#and jack's not at belgrave
satureja13 · 5 months
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Jack's Therapy Game (From the beginning: -> here)
After Jack cared for the horses and Lou prepared the room for Jack, they went over to the Pub. Jack didn't get kicked out like Vlad and no one asked about his 'status'.
Jack: "About the money for the room and stuff... I'll get a job right tomorrow morning. I heard the sculptor is hiring." Lou: "Oh no, no one works for the sculptor." Jack: "I don't have problems to take my shirt off." Lou: "It's not this. We don't talk about it. Don't you worry, you can help me at the shop."
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Lou noticed Jack's rash. Lou: "Isn't this painful? I've heard about this. Did your Alpha die? If you don't get this treated you might die too, you know that, don't you?" Jack: "No, he didn't die - it's uhm... complicated and yes..." Now that he thinks about it, it doesn't hurt! He didn't even pay attention since he was so stressed about being locked up. But as far as he remembers, it didn't hurt since he entered the game!
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Jack: "I'm fine :3 So, are these your horses?" Lou: "No, Lunatic belongs to no one but he kind of lives here and Val is the horse of my best friend from the neighboring village. But he's here all the time because they are deeply in love." Jack: "Is that so." Does that mean this friend is NPC Jeb? Well, since Ji Ho and some of their other friends are also here as NPCs, it would make sense. Jack hopes he can talk to one of them soon to see how 'real' their NPC versions are. Tiny Can maybe does this so they feel comfortable in their therapy.
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Even the Queen and the Prince Caleb are here tonight. And he's seen NPC Leander, Barfolomew and: Greg -.- But the Queen and Greg don't sit together. Like at the Arena. That's good news! Jack: "Is the Queen married?" Lou: "No. And she's only the Queen here until the Prince gets married to Princess Jihovere." Princess Jihovere? Caleb and Ji Ho will get married here? OMG! And the Queen will not stay the Queen here so his chances to hit on her just increased! (Omg Jack!) ('Jihovere' refers to 'Guinevere', the beloved wife of King Arthur.)
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Jack and Lou had a good time at the pub and Jack has a good feeling about this therapy. For once he can try to act like a 'more normal' person in this world and see what he could achieve. No one here knows about his disorders and hardships. And here he can experience what his life could be if he overcame/worked on some of them. He's fully aware that he can't be 'healed' and he knows that his friends love him and worry about him and try to protect him. But he also gets the feeling that this keeps him from prospering. He'll talk about this with the others when he's back. But he's going to stay a little longer because he really likes Lou and they have so much fun together. And the pain is gone. Jack hadn't felt this good for a very long time.
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'Everybody here is out of sight They don't bark, and they don't bite They keep things loose, they keep 'em tight Everybody was dancin' in the moonlight
Dancin' in the moonlight Everybody's feelin' warm and bright It's such a fine and natural sight Everybody's dancin' in the moonlight
We like our fun and we never fight You can't dance and stay uptight It's a supernatural delight Everybody was dancin' in the moonlight'
Dancing in the Moonlight - Thin Lizzy
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest Current Chapter: 🕹️ 'The One' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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ccmpletemess · 1 year
closed starter for @honeyedblossom ( nadia & jack ! )
It was a rare night that Nadia and Jack had alone, with Amara with the babysitter and Jack not working. As much as she missed adored her daughter, she was pleased to have a night alone with her girlfriend. As the other's phone buzzed, her lips curved into a frown. "Is that work? Do you have to go, baby?"
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undercoveravenger · 2 years
Distracting Detectives
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Pairing: Randall Carpio x Male!Reader
Requested: Yes
Request: “Hi since your request are open can I request a Randall x detective male reader like from you ej fic who is noticing weird stuff around the college and gets close to discovering the knights but the pack sends  Randall to distract him or get him off the trail but he just kinda starts flirting with him 🥺”
A/N: Happy Spooky Month, y'all!
There was something wrong at Belgrave University. Not only were students going missing or dying from bizarre “accidents”, but now there seemed to be some sort of monster stalking the campus, with multiple students and staff reporting seeing a huge figure looming just past the treeline surrounding campus and hearing it snarling at them.
You hadn’t seen the creature yourself yet, but you were starting to narrow down your suspicions, especially now, as you’re looking over your notes where they were sprawled out across one of the tables near the back of the campus bar, the Blade and Chalice. 
