#and it's as fun as a regular fountain can be
discordantwritings · 7 months
The Sand Dragon and I Pt. 2 (Dragon! Sir Crocodile x Reader)
Part 1 / Part 2
Warnings: NSFW 18+ MDNI, gn afab! Reader, dragon shifter! Crocodile, monsterfucking, canon typical violence, power dynamics are once again pretty whack, possessive Crocodile, Crocodile is Mean, oral sex, facefucking, masochism, lil bit of blood, overstimulation, belly bulge, creampie, aftercare is important guys, also vampire! Mihawk is there for a little bit
WC: 6k
Summary: An unwelcome guest, a slightly more welcome guest, and a display of ownership.
Notes: I had way too much fun with this. So I originally intended this to be the end of it buttttt if you guys want more or more fantasy type aus I have many ideas
Tagging: @okanadafreakingfan
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While you don’t have to make as many trips all the way up to the entrance cavern anymore for water, there’s still a daily hike you have to make up to the fountain to fill your large metal bucket that you dug up. You consider asking if there’s a closer water source but that thought is quickly dismissed. You only see him once every few weeks by his design. No need to increase the rate at which he could tire of you.
You release the dirty water from yesterday back into the pool of water, watching the dust and dirt slowly sink and travel back to the earth. You’re about to refill the bucket when suddenly you hear a noise from the tunnel to the surface. Gripping the bucket tight you press yourself to the stone wall, waiting to see what comes out of the tunnel.
This isn’t the first time this has happened- wild animals sometimes have the misfortune of wandering down too far to find food and water but most of the time they leave fairly quickly. You assume it’s something to do with Sir Crocodile’s presence no matter how far away he is this was still his lair. So when a man- an actual human man- peers out from the tunnel you nearly drop your bucket in surprise.
It’s not long before he sees you, it’s a painfully wide open cave, and you see his eyes widen in surprise before he runs over to you. As he gets closer you can really see him- disheveled presumably from days of travel, beat up armor, and a short sword gripped in his right hand. Reflexively you back off from his fast approach and as you do he stops, putting his hands up.
“Hey- I’m not going to hurt you.” His words do nothing to calm you. “Actually- I guess I’m here to free you.”
Free? Why would you- oh, yeah. Most humans don’t consensually live in a dragon’s lair. “You- look-“
“No, no don’t worry everything is okay now!” Oh boy he’s really getting into the savior role. “I’m going to kill that foul beast and then you can come home with me!”
Right, like if you had been taken you wouldn’t want to go back to your own home and to your own people. “He’s going to kill you.”
“I’ve been training for this my whole life-“ You estimate he’s in his mid 20s, whole life doesn’t really carry a lot of weight- “And I will be victorious.”
You try to warn him more but he doesn’t hear you, already walking away to go deeper into the tunnels. You’re not sure how regular of an occurrence this is for Sir Crocodile but you know he’d probably just be annoyed to see some random human wandering around.
Maybe you’ve been living in a cave for far too long, away from humanity for too long, but as you reel back with your bucket it really feels like the best solution. He doesn’t even notice you until it’s too late, heavy metal colliding with the side of his head and knocking him out cold. His body slumps to the ground as the metal clang echoes again and again off the tall stone walls.
Well. Sir Crocodile is bound to have heard that. So you fill up your bucket, take a seat, and wait for him to show up.
This time you hear him coming and for the first time since you got here you see him in his full dragon form. You aren’t as scared of him but there’s no stopping your body’s natural reaction to cower in his presence. His large eyes look over the scene- the knocked out wannabe knight and you sitting there waiting for him. You don’t say anything, just patiently wait for his reaction.
“You knocked him out.” It’s not a question.
“Yes sir.” You respond, shifting in your seat.
“I assumed you would be displeased to find some human attempting to kill you wandering around your lair.”
“And?” He could hear you were holding something back.
“And… he annoyed me sir.” You admit.
Impossibly loud laughter fills the space as Sir Crocodile cackles at your response. You have to bite your cheek to not smile, this was probably the best reaction you could get.
“Oh, I didn’t know my pet had such a fire!” He steps closer, snout close to the unconscious man. “Such a pathetic excuse of a human. Some do not know their place.”
His massive jaw opens and you look away just in time so you don’t have to see him devour the man whole. Your eyes glue to the ceiling as you hear the awful crunch of metal and bone under teeth. After a few moments of silence you finally look back down to see those massive eyes staring at you.
“Good work pet.”
Now that you know what these emotions are swirling deep in your stomach, embarrassment mixes in as you try and temper your reaction. You hope maybe he doesn’t care enough to analyze your reaction, to care if you like anything he says. But the way his pupils narrow into slits tells you he knows.
“Keep up the good work.” His large body turns around, knocking over a few chairs and tables as he lumbers out of the space and back down to whatever cave he lurks in. You practically melt into the chair the second you can no longer hear his movement, mortified by your own reactions to this whole situation. As you straighten up the room you ignore the perverse want in the pit of your stomach. You know how he sees humans, how he sees you. Your sick attraction was yours and yours alone. This was just another hold he was forming over you.
But all the logic in the world doesn’t stop how happy you are for the rest of the week. Not to mention a few days later your food is restocked with fresh fruits and vegetables, a gift you know is from Sir Crocodile.
He doesn’t really care.
But maybe he cares just a little.
The next time you see him you’ve made significant progress on his overstock hoard. Books are on shelves, you’ve relocated some rugs to the room, most things are at least in somewhat sensible piles, and you swear you can almost see the back of the cave. You were working on organizing the trinkets when you hear his voice.
“I didn’t think it was possible to get rid of all that dust.” Surprisingly, you don’t jump out of your skin at his presence, somewhat used to him sneaking up on you.
“It wasn’t easy sir.” You stand up straight as he walks around the space that is now open. His claws lightly drag along the bindings of books on the shelves, his reptilian eyes analyzing everything. You hold your breath, hoping that you haven’t done anything wrong in your organization.
“Categorical and alphabetical. Good enough.” He turns to you and sighs. “As much as I’ve tried to push this off, I have a guest visiting in three days. He’s just here for a meeting of sorts but I need the entrance cavern ready to receive. Don’t worry about food either.”
“Oh of course sir, I’ll get to organize that space tomorrow if that’s alright?” You wonder what kind of guest Sir Crocodile could possibly have, probably another dragon?
“And he’s human sized so I will be as well. Arrange appropriately. While I won’t require you to hang around you I would still like you to receive the guest so I’ve gotten you some more appropriate clothing.”
Human sized confirms in your mind that his guest is definitely not human. Curiosity at what clothing he could have possibly gotten you swims in your head but you’ll find that out soon enough. “I can do that sir. What time will the guest be arriving?”
“Around eight in the evening. He’s punctual, you shouldn’t have to wait long.” Crocodile walks over to the pile you were sorting through, gold claws picking up a wooden talisman. “I realize I’m giving you a sore impression of what I collect. One day you will see my real hoard, if you keep being good.”
You flush under his praise despite yourself and force your gaze forward so as to not make eye contact with him. He chuckles and you want to disappear out of embarrassment.
“I’ll see you in three days, pet.” And just like that he’s gone again.
It’s getting harder and harder to deny your reactions to him. It follows you at night to your bedroom as you fight the urge to touch yourself. You know somehow he would hear your moans, the slick noises you would inevitably create if you were to dip your fingers deep into where you need them. Knowing that you deny yourself, compounding your need with every visit he pays you. It’s becoming a problem how fast you grow slick in his presence but you keep pushing it off. Eventually it’ll pass.
When you get back to your room that night you find new clothes neatly folded for you on your bed. They’re the same deep green of his scales and as you touch them you feel impossibly soft silk. Holding it up you see that they should fit you perfectly, and you wonder how he knew your exact measurements. Probably a result of his impressive observation skills. The thought of his eyes raking over your body and analyzing every dip and curve of your body…
You bury your face into the clothing and huff in frustration. You really need to get your head on straight.
Focusing on setting up the entrance for a guest at least fills the time well. You arrange tables and chairs and then spend some time gathering the best looking items from the overstock to decorate the space. It makes it look more lived in, even if you know realistically it’s not going to fool anyone.
Soon enough it’s almost time to greet the guest of honor and you are hesitating by the tunnel up to the surface. Dressed in the somehow perfectly tailored clothes Sir Crocodile got for you the silk did little to soothe your anxiety. You were tasked to receive the guest but you’re not sure if that means right here or up at the surface. It had been a long time since you’ve been outside these caves and while you don’t feel yourself missing the surface… fresh air would be nice.
Sir Crocodile wouldn’t want his guest to have to do the long walk down by himself right? Your own shoddy justification is enough to have you traveling up to the surface. It’s much less foreboding than you remember, but you know that’s just because you’re used to so much worse at this point.
You know you’re almost there because you can feel the cool breeze of the desert night. Pausing, you soak it in, a sharp contrast to the damp, stale air that hangs in the deep caverns. It’s only a few more steps before you’re out, looking at the starry night sky. You forgot how beautiful it was.
Despite all these emotions never once does the thought of running away cross your mind. Not out of fear, but because your new life is actually pretty good.
“You’re not Crocodile.” A dark, smooth voice sounds from a few feet away and you turn to see what looks to be an immaculately dressed human man.
“No I’m his-“ What were you, exactly? Calling yourself his pet to a stranger feels wrong so you just use the next best term. “Servant.”
“Interesting.” He steps closer and you can see his sharp facial hair that accentuates his defined facial features. His long leather coat is lined with a deep blood red fabric that stands out against his pale white skin. You can’t help but think how handsome this man was.
“My name is Dracule Mihawk, I assume you are expecting me.” Bright golden eyes that almost seem to glow in the dim light of the night regard your form.
“Yes, I’m here to receive you, you can follow me down if you are ready?” You do your best to be formal under the scrutiny and that seems to please him.
“Lead the way.” With a nod you start making your way back down, feeling his eyes on your back the whole time.
The walk is eerily silent, so much so that it’s a relief when you finally get back to the entry cave and see Sir Crocodile standing there in his humanoid form. You shuffle slightly to the side to let Mihawk pass by you.
“Mihawk.” Sir Crocodile greets simply, tone unreadable.
“Crocodile.” Mihawk is equally unreadable until he casts a glance your way. “Is it too much to assume this human is a gift for me?”
You blanch at the question, looking worriedly over to Sir Crocodile. His face quickly pulls up into a sneer. “Don’t you dare lay an undead finger on my pet.”
“Come now Crocodile.” Mihawk is smiling now, but it’s unsettling as you see red flash over his gold eyes. “What use do you have for a human? I could use a new blood source…”
The golden hand quickly transforms into a wickedly sharp hook and loops around Mihawk’s neck as he tries to step closer to you. He growls, deep and guttural as he barely holds himself back. “I’ll rip your head clean off.”
Your heart is racing as Mihawk chuckles and throws his hands up. “Alright, alright. Someone’s grown attached to their pet.”
Crocodile lets the hook linger for a few seconds before it reforms back into a clawed hand. “They’ve proven themselves useful and loyal.”
“Oh I’m sure that’s it.” Mihawk turns back and sits in one of the prepared chairs. You’re not sure what Mihawk is implying there so you cast a confused look to Sir Crocodile.
“You can leave now.” He dismisses you and you nod.
“I’ll be reading if you need me sir.” You bow slightly to Mihawk as well before you leave, despite your fear of him.
You couldn’t leave fast enough, not catching any more conversation between the two of them. You find solace in your reading chair, book settled on your lap even though you can’t bring yourself to read just yet. Your thoughts swim as you finally process how close you were to dying and that Crocodile defended you, willing to kill someone he trusted enough to let in his lair for you. And that last comment from Mihawk… he wasn’t implying what you think he was implying right?
Thank the stars above your book is interesting so at least you can think about something else while you wait and make sure you aren’t needed any more tonight. Almost two hours pass before you see Sir Crocodile darken the entryway for the cavern. You quickly stand up, setting your book down on the chair.
“Do you need-“ You’re cut off by a wave of his clawed hand.
“Come with me.” He’s already walking away so you quickly follow.
You’re led down tunnels you haven’t been down before, going even deeper into the earth. You want to know what’s going on but stop yourself from asking questions that probably won’t get answered anyways. It’s nearly 15 minutes of fast paced walking before you stop at a gigantic set of carved stone doors. A scene of the desert has been carefully etched into the stone, somehow soft and delicate despite the hard working surface. Bracing both his hands on the doors he pushes open and with some effort the doors swing in. He walks in first and after a moment of your hesitation he waves you in as well.
So this was a real hoard.
You find yourself standing on a stone walkway above a giant pit filled with more gold and jewels than you thought existed. The walkway circled the expansive cavern- easily five times the size of the entry cave. You were stunned, mesmerized by the glimmering of the treasures by firelight.
“I told you I’d show you a real hoard.” His voice snaps you back to the moment as he continues to walk and you follow, eyes still glued to the center pit.
