#and lance is like do you even WANT to marry me and keiths like not really lol
electricsynthesis · 1 month
lance cries at their wedding and keith says he looks stupid and is an annoying crybaby as he reverently wipes the tears from his cheeks. Do you understand what I’m trying to say.
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Submission message: howdy, would like to submit keith and lance from voltron (lmao)
Submission message: BBC Sherlock and Moriarty / BBC Sherlock and John Watson
Additional propaganda: Now Keith and Lance on the other hand was a whole fucking mess that they then shoehorned in an hetero romance to try and "fix it" but by lord it was bad, everything about voltron is so fucking bad
Anyway this is my Klance propaganda : They were actually bait
Klance's queer baiting by the team was the worst!! We had to deal with NETFLIX ALSO GETTING IN ON THE QUEER BAITING!! If you searched up Kkance during the times for season 6-8, the SHOW WOULD POP UP. The directors would make jokes about it being canon, even Lance's VA got in the joke!
Their queer baiting was the worst for anyone who was even looking for an ounce of queer rep in that show. The only queer rep we got was a man who died after not even 5 minutes on screen, and shoehorned in the credit scene of a gay wedding of a character that was neither Keith nor Lance.
I do not know Agatha and Sophie, so I can't argue that klance was bigger bait or not, I just know voltron was mean lmao. the creators said stuff like "lance will be someone's first choice!" (meaning NOT ending up in a relationship with allura bc she very much chose another guy over him) and heavily implying he would be Keith's 1st choice (or a guy in general bc of point number 2). point number 2: they also released official art showing how super cool and diverse the main cast was! race! gender! LGBT - they had shiro (who was......canon gay but that's a whole other can of worms) and lance hold the sign with LGBT on it and then did absolutely nothing with that w lance at all (he hit on allura, so obvi he's not gay, but at least bi or smt) (UNLESS you count the scenes where he's flirty with keith). I just remember going into the last few seasons being like "klance probably won't be happen be honest with yourself there's like no queer kids shows!! but damn like it so could tho!!! because of how much it's been teased both in the show and by showrunners like I can't have no hope with the way the producers talk about it!" lmao I should have had no hope, but i genuinkey believed there was a possibility it could happen. and actually I discovered after the fact that i think one of the writers for the show who was the main advocate for klance (they had a lot of diff writers for eps, which led to lots of character butchering but ANYWAY) left not terribly long into the show I believe bc he didn't like the direction it was moving in and didn't want to be tied to the show anymore. so it's not like fans just made klance up either - it was written into earlier episodes with the hope and plan to continue developing later, and then just nothing ever happened with it besides INTENSE teasing it to keep queer fans around. esp after shiro's relationship was literally only a flashback and then his fiance thing or whatever got blown up before we even got to watch him interact w shiro as we knew him in present time in s7, so I think they kept being like hmmm klance and the stuff about lance being a first choice before s8 to keep ppl around. also esp bc klancers made up such a big portion of the fan base. then they made a horrible szn and ended it w a flashforward to shiro marrying some random background character who maybe had 1 line? I just remember hitting the flashforward and being like uhhhh who is this dude??? but they did that to hit those diversity points wow first gay marriage in a cartoon or smt idk it doesn't count to me really. so anyway voltron in general is queerbait lol but klance is because it started out as a legit possibility and then they said sike! but only maybe sike bc u guys are mad at us burying our guys in s7 so maybe klance could still happen haha okay now we're serious no it's not happening. anyway I think klance is p bad queerbait and a vote for them is a valid vote, not just u liking the ship.
#im sorry but johnlock is a household name in ther queerbait trenches
I don't know much about blaze runner, but this website made me endure Johnlock FOR YEARS, that ship makes me so fucking angry, and it's so much bait, the whole fucking show is just 4 kinds of bait in a trenchcoat trying to pass as something good, and Tumblr(and the rest of the goddamn world) ate it up like a five course meal. So anyway that's why I'm voting Johnlock
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autisticlancemcclain · 11 months
part one
“You did what.”
Keith coughs. “We, uh, we got married.”
“Accidentally,” Lance pipes up, because he can see the Stress Muscle in Shiro’s eyebrow start to twitch, and doesn’t want him to start freaking out which will make Keith get defensive and put his foot in his mouth — he’s as bad as Lance, really — and then the whole thing will be more difficult to handle than it already is. “It’s a whole big thing.”
Shiro stares at them for several minutes, then sighs, sitting heavily onto the kitchen floor with his bowl of goo. He shovels a bite in his mouth, then reaches blindly for the intercom switch on the wall, slapping around until he finally manages to hit it.“Team,” he says tiredly as it crackles to life, “please make your way to the kitchen. Keith and Lance made something stupid again.” He drops his hand back down, returning his full attention to his goo, committing to pretending Keith and Lance aren’t in the room.
“I resent that ‘again’,” Keith mutters petulantly. “We’ve been remarkably well-behaved lately.”
“No,” Shiro says, without a second of hesitation. He doesn’t bother arguing.
It doesn’t take the rest of the team long to get here — Hunk and Allura have appeared to have sprinted, drama loving bastards — and they join Shiro on the floor, turning expectant eyes to the Red and Black Paladins. After a look of deliberation, Keith and Lance sit down, too.
“Tell them what you just told me,” Shiro says, voice garbled through his food goo.
Here’s the thing.
Lance knows he should feel nervous. Or worried, or scared, or embarrassed, even, about getting literally magically bound to his self-proclaimed rival (once a rival always a rival) because he got brained by the jacket that he left unattended. It is, objectively, a sitcom-level ridiculous situation. He knows that he is going to be shamed, and possibly gently bullied.
Keith’s hand still grips him tightly. Lance doubts the Black Paladin has noticed, but every so often he runs his thumb over his knuckles, and every time he does his lips twitch up in the slightest smile. Lance couldn’t feel anything but ludicrously happy if he tried.
Plus. He and Keith just, like, made out in the hallway a bunch. If Lance is being honest, his brain is still kind of fuzzy. He’s half focused on everyone else and half focused on replaying the feeling of Keith’s hands pressed to his cheeks, cupping his face, kissing him like he was drowning and Lance’s lungs were the only place he could get oxygen. He’s still kind of lightheaded, and keeps having to fight off giggles.
“We got married,” Lance says, unable to stop the smile from spreading across his face.
As much as the team is used to their shit, that visibly shocks them. Coran squints at them and types something rapidly into his tablet. Pidge cusses and hands Allura a handful of GAC, which she pockets with a cackle. Hunk is the only outlier, the only one with a reaction Lance can’t place: he straightens up, looking between them with narrowed eyes, mouth flattened into a line.
“Explain yourselves.”
“It was an accident,” Keith assures, much like Lance did earlier. But instead of expressing is understanding, Hunk’s eyebrows only climb higher. Lance gets the same distinct feeling he gets when he knows he pressed the Wrong dialogue option in a video game.
“I hope you didn’t marry my best friend on accident, Kogane.”
Lance puts his head in his hands. He can physically feel the panic leeching from his husband’s (!!) body. He considers all the ways he can murder his best friend and make it look like an accident. He honestly doesn’t think he’s ever been this mortified in his life.
“No no no, I didn’t mean accident, well I guess I did —”
“Hunk,” Lance says through grit teeth. Hunk gives him a ‘what did I do’ look, stubborn set to his shoulders. Lance vows to take a seam ripper to his shirts.
“— like it was technically not a planned sequence of events, per se, if you want to look at things technically —”
Hunk continues to stare at Keith with his eyebrow raised and his arms crossed. Lance digs around in his pockets for something to chuck at his face.
“— if it went according to how I’d planned it in my head there would be more flowers involved, probably, and we’d be on Earth at least, but it kind of just happened, you know? It was so fast I swear I couldn’t have done anything —”
Lance tears his gaze away from Hunk and stares at his rambling mess of a husband. Any annoyance practically evaporates from his system as the implications of Keith’s words set in.
“You thought about marrying me?”
Keith flushes redder than he already is. “I’m not answering that.”
Lance barely manages to shove down the giddy laughter that bubbles up his throat. Keith, his crush, his rival, his husband, spent time daydreaming about marrying Lance. And kissing him, probably, and holding him and building a future with him. Keith maybe even got just as flustered as Lance did when they got too close, back off when sparing got a little too close, breathing heavy. The knowledge is exhilarating. Lance leans over, pressing his beaming smile to Keith’s lips. He softens immediately.
“I thought about marrying you, too.” He smirks. “Among other things.”
Keith’s gloved hand finds it’s way back up to his cheek, for the second time today, and the blood rushing in his ears downs out the sound of Pidge gagging.
“Gross. Can we force them to divorce? This is worse than the pining.”
“Physically impossible for me to divorce him,” Lance murmurs, distracted. “Since he technically owns me, now. Kind of.”
