#and like on instinct i said bye back but i was also scared as shit
vanweezer · 10 months
[squints at person who knows me as has acknowledged me] i didnt know you still assumed i existed
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kelieah · 3 years
can’t help it (arvin russell x reader)
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request (summary): @dhtomholland​ : hi !! i have an arvin request... what if arvin easily gets jealous when boys hit on y/n at school or jus try to talk to her and it was cute at first but y/n get annoyed at some point which leads to a small fight but arvin makes it up to her w flowers and telling her he jus wants to protect her 🥺🥺🥺
word count: 1.7k
warnings: language ofc, angst, fluff
edited: i also kinda forgot halfway through writing this that u requested he wanted to protect, i changed that up a bit sorry !!! also why the fuck am is my gifs not loading grrr
a/n: awwee this requesttt,, sorry for the late response. i’m not as quick as i used to be w requests 
main masterlist | arvin russell masterlist
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You like Arvin a lot, that’s something you couldn’t deny. But lord, ever since you started dating this boy you don’t think you could ever get used to his temper and overprotective attitude. You appreciated it, of course, it’s just that there were many times when he’d let it get the best of him.
There was this one time he was picking you up from school, but you weren’t at the front like you usually were. So he decides to park and walk to your locker to see if you were there. You’re there, but with the company of someone else. His heart rate spikes at the sight of someone, or to be more specific, some candy-ass boy talking to you. He slowly walks over, not wanting to startle the both of you, and listens in on the conversation.
“I- I could help ya with the homework for math class. If y- you want of course,” the sweet, frail boy whose name is Cole, offers you.
You smile softly and nod while closing your lockers, “I would appreciate that a lot! I think I’m free—”
Before you could even finish your sentence you notice Cole huddle in fear before you. “Hi,” you hear a familiar voice from behind you. He wraps his arms around your waist and places his chin upon your shoulder.
“Oh, hey Arvin,” you murmur softly and glance over at him. You know what he’s up to so you push him off slightly to return to your conversation with the other boy.
“Uhm, h- hello there. A- Arvin,” Cole mutters and cowers underneath Arvin’s piercing glare. 
You huff and shove your boyfriend aside. “Don’t mind him, like I was saying. I think I can after Sunday Mass, by the trees and tables if that’s alright?”
He gulps as he averts his eyes back and forth between the both of you. “Y- Yeah, is that okay?”
“I just said it’s alright—?” you stifle a laugh until you get cut off.
“Yeah, just studying though. If she tells me otherwise, I’ll cut your—'' Arvin threatens, causing every ounce of color from Cole’s face to drain.
“I’ll see you Sunday, Cole! Bye!” you immediately pull Arvin away and squeeze his hand harshly. “What is the matter with you!?”
“What?” he asks cluelessly and looks back at Cole who had already run off in complete fear and embarrassment.
“That poor boy. He’s just asking to study with me, that’s all,” you smack his arm.
He scoffs and shrugs you off. “Doll, I know you’re dull sometimes but c’mon. Every boy in the school probably wants you. Even boys like him, they just got some type of strategy or some shit,” he runs a hand through his hair and avoids your piercing glare. “Dull? First off, fuck you. Second, every boy? Arvin, grow up baby. I’m yours, and only yours. M’ pretty damn sure everyone knows that. Now fucking apologize or else I’m walking home,” you stop in your tracks and cross your arms. 
He stops as well and turns towards you, giving you a blank expression. You remain firm and raise an eyebrow at him, almost testing him to try you. “Sweetcakes, m’ sorry,” he groans and takes a step towards you.
You take a step back and raise both your eyebrows, continuing to stay stubborn. “Sorry, what?”
He takes one more look at you and wavers in defeat. He trudges over to you and falls into your arms, stuffing his face in your neck. You stifle a laugh and hold him up, hugging him close. “I’m sorry for threatening that stupid boy with dumb glasses. I just really like you and don’t want nobody touchin’ my girl. Nobody. Not even God. I’m sorry! I’m sorry. I won’t get jealous or overprotective again,” he drags out his words and whines against your skin.
You throw your head back and giggle. “Arvin! Okay, okay. You big softie. Apology accepted stupid. But, you better apologize to him too, okay?” you push him off you and glance into his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah. Kiss?” he pouts and leans towards your face. You roll your eyes and oblige, pecking his lips. You walk off towards his car and he let out another whine, complaining about how the kiss was too short.
You love how you’re able to bring out this vulnerable and softer side to Arvin. You’re lucky enough that he even started dating you. It shock you that the boy had emotions. You’re only partly joking about that. It’s a true miracle the way you make him fall to his knees for you. You both couldn’t get enough of each other. Though, there were days where Arvin really got on your nerves.
He just promised the other day to not get too jealous or overprotective, didn’t he? Yet, here is now cursing out the same boy who helped you with your studies behind the school’s building. “What the fuck do you want with her? Huh? I saw the way you look at her, don’t you lie to me boy damnit!” he raises his voice at Cole.
Cole stumbles back and hits the wall as Arvin holds his collar, “I- I swear it’s nothing like that Arvin! I promise, I’m just helping her out that’s all! W- We’re just classmates, I’d never try to meddle. Please man!” he begins to weep covering his face as Arvin raises his fist.
“Arvin Eugene Russell!” the two boys hear a louder voice from behind them. There you stand with an infuriated expression. Your jaw clenched your face red and your hands on your hips. 
Arvin mutters a handful of curses underneath his breath and lets go of Cole reluctantly. Cole plops down on the floor and hugs his knees to his chest as he watches the argument unravel between you and Arvin.
“Doll, this isn’t what it looks like. I was just lecturing him I swear—” Arvin holds his hands up in defense.
You completely ignore his attempts to redeem himself and brush past him, helping Cole up. “I am so sorry, are you okay?” you ask softly.
He wipes away his tears and nods in response. “Y- Yeah I’m okay, thank you. I should probably go now. I’ve caused enough problems,” he pulls away from your grasp and plays with his hands.
“No, you haven’t caused anything. I think he should go now,” you turn your head towards Arvin and send him a warning glare. He stares at you back in disbelief and clenches his jaw. You both stare at each other for a little longer, as if you were both challenging eachother to see who would back down. Arvin’s the first to crack. He scoffs and turns sharply on his heel, making his way back to his car.
“I- I’m so sorry, Y/n,” Cole bubbles sadly and wipes the sweat beads off his forehead. “I really am.” “Don’t be stupid, you’re fine. It’s my damn boyfriend’s problem, not ours. Come on, let’s go grab some ice cream,” you sigh and walk ahead, leaving him scrambling to catch up with you.
After the nice hangout with your newly made friend, he walked you home and apologized once more which almost made you slap the boy. Though it was calming to spend time with a friend other than your boyfriend, you still couldn’t believe Arvin’s recent behavior. 
You know he can get overprotective, but jealousy is something you never expected. You take your mind off of him once again by doing some homework until your peace is interrupted by the sound of loud knocks on your front door. “I’m coming! Jesus,” you yell frustatingly as the pounding on your poor wood gets louder. You open the door to see Arvin with a guilty expression, a heap of flowers in one hand and a dozen of pop in the other. You raise an eyebrow at him and lean against your doorway.
Your silence pushes him to speak up. “Look, I’m. I- I’m,” he grumbles out and avoids your gaze, staring at the ground.
“I’m?” you decide to poke at him and cross your arms, enjoying the entertainment in front of you.
“I didn’t mean to,” he huffs and holds out the things he brought, looking back at you.
Your face now remains unamused. “Come again?”
“Christ, woman,” he rolls his eyes and lets out a heavy sigh. “I’m sorry. I’m fucking sorry I almost beat the kid. I just hated the way his beady little shit eyes were staring at you. I coulda sworn the fucker was going to take you from me. I don’t want anyone to take you from me. I mean I know you’re not mine— No you’re mine, but not in a possessive way or something. I don’t know. I’m trying here, hell. I just, I’m just scared one day you’re gonna find someone better than some ditz like me,” he lets the bottled up feelings spill out his mouth like word vomit.
You look at him surprised and purse your lips, examining his face. He finally makes eye-contact with you and smiles weakly. You stifle a laugh and pull him into a bone-crushing hug that causes him to let out a soft gasp. He places down the flowers and pop, wrapping his arms around you instinctively. “Now you listen here fool, like I’ve said a million times. I’m yours, okay? I know I ain’t your object, and I’m glad you know that too. But nobody is gonna take me from you. Nobody, not even Paul Anka,” you tease quietly, earning a chuckle from him that makes you smile in content. “Wanna know why?”
He presses a warm kiss against your shoulder and sighs, “Why?”
“Cus I love your dumbass,” you murmur into his ear and rub his back comfortingly.
He tenses a bit and smiles happily, stuffing his face in your neck. “I love you too,” he mumbles incoherently into your skin. 
You giggle and run a hand through his hair, massaging his scalp. “Can you promise me not to do anythin’ like that again?”
“No,” he admits and begins to sway your body as he holds you.
You whine breathlessly and pull away to look at him. “Arvin! Why the hell not?”
He grins cheekily and shrugs nonchalantly, “Because I can’t help it.”
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taglist + inbox link under the cut! thanks for reading ツ
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tagging some mutuals! @eusuntgroot @sunsetholland @hollandcrush @ptersmj @veryholland @marvelouspeterparker @opheliacult​ @pparkeramorr @asonofpeter @holland-parkers @spideyspeaches​ @parkerpeter24​ @peterbenjiparker
@theamazingtomholland​ @geminiparkers​ @musicalkeys​ @cocoamoonmalfoy​ @starlight-starks​ @dummiesshort​ @madz-holland​ @axen-gers​ @repostcentral​ @theliterarymess​ @peterspideyy​ @calltothewild​ @lillucyandthejets​ @missyouhollnd​ @lowkey-holland​ @hufflepuffprincess24​ @thehumanistsdiary​  @justafangirlduh​ @tomsgf​
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sxfik · 3 years
I have an idea!
Ok so we all know that Hanseo is abused by his big brother, and if i remember correctly, the jipuragi trio found out about it from the guillotine file for the first time.
Now hear me out, what if the jipuragi trio found out about the abuse from Hanseo himself, not from the guillotine file??
After failing to burn down geumga plaza, Hanseok threw that object at Hanseo, telling him not to dodge it, and it left a scar on his forehead. When Hanseo visited jipuragi, he seemed proud of that scar, right?? Because thats what he got from saving geumga plaza, and he hoped that the scar would show them that he wants to be on their side.
BUT lets forget about all those stuff for a moment.
Hanseok loves to strangle, threaten, and hit Hanseo with the hockey stick. It certainly happens more than once, so i figured that there must be a bunch of scars and bruises on his body right?? What if the jipuragi trio noticed one of his scars/bruises?? I know Hanseo always wear long-sleeved stuff, so its not exactly visible, but what if someone caught a glimpse of it??? Perhaps the scar/bruise was on his arm???
Maybe when Hanseo visits jipuragi, Vincenzo asks him to wash some coffee mugs, and as Hanseo is rolling up his sleeves...
"yo whats that on your arm??"
And maybe Hanseo is like "thats a bruise..? Do you not know what a bruise is??"
Okay, idk. I have no idea how he's gonna react if that happens. I just feel like Hanseo wouldnt be proud of his scars if he didnt get them from trying to save geumga/jipuragi people.
And now im just wondering, what do you think? How would Hanseo react, in your opinion? If the jipuragi trio really did find out about the abuse from Hanseo himself, how would that affect their relationship? Im really curious about what you think
Hhhhhhhh sorry if its too long. I just thought that this might be a good way for Hanseo and jipuragi to kinda get closer with each other...
han seo headcanons (part one)
helloooo, thank you for sending an ask in :D
SORRY this answer is super long and for some reason my phone isn't allowing me to add a keep reading cut thingy, apologies in advance to the amount scrolling you have to do
tw: abuse
i've been thinking so much about this ask and just how han-seo would react to them finding out, and honestly i never really took note of how many long sleeved shirts he wears. i believe han-seok has switched a lot more into emotional manipulation and abuse than physical abuse but he has a lot of anger issues. i'd honestly imagine him using han seo as a punching bag for any and every inconvinence that happens to him, even as an intern.
i also agree with you, han seo is someone who is a very bright personality who tends to hide his hurt and emotions, and he's very very good at it as he has been living under a psychopath his whole life. he's good at hiding his anger (although it definetly bubbles over in smaller outbursts) and especially his hurt (i.e. the scene that han seok throws that candle holder at him and he just smiles back). han seo has a lot of anger at himself for not speaking back or being able to act like himself. like in that scene in the office, you can tell as he curls his fist that he wanted to speak back so badly. even when he finally snaps against han seok, he said "i'm getting tired of being afraid of you." i feel like he'd be embarrassed that even after years, he hasn't been able to escape his abuse
(you can also read the following on ao3)
i feel like this scene and their dynamic would play out something similar to this:
han seo joined the team and has been working with vincenzo and cha-young for around a month. at this point han seo isn't walking on eggshells with both of them, he's a lot more comfortable and visiting their office regularly without choi/han/han seok finding out.
sometimes it's vincenzo and cha-young providing him books to study economics from, maybe even giving some brotherly/sisterly advice to him. every couple weeks, vin and cha-young give him quizzes and slowly, he's getting better and better
over time, he even got closer to the plaza residents (even though the residents were definetly cold to him in the beginning, miri scaring the shit out of him by doing her ghost thing, the lady with the lipstick from bye bye balloon staring him down, snack bar lady refusing to serve him, larry also scaring the shit out of him by doing his zombie routine)
but despite this, they adopt him into their family, han seo doing small errands for the residents, him buying the best coffee, food and getting camera equipment for the snack bar lady's son. han seo gifting the pawnshop couple with cute baby items etc.
(obviously he buys the most expensive shit bc he's still a rich boy, but they dont have to know)
(side note: he'd be fucking adorable with a baby, imagine him being the babies "uncle han seo" who gets them the best gifts !!)
even though he was comfortable with all of them, every once in a while his facade would slip.
every once in a while, someone would make a sharp movement towards him and he'd flinch. or if someone makes a quick step towards him, he'd back up and stiffen up on instinct
even if it was someone patting his back or just making a quick movement, he'd react on instinct from the years of abuse from han seok. but no one ever said anything about it if they noticed.
one afternoon after lunch, they were washing dishes, han seo on washing duty and cha-young drying and placing them back. and han seo was in his full sleeves and cha-young notices his sleeves getting wet
"yah, roll your sleeves back, by the end of this your whole sleeve will be wet! you know how uncomfortable those sleeves would be?"
"ahaha, it's alright noona, i'll be fine"
han seo tries to laugh it off, grining at her with one of his wide grins but there's something off about this one. but cha-young gives one of her patented glares and he rolls them up carefully, shielding his arms from her view, and continues washing the rest.
cha-young doesn't take note of his bruises at first, but noted the care he went through to shield his arms from her. his arms were posed almost awkwardly and he was on high alert
it wasn't until after they both finished and he was drying his hands that cha-young saw the massive bruises he had, climbing up his forearms and under the sleeves
he stiffens when he sees her stare, and quickly tries to cover them but she grabs them before he could hide it
she's completely quiet while she stares at his arms. after a moment, he speaks up
"oh i accidentally banged these against my doorway, they're just small bruises. it's go away in a couple days" he smiles at her again but she could tell from the way his shoulders were frozen and the wavering of his voice that it wasn't the truth
"did he do these?" she asked him, her face completely neutral and her voice barely a whisper. she's still looking at his forearms, her fingers ghosting over the bruises.
han seo just looks down and the silence is enough of an answer for cha-young. he walks away, embarrassed that she found out about it, even though his years of therapy told him that it wasn't never his fault, he still felt the shame and anger of not being able to break free.
he's quiet for the rest of the time, feigning tiredness and finding an excuse to leave the plaza
that night, it was just vincenzo and her working at the office late, in preparation for babel. cha-young's mind was still on what she saw that afternoon. abruptly, she stands up, her hand gripping the pen in her hand as she turned to vincenzo sitting at the other desk.
"did you know that bastard hurt him? he's been abusing han seo this whole time?" she asked vincenzo, her voice seething with anger
"i know."
"you know??? why didn't you ever say anything?"
vincenzo looks up at her from his stack of papers, setting his pen down.
"it wasn't my place. i picked up on it when he flinched when mr. tak reached toward him to place a hand on his shoulder."
cha-young sat back down then, her lips pressed together, and vin went back to his paperwork
"we should get him out of there. who knows what han seok would do in one of his rages?"
"couple nights ago, we went to drink makgeolli and i offered him a way out. i told him if he ever needs to leave, and if he's ready to leave, he has a place at the plaza."
"and is he? leaving that is?"
"no. he thanked me, but said that he needed to stay until his brother and his group crumbles to the ground."
cha-young let out a sigh, biting her lip, the worry on her face all too evident
"hong cha-young byeonosa-nim, we shouldn't baby him. jang han seo deserves revenge against his brother just like we do and the choice is ultimately up to him."
"i know. i just worry."
they stayed quiet for the rest of the night, working late but the topic never leaves cha-young or vincenzo's minds
the next day, han seo avoided her like the plague, not wanting to talk about what she saw yesterday
but while he was studying, she approached him, a glass of juice and a snack in hand, setting it next to him. she checked over his work quietly as he took a break and glanced at his arms, doing a once over just to make sure he didn't get any new ones.
"well done, han seo, you're doing well" she smiled at him and ruffled his hair and han seo let out a breath of relief and gratefulness that she hadn't treated him any different
from then, cha-young and vin only got fonder of han seo and han seo was pretty much adopted by them. after the battle and han seok is in jail permanently, he moves out of his apartment, and gets one closer to the plaza.
mr. nam would show him how the organization worked at jipuragi and put him to work, the paralegal grateful to have an extra hand around the office
eventually, even han seo grows an affection to the instant coffee and buys more for himself and his apartment
vin would take him shopping for suits, both rich boys obsessed with their sleek looks. they take cha-young with them once but she manages to sleep off at every shop they go to.
vincenzo also plays hockey with him regularly and the plaza invites him to plaza game nights. they get up to all kinds of mischief,
han seo loves spicy food, just like cha-young so they make it their mission to go to try every restaurant and compete to see just how much spice they can handle. obviously vincenzo doesn't even make it past the first round of the spice competitions but cha-young and han seo have the same competitive streak that keeps them going
han seo is also dropping hints to both of cha-young and vincenzo that they should get married. constantly teasing vincenzo about cha-young in the way only younger brothers do
obviously on one of cha-young and han seo’s days out, han seo drops hints CONSTANTLY, trying to get her to admit cha young likes vincenzo
and OBVIOUSLY she slips up, and han seo doesn’t let go of it
he does the whole younger brother teasing every single time he catches cha-young glancing at vincenzo at the firm
“cha-young noona and vin hyung, sitting in a tree. K I S S I N—” “HAN SEO!!!”
obviously chayenzo eventually get together but decide to keep it a secret (and of course, they were awful at it)
eventually when they reveal it to the office, mr. nam and han seo react like that one scene in suspicious partner (“quick, act surprised” “*gasp* you guys are together??????? we had no idea!!”)
han seo is basically adopted as a younger brother to both cha-young and vincenzo and even the plaza loves his presence and he gets to have a peaceful existence for the rest of his life
anyways han seo deserves a happy ending with a good family. he deserves a second chance with a family that LOVES AND CARES FOR HIM AND GIVES HIM CHOICES AND ALLOWS HIM TO BE HIMSELF. (and yes this covered more than just one scene but I HAVE MANY THOUGHTS ON HIM) as always feel free to add on :D
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kaypeace21 · 4 years
Lets talk about how these spotify songs confirm byler’s endgame.
Will’s songs
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Don’t you forget about me: illustrates Will’s feelings after Mike says they won’t be together for the rest of their lives (but have to get gfs). Love’s “strange” (stranger things). And Will fears change will pull them apart- and as it rains he hopes Mike won’t forget about him/ and questions if Mike will ‘ever love him’. And Mike in the rain (instead of “walking on by?”) calls his name.
“Tell me your troubles and doubts.Giving me everything inside and out and Love’s strange so real in the dark. Think of the tender things that we were working on…Slow change may pull us apart.Don’t you, forget about me.Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t.Don’t you, forget about me.Will you stand above me?Look my way, never love me?Rain keeps falling, rain keeps falling.Down, down, down.Will you recognize me?Call my name or walk on by? rain keeps falling, rain keeps falling. “
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“Don’t you try and pretend. It’s my feeling we’ll win in the end.I won’t harm you or touch your defenses-Vanity and security.Don’t you forget about meI’ll be alone, dancing you know it baby .Going to take you apart.I’ll put us back together at heart, baby Don’t you, forget about me.”
( Will physically took them ‘apart’ -from the photo. But in the end it’s also Mike who fears Will will forget about him too. And Will doesn’t harm Mike by picking at his insecurities - like lack of ‘security' in their relationship. But just says the truth that it’s “not possible” to replace him (after he moves). And of course deep down they know they’ll be together in the end. )
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upsidedown: Just Will saying he loves Mike and he turns Will ‘insideout” (like the previous song) and “upsidedown”. And he loves him but he’s “crazy’ (cough ‘crazy together’) to think Mike is all his. But no matter what he’ll always love Mike.
“I said, “Upside down, you’re turning me.You’re giving love instinctively.Boy, you turn me inside out .And ‘round and 'round-Upside down…Instinctively, you give to me the love that I need.I cherish the moments with you… no one makes me feel like you do…I know you got charm and appeal.You always play the field.I’m crazy to think you’re all mine.As long as the sun continues to shine.There’s a place in my heart for you, that’s the bottom line.”
here i go again: Will saying he’s “not going to fall in love” ever (like he said in s3) cause he doesn’t want to waste time on Mike. But he keeps backpedalling on the idea and desiring to love Mike for ‘the rest of his days’. Like how Will said he thought they’d never get gfs but play games for the rest of their lives.
“ (verse 3)And here I go again on my own.Goin’ down the only road I’ve ever known…Like a drifter, I was born to walk alone.And I’ve made up my mind.I ain’t wasting no more time . (verse 4)Just another heart in need of rescue- waiting on love’s sweet charity.I’m gonna hold on for the rest of my days'Cause I know what it means to walk along the lonely street of dreams (verse 5) And here I go again on my own .Goin’ down the only road I’ve ever known.Like a drifter, I was born to walk alone.And I’ve made up my mind I ain’t wasting no more time.BUT here I go again.Here I go again.Here I go again.Ooh baby, ooh yeah.”
Take my breath away: This excerpt speaks for itself that byler is real/endgame after Will moves/s4 and 5. XD
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Mike’s songs
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Will’s canon Spotify playlist. He ALSO has the song “I’m still standing” by Elton John (who is gay)? Aka cause Mike has a ‘romantic comeback’ with Will XD
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I’m still standing’ is a guy bragging about a breakup and now feeling like a kid -lol Mike saying he feels like a 7 y old after the breakup . And moving on -lol it’s mileven).   The album is from “to be continued...” I MEAN, C’mon. That’s , very on the nose for s4 byler happening after mileven XD
‘Your blood, like winter, freezes just like ice” (when El broke up with Mike , “cold as ice” played).”I got a taste of love in a simple way.And if you need to know why I’m still standing.You just fade away.Don’t you know I’m still standing better than I ever did?Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid.And I’m still standing after all this time.Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind.”
