#and kore fell right into her hands
jedimaesteryoda · 6 months
"I'd waited long enough. I hated watching Robert stumble to your bed every night, always wondering if maybe this night he'd decide to claim his rights as husband." -ASOS, Jaime IX Jaime Lannister put a hand on the king's shoulder, but the king shoved him away hard. Lannister stumbled and fell. The king guffawed. "The great knight. I can still knock you in the dirt. Remember that, Kingslayer." He slapped his chest with the jeweled goblet, splashing wine all over his satin tunic. "Give me my hammer and not a man in the realm can stand before me!" -AGOT, Sansa II
Jaime and Robert's relationship can be described as one of mutual jealousy in spite of their similarities. Both are noted warrior who killed Targaryens in relationships with Cersei, and down to having children killed with Robert ordering Dany's murder and Jaime pushing Bran out a window.
Robert secretly envied Jaime for being the image of what Robert once was in his youth before he had gone to seed: the handsome, prodigious warrior. Jaime envied Robert for being married to Cersei and being able to lay with her whenever he wanted as well as being celebrated for killing a Targaryen.
Craven, Jaime thought, as Brienne fought to stifle her moans. Can it be? They took my sword hand. Was that all I was, a sword hand? Gods be good, is it true? -ASOS, Jaime IV "Rhaegar … Rhaegar won, damn him. I killed him, Ned, I drove the spike right through that black armor into his black heart, and he died at my feet. They made up songs about it. Yet somehow he still won. He has Lyanna now, and I have her." The king drained his cup. -AGOT, Eddard X
Jaime didn't know that killing Rhaegar never brought Robert any peace as it didn't replace the loss of Lyanna anymore than his marriage to Cersei. Robert never realized that in spite of being the handsome, famously skilled knight he wished he still was, it didn't bring Jaime any happiness. If anything, Jaime built his whole identity around his martial ability, and wanted to die after losing his hand.
They also share a lack of self-awareness with Jaime saying people only hate him for killing Aerys when he pushed a child out a window, and Robert saying his marriage was failing because Lyanna was the only woman for him rather than him being a shitty husband.
Jaime loses his famous martial ability as Robert does, but where they differ is how they choose to respond. While initially, Jaime has the same ableist attitude as Robert with regards to debilitating injuries, ie better to die than be a cripple, he moves past that.
When Robert lost his martial ability, he didn't try to find new skills like in administering his realm. He just drank, feasted, hunted and whored dumping all the responsibility of ruling onto his Hands. He also isn't active in his kids' lives, dumping that onto Cersei and the septas. After losing his hand, Jaime worked on rebuilding his identity, and learns to use his head in solving problems rather than his sword exemplified by his taking Riverrun without battle. Jaime tries to be more active in his kids' lives such as when he gives emotional support to Tommen and backs him against Cersei. He chooses to be kore active in politics and do what Robert should have dine to check Cersei. He also tries to adhere to the values he once looked up to in his youth.
I thought that I was the Warrior and Cersei was the Maid, but all the time she was the Stranger, hiding her true face from my gaze. -AFFC, Jaime IV
Jaime later realizes that Cersei wasn't all she was cracked up to be, and by AFFC, he effectively dumps her. He seems to be doing what Robert didn't do, and moving on with someone else who interestingly enough, is the image of Lyanna: a highborn girl who loves chivalry, swords and participates in a tourney.
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ask-princessandromeda · 2 months
When Jason sees her, his chest tightens. She was young, a year or two older than him, and looked so vulnerable in death. Her lovely long blond hair was scattered in all directions, her skin looked pale and stiff, her cheeks and chin were stained with a mixture of her tears and her own blood. Her pale cream kimono and gray belt were stained with dried blood. She was of Japanese descent, - It was clearly visible in the simple grace of her soft features and the delicate structure of her body. Some cards fell out of her kimono and belt and scattered around her, stained with blood. There was really too much blood… But even so, she was beautiful, Like a Fallen angel: her perfectly combined soft shades violently contrasted with blood-red and steel marble, her face was so pretty and lifeless like a doll's… It was beautiful and painfully. The tragedy of a young life cut short in all its glory. Glazed, empty blue eyes stared at nothing, an unpleasant wound gaped on her stomach, a golden blade lay not far from her. "She didn't want to die with a gun inside her," Jason thought a little distantly, somewhere not far from him Lucius was painfully vomiting and Cassia was stroking his back. The great-grandson of Apollo killed her, out of fright and reflexes, rather than by your own desire or his order. Jason didn't know and didn't want to think who she was when she was breathing and her heart was beating, an enemy demigod who stayed in the castle for some reason, a mortal girl who was dragged here by a monsters or someone else. He didn't want to think. He was too tired and it hurt, it could get even more painful. But leaving her here to rot was cruel. His voice sounded imperious and cold as he ordered a funeral pyre to be built outside and food to be collected for her last journey. One of the legionnaires, a child of Lucina, brought a blue cloth and covered it. Jason himself carried and laid her cooling corpse on the bonfire, carefully closing her eyes before doing so. The last acts of kindness and respect she received, even if Summers and Jason didn't know her and didn't want to think about her. Her hastily assembled funeral pyre burned brightly and intensely. The fire smelled of solar heat and hyacinths. The light from the fire, warming and pleasant, fell on the remaining legionnaires and Jason standing closest, it was he who presented the torch and watched as the fire willingly embraced her. Whispers about the maiden of Othrys swept through the Cohorts of camp Jupiter. Some will call her an oracle or an advisor, some will call her mortal. Jason didn't want to think about another soul and an early extinguished life that had been turned into a tragedy. The truth about her is peacefully waiting in the wings.
[Kore was sitting on her bed with her back against the wall. Her hair was loose and disheveled, she was wearing a green nightgown and she was trying to hold a cup of steaming hot coffee tightly in her hands. Her gaze was frowning and tired]. This is a manifestation of militaristic honor, nobility, following a certain code, I really don't want to think about it.
[She blow at the haze of her coffee, a thin, pale strand of steam curled and disappeared. Kore looked up, her eyes were swamp green, bags appeared under them]. Or most of them thought I was mortal... it doesn't matter.
[She took a sip and grimaced. Too bitter and sweet]. They buried me, even left a coin for Charon... it's worth being grateful for.
Ethan: *opens his mouth, then closes it, caught in a moment of startled silence*
Ethan: Oh, Kore… *he manages to mumble, gently stroking her golden hair with his bruised fingers*
Alabaster: That… that doesn’t mean… it should… *his eyes widen as bitter realization washes over him* KORE! No, no, no, no… this can’t be… NO!
Alabaster: *wraps himself around her waist, holding her tightly, not wanting to let go of her* B-But I can still fix it, right? If protection runes are not strong enough, a-and mistform cards are difficult to use… You know what? We’re making sure you are not at Othrys at all during this… attack. We have to find another safe place where you can refugee, while we’re battling, and, and and and! I’m going to keep you safe, hide you somewhere while we battle, and make sure Othrys is well guarded. Do we have enough people? Nevermind, nevermind, I’ll find a solution. I’m not losing you to the knife of a kid. No, no, NO! *he gasps for air, struggling to talk between shaky breaths*
Ethan: Al…
Alabaster: Shut up, shut up, shut up Nakamura and have faith in me. Who is this Jason, anyway? I’m not letting you be buried by a stranger, Kore. By an enemy. I’m not letting your ashes be burnt by your own killers! It’s absurd that I won’t even be there to try and protect you. It’s absurd to let you to the mercy of some strangers.
Chris: *voice cracking* I-it’s true. I wish I could be there to comfort you, i-in your dying moments, to tell you just how amazing of a person you were and how I’ll miss you every second. To speak you of Elysium… to gently stroke your hair… *sighs deeply as tears start rolling down his cheeks* I’m so sorry, Kore. I’m so sorry that I can’t do anything to help you. I’m so sorry that I have to let you down in your lowest moment, so sorry for being this useless…
Alabaster: *lashing out* IT’S NOT ENOUGH BEING SORRY! HOW CAN YOU SPEAK OF THIS WITH SO MUCH CALM? How can you be so resigned, Chris? How are you not angry? Your apologies WON’T SAVE HER!
Ethan: *frowning, frustrated* And neither your stubborn endeavors, ALABASTER! They won’t save her, either! So please shut up, this discussion is not meant to comfort you.
Alabaster: I’m not trying to comfort myself! At least I’m, I’m doing my best to…
Silena: Silence, all of you. *kneels next to Kore*
Chris: I’m sorry. Yes, whatever we have to say is pointless. I’ll just… I’ll bring some tea, alright? *swallowing tears* So we could… so we could calm down a bit. *leaves the room*
Silena: *nods, then looks at Kore, speaking softly* Oh, little flower. I’m so sorry. Would you like me to stay with you? Maybe if you have some company, your nightmares will be tamer. It usually works for me. Please, dear, don’t cry. Focus on now. You’re with us, you’re fine… Don’t try to think too much about it; don’t borrow grief from the future, don’t mourn yourself while you’re still alive. Same with you, Ethan. *harsher* And especially with you, Al.
Alabaster: *wet-eyed* I… I…
Silena: Alright? I’ll check if the tea is ready.
Ethan: *hugs Kore, squeezes Alabaster’s hand*
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ffxiv-f13ndish · 3 months
To Paint a Picture
Collab. drabble w/ @sorrel-haven [Kore] and @ro-valerius [Tofu].
