#and its upsetting because replying to comments is my FAVORITE
sillylil-sideblog · 5 months
I had this idea for a Lucifer x Reader. It was inspired by @annwe24 ‘s Sugar Daddy Fic (Which I love so far btw!! ❤️)
To put it simply it was Lucifer falling in love with the Reader at first sight, and with some slightly-misguided advice from the Hotel Residents, had began going to dinner with them & doing stuff for payment, since I think he’d like to use his money as a gift-giving love language. Though, the way he does it is rather wrong, and is perceived badly by the reader. So after a while, they finally talk.
It isn’t the full idea really, but it is a snippet of it. :] I haven’t really written fics before so I’m pretty proud of it.
Let me know if you guys like it ^^ or if there’s any tips you got.
(I’m sorry if it’s not very good, this is the byproduct of a 1am idea & those typically don’t of well ^^;)
MENTIONS: Hella angst, mentions of sex, reader has four arms (because they’re cool)
“… I can’t do this anymore, Lucifer.”
Lucifer’s concentration lifts up from his half-unbuttoned shirt, his eyes shifting to Y/N with a puzzled expression.
“Why, w-whatever do you mean, darling?”
Y/N’s back was turned away from him, head looking down as their upper hands froze at hem of their skirt.
“Oh! Did ya want to try something new tonight? I’m happy for any suggestions, you know I’m not against much, my dear—“
“No, Luci, I… I-I mean all of this. Our arrangement. It’s done.”
Lucifer turns his body slightly to face them, his brows slightly furrowed as his hands gently moved from his shirt’s middle button.
“Everyday it’s the same dry conversation… the same restaurant, the same sex, the same paycheck, the same cold silence that befalls my apartment each night, the same crimson jewelry— which isn’t even my favorite color, by the way! I don’t remember saying crimson was ever my favorite…”
Y/N turns at their comment of the jewelry, a hand grazing the bejeweled necklace that laid across their neck.
“W-WEHell… uhm… why didn’t you say so, my love! W-We could’ve always went somewhere else, y’know! And I could get you something else, w-whatever you’d like, dear! N-No need to get so upset—“
Lucifer replied, an air of confidence, not reassurance, that plagued his voice in his last few words and stung through their heart. Their hidden, glaring eyes shut as their muscles tightened.
“It’s baby yellow, by the way.”
“I like how warm and light it is, like if a loving hug were a color. And I’ve always hated fancy restaurants because I’ve never seen the appeal of spending hours dressing up to go to a place and spend over 100$ for like a 4 ounce salmon; and for what? Just for some prissy pathetic snobs to give me the side eye for not knowing which of the fucking dozens of forks to use?”
They lectured, body fully facing him now, eyes staring practically into his very soul.
“I prefer thunderstorms over clear skies. Tea over coffee. Cats over dogs. I rarely, if ever drink alcohol because I hate its bitter taste and the warm feeling it pulses in my ears; and I hate who I am when i’m tipsy. It’s why I never smoke, or never did drugs, either. Not because I wanted to be better, but because I didn’t want to become worse. Because I didn’t want to fucking atrophy like everyone else has in this god-forsaken place and lose who I am to people who don’t care about me.”
Y/N clutched the fabric of their dress tightly, tears pricking their eyes as their voice cracked, but they continued on. Their words became louder and stronger with each syllable. Though it broke as their tears fell, eyes now softened as they stared upon a shocked Lucifer standing near the foot of his bed.
“...I am not going to lose myself again. And I can’t let you take that from me.”
“S…S-Sweetheart, what are you saying—“
Lucifer pleads with a heave of his breath. He’s focused now; palms gripping onto air as his gaze shifts so chaotically as if trying to break their hardened gaze. Y/N slowly step over to the wrapped present, cradling it gently in their grasp. Their eyes stiffen at the sight of it as a sigh escapes their lips. After a pause, they looks up, turning their face to Lucifer’s. His eyes were wide; and Y/N swore they saw the red tones in his eyes shift like a whirlpool as his surprised, almost scared expression were fixated on them.
“..This box contains all the money you’ve given me in these past few weeks...”
As Y/N’s lower arms support the box, their upper ones slowly lift up to unclip the dark crimson necklace that was freshly placed on their neck before. They then lift up the lid, and slide the necklace inside. Lucifer’s eyes sharply follow as it slips into the box. His heart sank at the sound of it clanking among the other jewelry inside, tears threatening to fall across his porcelain skin.
“…And all the jewelry you have ever gifted me.”
Lucifer stared at the box in bewilderment.
“W-Why… Y-You don’t need to give that back, that’s yours— a-and there more to come we— *huff* We don’t have to do it tonight, we can do whatever you’d like, and we’ll go to dinner again.. t-tomorrow, and…”
They look at him with a softened gaze, but not one in love, but in acceptance; A simple, bittersweet realization behind such bright eyes. A look that killed him inside. Because he knew what it was.
“…Thank you for this opportunity. And I hope you find someone better worth your time.”
They spoke, their tone soften now as they gently grabbed their things and put their hand on the doorknob. As Lucifer heard the click of the lock his tears finally broke out of their prideful cage, as he swiftly made his way over to them and grabbing them by the hand.
“Swee- Y-Y/N, please. I-I never meant to do that, any of that! We don’t h-have to go back there again, I’ll give you light yellow jewelry a-and whatever you desire, there’s nothing I can’t do, please! I-I’ll be better this time, better for you!”
Y/N looks down at Lucifer as he’s on his knees, pitch black arms practically gripping onto their gloved hand like he will fall into the vaccum of space if he doesn’t. Golden tears fall down his face in an almost bittersweet rhythm, his eyes swirling in sorrow and shame and he looks up to them as if for salvation. Their muscles relax, but their gaze doesn’t falter.
“Just please don’t go.”
They remain there for a few seconds; a few seconds that felt like such a stabbing eternity. As if you could feel the weight of 10,000 years upon its air. As if it were there before. They take his hand, slowly, up to their face.. and gently place a kiss upon his soft knuckles. A small, light tear streams down their face as their eyes close in earnest. They slowly lift their head up, and look down upon Lucifer with a firm glare once again.
“…Goodbye, your majesty.”
They let his hand slip gently through their fingers as they open the door and step out of his room, closing it with a swift shut behind them. Lucifer’s hand remained there, outstretched, as his ears wailed at the sound of their fading footsteps.
Y/N strutted down that darkened hallway, the moonlight shining down from the windows slowly fading from their form. As they walked towards the mansion door, the tears finally broke, streaming down their face as they undauntedly marched forward; and opened the door.
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mins-fins · 11 months
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SUMMARY . . . it's difficult to.. grasp it, in a way, yeah, donghyuck is psychically there, but he doesn't remember anything, like his mind has been wiped clean. in the end, he's just a walking blank slate.
PAIRING . . . lee donghyuck x male!reader
GENRE . . . angst, somewhat fluffy
WARNINGS . . . passing mentions of car accidents, post-traumatic amnesia
WORD COUNT . . . 0.9k
NOTES . . . im going to admit, not my best work, i made this SUPER PRETTY HEADER and the writing cant even compare its so……… *sighs* mediocre 🙁, anyway i love haechan sorry if this doesn't live up to expectations
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"do you know who i am?"
it's the same response as always, donghyuck's eyebrows knit together and he pauses whatever he's doing for a moment, staring at y/n like he's a complete stranger that he's never met anymore. y/n has to admit, it really feels like his heart is being ripped out of his body every time he asks this question and he gets this response.
"your.." donghyuck pauses once again, his mind going blank. y/n knows this is the result of the accident, that his condition will probably get better with time, but does it remove the pain of him not knowing him? no. "y/n, my boyfriend, my partner".
y/n blinks, staring at the male right in front of him. he tries his best not to cry. he doesn't sound sure of himself, he sounds like he's trying to convince himself that that was the right answer. donghyuck continues staring, his eyes holding nothing, just emptiness that y/n can identify.
he clears his throat, shaking his head. it's too early in the morning to get emotional like this. "yeah that's.. right, sorry, i—"
"i hope i didn't say anything wrong" donghyuck says, biting his inner cheek. "your not upset, are you?" he asks, his voice lowering to an astonishing way honestly, it makes y/n want to cry even more.
"no no, you didn't i'm just.. i thought about something sad that's all" he doesn't look convinced, which y/n finds ironic considering his current condition.
"oh i'm sorry".
it's difficult, living with someone who once remembered every single little thing about you, now not even remembering your facial features, or your favorite color, or your hobbies, or what your coffee order is. y/n didn't expect for him to live when it came to the accident, it would've hurt having to go to a funeral for someone he loves so dearly; but it also hurts knowing that because of the trauma from accident, everything is just.. a blur now.
it hurts, having to clarify who he is every few minutes because he doesn't remember, and it hurts even more because it's like living with a blank piece of paper. yeah maybe he's psychically there in a sense, but he's just.. there, he doesn't remember anything much, and when he does talk first, which is unlikely, all he talks about is stuff that's barely important.
when y/n does bring up stuff they did in the past, or shows him the pictures they used to take on their polaroid cameras together, all donghyuck can do is just stare, because he so badly wants to remember it, he wants for his memory to desperately come back and for everything to go back to how it was before he decided to get into that car on that saturday morning.
but it just can't.
life just isn't fair, and no matter how much y/n tries to act like it'll all be okay, it won't. it won't ever be okay, he can try to ignore it, he can try to act like he's doing well, dealing with it well, but.. he isn't, everyone can see through his stupid facade.
"you look very pretty in these pictures" donghyuck randomly comments, looking through the polaroids spread around the table. pictures the two of them had taken together with.. his camera. he gives y/n a small smile, focusing back on the pictures.
"yeah, you took them" he replied simply, and donghyuck blinks, he doesn't remember that, of course he doesn't, y/n can envision the words that are about to leave his mouth.
"i don't—"
"remember.. i know" y/n cuts, donghyuck looks sad for a moment, casting his eyes away from his partner. "hey it's okay" he runs a hand up and down his back. "i'm not upset, it isn't your fault".
donghyuck blinks, he wonders what it'd be like if he just.. did remember, he'd save y/n so much pain and despair if he could just remember. does the universe hate him so much that he's causing pain to the one person who loves him the most? why can't he just remember everything? he wishes y/n could be happy, because even with the smiles he showcases to donghyuck, he's not really happy.
it bothers him, like an itch, but no matter how much he tries, his mind can't conjure up anything, whenever he thinks he's about to get it, it's like his mind resets, and every memory he's ever had has ceased to exist.
it keeps him up at night, and he doesn't even know why, because usually he just.. sleeps, he usually never tosses and turns, he usually never zones out staring at the ceiling, he usually sleeps just like that.
but he can't help but think he's at fault..
he can't control other people's actions, he can't, but it just makes him feel so disappointed knowing that the reason y/n doesn't have peace.
donghyuck rolls over, staring at y/n's sleeping face, he looks peaceful, and it makes a smile come to his face. his mind always goes a little hazy when he thinks of y/n, and he knows that it makes y/n's mood go down.
he doesn't know why, but he reaches over and lightly brushes y/n's hair out of his face. he blinks, just staring at him. he stays asleep, only lightly shifting. in his unconsciousnesses, he reaches over and grabs donghyuck's hand, holding it.
donghyuck is a little taken aback, he looks down, staring at the sight. y/n's hand is warm, it feels nice.
he lightly smiles again.
he doesn't really remember much, but y/n's still by his side.
for now, he'll just live in the moment.
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hearts401 · 1 year
"do NOT ask me about ggy or patient 46 because i WILL begin ranting"
You see, I am incapable of ever listening to anyone, ever, so I must ask about GGY and patient 46
I have absolutely no knowledge of modern FNaF lore; I have not read any of the books (something I plan to fix whenever my bank account stops bleeding) so you're gonna have to do some heavy lifting here and tell me all about it
Ooh boy rubs my hands together
okay so im gonna start with ggy because i love Tony and Ellis. (i dont have the book in front of me tho so this isnt gonna be 100% every detail)
GGY is about a kid named Tony Becker who has an assignment in his 6th grade english class. He has to write a fictional mystery with side plots that tie into the main plot. He chooses to do this with his two friends. They use pen names whenever they do their english projects together (sobs and wails and cries into my hands) and Tony picked Tarbell, and his friends were Boots and Dr. Rabbit (or Rab for short).
Tony wants to start working on their project, but Boots and Rab want to go to the fazcade. Tony gives in when rab backs up boots (tony sees boots as immature and worries about outgrowing him and hanging out more with rab) tony wanders around the fazcade trying to find inspo, and then notices someone named GGY with top scores on some of the games. when he asks other people about it, they tell him the scores are seemingly impossible, but when he asks a staff member, he's told they haven't been hacked.
