#and it will be nice if he actually got revenge for his friends and eggs in the end
aoral · 9 months
Tubbo is snitching.
Oh dear prime .
This just further proves the anarchist Tubbo theory - he:
doesnt support the feds, nor the order - or bbh- after whatever sthings happened between them, and now all he got is himself and friends. Man just want to bring his eggs back. And Fred. And Ron.
Watchout, here comes Tubbo with the Tubbochunk
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roosterforme · 1 year
Better Than Revenge | Hangman x Reader
Summary: You thought you had the interest of one of the aviators who frequented your bar. He always had a soft smile when only looking at you. But when there's another girl hanging on his every word and his arm, Rooster helps you get Jake to come to his senses.
Warnings: Fluff
Length: 2300
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Female Reader
Seriously, who let Jake on my masterlist!? This is for @cherrycola27 Top Gun Taylor challenge!
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There he was. He came to the Hard Deck every Friday night like clockwork. Surrounded by his friends, he made his way through the crowd that had accumulated to shake off the work week and start the weekend. And as always, when his eyes met yours, his lips curved into that signature smile that was never quite as pronounced when he was looking at anyone else. 
Your reaction to Hangman was embarrassing. It felt like you were back in your high school cafeteria, trying to discreetly check out one of the football players while sitting at the band geek table. But then there were little interactions here and there that made your heart swell with hope and desire. Almost like something could happen if you let it.
"Hey, darlin'. It's nice to see you," Jake drawled as he approached. He leaned with his forearms on the top of the bar, grinning just for you. That's when you realized you had been wiping up the same few drops of spilled Miller Lite for at least two minutes. You tossed the rag to the side and tried to keep your hands from shaking. 
"Hangman. You want your usual?" you asked with a smile of your own, planting your hands on your hips and trying to keep your cool. 
The tip of his tongue peeked out of the corner of his mouth as his gaze dipped down to read The Hard Deck across the front of your tank top. It felt like you and he were the only people inside the bar. The way he was always singularly focused on you when he ordered his drinks, lingering a few minutes to chat, had you flushed every time. 
"Yeah. My usual." He was smirking at you, eyes so playful, like he knew you were barely functioning at the moment. He favored whiskey sours with Kentucky bourbon and egg whites, and it was actually your favorite cocktail to make. He watched you intently as you got to work, measuring and pouring, constantly in motion, working up a sweat. On the other hand, he was the picture of cool perfection, the king of nonchalance. That's why his warm gaze on your hands while you worked got you so flustered. 
"You make 'em that good for everyone else, or just me?" he drawled when you were pouring it into a glass for him. 
His gaze was teasing yet sincere. And you had to bite your lip to keep from laughing. "You flirt like this with everyone else, or just me?"
He didn't seem to have a response to that as he looked at you with parted lips and a raised eyebrow. But when you slid the drink across the bar, your fingers met his, and it felt intentional. "Thanks, darlin'." He locked eyes with you, his drink paused halfway to his lips. "It looks good." But he wasn't looking at his cocktail; he was looking at you, his eyes lingering on your lips as you grinned at him. 
As soon as he took one sip, you saw a pair of arms wrap around him from behind. At first he looked stunned, but then he seemed to relax when he realized who was touching him. 
"Minx, hi," he said, careful not to spill the cocktail as he briefly met your eyes before turning to face a woman so young and pretty, you were immediately filled with dejection. 
"Hangman," she crooned in a voice that sounded like it belonged in a bedroom. "I missed you."
He just chuckled. "Just saw you all day at work, Minx."
"Nothing wrong with seeing me outside of work," she told him with a wink. 
"You can't get enough of me." Jake's voice and attention seemed to have the same effect on her as they did on you, and your heart felt heavy in your chest as she rested her hand on his abs.
You took a step away from them, eager to find someone else to wait on. "Enjoy your drink," you told Jake with a smile that didn't reach your eyes. He watched you like he wanted to say something, but he did not. 
You turned away from him to take another drink order, but soon you saw him playing darts with Minx, and she was laughing hysterically at everything he was saying. You couldn't look away. It was like a five alarm fire, something that held your attention even though it was making you uncomfortable and anxious. She was touching him again now, and you knew you didn't even have the right to feel jealous. 
"Can I get another?" You turned to your right to see Rooster setting down his empty beer bottle with a smile.
"Sure," you replied, focusing on him instead. "How's the pool table treating you tonight?"
"Not bad," he replied, and you knew he could tell where you kept glancing. "Seems like you're more interested in darts? Or someone who is playing darts?"
You shrugged and uncapped his beer. "Don't know what you're talking about."
"Mmm," Rooster hummed before taking a sip. "What time do you get off tonight?"
You were a little startled by his question. "In about an hour."
He nodded politely at you. "That's good. I'll still be hanging by the pool table then, just in case you feel like joining me?"
"Oh," you gasped softly. "Well...."
Rooster chuckled. "Nothing makes that man more jealous than when I have something he wants. Just keep that in mind." He rapped on the bartop with his knuckles before smiling at you and strolling back to the pool table like he hadn't a care in the world.
You didn't think it was a good idea to try to make Jake jealous. If he really wanted you, he would have made a move by now, but instead he had Minx hanging off of his arm while he still managed to successfully hit the bullseye nearly every time he threw a dart. 
When Jake glanced your way and found that you were already looking at him, you wanted to disappear into thin air. But instead, you quirked one eyebrow and slowly turned away from him. When your shift ended, you'd just thank Rooster for thinking about your feelings, and then head home for the night. 
Or at least that was your plan, until you saw Jake try to disentangle himself from Minx, only for her to press her lips to his cheek. You felt the overwhelming need for him to pick you. And as he finally escaped from her and headed back up to the bar, you squared your shoulders. 
Jake looked a little flustered this time when he asked you for another whiskey sour. "Sure. And anything for your companion?" you asked as you reached for the bottle of bourbon without missing a beat. 
He glanced over his shoulder. "Nah. I only buy drinks for the girls I really like."
You paused with the bourbon in your hand. "And you're not buying her one?"
"Nope," he said casually, leaning a little closer to you while you got the egg whites ready. "Hey, so...what did Rooster want? I saw you and he were chatting a bit."
Your heart skipped along a little faster, your blood running a little hotter as you glanced up at Jake. There were some cracks in the facade now; he only looked like the picture of indifference, because now he seemed a little apprehensive.
"He invited me to hang out with him after my shift ends," you replied with a shrug. 
Jake's lips parted, but no sound came out. When you slid his drink to him, he finally asked, "So are you going to? Hang out with Rooster?"
This time you leaned on the bar and eyed him up and down. "Probably. He's cute, and he told me he'd help me get better at pool."
Jake scoffed. "He's not that good at pool," he muttered, and you were immediately rolling your eyes and backing away as Minx kissed him on the cheek again right in front of you.
"Enjoy your drink," you told him as he was dragged away. And you finished your shift with a bit of a bounce in your step, because Jake ignored Minx and kept turning to see where you were. 
When you clocked out, you decided to touch up your makeup and fix your hair before breezing right past Jake and heading for the pool table where Rooster was talking to his friends. "You mind if I take you up on that offer?"
Rooster turned around to face you with a grin. "Not one bit," he said, handing you a pool cue and nodding toward the table. "You wanna break, or you want me to?"
You bit your lip, wondering if Jake was watching. "You can. I am actually pretty bad at pool," you said with a laugh. 
"No problem. We can teach you a lesson the same time we teach Hangman a lesson," Rooster said, and you watched him send the colorful balls gliding around the table. "I'm solid, you're stripes," he informed you, and when it was your turn to take a shot, Rooster came to stand next to you. "You want me to help you?"
"Yeah," you told him, too afraid to see what Jake and Minx were up to. 
"I'm going to touch you. Okay?"
"Okay," you told Rooster, and he was immediately guiding you a few feet to your right with his hands on your hips. "Hey, why are you being nice to me?"
Rooster laughed and bent you at the waist a bit, getting your pool cue into position. "It's fun getting under his skin. And nobody likes Minx." He leaned in a little closer and added, "Also, I expect priority service at the bar from here on out."
"I knew there would be a catch," you mumbled, taking your shot and sinking one of your balls into the corner pocket.
"There's always a catch," Rooster told you, giving you a fist bump and helping you get lined up for your next shot on the other side of the table. 
And that's when you spotted Jake, holding darts in his open palm and staring at you with Rooster. He looked concerned and maybe a little hurt, but you forced your focus back to the table and let Bradley place his hands on your arms while he stood behind you. 
"He likes you," Rooster muttered with a laugh. "Look at him turning red now. Shit, this is fun."
You couldn't help but laugh, too. "If he really likes me, he better come over here soon."
"He will," Rooster promised, bending you into position again. "Ready for the grand finale?"
"Mmhmm," you hummed, and immediately you felt the prickle of his mustache against your neck. You were about to tell him how much it tickled as he guided your arms through your shot, sinking another ball into the side pocket. 
But the plan worked. Before you could say anything to Rooster at all, Jake was storming around the table and slamming the darts down next to the 8 ball.
"What the hell, man?" he asked Rooster, brow creased and cheeks flushed.
"What?" Bradley asked, donning a tone of complete innocence. "We're just playing some pool. RIght?" he asked, turning to you with a smirk.
"That's right," you agreed. "Rooster was helping me with my form. Thanks, Roos."
Jake's eyes narrowed to slits as he positioned himself between the two of you with his hand on your arm. "Can I talk to you for a minute? Alone, please?"
You just shrugged. "Whatever you have to say, you can go ahead and say it here." But now Minx was calling for Jake, and you felt your shoulders slump as you rolled your eyes. 
When you started to turn away from Jake, he stroked your arm with his thumb. "Wait, darlin'. Please." He took his hand in yours and led you away from the pool table and to a quieter corner. "What are you doing with Rooster?" he asked softly, green eyes focused on yours.
"What are you doing with Minx?" you managed to ask as he leaned in a little closer to you, linking his fingers with yours.
He laughed softly. "Apparently I'm learning a lesson in just how much I want you."
"Oh," you gasped, bringing your free hand up to his chest. "How much?"
He dragged his thumb gently along your bottom lip, a crooked grin settling on his handsome face. "A whole lot."
And then your eyes fluttered closed and you were kissing him, your fingers sliding up his neck and into his silky hair. You didn't know where Rooster or Minx or anyone else had disappeared to, and you didn't care. Jake was nibbling on your lips before gently slipping his tongue into your mouth. He tasted like bourbon, and you pulled him closer with a sigh.
Then he was smiling against your lips, and Jake trailed kisses along your jaw until he was whispering next to your ear. "Will you let me buy you a drink?"
You laughed, rubbing your thumb in small circles on the back of his neck. "You only buy drinks for the girls you really like."
"Mmhmm. Which is why I'm buying all your drinks from now on, darlin'."
You smirked at him, and led him away from the pool table, giving Rooster a fist bump when you passed him. You barely noticed Minx pouting by the dart board as you turned to Jake and asked, "How about we take a raincheck on you buying me a drink?"
His face fell a little bit, but he nodded and tried to pull his hand out of yours. "Oh, okay."
"I'll take you back to my place instead," you told Jake, pulling on his hand until he was right next to you. You kissed him again, your lips lingering on his. "And I'll make you the whisky sour of your dreams."
He was smiling again and wrapping his arm around your waist. "Lead the way, darlin'."
Thanks for indulging my quarterly need to write about Hangman. Thanks to @wkndwlff for everything with this fic!
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jahnavisurenda-21 · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel||Alastor X Reader||Jealousy In Hell? Part 2.
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Notice how she is not disturbing the cat who's occupied half the bed? Cat Supremacy. Although dogs are more affectionate.
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What does his huge smile say now?
"I don't get nightmares, my dear, in fact, I give them to other people." He once on those days where he comforted you, he whispered.
You never told him, but you are not used to being around deranged, misanthropic people. So, Alastor gave you nightmares as well.
Two days back he found you curled up after coming from a night out crying, and you refused to open up to him which made him worried because you were very open about letting people know how you feel at the moment.
"You are a mess, my dear, care to shed some light on what happened?" Alastor asked, stroking your hair, but all he got was angry sobs and angry punches.
So instead of stressing you out more he put you to sleep, to just let you forget the pain a little.
He stretched his staff thing when Mr. Petenious's egg friends were joyfully walking out, they instantly huddled together.
"What Boss, do you know our boss--"
"Wait which boss are you talking about Mike!" One egg said,
"Wait we have names; do you know we might have acid rain!" One egg screamed,
"Oh, Shit! will our eggshells crack open? Oh god!"
Alastor's eye twitched, "Yeah, about that so when you went to the club what happened to Y/n?"
"Uh she was so happy, with Angel and Charlie then she went somewhere saying it was very stuffy inside."
"Uh, Mike went with her too!" One egg said,
"We don't have names, right?" The one named Mike said,
"Uh after that," Alastor said cutting the banter he found too noisy for his liking.
"She didn't come back after that boss."
"Yeah, Y/n always comes back.'
"She did say that the night was really bad!"
He tried finding out more, but it was absolutely hopeless with those egg creatures. At this point, he couldn't tell if what they were telling were anything more than lies.
His best bet could have been to ask you. But you were resting and if possible, he would like to tear a soul and broadcast it of course, it had to be the right soul.
So, one of those nights, when you had just slipped into your nightwear, he comes in Suddenly, and quickly drags you outside, "Alastor- What-where are you taking me?"
You were teleported outside the cold wind, in some abandoned city. "Alastor, I'm not even dressed properly!" You said in a hushed tone.
"What's that my dear you are cold?" Alastor said, "Here you can take my coat.
Now, that his coat fits you more like robes because of the height, it also blocks out the cold. "Your coat is nice Alastor; it actually suits you!" You said taking some time to admire the coat.
You then looked at him abandoning that brief excitement you asked him again, "Alastor where are we going?"
"My dear, that night you had gone out some sinners dared touch you, and although I'm not too much for physical touch and all you must enlighten me about the perpetrator!"
"Alastor..." You sighed heavily. "I know I'm in hell by choice because a perfect afterlife should involve the people I care about, and I don't have any relatives, or parents I know so... just drop it okay?"
"And what if that happens again?" Alastor whispered, "I only need you to tell me who it is, and I'll take your revenge."
"Alastor it's not one sinner they are like a gang, who exploit people's souls to other powerful overlords who pay them a lot. They got really drunk and found me of everyone..." You didn't continue after that, But Alastor's eyes only grew more intense and darker.
"Do you know who they were?"
You slowly nodded, "Well isn't that great? You just made my work so many times easier now instead of those little egg things."
Alastor said that was enough for the day and he retired you to your bedroom, you asked him if you could give him his coat by the morning, and he just waved his hand in a yes manner.
Two weeks later, you woke up to excited voices in front of your door, they were loud and broke the peaceful morning when your door burst open, and Charlie ran inside.
"OH MY GOD!" OH MY GOD!" "OKAY, I NEED TO BREATHE, BREATHE." Charlie slapped herself,
"Angel! he has something to show you, EVEN ALASTOR'S THERE!"
"Guys calm down what's the ruckus about?"
"Charlie let Y/n at least take a breather, but yeah Y/n this is messed up."
"Messed up in a cool way." Angel corrected.
You had gone downstairs where you saw Alastor smiling more than he usually did,
You grabbed Alastor, he came as though he was anticipating the reaction.
"Whatever the matter my dear."
"Alastor, please don't tell me it's about that case!"
"It's not one dear, I broadcasted the entire gang." Alastor put his hand on your cheek. "Did you really think some petty sinners would really scare me?"
Then Alastor looked at you, "I was a bit startled when you told me that they were dealing with overlords, those chumps could only dream about it, what right now it matters is they are gone. So, take it easy."
You breathed in relief before you felt yourself getting lightheaded and slipped into his arms.
"My dear, how very scared were you? It could've been solved so much earlier if you opened your mouth.
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laststandx3 · 7 months
There are many bad things about wish, but one of the most annoying is how it fails to pay off its own set ups.
It's established Asha's father believes in the magic from the stars. He died of an illness (never specified), that Asha's grandfather (her father's father) never got his wish granted in YEARS, well now to me this feels targeted.
Follow my thoughts for a minute, how easy would have been with this already established set up to add the part where it's Magnifico who killed Asha's dad because he was promoting a different kind of magic that would undermine Magnifico's power? This would've established Magnifico as an actual villain from the start, manipulating people's perception of him with magic and the lengths he would go to keep his power and crown.
This would have impacted Asha's journey as well,instead of asking Magnifico to grant her grandfather's wish immediately (which imo is a good reason for him not to hire her, she literally asks for favoritism the moment she arrives), let her instead be perfect for the position, not clumsy and awkward but make her qualified and respectful of the king's secrecy about the wishes. And still she's still not hired. And then she starts questioning him, she's studied, she's ready and it's not enough and the king seemed to like her until she mentioned her father.
And then she talks with the people of rosa about the king, if that was unfair of him maybe , but the answer is that the king is good and kind and doesn't he grants everyone's wishes, isn't that so wonderful of him? (and maybe this can be a song) and at first it sounds like she just doesn't want to accept that she wasn't chosen but after the forth person answers the same exact thing, well then this starts to feel more like a script than an original thought. Just then she looks at all the wishes Magnifico's granted so far and they're all material, it's all about people owning bigger houses, better clothes, riches, nothing is about community, knowledge, about people becoming something(musicians, teachers, scientists, artists...) . The guy that got his wish granted last year also got it granted a few years ago too, Isn't that weird? Some people never get their wishes and this guy twice? And also his wish was so selfish? He wanted a swimming pool! How in the best kingdom, with the best king, nobody wishes nice things for others? And isn't that weird that she and her friends used to make graffitis and jokes on the guards but when Sleepy gave away his wish at 18 suddenly he doesn't make jokes about Magnifico's beard anymore? He's so respectful of the rules now.
And idk maybe Asha doesn't just wish upon a star and everything is given to her. Maybe Magnifico's source of magic is Star and she frees it and that's why Star tags along. The magic of the starts was real, her father was right! Star knew her dad, he tried to save the magical pet but he was killed instead! Now it's not just about freedom and justice she wants revenge. And this is maybe when she fucks up because she was too reckless, she got discovered. Her friends/family are watching how she's getting arrested/executed for treason and that's SO UNFAIR such a cognitive dissonance it breaks Magnifico's brainwash spell.
Now a song about revolution makes sense. But singing about revolution bc they want to be able to wish? Are you kidding me? Not only the movie established that you can have new wishes and that they make you whole again, but also girl, you all read the terms of services when giving Magnifico your wish. You give it to him and if he finds it worth it, it'll be granted. Making questions about the king choices is the opposite of living under a monarchy.
Ultimately I agree with everyone who says this movie feels empty, because it's true, it's a bunch of disney trope stitched together with easter eggs that don't makes us feel anything and that contradicts its own message. The fact that disney doesn't want to make grey characters anymore it's felt. And it mirrors the way people have started to see enjoying stories as media consumption, everything that alludes to people being flawed is an endorsement of abuse. So disney's characters have all turned is these empty shells of heroine tropes. They're always bubbly, their worst flaw is being clumsy, but the worst is that they're always right. Asha's quest to free the wishes is based only on her conviction that the king is wrong in not granting everyone's wish. It's never even hinted in the movie that the subjects of rosa lack something. It's a fairy-tale kingdom in every aspect (maybe the king is a bit egocentric but that hasn't hurt anyone so far), except that her grandpa's wish wasn't granted and so the king must be wrong. If it wasn't for Magnifico's long exposition of I don't accept criticism she wouldn't have questioned him. And even then, that's what living in a kingdom means, that you follow the king's rules. I'm sorry but singing about revolution and then ending the movie still under a monarchy is just contradictory with the whole premise.
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theredwritingwitch · 2 years
How to Fuck Your Sister’s “True Love”
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Pairing: Dieter Bravo x fem!reader
Summary: After catching your sister going backwards cowgirl on your fiancée, you didn’t think the holiday season couldn’t get any worse, but it could get a thousand times better: especially if you revenge fucked your sister’s “True Love.” Dieter was all too happy to comply!
Word Count: 8.8
Warnings: Cursing, lots of fucks so NSFW, oral (female receiving), fingering, biting, butt plugs, virginial sex (p in v), creampie, unprotected sex, infidelity (but not form reader or Dieter)
Ratings: E 18+
Author’s Note: Loosely based off of one of the reddit AITA posts
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Step One: To Be Fucked Over
He had always told you that he preferred to be on top. He preferred to be the same each time. He liked it quick and simple, like everything in his life. But that seemed to turn around when you walked in on your now ex-fiancé mounted by your own sister. You screamed and sobbed as you saw her ass bounce up and down against his length just as your ex laid back with his hands tied to the bedpost. His face showed blissed out euphoria even as you slammed the door behind you, not even paying attention to the yelling and cursing of your sister falling off your ex’s dick.
Even when you drove away, listening to the ringing and beeping of your phone sound off, you didn’t bother to look back at your traitorous family. You didn’t even comprehend how you got to your friend’s home or how a bottle of wine and a carton of ice cream were both emptied. The giant crack on your phone was unexplainable when you woke up wrecked and depressed the next day. A quick look at yourself in the mirror rewarded you with what you had suspected you looked like: unruly hair pointing every which way, the shine of drool in the corner of your mouth, dark circles under your eyes, and a nice stain of ice cream and wine mixed together on your shirt. 
You didn’t bother to look at your phone, knowing full well it was probably blown up with gossip, exclusives, and bullshit about your breakup. News always did seem to travel fast in the entertainment industry. Soon, if not already, the world would know about a famous actress’ latest flop in her love life and all the juicy gossip of her family’s secret life! You rolled your eyes, knowing how the tabloids would spin this tale.
If only your ex could see you now, he would be begging to take you back, you joked to yourself.
Not that you would want him back, if there was one thing your remembered from the day before, other than the obvious fuck, is that it was agreed between you and your friend that you were under no circumstance going back to that cheating ass ex and betraying loveless sister. They could fuck off for all you cared about, but hopefully not each other anymore because that would hurt more. Still disheveled and disheartened from the long night, your call to your parents was less than ideal; swearing they would have a stern talk to your sister. You fully knew that it would lead up to a whole lot of nothing, as it always did.
But the disappointment led to a new idea. Over a healthy dose of over easy eggs and fried potatoes, you and your friend hatched a plan. One that required you to be completely empty of all your fucks. The two of you asked yourselves: who does your sister love? Who would she be pissed off if you fucked in bed? Who was actually an easy question to answer as you remembered your sister rambling on and on about her “One True Love.” She had each one of his movies downloaded and on dvd. Your sister had even waited long hours and nearly got run over by a car in order to get his autograph (which she never did get.) There were many moments you had caught her editing photos of him on her phone.
Your mind was made up quickly, you needed to fuck Dieter Bravo.
The plan would go as follows: Meet Dieter at the upcoming benefit gala. Introduce yourself, and convey to him the idea of you two fucking. He’ll say yes, cause Dieter is known to say yes to outlandish things, and then the two of you will have paparazzi taking pictures of your date. Then the final piece of the puzzle will be an exclusive pic of you and Dieter together, packaged away as a Christmas present to your sister. 
The invite to the gala would be easy to score on short notice, your latest film was reaching high on all charts and well with many critics, the gala would beg you to attend. Convincing Dieter to join you would be easy, the man attracted gossip and the wild extravagant. Getting him alone probably wouldn’t be all too hard, lately Dieter’s popularity had de-escalated after the Cliff Beast incident. Convincing him to score pictures with the paparazzi might be hard, no one likes being followed. But with the promise of sex you were sure would convince him to overlook the exposer. It could work, you could hear your sister’s cries of disappearing and heartbreak hitting you now. Maybe it would heal your own heart from the betrayal, but it would certainly make you happy, for the time being. 
Yes, no matter now or later, the idea of revenge was set, now all you had to do was to spring the agreement on one Dieter Bravo.
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Step Two: Fucked In The Head
Dieter wished he was engulfed in his robe. He wished he was drowning in kit kats or snoozing in his bed. Hell, he even wished he was high and that’s something he hadn’t thought about in a long time since he went to rehab after Cliff Beasts. Anything would be better than schmoozing his way around a benefit gala. This place was full of golden stars, swirling snowflakes, and cascading holiday lights. The gala was in full holiday swing. It was even full of people he didn’t care for and people who didn’t care for him. The people to his left were all the clique comic book actors, who were all well paid and would donate well to the benefit, but were a little too serious about their roles. To his right were the Oscar chasing actors, brimming with parental issues, drug usage, and able to cry on demand. Ahead of him; producers waiting for their opportunity to gloat about their latest projects, directors running circles away from said producers, and executives jumping in to cut off the producers and directors with their own grand pyramid scheme plans. On the outskirts was Dieter, snacking on the kit kat he hid in his pockets before leaving his house.
There were so many places he would rather be, with so many different people. Although now that he thought about it, there weren’t a lot of people who wanted to be near him. Even after rehab his reputation was shit. People didn’t like the messed up, druggie disaster and they currently didn’t like the boring, old man disaster that he was now. Which is why Anita left him. She needed someone who actually had the same interests as her. His passion for art was weird. Even obsession with his homey comforts was too gross and American for her taste. But Dieter didn’t understand what was gross about lounging in robes and eating kit kats all day.
Dieter roamed his way around the crowds, scoping out drinks or appetizers that came his way. It wasn’t long into the evening that his attention was caught on one singular person who was snaking their way through the crowd straight to him. He watched one of Hollywood's top starlets waltz right up to him in one of the curviest, and sexiest little black dresses he had ever seen. You smiled a rather dopey yet heartfelt smile to him and handed him a kit kat with a definite Japanese label.
“Your agent told me you like kit kats, and I had one of these bad boys left from the last time I was in Japan.” 
He looked over the Japanese packaging with awe and then looked back at you, “Thanks, babe, sorry that I have to ask, but are we…”
You waited for him to end his sentence.
“Well maybe were we…”
Your brow lifted as you continued to wait.
“Have we ever…” Dieter drew a finger between the two of you.
“Fucked? No but we should.” You said it so blatantly that Dieter coughed and nearly dropped his present. Past him would be joyful in your straight forward attitude, current Dieter is well he’s still happy about it but also trepid about your prowess to just be able to demand sex right off the bat. Then again, he’s also turned on.
“Christ honey, that’s not actually what I was asking. Normally people finish the sentence for me with whatever movie they’ve done with me. Although there have been plenty of people in the past who end the sentence with where we’ve done the deed before…now that I think of it.” Dieter mumbled to himself as he walked to a further corner of the room, you followed closely to his steps.
“Listen, I’ve got a bit of a weird question for you.”
“As if it isn’t weird already…” Dieter eyed you. “But I do like weird.”
“Then maybe you’ll like my proposal. I need you to sleep with me,” you paused as Dieter’s eyes nearly sprang out of his head. “And then I need some sort of proof that we were together.”
Dieter was frozen on the spot as his fingers fumbled to opening the kit kat. Here in front of him was one of Hollywood’s A-list actors looking for a hook-up. As well as porn for later? His mind wasn’t comprehending what was being asked of him right now, but he knew his agent wasn’t going to be happy. But there was part of Dieter’s old self that was basking in the heat of the moment…potential moment that is.
“Say that again.”
You sighed, “Let me explain from the top. I caught my sister and ex-fiancé fucking in my bed after I got home early from a photo shoot. Obviously I’m not thrilled by the news that’s roaming all the tabloids, so simply put, I want pay-back and that starts with you. 
“Why me?” Dieter was intrigued now.
“She’s always said that you were her one true love, and she obviously fucked my one true love, or who I thought was my love…”
“And now you want to be fucked by her love,” Dieter nodded. “Shit, that’s petty.”
“Actually the petty part comes in the form of pictures being sent to her as a Christmas present.”
“Shit,” Dieter laughed. You were definitely fucked over and from the looks of your straining shoulders and tapping shoes, you needed to be fucked as well. The old Dieter would have jumped on this plan without a thought. But he was supposed to be better now…
“I’ve got a thought.” You leaned in as he continued, “I say yes to this fuckery, but we do this whole thing my way.” 
You frowned, this was supposed to be easy. He was supposed to be easy.
“Now I don’t mean in the bedroom, I’m all for consent and communication there babe. But if I do this, I’m wining and dining you first. We do this damn thing right.”
You looked stunned at Dieter as he spoke of nice restaurants in his area that had good food and atmosphere. This wasn’t what you had expected when your friend had proposed this ridiculous idea. Actually, you expected to be running to his house by now, not talking when your schedule was open for date nights. 
“So maybe on the first date, we’ll do the normal movie and restaurant? Then date two, we could do a picnic or some evening in the park shit. And last date, cause it’s the third date right? That’s when we fuck? Maybe a concert or museum? I like painting. Would you go to a couple’s painting class?”
You mumbled a “sure” to the pondering actor as he continued on and on about romantic and fun date ideas. Taking your hand and settling it on the croak of his arm, he led you around the party, introducing you to the idea of home made kit kat desserts that he wanted to try out maybe after you two had fucked. You limply nodded and followed as the man continued to befuddle you into what would be a series of actually really nice and decent first dates. You really couldn’t remember the last time you had been on a date.
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Step Three: No Fucks On The First Date
It was Dieter’s idea. Plenty of photo opportunities would show up, he had said. On that he was definitely right, the day at the flea market was packed full of people. Multiple venders laid out their stalls to groups of people wandering through the thorofare. The two of you wandered down the rows past used and refurbished furniture, handmade jewelry, vinyl records, thrift clothes, and various pieces of art. Perusing past the stalls, you caught whispers of celebrity sightings from people passing by. Dieter said that the two of you would get a lot of attention, he was certainly right.
You watched as the man traded stories with vendors and swapped cash for some records. The two of you looked over refurbished mid-century furniture that he thought might complete his bedroom set. He slung his arm over your shoulders after he bought you a strawberry smoothie at one of the food trucks parked nearby. He even bought you some handmade clay earrings that matched your sundress. Under the warm dazzling sun, it didn’t take long for you to lean into Dieter. You couldn’t help but smile and giggle because you were actually enjoying this date. The man had even picked you up and gifted you a bundle of flowers as soon as you got to the market. 
“It’ll look damn cute in the photos to have a bunch of tulips sticking out of your bag, but also they match your eyes,” he had told you as he grabbed one flower from the bundle and placed it behind your ear. 
He was right again, the paparazzi photos would look great, but you did also hide your face when he announced that the flowers matched your eyes. Honestly you wondered if he had done this before. The grapevine had always told you that Dieter Bravo wasn’t a man you could date, he was a man that could fuck and would fuck just about anyone. Your agent had always stirred you clear from him or others like him, to say it simply, she wouldn’t be too happy that you were about to be seen with this man. The rumors would start to swirl soon enough, if not already. 
You eyed the cameras from behind your sunglasses as they hid behind booths and vendors. This is just the start as your arm winded around Dieter’s waste and your hand wrapped around his hand on your shoulder. The two of you had already taken a few photos with fans and had loaded up your bags with trinkets from several stalls. Your belly was full from lunch at one of the food trucks. Even as the day was meant to be just a stunt, you were actually having a great time. And Dieter for his part, looked like he was having a good time as well. 
An easy smile graced his face every time the two of you fell into a sweet embrace of sorts. He leaned an arm over your shoulders or around your waist. You settled your chin on him as you watched him sort through bins of records. His fingers would skim over your figure as he helped you try on new jackets at a clothing thrifter. He couldn’t stop grabbing you when the walkway would get crowded; holding your hand, tugging at your dress, or holding your hips as you led the way. Dieter was never too far away from you, always within reach.
It wasn’t till near the end of the evening sun, when the two of you found a quiet spot at a local restaurant for dinner, that the conversation opened up to the real reason behind the first date. You had enjoyed the conversation earlier, Dieter educated you on different local artists, while you rummaged through bins of old photographs worth $0.25 each. You told Dieter how you made up stories to the old photos, piecing them together as a puzzle. He smiled brightly as you told him about your collection of old photos that you wanted to write stories from and smiled at him when he explained the series of paintings he had created for a recent book he read.
