#and like post it and then id type out the rest and post em too
aria0fgold · 1 year
It may just be the sleep deprivation, but yaknwo what? I'm going to post the whumptober snippets I've written, fuck shame yall gonna be seeing some embarrassing and self-indulgent OC snippets.
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parse-c · 5 months
Nuclear Energy
ىة ي ن و ىه ا ىة ن قًز ينةم ىةنوًىة
‏Nuclear energy
It’s only now I realize it’s precede by a phonetic equivalent of “agape” so they’re adhering to the Christian principle of letting all that you do be done in love.
Or I was; I am that one who typed it. It’s really snarky and ironic that the rest of what I typed was sub Spanish for “is equal to that of the USA.” Started out as a post on water.
On the sly, wherever the programmers are located they said hey. We’ve got something equal to the United States too.
Time passed, things cooled down. And whatever this was became a little playful. And that’s what im going to show you.
This: ‏‎ىةيً نوى زرنقً ز ى ة ن وً ى ة
now translates as “this is a zircon nuclei”
An earlier version, below, is a credible enough guide, made proven by the end of this schpiel.
So, let’s get after it:
‎‏‎ىةيً نوى زرنقً ز ى ة ن وً ى ة
This is a blue nuclei
Despite the plurality of nucleus (nuclei), this contains calligraphic alliants:
‎ز ى ة ن وً ى ة
identifiable reps of“Os”, and “Gu”.
Os is the old Norse word for their supreme God, represented by the rune ᚩ.
Gu is Chinese (古) meaning “ancient,” though they referred to G-D as Shen.
Then there’s a second appearance of “Os” and a similar letter to “j” I can’t explain.
Anyways here the numbers I got from attempting to recombine the digits, using Hebrew and Greek numeric values. Aiming for either RGB or CMYK color coordinates.
‎ز ى ة ن وً ى ة
11, 28, 16, 25, 27, 28, 16
112, 81, 62 | 52, 72, 81
120, 162, 52 | 71, 81, 6
11, 28, 16 | 252, 72, 81
As you can see it took me a few tries.
Kept ending up with leftovers. Then i tried using the prompt as a guide.
Plenty of word play. So I had to get a little more creative.
For example, subjectively the word “This” triggers Arabic “hisan” for me, meaning horse. I once had a paranormal experience resulting in a picture of a blue horse. So I knew to tally the values of the word “this” and plug ‘em in.
I came up with a working schedule.
R: 61
B: 81
G : 152
Key: 45
Cyan : 161
Magenta : 28
Yellow : 27
Ended up scrapping some of the coordinates because they altered the color harmfully once id reached the prespecified destination.
Life’s like that sometimes. Sometimes we have to scrap blind obedience in favor of balance and accord with earlier wishes and what we feel to be right rather than what we are told is right.
Anyways, the key alters the previously entered coordinates. But here’s the hex code: #384a8c.
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It’s a beautiful hue of almost an indigo-blue.
Well, thanks for reading. I’ll keep y’all update on more of the universe’s less-than-subtle cues.
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kozhergoy · 6 months
Insights from a SPHXZ
𐂃༄༉༅༊༣༢༡ ᚹᛜ ᚱᛏᚺ
Google Translate Arabic has lately been teasing my nosy ass with these randomly discovered calligrams that proclaim to be nuclear weapons. Example:
ىة ي ن و ىه ا ىة ن قًز ينةم ىةنوًىة
‏Nuclear energy
It’s only now I realize it’s precede by a phonetic equivalent of “agape” so they’re adhering to the Christian principle of letting all that you do be done in love.
Or I was; I am that one who typed it. It’s really snarky and ironic that the rest of what I typed was sub Spanish for “is equal to that of the USA.” Started out as a post on water.
On the sly, wherever the programmers are located they said hey. We’ve got something equal to the United States too.
Time passed, things cooled down. And whatever this was became a little playful. And that’s what im going to show you.
This: ‏‎ىةيً نوى زرنقً ز ى ة ن وً ى ة
now translates as “this is a zircon nuclei”
An earlier version, below, is a credible enough guide, made proven by the end of this schpiel.
So, let’s get after it:
‎‏‎ىةيً نوى زرنقً ز ى ة ن وً ى ة
This is a blue nuclei
‎ز ى ة ن وً ى ة
identifiable reps of“Os”, and “Gu”.
Os is the old Norse word for their supreme God.
Gu is Chinese meaning “ancient,” though they referred to G-D as Shen.
then there’s “guo”, meaning “cross” in Chinese. A reference to Jesus?
Then there’s a second appearance of “Os” and a similar letter to “j” I can’t explain. Second coming?
Anyways here the numbers I got from attempting to recombine the digits.
‎ز ى ة ن وً ى ة
11, 28, 16, 25, 27, 28, 16
112, 81, 62 | 52, 72, 81
120, 162, 52 | 71, 81, 6
11, 28, 16 | 252, 72, 81
As you can see it took me a few tries.
Kept ending up with leftovers. Then i tried using the prompt as a guide.
Plenty of word play.
For example, subjectively the word “This” triggers Arabic “hisan” for me, meaning horse. I once had a paranormal experience resulting in a picture of a blue horse. So I knew to tally the values of the word “this” and plug ‘em in.
I came up with a working schedule.
R: 61
B: 81
G : 152
Key: 45
Cyan : 161
Magenta : 28
Yellow : 27
Ended up scrapping some of the colors because they altered the color harmfully once id reached the prespecified destination.
Life’s like that sometimes. Sometimes we have to scrap blind obedience in favor of balance and accord with earlier wishes and what we feel to be right rather than what we are told is right.
Anyways, here’s the hex code: #384a8c. It’s a beautiful hue of almost an indigo-blue, just like the translation said it’d be.
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Well, thanks for reading. I’ll keep y’all update on more of the universe’s less-than-subtle cues.
I like to look up the Strong’s biblical concordance of the numbers there if things look right and they’re short enough.
However this works, I stemmed to slip into an oxbow of the internets winding river. Rearranging letters and came across this:
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The names have been changed to protect the innocent.
I was dating this girl in my early 20’s. We’ll call her Suavamente. Suavamente was a tall, thick white girl with an amazing smile. She was going to school for social work. I don’t know how to put this delicately but she had Aztec fever. She really had a thing for Mexican dudes. Now Chug ain’t Mexican but the caucasity flowing through his veins left him just brown enough to have people assume he’s any type of brown person someone really likes or dislikes at the first moment he encounters them. That assumption, led her to agreeing to a date with me because she thought she had landed a “tall Mexican”. A few weeks later we’re lying post coital on my futon when I tell Suavamente that I made her black by injection. She smiles and quickly pivots the conversation to if I was ready to meet her family later. I told her confidently that I was and that I’m good with parents. She smiles and simply says “we’ll see! We will see!”
Fast forward a few hours and I’m sitting at her dinner table with her mom, grandma, her little brother and her Mexican stepdad who spoke almost no English because her mom had Aztec fever too. We’re eating a delightful meal when Suavamente looks at her mom and says “mom did you realize that I’m black?! Everyone in her family looks at her confused. She looks at me and says “tell ‘em Chug?!” Mom, grandma and baby brother all stare at me and my head drops. Her mom. We’ll call her Tina gives me a “well!?” In a very Ted Knight in caddy shack fashion but more amused than annoyed. Still looking down I mumble “she’s black by injection” “LOUDER?!” says Tina. I realize am not getting out of this so I lift my head and I say loudly “SHE’S BLACK BY INJECTION!” Tina and Tina sr. start laughing…hard. Baby Brother and Mexican stepdad are sitting there confused. Suavamente translates what’s going on for Mexican stepdad because Tina didn’t speak spanish and he joins in on the laughter. All I could think was great I’m getting clowned bilingually. Because all Mexican stepdad could get out between laughs is the Spanish translation of black by injection. Enduring this level of embarrassment should have been the end of the story but Suavamente and I were on and off for a few years.
Buttchug runs for the border This is a little Buttchug side quest in the Suavamente chronicles. If you’re unfamiliar, go read my previous post to catch up but long story short Suavamente was a girl I dated on again off again in my 20’s who was really into Mexican men and started dating me because she thought I was a “tall Mexican.” That becomes important later.
Fun fact about buttchug, despite all my misadventures I am friends with almost all of the women who have seen my penis. Awkward wedding, another on again off again in buttchugs rogues gallery of lovers was getting married in Arizona and invited a large group of her friends to all attend. This was the very first of many awkward weddings for me. Because I had to resist answering the question “how did I know the bride?” with just one word… “biblically.”
Now while Awkward Wedding was prepping for her wedding, everyone she invited decided to spend a day in Mexico. In this group was my friend Manbearpig, his mom Mama Manbearpig (rest in peace) and two more of the Awkward Weddings. We’ll call them AW2 and AW3 respectively. Our day in Mexico was amazing but otherwise uneventful. Now I mentioned in my previous post that my light milk chocolate skin makes most brown people assume I’m one of their kin while making most white people think I’m the brown person they like or dislike in the moment. Because of this, I get a lot of scrutiny when traveling and this is spring 2002. The event that I’m about to describe is a weird combination of both of these phenomena.
I bring my shopping bags up to the border control agent who is Mexican. He starts looking at me suspiciously and when I give him my ID he starts grilling me. “Are you Mexican?” He asks. “No.” I respond. Too dumb to realize what is happening. “Are you SURE you’re not Mexican?! At this point I’m beginning to pick up what he’s putting down. “Nah brah! I’m from NY and just brown.” I’m trying to retain my composure. I hate being asked the same question over and over. The agent starts speaking Spanish to me and despite me dipping my ink into a girl with Aztec fever on and off for a few years I never learned a lick of Spanish despite a few cusses and SUAVEMENTE! Besa me! Before launching into some Spanish gibberish similar to Aunt Bunny’s “gooneygoogool” I’m getting frustrated. “Dude I don’t speak Spanish.” Interrupting. “Are you sure you’re not Mexican?!” At this point he’s been touching my jackass button like a clumsy big fingered teenager finding the clit for the first time and I say very loudly to this border control agent. “DUDE! I am too TALL to be MEXICAN!” The look that came over this man’s face was frightening. And he starts mumbling in Spanish like Ricky Ricardo getting ready to cuss out Lucy. In this moment, I know that I am going to a clay cell in Mexico and the Bush administration won’t be trading any arms dealers for my dumb, unfamous ass. He looks at me then glowers at Manbearpig, his mama and both Awkward Weddings and says. “Get him out of my sight!” I quickly gather my shit and as I’m walking away being careful to not look back I say “Woo! Time to make a run for the border!” I haven’t been back to Mexico. Simply I just haven’t had the opportunity to travel there but I’m sure there is still a border control agent with an ax to grind. The last part of the Suavemente chronicles is coming up. I realize now I can do an awkward weddings spin-off as well.
