#and ive edited 50k
achilleid · 2 years
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EPYLLION { wip intro }
audience: new adult, adult (explicit violence and sexual content) genre: dark fantasy pov: trio third person limited, past tense rep: bisexual characters, gay characters, transgender character, character with emotional intensity disorder, multiple characters of color inspo: shadow of the colossus, gangs of new york, bloodborne, shadow and bone, final fantasy pinterest board: link spotify link: link tag list (+/-): @ladywithalamp @bebewrites @faelanvance @reowrites @pinespittinink @cream-and-tea @flowerprose @touchingmadness @measlywritingblog @inkingfireplace @muddshadow
Prologue and first four chapters: link
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Born without power in a land that covets nothing else, Shio Moravek has been outcasted and ostracized since the moment she was declared to be an illuni. "Moonless". One who can not manipulate the threads of reality to her will. Her position as the grand general's daughter provided her with protection, protection that vanishes in one night of bloodshed that will shake the foundation of her world to its hollow core— again.
Argo is a wonder of Eldred making, the last remaining walled city built by the precurser race that came before. The final bastien of safety in a world of monsters and darkness, the city is Mavros' shining jewel... and the world's most desired conquest. The armistice between Mavros and the neighboring Illyrius has held true since the marraige of the Illyrian Emperor's daughter to the Mavronian king, an armistice that trembles on the brink of destruction. Outside the walls of the ancient city, the world has all but ended. The Eldred, in their hubris and desire for more power, had thrown the world to the edge of an abyss. A rift in the fabric of reality shattering the land and pouring out unnatural creatures and foul, incurable diseases that poisons what little remains to rot. And beneath? Beneath the hollows of this dying earth lays the Below. As mysterious as it is deep, it has held the secrets of the extinct Eldred for centuries, entombed in shadow. This is a world that has ended. A world shuddering its final death rattle while those lucky few cling to its last remaining life raft.
☾ Main POV Characters ☽
Shio Moravek; eldest daughter to Leos Moravek, the grand general of Mavros. Raised on duty and expectation in equal measure, Shio has always strived to be what she was expected to be— until the day she failed her testing and was proven to be an illuni. With her background mired in rumor, the proud and cold nobles of her homeland have shunned and rejected her all her life. Through her father's friendship with the king, she was admitted to the prestigious Anthea College to study spherence despite having no sphere of her own.
Leonores "Nell" Moravek; youngest daughter to Leos Moravek and the second most powerful spherest to be born in a century. Having inheirited her father's kineti abilities, much is also expected of Nell and her future as a protector of her homeland. Unlike her sister, Nell chaves beneath the chains of honor and duty, wishing instead for a freedom she may never be afforded.
Enoch Volkov; The thief lord's boy. The king's bastard. All Enoch's life, his parent's titles have proceeded his own identity— an identity no one is keen to let him forget. All his life he has been treated as a chip to cash, a favor to call in, ignoring at all times the gnawing desire in his chest to be more. To be the heir to a destiny of his own making... a wish he may grow to regret.
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senselessalchemist · 1 year
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exorcising a stupid image that has been bumping around my empty skull like the DVD logo bouncing around the TV screen (terrible quality because I truly havent drawn in so long)
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congratulate your local wrimo
no matter how much they wrote this nanowrimo they won at writing. 50k is an unreasonable goal for a lot of people for a lot of reasons, and whether they set and met a lower goal for themselves or they shot for a full Nano and missed, congratulations are in order.
we wrote some words, guys. we did a good fucking job writing words.