At some point he makes an online blog to ask about it and a girl he'd talked to in the fazcade asks him to meet her. she tells him that she thinks this is more than just high scores, and that he should stay out of it.
Oh also freddy keeps watching tony and at some point begins following him.
Tony finds out that GGY has a hacked party pass (or it was like a fun pass or smth) that gives them access to much more than it should, working almost like a security card.
Tony then finds out one of the school counselors has gone missing, and he sneaks into the librarian's office to learn more about it. he finds out two other counselors have also gone missing, all of them having gone to the pizzaplex before disappearing.
tony writes his paper and gives it to Rab and Boots to look over, and when they come back the next day, they've changed it into a fantasy story. And GGY is labled as the wizard's favorite apprentice, rather than someone getting high scores on arcade games.
tony is upset with rab and boots and begins calling htem by their actual names.
Rab is Greg, Boots is Ellis.
tony is also in trouble for sneaking into the librarian's office and using her laptop, so he has detention shelving books.
Greg come and offers to take him to the pizzaplex when he's done, and it's kind of implied he killed him there.
again i have bad memory and i dont have the book in front of my so anyone can feel free to correct anythign i got wrong or missed
now onto patient 46 who's from the therapy tapes in sb.
this'll be undeniably easier because i can just listen to the tapes. patient 46 is also not confirmed to be gregory, its just a theory, so im just gonna call them 46.
its important to note that 46 does not speak.
everything here is things implied to have been nonverbally communicated to the therapist.
Tape 2:
It starts with the therapist talking about how the day is nice, but 46 doesnt like the light, so the therapist draws the blinds. she then comments on how 46 is not talking to her today, and says that she gets reviews from patients, and when 46 doesn't let her help them, she gets bad reviews. she tells 46 she could get in trouble and get put in timeout, which 46 finds funny.
Tape 4:
New therapist is here, she asks if 46 is going to talk to her, and they dont reply. she asks whats wrong, and they gesture to the flowers. the therapist comments on them being particularly fragrant and moves them. The therapist then comments on 46 staring at something, and says they're "amazingly alert." she says shed like to have 46 tell her about themself, but 46 does not. the therapist instead chooses to look through their notes. she also comments on the chair not fitting 46, but its not specified if its too big or too small. she then asks if 46 is bothered by a new therapist, but 46 doesnt seem surprised or confused at all. the therapist says shes surprised by whats in 46's notes. she says they have a "rebellious side" and a knack for computers, and explains the word phenom to them. the tape ends with her asking if 46 considers themself a hacker
tape 6:
new therapise again! she tells 46 shes already read their files and knows what theyve worked on. 46 asks for a candy, and she gives one to them, taking one for herself as well. she says she wants to start with 46's parents, and claims it was tragic but she doesnt think 46 has processed it emotionally. she says they wrote it like they had read it off of a book. (her exact words are they wrote an objective rather than a subjective narrative, but 46 didnt know what that meant.) she says 46 spends a lot of time alone and is good at self-dialogue, which she explains is "asking urself questions and getting answers" she tells them to try asking themself how they feel about what happened to them. she tells them to let themself be upset about it so they can let it go.
tape 8:
same therapist as 6! she asks 46 if theyve thought about what they talked about. 46 had told them their past had made them sad and scared. the therapist asks if they had written down exactly what made them feel that way. she then says she works with many people who respond to tragedy differently. she asks 46 if their fantasies would be different had this tragedy not happened to them.
Tape 13:
new therapist again! she says when shes getting to know a client, she likes to find out abt their hobbies. when she doesnt get a reply, she asks if they like sports. 46 tells her they like to watch sports, but not play them. and that they like to stay inside. the therapist then reluctantly tells 46 that their previous therapists have gone missing. except one who was found dead, and they said her body looked to be mangled by machinery. the therapist also comments that 46 doesn't look concerned about it. she jokes about watching her back, which 46 finds funny.
Tape 14:
same therapist as 13. she asks if 46 knows about the pizzaplex, and says the technicians who work there know them. theyve seen what they think is 46 on the security cameras. they say 46 was accused of hacking their systems. the therapist says that the hacks are causing tons of problems, but that there's no solid proof it was 46, and 46 finds it funny that the techs are having issues. she says she finds it weird that 46 would spend time in such a busy, crowded place despite their loner attitude. she asks if its the electronics that 46 likes. she also says theyve designed programs that talk to them and repeat phrases. she says it asks them questions and prompts for responses, like their own little therapist. she said at first she had thought they were talking to themself, but it seems more like they were talking to someone else. she asks who it was.
Tape 15:
same therapist as 13+14. she starts with asking if 46 wants to do an ink blot test. she shows them an image, and 46 asks to hold it. 46 says it reminds them of a mask. the therapist asks if 46 likes the idea of being disguised, and how they make you invisible. she says being invisible lets you get away with anything, and asks 46 if they like that idea. she then moves on to something else, telling 46 that it seems theyve been talking to someone else. she says the techs think that its someone trying to lure 46 away, or manipulate them. the therapist moves to where she can see 46's eyes, and says she got something different from the communications. she accuses 46 of manipulating someone, rather than being manipulated. she says they were recorded on the security cameras with someone else. she says that it looks like the person theyre with has rabbit ears, which 46 finds amusing.
Tape 16:
Same therapist as 13+14+15. she says shes gotten another message from the pizzaplex that says that theres a glitch in the system that makes the animatronics more eerie than entertaining. she says the glitch spread system-wide and infected all the machines. she also says it was traced back to 46. she says the glitch broadcasted a dangerous message. she also says that when the techs were trying to fix it, the source shifted. she says that the glitch changed from a glitch and became a set of sub-routines that were made to do exactly what the glitch was doing. (which basically means it stopped just being a glitch and became part of the system?? i think?? idk shit abt computers bruh) when 46 does not reply, she presses, saying she is on their side and wont tell anyone what is told to her during the session and that the techs have no proof it was 46, so theyre not in trouble. when 46 doesnt reply still, she brings up their past. 46 refuses to look at her, but she continues. she says it doesnt matter if they look at the floor, because nothing they told her about their parents was true. she says they had great parents, and a great childhood. she asks 46 why they lied, and tells them to look at her. she then says she understands why 46 would be upset about the confrontation, and says they can come back to this another day. the last line she says is "you're shaking your head like that's not going to happen."
i have a lot of thoughts on both of these parts and i personally believe 46 is Gregory. but if i dumped all my thoughts we'd be here all day so have this long ass explanation instead
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 8 months
Warning: Rant ahead. Do not read if you wanna avoid me venting about the wider RRverse fandom & their attitude toward the TOA fans.
Seriously. This is a vent post. Stay away if you don't wanna risk getting upset. I just need a place to get it off my chest. It's been stewing in my head for long enough and I usually feel better if I write it down/type it down somewhere. Makes my chest feel less tight.
Stay safe <3
"No one is treating you guys like outcasts!"
"With your annoying POV-"
"Everyone was so OOC-"
"Meg is such a Mary Sue-"
Recently, I have left a comment on a Youtube video. All in all, it was basically just me listing off reasons why I liked TOA and - in hindsight - naively going "idk why people don't like it".
Top Ten things said before disaster.
The next day, I got two comments.
One was along the lines of-
"Don't care."
The other was-
"Jasper broke up and Jason died - it's not canon to me!"
Excuse me for having an opinion, I guess.
What sucks even more is that when a fellow TOA commented to me, the second guy ALSO responded to them with "yeah but PJO and HOO are still better maybe even MCGAA to"
Like what the fuck. who does this. who has the time????
people who don't have a life, i guess.
And then. and then this same person just Keeps Going when I replied. They said "TOA's an AU" and "It relies too heavily on cameos" and then turns around and says "this would have been better if *proceeds to give a list of cameos* were with Apollo instead of Meg"
They. Complain. About. Every. Single. Thing.
Even Tristan McLean going broke. And wishing "something" had been done to "fix" it.
Like fixing something of that caliber would be easy. One of TOA's things is that it deals with Reality - and I get it, some people may not like that, especially for a fantasy series - but come on. You can't expect everything to be fine and dandy 24/7 about a series of GREEK MYTHOLOGY, THE CREATOR OF TRAGEDY.
Then they went on to say they hoped that if the show gets to HOO, they "fix" its ending so TOA doesn't happen.
they also went on to say that TOA is "example of a story that overstayed its welcome" and i'm just. GAHHHHHHHH *screams into pillows*
"we got new characters in PJO & HOO-"
Me: *can literally name off 27 new characters from TOA from the top of my head*
Them: You need to respect other people's opinions-!
Them: There's a reason why people don't like TOA. Can you guess? Because we didn't read the book? Nope i read all 5 and the reason is it's not as good as the others-
Me: bro that's not even a solid REASON-
The condensation on that last one really pissed me off.
What was especially baffling, however, was...
Them: I am pretty sure you have hidden opinions that make you like ToA, like maybe you are LGBTQ or LGBTQ Supporter-
and as a matter of fact, what are they even implying here??? it just sounds like they're saying I must only like TOA because of the queer rep and I can tell you that reason is bullshit.
(I love the queer rep dw it's just not the #1 reason why i love TOA)
also here's a full list of the characters they said were 'OOC': Piper, Frank, Leo, Calypso, Hazel, & Reyna.
A few of these, I understand the confusion (but also disagree with) - but FRANK? FRANK ZHANG WAS OOC?
(In another person's comment about loving TOA they also went "well there's no Percabeth in it-" OH MY GODS JUST STOP ALREADY.)
It was especially infuriating when I pointed out the hate the TOA fans in the comments experience, they replied with "Nobody's treating you like outcasts!"
just. AJHGSFGH. people. some people.
I want to block them. But youtube has removed that feature (thanks a lot youtube).
I'll stick it out. I am point-blank telling them to drop it. We'll see how that goes.
just...people. Guess you still can't have an opinion, huh?
Jokes on them they merely fueled my stubborn fire. I only love TOA more now. The harder they argue, the tighter I cling.
Anyway. If you've stuck it out this far, thanks for listening. I just really needed to vent. It's been bugging me for a few days and ruining my mood every time I open up youtube.
No response is needed, btw - again, needed a place to vent.
ToA fans, you're the best <3 Love ya <3
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emulation-0 · 8 months
@cursedvibes ty for tagging me ik it was a while ago 😭
20 Questions for Fic Writers
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
on my profile 32, i think? (but actually 35)
2. Whats your total word count?
59,890 tho i do have like 56000 more words in orphaned works
3. What fandoms do you write for?
primarily Jujutsu Kaisen, i had some ideas for other fandoms but those remain as wips... honestly after this tsumiki one im not sure i will be writing for a while siebjfneofneod
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
there's a fire in my brain and im burning up (itadori)
this tired old machine is a-rumbling (higuruma)
the devil's after both of us (itafushi)
oh, lay my curses out to rest (tokyo students + shoko)
oh, ashes ashes dust to dust (nobamaki)
(this makes me upset im not gonna lie cuz looking back and reading these im struck by how mid they are but sjdbdkneodks its whatever)
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i do for the most part !! i love receiving comments and i want people to know how much i appreciate it :) i also love when ppl reply to comments i leave on their fics so i want to do the same
6. what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
ummm my Curses series was more one-shots without actual plot.. and as many of those were shibuya or post shibuya they were all pretty angsty beifbekdjeodk. i wouldnt say any have this kind of ending because then there would have to be a story. but i would say the saddest one ive written is 'keep running for the sink but the well is dry'
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
'light of a new morning' for sure. this one actually had some kind of development i would say. also i have bias because this is one of the only three ive written that dont totally suck. though the tsumiki wip im working on for sure will have an even happier ending
8. do you get hate on fic?
im not popular enough for that lol
9. do you write smut?
10. do you write crossovers?
i had one in mind a while ago but it escaped me... i never have before but that doesnt mean i never will, even if it is unlikely
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
i dont think so
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
no but id be honored if so. especially if it was one im proud of
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, but im open to the idea
14. whats your all-time favorite ship?
i go through phases so i cant really answer this lol. my interest waxes and wanes. rn though im really obsessed with uroyuki and in a satosugu phase
15. whats a wip you want to finish but probably won't?
there is a shokohime wip i started two or so years ago about shoko's backstory and the developing of their relationship up until the present but at some point there was a research aspect to it and i thought 'ill do it later'. and then i never did 💀 id like to continue it but i still lowk think it will sit there.. i dont have enough motivation to do research ekdbfkenfkdk
there is also a trigun one i started, it was kind of plotless, just vibes, but i wasnt able to get their dialogue right and idk. maybe when i get into a trigun phase again ill find inspiration and continue
16. what are your writing strengths?
i think im good at describing a scene and emotions. im good at making this kind of poetry
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
im soooo shit at dialogue and even when im not shit at it i keep overthinking it and ruin it anyway lol
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i mean ive done it (but i orphaned those... lol) and im doing it now for the tsumiki wip so its fine i guess. but id only do it for languages that i know and if not, after profuse grammar checking. also ofc it has to make sense within the context of the story
19. first fandom you wrote for?
septimus heap eiebdkwbdkebd it was so bad
20. favorite fic you've written?
ill do you one better and say three... and these are the not-mid ones
light of a new morning (tsumiki and itadori)
after hours (mob and reigen)
before-the-storm bloom (uroyuki)
my writing style changed a lot and i think these ones emulate the way it is now the best
idk 20 writers but tagging @that-was-anticlimactic @zukkaoru @blackhallow and anyone else who wants !!