‘Baby I lied’, also reminds me of the byler fight where Mike insults Will/talks about El and then says to Will “ But, we’re not kids anymore. I mean, what did you think, REALLY?  That we’d never get girlfriends? Sit in my basement and play games for the rest of our lives?” Causing Will to storm off crying- thinking Mike doesn’t even imagine Will being there for the rest of his life (in favor of a girlfriend).And then Mike (although already knowing of his feelings for Will) realizing that it wasn’t a temporary crush/phase- but that he was in love with Will. And only realizing he can’t live without him when Will left. Making it sink it to Mike that he was lying to Will during their fight.
“Did I say that I’d be okay if you said good-bye? And did I promise you I could take it if we were through? And forget about these feelings inside? Baby I lied when I told you I could walk away .Baby I lied…And did I ever tell myself I could always find someone else? Did I say if you left today it’d be no surprise? Did I ever leave any doubt I could hold up if you walked out? I know I told you that I could survive. Baby I lied…And now that I can see you walking out of my life . Saying good-bye, I realize….”
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also ‘Love is a battlefield’ (could be recontextualized/interpreted through a que*r lens  given the time period-typical hom*phobia) . Love would be considered a ‘battlefield’. ( The song could be. about 2 people refusing to state their feelings/ holding back from doing anything romantic. Despite both people in the song secretly knowing the other secretly reciprocates mutual romantic feelings)  . But they fear pursuing anything cause society says their love would be ‘wrong’. It also reminds me of s3 byler fight . Both ‘standing’ secretly in ‘heartache’. One character in the song(Mike) being mean to the singer who’s angry and wants to go home (Will). Then after that (Mike/song character) begs the singer (Will) to stay but then is mean to the singer again . So in response (Will/singer) gets annoyed and then asks ‘am I in your way? or am I the ‘best thing’ you have?(s2 byler ref). And the singer could internally question if they made a move on the Mike (/song character) would they be rejected? And like that singer ,Will, also throws Mike’s words in his face by saying he actually did think they’d be together for the rest of their lives without girlfriends (cause he may suspects Mike is full of shit?). The singer pretty much says-when it becomes impossible to ignore your romantic feelings for me - you’ll realize you’ll need me ! The song also emphasizes they’re “young” (kids) and Will/the singer  questions if their love will get  “old” , but quickly decides their love can’t get ‘old’ or die (despite Mike’s lies stating the contrary) * Also saying “no promises” could be a ref to show it’s the opposite of mileven who have the promise line.*Seems like the song is from Will’s pov. 
“We are young.(Heartache to heartache) We stand. No promises(No demands)…We are strong. No one can tell us we’re wrong. Searching our hearts for so long. Both of us knowing, love is a battlefield. You’re begging me to go. Then making me stay. Why do you hurt me so bad? It would help me to know : Do I stand in your way?Or am I the ‘best thing’ you have?When I’m losing control.Will you turn me away? And when all this gets old,will it still feel the same?There’s no way this will die. But if we get much closer.I could lose control.And if your heart surrenders-you’ll need me to hold.”
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‘Kiss off’ could also be seen through a queer lens aka Mike trying to deny he’s gay but realizing at the end of s3 it’s not a phase. And hopefully learning to accept it in s4.
“I need someone, a person to talk to. Someone who’d care to love. Could it be you?could it be you?Situation gets rough. Then I start to panic. It’s not enough!it’s just a habit! Hey, kid your sick. Well, darling this is it! You can all just kiss off into the air!Behind my back I can see them stare.They’ll hurt me bad . But I won’t mind. They’ll hurt me bad, they do it all the time.” 
El’s songs
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 The power of Love is the 1st song that shows El desire to learn about love despite it scaring her and not really understanding her relationship with Mike. (it’s a very heteronormative idea- “I’m your man /i’m your women” so we’ll fall in love). It also shows her more questionable behavior like spying on Mike. (The later songs illustrate mileven falling apart.)
“Even though there may be times it seems I'm far away. Never wonder where I am'.Cause I am always by your side.'Cause I am your lady.And you are my man...We're heading for something.Somewhere I've never been.Sometimes I am frightened.But I'm ready to learn of the Power Of Love.”
  (The second song)Another one bites the dust is about a dysfunctional romantic relationship.
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Girls just want to have fun illustrates El’s annoyance with both Hopper controlling her, and Mike (like Hopper trying to control her) and keep her away from the outside world. And just preferring hanging out with Max and not having a romantic relationship.
“ (verse 2)My father yells, "What you gonna do with your life?".Oh daddy dear, you know you're still number one.But girls, they wanna have fun... (verse 4) Some boys take a beautiful girl and hide her away from the rest of the world.I want to be the one to walks in the sun.Oh girls, they wanna have fun.Oh girls just wanna have.That's all they really want. Some fun.”
Don’t tell me lies - (El in s4) saying they’re whole relationship is a lie and she was ‘naive’ to think otherwise.But now she knows her Mike will be with someone else and their relationship was always based on a lie. And she’s ok on her own. “Every move you made before was never meant for real.Over my naivety is this how I should feel?...they'll never ever be another one.Don't tell me lies.Don't tell me lies.Looking back I realize it's always been this way.We must note what has gone and never turn away...Broken loose from indecision.Now I'm alright on my own...I guess I'm alright on my own.”
 I feel like i’ve talked the lying aspect to death but it’s an important element to their relationship.
Mike while apologizing to El at the grocery store never apologizes for lying -despite it being the cause of the breakup . He never apologized for lying cause the love is the lie- like Max said “boyfriends lie ALL THE TIME”. And it’s why the camera panned to Will when Lucas asked why Mike lied to her. And he never answers El’s question of ‘why do you lie?!’ (he just looks up silent and guilt ridden).  In s2, Mike says “i never gave up on you (to El). “ When moments earlier he says to Max “it took her just like it took Bob.” HE’S LYING AGAIN . He thought she was d*ad.Plus he also fought with Hopper in s2 (’about El’) in Will’s room too. He wasn’t actually calling Hopper the liar he was calling himself “a stupid disgusting liar”out of self hate . That scene was foreshadowing his lying to El in s3 (about his feelings for her). He blamed Hopper for his feelings for Will cause he told himself it wouldn’t have escalated if El had been around to ‘fix him’ . “I BLAME YOU! NOTHING ABOUT THIS IS OK! NOTHING ABOUT THIS IS OK. YOU STUPID DISGUSTING liar, liar, liar, liar”.starts crying.
In s3, mike (in Will’s room) did not reciprocate El’s kiss/ or say ‘i love you ‘ back  and had his eyes open while the same exact song plays that robin came out to: called ‘the first i love you’. These are the only times the song plays in s3. The ‘first i love you’ also sounds like ‘the first lie’ - that song played when jancy said they were just friends. it sounds the same cause jancy lied about it not being romantic while mileven lied by saying it was.  
Ugh- why are the tags not working? I guess , please, reblog if the tags continue to act up or else no one will see this.XD
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fakeloveaskblog · 2 years
(Hi, me again. Thank you for the cat picture, it was adorable, in return I have an ask for Remus because it truly is criminal not to.)
Hi Remus I’m the lawnmower ghost Janus was talking to. I wanted to check in with you and ask how you are doing? And how’s the sleepover going? Also you and Janus are adorable together, seeing you interact with each other makes my heart melt into a pile of goo because of the cuteness, I hope you have fun together. Now fun fact did you know that dandelions taste best in spring before they flower as well as in autumn (fall) and are completely edible meaning unless you are allergic you can eat as many as you want! bye for now.
Remus had his head leaned onto Janus' thigh and a controller in his hand as he showed his crush how to get through a level on resident evil 4. Jan kept throwing out very totally helpful warnings like "Look out, zombie!" and "UGgghh aagghg"
A zombie suddenly jumped out at the character and Remus could feel the way his crush jumped in their seat. They instinctively brought their hand down to cover his eyes while covering their own eyes as well.
"Jannie baby, I can't play if I'm not seeing anything" Remus said while trying to bite their hand.
"Oh- Sorry" They quickly pulled their hand away.
He sent them a shit eating grin while continuing to play. "Don't tell me you're scared" He teased.
"Me!? Scared!???? Such foolery! Complete and utter mockery! Defamation even! I would never get frightened by some pixels on a screen! Never! Never ever! Such is not my character! I have no fear!"
Remus chuckled at their grumpy expression "Sure Janister"
A group of zombies jumped onto the character and their stats weren't high enough to outrun them. Remus let out a lil "Oh noooo. We diiieeed" Before handing the controller back to his crush "Your turn"
"Ah yes, now you shall the ultimate tactics used by a master gamer" Janus replied sarcastically "Buckle up bitch. I am going to blow these zombies"
"BLOW! LIKE their HEADS! OFF! With a gun!!"
"You're right. A master tactic. I have never seen anyone trying that before in a video game"
It took about 5 seconds before Janus clicked all the wrong buttons at the same time and the character almost instantly died. He could hear Remus cackling beside him.
"Wow you suck. Guess you really did blow in some way then"
"Ha ha. Very funny" Janus replied dryly.
Remus wrapped his arms around their shoulders and pulled them close "Now I shall do a live reenactment of what happens to our lil guy when you keep getting him eaten by zombies!!"
He proceeded to open his mouth wide open and sink his teeth into a chunk of Janus' mini afro. He let out several zombie noises while continuing to nibble. His crush just sat there, accepting the fate that came with being Remus' friend.
"You're dead now" Remus helpfully informed while leaning back.
"Thanks. Being dead feels great"
“Your hair kinda tastes like lemons. Did you know that? Like the color yellow but like fruity-”
He was interrupted by your message. Both of the dudes turned to you. Remus sent his crush a smug look when he heard the message was only for him.
“I’m doing fantastic! I feel like a blood eagle right after finding a good human to feast from-”
“Do you mean a leech?” Janus filled in. 
“I said what I said. The sleepover went good as well!- or uh I had to lock myself in the bedroom before actually falling asleep ‘cause I got just a bit anxious- But up until then I watched the movie with everyone else and I cuddled with Jannie under a big warm blanket the entire time until he fell asleep and snored like GRAAh PHEEE GRAAhh PHEE-”
“That is certainly not how I sound in my sleep”
“Sounded like it to me. You drooled all over my shoulder as well”
Janus moved his hands around in front of Remus’ face while making magician noises “Poof. Now you’ve forgotten that”
“Huh. Wow. Feel like I just forgot something. Hmm must be a magician maniac on the loose again”
Your message continued. Remus bonked his head against Janus’ shoulder while smiling.
“Aww the ghost called you cute”
“They called US cute. Together. It’s like what Picani tells me about ‘fusing’. Too obtain optimal cuteness we must first fuse together”
“And create nuclear power in the process???”
“How am I to know. I haven’t seen the shows he talks about”
Remus’ eyes lit up when you told the fact about the dandelions. His head slowly turned to look at his crush while his lips slowly expanded into a mischievous grin. He jumped up on his feet and grabbed onto Janus’ hands to pull him up as well. 
They didn’t even have a chance to ask what he was doing before they were pulled along, out of the apartment and down the stairs. He kicked the entrance door open. The snow had started to melt away in some places of the grass. A few flowers could be seen sticking up like true champions.
Janus watched as Remus let go of them before slamming his whole body down into the grass. He rolled around like a feral Chihuahua. When he found dandelions he clawed them up and dumped them into his gullet.
He turned to Janus and beamed at him with flowers stuck between his teeth.
“This is some good shit!!” He exclaimed “Wanna try?”
“Honey this is the grass belonging to a fancy apartment neighborhood. There is definitely weed killer on those”
“Oh great! That just adds to the taste. I should add these to my gamer juice! It will fit well with monster and dishsoap”
“Yes dear. Your chances of surviving the zombies will most definitely get higher if you’re tripping balls”
“I mean. I know it doesn’t. I have literally been tripping balls while playing video games and I sucked at it. I started to cry one time while playing pac-man because I was high on a mix of ketamine and GHB and thought I was literally killing things”
“And yet you kept going?”
“Hey those guys I was killing could have been assholes!”
“...You’re not....wrong”
Janus sat down beside him in the grass and watched in awe as Remus ate dandelions at an inhuman pace. Sometimes he would stop the eating just to make a snowball so he could throw it at him. Sometimes he would lick up the snow instead.
Holy shit Janus loved him so much. How could there be a more majestic person on earth.
“Well this was a delicious breakfast” Remus said after a while. He had flowers and grass all over his cheeks “Wanna go back inside?”
“Oh no I’m actually waiting for us to eventually freeze to death”
Remus cackled at that while standing up. He took Janus’ hand again as they walked back. He swung their hands between them.
“I still have the rehab ‘coin’ by the way” 
“What?” Janus asked.
“The one you scribbled for me. it’s hanging on the wall in the bedroom so it won’t get destroyed. I look at it sometimes. It’s a nice reminder with the extra touch of Janniness”
Janus blushed a little “Glad I could help”
They entered the apartment again. Rowan was laying on one of the couches with Patty cuddled up on top of her. Pat had changed into a red hoodie that was actually her girlfriend’s so it was a bit tight. Ro had one arm wrapped around her and one hand on the end of her waist with her fingers lazily playing with the waistband of her underwear.
“REM!” Ro shouted while beaming “I have a girlfriend!!!”
“You already told me y’know. Lemme guess is the girlfriend an invicible mutant fish or Patty?”
“Wow. Congrats. Getting that hot potent married nut I see”
“DUKEY! Foul language!”
“Sure is fucker”
Remus sent Patty a few sharp dagger looks to warn her in case she didn’t treat his sister like a queen, before dragging Janus along back to the game. The girlfriends continued to cuddle and make out and be overall grossly cute. Rowan kept murmuring small compliments like “My girlfriend has gorgeous hair” and “My girlfriend has a smile that can cheer up anyone” to test out the word girlfriend. They made Patty get all giggly. Especially when she murmured them while kissing her.
Patty peered over to them “We were thinking of a date to celebrate the girlfriendification. A full day thing. You wanna come along? I could be a double date!”
“We’re uh not dating” Janus replied.
“It could be a date for your blossoming bromance” Rowan added.
Patty nodded along “We were thinking a spa day, Some museum hopping, Ro said we could go to a film festival maybe. We’re just having a hard time deciding”
Remus shrugged while shooting a zombie “Can’t help you with deciding but if Jannie goes I’ll go as well. Unless you’re going to some opera that doesn’t include murder”
“Oh I would love to go! It all sounds lovely. Very high class. High art. I like that. I am a cultured snake. I am also a snake that loves to relax in a warm pool and or while being massaged. I am versatile”
“More like versi-tail!” Patty exclaimed. Rowan burst out into a cackle.
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vintagedolan · 4 years
nine months (gbd)
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having grayson’s baby is a dream come true for both of you, and he does everything he can to make it the absolute best experience that he can for you
word count: 11k (hahahaha fuck)
warnings/tags: the fluffiest fluff that has ever fluffed okay, seriously I don’t think I could have made this any softer, pregnancy, mentions of pregnancy things (morning sickness, weight gain, etc.)
feel free to send in requests! i’ll write most things! hope you enjoy :)
8 days late. You were 8 days late. A few days here or there would have you a bit edgy, but it had never been this long before. And you just had an instinct that this time, it wasn’t a scare. You were almost positive that you were pregnant. You weren’t opposed to having kids - you knew that you and Grayson wanted to be parents together, and that you were going to spend the rest of your lives together. You decided to let things run naturally, and if something happened then it happened. But something about the reality of having to go out and actually buy a pregnancy test had your mouth dry. Were you actually ready for this?
But as soon as that thought came, there was another. Grayson was going to be over the moon about this whole thing. All he ever wanted was to be a father, and you knew he was going to be amazing. He would make up for any of your shortcomings and then some. With that newfound confidence, you grabbed your purse and decided to head out to the store.
“Where yah goin’?” Grayson’s voice came from the dining room table where he was working as you tried to scurry past him. You hadn’t thought of an alibi. Were you supposed to tell him? No. You didn’t want to get his hopes up if your instincts were wrong.  
“Just running to the store. Cause I need some stuff. From the store.”
Fuck. Nice one. 
“Okay....” he trailed off, obviously suspicious. “You alright?”
“Yep, perfectly fine. I’ll be back soon, love you bye!” You blew him a kiss and escaped out the door before you said anything else damning. 
This was going to be interesting.
Your fingers were tapping away on your steering wheel the whole drive to the local drug store, trying to think of what the hell you were going to do. Should you surprise him? Plan out a big elaborate thing? Or maybe you should just tell him? Should you have told him you were going to get a test? But what if it was negative? He’d be so sad.
With your head spinning, it was a miracle you even made it to the store. But you pulled in and headed to the aisle you never needed to go to, grabbing a few tests and going to pay for them, trying to convince yourself that no one was staring at you. The cashier offered you a soft smile and it actually calmed you down slightly as you headed back to the car. 
In order to make it a little less suspicious, you decided to get some coffee and bring it home for the both of you. You didn’t have to pee yet, and you knew you’d go crazy at home if you had to wait, so you went to your favorite local shop and got your usual along with Gray’s and Ethan’s. 
The drive home was quick, but you chugged it as fast as you could, wanting it to hit you before you got back. You stashed the tests under your shirt so that Gray wouldn’t see, and tried to walk as casually as you could back into the house. 
“I brought coffee!” You called out. If you directed the conversation, then maybe you wouldn’t get blindsided and give something away.
“I thought you were going to the store?” Gray asked. He was still in the same spot at the kitchen counter, and when you looked at his screen he was working on some new promotional posts for Wakeheart. Good. That would keep him busy.
“They didn’t have what I needed, figured I’d get some while I was out,” you smiled, passing him his cup. He leaned up towards you, asking for a kiss. You gave him a quick one before going to throw your cup away.
“You already drank yours? You’re gonna be bouncing off the walls in about 20 minutes,” Grayson teased. He knew how you got with too much caffeine. 
“I already feel jittery,” you laughed. It wasn’t a lie, but it definitely wasn’t from the coffee - you’d actually gotten decaf, remembering somewhere that caffeine wasn’t good for babies. You walked back to the room you and Grayson shared, not realizing until you got there that you still had Ethan’s coffee in your hand. 
It didn’t matter, if you didn’t take the test right then you were pretty sure you were going to explode. So you sat the drink down on the desk, locked yourself in the bathroom and pulled the two tests out from their hiding places. 
Peeing on a stick was just as awkward as you thought it would be, but you were proud that you got it on the first try. 
And now, you just had to wait. Three minutes had never taken longer in your entire life, you were sure. But, you’d made sure to buy the tests that would clearly say one way or the other so there was no guess work. You tried to keep yourself calm, foot tapping as you watched the seconds click by on the timer you set. In just a few minutes, you were going to know if your instincts were right.
By the thirty second mark, you were hovering over the tests, watching the electronic bar load, flashing on the final stage. And then, the first one turned, revealing one word.
“Holy fuck.” 
You’d known. But now you knew. And holy shit. You were actually pregnant. The second test turned then, yielding the same result. There was no denying it.
The butterflies in your gut were overwhelming and you sunk to the floor, a hand going over your tummy. There was baby in there. And it was Grayson’s baby. You felt like you could scream, or cry, or explode. 
“I’ve gotta tell Gray,” you mumbled to yourself. You wanted to do something special, but you also knew that there was no way you were going to plan an entire elaborate reveal - you’d break and tell him early. Something simple, something quick, but still something Grayson...
It clicked. Building. You immediately started searching on your phone for what you needed, deciding that you’d use his projector to put it on the wall. But should you film it? You didn’t want it to be a production deal, but a larger part of you wanted to have the footage of such a special moment. And you wanted it to be good quality, but you didn’t know how to work a camera for shit. 
You needed Ethan. You quickly stashed the tests in a bathroom drawer and reached for your phone, pulling up your texts with Ethan.
Come to Grayson’s room, don’t be suspicious, bring a camera, don’t ask questions
You knew he would be confused, but you also knew that he would do it. You got excited all over again when you thought about telling Ethan the news. He was your best friend - hell, he was your brother, and you knew he was going to be over the moon for you. 
It wasn’t five minutes later when he snuck in, closing the door and looking at you in confusion.
“What the hell is going on? Are you pranking him? Because if you are I so want in,” Ethan grinned. He was already filming - you wondered if you looked as wild on camera as you felt.
“Oh jesus please don’t make him think this is a prank. E, I need you to set up that camera so that you can see this wall with the projector. And then I need you to leave and not ask me any questions.” 
If he started prying, you knew you’d tell him, and you’d feel terrible that Grayson wouldn’t be the first one to know.
“Okay... are you alright? You’re acting weird, you’ve got me a little worried.” Ethan frowned a bit, concern on his face.
“I promise I’m fine. And I’ll tell you what’s going on as soon as I can. I swear,” you said, offering him the most reassuring smile that you could muster.
“I’m holding you to that,” he muttered, setting up the camera in a good place and making sure it was recording before heading back to his room. Once he was cleared out of the room, you pulled up the picture you wanted onto the projector.
It was a wooden crib, simple but cute. And it would serve its purpose, which was all that mattered. Once you had it as you wanted, you turned the projector back off so you could pull it up at the right time. Then, you grabbed one of the positive tests and hid it in the waistband of your shorts. 
Trying to keep it together, you poked your head out of the door, willing yourself to do your best acting.
“Hey Gray?” You called out.
“Yeah baby?” From the sound of it he was still in the kitchen.
“Can you c’mere for a sec?” 
“Comin’,” he responded. You felt like your legs were going to give out. Your whole lives were about to change in the next few minutes. He came in casually, rubbing at his hair. “What’s up?”
“Well. I wanted to ask you if you’d do something for me,” you said. He quirked an eyebrow, crossing his arms. He was suspicious, but that was bound to happen.
“It’s nothing bad, it’s just that I don’t know how to build it, but I think that you’d do it really well,” you explained. He relaxed a bit at that, leaning into you a bit more before wrapping an arm around your shoulder. 
“Well now I’m excited. Show me,” he grinned - you were glad you’d picked this as the way you’d tell him, he got so excited about building.
With a deep breath, you turned on the projector, the picture of the crib popping up. You looked up to watch his face. As you expected, he was immediately confused. 
“What even is that? Is that a bed?” He let go of you, moving to the wall and looking at it even closer. “It looks like a crib, with all the bars on the sides and stuff.”
“Yeah, I know it’s complicated. But you’ve got about nine months to get it done, so no rush or anything.” You were beaming, just waiting for the moment it would click. 
“9 months? Why would I need 9 mo-”
You watched the realization come across his face, his mouth opening slightly into a little ‘o’, and then his expression turned to disbelief. Any of your nerves faded away as you realized this was all you ever wanted - having a kid with the man that you loved more than anything. You relaxed fully, trying to take it all in. 