But now after a day of getting to know each other, Dieter wanted something a bit deeper.
“So this sister of yours is a real bitch huh?”
You laughed and gasped as your drink almost went through your nose at Dieter’s comment. Composing yourself as he held back his own chuckle, you eyed the man up and down.
“You think? Or is fucking your sibling’s fiancé normal?”
“I’ve personally never done that, but I don’t have any siblings so…”
“Well I can tell you from my experience, it is not fun. Not one damn bit.” 
Dieter studied you as you took a too large bite out of your food, stuffing your face as a solid crease developed on your forehead. The day had gone extremely well, in Dieter’s opinion. He had fun, you had fun, and he was sure the photos of the two of you together were circulating the socials by now. But looking over you now, Dieter was upset with himself for bringing up your sibling and ex. You looked so carefree and happy, a million times more happy than you did the night of the benefit where he first met you. Truthfully he didn’t know you well, but he didn’t want you to be mad. He truly wanted you back to that carefree vibe you had just a minute ago.
“I haven’t talked to her or him since I found them together. I’ve blocked both of them on my cell. They kept sending these stupid texts about how it wasn’t what it looked like it was.” 
“Oh cause that line always works,” Dieter munched down on his own food.
“I know, I don’t know what else they would be doing completely naked with each other in my bed.”
“Did you burn the bed? I heard that burning things makes people feel better.”
“I threw it out and bought a new one.” You pushed your food around in thought, “I should have burnt it.”
“Honey, I’ll buy you a used one to burn if you want?” Dieter raised his eyebrows in question, making you laugh. “Seriously, we buy a mattress, take it to your sister's front yard, and set it on fire. Good reminder for your sister that she’s trash.”
“That’s not a horrible idea, though I like the idea of secrecy more. Something that will really get under her skin as she got under mine,” you drummed your fingers to the table as you thought back over this proposition with Dieter.
“Which is why she’s getting the best Chrsitmas present under the tree…” Dieter finished for you.
You jumped as you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable, “It can be us cuddling, or us kissing, or something simple like…” You didn’t want Dieter to think you thought less of him, that he was just a tool for revenge, if anything this first date proved to you that Dieter wasn’t what you expected.
“My dick pic!” Dieter supplied.
“Dieter no!” you laughed and swatted at him. “We don’t need to go that far.”
“You think a dick pic is too far, but we’re still fucking right?”
“Yes… well actually… I mean… we can…only if you…” you stumbled over your words as you stirred your straw in your drink.
Dieter placed his hand on yours, “It’s a good plan, I like it, we should stick with it.”
“Yeah?” you made eye contact with him.
“Yeah,” he said so quickly but then held a finger up to you, “After the third date of course. No fucking on the first date.”
“Of course,” you agreed as you took his hand and placed a kiss on his warm palm.
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Step Four: A Close Call To Fucking
Dieter had felt lonely for some time. Even when he was in a relationship, he was still lonely. In all the beds he had shared, and all the drugs he had gone through, he had felt nothing but empty. The paintings he created, the stories participated in, and the events he attended; alone, in a group, or with someone on his arm; he felt abandoned and hollow.
But lately, that had all changed. Even if the circumstances weren’t ideal, Dieter felt joyful. The lonely actor actually looked forward to the days ahead. The last couple of days he was waking up and feeling quite excited and rejuvenated to work. He was working harder at his auditions and he found himself pouring more and more into his painting, a hobby that he was neglecting since he went off to rehab and quit drugs. Even his agent noticed the difference and welcomed the change in attitude, who then encouraged the actor to take you out on a second date as soon as possible. Dieter knew this whole dating scenario only made him look better in the eyes of social media and producers, while potentially making you look bad, but he had to admit to himself that he was having a lot of fun on this slippery slope. 
It had been such a long time since Dieter had gone on a real date, and really, he didn't want these dates to stop. He knew they would, that was the deal. but Dieter was reconsidering this “deal.” Maybe, just maybe, the man could work just a bit harder and make this situation even better, or rather even longer than just a three date rule. He had ideas, and step one was to take you on the next date…
Which brought you two to one of Dieter’s favorite art galleries. It was owned by a friend of his, and he was promised a private night at the gallery. No strangers, no cameras, no posing. It would just be the two of you in your own little world, for a couple of hours at least until it was time to get to the dinner that he reserved for the cameras to see.
For now the two of you walked hand in and through the gallery. He was glad you didn’t flinch or put up a fight when he grabbed your hand, there wasn’t a need for the two of you to portray your relationship as you were all alone in the gallery. Yet Dieter was basking in the warm glow he felt from you by his side. He loved the gentle way your hand held his and the sweet way you looked at him. Even when he went on and on about different paintings, different mediums, or different techniques used in the art. You didn’t seem to mind his rants, just as he didn’t mind your questions. The two of you were speaking so fluently and quietly to each other, your hold on each other felt so in sync. Even the silence was lovely in the space between the two of you. There were even moments Dieter caught you staring at him as he noticed your reflection in some of the glass displays. He wondered if you noticed that he did it to you as well. 
The topping of the gallery was at the end. Dieter remembered how you expressed your desire to learn how to paint or draw. Now he could easily teach you how to paint, that was his favorite medium after all. But Dieter had a better idea, one he got from one of his favorite movies.
In one of the back rooms of the gallery, you and Dieter walked up to a pair of stools and pottery wheels. Your eyes lit as you quickly jumped to the pile of clay. Dieter followed you quickly as he laughed at your squeal. Now he had only taken a few pottery classes himself but he was convinced, by himself, that he would be able to create a bowl or two. At the very least he could make something that the two of you could paint later on.
It didn’t take any time at all for the two of you to screw up bowl after bowl. Even if you followed Dieter’s advice and instructions to the letter, your clay creation always seemed to collapse. Luckily to your delight, and to Dieter’s, you always laughed the failure off. The smile on your face didn’t seem to disappear or fade as the night went on, even when you brought up the reason for your gettogether.
“Why did you say yes?” your fingers traced the lines of Dieter’s hand as you stared back at him.
Dieter had a feeling this question was coming. Through all the laughter and smiles, this was something you probably had been thinking about since the first date. 
“I’ve fucked up a lot in the past. Fucked myself, fucked others.” Dieter paused as he watched the wheel spin his limping clay creation. “You can probably guess I’ve fucked people who were definitely in relationships, some were open some were definitely closed.”
You nodded, of course you had heard the gossip, that was part of why you walked up to him. There was also a part of you that almost didn’t want to be seen with him because of it, but you were desperate. Which was fine by your friend, desperate times call for desperate measures after all. But your agent was not happy with the new development in your life, cheaters don’t do right by more cheaters, she had said. And this would make you look terrible. Looking back on your agent's advice, you were sure she was right, but this wasn’t that situation. 
Certainly Dieter didn’t fit the persona that you had developed through your career, but sometimes you need to step out of your own shadow. You fully knew this wasn’t the time for a lifestyle change. No this wasn’t that, not for you it seemed. This was just revenge…right? Fucking your sister over, that’s what this was all about. That’s what your friend said, that’s what you said to your agent, but that wasn’t what you were telling yourself anymore. 
Your finger ran up and down the clay bowl as it swirled around and around. Dieter had restarted his bowl again, jumping back into his explanation.
“I’m an idiot on so many different levels, but I think I’ve got it in my dumbass head how shitty I was. There’s a lot of things I shouldn’t have done, and this doesn’t make up for all those mistakes but maybe it’ll help you somehow.” Dieter paused again as he ran his finger in a wave pattern into the clay. “I probably still be fucked up after this though.”
You watched the top of Dieter’s bowl swirl in uneven  waves and smiled up at him as your own bowl started to flop to one side, “I like your kind of fucked up though.”
Dieter took his hand away from his clay and looked back at you, “Really? You don’t think I’m a waste or a piece of shit or an idiot?”
“We’re all idiots, Dieter. Look at myself. The first words I said to you were to fuck me. I’m the real mess in this situation. I mean who the hell does that? Loses their fiancé and sister all in the same day to just then go and begged to be fucked by a stranger.”
“I mean it’s not the first time I’ve had someone ask me for sex without anything else being said. Not so weird to me.” Dieter looked on as you smashed your clay into a pile again. “You’re not messed up, your sister and ex are, but not you.”
“This coming from Dieter Bravo, king of the tabloids.”
“King of bullshit,” Dieter chuckled. He leaned over to you and whispered, “Wanna be my queen?”
You laughed and leaned away from the wheel, “Hell yes! Only if you're fine with being with someone so emotionless and unromantic.”
Dieter’s brows furrowed as he looked you up and down, “I’ve been watching you since we started this date and you’ve been laughing and smiling this whole time. I wouldn’t call you emotionless at all.” You inhaled and looked over at Dieter as he held his clay covered hands up and studied you. A large smile grew on his face as you saw the gears turn in his head. “And for the unromantic part,” Dieter stood and walked behind you where he sat down on part of your seat. You scouted up to give him space as his arms came around you and placed his hands on yours. Together your hands melted into the clay, sculpting together.
“They did this shit in Ghost, super fucking romantic right?” Dieter whispered into your ears as his stubble ran against your cheek. 
You bit your lip as you adjusted yourself on the seat, moving against Dieter causing a huff to leave his mouth. 
“Yeah this works,” you mumbled to yourself as well as Dieter.
A minute went by in silence as Dieter’s hands engulfed yours to the clay. The two of you shifted in your seat every once in a while. Dieter’s thighs encasing you just as his chest settled to your back, making you want to arch back into him. Between your small movements and caught up breaths, the two of you made a decent vase. Small marks from your nails ran through the clay as well as uneven strips from Dieter’s large fingers. You stopped the wheel from turning; the pair of you looked over your creation. Not perfect, but not bad. You straightened out to look over the vase as you leaned back into Dieter’s lap, letting out a soft gasp as Dieter grabbed hold of your hands and gasped your name into your ear.
“It’s not half bad but you know I think it’s time for our reservation.”
You felt Dieter quickly rise away from you, missing his warmth instantly. But he wasn’t quick enough to cover the bulge in his pants. Your own legs shifted and jittered as you stood as well and looked back to Dieter.
“No fucking on the second date,” you mocked as you quickly gave Dieter a kiss to his lips.
Dieter grabbed your hand and held it as he tugged you to the sink to clean up “Fuck.”
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Step Five: Time To Fuck
He was wearing matching pajamas.
“You look so amazing, Dieter! That’s a way better outfit than mine,” you laughed as you entered his home. 
Date number three was underway, the next step of your plan was in motion, the real clincher of the entire idea of dating Dieter was happening tonight…you were excited. and so was Dieter. 
He had prepped all day, cleaning his space, cleaning himself, ordering food, and new clothes. The man was nervous, to say the least. Ok yeah, he knows he’s good at fucking, but it’s been awhile and this situation is different. It’s more than a Friday night orgy or a fling in a gala event restroom. This needed to be right for you’ you deserved it to be right. He thought just for this special occasion he could forgo the old and comfy bathrobe for some itchy yet crisp pajamas. It rubbed against his balls in all the wrong ways, but he really liked the little dogs depicted on them. He wanted to be cleaned up for you, but he felt weirdly professional in the matching pjs. He was longing to wear his boxers and bathrobe.
But that wasn’t the only place Dieter touched up, his house had been decorated at his best attempt. Lights roped around the railings of the stairs, a tree was thrown up in the corner of the living room, and wreaths were pinned throughout the house. Dieter wasn’t one to decorate for holidays, but his agent was a good sport to help out. He just wanted to be a little festive for you, but felt a little confused as he eyed the Santa hat that sat upon his Oscar over the fireplace.
“I’ve got a matching set if you wanna try it on?” Dieter deadpanned as he closed the door behind you.
“What? Really?”
“Nope, just joking, this is itchy as fuck. I wouldn’t want you to go through this hell.”
You laughed as you toyed with the top button of the shirt, “Well maybe you won’t have to wear the outfit for long, although I appreciate the effort.”
Dieter held your hand and placed a kiss to your fingers, he felt all of his nervous energy lift away as he finally held your hand again. 
“Later, I’ve got a gift for you.” He tugged you to the dining room, where he had plates setup with candles and a fine bouquet of flowers placed in a vase that looked vaguely familiar. Dieter pointed his hands to the vase. “It’s our vase, the one we made on our last date. My friend fired it up in the kiln and I painted it.”
You walked closely to the table and inspected the vase, realizing he had painted it in some of your favorite colors, blending together in a vibrant display. He was a much better painter than clay molder.
“I love it, Dieter. it looks so gorgeous with the flowers.”
Dieter perked up and stoped fiddling with his hands, “Yeah?”
“Yes! No one has ever given me a handmade present before. It’s wonderful.”
“Well merry early Christmas, babe.” Dieter’s hands found their way to your hips as he turned you around as he planted his lips to yours. 
The kiss was soft and gentle, just like Dieter’s hands as they gently squeezed you close to him. Your own hands stayed settled on his chest, feeling him inhale deeply through his nose. You hummed as you felt his tongue swipe at your lips, and huffed in amusement as you butt hit the chair behind you. Dieter pushed you slowly but you tapped at his chin and squeezed his hip, making him jump away in a giggle. 
“Now who’s getting too ahead of the schedule,”  you smiled at Dieter as he gently pulled you back into his arms.
“Couldn’t help it, been thinking about this for awhile now,” he whispered as he leaned his forehead to yours.
“Well you're not the only one who has a gift to give…” you announced as you pulled a box from your purse.
Dieter undid the bow and opened the box to find rows of Japanese kit kats lining the box. A soft sigh escaped Dieter’s mouth.
“I remembered how you scarfed down that last kit kat I gave you back at the gala when we met. I thought you would want more.”
“Fuck I love it babe,” Dieter mumbled in disbelief as he thumbed through the rows looking over the flavors. He pulled out a strawberries and cream kit kat, ripping it open and dividing the kit kat with you.
“Dessert before dinner,” you nodded your head to the empty plates.
Dieter smirked, “No, I’ll be having you after dinner.” His hand ran past your hip as he walked to the kitchen, returning quickly with a bag of take out from a local restaurant.
“I'm not a cook, but I know good cooks,” Dieter smiled as you took your spot at the table.
You were all too happy with the food selection, “When you brought up the idea of a stay at home date, I was a little confused, but I’m liking the idea more and more as the date goes on.”
“Good,” Dieter sat down next to you so his leg brushed against yours. He was certain of this idea himself, but was determined to make this comfortable as possible. “I wanted this to be just us, no extras, no cameras, no bullshit.”
“I’m glad, this is nice. All the other dates I’ve been on were all so pretentious and over-thought out.”
“Also since we’re home, when we get to fucking, we’re already alone so it’ll be easier to get going…” Dieter elbowed you. You laughed and swatted at the man who grinned away at his food.
“I take back the over-thought out part.”
“There’s been a lot of thinking on my part. Especially tonight.”
“Really? Like as in second thoughts? Cause if you are uncertain, we don’t have to do this. There’s no pressure, I don’t want you to feel pushed,” you rushed out the words as your hand seeked out Dieter’s thigh and squeezed.
But Dieter interrupted you from talking yourself out of the occasion, “No. You’re not pushing me. I’m not uncertain about a damn thing when it comes to you. I want this. I want to spend the night with you, to fuck you. And it’s not because you want revenge or I’m horny. Although that is part of it. But I want to spend time with you, to have you. I want you to have a good time, because you deserve to have a damn good time. I want to have not only sex with you tonight but also many nights after this.” Dieter paused as his hand cradled your face. His eyes searched your face and you watched as his mouth wobbled to form words, “Do you want to have sex with me? And potentially a couple of more times?”
Your hand ran up his arm and held his own to your face, “Yeah Dieter, I wanna have sex with you, now and many times after.”
It didn’t even take Dieter a heart beat as he sprung forward to crash his lips with yours. The gentleness he had showed you just moments ago was gone as he was bent on devouring you. He took in all your breath as he nipped and pushed into you. His tongue passed through your opening lips and collided with your own just as he lifted you from your chair and into his lap. His arms circled around you, one wrapped around your waist and the other hand buried into your hair. But what you were aware of the most was the growing bulge that was grinding against your leg, or maybe you were grinding against him.
Your own hand was buried in his wild chestnut hair as the other centered yourself to his broad shoulders. Dieter moaned into your mouth as you pulled lightly at his hair. Becoming desperate to rearrange yourself as you felt the heat in your core building up, you raised yourself up to straddle the lap of the man under you. You both moaned in unison as you lowered yourself down, rubbing your clothed heat against his growing bulge, causing him to buck up to you.
“Fuck baby, we need to…we really should…oh fuck,” Dieter franticly mumbled out words between kisses and his own dry humping. You got the message clear as day though.
“Bed, where’s the bed?”
Dieter tucked his hands under your ass and lifted you up as you yelped. 
“Yeah yeah I know where that is,” he breathlessly said the words as his mind caught up to his body, finally clicking in to move his feet to his bedroom. It probably took longer than it should have, Dieter kept banging you into the walls as he carried you away. You giggled as he struggled to keep himself away from your marked up neck, but soon enough he led you to his plush bed. Bouncing you to the center, he climbed over you and attacked your neck, marking his way down the plunging neckline to your slightly exposed chest.
His hands racked up your shirt so he could nip, kiss, and suck at your skin. Creating a trail of marks up to your now uncovered breast, Dieter leaned away from you and took each of your breasts in his hands. Squeezing them and rolling them in his hands, he looked down at you as you arched to his touch and ran your own hands up his thighs. Lightly digging your nails into his pajama pants; the scratch of starch cotton filled the air.
“You should take these off,” you said as you pinched at the fabric. Dieter smiled down at you as he rolled your nipples in his fingers.
“In a minute, I want to know how you want this.” He leaned down as he sucked at one nipple as you moaned out. “I’ve got toys. Vibrators, dildos, plugs, straps, a tail.” He raised his eyebrows a few times as he spoke and then turned his attention to your other breast. You stuttered out nonsensical words before he finally popped off your breast. “Or we can go the natural, old fashion way,” he spoke quickly as he planted his head between your breasts and licked up between them. “I’m fine with whatever you want,” he finally said as his head resurfaced to your face so he could kiss you deeply. 
“Shit,” is all you could get out as he continued on kissing down your body to your stomach. The man was driving you crazy quickly and this was only starting. 
“Anyway you want Dieter. You can have me however you want,” you breathed out in a sigh as he rocked your hips so he could strip your pants and underwear off. Finally bare to him, Dieter pushed your legs apart wide. He lowered himself, kissing your thighs as he went, to your heat. He smiled dumbly at you, happy to hear those words come out of your mouth.
“I need to taste you first, then we’ll figure it out from there.”
You nodded to him, unable to believe this is how it was about to go. At the start of this whole dating thing, you simply thought you two would grab some drinks then have a quickie with a photo for proof. Then move on. But nope, you were surprised by Dieter Bravo all over again. Your friend had been surprised by the news of the dates and so had your agent when the rumor mill came out that he was treating you like a queen. And now…you gasped and clutched at the sheets of his bed…Dieter Bravo was licking a strip up through your folds and wrapping his arms around your legs. Holding you down as he took another lick though your folds, digging his tongue into your cunt.
Muffled against your clit, you head Dieter say, “Fuck this pussy is dripping for me, aren’t you honey.” He then jumped back into giving quick licks to your clit till he sucked your clit between his lips. 
You squirmed against him and threw your head back against the bed, letting a high moan pierce through the air. The man below you hummed into your clit, as you buried your hands into his unruly hair. You felt him flick and swirl his tongue against your clit, making you hotter and hotter under his pressure. His arms wrapped around your legs, allowing his fingers to gently probe at your entrance, dancing around your fluttering hole.
“Please Dieter, fucking please,” you begged out.
“Please what baby? I wanna hear you say it. Need you to say it.”
You huffed out a long breath and propped yourself up to look down at the large round brown eyes, “Make me cum sweet boy, please make me cum so you can taste all of me.”
Dieter groaned, specifically at you calling him baby boy, and pushed his finger into you causing you to throw your head back in a cry. His finger rounded your heat, strumming your walls just as his tongue rounded your clit. Your legs shook and pushed against Dieter’s large shoulders, unable to close and relieve the mounting pressure in you. Dieter for his part wouldn’t let up as he felt you near your climax. 
It was the cry of his name, the aftershock wrecking your body, and the flood of juices in his mouth that almost made Dieter lose his own load. 
“Shit.” Dieter raised himself to fall on top of your stomach as your legs laid out boneless. You patted his head and closed your eyes in bliss, and to also recenter yourself for whatever he wanted next. Dieter scruff scratched up and down your stomach as he rubbed his head to your rising and falling stomach. “Your pussy tasted so good, but you’ll feel incredible around my cock baby.”
You laughed and swirled his hair with your fingers, “Just give me a minute sweet boy.” 
“Need some water?” Dieter raised his head and looked you over before getting up properly and grabbing a glass from the bathroom and handing it to you. “Always prepared for care,” he smiled and kissed your temple.
You smiled back and ran your fingers to his chin, scratching at his gray beard as you drank your water. He sat down next to you and wrapped an arm around your waist to tug you to rest against him. You happily leaned into him, basking in his warmth. As your head rested on his shoulder, you soon realized that Dieter still wore his scratchy matching pjs.
“You still have this awful thing on,” tugged at his pants in amusement.
“Got caught up with eating you out,” Dieter shrugged.
You giggled for a second and went dead serious, “Take your close off sweet boy.”
Dieter’s eyes went wide as he instantly jumped off the bed and threw off all his clothes, standing fully nude and fully erect at your attention. You smiled at the beautiful man.
“Happy now?” Dieter asks.
“I’ll be happier when you fuck me, but yes,” you laughed as you leaned over to him and kissed up his chest to his lips. Dieter took hold of your face and deepened the kiss, leaning you further back till you both collapsed back on the bed.
“Ready for more?” you questioned Dieter.
Straightening up, Dieter looked down at you, “Still up for whatever way I want it?”
You nodded, watching Dieter curse and run off to his closet. Coming back he held two objects in his hand.
“You like feeling full, so do I,” Dieter stated as he held up two butt plugs. The plugs matched but one had a purple jewel while the other had a red jewel. “I call purple.” 
You nodded and grabbed the purple jeweled plug from him, applied lube to the end and lifted your brow to the gawking man before you. He smiled and kneeled on the bed with his ass up. Slowly you pushed the plug into him, watching his reaction for any discomfort but in reply you got a low throaty moan. When the plug was fully in and the purple jewel shined up to you, you patted his ass. Dieter stood and waited for you to present your ass to him. You flinched only a little as the cold of the lube and plug touched your skin. Dieter’s warm hand rubbed your ass as he slowly pushed into you. You held your breath as he twisted the plug slowly and pulled it in and out of you, until he finally seated the whole plug in. Kissing each one of your ass cheeks, Dieter smiled as the red jewel sparkled back up to him.
Surely, Dieter’s hands rolled over your ass and up to your hips and you felt the bed shift under his weight. Dieter tightly held your waist as he hovered over you, brushing his chest against your back as he kissed your shoulder. You preened under his touch and care, pushing back against him. You quickly felt his cock softly pushed against your ass as one of his hands curled around your front and grabbed ahold of your boob. The other hand grabbed hold of his cock and directed it to your entrance. You both moaned out as he swiftly entered your drenched folds. 
Waiting a few seconds before pulling out and pushing back in, Dieter tried to remember himself. His mind was exploding with the fact that he had such a beautiful heat surrounding his cock, a full ass that matched your own full ass, all the while his ears were full of the loud cries and moans out of your beautiful mouth. Dieter had imagined this moment happening as soon as you walked up to him at the gala, but he still could barely wrap his head around the fact that it was real. You were so willing and happy to be with him and damn was he happy to be with you. Completely forgetting the fact that this was really revenge, he didn’t care as long as you wanted to see him again. Which by the way you were babbling, was going to happen.
“Dieter… shit… you feel so good… I feel so full...fuck…Dieter.”
“That’s it honey, tell me how it feels.”
“So damn good baby…so good…I…”
Dieter continued his movement in and out of you, “Say it.”
“More…please more…” you stated it like a question which made Dieter love your moans even more.
His hand gripping your breast ran down to your clit, swirling around it making you cry and push back on his dick. Spurred by your cry, Dieter straightened up, taking you with him so you were pressed to his chest and clinging to his hands. Throwing your head back, Dieter attacked your neck with kisses and teeth just as he continued thrust in and out of you. Rubbing harshly against your clit, you felt Dieter take you to the top of your climax again. The blinding heat ran from your core to your eyes, taking your breath away. Dieter cursed and spurred on still.
“Knew you were going to feel amazing…fucking knew you’d be perfect.”
“Yeah…cum in me then sweet boy.”
“Fill you up more… is that what you want?” Dieter asked breathlessly as he felt his own release nearing.
“Yes. Do it. It’s what you want.”
Cursing as his pace went frantic, Dieter’s lips attached to your shoulder, biting down as he finally released inside you. Holding you tight to his chest, the two of you collapsed to the bed, breathing deeply into the sheets. Minutes later, while still seated in you, Dieter’s fingers traced your side as you nestled into the crock of his arm. 
“Need another glass of water.”
You nodded into the man’s arm, “But in a minute, want you here.”
Dieter smiled and buried his face into your hair. 
It wasn’t till another round of fucking did the two of you remember to take the memento you had hooked up for initially.
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Step Six: The Fuckery Of Christmas
You decided to skip the traditional family Christmas. You knew that your parents and sister were busy opening up presents just as you found yourself sleeping the morning away. Maybe there weren’t any presents under your tree, but wasn’t the holidays about giving rather than receiving? Making someone smile as they opened up their present, that was the meaning of Christmas. The joy of giving… well maybe this wasn’t the idea of giving that the songs had sung to you when you were a child. But gift giving did bring a smile to your face this year, that was for sure.
And smile you did as you rose to the smell of fresh coffee and burnt bacon. You cooed as Dieter presented you a freshly toasted pop tart. You laughed as the charming man showed off the pile of broken and discarded eggs in a bowl over at the stove. You hummed with delight as you felt the warm arms of this darling man encircle you as you tried to teach him how to properly make scrambled eggs. And you sighed and moaned with each kiss Dieter gave to your neck, face, and lips; fully knowing you would be getting more of these in the future. But you silently smiled to yourself as you knew that a mountain of rings and pings silently gathered on your phone. 
It was the thought of your sister clutching at the gold wrapper present. She would squeal in delight as she would see your neat handwriting sign the present away to her. You had always given your sister and family the best gifts money could buy, and knew your sister would be excited to open this gift. Just as you knew she would be excited yet confused as the box would hold only a polaroid picture, flipped up for the receiver to see all its glory. Oh yes, you could hear the screams and cries of your sister as she tore apart the very photo that would curse her dreams for the rest of her life.
The copy of that very polaroid sat back at Dieter’s dresser, propped up against his mirror. Frozen and encapsulated in the picture to your and Dieter’s delight were the two of you: you laying on top of Dieter’s bare chest, clearly naked but cover by a bit of a bed sheet as the scruff of a man’s chin and lips settled against your forehead, with a relaxed and propped up arm seen behind your head. One large triangle tattoo could be seen on said arm. Dieter even wrote the words X-mas 2022 under the photo, forever set in time.
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doodlebloo · 8 months
I haven’t watched a single qsmp stream but I am FASCINATED by whatever gay ass trist Tubbo Underscore has managed to get himself into this time.
From what I’ve gathered: Tubbo is an inventor/smth else that's mildly illegal and Fred (who may or may not be a literal bear but most definately isn’t fully human, or at least didn’t start that way) is a capitalist/factory worker/cult member, I still can’t tell but I think whatever it is is morally dubious. Not for Fred I don’t think, but just in general. Also is Fred an NPC in the way the eggs are? I have no fucking clue how the eggs work either actually. Either way, Tubbo is down BAAAAAD but Fred is decidedly not since his feelings are still up in the air atm. There are letters (?) both for and against gay feelings being present. However, any progress on said feelings have been halted becasue Tubbo got stood up on a date (not sure what led to that) but he only got stood up cuz Fred got his ass kidnapped by some other capitalists/maybe the mafia/the owners of…something. Also Tubbo went to cry about it to everyone else even though he might be a wanted man (as in for crime not in romance unfortunately for him) becasue Quackity is the gayest homophobe as is typical of him. Now everyone is waiting for Tubbo to maybe go on a heartbroken murder spree of revenge and maybe find Fred?
Am I close or not at all? 
You're pretty close actually. Ik this wasn't an invitation but here's my Frubbo crash course for someone who has never seen QSMP:
Fred is an NPC, meaning a QSMP admin logs on and plays as him. Very similar to the eggs.
Everyone on QSMP lives on an island. Island is run by The Federation. They're low-key evil and torture and kidnap people and such. Not good.
Fred works for the Federation and he's like the highest level of worker you can be. He's different from the lower rank workers because he doesn't have a life outside of work, doesn't understand most emotions, etc. He also says he has done terrible things in the past.
qTubbo finds and befriends Fred (and names him Fred. Fred sticks with it). Fred struggles with this bc he doesn't understand why Tubbo is being so nice.
Fred is worried his boss will get mad he's talking to Tubbo. They start exchanging letters instead (and affectionately refer to each other as their PenPal.) They also exchange flowers with each letter and make sure the flowers have the right meaning in flower language. Letters are signed off as "Yours, Faithfully" and start with "Dear,"
Fred finds out that Tubbo is in love with him. He panics and says he doesn't feel the same. Tubbo then apologizes in his letter for making Fred uncomfortable and doesn't start it with "Dear Fred," just "Fred".
Fred says seeing the letter without the Dear made his stomach hurt.
Pretty soon Fred all but asks Tubbo on a date to the movies (the same date Tubbo had been trying to ask him on the whole time.) Tubbo insists it isn't a date because he doesn't want to make Fred uncomfortable. Fred is kind of disappointed but they still go.
Fred buys Tubbo's popcorn. They watch Wall-E (bc they're just like Wall-E and Eve.) After the movie they sit in the dark together just talking.
Philza and Fit interrupt their date by pranking them. Fred the object of Tubbo's gushing affection is officially introduced to Tubbo's friends. It's a lovely date. They plan another.
Tubbo waits very patiently for the date but Fred never shows up. He's miserable.
Quackity kidnaps Fred. Quackity (rightfully) Hates the Federation because they did extremely fucked up things to him. He thinks Tubbo is a traitor for dating a Fed worker. Fred tells Quackity that he and Tubbo are happy together. Quackity makes Fred write a letter saying he hates Tubbo.
Quackity goes undercover as Fred but finds net 0 information except the fact that all of Fred's coworkers ship Frubbo and think that "love is love ❤️" 💀
Quackity confronts Tubbo and gives him the letter from Fred. Tubbo doesn't believe it for a second, says that yes it's Fred's handwriting but that isn't the way he talks. Quackity dips and Tubbo frantically rushes to find Fred.
Tubbo searches for days but finds nothing but dead ends. He's on the verge of a murder spree. His two besties, Pac and Fit (who are low-key in love themselves) are 100% behind him.
Tubbo is thrown into the current QSMP event, purgatory, before he's able to find his love.
Also Fred uses any pronouns, and Tubbo is on the Federation's bad side bc he keeps making giant server breaking machines that they have to make him dismantle kekw
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triscribeaucollection · 4 months
(So my "write a post a new PJO fic each afternoon" got derailed by going out of town, and the next one-shot is going to be significantly longer by the time I'm done with it, but here's the first page just to tide my new followers over for a bit):
Maybe the ocean would always be nice to her, but Thalia was having second thoughts about the camp’s lake.
“Come on, Thali!” “You can do it, Grace! “We believe in you!”
“Shut UP,” she shrieked, grinning from ear to ear but doing her best to still sound annoyed. “I am never trusting you again, Castellan, never!”
Luke just laughed from the other canoe. Thalia took a chance and swiped her paddle along the top of the water, which did manage to splash the jerk but also caused her dumb boat to wobble wildly again.