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dez-wade · 10 months
as a foolish viewer for 3 years now, a lot of twitter doozers make me feel like i should be apologizing for being a fan.
idk how you can be a foolish main and then get actually mad over the tiniest things. in minecraft. and then insist that they're right because its foolish and hes silly funny /rp. as soon as leo and sunny interacted i knew they would be like this.
you would think that watching a streamer who is known for their chill attitude would make them less likely to be unbearable, but if anything they just use the /rp no hate!!!! as a means to actually hate.
i have this running theory that even if you stuck foolish and leo in a box where literally nobody could hurt them, talk to them, etc. those same fans would then complain that "nobody remembers them" "why isnt anybody interacting with my favs :(" its why im on tumblr and not the other site, at least here its easier to block the annoying ones.
im only posting this as anon bc if you reply i dont feel like being harassed by the community of one of my fav streamers. and thats a bit sad isnt it.
also i hope your night is going well sorry if none of this makes sense they just bother me ever so slightly
Despite already knowing what they're capable of after the massive hate Forever got after hitting Leo, I thought it was just an egg thing since people take them seriously (now I know the QSMP fandom is more selective and extremely hypocritical when it comes to eggs).
It was in the Tazercraft jail arc that I realized how annoying they can be. So I stopped taking them seriously. They're very sensitive and get offended easily by things that are so random? The amount of times I saw on Twitter people upset over Foolish's behalf over something that isn't being discussed anywhere is wild.
I understand (but not approve) taking your favorite character and CC's pain if they're, you know, expressing any type of pain and hurt over something but it's always in situations that Foolish is just fine? They really get mad on his behalf over things he doesn't even react or negatively comment about. It's a weird parasocial relationship where they act as if they know more about the CC and the character than they do. It's really weird. I rarely go to that side of twitter but any that popped up had to be blocked because it's always goddamn awful takes if not straight up hate.
Which is a shame because Foolish is such a genuine, amazing person. I love seeing him on QSMP because I feel like everything is just funnier with him around. But sometimes I'm just relieved when he's not interacting with some people I care about because I won't have to worry about Twitter Doozers getting mad over something very specific and going on and on about how they hurt Foolish's feelings.
Also you don't need to apologize for anything, anon. These people should be the ones apologizing for being weirdos.
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 2 years
See, like, normally I know it’s not worth the effort and energy to interact with The Stans, but like I mentioned about that anon who basically said it’s okay if soldiers die because they’re not innocents, there’s a line to be drawn in a discussion of fictional media and people being so thickheaded and hurtful/harmful that they actually cause legitimate grief to others.
Even if people think it’s stupid that they have views that basically erase her of any wrongdoing, there’s a point where I have to stop and evaluate, is this actually them defending a favorite character or is this how they actually think and like her because of that.
Like I said in that ask, the anon I once got that effectively told me it’s okay for soldiers to die doesn’t know me or my life. They didn’t know I have a sister who used to a sergeant in the military. They didn’t know this woman has kids, and at the time had three very young children (they’re teens now, but when she was deployed they were a lot younger and still just kids). That’s not counting the rest of the family of course, but it says a lot when their ask implied to me that a soldier is no longer a person with a family but just an expendable device to be eliminated for warfare.
And that’s the problem with a lot of these people. They defend their extreme, terrible views by saying extremely moronic shit without applying it to real life and realizing how disgusting they actually sound. When my nonnies and I were discussing why we didn’t enjoy GW, that was just discussion and disappointment of a great character being altered in another game. It was harmless discussion and we weren’t sending people comments that might actually upset someone.
I know some of these people do it on purpose, and then there are the people who genuinely just don't seem to realize how stupid they sound. It’s one thing to explain why you love a favorite, but imagine if I actively defended Jarod from RD simply because I enjoy his character. If he were real, I’d probably hate him. In a video game he has funny one-liners and says some badass things, but he’s completely willing to murder innocents, children and elders simply because lolz they’re from Daein and that makes them worth being killed. Imagine if I defended that viewpoint, simply because Ashnard, the previous king of Daein, started a war! Because some of its citizens were in fact trash! But suddenly, all of them are horrible! Mind you, this is what The Stans do regarding Faerghus. If you’re living in Faerghus, off with your head, in their eyes.
That’s why I need to draw a line between “this is just another annoying person on the internet” and “okay, this is actually rude and if you believe this applies to real life too then you are literally a fucked up person”. I didn’t reply to that ask I got from that anon bc it would not have been nice, it would not have been polite, and it would have definitely been a response without the boundaries of just fiction. I did laugh at how stupid they are on my blog, but the reason I didn’t directly reply to it is because it was not just stupid, but extremely insensitive.
Imagine if Dimitri had stans like that who said it was okay for all of EdeIgard’s siblings to be used in experiments and tortured until they died simply because they were her siblings/royalty from a particular nation.
That’s the shit they do to fans who just don't like their favorite character. You don’t even have to have Dimitri as a favorite, but just not like her. It’s just that Dimitri fans don’t like her because his and her views and goals are so extremely different and on the opposite end of everything that they can’t see eye to eye, and the reason his fans usually don't like her character is precisely because of that: they like Dimitri’s story and character, but it’s too opposite of hers. That’s okay. That’s fine.
It’s not okay or fine anymore when people start acting like they can say whatever they want to justify their pixels, no matter how horrible it is.
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tittaalbum · 2 years
Willow vibe lyrics
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Delicate, King of My Heart, and CIWYWT off Reputation all come to mind, but since we're talking about Evermore, I'll use Long Story Short as an example. Taylor has written a lot of songs about meeting Joe during a shitty time in her life. Yes, knowing those things definitely adds a new layer of understanding, but the song should still make sense without that background. I know Taylor is incredibly famous, but even for someone as famous as she is, I don't think that it's good writing practice to assume that everyone who interacts with your work will know the details of your life. Here's my take on that: yes, it's autobiographical, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't need to be able to tell a contained story. but if it doesn't make sense within the context of the actual song, that's an issue. Sure, if you know about how Taylor and Joe met, it maybe makes sense in that context. "but I come back stronger than a 90's trend" is a fantastic line, but why use it now? Why here? It's completely unrelated to the premise of the song, which is this love song about how he came into her life and disrupted it (in a good way). It sounds pretty, but the more I think about it, the less sense it makes.Īnd then what on earth is the bridge? I know other people have already talked about this, but the lyrics just don't fit with the rest of the song. Maybe the current is supposed to be the water trailing behind the ship, but if she's the entirety of the water that he's cutting through, and now she's wine all of a sudden. Not to mention, spelling it current ties it back to the original simile, but it does. Then, in the very same verse, he's the current? And she's wine? What? The current/currant pun is not bad, if it's intentional, but it doesn't really hold up to inspection a currant could be lost/made into wine, but it doesn't work the other way around. What the absolute heck is going on here? Starting imagery, she's the water, he's the ship cutting through. I'm like the water when your ship rolled in that night Rough on the surface but you cut through like a knife Lost in your current like a priceless wine here is my long rant about why Willow is my least favorite song on the sister-albums, because some of the lyrics quite simply do. I do like some things about it: the production is nice, the music video is gorgeous, and it has some good lyrics. I'm not trying to offend or upset anyone. I started typing out this as a reply to a comment, but it turned into this monster, so I figured it might as well be its own post.įirst off, no shade to anyone who likes Willow.
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mockturtletale · 2 years
a question for fic writers: how do you manage responding to comments? do you have a system you use that helps you keep up, do you set yourself a daily or weekly goal etc.? what works best for you, if you don’t mind sharing that please? 
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Smitten - Tom Hiddleston x Curvy Reader
Filming sex scenes wasn’t the easiest task. There are weird nude undergarments or socks or tape or sometimes just a nude co-star…With Tom, though? There were nerves and feelings and a deep down hope that he couldn’t tell that you were incredibly turned on as he mimed fucking you twelve ways to Sunday.
“Cut! That’s a wrap on today. Great work guys!” the director called.
Tom collapsed onto your chest, laughing as the tension left his body. “These never get easier.”
“I don’t know” you teased, playing with his hair as everyone left the set so you two could leave the bed with some of your dignity. “It’s a lot easier with you.”
Tom held himself up on his elbows. “Don’t tell me your past romantic co-stars have been less than gentlemanly.”
“Not all of them.” You shrugged. Being a ‘larger than the Hollywood standard’ actress had put you in some…not very flattering roles in the start of your career. Sure, now you were the romantic lead with a conventionally attractive male actor, but lets just say you’ve dealt with a lot to get here.
“Well, I hope you know you deserved better.” Tom kissed the back of one of your hands, rolling off of you.
“Coming from you, I may actually believe it.” You laughed, gathering the sheet around you as you left the bed, grabbed your robe, and started walking towards your trailer.
The two of you filmed the movie…Where you’d usually fall asleep in one of your two trailers watching other movies…
The two of you attended interviews…Where Tom would almost always defer to you and even stuck up for you when a few interviewers were borderline sexist or would comment on your appearance…
The two of you even walked a few red carpets together…Tom’s hand always placed at your middle or  on your hip or in one of your hands...
He invited you out to eat with him before or after any shindig the two of you went to…
He’d walk you to your hotel rooms with kisses left on your cheeks…
He’d even tried to convince you to spend the week before the premiere in London with him…
In your mind, Tom was just too nice. He was nice to everybody. It all seemed very friendly…Until…
You hadn’t been watching the interviews as they’d been posted. Some interviews you did together with Tom and others you’d been split up and put with other actors from the movie.
Your phone pinged…
*best friend* - HAVE YOU SEEN TOM ON FALLON?!?
Before you could reply, your phone started blowing up.
You scrolled through the texts until you saw Tom’s
Tom – Darling, I hope you know how much you mean to me. Regardless of what your answer is, I’d never want to lose your friendship. It’s not every day you get to work with one so incredibly kind and thoughtful and talented and beautiful and…every moment I’ve spent with you has been a privilege. Please put me out of my misery and let me know you’ll at least let me see you again.
“What the fuck?” you asked yourself, opening your laptop and googling “Tom Hiddleston and Jimmy Fallon”
You saw that the Fallon YouTube channel had just posted Tom’s segment of tonight’s episode…
“How are you doing, buddy?” Fallon asked, pulling Tom into a tight hug.
“I’m doing incredibly well at the moment, actually.” Tom answered, sharing that the movie you two had filmed together had done extremely well on its opening weekend just a few days earlier.
“I know! It was amazing. I’ve seen it twice!” Fallon replied, always enthusiastic.
“I’m so glad you liked it. Y/n is incredible, right?” Tom turned to the audience, loving that they cheered when he brought you up.
“Oh my god, you two are so good together. I kind of thought maybe you two were…you know…” Fallon waggled his eyebrows suggestively.
Tom threw his head back laughing, fidgeting with his tie and avoiding looking into the audience.
“Come on, you can’t tell me you two don’t have SOME sort of real chemistry. I saw the movie.” Fallon gave Tom a look like *Don’t lie*
“Well, perhaps we’re just incredible actors and you’re simply complimenting our craft.” Tom shrugged, trying to look anywhere but at Jimmy.
“Well, yes. The acting in the movie is amazing, but I don’t think that accounts for this.” Jimmy turned and pointed to the screen. It was a series of clips pulled from Tom’s interviews where all he did was gush about you.
“I missed being home, but it’s hard for anyone to stay upset when they’re around Y/n. She just lifts the mood in any room she’s in. You could say she makes anywhere feel a bit like home.” Tom had answered when a woman asked him if it was hard being on site away from home for 5 months.
When another interviewer asked Tom what his favorite line in the movie was, he answered, quoting one of your lines. “When she delivered it for the first time, it kind of took my breath away. I felt very unprofessional. I had to apologize and ask to start over. I couldn’t remember what I was supposed to say next. She tends to have that effect on me.” Tom laughed, a slight blush on his cheeks.
The final clip was one of an interviewer simply asking Tom how his day had gone. “I feel all out of sorts, if I’m being honest. Y/n isn’t here today because she woke up not feeling the best and with Covid still being an issue, she didn’t want to risk getting anyone else sick.” Tom answered with a sad smile on his face. When the interviewer shared that they hoped you would be okay and feel better soon, Tom answered with “I’ll make sure to pass on your sentiments when I bring her food later on.”
