#and lose 20lbs and cut my hair
parasiticstars · 9 months
“lipstick on an pig” this, “don’t cast pearls before swine” that, are we forFUCKINGgetting about our lord and savior Miss Piggy?
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aura-quartz333 · 2 years
What i do when im craving food -chew ice (i know its like bad for ur teeth but at this point who cares) -do my hair/makeup, a good distraction that reminds me food is ugly but i can choose not to eat, i can choose to be pretty. -think about someone i hate/intimidates me watching me eat it. works wonders if the person you hate is skinner than you. -if ive made it, chew and spit, kinda gross but not as gross as being as fucking fat as i am. -think about my mother, how disappointed she will be -think about college, do you want these people to meet the fat, disgusting unlovable whale or the dainty, artistic girl you will become -take a shower or bath, again just making myself feel pretty without food im planning on losing 20lbs before the start of september, i will bully myself, i will cut the fat from my body if i have to, i will do it so people will love me. people will want me.
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freckledcollarbones · 5 years
Vowing to get back to previous weight by November
I’m trying to get back to the weight i was 6 months ago. Back in March/April 2019 I was hovering between 135-140lbs which was the lowest I had been in a while. Now I’m back up to my heaviest weight of 157lbs. I hadn’t realized how much of a difference that 15-20lbs made until I was looking at pictures I had sent to my boyfriend at the time, I looked pretty good. But now I don’t have a boyfriend, I’ve gained that 20lbs back, my acne is getting really bad again and I shouldn’t have cut my hair into a lob, it looked better long lol. I feel so ugly and unwanted. So this is a vow, a promise, an oath to myself that I’m going to do whatever it takes to, first, get back down to the weight I was before, and to then lose even more. No more set backs, no more excuses, no more failures.
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psychicreadsgirl · 5 years
Hi, could you do a reading on my weight loss? I used to play sports in my teens but I was never slim, I stopped and gained like 20lbs. Now Im trying to lose that weight - Dri
Your metabolism got worse over the years. This is normal as you get older, to be honest. It will continue to worsen so you have to eat healthily like vegetables, lean protein, enough carbs etc, and exercise consistently. You need to count your calories well. I suggest a calorie app/fitness app to track things. Fruits have a lot of sugar, so you have to be careful what type of fruit you ingest. Nuts are not so healthy tbh. They have healthy fat yes, but many people end up over-ingesting and forget that even with healthy fat, too much of it is still fat. Tofu isn’t as healthy as most people think; GMO soy beans used. You have to exercise at least 30 minutes - an hour a day and also drink lots of water. You have to be able to commit to a strict regimen if you want to lose 20 pounds. It is unlikely you will be able to follow such a strict exercise/diet plan given your personality. You are the type that will likely give in after a good two weeks and want to have 1 cheat day that turns into 2 and then 3 and then the whole week. You have to measure yourself at least once a week, minimum, preferably in the morning when you haven’t eaten. You wear close to nothing to measure so you get an accurate weight. You need to measure using a measuring tape too. Take measurements of your waist, in particular. 
You eat smaller portions than normal. You’ve been eating more than you need for your height. I recommend getting smaller sized bowls and taking longer to chew your food. At least 10 - 20 chews per mouthful. You can also use a different hand to use your fork/utensil to eat. That slows down how you eat. You can also drink 1 cup of water before you have your meal; often when you think you are hungry, you are actually thirsty. It also takes the stomach around 20 - 30 mins to realize that it’s actually full. You never should eat till you feel 100% stuffed. You should eat till around you feel 80% stuffed. You should never starve yourself either. Your meals should make you full enough that you don’t need to keep snacking unnecessarily in life.
In terms of healthy food, I recommend for meat, lean protein like turkey breast/chicken breast. Pork I don’t recommend so much. Beef in moderation. It’s best to eat food that’s unprocessed ie no additional manufacturing done. Sausages = real bad. Processed. For vegetables, you need a wide range. Mushrooms aren’t so good; many are GMO too or grown in factories. Organic meat is good. I don’t think it’s necessary to do organic vegetables unless you’re able to wash them very well. Many times they come with many insects, especially when ingested raw. 
For meals, you need to keep the dressing to a minimum. Salt and pepper. Healthy vegetable oil is good. Everything else you can cut out. When you order a salad, ask for no dressing. Don’t pick those ones with tons of nuts/seeds and dried cranberries. Cheese needs to be done in moderation; cheese is not so nutritionally beneficial. Yes it has calcium but the amt of fat per piece is real high and a lot of people break out from eating cheese.Say no to sweets like chocolate or candy. You can ingest a bit of dark chocolate with minimal sugar, but that’s very minimal. No marshmallows, no cakes, no cupcakes, or whatever. Sugar in that sense is not good for you. And these carbs are not worthy of anything. You also have to pick your exercises carefully. Has to be a mix of anaerobic and aerobic. Need also to use weights. You should see a nutritionist if you can to help with your diet plan. You cannot take diet pills or think some supplement will help you. You have to put in the hard work and the commitment to be able to lose weight in a healthy manner, or else you will just rebound or end up skinny fat/skinny but many health issues that will arise.  
