#and it’s a central theme in the first section of my personal au
assassinnumber9 · 10 months
Assassin's Spy x Family Fanfic Masterpost Ver. 1
I wanted to make a list of all of my fanfics for anyone interesting in reading them. They range from tearjerking to fluffy to hot to chaotic. I try to write a bit of everything. This post will be updated through new posts as I write more and more, because as mentioned in my Drag AU post I have a lot of ideas that I've started and/or have planned.
But anyway, here's my list! I appreciate any and all support! It really helps me keep motivated!
Eternity is One Hell of A Long Time
Rating: E for strong language, violence, adult humor, and sexual content (any such content will be sectioned off into their own chapters and marked since the descriptions of the action are not central to the story)
Description: A Demon!Twilight x DemonicAssassin!Yor fic with a mixture of fluff, romance, humor, action, a bit of horror and a whole lot of chaos! This will be my long series I will be working on for TwiYor! I have a few others planned but nothing as long and lore heavy as this one.
Ao3 Summary:
Cool air breezed through his gold locks like wind through a field of tall wheat - so cold his feet and legs began to tingle, left ring finger seemingly being gently squeezed as if a ring was wrapping snug around it. He could almost feel the initial frosty bite of gold first hitting skin, causing him to press his thumb slightly against where a ring would potentially - no, did - lay. The solid mineral shaped perfectly to adhere to the base of the digit - an impeccably suitable fit. … Wait. Twilight lifted his hand to look at it, to be sure it wasn’t true, glancing to ensure his advisor wasn’t watching beforehand. And lo and behold, there it sat. A thick, solid gold band. Is this a wedding ring?
In which, Yor needs a date to a party and somehow manages to summon the strongest demon in hell...and also bind him to her for eternity.
How does one accidentally bind themselves to a demon for eternity?
Pairings: TwiYor, Pairings to be added
Chapters: 1/?
Flowing Now As a Song
Rating: G
Description: A bittersweet fic where Loid Forger visits Kielberg to speak to his mother.
Ao3 Summary:
The train station where he got off was mostly empty, but he assumed it was likely a lot better than what it was. This station was the closest one to where the bombings dropped all those years ago, closest to Kielberg. And if he had learned anything from his years of spying and war and psychiatry, it was that people tended to stay away from tragedy as if it were the plague, whether or not they had personal ties to that tragedy mattered not. It was all the same in the end. A tragedy was a tragedy.
However, it was when people faced those tragedies were they finally able to learn. It was when people faced those tragedies were they finally able to grow.
And for him, it was finally time to face the ones he had pushed away for over two decades.
Thus, the former spy made his way to find a cab, barely managing to push down the violent pressure of emotions boiling in his chest.
He had to talk to her at least once - just one time would be enough - as Loid Forger and no one else.
Pairings: Mentioned TwiYor, Mentioned Yuri x Chloe (Changed from Yuri x Fiona originally)
Chapters: 1/1
Loid Forger is NOT A Cuddler
Rating: T for mild suggestive themes
Description: A fluffy, tooth rotting fic about how Loid Forger is not a cuddler and the reactions from his numerous victims.
Ao3 Summary:
Let the record show that Loid Forger is NOT a cuddler.
But, he's also a liar.
5 times Loid Forger got caught being a cuddler and denied it, and the 1 time he finally admits it.
Pairings: TwiYor
Chapters: 5/6
Rating: E
Description/Ao3 Summary: A series of ficlets of explicit TwiYor scenarios.
Pairings: TwiYor
Chapters: 1/?
What You Do To Me
Rating: E for smut
Description: A smutty fanfic where Loid fails to stop the situation.
Ao3 Summary:
This was bad.
This was fucking bad.
Then, why the hell did it feel so fucking good?
Twilight couldn’t stop. Why couldn’t he stop? He had done things most would call impossible, accomplished missions that had had less than a thousandth of a percent chance of succeeding. So out of all the things he could do in this damned world, why couldn’t he stop this?
Pairings: TwiYor
Chapters: 1/1
You Truly Are My Vice
Rating: E for smut
Description: A smutty sequel to What You Do To Me where Yor is the one to fail to stop the situation.
Ao3 Summary:
What was she thinking?
What the fuck was she thinking?!
She was sleeping with the enemy, right? That’s what she was doing?
Shopkeeper was going to kill her.
If Twilight wasn't going to kill her first.
Pairings: TwiYor
Chapters: 1/1
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yuniemaki · 1 year
A peek into my workflow for canon fics!
Got quite a few questions lately about how I plot longer fanfics, so here's a proper writeup on my current workflow.
One thing to note is that canon is always easier to work with because the worldbuilding has been done for you, and you really only need to focus on setup and payoff as well as the narrative themes. With an AU, you need to build the world and supporting characters as well in order to deliver a similar impact. An AU is closer to plotting an original story, except you don't need to work so hard on the character dynamics.
As such, my plotting differs slightly from canon to AU fics. Since I haven't finished an AU fic yet I'll share my process for canon fics for now (using Trust in the stars - mind the spoilers!).
Hope this helps other fanfic writers out there :) And remember, all these "rules" exist to be broken, as long as you find a way that works for you.
Fics based in the canon universe have no need for worldbuilding aside from your own headcanons, so I typically focus on driving impact through the narrative itself.
First off, I note down the characters that will show up in this fic and try to summarise the main theme in a one-liner (the one liner can be done after you finish everything, that's why I highlighted it in yellow - I only wrote this after I finished a first plot. This one-sentence summary will guide your main theme and ensure your story ends on the right note).
This is how Trust in the stars began:
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No details at all at this stage. After this, I used the three act structure to nail down the key moments of the fic. These are usually scenes I've been brainrotting on in full detail; they are usually drabbles or rambles for epic/emotional scenes I envision.
Using the structure, I slot them into the right places and then figure out how to build up to it. Because, as we all know, there is no impact without setup and payoff. And for setup and payoff to work, we need to step back and see the entire story from an organised perspective.
I'm not a fan of breaking down stories into percentages - I prefer to just look at all the acts and its key points, and see if they make sense and build up to each other. Act 2 can be the shortest act for all I care as long as it successfully sets up for the "crisis" that leads into the climax.
(If you have other key scenes that you were brainrotting on, write them down on a separate doc first or at the bottom of the plot doc, but keep the plot by itself for now.)
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You'll notice that there are quite a few differences in the final fanfic from this plot, and that's normal. This simple structure just helps you to see the main climatic moments in each act and how it builds up to the final climax.
Again, no details - don't know what kind of poison, don't know what kind of sus activity, no idea what trap Ningguang sends Beidou to.
This is basically my "first draft".
From this draft, I can already tell that there may be issues with "prototype modified ruin guards" in act 2 because:
The climax, where Liyue is defended from a ruin guard army, doesn't seem linked to Ning & Pantalone negotiating
It also doesn't satisfy the aftermath of Ning & Pantalone accepting each other as equals,
Nor does it fully tie back to the one-sentence summary ("rekindles passions for Beidou").
That means I'm missing the central theme I want the story to have - ultimately Trust in the stars is a story of Ningguang and Beidou daring to trust each other, to fall in love.
So just looking at this, I know I need to:
a) rework the climax and potentially make it less epic (so that it becomes personal)
b) after reworking the climax, adjust act 2 to build up to it
After I'm happy with the key moments, I stay on this doc and start fleshing out main story beats for each section of the act. This is an example of how the beats for Act 1 go for the first 2-3 chapters:
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These beats help to iron out the smaller questions - for example, what are the characters doing and thinking? What's their motives for each arc of the story?
I never believed in "giving" your characters obstacles to overcome; they will meet and become obstacles simply because of their motivations and beliefs, that are shaped by the circumstances they experience, just as we are shaped by our experiences in life.
That's how they will drive your story towards its ending. Things happen, but all things happen because someone willed it to happen.
Ruin guard army? Dottore was building it because he loves his little experiments. The law is his obstacle; he's doing it in secret. To build experiments, he needs funding, too, and that's why he has an interest in working with Pantalone.
Pantalone beefing with Ningguang? He must want something that she has. Wealth, power - whatever floats your boat. Ningguang is his obstacle because she's gonna say no.
Beidou running errands for Ningguang? It's part of their contract that's been ongoing for years, never mind her interest in Ningguang. The contract itself is an obstacle to the story's goal: falling in love. Business partners to... lovers?
Ningguang ordering Beidou to collect intel? It's part of her vested interest in knowing what's going on in other nations, because she needs to protect Liyue from political threats. The potential danger Beidou faces becomes an obstacle for Ningguang, as she struggles between needing to send Beidou out and fearing she doesn't return.
Ningguang baiting the Fatui? The intel her network delivers has alerted her to suspicious ongoings and she wants to remove this obstacle asap.
Yelan investigating the Fatui? Ningguang ordered it, and Yelan is working for her (plus she likes her job and danger). What Yelan finds also becomes an obstacle for Ningguang as they try to figure out what's going on.
Ningguang ordering Yelan to do that? She must suspect the Fatui are making moves. And she's trying to clear the obstacle of "lack of knowledge" so that she can make her move.
Why does Ningguang suspect the Fatui is making their move? Because Pantalone wants something from Ningguang and has made it clear through sending Dottore to take the bait. Obviously she won't want to give him anything. She becomes his obstacle.
Dottore getting involved? Pantalone got Dottore to work with him with the promise of gaining knowledge or making experiments, which is Dottore's passion anyway.
Not the most flawless example, but see how each character's motivations is based off what they know from another character's goal, and how their reactions drive the plot forward?
I digressed. Anyway...
After I've finished the beats for the whole fic, I build out the points into actual chapters. Having the beats fleshed out for the full story helps immensely with weaving forewarning into early chapters, because I already know what's going to happen in xx chapter and I have all the turning points in mind.
I find that if I start writing without finishing the plot, I find it hard to continue because I simply don't know what the ending is going to be. It's like driving a car on a road without a destination.
I made this mistake once, and that fic is gonna stay at 1/? for a very long time, I assure you...
Anyway, thanks for coming to my ted talk. Let me know if this was useful ily 😭
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kryptsune · 4 years
Underworld AU Info
🌼 Ok so I know I am not the best at describing exactly what Underworld or the Welcome to the Underworld  fic is. I am going to endeavor to do so right now so bear with me. Before I begin I need to preface that this AU is dark. It has dark themes which is why I post it under M. This is my Underfell and the fic/AU that started my multiverse. Every single Fell based AU that I have created is based off this lore/world build. I will be answering some frequently asked questions. Feel free to ask more!
What is WTU/ Underworld/ Welcome to the Underworld?  They are all names I use for my lore as well as fic that I write over on AO3. 
What makes your any different from the other Fells? This one is easy to answer. I have spent a long time crafting this world and story. I try to tie it to UT with specific references or events but the characters, world build, and plot are not UT. The locations are the same with specific alterations and events have taken place to change the characters personalities and their motivations. This world is not for the faint of heart which is why it is called the Underworld and not the Underground. 
Is this a Frans Fic/ story? In essence, yes, but I would like to note that just because Frans is in it does not mean it is necessarily the central focus. It is more about how their relationship develops and grows over the course of 3 Acts. There are other ships within the story as well such as MTT/Boss, Grillby/ Muffet, and NCG/ Rabbit shop keeper (Her name is Rae).  What are the Acts and how are they different? 
Act 1 is the journey that Frisk takes through the Underworld to reach The Capital. It is the UT journey as I like to call it. Up to about the middle section of Waterfall there is more original takes and content that are added. As an example a lot of Hotland is entirely different from the original game. 
Act 2 is the monsters adaption to being on the surface and living among humans once again. It is more of a slice of life tone than the first act and focuses mainly on more character development and relationships.  
Act 3 is a culmination of one and two. I tend to keep this one under wraps since the story completely detaches itself from the original. Frisk must make another journey and piece the Underworld back together with the help of a friend and a foe. This is really where the original work comes into play with that UT flare. 
It’s a Fell verse so are all the monsters evil?
No, they are not all evil and I would argue that a lot of them are not. They are just trying to survive in this now lawless society run by a crime syndicate known as the Triad. Snowdin in particular is a safe haven under the protection of Boss for monsters that are just trying to live their lives. They don’t even really hate humans as you can find out in the chapters with the rabbit family. 
Where is Chara?
Oh she is there... trust me...
Is Gaster a part of this story?
Yes... yes he is but he does not show up until around the end of Act 2 (Now if you want to talk about a monster that’s evil...)
In the Waterfall chapters it’s mentioned that there are human remains but I thought only the 7 souls fell? Not in my canon. I canon that there are more humans that have fallen down than the 7. The notable souls that we all talk about are special because they are pure souls of the 7 traits while other humans can have a combination of traits in lower quantities. They souls have to be pure of one specific trait. That is why the Black Market exists. Alphys in particular knows how to extract soul essence which is sold illegally. It is incredibly dangerous for monsters to dose with human soul traits but some do it and pay big money for the feelings/power it gives them. 
Is MTT still a killer robot?
Yes, but not of his own volition. Alphys being the mad scientist she is and prodigy to the late William Darrius Gaster, has used her scientific knowledge to imprison MTT. I won’t go too much into it but... he does not want to be a killer robot. 
Where is the fic so far?  Act 1: Hotland 
What other changes are there? (this is just a few)
- The MTT hotel is now Muffet’s casino - Grillby’s diner is now a nightclub - Hotland has a new area, the gold mines - The true lab does not exist since it exploded a long time ago. It is basically in Ruins now - Snowdin’s magical “sun” acts as an actual sky - Boss is Captain of the Royal Guard not Undyne - MTT’s show is more like a coliseum and death gauntlet - Undyne’s backstory is vastly different from the original as well as other Fell interpretations
Are there lesser monsters and side characters? 