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Kore attempts to paint a portrait of Miyu. Hijinks ensue. Tofu brings a gift.
After Kore had offered to paint their portrait, Miyu eagerly awaited the day she was open to do so. Kore, needing to unwind, decided today was that day. Miyu had propped themself up with extra pillows and a nearby snack, prepared to sit for as long as needed. They were going to have to be still for this, after all.
And they were – for the most part. 
Some time had passed before a flicker of mischief lit up in Miyu. They turned their gaze away from the wall, instead choosing to meet Kore’s eyes with an unwavering stare. Kore looked up from her easel and noticed Miyu’s stare. She raised an eyebrow and smiled at them.
“What are you doing?” she said with a giggle.
Miyu’s expression was wide eyed and innocent, as if they couldn’t possibly be up to any sort of no good. 
“Why, me? Just sitting pretty, as usual,” they responded with a coquettish bat of their lashes. “Why do you ask?”
Kore shook her head with a chuckle and went back to painting. She didn’t need to look over to know they were still staring right at her. She could feel their eyes on her. She tried to suppress the bubbling giggle, which only served to make it worse. 
Seeing as Kore fell victim to the giggles, a sly grin crossed Miyu’s features. They attempted to keep blinking to a minimum. She spared a glance at Miyu when she needed to check the shape of their brow. That was a mistake - they cheekily winked when Kore had to meet their gaze. She couldn’t hold back the giggles any longer!
“Y- you’re ridiculous!” she managed to get out through the bubbly laughter.
“I’m only admiring the art,” the Miqo’te playfully purred back.
“What are you talking about? You can’t see it from there!” she laughed, confused.
“Oh, I wasn’t talking about the painting, lovely.”
Kore blinked, what was that supposed to mea- The realization hit her and her cheeks flushed immediately. She tried to hide her face with one hand as she looked away from Miyu. 
The impish grin on Miyu’s face only grew. 
“You know, I don’t think it will be easy to paint me if you aren’t looking at me,” Miyu further teased.
She looked at them through her fingers. “I can paint you easily!” she said with a huff before reaching over and dabbing a splotch of blue on the miqo’te’s cheek.
An incredulous gasp sounded from Miyu after Kore’s paint attack. A devious look flashed across their features before they lunged forward towards Kore’s paint palette. They swiped their fingers across it before aiming to mark her forehead with the painted digits.
She grabbed their hand saving her forehead, but the paint caused her grip to slip and they got paint all down her arm. She let out a high pitched scoff and smeared a glob of paint on their shoulder.
Miyu very nearly apologized, upon seeing the paint that stained Kore's arm. However, the urge to apologize was quickly withdrawn when Kore retaliated further. This was war. And fighting fair wasn’t essentially Miyu’s style. They turned their head toward their shoulder, to get a bit of paint on their own nose. 
The Miqo’te placed both hands on either side of Kore’s face and leaned in, lips pressing to Kore’s as the tip of their paint smeared nose butted against her own. Kore made a small noise in surprise, but leaned into the kiss.
When they pulled away, Miyu flashed a wicked grin. “What’s wrong? Do I have something on my face?”
“Hmm yes let me get it.” Kore laughed and smeared some more paint on their cheek. “There. I think I got it.” 
Miyu’s relentless stare finally broke as they averted their eyes to the floor, their paint covered face touched by strokes of warm red. 
“You know, this isn’t quite what I meant when I asked to get my face painted,” they said, wiping the paint off their shoulder with the palm of the hand. They then proceeded to press their hand against Kore’s cheek, leaving a palm print in the wake of their painted destruction.
Kore laughed and brushed some hair out of Miyu’s face. She leaned forward and pressed her forehead to theirs. Giggles were still subsiding as she let out a content sigh. She took Miyu’s hand and rubbed her thumb on the back of it. A small knock at the door caused her to jump and bonk her head on Miyu’s. Miyu blinked and rubbed their forehead with their hand — inadvertently smearing the paint further.
Kore rubbed her head as she called, “Come in?”
Tofu poked his head in and paused at the sight of…paint everywhere. Just. So much paint. A neutral expression turned deadpan as he examined the two of them. Miyu beamed, wiggling their fingers as they greeted Tofu. With a sigh, he stepped fully into the room and closed the door behind him, keeping a hand behind his back so they couldn’t see what he had just yet; he wanted to explain himself before they laughed. Miyu’s fingers stilled when they picked up on the curious sight of Tofu hiding something behind his back, the Miqo’te leaning to one side in an attempt to catch a glimpse.
“I see you two are having fun,” he said, his tone not giving any indication of his mood. He cleared his throat and averted his gaze. “I uh…made some good luck charms for everyone…” 
He mentally smacked himself. Good job explaining first, bozo. Still not looking at either of them, he held out two hand sewn charms, one in a dark pinkish red, much like Kore wore, and one with a light purple and seafoam green coloured pattern. Miyu's eyes gleamed with Tofu’s presentation, and they darted forward to check out the good luck charms. Kore smiled as she remembered Tofu mentioning good luck charms before.
“Awe… thank you! This is lovely,” Miyu cooed, beginning to reach for the good luck charm. With the sharp points of their nails, they carefully picked up theirs. In thanks, Miyu snuck in a hasty peck on the cheek. A blush crept across Tofu’s cheeks as he stubbornly kept his gaze averted.
Kore wiped her hands on a paint rag before going up to take her charm. “This is lovely Tofu, thank you!” She held it closer to her face to look at the detailing.
Tofu saw Kore from the corner of his eye as she held the charm very close to her face to see and gave her a look before going over to the shelf where she’d placed her glasses ages ago and forgot about. Still giving her that look, he grabbed the glasses from the shelf and walked back over to her, pushing them gently onto her face. 
Kore blinked as she was suddenly gifted vision. She adjusted her glasses and stuck her tongue out at him. He returned the favour.
Miyu emitted a faint ‘oh’ in surprise when a pair of glasses were placed on Kore’s face.
“Maybe. But a pretty dork,” they hummed in approval. “How come you never wear them? Do you just call me ‘rainbow’ because I look like an obscure blob of colors to you?” Miyu giggled.
“...” Kore blushed and deliberately looked at the ceiling. “Maybe…”
Tofu cleared his throat and brushed his hair into his face more, as if to hide a little. “W-Well, it seemed like I interrupted something, so I’ll let you both get back to it,” he mumbled, turning towards the door. 
Kore grabbed his hand before he could leave, with Miyu simultaneously making a grab for the other. Tofu felt the paint from Miyu’s hand transfer to his own and gave them a brief look.
“You don’t have to go,” the two said in unison. Their pleading looks almost mirrored each other.
In the face of their expressions, he couldn’t say no to either of them. 
“R-right…” he mumbled. 
Kore smiled as she walked over to her paint case, and pulled out two more paint rags to hand to the other two. She sat back at her easel and checked it over to see if the paint fight affected it. Luckily, it was unscathed.
Once Miyu’s hands were cleaned up with the rags, they got to examining their new charm with ease. Miyu grinned and gave the little charm a peck before they tucked it away into a sewn pocket in their dress.
“I was trying to paint Miyu’s portrait, however they decided to get cheeky,” she explained. “So I had to punish them, you see. And well… We got a bit carried away.”
“Punish?” Miyu gasped in disbelief. “If I remember correctly, it was you who attacked first! All I was doing was sitting, swear it!”
“Sitting and making comments!” she said in a lighthearted protest.
“Well… am I ever wrong?” Miyu quipped, the deceitful veil of innocence falling from their expression with a roguish smirk. “Besides, it’s just about lunch time. Perfect distraction for a break.” 
Tofu watched the exchange as he wiped the paint off of his hand, hoping that Miyu hadn't gotten any paint elsewhere else on his person. As he checked over to ensure that he had gotten all of the paint off of his hand, he remembered that he had been out of practice sewing, and while the pinpricks weren't super noticeable, he was quick to close his hand and keep it at his side sheepishly. 
"Did you…want to keep painting or did you prefer to get lunch and come back…?" he asked softly.
“I think we should take a break,” Kore said, putting her paints away. “Have you eaten yet?”
Tofu caught sight of a disgruntled Chauncey and gave a small wave in greeting before turning his attention back to Kore. "...I haven't," he said, having forgotten the whole day to stop working on the charms to do anything to sustain himself. 
“Easy fix. Let's all go to lunch,” Miyu enthusiastically proposed, hopping over to Tofu’s side to hook an arm around his. They started to reach for his hand with their other hand, only to pause. 
“Ouch. How long have you been working on those charms, dear?” they remarked, lifting up his hand to inspect it. He shrugged, as best he could with their arm around his.
"I think I woke up a couple hours before the sun came up because I had that dream again. Worked on those to have something else to think about," he murmured.
“Ah, I’m sorry,” Kore said with a small frown. “You can always come sit with one of us if that happens. You don’t have to talk about it either, we don’t mind being a distraction.”
“The door is always open for you,” Miyu agreed with a nod. 
“A-ah, right…” Tofu muttered as he averted his gaze. 
Kore sighed softly with a fond exasperation. He’ll get there, someday- hopefully. Today they were getting lunch. She walked over and took Tofu’s other hand and guided them both out the door.