“No. No fucking way. No way.”
“Yes way,” you laughed.
“You are not. Is this a prank? Are you pranking me?” He was frozen to the spot he had turned at.
“I wouldn’t prank about something like this.”
“You’re pregnant? You’re actually pregnant?!” 
“We’re having a baby,” you exclaimed, reaching for the test and pulling it out where he could see. That got his feet moving, and he only had to look at it for a second before he had his arms around you and you were both spinning around. You weren’t sure you could remember a time where you were happier. 
It was good that you knew Grayson would never drop you because suddenly the two of you were sinking, and you realized he was sitting down on the floor, squeezing you to him in the tightest of hugs. It took a minute for you to register the wetness on your shoulder, and when you pulled back slightly, you realized that Grayson was crying.
“Oh baby, don’t cry, you’re gonna make me cry!” It was too late - you were already tearing up, but both of you had the biggest smiles across your faces. 
“I’m sorry, I’m just so fucking happy right now. This is all I’ve ever wanted,” he said, voice cracking a little bit. You pulled him back to you, and the two of you rocked back and forth together, bodies close. It could have been minutes, it could have been hours; neither of you knew, or cared. 
Grayson was the first to speak up, and the questions started flowing.
“Have you told anyone else? When did you even find out?! Do we need to go to a doctor? Oh we definitely need to take you to the doctor.” 
“Relax baby, I just found out like 5 minutes before I told you, I went to the store to get tests cause my period was late. We’ll get an appointment made, I already have a gyno. And no, I haven’t told anybody.”
“Holy shit. So just you and me know? I gotta tell Ethan! I gotta tell my mom!” He was already shifting, starting to stand up. You let him lift you, but you caught his hand. 
“We should probably wait until we go to the doctor and get everything checked out before we tell everyone,” you cautioned. 
He looked a bit puzzled. You hated to damper his mood even a little bit, but you weren’t ready for the whole world to know about a pregnancy that seemed so fragile to you. It clicked for him, and he immediately put a hand to your stomach, fingers splaying out over soft skin.
“You’re right.” He nodded his head, still looking down at your stomach in awe. There was an unspoken question that you knew he was biting his tongue on.
“We’re definitely telling Ethan though, for sure. Like right now,” you smiled. Grayson looked up, beaming.
“Oh thank god, there was no way I could keep this from him.”
“I have an idea,” you grinned, explaining it to him quickly. He agreed that it was perfect, and went to get the camera that had been recording the two of you so that he could capture this too.
You went over to the long forgotten coffee that you’d brought home for Ethan. It was cold now, but you could microwave it. You grabbed a sharpie from the desk, scribbling what you wanted on the cup before taking Grayson’s hand and leading him to the kitchen. You popped it in the microwave - it wouldn’t be great, but that wasn’t really the point - and Grayson set up the camera. Once everything was done, you and Grayson exchanged a giddy glance before setting it into motion.
“Ethan! C’mere!” You called out.
“What do you want!?” He yelled back in his typical I-don’t-wanna-get-up tone.
“Just c’mere real quick, I forgot to give you something!” 
Grayson was giggling next to you, trying to keep it together.
“Alright, I’m comin’,” he called out, and a few moments later he was in the kitchen. “What’s up?”
“I forgot to give you your coffee earlier, here,” you smiled, handing him the cup. He took it gratefully, though he was giving you the when the hell are you going to explain earlier look as subtlety as he could with Grayson still in the room. 
“Dude, what does your cup even say? They totally spelled your name wrong,” Grayson said, unable to wait any longer for his brother to notice. Ethan held the cup up a bit so he could read the writing on the side.
Uncle Eteeweetee 
“Haha very funny, eteeweetee, you got me.” He rolled his eyes, taking a sip. 
“Wait, what exactly does it say?” You asked. Grayson was giggling beside you.
“It says ‘uncle eteeweetee’, which is just fucking stupid.” He looked a bit peeved, knowing he was missing the joke. “What? What’s so funny about Uncle?” 
“What if I told you that the big news I couldn’t tell you earlier was that you actually are an uncle? Or at least, you will be in about nine months.” Now you were beaming. Ethan figured it out immediately, sitting the coffee cup down.
“You’re joking. No fuckin way, are you joking? You’re pregnant?!” 
You nodded, and before you knew it he had you wrapped up in a hug. You squeezed him back and then let him go to his brother. They held each other tight for a minute, and though their words were a bit muffled you caught the end of it.
“I’m so fuckin’ happy for you bro. You deserve this,” was what Ethan said, and you couldn’t have agreed more. 
Oh you were definitely pregnant. Even without the tests, or the doctor’s visit or the missed period, you would have been 100% sure by now. This had become your morning routine, and you hated every minute of it. 
Right around 6am on the dot you’d wake up, a thin sheen of cold sweat on you and a churning in your stomach. You threw yourself onto your feet, running towards the bathroom and immediately hurling up anything you had left in you. Usually it wasn’t much, and that somehow made it worse. Your throat was sore from the bile morning after morning. It usually took you a good twenty minutes to get everything up, and another five after that for your stomach to settle. 
Each morning, at the feeling of you leaving the bed, Grayson was right behind you. He’d hold your hair back with one hand, other hand gentle and soft as they rubbed over your back. You knew how much he hated being around people throwing up, but he never even flinched. 
When your stomach would finally empty, you’d come down off your knees onto your butt, leaning your weight back against him. 
“This shit sucks,” you said one particular morning, fully exhausted.
“I’m sorry baby, I wish I could fix it,” Grayson murmured, kissing your temple. 
“I feel disgusting,” you grumbled, turning a bit and nuzzling into his neck. 
“You wanna shower?” 
Usually, you weren’t a morning shower type of person, but between the vomit and the sweat, it had become normal as well.
“Too tired,” you said, curling up into him. The fatigue was real these days, and you occasionally felt bad for being so lazy. Grayson would have none of it, reminding you that not only were you growing body parts with your body, but you were also still doing more than Ethan was on the daily. 
“I’ll do the work. C’mon pretty girl, let’s get you cleaned up.”
And he really did all the work, from stripping you down to washing your hair and body, then drying you off and handing you a toothbrush. 
“I’ll get some clothes while you brush,” he said, pressing a kiss to your shoulder as he disappeared. You were grateful for the minty taste in your mouth as he came back with a pair of his sweats and a t shirt. You let him pull the shirt over your head before you spoke. 
“I don’t understand how I can be this fucking tired,” you muttered as you put your hands on his shoulders, steadying yourself as you stepped into the legs of the pants that Gray was holding out for you.
“Fatigue is really common during the second month, it’s supposed to get better by the third though, so hopefully it won’t last too long,” he offered in reassurance. You smiled at that - he’d been listening to any podcast he could get his hands on related to pregnancy and parenting. It was the cutest thing, and every time you thought about it you started to tear up.
“Hey, hey, why we cryin’? What’s wrong?” His thumbs were wiping at your cheeks - it was like an instinct now since he had to do it at least once a day.
“You’re gonna be such a good dad,” you blubbered, leaning into his shoulder. You felt him chuckle a bit and you crumpled. “Don’t laugh at me.”
“I’m sorry baby, I didn’t mean to. You’re just cute.”
You groaned. “Cute. Right. I’m grumpy, lazy and gross. Not cute.” 
“You’re none of those things. Well, you’re kinda grumpy with Ethan, but so is everyone.”
It was true - you’d been very grouchy lately, especially with Ethan for some reason. The cute things he usually did to make you laugh got under your skin like no other, and you’d snap at him, which would in turn make him sad, which then made you feel guilty and ended in tears every time without fail. Ethan was a great sport about it, always accepting your teary apologies and teasing you nicely about the hormones, but you still hated not feeling in control of your emotions and yourself.
Knowing it would only be worse if you didn’t get any sleep, you stumbled your way to bed and climbed back under the covers. Grayson climbed in next to you, opening his arms so you could lay on his chest, his fingers tracing patterns on your back as you drifted back into exhausted sleep. 
You stood in front of the mirror, hand rubbing gently across your belly. There was definitely a bump there starting to form, and it mesmerized you every time you thought about what was within it. It was tiny. Anyone else looking at you wouldn’t notice, or would think it was just a big breakfast. But you knew that it was your baby, growing away. 
And you loved your bump, but Grayson was even more obsessed - any time you were sitting within reach of him his hand was across your stomach. Though he wouldn’t admit it, you knew part of it was protective. He’d become very cautious since you’d found out about your pregnancy, always making sure you were safe, not letting you do anything too ‘strenuous’. You’d had to get him to back off a few times, assuring him that stirring pasta wasn’t going to cause the baby any stress. 
He’d been even more worried when you and the boys took a flight home to Jersey so you could tell Lisa and Cameron the good news. All through the airport he was right next to you, hand around your waist guiding you through the terminals. 
“Grayson, flying is only dangerous if you’re like... super pregnant. Like might-deliver-on-the-plane pregnant. We’re fine.” You reassured him. 
“We?” His face softened at that. It was the first time you’d really referred to the baby and yourself as a unit. It was a nice feeling - you were finally starting to get back to normal, and feeling like yourself. The morning sickness had let up, only about once a week now. Ethan didn’t piss you off any more than normal. You were still a bit weepy, but that was to be expected in some ways. 
The biggest issue now was your cravings. They were so intense, way more captivating than you thought even possible. When one hit, you couldn’t think about anything else. And the worst possible place to get one? A plane.
“Gray. Grayson,” you whispered to him over the hum of the airplane engines.
“I want a soft pretzel. Like I need one.”
“Like you want one or you’re craving one?” He’d learned to differentiate between the two with all your wild food preferences these days.
“Craving. Craving so hard.” 
“Well that’s a new one. I brought some of your other cravings just in case, but not gonna lie, didn’t bring a soft pretzel with my snacks. Do you want any of these?” He gave you a sympathetic smile and showed you the stash of snacks he’d brought for the 5 hour flight - lots of the candies you’d been craving, peanut butter, chocolate. 
“Thank you, but for some reason thinking about eating any of that is making me nauseous,” you scrunched up your nose. 
“What!? You ate like 20 twizzlers yesterday alone!” He looked a bit exasperated, but you just laughed and rested your head on his shoulder.
“It’s okay baby, not your fault. Guess we’ve got a picky kid. Oops.” 
The rest of the flight went without event, and when you went to go pee after you got off, Grayson found an Auntie Anne’s in the terminal and brought you back the biggest soft pretzel they had. You hummed as you ate it, wiggling a bit in excitement considering you were pretty sure it was the best thing you had ever tasted in your entire life. 
“You’re so fuckin’ cute,” Grayson teased, taking your bag from you so you could fully enjoy your snack as you walked through the airport. 
The drive to the Dolan household was about an hour, and you napped through most of it, head on Grayson’s lap in the backseat - the fatigue was fading, but it wasn’t fully gone. He woke you up gently as Ethan turned into the driveway, and you felt the excitement mounting. Not only were you getting to see Cameron and Lisa, but you were getting to tell them the news. You were finally comfortable with more and more people knowing, though you didn’t want it out on any social media. 
When you came in it was three straight hours of hugs, smiles and stories, and there wasn’t even a lull in the conversation where you could have said something. Besides, this was Grayson’s family, so you wanted him to be able to make the big reveal anyhow. 
He’d decided on a scavenger hunt that Ethan helped him set up; you stayed with the girls and feigned your innocence, which almost backfired completely. 
“You seem different Y/N. Did you get new makeup or something?” Lisa asked, giving you the same suspicious look that Grayson often did.
“Um, yeah, yeah I got a new bronzer that I’m trying out.” You went along with it, hoping that if you somehow looked different she would attribute it to that.
“I thought so. Your skin is glowing!”
“Awe thank you!” You smiled, trying not to seem nervous. You’d heard of mother’s intuition, but damn. Luckily the boys returned then, sending their sister and mom on the hunt around the house. It took about 15 minutes, but finally they ended up with the card that had your most recent ultrasound photo in it. 
Lisa blubbered for a good thirty minutes, all the mixtures of emotions about becoming a grandparent coming out. She held her youngest son close for so long, and you gave them their moment by explaining all your pregnancy woes to Cameron, who was beyond excited to finally become an aunt. 
The trip only lasted a few days, but you enjoyed spending the time with Grayson’s family and watching him relax and recharge. When it was time to go and the boys were loading the rental car, Lisa pulled you aside.
“I know pregnancy can be really hard, so you just call me if you need anything, okay? Any questions, anything you need. I’ll fly out any time you need me.”
“Awe thank you Lisa,” you smiled, giving her another hug.
“No, thank you honey. You’ve made my whole family so happy, I can’t thank you enough.”
“I give up. I literally give up, I’m never leaving the house ever again.” You threw the shirt across the room, plopping down on the bed in defeat. Grayson spun his chair around, one ear of his headphones already off. He’d been editing, but heard you grumbling.
“What’s the matter love?”
“None of my clothes fit! I’m huge!” 
“Well first off, you’re not huge. Second, you’re growing a fricking human, so yeah your tummy is gonna get bigger. Do you want me to find you a shirt of mine?” He offered, trying his hardest to console you. You’d been pretty good at avoiding the meltdowns lately, and he wanted to keep that trend going. 
“No. I don’t wanna wear your stuff.”
“Baby. You ask me for my clothes like, every day,” he reminded you.
“Yeah. But I like having the option of wearing my clothes,” you pouted, looking at your discarded top on the ground. 
“Okay, well then why don’t we go shopping tomorrow and get you some new clothes. Okay?” 
“Okay,” you agreed. You didn’t love the idea of having to buy new clothes in bigger sizes, but you knew you’d have to do it eventually. 
“Hey, c’mere,” Gray smiled, patting his thigh. You obliged, climbing onto his lap. His hand went to your bare thighs, rubbing circles. “You’re beautiful, you know that right? Even when you don’t feel like it, I promise you that you are.” 
You blushed at that, knowing better than to argue with him. Instead, you just kissed him, fingers gentle on his cheek. 
“I love you,” you smiled against his lips. 
“I love you more. Why don’t you go take a swim, I’ll come out as soon as I finish this edit.” His suggestion was a very good one - the fourth month of pregnancy was mostly nice, but you were starting to get sore, especially your back and hips. The best relief you could find was in the pool, and you’d never been more thankful to live in California. 
You kissed him one more time before getting up and pulling out a bathing suit. He cheekily watched you change with a few side glances, making you blush even harder. 
The pool water was inviting, and you swam around for a while trying to loosen up your muscles. Then, you climbed onto a float and drifted off into a nap. A nap that was ended quite abruptly by cold water being splashed at you. 
You peeked an eye open and all you saw were red shorts. 
“Rule number one Ethan. Never wake the pregnant lady,” you grumbled.  
“I know I know, but I got you something! Look!” Ethan was beaming when your eyes finally adjusted to the sun. You had to look closely to realize that it was a pool float in his hands. Specifically, it was an avocado pool float.
“Awe, thanks E!” Even if you didn’t really understand the gesture (you had plenty of floats), you still appreciated it. 
“It’s a pregnancy one, see!?” He exclaimed, pointing out the picture on the box. Sure enough, it had a hole in the design. “So once your bump gets like, huge, you can still lay on your tummy and then your bump is like the pit!” 
He had such childish excitement that it was contagious, and you couldn’t help but laugh. You could feel the baby fluttering around in your tummy a bit as you giggled - you’d been feeling them move around some lately, though it wasn’t enough for Grayson to feel externally yet. 
“Well, if I try to blow it up I think I’ll pass out, but I wanna see what it looks like!” You grinned. He kicked off his shoes and pulled off his socks, sitting on the edge of the pool and putting his feet in while he unboxed the plastic, finding the plug and beginning to blow it up. 
You watched the process, which took a good while, but it was worth the excitement on his face when he stood up and held the giant avocado up. 
“That thing is huge! How much did it even cost!?” 
Ethan was known to spend too much money on things that no one really needed.
“Doesn’t matter, happy momma happy baby, and since I did it, happy baby means I’m the favorite uncle.” 
“I think you already win favorite uncle E, but I’m sure the baby also loves the float,” you smiled as he blushed. Though he wouldn’t admit it, you could tell he was a bit nervous at the idea of becoming an uncle. Grayson was always the brother who took over when it came to kids, and Ethan felt a bit behind in that department, but you knew he was going to be great.
“Here, come try it out!” 
You waded over to the edge of the pool by Ethan, who was holding the float steady at the edge. You took his other hand and he helped pull you up. And when you laid on your stomach, you realized just how uncomfortable the other float had been.
“Holy shit, this is nice E. Thank you. You should come hang out for a while, I feel like I haven’t seen you in like a week.” 
“Lemme get changed,” Ethan smiled, letting go of the float and heading inside. It wasn’t often that you got to hang out with just Ethan anymore. He was your best friend, and you were grateful for such a strong friendship that had eventually led you to being friends (and then more) with Grayson. It was like having the best brother-sister relationship that you could imagine, with the teasing and the caring perfectly balanced. You were so excited to see him be an uncle to your kid that it wasn’t even funny. 
When he came back in his swim trunks, he had a bottle in his hands. You quirked an eyebrow at him.
“Sunscreen, you’re getting pink on your back,” he explained, walking into the water from the stairs and coming over to you. He put some in his hands and starting rubbing it on your back. The groan you let out wasn’t voluntary.
“Ew gross, wrong twin,” he teased. You flipped him off.
“Shut up, my back’s just sore, it feels nice,” you explained, relaxing. 
“Still sore huh? That sucks dude.”
“Yep, you know just trying to make room for a human in here and shit,” you chuckled. He finished putting it all on and stowed the sunscreen on the edge of the pool. The two of you talked for a while, about work and Wakeheart, new video ideas and Ethan begging for the fiftieth time for you to let him buy the baby clothes already. 
But as he was pleading his case for the baby needing a matching outfit to his, he realized that you had drifted off back to sleep. So he pulled the float over to the side of the pool, using one hand to scroll his phone and the other to push and pull it back and forth to create a sort of rocking motion that would keep you asleep. 
When Grayson came out ten minutes later, he was a bit confused at the sight. Ethan immediately turned and put a finger to his lips.
“She’s out,” he explained. Grayson smiled at that - as much shit as he could give his brother sometimes, he really did have the biggest heart.
“Thanks for taking care of her man, I’m done with the edit I can take over,” he offered. Ethan brushed him off.
“Go take a nap or something, I’ve got this.”
Though he would never admit it, he really did like taking care of you. So Grayson let him, going to catch up on some sleep on the couch with a smile on his face.
“You okay baby?” 
You frowned, wondering why he’d asked. Then you noticed that your knuckles were white where you were clinging to his hand. You weren’t sure why you were so nervous - it was just another ultrasound scan. Maybe it’s because of what you were finding out.
“I’m alright, just nervous. I can’t believe we’re finally finding out if it’s a boy or a girl.” You brought your other hand to your bump, rubbing gently over it. You already felt connected to the little human inside you, but the thought of knowing something else about them made you feel even closer.
“Then we can finally start shopping,” he smiled, bringing your hand up to his mouth and kissing the back of it. 
Your OB came in then, ready to begin your scan. You watched in awe as she moved the ultrasound head around, searching until a perfectly clear picture of your baby popped up. You watched their little heart flutter while Grayson watched in awe.
“Everything looks perfect, they’re growing great, got a good amount of fluid in there to swim around in. And if we can get them to turn just a little bit, I should be able to let you know if it’s a little mrs. or mr. in there. Are you all wanting to find out the sex today?” The doctor wasn’t looking at either of you, eyes focused on the screen as she spoke.
“Yeah, we wanna know, if you’re able to see.”
“Alright, well they seem pretty active so we should be able to get a good view here in a minute. Some babies start to wiggle when mama does something, is there anything you do that makes them move around more?”
“They move when I laugh, or when Grayson talks to them.”
Grayson blushed a bit at that. You’d told him over and over that when he talked to your baby, they moved around. He would talk to them every night, hands splayed across your belly, just waiting for some type of kick. And though you could feel them inside, he had yet to feel anything. 
“Why don’t you give that a try Grayson, see if they’ll move,” the doctor encouraged. 
Grayson was obviously nervous to be put on the spot - he was only used to doing this in the comfort of your room at home. He cleared his throat, leaned in close to your belly, and started to speak.
“Hey baby, it’s daddy. I know you’re probably really comfortable just chilling in there right now, but we need you to move just a little bit. Not too much, but maybe just towards me a little bit. I know, I know, it’s a lot of work, but you’re tough, you can do it.” 
You loved the way he talked to your baby, so sweet and adorable. You were enthralled with his words, almost forgetting where you were.
“Well, it looks like you two have a got a major daddy’s girl on your hands,” were the words that pulled you out of your trance. You hadn’t even felt the baby turn. 
“Girl? We’re having a girl?!” Grayson’s eyes were wide, and he had the biggest smile on his face as he looked at you.
“Looks like it. Congratulations guys! I’ll give you guys a minute and go get some of these stills printed, then you all are set to go!” The OB wiped the gel off of your tummy and gave you a warm smile.
As soon as the doctor left, Grayson pumped his fist in the air in excitement.
“I was gonna be happy either way, but I was totally pulling for a girl,” he admitted. He was beaming - you’d always known he wanted a daughter so badly. 
“And apparently she’s already a daddy’s girl. I’m in trouble,” you teased. You held your bump with both hands, looking at it in a whole new light. “Hi baby girl. Momma loves you.” 
You knew that this day would be hard; even harder than it had been for Grayson the last few years. So you weren’t all too surprised when you woke up to an empty bed. 
Your back was stiff as you crawled out from under the covers, and you gave yourself some time to stretch and put some sweats on before heading out to the living room. You saw the silhouette of him through the glass doors.
Grayson was in the backyard, sitting on the patio couch, staring out at the view of LA. You decided to give him a few more minutes alone, going to make the both of you a cup of coffee (yours unfortunately decaf). 
You made sure to make a little bit of noise when you opened the door, not wanting to startle him. He turned, relaxing when he realized that it was you. His eyes were puffy and red, and you knew it wasn’t from allergies. 
“Hey,” he said, throat obviously tight. “How’re my girls?”
“We’re alright. Just wanted to come check on you, see if you needed anything.” 
There wasn’t much you could say to make him feel better. Father’s day would always be very bittersweet for him. 
You’d thought about getting him a card, or a small gift that was ‘from the baby’, but you knew that the day would be so laden with emotions that you’d rather not potentially make it worse. 
You passed him the coffee as a comforting gesture, and he gratefully took it.
“I can give you some more alone time if you need, I just wanted to see if you were alright,” you offered, giving him a soft smile. Sometimes he preferred to let his emotions out by himself, and you respected that. 
“Stay please. And thank you, for the coffee.” He patted the seat next to him and you sat down, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. He leaned into you, and it wasn’t long until the shaking started. It was like the sobs were being ripped out of him, and it physically pained you to see him hurting. You did all that you could, pressing kisses to his skin and holding him as close as your bump would let you until the tears finally started to let up.
You wiped away what was left on his cheeks when he sat up to get some air, and he laid the weight of his head in your palm, obviously exhausted.