Yes! Of course there are. I really try to spotlight each and every one. That includes Doggo, Gerson, Nice Cream Guy, Snowdrake, Monster Kidd. They are all in the fic. I feel like they don’t get enough love and even some play a far larger role than the original like Grillby as an example. 
Are you really going to complete this?
Come Hell or high water you bet I am.
Do your versions look different? 
If you are referring to design, yes, they do. I have redesigned the cast from top to bottom with what I feel looks the best. Their designs do change when Act 2 is in play. Red still wears his jacket though. 
Can I send in asks about the world/fic/designs?
Of course you can! My ask box is always open!
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idyllicstarker · 3 years
Skylar’s || M A S T E R L I S T
-> is continually updated with each new work
-> each section is in order with newest works first (to the best of my ability)
last updated: 28.06.22 (needs to be updated)
-> all works with sexual content will be marked with an asterisk (*) no matter how implicit or explicit, for more information look in the warnings section and the rating for each work
-> ratings: (G) general audiences; (T) teen and up audiences; (M) mature; (E) explicit
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Peter’s summer adventure
G | (au) peter just wanted to pet the pretty horse, how was he supposed to know the ranch belonged to a grumpy old man named tony?
warnings: some foul lanaguage, explicit age difference (peter is 18 and therefore above the age of consent)
The perfect... cheater
T | when tony keeps dissapearing with no explanation, the only possible cause leads in one direction... right?
warnings: angst! implied sexual content, foul language, cheating accusations
Tony’s disturbing obsession
T | the definition of obsession is to preoccupy or fill the mind of (someone) continually and to a troubling extent. if only someone managed to notice the ‘troubling’ before it was too late.
warnings: an unhealthy obsession with a person, mentions of mental instability
Peter’s fear of thunderstorms
G | since peter could remember, he’d never liked when it was storming outside. but maybe this time it wouldn’t be so bad, not when Tony’s around to keep him safe.
warnings: none
Little!Peter’s bad day
G | some days things just don’t go right. for Peter, that can be overwhelming. at least he has a great daddy to look after him.
warnings: ddlb, little!peter & daddy!tony, one use of foul language
Selectively!mute Peter’s confession
G | how does one tell their mentor, that looks at you like you’re kid, that you’re in love with them? especially when you don’t usually speak.
warnings: mute!peter, very minor sexual implications
“It’s what you need”
M | (au) peter just wants to see Tony live!
warnings: alcohol addiction, mention of rehab, cheating accusations
Stalker!Tony & Victim!Peter
M | (au) it started with the feeling like he was being followed, but it quickly turned into something much more sinister.
warnings: dark!tony, implicit references to sexual themes, stalking, implies kidnapping
It’s not jealousy!
G | clingy and jealous!tony leads to some soft reassurance and cuddles.
warnings: mention of the word ‘sex’ but no explicit sexual scenes or sexual content, explicit age difference (peter is 18 and therefore above the age of consent), alcohol consumption
Cheek kisses and jealousy
T | when tony catches peter kissing mj’s cheek at the avengers party, he doesn’t take it very well
warnings: mention of the term ‘exhibitionism’, mention of harassment but no details
Touching his hair
G | the team find it strange that peter is actually able to touch tony’s hair
warnings: very, very implicit reference to something sexual if you squint
It’s just a tattoo:
Part one*
Part two*
part one: M | (au) when tatoo shop owner!tony refuses to let his boyfriend peter get a tattoo, the younger male can’t understand why.
warnings: light smut (not central to the story), daddy kink, slightly fem!peter, one mention of the word homophobia (not explicit homophobic behaviour), foul language
part two: E | (same au, connecting storyline) what happens when some interesting information finds its way into the hands of peter, who really didn’t think the love of his life had it in him to cheat.
warnings: explicit smut, daddy kink, slightly fem!peter, explicit mentions of depression and antidepressants, foul language, explicit cheating / having sexual contact with someone other than your partner
Rooftop Patrol:
Part one*
Part two*
Part three*
part one: E | who knew rooftop patrol could be so fun?
warnings: sexual content, some foul language
part two: E | a continuation of part one.
warnings: sexual content, slight feminisation of peter, emetephobia, some foul language
part three: E | a continuation of part one and two (can be read as a stand alone if you don’t mind some insignificant details being confusing!)
warnings: sexual content, some foul language
Bad boys get on their knees*
M | peter’s had enough of tony acting all high and mighty and brings him down a level or two
warnings: sexual themes, sub!tony & dom!peter, implied toxicity in a relationship
Stress relief*
E | after two months without sexual relief, tony is pent up and incredibly bitter. peter offers to help relieve a bit of that stress.
warnings: sexual content, rimming, implicit reference to erectile dysfunction, foul language, age gap relationship
Too good to be a bottom*
E | although peter and tony have been dating for a while, and their sex life is more than satisfactory, peter can’t help but wonder what it would be like for them to switch roles. His initial proposal was met with hesitance from his partner, but maybe tong would like it a bit more than he’d bargained.
warnings: sexual content, bottom!tony & top!peter, foul language
Bottom!Tony goes into sub space*
E | honestly, i can’t explain it any better than that
warnings: sexual content, bottom!tony (sub!tony) & top!peter (dom!peter), evident sub drop, and references to dom drop, a healthy dosage of aftercare,
“Use your words big boy”
G | touch-starved tony wants to be the little spoon tonight, but doesn’t quite know how to ask
warnings: none
Peter meets Rhodey
G | my take on how exactly rhodey meets tony’s new intern
warnings: none
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Their baby
E | (au) dealing with the death of their unborn baby, tony and peter struggle to come back to a sense of normality whilst also trying to keep themselves sane. please read the warnings for this one
warnings: angst! stillborn death (death of a baby), graphic description of self harm, major character suicide, not a happy ending
1, 2, 3, 4
T | there are four steps to being tony stark’s accessory
warnings: angst! one mention of sex
“Come on, let’s go on a drive”
G | when peter stresses about his exams, tony tries to help
warnings: one use of foul language, one comment with implict sexual connotations
-> Winter flu
G | when Peter gets sick, tony looks after him
warnings: emetophobia warning
My own introduction to bottom!tony*
E | literally just porn without plot with bottom!tony & top!peter
warnings: sexual content, evidently tony is still domnaint and peter submissive, foul language
A bad, bad man*
E | did someone ask for tony stark safe wording? no? well you’re getting it anyway
warnings: sexual content at the beginning, inc. quite rough and heavy sex scenes (not necessarily explicitly narrated, but I do say what is going on e.g. so he hit him), reference to choking kink, and clear dom drop (reference to sub drop but not narrated)
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STARKER | moodboards
DDLB camboy AU
Autumn lake house retreat
Young!Starker Camping during Fall
DDLB long distance au
Dressmaker!Peter x Single dad!Tony
Poet!Tony x Baker!Peter
Young!Starker Valentine’s Day
Autumn aesthetic
Domestic life
Coffee shop
Mermaid!Peter x Pirate!Tony
Painter!Peter x Photographer!Tony
| moodboards (+drabbles)
Londoner!Peter & New Yorker!Tony
collab with @mrstarksbaby
T | (au) moodboard + drabble
“it began a little game between them, they’d trade pictures. if peter sent a bus, tony would send a yellow cab”
warnings: sexual content towards the end (i rated it teen because it warns you before you get to it)
M | moodboard + drabble
basically what came to mind when I thought of sunflowers 🌻
warnings: sexual content towards the end
Student!Peter x Teacher!Tony
M | (au) moodboard + drabble
warnings: implied sexual content, foul language
-> Young!Tony Stark aesthetic
T | (au) moodboard + drabble
warnings: foul language
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Inside Peter’s phone
Inside Tony’s phone
Breaking News: Tony Stark cheating allegations
-> || Part two
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Skylar'sSongSeries | moodbards + drabbles based on songs
Skylar'sWinterSeries | all things winter and christmas themed
SFSummerBingo21 | collection of works following a bingo square with prompt fills
unfortunately i took a break and this was never continued, i finished one prompt which you can find below
Ignited passions* | Fill: Incest
E | (au) warnings: sexual content, brother/brother incest, underaged peter, foul language, come eating
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fondnesses · 3 years
roscoe’s notebook post
A while back I said I was going to write a post about the way I use notebooks for writing projects. This is the first of several posts about Writing Process I’ve been tossing around in my drafts for a little while as a result of conversations with friends, so bear with me.
I. Love. Notebooks. I genuinely would have to deeply overhaul my whole Process of writing anything on the longer side if I were to go paperless; I find physical paper pretty invaluable when I’m outlining, brainstorming, and researching, and I still probably write ¼-⅓ of all my actual content on paper first. (That proportion used to be a lot higher, but I’ve gotten better at being productive on a computer in recent years, which is great.) I’m a very visual person, so notebooks really help me visualize my ideas, story structure, etc. It’s very helpful to be able to use arrows and diagrams and physically strike things through, and the tactility is really soothing to me. If I show people my notebooks or talk about them, I often get a response like “this is so organized”, which is sort of true, but I have to stress that it’s “organization for a disorganized mind”; I can’t misplace ideas or notes if it all goes into the same physical object, vs. electronic notes, which are much more, like “Did I say that in a voice memo? PM it to myself on Discord? Leave it in a desktop sticky note? Write it directly into the Google Doc? Who knows! It’s lost to time!”. It’s very much an ADHD management strategy.
It helps that I’m a very neophyte stationery hobbyist and appreciate any excuse I have to use my pens, but I also will go off at any opportunity about how helpful I find them for writing projects, which is why I decided to just make a post about it. Right now I mostly use them for (fan and original) fiction projects, but I used a notebook for a very similar purpose when I was working on my undergrad thesis, and I have a slightly different but equally necessary-to-me approach to notebooks I use at work.
My typical structure for a notebook that’s devoted to one project only looks like this:
I always leave the first couple pages blank so I can go back and retroactively index bujo-style. I don’t always actually do the index, because sometimes I get too lazy, but I like having those blank pages there to give me the option. I also usually put epigraphs/inspo quotes on the first page.
After that, there’s often (but not always, I’ll talk about it) a couple pages at the start where I’m frantically jotting down loose brainstorming ideas before they've coagulated into a story structure. Just, like, vomiting into the void.
Stemming out of that, I usually write out about like 5-10 pages of outline-style notes in chronological order, laying out all the main story beats and charting out the story trajectory. This will inevitably get revised and rewritten many times, but I find the process of writing these wide-angle synopses really useful for dislodging ideas, making connections re: thematic threads, etc. from my brain.
I’ll devote a couple pages after that to specific things like "sex scene brainstorming", "random scene ideas/minor details that don't have a clear place in the outline right now but I'll turn to for inspo later" [this is what I refer to as “bits” in one of the later photos], "page where I just outline the Motifs And Themes", "research notes", "to-do list", "stuff to check on a second pass", "things to put in the a/n and AO3 tags", etc.--the specifics vary with the story.
Then, I skip ahead to approx. halfway through the notebook and cordon off the rest of the pages to be “free writing” space, AKA writing of actual content rather than planning, with the expectation there will be no internal organization and I’ll transcribe to laptop as I go. Writing on paper feels less binding than typing something on a computer; it’s like a little secret kept with myself, and it doesn’t need to go anywhere or be seen by anyone if I decide I don’t like it. Setting aside pages in the back half of the notebook means that, as more things come up re: planning, I can go back and add those in the rest of the pages that were intentionally left blank. This is how I avoid (for the most part) having the whole thing be a jumbled mess where there’s no separation between the notes and the actual story writing; I learned this the hard way via the first notebook I’ll show you in a second. I’ve recently gotten really into using Muji sticky note tabs to label any pages/sections of particular import that don't want to have to refer back to in the index and would rather just flip to instantly.
I do use notebooks that aren’t specific to any one project, but those are much less organized and less worth sharing.
Before I look at more recent stuff, here are some selections from my notebook for the project that got me into writing longfic, my Golden Kamuy canon divergence AU (with apologies for the bad photos, my phone’s camera is trash). I worked on this from Sept 2018-July 2019. It was a learning experience in a lot of ways, and notebook utilization was one of those. I’ve always used notebooks for keeping track of writing projects, as I said earlier, but before this it was largely without much organization or structure; just total chaos. Having a physical notebook became really important for this project because it was a sprawling multichapter story with rotating POVs and a lot of historical research. I also learned a lot about what not to do with a notebook, personally, or at least things that don’t work so well (for me). This was a college ruled spiral-bound Decomposition Book, for the record.
By the time I bought a notebook for it I already had a (very basic) plot outline in mind, so I wasn’t doing that very initial ground-zero brainstorming in here; I was copying out of my phone’s notes app, basically, and then going from there. 
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This is one of the first pages in this notebook; I wanted to visualize the relationship web between the four central characters in the story in terms of how they feel about one another. The two colours correspond to the POV characters (Sugimoto in orange, Ogata in pink), and I used this colour-coding throughout the notebook with highlighters, etc. to keep track of information that was more relevant to one character than the other. Tsurumi and Yuusaku aren’t POV characters, but they’re prominent in the story and their presence impacts the central relationship between Sugimoto and Ogata, and it was helpful to me to map out the emotional ecosystem, as it were.
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(There are coffee stains all over this, because I wrote the vast majority of the story in coffee shops because I didn’t want to be around my roommates, lol. This is part of why I never do fiction writing in notebooks that are too nice, I get neurotic about needing to keep them tidy. I can’t use ones that are too shit though, either, so it’s a bit of a narrow window. I’ll talk more about brands and paper quality etc. later.)