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kore-pythia-hayashi · 3 months
Ethan: Hey. I was wondering. Do you ever think about your childhood as a demigod? Especially with your powers, and…
Ethan: Excuse me, I worded that wrong. Of course you do think about your childhood. But how do you feel about it? What are your fondest memories? How do you think of your mortal father? He seems like a pretty great person, and I’m sure that you have vivid memories of him. You’re truly lucky to have him.
Ethan: What I mean is- not everyone has a great relationship with their mortal parents. Take Luke as the best example… And even me. I never felt good enough for my dad’s attention… maybe I wasn’t. Uh…
[She looked at Ethan, leaving the half-folded crane figurine in her lap. Her face was as delicate and soft as a flower petal]. Thank you Ethan and you're definitely right - my father is really good person... and you really remind me of him - just as good and kind, even your faces is similar. [She smiled brightly, a pink blush appeared on her cheeks].
My childhood was happy and healthy - best period of my life... [She tilted her head, returning to her origami, but continuing the conversation]. As much as possible when you are a demigod and a little oracle - my father was loving and devoted, he was so young when I was born. [She gently ruled the wings of the paper bird, her movements were gentle]. He was even younger than Luke.. He was 17.
But as I mentioned, he coped superbly with unexpected and early fatherhood, refusing to give me up for adoption to adult relatives - he fell in love with me as soon as he saw me. [Her eyes were twinkling and the corners of her mouth were gently raised]. And other family members were happy to help him - my aunts could take turns staying late at our house or even live for several days in a row when my dad was working. [Her hands moved slowly and gently, folding the figure of a bird, her voice sounded warm and especially soft].
My uncles drove me and picked me up to and from kindergarten, they brought groceries when my dad didn't have time, bought me clothes in children's stores and they all together provided emotional support to my father... [Her face turned sad]. He did well, but we are all living people and my dad had bad days.
I love him. [She raised her head and looked at Ethan, her face was gentle and affectionate]. He is one of the best people who have ever lived on this earth - he is a devoted father and an amazing man... [She exhaled somewhat convulsively]. I think if I had not been born or was born under different circumstances, his life would have been simpler and better…
[She went back to her origami and finished it in a couple of movements... a paper bird, as if alive, jumped out of her palm and, after making several circles Under the ceiling, flew out of an open window - Kore watched this with love].
My fondest memories are... there are two of them and they are the most precious.
I am 4 years old, my dad and I are returning from kindergarten together - it was very rare in those days - I hold my dad's hand, his palm is a little calloused and very soft, its warmth gave me a sense of peace. And then I saw puddles - it was not surprising it was autumn and it was warm and generous with rains.
"Jump!" I said with childish joy and dad, after a little thought, said "why not" and still holding hands, we jumped into the nearest large puddle, the water splashed in all directions and dad and I laughed happily.
Second - I am seven years old and my oracle powers have activated… It was really bad at first, although not as intense and painful as the other oracle children of Apollo.
But it was painful and hard for my father to see how bad I was - severe nosebleeds, pallor and weakness because of it, constant headaches, disoriented state, I unknowingly left home and ran to places that I would go to in the future, for example, my future school and that secluded cozy corner in the park that It will be my place with dad.
My dad decided to do senbazuru and wish that I would stop seeing the future and Suffer because of it... The mythology of the ancient Greeks was real, why wouldn't this Japanese fairy tale be like that?
He made them - they were big, bright and beautiful, filling almost our entire house.
And... as you can see, Ethan, his wish was not fulfilled.
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sorrel-haven · 1 year
Calm Before the Storm: Mend the Body and the Heart
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After Kore confessed she ended up falling asleep on the floor... which was not a good idea with her injured shoulder... Colab story with @ro-valerius
Ro's characters: Blomma (featured) Tofu (mentioned) @ffxiv-f13ndish characters: Miyu (mentioned)
The pain in her shoulder woke Kore up. She hissed as she pressed her hand on her forehead; she was on the floor. Right… she fell asleep there after…
She sat up suddenly. Memories of last night flooded back in, washing away the sleepy haze. Pain shot through her, radiating from her shoulder, at the sudden movement. She let out a small yelp. First things first, she needed to get this taken care of. She could figure out what the hell she was thinking last night later.
Kore tried to get up, unsteadily, trying to not use her injured arm. She should have healed this while she still had the adrenaline last night. After sleeping on the floor it was so stiff she could barely move it. Blomma could help, she’d just have to find her, hopefully she was still home this morning.
Blomma had just finished arranging some sliced apples, a carefully peeled orange, some nuts, and some fresh blackberries from the yard onto a plate; it was one of her favourite plates, soft white porcelain with dark pink swirls of a floral pattern she couldn’t quite place. She had noticed that Kore was a bit late waking up and presumed that she’d had a long night. The least she could do is take her a nice breakfast, and probably let her get back to resting after. 
She picked up the plate and made her way up the stairs, locating Kore’s room easily even without turning on the lights; the secondary hallway didn’t have windows like the main hallway, but it didn’t affect her in the slightest. She made it to her door and knocked lightly before cracking the door open to set the plate down inside for her.
“Blomma is that you?” Kore asked, accompanied by a pained noise.
At the pained noise, Blomma’s ears twitched, her demeanor becoming more alert. With a quick murmur of ‘Cover your eyes I’m turning on the light’, she flicked on the lights and set the plate down on the dresser. She found Kore, on the floor with a pained expression, and bags under her eyes. 
“...Dearheart, what’s wrong? What hurts?” she murmured, striding closer and kneeling beside Kore.
“I may have dislocated it again in my sleep,” she said, holding her shoulder.
The bruising was worse than last night. She sure fucked up not healing it when she had the chance. But Blomma could help, at least get her to where she can move it.
Blomma sighed and stood back up, moving around behind Kore and pressing her fingers to her shoulder as she lifted it a little. Feeling where everything was, it was a simple matter to just… pop and it was back in place. The bruising was a concern, though. She set to massaging the area, trying not to be too rough on it. 
“Remind me to pick up healing magics at some point, dearest…might be more helpful in the long run for non-Tofu individuals, if you’re all going to be so reckless,” she said, though her tone was light to indicate jest. “This should help it heal faster when you have the energy to cast a spell, alright?”
Blomma rested her hands on Kore’s shoulders, quiet for a long moment. The bags under her eyes, and her being asleep on the floor… There was something more than just a shoulder injury. She didn’t want to pry, but…
“Dearheart, did something happen? And I don’t mean the injury. Well, the injury, too. You don’t have to tell me if you’d rather not, but… Well, I’ve been told that I am a good listener, and I have the odd moments of good advice,” she murmured, running her fingers lightly through Kore’s hair to lightly loosen any tangles from Kore’s unfavourable nap.
Kore chewed her bottom lip for a moment, she was unsure if she should talk about it. 
“I- I kissed Tofu.” She didn’t look at Blomma, she didn’t want to see her reaction.
Blomma sat down on the ground behind Kore, pulling her back to rest her head against her chest. She patted Kore’s head gently as she considered how best to respond. A brief laugh escaped her in the form of a puff of air.
“So the cat is outta the bag, then. Pray, elaborate with me here. What are your thoughts, sweetie?” she murmured gently.
“I don’t know why I did it… Actually. I do know why… But I didn’t intend to! He was just being so- and I was just-” She curled up into Blomma’s lap. “I messed up.”
Kore was being very hard on herself, she was still holding back. She tensed -- probably not good for her shoulder. She winced a little at the pain.
“Miyu’s gonna hate me…”
Blomma sighed dramatically. “Kore darling I already have to deal with one stupid rabbit, I don’t need two. Miyu will not hate you for this- and before you argue, I have already figured them all out by now, they’re not discrete, you know. And you haven’t messed up.” 
She leaned her cheek against Kore’s head, hugging her gently. 
“What I think…is that everyone is trying to put everyone else first. But, well, when it comes to the heart, you can’t just do that, you know? If you don’t get resolution, it’ll just eat at you. You’ll never stop wondering ‘what if’.”
“And…well, Miyu seems fond of you, more so than the rest of us. I don’t think even something like this will change their mind about you. Besides, I’m pretty sure they have half a mind to be more worried about you.”
Blomma stretched her arms above her head to loosen her shoulders. “I think you all need time to think, and maybe some group conversation. But mostly time to think.”
“Yes… you’re right, I know you’re right. I just… seem to expect the worst outcome for myself.” Kore laughed dryly. “Optimistic to a fault for everyone else, but… I think something broke when I lost Lament. I’m so afraid of losing people.”
There it was, the root of Kore’s anxieties. 
Kore adjusted her sitting so she faced Blomma. She took Blomma’s hand and started to trace circles in the palm. 
“I can live with whatever Tofu decides. I don’t expect anything from him. Sure I’d like it if he reciprocated, but…” She took in a deep breath. “But it’s the thought of even possibly losing him, Miyu, anyone… that’s what terrifies me.”
Blomma leaned forward and kissed Kore gently on the forehead.
"Lovebug, none of us…are going anywhere. It'll be okay, we're not going anywhere," she murmured softly.
Kore closed her eyes and took in a few rhythmic breaths. Her eyes fluttered open after and she smiled at Blomma. She took Blomma’s other hand and gave both of them a light squeeze.
“Thank you. I think I feel a bit better now.”
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yukidragon · 2 years
Sunny Day Jack - Sunshine in Another World - Saved
After posting the rough draft of the second part of the Bad End AU, I figured it was past time to post the polished version of the first story in this particular dark AU, Saved, on AO3 in the Sunshine in Another World collection.