I also don't recommend becoming vegetarian or vegan. As humans, we are born as omnivores, meaning we need both meat and vegetables to survive. It’s very, very hard to maintain the right nutrients, especially by being vegan. Vegetarian - you can still ingest eggs, but vegan . . . a bit too extreme for the body. If you do choose these two routes, you really need to consult a dietician/nutritionist who can help you get enough of your nutrients. It’s useless being skinny if you’re doing it the unhealthy way. It’ll show in the long term with your skin, teeth, complexion, hair, and later on give you other health problems. Many vegetarians/vegans I know end up suffering from malnutrition and then have to see their doctor to be told they lack this or that. 
You’ll need a good 4 - 6 months to lose at least 10 pounds. I’m more into losing weight slowly than a rapid drop in weight loss. Usually those fast weight loss methods are fads (Esp the ones that celebrities do). Totally unhealthy and you end up losing muscle more so than fat. However, most humans like to see results fast so they just take the shortcut for short term profits. Then they end up with bad health later on, but that’s okay to them because they look “skinny”. To each their own.
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enelliegmatic-blog · 3 years
2022 Bucket list
Let’s see how this one will pan out 😆
1. Travel with family kahit states lang po konting kembot lang pagbigyan na makalayas ang mga bata. Kung lubusin ko Lord sana makadalaw kami Korea pati Pinas? 🥺
2. Visit Mexico with husband kahit 1 week lang po please naman.
3. Work 500-1000 hours to maintain license. Outpatient lang sana? Ayoko na po ng bedside at paiba-iba ng schedule matanda na ko. CLPNA ang higpit mo kahit kelan!
4. Set aside at least $1k cash every remittance from selling anik-anik. Deposit the rest kasi may bills tayo.
5. 100 pieces $50 bill challenge (Currently have 21pcs, 79pcs to go)
6. Invisible 5s, 10s, 20s, 100s (Will come from benta chronicles)
7. Enrol kiddos in extra classes (both in swimming class. Venyse up to 3 extra classes)
8. Get my kids’ passport (Magta-travel nga kasi kami. Please universe.)
9. Open bunso’s RESP account (Hi University. We’re getting ready for ya dyan ka lang)
10. Cut and dye my hair.
11. Paint kitchen cupboards grey, buy console table and end tables, finish decorating living room, renovate V’s bathroom, paint basement walls grey and white, replace backyard shed, buy sofa for living room #2, and install storm doors x3.
12. Save credit card cash back to buy ipad (for hubs and I) + christmas fund (uy tipid tayo puro mugs ireregalo char)
13. Keep tax refund to fund one of our 2022 travels. CRA pakitaasan refund namin this year pati child tax benefit namin??? Ok lang?
14. Limit screen time to maximum 5 hours.
15. Spend focused/individual quality times with my earthlings. (Watch movie, Arcade, Playhouse, Brunch/Dindin, Hike, Swimming, etc.)
16. Date night with hubs (1-2x a month) Weekly pwede ba? Budget come through.
17. Shop my pantry first before mag-hoard sa grocery store! Sakit ko na ata to laging gusto naggrocery. Okay lang kahit kulang rekados iluto mo yan ghorl.
18. Eat out every weekend lang (either saturday or sunday) kasi hindi tayo mayaman. Maximum $100/week budget po tayo. Kung may sobra edi mabuti.
19. Lose at least 20lbs or else walang baby #3 nyeta baby fats overstaying na. We can do this self kasi di pwedeng si Oppa lang hot!
20. Learn new recipes or better yet try meal planning. Wag rin sobra sobra kung magluto. Again, di tayo mayaman sizt.
21. Renew CPR/First aid kasi nurse ka ghorl.
22. Phlebotomy certification. 3 Sundays lang gora na wag tamad.
23. Learn hangul. More pa!!! No english in laws mo hija try harder.
24. Establish a better sleep schedule for the whole family. Di na uso eyebags this 2022. Get it girl! (Parang joke talaga to)
25. Read 1 book every month. Isa na lang yan ha ewan ko na lang talaga pag di pa naachieve.
26. Keep selling. More items tayo sa budulan pero ayoko na talaga ng kandila at cereals ang liit ng tubo tapos bulky ubos box space ko!