As you can see, this is the first page of many I set aside specifically for jotting down different pieces of historical information relevant to my story. It’s about fictional characters who are members of an army division that existed in real life, and both the canon and my fic involve a high level of attention to detail with regards to which divisions were present for which battles, etc., as well as general historical details specific to the Russo-Japanese War setting--what did people eat in the trenches? What did they do to fill time? How did they get through the winter? What did third party observers have to say about the conditions? What were the specs of their weaponry (particularly important because one of the POV characters is a sniper and gun nut)? I did a lot of reading (and watching of antique gun collector Youtube videos... the things I do for love, eh), and it came in handy so many times, because it turns out it’s much easier to write trench warfare slice of life if you have factual details to pull from when you don’t know what to do with a scene! Imagine that!
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This is the first of three “grid outlines” I made; this is a way I sometimes like to visualize a story outline all on one page, with the columns representing chapters and the squares within the columns representing sections/scenes within the chapters. As you can see, early on I was hoping to get this done in five or even FOUR chapters (whatmakesyouhaha.mp3), with POV switches happening internally within the chapters. This proved to be unwieldy for many reasons, so I revised the outline:
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Here I’d come to terms with the fact this story was going to have a lot more chapters than I’d planned, and I rearranged things so that it would happen in ten, with each chapter belonging to only one POV character. This also needed revising later, and in the end the story looked a bit more like this (though it did in fact end up being twelve chapters, but only because Chapter Ten was like, 12k, and needed to be split in two chunks):
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I must have remembered to bring my fineliners to the coffee shop this time, lol, because as you can see it’s properly colour-coded this time. This outline was made when I was already four posted chapters into the fic, which hopefully gives you a sense of the way in which I am sort of a planner and a pantser; I can’t get into a longer project without an outline, but the outline inevitably changes many times throughout writing and I often end up with a finished product that looks pretty different from what I was intending. My creative M.O. as always is Do The Maximum! Amount! Of! Work! Possible!
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This is what a “free writing” page looks like, for me. In this notebook I didn’t set aside any specific spaces for free writing so it’s strewn throughout the notebook in a really disorganized way and I was constantly flipping through looking for bits I’d written and forgotten to transcribe, and I decided to be more organized in future as a result of that. If something’s crossed through, that means I transcribed it. As you can see, they’re often small sections, sometimes just a coupled decontextualized sentences. About 3/4 of what I write in a notebook makes it into the story, I’d say; some of it never goes anywhere, and that’s OK. I have less of an issue killing my darlings if they never make it off the paper page.
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A very brief, top-down chapter outline, where the goal was not to get too bogged down in details and just to visualize the beats and pin down what they’re trying to accomplish. Chapters for this fic typically ran about 6k, and five or six scenes per chapter was pretty common, so the average scene length was about 1-1.25k words/scene. IDK why I called it storyboarding when I didn’t make drawings. (Margin numbers are to keep track of word count, since I was using a daily word count tracker while writing this.)
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This page was, as titled, for keeping track of the various balls in the air when I was about 2/3-3/4 of the way through the story and really feeling the pressure with regards to tying up the various loose ends. This was... a struggle. I hadn’t ever written anything longish (this fic ended up just under 70k) that had an action plot before, let alone a canon divergence scenario where I had to engage with and explain away various canon plot elements so I could maintain the audience’s suspension of disbelief.
Now, I mentioned earlier that I learned various “things not to do” with my notebooks while working on that project. One of those lessons I learned is to be more realistic when assessing how big a project is likely to get, not least because I RAN OUT OF PAGES around the chapter 9-10 mark. In my defense though, that’s because I’d never written anything even half this long! But I know better now, and try not to be in denial. Finishing the notebook early was a way bigger problem than I’d anticipated, and was part of the reason the last few chapters took several grueling months to finish. The issue was that I needed to be able to use a notebook to maintain my workflow--attempting to do it only on a computer was dismal--but it seemed silly to start a notebook of a similar size to the one I’d finished (80pg, approximately B5 dimensions) when there was no way it would need that much space, especially since the reference pages, like the historical notes, didn’t need to be transcribed over. I was also pretty broke at the time and didn’t want to spend money unnecessarily, lol. I tried to get by using a Moleskine Cahier for a month or so because I had one lying around, but it was horrid; it was too small to be used comfortably, it wasn’t spiral-bound so it wouldn’t lay flat, the ghosting is terrible and I hate the way Moleskine paper feels, etc. Eventually I caved and went to Muji and bought a 30ish page A5 with closer to lay-flat binding, and I finished the story in there. I would take a comparative pic for you of the relative notebook sizes and include some of the scene staging diagrams, etc. I put in there, but I can’t find it :(
So I learned that specs really do matter, and it’s okay to be picky if the pickiness is going to make the difference between actually using a notebook or not. Things that are important to me in my notebooks:
Ruling (gotta have ruling, I can suffer through grid but blank or dot is a no-go)
Size (I can’t use anything smaller than at least a medium-large notebook, I find it claustrophobic and get miserly about page space)
Binding (twin ring is my preference because it looks and feels better than a classic spiral but has the same comfort of use with regards to bending the pages back to suit workspace size and laying flat with ease)
Paper quality and colour (I don’t like anything too slippery/smooth or with too much visible ghosting, and I strongly prefer an off-white paper to bleached paper--part of why I don’t use Decomposition Books anymore, the paper is scratchy and it’s too damn bleached!)
Pagecount relative to size of project
Portability (in non-COVID times; anything bigger than a B5 wouldn’t fit in the satchel I used to bring to work at my old job), etc.
But everyone’s taste is different in this respect, and the only way to figure out what works for you is through trial and error, I’m afraid. I also suspect I’m more neurotic and particular about the sensory experience of using a notebook than most people are, but I yam what I yam.
Now to talk about the notebooks for my current projects, where I’ve refined my approach somewhat. I’ve included less photos for these because they’re ongoing WIPs I don’t want to spoil completely, but I’ve tried to include some outline-type stuff to give you an idea.
My big bang fic is in the very ugly twin ring notebook on the right; I got it at a dollar store by my house because I needed something to work in and didn’t want to wait for an online order, but it’s been very serviceable for my needs. The paper isn’t even bad. The bigger notebook (B5) is my Sangcheng fic.
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I wanted something with a lot of pages for this, because I knew it was going to be a long story, and for some reason the fact it’s smaller than my usual preference doesn’t bug me (I think it’s an A5?); it just fits this story, somehow. I’m not sure exactly how many sheets are in here but I’d guess about 150.
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Because this notebook has upwards of 100 sheets, I made a lot of use of sticky-note tabs to label high-priority pages. The colour coding of these doesn’t mean anything, it was just whichever ones I had at hand at any given moment. These are those tabs from Muji I mentioned, I’m really obsessed with them--the shape makes them so much less obtrusive and more practical than conventional squares/rectangles OR flag shapes, IME.
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My big bang story is nonlinear, so, similarly to what I did with colour coding for the two POVs for my GK fic, this story has two main colours corresponding to whether a given section takes place in the “before” or the “after” portions of the timeline, with blue as “after”, yellow as “before”. This is what the most current version of the outline looks like in there:
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If you squint, you can see the alphanumeric notes in the top right of each section entry; I gave them each a code like “A3″ or “B5″ corresponding to their position in the story sequence (so, it goes A1, B1, A2, B2, etc., through to B9 and then the epilogue). [Unintentional that this schema overlaps with notebook size labeling and so is kind of confusing in the context of this post.] At first I was just keeping track of the sections via the highlighted titles, but it got confusing because I’d write down “Wedding” or “Yiling” in my notes and then refer to the notes later like “but there are multiple marriages?? and multiple scenes in Yiling??”. Stuff gets struck through with a straight line if it’s been written in a more-or-less complete form and crossed out with a squiggly line if it’s been cut from the outline or made redundant.
As I said earlier, I started out all the initial brainstorming for my Sangcheng fic in its notebook, instead of brainstorming it in someone’s DMs/my notes app/a voice memo/etc. and then transcribing it into the notebook in a somewhat more organized fashion, which is how my stories usually start out. Because of this, the first five-ish pages are basically just stream of consciousness rambling where I was trying to jot down every disconnected thought I had about the story concept. I don’t have photos for that because it’s too spoilerific for later developments in the fic, but I can show you some of the stages the outlines went through, once I was able to corral those initial notes into a story structure:
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All the chapters in this fic have their own highlighter colour, so when I started trying to make sense of my initial brainstorm notes I just went through and highlighted stuff in the colour of the chapter it would make the most sense for, and then transcribed things more-or-less in chronological order into the relevant chapter outline. I later ended up rewriting all the chapter outlines AGAIN to refine them and divide them internally by the individual scenes, which makes them a lot more legible and less wall-of-text-y. They look like this now, with about four sheets per chapter:
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Because this fic is on the longer side, I have some pages that are just for keeping track of other story elements, like this, where I refer back to whatever the fuck the “themes” are supposed to be whenever I forget what this fic is about:
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It’s all about the visionboarding... Anyway, that’s most of what I have to offer, since most of these two notebooks is Forbidden Content.
With regards to brands/supplies, I really like this Kokuyo Campus Wide notebook that I’m writing Sangcheng in, it’s pretty perfect for me. I also like the B5 Muji twin rings, but those only come in 30 sheets, so I wouldn’t use it for anything above a ~20k project. The B5 Maruman Spiral Note 6.5mm ruled/80 sheet is another good one, though I wish it was twin ring instead of spiral. As you can tell, I like Japanese stationery brands because it’s easier to find decent paper quality and minimalist design without shelling out $$ than it is with American/European brands, at least IME. I like Rollbahns too. But honestly, I can usually find pretty serviceable random notebooks that aren’t brand-name from Asian dollar stores; it’s really not something where you need to shell out tons of money.
28 notes · View notes
dream-girls-evil · 4 years
Oh boy someone finally took pity and is gonna let me talk about The Lovers XD
This project got...SO much bigger than intended. It started as a funny crack idea I sent to another CAOS blog about Lilith freaking out about Adam and asking Zelda to be her fake girlfriend. And then I actually started thinking about it, and it has now turned into a four-part series. And it’s going to be angsty. Crack and angst, that’s my brand.
The titles for the series, The Lovers, is a reference to the tarot card. It represents a choice to be made in one’s romantic life, one that often has serious consequences and might be irreversible. It’s going to come into play on both a literal and metaphorical level. We never saw Zelda’s third card in the Tarot episode, and with what I’m setting up, The Lovers will be fitting. But it’s also just a theme of this series--Zelda and Lilith both wanting to choose each other and not always being able to, and the consequences there are for their choices.
The titles for each part of the story, after several re-labelings, come from the song Deep End by Birdy. They are 1) Can we just pretend? 2) I wish they’d told me, 3) How do we mend? and 4) If you mean everything. The titles as well as the general vibe of the song itself should give you a really good idea of the tone and content of this fic. There’s a lot of longing and love but also regret. I actually first heard this song on a Zelith video (here), and while my story is very different than the one the video portrays, it’s themes and hopeful ending are really what inspired me to use the lyrics. I also love this song because it’s not strictly and obviously about romantic love, and neither is this fic. It’s going to be a very slow burn to their eventual relationship, because it’s really important to me that they truly bond as friends and get to know each other as people first. Right now, they each need a friend and confidante much more than a romance, and part of what I think gives them so much potential as a couple is how similar and well-suited to each other they are on those basic levels first and foremost.
Everything else below the cut!
Can we just pretend?
Oh, so much to say about this fic. I love fake dating fics, it’s just a hilarious trope with so much potential for awkward and absurd situations. Plus, I know there are several in this fandom, but they’re all AUs, and I think one of the fun parts of setting one in the CAOS universe is that Lilith and Zelda are trying to fool each other just as much as everyone else. Their motives are really layered and at odds, which is great to watch since they are both so good at acting and manipulating, so in the course of trying to play each other they find that they’ve kind of met their match and enjoy the challenge. 
For Zelda, on the surface (and what she tells Lilith), her central motivation for everything is still trying to gain power within the church, and with Blackwood still being her best route to do that, she wants to use this fake relationship to make him jealous. Really, it’s just adding another layer to the pressure she puts on him to make their relationship legitimate. But also, she has reason to want to keep him away for the moment: Leticia. Then, finally, of course, she just wants to stay close to Lilith because she’s suspicious and hopes that if they spend time together, she’ll be able to monitor and limit Lilith’s interactions with Sabrina, plus improve her chances of catching the woman in a lie. 
This part of the series takes place starting with the events of A Midwinter’s Tale and ending a little after The Epiphany, and you’re all in for a wild ride. There’s lots of shenanigans, but also a lot of softness and angst--and that’s where the layered meaning of the title comes in. It is obviously humorous because this is the question Lilith asks Zelda in the beginning--”please pretend to be my girlfriend and help me out”--but as things go on and the two of them start to actually bond, it takes on another context. A fake relationship needs a fake break up, and they both know that once that happens, things are really going to change. Zelda will pursue Blackwood, and Lilith will continue doing whatever the Dark Lord asks her to do with Sabrina. There’s not really going to be room in their lives for this real friendship that’s formed, but they want to pretend they’ll make it work. Whoops, started with crack then gut-punched you with feelings. 
Anyway, there will be bed sharing, Hilda completely misinterpreting things, a whole side plot with Vinegar Tom, awkward dinner dates, temperamental telekinesis, and hide and seek in the mortuary! Yaaay!
I wish they’d told me
So, this part is sad? Sorry. After their fake break up, they are both moving in different directions and really trying to pretend they don’t miss each other as much as they do. And while they are trying to hang on to their friendship, they choose their own plans over each other a lot. This also takes place over the remaining episodes from part 2, so there’s a lot of heavy content in general, and honestly, not much is going to change just because Zelda and Lilith are on better terms.
