#and just transitioning him with demon magic right there and then
zer0expektation · 6 months
binge watching tv is so fun to do with friends, there's no other world where you both decide that one of the characters is transgender and just continue to build on the idea, and then the very next episode you both turn to each other in shock when he is literally misgendered by his abusive ex-boss
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teriri-sayes · 15 days
Reactions to Crazier Bastard's Chapter 304
Brief summary: DHB naming scene gets delayed because of DHB himself. Dragon Lord Neo knows about Cale's existence. HD arrives in Aipotu.
According to Sheritt, DHB was so excited when he saw the light pillar, so he headed to Cale to brag about seeing it. But when DHB found out that Cale and Raon also saw it, and more accurately at that, he flew away in embarrassment... 😑 Problem was, Cale was about to tell DHB his new name at that time before he scurried off!
Thus, the naming scene got delayed again. Cale even grumbled because he wanted to tell DHB the name he thought of in order to find out if DHB would like it or not.
Sheritt and DHB were still awkward with each other. Sheritt kept glancing up the sky where she could see DHB, and DHB glanced away when he saw Sheritt looking at him from afar.
DHB was confused and in denial of his feelings. He kept trying to push away the emotion he felt when Raon included him in "the three of us" statement Raon exclaimed. Or when he accidentally thought of the Black Castle as his "home" to return to, and "corrected" it as just "a place to stay". DHB, please, just be honest with your feelings! 😭
The author had some confusing typos today. First off, in Cale's message to Alberu, he used the words "Your Majesty" (for kings) instead of "Your Highness" (for princes)... 😂 I don't think Cale knew that Alberu's game alias was "The Irreverent Emperor" yet, so this must be the author's mistake?
And the last typo was so shocking that it even caused confusion among the Korean readers. It was this line:
딸 도도리를 데리고 왔다.
Translation: She brought her daughter, Dodori, with her.
Like what?! 😮 딸 means "daughter" in Korean. But all of us thought of Dodori as a boy, right? Unless Dodori magically transitioned into a girl, this was definitely a typo. After all, in Part 1 Chapter 630, there was a line where Mila called Dodori as "her son". We'd have to wait if the author would correct this in the future or not.
Moving on, we found out the name of Aipotu's Dragon Lord. He was called Neo, and his human form walked unsteadily like a drunk. But he was aware of Cale, calling him "the human whom wanderers and gods focused on" and "a potential god". Cale, even your enemy is thinking that you'll soon be a god. 😂😂😂
Now for the exciting part, the portal between Central Plains and Aipotu was opened, and the first person to come out was Heavenly Demon!!! I soooo miss him! Welcome back, HD! 🥰🥰🥰
HD shook hands with Cale before asking if Cale was Kim Hae-il. And then we got a cliffhanger... At least we still have Friday to look forward to, right?
Ending Remarks I'm disappointed that DHB naming scene was delayed. Fortunately, HD's appearance hyped me up for the next chapter! Those typos though... 😂
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markeronacomputer · 3 months
Thinking of writing a Rain Code Peggy Sue/Swap AU. As in, at the end of the final Labyrinth, something happens that resets the timeline to the beginning of Chapter 0 as well as swaps everyone’s roles, and Yuma and Shinigami are the only ones who remember the original timeline.
A few fun ideas for this:
“Human” name is Shini Requiem (as borrowed from another trainee detective that’s never mentioned in the true story, so the real Yuma never appears here)
The other detectives just assume the reason why she’s… like that is because the supposed amnesia just made her weird
Still doesn’t stop her from being fairly competent at times, though, so they don’t really complain (if only they knew 60% of her competence is just advice given to her by a reluctant death god…)
REALLY having a bad time figuring out how to do human things like eating, and sleeping, and breathing
As a result has absolutely no internal clock, either staying awake when she wants to fall asleep or falling asleep when she needs to stay awake
She also has to do things like breathe and blink manually until her subconscious figures out it has to do those things itself, which takes about like a day
She’s an absolute MASTER in Mystery Labyrinths, though, for understandable reasons
(which is even more impressive given the fact that personality swapping means that the mysteries are fairly different now, and even if they weren’t, it’s not like she can remember all the details of all the cases)
Is still brooding over the fact that her tits mysteriously disappeared when she became a human: combine that with the height difference, and she basically looks like an overly sassy little girl
Has no problem walking but can’t really run since she’s used to just floating
Actually isn’t as mean to other people as she is in the main game
(which is absolutely NOT because her usual personality is just a defense mechanism since anyone in their right mind would be terrified of a goddess of death, and even her masters would probably despise her because no god should be that incompetent: so if they’re going to hate her, it should at least be because of something she can control, right?)
Ghost form just looks like Shinigami’s but slimmer, blue, and with curved horns
Human form is a fancier version of his typical outfit except a foot or so taller with a crown, the aforementioned horns, and two demonic wings that he still hasn’t figured out how to retract into his body like Shinigami does for hers
As a result, whenever he transforms, the sequence consists of him flailing about trying to balance himself with the gigantic flapping monstrosities now on his back as his clothing just magically materialises onto him
“Arise, Mystery LabyriiiIIIIIIIIINNNTH-“
His confidence pretty much took a terminal nosedive as soon as the last Labyrinth made it finally start to get better
Is especially not doing very well coping with the mental changes that come with being a death god, which starts out as just being attracted to the scent of blood, but gets… worse, over time.
”Shini, you have to hurry! If you don’t, Zange will boom-kill… I did not just say that.”
(note: still called her Shinigami at first but transitioned over to Shini rather quickly. He is still Iiving in denial of the fact that it may subconsciously be a pet name)
His version of Shinigami’s scythe is his blade, and naturally its new counterpart is the Solution Scythe
(summoning animation now consists of them doing a short little waltz before Shinigami rips off one of his wings, which turns into the scythe, and a new wing grows back painlessly)
Really doesn’t want to stab Shinigami in the back all the time even though it’s necessary to proceed in the Labyrinths: between this, Crime Scene Recreation, GOD Shinigami, and all the other situations that require him to be forceful in any sense, he makes a terrible guide
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vinff7 · 4 months
This update got me looking at and editing some of my Head canons, so posting those here. HC for how Gortash started worshiping Bane. And other ‘young Gortash’ HC
The game gives us very little hints about how and when Gortash started worshiping Bane. (Except for that one draft of a biography that seemed to place it in his adulthood, but doesn’t mention Hell? I think that might have just been when his Bane worship got more pronounced and noticed by that author not when it really started)
So I’ve made my own headcanon as I’ve seen multiple different versions around.
For me I think he started worshiping Bane in the House of Hope. Not right off the bat. I HC that Gortash likely was enslaved down there around the age of 10. Obviously a very difficult transition for a child to start living in Hell. But I think he eventually got to a point where he was aloud to wander somewhat and read in the library to educate himself. But was also taught by the Walock that brought him there to start (In-between him getting tortured and abused because I love whump to much to not imagine that there were horendious things done to him)
During this time around age 11 I like to think that he caught the attention of an awful demon/devil that would take torturing him really far, citing how amusing it was to get Enver to cry.
I also like to HC that young Enver had really bad anxiety and fear around crying. Like when he was in baulders gate his parents would get furious and yell at him to shut up. So if he noticed he was getting close to crying he would panic, which would pretty much ensure he would cry. And it would be a fun awful spiral of self hate thoughts at himself to be quiet and stop crying making his crying worse.
Anyway, awful torture keeps happening to the kid in between him needing to work and learn. And then Enver’s warlock teacher misses his lesson, and the next one. So Enver is hiding out trying to avoid the houses inhabitants when he finally spots his Walrock teacher and approaches them. Tries to figure out when his next lesson would be. Only to get dismissed with a wave. His mentor tells him The devil that had taken an interest in him has a habit of killing and breaking prisoners and he out ranks the Warlock, so the Warlock is giving up teaching Enver since trying to argue that he should be left alone would be more trouble then it’s worth.
Outright tells an 11 year old “Yeah, maybe not today, but I bet by the time 6 months has passed he’ll have tortured you to death. So there’s not really a point in teaching you anything anymore. No matter what you or I do you’ll end up the like mindless tormented souls soon.“ seeing how terrified Enver looked he says “Best you can do is try convince a god to fish your soul out of here after that devil gets bored or reckless enough to torture you to death.”
Which uh, def fucks with Enver’s head. So he does start deep diving into the Gods and trying to figure out if he can find any he aligns with enough that they would take him. And during this search he finds books about Bane and I fee like Bane’s philosophies is something he would immediatly relate and cling too.
