had to go get out of my work clothes.” 
You let out a little groan, turning in her arms to nestle into her, your face tucked under her chin as you mumbled, “Hmmm... g’night.... love you...” 
With a little chuckle she pressed kisses into your hair, rubbing your lower back as she whispered against you, “Good night, my love. Sleep well.” 
You didn’t sleep very well at all. 
Along with the aches and random pains in weird places in your body- a tugging in your lower abdomen that also has a random stabbing along with it, back pain, an almost constant headache, and just a general discomfort and ache in your body- you also had this constant metal taste that was like having a mouthful of rusty change in your mouth at all times. 
You were constantly waking up throughout the night from the discomfort, the violent urge to brush your teeth to purge your mouth of the vile metallic tang plaguing you. This, compounded with your incessant gagging, had you growing nauseous with the mere thought of your toothbrush starting to make you want to dry-heave. 
You were presently standing over the sink, tears in your eyes as you tried to prepare yourself to gargle some mouthwash after having thrown up for about the fifth time since you woke up in the middle of the night. 
Sevika, ever the stony sleeper, had no idea until she rolled over, finding your cold spot in the bed next to her. She groaned, calling out in a sleep-filled voice, “Baby, what’re you doin’? Come back so we can cuddle...” 
You huffed, gripping onto the counter, fighting the urge to dry-heave again, “I’ll be back in a second....” 
You could hear her trudging footsteps coming closer to the bathroom until she was coming up behind you, rubbing your back and pulling hair out of your face, concern and sleep both written on her features, “What’s wrong, baby?” 
“I just.... I’m fine, I’ll be fine,” you shook your head, pushing her hand away before grabbing the capful of mouthwash. 
“You can’t lie to me, dream girl. You’re crying, you’re pale... you look like shit and you’re supposed to be asleep right now. Talk to me.” 
“I’m in pain, gagging now has nausea with it, I just threw up, so now I gotta wash that out of my mouth, but that’s still not going to get rid of this fucking taste in my mouth and I just-” 
“Hey,” she moved to stand right in front of you, hands on your arms as she rubbed them to try and calm you back down, “Avalanche, you’re spiraling, dreamy. Take a deep breath with me and we’ll go sit down and talk, okay?” 
You nodded as you looked up at her, taking a shaky but somewhat deep breath along with her as she nodded along, continuing to rub your arms with her thumbs tracing circles. 
You let out a hiccup when you went to exhale and the second the tears started to brew again, she shook her head, “No, no, eyes on me... You’re safe... you’re okay, I promise. I’m here. You are okay, you’re doing so well, my love. Let’s try again, okay? Deep breaths.” 
It took a few more tries before you finally relaxed in her hold, wrapping your arms around her. She brought one hand up to play in your hair, the pads of her fingers rubbing your scalp as her claws on her mech hand trailed lightly up and down your back. 
She ended up taking you to the kitchen, sitting you down as she made you a glass of water with two and a half ice cubes- just the way you liked it after an episode like that, holding your free hand and kissing your knuckles and fingertips as you drank with your other hand. 
When you sat the glass down, she stepped between your legs, still stroking her thumb over the back of your knuckles, “Whenever you’re ready, we’ll talk. If you don’t wanna talk, we can go back to sleep. If you want a distraction, we can watch something, or I could read you something. Just let me know, okay?” 
You nodded, reaching up with your other arm for her to come closer. She pressed a kiss to your cheek before leaning into the embrace, wrapping you up in her arms. The two of you remained that way for a few quiet moments until you looked up at her with a sniffle, your chin on her chest, “Sev?” 
“Yes, dreamy?” 
“Can you read to me in bed?” 
“Absolutely, baby. Do you wanna stay with me while I grab a book or go get comfy?” You held onto her tighter and she nodded, stroking your hair, “Alright, I got you.” She moved so that she could give you a piggyback while she grabbed a book. She ran her finger over the titles, moving on to the next one when you let out a little ‘mh-mh’ sound at each one until giving a nod when she got to a book you wanted to hear. 
Once you were both back in bed, Sevika sat up against the headboard with you lying on your stomach between her legs curled up into her chest, she started reading the book, her voice still rather raspy from sleep. She held the book in one hand, her other one up at your face, stroking your cheek with the back of her fingers and only moving to flip the page. 
Eventually, you closed your eyes, enjoying the vibrations of her voice in her chest and the feel of her fingers on your face. Unconsciously, you took hold of her hand, fiddling with her fingers. She paused in her reading to check in, “You okay?” 