“I just miss my dad,” were his only words, and you swore you felt your heart crack right down the middle.
“I know baby. I’m so sorry.” 
“I have so many questions for him, about being a dad, and raising a daughter. And I know he would have been so excited to be a grandpa. I wonder if he would have wanted her to call him grandpa, or poppy. And now she won’t even have one,” he said, a fresh batch of tears coming to the surface. 
“He’s still her grandpa baby. I know he’s not here, and god I wish he was. But she’s gonna know about her poppy Sean, and what an amazing person he was. We’re gonna tell her stories, and show her pictures, and she’s gonna see all of his best qualities in you. You’re going to be an amazing dad, because you had an amazing example.” The words came spilling out of you, just like the tears came spilling down for both of you. 
Coffee cups discarded somewhere close by, he took your hips in his hands and pulled you onto his lap. He buried his face in your neck and you held him tightly, running your fingers through his hair. When he moved up to your shoulder, you felt him press a few kisses to your skin - a silent thank you. 
“You really think I’m gonna be a good dad? You’re not just saying that?” His voice was muffled against your skin. 
“I honestly think that you’re going to be the best. And I’m not just saying that, I swear.”
“But why? Why do you have so much faith in me? I have no idea what I’m doing.”
“Neither do I. I’ve got motherly instinct to go on, and some babysitting, and that’s it. And I know you think you have no idea how to take care of a kid, but I know that you’re going to love her, and you’re going to protect her, and those are the most important things you can do. You already love her so much,” you explained.
There was an odd sensation in your tummy just then, and you gasped at it. It was new, a slow dramatic motion, and as you looked down you could actually see your skin moving. The movement tracked down the top of your bump and towards your belly button, which was pressed against Grayson. You didn’t have to ask - you knew he had felt it.
“Was that...”
“That was all her,” you assured him. You recognized the feeling as her stretching, but you realized quickly that it was the first time he’d actually felt her move. His hands moved to spread across your bump, the sadness that had been on his face now replaced with awe.
You both watched closely, waiting to see if she would do it again. You felt it first.
“She’s moving, she’s moving again, right here.” You took his hand and moved it to the right place, just in time for him to feel her kick. He looked up to you with wide eyes.
“Holy shit! I actually felt that! Does she do that all the time?” 
“She’s been doing it a lot more lately. Guess she’s trying to make more room. I swear, she really does move around a lot more when you’re talking to her.”
Something about his voice made her decide to do flips all the time. Most the time it was fine, though sometimes it would be a bit sharp if her little feet or elbows found a rib. You’d never tell him that though - watching his face light up was worth any kick.
“Hey baby girl. Whatcha doin’ in there, huh? You showin’ off?” His voice softened every time he spoke to her, and your heart softened with it. On cue, she kicked again, right into his hand. 
“No way! That’s so cool! Does it hurt?”
“Not unless she catches an organ or a bone,” you teased, loving how excited he was, and grateful that he was finally getting to experience this. It went on for another hour, both of you enthralled to see how she moved. 
“I think she’s saying happy father’s day,” you said at one point, not thinking it through. But to your relief Grayson was beaming proudly at your words. 
You spotted the glitter from across the store, and immediately started shaking your head. 
“No. Absolutely not,” you protested as the boys approached you. Whatever it was in their hands, you weren’t going to let them buy it.
“But baby, look. It has ruffles on the butt,” Grayson explained, holding it up. It was a bright pink glittery onesie, that did indeed have ruffles on the butt of it. 
“I am not putting my daughter in that.”
“I mean, Gray and I both want it. So technically you’re outnumbered,” Ethan countered, quirking an eyebrow.
“Well I’m growing her butt with my own body, so technically I get to decide that I’m not putting ruffles on it,” you mocked, eyes narrowing. He backed off, knowing better than to mess with you. 
“What if we got one that wasn’t so bright? They have non-glittery ones,” Grayson offered. You always softened up when he suggested things, and looking at how small the newborn clothes looked in his hands had you in a puddle. 
“Non glitter would be... better.” You said, still a bit suspicious. 
It wasn’t that you were totally against girly clothes - you just thought all the baby boy clothes were so much cuter. Who wanted unicorn onesies when you could get some with jungle animals, or sea creatures? You’d found yourself wandering over to the boys section more and more, picking out little hoodies and things with simple patterns. 
Grayson took you to the ruffle butt section, and you had to admit the ones in more neutral colors were quite cute. You picked out a few with him, and then it was like his eyes glazed over. 
“Oh my god,” he said, head falling back a bit before coming back up to a pout he only got when he saw something too adorable. You followed him over to the sundress section where Ethan was already holding up a tiny little dress with sunflowers on it. Even you had to admit, it was adorable.
“I love it, but she’s due in September. I don’t want her to be cold,” you sighed, hand going to your tummy. You’d started to feel more and more protective of her recently. 
“We’ll buy her a little jacket or something.” 
You weren’t surprised that the next 30 minutes (and $300 most likely) were spent in the dress section. You decided to let the boys have their fun - you knew you’d be the one dressing her more often than not, so you could put her in whatever you wanted. 
When you got back home, you headed to the nursery, which was really starting to come together. The boys were putting in so much work to make it perfect, and it made you so happy. There was a crib that Grayson had built, and tested about twenty times as well. You’d assured him that it didn’t need to hold 200 pounds, but he was very proud that it passed the test of him laying in it.
“What if she gets scared and needs me to sleep in there with her!?” was his main argument for that one, and you couldn’t fault him. 
They’d painted the walls a dark gray with a few pops of light purple. There was a changing table and dresser built by Grayson as well, though right now you were focused on the closet as you put her clothes away. 
“I can’t believe she’s gonna be here in like, two months,” Grayson mumbled as he hung a tiny dress up on a hanger. He was moving the delicate straps by pinching them with his fingers, which was somehow more adorable than the dress itself. 
“I know, it’s crazy. Not gonna lie though, this bump is getting a little heavy. I wouldn’t mind her getting here a little sooner,” you sighed, leaning slightly to try to relieve some pressure on your back. Standing all day in the stores had your ankles swollen and your back screaming. 
“Hey, I got this. Why don’t you go lay down, I’ll give you a massage when I’m done okay?” 
You balked a bit at that. It wasn’t that you didn’t trust him - he was perfectly capable of unpacking baby clothes. But your nesting instincts were coming in hard these days, and you were very particular about anything nursery or baby related. 
“Color order, and separate it by type of clothes and sizes, I know. Onesies in the drawer, plain on the left and cute on the right. Plus, you’re probably going to rearrange it all next week anyways.” Grayson reassured you, checking all the boxes you didn’t even have to say.
“You’re the best,” you smiled, standing on your tip toes to kiss him - the bump was getting in the way these days. 
“I know,” he joked. “Now go lay down.”
You did as he said, and he was unsurprised to find you asleep in bed when he got back a mere twenty minutes later. The sight of you curled up on your side, cradling your bump, made him smile. 
He helped get you changed into pajamas - you grumbled a bit as he moved your limbs, but you didn’t wake all the way up. 
Then, he moved to your ankles, rubbing at the puffiness to try and get it to reabsorb - he’d looked up the best massages for pregnant women months ago, but they were really starting to come in handy now. By the time he got to your back, you were humming at the sensation, somewhere between dreams and bliss. 
“Thank you,” you mumbled. Grayson wasn’t sure if you even knew you said it.
He smiled, leaning down to kiss your forehead, then your bump. “Anything for my girls.”
You’d resorted to pool noodle violence, seeing that you were quite slow even in the water. You brought it down as hard as you could on Ethan first, then on Grayson. 
“Enough!” you yelled, exasperated. The boys stopped in their tracks - they’d been wrestling and bickering about something for a while now, and you were annoyed. Not because they were arguing, but because the baby was doing all sorts of flips and kicks to the sounds of their voices. She had always responded to Grayson’s voice the most, but apparently Ethan’s was similar enough that he got the same response. Which meant them arguing was actually quite painful.
“If this baby kicks me in the ribs one more time because of you two, I swear,” you grumbled, rubbing over your sore stomach. 
“Sorry, I keep forgetting,” Ethan apologized, giving you a look of sympathy. 
“Sorry baby,” Grayson sighed, coming over to the edge of the pool where you were. It didn’t matter what you did these days - you were just uncomfortable. Your bump was huge, and you felt like a whale day in and day out. It was making you grumpy, and you hated it.
“No, I’m sorry. She just won’t stop kicking. Like girlfriend, you’ve gotta chill out,” you gestured to your bump, making both of them chuckle.
“You be nice to your momma, so that she’ll be nice to your uncle E,” Ethan said to your bump. “Oh my god, I wonder if she’s gonna get us confused.”
“No. She’s gonna know exactly who I am,” Grayson argued, a bit peeved. 
“What if she likes me better?” Ethan prodded, trying to get more of a reaction as he often did. 
“Hey. She’s still trying out for the world cup over here, whisper if you’re gonna talk,” you grumbled, pressing on the side of your bump to try and soothe the pain. Grayson’s hand replaced yours, rubbing soft soothing circles. 
“I bet she’s kicking cause she thinks you’re annoying, like her dad does,” Grayson retorted, smirking a bit. It would have been a good comeback if he didn’t have to whisper it.
“I’m gonna be her favorite, cause I get to be the fun uncle,” Ethan countered quietly with a wicked smile. 
“You both have useless nipples, therefore I’m pretty sure I’m going to be the favorite for a good 6 months at least,” you chimed in, defeating both of their arguments. “Now then, I’m getting pruny, I’m going in.”
Before you could protest, Grayson had already pushed himself up and out at the edge of the pool, coming to help you up. He wasn’t letting you out of his sight for even a second these days. He was afraid you were going to go into labor and he wasn’t going to be there. 
The closer your due date got, the less worried you were. It confused Gray - he figured you’d be anxious about the delivery, the labor, all of it. But you were just excited to meet your little girl. You both hadn’t picked out a name yet - all you knew was that you wanted it to be strong, and have meaning. You were going to wait until you saw her face to fully decide.
Caught up in your thoughts, you didn’t even realize that you’d made the turn into the nursery instead of into your room. It was a bit hard to believe that you were going to have a baby of your own living in here in just a few short weeks. 
“Do you wanna go back through your hospital bag and make sure we have everything?” Grayson’s voice came from behind you. 
You shook your head with a soft smile. 
“Oh. Do you wanna rearrange again?” You could tell he was a bit more hesitant on that one - you’d asked him to move the furniture around at least twice already this week. You couldn’t help the hormones, but you did feel bad for him. 
“No, I think it’s perfect. Just picturing her in here,” you explained, taking his hands in yours. 
“How are you not freaking out? Are you not nervous at all?” 
“A little I guess. But I’m more excited,” you smiled.
“I’m terrified,” Grayson admitted a bit sheepishly. 
“What’s got you so worried?” You wanted him to talk about it, mainly so you could try to figure out a way to help.
“I just want everything to go smoothly. My delivery didn’t go well, and I don’t want anything to go wrong with ours. Plus, I really, really, don’t wanna see you in pain. That’s gonna be really hard.” 
“I’m pretty tough,” you teased, trying to address the only thing that you could actually comfort him about. 
“Hell of a lot tougher than me, I know that for sure. Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For carrying our kid. I haven’t thanked you enough for the sacrifice of it. You’ve given your body up for so long, so thank you.” He was looking down at your bump now, hands rubbing over the skin. 
“Best thing we’ve ever done,” you smiled, pulling him closer to kiss him, though you both had to lean a bit. “Though I’m not gonna lie, it’ll be nice when I can actually kiss you normally again,” you teased.
“I’m pretty sure the baby will be stealing most of the kisses from me,” Gray said. 
“Not all of them,” you assured him, leaning to kiss him again.
september 3rd, 3am
Grayson had passed behind you at least ten times. You watched him in the mirror with a bit of a smirk. You were brushing your teeth, breathing deeply through your nose as a contraction started. 
“Are they close together? Oh god, I’m supposed to be timing them, shit, okay, hold on,” he mumbled, heading back towards the room again. You caught his hand, holding him there while you spit out your toothpaste and rinsed your mouth.
“Baby. Relax.”
“Relax? How are you so calm right now!? Aren’t you like, contracting?” His eyes were wide, panicked. You knew the only way to get him calm was to stay calm yourself.
“I mean yeah,” you shrugged. Right now, it was no worse than bad period cramps. You weren’t going to freak out - waking up to your water breaking wasn’t exactly your plan, but you were more excited than anything. 
Grayson packed the car while you brushed your hair, and he came back in to walk you to the car. He held your hand for the whole drive, bringing your intertwined digits up to kiss the back of your hand any time you tensed up with a contraction. There was luckily no traffic at 3am, and the drive to the hospital was easy enough. 
Ethan was at home, in charge of letting everyone know that it was time, and getting Lisa and Cameron when they made it into town. So it was just you and Grayson, and you loved it, even though he was freaking out. 
You got checked in and taken up to your room. Grayson was at your bedside, hand in yours from the moment you got settled with your IV. The nurse was sweet as she came in to give you your first exam. It wasn’t comfortable, but you hadn’t expected it to be.
“Well momma, look at you! Already 4 centimeters dilated! If you keep up this pace, you’re gonna be holding that baby girl in no time! Around what time did you say that your water broke?”
“Around 2:45 this morning,” you said.
“Wow. You really are moving along quickly, especially for a first time momma. I’ll come check you again in about a half hour, and we’ll see how you’re feeling okay?” 
“Sounds good, thank you,” you offered her a smile as she headed out. 
When you looked back over, Grayson’s eyes were on your face. 
“Looks like things are gonna go pretty smooth,” you wiggled your eyebrows at him, just trying to make him laugh. He smiled, shaking his head. 
“You’re insane,” was all he could say.
“Hey, I told you I was tough! And I’m sure it’s going to get a lot worse from here,” you reminded him. 
“I was fully prepared for you to be screaming in pain. And you’re just here, hanging out like nothing’s happening!” He was exasperated. 
“Screaming isn’t really my style. Well, I guess it is sometimes,” you winked at him. 
“You are not making sex jokes right now.” He had the biggest smile now, which was all you wanted. Another contraction hit then, low in your back. You sucked in a deep breath, squeezing on Grayson’s hand as it came through. You breathed your way through it, trying to get a rhythm down that you knew you could keep going. They’ll pass. They come and then they pass was going to be your mindset for the rest of the time. 
And it worked. Each time a contraction came you closed your eyes and breathed deep, focusing on the sensation of the air coming in your nose and out over your lips. The only other sensation you were willing to acknowledge was Grayson’s hand in yours, his lips on your forehead, the sweet encouragements he was whispering in your ear. 
And they got worse. Much worse. The nurse came and checked you often, reassuring you that things were moving well. It was a few hours later and you were already at 8 centimeters. 
“I haven’t seen a first time mom move this quickly through labor in a long, long time. Whatever you’re doing, it’s working,” the doctor said when she checked you. 
“But that’s okay right? It’s not bad that it’s going fast right?” Grayson was immediately concerned.
“No, no problems at all. Less time in labor means less stress on mom and baby, so better all around. You’re a natural Y/N, I’ll give you that,” she smiled. “I’d say we’re gonna be pushing in the next hour or so.”
“Sounds great.” You gave her a soft smile, trying with all your might to be pleasant. Your hips were on fire, like you’d been holding a wide squat for the last 3 hours. You knew it was just everything widening, but damn did it hurt. 
“You’re doing amazing baby, you’re so strong.” Grayson’s words came at the right time. 
“I think I’m ready to be done now,” you laughed a bit, and it was the first time you’d felt any self pity the whole time. But you were tired, and you knew that pushing was supposed to be the worst part of the whole thing. You weren’t sure you were as ready for that as you thought you were. 
“I know baby, I wish I could make it better. But you’re gonna have your daughter in your arms so soon, and it’s all gonna be worth it,” he reminded you. His face was laced with sympathy as he leaned in to kiss you. 
It was enough encouragement to help you through, though you weren’t as quiet as you had been. Each contraction was longer, and closer together now. You were groaning a bit at the pain, trying to keep it under control as you had before, but it was getting harder. 
The time crawled by, and you shed a few happy tears when the doctor came back in and told you that it was time for you to push. 
It was a bit of a blur from there, all guttural instinct and people counting and breathing. The only anchor you had was Grayson, who kept himself in your view the whole time, encouraging you and letting you know you were close, that it was almost over. 
And then you heard it. A loud cry, a bit of a gurgle at first, and then clear as day.
Your baby girl was here. 
The nurses were wiping her off just a tiny bit, and then she was there in your arms, on your chest. 
“Hi baby girl, hi sweetheart,” you cooed, wrapping her up in your arms. The tears were streaming now, and you looked up at Grayson. He was crying too, a look of pride and happiness that you’d never seen on his face before. 
“Congratulations, she’s beautiful! Dad, you wanna cut the cord?” 
“Yeah, yeah,” Grayson’s voice was rough as he moved to help, cutting the cord where the doctor’s clamped it off. You were mesmerized by your little angel’s face - she had Grayson’s nose and lips, you could tell already. 
“Hi pretty girl, it’s momma. Welcome to the world,” you said, running a finger over her tiny nose. 
“Alright momma, you catch your breath, we’re gonna get her cleaned up and swaddled okay?” The nurse gave you the warning before going to take her off your chest. You let her, and then you looked at Grayson. He was obviously torn, looking between you and your daughter. 
“Go, go with her,” you encouraged him. You relaxed back into the bed, body spent entirely, but eyes wide open as you watched what was unfolding, trying to ignore everything that was happening with you, from delivering the placenta to the clean up. 
They weighed her first - 6 pounds and 2 ounces - and then you watched as they wrapped her up and put a tiny hat on her head. The nurse turned and placed her in Grayson’s arms. His eyes went wide for a moment in nervous panic, and then he settled as she fit perfectly in his arms. His tears flowed freely as he looked down at her in awe.
“Hi precious. It’s daddy, yeah, it’s daddy,” he cooed, and you swore you’d never been more in love with him in your whole life. He walked slowly back over to you, leaning down and lowering her back into your arms. You scooted over as best you could, and Grayson got the hint, helping you move over with his free arm and climbing into the bed next to you. 
You took her in your arms like you’d done it a thousand times before. She was peaceful there on your skin, content and happy. Her eyes opened a bit as you held her close, Grayson’s hand behind her head. 
“She’s perfect. You did so good,” Grayson praised, running a thumb over her soft hair.
Gazing at her face, you knew that the name you’d secretly been considering was perfect. 
“Bailey. I wanna name her Bailey. After you. And I want her middle name to be Shawn, after her poppy. We can spell it s-h-a-w-n, or s-e-a-n, either way,” you said, looking up at Grayson.
His tears were enough of an answer. 
“Bailey Shawn Dolan. I love it. It’s perfect,” he smiled, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead. You weren’t sure how long you sat there with them. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you knew that there was much to come. Ethan, and Lisa and Cameron would be there soon. There would be more nurses, a lactation specialist, doctors. But right now, all you could do was watch little Bailey breathe, and be grateful for the perfect little family that you had. 
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goldenroutledge · 4 years
my angel
pairing: rafe cameron x reader
wc: 0.8k
warning(s): light angst maybe, fluff, mentions of illness & surgery ?? idk swearing maybe???
a/n: guys im sorry im actually terrible at titles bye. its actually embarassing. heres this little blurb in honor of me hitting 100 even tho its ass pls dont unfollow me for this. also ill be posting more wips hopefully soon, and requests will open back up then too k love u all enjoy
rafe masterlist
(gif by: @charliegillespe )
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If there was anything more exhausting than back-to-back doctors appointments, you surely didn’t want to experience it anytime soon. Your health was something you often took for granted, not realizing how much worse your life could possibly be.
When you had your regular checkup and your blood pressure was abnormally high, the worse came to fruition. It wasn’t common in someone your age, and with your diet. Overall, you were a pretty healthy and laid-back individual.
Your doctor became suspicious after taking it several times, scaring you a little. The unknown in this case, especially with it being your health, frightened you with even the thoughts of possibilities.
So, after countless more appointments when your doctor also said that your arteries connecting your heart and kidneys may be narrowing and would be widened with surgery, it did not calm you down one bit. Sure, you had some minor health trials in the past. A small iron deficiency, a food allergy here and there. But nothing that would require surgery.
The thought itself weighed you down emotionally and physically, leaving you sore and beyond tired from all of the blood they took to run tests on. And of course your boyfriend Rafe, being the caring guy he was, could see right through it.
You weren’t sure if you even wanted to tell him about your visit, as you didn’t want to freak him out. But since he cared enough to be waiting for you when you got home to hear all about it, you realized it was better to talk to him than anyone else.
“Hey baby, how’d it go?” He greeted, turning down the volume on your TV to have a conversation.
You plopped on your bed and took a breath before responding. “Uhh, good. It went good.”
“You okay?” He questioned, not used to you being so monotone with him.
“Yeah, I’m great. And you?” You asked, trying to take the subject off of yourself.
“Then why are you lying to me? You don’t seem that great to me, you wanna talk about it?”
You did your best not to slightly smile at the thoughtfulness of your observant boyfriend, only sighing in response. “Well if you must know Rafe, I have to have surgery. On my arteries. How was your day?” You spoke, still desperately trying to move the conversation along.
The shit you had been through today alone was enough to make you cry if you sat there and thought, let alone talked about any further. Having a breakdown on top of it wasn’t really where you wanted to end off your long day.
After the words left your mouth though, he immediately sat up, instinctively running a hand through his honey colored hair. “Surgery? How soon? Is this because of the blood pressure thing your mom told me about? Are they sure? Like they’re gonna cut you open? Is it dangerous? I-”
“Stop talking” You quickly cut him off, tears already pricking your eyes as you realized you couldn’t answer most of his questions. “I don’t even have answers for myself so please don’t ask.” You both sat in silence for only a minute, but it felt like forever. Involuntary tears rolled down your cheeks, causing you to wipe them away quickly before Rafe could.
“Can I talk now?” He broke the silence, in which you only nodded. “I’m sorry for asking I-I really didn’t know.” He gently pulled you in for a hug, letting you rest your head against his chest.
“I don’t know what to do, Rafe. But I’m scared.” You sniffed, tears still dropping from your eyes.
“You don’t need to be scared, angel. Nothing is going to happen to you, I promise.” He held you for a while until you were ready to talk again.
“Yea, I hope not.” Once you looked up at him, you could notice the frown he tried to conceal at your sad expression, fear plastered across your face. Rafe could read you like a book, which made him ultimately make the decision to help you get ready for bed a little early tonight.
Once the both of you were cuddled up together in bed, he couldn’t help but stare and admire your still, sleeping face. The previous events circled through his mind, urging him to say a small prayer to the universe for the one he loves.
“Hey, God, or whoever is up there. You know I don’t ask for much, so please take care of my Y/n. She’s done nothing but good for me and everyone else, so please watch out for her. I don’t even know what I would do if something happened to her. But I know she can handle this. Please let her be okay, her story is far from over.”
He proceeded to place a small kiss to your forehead, basking in your presence for a moment. Unbeknownst to the fact you were a light sleeper and could hear every word, even though he spoke barely above a whisper.
