#and it's so much better than i remmembered
romanakeysmash · 1 year
Holy shit there is a tumblr fandom for Hussite Trilogy.
This is the happiest day of my life.
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hyugaruma · 11 months
H&L: Drunk Texting HCs
re: in which they’re drunk texting you…
“woman” used
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• Alright, so he’s about what you’d expect him to be… If you’re thinking cheery and flirtatious, you’re right. Almost obnoxiously so. If you don’t respond quick enough, he’ll be blowing your phone up with every little thought that he has. “Do yuo remmember when we first met? Did yup think I was cool?” “Doyou think birds get sad?” “Wish food was opne…hungry.”
• His texting isn’t atrocious, but there’s definitely some word-deciphering to be done here and there. Seems to consistently type “you” wrong.
• Sends a blurry selfie or two. You save them, obviously, because his adorable smile is to die for. Yeah, go ahead and make that his contact picture too. Oh, but he expects a selfie in return, obviously. “Let me see yup beaotiful, send yuor beautful face.”
• This guy doesn’t text. He just doesn’t. What’s an emoji? He has no idea. However, on the occasion when drinking, if you aren’t around, he may whip his phone out and start texting you. Though, it’s mostly just him telling you to come to wherever he is. “Come over” “It’s 1 in the morning…” “Fine I’m coming to you” And don’t doubt him, because he will. Because he’d much rather actually be with you than just texting you.
• If he can’t see you, he’ll probably opt to calling you at some point as his vision grows blurry and texting becomes increasingly more difficult. Will accidentally call someone else though, because he can’t figure that damn phone out. Old man Hyuga. “Hah? Who’s this? Why’re you with my woman? …Ah, sorry Ukyo, wrong number.”
• Will most definitely pass out at some point, but not without saying goodnight first. He’s a gentleman, after all. Rolls eyes. “Night see you tomorrow” “Wait, Nori, did we have plans tomorrow? Nori?” Aaaand he’s out.
• One word: needy. Something akin to a puppy, but maybe even worse than that. At least puppies eventually wear themselves out, but Hirai seems to be on an endless timer when drunk. Remind him that you love him, he’s begging you. Call him cute, that’d make him really happy. “You still love me, right? You seemed like you were mad at me the other day and I just wanted to say that—“ cue very long paragraph with a bunch of nonsense. Sigh.
• Lots of heart emojis. Like, almost at the end of every text. Always pink hearts too, like the one he has next to your contact name. “Just watching some show, what’re you up to ♡”
• Really just wants to remind you how much you mean to him, how cute you are, how much he needs you… Please don’t leave him on read, even if he gets a tad annoying. He gets his feelings hurt really easily when drunk, especially if it’s by his beloved. Also, he’s a bit embarrassed by it all the next day… Don’t use it against him, he really can’t bare it.
• Incoherent. That’s it. Like, you have to wonder if he’s typing with his eyes closed. “Covet said smthhg I can remembrance” “Covet” “COBRA DAMSIT” “Want smoe chzzy Roman” …Yeah, good luck figuring that all out.
• At some point he’s practically typing while asleep, but is still so adamant about texting you that his fingers seem to have a mind of their own. You can ignore his illegible texts, he really won’t blame you. In fact, it’s probably for the better. That way he can eventually forget about his phone and actually go to sleep.
• If out in public, will probably end up losing his phone somewhere throughout the night. It wouldn’t be the first time. He also dropped it in a toilet once. Yeah, maybe he needs to stop drunk texting you…
• If one thing is consistent about his phone drunk self and his real life drunk self, it’s how flirty is. Like, borderline inappropriate. If the two of you weren’t already dating, you definitely would have blocked him. He really can’t help himself though, he just thinks you’re so sexy. What’s a man to do? “Send some pics, doll” “Pics of what?” “Everything” Unfortunately, (or maybe fortunately?) you can probably expect him to send a few pictures himself… I’ll leave that up to your imagination.
• Pretty sporadic and inconsistent texts, especially if he’s out drinking instead of at home. Sometimes it’ll be seconds between replies, and sometimes hours. There’s really no telling, so don’t bother trying to have some sort of consistent conversation with him. “Miss you, doll” “I just saw you earlier this afternoon” [2 hours later] “Sorry, was trying to find your point” “-_-“
• This man has no shame. He will not feel any regrets for anything he says or does the following sober morning. In fact, expect this sort of drunk behavior pretty often. No matter what choice of scenery he’s chosen to drink in, he’ll always end up texting you. Well, at least you know his focus is always on you.
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welivetodream · 2 years
Thoughts on Harry Potter Ships (Disclosure: DO NOT attack me if I give some unpopular opinions or hate your favourite ship, it doesn't matter because this is only just an opinion and shipping is subjective.) (PS: my thoughts on this might change later) (Also this is not in any particular order)
Ron×Hermione: looveee it!!! This is one of those relationships that you see coming and are waiting till it happens. These two complement each other wonderfully. Their banter is realistic. Their fights are realistic. And they just care about each other even when they are fighting or not talking.
Harry×Ginny: did I see it coming? No. I didn't really notice Ginny till the 4th book. And I love Ginny as a character. She is also very much Harry's type being pretty and good at quidditch (ex: Cho, Draco, Cedric...etc). They are kinda okay. I don't dig much in their relationship, they don't have the sparks of Romione but they are still a good healthy couple.
Harry×Cho: um....they were not ready to date. They were not compatible. Could have worked out if Cho was in a more emotionally stable mindset and if Harry wasn't a huge oblivious dork.
Lavender×Ron: One word. Cringe.
Draco×Hermione: .....NO. JUST NO. I don't think Hermione would ever date someone like Draco. And knowing Draco, he will never date someone like Hermione. They might become friends later, but no, their pairing is too toxic.
Draco×Harry: ....now as I hate Dramione it might seem like I would hate Drarry. But....Drarry low-key rocks. They do have chemistry. More than Harry has with anyone literally. It's just a ship I really like despite all the toxicity it will have if it happened. It's better than Dramione since Harry and Draco are more of equals in terms of badmouthing eachother (both of them have insulted eachother's mothers for example)
Harry×Hermione: one word. Gross. It's like shipping siblings. Harry says in DH “She’s like my sister, I love her like a sister and I reckon she feels the same way about me. It’s always been like that. I thought you knew.” I hate she-who-must-not be named later said she wished they ended up together. No.
Ron×Luna: an unusual ship that a lot of people like including me. I did see some moments where they are lowkey crushing on eachother, especially Luna, but it's not huge.
Neville×Luna: another good ship, but the problem is the Neville in the books never showed any romantic interest towards Luna and did she (as much as I remmember) It's something the movies added.
