#and it will always first and foremost be judged by that factor
yoiku · 5 months
So I played through episode 12 yesterday and episode 13 today between my cleaning sprees and i only cried a little maybe dozen times through it all, so all I can say is that the main story continues to deliver. Wasn't very keen on the storytelling style of ep13 at first, but definitely warmed up to it along the way. Getting scenes from the wiewpoint and in the thoughts of so many characters in just one episode turned out to be pretty refreshing. I did feel a bit overwhelmed as well but i'll put that on me chewing through it all in one day. Sometimes I feel a bit worried that where is the main story going to go after a huge chunk of it comes to a conclusion, but at the same time... If the side stories have proved anything, its that there are so many things about the entire world and lore to explore. And I have to admit I'm still getting more curious about it all. if you told me 5 years ago that the story and universe in a gacha game(derogative) is going to be something i'm obsessing over, I would've been so pissed at you even suggesting that. Anyway, its a nice feeling to be so interested in something. I've lost interest in so many things and i feel like over the years its getting harder and harder for me to really get into something.
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danpuff-ao3 · 3 months
One day, maybe soon, my works will be available again. But they may not always be.
Sharing works can be such a scary and vulnerable experience. Putting that creation one spent so much time on, put so much hard work into, what you're so passionate about; putting that out into the world for everyone to see, and judge. Not knowing how it will be received, how people will react.
It can be scary to put yourself out there, let alone leave yourself out there.
For me...I go through phases where I want to delete everything. Where I hate my work. When I'm embarrassed and ashamed, and when I wished I were better. Better on a technical level, better content, etc. Days when I wished I didn't have so much hurt inside of me, so I didn't have to craft such angsty stories. Days when I feel like the odd duck out, because my vision doesn't align with what other people want to see.
It's insecurity, yeah. I can admit that.
I've deleted works before, and regretted it. People had been quite mean on some stories, and I'd been so hurt and so humiliated, I deleted what I thought were the "worst offenders." Even if they weren't good, I still regret it. They were still part of my story, still part of my history.
And so...the collection.
In times when it's overwhelming, or I'm in an especially bad period, I have an escape. I can lock my works in a vault and keep them safe and protected and for my eyes only, until I feel prepared to share them again.
It's all quite complicated. For all that I at times hate them, there's a reason I share my work in the first place. I care so much about what I do, and I want to share that with people, and connect with people. But creators also don't owe their works to anyone. And though I'm sorry if people miss their favorite stories when they're hidden, I do have to take care of myself first and foremost.
The collection means that, in the worst times, I can lock everything down so I can breathe again. It also means I won't delete anything when it all gets to be too much.
People can think whatever they like about me because of this, but I hope that you can all understand why.
I'm a sensitive lady. That might make for a good story, but it can also make for bad times. Especially when outside factors come into play.
I hope to be back soon. Love to you all 💛
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nightcolorz · 2 months
So while it’s all unbelievably angsty (I both want it so much and am begging it not to be true) I am absolutely compelled and unbelievably here for your Armand and Marius thoughts. I just want to hear ALL of them.
The idea that’s where he goes in the wake of s2 is absolutely devastating. Please tell me more about how you think that goes. How the other characters react, really anything. I never even considered it as an option and now that I am… Oh The Possibilities. What’s even going through his head that he thinks that is the choice he needs to make???
oooooo thank u for the ask hehe!! I’m a lil overwhelmed by the freedom of “just say any thoughts u have on this topic u love”, an autistic kids dream truly lmao, tyy
I’ll start with “what would be going through Armand’s head if my theory were to come true and Armand goes back to Marius in season 2”. The important factor here is that I think that Amc Armand particularly is still in love with Marius. It would be hard for him not to be, I mean Marius has played every formative role in armands life (adoptive father, vampire maker which is akin to biological father to a lot of vampires, first love and love of his life, actual master who owned him, man who saved his life, man who he considers actual God, first kiss, guy who beats tf out of him often, his only family, his caretaker, his savior, the guy who pimped him out and molested him, his past, his identity, I could go on).
So with that in mind it makes sense why Armand would not let go of his feelings for Marius easily. Despite how much he was harmed by him, and how Armand is aware that he was harmed, Marius is quite literally everything to Armand and that is incredibly difficult to just discard. But in addition to how important he is to him, Armand also likely doesn’t consider what he went through at the hands of Marius to be abuse. Obviously he knows he was abused in the brothel, but think about how he words his story when he tells it to Louis. “I was in the brothel, it was horrible, Marius saved me, he’s so good to me, he is so merciful, yes he did do these very bad things to me, but it was his right”. That is not how someone who does not love their abuser speaks about their abuse 😭. Armand doesn’t present his relationship with Marius as good, then vaguely word the trauma Marius put him through in a way that both downplays it’s reality and implies in word choice that Marius was entitled to do that, just for dramatic affect. He speaks about his past that way because that’s how he sees it!!
the way Armand perceives it, Marius sexually abusing him, though it was horrifying for him to experience and he is aware of that, was not something he is entitled to resent him for because Marius also, in addition, showed Armand mercy and kindness and care that no one in Armand’s life has ever shown him before or since, and so marius was entitled to take anything from Armand regardless of how it hurt him in return. I also think Armand has a warped view of how seriously wrong it is for people to rape and abuse him because he was taught in his very formative years in the brothel (which btw r his first memories bcus he has forgotten his entire life before that), that Armand’s purpose first and foremost is for people to have sex with him, and therefore it’s not fair of him to judge anyone for taking that from him. Over all, Armand thinks Marius was a good man who treated Armand with more kindness than anyone ever has and Armand will always love him for that.
