#and maybe birds actually hrm
trashcreatyre · 1 year
Is your au really worth it if you dont have to do at LEAST twenty minutes of research of some kind?
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toxifoxx · 2 months
I ask you questions about William ^_^ !! Answer however many you'd please, I'm just dumping random things atp lmao
♡ would William consider having any pets? if so, what and be as free as a bird of explanation !!
♡ if he didn't major in business and engineering, what would he do? what would've life been like if he had taken another career path? would Henry still be present?
♡ what's something William likes to collect?
♡ if Henry knows William is trans, how did that occur?
♡ if William could choose any other animal besides a rabbit, what would it be?
♡ prior to completing transition, had William thought of other names? in what ways was he discreet of being a boy/man without questions from his parents?
♡ if William were to know of his future, what things would he change? what would he say to/do for his younger self?
YAY YAY THANK U :3 (late answer because i can FINALLY see this now)
1.obvious answer is a bunny since william loves rabbits. he would want to have one and he would most certainly name it bonnie. but perhaps he doesn't have the time to be caring for one, so his secondary choice would be a cat. they're cute and quiet and not too high maintenance :] i don't think he likes dogs all that much. envisioning him as the 'dad and the cat he said he didn't want' meme actually
2.first thought is theater, the motherfucker loves performing & acting he basically does it 24/7 and it gives him a good excuse to be flamboyant and silly and weird. he'd want to be an actor or something. its possible for henry to still be present given that william's circumstances probably wouldn't change and they'd still end up in the same dorm.
3.BUNNY-THEMED ITEMS. i've actually mentioned this one before but he totally has some of those novelty bunny-shaped phones. definitely collects little bunny figures. he has an entire shelf dedicated to random bunny shit he's gathered over the years. no one questions it any more hes just Like That
4.they fucked . thats how it happened they fucked. i mean henry probably saw william shirtless once or twice beforehand but just assumed he had bigger than normal man-boobs (and william could easily play it off as such) but the first time he really learned william was trans was fucking him for the first time and being like huh….. why does he have a pussy…..
5.i almost skipped over this one oopsiesssss. can i answer this with hare /j. uhh truthfully i dont have a good answer but it would have to be something that also looks harmless and disarming since that's the way william likes to portray himself. id say sheep for the wolf in sheep's clothing metaphor but i think he wouldn't want to choose a farm animal.
6.hmmm. good question… think he always wanted to go with some proper sort of name. maybe he considered vincent because i think its very funny and for no other reason. perhaps he just took the name of william from a relative or something. as for being discreet… he brought it up once and never again <3 for the years he lived with his parents he was just dedicated to hiding the fact he was a trans man. feeding into his whole shtick of constantly wearing a mask and pretending to be someone he's not.
7.this one is also a good question. hrm. there's a lotta stuff william internalizes and never ever unlearns so there's only a few things he can really say. honestlyyyyy. maybe he encourages his younger self to just go to fucking therapy. maybe he just says some shit about making the springlocks far far safer than they were (preventing evan's death & his own springlocking incident). but most of all he would try to discourage his younger self from murder (seeing as charlie's death is where everything truly started falling apart)
thanks for the ask!!!!!!!! ^_^
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taiblogcomics · 3 months
America, America, This is Dew
Hey there, live studio audiences. Well, I'm thirsty, and I don't want to do a review first thing in the morning. So you get a late-night triple feature, coz I got three new flavours to try. Let's bring out our first contestant~
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Mountain Dew Star Spangled Splash
Yep, it's summer, so they're back to the America-themed Dews. And since there's three, you can probably guess the theming! In the red corner, we got this one, which promises to be red-flavoured and possibly like eating a firecracker. But not like last year, when we had one that was based on a Rocket Pop. Like an actual firework. Hey, at least this one will probably cause less hearing damage. (Disclaimer: Do not pour in ear.)
I think the first thing I want to dissect is "red berry". What is a red berry? Cherry? Raspberry? Strawberry? Cranberry? (Note: A cranberry Dew sounds fantastic; PepsiCo, you are welcome to take that one.) Lingonberry?? Some unholy combination of any of these? It seems pretty vague, and there are no hints in the ingredients. I guess we'll just have to crack it open and find out.
Ooh, the smell is very good. Can't quite put my finger on it, but it's a very syrupy, red smell. Maybe literally that, it does remind me of the ol' Hershey's Strawberry Syrup, for making strawberry milk (but I always just put it on my pancakes). Strawberry is an under-represented Dew flavour, so I'd be down for that~
Yeah, I think it might be a strawberry/raspberry mix. It's very good. Quite fond of this one! Nothing particularly stand-out-ish about it, just a good flavour~
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Mountain Dew Freedom Fusion
Moving white along, we've got a white flavour. They love their white sodas. Mountain Dew Whiteout was a premium gimmick, and they just keep coming back to it. I don't really have any complaints about that, though I feel like pairing the one that's a white liquid with the image of a bird on the label might send the wrong message. Sorry, that's disgusting, and I don't think this one deserves that--yet.
Instead, this one is much more clearly labelled on flavour. Of course it's a lemon-based one, since it's white. Hopefully it won't be as over-poweringly lemon-scented like Whiteout was. I've made the claim many times, but Whiteout was basically a few drops away from being a lemon-scented furniture polish. Now, peach, on the other hand, is another under-represented flavour in the Dew family. Sounds a-pretty-pretty good to me!
Hrm. Well, it's definitely not an overpowering scent like Whiteout or Lemon Pledge. It's a bit milder. I often compare these to scents from other drinks, especially powder mixes. This one reminds me a lot of the powder for the limeade my Grandma was fond of making. It has that sour citrus tingle to its scent without being overwhelming. Let's hope that holds true in its flavour as well~
Ooh, not bad at all. You can definitely taste the peach more than the lemonade. The peach is strong with this one. Which is funny, coz it reminds me of a peach tea mix Mum would get. So smells like one nostalgic powder mix, tastes like another. "Peachy keen" is way too cliche to use here, but it also wouldn't be wrong! Two good ones down, let's see what the last is.
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Mountain Dew Liberty Chill
And in the blue corner, this guy! They previously made a Dew called "Liberty Brew", and it was also blue. So that's not confusing at all. I saved this one for last, hopefully for obvious reasons. Like, obviously the order of "red, white, and blue", but also... If it's really promising 50 flavours, that's gotta go last.
Like, 50 flavours is a big claim. The other patriotic Mountain Dew, Dew.S.A., promised it was a mix of Code Red, Whiteout, and Voltage. And I feel like we've probably reviewed at least 50 flavours of Dew by now, so theoretically they could combine those. But god, I hope not, because I don't want to imagine the flavour of flamin' hot gingerbread on a bed of three dozen fruits.
What else could 50 flavours mean, though? Can you even think of 50 different fruits? The implication is a flavour from every state, but does every state have a recognisable flavour profile? You got Florida oranges, Georgia peaches, Hawaiian pineapple... But then, like, what else? Is Idaho's flavour potatoes? Is Maine's lobster?? There aren't 50 things depicted on the label, it's just Lady Liberty riding a motorcycle. Is copper statue one of the flavours? Is motorcycle??
Furthermore, all these things together don't come out blue! At least, I sure hope they don't. Like, Dew.S.A. was a pale shade of purple because it was a red Dew, a blue Dew, and a white Dew mixed together. Like, this is a lovely shade of blue and all, and blue is usually one of my favourite drink colours. But even if we're restricting it to mixing Mountain Dew flavours together and not considering such possible flavours like lobster and motorcycle, it's not gonna come out such a rich blue. Pitch Black would easily inkstain that whole thing. And you can't leave out Pitch Black, it's still the best one! Still my favourite!
Anyways, I think I've panicked about this enough for it to be funny, let's crack this one. You can understand the panic, though, I want this to be good. I bought a whole 12-can box of this one because it was the blue one and I wasn't sure I'd be able to get the individual bottles like I ultimately ended up doing. Where was I? Oh right, the smell test. If it's 50 smells in one, am I even going to be able to tell?
...Well, it certainly smells like something. It has a smell, for sure. I wouldn't say 50 of 'em at once. It very much has that kind of generic "blue drink" kind of smell. Like, you go to the grocery store, and find one of those generic no-name brands of drinks--not, like, the genericised store brand, just one of those cheapy brands that don't have TV commercials and you've never heard of it. They sell these drinks by the gallon and they don't even have a "fun" name to them. No "radical lingo", like "Outrageous Orange" or "Bodacious Blue" or whatever. Just "Orange Drink" on a mildly colourful label. You know what I mean? It smells like the blue drink of that.
...Well, you got me! I don't think this is 50 flavours. Like, if you mixed them together, how would I even tell? They'd be one flavour after mixing, wouldn't they? But, like, this is such a mystery of a flavour. It's kind of a flavour blank slate. Thankfully, it doesn't taste like flaming hot gingerbread, or even motorcycle. What does it taste like? Well, you got me. Nothing bad, certianly. But also nothing I can actually pick out. I'm not even sure it tastes like Mountain Dew! ...You know what it tastes like? It tastes like itself. Liberty Brew is Liberty Brew-flavoured. All 50 of 'em.
I can probably choke down 12 cans of that. Or any of 'em, honestly. All of these are pretty good, even the entire flavour enigma of Liberty Chill. I recommend these, seek them out for your own patriotic soda needs. I'd be a lot more patriotic if the USA was more based on these sodas, and not, like, [gestures vaguely out the window indicating the outdoors] eugh, all that~
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
Halifax council considers launching rental registry
Halifax city council is looking to launch a rental registry that would require property owners to register their rental units and buildings with the city.
District 7 Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) Councillor Waye Mason is all for it, citing safety.
“We’ve had people jacking up buildings without a permit, putting in illegal basement suites, not putting fire-rated drywall, not being worried about having a secondary egress so if the place is on fire, people can get out,” Mason said. “This is literally the results of maybe the second motion I made after I first got elected.”
A staff report for HRM council outlines how a rental registry could help the city track rental properties and help to be pro-active with inspections instead of waiting for complaints.
Property owners would be required to provide a maintenance plan.
Council is also looking to amend another bylaw to increase minimum standards.  
“We don’t have a complete picture about what is out there right now because units built before zoning was brought in, before we have zoning and all that stuff,” Mason said.
Kevin Russell, the executive director of the Investment Property Owners Association of Nova Scotia, is not in favour of the change. He points out how bylaws and provincial rules already exist.
“We quite frankly feel they aren’t being enforced and if they were, there’d be no need for what the council is deciding today,” Russell said.
The HRM’s registry wouldn’t require a registration fee and city staff explained landlords would register the property once, unless there were major changes.