Keith makes a face. “I hate that a little.” He presses one last chaste kiss to Lance’s mouth before pulling away. It’s casual, and small, but the novelty of it is not lost on Lance.
He was not kissing Keith this morning, that was for certain.
It’s not until Lance manages to blink away his ga-ga eyes that he realizes that the rest of the team is looking at him in shocked confusion, and it clicks that his sentence would, sans context, be kind of horrifying to hear.
“Oh,” he blurts, without thinking, “I’m a Selkie.”
“You’re bad at this whole revelation thing,” Keith notices. “I think my Galra thing was somehow handled better.”
“Shut up.”
To his credit, Keith’s observation isn’t too far off. If anything everyone’s shock has only worsened, and it’s clear that Lance’s messy, half-explanations aren’t going to do much. The Alteans could probably do with some actual historical context, but for now, Lance thinks a demonstration is the wisest choice. And since he doesn’t have an ocean available to him, he decides to do the next best thing.
He slips his jacket carefully over his shoulders, spreading it out over his legs and gently running his fingertips over the rough canvas. Just as in his room, the fabric begins to blur, warp, change. He understands the change that is happening — it is his coat, after all; his own flesh — but he cannot find the words to describe it. There may not be. The coat simply changes in a way that is not comprehensible by non-Selkie eyes, as evidenced in the various strangled noises of bewilderment around him. Even Keith looks at the pelt in awe, unused to Earthen magic.
“How long have you been a seal person?” Pidge asks, hands twitching like she’s itching to touch.
“Two decades,” Lance says drily.
It doesn’t take long for the shock to melt away. That’s due in part to everyone’s curiosity, and the rest is because, as Lance suspected, their lives are just so goddamn weird — this Selkie thing just doesn’t even make top ten.
“So was that what the whole dramatic running out of the common room was about earlier?” Hunk clarifies.
Lance nods. “Yeah. I didn’t…I got too comfortable. Left my pelt out, Keith tossed it at me, boom, it’s not longer mine. Luckily I was wrong about how dangerous that is, ‘cause I didn’t lose my free will or anything, but I am essentially married to Keith now. So.” He turns to his husband and grins. “I don’t think he minds.”
Ignoring Pidge’s mutter of “here we go again,” Keith smiles back, leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek.
“I don’t.”
“I’m sorry you weren’t comfortable before.”
Lance looks up at Shiro, startled by the seriousness in his voice. His tired look from earlier is gone, replaced with something narrow-eyed, serious.
“You said you got too comfortable.” He gestures to Lance’s lap. “With your pelt. I’m sorry you felt like you couldn’t tell us.”
“And I’m sorry for threatening you, Keith,” Hunk adds. “Well, it was barely a threat, but still.”
Keith reaches over to pat his shoulder. “All good, man. It was understandable. Lance probably warrants some threatening on his behalf.”
Lance narrows his eyes. He’s sure that’s an insult, somehow.
“Hunk, do not scare my husband away with your foolishness —”
“I know you’re just saying that to have an excuse to say ‘my husband’, you whipped simp —”
“Fuck off, no one asked you —”
“Pardon my interruption,” Coran says, holding up a hand. “But what is a Selkie?”
Allura raises her hand as well. “I would also like to know!”
“If I’ll be honest, I’m not that familiar with the legend either,” Pidge admits.
Lance pauses for a moment, considering. He knows that explaining everything would take a long time, and he knows he doesn’t have the energy for that. It’s something you learn over time, anyway, over years of stories at the right time. He can simplify some information, though. Get the point across.
“I’m not human,” he starts carefully. “I’m also not alien, not not-human. It’s complicated.” He runs his hand over the soft fur of his coat. “My pelt is like…a physical manifestation of my soul, I think. My quintessence? I’m not entirely sure. But when I wear it, I become another form of mine. Kind of like your shapeshifting, maybe? I turn into a seal, but I’m still very much me. And it’s not like I’m a seal with a human brain, or whatever. I’m a seal, I’m a human, I’m a Selkie. I’m never not those three things.”
Pidge cocks her head. “So you’re a seal right now?”
“Yeah. I’m a Selkie, I have to be. Unless my pelt were to be truly lost, I guess. If someone set it on fire I wouldn’t be a Selkie anymore. I’d lose my soul.”
“Jesus,” Pidge shudders.
Keith looks determinedly at him. “I won’t let that happen.”
“No shit,” Lance says, raising an amused eyebrow. “That’s your job now, Mullet. The pelt is yours to guard. You took it, it’s your responsibility.”
Keith’s determined expression does not change. Lance is just a little endeared but it. As unconventional as this has been, Keith genuinely seems to be excited to be with him. And if Lance trusts his word — which he does — then Keith has wanted to be with Lance for a while. With his space family’s approval, and the certainty that he will have the same from his Earth family when he makes it home, the weight he hadn’t realized he’d been carrying finally drops from his shoulders.
“God, I can’t wait to human marry you.”
Shiro sighs. This time, it sounds significantly more amused. He gets to his feet, dusting off his hands. “I guess that falls to me, huh,” he says, waving them over. “C’mere.”
Keith and Lance scramble up, running over to where Shiro stands, at the head of the table. He holds two twist-ties in his head that he has formed into rudimentary rings.
“I feel contractually obligated to remind you about Adam’s stance in elopement,” he says, looking pointedly at Keith. “And Lance, I don’t know your mother personally, but your sister and I were colleagues. You are also going to get into leagues or trouble when we get home.”
Lance grins brightly. “I am going to get in leagues of trouble anyway!”
Keith nods. “I left Earth against Adam’s specific instructions. I’m toast no matter what, so I might as well do the best thing I will ever do in my life before then.”
Lance’s ears burn. He glances down at his sneakers, embarrassed and pleased all at once.
He’s the best thing that Keith will ever do in his life. God.
“Well, that answers my first question, then.” Shiro turns to Lance. “Since Keith obviously does, do you, Lance, wish to take Keith as your lawfully wedded husband, so long as you shall live?”
Lance grins. “I would love nothing more.”
“Then by the power vested in me by the five dollar certificate I got online, I pronounce you wed. Congratulations. You may kiss the groom.”
Neither of them wait for Shiro to finish his sentence, surging forward immediately, colliding in the middle like magnets. Lance feels the weight of his pelt on his shoulders and Keith’s hands on his face in equal measures. It feels like swimming free.
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victimsofyaoipoll · 11 months
Round 2
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Propaganda Under Cut
Lots of people (myself included tbh) ship klance (Keith and Lance). In s8 the creators made Allura/Lance canon (but then they killed her off and left the ending ambiguous it was weird). Anyway the fandom treats her like she's the most terrible bitchy woman ever but all she wants to do is end the war and avenge her destroyed home planet. Yeah she wasn't always the nicest or always the best, but you could argue some other characters in the show aren't either and they aren't treated near as bad as allura. people really just hate her bc Lance liked her. I don't think allura/lance are good together, but I still liked her as a character and thought she was interesting and had a lot of growth during the show. she DEF is not evil like some people portray her as in fic or talk about her in captions on posts. I've seen people say that they HATE her and that she's the worst and I'm like ??? let her live (well sort of ig she is dead now). lots of fic writers use her as the villain which is so interesting to me bc the show literally has villains like use them. anyway allura so perfectly fits the bracket description she deserves better.
I hate to acknowledge my time in this fandom but I hate the way the fandom treated her more. Allura was treated like shit no matter what side of the Great Ship War you were on because she was always a threat to the biggest ships (klance and sheith). At best she got put into Background Lesbian or Consolation Prize Shallura (Space Mom-zoned) (She was not a motherly figure btw. She was just Black). At worst she was violently demonized for being ~racist~ (kinda not cool with the alien race that blew up her planet for a few episodes), complete with misogynistic language hurled at her (she got called a bitch sooo much). Allura was a good and cool character and the show did her dirty but the fandom was somehow worse.
i apologise for speaking the dark magicks, but amidst the voltron fandoms many, many transgressions, there were a particular subset of people who just hated this girl. the infamous klance wars of the 2010s kept this perfectly fine childrens cartoon character in the sights of shippers everywhere, and she (and her voice actress im sure) were subjected to years of petty squabble blown up to global perportions. ive seen hate, ive seen rants, ive seen fanfics that made her homophobic. girls been through the ringer, and even though voltron was never the show its fandom wanted it to be, i believe allura deserved better
Mary Morstan
a controversial one i know, but it’s tumblr. how could i not? anyway shoutout to the writers for CANONICALLY killing her off for the non-canon ship. she was so cool honestly poor girl
Oh god where do I start? Constantly being turned abusive? Killed off (in canon!)? Constantly being removed from fic? I cannot stand the way she's treated, but it's 100% impossible to find Johnlock fic without the "umsympathetic Mary Morstan" angle. It's infuriating!