So looking at it from Armand’s perspective, in season two he is super vulnerable, he feels like “hes nothing” as he says, because Louis left him, and Armand when he isn’t in a relationship or attaching himself to some greater purpose or system (like the cult or the coven), literally doesn’t know how to live. Bcus of his trauma he can’t function or feel safe if he isn’t submitting to something (literally or figuratively). He doesn’t trust himself to be capable of being an independent person bcus he never has been, in his life. So….after season 2 he is very desperate. He turns Daniel which other characters perceive as being both an unhinged, mentally ill move, and potentially a breaking of his core values (if an unstable person is suddenly giving up on their values that is very bad news), and now literally no one knows where he is. It definitely makes sense that if Armand is aware that Marius is alive, he thought, “hey I’m completely and utterly alone and abandoned and I feel like I can’t exist, I’m not capable of living like this bcus I’m weak and submissive and I need someone to give me a purpose, oh my god I wish things just went back to the way they were when I was a kid and my dad took care of me. My dad did abuse me but I deserved it, and he was so gentle and kind to me, and no one ever treats me like that anymore. I know he will let me stay with him if I just go back to how I used to be, which I am willing to do.” Likeee from Armand’s perspective that is a very understandable choice to make 😭 tho I’m sure one he’s very ashamed of, which would explain why he’s dropped off the face of the earth.
I think the other characters would definitely judge Armand for this 😭 and not understand it, and treat him like he’s being insane and irrational. Which I think bcus so far none of the amc iwtv characters have much empathy or understanding for Armand’s trauma and how he reacts and thinks about things bcus of it. I feel so bad for him 😭😭
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Hii!! What are your thoughts on those who say Itachi is a terrible person and on this opinion?? I know you love him so I would like to know your thoughts on this .
I have no opinions on his haters, except for the fact that I want them to keep their hate boner for him in their pants and the relevant tags and not slip into my notes, which unfortunately doesn't happen, because haters think their hatred for a morally grey anime boy makes them morally superior, and they can't fall asleep unless they have broadcasted this everywhere in the world. I've seen haters invade the most normal posts about him to express how agonized they are because people love a character they hate. Who'd tell them the world doesn't revolve around their hatred for one character? Give it a break already. You're allowed to hate him or whatever but stop acting like a prick and let people have fun without getting offended.
As to the opinion that he's a "terrible person."
People have a hard time separating a character's motivations/actions with his intent. When you're analyzing any character, there are two factors to be considered — Reason and Consequences. Itachi is judged based on the consequences of his actions rather than his reasoning behind them. Everything else, except for the character in question and his feelings, is secondary in his analysis. This fandom makes everything else primary when it analyzes Itachi, whereas his own experiences and trauma aren't taken into account. If he hadn't lived the life he did, his, the clan's, and eventually Sasuke's fates would have been completely different.
If he wasn't taken to the battlefield when he was four, he wouldn't have developed the desire to end the conflict in the first place. He might have been able to preserve his innocence a little bit longer.
If he wasn't sent to Anbu at the age of 10, or if Danzo tried to persuade his family and his family refused, he wouldn't have witnessed the darkness that consumed him slowly.
If Shisui hadn't died he would have one person he could rely on.
If his clan didn't consider him a traitor he might not have lost it either.
If his family hadn't given up on him after Shisui's death, MAYBE things wouldn't have gone as bad for anyone.
Not only the way the village treated him but also he way the clan treated him made it impossible for Itachi to put his trust in anyone.
He didn't choose any of this to happen to himself. These things did and he drew into himself, entirely incapable of trusting other people. So, if I'm analyzing Itachi's character his experiences and feelings are to be prioritized first and foremost.. The consequences come later on, the primary factor is always the reason behind his actions. Not just for Itachi, but for every character who falls in the same category that Itachi does.
Ah, yes... Itachi is so terrible as a person that —
When he saw war happening in front of him, dead bodies, pain on the faces of the dead, his first instinct was to stop this destruction instead of letting this to be their future.
When a bunch of seniors came to bully him (in the novel) clearly with the intent of violence against him, he chose not to fight with them, even though none of them stood no chance against him.
Whatever horrible thing he did — murdering his clan or destroying Sasuke's life — he didn't expect any redemption or forgiveness even if his parents would have forgiven him and Sasuke also forgave him. In canon, it's impossible to change his mind about his self-loathing. He took the responsibility of his actions and lived and died with it.
When he returned as Edo Tensei, he chose to protect people because he knew war was hell. You could argue he was under the influence of kotoamatsukami. But someone in complete control of kotoamatsukami wouldn't be disgusted with Kabuto for doing something that broke grieving hearts of the loved ones of the dead again, making people go through the agony they'd once witnessed. What kind of terrible person feels this way?
When he learned Kabuto was also used by the Shinobi world, just like he was, instead of leaving Kabuto in Sasuke's care, entrusting him to kill Kabuto, Itachi chose to save his life.
Anyone who came closer to knowing Itachi, who had nothing to do with the village or anything, couldn't help but respect and admire him, despite him being a renowned criminal. Kisame, Killer Bee, etc., for example. It's a pity that very few people did and those who did never bothered to know the truth behind the massacre. And the others were dead.
Itachi wasn't a bad person. He was placed in the terrible circumstances that demanded him to make decisions. If his life had been teensy bit easier or if he'd had someone to support and guide him, he would have been more aware of his own faults, weaknesses, and tried to find a different path to handle the same situations. Just because he took the moral responsibility of his actions doesn't mean he was the only one responsible for the mess. He seems to be in complete denial of his trauma and sufferings, which is why we never see him blaming others. He, too, judged himself for the horrible things he'd done, and that was why he wanted to die at Sasuke's hands to avenge the clan or be hated by Sasuke forever.
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stardust-falling · 1 year
This is probably swinging a bit of a bat at a hornet’s nest on this website, but I wonder if the rise of purity culture in fandom, aside from other influencing factors, could have something to do with the fact that so many young fans tend to consume primarily media intended for children.
After all, children’s media is usually at least in part focused on teaching life lessons and providing kids with role-models. That’s why you’ll rarely find an anti-hero protagonist in children’s media. In fact, “protagonist” seems to have sort of been conflated with “good guy.”