Really, now that you sat back and stared down at all the first-hand reports and the rough sketches you’d been able to coerce out of a couple of the witnesses, the answer was obvious. The creature was certainly, without a shred of doubt, a-
“Hey there, handsome~” a cheerful voice jerks you from your thoughts and you look up quickly, stunned to be met by the sight of a stranger dropping into the seat across from you. Your new companion had dark curly hair that fell just slightly over one of his warm brown eyes and his lips were quirked up into a playful grin. “Whatcha doin’?”
Silence stretched between the two of you for a long moment as you tried to wrap your head around this person’s sudden friendliness. “Working on a personal project,” you said finally, not wanting to give much more detail since you knew most people would find the idea of a werewolf hunt ridiculous.
“Ooh, gorgeous and smart?” He looked intrigued, taking a rather obvious look at the pages spread out in front of you. “Oh, are you writing a book? This all looks pretty folklore-y, so is it fiction? Maybe urban fantasy or something?”
“Yeah, sure,” you said noncommittally, starting to gather your things and load them into the satchel you’d been carrying. 
Your companion put a hand on a few of the pages closest to him, preventing you from taking them. When you paused and looked up at him, he gave you a shy smile, “Look, I’m sorry I asked if it’s too personal, I was just curious.” He shot a pointed look back at the table where his friends were not-so-subtly watching the two of you, “I noticed when you walked in here; couldn’t stop looking at you, really, and my friends thought that I should come try and talk to you, insisted on it, as a matter of fact.”
As he spoke you glanced past him, taking in the sight of his friends. All three were observing you intently, the well-dressed blond looking thoughtful with a barely-touched cocktail and his hands clasped in front of him. The other blond looked more anxious, eyes constantly darting between you and your dark-haired companion and then to his own beer, like he was afraid he’d give something away if his gaze lingered too long. The girl they were sitting with looked less than impressed, glaring as she met your eyes and you weren’t quite sure if she was more likely to shake your hand or kill you.
“I don't know that your friends like me very much,” you said, sitting back in your seat and crossing your arms over your chest. 
“They didn’t like Jack at first either- now he’s part of the pack,” he shrugged, grinning that same easy grin that he’d been giving you all night, though now there was a glint in his big brown eyes that you couldn’t quite place, like he was telling an inside joke that you weren’t in on. 
You raised an eyebrow, glancing back at the group and wondering idly how such a different group of people fit together. “Jack, huh?” He nodded, twisting in his seat to point out his friends, “The little one’s Jack. The one who looks like a politician is Hamish and that’s Lilith. You’ll, uh, you’ll know pretty fast whether she likes you or not.” He turned back to face you, smiling brightly, “And I’m Randall! What’s your name?”
You gave him your name with a huff, but couldn’t help your growing fondness for this goofy college student.
He repeated it softly to himself, like he was testing the feeling of it, before nodding to himself. “So,” he said, eyes dropping back to the couple of pages of notes still spread across the tabletop, “What’s with all the Halloween nonsense?”
You could feel your shoulders tense, certain that you were about to be ridiculed for your theory as to the cause of the strange events happening on this campus. “I don’t think it’s nonsense. Not with this much evidence to back it up.” You clutched reflexively at the strap of your bag, knowing the worth of its contents. It may not mean much to some people, but the photographs of the tracks and the couple of vague shots you’d found… The right people might believe you.
Randall followed the movement, eyes locking onto your satchel before darting back up to you. “Evidence, huh?” he prompted, “What’re you planning on doing with it?”
“Whatever I have to,” you said, taking the last pages and slipping them back into your bag. “I just want people to be safe.”
He was quiet for a moment, the serious expression on his face almost jarring in contrast to the cheerful demeanor he’d had up until this point. “I think that’s all any of us want.”
You weren’t sure what to say for a moment, shaking your head as you stood and gathered your things, laying down money for your drink and slinging your bag over your shoulder. “Look, this was fun and it was nice to meet you, but I should probably go-”
“You don’t have to,” Randall protested, holding out a hand to stop you. When that didn’t seem to change your mind, he quickly finished his own drink and got to his feet, gesturing for you to lead the way. “Okay then, since it’s my fault for killing the mood, let me at least walk you home.”