Ginny×Luna: super cute but no canon info about that. It's still something better than a lot of other popular ships.
Snape×Lily: I can't go with this one....my thoughts on Snape are more on the bad side than good. I just don't think Lily should have liked him after he called her mudblood and became a death eater. (It's like a Nazi loving a Jew. Does not work out). I have no feelings towards James. He doesn't get much personality other than being a bully and later a hero. Snape had 6 books about how big of a douche he is...so No to Snily.
Remus×Sirius: AKA WOLFSTAR!!! Ofc I love it. Who doesn't? It's like the SHIP after Romione. They just feel like a married couple whenever they are together. Just *chef's kiss*
SiriusxSnape: are you Sirius?
Hermione×Snape: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I am calling the police.
Harry×Snape: Double NOOOOOOOOOOOO. WHY? JUST WHY? Who hurt you?
Tonks×Lupin: yep. Good one. They are cute. They spolier (died) too young.
(I didn't talk about all the ships just the one I remembered at the moment I could write a part 2 later)
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ninjasmart · 3 months
In response to last post if you compare pics from jubilee her face had definitely changed nose , lips , eyebrows , teeth and DEFINITELY BOTOX and a lot of it she had more wrinkles on her forehead than a Shar Pei and the dress had a corset fitted to try to give her boobs but it just looked stupid it made her lack of boobs even more obvious just gave her nipples . Think she’s had her jaw line tightened too
So many enhancements and yet she looked so old. Also, it is well known that you must wait for months after injections, fillers or botox before trying to get pregnant. That honeymoon better be kosher cause you don't know or want to find out on your child what botox does to their brain, health, physical appearance, behavior.
I'll just give example with Kim K's dauther and Kayle's daughter. It's not only the parenting that is at fault - kids with nannies turn out well too. It is also the in utero exposure to toxins. Kim denies these allegations but look at her daughter and how she acts with the emotional maturity of a 5 years old.
I also know - not only from academic literature but also from personal examples - coffee and smoking during pregnancy and especially in the early stages- bring about ADHD and ASD.
Instead of treating her face with chemicals she could have spent some time with gua sha, lymph drenage, green tea, masks, rice water, korean procedures. Calm, healthy kids is much bigger flex than eye line wrinkles that win in a competition with the eye line wrinkles of the groom's mother.
And that dress. Huh. I don't blame the designer - they suggest you choose. But the chooser showed zero sense of understanding what would look good on her especially since she has a flat earth situation.
She went for the princessy look but make it modern and ended up with something that looked like it deserves a gasp. If she had even googled what style would look good on her she could have wowed people. Yet she chose the aristocratic style that is not her style and she looked not fit for the dress. No pun intended. And also - I'll quote my grandma here (not on this occasion, obvy): did they not have enough fabric for the sleeves. If the vibe of the dress is: cover the chest, go big with the train, get the dress long enough so that it can be worn with high heels only then these sleeves should have ended at the wrist to keep the balance and overall look.
And a big rule of thumb is - in general, if you don't have hourglass figure - don't wear a dress that has an accentuation on the waist. We do it spwcifically because we have curves. If you love those specific body shape dresses you've got to have or buy boobs ans have a touche, build a touche with exercise or buy one.
P.S. This is close to what they called the styles many many years ago (when I did mine).
They were having different names and subtypes of the main ones. For example - Romantic was either girl next door or aristocrat. (That one I remmember because so much lace clothes were thrown away after this style determination session that I still hurt. I kept one and through the years I did come to the conclussion that my style complements me better). Glam was divided into royal and flamboyant. The others - I don't remember.
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boommmpop · 3 years
Professor Goodkind
Since my academic!Shelby headcanon was well recieved I thought I’d expand. 
The yearning to know more had been gnawing at her soul as far back as she could remmember. Shelby was a curious child, always asking ‘why?’, challenging and questioning everything that the adults around her said. Her daddy had, at first, been proud of such an inquisitive young mind. He gave her answers that came from the Lord, from the Word, from the Book. Well before her tenth birthday Shelby could parrot the very answers that he had ingrained on her. All would have been fine if she had stopped there, after all, the only answer she really needed, as far as her father was concerned, was a three letter word that started with a G, ended with a D, and should not be sponken in vain. 
But Shelby was not satisfied. She looked for answers in the sermons at church on Sundays, looked for them in her illustrated children’s Bible, and even in the big one for the grownups. Why did the Lord flood the Earth? Why did He choose Moses? If Adam and Eve where the first man and woman, who did their sons marry? Why did Jesus have to die? If the Lord was so powerful, why couldn’t he save his own son? Or was it save Himself? How could one be the Lord, and Jesus, and the Holy Spirit all at once?
Eventually, her father grew tired of her questions and he added another answer to his repertory. Faith. You know that’s your middle name, right Shelly? Sometimes the Lord won’t give us the answer because we are meant to just have faith, just believe. This did not sit well with Shelby, but she learned to bite her toungue, lest her father lose his patience with her. Don’t ask too many questions, it’s not polite, don’t doubt, just have faith, just believe. 
It wasn’t until after the island that she had the chance to go looking for answers again. She knew a little, about other religions, other branches of Christianity, about mythology, about history. She had never been a particularly good student, her grades average enough to not stand out for better or worse. Too much time at Church, too much time at pageants, did not leave a lot of time for academic pursuits. But once she was away from all of that, every unanswered question came rushing back.
It started with a google search and ended with a thesis. 
Shelby never thought she would spend more than absolutly necessary in higher learning institutions. And yet, her bachelor’s in Philosophy lead to a Masters in Study of Religions which lead to a PhD in Anthropology and Sociology of Religion. And suddenly she wasn’t just Shelby Faith Goodkind, she wasn’t Miss Fort Travis, or Miss Teen Texas, she was Professor Goodkind, and she never grew tired of hearing her students ask ‘Why?’. 
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Dear Kakashi,
I noticed that your copy of Icha Icha Violence seemed frayed and worn out, so-um, here's a little birthday present in advance from me.
It's the new rewritten edition with extra scenes, author's notes and some other 'special stuff' which I absolutely have no idea about. I'm terrible at wrapping presents, but I really did try this time.
I didn't see your reply- are we still friends? Is everything okay, Kakashi? I'm always here if you need me.
P.S.- That little message in the book is from me and yes, that is my original handwriting. Foolish, I know- but there's a tiny part of me who wants you to know who I am. Anyway, I really hope you like the present!
It was amazing. Just holding the book in his hands felt like an accomplishment, but know that he got to read it?
