#and its so like. lonely and scary and like
lvdr-haze · 19 hours
hii, can you write joost x female reader angst? they argue, he yells/says mean stuff but it ends with fluff? thank youuu 💋💋
here you go love, sorry for the late btw. :))
TW!! : mention of the death of a friend, angst with comfort ending
words : ≈1000
english is not my first language sorry if you can find some mistakes in the ff.
everything is fictional !!
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Lately, Joost and you had been distant because he had a lot of work, and you knew that he didn’t like being disturbed while working, and you respected that.
But today was different. As you were walking home from work after an already bad and long day, you received a call from an unknown number. You usually don’t respond, but this time you felt the urge to pick up the call; you didn’t know why.
When the person on the other end of the telephone line announced the death of one of your dearest friends, your body just stopped moving, your eyes immediately filled with tears, and you felt quite dizzy.
You couldn’t believe it. How was it even possible?
You couldn’t even talk to the person who had called you, your body just moving from your sobs and your hands trembling.
The call ended and you stayed there, incapable of moving, just trembling and sobbing, trying so hard not to fall to your knees. You needed someone to hold you right now, and that someone needed to be Joost. You didn’t want anyone else because you knew that he would exactly understand how you were feeling right now.
You walked home with tears still rolling down your eyes, and after what seemed like an eternity, you finally entered your apartment.
You knew Joost was still working on his song in the room he had transformed into a studio, but you had to see him and you had to feel his arms around you.
You entered the room, but sadly for you, that clearly wasn’t the moment to do that because your boyfriend was so angry. He had just lost one of his songs and couldn’t find it anywhere on his laptop. So when he heard the door opening and felt your presence, he immediately yelled without even looking or checking on you.
“FOR FUCK’S SAKE, Y/N!! Just fucking leave me alone. Why are you pissing me off like this? Stop acting like a fucking child.”
His words were harsh, cold, and hurtful, but you didn’t want to fight. You didn’t have the energy for it. So you just stepped out of the room, crying even more.
You’d never felt so alone in your life.
You hated when people yelled at you, and Joost knew that. So after a little while, he came out of his room just to find you crying really hard on the couch. You couldn’t stop yourself, and your body was aching from sobbing. Joost immediately ran to you and took you in his arms to hold you tightly. He could feel that something else had happened, so he gently said with his calm and deep voice:
“What’s going on, lieverd? You can tell me everything… everything’s okay now…”
You looked at him; he was so comforting at the moment but yet really scary after how he had yelled at you five minutes before.
Joost could see the fear in your eyes, and that broke his heart. He never wanted you to be scared of him, so he held you as long as you needed to open up to him. And you finally did. You explained everything—the bad day at work, the call, the announcement of the death of your friend, the fight you had with him, and how you were feeling so lonely right now.
Joost’s heart ached at the mention of your dead friend. He had lost several people when he was young, and he knew how much it hurts and how hard it is to accept.
He sighed and played with your hair before finally speaking up:
“First of all, I’m really sorry that I reacted like this. I didn’t mean to, and I don’t ever want you to be scared of me. For your friend, you know I understand you perfectly, but the only advice I can give you is to let time do its work. Maybe it will take a while for you to heal, but I’ll be there to support you even when it’s not easy. You are not alone, Y/N… you’ll never be alone as long as I’m with you…”
Your sobbing had calmed down and your head was now resting on Joost’s chest, listening to his heartbeat as he was speaking to you with all the tenderness in the world.
Your eyes were feeling heavy and your body just needed some rest right now.
“Thank you, Joost… I love you…”
Joost kissed your forehead and smiled at the sight of you falling asleep on his torso.