“COME ON!” Fallon laughed, throwing his arms up.
“I know, I know. I’m not very good at hiding how I feel, I guess.” Tom admitted, leaning back against the couch and laying his arm across the top. The crowd went wild.
“So, you admit it! Are you two together?!” Fallon asked, sitting on the edge of his seat.
“Unfortunately, not.” Tom answered, ducking his head as his cheeks flushed.
“Why?!” Jimmy asked. “You’re clearly smitten!”
“Hey, it’s not my fault!” Tom rebutted, looking to the audience for support. “I’ve tried!”
“Aww, now I feel bad for bringing it up.” Fallon chuckled and looked at the audience as they collectively ‘aww’ed. “How could anyone turn down this?!” He gestured towards Tom as the audience cheered.
“Well, if I’m to be completely honest I guess I haven’t actually TOLD her how I feel.” Tom confessed.
“Wait, what do you mean?” Jimmy paused.
“Well, I thought she’d catch on. I assume she has.” Tom laughed, fidgeting in his seat. “I’m pretty sure everyone else that knows the two of us can tell I’ve fallen completely head over heels for her.”
“Tom, Tom, Tom.” Jimmy shook his head.
“What?” Tom asked, nervous about what the answer would be.
“I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but I think you may just be horrible at flirting.” Fallon said with a straight face, the audience busting up laughing after.
“Do you think?” Tom replied, eyes gone wide in exaggerated surprise.
“I mean, I think you’re just so nice.” Jimmy laughed, trying to stay serious…“that everyone thinks you’re flirting with them…Which means, when you’re trying to flirt it just blends in.”  
“Well, how would you suggest I stand out then?” Tom asked, putting his elbow on his knee and leaning his chin on his fist like he was really paying attention.
“I mean…” Fallon slowly pointed towards the camera. “You gotta shoot your shot, right?”
The audience went wild at the suggestion. “Oh, dear.”
“I can scrap this and we can just talk about the movie.” Jimmy offered, making sure Tom knew that none of this had to go on the air.
“I mean, if it’s truly that obvious to everyone what have I got to lose, right?” Tom answered.
“That’s what we like to hear!” Jimmy cheered with the audience.
“Well…Y/n.” Tom paused, a soft smile on his face. “I don’t quite know where to start. I feel as though I may have been remiss by not just telling you how I feel. The consequence of such is that now I’m doing it in front of all of these people *gestures to the audience*…and I’m sure you’re laughing at how red I’ve gone and how flustered I am so I’m going to get to the point. Darling, you’re an incredible woman. I could list a million reasons why, but hopefully later you’ll give me the time to tell you them in person. What I really want to tell you now is that you make me happy. You inspire me. You make me want to be the best version of myself and you even make me believe I can achieve it. I’d be honored if you’d give me a chance.”
Fallon had tears in his eyes and most of the audience did, as well. “I…That was so beautiful. I think we need to go to a commercial break.” He was all choked up and stood to give Tom a hug.
You pulled up Tom’s text, your fingers hovering over the keyboard. “Are you still in New York?” you text him. The two of you were there for interviews. You were even staying in the same hotel.
“I am.” He text back, but the ‘typing’ bubble stayed. “Did you watch it?”
“I did.” You answered. “Come over?”
You saw the ‘typing’ bubble pop up and then disappear a few times. Instead of a text, you heard a knock at your hotel door.
“So?” Tom asked when you opened the door. He looked nervous, a look you didn’t often see from him. He had his glasses on and his hair was an adorable mess. He was even already dressed in his night clothes.
You didn’t answer. Instead, you stepped forward and placed your hands on each side of his face, pulling his lips gently to yours. He quickly reciprocated, his hands finding your hips as he walked you backwards into your hotel room.
“And to think, I could have been doing that for a whole year already.” You teased him, connecting your lips again.
“Don’t worry, my sweet.” Tom answered, pressing kisses across your cheek and down your neck. His lips paused at the shell of your ear and his voice dropped. “It just means we’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”
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Makeup [S.B]
Sirius Black x plus size!reader
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: a toxic relationship history and a bit of insecurity because of it.
A/N: I did a questionnaire a few days ago to see what kind of reader you would like me to do. This is the first one I do base on that questionnaire and I want to say the following:
The only reason the reader is specified as "plus size!reader" is that if there is someone who fits this description, feel comfortable.
You will never see something like "her FAT body" NO, NEVER
Much less that the One shot revolves around their weight (neither nationality, nor gender identity, nor sexuality nor all the things that they put in that questionnaire). I only write about NORMAL people in normal situations. All bodies are beautiful, we are all beautiful.
So, if you are a plus size person, welcome. If you are not, you can also read it without feeling left out in any way.
I really hope that you feel comfortable with everything I write and that you know that I seek to be as inclusive as possible. Without more to say, thanks for taking the time to read my stuff. Tell me your opinion, if you want!💕
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You looked in the mirror one last time.
Sirius, the boy of your dreams, had asked you out on a date and you wanted everything to be absolutely perfect.
You had met him because you both lived on the same floor of the condo block and it was inevitable to bump into him from time to time. It wasn't the best place to live, it was small and a little dirty, but it was the only thing you could afford and the fastest you could find after that happened.
You liked the way Sirius smelled because when he crossed the corridors, you could perceive a mixture of leather (you supposed it was due to all the clothes he used of this material) and an elegant cologne that drove you crazy.
At first, it scared you a little to see him with that piercing in his eyebrow and his multiple tattoos, but later you realized that he was really nobody to be afraid of, on the contrary, he turned out to be a very tender and sweet boy.
The first time you spoke to him it was because you were struggling to open your door while carrying boxes and bags that you had brought from the supermarket. The boy noticed you were having trouble and walked up to you to offer his help, so (still a bit wary) you said yes.
Once he held your purchases, you could open the lock, but when you turned around, you noticed that Sirius was secretly looking at the contents of your bags and when he realized that you had caught him, he blushed.
"Sorry I'm a little gossipy," he said shyly "I'm Sirius"
"I thought you were a gossip"
"No, my name is Sirius" he laughed and it was your turn to blush.
"Oh, sorry"
"Okay, anyone can get confused" he murmured with his charming smile, handing you what he was holding in his hands "I live in the 512" he informed you. Of course, you knew he lived in that apartment; you had seen him come into its thousands of times "In case you need anything. You know, some plumbing or things that have to do with tools and that shit of men" he murmured kindly. You frowned a little and then he quickly added "I mean, it's not that girls can't do that and it's okay if you know how to do those things, you seem like a smart and capable person. It's just that sometimes it's tedious and requires strength... and it's not that you don't have strength, I mean...” Sirius couldn't continue because he heard you giggle and then realized he was looking like an idiot “Just call me if you need anything and if you want to do it, yes?” he explained to you and you nodded with a smile.
"Thanks for offering your help Sirius" you replied, looking at him over your bags.
"You’re welcome, miss..."
"Y/N" you completed. He smiled and wrapped a dark curl around his finger that fell unruly from his ponytail.
"I'll see you later then, Y/N. It was nice to greet you" he said by way of farewell and you nodded to respond.
You haven't felt like this with any guy since you met your dear (sarcasm) ex-boyfriend. The insecurities that he had created in you kept you from thinking about having something else later and you honestly didn't feel ready to have your heart broken again.
But Sirius continued to be kind to you. Whenever he looked at you, he made an effort to have a topic of conversation, even if you were not so eloquent, and little by little, he was gaining your trust and your affection. As the weeks went by, you became good friends who chatted in the elevator or occasionally (when you weren't late for work) went downstairs just to share a little more time.
Until one day Sirius showed up at your door with his clothes stained with something that looked like paint, his hair tied up in a messy way and smelling of burned food. He was so beautiful in his own way and you were so afraid of falling in love with him because you knew beforehand that having something else would be impossible.
After all, no boy would ever love you. It was something that your ex-boyfriend had commissioned to get very well into your head.
"Go out?" you asked a little confused after he asked you. You didn't want to misunderstand things.
"Yes! We could go wherever you want. For ice cream, to dinner, to a park, to the cinema... I don't know, wherever you can think of”
"Why?" was the first thing that occurred to you to ask. Now it was Sirius' turn to look confused.
"Well, I thought it would be an opportunity to meet and... spend more time together" he explained and although you had understood the idea it seemed impossible to think that the boy had any kind of interest in you "But it's fine if you don't want to, I don't pretend be upset"
"I'd love to," you rushed to say, fearful that the opportunity would slip through your grasp. You saw him smile and after exchanging a few more words he left with a smile that you couldn't see, but that was pure joy.
Finally, the day of "go out" arrived and you were about to tell him that you could not go. You were nervous, more than nervous you were anxious about what could happen or what he could say about you.
You had searched your entire wardrobe for something decent to wear and after pulling and removing and taking out the clothes and trying them on, none of them convinced you. You looked in the mirror and didn't feel like it was enough of an outfit to date a man as handsome as him. In the first place, you did not even know why he had chosen to go out with you, because, although you considered yourself a nice person, you could not boast of being the most interesting.
Don't think about it, don't think about it, you kept repeating yourself as you continued to get ready and looked at the wall clock waiting for the time for Sirius to knock on your apartment.
Once you were with your outfit ready, you looked yourself up and down and although he did not completely convince you, you decided to tell yourself that you looked beautiful. Still a little nervous you looked at the makeup bag that was under some things on your dressing table. You hadn't put on makeup for years, because you were still scared to hear the comments in your head with that horrible voice.
You look like a whore.
You shook your head to ward off all the negativity and taking a breath you plucked up the courage to open the zippers and remove the beautiful makeup that you had abandoned. When you were finishing and without giving a chance to regret there was a knock on the door that took you by surprise. You went out and found Sirius wearing a striped t-shirt and ripped jeans that reminded you of that blond singer... Kurt was his name?
"Wow" you heard him say and he caught you staring at him adoringly. But you noticed that he looked at you the same "You are beautiful" he said with a smile. You frowned, again a little afraid that he was lying, but you tried again to push away those ideas of self-sabotage and smiled widely.
"I'm glad you like it. You look very handsome, you look like...”
"A rock star? I know” he said winking at you and managing to make you laugh “It's a joke, thanks for the compliment, sweetie” he replied, with his pretty smile of sealed lips. Just when you were smiling at him you watched him pay special attention to your makeup and put on a face that completely terrified you, taking all your confidence.
"Something wrong?"
"Your makeup" he pronounced. You felt your heart squeeze a little.
"You do not like? I can go take it off if you find it ugly or something like that…”
"Ugly?" he asked offended "No! It’s beautiful, but I feel like it lacks a touch. You know, the cherry on the cake that stands out in your eyes” he explained. You looked at him confused for the third time and he snapped his fingers as if the answer had suddenly come to his head "Eyeliner"
"Of course! Don't you like to use it? " he said kindly, turning his head to the side. You denied.
"I never learned how to do it" you lied. There was a bit of truth to it, but it also had a lot to do with the fact that he kept repeating that you looked vulgar with the eyeliner.
“I'm good at it! Come with me,” he murmured. He took your hand carefully and dragged you gently through the hall until they reached his apartment. You were a nervous wreck when he invited you to join him. "Sorry about the mess, I'm really the most distracted person on the planet and I forget to arrange things," he said with an embarrassed smile. You looked at some vinyl lying around, clothes, food packages, paintings, a guitar. There was a certain peace and beauty within all that mess, completely reflecting the boy who was desperately searching for his favorite eyeliner.
"Come," he asked once he left his room. You sat in a red leather chair he had and he leaned in your direction, very close to your face "Raise your head and look slightly down" he asked you and you listened. He took you by the chin with one hand and you saw him stick his tongue out just a little bit (as a sign of his concentration) while drawing on your eyelids. When he indicated that he had finished you saw him smile from ear to ear, which you imitated when he saw yourself in a mirror.
"Wow..." you whispered. Years ago, you loved putting on makeup and especially eyeliner, so seeing you again like that you were surprised. Besides, he was right, his hand was excellent at it.
"Now it's perfect, right?" he said excitedly. Perfect, that's how Sirius described what was in front of his eyes.
"Yeah... it looks much better" you admitted shyly. You couldn't believe that Sirius could make you feel so comfortable and calm, as well as help you maintain your confidence in yourself.
"I just hope I don't meet jealous guys for not having someone so pretty accompanying them," he said flirtatiously, making you laugh because of your nerves and making you blush "Shall we go?" he asked smiling and extending a hand to help you up.
You looked at him, still amazed to have found someone like that in your life, and took his hand with a smile.
Who would say that sometimes love stories begin like this?
