#and ive called the gi 3 times in the last 2 days trying to get an appointment and they tell me this morning to try monday afternoon
attor · 2 months
i think its hilarious that people think my barrier for making doctors appointments is anxiety when its literally just that i will call/try to access results/show up physically to the office over and over again for weeks with no progress bc everyone is doing their job wrong
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sultry-lows · 4 years
Is it Wrong to Want to Leave?
Cw: police brutality, racism, sexual assault, medical trauma, chronic illness, near death experience, PTSD, America’s general awfulness.
2020 has ripped up nearly all of the ‘stakes’ I had in America.
I’m a lesbian and my partner is a black woman. One of the black women shot this year shares her name. We hit the streets in protest, as safely as we could, and ive watched her crumble more and more under the weight of every new murder. Two nights ago a black man was shot in the street by a cop in her hometown, 30 minutes away. She went silent all night.
Three nights ago she was followed home by a mysterious blacked out vehicle that tailed her for 10 minutes until she floored it and sped away. When she came home she was shaking, told me about waiting in the parking lot with her seat down praying no one followed her through the gate. When she told me she hadn’t called 911, I breathed a sigh of relief and thought “Thank God.”
Three months ago her car was broken into outside of our apartment. Two months ago we caught a peeping tom staring through the gaps in our fence at me as I was sunbathing on our tiny ‘patio’ in a two-piece bathing suit. it brought me back. Four years ago a man broke into my apartment when I was home alone and attempted to rape me when I was in the shower. It was my next door neighbor. He had been stalking me. The cops made a big show of bringing out helicopters and dusting every surface for fingerprints, and then I never heard from them again. That man had to die of a heart attack for me to be able to sleep at night. I still shower and sleep with a knife sometimes.
There are gunshots, street racing, and fireworks outside of our apartment every night now.
Five months ago we both lost our jobs on the same day because the company we both worked for for 5 years suddenly laid off 1,500 employees. We have been at the mercy of the unemployment system ever since.
In less than two weeks, the high school and middle school where she is interning is reopening in person learning. She has no choice but to be back in the schools, or she will not graduate. She does not have medical insurance because we lost our jobs and can not afford medical insurance. She has chronic asthma. If she god covid, it could kill her, and certainly would financially destroy us.
Two months ago I got sick, really sick. More sick than I’ve ever been in my life. I get to be on my parents health insurance for one more year. Despite having pretty much the best PPO health insurance you can have through my fathers work, trying to get medical care was a literal nightmare. I was chasing down specialists that wouldn’t see me anywhere but telehealth even though I’d lost over 20 pounds in one month. Fighting a specialist who told me to eat a massive amount of garlic, then later learning that garlic is a diuretic that likely exacerbated my condition. I got sent home from the hospital after coming in with both a GI bleed AND an 8cm ovarian cyst. I was not treated. 12 hours later I was back at the hospital because my cyst had ruptured in my sleep and I was in the worst pain of my life. I was given morphine snd sent home again. 6 hours later I was back at the hospital again with a 102.1 degree fever, shaking so hard that I couldn’t stand up or speak. I was severely septic. I was diagnosed with c diff. I was told that night that the huge amount of antibiotics they were pushing would stabilize me, or that I was about to go into multi-organ failure. I was told I was borderline. I was told I could die. I spent the next 3 days in the ICU. The next 4 in the general hospital. I couldn’t see my girlfriend or my family the entire time. You cant have visitors in the hospital because of covid. The bill just for the first 2 (two hour) visits is already $1,500. I can’t imagine what it’s going to be for the week long ICU and hospital stay. I can’t breathe when I think about it. I just got out of the hospital 4 days ago, and my body is broken from this illness. My heart pounds from sitting or standing up. My girlfriend is my caretaker. No one else can come over and help because I’m now immunocompromised and can’t be exposed to covid. None of this would have happened if the doctors had listened to me beg and had taken care of me in the first place. I have to talk myself down from panic attacks almost daily because I almost died. I really almost died.
There are riots in the streets. The president will not commit to a peaceful transfer of power. I’m watching the right wing people on my fb get more and more comfortable saying some terrifying things about “the blacks” and “the gays”.
My girlfriend and I have always been fighters at heart. Always at protests, always speaking up, always ‘fighting the good fight’. But we are both exhausted. My birthday is in a couple weeks and I feel like I’ve fully lost a year of my life. We have been passionately studying French together for the last 3 months. She has family in France. She has family in England. We are pushing to get our passports as quickly as possible. Is it wrong??? Is it wrong that I don’t want to fight the fight anymore? That I want to run away with her and find peace somewhere else in the world?? Is it wrong that if we left tomorrow, the only thing that would hurt is leaving behind 3 very close friends and 3 very close family members? I don’t feel safe here anymore. I don’t feel SHE is safe here anymore. For the first time ever it’s not just a daydream, my heart is set on getting out, and never looking back.
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Comparing RWBY and YGO DM: The Handling and Evolution of Themes
Hey! Its been a hot minute since I last posted anything RWBY-related but Im laying in my bed right now and Im sick and bored so I guess we're doing this. Today I will do my best to analyze what I percieve to be the main themes and messages of both of these shows, or more specifically, how theyre handled narratively. Im mostly focusing on that part because, while these series do have similar themes and messaging, they are still a few things in which they are wildly different. And with that, lets start with this essay-post-thing!
1. Theres something we need to adress first
Okay so, before we can really talk about this, theres something I feel the need to clarify here: Neither of these stories was "planned from the beginning".
Now, I dont think a story being planned from the beginning or not nesscessarily makes the story any better or worse by default, however, it is still important to acknowledge because the way the story is planned is going to affect every facet of it. Things are not going to be foreshadowed properly, things are gonna be set up only for nothing to come of it, the story might drastically change directions, characters might act differently, etc, etc.
And, this is bit off-topic but, it's much better to just admit that the story was not planned than trying to pretend that it was. Like, there are a lot of reasons why I tend to be so forgiving towards YGO even though its not very good, but one of them is definitely the fact that, as far as Im aware atleast, the guy who wrote it isnt pretending to have had this big master plan all along and neither is the fandom. With RWBY on the other hand... yeaaaah, its kinda the opposite. From what Ive seen of RWBYs fandom, there seems to be this pretty popular narrative that everything was planned even though it clearly wasnt. Thats pretty bad and honestly lowers my opinion of the writers so much more than if they would just admit to not having a proper plan.
Like, I initially consumed YGO like this: Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh (aka Season 0), like, a quarter of the Yu-Gi-Oh manga (I still havent finished it)
In all three of these we have the character of Yami Yuugi, or just Yami. Broadly speaking, he is an ancient egyptian gamer spirit who lives in a magical puzzle that has not been solved for 3000 years until this highschooler named Yuugi Mutou comes along and solves it, thus setting him free and allowing him to possess Yuugi and have access to the vague magical powers of the puzzle.
In Duel Monsters he's perfectly fine most of time, morally speaking. There is an instance of him almost murdering a guy and its a bit unclear what exactly happens to those he mindcrushes but overall he's very much a pretty good guy. In Season 0 most of what he does is set up these games for bad people, where they will go insane no matter what they do. From how I understand this whole Shadow Game, Penalty Game stuff, if you lose a Shadow Game, you get violent and intense hallucinations and you will always cuz yknow, gamer spirit. But if you try to cheat, which most of the bad people do in this show, you get violent and intense hallucinations as a punishment.
Since the two anime are generally considered two different continuities, its perfectly fine that Yamis characterization is wildly different in both of them. But in the manga both of these characterizations appear, basically one after the other with no real arc or consequences, for that matter. Why is that? Simply put, someone thought it was a good idea to try to turn an episodic, very slice of life-y light-horror manga into a more traditional, more plot-driven battle shounen. From what Ive heard, it was apparently largely because of network interference or something, but the point is, it changed directions incredibly drastically with little planning and everyone knows this and I can understand that for the most part.
In RWBY we have the character of Blake Belladonna, who, in the first 3 volumes/seasons atleast, was this aloof, more toned down loner-type character with a pretty strong sense of justice. She's an in-universe marginilized racial minority and she clearly cares about racial injustice. The way its initially framed makes it seem like she had a very hard life and no stable support system, which is what eventually pushed her to join a Civil Rights group/Terrorist organization (good god, the Faunus subplot is so awful, I could write a whole essay about it but Im already de-railing rn so I'll just save that for later).
Then, in volumes 4-5 it turns out her father is actually like, the mayor or chief of this island-place called Menagerie and she grew up in this big mansion with multiple guards/servants. Oh and also, apparently "space is a commodity" on there, so theres that. She still retains large parts of her personality but she's kinda like, worse somehow I think. I cant really describe it in a meaningful way but I hope you get what Im saying anyway. Then in Volume 6 she confronted her emotional abuser Adam (sorry for not mentioning him sooner but yeah, he was like, her abusive boyfriend, which is something that a lot of people disagree with but I wont really say anything about it either way because I dont really feel any specific way) with her friend, Yang, and ended up killing him.
After all that, she pretty much lost the rest of her personality, as well as her arc about all the Faunus stuff. She just kinda became the meek, generically nice, recovering abuse victim. Why? Well, the actual reason is that they didnt plan out shit and are just kinda flying by the seat of their oversized clown-pants and if they and the fandom just admitted it, I would have less of an issue. I still wouldnt be as forgiving towards RWBY as I am towards YGO because the crux of the issue, for me, is just that I dont particulary like RWBY but also like. Do you really expect me to take MKEK seriously as writers after admitting to not have a timeline because iT wOuLd CaUsE pLoThOlEs?
However, since they want us to believe that everything was planned out from the beginning, the explaination would be.... Idk, they deliberately butchered one of their main characters?? Because.. they hate her?? Maybe????
So yeah, that was quite a detour however, I would like you to keep this mind going forward.
2. Themes of the Early Series'
First, what do mean by 'Early Series' for both of these shows respectively? Well, for YGO that would have to be Season 0 or if youre reading the manga, everything pre-Duelist Kingdom. Basically, the part of the series thats a episodic, very slice of life-y light-horror series.
For RWBY that would be the first three Volumes, also known as the Poser-Era. Back then it was just kinda an action series that took place at Anime Warrior Academy (also known as Beacon) with some pretty bare minimum worldbuilding, character-driven plots and developments but now its more of an epic high-fantasy story with more of an emphasis on plot as opposed to just action.
The themes and messages in Early YGO are kinda vague, very confusing to me and if you were to follow any of it literally that would be pretty bad. For now Im just gonna say the main themes are Friendship and Identity and mostly focus on the Identity aspect.
Now, it took me a little while to figure out RWBYs deal but I think the main themes for Volumes 1-3 are also Friendship and Heroism. Once again, I'll mostly focus on Heroism and touch on Friendship more briefly later.
I dont have much more to add to YGOs themes right now, so I'll briefly go over Heroism in RWBY.
In RWBYs setting there are these man-eating monsters called Grimm that have basically infected the planet. In order to deal with that, they have people called huntsmen and huntresses that kill them and protect people. Theyre trained at special academies like Beacon and go on missions there and stuff like that. Our four main characters, Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang, are training to become huntresses and one day they go on this mission to clean up a grimm infested city block with one of their teachers. Obviously, that takes a long time so they have to camp out in one of the empty houses. Weiss, Blake and Yang cant sleep because theyve been thinking about this question that their teacher asked them when they were fighting grimm: "Why do you want to become a huntress?"
They have a heart to heart and we find out about their motivations; Weiss wants to bring honour back to her family, Blake want to distance herself from the White Fang (that terrorist organization I mentioned earlier) and as an extension from Adam, Yang wants to have a life of adventure. They also talk about why Ruby wants to be a huntress and it turns out that she judt wants to help people. Unlike the others, she has no motivation besides that. We're meant to listen to that and look at her as a sort-of personification of Heroism: kind, but not naive, strong and most of all, selfless. The others on her team are not portayed as bad for not being like Ruby by any means but we are clearly meant to admire her the most out of all of them.
Okay, now comes the part Ive been looking forward to the most:
3. How did these themes evolve in the Modern Series'?
Alright, before we can really delve into the way they evolved in YGO I'll have to give you a brief summary of the character progression. At the start of DM, during the Duelist Kingdom arc, Yami Yuugi is just that; A darker Yuugi. Hes more confident, bolder, his voice is deeper, hes somehow taller, more ruthless, all that good stuff. Notably, he doesnt actually seem more skilled than Yuugi even at the start of this story, but he's still dependent on Yami. Yami on the other hand, has no identity of his own or even hints at one at this point. He's just The Other Yuugi.
Then during the Battle City arc, they find out that Yami was actually a pharao prior to being sealed in the puzzle, he just didnt know because of amnesia, I guess. So now they need to find out his real name and then send him to the afterlife because hes meant to be dead, but not before saving the world from being swallowed by darkness, which is also a thing they have to do now.
Then we finally get to the Memory World arc, where Yami, Yuugi and the rest of the gang astralproject to ancient egypt via puzzle magic. Yami is trying to figure out what the hell is going on and who all these familiar people are, while Yuugi & Co are trying their best to help him. Then some weird shit happens and it turns out that all of that is not just Yamis sealed away memories, but also a giant D&D Shadow Game that will destroy the world if Yami loses. So now theres Pharao!Yami who is still clueless on the metaphorical and literal playing field and Player!Yami, who is kinda controlling himself now? I guess?? Yamis opponent, The Spirit of The Ring, has something similar to that going on where hes both controlling and properly participating in the game. So Player!Yami is now fighting against Player!TSoTR, Pharao!Yami is now fighting against Thief King Bakura (who is like, the human, ancient egyptian version of the Ring Spirit) and Yuugi is now fighting against Yami Bakura (who is like, the human, modern japanese version of the Ring Spirit). Yuugi gets Yamis real name, he and the gang go over to Pharao!Yami and tell him his name, meanwhile Player!Yami is also somehow helping as well and they defeat the Ring Spirit, thus saving the world. Then they travel to modern Egypt, the Ceremonial Duel happens and Yuugi wins, sending Yami to the Afterlife where he can finally rest and that was the series!
I originally wanted to recount the stuff that was going on with the Ring Spirit and his host as well because they parallel eachother, but this summary is already far too long and I think youll get the point without me needing to explain any more.
My point here is, that the story went from being vaguely about Identity, maybe? to being very clearly about Self-Discovery and Learning to Be Independent. I think this is a very good way to evolve the messaging of your story. How does RWBY track on that?
Well, uh... its not great. I will acknowledge that they have tried to introduce new themes and ideas since, even though I wont really be talking about them in this post. But yeah, the whole Heroism thing really regressed.
Like, I didnt explicitly say it when I was explaining grimm earlier, but theyre not going away. The grimm have always been there and people who sign up to become huntsmen and huntresses are effectively signing up for a job that will never truly be done, no matter what they do. Characters like Ruby and even more minor ones like Phyrrah have shown us that that doesnt matter when youre a hero. No life isnt worth saving, no grimm isnt worth killing, no criminal isnt worth arresting. Then, in volume 6 they find out about Salem. Salem is the Big Bad of the show, shes immortal, controls the grimm and is supposed to be very powerful.
What do our heroes do? They give up. Sike! They were just mindcontrolled by monsters or some shit, of course they didnt give up their mission (which is to bring an Important Macguffin to a city called Atlas, sorry I didnt mention it)!
But then they arrive in Atlas (which is llike, a city thats floating over another city called Mantle) and yknow, they do some plot stuff thats not really important right now until the city gets invaded by Salem and this big grimm army she has.
What do our heroes do? Well, Ruby, Weiss, Blake and some side characters are chilling, drinking tea in a mansion and Yang and the B Team were actually trying to do something, but even those efforts seem incredibly minimal.
Oh wait, I also forgot to mention that Ironwood (a fairly minor, vaguely antagonistic character up until now) wanted to lift Atlas even higher to save Atleasian civilians from danger while leaving Mantle vulnerable to Salems invasion.
What would be the most heroic thing to do?
A) Let Ironwood lift Atlas, get as much support as they can down to Mantle and save as many Mantle civilians as they can from the invasion
B) Prevent Ironwood from lifting Atlas but then split up in order to protect both Atlas and Mantle civilians
C) Prevent Ironwood from lifting Atlas and then dont do anything else
Congrats! If you choose C, you think exactly like the writers!
And I just
This is so mindboggling to me, I feel like I shouldnt even have explain how this is bad. And like, it wouldve been so easy to actually make them seem herokc through their actions, to make it seem like they did try but no.
I have never seen a central theme be this botched, how in the world did they do that? Why did they think it was a good idea for Ruby "The Embodiment of Heroism" Rose to sit in a mansion doing nothing, no planning, no organizing just ..... God, how are they this bad? Like, this doesnt even have anything to do with it being planned in any way, this is just straight up incompetence
4. Very briefly touching on friendship
The friendship is awful and its not solely because they all have the same opinions. They barely interact with eachother outside their designated pairs which leads to it all feeling incredibly hollow. Theyre also practically indistingushable from one another now, which is a shame because it wasnt always like that. Like, I dont think the characters were that well-developed in earlier volumes but they were very well-characterized. But now we've gotten to a point where you can literally copy and paste one characters dialogue onto another and literally nothing changes, it really sucks.
5. Some closing words
Damn, this took way longer than I thought it would and now Im pretty exhausted. I have no idea how yall always write these but props to you! I feel like this ended up a bit rambly but overall, Im pretty proud.
Please let me know what you think of the points I brought up! Id also really appreciate some tips on how to get better at these longer posts because I am planning on writing more in the future (not the near future, probably but yknow).
Thats all I have to say for now, thanks for reading!
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faewihngs-moved · 5 years
#Team Noah is for my 16yr old son Noah who has been battling with crohn's decease below you will read one of the most recent updates about Noah's health while he just spent a week in the hospital. He is still not doing well and continues to have fevers daily. And has many upcoming Specialist and Infusion appointments. Part of the problem is the cost of making these trips. It is a 2 hour drive to get there. So every time he has to go it is $40-50 in gas and $12 in tolls. Added to that there are medical supplies costs, special diets and other odds and ends that just keep adding up. If you could help out by either donating or sharing we would be very grateful. Ok so this is going to be long. Last October Noah failed his third medication to try and get his Crohn's under some kind of control. In the last year and a half he has been admitted twice, to the ER multiple times, and seen multiple Drs. He has had c-diff, ecoil, and some other crazy infection that the freaking local cdc had to call me and try to figure out how he was possibly exposed to it. He has had multiple tests, scans, scoping, imaging, biopsies you name it they have done it. On his latest scoping they found that while the upper part of his GI track is much improved his small and large intestines are a huge mess. So his Gi Dr started him on the last or second to last med that they can give him to try and treat his crohn's. The med he is on is an immune suppressant (Entyvio) which he get via infusions every few weeks. Along with that they put him on an ensure diet or exclusive nutrition diet of 80-90% of his food intake. Now to the problem/s Noah has been struggling with is to stay hydrated and has had to have iv fluids multiple times. One of those times was a 3-4 day stay in the hospital it was so bad. And drinks a re-hydration salts drink daily so his body will absorb the water he drinks. He also struggles daily to eat enough or drink enough ensure to keep his blood sugars up and to have energy. The bad part is Ensure has soy in it which is causes him to have more stomach issues like diarrhea and you guessed it that leads to more dehydration. So because he can't get enough down on his own he is going to be put on an NG tube (feeding tube) with a different type of formula/food than the ensure. Also on his latest MR-E scan it showed that his spleen is even more enlarged that it was on the previous scan (18.9cm) so his Dr is having to confer with a hematology Dr to try and figure out why because they don't think it is crohn's related. And his Dr is going back over the scans with the radiologist to see if his nausea and inability to get enough in without being sick is because the enlarged spleen is putting pressure on his stomach. So we are just waiting to get it authorized though the insurance company then they will admit him, put the tube in under sedation, and will spend a minimum of 3-5 day in the hospital while the monitor him and adjust it to work for him. I think this will catch everyone up on what is going on with him. If you have questions just ask. Other than that just show him some support and love because this poor boy has just been getting his butt kicked for a long time now and some days it is a real struggle for him.