Bane started as a slave and became a God. Bane teaches that the world is truely an Evil place by default, and pretending it isn’t is a lie. Someone who has only seen the worst the worlds have to offer must feel so validated reading that. To me Bane teaches so much about Self Disciple and self Control that some of his books written by worshipers must go into methods of self control. I can see young Enver finding a book of Worship with mantras to repeat when feeling weak or when needing to focus and clinging to those like a life raft.
Repeating phrases like mantras over and over in real life can have mind altering properties. Add a religious one to a word with magic and maybe there is an added Boost that actually works for getting in the zone via worship.
I don’t think Bane answered or noticed Enver at first, at all. I don’t think this discouraged Enver at all, the mantras helped and he figured he needed to do more to earn his gods favor so he worked at it. The focus on his self control helped. He could endure toruture quietly more and some of his tormentors lost interest in the now more stoic boy. Learning to master himself became a thing he could control to keep himself sane in Hell through the torment.
Obviously things didn’t ever get kind in Hell. But I also imagine after a few years of contactless worship Bane does notice Enver since getting prayer pings from Hell is not the most common. I doubt he would often interveen. Enduring torture is good training for a Banite.
I do think the first time they speak is an intervension though. Gods are able to see the future when it comes to things under their portfolio and so I imagine he could see that Enver has a LOT of potential. But he notices that the potential vanishes if all is left with nothing changing which gets him to interveen.
In my head the violent devil that started all of this does decide he want’s to break Enver during a point where Raphael might have been out of the house. Bane notices looking into the future that the torture they have planned for Enver would shatter him, and while Bane approved of discipline, he knows the difference between being weak and being put through so much agony that it’s unreasonable to expect discipline to cary someone through.
So I imagine Enver getting dragged from his cell, trying to fight down panic and start praying as a devil taunts him about his up coming torutre then, vision starts getting very dark and far away as Bane reaches in and just puuuulls his soul away. Bane is able to posses his followers so in my mind he does that for Gortash and pulls him away for a private chat.
I imagine being possesed by Bane is a bit like The Sunken Place from Get out. There is a viewing window you can look out to see what you body is doing, and otherwise Bane sponsored darkness. I feel like they had a short chat, nothing huge for Bane but life altering for a kid, someone actually caring for him enough to help. I feel like Bane would make an agreement with Enver that he will make sure Enver will never have to go through anything so bad that he would not be able to overcome it, which is a huge boost of self confidence for Enver. Now anytime he’s getting tortured in the future he has the promise of ‘My God knows this won’t break me’ going off in the back of his mind.
Bane also tells Enver that he won’t step in to free Enver, Enver needs to free himself, but he will grant him power if needed so that Enver can rise up as long as Enver loyaly serves him.
And so that is how they meet and Enver becomes even more loyally tied to Bane in my HC! I also have a couple ideas I’ll toss here at the end about him escaping since I’m already rambling.
I like to think that once he was older Enver was able to escape by using the Helldusk boots since he has those in game. My though was somehow the boots magic was used almost like a magic key? So he stole those, wards noticed the boots and figured whoever had them must be aloud to be there else why would they have them, so they helped him get past some magic locks and escape.
I did see in a fic about Enver leaping through those portals that could cause insanity and just giving a ‘hey help me out’ prayer to Bane to help him survive which worked and I always liked that idea.
Last Gortash ~ Bane idea that I like is that once Gortash escaped from the House of Hope Bane gave him his approval and told him like “You’re a Watchful Brother in Bane’s church, now you’ll never be called a Slave again.” And got to skip that ‘rank’ in normal Baneite hierarchy.
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vacantgodling · 1 year
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re. wip master list
an ever updating list of all of my wips and ideas that i juggle in my brain at any given moment, laid out as simply as possible for y’all’s convenience. obviously PARAMOUR & TCOL are my main wips right now so you can check my main pinned for more information about those, however, these are for all my other wips that are backburner in some way.
this list will probably update often as i revamp old ideas or come up with new ones
these are also in no particular order
summary: five adventurers from different backgrounds must face The Labyrinth as the deep magic that keeps the chaos within it at bay begins to rip apart at their seams
wip intro || character intros || crash course || s: tcol (main tag)
summary: a series of 5 continuous books and 1 spinoff tale centered around this universe’s concept of liminal spaces. what they all have in common is they center on death, Reapers, Witches, magic, possession, and horror, but above all liminal spaces.
Liminal Spaces are defined as the place a person is in during a transitional period. this can be emotionally, physically, metaphysically or all of the above. in this series liminal spaces are more akin to separate planes of existence where death and horror reign supreme and magic is in the air. nothing is impossible and your worst nightmares usually come true.
wip intro || tags -> s: donut wip / s: noi alone / s: jenna the reaper / s: jenna the witch king / s: mason at the airport
summary: the sun is stolen, drenching the upper in darkness and spelling certain doomsday for the world as its known it if it’s not returned. nevaeh is sent down to the treacherous under to find the god responsible for the sun’s disappearance and return it as soon as possible. to do that, they’ll need to find the last god eater. and they only have 13 weeks.
wip intro || character list || tag -> s: god eater
summary: graves is a bounty hunter on the run after betraying his organization following the death of his partner, dove, in a mission gone horribly askew. however, one night in a seedy saloon far removed from their old stomping grounds of the city of rapture, dove shows up and demands that graves finish what they started before he “died.” emotional turmoil ensues.
wip intro || playlist || chapter one || tag -> s: the graves we dug
summary: 20 year old darren de leon is content with just living his life as is, with his father dave, step-sister (kinda) olice, and not including his father’s girlfriend veronica as much as possible. that is, until someone he never thought he would meet shows up at their doorstep—his absentee mother, lizette rouzet blanc who… incidentally is a vampire. someone is out to hunt darren down and so they have to leave town to get to safety… leading to the most awkward and life changing road trip he’s ever been on.
wip intro || powerpoint intro (more accurate than the wip intro tbh) || how vampires work || tag -> s: darren and co
summary: nathali “n” blackburn is the top reporter at the small firm aurora press, and has had it up to here with the fear mongering surrounding the vampire group the marauders after the death of rising politician richard lindsey, which they have no proven involvement with. seeking the truth, n manages to arrange a meeting with a marauders chapter worker, a vampire named beau bellerose, and the rabbit hole his search leads them down may start a civil war.
wip intro || tag -> s: dead rites
summary: aidan “di” absyna has it all—or so he thinks. he’s a guitarist in a punk band with his best friends, his boyfriend, the lead singer maverick loverde, is perfect, so what if he’s not out to his extremely controlling religious parents yet? things however come crashing down around him when the day before they’re supposed to go on stage at the biggest and probably most important event in their budding careers, maverick walks out on them, ending he and di’s relationship suddenly in the process. their leader nix, frantic to not let them crash in burn calls in a “best friend” that none of them have ever heard of—a mysterious, good looking, powerhouse vocalist toph. and toph well… toph’s a demon. literally.
wip intro || tag -> s: lukewarm rejection
summary: kirsi sunniva and her aunt lady jeanna sunniva (posing as her governess) make their (hopefully) triumphant return to alizath’s social scene; to repair the tarnished reputation their family and of her father who still waits outside of the country for his banishment to be lifted. in order to do this, kirsi must make connections, and connections she makes. but even from the beginning something seemed slightly… off about why her family was banished—and who she even is. and if she happens to uncover those secrets… what will the state of alizath be once they come to light?
wip intro || the major courts & characters || tag -> s: alizath
summary: calvin im and jake deluna have been best friends since they were 5 years old. they’ve been with each other through thick and thin, all throughout high school… at least until two things happen on the eve of their high school graduation: jake tries and fails to commit suicide, and calvin’s long term girlfriend breaks up with him without warning shortly after that. both spiraling, but trying to put the pieces together two years removed from these events, they must slowly learn to heal, to love, and to remember what best friends are for in the first place.
wip intro || tag -> s: purple haze
summary: nyoka is destined to die. a foreigner in this land that worships gods unfamiliar to them, nyoka was taken in by the council of elders when their parents passed away from a strange illness many years ago. this grace came with a caveat; that when their time came, they would be thrown into the mountain as a sacrifice to the gods. nyoka has no intention of dying for a cause they have no stake in—however when they’re suddenly bumped up the chopping block and are next in line to die, they need to think fast. the only way to get out of this? well, if they’re no longer a virgin. and perhaps, the mysterious spice merchant verin is the key to defying this fate.
s: wip intro || character intro || tag -> s: mount heredosa
summary: nyseah nicoletti is an overworked nurse who suddenly has psychic powers awakened in her after a one night stand. alona springwell is a college student who works part time at the largest corporation in the city and during her first night shift sees a trail of blood leading from one of the rooms she’s forbidden to enter. donte macbride is a jaded PI who’s dragged into one last case by an offer he can’t refuse. 3 storylines, each seemingly unrelated, weave together to uncover a sinister underground of extortion, experimentation, and evil—even more than what’s already expected from the city.