27. Wag na oorder sa amazon everyday unless pangbenta.
28. Costco cash back= Stock up on paper products (paper towel, toilet paper, kleenex), hygiene (soap, napkin, shampoo, conditioner, hand cream), dishwashing liquid, garbage and compost liners, laundry detergent/softener/scent boosters, kitchen saran wraps and ziplocks.
29. Save $150-$200/ month in TFSA for PH project 2028. Other saving challenges shouldn’t be mixed.
30. $10k emergency fund. Di po to gagalawin unless may emergency nga. Wag na makulit.
31. Mortgage lump sum at the end of the year.
32. Declutter and organize papers/kids anik-anik/house stuff better.
33. Save excess $ from CTB and don’t you dare touch it self. Kung meron?! Meron yan siz claim natin.
34. Create another stream of income. I honestly have no idea right now how to achieve this. Suntok sa buwan but we’ll see. Nobody knows what the future holds kemerut nga.
35. Reunite with my Papa dearest and Aunt this year here in Canada.
36. To a healthier and danger free 2022 because none of this is possible without it. Lord I fervently pray for this.
I purposely wrote a long list because even if I end up achieving only half of it is already a lot. 36th is the priority- I can lose all the other numbers but not this.
List will be reevaluated from time to time.
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lecithin1200 · 4 years
✨A Little Efford Will Show The Result ✨
Today, one of my friend in workplace talk to me and say this -
Her : Hey, i noticed you have been lose some weight
Me : Oh no, i'm not. I just surely still fat.
Her : No, istg you look like you lose weight. Try weight yourself on weight scales so you'll know.
That, a little simple noticed just make me feel bit happy. I not that skinny yet. Still far to reach my GW. But i'll try my best to keep myself in track and tell that i'm in control, i'm in control, i'm in control. I want show to everyone that everyone who struggling put their efford to reach their goal, they will get it. Just remember, keep in track. Keep your plan. Do little more, more efford will show a great result. I gonna to reward myself go to salon for get new hair cut and hair treatment after i loss like 20lbs more. Even it still far from my gw like another 11lbs but WE CAN DO IT! I CAN DO IT I CAN DO IT I CAN DO IT.
I make myself fat, and now i can make myself skinny again!
Been loss like 12lbs since 25/01/21 until today (after 2 week binge like hell and gladly not gain so much pound). Let's do it! Let's burn those calories and fat!
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amandahree · 7 years
this was the worst year of my life
(it feels uncharacteristic to broadcast my personal problems on social media, but i want to document 2017 before it ends.)
this year was deadass the worst year of my life and let me tell you why.
i lost many friendships. let me rephrase that - i chose to lose friendships. i decided i wasn’t going to associate myself with people who couldn’t reciprocate the same effort as me. i decided life is too short to settle for shitty friends, and i said goodbye to people who once meant the world to me. 
i lived with an absolute psychopath roommate who constantly disrespected me and made me hate being at home. i was hiding in my room all the time when she was home, locking my bedroom door every time i left for work, and always afraid to see her face when i left my room. 
most traumatic of all, i walked away from a ~3 year long relationship with someone i had given my absolute all to. someone i thought about 24/7 and wanted a future with. someone i constantly vouched for and believed in more than myself. but he was manipulative, emotionally abusive, and sadistic. i never knew how bad it was until i let go and was finally able to breathe again. i stopped having multiple breakdowns a day and having anxiety attacks so intense that only cigarettes or shots of whiskey could distract me from. i learned afterwards about gaslighting (when someone manipulates and brainwashes you until you’re convinced you’re crazy, not worthy of love, and will never amount to anything), and realized what happened to me. he had me like a little puppet - controlling the way i thought and felt about myself so i wouldn’t leave him. making me feel guilty for accomplishing things in school and at work. making me feel ashamed for having parents who provided me with everything and more, because his couldn’t. he cheated on me, lied left and right about where he was and what he was doing (drugs and other girls), and betrayed me for months (maybe even for years... who knows). i made it so easy for him too. i always believed he was telling me the truth, and then he’d get mad at me for even asking. the first time i caught him bragging to his friends about trying to get with other girls, he threatened to break up with me. and even though i wasn’t wrong, i still apologized. i was afraid. he made sure i had crippling low self esteem. he used to photoshop pictures of me before posting them on social media. he would add makeup to my eyes, make my thighs thinner, make my face slimmer, and make my butt bigger. and it worked because i was convinced i was absolutely worthless and just... ugly. i stopped wearing certain clothes in front of him (flannels, sweatpants, and hoodies) because he would insult me until i felt so, so small. he only paid attention to me when i was showing cleavage or wearing tight pants. i wasn’t allowed to wear heels because i was already taller than him, and i subconsciously developed a habit of slouching so that he could be “taller.” i always gave my best and got retaliated with something unexpected. like the time i surprised him with a $350 backpack he really wanted for christmas (which was way over my college student budget) and instead of thanking me, he yelled at me for selecting standard shipping and not overnight. or like the time i bought his second turntable for djing ($250, in addition to the $350 i already spent on him that christmas) because he was short on cash and he didn’t even say “thank you.” the only time we talked on the phone was when he needed my credit card information. he tried to cut me off from my friends. there was a time he literally snatched my phone from me so i couldn’t text them back. i remember one time i was having a horrible breakdown. but instead of trying to calm me down or talk me out of it, he just played games on his phone. for his 24th birthday, i custom made a scrapbook with pictures of us over the years. it took me maybe two weeks to finish and i was so excited about it. he never read it. the hardest part was i never understood why any of this was happening to me, or if i deserved it. there were times i didn’t even want to be alive anymore. i revisited a lot of old, self-destructive habits and he refused to acknowledge them, help me, or help me get help. he made me feel guilty for eating, to the point where i was counting every last calorie and punishing myself if i went over 1200. by the end of our relationship, i was so depressed i was eating one meal a day on my best days, and i lost 14 lbs in 2 weeks. i thought i didn’t deserve to be alive, and almost gave up.