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fanlovedlt · 2 years
To anyone who hasn’t gotten beanfest Floyd or just now simps for him when his event version appears, this is for you!
Haven’t write in a while so might sound and look noob.
(Also sorry I didn’t post it sooner! Finally graduated and now trying to get my life sorted out. Enjoy!)
Ever since you gotten the game on your device, you played every rhythm game and fight scene to compete each mission nonstop for a long time.
You loved the songs and the way each character had a role of its own and you even loved how the story surprised you at its storyline than what you expect. It made you feel supreme and unstoppable whenever you play.
That was until the recent event came.
Your favorite character that you took interest during the game was having a SSR card of himself and you wanted him bad, like “I want my pony mommy!” bad! Sure there could be another event where you would have a better chance, but you wanted to see your fav character smile and see him interact with you in the main menu! Wanting to know what kind of speech bubble lines they will say to you!
But it was way too hard for you and that suck very much.
It upsets you that you get the same character every card draw ( sorry rook) and it pisses you off more that you were wasting gems just because you wanted to get this silly eel twin boi not because he were strong as hell or because he was a rare event character: ITS BECAUSE YOU SEEM TO BE SIMPING FOR THAT EEL BOI!!!!!
Here you were sitting on your bed, criss cross apple sauce, while playing a ton of rhythm games and weekly missions to do the 10 draw cards again to see if your luck was giving you a chance this time, until you felt yourself being engulfed by two strong arms around your shoulders behind you.
A groan is heard from your left ear along with a whine next.
“Shrimpy!!~~ Come play with me!!!”
“Sorry Floyd!” You said with a apologetic voice, not even giving him any of your attention while your eyes were preoccupied by your phone screen, “I’m in the middle of completing a mission to earn 5 gems right now. If I get 10 more gems, I could do another draw and pray or cross my fingers that I can get my favorite character this time!”
Floyd didn’t seem to like your comment at all and then laid next to you, pouting the whole time while looking at your face.
“What could be more important than looking at me?~”
“For starters this game I’m doing right now Floyd!” You said with a serious tone this time. “This game has a event that one of my favorite characters are a SSR card and he looks so gorgeous with his smirk! I heard that once you awaken him, he has a more soft loving look and I want someone like him to stare at me like that!!!” You squealed while giggling the entire time.
At this point, Floyd didn’t know if he should break your phone or take it away and just hide it from you forever cause wow rude.
“You do realize I’m here right shrimpy? I can easily look at you like-“ he sighed. “Whatever, if you won’t pay attention to me” he said while sitting up and wrapped his arms yet again but this time around your waist. “I’ll just bother you till you do!~”
“Yeah yeah good luck with that-“ you were doing your 10th um probably 12th draw maybe and hopefully getting your SSR card you worked so hard for.
Rare card. Ok so far so good.
Rare card. Ok seems going off a good start-
SR card of hunter. wait no-no no no no nO NO!
You pushed Floyd’s arms away and pushed your face on a pillow your grabbed and screamed into it till your vocal chords became sore maybe. Cause why?! You were so close and yet the event ends in 3 days!! There way no way you could earn gems let alone buy gems. Sure, you can but you have the type of parent who doesn’t believe in buying on App Store for games or items in games. So you were practically screwed.
“Aww is my little fishy all sad they didn’t get their dream card?~” Floyd teased while you still had your face in your pillow. “Want me to help cheer you up?”
“Nah it’s ok” you replied without the pillow smush in your face which granted Floyd a view of your messed up front hair and depressing look. “I’m probably gonna get over it in like a week or something.” You mumbled to him while laying down, laying your head on your other pillow that doesn’t look like it was untouched.
Floyd isn’t dumb. He knows you are the type of people that get excited over things for a while and sometimes you’ll forget about it in a month or sometimes shorter. He never wonders why and though it was childish, then you commented on how it was childish of him to get mood swings on the wrong times and think of not to be responsible for it actions, like example, the time he was playing basketball and he did so well for the first half…until he left cause he was bored.
He didn’t talk to you for like a week until he came back happy and asking to hang out with him at lunch. It proves your point.
Anyways, he lays down on the bed and turns towards you. Seeing as that you are staring at the ceiling instead of him, he touches your cheek with his left hand and guides your direction towards him with the help of his arm. He wasn’t smiling when you look at him with both eyes but he had a small grin. Well more like a flat line with a small twitch of a curve, but it’s similar.
“Look idk how you love something so fast and then claim you’ll forget about it but all I know is that Shrimpy has me and I’ll be your everyday supporter when you see me!~” He says while shaking his sharp teeth. “And I’ll conversant with my Shrimpy until comes a day when you feel happy again!~” he says and then hugs you again for like the third time. This time you finally respond to it correctly and put your head on his shoulder. “Thank you Floyd.” You replied “It helped a bit.”
“No problem!~” Floyd responded while looking so consistent in your relaxed face and not commenting on where you phone was or how he knew so much about your ability to take interest in things and forgot them immediately.
Maybe he heard it from someone you thought.
Yay I’ve finally finished this! Man I wasted so many gems trying to get Floyd when all I got was another rook! It’s not that I don’t like him but I’ve already had him so why would I need another?! Anywho this is the only favorite Floyd outfit I have of him expect the lab coat one.
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This is the only Floyd SR card I have of him and I want a event version of him cause he would probably look beret pretty in it like he does with this one! Anywho hope this was good enough for you guys! Maybe I could make another account on tumblr and use that to make fanfics. What do you guys think?
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emeren · 4 years
speed racer- eren jaeger
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pairing: eren jaeger x fem!reader 
word count: 6k
content warnings: nsfw, smut, 18+, smoking, degradation, overstimulation, breeding (w/o baby talk) 
notes: 100% inspired by the official art, like mmm yes please. also i know absolutely nothing about how car racing works, but that’s not important. this is unedited because my brain turned to mush writing it. enjoy!! <3
SUMMARY: eren’s a semi-professional car racer, who has a tumultuous friendship with the reader. after losing a race, eren sets out to win something else in his life, much to the reader’s surprise. 
“took you long enough!” sasha called out, holding her hand above her eyes in an attempt to block out the bright sun. you dished her a smile, weaving your way through the throngs of people in the stands, attempting not to step on anyone. your eyes briefly flitted to the track, the assistants distantly getting their cars ready. they were hardly visible from here; merely faceless figures idling around. you heaved out a sigh as you reached sasha, the brunette gingerly patting the spot next to her. 
“you couldn’t have gotten better seats, sash?” you asked as you sat down, pushing your sunglasses on top of your head. sasha waved her large bag of popcorn in front of your face, an exasperated expression on her features. 
“the line was long, and what’s a race without popcorn?” she grinned, offering you the bag. you rolled your eyes but took a fistful of the bright yellow snack nonetheless. “plus, if you really wanted that good of seats, you would’ve come early yourself.” 
“i did come here early,” you retorted, your voice muffled by the popcorn. sasha raised a questioning brow, her elbow nudging you in the side. 
“getting here early just so you can poke around the racer’s quarters is not the same thing,” she singsonged, a girlish smirk on her face. you scoffed, turning away from her as you felt heat race to your cheeks. “c’mon, everyone knows you and eren are totally into each other. i don’t understand why you guys don’t just go for it.” 
“i wasn’t poking around, and i am not into eren,” you said, shifting uncomfortably as the words left your mouth. it was true, to some degree. the two of you had been friends in high school, back when eren was just some skinny kid with anger issues. now he was a semi-professional racer, and the rivalry between the two of you was palpable, to say the least.
you’d been in the same friend group and for some reason eren just loved to pick on you whenever he got the chance. you suspected it had something to do with his repressed daddy issues or whatever, and he’d known mikasa and armin far too long to be so catty with them. initially they were just playful taunts, but as you got older, they started to become more personal. with age came your own unchecked need to banter and argue with him. 
somewhere along the way the arguments turned to sexual tension. a sexual tension that for the most part, the two of you were happy to ignore. it allowed room for a more sassy friendship, at least. 
“uh huh, suuure,” sasha responded, seemingly unconvinced. she must’ve sensed your discomfort, deciding to change the topic. “who’s who?” 
your eyes traced the track, analyzing each vehicle. “armin’s in yellow, mikasa’s in red, eren’s in white, and i believe levi is in green.” 
“levi’s racing? isn’t he getting a little old for that?” sasha laughed, squinting. you chuckled. 
“it’s just a small fundraiser race, plus he’s a crowd favorite over here,” you explained. sasha nodded as she processed the information. the sun was hot, beating down on your back. “i’m honestly surprised this many people came out.” 
sasha tossed more popcorn in her mouth, halfway done with the bag despite the race still not having started. she offered it to you again. “mhm, this is the same type of crowd that we’d see in the underground.” 
you thought back to your days of attending the illegal races, late at night and under the cover of darkness. though you were just a junior in college, it felt like those nights freshman year had been decades ago. that was before eren showed real promise in the professional circuit. it was also where levi scouted him out to be his successor. 
as if on cue, you could see the figures of the racers emerging from the port, each headed for their respective cars. you couldn’t help the way your gaze immediately followed the tall, brown haired racer adorned in his white racing jacket, checkers on the side. the crowd erupted into cheers at the sight of the all the racers, one from each color of the rainbow. eren walked with a certain confidence, his adamant determination being one of the only things that followed him from high school. 
though you couldn’t clearly see his face from where you sat, you knew he was smiling. eren had always loved the adrenaline rush before a race. 
“alright ladies and gentlemen, we welcome you to the annual shiganshina fundraiser race!” the reporter boomed over the intercom. sasha squealed in her seat, excitedly gripping your arm and pointing towards your friends. you felt a mix of excited nervousness waft over you, giggling along with her. “today we’ve got racers from all over the circuit, and each one has volunteered their precious time for the cause. can we get a round of applause?” 
the crowd erupted in yet another ear deafening round of applause as the announcer read off the names of each of the racers. you and sasha made sure to scream your loudest when armin, mikasa, and eren’s names were read off. 
you hoped they knew it was you, your throat scratchy as you sat back down. there was no need to be loud for levi; the entire crowd went absolutely feral at the mention of his name. 
the announcer read off the conditions of the race, as well as the reasoning for the fundraiser itself. you and sasha chatted quietly about the after party while the racers put their helmets on and got in their cars. before too long, the announcer was gearing up for the start. 
“alright everyone, we’re about to start. get yourselves ready.” 
you and sasha stood, hollering and cheering for your friends as the cars all lined up. you knew you’d be happy if any of them crossed the finish line first, but it was undeniable that it would be eren. it wasn’t armin or mikasa’s passion like it was eren’s; they viewed it more as as fun hobby. nevertheless, you dreaded how smug eren would be once he added another win to his already growing list. he really was a bastard sometimes. 
“racers ready your cars. 3... 2... 1... go!” 
they were off, levi’s green car easily settling into first place, cruising past the other cars as he whipped around the first curve. you held your breath, eyes scanning the other cars placements. eren was in fourth, armin in fifth, and mikasa in second. sasha yelled sporadically, reaching out and squeezing your wrist tightly. 
as they rounded the circuit for the second time, eren passed the third place racer, coming up behind mikasa’s red car. you held your breath. “c’mon eren...” 
“shit! he passed her!” sasha screeched, jumping up and down. you smiled as he whipped the corner, nearly cutting the edge of the median. 
“levi is still so far ahead,” you commented, trying to pry sasha’s death grip from your wrist. your eyes glanced to the clock, realizing that the race was near its finish. levi was cutting the third corner and eren was quickly gaining on him. 
“looks like it’s gonna be clo-” sasha’s voice was cut off as a large man tripped over the bleacher behind you, effectively shoving you into her side. “shit, the popcorn!” 
you regained your balance, giving the man behind you a dirty glare as you turned to sasha. she frowned at the popcorn that’d been spilled all over the ground. “what a waste!” 
looking back up at the track, the crowd broke into screams of excitement. you expected to see eren’s face on the big screen to the side as confetti streamed through the air, but were surprised to see levi’s unimpressed stare. 
eren lost? 
“you’ve gotta be shitting me,” sasha gaped, her face slack in shock. you shrugged, shaking the feeling of disappointment from your shoulders. serves him right. 
people started to vacate the stands, shoving their way past you as you turned to sasha. “let’s go find connie and jean, sash.” 
she nodded, still frowning. the two of you climbed down the steps, going against the flow of the crowd as you weaseled your way down onto the spectators path. you could see all of the racers shaking hands, congratulating each other. your mind briefly considered whether or not eren was going to be upset, but you decided not to dwell on it. 
you watched as the racers disappeared into the tunnel, eren’s tall figure no longer in view. just then, connie and jean came walking out from the service booth, both wearing their maintenance coveralls. 
sasha wildly waved her arm, grabbing your hand and pulling you through the remaining stragglers towards your friends. 