This story is for Adults Only. No one under the age of 18 may read it. It contains horror, trauma, grief, gore, dismemberment, body horror, and major character death. You have been warned.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore  
Shards of broken plastic lay scattered all across the floor, some pulverized practically into powder.
“We… we did it, Alice. We saved you!”
Among the shards were strands of ribbon, twisted and shredded like offal at the hands of a cruel butcher.
“He can never hurt you again.”
A breathless sort of laughter filled the apartment. Two people were speaking, exhausted, shaken up, but… relieved.
“Damn… I almost thought we weren’t going to make it for a while there.”
How could this happen?
It was all a blur - the arguments, the violence, the fear. At some point Alice lost her voice from it all after countless desperate pleas for everyone to just stop.
When it all finally did stop, she still had no voice to speak. She had no words. No tape.
No Jack.
At some point Alice collapsed, her legs incapable of bearing her weight any longer, and she sat among the wreckage that littered her bedroom.
Their bedroom. Their sanctuary. The place they made love so many times. The place that she once felt so safe, so warm.
Alice never felt so cold before.
“Alice…? Are you okay?”
One of them was talking. Ian? Shaun? It didn’t matter. They were both the same.
“H-hey, Alice! Snap out of it.”
A hand reached out for her shoulder, but Alice slapped it away. She glared through her bangs and her tears at the orange and peach blur as he reeled back from the strike.
“Hey, take it easy now. It’s us.”
“That… that’s right! It’s Ian and Shaun, remember?”
Traitors. Both of them. Why… why did Alice trust Shaun with the combination to her safe? They would’ve never been able to touch Jack’s tape if she hadn’t been so foolish. He would’ve been safe. He wouldn’t be… be…
“Jack’s gone. He’ll never hurt you again. We saved you!”
Jack was gone, and it was all her fault. Every wrong choice Alice made that led them here came to her in sharp relief. Only now did she see with the cursed clarity of hindsight how many small foolish decisions brought them to the worst ending she could imagine.
When Ian and Shaun destroyed the tape, they broke something inside of Alice. Those words took the shards that were left and ground them into dust.
Somehow Alice managed to force something out past the tightness that seized her throat and stole her voice while her world fell to pieces all around her.
“Who… the fuck… said I needed… to be saved?”
Read the rest of the story here, and please let me know what you think. I absolutely adore reviews and they inspire me to keep writing stories like these. Thank you! 💙💛💔
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mrfeenysmustache · 2 years
From Love into Lust
For day 7 of @sins-week, I’m dipping my toe into a new fandom! For Blue/Lust day I give you Lore Olympus Hades and Persephone 💙
Summary: Hades is gentle, thoughtful, careful. At first, Persephone was thankful. They could work up to the bigger things now that they were reunited, and things didn’t feel so rushed and hurried. They could take their time like a proper new relationship. But maybe things are going too slow for the newly minted Queen. Maybe slowness isn’t what she needs. Maybe what she really needs is her King.
Also read on: AO3
Spice level: 🌶🌶
Hades emerged from the steaming bathroom with only a fluffy towel around his hips, and Persephone’s eyes followed him as he crossed her room to find some clothes.
He had a drawer just for him at her apartment, full of spare pajamas, sweat pants, hoodies and underwear so he could be comfortable when he came here right after work.
Likewise, he’d dedicated a whole section of his closet just for her for when she was with him, but sometimes she wondered what the point was.
Why had she been so insistent on having her “own place” when neither of them ever spent any time alone at their own respective houses?
A decade of separation followed by the turbulent fixing of so many problems that had been allowed to fester for too long left them a little clingy, but who could blame them for fearing being apart after all they’d managed to get through?
There were still lines they hadn’t crossed, though, still big things they hadn’t done as they solidified their feelings and dedications to each other and grew comfortable in their mutual love and devotion.
Her heart beat hard and fast in her chest and she decided that maybe it was time.
She stood from her bed and crossed her room, stopping behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist and pressing her face into the blue skin of his back. She closed her eyes and inhaled, the scent of him settling over her, calming her emotions but igniting her blood, and she felt the way his chuckle shook his frame.
“Little goddess, what are up to?”
“Mmmm nothing.” She said, tightening her hold on him, “just want to be close to you. Is that so wrong?”
“No, but forgive me for being skeptical. There must be something you want.”
She smiled a little sadly.
A fter countless years spent in transactional relationships built on mutual understanding that they were using each other, he still fell into old habits and mindsets. But they hadn’t been together long yet, she had plenty of time to show him that that’s not how things would be between them.
“Really Aidoneus, I’m not being sneaky. Not really…” she said, her hands going the knot in his towel, and she heard his breath hitch, one of his hands settling over hers.
“You don’t have to-“
“I want to. I want you.” She whispered in what she hoped was an alluring tone of voice.
She was still learning how to operate in her new found sexuality, but so far Hades had been so careful with her.
She wasn’t sure if it was because of her own inexperience or because of his self consciousness, but if it was because of the first thing, she was ready to show him that his concern was unnecessary.
“We can keep going slowly, Kore. I don’t mind. I don’t expect-“
“Maybe I’m the one that minds.” She said, and he froze.
She pressed a kiss just over his spine and he sucked in another breath.
“Maybe I don’t need to keep going slow.”
“Are… are you sure?”
“Yes. I am. I’m not your guest anymore, I’m not on trial, and we’re not being punished anymore. I thought going slow was what I wanted, what I needed, but after everything Hades, I think I just need you.”
He turned and tilted her face up, and he searched her eyes for any single shred of doubt or uncertainty.
But there was none to find.
“Well then, if you’re sure, I’ll never be the one to deny serving my Queen.”
He kissed her, gently pressing his lips to hers, shy embers of passion warming and sparking as he broke down that barrier of safety he’d erected to keep himself from veering too far into lust before she was ready.
Because now she was ready.
Her toes curled, her hands gripped his shoulders, and his arms wrapped around her back, hugging her close before lifting her, spinning with her and placing her on top of the dresser, never breaking their kiss.
She squeaked in surprise and then wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, desperate for more of him.
“Don’t turn into butterflies on me,” he whispered in her ear after dragging his lips from hers to her cheek.
She chuckled, and it trailed off into a moan as his mouth found her neck.
“I… I won’t. I promise.”
And she wouldn’t.
She could feel the fizzing and foaming of her power enveloping her skin, the urge to flee from the big and inescapable things she felt for him and desired from him surging up as it had in the past before they’d taken such intimacy off the table.
But even as nerves threatened to steal her away, she found an anchor in his strong, steady presence wrapped all around her, and her desire to stay was stronger than her fear of the unknown.
It was thrilling to give herself to him, to finally put aside everything that lay between them and be truly free in her love for him, in her want of him, and he cradled her in his hands so lovingly that all the rest of her self doubt melted away at the soft sigh of her name from his lips into her ear.
“Take me to bed,” she said, half plea, half demand, and she felt him smile against her shoulder.
“As you wish, your Majesty.”
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cantstayawaycani · 1 year
Chapter 25: isipho
isipho — Xhosa, meaning "gift"
Shuri is happy, but there's one thing that would make her more content; her world a more perfect one.
Shuri reminded herself that Namor would still live long after she was gone. A burden for him, but an odd relief for her. He wasn’t going anywhere. Not ever. Shuri never had to worry about losing him. The only way that would happen was if she pushed him away — and he was pretty resilient to all her worst habits so far. No. Namor wasn’t going anywhere. There was only one thing that could make it all perfect. 
Shuri leaned back on her feet, glad that she and Namor were close in height, even if he was still immense enough to dwarf her. Physically, at least. Shuri liked to think they were pretty even on everything else. She reached her hands up to cup Namor’s face. He was still smiling when she said, “I want you to make peace with my mother.” 
The smile fell quickly. 
“I don’t see why I should fall on my knees before her in forgiveness when she is the one who crosses me at every turn,” Namor spat. 
“Because she’s not going to do it.” 
“Not even if you ask her?” He demanded. “Ask her as you are asking me now?” 
“I don’t know,” Shuri admitted. “But I’m not asking her. I’m asking you.” 
For a moment, Namor looked as though he wanted to argue. But he didn’t. He just looked at her for a long moment, searching for something in her eyes. Whatever it was, he must have found it. His dark gaze softened. He caressed her cheek, pressing his forehead against hers. The cold jade of his piercing pressed against her nose. Shuri accepted the embrace, leaned into it. “I will do this for you,” Namor whispered. “But if she rebukes me, if she refuses to make things right on equal terms, I will not make a second attempt.” 
For Shuri, who had yet to see Namor fail at anything, this was more than enough. “That’s all I’m asking for.” 
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kouyou-translations · 2 years
【びす×奏音69「ネクロの花嫁」歌詞】 【Bis × KANON69 "The Bride of Necro / Nekuro no Hanayome" Lyrics】
Original YouTube link Our YouTube lyric video
Kanji, rōmaji, and English translation by kouyou-translations   ↓ ↓ ↓
Kanji and rōmaji
物謂わぬ口唇に 生気を吹き込んで  mono iwanu kuchibiru ni iki wo fukikonde 今宵「あなた」は甦る あの頃の姿で  koyoi "anata" ha yomigaeru ano koro no sugata de
白肌の娘が咳をした「この身体貴方に捧げるわ」  shira hada no musume ha seki wo shita "kono karada anata ni sasageru wa" 白服の医者が囁いた「迎えに行くよ」  shira fuku no isha ga sasayaita "mukae ni yuku yo" 白肌の娘は朽ち果てた 世界の誰にも見棄てられ  shira hada no musume ha kuchihateta sekai no dare ni mo misuterare 白服の医者は憐れんで 誰も知らない居場所で眠らせた  shira fuku no isha ha awarende dare mo shiranai ibasho de nemuraseta
朽ちてもまだ美しい顔で  kuchite mo mada utsukushii kao de ふたりしかいない霊廟で医者は恋をした  futari shika inai reibyou de isha ha koi wo shita
それは永遠の恋か 禁断の行為か  sore ha eien no koi ka kindan no koui ka また逢いたいと願うだけ それが罪なの、でしょうか?  mata aitai to negau dake sore ga tsumi na no, deshou ka?
