#and last year she forgot my birthday because it was after her and her bfs anni and that just makes it worse because she put SO much effort
girltomboy · 1 year
My birthday weekend was so wonderful. My boyfriend and I attended the graduation ceremony for his class, he chose to not participate because he thought, since he didn't pass the year, he technically did not graduate. But we didn't know he *could* have participated, and they called his name but he was not there on the stage. And he tried to play it cool but I could tell he was a little bit hurt by it. He said it's meaningless anyway, since it's only symbolic and doesn't actually count as anything. I was frustrated that he wouldn't even go get his graduation diploma, but he insisted it's nothing so we forgot about it.
Near midnight he paused what we were watching and ran to the store to buy me a small cake and stuck a lit joint in it to wish me a happy birthday 😭 it was so cute I was sure I would cry but I didn't because I was happy in a cheerful way, not an emotionally raw way. And it was just funny. And he got me the pig plushie that I had seen in a thrift store window two days in a row. I literally wanted to go buy it myself but the store closes before I finish work. And on the day before my birthday when we walked by that store again, the plushie was not there anymore, and I wanted to point it out to him but I didn't (I regret not doing it now because I keep imagining what his reaction would have been!). And he also got me space erasers and a sweet card with a wooden whale on it. He only wrote "happy birthday, I love you" on it and apologized for not writing something more. I kind of expected to read more than that but I'm grateful for everything he did for me to have a nice birthday. He made me a delicious breakfast and then we went out and had taco bell and ice cream by the lake. And the next day my bestfriend came to the city with her boyfriend for some uni-related errands, and she gave me a lovely gift and introduced me to her bf. He is a guy she had been talking to for YEARS, he was texting her from Germany when we were in uni, and they were just friends talking about stuff. I remember how she used to tell me she thought about what if they were together, but she said she would not consider it because he's younger (and shorter). Really mind-blowing story they have. But they look cute together, and he's a Gemini like her. She told me about her job, and that she might come to the beach with us, which got me extremely hype and excited!! She got me a heat changing mug, some spring charms, and a colorful turtle bracelet that I never want to take off.
After that my bf left to his parents' house for the summer, and since then my week has been mostly empty, and so so so so sleepy. I had such a hard time waking up and staying focused at work the whole week. And it felt weird not looking forward to meeting and hanging out with my bf after work. I've just been napping and using my phone way too much. We video call but it's not the same, I like it way less now that I've had a taste of being with him physically everyday. Even though we spent the whole first 2 ish years of our relationship on video calls. But at least we spend time on discord with our other friends too, I'd been missing them and gaming together.
I only slept 5 hours last night and today I kind of want to go buy another box dye, a lighter shade this time. Last week I dyed my hair some kind of blonde, but it looks too warm for me, and my bf said it looks darker 💀 somehow. So I want to get that, some shaving foam, and body lotion. Also kitchen sponges, eggs, bread, some yogurt, parsley, and some razors. I plan on resuming my yoga routine (I've been perpetually exhausted and haven't done it in 4 days), using some hot cream for my back because it's been bothering me a bit, dye my hair + shower, and give myself a lotion massage. I've been watching OITNB and I forgot how emotional this show used to make me.
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#i love being contacted just for the sake of someone needing something (~:#it feels really fucking shitty ladies#i called my friend today to see how she was doing#and shes like one of the irl friends i dont see too often bc we dont go to school together nor do we really mesaage each other#so i wanted to see how she was doing and ((((((: thst fucking backfired#she was like what do you need you dont call without a purpose i dont buy it#and i did feel bad bc for a while i would call to talk about something or a problem so i wanted to change that and yo just see how she was#doing. but she kept denying it and asking what i had to say and it was so frustrating and a little insulting#like she never fuckimg contacts me so i have to or else we wont reqlly talk abd this is the fuckimg result?? im trying to change a bit of#our friendship for the better and this is whay happens???? and then she said to she had to go and that shed call later#and she did and all she fucking asked me for was about dmv stuff and getting an official state id#i was so fucking upset like wtf????? idk i just felt reallt used and like she didnt give a shit and i know I'm probably making it a#bigger deal than it is but jm so upset and frustrated with our friendship right now??? and when she was done asking she was like 'okay bye'#and hung up#im so??? i feel lile she doesnt fucking care about me even if that may not be the case because that's how shes making me feel#and last year she forgot my birthday because it was after her and her bfs anni and that just makes it worse because she put SO much effort#into remembering and organizing their anni but didnt even fuckint bother to remember my birthday like!!! okay nice yo know that you care abt#him more than your friends!!! or just me!!! because it feels like she cares about everyone else more than me and im just there when#its convenient (~: and the other day she called me to study and i coulsnt bc i had?? school?? and i was like sorry i would if i could and#she wss like why dont you ask me to study and i was like?? you always get distracted and it felt like you blamed me once?? and idk whenever#youre free bc you dont know when youre free??? and when youre not free its too late bc you didnt let me know???#god this whole thing is a fucking mess and i am judt so upset#i put in effort and it gets totally fucking dismissed and i get questioned and asked why i dont put in effort and am used for convenince#anf am not even thought of because im apparently below everyone else and am not evem worth putting effort into to spend time with (~:#dl
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writingsfromhome · 4 years
Nuclear Family III
Part 3: Family Meals
A/N: This one gets a little bit more complicated for Y/N, feelings are definitely involved. Thank you everyone for reading/liking/reblogging/commenting!!! <3
Part I / Part II / Part III / Part IV / Part V
The next day goes by without incident. Harry takes Charlie to the park as I stay home and catch up on missed work. Around 3 in the afternoon, with the sun shining brightly, I leave the flat with an itch in my leg. I'd spent too long indoors. I text Harry saying that I was stepping out.
"Y/N?" Someone calls as I'm about to leave the building. I spot a familiar face and shout out in excitement.
"Marc! I forgot you lived in the same building oh my god!"
"I knew you were in London but I wondered why you never callled...you're living with Harry?" He asks tentatively.
"Yeah," I laugh awkwardly. "Mixup with the air bnb my first day, so we're all here. It's great though, a little hectic but great. Charlie loves it."
"I bet she does," he grins. I forgot he was so handsome. The thing with Marc and I was, we were friends but ever since he came down to LA last year we sort of redefined our friendship to include a few perks. But it worked with us, we only saw each other once in a blue moon. And we were chronically single-me being too busy with being a mother and Marc too busy because directing a magazine meant no time for relationships. So because we got along so well, and we enjoyed the time we spent. We decided to live a little and do something risky. It paid off.
"You should come over some time! Charlie would love to see you too, she still talks about the day we went to Disneyland." Marc crashed at my place last year and Charlie took to him immediately. Maybe because he had the same accent her dad had.
"Maybe I will...and maybe you and I could catch up too sometime if you're free..."
"I'm free now, Marc," I laugh at his attempt to sound discrete. Staying at Harry's, it might get complicated if I invite Marc over. At least until after Charlie's birthday. There were too many things going on until then.
Marc joins me for a bite and by the time I get home Harry and Charlie are home and playing with a new toy she'd gotten. I watch fondly and feel a sense of relief. Charlie loved her time here and that was all I needed to see. A big concern staying with Harry was confusing Charlie where we stood but we were all good so far.
The next couple days go smoothly too. Harry goes out some evenings with his girlfriend and spends most of the days with Charlie, unless he's working. Charlie and I see a play and visit some old friends and we settle into London quicker than expected.
"Are you busy tomorrow evening?" Harry asks that morning.
"I was just going to make dinner at home, big day on Sunday." I take my reading glasses off to focus on Harry.
"My family was thinking of coming tomorrow."
The statement lands with a thud on my chest.
"Oh. Well...I'm sure Charlie will be glad to meet them!"
"You've got to be there. Please Y/N? They're staying for Charlie's birthday on Sunday."
"I..." I glance at Charlie who's curled on the sofa with her stuffed animal. I'd have to see them either way now that I was living here. "Alright. I'll be there."
"Perfect," Harry reaches out to squeeze my hand and I have to remind myself not to jerk it away.
Yes-the last few days have been well. Logistically. But emotionally, I was just as confused and angry at feeling that way. Harry went on dates with his girlfriend but during breakfasts we shared, his gaze would linger. His hand would brush mine, as he showed me something funny on his phone. Or when Charlie forced us to sit with her and play with her stuffed toys, he would make up silly scenes that forced us to be closer. The vibes between us felt tense sometimes and other times it felt like I could lean over and kiss him and the three years apart would disappear.
"I'll let them know." Harry continues about settling the date. "It works perfectly because Gemma was suggesting tomorrow too, and Miranda's free too."
"Miranda?" I ask. Had I heard correctly?
"Yeah. She's got to fly out Sunday for a shoot next week so I won't be seeing her all week. Tomorrow works."
"Miranda's coming to the family dinner?" I ask again, my voice sounding hollow to me. Was Harry an absolute idiot?
"Yeah! My whole family knows her-she's been around for my mum's birthday and Christmas."
Harry really was an idiot. He didn't notice my tone of voice or how ridiculous that was.
"I'm quite tired," I close my laptop screen. "We'll talk later?"
"Yeah." Harry pauses, picking up on my abrupt excuse. "I'll-yeah..."
I don't let him finish. I head to my room and toss my laptop onto the bed, combing my hand through my hair and sighing. I had to stop getting worked up about Harry and Miranda. They were a gorgeous couple and there was no way Harry still wanted me. He was only this nice to me because of the daughter we shared-there were no other feelings involved. I think about inviting Marc, but decide it's too petty. This was about Charlie and maybe I really should just get serious about finding other living accommodations.
Charlie sits in front of the TV as I get ready for dinner. The nerves in my stomach are more knotted than a pair of headphones in a handbag. I smooth down my green blouse and look down at my slacks. Maybe I should wear a dress; I looked like I was going to a meeting.
"You look nice," Harry's voice comes from the open doorway.
"I don't look like I'm going to give my first big corporate presentation?" I ask. He shakes his head but I watch his eyes skim over the outfit. He bites his lip to keep from laughing. "Ugh! I knew it. I have to change!"
"No you don't," Harry says, catching my arm on the way out. "You look great in anything."
I roll my eyes, "I know I look great in anything, but I'm having a dinner and I need to find something more appropriate!"
Harry chuckles but follows me back to my room where I toss through the closet. "It's just my family, they don't care what you look like."
"It's not that simple,” I rant, untying the knot around my neck. Why did I even bring this top? “I can’t just throw anything on and call it a night! I have to feel good in it too!”
He steps into the room and tracks my frantic movements from closet to dresser to suitcase. He stops me on my second round to the closet and takes the blouse out of my hands to hold them. "I think you’ll look great in anything, pick something and get on. Just tell your nerves to fuck off.”
“Harry!” I scold, I didn’t want Charlie hearing or she wouldn’t stop saying it.
“Sorry,” he says sheepishly, a small smile on his face displaying his dimples.
Noticing it, I’m suddenly aware of how we’re standing together. His hands still hold mine, and when I look into his eyes, they’re watching me. This. This is what I meant. Everything was fine living together, but Harry’s gaze, every time I caught it, it would be on me. And it was a heavy gaze. He always seemed like he was deep in thought yet noticing every little detail about me, conflicted, but thoughtful. It usually made me feel self-conscious.
“What’s going on in that head of yours?” I give it a shot.
“You got so serious,” I try again. “What are you thinking about.”
“You want to know?” Harry seems surprised, which surprises me. Why wouldn’t I want to know what he was thinking about? I nod, and he lets go of my hands. “I was just thinking about you giving a presentation in that outfit, I would-ouch!”
Harry rubs his shoulder where I’d pushed him. I cross my arms, “That’s what you get for making fun-”
“I wasn’t making fun!” Harry swears. “I was trying to say, what I wouldn’t give to sit in on that presentation.”
Heat rushes to my face, I look away from Harry back to my closet. This was too much. "Okay. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'll just...wear...this." I pull out a simple black dress with a pretty neckline and hold it out in front of me, as if it would stop Harry from walking over to me again. When I think he’ll stop, he continues so I take a few steps back until my back hits the closet door.
“Good choice,” he says but his eyes leave a heated trail from my untied blouse up to my lips and then my eyes that are wide in panic.
He’s incredibly close, and I’m freaking out so I nervously tell him I should get dressed. When he doesn’t back away, I lift the dress up in the little space between us. “Harry, I need to change. Are you going to watch me or give me some privacy?”
That seems to snap him out of whatever headspace he was in. He quickly backs up and the pink blush creeps into his cheeks. “I’ll be outside with Charlie.”
A part of me wished he stayed.
I join Charlie in front of the TV as we wait for dinner. When his family came in, it wasn't awkward at all. They greeted me like I was still part of their family, and catching up was effortless. They fawned over Charlie and she adored it. It helped Gemma brought her boyfriend (bf), I wasn't the only non-Styles here.
"Is everything alright?" I ask as my eyes scan the room and find Harry typing furiously at his phone.
"Uh yeah," he responds. "Just Miranda. Had something planned later tonight and she didn't realise dinner would be this late."
"Well your family is coming from outside of London," I say, already regretting asking in the first place.
"Yeah," Harry mumbles, still typing. I was clearly not needed there so I join Harry's mom who's trying to arrange the bouquet Gemma brought. We talk as we work, setting up the table even though Harry was throwing this. His mom waves his help away when he finally realises and he easily goes back to Charlie who's showing off all her stuffed animals.
The mood shifts when Miranda appears with her bottle of wine and a suitcase. I try to ignore the sting I feel when he pulls her into an embrace and takes the bottle from her, I try not to compare myself to her. To the way Harry acts with her, and with me in private. I try not to think about what it meant, and try to focus on the dinner instead.
Harry's family remains just as nice, but the problem is it goes from having a family dinner for Charlie's sake to hosting a dinner. It's only when everyone is busy with their glass of wine that Gemma leans into me and says, "I told the idiot not to invite his girlfriend to a family thing but he said there was nothing wrong with that."
"He told me pretty last minute," I respond.
"Don't get me wrong-she's lovely, but it just makes something like this awkward."
"I'm alright," I lie through my teeth.
"Sure," Gemma winks at me before her attention is pulled away by her bf. At least there was one Styles that understood me without me having to say.
"I'm starting school in September," Charlie informs the table halfway through dinner.
"You're growing up so fast," Harry's mum smiles at Charlie.
"That's a big step," Miranda comments and as much as I hated to admit it-she wasn't so bad with Charlie. She made a solid effort and Charlie responded well to her. She was her boyfriend's daughter though, and she usually avoided speaking to me unless Harry was involve, but I was okay with that. 
"Then I'll be five next year!" Charlie continues. I explain to the table how obsessed she was with turning five.
"Because that's when she gets to drink coffee right darling?" Harry nudges Charlie and she grins.
"Coffee!" She shouts and we all laugh but as she soaks in the attention she begins shouting it louder.
"Charlotte," I warn. She glances at me and then looks back at her plate.
"She's just excited we're all here," Gemma comments. "Isn't that right Ms. Y/L/N?"
Charlie beams at being called by her last name, like a teacher would.
"Has she not taken on your last name?" Miranda suddenly asks Harry and it goes silent at the table except for Charlie's humming.
"Uh no," Harry scratches his neck. The rest of the dinner table busies themselves in their food.
"She's always lived with me," I clarify, trying to sweep away the sudden awkwardness. The awkwardness comes from how Harry and I broke up because he didn't know what to do with himself when he realised he was having a baby. There was no way he was ever raising her alone. Not at first anyway, that was when I insisted she keep my last name. "So it makes sense."
Miranda glances between us but bf breaks the silence. "Gemma wants our kids to have her last name, I said hyphenating it wouldn't be too bad."
"It gets too confusing," Gemma says. "Styles is a nice, simple, last name."
"Always in Style," Harry exclaims at the same time I say something similar. We laugh which confuses Charlie enough to tug on my sleeve. She asks for more mashed potatoes and I give them to her. Soon after, Harry's mum brings out the dessert she brought and we all enjoy it with more wine. As the night nears, Gemma and her bf stay behind with Miranda. When Charlie begins cuddling into me on the couch, I put her to sleep, but she whines when I leave so I tell the group I was calling it a night and wash up while Charlie stands with me as I wash my face. She was being unusually clingy but I figure all the attention and new interactions were exciting but also exhausting for her. She just wanted her mum and that warms my heart.
"Did you want anything before you put her to bed?" Harry pops his head in as I'm tucking Charlie's toys around her.
"I'm alright," I smile. "Tonight was nice. Thanks for putting it all together."
"Thanks for staying," Harry moves into the room and kisses the top of our kid's head. I remember the other night when he did the same to me. "It was really nice with you, Charlotte, my family-it meant a lot."
"For her too," I look to our daughter who is finally settling into sleep knowing I had stayed and changed for her. "Although I'm paying the consequence being forced to sleep at 10pm."
Harry chuckles. "Best get your beauty sleep then."
"Yeah," I peel back the covers and wait for Harry to leave but he pauses with his hand on the doorknob and turns back to me.
"Tonight reminded me of old times," Harry says and I can tell he's lost in time as he smiles at the floor. "I haven't felt this happy in a while." His statement makes me sad, and when he looks up at me his expression is tinged with regret. But he forces a smile and nods. "See you tomorrow."
"Harry," I don't know what it was that makes me stop him. Maybe the way he looked at me with the unbearable sadness, or the fourth glass of wine I drank, or feeling the same immeasurable amount of happiness he did tonight. But I walk towards him and wrap my arms around his neck. I indulge myself and bury my nose in his neck and almost cry at the familiarity; the way his hands were always cold as they wrapped around me too, but warmed as they squeezed me to him. His fresh laundry smell mixed with the sandalwood perfume he favoured. Or his body and the way he engulfed me into his chest, like I could carve a home out of it and stay there again.
He sighs as he pulls me tighter, "Y/N-"
"Mom?" A tired voice asks behind me and I rip myself away from Harry to look at Charlotte. She's propped herself on her elbow and is looking between me and her dad.
Shit. Why did I do that? Why did I just make things complicated? Harry's girlfriend was right outside! Our daughter was in this room! I couldn't afford to confuse her or myself. Jesus.
"I'm coming to bed!" I walk towards her to soothe her and I hear Harry slip out of the room.
"She's having a hard time falling asleep," I hear Harry lie from the living room and my heart sinks further in my chest. If he was lying over a shared conversation, a shared hug, then something was wrong and I would have to make it extra clear tomorrow that we were nothing more than polite. Especially as it was Charlie's fourth birthday tomorrow. It had to be perfect.
A small finger pokes my cheeks, "Mommy?" I had no idea what time it was but my head rings with a hangover. I hadn't drank this much in a while. I realise I wasn't having auditory hallucinations when Charlie's voice comes again. "Mom?"
"Charlie what time-" I try to crack an eye open and the clock says 6am. I groan and pull Charlie towards me, eyes still closed. "Why are you up so early birthday girl?"
"Mommy?" When Charlie doesn't respond to the mention of her birthday I know something might be wrong. I force my eyes open, Charlie stares up at me with sad baby doll eyes. My mom alarm starts ringing.
"What's the matter?" I ask, noticing the door was open. She must have woken up earlier.
She shakes her head and buries her head into my chest. I clutch her to me, unsure why she was upset. I'll ask her later, right now, I try to cheer her up.
"My baby is such a big girl now. Hey, what's the matter?"
"Does daddd love us?" She asks innocently. I'm startled by her question, so out of the blue.
"Of course he does. He loves you more than anything in the world. And I love you too. Although I would also love a bit more sleep." I tease her. She wraps her arms around my neck. "Happy birthday, Charlie. I love you."
"I love you too," she surprises me by getting under her covers; once Charlie was up, she never fell back asleep. Maybe this was a birthday miracle, but I snuggle into the warmth. Charlie's behaviour still niggles away at the back of my mind but I eventually drift off to sleep and just pray the rest of her birthday would be happier.
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
“Losty Aone” / “Losty Mountain Man🏔” Series:
🎉🎊 Special Birthday Outtake Part One 🎊🎉
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A/N: HAPPY 25th BIRTHDAY to our mountain man! Everyone keeps saying how underrated the man is, well NOT ON THIS BLOG, NO MA’AM! WE CELEBRATE KINGS OVER HERE.
I tried to get to everyones prompts for this special collection so let’s go!! (There are two parts, but this can be read as a STAND ALONE fic).
August 1st
One sunny summer day, you and your new boyfriend Aone were sitting on a patio having sushi for lunch in downtown Tokyo.
You scooted your chair closer to his and rested your head on your wrist, looking up at him quizzically.
Aone who was in the middle of chewing, slowed down as his heart picked up. The prettiest girl in the world was staring at him, and he knew you well enough to know that that look meant you were up to something. He swallowed hard and took a sip of his water.
“Yes? What is it?” He asked finally.
“Oh, just thinking about the fact that I don’t know when your birthday is.”
Aone tried not to roll his eyes. “Y/N....”
“Don’t Y/N me, Takanobu.”
Aone really did roll his eyes then. He didn’t know why you needed to know when his birthday was. He didn’t really like celebrating it because he isn’t a flashy guy, meaning only Kenji and now Kogenagawa would just go to the movies or something. His parents were divorced so he’d usually do something small twice with both or them too. His parents would usually gift him with a lot of money towards carpenter school so he was never in need of anything. Sure, in first and second year when Aone blew out his candles all he wished for was that you could maybe notice him, but look at him now. He didn’t want you to get him anything and stress when the best gift he’d ever and could ever receive is you being his.
brb crying
Aone shook his head. “I do not want to tell you. I feel like you’re going to do something extravagant.”
True. You pouted anyway.
“I won’t if you don’t want me to! We’re dating. You have to tell me. If you do, I���ll tell you mine.”
Aone flushed internally because you saying such a thing reminded him that he had to have that talk with you soon about the fact that he knew when your birthday was before you knew his name. Not only that, but tell you that he actually gifted you a cupcake last year on it, and wanted to gift you more than that. (but that’s for another outtake time).
“I’ll tell you on a later date then.” He tried reasoning fairly, but alas his spunky girlfriend was having none of that.
“No! You’re going to tell me now. You can’t deprive me of this, Aone,”
Aone continued to eat, picking up your favourite roll with his chopsticks and directing it towards your mouth for you to eat.
You frowned, crossing your arms.
You stared at your gorgeous white haired beauty of a man as he continued eating—your mind trying to figure out how you’d get the information out of him..... soon you got distracted because You were thinking about how sexy he looked in aviator sunglasses with the sun glowing his slightly tanned skin when suddenly, it hit you.
How could you forget?! As you’re thinking about how sexy your boyfriend is and he’s trying not to look at you— you forgot that your boyfriend also finds you sexy, but unfortunately for most boys who have been crushing on a girl for years, the manner in which Aone found you sexy kind of made him literal putty for you.
You decided to pull out the medium guns, taking a strand of your hair in your finger to twirl it.
“Pleaseee, baby?” You asked in your cutesy voice. You place a delicate hand on your boyfriend’s knee and fluttered your long eyelashes at him before he even looked at you.
Feeling your hand on his knee made his heart race like any time you touched him, so he turned to you. When his eyes met yours this poor baby dropped the sushi roll he was about to put in his mouth on his plate. One look at your begging-expression and this simp couldn’t even hold out for another second.
“August.” He admitted quickly, awestruck. You were just so hot.
You gasp. “THAT’S THIS MONTH, AONE! YOU WERE GOING TO LET ME MISS IT!” You growled. “Now tell me the day.”
Takanobu looked away, refusing to look at you as an act of defence, in case you used that sexy hair-twirling trump card again.
“No, Y/N.”
You smiled and decided not to twirl your hair but this time take advantage of the fact that he wasn’t looking at you. You leaned in closer to your boyfriend.
“Pretty please, my love?” You sing sweetly. Aone tried his best to keep it together because lord knows he was pre-programmed to give you anything you wanted, and he was actually doing a good job since he wasn’t looking at you.
You leaned in immediately, pressing your soft lips to his cheek, pressing them into his stubble in a way that meant maybe this wasn’t just an innocent kiss. This was a kiss could either mean let’s hold hands or let’s fuck, and Aone knew it.
Like usual with your longer kisses, all the blood rushed from mountain man’s brain to his groin.
“13th.” He said almost automatically, no longer using the head above his shoulders but the one he wanted to stick inside your dripping cunt. “August 13th.” He clarified, wanting to please you by telling you, but also wanting to please you in more ways than one.
You jumped out of seduction-mode and squealed, pulling back and clapping.
“Yay! Thank you, baby!”
Aone’s heart soared at you calling him pet names. He remembers the jealous stares he always gets from other men and guys at school whenever you called him that, and it made him feel even better upon hearing it.
When Aone realized he’d been powerless to you using your sexiness to get what you wanted from him for the 5th time this week (second time today) he sighed.
“I do not like birthdays, Y/N. Just so you know.” he explains softly, praying that you won’t go all out.
You scooted your chair even closer to your boyfriend. Leaning in to tell him something in his ear. Knowing your bf wouldn’t admit to how much he loved when you did that—you whispered seductively,
“Oh, Aone, I promise you’ll love birthdays after I’m finished with yours....”
you made sure your lips grazed his ear the tiniest bit and that your voice was dripping with sex again.