You follow him all the way around the radius of the pit until you’re across from the doorway. You come up on a large ornate throne and open overflowing treasure chests. He reaches down into one of the chests and plucks out a piece of jewelry. It’s a gold choker inlaid with more emeralds than you can count before he makes a motion with his other hand.
“Turn around.” You obey without hesitation.
“So obedient…” You feel him right behind you and something drapes around your neck- the cold metal presses into your throat and you know it’s that necklace he pulled out. Surprisingly deft claws clasp it into place as it settles surprisingly comfortably on you.
“Let me see.” As you turn you have to crane your neck up to see him since he’s so close to you- closer than he’s ever been.
“I didn’t think anyone would get confused but apparently I have to mark what is mine better.” The golden claws rake over the metal- over your neck- and your breath hitches. “I think it suits you.”
“It’s beautiful sir.” You can’t see it now but even just from the glimpse you got you know it is- perfectly matching with the clothes he got you.
“Quite.” His eyes rake over you and for once his pupils aren’t those narrow, scrutinizing slits. They are nearly full circles, pushing out that white grey of his irises to almost nothing.
“I want you to say it.” Crocodile’s voice is low, almost a whisper. There’s an almost inaudible rumble from his chest that you can hear. You somehow know exactly what he wants.
“I’m yours.” You look him in the eyes as you say that, his claws pressuring your neck just enough so you know they’re there.
“Fuck, you’re perfect.” You feel the heat radiating off his body and there’s not a doubt in your mind he can see how affected you are by him.
His claws continue to play at the edge of the choker while you try not to wither under his touch. You’d take whatever kind of touch he would give you but that doesn’t mean you still don’t want more. The desperate thought of him wrapping that large hand around your neck flits through your head and you shudder.
“What was that pet?” Of course it didn’t go unnoticed, nothing does.
“I was- just thinking, sir.” Your words come out fragmented but that doesn’t seem to bother him, in fact a smirk comes over his face.
“Thinking? What about? Tell me.” He leans down, further invading your space as that hand near your throat keeps you from slinking away.
While it’s hard to admit it to him, you don’t think for a second about disobeying him. “Your hand around my neck.”
A low growl leaves him as he gives you what you want, his hand big enough to fully wrap around your throat. You don’t bite back the moan that leaves you as he grips lightly, fully discarding any shame you have.
“You just need to ask and I’ll give you anything you could ever want. All the gold, all the clothing, all the books this world has to offer. Just say the word.” His grip on your throat keeps your eyes locked with his, showing you how truthful he’s being. Sure, he has a physical grip on you right now, but you can see you have just as much hold over him.
“I want you.”
There’s a moment where you’re confident the world stops moving as his grip reflexively tightens around you. You feel his breath, uneven, fan over your face as he stares down at you.
“Say it again.” He demands, voice little more than a growl.
“I want-“ You don’t get to finish your sentence before you’re being pulled up into a bruising kiss.
There’s nothing gentle or even kind about the way he kisses you. He takes- robbing you of your breath and thoughts as his sharp teeth drag over your lips, drawing blood. When he finally lets you pull away you taste the thick iron of your blood as you gasp for whatever air you can get past his grip around your throat.
It was everything you wanted.
He drags you backwards until he’s sitting in that huge throne and you brace your hands on the armrests as you continue to kiss him. You go breathless many times before he releases his grip on you, head pleasantly swimming from lack of oxygen. You press your forehead to his, the cool scales that dot his hairline running a chill through you.
“Too much for my pet?” He teases, claws slipping under your shirt and up your sides.
“No sir.” To prove yourself somehow you slowly sink down to your knees in front of him, hands drifting from the armrests to his knees. He somehow looked even better from this angle, broad shoulders filling up the throne and the sharp angles of his face gazing down at you.
Claws rake through your hair as you undo the fastening on his pants, an impressive bulge already straining at the fabric. Impressive quickly turns to overwhelming as you push away his clothing and get a full view of him. You had thought many, many times about what he would look like but none of your fantasies really prepared you.
He was massive- intimidatingly so. Your hand reaches out and grips his base and your fingers don’t come close to touching. He’s smoother than you would expect, long as he curves up towards his stomach, ending in an almost angular tip. You bring your mouth to his tip, taking him in just a bit. Salt and earth weigh on your tongue, surprisingly not too unpleasant.
Letting saliva pool in your mouth you messily let it drip down his cock. You pull off of him and use both of your hands to slide up and down his length, coating him in your spit. The hand in your hair grips hard and forces you to look up at him.
“I want you to look at me while you pleasure me pet.” The pain of him pulling your hair only turns you on further.
“Yes sir.” You keep eye contact with him as you take him into your mouth once again, tongue flattening as you slowly push him further into your mouth and down your throat. You can’t take all of him but your hands compensate, sliding up and down the remaining length in time with your mouth. Apparently though, it’s not quite enough.
“Oh, pet, let me-“ Claws dig into your scalp as he holds your head in place and thrusts his hips up to shove his cock further down your throat.
You sputter and gag as he forces himself down further than you thought he could go but he doesn’t let up, holding you there while you adjust. Finally you force your breathing through your nose, tears streaming down your face as you calm your throat down to take him.
“That’s it- knew you could take more- don’t think about a thing just let me fuck that tight little throat of yours.” He continues his assault and you let him, not making a single move to escape his grasp.
Your don’t have enough thought in your head to continue moving your hands so you just hold his base as he uses your throat. All that you can do is take what he’s giving you and do your best to maintain eye contact through the tears. You can only imagine what you look like to him- absolutely debauched as your mouth and throat stretch to accommodate him, tears and spit dripping from your face onto the stone below.
You’re not sure how long you’re like this, knees on the cold stone as you let your face get fucked, losing track of time and just about everything else. It’s only when his thrusts loose their steady rhythm and you can feel the throb of his cock that you snap back, suddenly hearing the words pouring out of Crocodile’s mouth.
“I knew you’d be such a good whore for me- you’re going to swallow what I give you aren’t you pet? It’ll be so easy when I pour it right down your throat-“ At least you know it’s coming and you hum in acknowledgment, the only way you can let him know that you want it too.
That noise in your throat seems to be all that’s needed to push him over the edge as he holds your head tight and spills his cum down your throat. You fight against the urge to gag, doing your best to swallow until he finally releases his grip on the back of your head, letting you pull off and gasp for air. You rest your head on his thigh while you catch your breath and you feel his hand gently brush against your cheek, a sharp contrast to how he was only a few moments ago.
“So good for me… does my pet deserve a reward?” You barely have time to process his words before you’re being moved, world flipping around.
Suddenly you’re sitting in the throne and Crocodile is on his knees in front of you, a predatory grin splitting his face. He doesn’t waste any time, sharp claws tearing and ripping your bottoms clean off. You want to protest but the words die in your throat as he holds your thighs open and stares at you.
“I knew you’d be soaked but all this?” You feel the sharp edge of his claws play at your folds. “My poor pet has been so pent up.”
He kisses up your inner thigh and as he gets closer occasionally his sharp teeth sink into your flesh, just breaking the delicate skin there. After every bite he licks over the wounds and you can’t quite see but you can feel that his tongue is longer than you would expect it to be. Your fists ball at your sides, every pinprick of pain sending a new rush of pleasure through you.
“You can grip onto me if you like, you won’t hurt me.” Hesitantly, you move one of your hands to his hair as he hikes your thighs over his shoulders. “I’ve been waiting to taste you since I first saw you, I just know you’ll be divine.”
His claws somehow don’t rip open you skin as he pries your folds open before diving in with that long, thick tongue. You immediately see stars as pushes his tongue into you and it curls inside you. The pad of his thumb presses down on your clit as he relentlessly swipes against your insides. He pulls back for a second, a single strand of hair falling in his face.
“If you’re going to take me I’ll have to get you ready.” You watch as his golden claws loose their edge but get thicker before they disappear between your legs.
Your legs instinctually wrap around his neck as you feel the cool metal press against your entrance. You hear him chuckle before his tongue swirls around your clit and he presses a single large finger inside you. The moan that leaves you would embarrass you if you were capable of that emotion anymore. The gold is thick and cold inside you, a feeling so weirdly foreign yet amazing.
All of the sensations- his finger inside you, his tongue swirling around your clit, his flesh hand holding your hips down- it’s too much. Crying out and griping his hair you cum all over his finger and tongue. Despite your orgasm Crocodile doesn’t let up for a second though, a second finger slipping inside you while your mind and body buzzed off the high.
“You’re going to have to get a lot looser than that pet.” The two fingers make a scissoring motion inside you and he uses the gap he creates to snake his tongue inside you as well.
You nearly yell in pleasure as his tongue reaches spots you can only dream of finding with your own fingers. Without thinking your hips move up to try and find more friction but his single hand keeps you pressed down to the velvet fabric of the throne. He shoots you a warning glare that only makes you want more. You’re already sensitive from the orgasm you just had so it’s not too long before you’re chanting his title and wrapping your legs ever tighter around the back of his neck. His tongue pulls out and you whine at the loss but it’s short lived as it travels up to your clit, flicking over it before you feel the very edges of his teeth scrape that sensitive bud and you feel like your nerves light on fire.
You’re gushing over his fingers again and he finally stops moving, pressing more kisses and bites into your inner thighs. Once your legs finally relax he slides his fingers out and uses both his hands to grip your waist as he flips your positions once again. This time as he sits on the throne you’re positioned on his lap, his length already sliding against your folds.
“Do you think you’re ready to take me?” His mouth finds your neck, teeth scraping against skin as you grind against his cock. “Or are you going to get off like this?”
“No- please I need you inside me.” You force yourself to stop moving to prove your point.
“Hm… you’re almost ready…” One of his sharp claws rips open your top from the center causing it too fall loose from your shoulders. Now all that’s left on you is that golden choker. “Perfect.”
Just one of his hands is enough to lift you up, the other hand lining up his cock with your entrance. You gasp as his tip presses into you, already stretching you out as much as his fingers. Digging your nails into the fur lining of his coat, somehow still situated on his shoulders, you do your best to stay relaxed as Crocodile pushes inch after inch into you.
“I- fuck- you’re too big-“ You sputter out as you feel him getting deeper, pushing your body to its limits.
“You just- fuck pet- you just need to relax. You can take it. I know you can.” You feel the cold metal of his gold hand rub tight circles around your clit. “You’re gripping me so tight just let me in.”
“I’m-“ You feel like you’re being ripped in half but there’s something about the pain of the stretch that feels so good.
You’re already so overstimulated and the filthy words in your ear and the quick movements of his fingers are too much. You cum with a wordless scream, burying your face into Crocodile’s neck. Taking advantage of how your body contracts and then relaxes during your orgasm he shoves his cock in the rest of the way- tip suddenly shoving against your cervix and sending a wave of pain through your body. You hit his shoulder and he pulls back slightly, soothing kisses pressed against your throat.
“See thats it, you could take me pet, see?” His hand rubs over your abdomen and lightly pushes you back. “Look at that.”
You look down and see your stomach bulging out slightly, showing you how far his cock had gone in you. Crocodile pushes down on the bulge with his hand, fascinated by the way your body takes him. You can only whine, uselessly clawing at his jacket as he sits inside you, unmoving.
“So fucking tight and warm pet. I should have had you like this from the first night you came here. But now that you’re here-“ His hips finally move, each thrust sharp and deep. “You’re never going anywhere else. You’re mine.”
“I’m yours- I’m- Sir please it’s- it’s too much-“ Three orgasms had put all your nerves on edge, each slide of his cock inside you overwhelming.
“Oh you can take it. You’re doing so well pet- just a little more-“ He quickens his pace and you cry out before he captures your lips with his own and swallows all your noises.
Pushed past where you thought you could go everything goes a bit numb, head fuzzy in a pleasant way. You give yourself up to him, let him take whatever he wants from you as you surrender. There’s no more thoughts in your head and you can barely hear the nasty things he’s whispering in between kisses. You’ve never felt like this before and you loved it.
The fog clears slightly when Crocodile nips at your earlobe. “I’m going to fill you up pet- how’s that sound?”
You can only moan in response, you’d be fine with whatever he asked you at this point.
“That’s it- so fucking perfect for me- taking it all for me and letting me fill you up- just like-“ He shifts his hips and thrusts faster, hitting deep inside you. “Need you to cum again, come on pet, grip me tight like that again-“
“I- I don’t know if-“ Your protests are quickly drowned out.
“Yes you can- come on now.” He presses against your abused clit again and your body caves to his demands as your walls convulse around him.
You feel his warm seed pour into you, mixing with your cum and gushing out onto both of your thighs. You’re only somewhat aware of how much cum he spilled into you, still leaking out of him as he slowly pulls out of you. Instinctively you wrap your arms around your neck and pull him close and you feel a warm chuckle in his chest.
“Does my pet need some affection?” Hair is brushed out of your face as one arm holds you close to his chest. “You’ve done such a good job.”