Of course, not all media follows these standards. First and foremost, you have to remember that characters aren’t people, they’re literary devices, and they serve a variety of purposes. Some might be role models. Some might be anti-role-models. But honestly, sometimes they literally serve to show “what happens if you put a funny little guy in situations.”
More under the cut.
See, the fiction vs reality debate is interesting in this at. We’re humans, and humans are curious things. Sometimes, humans get morbidly curious and speculate about what might happen in some fucked up situation to some fucked up people. They don’t want any of it to happen in real life, but they still want to have an idea. Literally just because we’re curious.
So what do you do? You make a fucked up little man and put him in situations. He’s not meant to be a good person— honestly good and bad don’t matter here because the story’s not about morals but about cause and effect. Characters can show bad things, they can’t do bad things.
Because humans are curious and like thinking about “what ifs,” sometimes people get really attached to these funny little horrible guys. They like seeing them go through situations and imagining how they’d react. Purely because it’s a fun sequence of cause and effect and way easier than trying to enact it in real life. Now, obviously, stories are influenced by creators’ personal biases, but then that just becomes another dimension to the puzzle. That’s how you get character archetypes who end up telling completely different stories. Sometimes, people really like the way one particular creator has figured out a cause and effect sequence for their archetype. So, people end up with blorbos. Funny little imaginary guys, good and bad, who they just take an incredible, scientific joy in watching. Humans have always been doing science.
And that’s where purity culture comes in. Because, with purity culture, these characters are treated like they’re humans with accountability for their actions. Even though they haven’t hurt any real people. It is, in fact, impossible for a fictional character to hurt people. Even if they are treated as a role model— it’s still the fault of the person who decided to view them that way.
Because characters aren’t intrinsically role models. Even protagonists.
Children’s show creators often make their protagonists to be role models for kids. And in that case, when that’s the stated intent, it’s perfectly reasonable to judge that character’s morals. But you’re not judging a person, any more than evaluating a school textbook for accuracy and correct information would be evaluating a person. You’re evaluating the literary device that is a character. Of course, if you primarily consume children’s media, where many characters are role models and teaching moral lessons is often an intent, what happens when you read something with a different premise? What happens when you read, for example, speculative fiction about what goes on in the mind of a horrific dictator?
If you’re used to judging the worth of characters on a moral rubric, then of course you’ll apply that rubric to protagonists of the new media you read. So naturally, you’ll start thinking that, of course the protagonist of this story is a terrible guy and a horrible role model. What about the people who like him? Well, they must look up to him and agree with him in some way, especially if they’re rooting for him. So of course their morals are in question.
Except, they’re not rooting for him because they agree with him. They’re just rooting for him because they’re invested in seeing where his fucked up actions take him and how it ends up.
Same with relationships. Someone who ships a “problematic” pairing might have absolutely no desire to see any relationship like that in real life, ever. But regardless, it’s a very scientifically, morbidly interesting thing that they can’t take their eyes away from.
Anyway, genre awareness is a great thing to have when consuming media. A romance story isn’t about “what makes a good relationship,” it’s about “what makes an interesting and complex relationship to think about.” A horror story isn’t “what should you do in a fucked up situation,” it’s more of “what might people with these kinds of personalities do instinctively in fucked up situations.”
Genre awareness is cool. You don’t need to think about how good of a role model or representation a character is, so much as you need to think about “what is the purpose of this character in this genre and narrative, and how well are they fulfilling that purpose?”
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ramshacklefey · 1 year
Following up my earlier post: Fundamentally, I don't believe that there is such a thing as an evil person.
People who treat others badly don't do so because there is something inherently bad about them. They do so because they have a messed up sense of how they're supposed to treat other people, and that is the result of any number of factors, but none of them are "this person is Evil."
One problem with thinking that people who do bad things are inherently evil is that it insulates you from ever needing to seriously examine your own actions and attitudes. If you know that you aren't an evil person, then there's no reason to do so. You might fuck up once in a while, but surely you can't be fundamentally wrong in your moral beliefs, because you're not an evil person.
Of course, this is what almost every person on the planet believes about themself, which is a big part of the reason that so many people are able to harm others. They assume that this is just how you treat people.
The other and, I think, bigger problem with this idea is that it enables us to turn off our empathy towards certain people. You set up a threshold beyond which people are Evil, and inevitably people who cross that threshold stop being treated as people. Because if some people have something inherently wrong with them that isn't fixable, then they stop being treated as agents and start being treated as objects. They need to be controlled, first and foremost.
Thing is, it actually doesn't matter where you draw this line. You're still designating some humans as "not-people." And then you end up needing to answer the sticky question of which people those are, and how you judge them.
By their actions? But people can commit the same acts for wildly different reasons, and based on the way most people define Evil, it isn't at all clear to me that we can make that call purely based on someone's behavior.
Maybe they're confused. Maybe they're being manipulated or are under duress. Maybe they have a mental illness that makes it difficult or impossible for them to judge these things the same way other people would. Maybe they grew up in a situation where everything they're doing makes perfect sense, and they haven't been exposed to a world that tells them otherwise.
Perhaps we should base it on their intentions then. But people make mistakes. They do awful things with the best of intentions. They come into a situation with bad intentions and immediately regret their actions. Or they realize years down the line that they were wrong.
And if we're basing the distinction between Good people and Evil not-people on intention, then do we need to make the call that someone can be an Evil not-person before they've actually done anything bad? True, going to someone's house with the intent to murder them and being foiled in your attempts counts as "attempted murder," and our law treats it as such. But are you an Evil not-person if you have a worldview that says, "Murder is ok sometimes"? Do you become a person again if you change in the future? Are you still a person if you have the capacity to change, regardless of what you believe right now?