wip intro || tag -> s: nad
GOTHICA (title pending)
summary: lennon rhapsody granger is sent to a private prep institute for troubled youth after she gets expelled from school for the fifth time. there, she meets and becomes romantically involved with bad boy heartthrob aurora o’rion, who is a lackey of a group called the centurion, who do not take kindly to outsiders being so close to their secrets. but lennon has always liked playing with fire… she just isn’t prepared for it to burn this badly.
wip intro || tag -> s: gofficka
summary: found adrift in space, noh bell is taken in by a cargo vessel and dropped off at the nearest planet. he doesn’t remember anything about himself, other than the rudimentary finger spelling for his name. yet, when he enters the tavern with the crew who saved his life, his name and face are plastered all over message boards, a billion dollar bounty on his head. he’ll need to find out what he did, and find out fast before he’s killed.
wip intro || tag -> s: noble
summary: twins prosper and jane morning have been living life in a rural town in what used to be the united states, it’s backbone the fire department—tasked with stopping the endless raging fires that the dry heat blows in through the prairie. but everything changed when men in white button down shirts showed up, armed to the teeth, and raze their town, leaving them as the only survivors. but the thing is: there aren’t meant to be survivors. faced with annihilation without a cause, the twins begin to run with no destination in mind until they meet a fellow survivor of a white shirt massacre marin; who’s heard rumors of a ship on the east coast that can take them away from here to europe. the only problem is making it there alive.
wip intro || tag -> s: the white shirts
SUPERNATURAL DADS (title pending)
summary: hue rvynwell really doesn’t know what he’s doing with himself. as a recently divorced werewolf single-ish father of two overly powerful witch girls, he’s kind of got his work cut out for him. meddling family and friends can’t understand why he left his vampire husband of over 20 years, jihan, but so much of it boils down to that age old struggle of mortality. but he’ll have to face his demons, and his ex, when the government requires the two of them to cohabitate so that their eldest daughter can start at (essentially) witch U. and their daughters are more than ready to parent trap this situation.
wip intro || tag -> s: supernatural dads
summary: kaspian or kas, has made a lot of mistakes in his life - and chief among them is unintentionally having so many litters! with so many children to look after, having custody of none of them, and trying to just get by, romance and doing things for himself are a huge afterthought. however, he knows that he should try to live a little more. its just... hard when you have your hands full. (this takes place in the same universe as supernatural dads)
wip intro || tag -> s: litter support
summary: dagmar of dattenmaow (or the 8th sphere) is one of the eight hopefuls set to try their hand at becoming the new celestial ruler; after the previous one rava died only 50 years into their reign. after 27 years of rigorous training by the celestial lovers, the hopefuls begin the most important part of their journey; traveling to each realm to woo and marry a member of the royal family of each sphere. polyamory, love, weddings, and uncovering the truth behind rava’s demise await.
wip intro || pinterest board || tag -> s: celestial weddings
summary: chidori jonson just hit his 1 year anniversary of being a train master—and things are just starting to kick off!
notes: train master chidori is more of an art project/potential webcomic so not much writing mostly art will you see if this wip.
playlist || tag -> s: train master chidori
summary: ranger, nanette, tucker, vani, and roger have been friends for 16 years, and with that much history in one group chat? shenanigans ensue.
notes: this is a chat-style wip, so any writing will be in the form of characters messaging each other. i love the emerging language that is internet linguistics, so there will be a lot of playing around with how words are showcased. remember: no typo is just a typo in this wip!
character list || tag -> s: sixteen candles
summary: quill is half-merman; he’s known this since he was a boy, but the fear of capture by his pirate father has kept him from returning home to the sea. until, a string of town decimating pillages begin down the coast—quill knows his father is coming to look for him. and frankly, it’s high tide (heh) that quill get revenge for everything that man did to him.
wip intro || tag -> s: teardrops
summary: red like blood, that’s what she named herself when her sister was stolen. red like death. she has been scouring the land for her missing sister and it has been endless years of empty leads and dead ends until she finally meets the man called oracle, hel lovendusky. he, who knows everything about everything and could know the whereabouts of her sister, and with the promise of protection and one unnamed favor, he agrees to traverse these war battered lands with her to find her.
wip intro || tag -> s: red and hel
summary: when you die, your spirit is taken to the library—a world between worlds where you’re allowed to read your book of life, make peace with it, and pass on to whatever your idea of an afterlife is. librarians guard these sacred spaces; not man, nor woman, but angels or bookkeepers, who guide souls on. one spirit has always been the sacred rule. so what is she to do, when two souls show up at the exact same time; named vesper “peri” and andrew “dandy”. and this is not the first time they have died at the same time. in fact, this ongoing phenomena may break the very fabric and principles that she holds dear. what can you do, when a soul loves itself so much that it splits in two to never be apart?
wip intro || tag -> s: peri & dandy
summary: yeah tbh no fancy summary here, 4 kids traverse to a fantasy world in their dreams where they’re the chosen ones meant to stop a great evil. they continue to visit dream world every time they fall asleep and they can see the changes irl but eventually when they all go to the same college they end up meeting in person for the first time. which is yknow. bad cuz that means the evil is about to strike but yknow. GOOD bc shenanigans.
notes: this wip will probably never be formally written it’s just funny to think about and i’m allowing myself to be a kid with it since i technically thought of this idea as a kid. bless.
wip intro || tag -> s: dream team
summary: after finishing a recon mission with freelance special agent “linda”, “marvin” is ready to finish these file downloads and get onto his next mission. they receive sudden correspondence from his employers however, that they will need to wait (i have to decide how long) before they can be extracted and they are not to leave the hotel. this forces two extremely private and dangerous agents in one room to unfortunately tear each others walls down and bear each others souls before parting once again.
wip intro || ending || tag -> s: marvin and linda
summary: i’m still working on the plot but this is a thumbelina adjacent reimagining. i’m thinking itri is a “dwarf but not how we think about them” and his nickname is thumbs because he’s great with his hands and always has the “thumbs” to fix things. i know the giants to them are essentially like past gods or something like that. So. gotta figure this out.
wip intro || tag -> s: thumbs and the giants
summary: utah and slug's mother has been missing since slug was born, and almost 20 years later, utah wants to find her. at the same time, their aunt, official but absentee caretaker, and their mother's elder sister, risky game, receives a letter in the post from someone claiming to be her long lost sister. this leads to the three of them, plus utah's hacker partner gator to head out on a fucked up roadtrip to find out what happened to their mom annnnd a bunch of other shit happens too.
wip intro || s: broken clouds
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
Santi has heat👀What's his like,is it similar to Breg's or a little different?I feel he'll just be a horny mess. Will he use his harem or no? Or will his s/o's body change or "adapt" for his heat (also the design for the mark is very beautiful and alluring I'm sure any design you settle for will end up amazing<33)
[Aaaa thank you! :7]
When posed with the fact that concubi can have heats, you might think to yourself- Hold on now, if they feed off intercourse, what is the point of having heats in the first place? They're likely to reproduce as they are, with such a libido.
And you'd be right! See, heats have different purposes for lust demons, and therefore, are only considered "natural" in very select instances. A lust demon will experience ruts in the following circumstances:
Transition into adulthood. This is considered the "second puberty", and it lasts for the better part of a week once full sexual maturity is reached;
Starvation. It's a last ditch effort to force the concubus to feed themselves;
Eating too much. During these heats, the concubus does not feed, they exist solely to expend excess magic/energy- Duration depends on how much needs to be expelled;
Being exposed to the aura of their perfect match for the first time will trigger a smaller heat, that can last up to two days;
See, the vast majority of time, Santi experiences heats because he eats too much, gluttonous pervert that he is. In spite of him being a high-ranking incubus, which makes him capable of handling a good amount of magic (think of it as having a particularly elastic stomach), Santi's gotten used to overeating and maxing out his own "storage capacity", so to say. It's... Kind of the lust demon equivalent of an eating disorder.
So while he does get thrown into heats relatively often, they're not "natural", per say. If you want to avoid them, you'll have to confront Santi about his overeating. Which I do not recommend, because he gets a bit defensive, it's kind of like trying to rip a steak from a lion's mouth. Tread lightly. Ultimately, these heats aren't dangerous, just inconvenient.
The harem is used before he meets you, once he meets his perfect match, the harem is disbanded and you'll be the focus of it, unfortunately.