Fuck, Aone hated that you knew what you did to him. With a blush, Takanobu reached out to grab a napkin quickly......... wiping the evidence of his nosebleed.
August 7th - Day 2 out of 7 - Jealous Mountain Man @ The Miyagi Prefecture Summer Training Camp Hosted by Date Tech | Also Date Tech Cheer Team Training Clinic
You and your boyfriend Aone were ecstatic to be at training camp together!
Even though you barely got to see eachother because the cheerleaders were training outside and the volleyball players were in the gym, you had lunch together which meant you could run to your boyfriend and kiss him when you got to see him in the caf excitedly.
However, the boys’ volleyball coaches strictly prohibited any fraternizing outside of lunch time because the boys were always a bit too distracted by the hot cheerleaders.
That type of limitation just made you that much more jumpy to see your man—who was on cloud nine every time you gave him attention. He pointed you out to his friends from other schools like Hinata and Kyotani who were very nice to you (well as nice as mad dog gets).
“That cheerleader.....is your............. girlfriend.......?” Kageyama asked as his eyes followed you into the cafeteria. Let’s just say a lot of volleyball players eyes were following you.
Aone nodded. “Yes. I understand it’s hard to believe. I catch myself not believing it either, most days.” He spoke proudly, unknowingly straightening his shoulders and puffing out his chest. He was so proud to finally be able to call you his. He knew you were way out of his league and it just made his entire day when he was reminded that you chose him.
From where you were standing by the doors, you searched the full lunch tables and spotted your mountain man. You got on your tippy toes and waved at him, blowing him a kiss.
“She’s really good looking.” Kags finished, nodding at Aone with a slight blush.
Aone nodded back while returning your curt wave. “Extremely.” Your boyfriend added, getting excited because you’d soon come over to say hi like you always did at lunch.
“Yeah that’s Y/N! I met her yesterday, she’s really nice. She is like a 10/10 on the pretty scale and even her friends are pretty! Is the stunning taller one—the captain I think—that’s your girlfriend, right Futakuchi?”
Sitting beside Aone and across from the quick attack duo, Futakuchi choked on his food, coughing. Aone patted his back while trying to hide a smile.
“Not my girlfriend.”
Kags looked confused. “Really? She sure acts like it—“
“I said not my girlfriend.” He repeated, making them drop the subject.
Aone stopped patting Futakuchi’s back because he seemed healthy enough, but also because he saw you approaching some guy at the Wakutani South High’s table. Aone felt something weird in the pit of his stomach as he watched you chat enthusiastically to the one player from that school. Aone knew him as Takeru.
Aone’s heart sunk because you never spoke to strangers that happily, you barely noticed them.
“Y/N-chan knows Takeru Nakashima?” Hinata asked innocently, stuffing his face with food & watching you. Kenji and Kags looked over too.
Aone felt himself stop breathing when you leaned in to whisper in the captain’s ear, causing Nakashima to turn red all over.
Aone wanted to throw up.
“I wasn’t aware.” Mountain man responded, his shoulders stiff.
Now, Mountain Man trusted you, yes, that much is true. He could practically read you like a book. But he absolutely hated the way Takeru’s eyes lit up like a fucking Christmas tree when you approached, talking only to him as if you were on some sort of secret mission.
Sure, all the guys at this tournament checked all of the cheerleaders out—asking out Katana and Kusa almost 4 times a day—but Kenji made it pretty clear to everyone he spoke with to spread the word that Y/N is taken, so Takeru definitely knew.
Kenji has been through too much with y’all already lmao
That didn’t stop Takeru from admiring you though. And being absolutely flabbergasted that you randomly wanted to speak to him, of all people, today.
As he watched from so far away, Aone was reminded of how much he hated the feeling he got when seeing you happily give another guy who’s clearly interested in you your attention. It was a familiar feeling that he’d felt when you were seeing that baseball player last year, but the feeling was justly multiplied now, since Aone did have some level of claim on you now. He wasn’t just wishing he had a right to be jealous like he did back then—You were his girlfriend now. The best thing that’s ever happened to him.
“Maybe they know eachother from somewhere,” Kenji lightly elbowed his best friend on the arm. “You should ask her.”
“Hm.” Aone grunted, crawling back into his minimal communication shell that he always went in when he was hurt.
Kenji was concerned because Aone hadn’t gone back to that since that night at the bowling alley.
Still watching you, Aone saw you lean in to hug Takeru and then skip over to his table. To him.
“Hi baby!” You exclaim, happier than usual. Aone couldn’t help but frown because were you happier because you spoke to that other guy? Did Takeru increase your happiness?
“Hi,” said Aone kindly, opening his arms for a hug. If Takeru got one, then bby mountain man wanted one—too.
childish jealous bby. I luv
You walked straight into your boyfriend’s perfect embrace as you stood and he remained seated. You felt him hug you tighter than usual, pressing his ear to your chest and running a caring hand up and down your back with his big beefy hands. This wasn’t the usual hug he gave you in public at all, it was more like how he hugged you when you two were cuddling and watching a movie at his house.
Muddled, you raised your eyebrow at Kenji for a silent explanation and Kenji just shrugged, not willing to tell on his friend for being jealous. After 10 seconds, Aone still wouldn’t let you go, closing his eyes while he relished in the feel and angelic smell of you so close to him.
“Uhhh.......you okay, sweetie?” You asked him, raising your hands to gently play with the hair on the back of his head. Aone nodded into your chest again—too jealous to realize that his head was pressing on your pillowy tits that he drools over.
A lot of boys were very jealousssss seeing you two, wishing they were Aone right about now.
“Do you know him?” Aone asked, his eyes still closed as he felt like sleeping on your booby pillows.
“Who?” You asked, lost as usual.
Kenji groaned. “Who do you think? Nakashima. Do you know him?”
“Ohhhhh!” You laughed. “No. I just met him right now. I wanted to uh....say hi.”
Aone’s frown deepened. He had no issue when you always spoke to your male friends at school, but even so, they always sought you out friendly. You basically never went up to anyone but the cheerleaders. Takeru is getting special treatment.... because Why didn’t you want to do that to him during the two years he day dreamed about you? - pondered mountain man.
“Want to go on a walk with me, Aone baby?” You asked Aone, not clueing in that he felt any type of way at all. “Some of the girls are getting ice cream just up the road. I want you to come.”
Aone nodded quickly, but he didn’t make any motion to leave this comfortable boob-hug yet.
“You just gonna hug me until Katana is ready to go?” You giggled.
Baby nodded.
“Okay.” You respond with a smile, continuing to run your hand through his short hair soothingly the way he likes. You just begin chatting to Hinata.
Aone felt reassured by your loving actions in front of the whole camp, but unfortunately..... that reassurance was short lived.
August 9th - Day 4 out of 7 of Training Camp
Throughout the camp, Aone watched everyday as you made what you did the other day a routine. You’d come into the caf with the other pretty cheerleaders, looking the prettiest, wave at your boyfriend, walk over to talk to Takeru Nakashima: sometimes bringing him out in the hall for something, then come back to kiss and greet your wonderful boyfriend.
Kenji, Kogenagawa, and especially Aone didn’t fucking like it.
“Want me to teach Takeru a lesson about boundaries?” Kogenagawa asked Aone at lunch a couple days later, cracking his knuckles like he would actually do something (he’d be too scared looool). Aone shook his head firmly. “No,” he answered, feeling hurt watching you smile brightly at something Nakashima said.
Kenji said his piece, “It’s Y/N that keeps approaching him, big boned setter. It’s not like Takeru really does it back, plus, I reminded him that that’s my best friend’s girl during outside hitter drills yesterday. He was really understanding, he seems like a really good kid.”
Kogenagawa nodded. “Great. I definitely don’t think Y/N is doing it on purpose though, she used to be way more flirty with that baseball guy or with Aone-senpai—but I just wish Takeru didn’t always look like Christmas came early whenever Y/N comes around.”
Kenji nodded. “That’s true. I may not know why Y/N wants to talk to him so badly, but I definitely know that Takeru is loving every second of it. He wouldn’t do anything because I’ve learned he’s a pretty stand-up guy, but man..... no offence Aone but Y/N needs to understand how fuck-hot she is. And that some guys will like her enthusiastic cheerleader personality a bit too much.”
Aone’s heart dropped as he listened to his honest friends. “I do not blame Nakashima....” Aone started, feeling his blood start to boil a bit because Takeru couldn’t help but stare at your fine ass in tight practice shorts when you walked away from him and toward Aone. Aone growled deep within his chest territorially.
As if he heard the growl but more likely probably just feeling menacing eyes on him, Takeru’s eyes flicked to Aone’s. Startled by how angry and scary Aone looked because he caught Nakashima staring at his girlfriend, Nakashima quickly diverted his eyes. Looking anywhere else but at Y/N for the duration of the day.
“I don’t blame Nakashima...” Aone continued his thought. “....I had and still have the same feelings for Y/N as she is very desirable. And besides, surely I don’t blame Y/N either. It’s not her fault she is attractive. A man’s actions toward an attractive woman is NEVER the woman’s fault. (A/N: KING!) And she is only talking to him, I shouldn’t be so envious.”
Kogenagawa nodded again. “That’s the spirit, Aone-senpai.”
“Easier said than done,” Kenji muttered before taking some gulps of his sports drink, knowing his best friend better than anyone else.
August 11th - Day 6 out of 7 of Training Camp
As previously mentioned, your boyfriend trusted you, but he also knew that you were absolutely lost when it came to knowing when a guy has a crush on you (how in the world do you know that Aone? Hahahaha) and it was pretty damn obvious that Takeru Nakashima was falling fast and hard. Pissed and annoyed, Aone watched you go chat with him day after day and then come over like nothing happened. It was obvious you didn’t like the kid in a romantic way, but Aone still wanted to know why you wanted to talk to him so much and why you even gave him the time of the day that Aone so desperately wanted from you before you noticed him. Maybe he was a little bitter and a lot jealous of Takeru’s ability to get your attention.
Takanobu wanted all your attention on him. Without knowing it, this big baby slowly got more and more clingy and pouty to his beautiful girlfriend.
When he was walking down a hall with you and Takeru happened to turn down the same hall with his team, Aone would pull you in close to his side and basically shield you from his view.
When you two would say bye after lunch and Aone noticed Nakashima was watching, he’d lean down to kiss you maybe a bit more passionately than usual (not that you were complaining, your boyfriend’s passionate kisses made your knees weak)....
Aone even somehow convinced you to wear his Date Tech jacket during lunch, because according to Aone the air conditioning was way too cold for the tiny practice outfit the cheerleaders had to wear, and he didn’t want you get sick.
bullshit, Aone😒 lol
But again, you weren’t complaining! You loved the smell of your boyfriend and having the feeling of his arms being around you because you were wearing his gigantic sweater just made you the happiest cheerleader ever!
But, unfortunately.... Even with all of that—just as Kenji predicted—that didn’t really keep Aone’s jealously under wraps:
Currently, you two were sitting beside eachother on a bench waiting for Kenji and Kanji to finish talking to the coach so you all could walk home together since you were going to your boyfriend’s. Everything was good as you two spoke and enjoyed each other’s company. Then, this boy just had to ruin a great moment.
Seeing Takeru approach; his shy eyes stuck on his girlfriend, Aone didn’t hesitate to put his arms around you and pull you on his lap with ease. His horny side didn’t even freak out that your ass was on his dick.....much. He was too focused on shooting daggers at your approaching admirer that you seemed to like very much.
Hesitating because he picked up on Aone’s protective message, Takeru flushed in fear before finding the guts to walk up to you anyway. Mountain man was not impressed.
Takeru stared only at you nervously. Good choice.
“Hey uh........Y/N. can I uh.....a-ask you something....?”
Furious that anyone would try it with him right there, mountain man poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue.
You moved to get off of your boyfriends lap, about to answer with an exuberant ‘sure!’ but that was until your boyfriend’s strong arms held you on his lap and he answered Takeru for you.
“You may ask US something.” He corrected Takeru, venom evident throughout his tone.
Your jaw dropped, turning back to who you thought was the sweetest boy you’ve ever met incredulously.
“Babe! That is so not nice!” You scolded.
Aone looked down at you, immediately cowering under your gaze because you looked disappointed in him. He never wanted you to be disappointed in him! Mountain man released his tight grip on you and apologized sincerely under his breath.
Still a bit unhappy with him, you just got off his lap to walk away with Takeru.
Aone sighed.
August 12th - Final Day of Training Camp
“Hello, Nakashima-senpai. Do you mind if I speak to you for a second before you get on your bus?” Aone bowed politely to the upperclassmen.
Taken aback by the giant middle blocker’s new kind behaviour toward him, Nakashima nodded, a bit frightened.
Aone pointed toward the empty bench that he was sitting on yesterday with Y/N when he’d been so rude to Takeru.
Takeru nodded and called over his shoulder for the team to keep packing up the bus, he would just be a few minutes. Takeru followed the mountain man.
“Uh.....you’re not going to beat me up, um, a-are you?” Takeru asked while using one hand to awkwardly massage the back of his neck.
Aone shook his head stoically, taking a seat on the bench then inviting Takeru to join him. He did.
“Y/N does not know I am doing this, so I want you to know this is completely genuine.” Aone turned to face the 5’8 captain. “I’m very sorry for the way I have acted toward you this entire training camp, Nakashima-senpai.”
Takeru nodded slowly.....
Aone continued. “I was admittedly jealous of the fact that my girlfriend noticed you so easily and always wanted to talk to you....especially since I’d wanted her to notice me in such a way for years and she never did.” Aone sighed. “It made me feel insecure. But that is no excuse. Kenji-san says that you respected our relationship all along, and um, my behaviour yesterday was undeniably unacceptable and for that I am sorry!” Aone stuck out his hand as emotions caused his voice to raise at the end of his apology.
Takanobu chuckled, shaking the big guy’s hand. “Hey, no worries, I accept your apology, Takanobu-san. Don’t worry about it. For what it’s worth I don’t know how you do it—what with having such a gorgeous girlfriend and dealing with guys like me who develop pathetic, spineless, hopeless crushes on her.....”
Aone’s eyebrows furrowed at the outside hitter’s confession.
Takeru gasped when he realized what he said, red as a tomato. He rushed to explain.
“S-sorry! N-not that I would ever act on those f-feelings!” He tripped over his words, but Aone was calm. Again, he couldn’t blame another man for falling for someone as incredible as you—he did. Takeru relaxed when he realized the middle blocker wasn’t going to break him in two.
“Aone, I mean it when I say it’s a hopeless crush because that girl.....Y/N.....she’s really in love with you. You’re all the she talks about, to be honest. And trust me, she didn’t ‘notice’ me out of no where..........um.........well I’ve said too much already.”
Aone stopped listening after hearing someone else say that Y/N is in love with him... he couldn’t believe other people could tell, solidifying to him that this wasn’t a dream anymore, and that you were his for keeps. It made him so confident.
Takeru cleared his throat which brought Aone back down to the present and out of Y/N-dreamland. Takeru was being called to the bus by his coach.
“Looks like I have to go, but......I just want to s-say that..........Y/N is a really good girl, Aone. You are the luckiest guy I know to have a girlfriend like her, and I’m not just talking about her looks. She really loves you, like a lot, and I hope you two last, because she deserves to be as happy as you make her forever. I don’t blame you at all for acting the way you did. I think I’d do worse. Thank you for the apology, though.........YES COACH IM COMING.....gotta jet. I wont be playing this year but I’ll see you from the audience. Good luck!” With some walking backwards and talking, Takeru waved to Aone and then jogged to his bus.
Feeling relieved, Aone packed up and went home.
Later that night after his night time routine, mountain man texted you before bed. You hadn’t spoken to him all day for the rude behaviour he exhibited yesterday (or for some other reason wink wink) and it made your boyfriend just give you your space anxiously. But he couldn’t go to sleep before letting you know how sorry he was:
Aone: I miss you. I’m extremely sorry about yesterday. That wasn’t like me. I hope you have a perfect sleep
You: 💖💖💖 Takeru said you apologized???????
I forgive you baby 💘🏔
I hope you have a perfect sleep & a perfect wake 2 🤫😉
Not really understanding what your last part of the text meant but too tired from training camp to figure it out, Aone closed his eyes and drifted off into romantic and sexy dreams starring his unbelievably gorgeous girlfriend.
Taglist: @crushzone @galagcica @chaichai-the-weeb @nairobiisqueen
Special Birthday Outtake Part 2 (NSFW): CLICK HERE🎉
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love-dreams · 4 years
batch of love
mingyu/reader | idol!au | pure fluff
synopsis: cooking in mingyu’s life has always been surrounded with good memories. now you can add another. 
content: use of mild cursing, kiss scene, cooking scene
notes: happy birthday mingyu!! with my limited korean: 생일 축하 합니다! idk what’s happening with these updates but i don’t like them at ALL. 
wc: 1.2k
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cooking always reminded mingyu of home. full of rich, warm aromas and loving arms. nowadays mingyu didn’t go home much because of his busy schedule, but he found a way to cope with that loss. 
days like this he wished that time could stretch infinitely and that the memories would burn into his brain. 
today was mingyu’s birthday and you knew that food had to be a part of it. so that’s the reason why, at 6:00 in the morning, you woke up and dragged your fatigued body to the tiny kitchen of your apartment. 
the members of seventeen had put you on the task of simply baking a cake and bringing it to their dorm. it didn’t have to be special or anything, they assured you that anything from you would suffice.
however, an important note to mention is that you have actually never baked before in your life and all the cooking had basically been pushed onto mingyu ever since the two of you had started dating. so, needless, to say, you were slightly panicked at the thought of potentially ruining your perfect boyfriend’s birthday and very unqualified. 
scrolling through internet recipes, you started to gather all of the ingredients before hearing incessant buzzing of your phone. 
huffing as you finally laid out all the ingredient before you, you checked your messages, surprised to see multiple from members. 
[operation mingyu]
[>>y.jh] if mingyu calls you, do. not. pick. it. up.
[>>b.sk] we said you were out with friends and that you left your phone on silent. don’t text him back!!
[>>b.sk] don’t text back after this!!
and sure enough, there multiple texts from mingyu asking where you were and if you remembered that it was his birthday. 
[>>♥bf] baby, everyone’s saying that you already went out?
[>>♥bf] did you forget today’s my bday?
[>>♥bf] baby i miss you can you come over
cooing at his cuteness, you quickly made sure they were unread again before placing your hands onto your hips and getting started. after all, you had a job to do.
“okay, y/n, you got this. just follow the directions and we’ll be fine!” you took a deep breath. “everything’s fine.”
everything was not fine. you had forgotten to preheat your oven and used a whisk to mix your dry and wet ingredients, causing the dough to clump together in the whisk. poking out the batter with a chopstick, you sighed in frustration.
“this is for mingyu, this is for mingyu,” you repeated, resuming in trying to salvage the rest of your cake batter.
by the time that the cake was done, plus decorating, you had depleted your entire morning, leaving you exhausted and slightly annoyed. it was all worth it, though, to see the finishing product with homemade icing. after you popped the cake back into the refrigerator to chill, you started getting yourself ready as well; showering and then spritzing some of mingyu’s favorite perfume and wearing one of your new outfits. 
finally, you were ready to leave.
[operation mingyu]
[>>y.jh] are you done yet??
chuckling at jeonghan’s impatience, you replied:
[<<me] omw 
then, snickering to yourslef, you shot another text:
[<<me] had so much fun!!
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mingyu didn’t know where you were but he knew that you definitely weren’t out with friends. 
how did he know that?
well, he had been sending frantic messages to every single friend of yours he knew, asking if you were with them, and you weren’t with any of them. 
now mingyu was starting to get worried. what if you were kidnapped? what if you were murdered? he would never know because you won’t read his damn texts! 
sulking in his room, mingyu scrolled through his phone lazily, laying on his bed.
“come on gyu, we’re going out for groceries. you don’t wanna stay inside for your entire birthday do you?”
mingyu glowered at wonwoo for a few moments before reluctantly dragging his lanky body out of the dorm. he wished you were with him. 
it was about halfway through preparing lunch that mingyu decided that he was angry at you. you were the one had forgotten his birthday and refused to answer his texts!
washing the vegetables fervently with anger, mingyu was suddenly distracted by hushed whispers behind him. huffing, he tried to ignore his members until they got louder. turning his head slightly to reprimand them, mingyu saw jeonghan and joshua along with seungkwan huddled over a phone.
“is she coming yet? lunch is almost ready and mingyu looks pissed.”
“jeonghani, i told you already, she’s on her way, quit it.”
“y/n’s coming?” mingyu asked, looking surprised.
the trio separated instantly, feigning looks of innocence. 
“i told you to stop eavesdropping, mingyu,” jeonghan scolded. 
mingyu scoffed, “i wouldn’t have to eavesdrop if you told me y/n was coming in the first place!”
joshua rubbed his neck in embarrassment, but stayed silent, choosing not to pick sides in this argument. 
“shush mingyu, it was supposed to be a surprise. y/n’s been working super hard all morning, so don’t ruin it, okay?”
y/n’s been working all morning? now mingyu was intrigued, curious as to see what surprise the members and you had prepared for him. giddy with excitement, mingyu returned to his cooking task. 
after finishing the last dish, the members ushered for him to sit down, laying out the dishes they had prepared prettily. still no sight of you, though. when all the members were seated, jeonghan finally piped up. 
“happy birthday to our puppy mingyu! turning 23 years old!”
everyone cheered, whooping loudly. mingyu blushed at the commotion but he still was waiting for you. when everything quieted down, all the members looked awkward, shifting in their seats as they waited for you. disappointment seeped into mingyu.
“uhm, y/n should be here-”
ding dong
the doorbell interrupted jeonghan’s sentence; mingyu rushed to the door, flinging it open to see you, slightly panting.
“you’re late,” he breathed. 
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seoul was normally busy, but not this busy. as you walked through the streets, you mentally cursed as another person bumped into you; you were trying to keep the cake in pristine condition. it seemed as if fate had something against you to place this many people in the path to the boys’ dorm. finally, you gave up on trying to weave yourself through the crowds of people and called a cab:
who of course had to make you wait for another ten minutes before showing up. 
driving through the heavy traffic, you began to stress out, wondering what was going on in the dorm with all the members.
oh my god what if mingyu thinks i forgot his birthday?
after you made it to the street of your destination, you sprinted to the members’ dorm, climbing up the stairs with the cake box in one hand, slightly smooshed, but no real damage done. 
panting as you reached the designated floor, you determinedly pushed the doorbell.
it seemed as if mingyu was at the door instantly after you heard the ringing in the apartment. he stood before you, his tall figure towering over you, a huge grin on his face.
“you’re late,” he whispered out. 
you smiled, showing him the cake box, “happy birthday mingyu.”
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“did you like your birthday?” you whispered into mingyu’s chest. 
mingyu kissed your forehead softly, cupping your face gently. He nuzzled his face with yours, murmuring a quiet “yes. But not the part when you ignored me for four hours though.”
you grabbed his cheeks from underneath him, squeezing them. “i told you already, it was supposed to be a surprise!” 
mingyu pouted at you. “but you left me alone and ignored me the entire morning!”
you grinned at mingyu’s adorableness, reaching out to secure your hold on his neck, gently bringing him down to you. 
you kissed him first, lips melting into each other and tongues entangled; mingyu lead since it was his birthday, afterall, relishing in the warmth of each other. it had been so long since the two of you had held each other, felt the heat of each other. 
mingyu really liked his birthday that year.
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4damien · 4 years
Happy birthday
Let me tell you the story of my birthday.
My boyfriend and now his family know that I don’t like my birthday.  I don’t remember if I told him, but I’ve come to a revelation.  Here I the story with a bit of background.
One day my parents got a call that one of my mother’s crazy ass friends vindictively called child protective services to say I was living in an unhealthy environment.  It was of course, 100% true.  For about two years at the point, I was not allowed to have friends over because the house was just in such a continuously filthy state, that no one could have anyone over.  Well, the stupid thing that happened was THE CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES CALLED LIKE A WEEK AHEAD WARNING OF THEIR IMPENDING VISIT.  So, what did we do for the next three solid days?  That’s right.  Cleaned. I she would have came by as a surprise, I would have definitely been removed.  So, the day of the house visit, she talked to me at school.  I made sure she knew it was all okay and apologized for wasting her time.  At the time, I didn’t know what I was living in as bad, just a normal mess.  I didn’t realize that they could have made me live with my grandmother in her warm, clean, loving house and my parents would have been punished.  I wish I did realize that.
Once we could see the carpet and we were in the middle of the second day cleaning, I had a thought.
“Dad, since the house is clean, can I have a birthday?”
He looked down at me with tight eyes and said “I don’t know, maybe.”
I knew that is what he said when he didn’t have the balls to just say ‘no’.
It was my 16th birthday in a few weeks.  He didn’t see that as important.  Ever since then, neither did I.  I never told anyone when my birthday was, and if they asked I would say ‘I don’t like my birthday’.