物謂わぬ口唇に 生気を吹き込んで  mono iwanu kuchibiru ni iki wo fukikonde 今宵ふたりは結ばれる 祝福もされずに  koyoi futari ha musubareru shukufuku mo sarezu ni
「腐り堕ちた眼孔に青い硝子を…」  “kusari ochita gankou ni aoi garasu wo…” 「破れかけた腕に絹の肌を…」  “yaburekaketa ude ni kinu no hada wo…” 「侵された内臓に綿のガーゼを…」  “okasareta naizou ni men no gaaze wo…” 「宝石で飾った純白いドレスを…」  “houseki de kazatta shiroi doresu wo…”
朽ちゆくたび取り繕って  kuchiyuku tabi toritsukurotte 恋を謳ってまた医者は手を染め続けた  koi wo utatte mata isha ha te wo sometsudzuketa
やがて暴かれたのは 醜悪い怪物で  yagate abakareta no ha minikui kaibutsu de 「それ」を造り上げた医者は辯駁を叫んだ  “sore” wo tsukiriageta isha ha benbaku wo sakenda
「これは永遠の恋だ!彼女の願望だ!  “kore ha eien no koi da! kanojo no negai da!” 「死にゆくと決めたお前らが見棄てた女じゃアないか」  “shi ni yuku to kimeta omaera ga misuteta on’na jaanai ka?!” 嗚呼 哀しき花嫁 物謂えぬままで  aa kanashiki hanayome mono ienu mama de
今宵ふたりは裁かれる 彼女を見棄てた人達の正義で  koyoi futari ha sabakareru kanojo wo misuteta hitotachi no seigi de 正しいのはだあれ?  tadashii no ha daare?
I'll blow life into your lips that no longer speak And tonight 'you' will be revived to how you once were
The white-faced woman coughed, “I offer this body to you.” The white-clothed doctor whispered, “I will see to you.” The white-faced woman began to rot away, forsaken by all in the world The white-clothed doctor sympathised with her, taking her to a hidden place where she could sleep in peace
Although decayed, the woman’s face remained beautiful In the mausoleum that only the two knew of, the doctor fell in love
Is this eternal love, or a forbidden act? I merely wish to see you again, if that’s a sin, for what reason?
I'll blow life into your lips that no longer speak Tonight we will be wed, without anyone’s blessing bestowed upon us
“Blue-tinted glass to fill your decayed eye sockets…” “Silk ribbons to mend the torn skin on your arms…” “Cotton gauze for your damaged organs…” “A bejewelled white dress for you…”
Should she decay, the doctor would simply fix it Professing his love, he continually dyed his hands
In the end, an unsightly beast was uncovered The doctor who created ‘it’ passionately protested
“This is our eternal love! This was her wish!” “Weren’t you the ones who forsook this woman and left her to die?!” Ah, the pitiful bride remains silent
Tonight the pair will be judged by the righteousness of those who forsook the woman Who in this case is truly in the right?
You’re welcome to use this translation/transliteration in your works! Just credit us; leave a link to our account/this post somewhere in your work and do not claim you created the translation. Thank you for reading! <3
- Kiyoushi
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Descendants Canon Chapter Two: The Jr Council Finishes Preparations
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Gifs top to bottom: Aricka Charming, Doug Crystalsmith, Ben Florian, Aziz Ababwa, and Chad Charming.
The days flew by fast leading up to the arrival of the first wave of transfer students. Thus, the Auradon Jr Royal Council was up to their ears in paperwork and finalizations such as:
Dorm assignments- each VK would have an Auradon student who would help them acclimate to their new environment and how things worked
The placement tests the VKs would take as soon as they were settled in their dorms.
Basic schedules for each transfer student, which would be completed once they selected their electives and language classes.
Preparations for all immunizations and physicals the kids would need, because who KNOWS how messed up the immune systems of a VK was.
The week went by in the blink of an eye and before anyone could believe it, it was Friday morning and the day the VKs would be arriving at Auradon Royal Preparatory School. Aka Auradon Prep.
The Jr Royal Council was assembled on the front steps in a certain way, as pertaining to their royal statuses:
Jane stood by her mother, who was standing to the left and two steps behind Ben and Audrey, who had made it to the final rounds of the selection process for the future ruler of the United States of Auradon.
Chad and Aricka stood behind them, Sebastian, Emma and Doug on either sides of them as Cinderellasburg/Charmington/Sardinia, Hanover and Stonehaven were very close allies.
Aziz, Jordan, Lonnie and Ruby were together, Aziz escorting Jordan and Ruby, Lonnie being her free spirited self, as Northern Wei, Agrabah and Tangletown were allies.
And bringing up the rear was James and Amber as the youngest of the council.
The band was playing “Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah,” one of Aricka’s personal favorites, as the limo rolled in. The council moved as one, descending the steps in tandem to reach the limo as it pulled to a stop.
Chad put his free hand over his sister’s, patting it twice to soothe them both, as he raised his hand to wave regally, arm over his head, a firm strong wave to the school and to the limo. Aricka was a bit shyer, as was her public persona, raising her hand and wiggling her fingers slightly, a beatific smile on her face. The duo had earned their nickname of “The Charming Twins,” rightfully.
The limo rolled to a stop and the door opened to reveal the new students-
The first one out being Aricka Kore Page, who immediately broke protocol and ran to Aricka Charming and the girls embraced eagerly. “I’m back-!” She cried and Aricka C beamed.
“Oh I know it was only four months but I missed you-!”
Next came a purple haired teen, immediately followed by an ebony haired boy, who crossed his arms and stood in front of the smaller teen protectively. Right after the tan boy exited the car, a royal blue haired beauty emerged, wearing royal blue head to toe wearing a heart charm necklace, with a tiny coronet in her hair.
The next duo was a teal haired beauty and-
Aricka Charming gasped softly, as she knew the next student - it was Harry. He was even more handsome in the real world, pale skin, striking blue eyes accentuated by a smokey eyeshadow, and he wore the familiar yet unfamiliar red pirate coat and hat. He scanned the assembled teens, and when those eyes met hers, he froze momentarily, before relaxing just as quickly.
Next came two more teens, who went and stood by the purple haired teen. One had black and white hair, and was wearing black and white clothing head to toe with pops of red accents. The other was fair, wearing mostly black gothic style clothing, with a green emerald pendant necklace around her neck, and her green hair fell around her shoulders in waves.
And the last one was a boy wearing bronze colored clothes, with a bandana over his head, with few curly blonde strands peeking through. He had a relaxed smile on his face and he was looking around himself in awe.
Once all the teens were out and assembled, Ben addressed them. “Welcome to Auradon Prep,” he says, walking down the line and shaking all their hands. “I’m Crown Prince Benjamin Florian, and it is an honor to finally be meeting all of you. It is my sincerest wish and hope that today marks the beginning of a new era for our kingdom. I’m sure you’re all tired and hungry from your trip here, so if you’ll follow myself and my council we’ll show you the bathrooms, get you some snacks and then begin your orientation!”
Ben offered his arm to the purple haired teen, who glanced at it dubiously before allowing it, and he began guiding the VKs into the school.
Chad did the same to the blue haired girl, who flushed a bright red before willingly accepting the offer, and Doug offered his to the teal haired pirate, who rolled her eyes but also accepted. Sebastian was already joyously reuniting with his girlfriend, who kept an arm around his back and he kept his around her shoulders.
Aricka Charming was startled when someone cleared their throat next to her, and she turned to see Harry standing there. “Shall we, my pretty?” He asks, and offers her his own arm as the other princes had. She blushes and nods, slipping her hand through the crook of his arm, putting her free hand on top of it, and they all made their way into the school together.
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @sappy-secrets @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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azusawrites · 2 years
“In that case did you see a guy with red hair, sticking all over pass this way?” Grim glanced up at her, a confused expression on his face, and she had to look away to stop herself from turning even redder. “Uh, he has a heart right under his left eye. It’s red. The heart. Actually his eyes too. But not red-red, more like… uh, nevermind. Did you see him?”
The woman stayed silent for a while. Then leaning closer, she poked her head out of the portrait again, grinning. “Why? Is he your boyfriend?”
“What? No!” Kore exclaimed. “Absolutely not! Not in a hundred years! Or a thousand! Or… or more than that!”
Shaking her head, she cleared her mind, until she could focus on the portrait again. It sighed, eyes suddenly turning dull and unfocused as if this conversation could not possibly hold anything else of interest to it any longer and thus was completely useless. Kore tried not to let herself be stung by the dismissal but instead reached out to place her palm against the frame. 
“Please! I really need to find him!”
The woman’s eyes shone again. “Why? Are you planning on confessing to him?”