“I love you too, Y/N… I love you so fucking much…”
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pansyfemme · 5 months
yeah i am straight up not having a good time lately
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piplupod · 2 months
my method of "getting better" has just been Do Everything Possible and latch onto whatever gives you any sense of purpose and/or joy. and i guess it's been working because i am definitely not in quite the same place that i was a few yrs ago
#like i have tried so many things#any opportunity for trying a thing that is supposed to be helpful is met with ''yeah sure why not''#counselors love me for it LMFAO#''its impressive that you're willing to try these things :)'' girl if i dont then I'll kill myself. it's not gonna hurt me to try#if it goes badly then i have a breakdown and maybe hurt myself but then i immediately move onto the next thing#and i can always draw shitty art. thats always there for me. i can rotate my OCs in my brain. i can watch a show or listen to a podcast#those are always available if nothing else works out#and maybe it helps that i have a deadline of ''if life is still intolerable by x time then you can kill urself'' dhfjdkl#operating by that makes me want to put in more effort bc theres a time limit#also doing all these things has given me a sense of identity outside of having irl ppl around me#i couldnt control that for a long time (very very very lucky to have joined the old lady group recently) so i had to make do#and it is hard and it is scary and it is very often nearly unbearably lonely. but when u throw urself headfirst into ur own stuff#then u don't focus so much on the Aloneness of it all. and also u get to post abt ur hobbies and stuff and make friends online that way#idk !!! it is a hard spot to pull urself out of but taking a single step at a time is incredibly helpful#trying things and doing things and keeping on trucking gets u thru it one way or another#pippen needs 2nd breakfast#suicide mention
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coelacat · 2 months
the three ways to make me INSTANTLY dislike you:
unironically call an animal (or any living thing rly) "useless" because if it exists there is inherently use for it. thats how evolution works dumbass
"art is dead"/"theres no good art anymore"/i dislike modern art"/"i could paint/write/sculpt that"/any variation of some bullshit about how any sort of art is lesser than another
"i think anyone who believes in religion is stupid and should be embarrassed" and im especially deadass about this one. it puts you in such a bad mindset its not even funny. you can hate bigots all you want and the way bigotry may intersect with religion is always an interesting study but. genuinely. if you hate religion AS A WHOLE for just. like. being a reflection of a population. i think you seriously need to get your head checked.
#i think the religion one is probably the most controversial but it really shouldnt be#the universe is scary#it can be so scary to think about how everything is just a dice roll. youre only here because of random chance.#no shit people dont wanna think about that#its grim!#its much more comforting to have a higher power who put you here with a purpose than to just be some ape that became bipedal#and evolved a big brain from there#and now we're doing taxes n shit#like!! i get why some people would be freaked out about that and would hate thinking about it#not to mention religion has a giant history and its always been more than just believing in higher powers#religion can be a large group of peoples history#i really love looking into and learning about judaism for this reason#religion is so interwoven with history and tradition and folk tales have been a driving force of human socialization for forever#another thing is that i think a lot of people forget that religious people are. p. people. even if its a religion you hate for good reason#im not gonna defend mormonism. lol. but people tend to forget that the mormon church wants you to be an asshole to mormons#thats kinda how the whole thing operates? creating a fear of the unknown and outsiders?#same as any cult#sorry for all of this i just saw a really awful post#idk. is it that hard to just be nice to people and not assume everyone around you is an idiot#because thats gonna make you hate people and then make you lonely#id know because ive been there#if dnis worked i think these three things would be the only things on it#theyre the people i dont wanna engage with the most. mostly because theyre annoying
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andromedasummer · 9 months
you know what i would love to be an option in bg3? making your own party member. like Icewind Dale style. choose their class, voice, appearance and travel with them. obvs i understand why they didnt, but it wouldve been so fun to have the option to make your own member, esp if they could be incorporated into your backstory. a sibling, parent, spouse, adventuring buddy, best friend.
#this being spurred on by my want of my pc sabine being joined by my drow pc schezelle#have been working on them more (made sabine a lathander paladin as that made more sense and schezelle a seluné worshipping sorcerer)#they both knew each other through mutual friends becore being kidnapped in baldurs gate. while sabine was an experienced adventurer#schezelle only recently escaped the underdark after betraying her family after being rescued by members of sabines adventuring party#so all this kind of danger is very new and scary for her. i have her at about 70#(young adult in elf years) and sabine a half elf at 45.#whereas sabine follows the canonical romance line with shadowheart#schezelle falls for astarion and supports him unequivocally but gets trapped into a relationship with him when she helps him ascend and#his alignment/the relationship as a whole changes. after the tadpole is removed the rest of the party help her get away from him and#in the meantime she looks for a way to use either true restoration/resurrection/some other cure for his vampirism#because she realizes she made a HUGE mistake just going along with everything he wanted to do#and only went along with it because 1. her own alignment is still slowly becoming unfucked cos. female drow raised in the underdark#2. shes just used to doing what people who like her say because its easier that way and doesnt make conflict#i dont think she gets back together with astarion after she finds a cure for him but they stay close. she returns to waterdeep with sabine#and shadowheart to live in the formers tavern with her adventuring party#maybe falls in love with gale while researching cures for astarion#idk yet still thinking things through and going through the game#anyway yeah. wish i couldve made a friend for sabine. think she gets lonely and misses home a lot during the adventure.
