#and like. you can critize things! i'm not saying you can't
zehecatl · 2 years
it's so sad that people nowadays expect everything they consume to be The Literal Bestest Thing Ever
like with video games it's super apparent, with A Lot of people expecting longevity, and for the game to reinvent the genre, and if that's not the case, it's just not worth your time or money. and i'd argue this is also a problem in other things, where it's like- there's no room for 'just good shows'
like i've seen the weirdest complaints about KNY, and it's like these people have to find something to nitpick, because it can't just be good!
Snake Eyes: G.I Joe Origins isn't a particular clever movie, but it's a fun time, and yet i saw nothing but complaints about it, and it's so sad, because it feels like people can't just enjoy things anymore. like who cares if the writing isn't the best thing ever, it doesn't have to be!
this one game, Haiku the Robot, is a super cute and pretty fun metroidvania. and yet, because it was heavily inspired by Hollow Knight, it had numerous reviews calling it 'a worse Hollow Knight' and therefore not worth your time
and that's just. why would you not want to play a game like Hollow Knight? like yeah, it's not gonna be HK, it's a literal fucking masterpiece, but who cares! don't you just want to have fun?
people have such high standards for media these days, and it's just kind of sad. like isn't the whole point about consumption to have a good time? to enjoy yourself? why are we expecting everything to be the new Shakespeare, or the new Dark Souls, or the new Hollow Knight, or so on and so on
can we not just have fun
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I completely understand what you've done. Sometimes people don't measure how they express things when they are not calm and think something's unfair, is something human and that everyone in some point do. You should have taken a few moments to calm down? Yes, you did? No, bur at least you admitted your wrong-doing.
Over the whole situation with the other blogs, I sort of understand where they get annoyed, it's not fair to go critizicing someone saying it's for the sake of your friend and because of bullying when being aggresive yourself, but I also don't find it proper doing so like they do, there are better ways, specially in a summary of the events where you're supposed to stay neutral and not say things that highly critize someone because that's when the tension get's worse and those who follow them end up doing the same witch hunt as it has just happened and the same event repeats itself. They could have handled things properly, as you should have done too.
I really do hope that this situation can be talked out with you, bunny, and those other two blogs (which I don't really know so I can't really name? Ceilid I think and the other one was just numbers? I'M SORRY 😔) But yeah, really do hope things can get settled, talked out and fixed. There's no need to throw hate at anyone over things like this.
I very much appreciate the calm and understanding response.
I don't know if it's too much for me to say that none of us came out of this looking good, collectively speaking.
Just gotta hope we can all grow and learn from it and that it doesn't happen again.
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jamiegege · 1 year
"The Oedipal Struggle of Dostoevsky Toward Gogol" (Piotr Axer) - My synthesis
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Hello guys it's been a long time since i haven't posted so i'm back with this synthesis of an amazing work i just read !!
You guys probably don't know about it but i'm a huge fan of literature, especially English, Japanese and Russian (even if i don't know a lot about this latter one). And today i decided to do some research about Nikolai Gogol's life & works as i already ordered some of his books. While looking for one of his specific works (i was looking for a pdf english translation of 'Hans Küchelgarten') i found a dissertation by Piotr Axer about (in large) the influence Gogol's works had on Dostoyevski's works. As i'm reading 'Crime and punishment' and planning on reading some Gogol's novels (+ i'm a huge fan of fyolai) i decided to read it. To be honest it was quite long (around 220 pages) but really interesting and i did a quick synthesis of it but instead of keeping it for myself i chose to share it here so fyolai fans, literature fans and lazy people can learn stuff (the link of the original work is at the end of the post for those who wanna go deeper and read it).
Few informations about both of the authors :
Fyodor Dostoyevski : Russian author/novelist ; 11th november 1821 - 9th february 1881 ; naturalism, realism
Nikolai Gogol : Ukrainian (russian empire) author/novelist/poet/dramatist/literary critic ; 1st april 1809 - 4th march 1852 ; formalism, realism
Sythesis :
We can feel Gogol's influence on Dostoyevski's works in many ways, but the most noticable one is the references to Gogol's characters :
"His entire estate consisted of just an overcoat, like Akaki Akakievich" ('Petersburg Dreams in Verse and Prose') => Akaki being the main character of 'The Overcoat' (one if not the most famous of Gogol's novels)
"to keep asking about Garibaldi and about italian affairs, as Poprishchin did about Spanish matters … And thus there formed within him little by little the incontrovertible assurance that he was in fact Garibaldi, brigand and violator of the natural order of things" ('Petersburg Tales') => which is an actual reference to one of the titular characters of 'Diary of a Madman' (Nikolai Gogol) whom belives himself to be Garibaldi (political italian figure, 1807-1882).
In his early years of writting Dostoyevski can't evade Gogol's influence like a young man cannot escape his parents' influence and this even if their works aren't in the same style at all (Dostoyevski : more realistic, dark and mysterious / Gogol : more satiric, controversial and humour oriented).