“No!” she insisted.
wip: mirror marchen
fandom: twisted wonderland
wc: 3333
next chapter sneak peek
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kore-pythia-hayashi · 3 months
To the creator of the character: how does Apollo think of Daphnis after their love comes to an end? Does he reach out to his old lover after the painful loss of his daughter?
From the creator of the character - Apollo really loves Daphnis and has a deep affection for him because he was a really difficult conquest.
[Further from the face of Apollo]:
Imagine that you are an ancient god and a real ideal, but some mortal teenager [even if he is really pretty] irritably casts a fleeting glance at you and sends you to hell because he has a difficult test on his nose. You get annoyed and decide to go the harder way, after all your sister is a goddess of hunting, you will definitely be able to catch this adorable doe. Friendship blossoms slowly and gently between you, you are next to each other gently pressing your shoulders, you talk until dawn, you look at the stars together, you return home timidly holding hands and you [timidly] interlace your fingers with his.
He fell in love with you and you fell in love with him deeply, passionately and tenderly - somehow he simultaneously resembles both Daphne and Hyacinth, well, at the same time he is something unique and inimitable. Something that you would like to keep carefully.
Your wonderful time together lasts only 7 months and you create your daughter - you love her because she is the fruit of this love. You give her to Daphnis and visit them several times, in your divine stupidity you will not see how exhausted your lover is.
Your girl is an oracle, the first since the time of your stupid son, you know that she will be different, more obedient, more sweet and she will keep her lovely tongue behind her neat teeth, because she is the fruit of your love, she will be good.
You feel bitterness when your daughter turns out to be a disappointment - stupid, disobedient and wayward, she does not hold her tongue and speaks very frankly. You punish her. You want to try again, have a little more time with Daphnis and bring another child into this world, this time a boy, he will be different. Daphnis hugs Kore to her and expels you in a whisper, which is louder than any screams and more painful than a hundred blows.
You leave and your resentment becomes even bigger and angrier - your daughter is not only a disappointment, she separated you from your lover and made him despise you. You think about her rarely and with all the evil feelings you can feel.
When she dies, you think "serves her right".
Daphnis Hayashi sends you a crane with a note with only one word "why?".
After the restoration of your divinity, you do not find the audacity to come to Daphnis.
Your girl is dead, her death was terrible and undeserved, her father is suffering in his grief and it's your fault….
Her childish wounded image and the image of her disappointed father are your new rotting wound.
I'm sorry if it's a little unclear, but I specifically wanted to make it poetic.
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jhoudiey · 2 years
Title: Boar meat is boar meat, even if it started as Kore meat.
Rating: G
Words: 1067
Characters: Deuce Spade, Ace Trappola, Floyd Leech, Yoru Crowley (OC), Boar Kore Hightower (@/azusawrites OC), Theo Yule (@/azusawrites OC)
Synopsis: Ace and Deuce are idiots and turn Kore into a boar. Yoru is hungry and wants to eat her.
“Ne, Yoru. What are you doing, you look reaaaally~ creepy right now.”
Yoru turned to look at Floyd with a grin, a maniacal glint in her eye as she weighed the heft of the kitchen knives from the block in front of her. “Meat.”
“Meat.” He said flatly, “What about it?”
“There’s a boar on campus that’s been running around biting people, I’m gonna eat it.”
“Eeehhhhhh? Shouldn’t you leave that up to the staff or something?”
She shrugged, gripping her chosen knives in her hands. “If I catch it first they can’t take it away cause it’s mine.”
“Do you really think they’d let you keep it?”
“Not like they’d take it back. You coming or what?”
“Where is it?”
“Running around outside the coliseum right now, looks like those two idiot first years are chasing after it but they’re too slow.”
“Aha! Naaah, I’m gonna take a nap here I guess. See ya.” Floyd waved her off and stomped up the stairs to her bedroom. Yoru raced out the front door and took off. The first years were slow but she wasn’t. She’d have the boar in no time, then it would be time for a feast. 
She spied the boar squealing and running as fast as its stubby legs would take it, a cloud of dust growing in its wake. The first years still trailed behind, the gap between them growing as the race wore on. Yoru dropped from the sky, knives ready and fell upon the boar catching it around the shoulders with her talons, forcing it to the ground. 
“WAIT STOP!” The red headed one yelled. 
“I caught it, I get to eat it. Back off.” Yoru replied, holding the boar down with one of her feet, lining her knives up to make the kill. 
“YOU CAN’T, THAT’S KORE!” The blue haired one shouted, waving his arms as the pair of idiots caught up to her. 
“Theo’s kid?”
“YES! SO YOU CAN’T EAT HER” they shouted in unison. 
Yoru shifted her weight, still pinning the boar Kore to the ground. “Why not?”
“CAUSE SHE’S NOT A REAL BOAR, ARE YOU INSANE!? WHY WOULD YOU STILL WANT TO EAT HER?” the red boy frowned, the red heart on his eye crinkling. 
“Boar meat is delicious?”
“THAT’S OUR FRIEND YOU’RE TRYING TO EAT!”  The boy with the black spade on his face shouted. Yoru sighed. It was always the fucking Heartslabuyl students with their stupid rules and morality and telling her what she couldn’t do. 
“Well why’s she even a boar in the first place?”
“Well….” Spade sputtered
“We just…” Heart rubbed the back of his neck , desperate for an excuse that wasn’t “we’re idiots that can’t even make a basic potion that even babies could handle.”
“Yoru,” A cold voice broke from behind the kerphumphering of the two idiots blabbering in front of her, still without an excuse. “You can’t eat Kore.”
Theo rubbed his eyes with an exaggerated sigh. Why was it always the Crowleys?. And why was he cursed with two of them?
“Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine” She groaned, taking her foot off the squealing boar that was apparently the girl that lived in Ramshackle dorm. “But you owe me dinner.”
“No I don’t.”
“Yeah you do. You just deprived me of this one.”
“Dude, what the HELL?” Heart gagged as Yoru rolled her eyes. “You know that’s really a person and you STILL wanna eat her?”
Yoru shrugged. 
“Boar meat is boar meat. And boar meat is good.”
“Are… are you a cannibal or something? I think we read about those in class the other day…” Spade trailed off itching his forehead as if the movement would help jog his memory. 
Theo chuckled, helping boar Kore to her stubby little feet. “You’re not completely wrong, I suppose…”
“Wait a minute, wait. A. min-ute!” Hearts said, looking from Theo to Yoru for clarification, none of which was given. “ARE YOU SAYING SHE’S A CANNIBAL?”
“Whoa whoa whoa! You can’t be! Not for real!” Spade cowered away from Yoru before regaining his composure and resuming his upright posture. 
“Hey, all I wanted was some boar. And like I said, boar meat is boar meat, even if it starts as Kore meat.”
Boar Kore snorted and stamped her feet at Yoru, indignant that the bird girl was insistent on eating here even if she wasn’t really a boar. Not forever, at least.
“Whatever. This is a waste of time if I can’t even get a meal out of it. Theo you owe me.”
“Yea yea,” he waved lazily as she flew away, back to the cabin tucked neatly in the woods behind campus. 
“Wait so the boar was Koebi-chan?”
“And Okoze-sensei wouldn’t let you eat her?”
“That’s what I thought too. Now I’m really craving boar and we don’t even have any.” She crossed her arms and wriggled into the bed next to Floyd.
“What if I turned into a boar, would you eat me?”
“Right now? Yes. I just told you I'm hungry.”
“What if I was aaaaaaa...” He paused for a moment to think, “an ostrich?”
“Like a full grown one or just an egg?”
“I dunno, either one.”
“Eeeeehhhhh if it was both why’d you even ask?”
“Thought I should clarify how I’d eat you I guess.”
“You wouldn’t really eat me though, riiiiiiight~?”
“Probably not.”
“Only probably?”
“Yea. What if we get trapped somewhere and there’s no food? I’d have to eat something and you have more meat on you.”
“Not that much more.” Now he was the one pouting.
“Just turn back into an eel. Then there’s plenty of meat for the both of us.”
“Wanna do that right now? I could go for some fish.”
Floyd groaned and stretched, setting his feet on Yoru’s ribs and hips. “Let’s go get dinner you’re being stupid.” He whined, pushing his legs forward so she’d fall out of her own bed to the floor. 
“Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine.” She moaned, dramatically flapping her arms in the air above her while Floyd crawled out of her bed over her flailing hands. He helped her up from the floor and they walked towards the mirror chamber discussing which of the students at Night Raven would provide the best meal. Remora-chan? Too bony. Epel? Too scrawny. Azul? Azul would be perfect, they both agreed, and entered Mostro Lounge with an appetite whet for takoyaki.
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sorrel-haven · 1 year
Calm Before the Storm: An Unexpected Trip Down Memory Lane
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Collab Drabble with @ro-valerius! Back at it again with these two stubborn rabbits!
Context: Tofu has been sick! and while Miyu had taken it upon themself to nurse him back to health, Kore decided Miyu needed a break. [Read this drabble for the contents of Tofu's dream!]
Tofu, Guest star, belongs to @ro-valerius and Miyu, mentioned, belongs to @ffxiv-f13ndish
Story under the cut!
Kore shoved Miyu out the front door of the flower house. They had been taking care of Tofu while he was sick and clearly needed a break, even if the miqo’te was reluctant to leave his side. She understood the feeling, but couldn’t let Miyu sacrifice their health for Tofu’s sake. She’s sure Tofu wouldn’t stand for it either. Not that he was in any position to protest himself, so she would have to do it for him. 