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elhokar-kholin · 2 years
i think i legitimately have written more words about elhokar than sanderson has
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thelostboys87 · 8 months
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that post i made on my writeblr about how there's this one story i have out with a mag that i want rejected because i have a story i think suits the mag better.....live cam footage of me receiving the rejection email on my rainy evening walk
#IT WAS A HIGH TIER REJECTION TOO LOL LIKE YEAH IVE GOT MORE TO SEND YOUR WAY!#like yes release me from these chains!#also another thing is this story was first drafted in june and i kinda want to...not shelve but put the stories from pre like#september on the top shelf...not putting them away entirely but putting them high up#not because i think they're bad i actually love that story in particular and think it has some rly good lines#its just that was a rly fragile era in my life LOL. i want to revisit them in like a year minimum#i didnt draft any flash in july and one i think ? in august that kinda felt like#the last story of that era IDK IF THAT MAKES SENSE those stories just have#a distinct vibe to my approach that i dont see in 1970s leather daddy and between us girls#which are september and october#anyway this has actually presented a conundrum bc the story i want to submit needs more work#but i'm very intentionally doing nano as a break from 'professional' writing so no flash in nov#so anything i submit will prob be in december not the end of this month but thinking about flash in general has me like#i have a lot more story ideas than i thought so maybe it'd be beneficial to just fast draft/edit all of them#let them simmer throughout november in a word doc rather than just let the ideas rot in my brain#but that'll probably mean not finishing the lb chapter/update but also tbh...maybe ill just do that on the side in nov#i think if i do a rough draft of the lb chapter i can tinker with it/write up abt it during nov when i need a nano break#i did say just no professional stuff in nov so if the lover boy autism calls i will answer LOL#im doing the nano 50k goal for WS but not as high stakes as last year. honestly just 50k over any projects will be cool#also i got hit by an opening line on my walk too so now i have another flash idea i have to investigate
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mydetheturk · 2 years
on one hand this big fic could only really work as a fanfic but on the other hand the desire to file off all the serial numbers (of which there are A Lot) and make it my own is... tempting...
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lordsardine · 2 years
finally making some progress cutting shit down
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hell0mega · 5 months
i clicked the Live option on the sidebar for the first time on purpose (ive clicked it on accident too many times) and lemme tell you, the relief i felt when nothing loaded. boy
it's crazy to think that there were people till the end streaming. that I'd see ai generated/edited icons with real people behind them streaming to hundreds and sometimes over thousands of people. yet every poll i saw had 50k+ votes with a 99.9% win for "never used tumblr live."
please tell me if any of you have had ANY experience with it, as a streamer, as a viewer, morbid curiosity got the best of you one day, someone you follow went live... please tell me what it was like. im so curious lol. something in me regrets never actually having watched any other than a few seconds once at the beginning of a random artist. but otherwise i just had absolutely no reason to other than to say i had, and no one looked appealing to watch At All. so does anyone know lol
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laeveteinn · 1 month
hi! hope you are well 🩷 im on my third (maybe fourth) reread of innocent and honestly it only gets better on every reread. the foreshadowing is so clear now and its so beautifully interwoven into the story!
anyway i was rereading the tags and i saw the implied past non-con but i feel that the implications were so light i almost didn't pick up on any. do they refer to walburga and orion? or to ariana and the muggles? i didn't get the sense that they referred to tom (which i know is something of a popular trope in the fandom) but i might simply be mistaken.
also i noticed a lot of people asking for an update and i just wanted to say: please take as long as you need! i first read innocent maybe over a year ago and ive been checking the chapter count every few months, and i say this only to show that the readers who truly love your writing will wait and stay loyal however long lol.
also, your recent star wars fics have been amazing!! i was so excited to see them because i got into star wars again recently and seeing you write about everyone's favourite tragic characters was great. 🩷🩷
The past-non-con tag hasn't really come into play yet (beyond some light foreshadowing). It's a warning for something that planned for chapters 26-30, not involving Tom or Ariana. (I will likely have to edit the warnings for the ending; I've been going back and forth on the "BDSM elements" tag, and I think I will end up needing it.)
I appreciate it! Innocent is very much a work-in-progress, and I'm afraid that progress has been inconsistent ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I have outlined 10-20 endings and written at least 50k+ words in rough drafts, but I've ended up discarding the bulk of that. Pacing and symbolism are hard!
Thank you! I've loved experimenting with Star Wars. Obi-Wan and Anakin give Tom, Albus and Gellert a run for their money in the dysfunction department, yet they've also got a soulmate vibe that feels vaguely Tomarry-esque? It's a lovely flavor of angst and I'm here for it.
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nninoxasaur · 20 days
and to celebrate im releasing the first 3 chapters of In Its Wake on A03!!!! (its only available to registered users because i want to try and protect my work from ai data sweeping sorry)
Initially i was planning to write the whole thing and then do final edits before releasing but its been like a year and i have nearly 50k words and im like halfway through so i just decided fuck it its going out now.