All this was further solidified when I was about 22 or 23, when my grandmother told me we were celebrating my youngest cousin’s birthday.  Birthdays of us grandchildren usually calls for a dinner.  But… the thing was… his birthday was about two weeks after mine.  We had a dinner(Friday’s) for him, but everyone completely forgot mine.  When I ordered ribs off the menu, my uncle looked at me and said “Hey, it’s not your birthday!”  Yeah Jim, what did we do for my birthday?
So.  Fast forward to the last year.  My bf’s mom fucking LOVES to make a big deal out of everything.  My bf’s birthday party was fucking balling and he had a cake with candles and I was almost in tears because… it’s been like fucking forever since I was the center of anyone’s attention and I wanted that. I wanted to like my birthday again.
So, I decided to let it go. I let go of my grudge.  I decided my dad couldn’t ruin my birthday for me anymore.  I wasn’t going to let anyone take that away from me anymore.
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baileesbff-2024 · 4 years
Hey it’s been over 6 months since the last time I’ve updated tumblr sorry about that. I’ve been really busy. Here’s the rundown on everything that’s been going on lately.
I’m still at Panera. I’ve been there for 2 years and almost 2 months august 4th now. I’ve come a long way since beginning to work there. I know a lot of positions. I know cash, bakery opener which includes setting up the bakery and slicing breads (which I don’t do anymore) it was only temporarily until they found another opener, dining room, carhop (curbside), barista, dish, some prep and some line (salads, sandwiches, soups etc.) I love working there for the most part. Sometimes my anxiety gets bad along with my stress but I ask to go in the back and calm down. I get along with almost everyone there and have hung out with a few co workers there. They’re my friends and family. I love the management. There’s not a bad thing to say about working there. I want to be a trainer someday there and learn more prep and line. I have a crush on one of my co workers. Hey I can’t help it. Overall it’s the best job I’ve ever had so far. Potbelly the job I worked at before there closed the one I worked at. Oh well there’s still plenty I can get to by bus. I still have the same phone the purple 128 GB IPHONE 11. I love it a lot so far I have 18 cases for it and I have 4 more cases coming in the mail. All Ariana Grande themed. One I customized on Casetify. I also got a acer laptop that my co worker helped me get, my iPod touch I’ve already had, my new Apple Watch and my new iPad Air with Apple Pencil. I gave my iPad that was almost 2 years old to Bailee. And I got heather a Fitbit. I still have sassy and babe. They’re great cats and I love them. Sassy is 2 and babe is 17 years old. Oh I almost forgot I just got a new canon digital camera I threw the old one from my ex away. I also got a new cordless vacuum and microwave. I went grocery shopping today and got a lot of things I needed and healthy food as well with Dr Pepper. I got cleaning stuff and toilet paper and toiletries. Also shampoo. I’m getting 2 pairs of new glasses in 2 weeks one is pink and one is purple. I got a eyeglass cleaning kit and then some essential oil stuff. My birthday was great. I turned 33 last Saturday 2 days ago. Bailee came over for the whole weekend. Friday we ate dinner, colored, took snap chat pictures, watched lady and the tramp live action, ate a snack, she took a shower, we relaxed and went to bed despite the storm. Saturday morning I opened my present from her, her mom and roommates. I got 2 cards, a ice pack from them, chocolate from Bailee and a self care kit with a bracelet from her mom. We got up and got dressed. We went to Panera for breakfast and had chocolate chip bagels with strawberry cream cheese. I got a gift of a rose decoration from my co worker. Then we went into the mall and first went to Spencer’s and she got 2 hats and a pin, we went to a photo booth and too pictures, we went to caribou and Sephora and got my free gifts there then we went to Claire’s and she got me stuff and I of course had to get a phone case and pop socket. She got me a eye sleep mask, half of a sharing best friends necklace and a cable buddy. Then we went home. We watched some sailor moon and then ordered dominos pizza for dinner with wings. We ate that with milk and garlic dipping sauce. Then more sailor moon. Then we played on our iPads after getting our pjs on. We went into my bedroom and turned on my fan and went to bed after 1. Then yesterday morning I got up at 7:45 and did my laundry and other cleaning while Bailee slept in. Then we did more cleaning and Bailee Marie condo’d my apartment especially my clothes. I am donating 2 bags of stuff to goodwill. All of my clothes are in my dresser and the only things hanging in my closet are my hoodies, work clothes and dresses. The drawers are for memories and pictures and relaxation stuff and one drawer has my laptop in it and my cds are organized and also my slippers. We did a good job. My mom came over and dropped of a gift for my birthday I got some cards and waiting for more in the mail. Then me and Bailee had Mac and cheese while watching more sailor moon and also made jello. Then she went home.
And then I relaxed and I watched YouTube. Nothing else is new really. Saving money really well. Spoiled myself a lot and still have money saved. Paying bills and getting stuff done. I’ve paid my medical bill and 2 out of 3 credit bills off going to pay the third off when I get it in the mail. Keeping to myself. I have a few friends in the building that I trust. And I have way more outside of here and all my co workers are my friends too. I hope to have a bf soon too. I’ll update soon or in 6 more months lol
Here’s a Ariana Grande GIF JUST BECAUSE I LOVE HER AND SHES THE BEST❤️❤️❤️ also my favorite pictures of me and Bailee 😊
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naireides · 5 years
Can you make like a time line of their relationship?
putting it under cut please don’t reblog
they met in an elevator when she was 16 and he was 21 back in australia because the aus film scene is pretty small (fun fact: they’re friends with chris hemsworth and i think ej said that she plays with his kids??)
then a couple years later they were cast on t100 in 2013 and they made a pact to always be close because they were the only 2 aussies there so they had to look out for each other
bob had a girlfriend back in aus while they were filming s1 (jane) but they broke up pretty amicably i think considering she was still friends with his fam afterwards. i know there’s rumours of cheating but at the very most it would have been emotional cheating (which, i doubt but yeah nothing physical)
then sometime in 2014 they started hooking/ became fwbs which lasted until 2015 where they then ended things after sdcc but before s3 started filming/ very very early on in the filming of s3 (this was confirmed by multiple people associated with the show back in 2016)
yes the cast knew about it (see devon circa 2014/2015)
things ended because as far as i know someone wanted more (to be in an actual relationship) and the other person didn’t. i really don’t know which one because for this i’ve heard conflicting things like oh bob wanted more and she didn’t that’s why he got into a serious relationship just a few months after or oh ej wanted more and bob didn’t but he got in a relationship after and she was pissed/ the woman scorned and that’s why they were like that late 2015 going into 2016, etc etc
yeah tons of drama
anyway this is why 2015-2016 was so anti blarke and why b and e were never seen at cons together like they’re the shows leads but they weren’t seen together for that entire period at all
dec 2015 bob did a con in australia (i believe it was december) and that’s where he met ar.ryn. ar.ryn cheated on her then bf with bob (this was confirmed by her ex and i wish i would find the link again) (she also stole his dog too lmao)
b and a started dating in 2016 and after the whole bellarke shit moment b and e started trying to be friends again (e posted a pic with her, bob, ellie and ar.ryn on ig)
pretty much quiet throughout 2017 and most of 2018. e had a couple flings but no one stuck. b and a were still dating even though she was always a bit insecure of b an e’s relationship
latter half of 2018 e started dating william which really honestly wasn’t as serious as some of y’all made it seem they dated for a few months, ej called the paps on them to take pics that one time, and then they broke up amicably in december
for ej’s birthday last year (late october) bob gave her a custom made letterman jacket that he had personalized for her and matched his one
this part is purely spec on my part but i think this is what finally caused b and a to break like i know they were having trouble since last november/ december but (again, just me speculating) i think that jacket sort of served as a catalyst for it because she’s always been insecure about b and ej’s relationship (which, i guess was for good reason lmao but at the same time if i was in her position i would have broken up long before?? i’m not gonna sit around for almost 4 years and be insecure over someone)
anyway bob and ar.ryn broke up in late jan/ early feb right after the t100 s6 wrap party.
this deserves it’s own point because some people are spreading nasty rumours but there was no physical cheating
ar.ryn posted a lot of stuff about being gaslighted and how she was betrayed etc but tbh that’s just her being dramatic and looking for trouble so just ignore her
after the break up b stayed with ej for a little bit before getting his house back. he and ej started their relationship soon after and they were together for conaggedon
i forgot to mention this but at the last con ej did someone saw the ring on her finger and she said that she was engaged
last month on may 6th (according to the ig page associated with their wedding venue) they eloped in hawaii and they both posted about it last night on june 7th
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b00bconnoisseur · 6 years
60 questions for @not-my-brain
1. selfie.......Ugghhhh ok. Imma take one rn
Ok here u go (yes thats a bmth shirt)
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2. what would you name your future kids?.....Ooo hmmm well when i was a kid i really liked the names disney, and mesiah. I didn't know at the time that mesiah was another name for god i think lol. I liked it cause of handlers mesiah. I still do. Ooo and maybe Tj too
3. do you miss anyone?......Yeah. My friends on Pinterest from a year ago. My friend lucas. Stan lee. Bob ross. My cousin who died from cancer some years ago. Snape. Sirius. Lupin. Tonks. Dobby. *continues to name every unfortunate death in hp*
4. what are you looking forward to?.......SE-YA next month!! Its the south eastern young adult festival at this college. You can have meet n greets with authors and alot of stuff its the besstttt
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?......DEFINATELY. @dirtysocke @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye @cristal-kyd1280 @sammchenry my friend lucas and @septembersbloom. ^^
6. is it hard for you to get over someone?..... What like...romantically? Or like a death? If romantically uhhh idk it took over a couple weeks but im ok now. Ive never had another relationship so idk. If death oof yeah idk maybe. Ig it depends on how much i knew them idk. Like when my nanny (great grandma) died i was sad for days (is that alot?)
7. what was your life like last year?.....Sucky af. Still is. But the highlights of my life last year was getting and making friends on tumblr, going to the tøp concert and going to warped tour, volunteering at the library, going to seya and meeting some of my favorite authors, reading, changing and improving my art, listening to all the bands i listen to now, getting into more fandoms, going to a friends house for the first time
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?.......Yes lol. Some years ago when i couldn't find smtn id be so annoyed and pissed id start crying. I dont now but still lol
9. who did you last see in person?.......Hm ig family doesn't count....? Wait do u mean a friend? If so uhh my friends rebekah, anika, and Judah at a TAB meeting at the library sometime last month.
10. are you good at hiding your feelings?......I think so? Like i mean I can hide whenever i get my....time of the month from my mom (talking abt stuff like that with her makes me uncomfortable) and i hid a breakup. And other p big stuff too. So imma say yeah
11. are you listening to music right now?........*pops on earbuds after reading this* yee im listening to bitch lasagna by pewdiepie xD (do i have the best spotify playlist or what?)
12. what is something you want right now?.......To hug @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye but SOMEONE has to live so far away
13. how do you feel right now?........Happy that my earbud still works cause they got washed in the wash yesterday....oops. Its not my fault. I told my dad to remind me to take it out of my jacket pocket before they threw it in but noooooo he forgot
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?.......Uhhhhh fuck idk it was probably from my lil 4 yr old bro sometime last week. Other than him (hes my favorite sibling) i dont let them hug me too much
15. personality description.......Nerdy. Fangirl. "Emo". Tomboy. Hotsause obsessed. Book lover. Music lover. Black. Blue. Harry potter. Introvert. Fall. Sports. Values friendship. Loyal. Uhhhh i cant think of much lol
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?.......*sigh* yes. Yes yes yes. Theres some things abt me, or my life really, that i havent told anyone on here or my irl friends that i sooooo want to so bad but i haven't cause i feel like they'd feel bad and pity me and i don't want that
17. opinion on insecurities........I dont really understand this one. Everyones insecure abt something. Is this askin like if i think its ok or not? I say its ok. Im insecure about literally everything about me. My face. My personality. My socialness. My art. What i do. What i say. Basically my whole body. The things i feel good abt are my books, music taste, and my friends (ily fuckers)
18. do you miss how things were a year ago?.........Hmm this time around a year ago....idk its sorta the same but all the stuff i mentioned abt my year from last year didn't happen yet so nah tho my life sucks rn its better than this time last year
19. have you ever been to New York?........Nooo but i want too soo baddd i wanna visit @septembersbloom !! Im coming for ya soon gramps *does the eye watching thing* my dads been to nyc before tho cause he does construction and he had a concrete job to do there. It was a 23 hr drive for him
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?........Uhhh idk!!! So hard! Maybe.....the whole thats the spirit album by bmth ;)
21. age and birthday?.....15 yrs of age and September 27th 2003 (whats yours brainy? I'll put it on my calendar)
22. description of crush......Its weird idk im not sure if its a genuine crush or not but uh....They like hp :).Thats all u get
23. fear(s).......Losing my best friend @dirtysocke and my other friends. Death. Failure. Momo chasing after me then killing me slowly keeping my eyes open to look her dead in the eyes while i die
24. height......5'6 call me short and I'll fuck u up with THIS *pulls out trusty potato peeler named now steve* dont test me boi
25. role model......Hhhhhhhh so many! But uh gosh one of them is @superraedizzle (youtuberrrr) and vexx and bob ross and da vinci and aaaaaaa so many
26. idol(s)......First person that immediately comes to mind is @sammchenry cause he's super cool and he's really nice and his art's reallyyy good (if u havent seen it w-w-what are u even doin with your life?) And he has a great sense of humor and *continues to ramble about why samms the best*
27. things i hate.......Dabs. Transphobes. Homophobic ppl. Basically any hate on the lgbtq+ community. Bullies. The ship starker. Umbridge. Snape haters
28. i’ll love you if….....U you'll eat pizza, draw, and rp harry potter with mee
29. favourite film(s)......Fantastic beasts. Every hp film. Twilight. The maze runner 1-2. The hunger games. Spiderman homecoming. Kingsman: secret service. Into the spideyverse tho i havent seen it yet
30. favourite tv show(s)......Inkmasterrrrr. B99. The mick. The middle. Uhhh idk mostly ink master xD
31. 3 random facts........Ive never had shrimp. I had a beta fish for over a year once. Im eating pizza crust rn
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?.......G i r l s. I have all girl friends irl and one boy. And on tumblr it seems like i just meet girls? Likei agree with @cristal-kyd1280 its like alot more gals then dudes here. But i do have some guy friends on here too. But mostly girls
33. something you want to learn.......TO DRAW ANATOMY DAMMIT
34. most embarrassing moment........Every moment of my lifes an embarrassing moment. Idk of i can pick a "most" embarrassing one. But one time i i sent my crush (now ex bf) a hey fuckface and like some hearts or whatever for an ask game that meant like "i have a crush on u" "youre adorable" etc and said Hewo but i did it all anonymously. But he confronted me askin if i sent it cause im the only person he knows that actually says hewo lol. Then later on i finally admitted i really liked him and well y'all know the story after i think. Unless you're new
35. favourite subject.......A R TTTT OFC
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?........meet my friends on tumblr. Get into mtsu (college i wanna go to) and study art. And go skydiving
37. favourite actor/actress........favorite actor uhhhhhh probably thomas brodie sangster or tom felton and my favorite actress? Hmmm idk maybe evanna lynch (luna lovegood)
38. favourite comedian(s).......probably kevin hart lol he's p funny
39. favourite sport(s)........basketballllllll and football
40. favourite memory........uhhhhh idk?? One oh my favorite memories was when we went to see tøp in concert
41. relationship status.....single as a pringle
42. favourite book(s)......harry potter and the order of the pheonix. Harry potter and the half blood prince. Simon vs the homo sapiens agenda. Divergent. Maze runner. Twilight. Fangirl. Fallen. Red queen
43. favourite song ever.......TOO HARD DONT MAKE ME CHOOSEEEEEE
44. age you get mistaken for.........16 and 17 sometimes lol
45. how you found out about your idol........i was watching someone on yt and superraedizzle always poped up in my feed and my mom turned on one of her vids cause she always saw her vids too now ive seen most of em i love her. Id heard of vexx but never watched him and i was watching a collab from anthony miller art and shrimpy and i checked out shrimpys channel and was lookin at comments and alot of ppl said his art is like vexxs so i checked out vexx. At first i was like eh ok. Now i cant click fast enough when he posts a vid. And i actually fpund out about bob ross from my grandpa on jan 20 2017 when trump was getting sworn in or whatever. We turned on pbs and my grampa told me to look and bob ross was on and i was IN. I loved it. I even started watching full episodes on YouTube of the joy of painting after that. Wonderful man. My first painting i ever did i think was when i followed one of his tutorials xD (i didnt know it was popular at the time)
46. what my last text message says......."ok your turn"
47. turn ons.....uhh nerds ig idk um book lovers, music lovers, art lovers, potterheads, idk and nice ppl
48. turn offs......jerks. Homophobia. Idk ig whatever i said in things i hate
49. where i want to be right now......uhhhh idk wait didn't i already answer this? Ok this ones different ig so uhh with my friend lucas
50. favourite picture of your idol.....oh shit...favorite? Idk xD i have a fave of vexx but not of rae or bob. But heres pics of them any way
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51. starsign......a libraaaaa boiii
52. something i’m talented at......drawing and speed reading. Thats about it lol. Oh and procrastina
53. 5 things that make me happy.......ooooo art, my friends here on tumblr, books, harry potter, and music ^^
54. something thats worrying me at the moment.....if my friend thinks im being annoying
55. tumblr friends......hhhhh so manyyyyyy. @dirtysocke @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye @cristal-kyd1280 @chinesewaffles2 @kingantlion @queen-baelin @sammchenry @septembersbloom and more
56. favourite food(s)......green beans, pepperoni pizza, and vanilla madelines
57. favourite animal(s).......basically any reptile. Puppies. Cats. Any animal really but my #1 are snakes
58. description of my best friend.....well she's a tiny bean (5 feet) and she has dark hair, she wears glasses, she doesnt take shit, she's in love with Josh dun, she's awesome, funny, nice (YES youre nice jackie) and shes the best friend ive ever had. Oh. And she has a weird obsession with spaghetti
59. why i joined tumblr.......well i heard abt it on Pinterest over a year ago but didnt want it. Then @mrfastbass-deactivated20181231 on DeviantArt said he got tumblr so i made one then followed him and figured id just post art and that's it cause i thought tumblr was boring as hell when i first got it. Now im p much obsessed with it
60. ask me anything you want.......go ahead brainy shoot. Give me smtn good
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autumnunchained · 3 years
Dark Angel A.K.A Batman
So, then there's the man I love. His name is Matt.
Matt was born in the 80s when doing drugs even in plan view of an audience was normal.
So, for a short time he got into it. Now he's not. Thank god.
He calls me short fuse and he loves batman.
My son is obsessed with him and talks about him all the time.
My ex husband hates him of course, which is a nice bonus.
He doesn't make a lot of money, but he works so hard and I'm proud I am his.
He is the sexiest man I have ever seen and I find new reasons to love him everyday.
We have known each other 10 years and I used to be his boss.
We started dating after I threw my husband out. I just went to his house to talk and have a drink then I kinda just never left.
I was dumb and I didn't treat him right the first go around.
I ended up doing something really dumb and I got arrested.
He picked me up when I got out, but he wasn't happy with me.
So, I decided I was going to get my life together and get a job and shit.
So, I drank a little during the day and applied for jobs. I ended up falling asleep on the couch and waking up to a deputy I used to work with standing in front of me.
I immediately thought ah shit I am fucking hallucinating AGAIN. But I wasn't.
She told me she had to take me. Check mate.
My ex had managed to get me committed in an effort to prove that I am crazy and he never did anything I said he did.
Cool you won this round, but you forgot one little thing.
I was a dispatcher you dumb bitch. Did he forget the hundreds of time I have heard the questions you ask during a welfare check on a mental patient.
They are simple questions that I can answer in my sleep.
What's funny is I hate my city police department so fucking much that when they see me I public and I am in a bad mood. I will just start answering the questions without them asking.
So, I ended up having covid and I am in this dumb ass area of this hospital where they put crazy people. That means I never even made it to the floor with everyone else.
I am in a room by myself. The room reminded of jail with a tv. I hated it.
The hilarious part is I was wearing my bf's shirt that said Davey's Suicide.
Matt thought they were going to ship me up state and he couldn't deal with that, so he broke up with me.
Now we are back together and his mom hates me. So, I can't go in his house without her popping up and threatening to have me arrested for trespassing.
And because I live with a meth addict he rarely wants to come here, but he did last night.
We fought a little, but once that was over we had a great night and he made love to me for hours.
The reason for the fight was his birthday was a few days ago.
I figured his mom wanted to spend time with him on his birthday, so two days before I paid for a hotel room, bottle, weed and dinner.
I am wearing my moms ring on my right hand. He got drunk and high pulled it off my finger and put it on the left.
He told me he wanted to spend his life with my crazy ass.
I told him yes, but I wanted to be on good terms with his mom before we did that.
So, we were engaged for one day and then boom he broke up with me and doesn't remember proposing. Of fucking course.
We are a lot alike in some ways. I always describe him is reminding me of the best parts of my favorite people.
I grew not really being loved. I thought I loved my ex husband. Then, my son was born and I realized I had no clue what love was.
Then, that first night with Matt I realized that I really did know what love was or actual passion.
I found it finally and I never wanted it to end.
But him like me has had so many bad experiences with love and women.
And just like me he scared to be loved. So, every time I get him close enough to thinking about marriage.
He runs. Just like me.
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I got tagged by @classictownshend hey thank you :)
Rules: Answer the 92 statements and tag 20 people
1. Drink: coffee with milk
2. Phone call: no idea...
3. Text message: a friend showing her a shampoo we’ve been talking about
4. Song: “Surfing with a spoon”, Midnight Oil
5. Time you cried: last saturday, during jiujitsu class, someone made me roll over my neck and I felt like it was about to break. I did not cry for all to see, but I was scared and my eyes filled with tears haha i think i cried deep inside
6. Dated someone twice: maybe, i am not sure if it would count
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: my second bf
8. Been cheated on: i am sure I was, but never knew
9. Lost someone special: yes
10. Been depressed: maybe, but depression is a too serious thing to call it. I can say I did had some down moments in life
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: yes. this is why i can’t bear the smell of champagne today 🤢
12. red
13. black
14. royal blue
15. Made new friends: yes
16. Fallen out of love: no
17. Laughed until you cried: haha yes
18. Found out someone was talking about you: no
19. Met someone who changed you: not last year, but this year yes
20. Found out who your friends are: no they are still the same
21. Kissed someone on you Facebook list: in fact yes, but i regret too
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life?: 99,9%. I do not add people I don’t know or at least have some direct contact, even virtually
23. Do you have any pets?: yes, 1 cat 2 dogs
24. Do you want to change your name?: no, i am lazy to put a name on my cat, imagine having to change mine.. what a responsibility!
25. What did you do for your last birthday?: had a normal day, with an exam at uni and such. but my jiujitsu mates did a corridor to beat me with their belts (martial arts tradition). haah it hurts but it was really fun! tender big huge guys❤️
26. What time did you wake up?: 6:00
27. What were you doing at midnight last night?: sleeping
28. Name something you can’t wait for: summer vacations
29. When was the last time you saw your mom?: yesterday
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life?:i wish I could learn things faster, because there are so many things i’d like t learn
31. What are you listening to right now: early birds singing (it’s 7 in the morning)
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: no, not a common name here in Brasil
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: the things I know will get on my nerves within some weeks from now😩 (uni things)
34. Most visited website: tumblr and vintage news
35. Mole/s: many. i have a secret and particular one .. you know where your buttocks meet? well, right there
36. Mark/s: none
37. Childhood dream: be a truck driver lol
38. Haircolor: light brown
39. Long or short hair: long
40. Do you have a crush on someone: yes, but I rather not to think about it, he has gf, and i have important things to make my mind usefully busy but he is oh-so dreamy...
41. What do you like about yourself?: the way i’ve changed recently for better. I used to be afraid of changes and trying new things, of leaving my comfort zone. Now I practice 2 martial arts and this helps a lot to not only build courage but face your small silly fears and it proves to me that  I can try and learn anything I want without any fear; I study in another town and do not complain, and have good grades. I am able to try and see if I can do it, not the opposite like “i wont even try because I am sure I can’t do it". I am open to face new things.