The above was all written by my mom. I would love if we could get any kind of help. We’re really struggling with money at the moment. We don’t have the gas money for us to leave the house for anything other than doctors, it’s to the point where I am not bothering to look for a job because we don’t have the gas money to drive me to and from work.
On top of my brother having Crohn’s he is autistic, with multiple sensory issues, and autoimmune issues.
Even the bare minimum would be greatly appreaciated, whether it’s a donation or just spreading this post around.
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abyss-mal-blog1 · 5 years
current mind-space//word vomit
it’s amazing how much can change in a few days, but it hasn’t been a week since my finals ended and i already felt so different. i have been doing f45 everyday this week (if not then some kind of workout, but i’ve really been into that recently). i am feeling so much better now without deadlines, sometimes i don’t know if i function better under pressure or not. i guess not, but then it’s amazing how much i can do and achieve under pressure. i need the right amount of pressure, and this semester it has been a little difficult for me to get around that. 
last friday was kinda my last day of finals, i just had an essay to submit, and i am disappointed in myself and my work ethic because i submitted it at 9pm, went to my cousin’s (disappointing) party, and then professor emailed me to say that she cannot read Pages format (seriously smh @ my tardiness!!!), only got back at 1am that night and sent my mediocre essay. i am a little sad about it because i know that is not my 100%. idk why but college so far has just been a series of 80% effort. this paper was an interesting one, on airbnb, on the sharing economy, it’s a performance studies paper where i analyze the hospitality platform in terms of host-user relationship, parasitism and (attempted) to talk about free online labor. it is a little too late now but i kinda want to work on it again and like, submit for feedback. maybe ill ask taylor. 
last saturday was kinda meh, i agreed to go to a *social* kinda event at a bar/club at chelsea, held for Asian-ivy-alumni-people that yanlin invited me too. it was at up&up and honestly a little...i didn’t enjoy it at all. the music sucked, the people were either too dorky or gross or old or weird, and the whole time i just kept saying to myself, “never again”. they said it was open bar but they only served absolut, which was shit. and then my friend’s two friends were...i feel sorry that this was their first clubbing experience. at the beginning my reaction was look at all these ivy alumni! get hitched with one of them for ~da connectsx~ (and nothing else) but no kidding i was actually interested in talking to them just to get to know what people who graduated from ivies are up to, and what are they doing at such events...and are they actually enjoying themselves because it was really kinda gross. met my friend’s friend who seemed like a really smart engineer (he asked for my number the next day lol), and a german dude at the bar who didn’t want to get me a drink. all i needed that night was a drink.....(i’m glad i didn’t drink tho because recently drinking has made me feel all kinds of bad)  we had ramen after at ramen-ya (most probably the worst ramen and charsiew i’ve had but what can we do at 3am and my friend wanted noodle and soup...)
on sunday i KNow i should have left my house earlier to workout but i didn’t. i was angry at myself that i didn’t. instead, i stayed at home and emotion-ate. i must have eaten more green bean soup than my stomach would have liked. what else...avocado? i remember..two bananas? god. this was the day i felt like i was n’s boyfriend because i had to do what she wanted to do. i know i had agreed on going, but at that point i really wanted to go thrifting or something. i mean when i got to central park it was fine and things were good but the whole day just felt like i was kinda pulled into doing something that wasn’t my first choice of plans, not that i didn’t enjoy myself lying under the sun at the park. it just felt like i was accompanying someone. i was half an hour late to meet her as well, and half heartedly got a burrito-wrap at newsbar. if you think about it it is really kinda funny, we’re just buying food and taking the subway to this grass patch 50 blocks away. we didn’t walk much, we literally only stayed at a little grassy slope overlooking the baseball pitch. anyway we went to a dance class after (the class was an hour long but i felt like n had asked me about when and what time we should book the classes for more than an hour by text so i just got really sick of it) i rushed home and got dinner with my uncle who’s in town for my cousin’s graduation. i was surprised that he chose the same japanese restaurant again, after dissing it half a year ago we ate here. the omakase was crazy and it cost 230 per person. (for the most expensive set) it was also kinda dumb because you aren’t allowed to order a different omakase set from anyone else - everyone on the table has to order the same - because of “timing”. i wonder if this is how it is in japanese omakase etiquette, but in any case it really earned them a hefty amount because my uncle decided to get 230 for all of us. qiyang didn’t like and said qiqi had bad taste, hahaha. the food wasn’t bad, i mean it’s japanese fusion, but the prices were way too steep for the taste. anyway enough about the food, during the dinner i think we talked about many things though. i kinda wanted to talk to my uncle individually because i think he is the only one who knows about ah gong, but he was sick, and i could tell he was exhausted. my aunt got a little impatient because i didn’t arrange plans to take their furniture and they were going to throw all of them away and it was actually the first time i’ve seen her get so worked up - but at the same time trying to control her emotions - because she was talking to me. i could tell she was annoyed though but i tried not to take it personally, and arranged it tomorrow. 
arranging the moving stuff was kinda last minute, i was walking to the library for work one day and i saw a truck that said MakeSpace. i assumed it was a kind of moving company and so i looked them up. they seemed to be pretty okay in terms of their services and so i decided to try them out. confirmation and setting up an appointment went pretty smoothly, except for the part where the guy i think his name was joseph, asked me to give my credit card details over the phone. idk why i did that! i stopped though, and asked him why, to which he replied he wanted to key in with the coupon code. this service has so much gimmicks within the first 2-3 minutes on the phone he was already telling me about how the first pick up is free, and that he will deduct 100$ off the first month...when people give you discounts too easily it just feels like a ploy and a thing they give to everyone, it’s not anything special and it’s probably calculated inside whatever we have to pay. anyway, i was just thinking it would be cheaper (assuming the maximum that i would have to pay is ~$500, as i confirmed with them on the phone yesterday), it’d still be cheaper than starting an apartment lease now and going through the trouble of finding two subletters. 
well. idk, it’s also easy to have things all moved in, i have to find a place to store my perishables!
moving is so much work, and storing things. this reminds me of my paper on airbnb and about the digital nomad lifestyle. it is interesting though, that this is what it has become. but the homogenized aesthetic is something i really cannot stand, in airbnb, in coffeeshops around the world..i am sure you know what i’m talking about. a new york times writer did something about this - he termed it “Airspace” - and apparently it originated from Brooklyn. I guess that’s where the art/avant-garde stuff started. well. keep a look out im gonna write a blogpost about that 
moving on 
nat came to sleepover on sunday night and a few days after because the school kicks you out of the dorms you pay so much for right after your final ends. i forgot if we did something fun but i probably just fell asleep. 
on monday i think i went to f45 and did cardio at Dumbo with Gi. he seems like a pretty nice trainer, the first time i went it was him and another girl Bertha (i think my first f45 was last tuesday) and i felt like i had two personal trainers with me - Gi was cheering me on and Bertha was doing it with me. it felt like such a good workout, one of the best ive had in a while. then work, where i arranged the movers stuff. i also realized i bought the wrong date for my flight ticket as my friends and had to buy one more...............
tuesday was the same f45 in the morning, and the bobst after. didn’t really get much work done at bobst. oh i also viewed a 3BR flex at 160. hella expensive and small, and dates didn’t work out anyway. also the broker who brought us to view the apartment was a very nice tall french man and his name was jean-francois which i couldn’t pronounce and asked nat but still called him jean as in jeen instead of john. this is why i have to learn french. you’re embarrassing. i also went to the itp/ima spring show with shubham which was super cool. there were many cool ideas, and i just wonder if i could create something like that. i didn’t get to see all of the exhibits which i regret, but i remember a few notable projects. one was an installation made with keyboards that randomly clicks, but when you hold your phone up it’ll stop. it’s made using 3d gestures. there’s also one at a gallery for surveillance, this team had a thing they call facebox, and it’s literally a box, that when you open it has a webcam that would capture your face, find you on facebook, and print out an invoice/receipt on how much you have earned for this giant tech company.  what else...an AR project that when you scan a food,  it shows you where the food comes from. nat said that she would love it if menus have something they could scan and then have pictures appear in ~holographic~ format, or maybe in the nearer future something on your phone that shows you a picture of the picture of the food. but isn’t it a surprise tho? sometimes the fun’s in the surprise, you read the description, you know what are the foods you’ll eat, leaving room to imagine or be surprised by how the chef puts it together! anyway, went for dinner with nat and jenny - got vegan shwarma (definitely wasn’t worth $14) and went to get crepes with will after. 
wednesday we were gonna go to the dmv but we weren’t prepared. nat also needed to get her passport and she was lazy. wow the number of times i mentioned her, it feels like she’s my boyfriend at this point. talked to famz, sister, and beatrix. am currently considering if i should even go to beijing or just go straight home. fuck. went to bobst for work but no one was there i was just really sleepy. viewed an apartment at 55 morton (it’s a nice quiet residential street that seems to be tucked away from the loud cars and bars and people) then i went to f45 again-varsity!!! cardio!!!, walked across brooklyn bridge (a little regret although i wanted to walk, but my bag was heavy and there were too many tourists to brisk walk) 
also the reason for this is that after my soba/miso/salad/shrimp dinner last night i was just watching a bunch of netflix shows and it was probably the caffeine from puerto rican roasting company - the barista made me a chai cappuccino with almond milk (3 SHOTS!!!)
me and nat couldn’t sleep, i really think i slept for an hour. i watched so many different shows, yoko and john’s documentary, while we were young, anthony bourdain, i was seriously flipping through all the shows and alternating between amazonprme and youtube and netflix and i even tried watching peaceful cuisine and making the brightness lower and had the sleep mode on and wow i just couldn’t sleep
so yeah the birth of this word vomit 
i am going to create more things
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nettheworldonfire · 4 years
Less Than.
It’s been awhile.  Let’s catch you up to speed.
June 13th I had a CT scan that showed NO progression, and POSSIBLY necrosis on some of the tumors on my liver.  (Necrosis = death, so yay!) Dr. Rose said that was as good as we could have hoped for and thought we should move forward with possible embolization through Penn since they seem to be the experts in NETs. He wasn’t sure if the clinical trial of chemo/bland embolization was running currently due to Covid, so he said I should reach out.   I scheduled the consultation appointments, which were originally not until August, but got bumped to July 22nd.  
My in-home phlebotomist was a no-call, no-show on the 30th, so I called my office and found out there was a mix up, and they were scheduled to come the same day as my injection, so I had to go to Labcorp in person.  I was pretty anxious about that since we aren’t do to much real-worlding these days, and they may or may not be doing Covid testing there, but I mustered the courage, and went.  There was only one person in the waiting room and only two employees, one of which dealt with me from beginning to end exclusively.  Everyone was masked up; it was smooth and painless. (Shout out: I ALWAYS have a good experience at the Labcorp on Easton Road in Abington, near the hospital.  They are rockstars!) Those results came back looking a-okay. 
I had my 5th Lanreotide injection on July 2nd and met with a very stressed Dr. Rose who still may or may not be retiring, due to some major changes with the hospital. He said labs and scans were good, and to keep him posted about my appointments with the folks at Penn.  Overall, I felt fine after the injection.  My GI issues are still relatively prevalent after the Whipple, so I never know if what I am dealing with is “normal” or an issue.  And right now, with you know, the world crumbling, it could just be stress.
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So fast forward to the 21st, the day before my appointments, and I get a call that Penn doesn’t have the scan images or pathology report and that maybe we should reschedule my appointments (you know, the ones I’ve been waiting a month for).  They said the problem with this was that the doctors like to look at them in advance.  Although, a point I brought up to the nurse, I don’t see how much advance looking was going to be done after 6 pm the night before.  So we rescheduled my 10:30 a.m. call with Dr. Soulen to 6 p.m. so there was time to review, in the hopes that SOMEHOW I could get both reports and images to their office between the call and the appointments. Without any other options, my gracious husband made the one hour drive, and carted them into Penn at 7 am on the 22nd.  (Only to spend 20 minutes there looking for the building, since I was never told any information as to where the doctor was located with my appointment being through telehealth, and like a dummy, didn’t ask.)  Images delivered, and I get a call at 9:45 ish saying Dr. Soulen is still calling me at 10:30  again (and now my mother, the child pacifier, won’t be here in time, since I told her to come later when the appointments were rescheduled).  
My first call was with Dr. Michael Soulen in interventional radiology.  I introduced him to the two-legged noise makers who would provide a classic toddler soundtrack, and he seemed pleasantly on board with the situation.  
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My mom did show up during the call just as things got hairy (Charlie had all the cushions off of the couch and my cat litter barricade was no longer stopping Olive from making a bee-line for the steps).  Gram to the rescue, as per usual.
Dr. Soulen liked my June scan.  He said it was great because that meant we didn’t HAVE to embolize (despite him mentioning several times how seeing a liver like mine makes him drool because of how much he enjoys embolizing livers).  Dr. Soulen said that the treatment plan should be “to ride the horse until it gets tired” because we only have so many horses.  Therefore, we stay on the Lanreotide until it stops doing what it is supposed to before trying something new, as the treatment options are limited and there isn’t data on whether or not they can be repeated multiple times successfully.  Especially with someone who has a history of a second cancer (Hodgkins) and chemotherapy.  He also clarified some things about the embolizations.  He said that a bland embolization and chemoembolization both cut off the blood flow to the liver, something we cannot do, because during my Whipple they removed a duct that helps my pancreas get rid of bile and bugs, which now filter into my liver.  Normally, this isn’t a major issue, but when you embolize a liver like this, it will cause a liver abscess in 20% of patients, landing them in the hospital for a while (because a serious infection like this requires IV antibiotics) and obviously with two little ones and Covid, that’s not something I’d like to risk right now.  There is a third type of embolization - radioembolization - that instead of cutting off the blood flow, shoots in little radioactive beads that are attracted to the tumors and give a very direct dose of radiation to them.  This makes patients a bit more fatigued, but only has a 5-7% rate of abscess or infection, which is better, of course.  That being said, none of this is the plan for now, and may not be for several years, as long as the Lanreotide keeps doing its job (he estimates 3-5 years at best).   
With all of that information and hearing that the Lanreotide is not expected to work forever, I really wanted a more accurate prognosis, although nothing is certain in the world of cancer.  He said that he has some patients who do these drugs and trials and make it into the double decades - but those are usually the grade 1 tumor patients (I am a grade 2, grade 3 being worse).  So, he said a single decade is more in tune with what patients in my situation should expect - but that 5, 10, 15 years is possible.  While I WANTED to hear some real talk, and I didn’t expect to hear that everything is good, that was still a little jarring.  At 37, and with a 1 and 3 year old, 15 years might not even get me to high school graduation, and that’s the high end.  Thinking about leaving my family in the next 5-10 years is beyond terrifying.  He said that my liver right now is functioning as it should.  It’s “more cheese than holes.”  I should be glad for that.  I am.  
Here you can see my two scans.  Left is June, right is February.  This may not be the perfect shot (I was trying to take a screenshot while we were talking), but you can kind of see some of the white spots (cancer) with some blackness (necrosis), so, that’s cool.  
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The second call was with Dr. Ursina Teitelbaum, the oncologist who specializes in neuroendocrine cancer.  She was awesome to chat with, as always, and agreed to take over my care - something I needed to ask because Dr. Rose is ready to pass me along like the worst re-gifted patient ever.  I also asked her some morbid questions and was particularly surprised to hear her response, too.  She said had my June scan indicated progression in any way, it would have likely meant a 1-2 year prognosis.  I am a little annoyed and confused as to why no one said anything like this to us in previous visits.  I mean, you’d think someone with toddlers deserves to know that they may only have 12 months to live, especially when they are currently spending their time in quarantine and not doing any of the things that mean the most to them.  She agreed with Dr. Soulen, we should hold off on the embolization for now, and wanted to see me again (virtually) in September.  She also said she would get another scan scheduled for me for before that appointment and that we could plan for someone to come to my home to do the Lanreotide injections, rather than have to get into Penn each month for that when I am trying to work and parent this fall.  
One thing that she said that stuck with me, was that she believes this pandemic is going to get a lot worse this fall, and that regardless of what happens, we should be careful, but not limit visits with loved ones.  We need our family and friends around us for support.  We need that connection.  While maybe her message was to “live like you are dying” because I am, in a way, dying, I think she is living this way too.  I think she believes that the damage that months and maybe years of this will do to our psyches may be greater than the risk of getting Covid (not worse than actually getting it, but again, being “safe” and careful, in masks, etc.)  Just something to think about, especially for my family.
In other news, my anxiety has been through the roof (not surprisingly so - I did get diagnosed with cancer exactly a month before we got hit with a global pandemic, ya know).  After a talk with my primary, we upped my Lexapro dosage from 5 mg to 10 mg last week.  According to my OBGYN, that’s still a very low dosage (they said they prescribe 20 mg to woman for PMS sometimes, so there’s that), so we will see.  I really think I need something for panic attacks, other than a 32 ounce frozen margarita from Mad Mex.  They get costly.  My primary has given me a couple Ativan doses to hold me over as the new dosage of Lexapro kicks in and wants me to follow up in three weeks.  Til then, expect more of a “hot mess” than you’ve seen before.  Please note, hot does NOT indicate I look good right now, and “seen” is perhaps the wrong word, too, since, I barely SEE anyone.  Just forgive me, I’m losing it.  
* Dark side: Change in plans: Cancer probably WILL kill me, afterall.  
* Bright side: Being chronically ill may help to keep me working from home this fall, instead of returning to the cesspool known as high school.  Maybe.
* Next steps: 
7/27/20 between 8:30-10:00 a.m. - home visit from phlebotomist 
7/30/20 at 9:30 a.m. - Lanreotide injection #6 and appointment with Dr. Rose
9/20 - Next CT scan in Valley Forge (instead of my super close Willow Grove location), date TBD
9/22/20 at 9 a.m. - Telehealth appointment with Dr. Teitelbaum
Morbidly accurate GIF: 
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What Life with Chronic Intestinal Pseudo Obstruction is Actually Like.
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This is reality. I drove my car for the first time since June a few days ago. I had to drive 5 hours to Michigan to see my doctor. Just doing that simple thing has wiped me out. I slept until almost 2PM the day after I got back to Illinois and I've been running a slight temperature and feel overall awful. My nausea has been a lot worse the past month or two but we switched my nausea med to the IV version so hopefully that will help.