You know what’s funny. I told you both of those stores to tell you this one. Like I said Suavamente and I were on and off for a few years. I really dug her but never could be the Mexican bad boy she truly wanted. There was an instance where she was telling me she wanted to see my “bad boy” side. I was like “do you want me to knock over an old lady or something?!” This dynamic was persistent throughout our time together and the story I’m about to tell happened because I was trying to give her what she wanted.
When I got back from Mexico I went to her house to bring her the gifts I brought her. This led to a spirited round of lovemaking and after we had another discussion over my “lack off edge.” When we were done we decided to shower together. While ran the water, I threw my glasses on her bed. In the shower I became determined to prove to her that I was the bad boy she desired. And while Wait the whisper song was a few years away from being released. I’m doing some Yin Yang Twins level self talk in my head because I was determined to “beat that pussy up.” So I spent my time in the shower silently psyching myself up while the thoughts I had felt about as natural as an oral bowel movement.
Suavamente steps out of the shower and begins drying herself with a towel. I stand there frozen for a moment my internal monologue sounds like Gollum and Smeagol arguing. “Grab the tricksy girl. She wants it. We wants it?” “Oh no we mustn’t. We could hurts the precious.” “Oh you are so weak! She told you she wants that from us.”
To say I grabbed her was an understatement. I fucking snatched and spun her so hard, her soul had to catch up. Suavamente was confused. “what are you doing?!” Now I have a decently deep voice but in this moment I channeled Barry White through my ancestors and said “Round two.” Suavamente smiled. “It’s like that?! I pulled her close and said. “It’s like that. I could tell I did something right because she was turned on. Backing up She walked me closer to the bed and said smiling “ding! Ding!” I dropped her towel and shoved Suavamente onto the her bed…hard. To me, she fell in slow motion. I was ready to pounce the second she hit bed but when she did her facial expression changed. Her face contorted and she winced.
“I think I sat on your glasses.” She said raising her pretty hot and tempting legs and ass in the air. I scan the bed for my glasses and they weren’t there. I put my hands on the bed and feel around because I’m that vision impaired that I can’t see my glasses if I’m not wearing them. This brought me close to her ass where I saw one of the arms of my glasses poking out of Suavamente’s ass crack. I didn’t know if you could gasp and chuckle at the same time but I did it. She was like “oh no! No no no.” I pulled my severely bent glasses from her ass. She turned bright red and ran into the bathroom. And the Ricardo Montalban level of machismo I built up was as small and unintimidating as Herve Villachaize. We didn’t last much longer after that. It hurt for a moment but I realized that what she wanted wasn’t who I am at all. So I recovered and came to appreciate who I am a bit more. My glasses however, never ever recovered.
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cluelesslesbian · 3 years
(ignore my tags- just needed to... vent rn)
#uhhh so the shoe has dropped and my parents found out I'm gay- went exactly as shit as I've always imagined and now I'm just venting so-#homophobia#vent#negative#.......ok now to start uh-#ive had the lesbian flag in my room for about?? 3 years now? they never asked about it before so i never thought they ever would???#but yesterday at about 1am i was interrogated about it and anyways- flash-forward to today- where i am well rested and had to have a convo#(convo 1.0 was at like 2am.. but i had to yell that i was entirely too exhausted from work to deal with- well my mom crying about how much#she's failed at being a parent :/ )#aaaaanywas- convo 2.0 today has ended marginally better but not really- apparently its fine if 'this is who i am rn' because#1. ill be fine if i never talk about this again- never post about it- never beproud- etc#2. they respect that this is who i am... but they expect that to change in 5 years :///#3. if i admit (and i had to bc they wouldn't let me leave the room otherwise) that I'm weird and abnormal and in the wrong for thinking-#then life will be fine bc my parents LoVe mE UnCondiTiOnALLy (except clearly. there's so many fucking conditions to their love)#and anyways. now im just- in an extremely fucked up mood and day drinking despite always saying id never drink in a bad mood#but fuck- its... really shit to KNOW know that i can never really love who i am while I'm living at home#(which im only doing bc its cheaper... but maybe i gotta reevaluate ahdhfkfl)#....its been about an hour since i typed this out and ok i do feel better atm so no worries- still gonna post it bc... i dont wanna forget-#what theyve said.. even if i forgive em in the future... i just idk- wanna have proof of what i remember happening
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salt216000 · 2 years
hunter pack headcanons
you thought id write a list of titan and warlock stuff????? no. i cannot stop thinking abt these weird little guys. maybe i will write titan and warlock stuff later
- No pack is the same. Both because they’re comprised of different people, but most packs will always work differently too. Some will only have a couple Hunters, some will have LOTS, some accept other classes too, some have a leader, others don’t. Basically 'pack’ is just a very loose definition for a group of Hunters who tend to hang out and work together, especially if it’s more than just a mission fireteam.
- I said this before I think in my last bigger post but I fully believe the vast majority of Hunters are not loners, they’re really like cats: they pick a couple of people they REALLY like, and stick with them for as long as they can. They’re just very elusive, and you’ll rarely see a larger Hunter pack altogether in one place, so a lot of people don’t realise just how many Hunters can be part of the same pack.
- Some Hunters go between different packs. Seeing as some packs are basically just friendgroups, it’s not really like. Expected of someone to stick with one particular group of people for the rest of their days. Different packs are also normally willing to work together, especially if there’s something in it for both of them.
- Generally packmates are very very close and more trusting of one another, especially in smaller packs. More comfortable being around each other, sharing gear and space, etc. 
- Collaborative stashes. Where they go to store loot they’ve found and don’t want to keep for themself, or to keep collectible objects. Mostly people are allowed to take and give things as they please, so long as they aren’t overly greedy. These are very useful if they happen across a New Light who needs a temporary kit, or if something more dire happens and they need quick access to gear and weapons.
- I headcanon this for most Hunters, but I feel like obviously marked caches are considered off limits as an unspoken rule. If it’s just a random chest, loot that clearly belongs to Cabal or Hive etc, or a very poorly marked place that gives no indication of activity, go wild, but if it’s obvious someone’s been there recently and hasn’t abandoned the place, best not to take, otherwise it might be considered stealing. It might be hard to tell what’s an ‘active’ and ‘inactive’ place, seeing as Hunters tend to hide stuff pretty damn well, but I feel like other Hunters can tell easier than most others, unless they’ve savvy in what it all means.
- Found family. That’s all.
- Some of them like to have symbols, patterns or colours to represent the pack, which is usually stitched or sewn onto cloaks. It can be just about anything, and most of them are just designs that people thought were neat, though I imagine some have more meaning.
if you have any other thoughts, feel free to rb or comment ‘em! im kinda speedrun typing this at work lmfao so theres probably thoughts ive missed
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s4kasaki · 3 years
I have heard your prayers and I am hear to deliver. Rinne Amagi relationship hc’s (gasp) (crowd cheers)
MARCH, you angel sent from HEAVEN!!. you own my first crazy:b post now 🙏🏾
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♡ — rinne | general relationship hcs!
‣ tws/cws: none
‣ reader: gender neutral - they/them
‣ author's note: no illegal drinking readers, rinne is a bad influence✨~
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Dating Rinne on its own, it's quite a difficult challenge-- but, Okaaaay!! let's be real, dating Rinne? What's a bigger red flag than that alone?/hj
We all know this man is clingy, he's incredibly clingy to everyone he's around! and Niki can verify this fact-- so, expect him to be way MORE clingy with you than he's ever been with anyone else in his life. does he care that he gets on your nerves sometimes? Not really ╮(︶▽︶)╭ he'll wrap his arms around your waist, neck, literally anything at the most random moments.
will pretty much spoil you with anything you ask for. Like absolutely anything. if he has the money for it, he'll get it for you! Sometimes he'll even go gambling to get the money for the said gift! ( ꈍᴗꈍ) looks like lady luck is once again on his side~ ♪
AND ABOUT HIS GAMBLING HABITS: Just like with Niki and him, you both argue about that just as much-- I mean how can you not? (⇀‸↼‶) you two live in a whole house together and this man is blowing cash to get more cash? And sometimes to get 0 cash and get his previous cash GONE?!
He's very affectionate. He will take any opportunity to get his hands on you. Sometimes it's more like you're dating a dog or a cat than an actual human being.
He's a big protective worry-wort type of person when dating somebody, like. when you wear anything that peaks as too much skin showing; he's almost shoving you right back into the room to change, though he may not admit to this and just say something along the lines of: “well you're far too pretty for anyone else to be staring at” he actually means well when he comments what's too revealing and what's not, he only wants to keep ya safe!
Rinne is pretty big on PDA, it has got to be 100% his favorite thing, even when he's performing. If he sees you in the crowd? He'll blow a few kisses your way and maybe even call you up on stage. ( which ends up being incredibly embarrassing to go through the rest of the day/night) Unless you’re not a fan of it, he’ll be classy about it and put a hand on your thigh and give you a quick peck on your forehead~
He makes sure that Ibara is at least 5 feet away from you, every time you bump into him and he goes on one of his speeches... He's hiding you behind his big body. There is no way he’s gonna let that four-eyed money-hungry man plan anything to get you in bankrupt or something! ( ̄ヘ ̄;) in general: he doesn't wanna let you be the one to take the blame for anything he does.
If I was to decide what rinne'd like between hugs and kisses...id say rinne prefers kisses much better than hugs. I mean, he loves when you hug him don't get him wrong, sometimes you can even catch him off guard with it if you're tiny-- and fluster him a bit. But, he still prefers kisses over the cute Lil hugs you give him~ ♡
PET NAMES! he has so many for you it's hard to count em all!— "honeybee" "babe" the list goes on. It's gotten to the point where he doesn't call you anything relating to your real name anymore unless it's a serious topic that's being talked about, the least he'll do is call you his precious ‘producer-san’
He talks to you to his unit constantly. Sorry, I don't make the rules. Almost every day they have to hear him go on a huge 30min story about you, one time it was about how cute you looked with this new outfit you got yesterday, and how cute your smile was, and ho-- “okay, Himeru has heard enough.”
Says “I love you” a lot. You could be doing the most mundane stuff like watching TV, and he’ll blurt “I LOVE YOU, HONEYBEE!!” out of nowhere-- and afterward come to where you are to literally tackle you with affection
Speaking of which, this man likes cuddling. After all, he's the perfect big spoon! But.. guys, I don't make up the rules. BUT, he needs to cuddle you while holding your hand to feel at ease sometimes, he will clasp your hand into his and even though it gets annoying sometimes, he genuinely cannot help it.
So please cuddle him!! He’s more of the big spoon, but he doesn’t mind switching it up from time to time either ya know?~ ♪
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esoomris · 2 years
Fearsome Critters!
You know ‘em, you love ‘em, I have filled your dashes with them against your will, and now it’s time for a Long Post!
Imagine this: you are me. You are in high school (ew). Against your better judgement, you have signed up for a screenwriting class. You have been told to write a 10-page script, on which you will be graded. Writing is hard, so you are dicking around on wikipedia under the guise of “looking for ideas.” Then, you stumble across a link to a page titled “Fearsome Critters.” Obviously you click it, because what the hell kind of name is that??