That somehow he had managed to get his hands on it when it had already been sold out by the time he could even try to get it.
There was no way he could ever repay his new friend for this.
Dear A,
I apologize for the very late response. Tsunade-sama has had me very busy the last few days and it has been hard to remmember' to do much of anything outside of work.
We are still friends, I promise. I will try to keep up with out letters better.
I appreciate the gift. I had thought it was sold out and I had missed my chance to get it for myself, so I admit I was rather upset until I found it waiting for me in your gift. Thank you. It is very thoughtful and one of these days I would like to know uow to repay you for spoiling me so much.
I wouldn't worry about how your writing looks. The note was beautiful and that is what matters at the end of the day.
I have left some more pictures for you, this time with some actual content other than pretty scenery. I hope they make you smile
*attached are three pictures. One of Naruto chasing a cat ontop of Ichiraku ramen, one of Gai and Lee doing their thumbs up pose, and one of Kakashi sitting on Gai's back while Gai does push ups*
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No spankys. No sexually compatible. Brothers.
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Ladies and gentelmans. Welcome!! 
Neutral MC. 
He is the best lovers of them all, literally, he adores you, your hair, your eyes, everything about you.  For him, that has existed as long as the time that basically  the years started to be just numbers, YOU were the sun in his world. 
Until sex came into the table. You did not had sex in your first year as an exchange student in the Devil Dom, hell no, as a Latin American MC, you knew the dangers of having sex, you just needed to remmember your neighbour, and how she had a baby when she was 15 years old. 
When he discovered that, and how your country didn´t care about your sexual education, he let the topic go. Until you were ready to give your virginity or experience. 
The first time you thought “Me estas jodiendo” just like that. Lucifer was a sadist at bed, you know spanking some BDSM and bondage. Plus his size didn´t help that much. And your first time wasn´t as magical as you expected. 
You needed to talk with him, of course you adore him, he was the sun for you, but your sexual life was as important as your romantic life. 
By the time he understandood the situation he decided that he can try vanilla sex, even thought, he reaaallly wanted to be in control he knew, he could not force you.  
NO KINKS PLS. You told him before you know the act.Mammon may or may not be the one you usually know at sex, his kinda a botton for you, and you only. Even thought he did not wanted you to know that. 
Like Lucifer he will totally understand about your feelings, even if he is greedy and his kink is to make you “Love marks”. Sometimes he forgets about your “No, no.” in bed, and he will try to make you happy, and try that you don´t find about his split last night. 
I actually think, that Mammon will have the normal sex from all the 7 brothers. 
He cares about you so much, how you make him the very one, above all the devils in Devil Dom, and the humans, and even the angels. Can you marry him already? 
Even if he wants to have intense sex with you he will make everything in his power to make you feel like the most beautiful creature. 
Vanilla sex is OKEY with this baby!!!
He feels like bad when he brought the topic of cosplay sex. After he saw your face, he understood, that was not your type of kinks, not even the spankys or rolle play. You were not confortable with that. Not even when you had your own needs, and felt horny. You even decided to consolate yourself, than make cosplay or role plays. 
As soon as both of you started your sexual life together it was a BIG path that both of you decided to carry on together. You were not into kinks, you prefer some nice and calm sex with your demon. 
Of course you both tried the cosplay but it didn´t felt right, you didn´t had an orgasm, you felt unconfortable, like a big toy, and even if that day was so special for Levi, you needed to talk with him. 
At first his heart was broken, and he tried to hide in his room for ever, but you didn´t let him do that, if this relationship is gonna keep going you need to put boundaries. 
After a few conversations with him, both of you started to enjoy sex, there were no pressure. 
You still make cosplay ONLY for conventions, most of the times you made a couple cosplay, but only for fun, cosplay and roleplay at sex was out of the table. 
He is a gentelman. Like Mammon he is nice a real gentelman, he is sweet and he cares so much about you, that makes yourself wonder. How someone like him has existed? Is he real? 
But be ware, the time the anger infest him and eats him alive you must run, he will make sure to enjoy the sex together, even if you start crying, and you can´t move at all. 
Fear must be heard, and your voice broken, and your tears in those eyes of yours made his heart cry, both of you needed to talk about this  he might be the avatar of wrath, but you ain´t gonna take it. None messed up with you, not even your boyfriend, not even that gentelman, that wanted to try sex outside, and spanks. 
So both of you talked, you ain´t a princess, I must say a warrior, and when both of you started to talk about those things you did not like about your sexual life with him, he inmediatly understans, he went to far. He have never been an angel like the others, but that must not be an excuse. 
As soon as both of you understands what is allow and what is not, your sexual life with Satan became as healthy as it could be. Some times he will forget about your conssentment, so you better STOP him before it goes too far. 
After all, what really matters is that both of you feels special during the act. 
Just normal sex, pls. He will try to make you do any type of kinks.
When you two started the relationship, you knew, he is the horny one, but still his personality made you fall, and hard. But you needed to make him understand, he is yours only yours, so no more orgys, no more multiple sex relationships. There were just you and him. He is not a single demon anymore. 
When the topic of sex enter the table, both of you decided to talk about it before the action. Contrary of all the ideas of Asmodeus being the king of kinks, he will make sure that you feel loved and have more security over your sexual life. 
He adores you so much, that you can compite with the love he has for himself, and What is the thing that Asmo would never do to himself? Not feeling loved. He already spent ages trying to make everyone else love him.
But you oh darling, if he needs to be “Pure” he will, he wants you to feel confortable, special, and he would never try to make you do what you don´t want. 
Please talk with him, and if it´s necessary use the pact. 
He is not into kinks that much, I think that the problem with Beel is that he likes to eat so it will be sex all day. 
Someone pleaaase bring a stretcher for MC, I think their hips are broken! Sex with Beel can go three ways. 
First, he is the kindest, the sweetest, the one that will give you so much love, BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT YOU DESERVE QUEEEEEN!
Second, he will breake you, and if you don´t like that, it´s better to stop him before the tragedy, be aware that he will bring up his puppy eyes, you must be strong. And say “No” He will understand. And will cuddle and kiss you a lot. 
Third, he will bring his only Kink, “Food”   maybe caramel around your body, or honey, or what ever he wants to eat, as he eats you. Even if you talked with him once, please make sure that you tell him again, sometimes he will forget about it, but he will care your feelings, no matter what.
Talk with him constantly so both of you can actually enjoy yourselfs!
He will bring into the table the masturbation, sometimes he is to lazy to carry on with his needs, or even yours. But that does not make you feel ok with, you don´t like someone else watching you while masturbating. Teasing doesn´t feel okey. 