You feel him stand up but you’re secure against his large body as you’re carried off somewhere. Things are still fuzzy and you can’t track the turns down the tunnels but you feel the air grow damper until you hear the sound of running water.
“You’re going to have to let go for a moment.” He tells you gently and you obey, arms sliding off as he sets you down.
It isn’t until your feet hit water that you realize this cave is one giant hot spring. You immediately shuffle forward until you’re mostly covered with the warm water, the heat sinking into your already sore muscles. Crocodile, finally naked, joins you a few moments later, scooping you up from behind. He carries you over to a spot where he can sit and still be mostly covered with water and you stay curled up in his lap.
You’re so tired, mind and body exhausted from the night. It doesn’t even startle you when you feel Crocodile’s tail possessively wrap around your legs while his arms hold you at your waist. Drifting in and out of consciousness you occasionally feel him washing parts of you off, the smell fragrant soaps pushing you even farther to sleep.
You wake up slightly when it’s time to get out of the water, skin pruning from the over exposure. You towel yourself off and Crocodile wraps you in a soft robe before sweeping you off your feet once again.
It’s not long before you’re back in your room, gently laid in bed. You pull the covers over yourself as Crocodile scans over your body.
“Have a good night pet.” He says, rubbing your shoulder before taking a few steps away.
“Wait.” Your words stop his leaving and he casts you a questioning glance. “You said I could have anything I want?”
“Yes, of course.” He walks back over to you.
“Then… could you stay the night with me?”
Sir Crocodile isn’t easily readable, you’ve been fighting to understand his thoughts for months now through glances and sparse words. He was unmovable, strong, fearsome.
But you don’t miss the way his face softens at your request.
“Whatever you ask.” He slides into bed next to you and after some adjusting your back is pressed against his chest. His arms wrap around your middle and that large tail rests over your leg. You feel safe, secure, against his large frame.
“Sleep well my treasure.”
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0asisbliss · 2 months
💵💰ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ) TAKE IT *slaps it on your face*
can you do a demon gyomei x human reader thats so powerful hes lover roam the day alone knowing nobody would harm even a strand of theyre hair before they are insintigerated?..
..but what if some drunkard ,aloof bamboon, tried to attack them and was met with a angry gyomei...that was displayed as a warning to never mess with his lover again
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A/N: HIIIII!! I’m doing okay! Thank you for asking! *Gives back money💰💸* Take this love-🍩🍦
Warnings: None. Pure fluff!🤍
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Honestly you knew how strong Gyomei was. Even on the outside he was a little demeaning, and scary to some people he was the sweetest boyfriend to you. It was fun walking knowing no one dared to lay a hand on your pretty little head.
You would usually wait around the time of night to go out to your regular spot where you always met Gyomei at. It was a little fountain with the prettiest water. You liked to sit and wait for him as you watched how to moon’s reflection sparkled in the water.
As you were on your way towards the fountain you hear the sound of groaning. You look around to see anyone, and there’s no one there. You continue walking down your regular path while you keep yourself aware of your surroundings.
You feel a hand slam on your shoulder, and you turn around quickly to swat it away. Before you know it’s two hands on your shoulders shaking you then pinning you against the buildings near by wall.
“Please what the hell? Let go of me!”
You struggle to get his hand off of you, but his grip tightens and it starts to hurt.
“You’re a pretty gurl.. heheh.” The drunk spat out. Some of his spit got on your cheek and you cringed at the feeling.
He shows you his tongue, and starts to move toward your face motioning that he’s about to lick you.
“Ew! HELP!” You shout out at top of your lungs.
You then see a shadow, and then at the blink of an eye the guys head spins right off of his shoulders. Surprisingly no blood gets on you.
“Darling? Are you alright?” His voice is soft and deep. Not wanting to be to loud to alarm you. Knowing you’re probably still in shock. He searches your body for any sign of bruises.
You look down at the dead drunks corpse and Gyomei lifts your head up to look at him.
“Don’t look at that darling look at me okay?”
Gyomei then picks you up a takes you back to his residence. You’re gonna be in for a night of marking.
Although there’s still shock just not on your face but the bystanders you appreciate Gyomei being there.
You think from now on no one will dare touch you not even random drunks.
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piss-pumpkin · 10 months
🌹“Just as friends”🌹
(Older)Dipper pines x reader, Chapter 3 of Douce amere
~4.5k words
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Tw for those who need it- food/eating, several awful sex jokes 💀
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You jolted awake. Pacifica’s alarm was loud, and she did not silence it soon enough. She rolled out of bed beside you, falling to the floor before standing up. “Food?”
You rubbed your eyes, “Got an extra tooth brush?”
”Yeah,” she muttered, voice hoarse. “Then food.”
Pacifica led you to the main foyer, where housekeepers and maids were setting up tables. Some held food, others simply face table cloths for people to mingle at. 
“And you lied to me and said this was small and unimpressive,” you said, staring in wonder at the scene. There was a rather large dessert table, complete with a chocolate fountain and strawberries on sticks.
”Yeah, whatever I guess. It’s a little big if you aren’t used to better.” Pacifica showed you to the kitchen, where a cake of at least five layers was sat, completely iced in orange and pink frosting. “Anyway, there’s breakfast if you want it,” she said, grabbing a bowl from the cupboard. “Are you a morning eater?”
You yawned, “Eh, I can be. What do you got?”
She opened the fridge and pulled out a carton of strawberries, and started to wash them. “Pretty much everything,” she said, pouring her berries into the bowl.
You squinted. It was far to early to think about what you could possibly want, if anything. “I’ll just have what you’re having, I guess.”
Pacifica poured the other half of the strawberries into a second bowl, and handed it to you. “Let’s get out of here, it’s too busy.”
You started back upstairs with her to her room, trying not to get in the way of preparation. As you walked, you felt your phone buzz in your pocket. Pulling it out as you ascended the stairs, you saw it was Dipper. You smiled. 
“Dip is asking the dress code, he apparently didn’t bring anything fancy,” you laughed. “He wants to know if he can just wear his normal clothes.”
Pacifica smirked, “he can’t be serious, right?” She flopped onto her bed, and held the bowl of strawberries by her chest. 
You followed behind, and sat down with her. “Man, you know he’s fucking serious,” you said, looking down at your phone and beginning to make fun of him over text.
”Well tell him we’ll supply him with something, I guess,” she said, looking at her closet. “You know I have guy clothes.”
You looked down and idly typed the message. “We’re making him wear a suit right?”
Pacifica smiled, “Yep. Tux, I think. probably bow tie?”
”I was thinking regular tie, I feel like that’s a better look.”
Pcifica thought a moment, and popped a strawberry in her mouth. “I dunno… maybe you’re right,” she pondered. “We could make him try both and decide which is better?”
You nodded, “sounds good.” You ate a strawberry. Quite sweet. You let the leafy tops collect at one side of the bowl. “So do you still like… like him?”
Pacifica looked up, “I mean… kind of. The same way i would after not seeing him in person for like, a year.” She pursed her lips, as if straining her mind for the thought. “I dunno. I think about him less when he’s away. But the feeling is still there, kind of?”
You nodded. Her feelings were a little different then yours, but the same sentiment. 
“What about you, you still-“
”Yep. Awful, too,” you shook your head, eating another strawberry. You squinted your eyes, and sucked a breath in through your teeth, “I am absolutely down bad.”
“My condolences,” Pacifica sighed. “We’ve all been there
You laughed, “At least we agree he’ll look really cute in a suit.”
Pacifica threw her head back on the pillow. “Ugh, right? We gotta dress his ass up.”
You smiled, “I’m also curious about what Mabel is doing, I think she is making her own dress.” You plucked your last strawberry off its stem. “I think she made it in like, a night. She could be cooking.”
”Or it could be a disaster, and we have to find her a last minute dress.”
”That is an equal possibility, I think.”
Pacifica and yourself were waiting by the door as the party was starting. There were people, standing, mingling. Nobody interesting, not yet. Though by the way Pacifica was talking, you weren’t sure there was anyone interesting on the roster besides you and the twins. 
Much to both of your surprise, Mabel’s dress was fine. Good, even, shocking as it was. She came in first, wearing a blue dress with a shocking amount of sequins  for how little time it took. 
Dipper followed behind his sister, dressed in nothing fancy, and looking rather out of place among the few guests that had arrived this early. You and Pacifica waved the pair over. Mabel bounced closer, running ahead of Dipper and greeting you both with a wide smile, “Wow, you guys look amazing!”
You pumped your fists in the air with excitement. “You too, I can’t believe you made that!” you exclaimed, looking her dress up and down. “You’re insane!”
Mabel giggled, and twirled in a small circle, letting her skirt lift and spin. “Just insane enough,” she laughed.
Pacifica snickered, “That’s highly debatable.”
Just as Mabel was about to retort, Dipper came up beside her, and leaned his arm on her shoulder. “It’s true Mabel, she’s right.”
Pacifica eyed up Dipper, “Yeah, Dip, hopefully you know you’re not going to be wearing that, right?”
Dipper sighed, “yeah, I know, I know.”
Pacifica looked to you, “We take him to get changed before the rest of the guests arrive?”
You nodded. 
Mabel laughed, and hit Dipper on the back. “Alright, you go get prettied up, bro.” She smacked him once more before bouncing off of him, “I’m gonna get punch, and get a date.” With that she was off, as Dipper was giving her a mildly annoyed look. 
You and Pacifica led him to the back, where Pacifica handed him a hanger with his clothes. “Okay,” she looked to you, “Y/n, help him if he needs it, change room is on the right, and I need to go greet people.”
You nodded, “Godspeed.”
”And good luck,” Dipper added.
And then you were alone with your just as friends date. “Alright, you get ready, there’s a tie and a bow tie, too, your pick.”
Dipper entered the change room, and closed the curtain behind him. “Mmmk,” he said. 
You leaned on a wall, waiting. “Did you read ahead without me, last night?” you asked, idly looking around.
”No, actually, I wasn’t sure if we were reading it together, so I played it safe,” he said though the curtain. You could hear faint rustling sounds from the other side. “Are we?”
You nodded, despite the fact that he couldn’t see you, “Yeah, it’s book club.” You straightened your back against the wall, and tapped your foot on the ground. “Thanks for waiting for me,” you smiled, “Also hurry up.”
”I am hurrying.”
You laughed, shaking your head, “This is not was hurrying looks like.”
You heard faint grumbling from him before Dipper emerged from the change room in a suit. With a black tie. The one you had chosen… but he didn’t know that. You smiled, “Well, you look good, all fancy like.” 
He adjusted the sleeves and fiddled with the cuffs. “Uh- thanks,” he said, smiling softly. He closed the curtain behind him, and looked away from you, to the floor. “Y-you too, I forgot to mention earlier…”
You raised your brow, smiling. He was still looking at the floor away from you, so you moved in front of him, and leaned over slightly, forcing him to see you. “Why thank you,” you snickered. “I better look good, it took Pacifica all night to style me.”
Dipper stepped back slightly, face pinkish. “I assume she’s responsible for this, too?” he said, gesturing at his own clothes.
You stood back up tall, “I want to say you were a team effort, actually.” You took his wrist in your hand, and turned it over so you could see the sleeve. “The cuff links were my pick,” you said, tapping them. “Same with the tie”
Dipper instinctively moved is hand to his chest, and thumbed over the tie. “Well chosen, it’s really soft,” he said. 
You smiled, spinning away from him and offering your hand. “I’m actually surprised you were able to tie it without help, I was ready to call Pacifica in to do it for you.”
Dipper took your hand, and gave it a slight squeeze. “I actually looked it up while I was in there,” he laughed, pulling your hand closer to him, and linking your arms. 
You both started out to the main room, “God, that’s why you took so long in there?” you asked. You came to the foyer, which was now filled with a substantial amount of people, and you knew even more were set to come. 
“Wow, lots of people…” Dipper said, trailing off. “Where did Mabel and Pacifica go?”
You looked around, taking in the scene. The tables you’d seen the staff setting up before were now filled with food, or set with chairs for dining and mingling. Gentle orchestral and piano music was playing, and several people were dancing a waltz. “Pacifica is gonna be busy for a while, she has to socialize,” you said, scanning the room for your friends. “And it appears Mabel had been lost to the party.”
Dipper sighed, shaking his head. “Of course she is, we’re not gonna see her for a while, are we.”
”No we will not,” you said, walking with him along the edge of the room. “I bet she’s looking for somebody to dance with,” you pondered. “Hey, we should dance.”
Dipper looked at you, curiously. “Y/n, neither of us know how to waltz.”
You took Dippers hand, gliding your fingers up his palm before lacing them together. “Come on, it can’t be that hard, right?” 
His hand was sweaty, and his face was slightly red. “Y/n, I think you are seriously underestimating my awkwardness,” he said. Despite it, he let you lead him to the floor, where people were dancing in step.
”I’m sure your fine, nobody really knows how to dance,” you laughed. 