The thing with this section is that there will be a lot of added context to certain scenes. Blackwood’s passion play will be a direct dig at Lilith, and knowing Zelda was involved with it will make it hurt all the more. Lucifer giving Blackwood His blessing to marry Zelda will be to minimize her influence on Lilith as much as Sabrina. Lilith’s tricks with the tarot cards and her glamour of Edward will be to try and help Zelda as much as for her own ends. 
The only really big thing that changes is that without Adam and his offer of taking Lilith to Tibet, the awful dinner scene will be replaced with Lucifer taunting Lilith about what Zelda is going through, since it lines up with the honeymoon. But don’t expect Lilith to save her, unfortunately, because she’s terrified of what Lucifer would do to both of them if he found out she interfered. Plus, she is conscious that it would bring up a lot of questions if she did, like how she knew Zelda was in trouble, and she’s afraid of that, too. Which brings us to the end of part 2 where, obviously, everyone finds out who Lilith really is, and it’s much worse because they all genuinely care about her and trusted her.
On the bright side though, we will see Lilith’s relationship with Sabrina, and the Fright Club and Spellman family by extension, improve, and how that affects them both. It’s going to get very awkward for her at times listening to Sabrina and Hilda treat her like Zelda’s ex and lament their break up, but they’ll also show her a lot more care and consideration and go to her for help more, which is a very odd experience for Lilith.
How do we mend?
Part 3! Kudos to everyone who’s actually read this far, because I know it’s literally a fucking essay. Anyway, as should be obvious from the title, this largely deals with Zelda and Lilith trying to figure out their feelings for each other in the aftermath of Lucifer’s imprisonment. On the one hand, Lilith’s betrayal is a lot more personal for Zelda. On the other hand, because she knows Lilith a lot better, she realizes a lot more of the truth about Lilith’s relationship to Lucifer and exactly what she went through. So Zelda is dealing with a lot of guilt and confusion about what was real and what could have been done differently and how she actually feels about Lilith after it all. So, again, we have a lot of added context to some of her actions, like deciding to have the coven pray to Lilith.
Meanwhile, Lilith is just lonely. She’s got her crown, but she’s also lost the first people who ever really respected and cared for her, even if they didn’t really know her. She wants to talk to Zelda and explain but doesn’t feel it’s her place. Bring on the yearning. Eventually they will be brought back together though, and that’s the start of this series really diverging from canon, because Lilith’s relationships to everybody is going to change how they handle a lot of events. Plus, I just really want to do a better job with Mary’s plotline and the pagans’ portrayal than canon.
They’ve got a lot to work through and work out, and will finally have to really confront and examine their feelings for each other, especially with some of the very emotional things they go through. They’re very protective of each other, and I love it. Another interesting thing will be when Marie comes on the scene and shows interest in Zelda. I haven’t quite decided how I’m going to play that dynamic yet, but I do know that it’s not going to be one of jealousy or competition. I’m not into that. They’re all mature adults perfectly capable of respecting each other’s boundaries and choices.
If you mean everything
Finally! Part 4 is the least planned out, since it’s so far in the future and so reliant on how the pacing of part 3 works out, which I don’t know yet, and also whatever I take from part 4 of the show, which I don’t know yet. But I do really want the main focus to be on Lilith and Zelda working through their respective traumas in the context of their relationship. They’ve both been through a lot, and they need to learn how to talk about it with each other. And I think that they’ll still be having some trouble coming to terms with the intensity of their feelings, because love isn’t something that’s been abundant in either of their lives really, and it has a way of changing your priorities even if you didn’t plan on it. I do think this part will probably end up being shorter and more like an epilogue. I’m definitely not going with the pregnancy storyline, so Lucifer/Blackwood will probably end up captured at the end of part 3 unless I can think of another way to have them escape or separate them.
WOW this was literally so much, let me know if you made it through! XD
I hope it was somewhat interesting. I didn’t even try not to give any spoilers because I’m me and overshare. But I hope it got everyone excited for this story and inspired to keep bugging me about writing it, because I need it.
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girlbookwrm · 6 years
i DO recommend these fics, but this ISN’T actually a rec list
a while ago i did a meta about Bucky Barnes and the Winter Soldier and Hydra and the headcanons I put in The Terror of Knowing, and I mentioned that I wanted to compile a long-ass list of fics that inspired The Hundred Year Playlist and ppl (hi @conlatio and @marveluc) asked about it SO HERE, AT LONG FUCKING LAST, IT IS.
Fanfiction, like every other art form that has ever existed in the history of ever, is all about synthesis: combining pre-existing elements to make something new. It’s the making something new thing that’s exciting. (If you’re not making something new with your found material, that’s called plaigiarism and it’s distinctly uncool.)
When I was in college and grad school, if we used material from other scholars to make a new idea, we made sure to include a bibliography. 
Now this is fic, so like. Everyone knows that we’re using found material. We put the fandom in the tags and everything. But there’s a lot of unseen inspiration, because it’s harder to tag all the fics and metas you read that gave you ideas and inspiration along the way.
I’m... making an attempt.
These are some, SOME of the fics that inspired the headcanons and characterizations and whatnot that then got incorporated into THYP. I’ve been reading MCU fic since 2014 (possibly earlier) and I didn’t even start thinking about THYP until 2017, so there’s probably a lot of stuff that went into my subconscious that I’ve forgotten about. I’m @ing the authors and sources when I know them, but if any of yall want me to like, un-@you (is that a thing??) or if any of you know of authors who have tumblrs that I DIDN’T @ but should have, pls let me knoooowwww
A (Probably Incomplete, but at least Attempted) Fanfic Bibliography for The Hundred Year Playlist
by Seriously I Don’t Have More Important Things To Do? Astonishing.
PLEASE HEED THE WARNINGS IN THE FICS THEMSELVES. THYP may be rated T for Teen (and even that I debate about tbh, given all the swears and violence) but most of these fics are very emphatically not.  some of them will probably squick you out, some of them might be triggering, so take care of yourselves.
I’ve divided the list into sections by the story they inspired, but all of these stories inspired all the parts of THYP, this is a very very very rough categorization. Think of it as my fanfic n headcanon spice rack. some stories are going to have more or less of one spice or another.
Dreamers With Empty Hands
All the Angels and the Saints by @cesperanza
"You're a brutal person, you know that? You're always rummaging through my guts with your bare hands!" and then Bucky turned away, his long, muscled back curving as he sat on the edge of the bed, hunched and struggling for breath. Steve wanted to draw him, and he also wanted to blot the image from his memory: this picture of Bucky in despair.
Speranza’s Socialist Steve is deeply flawed in a way that people don’t usually write him and i love it so much??? He’s angry, and egotistical, and righteous in a way that’s hard on the people around him and I was like YESGOOD MORE PLS. It’s also a masterful example of how to write a story that’s ostensibly Steve-POV but still manages to make Bucky not only a main player, but a driving force. It’s about Steve, on the surface, sure. But it’s also about Bucky, because Steve is about Bucky and I just *clenches fist* love it.
This fic. THIS FIC. Hngh. Okay so this fic is good on so many levels, but for THYP, the takeaway was me very gently lifting the Bucky-Steve-Barnes Family dynamic and then adding more swears to get to my take on the Bucky-Steve-Barnes Family Dynamic. Namely: 
“Steve was a bit of a Barnes, too, wasn’t he,” she says.
“He was ours,” says Rebecca, shrugging. “We were his.”
i crie???
More Man Than You
“You’re very pretty,” she said, and Steve tensed up.
“I’m not a fairy.”
“No, you’re not, are you?”
this fic has a study guide. and that’s literally all I feel I need to say about it. It’s an exploration of queer culture and masculinity in the 30s and 40s, thinly veiled as stucky fanfiction. (It’s also pretty brutal so I’ll reiterate that you need to heed the goddamn warnings)
Also, lest yall think I came up with Billy Thompson in a vacuum, I didn’t. In this fic, there’s a violent mob runner called Duke, and Steve comes up with a plan to take him down, and Bucky makes sure that there’s a Different plan that Steve doesn’t know about.  It’s all executed a little differently in this fic, but the idea lodged in my brain and got reused in THYP, and kind of became a central theme.
Good Morning Heartache, What’s New?
The Night War by @praximeter
IF YOU HAVEN’T READ THIS WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE. This is... honestly, just one of the finest pieces of fiction i just 
I don’t know that I can point to any specific part of this fic and say “this gave me that idea” it was more the... the feel of it. The way the Normandy invasion is written and the way the trauma is handled and the way Steve is just slightly to the left of being a real soldier and especially this:
He asked me with a smile on his face what goes through my mind when I line up my shot—God and country? Pearl Harbor? Uncle Sam? —and I stared at him struck dumb from the question so long that I think he thought I was just plain stupid. The fact is that it is none of those things—not even close. It is sick, numb fear and careful, barely breathing so that I don’t miss. I must never miss. And then when I shoot, an awful thought curls up from my trigger finger to my heart “how many mothers must be praying I will miss?”
The Thirteen Letters
oh you didn’t really think that Not Easily Conquered wasn’t going to be on this list, didja? OF COURSE IT’S ON THE LIST. But possibly not for the reason you might think. That fic is legen-fucking-dary of course, and the scene where Steve gets stabbed was obviously very inspirational for that bit in GMHWN where Steve gets shot in the thigh, but the scene that really got teeth into my brain and Would Not Let Go was the one where the Howlies meet the Winged Victory of Samothrace and 
Bucky knows the truth now. It is a deep and insurmountable truth. She has no face. Like the operative whose head he beat in, like the boy who he killed one month into active duty, even like Bucky himself, Nike is faceless. Bucky feels unprepared, or like he should have brought an offering.
Beside him Steve quakes before the oldest and the only god.
look my fixation with statues didn’t come from nowhere is what i’m saying ok
Sincerely, Your Pal
This fic haunts me because i hate the ending. not because it’s not good (It IS good) or because it’s not the right ending for the story (it IS the right ending for the story) but just because i  h a t e  i t. I just like happy endings is all, and resolutions, and this fic is why THYP will have a happy ending.
But also, I really liked the way this fic dealt with Bucky in Basic and lines like this really caught in my brain:
And of course I want to kill some Nazis I guess but not because they’re people. Not because I actually want people to die because I don’t.
And that sentiment definitely fed into how I write Bucky especially.
The Terror of Knowing
there must have been a moment by @redstarwhitestar (magdaliny’s marvel sideblog)
Listen, I’ve been trying to make sure that there’s a good spread of writers on this list but magdaliny is the exception. Magdaliny is the exception for a lot of things and there must have been a moment when we could have said no is always the first fic I think of when I think of a fic about Bucky’s time as the Soldier. Which is ironic, because it’s very much about his time after that, but that first chapter made uhhhhhhhhhhh an impression.
The fractured nature of the narrative, the way that the reader can piece together a coherent timeline but the main character can’t... that was very influential on TTOK. example:
“Kill him,” the officer says.
The subject says: “Why?”
“Kill him,” the officer says.
The subject makes a mess.
“Kill him cleanly,” the officer says. “Good! Good lad.”
I’ll build a house inside of you
Another magdaliny G I F T, an AU where Nat is much younger and Bucky is her dad, and if you think that didn’t affect the way I write Bucky and Nat’s relationship in THYP, then you are dreaming. 
Past the praises of the handlers, above the hot wet smell of cordite and blood, Natalia can hear crashing and shouting down the hall.
“—goddamn animals, they're little girls, they're just kids, you fucking—”
Her father screams in English, in Mandarin, in Russian, and then he just screams.
I know that’s a super sad excerpt but listen and hear me when I say this fic is actually really good and wholesome and it’s got A+++ OCs and All The Widows and it’s just really good ok
Bucky is hard AF to write and very few people write him half so well as magdaliny but one of those people is emilyenrose and this fic is M A S T E R F U L. Bittersweet and achingly perfect. It contains this beautiful moment that really stuck with me, where Steve is comparing the post WS “James” to the Pre War “Bucky” and realizes... 
He truly hadn't known James all that well. James hadn't let him. Hadn't wanted him to. Hadn't wanted anyone near him, ever—
—the way Bucky went, when he was miserable, when he was angry...
and that, to me, was kind of key when I went on to write the Soldier, because the Soldier IS Bucky, even when he isn’t.
Fool For Sacrifice
Dona Nobis Pacem
THIS GODDAMN FIC came to me outta FUCKING NOWHERE, I’d already written the first draft for FFS, I’d already started posting it, for crying out loud. And then all of a sudden I stumble upon THIS and i just
It’s already fading, just hours after the skirmish.  And the wounds Sam stitched will heal without a mark.  And the welts on Steve’s chest will disappear.  Like all of it never happened. 
Fuck the serum. He keeps thinking it, saying it.  Maybe if there were some goddamn scars, it’d be easier to process the damage.
This fic is heavy af, it’s like the 65k word version of That Chapter in FFS Where Steve Hits Rock Bottom. This was the fic I read when I was ramping myself up to tackle That Moment
three white horses
This is the other fic I read to ramp up for That Scene, and I think that probably shows in the way I wrote it. It is also is a Strong Contender for the title of Heavyweight Fic That Convinced Me Buck Is Jewish. Honestly I cannot praise this fic enough.
I think the thing that stuck hardest about the Steve in three white horses is the way he feels ghostly himself, like he’s only drifting through the present, and somehow most of his living happens in the past. It’s very beautifully done, and very subtly done, and it’s my go to fic if I am in Dire Need of a Good Clean Crie.
It’s getting an extra long excerpt because This Is My List And Neither God Nor Man Can Stop Me.