However, Russell notes the time it takes to do the paperwork and gather the information is a cost.
He says with increased borrowing costs and the current cap on rent, a rental registration could result in many small rental owners selling their properties.
“This new enforcement mechanism will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back,” Russell said.
ACORN, a housing advocacy group, said this bylaw would be a big win for tenants.
Dartmouth ACORN chair Lisa Hayhurst showed CTV News her apartment building in Dartmouth, N.S., Tuesday. The front balcony was slanted and covered with patches of bird feces.
“We look forward to council passing landlord registration and actually enforcing building standards,” she said.
Mitchell Cohen, the chief operating officer of Westdale Properties which owns the building where Hayhurst lives, said he wasn’t aware of the bird feces but he called his staff to make sure it is cleaned up and was told some tenants have been feeding the pigeons.
“Nonetheless, it is the landlord responsibility and we will ratchet up the cleaning,” Cohen said.
Cohen also said he is aware the slanting balcony and is planning to have engineers retrofit it in March.
HRM council ended the first reading of the rental registry debate Tuesday by voting in favour of the bylaw, except for District 15 Councillor Paul Russell.
“I just don’t see the justification for spending the money for this,” Russell said.
If the bylaw is adopted, it wouldn’t begin until April 2024.
Council heard the registry would require hiring new employees to enforce it.
Fines for property owners in violation of the bylaw range from $150 to $10,000, depending on the offense.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/8WMYSaX
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sergeantsporks · 3 years
Writing Request: Hunter notices that he isn't quite normal, besides the lack of magic. He gets caught in the boiling rain but it doesn't hurt his skin. He tries to find palistrom trees with the help of some critter that is supposed to be drawn to them but it won't let go of his hair. Ect. He doesn't know what to think about this. (Maybe he finds a certain book that clears things up. Not that it helps)
You said "some critter," I heard "new pet" :D
“What is this. What is this thing. Why are you handing the leash to me.”
Kikimora thrust the rope at Hunter, a mop of fur attached to the end. As far as Hunter could tell, it had no face, no feet, and no purpose. “It’s a palistrom hunter. It can sense the trees, it makes its home in their branches. Due to the shortage of wood, they’re highly endangered. The emperor—” she grabbed Hunter’s hand and forcibly tied the rope around his wrist. “—wants you take it to where you lost the palisman and see if you can track them down.” She sniffed, brushing fur off of her robe. “A palistrom hunter. Perhaps you can name it Hunter.”
“Yeahhhhhhhhhh no. I’m not naming this thing. Thaaaaaanks, Kiki.”
“Thank the emperor. It’s your second chance.”
Hunter wrinkled his nose at her from behind the mask, and tugged at the creature’s leash. “C’mon.”
It happily flopped on his feet. This thing was going to be absolutely useless, wasn’t it. Hunter sighed, picking the thing up and tucking it under one arm. He grabbed his staff, warping his way back to where he’d last seen the palisman—where the human had flown off with them. He set the fluffy creature down, nudging it gently with one boot.
“I doubt you can sense them. They went up in the air. But, uh. Do your best.”
It sniffed around the area, and its little nose—the only discernable feature—went up in the air. Hunter held his breath. Had it actually caught a scent?!
It sniffed, walked a full circle, then tiny claws gripped Hunter’s pant leg, and the creature swarmed up his side. It settled down on his shoulder, sighing contentedly.
“Great,” Hunter grumbled, “Thank you very much. You’ve been a wonderful waste of my time.”
He warped his way back home, dropping the thing off at his room. It snuffled, and chased after him. Hunter hopped up on his bed, trying to avoid it, but it wouldn’t be deterred. Hunter spotted the staff that had appeared to him, and grabbed it, offering it up to the creature. The palistrom hunter curled up on it, and the bird flapped its wings, giving Hunter a dirty look.
“Don’t look at me like that, you chose to be here.”
Hunter padded out softly onto the roof of the keep, his bare feet wiggling on the tile. Nights like these, when the stars were out, and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky, he couldn’t sleep. The sky called, a glimmering array of diamonds. Hunter traced the shapes of the stars in their lines and patterns.
There was a scuffling, snuffling noise, and something warm and furry sat down on Hunter’s feet. He bent down and picked up the palistrom hunter, holding it at arm’s length. The thing kept trying to sleep on top of him in the middle of the night. “You,” he told it, “are quite possibly the most annoying creature on the planet. And I work with Kikimora.”
It snuffled, and Hunter sighed, taking it back down to his room. The palisman fluttered out of reach before he could offer it as tribute to the fuzzy abomination.
“Maybe I’ll call you Kiki junior.”
It sneezed.
“You’re right. You’re not that mean. Just annoying. Hrm. How about Greg, you look like a Greg.”
Greg snuffled, scrambling up onto his lap. Hunter put it down, dashing out the door and closing it before Greg could catch up. It scratched at the door to be let out. “Nuh-uh, you need to stay in there. I’ll be back.”
Hunter dashed off to the keep library, looking through the library cards for any reference of the palistrom hunter. One book.
Wild Magic: Flora and Fauna of the Savage Ages.
Hunter shuffled through the shelves, tracking down the call number and pulling out the book. He ran a finger down the table of contents, glancing around the library. He didn’t know why. He wasn’t doing anything wrong. Just trying to figure out how to care for a creature the emperor had entrusted to him. But still. Hunter flipped to the page listed for Palistrom Hunters.
Nests in palistrom trees.
If bonded to a witch, run.
That’s not a witch.
“Not a witch,” Hunter grumbled, “What’s that supposed to mean? Could you get any vaguer?” He flipped to the back, to the index, running his finger down until he found Palistrom Hunters again.
Page 397, the page I just looked at aaaaand… 125.
Hunter flipped to page 125—or where it was supposed to be.
The pages were ripped out.
Hunter frowned, flipping back to the table of contents.
125. Grimwalker. Okay, one more thing to try.
Hunter flipped to the index again, this time looking for “grimwalker.” Another page—just before the pages about the Palistrom Hunters. He flipped to the page—about palistrom trees. Of course. He skimmed it, squinting for any mention of the grimwalker.
One of the key ingredients in the creation of a grimwalker.
Hunter almost threw the book across the room. That! Didn’t! Help!
He wandered back to the index cards, this time looking for “grimwalker.”
A whole lot of nothing.
He tried the crystal ball.
It’s like they don’t exist.
Or… someone got rid of them?
Well… there was one set of books that no one would DARE touch…
Hunter took a deep breath, and made his way to the portal room. He poked his head in, checking both ways for his uncle before sliding in and closing the door.
It’s fine, it’s fine, you’re just trying to figure out how to stop this creature from hanging onto you. This whole grimwalker thing probably doesn’t even mean anything, or it’s just some—some slur for magic-less witches, which is why the thing likes you.
Hunter flipped through the journals near the portal, holding his breath.
Hunter ran a hand over the illustration of eyes.
Eerie, magenta eyes.
A chart, tracking growth—the growth of someone from birth to around sixteen.
A list of ingredients.
Hunter stumbled back from the journal, until his back hit a pillar. He covered his mouth with his hands to keep from yelling, breathing heavily.
What is that?
What—there—I can’t—
He slid down the pillar, his legs too shaky to hold him up.
“Hrgh—” he whimpered through his shut mouth.
Something fuzzy brushed up against him, and Hunter nearly jumped out of his skin—is it my skin? Is it? Or is it scales?
Hunter scooped Greg up, holding it tightly to his chest as he tried to calm his breathing. The creature purred, content to be in his arms.
Content because I’m made of its home wood.
What other things could something like me be used for?
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Alright, end of volume four! Let’s see what else is in here.
First off, a little side comic:
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While it is played as a spoof, this is interesting since it seems like something of an actual issue in BNHA - namely the issue of quirk needs versus societial expectations when it comes to clothing.
Midnight points out that with her quirk, inadequate exposure gets in the way of performance. Her initial debut costume was risque enough that it ended up forcing regulations in terms of costume exposure. However, in her case, sexiness wasn’t the goal, and wasn’t necessary - it’s just that what was necessary in her case happened to be ‘sexy.’
This is honestly a really touching and important topic that she’s touching on here, and she seems to be taking it seriously... and then Mount Lady is used to basically be bitchy and completely divert the talk with some petty catfighting that really wasn’t necessary imo.
So yeah, this increases my respect for Midnight a great deal and gives some good insight into her in a short comic, so I can just sort of look away from the rest of it and enjoy what we’ve been given.
Next, the inner flaps of the cover.
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I wonder if that’s an image Kaminari actually got on his phone? Huh.
Inside cover page.
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Interesting early design for Tsuyu... and honestly lowkey terrified of early alpha Tenya.
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(Also, why is the font not even consistent??? translators please. a translation for the second one for people who can’t read it:
Iida’s preliminary design. Well, so I say, but this was back when the school setting wasn’t even decided yet, so he’s nearly a totally different character. As far as helmet designs go, I still like this one a lot.)
...I think this mask eventually got kind of reworked into that bird helmeted guy from the first chapter? I don’t recall it used elsewhere, but maybe my memory’s just faulty.
Next, assistant introductions:
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I guess each assistant’s fave character in their own art styles? Certainly has a lot of variety... also, now I want to see that net challenge as an alt event... hrm...
Last two pages:
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Aw yeah, that funky Present Mic. Also, that ‘late Friday night’ is actually a very early morning, isn’t it? 1 am to 5 am? And Izuku listens to this every week? Nerd is really dedicated to heroes...
Anywho, next time, some volume 5 material, and then Ochako vs Katsuki! See y’all then! <3
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britishassistant · 4 years
The Villainous Paranoiac Just Wants An Uneventful Holiday (Part 1)
This is not how you wanted to spend your break.
The school was supposed to be empty. Everyone except the Octavinelle trio was supposed to be gone.
Not to say you don’t enjoy your friends’ company but. No magic-using people means no magic-spewing overblots.
You were looking forward to just bringing the fairies their firewood and working on your winter homework while taking the first opportunity in a good long while to unwind with Grim and the ghosts. No investigations to worry about, no weird dreams to get worked up over, no overblots to frantically try and survive.
You wanted a break.
This? Marching 10km into the desert with the rest of Scarabia dorm for the third day in a row due to their leader’s looming psychotic breakdown? This is not a break.
There’s definetely something rotten in Scarabia dorm, you think to yourself as you watch Viper-senpai hand out skeins of water. Kalim-senpai had no problem using his unique magic yesterday, and yet today he acted like Grim had mortally insulted him when he asked for a repeat performance.