Dipper closed his eyes and shook his head, curling his face into a perplexed expression when he opened them. “What the actual fuck do you mean?” He used his head to gesture around the room. “Literally everyone here knows how to dance, that is what they are all dancing.”
You sighed, still smiling. “Come on, all you need is rhythm, I think.” You placed his hand on your waist, and your in his shoulder. “I think this is how it goes, yeah?” You looked around, scanning the other dancers in the room. They were mostly adults and old people, all of whom looked rich. But they did have the same positioning as you. “Yeah, I think we’ve got this.”
”Y/n, I have no rhythm,” he said. You could feel the warmth from his palm on your hip. It was light too, like he was afraid of putting the weight of his hand on you. “Plus this is a rich old person song.” He was stiff, as if his knees were locked. The hand you still held was shaky, the vessel for his anxious movements. You rubbed your thumb over his to try and calm him. Or at least offer some courage.
“Then let me lead,” you said softly. You started to move, and pull him along to the music. You looked around and tried to mimic the dancing of others. “Hey, this isn’t that bad, you’re fine.” 
He was still apprehensive, stiff. “I, uh-“ he almost tripped, stepping on your foot. “Sorry.”
You shook you head, “Don’t be, probably my fault,”  You smiled a moment, “you see, not so hard.”
“Not what your mom was saying last night,” he spat quickly.
You shook your head, hiding your tired smile. “Just couldn’t resist, huh?” You said, gliding across the room, still leading. You saw an old man dip his partner, and gained an idea. 
As you led Dipper, you started to take more control. You knew if you tried to dip him out of the blue, he’d resist. You wouldn’t be able to. Unless…
You moved toward the edge of the dance floor, in case it went wrong, and to both fell on the ground. As you did, you stood straight up and tall, and swept the leg.
”Augh-“ Dipper tried to form a word, but was too late. You swept one leg, leaving him vulnerable to be pushed down with the free, non catching hand. As he fell, that hand slipped under his back to stop him before he hit the ground.
You smirked down at him, holding him there for a moment before pulling him up. 
His eyes were wide, and face slightly red. Though that could have been from fear. “You realize my life just flashed before my eyes, right?” He blinked a few times, as if reacquainting himself with standing. 
You started again to the centre. “Whaaaat?” you laughed. Across the floor you saw another move, a spin this time. 
Dipper noticed too though, and followed your eyes across the room, landing in the same couple. “Oh, don’t even thing about it.”
You snickered, “you know me too well.” You still intended to do it. As you subtly moved your hands across his to reposition to spin him, he caught you off guard. He must have been watching the motion of the dancers too, because he threw his arm out to try and spin you. Unlike you, he didn’t have the tactical skill to force the spin, like you did the dip, but you were one to play the game. As he led you, you spun out, then back in close, placing your chest nearly against his. “Hey, man’s got moves!”
”Heh, thanks,” he stuttered, intensely aware of the new closeness.
You were aware of it too. You smirked, almost feeling the heat from his face. Your hands glided smoothly away from his and to the back of his neck, where you laced your fingers together. “And you were worried,” you smiled. 
He was looking at you with wide eyes, and slightly parted lips. They caught your attention, your gaze flickering from his big brown eyes down to his slightly pink lips. Fuck, you were not subtle today. Dipper swallowed, “Yeah… nothing to worry about. You wouldn’t let me fall.”
You snickered, “Oh, I’d let you fall, alright.” You looked at him with an almost shit eating grin. A pun-smile, so to speak. “Get it, it has a double meaning.”
Dipper flushed. “Uh, I mean-“
You were blushing too, you could feel it. To close. To much, to hard. You backed out, pulling away from his chest. ”Or maybe it just means I’ll do this,” you say, sweeping his leg again and barely catching him on the way down. He let out a startled sound again, having been caught only inches from the floor. Just as you were leaned over him, about to pull him up, you let him fall to the floor. “Like that.”
Dipper grumbled, laying with his back on the ground for a moment, as if in protest. “You know,” he started, exasperated. The blush wasn’t completely faded from his face, but it was close.
As he moved to get up, you put a hand out in front of him to help him. He looked at it a moment with pursed lips before taking it. You pulled him up. “But hey, who could ever resist falling in love with me,” you said, punctuating your claim by putting your hand beneath your chin to frame your face.
“Literally nobody, you’re so effortlessly charming,” he said, sarcastically. He took your hand again, and pulled you close to his chest like before, and started to dance again. Looks like you got through to him? Or he’s humouring you. Either way. You moved your feet with his, letting him lead. It didn’t seem like he even realized it was you following him now.
You shrugged, “Hey, your words.” Your hands found their way back to his neck. You felt the brush of his hair on your fingers, and lingered on the feeling. His hair was soft.
“Are they really though?”
”That doesn’t even make sense, Dippin dots,” you shook your head. 
Dippers face flattened, “oops,” he said, stepping on your foot. 
“Hey!” you exclaimed playfully. 
“Deserved,” Dipper sighed. The song ended. Come to think of it, it wasn’t the song you started on.
“Those are fighting words, Dipstick.” You thought for a moment as Dipper led you along the floor. He wasn’t all that bad at this. “I could…” you hesitated, and laughed at yourself as you said it. “Pull your hair, or something,” you said, fingers trailing up his neck to brush against his locks. Smooth.
Dipper laughed immediately, and then feigned shock and horror. He gasped, “You can’t! What if I cum!”
You stifled a laugh, pulling away, and gut punched him playfully. “Jesus Christ, you are awful. Like downright terrible, that physically hurt me.” You shook your head, and turned away from him to hide your smirk. Fucking terrible.
“Obligatory masochism joke?” He questioned.
You turned back to him, “Nah, that one’s a stretch.”
Dipper shook his head, “You’re just a critic, I swear.” He folded his arms at his chest. “Honestly, your comedy is lacking,” he scoffed with faux condescension. 
You sighed, smiling despite yourself. “Yeah, whatever, you absolute comedian.” You shook your head, looking at the floor to avoid his eyes. You snaked your arm around his, unfolding it from the other, “You can tell me all about how funny you are on the way to the snack table, yeah?”
Dipper easily linked his arm with yours, “Good plan.”
You lingered with him near the chocolate fountain, showing dessert strawberries in your mouth. There was no getting sick of strawberries, was there?
”Y/n, Y/n, look over there,” Dipper said, poking you. You followed his eyes, and landed on Mabel across the room, flirting with a rich looking guy. You squinted, trying to read the reaction of the guy. 
“Mabel? What, who is that?” You said, curious.
”What? No,” he said, shaking his head. He pointed this time, and moved your head to direct your eyes in the direction. “Cheese fountain.”
”Cheese fountain?” You asked, unsure where he was going. The phrase cheese fountain did not evoke a good feeling from you. The concept didn’t seem appetizing. 
“Cheese strawberry, I dare you.”
You opened your mouth, in some sort of surprise. “Oh, you bitch, why would you dare me that?”
He snickered, “cuz you‘ll do it.”
You pursed your lips, turning to him, pointing to him with malice. You sighed, “you’re right, I ain’t no pussy, come on.” He smiled, taking your arm again to move tables, a few sticks of strawberries held in his free hand. 
The two of you stopped just short of the table, and stared down the cheese fountain. You almost wanted to out your hand in it, just to feel the texture. You held back though. “Looks kind of gross,” you muttered.
”It sure does,” Dipper said, handing you a skewered strawberry, bowing his head slightly as he did. 
You held the strawberry under the drilling and flowing cheese, drenching it. You weren’t no bitch, despite the fact that the texture was strange. 
“Damn, you’re drowning it,” Dipper commented, watching. 
You stared at the strawberry after you pulled it out. A droplet of thick and slightly warm cheese fell to the floor at your feet. “Only way to go is all in,” you said, about to pop it in your mouth.
You vaguely heard footsteps come closer beside you.  “What are you doing?” Pacifica said, approaching.
”Uhh,” You and Dipper both stammered in unison. You looked down at the cheese berry, then at him. Sharing a moment of contemplating eye contact, you decided to speak first. “Chesee strawberry, any thoughts?”
Pacifica scrunched her face, and receded into herself. “Yeah, just one. Why?”
You wordlessly pointed at Dipper, and you both could see Pacificas face change as she realized it was a rather stupid dare. It changed from mild disgust to a tired disappointment. “Yeah, maybe don’t do that,” Pacifica said, sucking in a breath though her teeth.
Dipper crossed his arms, “Dude, it’s liquid cheese, it’s nasty.”
Pacifica sighed, “Yeah, I know, but the old people like it.” She tilted her head up and looked around the room, scanning the crowd of her parents friends and their children. “Can’t imagine why,” she said. 
You perked up, “Oh speaking of, are you done with your parents friends?”
Pacifica clapped her gloved hands together, “For now, yes!”
You gasped, and leaned over to offer her a hand. “Then may I be the first to offer you a dance,” you said, doing your best impression of a snobbish voice.
She took it, “Why, I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
She led, much more skillfully then you or Dipper ever did. At the centre of the foyer, she swung you and spun you with a practiced perfection you might envy. 
“You’re good at this,” you said, in slight wonder. 
“I’ve had to go to these parties since I was like, three,” she laughed. “If have to be a good dancer by now.”
You got a few looks from the guests, some of which said a quick hello or happy birthday to Pacifica. She tried to keep it brief, not even slowly the dance to speak with them. 
As you were gliding around the floor, she looked back to the food table. ”So, do I have your blessing to dance with Dip?” she asked coyly.
You laughed, “yeah, of course. I’ll tag him in soon.” You may be his just as friends date, and have feeling for him, but you wouldn’t be a bitch about it. Who were you to try and stop her? You were friends with both of them first and foremost. “I should probably find Mabel anyway, make sure she’s not being weird to anyone.”
Pacifica snickered, “I’m almost a hundred percent sure your late on that, I can feel it.”
”There’s no harm in trying though, yeah?” You said, gliding closer to where Dipper was collecting snacks on his plate like he was a starving man on death row getting his last meal. You waved at him to try and catch his attention, “Dipshit! Tag in for me!” you called. 
He looked over, holding a bun in his mouth. You could see his expression fall slightly, reliving his hesitancy to dance from earlier. 
You got closer with Pacifica, so nobody had to yell. Pacifica let go of your hands, and stopping in front of him. “Come on, I actually know how to dance, and won’t let you make a fool of yourself.”
Dipper snickered, and nudged you slightly. “You’ll let me keep my dignity? Y/n could learn something from you,” he said, taking her hand. 
You smiled, “hey, I didn’t do you that bad, did I?”
“Ehhhh,” he said, squinting. “Up for debate, I think.”
”Yeah, whatever nerd,” you laughed. You snapped a finger gun at the two of them before they moved away from you. Off to find Mabel.
Unsurprisingly, she was trying to flirt. You found her trying to kabedon a rich looking guy about your age. She didn’t see you as you approached, but he did, and made pleading eye contact with you. Yikes.
You scrunched your face, and shook your head. You leaned on the same wall as the guy, and looked to Mabel. “May I cut in for a dance?”
Mabel squinted, “with whom?”
You bowed, and offered a hand, “The lovely lady, of course.”
She gasped, “Why, I’m enchanted.” She spoke in a posh British accent, “of course, I’d love that.”
She released the guy and took your hand. You glanced to the fleeing rich dude, who offered you a nod of thanks. You nodded back, happy to save him. Gliding to the dance floor with her, you sighed, “Girlie, he was not into you.”
”I think he was warming up,” she said, leading the dance. 
“Dude, you gotta learn some boundaries.”
She pursed her lips, “Are you sure he wasn’t into me?”
You laughed, “dude, yes. He looked terrified.”
The party went on. Cake was cut, dances were had, as it stretched deeper into the night, the music shifted from waltzing classics to more current songs. Songs you could actually dance to, competently this time, with Mabel by your side immediately, Pacifica quick to follow, and Dipper reluctant to join. But you made him. And he danced endearingly awkwardly, much worse without the clear and define steps of a waltz to guide him.
And unfortunately, despite what you felt in the moment, the party did eventually end. When it was just you and your friends left, and you all crashed. 
And in the early afternoon when you all woke, you, Mabel and Dipper did not want to stay and help clean up. Pacifica was quite understanding. 
And so, you were started home. The instructions Stan gave you were simply to borrow a car and drive the twins yourself illegally. He was a great driving instructor. So you loaded them into the car, drove them to the shack.
”You coming?” Dipper asked, seeing how you weren’t getting out after you pulled in.
“Fuck no,” you laughed, “I’m taking a nap at home man.”
A flicker of disappointment crossed his face. He looked back at the door Mabel already disappeared through, then back to you. “Then do you want the book club book, so you can catch up before we read next?”
You smiled, “yeah, actually. I think context might help my understanding.”
”Okay, hold on, I’ll grab it from my room,” he said, starting to the shack. “Don’t go anywhere.” You leaned back in the seat, and waited. Soon enough Dipper was scurrying back out, book in hand.  “Alright, here, now we’ll be on the same level,” he said, leaning against the open car window.