He will want you to take the lead in almost the whole situation, but you don´t want just to move and then sleep again. 
You must bring the topic if you feel insecure or not loved, he will make everything in his power to make you happy, to make you feel loved, ´cse that´s what you deserve, no more, no less. 
Talking with him about your sexual life, might get a little naughty at first, both of you need to find the way to make this work. 
As always you can relay in him, he is your boyfriend, and it´s gonna be okey!
After few talks, you actually enjoyed a vanilla sex! 
Let´s lear some new vocabulary!
“Me estas jodiendo”  - You are fucking kidding me. 
Ladies and Gentelman, remmember, if you don´t feel okey with your sexual pair, let them know, your voice is special, and it needs to be heard, remmember ALWAYS have verbal consent, it does not matter if you are a man or a woman, let´s break together the tabu of sex. YOU ALL have the right of feeling great, and enjoy your sexuality! Be careful with ESTD, and if you are not sure about, research and talk with your partner. 
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You Remmembered?
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Hinata Hyuga/Tenten
904 words
For: @alumort​ 
She didn’t know much about her cousin's teammate other than what he had told her over the years. Every chance she might have gotten to sit down with him and talk, he said something about needing to do ‘more training’. Some days it seemed like he trained more than even Naruto, which she hadn’t thought was possible before. 
There was one thing she knew for sure, though.
She appreciated him and his terrible timing. Especially at moment’s like this.
“Neji Nii-san please don’t worry about it,” She held her hands up in front of her and laughed when her cousin leveled her with an unimpressed look. He had been telling her for the past three years to stop calling him ‘Nii-san’ but she had no intention of listening. “Go train with your teammate. I’ll be here tomorrow and every other day that we want to train together.”
To be honest, she couldn’t even imagine training today. Her body still ached from the mission she had just returned from with her team, but that had never been an excuse Neji would let her use to get out of training.
He always said something about ‘Gai Sensei’ and ‘Pushing past the pain’.
So when Lee showed up out of nowhere with those big sad eyes of his, asking Neji to train with him, Hinata jumped at the opportunity to escape her own scheduled training. 
“I promised to train with you this morning,” Neji insisted, endlessly stubborn. “It would be terrible for me to go back on my word.”
“But you should train with your teammate,” she insisted. “You two have to be in perfect sync for your missions, and there’s never too much training, right?” Neji seems to think her words over for a second. “Beside’s, I…” 
Right at that moment Tenten showed up at the entrance to the property. The perfect escape.
“I can train with Tenten,” She offered, smiling over at the other kunoichi and hoped that she caught onto what she was trying to do. “How does that sound, Tenten? You can help me train while Neji Nii-san and Lee-kun do their own training.”
“Train, eh,” Tenten tilted her head and smiled over at her. “Sure, why not. If those two are going to forget to include me in their training when Sensei’s not around I may as well get some training somewhere.”
Neji and Lee at least had the decency to look ashamed of themselves after being called out like that. They were also smart enough to run for it as soon as Tenten started to walk towards them. 
“I take it Lee showed up to interrupt your morning training with Neji?” She nodded her head, smiling when Tenten laughed out loud. “Ya, that’s Lee for you. He doesn’t always know when an appropriate time to ask to train with us is. I’ve had him interrupt lunch time to ask me to train with him.”
That certainly sounded interesting. Hinata was thankful she had Kiba and Shino as her teammates if others had to deal with people like Lee and Naruto-kun always wanting to train. She couldn’t imagine having Kiba interrupt her when she was trying to do something, just to ask her to train more than they already had.
“So, about that training,” There’s a feeling of regret that settles into her stomach. Was she actually going to have to train now? Maybe she should have thought of her words a bit better before requesting Tenten’s help in getting her cousin to leave her alone. “Can we skip out on that? I already did some training with Gai-sensei this morning that involved some unpleasant rock climbing and I could really use a break.”
That was not what she was expecting, but she would take it.
“I actually wouldn’t mind a break myself,” she agreed, not wanting to admit that she had planned to rest for the day anyways. “Would you like to come in for some food? If I remember correctly Neji bought some sesame buns the other day to bring to training. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you had some while you were here. They’re your favorite, right?”
Tenten’s cheeks turned a beautiful shade of red while she shifted awkwardly from side to side. 
“You...I didn’t expect…” Ducking her head, she covered her mouth just as a laugh escaped. “You remembered?”
“Of course I did,” Hinata chuckled. It was kind of cute seeing Tenten surprised. “I never forget when someone tells me about their favorite food. Especially when Neji tells me as well.”
And Neji told her a lot of things. Nothing bad of course, he adored his teammates in their own special ways. But he did give her insider information on what they liked and the things they did. It also helped that Tenten had mentioned her love for sesame buns once while they were out together with Neji. 
“Maybe while we’re enjoying those sesame buns, we can do something relaxing,” She offered. “You could tell me about your weapons. Neji said that you bought yourself a new set that you were really excited about.”
Tenten’s face lit up instantly and Hinata knew she was in for a very long, detailed story about whatever it was she had gotten for herself.
It was going to be great. A nice relaxing morning with good food, an interesting story, and great company. What more could she ask for?
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Externalize Your Calendar
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The biggest problem ADHDrs have is .. out of site, out of mind! ...
To fix that problem for appointments and Todos, externalize these priorities.
I use a loose leaf 3 ring binder, broken into 5 areas ..
1 .. blanket pages for each day or todo list,
2 .. future appointment sheets filled out w appointments and todos,
3 .. a yrly calendar,
4 .. the current day w any long-term projects I'm working on, followed by
5 .. the diary of what I've done.
This binder is from Staples, The Better Mini Binder upc 718103333498.
The separators are also from Staples, upc 72782111182.
The paper is regular paper, which I had chopped into 8.5 x 5.5.
I built templates to print out the on the sheets .. calendar, todo list and ruled line pages. Available upon request.
I use a 3 hole punch, vs having the paper drilled, since I don't have to punch every sheet I print out.
Not seen is a 6x9 clip board, used to hold blank ruled paper for notes.
Organizing Your Callendar
ADHDrs suffer from ToDo overload, so when organizing your day, only write the things you need to get done.
If there is a list of 1000 things to do, use seperate ToDo sheets to list everything, and keep them behind your current day's page.
If a ToDo will take more than one day to complete, that is a project. Use a Project Template Sheet to name the project, and group all your notes and ToDos on those sheets.
When a List of ToDo's has more ToDo's checked off than ToDo's to be completed, re-write the list, and place the old list in your diary.
SomeTimes I put eMojis in the right column of my ToDo's and Appointments. This tells me if I need to do Risk Assessment before executing the ToDo or going to the meeting.