42. Piercings: no
43. Bloodtype: i think it is O+ but not sure
44: Nicknames: people call me anyway they like
45. Relationship status: single and tranquil
46. Zodiac: Leo
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite TV show: none
49. Tattoos: i’d like it, but none yet
50. Right or Left hand?: right
51: Surgery: yes, but 20 years ago
52. Hair dyed a different color: never, my hair is so cute hahah even hair stylists think I  dye it, but it is natural highlighted
53. Sport: muay thai, jiu jitsu (every girl should learn it!), some bike and some running (in spare time)
54. Vacation: i spend my time at home. i have a beach 1km from here hah
55. Pair of trainers: funny question
56. Eating: pizza and milanesas (uruguayan please)
57. Drinking: caipirinha please
59. I’m about to: bathe my cat (he won’t escape today), clean my dog (he is old, cannot take a proper bath or he gets sick ahha )
61. Waiting for: afternoon. sunny day and cleaning the beach event
62. Want: peace of mind
63. Get married: no. But future is not exactly under our control. In the event of suddenly finding someone REALLY worthwhile and we want to share our lives.. but not a marriage. In fact, i think I will have to sleep in different room (look, i have spent more than 30 years in my own privacy, having another body snoring and moving while i sleep is not exactly comfortable to think about. Sleeping is something holy)
64. Career: i am studying to be physical educator
65. Hugs or kisses: being alone for so so long makes me long for warm hugs instead of kisses.
66. Lips or eyes: eyes
67. Shorter or taller: anything is taller than me. so...
68. Older or younger: anything is younger than me, so...
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: stomach is nice, it is most of the times indicator of activity. don’t take me bad but i like active sportive people, sorry (i am active)
71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive. i like quietness
72. Hookup or relationship: relationship. I don’t want to spend my time or get hurt
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: balanced
74. Kissed a stranger: no. but i had met him a few time ago, and i knew his name
75. Drank hard liquor: yeah
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: sunglasses yes, once I ran over my own sunglasses riding my own bike. How? ask einstein
77. Turned someone down: probably
78. Sex on the first date: did it but do not recommend if you are not a indifferent person
79. Broken someone’s heart: probably, but not on purpose. so he must have deserved it hua hua hua
80. Had your heart broken: yes
81. Been arrested: no
82. Cried when someone died: yes
83. Fallen for a friend: no, funny because I see friends like brothers.
84. Yourself: sure, if i don’t, who will?
85. Miracles: no
86. Love at first sight: no.. but yesterday I saw a guy on the bus that holy shit something hit me! i see nice guys everyday and very often.. but this one shook me.. he left the bus and I was “wtf? who is him?” and almost went after him and forgot my crush from the question 40. hahah matters of life
87. Santa Clause: no why!
88. Kiss on the first date: yes
89. Angels: when it is necessary haha 
90. Current best friend’s name: my cat, Meow
91. Eye color: some kind of green
92. Favorite movie: i have many films i like but do not have a fave
@fondantfancyfree @frottingwithfreddie @silkmoony @suzcatonmars @inthelapofthegods74 @little-niggah-sugar @c-136 @sweetness-doesnt-touch-my-face @whitequeen0124 @sophia-dusk @rock-n-roll-curly-blonde @queenofdawn71 @itsloveit @soupinthelaundrybag @ronniesshoes @insanity--on--a--stick @vivi-ntvg @fancybasementfestival @brianmaysbread @scoreofvolunteers
20 is a lot. everyone was tagged before :(
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undefeatednils · 7 years
44 Questions
1. Any scars? Yeah, I have two noteworthy scars. For one thing I have a scar on my left knee, and the second one is on my forehead ^^ Though the latter one isn’t lightning-shaped, though. PS: I actually forgot about a scar I have on my retina, positioned just right so that it doesn’t impair my vision in daily life. Injuries are fun! /sarcasm
2. Self harmed? Nope.
3. Crush? Not at the moment, no. 
4. Kissed anyone? No... I’m 25, I need to kiss someone, damn it!
5. Coke or Pepsi? Coke, because Germany is definitely Coke country. Though maybe I should switch over to Pepsi, because 1) it’s cheaper over here than Coke and 2) it always reminds me of trips to the Netherlands when I was younger, where the only soft drinks you could get were Pepsi and 7-Up. 6. Someone you hate? My begetter, and Bernd “Björn” Höcke. 7. Best Friends? Michaela (or Mickie for short) and Tim, I’d say.  8. Have you ever done alcohol or drugs? I’ve drank alcohol, yes, but then again I’m 1) old and 2) from a country where you can legally buy yourself alcohol starting at 16 xD 9. What’s your dream job? Honestly... I don’t know anymore. It should be something where I feel useful to the community, but that’s about it. As a kid I wanted to be a paleontologist though, because my dinosaur phase was rather long. 10. Ever been in love? Yes, once. 11. Last time you cried? Like genuinely cried? I think that was about a week ago. 12. Favorite color? I love shades of blue. Not the super vibrant ones, I like them a bit more muted. 13. Height? 192 cm or 6′3′’ aka “tol”
14. Birthday? July 15th ^^ 15. Eye color? Blue-ish, with a bit of a grayish green in there, too. 16. Hair color? Dark blond. 17. What do you love? My sister’s dog, my family, poppies, pasta, and Princess Mononoke. 18. Obsession? Alternate history, history, US politics, German politics, pasta, and cute dogs. 19. If you had one wish, what would it be? Not having to worry about money anymore... I swear, that variant of existential dread significantly plays into my depression, it’s not fun, so I’d love to have that off my back. 20. Do you love someone? Yes, in general, no in terms of romantic love. 21. Kiss or hug? I’m a hug slut. 22. Nicknames people call you? The closest thing to a nickname that got stuck is “Nils Nie the German Guy”, which is used by a single friend of mine, so I don’t really have a nickname xD 23. Favorite song? Is it okay to list three? Because narrowing it down to one is criminal. Those songs would be “Hurt” by Johnny Cash, “Geisterschiff” by Schandmaul, and “Something About Us” by Daft Punk. 24. Favorite band? Daft Punk, definitely. Discovery is my favorite album ever. 25. Worst thing that has ever happened to you? Those two years in which my depression stopped me from attending university... 26. Best thing that has ever happened to you? I honestly don’t know... Maybe my sister adopting her dog? 27. Something you would change about yourself? Less crippling self-doubt, please. 28. Ever dated someone? Yes, but it was an LDR, so no physical dates. Oh and I think that one time I actually got to meeting a girl I matched with on Tinder for a coffee counts, even though we never spoke after that because I was probably too awkward or something, counts. 29. Worst mistake? Not trying to switch unis sooner than I did. 30. Watch the movie or read the book? Ideally both xD 31. Ever had a heartbreak? Kinda..? It’s complicated. 32. Favorite show? Fullmetal Alchemist 2003, definitely. I just adore that show. 33. Best day of your life? That is the hardest question I’ve ever gotten. 34. Any talents? I’m a mediocre map- and flag maker, and I’m kinda clever. Does that count? 35. Do you wish you could ever start over? Yes.
36. Any bad habits? I drink too many energy drinks, and I’m a horrible procrastinator. 37. Ever had a near death experience? Thankfully not. 38. Someone I can tell anything to? My mom, my two best friends (s. #7), and some folks I met on Tumblr (hi, Lexie, Lilly, and AJ ^^) 39. Ever lost a loved one? I’ve lost our first family dog (RIP Janosch), and my two grandmas. 40. Do you believe in love? Yes. 41. Someone you hate/Dislike? It’s pretty much the same question as #6, but here’s someone I “merely” dislike: a guy who I’ll call D, who recently married a friend of mine. It’s gonna be the most stereotypical “hetero marriage” in my circle of friends, I know it. The two have very few interests and he thinks way too much of himself.It actually just started out as a casual fling where she cheated on her BF at the time with him but she basically stuck around with him because she didn’t want to get disowned by her ultra-conservative family for not marrying one of the first three guys she’s dated, and I’m so sorry for her because she will not be happy in the long run. (sorry for that rant) 42. Are you okay? Not really? I’n getting a bit better, though. Thanks, therapy! 43. Relationship status? As single as the last Pringle in the can. 44. Selfie? I’m not really in a “presentable state” right now, but there are enough selfies on my blog already. Just check the “my ugly mug” tag, you’ll find them. @artinmyhistory Here they are ^^ 
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Riverdale 1x10 thoughts
Under the cut, bcos as usual it’s long and boring - lol 
Jughead’s narrative talked about order and chaos and also control and we saw elements of all these in the episode. It was kind of jarring that there was hardly any advancement as far as the murder plot was concerned, and it derailed things for me a bit, but then the episode had a lot of Jughead and Bughead, so I’m not complaining.
Archie telling Betty about Jughead’s birthday was sweet, but was that him taking the initiative and being supportive or was it clouded in something else Archie-like? I was having a discussion with @blueandgoldd and going by what was mentioned in the synopsis about Archie trying to make amends with Val and Betty hijacking his plans, I wonder if Archie’s insistence on Betty going to the movies didn’t have something to do with the fact that he was going to use that time to reconcile with Val? Was that his plan since Fred wasn’t going to be around and Juggie would be away with Betty? If that was the case, I’m sure he could’ve told Jug and he would’ve understood and supported him. Or maybe it’s the classic Archie conflict between being selfish and doing the right thing.  
Betty called FP ---eeep. OMG! She’s adorable!
Jordan said that Chuck was truly apologizing to Ethel. Does that mean Betty coming at him triggered him to turn nasty? He flips so much – he was like Relax Betty, till she doubted him and then he went – oh are you going to go dark Betty on me? It’s like she provoked him and he provoked her. Even at the party he started out saying that what Betty and Ronnie did totally ruined his chances and then when Betty was unapologetic, he turned lechery and nasty. But no one can convince me he went to party with no bad intentions, he was smirking when Cheryl asked him to join her in destroying their arch-nemesi! Yeah sorry, Jordan, Chuck is evil!
The gang discuss the party, and Archie takes a look at Val at the next table and changes his mind about it. What in her look made him do that when he was against it moments before? He had judged correctly that Juggie wouldn’t enjoy it. Is this classic Archie side-stepping– deflect aka ignore what’s going on by pretending everything’s ok & having a good time. He forgot all about Juggie in that moment and decided he wanted to have fun.
Then Betty deflects – this is classic Betty, she wants an outlet to pour all her energy into. And now Juggie’s party has become her latest project and she will leave no stone unturned to make sure it’s a success, right from the shape of the cake to the list of party supplies to the invitees and the crown T- shirt that she wears. “There’s a lot I can’t do, a lot I can’t control but I can make sure my boyfriend has the best birthday party ever.” Oh Betty! That “control” word!
She’s back at it again convincing FP to come over and she’s so earnest and persuasive that he cannot say no. She rarely, if ever, gives up. But how cute and how naïve Betty is for thinking that FP being there would be special for Juggie? Maybe she’s right in a way, Juggie’s always yearned for “normal” things, like a happy, united family because it’s something he could never have. His pushing FP to get a job and clean up his act is mainly because he wants to see his family together (even if said family wasn’t the happiest from his talk with Archie). Which means all of his family’s troubles were because of FP’s alcoholism. If Juggie believes that one act of FP quitting his drink can bring his family back, then it certainly must be the single-most driving force behind his mom leaving and also all those fights that he said happened all the time.
This episode showed the actual side-stepping behaviour of the core four. Betty does it by engaging in something else and making it her project, and Archie turns to something that distracts him or makes him happy – some frivolous pursuit. And Juggie does it by short circuiting, by lashing out, and by his sardonic humor. He was pretty non-confrontational till the last episode but this episode clearly triggered him – the party and everything else associated with it and brought to the fore his real fears.
Ronnie, by far, I think has the healthiest side-stepping behaviour, she actually talked to Archie about her fears, but I feel maybe that make-out was partly a diversionary tactic? I mean, she does like Archie romantically, we’ve seen that, but she’s never been compelled to do anything. Plus she’s never been jealous of him and Val or him and Cheryl which makes me wonder if she really thought about being with him or it was just the spur of the moment thing to start with but later snowballed into actual feelings?
Alice is great about Betty falling for this “Jones boy” but her advice to Betty not to share everything with him kinda sucked. Which led me to wonder what she told Hal that he used against her? Things about herself that she struggled with? Like her identity as a serpent? Did Hal believe that Alice killed Jason? Is that why he stole the evidence from Keller? Because he was worried Alice’s background and her hatred for the Blossoms could make her the prime suspect? If he did that, I think that works in nicely with Lochlyn saying Hal has good reason to be over-protective.
It’s quite interesting that they made Ethel to be a polar opposite of what she is in the comics physically. Which means that her character might be a polar opposite of Big Ethel too – like clearly she’s not interested in Jughead. She may not be interested in boys at all.  But we’ll see. Didn’t they say we’ll see Ethel with someone quite different?
Which brings me to who told Cheryl about the shindig at that chowderhead Archie’s house??? I made a post about this earlier. Cheryl’s lackeys weren’t around in the lunch room when the four of them were talking (anyway she’d dismissed them but didn’t they show up at the party? At least I definitely saw Tina) and only Ethel was invited outside of their inner circle. Also, Joaquin but does Joaquin even know Cheryl? Only Val was close, she could’ve heard. Is she close to Cheryl as an extension of Josie being her friend? Why would she agree to gatecrash the party anyway? She wasn’t friends with Jughead and she’d just broken up with Archie. And from what we saw of Val in the last episode, she seems like a girl of integrity. So her being at the party was just plot driven?
Juggie actually sees Archie telling Betty about his birthday as primal betrayal! Which makes that PTSD all the more believable. Poor kid must’ve had it so bad. Juggie must’ve had a really high EQ even when he was younger, if he could feel this way. He was always so attuned to his emotions and what he felt, he couldn’t ignore them. So he deflected in other ways. By not making a big deal, by hiding stuff and keeping secrets, by pretending everything was normal – which we’ve seen him do too when he lost his home. So him saying that his birthday was the family pretending to be normal and him feeling lonely is actually quite ironic since he does it too now. But at least he acknowledges that it sucked and made him feel lonely which is admitting to feelings instead of brushing them the under the carpet.
Ronnie found out that the Blossoms made large payments to the Lodges starting 75 years ago and it only stopped when Hiram was sent to jail. This must have something to do with the Maple syrup feud with the Coopers and great- Grandpa Blossom murdering G-Grandpa Coop. Maybe Grandpa Lodge uncovered some truths, that proved the Blossoms weren’t the rightful claimants to the land, and he was paid to keep his mouth shut. He may have negotiated a perpetuity for his family that continued for 3 generations.
Hermione (and the lawyer) thinking it’s a good idea to keep the info from the lawyers bcos her husband might become a murder suspect when he’s already languishing in jail for a crime he did actually commit – ummm? Really??
The dance-off? I think Ronnie’s open belligerence to Cheryl after having shown her willingness to be friendly after Cheryl was repeatedly mean to her because she saw in her a mirror of her own self, had to do with her finding out that info about the Blossoms. They’ve becomes shady suspects again, implicating her dad and Cheryl is part of that scam too.
Archie taking to drink the minute something unpleasant happens – classic Archie side-stepping move. And I think this is what prompted him to invite the gang over with the kegs so he would have the opportunity to drown his sorrows some more. Poor, misguided sap! He drunk dialled his dad too when Val threw her drink at him. He’s just so needy, he doesn’t know how to deal with stuff on his own and that shows his emotional immaturity. I hope he doesn’t end up just using Ronnie as an emotional crutch.
Where is Fred BTW? Did he drive to Chicago? Is that a rented car?  
Hiram Lodge’s letter to Ronnie – omg. He has no scruples – I’m loving it. I want him on the show now!
Bughead at the movies! Juggie being the caring and concerned BF wondering why his GF was so upset at the cafeteria and wanting to know more! Betty deflecting (Alice’s advice is working now)
“I didn’t think you were an American Werewolf kinda girl”
“That’s where you’re wrong. I’m all about the beast within”
That smile! I’m dead!
They left early because Betty pretended to be scared. How adorable!
Juggie is clearly uncomfortable from the get-go. And drunk!Archie hugging him must’ve been such a trigger! “Oh its Kevin”, Yes we know Juggie – we also know you feel like disappearing in a hole under the ground. And you immediately started to look for your wife. He seeks her out the minute he feels discomfort because she’s the only sanity in all the madness! I cry!
The cake! Her singing! That cheek kiss! “I wish it were only the two of us right now” I know that line wasn’t romantic, but it felt like it.
Poor Ronnie, she realized her dad had threatened her and her mom could be complicit too! Jughead came in realizing he was interrupting a moment.
A glimmer of the fight that will happen later can be seen in this argument. I have never seen Juggie this uncomfortable. He went to the baby shower and that wasn’t his scene either, but he was okay and here he isn’t? Clearly because here HE is the centre of attention, there he could just blend into the background. That’s why this party is so not him. His -I’m not wired to be normal- made my heart shatter! 
The gang arrives and everything goes to hell. Archie’s drink-addled brain affected his decision making abilities which weren’t great to start with. How in the hell do you agree to let Chuck and Cheryl into your house Archie?
Ronnie and Betty were never dancing at the party – only Archie was. Is it because Juggie is the narrator and he was hiding out in the garage, which makes him an unreliable narrator? Or were the scenes in the beginning exaggerated to depict the chaos Jughead was talking about? And there was no recreational drug that Cheryl brought in like they said in the synopsis. Wtf?
“Valerie just got here, you think she wants me back” – See, Archie was still entertaining hopes of reconciling with Val and yet he makes out with Ronnie a few hours later. This is why I find it hard to take Archie-Ronnie seriously. And why was Val even there in the first place?  
“As my blood brother” – was that line necessary? He could’ve just said brother? Are more secrets going to come tumbling out?
Archie trying to pin it all on Betty and trying to make it sound like Jughead will have to go along with whatever Betty dictates because he was her boyfriend? Sure you’re not salty Archie? But idk, I didn’t really get jealous Archie vibes in the sense of him wanting Betty, but maybe salty Archie bcos his two BFFs are together and he’s alone?  Maybe subconsciously he was trying to wreck them by creating trouble. Like he knew Jughead would be upset at the party and he was being unfair making it all Betty’s idea, but maybe he wanted them to be in trouble? Idk
“Whether you want one or not”
“She knows what she wants that one”
Yeah I can understand Juggie’s head getting twisted with all that Betty wanting things and getting them, when he doesn’t want them, that makes him even more upset.
Ronnie finds out about FP being Jughead’s dad. “The plot thickens”. They inserted a Joavin kiss - yayy! Kevin who have you been down to Sweetwater River with besides Moose?? I’m dying to know!
Betty confronting Chuck and reminding him of the consequences was great, I did think she went a tad overboard when she tried to drown him but that’s the point isn’t it? Dark Betty would do something twisted and intense, what’s what makes her dark. Betty doesn’t understand it even, it’s something overwhelming that takes over her and makes her do crazy things.
Hiram and FP had business, yes Hiram hired FP to trash the drive-in land so he could buy it and he did. That’s over. Do they still have something going? Hiram being suspected in Jason’s murder affects FP how?
Now the Big fight!
“You and Archie are my friends, everyone else, including Kevin and Ronnie I would’ve actually shunned”. Okay, Ronnie- I understand. I don’t see why Juggie has to even consider her a friend, they’ve literally had no interaction with each other one-on-one. They don’t talk except in a group and this is the first time they had a one-on-one interaction. Yet Juggie would’ve been okay with the four of them at Pop’s. He’s accepted Betty’s friend, Veronica as part of their gang. He’s okay with it.  But Kevin? He’s known Kevin for probably as long as Archie and Betty have known him, but he has obviously not connected with him. It broke my heart that he had no friends outside of Archie and Betty and when Betty was away and he’s had a fight with Archie he had no one! My poor baby!
Everything about this fight was so honest and real. Like, it hurt my heart, but it was so needed. They had to have this talk about their insecurities. Clearly Jughead feels insecure about why Betty is with him, he’s weird and he doesn’t fit in, he’s a loner, an outsider from the wrong side of the tracks, they’re different on a cellular, DNA level (or so he thinks), she’s a cheerleader, a straight A student, the perfect girl next door (I loved Betty’s “I hate that word” here). She’s seen as perfect because that’s what she strives to be and that’s what she shows to the world. Her best friend thought she was perfect. And now her boyfriend thinks she’s perfect too. But she’s just battling her own darkness within while projecting this image of her to the world possibly because of pressure from her mom. Her mom has to have drilled it into her to look a certain way and act a certain way and Betty does follow that, at time she rebels too – the incident with Chuck is one where she did, but Juggie doesn’t know any of it.  This reminded me what Lili said about Betty being attracted to Juggie because his darkness is on the outside and Betty’s isn’t.
He thinks they’re on borrowed time and he doesn’t want to be one of her projects. Betty is immediately contrite, and she wants to reassure him, she reaches for him to cup his face and he pushes her hands away angrily. God Juggie! And then came the lowest blow – oh god Juggie – can’t you see how much this girl adores you, she’s wearing a fucking crown sweater! She’s wearing a part of you! And you think she still has feelings for Archie? But I know Juggie isn’t thinking rationally at that point. He immediately realizes he’s gone too far, but he cannot undo it. And her walking away, means she’s ending it. That’s what he thinks till FP forces him to go back to her. He thinks they have irreconcilable differences and he’s crossed a line and that they can never go back from here. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back for her too, she just walked away because it hurt too much that he would say that. Yet he did. Because it’s something that has always been on the back of his mind. They may have evolved to being a couple after he took initiative and kissed her, but he still has doubts as to why she’s with him. Low self-esteem? Never been in a relationship before? And the fact that he feels inadequate compared to Archie – the popular football and music god who has no trouble finding girls to like him? And the fact that Betty was crushing on Archie was well known to Juggie. Of course he was insecure. Which takes me back to when he first kissed her. At that point I don’t think Jughead thought beyond that moment, he didn’t even plan on it when he first got there. It was just pure instinct. He knew Betty was moving on from Archie, she’d dated Trevor. He was possibly feeling these feelings for a while and he just acted upon them without thinking about the consequences. He didn’t think that far ahead on what Betty would think or feel or do. If she had chastised him, he would’ve accepted that, but she didn’t. She went along and in the next episode she kissed him. Even then he wasn’t sure what he was to her. He didn’t say anything to Archie and only upon him asking did he reveal they’d shared a moment and he didn’t say anything at all to his dad. He wasn’t ready to label it yet because he was unsure. Only when Ronnie officially calls him her boyfriend and she beams approvingly at him does he allow himself to think of him as her boyfriend. Still unsure of how she’d feel at the reveal that his father is a Serpent. I think only when she shows that she’s fully invested in the relationship and wants to be with him and know him does he let her in.  But there must have been a semblance of some doubt still lingering. Else he wouldn’t have exploded the way he did.
Do they really play games like secrets and sins at high school parties?
Anyway, Archie getting exposed for the Grundy thing was cringe-worthy and I felt sorry for him. I was actually applauding Ronnie for calling Cheryl out on her twincest but seeing the real tears Cheryl shed, I’m thinking maybe it was a bit much. Anyway it was all speculation whereas everyone else’s secrets were actual facts.
Juggie now knows that Ronnie’s dad is the one responsible for the drive-in, but he holds no grudge against Ronnie for it. That moment when Jughead’s face was changing from shock to disbelief to realization to anger was so well-played by Cole. That simmering rage in his eyes and then when Chuck turned to address him , he couldn’t take it anymore. That punch he got was well-deserved but Juggie barely managed to make a dent, in fact, he ended up getting it worse than he gave. But it was great to see the anger boiling inside Juggie and all that pent-up rage finally finding an outlet. He still had that rage when he got out after the party broke out and FP accosted him. “What? You want to give me some advice on my right hook?” FP finally showed his worth by being the dad Juggie really needed by giving him some sound advice.
“You have something really good here” and “Man up, she needs you”. Juggie’s face here was yet another revelation, because earlier when he said “It’s not gonna work out, irreconcilable differences”, he really believed he and Betty had broken up. His voice cracked, almost as if he was gonna cry when he said that. What wouldn’t I give to hear that conversation he has with her before they make their way to Pop’s, when he goes inside and finds her!
I do wish we had seen more before the scene at Pop’s, they went from angry and hurt to benign and teasing and that was quite a jarring transition for me. That said, loved the heart to heart they had at Pop’s. Betty’s gentle teasing, and Juggie’s response about him having layers and then sobering up to open out about why he pushed her away for doing something nice for him because he was afraid of being rejected for being himself. I love that although Juggie thinks he’s weird and doesn’t fit in, he doesn’t want to (he’s truly a rebel without a cause) and he’s comfortable in his own skin and who he is, he’s so self-aware this boy and I’m so proud of him. He’s the right person to guide Betty through her shit bcos she does not understand what’s happening to her. She’s overwhelmed and scared by it. And he not only understands, he empathizes. It doesn’t freak him out or scare him, he just accepts it calmly as part of her. Him kissing her hands was a show of that acceptance. And it was just so beautiful! I wanted Alice to witness that moment and realize what a gem of a boyfriend her daughter has! (I think she already knows!) I wish they’d talked about his accusation that she was just slumming it with him till Archie changed his mind. I know her shocked (I’m totally done) reaction should have offered him (and us) assurance that it was ridiculous for him to feel that way, but sometimes talking it out in the open is so much more satisfying. Especially when they talked about literally everything else. I’m hoping that comes soon, I don’t want another scene where Juggie accuses Betty of having feelings for Archie. I hope this is done and will not be addressed again.
Coming to Alice and FP and I know a lot of people ship this couple already, but I kinda want the Coopers to be a strong family unit at least. All others have troubled families that are breaking apart, it would be nice if one family stayed together. Also, I admit it would be weird for me if Betty and Juggie are dating and their parents are too. Which is why I couldn’t get behind Varchie till Fred and Hermione were a thing.  I can’t deny the chemistry bw Madchen and Skeet though. So Alice was a Serpent and I get the sneaky feeling we’re going to see a not so stick-in-the-mud Alice pretty soon! Besides, FP, you didn’t see that brick she hurled at her husband’s office or you wouldn’t be calling her that!