“hey guys!” she smiled, the boys jogging to meet you halfway. 
“why were you guys in such shit seats?” connie asked, skipping over a greeting. you let out a small laugh at sasha’s expense. she merely shrugged, turning to jean. 
“we going to your place?” you questioned before she had the chance. jean nodded, adjusting the backwards baseball cap on his head. 
“yeah, just gotta wrap some things up, then we can head out,” he replied. you grew happy at the thought of kicking back with your friends, enjoying a nice night of fun. parties at jean and connie’s place were always the best. 
“some race that was,” connie groaned, leaning back and bringing the beer bottle to his lips. so far it was just you, sasha, connie, jean, and a bunch of random drunk people who’d come from the track. sasha scoffed from her spot on the worn, brown couch. 
“you could say that again,” she grumbled. “we didn’t even get to see levi cross the finish line ‘cause some guy rammed into us.” 
jean looked at you from where he leaned against the wall, a bottle in his hand and his eyebrows raised. “wait, for real?” 
“yeah,” you sighed, drinking whatever bitter liquid sasha had poured into your red solo cup. “didn’t even say sorry.” 
“how many times do i have to tell you guys, just come work maintenance with jean-boy and i,” connie suggested, wrapping his arm around sasha’s shoulder and giving a squeeze. she rolled her eyes and shoved him off. “you guys would get to watch the race from the track itself.” 
“i don’t know the first thing about cars,” sasha laughed, you nodding along with her. 
“and you think we do? i just said that so we could get the best seats in the house,” connie snorted, taking another swig of his drink. you chuckled at his idiocy, unfazed by yet another one of their stupid stunts. “where’re the big racers anyway?” 
“they should be here soon,” you responded, glancing out the window. jean was unironically blasting the fast and the furious soundtrack, something he’d done after every race for as long as you’d known him. by now the songs were ingrained in your brain. 
“who wants to bet jaeger is in a pissy mood?” jean snorted as he moved to sit down on the arm of the chair you were planted in. 
“when isn’t he?” you sneered. connie and sasha hummed in agreement. both you and jean loved nothing more than to push eren’s buttons. you knew jean’s motives stemmed from some boyish fun, whereas yours felt a little more personal. 
the sound of clapping began to compete with the music, your neck craning to look past jean into the hallway. eren, armin, and mikasa came into view, people cheering them on and patting them on the back. they each wore their racing jackets over their street clothes. 
you felt a familiar sensation burn in your stomach at the sight of eren. his dark hair was pulled back per usual, wispies framing his tan face. The white jacket stood out against his black t-shirt and black jeans; key necklace he always wore glinting against his chest. as your gaze travelled up from his body, you were startled to make contact with his teal eyes. you quickly glanced away in embarrassment. 
“well, well, well,” jean cheered, raising his bottle to the trio. “how’d it feel to lose to a short, old man, eh jaeger?”
eren scowled, obviously peeved. “if i had to lose to anyone, i’m glad it was levi.” 
connie snorted at that. “man, professional circuit has you soft.” 
“whatever you say, baldie,” eren smirked mischievously as he came to sit down on the couch. connie defensively rubbed his head. “at least i’m making money in prof.” 
“i still can’t believe you have people that actually want to sponsor you,” you snipped, a playful expression on your face. eren lazily looked towards you, the familiar irritation laced in his eyes. 
“i’m sorry, what was that? i wasn’t listening to you,” eren retorted, looking as unbothered as ever. you glared at his words, but caught armin’s disapproving eye and decided to stay quiet. 
as the night carried on, you watched your friends relax and reminisce about previous races and the days spent in the illegal ring. it seemed crazy that your life was so centered around car races, when you weren’t even a racer yourself. but you supposed you were just happy to be supporting your friends.
at some point you got up out of your chair to refill your cup. the large hoards of people had started to dance; the house feeling hot and humid as you shoved your way to the kitchen. luckily the room was empty, save for armin who was drinking water out of the kitchen tap. 
“thirsty?” you asked, amused. his head snapped up, surprised by your voice. it took one look to tell he was absolutely trashed, face red and eyes half lidded. he smiled goofily and nodded his head before stumbling back out into the crowd of people. 
you quickly filled your cup, following the direction armin had gone. as you stepped out of the kitchen, a body came out of nowhere and smacked into you. 
eren jumped back, trying to avoid the liquid that sloshed out of your cup. “hey, watch it!” he hissed. 
“you watch it, casanova,” you snapped, irritated by the sticky alcohol that dripped down your hand. eren’s eyes narrowed at the nickname, his arms defensively crossing his chest. 
“i told you not to call me that,” he bit back, eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. you rolled your eyes, instinctively bringing your hand to your mouth in an attempt to lick the drink off. eren watched you, his gaze clouded with an indiscernible emotion. you knew what you were doing. 
“hm. too bad,” you quipped, dragging your tongue down the side of your hand, popping your pointer finger in your mouth. eren glowered at you as you let out a giggle. “see ya, loser.” 
“whatever, brat,” he huffed, shaking the tension from his pants as you sauntered off into the crowd. he hated the effect you had on him.
you’d already decided not to get shit faced. while the rest of your friends had chosen otherwise, you danced alongside them, your resolve wearing thin much faster than theirs. jean and sasha bounced happily up and down, screaming the lyrics to whatever song it was blasting from the speakers. connie and mikasa were playing beer pong, and you had no clue where armin and eren had gone.
you heaved in a breath as a sharp pain shot through your side, signaling the end of your dancing career for the night. your two dance partners were too far gone to notice, waving goodbye to you as you stepped out of the sweaty crowd. 
slipping your phone out of your pocket, your eyes nearly popped from your head at the time. two thirty?!
only slightly tipsy, you decided to find jean’s room and call it a night. he’d just have to sleep on the couch. with one hand dragging on the wall, you made your way through the house, past armin who was doing body shots with a couple of strangers, up the stairs and down the dark hall. it was quieter up here, but you could still hear the music and knew it’d be awhile till sleep visited you. 
shoving jean’s door open, you were surprised to see none other than eren laid back on the bed, puffs of smoke coming from his mouth. the strong scent of weed hit your nostrils, nose scrunching up in reflex. he propped himself up on one arm upon your entrance, eyeing you. 
“oh, sorry i’ll just- wait a minute,” you paused, narrowing your eyes at him. “you aren’t supposed to be smoking on your sponsorship.” 
eren let out a loud laugh at that, more smoke spilling from his lungs. “thanks, mom. i know.” 
you stood in the doorway, not really sure what to do. “jean’s gonna be mad if his room smells like weed tomorrow.” 
“yeah, why do you think i chose to do it in here?” he leered, bringing the blunt to his lips and deeply inhaling, sharp cheekbones protruding with the action. you sucked in a breath, not wanting to acknowledge just how gorgeous he was. his jacket was off, black shirt tightly gripping his muscular yet slender arms as he propped himself up. he blew the smoke from his nostrils this time, making your face heat. “wanna hit?”  
you sighed, weighing the options. jean’s bed was a lot more comfortable than connie’s. you could just wait till eren was done, and then pass out. “no, but i’ll wait with you till you’re done.” 
“suit yourself, brat,” eren hummed, flopping back down on the bed as you shut the door behind yourself. you came to sit by him, looking down as he heaved in a sober breath. he really is beautiful, you thought. 
your eyes scanned his face. “you really shouldn’t be smoking, you know. you could lose the sponsorship.” 
eren rolled his teal eyes, giving you a side glance. “i’m aware. i’m also aware that you aren’t going to rat on me.” 
“and what makes you so sure?” you asked playfully, your voice low. eren’s gaze shifted to you, placing the blunt between his lips as he sat up, face inches from yours. 
“because. you can act like you hate me all you want,” smoke blew from his lips as he spoke, slowly inching his face closer to yours. you swallowed, eyes struggling to maintain contact with his dark stare. “but i know how badly you want me.” 
you blinked, heart rate accelerating as he glanced at your lips. “speaking from experience?” 
eren’s mouth quirked up in a smirk at your words. “something like that.”
you watched with desire as he brought the bud of the blunt up to his lips, deeply inhaling the toxic smoke. he lifted his free hand, pointer finger gently tracing your jaw as his thumb came up to caress your chin. he tapped softly against your face, as if asking you to open your mouth. 
you weren’t sure what part of you was wanting to submit to his every move. maybe it was the alcohol. or maybe it was the accumulation of sexual tension. something told you it was a deeper itch that needed to be scratched. an itch only eren could reach. 
you parted your lips, eyes fluttering as eren leaned forward and carefully brushed his own against yours, dumping his lungful of smoke into your mouth. you breathed it in, fighting the urge to cough and whine as he pulled away. 
“good girl,” he breathed, leaning away to snuff the bud out on jean’s bedside table. you heaved out as much as you could, shocked by your own willingness. you were mainly surprised by how much you enjoyed whatever that was. 
you stared at him expectantly as he turned back to you, a serious expression on his face. “eren.” 
“yes?” he asked, leaning heavily on his arm, eyes unashamedly focused on your lips. his other hand came up again, lightly ghosting your jawline. you could feel yourself growing wet between your legs; the way eren was fucking you with his eyes sending an unwelcomed throb to your clit. 
acting on impulse, you lurched forward, latching your lips onto eren’s slightly chapped ones. he wasted no time in kissing you back; hungrily pressing himself closer to your body. his lips were warm and tasted like weed and coca cola, his tongue wiggling its way into your mouth where you happily welcomed it. 
you brought your hand up, wanting to run your fingers through his hair, but were stopped when they got caught in the bun. eren grunted, kissing you harder and bringing his own hand up to yank the tie from his locks, letting his soft hair fall to his shoulders. 
your fingers were quick to glide through the brown strands, scratching his scalp in the process. some throaty sound emitted from his chest, the noise making your cunt ache in need. how is he so hot? 
eren’s hands came to your waist, roughly shoving you down onto the bed, so that he hovered above you. your lips continued to meld together, saliva coated mouths wetly intertwined. you removed your hand from his hair, bringing both hands to run down the expanse of his arms that were on either side of your head. you squeezed his biceps, surprised when he suddenly pulled away. 
“is this okay?” he panted, breaths labored. his pupils were dilated, all seriousness behind his gaze. you nodded your head without hesitation, practically begging him to continue. “words.”
“yes, yes. i want this just as much as you do,” you responded. eren smirked from above you, his dark hair swirling around his face as his key dangled in front of your chin. 
“good, because,” he leaned down to your ear, lightly nibbling the lobe as the cold key rested against your throat. “i’m going to punish you for all these years of torture.” 
your eyes widened, the words sending a desirable chill down your spine. “torture?” 
eren’s hot mouth travelled slowly from your ear down the side of your neck, lightly peppering the skin with lustful kisses. his tongue came out as he reached your collarbone, dragging the wet muscle up the front of your throat, leaving a trail of saliva in its wake. a small whimper involuntarily left your mouth as he pulled back, grabbing your chin in his large hand.  
“all of the nicknames,” he pressed a kiss to your lips. “the quips,” and another, your chest tightening. “the stunt you pulled earlier with your hand. oh god. it’s like you were practically begging me to bend you over and teach you a lesson.” 
he pulled back, dark eyes boring into yours. the desire was palpable, your breathing shallow as he stared at you. it was like he was waiting for some silent agreement. 
you held eye contact, tilting your chin back ever so slightly in his grip. “good thing i learn fast.” 
your words flew straight to his cock, throbbing uncomfortably behind his jeans. eren let go of your chin, his lips hungrily reconnecting with yours as his hands pinned your wrists to either side of your head. his tongue was quick to invite itself into your mouth, warm and erotic. 
you wanted to tug on his hair again; wanted to hear his primal groans and feel him vibrate against your mouth, but you were pinned to the bed. desperate to hear eren moan, your teeth grazed his bottom lip, the action making him yank his head back. 
“tsk tsk, none of that,” he growled, wet lips glinting in the low light of the room. “this is your punishment. guess we’re going to have to do something else.” 
you frowned as he let go of your wrists, lifting himself from the bed and standing. you propped yourself up on your elbows, eyes laced with desire as eren swiftly pulled the black shirt over his head, key pendant resting on his newly exposed chest. he was dangerously attractive like this; dark hair disheveled on his shoulders, only adding to the feral stare he was giving you. 
he leaned forward, grabbing your thighs and yanking you to the end of the bed, legs dangling from the side. you watched in awe as he dropped to his knees, fingers coming up to toy with the button of your jean shorts. 