Track how much time it takes you to do something. If you need to know how much time it takes to do something, then run a test. Or, if you're doing it on a regular basis, then use a stop watch and track your time. Then, write it next to the item. If this is a repeating item, then write these times on a seperate sheet and place it behind your current day, for reference.
Keep the calendar as simple as possible. The fewer pages you actually need to look at during A Day, the easier it will be to work with.
When you get an appointment, or a ToDo, always write it down in the book. Don't try to remember it.
Special Days
Highlight special days in your yearly calendar, and create appointment sheets for those days. This will help you remmember those days,
Prepare for special days. If you have created a special day, then add pages in front of that day to remind you the day is coming, and what you have to do to be there on time.
Ex .. tests. If you know you have a test, then add a sheet for the day the test starts, and add pages before that to remind you to study specific sections that will be covered by the test.
The Day Before
Add a reminder to your phone to review your page for the next day, just before you go to bed. Usually 1 hr before.
Remove the current day and next day's pages from the binder, and any associated projects.
Update the projects. Mark off the Todo's and Appointments you completed for the day.
Move incomplete ToDo's to a todo list, or the next day, or to a project. But don't let them go without being addresses.
Review what you have to do tomorrow. Re-write the page if needed.
I like to list all my calls together first, so that I get them out of the way and make sure that people are actually meeting today.
Using this method, find out when you do things. If you do something in the morning, make sure those things have time in the morning. Same with, afternoon, and evening tasks.
Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment is the process of asking 5 questions to determine if a task could fail and what am I going to do about it, or instead of it.
1 .. What is the risk of the task failing?
2 .. What is dependent on this task succeeding?
3 .. What are the known issues with this task that could cause it to fail?
4 .. What are the unknown issues that could cause this task to fail?
5 .. What assumptions am I making about this task that could be true or false?
After documenting these 5 questions, I look for ways to mitigate each and every issue brought forward.
Ex .. if you have RSD (Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria) and you need someones approval to start a task, then you will always year, "NO!". So, the mitigation is to find ways to complete the ToDo without having to ask for permission to do it.
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romanakeysmash · 2 years
I have once written a post that the Ents speak toki pona, though I cannot find at the moment. Anyway, I return with more thoughts on that topic.
Specifically, I was wondering how toki pona names for cardinal points would work in Middle Earth. Especially, the words for the West and the East, as poka lete and poka seli (I was considering poka suno for the South, but I think that seli works better as an antonym to lete, and also we may need suno later on) work pretty well as respectively the North and the South. The north of Middle Earth is cold, the south is warm, just as in our world, nothing interesting here.
But the East and the West of Middle Earth are connected to the very specific concepts and I would like my names to reflect that. Thus my first and pretty straightforward idea probably wouldn't work.
At first I intended to call the East and West something like "poka pi suno kama" and "poka pi suno muli/lape". Makes sense, right? After all, those are the main characteristics of those points - the side where the sun comes from an the one where it dies/goes to sleep. Unfortunately, even if it does make sense, it doesn't really fit well into Middle Earth mythology.
In Tolkien's works the East is the place where all the evil dwells, and the West is divine. Even if the Elves are not big fans of the Sun, I'm still treating toki pona as the language used by Ents, and it's hard to believe that the tree-people would treat the Sun as something sinister, so the East's name would sound to them like a much cooler place than the West, and it goes against the text (especially the text of the Ent and the Ent-Wife song that uhhhh I may or may not be in the process of translating). Additionaly we have to remmember that the first sunrise ever in Middle Earth was in the West, which addas a whole new layer of confusion. And, on top of that, for purely aesthetical reasons, I don't like the idea of having neat two-word names for the North and South and clumsy four-word ones for the East and West.
I didn't want to use the names along the lines of "poka pona" and "poka ike", even though it's kind of what Tolkien suggests. I don't believe that the parts of the world could be inherenly good or bad (and I don't think that would ba a very Entish point of view). Even if they are consistently associated with certain imagery, I would rather leave that to poets than literally put "good" and "bad" in their names.
Another idea I briefly considered was "poka suno" for the West and "poka mun" for the East the contrast and the darkness-light imagery would stay, but in a more "neutral" form. I'm not very keen on this idea though, because logically it doesn't really make much sense as both the sun and the moon can be seen on both sides of the sky.
The last and at the moment my favourite idea is perhaps the most methaphysical one, but I like it because it works well with the Middle Earth lore and doesn't sound too judgemental. It's "poka selo" for the West and "poka insa" for the East. I think that selo evokes the Valinor that is at the "outer layer" (and after the First Age even beyond) of Arda and the opennes of the sea, while insa makes sense for the part of the world that is, well, inland. Some connections to the opression and keeping under control could also be drawn here, but nothing too direct. The drawback? You have to be familiar with at least some of the Middle Earth lore for it to make sense. But that shouldn't be a problem for the Ents - after all they do live there, right?
I'm not active in any toki pona community and don't know whather there are any "proper names" for the cardinal points (maybe ma would work better than mine poka?) so there is a great chance that I'm just reinventing the wheel here, but it was a fun thought experiment nevertheless. As usual, I would be very happy to hear toki pona tumblr's thoughts on this!
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I'd like to think that at some point one of the adults (maybe Kakashi? Or maybe Gai, with his big heart. Or maybe Tenzo, knowing how shitty Kakashi's life was) is looking at little Kakashi&co and wondering, why don't they tell them what will happen? They can't change their own past, but they could give a better future to them
I feel like it would be Tenzo or Gai. Kakashi himself would be afraid of changing things too much, But Gai would want his husband to not have to go through all of that and Tenzo would want to prtect his senpain from pain if he can
And that’s what happens.
they tell Little Kakashi because he can figure it out and tell anyone he needs to for help, but the less people who know the better
and Kakashi changes it. He’s read for the mist shinobi who are supposed to kidnap Rin and he’s back to back with Obito and Rin to keep them all safe
Kakashi still loses an eye protecting his friends, and Obito still unlocks his sharingan, but no one dies
there is no funeral. No pain. No loss.
And then when it comes time when Rin is supposed to die, Obito is there to divert Kakashi’s attack when Kakashi can’t. And for once Kakashi won’t fault him for kicking him in the face XD
And the missions that were Kakashi rin and Gai still happen because Kakashi asks for Gai. He knows Gai is better suited for these missions than Obito, and Obito can do other missions
Kakashi still joins Anbu, but he does so at age 16 after rescuing Tenzo who he saught out after remmembering little tenzo. Tenzo can’t go straight to normal shinobi life. He has been in root too long, so Kakashi goes into anbu with Tenzo to help him adjust amd be there for him, and he still becomes the youngest anbu Captain because he’s a prodige. zhe’s smarter than the other captain’s tacticlly and he can do the missions easily with his plans.