If the outburst had been after two or three other instances of Kalim-senpai using Oasis Maker and receiving what he felt were insufficient thanks for it, then his current attitude would make a little more sense. But taking umbrage after using it just once? And being universally praised by everyone else the rest of the day for it?
It doesn’t add up.
Even deranged behavior has some sort of internal logic to it, as Rosehearts-senpai and the Rules of the Queen of Hearts have taught you. Even with how nonsensical all 810 rules are, it’s rare to find a scenario where one rule actually conflicts with another— all of them usually work smoothly in tandem with the goal of having an orderly unbirthday party in mind.
Even if they do violate most forms of dignity and common sense.
Kalim-senpai’s behavior though? It’s erratic without rhyme or reason, bouncing from nice to mean and back again seemingly as he enters and exits a room. He insists you and Grim stay and participate in this asinine “training”, despite the fact that you both belong to a different dorm, and are technically rivals to Scarabia in Magift and exams.
If you didn’t know better, you’d say it’s almost like he’s trying to imitate Rosehearts-senpai before his overblot—and doing poorly at it.
And with how much Viper-senpai has been invoking parallels between the current situation and what happened back then...
The smartphone Crowley gave you is a cold, heavy weight in your pocket. Its charge ran out yesterday, which is unsurprising given how many times you dialed and redialed the dumb bird headmaster’s number only to be met with his voicemail. You can probably recite that stupid message by heart now. You’ve heard nothing from Ace and Deuce either.
One thing is clear; no one’s going to help you out of this mess but you.
“Kalim-senpai?” You brace yourself as you step towards him. “Can I ask you something?”
“What could you possibly question me about?” He barks, glaring down at you haughtily.
“Well, I was just wondering, what’s the point of all this?” You fight to keep your nerve as his posture stiffens. “I don’t mean any disrespect, none at all, but you do want everyone to do better in Magift and exams, don’t you? I was hoping you could explain to me how the parades and defensive magic training are supposed to do that. I apologize for my ignorance, I’m nowhere near as smart as you, but could you please tell me why we don’t just practice Magift and brush up on the class material inst—”
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Your head’s ringing.
You think you hear faint yelling, though it sounds like it’s coming from somewhere far away.
Your cheek aches.
Numbness blooming into a sharp stinging throb that feels like it’s growing with every second that passes, burning hotter than the sun above you.
You cautiously poke your tongue against your teeth, but none feel loose, thank the Seven.
Damn, the desperate, near-hysterical thought flits through your head. Even a pampered rich boy like him has strength behind his hits, huh?
The rest of you is just trying to process what the Hell just happened.
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“How. Dare. You?!”
Asim-sama looms over you, red eyes burning with fury.
It’s a fight to keep yourself from curling into a terrified ball under his gaze, tucking into yourself as though seeing less of you would abate the anger, the shouting, the hurt, like you used to when you were a child.
“You dare to question my methods, my leadership of this dorm?! You? A sniveling street rat leeching off my hospitality?! Do you know who I am?!” He rages. “I am Kalim al-Asim! I am the Head of this dorm! I don’t have to explain ANYTHING, justify ANYTHING to the likes of you!!”
You knew, you knew you were pushing your luck when you first asked, but you thought it would just be yelling, like it was before. You can handle yelling, nothing Asim-sama can say could ever be worse than what you’ve already heard.
You didn’t think he’d hit you.
You didn’t think he’d hit you.
You didn’t think—
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Your arm whips out almost on instinct.
You jolt forward slightly as Grim collides with it, hissing and spitting like he really was an irate cat, the flames in his ears flaring brightly enough that some detached part of you is worried about getting burned.
The other Scarabia students are reaching for their magic pens.
“Lemme at ‘im! Lemme at ‘im!!” Your friend howls, fighting to get past you. “Forget butt on fire, I’ll BURN IT TO A CRISP FOR HURTING MY MINION!! I'LL STEAL EVERYTHING YOU HAVE AND SELL IT FOR LUXURY TUNA!! THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR CROSSING THE GREAT GRIM—”
“No, Grim.”
Your friend halts in his flailing to stare uncomprehendingly at you. “But Yuu—!”
“It was my fault.” You say, trying to keep as much emotion out of your voice as possible. Tears and trembling only show weakness, only make them worse. “Asim-sama was just correcting me. He was right to do so. I shouldn’t have questioned him. I overstepped my bounds.”
Asim-sama sniffs. “At least you know your place. Be glad I don’t punish you anymore than this.”
“What?! He slapped you for asking a question, you can’t possibly believe—” You gather Grim into your arms and hug him close. You quietly thank the Great Seven you at least have him, trying to hide the quiver in your limbs by burying your face in his fur.
But that’s exactly why you can’t let him do this. It’s just the two of you, you can’t win against an entire dorm of wizards like you did against the ghosts. Maybe if Ace and Deuce and Jack were here...but it’s just you. You need to protect your friend in the only way you can. “We can’t win this. Please, Grim.”
You feel him grumble, then a paw carefully pushes at your forehead. “Hrm...I’ll show mercy for now, so geroff already. It’s too hot for you to keep hugging me like this, I’m cooking here fgnah.”
Despite saying so, he settles onto your shoulder, tail smacking your arm as it flicks irritably.
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“If you’ll excuse me, Asim-sama.” You duck your head slightly. “I will remove myself from your sight and head back early as penance for my behavior. Once again, my deepest apologies for insulting you.”
Asim-sama gives you a curt, dismissive nod.
You turn and make your way through the crowd of Scarabia students, snatches of muttered conversations floating to your ears.
“How could he—?”
“Just for a question?”
“Isn’t that going too far...?”
“Prefect.” Viper-senpai takes you by the shoulder, turning you to face him. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine.” You reply monotonously, eyes on the sand below you. “Just...just need to be by myself for a bit.”
His lips purse and you can feel him study your face. He presses a full water skein into your hands. “Take this. Even if it’s not as cold as I’d like, it should help with the swelling some. Plus you need to stay hydrated out there.”
“Thank you, Viper-senpai.” You nod, keeping your eyes down.
“And Prefect?” He squeezes your shoulder, voice lowering only a fraction. “I am truly sorry about this. All of this. It will not happen again, you have my word.”
It would’ve been a nice apology, had you not caught a glimpse of a smirk on his face.
You nod, making sure not to outwardly react to that or to the way the whispers of the other Scarabia students turn from the condemnation of their dorm head to the exaltation of the vice dorm head. You begin following the tracks in the sand back to the main dorm.
The sun beats down on your back as you take a swig from the skein and pass it to Grim to drink from. He’s still grumbling about how you should’ve let him recreate his rampage at the entrance ceremony.
For your part, the distance and good company have let you pull yourself out of that headspace enough that you can try and look back objectively on what happened.
Your mind keeps circling back around to one question: why did Asim-senpai hit you?
Based on your interactions before this, Asim-senpai doesn’t seem to be the type to resort to physical violence as a first response, or even a last one. Which means something in your question likely backed him into a corner enough that the normally pacifistic dorm head felt lashing out physically was the only way to get you to stop.
...Like the fact that he couldn’t answer it?
Even when screaming abuse at you, his ultimate response was that he wouldn’t explain himself to you. Is that because he didn’t want to? Or because he couldn’t? Does Asim-senpai himself not know the reasons behind his own actions? But how can someone act without knowing or meaning to, without being under the influence somehow?
Under the influence.
People acted without knowing or meaning to thanks to being under the influence of Buchie-senpai’s Unique Magic during the Magift incident. But he went home, you saw him leave, so what...?
You pull out your notebook, flipping through the pages with sweaty hands until you get to your records of the testimonies from the incident. You scan through the testimonies from Scarabia students, hoping to find something, anything—
“Motherfucker.” You hiss, staring at the page in dismay. You are an idiot. You are the biggest idiot, you make Deuce look like a genuis, how could you forget about this?? It was only the key testimony that helped pinpoint Buchie-senpai and Savannahclaw as the culprits behind the injuries. And it explains so much— why you kept agreeing to stay here despite wanting to go back to Ramshackle so desperately, almost like your mouth was speaking without your consent.
“Minion?” Grim asks, pushing the water skein back onto you. “What’s wrong?”
You snap your notebook shut and slide it back into your pocket, taking another fortifying swig from the skein. “Grim? Think we can get back soon enough to work on the escape route in our room before the others arrive back for lunch?”
“If we pick up the pace a bit, yeah.” He hops back onto your shoulder. “But what’s the rush? We have all night tonight to work on it.”
“Let’s just say the sooner we can get out of here, the better.” You mutter, cogs and gears turning in your head as a tentative plan begins to form.
This is not how you wanted to spend your winter break.
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venialsun · 3 years
to begin with, take warning (1/3)
[read on ao3]
1 | 2 | 3
Dick watched Damian physically try to not show his nerves on his face for a full ten minutes—with the success of a trained actor and the failure of a nervous fourteen-year-old playing it off to his older brother—when he caved. They had just driven past the Welcome to Gotham! billboard with “u sure?” and “go back to metropolis cuck!!!” graffitied in looping, hot pink script on the side. It’d be another twenty-five minutes of traffic before they made it to central downtown, and Dick could only stand so much of not-twitchy, not-nervous, I’m-above-this Damian before he burst into laughter and caused some problems.
So he said, “It’s okay to be nervous.”
And from the passenger side, feet up on the dash, looking at his phone, Damian snapped, “I’m not nervous! What is there to be nervous about? It’s an American high school. Big deal. Last week, I stopped a planet-wide catastrophe that would have killed billions in another galaxy, and every night, unless you don’t know, we fight actual monsters and supervillains who actively try to kill us. Some have even succeeded. This is nothing.”
“Yeah,” said Dick, “maybe don’t mention all that on the first day.”
“I know that.”
“And I think you mean ‘my friends and I went to space and stopped a war.’ You know you have to give them credit, too.”
“They’re not my friends,” said Damian. “I work with them. Father isn’t friends with every member of the Justice League, yet he’s worked with near every one of them on League missions. They are my colleagues.”
“So what you’re saying is that you are organizing and leading team missions?” Dick could not keep the amusement out of his voice. “What happened to ‘Teams are unnecessary and a waste of time’? What about the Titans? I know they invited you back.”
“Timothy leads the Titans,” said Damian. “And there’s no room for two Robins on the same team.”
“Mm, don’t know about that, but I also know neither of you would play nice long enough to really try. So no team, okay,” Dick agreed, “and you just happen to be having adventures with other underaged heroes of no relation to you on a periodic basis. And they’re not your friends.”
Damian blinked away from his phone—success!—and scowled. “I do not get your obsession with making friends, Richard,” he said.