“My mouth feels empty,” you lamented softly, the traces of whining laced in your voice. 
She kissed your temple, “You’ve got my fingers, mama. Do you want me to keep reading?” 
Sevika was no stranger to your occasional bouts like this. You hadn’t had a panic attack like that in a while, but usually when you did, you came out of them feeling very subby, not saying much, and your oral fixation would kick up, usually leading you to say things like ‘my mouth feels empty’.
You nodded in response to her question as you closed your eyes again, softly sucking and gnawing on her index finger. She smiled as your breathing evened out, setting the book aside as she pulled the covers over you both, allowing you to keep her finger before she picked the book back up. 
A little groan left you as you took one more finger into your mouth, shifting atop her with your right arm wrapped around her. She shushed you softly, pressing a kiss to your hair, “I’m right here, dream girl... I’ll never let you go... promise...” 
First, he punched. 
Blow after blow into her face. 
To this day, Sevika still has the slightest taste of blood that crops up in her mouth from time to time. 
It was clear that he was just making himself angrier with each hit, the strikes growing more violent and frenzied the more he spoke, barking at her about bringing another unwanted mouth into the household, about how she was still going to have to work. How could she be so foolish as to allow something like this? Half of his yelling barely made any sense but one thing was clear- he was saying that she’d gotten pregnant on purpose, trying to get out of pulling her weight around here. 
His grip started to shake on her collar until he’d thrown her to the floor, too lazy to bend over and keep using his hands, so here came the infamous worker’s boots, smashing into her stomach and chest with seemingly reckless abandon- despite the concentration of kicks to her stomach. Sevika curled in on herself slightly, instinctively going to guard her stomach which left her chest open. 
There was a sick crunch with each kick there, blood bubbling up out of her mouth as her body was wracked with coughs, the blood spattering across the floor with each one. Her father stopped for a few moments, leaning against the wall to catch his breath as he wheezed.
"You... are fuckin'.... pathetic..." he huffed, turning back around to prod her face with his foot.
He spat down at her as she lay there, voice gruff as he all but growled, “Get the fuck up.” 
Sevika was already weak when he came in, having been throwing up essentially all morning before he'd come in to find her when he got home. It hurt to even breathe, ribs threatening to puncture her lungs with every shallow breath she managed, let alone for her to actually get up off the floor.
She didn’t move. 
He gave her a shove with his foot, pushing her onto her back as his voice got louder, “Did you not hear me, bitch? Get the fuck up!” 
Tears brewed at the back of her eyes. She always says the back because she learned early on not to cry. He hated that almost more than he hated her.
With a great amount of effort, she rolled onto her side, then her stomach before bracing her hands against the floor to push herself up, low grunts and huffs escaping her the whole way. 
She barely got a few inches off the floor before he used his foot once again to kick her, knocking her back down, “Get up.” 
It was getting harder to hold those tears. 
She wasn’t foolish enough to hope that actually ending up pregnant would change things. She never hoped for anything. But some subconscious part of her did. While she had no plans on keeping the child, not that her father would let her anyway, something deep within her secretly wanted to. 
Her arms were wobbly, weak as she started to push up again. Each time she started to get up as he was demanding, he’d kick up under her, right into her stomach. 
She knew what he was doing. 
She didn’t want to lose the baby. 
Not like this. 
But she couldn’t do anything. 
For years after his death, she berated herself for not killing him sooner. 
After all if she had... 
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w2soneshots · 5 months
We’re done -Miniminter
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words: 0.7k+
warnings: cheating, angst with sad ending.
summary: you catch Simon cheating.
notes: this was requested on wattpad and I actually really enjoyed making it since it’s something I haven’t really done before! (Who doesn’t love some good old angst?💔)
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I've been with Simon for almost two years. We got together after just a few dates and were super happy. Recently he's been really distant and been acting weird. When I asked him about it he told me that he was 'fine' and that I had nothing to worry about.
This morning I woke up to a message from him telling me that he had to go to a last minute side cast. I brushed it off and got out of bed. I got ready for the day and had some breakfast. Then I left the apartment and headed to the shops to get some food since our kitchen was practically empty.