“You’re only making it worse!” Percy did not have room to talk, seeing as he kept twisting in all directions on the bench seat in the middle of their canoe. Every time the stupid thing shifted underneath Thalia’s butt, she tensed up and tried to compensate, but then they’d bob the other way instead, and it was all a vicious cycle, okay?!
And she loved every minute of it.
“Just relax!” The big Hephaestus kid in the front spot tried to offer. “It’s like riding a pegasus- or a bike!”
Thalia almost yelled back that she’d never done either of those, thanks very much, but a face-full of water cut her off first. Sputtering, the girl wiped at her eyes, then glared at a highly unrepentant Annabeth gliding by in her own canoe. “You are so getting tickled later,” Thalia swore.
The shrieking-laughing-cussing kept getting louder and louder, until, inevitably, Percy leaned too far over the side to look at something underwater, and Thalia jerked forward to grab him, and the combination of too much weight and movement dumped all of them overboard. At least the Hephaestus kid, Becken-something, didn’t seem to mind: he just grabbed onto the tow line at the front of the canoe and leisurely started swimming for shore. Rather than follow, Thalia enacted her revenge, lunging through the water towards Luke.
“Oh shit-” his alarm got the other two Hermes kids to actually start paddling, instead of just messing around, but they didn’t get away fast enough. Thalia gripped the edge of their canoe, and capsized it too. By the time she kicked away from that mess, cackling, Percy had made his way over to Annabeth. Even if he’d wanted to, the kid didn’t quite have enough bodyweight to dump it over so easily - he just swam alongside instead, dropping his head down underwater every time Annabeth tried to bop him with her paddle.
Hands grabbed at Thalia’s ankle. She kicked back, and was rewarded a moment later when Luke surfaced, coughing and rubbing at his forehead. They proceeded to slap water at each other for a few minutes, gradually drifting closer to shore, until someone shouted their names from the small beach.
“Last one back is a rotten harpy egg!” And of course as soon as she said that, Thalia kicked Luke in the gut, knocking him back with a yelp and propelling her forward.
“Hey! No fair!”
She snickered all the way out of the water and back up onto dry land, where Hailey waited with some towels and a raised eyebrow.
“Chiron asked me to come find you guys,” the older girl said, when Luke staggered up out of the lake as well. “Probably ought to dry off and change first, before you go down to the Big House.”
“Yeah, fine,” Thalia agreed, way more cheerfully than usual. Whatever the old centaur wanted, it was not going to be enough to spoil her good mood. And she managed to keep that mindset, all the way through getting dressed in clean clothes and rejoining her friends and heading down to the camp’s largest building.
But her good mood dropped like a stone when Thalia reached the glass-wall porch, and saw Hermes sitting at the table.
She could tell the instant Luke spotted him too, thanks to the sudden death grip on her forearm. Hermes must have sensed his son in return, because he looked up from talking quietly with Dionysus. He tried to offer them a smile that didn’t reach his eyes.
“Luke. Thalia.” The god’s gaze flickered down and to one side. “And you must be the new Perseus everyone’s been talking about.”
A smaller hand tucked itself inside Thalia’s grip.
“What do you want,” Luke demanded, voice flat and cold.
“Hey,” Dionysus warned, speaking before the other god could, “You better watch it with the tone, kid-”
“It’s fine,” Hermes cut him off. “He’s fine. It’s not worth getting annoyed about.” Thalia shifted her arm, and Luke’s hand slid down to where they could both hold onto one another. If Hermes noticed, he didn’t mention it. “Sorry to drop in unannounced, but you two-” He nodded towards Thalia, and Percy pressing against her side, “-are being summoned to Olympus.”
“No.” Thalia could feel her best friend start to tremble. “You can’t.”
“I have to, kid.” Hermes kept his words soft, but it didn’t make them any easier to accept. “Even gods can get orders from on high. And right now, I’m under orders to bring both of them directly to Olympus. No stops, no detours, no delays.”
Thalia swallowed.Then she turned in place, pulling on Luke’s hand until he met her gaze. “Go find Annabeth,” she told him. “Keep her busy until we get back.”
His face turned stricken in an instant. But he didn’t argue.
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kittydemon9000 · 3 years
okay so lemme just say Disney’s “Gargoyles” from 1994 is cinematic masterpiece and Goliath gives me the biggest dad vibes but I also feel so bad for him like
Life was fine. He protected his castle with all his fellow Gargoyles, had a fucking gorgeous wife, a gargoyle dog thing, and a bunch of the eggs were ready to hatch soon. Sure the humans of the castle were scared of them and called them monsters, but the Captain of the guard was really nice to you and was a trusted friend.
But then the Princess of the castle calls you monsters, the Magus insults you and your wife, and three of your gargoyles plus your gargoyle dog scare some of the humans so you basically ground them and send them to the rookery. Not great, but then things get worse.
When tracking the people who attacked the castle that morning, turns out it was a trap and by the time you get back to the castle it’s on fire, all the humans are gone, there are signs of betrayal and every single gargoyle except for the ones you grounded and one you brought along to chase the bad guys is dead, including your wife.
So, you go find the guys who dared invade the castle, but then it turns out that the Captain was the one who betrayed you and before you can even deal with them both him and the guy who attacked fall off a cliff so you can’t even get revenge. But at least you save the Princess from falling too.
BUT THEN you go back to the camp and find out the freaking Magus turned the remaining gargoyles to stone but forever because he was “mad with grief” or some bullshit, and the counter spell was destroyed so he can’t reverse it.
So you go back to your castle, entrust the remaining eggs with the Princess, and ask the Magus to turn you to stone as well so you can lie with your charges.
BUT THEN you actually wake up because the Magus’s spell was weirdly specific and said that, besides the counter spell, it would only be broken once the castle was above the clouds. So you’re now 1000 years into the future with no idea what’s going on and only this human who literally brought your entire castle on this giant building so you’re above the clouds and he says he wants to earn you trust.
Like, someone please just let Goliath guard his Castle in peace, it’s all he wants
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lumosandnoxwriting · 4 years
Good Girl - George Weasley
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Title: Good Girl Pairing: George x female!slytherin!Reader Summary: George has been the reader’s enemy since their first year at Hogwarts together and now, in their final year the universe keeps throwing them together in ways that make the reader question why she ever hated George in the first place. Warnings: NSFW!! Slight Dom!george, begging, slight orgasm denial, thigh riding, oral (Male and female receiving), throat fucking, fingering, masturbation, unprotected sex A/N: The summary is shit but it’s an enemies to lovers slow burn. Seriously this is 22k words I lost control. This is for @those-born-to-fight​ who wanted some enemies to lovers with a Slytherin reader! There’s two different ~spicy~ scenes and the tiniest touch of angst towards the end. Feedback is always welcome, and requests are open!
“God, do they ever just shut up?” Y/N grumbles, getting up to slam the door to her compartment closed. Adrian and Marcus laugh at her, but immediately stop when she glares at them, not wanting to face the consequences of annoying Y/N further.
There are very few things that Y/N outright hates. The list of things that mildly annoy her is quite long, but she reserves the word hate for only those special things that make her want to rip her hair out at the mere mention of them. Fred and George Weasley happen to be at the top of that list.
Like most students, Y/N had been enamored by the twins and their antics at first. Despite the fact that many of their practical jokes were aimed at members of her house and Snape, she found them quite funny. She had even thought about befriending the twins, the rivalry between their houses be damned. But after finding herself on the receiving end of a few too many Weasley practical jokes, she had begun to loathe them.
“I don’t know why you let them get under your skin,” Daphne comments, her tone dry and dull. Despite the fact that her eyes haven’t left the copy of Witch Weekly she’s flipping through, Y/N knows she’s been watching her fidget as the Weasley twins got rowdier and rowdier from their compartment down the hall.
“Because they’re, they’re,” Y/N pauses, trying to find the words to describe just how vile the Weasley Twins make her feel. “There isn’t even a word in the English dictionary that perfectly describes how insufferable they are.” She flips Adrian and Marcus off as they laugh at her frustration.
Daphne rolls her eyes and finally puts her magazine down. “You’re so dramatic, Y/N. Just drown them out like everyone else does. Take me, for example. I haven’t heard a thing either of them has said since third year.”
“That’s because they leave you alone, Daph,” Marcus drawls, coming to Y/N’s defense. This isn’t the first time the four of them have had this conversation and it surely will not be the last. “It’s kind of hard to ignore them when they send bludgers at you hard enough to knock your head off of your shoulders.”
“It’s pretty easy to knock someone’s head off of their shoulders when there isn’t anything in it, Marcus,” Daphne teases, pushing his shoulder lightly.
Adrian pretends to throw up at their behavior, causing Marcus to hit him over the head while Y/N laughs. Adrian ends up hitting Marcus back, and the boys hit at each other for a few moments while Daphne rolls her eyes and Y/N eggs them on.
“The contents of Marcus’s head aside,” Adrian says as he plops down next to Y/N, his breathing heavy from wresting Marcus to the ground. “He’s got a point, Daph. You’ve never actually been the victim of a Weasley prank. So, frankly your opinion doesn’t matter.”
Daphne flips Adrian off and picks her magazine up again. “I’m just saying. There are better things for Y/N to focus her attention on than those stupid Weasleys.”
“Yeah, whatever. I’d like to see you ignore them after they charm your shampoo to turn your hair neon yellow. It didn’t go back to normal for weeks!” Adrian laughs at the memory, and Y/N punches him in the thigh. “Watch yourself, Pucey or I’m gonna put yellow dye in your shampoo.”
“Trying to get in the shower with me, are you?” Adrian teases, throwing his arm over Y/N’s shoulder.
“In your dreams,” Y/N responds, picking up the book she had discarded after a particularly loud shout came from one of the Weasley twins.
She can feel Adrian chuckle as she leans into his side. “I’ll see you there.”
Y/N had almost forgotten about the Weasley twins entirely until she feels something hit her in the back of the head during dinner. She picks a piece of mashed potato out of her hair as she turns around, her eyes like daggers as she searches for the culprit. Of course, Fred and George are laughing to themselves, each of them waving at her as they make eye contact.
“Nice to see your hair back to normal, Y/N!” One of them, Fred she thinks, shouts at her.
“Yeah, I reckon if your hair had been yellow any longer you’d have to join Hufflepuff,” the other teases, causing the Gryffindors around them to laugh.
Y/N goes to stand up so she can knock the grins off of their faces, but Adrian puts his hands on her shoulders and forces her to sit back down. “It’s not worth it,” he hisses into her ear. “Not in front of all of the professors. Be smart about your revenge.”
Y/N glares at Adrian, but she relaxes, nonetheless. As much as she hates to admit it, Adrian is right. It’s only the first day back, she doesn’t need to go and get detention and lose Slytherin a bunch of points. Not yet at least.
“Hey Marcus, do me a favor and knock them off their brooms first chance you get.”
“You’re awfully cheery this morning,” Y/N comments to Daphne as they head up the stairs towards the Great Hall.
“What isn’t there to be cheery about? It’s the first day of the school year. Our last school year,” Daphne responds dreamily.
Y/N snorts in laughter, rolling her eyes at her best friend. “Ah yes. The hardest year of school yet, that certainly is something to be happy about.”
“Oh NEWTS? Who cares about those,” Daphne says casually as they enter the Great Hall and head towards the Slytherin table. “You don’t need good grades in school to be a good wife and mother.”
Y/N scoffs, choosing not to say anything. Unlike Daphne and most of the other girls in her house, she plans on actually having a career of her own. It is common for pureblood families to marry off their daughters to the sons of other pureblood families and often times the mark of a good pureblood girl wasn’t her brain, but her ability to stay silent, look pretty and boss around a house elf.
Thankfully, Y/N’s parents hadn’t raised her with the same values. They didn’t believe in the same archaic things most pureblood families did, and they had raised Y/N to have loftier ambitions than to be someone’s wife and a mother. Y/N’s father always joked that she had inherited her mother’s smart mouth, so it would be impossible for them to marry her off anyway.
“Just because you don’t care about your grades doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t. Right, guys?” Y/N asks as they sit down, looking for both Marcus and Adrian to back her up.
“Are you guys on this again?” Adrian asks, rolling his eyes. Much like Y/N’s hatred of the Weasley twins, Daphne failing to take school seriously was a frequent topic of conversation in their friend group.
“No need to get your panties in a twist, Pucey,” Y/N teases as she grabs some toast. “Daph is free to sit back and spend her last year of school doing nothing, but I on the other hand plan on actually doing good on my NEWTS. So, feel free to slack off with her, or study with me, I don’t really care.”
Marcus chuckles at Y/N’s attitude. “Damn, Y/N tell us how you really feel.”
Y/N chucks a piece of toast at Marcus’s head before she reaches for her bag. “Oh, I almost forgot, I’ve got all of your schedules.” She reaches into her bag and pulls out a small stack of papers, handing their designated paper to each friend.
“Wow, slacking on your Head Girl duties already and it’s only the first day of term,” Adrian teases with an easy smile.
Y/N flicks his ear. “You’re just jealous that you didn’t make Head Boy.”
Adrian rolls his eyes as he scans over the piece of paper. “Me? An administrative stick in the mud? I don’t think so.”
“Nah mate, you just were looking forward to spending hours alone with Y/N,” Marcus teases, causing both Y/N and Adrian to throw pieces of muffin at him.
“Moving on,” Daphne drawls, clearly tired of their antics. “What’s everyone got first lesson? I’ve got divination.”
When both Marcus and Adrian announce they have Arithmancy, Y/N frowns. “Guess I’ll be heading to Potions alone then.”
As Y/N heads down to Potions after breakfast she can feel her mood sinking. Potions is one of her favorite classes, and not just because Snape tends to favor Slytherins. She finds the art of Potions fascinating, and each lesson always tests the bounds of her knowledge. But class is always more enjoyable with her friends around.
Her mood only worsens as the Weasley Twins fall into step beside her, one on each side.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here, Georgie?” the twin on the left, who is obviously Fred, says playfully.
“Looks like little Y/N is heading to potions, Freddie,” George responds, lightly knocking into her shoulder.
Y/N stumbles on the step despite the light touch. Both Fred and George have a good six inches on her, and their time as beaters on the Gryffindor team has obviously left them both toned and muscular.
“And without her little gang of friends, what a shock,” Fred adds with a laugh as Y/N finds her balance.
“Friends? What friends?,” George teases.
When they reach the bottom of the stairs, Y/N glares at each of them. “You two dimwits are in NEWT level potions? Snape must have lowered his standards.”
“Oh Y/N how you wound us,” George gasps, clutching his chest.
Y/N rolls her eyes as they enter the Potions classroom, determined not to let the twins bother her. Daphne did have a point on the train yesterday, there were other things she needed to focus on besides the twins and their stupid games.
She takes her usual seat at the front of the classroom, expecting the twins to slink to the back of the class, far away from Snape’s prying eyes. Her fist automatically clenches when they slide into the seats directly behind her, her nostrils flaring.
This year certainly is going to be the hardest yet, and not just because of the rigorous coursework, Y/N thinks to herself as Snape begins class.
“You look, how do I put this nicely.” Marcus pauses. “Flustered.”
Y/N glares at him as she flops down next to Daphne. Potions had been an absolute disaster. She could hardly focus on her Memory Potion, too busy picking out the Jobberknoll Feathers the Weasley Twins kept putting in her hair. She had managed to make something barely acceptable, and Snape’s disappointment was evident.  
“Screw off, Marcus. I just spent an hour dealing with Dimwit 1 and Dimwit 2 standing behind me doing everything in their power to piss me off. So, unless you wanna end up with your head in one of those pots and dragon dung fertilizer up to your ears, shut your mouth.”
Daphne laughs at Y/N’s outburst. “I told you just to ignore them, Y/N. Although dragon dung fertilizer up to the ears does sound like the perfect revenge plan. Not that I’m condoning letting someone, or someones, get under your skin so badly that you need revenge,” she pauses, winking at Y/N. “But if I were I think that would be the way to go.”
Before Y/N can get too lost in the thought of burying Fred and George in Dragon Dung Professor Sprout is entering the Greenhouse and starting class. But she definitely pushes the idea to the back of her mind for future consideration.
“I’m going to fling myself off the top of the astronomy tower,” Y/N announces as she collapses next to Daphne in the common room. After her short break from the Weasley Twins in Herbology, Y/N had to suffer through a double transfiguration and a charms lesson with them both sitting too close for comfort.
“Could you at least wait until it’s closer to the end of term? We could probably get an extra week off at the Christmas holiday,” Adrian says, not even bothering to look up from the Quidditch playbook in his lap.
Y/N groans, putting her head in her hands. “I need better friends, none of you are sympathetic of my suffering.”
“If you need sympathy go hang out with some Hufflepuffs,” Daphne tells her, throwing her arm around Y/N’s shoulder. “What did the twins do this time?”
Instead of answering Y/N reaches for her bag and pulls out her charms book, handing it over to Daphne. “Go ahead. Try and open it.”
Daphne gives her a look as she cautiously takes it from her hands. She shares a look with Marcus and Adrian, who were finally intrigued enough to pay attention, before she slowly opens it. As soon as it falls open there’s a whizzing noise followed by loud pops as a mini firework show starts to go off. Daphne squeals and quickly shuts the book, her eyes wide.
“What in the hell was that?” she asks, tossing it back to Y/N.
“Whatever it was it was kinda cool. Open it again,” Marcus says with a laugh.
Y/N glares at him and shoves the book back in her bag. “Fred and George did something to it, obviously. It scared the shit out of me when I opened it in class. Flitwick took 30 points! 20 for the interruption it caused and 10 for the curse word I yelled.”
Adrian and Marcus erupt in a fit of hysterics as they imagine the scene it must have caused, and Y/N gets up so she can beat both of them with a pillow. They both pick up their own pillows to retaliate, and the three of them spend the next several minutes hitting each other. It only ends when a spare pillow ends up flying over and smacking Pansy Parkinson in the back of the head, causing all four of them to collapse in fits of laughter.
Y/N is the first to calm down, wiping a few stray tears from her eyes. “Oh, that was absolutely incredible. Just what I needed.” As the rest of her friends pull themselves together Y/N grabs her bag. “Come on, let’s go to dinner. I wanna catch Dimwit 1 and Dimwit 2 so I can make them fix my stupid book.”
When the four of them arrive at the Great Hall Daphne, Marcus and Adrian head towards the Slytherin table, while Y/N makes a beeline towards the Gryffindor table. “Oi! Weasley!” When three red heads whip around to look at Y/N she sighs. Only one of the twins is sitting at the table, and it’s a 50/50 chance she gets it right, so she decides to just take a guess at which one it is. “George!”
“To what do I owe this pleasure?” George asks as Y/N reaches the table.
She smiles to herself, proud that she had gotten it right. Y/N had never taken the time to learn the differences between the two, but now that she’s examining George she can tell that his eyes are softer, like there’s some reservation behind them. She takes out her charms textbook and places it on the table in front of him.
“Fix it,” she demands.
“Fix what?” he asks coyly, a mischievous smile on his face.
Y/N clenches her fist and takes a deep breath, trying to keep her composure. “Don’t play stupid, Weasley. Just fix my book.”
George laughs. “Who said I’m playing stupid? You’re the one that called me a dimwit earlier, and you’re right. I am a dimwit.”
Their exchange has caught the attention of the Gryffindors sitting around them, and they’re all watching Y/N intently, smiles playing at the corners of their mouths.
“Look, your stupid little prank has already served its purpose. It scared me and I lost Slytherin some points. Just fix the damn thing, will you?” Y/N is starting to get desperate, but she doesn’t let it show. She keeps her expression blank, not wanting George to know how truly bothered she is.
“I don’t know. Maybe I would be more inclined to fix it if you asked me nicely, Y/N,” his tone is teasing, so much so it almost sounds condescending. The students sitting around them laugh lightly, waiting to see what Y/N does next.
Y/N grits her teeth, weighing her options in her head. She could stand here and nicely ask George to fix her book, or she could walk away and send an owl home to have her parents send her a new one. And even though she is tempted to just take the easy way out, she’ll be damned if she lets a Weasley twin get one over on her.
She takes a deep breath and plasters a sickeningly sweet, fake smile on her face. “George, would you please fix my Charms book?”
A look of surprise quickly crosses George’s face, before he replaces it with an easy smile. “Of course, Y/N. Thank you so much for being a good girl and asking nicely.” The Gryffindor table is basically in full on hysterics by now, and Y/N can feel her cheeks heating up. As soon as George has pressed his wand to her book and muttered the countercharm she snatches it off the table.
“Thanks so much, George,” she forces out, before she turns to head over to the Slytherin table. “Fucking prick.”
She sits down between Adrian and Draco Malfoy with a huff, already trying to figure out what her revenge will be. The conversation she’d had with Marcus and Daphne in Herbology pops back into her head and a wicked smile forms on her face.
“Why couldn’t you get Daphne to do this? It’s freezing out here,” Adrian whispers as he shivers.
Y/N rolls her eyes as they tiptoe through the greenhouse. “And you lot call me dramatic.” They both freeze in place when they hear a creek, but when no other noise comes they continue on. “Daphne Greengrass, awake past 10 pm? Ms. Beauty sleep is a nightmare if she doesn’t get a full 8 hours, you know that.”
When they reach the container Professor Sprout keeps the Dragon Dung fertilizer in she turns to Adrian, giving him a mischievous grin. “Besides, you know you’d regret it if you didn’t come with me. Now quick, hand me the bags.”
After they get the required materials from the Greenhouse, she and Adrian quietly sneak back in the castle and head up towards the Owlery. It takes them longer than anticipated, since they have to keep ducking behind statues and into classrooms to avoid Filch and Mrs. Norris, but eventually they make it. They both sigh in relief when they return to the common room 30 minutes later, the final part of Y/N’s plan in place for the morning.
“You kind of amaze me, you know that?” Adrian says with a laugh as they both head towards the staircases that lead to their dorms.
Y/N chuckles and shakes her head. “You’re only nice to me so you don’t end up on the end of one of my revenge plans.”
The next morning Y/N is up bright and early, her body practically vibrating with excitement. Despite the fact that the Weasley Twins have been pulling pranks on her since first year, this is the first time she’s decided to retaliate.
She could deal with most of their antics. Locking her in the toilets, charming her shampoo, hitting her with snowballs and every other little trick or joke they pulled, Y/N could just grin and bear it. But having to stand in the middle of the Great Hall and practically beg George to fix her book was her tipping point. She can practically still hear him calling her a good girl and it causes a shiver to run down her spine. After today Fred and George will certain think twice about messing with her.
“Hurry up!” she urges her friends as she races to the top of the stairs. The owl post will be arriving in a few minutes, and there is no way she’s missing the big show. Adrian picks up his pace to meet her, but Daphne and Marcus continue up the stairs slowly, caught up in conversation. “You lot are hopeless.”
Y/N practically skips into the Great Hall and after sitting down where she knows she’ll have the perfect view of what’s about to happen she rubs her hands together. Daphne and Marcus give her a confused look as they sit down across from her and Adrian, who thankfully shares her excitement.
“What has gotten into you, Y/N, you look like you’re about to jump out of your skin,” Daphne comments, sounding slightly concerned that her friend may have gone mad.
As the first few owls start to fly in, Y/N grins and gestures towards the Gryffindor table. “Shush, shush. Just look over there and you’ll find out.”
Y/N holds her breath as two familiar owls fly in, each of them holding a package. They soar towards the Gryffindor table, and instead of gracefully dropping their parcels in front of their recipients they drop them a few moments early. The brown paper bags explode as they hit Fred and George at the same time, Dragon Dung Fertilizer pouring down their heads and onto their shoulders and laps.
The entire Great Hall is silent for a moment, before nearly every student bursts into laughter. The most noise comes from the Slytherin table, and Y/N’s chest swells with pride. Adrian pats her on the back as Daphne and Marcus turn back to congratulate her on a prank well done.
Y/N can’t stop looking at the Twins, and her breath catches in her throat when they return her gaze. She sends them both a wink and a wave, giggles still falling from her lips.
“You think you’re hilarious, don’t you?” George asks Y/N as he and his brother slide into the seats behind her and Daphne in Defense Against the Dark Arts that afternoon. She hasn’t seen either of them since they left the Great Hall to get cleaned up, but at lunch Astoria informed her that Ginny Weasley had told her that both boys were quite annoyed.
Y/N laughs but doesn’t turn around to look at either of them. “Nice to see you boys managed to clean up.”
“You’re playing a dangerous game, Y/N,” Fred says, leaning forward in his seat to ensure Y/N hears him.
She rolls her eyes, but still doesn’t look back at them. “What? You can’t take what you dish out? I thought you two were tougher than that.” Daphne nudges Y/N, gesturing to the front of the classroom where Professor Umbridge is now standing, clearly telling her to knock it off with the twins.
“Oh, it’s on. You have no idea what you’ve started,” George whispers at her. She imagines that he’s trying to sound threatening, but she can hear the smile in his voice.
As Professor Umbridge starts rambling on about her expectations, Y/N turns to face the twins. “Bring it on, bitch.”
“No magic? No practical lessons? She was joking, right?” Y/N rambles as they head towards the Great Hall for dinner. They’ve all just come from a dreadful Defense Against the Dark Arts class, where Professor Umbridge had made it very clear that they’d be spending the year doing nothing but reading from their textbooks.
Daphne rolls her eyes. “Frankly I don’t see what the big deal is. She’s not wrong, our Defense Against the Dark Arts classes have been all over the place. I think it’s a good thing that we’re finally going to have some structure and unity.”
Y/N groans, looking to Adrian and Marcus for support. She frowns when they both refuse to meet her gaze. “That’s because you don’t care about doing good on your NEWTS. You don’t need an O on your exams to marry Marcus or whoever your parents have picked out for you to be with after graduation,” she spits.
Before Daphne has the chance to pick her jaw up off of the ground and respond, Y/N is turning around and heading away from her friends, needing to be alone.
“Are you alright?”
Y/N picks her head up from where she had buried it in her arms, surprised to see Ginny Weasley standing in front of her. She nods as she uncurls her body, stretching it out slightly. She had taken refuge on a random bench in one of the corridors and after sitting on the stone for a few hours her body has begun to ache. She moves down the bench a little and gestures for Ginny to take a seat.
While the Weasley Twins are Y/N’s least favorite people in the world, she actually doesn’t mind their siblings. She had gotten to know Percy quite well, since they had been Prefects together for a year before he had become Head Boy, and he had helped her out on quite a few transfiguration assignments during her OWL year. All she knows about Ron are the things Draco has said, but she doubts that anything that comes from his mouth is true. She’s never had a conversation with Ginny, but Daphne’s younger sister Astoria is quite friendly with her, so if she’s willing to befriend a Slytherin she’s alright in Y/N’s book.
“You seemed pretty angry earlier, before dinner. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
Y/N fidgets with her school robes as her cheeks flush, she had been hoping that no one had witnessed her outburst. She had heard too often that Slytherins were mean and evil, so she always did her best to contain her emotions around others, not wanting to perpetuate the stereotype even further.
“You saw that then?” When Ginny nods she sighs. “It’s just been a frustrating few days and I love my friends, but they don’t always get it. That stupid Umbridge is really going to screw me over this year and I can’t fail now. Not when I’ve spent the last seven years working my ass off.”
“I’m really sorry, Y/N that sounds awful. There’s going to be this, thing. A meeting or whatever. Next weekend during the first Hogsmeade trip,” Ginny pauses so she can tuck a piece of parchment into her hand. “Stop by, it might be, uh helpful to you.” With a warm smile and a pat on the shoulder Ginny leaves Y/N alone.
With a heavy sigh Y/N starts to head to the common room. She uncurls the piece of paper Ginny had handed her, fearful that this might be some elaborate set up for one of her brother’s tricks.
Hogshead Inn, 12 pm, is all the paper reads in neat handwriting that Y/N doesn’t recognize. She shoves the piece of parchment into her pocket as she reaches the dungeons, trying to decide whether or not to go.
The rest of the week and the next pass by slowly much to Y/N’s dismay. Things between her, Marcus and Adrian returned to somewhat normal, but Daphne is still refusing to speak to her. No matter how many times Y/N apologized Daphne just kept ignoring her. The fact that the Weasley Twins were lurking behind every corner just pushed Y/N closer to the edge, so by the time Saturday arrived Y/N didn’t care if the note Ginny had slipped her the previous week was the bait for an elaborate prank. She just needed some sort of human interaction.
Due to her and Daphne’s still strained relationship and the first Slytherin Quidditch practice of the school year, Y/N is all alone as she heads to Hogsmeade. Normally she’d not even bother going if her friends didn’t accompany her, but her lack of company makes it easier for her to slip down the forgotten path that leads to the Hogshead Inn.
She looks the dim building up and down as she approaches, grimacing at its appearance. Adrian and Marcus had tried to convince her and Daphne to enter the pub with them during one of their first trips to the little village on the outskirts of Hogwarts, but the girls had overpowered them, and dragged them into Honeydukes instead.
She pauses briefly at the entrance, trying to prepare for the things that could be waiting for her on the other side. She enters through the door slowly, her eyes widening in surprise at the scene she’s met with. It certainly is not what she had expected. Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger are sitting in front of the unlit fireplace, with more than a dozen chairs facing them. Some are empty, while others are taken up by students that Y/N vaguely recognizes. Ginny gives her a wave when they make eye contact, motioning for her to take a seat.
Y/N sits down in a seat towards the back and fidgets with the sleeves of her jumper. She’s relaxed slightly since she entered, this clearly wasn’t some elaborate prank set up by Fred and George, but she’s still unsure of what she just walked in to.
“What are you doing here?” Comes a voice from behind her, causing Y/N’s shoulders to tense up. She turns around only to be met with Fred and George.
“Come to spy on us, Head Girl? Want to get all of our secrets and then run off to the greaseball you call Head of House to tattle on us?” Fred sneers as he and George push past her to take the seats in front of her.
Y/N rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. “Clearly I’m here for the same reasons you are, moron. If I was spying on you why would I just be sitting here out in the open?”
Truly, Y/N has no idea what she’s doing there, Ginny had been extremely vague. All she knows is that this meeting will somehow make dealing with Umbridge better, and after the awful start to term she’s had Y/N is willing to do anything at this point.
Before either Fred or George can respond, Hermione is urging everyone to take a seat so they can begin.
45 minutes later Y/N is standing behind Fred and George, waiting her turn to sign the paper that will make her an official member of Dumbledore’s Army. Y/N was skeptical at first about getting involved in whatever Harry and Hermione had cooked up. But as Harry talked more, about needing real, practical knowledge Y/N couldn’t help but agree. She had always been so focused on school and her future career that she never even considered what lay waiting for them outside of Hogwarts’ protective walls.
Y/N hadn’t known Cedric well. A conversation or two during Prefect duties, idle pleasantries in the hall, but that was it. But she had spent much of her summer vacation thinking about him, and about what Dumbledore had said about his death. While her friends and many of her housemates thought Dumbledore was an old crack pot, Y/N trusted and believed him. Her parents did as well, and they had talked about the first wizarding war with her over dinner on several different occasions.
As she listened to Harry talk about what he had seen and what he has already dealt with, Y/N knew that she needed to be a part of whatever he was planning. Being able to get some practice with actual defensive magic would surely help her when it came to end of the year exams, but if they truly were getting ready for another war, it may just help save her life.
As she heads back towards school, she can’t help but think about a conversation she’d had with her father not too long before the school year started again. He had reminded her that she had been placed in Slytherin house because of her ambitions in life, and her willingness to do whatever it takes to get there. Before he had kissed her goodnight he told her that it wasn’t always what you know, but who you know and that the people she surrounded herself with was just as important as focusing on her studies.
At first she had scoffed at his thinly veiled digs at her friends. Y/N has been friends with Marcus, Daphne and Adrian since first year, and she had never felt the need to expand her circle. Her parents were quite familiar with the families her friends came from, and the values they held. She knew that her parents didn’t exactly like her friends but were still supportive of Y/N and the relationship she formed with them.