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blue-mint-winter · 5 years
Altered Carbon s2e2 Payment Deferred (spoilers)
Kovacs makes a cardinal mistake. He lets his anger and frustration get the better of him and dismisses what Poe has to say. This carelessness bites him later in the episode.
Poe losing his memory and refusing a reboot is a sad situation and storyline. It doesn’t help that Kovacs treats him badly because of his own impatience. He’s so obsessed with finding Quell that Poe’s trouble is mostly ignored. Kovacs just wants the quick solution to the problem because it takes away his attention from the mission. I have no doubt he cares and likes Poe, but his judgement is poor in this instance. He even lashed at Oyabun and got reprimanded for it. But Poe can’t defend himself well when he’s “sick” like that.
Awesome part with Kovacs taking out 5 top bounties in one day and being like “What, like it’s hard?”
The bounty huntress is also searching for someone which is why she needs money. Despite that, she still was interested in helping Kovacs. She’s a good person, but the idiot refused her help. Didn’t he say last season that it was in Envoy’s training to gather a team, find and use local talented people? That’s how he got the team in s1 and everything worked out. In s2 Kovacs is blinded by his obsession, pushes away his friends and people who want to help him. He thinks he can find Quell alone but he can’t, there’s too much going on at once.
The Soul market was super interesting. S1 showed in detail how human body became commodity and how messed up are the results of that in society, how people abuse it. S2 is showing us that the same applies to stacks. Stacks without bodies are treated like pretty trinkets, items you can use for memories to amuse yourself. People aren’t people anymore, they are things others use for profit. It’s truly horrifying and disgusting.
I think the songtree from Harlan’s World might contain some explanation to how stacks work and what happened to aliens? Falconer invented stacks there, there must be some connection between the planet, ancient aliens, the native songtree and the stacks.
Danica Harlan’s politicking is going nowhere. At least now I’m convinced she didn’t do anything to get rid of her father. I am interested what’s the relationship between Harlan’s World and Protectorate, why they needed Konrad Harlan to protect them and from what exactly? And how he did that? This mystery is intriguing.
Carrera killing the police = evil. He even made that officer suffer more than necessary. What a bastard. But now I know he’s just using any excuse he can get to stay on Harlan’s World and he wasn’t behind Axley’s murder.
So Quell comes again to kill Axley’s associates and she remmembers Kovacs, so in the end she is confirmed to be herself, not a body thief.
Just who is Quell’s superior? The quellists? Who wanted Axley dead? Who had the means to create her sleeve against the law? How come Axley could steal Protectorate sleeve for Kovacs?
So because Kovacs was stupid and didn’t listen to Poe, he didn’t learn that his body is Protectorate product and genetically modified to listen to its superior aka Carrera. That was a delicious karmic screw you moment in the end of the ep when he found it out. Great cliffhanger.
Won’t Envoy training “mind over matter” be enough to break through the genetic conditioning of the body? I wonder.
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capbean · 2 years
Tumblr media
Hello everyone! This is Captain Beanie, signing in for another speed painting video everyweek! Today, I draw Jiggly in his rage mode/style. (Btw he gave me 50php for this project hihihi) And this was my first collab so pls bare with me. This art was inspired by Kasafras's Eddelmental art. Music: https://youtu.be/4b78xc2YeXA Also I suggest you to visit this guy👌🏻 Suggestions are open! You can suggest whatever you wanted for me to draw, no one knows your suggestion will be my next video🤌🏻 And just wanna say I might gonna be much more dead on of my socials for as good as 2 weeks. Im not feeling really well rn due to over stressing myself on my homeworks and problems. Lossing a person who really matters to me was really heartbreaking. But anyways, I hope y'all understand my situation. Ill be back as soon as I felt more better than today. Yall can check my other socials as well👇🏻 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/captain_beanie_/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/JavateMonique?t=0ozPLpjiUy_dBC9FULX6ZQ&s=09 Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/CapBeanie/ Tumblr:http://captainbeaniemj.tumblr.com Tiktok: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSeEjMmNo/ Newgrounds:https://captainbeanie.newgrounds.com/ Btw, summer special will come out soon🤌🏻 Stay safe and healthy everyone! Always remmember the safety health protocols. Plant more trees, conserve electricity and water. Practice 5 Rs, clean soroundings and be Eco friendly🌏 Have a nice and blessed week to everyone! This is Captain Beanie, signing off🤍🤌🏻 See yall next week👋🏻 https://www.instagram.com/p/CdH56FnvLZH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ANBU team 7
In the forest of death Sasuke still gets bit by orochimaru but this time they curb stomp him and sound four without using the curse seal cause Sensei taught us better then to rely on hickeys.
XD I cackled when i read 'Taught us better than to rely on Hickeys' omg XD thank you for that
Orochimaru was not expecting so much resistence, and actually good fighting. They're impressed that these kids are this strong, and they're definitly coming more prepared next time
uncofrtunatly for them, as soon as Kakashi knows they're targetting Sasuke he's on constant guard duty. There's a jonin nearby at all times, usually kakashi but someone else if for some reason Kakashi can't be there. they don't have to be able to beat Orochimaru, since Kakashi himself can't do that at this stage in his growth
all they need to do is make sure Sasuke remmembers his team, and that he knows he's not alone and that the best training he can get is under kakashi. which isn't hard for Sasuke to remmember because he's actually good friends with his teammates and trusts them with his life.
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lielisstrange-blog · 6 years
I came in with a storm 2182002 straight from the gods to a hospital in Maryville Tennessee
My existance called for change, leaving the couple im told to know as mother and father to divorce
I was put in a family of a brother and a sister and on one side i had mor cousins than i could count and the other seemed to be the ones who brought me here , with so many similarities with me
Growing up i was always smiling despite the constant aruging, verbal abuse, and later on physical abuse. I smiled becouse ,be it the gods, something told me id be just fine, that its all to change soon.
I was right.
Now ages 0-2 where pretty blurry
But from what i remember of 3-6
I met new siblings called step siblings and met this woman suppose to be a step mom. I didnt like them right away, i didnt really know why. But i treated them kindly likely becouse someone mentioned in a movie you should treat others how you liked to be treated. Now at this point i spent all my years in this big house doung whatever i wanted, i knew whats up and in this big house i was a bug but i was the king bee. No one ever stepped on my toes.
Now i didnt have much toys so i used my hands, i named them bith friends.