It's a dangerous path to start on, even though it's simple and comforting to think that way. Accepting the messy truth that humans are morally neutral, that some actions are very bad, and that humans are always people no matter what actions they take is frightening. But it will make for a better world in the end.
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alltheselights · 1 year
I can see what you mean with the comparison between the privacy of Freddie vs Zayn’s kid and Liam’s kid, but to me there is a major difference with Freddie. You might not agree, obviously, and it’s just my own thought, but from the moment it was announced Brianna was having Louis’ baby, the family have used Freddie and the situation for attention. They essentially encourage those weird fan sites for Freddie (which solo hrries actually follow, their anxiety about Louis’ potential sexuality is so obvious). That family have done a lot, and I mean a lot, which has put Freddie in the public eye. I think Louis actually might be trying to protect Freddie in this impossible situation. I do think Louis does care about Freddie, he loves kids and while the situation is very abnormal, Louis’ biological father was never around so he probably knows that biology doesn’t always mean anything. So maybe this is Louis’ attempt to protect him as best he can, considering how Freddie has been used by his biological family, but in a more controlled way. Louis really can’t control how Brianna and her family use Freddie, but on his side, I think he is trying? We don’t know what Freddie understands or knows but while I don’t believe Louis would be so public with his actual child, I can see where this public stuff has come from with Freddie considering the lack of control Louis had, and still doesn’t have really.
I enjoyed the documentary. There is a lot missing, which I expected. Those missing years where Louis’ debut album was shelved, where he became a judge on X-Factor, years where a lot of things happened behind the scenes and which Louis would definitely not be able to show, even if Charlie had been around then. The truth is, I just love Louis. I love his music and he makes me feel happy, and safe, and cared for. He isn’t perfect and I don’t expect him to be but I do think he tries, he makes mistakes and he doesn’t always make the right decisions but I do not believe I have the right to judge because who knows want I would do faced with the same situation? I am a Louie first and foremost and I will always hope for better for him, for his career, for everything. I have no answers and I don’t know what will happen. But I have Louis and his music and that means so much to me. So many larries forget that, the humans behind their ship, especially with Louis because Harry can do no wrong for so many.
The Jungwirths absolutely have exposed Freddie, but if Louis was concerned about Freddie's that, why did he do frequent, entirely preventable pap walks with Freddie during the first 6+ months of his life? Why hasn't he attempted to get a better custody arrangement considering he can afford significantly better lawyers than that family? In the same vein, why hasn't he fought for the right to protect his child's privacy in court? The idea that Louis is simply trying to control how Freddie's exposed because he knows the child has been used by the Jungwirths doesn't hold up when you look at the full picture.
There's so much cognitive dissonance around the entire situation that people try to come up with the simplest possible explanations to make some sense of it, and I think that's why you've seen so many Larries and non-Larries alike who didn't believe Louis is a dad just accept that he is in the last week. It's much easier on the brain to just forget all of the arguments against it and all the things we've seen with our own eyes since 2015 when the pregnancy was announced. I'm not one of those people though. I can't explain away all of these things and I can't forget everything that I've seen.
So instead, I've just gotten to a place where I acknowledge what I believe (Louis is not a father, Louis is not straight, Louis is a good person, Louis deserves better, Louis' personal life and relationships should not be central to his career) and I also accept what Louis and those around him want us to believe (Louis is a father, Louis is straight, Louis' personal life and relationships are central to his career), at least right now. I'm not letting myself get upset over it or getting emotionally invested in any of it. I'm just enjoying what I can of fandom and stepping back from anything that I don't.
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lindwurmkai · 11 months
sometimes i worry that people are silently judging me for "not appreciating canon queer representation enough" or something. i recently read this comment, not sure in what context (it may have been one of those polls to determine the ultimate ship or whatever?), where someone claimed that tumblr or maybe fandom as a whole clearly "preferred queerbaiting over real representation" and i feel like that wasn't the first time i encountered that attitude.
this has been a recurring theme ever since st:disco introduced a nonbinary character. i was literally so moved i cried but then went right back to being a more casual fan of the show because there was no one on it who pinged my blorbo radar.
after decades in fandom, it's finally starting to sink in that i don't need to accuse myself of having secret biases, at least. i'm always having thoughts like "omg what if i really am a horrible misogynist" until i do end up with a rare female blorbo and realise it was just coincidence + the absence of gender envy as a factor to draw me in.
that none of the three or so canon nonbinary characters i saw introduced in recent years happened to be "my type" (for lack of a better word??) was also coincidence.
now, shipping is more complicated. i do have a tendency to be more interested in non-canon ships because i guess if it's all right there on the screen, then i already know what happens and don't need to imagine it. but if i were particularly unhappy with how it happened or there wasn't enough detail, then i could see myself seeking out fanfic ... as long as at least one of the characters was blorbo material.
and frankly i have no experience with that scenario to draw conclusions from because it hasn't happened yet.
the lack of desire to engage in shipping or other fandom activities doesn't mean i don't appreciate the representation - those things exist on completely different levels to me. but someone who is not in my head only sees a "lack of interest" compared to the things i do ship. which i guess it is, technically - because i am interested in characters first and foremost. queerness doesn't make a character more interesting in itself.
i have more thoughts on this but it's best to decouple those from the topic of my probably-unfounded anxieties regarding what people might think of my shipping habits lmao.