You decided against letting him know you were awake. And what surgery couldn’t fix, was how much you appreciated having someone like Rafe. Who was by no means perfect, but fit just perfectly with you.
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a/n: this was so cliche i might vomit. but thanks again for 100 u guys <3
taglist: @ilovejjmaybank @rosylinn @nxsmss
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cinnamon-roll-seth · 4 years
Where Were You || JJ Maybank
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After staying out all night, leaving you at home worried, JJ finally comes home wasted. You’re determined to get to the bottom of why.
Contains drunk JJ, him being whiny, you being angry, lots of arguing, and some really cute fluff at the end. Also you’re John B’s sister.
You jumped and stood up hastily as the porch door slammed, watching as JJ stumbled into the house. Instantly you were hit with the smell of alcohol and weed, which you’d never found to be a very good mix, and had to fight to urge to gag.
It was 5AM and you hadn’t slept at all, being too worried about JJ to allow yourself to drift off. He’d left to go get some things from his house and hadn’t returned. You’d insisted on going to check on him but John B advised you not to, especially with his dad being there.
JJ practically lived at the chateau and you and your brother were happy to have him there. Of course it wasn’t official and he was always welcome to come and go as he pleased but normally he would tell you when he wouldn’t be staying there. The last you knew he was fully planning on coming back before he left last night and that fact that you hadn’t heard from him at all worried you.
“Oh, hey Y/N.” He slurred, nearly tripping over his own feet before falling into the couch next to you.
You crossed your arms, “JJ, you’re drunk.”
“That’s what they all say. I only took like a couple beers. Maybe two?” He answered, holding up six fingers. You rolled your eyes, not even attempting to make sense of the nonsense that had just come out of his mouth. It wasn’t even beer that you smelled on him.
“Go lay down and sober up and then you and I are going to talk.” You told him sternly.
“What are you gonna do if I don’t? Spank me? That’s my job,” He broke into a fit of drunken giggling while you once again rolled your eyes and grabbed his arm, pulling him to his feet.
“I’m serious JJ, go.” You lightly pushed him towards the hallway and he stumbled, grabbing onto the wall. You sighed, realizing that there was no way he was making it to bed without your help.
“No, I don’t want to sleep in there!” He whined as you dragged him towards the guest room, which he’d practically claimed as his own.
“Where the fuck are you going to sleep then? In the bathroom over the toilet?”
He pouted like a child and pointed towards your bedroom door. You sighed and opened the door, pulling him into your room and towards your bed.
“JJ I swear to god if you puke on my bed I’m going to murder you.” You warn, watching as he curls up underneath your comforter. He doesn’t answer and when you look back down at him he’s already sleeping, his chest rising up and down as quiet snores leave his mouth.
At that moment you hear your phone ringing and rush out to the living room, softly closing your bedroom door behind you. You grabbed your phone, which had Kie’s contact photo displayed on the screen, and pushed the answer button.
“Heard anything from JJ yet?” She asks in a concerned tone.
“Yeah. He got home a few minutes ago. He’s wasted out of his ass, I could smell the alcohol on him as soon as he walked through the door. I told him to lay down and sleep it off and that we need to talk when he’s sober enough to pronounce my name properly.” You answer, walking out onto the porch so you don’t wake him up.
“Are you gonna chew his ass out?”
“Hell yeah I am. But first I’m gonna make sure he’s okay. That’s not like JJ, he never stays out all night like that without telling me or John B, he knows I worry. And the way he fell asleep so easily, like he was waiting until he was safe to fall asleep. I don’t know what happened, if it was something with his dad or if he ran in to Topper or Rafe or something but as soon as he’s sober enough to tell me I’m going to get it out of him.”
“Yeah somethings definitely not right. I’m just glad he’s home and safe. I gotta get ready for work. Keep me updated? Love you, bye!” She rushes before hanging up the phone. You sigh and walk back into the chateau, deciding to clean up a bit while waiting for JJ to wake up.
It’s not until nearly seven hours later when he finally comes shuffling out of your bedroom, groaning as he holds a hand to his head which you’re almost positive is absolutely throbbing in pain.
“Here, take these.” You hand him four ibuprofen, which despite being above the recommended dose, is probably the only thing that will be able to dull the hangover headache. He mumbled a ‘thanks’ before putting them in his mouth and swallowing them all at once.
He sat next to you on the couch and it was silent for a moment before you spoke softly, “Where were you JJ?”
“Y/N-“ He started but you cut him off.
“No seriously. You scared the shit out of me JJ, I didn’t sleep all night because I was worried about you.”
“I was on my way back here and ran into a couple of tourists throwing a party on the beach. They offered me a couple shots of vodka and it turned in to more shots. I’m sorry I scared you.” He shrugs and takes a sip of the water bottle you had sitting next to you.
“Bullshit. Even if you only intended to stop for ten minutes you still would’ve called me JJ. You always do.”
“I forgot okay? Jesus get off my ass.”
“So me being worried about you is me being on your ass? JJ I was up all fucking night waiting for you to come home. I was half tempted to go to your dad’s house to look for you. If you had come home an hour later I would’ve already been to the police station to file a damn report.” You snap, standing up angrily.
“Why the fuck does it matter where I was anyway? Last time I checked Y/N you’re my girlfriend, not my fucking mother. I don’t have to tell you every tiny little aspect of where I am or what I’m doing at all times. What, did you think I was out cheating?”
“Of course not you jackass! I thought you’d been jumped or something. I thought you were fucking hurt or dead while you were out getting wasted, obviously not giving a fuck about how I was feeling after you didn’t bother to come home or even call.” You scream. If John B hadn’t already left a few hours before you would’ve been worried of waking him up.
“You don’t have to worry about me. I’m not your fucking dad, I’m not just going to fucking leave and disappear!” You were taken back by his comment as he stood up so the two of you were only a few inches apart.
It was true that you worried more than you should. Your mothering instinct was high and you often tended to care more for others than yourself. You’d been taking care of John B for practically your entire life despite being thirteen months younger. After the two of you became friends with Kie, Pope, and JJ you started to care for them too and were basically deemed the mother of the group.
After your dad’s disappearance you were a wreck, obviously. You started to worry more about not only John B but the others as well. You’d find yourself calling them more frequently just to make sure they were okay. You didn’t mean to be overbearing, you just couldn’t stand to loose anybody else you love. Nobody had called out on it before now.
You stepped back, hurt evident on your face, “I never said- You know what, fine. You can do whatever the hell you want JJ, I don’t care anymore.” And with that you turned and went into your bedroom before slamming the door behind you.
“Y/N!” He called, knocking on your door a second later, “Y/N please I didn’t mean it.”
“Why did you say it then?” You called, listening to him sigh.
“I- I don’t know okay. Look I’m sorry. I just- you were making me feel suffocated and I just lashed out. I didn’t mean what I said about your dad.”
“You know that’s a touchy subject JJ. Why would you even bring him up. You’ve never done that before.” You reply softly.
“What? Y/N I’m sorry but I can’t hear you. Can I come in?”
“Yeah I guess.” You answer as he opens the door and walks in. You can tell he’s sorry by the way his face softens when he sees the tears threatening to fall from your eyes.
“Hey hey, baby I’m so sorry. I’m sorry for what I said and I’m sorry for worrying you last night. Please don’t cry.” He apologizes profusely as he rushes to you.
You shake your head softly, “Where were you? Please JJ, I want the truth.”
He sighs and lifts up his shirt, revealing large dark bruises littering his torso. Your eyes widen and you gasp quietly as you sit up quickly, looking over all the huge dark circles.
“Oh JJ,” You whisper, “What happened.”
“Turns out my dad wasn’t in too good of a mood. After he beat me senseless I waited outside for awhile until he fell asleep then I went inside and raided whatever alcohol I could find. I tried to make it home but I drank more than I should’ve and ended up just sitting by a tree hoping he didn’t find me and go for round two. I sat there for hours until the sun came up and I could finally see to make my way back.”
You didn’t say anything, instead wrapping your arms around his torso in an attempt to hug him, which you found to be a mistake as he hissed in pain and you quickly let go.
“Why didn’t you just tell me?” You ask softly, pulling him down onto the bed beside you.
He shrugs, “Didn’t want you to think I’m a dumbass. Ooh I get beat up by my alcoholic father so what do I do? Drown my sorrows in alcohol.”
“That was kind of stupid.” You tell him softly and he nods.
“Yeah I know.”
“JJ?” You ask, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“Please don’t ever scare me like that again.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” He whispers, planting I kiss on the top of your head.
Drunk JJ, that’s all I have to say. Also him getting so concerned when he sees you about to cry, I’m soft 🥺💕God I’m so whipped for this idiot
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myshawningstar · 4 years
My Morphine
Summary: You are driving home from work one day in a rainstorm and lose control of your car. The world goes dark and when you open your eyes again you are greeted with a beautiful sight in front of you.
Word Count:
Request: “can u do a doctor! shawn fic? ur amazing bye ❤️”
Warnings: Mentions of blood, broken bones and car crashes as well as medical procedures.
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Your car jerks, wheels gliding along the thin layer of water between your car and the road. You hated driving in rainstorms as you always had the fear of hydroplaning, yet here you were doing just that. You knew there wasn’t much you could do in this situation. You knew the only thing could do when hydroplaning was take your foot off the gas, keep your steering wheel as straight as possible, and try to slow down without using your brakes. Unfortunately for you, you were currently at the top of a hill driving down, so this only made your car pick up speed. At the bottom of the hill was a three-way intersection.
You were only a few blocks from home, a small apartment that you just recently moved into. As your car approached the intersection at the bottom of the hill, you decided that it was best if you just coasted through it; so you did. As you reached the intersection, there was a young woman crossing the street who happened to be in the course of your car. Your eyes widened, you were going to hit the poor girl if you didn’t do something. You let your instincts take over as you slammed on your brakes, steering away from the woman.
Big mistake.
You almost immediately lost control of your car as it swerved towards a lamp post, the momentum from the turn almost causing your car to flip. There’s a loud crunching, something hits you in the back of the head, and glass shatters as you are jarred to a very sudden stop. The world is spinning around you, your vision is blurred, your head hurts but it’s nothing compared to the pain shooting through your leg. You glance down to see blood all over your jeans.
“Are you okay?” The woman called, though her voice was practically drowned out by a loud ringing in your ears.
You open up your mouth to respond when you hear a loud, bloodcurdling scream. You looked around to try to figure out where the noise was coming from, but it was only then that you realized that the scream was coming from your own mouth.
 “It’ll be okay, I’m going to call an ambulance!” The woman yelled over your screams.
You feel hot, wet tears falling from your eyes as you let the pain and frustration get to you. There’s a bittersweet smell filling the air around you, suddenly you can’t breathe. It was a suffocating, sickeningly sweet smell. You knew that smell. It was Brad fluid leaking from your car. Your heart begins to race, you’re terrified that this was the end. This was how you die, in a flipped car, asphyxiated on chemical fumes and bleeding out. You pass out, the smell and the pain from your leg overwhelming you.
When you’re pulled into consciousness again, it’s when you hear the sound of the sirens bouncing off the walls of the large brick building in the ambulance bay of the hospital. You practically force your eyes open slightly as the doors to the ambulance open. The flashing lights from the ambulance hurt your barely open eyes and you shut them, wishing they would stop.
Once you had finally managed to block out the noise of the sirens, you could hear a voice. By the way he was speaking, you could safely assume he was a paramedic.
“Jane Doe, looks to be around her 20’s. She lost control of her car and crashed into a traffic light.” He reported.
“What’s her stats like?” A different voice spoke. This had to be a doctor, you could tell by the way he had taken control of the situation.
“Her bpm is 78 over 80, she’s been in and out of consciousness, and there’s uneven breath sounds on the left side.” The paramedic answered.
“Thank you. Page ortho!” The man called.
That’s when you saw him. The person who the voice belonged to. He was beautiful, like a Greek god.
“Let’s get her to trauma one!”
He was a tall young man with loose, brown curly hair. His face was gorgeous, sharp jawline, brown eyes, huge, yet concerned, smile. He was like a walking cliche of a hot doctor on a medical show. He has on black scrubs with a long sleeve white shirt rolled up to his elbows underneath. There is a stethoscope around his neck and a pen poking out of his pocket that was located on his peck. He doesn’t look any older then twenty five, which was only a few years older then yourself. You quickly realized you were staring, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to look away. He was like the real life version of Dr. McDreamy!
“Hey there, I’m Doctor Mendes.” Said the man with the god-like complexion. It was only then that you realized that you were no longer outside the hospital, instead you were inside a room. There were multiple doctors moving about the room, but your eyes only followed one. “You’re at New Eden Medical Center, we’re going to take care of you sweetheart.” Doctor Mendes spoke once again.
You felt your heart flutter in your chest as he spoke, he called you sweetheart. You opened your mouth, gathering every bit of strength you could muster and spoke. “Y/n.. L- L/n.”
“What’s happening? Her heart rate just shot through the roof!” A different man said.
“I can’t stop this bleeding, she’s losing a lot of blood.”
“We need to get her to surgery, stat!”
The room around you seemed fuzzy, it got darker every second. You fought to keep your eyes open as a loud, annoying buzzing sound was in your ear, almost like a heart flatlining. You didn’t want to see the beautiful man leave, but evidently, you gave in to the darkness.
When you returned to consciousness, you were greeted by a bright light, along with the sound of a loud, steady beeping, almost like an alarm clock.
Your eyes were heavy, and you struggled to keep them open, you didn’t know where you were. This wasn’t your house, this wasn’t your bed. Where the hell were you?!
You began to panic, looking around the room. There was a small tv in the corner, a chair next to the bed you were in. You quickly came to the conclusion that it was a hospital room. Your eyes shot towards the door as you heard footsteps approach.
“Hey there- you gave me quite a scare.”
You recognized the man immediately, your heart thudding in your chest as you looked at him. As a result, the beeping from the heart monitor you had been hooked up to quickened.
“Woah, woah. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you Y/n.” The Doctor McDreamy remake walked over to you and rested his hand on your shoulder.
“Holy shit.. you’re really hot.” You said before you had a chance to think about it.
He chuckled. “I see the meds haven’t worn off yet.” He smiled. “It’s good to see that you’re able to speak.”
“Why wouldn’t I be able to?” You asked.
“Well, we had to preform CPR, so I’d imagine your chest is sore.”
You stayed quiet for a second. He wasn’t wrong, your chest did hurt a bit, but that seemed to be the only thing you could really feel. “What happened to me?”
“You got into a crash. You’ve broken your femur, and a few of your ribs. You also have a minor concussion, but that’s all, other than your cuts and bruises.” Dr. Mendes told you.
You nodded, processing everything he had told you. It was a lot to take in.
“Do you have anyone we can call?” He asked.
You shook your head. “No.. I’m alone.”
What you said was true; you were alone. As a child you spent your life in foster homes, waiting for the day when someone would finally adopt you; but it never came. You had moved just over a week ago to this town, and you knew no one. You were alone.
Dr. Mendes frowned, nodding slightly as he sat on the edge of your bed, gently resting his hand on your shoulder.
“I’m sorry to hear that. But I want you to know that you’re not alone. You have me.”
You let out a hollow laugh, tears filling your eyes. “I don’t even know you.” You whispered, letting the silent tears roll down your cheeks.
“I’m Shawn Mendes. I’m one of the best surgeons here at New Eden Medical Center.” Shawn told you. “Now, you may not know me well, but you know me.” He smiled reassuringly.
“I just want to go home.” You cried softly, shaking your head as you looked down.
“Hey, hey, listen to me.” Shawn spoke softly, his hand sat gently under your chin as he tilted your head up to look at him. “I know you want to go home.” He soothed. “We just need to keep you here for a few more days for surveillance, then I’ll take you home myself.” He promised.
“Isn’t that against some sort of doctor code or something..?” You sniffled.
Shawn chuckled, cupping your face in his large, calloused hands as he wiped away your tears with his thumbs.
“It is, yes. But you said yourself, you have no one, or rather, you had no one. Now you have me.”
“But what about your jo-..”
“I’ll have to transfer off your case, but I’ll be in here every second I can be. Okay?” Shawn seemed to know what you were going to say before you even finished.
“Okay..” You nodded slightly, relaxing in the man’s arms.
“Now, you should get some rest. You need it.” Shawn smiled as he slowly pulling his hands away from your face.
“Will you be here when I wake up?” You asked worriedly, not wanting to be alone again.
“Of course.”
That’s all the confirmation you needed, you smiled as you shut your eyes, sighing softly as you relaxed in the bed. “Thank you, Shawn.” You whispered.
“Of course. It’s my job.”
That was the last thing you heard before you drifted off to sleep.
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fekst-fucker · 4 years
Could I request Habit and maaaybe EJ or Tim with a ghost hunter s/o? And maybe in habits case they travel a bit and try to get him to come along although we already know how he feels about traveling ksnckskxks, and like how they'd react if s/o ended up getting a bit hurt by a ghost or smth during a 'hunt'? And s/o might be spooked during them but always tries to make them fun too
@creepy-bi-day, @the-cryptids-way I know you’ll enjoy this
- actually, traveling with him via car trips isn’t bad. He crashes out during the long ones but he’ll take the wheel when you need to sleep
- Just be prepared to buy him a ton of shitty fast food and beer 🙄
- He reaaaally can’t be bothered at first. He’s all “oh they’re lower levels” “oh they’re not worth our time” “oh who cares let them kill people”
- But he fell for some of your stubbornness and tenacity so when you just shrug and say “okay, bye then” you’re suddenly irresistible
- He either rolls his eyes and goes “fine, let me come with you so you don’t fucken’ kill yourself” or he pretends not to care and then sneaks out to follow you on your missions
- At first he was super unhelpful, just laughing and scoffing when you asked questions to the spirit box or recorder
- Which is annoying because his voice registers as a ghost so it fucks with your hunts >:/
- But during one particular hunt that had lots of promising evidence he suddenly went rigid and started growling at the corner
- At first you were like “haha, very funny, habs” but he said “no there’s something right there” so you scrambled for your camera and sure enough there was an FBA
- It was a strong enough presence that you started suffering because of it, sputtering and coughing, and you had to drop your camera and clutch your throat to be able to breathe
- Habit lost it, he started snarling and just swiping at thin air, he’s never grown claws before but you swore to god his nails were longer than usual
- Whatever he did worked, because there was a hiss and you were suddenly able to breathe
- You had to sit out for the rest of the hunt, but Habit and any crew you might have took care of it
- Now he absolutely won’t let you leave by yourself again, he makes fun of you for “being attacked by such a weak fuckin’ thing” but he’s still shaken up. He couldn’t lose his mate :(
- once again, Jack stubbornly doesn’t believe in ghosts
- “You’re a de-“ “I’m a demon, I know, I know, but ghosts aren’t real, that would require an astral body or some gaseous form and consciousness can’t take a gaseous form the closest thing we have is spores and-“
- ᴰᵘᵈᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᵉʳᵉ ᶦⁿʰᵃᵇᶦᵗᵉᵈ ᵇʸ ᵗʰᵉ ˢˡᵃᵛᶦᶜ ᵖᵉʳˢᵒⁿᶦᶠᶦᶜᵃᵗᶦᵒⁿ ᵒᶠ ᵃˡˡ ᵉᵛᶦˡ ᵃⁿᵈ ⁿᵒʷ ʸᵒᵘ ᵉᵃᵗ ᵏᶦᵈⁿᵉʸˢ
- Even so, he adored horror while he was still human, so he’s more than excited to come on freaky adventures with you
- He has to stay more in the shadows, since he’s visibly not human he might scare your crew or people who are leading you around
- Sometimes he’ll put on full covering clothes and stay by your side, but only when his instincts flare up and he feels like something bad might happen
- His presence also messes with EMFs/video surveillance, and he’s dead and therefore cold so you have to keep thermal cams strictly away from him
- He knows not to be an annoying shit and talk while you have any boxes or voice recorders going at least, unlike another fuckhead demon we know 😒
- Jack’s not an antagonistic demon, even his energy and presence seems kind of dead, he’s very calming so ghosts and other supernatural presences don’t get unnerved or aggressive with him
- He can still sense them though, he’ll snap his fingers at you or slide something into your foot to alert you
- It is imperative you learn sign language to understand what he means, because otherwise he’ll just be furiously pointing in like a million different directions
- He’s careful and he knows how not to get caught but there have been some really close calls
- he has a camera, he’s a human, he was hunted by a ghost-ish thing, close enough to be a ghost hunter!
- He’s your go-to camera man, he’s experienced, not scared of shit, and so over any bullshit
- You’ve been to so many allegedly haunted locations that are just,,, rats in the walls or local kids causing mischief and every time he’s just banged on the wall and gone “get out of there, jackasses!” and a dozen tiny children come scrambling out of the walls like bugs
- Which is disappointing in the moment but also really funny
- The only thing that scares him is sudden noises right next to his ear, if you jump scare him or yell BOO during a tense moment he will screech and jump
- Not recommended though, the last time you did he was crouched by a wall, breathing deeply and shakily trying to light a cigarette for like three minutes
- Like dude maybe if you didn’t smoke so much you could b r e a t h e
- You’ve gotten in trouble for leaving cigarette butts around abandoned asylums/mansions/parks etc
- Tim is always FURIOUS because these places are filthy and “how the fuck did they find one goddamn cigarette butt on the ground! Sure, leave all the rat shits all over the fucking place and fine us for leaving a cigarette butt on the filthy fucking floor! Jesus Christ…”
- The fine was like. $25
- “iT’s ThE pRiNcIpAl oF tHe tHinG”
- He’s 100% down to break into places. Not like he actively goes looking for places to trespass but if you’re like “shucks we can’t get in there :(“ he’s already scaling a wall with a totally straight face and breaking a window
- And then after a few seconds he leans back out with cigarette and goes “are you coming?”
- Oh so you can scale a wall with barbed wires but have to take a breather when I yell BOO in your face 🙄
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hyunjilicious · 4 years
Reader is terrified of doctors but Jackson had been their doctor forever and the only one to calm then down /prep them when they need surgery
Ok, so i wanted to this right, but i didn’t know what condition the reader could have so that she’d need to come see him so much, so i just wrote the part where he is always there for her :) i really hope you don’t mind and that you’ll still enjoy this! Thank for the request!
"Yeah, mom" you sighed, "Yes, I will... Yes, yeah, I know, I will call- I love- I love you too, mom, yeah, ok. Ok, bye- yes, I will, ok. Mom, I got, ok? Relax, thank you, I love you too. Bye"
Just how much of your conversations with your mom worked over the phone. As if it wasn't enough that she was worried about you even when you were already at home, hearing that you called an ambulance and were rushed to the hospital, she almost lost it entirely. After finishing high school, you moved to different state, so your relationship with her was mostly telephone-based, so you couldn't really blame her. At the beginning, you'd call her a couple of times a day, complaining about mundane stuff or getting all excited over the most insignificant things, but you didn't have anyone else to call. Not only did she understand, but she also enjoyed being up to date with whatever it was you were up to. The first, and the best, even to this day, friend you had made in Seattle was Jackson. He introduced you to Dr. Shepard years ago, and has been by your side whenever you needed him.