Which was kinda sad but they provided lots of entertainment when i was bored un school . I also spent my days watching drake and josh,icarly, and basically a bunch of nick and cartoon network shows from the 90s to early 2000s. One night i remember the mother coming to the house to sleep in the gym room. I had told her and my aunt that id sleep with them that night so i kept going back and forth rooms, aunts to the left,the other yo the right. At one point i got sick of it and sat in the middle of the hall looking out the door up the stairs directly obove me. I don't think i ever chose. I remmember mamaw worked for a jewlery company and we attended a christmas ball thing once, thus i descovored i loved christmas
Until around age 5, i realised i didn't care about school, loved christmas, felt lonely on Halloween and that everyone around me wasnt like me. Or perhaps i wasn't like them,,around that age someone who was suppose to be a cousin had me do some griss things with him. When we where cought with him on top of me, we where sat in the courner. Thats all that was done about it. Now ive always been very asexual, so i saw the act as a performance of sorts and truly didnt care as it ended shortly after. Until i was kicked off my thrown and moved out with the step siblings and that father. I was treated unfairly but found it hard to care. The step brother about two years older than me started demanding im to kiss him which i thought was gross. But he said if i didnt, hed tell on me. Given he was the favorite and had actual pull in the house i had no choice but to comply. Which i didnt but hed make me. At this time id go to the mothers house every other weekend to see my sister, eat pizza, and watch 90s cartoons or Madagascar. I swear i memorized that movie. Now the kissing eacalated through out the years into worse and worse things. But i honestly never put much thought in it. I was unattached from each side of the family already so i didnt care. My memory of these years are blurry due to repression. Not the kind youd think though.
See a memory that came back to me i was about age 7. I went outside in a fit and as i walked the wind seemed to kick up and i raised my hands at the side of me slowly making it kick more. I stud on a stump and remeber making a leaf tornado. I was very happy with my work. But at these times i was being told magic was evil from the mother. I figured it was magic, got off of the stump and stomped inside.
From 7-9 i descovored more abilities almost yearly. I noticed id think of a shows episode or a line in the episode and no matter what id see that exact scene the day of or week after. It happened all the time. Id also be sitting in the car on hot days wanting a drink but knowing enough that they'd never stop for drinks. Id think this or a specific question about a person ir thing and some out, like my brain would go silent fir a moment. Then right after, one of the people in the front seat would ask that question, anwser it,or announce we're stopping for drinks.This happend so often that i assumed they had mind reading powers,i even asked them. They always said no thiugh.Another one seemed to be just magic ,like id want something to happen and the moment im not thinking about it, it just happens. Which sounds amazing but keep in mind i was trying to repress these abilities as much as i could along with memories of them so itd build up. Like when you're young and mad you might think about wanting something bad to happen to somone whoes mean to you. Now with this ability if you wanted it, just for a second, its long enough to do damage. Which,wasnt fun. Also one day i had a watch and said out loud that id descovor time... perhaps i have a time ability. I forgot to mention, when you try to repress things like this, you get KILLER headaches all the time. Like yiu cant run or jump or talk loud without feeling like your head was going to expload. I also made killer storms when angry. And i was always angry. But my abilities are fight or flight activated so itd never hurt me. Sometimes id black out and look off in a direction and use one of my powers. Like i couldn't control it, it had to get out. One time i was in a car, got angry, abd looked out a window,my mind went silent as i looked at a truck that was suppose to stop at a red light then looked at the tip of our car slowly until i was blasted back to reality as the truck hit our car. We span to the middle of the road, the two people in the frount seat crying and screeming as i sat their completely untouched with a shocked look on my face.
I remember the mother teaching the brother hiw to ride a bike,she didnt have time to teach me as well so i looked at what they where doing, hopped on my bike and flew down the hill. Now i didnt exactly know how to stop it so i mightve went down the hill straight into a tree. However, i got back up laughing my ass off and learned those little grippy things on the handles can stop the bike when needed. I then knew how to ride the bike and went flying down the hill again.
Now from 8-10 ish we lived in a house on a hill with a creek at the bottom and a church to the side. I spent those years unallowed to get on the internet, loving tv, trying to gather enough food to actually eat, saving pinnies to get 15cent candy and ever ran a little store to cell old toys. We also had an old schoolhouse in our backyeard and woods to play in, which i did often. It genuinely felt like i was growing up in a different time period as i hunted for crawdads and heard the rasist or homophobic rants from the father and step mother.
Now from about 8-11 i was shown back to the future, doctor who, and the joy of mac and cheese by my sister. The 9th doctor was my first him id seen, and i loved him and the show. Because up until this point id felt alone but he made me feel completely not alone. I also descovored i wanted to be a scientist, not even really knowing what that is yet. The gross things stopped for the most part. Also i picked up a camera phone for the first time making a video where i killed a stick and even crushed a berry to make it look of blood.
I thought it was so badass. At this point id visit the mothers house everyother weekend and sometimes go to mamaws every other other weekend. Mammaws being where my thrown originally was, although they moved to this town called oak ridge. Now i loved oak ridge. It was the original time bomb town. Ive also always had a weirdly strong connection to albert enstine whom was there. I swaer i genuinely was Nikola Tesla in a past life, he was an asexual scientist with cool hair and pure sass. The mother also moved to oak ridge. Her house had a tierswing made by my sister. I loved it there, it was a perfect time capsule until one night. We had just got there and i was playing with my binderoos as my sister was started getting yelled at by the mother. She was screaming, i think my sister threw a party or something. Then my sister got up just kinda talking her points out as the mother yelled and yelled then my sister started yelling. Then out if nowhere the one we've been calling mother, we'll now call "T" , slaped the glasses off of my sister. My sister looked shocked then left the house as T screamed. Now everytime id go over to her house shed make it seem like she was the good one, like he was evil. At this moment i knew for sure, neither of them where the good guys. So i grabbed my sisters glasses and fixed them with my bendaroos. What makes it worse is that my sister came to her house after being abused at mamaws. She knew that and still hurt my sister.
I never stopped smiling. I always knew itd get better.
Age 12 , the step brother sent false claims about my sister, leaving it to wear we couldn't see her for months that felt like years
She tought me that no one could tell me i wasnt what i wanted to be, even if it was a ninja . She tought me to fight ,how to get out of trouble, and told me stories of her stealing at my age. I only ever stole food or tiny things as we rarely had any
And now people at mamaws started ordering me around more , getting meaner , or perhaps they where always mean i just didnt care enough to catch it
I also watched harry potter for the first time and related very VERY much.