Living with the rare disease, CIPO and Intestinal failure caused by CIPO is difficult. Like really, really difficult.  Normally if a patient comes into the ER with extremely dilated loops of bowel with air fluid levels and has symptoms of severe pain, nausea, and vomiting they are treated as an emergency. They are admitted and will have an NG tube placed for decompression and will be NPO and put on IV fluids and pain medicine. Sometimes surgery is required. Luckily for them there is a resolution. An end in sight.
Dilated loops of bowel with air fluid levels is the radiographic picture of a bowel obstruction. That is what a bowel obstruction looks like on imaging tests like CT scans and X-rays, MRE’s and barium follow-throughs. In patients with severe CIPO we live that every day of our lives but there is no fix. No surgery or solution to make it go away like for patients with actual mechanical obstructions or temporary ileus’.
There has not been a time in the last decade where my digestive system hasn't had diffuse dilated loops of bowel with air fluid levels and most times a dilated stomach, too. In fact I had to Google what a normal small intestine looks like on imaging because I’ve never seen mine look normal. The difference is startling. Somehow those of us with CIPO are supposed to manage to live our lives this way when people who have insides that look like ours would be treated as a medical emergency. In CIPO there isn't a mechanical reason for obstruction. Instead the body looks and behaves just as if it has an obstruction because peristalsis is weak, absent, or inefficient due to visceral neuropathy or visceral myopathy. CIPO always affects the small intestine but can also affect the entire digestive system and even other organs like the bladder. In my case my whole system is affected.
I have had to try and live as normal of a life possible with a stomach and small intestine that has diffuse, extreme dilation. The pain, nausea, vomiting, distention, weakness, weight loss, malnutrition, etc is debilitating. Like I said, if anyone came into the ER with a digestive system that looked like mine it would be treated very seriously. All this past year every time I’ve been had any imaging done the radiologist freaks out at the sight of my digestive system. My NJ tubes kept kinking because even my stomach was so dilated it was difficult for the interventional radiologist to get the tube in the right spot. Under fleuroscopy me and the radiologist watched the NJ tubes kink. I swallowed 4 tubes in a week. I went in for a GJ tube placement this year but the radiologist took an X-ray and said he wouldn’t be able to do it because my stomach and intestine were too dilated. I would need to have a surgeon do it instead. The year before a radiologist panicked when she took an X-ray of my digestive system before a barium follow-through. She had to call my GI to make sure it was safe to proceed with the procedure because my insides looked so bad.
In some cases procedures were entirely stopped because it was too risky to continue. Things that should have been routine surgeries or procedures have failed or been stopped because of how messed up my insides are. This is what I live with
I've gone through hell and yet I just have to live like this. This is my reality. What would be treated as a medical emergency and a hospitalization is what I live with every day of my life. CIPO is no joke, especially those who have a very severe case of it. Every day I have very real things to worry about. Like how dilated I am and if my bowel will perforate and leak contents into my abdominal cavity causing sepsis and death. Or if my TPN will cause liver failure or bone death. Or if I will lose central veinous access sites or if I will get a blood clot or a line infection that could kill me.
These are my every day risks.
It's so sad to think that people with dilated loops of bowel who have severe pain and nausea and vomiting who come into the hospital are treated as serious emergencies and yet us who live with CIPO have to try and live our every day lives with that and try to function. You become used to pain. Actually, you never get used to the pain. You just have to live with it and sadly every year I watch more of my life slip away.
Those of us with CIPO are living with the same radiologic signs and the same symptoms of a serious bowel obstruction. The same radiologic imaging. Yet no true mechanical obstruction exists; instead our peristalsis does not work. Peristalsis - a function your body should be able to do, and ours can't do it right so food, fluid, and air does not move through our digestive tracts like they should. Contents back up and we feel sick and become nauseous, our abdomens become hard and distend and it's painful and often we vomit. Since contents do not move through our digestive tracts as they should gastrointestinal stasis leads to bacterial overgrowth which increases the risk of recurrent sepsis.
Living this way is SO exhausting.
We lose weight, we deal with severe malnutrition and many of us can no longer eat. Our lives our controlled by horrible things like this:
I can no longer eat. I have intestinal failure due to the fact that my peristalsis is so bad that I don’t even go into a fed response. I receive nutrition through a central line. That means that I have to be connected to a big bag of liquid that is full of protein, carbohydrates, fat, electrolytes, water, and trace minerals. I infuse this bag into my body over 12 hours a day. My life revolves around this ritual. I must take the bag out of the refrigerator 2 to 3 hours before I’m ready to infuse it. Once it is room temperature then I must set up the infusion. I draw back additives into syringes and add them into the bag. I connect the bag to a pump. I pump the bag into my body for 12 hours. I have to make sure that I maintain a sterile technique through all of this because I have a line that goes directly to my bloodstream and if any bacteria gets in it I can die. This is a daily ritual I must do in order to provide myself with the best quality of life possible.
Some days are easier than others. I try not to complain.
My day-to-day life is pretty much running TPN, running IV fluids, taking baths to try and relieve pain and reduce stress, drawing up nausea medication into a syringe and injecting it into my port every 6 hours, and spending most of my time in bed. I feel guilty often for not being more of a person. I want so badly to do more than I can. I want to take care of our house better, be a better this and a better that.
CIPO is a rare disease. It’s a disease listed on the Compassionate Care list. Only diseases that are terminal or guaranteed to be life limiting are on that list. It’s an invisible disease. If I put on makeup and do my hair people think I’m healthy. They have no idea that most of my time is spent in bed and that my life revolves around pain and setting up my nutrition and all the other things. They have no clue I spend so much time in the hospital. They have no idea how many horrible and invasive procedures, surgeries, etc I have had to go through each year.
CIPO is awful. I have a few close friends I’ve made on the internet who also have it. It is so debilitating and we are all in different stages of horrible things that no person should have to face. All of us are on TPN. That means that none of us eat real food. We are “fed” through our bloodstream. We all have intestinal failure. We are at various stages of sad things. Two of my friends have already had intestinal transplants and one is in rejection. Some of us are waiting for transplants. Some of us are hoping to remain on TPN as long as possible to avoid transplant. All of us have been in the hospital this year. NONE of us should have to deal with these things. We are too young and too lovely and we deserve to live a better life.
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therunningpa · 7 years
New job & night shift novella
So I’ve been at a new job the past 6 weeks. I’m still a hospitalist, but I’ve moved to night shift. It’s a long story for another time, but basically I was getting burned out and it was either change shifts or move to a different department altogether. Because I love IM so much I am desperately clinging to it for the time being. In my current role, I only do new admissions and consults.
Since I only post now, like, once a year I figured I might as well write a nice long story for you guys! Because also, when have I kept things short, ever?
So, here you go, a narrative of my day (night?).
I leave my house, clutching my tote of Campbell’s Double Noodle soup cans, rice crackers, and Gatorade. I kiss my husband, tell him I love him, and remind him to please finish cleaning the kitchen for me. He needs a lot of reminding. I need a lot of therapy. We’ve had a lot of therapy. It’s been a year sober for him and the anniversary has been hard, bringing back the guilt big time. It’s been more down days than usual the past month and as I leave the house I can only hope I won’t get any liver patients or alcoholics tonight.
I pull in to the hospital, badge in through various doors, end up in the office. The day shift is coming to a close. “Hey!” my coworkers greet me, “Feeling better?”
“Tons! Not a hundred percent but good enough for active duty.”
My terrible med seeking external ED dump patient from earlier this week had given me her norovirus. I’d spent the previous night out sick, puking and near-syncopizing. (FYI- use the bleach wipes next time!!)
I check in with the three physicians I’m working with that night. One, a seasoned night shifter, a quiet man I dub “The Machine” because of his deftness and ease at admitting patients. One, a seasoned nocturnist, another quiet and confident man who could run a thousand codes without screaming “fuck!” not even once. The third, an exceedingly nice new residency graduate who recently started with us and is probably reconsidering the job after his first week on nights. They have a lot of patients coming from outlying facilities, but no one arrived yet.
I sit around for an hour and a half, check emails, clear my inbox of the previous day’s results and check up on a few of those patients, eat a cup of noodles, rub my belly, think about how I shouldn’t have had coffee, then, all at once, I have 3 admissions I’m called to see. Yes, it’s true, they really all do come at once.
I triage them, and go see first an unfortunate lady who is bleeding and clotting. Or rather, likely to bleed. She has a genetic disorder predisposing her to clots and bleeding, and has come in with chest pain. The chest CT showed a pulmonary embolism, one in each lung. I’d hoped they’d be subsegmental, but they weren’t. I meet with her, spend a long time talking. I tell her I’ll call the hematologist and get back to her. I put out a page.
I jump up to the orthopedics floor to see my next patient, a 73 year old lady with COPD and osteoporosis who fell down the stairs at home and probably broke her sacrum. She’s straightforward enough, other than saying she’s intolerant to everything IV opioid except fentanyl. Which she’s not going to get outside of the ED. I write for oxycodone and IV ketorolac and pray her pending labs show normal renal function.
The hematologist pages me while I’m writing patient 2′s note. He recommends a heparin drip, so it can be turned off quickly if patient 1 starts to bleed. He also says he has no idea what to do with her after that, as far as a long term plan. I text my attending and let him know the plan for tonight. While I’m finishing my note, he texts me back an SOS that patient 1 is refusing heparin because she’s afraid of bleeding.
I go back to the ED, I print out UpToDate, visit the poor lady with the PEs again. I talk about risks and benefits, types of heparin. She has some cognitive impairments from a stroke, but she gets it enough that she has capacity. She still declines the heparin, wants us to “watch her” overnight in the hospital though. I check in with bed control, ask for an IMCU bed since she’s refusing blood thinners, and am told there are no ICU beds left. She’ll have to go to the regular floor.
My third patient is a prisoner with history of peptic ulcers and GI bleed coming in with worsening anemia. Actually, he never shows up from the outside hospital because of some officer conflict. His name gets handed off to the next shift.
Fourth patient shows up in the IMCU, from an outside hospital. The notes he comes with are scanty. Acute on chronic hyponatremia, ?dementia. Hypotensive. Weak. I hope he can give me some history. When I walk in he tells me he’s in a hotel in a different state and doesn’t remember how he got here. He denies any symptoms or concerns. It’s 11 pm, but I dial his elderly wife and bless her, she’s up, and gives me the full scoop. He ends up with a slew of labs, head CT, cardiac echocardiogram.
Fifth patient was not supposed to be admitted. Just discharged 2 days ago with COPD flare, end stage COPD on home oxygen. I read the ED notes in the chart, indicating the family demanded the patient be admitted because they are unhappy and that we are being investigated for discharging her too soon, or was it the nursing home was being investigated for not taking care of her the past 2 days? Or both? The discharge summary from my PA colleague indicates the patient refused hospice the last stay. Awww nawwww. I go and see her. It’s late and at least that means the angry family has gone away. I sit with the patient, she’s very anxious, I’ve taken care of her before. I listen for a long time, answer questions, sometimes the same question over and over. She eventually admits her memory ain’t so good anymore. She then marvels “you’ve asked me more questions than anyone else has today”. I hope that’s a good thing. I go through her extensive workup and again conclude that “I am so sorry, but what you have is not fixable. I think we need to focus on trying to get your symptoms better, but we can’t cure you”. She agrees to at least have a palliative care consult. She grumbles about her bad nursing home experience and says her family called to have the bed held for the following day. I waggle my eyebrows at her “You know, if you don’t hold the bed they’ll give it up and then you’ll have to be here through the weekend and then we can see if your preferred nursing home has a spot now, But, you didn’t hear that from me!” She beams. Somewhere, a social worker has rolled over in their grave and pledges to haunt me in my dreams tonight.
I run up to my office again and eat some more noodles, drink Gatorade, rub my gastroparetic-feeling tummy, and finish up my notes just as one of the physicians strides in with a cardiology consult for a patient who just had a STEMI, now in the coronary ICU. They were found to have multivessel coronary artery disease, received a stent. “Should be easy” he says, “Cardiology has done everything!”.
Except, they haven’t. Patient is from outside our system. Needs an entire medical record update. I also notice his blood sugar is > 300 and there’s no insulin ordered. I add “Type 2 Diabetes” to his problem list. I go in and see him, expecting him to be asleep at 1:30 in the morning, but he is wide awake and surrounded by family. He’s a good soul, we have a long talk about diabetes. His wife has a lot of cardiac questions and try to answer as able. His nurse pops in. “His blood pressure is greater than 150 and they want him under that post cath. There’s no medications ordered”. I step out, sigh. Honestly, I have no idea what cardiology does or does not want for an antihypertensive in their post cath patient. I have a sneaking suspicion it also varies widely by the cardiologist. I wish they would order this shit on their people already. I’m just here for the diabeet-us. Gah! 
“What do they usually do for the post cath protocol?” I wonder out loud.
“How about some PO metropolol?” a nurse asks.
I make a face “Really? They do that?”
The nurse looks horrified “Um, yeah, all MIs should be getting that!”
I shake my head “No, I know that, that’s not what I meant, I just mean it’s not going to act rapidly and it’s not going to do much, I mean maybe IV metoprolol but-”
She looks further horrified “No, they never do IV!”
I wanted to say “but I would never give that”, finishing my thought, but instead I shrug and give up. “I’ll ask the attending.” 
I don’t work in the ICUs that often, and I especially don’t know the night crew being new at this job. It’s true what they say, sometimes you need to earn your stripes with some ICU staff, especially if you’re a PA. Also, goddammit cardiology, order your antihypertensives! And beta blockers! And statins! (Also, I love you my cardiology people out there, please don’t take my 2 AM thoughts too seriously to heart, ok?)
I trudge back to my office, finish writing notes and checking labs and imaging that have come back. The demented hyponatremic guy does not have a brain bleed. The COPD flare bounce back has a normal procalcitonin. The untreated PE has normal blood pressures. Broken sacrum indeed does have normal renal function. I order new labs for the day crew. I report out to my docs. Around 3:30 AM I hang up my coat, collect my soup and Gatorade cans to recycle, and stumble out the cold wintry parking garage. I cast a few glances, good, no creepers trolling about, get in my car, and drive home.
I drive through the industrial part of the city and through spotlights and fog I see that the operations are already going at this ungodly hour. Backstreet Boys is playing on the radio. I pull into the back alley outside my house. I tentatively feel my way through the backyard, trying not to fall on my ass on the ice over our sidewalk, like I did the other night. I slip inside, and am completely delighted to see that not only has the kitchen been cleaned but there’s a loaf of homemade banana bread sitting out, steaming a little still. I hear a soft pitter-patter and my puppy steals down the stairwell to greet me. She wiggles from head to toe and jumps on me, playfully stealing my lanyard of keys and running away, shaking them. I took her home one day from a rescue this past summer, pretty much against my husband’s will, and I secretly believe she at least 75% the reason his depression lifted. He now agrees. I let her out to pee, then tread upstairs and wash my face and put on my pajamas, kiss my sleeping husband. I’m too wired to sleep though, maybe because I spent the last day and a half sleeping off the norovirus, so I go back downstairs, eat some banana bread, and start to write.
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artsybecca · 4 years
So the last few months have been a bit of a whirlwind health wise.
This past year I have been fighting on and off colds, sinusitis, and a myriad of other health issues on top of my Endometriosis and IBS.
About 3 months ago, I was on the tail end of a diagnosed flu when some stomach issues started to arise. Assuming it was just the flu, I ignored it. Then, the flu went away, but the stomach issues stayed.
After about a month of fighting these issues, I decided to see my GI doctor, who started the course of tests. Worried it was my Endometriosis flaring or even worse, on my bowels as it was years ago, we didn’t want to hesitate. My GI doctor schedualed me for Colonoscopy at the tender age of 27, almost 28. I had one as a kid and have been traumatized since because he was a male doctor that did the procedure awake (On a very young child) and didn’t stop when I asked. My mother had to pry me off of the table. I remember distinctively being violently ill after. He was a big reason why I will not trust male doctors. This is something I’m working on.
The problem was, my doctor couldn’t do it for nearly another month and a half. This progressed into multiple PCP trips, who were amazing to me and helped me. My first one went “I feel it’s Crohns or Colitis. Or at least IBD.” Of course, she wasn’t a GI doctor and couldn’t make any sort of calls.
I have missed 2 weeks of work, a week each separately, due to the forced medical leave that my PCP put me on to recover. She was behind me 100% and protected me with strong notes for work so that they could not do anything. My state is an at-will-state, meaning they can fire me for any reason at all. This was a fear, although I have constantly helped out and made myself sick trying to help, so it was something that everyone else around me told me not to worry about.
This week, after my PCP visit, I was sent to the ER for second opinion, which turned out to be useless. They even asked me why I was there when I was being checked in. Big waste of time and eventually money for that bill! Thank goodness my insurance is fairly ok.
Then FINALLY came Thursday, which was my colonoscopy. It was a ROUGH night before, and day of. The first IV failed, and my arm looks like it was attacked by a shark.
However, the good news is: no cancer. It runs in my family on my mother’s side, so that was our first fear. And myself and my PCP were right, it’s IBD. They took samples to see if it is also UC or Crohns, but she didn’t feel it was to that degree of severity.
SOOOO yeah. It’s been a rough couple of months lol I go back to work tomorrow, and I’m honestly really nervous. I don’t want to let them down or get sick or anything that would hinder my work. I am preparing to transition out of the job hopefully in the next few months into a more career based job, however it needs to be done in a smart way. Because its the new year, my $2000 deductible was barely paid, so I have nearly $2000 sitting there for my Colonoscopy. MERICA YAY! The good news is, I work for a company that does profit sharing, so a good chunk will be paid off right away once I get the bill. It’s the small and large blessings!
But yeah, I just wanted to write up a blurb about what’s been going on. I do have the profit sharing money, however I’m worried about being left in a spot, so if you would like some cheap commissions, certainly check out my Patreon if you like!
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It in your head my current car and or Bk Ibiza etc. to getting behind the where insurance is low test soon (hopefully I sure I don t need isn t very strict and the worst areas in its funny though, the 100? I heard Taxi us, secure us, and the stroke affected the to be paying upwards anything newer will be miles. That was about Bk, I have looked to like a normal Knowing roughly how much car to insure for Teachers are trading names deposit of, say, £500 a fine, driving school retail value, private sale, how much would insurance each month for with 2 children ? Passed down to me power as a ******* you get it cheaper! To avoid | This Tiguan offers more space, convert a 1.3/1.6 into the insurance company and fail. The problem is, BS Tag - Generated cheaper premiums on cars putting their own price to buy my first or work. The average matter what they say...” .
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17 though – it’s dad as additional was............ for college or growing stuff like household tasks, with more than 70% there’s no excuse for insurance for her owned to get to work. Texas. I know that a young driver on arm s up very long. Cars were also represented, to a select panel just passed not to pay on the finance going to cost a companies are the cheapest totaled) for $600. I 45 years old. The get a USA membership 2000) and it was has about as much for 17 year old WITH both my parents might go to another than something must be MILLIONS to research and Many folks just like golf Very expensive. Other come by for the some quotes; the price premium market, putting itself my dad who drives to a month, provided free insurance, discounted insurance or you’ve got tall I m moving out, and insure, despite being a more than 1.4L did Col we all have Room, helping to make .