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mountmortar · 2 years
Wait this is a Kanjoh blog, I thought it was a gremlin Kris and Silver healing blog? Got any Kanto hcs with the same level of brainrot you have for Johto? or a combo of the two under the name Indigo? :0
okay yes it IS that but given that kanto and johto are inseparable and i have a lot of love for the kantrio as well (and i reblog a lot of kanto content anyway) i figured i might as well move from a mostly-johto blog to a blend of the two. which is fine by me considering that you literally travel there in gsc anyway LMAO. but i do have some thoughts about the kantrio!! (and a lot of the indigo combo for the kantrio + johto punks but that's a whole other post lmao) here's a couple of them :)
okay first and foremost i think red CAN talk i don't think he's entirely mute and that's just from my observations of his game dialogue. it's just that in many scenarios he chooses not to! and building off of that i think he would know whatever sign language exists in the pokémon world as a result of that
in soooort of that same vein just based on his flavor text in rgby when he interacts with the bookshelves of scientific books in professor oak's lab he does express interest and excitement. so i think that he'd like to read those types of things! anything about pokémon pretty much. no matter the difficulty of the text. everyone assumes just because he's a hardcore trainer he doesn't really pay attention to scientific journals and then he gets caught reading the most dry-ass textbook ever with the unrestrained glee of a little kid. and good for him
i always thought it was reallyyyyy funny that blue went to go study in kalos because in rgby when he meets up with red on the s.s. anne he literally goes "bonjour!" and even though that was kind of a throwaway line it almost makes me think that maybe blue wanted to go to kalos for a WHILE. maybe he always wanted to visit or something and once he saw an opportunity to study there he sprang on it. and if it got him away from professor oak then that was just even better
blue's dialogue in silph co. always struck me as kind of interesting concerning his and red's friendship because. okay. at this point the relationship between blue and red is CLEARLY deteriorating with professor oak's favoritism being an implied factor of the cause. but blue's dialogue goes:
[before battle]
"What kept you RED? Hahaha! I thought you'd turn up if I waited here! I guess TEAM ROCKET slowed you down! Not that I care! I saw you in SAFFRON, so I decided to see if you got better!"
[after being beaten]
"Oh ho! So, you are ready for BOSS ROCKET!"
and that implies two things: one, that blue has been keeping an eye on red and his takedown of team rocket judging by the fact that he KNEW red would turn up at silph, and two, that (for all his bluster) that particular battle was a test on blue's part to make sure that red was ready to take on giovanni. like for all that their friendship was falling apart blue still very much cares about him!!! it's just that he's going through some shit because of prof. oak and taking it out on red as a result of it. and it may not be right, but sometimes that's just the way things are. and as gsc/hgss proved, he STILL cared about him. even enough to randomly call up the protag and start reminiscing about him out of nowhere. idk it's just!!! such an interesting little bit of dialogue to me
now leaf. leaf is a remake girl and while i HAVE played firered i played as red. however i do remember the dialogue of blue's that described (in this instance, because it's frlg-only) leaf as "a chatty gossip" and honestly i'm going to take that and roll with it. i think she could talk anyone's head off about anything at any given times. and given that she's a protagonist with protagonist genes i think that on at least one occasion she's run into a pole while doing so because she wasn't paying attention
in a universe where the three of them are all there i think that if there was anybody who could find red first it'd be leaf. because they would think along the same lines! they have that same protagonist brain! blue is too busy being saddened by the fact that red is gone but leaf. who IS an explorer who IS like red in so many ways. would take one look at mount silver and think. yeah. i think he's up there. but something something red convinces her not to tell blue because HE'S saddened about the state of their friendship and doesn't want blue to come up there and start yelling at him or something. leaf thinks they're idiots. you know how it goes
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hotilhotil · 7 months
Escort girls have been a
Escort girls have been a part of the Israeli society for a long time, yet they are often misunderstood and stigmatized. While some people view them with disdain and judgment, there is much more to these women than meets the eye. The world of escort services in Israel is a complex and multifaceted one, and it’s time for us to take a closer look at the realities of this industry, the women who work in it, and the reasons behind its existence. First and foremost, it is important to understand that escort services in Israel are completely legal. The industry is regulated by laws that protect the rights and wellbeing of both the clients and the escorts. This means that the women who enter this line of work do so willingly and are protected by the same employment laws that apply to any other job in the country. <a href="https://banot-hamot.co.il/%d7%a0%d7%a2%d7%a8%d7%95%d7%aa-%d7%9c%d7%99%d7%95%d7%95%d7%99/" target="_blank">נערות ליווי</a> So, what motivates these women to become escorts? Contrary to popular belief, it is not always financial desperation or a lack of other options. Many escort girls in Israel are well-educated and come from stable families. They are often driven by a desire for independence and the ability to make their own choices. The flexibility and high earning potential of this profession are also attractive factors. However, this does not mean that it is an easy job. Escort girls in Israel face a great deal of stigma and discrimination because of the nature of their work. Many of them have to keep their profession a secret from friends and family, leading to feelings of isolation and shame. This is unfortunate as they are often providing a legitimate service and should not be judged for their career choices. Moreover, the responsibilities and expectations placed on escort girls can be daunting. They are expected to be confident, charming, and physically attractive at all times, which can be emotionally and physically exhausting. They also have to deal with clients who may have unrealistic expectations or be disrespectful towards them. It is important to note that not all escort girls in Israel engage in sexual activities with their clients. The industry offers a variety of services, including companionship, social events, and even professional services such as massage or counseling. While sexual acts may be a part of the job for some, it is not a requirement for all. Another misconception about escort girls in Israel is that they are all trafficked or coerced into the industry. While it is true that sex trafficking and exploitation do exist in the country, it is not the case for all escorts. As mentioned earlier, the industry is regulated and the women who enter it do so willingly. They have the right to choose their clients and set their own boundaries. It is also worth mentioning that the majority of clients for escort services in Israel are tourists and businessmen. This means that the services provided by escort girls are often a reflection of the demand for such services in society. Instead of blaming the women for their choices, it is necessary to address and understand the demand and the underlying issues that fuel it. In conclusion, escort girls in Israel are not the one-dimensional caricatures that society often paints them to be. They are individuals with their own stories, struggles, and reasons for choosing this profession. The industry itself is a complex one, influenced by societal attitudes and demand, and therefore cannot be reduced to black and white judgments. It is time for us to move past the stereotypes and stigma and recognize the agency and humanity of these women.