Dick splayed his hands on the steering wheel. “I’m glad to see you hanging out with kids your own age, is all. It’s good for you.”
Damian snorted and looked out the window. Gotham’s littered streets and the growing mob of early-morning commuters blurred gray in the smog. In tones of great solemnity he said, “That’s what this whole thing is about, isn’t it? I am going to school to learn how to maintain a secret identity and cultivate a normal public persona. I will be surrounded by kids my own age, and I will be sure to make connections that I will treasure for the rest of my life. These next four years will be the happiest of my life, I know it.”
Dick laughed, and Damian smirked.
“Alright, smartass, I get it. You’re Damian Wayne, haver of too many titles and not leader of any teams, and you’re not nervous about going to high school. I believe you.”
They stopped at a light. Gotham Academy was a few blocks ahead. If they walked, they could be there in ten minutes. Driving as they were in the morning congestion, it would take at least fifteen. Dick didn’t mind. He hummed to himself, waiting. Damian went back to his phone. The light turned green. Dick eased his foot off the brake. They advanced slowly and made it to the front of the line of cars, when the light blinked yellow, then red, and they stopped again.
Damian said, “Father says you were a good student. Well-liked. Studious. Only Robin’s duties caused problems.”
“Bruce said that?” Dick rolled his eyes. “Of course, he did. School was fine,” he said, “though I was mostly focused on being Robin and then the Titans at the time. It was nice, I think. It seems so long ago. But it was hard to have a life there when the most important parts of my life were somewhere else.”
“Wait, Grayson,” Damian said, gleefully, “were you unpopular?”
Dick chuckled, and the light turned green again. “I don’t know what you mean, Dames. I didn’t have that much trouble, and I had a good group of friends. But sometimes I thought it was all a waste of time, time I should’ve spent being Robin. It wasn’t easy hiding parts of myself from my classmates. Keeping the secret meant I couldn’t really be myself or talk to anyone about anything other than school.”
“Until the Titans,” said Damian.
“Until the Titans,” agreed Dick. He glanced at Damian, still with his marginally tense shoulders. “If it counts for anything,” he said, “I don’t think it was a waste of time now. I’m glad I went. I think this is a good thing.”
“Tt,” Damian tutted, but his look was speculative.
“I won’t lie to you and say you will love school. But give it a chance. You might end up liking it.”
“Ever the optimist.”
Dick pulled up into the line of cars for day student drop-off. Gotham Academy stretched across the block, its front tower looming darkly over them in the morning fog. Teenagers in uniform and cheery-looking adults were wandering about, huddling in groups or directing the flow of foot traffic to the entrance and around the side of the façade.
“Got your schedule? Know where you’re going?” Dick asked.
Damian glowered at him.
Dick chuckled. “Right, right, ‘course you do. So I’ll pick you up at four o’clock, okay?”
“And not a minute later,” threatened Damian. And then he set his shoulders, got out of the car, slammed the door, and marched away like he was going into battle.
Dick couldn’t help himself. As he pulled away, he rolled down the window and shouted, “Have a great day at school, Damian! Love ya!”
Without turning around, Damian flipped him the bird.
A whistle blew, and in the rear view Dick saw an upset-looking woman, probably an administrator, point at Damian and loudly scold, “Young man!”
Dick winced, sympathetic yet unrepentant, and merged back into traffic.
Yanez knew this would happen, but she had thought it would be at least until midday. Homeroom hadn’t even started. She was busy alternating between threatening her teachers to smile and look happy to be here and smiling half-encouragingly, half-threateningly at students and shepherding them away from their hormonal clusters, when Headmaster Hammer cut a line through the crowd and headed straight to her. A sour-faced Damian Wayne kept pace behind him.
“Good morning,” she greeted, raising an eyebrow, and silently prayed for patience. “Can I help you?”
“Principal Yanez,” said Hammer. He motioned Damian in front of him. “Your student is in need of a reminder of our disciplinary code of conduct.”
Yanez did not miss the emphasis on your. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Hammer was still smarting over his demotion from Grand Headmaster of Gotham Academy, with the full powers that entailed, to “Grand Headmaster” of Gotham Academy, a purely honorary title that delegated tasks to the grammar, middle, and upper level administration that Gotham Academy had been divided into. She ignored him and looked down at the dark-haired boy in front of her. He glared back, defiant.
Ah. One of those.
“Damian Wayne, right?” she asked. “Isn’t it too early to be getting in trouble on the first day of school?”
“That depends on your definition of trouble, I suppose,” Damian said. To her surprise, he had the barest hint of an accent. British, maybe. He stuck out his hand. “You must be Samantha Yanez, the Head Principal for grades nine through twelve.”
Bemused, Yanez shook his hand. “That’s me.”
“I can only hope you are better than your predecessor,” said Damian. He glanced at Hammer and managed to make it seem like he was looking down his nose at him, despite being a full foot shorter. “He left much to be desired.”
“Note that down, Principal. Another perfect example of abhorrent and disrespectful student behavior,” said Hammer.
Yanez frowned. “What happened? Perhaps we should take this in my office.”
Already Yanez could see the curious bubble of students starting to form, talking behind their hands or blatantly recording on their phones.
“Certainly,” said Hammer. “It will help expedite the expulsion process.”
“That remains to be seen, Headmaster,” said Yanez.
She led them back to her office, past the crowds of mingling students and through the arching stone hallway that had been commandeered for the clerical staff. She took a seat behind her desk and indicated for them to sit. She tried not to be too annoyed when Hammer went instead to stand behind her, looming over like a gnarled skeleton.
“Okay,” she said. “Damian. Why don’t you explain to me why Headmaster Hammer has brought you in here? He’s threatening expulsion, but I only reserve that option for the most extreme of cases. Think this merits that?”
“Hardly,” scoffed Damian. “My brother was dropping me off and I flipped him off.”
“You—you flipped him off? You put your middle finger up at him?”
Yanez barely resisted the urge to laugh and glanced at Hammer. His expression was thunderous. She looked back at Damian and waited, but he did not elaborate. “Why did you flip him off?” she asked.
“He is an embarrassment to me.”
“All brothers are embarrassing to their siblings, especially younger ones. Is there more?”
“He has treated every administrator that tried to correct his behavior with rancor and disrespect,” said Hammer.
“Hrm.” Yanez steepled her fingers together. “Headmaster Hammer, could Damian and I have the room? I’ll take care of this. I’m sure you are very busy, and I know Principal Trammer could use the help with the elementary kids.”
Hammer scowled—Yanez knew he hated dealing with the primary school kids—but did not argue and took his leave.
When he was gone, Yanez took a moment to study the young boy in front of her. Petulant and angry, dark-haired, brown-skinned, and light-eyed, something tense and haughty in his shoulders—he looked every bit like any of the troubled kids Yanez had taught over her decades-long career. And yet nothing like them at all. There was something different in the set of his chin, the sharpness of his gaze, his crossed arms, like he was looking for danger and ready to meet it.
“Do you want to be here, Damian?” she asked.
Damian’s mouth twisted. “In this room, wasting my time? Not particularly.”
“Well, we can agree on that,” said Yanez. “But I meant here, Gotham Academy.”
Damian shrugged. “My family insists this will be an enriching opportunity.”
“They’re probably right. But I have looked at your records. You tested out of most of the core subjects, and your home-schooling portfolio is very impressive. Yet you are signed up for the standard ninth-grade honors track. When your Father and I met this summer to discuss the terms of your enrollment, he told me you insisted on it.”
Finally some of the animosity slipped from Damian’s face. He seemed intrigued. “You spoke with my father?”
“Only the once and very briefly,” said Yanez, “but yes. He said re-enrolling at Gotham Academy and coming back to school was your idea.”
Damian scowled.
“So I believe some part of you wants to be here, wants to be a student. Is that accurate?” she asked.
“I already regret it,” Damian muttered.
Yanez smiled. “Not the resounding yes I wanted to hear, but I’ll take it.” She reached into a side drawer and pulled out a quarter-sheet of yellow paper and scrawled down a few details. “If you want to be here, then being a student means abiding by some ground rules. Respect others, respect yourself, respect the school.”
“My respect is earned,” said Damian, “not freely given because of some archaic code of conduct.”
“Then you’re already miles ahead of most of the people in this building,” said Yanez. She handed him the slip of paper. “Respect is earned, yes, but you have to give people the chance to earn it in the first place. That means holding off on rude gestures and comments when it can be helped, which is most times. I am giving you two days of community lunch tutoring for flipping your brother off on school grounds and insulting the administrators.”
“Community lunch tutoring?” Damian echoed, scanning the slip.
“It is similar to detention, but instead you tutor other students and help them with their assignments. Report to the technology atrium during your lunchtime today and tomorrow.”
“Sounds dumb,” said Damian. “Why not just expel me?”
“For expressing your feelings and saying mean things to grown adults?” Yanez chuckled and shook her head. “Damian, this is a high school. If I expelled every bratty kid with no respect for authority and a penchant for dramatics, I would be out of a job. If you want to flip people off and bad-mouth teachers and administrators, that’s your business. It is not in my power to stop you, not fully anyway. You’re a smart kid. If you want to be a delinquent then at least be smart about it. If you get caught or the wrong adult overhears you, then you and I will be meeting more often, the repercussions will not be as merciful, and I will have to do a lot more paperwork. And Damian?”
She waited until she had his full attention, and he looked up, curious.
“I hate paperwork,” she said. “Don't let it come to that.” She waved a hand. “Now get out of my office. You’re late.”
next ->
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bittybattybunny · 4 years
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technically this was day 18 but I somehow skipped it!! So while I’m working on other things enjoy this!
Craft. buddy. Fix your shadow mate. You’re trying to not get exposed as a shapeshifter.
Ficlet go go it’s a little long whoops
Also the reason craft refers to eclipse as “moonsong” btw is because it was her childhood nickname. While the moon jumper brothers refer to her as “song bird” due to her mother being a nightingale, Craft preferred ‘moonsong’ because the implications of calling a child a nightingale are not so good. moonsong was the name her father would use as well.
She doesn’t mind moonsong. but snaps at badgeseller for calling her songbird.
“hey … um… Eclipse…” Snatcher scratched his cheek as he leaned over her as she sat near the pool reading. 
She peeked up curiously at the prince, head at an angle. “What’s up, Prince?” she mused, shutting her book.
He frowned, “Um. Just. You know how we were. Going to watch, Kiddo’s new movie together?”
“Yes?” she moved to stand. Taking his extended hand as he smiled. She laughed as she was pulled.