Turns out, that is the name of Henry H Tryon’s 1939 compilation of lumberjack folklore, which is going to be the only thing you care about for the next 4 days. (you can stop imagining being me now)
Fearsome Critters are a cross between two storytelling traditions: making up tall tales to impress your friends, and making up spooky stories to scare your friends. The term specifically refers to stories made up and passed around by lumberjacks and other people who lived and worked in North American forests. They came from all types of people, from all over the continent, to expound upon one common theme: There’s Creatures in These Woods.
Now, as a certified Fearsome Critter scholar (read the wikipedia page), I believe there are many different ways to classify these creatures (”weird mountain lions” could be its own category, for example), but for the purposes of this post, I will stick with these two:
Creature That Are Fucked Up, and
Creatures That Could Fuck You Up
Let’s start with the first one.
Creatures That Are Fucked Up
Many, many of the Critters are peaceful animals with incredibly strange bodies and/or dietary habits. Let’s start with the gimme; if you’ve heard of one Fearsome Critter, it’s probably the Jackalope.
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[ID: a mounted taxidermy head of a rabbit with deer antlers]
Now, the Jackalope doesn’t look too fucked up, especially not by Critter standards. It’s just a hare with antlers. But the folklore has it that they can speak and sing in human voices, and they only breed during lightning flashes. That was enough for me to place them in this category (although, make no mistake, they could fuck you up. or, like, fuck up your shins, specifically.)
But enough creatures that can be convincingly faked through taxidermy! Get a load of this thing:
The Side-Hill Gouger
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[ID: a drawing of a long-haired, deer-like creature standing on the side of a hill. Its left legs are much shorter than its right legs, aligning with the slant of the hill so it stands perfectly straight.]
Most sources disagree on what the top half of this animal looks like, but frankly, that’s because it’s not that interesting. What is interesting are its legs: they’re shorter on one side than the other. This means they can only walk in circles around the hills where they live. If their right legs are shorter, they walk clockwise; if their left legs are shorter, they walk counter-clockwise. Since they walk in the same circle on the same hill for their entire lives, they eventually wear a deep groove into the earth, hence the name. If they were ever to leave their hill, they would promptly fall over, be unable to get up, and die.
Speaking of which: 
The Hugag
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[ID: A drawing of a creature that vaguely resembles an antler-less moose. It has hair all over its body, but none on its head or neck. It also has a very long, floppy upper lip, and is walking perfectly straight-legged]
(not to be confused with the Hodag) A big, lumbering, moose-ish creature that eats mostly bark and twigs, using its weird floppy upper lip to strip them off of trees. This animal has no fucking knees. That’s right, you heard me. It spends its whole life either walking or leaning against trees to rest, because it has no goddamn knees. In fact, one famous book of Critters recommends killing them by sawing most of the way through a tree they like to lean against, so that they knock it over when they try to rest. The author of that book was William T Cox, by the way, and he does an awful lot of recommending ways to kill the majestic beasts of the forest. What a jerk.
The Hodag
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[ID: a statue of a green, four-legged, lizard-like creature with enormous white spikes along its spine, as well as very sharp white teeth, claws, and horns.]
(not to be confused with the Hugag). There’s some conflicting information in the primary sources (Mr. Cox claims they look like a rhino, can only see straight up, and only eat porcupines), but by far the most popular version is the weird spiky lizard-thing you see above. Esteemed mascot of Rhinelander, Wisconsin, this weird spiky beast cries beautiful, crystalline tears, and can be killed easily using lemon juice. (i think it melts them? source is unclear).
The Squonk
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[ID: two illustrations of squonks. both have very loose,baggy, wrinkly skin covered in warts, and squished-looking faces. One walks on all fours, and has dog-like legs, and the other sits on a log like a person would, and has webbed feet]
And now, for perhaps the most wretched, fucked-up beast of all: the Squonk. There is, again, a bit of disagreement as to what exactly it looks like, but most people agree that it is very wrinkly and very, very ugly. Which is a very mean thing to say, and also a mean thing that the Squonk often says to itself, often while weeping bitterly and hiding itself from the world. The Squonk does a lot of weeping. In fact, if it sees you looking directly at it, it will cry so hard that it will simply dissolve into a pool of tears. Try not to think too hard about it, or you’ll likely do the same.
abruptly moving on, it’s time for
Creature That Will Fuck You Up
Ok, ok, enough of these benign oddities, it’s time for creature that are capable of Incredible Violence. Please note, many of these creatures are also quite fucked up, but I put them in this category anyways because it’s my post and I make the rules here. Hoop Snake time.
The Hoop Snake
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[ID; a drawing of a snake with its tail in its mouth, so its body makes a perfect circle, rolling down a hill after a rabbit]
You may recognize Hoop Snake from me constantly tagging things “Hoop Snake My Beloved.” This weaponized-ouroboros motherfucker is my favorite thing in the entire universe. You see, this guy, this absolute dude, he has a little stinger on the tip of his tail. And when he sees something he wants to eat, he puts the tip of his tail into his mouth, making a wheel out of his beautiful snake body, and rolls very, very fast after the thing he would like to consume. And once he’s in range, he lets go of his tail at just the right moment to launch his little stinger directly at the thing he wants to kill, at full speed. This would probably kill the prey in and of itself, but this beautiful wonderful snake uses that stinger to inject them with the deadliest venom in the animal kingdom, just for good measure (that rabbit in the picture? it’s fucked). It’s said that the only way to survive an attacking hoop snake is to see it coming and duck behind a tree at the last moment so it stings the tree instead of you. You should then run. Also the venom will kill the tree. Instantly.
The Hide-Behind
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[ID: a drawing of a large, shaggy, dog-like creature standing on two legs, hiding behind a tree]
The Hidebehind is another creature of unknown appearance, so kudos to artist Margaret Ramsay Tryon for portraying it as a big dog. The Hidebehind is fairly popular, so far as Fearsome Critters go. It’s understandable why; the story is rife with horror potential. See, the Hidebehind gets its name from the way it will hide behind trees, stalking careless loggers through the woods, flitting lightning-fast from tree to tree as it stalks its prey. When the victim is sufficiently lost and isolated, the Hidebehind will jump out from behind the tree and eat their intestines. Scary stuff, although the horror adaptations generally leave out the fact that it hates the smell of alcohol, so you can completely deter it by getting wasted.
The Agro-Pelter
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[ID: a drawing of an ape with long, skinny arms sitting atop a hollow tree, grinning spitefully as it prepares to drop a log on the head of an unaware lumberjack]
As a wise man once said, “Aren’t you tired of being nice? don’t you just wanna go ape shit.” The Agropelter saw all these damn loggers cutting down trees in their woods, and decided to solve the problem with violence. They live in the tops of dead or half-rotten trees, and when they see a logger passing below, they will snap off a branch and hurl it at the logger’s head with unfailing accuracy and deadly speed. 
The Slide-Rock Bolter
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[ID: A drawing of a large,flat, fish-like creature sliding down the side of a mountain with its mouth open]
You know those fish that hide themselves under sand and wait for another fish to swim overhead so they can jump out and eat them? Have you ever wished that was, like, your problem? Introducing the Slide-Rock Bolter! A bighuge enormous fish thing that hangs out on mountain slopes with its tail hooked over the ridge, so that when it sees suitable prey passing beneath, it can simply let go and plummet downhill at them with its mouth and stomach open. Although it apparently only eats tourists, so if you live in the mountains you can go right back to not caring about fish.
The Tripodero
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[ID: A drawing of a creature with two long ridged legs and an equally long tail. it has a small, round head with small, beady eyes, and a long snout with a tiny round mouth at the end]
Looking at this thing, please take your best guess as to what its whole deal is.
Did you guess?
Cool. You’re wrong. It’s a living sniper rifle.
The Tripodero likes to slither through tall grass like some sort of pokemon creepypasta, occasionally standing up on its (extendable, telescoping) legs to look around for prey. If it spots prey, it will take one of the sundried clay pellets it has made ahead of time and stored in its cheek, load it into its long snout, and then launch it at the victim from up to 165 feet away, knocking them out dead cold so it can saunter over and eat them at its leisure.
Anyways, that’s the image limit, and so the end of my Compendium of Critters. If you scrolled past this whole thing please go back and read the Hoop Snake entry because that one’s my favorite. Thank you and goodnight.
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qlala · 3 years
Is it cheating to submit a fic request for the pride post you just made? I neeeed the whole thing (I'm on my laptop, but insert the big gay eyes emoji)
fjskdgjslg "big gay eyes emoji" you know what? just for you. just for you i have written this. i'll clean it up and upload to ao3 later but for now: have 2.7k of len dragging a sunburnt, tipsy, and glitter-covered barry back to his apartment, and happy pride!
Len wasn’t the type to begrudge anyone a good time, especially when the good time involved loud music, leather harnesses, and throwing water bottles at cops. Central City’s annual pride parade came as close as it got to challenging that attitude; families, fellow queers, and queens descended on the city waving more flags than the United Nations after a hurricane, all decked out in color combinations that Len hadn’t been able to keep straight since the ‘80s. 
The end result was the kind of crowds that could make a grown man feel claustrophobic in the middle of a city block, and that was without the visible haze of alcohol wafting off the whole event. 
But what the parade lacked in personal space, it made up for with one very important commodity: unattended wallets. 
The flock of sunburnt twinks in denim cut-offs made Len’s job almost too easy—a hand on a sweat-slicked lower back, a flash of blue eyes, and most of them wouldn’t have noticed their wallets going missing if Len had dangled their IDs in front of their faces afterwards. (While there were plenty of women dressed in just as little clothing whom Len certainly wouldn’t have minded getting within robbing distance of, he’d found queer women as a group to be less enthusiastic about uninvited touching and more enthusiastic about wallet chains, even when three sheets to the wind off of canned rosé.)   
He’d taught a dozen visiting suburbanites the importance of not keeping valuables in their back pockets by the time he spotted a familiar profile in the crowd. 
His usual red getup wasn’t much more modest than some of the outfits Len had already seen, but even knowing the shape of that body didn’t prepare Len for seeing Barry Allen stripped to the waist, bright-eyed and flushed and shimmering all over with a fine dusting of glitter. Len noted, on auto-pilot, that it didn’t seem like he’d put any of the glitter there himself; he was standing dangerously close to a drag queen throwing handfuls of the stuff on anyone who got within arm’s reach of her. It set the sun refracting off every dip and plane of muscle across Barry’s chest and stomach. Barry’s hair, already wild and dark at the roots with sweat, was full of it.   
Len’s feet were carrying him closer before he gave himself permission to move. Barry managed to drag Len into his orbit at the best of times; visibly tipsy and dripping sweat, Len would’ve had better luck resisting the turning of the earth. 
Up close, Len could take that Barry had lost his shirt somewhat recently; the slight touch of pink spanning his shoulders and chest had nothing on the serious flush across his cheekbones and the bridge of his nose. He had a spray of new freckles as well. They were barely distinguishable under the haze of glitter stuck to his skin, but Len noticed them at once, the change unmistakable on an otherwise unchanging face (not a scar to be seen, even after three years of running into burning buildings and jumping in front of bullets; Len was equal parts frustrated and relieved).   