Im planning on posting a chapter once a week until i hit chapter 20 and depending on where im at by that point i might go on a hiatus but at the very least u guys dont have to worry about no content for awhile haha.
anyways ive rlly enjoyed writing and i hope u enjoy reading :DD
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ossydrawsthingz335 · 4 months
ive never watched helluva boss, but anytime someone brings it up all i can think of is that dude who payed like 50k to have like a lewd selfship animation of one of the characters and it looked like so crappy 😭
edit: hazbin hotel. sorry i mixed them up woopsy daisy ^_^
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nontoxic-writes · 3 months
For the WIP asks - I am so curious to hear more about 1, 3, 4, and 5! Love the summaries… 😆
HI YES SORRY i am just now finishing these up lmao
#1 is my suuuuuuper self-indulgent wip that’s an au about a major hyperfixation of mine. it’s the one ive been sharing for wip weds/some sentences sunday’s for a bit, but im still not totally ready to share details on it just yet.
it’s been a lot of research (though admittedly it’s been for random things, like what fragrance someone like henry would wear in this specific situation and me buying a decant of a guerlain perfume i will never ever wear just so i could really KNOW lmao) but im really liking how rwrb canon is fusing with this universe. im excited to finish it and have yall read it! it crossed the 50k mark recently which is… entirely too early for this fic to be at that WC, considering i have like four chapters left to write and all my edits to make. i was estimating a total of like 35k WHOOPS.
#3 is indeed the bonus chapter to even if it’s just pretend, my firstprince fake dating exes fic. i posted a snippet of that one here, and im SO excited to finish it, i really loved writing that fic!!
#4 (a disastrous first date two* years too early, id totally summarized this wrong haha) i answered here and #5 (“slut! from the vault) i answered here. sorry i don’t have more to share, i haven’t started on them beyond outlining.
thank you so much for asking!! im glad so many sound exciting for you!
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geometricalien · 11 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
awww thank you for including me. this has just been sitting in my box for the past couple of days but HERE I AM- in no particular order:
This doesn't really have a name... It's just called Merman AU
and it's not a 'fanfic' it's half a collection of headcannons for this AU and half snippets from this idea that I posted on tumblr at @haikyuu-aus-cuz-i-cant-write (oops look who has actually written now jfdksalf) basically this is a cross between the little mermaid and the monkey's paw. I really liked this but it was wayyy too big of an idea for me to write and you can see that I stopped after writing Suga's wish which is reallly funny considering this whole idea spawned from wanting a mermaid/human bokuaka AU and i was not near to getting to the meat of the story at all
Things That Hold Us Together: Steel Bolts and Tender Hearts
yes i just recently posted this, yes i've had this in my folders for like 3 years. this one... this was spawned from an old friend - who i don't speak with anymore - offhand comment that a fanart looked like akashi was an android. four hours after they said that i had half of this fic, and they said it was the best writing i ever shared with them. they encouraged me to expand it but i kept hitting a wall and then we had a falling out and through out the years ive been coming back to this trying to add and edit and i decided to reclaim it as my own and publish it. the idea is that it's an introduction to a lighthearted sitcom/romcom between decommissioned war android akashi and engineer who fixed him up furihata
Language Barriers
i cyclically get star trek brainrot and this time it had a dash of akafuri, i really like how i described things in this one since furihata doesn't think in words but emotions and images instead, idk it was a good writing exercise
Horror wip
ive been hemming and hawing at it for literal months now because i have one central driving image behind my eyelids that i want to get to. its just been... harder than usual to get to it. i've rewritten like 3 times trying to get it write. i've currently landed on 2nd person narration with some thrown in spices of 1st person to signify that we are in the being- akashi's- point of view haunting furihata (the you) and its giving me an opportunity to make the reader feel akashi's destroying love from the front seat. my other goal with this is to write some surrealistic imagery soooo yeP
I Will Follow You Down Through The Gates of Hell
i cant not include this. this damn fic/series/idea has been brewing in the back of my mind for so damn long if it was a human child it could hold a fucking conversation. the imagery. the themes. the depth of emotion- AND WE ARE BARELY GETTING INTO THE WAR!? ITS BEEN 50K+ WORDS AND ITS JUST GETTING STARTED (or ending, if you wanna look at it that way) idk its... its been so long since i wrote part 1 that that fic doesn't feel like "mine" anymore? idk but it always makes me smile seeing an email saying that someone else liked the fics too.
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dufrau · 1 year
this is so dumb but ive never written a fam fic before and im starting to give it a go, so could u offer me any advice? or like also how do u know when to come to a stopping point for a chapter or would it be smarter to just write like a 50k oneshot ? bc i actually have no clue what im doing
I don't know if I have advice exactly because everybody's process is different and what we want to achieve might be different, but I'll tell you what I did when I started.
I wrote short things. I still write short things, because it turns out I like to write short things, but even if you want to write long things I think starting small is useful practice for that.