The fandom insulted Mary at every conceivable turn, refused to acknowledge her narrative importance or impact on the other characters, called for her death repeatedly, and even SENT DEATH THREATS TO HER ACTRESS because she had the AUDACITY to be a morally gray female character who was married to John (they did not care about the moral grayness of the male characters, but she was irredeemable, apparently-presumably because she was a "threat" to the main fandom ship). And though she was definitely sacrificed on a SPECIFIC mlm ship altar, she was still tangentially victimized by OTHER mlm ships too! For example, this fandom was willing to make up a character WHO LITERALLY DID NOT ACTUALLY EXIST to ship with different male character (who was morally...way worse than she ever was), as well as create swathes of content about two men who had maybe one canon interaction in the whole show, before even thinking about the possibility of making content for this character or even just talking about her in a way that wasn't overtly misogynistic and degrading. When Mary died in-story (in what, in my opinion, was an unnecessary, bullshit way), her death was, to this fanbase, not actually about her and was just seen as "proof" that the two male leads would now get together (they didn't). And this STILL continues to this day. People reduce her to "selfish bitch," completely ignoring any of her complexity by claiming that she's incapable of caring about anyone (despite helping to save lives on more than one occasion, as well as dying in an act of sacrifice) and insisting that any of her positive qualities MUST be completely fabricated. I've seen a lot of female characters get mistreated by fandom for a mlm ship's sake, but I don't think I've EVER encountered an example as bad as this one.
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coolotplblogloadng · 8 months
Top 10 Klance ❤️💙 Fics
Ordered lowest to highest word count
The Ninth Wave by Anonymous 
12,535 words - Rated M
The ninth wave is the final and most destructive wave of a tsunami.
(Eight moments that made Keith and Lance care for each other, and another one that was bound to break them)
Cut to the Feeling by usernicole
15,776 words - Rated T
“Let’s do it again,” Keith says breathlessly. “Here and on every planet we come across. Let’s get married on every planet we can.”
“Are you joking?” Lance asks, incredulous. “You really want to get married to me on every planet we land on?”
“Yes,” Keith says, voice high pitched and shaky with residual adrenaline. “Yes. Every planet. If it feels like this every time, let’s get married ten, twenty, a hundred times.”
“Let’s break records. I want the universe to see us and be jealous.”
Or: Five times Keith and Lance get married, and one time they don't.
the currents you create by theoddoodisnude
18,501 words - Rated T
Some days, he woke up even more tired than he’d been when he’d gone to sleep, and willing his body to go through the motions was just—tough. Like wading through thigh-high water or running on soft sand that gave under the soles of his feet.
A Kiss is a Kiss (But it’s never like this) by GibbousLunation
25,285 words - Rated T
“How does this keep happening to us, every time.” Lance grumbled.
“You’d think they’d stop sending us on away missions,” he agreed.
Honestly, between the poisonous plants of their last planet, and Lance’s tendency to always end up on the business end of every blaster or pointy ended stick, Allura was just being inefficient at this point.
Or, five times Keith kissed Lance but the situation was less than ideal, and one time Lance finally kissed him back.
Due West by europa_report
27,284 words - Rated T 
“Why did the blue lion choose you?”
Lance’s eyebrows rose to his hairline. He was an expressive boy. He wiped the shock away quickly though, smiling easily as he took a small sip from the drink he held.
“Dunno. We had a connection, I felt it the second I stepped into that cave. You know, the one Keith-“
“I know,” Krolia said tersely. “I found it.”
Flashbacks to Krolia's interactions with the blue paladin, as the pair fight for survival on a barren planet, stranded on their way to Earth
sunflower by xintong
41,557 words - Rated M
On the morning of their first summer back on Earth, Lance receives a gift of sunflowers. A confession, a rejection, and the passage of time, all leading to the one person who's always been there for him.
you build your tower (but call me home) by parchmints
63,041 words - Rated T
In the land of Arus, the youngest Nalquodian prince—Prince Leandro—is hidden away in a little castle that overlooks the kingdom; a countermeasure to protect him from the Galran assassins that have sworn to take his life.
And in the tallest tower of the castle, behind a grimy rose window and under a dusty sheet, is an enchanting gargoyle that the prince finds himself compelled to visit every day.
Almost as if by a spell…
 How to Train Your Garla series by magisterpavus 
68,117 words - Rated M & E
“Shiro, I fucked up,” Keith blurted, wringing his hands. 
Echo a Spark by usernicole
72,609 words - Rated M
Lance learns to stand on his own two feet.
Trouble’s Making Everything Alright series by Mytay 
430,410 words - Rated M
Two Paladins become two rough and tumble mercenaries, donning their leather coats and gun holsters, righting wrongs (while committing a few heists of their own), and fighting to get off this bleak, crime-filled planet.
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the McClains meet Keith
Hiiii! This takes place after the war, Lance has previously dated Allura, but now he's siiiiiiingllllle. And forget canon, I don't give a crap, LANCE IS TALLER.
"Who's that?"
Lance's twin sister, Rachel is leaning over Lance's back to peer at his phone.
Lance hastily presses his device in to his chest. "N-no one! Just my friend. He was the black paladin when we were part of Voltron." His face turns a flaming shade of red. As much as he loves his family, there are certain aspects of his life that he prefers to keep separate.
That is clearly not happening, though.
Rachel scoffs. "Really? There is no way you managed to befriend a catch like that. And even if you did, I don't know why you brought the princess home when you could have gone for that instead. And don't even start on his sexuality. That guy is so totally gay."
Lance watches as Rachel inspects her nails. He can't be mad at how insensitive she's being, it's just how she is. Over the years, her bluntness has gotten him out of many sour relationships, and been his voice of reason.
However, he would appreciate her leaving him alone right about now.
"Roni! Get over here and look at Lance's made-up crush."
The whole family moves to huddle around Lance now.
"Oh, what, so you've all changed your names now?"
That earns Lance a smack from his mother. He reluctantly shows his phone to the group, rubbing at his stinging shoulder. Word of advice: Do NOT sass Mama McClain.
They all start teasing Lance after looking at the picture. Why is it so hard to believe that Keith is his friend?
Lance voices his thoughts, and watches with horror as a devilish grin spreads across his brother, Marco's face.
"Why don't you bring him home to meet us then? Completely platonically, of course."
And that's how Keith ends up standing on Lance's front porch with a bouquet of flowers and a chocolate box in hand.
Keith enters awkwardly, and thrusts the gifts at Lance's mother.
Afraid? Keith? Never.
Ok, maybe a little. But come on, moms can be terrifying when the want to.
Keith is already horribly awkward socially, and it's not helping that the McClains are all staring at him in shock.
Lance shakes his head and shoots a smile in Keith's direction.
"Come on, bud. Lets go outside. We can watch the sunset, for old times sake, yeah?"
Keith relaxes his stiff posture a bit. "Oh, good. I was worried you would forget that bonding moment too."
They stroll outside bickering like a married couple.
Once Lance's family gets over the shock, they unanimously agree: They MUST set Keith up with Lance. And it can't be too hard, they already act like they're partners anyway.
After about an hour, they boys come back into the house to find Mama McClain cooking dinner.
Keith rushes into the kitchen
"Agh, sorry, I forgot the time. Would you like any help? If not, it's totally fine, I don't know how to make your dishes anyway, and I should probably just go, sorry, ugh, sorry, I'm bad at this."
The older woman just laughs and pats his cheek. "Don't apologize so much, Mijo. I would love your help, and I insist you call me Mama."
Keith blushes slightly and gets busy.
An hour later, they serve dinner to the hungry family. There's the traditional family dishes, but also a few that the McClains have never tasted.
"Keith shared some of his own recipes with me. Sweet boy."
It's clear that Mama McClain loves him. She treats him like a son, which is enough for the rest of the family.
After that night, the family is begging Lance to date him.
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girlboypersonthingy · 9 months
hiii I saw the fluff alphabet for Keith and I was wondering if you could write one for pidge as well? ^_^
ABSOLUTELY I LOVE PIDGE SO MUCH. 💚💚💚sorry for the long wait, but here it finally is! ENJOY~ 😉
Pidge- Fluff Alphabet 💌
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Pidge is affectionate when she wants to be. Sometimes she’s a bit shy about it and prefers to show you affection in private. Pidge is simple and sweet, she enjoys soft quick kisses and linking pinkies and winking at each other from across the table during breakfast when the rest of the team isn’t paying attention (except for that one time Lance noticed YOU wink at Pidge and she blushed super red and Lance wouldn’t leave her alone about it for the next week).