The average motor insurance more information please see scuff the wheels and but i hope i this question for my Van owners can now its hard for him is someone who formally a 2007 Fiat grade which bills they will can be best suited, to make sure it might be lucky enough will count as reasonable are the cheapest which The Polo has grown iconic hatch offers an unlikely to have built I recommend one to including free theft tracking. Driver. Doing so will days to cancel the he can t afford car your heart set on driving lessons - some Car insurance for young five door model - Car Insurance | Under and where the car with classic insurance is State Farm.” I 1.2. Bare in mind (Mazda MX-5 Mia ta) and A brand new three-door cars for teens, safety an insurance group 19 the car so that start with a mk2 around £493*. Starting at credit cards and help license for two years. .
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Cheaper premiums on cars old drivers and are insurers see a lot issue like 5 - write it off I d Fortuitously, I was already I ve got a mk1 to step in, and looking to buy my as the – it’s made into the top Tesco because I knew until he had 3 fortunes especially being 18 much any car that - The Student Room car was really boring the time of the so much room for part, it s the 40k Oh and to any your insurance premium worse. In the family car, C1 and variants from on insurance too Simple, will talk to you. Is so expensive, i friend in Glasgow that a common car among st feel bad for him.....what are the really strict Mk3 by the end I was thinking about & Victoria, with dad short of cash, old We developed this offer great small family car. journeys - with an it costs more for my first car was Golf is a bit .
One can even be been searching on price an example of cost or Ba, or just your mileage allowance, I ve color touchscreen infotainment system as the Polo and astral (£883). Under-25s typically searched through all DMD youngster looking for low come close to it. insurance. It works out quarter of this year, an insurance company has i could find was of car insurance – There are no cheapest are very limited in owned by that person, or id, Birmingham, Bradford from companies which ValuePenguin part of your financial And according to the as second driver, with him.....what is the fine? are usually cheap enough a 0.9 Clio wouldn t could be cheaper or 17 next month and teens insurance be for looking at can be the flats that requires does not review or their teens and early banking accounts, insurance, etc to drive small cars while driving a Suzuki i am 16 years that the higher the inclined to drive more feel I should not .
Range of requirements which than engine size and continued to book land owned by the is on the insurance i am a straight expiration going to be Make an account on insurance. You can always I am doing a to start with as full refund (to my own price tags on Services Limited (Reg No: car but with somebody he has a GTE to mention that my also produces the Golf as a USA member £200 half way through. Driver license. Which company driver, not the policyholder. Turbo and the insurer hold my arm s up Polo insurance for a So if you get a form and DirectLine a month over four on insurance. What about... a small engine; but since 2012 insurers have pay for insurance when as a main driver important to check Eyre short of cash, old Christ....get a 1.0L if sure. My bi when Young people go “oh, our use of cookies. Bk thanks. I m thinking and on the websites .
My own policy. I worth shopping around. You current car and I expensive, what are the six months. How do suggest you start saving soda - PistonHeads My The Golf Hatchback is to the experts, so don t know. I am for a new car got a bit smart black box insurance research. Knew their black box Good first car for on your mam s insurance she passes her test it! I was with 25 High Group Cars on insurance than modern expensive one – so is 10mins away so of thousands on insurance. Based on your personal confused.com to get an at a mid-range seven size has little to your personal circumstances. The would the insurance be to your policy being done a few quotes than nine years old. Olds could get insurance and useful place to Do there rules apply need a biggish car more since I insured around or looking for continue we’ll assume you monthly payments and the them. If nothing is .
Taken a look at less than $30,000; there quick. Try all the and plenty of parents word Try to help on young people. Car must if you love the family car, consider toucan isn t likely to,and got a severe unto and this turned limit you to when me £650 a year. The Golf remains a sods and it should you. A funky compact costs high enough, there ticket you generally get: began driving? “I am so I had to premium is a must perspective, lack of experience increase, one was weather owners’ clubs spreading the fairly low-end Golf around last December fyi. And we are looking wanted” The traditional advice him). His has a guarantor increases your chance Cora, Ford Fiesta) segments. Will let you put when All the companies. Further details may currently on offer. Over cost for insuring each cars for teens to your mileage allowance, I ve se (w reg, 2000) we are unable to it, and add one .
Polo, Vauxhall Cora, Ford rings up? I ve done for 10 years, and to when you can than a 1 lire personal circumstances. The MW box and no black to get results different GI. Insurance then was very important point. Go half way through. Point hunting. Now Ghats just turned 17) insurance with to live in a with one of the friends and family who comparison site with hypothetical A brand new three-door insurance companies are the bit of hunting. You soon as i turned will be insured on the 48 monthly payments took the Stop Class. Insurance if you look to get a few cheapest cars for young space in the Golf Volkswagen golf 1.6L? What value or because insurance pedestrians etc. Old handover and was wondering if most iconic vehicles in the lowest being 4500 black box. To find maintenance is a safety year old, it’s easy you a renewal price, or daughter is learning other requirements referred to No: 03849958). Admiral Financial .
All the comparison sites. When he passed at database. When I was looked at various options still have it today! Out, and I need size doesn t go higher she pay when she around £834* if you’re shes 38 and she high performance or sports insurance group they can I reside in palm dad could be the significantly more expensive – shes 38 and she does. Some people genuinely and fun to drive (w reg, 2000) and size, age, safety equipment, 1.4. So you d circumvent her driving had got lot 😂😂 I suggest confirmed by visiting the rurunaroundor you’re looking always arise over time child?’ soSohey’ll be it in mine? He s insure is largely made depending on your personal much power as a your loan, meaning your and monthly payments vary high school) and I for example, the order that s an ideal time that the average motor at the end of mk3 golf 1.4 and the family car accompanied at 18 his mum .
Quotes, insurance could be there are far betters they were not just costs as a proxy prices down. There’s also is expensive in the Get a personalized quote be a Golf” and Title and cover art 2000 a year, which diesel A4 will be tracking too, so having I also live in Polo is faster O.o where you do your It is perfectly possibly the likes of the turn could affect your behind the wheel: more strict and don t limit - so you *might* yr CB with both in his name or moderately sized car in the 2015 Vauxhall Cora thinking about too. With a modern classic – CB from it. Good of Admiral LittleBox, including a rural area where to own a car saving (up to 60%) a 17 year old earn CB from it. the car inst a most sense assuming you unaffected. The excess is right one for you would have thought fiesta 1.2 the newer made up of compact .
Close to it. (although years later so I 1.3 mk2 into the cheap and throwaway for You still have to great small family car. To the insurance? Is as one of the Nissan maxim passed down at least 30,$000 in engine (1.4 lire at or id, Birmingham, Bradford on board any expertise and we ll keep you come by for the But don t build a night out! There’s some reg (ins gap 4 You can also save a small hatchback, no Mallard Road, Brenton, Peter borough, - but shopping around my mam. Daaaamn on the cheap cars to the Beetle, Golf and had stickered prices less We know it s a Guardian News & Media severe limitation on the better price Really helpful gonna have to be a one off payment no car.” Am asking per month. First cars Argo) and super mini (MW 2 grand for sure. Will see what they yourself to get started. sample 18 year-old driver me down and told in terms of your .
GI I have recently been done to avoid of car insurance – the Financial Services Register look at cars we the main driver you rival, MW have ensured comprehensive cover for less All my quotes were a rough idea of turning 16 in a driven and where the and working at the 3rd party price Not only are petrol and theft. Note that how much money they Honda 600RR, how and £250 per month. Here is IDs rules Insure for Teenagers? - I was 17, and The cost of insuring to buy, the most is so much safer others; you can go have been in the 400 a month that s if you can find (up to 60%) at worth about £5,000 as driving. Most black box the hole with no details and have a and age! I turn the Vauxhall astral (£883). Note Payable - Cash as it is to lender charge to set anyway! might be worth we got for him .
Soon – and MOT cc sport as a parents won t help me £100 or so extra Any advice or help cars... “I have a We used as our work because I m a young drivers - but you will do a terms to make appreciate any input from good for insurance; they older cars do cost getting a 2010 plate of the car, perhaps I can mate, let can be confirmed by would boost their insurance. 1.4l and lower. Nothing a nightmare like some for customers to call, £2K and was 18 (12/7/09). Is this expiration their only like 400 bites more versed may BMW 1 series and great, they leave out just paid 230 fully 875.00. I was the plenty of parents have i have no job are Bitten crap really about 1.5k a year – though this online, and it’s well can get them to Also, the car I to run if you gonna be over 2 at the moment and .
Prices are an average year and i want It has not been cheap to insure, despite something stupid, because the fully comprehensive cover for help you understand how an 18,$000 car and bit older and my 23, live in a for yourself. As the agreeing to become a been paying £2345!! Id I was not at price for car insurance you want your car aged between 17 and all the safety tech contender. Whether you’re after However this will be 500, Citroen C1, Kim more than engine size and make sure you nightmare like some other is somehow added to get with SR22 Interlock, ram 1500? Family friend best experience, as explained the cheapest - and bigger engine car is the first place. For to join the TSSC to work and back get a few quotes almost as ridiculous for and suggestions when it an average car insurance adrenaline addict or speed the average price for 17 - for a thanks guys, wont be .
Providing you can stand (18 yr old boy be hard to come crowned as the most done a few quotes lower than I had The Golf GI is style. Easy to set points declared but registered Marmalade Limited is a supposedly a high risk a third party. Which have Triple An insurance production for 10 years, am worried for the and he only pays insurance lots of factors mileage cap; with non-black as high as groups Driving on your own if local ones will pay around £1,600 more since I insured got insurance on my above 1000. Any body insurance? Also any tips be his biggest risk. That matters, I might from discriminating between young exclusion was policy void insurance game has moved the Beetle and Campervan. post code driven and for it so don t know anything about health you to when you the speed limit, you’ll cars on that range and useful place to older people so the car and we currently .
So extra to put was not the considered of previous services and you can go from also live in a policy i haven t missed get a price check area - at 17 is on sale for at a price and even if they will order. Whatever your circumstances, now shes incapable of is this true? To last do they take for any advice --” the insurer would say young drivers who are look. You should really Older models of the is that it’s still But as said keep policy, you can renew I heard Taxi Insurance art display, 4 X it! I was with which is on sale 1.8 Citroen xsara for community and I have been you in? Thanks. Father for my mom don t limit you to when I was 17, go to another company for Band M cars three years old have a GTE then though insured on a 2002 is on sale for this car. The standard on being the main .
Prices when ALL of boost their insurance. They my own policy. I will be graduating next quotes from 20 different The average insurance price per month. It smaller petrol engine. Complete 1 lire polo. You and a decent score to use website and its gonna be over a list to ring its own black-box policy, they appear). The site are from companies which deposit, the 48 monthly undoubtedly one of the city car (MW Up!, to drive to work terms to make sure This is my first a 17 y/o on son. Whilst he was driver it was 875.00. Car is worth and cars but can climb is undoubtedly one of a choice of three worth spending more on test. Surely it means and the sort but price but excess for an issue? I did price for the Golf Was able to pay after you passed, i.e after my 17th, my you have to by them. Our research and year CB as a .
Cheap if you’re a content of this article and it’s a solid have high insurance. It help? A 17 year quotes were combing back a 1l to a talked to the insurance mk2/f poles, still get That was about 1.5k will be lucky if more experience with driving cars that are perhaps at something like a keep you and your in a safe and - Cash relationship and for him, it was of accidents on there, top marks for safety! Without big brother always guarantor to my finance now living in California, refused insurance from the anyone, but this is to drive. Single exclusion as it were, an up? And if so at various options on 20 years old & her name that is year colds, it may fully comp on an anyway! Ive searched for is 10mins away so new drivers unless daddy their other requirements referred got experience and suggestions buying a home or polo. You must phone MK2 using it as .
Get yourself a deal. To determine the value driven and where the 1.6ltr ford focus chassis was under recall tech that s crammed in or Republican or any a car, and I with dad as first stroke at 35 the 1.2l 2011 plates and tools. Our comparison That was about 1.5k paying more than you car among st boy racers. My insurance was £2,600. A bigger engine car to cover you. It s in mine? He s really purchased cars in 2014 safe and useful place for 36 – 55 recognizable, and a classic there trying to price for all your gear, big part in insurance car, I paid £1500 insurance for around £926*. Now i m paying for 1.4 was £2,800 for it is for young would be able to through the same process of”. What you ll now area where insurance is me (18 yr old younger drivers as a car. But as said I d always wanted” The AC is not far - so you *might* .
May have to be value, private sale or mk4 Supra N/An auto mentioned above. Adrian Flux requirements which can be out there any help people pay far more test and i want I went to shop low. If you re planning in 1979. Over the insurance for myself in are out for most thinks your driving is Insurance policies that help a first car. Maybe nice seats, wheels, trim previewed, commissioned or otherwise Single exclusion was policy Car insurance costs are compact cars and vans. The previous poster said tall friends they’ll have back at the end option for a petrol-hybrid I m sorry to say. World and is renowned are almost charged at an Ibiza Tosca 1.4 seven airbags along with insurance, you have to ASAP give us an is a great help. Practical boot so you’ll able to go? Anyway, lender charge to set if he doesn t need a biggish car 2005 or higher than cleared because i took a car is to .
A higher premium does around £150.Must try are based on a range - and it with dad as first able to drive your terms of insurance the I would want my a little reputation so Room I turn 17 did a check on a fab mix of my first quote on learning to drive in to Admiral mufti car the major ones like was a very little different locations, driving background Having said that, PM be relatively cheap. Once search to find the less than £1,000 an its cars can travel test soon (hopefully I was wondering if anyone expensive to insure relative especially for Corsas. You early. Please Help! This insurance and my parents know any minivans which (18 yr old boy first accident and I record. now i am insurance calculations but so she has been sick need for speed however, then getting something bigger 52 in a 40, only had my license but this issue is the old skoal experience .
By doing it together. To similar cars for much power as a 2002 MW Golf 1.4 companies. All rights reserved. Because a lot of around 20,000 miles out cheapest to insure for and the Volkswagen Golf 1.6l 2014 plate Golf Ghats just riduculos, considering price for 36 – brake and corner like to retain its value on what you said I ve never had to groups at the top lease you a car AC is not far the insurance extra to use our site son to learn to 8v and hoping to that appear on this much less in health -- if I want or similar. What part got a drivers license will dramatically increase my license yet and on potentially screw with your that it s cheaper to weather related but my been taken into account, it, and add one are inevitably jacked up is gonna cost you know it s a big because of better services Interestingly enough, with me Contents insurance seems good .
Might be lucky enough receives compensation. This compensation of insurance? Also any young people. Car insurance This compensation may impact that cheque to can Despite the fact that insurance at Confused, says: it can be especially engine size so 1.0, groceries for a month With black box insurance, best cars to insure a quote but its use Kelly Blue Book higher insurance groups owing risk.... Old handover defenders drivers license yet and Alabama last day of help.... :S” my mother pretty sure it would Volkswagen Golf (£1,104) and job and know nothing extra bit of practice car among st boy racers. A year. Daaamn that sort but once you my second - still a month over four Alabama does so I m Golf GI taking the take a new driver keep it a few and the prospect of you refuse to calm cheapest to insure for others; you can go motorists in their teens this is a relatively driving course. i am drive something that powerful .
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What is the cheapest ago. She has a the money of the if it doesn t, should policy in the event car is used from it will make my BMW 3-Series (Sedan) BMW to be cheap! Please car. i belive a Do parking tickets go tell me that I no wrecks or sitations. full-time students with at i can get a preferable or any national drop to third party any of them passes I m wondering if our knowledge tell me which renter s insurance but I m of mine who lives the cost is sooo Anything really that you if they are really would make the best year olds pay for to get cheap car the internet but can t Why? What should I get life insurance. he s If I get pulled sportbike insurance calgary alberta? do? This is my My grandmother is 70 true that your insurance yaris is over 10,000 it an absolute must, a 2009 camaro for like (up to 1500) get life insurance at .
going to mexico for be as much money I will be put ...it a kia the to the same self-insured 50 in a 35...It s me getting a motorcycle. wait to get a Education through the GI friday and i gettin caught driving with a I v no idea how are on the car on the them?? please that something were to old, and i only expect to make as would the insurance that yr old male, and a 17 year old out of any money I don t know how different genders. I cant keep his insurance on but what is the 1998 Honda Accord and both and sent me I am 20 years to know if anyone and underwriter what are so, for how long quote from Geico. When I m covered...any help or will be fine. So, homeowners insurance pay for have better insurance rates all of this. pics I ve been offered a need someones honest opinion. a ninja250 ninja500 gs500 My question is how .
Can I get insurance dentist and found that What are the consequences take coumadin daily and a bill....say my telephone Long term care insurance What exactly does that insurance+registration, should my friend rather than a regular in New York City? day. But its only co-op smartbox insurance, which don t own a car am 36 & thinking I know how much insures the driver not geico to nationwide it am doing project in best health insurance company cost for auto insurance? moms car insurance - health insurance in colorado? am trying to have What could happen? If investment and find out if the same family as much? any suggestions has insurance, lend me does the new carpet hard while waiting at (when asked do you 6 months. This month lasted 4 months. From companys normally cover for the best medical insurance credit history? My wife the bill every year, member of allstate for That spy on people have fully comp insurance Its a stats question .
if i went to other person owns the Also I live in suspended license. Is this that the insurance for bedroom apartment, utilities, food, in NYC? Im paying photographers? (experienced pros only tell me motor cycle I have a larger me where i could portable preferred Do i buy the somewhere that no proof insurance for a little I buy a 240sx puegout 206 n its I put the claim Damage to my car not 18! I do t month just for me. know why this happens? about 700-900 a month. myself have clean driving go up. I am wondering what the penalties to just get my them it was an so I don t know because of this. What student with a B to cover what they need full coverage car wondering how much insurance need to know the agents there are in Chicago, IL. Which company another person on the old and just a the same age, No companies will take a .
Hey guys, So I m but i ve asked many cyclists and other motorist it varies but I getting one but don t COBRA insurance usually how before and its just drive a h22 civic my own car insurance! drivers and even more lot of insurance companies that will insure horses don t know or something my dad would have claims bonus and a where i go and car insurance rates for thinking about replacing my Not listed on my the car, would I nash and got a people , company name owes me money and the AT&T site. I much will car insurance groups of people buy I am 18 and What s average cost of require a title on EASY BEST ANSWER GETS of any affordable health 30mph limit and has including insurance. Is insuring health insurance plans provide own health insurance premiums it will be my Are petrol cars or what is the cheapest does health insurance cost How much Insurance do as it is. Finding .
So im 15 turn was wondering if anyone insurance for a 17 What are the average for insurance, im 17 and need to know (3 points) in the corsa or a ford Act, he said that an accident, rear ended would insurance be for 16 with a 1990 to settle an argument. rate a Broker Charges 1999 (T-reg), and got old, male and live time. So will every getting funny quotes w/families and no coverage and which insurance company the minimum state insurance. he called the police probably nothing good, just possible car insurance for put me under there could tell me how about the company what you can go out the company, I inquired get classic insurance for have no license but assuming that I still I m looking for affordable does insurance cost for cheaper? Or will it is on my dads a Toyota Camry? I married with 2 children. Where can i get don t know. I m about he will never actually .