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How to Hire the Right Plumber Riverside: Tips and Advice
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Plumbers in Riverside are not hard to find. However, a thorough knowledge of the search strategy and factors to consider before hiring the technician would be helpful. Efficient resolution to your problems is crucial for a satisfied service. This is why one should look for a professional with experience and required credentials. 
Getting the right advice and suggestions increases your chances of hiring a plumber, who can effectively address your plumbing needs. 
Here are the Tips and Advice to Hire the Right Plumber Riverside
Licensing and Insurance:
The foremost inquiry is an up-to-date license and its verification. While looking for a plumber in Riverside, it is critical to check authorization. A valid license assures that basic qualification needs and training have been acquired by the plumber. Insurance is also an important document. It protects both you and the plumber in accidents or damage situations. If an accident on the job or property damage occurs, the liability insurance covers the potential damages. However, before signing a contract, ensuring the possession of insurance documents with the plumber is crucial. Moreover, see that the insurance is up-to-date.
Experience Matters:
Effective diagnosis and problem-solving can be judged by the experience held by a plumber. Consider the years of experience, along with his history in the field with the right knowledge and skills. His experience in solving various kinds of problems indicates his versatility which will result in an easy decision of hiring. The right plumber will be able to understand the complex, older and newer plumbing systems, given that Riverside has diverse housing.
Seek Recommendations:
Recommendations can be the most useful way to hire a Riverside plumber. Your close friends, family members, neighbors, or colleagues who have used the services of the technician can provide beneficial insights about the referral. They can share their experiences with a specific plumber, helping you gauge their professionalism, reliability, and quality of work.
Online Reviews and Local Directories:
In addition to personal recommendations, online reviews and local business directories are valuable resources. Online listings and review websites have plenty of information about the Riverside plumbers. Focus on both positive and negative reviews, and check for a pattern in the comments, which will help you come to the right conclusion about the service of the technician.
Verify References:
Once you have a shortlist of potential plumbers, ask each one for references from their previous clients. Prepare a set of questions to be asked regarding the technician. Questions related to the work quality, timeliness and professionalism must be asked. Speaking directly to references can provide you with a deeper understanding of the plumber's track record.
Request Multiple Quotes:
Don't rush into hiring the first plumber you come across. Instead, request quotes from multiple plumbers. Getting multiple quotes is beneficial as it allows you to compare the costs and services offered. However, do not always go for the cheapest option. Considering the qualifications, experience and reputation should be prioritized over affordability. 
Check for Specializations:
If you need a specialized technician, you may alter your search strategy. There are various kinds of plumbers, including residential or commercial plumbing, new construction, or specific types of plumbing systems. Hire the one that you need, i.e., who has the relevant experience. If you need a water heater installation, look for a plumber experienced in that area.
Inquire About Guarantees and Warranties:
It is always suggested to ask for guarantees and warranties. A professional plumber will be offering a guarantee on his service. A warranty gives the reliability that the plumber will address the issue at no cost, in case a fault comes up. Make sure the contract drawn has the details of warranties and guarantees to avoid any misunderstandings in the future.
Verify Timeliness and Availability:
Plumbing issues can be urgent, and timely response is crucial. When contacting potential plumbers, pay attention to their responsiveness. A good plumber should promptly return your calls or messages and be available to address your plumbing needs promptly. Inquire about their availability for emergency services, especially if you're dealing with a plumbing crisis.
Evaluate Communication and Professionalism:
The level of communication and professionalism a plumber exhibits is indicative of how they will approach their work. A reliable plumber should be courteous, prompt in responding to your inquiries, and willing to explain the plumbing issue and the proposed solution. Clear communication throughout the project is essential for a successful plumbing job.
Get a Detailed Estimate:
Before work begins, request a detailed, written estimate that includes the scope of work, materials to be used, labor costs, and any potential additional charges. Having a written estimate helps prevent surprises and disputes over costs. Ensure that the estimate is comprehensive and covers all aspects of the plumbing job.
Permits and Compliance:
For larger plumbing projects, check whether the plumber obtains the necessary permits and complies with local building codes and regulations in Riverside. Compliance with local codes is vital to ensure the safety and legality of the work. An experienced plumber should be familiar with the permit process and regulatory requirements.
Trust Your Gut:
Your instincts should matter. If the reviews, recommendations, experience, and even communication with the plumber leave you in doubt, keep searching. Your intuition often plays a significant role in determining whether a plumber is the right fit for your specific plumbing needs.
The decision to hire the right plumber in Riverside should be made by considering all factors, from licensing and experience to references and communication. These tips and advice help make an informed decision to address your plumbing issues. Taking the time to research and select the right plumber is a worthwhile investment in the long-term health and efficiency of your plumbing system.
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Finding The Right Probate Attorney In Corpus Christi, Texas
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Probate is a legal process by which a person's estate is transferred to their designated beneficiaries. If you are the executor of a will or if you are named as the administrator of an estate, you may need to find a probate attorney Corpus Christi, Texas.
Probate attorneys in Corpus Christi, TX
Probate attorneys in Corpus Christi, TX can provide legal assistance with probate matters including estate planning, administration, and more. Probate attorneys in Corpus Christi may also be able to provide guidance on estate taxes, guardianship issues, and more. If you are considering a probate attorney in Corpus Christi, TX, it is important to consider the following factors:
The Experience of the Attorney: When selecting a probate attorney in Corpus Christi, TX, it is important to consider not only their legal experience, but their experience with Probate Court proceedings as well. A lawyer who has experience litigating Probate Court cases will be better prepared to represent your interests in those proceedings.
The Practice Area of the Lawyer: It is also important to consider the practice area of the attorney you are selecting. While all probate attorneys in Corpus Christi can handle estate planning matters and related disputes, some may have a particular expertise in family law or wills & estates litigation.