When I got there I grabbed a basket and began walking through the isles, looking at the food. Just as I was grabbing some pasta I heard my name. Me and Simon are very private in our relationship and I don't have any public social media platforms so I knew it wasn't a fan. "Hey y/n! What are you doing here?" Freezy exclaimed. Freezy... it's just Cal, phew. "hey, long time no see!" I smiled "I'm just doing the food shop." "Ah ok. Where's Simon, I thought he had the day off?" He asked. "Oh, he said he had to go to a last minute side cast." I replied. His brows furrowed. "What?" I asked seriously. "Oh uh nothing." I raised my eyebrows "no. What is it?" He sighed "I um- it's just that- Harry told me they were filming the side cast on Thursday." He stated quietly. "But it's Monday." I said. "Well I could be wrong! Maybe they moved it to today?" He said quickly. "mhm" I mumbled.
I said a quick goodbye to Cal, grabbed the last things I needed to get, payed and made my way home. I unpacked the shopping then headed into the bedroom. I would never usually snoop around, search through anyone's phone or anything intrusive like that but I felt I had a big enough reason to, since he’s been acting so strange. I went into his section of our wardrobe and opened one of the many shoe boxes. My face dropped and my heart sank when I saw the small note hidden at the bottom.
just posting this because I lost my phone, oops! can't wait to see you, I miss you so much. Lana xx
Why on earth would anyone post something like this if you’re trying to hide a relationship? I thought. Then the realisation sunk in that I'd just caught him cheating... well what other explanation would there be.
I put the note back, packed my bags and waited till Simon got home. "Hey! I'm home!" He shouted through the apartment. "y/n?" He walked into the bedroom. I sat on the end of the bed with tear stained cheeks. "Where have you been?" I asked quietly. "What?" "Don't play dumb!" I stood form the bed. He looked startled "I- I-" he stumbled. My face twitched in anger "you fucking twat! You thought you'd never get caught! You basted! I hate you so fucking much!" I screamed as tears spilled from my eyes. "I'm sorry." He said dropping his head. "So you admit it. You cheated on me." He nodded. "Wow." Was all I said then I turned towards the bathroom, grabbed the suitcase I'd packed just 20 minutes ago and left without another word.
I called Freya in floods of tears as I drove through London, barely able to see the road. "Woah woah, what happened?" She asked quickly. "He- he cheated Frey, he actually cheated." I sobbed. "Oh my god," She whispered "are you in the car?" She asked. "Yea." I replied through sniffles. "Ok drive to my apartment, I'll see you in a bit. Be careful." She said before I could protest.
I arrived outside her and Josh's apartment approximately 10 minutes later. I knocked and the door swung open just seconds later. "Come here." She said with her arms out. I immediately fell into the hug. "It's going to be ok, I've got you." She tried to comfort me as I cried. "He doesn't deserve you."
Once I calmed down, I told her about the note. “It sounds like she doesn’t know you exist… maybe he didn’t tell her he had a girlfriend?” She said calmly. “What a dick.” I said.
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smallestapplin · 2 years
Oh geez uuuum
Okay here's a request can we get a monster submas write up? Up to you what they are but reader goes somewhere they shouldn't and boys end up curious when instead of screaming an running reader asks them for help to get outta the area.
Oooo! I went with shadow monsters
Cw : uncanny(?)
You only wanted to explore the abandoned subway, you planned to not go far in but it seems your curiosity had other plans.
You’re in awe of your scenery, the hole in the ceiling showing the night sky, as the greenery over took a subway cart.
So you just kept going further in, wanting to see more.
Not knowing the two figures that trailed behind you.
Pale eyes never leaving your form.
It’s been ages since anyone has come here, so what are you doing here? They were interested, curious as to what you were doing in their home.
The shadows of the tunnel seem to move, tendrils almost curling around you.
Yet you stand there at a cross section, looking around.
“Where am I?”
You realized you had been wondering aimlessly, with no idea how to get out.
You hear footsteps echoing in the tunnels, two sets getting closer.
Turning around you see them.
They look human but…something is wrong with them.
One has a smile that stretches too far to be natural, arms and legs longer than they should be.
A shadow like mist coming from both of them.
The one dressed in black’s frown stretches too far down.
Everything about them sends a chill down your spine.
Everything screaming at you to run, that you aren’t safe.
Yet you stay, standing there looking at them with a soft smile.
“Hello! I’m sorry to bother you two, but can you help me? It seems I’ve gotten myself a little lost.”
They stop just short of you, both towering over you, their gangly limbs holding them a good three feet above you.
They spoke in sync, tilting their heads in opposite directions. You try not to cringe, it’s like several of them talking at once.
“I am Emmet! We can help!”
The creature in the old, dirty, torn subway boss suit jumps up, his face showing excitement, but his voice carries no emotion.