It looked like someone had painted a few strokes of color across one of his cheeks at some point, but it was smudged to hell and back. The back of one of Barry’s hands was stained a tell-tale matching purple, and Len could only guess at what it had been at the start of the day. 
He stepped into Barry’s space as easily as he had the rest, taking care to keep Barry between him and the source of the glitter, and hesitated for the briefest moment with his hand above Barry’s spine. He’d never touched Barry like this, skin to skin; the gloves had never come off between them, metaphorically or literally. Kept things neat. 
Nothing about Barry was neat right now. He turned even before Len touched him, and the movement brought Len’s hand into contact with his side instead. It took everything in Len not to pull it back in a flinch, and he met Barry’s curious glance with a tightly-controlled smirk. 
He’d expected Barry to step back, maybe add a bit of blush to those already-pink cheeks. Instead, Barry’s eyes took a belated second to focus, and then he gave Len a face-splitting grin. 
That time, Len did have to pull backwards to avoid Barry dragging him in for a hug. To think he’d been concerned about a hand. 
Barry didn’t seem the least bit put out, smiling loose and easy like Len hadn’t iced him to the door of a bank vault the last time they’d seen each other. He hadn’t taken Barry for such a cheerful drunk—he seemed inclined toward melodrama on a good day—but Len would take it over any of the alternatives. 
“Barry. Fancy seeing you here. And so much of you, at that.” He let his gaze slide down his bare chest and stomach, pulse ticking up at the warm brown of his nipples and the sharp vee of his hipbones that invited his gaze further down. 
“You’re overdressed,” Barry disagreed. He wasn’t quite slurring, but there was a careful deliberation in his tone that told Len it was a near thing. He took a step closer and peered at Len, suspicion evident in those pale green eyes.   “And… sober.”
“I’m not here to score. Perks include keeping my shirt on.” 
For the briefest second, Barry looked almost disappointed. But it was gone in a blink, confusion taking over. He glanced down at himself, puzzled. Then his expression cleared, and he looked up with another easy-going smile.  “I got hot.” His gaze dropped again, to Len this time, and he licked his lips. “Aren’t you… you gotta be hot in all that.” 
Len was wearing a long-sleeved shirt and thin jacket, and it hadn’t hit eighty degrees all week. But he wasn’t in the mood to argue with drunk logic. And besides, another scan of the nearby revelers had made something unpleasant begin to scratch insistently at the inside of Len’s chest, and he tapped Barry under the chin with one knuckle to bring his attention back up. 
The contact startled both of them—Len’s control had slipped, something he could not afford to happen around Barry Allen—but Len recovered first. “Where’s the rest of your team of do-gooders?” 
“Lost ‘em.” Judging by the return of Barry’s crooked grin, it was an accomplishment, not a concern. “Cisco said the shot was too strong, but I didn’t wanna go. He’s the d…” He faltered, brows pulling together as he frowned. “S’the designed. Designinated, superhero, anyway. Shh!” 
He shot a pointer finger toward Len in a movement that Len clocked, alarmingly, as intending to be pressed to his lips, as if he were the one who’d been chatting about Vibe’s secret identity. Len had three years of dealing with the Flash to thank for being able to catch Barry’s wrist in time to stop him, and he glared at him for the attempt. 
But Barry only gave him a crinkle-eyed smile and twisted his hand in Len’s grip to clasp his wrist back. “S’so good to see you here. I didn’t think…” 
“Don’t tell me you had me pegged for straight.” 
Barry made a frankly insulting noise halfway between a scoff and a hiccup and tilted Len a condescending look. 
“Speedster, remember?” he asked, far too loudly, even for a crowd currently screaming along to a pop song that’d been bad enough the first time Len’d heard it in 2000. “I see it when you...” He let go of Len’s wrist to make a gesture with two fingers, parting them in a V and sweeping them up and down Len’s body, the muscles in his forearm shifting distractingly under Len’s hand. God, the kid had to be a hundred degrees. “When you check me out. In the suit.” 
Len smirked. “It’s cute you thought I was being subtle.” 
“You’re cute,” Barry muttered, childish and sulky, and Len took it for the compliment it wasn’t. 
“You had a point, Barry.” 
Barry still looked displeased with him, but his brow was furrowed again when he met his gaze. This close, it was impossible to ignore that Barry had an inch or so on him. “About what?” 
“You didn’t think…?” Len prompted him. 
Barry stared at him blankly, and Len rolled his eyes and let go of his wrist. 
“Get out of the sun, Barry,” he said. “Find a park bench. Wait for your little friends to come find you. Shouldn’t be hard—you’re as red as your suit.” 
Barry either ignored his last comment or didn’t hear it. “Iris is here somewhere,” he said, possibly to himself. “She’s…” He twirled his finger absently beside his head. “Curly, today. And… bikini.” 
Len strongly considered abandoning Barry to his sunburn to go find out for himself. But Barry was beginning to sway a bit, and a man closer to Len’s age than Barry’s was giving Barry’s toned back a speculative look from a few feet away, and Len gave in to the unsettled feeling gnawing at his ribcage. He refused to call it worry. It was annoyance—or, at the very least, the feeling was annoying him, which was close enough.   
“As much a sight for sore eyes as that would be,” he said, allowing a magnanimousness he didn’t feel to color his tone, “I doubt Miss West ran away from her group and got heatstroke. Unlike some people” 
Barry didn’t look the least bit chastened, lips curving up mischievously in a way that drew another couple interested looks. Len needed to get them both out of the crowd before he started breaking noses.
“Tell you what. Give Cisco a call, tell him you went home. My bike’s on Kingsbridge, away from the parade route.” 
Barry’s smirk sharpened. “Trying to get me out of here, Snart? I thought you weren’t here to score.” 
Len gave him a flat look, ignoring the decidedly interested way his body was reacting to Barry’s tone. 
“You can barely stand.” 
Barry’s eyes glittered at the challenge, and Len realized his mistake. 
He hadn’t even finished biting out the second syllable when the world spun out from under him, the noise and the heat and the press of the crowd swallowed up in a hair-raising charge of yellow lightning. Exactly two and a half seconds passed in a blur of movement, just long enough for Len to realize Barry was supporting the back of his head with one too-warm hand. Then the world came skidding to a stop around them. Barry’s momentum carried them both forward several feet even after their new surroundings materialized, and they very nearly went straight through a window again before Barry seemed to remember how to stop. 
Len considered pushing him out the window anyway for the stunt. True, he’d been itching to get another taste of that feeling, the ozone snap-drag of Barry’s power like a live wire under his hands, but he’d rather have waited until Barry could pass a breathalizer. 
He realized Barry still had an arm around him and shoved him off. It did nothing to dim Barry’s self-satisfied grin, and Len had to look away or risk giving into the interested once-over Barry was skimming over his body again. 
“Pretty sure the point of a designated driver is not doing that.” 
Barry followed him when he took a step back. Len made a calculated decision, decided the risk of touching Barry again was worth it, and pressed his fingers to the middle of Barry’s chest—right where the Flash insignia would be on his suit, his brain offered unhelpfully—and pushed him backwards, hard. 
Barry unbalanced and wheeled back a step. Then the backs of his knees hit the edge of the couch, and he toppled, satisfyingly, back onto the dark leather cushions. 
It was a nice couch. The whole apartment was nice, actually. Len could’ve drawn a perimeter of possible locations based on Barry’s speed and how long it had taken them to reach it if he hadn’t already known the address. 
“Sit,” he said. And then, with a smirk: “Stay.” 
Barry rolled his eyes. “Gonna have to ask nicer than that if you wanna boss me around in bed.”
The way he threw it out there, easy as anything, almost made Len miss a step as he turned away. He wasn’t going to lay a hand on Barry, not when he was drunk on sunlight and skin and whatever concoction Cisco had apparently cooked up for him. But hearing him say it, like they’d already gotten all of the messy parts out of the way—it set off warning bells in Len’s head, flashing past all the possible off-ramps he would’ve taken if Barry had ever tried to have the conversation in a more linear fashion. 
“You’re drunk,” Len said, which was a coward’s answer, and behind him, Barry made a vague noise of agreement. 
“Probably,” he acknowledged. “You could stick around ‘til I’m not.” 
Christ. Len didn’t trust himself to look at Barry again, not when he knew he’d find him sprawled out and shedding glitter all over what had looked like a very expensive couch. “Stay,” he repeated, and went off to find the kitchen. 
By the time he got back with two glasses of water, the problem had solved itself; Barry was out cold on the couch, his painting cheek pressed to the throw pillow he’d curled himself half-around. He was shivering faintly in the air conditioning, all cooled sweat and goosebumps, and Len resigned himself to the now-familiar impulse to help him that stirred in his chest. He put one of the glasses down on the table and, not trusting his hands, knocked his knee into one of Barry’s where it was bent close to the edge of the couch. 
Barry buried his face into the pillow with a noise of displeasure, and Len said his name again. 
“Last warning,” Len said. “Ten seconds, you find out if I put on steel-toed boots today.” 
Barry groaned, and if the sound hadn’t made Len’s pulse skip, the easy shift of muscles in Barry’s arm as he pushed himself up to sitting again would’ve done the trick. 
“Water,” Len said, unnecessarily, as he passed him the glass. 
Barry took it with the tips of his fingers, as if it were something personally offensive to him, and took a single, polite sip before putting it down beside the other with no small amount of distaste. Then he glanced between the glasses, and up at Len, a dirty spark already lighting behind his eyes again. 
“Don’t get your hopes up. They’re both for you.” 
Barry let out a breath with audible annoyance and dropped back against the couch cushions to glare at him. 
Len felt a modicum of sanity return to him. This, at least, was familiar ground: Barry, frustrated, asking for too much, too soon. True, it had always been about the hero business until now, but Len knew a pattern when he saw one. Give Barry an inch, and he always took a mile. 
Len gave Barry one last, appraising look. He looked ridiculous, all self-righteousness and bare skin. There was only one break in the otherwise even coat of glitter, there on Barry’s side: faint, but unmistakable, the outline of Len’s hand on his waist. The feeling in Len’s chest coalesced into something pleased and possessive. He met Barry’s glare with a slow curl of his lips, then gave him an inch.  
“Call me when you’re sober, Barry,” he said, letting his voice slip into the Cold drawl just to watch Barry’s eyes go dark. “And you can show me how well you sit up and beg.” 
He could see the impatience radiating off of Barry’s frame, the effort it was taking him to stay on the couch instead of closing the space between them. 
“Call your friends,” he reminded him. “Enough people got a look at your face today without the CCPD splashing it on every milk carton, too.”
In the elevator, Len reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out the thin black wallet he’d liberated from Barry during their sprint across the city. Two and a half seconds: child’s play. A little extra incentive for Barry to track him down in the morning, not that Len thought he needed it. He flipped it open, noted the deer-in-the-headlights picture of Barry on his driver’s license with amusement, and then thumbed open the bill compartment. 