But now, after seeing how badly the Daily Prophet was slandering both Dumbledore and Harry and hearing directly from Harry what he’d been through, Y/N understands what her father was saying. The Greengrass’ and Flint’s had been suspected Death Eaters all those years ago and its likely members of Adrian’s family had ties to Voldemort as well. Her father had been encouraging her to seek out new friendships to try and protect her from the Dark Arts that seemed very attractive to members of Slytherin house.
She’s so lost in thought that she doesn’t hear the Weasley Twins coming up behind her until they’re knocking into her shoulders as they pass by. She flips them off behind their backs, trying to ignore their chuckling.
“I can’t believe I just signed up to spend even more time with those twats,” she mumbles to herself as the castle comes into view. While she doesn’t mind having Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny on her side, she plans on staying as far away from the Weasley Twins as possible.
That night at dinner Y/N is listening to Adrian and Marcus bicker over what drills to run during their next practice when her mouth starts to tingle. Her eyes widen when she takes another sip of pumpkin juice and the sensation only gets worse. Adrian and Marcus give her a concerned look as she begins to fidget and from the corner of her eye Y/N can see that Daphne is watching as well.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Adrian asks as Y/N slaps her hands over her mouth.
Except she can’t respond. Her tongue has started to swell in her mouth so much so that it’s trying to force its way past her lips. It feels like it weighs a ton and as the pain increases she has no choice but to let it slowly seep out of her mouth.
“What’s the matter, Y/N?” she hears George shout from the Gryffindor table, causing groups of students to look over at her. She’s desperately trying to contain her growing tongue as she gets up to head to the Hospital Wing.
“Cat got your tongue?” she can hear Fred call behind her, nearly drowned out by the peeling laughter coming from the Great Hall.
When she gets back to the common room that night, Y/N is expecting it to be empty. But when she’s barely closed the door behind her a mess of black curls takes over her vision and arms wrap around her tightly.
“Oh, thank Merlin you’re alright. I thought you would have been back ages ago. What happened?” Daphne asks as she lets go. She leads Y/N over to a set of couches in the corner, where Adrian and Marcus are waiting for them.
Adrian pulls her down next to him and Daphne sits so close to Y/N on the other side that she’s practically in her lap. “Would you all stop fussing? I’m fine, honest,” she says with a reassuring laugh. While Y/N is fine, she can’t help but lean into Adrian’s side, feeling relieved that things are back to normal between the four of them.
“Let me guess, Weasley Twin revenge?” Marcus asks.
Y/N nods, smiling when Daphne curses them under her breath. “A creation they like to call Ton-Tongue Toffees. They must have managed to get it into my goblet or something, so it melted into my pumpkin juice. It took ages to get the swelling to go down but Madam Pomfrey managed it. I’ve just spent the last 45 minutes listening to Snape try and get the maximum punishment for them.”
Y/N knows that not many people like Snape, that it’s really only Slytherins that appreciate him. It’s no secret that he favors his house almost unfairly so, but she doesn’t really mind it when he’s advocating for them. The twins had technically poisoned her, which is something Snape had pointed out when McGonagall suggested only taking points away from the boys for a “harmless” prank. Snape had managed to negotiate on Y/N’s behalf, and the boys will now be serving a week’s detention with Snape.
“So, what are you gonna do to get back at them?” Daphne asks, causing all three of them to give her a look. “What?”
“What happened to all that crap about just ignoring them?” Marcus teases.
Daphne rolls her eyes. “To hell with all that. They want a prank war? Well then let’s show them what being a Slytherin is all about.”
By the time Monday morning rolls around Y/N is in such a good mood that she practically skips down the stairs to Potions. The fake Galleon Ginny had slipped her during lunch yesterday had burned red this morning, letting Y/N know that the DA’s first official meeting would be taking place this Thursday. So not only was she going to get some real defensive magic training, but after the Twin’s prank on Saturday evening her and Daphne were able to properly make up and she had her friends back.
She bites her lip as the twins fall in step beside her once again, determined not to let their presence ruin her mood.
“How’s your tongue feeling this morning?” Fred asks from her right side.
“Any bloating? Tingling? Lasting side effects?” George teases from her left side.
Y/N shakes her head and chuckles. “It’s okay boys, go ahead and make your jokes. I want you to remember how good you feel now, because once I’ve gotten you back you’ll wish you’d never messed with me.”
She can hear them both laugh as they enter the Potions class and take their respective seats. “Really? Already planning your next late-night trip into the greenhouses?” George muses.
Y/N turns in her seat so she can look each of them in the eyes. “Oh, you poor, sweet, boys,” she mocks. “When I’m done with you the dragon dung fertilizer you took to the head will seem like a shower of rose petals.” She gives them a sly wink, and turns back around, their shocked expressions still dancing around in her brain.
“So, you figured out what you’re going to do them, then?” Daphne asks excitedly after Y/N has finished recounting her conversation with Fred and George to her and Marcus in Herbology. Professor Sprout has tasked them with dissecting Shrivelfigs, so the three of them can talk freely. Even though her and her friends had spent most of Sunday trying to concoct the perfect revenge plan they had come up with nothing that was quite right.
“I guess you could say that.” When Marcus and Daphne give her questioning looks she giggles. “I’m not going to actually do anything to them.” When they both still look confused she rolls her eyes. “I’m just going to let them think that something big is coming. That way they’re always on edge when I’m around, always looking over their shoulders, waiting for some huge prank to befall them. It’ll drive them bonkers trying to figure out when and where it’s gonna happen.”
Marcus gives Y/N a look of appreciation. “Damn, that’s pretty brilliant, Y/N.”
Y/N bows at his praise, causing Daphne to chuckle. “What they got this morning is just a taste of what I have planned for tonight.”
Y/N sneaks out of the common room that night, not too long after dinner. She knows that Fred and George will be serving detention with Snape and that it’s the perfect opportunity to mess with them.
When she reaches the Potions classroom she pauses just outside the door to ensure that Snape isn’t actually still in the room with the boys. When all she can hear is the clatter of cauldrons and Fred and George’s soft voices, she decides to go for it.
“Excuse me, Professor?” Y/N asks innocently as she enters the classroom. “Oh, boys! What a treat, seeing you down in our ends this late at night.” Y/N walks further into the classroom and she can’t help but smile as the twins start to fidget.
“What are you doing here, Y/N?” Fred asks, eyeing her warily.
She puts the most innocent look on her face as she can, blinking up at the two of them. “I’m looking for Professor Snape. Is he around?”
“No, he left us alone quite a bit ago,” George responds. Y/N can tell he’s trying to hide how nervous he sounds. Fred seems like the one to never back down, so Y/N switches her tactic slightly. She starts to walk closer to George and she has to bite her lip to keep the smile off her face as he tries to subtly move away from her.
“That’s a shame. I have a question I need to ask him.” Y/N leans against the table, moving that much closer to George. “Did he say when he was going to be back?”
“He didn’t,” Fred answers, making direct eye contact with Y/N. She returns his gaze, not backing down until he looks away from her.
Feeling accomplished Y/N smacks the table with her palm and stands back up. “Well I guess I’ll leave you boys to it.” She heads towards the door. “Have fun.” With one final wink she’s out the door, laughing to herself as she goes.
Before Y/N knows it, Thursday has already arrived. She tries her best to contain her excitement, but as the first DA meeting approaches it’s getting harder and harder. She feels bad for not telling her friends about what she’s involved in, but she knows it’s for the better. They certainly wouldn’t approve of the unofficial club, and she doesn’t want to chance that they’ll blow the whole operation in to Umbridge.
“I’ll see you guys later,” Y/N says with a wave as she heads to leave the common room. She  told the others she had some Head Girl duties to take care of so they wouldn’t try and come with her when she left.
As she heads towards the room of requirement Y/N takes the time to glance over her shoulder every once in a while to make sure no one is following her. She had been the only Slytherin in attendance at the Hogshead Inn, and she doesn’t need to be trusted even less by bringing unwanted guests with her.
When she finally enters the room of requirement it’s a bit crowded, but she can tell that not everyone has arrived yet. Ginny waves at Y/N, motioning for her to come and join her and Hermione. She’s silently thankful for her invitation so she doesn’t have to stand there by herself and goes to join the two girls.
“Hey, Ginny. Granger,” she greets them both with an awkward wave. She doesn’t know much about Hermione, again, having only heard about her from Draco. She’s had to interact with her a few times due to Hermione being a prefect, but for some odd reason she trusts Ginny, so she figures that Hermione is alright to hang out with.
“Y/N I’m really glad you decided to join. Not only is it probably helpful to have the Head Girl on our side, it’s also really nice to have some house diversity,” Hermione says with a genuine smile.
Y/N can feel her cheeks start to heat up, so she clears her throat, giving her a moment to regain her composure. “Thanks, Hermione. I never really understood it, all of the house rivalry mumbo jumbo. I’m just supposed to automatically hate you because some hat put you in one house over another? Seems silly to me.”
She hears someone scoff behind her, and she turns to see George standing behind her, his arms crossed over his chest. “What? Got a problem, Weasley?”
“That’s real big talk considering the fact that you’ve had some grudge against me and Fred since first year, Y/N,” he says, looking at her curiously.
“I don’t hate you and Fred because you’re Gryffindors,” she explains with an eye roll. “I hate you because you’re ungodly annoying.” She bites her lip, allowing herself to look him up and down. His sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, and Y/N can’t deny that his arms look downright filthy. She had never truly looked at George, he was quieter than Fred, so he didn’t quite capture her attention like his brother had. But now that he’s standing over her, she can’t deny that he’s attractive. He is most certainly her mortal enemy, but he’s an attractive enemy at least.
“If anything, you and Fred are the ones who started our rivalry,” she continues a moment later when her eyes meet his again. “You locked me in the girl’s bathroom with Moaning Myrtle for three hours on the second day of school, remember?”
“Oh yeah,” George says with a laugh. “Forgot about that.”
Y/N rolls her eyes, turning her attention to Harry as he starts the meeting. He decides to start with something basic but effective, disarming. Y/N could disarm any witch or wizard in her sleep, but not everyone there is at the same skill level, so she’s willing to get some practice in.
They start to break up into pairs and Y/N looks around, trying to find someone, anyone to work with. Of course, George is with Fred, Ginny is already working with a Ravenclaw Y/N thinks is named Luna, and Hermione is with Ron. She ends up locking eyes with Neville Longbottom and she motions for him to come join her.
“I’ll work with you Neville.”
He gives her an appreciative smile, and as he crosses the room George nudges him. “Watch out for her Neville. You never know what she might be up to, this could all be a big ploy to take out the entire Gryffindor house.”
Y/N flips him off, giving Neville a warm smile. “Just ignore him, he’s an idiot.” They both take their stance, wands at the ready. She has heard Draco and his cronies make fun of Neville for hours on end, so she’s not really expecting much to happen.
When Neville waves his wand and shouts Expelliarmus, his own wand flies out of his hand and clatters to the floor at Y/N’s feet. His cheeks turn a bright red, and Y/N can practically feel how embarrassed he is. He looks at her expectantly, like he’s waiting for her to laugh and say something rude.
She sends him a smile and grabs his wand. “That was a really good try, Neville. The first time I tried to disarm someone I nearly blinded Professor Quirrell when my wand shot out of my hand and flew across the room,” she reassures him with a laugh. When Neville laughs too she hands him his wand back. “Here, try moving your wand like this.” She shows him the proper wand movement before she takes her place again. “Ready?”
Two hours later when Y/N is heading back towards the Slytherin common room, she feels accomplished. Neville had managed to get her wand to wiggle in her grip by the end of it, and she could tell he was proud of himself.
Y/N is thinking about all the homework she has to do tonight when someone falls into step beside her. “Alright, give it up, what’s your deal?”
She looks up at George before she examines the rest of the hallway. “Where’s your brother? I thought you two did everything together.”
“He’s down in the kitchens getting food, not that it’s any of your business,” he adds quickly. “And stop dodging the question. What’s your deal?”
She rolls her eyes and stops walking. “I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.” George turns to face her, crossing his arms over his chest. She mirrors his stance, looking up at him.
“Don’t play stupid. You know what I’m talking about.”
Y/N sighs, rolling her eyes again. “So, what because I’m a Slytherin I can’t participate in clandestine clubs? Your sister is the one who invited me to that meeting, so go and ask her why she did it. All I did was show up. I liked what Harry said and since Umbridge isn’t doing anything to help us with NEWTS  I signed up. That’s it.”
George doesn’t respond immediately, instead he studies Y/N’s face, trying to see if she’s lying. He goes to say something when someone interrupts them.
“Mr. Weasley! Ms. Y/L/N!” They both jump as Professor McGonagall comes down the hall towards them. “What are you two doing out past curfew?” Y/N and George look to each other with a worried glance, not entirely sure what to say. “Never mind the reason, you shouldn’t be out of your common rooms at this hour. I’ll have 15 points from each of your houses and I’ll see you both in detention tomorrow evening!”
Y/N gives George one last glare before she stalks all the way back to her common room.
“What exactly were you doing standing in a hallway with George Weasley past curfew anyway?” Daphne asks Y/N the next day at lunch.
Daphne had just finished explaining the evening she had planned out for them when Y/N informed her that she’d be stuck in detention with George for the beginning portion of their girl’s night.
Y/N shrugs, trying to act casual. “I finished up my Head Girl stuff and was going back to the common room when I saw him sneaking around. I followed him, figuring I could catch him doing something. I confronted him and McGonagall saw us and gave us detention.”
“Maybe that was his plan all along, maybe he was trying to get you in trouble,” Daphne suggests.
“Yeah but he got in trouble too, Daph,” Y/N reminds her with a laugh.
The other girl shrugs, taking a bite of her Yorkshire pudding. “I didn’t say it was a smart plan.” Marcus and Adrian arrive then, taking their respective seats next to the girls.
“Who didn’t have a smart plan?” Marcus asks as he starts to pile food on his plate.
“George Weasley,” Y/N answers, batting away Adrian’s hand as he tries to steal her roll. “I caught him sneaking around one of the hallways after curfew and McGonagall rolled up on us and gave us detention.”
“Detention? On a Friday night? What about our hot date?” Adrian teases, making another attempt at stealing her roll.
Y/N flips him off and lets him have it. “The only hot date you’re going to have tonight is your right hand.”
Y/N groans as she picks up another teapot to clean. Her and George have been serving their detention in complete silence for twenty minutes and her brain feels like it’s going to mush. “Is detention always this boring?” she asks, not really expecting George to respond.
“No. But mostly because I’m usually with Fred, not you,” George replies dully.
“Oh, how you wound me, George,” she responds, mocking the tone he had used with her on the first day of term.
They work together in silence for a few minutes before George puts down the teapot he had been scrubbing and tosses his rag to the side. “So, I asked Ginny,” he says, turning to look at Y/N.
Y/N gives him a look as she turns to face him as well, discarding what she had been doing. “Asked Ginny what?”
George rolls his eyes at her, clearly annoyed that Y/N had forgotten the conversation they had in the hall the previous night. “Why she told you about the meeting at the Hogshead, about Dumbledore’s Army.”
“Oh,” she responds softly. When she had said that to George last night she hadn’t expected him to actually ask, she was just trying to get him to leave her alone. “And what did she say?” George gives her a look, causing Y/N to roll her eyes. “Fine, don’t tell me. You’re the one that brought it up.”
George chuckles at her frustration. “Aw come on, I’m just kidding.” He pauses. “She said that Astoria Greengrass talks about you a ton, about how you’re different than other Slytherins. She said something about how you got into a fight with your friends, and she decided that if she talked to you and you were cool enough, she would invite you.”
“So, I’ve got the Ginny Weasley stamp of approval? I’m honored,” she says with a laugh, her surprise evident in her tone. “Does that make me alright then? Since I’m different than other Slytherins? Whatever that means.”
George shrugs his shoulders. “I think I know what she means.” When Y/N raises an eyebrow at him he continues. “Oh, come on don’t act like you don’t know it. You’re nice.”
Y/N scoffs, lightly shoving his arm. “Slytherins being mean is just a stereotype, George. Tons of the people in my house are nice. Daphne is nice, and so are Marcus and Adrian.”
“Cut the crap, Y/N,” he chides. “Daphne, Marcus and Adrian are nice to you and the other members of your house because you all share that in common. But you’re nice to, well most people honestly. Everyone even, except maybe me and Fred. But we aren’t nice to you either, so I understand it.”
Y/N opens her mouth to respond, but George puts his hand up to stop her. “Take yesterday, for example. I saw you, with Neville. The way you made him feel better about his failure, how you encouraged him and helped him improve. Daphne or Marcus or any other Slytherin wouldn’t have done that. They’d have laughed in his face and you know it.”
“I guess you’re right,” she admits softly, a slight blush on her cheeks from George’s kind words.
“So, you’re so worried about your NEWTs that you’re willing to spend hours practicing a spell you mastered in 2nd year? Thought you were top of our class?” he teases.
Y/N plays with her fingers and fidgets in her seat. She knows the question is innocent, but it feels like George can see right into her soul. That’s he looking at all her worst fears. “I am, yeah. I need at least an Exceeds Expectations on my defense against the dark arts NEWT to be a Healer and I’ve already worked so hard, I can’t screw it up now, not when I’m this close.”
George is silent for a moment and he turns in his chair so he’s fully facing Y/N. When she does the same he speaks. “I didn’t know you want to be a healer.”
Y/N rolls her eyes, but she’s smiling. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Weasley. What is it you said? I’m not nice to you and you’re not nice to me. It’s always been that way.”
“Yeah I guess so,” he admits. “I never imagined you as a Healer, if I’m honest. But I think you’ll be amazing at it.”
Y/N blushes and looks down. “Thanks, I appreciate it. That’s all I’ve ever wanted to be, since I was a little kid. I used to pretend to Heal my dolls all the time. My parents even gave me a muggle doctors coat for Christmas once, I wore it like, every day,” she reminisces with a laugh.
George laughs along with her. “I fear that I may have seriously misjudged you, Y/N.”
“What do you mean?” she asks, lightly shoving his shoulder.
George blushes and Y/N finds it endearing. “I figured you and your family were like the other pureblood Slytherin dynasties. That you cared about your grades to make you a more appealing bride or something.”
Y/N nods in understanding. “Yeah I don’t blame you on that one. That’s what most people think. My parents were raised like that and they hated it. All the stupid rules, the lack of freedom. They’re lucky, they were able to find genuine love with each other. And they’re still so in love, it’s actually pretty sickening,” she says with a laugh. “But they agreed that when they had kids they wouldn’t raise them like that. That they’d let them think for themselves, find their own way in life. It’s been so hard, not to send an owl to my dad and tell him all about Dumbledore’s Army.”
“Really? He’d approve of it?” he asks, unable to help how surprised he sounds.
“Oh yeah,” she confirms with a laugh. “He was so angry all summer, with what the Daily Prophet is saying about Harry and Dumbledore. He even not so subtly suggested that I expand my horizons, make some friendships and connections with people from other houses. I think he’d be really excited about what Harry’s doing.”
“That’s actually really cool. I guess I definitely misjudged you then.”
They both get back to work then, but Y/N doesn’t feel as awkward anymore. She’s never bothered to have an actual conversation with either of the Weasley Twins, and she is quite surprised to find that she actually really enjoyed it.
When Y/N and George leave the transfiguration classroom a few hours later she’s exhausted and silently thanks Merlin that she is a Witch, because cleaning the muggle way is dreadful. Despite the late hour Y/N is surprised to see that the hallway isn’t empty. Adrian and Fred are leaning up against the wall across from the transfiguration classroom a few feet apart, glaring at each other.
“What are you doing here?” Y/N asks with a soft laugh, altering both boys of their arrival.
“I wanted to make sure George was alright. You’ve been spouting about your grand revenge plan all week, I wanted to make sure you didn’t try and pull anything while you two were alone,” Fred answers, finally looking away from Adrian so he can glare at Y/N.
Y/N rolls her eyes. “I wasn’t talking to you, Weasley. I don’t care why you’re here.” When Fred flips her off she returns the gesture.
“To answer your question,” Adrian starts as he walks towards her. “I came to accompany you back to the common room. A gentleman never lets a lady walk alone at night.”
“Well then where’s this gentleman?” she teases, looking around the hallway.
Before Adrian can respond Fred laughs. “Yeah, I don’t see a lady either.” George’s laughter joins his brothers and Y/N flips them off again.
When Adrian starts to move closer to Fred, Y/N grabs his arm and pulls him into her chest. “Not here, Adrian,” she whispers. “McGonagall is right in there,” she reminds him, gesturing towards the open classroom door with her head.
“You are so lucky, weasel,” Adrian practically growls at him. Y/N wraps her arms around Adrian’s waist and starts to pull him down the hall away from Fred and George. Adrian glares at them one last time before he turns forward and wraps his arm around her shoulder. “You should have let me hit him. One good hit would have been worth a month’s detention.”
“Not this close to quidditch season it’s not. Smack a few good bludgers at him instead,” Y/N pauses and she looks up at Adrian with her best puppy dog eyes. “Piggyback ride? Please?”
Adrian sighs heavily but crouches down in front of Y/N, nonetheless. She squeals in delight, climbing onto her friend’s back. Adrian grips her thighs tightly as he stands. “Ready?” Once he feels Y/N nod he sets off towards the common room. “You’re lucky I love you, brat.”
When Fred and George slide into their seats behind Y/N in Potions on Monday morning they don’t say a word. When she saw them enter the room she had tensed up, just waiting for whatever snarky comment they were bound to make. So, when they take their seats without a word, Y/N can’t help but turn around to look at them.
“What’s wrong with you two?” When neither of them responds, Y/N waves her hand in front of their faces. “Hello? Earth to Nitwit 1 and Nitwit 2.” She expected her insult to get them to at least look at her, but both of their focus is on the blackboard in the front of the room. She huffs in annoyance. “Whatever be pricks. I don’t care.” She turns back around and crosses her arms, trying to convince herself that she in fact doesn’t care that they’re ignoring her.
“Will you stop staring at them? It’s weird,” Marcus scolds Y/N that night at dinner, kicking her shin under the table to get her attention.
Y/N kicks him back, finally tearing her attention away from Fred and George. “They’re planning something,” she insists.
Daphne rolls her eyes and throws a carrot at Y/N. “First you complain that they’re always loud and bothering you and now you’re complaining that they aren’t bothering you. Will you just give it a rest? Be thankful that they’ve finally decided to leave you alone.”
Y/N sticks her tongue out at Daphne before she takes a bite out of the carrot she had thrown at her. She knows Daphne is right, but she can’t help but be bothered that Fred and George aren’t even trying to annoy her. As much as she hates to admit it, she misses their antics. Y/N had really enjoyed George’s company during their detention and part of her had hoped that maybe their newfound acquaintanceship would have carried over once they were no longer the only people in the room.
So, she had found herself quite disappointed that he hadn’t said a word to her all day. He hadn’t even looked at her. Y/N thought she had felt his gaze on her during Charms, but when she turned around to check he was focused on Flitwick.
“Daph is right,” Adrian whispers in her ear, bringing her thoughts back to the present. “They’re finally leaving you alone, you should be happy.”
Y/N shrugs her shoulders, her gaze falling upon Fred and George once again. “I am happy,” she lies. “I just know them too well. They’re planning something big. They’re trying to throw me off.” She flips her friends off when they all groan.
“What makes you think they’re planning something?” Marcus asks. “Did something happen between you and George during detention? You didn’t say too much about it.”
Y/N bites her lip. She hadn’t said much to her friends about her detention when her and Adrian arrived back in the common room that night, just that it was mind numbingly boring. She didn’t want them to know that she had not only had a conversation with George Weasley, but she had actually enjoyed it.
“No, nothing happened. We sat there cleaning teapots for hours, McGonagall came back and she let us go,” she says with a shrug, trying to seem casual. “He didn’t even say two words to me.”
“Exactly, so chill out. Enjoy the peace,” Daphne says.
When Y/N finally collapses in her bed that night she can’t seem to fall asleep despite how tired she is. She tosses and turns, her mind wandering to George and why she’s so bothered by the sudden lack of attention she’s getting from him. Her stomach lurches, realization hitting her like a ton of bricks.
I have a crush on George Weasley.
Y/N spends the rest of the week avoiding both Weasley Twins. She sits as far away from them as possible, refuses to look at them and even goes as far as to hide in an empty classroom when she sees them heading towards her one afternoon. Y/N is determined to extinguish whatever positive feelings she has towards George. She’s spent the past seven years hating his guts, and she is not about to let herself reverse all of that over some stupid crush. Unfortunately for Y/N, on Saturday morning her fake Galleon burns red, letting her know that there will be another DA meeting that night.
Which is why she’s currently heading towards the Room of Requirement, her stomach a pit of dread and despair. “Get it together, Y/N,” she mutters to herself. Y/N is standing just outside the room of requirement and she takes a deep breath to calm herself down.
Y/N pulls the door open and goes to head in, but she runs smack into the chest of someone trying to leave. An involuntary squeal leaves her lips as her body tenses up, preparing itself to hit the ground. Except she doesn’t even fall. A pair of strong arms wrap around her waist and she’s pulled into the other person’s chest.
“Woah there. Watch where you’re going.”
Y/N doesn’t have to look up to know that George Weasley is holding her in his arms. She can feel her cheeks heat up and she pushes away from him, needing to get away from him as fast as possible. “I could say the same to you, Weasley,” she sneers.
Even though her tone is crude Y/N can feel her heart fluttering in her chest and her skin is tingling from his touch. She looks up at his face, letting her eyes linger on his lips for just a second. She tries not to think about what it would feel like for him to grip her waist as they kissed.
“No need to be so feisty, Y/N,” George teases, snapping Y/N out of her thoughts.
She rolls her eyes and steps aside so George can leave, Fred following close behind him. “Maybe if you weren’t trying to mow me down I wouldn’t need to be,” she responds, watching as Fred flips her off behind his back.
She watches them walk away for a moment before heading into the room of requirement. Her palms are sweaty even from that small interaction with George and Y/N tries to subtly wipe them off on her skirt as she joins Ginny, Hermione and Ron in the back of the room.
“Where are they off to?” she asks after they’ve been talking for a few minutes, not wanting to seem too interested in George’s movements.
“Filch has been sniffing around for Umbridge, she knows Harry is up to something. So, Fred and George are going to slip him something that’ll put him out of commission for few hours,” Hermione explains.
Y/N nods. Hermione had made a few complaints to both Y/N and Miles, a Ravenclaw in her year that was Head Boy, that Fred and George had been spending their free time making an array of joke products and then testing them out on first years. “Despite the fact that I have been the victim of a Weasley product, I can’t say I feel bad for Filch.”
Once Fred and George slip back into the room of requirement and give Harry a thumbs up, he starts the meeting. They’re going to continue working on disarming, and Y/N immediately searches for Neville in the crowd. Neville certainly isn’t the most talented wizard, but Y/N can tell that he’s full of determination and she likes working with him. When Harry sets them off to work Neville joins her.
“You better watch out, Y/N, I’ve been practicing,” Neville says with a laugh as they take their stances.
“Alright then, Longbottom, let’s see what you’ve got.”
When Y/N leaves the Room of Requirement later that night, she can still hear Neville chattering to his friends happily as they head back to Gryffindor tower. It had taken him most of the meeting, but Neville had finally managed to get her wand to fly out of her hand. She was extremely happy for him as the other members of the DA came around to congratulate him, and not just because George had pressed up against her back as he patted Neville on the shoulder.
“Sneaking away without saying Goodbye, Y/N? I’m hurt,” George scolds teasingly as he comes up behind her.
She rolls her eyes, trying to contain her excitement. “Oh, so you’re speaking to me again?” she says as he falls into step next to her. He’s standing so close that their arms almost brush, and Y/N swallows down the butterflies that come up her throat.
“Aw, did little Y/N miss me?” George teases, shoving her shoulder.
“No,” Y/N responds far too quickly, trying not to get flustered from the contact. “Just surprised that you managed to go a whole week without annoying me that’s all.”
“Uh huh. Sure, whatever you say.”
She bites her lip, trying to contain her glee. Cut it out, she scolds herself. George Weasley is nothing more than an annoying git, you do not like him.
“Why are you following me, anyway? Last I checked Gryffindor’s common room is in the other direction,” she questions as they head down towards the Great Hall.
Y/N watches George shrug out of the corner of her eye. His face is blank, but Y/N can tell that he’s nervous. “Making sure you’re not getting up to anything is all.”
“Or you’re distracting me while your brother sets up some kind of trap,” she responds.
Suddenly she feels George’s hand wrap around her wrist and he’s pulling her into a nearby broom closet. As he slams the door shut behind them Y/N can’t help but notice just how close they are. Her back is pressed up against the wall and George is standing only a few inches away, his hands on either side of her head.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Y/N demands, hoping that her voice doesn’t shake. George is towering over her, and Y/N can see the muscles on his forearms bulging in her peripheral vision. It is taking every ounce of willpower in her body to stay still.
George leans down as he chuckles and his warm breath tickles Y/N’s cheeks, causing a shiver to run down her spine. “I think what you mean to say is thank you because I just saved your ass from serving another detention with McGonagall.”
Her eyebrows knit together in confusion. “McGonagall? I didn’t see-.“ Y/N’s sentence is cut short as George places his hand over her mouth to silence her. Her breathing involuntarily speeds up and she hopes that George can’t feel the blush on her cheeks. Y/N can hear footsteps approaching the broom closet and she closes her eyes in fear of being caught in such a compromising position with George.
Thankfully the footsteps disappear just as quicky as they had come and Y/N sighs in relief when George takes his hand away. “Thank you,” she mutters. Y/N can still feel the imprint of his hand on her mouth and it makes her stomach feel queasy.
“You’re welcome,” George says, sounding pleased with himself. “We should probably stay here for a moment or two longer, just to make sure she’s gone.”
Y/N nods, her head tilting back so she can look at George’s face. She examines his features closely, trying to commit them to memory. After her realization earlier in the week she had spent every moment trying not to think about George, but now that they’re standing there so close he’s the only thing she can think about.
George clears his throat suddenly, breaking Y/N from her thoughts. “We’re uh, we’re probably good to go.”
“Yeah,” she agrees softly, trying not to let the disappointment she feels seep into her voice.
George lingers a moment longer, before he pulls away and slowly opens the door to their hiding spot. Y/N watches as he checks the hallway and follows him out when the coast is clear.
“Well um. Thanks for that,” she stutters, rubbing the back of her neck. “I’ll see you around, I guess.” Y/N starts to walk away, but she pauses when George follows behind her. She turns to look at him. “What are you doing?”
“You might still be up to something. I should follow you, just to make sure,” he responds confidently.
Y/N rolls her eyes but doesn’t say anymore, not wanting her giddiness to become noticeable. They walk side by side silently with Y/N glancing at George every few steps. As they reach the landing Y/N goes to turn down the corridor that will lead her down into the dungeons when she runs smack into someone for the second time that night. Except this time, it’s much less enjoyable.
“Professor Umbridge! I am so sorry,” Y/N apologizes as she fixes her balance. She may hate the woman, but she’ll be nice to her if it’ll get her out of a detention.
“Oh Ms. Y/L/N it is quite alright,” she practically squeaks while smiling at Y/N. Y/N imagines it’s meant to seem sweet, but it looks more like an evil grin. Umbridge’s eyes suddenly narrow as she looks past Y/N at George. “Mr. Weasley! Out in the corridors past curfew again I see. That’ll be detention with me, Monday and Tuesday evening.”
Y/N can hear George sputter behind her, and she turns around, cringing at the angry look on his face. “What about Y/N?” he asks angrily. “She’s out past curfew as well!”
Umbridge tuts, moving past Y/N as she heads back towards her office. “Yes, but Ms. Y/L/N is Head Girl I’m sure she has a good reason for being out in the halls.” Umbridge puts her hand up to stop George from responding. “Now that is enough out of you, Mr. Weasley. I suggest you head back to your common room before I make your detention a whole week.”
They both watch as Umbridge walks away and when Y/N turns to look at George, he’s already watching her. “I’m really sorry about that, George,” she says quietly.
George scoffs. “Yeah whatever.” He stalks off then, and it takes everything in Y/N to not follow behind him.