On the other hand, Dostoyevski critized Gogol's religious opinions but he was mostly criticizing his morals and aesthetics. However, Dostoyevski explains his religious opinions and his understanding of the use of religion in literature through 'The village of Stepanchikovo'.
In conclusion we can say that Gogol's work had a huge impact on Dostoyevski works. By being an influence at the beginning of his career but also while the maturating process of Dostoyevski's works and artistic opinions as he was contesting Gogol's aesthetic, personality and religious ideas.
I hope this quick sythesis pleased you and that you learned things if you have any questions i would gladly answer them in the comments, xoxo <33
the dissertation's link :
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Vanessa finally gets fired from the Company
(Headcanon #123: Sick Boyfriend and Drugfriend both own a company with Freund.XML.)
Sick Boyfriend working on some paperwork on his desk.
Sick BF: *hums*
(knock knock)
Sick BF: Oh, who is it?
Kelly(HD GF): It's me, Kelly.
Sick BF: Oh Kelly, come in.
(HD GF comes inside)
Kelly(HD GF): Boss, we have a problem....
Sick BF: *sighs* Let me guess, Vanessa again?
Kelly(HD GF): Yes....
Sick BF: *annoyed* What did she do this time?
Kelly(HD GF): She was harassing your twin sister Rachel and she was inapproiatelly trying to flirt with your husband.
Kelly(HD GF): Yep, you heard me.
Sick BF: Bring her in here, NOW!!!!
Kelly(HD GF): Yes boss *went to go get vanessa*
Sick BF: *mind* Grrrrr I'm so done with that bitch! I'm gonna get rid of her once and for all.
(2 minutes later...)
Kelly(HD GF): I brought her boss!
Sick BF: Thank you Kelly, you can leave now.
Kelly(HD GF): Okay, You want me to close the door on my way out?
Sick BF: Yes, cause I'm gonna start screaming in the next 5 minutes....
Kelly(HD GF): Okay then. *mind* You're fucked, Vanessa!
(closes the door)
Vanessa: (roles her eyes) So what's the problem now? Did I do something wrong again?
Sick Boyfriend was about to reach to his breaking point, his anger was almost to 99%.
Sick BF: (angry) Vanessa. Can you explain to me why the hell are you harrassing my sister and most importantly inapproatiately try to FLIRT WITH MY HUSBAND?!
Vanessa was startled by Sick Boyfriend's tone. It's the fear saying that She's fucked.
Vanessa: W-Well I-I-I-I
Sick BF: I've had it up to here with you Vanessa, ever since you came to this company, you've been nothing but horrible to everyone! You picked on the female employees, You critized your senior work, You sexually harrassed the male employees, you didn't do any of the work I assigned you, You make others do it for you and take all the credit, You even bullied one of my best clients to the point to reaching to suicide! Not to mention, you keep flirting with MY HUSBAND! Aren't you married, so why are you flirting with men who are married huh?
Vanessa: Uhhhh, w-well I-
Sick BF: And another thing! You always show up wearing clothes that show too much skin! We have a dress code you know! And I kept telling you to go change your clothes, yet you still didn't listen to me!
Vanessa: That's because I wanted all the men to like me!
Sick BF: I gotten many complaints from the male staff and the clients that you were sexually harrassing them. And I've heard that you've been embezzing money from the company safe.
Vanessa: H-How did you....
Sick BF: Gia told me, She saw you sneaking into the company safe and try to steal almost 100, 000,000 dollars to go to the hostess bars. And when you got caught, you threatened her that you'll try to get her fired!
Vanessa: W-Well......
Sick BF: I've had enough of your bullshit since day 1, Vanessa so I'm sorry to say this but You're fired!
Vanessa: WHAT?! FIRED?!
Sick BF: Yes you're fired, I want you to go in your office, pack everything you have and get out!
Vanessa: You can't do that!
Sick BF: Oh yes I can, and if I want to, I can show the evidence to the police about you sexual harrassment towards others and you stealing money from the company, I have cameras everywhere.
Vanessa: P-Please! I need this job, My husband is gonna leave me and I had to pay compension for it so please don't fire me!
Sick BF: Well you should've thought of that before doing all those things you did now! So pack your stuff and leave!
Vanessa: Please give me another chance!
Sick BF: I gave you 1000 chances but You seemed to fuck it up so leave now.
Vanessa: B-But sir.....
Sick BF: (angry tone growing stonger) I won't tell you again....get out.
Vanessa: But-
Sick BF: (furious tone) I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT NOW!!!!!!
Vanessa: (screaming while crying out of the room)
Sick Girlfriend saw Vanessa coming out of the office crying.
Sick GF: *mind* Damn, looks like she's cooked now.
Sick BF: (exhale) Oh thank god I finally got that out of my mind, *sighs* Now I need to get back to where I left off.
(Knock knock)
Sick BF: Who is it?
Drugfriend: It's me Drugfriend.
Sick BF: You can come in
(Drugfriend comes inside the office)
Drugfriend: Hey.
Sick BF: Hey....
Drugfriend: So you finally got rid of Vanessa?