“Well. I was thinking.. Maybe I should.. Change?” he scratched his cheek nervously, “I… I’m already going to look odd enough… being purple… but do you think…” he grimaced, “your friend.. Who helps you with clothes could maybe help me… find something.. Modern?” he finally got out with a bright yellow flush.
She stared in confusion, “You… in modern?” she put a hand to her mouth in thought, “I… I wonder…” she frowned with a sigh, “The issue is how to contact them…” she scratched her cheek with a chuckle, “Normally they just---”
The duo whipped their heads towards the violet haired individual who came sauntering over.
Snatcher scowled, “W-when did you enter the forest?!”
“Good question!” Craft snickered and opened their arms to hug Eclipse with a big grin, “just now really. Maybe.” they snickered with that overly wide grin.
“Oh! Craft! Question! You actually have perfect timing!” she giggled as she was spun around. “Prince wants modern clothing! Can you help?”
They stopped twirling the woman and went wide eyed, “Ohhh~!?” they sang in excitement, “Clothing? For a prince?” they snickered, “I think I can handle that~! We’ll have to go to town, I only really have clothes I’ve made for you, my Moonsong.”
“Do you realize how odd it is you have clothes for her?” Snatcher grumbled. He shuddered when he was glared at by the individual.
“She’s a good muse. And she’s got a good smile.” they admitted stroking her head gently as she laughed, “I want to make her shine so she’s never forgotten again is all…”
“Again?” She asked curiously but they simply smiled at her.
“Alright, so clothing! Any preferences?” they clapped and set the bag they carried down, “Moonsong that’s a new outfit for you, feel free to try on at your leisure.” 
“Okay!” she laughed as she turned to grab Snatcher’s hand and pulled him forward, “But let’s focus on him! Should be fun to get new clothes after 300 years, right?” she beamed.
“Yeah.” he chuckled as he looked at Craft with a small frown, “I’m in your hands today, Craft.”
Craft couldn’t help chuckling, “About time! I’ve been dying to dress you up as well!” they admitted and got behind the prince whose face had a look of shock, and began to push him, “Let’s go!”
“How do I put this on?” Snatcher looked at the modern shirt with a frown, “is it a pull over?”
“Yeah.” Craft stood in the dressing room with him looking at the man with a scrutinizing glare, “Your outfit, is it a part of you?” they had their hand under their chin
Snatcher turned a light yellow, “N-No it’s not. I can just.. Why would you ask?!”
“Well aren’t you normally a giant furry noodle? Do you strip each time?” Craft asked point blank to the ghost’s shocked face.
“H-How did…”
Craft pointed at the ghost’s face, “Easy, honestly.”
He scowled, “Y-You don’t…” he sighed, “I’m not going to win this argument.” he grumbled and chewed his thumbnail annoyed, “Don’t tell her.”
“My lips are sealed.” Craft closed one eye as they held a finger to their lips. “That’s a thing you need to do.” They snickered.
Snatcher huffed, “I… I’ll deal with it when it’s an issue.” he sighed and brushed his long hair back, “To answer, no. my clothes are NOT part of me. More or less. I can shift shape with them on but really only the outfit I died in. I think it has to do with whatever made me… me in the first place.” he crossed his arms, using one hand to gesticulate his points, “I can take it off and be as nude as the day my mother birthed me or I can shapeshift into my normal form.”
“I see.” Craft put their fist under their chin, “Fascinating. But I do get it. It’s similar to a nth dimensional being’s clothing then.” they huffed.
“A what?”
“Don’t worry about it.” Craft studied his outfit, “Strip. I want to see what I’m really working with then.”
“E-Excuse me?!” Snatcher gasped, hair fluffing up.
“Hrm. is that annoying?” Craft reached and took a strand, bringing it to their mouth with a frown, “I have a hair tie.” They reached into their pocket and produced a bright blue hair tie with a slight glow to it.
“Ah, that color…” Snatcher turned a light yellow, “You…”
“It was for her hair yes but. Until the horizon dissipates her hair won’t let itself be tamed.” the sighed and grabbed the man’s shoulders spinning him and began to comb his hair with their fingers. 
Snatcher was a bit shocked feeling the weight come off his shoulders a bit as his hair was pulled up. He looked at the mirror in the dressing room and blinked a few times, playing with his bangs, “Huh… I don’t... Think I’ve ever worn it this way.”
“I bet she’ll think it looks nice, now she can see your face~!” Craft sang with a bit of a finger guns motion pointed at the ghost, “Now get stripping prince boy. Crafty needs to see what material there is to play with.”
“W-why are you wording it like that?!” Snatcher snapped.
“Are you guys okay?” Eclipse asked from outside the dressing room, “Prince? Craft?”
“We’re fine, Moonsong!” Craft peeked out with a smug smirk, “I’m just teasing him.” they stuck their pointed tongue out with a snicker.
She huffed, “D-Don’t do that.” she crossed her arms, “S-Snatcher could hurt you if he found out!”
“Right.” they grinned, “moonsong, why don’t you go find a new outfit as well?”
“I don’t know. I mean I thought my outfit was fine.” she frowned as she looked down, “It’s not like I stand out.” she scratched her cheek nervously, “It’s fine.”
Craft scowled hearing her words, “That means it’s not fine.” they sighed and moved back into the room, “Hey.” their voice seemed to drop annoyed, “What do you want to see her in?” they asked the ghost who was busy unbuttoning his over shirt.
“Eh?” He stared confused.
“Eclipse. What kind of outfit would you want to see her in?” Craft sighed and looked at the open shirted specter, “oh. Those are interesting scars…” they noticed an area on the ghost’s chest and reached out, “I see…”
Snatcher flinched pulling away, “It’s just from my death. Don’t think on it. I have other scars on my arms.” he pouted, “Outfit…” he turned bright yellow and shook his head, “W-whate---”
“Don’t tell me whatever. Right now she’s feeling left out because I’m playing with you and she’ll act like it’s fine. So just tell me flatly what kind of outfit have you wanted to see her in?”
The ghost was taken back by the other’s seeming hostility, “Craft… who ARE you?”
“Someone who cares very much about Moonsong and if I could I would be doing a lot more than playing dress up.” they sneered, “tell. Me. what. You. like.”
“I-I don’t know! She looks good in anything!! But I guess…” he peeked at the mirror and at the hairband, “maybe something blue? But long sleeves. A skirt? She always wears pants… just… something comfortable.”
“Skirt, long sleeves, blue, comfortable. I can work with that.” The lavender haired person sighed and looked at the ghost, “I’m going to grab a few options for you as well. Wait here.”
“Yeah because a purple half-dressed ghost is apt to walk around a store.” he snorted.
“Alright, come out!” Craft grinned like a madman as the ghost peeked from the dressing room. He couldn’t help turning yellow at the sight of the woman in the overall dress. He took a breath and stepped out. He reached to fix the sleeve cuff as he looked at the floor embarrassed.
“How’s it.. Look?” he asked finally peeking up to see that Eclipse’s face had become bright red as she looked him over. He felt his chest pinch and rubbed his neck.
“I-It’s good. Y-You look good in modern clothes!” she finally got out, stammering the whole while.
“Y-You too.” he grinned as he walked closer to her and smiled, meeting her eyes.
She gave a small grin with a laugh.
Craft grinned from the corner watching. Smile stretching over their face. They coughed and wiped the viscous fluid from their mouth with a huff, “Bother. I hate this dimension.” their shadow flickered with multiple eyes as they walked over, “Now you two are perfect for your date! I’ll pay for the clothes as a treat~!”
The couple both started blushing harder looking away from each other. Craft couldn’t help laughing loudly with a content sigh, “Come on let’s go check out!” they sang pushing the couple towards the front, “I’ll grab Prince’s clothing while you get rung up!”
“O-Oh.” Eclipse stammered as she and Snatcher headed up front, peeking back worried.
Craft waved and headed into the dressing room. They removed their gloves and sighed looking at the inky tone and rubbed their temples, “I’m going to have to go home for a bit and solidify again.” they grumbled, scooping the clothing up. They paused a moment as they looked at the ghost’s clothing curiously.
“How strange.. I would think it’d be the same outfit Sena has but…” they scowled, “Oh well. Not my issue.” they folded it over their arm and headed back out to the waiting flustered couple. At least they were heading in the right direction, Craft thought happily, seeing the two holding hands. He hoped the ghost wouldn’t peck this up for them all.
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tinybriewrites · 5 years
Set the Stage: 2
Behind the Mask: A Parisian Special
A spin-off of Behind the Mask: Gotham ed.
Based on @ozmav ‘s Maribat AU
---   <<  |  <  |  >  |  >>   ---
[Phase 1-1.5]
[SATURDAY - 11:00 PM]
For the top-ranked show in the US, Behind the Mask barely had any useful information online. All Lila could find were jokes about a guy and his coffee. She couldn't even find the name of the director! 
‘What kind of shady show was this?’ she raged.
I have to be careful. The class, save for Marinette, never doubted her lies about knowing people in high places, but it would be impossible to fool everyone who'd watch the episode. Someone would notice and throw her to wolves. She'd be outed to the world- I have to keep them quiet.
The class was easy to fool. One message was all it took. And as for Marinette, Lila had gotten Alya to do her dirty work.
Lila: Hi, everyone! Could I ask for a favor?
Nino: Sure, dudette
Alya: We have your back, girl!
Alix: Yeah^^ Thanks for convincing your director uncle to do a Paris special and feature your friends-
Ivan: It's already a big help for KS,
Juleka: ask away :))
Lila: Could you all not mention me and my connections when they're filming? I don't think my friends would appreciate being name-dropped on television..
Alya: Definitely!
Juleka: sureeeee :')
several people are typing
Lila: Could someone else tell Marinette? I don't think she'd want me texting her. She doesn't open the class chat anymore, and I think it might be because of me
Alya: I'll message her, don't worry. And you don't have to feel bad about that. Girl needs some time to chill out, for sure.
Nino: She'll def be back here eventually.
Mylene: hrm,,
Kim: This isn't like Mari. You guys haven't known her for as long as we have. I'm sure she'll come around, yeah.
Alya: Maybe, I guess.
Lila: Thanks, BFF! We're still on for tomorrow?
Alya: You bet! And don't worry about Mari, girl. She won't be there to hound you, I made sure of it.
Nino: That's not very cool, Als...
Kim: ^^
Mylene: I don't know,,, but Lila *does* deserve a break,,
Alya: Yeah, and besides, it's a girls' day out. Nothing personal but I don't think you should get a say about how we spend it (:
Alya: Anywayy, Juleka, you and Rose really can't make it?
Juleka: We're going on a double date so we can't reschedule. sorry :((
Kim: Whatever. It's getting late, night slowpokes
Alix: HNG
Lila: I'm headed to bed too. Sweet dreams everyone <3
Too easy. 