Steve's fingers touch metal when he reaches into the second-to-last box, and he feels the blood drain out of his face even before he's looked down. He knows the feel of it too well. He'd know it blind, a hundred years from now. It's Bucky's not-a-medal.
It'd been Bucky's grandfather's, or maybe his great-grandfather's, made of the kind of sterling silver that tarnishes if you look at it funny, so Bucky had always been polishing it; he'd traded cigarettes to the mess staff for baking soda and vinegar, during the war, but the thing was still soot-black half the time, like it is now. It'd been a fool's errand, wearing a thing like that in Axis territory, but Bucky'd worn it on his chain like the rest of the guys wore their Christophers and Michaels, and HYDRA'd ignored it. It was a subtle thing, though: nothing like wearing a Magen David, or the implacable H on Bucky's tags, just a thin slice of metal with a stylized branch and an oblique squiggle Steve only knows is the Hebrew word for life because Bucky told him so.
Bucky'd had a curious mix of reverence and irreverence about it, the same mixture that seemed to colour the whole of his religious life. He'd teased Steve sometimes, saying, “No, wait, you gotta kiss it before you enter the building, you schmuck, what are you, some kinda heathen?” with his legs around Steve's waist. Bucky hadn't complained when Steve had carried on with an inch of silver between his teeth, but Steve had offhandedly called it Bucky's good luck charm once, and Bucky'd blown up; it's not a superstition, he said, it's not a fucking amulet. He'd apologized later, and he'd explained, and said it was a touchy subject, just ingrained. Jews weren't supposed to believe in luck. Bucky'd thought maybe it was the opposite: maybe luck didn't believe in Jews.
Sparked Up Like a Book of Matches
This one could probably also fall into the list of fics that inspired DWEH, in part because of This, which stuck with me Hard and heavily influenced the opening:
“...You ever have scarlet fever?"
Sam shakes his head.
"It starts in your throat, like an itch, and as your fever starts to climb, your tongue swells up and turns white and that's when they know, really, even before the rash, that it's scarlet fever. You can't swallow, it hurts so much. You're freezing and your joints ache and your fever keeps spiking and you start to hallucinate. I, uh, I thought things were crawling on me and there were voices that I didn't recognize whispering things that didn't make any sense. My mom had to fight me just to get me to drink broth, but I threw it up most of the time, anyway. Then I got pneumonia from being so worn down from the scarlet fever and I was so lucky, Sam. Nobody seems to understand how I lucky I was to make it through. Talking to people today, to make them understand I'd have to tell them I survived bird flu only to fall sick with Ebola."
listen. For reasons I can’t fully explain, I really wanted to read that happening so i wrote it, and this is what being a writer is All About.
Actually, on a second thought, I might be able to explain it: it’s because an experience like that is Capital F Formative, and I really wanted to explore how there’s a tiny sick kid rattling around inside Captain Beefcake’s souped up bod.
(And an additional shoutout to Steve Rogers’ American Captain, a webcomic that now exists only in the Wayback Machine, but which was L O V E L Y and I sincerely hope that the artist knows that)
No Hope for the Weary
This fic? is so fluffy?? Like literally so fluffy. But this fic (and, obviously, Infinite Coffee) were very much behind the inclusion of the God Damn Starbucks, and also the source of a lot of my headcanons about Barnes & Rogers: Secret Millennials. For Example: Bucky’s Notes on How To Be A Millennial:
- Lots of coffee. Travel mugs or paper cups from Starbucks place. Often looks guilty for drinking, obv derive pleasure from doing so. Unknown as to why. Investigate further? Why is there one every two blocks if no one wants it there? 
Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail
This is another fandom classic that needs very little introduction. A+ characterization, A+ OCs, Utterly Charming from start to finish, and the originator of a very distinct way of talking that got very strongly coded in my brain as Winter Soldier Bucky.
He passes within 4 m of Barnes on his way back to his building. The mission imperative achieves a Doppler effect.
If They Haven’t Learned Your Name by @silentwalrus1
If I had to point to one (1) fic and say “Blame This Fic for THYP” it would be this one: the Fic that my roommate and The Gal Pal know as “The One With the USS Motherfucker.” This might seem like an odd statement, because if you’ve read them both, I don’t think you’d necessarily put them in the same class. silentwalrus is a genius of hilarity and THYP is a big pile of The Sads. ITHLYN is delightfully unassuming and I’m sometimes embarrassed by how pretentious THYP ended up being. 
I would technically put this under the list of fics that heavily influenced NHFTW on account of the way it portrays Bucky going by gradual degrees from murderbot to mostly human person, but listen I could never write Cryptid!Bucky the way Silentwalrus has. It’s magnificent. And TBH the level of Intensity in ITHLYN’s Steve has is something I aspire to, and the Sam Characterization is On Point, and both those things influenced FFS, 112%. Nat’s Chaotic Slav Energy in this fic is OFF THE GODDAMN CHARTS and I LOVE IT. Every single side character, down to the spaceship is given the kind of care, attention, and characterization that just... it cannot be beat, my dudes.
16/10 highest recommendation. I could not possibly pick a single paragraph from this behemoth but uhhhhh
Two minutes in there’s a grunt and a slippery, gritty noise somewhere to her left, and then the Soldier barrels past at breakneck speed, vanishing down another tunnel. A second later Steve careens around the corner, bounces off the opposite wall and crashes away after him, so fast he’s nearly a blur. Natasha’s brain, entirely of its own accord, provides her with the utterly unhelpful accompaniment of a Yakety Sax soundtrack.
that’s it. that’s the fic.
Also, this fic is Stoutly To Blame for the playlist aspect of the hundred year playlist? Silentwalrus really got me good with Grounds for Divorce by Elbow, one of my all time favorite songs, which was then paired with one of my all time favorite chapters. By the time Caravan Palace’s Lone Digger made an appearance, I was sunk. This fic introduced me to Lyube, and gave me a new appreciation(?) for dubstep. So many of the songs ITHLYN used ended up in my Very Long Stucky Playlist, though I think the only one that then went on to become part of the Hundred Year Playlist: Upside Down and Inside Out by OK GO.
And Finally, the Coup De What The Fuck Ever:
Ain’t No Grave by @spitandvinegar
yet another fandom classic... I wasn’t sure where to put this fic, but I couldn’t NOT include it in the list. Spitandvinegar’s Steve is charming and so? Sweet? and the ANG Bucky is a delightful foulmouthed mess of a person, and the Sam/Claire pairing is something I DIDN’T KNOW I NEEDED, BUT I VERY MUCH NEEDED IT and I don’t know that I can point to a single thing and be like: Ah Yes, This Bit, but this is definitely one of my faves:
Imagine you live in this country, right? And there's a brutal war, and you witness and maybe participate in a horrific amount of violence, and you lose absolutely everyone you care about. Then you end up in this other country, where the culture and ways of doing things are completely foreign to you, and random assholes make fun of you for how you dress and act and talk while you're still coming to grips with the fact that everyone you love is gone and you can never go home again. Meanwhile, everyone around you is like "smile, motherfucker, you're in the Land of Plenty now, where there's a Starbucks on every corner and 500 channels on TV. You should be grateful! Why aren't you acting more grateful?" So you have to pretend to be grateful while you're dying inside. Sound like an traumatized, orphaned refugee? Also sounds like Steve fucking Rogers, Captain Goddamn America. Except that most refugees were part of a community of other people who were going through the same thing. Steve is all alone, the last damn unicorn, if the last unicorn had horrible screaming nightmares about the time when it helped to liberate Buchenwald.
Usually this explanation yields a "huh." People don't want Sad Refugee Steve: they want Captain America, Indestructible Defender of Freedom. But that doesn't mean that Sam isn't right, because he is right, goddamnit. So yeah, Sam's a little protective of Steve. And if the last unicorn finds out that its best damn unicorn friend in the whole world is actually alive, then damn straight, Sam's heading out with a tranq gun and bringing that damn unicorn in and starting a goddamn unicorn wildlife refuge in his backyard. Or something like that: at a certain point the metaphor kind of gets away from him.
Til The End of the Timeline
I’ve recced this so many times you’ve probably all gotten sick of hearing about it, but it’s an invaluable goddamn resource and you should all check it out. 
A Shit Ton of Metas and Blogs, some of which are tagged with THYP Research but especially @steve-rogers-new-york and @hansbekhart‘s How To Brooklyn and @historicallyaccuratesteve
and last but certainly not least
If you’re looking for a common thread through all the above recs, it’s that almost all of them have podfics, and the vast majority of those podfics are by Quietnight. I am, and always have been, an audio learner. I read my writing aloud when I’m editing, I listen to audiobooks when I’m commuting, and when I’m cleaning, and when I’m playing computer games, because I like stories, and I especially like listening to stories. Quietnight’s podfics are Of The Highest Quality, and her taste in fic is Impeccable.
hooooly shit this post is long wow okay. I can’t promise I won’t add more to this later, but I’m leaving it for now because goddamn. it’s as complete as I can make it at this time. I’ve added a “THYP Fanfic Bibliography” tag in my bookmarks, and incidentally I really need to make sure I’ve gone through and kudosed all of these because goddamn.
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thedefinitionofbts · 7 years
A Thousand Centuries
Pairings: Kim Seokjin x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Soulmate Au
Words: 5k
Description: A Seokjin soulmate au requested by  @marsmellowl85
A/N: My first Jin fic!!!! Mars, thank you for always supporting my writing so enthusiastically. I hope you like this one!
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 Have you ever wondered if you were unknowingly looking for someone?
You were told as a kid that your perfect partner is out there somewhere. That one day they’ll come and take you away like a Disney prince or the male lead of every romantic movie, and that they would always love you for who you are, unconditionally. But as you grew older, you realized that the world is not that perfect dream-like fantasy and fairytales are just therapeutic stories, no more, no less. And that the existence of a soulmate, that thing that you’ve heard about since you were young and the idea that people continue to take delight in fantasizing over, is nothing but a simplistic adolescent dream.
You didn’t think it would be something you’d ever believe in, and certainly not after you grew out of daydreaming about fictional stories and imaginary scenarios. After all, it was just an idealistic concept, something that isn’t meant to be seriously considered because it went against all logic.
But then you met him.
A man as beautiful as the flowers that bloom in the middle of spring, their colors scattered throughout endless fields and vibrant meadows, telling centuries worth of emotions and memories that are as visceral as the ones located in that inexplicable place within yourself.  
   “Do you want to be partners?”
You lift your head to the source of the voice, eyes slowly tracing along the silhouette of the person standing next to you. He awaits patiently for your response, eyelids blinking gently as your lips part slowly at the sight of him.
“S-sure” You stutter, realizing you had been staring at him in silence for longer than you should have.
His face breaks into a gentle smile, one that makes your heart suddenly tug in a way that it has never done before. “Great! My name is Kim Seokjin.”
“Y/N” You reply lightly, still looking at him in mild disbelief.
He pulls up a chair and sits down next to you, the elegant scent of his cologne filling the air between you, instantly throwing you back to a dream you had experienced not too long ago, one in which you were wandering in a flower garden, holding the hand of a man whose face you could not see.  
“I was thinking we could design a park” His voice cuts through your momentary lapse.
Your thought bubble bursts, and you’re back to realizing you’ve yet again been staring at him for longer than you should.
“A-a park?” You utter nervously, mentally scolding yourself for being so out of focus one the first day of Architecture class. This was very unlike you’re usual on-top-of-things self, and the professor had even mentioned just moments ago that this project would count for 50% of your final grade. In your defense, you also hadn’t planned on having the most popular guy in your year to ask you to be project partners. 
“Yeah, like Central Park in New York City” He explains. The voices of the other students who were paired up in the classroom are drowned out completely as you observed the way he pulls a notebook and pen out of his backpack to make design plans and sketches. “I know it’s mostly landscape architecture, but I think we can get really creative with designing castles, bridges, fountains and other structural elements.”
“That sounds like a great idea!” You manage to say without stuttering and making a fool out of yourself for once. “Central Park was what actually inspired me to major in architecture.” You confess, using it as more of a conversation filler than anything.
“Really?” Seokjin’s eyes light up and his mouth opens in astonishment. “Me too! My parents took me there for vacation when I was young, and it was amazing!”
His full body reaction surprises you, making you forget how to respond because you were wondering how in world his demeanor had changed from being calm and collected to something so…animated. You actually have to suppress an oncoming laugh, opting to just let out a small giggle instead.
“So we should probably get started as soon as possible,” You suggest, feeling much more comfortable now that he’s made you laugh so effortlessly.
He takes a second to ponder over your proposition. “Are you free this weekend?”
 Kim Seokjin was everything you had expected him to be. His soft and delicate features were physical traits that would be the object of envy for anyone who had the fortune of laying eyes on such a breathtakingly beautiful man, but his playful and uplifting personality revealed a duality that could only be described as fitting for someone so unique. 
He was a man who carried a type of aura that gave off the undeniable impression that you’ve known him for a long, long time, like the scent of home or the warmth of companionship. And it made you feel like you finally understood what it meant to meet a person that you had an air of familiarity with, despite the fact that your encounter with him had happened only recently.    
“We should start from the edges and work our way towards the center.” Seokjin says as the two of you sit the in studio with your sketches splayed out on the long table. The glass walls of the building were crystal clear, allowing the sunlight from outside to penetrate into the room as masterpieces were born out of boundless imagination.
“What do you think the theme of this section should be?” You inquire, peering over at the piece he was working on.
“Young earth at the beginning of time” He whispers, gazing at his roughly drawn garden of shrubbery and small plants.
“Born in the desolate ocean,” You read the little note scribbled in the corner of his drawing, tilting your head as you examine the artistic meaning behind the theme.
“Oh yeah, that’s what I’ve sort of named this section of the park.”