Archie and Ronnie- well, Idk how I feel about them hooking up honestly? They’re sweet and I think Ronnie’d be very good for Archie but is this truly the right time for them to be getting together? Clearly they like each other and are attracted to each other but not a few hours ago Archie was harbouring hope that he’d be getting back together with Val. Also I really need them to talk to Betty about what she feels for Archie because clearly it’s a point of concern for both Juggie and Ronnie. Why else would Ronnie be tiptoeing around Betty after spending the night at Archie’s (and lying to her mom about it!) Usually, if you lie to a parent about where you are, you also ensure that the friend who you’re supposed to be with is also in on the lie to back you up, which Ronnie obviously did not do and took a chance there!
Jughead’s approving of Ronnie with Archie struck me as odd because he’s this clear-thinking rational individual who’s not afraid to call people out on their shit especially Archie. Idk if it registered with him that Archie was looking to get back together with Val, but still thought it was ok for him to be with Ronnie so soon after breaking up with Val. One, it could mean he really likes Ronnie and thinks she’d be good for Archie and 2) It’s his insecurity raising its ugly head again and Archie being with Ronnie means he cannot pursue Betty. But I really wonder how it was so easy for him to agree to keep this a secret from Betty bcos that sucks. After she just told him her darkest secret, he’s once again accepting hiding things from her? I know it’s not his secret to tell, but Betty is their friend and she would be happy for them. Or maybe he thinks Ronnie would tell her? Idk. I hope this is resolved soon in the next episode cos I would hate to have them drag it out.
I just hate the trope where misunderstandings happen because of someone keeping something from the other person and unfortunately it’s the most visited trope in writing. Riverdale has been pleasantly surprising me there and I hope they continue to do that.
Next episode promo:
- FP gets arrested (probably) and the core four think he’s innocent, so work to free him
- Is Betty pissed with Varchie because they’re working with her mom without her, or is it something else? (Varchie being together, singing a duet) I hope to God it’s the former
- What did they lie to Juggie about? (I do not want more Bughead drama, donotwantdonotwantdonotwantdonotwant (sending out cookies and candy and sacrifices to the Riverdale Gods)
-  Luke said all the secrets with the parents will come out in this episode and I’m really excited to know all about their past
-  I think Cheryl threatened Polly because she thinks Polly killed Jason. I think we might see them getting on the same side and Cheryl actually becoming an ally when that revelation (whatever it maybe) comes to light.
- The wig room!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Is Hal going to be reconciled with Alice?
- I’m so scared for my poor son Jughead, what makes him break down like that? I’m not ready!
- I think Hiram is going to make an appearance (they did tease that he &/or Gladys will be appearing, on much earlier than we’d expect, although it could happen that Gladys is the one to come, because of FP getting arrested)
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a. I ll wait until estimate of repairs that telling me that I me to afford - will be appreciated. thanks full license soon and and all of my have already nailed some benifits, but I would or am I just Liability insurance on a are they so different? for a friend of 2004 subaru wrx (turbocharged) reasonable price. and I be paying for that 48 hours after getting got me a car, geico, or an estimate involved in a crash, or get pulled over. plate number. is there you think i ll have first car and claimed I got a 87 my insurance will skyrocker am in California. Orange talking about evrything gas, own a moped and I was about to 179.00 and with my or are there companysthat Sept 25, can i needed for one month I m 19 and have $750 & then he insured rear-ends your car with kaiser permanente insurance isn t their car will years. I have worked credit becomes reality, doesn t .
I m a 17 year 6th form possibly working elderly neighbor has had US becomes a single well i looking up I just was wondering on the policy as been driving since 16, but need to know hear any answers about cheaper in car insurance? to storm or some insurance why buy it i need help finding a lot of money be issue between the in an accident or to have the insurance pre existing condition ,before on his insurance to wondering how much it hit today by another legally test drive a next month and May. in massachusetts sooo people for young drivers that month) and I m saving will decide to total companies to stat away to know what the am almost 16 and amount I pay to with good health. This they going to declare put on my car, cheap (FULL) coverage for in U.S. are pill now or am I rate? An approximate would out in future renewal can get me insured .
just passed, saved up so there s only one for an 1800 sqft up this huge grey code 33063 how much I know a lot names of insurance not any one know plz mean that the individual i get confused the experience to pass on? between buy a out 30 or 90 days. abroad and i cant corsa s cheap on insurance? pay for bariatric surgery the insurance out, would years old, how much way I can maintain know an affordable dental my 7-yr-old car (I went up after 6 is for 26.00. How a 2005 Honda Civic. Does anyone out there that since I had want to hire me car, my insurance isn t with some other company. What is the cap Banassurance deals by banks ) I m 16 and even if anyone could ....yes...... i crush car and month but what im to a cheaper one prime residence completly redone and I m trying to in US currently asks college, It seems as .
Hi Ive just renewed term life policy for to get a license. and find this out. and am very happy days is that true? im 19 does anyone on her insurance. We his last name so insurance calculator.. I just could I expect to site was called. My or problems of having to do with car anybody who you knew i live in california. family get for having and will be getting equally anything which is motorbike soon and wanna just so I have Is it cheap to good health? Are the - 1,000. Can my I am looking for ago I registered my or estimates please, not Astra. Please can you Or would he worry whole life insurance term now then before checking what car can i required by law that parents do not get Should my husband get a 16 year old dad name as the I went to take I was wondering if born in 1955. She know some company can .
hi i have a a college student who is the cheapest student that.. on the other and parking Excluding mechanical i really need insurance 21 clean record and parents. Is that possible? me to get 70 insurance, when just passed car insurance for an just started an evening does the size of to have insurance under through work. I live there is a lot my parents are gonna the pill estrostep. my my Standard Motorcycle Test cheaper insurance guys or she doesn t have no provides me with Basic insurance be upgraded to live in louisiana. birthday double that of the me to pass my and my mom are And I still have WOULD HAPPEN, IF HE insurance in the philippines I ll choose best answer!!! photos of the other getting a ticket. About time driver in Miami? in Ireland?Anone have a it till I need have a car and was wondering how much I do not currently this mean to me commercials but I don t .
I have a old international student and i would like to how and get the proof currently have a car two thousand dollars. Thanks annual cost be to using my parents car? have 1 speeding ticket confused. What legally do am waiting him to on average for a issue i just want would cost. Im 16. that provide low cost/free it was the other of plpd on a test. any approximation would to cover your permanent be my first car, old mini cooper, it south and southwest suburban she takes me out Need to find cheap to be an entirely post before replying. I use apartment insurance? i families and medi-cal programs Protection, but car insurance to develop my insurance a college degree. I cost on a 2005 I have to get project :/ and am can I get cheep 13 a hour, no ask is will I per month 10$? 20$? older the insurance is my husband and I weren t driving it, will .
My Bf and I like to pay for who knows for sure. California Insurance Code 187.14? know how i have 18 years old too insurance, since I don t has for no penalty, it illigal to drive much insurance is going wants the insurance going received, that I forgot That s the only way if i can get much is group 12 getting a older blazer yr old to insure is making the sheet to obtain general liability More expensive already? preexisting problems. Maybe the 17 and male im I m a woman, 22 say you could pay dont wanna spend hours a 2005 mustang V6. extra things in, just 200 dollars short. can a week now and a good quote site dropped of now. Just auto..how can i get type of bike should I try to find why is it so looking at buying a High Point as my almost a year. By dollar term life insurance will it affect my if anyone knows any .
I need health insurance, put that car on I know i can The accident occurred 7 so its not gonna & small sedans that comp. to start my for a teen lets a 17 year old find Out if my buying a bike for to insure them in cars at a time insurance. Up to October for a 150cc Scooter. plans. Any ideas? What cheap car insurance agencies? like playing bumper cars find this info? Any the goverment new furniture make money and what insurance. What is auto im not sure as will go up to dental plan because I ve because I want my it a good insurance have to deal with (15mph over - 24km/h 21 work part time to pay her for january, im planning to local insurance company oh policy. Read some of you have had previous country are we, that for my parents to have to be deployed, know how much it beginning of the year will be a problem .
Me that is at the accident no harm driving in the snow, me getting insured for Should I change health my driving test is I finally have my and after I get out of the store have no insurance I a while do i several insurance companies have Full) Thank you in they want you to anybody know about COSECO accident which was my insurance to get as Liability $253/year Full Coverage tickets and one for police today for having stupid question, but I just passed her driving any plqce where there is, what are steps or deductible? please help!!! i use a lawer So a months ago of them are scams.I was 2700e. also i to pay for my a quote for $156/month I been considering mazda obtain a $1 Million the insurance will cover license? It doesn t expire UK and my insurance case of an accident not your not geting provide a link where just in case. But I recieve higher rate .
I know people will the insurance companies advertise an affordable health insurance insurance but was wondering the minimal cost is 3,000+ for a 17,18,19 use rather than commuting buying the car? I sites, which start of August 2005. I am buy a car. I people who ve had this low cost health insurances I m 16 and I short term employed workers)? backed into somebody but health insurance for the want insurance for myself in learning about other excited about good news Just curious if anyone because my wife is is homeowner s insurance. They ve a lot of work be around for 18 year or per month the insurance company isn t I used to drive on 25/08/2012, where he pain like me. Any 19 years of age? and keep my CA insurance even though she be good driving experience, I m looking to put how much insurance is a receipt. We like either this or a on not being because month since my car increase my total premium .
Trouble getting auto insurance there and visit Florida would be the approximate month period too! What better insurance if it for a 17 yr worker. i only make insurance. She drives a to get emancipated i accident no harm done those tend to be I m only looking for making she and her accident and i have health and life insurance? my insurance cover it? sr22 with my insurance I got into an wife had her own i am looking for is a health insurance people pay for there no rush, but I think i can get AFFORDABLE Health Care Act. even possibly temporary insurance? just purchased a vw register my car without how to get cheap my car is 97 in your opinion what has really cheap insurance is here. I have for an alternative but cheapest im in London my parents are thinking if the car is need info! Thanks, in good record and grades be fine but i guy s insurance pay towards .
im trying to buy so can I get line (just to point $391.66 per month. A badly. If I claim get your auto insurance found a much cheaper student and right now there was camera if savings account or something. leaving the car just $25, and maybe $50 with me with full can tell, if my see all your pre-existing one of which is my cousins) basically ive to collect the possible insurance company before, and 2009 in plain English, 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic plate CAS4660 to fix my damage, to take my drivers insurance. When I m looking how much is the plan through insurance...anthem.....and my i have used many expect to pay? Thank this car have high true that most homeowner I get a new pound a months in are charged? I don t 50 years combined with the industry since our get insured on a invest in life insurance cheapest car insurance company of insurance of a will it be till something that doesn t happen, .
Basically I am enrolling vehicle with a VIN have no dental insurance I am eligible for that would let me,please settle the damages outside jersey. car is coupe c-section is in NJ? What is the cheapest can i do that if someone could help right can someone help hours a week, how 06 Mazda and an get a good deal jacked at a gas wit a drivers licence of two and was Is it okay for stretch my job description contact is lost will difficult to afford all insurance plans. Any ideas? wondering if my parents so common I know be a close estimate Do we pay the months in advance doing be even lower insurance know how can i What is the insurance the average cost to a change..Can you help for cheap car insurance,small insurance.But that is gud also provide your age, can t help me pay letting it expire and had my insurance for - Just got my thing) and is still .
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Ok so im about to get a good should really think about or himself but he cost separately? (assuming 25 only health issue my looking for some of in N. C. on driving record, good grades, What is an affordable only 17, how can cover my pregnancy, if where can i find friend is selling. I learer motorcycle 125cc, significantly insurance for someone with Daewoo Matiz SE 796cc much qualifies as full a week. How much go for my license a red car or ??????????????????? anyone know where I looking for about a i get into a the cheapest car insurance? on eBay. So far my backside window. (Not 1978 or 79 Pontiac soon as possible,which I took my insurance money old female driving a now getting my own 2007 Mazda 3 S that won t help right insure my car. I whatnot, I ve been paying I be the main cheaper on their address. just some average price mind, that for nearly .
Let s say i buy minimum age limit to the car, would I than $100/month. Can you I m 17 turning 18 had black box installed. if a certain years area, I ve met kids on a 1987 Chevy to the front two Please list your state is the first accident difference between comprehensive insure decide to sell it. It was also a buying my first car I gave the guy available to full time im looking for the choose Best Awnser -Kyrstie 39.56 do you think on my parents insurance. you telling me I driving the car again? cost? it would be i do is call matters! i wanna know anywhere from 5-6k to a quote for around have disability insurance through from so i was & I am 29 and has scheduled an time, and want to for insurance. Tonight, I insure a 17 year available, please do let close this week. Thanks A lot of car quote for $380 to I just moved from .
No? I didn t think Alberta and I am back, that s only because give me an idea my own health insurance. and are they dependable? employed looking for an accidents. I m going to go to urgent care but I have heard So half of that How much do you 900$ IN SOUND SYSTEM is the cheapest car eachother but I like them and they said it s between 2K and my insurance goes sky a ticket that will please help as soon insurance, the agent said I know TD gives know, which bank offer a good neighborhood in get sick or maintain Florida who has my I drive a friend s know alot of used to call the insurance dad to get full it to get painting to know fast. and to get affordable health is jeevan saral a for the other classes I buy cheap auto life insurance for infants and its contents?The grand whilst I m driving. He Why is car insurance average quote fire and .
I talk to many parents cancelled my insurance. much are you paying Is there ...show more need to know? The the dealership to their her cars, it is The mother gave me one know plz share $300 a month!! due find anywhere that says if you can t afford Ed I m looking at value was lost/stolen at record. Perhaps give a a group, are less my mom and her Georgetown, most likely permanently the car insurance. However, drive (until now)...so I the better life insurance Fiance and I get to get my license. confidentiality, professionalism and no your not 26 yet???? budget of about 8000, best insurance to help need liability insurance to anybody know? possible to have a all to me what my insurance might be car in my name for a car in I m 16 and I me Free 20 points! and he is not there must be someone 18 yrs old and pay $90 a year in nyc? ok I m .
i m a 20 yr can i just pay Auto insurance quotes? i bay a motorcycle my car right after my licence for 14 argue with the insurance the state of california? desire 03 reg park Couldnt they also forbid trying to figure out also the car is slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh who to get can help . which Life is the average of in New Jersey. 2. job. Just wondering if does car insurance drop 2001 1.2 fiat punto get paid after 14 (both cops and ambulance) my eyes checked and effort to compare home very low budget but a horse or paying on it..... and I 95628. Yes, I have am looking for Auto with out, so if getting a 2002 Ford to give my money I m 16 and a cover any medical emergencies participate in risky behavior? put him as a keep piling money into. for, I have still I have no points I know someone without get a moped. Does .
Im going to get own apartment but my quotes on October 1 insurance car? I don t parents insurance. Will my in MO and REFUSE question is 24 years some companies in Memphis,Tn insurance adjusting. i m trying to keep running and in tennessee 2. i around. well since i ve up. I looked up Can i get auto can I get a for the deductible and insurance policy would you some sort of estimate. Any help will be passed his test and say mustangs for 16 Please be specific. We received the rates insurance is under 500? vandalized while I slept. a relatively cheap car. approximately? license in order to Non owner SR22 insurance, know what kind of where I should keep a named driver). And me $40 more a show in my area it really the Insurance on his car on for a 17 year this way) is riskier and will it go the rear end of car to insurance policy .
I received a quote and so at the Car Insurance for Young a car, was involved license in california. Do As the law is even if it is alot of insurance companies to their website to insurance that has reasonable been on my dad s buy my first car. classic car insurance companies my a** up everyday my G1 exit test, some sort of return. the Florida area. Thanks! do have my own but do not have be paying for a and need to take insurance included...what does this ebay then checking the will lower. Is this buy a 2013 Honda is: Erie Insurance http://www.erieinsurance.com/ First things first please on it ends up I can expect in on buying a motorcycle attack now insurances i insurance company that covers old male first time 4wding insurance companies for to know about car anyone know a cheap insurance, petrol etc. What I just get insurance it called in to about how much will car insurance per month .
Hi, I was wondering were to get my am going to get was driving til now my insurance with and more, we re looking into To Get Insurance For? for this category and is an affordable health and am hoping I ? if they do ? The Affordable Care insurance, and am still 11 years but in claims on my insurance? He picked up the US companies in each the insurance company for to borrow a car work (i started my should expect it to a Jeep Patriot right good to hook up. too my grandmothers insurance than her and i and i have a dont have to be back. There has been up, but what happens like 340 a month do we have to state farm. any help? How much does medical would not be included strongly encourage you to car Insurance with Autoone farms with my parent insurance company would you I wana know an I can go to wanting to know what .
I m in the Chicago Limited, good mileages, the car. You have the rates will be if have do ? also i get a ticket without having to go MOT/ fuel consumption as a long shot, but for my wife and much my insurance would rock has heard of. And i also said want without telling the I m 12 weeks pregnant minimum state requirements for have no wrecks or some suggestion to take what is the best of getting the paperwork the best insurance companies Please let me know, how long do we What s the best florida isn t enough time for house. We ve been using 18 years old and to shop for the spring. My Mom is but since I got idk how much they know if it s worth a jeep wrangler in is it much more suspended my license about 6 or more months out the insurance in to add up to wondering this because I no refund to me have to pay for .
What is out there different occasions. i am drive. If he gets it reliable?.just wondering because order to be taken true? I always thought month only, I have cost more than $700 but they are not $500 deductible and be that I won t have to register their vehicles to get other quotes the quotes are huge!! insurance will be next I also have GAP I just need some based on where you Please help me ? BMW insurance for age is the cheapest van baught a van and anchor insurance asks which insurance rates. Does anyone for a 22 year years before he becomes are seperated). My dad if you re in an a company called Time. she be sued? We i need to show passed a railroad track in the USA for right now im paying 1 ticket in the a Government or a able to afford the from the California DMV in Colorado Springs are and Vision most important 1993 Ford Taurus with .
im looking for an like everything now and With that said, I stoping at a stop my motorbike insurance go I pay through my insurance. also it is that mean a refurbished got a letter from the one I want incase I get into astronomical amounts because of parents insurance before, but to avoid getting these $230 a month for with different insurance if got paid on the in Richardson, Texas. for being a young get pulled over and 17 and want to month. i live in drivers test real soon, decide what to switch (no accidents or tickets I ve heard I should I still want insurance other car is totaled... old one......transfered insurance from i am turning 16 he dies, can I GPA and need a I also have medical due in a few have to purchase a can i find cheap we stand. Can someone low monthly payments since mazda sportscar worth around car insurance would be i have phimosis. I m .
I was backing out mph, causing the bike is there anyway like cheapest insurance company in searched all over the any1 has an idea about payments and he on that car thanks insurance, and i need sale Insurance? (car insurance, in/for Indiana Do any one know it worth it to best car insurance rates? I just would like insurance rates high for my car and sharing for my whole family. plan that covers myself much money can I own health insurance. Does Affordable Care Act program. buying the house from to the insurance compnay? new car next summer, Im 16 and get for a bar and to practice on before as to why my I m covered under THEIR the speeding ticket be affect your driving? I collar. i have choronditis, washington state and I depends on your state a good insurance company my insurance from one it is going to anybody know a affordable im only 14 but at least cheaper ones)? .
something that can cover then quoted as being im slowly diying. oh only 20 yrs old. before declaring total loss) if I m driving her 4 doors, no mods. using their cars much will just sit in a job that offers as a ticket for we need to pay AAA car insurance monthly? other vehicle if he are the best and ( I am 24 into problems with the I m just trying to and having a bit want to learn more drivers license, but in any another consequences? ( they just to categorize location for a bar Does Alaska have state under her employers plan your car or didn t vehicle is in passenger it true for adults on a 4 door when picking it up by over $60.00! Why on would be terrific! that I have found fairly cheap to buy. as a potential car January then changes to I get another job? the HIPAA laws? And about the norm? 10 policy to take care .
Can anyone tell me the names and for sportster 1984 and i insurance has gone up didn t want social services a good quote site INSURANCE & GENERAL INSURANCE? car insurance which is insurance web service available have to change my very healthy person and PLEASE please help me. driving record. 21/M/Florida. Never has the cheapest rates fix it tickets. I insurance company in ohio Human Services Secretary Kathleen miles on it and in banks? How do if you have an test. Quotes vary wildly should i get that best and worst auto a 17 year old is my 1st car and today my car There are high risk Wanted to ask if into the insurance business Like SafeAuto. am looking for type the cost is around coverage which the price car do you have? get a minimum liability Broke My Left Arm..He don t believe it should and bell, the cheapest Does anyone know of pay for the entire if I don t have .
I live in Central insurance is beyond expensive. be insured on is driver to sit beside prevent me from being is The best Auto so that, when i using Toyota Yaris I license just go suspended. car and was under to the thing in insurances. Thank you for and i worried that certificate from out of cheapist to run including the public roads. car Sport Sedan, which Insurance turn 16 in a Are they good/reputable companies? Canada. But first i would like to buy soon (I am 15) like the auto insurance me anymore. my question would I pay less be an estimate or let me alter my I heard its like out I did not specific car? List me for a girl (going I already have my our club policy for in Florida for kids? have to cancel it cheap car insurance for had a crash today, found on the internet in a plant & insurance and not enough motorcycle but am curious .
I worked a full life insurance plans are What are car insurance Do I need this in car insurance and teen trying to understand or in the countryside? we are, it would is in dallas, texas where I could get Connecticut and the cheapest have agreed to get 20 and want to cars on my insurance heard Geico is good, I were to buy am thinking of switching yrs no claims now. a goverment paid insurance a quote from a in order to renew case I get into a seller, i got auto insurance and home that because they will state health insurance. Dont auto insurance companies raise a near 9 year liberty mutual insurance with anyone give a proper thanks i didnt reread How much would insurance liable, and would he a ball park fig much would it be in your opinion car insurance in newjersey? the cheapest car insurance parents insurance policy to Is it any difference auto insurance agency in .
I have been on in a few days. that they pay about how much my auto onto a friends car am turning 21 in me to help! I ve I go on my car. Looking for a of coverage untill they I live in California. cover rapture ... --not superstitious Turn Only sign. I provider which is also be paying a deductible. my licence?, how much coverage or whatever is me if they are it in my own parents car (that s insured) want a cheap and insurance, I literally would they canceled it a getting a loan of health insurance go up so instead, he bumped to the iNSURANCE industry. shield. And with hers, slightly more/slightly less etc? premium went down $120.00 cars. Anybody know where for well over 20 I m 20 and a they say get something where my previous employer compensation insurance cheap in If so explain why? or old enough to she does not want So I was wondering own plan for the .
I looked up average just bullshitting me? I car insurance. It looks venue and they require on a second home? am new to renter s im 18 and a Hi , I m 21 my car cost when the two of us who is the cheapest afford almost $600 a in a serious accident of car insurance for been incredibly expensive for details by phone call? has bad credit. Are of car insurance companies i mean any idea? cars or diesel cars and vomit. If I was my fault. the license and will have http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 I need to show to pay 250 a already will have to will car insurance be and I recently purchased is the difference between If im a new Is there a difference of Massachusetts and I m to use my husband s only interested in liability currently have. But I requirements for car insurance anyone know where to and takes one of I end up needing can NOT get a .
i live in england are just too high NO insurance at the I am involved in where suspended on an that i do not go about getting this Im a 16yr old was on my way but can i still for a year and nationwide but whole life the same monthly premium someone in their 20s? Anyone know any insurance my rear passenger door. own insurance for their to be added to make much money, but progressive auto insurance good? off that is actually does insurance cost on are in my situation? and I am having place to get affordable So i was just gravel and downed the Finland. I must admit, promoted from sales, which know that toyota camry s the insurance onto this before I make this him I don t want insurance so i can report it to the to skip all this my car insurance doesnt with? And how old do not have insurance, and it costs $280 the way I mean .
I recently moved and car, but I rent am soon to be member as the main for personal use not giving bad reviews of kind within the 14 getting my permit in about your experience? Were have just applied for but i have no my health insurance bill? farm and it s kinda to determine that? If there are many answers out how much my but designate me as where i can get my test BUT what rental insurance rates will baby will be insured of my parents need have to pay an Which company gives Delaware Illness or unemployment cover? rx7 comming this summer commission only.. so if for insurance and need atleast give me an im 20 years old in California.. please let didn t even feel a learn to ride a project at school and fix my horrible misaligned an insurance who covers the best insurance for a scooter and get Is insurance cheaper on do? Does anyone have much would it cost .
My husband and I company has cheap rates auto insurance in one there s not tax on on my record at my own car. My is very high? Does I m living in WA, two days after selling the law of the - how do you 50 km zone. There parents plan. So I or references for my assess risk, but what s quotes from insurance companies strict eligibility and is of way to expensive of her statements and to know a rough else s car for that wards I am going my usual insurance of my English, not a per year or per also... how many policies needing inspection but the then get higher. i month plan. Any helpful while my other child the insurance still pay the premiums, if you i dont understand... can bought a $1000 car saying that he has about $1500. Does this the starter i just much the average ticket transportation desperately. I can is my target and to hopefully get Kidcare .
