#and letting me infodump
scramratz · 13 days
My favorite pastime is finding archived queer buttons online. Heres some of my favorites-
This is from at least the 90s! Lesboys win again-
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Is this term still used? If not, I think we should bring it back -
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I think this is Allison Bechdel’s work? I know she did a lot of commission work in the 80s but this kind of art style was also popular amount queer artists around that time so idk-
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Funny words-
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And last but not least, my favorite.
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c-kiddo · 27 days
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cad and belle are just wee besties to me . and have lots of sensory pressure hugs. (from npc requests but i wanted to draw them together anyway so bonus cad)
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ladyhavilliard · 4 days
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mo dao zu shi tarot
the hanged man:  pause, surrender, letting go, new perspectives
wheel of fortune | jin guangyao
death | wei wuxian
the tower | jiang cheng
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eyes-of-nine · 1 year
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truly what a guy
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skyefeys · 5 months
my friends know a little about herlock sholmes from watching me play dgs every now and then, so i decided to play a game of "real or fake herlock quote" with them, in which i gave them either a real herlock quote, or one i made up. they got very mad at me because i tricked them a lot. so here are some of my fake herlock quotes, for your viewing pleasure.
* Ah, Mr. Naruhodo, perfect timing! I seem to have misplaced several cadavers!
* Something strange is afoot…no, not quite afoot. Perhaps ahand? Aleg?
* As a great detective, I know all the pitfalls of common criminals. So when I decide to commit a crime, no man will be able to pin me down.
* Life is nothing but a long road. And I am the road. Constantly trampled upon by the hooves of those foul beasts known as horses.
* Ah, but my logic isn’t wrong! It’s reality that’s incorrect!
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I like Eddie calling Steve "sweetheart" very much; I also currently like the idea of Steve's reciprocal endearment for Eddie being "sunshine," because a) we have seen Eddie smile, the reason is obvious, b) their pet-names for each other need to be sort of old-timey and sentimental for some reason, and c) it's a gentle bit of teasing about Eddie's edgy dark image when in fact he is adorable.
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atbussysparks · 2 years
I can't infodump like a normal polite autistic dawg every time i talk it's like
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They try to silence us, the prophets ✊🏼😔
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somewhere-on-kamino · 2 months
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Star Wars Support
This week: Tech Support with Prof. Dr. CT-9902
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cannibal-crxw · 2 months
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Gang do we fuck with the doodles I made of Tubbo while stoned out of my gourd
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corvidaemnit · 2 months
let’s talk about the kiwi!!
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(an info-dump about one of the weirdest, most scientifically interesting birds we know of today!)
so, we’ve all heard about ratites, right?
well, maybe you don’t know them by name, but you’ve most certainly either heard about them or seen them at some point.
some commonly known members of the ratite group are species like ostriches, emus, and cassowaries— as shown below:
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ratites are all flightless birds within the infraclass palaeognathae— the infraclass that none other than the (now extinct) moa and elephant bird belong to!
now, these birds all share very similar characteristics; they’re large, long-necked, and long-legged with big clawed feet. all of these birds are also diurnal— which means they’re primarily active during the day time, just like us!
however, there is one species in this infraclass that is not quite like the others..
the kiwi.
not only are kiwi significantly smaller than their fellow ratites, but they also happen to be nocturnal.
and despite being small, their eggs are incredibly large, taking up to around 20% of the kiwi’s body weight, which has caused a lot of rigorous debate between scientists on exactly why.
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one outdated theory suggested that perhaps the kiwi had shrunk over time from previously being very large like its ratite relatives, while its egg remained big…. but this has been debunked in recent years.
the current consensus, while still a theory, is that the egg size has to do more with precocity than anything else;
kiwis are born precocial, which makes them pretty much immediately independent upon hatching, with the ability to run and feed themselves without the help of their parents.
modern DNA analysis suggests that the size of kiwi eggs is not just a left-over trait from ‘incomplete’ evolution, but instead the exact opposite— an evolved adaptation to ensure better chances of survival.
due to their sheer size, kiwi eggs house more yolk than average, which ends up keeping newly hatched kiwis nice and fed until they learn to forage food for themselves.
when mammals began to spread in new zealand, kiwis had way more predators to worry about, and it’s theorized that they were previously unequipped to deal with this startling introduction of land-predators, such as stoats and rats, that started feeding on their eggs.
this could explain why kiwi eggs have developed to be so large over time— they give the chicks plentiful nutrients and thicker shells to ensure a better chance of survival against predation.
so… yeah. kiwis produce monster eggs and no one fully knows why just yet. neat, huh?
and that’s not even where the weirdness ends, my friends!
on top of all of this, it’s been a running joke in the bird world that kiwis are ‘honorary mammals,’ not only because of their weirdly mammalian appearance, but also because of some of their atypical biological traits.
for instance, kiwis have an average body temperature of around 38 degrees celsius .. aka, 100 degrees fahrenheit.
while this is not typical at all for birds, this is very typical for mammals, which has stumped a lot of researchers over the years.
similarly, kiwis are also the only bird in the world with exposed nostrils at the end of their beak, which can help them detect prey by using scent instead of their vision, which is very poor.
so… yeah. kiwis are the nocturnal, freakish little cousins of some of the biggest, most dangerous birds on the planet, and scientists are, quite frankly, still a little weirded out by them.