There were a lot of occasions where you wouldn’t have wanted some stranger to see where you lived, but for some reason you felt like you could trust Randall. “If you’re sure,” you said finally, confident in leaving him an option to get out of it if he wanted to.
“Totally,” Randall said, snaking an arm around you to take your bag from you, “I get to talk to you more and walk a super cute boy home. It’s a win-win.”
You huff out a laugh and let him take your bag, “If you say so,” you say, allowing him to trail you out the door of the bar and into the street. The two of you made it about halfway down the block before you felt compelled to break the silence. “Hey, Randall, why did you really want to talk to me?”
“You’re sure you want to know?” He asked, quiet for a minute even after you nodded, but eventually began to explain, “I really do think you’re cute, but that wasn’t the whole reason my friends encouraged me to talk to you.” He took a deep breath, walking faster until he was in front of you so he could meet your eyes, “You were too close to the truth, so they wanted me to distract you.”
You shook your head, pushing past Randall, “You don’t need to lie to me. I know it’s weird.” 
“I’m not lying!” Randall protested, scrambling to catch up with you, “I promise I believe you!” He caught up to you as you stopped to wait for the light to change at the crosswalk, “I know you’re right about there being werewolves on campus.”
You were no stranger to people mocking your theories or not believing you, but the absolute honesty in Randall’s eyes had you frozen in your tracks. You weren’t even sure what to say to him.
He took a step closer to you, gently taking your hand in his, “Let me prove you right?”
Logistically, there’s no reason that you should believe this guy that you’d just met, but something about the earnest way he was looking at you had you convinced. “Fine,” you relented, letting him hold your hands as you resumed your walk down the street.
Randall’s eyes glinted golden and his grin grew almost wolfish as he followed after you; he hadn’t expected this result when he volunteered to distract you, but he certainly wasn’t complaining and he couldn’t wait to see how you’d surprise him next.
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warwickroyals · 11 months
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Sunderland's Royal Jewel Vault (7/∞) ♛
↬ Glencairn Pearl Fringe
Despite being a relatively small addition to the royal vault, this sleek tiara has seen quite a lot of action throughout the decades, inclduing three royal weddings. Its start is predictable enough: its original owner was none other than Queen Alexandra of Sunderland. In Alexandra's time, the tiara was nothing more than an unassuming diamond bandeau, and it was never worn by the Winter Queen in public. Through Alexandra, the tiara was passed down to her granddaughter-in-law, Queen Anne, who wore the simple bandeau just once. By the time Anne loaned the tiara to her daughter-in-law, Esther, Duchess of Glencairn, the tiara had been collecting dust for a quarter of a century. Esther was the wife of Prince Michael, Duke of Glencairn, the youngest son of Queen Anne and King George II. Even by the most flattering accounts, the King's youngest daughter-in-law was a bit of a snob. To the Duchess, being the fourth-most senior lady of the land justified a tiara worthy of royalty. Esther altered the simple bandeau to her liking, adding a top row of pearls and scroll elements. This refurbished tiara, which accompanied the Duchess to many glitzy events in the 50s and 60s, became known as the Glencairn Pearl Fringe. By the early in 1970s, the tiara had another wearer. Esther's oldest daughter, Princess Mary, began wearing the tiara once she was old enough to embark on royal duties of her own. In 1981, Mary wore the tiara at her wedding to Jack Belgraves, afterwhich the tiara remained hers for good. Esther was the owner of at least five other tiaras, which were left to her daughters following her death in 1988. Following Esther's death, the tiara underwent a remarkable trasformation. The bandeau was reworked into a modified fringe tiara, with the oringinal pearls serving as toppers. Throughout the nineties, Mary reagrraged several of her mother's jewels, to varying degrees of success. As cousin to the current soverign, Mary still has royal duties on her roster to this day. As a result, the tiara has popped up at the occasional event. In 2012, Heather Belgraves continued tradition by wearing her mother's tiara on her own wedding day. Mary's daughter-in-law, Sabyna Belgraves also wore the tiara as a braidal diadem, but no pictures of the event ever surfaced.