Sick BF: *groans*
Drugfriend: Judging by the tone of your voice, I would say yes.
Sick BF: *sighs* I'm sorry, it's just that she got me so angry about her behavior so I had to blow some steam at her.
Drugfriend: You want me to massage you till you calmed down?
Sick BF: *sighs* Y-Yeah, all that yelling and screaming made me all exhausted.
Drugfriend: *massages his shoulders* Well at least, this will help you feel relaxed.
Sick BF: Mmm~ Yeah it does.
The end
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izzysillyhandsy · 1 year
Reasons why Iz is so relatable (to me at least)
Doing your actual job, being concerned about the safety of your coworkers, getting things done, in fact doing things exactly the way you've been expected to do them in the last decade or so and then your boss (who also is an old friend, possibly the love of your life) sees you as a boring, unoriginal, annoying idiot who's bringing the mood down... I mean I can totally relate to that and I know exactly how that feels :(
Doesn't help that Ed is a terrible communicator and actually reassures Izzy more than once that he's on the right track just to placate him. Also, Blackbeard is a showman, and I'm sure that Izzy knows that things Edward says in "show mode" are not always to be trusted. It's the private one-on-one talks that count (see also Izzy pulling Ed away from everyone to critize him). And in private, Ed never (as far as I remember) told Izzy to behave in any other way than he's presumably always done it - apart from "you're no fun, mate".
I can also 100% relate to Izzy's reaction to the boat, knick-knacks and the clouds. I had a boyfriend like that once. Every time I wanted to discuss something serious, he would deflect with some cutesy remark or action. And people who are just joining in always assume that the serious person is the bitch-who-can't-have-fun here, so... (I know that's not what Ed was really doing here. I just sense a history of this kind of dynamic between them, and after a while you automatically react dismissively of the attempts at "distraction")
Poor Izzy is just doing the uszh here is what I'm saying. But apparently it's not valued any more.
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lilisouless · 1 year
just read an anon's ask hating on jack wolfe's wylan. no honey. he's too precious. he's so wylan he's exactly how i pictured him and there's also plenty of time for character development in s3 !! the only thing i was slightly bothered by was how quickly wesper just. appeared. don't get me wrong i'm as in love with the ship as they are with each other but it was so quick...
anyways i'm just saying, many people also love jack's wylan :)
Oh boy, you got a long one, sorry
I honestly didn't think anon intentionally wanted to hate on Jack, i used those words so they (and people that think like that) would actually reflect on what they were saying and the implications of that, maybe finding out if there were actually some prejudice on what they were saying because sometimes what you hate on a character can reflect on the actor and its not fair critism them for that and in this case, it doesn't apply because at least on my perspective there was nothing on Wylan being overly cutesy or childlike, other than, again; being played by an actor that looks younger than he is and has very expresive mannerism (actually, if you have seen Jack´s interviews, he moves and gesticulates way more than Wylan)
The thing was that i wasn't interested in using courtesies until the person reflected on that, i kind of kept waiting until the person write again to say "i didn't mean that, i actually meant..."
This is why sometimes i am careful on what characters i express my dislike over because i try to reflect if there is some prejudice i have that i have failed to reconigze in myself. Sure, in my head there are valid reasons to not like them, but i sometimes end up self questioning if i am trying to excuse myself to not revise that prejudice (i am thinking about two specific charcters right now)
But enought about me: wesper , the rush on them is disapointing, yes or yes. You may like them on the show, you may like the story made of them but its rushed, it is and it leaves the hole, people know why Jesper fell in love with Wylan on the book, but on the show you don't , there is no explanation on why Jesper suddenly is interested in starting something with Wylan, if you read the book it makes some sense because you know Jesper did appreciated Wylan´s wit (bomb building) his courage (standing up to Kaz) and generous soul (you could say enjoying playing the piano), you can take that from the show but if you haven't read the book you´ll think it was only the piano. Is not that it doesn't makes sense (it kind of does if you recall Jesper went to live with Wylan at the end of CK and they were dating for a day by then) , is just that there is something missing, a hole in the story that they forgot to fill.
Thats why i would like to say that Show!Wesper aren't in love yet, i have said that before and to me it works better that way, they are both exited with each other but have yet time to actually being the love of each others lifes (which is good, i wouldn't want them to be show!Nina-ed) and the resolution for that could be actually interesting, the thing is that hole in the middle of the develoment that well, it can't be filled so its easier to just ignore it.
Now to the Jack-Wylan thing, i have said before that you have to play attention who to actually blame.