As Y/N enters the common room her plan is to stalk off to her dorm and get in bed as quick as possible. She’s gone through a whirlwind of emotions over the past few hours and all she wants to do is fall asleep, so she doesn’t have to feel any of them. All of that changes however, since when Y/N finally steps into the common room there is music blaring and people are everywhere.
Y/N makes eye contact with Adrian across the crowd and he clumsily waves her over. She slowly makes her way through the crowd. The air is heavy and hot from all of the people and it smells of firewhiskey. When she finally reaches Adrian, he stumbles over his own feet as he pulls her closer and she notices Marcus is seated on the couch with Daphne sprawled out across his lap; all of her friends are clearly very, very drunk.
“Y/N! You made it!” Daphne yells happily when she notices Y/N’s arrival. She wobbles as she gets out of Marcus’ lap and practically falls into Y/N, giving her a tight hug.
“Someone’s having a good time,” Y/N says with a laugh. Drunk Daphne is one of Y/N’s favorite things, and it’s rare that she gets to see it. Daphne is always prim and proper. She never has a hair out of place and she rarely lets herself goof off with her friends; she’s always their voice of reason. So, when she lets loose, she really goes for it, and it always leaves Y/N in hysterics.
“Where’ve you been? Party started ages ago,” Marcus says slowly, his words slurring together. He grabs Daphne’s hands and tries to pull her into his lap, but they’re both so drunk that they end up falling over, and Daphne somehow ends up on the ground with Marcus on top of her.
Y/N and Adrian burst out in laughter, with Adrian leaning on Y/N for support. His drink sloshes in his hand, and Y/N takes it from him to avoid it spilling everywhere. She eyes his glass warily, trying to decide if she wants to join her friends in drunk land. Her plan had been to sleep away her emotions but drinking them away will work just as well.
“I guess I have some catching up to do then.” Y/N downs the entire glass in one go, her warm bed long forgotten.
A few hours and far too many glasses of Firewhiskey later the party has died down and Y/N is slumped over in the corner of the common room, cradled in a large pile of pillows that Adrian had assembled for her. Daphne and Marcus had disappeared several minutes ago, probably to make out somewhere and once they had Adrian moved from the nearby couch to join Y/N. He’s laying on his back, head in Y/N’s lap as he listens to her complain about George Weasley.
“He’s just so annoying,” she drawls, her words coming out fairly jumbled. Y/N has said the same sentence at least five times in the past 10 minutes, but she’s too drunk to remember or care. She’s been rambling on about George and every mildly annoying this he’s done since the moment they’ve met and she’s having a hard time remembering what she’s already mentioned. “And his face, don’t even get me started on his face.”
When Adrian groans she smacks him on the forehead. “Can’t you talk about something else,” he murmurs. “Anything else, please.”
Y/N smacks him on the forehead again before starting to run her fingers through his hair. It’s his only weakness and she’s hoping it’ll keep him quiet. “There is nothing else to talk about,” she says, her tone condescending. “It’s empty up here, no thoughts,” she giggles, hitting herself lightly in the head with her free hand. “No thoughts, just George Weasley and his face. His pretty, pretty face. And oh god his lips. They look so damn soft. D’you think their soft?”
Adrian hums, not really paying attention to the words coming out of Y/N’s mouth. She’d started to lightly scratch his scalp as she talked, and any ability he had to comprehend the English language disappeared. “Yeah sure, whatever.”
Y/N sighs dreamily, thinking about what it would be like to kiss George. “Bet he’s really good at it,” she muses. “And his hands,” she adds a moment later, practically moaning. “They’re so big and strong. He’s got good fingers too. Bet he knows how to use them.” Y/N rubs her thighs together involuntarily as she feels herself starting to get turned on. Y/N’s eyes start to close as the copious amount of alcohol she drank starts to catch up with her. “You wanna know something funny? I don’t hate George Weasley anymore.”
“Is that so?” Adrian mumbles, starting to drift off as well.
“Mhm,” she hums. “I’m pretty sure I’m in love with him.”
The next morning Y/N is awake far earlier than she’d like to be. Adrian’s elbow was digging into her back, and she tried to ignore it for as long as possible, but eventually she just gave up and pulled herself off of the floor.
Her head is pounding, she feels groggy and she desperately wants to crawl into her bed. But her stomach grumbles loudly and so instead of dragging her body down the staircase that would lead to her dorm, she drags herself towards the portrait hole, still in the clothes she had on yesterday.
When Y/N finally makes it to the Great Hall she practically crawls over to the Slytherin table and plops down in the first open seat. Thankfully it’s still early, so not many people are around and it’s fairly quiet. She starts to grab random food, not really caring what it is. She’s cursing herself for challenging Adrian to a drinking contest as she goes to grab the pitcher of orange juice, but a large hand beats her to it.
“George?” she asks in surprise when she looks up.
He doesn’t say anything as he fills her goblet up for her. He takes a seat across from her and fills his own goblet before he starts to pile eggs on his plate. “Yes?” he answers casually, as if he eats breakfast with Y/N every morning.
“What are you doing here?” Y/N watches George as he begins to eat, her eyes searching his face for some kind of hint of what he’s up to. George shrugs as a light laugh tumbles from his mouth.
“Eating breakfast?” he asks, gesturing to his plate like it’s obvious. “What does it look like I’m doing?”
Y/N rolls her eyes playfully, watching as he grabs an apple. She watches as his fingers wrap around it and she practically drools. A tingle runs down her spine as she imagines his fingers wrapping around something else.
“Obviously I can see that you’re eating,” she says a moment later when her thoughts become PG. “I meant what are you doing sitting here. With me. At the Slytherin table.”
George smirks at her. “Why? Do I make you nervous?” His lips wrap around the apple as he takes a bite, and Y/N has to take a bite of her muffin to stop herself from moaning right there in the middle of the Great Hall.
George’s hair is ruffled from sleep, and he looks cozy in the homemade jumper he’s wearing. His eyes are soft, and his lips look even softer. Y/N is dreaming about what it would feel like to lean across the table and kiss him, when she realizes that he asked her a question.
“Not at all,” she says, her voice shaking. “It just isn’t like you, that’s all. Besides last night when you left it seemed like you were angry at me,” she trails off, her voice soft. She looks down at her plate to avoid his gaze.
“I’m sorry about that, Y/N,” George admits sheepishly. Y/N’s skin tingles when he nudges her leg with his foot under the table. She looks up to meet his gaze, instantly returning his warm smile. “It’s not your fault Umbridge is a toad.”
Y/N laughs, completely entranced by George. “I should have said something. Made up an excuse for you.” She worries her bottom lip between her teeth for a moment. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he says, waving away her apology. They both just look at each other, the food on their plates long forgotten. Y/N lets her gaze wander to George’s lips again as she thinks about kissing him. She starts to involuntarily inch closer and to her surprise, George starts doing the same thing.
“Uh, Y/N?”
Y/N and George jump apart, startled by the sudden intrusion. Y/N looks over to see Astoria standing next to her, clearly surprised by what she had just witnessed. Y/N feels her cheeks heating up, and she fidgets in her seat.
“Hey, Astoria. What’s up?” Y/N asks, trying to sound casual, like her best friend’s little sister didn’t just catch her about to kiss George in the middle of the Great Hall.
“Daphne is asking for you. She’s throwing up in the dorm bathroom.”
Y/N rolls her eyes with a huff. “Of course, she is, poor girl can’t handle her alcohol.” She stands suddenly, nodding awkwardly at George. “Weasley,” she says curtly. She gives a wayward glance to Astoria before she heads for the exit, trying to walk as quickly as possible without looking like she’s running away.
“And you don’t remember anything?” Y/N questions Adrian as they head up to breakfast on Monday morning. After she fled the Great Hall yesterday morning she’d spent the rest of the day with Daphne going between the bathroom in their dorm and her bed, with Astoria sneaking in food for them. As she sat holding Daphne’s hair back Y/N had a chance to replay the events of Saturday night, and all of the things she had said to Adrian about George became clear to her. She was panicking all night, hoping that he didn’t remember any of what she had said.
Adrian nods. “Not a thing. Last thing I remember is you challenging me to a drinking contest. Everything after that is completely blank. Probably due to the 10 shots we took,” he says with a laugh. “I was so confused when I woke up in the common room.”
Y/N breathes a sigh of relief. She’s barely come to terms with the fact that George Weasley is no longer her mortal enemy, but someone she truly cares deeply for, so she is definitely not ready to share that with her friends.
“Why do you care so much? You confess your love for me or something?” Adrian asks as they enter the Great Hall.
Y/N lets her eyes scan the Gryffindor table, a pink blush forming on her cheeks when she spots George. He looks prim and proper in his school robes and his hair is neat. She bites her lip, imagining what it would be like to fuss up his hair with her hands with their bodies pressed together so tightly that their uniforms wrinkled. When George suddenly makes eye contact with her she looks away, bringing her attention back to Adrian.
“Nothing like that,” she insists, shoving him playfully. “I was just rambling on and on. I sounded like an idiot, most of it didn’t even make sense.”
“What didn’t make sense?” Daphne asks as Y/N and Adrian sit across from her and Marcus.  
“The things I rambled on about in Adrian’s ear on Saturday after you two disappeared,” Y/N says with a laugh. She reaches for the orange juice, a small smile appearing on her lips as it reminds her of George.
“Aw you were rambley drunk? How cute. I’m sad I missed it,” Marcus teases.
Y/N throws a grape at him. “If you weren’t so busy sucking face with Daphne, you could have witnessed it.” Marcus and Daphne both blush at that, causing Adrian and Y/N to laugh. “I don’t know why you’re laughing, Pucey. You were cuddly drunk. I ran my hand through your hair, and you were practically mewling.”
Adrian blushes and bats at Y/N’s hand as she pinches his cheek. “Thank god I don’t remember that then.”
Unlike last week, Y/N spends most of her time on Monday and Tuesday trying to get close to George. She heads to meals a tad earlier than her friends, hoping that he’ll join her briefly. She gets to class early, hoping that he may arrive on his own and they can talk. But every time she tries she either doesn’t happen to run into him or he’s too busy messing around with Fred to notice her presence.
“Oof. Sorry,” Y/N grunts as she runs into someone. One of the Ravenclaw Prefects is sick, so Y/N  volunteered to spend most of her Tuesday night patrolling the halls of the castle. Patrolling was one of her favorite duties as a Prefect, since it gave her time to just be by herself and think. She had let her mind wander to George, and she was in the middle of quite the raunchy daydream.
“What are you doing? Trying to mow me down?” the person asks with a chuckle.
“George, hey,” she greets airily. Y/N takes a step back so she can look up at him, a dopey smile on her face. “What are you doing out here? Kinda late, innit?”
“Maybe I’m here to see you,” he responds, causing Y/N to look away and blush. “I was serving my detention with Umbridge,” he reminds her, gesturing towards the corridor he had just come down.
She glances at her watch before looking back to him. “And she just let you out now? What did she have you do, polish all those weird cat plates?”
George chuckles. “Writing lines, actually.”
“Must have been enough to fill a book with how late it is,” she jokes as they start to walk together. George fidgets beside her, and she gives him a look. “You alright?”
George hums and absentmindedly brings a hand up to run through his hair. Y/N’s eyes widen when she notices the back of his hand is bleeding, and she grabs it before he has a chance to hide it. “It’s not as bad as it looks,” he mumbles, trying to pull his hand away.
Y/N tightens her grip, too focused on his injury to think about how perfect his hand feels in hers. “What is this, George? How did this happen?”
George sighs. “Umbridge had me use her special quill to write my lines.”
Y/N ghosts her finger over the wound, giving George an apologetic look when he winces. As she examines the wound she can make out what is it, the wound in his hand spells out ‘I must not break the rules’ in his messy handwriting. A sudden wave of rage washes over Y/N and she releases George’s hand so she can stomp towards Umbridge’s office.
“Y/N what are you doing?” George asks as he follows, though he’s pretty sure he knows that answer.
“I’m going to go give that toad a piece of my mind. That’s how she punishes people. Torture? That’s mental.”
George catches up to her quickly, and he wraps his fingers around her wrist, pulling her into his chest. He wraps his arms around her shoulders, holding her tightly against him. She breathes in his scent, wanting to just melt into his embrace. But she resists the urge and struggles against it, desperately trying to get out.
“Let me go, George,” she grumbles, wiggling in his grip.
“Absolutely not, Y/N. What good is yelling at her going to do? All that’s going to do is get you in detention as well and I’m not going to let you do that to yourself.”
Y/N wiggles against his grip for a few more moments before she gives up, her anger deflating. She relaxes in George’s arms and buries her face in his chest. She feels lightheaded as she takes slow, deep breaths, enjoying being this close to George. They stand like that for a few minutes, just enjoying being in each other’s presence, only breaking apart when they hear the door to Umbridge’s office open.
“Shit,” George whispers. He releases Y/N from his grip so he can grab her hand, intertwining their fingers. “Quick, follow me.” George leads them down the hallway and through a few different corridors before he stops in front of a tapestry.
“What are you doing?” she asks as the sound of footsteps echoes through the empty space.
George shushes her, and Y/N watches in amazement as he taps his wand to the tapestry, and it swings to the side, revealing a hole in the wall.
“Woah, this is so cool,” she comments as George pulls her in behind him. The tapestry immediately closes behind them, and George waves his wand so the torches that line the walls light up. “How do you know about this place?”
George shrugs, leaning up against the wall. “Fred and I have explored the entire castle. There isn’t a secret passageway or hidden corridor that we haven’t found.”
They stand there in silence while Y/N looks around the small passageway. She can feel George’s eyes on her and she’s doing everything she can to not return his gaze. Her body feels like it’s on fire, the feeling of George’s grip on her shoulders still fresh in her mind.
“You know if you want to spend time alone with me all you have to do is ask,” she teases a moment later, finally looking at George. She’s leaning on the wall opposite him, her bottom lip caught between her teeth. She starts to fiddle with a stray string on the bottom hem of her skirt, needing to keep her hands busy to avoid wrapping them around George’s tie to pull him close. “You don’t have to keep pulling me into dark rooms.”
George looks Y/N up and down, a smirk forming on his face. “Is that so? After you practically ran away from me at breakfast on Sunday I didn’t think you’d want to be alone with me.” He sounds confident, but Y/N can tell that there’s an underlying tinge of insecurity in his voice.
Y/N frowns and pushes away from the wall so she can take a small step towards him. “I tried to catch you alone all day yesterday and today,” she says softly. “But every time I tried you were with your stupid brother.”
“Well every time I tried to catch you alone you were with your stupid friends,” he says with a chuckle, copying her frustrated tone. George takes a small step towards her, so there’s only a few feet between them.
“I’m sorry, by the way. For running away from you the other day. Astoria startled me and I panicked,” she pauses, taking another small step forward. They’re standing so close that Y/N can smell him, and her brain goes fuzzy. “I should have stayed,” she admits quietly.
George licks his lips as he takes a final small step forward. They’re now only a few centimeters apart, and he grips Y/N’s hip softly. “What would have happened?” His eyes flick down to Y/N’s lips before meeting hers again. “If you had stayed, what would have happened?”
Y/N can feel her heart pounding in her chest, and her face is warm. “I. I would have.”
But she doesn’t get to finish her sentence. George leans down and presses their lips together, kissing her sweetly as his other hand comes up to rest on her neck. Y/N feels lightheaded as her lips start to move with George’s, her arms winding around his neck. George backs them up as he deepens the kiss, pressing Y/N up against the wall. She moans as her back hits the hard stone, allowing George to lick into her mouth.
“I would have done that,” she finishes once George pulls away, her breathing heavy.
George chuckles before kissing her again briefly. “You sound so fucking hot when you moan,” he teases, kissing her again as her cheeks flush pink.
Y/N returns his kiss eagerly, letting her fingers tangle in the hair at the base of his neck as both his hands come to rest on her hips. Her brain is in overdrive, trying to process everything that’s happening. She wants to commit it all to memory, in case this is the only time it happens. She’s thinking about how good of a kisser he is, and how perfectly their mouths fit together when George pulls away.
“Bet you would sound even hotter moaning my name,” he whispers in her ear, before he starts to trail kisses down Y/N’s neck.
A soft whine leaves Y/N’s lips as she tilts her head back, giving George more room to kiss. She tugs his hair and the groan he lets out against her neck goes right to her core and arousal starts to blossom in her stomach. His grip on her hips tightens as he begins to suck a mark into her neck. “George,” she moans, her eyes fluttering closed.
Y/N can feel George smirk into her neck before he pulls away and reconnects their lips. He pushes their bodies together tighter, shoving her legs apart with one of his own. She instinctively grinds down against it to get relief from her aching pussy, causing both of them to moan lowly.
“Holy fuck, Y/N,” George growls as he breaks their kiss. He looks over her as she continues to grind against his thigh, in awe of how beautiful she is. Her face is flushed red, her lips are swollen from his kisses and breathy moans are falling from her mouth as her hips move back and forth.
Y/N tugs her bottom lip between her teeth to try and contain the noises that are creeping up her throat as she works towards her climax. Her hips move sloppily, giving her clit the perfect amount of friction against George’s muscular thigh. “Fuck,” she breathes and opens her eyes so she can gaze into his, a moan falling from her lips when she sees how dark his eyes are.
George kisses her for a brief moment, his cock starting to harden in his trousers. He craves the feeling of her lips, but the noises coming from her mouth are too intoxicating to cut off. “You look so pretty, darling, getting yourself off on my thigh.”
George’s words only turn Y/N on more and she starts to move her hips faster, desperate for her release. “George,” she moans, tugging on his hair again. “Please, please, George,” she begs.
George presses kisses to Y/N’s jaw as his grip on her hips tightens. He pulls her down harder against his thigh and smirks when she whines loudly. “What do you want darling? Hm?”
“I’m so close,” she gasps. “Please, George. Can I,” her words turn into a moan as George forces her down harder against this thigh again. Y/N can feel her climax approaching and her body feels like it’s on fire. “Please, let me come, George. Please,” she begs breathily.
George’s cock twitches in his trousers and he groans as he realizes what Y/N is begging him for. Permission. “Go on darling, come for me.”
George’s voice is husky, and as soon as the words leave his mouth Y/N’s hips stutter as she reaches her climax, George’s name falling from her mouth. She tugs his hair lightly as she comes, pleasure washing over her like a wave. George rubs her hips and presses open mouthed kisses to her jaw and neck as her hips start to slow down.
“Oh my god,” Y/N pants, resting her forehead against George’s shoulder. Her legs feel like jelly and a moan falls from her mouth when she shifts on George’s thigh and her sensitive clit rubs against her panties.
George laughs lightly and brings a hand up to stroke Y/N’s hair. “That was so fucking hot,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to her temple. He removes his leg from between hers but keeps a tight grip on her hip to make sure she’s steady. “Like really fucking hot, Y/N. Holy shit.”
Y/N buries her face in George’s neck, pressing a few light kisses to his skin. “No, it was embarrassing,” she mumbles. She’d never felt the need to ask for permission to come with any of the other people she’d been intimate with, but there was something about George. Y/N felt comfortable with him, she felt safe enough to let her walls down; to be completely vulnerable to him.
“Hey, look at me,” he says softly. George waits for Y/N to pick her head up and look up at him before he continues. “You will never have anything to be embarrassed about with me. Ever.”
Instead of responding, Y/N kisses him desperately and reaches down to palm his hardening erection through his trousers. George groans into the kiss, his hips automatically rolling to meet her movements. Her lips start to kiss across his jaw and down George’s neck, nibbling lightly.
Y/N pauses her kissing so she can lean up and whisper into George’s ear. “Your turn,” she teases. George curses softly as she removes her hand from his crotch, and she places a quick kiss on his lips before she pushes him away slightly. Y/N slowly sinks down to her knees and starts to work at the button of George’s trousers.
“God you are gorgeous,” he says dreamily as he tangles his fingers in her hair.
Y/N can feel the blush creeping up her face as she undoes George’s trousers. She looks up at him as she pulls his trousers and boxers down together just enough to free his cock. Y/N slowly wraps her hand around the base of his cock, a smirk forming on her face when he groans.
George’s grip on her hair tightens as Y/N begins to slowly stroke him. “Merlin that feels good,” George moans, causing Y/N to increase her pace.
She leans forward and takes him into her mouth, her hand continuing to stroke what she can’t fit in her mouth. George is quite well endowed, and Y/N rubs her thighs together as she starts to bob her head, imaging what he’d feel like inside her.
“Such a good girl. Sucking my cock so well,” George praises. His breathing starts to get heavier as Y/N’s tongue starts to swirl around his sensitive head and when she looks up at him he has to look away to avoid coming right then and there. Y/N looks absolutely sinful with her lips wrapped around his cock, and George is sure that image will be imprinted in his brain forever.
George’s grunts echo throughout the passageway as Y/N starts to move faster, wanting George to fill her mouth with his release. She takes him down even further, gagging slightly when the tip of his cock hits the back of her throat. George uses the grip he has on Y/N’s hair to help guide her head, his hips starting to slowly meet her movement.
Y/N hums in approval and pulls her head off of his cock for a moment to catch her breath. She strokes him with her hand for a moment, her thumb circling his sensitive head. “Fuck my mouth George, please,” she begs, before swallowing him down again.
“Such a dirty girl aren’t you Y/N?” he teases as he wraps his hand in her hair, gripping it tightly. “Such a slut for my cock already, hm?” He lets out a groan as he starts to move her head on his cock, his hips meeting each stroke. “Fuck, darling. Your mouth feels amazing,” he moans, starting to fuck her mouth faster. “Good girl,” he praises as she gags around him.
Y/N can’t help but slip her hand under her skirt and into her panties, letting her index and middle finger toy with her clit. George’s cock is heavy against her tongue and his dirty words are sending shivers down her spine and into her core. She’s still sensitive from her previous orgasm, and she moans around George’s cock as drool drips down her chin. She starts to work her clit faster, her second orgasm quickly approaching.
“Getting close, darling,” he grunts. “Gonna shoot my load right into your pretty little mouth.” George watches as Y/N squirms, a wicked grin forming on his mouth. “Are you touching yourself darling?” A shiver runs down his spine and he slams his cock into the back of her throat harder when she hums around him. “Such a dirty little girl you are, Y/N.” His tone is patronizing, and it only turns Y/N on more. “Love having my cock in your mouth that much, hm?”
Y/N whines around his cock, her hips moving in time with her finger’s movements on her clit. She brings her free hand up under her shirt and bra so she can massage her breast, her fingers pinching her nipple. Her climax is building rapidly, and Y/N looks up at George her eyes full of arousal and desperation.
George bites his lip as he looks down at Y/N, knowing exactly what she needs. His strokes become shallow as his own orgasm approaches, a low moan falling from his lips. “Go on, darling. Be a good girl and come for me.”
Y/N’s whole-body shakes as she comes, her second orgasm even stronger than the first. Her lips clamp down around George’ cock even tighter, bringing him to his climax as well. He pulls her hair as he empties himself into Y/N’s mouth, her name spilling from his mouth in hard pants. She continues to toy with her clit lightly as aftershocks of pleasure continue to roll through her body.
George loosens his grip on her hair as he slowly pulls out, his mouth running dry as saliva and some of his cum dribble down Y/N’s chin. He watches as she swallows his release, his cock twitching at the sight. He tucks his cock back into his trousers, wincing as the head brushes up against the fabric. Y/N looks up at him as she wipes the drool from her chin, looking far too innocent after what just happened. Her lips are red and swollen, almost begging for him to kiss her.
He releases her hair and helps Y/N to her feet. His arms wrap around her waist and he brings their lips together. They kiss slowly and messily, both of them too tired to care. George licks into her mouth, not caring that he can taste himself on her tongue. They stand there kissing for a few minutes, only breaking apart when the need for air becomes too much.
“You think the coast is clear?” Y/N asks with a giggle, her voice hoarse.
George chuckles and presses a kiss to her forehead. “I certainly hope so, because I’m absolutely knackered and if I have to spend another minute in here with you after what just happened I’m not going to be able to control myself.”
Wednesday morning arrives far too quickly for Y/N’s liking. She had fallen asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow, but when Daphne starts to shake her awake it feels like she hadn’t even slept at all.
“Five more minutes, mum, “ she groans. Her throat feels raw and Y/N can’t help but blush as the memories of last night run through her mind. She had wanted to confess everything to George as they snuck out of the passageway, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it.  As they stepped out into the empty hallway the haze of sexual tension around them broke, and when George headed off back to his dorm with nothing more than a wink and a kiss on the cheek Y/N’s stomach sank.
Y/N had felt nothing but pure joy after her and George’s activities and her heart felt as if it would beat out of her chest. She knew that she was in love with him, and after he had been so tender with her she was sure that he returned her feelings. But after he left her behind so quickly, she couldn’t help but think it had all been in her head.
“Five more minutes will turn to 10, which will turn into you missing breakfast. And you know how you get when you’re hungry, so get your ass out of bed,” Daphne scolds lightly.
Y/N groans but rolls out of bed, her heart heavy and her knees aching.
“What do you think they’re talking about?” Daphne whispers to Y/N as they enter the Great Hall, gesturing towards Fred and George.
Y/N allows herself to look quickly, her heart rate increasing as her eyes pass over George. Memories of last night swim to the surface, and she swallows hard, willing them away. The twins have their heads together and they’re talking feverishly, clearly up to something. “Dunno really,” she answers, tearing her gaze away. “Probably planning their next prank or something.” Y/N and Daphne sit down with Adrian and Marcus and she grabs some toast, not really feeling up to eating.  
“So, what are you gonna do?” Daphne asks as they start to eat.
Y/N gives her a look. “What am I gonna do about what?”
Daphne rolls her eyes. “Come one, it’s been what, two weeks since the twins have done something to you? They’ve gotta be over there cooking up some grand scheme against you.”
Y/N goes to respond, but she suddenly feels sick as George’s actions over the past few days start to make sense. He wasn’t in love with her, he was trying to embarrass her? Use her? Get information on her for him and Fred to use against her? She wasn’t exactly sure, but her heart sinks into her stomach. Whatever it was it couldn’t be good.
“I think I’m gonna head to Potions early,” she says suddenly, standing up. Adrian, Marcus and Daphne give her a look.
“You haven’t even eaten anything,” Adrian says, trying to pull her back down.
She bats his hand away and gathers her bag. “I’m not really that hungry. I’ll see you guys later.”
Without another word she’s heading out of the Great Hall, her friends and George all casting her back worried glances.
Y/N spends all day ignoring George despite his efforts to get her to pay attention to him. He spends all of Potions throwing rolled up pieces of parchment at her back, he tries to pull faces at her all during lunch and he spends most of charms slipping her notes. It had taken all of her willpower not to let him break her down. She’s so desperately in love with him that she’s almost willing to let him break her heart just so she can be close to him again.
“Finally, I’ve been looking for you all evening.”
Y/N doesn’t look up from her Herbology assignment as George takes a seat across from her. Her friends had been giving her worried glances all day, so after a quick dinner she tucked herself away in a corner of the library to avoid the confrontation she’s sure she’d get in the common room. She had figured she’d be safe from George as well, since Y/N is sure she’s never seen him, or Fred enter the library in the seven years they’ve been at school.
“What’s going on with you?” George asks softly when she doesn’t say anything. He’d been looking forward to seeing Y/N in the morning, and after her weird behavior at breakfast he had tried everything to get her attention.
Y/N glances at George quickly before she turns back to her assignment. “I could say the same to you,” she says coldly. When George doesn’t say anything Y/N sighs and puts her quill down, finally looking at George fully. “What were you and Fred talking about this morning? During breakfast.”
George taps his fingers against the table, his eyes starting deeply into Y/N’s. “He was asking me why I got back from my detention so late last night.” His cheeks are flushed pink and Y/N bites her lip to keep from smiling.
“What did you tell him? Did you tell him how easy I was? How desperate I was for you? How I touched myself? That I asked you for permission to finish?” she sneers, suddenly filled with rage.
George’s jaw practically drops to the table, his eyes widening in shock. “What? Why would I say any of that to him?” George asks, watching as Y/N starts to gather up her things.
“Because last night was just some big joke to you, wasn’t it?” she asks, as if the answer is obvious. “You don’t have feelings for me, you were just trying to get me into bed so you could have blackmail material or something. And I fell for it. Because I’m a big dumb idiot who is too in love to realize when she’s being played.”
Before George can even process what Y/N has just said she’s gone, tears streaming down her face and her heart broken in her chest.
“What’s wrong Y/N?” Daphne asks, taking a seat on the edge of her bed.
She isn’t completely surprised that Daphne had come to find her. When Y/N returned from the library, she was full on crying. She had ignored her friend’s attempts to talk to her and stormed right to her dorm room so she could crawl into her bed and sob. Daphne starts to stroke her hair, and Y/N wipes away some of her tears.
“I’m in love with George Weasley,” Y/N mumbles into her pillow.
Daphne’s hand pauses. “Come again?”
“I’m in love with George Weasley,” Y/N huffs, turning over so she’s facing Daphne. Her whole-body tenses, waiting for Daphne to laugh or make some kind of snide comment. But it doesn’t happen. Instead Daphne starts to stroke her hair again as she wipes away some of her tears.
“Honestly that’d make me cry as well,” she says with a laugh, trying to get Y/N to smile. When it works and Y/N cracks a small smile Daphne continues. “So, what happened? Did he say something rude? Because if he did I swear to you I’ll have Adrian and Marcus break into Gryffindor tower and beat him up.”
Y/N can’t help but let out a quiet laugh. She sits up in bed, wiping away the last few tears. “I ran into him last night when I was doing my rounds. And Umbridge almost caught us so we ran and hid in this weird secret passageway and um,” she pauses, swallowing thickly. “We kissed. And fooled around a little. Or a lot.”
“And that’s why you’re crying? Was it bad? Did you fake your orgasm?” Daphne teases.
Y/N rolls her eyes as a blush starts to form on her cheeks. “No, that’s not it. It was quite enjoyable I’ll have you know,” she says playfully, shoving Daphne’s shoulder lightly. “It was what happened afterward.”
“He said something stupid, didn’t he? My offer still stands, I will have Adrian and Marcus go beat him up,” Daphne says her tone serious.
“He didn’t really say anything,” Y/N explains, choosing to ignore Daphne’s threats for now. “But you said it yourself this morning at breakfast. He was talking with Fred, probably planning some prank on me.” Y/N pauses to swallow the lump in her throat and blink away the tears that threaten to spill down her cheeks. “It was all probably just some prank or set up or blackmail or something. I mean why would he wanna be with me,” she says lamely, looking down at her hands.
Daphne scoffs and puts her finger under Y/N’s chin, forcing her to return her gaze. “If George Weasley doesn’t want to be with you then he is a big fat idiot. Y/N you are amazing. And beautiful and smart and way too nice for your own good. You may have questionable taste in men, but I’ve been snogging Marcus since third year so I’m not really one to judge.”
Y/N laughs and pulls Daphne into a hug. Her heart still aches for George, but she feels a tiny bit better knowing that she has Daphne on her side.
Despite the fact that Y/N has been ignoring George all day, she finds herself heading to the Room of Requirement on Wednesday evening for a DA meeting. There are nervous butterflies in her stomach as she approaches but she doesn’t turn back. The DA is one of the only good things she’s had going on this year, and she’ll be damned if she lets George Weasley ruin that for her. Y/N had felt his eyes on her all day, and she hates to admit that it made her feel lightheaded.
She stops outside of the room of requirement to collect herself. Y/N takes a few deep breaths, trying to clear the thoughts of George from her mind. She’s semi-successful and she holds her head high as she throws the door open and steps inside.
“What the fuck?” she says, her eyes wandering around the room as the door shuts behind her.  Y/N had certainly not been expecting the scene around her when she walked in. The room is dimly lit, with most of the lighting coming from candles that are floating around the room. There’s no furniture or practice dummies in sight, and the only other person in the room is George. He’s standing smack in the middle of the room watching her, a small smile on his face.
“I couldn’t think of any other way to get you alone,” he says after a moment, reaching a hand out towards Y/N. “So, I had Hermione send an alert out to your Galleon and hoped that you would show up.”