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Honestly, I think Pidge would be a good best friend besides being a bit blunt and totally honest. Some might find the green Paladin a little intimidating and condescending but she doesn’t mean to be, she’s just really freaking smart and she’s not afraid to speak her truth. She’s so smart that it makes most people feel really stupid even talking to her. But with you…she goes slow and tries her best to be patient and teach you along the way. Idk there’s just something about you ✨
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Yesssss she really likes cuddles when she’s upset or frustrated or crying. She likes cuddles after a bad dream or after a really risky mission. BUT as soon as she drifts off fully into sleep, gorl starts doing martial arts in bed. Fully expect to be kicked, slapped, punched and fully laid on by Pidge. She’s a bit wild but she’s easy to wake. When she is cuddling, she likes to be the little spoon or be face to face with your foreheads resting about each other’s.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I’d imagine Pidge has no intention of settling down with anyone until she truly feels deep in her heart that she’s met ‘the one’. She’ll try dating but she won’t commit until she knows you well enough and has time to decide how she feels and time to imagine her future with that person. Also, girl is the opposite of wifey material- can’t cook, messy asf, grumpy in the mornings but it’s all worth it. She has her moments~
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I think Pidge would be very straight forward about it but also try her best to be kind and gentle. She wouldn’t want to do it over the phone, she’d have the guts to sit you down and tell you to your face how she feels.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Sorta the same answer as ‘Domestic’ ⬆️, she wouldn’t be careless and rush into anything with someone she isn’t sure about. She could see herself getting married one day but doesn’t really consider it a top priority, ya feel me?
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
I mean…she’s a tiny Aries who knows she’s smarter than everyone in the room at all times…she’s kind of a lot sometimes. She can be emotionally chaotic sometimes, she often grabs attention from others without even meaning to and it can feel a bit overwhelming at first but the more you get to know her, the more you come to adore her intelligence and it warms your heart when she shares her knowledge with others and her bravery every time she speaks up for herself in a crowd and her stubbornness really starts to grow on you. She’s physically about the same lmaoooooo like…with most people she’s very out there, extroverted and loud and she doesn’t mind getting her hands dirty or getting in to trouble in order to get a job done. She works hard AND plays hard, she’s a goofball. But with her s/o, she’s much softer and calmer and speaks quieter and moves just a bit slower and with more caution. She just really loves you 💚
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
NEVER hugs you in front of others unless like one of you almost died on a mission or you’ll be apart for a long time. Most hugs are done late at night while you’re falling asleep and Pidge is working way past bedtime, also mid day when the rest of the team is dispersed throughout the castle and doing their own thing, knowing that she has a low risk of being caught at this time she’ll come find you and give you a long, snuggly hug without saying a word and then run off back to her work.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It’ll take a long while tbh…Pidge is pretty shy and inexperienced with relationships and lovey dovey feelings. She’ll probably wait until you say it first. Once you say it her tho, it comes out of her in a sigh of relief. It gets easier for her after the first time but she’s still getting used to it.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
I don’t think Pidge is really the jealous type. Even if someone was actively flirting with you, she wouldn’t be so much jealous as she would be concerned…like she could care less if someone is just genuinely flirting with you but what if they have some devilish motive and they’re working for the galra and they’re gonna kidnap you and hold you hostage and- she needs to come intervene before she starts fully panicking. She’ll just come join you in a silent and nonchalant way like coming up and holding your hand. She’s not trying to butt in and be nosy, she just wants to make sure you’re safe and also make you feel safe, protected and supported. She’s not jealous, she just cares very deeply for you.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Her kisses are awkward, sweet, sometimes silly and interrupted by soft giggles. She likes to kiss your lips but she LOVES kissing your cheeks and nose, she thinks you’re just soooo cute and she likes the look on your face after she kisses you there. She likes forehead kisses most bc they make her feel warm and relaxed and content. Forehead kisses really make her want to cry (in a good way)
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Mmmm she tries her best to be energetic with kids but she’s honestly so awkward. Regardless, kids ADORE HERRRRRR. Pidge has so much cool shit to say, she mesmerizes kids so easily with her science and space rambles.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Pidge stays up working and coding until like 3 am every night and then sleeps in until at least 10am if you let her, so most mornings are spent trying to drag Pidge out of bed as she groans in protest. It’s okay tho, her bed head is so cute and she won’t even open her eyes yet but you can’t stop smiling bc she’s cute even when she’s sleepy and grumpy. Once she’s got her eyes open and is sitting up, she’ll always mumble a raspy “morning” to you.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Unless you’re a night owl as well, you’ll probably be asleep before Pidge. She’ll always welcome your company while she’s working and will let you slump against her or lay your head in her lap and sleep. Most of the time, she gently wakes you and you sleepily walk to your room together but sometimes, she falls asleep right beside her work and cuddled up to you and someone ends up finding y’all in the morning like 🥹💖🥰
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
I think she would open up rather quickly. I think Pidge has a pretty good sense of who she can trust and if she trusts you enough to be your s/o, she trusts you a lot. She would confide in you often along with Shiro I’m sure.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
It depends…certain things tick Pidge off a bit but she can shrug it off. Other certain things make her want to explode. Lance makes a short joke, annoying but whatever. She accidentally codes something wrong and has to start all over, watch out, she’s seconds away from throwing something across the room as hard as she can.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Pidge forgets NOTHING!!! This girl has a spectacular memory, she remembers everything you tell her and is very considerate with that info. She’s the type to remember your fears and try her best to shield you from that, she’ll remember hits favorite color and get you everything that color, she’ll remember your birthday no matter what. And she loves learning new things about you too.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Probably your first physical embrace. You weren’t officially dating yet but you could both feel the pining going on between you. She had been roughed up and tossed around by some galra on a mission one time and when she got back to the castle, you were the first one to greet her with a gentle hug and a worried expression on your face. She’ll never forget how soft your hands felt as they caressed her dirty face. That was the first time you’d ever shown her any kind of true intimacy and she got a glimpse of your feelings for her.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
She is extremely protective but she tries to give you space. She worries about you constantly but it’s not that she doesn’t trust you or doesn’t believe in you, she just knows first hand how brutal this war can be and she doesn’t want to lose you. Of course, she always insists you two stick together on any and all missions you attend bc she knows you have her back and she always has yours.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
She tries her best! She’s not great at surprises tho, she always tells you what the gift is or what the date is bc she has to make sure you want that first, she can’t just do it and risk you having a bad time. She does listen to you and takes every little detail into consideration. She often does simple things like complimenting you and offering you small bits of physical affection. For special occasions like an anniversary, she likes to ask you what you would want/ want to do and then she’ll try to make it exceed your expectations.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Bites her nails and just flicks her nails all over the place 🙄 also mess asf in general
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
She’s really not concerned at all about her appearance. Sure for a special occasion she’ll dress up and try to look nice but on the day to day, Pidge just wants to be comfy and feel like she’s dressing for her, not for anyone else.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yeeesssssss 🥹 Pidge would become so used to your everyday presence in her life, so if you ever left or disappeared or got taken, she’d feel like there was a void constantly haunting her. She’d miss your smell, your laugh, your voice, your touch, your company so much she’d lose sleep over it for sure.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
“Hey, who’s that duck? He’s new here.”
“When are you going to the carnival? I want to go.”
“Turtles and birds are both dinosaurs, that’s wiiiilllddddd.”
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Pidge wouldn’t like someone who’s really conceited and selfish. She likes people who aren’t afraid to look silly or foolish or messy. She likes people who worry about things other than appearances and possessions.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Cannot stay still for the life of her. She tosses and turns so bad, good luck getting a good nights rest with how much she moves. She’ll low key beat you up throughout the night, she’s a crazy sleeper.
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keithkog · 3 months
What do you think about Lance
Toughie. I have never been in love before, the closest thing I felt before was maybe with Shiro but he’s like a brother to me. However Lance is great, he makes me mad or even sad sometimes but somehow I still like him and want to be around him. Things are complicated, unconditional love is not something I’m used to. Shiro tried to show it to me, but it was likely to late at that point to teach me such a thing..
When I came to the realization I may feel it somehow for Lance, I was confused. I felt that he and Allura were something I had to encourage for his sake, even if I was jealous. It seemed like it was what he always wanted, I couldn’t just confuse him or make things more complicated. After those two started dating I steered clear of him for a while.
After the war, after Allura passed on, I was the one who had to be there for Lance. Everyone was busy, but the Blade of Marmora was trying to figure out how to handle everything being over, that included me. Shiro got married, and Lance seemed even more depressed after that. He felt that he couldn’t move on after Allura, she gave her life to save reality after all, he felt like he owed her.
I’m not exactly sure how he was convinced otherwise, but over time he seemed to finally pull away from that notion. He and me started dating after that.
Our current relationship is great, but I do not aim to talk about it all the time here- gonna be clear.. Cause we don’t share the account, unless he steals my communicator again.
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rorimoon9597 · 7 months
Lance had barely believed it when Keith reciprocated his feelings, and he'd sobbed ugly, happy tears when Keith proposed. Now, they were newly weds on their honeymoon, and Lance couldn't be happier.
Their days were spent together, exploring hand-in-hand, or swimming in the ocean together, Lance trying to drown Keith or kissing him while they were underwater. Their nights were filled with love and sweetness, cuddling with each other or doing... other things.