‘It's like they want to be played,’ she cooed.
Her oldest friends, Nino and Kim, haven't completely abandoned her yet, but they'll give in. They always do. Alya, Alix, and Max already eat out of the palm of her hand. It's just a matter of time before they convince the skeptical ones.
Behind the Scenes:
[Dick is Mother]
Tim: hears Damian's footstep pattern
Tim: He's in on it, right?
(Dick and Damian enter the kitchen)
(They see Tim working beside a bag of coffee beans on the table)
Dick: pauses at the sight of Tim
Dick: ..please tell me you slept
Tim: Yes, mother. I did get some sleep, mother.
Dick: ignores Tim in asdfgkl
Dick: You all set, Baby Bird? We have to leave in five if you want to make it in time for your date.
Damian: smirks Yes, mother. Everything is ready, mother.
Dick: groans in tired
Dick: I'm not dealing with this at five in the morning. I'll grab breakfast in the plane.
Dick: dramatic walkout
Damian: You didn't sleep, did you, Drake?
Tim: smirks, turns the coffee bag around
Tim: I had some sleep
Damian: shakes head
Damian: You better hide that from Father and Dick. Jason, too, actually. He's in that mode.
Tim: crinkles nose Again?
Damian: grim smile Again.
Damian: moves to leave
Damian: Enjoy the coffee while you can-
Tim: You still owe me
door slam
Bonus 1: the group chat
Bonus 2: the profile pictures
[A/N] I’m really sorry for the long wait- I just couldn’t get into a writing mood. Anyway, I won’t be on discord for a while because the notifications piled up (they make me feel so anxious) so I won’t be sharing the link there. Feel free to share it in my place though.
I did start this fic with the plan to have the whole class share one brain cell, but I decided to change it up a bit. Kim and Nino do believe Lila’s lies, but they also know Mari isn’t really like that. They think that all Marinette-related lies are an accident/misunderstanding. In this AU, the only anti-Mari lies are about Mari not wanting to be friends with her and about backing off when it comes to Adrien. It’s all just verbal, no physical or cyber evidence that way (my word against hers mindset, and Lila knows how to spin the right words). Kim and Nino still think of Mari as a good friend. The rest of the class, not so much. 
A bit of info about the years and ages. Lila enters the class in 4ème (13-14).  At the start, Mari had Nino and Alya on her side in school. Then, Lila convinced the whole class that Mari was being mean and all. Nino and Kim think the whole thing is a misunderstanding so they talk to Mari. They want the two girls to get along. Mari tries to feel them out with regards to Lila’s lies. She finds out that they do believe Lila but they also believe in her. So, she doesn’t push because of Adrien and the high road and they believe in her so that should be enough, right? She does warn them about believing too easily though. Anyway, when the class goes out together, Lila always volunteers to tell Marinette (she doesn’t). She makes excuses that Mari is too busy with the bakery etc. So, Mari ends up feeling very isolated in school. From her perspective, the class talks about group outings they never invite her to in front of them. Nino and Kim are too caught up in listening to Lila’s tales (because Alya, Max, and Alix are there too). So Mari is basically alone in class for the rest of 4ème. At that point, she’s gotten over the whole Adrien thing and sees how wrong his mindset was. Cue the school break after 4ème, she runs into someone (not Damian). Things happen, and some people (go ahead and guess ;) ) believe her about Lila’s lies. They don’t hang out in class because they don’t want Lila to know that they figured out her lies. They hang out after class fairly often though.
Anyway. It’s now Première. So, it’s been 3 years (16-17).
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@vixen-uchiha @mikantsume @howtoshuckatlife @captainmac6 @aloha-posts-stuff @scribblinggraveyard
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banter and blasphemy
Here, in the chamber of the cathedral where the statues of the Four Saints of Seiros stood, was one of the few places in this whole monastery aside from his lodgings where he could find the quiet and tranquility he needed for one of his favored methods of escape; meditation. It wasn’t quite as full of nature as he preferred, but it was still suitable enough that he could relax, detach himself from this absurd, chaotic universe they’re all trapped in and just listen. Hear the echoing of the prayers and hymns from the next room over, the song of the birds outside, the footsteps approaching his location...
Hrm. Footsteps, approaching his location. Well, that’s among the monk’s least favorite sounds to hear while he’s meditating, actually. It usually means someone’s come to interrupt him, prod him about some thing or another that he’s not in the mood to deal with at the moment. He keeps his eyes closed and tries his best to keep in a meditative state--maybe if he ignores them, whoever they are, they’ll go away. He just hopes it isn’t someone trying to tell him to get back to work--that’d be just so annoying.
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gmos · 5 years
thanks to @sonicadvnture2​ for tagging me :>
are you named after someone?: uhhh did i name myself after someone? yes. my middle name “ryan” is based on like three different people lskdhglskdgsgd
last time i cried?: hrm last night i think, when i was having some kinda breakdown and yall had to witness it :{] sorry bout that
any kids?: eheh no i just refer to my cat as my son and i dont intend to “have” kids but one day i wanna foster/adopt teenagers
do i use sarcasm?: i feel like i do more in person than i do online but yeah
first thing i notice about a person?: definitely outfit, cuz it takes up most of their body, but when i actually meet them usually their voice
what’s your eye color?: yellow-green but tbh i wish i had super dark eyes or maybe gold ones like a bird
scary movies or happy endings?: happy endings... no offense edgy ex-classmates in film school but i dont need any more negativity in my life. that being said i do enjoy a good thriller.
special talent?: uhh probably making diagrams... love me some organizational charts... 
birthplace?: las vegas nv babeyyyyyyyy
hobbies?: writing, art, knitting, gaming, bug studies, hiking
do you/have you played any sports?: i did gymnastics a long time ago, but now im officially Forbidden so i only ever get to play street hockey
pets?: five cats and five birds! cats are: my emo son Henry, large golden boy Bob Butters, raptor-like Matilda, notorious criminal Bethany “🅱🅱🅱🅱🅱” Bepsi Esda, and pretty boy Tommy “Tortilla” Feathers. birds are: matriarch Becky, loud man Jamie, sleepy baby Sadie, goth girl Danny, and stoic Barry Bluejeans.
height?: 5′6 as of yesterday but hopefully i’ll grow more lskdhglsdhg
fave subject in school?: biology and natural sciences!
dream job?: hehe entomologist who runs a butterfly preserve
thanks again cliff for tagging me!! im gonna tag @spidermellon @lesbian--susie @atissi @spookyshitposts @alekthelibraryhaunter @binicorns and @alaspoor-yorick
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thebestworstidea · 5 years
so last night I dreamed about Donald Duck and Musical theater. 
Donald was just out there, living his best life, drifting from job to job, and apparently, being the boyfriend of a producer on Broadway. They were watching the opening night of (maybe Godspell? I don’t know) the show, just you know, holding eachother, and then it was the after partyof the opening and a bunch of people were making a big fucking deal over how the lead actress had juuust gotten legal- to drive, hrm hrm hrm. 
IT is super important to keep in mind that my brain had populated this entirely with ducks, birds, mice, dogs, cats, just you know, no humans, really. 
And Donald’s boyfreind, who is like much older and dignified mumbles ‘and they say we’re disgusting’ and they were kissing under a streetlight and it was super romantic, okay? 
Cut scene to someone warning Donald that they had to be more circumspect or everyone was going to get in trouble, and Donald kind of blows them off, and goes back to his job of toting crates (maybe coffins? It was a dream, sometimes these things are unclear) Only to stop in a little candy/snack shop where there was an extended metaphor about how some people don’t like some treats, and that’s okay, that doesn’t mean there was anything wrong with them, and people should just let people enjoy what they enjoy.  
The nephews made a cameo with a young mouse and dog, and a brief metaphor about racism swept past because Donald shouldn’t let his boys hang out with people like that, and Donald is like, ‘whoa, hold the phone, two of my best friends are a mouse and a dog, what are you trying to say here, buddy? Let’s square the fuck up.’  (look uncle Donald! An actual soap box!’ ‘don’t see those much any more’) Daisy came by and talked him down a bit, and he picked up the crate he was delivering, and they continued down the street, passing a bunch of posters for musicals and some of them were defaced, and he was really unhappy, and then they got tricked into this stair well, and locked in and then someone threw the young actress in looking all wild eyed and crying, and Donald was all squaring up again to protect these ladies from whoever was chasing the young actress. I think it was some sort of frame job to make Donald look bad, to reflect back on his boyfriend
but anyway, Donald Duck says gay rights. 
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alewyren · 5 years
final fantasy!
I wasn’t sure if I should include Bravely Default or not because ohhh man I have some fuckin Thoughts, so I’ll just do one for mainline FF and one for Bravely Default.
The first character I first fell in love with: 
Tidus left a strong impression on me as a kid due to the way FFX ended, and I still really like him, but I wouldn’t say I was ever in love with him. On the other hand, Fang from FFXIII turned me gay.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: 
Kuja, I think? As much as I will maintain that he is the objective best FF villain until the day I die, and as much as that outfit is IC for him, it’s still, uh. Not good. It’s not even that it’s too feminine, it’s just fucking ugly, lmao. Doesn’t make for a great first impression. But god fucking damn, he is very, very good. Maybe at some point I’ll whip up a meta about him, but I’m not sure what to say that hasn’t been covered already.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: 
Sephiroth. He’s got a cool design, a great theme song (those chosen by the planet, not one winged angel), and a phenomenally intimidating presence. But the thing is, as far as FF7 itself is concerned, he’s barely a character. He’s long dead by the time of the game and exists only as an echo of the past and a manifestation of Cloud’s psychological problems. By the end, he’s more Jenova (who herself is more a force of nature than a character) than himself imo. He works because of what he represents, and the mystery surrounding him, not because of who he is. Hailing him as the “best FF villain” misses the point. I feel like Squeenix themselves don’t get what was great about Sephiroth, since we keep getting these immensely fucking bland villains like Vayne, Caius, and Ardyn that are clearly trying to recapture the Sephiroth magic by focusing on the cool factor or the relationship with the protag or whatever when none of that is why Sephiroth worked in FF7 to begin with.
The character I love that everyone else hates: 
Vanille. Yeah the English voice direction was awful, yeah the noises she makes when riding her eidolon are immensely fucking uncomfortable, but she’s actually a really interesting character who deserved more time to shine, and I maintain that she should have been the protag of FF13 rather than Pink Squall. Since she has like, y’know, a much more direct hand in the entire plot of the goddamn game.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: 
uuuuuuuhhh I really don’t know. Maybe Kain. I used to think he was the shit but now I’m just like “haha, mr. friendzone at it again.” Or maybe Cloud, thanks to Advent Children taking a steaming dump on his personality in the name of fanservice.