Len smirked. Barry wouldn’t miss a few dollars; he owed him for the dry-cleaning it was gonna take to get the glitter out of his jacket, anyway. 
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puppyluver256 · 3 years
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[Image Description: Two fan-made Pokemon meant to be new evolved forms for the Pokemon Eevee, themed around the dragon and steel types respectively.
The first Pokemon is a jade green fox-like creature with a long draconic tail and two aqua green horns on its head. It has blue eyes, a pale green mane of hair and matching whiskers, dull aqua neck fur with an aqua green jewel on its chest, a blue ridge down its back, and blue claws. Dark blue text outlined in dark blue to the right of the image reads "Drakeon".
The second Pokemon is A metallic fox-like creature that resembles an early-2000s-era robotic animal toy. Its head and body are silver, its lower legs, ears, and tail are a light grey, and its paws, nose, neck, tail base, and midsection are grey and appear less polished than the rest of its body. It has green eyes that resemble electronic LEDs. Silver text outlined in grey to the right of the image reads "Chromeon".
End ID.]
Drakeon - Arcane Pokemon - dragon Drakeon are very haughty and prideful, seeming to have a superiority complex of sorts. It is recommended that any Trainer who intends to raise one help them learn how to be more humble, or else there will be some serious conflict in the future. / Ancient Cantessy natives regarded this Pokemon as a guardian and proud protector, and as such would often keep one in their settlements and have them roam the area to watch for intruders. Their modern descendants have kept up the tradition, often with a small figurine if they cannot house the real thing.
Chromeon - Metallic Pokemon - steel Despite their artificial appearance, Chromeon are very much organic. Their fur has solidified into plate-like structures that resemble titanium in look and texture, and to compensate for the less flexible fur-plates, parts of them have formed grooves around the joints. / Robotic toys have been created based on Chromeon, the main way to tell which are real and which are artificial is by the cry. Chromeon’s internals are still soft, meaning their voice lacks the “tinny” sound of a similar recording found in most toy replicas.
More Cantessy Fakemon and more Eeveelutions! I was a bit lost on Drakeon at first cuz I didn't wanna make it look too...reptilian, if that makes sense? Cuz from what I can tell, a lot of the dragon-types look like either reptiles, birds, or some otherworldy creature, and that presents a challenge with an Eeveelution to keep them mammalian. I think I made it work, though! Chromeon was a lot easier, as I just based them on those robot pet toys from back in the day hehe X3
Like all my Eeveelutions, these guys evolve via high friendship while knowing a new Eevee-exclusive attack. In Drakeon's case that move is called Beastly Bash, and Chromeon's is called Shiny Sheen.
Reminder that if anyone wants to suggest moves for any Cantessy Fakemon to learn and some physical stats where I haven’t yet figured them out, feel free to throw ‘em at me :3 Links to their info pages will be provided in the replies!
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~If you like, please reblog to show your friends! Likes are appreciated, but reblogs let more people see my content! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Pokemon and related concepts © Nintendo/GameFreak Drakeon, Chromeon, the Cantessy region, and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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low-budget-mulan · 4 years
My Experience with the Covid Vaccine
Hi Everyone! I’ve been receiving a lot of questions about my experience with the Covid vaccine and I figured it would be best to just make a post where I can answer everyone’s questions all in one place. I will be going over a couple of different things here from how I was able to get the vaccine, my reaction to the vaccine, the ethics behind the vaccine (for my Catholic, Christian, Pro-Life friends-- you can ignore this section if you are none of those things), how the vaccine works, and why you should get the vaccine. I will try my best to make everything here as honest as I can in terms of my experience and I will link you to sources for my more scientific facts. I know that there is a lot of misinformation out there and fear regarding the vaccine and I hope to put all that to rest. 
So let’s start this off with how I was able to get the vaccine. For those of you who don’t know I am a healthcare worker. I work in EMS as an EMT.  I was lucky enough to have the option for either the Moderna or the Pfizer vaccine. My company offered us the Moderna vaccine, but the local hospital in our area (which was offering the Pfizer Vaccine) had some extra vaccines and were generous enough to share those vaccines with us. My company wouldn’t receive their shipment for another week or two and I wanted to get my dose as soon as possible, so I decided to get my dose through the local hospital. Which is how I ended up with the Pfizer one. 
Many of you asked about my reaction to the vaccine. I have had both doses now and my reactions to both were very different. These were MY reactions. I know people who had different reactions than me, so just because it happened to me does not mean it will happen to you. Everyone is different and can experience things on their own. For my first dose I didn’t have any reactions. I just had the sore arm that comes with any vaccination. They are injecting it directly into your muscle so you are going to be sore. That is normal and you shouldn’t be worried. It feels kind of like a charlie horse or like you worked out really hard at the gym, but only in that one spot. Just ice it or throw on a heat pack or take a tylenol and power through. You did a good thing for yourself and your community. About 18 days later I had my second dose of the vaccine. This dose is larger and is needed in order for you to have the immunity to the virus. DO NOT MISS YOUR SECOND DOSE. I made the mistake of getting this shot while on duty lol. I had started my day with some normal back and neck pain that I attributed to regular heavy lifting of patients and a car crash I had a month prior. About 4 hours after getting my vaccine I started feeling VERY achy in both my back and neck. I thought nothing of it because I started the day with that pain and figured it was just because we had lifted some heavier patients. About an hour later I started getting the chills and the weakness. I was just feeling off and not quite myself. As the night progressed I ended up getting a low grade fever, nausea (luckily I had zofran on hand), a cough, dizziness, and I was diaphoretic (sweaty). I just really didn’t feel very good. I powered through my shift where I got off at 0700 and went home the next morning where I was able to sleep it off. By noon I was back to my regular self with only the sore arm. My reaction to the vaccine from start to finish was probably only about 15 hours. Yea that reaction sucked and I really did not feel too great, but would I do it again if it meant protecting myself and others from Covid? Hell yes!
The process for getting the vaccine may differ at each distribution site in terms of registration, but there are a few things that are going to stay the same. It started off with me registering on the website and answering some basic questions. Such as “are you a healthcare worker?” “have you been exposed to Covid without PPE?” “Are you Pregnant?” “Are you over 16?” “Do you have any allergies?” etc. Common questions that get asked in the current medical setting. I then had to register for an appointment time and show them my ID to prove I am who I am. After answering those questions I was sent off to wait for the first available person to administer my vaccine. Each table is sanitized after each person. I went over and got my shot. Went and filled out my vaccination card and had it signed off by someone then I went to sit in the waiting area for 15 minutes. That part is mandatory for everyone in case there is a reaction to the vaccine. WHICH IS EXTREMELY RARE. If you are a person who has many allergies then it is recommended you wait 30 minutes instead as it can sometimes take 30 minutes for a reaction to develop. Luckily there are healthcare providers all around so you are in good hands :) The whole process was so simple and I made friends with everyone else who was there getting their shots. We were bonding over our combined 5G super coverage. It was glorious. 
How does the vaccine work? The Covid 19 Vaccine is a newer type of vaccine. It is something called a mRNA vaccine. mRNA Vaccines are different from our traditional vaccines as they don’t have a weak or inactive version of the virus or bacteria in them. What it does is it teaches the cells in our body how to fight off the virus by creating a protein to trigger our immune systems into action and fight off whatever shouldn’t be there.  After the protein in our cells is created it gets displayed for our body to realize that it doesn’t belong. Our immune system then starts creating antibodies to fight off this unknown and very unwelcome protein. After our body has created these antibodies it deletes the protein out of existence as if it never existed leaving only the antibodies to protect us later down the line in case we do end up catching Covid (you can read more on this here https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/mrna.html) . I think mRNA vaccines are going to be the future. They are more effective and way cooler in how they work. How did this vaccine come out so fast you ask? It was obviously planned by the government right? Wrong. Stop with the conspiracy theories ya wackos. mRNA vaccines had been in the works for YEARS.  China had successfully identified the protein on the outside of the virus and sent that information to the labs across the world (pfizer and Moderna) to get started on a vaccine. They were able to crank one out and start the testing on animals, then people. After the trials they were able to approve these vaccines for distribution across the world (https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/why-are-mrna-vaccines-so-exciting-2020121021599). So basically the vaccine is cool and in no way a conspiracy. 
Now for all of my Catholic, Christian, and Pro-Life friends. Is it ethical to receive the vaccine. In short, yes. For those of you who are still reading this part the reason this is a big issue for my Catholic, Christian, and Pro-Life friends is because past vaccines have used stem cells from an aborted baby. This is not meant to start a pro-life/pro-choice debate. Any of that on this post will be shut down immediately. For us as Catholics and as people who are pro-life it can be seen as a morally gray area due to the fact that a life has been taken and each human being has inherent dignity and value from conception to natural death. Now on to why we are able to receive the vaccine. Both the Moderna and the Pfizer vaccines were made using the mRNA technique. Which basically means there is no fetal tissue in them. Now where people are getting confused. While the vaccines do not use fetal tissue in them, they still tested them on a morally compromised cell line. Now the reason we are able to receive these vaccines still is because while neither of these vaccines is remote from evil there were no other options for us to keep the population as a whole safe. If you are still concerned about it we are so far removed from the act of the abortion that we cannot be held accountable for the actions that took place that day. This is a very very shortened version and if you would like to keep reading then you can do so here https://www.catholic.com/audio/cot/covid-19-vaccines-and-the-usccb?fbclid=IwAR2xRPbNxiCdsc1ISeb6u_D-YHjyoCrQlT3oTI4QZdeU1z9LZ6eGtbqrrKw. We should be getting this vaccine to protect those of us who are unable to receive it. 
This post was not meant to be political in any way. I wanted to help you all understand why this vaccine is so important and put your minds at ease. Remember, the reasons vaccines work is because of herd immunity. Which means if the majority of us as a community get the vaccine then it will help to keep those who can’t get it (the pregnant, breastfeeding, immunocompromised, etc) safe and better protected from the virus. So please do your part. Social distance, wear your mask, wash your hands, get your vaccine, and look out for your neighbors. We are all in this together.
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scandeniall · 4 years
tell ‘em
pairing: suna rintarō x reader
warnings: manga spoilers, profanity (saying ass like twice ???)
wc: 678
“My friends have been asking about us. About what we are.” The words come out casually, phone in your hand and whatever was happening on your twitter timeline is more interesting. 
“What’d you say.”  The words also don't incite a physical reaction from the man currently whose head was currently resting on your lap.
“Nothing,” you hum out, using the hand not holding your phone to play in his hair. 
“Hey Rin?.” The sound of his name, causes the man to shift so that he was now looking up at you instead of his own phone. “What the hell are you doing to me. Before you, I was never the secretive type. You remember all my high school relationships.”
The grin that graced his face indicated his remembrance of the time. “Isn’t this better though. No one’s in our business like those annoying twins. No forced obligation to post cheesy pictures.” The feel of his hand slipping under your shirt and resting on your bare back resulted in a soft nod. “But, if you must know, Atsumu asked about us the other day too. He saw the snap on my private story. Said he recognized the outfit from your story earlier.” 