You have a sudden flashback to a dimly lit cave, the atmosphere cold and damp. The rain outside is falling in sheets, with droplets twirling in the wild wind and dripping onto the frozen rocks. A human-like creature sits next to you hesitating to lean closer. You do not remember who it is, but you recall the feeling of him using his arms to embrace you, growing a human heart and learning how to love for the first time.
“I like it” You finally comment as your mind is brought back to the present.
“Oh good, I was kind of worried the idea would be too wacky for your taste.” He chuckles. “
“You would be worried about that?”
“Well, not that I would’ve doubted myself, because you know, my ideas are always brilliant.” He grins, exuding a kind of humorous confidence that you were just starting to get to know, but at the same time, you had sort of expected the exact response.
“I’m just surprised you chose me to be your partner of all people” You murmur, dropping your gaze shyly as you felt his eyes land on you, scrutinizing the way you were nervously biting your bottom lip.
“Well, you were the closest person in the room” He voices, not noticing the way his words made your heart drop like a stone being thrown in the water because he was too distracted by the his own design thoughts to pay attention to the way you shifted uncomfortably in your seat.
It was then that you felt the cathartic joy of finding that distant object of your yearning for the first time, only to be hit by the realization that no matter how close it was, it will always be just out of reach.
  Do you know that you carry a perpetual feeling of loneliness despite being unaware of it?
Perhaps it stems from the ingrained yearning for something preordained that cannot be grasped, a set of emotions and memories so visceral that the even the time that carries them cannot help but to preserve such a gift through numerous centuries.
You whip your head around to face Seokjin who had his eyebrows furrowed as he stares at his design for the next section of the park.
“A time in human history when things were sort of wild, and there were wars between empires that rose and fell.” He explains. “Making people even more dependent upon one another.”
You notice a distant sorrow manifest in your chest, or maybe it was always there and you were unaware of it until now, but Seokjin’s words ignite a constricting sensation to grip at your chest, one that makes the air in the room feel thin and insufficient. You vaguely see the figure of a man dying in your arms. The blood gradually seeping through his tattered soldier uniform makes you want to scream, but the faint smile on his face just before his eyes close tells you that was not the last time you would see him. And that thought somehow made everything ok.
You blink away the strange tears that are trying to form in your eyes. “I see that you’re trying to make this park sort of a walk through history.” You analyze with as steady of a voice as you can, attempting to piece together his relatively abstract ideas and making sense of it all.  
“This is the section where we can put a castle on a hill and stone bridges arching over streams.” He turns to you enthusiastically.  
You smile in return.
“Is something wrong?” He asks, noticing the tear quietly slipping down your face.
You quickly shake your head and reach up to wipe it away. “No, no, I was just thinking about a sad war movie I saw a couple of years ago.” You lie, sniffling one last time and averting your eyes for a quick second.
There’s a pause as he continues to gaze at you curiously, expression hard to read other than the gentle blinking of his eyelids.
“You must be hungry,” He suddenly states.
“What?” You breathe out in disbelief. “What makes you think that?”
“It’s late afternoon and neither of us have eaten all day.”
You glance over at the clock hanging in the studio, and to your utter surprise, t was almost 5pm.
“Should we call it a day then?” You query, turning your attention back to him who was already packing up the supplies.
“Definitely.” He confirms as he zips up his bag. You turn to do the same, but he isn’t finished talking. “Hey, do you want to come over for dinner?” You hear him ask as he continues to check that he’s packed everything.
Your heart skips a beat. “Umm, sure. Are you ordering take-out?”
He shakes his head. “I’m the resident chief in my group of friends.”
“Oh really” You raise your eyebrows in disbelief. “Am I suppose to just take your word for that?”
“Hey, just ask any of my buddies.” He defends. “They’ve all relied on me to feed them for years.”
It’s not that you would’ve rejected his offer anyways. Hell, he could be the worst cook in the world and you would still gladly eat anything he placed on the plate in front of you because it meant being with him for that much longer, which these days (or more like ever since you met him) you strangely harbored the urge to do.
You think it’s a just natural attraction, no different from any of your other crushes in the past, but of course you’re trying not to overanalyze the sudden onset of these mysterious flashback you keep on getting or the inexplicable feeling that washes over you whenever the stillness allows your thoughts to do as they please.
Seokjin drives the two of you to his apartment that he shares with two of his younger friends who are both, quote, immature little brats, end quote. Apparently they bicker all the time, but it’s mostly just the youngest that won’t seem to “let him live”.
“’Bout time you found yourself a girl” Jungkook comments the moment you and Seokjin step through the door. “At this age I was starting to worry you were going to die alone.”
“Ya!” Seokjin shouts at the boy lying on the couch with his eyes glued to the TV screen and hands wrapped around a game controller. “Show some respect or I’m not feeding you tonight.” He turns to you. “Please don’t take him seriously.” 
You nod, feeling your face heat up just a tad bit because you honestly weren’t expecting such a blunt comment, even if it was in the form of a joke.
“Hi, you must be Y/N” Another person pops up from nowhere, he had light blonde hair and his eyes formed a pair of half moons as he smiled at you. “I’m Jimin.”
“Nice to meet you” You greet him.
“And the little brat over there is Jungkook” Seokjin adds, nodding towards the guy on the couch.
“Hey! I heard that” Jungkook snaps back, despite his attention still drawn towards the game flashing across the screen.
“Good” Seokjin shouts back.
“Don’t mind them two. This is completely normal.” Jimin reassures you, noticing how awkward you were feeling in such a situation.  
“Oh wow…” You murmur, taking a deep breath. So Seokjin wasn’t kidding about the bickering, go figure.    
Seokjin also wasn’t exaggerating when he said he was a good cook. His culinary skills turn out to be excellent, and his tastes are refined. He prepares a full course meal for the four of you, complete with side dishes that barely fit on their moderate sized dining table. All you can see in Jimin and Jungkook’s eager eyes as they stare at the food splayed out in front of them are how thankful they are to have Seokjin as an older brother figure, and it is then you are able to understand how good-natured their relationship is, despite the bickering.  
“Noona, so are you and Seokjin hyung…” Jimin sneakily glances over to the kitchen where Seokjin was still finishing up the last dish, making sure he can’t hear what you guys are discussing.
“No, no” You violently shake your head, feeling your cheeks blossom into roses. “We’re just project partners.” You explain.
“Really…?” Jungkook butts in, clearly unconvinced according to the tone of his voice. “Hyung asked a girl to be his partner? Without any other intentions?” He crosses his arms and snorts. “I find that hard to believe.”
“I was the closest person in the room” You quickly interject, not knowing why you were getting so defensive. Perhaps it was a failed attempt at preventing your cheek color to deepen even more than it already was.
Jimin’s eyes disappear into crescents. “Kookie’s right, he usually stays away from girls because he doesn’t want to deal with unreciprocated feelings. Cause, you know, it’s hard not to fall for someone as handsome as hyung.”
“Please” Jungkook rolls his eyes. “Let’s not boost his ego more than it already is.”
“What was that about my ego?” Seokjin’s voice makes all three of you jump in your seats as he walks up to the table with a pot of boiling stew.
“N-nothing” Jimin quickly says. “We were just talking about how admirable your confidence is.”
Seokjin’s eyes narrow as he looks from Jimin to Jungkook and back to Jimin. He doesn’t look convinced, but he lets it slide because everyone was starving and ready to dig into the food before it gets cold.
“I’ll drive you home” Seokjin says as the two younger males are tasked with washing the dishes in the kitchen.
“It’s ok, I can just take the bus”
“That’s inconvenient and it’s late.” Seokjin insists, already grabbing his car keys. 
The drive to your apartment is a silent one, sans Seokjin’s occasional comments on the project and the 3-D software that you’ll soon be using to make your rough sketches come to life.
You’re not really paying attention to all of the details because technology was never really your thing, and you’re mind is dozing off after a long day. Despite your half conscious state, you’re still entranced by the way he’s expertly controlling the steering wheel, the way he drives so smoothly and how safe it all makes you feel.
Before you know it, you’ve reached the destination.
“Umm, thanks for dinner” You say as you unbuckle your seatbelt.
“No problem. I should be thanking you for putting up with those two.” Seokjin says, sighing and looking around as he debated how to phrase his next sentence. “So uh, maybe next time we could go out for dinner or something. Just you and I.”
For a moment you think you didn’t hear what he said correctly, but when you look up at him in surprise you notice a faint flush in his cheeks under the streetlight.
“Y-yeah, t-that would nice” You manage to respond, despite your heart pounding a mile a minute. 
“Great! So, I’ll see you tomorrow?”
And then you’re watching him drive off, wondering why all of this felt so familiar and so right like it’s happened before in some far off land or the distant past.
 “So this castle you’re designing…” You trail off, eyes tracing over the 2-D blueprint of the structure Seokjin was designing at that very moment, his hand hovering in midair as he waits for you to finish your analysis. “What inspired such a layout?”
It wasn’t that you were purely curious about where he got the idea because you know it’s probably not that significant and if it were any other castle, you wouldn’t have even battered an eyelash, but this, this particular castle was all too familiar, in fact you think you’re becoming delusional for equating it with the one you saw in your dream the night before.
There’s a long pause as he tries to form a response. “I don’t know,” He ultimately says. “It kind of just came to me.”
You can practically sense that’s there’s more to it than he is choosing to explain, but he’s holding back for some odd reason.
“The secret passageway” You begin to point out, walking over to examine the tunnel that leads into the bedroom in more detail. “someone has used it to meet with their lover.” It’s a confident statement rather than a passing comment or even a question, and you have no idea what invisible force has compelled you to declare something so absurd with such certainty.
“The prince and his secret lover, a female warrior who was not allowed to be with him but eventually became his queen.” Seokjin turns to glance at you, his dark eyes unreadable, making you question if it was a coincidence he knew exactly what happened in your dream.
Time stills.
And you can see the lovers on a bridge, watching the sunset together as they’ve finally vowed to change the ways of the old where status decided who you could and could not love, to build a better kingdom and rule over its people with justice and equality. The man standing next to you is your king. He was the man your birth proclaimed you could never be with, and yet you are by his side.
You have been acquainted with this man numerous times, despite not being able to recall who he is or why he is altered and unchanged at the same time. He is reminiscent of the figure in all of your ephemeral hallucinations, the creature in the cave, the dying soldier….
 Are they the same person? They can’t be… can they?
 Kim Seokjin is sweet. He’s everything that is warm and inviting about a cozy home, the nostalgic tranquility of the calm sea at the brink of sunset, and he reminds you of dainty cherry blossoms in the spring, the way pink flower petals drift in the wind.
But Kim Seokjin is also humorous and lively, and he’s able to fill a room with his contagious laughter that initially seems like a mismatch to his elegant physical features, but makes him even more attractive and compelling.
You also find out he’s great at singing.
“Wow, I didn’t expect you to be good at so many things” You comment as you walk alongside him by the river after he had taken you out to dinner. The moon was bright on a clear evening, and the city lights were reflecting off of the dark water like dazzling gemstones.
“With a face like this?” He quickly does a modeling pose, and even under the guise of the night you can still see the self-satisfied look on his face.
You giggle. “What does looking good have to do with cooking and singing?”
He blinks blankly a couple of times, realizing his statement did in fact, not make any sense. “Aish, I said it at the wrong time.” He shakes his head in disappointment, making you laugh even harder.
“I’m not denying your good looks,” You say in between your muffled giggles.
“I’d be surprised if you were. I’m certified worldwide handsome.” He grins, and you playfully roll your eyes even though he probably can’t see anyways.
You smile and shake your head, not knowing why his arrogantly confident attitude comes off endearing and amusing when you know for a fact that if it were any other person you’d be annoyed by such a narcissistic proclamation.  
Maybe you were just blindly infatuated, or maybe…
“You’re really beautiful, you know” His unexpected remark makes your heat skip a beat.
You turn to look at him not knowing what to say.
“You remind me of a lot of things I can’t make out.” He continues, and you notice he’s not looking at you but is instead staring at the starry sky.
“Seokjin…” You murmur, drawing his attention back toward you. You see his lips curve up slightly when his gaze lands on you.
“It’s getting late, we should probably head back.” His statement makes your heart drop ever so slightly, and for once you’re glad there are no streetlights to illuminate the melancholic tint in your eyes.
Kim Seokjin is physically close yet so far away, and although all of your senses tell you he’s right there, well within reach, the imperceptible distance between the two of you remains unchanged.  
And it makes you wonder if you’ll ever find what you are looking for.
 The following section of the park was intended to transition into the modern world, so the next few weeks of brainstorming was dedicated to experimenting with different contemporary elements.
“A cityscape” You suddenly voice as the idea pops into your head. “What says modern-day more than a high-tech city? We can use metal wires to depict the skyline of a metropolis using abstract shapes analogous to those found in contemporary art.”
“That sounds like a great idea” Seokjin concurs. “We could add decorative lights so that the area is illuminated at night.”
You nod enthusiastically, and proceed to jump straight into sketching. You were imagining a mall area lined with trees that guided park goers towards the center, using the metal fencing as the foundation for the lights Seokjin had suggested.
“The cement sidewalks in this area of the park are like empty city streets.” He comments as he hovers over your drawing, examining the newly conjured shapes on your sketch board.
“Empty city streets...” You echo slowly, seeing the exact scene he was describing in the back of your mind.
A man is holding a bouquet of baby blue flowers, wearing a perfectly iron suit as he gets out of his car. You don’t see his face but you know that he’s smiling wider than the Pacific Ocean, and your heart is swelling as you begin to make your way towards him. Then there are lights and the sharp squeak of tires against the pavement, and everything goes black. 