”And this is a series?”
Dipper nodded.
”Then I’m excited for book club going forward,” you said, yawning. “Anyway, I’m fucking off, see you later?”
Dipper waved slightly, pushing himself off the car, “Alright, see ya.”
You blew a kiss at him, making an exaggerated mwah sound while winking. He shook his head, hiding a smile as you drove off.  
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Next chapter
Man I wrote this in like March it’s weird looking at it again.
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koolades-world · 4 months
hello! I've been binging your work recently, and I've really been enjoying it! (also if your requests aren't actually open please just ignore this, and I'm really sorry 🙇‍♀️)
I was wondering if you could do the Brothers with an Aroace MC?
Aroace means aromantic/asexual incase you didn't know and the individual meanings of those are:
aromantic: little to no romantic attraction
asexual: little to no sexual attraction
I was also wondering if this could be fluffy and platonic? if this isn't the stuff you normally write then, again, I'm really sorry😭
I hope you have a good day/night!
hi! of course :)
i think i have done either an aromantic or an asexual mc, but not an aroace!
enjoy <3
Aroace Mc
i am a firm believer in dadcifer!!!!
he will hang your work on the fridge when you do well, will be at every sports meet, and he tucks you into bed every night
he has a special smile reserved for you (and mammon) when he's proud of you
honestly even if you're a little gremlin, he's happy to have you in his life because you changed him for the better
he brings you on his adventures to find shiny little trinkets because it's mammon
one of his favorite ways to do so is to dig through public fountains, which is high risk, er, low reward haha
but it's fun so it's worth it? to mammon it is
afterwards though, he always gets you ice cream as a thank you :)
of course he introduced you to all of his favorite aroace characters
he knows how amazing it is to find a character that's just like you, even if they're far and few between
if you ever need comfort for any reason, his room is always open for you, no password needed
he's got a blanket and all of your favorite animes and video games ready to go just for you
as long as you're up for it, you can expect regular trips to his stomping grounds
ie the library, the local bookstores, cafes, and of course, cat cafes for special occasions
of course, he only supports places that are lgbtq+ friendly <3
he also keeps a special section of books in his room for you of aroace authors and books with aroace characters
will make sure he has all the nail polish for the aroace pride flag so he can paint them for you!
if you're not into nail polish, he'll find other cute ways to support you and help you show your pride, such as through other accessories
he's a frequenter at pride parades, so you're welcome to come if you want <3
lots of girls nights together where you eat tasty snacks, wear facemasks and chat about that day
he will kick someone ass for you if they're bothering you!
he's very protective of his family, and to him, you are
after he's done with them, they'll never even think about bothering you again
also gives you the best hugs!!
he loves having lazy mornings with you!
tickle fights with him!! he could win every time but he lets you win when he's feeling nice haha
he gives amazing cuddles and he doesn't even know it
if you're not into cuddles, that's alright, he's got a pile of pillows and blankets with your name on it that he picked out just for you
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sylenth-l · 4 months
Im sure you answered this question but I cant find it on the ask tab as theres a lot.
What kind of ink do you use or recommend as a starter?
I use a lot of different inks and have no specific brand recommendations, only that all of them are fountain pen inks. Maybe only for waterproof inks - I use Tramol inks for linework all the time, and I'm quite happy with them. It's not easy to find nice waterproof inks and in a wide range of colors too.
(Also I got a similar question just now too, so here's a link to that post as well)
If you just wanna try out inks as a medium and see some of its unique qualities, I think I can safely recommend one of these 4, whatever colour seems more appealing to you. All of them are very well-behaved, easy to get, have some great chromatography and reaction to bleach. The ornament on top is done with a bleach (any household liquid bleach will do) and the paper here is Baohong S8 grain satin.
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If I had to pick a personal favorite, that would be Parker Quink Black hands down, it's my favorite ink of all time. I use it absolutely always, either in mixes or on its own.
BUT I must warn you, because I barely see it mentioned anywhere - Quink Black also has a washable version. It's written on the packaging with a small font. Washable Black is also a gorgeous color, but it's significantly lighter and warmer than the regular Quink Black, almost olive in tone.
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And the regular ink also seems to have some little variation in colour - this is my second bottle of Quink Black, and the first one, which I bought a few years ago, is a bit bluer and has a little less chromatography. The difference isn't too drastic, but still noticeable. 
Inks are also extremely sensitive to the paper used, much more than the watercolour or other similar mediums. Paper can change the ink's tone and behavior quite drastically. Here's an example of the very same ink swatched on 4 different papers:
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So my suggestion is to test whatever paper you have in your possession to see what works the best for you. 
I'm so cheering for you to play with some inks, it's fun even if you don't draw anything in particular. Just wet the paper, add a few drops of ink on it and see the magic happen!
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herbivorp · 8 months
cw for horror-esque design art!
Just some concept art of Bad but it's intentionally spooky this time so :P
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+ some fountain pen doodles so It isnt just a text thumbnail O-o
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ignore that he doesnt have his scars or uhm. hair
We need more BadBoyHalo being a scary monster so I am here to deliver 🫡 If you havent seen my other art this is his "true" form and what he's worried about the other members seeing, even though a few already know (like quackity, wilbur, niki, tubbo, ect) and the other's probbaly wouldnt judge him or see him differently other than being a bit surprised.
This is turning into a bit of a species info dump but that's what tumblr is for I guess so !
Some things to know- This strange looking ten foot tall monsterish form is what regular Wither demons normally look like! Ofc they're not always pissed like how I drew here but the unsettlingness can still stick around when theyre not trying to be threatening just because of their large teeth, claws, and well being large LOL Bad, coming from the nether originally got the gist firsthand how the overworld viewed WIther Demons and most people were scared of him, so as a safety measure and for his own anxiety he learned transfiguration magic over the coarse of a few years to create himself a smaller, less thretening form. At first it was hard and painful to maintain his smaller form (which is about 5'6, gets rid of most of his teeth, smaller horns/tail/wings that can't fly and less defined leg joints) but after a while of using it frequently along with getting better with his magic he's able to maintain it prettymuch constantly! Though he does have to revert back for at least 30 minutes a day to avoid health issues and longterm transfiguration detriments. (I had a breif idea that during purgatory he would be forced into his true form to defend himself and/or because he kept his smaller one up in front of everyone for too long) Anyyyways Dapper and most of the other babies know about his real form! He lets them ide on his back sometimes and teaches them how to fly/roar and other silly things. hmm another fun fact, Bad has the demon equivelent of a dad bod, if you notice he shed the spikes on his upper back and neck (which parent demons do so their babies can ride on their backs safely), and gained the barbs on his lower neck (which he can rattle to better communicate and imitate the call of a baby demon, it doenst serve much of a purpose with the baby dragons seeing as they aren't wither demons but they've grown fond of the sound when Bad would make it on accident, and can mimic it <3) AKA with the addition of the dragon babies his body went into dad mode like it had when JR was born, he can't really control it but doesnt really mind and it does kinda help him with them anyways. In addition to the physical changes, he's also beome incredibly protective over them Despite them not being his bloodborn children (this is common for wither demons, since their species is scarce they evolved to get these paternal instincts and hormones when they take a paternal role which was meant for ophaned baby demons but works with other species too, Bad's just like oh okay I have a handful of baby dragons my body thinks is its own now woah okay
Went off on a tangent there LMAO i could talk about him all day anyways hope you like my ideas :D
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cinnamontails-ff · 28 days
Writing Interview Tag Game
Thank you so much for the tag @roguishcat ❤ I love getting to chat about these things.
When did you start writing?
I know this sounds cheesy, but the answer is probably as soon as I could hold a pen. My grandma still has stacks of little stories I wrote (and illustrated ...) when I was a kid. Very cute, but I'm glad I gave up on drawing in the meantime.
I've been writing on and off ever since, but it wasn't until I was in my mid twenties that I decided I'd actively pursue a career in writing. I wrote a few original novels, none of which were ever successful in the world of traditional publishing, then got into fanfiction as a way of rekindling my joy. Once I'm done with my current fic, I'm ready to try with traditional publishing again. Maybe it'll work this time, maybe not, but I guess the bottom line is that I'll always write in some capacity.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I really like stories that are a little unsettling. Not horror, per se (I'm a coward), but those underlying creepy vibes, especially when they come wrapped up in beautiful language and actually end up culminating in something cool toward the end of the story. "Uprooted" by Naomi Novik comes to mind, "The Devil and the Dark Water" by Stuart Turton, and "Portrait of the Pale Elf" by @larvasmoon.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
Terry Pratchett is the person who first sold me on the English language. Prior to his books, I'd never seen anyone use English in such a fun, cheeky yet poignant way, and it's definitely something I find myself emulating (all while hopefully putting my own spin on it). I have been compared to him a few times and it's always made my day.
Oh, and I guess Stephen Sommers because people compare my fic to "The Mummy" a lot. Which honestly, is just as flattering.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
At my desk, with a mechanical keyboard. Not because I'm a hipster but because I have absolutely destroyed my laptop's keyboard and then the shop where I'd buy the replacement keys stopped selling my model and I refuse to replace the whole laptop.
I need a sense of quiet when I write. Usually, I write early in the morning before I go to work, and it's honestly my favorite time of the day. It's dark and quiet, I'm all alone, and the day still feels so fresh and full of possibility. I cannot write in public; I find it too distracting. Occasionally, when I'm very in the zone, I'll edit at work but it's never quite as productive.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Go and hunt that bitch down. I know many people love romanticizing their craft and if it helps them to light scented candles or play aesthetic playlists - go for it! For me, the most powerful tool is routine. Knowing that every morning I will sit down and I will write, whether I feel like it or not. Sometimes I drag my feet the whole time, sometimes things click into place and suddenly, I'm having the best time ever. But I will always put words on the page and for me, there's no better feeling than having written (past tense).
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
You probably know this, but I really, really love stories where a regular guy/gal saves the day. It makes me so happy to see the evil vampire lord taken out by the mousy accountant, the fountain pen striking harder than the sword. I think it's because I like to read about real people. People that you could have met in real life, that seem simple on the outside, but have all this strength locked up inside. It's why I dislike stories with picture perfect beauty goddesses that always have the perfect quip, always take out their opponents with 1 blow because they're just that special.
Normal people are special, too. You just need to look a little harder to see.
What is your reason for writing?
I believe it was Brandon Sanderson who said "Stories are like real life but with the boring parts removed". That has really resonated with me. I think the beautiful thing about stories is that they can portray very real issues and conflicts in a way that is infinitely more satisfying because it's all been arranged just so. It can give you closure, it can make you see something in an entirely new light without feeling confrontational. It's like a really, really good conversation with the author and I hope that's what my writing feels like as well.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
Two things. I love when readers point out specific lines they enjoyed and I love it when they tell me they reread my work. The term "comfort read" makes me particularly happy because that's exactly how I reread my favorite stories as well.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
I think the most important part to me is that my stories feel real. I dislike pretentious, over-the-top writing where you can tell the author is trying super hard to sound clever or sexy or just drowns you in heaps of cheap, undeserved drama that never leads anywhere. With my stories, I want things to feel earned. Natural. Maybe you wouldn't have made those choices, but it makes sense that these characters would have and now we're looking at the very real consequences of their actions.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Character voice, specifically in 3rd person limited. My favorite type of narration because I love getting into a character's head and making you see things through their eyes.
How do you feel about your own writing?
I think every writer struggles with their confidence here and there. I've gone through so many cycles in the past 1.5 years, it's kind of crazy. Going from constant failure in the world of publishing to writing your very first fanfiction just for fun and then having it blow up out of nowhere, all these people showering you in praise, only for the vast majority of them to disappear immediately afterward is a lot to process. We write for ourselves, yes, but as a writer, you can't help but take reader responses to heart. Fortunately, I've never let it influence what I write or how I write; it really only affects my mental state. I know what I like to read and those are the stories I am going to tell, whether they're successful or not.
Aww, this was fun! Tagging @larvasmoon @davenswitcher @pickel182 @karinamay @pouroverpaloma ❤ ❤ ❤
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fountainpenguin · 7 months
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"I simply must go-" ("Baby, it's cold outside...") "The answer is 'No-'" ("But baby, it's cold outside...") (x)
New Dog's Life chapter today! ~ 3rd Life series fan-season
Chapter 22 - “Fizzle (Bdubs, Scar, Mumbo)”
❤️ Read on AO3
💛 Start from Chapter 1
💚 More Pixels Imperfect fics
Bdubs ruins the soul delivery route for everybody. Scar tolerates NPC_Grian's snark as best he can. Mumbo eats pizza and makes a new… friend?
Also, Scar follows up with Grian on the rumor that he's secretly trapped in his red life even in the Between dimension, one slip-up from a perma-death... That talk goes great!