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sctumsempra · 2 months
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severus, the victorian goth of all time
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citrusbugz · 2 months
Oof, spent the entire day without wifi again, it's like, the third time this week.
Haven't had any time these days to draw what I wanted *cries*. But, I DID finish the sticker teens! (+ and oakworthy one)
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They all fit on my cover :)
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blorbocedes · 2 months
nico and lewis being childhood friends but lewis referring to them as just roommates lewis being jealous of jenson nico being out as bi and flirting with everyone but not having sex … sexual liberation chic nico Ur mini fic was so perfect i loved it and i need to know everything about that universes brocedes
hehe thank you so much:3
so how I envision is it they were childhood, tweenhood friends who lost touch until they found out they're going to the same uni years later and it's a like oh my god hiii moment.
keke feels comfortable sending his one baby out into the world with his own flat outside uni accoms, and since lewis is a childhood friend that makes him a great roommate candidate. but they are essentially getting to know each other as adults, with a twinge of that childhood fondness.
I wanted to emulate an almost sibling dynamic friendship here, like normally roommates who hang in different circles don't really become besties. nico's an engineering major/club rat and lewis is college athlete on a scholarship. but the parties they do go to together, they walk home together from <3 they work together as amicable roommates. the part after the nico is a virg reveal I could've gone the "and then they implied to fuck" route but I thought a conversation where they're being friends~ is more interesting, and also filling in those missing gaps in their friendship from the awkward teenagers growing into the young adults they are now.
slutty bi oops actually a virgin nico versus red hot blooded Heterosexual Straight lewis whose type is blonde girls 😋😁😁😁 I care them 🥹
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asmodeauxx · 3 months
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oc brainrot is mental please please let me infodump my world building please please ple
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Satan’s probably not even aware how animated he becomes when he talks to you about a topic he’s particularly interested in. After all he, once he starts he’s so lost in his own thoughts about it, in order to convey as much information from the top of his head as possible. To the point where he at times forgets to check if you’re still there. You always are. Even when he goes into territory that flies well over your head, you sit and listen, settling for focusing on the little details in his expression.
He’s talking about the newest season of a detective show, that he explains is a reboot of sorts of an obscure human show, you haven’t even heard of before. “It failed to gain popularity because it came out in a time where the genre was losing popularity, which is a shame because the twists were amazing and the explanations were so detailed. Apparently they had one instance where a team of physicists overlooked some of the script to see if one of the murders was even possible.” When he starts to talk about the mathematics behind the probability of being able to drop an anvil from a skyscraper and have it land on a target walking along the ground. You know you’re lost. 
Not that it bothers you. With an elbow propped up onto the table, you rest your cheek into your hand, and make sure to say the occasional word encouraging him to continue, while your eyes follow every movement he makes. He must have no idea the way his eyes light up as he delves further into his ramblings, or how he excitedly leans forward remembering niche information or something he believes to be particularly interesting. Does he realises this is one of the few times, he has a genuine smile openly on display? If he can’t notice you stupidly grinning at him, while you take him all in. Then you think the answer is no. 
“Ah I went really off topic, I hope you don’t mind.” Eventually he reaches his own conclusion, and realises that he’s strayed away from the original topic. Sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck at the realisation. 
“Nope, not at all.” It’s as he glances at you apologetically, that he catches your grin and it takes everything in him not to grow flustered at the simple expression. 
“Why are you smiling at me like that?” 
“You’re cute.” That however, makes him blush. 
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neometalsilver · 10 months
roboticised sonic theory with metamy is just so fucking good. like eggman successfully kills sonic at little planet, triggering the bad timeline and splitting the timeline into two. he roboticises sonic, creating metal sonic. metal sonic is the orginal sonic, the sonic that is still alive in the main/good timeline is not. eggman uses the time stone to bring metal sonic from the bad timeline to the main timeline, where the events of sonic CD and the rest of the games take place.
amy is told by her cards that she will meet the love of her life at little planet. she assumes that this is sonic when she meets him- she’s correct, but the original sonic is now metal sonic, and this is who her cards were talking about.
metamy nation please hear me
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