The character I would totally smooch: 
FANG. SHE IS SO FUCKING HOT GOOD LORD I’M GAY. Also Rydia. Uh, adult Rydia, that is.
The character I’d want to be like: 
Fang is pretty goals, but she’s a bit more butch than I personally see myself, haha. Maybe Celes, sans heterosexuality and poor taste in dudes. She’s very cool, strong, and sexy.
The character I’d slap: 
Squall I guess? Cheer Up Emo Kid!
A pairing that I love: 
Kuja/Terra! I’d toyed with the idea before thanks to Dissidia 012, but NT sold me forever. There are a lot of reasons these two work so well, the most important being that their interactions are absolutely fucking precious. The reason he freed her from Kefka’s control in the first place, apart from wanting to stick it to the asshole clown, was because he empathized with her, but when she thanked him later he downplayed the hell out of it. Terra genuinely tries to reach out to him, and he’s receptive, but aloof, and acts so theatrical about it (”If that is what Her Highness wishes.”) It’s… cute? Like, they’re both pretty damn emotionally stunted due to their, uh, irregular upbringings, and there’s so much potential there! *slams fists on table* GIVE ME MORE
A pairing that I despise: 
Come to think of it, I don’t think I have a single genuine notp in the entire Final Fantasy franchise. Even ships I don’t really care for, like Cecil/Rosa, Locke/Celes or Wakka/Lulu, I wouldn’t say I hate them, just think they’re lame and poorly written. I guess Kuja/Zidane? Yeah, yeah, I know, rich as fuck coming from me, but I just don’t like them romantically at all. The most important reason being that they’re ugly as sin together.
and now, the bravely default hot takes nobody asked for but that I will rant about at literally any given opportunity.
The first character I first fell in love with: 
EDEA!!! I love her SO MUCH! She’s an adorable, precious ENTJ child who’s so headstrong, but naive, and so endearing. Her design (in the first game–blue is not her color) is great, and she has some of the best class outfit designs as well. She’s also the main melee bulk of the party, which I find immensely refreshing in a franchise where the girls are usually mages or rogues. 
Her character arc is pretty basic, sure, but it works. For starters, she’s the best handled rebellious princess I’ve seen, in that she just flat out turns on Eternia–everything she’s ever known–with scarcely a second thought. Not because she feels trapped by the burdens of being royalty or whatever, she’s just stubborn and willful and has an iron sense of right and wrong that she’s willing to fight for above all else. Which, I mean, yeah, evil empire, but it’s not that simple. Which is why her arc is about reconciling with the fact that it isn’t all black and white, and embracing her role as eventual queen of Eternia. 
The writing is pretty hamfisted, what with her literally calling things “black and white,” but she’s 15, so I’ll give it a pass. Yeah, I know the American version aged her up to make the fanservice shit less gross, but it doesn’t really work when her character is about overcoming her childish worldview, lol. Like, she’s a babbu. You can’t just change a number and make her less babbu. Her theme song is literally called “Baby Bird.” Maybe just don’t fucking sexualize characters who are meant to be read as childish in the first place? She deserved so much better than the writing she got in Bravely Second, which I’ll… get to later, but she was still an absolute delight. Did I mention she’s also hilarious? “Oops, my foot slipped.” “You just DROPKICKED ME!”
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: 
Yew. I mean, I don’t love him as much as Edea, but Bravely Second was kind of a hot mess, if fun, and his arc pleasantly surprised me. He kind of had a similar arc as Edea in the first game, but in the opposite direction. Over the course of the game he gradually overcame his rich, upper class nerd privilege worldview and became Woke ™, and then used his privilege to help people. By contrast, Edea still had to go through the journey of getting past her simplistic worldview, but whereas she was quick to recognize the fact that her world was wrong and had to learn not to see things in extremes, Yew had to work to claw his way outside of that box in the first place. The plot twist about his brother was obvious as hell but like, whatever, it was fun. His mask didn’t even cover that much of his face, how did he not know,
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: 
Tiz. He’s boring, not much else to say there. Except, his design in Bravely Second had me excited as hell because he looks so emo and ow the edge and I was really excited to see what they were gonna do with him, but his personality is… exactly the same as the first game? Why bring him back at all? For that matter, why kill him off in the first place? I know they were going for some meta shit, but like… why?
The character I love that everyone else hates: 
Airy, but idk if that counts because I love her for precisely the reasons everyone else hates her. Even if I think the good end should have been obtained by seeing through her ruse and blowing up the crystals rather than just going along with what she says and repeating the same fucking sequence of bosses over and over…
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: 
Ringabel. Mainly for shipping reasons and because I’m increasingly exhausted with the whole chivalrous pervert trope, especially when Edea was very much underage in the first game, lmao. He’s a good character objectively speaking, but a lot of his potential wasn’t capitalized on and I still don’t get how Alternis did a complete 180 from his brooding initial personality, to… that. Or why there were AU Ringabels in the ending sequence of the first game when I thought the whole point was that he was a spanner in the works who shouldn’t have been part of the party in the first place, and that’s how they managed to foil Airy? Or, it should have been, if they didn’t literally just go along with what she said until the end despite his very clear warnings that she was up to some shady shit. The final stretch of Bravely was a fucking trainwreck, nothing new there.
The character I would totally smooch: 
Edea. But like, a forehead smooch, because she’s a babbu. Though she is 18 for real this time in Second, isn’t she? And she’s matured considerably by then too… hrm.
The character I’d want to be like: 
Edea post-character development. She’s got her shit together, and she’s still strong-willed, outgoing, and adorable as all hecke.
The character I’d slap: 
Yulyana. Fuck the quirky pervert trope, seriously. It’s not funny, it’s never been funny, and it never will be funny.
A pairing that I love: 
Well, Agnes/Olivia is the only pairing that I straightforwardly ship, and I’ll never not be mad that they just, like. Forgot about Olivia in the final stretch of the game. Like they really just killed her off for shock value, huh? Okay Sure.
I like Edea/Alternis a lot too, but it’s complicated. Reading through D’s Journal during a blind playthrough left way more of an impact on me than Ringabel’s dumb flirting, but they definitely have a lot of shit to work through before they get together. They obviously both genuinely care about each other, though Edea’s got other shit on her plate to worry about rather than Alternis being a lovelorn, emo weirdo. But like, he’s not only so emotionally distant from her despite his feelings that she doesn’t even know what his face looks like, but he’s got a weird possessive streak towards her? It might be a translation thing but the phrasing “I would have taken you as my wife” is a bit. Iffy. Especially considering a. the age gap and b. she outranks him. Of course she’s having none of this shit, but I do like the idea of them both maturing, actually bonding like human beings, and getting together when they’re older, ie: when Edea is queen and Alternis has learned to accept his fate as a permabottom. Childhood friend loyalty kink is my passion, and like, while Edea is very much a take charge no nonsense lady, she struggles with personal relationships and emotions. They both do, and that’s why their relationship is so complicated and interesting. I’d love to read slowburn of them.
A pairing that I despise: 
Rindea. But wait, you say! Didn’t you just write a whole paragraph on how you like Altdea? Well, yes. I do stand by that, and I enjoy the ship because of its problems rather than in spite of them. Rindea is. Not that. While Altdea is  a flawed relationship that I’d love to see mature into something functional along with the characters themselves, Rindea is a disgustingly written trainwreck that shits on all that potential, as well as Edea’s entire fucking character, constantly.
I don’t hate the very idea of these two as an item. The problem is how badly said item is written. Even though Rindea has the same problematic base as Altdea, which is treated as flawed, it just completely fucking glosses over all of that, everything that actually makes their relationship interesting, in favor of generic hetero pervy slap slap kiss tsundere bullshit. Yes, Ringabel’s feelings for her run deeper than that, but that’s basically all that their dynamic, their actual interactions, amount to. And for some reason she’s into it? Like, I’m sorry, but fucking when and why did she develop feelings for him? Was it before or after she learned about his true identity? Is it because he’s Alternis or in spite of it? Hell, how did she feel about that revelation in the first place? All of that is very much worth addressing, but they LITERALLY NEVER DO.
Did she just secretly like his annoying flirting all along because no obviously means yes? Like, Ringabel still fucking carries all the baggage associated with being Alternis but the game doesn’t give a fuck! It’s overbearing and weird when Alternis comes onto Edea, but when Ringabel does it it’s peak romance! He loves her so it’s okay! And we don’t know anything about Edea’s feelings for him because the game just never fucking goes into it! It’s just assumed that she must like him back! Hey, here’s a thought! Maybe if Ringabel actually loves her so much he could respect her feelings and lay the fuck off! Oh wait, no means yes, right. And don’t even get me started on Bravely Second, jesus fucking christ. You seriously mean to tell me that, according to Yoko, my girl’s only personal damage is being tfw no bf? Nothing about the stress of ruling a nation or any of her other relationships? Nothing even about how her feelings for Ringabel might actually be more fucking complicated than dokidoki take me with you ringabel kun? Absolutely Fucking Disgusting.
Listen. I like problematic ships, but Rindea is just fucking bad, and it’s made worse by the fact that canon thinks it’s good. At this point they’ve missed so many opportunities to actually expand meaningfully on Edea’s side of the relationship that it’s a lost fucking cause and I want it to die in a fire. Good lord I hate this ship and it’s exhausting being an Edea main when it’s the entire fandom’s OTP. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
I ranted more about this ship as well as the other canon Bravely ships in this post and will probably do so again when presented the opportunity.
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foundcarcosa · 6 years
Do you want your last ex to be happy, even if it means not being with you? >> Phoenix? I mean, I don’t wish ill upon him. He didn’t give me enough of a chance to love him, so I don’t have any stronger desires for him. If you have a smartphone, what’s the last app you downloaded? What about the last app you uninstalled? >> Shazam was the last I downloaded, and Dissidia was the last I uninstalled (it was just taking up too much space). If you were a straight member of the opposite sex, who are some celebrities you think you’d have a thing for? >> I mean, my attraction isn’t gender-locked, so I imagine it’d be the same women I think are cute now. Have you ever dyed your own hair? How did it turn out? >> Yeah. It turned out all right. Right-handed or left-handed? >> Right.