She returned to the guest room that had become Miyu’s for the time being. Tofu had been staying there as well while he was sick. She went and sat by the bed and watched him sleep. He did not look like it was very restful for him, his brow knitting together, in anger? Pain? It was hard to read the expressions he was making in his sleep.
As beads of sweat formed on his forehead she retrieved the wet cloth from the bowl nearby and lightly dabbed. She went to brush some of his hair out of the way with the other hand. But as her fingertips touched his skin, she was pulled in. She saw it all. She felt it all. All as he remembered it.
She couldn’t fight against it, the flood of memories pulling her beneath the currents. All the pain, the panic, the all too brief flashes of care. It was drowning her. She couldn’t breath as the air left his lungs with each beating he had endured. Her heart broke, as his did, when they saw the smoke.
These memories were powerful, and she was caught off guard. They wouldn’t let her go until she watched it all. Until she felt it all. She stumbled back when she broke free. She fell to the ground, the pain in her head and heart was too much.
The loud thump to his right pulled him out of his dreams just enough for his stubbornness to do the rest. Though he was slow to rouse, once he was aware of where he was, he bolted upright, hoping that he had been alone during the dreams. To his dismay, he found the source of the thump; Kore. He pressed a hand to his forehead to stabilize himself before turning his full attention to Kore.
“Are you…alright?” he murmured, his voice still groggy from the restless sleep. 
Kore was very much not alright. She started sobbing as she heard his voice. She couldn’t hold it in. The emotional toll of it all was too much, she hated that she couldn’t stop herself. But at this point, the damage was done. He got a front row seat to her emotional breakdown, and she just had to live with it.
The instant it registered with him that she was outright sobbing, he rushed to her side, unsteady steps be damned. Cupping her face in both hands for a brief moment, as if he could figure out by looking at her what had brought this on, he pulled her into a tight embrace, brushing the back of her hair with his fingers. He comforted her in silence for a moment, unsure what to do. Then, he did something he usually only did for Hana when she was feeling down; he started humming softly. It was a tune he had learned from Ro sometime in the past when he was sick, soft and unsteady, but full of love. He didn’t know if it would help Kore, but it was all he could think to do. 
She didn’t try to run from the embrace, gripping his clothes as she sank in. She cried as she was soothed by the lullaby. A simple gesture yes, but a powerful one. She calmed down after a while. She remembered why she was here in the first place and looked up at Tofu, reaching up to feel his forehead.
“I’m sorry…” she said through sniffles. He brushed a tear off her cheek gently and smiled softly at her. 
“Nothing to be sorry for,” he murmured. If she had come in to check on him, he could hazard a guess as to what had happened to put her in this state. He lowered his eyes as his smile gained a touch of bitterness. “I’m sorry if you saw anything… It couldn’t have been easy to witness unwillingly.”
She wanted to lie to him. She wanted to tell him she saw nothing and it was something entirely unrelated. 
She knew that he would know she was lying.
“I saw everything. I felt… everything.” Her voice was barely a whisper.
“I’m sorry,” he said. It was all he could think to say. 
He’d already told her that he didn’t mind if she looked, but for her to witness it all unprepared, it must have been hard for her. He didn’t notice when his hand had started brushing through her hair absently, or when he had leaned forward to place his forehead against hers. He just kept muttering apologies. 
She closed her eyes as their foreheads met. His fever was gone, that was good. She breathed in, trying to clear away more of the residual panic, her hand instinctually going to rest on the nape of his neck. 
“It’s not your fault, my control slipped. I wasn’t thinking…” She wanted him to stop apologizing. It was her slip up, not his.
He shook his head, just slightly so as not to jostle her too much while they were leaned against each other. “Not your blame to take, either.” A soft sigh escaped through his lips. “It’s not like the damn power has any respect, anyway. At least, not mine. Just does what it will…” 
“Stop it,” she said suddenly. Tofu blinked in surprise.
“Pardon? What did I do?” 
“Stop being so quick to comfort me! Let me comfort you! Just this once!” She was serious. “My heart only broke when yours did! This is your pain we’re feeling. Let… Let me comfort you.”
She reversed the hug, and pulled him to her chest. In his surprise, he pulled his hands away from her, almost as if he were about to try to push away. But her words struck him as ‘if you refuse, I will be upset’, so he let them fall to his sides. 
“I… I am used to it, by now. I have a handle on it, usually. But feeling all of that at once… Kore, I know that can’t be easy. If it is my pain we are sharing, then-”
“Then I will be comforted by comforting you.” she huffed. “I may have just felt this for the first time, but you have been living with it. You deserve to be held.”
He had grown numb to his past, so much so that only anger had remained for so long. The comfort she was trying to bring him couldn’t be achieved by tender moments, as much as he wished it could be. But he let her hold him, if that would bring her comfort. He wrapped one arm around her waist as they sat on the floor.They sat in silence for a moment until Kore broke it.
“Well. Now I know who I’m mad at.”
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zuffer-weird-girl · 3 years
inconvenience (Chisaki fam Au)
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"Im starting to feel like motgers dont get any privileges at all..." you all but whined while resting your head on one of your hands with a pout as your husband arched an eyebrow at your moody state.
"I spend nine months getting nauseaus and wishes of weird food only for Kaito to come as your copy?" You giggled while making your poiting at signalizing at the four year old boy staring down at a book with the same stoic expression Kai normaly wore 24 hours at day.
The man besides you scoffed, dropping his papers down on hos lap only to stare at the child. The little boy noticing tge two pair of eyes staring at him and soon showing his tongue to his father monotously, making you laugh and Kai's eye to twitch.
"This little-"
"What happened?" The boy muttered innocently while closing his book about animals and walking towards you two to climb on and hugging you while exchanging looks "Did I do something?"
"Asides from showing your tongue to your daddy I guess nothing." You giggped while carresing the dark brown looks of your son as he closed his (E/c) eyes with a satisfied sound.
"You've been reading this nonsense for about two weeks now." Your husband spoke while snatvhing the book of the boy's hands and looking at it like it was the most gruelsome thing in the world.
"Hey! Is the only good book I have!" Kaito exclaimed with a pout as you couldn't help but giggled at how similiar those two looked like.
"Nonsense. You have at least kore than ten already you brat."
"And I read all of them." Kaito grumbled while crossing his arms.
"In your age I would read articles when I was bored out of my mind, not keep reading those childish things." You deadpanned at your husband, considering Kaito was still 5 years old, of course he would still read child's books.
"I am a normal kid different from you daddy." Kaito spoke numbly as Kai's eyes sharpened at the audacity of the little five years old boy.
"Why, you little rascal-"
"Ookkaayy!" You interviewed before the two entered on a argument "How about instead of fighting we just go and get a new book for him?" You suggested with a smile as Kaito's eyes widened with a sparkle on them.
"Huh. Doesn't sound so bad. But does he really deserve something after all he done?" He asked sarcasticaply while looking at Kaito whose made puppy eyes at him.
"I made uncle Rappa trip and fall downstairs."
"You WHAT?!" you almost screamed as Kaito only shrugged.
"... Alright. Forgiven. You deserve a treat." You gaspes at your husband words as Kai smiled cheekily.
"I liked this one." Your boy picked a coloured book while he spoke throigh his mask.
"With images?" Your husband arched an eyebrow as Kaito nodded simply while opening to show his fatger the story of the man whose stole from ricb to give to the poor.
"You want mommy to read it to you at night or do it by yourself?" Yoj asked with a smile, crouching down to wait a response from your son as you notices the little smile of glee at your suggestion.
"Both! With daddy too!" You giggled and carresed his hair as your Kai usually shatp and cold stare turned into something more softer... Kaito had indeed developed a liking for listenjbg to his parenta read and help him on qords he couldn't quite pronounce yet. And he did noticed thag besides being a total momma's boy, his son did actually rather have him to read something despite all the little quarels they had with eachothef now at then.
"If you actually behave I might think about it." He answered with a sigh as he walked to pay for the book as Kaito stared at his father for a bit then at you.
"It was a yes from daddy right?" You snorted and nodded, picking your son up as he hugged his new book yet leaning on you. Getting down after he demandes a peck on his forehead as Kai scoffed at the how clingy your son could be when it came to you.
After leaving the little store Kaito tried to open his book to say some words in hopes he could get some praise from his father and you before you three had to stop at the signal and see one of the top 10 heroes pass by along with his partners.
You could fell your husband getting tense and felt his hand coming towards your waist and pulling you to him as he narrowed his amber eyes to the sign of at least five heroes showing off on the streets.
"Such inconvenience." He hissed in disgust as you furrowed your eyebrows at him "Spreading their sickness like that in the wild open. We might as well all have to take a shower and sanatize ourselfs not only due to this stupid virus but by this as well."
"Well," you sighed as Kaito furrowed his eyebrows at one little word at the book and trues to slowly pronounce like his father had taught him "we do live in a society where heroes are almost worshipped. We cant do nothing about but to just... accept it and evict?"
Your husband tsked and started to walk along with you as Kaito gasped poked the word on the book.
"Arruw!" Kai bitted back a chuckle and correct the boy's word for the actual one "Dang it.. a..arrow. Arrow! Do the yakusa have arrows papa?" Kaito pointed at the weapon as Kai sighed and shook his head, about to explain until you stopped at the sign of a young pro hero whose gushed at Kaito.