“these little shorts make your ass look so good,” he grumbled, tapping the button. “be good and take them off for me.” 
you wasted no time in lifting your ass off the bed, struggling to yank the denim down your legs without hitting eren in the face. he watched your every movement, licking his lips as you wiggled them off. 
without thinking, your hands gripped the hem of your shirt, pulling it over your head to reveal a black bra. eren’s pupils dilated further at the unexpected sight of your breasts. 
he helped pull the shorts from your ankles, tossing them aside as you sat back down, just in your panties and bra. you paused for a moment, unsure of what he was planning to do. 
“watch me,” he demanded, staring at you through his brows. you nodded your head, breath hitching as he placed an open mouthed kiss to the inside of your thigh, tongue swiping against the smooth skin. 
his eyelashes fluttered as he licked up your leg; just the way he looked at you being enough to have you creaming in your lace panties. your teeth tugged at your bottom lip, the burning in your face mirroring the way your clit throbbed along with your heart beat. 
eren’s tongue trailed until he reached the edge of your underwear, eyes never failing to stay connected with yours. you swallowed as he lifted his head, placing his tongue flatly against your clothed clit. 
it was a warm, muted feeling, your body all too aware of the beautiful man between your legs. eren brought his fingers up, hooking under the fabric and pushing it to the side. 
“so wet for me already,” he hummed, a smile on his face. you blushed in embarrassment, the feeling of his breath on your glistening pool of moisture making you shiver. “’m gonna eat you so good, little bitch.” 
you gasped as eren rapidly brought his face down, burying his head between your legs. the sensation was like no other; a swirling feeling in your stomach as his tongue hungrily swiped against your clit. your hands flew down to his hair, tugging as his lips wrapped around the bud, suckling softly. 
a moan escaped your lips, the sound causing eren to groan out in reply. the vibration of his vocal cords against your center amplifying the pleasure. 
a distinct feeling began to burn in your chest, the sloppiness of eren’s tongue licking up your slick causing your legs to squirm, tightening around his head. “fuck.”
eren pulled back at the pressure against his skull, a smack sounding through the air as he released his suction on your wet cunt. 
“i told you to be good,” he hissed, lips coated in your sheen. you knew the image of eren’s face between your legs, hair disheveled and mouth swollen, eyes dark and lustrous, would be burned into the back of your brain. 
flustered, you nodded your head, spreading your legs so they weren’t pressing against his face. he nodded in content, arms coming up to wrap around your thighs to keep you steady. 
and he was back; eating your pussy like he hadn’t been fed in years, a primal desperation. he pressed his tongue down harder, the cry ripping from your throat at the sensation only egging him on. you struggled against his grip as he abused your clit with his mouth, sucking and tracing his teeth over it so good. 
his tongue slid down to your entrance, shoving itself in without invitation. the fullness wasn’t like having sex; it was a heated, swirling feeling. the wet muscle circled around your spongey walls, your face beginning to burn and hands growing clammy in eren’s hair. 
you threw your head back as his ministrations sped up, your hips attempting to grind into his face. the warmth in the pit of your stomach building like a loaded gun, ready to release itself. 
all it took was the added pressure of his hand wrapping around your thigh so that his thumb could press against your clit, feverishly rubbing. you came crashing down, your eyes screwing shut as the wave of dopamine stretched to every part of your body, legs jerking against his hold. 
eren pulled his head back again, a smile on his wet face as he licked your release from his lips. “tasted so good, so good for me.” 
you breathed out in reply as he came back up above you, gently taking your chin and bringing his mouth down to yours. 
the kiss was small and simple, your eye lids growing heavy. you could taste your bitter release on him, the unfamiliar flavor not completely unpleasant. 
“sleepy?” eren mumbled against your lips, coming back to look at you. you nodded your head, eyes catching on the key that dangled from his neck. “too bad. we aren’t done with your punishment yet.” 
you frowned, your body suddenly more awake than it was before. “huh?” you asked, sitting up as eren shifted to pull his jeans off. 
you weren’t sure what you expected when he yanked both his jeans and boxers down; you guessed you’d always thought his anger issues were compensation for something. the realization dawned on you that eren had nothing to compensate for as his cock sprung from his pants, the sheer size making your mouth water. 
a smirk crossed his face as he stepped from his jeans. “enjoying the view?” 
“what? no,” you scoffed, averting your gaze. eren crawled back over you, his bare length pressing into your stomach as his hands came up to unclasp your bra. 
“don’t be shy, this is your punishment after all,” he whispered, pulling the cups from your chest. his eyes unashamedly scanned your breasts, a smile tugging his lips as he gave them a generous squeeze. 
you tried to ignore the imprint of him on your stomach; but it was nearly impossible. you could feel the spot between your legs grow wet again, arousal already weaseling its way back into your system.
eren brought his lips to yours once again, the kisses much sloppier and desperate than before. he grunted as you shifted to lay back down, his exposed dick rubbing against your stomach. “can’t wait to be inside of you,” he mumbled against your lips. 
you whimpered at his words, his lips melding with your own while he simultaneously tugged your panties down your legs. he propped himself up with one arm, the other positioning the tip of his cock at the entrance of your already throbbing cunt. 
you took a deep breath as he slowly eased himself into you; the sheer stretch making your eyes lull back in your head. eren moved his hips slowly at first, loosening you up. he was watching your expressions; his eyelids heavy and mouth slightly agape. 
“shit, you’re so tight,” he groaned, hips starting to move faster as he gazed down at you. you swallowed, closing your eyes as he sent one particularly hard thrust, cock nearly ramming your cervix. “you good?” 
“mhm,” you responded, bringing your hands up to grab his hair. “just so big.” 
eren let out a breathy chuckle at that, eyes traveling down to your pelvis where his dick was visibly creating a bump with every thrust. he placed his hand on your stomach, pressing down as he bucked his hips violently forwards. he was so deep. 
you cried out at the feeling of his length sliding in and out of your cunt, your walls clenching around him as your hands clawed at his muscular back. 
he was filling you up so good, a moan leaving his lips as your enhanced arousal unexpectedly brought your second orgasm down, tears pricking your eyes. eren kept abusing your pussy, his thrusts growing senseless before he buried himself deep within you, releasing his load inside of your exhausted center. 
both of your breathing was labored, eren looking up at the ceiling. his face was flushed as he recovered, you laying limply beneath him trying to regain your composure yourself. 
“that felt so good,” you admitted, bringing your hand up from his back to caress his angular face. eren frowned at your words, large hand grabbing your wrist and removing it from his jawline. 
“m’not tired yet,” he said seriously, your eyes widening as he placed a chaste kiss to your lips. your fucked out face beneath him had his dick already hardening again. “m’not gonna be tired till i win.” 
he suddenly pulled up, hooking his hands under your knees and pushing your legs up by your head. the action strained your muscles, the feeling of eren’s cum dripping down your ass filling your head as he readied himself to fuck you senseless. 
he stared at your cunt; at the way his cum was oozing out of it, the abused pussy ready to take him in again. he used his fingers to catch the drip, forcing it back inside of you. the thought of filling you up all nice and pretty sent him over the edge, his hand shamelessly guiding his cock back inside of you.
eren was meaner this time; each thrust was deep and deliberate, hitting your cervix and making you cry out in pleasure. the burning sensation in your clit was overwhelming, your mouth hanging open as eren slowly fucked you stupid. 
“good, pretty girl” eren breathed out, ramming his hips into yours. “took her punishment like such a good girl.” 
you tried to nod your head, but you couldn’t move. the feeling of hot, sticky tears rolled down your face, eren’s cock deep within you almost too much to bear. he grabbed your chin, tongue swiping up your cheek as he savored the salty flavor on his tastebuds. this man and his licking. 
“tell me, did you learn your lesson?” eren grunted in your ear, hand still gripping your chin. you tried to form a sentence, fucked beyond words. “hm, use your words and i’ll let you cum.” 
one more deep thrust and his dick stopped its strokes, pausing within you. “yes... yes.” 
“yes what?” 
your tongue was heavy in your mouth, pussy all too aware of eren’s length within it. “i learned my lesson, you won.” 
he smirked, aggressively bucking his hips into your weak cunt, the action making you cry out as he rammed your cervix. the tears continued to roll down your cheeks as eren’s dick twitched, spurting the his seed into you. your third release followed his, your clit spasming from the overstimulation. 
eren heaved himself out of you, collapsing deftly onto the bed. the two of you sat in a heated silence, your face sticky from the tears. eren glanced to you, eyes trailing down your body. 
“i’ll get a rag,” he mumbled, shoving off the bed and walking into jean’s bathroom. you were beyond exhausted and knew that you’d be sore tomorrow. eren reemerged, quickly cleaning you up and handing you your shirt. 
your eyes lazily watched him as he walked over and locked the door; brain too tired to form a sentence. 
he must’ve noticed your concern. “we can sleep in here tonight; i don’t think you’re in any shape to move.” 
you carefully crawled into the sheets, not even bothering to put your shirt back on. eren followed suit, climbing in behind you. 
“night,” he whispered as he shut the bedside light off. your lids were growing heavy, a smile on your lips as you began to fall asleep. 
“night, casanova.” 
<3 <3 <3 
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hopeandvolleyball · 3 years
insecure boys pt.1
genre: angst if you squint, fluff, hurt/comfort
warnings: food, weight insecurities in osamus
w/ osamu, atsumu
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osamu miya
osamu had gotten home from work a little more than an hour ago, and he figured he’d been spending that entire time looking at the mirror, pinching the newfound softness piling onto his tummy. he’s been squeezing and kneading the flesh for so long it was turning red. lips twisted to the side, osamu sighed. when did he gain this much weight? how did he let this happen? osamu could barely look at himself in the mirror without feeling ugly and ashamed. mumbling under his breath he pulled a looser hoodie over his head, grateful it wasn’t starting to become tight around his middle.
you called his name from the kitchen, an indicator dinner was ready. in all honesty he didn’t feel like going out there, the idea of eating making him nauseous. but he still entered the living room, unable to fully wipe the crestfallen look off his face. even seeing your bubbly frame and pretty smile in the kitchen couldn’t fully heal him from his insecure thoughts clouding his mind. setting the utensils down, you ran up to hug osamu, arms around his waist. he surpressed the urge to push your arms down, not wanting you to feel his plush stomach. your eyes looked at him with pure adoration, sparkles and hearts swimming in your irises. osamu placed a chaste kiss on your forehead. 
“dinner will be ready in a few minutes, just gotta plate it and stuff,” you informed him, sounding so giddy. “might not look as pretty as when you make it but-”
“’bout that. ‘m not really hungry, darlin. ate a bit too much while at the shop today,” he lied not smoothly. he felt the familiar nausea creep back up his throat. he felt even worse at the frown tugging at the sides of your lips.
“you’re a bad liar, samu,” you commented, hands on your hips. “what’s wrong love? talk to me, please?” you pleaded. osamu knew he couldn’t keep it in anymore, not from you. it wasn’t fair. his stoic expression began to soften and quiver.
“when did i let myself go?” osamu asked, his voice starting to break. your brows furrowed and lips curled into a pout. you pulled him close to you, slipping your fingers through his dark brown locks as he held on to you with all the force he had. 
“what on earth are you talking about, samu?” you inquired as he squeezed you tighter.
“’m fat, darlin,” he whimpered. “i hate lookin’ at myself in the mirror and i don’t know why yer still with me.” that broke your heart, you heart it shatter into a hundred pieces as he spoke. you opened your mouth to speak but he continued. you decided it best to let him rant. “every day ya see ‘tsumu and i can’t help but thinkin’ ye’d want a guy like that. i used to be that and i’m so disappointed-”
“lovebug you own a restaurant,” you determined with a flat expression. osamu blinked, the tears forming in the corners of his eyes disappearing. 
“yeah. i know that. what does-”
“so its natural for you to gain weight if your working with food consistently,” you cut him off again. “do you think i expected a good chef to be completely cut? no i didn’t. besides, you wear the weight well.” osamu blinked.
“ye noticed?” he tilted his head to the side. 
“of course i did. i never said anything because i didn’t care. you look just as good, if not better, because the added weight means i’m taking care of you. that i’m treating you well.” you leaned up to kiss his temple. “if you want to lose the weight fine, samu. but i’m upset you’d do it by not eating. i want you to be safe and healthy, okay?” your hand caressed his cheek, drenched with newly found tears. “oh samu, i’m sorry-”
“yer fine darlin,” he sniffled, smiling brightly for the first time that day. “thank ya. i love ya more than i could ever tell ya.”
“i love you too osamu,” you kissed his lips sweetly. “now come on you need to eat.” dinner went by just fine, your eyes on him the entire time to be sure he ate his fill, watching him smile and hum after each bite. you loved osamu so much and you wanted to make sure he knew that. after dinner you relocated to the couch, his head finding its sweet spot on your lap. your hand smoothed over his abdomen, rubbing it affectionately. he hummed again. 
“‘m gonna fall asleep if ya keep doin that,” osamu mumbled against the fabric of your pants. you giggled.