You know what post he’s referring to. You’d gone to see a EJP Mills game to see him play, and had stopped by later that night. You were seated sideways on his lap, as the two of you were supposed to be watching some new Netflix show waiting for your takeout to arrive. Instead, the two of you found yourselves occupied with one another. One arm swung haphazardly over the back of the couch, the other cupping his face bringing his lips to yours. 
The picture had been taken after the doorbell interrupted your make out session. Suna had asked you to get the food, citing that he was too tired. You’d gotten up, fumbling through his wallet that was on his coffee table when a hand landed on your ass, gripping the flesh through your jeans.He’d posted that on his private story, your butt and his hand being the only thing in frame. No hint at who the mysterious person was. He followed the picture up with a video zooming in on your ass as you made your way to the door, muting the video so that your voice couldn’t be heard. It worked for the most part too. A few people he considered friends swiped up with question marks, only to be met with radio silence. 
“What’d you tell him?” Atsumu, was the only person who put two and two together, or at least the only person who cared. You’d been friend’s with Suna since high school, and you’d both met and exchanged social media with the team, including Atsumu.”I didn’t even respond.” You laugh at his response as he sits up from your lap. 
“You could’ve told him that it wasn’t me. That we’re just friends.”
“Aren’t we though. No labels remember.” He whispers lips, now ghosting up and down your neck.
“I suppose you're right. It’s more fun to keep them guessing.” Your hands find themselves back into his hair, a quiet gasp escaping your much, as his lips begin to lightly suck on the skin of your collarbone. “C’mon, Rin, no marks.” You sigh coming back to your senses, tugging his hair until his lidded eyes are back on yours. You thank him by placing a peck on his lips. “You know, I like you right.” Your statement is met with hands pulling you so that you're straddling the man.
“I like you too. And I like how we are now. We’re in a good place right?” Your nod Suna pulls you closer so that you are now cuddling.
“I’ve played all my cards Rin. I’m all in when you are.” The hum and promise of soon causes a content sigh to fall from your mouth. You suppose you two could live in your own bubble for a little while longer. Not having to share him? It wasn’t so bad.
listen this is inspired by tell em by sabrina carpenter and idk why but i wanted to write suna. hes hot and id want his hand on my ass. and listen, idk if i’ll do it again because i don’t have a grasp on his character AT ALL. i just needed a mental break from my fics. (but also the lil smirk in his timeskip? bitch hes the type to do some shit like post his hand on your ass on a private snap story purposely being like ‘no face no case’)
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emetkoto · 3 years
👁👁 i hold my hand out
Tell me abt how their relationship developed from when they first met each other
I WILL DO MY BEST to untangle all my thoughts just for you into a comprehensible blurb and not just word salad
spoilers just in general probably maybe idk just be wary lol
SO like i said in the beginning there really wasnt. much there? their relationship could be best summed up as 'coworkers'! she was just another young adventurer the scions saw potential in and he was just. that weird guy in the waking sands backroom always reading and muttering prophecies to himself lol...eme found him a bit intimidating honestly, he was difficult to approach since he would often be so engrossed in whatever he was doing he wouldnt even notice her trying to talk to him and then when she DID get his attention he was like. that. and in her eyes it just wasnt really worth it to put too much effort into him at the start since minfillia had her fighting primals left and right all the time so the amount they actually had to interact was very little! p much they only talked when they happened to be in the same place, had to share discoveries, or minfillia asked her to and they were content with that bc again. they barely existed to each other </3
then moenbryda died and there was that really emotional scene in the solar where eme told him about her last words and he was like relieved she hadnt died still confused about louisoix and all that and it was like the first time she had ever seen that man emote and it kind of humanized him in her eyes a bit? still nothing really came of it, just the two of them being more open-minded about each other and their interactions being a bit more pleasant than just stuffy awkward business talk
things are pretty much the same until post-hw? while hunting down the other scions she and uri probably talk a little just so hes briefed on the ishgard stuff that happened including haurchefant kicking the bucket which very clearly fucked eme up really bad bc they almost had a thing and all that and urianger is like oh damn. you too. and is able to offer some reassuring (if not a bit confusing) words and honestly thats where id say the seeds were planted! then the stuff with ardbert and co happens and urianger shows up unmasked which is just like a kick in the teeth to eme who is already experiencing a lot of emotions AND its his first time seeing her gliding gracefully and majestically around as an astrologian which is A Lot for him as well....the sympathy and kindness she tries to show the wods is also heartwarming and makes him think about how shes always been so kind and tried to solve everything peacefully aaanand im rambling. anyway she sees how hard he works behind the scenes and how hes willing to do anything to reach the good ending for everyone including betraying and possibly losing his friends blah blah blah more than she thought there was to him and such
so after that she decides she wants to be his friend. it is friend time. she WILL befriend him. so she just starts showing up at the waking sands every now and then to just hang around! she asks him about his work and the books he's been reading and he tries to keep it brief since everyone else always gets annoyed or bored when he drags it out but she keeps asking for more info and hes able to just. ramble at her and see the genuine interest in her eyes and it feels. nice! and being there with him just listening to him talk or read for hours is a nice relaxing break from everything, so much so she sometimes falls asleep at the table bc she just feels like she can afford to let her guard down there aaaaaand it means a lot to him! they continue their funny little bookclub type thing for a while, ofc mutually pining and mutually denying it until its kind of overwhelming and the tension could be cut with a knife and eme just kinda. kisses him, oops! its really quick and right afterwards she realizes what she did and runs off and he just. sits there for the rest of the day thinking about it and since he did kinda lean in both of them are like "oh god i fucked it up i ruined it" and its a few days until they see each other again after both having recurring nightmares about their past lost loves and losing each other before stuff is said and they decide fuck it :) no more regrets!!!!! and work it out <3 theyre a bit timid together at first, mostly bc eme is like 'well idk how much of this affection is out of his comfort zone i dont wanna push it' and such but she gets him to come out of his shell quite a bit and with the whole 'no regrets' thing hes willing to push his boundaries and as soon as he does he realizes how touch starved he is and it all kinda spirals out from there into them becoming the lovey dovey mess they are in the present <3
id say until mid-stormblood they kept their relationship a (horribly kept) secret from the scions...they were both. VERY scared tht they would think less of both of them since neither had lost their past loves too long ago?? it was a weird thing but they both worried about it so they agreed to the secrecy thing...on uris side it was "theyll think im taking advantage of eme in her time of need right after haurchefant" and for eme it was "theyll think im trying to replace moenbryda" yknow, anxiety stuff. so eme would find excuses and odd reasons to run off to the waking sands to see him whenever she could and the few times they were together with the other scions they played it up as best they could <3 but obviously theres no reason eme would go there all the time and come back in such a good mood so they all caught on pretty quick and intervened and were basically like 'hey we arent mad we're happy for you both but eme you cant keep running off for your secret flings we have work to do so if youre gonna do this do it in front of us so we can all get on with our jobs' and so they did and the scions have regretted it ever since <3
like ive said a bunch already their whole thing is "no regrets" so any chance they get to kiss or hold each other or tell each other they love the other they take because they literally never know when it might be the last and they just cant risk it again <3 they love each other a lot and are very good for one another, eme helped pull urianger out of his shell and maybe kinda inspired him to take up astrology in the first im just sayin. yeah it helped him predict the future but also it reminded him of his gf while he was alone for 4 years and urianger helped eme learn to relax and take care of herself :)
tldr; they,,,,good
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indecisive-v · 3 years
NINJAMUFFIN DOING ANOTHER AMA ON TWITTER, HERE'S MORE SHIT FOR YA! keep in mind i'm just sharing the funkin related stuff, though i am including WAAAAY more than what i shared before 👍 go check out ninja's twitter profile for questions about stuff like ritz! questions in blue, answers in orange. if yall don't wanna read everything i MIGHT make a version of this post where i replace the answers with my own summaries of em (and if the questions are long, those too)
and here's a link to the ama tweet itself! dunno if it's still goin
Q: I figure the answer will be yes but do you have more plans to implement more guest appearances from people in the newgrounds community into FNF? Or are you all gunna focus on OG lore and stuff going forward
A: for guest appearances, I think we have always seen it as getting a healthy mix of both. PERSONALLY I'd like to lean towards having more OG stuff than guest stuff, BUT it's all a matter of what other boys think of that as well. I'm not the sole person working on game!
Q: Are you gonna release the full FNF game or are you gonna be releasing week after week? Like, are you gonna release week 8 or are we gonna wait some years until The Full Ass Game comes out?
A: Release plan for FNF right now is a few more updates or whatev to the 'demo' we have out right now, and then a long silence of probably no updates whatsoever until the full game is done (which will likely be a few years). That's partly why we made kickstarter for game.
Q: Hey so like, how much will Fnf cost after it's finished? And when will you ask the supporters what they want the game on?
A: It's all subject to change, but right now it prob gonna be standard 15-25$ lil steam indie game.
We will ask Kickstarter pledgers and whatnot what they want the game on SUPER close to when its released, to keep options open if we get onto anything like a console people want.
Q: 1. how was your day
2. are you releasing a week 8 song early like week 7, or are you goin full lockdown
A: I am doing GOOD today, and I think recently I've been good in general.
up to the mood, but so far we doing good about not having anything leak or whatev, so I think it'd be fun to have update come out with people not knowing what to expect at all. Build dat intrigue
Q: Will fnf ever get official plushies?? Seems like an untapped market
A: FNF plushies will prob happen some point, we have a lot of current merch stuff on our plates already though! (Mostly kickstarter type stuff, shirts, pins, posters, and all the physical OST stuff) Its a lot to sort out, but in time more and more stuff will happen. We r jus 4 boys!
Q: did you ever expect your game to blow up as it did? what was your first reaction to seeing it become super popular
A: FNF never had a humble moment, literally day 1 before the prototype even came out, the vid on twitter had like 5K likes overnight. Then when ludum dare version came out, it got 5K likes again, like it wasnt just a fluke. Was crazy, and def felt like somethin was different wit FNF
Q: Do you plan on getting other people to come in to help with the music? That seems like a lot of work to dump on one person, what with the erect mode and whatnot.
I guess the question could apply to all aspects of development. Will you be bringing on more people to help?
A: We definitely are getting help from other people. We are always keeping an eye on people for various different things. In terms of programming, already I've gotten 2 people (MtH and Geokureli) to help with certain Week 7 stuff (charting/polish, and loading stuff). Shit like dat
Q: Oh, also, will the Steam version be Workshop compatible? That'd really help streamline the process of downloading mods.
A: Steam version of FNF will likely NOT be Steam workshop compatible, because we want all the mods to NOT be spread out through different places. There WILL be modding support that is as streamlined as Steam workshop though. Mainly for non-steam versions of the game!
Q: Are there any chances that the game will have a physical release? Also any updates on a switch port? I remember one of you guys talking/joking about it.