Santi's heats are curious in the sense that a lot of his charm vanishes. He simply does not have the patience to make witty banter or woo you into bed. Either you're there to fuck or you're out of his sight. He becomes a lot more irritable, and that's when you're likely to remember he's a demon, not just a funny, sexy guy with horns.
Physical changes happen overnight. Body temperature skyrockets, it's a good thing he's already basically naked all the time- Even then, it's not uncommon to see him huffing and fanning himself, dunking his body into the tub like a cinder block. He salivates excessively, his slit lubricates constantly and his eyes are perpetually glowing to attract fuckmates or drive off competition/danger. He also cannot help the pheromones that spread everywhere he goes. If a rutting concubus enters a room full of people, it will devolve into a mindless orgy within minutes. Other than those details, he's generally the same in in terms of appearance.
Adding onto his significantly curt demeanor around this time, he leans almost entirely on dominant mindsets, especially since you're human, and therefore smaller than the demon. If you're hanging around the house, you're getting fucked near constantly. There's a good and bad side to this. On the one hand, Santi is not feral, so you definitely won't get fucked to death, and there are intervals where you're properly tended to. On the other, you very much won't be able to think clearly around the incubus and will basically experience the equivalent of a muted heat yourself.
In the moments where Santi is apart from you, for whatever reason, he's usually snarling and grumbling, jerking off madly in an attempt to burn through energy faster. In fact, get ready to catch him grinding against things like a bitch in heat, it does help end the rut faster, though it'll probably only result in more sex, since you'll inevitably be turned on by the sight.
Now, this is the standard heat, without you being marked. Because, having his mark changes things quite a bit...
Marks aren't as wholesome as just a symbol of infatuation, they're not a pretty indicator that a concubus has their eyes on you- They're mechanisms of control, embezzled ones sure, but they still equate to an invisible leash. Having Santi's mark connects you to him in ways you can't control, and one such is how in-tune with his heat you are. In fact, funnily enough, Santi's likely to know he's about to enter a heat when the mark on your mons starts getting a pink tint to it.
Right off the bat, your body temperature will also increase, you're going to be extremely antsy when Santi's away, something keeps telling you that you need to be by his side, that he needs something you have, that he'll be upset if you stay away any longer. Santi knows you're going to be feeling this way, and neither does he have a desire to stay apart either, as his brain will immediately target anyone with his mark as a prime candidate for relief.
Albeit a form of betrayal from your own body, you'll feel great levels of arousal when Santi is looking at you, or establishing physical contact of any kind. There's a trigger that goes off in your mind, and suddenly the only thing you want to do is get on your knees in front of the demon. Needless to say, Santi loves having you like this. And sometimes, just sometimes, he purposefully triggers heats just so he can see you beg to fuck him.
It essentially becomes a much more mutual ordeal. Will someone wake up in the middle of the night getting fucked? Probably. Will it be you or Santi? Hah, find out!
You should probably not leave the house in this state, your impromptu arousal will lead you to turn to other people for "help". And Santi will not like that one bit.
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rowanmgrey-author · 2 months
wip questionnaire
@dyrewrites, thanks for tagging me! Sorry it took so damn long for me to get to it. (And get ready for tag spam because I have a backlog of tag games to play)
Answering for: The Wild Ones
What was the first part of your WIP that you created?
It was a terrible short story that started with one of the Demon Kings. I eventually decided I'd prefer an ensemble cast instead of just a story about one Demon King. That story was useful, though, because it sparked the entire world building for the planet Pandemonium, where the demons reside.
If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
I hadn't given it much thought, but after looking through all my story playlists, I feel like Providence by Foals is a good choice.
What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
In this WiP, that is definitely Jackal. He is a complex, morally interesting character. The kind of character in a piece of media that I just love and love to hate. He's deceptive and selfish and sometimes very easy to dislike, but at the same time, he's empathetic and cares deeply for the people in his life. He's do anything for them, and all the while feels like he doesn't deserve those people or happiness because of the things he's done. The way his father treated him colors a lot of his personality, even decades later, and I can sympathize. He's a beautiful mess of a demon.
What other pieces of media do you think your fan base would share?
I have no idea. The idea that I have a fanbase or could have one is pretty wild to me.
What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
Fixing it post finishing the first draft. I have changed a lot as a person since starting this novel, and now it feels too big to continue. I have so many ideas and so much love for these characters, and so much I need to say and do. It's a bit overwhelming because I want to get it right for myself the first time.
Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
So many, but most of them are people >_< With a world of shapeshifters, I haven't thought too much about regular animals, but they do exist, of course. The main character, Ari, for example, had a family dog, and there are several other pets in the series; also, some encounters with wild animals in the future.
How do your characters get around? (Ex. Trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
Cars, trains, and teleportation stations (yes, those exist). The story takes place in the real world, but the magical realms have blended with humans in innovative ways. There are many ways to transit now, but the most popular in larger cities is in the way of Portal Stations, which are basically tube like structures that you get into, tell it where to go, pay a fee and are transported instantly to your destination (or near enough).
What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
Can I say none of it?? I have been on a break from The Wild Ones since I am working on world building for another series right now.
What aspects (tropes, maybe) of your WIP do you think will draw people in?
Found family, characters with trauma, trauma bonding, werewolves, demons, magic, complex characters, and all the cool stuff that comes with an urban fantasy series.
What are your hopes for your WIP?
I would like to finish the first book's second draft before next year.
What was the first part of your WIP that you created?
If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
What other pieces of media do you think your fan base would share?
What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
How do your characters get around? (Ex. Trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
What aspects (tropes, maybe) of your WIP do you think will draw people in?
What are your hopes for your WIP?
taglist: @anonymousfoz @dyrewrites
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aranict · 2 months
Book asks! 9, 12, and 19 please :D
OOooh that was a hard one!
Wall of text incoming :D
9.if u were stuck on an island and could only have three books w u what would they be? (series would be counted as one cuz as i said so)
The Coldfire trilogy by C.S Friedman
Havenstar by Glenda Larke
Deathless by Catherynne Valente
Those books mean a lot to me, to be fair they are the only books I went back to  re-read right after I finished them. Each one has a different appeal, either due to its story, or its characters. 
Coldfire is a masterpiece of how to write a dark fantasy tale with The Most Memorable Villain (™) in the genre, whose moral decline goes far more than the lust for power; Tarrant is an once hailed saviour, a killer, a martyr, a master of demonic forces and unimaginable powers, who yet manages to have such a strong presence in the world, that even the main hero - Damien, the equivalent of the upright cleric of light - is drawn to. Damien’s own change of beliefs and attitude to him towards the series is beautifully executed and more importantly, believable ; in the end of the series, they are both changed, moved by their respective rigid values and beliefs, into camaraderie and understanding. Even if the book shows its age sometimes- its 34 years old by now -  its flaws can be overlooked in favour of the fantastic worldbuilding and the memorable main characters.
Havenstar is perhaps the most underrated standalone novel I have ever read. Again , published in the early 90s and relatively unknown, it has one of the most original concepts regarding the impact of magic and such forces - magic is chaotic, unpredictable, and seemingly controlled by demons, having disastrous effects when used without care.  The land itself is changed, where magic is present in abundance, with magic users being hunted as servants of the dark. People rely on mapmakers who can see and chart the ever changing landscape to travel  - people like the main protagonist, who takes it upon her to pick up her father’s work in mapping out the unstable wild lands. Keris is forced in one such journey to work with a man who is bound to the dark - Davron, a magic user, who represents the evil she has been taught to hate all her life. Only things are not what they seem, and Keris comes to understand that what she has been shown about magic is not quite true, and to see the plight of a persecuted people first hand, which helps here to grow out of her taught prejudices and narrow mindedness of the society she has been brought up in. Keris and Davron’s gradual transition from hate to understanding and eventually, to something more, is a masterfully told enemies-to-lovers story, which again, puts newer works on the genre to shame. I could go on and on about this book, but I would rather you just read it instead :)
Deathless is… I don’t really know what to say about this book, it walks the fine line between genre fiction and literary fiction, the prose is a work of art in itself, a lyrical, dark fairytale inspired by the Russian folklore of the Tsar of Life and Death. I do not think that I have read a love story more profound, more memorable, than that of Marya and Koschei; their love is something terrible to behold, bound to surpass the bounds of life and death. A fairytale told in the age where magic dies, the a dark , twisted story with the backdrop of the political turmoil and wars of the 20th century. It just something that you have to read :)  
“I do not tolerate a world emptied of you.” :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
12.a book/book series u wish u could read for the first time ever again?