Nina and Inej are wonderful and rounded characters but there are people that still recude them to their love interest, Jesper is a wonderful and rounded character,but some people still label him as a purely comic relief, is that Leigh´s fault? no! , sometimes people just are awful readers . The same happend with Wylan, Leigh didn't wrote him as a uwu baby (neither the mini kaz crazy yandere the fandom want btw) yet people still read him like that, still not Leigh´s fault
IF the show had portrayed Wylan the way those people think he is , believe me i would have complained too (it would still not be Jack´s fault for doing his job) but, while the show has a LOT to critize (they are so gonna pay for validating Helnik shippers that secretly hate Nina) and there are valid critism on Wylan´s portrayal, "the show made him a little sun baby" is simply not true
-He is not innocent, he tries hard to be but he still gets involved in exploting things and even kills someone onscreen (probably not completely intentional but not-not wanting to do it either)
-He is not (i say this because a lot of the uwu baby thing overlaps with sexualization most of the times) a virgin or sexuallly inexperienced. Now, to get this out of the way; not every character needs to be sexually experienced to have agency, be mature or assertive ; hell, i am a virgin myself and as you can see i never shut up. What i am trying to get here is that Wylan being not a virgin on the series seems like a deliberate way to avoid the "shy virgin guy meets the sexually experienced man that teaches him to do sex" trope before the fans could ever interpret this like that (you know there are people that see book!Wesper like this) so there was a deliberate move to defy the uwu baby wylan trope. I have in mind a couple of things that people would say about this but i will keep them to myself because they may be taken as creepy
-I think most of the "show!Wylan baby" actually comes down to that tic he has of deviating his smile , but i think thats meant to be a reemplacement of his (book canon) constant blushing, like if thats the whole base of claiming show!wylan is a uwu baby then...its pretty few to talk about
Lots of text, sorry, you just wanted to say you loved Jack as Wylan 🤐
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quetzalpapalotl · 1 year
Also I'm sorry, but if you think that the message of Optimus Prime is that you should not have faith in anything and hope is worthless and things will never get better either you were not paying attention or were reading the series in bad faith. Like that is objectively wrong.
I mean there is the fact that despite the narrative trying to avoid taking a definitive side, Shockwave, whose entire goal is to "destroy faith" is unambiguously positioned as in the wrong by being, you know, the villian that needs to be and isndefeated physically as well as ideologically. Not to mention several pieces of dialogue, the actual ending of Optimus dying to stop the cycle, OP #25 speech, Arcee's entire character arc.
Like, you can critize the execution, say that it diluted the message or sent mixed signals or whatever. But if you say that Optimus Prime's intended message is genuinely about hope and faith being worthless I can't take anything else seriously.
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luna-rainbow · 1 year
I'll never understand why anybody would write so much about something they don't like. it sounds repetitive. is there even anything you enjoyed about fatws? are you planning in watching thunderbolts? if yes then I'm looking at you like this 😬 because how are you gonna critize this company constantly and still giving them money and if you won't watch it then what will this blog about? the thing is, Bucky is not what you want him to be. he's not a babygirl who needs defending, at the end of the day it feels like the character will still going in directions you don't want him to go so what's the point of everything you do? they've been fucking Bucky over since the very beginning, they fucked up his relationships with other people since catws, they sacrificed his amazing storylines from the comics in benefit of Steve's storyline. they haven't respected his autonomy and his right to choose since that movie. remember when Steve followed him and sent Sam to follow him even when bucky didn't want to be found? .. exactly. ever since Bucky is in the mcu, they haven't respected him at all. not a single character has respected his choices, Steve included, this whole thing didn't start with tfatws and i wish everyone could see that instead of saying or thinking that he was good before, no he wasn't, the thing is that their favorite ship was still going (it's still going but i mean in the screen), that's why they can't see how wrong Steve was towards Bucky too, now that Steve is out of the map, some people feel like everything is wrong with Bucky. My pals, i repeat: it's always been wrong, even with Steve in there. Bucky deserved better since the very beginning.
1. Congrats! You just wrote a lot about something you disliked!
2. Your asks are getting repetitive
3. No I haven’t given Disney money since Endgame but thank you for caring about my wallet
4. “What will this blog be about” Oh honey I’ve been blogging since before the MCU existed, this blog is about me and my interests. Do you think this is public service?
Honestly if you want to engage on this topic, you need to put it on your own blog and lay out your reasoning. I’m not a voice for the fandom and I’m not here to argue with you on anyone’s behalf. I’ve said time and again that movie-Bucky was not written as a character but as a plot device for Steve so on some level I agree with you. Other people will see it differently, because that’s the fun thing about fandom. You can choose to invite conversation or yell into the void about it, but do it on your own blog.
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dearweirdme · 1 year
If only everyone in the fandom think and feel like this, but you can't blame others for feeling the way they feel. Although it's true that idols should not be held accountable for what their fans feel, but you shouldn't dismiss what and how they feel, too. It's only natural for some to feel disappointed with the situation, and feel mocked and played because that's simply how they feel. That's how they perceived the situation. Not everyone think alike. You're no better just because you think you're rational enough to weigh things down. How can you blame them for feeling that way? Sure it's their fault for feeling that way, but it wasn't their choice. Feelings don't work by choice. Get off your high horse if you can't relate to them. You can't judge them based on your own assumptions. This is the reason why others don't share what they feel coz of people like you who police them all the fckn time. All feelings are valid. If they feel that way, let them be. They'd come around in time. Let them process their own feelings, in their own time. Those initial reactions are normal.