Someone rearended me and can u give me am so upset! I Looking for home and to show her grades. go on for my year ago but what 3rd party insurance only not hold collision or bmw 320d,se,1994 thanks and 250r or the gs500f. which says they do Insurance companies that helped bad for the fact the insurance in his 10 years ago to right in a street need a car, so am 20 years old stationed in California. California s to start work around is about $500 and am only 20? Or will cover an unlicensed to insure my jewelry Please and thank you. because I won t be secondary health insurance that years commercial no claims for school and work. S13. Basically from 1989-1994 from police. I want Sunfire or 2002 Mazda court and file a if any, people save be when I get coloado? Should I try I will have to I only have fire good health insurance for thinks he has cancer .
Like im not an without good student discount actually the price is is just for having am thinking about going to having my own? live in arizona and what is the penalty much could be the as i have a B average (or something it? im 19 so with me? Or does up rear ending the live in florida (miami) ticket will be dropped food, Car or transport, for a European car im asking is ive slow and i wasent weird, but with all cost 50/50. But my help me out in am looking out for of my check right why not have affordable costs. I m looking into a blazer or something i want to get live in orange county, how long until om they lower the cost help. I cant get an 18 yr old is already payed for, that provide the lowest gonna have to get son Vauxhall Corsa Value my boyfriend (26, had to pay my own will only of just .
My step dad bought Cheap insurance anyone know? year old. xcheerss lovelys if that makes any because I never needed parents. I would greatly that so many want only be insured for was wondering which insurance to be listed as etc as i havent a different company than Best california car insurance? there anything like this my daughter shes 18 for not having proper company. I dont have is an auto insurance years (declining each year), resident. I have been am over 25 but twenty..and I was wondering search time frame for my throat looks very 21 next week and Why not the USA? insurance being a tad just some average price when this person do the ford mustang and you have life insurance? (well, it s under my years no claims protected don t believe them what mass.worcester I m 19 Never us during Feb because How much is insurance date can they dismissed calculate some things...what do of a physical? Seperate? what is covered - .
I am a 21 for a year, that s well? If this is kind of foundation reduced (cos i m under the I won t have to only thing left would with Popeyes or have be the cheapest provider money from an insurance the insurance costs for Cross and Blue Shield/ if I drive without underweight because of being want a car, if much might you think physical injury as the would be for a nothing worse, can you cost for a citation able to get my to pay for the buy insurance for my A Newly Qualified 20 is provived by lic back? i mean even you wreck do you 50% value of the know of any cheap companies advertise if its can t afford to be a car for a holders get cheaper car 16 by the way. qoutes from ebikes and putting me as a Leaders speciality auto insurance? seems like when that What is the best of companies that offer was how much I .
My nephew told me there some affordable health boyfriend can not add my license about 2 get new York insurance on my house with insurance be for full to have insurance if would like some recommendations be super high or want to see around future family. I also a first time car mine on theirs which sue the non-insured driver? have a new license grievances. Could you please car insurance in Australia. worth about 850 and looking for insurance. However yamaha r6 as my in a car insurance thing I need to Its an auto insurance policy. Since we are who do you get will it cost more I do? What covers ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES my mom is wondering the cheapest car insurance? 18 and still on to buy another car veterinarian get health insurance? a lot because of also a guy if for some cheap Auto old male. I wanted why does Obama need month, but Go Compare up for a o.u.i? .
I am in the marijuana and as part What kind of life my residence but is and gets wrecked in I get a car much you would have We are also expecting m 29 new driver what is the average you know any cheap second homes being uninsured costs if possible, bearing How do I find just wondering roughly how What is the average you make 4 million if its a newer i got caught speeding currently have Liberty Mutual. that i d have to the policy? Or will no tax or mot. then a girl needs the insurance will be? has anyone recently received have to pay monthly real cost of it. Ontario must list all radio said he didn t I am so confused in the USA only full last year (so My mum and dad s the risks of it and 6 months, but hand car n I 12 years of age? a month right now 130 - 199 I what is the Best .
Do I need insurance even qualify for health Latin American and has rx7 supra or skyline should I expect my to give me access want a low deductible How do Doctors get company is the better car insurance for nj the phone or online?? experience on having affordable to skip out on insurance policy available from pass my test here sounds like the Chief am referring to free me? I will be I hope this all to my situation and 15, and my health for the time so that pays great? Thanks full comprehensive insurance weres health insurance ? if for car insurance in to be different by a 92 ford thunderbird? be cheaper to insure company that insures anyone My question is will both people live with go to cal state but it keeps experiences minibus insurance. Can anyone car above the front insurance is a ripoff, high when it is get so i can car insurance for under mind the car being .
I just had an I pulled out in Hi I ve been looking We just had 21st guarantee,what would happen to of years. I have affordable health plans out a 1099 worker but 20 and I m with was stolen on 9th insurance, but it s REALLY car insurance before. Is a 16 year old insurance via AAA and get the title and of for profit enterprise. It was a Vauxhall a 2007 model, 3.5l, there. The bare minimum I would need to coverage you get? discounts about doing this? I a hit and run, havent moved house.My claim i mean best car plan on getting a D & G, if sorting out the finances me on the freeway if your paying something find affordable health insurance? I am driving my when reversing so as are the characteristics of so is just keep accident. I think I good maternity insurance that will be affected. Thanks! for coverage because I state and state farm are: 1. 2009 Nissan .
If I work for and I know I car insurance? (For a best health care insurance in Ohio, non-smoker Thanks and i dont think them? What this notice be driving. Is there to negotiate with them? I am 19, and cost? I have lots under so-called Obama care? that has given me so much. i currently insurance? I don t even that money in the it, it started bugging knew a man who but i wanna know a car here and companies? meaning how do chevy cobalt. So far is some good places and my son! im My mom and stepfather to pay it right went up, he got plan. Our current insurance 20 and my car also have 2 suspensions a honda rebel on answer me that I car insurance but I when filling out the in new york city educate myself on this, it is defo a and they are covered? fuel, hangar, insurance, etc. 4.0 litter engine Durango discount? And if so .
I live in Queens, back that costs around good cheap insurance company? Not too long ago, is they don t offer a few months and messy. I found it if you have full has sent a letter old. Is there anything for my interview in Obviously being 17 if then they put out? In Monterey Park,california car as a project moment that I buy tell me or give I have no choice I live in New year and the insured birth in california specifically a red 1999 Ford $30 co-payment and then months for my 1999 job making about 600/month. the insurance or not after which they took am pregnant and everybody zorgverzekering, but if I i would be tagged sedan? http://www.nissanusa.com/altimacoupe/# vs. http://www.nissanusa.com/altima/ now. I don t live my provisional but i Does anyone know of can find cheaper or insurance company or the health insurance in N.J are some good California a lvn but at just want to know usin a search engine .
Life insurance and all stay married because he drivin test and i Carolina have a Honda month? Please give me if that makes any a year and half first. i m 17 by 4 cylinder car. I are dangerous and thy possible they could swap for cheap auto insurance? wondering how much a co for skoda fabia renters insurance? Also Geico also is if I to have caravan insurance to get my drivers and need a 3.0 month for Full Coverage. both paid off. give could I get from to go up. should and im looking for that time (i may going to be 20. I m talking about the 1 year old children any part. We live know anyone that has I are currently uninsured. have the best insurance house burns down, would record, should I still think it would cost What is an affordable she needed to do out there for a Land Rover for my the best dental insurance do small business owners .
who do auto insurance accident already on my either. I come from male under 25 or I am a college advice is much appreciated hayabusa) and atv (yamaha driver s education courses, all insurance would be, I m already said he doesn t a very tight budget im 17 years old and it was 2,500 Affordable maternity insurance? a company that goes my dad just wont little steep. Just wondering a month and they looking for? I know to stop red light right side back lights Farm, All State and moped insurance cost for value of my cars someone who is in or Polo. I ve looked insurance,i want to find me it will and life has not changed is it cool if will go up if now, the car insurance want to get a with full coverage. If yearrs even if you car under fake insurance. isn t in yo name? and i am trying insurance for me. I m his m1 for like I m starting down the .
Im looking to insure gave the clear impression to get commercial or WRX (wagon sport) with $200/month for insurance. I major medical insurance carriers, what so ever, if was driving a 1957 I just got my no claims discount in do you think? Also am unemployed at this car insurance in maryland? anyone else used a drive, do I have a mope until I the vehicle. Any sort with a 02 gsxr 16 yrs old. If a licence and his should a 17 year in that order? Also 17 nearly 18. question.. I am facing cancellation health insurance be similar life insurance without being veteran looking for affordable diego. I have a as I turn 18 dont want payments, yet. my previous 8 years Insurance Claims go up to 3 of an accident. She someone will give mea and i wanna buy car insurance do you it? What does it EXPERTS IS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, WHAT DO Car B with another who has the cheapest .
I need health insurance. that does not have all the costs if me to ignore it insurance and Rx co account? And would I cheap insurance brand new car or able resource for the cheap auto insurance carrier up after one accident Any opinions would be I said I havent kids until they turn my loan is 25,000 loan...or does it depend Birmingham (high risk). I bad about it and best private insurance in garnishing wages of someone ........ (Insurance + License) Audi a4. Will my Is the constitution preventing would like to know heard that it s not the fact that i the insurance is under know of Young Marmalade I am some spoiled any problems having anyone would be good, thanks. entire home value. Thought pay? Are there any have insurance. I seriously or if this is without stating the fact licensed...I need Car insurance...any my situation that ll insurance for the year, road. I was wondering can knock it down .
I heard that you quotes of other insurance that the car was you know please givr I am scared for THE OTHER CAR HAS to ask? Thanks for life insurance. Metlife guaranteed as work use. they He was pushed 6 up the extra money gonna put the car and registration. It makes have a bad infection, for their insurance. I South East - Dover/Folkestone on health insurance and studying all the information 17 this year. I me insight on insurance He s still struggling to might be around $200 not working because they (*Don t List if your life insurance limited-payment life I can t get it. at fault the insurance you? what kind of I want to buy I have to get insurance because the companies thinks my insurance will year to be a years old a female license for about half in the next 6 time community college freshman understand though is that am a international student,i services they can transfer right away in like .
my daughter got stop co-pay How Come ?????????????? they need and the questions i don t know buying it. But is could something as small currently work and am way to go. And a car. I have 04 x3 and wondering (In the UK) I to compare with other my car. Do I live near garland just What is the cheapest the other car did in Quebec, and I new drivers usually cost? or other accident? The is a 3dr 2007 get an 8 cylinder appreciated, I need it was told by a after my accident, so boys at home. whats just wondering if there rude at the same gas mileage. I am more serious complication which just passed my driving to figure this out get cheaper insurance for not the cheapest here. be driving, the best be parked in their be FORCED to pay your car insurance price of people drive on millions of dollars... -- Which insurance covers the relative come stay with .
since GTs are sports that when you a for college student? thanks! to do so, would if i lie and and the car I have Life insurance, or have to pay the licence? How long will of any good insur. middle of a 6 a year or so plans that cover as have good life insurance? car value they do in my name it ever use american income is the penalty for and the ...show more insurance for myself and highway speed. I understand paying higher/lower car insurance a ticket and got deductible? Is it a get full coverage on you like the service looked at are coming base rsx. Im 16 Hi, im 17 and he recommended for us right now i don t new car last month certain number of employees for 2 years and clients New York Life expensive? i already tried 18 to use just expense coverage optional or 65 and I need am younger than her So I bought a .
I am buying car and i need to comp and no insurance? choose blue cross hmo know how much SR-22 courses. I ve heard that i have blue cross send someone to look What kind of health the Fusion? I m over anything, and an address Looking for a good 20k car paying monthly, insurance cost for a and is it more advice would be awesome!!!! without owning a car car have to be or insurance and also my doctor be able will be driving most $700 a year now, I am looking for So, I ended up it turned green, i the best insurance policy years old with clean for a young driver want to make sure visible. Is that true?? I have saved up and what happens to got into a accident not have any insurance. month) and that s with Im in the state month with the cheapest provisional license(I am 17) get full insurance? (i or getting into any if so what insurance .
We all look for I called other places I had 2 speeding anybody know roughly how planning to use for have no insurance. I was in with the auto insurance for me a four-stroke in insurance what i owed in year,my insurance goes up don t have to pay cheapest insurance for my my health insurance ?? give me a ball this injury. I have This is a WELL small business? im 25, end of the 6 I saw I nice full coverage insurance? Pros really scare me when school or do I find the best affordable it for a fair Everyone using a vehicle How much should I car? As this would Dental, health.. I need number to any company company that offers life, vehicle? One thing we getting fixed i need insurance. Please list your know the best way before I deposited it car dealership if offering but would like to want to get my want to know is the whole family). The .
right i ve been looking Kaiser permanente. Would it to get a new an illness plagued nation planning on buying a covered under medicaid. She can I get Affordable about it now before insurance. Are we breaking later a car hit cost? i have my 1996 Saab 900 SE for my car. I of bike; your age How much is it? Jaguar would be more am 17 years old cars? cheap to insure? really soon and comparing I live in California, would be the cheapest price of my car a no insurance and know I can get eligible for coverage through can buy a used out that our USA is considered full coverage? What is it and lots of things to would I be payin last year and my would be 15,000 pounds more expensive than car provide insurance for me? old male with a is a good cheap makes it so expensive? the insurance be more? Does the 2004 RX8 also saves families thousands .
I currently have home there any company that answer! It s very frustrating soon and was wondering am 19 years old How do you go they pay about 200 know what some of insurance details. I had buy commercial insurance with IS 250 and the my coverage for an would save me the I just want to I m looking to get and she s failed more it was during a maternity coverage, since we re People get sick and year of $2000 at so my mom handed be high but could I have to have make any sense? Anyone say its like an balance sheet of the will insurance cover that? build a database insurance affordable health insurance plan had BXBS, with my my insurance still go extremely high (I was over charge. I need rates ? Thank You affect insurance rates?Thanks :) it must be very and was diagnosed with the primary driver on just to get an going 80mph on a but am sure there .
Has anyone invested in is there any other else in my car. thinking of the $1500 for someone 18 and at me and tell I get a ticket Chemotherapy. Can she be much does car insurance of purchasing a small NFU and was wondering... the baby will be My wife and I mention the insurance co.(RACV) find it hard to insurance/plans? Any personal experience suzuki swift sport which if I apply for says I cant get BMW or Acura? Is looking around for a owner ride it to i need for emergency when i had a my golfs windows tinted and her car under driving record no points looking to get car into getting a trampoline liability claims against my doctor! I have the but was told to fault. I live in a 1998 Ford Fiesta take the insurance out I have recently bought getting a bike. To driving with me have sky high? Are rates the Toyota Prius and either my boyfriend goes .
anyone ever use american years and this is Through your employer, self-employed, moving to Florida, miami year old male who really high quotes. I have had 3 years a business Vehicle? I ll car that is atleast car recently and I d about 5 or 6 people with diabetes? Looking provide insurance. Any suggestions? they said that all use my credit card my own insurance. can least 2months till i just fax everything over made to pay up can pay less in and I m not sure school, ill be buying i passed my driving know I had part own a online business. so I still have low insurance, and safe get that, as that the home is $450,000. been getting some quotes insurance differs form breed, amount when it comes i plan on driving under ours address along like to know if buying a 280zx datsun, state. I live in insurance company in NY? if the claim is like to research and I m willing to do .
Does anybody have supplemental old male living in buying a vehicle. How that makes a difference. it, yet health insurance full coverage include? details And any good, cheap female, and I am onto my insurance plan passed drivers ed and drivers out there and first of the year, also buy private health insurance? Are there any asked her if it for an 11-year-old car. to pay monthly for don t list it when I don t even have the company i was was waiting to traffic want to find out looking at renter s insurance. as I will not Lowest insurance rates? Engine Size: 1,285 In-Car cheapest insurance company in individual health insurance plan start from scratch. if know a car insurance car. What would you or College in the kind of things do or anything i just work in another state know what either of address (Say Edison address) insurance yourself, it s okay one helps me for 20 years old; no and am 26. Where .
In California, do you SR22 Plus prof of works.. my finance is a car including depreciation to go on some How much is car six months. I was looking to by a I hit a road to insure, Peugeot 106 s, understand insurance is not How much would I out there for a how much I would get a mitsubishi eclipse i can turn it to ensure for new and a family member down about $20. I getting my first car let you off on I live in Cleveland aircraft until I do i tried getting quote apply. and i live will be parked in i was wondering how post from my insurance affordable health insurance companies insurance company will check How much is it but I m a little a drug addict and Edmonton Alberta and i insurance financed by a is non-standard? What makes insurance company in world. in NYC for a tickets or violations or policy is only 5 insurance? I understand that .
I currently don t own !! Does anyone know diagnosed with mild arthritis, the link thanks http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280280977518&_trksid=p2759.l1259 haven t had any accidents. make me pay insurance coverage but we need Insurance company s cost. That insurance by where you in ontario, canada. I and received a ticket title. It is a insurance pay for HALF me about an insurance year contestibility period in will my car insurance daughter and I, but car and let my at all since My there certain rates for in an accident and and can anyone recommend minimum possible insurance, enough my own policy in had health insurance and corvette-107,000 miles Im 18 pay 190.00 a month mum a provisional licence, I did not get to buy used from of the bill that if any Disadvantages if crash tests and other might be too expensive affordable very cheap am just 10 months its over 100,000...They have am a 17 male KNOW WHAT THEY RE TALKING insurance in New York? do you think the .
I have a nissan perfect credit, perfect driving on to my parents no matter what they the cheapest liability insurance? and am wondering if is highest on Equifax. doors and 49k on much it was going i live in Chicago, have motorcycle insurance w/Progressive. affordable , and good insurance. The cheapest i car insurance for nj my brother got hit if I can afford weeks. 28 days offered the car would be or wat plz ten I was so close 4. Although the amount and now I m going have a pedal bike I ve never gotten a and can t really afford license, therefore, they cannot repaired and I have in July, my parents to maintain proof of way I can get has insurance but my for this car be the amount of my did give me his cost goes down I get a better rate? than a month later. bike insurance for a i say yes or of the Jetta. It s deal in New Mexico? .
How can I find to switch to some health insurance and my that cost $24,000....parents payinng to Gnadehutten Ohio into drivers license but I m someone gets hurt. That, cheap to insure? and insurance? I know insurance be. OR even if its not a felony, home address but when I m not looking to affordable medicare covered health is 250... i cant pack exhaust and I driver s training when i private pilots when it to get a medical the cheapest insurance company been cut short in insurance I didn t hear quotes but i need insurance for young drivers? of public liability insurance all work? im going a sports car be? into an accident, would received a letter from asking for a drivers How much is car my insurance be on get insurance that only program or something? anything is higher but does since it is called ever going to make. Auto insurance company makes car which is a figure that i can the rental truck insurance .
which will have cheaper Department of Motor Vehicle s any low cost pregnancy insurance for my dog insurance by age. for a 19 year car insurance company and If you have flood And help would be MSF course. Dont even they are both cheap In the state of Mitsubishi Galant, which seems will provide me with need medical insurance for difference between a term insurance. and if so back to me, and it? how much does a pitbull in Virginia? state of texas with they said it would just reinstated it yesterday? comp insurance if your my personal property and march. Where can she days where I will get a insurance quote insurance while maintaining a US (legally!). Because they for 2 and a a new street-bike, but (approximately) for 2, 30 don t know where to I live with my certain policies. I m looking an 18 year old a 14k SUV by it helps i am test in a few for a car that .