I think that I would want to re-read the Malazan Book Of the Fallen series again, and re-live all the beautiful, tragic, heart-wrenching moments of this epic like the first time. It’s the pinnacle of epic fantasy for me, the kind that you cannot really describe in a short summary. It has the right amount of action, character development, insane lore and magic - think D&D but in a more mature setting. Gods walk the earth, magic tears the realm and the sky, legions battle impossible odds…It’s military fantasy, at its best, with politics, power plays between gods and mortals and flawed, tragic characters. Add to that the masterful writing of Steven Erikson, who writes a D&D fantasy like it's a Greek tragedy, and come on, what’s not to like?
Provided, they are difficult books. There is a lot of philosophy and symbolism thrown in and the prose is quite heavy, but… it’s beautiful :)
19.a book u came across randomly but ended up loving it?
Ok, a really random read that I actually enjoyed quite a lot was Anthony Ryan’s  A Pilgrimage of Swords. Although I’ve read quite a lot of Ryan’s works, I found this novella by chance while browsing books on the kobo store. It is not a full length novel but it’s exceptionally good, reads a lot like a D&D party adventure , a party of people thrown together on a quest. However, this is Ryan we’re talking about, so the worldbuilding is terrific, and the main character , the Pilgrim,  is just a chef’s kiss kind of morally grey character, who is equal parts intimidating, sarcastic, utterly likeable.  :) 
Thanks for tagging me!!!
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emile-hides · 2 years
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So I’m like almost done with Season 7 and got super impatient with whatever is happening with these damn Dragons so I looked up the official Fairy Tail timeline and. My god.
Learning that 1. Natsu is the oldest by a lot in canon and 2. if all had gone okay Erza would have been younger than Wendy really put my brain into some Dummy Mode so here we are.
I’m calling this the Childhood Friend’s AU and putting info under the cut
So I changed like a lot of things I wanted to mess with canon ages, so I needed t visit the timeline eventually anyway. Here’s about how it goes: 
The dragon slayers, after traveling through time, stay together, now with a new born and newly abandoned baby Erza. They still don’t remember what really happened to their parents, and are still looking for them, but now together and with a baby, which makes travel difficult.
Natsu, as the oldest, is doing his best to look out for everyone, as Igneel told him to. He finds hiding spots for them, hunts for and cooks the food, keeps everyone training with their magic, and cares for Erza to the best of his abilities.
But he’s still Natsu.
After getting chased out of yet ANOTHER town for damages, theft, and noise complaints, the Dragon kids find themselves hiding in the yard of the Heartfilia family, where they’re eventually found by Lucy.
If Lucy’s mom was still around she’d probably tell her parents right away about the beat up, tired, hungry homeless kids she found in the garden, but sense it’s just her, her dad, and the staff in the mansion, she decides against it, opting instead to summon Aquarius and ask her advice.
She does eventually end up telling the staff, just because it gets hard for her to sneak enough food out for all of them without Someone taking notice.
The dragon slayers are raised pretty much in secret around the mansion by the Staff and Aquarius, who passes through the gate with her own magic to take care of Erza when a handful of toddlers can’t, which is often.
That’s... about all I’ve thought about. Little bonus thoughts
I aged Natsu and Gajeel down quiet a bit, sense they’re approximately 12 when they get yeeted into the future in canon. I believe Sting and Rouge are Wendy aged though.
Metalicana uses She/Her and is Gajeel’s mom.
Weisslogia and Skiadrum are Dragon Married and raised Rouge and Sting together. They also didn’t twist their kids memories to make them think they killed them because Jesus Christ guys What The Fuck.
Rouge is Transgender and is still a little girl when thrown forward in time, he starts to transition in his teens
Wendy is very protective over Gajeel, same way Sting is protective over Rouge. She’s also usually the one to comfort him. When they get older Gajeel finds the whole ordeal really embarrassing.
Everyone dotes on Erza and as she gets older she gets rather embarrassed by it
Rouge outgrew Sting when they turned 6 and started slouching because he found a lot of comfort in being the same height as his brother. When they finally stop growing they’re on complete opposites of the height scale with Rouge being the tallest in the group and Sting being the shortest.
Also in this AU, Ultear gets to go home
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She’s an incredibly short 12 years old due to all the experiments, compared to Grey who’s 8 and Lyon who’s 9. And Ur doesn’t die. Grey still has a lot of trauma around Deliora but he’s the youngest child now he doesn’t have the energy to go fight god. And Ultear would beat him upside the head for trying. Get your ass back in here you are Eight you are not fighting a mega demon on your own.
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cecexwrites · 1 year
Writeblr Intro
My name is Cecily, but you can call me Cece. I'm in my 30's and I primarily write fanfiction. I do have a large original project in the works though.
My Pinterest Fic Masterlist Character Masterlist
My Current Focus(es)
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Small Town Paranormal
An Original Universe
Witches and Werewolves, Vampires and Demons- all hidden in plain sight. From a supernatural sanctuary created by a vampire to a college for witches. Small Town Paranormal is a series of stories all connected by their shared universe
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Prince of Wrath
A Blaise Zabini Fanfiction
Torn apart four years ago by the impending war, the Zabini's and Fawleys reunite for an old family holiday tradition- an entire summer on a Grecian Island. Pushed together for the first time in year, Blaise and Reid Fawley have to learn to navigate their new circumstances. Not to mention her boyfriend, his memories from the Battle of Hogwarts and a past mistake coming back to haunt them
OC(s): Reid Fawley (Jessica Alexander) Tate Fawley (Luke Eisner)
Story Masterpost
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A Rabastan Lestrange Fanfiction
Merit Vander Wende hates me.
A fact she's never kept secret, but when her darling fiancé crossed me he all but signed her death warrant.
Merit might hate me, but she will be mine.
OC(s): Rhiannon Lestrange (Sydney Sweeney) Merit Vander Wende (Rachel Zegler)
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Coven Wars
A Teen Wolf Fanfiction
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Wasting Time with Rabbits
A Disney Descendants Fanfiction
Once upon a time, King Adam declared an end to the darkness. He sent the Villains to the isle and magic became obsolete. Twenty years later, his son is ready to make things right by bringing over the children of the Villains he banished. Including the daughter of his father's greatest enemy, Gaston. Galston is just looking for a good time. She definitely didn't mean to be the catalyst for a war decades in the making
OC(s): Galston Legume (Kaia Gerber) Cedrick Facilier (Luka Sabbat) Quinn Queen (Rachel Zegler) Aleksander Westergaard (Danny Griffin) Winter White (Matt Cornett)
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Red Riding Hood
A Disney Descendants Fanfiction
All her life Scarlett's been stalked by The Wolf. Always looking over her shoulder, terrified of the dark. After the death of her only protector, Auradon is her only hope. Fate has no hold on her.
OC(s): Scarlett Edon (Maia Mitchell)
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Beyond the Star and By The Angel
A Shadowhunters Fanfiction
It all started with the Academy. When the Academy finally opened it's doors to warlocks, Max Lightwood-Bane was the first to jump in, alongside his older brother, of course. Neither of them had any idea that when meeting Romy Thornhill they would be meeting the woman who would change all their lives forever. (part of the Angels and Demons Series)
OC(s): Rowena 'Romy' Thornhill (Meg Donnelly)
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Swing for the Fences
A Sandlot/Stranger Things Crossover Fanfiction
The summer of 1962: Scott Smalls and Benny Rodriguez along with their baseball crew did the impossible, they rescued their ball from The Beast. Cementing their friendship for until the end of time.
November 1983: Scott Smalls is getting a divorce, living in Hawkins Indiana with his two kids. The day his best friend Benny, and Benny's daughter, move to Hawkins to help him with the transition to single parenthood, Will Byers- Scott's daughter's best friend- goes missing and the mystery of Hawkins beings to unravel.