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Bobby Henrey and Ralph Richardson in The Fallen Idol (Carol Reed, 1948)
Cast: Ralph Richardson, Michèle Morgan, Sonia Dresdel, Bobby Henrey, Denis O’Dea, Jack Hawkins, Walter Fitzgerald, Dandy Nichols, Joan Young, Hay Petrie, Dora Bryan. Screenplay: Graham Greene, based on his story. Cinematography: Georges Périnal. Art direction: Vincent Korda. Film editing: Oswald Hafenrichter. Music: William Alwiyn.
The Fallen Idol  is usually categorized as a thriller, and it's undeniably suspenseful, but it's really a moral fable in which everyone is ensnared in their own lies. The suspense is generated by the fact that the audience knows the truth. Philippe (Bobby Henrey) is the young son of an ambassador, living in the embassy in London's Belgrave Square. His mother has been recuperating from a long illness in their home country, and when his father goes to see her, Philippe is left in the care of the butler, Baines (Ralph Richardson), and his wife, the housekeeper (Sonia Dresdel). Philippe idolizes Baines, who entertains him with made-up stories about his adventures in Africa -- in fact, he has never been out of England. Mrs. Baines, on the other hand, is strict and fussy, so he has learned to be sneaky about things like the pet snake he is hiding from her. When Mrs. Baines punishes him one day by sending him to his room, Philippe climbs down the fire escape and follows Baines to a cafe, where Baines is meeting with Julie (Michèle Morgan). When Philippe surprises them, Baines pretends that Julie is his niece, and persuades Philippe not to talk about her around Mrs. Baines. But Mrs. Baines has learned that her husband is seeing another woman, and she tells him that she's going away for a few days, then secretly stays behind to spy on him. All of this deception comes to a head with an accidental death that looks a lot like murder, with Philippe as a key witness. But Philippe has been so confused by the lies he's been told and the ones he's been asked to tell, that when the police question him he is in danger of leading them into a serious error of justice. Director Carol Reed brilliantly manages to hold most of the film to Philippe's point of view, giving the audience the double vision of what is actually happening and what Philippe thinks is happening. Nine-year-old Henrey, who had no significant film career afterward, is splendidly natural in the role, and Richardson brings a necessary ambiguity to the part of Baines. The film is also enlivened by Greene's secondary characters, including a chorus of housemaids who comment on the action, a clock-winder (Hay Petrie) who breaks the tension of an interrogation, and a scene at the police station where the cops and a prostitute (Dora Bryan) try to figure out what to do with Philippe, who has run away after the accident, barefoot and in pajamas, and refuses to tell them where he lives.
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a fun fact for any oc you'd like! ✨
Becca (The Order) still has the soft toy rabbit that she used to carry around with her all the time, and that is part of the reason her family - and Jack - have the nickname ‘Bunny’ for her. It went to Belgrave with her, and sits on her pillow most of the time, or on her desk in the hopes of encouraging her to write essays.
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madroxed · 5 years
the fact that it looks like jack’s going to have jake’s bleach blond dye job for season two is a lot to process
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amythecinnabunny · 4 years
Top moments on The Order, in no particular order
This (incomplete) list serves to remind me that I'll be writing a fic one day and must somehow include as many of these pure gems as I possibly can
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Right off the bat I wanna mention: Yeah let's kill some bad guys!!!! ---- *does homework*
"Fortunately for you, I'm a little more concerned with preventing the end of the world" "Yeah, fortunately for you, I'm-- yeah, that -- that we can agree on."
"I'm dissolving the Gnostic Council." Long, tense pause. "Not literally."
"Relaaaaax it's just a dart in his eye."
"I'll move when I'm READY!!!!"
"How can you be so bad at secret societies? You're in two of them!"
The rest of the pack shows up in their robes. Alyssa: *palpable relief*
"Did you punch me in the face?" "Me? I would never!" 👀
"Shiiiiiit did I lose at beer pong again?"
"How many more of you are there?" "420"
Vera: Tell me about these puppies. Randall: *excited and proud Dad™*
on that note, Kepler: who cares about puppies?? Randall & Jack: 🙋‍♂️
The fact that Vera was confused but still leaned forward to see the photos, Big Mom Energy
Speaking of, "Do I have to call Vera mom?"
Jack: You know what we need to do to beat Coventry? Absolutely nothing. Everyone else: wtf
"I respect your agency as a woman but also fuck this bullshit!!!"
"How did you find me?" "I followed the sound of betrayal -- and Hawaiian pizza."