this was the worst year of my life, 
but this was also the best year of my life.
i moved out of college, started working full time a semester early, graduated, and got promoted - all within 8 months. i worked my ass off to achieve something i really wanted, and i got it, despite all the shit that was happening to me behind the scenes. 
i made a new best friend. someone i can trust my everything with, and someone just as genuine and alike as me. someone who is able to help me be the best and strongest version of myself. someone who hates my ex more than i do and someone who refuses to let me get taken advantage of.
i felt so much love and support from my friends and family when i was recovering, to the point where i was completely overwhelmed with love. my mom was cooking me weeks worth of food because she knew i was too sad to eat, let alone cook for myself. my brother constantly reassured me i could make it through, and never let me give up. 
i started lifting. like, really lifting. not like 20lb smith machine squat shit. i’m lifting more than i thought i’d ever be able to, and i’m finally building the body i’ve always wanted. i’m back to a healthy weight and my appetite is back. also i can already squat more than my ex boyfriend weighs. 
i found the strength to walk away from a toxic and emotionally abusive relationship, and i’m tenfolds stronger than before.
i did something ballsy and for me, and dyed my hair pink.
i genuinely love my job, my coworkers, and my company. i’m regularly showered with so much free makeup and perfume to the point where i don’t even know what to do with it.
i’m moving out to a brand new apartment in a few days. i’m getting a new, fresh start and i no longer have to imprison myself in my own room.
most importantly, i survived.
that being said, a few life lessons i learned from this traumatic, hell of a year:
you are not defined by the opinions of others. your worth is not based off what someone thinks of you.
if someone (a boyfriend, girlfriend, friend, etc.) is toxic enough to bring out a “crazy” side in you, leave. 
sometimes being the bigger person means choosing not to fight.
be the best version of yourself for YOU, no one else. you are the main character of your own story. own it.
some people are just not worth your time. and that’s okay.
your body realizes what’s going on before your mind does. trust your instincts and gut feelings, always.
if you are mistreated, it says way more about the person mistreating you, than you.
there is always, always a silver lining.
sometimes you have to go through the worst, to be at your best.
if you made it this far, i sincerely appreciate you taking the time to read my 2017 sob story. i hope you gained something from it, and i hope you and i both have a kickass 2018.
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brunetttenialll · 7 years
92 Truths
I was tagged by the amazing @whoopsharrystyles​ & @harry-wonderland​!! Thanks friends :-)
Rules: Once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. At the end, choose 25 people to tag!
1. Drink: iced coffee
2. Phone call: My mom
3. Text message: my best friend from school 
4. Song you listenend to: Dive by Ed Sheeran
5. Time you cried: like two days ago bc wisdom teeth (i sobbed lmao)
6. Dated someone twice: no
7. Been cheated on: no
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: hahahahaha alcohol does funny things to u
9. Lost someone special: yes
10. Been depressed: no
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: yes
-pink, turquoise, gold
15. Made new friends: YES college is a blessing
16. Fallen out of love: no
17. Laughed until you cried: yeah
18. Found out someone was talking about you: yes
19. Met someone who changed you: yes
20. Found out who your true friends are: yes
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: yes
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life?: i’ve at least met most of them, but lots are people who i’ve lost touch with over the years
23. Do you have any pets?: no but im 5739% attached to my brother’s dog
24. Do you want to change your name?: no
25. What did you do for your last birthday?: i was at school so my parents came the weekends before to celebrate. the girls across the hall from me bought a cake and had a mini bday party for me at midnight it was so cute i love them :’)
26. What time did you wake up?: 7:45
27. What were you doing at midnight last night?: sleeping lol #wild
28. Name something you cannot wait for: harry concert in 369 days
29. When was the last time you saw your mother: this morning 
30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: this is so cliche teenage girl but i could really stand to lose 20lbs
31. What are you listening to right now: Perfect by Ed Sheeram
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes and im crying because his NICKNAME 
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: WHEN U CAN HEAR SOMEONE CHEW THEIR FOOD DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED
34. Most visited website: netflix
35. Elementary: yes
36. High school: yes
37. College/university: i will be a sophomore next year!
38. Hair color: medium brown
39. Long hair or short: long but i want to cut it 
40. Do you have a crush on someone: no men aint shit
41. What do you like about yourself: gr8 at giving advice, 11/10 sense of humor, makes a mean chocolate chip cookie
42. Piercings: my ears 
43. Blood type: idk oops
44. Nickname: pleb
45. Relationship status: single 
46. Zodiac sign: libra
47. Pronous: she/her
48. Favorite TV show: gossip girl, one tree hill, how to get away with murder, jane the virgin, young and hungry
49. Tattoos: no
50. Right or left hand: right
51. Surgery: tonsils when i was 4 
52. Piercings: earlobes
54. Sport: soccer
55. Vacation: OBX, NC
56. Pair of trainers: light up sketchers those were the SHIT
57. Eating: nothing 
58. Drinking: water
59. I’m about to: sit at work for another 2 hrs
60. Listening to: castle on the hill by ed im listening to the divide album if u wanna know 
61. Waiting for: the clock to hit 5:30 so i can escape
62. Want: to be skinny (basic and annoying ik srry)
63. Get married: yes
64. Career: hmu in 3 years for that one 
65. Hugs or kisses: kisses
66. Lips or eyes: eyes
67. Taller or shorter: Taller
68. Older or younger: OLDER OLDER definitely older
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: stomach
71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: a healthy mix lol 
74. Kissed a stranger: yes ok u already asked
75. Drank hard liquor: oh yes 
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: yes
77. Turned someone down: yes
78. Sex on the first date: no
79. Broken someone’s heart: no
80. Had your heart broken: no
81. Been arrested: no
82. Cried when someone died: yes
83. Fallen for a friend: no
84. Yourself: some days
85. Miracles: yes
86. Love at first sight: yes
87. Santa Claus: no
88. Kiss on the first date: yes
89. Angels: yes
90. Current best friend’s names: cant #expose too much
91. Eye color: blue
92. Favorite movie: she’s the man !!!!!!! 10/10
I tag @solo-sprout, @vividhemmings, @onlyhangel, @fxkingstyles, @wantniallie, @softharries, @4everinsane, @chasing-pans-shadow :-)
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ssweet-suspension · 7 years
60 things I wish I knew before I developed my eating disorders.
To anyone considering starving themselves or making themselves sick for the first time to "lose a little bit of weight" 1. A lot of the time it develops into something more, it becomes addictive behaviour. 2. You'll become obsessed with your weight, how you look and seeing that number drop. 3. You won't be able to eat a meal without having the thoughts of needing to throw up and if you don't you'll hate yourself. 4. Other people's eating habits will trigger you without you realising. 5. You'll think you're getting bigger when your weight has actually dropped by 20lbs. 6. You'll become secretive, stop seeing your friends and family and when you do see them you'll snap at them for the slightest thing. 7. All you'll hear yourself saying is "I'm not hungry". 8. Hearing people ask if you've lost weight will make you happy for a second but you'll realise it's still not enough soon after. 9. You'll give people unhealthy weight loss advice without realising. 10. Your camera roll will be full of personal body checks. 11. You'll spend half your day in your bathroom. 12. Your fingers will constantly linger with the smell of your vomit. 13. Nice nails? Not anymore. They'll be brittle, purple and break easily. 14. You won't be able to have a bath or shower without feeling sick because you find your body repulsive. 15. Every mirror you walk past you'll find yourself looking at your body from all different angles to see which one looks smaller. 16. Your teeth will become sensitive and you'll loose all the enamel from your stomach acid. 17. Sticking your fingers down your throat isn't quiet or easy; it's gagging and being covered in your own vomit until you do it so much you can change both these things. 18. Eating disorders come with anxiety, depression and body dysmorphia. You won't actually know what your body looks like. You'll just see fat. 19. Your family will constantly be worried and they'll cry to you and beg you to stop the unhealthy behaviours you've adopted. 20. The feeling faintness and being dizzy will occur almost every time you stand up or move. 21. You'll be totally isolated. 22. No time to study or socialise, you'll be too busy exercising, planning your meals or hating yourself. 23. Keeping secrets is your new thing. 24. Your skin will be a mess. Breakouts from not enough nutrients, red blemishes from straining when you make yourself sick. 25. Your hands will be covered in cuts from your teeth and whenever someone asks what happened you need a new excuse. 26. You will have no confidence what so ever. 27. School/ college / university / work will be impossible to concentrate in. Food, calories, fat will be on your mind permanently. 