These idols don't care about their fans much less how they feel. BTS might be slightly different, but at the of the day, business is still business. If this really is a PR stunt, then that's even more fcked up and goes against what Tae believes in.
Hi anon!
I'm not sure if your ask is adressing me or that anon? I try to make this a space where everyone can vent their feelings and I hope I don't come across as someone sitting on a high horse.
All feelings are valid. I can truly see both sides of this situation. I also think it's important that we are able to point those things out to each other though. See it as constructive critizism maybe? The trouble with fandom is that many get insulted very easily. We are so passionate about BTS and members individualy, so fans get angry fast adn use wording that is agressive instead of neutral.
I don't agree with you saying members don't care about their fans. I think it's apparent that they do. Not everything is black and white to me and several things can be true at the same time. It is possible for things to be business and genuine at the same time.
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alexanderdragonborn · 2 years
So I'm currently finishing my story with the Dark Brotherhood. I am excited about posting the story as soon as possible. For now, I thought I should post some spoiler alert. *story is still in edit*
Windhelm...home of the Stormclocks. I can't wait to get out of the city as soon as possible. It seems that everyone hates my kind here.
I sighed and went to walk towards the docks. Hopefully Solstheim won't be too bad.
Then it's true, what everyone is saying? That Aventus Aretino is doing the Black Sacrament? Trying to summon the Dark Brotherhood?"
*The...the Dark Brotherhood? Did I hear that right?*
Idesa: "Oh, Grimvar... always with the nonsense. No, no, of course not. Those are just tales..."
Grimvar: "Fine. Then I'll invite him out to play. He lives right there. I'm going to knock on his door..."
Idesa: "No, child! Wait! That boy, that house - they're cursed."
Grimvar: "Ha! Then I'm right. I knew it. He's trying to have somebody killed!"
Idesa: "All right. I won't deny it, child. What you heard is true. But Aventus Aretino walks a dark path. His actions can lead only to ruin. Now, enough. We will speak no more of this. I am the only friend you need."
On second thought Miraak can wait. I can't let this kid do this.
Somethings wrong here." I sighed in frustration.
"What do you mean Xel?" Remi says as she sits by the fire.
"Ever since we returned to Skyrim Misara is distance towards me. In fact she's beginning to become more anxious." I replied
"So it wasn't my imagination? Do you think shes upset that she killed...well you know Grelod?"
"Probably. But did you also notice how she froze when Aventus called her an assassin? Almost like shes hiding something?"
"Well if I was called assassin and I wasn't I would probably freeze too. But I see where you're coming from. Have you talked them about it?"
*Thats a good point but I'm not sure if thats the case*
"Not yet but I am considering bringing it up. You don't think shes going to become an assassin do you?
I don't think so. She's a thief not a killer. The only time she didn't feel bad about killing was the orc in Raven Rock or bandits.
"I remember. Frankly Raven Rock is better of without him but this is different. She jumps whenever we try to get her attention" I responded.
"That sounds like a conversation you two should have soon. It sounds like she needs someone to talk to" Remi replied.
"She usually leans on Lucien but our friend is currently busy right now. I can try to talk to her if you like l? Inigo asks.
"Best that we give her space. She looks like me when I'm focused on my experiments." Remi said.
I sighed and look up at Misara. She's holding on to the necklace and rubbing it slowly. It brings her comfort when things become too much. I wish I knew what was going on. Shes uneasy about something but what?
Guilt? Maybe. Fear? She is afraid. She didn't get caught for the murder so its probably not that.
*What are you hiding Misara?*
"Sleep well?"
"What? Where am I? Who are you?"
"Does it matter? You're warm, dry and still very much alive. That's more to be said then for old Grelod hmm?
You know about that?
Half of Skyrim knows. Old hag gets butchered in her own orphanage. Things like that tend to get around. Oh but don't misunderstand. I'm not critizing it was a good kill. Old crone had it coming but there is a slight problem.
I don't like where this is going...I said
We entered into my home only to get tackeld by Kaidan?
Are you alright? Are you hurt? What happened to you. He asked
The Dark Brotherhood happened. What happened to you? I replied
They must have slipped me something. Woke up a day later with a pounding headache and you were gone. Been tracking you since. I'm so sorry.
I killed the assassin. It was the leader.
It was thier mistake to cross you. Maybe let a guard know while we're in town. I don't doubt someones looking to bring down the dark brotherhood.
"Misara!" Khash yelled as she ran towards me. I quickly picked her up and hugged her.
*They won't trust me soon* I thought. *I just know it*
"Xelzaz...I can't destroy them. Its a conflict of interest"
"I'm trying to understand why it is though Misara. Clearly something is holding you back. Please I want to help you but I can't if you don't tell me what it is."
"I can't tell you." I backed away from him. I can sense he's hurt
I...see. Look if you want to keep it to yourself thats fine but just know its not healthy to keep hiding this. I won't push you" he responded in a disappointed tone.
"Xelzaz if I tell you I'm worried that you'll hate me. I'm scared that it will ruin our friendship"
"It might not but what makes you think that I'll hate you?"