Pete: he'll be fine. Jack: *gets attacked*
Jack: explaining the collective unconscious. Clay: r u high
Everyhting about Clay, y'all.
"Jennica? Fuck you."
The whole cheer routine Jack did
"Rene, long time no see" "cough cough-- not long enough"
"We could cause an apocalypse explosion." "And that is?" Pause where Vera tries to comprehend the level of intelligence in the room. "An explosion ,,,,,, big enough to trigger the apocalypse."
Zecchia: tries to make a drink. Hamish: I'm literally gonna die if you don't step away
"Try to keep up, I told them you were smart."
That face Hamish makes when he realises what "tall glass" means
"Magic heist! Magic heist! Magic heist! Magic heist!" *hamish dances with a box*
Vera: cleans the alter with a spell. Jack: tosses mop
Edward: peanuts. Vera: just to clarify, you said peanuTTSSsS?
Randall: did she ask about me. Midnight, essentially: fuck off
Feel free to add on sksjjs
Maybe I should make a crack video about this....
(Vermish moments would need their own list skksks that's why they're not here)
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cringey-human13 · 4 years
The only straight relationship I stan in The Order was Vera x Hamish they have set the bar too high
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ecrirereadver · 4 years
On Season 2
Honestly, I loved it.
It felt better than season 1, the storyline was more complex, the cgi, was better the characters were fuller.
Personally I would have been happy if it had been a classic The Knights VS The Order for 10 episode with strategy and plays on both side, but I did like what they did with the storyline. 
I enjoyed the first three episode of the wolves trying to gain their freedoms again and being angry.
I really liked that Lilith was conflicted because she developed real feelings during that time, but I do feel like season 1 Lilith would have been waaaaay more pissed about the false memory. I mean she threw stuff out the window when she remembered what the Order took from her when she was expelled. Nicole would have had to work a little harder to earn her forgiveness.
The Knights screwing up with the demons was probably because they don’t know enough about magic to know better and was a pretty big screw up. 
Someone need to make a video of Lilith and Jack getting ready to die for the cause.  Fearless Alyssa was awesome!
Lilith getting send to hell… I saw coming. I mean character named Lilith in a supernatural world that includes a demon dimension? Yeah, she is going to hell. 
I wish we had gotten to see Jack right after Lilith was gone. Him screaming or crying and just plain sad. But I did like how they presented it. 
I do think the Knights should have been working a little harder on getting Lilith back instead of just doing whatever Vera told them to do, but it did make sense that they felt guilty and wanted to fix their error. Cause all of the magic getting stolen was kind of their fault. 
Randall, Hamish and Jack’s character change after Lilith. 
Randall is angry, he’s been angry since he got his memory back, but now he also lost Lilith. Randall loves being a Knight, not having to answer to anyone and getting to make decisions on beer bong. They took away his world and now it feels like its slipping through his fingers. He feels like he can’t turn to his fellow packmates and he has the guilt of pretty much having caused it all. 
Hamish becomes more protective of those he love. We see it with Vera and are told about it for the Knights (I do wish they had shown us more pack moments). He tells Randall and Jack to be more careful, he doesn’t want them to jump into things like in the past. After he gets captured by Salvador he becomes even more cautious. Not drinking and always being on guard. 
Jack owns up to his actions and for him in that moment it means working with the Order so they can help them get Lilith back. He trust Vera and he honestly wants to help the world. Him helping “erased” Alyssa’s memory proves that. He is all in.
I don’t think the knights should a part of the order but because I don’t think they should be part of any secret organization. I think they should be apart from them and police them. Or if they are part of the Order they need to have more power than most, that only the Grand Magus and the Gnostic Council (as dumb as they are) can question them and even then the wolves can go above them if needed. 
Praxis was brilliant villain and Salvador was so fascinating. It sounds like a great idea given magic to the masses, but the more people you give the less time you have to teach properly and then when someone screws up what are you suppose to do. Plus in this universe if you screw up enough magic you cause the apocalypse. Magic needing a sacrifice makes sense, you can’t have something for nothing. 
I wish we had gotten more backstory to Salvador. Did her dad try to teach her how to use magic? To be a Knight? Or would he have agreed? Why did she start Praxis? So interesting. 