OC(s): Lou Rodriguez (Jenna Ortega), Emma Smalls (Mckenna Grace), Phillip Smalls (Walker Scobell), Charlie Baker (Felix Mallard)
Read it on: AO3
My Finished Stories
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Prince of Ruin
A Theodore Nott Fanfiction
Once upon a time, long long ago, The Nott family and The Selwyns were the closest of friends. Two families who loved each other with their entire souls. Did I mention that was a long long time ago? Now, Theodore Nott can't stand the Selwyn Twins, especially the loud and rude Cordelia Selwyn. However after a incident of revenge gone wrong, Theodore finds himself stuck with the woman, until death do they part (Part one of The Serpents Club)
OC(s): Cordelia Selwyn (Model fc is Vika Bronova, actress fc is Odeya Rush), Bastian Selwyn (Model Fc is Alessandro Dellisola, Actor fc is tentatively Tanner Buchanan) Story Masterpost
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buffyandwillow · 1 year
Just saw your post, hope you survived yesterday. Can’t stop recommending Ted Lasso to everyone, it makes me feel good. Also this is less of a hot take and more of a general wondering, but i always find myself thinking about Anya in the pockets of time she’s not part of the scoobies. Like right after she looses her powers and she’s stuck as a teenager: how does she get money, an apartment, a car, who are her friends… logistically i have so many questions but also emotionally we never see her cope with that enormous transition. I think i’ve brought this up before but the possibilities are always running around my head.
thanks dali <33 i have survived (mostly)... i really enjoyed the first 2 seasons of ted lasso!! gonna watch the news eps soon :') anya ramblings:
i was wondering recently about how anya afforded an apartment before working at the magic box. i have thought long and hard and so far, here's where i'm at:
she seems sort of lonely/alone at first, and d'hoffryn definitely didn't check in on her to see if she was ok, but i wonder if hallie did. i know they didn't keep in super close contact, since in older and far away hallie had been invited to the wedding but she didn't seem to know xander at all. i suddenly like the idea, though, that she visited anya at least a couple times in s3-4, starting immediately after she hears from the other vengeance demons that anyanka isn't one of them anymore.
maybe hallie helped settle some debts to get anya some money. i bet a ton of demons owe anya favours. she's been around such a long time! and hallie's teleportation skills would be helpful for reaching contacts in other countries/dimensions. also, despite the humour of anya's "and i'm flunking math" comment, she proves to be good at practical math and accounting in s5 - i am sure she remembers exactly how much various people owe her, down to the cent.
while anya doesn't have any type of traditional job before working at the magic box, she clearly pays for goods and services (she acquires an entire human wardrobe, she goes to get her hair done, she eats and drinks, etc). for some reason, i can imagine anya actually being somewhat rich, which could be why she never seems concerned about money, and treats getting a job as kind of a fun new experience. while the job does enrich her life, and she loves money, it never seems to be about earning money so that she can afford things she needs. she already could afford things. she just liked being part of a larger system (which i find very interesting about her, but which feels like another topic).
i can't see her stealing the money (although... she does pull off that bank robbery in him dkhjgh), can't see her buying lottery tickets /winning the lottery, can't see her having a demon uh. sugar daddy., can't see her ever having opened a bank account in her demon days that's just grown a ton of interest (although... interesting... actually, not fully against that), really the question is fascinating and i can't believe it was never addressed!
anyway - say she and/or hallie dig up some funds for her to live comfortably on her own. that would secure physical things like shelter/clothes/food. but emotionally... i actually can't see her having much of an emotional support system for this big transition (hallie wouldn't get it, not really), and that makes me sad. she latches on to xander, but he's only somewhat helpful... (i am guessing maybe xander and giles--idk, he has adulting knowledge--helped her get some ID.) she has a lot of friends and acquantainces in hell's bells, from her demon days - but how many of them ever came to see if she was doing OK after the wish? impossible to say - we do know she wasn't close enough to any of them to invite them to be in her wedding party, though.
there are characters i wish she'd gotten to interact more with, truly, because i think that they could have helped or understood her situation. spike, for one, seems to Get her to some extent. we get a couple moments where they commiserate about having once been feared - but there's nothing to imply they ever hung out outside of the scoobies, and i sadly doubt they did. and tara! tara and anya, the scooby outsiders, supporting their partners but always feeling a little left to the side.
the questions still remain, though. i'd love to hear anyone else's thoughts on this! feel free to send meta recs etc. i love theorizing about anya!
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kin-the-muffin · 2 years
for those who are unaware:
more of my screaming under the cut
ok so we’re starting right where we left off and OMIGOSH THE HUG I CANT HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
gus helping w the dishes is so sweet!! and amity omigosh this girl. not to mention camila is just taking it so coolly?? what am i saying, shes probably freaking out inside
is it just me or does it seem like luz is in shock? shes acting like everything’s fine, and not the way she acted in reaching out either, more like shes numb or something 🥺
hunter, bb, why would they hate you cuz youre a clone of caleb? that doesnt make you him. plus i dont actually think that caleb was ever a witch hunter in the first place. also, youre not helping luz. ily <3
why luz gotta blame herself, she couldn’t have ever known something like this would happen. and im not sure how time travel works in the owl house but id be willing to bet that even if she hadnt helped philip, he would have found someone else willing to be monster bait instead of her and lilith
‘we’ll tell them, when we’re ready’ girl that aint ever gonna happen. the way things go when ppl say stuff like that is that the thing gets pushed off until the characters cant help but slam right into it, no countermeasures to soften the blow. i am very worried about how this is gonna affect willow and amity.
ik there were some people who were worried that the gang wasnt gonna be ok with vee so im glad that they like her :)
well, glad to know that the philip-goo is, in fact, alive. screw that
gus nerding-out with all of the stuff in the basement XD (also camila why is there so much random stuff in your basement? ���)
hunters little smile at gus :>
amity and willow protecting vee from the alarm clock, i cant- *wheeze*
willow looks so cute with her hair down i swear
gus, i love you so much for that, the rainbow and everything
their drawings of their families are so cuuuuuuuute (and amity not drawing karen HA)
(our first real look at caleb???)
idk what they were doing but the portal kinda worked for a second, before it, yknow, combusted
what even is that blob, i dont even wanna try to guess whats in it (THEY ALL LOOK SO PROUD OF THEMSELVES, MY BABIES)
amity’s look of wonder at the rain, my beloved <3<3
im so happy they got to have some fun after all the trauma, they really needed it
do i even need to say anything about luz and amity in the rain
luz’s drawing skills have gotten so much better!!! (dat trauma tho. the depression that she cant have everything she wants in one world. in the human realm, she has her mom and vee but in the demon realm, she can do magic and has her best friends (and gf) and eda and king)
looks like her palisman has yet to arrive :(
darnit shes back at school (i wonder how she figured that all out)
thank you for coming to my ted talk, now back to your regularly-scheduled reblogs
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kob131 · 1 year
Any important notes or theories you have so far about Umineko after Episode 1? Did you get through the Tea Party Segment? Those parts are actually important too.
Well, I'm not the best at this so don't get your hopes up. But I did take a detour to the Tea Party Segment for Episode 1.
So I'll give my thoughts.
-The stakes of each demon and victim are not coincidence. It's not a coincidence that Eva was stabbed by the stake of Lust or Genji by the stake of Pride. If I had to guess, I would have to say that you'd have to make them give up their sins and give the others those bracelets to protect them.
-The transition screen being broken glass caused by two gunshots is likely caused by the rifle Natushi had. It's probably got some anti-magic elements woven into it. Maybe even by nature of being a gun, it stands as opposition to Beatrice.
-Beatrice pretty much acts like Freddy Krueger- her power is determined by the belief in her. This is why she gives those who acknowledge her some kind of favor. It also works on confirmation bias- You want to believe in her so you justify it.
-The 'key' is the bar of gold, with that one bar being the source of the family's wealth. As for how the gold plays into things- well, all it would take is just a single flaw to up end the whole legend, right?
-The mystery is not in how they actually died but rather forcing a logical and thus reasonable explanation onto the killings, thus denying her existence. For this, Kinzo but probably Maria is her ace in the hole. The lynchpin against them will be to convince Kinzo that Beatrice was fake/to convince Maria that her mother does love her.
As for how Beatrice 'killed' her victims-
She likely poisoned them all, since a cause of death was never established and such a thing could be seen from their faces. Rudolf and Kyrie's faces will be key to this.
Against Kinzo, she tricked him into thinking she was his Beatrice and lured him out, replacing the receipt with a piece of paper. After all, Eva never CONFIRMED it was her paper.
For Eva and Hideyoshi- Beatrice was already in the room, waiting under the bed, killed them then hid under again. I mean, a locked room means nothing to whoever is inside.
And against Natushi- Beatrice had a similar gun on her person, killed her with it and did so to make it seem she shot herself. After all- she wanted a duel and Beatrice accepted.
That's all I got at this time, partially because this stuff is something I don't always think directly about- it runs in the background at times.
But if I may indulge in a bit of theatrics.
Hahaha. So it's a game of narratives here. The witch's mysterious and mystical ritual vs. Our intellect and imagination. Well then, call me Battler's patron. Because sure as Cocytus is cold- I HATE being controlled and batted around, especially by some sadistic, arrogant cunt. So nothing is gonna please me more than to wipe that smirk off her face. And it should be easy- a zero is nothing without someone to observe it, right?
Oh I am getting fired UP!
I hope you enjoy my little ramblings!
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ask-them-bois · 2 years
At The End of Everything, Part Three
<<<Prev . Next>>>
TW: blood, major character death, vomiting
TLDR: Musrio loses everything. The bane of worlds and the innocent constellation arrive.