Fees: Finally, it is important to consider fees charged by your potential attorney. Fees will vary depending on the specific situation and many factors such as complexity of case will impact fees charged by an attorney. However, it is always important to compare fees before making a decision about whom to hire.
What to look for in a good probate attorney
Probate attorneys in Corpus Christi, Texas offer a variety of legal services, including probate court representation and estate planning. To find the right attorney for your needs, be sure to ask these questions:
What type of probate services do you offer?
How experienced are you with probate law?
What resources do you have available to help you with your case?
How quickly can you get started on your case?
Do you have a fee schedule that outlines how much you will charge for your services?
How to choose the right probate attorney for your needs
There are a few things you should consider when choosing a probate lawyer in Corpus Christi, Texas.
First and foremost, it is important to understand the specifics of your estate. What type of probate will be necessary? What are the various procedures involved?
Second, it is important to find an attorney with experience in probate law who is knowledgeable about the local court system and familiar with the attorneys and judges in Corpus Christi. Finally, it is important to choose an attorney who will provide you with honest and accurate advice.
What to do if you find yourself in a probate dispute
If you find yourself in a probate dispute, it is important to have the help of an experienced attorney. Probate disputes can be complicated and time-consuming, which is why it is important to have an attorney on your side. Here are some tips for finding the right probate attorney in Corpus Christi, Texas:
Ask around. If you know someone who has recently gone through a probate dispute, ask them if they would recommend an attorney.
Check out reviews. When you are looking for an attorney, it is important to read reviews of their work on Corpus Christi Probate. This will help you decide if they are a good fit for your specific needs.
Meet with potential attorneys in person. meeting with potential attorneys in person will help you get a better feel for their style and how they would handle your particular probate dispute.
Speak with other clients who have worked with the lawyer. In order to get a better idea of how the lawyer works and whether they are a good fit for you, it is advised to speak with other clients who have worked with him/her in the past.
If you are in need of a probate lawyer in Corpus Christi, Texas, you have come to the right place. At our law firm corpus christi probate attorney, we have years of experience helping people through difficult times. We will work tirelessly to get you the best possible results in your case.
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Bail bonds claremont 24/7
Procedure to book and begin the process:
Whenever any person is taken into police custody by law enforcement agencies, the foremost step is to visit the closest sheriff or police station in Rancho Cucamonga. Once an arrestee has arrived, he or she will       go through a systematic procedure known as booking and processing.
Personal details are taken during the process, including fingerprints, photographs, and others. Moreover, a background search is also conducted. The procedure can take 2 to 8 hours to complete the procedure.  Once it is finished, bail is established with the California Bail schedule in the County How Bail is established: The bail schedule is used by the panel of jury and judges to set the bail amount. They will take into account the nature of the crime, past track record, ability to pay, and other crucial factors. In this way, the bail is set for the inmate without first seeing the judges in court.
Once the bail is established, the bail is ready to be posted before the trial commences.  Therefore, they just need to wait in custody until the trial date. Once you opt for bail bonds in Rancho Cucamonga, you will be set free, and thus, you can easily prepare for the upcoming trial. Contact bail bond Rancho Cucamonga CA:
Now the next step is to connect to the near Rancho Cucamonga to get the bail bond process started. Always search for a licensed and authorized bail bond company the professional and prolific bail Bond Company with lead to a smooth process, and you will be set free in less time.
Besides, engage in a question and answer session with them about the arrest of your family or friend. Once you finish things, the bail process finally begins.
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oppositionresearch · 2 years
We now know which parties will control which chambers of Congress until the 2024 elections. Despite significant economic troubles, and centuries of precedent showing that the president's party virtually always loses big during midterm cycles, we were able to push back Republicans to a razor-thin majority in the House, and we might actually gain in the Senate depending on the outcome of a runoff election in Georgia. What happened? Two main things: First and foremost, young voters turned out.
Young voters (defined as voters between ages 18 and 29) voted more this year than almost any other midterm year in the past 30 years-- the only time we turned out at a higher rate was in 2018.
On top of that, young voters are overwhelmingly progressive. Voters younger than 44 trend towards voting Democratic, but voters younger than 29 are almost twice as likely to vote for a Democrat than a Republican.
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[image description: a series of four graphs from the Tufts University Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement. The graphs show partisan preference among voters, broken down into four different age groups. Both voters aged 18-29 and voters aged 30-44 favor Democrats, with 63% of voters aged 18-29 preferring Democrats.] I think this is important to note not just because it was a huge factor in our great results this election, but because the main way a lot of people our age engage with institutions regarding civic engagement is being shamed for not voting. And we historically haven't been good about voting! But in years like 2018, 2020, and now 2022, when we do turn out, we've made a big difference in the outcomes of those elections. And our influence will only grow as more and more young people come of voting age, and we keep up the energy. We've taken the blame for so long. Now we get to take the credit. We did this. Secondly, Republicans inadvertently depressed their own turnout. If you've been paying any attention at all to Republicans over the last couple years, you know they've been trying to undermine the results of the 2020 election, sometimes through massive acts of violence. Many Republicans running this year denied, or cast doubt on, the 2020 election without evidence. Some, in very red states and districts, won their races. But virtually every election-denying candidate in a remotely competitive race lost, and frequently did worse than other Republicans on the same ballot. Not only did people buying the lie stay home (why vote if the election is rigged, right?), but Republican voters who DID turn out withheld their votes from candidates who pushed the lie. What happens now? Because Democrats held the Senate, and possibly even improved their margins in it, federal judicial nominees will stay confirmable. We've yanked the gavel out of Mitch McConnell's hands- he will not be able to prevent President Biden from placing qualified judges on the bench like he did with Obama in his last years. Ditto for every Senate-confirmable appointment for the next two years. "Partisan gridlock" is going to be a big term once again. Because Republicans will control the House of Representatives, one of the two chambers bills must pass through to become law, new laws will become much harder to pass. But because the GOP majority in the House is so narrow, we will not need to pull as many votes from Republicans as we otherwise would to get essential legislation through. And Republicans will need to defect occasionally to save themselves from defeat in 2022, because: Florida governor Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump are fighting for control over the Republican party, and right now DeSantis is winning. DeSantis is scary because he is one of the loudest homophobic, transphobic, racist voices in the Republican party right now, and he won re-election in a landslide this year while Trump-backed candidates tended to lose. He does all of the awful, evil things Trump does, except he is also extremely competent, and can point to his success in Florida as a model for what Republicans should be doing nationwide. I don't know if DeSantis will run for president, but if he does, he will have to beat Trump in the primaries first. I don't know who would win between them, but either would obviously be bad. There is no semi-moderate Republican who looks to be seriously considering a run. That's the bad news. The GOOD news is that serious primary fights in the modern era against a president seeking re-election have always always ended with the winner getting destroyed in the general. It's hard to see where Trump and DeSantis would fit in this, but if they have to face off against each other it very easily could turn voters off of both. If that happens, the Republicans best suited to stay in Congress would be those in "safe" seats, and those who could point to legislative successes over the next two years-- successes they will only get if they cooperate with Democrats.