“Y/N?” Seokjin’s voice brings you back to the sketch.
“Huh?” You realized you had spaced out again.  
“I was just wondering if you had any ideas on what to put in the center of the park.” He says. “It’s probably going to be the most important section. The one that ties everything together.”
“The center?”
He was right. The center is what the two of you have been building up to, and whatever piece you decide to put there will ultimately define the meaning of the park, the meaning of the story your architectural elements were trying to convey.
Normally it would be pretty difficult to come up with such an essential portion, but you had a pretty good idea of exactly what should be placed in the center.
 By the end of the semester, you and Seokjin had completed the entire park. It was breathtakingly magnificent, and even the professor was extremely impressed by everything the two of you had put so much time and effort into crafting, even referring to it as one of the greatest he’s seen in all his years teaching an upper division architecture course.
“A walk through a thousands centuries.” Seokjin sighs as he gazes proudly at the finished design displayed on the screen.
“It turned out really good,” You agree, smiling softly.
“I’d never thought I’d say this, but my favorite part is the sculpture you designed for the center piece.”
His compliment puts a satisfied and sentimental smile on your face. You’re eyes turn towards the precise piece that he was still examining, its three dimensional shape even more mesmerizing now that it was projected on the big screen.
The piece that you had designed was the culmination of your flashbacks and dreams from the past semester, a tangible portrayal of everything that you had felt but could not put into words or explanations. It was a statue of a round time portal, one that faces an area of planetary alignments dancing across the cosmos on one side and two faceless people standing in each other’s embrace on the other.
“What was the inspiration behind it?” Seokjin’s voice cuts through your brief lapse, and you realized it was the first time he’s asked you the same question you had been asking about his designs. Turning your attention towards him, you notice that he’s looking at you in a way he seems to have never done before, like he’s truly seeing you for the first time. He is exclusively focused on you in that moment, and truthfully you kind of wish he wasn’t waiting so intently for your response because it makes you too nervous to admit the real motivation behind your work.
You had actually considered the idea kind of silly, and you didn’t really know what compelled you to design such a structure, but the idea had taken shape throughout your semester spent with Seokjin and although part of you wants to brush off that strange feeling of overwhelming emotions you’re hit with when you are with him, it was a calling that spoke to your heart rather than your mind to create such a representation of what the park in its entirety meant to you.
“It’s just something that sort of hit me out of the blue,” You voice nonchalantly, clearing your throat because the room was awfully silent and you could literally hear the pounding of your heart. 
“What are you going to call it?” He asks softly, voice almost inaudible.
Your breathing pauses, and it was like all of your indiscernible, frenzied thoughts had been set aside to make room for one thing only.
“Reincarnated to be together.” You whisper, not in complete control of where your words were coming from, where such an impression had manifested into tentative form. Your mind might forget, but your heart will always remember.
“One day we suddenly remembered the past.” You hear the melodic tone of Seokjin’s voice dance over to your eardrum, sending a shock wave coursing through your veins.
Seokjin is rooted in place as he finally realizes the one thing that had eluded him all along. He had been searching all this time, for the girl whose soul was hidden behind all of his designs, but only now has he realized it was you. The stories that traversed over centuries of human kind, the fate written in the stars at the beginning of the universe was the unbroken link between of the two of you.
“You’re him,” You breathe out as your eyes flicker up to meet his, the identity of the faceless person in your flashbacks finally coming to light.
“Sorry” He finally whispers. “I should have known.” His parted lips linger as his gaze trace down to your lips and back up to your eyes.
You look into them, eyes that are conveying everything he doesn’t need to put into words because you already know.
“We found each other,” He murmurs, and that’s the last thing you hear before feeling his tender lips meeting yours, closing the gap that you had thought would never be conquered.
The feeling that you know all too well, the same motion you’ve felt many times over, like artistic brushstrokes on a clean canvas waiting for millennia of stories to unfold, crafting the masterpiece that it was always meant to create, a destiny that will always be fulfilled.
Kim Seokjin kisses you like he’s been waiting for lifetimes to do so. He caresses your cheek like he’s been searching for you since the beginning of time and he holds you in his gaze like you’re the only thing he can see because he was born to love you and reborn to find you in every century he has been alive.
  “Until civilization is destroyed once again,  On the first day after a thousand centuries In the Garden of Eden we’ll stand side by side And laughingly watch the sun be extinguished.”
200 notes · View notes
bloggertutor · 4 years
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Hostarmada Review - Best or Worst Hosting of 2020? Honest Opinion
In this blog I will cover everything about Hostarmada with Pros and Cons including my personal experience with proof. So Read this blog till end to get a better review of Hostarmada.
Hostarmada Detailed Introduction
Before starting Hostarmada Review let us just talk about them first.
Hostarmada is a newly launched independent Hosting Company founded in the last quarter of 2019. Please notice one thing that I mentioned them as Independent which means they do not resell hosting from anywhere. They have their own dedicated Team for everything, from server management to Client Support.
As a Starter Hosting Company and as a beginner they have approx 2000 client told by one of their support members and I think its good number. Even I have migrated this blog from siteground to hostrmada after trying their hosting in demo site and checking performence. The reason is mentioned below
Technology used by Hostarmada Hosting
So let's start Hostarmada review with the most important factor of any hosting company i.e. Server Technology and Infrastructure. They have Cloud SSD based server like siteground but they are using Linode Cloud infrastructure instead of Gooogle Cloud on Siteground.
They have one thing that makes their server more powerful than siteground and another provider is LiteSpeed Technology. Now many of you are familiar with LiteSpeed but who are not let me tell you that LiteSpeed is something that enhances your normal Apache server without much interference.
-> Siteground Honest Review of 2020
The above image shows after using LiteSpeed the server load reduces to very low. Which means you can handle more visitor and requests on the same server after using LiteSpeed technology. Actually, It balances the load and increases the performance of both Apache and PHP. For More about Litespeed Visit here.
The second most interesting thing about LiteSpeed is, it is sole friendly with WordPress and if you use QUIC free CDN by LiteSpeed your website is going to load faster than the rocket.
The third surprise for you is LiteSpeed Plugin for WordPress. It improves code and image optimization and your caching is going to be super smooth with it. So these are the PROS of Technology used by HostArmada to make their Hosting server more powerful than normal cloud infrastructure.
Server Location Provided by Hostarmada
As a starting company, I am very impressed with HostArmada Server locations. As per my research, and also told by one of their executives (Bogdan Toshev) that they are using Linode Cloud Infrastructure which has a benefit for Indian Users because they are going to get Indian Server.
They have servers in ->
USA West Fremont, CA,
South Canada Toronto, ON
Europe London, UK
USA Central Dallas, TX
USA East Newark, NJ
Europe Frankfurt, DE
Mumbai India, IN
Asia, Singapore, SG
Sydney Australia, AU
You can better recognize geolocation of all servers provided by HostArmada by checking the above image
Hostarmada Server Uptime
So let's talk about one more fact that you should know while choosing any hosting provider i.e. Uptime of Server.
As an experienced blogger and my research on Hostarmada before the review, I can say with confidence that the server configuration and technology used by them is highly flexible and hence you will never notice any effective downtime.
Here is last few month Uptime details provided by Hostarmada itself about their Uptime.
Hostarmada Uptime Review
From the above picture, you can see 100% uptime and Ping of Hostarmada Hosting and this monitoring is done by me personally using freeping.io a free website monitoring tool.
I have personally monitored and tested their hosting form last 8 month. Here is last 8-month Uptime report
December 2019 average uptime: 100%
January 2020 average uptime: 100%
February 2020 average uptime: 100%
March 2020 average uptime: 99.99%
April 2020 average uptime: 99.99%
May 2020 average uptime: 99.98%
June 2020 average uptime: 99.99%
July 2020 average uptime: 99.98%
From this statistic, you can calculate average Uptime of Hostarmada for last 8-months that comes to approx 99.99%.
Hostarmada Speed Test
I have tested Hostarmada hosting with default WordPress installation with twenty-twenty WordPress theme from 30+ different location with 3+ speed test tool including google page insight.
Please note that I have not used any CDN and Optimization or Cache plugin while taking the test, which means its a default WordPress site test.
Speed Test by Google Page Insight
This test is for mobile loading time but the desktop was also the same and you can see it is pretty fast. And you know that speed is one of the main factor for On-Page SEO as it reduces Bounce back and increase conversion.
-> Know more about on page SEO
2. Speed Test By GTMatrix
GTmatrix performance Report
As you can see on Gtmatrix Speed Performance Report that a 261 KB page takes just 2.8 seconds to load even without any compression and speed optimization. Also, no CDN used anyhow.
3. Speed Test by Dotcom-tools
I have tested their speed with 25 location using dotcom-tools for this particular Hostarmada Review So that you can get a better understanding and can decide which hosting to choose at this range of price. Please visit here to see the live speed test report.
Speed Test 1
Speed Test 2
Pros of Using Hostarmada Hosting
HostArmada have powerful Hosting Infrastructure which is main and most important Pros of it. But it is not only, here are few more pros of using hostarmada.
LiteSpeed Technolody to enhance server speed
Cloud SSD Based Servers to handle request frequently.
Highly Scaleable infrastructure
Good Quality 27x7 Support
Simple Hosting Dashboard
cPanel Included
Free Domain with All Plans
Daily Backup with one click Restore
Free Speed Optimization to Speedup your website
Huge Server Resources to handle sudden traffic growth
Very Affordable as Compared with others in same configuration
9 Server Location from all over the world
Cons of Hostarmada
I didn't see any major consequence of using HostArmada as Hosting provider but here are few that can be considered
Not having support of Other card rather than Visa
Indian Local Payment Method Not Available
LiteSpeed is available only for higher plans.
If you think there are other pros and cons of Hostarmada, you are most welcome to post it on comment section. I will add it to my Hostarmada Review as soon as possible.
Hostarmada Plan And Pricing Review
Now many of you are thinking that they are using Cloud + SSD + LiteSpeed which will cost you very high than normal hosting. The answer is, You are absolutely wrong. They provide the most reliable, most powerful and better optimized hosting platform.
-> HostArmada Shared Hosting Plan
Start Dock
-> $ 1.20/mo
Regular Price: $7.99/mo
1 Website
15 GB Cloud SSD Storage
2 Cores CPU
Unmetered Bandwidth
FREE Domain Name
~10 000 Unique Visitors
7 Daily Backups
*Default Hosting Perks
*Prepare for Launch Perks
Check Offer
Web Warp
-> $ 1.94/mo
Regular Price: $12.95/mo
Unlimited Websites
30 GB Cloud SSD Storage
4 Cores CPU
Unmetered Bandwidth
FREE Domain Name
~60 000 Unique Visitors
14 Daily Backups
*Default Hosting Perks
*Prepare for Launch Perks
*Warp Features Perks
Check Offer
Speed Reaper
-> $ 2.69/mo
Regular Price: $17.95/mo
Unlimited Websites
40 GB Cloud SSD Storage
6 Cores CPU
Unmetered Bandwidth
FREE Domain Name
~120 000 Unique Visitors
21 Daily Backups
*Default Hosting Perks
*Prepare for Launch Perks
*Warp Features Perks
*Speed Reaper Perks
*Dynamic Caching
Check Offer
Default Hosting Perks
Prepare for Launch Perks
Warp Features Perks
Speed Reaper Perks
-> HostAramda VPS Hosting Plan
Web Shuttle
ONLY $ 41.21/mo
Regular: $54.95/mo
50 GB SSD Storage
1 Cores CPU
2 TB Bandwidth
40 Gbps Speed In
2000 Mbps Speed Out
Daily Backups
Nginx Web Service
Web Voyager
ONLY $ 48.71/mo
Regular: $64.95/mo
80 GB SSD Storage
2 Cores CPU
4 TB Bandwidth
40 Gbps Speed In
4000 Mbps Speed Out
Daily Backups
Nginx Web Service
Web Raider
ONLY $ 63.71/mo
Regular: $84.95/mo
160 GB SSD Storage
4 Cores CPU
5 TB Bandwidth
40 Gbps Speed In
5000 Mbps Speed Out
Daily Backups
Nginx Web Service
Site Carrier
ONLY $ 101.21/mo
Regular: $134.95/mo
320 GB SSD Storage
6 Cores CPU
8 TB Bandwidth
40 Gbps Speed In
6000 Mbps Speed Out
Daily Backups
Nginx Web Service
Payment Methods
Payment methods is one of most Important things while choosing any product. It can be hosting or domain OR Any tools, Because when you decide to buy a hosting and you goto checkout and your payment method is missing there. How will you feel? Ofcourse Irritating.
So let me tell you here that how many and which payment methods are supported by Hostarmada Hosting.
payment method for hostarmada
For this time they accept Visa (USD Enabled) and PayPal (USD enabled). Like other hosting provider they do not offer different site for different country which means local payment methods are not going to work there.
Let's take an example of India, If you are a Indian Customer you should have a International Cross Border Enabled Card to pay on hostarmada Website. In most of case, Indian users do not have such type of cards. So If you are intrested and do not have card just contact me I will help you personally step by Step.
[fluentform id="11"]
Tools and Dashboard of Hostarmada
Hostarmada provides traditional cPanel to monitor and Manage hosting and website. I have attached the cPanel Dashboard picture that shows all tools provided by them. So let see them one by one.
Hostaramada cpanel
They provide all the tools and features that you need to manage your website like Free SSL Certificate for encrypting, Daily backup for making your site ready to restore any time and many more tools like that.
As usual Cpanel, you can monitor the usage of hosting and can access everything from FTP to MySQL database.