The wind screamed as it ripped books off their shelves and into shreds, knocked over anything that wasn't nailed down and tore the curtains off their rods.
The fire roared as it erupted in violent columns from what were once sconces and unlit candles, creating plumes of smoke, thick and poisonous, that were immediately swept up by the wind to add to the storm.
The lighting shrieked as it stabbed through the windows like the grasping hands of demons, shattering glass and splinters and raining them on the fleeing trolls.
The magic shook the Arcaneum apart, chasms and cracks splitting open to belch hellfire like monstrous mouths, swallowing whole bookshelves and tables within their depths.
Yet the cacophony was nothing compared to the soul sheering bellow from Musrio's lungs.
He pushed himself up on a broken arm, struggling to rise from where he'd been thrown by the magical blast from the ritual. He was bleeding, both blood and magic, his hair blasted back by the wind as he stared at what he'd created.
Suspended in the vortex of magic and glowing bloods, barely discernable through the smoke, was Drayco, their arms and legs spread wide and eyes glowing black. Above them hung Musrio's black pearl and ivory necklace, drenched in the entire hemospectrum and glowing white hot.
This was wrong, Musrio's mind screamed, this wasn't supposed to happen! He'd done everything right!
"Drayco, come back!" There was no transition from laying to standing as Musrio lunged for his matesprit in a panic. His fingertips were scorched by the wild magic, before a pair of arms seized the rustblood around the waist and hauled him back.
"Musrio, we have to run!" Makeno shouted in his ear, but the necromancer wasn't even aware of his presence. He struggled against what held him, still straining to reach his mate as the rest of the trolls fled.
"I have to save them!" He cried, his blistered fingers shaking, "I did it once, I'll do it again! Ribbit!" He kicked and struggled, trying to tear free of the seadweller's grasp. He couldn't stop looking, watching, as his matesprit's body began to fall apart, their limbs crumbling into smoke. "No! Drayco! Drayco!"
"They're gone, Musrio! They're dead! Stop it! Vornik!" Makeno yelled, fighting to hold onto him.
A pair of massive, clawed hands seized Musrio's shoulders, and he gasped as his body was forced to go limp by the limeblood's powers. The fear and panic and pain and magic raging through his thinkpan flatlined, his vision went white, but he could still feel himself screaming as the shifterbeast carried him out of the collapsing bookhive.
Vornik hounded through the falling debris, leaping chasms and carnage with ease before they burst out the front doors. He carried Musrio several yards from the building, Makeno hot on their heels and coughing hard from the smoke.
The rest of the group was waiting and Corden ran forward to catch his morail, but Musrio ignored them, forcing his magic to override Vornik's power. He snapped from his stupor and ripped himself out of his arms, hitting the grass hard and pushing himself up just in time to watch the Arcaneum explode.
The ground shook, the sound so loud that Musrio was deafened, unable to hear his own scream as he watched the vortex become a pillar of blinding, bright, orange light; the same color as Drayco's blood. The beam shot straight into the stormy night sky with a crack-boom noise like the sound barrier breaking a thousand times at once.
Musrio gagged and struggled to rise, choking on the thick magic in the air. A hand appeared before his face and he grabbed it, distantly aware that it was Decaying who helped him up. He clung to his ancestor, trembling as he watched the pillar ripple and hum through the red haze of tears in his eyes.
With a sound like a giant sucking in breath, the pillar collapsed into a miniature sun above the ruins of the bookhive and exploded a second time, turning the night into a momentary, blinding day. The shockwave of air was hot and reeked of sulfur, forcing the rest of the group to cover their faces and take a step back.
Only Musrio didn't do that; he started running. Before the light had even vanished, even as his companions shouted for him to come back, Musrio threw himself into the wreckage, shouting Drayco's name.
His hearing snapped back into place, his powers fixing it for him as he scrambled through the rubble.
"Drayco! Drayco!" He was sob-screaming, his undead blood-pumper hammering too fast in his chest. He made it to where they'd all been standing when the ritual went off and came to a halt, panting hard.
A figure slowly stood from the scorched ground and looked at him through the smoke. Musrio's breath hitched as he met golden-bronze eyes, but the wind swept the smog, and his hope, away.
It was not Drayco that stood before him, but... something else.
"Where's Drayco?" Musrio asked it, his voice and jaw quivering.
"Huh?" It made a confused noise.
"Where are they?!" Musrio shouted, making the thing take a step back, putting an arm behind it to hide whatever it was guarding. Musrio immediately tried to look, and found a second creature, cowering behind the taller one. "Where are they?! They have to be here, I-"
"They're gone, Musrio."
The rustblood whipped around as Oliver appeared from the rubble, looking a little worse for wear himself after escaping the explosion. She still smiled, though. "And that there is the chosen child." She added, before striding right past him. "Welcome, welcome, my dearest friend!" She cried jovially.
The taller figure said something that sounded angry, but Musrio didn't understand its language. Oliver responded, but Musrio couldn't hear her, either.
Gone. Drayco was gone. After everything, after everything Musrio had done and gone through to get them back-
They were gone.
He couldn't breathe, gasps punching out of his mouth as sweeps of stress, of grief, of exhaustion, finally caught up, overwhelmed, drowned to him.
Someone said his name, and that was the last thing he heard, unable to hear his own heartbroken wail as he collapsed to his knees and fell forward. His whole body heaved with sobs, so violent that he gagged, and puked there on the ash-dusted remains of his bookhive. He only cried harder, the sharp pain in his throat and arm and all across his body grounding him in a reality he didn't want to be in anymore.
"What's- him?"
"- shock-"
"Hey, that- seen them before- humans!"
"- Speak-?"
Something soft and heavy landed on Musrio's shoulders, making him gasp, then there were hands on him. Instinctively, he lashed out, a fearful warble in his throat.
"Easy, little Almawt, easy. It's alright." The Warhound's voice came through, her face swimming into focus as she helped him sit up. The stony woman's face was more emotional than Musrio had ever seen it, and he vaguely realized it was her cloak that she'd wrapped around him. "Come on, son. We need to get away from here."
"Nn- Drayc- co- ribbit-"
The look she gave him- a mix of grief and understanding- made his sobs start all over again, his good hand clawing for his necklace that was no longer around his neck. She didn't try to stop him, she just helped him to his feet and kept an arm around him to keep him upright.
The group had returned to the blown out bookhive and were standing around, talking. Why were they talking, Musrio thought distantly; why weren't they looking for Drayco?
His eyes slowly scanned familiar faces and saw Deadscar arguing with Oliver, until his gaze stopped on the strangers. Incoding and Decaying were speaking to them, their words garbled in Musrio's ears, and it took him too long to realize they were speaking another language- one that the newcomers seemed to understand.
His jaw quivering, without even thinking about it, Musrio reached up and touched his left ear, then the right, magic burning on his blistered hand.
"My name is Bane." He heard the taller creature- human? He thought someone had called it a human- say, "And this is my little sister, Oria. Where the hell are we?"
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"This. Alternia." Incoding said, his face screwed up in concentration, before he pointed at Musrio himself, "Musrio brought... here." He pointed at the humans, then back to him, "He explain."
Bane looked at him, and Musrio's breath hitched in surprise. Oria peered around her brother's legs at him, too, before she began to approach him.
"'Ria, come back." Bane said, but the little girl either didn't hear or ignored him.
Musrio looked down at her, belatedly realizing he was shaking. She looked up at him, her eyebrows pinched in thought. She was so small, she had to be a wriggler, he thought hazily.
Oria moved, putting her hand in her hoodie pocket, before she pulled something out and offered it to him. Dangling from her small fingers was Musrio's black pearl and ivory skull necklace, clean of the bloods he had drenched it in.
Why did she have it? It had been with Drayco...
A whimper in his throat, Musrio took it with his good hand and a nod of thanks, but he didn't have the strength to put it back on. He held it at his side, but that seemed acceptable to her, as she turned and hurried back to the safety of her brother's side.
Musrio watched her go, watching the way the firelight glinted through her silver hair like stars.
"The bane of worlds and the innocent constellation shall be the salvation of us all..."
She was the chosen child, Musrio realized first.
This was far from over, he realized second.
"I can't... do this anymore." He whispered.
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protagonistheavy · 1 year
I dont have time to rant much about it but JCA season 5 is off to a sucky start. Im glad there's only a handful of episodes left because man it's really lost the charm at this point.