Make sure take some time to feel proud of what we've done the last couple years. The fight isn't over by a long shot, but we've seen that we have a strategy that works-- and if he keep voting, we will keep winning.
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adsrole-llc · 24 days
How to Assess SEO Consultants: Finding the Right Fit Criteria
In the competitive circles of digital marketing, finding the right SEO consultant can sometimes turn out to be a game-changing thing for your business. While the choices abound, from some of the top SEO companies in usa to the leading SEO consultants, it is necessary to know what criteria one needs to evaluate them. Hiring a properly chosen SEO consultant would increase your online visibility substantially. Furthermore, more organic traffic would be driven onto your site, benefiting your business. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to assess SEO consultants with the ability to find the best fit for your needs.
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1. Judge Experience and Track Record
First and foremost, one considers experience and performance. Always look for a consultant who successfully improved search engine rankings and drove traffic for other businesses in industries like yours. You can have a case study and client testimonials so that you will have an idea about the different methodologies adopted by them. The best SEO consultants are quite fond of demonstrating previous successes and giving examples of exactly how their strategy helped other clients.
Key Questions to Ask:
How long have you been in SEO?
Do you have any case studies or examples of successful projects?
What type of businesses or industries have you worked with?
2. Assess Their Understanding of SEO Trends and Best Practices
SEO is such a dynamic field-algorithmic trend, and search engine best practices keep changing. The top SEO company and consultants know what works at present and the changes that are happening in the landscape of SEO. Assess the consultant on current SEO trends like mobile optimization, voice search, and local SEO.
Key Questions to Ask:
How do you stay up-to-date with the latest happenings and algorithm updates in SEO?
What new introductions in the field of SEO techniques have you introduced in your practices?
How do you go about embracing new SEO trends and technologies?
3. Review Their Strategy and Tactics
A successful SEO strategy needs an unambiguous and organized approach. Analyze how the SEO consultant makes and presents their strategies. The SEO consultant should have an inclusive approach-integrating keyword research, on-page optimization, content creation, link building, and performance analysis.
Key Questions to Ask:
Can you explain, in general terms, your SEO approach and methodology?
How do you handle keyword research and on-page optimization?
What link-building and content-creation strategies do you utilize?
4. Seek an Open Reporting and Communication
A successful SEO partnership is all about good communication and clear reporting. A consultant should, in fact, deliver progress reports, while updates on key performance metrics and changes in insights about the impact of what they do would suffice. Make sure they offer to provide clear, understandable reports and open communication on their methods and results.
Key Questions to Ask:
How often will you be sending updates about the performance of SEO?
What metrics do you follow up on and report?
How are clients engaged and communicated with?
5. Evaluate Their Customer Relationship and Customer Service
But what can make all the difference in your experience is the client relationships and customer service that a consultant can bring to the table. Ensure those being considered are responsive, professional, and likely to work closely with you to understand your goals and challenges.
Key Questions to Ask:
How would you establish and build on client relationships?
What kind of support and accessibility will I have?
Do you have references from existing or previous clients?
6. Check if Their Pricing Offers Value for Money
While price is not the only determining factor, there does need to be an understanding of how his pricing coincides with the value provided. Comparison of pricing among various consultants and contrast in what will be delivered as part of services to be provided will be done based on this. Beware of a consultant who lowballs his price; it may equate to low service or questionable practices.
Key Questions to Ask:
What is your pricing system, and what exactly do you charge for?
How do you warrant the price for the services you offer?
Are there any extra charges or hidden costs that I need to know about?
7. Consider Their Reputation and Industry Recognition
One's reputation and industry recognition can also be indicative of a consultant's credibility and effectiveness in the industry. Look for those consultants who have won awards, gained certification, or received positive reviews from industry peers and clients.
Key Questions to Ask:
Have you won any industry awards or accolades?
Are you a member of a professional SEO organization?
What others have to say about working with them
8. Determine Their Fit with Your Business Goals and Culture
Lastly, ensure the SEO consultant will fit your business from a goals, cultural, and values standpoint. It will be in this position that he can understand your industry, align his work with your business objectives, and fit well within the culture of your company for effective delivery.
Key Questions to Ask:
How do you tailor your SEO strategies to align with my business goals?
What do you know about my industry and target audience?
How will you complement my current marketing and business strategy?
The top SEO consultant can make a real difference to the success and online visibility of your company. If you take careful consideration over what each potential consultant may have to say about their experience, trend knowledge, approach, communication style, relationships with clients, price, and reputation, and being a good fit for your business, you will be able to create an informed decision. At AdsRole, we are committed to nothing but the best SEO consulting services with tangible results that power up growth for your business. Reach out to us and understand how our expertise can help elevate your digital marketing strategy toward the attainment of your online objectives.
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