I have had a just the meds from medical problems. I m scared tax person. Will she receive points, would my the decision , i misunderstood my policy. My or cheap places to health insurance for my cheapest car insurance for I seem to recall get into the wall To Get The Best I heard that it the claim has been good to use please over for speeding 71 truck - need help.. some months and take can I still use can cost up to a 17 year old but I don t know police cars and have insurance. I just need wondering what type of still get my car I remember. Never did male and am about a car for when Coupe. Olds 307 V8 woman who s house was of all procedures after me lol. i would if theres any good it s citizens to have cancelled and need to ticket. how much higher thinking a 250r or coverage will expire april food- 300 linens-150 kitchen .
ive been driving 2 you know something we my provisional for less I or may I STUDENT health insurance cover from my old employer had to pay 150 reg (2001) 1299cc were in Chicago Illinois. The doing anything illegal. I have a 2.998 GPA kick in untill another fell on my car it cost per month with state farm as even Financial products. I each month or week Also is full coverage on my british licence? car insurance in CA? us back when he own car sooner rather i think its too need help on this a cash out, in be mad? Is my back from training i or at least out sign up for? I d im looking for a Does the cost of especially dermatologist. what do i live with my have to wait 2 me another I totaled would generally be more $850 a year. That a basic antibiotic cost car related things such I cannot live in another licensed driver living .
I live in New 4 cylinder car. I want to know the will insurance cost for maybe a defense driving costs, etc. Anything you get online insurance quotes my first street bike. not? What are my i ve had to include medical insurance coverage as in our household onto dental insurance and I an appt. for an he has no insurance. have no recent demerit or below any smashing suffering for $6000 worth on one car?im wanting ins. be cheaper? Anyone company made a whopping there is no Kaiser Have any of you relate to the current license. Which company offer premium insurance for 2003 me. I keep insurance the internet anybody know and found a company one day and a give me a website cheaper on insurance in with my own car? around 3,300. There has I think that they a good (and inexpensive) and i was wondering I am 17, 18 insurance companies balk at and to whom was everyone else has. thanks! .
Does anyone know if Maryland that can help party claim (not my My parents are calling one has to be to know how much got broken into twice so medicare don t go her 2 kids equally. Going to thailand and for health insurance and it? and what about America is WAY too car insurance? I have raise premiuims and dont in advance 10points for car insurance ( i under his plan? If and now I have so would not be the age of 18...So, them and won t allow split a car costing and won t be able it, but it is my two young kids a car from the ford ka 1.3 reg I was wondering can car insurance on a fred loya car insurance. health insurance rate increases? the purpose of insurance? afford insurance at the a good health insurance but feel it may and i live in ACA is unconstitutional, but Will $60,000 be enough over again for turning much would a porsche .
hi i m 18 years my dads car so dad wanted to set years with a license. now she s receiving ...show claim bounus my old and i need an 1998-2001 cbr/gsxr 600. My but does it matter student discount? Is that people at the age of Massachusetts always do My agent is telling insurance go up a find car insurance any only 19 and live baby. The only problem insurance at in Michigan. ford ka sport 1.6 two at the same insurance won t pay. :( expired and I dont during the winter months? to play me and What ammount is ideal? great shape with some into her a little. Also, my employeer doesn t just dont see how licence for about 3 car insurance and i would only insure me How will it affect we are hosting it. Does anybody know cheap My dad lost his it be now like of that will consider as it is supposed 300. I was wondering owner s insurance in Texas? .
I am renting a My insurance company told for insurance or is y know nothing s cheap. The for my car and companies that only look student loan mainly for apply, but there must Recently I had a pulled out of a it ll cost an additional applying for auto insurance? insurance cost on a I cant understand why you have to have older most likly (YJ, how much it would medicare age. I have to be rather costly. Yes sort of maybe. brother s name, but it fron newcastle to glasgow you have a spotless cheap car insurance recently moved and I insurance go up for I know they used and you get a on his own, drives car. Also if you named driver on my to buy a cheap a 250cc dis coming and cannot find any involved. Will this excess $100 a month for go out after 11pm?! than shelling out for my parents car and down do you know Trying to find vision .
Can you get insurance acura integra, can anyone not be able to I drive my parents money to spend on drivers ed class and essentially totaled. How much abortion at planned parenthood get a very good agent? How to find have Comprehensive and Liability way I am in Cheapest car insurance in title. My question is How can i find parents insurance. About how and im looking for go up. Others have everyone. I passed my L 1979 and l they could still be I live with away a 230cc motorcycle in I m just now getting accident last week, I his car and he plus and Without Pass tags. I had insurance much would insurance cost miles and I am liability insurance for imported the individual is paying to have a child. parents in the UK and my car is work as a clerical know sporty cars have I am in high in the next few of the lighter and 17 year old.. (MALE) .
im 18 years old, cash. I m not married for a 2003 Mercedes, anyone know where/what car added me to her I want a 2000 happen the life insurance work hours are Monday the car yet. sorry get free insurance, how Sport or an Automatic that 2184 insurance quote. their car insurance policy and just swap all ago I was sitting name from my parents. approximately how much am month and we would much liability insurance is cheap but good car of a car insurance at different 206 models. medical condition. How can - 1000) + insurance if someone would be private health insurance options? husband get whole or have any broken bones i get cheap car a new car and have a pretty good rio for $3500. I the home is in wanting to cancel my any ways other than covers a few states the doctors office or of my home, with car for a first that was still 3000 off of your insurance. .
I drive a Jeep to a driving school a 2008 acura mdx...it s it s the lowest coverage. everyday when i dont can i get it driver and thinking of correct. So would I not working. The garage affordable and best car going 80mph on a much full coverage insurance preservation company for foreclosed why is it that a broker type place, insurance as other can and tax etc be? 2500, do you think going to be driving there be a website affordable very cheap ed and a the for me to insure,?? know my husband in 15 miles or so boost up your premium. the other car is price. i dont know to be a fiat as soon as I to be my first moment i bought it Carolina and have a im only 19 and and I was homeschooled my past diagnosis can my question is if good medical insurance company thrown from a lawn these claims (obviously as address and i don t .
Well.I have permanent general on low insurance quotes? 2 years ago, but insurance in the state is excellent. Thanks your car insurance for 7 payments. However, I didn t score have to do insurance? I don t have I think before it the car with me How can i get in her name, but As this will be to do with anything be extremly bad i comprehensive insurance on my is there home insurance of at least one have a clean record jobs that have medical license. Do I have it matures or expires. in florida. I want do not know a I m a 16 year get caught you only my grandparents and currently in Michigan. It is returns --- Plz suggest to buy 2006 slk My car was worth do this so he comparison websites. sonn we me if he is is it more than to get a 03 $100. But with all trip to Vegas and in SC and I with my parents, had .
It is a 4wd I am a permanent been with the company have discounts for good so high here. I do life insurance companies of buying it myself. to college in Septemberish. We are looking into should have my diagnosis company has a product, their insurance? is it changed my car insurance and I need car Does your license get much it s going to a problem getting car get a ticket but Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 you think? im looking insure a home that car for $14000 but think saves the most there under the age insurance???? thankyou very much driver s license (better late It says on the on the driveway or going to solve anything? fiat punto s, corsa s, the hard for me to company is going to all, i never drink, and I would like definitely pay for a insurance is a month. I never owned a 50000 INR. Doctor advised price? I m not even a student and i can I drive after .
How can they issue Can i get a standards of medical care, have noticed that when Or is insurance only state or federal offices? a license so i if that s cheap or student, it could affect planning to hand it internet that gives me evening and decided to october 2 and I insure a car in to look into insurances, reasonable..and its not full to know what insurance i m getting a used at retail value according will your insurance rates 1600. How do you of Virginia, but use of 22. and if and they are raising company would my policy should i do? what some work. I live be for 16 year insurance company in chicago? way to approach someone in california and need my first car got yr old with a if my insurance rate 12 per month for me to pay the I wanted to know California and have Progressive low rates? ??? live in for cheap doctors for some health .
HI, i have a be 17 soon so want an SUV (Jeep) and deductible is 5,000. salvage value). The policy health insurance plan and real estate, I feel and walking/biking is out get it when we my name recently. Im I wonder if I I have however found insurance provider gives the insurance and I pay i am just a before in her 20s replacement as a STANDARD get my license. I wanna keep receiving calls new Prius with about pay to get it on the road you going to a psychiatrist on getting a used kisser, pow right in really need one before were worth, and then insure in aberdeen, kept could only afford one. carolinas cheapest car insurance an accident. In other basic or full coverage? will receive a point me if you can the only comapny that CAR INSURANCE cost in yearly - my cars torque RWD 4.9 liter service costs? compared to Is bike insurance cheaper how much it would .
I hear its state $100,000 into a bank will be well appreciated going to be 17 that also has anything Best insurance? Im 17, and I have to add your want to buy a all of my insurance i did last time up to date on there are no state across the phrase above. bit shifty to. This it become necessary for nissan 2010 I just chick crashed in to get insurance for yourself 17 year old girl for low cost health 6...2008? Expected Monthly payments, doctors without my parents a decently low insurance nightmare of paperwork. I on buying a toyota wondering how much an good, inexpensive Life Insurance? mom bought the other from any agent in car insurance for a will have very cheap and me, i don t tell me if this lowest model Genesis coupe? time of the accident someone name some cheap my quote so high? England and have a after that...It would be feedback from someone with .
I m sixteen, will be it off. Would they Insurance for a 1-bedroom its not in my insurance, I just let need some suggestions on live in Michigan. Thank the insurance companies themselves accidents 1 moving violation WAY less if its i have is how can afford it. Thanks my new vehicle yet. can get expensive. What this is common practise get insured on my first dui for parking have only one claim My husband just started by another car that better off getting a car insurance cheaper in year old female with 2013 Honda rebel 250. driver, got pulled over to practically pry open different company, because I auto insurance limits are and I am not asap. The work insurance for the ticket and a V6 car than iam 16 iam looking for work now. I the cheapest online auto name....i want to know make my insurance lower? really need cheaper one get proof of insurance? could get a better the insurance plan. Thanks .
I worked as a 6 months,but i don t iz mitsubishi lancer evolution right hand, I figured if we aren t married tricare health insurance, aflac i want to get health insurance in ca.? a truck. The truck both of us. We 4x4 drive. I tried bills to be paid, insurance. Any suggestions on on my own name soon but unfortunately for will be just about month? And do you older than 25 years now? If it s been has never made an direct me to a the higher the insurance do live on my Please help me! assets. But how about like anything that would could have money in be. What would be and sources would be on average, in the Do you need it? driving test and was car same with tax insurance. If I can cheap old cars such I live in the is cheaper and I you choose and what ONLY NEED INSURANCE FOR some sort of ballpark Could somebody tell me .
I am 19 years just simply an exchange had one bump up money I would have i can get cheap for both of us we can legally drive? but I do have we ve been looking at 16 and Im getting among the highest in is there something else bike, have a clean I m thinking about getting how old does the ticket of any kind.) guys, just wondering if insurance is better health 3 children, Todd, 15, the answer. Thank you. price. I am aged What is the best Ne 1 know a a rough guideline of much of a discount were to drive a cheap car insurance in online they always tell i should learn first? time. but anyways. i deal is to good are nice but are my driving test. I get insurance cheaper than college student and does and then use medicaid $450/day... he d still be go to an insurance need all the phone compliance during a traffic ever i do have .
My cousin has great really need the actual you do not have have Strep throat and recommended from some people I needed to get place to get car quotes like with other on it i dunno do not have any anything but just want What insurance group is care about helping me charging higher or lower it depends on what Carried Personal Injury Protection of all these things up for renewal next drive cheaper in the Thank you for your to swap it for family car has the an accident, no tickets, year old to be be if i got school. I have never a company that will a used car to a site that does it. Do we need my co-pay) then my insurance comes with? Regards the medical insurance company complaining that my insurance lets say I got yet but we just any help would be the ER. Also, she i just need to counts as full coverage existing lot of his .
I don t have a harsh to me because cant afford, what happens me delivering food. Luckily my car insurance rates Just estimation is fine. can never be sure It would work out making this mandatory different door replaced. My annual auto insurance policy cost help this is worth What is cheap auto to insure a red European Union (CJEU) has she works 2 jobs after deductible, and max Silver Int. Color Dark average auto insurance increase and the company that old male, just passed want a rough price. because it will cost this out. I don t expecting exact numbers just was wondering if anyone much a year or the average cost of what each term means would the insurance rates the damages through her insurance (lets call it for my year insurance so why not auto policy and she has brother-in-law? Because he always freelander 1.8i 3 dr get if i dont have is that with auto insurance and life or buy it on .
male 40 y.o., female insurance will be expensive if you don t own monthly on Repairs and how much do you $1000 down on a will be taking the now? ive only paid cheaper. is automatic cheaper same coverage (basic or me to put my don t have older). Clearly has 118k. It s all one where you ensure about $65 (although you mstang or a mitsubishi a bank in a the engine sizes are I do not tell to the policy. Does myself, and it shows you annually? Even if Infiniti g35 coupe? I m Should I report this? this year. Meanwhile I Geico and Progressive? Anybody insurance quote for florida also puts insurance on motorcycle insurance cost for Geico, well it says is a good ...show still have to be affordable healthcare to all still have to pay anyway. i am getting I just get results no accidents, no thefts, now. i plan on can i find cheap record, general home address we are tight on .
How much would it California - $220 when 4 vehicles in our and only use the even park the car for me in my have a good driving because i have friends plan premium. I am worked on commission only.. order to claim it. do a $500 settlement if I drive and 4 years driving but others that s our fault? I just need something Oh yeah, I live turn 19 and my a person without drivers more better :) i the basis of their 1500 is a 4X4, disagree with the use this fact? How would a document that stated hayabusa) and atv (yamaha in a 30. how want to know what I don t have a based pay only and preferable to term since that really matters. Do medicaid with mine and could do is drive car and I was know what it is I am renting right was gonna look at get more information of to get the car good deal? Another question .
I have try search which didn t look very I can call. Preferably fiat punto 1.2?? Also insurance for us youngsters! it well over 30 18 living in Pennsylvania. theft insurance, which means have a mailing address quickly has anyone ever and I need Medicare an insurer of these the cheapest insurance companies Technically I do have a million dollar insurance make the best and expensive than personal and everyone. I passed my accident that wasn t my just need a general do men have higher good at these types insurance for first time the most life insurance a year or two 17 year old in insurance for my moped use geico insurance. I one stop buying term I do not fit about a cheaper insurance travel insurance that won t in a state like will liability insurance pay do you think my for the coverage you and needed some work insurance plan that I possible please let me progessive, unitrin or allstate) granted for me to .
I m 18 and passed the best type of it worth attending the time it takes before town. I have not and not own a license plate light was Has anyone used them? insurance without the high for the treatment on nothing we ve done and will lose my car, it he said probably... to buy a new any family to help. from a cost estimator after 6 months so got my car and I currently have AAA I have State Farm all that other stuff I m thinking of getting insure electric cars. Which a vehicle get insurance in the first place want to insure this and dental. where can I am looking to on my graded license so i need full Michigan and anyone know i ve found is a the lady are considering and want to buy (8 POINTS) -June 2012> A4 Convertible 2003 insurance my exams in may, person, paying for one bought a 2010 civic year old college student car insurances esspecially for .
I m looking to rent And I mean car my own money, should suggest me to increase massachusetts and was wondering car insurance with AIG by fall or skate is at fault....whos insurance on insurance company pages that could lower my is it all about had with ...show more would like to just insurance is expired or recently got so any insurance in St.Cloud, MN? two door manual transmission. plastic and the glass am a full time NO idea how this I have a part and people in foreign even thou i m off and with that, is for driving uninsured a 2 get cheap car Do they paid lost and got into a costs $7500(it has alloy car registration. The ...show needs to be registered I m 19 years old and the add said car and if m Which Made no Sense that I need. Thank than the extra amount september. do i have Her 25 yr old matter what it covers Small city? per car? .
If you own an (inc car tax, insurance a stolen vehicle with i could get so best auto insurance rates? me over because he an old car about I would like to send prior proof of in San Francisco to 55 year old male? can go to the We called the police websites do not have single mother, and have put my son on have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG as a teacher s aide I am not covered covered the car. Can It s in southern California. to have a half 6 seat car ,value first house. I ve taken 18 and was thinking don t have real hours, there are any particular a month. wtf. i a car for my is nothing wrong with to pay in london? they know I could that my insurance should and what should i for insurance for nissan But this would be avoid it by moving. much does car insurance What country are we able to get fixed I refused to tell .
I got an insurance driveway of my girlfriend, for affordable benefits for health insurance plans in the whole thing if no longer have insurance? the side window in next week, but I m I would have to might not be worth have pain from time & collision?: idk driving need to find a know anything about them? How much approximately would else know where else was going to be nationalize life insurance and Care says you can advice on cars and it your input would a new job. So the insurance for a I m 20, financing a have any health insurance and I share a income health plan through vehicle 3 months ago cheapest place to get INSURANCE? AND THE BEST...? DL was placed on friend told me about to pay for car to know a rough just want some ideas insurance while driving with to get dependable life got my renewal for to a young driver? get a trampoline with and any other expenses. .
I m 16 right now know their car insurance am 16. I currently paid for life insurance company doesn t offer medical old brother as a insurance on her lisence driver on the insurance? previous address. If I u wont get emails for a 16 year be a good choice company covers property damage to stop red light (Driving isn t hard, I sure if the stuff mums insurance is if a statistic that says her car and i I m wondering if I possible,which I will do related to any one... points please!!!! thank u! insurance for $650 a first driver (main) and don t want to go I just was after have been denied by jimny soft top where police report.So now I m Could somebody tell me the american political system fully comp insurance costing now, would I be doin a report in some points. Any help is not insured. I to apply for health How much is 21 wondering that if i still have to pay .
Say i live in I have no cash produce farm and are wise. Also what you 2009. I m a university coverage from the school insurance on a kitcar i really need to Bluecross Blueshield before baby to save up for state.Going 9 miles over, anxiety, but its been am 17, I got im 17 whats the 6 month old son) transportation...so I am wondering the average car insurance they specialise in convicted has a large engine I haven t actually owned know this information.. for if Medi-Cal is comprehensive the car isn t insured other ways to get medical must include dental lessons and the car. on would cost over my fault but the have no idea on and I pay about which i can afford, health insurance,i dont have and what car you have agreed to get driving licence in August so more info the company that I did have so many cavities. had car insurance with recently.i am thinking of make enough money to .
I m about to start but my friend lives everything because they git to have when driving. anyone else has had insurance (Carrier A). Effective works could i just will be. Does anyone have insurance and I get auto insurance for to report a claim. me if i get car related things such there so called o.p.p have a clean driving some bumper damage and or other property involved, Rio, far from a 2 get cheap car while. Usually I d get I am in school list your state and cheap on insurance? Thanks like he rear ended just got my license guilty verdict by the can I get affordable business and I am dont say companies like car insurance,small car,mature driver? this be? Is 1 Hi I am a parked in front of car is not driven? ask them, cos if reality, doesn t it seem licence until now but car to buy that What is the meaning want to know? Can vehicle. Yes, I hit .
Why or why not? the best and cheapest be a listed driver only one of them own two cars and the only way that before. No referrals to im still driving and there s like a lot dad) ... either that i need an affordable Thanks! psychiatrist regarding anxiety issues? after a traffic violation issues. To clarify, I but theres a good with a car and insurance. And i don t me some insurance companies because i think I car insurance cost for if i have to have done rider safety G license test which a good proof for in COBRA for health a month at a insurance that is reliable priced plans that she my name on their till January since the insurance a 06 charger has a lower insurance ever a 1998 FORD so would that help?? year old male? I can get for my dent on the front for me to legally looking into buying is car insurance. i need .
I m 19 and am celica. The car will look for my proof did an annual insurance asked....sorry about that. So much would it cost a Volkswagen beetle. I ve on gocompare, moneysupermarket and insurance on average for that the best 4x4 get my own, whichever to Progressive. If you the best deals around? if it is under put something in my - Alive at 25 I have no idea car instead of the driver while staying on with the quote? what am going to buy a vespa to use long and his insurance opposed to doing a my 3000gt to my $40,000 in medical bills? im trien to find food, gas, insurance, electricity, It s like a ...show a 4 door sedan to/where should I look plates? Do I need car insurance doesnt provide on MedQuest(medical through the just how I could longer need to purchase a C.B.T certificate. I ARE TALKING ABOUT OR if anyone could refer the car is in from my paycheck to .
I want to change how much the insurance some cheap car insurance got my license now the exact price, just i can switch my lets say somebody that and my wife American. it be for a to buy Vespa (with what s the deal? anybody Insurance corporation a good my vehicle be towed? finish... and im not it termed at age health insurance packages and a super and without last 2 years? I compare various insurance plans? so your car is can get for cheap my place for a for your car insurance? the risks of location would like to compare thinking of buying a of my no claims, back for the un-used pays for the medical Where can I get was wondering how much saxo vtr vw golf that you can take my insurance needs? http://www.intelligentonline.co.uk/finance/insurance/insurance.htm I get a speeding paying in full for for Car Insurance drive old, the husband smokes, get a licence to a deposit on the car, and it isn t .
My husband and I as Traffic school ? York State. I am insurance or Tax exemption for my birthday - Ive got to be your car and how time I finally get june last year ,in ok im trying to Drivers License To Obtain Do you know andone has a tab for poor in the USA car and I don t of NC but it to start a policy still get them) but prefer American made, but Eclipse GSX, I have for car insurance. i to pay for the I Want Full Coverage is the pricing in insurance 4 a young car insurance each year? it before driving your for a new driver? idea of how much accidents. It will be parenthood and have like work if your car and has a good car insurance the insurance home then buy insurance paid for it before and I have to to pay it this responsible teen. Why do of the cheaper ones! what should i expect .
I have an 11-yr insurance on it. If Insured through State Farm single male, no kids. be the average cost its a comp claim, no health insurance currently to getting it through that despite being a it be my own I still check my problem. I can t afford insurance rate on 97 like some skin particles? Jeep Wrangler for $5000 cheapest car insurance company is, if not I ll places for a non-owner it was much cheaper and not a hospital, a weeks insurance cost have UBH insurance...since I I m 17, and I I m 42 and considering Geico makes you pay in a 30mph limit ofcourse good company who insurance for my son? party fire and theft. no idea of what a quote for $156/month for a 17 year to know where the and affect the car an insurance company that nissan 350z. Please and deactivated and shut down, makes too much money We had Tricare insurance I want it to knows of something better! .
i really only need car you own? Cheers! insurance and use my the other day. I fault. I contacted a if I remove that loss - after using super cheap car on out ive lied on a National Independent Agent they know? I could more severe accidents, than have to add her 16 years old and the car i own? It would be third have the most insurance year, that s including gas, a quote, I will in accident (her fault) it seems so simple a month on a thing about it is, should be aware of? homeowners insurance when buying and all this other im 18 so one anyone help him because much will it cost need to see doctors I got my license I need tax and 18 and male which first time driver and debt with the insurance relieve alot of stress help. Oh and he doesnt actually cover me insurance rates. Also, what MORE, SO NOW NO insurance other driver was .
anyone know of affordable tell me to go year old guy with new one toyota xrs get married, would the ideas on what insurance insured on my dads while? Or is it What is the difference confident driver so need small business with only Why is auto insurance If u have 2 responsible in this case? the lowest one is premium 2x in that in April and have rough idea what is to pay between $150-$200. but the point is i need a motorcycle affordable. I m 17 and I was driving my old looking for their a 125 motorbike ? 16th and my health far too much. im know who was at to pay to put test this morning and What does 10-20-10 mean mileage), or would they the best and the it would be a if I am misinformed i get a first you find cheaper car is no cost because 2500 but this is be my very first consider the engine size, .
I m curious, how many need affordable health insures roads were kind of time,i am physically disabled week plus maintenance costs What Cars Have the UK moped, but i have my license? I wanting to know what been searching for cars, not get any money record for 3 cars In A Car Accident. much would it be explained to me, it life insurance health insurance and vehicles etc.If the find Affordable Health Insurance I m purchasing a sports Scion tC) I got car insurance for a avoid a lapse in just need a affordable a quote for a have to be before state I m getting insurance my insurance will be nice car i really and do my own would it cost ?? 24 year old female usually, how much does on here. References would #, my area is get Cheap SR22 Insurance healthcare here sucks, so like to compare the month. If I was week. Does that seem copy of the drivers a 1.1L Peugeot 206 .
A few months ago at age 30 for I had been warned for good Health Care Or will they raise 19 year old? Kawasaki fully comprehensive and 6,404.20 live in Pleasanton, but i heard kit cars be using it for test soon how much get arrested for driving $35 vists per year. miles were under 100k, sites or companies for of to many tickets, will be dropped? Is months out of the affordable health insurance in got an estimate from boys cannot afford to California (If that matters). was wondering how much Hi, I have used I don t receive any want to keep on to buy a 1994 covoer myself for Medical What to do if will my insurance be insurance for a 25 you need car insurance? car is totalled in wait an extra 6 could have dental coverage are thinking about getting bring in their insurance drive. I ve got 3 young, 4600 are male, Insurance rates on the my left-side merging into .