Alyssa becoming an antagonist was awesome. She defines herself by how good of a practitioner she is, if she can’t be a practitioner than she feels like she is nothing. When she found out that Vera might be keeping her from her magic she was pissed and betrayed. The fact that Jack sided with the Order was another betrayal. Alyssa is also very easily manipulated I feel. Maybe because of her family, I don’t know. By Edward, by Orbid, by Salvador. 
Kepler is dead!!!! Ding dong the witch is dead. Oh, hello Maddox! That’s where you’ve been. Am I the only one who feels like there is more to this? Kepler said that “you’re father left exact instruction until he gets back.” And that “he’ll be back soon.” And she started playing nice once she saw Vera had the Vade Macum. At first I though it was because she got scared but maybe Edward had a plan and Kepler is in on it. I don’t think this is the last we’ve seen of Maddox Coventry. 
Midnight!!!! Have I said Midnight is my favourite Hide??? They are the only one we have meet personally but not the point. Midnight gets shit done. Midnight says it as it is. Midnight isn’t dealing with your bullshit feelings. Be Werewolves!!! 
I am a sucker for a good Redemption Arc and Gabrielle hit all the right spot. Girl just want to belong because her family treated her like shit and she was bullied in school. She started feeling like she had a place with the wolves and now she will have one until she dies. I am a little worried for season 3 but I have hope. 
In season 3 I am really hopping Jack doesn’t become an antagonist or at least not against the rest of the Knights. I know him and Gabrielle are going to at the very least be awkward with each other, but all the wolves have killed someone by accident and she was posses. It wouldn’t bother me if Jack was against the Order or joining Praxis, as long as he isn’t against the rest of the pack. 
Praxis hasn’t been dealt with and Vera still doesn’t have her Magic back and Lilith became a demon. I really want answers.
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satureja13 · 18 days
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When the Boys just were about to finish their Yoga/Meditation/Tantra practise, Leander and Wesley arrived. That wasn't planned. The Boys were supposed to spend the day alone ö.ö Vlad sighed. Leander, his arch enemy... And Wesley, his first love...
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Leander: "Hey Boys. Vlad. Ms Coombes asked Wes to prepare her next Defense against the Dark Arts lesson. So I thought I'd accompany him and hold my History of Magic lesson today. Meet me on the top floor after you showered." And even though Ji Ho knows how much Vlad despises Leander (and to a certain degree Wesley too), he can't help his feelings taking the downward path - again - into the blurry, red-hazed realm of jealousy, distrust and anger. And their Bond is still utterly quiet. Giving him no sense of Vlad's love for him - nor the slightest bit of reassurance. Over the last two years the Bond was Ji Ho's anchor. Whenever he felt unsure and helpless, the Bond was there, wrapping him in the utter security that Vlad will always love him. No matter what. Which carried him through all the hardships. And now he fears that this love was just a trick from the Council. Initiated by a Siren's Spell of his own grandfather... And all these overwhelming feelings he dug out only intesify these fears.
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The History of Magic Classroom. Decorated with paintings and photographies of the members of the Resistance. One might think that History of Magic is a quite boring subject. But it wasn't. There's so much to learn and the Boys barely ever got any insights about how the Resistance was founded and by whom.
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After a brief overview, Leander talked about the most famous accomplishments by other members of the Resistance. And the most devastating failures. Then he gave the Boys their homework. Each creature is different. Each has their own, very unique, abilities and traits. And each has their weak spots. There is no established method to succeed. So Leander asks them to collect their own abilities and weak spots - and the ones of their opponents. And after that - work out strategies. And lots of plan B's...
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Meanwhile Ji Ho is in his own personal hell. Why do Leander and Vlad look at each other like this? Has something changed between them? He knows it is crucial to listen and pay attention and to do everything in his powers to find a way to detect and destroy that spell, but he just can't. He's fighting for every breath he takes and every beat of his heart right now. As if none of the things his body usually does on his own stopped working and he had to manage them all manually.
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Jack doesn't do any better. The heat has its firm grip on him. But it's not his feelings. It's his body he can't control. His heart is racing, he can barely breathe, his intestines are intertwining... He tries to act as normal as possible to not upset Sai and Ji Ho any further. Only his good mate Kiyoshi seems to know what's going on with him and watches him worriedly.