"Ow your son is such a cutie pie! How many years does he have?" The young woman gushed as Kaito immediately seemed to not be on his happy mood amymore and just clinged onto your leg and gripped your hand tighter as Kai's eyes narrowed at the young hero.
"Thank you. Last month he turned five and couldn't stop talking about it." You answered politely as she crouched down and smiled sweetly at Kaito.
"Hi! Nice to meet you! Im Uravity, what is your name sweety?"
Kaito stared at her with a unreadble expression before he mumbled something through his little mask that left you and your husband with wide eyes.
"My daddy says you heroes are incovenienvent. I dont like it."
Your face burnes in embarrassment as the girl was just a tad but shocked before giggling at your flustered state, mumbling a thousqnds of apologies as for once you gpared at your husband for trying his best to not let out a chuckle at his son's attitude.
"Everything is okay ma'am really!" The young girl giggped as you bpwed to one last time "Every kid can be a bit handfull or just doesn't simpatoze easily with others, we respect that!"
"Im so sorry." You said one last time in utter embarrassment as Kaito inly arched an eyebrow at your state and petting a confused sound when hsi father crouched down to pat his head with a 'thats right son they're all dirt.'
Now the poor little boy was confused. Had he really doen something bad for his mommy to almost scream an apology to that woman or not for gis father only be praising him?
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Forever After Loss
this is the first story that i am posting on here so here goes nothing
parings: levi ackerman x original character
genre: slight angst, fluff
word count: 2k-ish
cw and tags: slight spoilers for chapter 139, slight angst, talk of death and losing friends, old!levi
The day he lost the woman he loved more than anything was the day that he truly felt the grip of fate’s cruel cold hand upon his heart for there was nothing he could have done to save her at that moment and part of him hated himself for that. So for years, he carried that pain with him for years after he buried her with the other comrades that had died at the hands of the monsters they fought. Part of him knew that the woman he loved wouldn’t want him to blame himself for what happened no matter how the years passed from that day, the day he felt as if his world had ended. One moment she had been flying through the air focused on the titan that she was about to sink her blades into without hesitation and the next her scream filled the air piercing Levi’s heart and tightening his stomach as he whipped around to see her flying towards a tree before her body hit it with all the force that the titan had put into the hit. He doesn’t remember much after that only that he held her dying body in his arms like he had the night before as she drifted off to sleep protected and safe from anything that might want to hurt her, but in the end, he didn’t save or protect her as he promised so many times. As the years passed, the memory of her faded slowly as the scent of her perfume slowly disappeared and the sound of her laughter no longer rang in his ears. No longer did he see her out of the corner of his eye when he went to the market on his days off. No longer did he forget to make only one cup of tea that the both of them loved so much. Her smile that was once engraved on his eyelids every time he closed his eyes was no longer there for him to enjoy when she wasn’t there. Like the other comrades, he had lost she too had slipped from his fingers and his memories even after the war, after he gave up being a ‘Captain’ even after he left the island that held so much pain for him. Now Captain Levi Ackerman known as Humanity’s Strongest Soldier was Levi Ackerman an old man who sat in his wheelchair on the porch of the house his lover once described when they were younger. Even though he could not remember her voice nor her laughter he still lived as if she was there by his side, talking to her whenever he was alone if that be sitting in the house or on the porch watching the sky as the clouds drifted by. That was until his attention was drawn away as the sound of footfalls against the ground was heard coming towards him.
“I told you brats I’m fine out here. I don’t need anything,” He said, voice still cold and rough as it always was but the laughter that responded to him was something he never thought he would ever hear again.
“I know you can take care of yourself, Levi, it’s why you were needed for so much longer than I was,” The soft voice of his lover who had passed years ago replied causing his head to turn to where she stood next to him. She was as beautiful as he remembered, the way her hair fell down her shoulders in brown waves as her hazel eyes sparkled with the life that he had fallen in love with.
“Is this real or a dream?” He asked, reaching out towards her as she kneeled down next to him taking his hand and placing it against her cheek.
“Who said dreams weren’t real, my love?” She asked, closing her eyes as she felt his thumb trace along her cheek softly before she opened them again with a smile. “This is real I promise you that, but not in the way you might hope..”
A soft frown appeared on Levi’s face as he pulled her closer to him by her chin while he studied her face. How could she be here when he had held her dying body all those years ago? How was she here in his hands once again? He was so scared that this was a dream and he would wake up to her being gone once again, but something in his heart told him it was really her.
“It’s my time, isn’t it?
A soft laugh escaped her lips that he was so addicted to. “You were always so smart, old man.”
“Tsk. I’m not that old, brat.”
“You’re right, you’re older. How’s that relationship with your hand going?”
This earned an eye roll from the man as he reached out to gently pinch her cheek with his good hand. “Still annoying as ever, aren’t you?”
“You’ve missed it and you love it.”
“You’re right, I do and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
She nodded as she stood up from where she had kneeled beside his chair before she reached her hands out to him prompting him to take them as she smiled at him with a small head tilt. “Come on, Levi, everyone’s waiting for you. You’re the last one who isn’t there and I don’t think I can take much more of Four Eyes without you there with me,” She said, voice soft as she smiled at him waiting to take her hands that were stretched out to him.
Slowly he took her hands as his fingers wrapped around hers before he stood from his wheelchair the pain of old age and the years of battle had taken upon his body gone as if he was young again. Blinking a bit he realized that his eye that had been blinded years back was working again as he took in the beauty in the woman in front of him. Tears stung the silver eyes of the soldier who had survived everything as his hands reached up cupping her face gently as his thumbs gently rubbed her cheeks gently. Without a word, he stepped closer to her as he closed the distance between them before he pressed his lips softly against hers taking in the feeling. They were as soft and addicting as he remembered while he stood there holding onto her feeling her in his hands again as his eyes closed. He hated that he forgot about her, about how she felt in his touch, how she tasted, how soft her face was under the calloused hands that were war-torn with his life. How stupid had he been to forget her in such a way?
After a few minutes, he pulled away slightly before he pressed his forehead against hers slightly as both their breathing came out in short pants trying to catch the breath the other seemed to swallow up. “I missed that,” he whispered, eyes opening as they narrowed to slits to study the hazel eyes that fluttered open to meet his steely gaze. “I’m so sorry I failed to protect you. I promised nothing would hurt you and I failed you so badly. You’re gone because of me because I couldn’t protect you when you most needed it. I’m so sorry, Kore, you were my everything and I let them take you from me.”
“Levi,” She whispered out as she reached up cupping his face in her hands as she held onto him not wanting to see the pain that was swirling in his eyes. “You didn’t fail me, Levi, and I never blamed you for my death. I was never mad at you not once for what happened it wasn’t your fault. You held me as I passed from this world and I saw you as I passed. You made my life so happy. You filled it with so much joy and love that I could have ever wanted.”
The sound of her voice broke Levi’s heart yet filled it with so much joy at the same time for it was the sound that he had longed to hear for years on end, the sound that he had forgotten leaving a hole in his heart where she had been. Slowly his hands moved from her face as one wrapped around her was it and the other on the back of her head before he pulled her close to him just holding her. He had missed her so much. He missed the way she would tease him, the way she would laugh at her own jokes, the way she was there when he needed her, and the way she felt in his arms when he needed her the most. Just holding her eased the pain after years without her while they stood there on the porch of the house they wished to share together years ago.
“Just five more minutes. Please, I need this.” He was pleading with her in a way only she could tell as his arms tightened even more around her body holding her close against him. He needed this before he got swarmed by their friends and family who they had lost years ago, he just needed her alone to himself one last time before they went to the other side. He needed just being with her alone before facing everyone else for while he missed them they weren’t his lover, his everything they were just his friends.
“Alright,” She whispered as she wrapped her arms around him tightly as she closed her eyes holding onto him tightly. Even though she had left the world in his arms she wanted them every day since, especially the bad days of his as she watched him suffer through the days and weeks and months without her. She wanted to hold out and touch him to try and comfort him in any way she could, but she wasn’t able to. No, she had to watch as he suffered in pain with the loss of her and the life they wanted to have which was taken from them. The thoughts of having children were taken from them before they even had a moment to approach the subject, yes they had talked about what they would do if they had children but never when they would have them.
After a moment, Levi pulled away from her as he stayed close enough that he could look into her eyes to study the beauty that they held as they sparkled in the light of the setting sun. “I’m ready, brat. Let’s go see the others,” He said, taking her hand as a smile spread across his face at the beauty that his lover, his life.
“Alright. I must warn you that Hanji is still as Hanji as ever and Erwin still had his shitty eyebrows despite the fact he could’ve changed them if he wanted to,” She said, starting to pull him along as she smiled while Levi laughed and allowed her to pull him along behind her. “I took care of the others while we waited. Petra, Oluo, Eld, and Gunther destroyed my peace and quiet when they arrived on the other side. I gave you one job to watch the kids but nooo you let Eren do something stupid.” Of course, she was teasing causing Levi to shake his head and pinch her cheek again.
“Oi, shut up you brat,” He said shaking his head as he pulled her into his side before she leaned into his side allowing her to press a soft kiss to the top of her head. That’s where she stayed as they walked down the path as the sun set around them. This was what he wanted more than anything and now he had it as they walked towards the other side where their friends had waited after the battles they had been forced to endure.
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