What is The best proof, I can understand fell through the ceiling on average how much Where can I find i live in charlotte passed my driving test. turbo (standard). How much gives us freedom from insurance drop when i motorbike which i would buy a newly used license will be valid health care plan by responsible for car insurance? insurances check social security mail it on Friday now if you have because I ll own a my car insurance? What just looking what sort party within the coming Cheapest auto insurance in me and left a I cancelled my car ages are male 42 wanted to hide it boyfriend who I live call to get her I find out the of this information. How college full time and record, 34 years old. fix your car ? in an accident that mom insurnace for a job would you actually best place to go I have a bachelor have a house like insurance. It was easy .
I would be greatly you will likely lose for an independent at 1.8 Focus for 1300 quotes will it hurt for a young male might harm me financially. them. Am i allowed to drive the car too exspensive....if any1 could say its going to more of a hypothetical can give me just mechanic, already have agents What s a good sports it has a salvage replace them with manufacture is for an 02 stayed in the hospital ( which is one find out if car can drive up to is thinking of buying cheaper insurance (mercury). but ticket in it. do $100 from the previous what is the cheapest heard its bank holiday give insurance estimates recently applied for a driver. Can I (Being message...also its a home I got an Insurnace grades. I back into choose term insurance, how says that she has and splitting the cost lowest minimum coverage that me a rough estimate get cheaper insurance. Please goin to get a .
I m about to get the insured form getting to be insured with brother and they only only liability insurance? My had cosmetic damage only, pay my insurance on the top of my to each other or cheapest in new orleans? generally speaking is a (declining each year), while 2000, I don t mind under the insurance Thanks client who buys TERM offered raodside ...show more of people putting the give me a GUESS. that you cannot afford claim edd. or do not realise he was insure me? I m really pay me, rather than been in any accidents. to be more specific get fixed. The other on september 2012. I into a pool it Cars Have the Best don t want to lie male and need a I don t have insurance, and it ll be the an eye of one it would go up citations or anything else. it really a good without drivers ed at of names of insurance i can rely on. the car. I was .
ok so im 17, baby 3 months ago provider rules the surgery suggestions for in expensive and ill be added deposite and the monthly yet im certain i it has a nice 18 right now how am surprised at the good place in california marriage really that important? Im 19 years old car and wants to someone that s a new a 2006 or 2008 life insurance will pay for insurance, company knowing..? I don t exam couple months ago, single affect your auto in the same household The car back can and is legal, but new state license.My insurance all those companies which a concept car insurance criminal activity done by how much the insurance Does marital status affect no employer health insurance). i have my provisional them since the policy needs braces for her we did it didn t cost for a teenage can lower the cost windshield, like I mentioned, Vauxhall corsa 1.2 and Cheap car insurance for for the third party .
i am a 18 we don t care if Does AAA have good and get my own sure how to pick third party only on and my license in R8 new ? Seriously for 5 years and take upwards of 10 you can take a brother is 18, has Los Angeles county and he was just saying score. I just don t punto, clio or something motorcycle license cause i I have clean record like $20 a month my home, with $2000 full coverage. I live How many people committed can I get some? I live in New off... Not specially things car too. The problem What is the cheapest living in New York. seem to have a if you work out one and i am been one that really my Texas Farmers insurance place at the wrong what documents do i term insurance policy for good shape Um any she be in endangerment get auto insurance for GT . I was fro them to pay .
My husband gets insurance at Walmart. How can since the accident. Now i ll be buying a lil confused on car just wondering the cost for my new purchased leg. The cheapest quote that be sufficient to talked with my insurance an accident that is insurance under my name health insurance out of eye balling this tahoe. 100,000,collision and other than insurance but we re if you have a license soon, after i has no insurance on never had to deal to have car insurance accidents or anything But with 47000 miles I anto insurance companies actually on my death bed year to get my anything like that just at all? Thanks so a student possessions insurance on your driving record probably be on an blue shield california but anyone knoow and have & the lady said budget of 15k for and I was planning insurance with your new town but i need i go to the do not have health My rates just went .
im 20 years old don t start giving me the best insurance leads? the med bills have looking for cheap or be covered under my know about how much? but i am only buy a cheap used Granny s brand new Kia car insurance on a i turn 17 next same information with same know how to answer good they re in Service, just want a reasonable How does a LAPC student with a little got my policy and late payment or anything, like the min price? if under my parent s because I d be living over 2 years and wise..im 16 living in time driver in Miami? pontiac sunfire) IN CANADA that you want, that took information and saw that I ve found has out wat an average I really need a a golf. We live me who his insurance Any help will be and keep procrastinating it. full coverage insurance, but when I m 16. What the insurance will be? about 2,6 would it in detail about long .
My driver s license was earn trust and start state to state. Does i will only drive happening ? thanks for court in like 2 in the car. I is the difference between i payed about 600 a cheap car insurance know what are the my wisdom teeth pulled! get? I am 18 And any advices on another car if we helps or not... i price range that would for an economical home years old and wondering health insurance minor damages to the Ohio. I am on parking space? or if 100km/h?) -What mods to in California?Is there a What is cheaper, car Or would I be family dog bit someone. there is some relief is cheaper but, that but wants cheap insurance? all of them and that offer cheap insurance? plans. thank you yahoo get a ticket. Does and a few doctors out how to apply crazy but try to . can i take proof that I ve for company or what car .
My Daddy thought he I know it s a the commission the carriers ago how do i price, then the insurance the move. Should it find it incredibly hard educate myself on this, if nothing goes wrong but not no more how old you are, looking to buy my as i get my cheapest auto insurance for have difficulty in taking rough estimate. Thank you answer to any all in ct where can Most of the health just passed his test want to know how a car, had little i was to buy a reason? Also I m requires me to see isurance, full cover + applied for medacaid but I had a faulty car, who fled the I will be going My Daughter dropped my it is too broad; I m a young driver went up. This is still in good condition earn interest? What are this up and b) you need insurance ? someone is injured during a plate. I live up the left side .
I want to buy be willing to go Dental would be nice, with pointers on if rate will be cheaper for wife because she was driving his friend s want to put 3000 2011 standard v6 camaro wonder how much the can add my car I can t get a the insurance company doesnt web site for the gas how much would see, it seems to $ ???? what would am now 20 and also cheap for insurance be expecting to pay insurance? I m 17, I have state health insurance there an illinois law are any other options my kids their own accidents from the past, was wondering if I i can cancel ? Which insurance company in if there is any my parents won t let or not yet? This I want to know from the dealer... thanks! company penalize you if aftermarket parts -Manual -CHEAP we both need physicals.Is How much is car over a year. I driver s license, it ll cost service charges are when .
front door warped can my car insurance go for cheapest cover, 5 the most cheapest insurance still on my parents app it ask s for me drive her car, I live in Oregon Rover with those monthly insurance on an imported even though i was your auto insurance costs. i havent passed my considered as a minor bought a car. what roughly will cost the much more than running old male, still in packing for a year, the theft but ultimately can you please tell than 5,500 and obviously life insurance but our Prescott Valley, AZ sue and get from has any suggestions for than if I use be able to discriminate How much can she over 7 or 8 her, but want to live in Cleveland Ohio already know the national how can I find What is insurance? a business??? thankyou in anyone knows cheapest rates-company, claim bonus be effected? much capital do you i kind of checked no? (How) can they .
I am turning 18 student/ musician. I have some libility Insurance under if i got the We res the cheapest your parents car insurance cheaper in Texas than days ago and am thinking of buying an auto insurance in texas I have no job get cheap car insurance emails and registered mail to sell Term Insurance for 5 over, I had a Kawasaki Ninja know all the details to work so the sort of fine, and it s a health insurance think it would be. the fee (I even it will cost me a low cost dental take the car until college student who lives car insurance in los she cant make a life insurance but the policy for my llc I want to buy ridiculously high. I don t looking for best LIC insurance without a car? working on getting a the same .Since my need to have purchased and we have our would like to know if it helps im insured with my mom .
if i were to lady s insurance only cover me that im required know if the premium one is good to and able to achieve claim on motorcycle insurance searching for months and far...and I just want it was a convertible there any classic car i still have to the car in his probably a load of self-employed, so no company the passanger side door the difference between disability to new (young) drivers i m looking to to be as clueless as together?? thanks in advance insurance from a private their escalades or odyssey have no traffic violation MA health insurance while month? How old are once I lease? Any Not to sound stalkerish want to buy a got a **** ton me I turned & else or other property my mom in my for inexpensive insurance. Any lessons. I m just wondering what they charged me. sporty look to it it matter that my record and all that you give me examples is cheaper than normal .
If i wanted to off the bat, we to Barbados on a fell in love with insurance? Or better funding and would like to in my name it Chrysler sebring lxi touring? a new policy with 2005-2010 Mustang. I m and so how much does I lose the insurance your insurance quote...it does Fall. I just found a child so I for 3 months. Either to insure is a (heard it costs more I haven t contacted the me did not call in a parking lot im josh and im have allstate and i company offers health insurance year 2000. how much buy in the state a week, and have insurance available in USA sporty car (Eclipse). Which was at fault, but job until January. We all do I have I saw the car to buy insurance that anyone s civil right to am planning to buy to drive my car some affordable (cheap) health young UK drivers know advenger,, one of the premium back in December, .
I heard this is im planning on buying i was looking at 16 year old girl too much. I need have liability coverage for he moves up in how do i pay Health Insurance Form 1500 pass on? (Honda CG125) insurance for 1 + but how much insurace with the COBRA plan I am over 25 insurance guys, plz help can i get insuranse a few drivers. I insurer (which is based im male, nearly thirty and am in the to jump in my insurance. My mom has had his car for car insurance. I m looking due to where I old. Does this mean this change ps i at 17, im guerssing month I think. So the government assistance plans Where is a good it bad not to out if you have reliable, cuz they seem having a clean driving car insurance on a suitable for teens because the bank and that and insurance was also and scraped pretty badly. currently on progressive insurance. .
My car window got ten years, is there a new car and a month. I m 19, husband works, I don t. more expensive and more suggestions for which companies 2 (and abit) months ? and need to get about 2000/= to insure just say im 40, weed about 5 weeks insurance provider in Nichigan? getting a brand new to go on his that is registered to to death that me 19 and want to . I am going 18 yrs old men? mustang and chevy camaro to obtain and insure? does it take long, paid $131. I had Who offers really cheap 18. I ve been in a $5000 deductible. I m coverage that would be per day. What is if anyone knows any $5,000 range runs well cars as gocompare.com etc... wks preg and had insurance as a 35 yrs old. and we where can we get to signal increase insurance is before i can good prices. Some places the major ones have .
Currently driving my fathers where I could do the hots for the get about 100 from much would the insurance get denied life insurance? the cheapest insurance company? cars. But in a not my heath insurance(who I buy insurance at wondering what s the age Best california car insurance? my insurance has gone my insurance be a college student without insurance. in his name it ll their insurance which I about getting Progressive auto but not for my u think i have it for them. On would it cost a Very worrying seeing his male in california, who it does not have to high and i much did it cost 2 drivers with no much it will cost it is repealed how stroke my dad has real world now, and will pay more for geico for my car. a bit more affordable). being charged a premium affordable auto insurance for 1.3L Fiesta s etc are a re-quote on the sounds dumb but its insurance will be very .
ok so I have means i get the money from an insurance driving. She said I eligible for MDCD, already we find cheap life visits without letting them I should avoid? Thanks to calculate california disability it. So he wants is better for car need to have dental about the car do around $4,000. This is in school and my friend who was in already nailed some gigs. cheapest car insurance for age? I ve been told Cheapest insurance for young replaced 2 weeks ago it is 22,000 and driving for ages, previously Datsun 280zx, and I Im 24 and my weeks. He s 19 years my health insurance and websites like http://www.quotezone.co.uk/dial-direct.htm the repair, or if it is insurance going to cannot display this said not make much difference, coupe and i was the premium up front, auto insurance in southern how much would the insurance for a used some research and I time im filing my pay for the injuries with a UK drivers .
I know what your im a male i now, but he never do you think? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AiXHGfR0V4Wu_wR4yFSL9Xvsy6IX?qid=1006042106706 am only listed as insurance company before i Does anyone know where or so i thought) condition also. My dad could someone afford that, couple years I want can i find cheap want to know how I need insurance after car insurance would be, the average car insurance can t find this out signing up or anything i am just wondering for my damaged car, silver, 4 door, manual for birth control. I for teens: 1. If start their own business, color of an automobile $ 500.00. Any info I need to have up qoutes and i a decent size dent my first pregnancy I coverage under my parents passengers in the car. whats the cheapest in car just sit in rental agencies typically charge on AAA Insurance.? . adjuster that he cannot to court? The car filed. i received my i just selling life What the best private .
I share a car this age. Is this about both unit linked have some money if just wondering what would What is the best at a 318 (1.9) effected by this new health and accident insurance? you from rear should use one versus the not at fault. The time to phone around how to break in? month for bare minimum have no insurance but the cheapest temp cover car for three months, me double that.. i the wear and tear I didnt have proof be driving a honda insurance, so I paid at some people that now I have about cheap insurance for uk Grand Prix GT (3.8L politics etc. Liasing with thinking of buying one 106 im nearly 20 that only need collision was driving a car). moment I cant afford for people over 70 yr old male, good i can drive other insurance is cheap so car insurance now in know what is or company/plan in Colorado that got a 2001 Audi .
Ok So Last night alot money so do it will cost? thanks insurance on a 1995 car insurance cost more female and driving a the commercials what car dad s insurance rates will your car insurance rate CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY find cheap full coverage new car. Do I squeeky clean driving record. well. I go away on hiring freezes or to drive a car. where I can get car is a 1999 car for balance at of limitations... I couldn t What is the average thank you in advance will be put on car , first time charge. What happens if a month will something know how much it health coverage and not applied here? I have licence.. i just wanted number, don t have that it in 2003? For be factory fitted from family with the security Ltd and/or GHI Ltd, will sue, but will get insurance or do suburban for a 16 insurance, is there possibly WHERE IN THE UK 18, about to start .
I ve gotten 2 speeding work / life insurance which comes first, the the moment it is venue request a certificate uk is going to be 10 years newer than penalized for being single. a lower rate? How bank ? i only your responses. Camry Lover to know is if an automobile effect the Insurance agencies to get pay to keep up by 160. I have this? Is there a to be in my on the rental car, I test ride it, got a quote from fell on my vehicle estimate or an average? to hurt. Does insurance is going to need am set on getting driving a 2003 nissan around - and wasn t wondering if I should/could has the best health a 2004 volvo s40 Honda Civic se executive... for the first time, is the cheapest car good is affordable term on my car that but im on my and they said its test i need cheap pay insurance because it .
Okay. I m turning 15 ? in bakersfield ca radiologist practicing in Atlanta,GA? get auto insurance without a rough estimate. I rates im looking at? they have the better just want to know i only want to lancer mazda3 ford focus for a 2006 Mercedes whole life insurance term was cut out on call my insurance company. insurance or insurance against a business has any you had any violations insure my new car. marijuana cost? Does insurance and a half ago get denied). We live have to pay for insurance. Do I get 5 hour pre-licensing course budget. I have to car & I won t to phone around asking aware I need to also affordable any suggestion know what that means! is, i need every she will get medical without car insurance? surely girl, Provisonal Lincense Holder not sure which one Is there such a to insure it, we ve of the cheap price.... I pass my test. pocket? They are also .
i was driving my 30 day car insurance? male and i crashed 95 integra 4dr? or damaged to pay out know what motorcycle insurance income family and qualify do driving lessons + We are in our do I figure how people from there will my car is REALLY license address at Brooklyn, 1.2ltr Renault Clio, and that helps cover a I drive is registered and I m about to student and this is it here where i Hi, I m 18 and of the make, what a new one because of the cost. thanks year ago. I ended I won t be able the minute so I and health insurance. My a insurance quote for full coverage means to in Ontario, Canada, I ll find out anyways, the difference for having car that doesn t have daily driver. Thanks in in my car (but insurance...our current one is dealers insurance for a a warranty or insurance? car. I was planning do they offer any friends new car, hes .
I own a 1994 time being so it its been 2 months car insurance ? 07 wondering if you need a car in my is that a good What condition is your anyone that helps people have the phone replaced was away, so he i take a rental more for the privilege insurance in Alaska if rural areas, but I Ferrari f355, and 21st and they all so personally dont make any all these occurances. I 21 it ended i year old female turning and this is what are going to be teenage boy as I m car insurance here in What is the cheapest worth of damages to be starting to get quote from AON and prices are insane!!! I to do this without extended bed 350 cu What is the cheapest online and do not back can I just less then the lesser driver. Btw I live $9.44/month 3 x - their rates due to consider staying with the day but it takes .
Can I afford 750 is there any way like to know the cut off tenncare in know they exist but by Farmers, they told insurance was originally 80 my company which would life insurance is for. sites and types of that too much, because (i ll have it checked a used vehicle about coverage, without being unsafe. wondering how much more than what the damage both have to be 18 & I am the car is registered her car is insured I need to get my first car i any of the cars I am a university one totaled. No one penalized on car insurance to be cheaper and hire teens (16+) for corsa 1.2 and it s right now. I m paying dad is not in insurance sites or extremely make my car insurance the premium? And are would make people more soon...but I am not if it ll be cheaper. use to have insurance have been driving for one get cheap health i am noiw 19 .
How much is a $100/mo? Because those are street-bike, but for an 6 month coverage period? and I don t know i should get an health insurance to get until December, if even heard this is true im paying way too company but wanted to would like cheap insurance like i said im will be served, and do to get our car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. is it more than will be greatly appreciated. in allentown PA.. i have 2 dui s from does full coverage means asked my dad to in his 20s. My But instead I m would that not work? choice of getting either room (patio) is all car, but my insurance it anyway, I would policy on mobile home gone down in price , so is there coverage cover a stolen first. Do I call is was considered a be used to drive How much does moped almost $9/mo. + Interest charged more to cover while, do i need like to get my .
The girl that parks Every Month Or How was involved in an a motorcycle. So again only if the law my own. How can the vehicle, would we U.S. It certainly is will it be AVERAGE be registered to me. How much would it my car is off and taking lessons shortly years, I did not registration, and CA auto I get Affordable Life motorcycle insurance in california? Geico could save you DUI and live in paid after 14 days i let the garage all I had to insurance, or any other 400 for my ped i didn t get another any idea? like a impact on insurance rates? get my lisence when How do they figure a month .... I share driving history with year old boy in going under my dads if I stil have car was parked in at a Toyota Celica ran out in the State exam to get re-newed my car insurance other information should I bill to collector? Without .
Whats a good site high so I was the baby is born the true value) can get there own dental but she wants to people always screw you only problem would be or should I have it wasnt my fault because you can get Punto (more than 10 considered a motorcycle? do moving to Florida next some suggestions on the I m from the uk 7,000! not to sound is a V8 and Direct Line who advised have a membership at and I don t know but they tell me be why i have expire and i don t motorcycle to save money? by the way. I her insurance even though gain from it? And to pay for insurance cheapest with a range and my dad dropped how much would car out, I m just wondering will be driving someone of any family health ticket a 90 miles cost of AAA car car and go to would put me on open enrollment time and than 2500. I am .
What s the average insurance a job and I in St.John s NL and As far as I insurance, tax and driving cancel but they said Chevy Monte Carlo SS the least expensive automotive cant help us or I m doing my homework 17 years old and SO I LIVE IN health with no job when a young girl looked at a few Please excuse my grammar, her car, but she How expensive would insurance if you have a premium funds. When we they dont live in money? -do they go cars. 2 full coverage can i switch to parents will but me cheaper when you turn that are 10 years bike, a Suzuki UH125 basement, approx 2300 square savings account for emergencies pay to get me really struggling with money do i need to it up. Thanks You require insurance in georgia? car? I live in any one plz ans license. Is it possible But I can t afford i go under their other insurance company he .
I m an 18 year estimate of what it average of a full coverage. Low downpayment.whatever it legal service I can amount of people that i have to pay are at least quadruple http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical Plain English please: what affect future insurance if be paying for exactly? this company and they b and am wondering to buy a motorcycle insurance. Thanks in advance the best you can can get the bail Classic Beetle Does anyone was test driving a old and has good my husband without take was during a storm, a real company and your choice to get sell first, but this female driving a 86 that does $425 of know where I can of my insurance being is only 24 but own a small and about 350 to 400 the recent news about that cost billions of and reimburse us. do Cheap health insure in GF answers the phone in Canada or US cheap car Insurance, I cost would be for .
I m self employed and a child in 2007.. as main drivers the Does anyone know what trying to help him much would it cost terminated. How do i company. Thanks for your 8 days and am really low insurance is jeevan saral a good was forced to retire get my license, I private health insurance please? it s totaled. If the me but I don t total coverage for both and that car hit with a Toyota Corolla. My car insurance is any advice appreciated xx an issue, but whats get sick or maintain they told me i my father s insurance did cost more with new student. i disagree with wit a lot of car it will be can you get car week, and would rather I have State Farm. everyone is paying for wanted to know was i just get a company offers best auto to purchase a used my rates go up. my own medical insurance. either the infinity or and discuss my insurance .
Hi I am going place where i may ok im conused about stolen will the insurance buy it for them. as my first bike will pay more for Sorry for sounding like I am wondering the an RB26DETT in it...yes on July 15 around insurance if I become called the ...show more a v8. i would n live in California I signed up with but the banks will insurance. Is there a for some cheap full it was. Of course just had my first much monthly would everything company they offer health fathers or mine ? i think is still and we were discussing under my dads name getting by 16 year i have done pass script for still 4 advise.or other personal experience I am 17 years had very little, didnt G1 exit driving test the rate they give dont have business car u live in other cheapest in illionois? do really have no clue Smart Car? to keep my job .
Hi, a group of how the entire process had one speeding ticket boss doesn t give me insurance on a car? Cost of Term Life mean. btw dont say insurance. Why is it up and up each got a job and insurance questions do they car insurance company in cheap because i am is considered in health usual. Alot of places life insurance in florida? not have medical ins problem is finding insurance Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? Kathleen Sebelius finally admits insurance. Here in NJ Where can I find I am obviously in or so because my approximately how much will clean title car, so 1.0. im in my will be in my fracturing my left arm. for a dui offense? insurance under m uncles almost time to move 4 days. I am would like to somehow bot MOT & TAX. this but after making 16 year old in fall for a 250cc with Dollar rent a car. I ve been looking getting a 2011 or .
Hey guys, just wondering make it jump to way. I only have when I don t even Uninsured motorist protection B. 18 and i need cover is my burial? to get it repaired, it was technically paid just your drivers license? Insurance in California? I determine costs? How does Is there a website and hae a 2.8 I plan to get what would be the on fire How can in order for me a week and see it. I plan on finance a motorcycle and the car on insurance cost for a 2001 I won t get treated find auto insurance that for a range rover I drive off, or willfull damage ect, info. How can i find like/ and in los car is a new CMS Health Insurance Form an average of 500 insurance to people with Permanente and Anthem Blue to pay for health would I save and where I can go SXI. So it would trying to research how dad lets my use .
ok ive pased my cost coverage in new hock if this is rates be higher when car and change my have a claim with one know what the car is ...show more my OWN car with any older than 5 like allstate, nationwide, geico, receiving unemployment. I need input any company and much is car insurance much would health insurance doing so will help Why do business cars use it for couple coverage before they can Also what type of away that much money is coming after me Neon and it was independence. Of course, I m crazy. Any suggestions to one driver would drive seen is acceptance Insurance and there trying to spinning and having prangs, August. We will have me that since the be. could anyone give paid almost 500$ for to be paying 3-4000 insure me. 18 year 16 year old boy insurance when I get pretty bad accident and where to get a use and how much a month; is this .
How can a new Do you think you driveway and other car fire insurance. any ideas? old been had my and not accept. PLease drivers to carry auto a look at my the roof in price, I am 19 and me do. I m a and my dad gets might break down on 2005 model(i don t know and/or cost of returning his fault.They are trying for two payments of fine. However, PA law they look at my if that makes a run? what is the to be a 16 insurance today as I m it cost to put me what else puts 215 a month.. but know if have to the MTA fare hike. How is it calculated? depends on type of part of infertility treatment? wrangler sahara and i about 200 just for Whats On Your Driving hey im gonna get theft with 2 additional description, anyone know if 21 year old male? typical day usually look on it. I was affordable insurance? I heard .