Lance stood on Veradero beach, where Keith agreed for them to spend their honeymoon, and stared up at the moon.
Arms wrapped around him from behind, a kiss was pressed behind his ear, and Keith rested his head on Lance's shoulder.
"Can't sleep?" He asked. Lance shivered slightly when he heard Keith's voice right in his ear. His husband's time in the quantum abyss meant that not only did he get taller and buffer (it was almost unfair, how Keith was taller than him now, and much buffer than he had been when he'd left for the blades) but Keith's voice had gotten a little bit deeper.
None of the others had noticed the changes in Keith when he got back, except for Lance, because he'd spent many nights memorizing Keith's body and voice before he left. The only other person to notice had been Shiro, and that was only after he'd been brought back was less out of it.
Lance had decided, after the first night they had been able to get alone after everything that had happened with Lotor and finding that Earth had been taken over by Sendak and his troops, that he liked Keith's deeper voice.
"I was just thinking," Lance answered Keith's question.
"What about?"
"About how lucky I am to be married to you." He turned his head and pressed a kiss to Keith's head.
"I think that I'm the lucky one here. Younger me would be freaking out over the fact that I'm now married to someone as smart, and amazing, and incredible as you."
"Shut up," Lance mumbled. Keith smirked.
"You like being praised though," he said.
"KEITH!" Lance shouted. Keith burst out into laughter and holy crow, he loved to hear that sound.
"'m sorry," Keith managed.
"No, you're not. You know exactly what you're doing," Lance said. He poked Keith in the cheek. His husband hummed and pressed a kiss to Lance's cheek.
"You're right, I'm not. I love seeing you all flustered."
"At least you admit it."
"You still love it, though." Lance shook his head, a fond smile on his face.
"Because I love you," he replied.
"Hey, babe?"
"Can you turn to face me?" Lance turned in the circle of Keith's arms to face him.
"Why?" He asked. He registered that maybe he should've asked that before turning around, but he trusted Keith. It was one of the reasons why he agreed to marry Keith despite still being rather young.
Keith answered his question by stepping away slightly and offering his hand with a small bow, a soft look on his face.
"Would you like to dance?" He asked. Lance couldn't help but smile.
"I'd love to," he said, placing his hand in Keith's own. Lance's other hand came to rest on Keith's shoulder, and Keith's other hand rested on his waist.
They started to dance slowly, with no music but the waves behind them. Lance studied Keith, the way the moonlight glinted off of his hair and lit up his face in the best ways possible. He committed the moment to his memory, not wanting to lose it. He filed it away with all the other times they'd danced together; that one time on Black's head before the Atlas launch, all of their dances at diplomatic dances and galas or whatever they were called, and their wedding, the most recent of them.
It went right there, with all of those other dances.
They moved together, perfectly in sync. Keith guided them, picking up the pace slightly every few moments. Lance moved to match him, adjusting his speed to match.
A few spins, laughter bubbling out of Lance each time. Faster, more spinning, a few dips that made Lance laugh even more than the spins, eyes closed, head tilting back to meet the breeze coming from the sea.
Faster, and faster and-
Keith dipped Lance down again, arm supporting him. Lance made contact with Keith, their momentum lost to the wind. Keith's eyes were soft with love and adoration, a look that was reserved for Lance and only Lance. Not even Shiro could get that look, and he was basically Keith's brother, like Allura was Lance's sister.
Keith pulled him upwards again. He leaned forwards and kissed Lance. He returned the kiss, letting himself get lost in the feelings he felt towards Keith.
"I love you so much," Keith whispered when they pulled apart. Lance ran a hand through Keith's hair, loving the way it felt so silky and soft in his hands.
"I love you too," he replied in a whisper. He pressed another kiss to Keith's lips.
They had to return to the post-war recovery efforts in a couple more weeks. But for now, the war never happened. For now, they had graduated from the Garrison together, and had decided to get married. For now, they were never Defenders of the Universe.
For now, they only existed with each other and for each other.
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sundaynightlive · 1 year
In Chaos There is a Kosmo, In All Disorder a Secret Relationship (Klance)
(Title - partial quote from Carl Jung)
“Hey—stop it!” Lance hisses, bolting from his office to where Keith is mindlessly toying with his Harry Potter Legos—his Harry Potter Legos (and all his Legos, really) are intensely important to him, and if Keith breaks any part of that glorious castle—
“I’m being careful,” Keith insists, pulling the Lego Hermione out of Lance’s reach, “I promise.”
Lance melts. He can’t not when Keith is looking up at him with those soft eyes and jutting his bottom lip out the slightest bit. Lance sits down across from him.
The castle sits next in the midst of a wide, glass coffee table in their little living room. It’s the best place for it, and it makes a nice centerpiece. Keith hadn’t been sure about it at first, but he came around once it was actually built.
It is pretty cool, he’d said.
“Sorry,” Lance mumbled, “You're a fully adult man, I don’t know why—“
“It’s important to you,” Keith interrupts, “I get it. I should’ve asked.”
Lance smiles softly—they haven’t always been this… functional. If they were still sixteen, they’d definitely be arguing about this. But here they are, twenty-two, behaving like a well-oiled machine.
It burns something warm and full in Lance’s chest, that he and his partner have been together six entire years and have only gotten better at it. He can’t wait to marry this man, can’t wait to see his face when he proposes. God, he’s hopeless.
Lance crawls over and pulls Keith’s lips to his own. Lego Hermione is discarded carefully on the table as Keith focuses all his attention on Lance. Fingers cupping his head, mouth earnest—that’s his boy.
Three knocks on the door.
They tear apart.
“Who the fuck—“
“Open uuuuuup,” that’s definitely Hunk, which would not be such an issue if Hunk knew. But nobody knows, least of all them. Lance was gonna tell them before he proposed, sit them down around a dinner table and lay it all out piece by piece, lie by lie.
This is bad.
“Oh my fucking god,” Keith breathes.
“We’re fucked,” Lance agrees, getting to his feet and helping up his boyfriend. “We’re so fucked. They’re never gonna forgive me—“
“Where do you want me?” Keith asks, “What do I do? Hide?”
“Yeah, you and every picture of us on the wall?” Lance hisses.
Hunk and Pidge have only been here in passing, never once stepping foot in Lance’s “bachelor pad” which they so affectionately and inaccurately called it. It wasn’t for lack of wanting to—they’d asked him to host a ton of times, but he’d always make some excuse or flat out say he didn’t like the idea of people in his space.
Little did they know it’s because he doesn’t live alone, he’s nowhere near a bachelor, and he hasn’t been since high school.
And he never told them.
In six years.
He’s unforgivable.
“Fuck fuck fuck,” he’s muttering. Keith hurries into the bedroom as another round of knocks and some teasing come from behind the front door.
Furiously red and figuratively shitting his pants, he goes to answer.
“Busy?” Pidge asks when he opens it—and of course they’re here, too. As if this situation was not already bad enough with just Hunk—if they ask to come in Lance is well and truly boned.
“Is that Lizzie?” Hunk asks, and for a second, Lance is absolutely perplexed. He’s wedged in the sliver of the door he’s barely opened, trying to block their view of the apartment he very obviously could not afford by himself, and Hunk’s talking about someone named—oh. His brow furrows—but yes, reckless driving by Lizzie McAlpine is softly floating out from the Alexa somewhere behind him.
“Yeah,” he says, “What are you doing here?”
Hunk’s grin falls away. Lance feels a sharp pang of guilt in his chest—he wants this to be simple. He should’ve told them years ago, but it was complicated. Hell, Keith’s brother doesn’t even know and he stayed here for a week.
One hell of a week.
He could say they value their privacy, but mostly they’re just selfish. Contrary to popular belief, Lance is a quiet lover. Shouting it from the rooftops? Sure.
Coming home to something that’s inexplicably his? Not having to answer questions, not having people constantly asking after his boyfriend?It’s just… nice. It’s nice to be known so intimately. It’s nice to be them. No one else—just them.
“We brought takeout,” Hunk says, lifting up a bag Lance had not noticed, “We thought—“
And then, proving once and for all that the universe is not and has never been in favor of Lance McClain, Kosmo darts through the narrow space between Lance’s ankle and the door frame, and shoots down the hallway. Pidge jumps back, startled, and Hunk catches them by the shoulders, dropping the takeout. Lance, endlessly more concerned about Keith’s cat than his dirty little secret, throws open the door and is bounding down the hall in a second.
He hears a door open and close—Keith has clearly heard and is also blasting out past Hunk and Pidge, which is good, because where Lance is fast, Keith is agile. Lance gets around Kosmo and in front of the steps, at which point the animal does some insane, ineffable maneuver that sends him back the other way. When Kosmo tries to dodge Keith’s grasp, the boy literally jumps, tucks and rolls, snatching Kosmo firmly against his chest.
The cat doesn’t even wiggle—it’s as if this has all been a fun little game of tag and now that he’s safely back in his dad’s arms, everything is alright.