Y/N walks further into the room cautiously, still unsure as to what exactly is going on. She stands a few feet away from George, resisting the urge to take his hand and fall into his chest. “Okay but why?.” She pauses, her eyes scanning the room again. “If this is some kind of elaborate set up and Fred is about to jump out of somewhere I swear to Merlin George I will kill you.”
George chuckles and shakes his head, taking a step towards Y/N. When she doesn’t flinch, he takes another one. “I promise you; Y/N. Fred is nowhere near here.” He bites his lip, looking at Y/N closely. “This is just me, desperately trying to fix whatever mess I got us into.” When she doesn’t say anything George continues, needing to fill the awkward silence of the room. “Tuesday night was incredible. Best night of my life, hands down. I thought, I thought things would be different with us, afterwards. But then you didn’t even look at me all day yesterday and last night in the library that stuff you said,” he cuts himself off, running a hand through his hair in frustration. “I clearly did something wrong, but I’ve spent the past 24 hours thinking about everything I did, and I can’t seem to figure it out.”
“You didn’t say anything,” she says quietly after she lets George’s words soak in. When George raises his eyebrow in confusion she sighs. “On Tuesday, after everything that happened,” she clears her throat, trying to will the blush on her cheeks away. “When we were leaving you didn’t say anything. You just kind of left. I thought that it was just a one-time thing, that it didn’t mean the same to you as it did to me,” she admits quietly.
Y/N lets her eyes wander around the room, needing to look anywhere except for George’s face. Y/N likes to keep walls up around herself. She makes exceptions for her friends and her parents, the people she loves, but she keeps them up around others. She doesn’t like to show weakness, she doesn’t want to give people the opportunity to hurt her. On Tuesday Y/N had let all of those walls crumble to the ground the second George had kissed her and it felt incredible. She felt like she could truly be herself around him, and as much as she wishes she could build those walls up around her again it’s too late. Y/N has no choice but to stand here in this room and let George in.
“And then I just got all in my head,” she continues a moment later, finally letting herself look at George. Her heart is fluttering, and she can’t help but notice how good he looks. “When I went to breakfast that morning and you were whispering with Fred it looked like you guys were plotting something, like a prank or something. And it made me think that Tuesday was just some stupid prank. That you were gonna use the things I said against me, to embarrass me or something,” she mutters.
“Darling,” George starts, taking the last few steps to close the distance between them. He cups her cheek with one hand while the other reaches for one of hers. Y/N lets him grab her hand, and he intertwines their fingers. “I should have said something that night. There was so many things I wanted to say. But I didn’t want to overwhelm you. After that night we spent in detention I started to feel differently towards you. I knew you felt something too, but I wasn’t sure if you had realized it yet or not. So, when we left the passageway that night I wanted to give you time, to process everything.”
“I feel like such an idiot,” Y/N admits with a small smile. “I should have just said something instead of letting myself overthink it. I don’t like letting people in. But for some reason when I’m around you I can’t help but let you in. That night in detention I told you things not even Daphne knows. And then Tuesday, some of the things I said, I did,” she cuts herself off, a shiver running down her spine. “I’ve never let anyone see that side of me before and yet a few kisses from you had me blubbering like an idiot.”
“Blubbering like a wicked sexy idiot, darling,” George teases with a chuckle. He leans down and kisses her briefly. “I’m sorry, for not being clearer with my intentions.”
Y/N rolls her eyes, but there’s a warm smile on her face. “And what are those intentions?”
Her eyes flutter closed as George kisses her deeply, both of his hands landing on her bum, giving it a tight squeeze. She moans into the kiss and lets George’s tongue in to explore her mouth. She wraps her arms around George’s neck and pulls him flush to her body. George pulls away suddenly, with Y/N trying to chase his mouth.
George chuckles when she pouts at him. “To answer your question, darling. First, I’m going to fuck you into the mattress over there like the dirty little girl you are.” George pauses, pressing a kiss to Y/N’s lips as a shiver runs down her spine. “And then I’m going to hold you close and whisper how much I love you into your ear.”
Y/N pulls George’s face down and presses their lips together hotly, kissing him desperately. She jumps up, her legs wrapping around his waist and his hands gripping her bum tightly. George carries her over to the bed that had appeared at some point in the past few minutes and throws her down on it. He loosens his tie and throws it off over his head and starts to work on the buttons of his shirt. Y/N watches his fingers move, practically drooling as his pale chest becomes more and more exposed to her.
“What are you waiting for? Permission,” George teases, his voice gravelly and his eyes dark. “Get naked,” he demands a moment later when she still doesn’t move. “Let me see all of you.”
George’s voice causes goosebumps to appear all over Y/N’s body and her core starts to ache. She can already feel herself getting wet, and the way George is looking at her as she rids herself of her clothes is only making it worse.
In a matter of moments, they’re both naked, and Y/N can feel her skin flushing under George’s gaze. He’s standing by the edge of the bed, slowly stroking himself as his eyes run over her naked body. Her body is aching for his touch, and she squirms under his intense gaze. “Please, George,” she moans, one of her hands coming up to toy with her breasts.
In an instant George is on top of her, kissing her messily as his hands touch every inch of skin they can. He bats away the hand that’s palming her breast so he can take over, his fingers starting to toy with her sensitive nipple. Y/N moans into George’s mouth, arching her back to press herself up into him harder. George practically growls at her actions and his other hand grabs her left thigh, forcing her legs apart.
“What do you want, darling?” he asks hotly, his lips trailing kisses down her neck. “My fingers?” He releases her thigh and starts to ghost his fingers up her it towards her folds. “My mouth?” He latches onto her neck and starts to lightly suck, causing a sinful whine to leave her lips.
Y/N tangles her fingers in George’s hair, tugging lightly as she squirms under his touch. “Both, please,” she begs, her breath coming out in hard pants. George’s fingers have finally reached her core, and his index finger has started to slowly circle her clit.
“Both, hm? What a needy little girl you’re being, Y/N,” he chides, his mouth continuing to trail kisses down her neck and over her chest. “But how can I say no? Not when you’re being such a good girl and asking so nicely.”
Y/N moans. George’s thumb has started to rub soft circles on her clit while his mouth wraps around her breast, sucking her nipple lightly. When George had called her a good girl at the beginning of term it had filled her with rage, but now as he slowly pushes his index finger inside of her tight walls she thinks she could come just from him calling her that alone.
“Fuck, George,” she whines, clenching around his finger as he curls it inside of her. She can feel his smirk as he kisses down her stomach. Her hips start to move off of the bed as he starts to slowly fuck her with his finger. His free hand flies to her hip and pins it down against the bed.
“Don’t be so impatient, darling. I’m going to take my time with you,” he scolds. He pulls his finger out slowly, and when he pushes it back in another has joined it, causing Y/N to gasp. “You sound so pretty, darling. Such pretty noises,” he praises.
George moves down the bed as his lips ghost over her hip so he can position himself better for what’s about to happen. He stops his movements on her pussy suddenly, causing Y/N to whine at the loss. He grabs her thighs and pushes them farther apart, so she’s spread open for him. “Such a pretty pussy you have, darling,” he groans, his eyes gazing over her dripping folds. Y/N tries to shut her legs, but George’s grip tightens on her thighs, keeping them open. “Don’t be shy, darling,” he teases.
Y/N is writhing in George’s grasp, one hand is toying with her nipples while the other grips the bed sheets. “George, please,” she begs again, needing him to touch her. George chuckles and suddenly his mouth is on her, lightly sucking on her clit. “Oh fuck,” she shouts, her hand leaving her breast to tangle in George’s hair.
George’s tongue starts to tease Y/N’s clit, wrapping around the bud slowly before pulling away and coming to lightly flick at it. He wraps his arm around her left thigh as she begins to move her hips, forcing her back down against the bed. “Gonna need to get some rope to tie you up, keep you nice and open for me,” he murmurs before putting his mouth back on her aching core.
“Holy fuck, George,” Y/N moans as he suddenly plunges two fingers into her heat. She can’t help the sounds that are coming out of her mouth as George pleasures her, images of George tying her up floating in her mind. George hums in laughter as his fingers curl and brush up against Y/N’s sweet spot, causing her to moan again.
Y/N can feel her orgasm approaching, can feel the arousal building in her stomach. She wiggles her hips, trying to move away from George, and a squeal falls from her mouth when he pulls her even closer to his face. She grips his hair tightly and her toes curl as her orgasm approaches. Y/N yanks the sheets hard, her mouth opening and shutting unable to form a coherent thought due to George’s relentless pleasure.
“George please,” she sobs, her eyes screwing shut from the sheer amount of pleasure coursing through her body. Her legs are shaking as George licks at her core, his fingers hitting the spot inside her that drives her crazy with every thrust. “I need you. I need you to, George, please,” she begs. She’s teetering on the edge of her release, just needing that one final push that only George can provide.
“Need me to what, darling?” he asks coyly as he pulls his face away from her pussy. His thumb takes over the assault on her clit his tongue had been doing before, starting to rub it in hard circles.
“Please,” she begs again, tears starting to leak out the side of her eyes. Y/N has never been this turned on in her life. Her body is trembling, her need for release overwhelming every part of her.
George presses a few kisses to the hot skin on the inside of her thigh to hide his smile. Y/N looks absolutely ethereal as she wriggles in his grasp, begging him to let her come. Her hair is splayed out on the pillow behind her, and her neck looks like it’s begging to be bit. Her whole body is flushed, and a sheen of sweat has appeared over her skin.
“You are absolutely gorgeous, Y/N,” he compliments as he situates himself on top of her again. He leans on his forearm and presses their lips together briefly. “Such a good girl, darling. Go on be a good girl, come for me.”
George kisses her again as she comes, groaning as her walls tighten around his fingers. Y/N’s whole-body shakes as she comes, and George continues to slowly rub her clit as she comes down from her high. With one final curl of his fingers he removes them from her heat.
“You are a goddess,” he murmurs against her lips before he pulls away.
Y/N opens her eyes, smiling up at George. “And you’re a bloody fucking tease.”
George laughs and rolls onto his back, his arm winding around Y/N’s waist to pull her on top of him. Y/N giggles in delight, pressing their lips together in a heated kiss. She lets her hand trail along his chest as they kiss, pausing as she reaches his groin. “Now see if I really was a good girl,” she mocks her fingertips dancing on the skin just above the base of his cock. “I’d touch you but.” She sighs and brings her hand back up to rest on George’s chest. “I’m feeling kinda naughty.”
“Bold tactic for a girl who was just begging me to let her come a few seconds ago,” George responds playfully, leaning up to press their lips together again. Y/N squeals when George pulls her fully on top of him so she’s straddling his waist. “I know I said I was gonna fuck you into the mattress but,” he says with a sigh when he breaks their kiss. “I don’t know if naughty girls deserve my cock.”
Despite the fact that she had just come a few seconds ago, Y/N’s pussy is aching again. She pouts down at George, rolling her hips. A satisfied smirk appears on her face when he groans. “What if I promise to be a good girl?”
George rolls them over so she’s underneath him. “I think I can make an exception.” Y/N laughs as George kisses her and winds her legs around his waist. George lines himself up with her entrance, breaking their kiss so he can look at her. “Ready?” When Y/N nods George pushes his hips forward and slowly enters Y/N.
“Oh my god, George,” she gasps as her hands come up to grip his shoulders. George doesn’t stop until his hips are flush against Y/N’s bum.
“Fucking hell you’re tight, Y/N,” he groans, burying his face in her neck. He lets out another groan as Y/N’s walls clench around him.
“Fuck me George, please,” she demands, squeezing his shoulders.
George chuckles into her neck and pulls out of her halfway before he slams back in, starting to slowly fuck her. “Since you asked so nicely,” he teases, pressing an open mouth kiss to her jaw.
For a few minutes all the noise that can be heard is Y/N and George’s combined moans as well as skin slapping on skin. George grabs Y/N’s leg and throws it over his shoulder so he can fuck into her deeper and the head of his cock is now rubbing her sweet spot with every thrust.
“Oh fuck,” Y/N moans, scratching her nails down George’s back. “Feels so good, George. ‘M already close.”
“Fuck me too,” he growls, leaning down to whisper in her ear. “You feel so fucking good, darling.” He presses a few kisses into the skin below her ear. “Go on, darling. Come for me when you’re ready. Didn’t even need to touch your little clit, did I? Such a good girl, coming from just my cock.”
George’s words tip Y/N over the edge and she throws her head back, George’s name falling from her mouth. Her walls tighten and twitch around George, causing him to reach his climax as well. He empties himself inside of Y/N, his hips slowly rolling into her to help them both come down from their highs.
Once George’s cock has stopped twitching and Y/N’s breathing starts to slow down, George carefully pulls out of her and collapses on the bed next to her. George opens up his arm and Y/N rolls into his side, burying her face in the crook of his neck. She peppers soft kisses to the sweaty skin as George starts to rub her back.
“It’s not fair, you know,” George says as Y/N trails a few kisses up his neck and across his jaw.
Y/N pecks his lips softly. “What’s not fair?” she asks with a chuckle.
George pouts at her and she kisses him briefly again. “Every time we get intimate you get to come twice, and I only get to come once. That’s totally not fair.”
Y/N laughs and buries her face in George’s neck again. “Well maybe if you were a good boy I’d let you come more than once,” she teases.
George’s fingers dig into Y/N’s side as he holds her in place, tickling her mercilessly. Y/N shrieks with laughter, desperately trying to wiggle away from George’s grasp. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she laughs, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. George tickles her for another moment before he stops, one of his hands resting on the small of Y/N’s back and the other grabs hers.
“I love you,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
Y/N looks up at him and presses a kiss to the underside of his jaw. “I love you too.”
The next morning as Y/N drags George over to the Slytherin table for breakfast she can hear Ginny shouting at Ron.
“I told you, you absolute numpty! You owe me a Galleon!”
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passivenovember · 2 years
Harringrove April, Day Four.
“But daddy--”
“No, Steve.”
“But summer’s almost over, and--”
“No, Steve. For the thousandth time, No.”
“Margaret, don’t start.”
“But the boys have been so good, this week,” Steve’s mother winked at him from across the table, her perfect, feathered eyelashes catching on the golden light from the window. “Really, they’ve been good all summer. Perfect little angels. Don’t they deserve --”
“What did I just say?” Steve’s father put his knife down, arms outstretched as he glanced frantically around the dining room for someone, anyone, who could make sense of it all. “Am I talking to myself here, huh? To walls and spiders and weird, cushy tan blowup dolls that only look like an actualized version of my family?”
“Like in The Twilight Zone,” Steve said to his mashed potatoes, scooping them into the shape of his father and squashing them against blue ceramic to enact his revenge. “Only on that show their daddy--”
“Yeah call me the villain. Even though I’ve been working sixty hour weeks to save for the pool and you and Billy just had to have, right?” Steve’s dad took another bite of meatloaf, talking with his mouthful. “Listen, I’d love nothing more than to take an afternoon off, I just don’t have the time to lug you and your friend to the zoo. Not if you want to play mermaids or whatever come spring.”
Steve slumped farther into his chair.
He hated this house. 
Hated the rigid set of rules he, and by extension Billy, had to live by. Stupid, ancient Midwestern codes of conduct, like never staying out once the street lights came on, remembering to keep his elbows off the table even if they were only eating peanut butter and jellies between water balloon fights, and the most important rule of all; friends could sleep over every night between the months of June and September so long as they ate dinner at home with their own parents. 
To check in.
To be polite.
For all ten years that Steve had been on this planet, for all the birthdays and Christmas’ he’d spent in Hawkins, being polite never got him anywhere. 
He was sick of it.
Steve peeked through his fingers at the grandfather clock in the living room. Fifteen more ticks and the doorbell would ring, and Billy would be back again with a fresh set of PJs and his glow-in-the-dark He-man action figures. 
“It’s not in the cards, kiddo.” Steve’s daddy was saying. “Maybe grandma can take you--”
“Are we still talking about this?” Steve asked his mashed potatoes. “Billy’s daddy won’t let him go anywhere if it’s with an adult he doesn’t know. Plus, Grandma smells like boiled eggs.”
Steve’s dad snorted, fist flying to cover his mouth while Steve’s mom put on her angry eyes. 
Steve’s dad stopped laughing.
“Now, Steven. Just because you don’t get your way doesn’t give you the right to speak like that.” When she turned back, again, her smile was soft but reprimanding. Perfectly crafted.
Steve fiddled with the peas, next. Imagining they were his mother’s favorite pearl necklace. 
So, so stupid. “Besides,” His father was saying, “Billy’s a good kid but you’ve spent every moment with him since school got out.”
Steve shrugged. 
He was done talking. 
Grownups didn’t understand anything. Not how hard it was to be ten, or how lucky Steve felt to have a friend like Billy. A kid who shared his toys, played nice with Steve’s, and let him be Blackbeard sometimes when they played pirates even though Billy was braver--
“Maybe Grandma could take you, instead,” Steve’s daddy was saying. “Just you.”
Steve dropped his fork. “You mean Billy can’t come?”
“I can’t leave him behind, dad, he really wanted to see the new baby elephants!”
“Kiddo, it was just an idea--”
“It’s a stupid one,” Steve said, pushing away from the table. “You just want me to stop being friends with Billy because you never had a friend like him in all your life and you’re jealous!”
“Maybe,” Steve’s dad said, but. 
He was joking. With that lilt, just like his mom always said with a glass of wine in one hand and the phone in the other. Not taking him seriously. 
Steve’s parents finished eating their lukewarm, unseasoned meatloaf, and Steve decided to run away.
“I think you’re being a little dramatic,” Billy said later that night, tossing Steve’s foam basketball into the hoop on the back of his door. 
“I just gotta get out of here, before I become a teenager and they suck the soul from my body.”
“Is your soul really worth leaving a place like this? You have your own room, no little sisters to chew on your favorite race cars, and your daddy’s putting in a pool--”
“They never take anything I say seriously.” Steve said, holding up his two favorite stuffed animals. The bag was nearly packed and hard decisions had to be made. “They don’t understand that summer’s almost over and we haven’t been anywhere outside the neighborhood except to skip rocks at the quarry.”
“Do you have any idea the kind of hell my dad would raise if he knew we went to the quarry?” Billy rolled onto his side, tucking the ball under his arm. He frowned. “Why are you staring at your animals like that?”
“Trying to decide which one I should take with me.”
“You’re seriously going through with this?” 
“Well, if you’re really going to run away, why not take both?” Billy asked, crossing to sit on the floor next to him. “You’ll never be back here. Might as well, just to be safe. Like if it rains and one of the bears gets wet.”
“You’re coming with me.” Steve put the larger of the two into his bag, nestled on top of his favorite Junie B Jones book, his batman PJs, extra flashlight batteries, and a jumbo bag of pretzel M&Ms.
“You really wanna be stuck here? With grownups.”
“Grownups aren’t so bad,” Billy’s skin had gone pale. “Sometimes my daddy can be kind of scary and intense, but that's just because he loves me. He worries.”
Billy himself was worrying at the skin on his thumb, like he did when he started to get nervous. 
Steve took his hand and threaded their fingers together. “Summer’s almost over.”
“I know--”
“No, you don’t,” Steve said suddenly. “I’ve never had a friend like you, before. You’re so cool. And nice. And we spent three months just playing pirates and catching fireflies and running through the sprinklers and we didn’t do anything fun.”
Billy looked like he was about to cry. 
“What happens when we go back to school and you meet someone cooler than me? Someone who’s got better toys and a pool that’s already built and a daddy who will take you to see the baby elephants and you won’t want to be my friend anymore?” Steve grabbed his other hand, too. Holding on as tight as he could. “I want you to always be my friend, Billy. That’s why we have to run away.”
Billy stared down at their fingers for a long, silent moment, before shaking his head. 
“I don’t care about any of that stuff.” Billy said quietly. “Playing pirates with you all summer is the most fun I’ve had in my whole life and missing out on one lousy day at the zoo isn’t gonna change the fact that you’re my best friend.”
When he looked up, into Steve’s soul, his eyes were so blue. Rushing like cool water to soothe scrapes and burns Steve hadn’t even realized were there. 
“I love you, man,” Billy giggled. “Besides. When it comes to cool animals, I think the fireflies count.”
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lucemferto · 3 years
Hey girl, don’t mind me, I just quickly went and rewrote Dream SMP Season 2.
I’m focusing on the big plot stuff from Season 2, which makes it really easy for me to make it good, because I don’t have to contend with all the hard parts like dialogue and scene pacing and stuff. As an additional challenge to myself, I try to change as little as possible. If I don’t mention stuff (like the Egg-Arc) then that means I’m fine with them the way they are.
I wrote this in an hour, so don't expect it to be good, pls.
Whether you agree or think this is trash, I'd be so interested to hear your thoughts!
Fundy’s early arc with Ghostbur, Eret and Phil is great and should stay the way it is. It sets up the character relationships and potential for conflict that we can explore in the future.
Similarly, I wouldn’t change too much about the conflict during Exile with one exception: Both Tommy and Quackity don’t want to include Technoblade. Instead, they believe that they can take one Dream by themselves – this is important for Techno’s, Tommy’s and Quackity’s personal journey later on. In this rewrite, Quackity also didn’t found El Rapids, but instead recruited George & Sapnap to L’Manburg – because his stated goal is to make L’Manburg the strongest nation on the server, so why would he make a rival nation with a plotline that goes nowhere?
What’s also important is that it’s revealed that Dream has a spy in L’Manburg around here. Maybe Tommy confessed his burning of George’s house during a cabinet meeting and word still got out to Dream. Who knows, but it’s important for later.
Something big that I would change about this Act I is that I would give Techno an actual B-plot. As it stands, Techno’s early plotline was just “Grrr, I’m angry that Tommy would use me like that! Someone killed my cows and robbed me! L’Manburg will know my wrath”
3 weeks later
“Nevermind, I’m a pacifist now and live in the arctic”
Instead, we pick up where S1 left off. Techno is intent on destroying L’Manburg and instituting anarchy. During that time, he comes into conflict with Quackity’s henchmen (Fundy, George, Sapnap, etc.) to establish that L’Manburg could be an actual threat to him.
We also have some conflict with Phil. They’re old war buddies, but Phil’s son built L’Manburg and Phil himself is unofficially Tubbo’s advisor. I think them reconstituting their friendship will take up this early part until Tommy’s exile – it makes for a nice foil to Tommy’s and Tubbo’s friendship falling apart.
Technoblade also tries to recruit people like HBomb and Niki to his cause, but they’re hesitant, because, you know, he sent Withers to destroy their home. Not the best first impression. Techno is hurt, but convinced it’s because of L’Manburg propaganda and they don’t want to work with him, because they don’t see him as useful.
ACT II Part 1
Exile-Arc basically stays exactly the same – with one notable difference. When Technoblade comes to visit Tommy it’s not to mock him – it’s as a final attempt to convince Tommy to join him. It’s a first culmination of Techno’s character journey so far: His previous interactions with the citizenry of L’Manburg has left him shaken, but not shaken enough.
Tommy truly does need “The Blade” right now and he has no reason to further believe L’Manburg’s propaganda. So, by Technoblade’s inner logic, Tommy should accept.
But he doesn’t. Tommy viciously rips into Technoblade and gets very personal (he’s in a bad space, understandably) – Techno can play it off nonchalantly, but either the cinematography or some later moment shows us that he was hurt by this.
Nevertheless, he gives Tommy a compass that points to his HQ, showing us that he cares about Tommy, like he did during their early days in Pogtopia.
This is where we implement some big changes. The story of Technoblade and the Butcher Army becomes the A-plot, while the Exile becomes the B-plot.
It makes perfect sense. The Exile-Arc is a very inward-focused, almost a character study of Tommy and Dream. It doesn’t have a lot of big narrative movement – so the perfect time to execute on that narrative movement in the storyline that has a lot of moving pieces.
So, after Tommy chewed him out, Techno is hurt and meets with Philza. Techno then explains that for him anarchy always was the natural order of things – to fight for a world where only the strongest survive – but pursuing anarchy like that has left him empty. Philza then explains that anarchy should be more about helping people and building an equal community.
We’re all but stating a major thematic conflict of this storyline: Fighting those who wronged you vs. Helping those in need. All this while also exploring the philosophy of anarchy with Techno and Philza serving as symbolic stand-ins for some different thoughts on the matter.
So, while Tommy’s Exile is going on, Techno refines his approach. This goes hand in hand with Quackity using his henchman to turn L’Manburg into a totalitarian police state in order to root out Dream’s traitor (told you it would become important later).
This will be the main conflict here in the first half of Act 2. Quackity and Philza will play shoulder-devil and shoulder-angel respectively for Tubbo and Fundy, pulling them in different directions. Ghostbur also hangs around L’Manburg – a constant reminder for Tubbo of the most sanitized version of President Wilbur and the lofty ideas he stood for.
This is another big thematic conflict for this storyline – externalized in part through Ghostbur’s presence: When do the ends no longer justify the means? It also feeds into the motif of Tubbo and Tommy becoming like Schlatt and Wilbur respectively (even if that’s still mostly superficial).
During this political turmoil, Niki is getting into Quackity’s crosshairs. She opposes his policing and brutal methods. So Quackity really focuses in on her and she has to live with constant surveillance, searches, etc. Niki tries to talk to Tubbo about this, but he says it’s necessary to keep L’Manburg safe. Slowly, Niki grows disillusioned with L’Manburg.
It is during this time that Niki gets into contact with Techno and the two start to form a bond and helping the citizenry hold out hope during this time (I don’t know who would be the citizenry, probably people that don’t have their own storyline going on such as HBomb, Vikkstar, Lazarbeam, etc.)
And we can have a few lorestreams like that, where the conceit is that Techno’s sneaking into L’Manburg to help people and there’s actual tension.
All this culminates in Hog Hunt. Fundy sees Phil, Niki and Techno team-up. He confronts them after Techno left and Phil begs Fundy to not out them – but their divide has grown too deep (and we’ve actually shown that during Fundy’s streams this time).
Quackity has Phil and Niki incarcerated (L’Manburg has a prison now, it’s not as good as Pandora’s Vualt). Tubbo is deeply disturbed that Philza and Niki would betray him by working with the man that took one of his canon lives and finally gives the Butcher Army his presidential approval. Quackity was already prepared and the events of Hog Hunt play out as we know them.
ACT II Part 2
Again, plays out relatively similarly, except for one major difference: Tommy comes to Techno with the explicit purpose of asking for his help. Exile has left him really hardened, probably more so than we have currently.
This would a.) make Tommy a bit more proactive in his partnership with Techno and b.) actually gives some weight to Techno’s later beef with Tommy, because now it’s based on more than just some flimsy phrasing during S1.
Otherwise, this plays out relatively similarly – Techno and Tommy maybe share a few more character moments, just to drive home that Techno cares about Tommy. Also, none of that dumb keeping it a secret whether or not we destroy L’Manburg – that’s some contrived nonsense and I hate it.
Tommy knows that Techno wants to destroy L’Manburg and while he’s conflicted, he ultimately goes along with. Once he gets his discs back, everything will be over after all. The destruction of L’Manburg will have been worth it.
Part of the rising action will be breaking Phil and Niki out of prison instead of the petty bullshit about Techno’s items that he doesn’t need. This is where we have the initial confrontation between Tommy and Tubbo (and Techno doesn’t ruin the moment by being his worst self).
Other plot points include: Techno receives the Wither Skulls over the course of him and Tommy working together by some mysterious benefactor. This is after he and Tommy confronted Dream. He doesn’t tell Tommy who the benefactor is, even though he knows (spoilers: it’s Dream).
Meanwhile, Tommy, Techno, Niki and Phil are secretly rigging New L’Manburg with TNT a la Wilbur, just to really drive that comparison home. Niki is getting really angry; she has suffered enough and she’s really gonna get revenge.
One of her big moments of terrorism before the Green Festival is burning down the L’Mantree (maybe we can include some character conflict Fundy, so we have these two people who were once really close friends now so warped and torn apart by these two sides at war).
Meanwhile, Quackity has figured out that Ranboo was the traitor and is pushing for Tubbo to execute Ranboo for the greater good of L’Manburg. Tubbo is hesitant, but as there’s no moderate voice in the cabinet anymore, he concedes to the idea.
Finally, the Green Festival is here. This part is really … tough to rewrite, because you have to accommodate so many different character arcs, but I’ll try my best.
In a move not unlike during the Red Festival, Ranboo is revealed as the traitor and put in the execution cage (because those parallels). Tubbo feels really bad about it.
This is when Tommy and Techno start their assault and unleash the whithers. L’Manburg is under attack and we have the big fight between Tubbo and Tommy. We get the big shout-out “The discs were worth more than you ever were” and the ensuing epiphany on Tommy part.
Techno’s calling for him to explode the TNT, but he doesn’t do it.
Quackity is calling for Tubbo to execute Ranboo, but Tubbo has an epiphany himself and refuses. Both their personal conflicts are resolved here. Also, we have some nice parallelism between Quackity and Techno as Tubbo’s and Tommy’s respective bad influences.
Techno – understandably this time – feels betrayed and hurt. He and Tommy have their shouting match. Quackity tries to attack Techno, but during their match they accidentally trigger the TNT. Quackity’s hunger for power has created the grave of his ambitions.
(Niki is also pissed at Tommy and Fundy is fully distraught, because L’Manburg was everything he had left from Wilbur).
Dream steps out of the shadows and reveals that he was Techno’s mysterious benefactor. He gets his hands on the second disc and gloats to Tommy. The scene from Doomsday plays out only that Techno shows some stings of remorse for helping Dream accomplish what he wanted. (Quackity flees the ensuing chaos).
Dream tries to goad Tommy with the discs, but Tommy doesn’t bite, because he has resolved his Want vs. Need now. Dream is frustrated, but retreats for now.
In the aftermath of ACT II, I think it’s very important to hammer home that this wasn’t a win for Techno, Niki or Phil. For that to work I think it’s important to make clear that Tommy’s and Techno’s bond was genuine and that they really cared for each other during the Bedrock Bros thing. Neither of them is happy for how this turned.
Niki is plagued by nightmares and sleeps in a prison cell like in the current canon. She stands in symbolic for the emptiness that vengeance brings. Phil is shaken from his talk to Ghostbur and he’s the one who brings up that maybe what they did wasn’t for the best.
Then Techno and Phil have a discussion about the nature of anarchy again, calling back to that earlier conversation at the beginning of Act 2. Techno also feels empty – his vengeance and the destruction he wrought left him no happier.
Meanwhile, Punz and Tommy are actually spending some quality bonding time. Thanks to the medium, they could simulate that pretty well. Punz actually gets attached and when Dream mentions his coup-de-grâce, the cinematography shows that Punz isn’t too happy about it.
Tommy and Tubbo prepare to fight Dream on their own terms. They know, they have to stop him lest he hurts the people they care about (this makes both of them a bit more proactive in the finale). Punz (as per Dream’s orders) tells Tommy where Dream is hiding. Tommy thanks him, oblivious that Punz is a traitor, but Punz feels bad. He has grown attached to Tommy.
During the Final Disc War we actually get two perspectives: One is Tommy’s and Tubbo’s as we know it (only without the constant “Your discs or Tubbo”-stuff) and the other is Punz’s. He has decided to help Tommy even though there’s nothing monetarily in it for him.
First, he goes to Quackity, but Quackity says that Tommy has betrayed him and L’Manburg and that he gets what’s coming to him.
In a last-ditch effort, he goes to Techno. Here’s where we resolve that thematic conflict (Vengeance vs. Charity) for the Techno-Butcher Army storyline: Quackity has chosen to perpetuate the cycle of vengeance (because he will be the villain in S3), but we want some nice character development for Techno.
Niki is against it and stays put, but Techno and Philza ultimately decide to go with Punz and the others to help Tommy.
Finale plays out the same. Stuff’s still awkward between Techno and Tommy/Tubbo; they haven’t resolved all their problems, but it’s a first step. Some good set-up for S3.
And that’s my basic rewrite. It’s long and probably not the best.