...at all. Why do I wonder what my realistically. Please don t answer make a huge difference. a year for liability insurance is due on not exist I mean however live in a will get is a that wont make my Just wondering if kit the cheapest to insure/cheap but every companys reviews bike. How much would would take her? She they so high? I car is insured and much all this will mom has geico insurance tickets, no accidents, nothing but the company he all the big name I ll have to drive know my insurance is a new used car is best suited for have? feel free to I want one that s everytime when I make straight for a mile. to insure, a 2000 I am not sure. are the laws regarding a cheap studio s home for 610 WITHOUT an insurance go up i with a car and but I was wondered E.R. being i was school and back so old daughter finally got .
how can i reduce in other countries? Do coverage of someone else? will gouge their customers much does it usually SHE PUTS IT ON of insurance. Its most lender says I have these cars, granted im minibus insurance. Can anyone rather than just having did to pay $12k, an estimate. they gave mass? I know there s have a 3.7 GPA fault and there insurance do people get life my driving test and car was crash before on car insurance quote what insurance is the insurance cost for a question My car insurance quote for 3100 yearly Home loan insurance (Protecting have tried research online need to get insured need insurance? Or will get cheap car insurance? a couple years now pay it for her, if any one knows licence. do i have all but maybe a to pay upfront 1 out there, but my first time drivers? Thanks this the only one? up, can your insurance if you are under plate number. . will .
Hello guys, I am with me and if I take ADHD medication, to start bus sines out... but will she? insurance, im 17 almost has a California license and someone scratches or -G2 Lisence -2012 camaro insure my car against are becoming pretty broke. a new sportbike (Suzuki am not going to rates. Is this true? an old Land Rover much for all answers. car above the front much is the averge a fortune every month, own insurance and not is owner s responsibility to her quote. Will my to qualify for affordable have any suggestions of to collect their no buying a lamborghini Reventn in the following years cheap car insurance, thanks fault accident about 7 it make a difference be doing, the policy California. I am an could drop me and the bare minimum, state-required makes it harder for Hyundai Genesis Coupe for much is your car the requirements for getting would insurance cost for van i wolud not will it still be .
ok so I ve seen buying cars, how much coverage. What would you want some people are I m trying to stay 17 yr old son info. It had me my dad a better staying at my in-laws of the insurance rates the parents have to with a catchy slogan who provides affordable burial crashed it, took off before I can take contact or what would how much would it hours per week, minimum dont claim ? Or it true people cannot but things are still on disability insurance for siblings (over 18) are minimum insurance available. The her car so now boyfreind has just passed question and reading an tax and to buy currently have Famers and the cheapest car insurance? like that? Any information Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 i have Statefarm insurance? baby be covered on I just would like this weekend. They have a few months ago it doesn t seem right. go look at it. Best Car Insurance Rates? die, however far away .
So I ve just got tried all the big insurance with single information classic austin mini mayfair at fault so I doing an essay on father needs life insurance insurance packages and quotes next month and I still at his old until i get an in Michigan. I m looking my insurance company and glad to hear a is under the insurance price just a bout place to get auto police for no insurance Are they expensive in affordable. I m sure the living at home with have my provisional Is I recently passed my it for a school get my license. Yeah it home today if to the dermatologist once or health insurance? Cigarettes Right now I have currently does not have and so forth. It light house, which is WRX STI, or a get very confused. I m license) to (UK Full) insurance. Does anybody have health insurance in california? have state farm insurance insurance. I drive a a 16year old driving by having an insurance .
I am planning on it matter that i An A&B Straight Student i have excellent 90/10 insurance? I don t have My parents told me and recently my car would need to be i am taking driving Does anyone know, out los angeles the main buy a car. But because you re licensed to pay more than $100/month. 1 yr. coverage is knoe someone.. Thank You In england they don t was anything after half keep repeating the details but only got my cheaper? and if so know, out of interest the best and worst buying a car im estate exam a little alot and hopefully I what the difference is? or they are quoting I am not pregnant i find good health some work to it, (or something else)? More This is my dads impairment rating from my Are additional commissions paid? is a good company and medical insurance... im you have to take still 16 :/ is vehicle not the driver. from acution few days .
How much does workman s car on his car. i just use a is the cheapest car she has no health now and dont have i live in a one talking in Govt. Chicago, so it may have no idea what insurance company is the like Progressive, Allstate, Nationwide, insurance at work; therefore, premium would be very the one I was place to get insurance hope its not over and on medical insurance. I need to know a female who has cost for a 16 tried to get quotes Right now I have new lisence thats 18 makes it cheaper overall. after the deductible im off duty that life guessing its probably something How much will my insurance. I really dont loosening up the bumper you know what i or a license plate with them in the estimate of how much 30mpg. Idk, I want its a compact car-for companies). I am willing some leftover to get get Affordable Life Insurance? But we are going .
how do I deliver how much insurance would guess, I don t really had for years is determine if you are it s true that the the cheapest liability insurance? up. My question is, have lost everything and end of this month. Insurance policy is best 2nd traffic school will months ago and his is there anyway to you know how much was wondering how much how can i get license.I use to be where can I find company that provides this, car insurance. How does have to show insurance for it, will the the question explains most buying an impala ss. 19 going to be GT mustang compared to way ,took me a it is. Also. The the 2004 BMW Z4? proper insurance? Who can for Car Insurance drive it. It still runs old and the new. locked up at night about the insurance in what if they don t include my 17 year Web page design is much do you pay? of an annual policy?Thanks .
I mean. Is there with Farmers Insurance and payments. If the car I don t know if you lease a car i bought a 1.2car of money getting my I m getting my license Rav4 Sport, which insurance my mr2 turbo cuz 20 and i am cover my husband and parents, is 18 and driver needs to be I am in Arizona companies that don t make know what it is have a permit and insurance effect their percentage 18 soon if that most, but not all advice for this poor pay only $2.99 a will my car insurance it, would it affect much would be the license. I am 17 was not my fault. was wonderin what kind and now want join The scrape is only several months). Do they had a total of am considering moving to buying a car next Thank you for my car insurance http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/health/2009-09-15-insurance-costs_N.htm for some reason, my car, but that 700 a month, thats method that they give .
i have a nissan to get a car months old. And if State Farm. As you accept a check made able to solve this car. Anyone else agree is girls insurance from much do u think not ask if that MOT? petrol litre? = could not provide quotes fiance has 2 accidents if this helps. Just charge. My insurance hasn t to plan my future. but any help is just been quoted 1,300 to affordable health insurance? variable but does anyone in a snow climate, under my parents name, is settled? All I What is the cheapest are now covered? any any actually cheap ones? so if I was my insurance was so also a good student, and looking for private employee to get health get the cheapest car insurance claim is this rate. I have my to spend. I am help pay for copays, in the bank. I had separate insurance companies, enhancing mods..I m on a the CHEAPEST car insurance insurance, I don t want .
0 notes
lifestoryparty · 6 years
Eh, 9th grade again
A little while goes by, and I’m chilling out at the Destiny Christian Center, doing whatever, and one night I started talking to this girl Bryant. Well we talked some, and in time I met Hallahan. He was emo as shit, but he was a lot like me, and suffered a lot. So we clicked quick, then we got on the topic of Bryant and I was like, “Uh, she’s talking to me too.” But I let him have her. It failed so then he let me have her. Well me and her talked for a while. And I saw her at school, but I was too shy. Then I had that life or death stomach surgery, and lots of people came to see me. Hallahan came, and Bryant also. When no one was around I would listen to Blue October. I kinda wished I died, but before surgery I knew I wouldn’t. But listening to Blue October made me sad, but also made me think of Bryant a lot. I enjoyed the attention a lot though. I came to school and lots of people asked about me, even random people. Since I failed Science, Math, and English, I had Porterfield, Sanson, and a few others I got close with in my classes. Sanson and Porterfield were cool from the start. We never talked but I liked them a lot. So with all that happened and meeting new people, I got sort of popular. I kind of enjoyed it. Well homecoming was coming up and me and Bryant were gonna go but then she said she couldn’t go and gave me a big description of why because she was going through stuff. Then a week later I found out she asked a friend of mine. Ohh, that pissed me off. I left it alone and talked to her friend Blevins. Blevins was sweet, shy, and I guess had a look that was a lot different than the norm. Like she was kind of a scene kid before scene and emo got popular. I was “emo” by that point so it worked. Me and her talked a lottt, and we were one and the same. We both liked writing, also. And one day she wanted me to look at her music, so, with all my courage I went to her lunch table and checked it out. Over time I eventually asked her to homecoming. So, homecoming night came along and I got ready at her friend’s house and then went. We both wouldn’t dance unless it was a slow song. The last song, time slowed down, and it was just us there, and then it was over. I couldn’t forget that night; that was the night I asked her to be my girlfriend. She said yes. So then we went to a movie, then we would hang out at Ron and Heather’s every Friday. One instance we waited for Heather’s bf’s friend to take us to the lake. He was speeding on a curvy road and I expected to die, but then he pulled over and these adults yelled at all of us to get out of the car. I had no clue what was going on and I was scared, then he left us and so did the adults, so we had to get another ride home. Another memory was at Scaremare; it was going to rain and we were at a church, and we left. On the way there we passed by all the places I grew up around, past Read Mountain, Wal-Mart, the library, Blue Ridge, and I started crying. She never knew why, and I never told her. Scaremare was okay, though we were walking through some huge puddles at times. After that I had my first kiss in the rain. The other good memory I had was trick or treating. After a while though, I left her because I liked her best friend, which I shouldn’t have done. It was a terrible thing of me to do that, and I told her that was the reason. I didn’t plan on dating her friend but since I liked her I felt wrong to still be in the relationship. I felt really bad for doing that to her and regretted it. Oh, I forgot, a creepy fat guy asked us if we wanted candy. Lol. Me and Hallahan were like best bros. by that point. And the funny thing is I met this girl Golumbeck on my myspace. She was pretty, a Southern girl, and real fun. It was like two weeks after me and Blevins broke up which was a bit soon, but I was always looking for that perfect girl because I believed it would make me happy. So we talked until December, went on a date, sorta, and after skating I gave her her first kiss. We dated for a month, but something about her drove me like no one else. We could talk about anything, she made me happy, and I felt strongly for her. But then she broke up with me. It really hurt me pretty bad, and I was quite depressed after that. I’m not sure if Bagley approved of her, but she helped me through it. I still maintained contact with Blevins and Golumbeck. Blevins asked me permission to date someone, which was weird, but she got rejected by him. A month later I began talking to Blevins a bit more and all the memories I had flooded back to me. When I saw her at school it made me want her more and more. I wrote a song about it and she was kinda surprised, but didn’t say any more than that. I don’t remember if I asked her for another chance or not, but I remember I was on some new ADHD medicine and it made me emotional. So overall it never happened and I got turned down by two other people. I was still dealing with the douche bags on my bus, so I was still quite emotional a lot. I just waited for the year to end. The plus side is I was a little more popular and me and Sanson were becoming close friends. I would go to his house every Friday and play Xbox live. Close to the end of school me and Golumbeck began talking again. I was really hoping we could get back together, and she led me on for a bit only to date some other guy. It was a big blow to the heart, but a week later they broke up and she said that she felt bad about dating him and that she didn’t really like him and only did it because she felt bad for him. So we began talking again.
It was summertime when my birthday came around and I wanted a big party ‘cause I was turning sixteen. I invited a lot of people but only a few came: Gollumbeck, Sanson, Portefield, Frankie, Joe, Stuckwish, Drake, Guthrie, Edmundson, Cranky, and a few others. It was a pretty amazing birthday. I played lots of 4-square, got to chill with my best friends and Golumbeck. She made me lol and Drake started me on Guitar Hero. We played a “drinking” game and people threw up everywhere. Total awesomeness. Lol. It was a pretty beast night. I’ve got a video of some of it. Me and her continued talking, and then later my mom and dad started looking for a new house. I didn’t really want to move unless it was closer to Sansons house.
School started again and it was awesome. The rednecks were finally gone, and by this point I had lots of friends. Every Friday me and a few friends would go to church for 4-square. Golumbeck led me on a bit more and dated someone else; then they broke up and it happened once again. By that point I was completely done with her.
Anyways, backtracking to summer to add to the story…Before me and Golumbeck talked again, me and this girl smith were best friends, and I was dating another chick who was kinda crazy, but amazing at making out. But I thought she was annoying so I was going to break up with her. Then me and smith planned to sneak out and meet each other, so we did and we started making out. Then she gave me my first hand job, which was really awkward but I liked it, and I gave her her first orgasm. I felt bad because I cheated on Kristen, but we met two other times.
So when school started and I was not talking to Golumbec because she was with someone else, I was talking to Smith. I felt something for her, and the sexual things we did brought us closer, but we never dated because I had to move.
So yeah a lot happened rereading this. Just because I failed 9th grade all these things happened, and it was actually a good thing because I met a lot of the friends i’m still sorta friends with to this day and I had so many experiences because of these people. It definitely seems I focused a lot on relationships when I was writing this in the past, and that I was strongly emotional, but the 2nd time of 9th grade despite almost dying from my surgery was a lot better than the first two years of school that I had had there and I had a lot of friends and my ego sorta got a boost and I explored a lot of things. I also had my first sexual experience which was a milestone I guess you could say. I def remember how nervous and excited I was about it, and it was with someone I was close and comfortable with and that made it a lot better.
0 notes
quonit-aceattorney · 6 years
2-2 Reaction
Q = Me, Quonit.
BF = Bardic Feline, the friend that made me spend 30 dollars on the game and whom I am messaging
I don’t use those when I send the messages close enough my username doesn’t appear.
Any typos (unless they are funny and part of the conversation) will be fixed.
Q: also I can't play more ace attorney because when I finished game 1 my brother wanted to play it so now I can't play more until he realizes in order to play through game two he'll have to delete my progress so he has to wait till im done with that
BF: Whaaat
There should be more than one save slot!
Q :We thought that too! That ended up with Alex thinking the second game thing was another save file for the first game
BF: Huh
Q: he brought me back DS I can play as work yaaaay
BF: Wooo!
Q: back to phoenix wright
Q: car ooo
who was drugged with sleeping pills
oh hello ghost dude
murdurer who's that black haired girl outside of the flaming car
i liked these new opening scenes they have a lot more art
oh no D: not Maya!
they don't even avoid the "it was a rainy day" cliche like
who this guy
Q: uhhh turner that wasn't very friendly
this was a year ago??? what???
Q: I was working under Mia not Maya
Q: the timeline makes no sense
June??? June what year??? Is this set before the chapter I just played???
oh my god that kid doesn't look right what
(^and that was my first ever reaction to Pearl. I thought she looked like a long 3-year-old. a glimpse. Ridicule me.)
Q: In happy Maya is here at least
Q: “I wouldn't take a crazed killer as my client" Maya you just have to BELIEVE they're not a crazed killer
Q: I wanna get to the case with Juan i n it but for now I'll be happy that at the moment he is living
Q: May 2nd is my bros birthday
Q: This guy needs better glasses that won't fall down
Q: Anyone can be a saint when compared to lawyers
Q: Wonder if anyone is in the direction
Is that a mushroom afro or hat
Q: I work hard at blaming it on Maya she gave me hints on what to do next and stopped the verdict from being assigned/mean any thing
Q: I wonder why we can't tell anyone about Mia
Q: Who is calling me!!!
How are you lotta!
Q :How would Lotta plan to take pictures
Oh now the citizens !Alex sense
I think we should break in but Morgan won't approve
Q: Why will anybody who possesses Maya not stop showing off their books
Q: Boobs
Q: Hi gumshoe
Q: Who are you you don't look like you're in the Fea family
Q: Hey look it's the kid again
I got the key!! Thanks Pearl!
Q: Hey I don't have the key
Q: Ugh I'm stuck
BF: hahahah always that point where you end up trying to figure out what to do next
Oh, apropos of nothing, but Ini's name is pronounced "Eenie"
and she had a sister (who you will find out about) named Mimi
BF: and their last name is pronounced Mine-ee
Therefore, they are Ini (Eenie) Mimi (Meenie) Miney!
and the next case features a guy named MOE
Q: alright!
Q: Talking with the kid YAY
Reasons why I dislike the kindle
If shipping me and Maya gets me that key then please continue
Ya I wanna help in Maya
Q :This because brings up the question of if Maya likes me because everyone in the village listens to get and seems to ship us... Though I bet it's just a misinterpretation on their end
BF: Only on Pearl’s end, really
Q: As suspected
She's cute though! I like Pearl :D
Hopefully the aunt won't come and get mad at me
Q: Sorry to disappoint you pearl but I went to lawyer school not channeling school
BF: Pearl is such a cutie
Q: She is! I feel bad about the first thing I said about her is that she looks weird
Yesss finally I have the key
BF: Oh there’s going to be multiple things about Pearl’s reading skills, and before you judge her as a total idiot, remember that in the original Japanese, it’s Kanji she’s struggling with haha
Q: Alright!
Pearl what if I phrase it like this: MYSTIC MAYA told me to give this to you
Q: Okay pearl you can follow me as long as you know your mom won't put my head on a pike soon after
Q: How would gumshoe NOT like kids
Q: How about we explain to Gummy about how she was possessed
I do indeed have a copy
Gumshoe: The prosecutor is going to be Von Karma
Q: Oh thank God he didn't actually get out prison or something
Q: First time we see edgy in the game I wonder how he is doing
Q: PHOENIX somebody is actually interested in your badge and you don't show it to them???
How could you!!!
Q: It's that weird redheaded girl I don't like again
Q: The frick am I hallucinating?
Q: Oh hey she's lying!!! Thank you pearl
Q: Uh I don't know if I should try or not
Oh ya still stuck with this girl
Wait what
I looked at the second newspaper clipping and it says she died what
Q: Sharing a last name okay
Yay I win
Q: Ini if that is what happened why do you still look so happy
Q: Pearl let me take you away from your home without a parents consent I have some candy with me
Hi mia!!!
Q: So I know she can't tell me much because the game wouldn't be fun but what is the in universe explanation
Mia how dare you lie to me I thought we were friends
Save point
Q: Pearly hi how did you leave without your mom noticing
strong pearly
Edgy is my objection buddy
Wait he actually quit D:
I am ready to hate this person just as much as I did the first vampire
Q: No I am not shocked you are a woman now I'm just wondering why we have not met up with another female prosecutor
Q: I don't think she should be allowed to bring that anymore
Then how did manfred fail if you are all so perfect
Q: Ya but we heard two gunshots and you say there was just one
Q: Hey there is a bullet hole in it
Q: I can figure it out I know I can
Q: I would use the gun on the last statement because it was fired twice and has the victims fingerprints on it but that didn't work
Q: Why can't I find anything
Q: I am stuck :(
BF: Aaaah I'd help but I don't know which part of the cross exam your at so I don't know what you're trying to prove right now
Q: I'll type the thing why not
Q: "Sorry pal there is more evidence", "this is the costume masthead wearing", "it's covered is blood," " defendant killed the person who did not right back ".
BF: ....I'm not sure, but I THINK you can find some evidence to disprove the 'didn't fight back' thing by gesturing to the sleeve of her costume somehow
If I'm remembering that segment correctly.
Q: Back
Hey the costume did work thank you
Q: Somebody please take that whip away from her
BF: hhaha no problem
the whip is Franzy's signature item, though. lD
BF: Also, she's not the last prosecutor who will physically assault you during a trial and get away with it hahah
Q: How dare this game
But there is a bullet hole in the outfit he didn't miss
Q: Finally that other bullet hole contradicts something
Q: I'm not getting something it's why I keep saving
I should know at this point where Maya was
BF: If you are still on the first day of the trial, you actually don’t have enough info yet to know where in the room she was!
Q: Dangit
Q: Oh hey I do know what I am doing
Q: I'm sorry what kinda swear is that Phoenix
Q: Lotta please don't be annoying like last  time you were here
Oooo save point
Hi pearl I forgot about you
Q: See I'm not the only one annoyed by the whip!!!
How am I supposed to be happy when a Von Karma is around
How am I supposed to pretend we are all family
Q: Lotta there were two gunshots
Q: For now I don't think I can present any evidence
Q: Which is sad
at least your not showing off Boobs
Q: Von Karma I hate you
Q: FINALLY I can prove it wasn't Maya
Q: No morons that is Mia
Q: You know if was ready to hate this second vampire but she isn't nearly as bad as the first one so far
Q: I'm not a fool I'm just annoying
BF: Franziska really isn’t the straight up villain her dad was; she’s more like a more prickly Edgeworth
Q: Alright well that is better
I really wanna see pearl tell at her haha
Q: Ya edgy was fine after a while but being nice forced him to leave him job so
Q: Who is misty who are you trying to kill
Q: Not a movie but it is a game and anime so
Q: How did steel samurai merch get in here
Q: Aww a cute theme for pearl
Q: Don't worry pearl I won't tell your mom
Q: Hey Lotta if you don't want me to be chasing you then maybe you should stop being in the rooms I need to go to
Q: and that is why Phoenix doesn't date women Lotta.
Q: Lotta you're fine you're one of the more likable people in this game
Q: I dislike that girl so I'd be fine to say she's the killerI  mean it'd make sense
She is the sister of girl who was killed by the man who just died
BF: Indeed, she does have a motive!
Q :back to thing
Comic is going it is fun to draw
Q: yes please give me info
new place to go. Also why does Lotta not like giving me info
what is this place
Q: you don't look like a doctor
Q: well of course you aren't
BF: Hahaha oh man I forgot you hadn’t encountered that creep yet
back to ace attourny but this is a great AU
Q: phoenix started talking like the guy hahaha
oh no did Pearl's mom call the cops on me
Q: Ya well I suspected she was as evil
Q :need to go again dangit
Q: I think it's funny how I'm the scary one in this game
Q: I think right now I don't know if like the redhead girl or Morgan more
Q: the more I find out i guess i like the redhead more
Q: I win >:D
if we were both asleep then maybe you were both drugged like how the opening said
what is she talking about
im scared
Q: how about you show her your damn police badge that'd be interesting to her
pearl come with meeee
Q: mia don't lie to me i have a magic rock
Q: one more lock.
I feel smart :D
oh so morgan and ini were the killers great
Q: well if she made it look like Maya killed him she could become the next master
Q :Pearl did you run here AGAIN???
oh god please don't bring morgan
pfft Maya she does this to you too?
Ohhh well I guess that makes sense... I mean, she would be really mad at me for saying her mom killed the guy
Q: I like Mia and (whats her name the second vampire) arguing it's funny
Q: morgan you are lying
Q: ya no you hated me there is no way you thought "good sir"
BF: haha Franziska!
Q: I'll call her Franz for short
I mean this testimony was in the opening so maybe it isn't entirely a lie
Q: what do you mean it wasn't strange???
Q: but there was blood on her outfit how did you not think it was strange!!!
Q: mini stop eating your hat
that personality change reminds me of the worst person ever ... April May
Q: no but really it isn't more subjective
Q: Pearl is being used as evidence why not
Q: Franz stop it let me question her
i wanna present the urn but morgan is watching
but you know what there is nothing else here so
Franz: Why do I feel like you’re going to ruin my beautiful day? Me: CUZ I AAAAAMMMM
also why is Ini's hat so stretchy
Q: I am angry i will use caps
wow there are a lot of holes in your hat when you strech it out
spinny hat
then how did lotta earlier isn't she bigger than you
when i first went into the room the box wasn't there and then later it was
i think it's dead
i hope so
Q :the folding screen >:3
ugh that bug is making me left arm flinch a lot
revenge after your death how dare you
Q :im not foolish im just better than you
wait what did i just say wtf hahaha
Q: and that is why i think that MORGAN HELPED
Q: yesss good case
well I mean your dad did
also fuck your dad I hate him that is all
BF: hahahaha
Q: actually no im not done
but finishing it would include a lot of swear words
BF: This case is totally setting up for some things in Game 3, btw
Q: dammit
Well I have motives for both of them Franz I just need to know that Phoenix knows.
BF: what you are ultimately trying to prove is Ini's motive, then that she did it and how she did it with Morgan's help
Q: okay!
Q: I am much more confidence than phoenix but that may just be anger
and a save point
Actually Maya I had everything to do with it and I am proud I gave his ass the death penalty
stop being mean to Maya you're dad already cost Edgy his job hey now I have another reason to hate vampire
back to cort
Q: I'm sad because you said there is a universally hated case in the second game and I figured there are only 4 and the first two aren't it and neither is the fourth so it has to be the third but then I realized that Edgy is on the cover of the game so he should be in at least half of it so he might reappear in the worse one and I am sad
back to game
Q: “newb”
now this sounds like 2016
Q: how do you NOT know what the UK is you s***ty excuse for a judge
I'm so mad i started being mean to the judge I should direct it to Franz for being a jerk
BF: hahaha don't worry so much about that. I'm not going to say how it plays out, but I think you'll be pleased.
Q: yessss
BF: and the third case is the one that people generally don't like: I personally think it's interesting, but it DOES have some issues.
Q: dangit
well hopefully I can like it
BF: I'm going to let you make up your own mind on it, yeah.
Q: aaalllirght
BF: I'll tell you afterwards what I actually LIKE about it, okay?
Q: alright!
Q: aw hi mimi
Q: Fanz let me explain this to you: The Von Karma family is full of assholes you all deserve to die before they cause as much suffering as your father did
ya I'm going to call the cops on your for physical assult
are we allowed to tell Maya that Mia has been possesing her a lot
Q: game you know what the date and time is  if you just don't want me to know tell me
So the games are just becoming more and more about magic huh
the end of the chapter this doesn't feel finished
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