Following a bad car accident that took place years ago, you underwent a number of brain surgeries, but in the end, the prognostic was good. They mentioned that you might lose your motor skills on the right side of your lower body, but until this morning, you showed no signs. However, while making coffee, as you tried to turn around and place your mug on the counter, your left leg gave in entirely, causing you to fall onto the ground. The mug shattered into a few big pieces which got lodged in your palm, as you fell right on top of them. It wasn't the puddle of blood on the floor that freaked you out, but that feeling you got when you couldn't control your legs leg anymore. That was what prompted you to call the ambulance.
On your way to the hospital, your motor skills returned and you felt ready to stop at anytime, get off, and head back home. It wasn't that you actually thought you were fine, you hated hospitals. With all your heart. The more time you spent at Grey Sloan, the sicker to your stomach you felt.
By the time you got to your assigned bed in the ER, Jackson had already appeared beside you.
"What happened to your hand?" he asked concerned, gently grabbing your wrist and turning your arm around, so he could take a better look at the bandages the paramedics wrapped around your wound.
"Hi" you mocked, shaking your head as he completely failed to greet you.
"Hello, Y/n" he said back, smiling as if he had done you a favor, "What happened?"
"It's not the hand" you sighed, getting more comfortable in your bed. You rolled your eyes and corrected yourself, "I mean it's the hand too, but that's not why I came here"
He looked at you knowingly, that was how you always acted. Everything medical has always scared the life out of you. "Tell me?"
"It's my leg"
"What about your leg?" he asked, all of a sudden concerned. He probably didn't think something bad had happened, most likely, in his head, there were just the cuts on your arm, and the rest of the story was you being paranoid. However, the tremor in your voice proved him wrong.
"I couldn't move it, or feel it" you admitted, "It lasted for about a couple of minutes, that's how I fell"
At one point, as you talked, Jackson spun around in his chair and ask a nurse to call for "A neuro consult"
"Fuck, tell me it's Amelia" you whined, hands already getting shaky.
"Ok, relax" Jackson cooed, gently pushing you back as you didn't even realize you were beginning to stand up, "I'll take care of your hand, and in case Koracick shows up I'll send him on his way, ok?"
"Thanks" you nodded, and he stood up. First, he leaned in to kiss the top of your head and then walked all the way to the other side of the room, bringing a kit to take care of your cuts.
Somehow, you weren't scared. Somehow, Jackson managed to be literally the only person to work in a hospital and terrify you.
"So, is this what you do all day?" you asked teasingly, looking as he disinfected your wound once again. It burned, deeply, but you brushed it aside, knowing he would never do anything wrong.
"Not interesting enough for you?" he asked, grinning as he looked up into your eyes.
"Just making conversation" you smiled, shrugging.
"Just tell me what have you been working on" he suggested as he gracefully sutured your cuts.
"Oh well" you sighed, "New year, new students. These are so much worst than the other ones. You'd think I got my PhD to do research but I get so into this teaching thing, that I've completely neglected my project"
"Which is?" Jackson questioned, not raising his eyes from your hand.
"Super symmetry and the flaws we currently accept. I'm trying to be the genius of my generation and explain them"
"Can you?"
"Most likely not" you laughed, "I have no idea what I'm doing"
"I'm sure you'll figure it out, you're smart like hell"
"Says he hotshot surgeon" you mocked.
"I never said I wasn't" Jackson defended himself laughing, and just as he prepared to stand, Amelia showed up.
"How's my masterpiece doing?" she asked with a smile.
Your first instinct was to grab something into your hand and squeeze, and much to your surprise, Jackson grabbed your hand into his. He held tight, giving you more reassurance and courage than you could have ever gotten on your own. From what she could check in the ER, everything looked good, so she decided to order a head CT to make sure she wasn't missing anything. A stretcher-bearer walked over and started wheeling you to the CT room.
"I can walk" you said as you felt weird laying down on the bed while Jackson and Amelia walked beside you.
"It's procedure, hun" she smiled, "Don't worry"
Somehow, the schedule for the CT machine got mixed up and overlaid your appointment with the one before you. This way you had about 5 more minutes to wait. While Amelia headed inside, making small talk with the other doctors, you and Jackson waited outside on the hallway.
"Do you think she'll notice if I just run away?"
"Probably" he sighed, amused.
"This is the most awful part. I sit in that oven for 20 minutes and I can literally feel myself get radiated and my neurons die"
"Woah" Jackson gasped, "That was dark"
"I'm sorry"
"No, Y/n, it's ok, I got you" he cooed, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you close. "I know this is difficult for you, but I'm here, ok? You get scared or anything, it'll literally take me 10 seconds to get you out of there"
"I guess"
"Do you trust me?"
You nodded against his shoulder, but didn't say anything.
"Come on, look at me" Jackson prompted, "Do you trust me?"
"Yeah" you said shily, having serious difficulty looking into his bright blue eyes. "Have you ever gotten a head CT?"
"No" he answered after he thought about it for a minute, "I'll get one right now though, if it'll make you feel better"
"You don't have to" you laughed, "It's ok"
"Would it make you feel better?"
"No" you shook your head, "My fear is completely irrational. I won't calm down until it's all over"
He watched you in silence for a few seconds, and then spoke up, his voice now happy and quite a bit shy. "How about when it's all over I take you out to dinner?". When you failed to say anything and your eyes grew wide, he continued, "As a date?"
"Are you serious?" you cringed, even if your insides were doing jumping jacks.
He nodded eagerly.
"I'll go out with you as long as my brain is fine, I don't want you to a date a cripple or something"
"Oh my god, Y/n" he gasped, "Stop saying stuff like that, god"
"I'm sorry, it's how I cope"
"I'll tolerate it, this time, because you're anxious about the CT and you're really cute, but don't say shit like that ever again"
"Ok, I'm sorry, I won't"
"Good" Jackson chuckled, pulling you back against him. He kissed your cheek, and when you refused to pull away, he placed another kiss, this one a bit lower, and he kept going until he reached your lips. You didn't get to do that much as just when you were about to start kissing him back, Amelia interrupted the two of you, "You two have got no shame, you're in a hospital!"
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myheartrevealedocs · 4 years
Untouchable Ch 13- Home, Again
Warnings: swearing, mentions of torture and injuries, family drama and stuff? (if there’s something in this chapter that you want me to tag, let me know, I’m just not sure what to classify some of this stuff as)
Ch 12 | Ch 14
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Beck threw herself into her sister’s arms as Lydia entered the waiting room.
“Thank god. Lydia, I’m so sorry, but I’m so scared. Watching her fall apart like that, then start seizing- What would we do if we lost her? What would I do? The system will take in Katie and Adam, but I… I’d be alone.”
Lydia pulled away to look into her sister’s cloudy eyes. “You will never be alone. If something actually happened to Sonia, you could come to DC with me in a heartbeat. Please don’t ever think I’d leave you alone.”
“You hate me,” Beck claimed. Her face was a blotchy mess and she didn’t make it any better be rubbing her hands over it frustratedly. She’d recently cut her hair short, which was perhaps the only thing stopping her from ripping it out. “I’ve been such an ass. I wouldn’t blame you if you left me here and went back to Virginia. I don’t have a job, I don’t have a college degree, I don’t even know how to drive a car! I’m useless!”
“You aren’t useless,” Lydia insisted, then leaned forward and kissed her forehead. “You’re stubborn. You were angry. But you know who knows even more about anger than you?”
She rolled her eyes. “I’m guessing you, you menace?”
They both giggled, Rebecca hiccuping slightly through more tears.
“So, you won’t leave me to be a homeless prostitute?”
“Not this month,” Lydia joked. “What have you heard? Did they dissolve the blood clot?”
Beck nodded. “It’s gone. Now the only concern is figuring out how much damage it did.”
“Okay. Well then, one of us should stay here and wait for news and the other has to take Katie and Adam home and get them to bed. I really think you could use the rest, but I’m okay with either.”
The two twins were seated in the corner of the room. Katie was asleep across the armrest between her and her brother’s chair. Adam looked bored out of his mind, picking at his fingernails.
Beck looked back at them, then bit down on her bottom lip. “I need to make sure she’s okay. I don’t think I could fall asleep if I went home anyway.”
Lydia could understand that. She gave her sister a nod, before stepping around her and approaching the kids. “Hey Adam. Long time, no see!”
He pushed himself out of his chair quickly and wrapped his arms around Lydia’s waist. “Hi Lydie! Why didn’t you come home for Christmas this year?”
“I had to work,” she admitted, feigning disgust.
“You have to see the Legos that Becky got me! I already built them all!”
“That’s so cool! You’ll have to show me once we get home.”
He bounced excitedly, turning around to wake up his sister. “Katie! Lydie’s here!”
The girl blinked, rubbing her face where it was previously squished against her arm. “Adam,” she grumbled. “What do you want?”
Lydia knelt down next to her seat. “Hey Katie,” she said, softly. “I’m here to take you two hooligans home.”
Katie blinked, recognizing Lydia’s voice and her silly nickname for the twins. “Lydie? Mommy didn’t say you were coming home.”
Lydia didn’t want to freak them out by making them think the stroke was a big deal, so she held up a finger to her lips and said, “Sonia doesn’t know yet. It’s a surprise.”
“Is mommy sick?” Adam asked. “Becky said she was hurt, but when I hurt my arm, I didn’t have to stay at the doctor’s this long.”
“Mommy did get hurt,” Lydia admitted. “But she’s super strong. Right now, you two have to get some sleep. In your own beds. Okay?”
They nodded and followed her out, saying their goodbyes to Rebecca as they passed. Lydia called a cab to meet them outside and take them back to Sonia’s house.
As they were packing in, her phone rang. Spencer. Shit…
“Spence, hey…” she began, but couldn’t for the life of her come up with anything else to say.
“Lydia? Hotch told us that you had a family emergency, what happened?? Are you okay? Did you get home?”
She sighed, relieved he wasn’t angry about her sudden disappearance. They’d just been talking face to face and then she was on her way to the airport. “Can we start with one questions at a time? I’m so tired.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he agreed, quickly. “Where are you right now?”
“I’m leaving a hospital in Oakland, California, on my way to my foster mom, Sonia’s, house.”
“Why were you at the hospital?”
“Sonia had a stroke.”
“That’s awful. I’m sorry. What kind of stroke?”
“Uh… I’m not sure? I didn’t speak to any of the doctors directly.”
“Do you know if she had a hemorrhage or-?”
“No. No, it was a blot clot.”
“That’s good!” he said immediately. “The chances of surviving a ischemic stroke are higher than a hemorrhagic stroke. There’s also a higher likelihood of a full recovery.”
She smiled. “Thanks, Spence. How did the case go?”
“We found and recovered all the kids, but Jane and Frank disappeared.”
“Oh no…” she fretted. “I’m so sorry.”
“What are you talking about? You weren’t even in Nevada when it happened.”
“But I was… I told him we could negotiate for Jane and-”
“You saw her,” Spencer reasoned. “She was throwing herself at him. Frank would have gotten away either way and Jane would have followed him. You helped us get those kids back.”
“When did you become so good at cheering me up?” she teased. He didn’t reply, so she kept going. “Spencer, I should go. I’m almost at Sonia's house. Talk to you tomorrow, okay?”
“Yeah, of course. Tomorrow.”
~ ~ ~
“Lydia? What are you doing here?” Sonia demanded as Lydia walked into her room the next morning.
“What are you doing in a hospital bed?” she fired back. “You went and scared the hell out of us!”
“Honey, I’m old. It happens.”
Lydia rolled her eyes. “Not old enough. You’re like… one of the least likely people to get a stroke. You’re 50, you’re a woman, you’re Asain… do you have any blood pressure problems I don’t know about?”
“Apparently I have blood pressure problems that I don’t even know about,” she chuckled, trying not to focus on how bad that could be. “Since when do you know so much about stroke statistics?”
Lydia was perfectly ready to tell her that she’d done a bunch of research at the airport, but it was a lie. Spencer had been sending her little tidbits of information all day. Some to try to cheer her up, others to help prepare her for how Sonia’s recovery might go. As she thought about those texts, a smile pulled at her lips and Sonia was on her in an instant.
“What’s that? That smile. You just got all blushy on me, what happened?”
“I work with profilers and somehow you’re already onto my little secret, hm?” She rubbed her forehead. “You should probably go work for my team if you’re going to be so observational.”
“You should probably stop being so obvious,” she argued. “You’ve got a crush written all over you. Did he tell you about the stroke statistics?”
“His name is Spencer, he texted them to me to make me feel better, and I’m not crushing on him.”
“Oh please!” she cried. “Your cheeks are bright red! I know a crush when I see one. Tell me about this Spencer. Where did you meet him?”
“We work together. And I’m not lying, I’m not crushing on Spencer… because we’ve been dating for almost a year now.”
“You what?!” she exclaimed. “Lydia, you have to tell me these things! Almost a year?”
“Yeah. It started last year in April.”
“Why would you hide this from me? Look at you! You’re so happy!”
Lydia bit her tongue in contemplation. Why hadn’t she told her family? “Because I’ve been keeping it a secret anyway. None of the team knows we’re together. We never agreed that we wouldn’t tell our families, but… I don’t know, I guess I got so caught up in the lie that I didn’t even think about telling you guys.”
“Why are you hiding?” Sonia asked.
“Our work.” Lydia shrugged. “When we went on our first date, we didn’t want the whole team to be invested in a relationship that might not last. We didn’t want things to get weird. But now, it feels wrong, you know? Our boss wouldn’t be happy if he found out that we’ve been lying to him all this time. Spencer’s an agent, so in-office relationships are frowned upon for him.”
Lydia’s phone buzzed in her hand and instinctively, she looked down at it.
“Did he just text you?” Sonia teased.
Lydia glared back. “Fucking profilers.”
~ ~ ~
“Katie! Adam!” Lydia called as she shuffled upstairs.
“Hold on!” Katie’s muffled squealing came from the twin’s room.
Lydia smiled at what she could only imagine to be wild shenanigans going on behind that door. But, she turned and walked farther down the hall, opening up the door to Sonia’s room.
She’d been let go from the hospital after about a week, and had been recovering quickly. Lydia was glad to see her sitting up in bed stretching her arms out in front of her. Her left arm was weak and shook dramatically, but it was an improvement.
“Good morning, Sonia,” she greeted, walking over to the side of her bed. “Make sure to do your leg stretches as well today. I know they’re uncomfortable, but if you don’t build up that strength again, you’re going to end up with only one working leg. I want you to think about how frustrating that would be.”
She dropped her head back. “You’re right. That would be awful. Then I’d look like you.”
“Very funny,” Lydia deadpanned. “But my leg works fine, thank you. At this point, I’d say better than yours. But nevermind that, I won’t be here and neither will the car. If something happens, Beck will handle it and I’ll be back before your physical therapy appointment, okay?”
Lydia leaned down and gave her foster mother a kiss on the cheek.
“I’m ready, Lydie!” Adam shouted as he burst into the room. His backpack hung loosely from his shoulders, seeing as there probably wasn’t more in it than a folder.
“Is Katie ready?” she asked.
“No. Katie’s tying her shoes.”
“Oh, well then she’s almost ready. Let’s start heading down, shall we?”
He nodded, eagerly. “Bye, Mommy!” he said, before scurrying downstairs.
“Bye, Sonia,” Lydia followed suit, closing the door behind her as she left. “Beck?”
Her sister popped her head out of the bathroom, only half her makeup done, looking thoroughly unamused. “Must you be so loud?”
“Make sure Sonia gets up soon,” she ordered. “I won’t have my phone with me, so if something happens, call the doctor.”
“Won’t have your phone…?” She raised an eyebrow. “Are you not coming back after dropping the twin’s off?”
“No. I thought Sonia told you.”
“Told me what?”
“I’m ready!” Katie cried, rushing down the stairs to meet her brother.
“Head out to the car, little hooligans!” Lydia instructed. “I’ll be out in a second.”
“Where are you going?” Beck tried again.
Lydia sighed. “I’m visiting Dad today.”
~ ~ ~
Not that visiting a prison was ever a pleasant experience, but Lydia was comforted to find the place exactly the same. She had enough anxiety going in as is, but trying to navigate new rules or requirements would have made it ten times worse. Her dad didn’t even seem to notice her walk into the room, sitting alone at a table, staring intently at a wall.
Lydia cleared her throat. “Um, hey Dad.”
He blinked at her for a moment, before pulling her into a hug. “Lydia! Look at you! You’ve changed so much, sweetheart!”
She shrunk away from him, slightly as he spoke, both because the guards would yell at them if they were in contact for too long and because it had been so long. It was just weird.
“Yeah,” she sighed. “It’s been a crazy two years.”
“I hear,” he said, the two of them sitting across from one another. “Rebecca tells me that you work for the FBI full-time now.”
“Not exactly. I’m contracted out by one of their teams. Sometimes I’m home for a few weeks, other times we solve one case and fly straight to the next. It isn’t exactly 9 to 5.”
“I’m really proud of you.” He smiled and Lydia’s lip twitched as well. “I was shocked to hear you were coming. Rebecca says you very rarely visit.”
“I’m not in California for a visit,” she admitted. “Sonia had a stroke, so I’ve taken some time off work to look out for her and the other kids in her care.”
Her dad had warmed up to Sonia over the years, seeing as she had to escort Lydia and Beck to the prison when they were still minors. He looked genuinely sad to hear the news. “That’s terrible. Tell her I hope she gets well soon.”
“I will. It was pretty mild it seems. She’s regaining strength quickly.”
They didn’t have the time for this small talk. Her father knew that. But Lydia almost hoped that they could keep the conversation going. As if he wasn’t an inmate in a prison. As if they weren’t being watched carefully. As if she didn’t have mixed feelings about speaking to him.
“So, Lydia, why did you come?”
Lydia blinked, pushing up her glasses habitually. “What do you mean? I haven’t seen you for two years…”
“I know,” he chuckled. “But if you wanted to come say hi to me, you’d do it when you were visiting home. Not when you’re busy taking care of a whole family.”
“Well… your sentence is almost done. Seven years… And I was talking to Sonia about it and she asked when the last time I saw you was… I felt bad.” She waited for him to say something, but he didn’t. Because he knew that wasn’t it. “I haven’t really… told anyone in DC that my dad’s in prison. And with this new job, I talk to serial killers. I learn a lot about them, get into their heads. And in the end, we always put them away. And now I see prison in this whole different light and I think I needed to prove to myself that you… you aren’t one of the bad guys.”
“Okay, so… how do I prove I’m not a bad guy?” he asked.
“You don’t. You just-” Lydia’s eyes started to burn and she stopped herself from getting emotional. “I wanted to see you. That’s all. Recently, it feels like I can’t remember much about anyone in the family.”
“Is this about your mom?”
“I don’t know what this is about,” she rambled. “I just… I was finally starting to be okay in college and then, the whole Jenna thing happened and I was an angry monster again. And when I realized I had settled down, I was a different person. I worked for the FBI for crying out loud! And I’m looking at the people around me, and they look different, too, but I can’t figure out if it’s them who’ve changed or just my view of them. And I’ve always-”
She was tearing up again. Lydia gritted her teeth, feeling frustrated. She came here to check up on him, not have a meltdown. But if she shut down, he would keep bugging her about it, so might as well keep going.
“I’ve always been so mad at you,” she said, gnashing her teeth like an animal. “And then I’m looking through a serial killer's house and all I can think is, ‘At least my dad didn’t become this’. And I feel guilty that I’ve been so hard on you for seven years. So, I came here because I needed to prove to myself that this face belongs to my dad and not a bad guy.”
“Could it be both?”
Lydia glared at him, but didn’t have anything to say. She didn’t need the ambiguous question right now.
“Lydia, I know what I did was stupid and it hurt people. And all the excuses I made for it at the time don’t justify my actions. I wasn’t wrongfully accused and I’m not trying to pretend I was.”
“I don’t want to have an argument with you,” she grumbled. “I want to look at you with my new profiling eyes and determine whether it’s worth rebuilding a relationship with you when you get out.”
That shut him up. Lydia’s face burned in shame, but there was no taking it back. They sat there in silence for what felt like years. She didn’t know what there was to say. It had been on her mind for months now that his release was approaching. She’d considered Beck to be her only family for almost 7 years. Her father was a distant memory. But maybe when his time was up… maybe it’d be nice to have a dad again. But she had sworn at 16 never to forgive him.
“Did you decide?” he asked, his voice grim.
Why did she have to decide? Why couldn’t someone tell her that she was going to have to learn to live with or without him and be done with it? Why did it have to be her to walk away or make the effort. Shouldn’t family come naturally?
But for now, at least, she knew what she wanted.
“I want my family back. I don’t want to leave California one day and never have a reason to come back… I want to know my mom… And maybe, just maybe, I want to remember my dad, too. Because somewhere in the far recesses of my mind, he was a cool dude.”
“I’m sorry that I ever left you,” he said.
Finally, Lydia felt a sense of relief. She stood up. “I need to go, Dad. Luckily, the next time I see you, you probably won’t be behind bars.” And then, she opened up her arms, welcoming him in for a hug.
For the past seven years, she’d never been the one to initiate a hug with her father, but it felt like it was time. Her stubbornness had kept her from too much. She’d missed out on so many opportunities to be happy all because she was hinged on being in complete control of the image of herself that other’s saw. And she hadn’t felt like she’d had a parental figure in a long time.
He accepted quickly. “Go be an amazing bad-guy-catcher,” he teased.
“I will,” she replied with a smile. “Keep being a neutral guy, alright?”
As she headed for the door, he said, “Lydia? One more thing…”
She raised an eyebrow in his direction.
“Happy birthday.”
He remembered. She didn’t expect him to, for some reason. She didn’t really expect him to know the exact date.
“I love you,” she told him, but didn’t wait around to hear his response. She didn’t plan on spilling any tears today.
~ ~ ~
“You’re hunched over your computer like Quasimodo,” Rebecca joked as she dropped a bowl of ice cream next to her sister.
Poor Lydia was so wrapped up in her paper, she didn’t even notice the gift, ignoring the dessert completely. “I need Spencer,” she admitted. “He’d be able to give me more accurate information than these pathetic websites.”
“Why don’t you call him?” Sonia offered from across the table.
“He told me this morning that he was leaving for a case. Really bad one, too. He doesn’t need the distraction.”
Beck rolled her eyes. “I can’t believe you’re actually going to get a PhD for this guy.”
“I’m not getting this for Spencer,” she tried to argue. “But I mean, look at me! I’m set to graduate in the spring. Have you ever seen someone get a doctorate in 2 years? Spencer did that for me. I could become a college professor in about a year, all thanks to him. At 23 years old.”
“Don’t act like you’re not a genius all by yourself,” Beck grumbled. “Just because he’s super charismatic-” Lydia laughed out loud when she said that “-does not mean that he got you your PhD.”