A: Not impossible for FNF to get a physical release. We would want to see how far we could go with it though. I think it'd be super easy to do something wit people like LimitedRun games or whatev, but I think stuff like that can only go so far. I wanna see Funkin in mf Walmart!!!!!!
not that LimitedRun isn't going to be an option! Just we consider and pursue many different things! FNF release is years away, so we have time to think about everything. Whole mindset can be different just a few months from now.
Q: Out of curiosity, how are you dealing with all the popularity? It blew up so fast id barely be able to handle it if I was in your shoes.
A: The only way I've been able to handle it is having the other boys on the crew and being able to talk to them about all the overwhelmingness.
Part of it feels very lonesome, feels like NO ONE can come close to comprehending exactly how I'm feeling, except them. also other PALS!!!
Q: Do you own any of the bootleg FNF merchandise? Like any bootleg plushies or anything?
A: i dont, i genuinely think they r a waste of money, and I know any bootleg shit that gets made, we can prob go about and make it, and make it 100x cooler because we actually put effort into shit. bootleg shit just in it for the coin, so they aint gettin that from me
Q: How did you go about getting in contact with sr pelo for skid and pumps vocals?
A: Pelo i think was familiar and pals wit PhantomArcade a bit thru various Newgrounds things and collabs and whatnot.
pelo retweeted the first OG FNF posts first ever, and brought a LOT of attention to it. to pay him back, we put skid and pump in game! ask dave for more info prob
Q: what's the plan for having the full ass game open source if it's gonna cost money? couldn't people just download the source and compile the game for free?
A: when FNF is fully released, the full source code will be released as well.
the game will be DRM free so it will be way easier for people to redistribute the released/offical .exe instead of compiling it, so that's not the issue anyways. people will pay for things if they like it
Q: What are the chances of it getting on consoles like switch or Playstation, ps5 would definitely be my preferred way to play
A: it'd be a matter of hiring someone to build out backend stuff for those specific consoles. someone who knows their way around all the wacky code stuff, AND knows console hardware stuff. Then its just a matter of hittin up those console manufacturers (Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo)
the CLOSEST one is SWITCH. pretty much all of that backend is already made, so it just a matter of gettin all that access and shit.
i think in any case though, there's a lot of NDA stuff required, i dunno how much we'd be able to talk about it even IF we get that stuf sorted
Q: any ideas of releasing it on epic store or another platform?
A: Right now, the only thing that is 100% confirmed and WILL happen is a Steam version, itchio version, and mobile versions on respective app stores. Other storefronts aren't out of the picture though, but we don't want to spread ourselves too thin with it.
Q: Will you continue using HaxeFlixel to make the rest of FNF?
A: yes, because it is what I'm the most technically proficient in, and generally is VERY flexible. just a matter of ME becoming a better coder. It's ALL open source, so if I need something done a certain way, either I can do it, or we can hire someone to do it.
Q: have you seen game theory's videos on your game yet and if so, what do you think about them? (not talking about his predictions because i dont want spoilers. i like mystery)
A: it is always good silly fun to watch the Game Theory vids about Funkin with some pals, and see what matpat thinks of the game. i lov the vids, but wish he used my face less! Or at least used a cuter pic of me like this one!!
Tumblr media
Q: Ok so: What does the future of FNF look like to you?
A: future of FNF is a rhythm game that not only exceeds every expectation that people have of it, but subverts most expectations and conventions as well.
Q: Do you plan on retouching on older weeks once the game is fully out? Like reanimating sprites, redoing some charting, updating the background, etc
A: retouching and probably overhauling certain aspects is almost definitely gonna happen. Everything is fluid and can be changed (and should be changed when necessary). i dont think anything should be too attached to, especially this early on in development
Q: I honestly do not care if the answer to this is vague as hell to keep surprises and shit lol but… Since Week 7 was the closest we’ll get to a playable girlfriend (still bf controlling tho), do you have plans to make girlfriend playable in spin-off things or just freeplay?
A: wouldnt be out of the picture for a playable GF, i don't think we've had some hard thing AGAINST it. just a matter of what we want out of the game, and what sort of story or whatev we could do with that concept
Q: How do BF and GF manage to meet famous newgrounds characters (such as pico, tankman and the others to come) like is this all in one universe/ timeline or are they being brought in?
A: i think they are all just there existing. i think there's a lot of wacky things in other media that try to justify crossovers, like MULTIVERSE bullshit or TIMELINE shit, but i dunno, its like subspace emissary. Captain Falcon and Olimar from Pikmin just hang out. Shit like dat
disclaimer that all lore shit is in phantomarcade head pretty much and maybe there is wacky dimensions or somethin
Q: Will the game have dlc?
A: its not too unlikely that we'd have expansions of some sort, but i mean right now we plan on packing in as much as we can into base game, and trying to make that as pure as possible.
if there is ANY dlc, i would personally want it to be 100% free updates
Q: How did you meet Phantom Arcade, Kawai Sprite, and EvilSker? And what do you think about the community and its controversies?
A: me and phantomarcade been fukin around NG for years so years and years ago we naturally crossed paths and became pals
about 2 years ago i found kawaisprites music on NG, and started talkin wit him, made Ritz wit him and we fell in lov
and evilsk8r i met cuz of FNF!!!
quik elaborate on evilsk8r, wanted artist for gamejam FNF was for (ludum dare), and OG person i asked wasnt available, so he referred me to evilsk8r, who I have never met or talked to before ever.
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rival-ado · 5 years
owo I'm curious. But like could order like all the pmd and why you like/dislike each one?
AHHHHHH !!!!! okay hope ur ready for a lot of rambling this might be one of my favorite asks ever fjlsjfJTKFJ
1.) pmd2 !! this is my favorite by far and my first pmd game , specifically explorers of sky !!!!
the story is SO good , the characters are really good and interesting and memorable , theres a lot to do main game AND post game , not to mention special episodes [ theyre ALL so good but i give my life to special episode 5 . ive replayed it so many times ] !!! i could go on forever ahfjsjkfkg . the only negative things i can rlly think about rn are fixed in the later games [ moving in dungeons can be slow and depending on ur type a lot of dungeons can be hell + teammates can be a nuisance rather than helpful ] but !! a rlly big plus is you can make your own missions thru a generator online and get literally any item you want , its super helpful [ reviver seeds are super important to have ] !! i havent replayed it in a while so i might have more to say later but i really could write papers about this game i love it so much alfjskfk
2.) psmd !! the most recent pmd game , and my second favorite !!!
this game has every pokemon gen 1-7 and every single one has a different mission AND theyre all connected to each other . you can get missions from characters from previous games [ grovyle + celebi mission ; __ ; ] . i recommend playing this game last tho if you plan on playing them all !! the story is pretty good and has some rlly good twists , theres post game but not a ton [ unless u want to do every mission ] , you can befriend and play as any pkmn you want which is rlly cool !!! also theres a pushing mechanic which is not only super helpful but rlly funny to me [ shoves an entire line of teammates out of harms way ] . for the negatives ... the characters are interesting but i dont remember them as well , i wish there was more character development . i dont hate the final boss but ... its kinda a reused concept from pmd3 which i wasnt fully a fan of in the first place [ spoilers ? the final boss isnt a pkmn , its just negativity ] . they bring back apples which isnt rlly bad but i sure didnt miss them . leveling up is HELL . i rlly dislike the fact that you have to buy saves for dungeons though , no quicksaves if you have to do something all of a sudden , no saves at rest stops mid dungeon . you gotta buy em and bring em along , im pretty sure its only this game that does it but i hope they dont keep it . nevertheless its a solid pmd game !!!
3.) pmd3 !! gates to infinity !!! i gotta be honest im barely putting this above red/blue rescue team but i WILL bc despite its very big flaws it also has a lot of ups !!
okay this game along with everything gen 5 gets a lot of hate and i can sure see why with this one but i still think its rlly good !!! im actually gonna start with the negatives on this one to get em out of the way but . paradise building does not interest me . no stacking missions [ you cant do more than one at a time ] , the rewards are just supplies that go towards building paradise , the final boss doesnt rlly interest me [ again spoilers same as psmd: its not a pkmn ] , and it just has so many differences from the usual pmd formula and i cant promise that theyre all ..... positive . plus the VERY limited choices for hero and partner [ i wont complain much bc i wouldve chosen the given pkmn over other starters anyways but . no quiz , only 5 pkmn compared to other games 15+ ? oof ] A..... ANYWAYS now that thats over . POSITIVES ..... i rlly like the characters ! the main ones and even the villains have a little development !! [ dunsparse emolga hydreigon ILY ] the story itself is good ; im not a fan of concepts that appear for one game and are never even mentioned later but the entercards [ ? ] are interesting and the frozen chasm recorder thing may have made me want to cry . i dont want to specifically spoil anything but this game can be a little brutal at times too ? leaving friends behind , being chased down by the villains , being split up from your friends , not gonna say the exact scenes bc of spoils but when things get rlly bad and how desperate the hero and partner can get when theyre trying to protect each other ..... [ cries ] . while some mechanics of the game arent my favorite , the story is good and can make u damn emotional .......
4.) pmd !! red/blue rescue team !!! i cant even call this my least favorite bc i have no real least favorites when it comes to this series but i just like the others a little better ahkfjsjfkc
im a little more biased bc this is the last game of the series i played even tho its the original . BUT i still have so many good things to say about it and i would probably recommend this first ? i dont remember there being a lot of characters compared to the other games but they sure leave an impression on you . i also like how the partner is kinda sassy and like , they just met you but would literally do anything for you and believe in you even when you dont believe in yourself . every pmd game has good twists but i RLLY like the one they pulled here . also you spend a good amount of the game being on the run from people you trusted literally trying to kill you which is fucked up but i really like how they played the story . i didnt even play it that long ago but writing this makes me want to play it again smfjkskfj ... the main negatives i can think about are all stuff fixed in future games again [ and you can also do the same make your own mission generator and get items to make the game easier ] . a lot of the bosses are the same type / resistant to the same type so depending on your hero / partner it could go rlly smoothly or rlly badly [ to anyone choosing grass type pkmn . godspeed ] . i think this might be the shortest pmd game and it might be hard bc its the first , but if youre looking to rlly get into the series id go with this one first . if you just want to test the waters id go with pmd2 !!
T.... TYSM FOR THE ASK and these are all opinions of course and its just my thoughts but if you got all the way down here . ily
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margridarnauds · 5 years
3, 4, 12, and 27 for any Celtic or Arthurian ship (go wild with 'em!)
It is a fact universally acknowledged that I am A Soft Bitch. Also it has been SO LONG since I’ve dipped my toes into Arthuriana.  
(Sorry it took me so long; I had a Fourth of July dinner to go to and then afterwards I was so exhausted by people asking me about the drinking opportunities available in Ireland because obviously that’s why I’ve spent five years of my life dedicated to the field, amiright? + getting stung by fire ants because fuck Florida that I had to take a long freaking nap.) 
3. Who is the most romantic?
I think that they actually both are, it’s just...how they express it. 