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After classes, they went down to the yard again. Vlad, Leander and Wesley are putting their heads together and talk quietly. And Ji Ho is watching them. What does that mean? Ji Ho is raging. First Jack is stirring Vlad up with his Omega pheromones and now Vlad is voluntarily hanging out with his exes! Is it possible they were finally able to cut the Bond? Because Ji Ho is a danger for Vlad?
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Ji Ho ran away - crying. Adriano: "Oh no!" Kumo: "What are we supposed to do?" Little Goat: "I hope he isn't about to do something silly!"
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Leander: "Don't worry. It will all be well in the end. We are going to take good care of you." Oh no! I've heard this before...
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Jeb and Kiyoshi are in their own world. Jeb's talk with Sai lies ahead. And poor Jeb is losing it. Kiyoshi tries to reassure him. But of what help can he be after messing it all up with Jack and his relationship...
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And the party goes on.
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Skully dug out a matching song and sings along:
'I was dreaming of the past And my heart was beating fast I began to lose control I began to lose control
I was feeling insecure You might not love me anymore I was shivering inside I was shivering inside
I was trying to catch your eyes Thought that you was trying to hide I was swallowing my pain I was swallowing my pain'
Jealous Guy - John Lennon or, another great version by Roxy Music
From the Beginning 🔱 Underwater Love 🔱 Latest
Current Chapter: 'Here comes the Sun' from the beginning ▶️ here Last Chapter: 'Who killed Jack?' from the beginning ▶️ here
📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 23-28
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plot twist
the order is actually a prequel to the magicians and the whole plot of magicians is what randall dreamed of while he was knocked out after the order wiped his memory
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[SPOILERS] Alyssa from The Order
I'm annoyed at how easily she left Lilith behind. When she found her in the Temple she made it seem like she had a plan to help Lilith when evidently it was a plan to help herself; she used Lilith as a distraction so she could run away with the book. Considering their history together, they sound like they were quite close and so seeing her be so cavalier about it is horrible to watch. I'm disappointed in Jack "does everything with compassion" Morton who never once seems concerned that Lilith is in danger, yes they've never been besties, yes he just lost pops and isn't thinking clearly but.. Still, you know.. She's part of the pack. It frustrates me how we got two unnecessarily long scenes with Jack and Alyssa casually fighting over who loves who more or whatever they were yapping about in the truck and in the garage, when they should have been upset about Lillith being tortured and damn it, it should show!
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warwickroyals · 2 years
can you do a who's who of your second anniversary photo?
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Back row (L - R): HRH Prince John of Pape (Clarence and Phyllis's elder son), HRH Prince Clarence, Duke of Pape (Louis's brother), HRH Princess Mary of Glencairn (Louis's paternal cousin) with Micheal Belgraves (her son), Mr. Jack Belgraves (Mary's husband), HRH Princess Valerie of Glencairn (Mary's youngest sister), HRH James, Prince of Danforth (Louis's eldest son), HRH The Prince Phillip (Louis's second son), Mr. Lee Greirson (Frances's husband)
Middle row (L -R): HRH Phyllis, Duchess of Pape (Clarence's wife), HM Queen Katherine (Louis and Clarence's mother), HM King Louis V, HM Queen Irene (Louis's wife), Andrew Belgraves (Mary's son), HRH The Princess Jacqueline (Louis's daughter), Esther-May Grierson (Frances's daughter), HRH Princess Frances of Glencairn (Mary's younger sister)
Front row (L-R): HRH Princess Jillian of Pape (Clarence's daughter), HRH Prince Jacob of Pape (Clarence's younger son), HRH The Prince Henry (Louis's youngest son), Heather Belgraves (Mary's daughter), Jonathan Grierson (Frances's son).
Check out my family tree HERE.
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meanwhileinfillory · 5 years
THE ORDER did improve in the last few episodes, but overall Season 1 was a C+ effort to me.
Season 2 has potential to grow. Mainly, the show needs more tonal consistency and a bigger special effects budget. It’s pretty entertaining when it leans into camp-y, self-aware moments a la Buffy the Vampire Slayer and The Magicians, but it’s hella boring when it takes itself super seriously. Some of the acting in early episodes was highly questionable as well (but it did improve).
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undercoveravenger · 3 years
Strange Events
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Written for my 2021 Halloween event.