"I am a Subway Boss, Ingo. The fellow over to the side is also a Subway Boss, Emmet. We will be happy to help a lost passenger.”
His face is unmoving, but his voice carrying throughout the tunnel. His words don’t sound like his own, sounding like he’s repeating something he heard.
Like he’s parroting from something.
You perk up, smiling widely.
“Thank you! I really appreciate it.”
A black, almost inky tendril comes from Ingo, and a dark grey one comes from Emmet. The tentacle like appendages, wrap around your hands, as if they are holding them.
They are cold, like they’ve been in front of an ac.
“Ready to depart to our next destination.”
You stumble lightly, trying to keep up with them.
They’re abnormally long legs taking long strides, like toy soldiers.
“Be careful not to come uncoupled from us.”
Before you could respond, Emmet disappears, only to appear right behind you. The tall creature leaning down, his back cracking as he bends far too low without bending his knees.
“So cute, yup! So strange too!”
Ingo growls, the tunnel vibrating at such a loud dark sound. He wants to scold his brother, but he agrees, you are a weird one.
Everyone who’s walked in has always left screaming.
Or not at all.
They didn’t take kindly to be attacked.
Yet you are calm, not even afraid of them, going as far as to ask them for help!
They can’t help but be intrigued.
Such an adorable thing, and you’re so warm too.
So squishy.
“Both of you are so nice, I can’t thank you enough for helping me.”
The tentacle from Ingo squeezes your hand lightly, almost like he’s trying to reassure you.
“Our pleasure! It’s rare to have such a kind guest.”
Emmet presses his cheek against yours.
“Sooo cute! We’ll miss you!”
You laugh, trying to kindly brush him off.
You have no idea what they are, but they don’t seem so bad. You pick up the pace, as you see the light from the sunrise as you approach the entrance.
Emmet whines, and Ingo’s frown deepens.
They don’t want to say goodbye to the one kind guest.
The stop a few yards away from the exit, not getting close to the light. You stand in the light of the sunrise, looking back to them.
“Would it be okay if I visit?”
The creatures look confused for a moment.
You look nice with that glow.
“Of course!”
“We would be honored.”
Maybe monsters aren’t so bad.
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airplanned · 1 year
Castletown Academy 2
Zelda produces an overwhelming amount of legal paperwork to make this happen.
Zelda passed a thick binder across the table at the coffee shop.  "The first section is my proposed prenuptial agreement--it should be straight forward, since we will not have any joint marital assets.  The second section is a lease for the mother-in-law unit behind my house.  It's set up like a rental unit, so it's self contained.  I've never used it for anything other than storage.  You'll be able to have privacy and autonomy while we share a mailing address.  It will also be easy to car pool.  I don't expect rent, but you would be responsible for your utilities."
Link's eyebrows hiked as he looked over the pictures she'd put in at the back.  His friend leaned in over his shoulder to look too.  Supposedly, this man was a lawyer, but it was clear from the look on his face that he had not been prepared for the full force of Zelda's paperwork.  The man had a bushy mustache, spoke even less than Link did, and looked as if he might start sweating.
Maybe this was a bit overkill.  Maybe this was a bad first impression on Link's friend.
She hurried to say, "The details are in there.  You can come and look at it first, of course.  The lease is a formality, just to protect us both if things go wrong.  If there's anything in there you would like adjusted--"
"You don't want rent?" Link asked.
Oh.  "You're going to be my husband.  That would be strange."
He snorted and then tried to act like it was a cough.  The friend hummed.
"The next section is a draft of an addendum I'll be adding to my will once we're married.  It will set up a trust fund for Flora to use for school in the case of my death."
Link nodded, but the lawyer hummed again in disapproval.
Zelda was about to bristle and explain that they had an understanding, but Link cut in first.  "I don't need to be in her will."
"Okay," he said.  Then, "Most husbands are in their wives' wills."
"We're doing things differently."
"Okay," he said.  Then, "Just seems kinda weird."
Link rolled his eyes.  "You knew your wife for two weeks before you proposed."
The man shrugged.  "Knew her last name before I did."
"And now I get to kiss on her."
"Do you have anything helpful to add?" Link asked.
"Okay then."
"...Just seems like a bad idea."
"Your official lawyer advice is that it seems like a bad idea?"
"...No, that's friend advice.  I'll have to read first to give you lawyer advice."
"That's--Great.  Thanks, Hudson."
The lawyer friend nodded and hummed to tell Link he was welcome.
Link's eyes darted up to hers in apology, and she bit her lip and took a deep breath.