28. Your hair will fall out and break every time you brush, wash or touch it. 29. You'll develop bald patches. 30. You'll loose your eyesight for about 30 seconds every few minutes from the lack of food. 31. Your heart will palpitate and make you feel like you're going to pass out. 32. Your skin will become a pale, purple and blue colour. 33. Pins and needles come easy and last for a long time. 34. Cleaning your toilet/ public toilets from your own sick is not a nice experience. 35. If you put on the smallest amount of weight it'll push you overboard. 36. Don't expect to feel warm, not even during the summer. 37. Your favourite clothing items will be hoodies and oversize clothes. 38. Bruises will appear in your body for no apparent reason or from the slightest touch. 39. Hospitals, doctors, clinics, nurses, psychiatrists, therapists, counsellors and nutritionist see more of you than your family. 40. Constipation is painful. 41. Laxatives aren't instant and will kick in at the most horrible time. 42. Your throat will constantly be sore and your voice will be raspy. 43. The chances of having children (for women) will decrease. 44. You'll create a hole in your stomach and pull muscles which is extremely painful. 45. Hiding food in your clothes, nails and napkins is messy and gross. 46. Nose bleeds will occur when you're purging. 47. You'll notice when someone else is like you. 48. Pro anas, ana buddy's and people who refer to anorexia as "ana" and bulimia as "Mia" will frustrate you. 49. No more sex completely nude, you'll feel so insecure about your body. 50. Hunger pains will keep you up at night. 51. Starving yourself when you're hungry. 52. Eating when you're full. 53. You'll spend a lot of your money on binge food. 54. When you realise how much you've binged on it'll destroy you. 55. It's not glamorous. It's not what they make it to be in the movies. 56. Clothes shopping becomes regular and costly as your clothes no longer fit. 57. you'll be constantly tired. 58. Recovery attempts are so difficult and often trigger you more. 59.No matter how much you lose it'll never be enough, ever. 60. It can kill you.
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ratboyslim · 4 years
as soon as i lose 20lbs, my acne clears up, i land a decently paying job that lasts more than 3 months, move to a new city, get my hair cut and dyed by an actual professional, and start going to disco roller rinks it'll actually be over for u hoes
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sadblackcoffee · 4 years
I can get another tattoo if/when i lose 10lbs.
I can cut/color my hair when I lose 15-20lbs.
New dress and/or tattoo @ goal weight.
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wily-oldserpent · 5 years
If I can lose 20lbs between now and the end of the show then I can cut my hair
I need some sort of motivation
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tylerjamesdavis · 7 years
1. Bought new khaki dress pants that actually fit, so I’m not walking around looking like I’m wearing parachute pants with weird pleats that make me have a crotch bulge.
2. Bought new jeans so I don’t have to wear the same 2 pairs over and over.
3. Bought new hoodies/jackets so I’m not wearing old worn-out American Eagle hoodies that I got freshman year of college, and so I’m not wearing my DeSales hoodie all of the time that it’s not really cold, because that makes me look like I’m a college junior and not a 6th-year teacher.
4. Started drinking water and stopped drinking soda/juice so I’m not always whining about needing juice or soda when I’m out and about with others.
5. Stopped complaining about the things that I don’t like about myself and my life, because other people don’t want me to throw a pity party, so I just stopped being open like that.
6. Started working out so I could lose the ~20lbs I’ve put on over the past 10 years so that I look good in dress shirts and without a shirt.
7. Moved to Virginia so I could get a job that makes more money.
8. Saved up money so I could buy a house in the near future.
9. Stopped picking at my eyebrows for the first time in 11 years so that they can actually grow in the way eyebrows are supposed to so I actually have full eyebrows and not weird messy patches of hair.
10. Got teeth-whitening strips to turn my yellow teeth into not-yellow teeth.
11. Got haircuts that aren’t just regular buzz cuts, and stopped letting my hair grow to be Beatles-esque.
12. Started being on time to events instead of late, and took all precautions necessary to make that happen.
13. Started cooking and eating more food than just frozen chicken and fish.
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mcsnappyy · 7 years
I'm not allowed to cut my hair until I lose 20lbs. Mppphhh
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easyweight101 · 7 years
Kokoro Balance Cream Review (UPDATED 2017): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
What is it?