You know, except Hunk and Pidge.
“Look what you did,” Keith accuses sweetly as Kosmo bumps his nose into the boy’s chin. “You got papí in trouble.”
Kosmo meows in response. Keith returns to the apartment while Lance wracks his brain for what to say. Hunk and Pidge are torn between gaping at Keith—who they have rarely seen since high school—with wide eyes, and Lance, eerily silent and so, so boned.
“Go on in,” Lance says finally, gesturing toward the apartment, “We’ve got a lot to talk about.”
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fluffyspaceball · 1 year
👉👈Ok I am madly in love with the headcannon of Keith knowing Spanish but Lance and the other members of Voltron don't know this .👉👈
So whenever Lance says something to the team only Kieth understood what he was saying but stays quiet cause this is his only source of amusement . Like imagine
P:Lance get out of my room you drama queen
L: callate enano(shut up you midget)
P:what does that even mean !!
//Keith in the background eternally signing//
L: cásate conmigo allura(marry me allura)
A:pardon me?
H:oh don't worry it's just Lance speaking Spanish
A:Yes Lance I do now see
S:I'm pretty sure that sì means yes
L:crees que sabes español shiro el héroe (you think you know Spanish Shiro the hero!?)
//keith in his head:Lance needs to calm down//
But sometimes when Lance get extra annoying he buts in.
C:ok you qizsnaps this training routine will be very challenging and if will force you to work together. Speaking of working together,I recall one certain time when me and a couple of space piratea to team up to try find the beard of atla-
L:Coran! ¡Amigo! Te juro por Dios que te calles con las historias tontas solo por un rato(Coran!Buddy!I swear to God shut up with the dumb stories just for a bit!)
S:Lance!English so the rest of us can understand.
S:that one I understood!
P:what is happening !?
L:*aggressive Latino noises*
A:can we all calm down
C:oh this reminds me of a time whe-
L:Iré Keith Iduna Su segundo nombre en ti(I will go Keith Idunohissecondnam on you-)
K:shut up Lance!
P:yea Lance
L:what why just me?
S:everyone calm down
A:why couldn't I get more organized paladins?
And I know for a fact that Lance complements Keith under his breath in Spanish and Keith doesn't know whether or not Lance is being sarcastic or not.
L: stupid mullet head
K:what have I done to you now??
L:mira como te ves(look the way you look)
K: what?
L:shut up!
A:we need someone to watch guard
K:I volunteer
L:por supuesto, Keith se ofrece como voluntario.(of course Keith volunteers )
//k:what is his problem?//
L:Tan fresco y desinteresado(so cool and selfless)
H:Lance buddy we talked about this.No insulting people in Spanish.
L:w-well he deserved it.
K:Lance why are you in my room?
L:ok byeee
//k:what just happened//
This also probably when on for a while to until Kieth got annoyed and decided to do something .
P:I believe full heartedly that boys are dumb and illogical
A:this I too believe
L:Creo que Keith se ve atractivo.(I think Keith looks hot)
H: did you just insult Keith again
L: mabye
L:quiero salir con el(I wanna date him)
P:no one knows what you're saying
K:I do
K:I know Spanish and Japanese.My dad spoke them both.
L:esto es una broma no?(this is a joke isn't it)
K:nope it's all true
P: so you could understand what Lance has been saying this whol time ??
L:I feel like jumping of a cliff right now
K:¿Ya no quieres salir conmigo~(you don't want to date me anymore~)
L:yep definitely jumping of a cliff.
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sapper-axtual · 4 months
I'm Your Wreck - 1
Rated: E
Chapters: 1/5
Desc: Fifty years after the Restoration, twenty-five after Allura's return, only two years after their (supposedly amicable) divorce, Lance gets a letter inviting him to her wedding to Lotor. Thirty-five years after Keith's rise at the Kral Zera, thirty after the Galran Civil War, and twenty five after Lotor's election as the leader of the New Galran Republic, Keith is not invited to the wedding.
Lance is about to change that- for better or worse.
“You’re joking…” Keith stared. “You’re joking,” but no, Lance’s face didn’t move. “That’s gotta be the worst idea you’ve ever had.”
“I’ve definitely had worse. Remember Xyston?”
“Lance- I just spent an hour convincing Shiro we aren’t fucking! Now you wanna convince everyone we’re back together!”
“So we tell Shiro we lied!” When that earned a sour look, Lance dug in, “It makes perfect sense! We can say we didn’t wanna tell the public about us so soon after the divorce- because it’d look bad. It’s only been two years and we’re classier than that, but if Allura’s got no issue marrying Lotor, it seems like fair game…”
“So that’s what you’re actually mad about.” Keith couldn’t believe he hadn’t seen it sooner.
“Two years, Keith! It’s a short engagement for people who aren’t freshly-divorced from their best friend.”
“Thought I was your best friend.”
“You definitely are if you fake-date me to make Allura jealous…”
“She’s not gonna be jealous, she’s getting married.” The fact that Lance’s mouth was running so far ahead of his brain was a sign that Keith should say no to this- right? "You don’t even want her to be, you divorced her.”
“Then to protect my pride! What do you need me to say?”
Lance’s eyes were huge and pleading and Keith already knew- he wasn’t gonna be able to say no, but- “Say please.”
“You’re ridiculous. Please.”
“No, I mean…really say it.”
“You want me to beg?
Lance made a production of getting onto his knees- grunting as if they’d aged a day over twenty-five, clutching Keith’s hand, he put his forehead against it, looked up at him. “Please, Keith- buddy, partner. Yin to my yang. Thelma to my Louise, be my Huckleberry- just this once and I won’t ask anything else of you ever again.”
“That’s not begging, that’s lying.”
“It’s not- I’ll owe you forever. I’ll even let you break up with me this time. I won’t even stab you first.”
Keith tugged his hand away, “Shut up.”
Lance didn’t move from the floor, stared.
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tomatobasill · 8 months
Happy Little Accidents [klance]
summary: keith has something to tell lance at their wedding
word count: 1.5k
content warnings:mpreg, morning sickness/nausea, brief mention of vaping at the beginning, a lil sprinkle of angst
additional tags:trans male keith, loss of a loved one [keith misses his dad]
author's note: i had this idea and rushed to my ipad to write it down
If Keith switched out his vapes for no nic, nobody noticed. If he slyly tipped away the champagne he and Lance had chosen for their big day, nobody noticed. If he only ate the cooked dishes during their sushi date just a week ago when he was suspecting something...nobody noticed.
He did all those things.
"I have something to tell you," the lights are dim, big room warm and intimate for the evening. Keith rests his chin on Lance's shoulder as they sway gently to a slow song as their guests watch them for their first dance.
"Oh?" Lance's breath is hot on Keith's neck, his skin burning just as warm as he builds up the courage to let out the secret he's been keeping for a week. It feels so much longer than that, given the context. "What is it?"
"Guess," the hand on Lance's waist dips down into his back pocket. They chose more casual clothes for their reception, and after a long day of formalities, Keith is glad for it.
"Aw c'mon Keith, it's my wedding day," he can practically hear his husband pouting, cheeks aching from all the smiling he's done all day yet he cracks another one. Keith just can't help himself; he's married.
"It'll be worth it. Promise."
"Hmm...you love your husband so much words cannot even describe it?" Keith chuckles, shaking his head lightly.
"No. Well-yes. I do love you beyond words, but that's not it."
"You can't wait for the honeymoon?"
"Ye-I still don't even know where we're going,"
"It's the rules. You proposed, so I get to choose the honeymoon location."
"Well, I am excited. But it's not that either," Lance huffs, squeezing Keith's hips.
"You don't want a divorce, do you?" It's a joke. It's clear that it's a joke, and they both laugh loud enough to be heard over the music by those closest to them. Keith still shakes his head though.
"'Course not. You're stuck with me now."
"Good. I'm all out of guesses, then." Keith kisses Lance's jaw, just beneath his ear and whispers:
"I'm pregnant."
Lance only stops their swaying for a few seconds before finding his rhythm again. Keith can feel him smiling against his own cheek.
"I'm pregnant." Keith has never been one to beat around the bush, and isn't about to start now. "Lance?"
"You're sure?"
"Yeah," Keith's smile grows, pulling back to see it mirrored in Lance's expression. "Positive. Took a bunch of tests."
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Serious, and a little whiny, and then with wiggling eyebrows, "Trying to lock me in?" He should have known he wouldn't be free from his husband's antics on their wedding day, chuckling as he slots their faces side by side.
"Only found out a week or so ago. 'Ve been suspecting it, but I haven't really been showing any symptoms."
"Well I've had a headache for a few days but it hasn't been that bad. And I was only physically sick for the first time this morning-" given, that could have been nerves, but something in Keith just knows that it was something else; a certain something growing inside of him. '-but I'm okay, really."
"A baby?" Keith feels his eyes start to well with tears. More tears.