(First 1,000 words under the cut)
Bdubs - Phantom
Status: Morose
Captain of New Star Station’s Phantom Hybrid Flock
💙  🧡  💚
There are no horses in New Star Station. Not even one. Horse hybrids, sure, though they're not as common as you think. People have been saying for years that horses might be extinct in Between by now, but he's still got hope. You're sharing minds with Bdubs right now, just so we're on the same page. He's the guy with hope.
It's fine! There's no time in his schedule for horse caretaking anyway. Being captain is practically a full-time job. Seriously.
Phantoms don't need to go offline (as long as they're absorbing souls on the regular for the energy zing, of course). A phantom who goes more than three days without a single soul will start dropping the hunger meter fast, and if they can't find someone to eat, they'll probably go offline a while so they can rest and think things through.
It's all about energy. Even Scott's not immune to naptime, no matter how hard he denies it. Have you ever seen him sleep when he's on-server for like, the Life series and stuff? He's out cold. Might as well be in free-cam with how little reaction you'll get out of his body. Maybe he really does go into free-cam and wander around, pretending he's sleeping when he's really not. Scott's the type who can't settle down for anything. Maybe that's why he's so big on cozy little builds.
But the thing about 'No horses in New Star' is, well… Not having horses doesn't leave him with much to do on nights like this when he's stripped of title and stripped of wings. He should probably be taking Brittney out to dinner, but since he wasn't expecting to, y'know… Lose his wings this weekend, he didn't make reservations early enough. Brittney's fine! She's doing Gals' Night tonight with Cocoa, Jewel, Ferks, and Vera. They'll have fun. Bdubs snorts, kicking his foot against the edge of town square's fountain.
A stubborn sniffer, an athletic ravager, a sharp-eyed hoglin, a parkour-loving axolotl, and a beefy glow squid walk into a bar… Now that's a group you don't wanna mess with. The ravager is not the one with the most XP in her close combat skill. And Bdubs knows firsthand that as mellow as his beloved wife is, she's not afraid to headbutt or wrestle around. Look- phantoms do wrestle, but even Bdubs finds himself all too easily pinned when facing a woman with four arms.
I should bring her some chocolates. Not back to their server, obviously, but they've got an apartment he's spent… way too little time in lately. Bdubs stares down at his reflection in the fountain water. His mossy cloak sways, hands tucked in his pants pockets beneath. No wings. Nobody paying him any mind. Hhh… Well. Brittney still loves him. And even though she's got a Gals' Night going on, it's not hard to be romantic. He does this all the time, obviously.
Plucking blossoms off the cherry trees is going to be such a pain without wings.
I mean, it's just temporary… He'll get his wings back after someone cycles him through the system, but that'll knock him out for a week if he's not careful. The secret plan is to join Cub in Hermitcraft tidying - They're down to the last couple days before the Season 9 download drops, you know - and then treat the guy to dinner tonight. Scar ate last week. So did Etho's mystery vex… whoever he is.
See, that's the problem. Since unthreading's illegal, it's not like there are lots of other vex to choose from. Phantoms have a game balance stipulation in their code that prevents them from logging each other out properly, so submitting to a vex is the easiest way to go. Not a lot of other vex besides those two around, which is such a shame. Sure, New Star Station is a refuge, but most of its residents peaced out of the anarchy world before they ever mod up (either forcibly or of their own will).
Modding is a skilled art, especially if you're looking for body tweaks that will stay consistent in and out of different servers (not to mention Between). Tango's one of the best aesthetics modders Bdubs has ever met. That lion-like tail he wears wherever he goes? That's free advertising. Do you have any idea how hard it is to code an additional limb like that, and make it prehensile and expressive at the same time? Yeah. Tango's your guy if you like looking pretty.
What? Oh, yeah. There's zero horses in New Star. Bdubs already logged out a straggler who dropped to phantom hour and refused to pathfind home, too busy flirting instead. Combined with the "Thanks for being a captain; here's your parting meal" thing from yesterday, his hunger bar's topped off. No point in hunting. There's nothing else to do if you're a phantom except whatever the captain orders. And Martyn tasked him with the delivery route.
Bdubs climbs the clock tower and ducks inside the storage room. Pungence already prepped a satchel of souls for delivery. He always does. Good on him. Some people have an easier time hunting than others (Physically and/or emotionally). Bdubs slings it over his shoulder and turns out the lanterns. He shuts the storage room door, but leaves it slightly propped so it won't auto-lock. None of the fox eggs look like they've hatched yet. Hard to tell, though… Most are under a blanket. A few sit by a magma block.
Bdubs glances at the stairwell, but Martyn stomped off with Cleo. He'll be back soon, of course, of course, but… Don't they need to be rotated? That's what Etho always says. Etho used to eggsit for his mom all the time before he finally moved out of her den and settled long-term in New Star.
The fox eggs are Martyn's responsibility. It does him no favors if Bdubs handles everything for him. But… Bdubs walks over and touches one of the exposed eggs with a hand. He yanks his fingers back.
Too hot. Oh, they're cookin'.
Dozens and dozens of eggs lay cozied up in warm wool blankets all around the roost. Bdubs shifts the eggs nearest the magma block away and replaces them with the eggs at the farthest blanket edges. He tucks the blanket under a bit more, sends Martyn a whisper - Leaving for delivery route, eggs look kinda cold btw but I rotated the ones on the magma - and heads downstairs again. Every step clunks and clangs. When he reaches the bottom, he's got a response from Martyn… but it's not much to look at.
InTheLittleWood: k
All right. If that's all he has to say, that's all he has to say. So off on the delivery route he goes.
[Full chapter on AO3 - Link at top]
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transmortifried · 5 months
Regular Show Episode: Bro Job
Rigby and Mordecai convince Skips to set the house up with pirated cable and spend the whole day watching TV and drinking "expired soda". Late at night, they find out to their great delight that Skips' hack also unblocked the "girly videos" channels. They keep watching, flipping through channels until they find the "manly videos" channel. Rigby immediately tells Mordecai to stop flipping channels, that he wants to see the "manly videos". The video is about two bros engaging in the ultimate and deepest expression of manly bro affection, a true celebration of teamwork: The Bro Job. Rigby and Mordecai, in their "sleep deprived" state, start giggling to each other, egging each other on and joking that they should totally give each other a Bro Job, dude, they're the best friends around. They start moving towards each other...
Hard cut to the next morning. Rigby and Mordecai wake up on the couch, draped over each other. They panic a little, wondering how far things went last night, and shuffle awkwardly towards the kitchen for breakfast. Muscle Man is making an eighteen-egg omelette, with High Five Ghost deftly tossing him eggs in a delicate and beautiful synchronized juggling act. With a flourish, Muscle Man finishes his omelette, and it's beautiful. Muscle man is psyched out of his mind at how good the omelette turned out with High Five Ghost's help, and says that for his assistance, he'll totally give him a Bro Job later. Rigby and Mordecai are shocked to hear that Muscle Man and High Five Ghost give each other Bro Jobs, and ask about them. Muscle Man says yeah no, he and High Five Ghost give each other Bro Jobs all the time, that they were the ultimate and deepest expression of manly bro affection, a true celebration of teamwork, some real warrior's bond stuff. Rigby and Mordecai give each other a long look, maybe it's not so weird after all...
Cut to a montage of Rigby and Mordecai giving each other Bro Jobs multiple times during their shift at the park. They clean the fountain, that's worth a Bro Job. They're getting their daily tasks done more thoroughly than ever before through the power of teamwork and positive reinforcement. They look over their work, content and satisfied. Mordecai remarks that Benson will be so pleased with their work and he bets Benson will totally give them both Bro Jobs for it.
On their break, they go get coffee. Rigby cuts in front of Mordecai as Margaret's ringing them up so he can pay for the both of them. Mordecai is appreciative, saying that that totally deserves a Bro Job. Margaret is incredulous, asking if they really do give each other Bro Jobs for stuff like this, saying that it feels kinda cheap and transactional. Mordecai insists that it's not and that Bro Jobs are totally cool and are for bros. Rigby insists that she simply doesn't understand a warrior's bond. They go into how the positive reinforcement really motivates them to do their best, how today was the best work they've ever done. Just today, they cleaned the fountain... they come to the horrible realization that was the only thing they've done today, and that they had a whole list they had to get done. They had spent their whole day giving each other Bro Jobs instead of doing the work they were supposed to reward. They rush back to the park.
Benson's waiting for them, furious that they wasted so much time doing simple things. He gives them an ultimatum: no more Bro Jobs, or they're both fired!
The next day, Rigby and Mordecai are both listless. Without the positive reinforcement, they have even less motivation to do their job than usual. All their energy has been drained, and they lay around in a malaise. They have a heartfelt discussion about how much the Bro Jobs made work fun, how it felt good to be recognized for doing good work, and how unfulfilling their job is without it. They both remark that they miss Bro Jobs. Muscle Man and High Five Ghost roll up on a cart to make fun of them. They mishandled the power of Bro Jobs, giving them when they aren't earned. Muscle Man confidently states that he and High Five Ghost would never, that they understand the true power and meaning of a Bro Job, that they understand a warrior's bond.
Benson is coming to chew out Rigby and Mordecai for slacking even more now that they're banned from Bro Jobs, red in the face and steaming. As he approaches, he walks by the fountain. For all their goofing off, they did do a really good job of cleaning it, even if they didn't get anything else done today. He softens. As he walks up to Rigby and Mordecai, he still looks frustrated but not angry. He talks about how while the pace at which they were working was unacceptable, he sees that Bro Jobs did improve the quality of their work. He makes a deal with them: for every task on their list they get done, they can give each other one Bro Job. The color returns to Rigby and Mordecai, now excited to get back to work.
The next day, Rigby and Mordecai are finishing up raking leaves, and start intimating towards giving each other a celebratory Bro Job. The energy is clearly different. The time spent banned from Bro Jobs has returned them to how they were the morning after they first learned of them, awkward and hesitant. They start to argue about who's going to go first. Rigby eventually lets it slip that he never even liked giving Bro Jobs, saying that Mordecai eats too much junk food and it makes it taste bad. Mordecai fires back, saying that Rigby doesn't shower enough and giving him Bro Jobs is totally gross, dude. They start fistfighting each other on the lawn. As they do, Muscle Man and High Five ghost roll by in the cart, and with patronizing disdain, Muscle Man remarks that they still have a lot to learn about a warrior's bond. He and High Five Ghost ride into the sunset together.
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Why so Many F*cking Lemons??
National Treasure is the kind of film that presents many mysteries and asks its viewers the hard questions. Questions like:
What if there was a treasure map on the back of the Declaration of Independence?
What if American history was a cool connected puzzle?
What there was a big ol' treasure?
But most importantly it asks us to consider:
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4. Why does Patrick Gates have a whole fridge full of lemons???
Now the most obvious answer here is because the plot demands it. Ben and co need to cover the whole back of the Declaration in lemon juice, (although do they?) so they have to have enough lemons on hand.
The second most obvious reason is because the cinematography demands it. I mean this shot looks a lot better than, like, a single lemon. (Probably the same reason for Dakota Johnson's bowl of limes. It looks better.)
But neither of those answers are very fun, so let's dig deeper.
What is the plausible, in-story reason why Patrick Gates has a bowl of lemons?
Theory 1: Patrick Gates is a connoisseur of homemade lemonade
According to this hypothesis, Patrick loves homemade lemonade so much that he makes it for himself on the semi-regular. Yes, it's like October, but why should that stop him.
Does this check out?
When we meet him, Patrick is hanging out alone in his bathrobe late on a Friday night, having had pizza for dinner and something from a soda fountain to drink. That doesn't strike me as a foodie who wouldn't just buy lemonade if he wanted some.
Theory 2: Lemon Fish
In this version, Patrick is about to grill some fish. There's a way to do it (which is really tasty, and doesn't require a grill pan or rack) where you place bunch of slices of lemon directly on the grill grates and grill the fish on top of them. The fish doesn't stick and it imparts a delicious citrus flavor.
But again, we run into the same plausibility issues:
it's autumn
the Patrick Gates we meet here doesn't seem dedicated enough to the food he eats to do through the somewhat tedious process of grilling fish, especially not in not-summer
Theory 3: Cards with the Boys
What if Patrick is part of a weekly rotating card game? It's maybe a few masons he knows from his treasure hunting days and some of the guys from the insurance company (I don't know what I think that Patrick sells insurance, but I guess that's the most 'square' job I could come up with).
They rotate houses every week or month, and it's soon to be Patrick's turn to host. The drink of choice amongst the group is whisky sours, tom collins's or another straightforward drink that requires lemon juice.
This at least I think is more plausible with what we see of Patrick's lifestyle than an explanation with a more foodie-type bent. With Ben and his ex-wife both out of his life, Patrick must be a pretty lonely guy. I like the idea of him having a circle of friends.
Theory 4: Health Benefits
And here I think we have the most plausible answer: that Patrick might be interested in the health benefits associated with lemons and drinking lemon water.