First off, maybe most important even... why the fuck did they straight up ruin the theme song???? For WHAT reason!! They removed the first few measures of build-up from the song so the intro just BEGINS right in the middle, but the animation still plays from the beginning, so you have this intense music replacing what used to be a snippet of "urgent mystery." And seriously, for WHAT REASON? They don't add anything to the intro animation!! In fact it's actually shorter because they put Jade and Uncle's animations side-by-side rather than separate. Yet not only does it play the whole song, but it has to awkwardly loop one of the parts because it isn't long enough! I think they did this so the intro credits could have a few more seconds to show off a few more names lmao, which is just terrible. It's not like JCA had a boppin theme song but it got me in the mood! And now it just looks and sounds so bad, the action doesn't line-up, ugh.
Drago is an interesting concept for a villain but his ineptitude and attitude as a child/teenager makes him unimpressive as the main villain. Honestly the series has a had hard time since season 2 making new villains feel like proper successors; the move from Shendu to Shendu and his demon siblings was an AWESOME transition of power/stakes, but Daolong and Tarakuda were lackluster. Drago has way too many one-liners for a guy that gets kicked into walls by Jade.
That last point is another problem, which is that the action went back to being lazy again lol. It picked back up in season 4, but it's returned to season 3 levels of "just guys hitting each other," with not enough circumstance and environmental fighting. Jade doesn't have to do any tricks or kiddish maneuvers, she just kicks people around; Uncle zaps people with his magic fish while Tohru becomes less and less competent.
And oh Tohru, god they've made him a giggling child. It's honestly disturbing how little of his old self still seems around. I legitimately wondered if he went back to having Jade's chi like in that vampire episode lol, he's just so childish and naive now. A real bummer since Tohru was for sure one of the most compelling characters.
The Enforcers aren't around : ( Bad move, these are just such good and funny characters, and their replacements are simply not worthy. It IS funny to see Strikemaster Ice make a comeback, I wasn't expecting that lol, but him and his two buds are nowhere near as interesting as the Enforcers. Additionally, their Drago-given dragon-forms are just sooooo ugly, oh my god. Considering we already did the "turning henchmen into super-henchmen" thing once before, this is pretty hard to look at, clearly the inferior take on the idea. It's taken lifeless characters and made them look even more lifeless, harder to tell apart, and with nothing making them unique; when the Enforcers became Dark Chi Warriors, they had individual weapons that made them varied as fighters, but these guys are all just dragon things with fire powers, it's a real downgrade and just straight-up looks worse.
So this might be a disappointing end to JCA. I think what's unfortunate is that the series had so much innate charm that the writers didn't capitalize completely on, I genuinely think they just didn't have the creativity to make strong and emotional episodes that an adventure series like this needs. I think A LOT about one particular quote from Alex Hirsch... a show ten years ahead of JCA lol but still relevant. Alex explained that when writing an episode for Gravity Falls, the episode couldn't just be "evil tooth fairy," it had to be a compelling plot about, like, Mable loosing her teeth, or going to the dentist -- there had to be a human character arc that made the evil tooth fairy aspect have context and relevance. JCA badly needed this sort of emotional touch and thinking, because they clearly understand what COULD make the characters more compelling, but they failed to weave that into the episodes themselves. Take the episode about Jade's birthday -- which has NOTHING to do about Jade's birthday, other than it's something she keeps complaining about while they do typical episode stuff. In a better written version of the episode, the plot of Jade's birthday would be interconnected with things happening, it would serve a purpose -- but it's just a random element here, a random point to put pressure on the characters, that ultimately goes nowhere related to the rest of the episode.
Anyway I do love this show but after watching it almost completely, I suppose I do understand why this show didn't retain popularity. The first two seasons are great, but not so fantastic that it shines through its later, less impressive seasons. My brainrot tells me so many ways this series couldve been way more interesting lol, but something like this is super unlikely to inspire any remakes or reboots, so, it is what it is. A cute toon. The ultimate question I have to ask is: is it better than Kim Possible? It isn't. Kim Possible claims another head.
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use-your-telescope · 1 year
It’s only fair that I ask for your top five music albums! Go!
Ahahahaha FACK I should have known that was coming... picking ONLY FIVE is gonna be a struggle. All of these will have songs featured in the Trickster (I haven't even finalized my list and I already know that's true). I'm going to stick to one album per artist to help narrow this ish down. Okay, let's give this a whirl: (These are in no order)
Everything in Transit - Jack's Mannequin This album - holy shit. It's iconic. This was one of the very first albums I ever fell in LOVE with, and the story behind it is fucking incredible. Andrew McMahon wrote the whole damn thing about his (now) wife that he was on a break with, right as he was leaving his band Something Corporate and (unbeknownst to him) about to be diagnosed with cancer (which he ultimately beat!). Rescued is my most played song of all time (between itunes plays and Spotify plays), and that was before I choreographed my senior year of college dance piece to it, nine years ago. The entire album is the personification of TSwift's "yeah, we're happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same time - it's miserable and magical" - brilliant piano pop that you want to scream aloud in a bar next ot strangers and bond over. Honorable mentions to Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness (Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness, aka Self-titled album) and The Glass Passenger (Jack's Mannequin)
Red (Taylor's Version) - Taylor Swift Okay, no secret, I love me some Tay. This was already my top album of Taylor's before she released the re-recorded version, because I think this hits the ultimate sweet spot for Taylor - balancing folk-style songwriting and pop sensibilities, with just enough country to keep it fresh - and it's so fucking relatable. And then when Taylor's version came along? I was even more in love. Nothing New still makes my chest ache (and I love Phoebe Bridgers), and don't get me started on the ten minute version of All Too Well. This is *the* breakup album, which hit at just the right moment of my college years and it STILL fucking SLAPS. (Low-key heartbroken I couldn't get Eras tour tickets, tbh) Honorable mentions (in order) are evermore and folklore (tolerate it. gets a spotlight in the trickster! fun fact. Because fiction is cool and I can retcon history, the creation of both albums are in The Trickster.)
American Candy - The Maine Okay, this was the HARDEST artist to narrow down just ONE album - I have seen the Maine FIFTEEN TIMES since I started listening to them in 2011. Pioneer, Forever Halloween, American Candy, Lovely Little Lonely, You Are Okay, and Love & Anxiety in Real Time all have distinctly special places in my heart for different stages in my life. Lovely Little Lonely has the song that was the first dance at my wedding. Pioneer was when I fell in love with the Maine. Forever Halloween was when I processed recovering from a toxic relationship and struggled with my own happiness. You Are Okay was when the world felt unsteady and COVID hit and I needed that reassurance, and Love & Anxiety in Real Time was grappling with the ability to find happiness while allowing inner demons to co-exist. Fun Fact: my original foray into fanfic was connected to this band (now I wouldn't do RPF for the life of me because I have a different understanding of things, but I was 20 and creating fictional characters based on idealized verisons of celebrity crushes in my mind). But, I chose American Candy because I think it has this balance of fun, upbeat music, heartfelt storytelling, candid moments, and delightful irreverence that is absolutely worth a listen. The last track (Another Night on Mars) was the last song of the night at our wedding and the memory of all my friends in a huddle chanting out "this one goes out to my closest friends, the ones who make me feel less alien, I do not think I would be here if not for them" still makes me warm and fuzzy five years later.
Ever After - Marianas Trench Trying to pick one Marianas Trench album is also a challenge - Josh Ramsay is a fucking lyrical GENIUS (with fucking INSANE vocals) and he really embraces creating albums; the most recent album (Phantoms) takes heavy influence from the work of Edgar Allen Poe, the album before that (Astoria) drew inspo from 80's movies like the Goonies, but the one that has my heart is Ever After, which has so many delightful references to fairytales and toys and childhood - it's full of absolute pop BANGERS and you CANNOT help but dance to the whole damn thing. Fun fact: Josh Ramsay is Grammy nominated for co-writing Call Me Maybe!
PEP - Lights This was a post-pandemic album that addresses cynicism, feminism, and girl-power in a fucking ICONIC manner. Salt and Vinegar is a fucking MOOD, and Jaws is my new theme song. Easy Money is my low-key Lo & Theo ship song. Beside Myself is so soft and vulnerable, and Okay Okay is an absolute delight. Lights just released 'ded', which is a slowed down/if synth could be called acoustic version of PEP, and the ded versions of Grip and Beside Myself have made me feel my feels. Lights does acoustic versions of every album she has released; I was so close to putting Skin & Earth Acoustic or Midnight Machines (the acoustic version of Little Machines) because they are so emotive and delightful! Other than Taylor Swift, I tried to stick to lesser-known artists; honorable mentions go to Florence + the Machine, PVRIS, the Midnight, Lydia, Hozier, The Wonder Years, Paramore/Hayley Williams, The Civil Wars, Queen, Annika Bennett, Neck Deep, Lorde, and James Taylor...
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