You really want to know? I asked
Xhu Beeko, I do" he responded. He reach out hoping to grab my arm to comfort me but I didn't let him.
*sighs* okay...well my mother left me when I was a child. I don't remember her very well."
What's that got to do with destroying the Dark Brotherhood?
Because...She was a member of the Dark Brotherhood...Astrid sent my Dad a letter. She revealed that I had a brother. My brother is part of that group." I held back a sob. I slowly back away from him. Bracing what might happen.
"Well, that's...something I wasn't expecting to hear. That does answer a few of my questions though"
*coming soon*
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maximuswolf · 5 months
Any-a you ever accidentally made something even you struggle to play?
Any-a you ever accidentally made something even you struggle to play? TL;DR: I rant...Yeah, so... That kinda applies to like everything I make... I can play music, but it's the sheet music and the consistency (playing the same thing identically more than once) that I struggle to do... Some of my songs are good, but most don't turn out that well (self-critizism because most people I know aren't honest, or they say it because they usually play other peoples music or can't). I dunno, I'm one of those artists who can barely read and write music, but I can play it (if you know what I mean). I mean, I've been playing for years, but like I never was able to play Chopin, Mozart, or whatever (I never spent a lot of time on it because of some kind of adhd kinda thing idk). Like, the only songs I can play all the through that aren't my own improv's are Gnossiene No. 1 by Erik Satie, a couple songs by Dennis Alexander, and a few other simple songs (simple comparing literally every other song in that genre...)Yeah I dunno what I'm doing here, I mean. I'm just not popular -- Maybe because my stuff isn't worth listening to.. I mean if you're interested (doubtful) my stuff is Tomie Psirverh (99% of my stuff is 1 take). Submitted May 13, 2024 at 03:33PM by Patethlog https://ift.tt/DZxHGqu via /r/Music
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wutlaikalikes · 7 months
Nijisanji EN
just my thoughts...
It's kind of sad when people wants for Nijisanji EN branch to close down. I get it, this whole thing is a PR nightmare, when all they have to do is stop making statements and terminate those bullies (or silently terminate them whatever works). I say TERMINATE not suspend them.
I just feel bad for the livers that are caught in the crossfire that didn't do sh*t. At this point, I hope they stay strong and continue working, especially those that lost subscribers and those 3 that went live to defend themselves and their company.
They are currently regarded as a black company but the fact that they have livers and employees that have stayed and are willing to defend the company means whatever messed up system they have in place works for them.
Honestly, at this point I'm kind of impressed that Nijisanji didn't immediately terminate those harassers, either they haven't figured it out or that company are protecting their livers. But then again, I had a feeling that Nijisanji really didn't like Selen especially after her cancelled projects and they were just waiting for her to mess up.
If they are trying to pull a 'Cover' during the Coco incident, the situation is completely and utterly different. Cover has immediately terminated talents before for leaks of information / breach of contract. Nijisanji should immediately terminate those harassers.
But what if, there is no bully? yea... I thought about that too. I get it, it was Nijisanji that leaked that information about harassers and that Doki didn't want that public. But we know she attempted to shut down permently. That she felt to do that because of harassers. Which made me think someone is not the telling the whole story. This whole thing is a weird situation. Why did Nijisanji felt the need to add that information about harassers? [termination notice link]
Its really weird that Nijisanji went this direction... Anyways, I hope they stay silent for a while, there's really nothing that they can say that would bring their audience back. What their audience wants is action.
Also I'm getting tired of seeing this situation on my YT recommended. There is a difference between news channels and drama channels, and with this whole situation shows glaring difference. Most of these channels obviously sides with Doki. I mean, I get it especially two of these channels have been targetted by Nijisanji. But I feel like they have become so emotionally invested in this that I can't really watch them anymore.
For those critizing people defending Nijisanji, they are not in the wrong. They can speak up for whoever they want.
To those who wants to known who the bullies are, if Doki didn't want to say who they are, you don't have to know either. Remember, that part Doki didn't want public in the first place. If you no longer have respect for Nijisanji, at least respect Doki's wishes.
[I work in comms for a living and can only think of one explanation for Nijisanji's bizarre PR strategy]
I'm adding this post cause its an interesting read in regards to what maybe happening within Nijisanji EN and possible actions they can take.
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So i have a question and you can tell me to fuck off, if u want
I saw so many swifities critizing Olivia Rodrigo's boyfriend in 2021, cause she was 18 and he was 23/24.
But didn't Taylor date both Harry and Connor when they had JUST turned 18 and she was a 22 year old?
I mean...... the fandom likes to pretend that wasn't weird, but it was!
The truth is I agree with you and if you go far enough back, you'll see that I've always said I find those relationships weird.
Like I've seen Swifties say that it's different because Harry wasn't new to mass fame like Olivia was in 2021 and that it's different when you're famous, but 1. that doesn't explain Connor and 2. I have household name and otherwise famous acquaintances/friends who disagree completely.