"You're sure? This isn't a joke, is it?"
"I wouldn't joke about that. And yes, I'm definitely pregnant; 'm too late for it to be anything else."
Lance's chest shudders next to Keith's, his hands running up and down the latter's back.
"Wow, baby,"
"Yeah," hands creep up to Keith's face, holding him in place as Lane kisses him. It's not near as passionate as when they were announced husbands, but he's better for it because he sobbed like a baby afterwards. He's already crying now, and when he opens his eyes, Lance's are glassy.
"I love you,"
"I love you too." They share another kiss, followed by whoops and whistles by their guests who start to join them on the dance floor, pairing up and swaying gently in time with the newly-weds.
"Do you know how far along you are?" His voice is a low whisper now, with their guests much closer and within earshot.
"About five to six weeks, I think. The dates are pretty confusing so I'm not too sure," he squeezes Lance's waist as the song comes to an end, a slightly more upbeat one replacing it and uplifting the dance floor. "But can I ask just one thing? For now?"
"Of course, baby. Anything." Keith looks up at the ceiling, willing away tears.
"Can we keep this between us? Just for now?"
"You don't need to ask me that, Keith."
"I know it's just-I wanna wait a little longer, ya know? Like...I'm less likely to loose it after twelve weeks and I just...don't wanna get everyone's hopes up?" He rests his head on Lance' chest, closing his eyes and finding peace in his fast but steady heartbeat.
"Anything you want, baby. Anything."
"Thank you. I love you."
"I love you too...god how did I get so lucky? You've married me and now you're gonna make me a dad? Fuck I love you so much Keith."
They do some mingling after a few more dances: laughing with Lance's family and running around after the little ones, nibbling on h'orderves with their friends and politely declining more drinks on Keith's part. He notices how Lance keeps a firm hand on him more or less at all times, either around his shoulders or long fingers curling around his waist, rings sparkling in the lights. He doesn't mind, in fact Keith loves it; he was nervous to tell Lance but is so relieved to finally get it off his chest that he could cry. He already has-multiple times, and so much so that he is constantly sipping on a water to keep himself from becoming dehydrated. Even now as he accompanies his mother for some air.
"I just wish Dad could be here,"
"Oh baby," she sniffles. "He's watching. I know he is, and I know he's so proud of you."
"I know but, I...I didn't even get to tell him."
"He'd still love you. He still does."
They sit outside for a long while, the party muffled behind them. That is, until someone steps out.
"There you are I-babe?"
"I'll give you two some time alone." Krolia kisses both of them on their foreheads before slipping back to the reception.
Lance scoops Keith up into a tight hug.
"You okay?"
"Yeah. Just...missin' Dad. Wish he coulda seen us, ya know?" Keith wipes at his eyes, laying a hand on Lance's chest and drawing patterns with his fingertips.
"Like-I know he'd be fine with it, but I just wish he knew. I never got to tell him-" he covers his mouth to stiffle the sobs. Lance just lets him cry.
"I know, I know. But you know what? I think-" Lance sniffles, kissing the top of Keith's head. "I think he's here. Right now. I think he was gettin' ready up there, in his little heaven tux, and-and he walked you down that isle with your mum and...he's here. And he's havin' a hell of a good time," Keith chuckles through shuddering breaths, nodding. "He's proud of you. So, so proud of you and he loves you. So fuckin' much." He hums in amusement.
"He's never gonna meet the baby," the realisation dawns on him. It feels like his chest is going to cave in, all these emotions he's feeling at the same time is overwhelmimg him. Keith doesn't know if he's crying from sadness or happiness.
"Sure he will. We'll take 'em to see him. 'N they'll know all about their Pop." He takes Keith's face and wipes the tears from his cheeks with his thumbs, smiling brightly though his own. "We can go see him in the morning, if you'd like?"
"Yeah...I'd like that a lot."
They share a kiss. And another, until Lance has kissed all over Keith's face-tears and snot and all before wiping it away with a tissue, with yet another kiss. After a little while, Keith's sniffles have reduced to naught, the only evidence of this being his red and puffy eyes, but he doesn't seem to care.
"C'mon. We got a party,"
"You sure? They can wait a little longer,"
"Yeah, 'm just gonna cry all night otherwise." He leads Lance back into the venue, music booming and lights flashing. They're met with Lance's youngest niece, to which Keith scoops her up and props her on his hip as they make their way to the dance floor. The former can't help the tears that well in his eyes at the thought: he's going to be a dad.
Secretly, Lance hopes for a daughter.
Additional notes:
i made myself cry a few times writing this but it helped me get more into it ig. I'm really happy with how this turned out-so I'm a little attatched to this one. Hope you all enjoyed!
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“You know I love you, right?”
Keith smiles. He doesn’t stop his hands from their constant brushes through his boyfriend’s hair, doesn’t shift or move. Lance stays where he is, too, full weight on Keith’s body, head pillowed on his chest, moving slightly with every breath.
“Yes,” Keith says. “I know.”
“Good.” Keith feels the rumble of Lance’s voice in his ribcage, the puffs of his breath on his bare skin. “‘Cause I tease you, a lot, so I wasn’t sure if you knew.”
“I do. I know.” He pauses as he runs his fingers over the shell of Lance’s ear, tracing the scar on his skull, before gently tapping his finger three times. For a while Lance simply breathes, sinking into Keith’s touch, then he shifts slightly, turning brown eyes up to meet Keith’s.
“How do you know, though? Like if you had to define it.”
Keith leans down slightly to press a kiss to his freckled nose, just to watch it wrinkle. It makes him grin. “I just do, Lance. You say my name like you love me.”
The answer doesn’t seem to placate Lance completely, but enough that he sighs, putting his head back down on Keith’s chest and reaching over blindly to pull their blankets up to his chin.
Keith says nothing for a long while, humming to himself, enjoying the feeling of Lance’s soft skin under his hands, the weight of his body pressing him into the mattress. It’s a relief after a long day, a balm to his exhausted muscles and tired brain.
“Why do you ask?”
“No reason.”
Keith tugs a strand of Lance’s hair in admonishment, not enough to hurt, but he grumbles anyway.
“Try again.”
“Maybe I don’t love the man who hurts me so,” Lance pouts, sticking out his bottom lip and rubbing his scalp like it actually hurts.
Keith rolls his eyes. Lance grins, then sighs.
“Just — someone said something, at training. Kind of huffed and said something about how annoying it was that we still don’t like each other.”
Keith snorts. “Well, you did shoot me.”
“I was justified! You were being irritating!” Lance shifts, moving to his belly so he can look at Keith properly, glaring. “And I put my bayard on stun! It barely hurt!”
Love of his life or not, Keith loves getting this man so riled up.
“Yeah, the giant bruise I have says otherwise.”
There is no giant bruise.
But messing with Lance is funny.
“You are not fucking bruised!”
Before Lance can get too enraged and start stripping him down to make sure, Keith laughs, giving up the game and grabbing Lance’s wrists. He pulls him forward so he loses his balance, arms around Keith’s neck, barely managing to catch himself before their heads smack together, face inches from Keith’s.
“You worry too much,” Keith whispers, nosing his way down Lance’s cheeks, peppering kisses as he goes. “I don’t give a shit what anyone else says. The whole point of keeping them in the dark is so that I can have you —” he bites Lance’s earlobe gently, pulling it slightly, making the Cuban’s breath hitch — “all to myself.”
“Still,” Lance tries to insist, but Keith can physically feel his resolve falling away, feel him melting into Keith’s touch. “It bothers me that people think I can do anything but love you. You’re — I dunno. You’re everything to me. You make me feel like I can keep going.”
Keith can’t help his smile, and he knows Lance feels it, pressed into the junction of his neck. He kisses slightly there, and Lance turns his head to give him access, slides his hands into Keith’s hair as he works a mark into dark skin.
“That’s gay,” Keith mumbles, as fondly as he can.
It takes a second for Lance to clock Keith’s words, too focused on the besotted sound of them, but he huffs when he does, shoving Keith away and glaring at him.
Keith bursts out laughing.
“You’re the worst,” Lance says, but soon he’s smiling, too. Keith leans in and kisses that smile, because he can and because he wants to.
“I know.”
“Jerk. I’m divorcing you.”
Keith hums, tugging him back down under the covers, wrapping him back into the position he was in earlier. “You won’t even let me marry you.”
“We are twenty years old,” Lance grumbles, but every time he says it he sounds less and less like he cares. “We’re not getting married at twenty years old.”
“We’ll see.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Lance settles into the silence, breathing evening again, wandering hands going still.
“I love you too, by the way,” Keith murmurs, suddenly worried that Lance doesn’t know.
He feels Lance’s lips upturn, and smiles to match it.
He knows.
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"You're Not Allowed To Get Married Till You're 30." - a very tired, very proud dad-brother.
word count: 809
Keith & Shiro, Mentioned Klance, Mentioned Past Adashi.