Different compounds in lemons can have benefits regarding
lowering cholesterol
managing blood sugar
kidney health
and more, but those are the ones I suspect Patrick might be interested in. He's of a certain age, lives alone, and (unless we caught him on an off night) might not take the best care of himself as far as his diet. Perhaps he's been found to have high cholesterol, is pre-diabetic or has other blood sugar concerns, or has the decreased kidney function that can be associated with aging.
Perhaps he's had kidney stones or another health issue or scare in recent years and is attempting to take better care of himself.
Maybe that soda fountain cup is full of lemon water.
While all of these are plausible to various degrees, I find myself more interested in the last two. Patrick as an aging man without any family (or at least not any family who still speaks to him), living alone and becoming concerned with his health is heartbreaking, but I think adds a certain softness to the character, and extra layer to him and to his reconciliation with Ben.
And in any case, I also like the idea that he hasn't been completely alone since his falling out with Ben. While Patrick does behave in a way that suggests a fairly traditional 'breadwinner,' family man masculinity, we at the National Treasure Gazette will always stan platonic relationships and social supports. I'd like to believe that Patrick has his own squad of friends he can rely on.
I don't think I've ever thought about Patrick Gates this much, but now that I have, I find myself kind of wanting to give him a hug? He may not be the easiest character to love, but he has his own struggles.
What about you?
What are your theories regarding the lemon bowl?
I'd love to hear in a reblog, reply, tag, etc!
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runwayrunway · 1 year
No. 50 - All Nippon Airways Airbus A380 "Flying Honu" Livery
Happy 50th Runway Runway post! I had a bit of a hard time deciding what to do for it - after all, it's a pretty significant number. I already sort of know what I want to do for the 100th post, but I hadn't put much thought into the 50th, and I had to scuttle any plans for something long and interesting after a rather stressful week. Instead I decided to do something both fun and requested!
source: ANA Stories
One (well, three!) of the most beloved special liveries out there, All Nippon Airways' turtle-themed "Flying Honu" Airbus A380. These three friendly giants fly from Japan to Honolulu, delighting anyone lucky enough to see them.
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Actually, I love the Flying Honu so much I have one myself.
I would describe myself as a bit of a magpie. I collect useless things, be they historical ephemera, horror movie memorabilia, old books, pretty rocks, or way too many fountain pen inks given I mostly use them to take notes. I even have a bunch of my old teeth in a pillbox. Surprisingly, though, the things my talons have lodged in don't include many model airplanes. I have...a few. I've actually, though serendipity, gotten two more since I started this blog, expanding my collection to a startling five. Maybe seven if you count my Starscream and Brainstorm figures, but I don't think I even remember how to put either of them in their alt modes. The fact is that while they aren't a fortune or anything plane figures are expensive enough that it's a commitment to buy one, and I usually only do when I stumble on a good deal for a model I really want. And one of the few times I've actually decided that I just needed a model of a specific livery was the "Flying Honu" A380. Specifically, the one I have is the airframe registered JA382A, Kai. (She's the 1:500 JC Wings diecast model and is around the size of my hand.)
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I just needed to be able to gently tap her nose in person, okay? She can't fit up on the shelf with a lot of my other miscellaneous trinkets so she sits on my desk and sometimes I explain things to her while trying to figure them out, like a coding rubber duck. She makes me happy.
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All Nippon Airways (全日本空輸) is a major Japanese airline. In fact, in terms of both fleet size and number of destinations they're bigger than flag carrier JAL. They're consistently described as being among the best airlines in the world for the discerning well-to-do business traveler, and let's just say that's not me, but what I am is a reviewer of airline liveries, and ANA sure has those! In addition to their standard Triton Blue livery they do all sorts of special designs, particularly crossovers with properties like Pokémon and Star Wars. All of these are something I would like to someday feature, but none of them matter at all to me when compared to the Flying Honu, introduced with the A380 fleet in 2019.
A couple of times when I've told people I know about this livery they asked me if 'honu' is Japanese for 'turtle'. That's a reasonable question, but the Japanese word for turtle is 'kame'. 'Honu' is the word for turtle, though - in Hawaiian.
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image: ANA
In fact, Honolulu is the A380s' only destination. ANA didn't really want A380s to begin with, but ended up stuck with them while acquiring another airline. The thing about the A380, and the reason it failed commercially and so few were ever built, is that the use-case for a massive plane is pretty limited. It goes as such: you have a passengerbase of people who have to travel from one giant hub that can land an A380 to another frequently enough that you can actually make money on a plane with four entire engines.
Okay, so the use-case is that you're Emirates. ANA might be expensive, but they don't really have the central location or sheer amount of regular business travelers that Dubai does. 'Three' also isn't really that many A380s, which creates a bit of a question of reliability. So instead they fixed the problem in a way that's honestly pretty genius: they made it turtles.
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image: ANA
ANA seems to be generally invested in Hawaii, with a fair amount of partnerships with local organizations. A lot of Hawaiian real estate is owned by Japanese companies, and those of Japanese descent are the second-larget ethnic group in Hawaii at 16.7%, so it makes sense that a lot of people would want to travel there. Tokyo to Honolulu is a nice 9-hour flight with no possibility for a stopover of any kind (unless they invent civilian aircraft carriers for A380s), so it's the perfect route for precisely three really huge planes.
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images: ANA
They can fit 520 passengers across four classes on one flight, seated across both decks of the massive planes. There is also a section of seats which convert to couches, marketed for families. Those who fly this route get to enjoy rainbow lighting and the ability to buy a duty-free 1:500 model of the plane (not the same model I have, though, I'm pretty sure) or a set of Flying Honu plushes.
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Ra looks like she's plotting something. Lani looks like she's never had a single thought in her life.
And they do make money off this, because people absolutely love these planes. People have apparently had their weddings on these planes, and I would too! They make ten weekly flights right now, but in December that will be increasing to fourteen weekly, or two daily.
Okay, so, the actual liveries.
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Here's Kai in full-size! The light in my room make her look way cooler toned in the photographs, but in real life she's this color. It's frequently described as 'green' or 'emerald green', but I think it's definitely turquoise and would go so far as to call it blue. Whatever the case, it's meant to represent the color of the sea near Hawaii. Kai is also distinct from the others because of her eyes, which are closed as she smiles from ear to ear. That's why she's my favorite - she just looks so happy!
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...a bit weirder looking from upfront, but look how even the ventral fairing is painted! That's part of the flippers where they curl around, tucked into the shell. Unlike the Transocean Air Jinbei Jets, the cockpit windows blend in with the 'scales' of the Flying Honu, looking rather natural.
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'Ra' is a beautiful orange, meant to represent the Hawaiian sunset. She has a bit of a peach undertone if you look closely, but her details are done in an extremely vivid reddish orange. Her distinguishing feature are those gigantic eyelashes, similar to Sakura Jinbei's. The actual mouth shape on all three planes appears to be the same, but I find that the eyes still give them distinct 'personalities'. Ra has always looked very thoughtful to me.
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Just look at her in flight! I've never understood why people call the 747 stately or graceful, and same for the A380 - double-decker planes are just inherently goofy-looking, and that's great, but ANA managed to make one look pretty elegant. I think it's because turtles are already regarded as large and slow creatures, so fitting like for like just makes it seem as natural for this absolutely gigantic aircraft to be flying as it is for a turtle to swim.
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Finally, Lani, the turtle everyone agrees to be blue, represents the Hawaiian sky during its brightest color in daylight. If you look closely, you can see her blue 'eyeshadow', which I've always thought made her look relaxed.
This picture gives a good angle of my only real critique of the Flying Honu, which is that the shells and heads don't entirely look aligned, as if the head is in the process of being retracted. That said, I think that's just a fact of working with the shape of an airplane. There's just no more space below to fit any more shell.
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Rather than being just one turtle, though, each "Flying Honu" has two fully rendered baby turtles following behind their 'mother'.
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I think this is adorable, and beyond that it solves a crucial problem - the tail. Turtles do have those, but not in a way that maps onto a standard empennage. Instead, ANA makes the smart choice to end the shell at a certain point and add these two extra turtles make-way-for-ducklings-ing their way across the fuselage for more visual interest, leaving the tail empty for an ANA logo without making it jarring. This is a huge improvement over the Jinbei Jets, which again serve as a point of comparison as the other major Japanese marine life planes. (Amakusa Airlines is way smaller and thus not going to get caught up in this.)
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I mean, it's hard to find too much to say about these that isn't just "oh my gosh, look at them". The Flying Honu are vividly colored, with clever shapes used to make them immediately recognizable as turtles. I smile every time I see one, including the little one on my desk!
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And in case you weren't already delighted, there's two extra bonus turtles!
I think it's pretty obvious I'm giving these an A+. Come on, just...just look at them. The fact that ANA bothered to make three distinct ones with their own names and faces is just icing on the cake for me, but I do love that they did.
I can't believe I didn't find a way to fit this in earlier into the post, but I really love turtles. If you have an aquarium near you, and that aquarium has turtles, I really recommend stopping by to see them. My local New England Aquarium has had Myrtle for more than 50 years. As they describe her, 'the 550-lb Queen of the Giant Ocean Tank is large, in charge, and ready to receive your adoration'.
True to form, although a lot larger and dealing in a different type of fluid dynamics, the Flying Honu jets get plenty of my adoration too.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Hi! Idk if you're taking requests like this rn, so no worries whichever way! I love your stuff so much, I tend to search a tag on your blog and then read through a bunch of fics in one big chunk lol.
What do you think of 24hr bodega owner Jason? And reader who has insomnia and goes at like 2am to get random snacks lol. Idk I thought it might be cute, plus potential of him randomly closing to beat up crime etc lol
"Hey, baby!"
Jason looks up from where he's filling a fountain cup of soda to see a woman, smaller than Romi, the cashier, but not by much.
"Hey Romi," you yawn, "Can I get a pack of pods and-"
"You quit that shit," she said sternly, scolding you.
"I know- listen. I'm working on it. Work is ass though. If I gotta train one more guy that thinks he can do my job better than me I'm gonna snap."
Romi chuckled and reached up to get you your pack of pods and then picked up the pack of gum and the energy drink you snagged out of the case, "Cut me in if you ever rob a bank?"
"Hell yeah," you snort, "You'll be the first person I call."
"I'd call your lawyer first," Jason said, grinning as he held his helmet under one arm and his drink cup in his hand. Bruce hated when they ate and drank on patrol- said it looked tacky. But... as long as Jason could remember it had never stopped any of them.
"Point," you allow, pocketing the gum and the pods as you hand over the money. "Ring me out for his too, Romi?"
"You don't-"
"An .89 cent drink is hardly gonna bankrupt me," you snort, giving her another dollar as you crack your can open.
"Thanks," Jason called after you as you leave, giving Romi a cheerful wave. "Who-"
"One of my other regulars," Romi said smiling at him. "Comes in every night like clockwork between 1:30 and 2. Gets her snacks and fucks off. Dunno where she lives or anythin-"
"No, it's fine," he said, smiling, dropping the handful of change he was holding for his drink into a charity jar next to the register. "Just figure anyone that can openly joke about bank robbery with me standing behind them would be fun at parties." And with a cheerful wave of his own, he walked back out into the night. It was quiet, no one was really out. But- you were already gone. Melted into the shadows and disappeared like any Gothamite worth their salt. And he chuckled. Looked like he'd have to come back.
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themetalvirus · 2 years
im going to use my extremely niche tiny platform to say:
fountain pens (especially those made of metal or wood instead of plastic) are not only more environmentally friendly but more fun than regular pens =)
you can refill the inkwell yourself!! don't use cartridges, use converters or piston fillers or eyedrop fillers!!! no throwing away plastic!!! ink comes in glass bottles!!!! (with plastic caps a lot of the time though. still you know what i mean)
for beginner pens, i recommend the pilot metropolitan (all metal) or the twsbi eco (plastic, but better nib imho). there's also the kaweco sport and lamy safari (both plastic afaik) but i don't own them. there's also a lot more choices for beginner fountain pens out there - just make sure to check the reviews!
oooh you want to get into the fountain pen hobby sooooo bad oooooooooh
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cheapsweets · 8 months
The clangorous Blisheag
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My response to this week's BestiaryPosting challenge from @maniculum
Here we have a lance (a group) of Blisheags, gathered round a quite expressive crow standing atop a makeshift podium. There's a couple of different Blisheags here, we can clearly see a couple of hounskull Blishaegs, some sallet Blisheags, and even the rarer frogmouth blisheag... Are they different but related species, do we have some sexual dimorphism here, or are these just different lifestages of the birds? The answer remains a mystery; the bestiary authors are not telling...
Hey! I managed to fill a new fountain pen to try drawing with... I think it's going to take a bit to get my hand in again :D I was thinking it would be much easier using a regular fountain pen, but clearly I've started to get used to the idiosyncracies of the weird pens I have been using! I also (still) need to listen to myself and draw larger if I'm working on A5 paper. Still pleased how this came out in the end!