Kokoro Balance Cream is a natural progesterone cream that seeks to balance the progesterone to estrogen ratio inside the body. Kokoro Balance Cream can be used by women who are in menopause, as well as those who are still menstruating.
Kokoro Balance Cream is made with wild yam as the active ingredient, and touts a PETA-approved animal-friendly formula as one of its key benefits. This product targets a range of hormonal conditions—from treating menopause related hot flashes and night sweats, to helping users with PCOS, PMS or painful menstrual periods.
Our experts have evaluated a range of creams, supplements and hormone replacement options and have found that time and time again, Femmetrinol delivers the best results. Made from black cohosh, chasteberry and more, this product treats hot flashes, mood swings, headaches, fatigue and more. Click here to take a closer look at the key benefits you’ll get from taking Femmetrinol.
Do you know the Best Menopause Supplements of 2017?
Kokoro Balance Cream Ingredients and Side Effects
Kokoro Balance Cream contains only two active ingredients, plus some added components that help soothe the skin and make the cream easy to apply. Here’s a look at what’s inside this cream:
Wild Yam Extract Progesterone
Wild Yam Extract: Wild yam is often promoted for its use as a natural alternative to hormone replacement therapy. This ingredient may help improve energy levels, PMS symptoms, menstrual cramps and bone health.
Wild yam is often given to women during menopause for its ability to treat hot flashes and night sweats, as well as the full range of symptoms common at this stage in life.
Progesterone: Progesterone is made naturally in the ovaries following ovulation each month. During menopause, progesterone progesterone drops off, creating an imbalance in the body.
While progesterone is found in the body, it may also be made using plant-based ingredients. Progesterone may help users treat headaches, low libido, hot flashes, mood swings and menstrual irregularities.
Side effects may include diarrhea, joint pain, dizziness, hot flashes, breast pain or tenderness, coughing, increased hair growth and acne.
Our experts have put together a guide to the menopause creams that actually work. More details at this link here.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven menopause pill such as Femmetrinol for better results.
Kokoro Balance Cream Quality of Ingredients
Kokoro Balance Cream doesn’t exactly stand out from any other natural progesterone cream. The formula contains two forms of wild yam, though it’s not especially clear why the makers of this product listed wild yam extract and wild yam sourced progesterone separately.
Wild yam is a well-known natural menopause solution, and as a result, we do believe that consumers are likely to see some results from using this product. We’re just not sure if it delivers relief from all symptoms on its own.
This product may help users with some problems associated with menopause but we’re not entirely convinced that it can resolve all issues related to balance during menopause. Some users may require more than just progesterone, and for that reason, we believe there are more effective options out there than Kokoro Balance Cream.
Find the menopause solution perfect for your unique body chemistry — click here to learn how.
The Price and Quality of Kokoro Balance Cream
Kokoro Balance Cream is not sold direct to consumers, rather, Kokoro works with affiliates who sell the product in their behalf. The suggested retail price for a 2-ounce jar is $25.99, though Amazon is currently selling this size for $18.
The list price for the larger, 3.3-ounce container is $39.99, but it also may be found for a lower price. Again, Amazon offers this at a discounted rate, $29.10.
Kokoro Balance Cream is priced a bit higher than many of its competitors. For example, most progesterone creams are less than $15 and contain just about the same formula. While a few dollars isn’t exactly a huge difference, users may not see the point of investing more in a menopause solution that doesn’t demonstrate a higher quality.
Our guide to progesterone replacement and how it affects the body. Click here for more info.
Business of Kokoro Balance Cream
Kokoro Balance Cream made and sold by a company known as Kokoro Health:
Phone: 714-836-7749
Address: 17731 Irvine Blvd
STE 102
Tustin, California 92780
Kokoro is a California company that sells supplements for both men and women, as well as a line of beauty products. The site itself is pretty sparse and relies on information sourced from Amazon to flesh out its product descriptions.
The site offers little explanation in regard to who should be using this cream, how it works and why certain ingredients made the cut.
Kokoro does link to another website for further information about the use of progesterone creams in general, but there’s something to be desired from the official site from a consumer point of view.
Overall, Kokoro could do a better job explaining how their products work. The site feels a bit confusing and doesn’t fully flesh out the ideas it brings up. The outside progesterone-themed webpage, for example, gives users a few articles, but again, there’s nothing really substantial listed to educate potential buyers.