“I’m not saying that!” she tried to argue. “Think about how much money I’ve saved! I mean, I was terrified when I took that internship at the BAU that once it was up, I’d be stuck. With this, I have so many options open that I-”
She paused, noticing her phone screen light up with Hotch’s name. Rebecca and Sonia gave her funny looks, but she held up a finger.
“My boss is calling me. Strange.”
“If he says you have to go back to Virginia, do it. You’ve taken enough to time off as it is,” Sonia instructed, but Lydia just rolled her eyes.
“Hey, Hotch,” she answered. “What’s up?”
“Lydia, I’m going to need your help with something…”
“That’s fine. Is it case related?”
“No it’s…” He sounded exhausted and Lydia wondered where he could be. It was 9 in California, so unless he was on the west coast, it was late. “Lydia, Reid has been taken captive by an unsub.”
Her heart stopped. Seeing her family's confused faces across from her, she jumped up from the table and rushed out of the room.
“What? I- What are you… How bad of an unsub?” she sputtered.
“He’s sending us a live feed of it. As of right now, Reid’s forehead has a large gash in it and one of his feet is mangled. We’re doing everything we can to find him.”
“Is there something I can do?” Her breathing was labored and her chest, constricting. This was all wrong. Spencer had to be okay. He needed to be…
“Lydia, Spencer’s strong. He’ll keep fighting until we can get to him. But I have a feeling when he gets out, he’s going to want to see your face.”
She was far too stressed to even consider what he was implying. “You want me to- I’m not sure if I can-”
“Two days. That’s all. I’ll get you a ticket to Georgia as soon as possible. He’ll need your support. Can you be here?”
Leaving suddenly, once again. But Spencer might need her. Hotch was certain he would. And after news like that… she’d need to see him for herself to even imagine that he was going to be okay.
“I’ll pack my things now. Send me that plane ticket and the case file. I need to know what to expect when I get there.”
“I’ll let you know if anything changes,” he assured her. “Thank you.”
She heard him hang up the phone, but didn’t move it away from her ear. All she could hear was her heartbeat in her ears, as if it was trying to break out. She blinked a couple of times and turned to see that her sister had followed her into the next room, eyes wide.
A tear slipped down her cheek, which she quickly wiped away. “I need to go,” she told Beck and ran to her room to gather some things.
Tag List: @kris-stuff​, @wooya1224, @spencerelds​
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ooohyou · 3 years
Submitted to r/nosleep by u/NemesisLuce
Please support the original author.
Don’t get me wrong, I love my job. Cute little bookstore in a quaint little town. I love helping customers find the right book for their mood. I love showing cute children’s books to curious kids. I love talking with sales reps and figuring out exactly which new releases to order from them.
I also fucking hate my job.
It was ten minutes past closing time, and I had my brightest, fakest smile on while trying to get the last customer out of my store. No sir, I cannot look up a book on the computer if all you know is the cover was red when you saw a poster for it 5 years ago. No sir, “I think it was about the cold war and a detective who drank too much but maybe it was something else” does not help me at all. Look sir, all my historical thrillers are on this shelf. Does anything ring a bell? No? Was it made into a movie? You don’t know? Oooookaaaay then, I’m sorry to inform you that we are already past closing time, here’s the store number, if you remember the title give us a call and we’ll order it for you if it’s still available. Thank you, good evening to you too sir, goodbye. Yes you have your umbrella, it’s right here in your hand sir. Okay bye bye.
I sighed and gave my cashier the biggest eyeroll I could manage before locking the door and turning over the sign that previously said ‘come in, we’re open!’. I heard the coins clanking in the coin counting machine (do these have a name? I don’t know. Coin counting machine is pretty self-explanatory and I’ve never bothered to check if they were actually called that), signifying that Alice had started to sort her cash drawer. I would only need to take out the profits of the day, make sure she had enough cash for tomorrow, and send her home. I went through the motions mechanically, only thinking about the nap I was about to have in the breakroom. It was going to be glorious. I really needed it if I wanted to be alert for the night shift.
Oh, yeah. We’ve got a night shift here. It’s my store’s most… peculiar aspect. We close at 6pm, but we open again at 11, up until 5am. Then we open again at 10am. So when I said ‘nap’ earlier, I actually meant the first half of my night, since I am working both shifts. Yes, I live in my store. Please buy books instead of reading stuff on the Internet, I would really love to be able to afford another employee.
So there I was, counting money fully on autopilot, daydreaming about drinking a nice cup of herbal tea and hugging my pillow, when Alice said something that ruined my plans.
“I forgot to tell you, something weird happened when you were on break.”
I snapped out of my daydream instantly and shot her a questioning glare.
“Yeah, this old lady came in, looking for something about fairy tales. I showed her the section but she didn’t want to have a look there apparently, and she asked me about something from the back. And I was like ‘do you think we’re hiding books from our customers or something’ so I just told her everything we had was on display in the store but we could order any book we didn’t have if she wanted. And she just shook her head and mumbled something and then she handed me this pamphlet and I was like ‘okay feel free to look around’ and didn’t even look at the pamphlet before shoving it in my pocket because a kid entered the store holding an open juice box and that was a disaster waiting to happen so yeah but that was weird right?”
She had actually run out of breath by the end of her sentence, and I wasn’t surprised. I was pissed though.
“Alice for FUCKS sake. Give me the pamphlet, don’t look at it. I’ll write that you were fired because of the store’s financial situation and give you a glowing recommendation.”
All color drained from the young girl’s face. I wasn’t mad at her, but I was still mad. She was supposed to know the rules. Hell, I even had her train the temps we hired to help around Christmas time. In retrospect, it was a miracle nothing bad had happened.
Okay, I was slightly mad at her. But I really didn’t want to be.
I saw in her eyes that it had finally clicked. She understood the gravity of what she had done, and handed me a crumpled pamphlet from her pocket, making sure to avert her gaze. God damn it. She had one momentary lapse, and it cost me a good cashier. Fucking hell.
“I’m sorry…” she started.
“It’s okay Alice, you didn’t mean to. You were alone on the floor, she was an old bat, it could’ve happened to anyone. You’ll be missed around here, but please don’t visit.”
She nodded. She finally remembered the rules, and she understood that there was no other way.
I put the cash drawer in the safe while she gathered the stuff she had left in the break room. I opened the back door to light a cigarette. She had tears in her eyes as she exited the store. I gave her a smile and clasped her hands in mine.
“You were a good employee, Alice. You’ll do great in a regular bookstore. Don’t doubt yourself and avoid this street for a few weeks. Call me if you run into any trouble, okay?”
“Thank you for the opportunity, boss. I really loved working here.”
“I know you did. Now hurry home. Don’t answer to anyone knocking on your door. Be safe.”
She nodded and scurried away, her backpack bouncing with her steps. I crammed my half-finished cigarette into the already-full-but-I-keep-forgetting-to-empty-it ashtray and went back inside.
The pamphlet was sitting on top of the safe, and as I grabbed it I felt the urge to read it. Nope. In the bin you go. I was accustomed to those old tricks. First rule of working with my clientele is to know when you can’t trust your instincts because something’s fucking with them. Second rule is to trust your instincts. Confusing? Welcome to my life.
So I ended up sitting at my desk typing furiously on my computer instead of napping. I still had a few hours until night shift, but I absolutely had to start interviewing prospective employees in the next couple days – in the meantime I just had to hope one of my part-time employees would like to work a few extra hours. I just have too much work to spend all my time manning the register and keeping the tables neat. While the store isn’t that big, it still is a lot for one person.
I obviously had to update the employee rulebook as well. Just emphasize that you can’t take chances with crazy old people. You never know if they’re truly crazy or something else.
“Never accept anything a customer hands you directly if it’s not (real) money. If they’re promoting something, make them leave any cards, pamphlets, posters at the register. If you end up accepting whatever they gave you, don’t look at it, and come to me immediately.”
Yes, it’s weird. I know it’s weird. Look, I pay my employees a fair enough wage that they make sure to follow the rules. I don’t care if they think I’m crazy. I probably am. It doesn’t matter.
I pressed enter and added:
“If a customer asks if they can see what we have in the back, politely decline and offer them to order whatever book they need. If they persist, come get me.”
God damn it, Alice actually handled this part well. But she grabbed the pamphlet, and I had to protect her.
I don’t write the rules to make my employees better workers. I write them to make sure they survive. The main reason any infraction is cause for termination is that, well, it could be the cause for the actual termination of their existence on Earth. Getting fired from a job is a way better alternative.
Alice accepted the old lady’s pamphlet. It could’ve been anything else. A tissue, a cigarette, a glass of water. She unknowingly made a bargain with whatever the woman was. ‘I gave you something, now I’m free to take something’. Entities like the old lady abide by archaic rules. In a store, this is what applies. I lost a regular day customer that way. The poor lady was watching over her kid, who was merrily making a mess looking through the 3-5 years old section, when a young girl came up to her. “Look miss, look I made a drawing”, she said. My customer grabbed the piece of paper and the girl ran off. A couple days later, posters popped up everywhere in town for a missing toddler.
I was obviously pissed. I’d been waiting to see that little girl again and tell her that business rules applied only between merchant and customers and she had no right to force an innocent, unaware person into a contract. My night clientele is well aware of that, and treasure having a place to find literature enough to not risk jeopardizing the fragile balance between both worlds. Nonhumans can be facetious little shits though, and I’ve never seen that girl again. Some entities enjoy chaos just for the sake of it. This one just danced around the rules, grabbed what she wanted, and ruined two lives. My customer sank into a deep depression and ended up gouging her eyes out during a manic episode. Her toddler was never found, but I don’t think he will grow up to be a respectable, human adult.
I checked the time and decided I could get 2 hours of sleep before having to get the store ready for night shift. So obviously I went to check out who – or what – was knocking on the glass window near the entrance because who needs sleep anyway.
It was an old lady, her wrinkled bloated nose pressed against the glass, her skeletal fingers tapping against it in a rhythmical fashion that was getting on my nerves. She had piercing, blood-injected eyes that were fixed on me and a grin so large it couldn’t possibly be natural.
I didn’t have time to be scared, but I still felt the fear creeping up on my stomach, slowly making its way through my body. No matter how hard I tried to reject it, I couldn’t. Stupid human nature. I adorned my best customer service smile and walked up to the old lady.
“My apologies, you seem to be a bit early. We will be open for business at eleven.”
I didn’t need to yell. I knew she could hear me clearly in spite of the glass separating us.
One… two… three taps on the window. Her already impossibly wide grin grew even wider, revealing rotten teeth sticking out of black, putrid gums. Thick, yellowish saliva was dripping down in strands from her non-existent lips. By the time the corners of her mouth reached her temples, I was sure I would lose my fake confidence and run in the opposite direction. No matter how many times you deal with unnatural entities, being mere centimeters away from a nightmarish mouth full of rot and decay will shake you to your core. I tried to breathe calmly, being secretly thankful for the glass that separated me from what was probably the foulest smell I’d ever submitted my nose to, hoping the old lady would see me standing my ground and respect the rules of business. I could deal with her inside my bookstore, where she would be a customer. I just needed to stay brave and meet her transfixed, unwavering gaze. Her eyes were more blood vessels than pupils, and I found myself focusing on those instead of whatever was moving in her mouth. I did not want to see her tongue, not after seeing the state of her teeth. And I sure as hell did not want to see whatever I clearly caught moving around her mouth if it wasn’t her tongue. No, her eyes were scary but I could deal with them, no matter how unsettling it was to see them bulge in and out of her head in a slow motion, almost as if they were breathing. The glass became foggier and foggier on her side due to her heavy, animalistic panting, but I kept my gaze straight, only catching glimpses of fog and movement in my peripheral visions. If I were to treat her like an animal, I needed to assert myself as the alpha. I don’t yield to rude, entitled customers, and I wouldn’t yield to rude, entitled nonhumans breaching the unspoken contract that allowed them to enjoy my store.
After what felt like forever, she stopped tapping on the window. Her grin reverted back to a normal, almost friendly smile. She blinked, soggy wrinkled eyelids covering those eyes I had stared at for far too long.
“I guess I’ll see you when you’re open, then”. In spite of the glass panel separating us, I felt her putrid breath against my ear as she whispered her parting words.
Just like that, she turned and left.
Understandably, I was not looking forward to seeing her during the night shift. My regular customers were unsettling enough, I did not want to add the batshit-insane-nightmarish-grandma to the list.
I’m a business owner. The customer may not be always right, but they are always my priority. I will have to open tonight, because while some may not consider books to be a necessity, I guarantee you that it is vital not only for my business, but for some of my night customers that I open every night. I complain about my life a lot, but some of them face issues they can’t simply look up on the internet nor ask a friend or even a therapist. They may urgently need something from the night inventory, and I will do my best to provide it for them. I’ve always loved being a bookseller, but helping nonhumans find whatever fits their very specific needs has given me a sense of purpose I’m not ready to give up just yet.
I will open tonight. And I will protect my business and its rules, to ensure that I can open tomorrow night.
(Note: edited some words to fit in with the location LOL)
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fleshangell · 4 years
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{Warnings} Death, Blood, Gore
This is my first time posting my writing anywhere and I just hope this is good. I've been trying to get this right for a while now. Thank you also to my friend who was my beta reader you really are so amazing! Well enjoy and hopefully I'll make more parts to this soon.
If I can be called anything but a scoundrel I would like to be called darling, love, or, most of all, worthy. Though, I suppose I wasn't even worthy enough to have a nice, fast death. No, no, instead, there I was bleeding, my guts ripped open for the world to see in disgust. I swear that I could hear the dogs near my dying form gag. Speaking of dogs, I should probably say how exactly I even got like that. Well,  that's the thing.... I don't remember. I just woke up like that. I woke up in a dirty celler, guts out, with two dogs chained to the walls next to me. I don't even remember my life before that, nor my name. How I'm able to remember how to write is a miracle.
I laid there dying for who knows how long before the darkness finally took me in their sweet cold embrace. It was a fleeting embrace, like the softest of kisses before my lifeless form was dragged back to the land of the living where I laid on a bed of silks, myself changed out of the bloody clothes and bandages around my injuries.
"So it wasn't a dream..." My first words came as a shock to me honestly. I had only heard my groans and whimpers of pain before this moment. My voice was low yet slivery. I saw a mirror on the side of the bed and looked into it.
That couldn’t be me.... I don't look like that. My face. Was it always this deathly looking? My eyes and cheeks were almost sunken in. My skin was a sickly gray with hints of red. My hair was curly a nightly black so long I swore it could be a cape. My body was masculine, thin, and very tall; was i always like this and didn't see it? I swear my feet reminded me of a bat’s. My hands were long, with sharp claws. My eyes were the worst I believe, yellow and reflecting in the soft light of the room like an animal. Human eyes don't reflect like that, so am I no longer human? If so, then what the hell am I?!
I was stuck looking at myself for a long while, studying and trying to answer that very question with what little clues I had, until I heard a soft knock at the door to the room. I jumped a bit when my trance was broken. My first instinct was to hide, if even possible. I threw the covers over myself and curled up under them. I felt like a child.
I listened to the door opening and someone walking in. Even from their footsteps I could tell they were small. Then they started to hum softly the voice was feminine. The voice and the steps got closer to the bed and I hid more.
"Hello there, Mr. Lavigne. Are you going to keep hiding, or will you let me give you breakfast?" The soft, honey-like voice sang.
Slowly, I peaked out from my covers to see a short, slightly chubby woman. Her hair was that of light waves, and she had freckles on her soft face and hands. Her kind, brown eyes looked gold in the light of the window. She was holding a plate of food in front of her. I slowly got out the covers and sat up. Even sitting down, I dwarfed her.
"Mr. Lavigne, I'm Madeline Harry, but you can just call me Maddie. I'm sure you have many questions, so feel free to ask anything." She smiled softly to me, setting down the food in front of me.
"Um, yes, questions.... First one: um, what's my name? You've called me Mr. Lavigne, but is that really what it is?" I asked quietly, looking down at my food. It's almost all meat.
"Yes, that's indeed your name. You had your full name stitched into the collar of your jacket. Elias "Bo" Lavigne to be exact. Thankfully, it was still intact when you were attacked," she informed as she sat on the bed, not getting too close, though I didn't blame her with my appearance.
"Killed, you mean, Mrs. Harry," I snapped a bit, reminded by the slow pain.
"Yes, unfortunately, that is what happened," she consoled me, nodding a bit.
"’Unfortunately....’ I was laying, bleeding, guts out, not knowing my own fucking name or life, and it's unfortunate.... ‘Unfortunate’ is a cake going bad, Mrs. Harry. Not death," I growled. My emotions were finally getting to me. For a bit, I thought I was numb. At least that was something.
"Well yes, maybe that was an off choice of words. Forgive me, I guess being here and seeing others like you makes you numb to somethings," she said softly to me, her eyes filled slightly with guilt.
"Where exactly is here, and what do you mean ‘others like me’?" I questioned, my brow furrowed slightly.
"Well, others who have died and in a cruel manner of fate and have been brought back, just not in a human from. As for here, this is the house of the displaced. We help those like yourself get ready for your new lives, Mr. Lavigne."
“New lives....” I couldn't even remember my first life. I ate a bit, but the meats honestly didn't taste like anything. It was like chewing on paper.
Madeline must have seen my confusion before giggling a bit, comforting me with an answer. "You may not have your sense of taste for a few days, unfortunately. It takes a bit for your own body to get used to everything."
I nodded before eating a bit more, and maybe I was in a bit of shock from everything, but I stopped after only a few bites.
"Can you tell me everything you remember? I need to get as much information as I can so that you can be comfortable here. Maybe something like your favorite childhood memory?" She got out a notebook and pen, waiting with a soft smile on her face.
"The only thing I remember is my guts opened up in a dirty, shit filled cellar with starving dogs chained to the walls. Madeline, I couldn't remember my own fucking name. I don't even know if I had a life. Maybe it wasn't worth remembering." I chuckled nervously and held myself a bit. This was so much. Who was I?
Madeline just softly rubbed my knee from under the blanket, her eyes soft on me. She didn't say anything for a bit, but in a way, I think she understood.
"I have a small question, though. How was I found?" I finally got the strength to ask.
"A little boy found you. Apparently you were in his family's cellar. Scared him half to death, poor thing. He called the police, and next thing I knew, we were getting a call for a bat person stealing the street cats." She giggled softly.
"But I don't remember that. Or the cats....do I still have the cats?" I asked, surprised and looking around to find any felines in the room.
"Sometimes, when someone comes back like this, they sleepwalk in a way so that your mind clouds and you don't remember anything. Mostly, this sleepwalk helps others see what you were like in your previous life. Apparently, you liked cats. And no, unfortunately, we couldn't let you have any animals. The owner of the house is allergic to fur." She took the rest of my food and got off of the bed. "Speaking of the owner, you're going to be meeting them soon so we can work everything out."
I nodded, watching her clean up a bit, still thinking about, well, everything. She answered my questions for now, but more would come for sure. I waved bye to her as she left the room. I looked at my claws in a trance. Honestly, the way they shined in the light of the room was very pretty.
I sat there for a while before getting the courage to try and walk on my new feet. I will admit, I fell back on the bed the first seven times trying to stand alone. A good four times more making my first steps. Walking was a nightmare, holding onto the dressers and cabinets for dear life. I’m sorry to Madeline for the multiple scratch marks on the furniture. This destruction truly wasn't my intention, and you already seemed like nice woman.
I was holding onto a small vanity like the last life saver in Titanic as a small meow got my attention. I looked to the window to see a small kitten stuck in the tree by my room. I walked over, opening the window, looking at the small creature. It was a black cat with blue eyes, only a month old most likely crying from the height. I was looking around for the mother of the kitten, but no dice. I wanted to help the poor thing, but of course the lord of the house was allergic. But then the kitty looked at me with the softest of eyes and I caved. It was easy to scoop them out of the leaves, holding them close to me as I pet them. I was scared that my claws would hurt them, but it didn't happen.
The kitten was a girl, and due to her black fur I named her Midnight. She sat with me before going to sleep in my arms. I think that this was the first time I'd ever thought that maybe this wouldn't be so bad.
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imastrangeone98 · 4 years
Lost and Found - Chapter 16: One Last Obstacle
(A/N: the ultimate showdown is beginning to make an appearance! I'm pretty excited, wby non-existent fans??)
Here's some bad nice little filler before the main event. Also wow spoiler alert: I made Gabriel a super creep and it made my skin crawl just writing it
Also wow this is the longest chapter by far I think. Beware XD
WARNING: this chapter may contain sensitive discussion on god and religion. If you're someone easily sensitive to this, then plz do not read
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The trio landed on the marble floor, quickly examining their surroundings in shock.
"What the hell happened?" Lady asked, gripping tightly at the Kalina Ann.
"Is it me, or is everyone dead?" Dante chimed in, kicking at a nearby corpse.
Faith closed her eyes, and felt around her surroundings, searching for any emotion from the fallen angels- fear, pain, despair, anything- only to find absolutely nothing. "It seems that with God's purification, the angels somehow lost the source of their power, and the loss of it must have been too much for them to handle."
"Honestly, if you... purified it- Him... shouldn't they get stronger?" Her friend scratched her head in confusion. Lady always hated when something couldn't quite click in her head.
"Perhaps... the angels were never as angelic as the Bible made them out to be. And God was not the holy being that everyone believed Him to be."
The half-demon hummed. "I mean, look at His insides. That shit was black as sin."
She flinched. "Dante. Lady. You need to leave now."
"What? Why?" He turned to her, reeking confusion. "They're all dead; we can go home."
"No," the nephilim corrected. Panic began to settle in her bones. "There's one left."
"How? Who?"
"The strongest of all. Gabriel." Fear made her stomach churn. She frantically pushed them towards the exit high above. "Dante, I want you to fly Lady back."
There was a soft beat of wings somewhere in the cavern.
He approaches.
"What?! No! What about you?" Lady stubbornly planted her feet on the floor. "We're not leaving without you."
"Ditto." Dante placed his hands of Faith's shoulders; they were shaking. "I'm not losing anyone else."
He's scared, she realized. He was terrified; he had lost his mother and his brother- he refused to lose any more that he cared for... Like me.
"Dante..." she tried to reassure him, holding his trembling hand. "I'll be okay-"
His hand suddenly squeezed hers painfully. "We need to go. Now."
Faith's head ached. "Go!" She pushed at her friends, urging them to hurry. "Go!"
Time stood still. The overwhelming grief that suddenly filled her was physically staggering. Images flew through her mind- images of a beautiful young woman in a flowing white dress, of her smiling at someone, of her taking a walk in a blooming meadow with a small bundle in her arms-
Of her face twisted in agony as her wings were ripped out of her shoulder blades.
Faith collapsed to the ground. Her entire body trembled. Tears spilled out of her eyes, and she squeezed them shut.
Why? Why did that hurt her so much? She didn't even know that woman, yet she could feel the pain. Her shoulders burned, as if it were her wings that were being ripped off.
"Faith!" Someone called to her. Who...? "What's wrong? Come on, we need to go!" Warm hands cradled her, and she was suddenly lifted into the air. "Hey, asshole! Leave us alone!"