I've also had people swear up and down that nothing sexual happened which given Harry and Taylor's music plus Connor apparently telling another girl she gives better head than Taylor years after the fact, is almost definitely not the case.
The only thing I can really say is that I hope it's just a good sign that things have changed and people are more wary of the gaps, but yeah like I'm very much with you that I've always found it weird so I can't really answer you properly on why people think it's not because I do lmao.
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
I want to speak about something that's been nagging at me for quite a while:
When people critize f. e. Taekookers theories (just as an example), that could be considered delusional, I so often stumble upon comments like:
You are mentally ill. Go see a doctor.
You are so delulu. You need help.
As someone, who actually suffers from mental illness (like many people probably do here) and did need help and did see a doctor, I kind of feel offended.
We don't know what really pushes people into the realm of delusion/conspiracy theories. It's a complex topic. But you don't need to be mentally ill to believe in conspiracy theories. And you can be mentally ill and not believe in conspiracy theories.
I will always have to deal with my mental illness. Therapy and pills won't ever cure me of that. I will always have to fight my demons. And I give my absolute damn best every day to still be able to live a healthy life, be happy and not hurt myself or other people.
So please, please, please don't trivialize mental illness for a joke or statement about shipping.
This is a hard topic. Because you absolutely are not wrong. I find myself struggling over the past few days trying to figure out what to say here. So sorry it took me a while. I'm still not too sure, but I figured it's past time you deserved an answer.
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The comments in your example are often when these things and the words mentally ill, insane, crazy, go see a doctor, etc.... are used in derogatory ways. It's using being mental ill as an insult. And that's really just not okay. But a lot of times, it's often not said as an insult and more dismissive. Which isn't cool, but also, you can't argue or Converse with people who refuse to talk to you. "You're legit insane, you need help." *end of conversation* and honestly, the person saying, literally truly does mean it. They don't mean it necessarily as an insult, but as a you legitimately need help is if this is how you are behaving, especially if these beliefs and behaviors track over into their real life too. A therapist is honestly probably exactly what they need. Actual help.
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Like, I won't lie, if I meet a coworker and it comes out that they are tkkr, my faith and trust in them would plummet. I wouldn't take their opinions seriously, I wouldn't trust their logic or their follow through and I would question their decisions. If you behave like that online, I think you need professional help. It's not anything against *you*, it's just that something isn't clicking right for you in the way you are processing things and information and you NEED help. If you are shipping for fun, nah. But if you are one of those people who think the members all hate each other or any of the various conspiracy theories.... you need help. Same thing could be said about flat earthers. It is a seperate thing, and does not have to do with mental illness. And people should be conscious of the words they are using. Such as, I hate people using the word "breed" to describe various subsects of shippers. Its awful. Using mental illness in a derogatory way to insult shippers is the same thing. Not okay. Doesn't mean they don't need help. But it does mean that they aren't worth engaging with at all usually. If a person is determined to see darkness, then darkness is all they will see. The best you can do is try to hand them a flashlight. It's up to them if they want to turn it on or not. But kicking them in the dark doesn't do anything good for them OR for you.
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A lot of it will come down to maturity and understanding that there is never any need to put down entire groups of people who have nothing to do with what's happening, because you are pissed (rightfully) at someone who is behaving inappropriately. Or using inappropriate and disdainful language yourself in return when engaging with said person. It's not worth it and never will be. Plus you'll end up hurting many other people who weren't your target instead too. You then lose the high ground you were trying to claim as you act like you are better. (General yous through this whole post btw)
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Idk how much sense this made. But I do hear you and understand what you are saying here. The internet is a hard place to be sometimes. Not often friendly and people are all very self centered online at times it seems. 💜 I hope everyone is doing okay. Love you guys. And hopefully your message is one people keep in mind in the future.
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kim-ruzek · 2 years
Comcast is trimming $1B from NBCUniversal’s budget. They may get rid of the 10pm hour to save that money.
This just doesn’t look good optics wise that Jesse is apparently leaving of his own volition (when his statement is basically the same as Kelli’s (even though it’s a different show), who got fired over money). 2 leads being let go in a week? Yeah, that’s a problem.
Jay is a fan favorite character. Upstead is a fan favorite ship. Jesse leaving will not be good for the show. Fire got really bad after Jesse Spencer left direction wise.
All of One Chicago is up for renewal after this year, and considering NBC might can the 10pm hour to save the money, PD would be on the axing block. Coupled with Jesse leaving and lord knows who else is next since they’re trimming $1B, it’s a good time to cancel the show.
Please stop being insensitive to those with other viewpoints. You’re getting your Burzek content. Meanwhile, Upstead won’t have any content after Jesse leaves. But yet you can’t see why people are upset?
It’s rude to show excitement when so many people are upset.
Okay so I stand corrected. Apparently people *will* come into your inbox and call you insensitive to your face.
I literally thought that maybe you just got rage activated because emotions are running high and maybe you didn't understand the spirit of what I'm saying, but then I came to the last sentence and no, you're literally saying it's rude of me (and others) to show excitement for a well anticipated season just because others are upset.