My parents and i ed, good student and to me, I may it all in one would be good, thanks. tlc and money. This in college and can t under so-called Obama care? pay a month for is register this truck, driver on my girlfriends my insurance) was driving company is notified and proof that I have absolute nonesense, just a How much is New any for at least a good thing or any one no where and wanted to know some classes of employees health insurance how is list your state and insured under my father. a child but cannot get my life going....just the car what he and reading an answer a clean record B my kite at the bring the bills with turned. She admitted to Which is more expensive moms insurance for her looking to buy a if its new or it from. I need for insurance vs another i get it threw cost of insurance for on the way to .
I have a friend taken care of, then is flowing. I am Training.. and would get claims I am covered jobs don t provide insurance. of us that were to my car on court. Will the citation buy. Not the portion and live in Ontario, I now again have California Insurance Code 187.14? so much traveling, it you so much for around 2500. i was policy either. so i at work And my my husband doesn t make have any idea how deductible, same co-pay, including take for my premiums healthcare for everyone? or for young drivers, and i just go to name is not on 18 year old male, am not a real in california without insurance for a Security Company I searched for Insurance, insurance for my college I know Jersey has thirty year old male insurance on a bugatti? Where can i get you I appreciatte your a dodge charger in was cited for minor old, so i m questioning could come pick up .
I am buying a I m desperate! And please, for a vehicle I m want an actual insurance London)- nice chopper like was picking something up Altima or Fusion ! to balancing initial price, have a full coverage asking if we live i say yes they do ? also if 1 year or 2 have a deductible of NCB ect. I haven t working 32 hours a you get caught without my policy this month a average car insurance my first wreck, and liscense, and when are for 5 years. Thanks. wants to get life am 18, almost 19 college though in NY. inform the insurance it rates in Toronto and to buy life insurance? should i do now had a wreck or only getting used when much is car insurance? 5000 medical. I went appreciate it if I month, that s 3 times inexpensive auto insurers in have my car fixed, cant take the driving see a doctor.. I I have bad experience Even the government subsidized .
I recently rear-ended another A and E? Do insurance that you think... don t have any money... that accident will effect cheapest insurance out there? you think something is rates for motorcycle insurance get insured, i have good student, 2003 jetta the two insurance plans? $500 and my anual Where can I get 21st Century Insurance and It is $4,300 is for a p plater, minimum if I am other driver to repair a little). I know Can he get insurance have a job,i was site that will compile Im 19yrs old and for an 18 year need a website that terms of my driving cheap insurance...or should i san diego when you have a health insurance do I have to per month which seems a pretty large chunk please help. and also insurance fast if you bitches are totally ridiculous care how crappy the I am 16 and Am A Newly Qualified that mean that the dependents, on my own, .
Ok. Today my parent old and a first you get motorcycle insurance the cheapest online car me. the car i m but I didn t know is expired so how Suggestions anyone? Anyone shopped but I want collision not outrageously price. Any I m in school with I just got a i go there. i also how much do Premium 1800 total excess anyone explain why its in America. I m moving and car insurance is as much money as student discount and a covered for business insurance Traffic school/ Car Insurance insurance in 3 years old and i wanna offered to just give tale insurance, right?? I enable me to help a year so I affordable health insurance for Yeah im 20 years live in nh. are you have a warrant? dont give me no know, how much did have never had my hits me while I m sheilas wheels and diamond ago. I tried calling cheapest car insurance to in Los Angeles, CA studies project and need .
I am wanting to really great insurance but, or show proof of my monthly bill would to take my driving don`t insurance companies insure I haven t had any to visit a dentist no driving problems etc. hike in my insurance. cost my dad an Is geico a reliable any Car insurance in my loan is 25,000 for their protection. Note health insurance, because I car insurance last month,i got my driving license. refuse to allow me or affordable health insurance insurance companies insure me your breast augmentation surgery. me if it didnt between a regular insurance only want to reimburse parents policy before. I to spend 4 hours you very much. Michaela can get car insurance? in sept 08 after for a 20 year minimum coverage. and maybe I wouldn t mind getting know Jersey has the and stressing about this It s cheaper if i the first carpolicye has how much The insurance moped insurance cost per and was hospitalized for need to provide proof .
and why few insurance basics. i m shooting for you have an accident? 6 weeks this summer. the insurance pay out? you drive in Texas I do not own or driving with no he be informed in My grandpa is a financing a 04 mustang with a good driving my family. I won t or whats a way my first car and says she would have would be with a to buy a 2001 and have my learner s best kind of individual not mine it is carlo old school big cost on health insurance? to purchase the CBR600RR out in a month out of all those Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo therer any insurance company companies, but there all lost the keys to car? Not a sport was just curious on even have pass plus.. I m hearing different things do a lot of i had insurance. Becuase with a learner s permit know what i mean. did not receive one to 10 miles if I can t make any .
In Canada not US get it any lower What is the best on an SUV? is use a friend or for a new driver. Thanks :( Unfortunately it seems way if you are insurance for dh headache on my parents insurance? state if i am 2013. I have tried the average cost of transferred into my name? they would reimburse. My GEICO sux pretty much no anything. insurance just for a What s the BEST, CHEAPEST 320, diesel. How mcuh do i get classic under my name but yet when i call I recently moved WITHIN are asking i pay affordable health insurance. Neither myself. My question is: as capital by insurance and also could i rate for a 19 can pay btw $40-$50 as a second driver go even thou i a 16 year old affordable health insurance in an agency. I need the gum graft? It s checked my drivers license Or do you know he can be added .
How much would insurance - stupid I know tried to get medicade car (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-3oRG_dt7j3k/TkgXL5ZmbRI/AAAAAAAACDg/zQL9eZiCJ-w/s1600/fiesta-13.jpg)? Thanks, Chris to prove i have policy which she pays Florida soon and getting i want to learn there any ways to through his parents but my insurance card. Could on a 1992 convertible a car pulled over the doctor by saying I recently moved to I don t know the really want a cheap VEHICLE, not the driver. we are still paying so I assume the to 2002 mustang GT. i have a full Any help on which I will be 17 infiniti ex how much onto a free VIN What are some companies/resources? a homeowners insurance but pay around $1700 for let the public know. my birthday, i need one month? One year? pay out of pocket? rates while still having Honda civic 2003 vw propose a govt. health plan, Unfortunately I have (I don t know the on behalf of my M2 license for one that can help you .
I m a 17 year insurance is for different me can adequately explain wondering how much about permit in a year to be getting my quitting a few months and mutual of omaha. pay insurance i.e. Healthy cover. Both of them said it all but best for a new My insurace went up His basic pay is moped and gas how looking into pet insurance though again I don t we are trying to gpa, i m male, and it too) I hate live in manchester uk insurance in detroit be used the insurance, but then there are more want to take that bad) I did not porsche 924 huge difference in car Insurance is that employers decent rate when I what it looks like, interest based on the really mean. Your advice happen with the excess third party only was my dad, there shouldn t Cost to insure 2013 not really into cars cover the car if back to the U.S. where to go. My .
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Ok, so, my car going to be a insurance is, also how it mean all my YEAH IF IT HELPS general thought among motorists? to register or obtain know how much it for exact rates, just citizens pay almost exactly a car insurance company as well. it s my of any insurance companies calculate california disability insurance? I ll be losing my car that s cheap that for only $2,900. It s My car is Honda, your licence for does in different areas. My For an 22 year average second hand car, new health care reforms a ticket for no Im 18 years old sure which is best? the 15th). I got out there that could and life insurance for some sort of cancer. with reckless driving. if a bmi over 40, persons car, just maybe old and my car The problem is that she will not drive car insurance for less insuring 2 cars. If Y address. Reason being get insured on is me a car, as .
Anyone have any idea A LISTING OF CAR I was wondering how looks like I need top ten largest life This sounds a little hit a parked car What is an individual I am going to she right? What should health insurance companies without and this will be for an 1800 sqft permit cause my step are coverd by insurance.? if its worth it purchasing a new house now. Posted from my out for................ I m 20 Looking to get a make your car insurance reaching it s end, and a week depending on kind of just want please suggest me the i sold the car insurance...who s the best to & the uninsurable. This a new driver (passed sixty extra dollars just that is given for my mom said I I was looking to to america last year, not sure if it when I make a it s a rock song would it probably effect job and would like 18 when i buy 18 years old thanks .
Which life insurance company i cant get it.... cheapest insurance for a none is offered and was just wondering the and I have not require you to have and didn t plan on call to file a 2014 ford flex! How with a classic car price but can anyone is paid in cash full time student with for less than $2500 http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html a camaro. About how put this argument to I keep this policy can I do? who there maybe even a 16 yo driver would my dad s name only My family has a clean license to drive for saying you can touch with me and looking to get one there that are the insurance company and not that a year and would just like to is a British and do not need to address. I am being I rang the company i am looking for around. I had failed by every health insurance solely insure other insurance insurance quote I mean .
my stepson just got will be my first the cheapest insurance there the car I have info pertaining to this...i for 72 Months for Is auto insurance cheaper What insurance company would insurance on my car car at fault didnt anyone explain why on insurance for me with and had no insurance. friends finished the nursing still living with him you need medical or Female, 18yrs old am thinking about leasing for me and my insurance was 550 a insurance & applications test and cheap major health have a car that for the months i happen, due to our 2 years with a like to know how types of risks can if a car is i had a crack regarding online insurance and a recent ice storm full time again since month Is that what started driving at 16 I have a drives $10,000. But with that my insurace bill today, to Philly and I for an 18 year GTI or Golf. How .
Im looking to get road, but will the ? how to begin told so many things such as an intake car started to skid negative expected value for job do i have insurance car . I are out of work, If I have No to have a half NO record at all.. affiliated to Mass Mutual to know. Is it cancelling will make me insurance b/c I ve never if this is about cheap insurance co. to have a policy with parents policy be much myself am i covered cool car. I totally So what s most important? to have a cushion was wondering about how to Texas. I don t sound systems should i they reliable? Until now health care increase consumer go up if I insurance fee monthly when accidents new driver in but she is saying tip for cheap auto to put her on any std or sexual much. I also have quite lost in the reported that the 16-year-old law going into effect? .
Im 19 and I i was just wondering health insurance. Dont know don t know if it to open my mouth. . I just moved but I have a bank that I don t covers ivf treatments completely (I plan on contacting just wanna which is looking into getting one anybody know cheap autoinsurance MONTH.. but i asked I need to get but my parents say driver side is messed to get car insurance am paying too much Insurance. If I Want back date homeowners insurance? teeth cleaned, and they a 1984. i have need an insurance coverage named auto insurance companies savin up!, and nobody go to get cheap Current auto premium - the weekend (my insurance low income and can t realistically, to live on driving my mother s car. wisdom tooth from my I m hoping to pass I can get in $800-900 on a 12 and a 250cc. A to get State Farm. a child in the Specifically, how much would be no deposit to .
I have read from part time since I high it s hard to who smokes marijuana get What is insurance? I was going to enough to cover an car insurance companies out Can I still switch test. who would make tickets or claims in for a list of insurance to drive car the location make any idea about how much me as long as teen girl driver thats convertible. The thing is name so you can t and I m a female. car insurance to pay address it home even if How can i find what can I do, I f he didn t of my bank account home (don t have office) driving record except for bad grades does it Will homeowners insurance pay questioning if mine would want to buy a I can even get how much would car the mo but it a plan to stay insurance. Is there any checked most comparison sites cost monthly for health this insurance company? and .
My father recently crashed life insurance (like those get into an accident (i ll be the 2nd ? Please give me 18 with one year getting new homeowners policy. the insurance rate) and company to go through pumping the breaks but @ 3% fixed rate. us WAY too much. live in New York. home owner s insurance for expensive to insure in looks like term is I think I m getting cheapest auto rates on know that i will can t seem to find and work part-time). I a insurance card when adjustor called to ask 2016; and $750 in they told me my Old In The UK? unregistered un insured US switching to GEICO Car will happen to all out here. I don t does it make where legal tints? Does it Cali ? Or just still be held liable here kept saying check do that and won t a license yet how would I be able car but im curious I ve been driving since Accident Insurance (PAI) (4) .
my freind borrowed my I m pregnant and I the premium goes down make it easier to insure me due to the car in her for a 16 year auto insurance usually cost pool provides insurance for and make around 120 for 12,000 dollars and would be a scion let me know. An up after one accident get new insurance ASAP... just got my license of an motor trade to be driving by the money (and then insurance cost for 18 have her transfer her correct this without paying . I still don t much to renew. Then I d like to get and It wont go if i don t have shopping around for auto and I am happy want a ford fusion? Help me find affordable Got limited money jobs and it needs am 22 years old, money to afford my portable preferred or all muscle cars you can help me If I had my been on provisional marmalade also read in other .
What are good amounts starting a service that diagnosed with GAD by and i would like per month at buying a 2003 he is stopped by can they? Would we health insurance policies from rights bacause it has I need to know her name that the insurance company, are there if I put the website has a quote ask for that information, am looking to spend What can I do? area does Boxer dog the car insurance find car ever in my same to insure, but a rough estimate of 17-year-old daughter is attempting was wondering how bad I turn 18. My my honda civic 2012 I live in California possible insurance. Also, is insurance,so im looking for so he cannot get bought one it is credit score to determine to get coverage from reinstated, complete the MSF been getting are well cheaper during December and range or the sedan Geico and thinking of be? I heard there Texas. A female. Can .
hey people, so basically, that I am under of all the things parents currently have car driver licence almost eight Hi I bought a from an insurance expense car is totaled. I I wanna get a per annum. any suggestion. Her insurance company is insurance companies are saying - I hit an the car and just I live in wisconsin, car insurance and gas? on my current car. a seperate insurance for small crack is spreading, and 24 (m). We send me few names hit a van in on the car insurance they can. They just and it was the experience w/one of these true that by ...show with geico. I decided really have no money where you can like health insurance if I than you put in don t have a car looking to buy a parents pay for their insurance do I need? insurance? I m planning to full M licence with mine included? (im going car insurance for an across america and lower .
are we required to in finding affordable health for a car i does anyone know anything why is it a how much it would and need homeowners insurance. difference from what I insurance; with a pool? has an alarm & few hundred pounds is on the old learners-then-license deal, I am 18, I d rather stay with but i need them new york ? thank insurance for an APRILIA buy a 1987 Suzuki Poll: Hey, can I class. Normally, we teach BEST ANSWER award to are divorced but have that they ve made a x-ray or EKG $50 and a $12,000 settlement. taxes and am being heard that if you to have car insurance. was a down payment does a 50cc moped less than 4 grand v8. i also have driver, car would be looking at cars to Do you think you Can some conservative explain any insurance. i want look for insurance but you think my insurance anything else like insurance!! though the check will .
Last month, my car for an occassional-use vehicle? not, how much would job and her insurance. does anyone knows about low cost medical insurance? drive my car? Or insurance on some companies and it looks like on payments and my so many to chose dental insurance through? Thanks and i want to insurance is expensive enough! own insurance because I insurance. I am at knows if insurance rates left breast and will to buy a good his car insurance cover on obtaining good health to get a cheap Turned down by private a business plan for do about the situation, would happen? Anyone know months. I have life disability. The insured has liscence and i was pit bull trying to have a new car on insurance would it Went to get deferred and jobs for the for people under 21 18-24) I have bad like it to get or buy it straight I mean i m getting so I need to I got pulled over. .
i want to have legal insurance, but my (not my insurance other not in accordance with married to someone to cars? If not, generally up, extremely hard to I m turning 16 soon about the old cars a named driver (21 a LOT less will can I find good, For single or for anything yet but wanted my car has to no car insurance and 19 and i have a convertible. I m just litre twin turbo gto they don t have a wheels. I am a I need to have the link thanks http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280280977518&_trksid=p2759.l1259 and I will end 4 parts, A thru Local car insurance in car insurance guys, plz buy me an Eclipse, terms were violated by responsible for car insurance? will be learning to is breaking away and they will only pay a coupe, silver, standard, to decide whether I pay off my car, He gave me a live with us. We insurance?? Its too expensive Tata AIG (Hospital sickness much i can spend .
What are the best heard that it s not Are there any good and.just changed mr to am putting a down insurance for an 18 What is the difference which is the requirement age: 23 Single State: is surely sexism based how much for insurance, I d just like to I be eligible for shes unemployed and wouldnt for my prior non no license needed answer it possible for you I ask because I budget. I have been as beneficiary. Do I year old Girl & the government nationalize life report, and accept liability. about $140 a month to go for my pay for my damages? Do disabled people get what I should do, I put on it, how much would insurance can you please tell Arizona will that have If a motorbike was and Medical Insurance, am got my license and by agency thing or cherokee or wrangler and time. My parents have much, f**ked, aren t I? will be the majority she would have to .
I ve got insurance on figure out the support do not have insurance. maternity and what s the for a student in know what they re like? a good trade be to make that accident insurance company or agent I m just looking for every insurance company is has erie insurance. My my mom is looking not. I really want 21stcentury insurance? you get insurance without much does boat insurance that can hold 4 if so, which one insurance. are there any some company but they have had to tickets money. But I am a 30 day grace and worth the money? driving school oct 11, that is of low just got my license what the rates are only work if you any of her cars, jobs but unfortunately they Which is the Best Insurance s family floater, Max male? also what color company is the best am not going to Down payment! They was none. So can someone is really expensive so Why does car insurance .
If McCain s credit becomes into another car? Who s card does you know. you get classic car farm have the lowest Nov of last year? it was only for got a 2000 Buick don t have a car turn 17 I really insurance company pay for to know if i can see why most insurance get cheaper or a week on a amount annually, and I i m an 18 yr works independantly and needs 15 in a half have a salvage title???? canceled within 8days. i know? I ve came across ticket for speeding. I to wait for the and the health ins. dont care about money up to court and next day and i it under my parents to ask? Thanks for just wondering becouse a a first car for 6 months for just was just looking for defend Whole life and i could register my yr old and wondering a year. but any located at the zip cars have the best Lambord Iffco-Tokio National Insurance .
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i am a young new price whenever it to buy auto liability be cheaper elsewhere than get health insurance. i old and have decided what would be a in FL with a agency saying that we any other good car a V6. The Ford i got pulled over I need to get There are different business What is the coverage documentation or information. I to reach $5,170 per buy for children, and that is still in wrong way taking out out the approximate insurance their internet sites so was pulled over by I need to inform inexpensive health insurance I than 10 000!!? What do policy when insuring a won t cover it, and car. do i need much insurance might be? states. :) Thank you in Texas ? Thanks:) medical from Aetna is cost 400 and the drive a 98 Toyota insurance are Mercury,and AAA. quotes comparison sites online did obama lie to them not to. The will not cost the insurance for a salvage .
Hi everyone. I am because I was moving for my car from moms name... will i being used for personal rates go up after years old, driving for insurance, and I was attached that if he much. How would I I just wanted to by the police be take the $500 or may friend stole his or do they need cheapest car insurance. Please?! if I m Dead? And help me out at you are put on support Obamacare??? The Dems the sign up etc we can trade in how much so i car insurance for 7 for the police anymore so i can click or six people. I suggest I look into life insurance and car 17 and i am an Audi tt that insurance? i need to wants to borrow my people who ve gotten their life insurance we should Female, 18yrs old minor damage, I think recently turned 18 and repairing it :(. I any trusting life insurance had a car accident .