Jinhao shark fountain pen with a fine, hooded nib (the hooded nib means it dries out less quickly, and can also prevent inky fingers to some degree) with Monteverde Raven Noir ink, over initial pencil sketch.
Also, thank you for the suggestions for animal anatomy/drawing books, I have some stuff to keep an eye out for!
As ever, reasoning under the cut...
Blisheags get their name, [redacted], from the creaking sound they make, like crickets, [redacted]. The sound comes from their mouth rather than their voice, because they make it by clashing their bills.
Okay, this is cool. So, the main thing we know about them physically is that their beaks make a 'creaking' sound (not the way I'd ever thought to describe crickets or grasshoppers chirruping, but I can absolutely see it). So we need to do something interesting with the beaks, but what...?
Blisheags are the heralds of spring; they share a sense of community; they are the enemies of snakes; they fly across the sea, making their way in flocks to Asia. Crows go in front of them as their guides, the Blisheags following them as if in an army.
This is where everything started to come together. In terms of the composition, I liked the idea of the Blisheags gathered round a crow, about to lead them all across the sea.
This also meant that I was figuring that Blisheags were probably corvids too (plus, corvids are awesome), maybe taking some influence from jackdaws, following their larger (and wiser?) cousins the crows?
Also, the birds being compared to an army, beaks creaking... like armour? Hence the decision to style their heads and beaks like medieval helmets. I'm sure I'm not the first person to come up with this idea, and I'm sure others have done it better, but it was fun!
There's also got to be some heavy inflience from @secondlina's Crow Time comics (which are awesome and you should check them out if you haven't already).
Blisheags possess a strong sense of duty towards their young. They are so keen to keep their nests warm that their feathers fall out as a result of the constant incubation. But their young spend as much time caring for them when they grow old, as they spend caring for their young.
I've included a nod to this, with one of the hounskull Blisheags near the stump - its chest and legs are all fluffy and we have some moulted feathers scattered around from where it has been incubating its nest. I wanted to go more towards the natural fluffiness from moulting birds, rather than having feathers plucked out due to stress (or other birds), mostly because it was more pleasant to draw!
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obsidiancreates · 1 year
Icewild (Part 3)
"Hey man. Yer butt flap is down."
"What?!" Taishen reaches back to feel, his golden scales turning bright molten orange as he blushes. "So indecent! Thank you for telling me! Would you like me to check your backside?"
"Nah, if mines down its just a nice fuckin' view." Gideon chuckles deeply and puffs his cigar. "Not to brag or anythin'."
"Well... alright." Taishen peeks anyway, because even if Damien ashamed there are possibly still ghosts down here who might not want to see any bare behinds. Gideon is buttoned up fine, though the overalls are clearly too small for him. Taishen would feel bad for him about that if the man's regular clothes seemed like they fit, but they also seemed a bit small.
Maybe he does that on purpose. Why he would, Taishen doesn't know. It seems very uncomfortable.
"Well, uh, let''s see. I've never really handled plumbing before..."
"Then why the hell'd you offer to check it out?"
"Well, I figured if it's just frozen I could melt it." Taishen produces a gorgeous flame in his palm, a delicate and refined dancing flame that, though it may be the same as what he uses in battle, is more settled in this peaceful context.
"Oh-ho yeah. I can help with that." Gideon grins, his beard sparking and crackling like the beginnings of a wildfire. Taishen's flame is reflected in Gideon's eyes, but the reflection seems wilder, raging, all-consuming.
"Um... well." Taishen holds his hand out in front of him to light their way. "How-how did you unlock your powers, then?"
"Fuckin' born with 'em, man."
"Oh! You didn't have an grand adventures, or... meetings with great beings?"
"I mean... my Pa was a pretty great guy."
"Oh! So you get if from him?"
"Nah, Pa was human."
"... I'm not sure we're getting anywhere with this."
"Well, why're ya askin'? Weren't you born with yours?"
"Not exactly. My niece went missing, and while searching for her I met a great ancient dragon, who awoke the powers within me."
"... Pretty fuckin' cool backstory." Gideon nods. "Hey, quick question. Does your niece bite you?"
"Not since she was a baby, I raised her not to do such things!"
"Wait, you raised her?"
"Well, yes-"
"Geez, man, you outta talk with Gricko later! Couple a single dads, he'd fuckin' love that. Unless you're not single, then maybe it wouldn't be as fun for 'im."
"Well, I am single, but I don't see how that matters."
"Matters 'cause he is too."
"I don't know if we'll really have much to talk about anyway. His... daughter, seems... seem to be a different situation."
"Well... she's an owlbear."
"And? All kinds of different fuckin' people in the world, man."
"No, that's not what I meant-"
"Guess I found out why you're single."
"I- well it's mostly because I'm exploring the world and trying not to freeze to death-"
"And how do you keep warm to not freeze to death? Having some fun, if you know what I mean, heh-heh." Gideon elbows Taishen, knocking him into the wall of the waterways by accident. Taishen gives a little shout and rights himself, used to such things from Barnabos but still caught off guards thanks to the current subject matter.
"It's really just not the time or place for that kind of thing!" Taishen gestures around them. "My life recently has been very much a life-or-death situation!"
"And-! And so it's just not the time for that sort of thing!"
"... We're on different fuckin' pages, man. I sleep with people in the middle of major situations all the fuckin' time."
"And that's very disturbing to know, please do not tell me these things!" Taishen prays they're close to the opening to the cave. "I spent years raising my niece, and now I'm trying to survive long enough to get back to her!"
"Alright, alright, I get it." They walk in silence for a little while.
"... But just so you know, ladies love the fire tricks." Gideon takes a swig from his flask, swishes it around, tilts his head up, and spits out a fountain of fire! The whole corridor lights up, and Taishen shouts as he ducks out of the way.
"Fuckin' cool, right?" Gideon hands the flask over. "Try it, man! Just light it in your mouth and spit it real quick!"
"Spitting it seems a little gross."
"It's fire. Fire can't be dirty."
"Well, that does make sense..."
"Yeah, man!"
"Should you step out of the way? Can you be burned?"
"Eh, barely."
"Alright then..."
Taishen takes a tentative drink.
Queenie sits on Jornir's shoulder. "Why're we watchin' this guy again?"
Torbek, but a few feet away, sits chewing on a rock. Frost uses his mind hand to remove the rock, and Torbek makes a sad noise. Frost gives Torbek a piece of soft wood, which Torbek also begins to gnaw on.
"His state... concerns me."
"Ha, no shit." Skrimm sits nearby, swirling a bottle of brandy. "That guy's life seems fucked, and that's comin' from me." He takes a big drink.
"Skrimm, didn't you say you can do that thing where you look in souls or somethin'?" Queenie sighs, leaning against Jornir's head. "I don't think he's very malicious."
"Oh, look at that! Finally someone asks about my powers!" Skrimm looks at Torbek. "I'll try it, but if I had to bet I'd bet all I'll get is sad."
Skrimm focuses on Torbek and, like how he can summon the Brutal Blade with the mere flick of a wrist, flicks something in his mind or soul to see in Torbek's.
After a moment Skrimm hears, whispered in the back of his mind and drifting to the forefront, the word content.
"He's just relaxing." Skrimm shrugs, leaning back again. "He's content. Guess the guy has some pretty low standards." Skrimm takes another drink of his cheap brandy and a bite of some definitely-gone-off cheese.
Jornir eyes Skrimm, but doesn't say anything.
Queenie hops off of Jornir's back. "Well in that case, I'm gonna go make him feel a little more welcome. Jornir's been glarin' at him all day."
"I am not glaring. I am just... looking."
"You've been glarin', Jornir, ya wear you're heart on your sleeve sometimes."
"... I do?" Jornir looks at Skrimm, who makes an exaggerated face of confusion and shrugs.
Queenie hops away without another word, right up to Torbek. Torbek startles a little when she does.
"Ah! Did Torbek do something wrong?! Torbek is only chewing on what Frost says he can chew on!"
"Why're you chewin' on anythin', honey?"
"Mmmm, Torbek is bored."
"So yer chewin' on rocks?"
"Torbek chews on rocks often."
"Well, how about we find you a game or somethin' instead, how's that sound?"
Torbek lights right up! "Torbek loves games! He helped Mr. Kremy rig them all the time!"
"Torbek!" Kremy hisses.
"He did though, Kremy," Gricko chimes in.
"We're not talkin' about the carnival with folks who didn't work the carnival!"
"Sorry, Mr. Kremy." Torbek shrinks down a bit.
"Hey, don't you be snappin' at him!" Queenie snaps back.
"Excuse you, he's my em- I mean, my friend!"
"Oooooh, Torbek doesn't want more fighting!" Torbek covers his ears. "Torbek wants to play that game, pleaseeee, Torbek will never ask for anything else!"
"Alright, alright." Queenie glares ar Kremy again while she takes Torbek's hand and leads him away. "There's some snow just over there at the edge of the clearin', you ever made a snow angel before?"
"Well neither have I, but I heard they're real fun so let's try it out."
Queenie and Torbek head off, and Kremy keeps an eye on them until they're out of sight. "Gotta bad feelin' about that, fellas."
"Oh, what's the worst that could happen, Kremy?" Gricko says. "In fact, Hootsie! Why don't we go join them, ah, ah? Alright let's go!" Gricko and Hootsie race off.
"It seems like a bad idea to me as vell."
Kremy and Frost both scream and jump up, Frost's fur standing on end and Kremy's shadow wiggling like a snake in a trap.
"I am Ketrothstein, but ah, you may call me Ket." He nods at them. "And I am also stuck in this vorld vhere I do not belong, as I have heard you are, and I thinkve should vork together to all return to our homes."
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eternal-moss · 1 year
Even with just two episodes Fionna and Cake managed to destroy me, and I’m definitely going to be heavily posting because I love this show so much already. Spoilers and rambling under the cut!! If you want to watch it but don’t have access to HBO, dm me~
They really hammered in the depressing urban theme in episode one, and of course Fionna is incredibly relatable to the struggle of the average person. Hearing swearing in Adventure Time without their usual goofy filler-words like ‘dillweed’ or something feels SO weird, my brain could barely wrap around it.
An implication is that the world Fionna and Cake exist in is literally just a construct of Simon’s mind, which is retroactively kind of predictable, but at the same time slightly insane. This is shown pretty early in episode one, when I saw that fountain, my immediate thought was ‘Betty?!?’, and yeah, those sorts of things kept happening, until the moment Cake literally comes out of Simon’s head.
Speaking of Simon
Jesus Christ man.. he’s depressed as hell. (In my opinion, Finn is too, but they’re handling it in different ways). I was not expecting the content of the show to be much darker, considering ‘Distant Lands’ was about the same rating as regular Adventure time but damn.. seeing Simon hyperventilating hit me a little too hard, especially when he started pulling at his hair.
Be prepared for me to talk about Simon nonstop from here on out, he’s been a blorbo of mine for a long time now and this just relit that flame. Seeing him lying in mud with actually-rendered-red-blood felt so weird and harrowing. I was so happy when he decided to call Marcy and Peebs, and sad when they didn’t pick up on his obviously not too great mental state, but if they had there wouldn’t really be much of a show premise, so I’m fine with that (although sad on his behalf. Mans is suffering)
Anyway. I am a sucker for domestic Bubbline, and their silly antics at the tattoo shop did make me happy even if Simon was getting ignored. I am preparing for some heavy angst when Marcy inevitably realises what’s happening.
One theme that I felt heavily is that the show has sort of ‘grown up’. Even with Obsidian and Together again being set in the close and far off future, they didn’t feel like this. At the end of stakes, Marceline tells Peebs that she finally felt she had ‘grown up’- and that Bubblegum grew up with her (ironically they were both children at the same time, with the mothergum formed in the apocalypse).
This time period is Bubbline in their reckless young adulthood (as much as immortals can be), when the two were coded as older teenagers in the main show. They’re having fun, and trying new things. The other end of the young adult scale is Marshal Lee, Gumball (I didn’t catch his name) and Fionna of course, who are living in a bit of a grittier reality. Being surrounded by these characters who the show expects you to have grown up with is a really weird experience, but I kind of love it.
I really love the ‘modern au’ (I couldn’t think of a better phrasing, sorry) trio, Gumball (I know that’s not his name, my apd couldn’t catch it and there wasn’t subtitles) is so sweet (no pun intended) and a faithful genderbend to Bubblegum while having distinct differences.
Marshall Lee, that madman that he is, is still breaking hearts years later. I tell you, hearing his voice again made me swoon a little. I love the choice they made to make him visually black and it makes so much sense considering Marcy’s mother and also being voice acted by Donald Glover. I wonder what Hunson Abadeer is like in the Fionaverse (a better name although a bit confusing), being mentioned directly by both Lee and Fionna as his mother.
Anyway these are my primary thoughts splattered on a page, I’ll be rebloging like crazy from now on
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