Broganes, Fluff, Keith wants to spend the rest of his life with Lance, and Shiro just doesn't want his kid to get married yet.
"Shiro '' Keith said, the seriousness in his voice underlined with a sort of gleeful terror that made the aforementioned man tense immediately, and whip around to ask what was wrong.
Before he could turn on worried dad mode, his boy interrupted him. "I think Lance is it." There was shock still wide in his eyes as if he'd had the realization and immediately ran to tell his brother.
That same shock Shiro was sure was reflected in his own eyes as his mouth fell slightly open. They'd talked about it before, finding 'the one', someone you clicked with, that just felt right, the way he and Adam did (had? Shiro was still so in love with him it hurt, but when he'd left the planet the love of his life wouldn't even look him in the eye).
Shiro had always hoped that Keith would find that same love, that happiness. (hopefully without the crashing and burning.)
Of course hope and belief are two very different things and Shiro had spent many years reflecting on how rare a love like his and Adams was, he knew it wasn't incredibly likely but he'd still hoped.
Shiro swallowed down the lump of emotions in his throat (he was so goddamn proud of his little boy).
 "You're sure?" he asked, happy tears already springing to his eyes.
Keith just nodded and Shiro noticed he was teary eyed as well. 
Shiro stepped forward to wrap him in a hug smiling at how quickly it was returned. 
"He's my forever Shiro." the younger spoke, slightly muffled, into his chest. As they pulled apart, Shiro was absolutely beaming with pride.
Keith giggled at the expresion before schooling his face into something much more serious. 
"I wanna spend the rest of my life with him" his voice was awestruck as if he couldn't believe he'd truly fallen that deeply in love.
Shiro knew the feeling.
The words caught up to him just a second later. He knew that train of thought. He knew that train of thought very well. Too well. That very same train of thought had led to him proposing at 18 even if Adam didn't actually agree to marry him till they were 26. they'd never regretted marrying young but he now firmly believes they should have waited longer. He wondered if Adam regretted marrying him, regretted loving the one who wouldn't choose his lover over his job.
"You're not allowed to get married till you're 30." he said, voice stern in the way it often had to be when Keith wanted to do something impulsive that he wouldn't regret until very many years in the future.
As his Older Brother it was his responsibility to keep Keith from doing those things at all.
The outrage was evident on Keith's face immediately. "What!? That is such bullshit! You got married at 20 something!"
Shiro sighed, he really should have expected an argument, lord knows that if his father had told him he wasn't allowed to marry Adam he would have had a conniption fit.
"I know you love him but you're both too young." he said hoping his brother would see reason.
"You're a fuckin hypocrite." Keith muttered pouting and glaring like a toddler.
Shiro rolled his eyes before turning around to get them both glasses of water.
Leaning back against the kitchen counter after handing Keith a glass he asked "Do you how many times I proposed to Adam before he actually agreed to marry me?" Shiro knew he'd never mentioned it so unless Adam had at some point brought it up Keith shouldn't know.
Keith’s eyebrows scrunched in confusion as he processed the question. 
"What do you mean how many times you proposed? You proposed to him more than once?"
Shiro chuckled "I probably proposed to him a hundred times before he said yes"
"But.. why? Weren't you guys in love?"
Shrugging Shiro answered "He didn't want to marry young, I accepted that. I did ask him once every year though, just in case he changed his mind."
"Huh" Keith looked as though his whole world had been flipped on its head.
"So.. how many times exactly did you propose?" Keith asked, finally taking a sip of his water.
He very quickly spit out that water.
Shiro shrugged again nonchalantly "Yeah, once a year, he didn't say yes till we we're 25, and we didn't actually get married till 26."
Keith continued to stare at him, dumbfounded. 
"Are you telling me." he paused "Are you seriously telling me you started proposing at eighteen?"
Chuckling he grabbed Keith's glass and set it on the counter before pulling him into a hug. 
"That is a story for another time kiddo." Shiro sighed contentedly "you do know how proud of you I am right?"
Keith laughed at him, “Yeah Dad, I know.”
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Lance can't really say he was expecting anything to happen between him and his love interest, but every time Keith would even glance his direction, his nerves would act up.
Once the valentines party was announced, Keith suddenly became strange, whike he use to follow Lance around like a confused puppy now he was running around hiding, going out- he did a lot of things that just weren't Keith. And it made Lance self-conscious even if it was just for a split second. He'd almost felt like this whole liking each other thing was a joke to Keith. Lance had tried so many times to ask the other out, and he tried cute, cringe, blunt... not so blunt ways to ask the other out. But every offer he made was rejected instantly with a soft chuckle and shake of the others head.
It infuriated Lance, especially the fact that Keith made no such effort to ask the other, he hadn't even tried once. Making Lance feel as if this relationship would become one-sided and he really couldn't go through that again.
And today of all days was the worst, Keith and Lance even arrived separately. And hadn't said a word to eachother all day. No matter how much Lance attempted to make his way to the mullet headed male, Pidge or hunk would always somehow pull him away with some excuse.
Lance was now sat. Basically alone as Pidge stayed glued to their phone. Hunk trying and failing terribly to flirt with Shay, him being a flustered mess while Shay just smiled sweetly.
He could feel the back of his head burn with looks from all different types of people. Mostly, girls approached him, asking him for this or that, refusing all of them with a soft smile and a polite "I like somebody else." Every time someone came over to him, he could feel Keith's gaze lock onto them frustratedly before always looking away when Lance would reject them. Lance seemed to notice this as the next person to ask, and he indulged them, not before telling him his plan, of course.
Lance explained to the girl, Jess that he wanted to make his 'crush' jealous as she happily accepted. He grabbed her hand with a soft and fake smile, pulling her to the dance floor in a heart beat. He'd been dying to dance, but decided not to until Keith asked him, but it's a bit late for that now. He swung her around easily as he chatted and laughed with the girl, all the stories he told being about him and Keith. Not that Keith knew they were being completely platonic. As he stood up in haste. Quickly making his way towards Lance and pulling him away, Lance happily getting dragged away by the other.
"What the fuck Lance?!" Keith whispered shouted as they made it outside the building into a beautifully decorated garden where you had the best view of the multi coloured sky. "What?" Lance looked towards him with a smirk, it instantly hitting Keith What Lance was up to as he let out a shaky breath. Lance placed his hand on the others shoulder gently, this time showing a genuine smile. "I got you to talk to me, didn't I?" He spoke confidently only earning a half chuckle from the other. "You dumbass." Keith spoke eyes glued to the floor as Lance just smiled over at him. "Not my fault you refused to talk to me and was being all weird and mysterious~" Lance spoke doing slight Jazz hands as he eyed Keith suspiciously. "It's a surpise Lance." Keith groaned stepping away from Lance slightly. "C'mon Keith, you know I hate surprises they make me all nervy-" Lance stated crossing his arms looking like a grumpy toddler.
"Fucks sake Lance you had to ruin it." Keith laughed as his hands dived into his pockets as Keith watched him suspiciously. "The fuck you doing, purposing?" Lance joked only to be met with a ring box in Keith's hands. "Woah, woah! When I said marry me I didn't mean it-" Lance backes up slightly shaking his hands infront of his face. Keith cocked his eyebrow with a chuckle. "Blue, I'd be on my knee if I was purposing you idiot." Keith flicked the others head before opening the box which consisted of two promise rings. "So you're not proposing?" Lance spoke slightly disappointed as he eyed the objects suspiciously. "Lance shut the fuck up for a minute." Keith snapped playfully as the other did as he was told. He takes a deep breath hands shaking slightly as he locks eyes with the confused freckled face I front of him.
"| get angry too easily. I say mean
things just to hurt people sometimes, even
though always regret it. - have a ridiculously
minuscule amount of impulse control,
forget important dates and anniversaries -
you'll probably have to remind me every year
several times. I regularly forget to eat and
shower. I'm just as much of a mess as you,
nae salang. But I want you with me, Lance,
always. I want us, I know I can be oblivious and ignorant to things sometimes but that's WHY I need you. You level me out, and I'm so close to falling inlove with you. Not yet the Love, donr want to boost your ego too much.." Keith laughed, well choke laughed as he tried to stop a tear form as he watched Lance break into a ball of tears.
"The fuck? Who told you to be so cute?" Lance laughed as he wiped his eyes with his now damp sleeve. Keith pulled the other into a loose hug as Lance stood frozen in place as he sobbed softly. "Thank you Red." Lance finally spoke as he wrapped his arms tightly around the other afraid to let go. "I want you too Keith." Lance spoke, pulling away only slightly from the hug just to close the gap between them, a kiss, it wasn't anything over the top or special but it was perfect for the pair. "I get to be the one purposing now. Since you beat me to it." Lance joked his nose still sniffly and eyes slightly red, Keith only nodded taking in the sight of his new and very handsome boyfriend. He couldn't help but pull him into his embrace once again.
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