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thetardigrape · 2 years
I doubt we’re ever gonna learn the backstories of the crew of the Revenge, so I’ve made my own headcanon ones.
Jim and Oluwande: This is the closest we get to finding out how any of them ended up on the ship. We know Oluwande helped Jim get a job at Jackie’s, and Jim then stabbed her favorite husband and Oluwande left with them immediately after. So. They had some money at the time, both of them having had jobs, but they had to spend it all on Jim’s disguise (which is really convincing actually). They needed to get away, so they got on a ship headed for Barbados by working for their passage. They arrived in Barbados with no plan and no money, and Jim spotted a flyer advertising for salary-paying positions on a pirate ship. Jim thought it sounded sketchy but Oluwande convinced them because he was pretty into the whole regular wages thing. They were an easy hire because Jim threw a few knives at a post and Stede really wanted that kind of talent, and Oluwande was part of the deal because he was Jim’s translator, Jim posing as a mute at the time.
Buttons: I refuse to come up with complicated backstory for Buttons on principle, BUT I firmly believe that Buttons was the first one recruited, which happened because Stede was kind to Karl, and Karl reported it to Buttons. Buttons sought out the man who was nice to his bird, found out he was hiring pirates, and signed on immediately. (He’s clearly actually quite an accomplished sailor.) Stede continued being nice to Karl and took their bond seriously, which earned him so much respect and loyalty from Buttons that he became his first mate.
Frenchie: Frenchie is clever and cunning but this gets him into plenty of trouble because he takes too many gambling risks. He ran up a huge gambling debt in Barbados and had absolutely no way to pay it. He signed on with Stede both to outrun the people he owed money to and to maybe try to make a bit of money. Stede really liked the idea of having a musician aboard and was happy to hire him.
Roach: Roach was a Barbary pirate whose ship got blown into the middle of the Atlantic then dashed apart in a hurricane. Roach managed to survive in the dinghy but had been at sea for weeks in it when he finally washed up in Barbados. Roach, always making the best of any situation, learned a ship was taking on a new crew and offered his services as both fighter and cook. Stede asked him to cook something as a sort of trial and Roach made a cheese souffle. Stede hadn’t even realized they had eggs on the ship. He hired him immediately.
Wee John: Wee John’s mother owned a tailor/draper shop in Ireland. Wee John worked there with her and was quite content. They had a great relationship. But times were tough and the business fell into arrears. In order to save the shop and his mother’s livelihood, Wee John entered indentured servitude in exchange for the money owed on the shop and was sent to Barbados to work off the debt. He was there for two years, then an old, trusted friend from Ireland arrived and told him his mother had passed on. Now not needing the money from the indentured servitude anymore, Wee John torched the place and made an escape to the docks. He happened upon Stede’s ship, and Stede offered him a job on the spot because of how big he is. Wee John figured he didn’t have anything better to do and joined up.
The Swede: The Swede was hired as a sailor on a Dutch merchant ship, which was attacked by pirates some ways east of the coast of Florida. The Swede noticed the pirates carrying the cargo to their own ship, so he pitched in, because what else did he have to do? Then suddenly they were sailing away from the Dutch ship, but sailing is sailing, right? So he stuck around, and it was two weeks before anyone noticed he wasn't part of the crew of the pirate ship. By that time he'd shown that he was a competent sailor, so they let him live. But they didn't want to have to give him any share of the loot, so when they pulled into port in Barbados they left him on the dock and sailed away. Buttons, who has an eye for this sort of thing, clocked him as a competent sailor right away, and recruited him into the crew.
Lucius: Lucius is English nobility by birth but by the time he was born his family had long since lost all their wealth and had only the title. His mother had great plans for him to marry a woman of modest means (they knew he could never marry rich), and Lucius went along with the plan as long as he could to cover for the fact that he was regularly seeing a boy from the village. But his supposed fiancee caught them together one night and became completely enraged, telling not only Lucius’s mother but everyone in town. Lucius fled to London, where he took up with a pickpocket who taught him his ways so Lucius could get some money to pay his portion of rent. Lucius got caught but escaped before they could lock him up and stowed away on a ship headed for Barbados. He got discovered about halfway there and the captain decided to turn him in to the authorities when they made port. Unfortunately for him, the man guarding Lucius kept the key to his manacles in his pocket. Lucius lifted it, freed himself, and quickly made his way to the docks to get away by any means possible. He spotted the flyer advertising for pirates and showed up to apply. Stede asked what his qualifications were and he said he could take dictation. Stede thought that was a lovely idea, but Lucius had just seen the guard and a group of local guardsmen at the end of the dock, so he ran onto the ship and hid in Stede’s cabin until they got underway.
Black Pete: Pete actually WAS a pirate for a number of years, but he was a cabin boy and was never allowed to fight. He spent a lot of time begging for a promotion, and when it didn’t come, he decided to find a new ship. He greatly exaggerated his experience and claimed to have worked for Blackbeard. In reality, he once saw Blackbeard at a bar years ago. He didn’t so much as speak to him.
If you liked this, please feel free to reblog with your own backstory ideas! I'd love to hear what some of y'all come up with.
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whereisten · 4 years
Dinner for Two
A Yuta fic that’s part of our Halloween Series!
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Summary: A dinner at the high-end Osaka Moon leads you to the head chef and owner, Nakamoto Yuta.
Pairing: Chef! Yuta x female reader
Genre: romance, angst, smut, fluff, mystery, suspense, drama, crime, HORROR
Word Count: 7.8k 
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol/drug abuse, verbal abuse, mention of sexual assault, infidelity mention, deaths, and big, uncomfortable twist (the ending is not for the faint of heart, I’m warning you).
(A/N): Hiya! Well, this is probably the most disturbing thing I’ve ever written. Hope you enjoy! Haha actually, this story was inspired by Yuta’s iconic tweet: “I will eat you”. Well, if that’s not a spoiler...Thank you so much for waiting. I apologize for the delay! Please come back later tonight for another spooky tale...Also, my apologies, I didn’t get a chance to proofread. I appreciate your patience. :D 
Life had dealt you some harsh blows but you found happiness wherever you could. Your management position at the vinyl store Neo Records gave you prime access to the best music in the world. Even if the employee discount was trash. You’d worked at the records store for a few months now. This followed you having moved out of your mom’s place. You’d lived with her and your beloved stepfather while you attended college but you’d had enough.
Your mom was a drug addict and her husband Scott only enabled her to continue her abuse. You couldn’t say anything to them because you were the child and they were the adults.
And, as they had always thrown in your face, they paid for a good amount of your tuition because financial aid and scholarships could only do so much for you.
Well, you’re twenty four now and still a child in their eyes. You couldn’t take your mother’s mood swings and Scott’s goading for her to thrash around and party all the time. If your mother wasn’t going to get therapy and refused your help, then you decided to leave.
You had a really good relationship with your dad. You’d wished you had gone to live with him but during your college years, he’d only made enough to send you some funds for your tuition. You appreciated what he could do for you.
However, now he was more financially stable and he wanted to support you so you could move out of your mother’s house. You’d live in an apartment not too far from your dad’s place so you could visit him as much as you’d like. It drove your mom crazy. She always tried to contact you and convince you that she was going to get help. It was a tale as old as time. She said she would get help but never did anything about it. Once she had you under her finger, she reverted back to her ways: skipping work shifts, neglecting household chores, and verbally abusing you. You simply texted her you were busy with work.
Your boyfriend Johnny has been a source of comfort for you over the past year. You’d met him at a club one night with your friends. You told him you didn’t want to go home that night and asked him if you could stay over. Looking back on it, you had been too trusting but Johnny had treated you kindly: he let you take his bed while he slept on the couch. He made you breakfast in the morning: banana pancakes and scrambled eggs. You had sex with him the morning after and you’d been inseparable ever since.
These past few weeks, Johnny had been busier at his new job at a marketing firm. You two were supposed to have a date night tonight but he cancelled two hours before you were to meet at Hal’s Pizzeria for dinner. After that, you were supposed to go to the movies together. You were always a big fan of the dinner and movie date.
You sat on the couch in your living room, feeling a little blue that Johnny was working overtime. So you scrolled through your phone while you watched episodes of an English-dubbed anime about volleyball.
You texted your best friend Carla about how Johnny cancelled at the last minute and she replied: Since you don’t have plans, then I have an opportunity for you.
You texted back, What’s up?
She replied, I had a reservation at Osaka Moon for tonight but I got called in for work. Wanna go? The owner is supposed to be hot as fuck.
You replied, Okay, want me to get his number for you?
She texted, Unnecessary. Thanks, y/n. We’ll go together next time.
Osaka Moon was a high-end restaurant all your friends told you about. You decided to go on your own to the restaurant and have a date night with yourself. Being alone could be tranquil, you assured yourself. And you didn’t have to worry about looking so graceful as you ate so this could be great.
You dolled yourself up in a pale pink dress and some white wedges. It was an understated but elegant look. It was an expensive restaurant so you decided to go all out. You entered the Japanese restaurant and gave the hostess your friend’s name. She immediately sat you down at a table that overlooked the bay. It was a spectacular view. No wonder Carla didn’t want this reservation to go to waste.
It was a shame Johnny couldn’t be here with you right now. This place was so romantic. There were indoor fountains with koi fish swimming around. The ceiling was painted in shades of the sunset with birds flying through the clouds. The aroma of grilled meat and vegetables made you salivate.
A waiter took your order and you took out your phone to take pictures of the restaurant and the view. You wondered if you would catch a glimpse of the chef your friend had mentioned.
As you move your camera around the restaurant to get a wider shot of the place, you recognize someone through your phone. Johnny’s hair was slicked back and he was wearing your favorite suit of his: navy blue with a ruby red colored tie. His height made him stick out like a sore thumb. The sight before you made you wish he’d be a little taller so his head could hit the ceiling. For the sight left a bitter taste in your mouth.
Johnny had arrived at Osaka Moon with another woman. She was generically pretty and you hated her even more. She looked like the mean blonde girl of every early 2000s romantic comedy. She wore a revealing dress that exposed her cleavage very nicely. Why were you paying so much attention to her cleavage? Because of the necklace around her neck: a necklace that looked identical to the one Johnny gifted you last year. It was a rose gold pendant with a rose at the center. Johnny kissed the woman’s lips as he sat her down at the table. She placed her hands against his slimy face.
Son of a-
Hot tears started rushing down your face. You were sure your mascara was running. You gripped your glass of wine tightly. You were surprised you didn’t break the glass then and there.
First off, you went to the restroom and checked your makeup. A little mascara had run down your cheeks. You fixed your makeup and took a few deep breaths. You looked at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes were red. What were you going to do now? There was a chance he’d see you and you didn’t want to see the stupid look on his face when he realized he’d been found out.
And you didn’t want to imagine what other reaction he could have. All of this happening in such an extravagant place made you seethe.
Johnny made a fool out of you and his infidelity carved a hole so deeply into your heart, you wanted to scream. So you took a few more minutes to collect yourself. You imagined your entree would be out soon enough anyway. You quickly realized what you needed to do.
You made a beeline for the entrance of the restaurant and approached the first staff member you saw. He was a slender and striking young man. His long brown hair was tied up in a bun. His chiseled face made everyone’s heads turn. His heart shaped lips were perfect. And…
Why were you thinking all of these things when you’d just been cheated on?
Wait a second…
Why couldn’t you think this way? As of ten minutes ago, your relationship with Johnny was over.
The handsome man was talking to one of the hostesses. The hostess was biting her lips and making googly eyes at him. This was awkward but you were resolved to ask him for help.
You tapped him lightly on the shoulder. “Excuse me.”
He turned around and eye contact with him nearly sent you into the stratosphere. His eyes were the deepest brown and when he looked at you, you felt like you were his world.
His eyes were that intense.
“How can I help you?” He smiled, his perfect set of teeth greeted you.
“Hi...Um, what’s your name?” You start, awkward at the start.
He smiled even wider, “Yuta, miss. And yours?”
“I’m y/n. Can I make a special request?”
You didn’t know it then but Yuta watched you enter the restaurant earlier. He was stunned by your beauty and your smile. You looked like a princess as you entered his castle. He saw the wonderstruck look on your face as you were led to your table. He’d never seen someone so happy to enter his restaurant. The young man before you was the owner of Osaka Moon: Nakamoto Yuta.
So for you to come up to him and ask him for a favor? He was more than happy to oblige.
Yuta noticed how red your eyes looked and was concerned. He wondered what transpired when he had to go check on the kitchen staff and couldn’t keep admiring you.
Although your eyes had been red, there was determination in them, he noted.
“Of course,” he said as you moved closer to him and whispered in his ear, making you both a little hot and bothered instantly. You both felt a spark from the moment you met eyes.
Snap out of it, you told yourself. He was very attractive, yes, but your heart had been ripped out of your chest. You wanted revenge. You had to remember why you were talking to this fine man in the first place.
You sat back at your table, undetected by the clusterfuck of a man you used to call your boyfriend. You made sure to focus on your meal, which had been orgasmic. The dish was called Okonomiyaki, a pancake with sliced pork belly and cabbage. The okonomiyaki sauce, Japanese mayonnaise, and dried bonito shavings sealed this dish as one of the best meals you’d ever had. Your compliments to the chef, whoever they were.
You realized it was go-time when the handsome staff member brought the food out for Johnny and his date. All eyes were on the young man who said he would help you. You wondered why. Has your plan been found out?
The young man deposited the dishes to Johnny’s table. His radiant smile never slipped from his face. Incredible, you thought. After what you told him about Johnny, he looked like he was about to pounce on him right then. Even so, he looked attentively at you and accepted your request.
“Here you are,” Yuta said as he put down the plates of sushi in front of Johnny and Blondie. “And a special treat from our chef…”
Johnny and his date oohed and ahhed over their plates. Until the young man deposited a plate that had sauce spelling “Cheater, Liar, Bastard” on it.
“This dish is for you, sir. Have a pleasant evening with Girlfriend Number Two, you son of a bitch.” Yuta gritted his teeth at Johnny. The expression on Yuta’s face then both terrified and aroused you.
Humiliating your cheating boyfriend and standing up for you...It brought a smile to your face.
Even if you still wanted to cry.
Johnny glared up at Yuta, “What the hell is-” He then does what he never does and THINKS. He panics and scans the restaurant, looking for you. He finds you seated at your table. You raise your glass at him as you take a sip of your wine. You flip the bird at him in the process.
He stands up from his table and runs over to your table. “Y/n…”
The other woman is right behind Johnny and  simply laughs. “This is her? From the way you talked about her, I expected a real threat...but it’s nice to see that I have nothing to worry about.”
So she knew? She was in on this? You mimicked the blonde’s laugh. “Oh, fuck off...both of you…How long have been together?”
“Three months,” the blonde smirked.
That hurt. A lot. Johnny must’ve started seeing Blondie around the time you’d celebrated your one year anniversary with him.
You guessed one year was his expiration date for relationships.
“Go…” You started. “Have a nice blissful year together. In nine months or so, he’ll find someone shiny and new..”
Johnny was at a loss for words. “Y/n, I am so-”
“Are you sorry?” You rolled your eyes. “Go to hell, Johnny!” You couldn’t hold back anymore as the tears came out.
Yuta came up behind Johnny and his date. “I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to leave.”
“How dare you?” Blondie asked. “I want to speak to your manager-”
Yuta crossed his arms as his lips quirked up. “You’re looking at him.”
The three of you stared at him with your jaws to the floor. This was news to you. You’d ask the restaurant owner for a favor? The audacity you had…
Your face heated up in embarrassment.
Yuta called over a few security guards to escort Johnny and his date out. Johnny couldn’t even look at you. A fucking coward. His other girl had more balls than he did.
Yuta put a hand on your shoulder and leaned down to speak to you. “Are you okay?” His anger dissipated at the sight of your tears.
You sniffled. “Yeah...Thank you...I-I’m so sorry for bothering you...I didn’t know you were the owner of this place…”
He squeezed your shoulder. “I was happy to help…”
You laughed. “You scared the crap out of me when you called him a son of a bitch.”
He played around with you. “Ah, you liked that? I’ve been working on my crime lord act...How do you think it’s coming along?”
You wiped your tears with your napkin. “Pretty good.”
You both laughed.
“Well, y/n...I hope you have a wonderful rest of the night.” He tipped his imaginary hat and walked away.
As you finished your meal, your waiter brought you a bowl of green tea mochi ice cream.
“Oh, I didn’t order this,” you started.
The waiter replied, “Courtesy of the boss, miss. Please let us know if there is anything else you would like. Your meal is on the house.”
“I’m sorry, what?” You asked in shock.
The waiter smiled. “Just following the boss’ orders.”
This night may have begun on a sour note but at least you could end it at this incredible place. And you were pretty sure you’d met a real life knight in shining armor tonight...
Before you left the restaurant, the hostess, annoyed, handed you an envelope. “Here.”
“What is it?” You furrowed your brows in confusion.
The hostess sighed. “The golden ticket. Have a good night, miss.” She returned to her stand with her coworkers.
You walked out the door and left Osaka Moon. You opened the envelope and found a handwritten letter.
I’ll be upfront with you. I wanted to ask you out the minute you walked into Osaka Moon. But then I found out you had a boyfriend. And right after that, I found out he was a cheating piece of shit...So I’m at a crossroads here...Can I see you again? If yes, please call me at 555-127-1026.
P.S. The green tea mochi was good, wasn’t it?
A week had passed. You and Yuta have been texting non-stop. He invited you to his restaurant to have dinner. The beef tenderloin he’d served you was out of this world. He made you laugh and shamelessly flirted with you the whole time. You told Yuta you weren’t ready to date so soon. You didn’t want him to be a rebound. You knew that once your heart mended a little more, you’d want to ask Yuta out. He was more than willing to wait for you.
You two had a lot in common: same taste in food, same taste in music, same sense of humor, and you both believed in astrology. No one was as unapologetic about being a Scorpio as Yuta was.
You and Yuta would share meals together frequently. Sometimes outside of his restaurant. And right after, you two would go to the movies like you wanted.
Two months have passed. Finally a couple, you and Yuta have just left the cinema. You’d just watched a midnight showing of Paranormal Activity 7.
“That was amazing,” you started.
Yuta snorted. “You are too easy to please, y/n. That movie was terrible.”
You slapped him in the chest. “You’re so full of it.”
Yuta chuckled. “Nothing beats horror movies from Japan. Just you wait…” He wrapped his arm around you.
You looked up at him. “Is that a promise?”
He kissed the crown of your head. “You bet it is.”
“It is week nine into the investigation of Johnny Suh’s disappearance. Johnny Suh is a twenty four year old marketing consultant. He hails from Chicago, Illinois…” The news anchor says on the television screen.
You and Yuta are cuddled on his couch in his penthouse suite, watching the news. You were shocked when you first heard that Johnny had gone missing over two months ago. Even though you’d hated him with every fiber of your being, your heart ached for his family. You hoped he would be okay.
Yuta drove to you to work that morning and told you he would pick you up when your shift ended. He planned to surprise you with a backyard screening of “Ring”, one of the most popular Japanese horror films of all time. He’d set up a projector in his backyard so you two could watch the movie under the stars.
When Yuta arrived to pick you up, he saw you run out of the record shop and run away in tears. He ran out of his car to meet you.
“Baby, what’s wrong? What happened?” Yuta asked as he cupped your face in his hands and wiped tears away.
You sniffled. “Let’s go...Pl-please.”
Yuta was hesitant but he accepted as you definitely wanted to get the hell out of there.
The question on Yuta’s mind was...Why?
As he drove away from Neo Records, he asked, more softly, “What happened, y/n?”
“I quit,” you said.
Yuta nearly stopped the car so he could look at you. However, he couldn’t because the traffic was quite unpredictable so he couldn’t turn to face you. “What? Why?”
“I...I don’t...He...Uh…” You hiccuped between your tears.
Yuta gripped the steering wheel at the sound of “he”. “Who? Y/n, did someone do something to you?”
You were worried about how Yuta might react when you told him about how your boss, Mr. Fox, groped you during your lunch break. Mr. Fox had always been too friendly with female staff but you never thought he would cross the line. Until today.
“Mr. Fox touched...me…” You managed to say. You shut your eyes, awaiting the wrath of the Scorpio beside you.
Yuta was about to rip the steering wheel out of the car. “He did what?”
“He touched me, Yuta...And I...I didn’t know what to do...I don’t have proof...So I quit. I can’t be in the same room as him anymore…”
Yuta was furious. To see the woman he loved broken and helpless. You were his everything and you deserve nothing but the best the world had to offer. And to see you get treated like this? He wanted to beat the shit out of Mr. Fox. He wanted to see him cry and beg for mercy.
He didn’t want to frighten you with his anger because you were already shaken up as is so he turned into a store plaza parking lot and put the car in park. He turned to you and asked you, “Can I hold you?”
You nodded, “Y-yes…”
Yuta backed the driver seat up so you could crawl into his arms. He held you as you cried. His heart ached for you and he wondered what he could do to get you justice.
You were so thankful to Yuta. You knew he would be so upset once you told him. Your heart felt so reassured to see how passionate he was about you. He made you feel like you were his world. And you felt much better knowing that you had him by your side.
A week had passed by after you quit your job at Neo Records. You couldn’t afford to pay your half of the rent so Yuta offered for you to move in. You were thrilled at the idea. You and Yuta were living like blissful newlyweds.
You were washing the dishes after you two had eaten some imported steak that Yuta had wanted to try out. It was incredible. Everything Yuta prepared for you was literal sex in your mouth.
As you stretched your neck to the left, Yuta wrapped his arms around you and nibbled on your neck. “y/n, you smell like raspberries…”
You froze and dropped the dish you’d been scrubbing into the soapy water.
Yuta turned you around quickly and pulled your cleaning gloves off of your hands and tossed them aside. He picked you up and sat you on the kitchen island.
“I love that you’re here with me…” He whispered.
The hooded look in his eyes made your panties soak. He lifted the skirt of your dress up like nothing. He sunk his teeth into the fabric of your panties and pulled them down, never losing eye contact with you. You loved how primal he got with you. He always left you with love bites. He always seemed to find new places to leave them so you can find them during a random part of your day and think of him.
“I wonder if your pussy tastes like raspberries, y/n...Shall we find out?” Yuta asks as he looks up at you. He was on his knees, looking like he was praying to his goddess.
You nodded fervently as you pulled your dress off over your head, only in your bra now. “Yes…”
He unclasped your bra so your breasts were exposed to the cold air in the kitchen. Your nipples were already hard at Yuta’s initial touch. He got up off his knees and began sucking at one nipple and rubbing the others. He bit your nipple and you cried out.
You grabbed at his growing member and he grunted. You unbuttoned his pants so his aching member could be free. You squeezed it harder and began rubbing up and down. Traces of precum coated your fingers. You worked harder to get him riled up. When he felt himself build up, you stopped and he looked up at you through needy eyes.
You kept going until he climaxed onto your arm. You licked his cum off of your arm slowly and it made his cock harder. He met you halfway and lathered up his juices. He loved the taste of his seed on you.
Yuta catered to your pussy which ached for his touch. His hot breath greeted your entrance before he inserted two fingers inside you. He coated his fingers in your growing essence. You adorned him with kisses and love bites. You bit behind his ear and he moaned at your velvet touch.
He laid you down on top of the kitchen island, throwing everything off of the table with a quick swipe of his arm. He straddled himself on top of you. He proceeded to give your entrance some kitten licks, enjoying when he teased you most of all. You got all bratty and needy and it always drove him up a wall.
“Yuta...please hurry,” you begged.
He tsked. “Good things come to those who wait, darling.”
At the sound of “darling”, you got even wetter.
He chuckled as he licked your folds and played around with your sweet spot. Never quite making contact and making you delirious with need. You gripped his hair, trying to maneuver him to hit your sweet spot already.
“You better not cum until I say so, y/n...Or else I’m going to get very angry…” Yuta said with a mischievous smile on his face.
Yuta underestimated his touch, you thought. The man was literal sex on two feet. You came quickly at the contact he’d made with your pussy.
He frowned at you, “My dear little slut, you’ve disobeyed me.”
You sighed blissfully. “You make me want to break the rules, Yuta.”
He laughed. “So I’m to blame for your disobedience, huh?”
You grabbed his face and kissed him, your tongue playing around with his. You kissed his neck and left marks against his collarbone as he teased his cock against your entrance.
He entered you now and you felt close to completion. He thrusted against you and you joined him. The slapping of skin against skin and your moans echoed throughout the penthouse. You were thankful there were no next door neighbors. You liked the feeling of this floor being just the two of you.
Alone with Yuta, you felt like the center of his universe. You felt like a queen. That no one else mattered quite like you did. Yuta always made you feel like the most important person in the world.
You felt the need to climax come back quickly but just as you wished for your release against Yuta’s member, he removed himself and pecked your lips.
Between your thighs, he gave you a dark stare. “I don’t know if you should cum again, sweets.”
You drooled. “Please…”
Yuta teased. “What was that?”
“Please,” you full on begged as you started to touch yourself. “I need you or else I’m going to finish the job.”
He gasped and laughed. “You’re unbelievable.”
You coated your fingers in your essence and popped your index finger into Yuta’s mouth. He sucked hard.
“How do I taste?” You asked.
Yuta didn’t let go of your finger and bit lightly against it to tease you further.
You sighed. “Well, if you don’t want to fuck me properly, then I can’t force you. I’ll finish off in the shower.” You got up off the kitchen counter and nearly lost your balance. You were already weak in the knees.
Yuta fought back a laugh. “I’d like to see you make it to the shower, jello legs.”
You gave up and laid on the floor, giving him a nice angle of your naked body. You stretched out and started teasing your own entrance, imagining Yuta was building you up again. And having him watch from above on the kitchen counter, you felt yourself grow even hotter.
Yuta got up off of the counter and straddled you again. Without warning, he entered you and went hard. Tears streamed from your eyes as you climaxed quickly. Yuta continued you to thrust against your pelvis until he came quickly after.
Yuta took you into the shower where you would continue to fuck and he gave you new love bites. This time, they were on your ankles.
A month had passed and you’d taken over as manager of Neo Records. Mr. Fox had fallen off the face of the earth and was reported missing. It was odd. Another man who attempted to ruin your life had disappeared. You thought it was karmic justice but deep down, it bothered you.
Your mother once again resurfaced after months of radio silence. She wanted to invite you and your new boyfriend (who she was very upset not to have heard about before) over for dinner. Scott and his kids from his previous marriage would be there. You hated them, too. They were a bunch of enabling brats that were after their daddy’s money.
You couldn’t say no to your mother, especially after she found out about Yuta from your dad. It wounded her pride that your dad knew something she didn’t. Your dad felt horrible for letting it slip in conversation with her. He couldn’t dodge her phone calls. He always tried to pacify her and talk to her when she called. So he couldn’t help but mention Yuta.
You didn’t want Yuta to know about your mother and her side of the family, for it brought about deep shame, regret, and painful memories.
But this time, you couldn’t run away.
You and Yuta went over to your mother’s lavish home, your old home for seven years. Scott married your mom when you were a senior in high school. Scott came from old money but he never worked a day in his life. The undeserving ass wipe, he was.
Your mother pretended to be the picture of domesticity as she cooked her once-in-a-decade dish of lasagna. You loved it, you hated to admit it now. You begged her to make it so many times when you were a kid. She always said she would but would always get distracted. Distracted with her new boyfriends or paying a debt. Sometimes you were truly on your own even if your mom had been physically beside you.
You and Yuta sat at the table with Scott and his kids. They prodded Yuta with questions about his ethnicity, his restaurant, his political beliefs, basically everything you can think of that would make anyone’s significant other runs for the hills.
Yuta took it like a champ. He answered them as politely as possible and whenever the question was too offensive to get an answer, Yuta masterfully deflected.
Your mom brought out the lasagna and served everyone. She gave an extra helping for Yuta. “I hope you like it, Yuta.”
Yuta nodded. “Thank you, Ms. y/l/n.” He took a bite of it. “It’s delicious.”
Your mom smiled brightly and gave you a look of encouragement.
You forced a smile.
Your mom could tell you were faking it and her smile faded. “You still hate me, don’t you, y/n?”
Oh no, you thought, not here…
“I make this nice dinner for you and your perfect boyfriend...Who is clearly way out of your league...And you’re moping around like a sad, pathetic little bitch.”
“Mom, please stop-”
“You don’t tell me what to do! I am the parent. You are the child. Get that through your thick head. God knows what poison your father has been feeding you about me but he’s wrong. I’ve never been better,” she says as she downs her third glass of beer in the past thirty minute.  
She was already this inebriated so you imagined she drank before you arrived and drank more while she was cooking the lasagna.
You looked down at your lap and Yuta grabbed your hand. He squeezed it.
“Your mother has been coming with me to church, y/n,” Scott began, “She’s been conversing with the Lord and she’s been on the mend. Why can’t you see that?”
Your other hand that wasn’t holding Yuta’s had balled up into a fist.
Scott’s oldest daughter added, “Your mom’s amazing, y/n. She’s more of a mother to me than my actual mother is.”
That’s rich….Your mom always acted so sweetly with Scott’s kids to get on his good side. It was sickening. And to hear this bullshit come out of their mouth...You were about to reach your breaking point.
“Yuta, let’s go,” you said.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Scott asked.
“Anywhere but here,” you said, “Excuse us.”
“Y/n, if you leave, I will never talk to you again!” Your mom wailed as she gripped her glass tightly.
You snapped, “Well, mom, that just might be the nicest thing would ever do for me.”
Yuta started. “Y/n-”
“Go to hell!” Your mom yelled.
“I’ll meet you there!” You yelled back as you stormed with Yuta right behind you.
Back at your place, you hid in your bedroom while Yuta ordered some takeout. You laid your face down on Yuta’s pillow and smelled the scent of his shampoo mixed with his cologne on it. It gave you great comfort.
Yuta joined you and sat beside you on the bed. “The food will be here in half an hour.”
“Thank you,” you mumbled against the pillow.
Yuta sighed as he laid down next to you. “How are you?”
“Humiliated,” you answered.
“Y/n...I am so sorry…”
“Are you kidding? I’m sorry I took you with me in the first place...I...I could’ve kept you from all of that…”
“Your mother insisted, y/n. We had no choice.”
“Yup, that’s how it always is with her and fucking Scott. I fucking hate him. If it weren’t for his money and her obsession with him, she wouldn’t have gotten to this point, Yuta…”
Yuta rubbed your arm. “I know, y/n…”
You sighed. “I know there’s nothing I can do...It just sucks. I try not to let it get to me...Since it’s something I can’t control...But seeing my mom like that...It’s really fucking unfair.” You sob into your pillow.
In between your sobs, you said, “I wish Scott would go away...Somehow…”
Yuta hugged you as you cried. He wanted nothing more than to take your pain and suffering away.
A month had passed since the disastrous dinner. Your mom was good with her word. She hadn’t contacted you or your dad. You’d told him about the falling out and he consoled you. He understood your pain more than anyone. He encouraged you to keep living your life and being happy with Yuta and so you did.
Yuta’s birthday was coming up so you wanted to surprise him. He told you he was meeting a client downtown so you got to work.
You wanted to take Yuta to all of his favorite places over town and you wanted to make scavenger hunt out of it. The clues would take Yuta to places that had to do with your relationship. It was a way of celebrating how much of an amazing boyfriend he’d been to you. The ultimate prize of the hunt would be a key...a hotel room key to the Lotus Hotel.
As you shopped for art supplies for your scavenger hunt one night, you’d noticed Yuta on his way somewhere. He had a couple of shopping bags with him.
You decided to follow him and catch him by surprise. However, Yuta was headed to a more abandoned part of town, where there were only warehouses.
You got behind a bunch of abandoned cars and watched Yuta make his way into a warehouse, where his car had already been parked. Half an hour passes and Yuta comes out of the door with bags stained red with blood.
You furrowed your brows in confusion. What the hell were those?
You noticed the shifty look in Yuta’s eyes and quickly, you grew scared. Terrified of being caught.