So what I did was I just picked a scene I wanted to see and I wrote that one scene and that was it.
Starting with something on the shorter side does a few things that I think are helpful when you're starting out. You get to FINISH something, which feels great. But it also is the first step to understanding pacing and structure and where to end something, and you can carry that knowledge forward into longer projects. It's also easier to edit a finished thing, and easier to edit a short thing, and editing is important. Rereading and shaping and proofreading are all part of writing (honestly sometimes I find editing more fun than the actual writing 🤷) .
Jumping straight into a long fic first is fine if you want to do it! But it can be tough to keep focused and you might just not want to write it after a while (which is also fine! It's okay not to finish things! This is a hobby!) But that can feel bad, like you might feel pressure to keep writing or feel guilty for not writing etc etc. Those are super normal feelings! But try not to let it get to you, this is for fun and you don't owe anybody anything.
I don't really Outline exactly, but I think regardless of how short or long the thing you're writing is its helpful to go into it knowing what are the important things that need to happen (this will help figuring out how long it needs to be etc) and, at least vaguely, the ending, so that everything you write is leading there in some way.
Engagement on fics is unpredictable. You might get a ton of kudos or comments or you might not. Just focus on writing what you want to write and not on what other people think about it (this is hard!)
Um. I dunno. I am writing this on my phone without my glasses on so please forgive any weird autocorrect issues?
(Oh! One piece of practical advice: do your actual writing someplace you can save it and then paste it into the ao3 post window when you're ready to post it. If you write directly into the ao3 page it will self destruct if you don't post it within 30 days and you will lose your valuable work!)
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debb987 · 1 year
hello! ive been reading "the eldest brother" for a while now and ive been astounded by how long it is! i was wondering, how do you plan out longer fics like this? i would like to make one too and ive been having a hard time trying to find where to start.
Oh yeah! Starting a long fic is probably the most overwhelming step ksksks I guess my advice can be reduced to a few keypoints. It's kinda long, so I'm placing them under the cut!
Don't judge your drafts. They don't need to be perfect, they just gotta outline the chapter! You can edit a draft, you can't do anything to a blank page. So just let the words flow!
You don't have to write in order. I have several drafts of things that are going to happen later in the story, and they motivate me to keep going! I really want to reach them! >w< I wrote Ch 12 at the same time as Ch 3 for example~
Answer to comments! They're so inspiring and motivating, I really appreciate them. They also outline on things the readers want to know, so it gives you an idea on what to show within-story. I had a bunch wondering on what Raph had told to Lou Jitsu that made him go from 0-100 in dad instinct, so I included that <3 If the opinion doesn't align with yours you can also use that to "correct them within story". I knew what I needed to show in Ch 13 when ppl commented on Draxum's "rendemption arc" for example ksksks
This one is a bit contradictory. It's a "don't lose sight of what you want to show" while also "don't get overwhelmed by how long the path is." If I think about the chapters to come for too long I become overwhelmed and don't write a thing. It's easier to just let it flow, one chapter at a time. I'll get there at some point, and you will too, just remind yourself that <3
Time skips! My average for fics is usually at 50K words, the Eldest Brother is a bit of a black sheep in that ksksks and mostly that's because I usually use time-skips to move forward in the story, showing the important bits and skipping the boring ones via offscreen-ness.
Don't let reader expectations make you rush, write when you can, publish when ready. Don't be afraid of writing something different from what they expect too ;)
I think that's all I've got for ya', I hope these help a bit <3 and have fun!!
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jonphaedrus · 2 years
for ao3 wrapped: 3, 6, 28 and 30
3: work i'm most proud of?
absolutely roleswap. it is the single best thing i've ever written and the experience of working on it and creating it with sam has been like. life-changing and that's honestly probably a bit of an understatement. please read roleswap.
6: favorite title?
sorry im incapable of being profound in my heart of hearts i am just a simple meme.
i just did 28, so,
30: biggest surprise while writing this year?
i woke up on a wednesday in february and went temporarily* insane. i've not gotten better ive actually only gotten worse, so i think im stuck here for life. i have 0 issues with that.
other than perfectworldshipping sneaking up on me 9yrs later with a great big baseball bat and beating me half to death, probably discovering that i can actually write longfic! i've struggled with it all my life and now im over here like, oh yeah 20k? nothing. 40k? i can do it? 50k? happens by accident everyone knows that. 150k? ok that does take a while but here i go anyway
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