"The last section is information that might be useful about me and Ralphie.  Contact information for his doctor and baby sitters and piano teacher.  He's allergic to amoxicillin.  That kind of thing."
"Oh, that's a good idea," Link said.  "I should type something up about me and--"
He flipped to the section, and his words died in his mouth.
Yes, she had definitely gone overboard.  But it all seemed like things he would need to know if he became a part of their lives.  Overviews of their schedules--when she left for work and what day Ralphie had therapy and how he was expected to do homework and piano before he played any video games.  Some house rules.  Some information about what she did for a living, which people tended to not understand.  A family tree in case one of her cousins dropped by.  Information about the house.  Medical histories.  Some background information about where she grew up and went to college and work history (Goddesses, it looked like a resume).  Some background about Ralphie's anxiety and the timeline she'd drawn up about the bullying he'd faced at school.  A copy of the restraining order they have against Ralphie's father and a copy of the paperwork terminating parental rights.
Her whole life laid bare and handed over to someone she barely knew.
And it was a lot.
She cleared her throat.  "I--"
The lawyer leaned in again to read over Link's shoulder, and Link flipped to the front of the binder, popped open the metal rings, and removed the sections the lawyer would need to look over.  He took the papers, and Link closed the notebook, quietly protecting her privacy.
"Are you okay with getting married at town hall?" he asked.  "We could do a party later.  A temple service if--"
She hurriedly agreed, "Town hall is fine.  I think the children should be there, but beyond that..."
"Exactly.  I have a black suit and Flora has a pink dress and a green dress.  They're from Malo Mart.  The dresses, not the suit.  But I can get us something nicer, if you want."
"I'm sure they're cute.  Ralphie has a button up shirt and a bow tie."
"That sounds adorable."
"It is."
"Flowers?" he asked.  "I can get flowers."
"Do you want to get flowers?"
"Yeah.  What's your favorite kind?"  He'd had a note pad in front of him the whole time, but he had yet to write anything down.  Now he reached for his pen.
"Silent princesses," she said.
He nodded, writing it down. "Do you want to go eat afterwards?  There's that Tabanthan place nearby.  The food is really good.  It's nice. But not so nice the kids couldn't come."
"That would be excellent."
"Would Friday work for you?  We could go after I pick up Flora from school."
"About 4:30?  That sounds good as long as all the contracts are signed by then."
Link turned to his lawyer friend, who shrugged.  "I'll see what I can do."
Link pulled a folded sheet of paper from the back of his note pad, but hesitated before handing it over.  "These are some ring designs I thought were nice, but now...maybe I should read your packet and see if I can find something that's more you?"  The tips of his ears pinkened as he passed it across. 
"You don't have to--"
The perfect ring looked up at her.  One round diamond with two little ones on either side set flush in a simple band.
There were eight other rings on the page, all in a variety of styles--geometric and swirling, clunky and delicate, different cuts and different sizes, some with additional colored stones.  He was giving her options.  But he'd found the perfect one.
She lay the paper down between them and pointed.  "That one."
A smile twitched across his face, and he circled the ring in a haphazard circle with his pen.  "What's your ring size?"
"Six.  Yellow gold, please.  I do get hives with other metals."
"Gotchya.  Does tomorrow work for Flora and I to come over to see your mother-in-law suite?"
"Yes."  She shook herself and pulled out her slate to check her schedule.  "I won't be home until six."
"Is 6:30 too late?"
"Not at all."
He wanted to get her a ring.  He wanted to get flowers.  He wanted to take her to dinner.  Her heart shouldn't flutter so much.  She should put a pause on the conversation and make sure they were on the same page that there wouldn't be any romantic entanglement.
She should.  But she didn't. He was just being kind, trying to make this process as pleasant as possible.  He'd been married before, and was probably well aware that this could scarcely be called a wedding.  The rings were just to keep up pretenses with the school.  Surely, they didn't give tenants and roommates sibling benefits.
"Awesome," Link said, finishing his note to himself.  "Flora will still have another week of school after we go to the court house.  I don't want to be too disruptive, so once school's over, we can pack up the apartment and move the week after."
"I can hire movers if you'd like.  They can pack for you."
He looked up at her in confusion.  "They would...pack my stuff for me?"
"If you'd like."
He blinked at her.  "Let me think about it."
They stared at each other.
"Are we good?" he asked.
She straightened her spine and gave a relieved sigh.  "I think so."
Link smiled at her.
The lawyer friend mumbled, "Fastest wedding planning I've ever seen."
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