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eelo · 4 months
It's aweird thought but, all that I have ever known as my status, I'll never have it again and one day I'll have been an adult more than I have been a kid and one day I'll be further from my kid years longer than I have ever been a kid,
Till you become an adult you switch statuses like once every few years, you're a baby for a year or two then a toddler for a few years after a child and then a tween and and teen and alllll these happen in 18 years
Think about it tho then like the middle aged period lasts like 20 years after that you're old just old till you die
The change never stops but it slows down so so much that it feels permanent
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backseatloversz · 2 months
i dont know what under 18 teenager needs to hear this but. listen i say this with the utmost kindness & concern. you can absolutely do whatever you want and watch/read/look at whatever you want in your own time but please. PLEASE. if you're exploring your sexuality/engaging with fandom, please do NOT publicly share your explicit writing/drawings/fantasies/etc......... again im not gonna say u can't do that in ur own time or like, share it with people you're 1000% sure are your age also (+ w their consent obv lol, and still be careful with that -- make sure its ppl u trust not to share it further). also don't directly engage with adults making/sharing explicit content, whether they're your friends or they don't have an age limit on their account (honestly, if you have adult friends/mutuals that are lenient about minors accessing their explicit content, please block or at least unfollow them. that's weird). + again idgaf if you look at/watch/read pornographic stuff in private cuz like. sooo many teenagers do i get that its so easy to just click the box and lie and say you're 18. im just saying PLEASE don't directly engage with adults posting sexual material, post sexual material for adults to engage with, or lie about your age and disrespect adults' do not follow/interacts on their personal, adult-aimed accounts, & to be wary of the adults that are lenient about teenagers on their accounts that host 18+ content, even if its infrequent none of that is safe for anyone involved. + if you do start to get uncomfortable/weirded out by adults online, please, please just block/report, don't engage with them any further that's NOT your responsibility, if you need to, talk about it with someone you seriously trust
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oars · 4 months
its all okay though because the past month is the happiest i've ever been im close to completely forgetting what it all feels like and im just full of the desire to just live. im so unsure of what i want to do in the future and i've been putting off a lot of things i should be doing but ive been so happy and at peace all of january i can't even be bothered to worry about anything.
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being chubby means there are wars going on in my mind every single day with millions of soldiers dying
#the fact it makes me feel like i am immediately eliminated as someone to be romantically or sexually interested in for most of the world#and like. if its true that someone wouldnt like me for my weight then i wouldnt want them either but like. oh god. oh my fucking god#i do want to lose some weight just bc i have a lot of clothes i got recently that i like that i want to fit into again#and its not even much that i would need to lose. but even the thought of moving towards being skinny is terrifying i would never want to do#that. like the thought that someone could like me as a skinny person and think i was ugly if they had met me a year earlier and i wouldnt#even know is HORRIFYING.#its like. ive moved past the outward fatphobia of our world a lot. i dont really care about how my body looks im pretty neutral about it for#the most part and im happy that ive gotten to thaf point#but the fact that the way i look is a MAJOR part of how other people interact with me is so scary. and makes me so sad#just like jo march. it doesnt really matter how much work youve done on becoming someone strong and smart and secure and having people you#love platonically. at a certain point having no romantic love makes you feel lonely#and a little worthless. like oh someone has to know me really well before ever being interested in me as more than a friend nice to know i#inspire no feelings of attraction in the people i am interested in because of the body i inhabit. awesome 👍🏻#ugh. its whatever. its just a lot of contradictory shit i think about a lot and hate thinking about so much
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clownpassing · 8 months
i feel. so deeply unhappy these past few weeks all i do is work and sleep and get high. and my relationship w jonathan is slipping a bit
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recapitulation · 2 years
I haven't really talked about it but going to a performance of mahler 2 was without a doubt the most intensely I've ever felt anything in my life. like clamping my hand over my mouth bc I felt like I suddenly had no control over my body. I felt like I was going to burst out laughing or start ugly sobbing for no reason other than pure intensity of emotion
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senseiwu · 1 year
One of my favourite freaking things is when you're scratching a cats head and they move their head into your hand so you get the Best spot
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dockaspbrak · 1 year
Its. Frustrating to feel like im always waiting for it all to be over
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ofc ive always had adhd, but personally what really fucked up my attention span is agar.io (and being depressed enough to play it for hours every day. people whose lives are ok dont do that shit)
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blissfali · 9 months
they hate jesus for his opinions
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chaos-and-cookies · 1 year
Btw would u guys like a tumblr live apartment tour once everything is built and we're like officially in? The bed is done, most furbiture is made, so im hoping this week is true move in week and i can officially live on my own 😎
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