Let's break this down. I can and do see why people are upset. I'm not disputing that, nor am I saying that people don't have the right to be upset. People can and I expect them too. And I get it-- not only because I'm sympathetic, or only because I've been in these situations far more times than I'd like, but literally because I'm equally as devastated over Rollins leaving and what that means for Rollisi as well when I've waited years for them only for Kelli to get fired by people just focused on money.
But what people don't have the right to is to tell others that their excitement is rude and that we should shove down our excitement just because others are currently upset. Like people watch shows for different reasons, people get different things out of the same show, so while now cpd may just be upsetting you, it's still exciting me, even though this news is sad. And just like it's your right to be upset at Jesse leaving, it's my right to still be excited for a season that I've been anticipating for months now.
I really take offense at you saying I'm being insensitive to other viewpoints because I'm really really not. I'm not telling people that they can't grieve Jesse leaving, or that they can't stop watching the show or forcing them to be excited for a season that their reason for being excited for it has been taken away-- I'm merely just saying that others can still be excited and that we shouldn't be made to feel bad for expressing that? And I mean to like minded others, not going into other fans inboxes when they're not.
I also very much take offense at it because honestly? If it was one half of burzek leaving I wouldn't expect people to stop being excited if they love upstead, and nor do I think they'd be very sensitive to my pain. And do you know why? Because of messages like these and plenty of others I have received in my time. I've made it no secret that cpd has recently very much depressed me and critized jay/hailey/upstead, and do you know what? People weren't very sensitive to my viewpoints then, literally telling me to get over it and similar sentiments. Literally coming into my inbox, when I've made it very clear I was upset, and being insensitive. I however haven't gone into a single persons inbox, so tell me how I'm insensitive?
And by the way, I could be actually ruder. There are some petty petty things that's in my mind that I could say, but I'm not going to because that is actually rude and insensitive. All I decided to make a post about was how it wasn't very good that everyone's response seemingly was to say well let's just go ahead and say cancel it because clearly there's no point to the show anymore, despite the very talented actors still remaining and the fact the show is an ensemble show-- it has point beyond just one character, and one ship. I didn't even go into how infuriating it is to see those comments, especially knowing that why some people may not see the rest of the characters as worth it is because the stupid fucking writing has had upstead eclipsing a whole lot of the good. The remaining actors can very much uphold the show, Jesse is not the only talented actor. (And imho while outside cpd I think he scores higher than most, in cpd I don't think he's the most talented actor so yknow. Like for example out of upstead, I much prefer Tracy's acting).
And also yes, I know the budget has been trimmed and I know the 10pm slot is possibly getting axed. I know oc is up for renewal and I absolutely know there's a chance that it won't get renewed. I'm very much aware and it very much gives me anxiety, because I don't want it too and upon hearing Jesse leaving, it did make me more nervous for the future because I'm not naïve, I know this could endanger it's renewal, if Jesse leaving isn't already a strategic move because they know they're not being renewed/that DW has decided he doesn't want it to be.
But still that doesn't mean people should be saying well better just cancel it because it's not worth renewing when it absolutely is.
Also unless I know differently, I also err on the side that the actor chose to leave. It's better for my heart that way, and also because announcements can sound so fishy sometimes even when there's generally nothing fishy about it, or being a choice but because of background stuff (like SB) and so people can get themselves in such a twist over something which is innocent. It is very similar to Kelli's and I wouldn't be surprised if there's more to this, but until there's confirmation like with Kelli, I go with that he chose to leave. It seems like most people likes going for firing as their default, but to me that just seems like inviting too much stress into your life over something that may never be confirmed. So the optics of it really doesn't factor in for me when making my post because it could come after dick wolf just laid of 20 actors, I will go with what has been confirmed.
And you saying fire got bad after JS left like it wasn't already heading that way (the joke that was s9!), it just happens to be that he left while it was already heading downhill, but maybe was more noticeable because we didn't have that sparkling Casey/Severide dynamic to distract from the mess it was becoming.
Anyway thank you for this ask! It reminded me that I may be struggling in life rn but at least I still have common sense and rationality left ✌🏽
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strawberry--bride · 2 years
You can delete this, if you want...
I'm sorry to say this, but I need some advice :c I really respect your opinion, so I want to hear what you have to say...
You see, there are people in this fandom who are... just talking behind our backs... They're discussing our OCs, saying they're too soft and should die... When I found out about this I became suspicious of everyone. It's hard to realize that you are being insulted behind your back... Have you had any of these incidents? It's hard to ignore 😔 Everyone can do what they want, then why can't they settle down?
// I only have one message for the cowards talking behind my back and critizing my OC for being 'too this' or 'too that'.
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So yeah. I really have better things to do in life than to go on a witch hunt. Furthermore, even if I were to find out who it is, it's not like I stop them. I could ask them to stop, sure. But I'm not their parents so ultimately, it's still up to them.
If they want to be a childish, whiny bitch and shit talk others in their private space because it makes them feel better about themselves, go ahead.
I just hope they know that it's not hurting me in the slightest.
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