A voice boomed, "GIVE HER TO ME!" It was so strong, it felt like her bones were shaking.
"FUCK YOU!" a high-pitched voice screamed.
Her body felt heavy, a useless weight in someone's arms. She would only slow them down.
And that was exactly the archangel's plan.
Pain rippled throughout her entire being. More images of the mysterious woman flashed behind her eyelids.
"Let me go," she croaked out. "Run."
"No!" Oh, so it was Dante. His cinnamon fragrance was familiar. How had she not recognized it earlier? "We can make it!"
"It's me he's after," she said, looking up at her companion. It hit her- this could be the last time she would see him. No doubt Gabriel had something horrendous planned for her. With some effort, she stroked his cheek. "I'll hold him off. Go home."
Something wet fell on her cheek. And she was shocked to see him cry. "I won't leave you."
He would fight. She knew this. If it meant that she'd go with them, he'd do anything. And she refused to see him die trying to do so.
"I'll be okay," she whispered, patting his arm. "Trust me."
Lady rushed to their side, tears streaming down her cheeks- no doubt it was Gabriel's handiwork. "We can't hold him off! What do we do?"
Dante was silent for a few precious seconds. Then, slowly- painfully- he set Faith on her feet.
"Dante...?" Oh, no- she suspected something.
"We need to go." His voice was brittle; the fear and heartbreak that radiated from him was almost enough to break Faith completely. Almost.
Lady stared at him, the suspicion gleaming in her eyes. "What's going-"
Instantly Triggering, he grabbed his friend's arms, hoisting her up. "No time. It's ride or die."
"Bye, Lady." Faith brushed her fingers over her cheek, one last time, embedding it to memory. "I'll see you soon."
"Wait, what-?!" She never got to finish her sentence, as she immediately started screaming when the half-demon took off, zooming through the exit above them.
They took her heart with them.
But of course, there was no time to mourn. Gabriel was upon her. And she would have to face him, whether she was ready or not.
And she turned, finding herself face to face with the archangel himself.
And archangel he was indeed. His entire form radiated power: he stood tall above her, sunlight eyes ablaze with some emotion even Faith couldn't quite explain, hair as fine as corn-silk delicately framing his face, his body rippling with pulsing energy that nearly sent her reeling.
Yet she remained standing. Her violin- pieced back together and lined with new gold- manifested in her hands. "I know who you are," she managed to say, swallowing down her fear and growing sense of deja vu. "And I'm not afraid of you."
"Nor should you be," he replied, brushing a stray hair out of her face. A gentle smile traced his face. "You have her eyes."
"Whose eyes?" she asked, beginning to wonder if talking with him any further was a good idea. Despite his smile, something sinister lurked underneath.
Something... unclean.
"Elizabeth." His eyes turned soft, like marigolds swaying in a breeze. "Your mother. I see the resemblance." A finger lovingly stroked her cheek. "You never knew her. I always regretted that."
She shuddered, the gesture leaving goosebumps on her skin. "I don't know what it is you speak of. But I know you're looking for a fight. So I'll give you one."
"Now, now. Violence is not necessary here." He circled her, occasionally poking at her sides, or tugging her hair, or taking note of her many scars. "She was very beautiful. And you are so..." He paused, a slight grimace taking over his features. "...Not."
Why was his voice so... wrong? Why did it send shivers down her spine?
"How strange, don't you think?" he mused, resting a hand on her head, ignoring the way she flinched under his touch. "Human blood taints everything it touches. So much war, so much hatred, so much death. Conflicts arise from the slightest wound of pride, divisions built over meager physical differences. It could have all been stopped, had your human weakness not gotten in the way."
"Weakness?" She gazed at her scars, traced the marks on her neck and shoulder. "Or strength?"
"Strength?" he cackled. "What strength do you have? Everyone you loved, and everyone who loved you, now exist only in your memory."
"Not everyone." Dante. Lady.
"Humanity is a weakness, my dear. All we wanted to do was save it." He stroked her neck with a brush of his hand, and she could just feel the wonder he had- the shared dream of a new heaven and a new earth, a gold-and-crystal kingdom and shining gates of pearl, all of His people equal in His eyes, filled with unabashed joy-
Nothing but joy, united under one shared mind. No memories, no talents, no blessedly unique moments shared between one another.
A white canvas. An empty note.
"You'd turn them into dolls," she realized with horror. "You'd take away everything from them. Everything that makes them who they are."
"You say that like it's a bad thing." Delicately smoothing down her hair, he continued, "There would be no more pain. No more suffering. You and your friends," he eyed her scars, "would be free."
"Just not from you. And besides..." She gazed at her scars, thought of Lady's eyes, of Dante's sharp teeth. "Differences make us unique."
Gabriel released a heaving sigh. "And here I was hoping we could still... cooperate." He slid away from her, much to her relief. His hands were much too cold. "Your blood may be tainted, but it still holds power. Why use it to protect those who are only destined to die?"
"I don't know. Why did God make us so vulnerable?"
His eyes hardened. "Do not insult Father."
"He's dead," she retorted. "And the way I see it, He's always done better when He was silent."
"You insolent-" He stopped himself and sucked in a deep breath. "You're just like your mother."
Faith froze. "What?"
"Before she died, she said the exact same thing." Rage simmered within him, just barely held back by an almost impossible amount of patience. "What a pity that you will die just the same."
With a swipe of his hand, a paintbrush manifested in his grip, and he sent a flash of gold and hatred flying towards her.
On instinct, she summoned her violin and eased a soothing note through the air. When they clashed, it was like the world itself exploded. Bodies and chunks of marble flew everywhere.
The scar on Faith's heart ached. Before she could stop it, blood leaked out of her chest, coalescing into the all too familiar form of her father.
Gabriel sneered. "So. He's decided to make an appearance. Well then..." With a few strokes of his brush, a form of a woman began to emerge- with luscious hair that tumbled off her shoulders, piercing honey eyes, and beautiful wings that shimmered with a thousand colors.
She radiated power, much like Gabriel- no, they were practically equals. And even worse...
She seemed so... familiar. Had she seen this angel before?
Whoever she was, her father seemed to know her. They seemed to be watching each other, and they radiated so many emotions it nearly sent Faith reeling- betrayal, hope, longing, love?
"아빠?" she called out quietly. "괜찮아?"
Slowly, the ghost nodded. A violin took form in his hands, and he raised it to his chin.
"A touching family reunion?" Gabriel cackled. "I suppose it's a good thing you'll join them."
She huffed; the faces of her beloved friends floated just behind her eyelids. "Well, I suppose you'll have to kill me first." As she began to play, Bach's Parita No. 2 flowing through the air, she announced, "And if you want to kill me, pray that I don't Fade you first."
A/N: it's always the filler that's kinda boring, that's kinda the shitty part about writing stories and I'm not good at writing filler like this
But then again I'm not all that great at writing action either, especially the weird action that's gonna happen in the next chapter so
Whatever it's fine XD no one reads this anyway!
아빠? - dad?   괜찮아? - are you okay?
Edit: read chapter 17! :D
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hockeytrashgoblin · 5 years
What are you so scared of ~ William Nylander
A/N: Soooooo it gets kind of smutty at the end but it’s not so bad. Just beware I guess??
I was sitting in the arena for the world juniors, watching sweden play their last game in the tournament against the US. It was the bronze medal game and I knew that William wasn’t happy about being in that game. We had talked about it a couple days beforehand on the phone. He had no idea that I was here right now watching him, he thought I was watching on tv back in Canada with my family and his. Well some of his. His dad, Michelle, and Jaquline were sitting here with me but the rest were in Canada.
Our families had been friends for quite a while now to the point where we were almost one giant family. The only reason I was allowed to come this far by myself was because I was meeting up with the Nylanders. I was the same age as Alex and everyone had hoped that we would get along well. We did but it was nothing compared to what I had with William. 
William was my best friend in the whole world and I was madly in love with him of course. It wasn’t that bad since William was really flirty and touchy all the time so it felt like we were dating sometimes even though we weren’t. It was just so hard to not like him. This boy draws energy straight from sunshine and projects it out into the world with his smile. He was so cute. I broke out of my train of thought by Jackie elbowing me in the side.
“Okay what was that for?!”
“You were thinking about William again.”
“Was not.” I mumbled making their dad laugh.
“You don’t need to sit here daydreaming about him, he’s literally right there. Right there.” she said pointing.
“I see him Jackie. I’ve been watching him this whole time.” 
She rolled her eyes but then our attention was brought back to the ice. Time was running out and the US ended up winning. We were all a little bummed out walking back to where family could meet up with their players. I stayed hidden while William came out and hugged everyone. He looked sad and that was heartbreaking.
“We have a surprise for you William!” Michelle said letting her brother go.
“I’m not in the mood for surprises.” he mumbled.
“Well I think you’re gonna like this one. Go out to the hallway.”
“Michelle come on why-”
“Just go!” I heard her yell pushing him out the door. He looked down the hall and when he saw me he dropped all his stuff and ran to me. He picked me up and I wrapped my arms and legs around him on instinct. And ya know, just because I wanted to.
“Hi, Love.” I said smiling wide.
“(Y/N) how did you get here? I can’t believe you’re here!”
“I wanted to be here for you at the end of this game. I got here this morning and met up with your family.”
“Your parents let you go alone?”
“I know, wild. If it had been anyone else I don’t think they would’ve let me.”
“Alright you two break it up.” Jackie said coming out to the hall. William rolled his eyes and put me down but he still kept a hand on my waist. “Willy, you’ve still got interviews and stuff to do. We’re going to go and meet you back here later.”
“We’re taking your equipment too so you don’t have to worry about it.” Michael chimed in.
“Okay thanks.” he turned to me, “Do you want to go with them?”
“Do you want me to go with them?”
“No.” he said bluntly making me laugh.
“Then I’ll stay here with you.”
“Alright then, that’s decided. We’ll see you two later.” Michelle said wiggling her eyebrows at us.
“Just text when you’re ready. We’ll go out to eat, to celebrate.”
“Okay cool. Bye dad.”
William put his arm around my shoulder and led me back into the family room. We found a free love seat and sat down together.
“I can’t believe you came all this way to see me.”
“Of course I came to see you. Don’t be crazy, I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”
“What about work?”
“I took a few days off.”
“(Y/N) this is insane.” he laughed hugging me again.
“Hey Nylander stop being all over her and put your hat on.” the coach said throwing a yellow hat at William. 
“Sorry coach, I guess I just got too excited.”
“That’s okay just make sure you get to your interview in time. It’s in a few minutes.”
“Oh shit right. Let’s go (Y/N).” he grabbed my hand and pulled me up. He didn’t let go of it though as we walked through the maze of hallways and I wasn’t complaining. When we got to where the interviews were going to take place he dropped my hand and hugged me again with his arms around my shoulders. I had to try my best to not breathe in too hard so it wouldn’t be obvious that I was getting lost in the smell of him. He was home for me and all I wanted was to be close to him. 
“I have to go talk to them now. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” he kissed my forehead and then went to talk to everyone. He was distracted though and kept smiling at me behind the camera. He was also speaking Swedish which made the butterflies in my stomach go insane. I loved when he spoke it. I didn’t notice it was done until he was back face to face with me.
“How was that?” I asked carefully seeing sadness in his eyes.
“It was fine.” he said smiling but I could tell it was fake.
“Are you okay, love?”
“Yeah I’m good. Do you want to text my dad to come back and get us now?”
“Sure I can do that.”
“Thanks.” he gathered his winter stuff and started putting it on while I messaged Michael.
A little while later we were finishing dinner at a really fancy place. I didn’t know why they picked here but the food was good and I wasn’t paying so it wasn’t too bad. William had been quiet the whole dinner. He was sitting beside me so I had been holding his hand pretty much the whole time trying to make him feel better about the loss. After we were done eating William and I climbed into the back of the car to begin the somewhat long drive back to his hotel.
“Where are you staying?” William asked me.
“I actually hadn’t thought of that. I’ll probably just try to get a room in the hotel your sisters are staying at.”
“Please stay with me? I want you around tonight.”
“Absolutely Will, the whole reason I’m here is for you.” I rested my head on his shoulder until we got to the hotel. Everyone climbed out and helped bring William’s stuff up to his room.
“So what’s the plan now?” his dad asked sitting on the desk chair.
“I’m tired after the game so I’m not feeling up to much right now. (Y/N) is staying here with me though.”
“Okay well that’s good to know. One less thing to worry about. We’ll let you two catch up and sleep then maybe meet up tomorrow for lunch?”
“Yeah that sounds good to me. What about you?”
“Free lunch? I’m on board.” I said making them all laugh.
“Alright then. Lunch it is!” Michael said getting up and ushering the girls out. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Bye dad.”
“Oh and Will?”
“Be safe.” 
“Oh my god. Dad shut up.” he threw a pillow at the door but his dad had already closed the door laughing. “I’m sorry about that..”
“It’s okay.” I was too busy blushing at the floor to really look at him. If I had looked at him I would’ve seen him look the exact same way.
“I don’t know where he gets ideas like that from.” he said flopping down on the small bed.
“Yeah I dunno.” yes I did. Probably the talking with his sisters in front of him on my end is what did it. 
“Oh well. Come lay with me.”
“Oh? Maybe your dad was right?” I teased crawling up the bed.
“Shut up smartass.” he giggled before pulling me down on top of him.
“Be nice to me. I came all this way.”
“I know you did. I still can’t believe it. Why would you do that.” he brushed your hair out of your face with one hand and had the other one resting across your back holding you to him as he searched your eyes for answers.
“William you sounded so sad on the phone the other day when we talked.” I said looking down and picking lint of his chest. “I couldn’t just stay there knowing you needed me here.”
“Herregud(oh my god).” he giggled and hugged me tighter. “I don’t know what I would do without you..”
“You’ll never have to know what you’d do. I’m not going anywhere.” I looked back into his blue eyes and smiled. He sat up awkwardly bringing you up with him making me giggle. “Will what are you doing?”
“Ugh can’t you just cooperate or help or something?” he said in a teasing tone while situating me on his lap. Out of all the things to be close that we’d done we had never sat like this before. I had never been on his lap with his hands on my thighs drawing patterns with his fingers. I blushed and had to look somewhere else besides his eyes.
“You sweetheart, no. Don’t be sorry I was just kidding.”
“What happened at the interviews after the game? You got so sad.”
“I didn’t get sad.”
“Liar.” I said rolling my eyes. “I can read you like a book Nylander. It’s not hard to tell when you smile and it doesn’t go to your eyes like it usually does.”
“They were just asking me over and over again what I did wrong, what I could’ve done better, if I felt like I let people down. All that kind of stuff.” it was his turn to break eye contact and looked down at his hands on my legs.
“I’m so sorry William. If I had understood what they said I would’ve gotten you out of there or something.”
“You don’t have to be sorry. You don’t speak Swedish, how would you have ever known?”
“I’m trying to learn. But I’m not good yet. I’m still sorry they were being rude to you.” I laid my head on his shoulder and put my hand on his chest. “Do you feel like you let people down, Will?”
“I don’t really know.” he said after a bit of silence. “I don’t think I let down the team because I did a lot. I tried my hardest and got some goals and points. I know my dad isn’t disappointed in me but I feel like I kind of let him down by not getting farther. I feel like I let my sisters and you down completely though. Especially you.”
“Me? Will why would you think that?” I lifted my head in surprise. I brought my hand from his chest to his cheek trying to soothe him. He brought his hand up to hold mine on his face.
“You came all this way and all I did was lose.”
“Love, I’ve seen you lose before. Like hundreds of times.”
“Okay I don’t think it’s been hundreds.” he said rolling his eyes.
“Willy come on. I’ve been watching you since we were 5. That’s a lot of games. That’s all I meant. Why would I be disappointed in you now?”
“This was a really big game.” he shrugged turning his head away. I pulled his face back to look at me.
“You listen to me. You could lose game 7 of the stanley cup finals and you still wouldn’t let me down.”
“Yea really. I’m forever proud of you, love. Nothing is going to change that. Especially not a loss.”
“This is why I needed you here.”
“I’m here for you no matter what. You know that.” I went to give him a kiss on the cheek but he turned his head at the last minute and caught my lips with his. I was shocked but didn’t move as he moved his hands to hold onto my face. I finally clued in to what was happening and I started kissing him back really taking in every detail of kissing William. The way his lips were chapped from being on the ice all the time, how the kiss was soft but he had full control of it, the different amounts of pressure at different times leaving me wanting more. I tangled my hands in his long blonde locks to try and get closer. His hands on my hips were pushing me down onto his growing erection. I pulled back to get my breathing under control but that didn’t work because William attached his lips to my neck, almost as if he couldn’t stand not having his lips on me. I moaned when he started leaving a mark on me. The sound brought me back to the situation and I opened my eyes in panic, pulling back.
“Hey, hey, hey, what’s wrong?” William asked with worry and hurt in his eyes.
“I’m sorry.” I couldn’t look in his eyes and I tried to get off of him but he stopped me.
“Don’t be sorry. Tell me what’s wrong. You always run when something’s wrong. Did I do something you didn’t want me to do? You seemed so into it..”
“No Willy, it’s nothing you did. You didn’t do anything I didn’t want you to.”
“So why are you so pale? You’re panicking.” he moved his arms to rub up and down mine soothingly but that just made me want to touch him more.
“I’m scared..”
“Scared? Of what?”
“I don’t know.” William looked at me sadly and moved his hands to sit on my hips again rubbing circles into the skin where my shirt had risen. 
“Sweetheart you do. Tell me.” I didn’t respond and he tried again. “What are you so scared of?”
“I just don’t want to do things with you because I’m here and it’s convenient for you. The thought of that is scary and I don’t think I’d be able to handle that. It would hurt. Besides we’re friends.”
“(Y/n), we’re not just friends and you know it. You wouldn’t have come all this way to see just a friend. We wouldn’t be as close as we are if we were just friends. I wouldn’t have kissed you if we were just friends.”
“I know..”
“So you have nothing to be scared of. I’d never use you like that. I’ve never wanted you because you’re convenient. I’ve wanted you because you’re hot.”
“Shut up.” I said laughing smacking his chest.
“Well it’s true. This time though it wasn’t completely because you’re hot.”
“Oh do elaborate.” I said sarcastically rolling my eyes.
“There was just something about the way you were talking to me today. I’ve never felt more loved before in my life.”
“Well that’s because I love you more than anything.” I said shrugging.
“Don’t say that like it’s not a big deal.”
“I didn’t mean it like that. It’s definitely a big deal.”
“Do you really mean it?”
“Will you say it again?” he asked blushing with a smile on his face.
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
“One more time?”
“William!” I yelled laughing at him.
“I love you, (Y/n).” I couldn’t stop the smile on my face getting wider from his words. “Now can I please kiss you again? I just want my mouth on you..”
“Please.” I whined. I barely got it out before his lips were back on mine. They didn’t stay there long though as he started down my neck again making me moan. “William please.”
“What? I like hearing you moan because of me. And it’s so easy.” he teased me nibbling on my sensitive skin.
“Asshole.” I said making him giggle. “Get on with it.”
“Hold your horses, goddamn. I just want to enjoy your body.”
“You can enjoy my body anytime you want.”
“Well in that case.” he said flipping me over making me squeal. He crawled in between my legs and settled there. I lifted my hips to meet his making him moan. 
“I want you William. So bad..”
“You’ve got me baby, I’m yours.” he took his shirt off before standing to unbutton his pants. “We’re a little too dressed for the occasion though.”
“Shit true..” I said taking in the beautiful boy in front of me, still not taking my clothes off, just watching him. He smirked at me before crawling back up the bed to me.
“Baby, why are you still dressed?”
“I wanted to look at you. You’re fucking hot.”
“That was blunt.” he said laughing.
“I think we’re past the point of me not saying what I really want to.”
“I think you’re right. Now about these..” he brought me up with him and slipped my sweater off of me gasping when seeing that I had no bra on underneath. “I love that you do that. You think I don’t know but I can feel it sometimes when you don’t wear a bra. I think it’s so hot.”
“It’s comfier.”
“You’ll never hear me complain.” he started kissing down my chest, leaving hickeys all over my breast, me moaning the whole time. He unbuttoned my pants and started to take them off, sitting up to pull them down my legs. I got up and pushed him down on the bed getting on top of him again.
“You’re so hot.” I said scratching my nails up and down his chest leaving marks on his neck and collar bones.
“You’re leaving so many marks.” he moaned.
“Excuse me? You’re one to talk, look at my boobs!”
“Gladly.” he said with a stupid grin on his face.
“I hate you.” I rolled my eyes at him.
“No you don’t, you love me.” he said pulling me down to meet his lips in a much hungrier kiss than anything we’d shared before. His hands traveled down to my ass and smacked hard making me gasp loudly. “Do you like that baby? Like when I spank you?”
“Uh huh.” I agreed quietly hiding my face in his neck so he wouldn’t see me blush. He did it again making me moan out. “Fuck Will..”
“Don’t be embarrassed baby, I like it. Everything about you is so hot, don’t worry.” he moved around until I was on my back next to him and he was propped up on his side. “Can I touch you?”
“Yes, yes please William, please touch me.”
“You don’t need to beg tonight sweetheart, you can have everything you want.” he kissed the side of my head and slid his hand down my underwear finally giving me contact I had been so badly wanting. He let two of his fingers slip into me while his thumb applied steady pressure to my clit. “(Y/n) you’re fucking soaked..”
“I have been since I saw you on the ice today.” I said accidentally. William stopped moving his fingers and looked at me, I was worried that I had fucked something up by saying that.
“That’s so fucking hot. Just seeing me makes you this wet?”
“All the time Willy. I’m always wet when you’re around.”
“Jesus..” he sat up and started pumping his fingers faster and faster getting me close to my high before pushing me over the edge with a shout of his name.
“Love, please..” I said quietly when I had calmed down.
“What do you need?”
“Your cock in me. Like right now. Please?”
“Shit..yeah. Yeah one second.” he got up and slid off his boxers facing away from me. I got an excellent view of his perfect ass and thighs. I wanted him so bad I thought I was going to cry. He turned around and I didn’t know if that was better or worse. Willy was hung. Not super thick but long, and bigger than average.
“William pleeease.” I whined again trying to get some friction from nothing while waiting for him. I took off my underwear, absolutely desperate for him and not wanting to take any more time than necessary.
“Shh baby I’m right here, I’ll give you what you want.” he got on top of me again and the skin to skin contact was so much, felt so nice. “Are you ready? I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Will, I’m good. Please get in me. I’ve been waiting for this for so long..”
“Okay..” he said quietly before kissing me and thrusting into me. I moaned but it was muffled by the kiss as he started up a slow rhythm. 
And that’s how the night went. Most of it was spent tangled up together, soft moans coming from both of us as we took our time enjoying each others bodies for the first time. We had both waited so long for it and we didn’t want it to end. Once it did though I fell asleep in the arms of the man I loved and nothing had ever felt better than waking up to him the next day too. I could’ve done without the teasing from his family the next day at lunch but I was too happy to really care.
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