Customer Opinions of Kokoro Balance Cream
Kokoro Balance Cream has some clear cut pros and cons, though they seem to differ based on user. Here’s a look at some of the experiences past customers shared after using this product:
“Okay, this product is great in a lot of ways. I’m sleeping through the night , my mood has improved and there’s no hangover. But, I work out 5x a week and can’t lose any weight and still get hot flashes.”
“Started taking this product as my progesterone-estrogen balance was way out of whack. It helped with hot flashes, but not night sweats. Hair loss stopped, but I had acne, bloating and weight gain.”
“This product gave me horrible side effects. My breast size grew by two cup sizes, I was tired, depressed and gained 20lbs. Plus, I spent hundreds of dollars over several months. I’d avoid messing with hormones.”
“This product has worked really well for me. I had been dealing with hot flashes and unfortunately, hair loss. My hair is growing back and the flashes have been reduced significantly. This is great!”
Kokoro Balance Cream seems to have more reviews that cite weight gain and excessive bleeding as a negative effect. Still, users mostly had positive things to say—it seems to consistently curb hair loss, but doesn’t seem to help a great deal with night sweats or hot flashes.
With women who were using this product to regulate their menstrual cycle or reduce period-related symptoms, there were reports of excessive bleeding and trouble losing weight. One user reported breast growth and severe changes in mood, while others mentioned acne, bloating and excessive hunger.
Women going through menopause did mention this product was helpful when it came to dealing with insomnia and mood swings, but in some cases, it wasn’t all that helpful for hot flashes or night sweats.
It’s clear that trying to balance your hormone ratio on your own is tricky. It seems this product could have some potential, but it may be worth consulting with a doctor before trying to mess with your own hormones.
Enhance your libido and get a good night’s rest. Get the inside scoop right here.
Conclusion – Does Kokoro Balance Cream Work?
Kokoro Balance Cream, as mentioned above seems to be effective for certain people—namely those with low progesterone, but there also appear to be some risks associated with its use.
Kokoro Balance Cream does contain some good ingredients, but messing with progesterone levels on your own may prove to be a bit more complicated than the product description lets on, and users should consider seeing a physician to address this concern.
The website doesn’t do much, though to tell users about the risks and benefits of the product, nor does explain why the wild yam extract and natural progesterone are listed as separate ingredients, as it looks like the progesterone comes from wild yam.
Overall, this could work for some women, but our recommendation is to look for a product that provides a more comprehensive approach to taking on all symptoms that may emerge with menopause.
Wild yam is a great ingredient, but we’re not confident in its ability to act alone. Tackling menopause is about creating a sense of balance and other ingredients like the estrogenic herb, black cohosh or an herbal aphrodisiac may help users feel a greater sense of relief when combined with wild yam.
We’ve learned that Femmetrinol is the best menopause product out there, after reviewing countless supplements. This product is effective in dealing with night sweats and hot flashes, a low sex drive and sluggish energy levels due to a blend of just the right herbs.
Femmetrinol is made in an FDA-approved facility where all ingredients are tested for quality and their ability to bring users the results they are expecting. Click this link for more information about how Femmetrinol can balance hormones and leave you feeling great.
    from Easy Weight Loss 101 http://ift.tt/2qg0Af0 via The Best Weight Loss Diet In The World
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lose38lbs-blog · 8 years
I've been asked a lot how I lost so much weight in under a year so I decided to share with you guys what I did :)
Been experiencing some technical difficulties with my laptop so I apologize for this not being in HD, when I uploaded it to YouTube somehow the HD just didn't go through :(
What are your goals? What are you doing to work towards them? Let me know in the comments!
LIKE SHARE SUBSCRIBE: Tips to Losing Weight
1. Diets don't work. They're temporary and restrictive, which makes the likelihood of regaining weight almost inevitable. Rather, seek a lifestyle change that will help you work towards your goals. This is a more permanent adjustment that will get you to your goals.
2. Drink a lot of water. Staying hydrated helps your body run the best it possibly can. Drinking more water also helps clear up your skin and keeps your hair healthy.
3. Create a routine by setting a time to workout everyday and/or tracking your food intake to learn portion sizes. You're less likely to skip something that you've planned in advance and planned the rest of your day around. This was one of the major keys to loosing weight for me.
4. Cut out red meat and dairy. Red meat is filled with fat, cholesterol, and dyes. Dairy contains excess hormones that your body doesn't need. Both can hinder weight loss and cause other health issues. Eating more whole foods and less processed foods will result in much more weight loss.
5. Remaining patient and motivated is so important. Getting the body of your dreams takes time, it doesn't happen over night so expecting it to isn't fair to yourself. Instead of getting frustrated that you're not seeing the results you want yet, look at what you have accomplished and remember every ounce of progress is a step closer to the end goal.
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&65 TUMBLR: vegan-baddie.tumblr.com
#weight loss tips
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