WordPress Management Software inside cPanel
They provide Softcalculous to manage any type of CMS like WordPress, Magneto, BBPress etc.without too much experience with one click. You can easily create and manage your blog using their one-click WordPress Installation.
-> Learn All About Blogging -> Complete WordPess Tutorial PDF
Free Professional Emails ([email protected])
I am a huge fan of hosting providers that give us Free Professional emails with Encrypted SSL because using professional emails you get more trust and conversion among your customer. Hostarmada Provides the same service in their Cpanel Dashboard.
From here you can create professional email and forward them to your gmail to keep a copy of every email received on your pro email.
Daily Backups
Backup for a website is most important thing even from hosting because website crashes are normal and If you have backup you can recover it. Hostarmada have daily backup plugin installed in cPanle, Please note it's not a WordPress plugin. It is integrated with cPanel to store and restore backups.
Free SSL
Every developer and blogger knows, how much is SSL important for your blog when it comes to user trust and security. For the same reason hostarmada provide secure SSL for free with their hosting.
Free Speed optimizaton
Hostarmada offer free website optimization by their team in less than 1 hr. This is really a cool service that everyone will enjoy since no more extra charges for website speed optimization. Generally they use LS cache plugin and optimize it according to your website.
LiteSpeed + LS Cache + Quic Cloud CDN
As I have already mentioned above that they are using LiteSpeed Technologay which is very fast and secure. In addition with lightspeed they integrate QUIC Cloud CDN on demand that will speed up your website an give your user a fast experience.
How to order Hostarmada Hosting in any Country by any Payment Method
Goto Hostarmada Home Page
Visit Hostarmada Home page and decide any plan according to your need and budget. You can go with their Starting plan as it also has plenty of resources and good speed with uptime.
Choose a Plan
Select the plan that you like the most and proceed to next. You will get a free domain on every plan and hence you need to put a fresh domain that you wish to buy. Then click on next.
Choose Domain For Free
When you select a plan it will ask for a domain, enter any domain you want and you will get it for free. After entering domain go to next step.
Select Duration and Server Location
In next window, you will see two option, the first one for duration and the second one is for server location. Choose according to your preference and proceed to checkout.
Choose Payment Method
On checkout page you can see your order summary and you can see few availbale payment methods there. Choose the one by which you can pay. If your local payment method is not indicated there just contact me through any medium I will purchase it on behalf of you.
Install WordPress and Ready to Go
Conclusion of this Hostarmada review, which I did very Honestly is described here. After personally using and monitoring Hostarmada that you can go with them without hesitation. It's not only my experience but also my research that shows at this price you can't expect more. This is the best and affordable hosting available in the market with Cloud SSD and LiteSpeed Technology to take your website to the next level in point of speed.
If you need any personal support regarding hosting you can Comment below or contact me anytime.
Thank You
Which one is better Siteground or Hostarmada?
Hostarmada is the winner when you take a closer look at performance and Quality of Hosting.
Do we get a Free Domain on Hostarmada?
Yes, you will get a free domain with every shared hosting plan by Hostarmada.
What payment methods does Hostarmada Accept?
They accept Visa Credit Card and PayPal for now but in future, they will accept all major cards.
Do they provide cPanel with their hosting?
Yes, They provide a cPanel with their Hosting Plan.
How hostarmada Hosting is performing?
Hostarmada hosting is performing pretty great in term of speed and uptime.
Is Hostarmada best according to its price?
Yes, They are damn reliable when you compare with others with the same spec hosting.
Is Hostarmada a Good Hosting for 2020?
Yes, It's the best hosting If you look at pricing and specs. You will almost everything at a reasonable price.
Read More https://bloggertutor.com/hostarmada-review/?feed_id=785&_unique_id=5f41488091ad2 #hosting#hostarmada #hostarmada_detailed_review #hostarmada_hosting #hostarmada_hosting_review #hostarmada_review
0 notes
bloggertutor · 4 years
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Hostarmada Review - Best or Worst Hosting of 2020? Honest Opinion
Hostarmada Detailed Introduction
Before starting Hostarmada Review let us just talk about them first.
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Hostarmada is a newly launched independent Hosting Company founded in the last quarter of 2019. Please notice one thing that I mentioned them as Independent which means they do not resell hosting from anywhere. They have their own dedicated Team for everything, from server management to Client Support.
As a Starter Hosting Company and as a beginner they have approx 2000 client told by one of their support members and I think its good number. Even I have tried their hosting and thinking to migrate bloggertutor on Hostarmada from Siteground as it is performing better than them. The reason is mentioned below
Technology and Infrastructure used by Hostarmada Hosting
So let's start Hostarmada review with the most important factor of any hosting company i.e. Server Technology and Infrastructure. They have Cloud SSD based server like siteground but they are using Linode Cloud infrastructure instead of Gooogle Cloud on Siteground.
They have one thing that makes their server more powerful than siteground and another provider is LiteSpeed Technology. Now many of you are familiar with LiteSpeed but who are not let me tell you that LiteSpeed is something that enhances your normal Apache server without much interference.
-> Siteground Honest Review of 2020
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The above image shows after using LiteSpeed the server load reduces to very low. Which means you can handle more visitor and requests on the same server after using LiteSpeed technology. Actually, It balances the load and increases the performance of both Apache and PHP. For More about Litespeed Visit here.
The second most interesting thing about LiteSpeed is, it is sole friendly with WordPress and if you use QUIC free CDN by LiteSpeed your website is going to load faster than the rocket.
The third surprise for you is LiteSpeed Plugin for WordPress. It improves code and image optimization and your caching is going to be super smooth with it. So these are the PROS of Technology used by HostArmada to make their Hosting server more powerful than normal cloud infrastructure.
Hostarmada Plan And Pricing Review
Now many of you are thinking that they are using Cloud + SSD + LiteSpeed which will cost you very high than normal hosting. The answer is, You are absolutely wrong. They provide the most reliable, most powerful and better optimized hosting platform.
-> HostArmada Shared Hosting Plan
Start Dock
-> $ 1.20/mo
Regular Price: $7.99/mo
1 Website
15 GB Cloud SSD Storage
2 Cores CPU
Unmetered Bandwidth
FREE Domain Name
~10 000 Unique Visitors
7 Daily Backups
*Default Hosting Perks
*Prepare for Launch Perks
Check Offer
Web Warp
-> $ 1.94/mo
Regular Price: $12.95/mo
Unlimited Websites
30 GB Cloud SSD Storage
4 Cores CPU
Unmetered Bandwidth
FREE Domain Name
~60 000 Unique Visitors
14 Daily Backups
*Default Hosting Perks
*Prepare for Launch Perks
*Warp Features Perks
Check Offer
Speed Reaper
-> $ 2.69/mo
Regular Price: $17.95/mo
Unlimited Websites
40 GB Cloud SSD Storage
6 Cores CPU
Unmetered Bandwidth
FREE Domain Name
~120 000 Unique Visitors
21 Daily Backups
*Default Hosting Perks
*Prepare for Launch Perks
*Warp Features Perks
*Speed Reaper Perks
*Dynamic Caching
Check Offer
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Default Hosting Perks
Tumblr media
Prepare for Launch Perks
Tumblr media
Warp Features Perks
Tumblr media
Speed Reaper Perks
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-> HostAramda VPS Hosting Plan
Web Shuttle
ONLY $ 41.21/mo
Regular: $54.95/mo
50 GB SSD Storage
1 Cores CPU
2 TB Bandwidth
40 Gbps Speed In
2000 Mbps Speed Out
Daily Backups
Nginx Web Service
Web Voyager
ONLY $ 48.71/mo
Regular: $64.95/mo
80 GB SSD Storage
2 Cores CPU
4 TB Bandwidth
40 Gbps Speed In
4000 Mbps Speed Out
Daily Backups
Nginx Web Service
Web Raider
ONLY $ 63.71/mo
Regular: $84.95/mo
160 GB SSD Storage
4 Cores CPU
5 TB Bandwidth
40 Gbps Speed In
5000 Mbps Speed Out
Daily Backups
Nginx Web Service
Site Carrier
ONLY $ 101.21/mo
Regular: $134.95/mo
320 GB SSD Storage
6 Cores CPU
8 TB Bandwidth
40 Gbps Speed In
6000 Mbps Speed Out
Daily Backups
Nginx Web Service
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Pros of Using Hostarmada Hosting
HostArmada have powerful Hosting Infrastructure which is main and most important Pros of it. But it is not only, here are few more pros of using hostarmada.
LiteSpeed Technolody to enhance server speed
Cloud SSD Based Servers to handle request frequently.
Highly Scaleable infrastructure
Good Quality 27x7 Support
Simple Hosting Dashboard
cPanel Included
Free Domain with All Plans
Daily Backup with one click Restore
Free Speed Optimization to Speedup your website
Huge Server Resources to handle sudden traffic growth
Very Affordable as Compared with others in same configuration
9 Server Location from all over the world
Cons of Hostarmada
I didn't see any major consequence of using HostArmada as Hosting provider but here are few that can be considered
Not having support of Other card rather than Visa
Indian Local Payment Method Not Available
If you think there are other pros and cons of Hostarmada, you are most welcome to post it on comment section. I will add it to my Hostarmada Review as soon as possible.
Server Location Provided by Hostarmada
As a starting company, I am very impressed with HostArmada Server locations. As per my research, and also told by one of their executives (Bogdan Toshev) that they are using Linode Cloud Infrastructure which has a benefit for Indian Users because they are going to get Indian Server.
They have servers in ->
USA West Fremont, CA,
South Canada Toronto, ON
Europe London, UK
USA Central Dallas, TX
USA East Newark, NJ
Europe Frankfurt, DE
Mumbai India, IN
Asia, Singapore, SG
Sydney Australia, AU
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You can better recognize geolocation of all servers provided by HostArmada by checking the above image
Hostarmada Server Uptime
So let's talk about one more fact that you should know while choosing any hosting provider i.e. Uptime of Server.
As an experienced blogger and my research on Hostarmada before the review, I can say with confidence that the server configuration and technology used by them is highly flexible and hence you will never notice any effective downtime.
Here is last few month Uptime details provided by Hostarmada itself about their Uptime.
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Hostarmada Uptime Review
From the above picture, you can see 100% uptime and Ping of Hostarmada Hosting and this monitoring is done by me personally using freeping.io a free website monitoring tool.
I personally have not monitored their hosting for 1 year but here is last 8-month Uptime report
December 2019 average uptime: 100%
January 2020 average uptime: 100%
February 2020 average uptime: 100%
March 2020 average uptime: 99.99%
April 2020 average uptime: 99.99%
May 2020 average uptime: 99.98%
June 2020 average uptime: 99.99%
July 2020 average uptime: 99.98%
From this statistic, you can calculate average Uptime of Hostarmada for last 8-months that comes to approx 99.99%.
Hostarmada Speed Test
I have tested Hostarmada hosting with default WordPress installation with twenty-twenty WordPress theme from 30+ different location with 3+ speed test tool including google page insight.
Please note that I have not used any CDN and Optimization or Cache plugin while taking the test, which means its a default WordPress site test.
Speed Test by Google Page Insight
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This test is for mobile loading time but the desktop was also the same and you can see it is pretty fast. And you know that speed is one of the main factor for On-Page SEO as it reduces Bounce back and increase conversion.
-> Know more about on page SEO
2. Speed Test By GTMatrix
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GTmatrix performance Report
As you can see on Gtmatrix Speed Performance Report that a 261 KB page takes just 2.8 seconds to load even without any compression and speed optimization. Also, no CDN used anyhow.
3. Speed Test by Dotcom-tools
I have tested their speed with 25 location using dotcom-tools for this particular Hostarmada Review So that you can get a better understanding and can decide which hosting to choose at this range of price. Please visit here to see the live speed test report.
Speed Test 1
Speed Test 2
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Tools and Dashboard of Hostarmada
Hostarmada provides traditional cPanel to monitor and Manage hosting and website. I have attached the cPanel Dashboard picture that shows all tools provided by them. So let see them one by one.
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Hostaramada cpanel
They provide all the tools and features that you need to manage your website like Free SSL Certificate for encrypting, Daily backup for making your site ready to restore any time and many more tools like that.
As usual Cpanel, you can monitor the usage of hosting and can access everything from FTP to MySQL database.
WordPress Management Software inside cPanel
They provide Softcalculous to manage any type of CMS like WordPress, Magneto, BBPress etc.without too much experience with one click. You can easily create and manage your blog using their one-click WordPress Installation.
-> Learn All About Blogging -> Complete WordPess Tutorial PDF
Conclusion of this Hostarmada review, which I did very Honestly is described here. After personally using and monitoring Hostarmada that you can go with them without hesitation. It's not only my experience but also my research that shows at this price you can't expect more. This is the best and affordable hosting available in the market with Cloud SSD and LiteSpeed Technology to take your website to the next level in point of speed.
If you need any personal support regarding hosting you can Comment below or contact me anytime.
Thank You
Have a great day.
Which one is better Siteground or Hostarmada?
Hostarmada is the winner when you take a closer look at performance and Quality of Hosting.
Do we get a Free Domain on Hostarmada?
Yes, you will get a free domain with every shared hosting plan by Hostarmada.
What payment methods does Hostarmada Accept?
They accept Visa Credit Card and PayPal for now but in future, they will accept all major cards.
Do they provide cPanel with their hosting?
Yes, They provide a cPanel with their Hosting Plan.
How hostarmada Hosting is performing?
Hostarmada hosting is performing pretty great in term of speed and uptime.
Is Hostarmada best according to its price?
Yes, They are damn reliable when you compare with others with the same spec hosting.
Is Hostarmada a Good Hosting for 2020?
Yes, It's the best hosting If you look at pricing and specs. You will almost everything at a reasonable price.
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