Sreng tends to be slightly blunter as far as he feels, he tends to show his affection for Bres via being a rock for him when he needs it most. He helps Bres with the children, he distracts him when the pressures of being with the Fomorians and the diplomatic hot potato get to be too much for him, he’s the one who Bres vents to when his father is being difficult on something, he tries to find ways to visit Bres whenever he can. He was the one in the tent with Bres when the news about Ruadan’s death came, he was the one who held Bres throughout the night as he SOBBED into Sreng’s last good cloak. 
Bres on the other hand is slightly less big on ACTIONS; it would be really, really easy for an outside observer to think that he’s less invested in the relationship. The truth is that he’s just as invested as Sreng is, if not more. He just tends to show it via, for example, curling up with Sreng’s cloak when he’s not there or being the one to take his hand when they’re in bed together, running his fingers along Sreng’s knuckles. 
Bres’ private space is very important to him, it’s part of why the Tuatha dé and he never really CLICKED, because the king of the Tuatha dé needed to be...well...an extrovert, someone who can host lavish feasts, someone who can humor everyone in the hall while maintaining the social order, and the longer that Bres stood in the kingship, the more he grew to despise everyone there. But Sreng is allowed IN there, he can go to Bres’ quarters with no problem, he can dine with Bres privately and Bres is perfectly at ease with him, he can share Bres’ living space to the extent that Bres tends to use him as a pillow. Also: Bres totally dotes on him and occasionally slips him a new gold neck-ring when he’s not looking. Because Sreng would be too proud for it normally but Bres can’t stand to see his decline. Which is big for Bres, given how we KNOW how stingy he was with the Tuatha dé. 
You know that if he’d won he would have totally spoiled Sreng. If that Fir Bolg wanted ANYTHING, he would have had it. It’s hard to use the term “consort” because the Medieval Irish were so BIG on marriage = children as a concept, but...Sreng would have been Bres’ nearest, dearest companion that he lavished attention on. Which would have rubbed salt on the Tuatha dé’s wounds even more. 
Galahad. He has VERY high ideals of love and how it should be expressed, and so he’s constantly trying to court Mordred in the most courtly way he possibly can. Which is massively confusing to Mordred because he has no idea what to DO but...well...it’s nice. At least, once he realizes that Galahad id 100% serious. At first, he laughs about it with his brothers, but then as time goes on, he realizes that he LIKES it. (Namely when Galahad’s away on a quest at one point and suddenly Mordred doesn’t have that attention anymore.) Mordred is more the “I happened to find this by the side of the road, but don’t think that I LIKE you” type. 
4. Who can’t keep their hands to themselves?
...Bres. Bres is just...Bres. He can’t keep his hands to himself and he will make bad jokes the entire time in his attempt to be smooth. He deeply enjoys trying to find excuses to touch Sreng whenever they are at a feast together. This drives Sreng absolutely batty since there’s really nothing that he can do to reciprocate when they’re in front of some of THE MOST POWERFUL FOMORIAN NOBILITY TO EXIST and Bres is behaving very casually, making pleasant conversation and Oh, Queen Cethlenn, is that a new silk dress? I hadn’t noticed it before while he raises his goblet at Sreng. Sreng always takes his revenge in the end, waiting until they have at least a sliver of privacy before pinning Bres against the nearest hard surface and kissing him absolutely senseless. Which was totally Bres’s intended purpose.
In general, Mordred, despite often seeming aloof. Mordred is very, very handsy with his boyfriend because, even though he won’t ADMIT it, the boy’s touch starved, and Galahad is endlessly compassionate when it comes to that. Though Galahad DID get tipsy once and was, as it turns out, a very affectionate drunk, which gave Mordred fuel to tease him for WEEKS. (And the rest of Camelot tbh. Given that we know that they are not above roasting someone given Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.) Galahad can’t enter the Great Hall without blushing for ages. Mordred tells him that his father’s done far, far worse in his time. 
12. What first changes when it starts getting serious?
It’s odd with them because their bond’s been intense since the first time they met. They just had one of those instant connections, so in some ways them finally going from friends to lovers...wasn’t THAT big of a step, because they always were serious. Their meeting is actually really, really unusual in terms of how two champions from opposite sides GENERALLY interact in-text, given that they both are on such good terms with one another and they STAY on good terms with one another even after everything happens. No, this did not feature in my undergrad Capstone in any way, what would give you that idea? 
I think that Bres is really, really surprised that Sreng stays by his side after their reunion. He puts on this very confident front, but privately, he puts a lot of his self identity on his looks. And when they went with Cairpre’s satire, that was a HUGE blow mentally and physically, even before it touches how it affects his kingship. He knew on some level that Sreng was interested in him, but they’d left things at a confusing place. So, he didn’t think that Sreng would keep an interest in him when his looks were marred, Sreng didn’t think that he had ANY interest in him...it’s a mess. And both of them still kind of think that the other’s going to change their mind at any given time even after they begin the process of clearing things up, not the least because neither one of them have really ever been in a place of stability in their lives. 
But then, it’s a month onwards, then it’s a year, then it’s two years, and both of them are still there, and it’s just like “Oh. This is a Thing” and there’s just this general feeling of security that starts to creep in. And, gradually, their lives just kind of naturally intersect. Both of them interact with one another regularly, both of them know each other’s families (regrettably, in Sreng’s case, given that he is the founding member of the Elatha Hate Club, even though he does love Bres’ children dearly), both of them have stuff over at the other one’s place. In the modern day, it would be painfully obvious that they were a couple, but since it IS this time, everyone else thinks They’re Just Good Friends, because that’s how good friends ARE at this point in time. Except for Lugh, who post-Cath Maige Tuired firmly believes that Bres is The Actual Devil and that Sreng and he have some sort of devious plan to take Ireland back. 
For once, they stop thinking about their respective destinies as much. 
Like, don’t get me wrong, in Galahad’s case in PARTICULAR, his eventual destiny is something that’s ALWAYS at the back of his mind, because he’s spent literally his ENTIRE CHILDHOOD being told that. We do not discuss the truly endless depth of my hatred for his mother and grandfather for THAT ONE + their treatment of Lancelot. 
And for Mordred, I think that on some level, there’s just this resignation that he’s going to be the villain, he’s going to kill Arthur one day, he’s going to be Evil™. He’s known that since he got the prophecy, and I tend to see him as having this “Then let me BE evil” moment after he murders the old priest and then Lancelot, the knight who he’d IDOLIZED and probably had a little bit of a crush on, tries to kill him. And that’s why he tends to see all the bad in Camelot, because it makes it that much easier to bring it all down. 
But, for a little while, there’s this period of time where they have the luxury of thinking about something outside of their fates, they can have a LIFE that’s theirs, without worrying about the future. It’s one of those things that they don’t even really NOTICE until it’s like “Wait, I haven’t thought about my tragic but inevitable death for a month now, where’s the time gone?” 
27. Why do their friends get annoyed with them?
Bres has FRIENDS? 
Alright, alright, that’s probably a little cruel, but...Well, he doesn’t really HAVE anyone. I tend to HC that Sreng’s brothers don’t really understand the relationship AT ALL and tend to view Bres as The Tuath Dé Who Shamelessly Seduced Their Brother (If you ask Bres, HE’LL say that it was the other way around, if you ask Sreng, he’ll just shrug because honestly to this day he has no idea how he scored Bres.)  
Tailtiu thinks that Sreng is essentially tying himself to a sinking ship. (Which...is she WRONG?) And Bres’ presence is basically a gigantic wedge between Sreng and Lugh being Bros™, which would obviously be Tailtiu’s endgame of choice. That, and Bres did. Kind of. Try to kill her former husband. Even though he had a Very, Very Good Reason for it at the time. Still. That has to sting a little. 
Elatha REALLY doesn’t like Sreng or the relationship, because he views it as a Distraction™ (that, and he doesn’t understand the appeal. If his son’s going to throw everything out on the line for someone, couldn’t it have been someone better, more attractive, more witty, less blunt? Someone that he could bend to his own ends), but he also knows that he has to tacitly allow it to continue, because he does NOT want to deal with the fallout. (Not even from Bres. Oh no, there’s a bigger threat to be considered. Eriu. Who is Very Happy That Her Boy’s Found Someone To Make Him Happy and won’t hear a bad word against Sreng, who she considers to be A Very Nice Boy. If she were a modern mom, she totally would be knitting Sreng a Christmas sweater while they speak and asking them when the wedding was even before either one of them had really THOUGHT of proposing.) 
Bríg does NOT like Sreng at all, not necessarily because of personal jealousy (she never really loved Bres, he never really loved her, even though there was a definite possibility that they could have loved one another in the early days), but because of the Nuada Incident. She doesn’t really understand why Bres would spend so much time with him when he’s The Enemy, and he’s a Fir Bolg so he’s inherently lesser than the Tuatha dé anyway. 
Bres’ brothers don’t really understand it either. Over 3000 years in and the Dagda STILL thinks that Bres’ problem is that he doesn’t get laid enough and that if Bres would just get away from That Fir Bolg... (If only he knew, if only he knew.)
Meanwhile, the Fomorian lords, sans Elatha, are more or less completely oblivious. Tethra might have a better idea than the others, but does he care? Nope. He’s not overly invested in this whole thing anyway. He’s got his own issues at home to take care of, thank you VERY much. He participates in the raids because he has to dole out the loot to his men the same as anyone else, but he’s not INVESTED in it. It’s a necessary part of maintaining his kingship, nothing more. Sreng isn’t overly fond of them because he considers them to be essentially a snakepit of intrigue and corruption that will stab the two of them in the back at their earliest opportunity and he’s not wrong for the most part, though the one thing I WILL emphasize is that it’s not because they’re Fomorians, it’s that they’re...well, medieval kings, but they have a decent enough working relationship because they both hate the Tuatha dé’s guts. 
Agrap-Agravaine tends to be annoyed that his brother’s spending all his time with someone who’s such a goody two shoes. Mordred and he have always been the closest in terms of age and personality, and suddenly he’s no longer Mordred’s Favorite. 
I actually think that Morgause would like Galahad? She’s definitely very, very pro-her sons being happy in Le Morte d’Arthur and Good Mom Morgause is a hill that I’m willing to die on. Because fuck T.H White. I do think it would be a little strange, to say the least, given that obviously Galahad is staunchly religious whereas I don’t REALLY see Morgause having that same bent. Morgause just...lives her own life, regardless of what society says, and I think she would have some trouble understanding why her son would go for someone like that when he’s HIM. But I do think that for the most part, she would just be thrilled that Mordred has someone who he’s devoted to given that he’s REALLY not been OK since That One Quest With Lancelot. 
ANY of Galahad’s friends tend to be annoyed at Mordred simply for the fact that Mordred is...Mordred. He doesn’t have the best reputation for a REASON, and it’s very, very dissonance inducing to see the two of them constantly in one another’s presence, even though they try to frame it in terms of Mordred being a charity case of Galahad's.
And Lancelot obviously hates Mordred because he knows of The Prophecy™. He is NOT pleased by this turn of events, and it goes way beyond “annoyance.” 
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