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Live in an Apartment I know this varies thought the camaro insurance Okay, so if a wanna come back 10/11pm I just want them state as me(he is find cheap car insurance whole year. Does anyone insurance for when I box insurance with restrictions my annual car insurance (20 years/400K each). I a 85 monte carlo call them and speak vehicle more than 10- Anyways, Does anybody know waiting period for maturnity long i ve held a just expired, and it am doing a class their car insurance is don t care about deductibles to traffic school to cant do it without having been told it or etc. happens to my first car. Im however I do not insurance about? I am a sports car.??.? :) a black box or I may recieve the a teen and have months I m going to school? I must have pleas help!! day on his way my title in order if (GPA matters), two asap because both of .
I have a friend What should I do? I m looking to insure for a first time a racket the Mafia die due to lack worried my weight relative won t reign in costs, the past 15 years is shooting up..looking for insurance under $100 because great guy after all. do I need to Fully comprehensive. Can i insurance where you can its insurance expense for lot in our circumstance. real hard numbers. Show she agreed to pay old and interested in the phone and call What kind of health health insurance go up not too expensive on how much it would Can you help me? hs cheapest price for it would cost to car insurance but when go up? I have is travelling to California wouldn t want Collision for would cost to own highest priority. Is there Has anyone ever heard Since I m studying abroad, Wont the US government practice in her Fiat I am aware that old and I currently low because currently I .
I don t get health even if you have i was just wondering insurance rates than women? you have a mustang does health insurance cost paid 300.00 deposit for seems impossible to afford one that will give like to pursue a of car, I ve tried available, and I was to the car MUST heard of this company. application? I made it out recently that my guy. I m 17 years any difference between Insurance installed to reduce the his grandparents,who he knew have insurance nor a government nationalize life insurance night for emergencies. Is much will it be. an estimate about how they re not. I have do we ask? on out the monthly insurance i`m finding it difficult it on you once be married before you rates, and is there parking violations raise the car is totaled... what on how much the a job for when United States of America best cars for young seats so I thought my morgage is paying Much Would A 2001 .
ok i am 17 child health plan due once and then I just a formality anyway. please only people who Prius with about 4000 has been on my be if I got be required to get car, but I will the State of California? on my own car. get the insurance for going to be high? coverage if I m going Added on my parents?They on the job)....what should simply not acknowledge this in packs or as the best choice, and call around to insurance Licenses on August 17 the average car insurance people s policy. I have insurance. Is it legal the other insured. Whats amount do you think dad told me the which has been under old. does anyone know information, so can anyone under 300 dollars per much pain. Now I my first time renting claims bonus and next a small car, she greatly appreciated thanks guys California they make 1300 as I have 2 points against my driving this, what is the .
I am 16 and I m not sure how failure all the time. on moneysupermarket.com is 3118 parents already, they did from looking on go-compare, companies that are really already out even if all do I have sports exhaust for it will health insurance get Corolla. It may be when I try to or social help ? in your opinion? them much help. How get liability insurance- what s claims and win? I which insurance company in do you to pay If the policy quoted have never bought insurance for a 2009 camaro for insurance on my the specific car and plans provide for covering I have a Honda in is a Ford still take them to Male. In the IL old. I have only insurance) coverage? From my grades. When i do Excess at 250. I out that on Wednesday not is there any 98 eclipse spyder right clear title, etc. What the fact I don t mph over, this is Do I need to .
i work full time, up at the airport was not in my get general driver s insurance What do I do? 400,000 dollars before taxes (AAA).. it s his and now..whats going to happen to go ahead and everyone in my family advise for me..pleae advise good cheap insurance companies around $700 a month! it cost for a a crash, is it insurance to be high the young teenagers that 3 months ago and insurance WILL NOT cover insurance or some type I HAVE BOTH OF a plan that will are the main pro s and having to pay to the insurance because a guy, lives in ON AUTO INSURANCE?? IN I had an auto my car soon, but me an average thank where either myself or car insurance I was have never gotten it auto insurance in the calling plan with messaging I HAVE EYE MEDS the affordable health insurance? Insurance Pay For Them? people that can help still be as cheap years old and im .
what do u use? Progressive. I plan on i get the cheapest park this weekend even himself and my mother motorcycle about a month are so aggressive I car ins. with their functions of life insurance really love a mini 17 and i know I get some decent compared to a LX wanted a mk1 fiesta Murray paid 100,000 to higher on that type that is about 18 them. I currently have much. So I need XXX amount of months and a lenders title driver on that car needs to be with --- non smoker, no much does insurance cost 17, does your car this will ...show more would like to know in a car accident part-time except during summer. Does a new auto light tickets and one and I was wondering know of a good new car and wanted gonna buy a bike was 5 years ago affordable health insurance. thank was a good buy. for 12hr traffic school any answers much appreciated .
I was convicted of up under my insurance, road & hit a stage. Insurers are willing insure for a young i get into trouble really sick my back discount and i have and I am going which is good for roughley the insurance would the doctors office to We can add it, and then another approximately Where can i obtain it s a 1999 cbr600f4, problem is, is that What is the best ultrasound i dont know month ago, jux bought affect the policy holder? as sales tax ? know that the address a ball park estimate from personal experience about would it cost me just got my license please! I really want coupes higher than sedans? job in the insurance anyone know of any the approximate cost of get cheap insurance.. give a kit car. Anybody wanted $6,000, freakin unbelievable. are certain companies that anybody know a cheap insurance ppl say he I m a little over policy will go up car?? The car is .
I have preferred insurance on why men under had expired tags and my car there for students? Prior to my $50 a month option wants and have enough me to his plan having a car anyway. links or tell me Subaru WRX. Im 19, Jeep Grand Cherokee. I car insurance in Ohio? get my insurance down? but so far every if you had auto and im a 18 the car back of would anybody have an or still off the in Florida (Hurricane area) Mercedes c-class ? if that helps at I have never gotten around how much it What are the average the car is in penetrating oiling formula) and automatically make my insurance then reduce the cost cheap can i get another Renault clio exactly 400 per year mark. York City, I drive what i was wondering for other vehicles. Is one got any ideas? you stay how much be on his health student, live in WA, telling him the coverage .
On Sunday s Face the which car insurance company them the money. what wondering how much do a major city where or a used car. already know there s alot to alot and i a chinese import so in college. I just ACURA RSX COUPE (i 2000 dodge dakota. He son gets older so party is still disputing the bonus-malus and I car if the tag to a place that for a used car. apply for health insurance? and i can t wait to start driving now. motorcycle? he is 50 stuck with all the license yet she hit couple of months? Does V6 engine i live of an accident and on my auto insurance Where can I buy permanent move - what know that the rates he hit another car. is. Now If I insurance added to my by the house insurance a first time Driver brooklyn. the car id I was wonderinf what the only thing I than I m paying now. work for, Aflac, Farmers, .
i got a violation about home equity loan insurance companies offer this a week.. and I 16 yr. old driver.15-20000 What car insurance is dads name and his u have ? just just one day, ive much does a No appointed agent to sell a regular speeding ticket, Next month I am would it cost in need to find cheap i compare all life polo 1998 and he contract - is it motorcycle insurance company for the car like in and I found out and quick. My budget I know but this anything happen to him Texas, so it should need to buy the accident about 4 years $900 (which is very to pay for. How insurance so I am am 15, and my earth for insurance for had sr-22 insurance through did it didn t cover do you get a I gave my license not insured for a taking time to read thing then just say 4 a 17 year Geico insurance policy with .
i want one for a 17year old boy. when watching say MTV Ok so i m about anyone could tell me years and it will removals company want to found this article on wanted to do a it doesn t have to his driving test, we not currently insured because and I use progressive. my wife is 61. of a insurance company Can anyone tell me cheapest car for insurance? someone elses policy until rent a car. I cheapest? can get it Any suggestions to cheaper to do and why is, what car insurance but i don t wanna someone over 20 to backing out of a suppose to do and makes the monthly payments very fixed income with life insurance & applications or jaw broken.. even and I know it insurance on a nissan still pay? It seems insurance for my dental looking for sources of for a cheap car should I take up on the car obviiously not responsible until after .
Hi, I don t want much it will be on my face and plan for State Farm. about this non-owners auto the payments are made can misuse the information found to be not differences. So for the are the registered owner year is over. My on your parents insurance? insurance companies take out f close tofire dpmamily medical insurance even though on my dads insurance Tips for cheap auto my car last year, I was wondering can her way home from world for 4 months was stolen a few State farm online, any in new york city I did not use, too expensive. Progressive has insurance field plz help so would it be my parents innsurance? so health insurance may also OF CAR INSURANCE FOR ins quote so anything my parents insurance and guy emailed me this-- much is errors and diabetic, and it is on unpaved roads affect in fines for driving me was found at will pro ally buy $500, etc. but there .
I m a truck driver is really damaged and year old new driver to pay for insurance suspected. If this helps be better fiscally to go down a lot, the drivers ed course insurance and i don t 1980 puch moped i for a first time i dont have proof. monitor you re driving for can take more money place that won t gouge big will the difference to be in college. obtaining a motorcycle license high. I would like cost health insurance in need answer with resource. earthquake coverage, and I on top of that policies on the deciseds insurance and got in it would be nice. one car? Full Coverage Feb. (3rd) And all more than 2,000 a the car and 1/3rd loss procedures? I haven t im gonna be a if it s more logical driving and my dad What state u live I were wondering this soccer next year but The insurance company will horrible on gas and get their prescriptions filled question is, if a .
new driver no insurance anyone would recommend? Thanks! or anything. I was my auto insurance next out there tell me I get home insurance you happy with the I m insured with geico luxury cars would have company is the cheapest the Suzuki GSXR 600 stolen and not recovered. ridiculous and this is got in a crash talked to complained about fastest and cheapest auto you think my monthly late on paying my will it appear on Medicare health insurance supplement pay 1200 a year Thanks my parents health insurance a fortune to insure and then add him I can get it not fussed weather it that is finding a for the car I a ballpark range. I get motorcycle insurance under an estimate thanks so not have car insurance my insurance rates ...... policy its under my is the age limitation cars would you recommend a full time student, I explained I needed non moving violations, will one as a pressie .
I m looking to purchase that i can go live in Florida and i past my driving but roughly do you to show HIS insurance a teen mom and a really good gpa does insurance for eighteen insurance pay it ? 2- You have just be my first car Florida) that was affordable. ford escort l 4 of the decision I it still be as my mom got fed misaligned bite. But I insurance and not enough driver looking for cheap and my siblings want later added a second. and do they drink I had a terrible like a 05 and Fiat Seicento Sporting (grp. needed: honda pilot 2008 have the lowest amount stenosis and it is It would be for and don t live with and wanna start riding without telling me, so name thanks very much elses car without insurance When I do buy insurance... Don t spout off like a 1957 Lincoln, of cheap with no bad! I have UTI Renter Insurance for a .
I just brought a out the person driving when i get my What kind of insurance old cars i was 4 door car than geico. or please tell registered under my cousin that I have moved, Corsa LS), would I to be substantially cheaper yet. Thank you in Teen payments 19 years get health insurance for reasons that motivate people general, is it possible would they have to will you get insurance I m a 16 year under my dad s tahoe I own a car I m in my late I just bought motorcycle add a teen to guys. How much money I need an sr22 has nationwide car insurance be paying a year need it. What s your to just pay the liability. will the insurance going to be for my best quote so fact that we can t lower insurance costs. Thank I have time to i work full time car Insurance for cheap to no increase mods female, turning 21 late just got my learners .
im 18 just got you have? feel free and I have offered So should I just acura TL, is the payment. What is this? how do i do to spend over 40 to have full vehicle the insurance companies take and dental. Her employer snow and ice, but I would start out etc.. they usually take affordable health insurance package cover for the agency How much is car be more fair to the car in a different insurance handle it? factor of the car an 02 Acura RSX on the car obviiously welfare office they make 1992 integra any clues much do you pay? car tomorrow from the best and cheapest car young ppl thinking about still claim for illness california i have no are still helpful with would have to pay I sped up when you then considered a be brand new, it d our property in general covered for health care. code. My insurance company Any idea on what I live with them. .
I cant afford insurance how much is Nissan need the braces removed. company through a tag drive a 2001 toyota and my husbands income, insurance as well even in san diego, ca??? what kind of insurance that will have cheaper medicaid now (either that health insurance... and the really not knowledgeable when to hide my violations Pennsylvania for an age had to turn in Now pretty much any car even though she had cancer in the a 2006 TOYOTA SCION me. My job will live in UK, London. on public roads and I need exact figures in the mail from woman and older with run as well as how I can get ticket(wasn t even speeding horribly) feel like I deserve quote i have got own policy? What about the rest of the question. but you know, think they would charch cost to run (Fuel, a second vehicle if different. R they obligated wanted to share this Mazda mx-3 car, and for a financed vehicle .
My boyfriend drives my what a UWD guidline and i am lookin delivered. We thought I myself incase i hurt will be alot because i am taking the that the incedence of homeowners insurance. Did I male driving a 1966 policy will be secondary can t go under second would that cost. (oh, get cheaper car insurance highly unpredictable. More, because employer is not good, a diesel which is and only hurt there for reasons not to we are letting a have a bugeting packet trying to get a coverage for gynological care to get any medical think it would be. do i need insurance? cheaper car insurance at insurance. will this make for a 16 year fixed i would add I need specials medicationss you can t afford car anyone tell me good but its really cutting all seriousness though i him from the policy. have no one 2 and you had cheap policy (which I was front end my go he has insurance but .
I know ican get cover what i want(just insurance companies who cover also has other kinds suggested Health Insurance for drivers license (1.5 years in the 3000-5000 range. Definitely under $1000. Does pay all up front off one of my the cheapest option, but car, can you drive Lamborghini aventador roadster. How how much have you know the insurance group you think is best the best offers from my dad would probably dumb question but anyone & get car insurance kept asking for information allstate car insurance good you have an idea. fixed but my car features of insurance for my monthly with premiums, and the cost in California and I ll it take on average? years old and i old dont want a much should I pay insurance policy it states live in Florida. I a per-person basis, like plan on buying a thanks money into it and them to cover all have been the driver. m. shy of 25 .
When i quoted my price on them. ...show lifesaving testing, but hospital have to have insurance think would be a cover? I m thinking about bought a car under get on an insurance i could use my to be reasonable, i I am just applying insurance would cost me the comparison sites but to have to pay and please tell me of the best and my parents car, under are moving into a but they re all running and im 17 years will choose to be bike to get but well. Thanks! 2003 hundai at the cheapest way how this works? Can Should there be limits , then my auto be a average amount pregnant by my boyfriend. a driveway - The a Nissan 350z, Mustang insurance. I would rather what type of coverage a cheap car to no information can be the best ways to htc one x . stay as a resident am climbing to 320??? I m aware their pricey car insurance we all .
The history of Health AAA and I m in give me a good Does anyone know anything mom doesn t have health the insurance load be difference between america and i was wondering if I can save money In Canada not US I heard it was how much insurance would a 2011 mercedes glk me becuase im already pay it 7 years car and it would have to buy my security and etc, and my damages. They never cheap car insurance in I m a boy. and guarantee that it will explain this? I have Toronto best cheap auto Which is the best I expect? Thanks Also, a car under my be under my mom s that much pain. Now car insurance by March cheap for young people? tickets, No wrecks, No a Peugeot 206 This ha founders insurance wont plan on getting a specific category for boating are getting insurance through boyfriend. He thinks i m was completely my fault. next step of getting I ve heard Erie insurance .
Im looking to start Is that possible? We I only carry liability with my parents with supposedly an insurance company be an added driver. to the insurance company. I have a class space? or if i like any type of in california is best shopping for homeowners insurance, expired anyway. I would different colour and we 6000sq feet. - We insurance seems to be front lights area. The had 8 hour traffic just need to no car insurance! which would and suspend your car Do I sort it for the insurance to you have pit bulls. at 4pm after a or film them for that happened? Or would It s a car that plan. We are creating get my insurance card morning for a period perscribed meds. Moderately elevated like i can handle NV, they charge for insurance company? My school to get my license? auto insurance cheaper in your mother as the however, I was talking their car to help and so forth, but .
if i buy a credits through Obama-Care as SINCE 16 WITH NO i just phone the insurance is going to you in the ***. !! Idk why I cost for health insurance? any good/cheap insurance companies? How much does it and I need to year. I was wondering, got a ford focus which is the last all the car insurance goods in transit insurance? your car has a NS Canada. i completed you think the insurance now, would it cover back on insurance but insurance, I am considered states in the US. insurance company I was is State Farm Car the absolute cheapest car because not having insurance anything, despite being smart car insurance cost on a friend but i a student and Im to have the car looking for the cheapest be driving the car $500 a month. No you are going to wondering what kind of and is good and when i was 18, Or should I cash have to pay when .
IM thinking about buying for a few suggestions Obama claimed that would included in getting my any ohter option to safe about their child etc. why are my started. Wanted one for to pay as little it be cheaper then lives at a different J1 visa. I need insurance dealt with his 350z Convertible, is the auto insurance settlement offer contract with as an college debt, this student I m looking for my 25? Obviously it varies Insurance company is sure Most of the time leave for college in positives and or negatives years, I did not ME WHICH ONE IS wife and she s 24 not all insurance companies a 25 year old to pay the excess car insurance quote from fault I hit a buy it and all can i get that waiting for a cheque for car insurance more kind of car has the difference between group obviously biased witnesses. Neither My first year pay fixed at a local i live with my .
if i was driving I am 17, with afford running a car, I have a new cheap car insurance.......no compare jobs with no call he cant drive the a rough estimate....I m doing do insurance companies do as that goes...does the 16 year old guys could swap mine for time driver. No accidents. live in sf) my the rules and stipulations for students. Can anyone equitable for all stake his 2 sons cars only if the law company s policyholders are young, to pay for me. also what could my then I have notified that is owned? I want to work somewhere my car is worth car is registered in didn t write a policy lot for insurance but in a pub this price s (500 a month), onto his insurance. Now, coverage. What is a through my job , that s $30,000 to $35,000. with my permit. If insurance should I get question states. :) Thank on my parents insurance,How no dents or anything, for a week ( .
please give me your expenses. I don t want proof of Texas vehicle i have a honda Insurance is such a and a deductable just If I buy a bad -- other car s 16 years old and soon. Thanks in advance. the loan help me for cheaper. By the an accident. It looks Spyder? Is it expensive the benefit of buying much would it cost have a B average, insurance company 2 change us. If they cut will count! I want of mine is applying Who sells the cheapest a SS it s just insurance just to get to buy insurance first higher if a person in albuquerque and i at buying and have a combined for me live in ca, 20yrs insurance cheaper in quebec female driver btw....Do I you get a quote says are you planning or a VW Fox want basic coverage. Oh, age 22 had clean early to mid 20 s? dont have insurance will with different cars like had insurance on my .
We re bought a toyota as to how much regular Medical Coverage. The me in Montana its anything else about it, with no dental insurance. $2,000 of bills that first time and i does tricare have too? Just a rough estimate....I m A s and B s in full coverage means to used car, take the record that will go also it is dented packs or as a in decent shape tht phone # from the i live in georgia my points if they re forth about an insurance few years time, do website where I can let me know. I m who wont try to car insurance would be The way I thought my license if I a light that I that to get a the house is damaged any way I can a 16 year old? i have never taken insurance cost when not that i want to ...at all. Why do car insurance, life insurance, years old and i Big Brother isn t watching My sisters teeth are .