Pairing: Jack Morton x Male!Reader
Prompt: Jack and Scooby gang!Reader + “You’re about as scary as a golden retriever. You know that, right?” + “You’re gonna have to try harder than that to scare me.” + “Sane people don’t go into abandoned houses for a reason and this is it.”
A/N: This was the eleventh prompt for my 2021 Halloween event! The next piece will be posted on Monday, October 25th.
There was something strange going on at Belgrave University. The first few weeks of your new college life had been relatively normal, but recently people had been dying terrible bloody deaths and then the stories seemed to have been rewritten into simple, easy-to-digest mundane endings like bike accidents and overdoses by the next morning with no one to remember what happened but you and another freshman by the name of Jack Morton.
“So,” you started, swatting a tree branch out of your way as you trailed after Jack through the woods surrounding the university. “A werewolf hunt is really what we’re going with here?”
Jack shrugged, stumbling a little over a root. “Got any better ideas?”
“Honestly? No.” You huffed, hesitating as you heard something rustling through the bushes behind you. “I mean, a magical underground society makes more sense than most of my previous theories. I just wouldn’t have pegged it as a werewolf society initially.”
Jack turned to shoot a grin over his shoulder at you. “At least it's a lead, right? It’s something-” His voice cut off, eyes widening as they locked onto something behind you. “(M/N), run!” he called, already beginning to stumble backward.
You rolled your eyes, chuckling a little at what you assumed was nothing more than a practical joke, “You’re gonna have to try harder than that to scare me, Jack. We might be hunting mythical creatures here, but I’m not a coward-” you were interrupted by the feeling of hot breath ghosting over the back of your neck and a low growl echoing behind you. The sound had you scrambling forward after Jack, too focused on getting away to worry about looking at what was trailing the two of you.
You ran for what felt like hours but was likely only a few minutes, eventually breaking through the tree line and onto the front lawn of a somewhat dilapidated house. You shared a brief look with Jack before the sound of thundering footsteps behind you spurred the both of you forward once more, sending you crashing through the front door of the house.
With your panicked state, you barely had time to glance around at your surroundings (What kind of shady house in the woods had a rock climbing wall?!) before the sound of another of the creatures upstairs had the two of you fleeing down the basement stairs and into a small room with five large chests, barricading the door behind you.
Almost immediately two of the chests began to shake, rattling within their chains and finally snapping open- releasing a swirling mass of fur from each, which quickly engulfed both you and Jack.
When you finally came to you were naked and covered in blood, tangled in a mess of limbs with Jack where you lay sprawled across the floor of the living room in the creepy old manor house in the woods and surrounded by strangers.
“Wha’ happened?” Jack murmured from beside you, turning over to curl closer to your side.
You huffed out a laugh, gaze flickering from the brunet to the group of people standing before you, “Sane people don’t go into abandoned houses for a reason and this is it.”
Jack’s eyes cracked open at the sound of your voice and he tried to take in his surroundings. “What the hell?”
“Dude, it’s me; Randall,” said one of the strangers, stepping forward and crouching down in front of Jack, “Your R.A.?” He rolled his eyes, shooting a disbelieving look at you, “Anyway, I’m Randall. This is Hamish and Lilith, and together we’re the Knights of Saint Christopher. We’re werewolves,” he grinned widely, like he was just excited to have the opportunity to make a new friend.
You huffed out a quiet laugh, grinning in embarrassment when everyone’s eyes drifted to you, “Sorry,” you said, by way of explanation. “It’s just- we were looking for werewolves. I guess I just didn’t think we’d find them by joining the pack,” you chuckled, your amusement plain to see.
“I’m just glad you weren’t afraid of us,” Randall said, plopping down on the ground in front of you with his legs crossed in front of him, “A lot of people tend to have reactions a little more like Jack’s.”
The brunet looked a little like he was about to hyperventilate, but he looked up at the sound of his name. Some color crept back into his face when you reached over to take his hand and lace your fingers together.
“I’ll be honest with you, Randall,” you said, grin widening as you felt Jack squeeze your hand gently, “You’re about as scary as a golden retriever. You know that, right?”
He laughed, leaning forward to shove you playfully, and in that moment, with Jack’s hand in yours and your new packmates laughing with you, you knew that you would be happy here. Your college life definitely wasn’t what you had expected, but some mysteries were even better once they were solved.
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