Calm down, you told yourself, it was probably meat for his restaurant. What else could it be? You felt incredibly stupid for spying on him like this. In fact, you felt ashamed.
You waited for Yuta to leave in his car. You crept into the warehouse and tried looking through the windows. You saw nothing but butchers’ paper and a basket of random items.
Except one thing stuck out to you. A gold Rolex. It was obnoxiously large that you could never forget about it.
It was Scott’s. It was one of a kind. He had it custom-made to be the only one in existence. And now it was just sitting there in a random warehouse…
But why? What was it doing in this warehouse that Yuta came out of?
Your stomach lurched at the uncertainty of it all. You needed to get the hell out of here so you ran off.
Not realizing you’d forgotten something.
Yuta made you spaghetti and meatballs after work the next day. You’d been awfully quiet and he wanted to know why.
“Something bothering you, sweets?” He asked.
You played with your food and took a bite of one of the meatballs. Damn, it tasted good, you thought. It was savory and not like any other kind of beef you’ve tasted. You had to ask Yuta where he imported his meat from because there was nothing quite like it.
Still, you couldn’t look Yuta in the eyes.
“Y/n, look at me, please…” He started.
You forced yourself to look at him and just as you were about to speak, your phone rang.
You were shocked to see that it was your mom. You dreaded answering it but if it could deflect from the confrontation you were about to have with Yuta…
You answered, “Hello?”
“Y/n!” Your mom sobbed. “Scott is missing!”
Your heart nearly jumped out of your chest. “What?”
Your mom wailed. “I don’t know what to do, y/n! Have you seen him at all since you came to visit?”
Your mind immediately went to the gold Rolex at the warehouse. “No, mom, I haven’t seen him.”
Yuta watched you with curious eyes. You averted your gaze and got up from the table. “Mom, please calm down...The police will find him. That’s what they’re supposed to do.”
Your mom laughed. “When has the police ever done what they’re supposed to do?”
You sighed. “Mom, I’m so sorry...If there’s anything I can do…” You felt awkward for saying this because you absolutely hated Scott and part of you wanted to say good riddance...But you couldn’t. You couldn’t add salt to your mother’s wound.
You mom replied, “If you see or hear anything about Scott, call me. Please.”
“Okay,” you said, “Bye mom.”
Your mother hung up.
You turned back to Yuta, who watched you carefully from the table.
“Your food’s getting cold, y/n…” Yuta mused aloud.
“Right…” You said as you sat back down. You took another bite of the spaghetti and meatballs.
“What was that about?” Yuta asked, concerned.
“My mom called. Scott is missing…” You said as you looked down at your food.
“Oh? Well, that’s terrible,” Yuta said. He looked upset enough.
But you knew him. You sighed, “Yuta, you’re hiding something from me.”
His eyes widened. “Finally, I was waiting for you to say something. It’s been driving me crazy.”
“What?” You asked.
He pulled something out of his pants pocket and it was your charm bracelet. His birthday gift to you from last month...You’d completely forgotten about it. “You dropped this on the way home.”
Your mouth opened in shock.
“How long were you watching me for, y/n? It must’ve been troublesome to be hiding in the rubble across the street…”
You lost your appetite completely. “You knew?”
“I knew you were tailing me yesterday…” He said as he picked at your plate and took a bite of your food.
You started pathetically, “I wanted to surprise you…”
Yuta nodded. “But instead I surprised you…”
“Yuta, what was in those bags?” You asked. “And what were you doing with Scott’s watch?”
Yuta bit his lip and rubbed the back of his head. “Well...Since we’re this deep into the relationship, I think I should be completely honest with you, y/n.”
The look in Yuta’s eyes was something you didn’t recognize. It wasn’t playful. It was more...evil.
“Do you remember our first meal together, y/n? How savory it was? How it was unlike anything you’d ever tasted?”
You didn’t know where this was going but you responded anyway, “Y-yeah…”
“Did you ever stop to think if it was really beef tenderloin?” Yuta asked.
Your eyes widened. “N-no…”
“Come on, y/n. It’s me...You can be honest…”
“Was it veal?” You asked, grasping at straws.
Yuta shook his head and a smile was fighting to come onto his face. “Nope...I grounded him up real nicely for our first meal together…” He muttered that last part.
“Him?” You asked.
“But who else, y/n? Think.”
You and Yuta ate together for the first time after...Your breakup with Johnny.
“Yuta...What are you…” You began.
“I think I’ve made myself pretty clear.”
You laughed skeptically. “Yuta, I know you love to tease but be serious for a second…”
Yuta’s face darkened. “I am serious, y/n.”
You shook your head. “You mean to tell me...Y-you killed Johnny?”
Yuta nodded. “Why, yes...Slit the bastard’s tire before he left the restaurant. Followed him home. Made sure Girlfriend Number Two was going up to her apartment and I got him right where I wanted him…”
“Yuta…” You couldn’t believe what he was saying. This had to be some cruel joke. And the fact that he was being so specific with these details meant that he wasn’t lying.
“So, yes, y/n, I killed Johnny and I ground him up. No evidence of that bastard’s existence is left now…And do you want to know why?”
You cried. “Yuta, stop it.”
Yuta wiped the tears from your eyes. “Because we ate him. You and me, y/n…”
You gasped in horror. You sobbed as you backed away from Yuta. “You’re a fucking liar, Yuta. Stop it!”
Yuta sighed. “Why should I stop there? That scumbag, Mr. Fox? Remember the day we made the sweetest love in the kitchen? And we had ‘steak’?”
“Yuta, no!” You fell to the floor. “Stop it! I am begging you.”
“You need to know the truth, y/n…”
You shook your head. “You killed them...And you killed Scott.”
“Ding ding! We have a winner!” Yuta rejoiced.
“You’re crazy…” You cried out.
Yuta’s smile faded as quickly as it came. “Y/n, you don’t mean that. You love me. Just as I love you. I’ve loved you since the moment we met…”
You cried harder. “Yuta…”
Yuta got onto the floor with you. “I did it all for you, y/n. So you could be free from them all.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Yuta was a murderer and...you couldn’t even think the word...
And you...you ate their remains...Johnny’s...Mr. Fox’s...and…
You looked up at the plate of spaghetti and meatballs and came to another realization. You ran into the bathroom and threw up in the toilet.
You gagged and coughed as you held your hair back.
You’d just eaten Scott’s remains.
Your world was crashing down on you. Yuta, the love of your life, killed three people. And that was only accounting for the people you knew. You had no idea what his past was really like. Yuta cut them up, ground them up, did everything a butcher would do with their body parts. Yuta fed them to you. He ate them knowingly and unapologetically.
And the worst part?
You enjoyed every morsel…
And you craved more.
Yuta entered the bathroom and held your hair back for you as he caressed your back. “There, there…”
Tears from vomiting ran down your cheeks. “Yuta...You really shouldn’t have done those things…”
“Do you really mean that, y/n? Johnny made a fool out of you and lied to you. He humiliated you and he didn’t stop his new girlfriend from insulting you. He was scum. Mr. Fox was the most vile of them all. He touched you without consent. Rapists should perish from the moment they think of touching someone...At least, give me that much, sweets…”
As disturbing as everything Yuta had said sounded, you couldn’t help but agree with him.
“And Scott...You wished to make him go away...And your wish is my command, my angel.”
You got up from the toilet and flushed the contents down. You went to the sink and brushed your teeth. All the while, Yuta watched you.
“Y/n...The consumption of human flesh has been a custom in my family for generations...These days, we can’t just pick and choose our victims. We must have an honorable reason to kill them. You gave me three victims. A feast. It’s what sustains me, y/n…”
You spat the toothpaste out of your mouth and swished your mouth with some mouthwash. “You...you’re serious?”
“I need to consume human flesh at least once a year or I will die, y/n...Why do you think my parents died so young?”
You thought about it. “They gave up on human flesh?”
Yuta nodded somberly. “I don’t want to die, y/n. Now that I’ve met you, I can’t afford to…”
“But why did you feed them to me?” You asked.
“To absorb their power. To move on,” he said, “It’s my family’s belief that once you ingest the meat of your enemy that you will overcome the barrier that they’ve created for you.”
You stood there, silent. You were afraid of what he would probably bring up next.
“You enjoyed it, didn’t you?” He asked, finally.
You averted your gaze and stared at the sink. “I...did.”
Yuta met your eyes through the mirror. “I know, y/n...And there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Not with me.”
Tears escaped your eyes. Yuta was right. It’d felt...amazing. Empowering. And each of them were the best meals you’d ever had…
“Yuta?” You started.
“Yes, darling?”
“Never keep anything from me again,” you commanded.
It had been a year since the news broke out over Scott’s disappearance. Johnny and Mr. Fox’s missing person cases had gone cold.
Since Scott was out of the picture, your mom had a mental break and was admitted into a rehabilitation facility. She is continually seeking treatment and is turning away visitors. She wrote you a letter, reflecting on her past mistakes and how she’d failed you as a mother. She apologized profusely and promised you that she would try to be sober.
And that’s all you’d ever hoped for from her. You knew that it would be a difficult journey. But the desire for change was the first step in the right direction. And you had a feeling your mom was going to succeed.
You married Yuta. Your father gave you away at the wedding. You were happy. You and Yuta traveled the world together. You had adopted two rescue dogs. To your friends and family, you and Yuta were the dream.
When you’d returned from your honeymoon, Yuta had bought a house for you two to start a family together. The first night in your new house, Yuta bred you.
You two laid in bed together. Yuta hugged you and asked, “So, has anyone screwed you over recently?”
You laughed. “Nope. Sucks for you, doesn’t it?”
He rolled his eyes and nipped at your ear. “A Nakamoto man’s gotta eat, y/n...Any ideas?”
You nuzzled into his neck. “You can always eat me.”
Yuta got a hard on at those words. “You’re too sweet for me to eat. I don’t have much of a sweet tooth, y/n…”
You traced your fingers down his happy trail and asked. “Well, we can go hunting this week. I’m sure there’s some privileged college fuckboy that is beyond redemption…”
“You know what, y/n? There’s so many things I love about you but it’s your optimism that gets me hot.”
“Oh yeah?” You teased as you kissed him.
“I love you,” Yuta said between kisses.
“I love you, too,” you replied.
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hanniiesuckle17 · 4 years
Dating Seo Changbin
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A/n: I am so sorry this took so long!!! i hope you like it <3 oof its been a while since I've done this style so here we go
Requested: @mrsunshine999
Tag List: @distrikt9 @mini-meanhoee @poeticallyspaghetti @hanstagrams @desertofdessert @hoes4hoseok @yangomangos @jeonqqin @geminirules @crscendoforsung @mrsunshine999 @jisungsjheekies @hannie-squirrel00 @cotccotc @multi-net​
Warnings: cussing, changbin being best boi, 
First of all....reader you are one lucky bitch.
Dating THE changbin
Changbin is definitely one of the more domestic boys
He thriiiives with being a cuddly soft boyfriend
You probably met his parents on like your fourth date
But it was like a surprise thing 
He was like “Stop by my place because I’ve got to take care of somethings before we go out”
and you were like sure whatever so you get there like twenty minutes early and knock on the door
changbin opens and says you can wait in the living room while he is grabbing some things
first of all you notice his house is super fuckin nice
you’re like “mental note to ask who his decorated is” 
so he goes off and you walk in the living room and there are his parents just looking at you with kind expectant smiles
and you’re like “ummmm.........hello........changbin’s parents....”
changbin is like walking in and out of the room completely unaware that you are lowkey shitting your pants because omg his parents are right there and you were not prepared for this you were just promised food
its then you realize this is his parents house and he freaking tricked you into meeting them
by the time he sits down next to you on the couch you’ve practically sweated through your nice outfit and answered a billion questions
“I told you, I pick good ones mom- OW!” 
you pinched him really hard and made a nervous look towards the door. 
He laugh and got the message
the two of you said goodbye and you proceeded to whack him very hard the second the door closed behind you
loves to spoil you
anytime you're mad at him the next day you find a very expensive flower arrangement as well as a nice piece of jewelry on your desk or doorstep
he never lets you pay for anything
in fact the most common argument you have is about him spending too much money on you or not letting you pay
one time after a really big fight he secretly paid your rent for the month (which led to you yelling at him again)
“I thought I was doing a nice thing!”
“Yes it was very nice but I want to do things for myself!”
“But you’re so....baby....my baby....I wanna take care of you.”
he thinks you look really cute when you’re mad so you never really end up getting anywhere with arguments like that
changbin is definitely a huge cuddler
likes being both little and big spoon
his favorite sleeping position is probably you sleeping on top of his chest so he can hug you like a teddy bear (you have replaced Munchlax haha)
probably takes you on the most aesthetic dates
he loves being your personal photographer
he can’t show you off on the skz insta so he probably has like a separate private account just to post really cute pictures of the you and him
changbin is a huge fan of couple clothes 
like any kind
his favorite is finding couple shoes like sneakers. 
he likes knowing that he could wear them onstage and bring a piece of you into the public view but its like his lil secret
changbin is like super no no about scandals so after a few months he probably announces the relationship before the press even think he is in one
changbin is like the pinterest boyfriend 
like he strives to be pinterest worthy
the boys give him so much shit about it but like lowkey he doesn’t care he just steals their coffee or something in revenge
he probably keeps like special products for you in his apartment
he always has the coffee or tea you like stocked in his kitchen
changbin is definitely the type to love hard and love fast so once this boy has you locked down in a relationship he just goes all in
you two probably move in together pretty quickly because this boy is just so anxious to be around you all the time
lowkey whiny once you move in 
“changbin you've said my name like 18 times what the hell do you want”
“i wanna hug.”
tries to use aegyo to get out of chores and housework
“I love dark my ass.” you say shoving a laundry basket in his arms and watching him pout 
late night gym dates at like two in the morning
the boys lowkey getting jealous of how much time he spends with you
Felix and Hyunjin basically live at your apartment
you don’t know how they got keys but somehow they are always there 
you’ll wake up one morning and felix will be randomly asleep on your couch for no reason
your dates are often crash by one of the boys but you honestly don’t mind because they are so much fun
changbin is actually the most caring and empathetic boyfriend
he always seems to know when you have a bad day or are just feeling bad about yourself
sometimes you don't even understand how he knows 
you’ll just be laying in bed on your phone after a really rough day and wanting to cry and changbin will just come up and give you the warmest gentlest bear hug 
he won’t say anything but he’ll just hold you until you want to talk or just cry it out
lets be honest changbin hugs would be the best tho
like he hugs with his whole being
in a relationship i feel like he is super affectionate so hugs are pretty common but he probably hugs differently for different circumstances
like he gives really gentle hugs when your sad and strokes your hair, kissing the top of your head
probably a big fan of quick side hugs when you're in public or with the boys
big cuddly hugs when you’re alone where he can rock you side to side or flop onto the couch with you
so ‘i love you’
again changbin falls fast and hard so he would for sure be the first one to fall in love
but he wants you to say it first because he knows sometimes he can move too quickly and he doesn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable
the first time you say it changbin is just so happy 
before you can even finish the sentence he’s already saying it back
“I love you-”
“I love you more.”
he never forgets an anniversary even if he is on tour
during one of their breaks he flew you out so you could celebrate together 
he loves traveling with you
even if its just a road trip or the two of you randomly decide to spend the weekend at a hotel that's thirty minutes from your house
changbin definitely knows what he wants in life so the second he decides you are the one for him he starts planning how he wants to spend his life with you
he loves having serious conversations with you about the future
changbin loves when the two of you invite all the boys over for dinner and it turns into a fancy dinner party and he cant help but picture you doing this five or six years from now and you have kids and are throwing dinner parties like this on the weekends
you too throw a HUGE Christmas party every year
like inviting lots of staff from the company and a bunch of family and friends 
so like one second you are talking to changbin’s sister and your mom then the next thing you know you are accidently bumping shoulders with fuckin BamBam from Got7 or Tzuyu from Twice and Jae is singing with Jisung in your living room
its like a huge fancy event that you and changbin throw at your place that you spend like a month planning for
everyone is dressed very nice and your house is spotless and flawlessly decorated with a brightly lit tree that you and changbin spent four hours decorating
by 9pm everyone is drunk on egg nog and opening presents from secret Santa 
changbin also never lets a Christmas go by without kissing you under the mistletoe 
the boys stay the night mostly because no one is sober enough to drag Jisung out of your house. 
So Christmas morning is always spent with the boys 
changbin always puts you first 
he is really considerate and always considers how his decisions will affect you (unless he’s trying to pay for something)
all in all changbin would just be the best boyfriend
congrat reader you landed an angel
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theyre-just-blocks · 3 years
Different relationships on the Dream SMP but they’re Glass Animals songs. 
No, I haven’t read Heatwaves, no I’m not doing this because of Heat Waves, this is just for fun because I love the band and their music and some of their songs actually fit character relationships in the Dream SMP really well. 
Reminder! This is based on their characters in the SMP, not the actual ccs themselves. It would be weird if it wasn’t and quite frankly the songs wouldn’t fit if that were the case. 
Relationship: Sam & Ponk
Song: Pork Soda
What It’s About: A loving relationship between two lovers who slowly started to fall out of love, leading one of them to want what the relationship used to be. 
Why It Fits: I mean, the song meaning is pretty much what’s going on with the two right now. They had a nice, loving dynamic that quickly turned to the worse thanks to the Egg and the Prison corrupting the both of them. The narrator, obviously, would be Ponk, who got the short end of the stick when it came to the complications of the relationship. And I just think it would be funny to have ‘lemon’ instead of ‘pineapple.’ 
Some Lyrics:
You took my hand and you made me run, up past the prison to the seafront
Why can’t we laugh now like we did then? How come I see you and ache instead?
Maybe you’re fucking scum, don’t you go psycho chum
I want you for the world, I want you all the time (stop)
I won’t forget how you looked at me then
Relationship: DreamXD & George
Song: Holiest
What It’s About: A relationship between two lovers, one who is annoyed with the other’s antics, who is preoccupied in their dreams, goals, and ideals, comparing them to a child.
Why It Fits: I really only chose this song for the two because DreamXD is kind of a god on the SMP, so I went, “Okay god, they’ve got a song called ‘Holiest’, that fits.” But I also think it fits in the way that DreamXD basically simps for George and in the song one of the individuals seems to beg the other that they can be different. I think it would be a sort of, “You’re not him,” kind of thing, basically.
Some Lyrics:
Be a part of the scene like you're living your dream, Walk the room like you're on fire, Like your chasing the truth, gripping tight to your youth
Babe, I'm not what you think, Come on, listen to me
Now all I do is feel afraid
Can't you see that I'm here, Can't you see I've been played
But you're the holiest thing I know, Yes, you're the holiest thing, holiest thing I know
Relationship: Schlatt & Quackity
Song: Cacao Hooves
What It’s About: Possibly about the internal conflict of someone who has done a lot of bad things in the past (though not confirmed).
Why It Fits: Even if the song is mainly for one’s internal conflicts, I felt like it fit Schlatt and Quackity’s external ones with each other. For one, the character in the song is an ‘old goat’, perfect for Schlatt, then there’s a comment about setting wings on fire, perfect for Quackity. The internal conflict in the song would be the two going back and forth with the White House, especially since there’s a line about not fighting back/using bows and arrows. I just thought it was perfect. 
Some Lyrics:
This old goat with beard of grey, He turns his leather gripped cane
You never fight back, Why don’t you play with bows and arrows?
Why don’t you play nice? Why don’t you toy with sex and violence?
Why don’t you set your wings on fire?
Relationship: Dream & Fundy
Song: Flip
What It’s About: The narrator is making plans on getting revenge on someone who had wronged/harmed them in the past.
Why It Fits: While most of the lyrics don’t really fit, and Fundy hasn’t made a move to get back at Dream for what happened at the Wedding, the idea behind the song, I felt fit the two. If given the chance, I’m sure that Fundy would’ve gotten revenge on Dream, seeing as he did so with L’Manburg during Doomsday. It would be from Fundy’s perspective and it puts a new spin on the idea of a Fox Hunt. 
Some Lyrics:
I wanna take to my guns and break you, I gotta make my little foe take his own
I’m gonna go back, I’m gonna go back, I’m gonna go back to a face no more mask
I was in full bloom until I met you, I’m gonna shake my fetters, I’m breaking loose
Relationship: Quackity, Karl, & Sapnap
Song: Tangerine
What It’s About: The narrator sings about some that they’ve know who’s taken a turn for the worse, changing due to different events, but the narrator still has the hope that things could be the same.
Why It Fits: This song fits so well, lyric and beat wise. It’s so preppy and fun like them, despite the lyrics being so down. For this, it would be Karl and Sapnap’s take on Quackity’s spiral with torturing Dream and setting up Las Nevadas. They’re wondering what happened to him and still have hope that maybe they could get him back, basically. 
Some Lyrics: 
I can't keep on making you happy 'cause you got issues with your daddy
But I wish I could show you more of yourself, I wish I could make you somebody else. But I left it way too late. Are you stuck in your own ways?
You let the devil in, and all you talk is money, money, money, money, money, It's so funny how it changes how you feel
Where are you? What happened? I want what we had. Where you gone? Where you hidin'?
Hands, knees, please, tangerine, come on back to me. Got what I need, tangerine, do this for me
Relationship: Puffy & Niki
Song: Agnes
What It’s About: The narrator is trying to pull out another from an addiction, which has steadily ruined their relationship a bit.
Why It Fits: This one is just a bit of a stretch, but it works. It would be from Puffy’s POV as she’s trying to get Niki back to the way she once was, before Doomsday, before finding out about Wilbur, and before being obsessed with killing Tommy. In the song, the person being sung about has an addiction, so I figured that could be replaced with her want to kill Tommy. So it’s Puffy trying to bring her back, but at the same time, Puffy is unsure about what she’s doing. 
Some Lyrics:
Calm down now, stop and breathe a second? Go back to the very beginning. Can't you see what was different then?
To be reborn, I want to hold you like you're mine
You see the sad in everything. A genius of love and loneliness
Where went that cheeky friend of mine? Where went that billion-dollar smile?
You're gone but you're on my mind. I'm lost but I don't know why
Relationship: Bad & Skeppy
Song: JDNT
What It’s About: Though not confirmed, the song could be about a narrator who is putting on a brave face, but is ready to crack under the stress at any minute. 
Why It Fits: This one is also a stretch, it was kind of hard to find a song that fit the two. However, with the Egg, I think that this song works well for them. Though I couldn’t find a solid meaning behind the lyrics, I figured that if we took their arc with the Egg, it would work. I think the song would be from both of their POVs, with the story idea behind Skeppy being stuck in the Egg and Bad giving himself to the Egg in return of getting his friend back. 
Some Lyrics:
I've got my old helmet on, Keeping out an eye, Puffing all my feathers up
Please, it's not okay. Oh, can't you feel your dirty face? Oh, don't it leave that filthy taste?
Where my funny friends gone? You're in paradise. Who gon' plant the flowers, huh?
I shut my wild eyes, and crumble to a pile of dust and fertilise
Relationship: Quackity & Glatt
Song: Your Love (Deju vu)
What It’s About: Being caught up in a relationship you know is toxic, but somehow you can’t seem to cut that person out of your life.
Why It Fits: I think the meaning of the song fits them pretty well as we all know that relationship was toxic as hell. But in this sense, it’s Glatt, so even more so, Quackity’s still coming back to him even when Schlatt is dead and now a ghost. Though their relationship during Schlatt’s time alive was terrible, Quackity still went to Schlatt and decided to work with him. Also, it’s got a line about eating and I just thought it would fit in the whole ‘heart eating’ sense. 
Some Lyrics:
And I'm backsliding into this just one more time
You go back there when you're done, Don't you want some more?
Maybe in time, When we're both better at life, daylight can open my eyes, and you'll still be by my side
Night by night, I let you eat me alive, I want you to eat me alive
Relationship: Dream & George
Song: Heatwa - [gunshot]
Nah, jk, here’s their song.
Relationship: Dream & George
Song: The Other Side of Paradise
What It’s About: Though I’m not entirely sure, but I think that the song focuses around a relationship that slowly deteriorated due to one of the individuals moving on for a more grander, luxurious life. 
Why It Fits: Dream would be the individual in the relationship who went to go chase after a fancy life, thus ruining the relationship. The "fancy life" in this case would be the power and control he sought over members of the server, which ultimately got him locked up. So I think it would be in George's POV, but that's basically why I thought the song would fit the two. 
Some Lyrics:
He told me, "Please, don't worry", wise little smile that spoke so safely 
Caught up in a rush, it's killing you
I miss him, don't you blame me? That boy went stone cold crazy, Caught up in camera lust, He's chasing that pappy pipe dream
I know you don't but I-I know you don't but I still try
Curled up in a grip when we were us, fingers in a fist like you might run, I settle for a ghost I never knew, super paradise I held on to, but I settle for a ghost
I know I should probably post my thoughts on Quackity's stream, but I started this a few days ago and only finished it today, so take it now.
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ladyhallen · 3 years
The Confidence of a Dragon, the Pride of a Lion
Cho Chang hires Fon for a hit on Voldemort/Death Eater. Fon tracks down his target and meets Harry while his target and Death Eaters are attacking her.
Cho Chang doesn’t actually like going back home, but certain circumstances, such as a dead boyfriend, do necessitate extreme circumstances.
Still, it took her two years. A year to convince her father and another year to find Feng- gēgē. If it weren’t for how damn important it was, Cho would have given up but it was. It was so important.
So despite how frustrating it was to argue her father into agreeing, and how tiring it was to find a trace of a man who was like the wind, she was finally face to face with Feng- gēgē.
He hadn’t aged a day, as was typical of Asian men who took good care of themselves. He was still lean, tall and incredibly handsome.
He was also the uncle who’d cajoled her into calling him brother when she aged and he didn’t.
She didn’t want to know, because it would break her heart, but she posited it was a curse.
“Feng- gēgē,” she murmured, running to hug him.
He stood up in a hurry, still taller than her but just as incredibly warm. “Little Cho,” he greeted. “Why were you looking for me? Faisu didn’t say anything. Just that it was urgent.”
She sat down across him and warmed her cold hands with the heat from the tea.
“Do you follow magical news?” she asked.
He tilted his head slowly. “No, not really. There was not much interest in my line of work.”
Cho took a deep breath and decided to explain to him the magical war.
Feng- gēgē was a good listener and he didn’t interrupt. His dark eyes were intent on hers and only moved to refill her teacup when it was empty and held her hands when she started to fidget.
“Two years ago,” Cho breathed slowly so her voice didn’t break. “He killed my friend, Cedric. He was a good boy and I would have married him but that bad egg killed him.”
Feng- gēgē finally moved. He sat beside her and pulled her close to him in a hug, so close she was almost sitting on his lap.
“And you want me to kill this bad egg?” he asked in his low, deep voice. “Would that make you sleep again and smile, little Cho?”
Cho sniffled, but she bit her tongue. “No, though if you kill him, it would work. No. He has supporters. I know some are forced because of many things, but those that are there because they want to. Can you…?”
The image of a very angry Harriet Potter flashed through Cho’s mind and she almost laughed.
No, Harriet was angry and she needed something to do. If word got around that Cho had deprived her of the hunt, then Harriet would get angry at her.
The Death Eaters though, the ones willing, aside from the Lestranges – who Neville had claimed to hunt – they were fair game.
And while Cho wasn’t angry enough to hunt, she was hurt enough to ask the biggest predator she had ever known to hunt them down.
“Of course I will,” Feng- gēgē agreed. He patted her shoulders and hugged her again. “It will be a nice break from my work. Sort of like a foreign vacation.”
Cho did giggle at this. “Only you, gēgē, would find hunting to be fun. Though, take care. A friend of mine is hunting down the bad egg for revenge. If you meet her.”
“I will not hurt her,” Feng- gēgē promised.
That’s not what I’m worried about, Cho thought.
Face down on the floor of Malfoy’s elaborate sitting room, Harriet breathed.
Okay, so maybe the plan to storm Malfoy Manor wasn’t a good idea, but when they took Hermione, Ron and her had maybe gotten a bit desperate.
No, not a maybe. They had definitely gotten desperate.
But that was alright. She had a plan.
The plan was in tatters but it was still a plan.
Her wand was taken, and her best friend was bound in front of her and Bellatrix was getting too Crucio-happy.
But she could still breath and she could still cast an expelliarmus without a wand and enough focus and determination.
She just had to wait for the right moment.
“Crucio!!” Bellatrix screamed and Harriet shrieked in agony.
Okay, so focus was a bit difficult, but determination was there.
“Merlin,” Harriet sighed out loud. She had to distract Bellatrix enough that she could recover to focus. “You are so noisy.”
“What?” Bellatrix said.
Harriet struggled to sit up and, “I mean, if you’re going to Crucio me, can you at least not scream too? My ears are ringing.”
Bellatrix flushed red. Then purple. Then she raised her wand to curse then –
“She’s right you know,” Ron said, catching on. “Why do you shout that spell? Do you need the decibels for momentum? Because Merlin’s beard, you are so loud.”
Ron got the next spell, his scream a terrible thing to her ears.
It gave her respite, however and she had enough focus.
“Expelliarmus!” she enunciated clearly. “Accio!”
Accio was new in her repertoire of wandless spells. She thanked Hermione and her paranoia under her breath while Ron punched Bellatrix unconscious.
“Fuck,” Harriet sighed. “Thanks Ron.”
He patted her while searching the room. “No problem. You took the first three anyway. Where is everyone?”
He had a point. It was strange, because no one was around at all. The Malfoy’s had vanished to a side door when Bellatrix had started cursing.
“That would be my fault,” a male voice said calmly.
Harriet didn’t curse him, but she dearly wanted to. Heart attacks for the recently tortured were a thing.
“Pardon me,” he added when both of them breathed hard. “But I was busy taking care of the rest of the house. I had to save you for last. It turns out, you saved yourselves.”
Harriet holstered Bellatrix’s wand, and straightened up from her dueling posture. “Thank you. Who..?”
He smiled impishly. “My name is Fon. Little Cho asked me to help.”
Cho Chang was incredibly far from Harry’s thoughts. It blindsided her. She had to blink a few more times. Then…
“That’s great, thanks. Have you seen the dungeons? They have our friend.”
Ron was giving her a look that said he was incredibly weirded out, but Harriet was tired and recently tortured. She had to roll with the weird here or else she’d suffer from a mental breakdown.
He smiled again and it Harriet was starting to find it comforting.
There was just something incredibly nice and attractive about a person who looked and acted confident. Like the world would throw whatever the fuck it was at him, and he’d still be standing at the end of it.
Harriet had gone through months trying to pretend like she knew and understood things, and having someone else take charge, even for a moment, was lovely.
She was going to end up having anxiety after this, she just knew it.
Hermione just about jumped into Ron’s arms and Harriet patted any bit of Hermione she could reach.
Fon waited by the doorway politely and didn’t make a sound.
“How did you end up here?” Hermione asked.
Ron and Harriet exchanged glances.
“Uhm,” Harriet said slowly. “Can we do that later? You can yell at us then.”
“Why would I yell at you? Unless you got purposefully captured?” Hermione asked in a half-joking tone.
They avoided her eyes and Hermione’s hair just about started to float.
“Merlin’s saggy fucking – I was joking!” she exclaimed.
They dragged her out of the dungeon and they were both hiding smiles as she berated them for their recklessness. At least Hermione was alive and there to berate them.
Hermione finally noticed Fon and went quiet and red with embarrassment.
“I’ll leave you here,” Fon said at the silence. “I still have more hunting to do.”
He inclined his head to Ron and Hermione and freaking bowed a few inches lower to Harriet. He flashed her one last smile and left quickly.
“Huh,” Ron said. “He’s your type exactly, isn’t he, Harry?”
Harriet flushed red. “No!”
Hermione stared. “Yes, he is exactly your type. Confident, self-assured and capable. Zabini, that sixth year prefect you dated in fifth year, and didn’t you have a crush in McLaggen?”
Harriet protested all the way back to camp. “I did not have a crush on McLaggen!”
I might add more and post this as an individual one-shot in AO3 tomorrow.
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