“do it. you’ve had a long day, samu. get some sleep lovebug. i love you so much,” you gave his sides a pat. osamu hummed again, mumbling affections under his breath as he doze off into a gentle slumber.
atsumu miya
you waited in the living room of your shared apartment for atsumu to return home from practice. scrolling through your phone with boredom etched into your features until the front door creaked open. with bright eyes your head tilted up to see atsumu in the doorway, kicking off his shoes with a sigh. not an extra loud one like usual, which didn’t instantly tip you off. still, your lips pulled in the brightest grin possible. 
“welcome back tsumu! i missed you,” you beamed with a giggle. but all you were met with was a dismissive hum from atsumu. frowning you watched him set his volleyball bag on the table and head out to shower. okay. guess he was having a bad day today. nothing atsumu miya’s loving girlfriend couldn’t fix! pulling out your phone you ordered his favorite from his favorite takeout restaurant, waiting for him to finish showering. your knee bounced in impatience, but that all changed once atsumu emerged from his shower, drying his hair with no shirt and gray sweatpants hanging low on his hips. “hey! i ordered your favorite, i figured you could use it. you look like you’ve had a rough day.” you smiled softly. all atsumu did was nod. 
“thanks,” was his curt reply. now you were a mix of hurt and confused and upset. what did you do? why was he being so distant? was it because you forgot to text him the picture of the dog you saw during your break? or the fact that you forgot to cook the asparagus he wanted before it went bad? what was wrong with your boyfriend. he went into the kitchen to get a glass of water. pouting you followed behind him, poking his side enough to annoy him enough to look over at you.
“okay atsumu miya. what’s wrong with you?” you demanded, arms crossing under your chest, cheeks puffed up. “usually you walk into this apartment and talk my ear off about anything and everything that happened at practice and today i’m met with absolute radio silence? what’s with that?” atsumu’s brow quivered and he turned to you with dark eyes. 
“sorry that ‘m annoyin and wanna fix my behavior so ya don’t fuckin’ leave me,” atsumu spat, returning to his water glass. your expression fell and you felt your heart sink. 
“what?” was your broken reply. and of course atsumu didn’t respond. “tsumu talk to me please, what’s gotten into you?” 
“omi called me annoyin’ today, which ain’t unusual, but he said if i didn’t get my act together ye’d leave me,” atsumu shifted awkwardly, staring at his reflection in the water. you frowned and placed your hands gently on atsumu’s hips, staring up at him.
“honey, no, i’d never leave you,” you cooed. “yeah you’re loud and obnoxious-”
“not helpin’ y/n.”
“but that’s part of your charm. you always manage to have something to say and i’m always here to listen. you never make things boring. and i love that about you. i love hearing how excited you get when you talk about your day, or the frustrated lilt in your tone when you complain about people not hitting your sets.”
“because my sets are perfect!” he spoke up, voice louder than it had been all day and had an offended squeak at the end of it.
“there’s my tsumu,” you sighed sweetly. “there’s my sweet baby. kiyoomi’s full of it. i’d never leave you for something as trivial about how much you talk. now cmon. how about we have dinner and you can tell me about your day, hm?” atsumu’s eyes were bright and he nodded like a sweet golden retriever.
“and then bo-kun kept missing my sets. my sets! then he got all mopey and pouty ‘bout it and i was like dude get a grip,” atsumu rolled his eyes around a mouth full of food, causing you to giggle. “he got his shit together eventually but damn it was so annoying. and don’t get me started on omi omi...” sighing sweetly you couldn’t help but stare at your over excitable boyfriend. listening to him ramble about his day was the best part about him coming home. 
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snuhee · 3 years
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umbrella ꕀ eric sohn 
genre: fluff / wc: 0.7k / no warnings 
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the clouds were gray and gloomy outside. you placed your hand on your cheek just observing how the sky was becoming sadder. suddenly, your train of thought was lost when your friend tried to scare you by slamming on your desk; it failed miserably. 
“hey y/n, why do you look so down nowadays?” they questioned you, sitting down at the desk next to you where your crush eric sat. 
you looked at his chair and remembered all the times you would just admire eric during class. the downside was that you were certain he was not into you. every time you would try to make conversation with him, he’d answer quickly and do something else. the tiny bit of hope you had was disappearing to put it quite shortly. 
“just cause. it doesn’t matter now,” you replied in a monotone voice giving no expression whatsoever. “i just hope it doesn’t rain, that’ll just ruin my mood more.” 
they tucked in their lips nodding their head realizing you need your alone time. they walked out of the classroom but suddenly you see another figure come in. you figured it was just your friend again but it was… eric? it surprised you because he would usually hang out with his friends at the convenience store that’s near the school for lunch. you quickly went back to staring outside your window because you figured he came back to get something. 
“it’s y/n right?” he asked standing next to you. 
you slowly look up at him blinking repeatedly. is he really talking to you right now?
“ah… yes why?” you answered back with a question. 
“i noticed you seemed upset today so…” he stopped his sentence and placed down banana milk that he hid behind his back earlier. it was your favorite.
“oh thank you eric. i appreciate it.” you softly smiled at him, making short eye contact. this was the first time he ever talked to you properly. it felt surreal but you had a feeling it wasn’t going to last long. before you could ask him anything more, a teacher yells out his name. he gave back a smile then immediately ran out of the classroom. there goes your chance…
the moment you walked outside, it started to rain very heavily. great, exactly what you wanted. recently the weather really affects your mood moreover the rain was not helpful to your current situation. you took your umbrella out of your backpack, opened it up, and headed out. then along the way, you spotted eric trying to cover his head with his backpack. 
you quickly ran up to him putting him underneath your umbrella. it felt like a drama, in slow motion and everything. he looked at you with those eyes you wished so desperately would look back at you. he smiled at you like a cute puppy that has lost its way. 
“what are you doing? did you not bring an umbrella?” you angrily asked facing him. he stopped in his tracks and just stared at you.
“no...i guess i’m a little dumb for that. ” he lightly chucked. 
you just stared at him - your face showing how worried you were for him. the tension along with the sound of the rain made you want to pour out your feelings right then and there. the both of you stopped walking and stood there under a tree in a neighborhood near the school. 
“i don’t think you’ve noticed but we’ve ever talked like this before.” you commented. 
“to be honest, i’ve been wanting a situation like this to happen. i wanted to talk to you ever since the first time i saw you but i couldn’t bring myself up to do it.” eric confessed while looking around except for your eyes. he looked so cute and dorky at that moment.
“but why?” 
“you make my heart flutter? if i could put it in a way.” he stumbled on his words. you have never seen this side of him and it was kinda charming in a way. how he was expressing his feelings towards you that made you like him even more than before. 
“cute.” you muttered under your breath. he looked up at you with curiosity about what you said but he couldn’t quite hear. “i said you’re cute. don’t be afraid to talk to me anymore.” 
“o-oh thank you,” eric gave you that same puppy dog look again. “should we keep walking?” he asked switching the topic. as he started to walk in front of you, you noticed how red his ears were. 
“i take back what i said. i’m glad it rained.” you whispered to yourself.
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a/n: hi i haven’t wrote an imagine in awhile! i hope you like this one even though its not my proudest work >< i just wanted to post something heh 
@snuhee‘s please do not steal or copy 2021 
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favefandomimagines · 4 years
Too Old to be Jealous (k.m.)
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Summary: after years apart, your older brother pays you a visit in New Orleans. the brother you didn’t tell Klaus about
AN: i hope this is good 😂 i haven’t written for klaus in a hot minute so i’m a little rusty
Request: @i-smoke-chapstick AHHHH YOUR WRITING IS AMAZING!!! Literally your style is gorgeous :) Since i saw requests were open, Id love to request a Klaus Mikealson x Reader! Maybe something were the readers brother comes to town (Even though no one knew she had a brother) and just kind of waltzs into the french quater and kisses the reader on the cheek. Everyone is like ??? and Klaus is SUPER jealous, and she has to explain that its just her brother? Tysm for taking the time to read my request, i read your ed nygma imagine and you have to be one of my favorite writers on the platform ❤️❤️❤️
There was no call, no text, not even an email. You had no idea your brother was going to be town or you would have prepared better.
When it came to Klaus Mikaelson, any male who gave you the slightest bit of attention was trying to take you from him. And Klaus was the jealous type. He always had been ever since he met you in the 40’s.
It seemed to escalate since the two of you got married after he left Mystic Falls. It didn’t help that you were very unforgiving when it came to him and Hayley and the fact they conceived a child together.
It took graveling and various apologies to get you back after that. So, he was holding on to you as if his life depended on it. Which in his mind it did.
If your brother would have given you any notice, you could have told Klaus that your brother was coming to visit and prepared him. Instead, you were ambushed. And Klaus Mikaelson was notorious for not handling an ambush well. 
“I think we should bring Hope here more often.” You commented as you and Klaus were walking through the quarter. “Love,” He started. “Yes, yes, I know. It’s not safe.” You interrupted in a more playful tone. “But we can get her that dress you liked so much.” He said. 
You smiled triumphantly, slightly getting your way and that was enough for you. You both continued walking down the cobblestone when you felt a pair of hands squeeze your waist, causing you to jump. 
“Hello, Y/N.” You heard before a light peck was placed on your cheek. You turned around and saw your older brother. “Matthew? Wh-What are you doing here? Why are you here?” You asked him.
“I heard through the grapevine that you were in New Orleans, thought I’d come visit.” He answered. As you were chatting with your brother, Klaus was fuming at the interaction. 
Who was this man? Why did he kiss you on the cheek? What was the history between you two? You didn’t even notice Klaus leave so quickly until you went to introduce him to Matthew. 
“Oh, uh, Klaus must have left.” You said, a slight sadness in your voice. “Who’s Klaus?” Matthew asked. “My husband.” You answered. “You got married and didn’t tell your older brother?” He teased. “You have been very hard to get ahold of the past ten years, Matthew.” You replied. 
You invited him back to your home in hopes that you could introduce him and Klaus the right way. You didn’t really know why he had just disappeared without saying anything to you. 
Maybe there was an emergency he hadn’t told you about. You and Matthew had arrived back to the compound and you looked around for Klaus. “He’s in the study, if you’re looking for dad.” Hope announced from her place on the stairs. 
“How upset does he look?” You asked. Knowing his mood would change how you approached him. “On a scale from one to ten, I would say a solid eight.” Hope answered. “Uh, Hope this is Matthew my older brother. Matthew, this is my step-daughter, Hope.” You introduced the two. 
As they were conversing, you went into the study and saw Klaus slowly pacing. “You disappeared.” You commented. “You seemed to be in good company.” Klaus rebutted. “Klaus,” You started. “Who was he? An old friend? An old flame? The two of you seemed very comfortable with each other.” He interrupted. 
“Klaus,” You attempted again. “Was this overdue payback for what happened with Hayley?” Klaus accused. “Klaus! If you’d stop with the accusations for half a second, I could explain to you.” You stopped him. 
“That was Matthew. He’s my older brother and I haven’t seen him in ten years. He just showed up out of the blue to surprise me. I haven’t mentioned him because I haven’t seen him.” You explained. 
You could see Klaus begin to calm down and look slightly embarrassed for how he reacted. “He’s your brother.” Klaus stated. “Yes, Klaus, he’s my brother. There is no other man I want to be with beside you.” You told him, approaching him slowly. 
“I apologize, love. I overreacted.” He said. “You did, yeah. But I can overlook this little outburst of yours if you let me bring Hope to the quarter more often.” You suggested. “You know I’d protect her with my life, there’s no need to worry.” You added.
Klaus sighed as he took your hands in his before looking at your smiling face. “I guess that would be okay. It will be nice for the two of you to spend time together.” He said. “Now, can I introduce you to Matthew now that you know he’s not a threat?” You asked. 
The man nodded his head slightly as you grabbed his hand and brought him out to the foyer. “Also, you’re too old to be jealous of anyone anymore.” You joked.
Introducing your husband to your brother was not the most natural thing to do. Especially since it had been a couple of decades.
But it seemed to calm down Klaus enough to have an actual conversation with Matthew. You and Hope were sitting on the steps as you watched Klaus and Matthew converse in a esther friendly manner.
“They seem to be getting along.” Hope commented. “I know. It’s weird.” You replied. Klaus and Matthew stood up and approached you and Hope. “I have to be heading off. It was good to see you, baby sister. And it was great to meet you, Klaus.” Your brother said.
The exchanged another handshake and Klaus almost seemed elated to have met Matthew. “You should’ve introduced us sooner, Y/N.” He added. You looked at him with wide eyes before glancing back at Klaus.
If you would’ve known the two would have gotten along so well, introductions could have been planned ages ago. But knowing Klaus he still would have found a way to be jealous.
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