We left that house with the creek and that step mother and where off to live at mamaws
Which i loved dearly as ut was the only place i was allowed to exist with out being hit or pushed or screamed at and i could go online
I descovored i love 50s music and shane dawson
I also started going to the elementary school across the street. Now with schools over the years, at first i just didnt care because it was easy and boreing, then it began where i couldnt pay attention as hard as i tried. Id look at a book and have a whole movie in my head playing about a magic book or something where ozzy Osborne came to my school to sing crazy train and hug me ...which i thought about a lot. Then the teacher would call me out for not paying attention, but it was never on perpous id just check out.i also had a habbit of always having teachers who hated me like one time in like first grade a teacher said i was in trouble and moved my car back (which was a paper car on a paper road that youd get rewarded for if you got far or punished if you got taken back). When she did that, i made it obvious that i gave no shits by sitting and saying nothing as she yelled. Hen she moved it firther back when seeing no reaction from me. Then further. Then straight up just called the father who we'll now call V. To another teacher who lout laud to the class said her dog writes neater than i.So my grades where never too good
From 2012-2014
Every morning for school at mamaws id get a little coffee, watch a little of the morning news, then head off
Every night i could, id watch boondocs or family guy with my little cousin who was basically my little brother at this point and drink some chocolate milk
Every other week, i think, we'd get our allowance and go to the same walmart on fridays to spend it
It was the most like a family sitch i think id ever had
I remember my first day of middle school, and listening to "makes me happy" by drake bell on the bus, even coming back to do homework and eat butterscotch chips for cookies
That being said after being there until middle school me and the other brother was taken by V to see his new house
I didnt want to go nor stay and i made that very clear. Something seemed,,off.
Then sure enough on the way there v told us he got back with the step mother we'll call the L (hehe)
And that they're now renting the house we're going to together
It was hell, i had to share a room with that step sister , it was back to rarely having enough to eat, virbal abuse, and general bullshit all the time
On top of that, because in oak ridge the age for middle school was one year below the requirement for this new town , i was sent back to an elementary school
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The August unposted draft
I just found this on my file :
Time flies so fast. I cant event realized it has been August. It means almost a half of this year already passed. I wanna review my journey in this year, kinda contemplation and maybe such an evaluation about how far I have been trying become the better version of me by following my own decision as a young adult. Since graduated from college I found myself being in a confusion. My years of college was amazing but after this I feel like a pet placed in a wild life. I dont know how to start and where. I started my first job at my home town, after a year more I thought for the new job and asked my parent to go another city. That was Jakarta. Then on 14th October 2016 I officially moved to Jakarta. A month after that on 9th November I choose Siloam as my stepping stone Job in here. I did almost the same task as I did in my latest work place, but it's okay cause the important one was I must earned money for my life here. This hospital is so huge with a skycrapper building. I never saw it before, so I am so excited to work in here. I imagine new friends, new experinces, new salary and new lesson. My life continued here in this place and I would spent my first year worked in other city. I thought all the good thought I would have in this year with my new job. But, the fact was I never imagine I would faced such really severe battle mind here and met a beast women I ever known in my life. I dont mean to exaggerated the situation. This is real and now I just Thank God that let me get in to that trouble, let me get a great lesson from that condition and He also that get me out and rescue me through all the hard time. I need really much time to ensure myself that I am working with a person with mental disorder called Sociopath. Sociopath is kind of toxic personality. They just like us. But, as we know them, they develop traits that really destructive to whom close and interact with them. I almost spend my life at work place and before I knew this fact I really face a shit life. It so influence me so much and shake my psycology. Can you imagine for almost every day ? She hurt you, humiliate you, break you and she said she did it on good purpose. She said she wanna teach you about her experince, she told you her story life and family, she told you about God kindness in her life. She send you Bible verse everyday. The other day she control you about what to do in almost everything and blame you for almost non sense thing but refuse to admit if she made mistake. The rule is she made decision and you are prohibited to make opinion and request. Your voice and argument is nothing. You now not more than a slave. She never thank, apreciate and hard to impress. She takes advantage of your kindness and never care about your need. The other day she paid for your lunch, she invited you attended a Christmass celebration in her Church with her mother. The foolest is I still thought she was inspired and good. She play with my innocent mind. I hate her oftently but crave for her acceptance. I hope this would got better as the time passed. People who already knew her warned me, but I didnt trust them. I still thought that the people dont know her like you do when you remmembet abour her kindness. It was not easy, right ? Time passed and nothing got better as I wished. It just even got worse. I thought I have lost myself. I depressed and got down so deep. I lost my pride and my cheerness. I feel like there was a chain that band me so tight. I feel so gloomy and weepy. I cried aloud deep in my heart. I shout out to God for helping. My heart started rebel. Not for once I cried on my way back home and asked God to "get the fuck her off my life". I said to God I cant handle this for any longer, please help me. I wait for how God work and how it would be ended. I made this situation as my faith test. When I hurt so much, I asked God to heal it. I remmember all His kindness and I trust He would never leave me after this far. I pray her and her daughter. Instead hope the situation would changed, I choose to hold on until I ready for new job. But, wait until that time it mean more long last struggling. It impact me mentally. I just wanna alone, I hate people much. I didnt call my parents for such a month and I kinda ignore one of my friend because I wasnt in a good mood. I feel tired a alot and unconfident with my life. I feel low. In front of people I was looked tough, the fact they didnt know was I already broken into pieces. Strenght unknow I have whenever I wanna give up I believe it from God. I recover myself everyday, I wasnt rebel, frontally. I just asked Him to add my patientness. Naturally, I wasnt designed to confront people. And this was I got finnally after long survive with this sh*t. God show me His way. About January, there was some replacement and exchanged function in my division and we have a new doctor to do our daily task. The doctor would has a big role for me. On 2nd June 2016, dr. Debbi3 was my new superior. Then, I always told her about how my job. She helped me so much to forward my complain to the management and listen me alot. I trust that God send her to help me. We being friend cause she also felt similar what I felt. Then we were friend with the same enemy. On 21st June that toxic person made a chaos at Mr, I told about it to dr. debbi3, that chaos made her considerated to get first warning letter.
On 5th August, I sent dr. Debbi3 a short message about insane thing she has done to me at that day. Exactly at that time me and her were ordered to meet our head department. At that time, she got second warning letter for her bad attitude. On 9th August I decide to report her an accident report for shouted me in public. The newest I got sneak peak that She will get fired the end of this month. Oh my God, am I dreaming ? It should be a good news for me. But, I never wanna be ended up like this. If it really happened maybe it should be happend. She reaps what she sow. And of course the answer of my prayer. Once again, I can feel You wherever I go through any situation. I cant wait what I called "Your plan".
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