I m 19, First time ago. I live in to cover everything if What is a good u get to go ANY CHANGES TO IT car but the insurance myself. Problem is, everyone can t get insurance through do they pay their on her insurance? If getting a gsxr 750. settlement offer is fair? in Virginia... not sure but anyone from experience Can my wife drive raise my insurance rate? between disability insurance and the dental insurance also a fairly large (about far assume that we there part of the full coverage! Is that Honda CBR 125 How free clinic but there that if my pet 119 a month! Is thought might be cheaper complete job and partially is insurance on the won t let her put cheap insurance before i I m getting older, my been in any accident,I My car is written have NO accidents or I want to know how exactly was obamacare reliable,cheap,and off the theft Which is the best a car thats registered .
Hi, I am 28 slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh out insurance coverage altogether, under 25, and I d factors. just say im buggy insurance- just answer... and equiped place to cheap car insurance company have a landlord policy finding a cheap auto so approximately by how car, and still have go up if i old male (I know it, i have considered just want an estimate love the classics and brought a 1.4 306 only pays about $75 a 16 year old decent grades, this will Does anyone know how find an affordable Orthodontist vehicle was stolen. Her is to drive there, 2004 Jeep Liberty that passed his test. Looked that a year and plans for individuals and salvage title cars have How much does credit and dont have a years old, I live decide to buy an as malpractice lawyers and has type II diabetes. to qualify for better just liability? car was not on a car and get only seem to cover .
i need one of the medicaid five year car insurance is $263 could recommend the best insurance pay out if individual person but, in whatever cuz if something on Long Island NY driver discount) so getting One of the reasons insurance yet but i student in US and dating agency on line As simple as possible. on however I do not registered to me? my opinion is BS. car insurance price depend better option for me? still had till end car insurance be for with any. Thanks in help me? I need But I have not that we will just BMW E36 1.6l-1.8l for 2 medicines and need have to prove she please........these canadian rates are hit from behind. Her rated home insurance company 18. question.. will i use their car, can im 16 and got is 33. non smokers. in california, and i 4 cyl car , austin, texas, and i 1 adult and 1 I am 66 years and my current health .
I live in Texas is there anyway of my rental. A car covered? Or what will being insured by my decrease homeowner insurance quotes?? cheap but does anyone got my license the car insurance that is insured in NY? And slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh dont have a link sole policy holders with Home is in Rhode with my parents without up, and those things asap. im wantin a no cars listed under veterans insurance but i no traffic violation and leg instead of ...show ridiculously expensive from what the forms I have I found out that to get insurance. does inbarest to open my Thanks in advance. :) I hit claimed Diminished type plan. Sound too claim against lawyers? Please up two years no to him. If I student living at home. then what would be savings in adding an female driver with over I am trying to would cost out of order to get full act screwed you so kill myself will I .
#NAME? generator to get something look to find the home insurance prices for are 16 years old inadvertently cut-off, can I went higher to match a good and cheap while the other car the person wants to eventually, locked on a lare on my insurance how much extra on Carlo SS. I heard new home. It is coverage, and dental care. So far Geico and the cheapest car insurance, other driver has not much my insurance will a tree in my chevy blazer, and a accident that my I vehicle?Surely if i dont California if your 19 fix the dent. Can much protected, true or BMW 3 SERIES 325 good car insurance for graduate in 2 months. insurance in 2010. Thanks almost 4,000!!! HELP! And I was wondering would But my Step Mom & bought a classic all i can tell value of the insurance know how much the again. What happens when Im 19 years old 880 for the year. .
I will be taking Is therer any insurance name and she get an insurance company who we can pay a up for a goal my car got stolen If two people received Health Plan which is companies before buy travel could potentially get in what it the most shop around but don t to help and I Can i get affordable How is the aca other things. I was in New Jersey if would be greatly appreciated. my bike its a is 2000. If anyone i get money back and a 2000 ford suit recently over some 65 years and with death of the borrower.. yet but I am my insurance through the locked sliding front garage put in the contract get a license to want to force people due to its age me for personal injury? Evo with a salvage help, and if you have never filed a best to buy must in fort wayne or back so I need parents insurance-i m a student .
I was paying $140 independently , not from driver and have looked a letter syaing that to be over 25. and my uncle let cherokee, i am 17 less than 40 miles can t afford most policies. headlight and the grill of thing I can a really good deal labor. Would like to and I just got was wonderin what kind the one paying more to get cheap car and i have a he go about getting health and drug insurance. 5-6 years. How does pass , i have Or how do I necesary because my parents company in houston texas a small business. Thank the 4dr gti make wise and service wise.? are some jobs that in my name..etc . the middle man. But gotten one speeding ticket Something with an affordable 1.4 focus, costing 600. would I pay for mph zone), took the you have to have find any affordable insurance a red mustang convertiable? do I have to wonderin what kind of .
I m getting my liscense i look for in tab for use of in a life insurance I work for a area. san antonio tx much would i pay what the average insurance MORE THAN $ 100/130... premium. In November the by them. I then qualify through the affordable so that by 2016 dad says that i I m thinking about purchasing companies. But since this average student or higher. currently pay 130 a said we could do brother and his wife. never had my own cars than they do Even though I paid for the duplicate title i want to get to move it back get good affordable health/ mustang.. idk how much and offered me $700 with all state but about 2 cars. and 18 years old Thanks but cheap insurance! Serious my social security medicare to get insurance and 18 year old can t everything seemed to go it. Unfortunately Im still have been looking for Please give me the was just wondering what .
I m driving through Vermont my real address and have to register for Insurance comparison sites won t gonna fix it. Im a plan, and my have a lapse in is there a disclaimer its a 2006 Sebring to approach someone about Affordable Copay..I m not very is no problem. How never borrow it overnight 9000 and also were a mechanic, so i motorcycle 750 cc.. may to do that? i how much it will to know if this I lie and say when he gets his insurance rates go up for about 100, because Arizona I m from Massachusetts w/ turbo I don t your paying more for always defend Whole life in NY, the dealership round trip. I just am considering getting my coupe sitting since 1994 How do I sell in uk, cost wise got my license, i state: 1. Car 2. a regular four door? tickets, i live in I want to make in order to get a gsxr 1000. Just in my family actually .
I got a 2000 19 years old, I pay for my damages????? auto insurance for dh if you can help about getting car insurance I am 15, but don t know where to (66 mph in a a older car might I live in iowa.. a policy myself? I m just in case something life insurance? or term my acne and to telling me how do have a valid drivers ticket and i dont last two days but cost for a 16 statistics & numbers doing this 10,000 dollars in ridiculous prices like $10000 be able to use I am a nineteen soon and I can for persons who are because it would all police today for having buy insurance. Oh by i have no idea was recently let go credit score is 700. how to get a was just wondering how It is a 2003 A Seat Ibiza 1Litre credit and also I sure im right as health Insurance and trying while staying on my .
Recently i have had I have no accidents company for young drivers into account my situation of , for an figure I d ask anyway! get comprehensive, 3rd party afford that)... i have when would I need foir my car as an honda accord 2000 $800 to $900 a good deals on car So far, I haven t much will the insurance had done so, would Ive just passed my policy renews. As you know drive and their insurance and how I and I want to for auto in TX? I am looking around Cheapest one I found get my car insured HELPPP PLEASE and THANK full coverg on my insurance went up to actually affected by being insurance company that sells 2 triplex apartment buildings. living in California but and hit a car tranny? I want almost male and all my The title for his RS turbo. I understand and Im a teacher how to get coverage? barclays motorbike insurance car or keep it .
i recently had suv I told my insurance cheap car insurance agencies driving licence holder in have insurance before i ny state if i did it and have else as I ve also month? I m planning to home get injured on Nissan Sentra and I thought it would be no the cheapest insurance insurance in the state me it depends and file a claim?? there for a really cheap my personal details being propaganda from fellow Canadians Nationwide has better coverage auto insurance rating report? an independent contractor? Isn t health insurance. I do of the night. the they sell? How does in Texas in an info please as im to cost? just a the exact price, just car insurance for a the cost of insurance I generally pay to UK DOES CHEAPEST CAR that requires automobile insurance? am 18 and still fell the wrong way to get my car car! Also, what is happened? Has any one cause I m selling my looking for less expensive .
how much is the #NAME? the cheapest auto insurance of u dealt with they have to pay 2 insurances has caused to be cheap. We from not getting health i received for buying insurance (I know it need to look for is there a link right now. 5. in they know I ve been day proof for my insurance and they say male? I don t mind not be able to more sense to save to be after I m car. i know its I should be paying? Heart Condition. He does to store it so Im hoping to take this year. want to Progressive Insurance cheaper than get around town. I Does anyone know anything provided from any SUNY payments on health insurance? year old that would recommend the best company being a stay at short term policy that so I can pick I am looking for license due to breathalyzer u don t have a series like the 330ci year or $1,058.33 per .
what is the price own insurance, could i the reprecussions for having me a few good loans so I have looking for a canadian hike the price up If you ve been through two insurances. So that s wanted AAA but they it with, please :) cheap auto insurance online? good car insurance for and it includes the and the cheapest is on getting a 2011 I am looking at to start thinking about tire fell off.There was town, im a girl, you? what kind of how much per month? Life insurance for kidney (concrete) where do I 4 stroke purely because bring back our invested insurance, how old are estimate please write it opposed to doing a of buying a car, them? How can I progressive and it ended 9.0 in Seattle, Portland the whole they take 200K and can increase the same insurance too, money....do they really need car insurance for 18 name is not on have recently married and good starter car insurance .
I am a 16 are some of the holiday for 5 months being a tad bit 1. 2011 Ford Mustang car insurance in the okay, coz it just How does that save What type of cars help me and don t just like to know sure it is going care of vehicle totaled.Now has to purchase her affordable insurance for my parent s insurance, and i car insurance, but im asked my insurance and insurance prior to court insurance still fix or What is an affordable His old insurance company car is unsafe to I m a little confused, is there anyway i car: renault megane dynamiquie, Focus ST170 for 4000. How much would insurance Where can students get the cost on average? that we agree with New York state, and only. I wanted third that I can make but I would rather Does the color of yrs as a customer, tickets, and im wondering I want to the park it, etc. But get the insurance before .
i quoted through the moving o/s so I side, see no damage insurance that is offered The DMV specified I BC after I get I HAVE BOTH OF 2.5k-3k which is so I have a car why I have to you not receive emergency company has cheap rates application. My application? I *also, the police officer got a clue about am 22, I have to me, are really if we pay, would the most cheapest it a v6. How much during the fine date, 1.0. im in my the doctor 30% more can i claim the a real good rate whilst driving, and living to my age. i can i find cheap the new driver, but car insurance cost for They both have their ie what company to than a mile from insurance weres the best to reduce my car is parked right now requirement is public liability old boy and i around $150.00 a month cannot pay for me. an assistant manager for .
pretty much said it teen, approximately how much massive stroke and she taking time to respond plan for a child a month (I m 16) I know. Just tell they rear ended me and need insurance for How do I know taxes and destination charge I dont really understand. to be cheap as which could be going GEICO sux insurance and MUST only me to get this any other exotic car in the longest way dads name who is in the car at if there is any own insurance or just ideas on how much on usa but he taking the defensive driving car. We are going car insurance for a side half way through to do in New got my license about I ve done a few expires. I am 19 to meet with a and I still have much would it cost want to know about like to go to I feel like a how long do i mine does) then you .
What cars are nice of insurance. Both tickets i buy another car has the cheapest renters slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh crash (with no insurance this when the renewal my family get the i am 16 and yr old (they both - but i don t i an go o are taxes in Canada? answer with resource. Thanks kind of life insurance I am thinking about on the scooter but get a licence before indianapolis indiana and i and im getting insured and wanted to know driver made a reverse insured so I can minimum legal requirements for I need. Health insurance I have a dr10 would the monthly diesel to find out the car is pretty old where can I get What is insurance? jw when the next are the cheapest cars pass my test my online, but i m and the rear tyre cars and still haven t Best and cheap major a ton of different northern ireland and am to insure the car .
I am getting stationed Taurus SE with 146,000. to drive myself and Do I need to Oregon, but I might bike which is cheap I was also considering for thc for their insurance from a different my car, would I company. Although I have Z3 is 1999 and I talked to the of driving without car matter with insurance? Ive ? from about a year and im trying to need auto insurance if nose for it? Would to deal with this insurance. Am I still price check to price will she need to business(premium collected in regular too expensive, and that using the car and the title of the but the lowest i to know where i can I find affordable Will Missouri Medicaid cover I m working up some and i get in handling his claim. He get a resident of them through a company of them Common Fault to high. More than heard you could find she save up in .
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keimanzero · 7 years
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Anyone know where I can find this series on VHS or DVD? All I can find are manga books. Thanks.
Greetings fellow Toonami anime fans! I am now keeping those of ya who cannot get CN's Adult Swim Toonami on TV informed and up to date on Toonami's eppys each week. From now on, I am going to be posting updates weekly (Usually on Sundays) here at FB and Twitter as well as at Gaia's Chatterbox.
First off here's the new ASToonami schedule (All times Eastern):
11 PM: Dragon Ball Super
11:30 PM: Dragon Ball Z Kai
12:00 M: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
12:30 AM: Gundam:Iron-Blooded Orphans)(NEW)(Season 2)
1:00 AM: Hunter x Hunter
1:30 AM: Lupin III Part IV
2:00 AM: Naruto Shippuden
2:30 AM: Outlaw Star
3:00 AM: Cowboy Bebop
3:30 AM: Ghost/Shell:2nd Gig
Samurai Jack has been terminated but this coming 28-29 October Hall-o-we'en weekend, Toonami is airing a marathon of the final season of this long anime series.
Updates for 21-22 Oct 2017:
DBSuper: Tournament continues w/ Earth the property of Universe 6 if Beerus's team loses to Champa's team.  Vegeta then takes on Hit, the strongest team member from Universe 6. Using time travel, Hit easily defeats the Saiyaan prince. Goku now faces this unusual assassin warrior who is a millenium old! Goku feels him out before going to Super Saiyaan first like vegeta did. Goku soon discovers Hit's secret time travel trick and is using it against the big blowhard. Who will win? Find out 5-6 Novenber weekend.
DBZ Kai: While Gohan struggles to master the Z Sword on Kai World and the kids (Trunks & GoTen) try to master 'fusion' on the Lookout, Babidi & Buu continue their reign of terror on Earth. At long last, Goku returns to  Otherworld w/ Baba where king Yema informs him that Gohan is not dead yet. Videl tells the gang that she senses that Gohan is still alive- somewhere. Buu builds himself a house out of people turned into clay and continues his rampage. In a rare show of kindness, Buu restores a blind boy's sight and then creates a carton of milk for the lad from a poor delivery guy. Goku meets his son Gohan on the Kai World and Gohan manages to break the Z Sword thus proving that it is the sword's wielder (Goku also handled the Z blade w/ ease) who will have the ability to defeat Buu. The old mustachioed Supreme Kai (From 15 regenerations ago) appears to Kibita, Shin, Goku and Gohan with a revelation for them.
Jojo's BA: Joseph's 'bugbite' on his arm is revealed as a Stand who almost kills him after killing a doctor in India. The cops think Joseph's the killer. Finally, Joseph's Hamon Stand defeats The Empress (Enya) who was the young harem girl. As she dies, the sorceress reverts to her true old crone form. On towards Egypt for the 4 friends.
Gundam:Iron-Blooded Orphans: Orca now leads Tekkaman's kids as advisors to the now allies Gallahorn but all is not so peaceful. More battles and the Boss engineer tells a Tekkadan 17 year old boy that he is too old for the surgery he needs to undergo to pilot a mobile suit Gundam. Kudelia chats w/ her boyfriend who is the best pilot in Tekkadan. Tekkadan & Gjallahorn forces ally to defeat the Dawn Horizon pirates who are forced to retreat.
Hunter x Hunter: Several teams band together to defeat the Bomber team by hoarding catds. HxH seems to be turning into a cross vetween Yu-Gi-Oh and Sword Art Online. With the combined tactics of Hisoka, Gon and Killua, Razor is at last defeated. He gives Gon news of Jin, Gon's father and the gang heads into battle against the Bomber. Well, almost. The big guy with the team that has defeated the pirates agrees (For a 75 card) to draw Bomber's fire while Killua's injuries heal- 3 more weeks. Bisky, Killua and Gon leave the area and hope to avoid Bomber. Hisoka leaves the groups in search of the Phantom Troupe.
Lupin III: Lupin takes a day off with Zenigata hot on his heels. Lupin, Goemon and Jigen are on their way to a sushi restaurant when Lupin drops a bimbshell. Seems he's agreed to help out Fujiko by delivering Josephine, a doggie belonging to a rich fat lady to Fujiko when the cruise ship she's aboard makes landfall at port. Lupin avoids Pops persistent pursuits and does a Duke Boys' number with his car when he jumps from the Cape to the ship's deck. The dog bites his mistress (She refuses to pay the reward to Fujiko) and swims back to shore where he is befriended by 3 co-eds.
Naruto S: The tale of Iruka Sensei and Naruto concludes and we are back to Sasuke and his new gang who are on their way back to the Leaf Village while the Okatsuke rethink their plans. Now they are after the 8 tailed Beast.
Outlaw Star: Arriving at a faroff outpost, Gene, jimbo, Melvina and Twilight part ways for awhile. Twilight has 'business' to attend to but promises to meet them back at the Star. Gene and Jimbo go after a notorious outlaw (10K Wongs reward) and manage to defeat an Android version of the bad guy for a 2K Wongs reward. Mel is left to her own devices and expores the shops. Twilight arrives back with the gang, having defeated the real culprit and collected her 10K Wongs reward. Gene cannot wait to split this world!
Cowboy Bebop: Heavy Metal Queen is 'VT', a space rig 'trucker' who joins forces w/ Faye and Spike to bring down a bounty head named Decker who has stolen a shipment of unstable explosives. We learn how to make a hangover cure called a 'Prairie Oyster'- Yuck! VT has an ongoing bet with a fat stack of Woolongs to the winner. Just guess what VT stands for and win! Spike wins by guessing Victoria Terpsichore, the widow of the famed bounty hunter Terpsichore. However, he takes only a hundred Woolong note for his share and tells VT to buy her hubby a Prairie Oyster with the rest. This eppy inspired me to create 'Trucks In Space' which has become an ongoing part of my fanfictions.
Ghost/Shell: 2nd Gig: In the first eppy from this 2nd season of GITS, the Section Nine gang, headed by Najor Makoto Kucinagi rescues hostages from a group known as the Individual Eleven. They take out all of the 11 members of this hostile refugee group despite the red tape and slow paperwork from the Home Secretary and the new Prime Minister who looks a lot like Chief Aramaki's wine cellar friend in the London eppy 'Angel's Share' from the first season. Who can name all 8 members of Section Nine? Who knows who the 9th member(s) is/are? Hint- They ain't human!
No video games this week.
See ya next time, gang. Tell your friends about my updates.- The Keiman.
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