What is the wallpaper on your cellphone? >> The lock screen is a fan-made Dark Tower movie poster. The home screen is an art of Rustin Cohle that I found on tumblr. (So, basically, my phone is on some real Matthew McConaughey shit. As usual.) Does your first, middle, and last spell something? >> My initials? LFD... Left For Dead? God, I hope not. (Left 4 Dead is a great franchise, though...) Favorite TV channel? >> Hm. What is your least favorite breed of dog? >> Hm. In your opinion, are leggings appropriate to wear as pants? >> Sure, who cares. Have you ever had a teacher that also taught your parents? >> No. Is there any alcohol in the fridge? >> Yeah, there’s still some of the Svedka left, and there’s Sparrow’s last spiked Arnold Palmer. The rest of the booze is here in my room with me. Do you hate it when people smoke around you? >> Not unless they’re obnoxious about it. What do you want for your birthday? >> Well, my birthday just passed, so. Who is the most inappropriate person you know? >> Hm. Who in your phone has a heart after their name? >> No one. After breaking up, what’s the worst? >> I don’t know, that depends on the breakup. Do you have a second mom? >> I don’t even have a first. When was the hardest time in your life? What made it so hard & how did you overcome it? >> Hm.
How do you relieve stress? >> Stubbornness. I don’t have many specific coping skills for it. When you die do you want to have a funeral service? Why or why not? >> That’s up to the people responsible for my body after I’ve vacated it. I’m under no illusions that I require a say in what happens. What is your opinion on capital punishment? >> I don’t really care either way. What period of history was your favorite to learn about? If you don’t like history, what is your favorite thing to learn about? >> I’m not sure I have a specific favourite. Obviously ancient Scandinavian history crosses over with other interests of mine, and Hetalia gave me a pretty strong interest in certain aspects of WWII, but mostly I just... like history. Period. Where is your favorite fast food restaurant & what do you order when you go there? >> --- What do you think about smoking in public places? >> I don’t have a blanket opinion about this sort of thing. What’s your favorite cheese? >> Brie, pepper jack, asiago. What’s your favorite type of chocolate? >> Dark chocolate with sea salt and chili peppers. How do you like your steak? >> I don’t. What’s the last time you ate something you’d picked in the wild? >> I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a chance to do that. Arrange the following in order of preference: Pineapple, Orange, Apple, Strawberry, Cherry, Watermelon, Banana. >> Cherry, strawberry, apple, watermelon, pineapple, orange, banana. What is your opinion on “God?” >> That’s far too general a question for me. The word itself isn’t anything particular for me, and as far as my personal beliefs are concerned, I vacillate from panentheistic to polytheistic to both at the same time to neither almost daily. I don’t think specific religious paradigms suit me. As strange as it might sound, I feel much more comfortable believing in all at once. What is your favorite Christmas movie? >> It’s a Wonderful Life. Who are the three most important people in your life? >> Can Calah, Sparrow, Hallie. Why did you go to the doctor the last time you went? >> A checkup. What is your favorite boy band? >> Hm. What is your favorite Beatles song? >> I guess Hey Jude, I don’t know, I don’t really care for the Beatles in general. What is your favorite type of bird? >> Raven...?  What is something you hate, but wish you loved? >> Hmm. If you could profoundly release anxiety’s grip on one area of your life what would it be? >> Death. What’s the cutest thing your SO does, but denies it’s cute in any way? >> I don’t know, they don’t seem to deny anything like this Are you smiling in your Facebook profile picture? >> No. Does it irritate you when people go on and on about how amazing their boyfriend/girlfriend is? >> No. But, I mean, in a conversational sense, I’d be a little confused at how to proceed. What do I say to that, lmao... If you wear eye shadow, do you put on a dark color or a light? >> I don’t really have a preference. It’s been a while.
What do you believe in the most? >> Hm. What do you avoid like the plague? >> The plague. Hrnk. What is your main goal of the year? >> Hm. Do you listen to music while you drive? >> --- Waffle cone or bowl? >> Waffle cone, but maybe I should transition to bowls. Cones stress me out. Do you like video games? Why? >> I love them. They’re another form of storytelling, and I just enjoy playing them (the ones I play, I mean. not all video games). Do you take selfies with those animal filters? >> Sometimes. What book will you NOT read? >> IDK. What YouTube channel can you not stand to watch? >> --- Do you like big, normal or small glasses? >> Normal? How do you feel about colored contacts? >> I like them. It’s just difficult to wear them because my eyes are already sensitive. Is pregnancy beautiful? >> In a gruesome sort of way. Do you dance at weddings/parties or are you shy? >> I dance when I feel like dancing. Are you kind to animals at all times? >> Not all the time, no. Have you ever been bitten by an animal really hard? >> No. Do you trust dogs? >> I suppose? I mean, trust them to... do what? Act like themselves? Sure. Do you trust cats? >> See above. What stereotype do you fall into the best? >> I don’t know. Do you have to take stairs or an elevator to get to your house? >> There are two flights of stairs to this apartment. Have you ever seen a pelican in real life? >> I don’t think so. Do you carry pepper spray with you? >> No. Name three sites you have been bullied on. >> I’ve not been bullied on the internet. Yet, I suppose. Has there ever been a fire inside your house? Tell me the story. >> No. Have you ever had a scary encounter with a wild animal? >> No. Have you ever had a emergency surgery? >> No. Do you think your hair looks better natural or dyed? >> It looks fine either way. What’s one thing that makes your stomach hurt? >> Hmm. If you had kids, would you take them to Disney World? >> I don’t know. It seems like such a busy and hectic place. Hell, I’m not even entirely sure I want to go. Like, I do, but also... the sensory overload......... What unnatural hair color looks best on you? >> Hm. What is your least favorite pizza place? >> --- What is the name of your first pet? >> Roxie. What is your favorite fairytale? >> The Snow Queen, probably. Have you ever suffered a fracture? >> No. What countries would you like to visit? >> I don’t feel like making a list, lol. A lot of them. Had a serious surgery? >> No. Gotten stitches? >> Yes. Bitten someone? >> Yes. Would you ever cosplay? >> Sure. How slowly or quickly would you say you eat? >> Moderately? I don’t know. Have you ever drank from a real coconut? >> No. Do you have bird feeders hanging up outside? What about any hanging plants? >> No. If you were poor, living on the streets, & had no family to aid you, would you take up a job offer to work in a slaughterhouse? >> In general, I would not work at a slaughterhouse. Too messy for the likes of me. Have you ever had a grandparent come live with you? >> No. Do you keep your fortunes from fortune cookies? >> No. When you walk into your bedroom, is the light switch on the right side or the left side of the door? >> Left side. Who makes the majority of the food for Thanksgiving in your family? >> --- Does your house have a real chimney? >> No. If you had to endure one natural disaster (i.e. hurricane, tornado, etc), what would you pick and why? >> Hm. How did you learn to ride a bicycle? >> My father taught me. If you want any tattoos or piercings, what’s next on your list? >> I don’t have a list. Are you good at understanding baby talk? >> No, lol. I don’t bother trying to understand it, I just respond back whatever way comes to me. What was the last movie that you saw in the theaters? >> Infinity War. *grimace* Can you do a hand stand? >> No. If you could, you would go to the moon? >> Sure. Do you like candy canes? >> Some kinds. Have you ever gotten in trouble at school for wearing revealing clothes? >> No. Have you ever seriously thought about getting plastic surgery? >> No. Do you prefer your jeans normal or ripped? >> Either is fine. Have you ever actually woken up screaming because of a nightmare? >> No. Have you watched Breaking Bad? >> No. Have you ever been skating? >> Roller skating, yes. Do you feel comfortable singing in front of others? >> Yeah. Used to do it for fun on Monday nights. I miss Arlene’s... Name four favorite fast food restaurants & what you usually order at each one. >> Hmm. Name four favorite sit down restaurants & what you usually order at each one. >> Hrm. Would you say you’re more close-minded or open-minded? Is there anyone in your family or group of friends you’d consider close-minded? If so, does it ever bother you? >> I’m more open-minded than close-minded, but even I have my limits. I don’t know about anyone else. What is the most fucked up movie you’ve seen? Why? >> Probably A Serbian Film. Why? Because that’s literally the kind of movie it was made to be -- as fucked up as possible. It’s the whole gimmick. When it’s time to dress up for a special occasion, are you more likely to wear a dress, a skirt, or dress pants? >> Hm. If you eat oatmeal, do you add water or milk to it? What is your favorite flavor? >> Milk. I like brown sugar and maple. Have you ever been brave enough to cut your hair in a very different way? If you have, did you regret your decision after? >> Uh, I guess. I don’t consider it brave, it’s just fuckin hair. How attractive is a girl is a suit? How attractive is a guy in a dress? >> Both are fine. What does your dad do? >> He’s retired. Are your fingers long, or short? >> Longish. Are you allergic to any dogs? >> No. Have you ever used an epi pen? >> No. What is the meaning of your first name? >> Logan means “little hollow”.
Did you toss your hat in the air at graduation? >> No. Does it usually take you awhile to recover from illnesses? >> No. Would you rather get married outside or inside? >> Er. Do you put your elbows on the table when you eat? Do you think it’s rude? >> I put them on the table if I feel like it. I don’t think it’s rude because I’ve never been given reason to believe in that. Is you hair color the same as it was when you were a baby? >> I don’t know, I guess so? What are your thoughts on mini-skirts or mini-dresses? >> What sort of thoughts am I possibly expected to have?? It’s just fucking clothing oh my god lmao Have you ever died in one of your dreams? >> Yeah, and I got stuck on the Wheel. Which is tastier: fruity gum or minty gum? >> I prefer minty gum. Be honest, have you ever bullied anybody? Who was it? >> Not to my knowledge. What was the mascot at your elementary school? >> Hm. What is one romantic movie that you enjoy enough to watch more than once? >> Love Actually. Have you ever had a significant other NOT believe you when you said “i love you” to them? Why was that? How did you react? >> I don’t think so. Is there a band logo you would get tattooed on yourself? >> The Coheed and Cambria one, probably. If you had a baby, would you want to have it at home or in a hospital? >> In the hospital. Unless they could bring the drugs and machines to me.
What was the last thing you ordered online? >> I don’t recall. What’s your favorite planet? >> Mercury and Saturn.
What are three things that fascinate you? >> Theoretical astrophysics, chaos magic, anthropology. Have you ever suffered from an eating disorder? >> No. Do you enjoy doing yoga? >> Not really. Have you ever had to do a class in summer school? >> No. Have you ever had fondue? >> No. Have you ever taken photos in a photobooth? >> Once. If you have a dog, do you walk it regularly? >> --- Do porcelain dolls scare you? >> No. Which is worse, Teletubbies or Boohbas? >> Boohbas are the superior ones. Would you ever consider getting a tattoo on the inside of your bottom lip? >> No. Do you like to play air hockey? >> Sometimes. Have you ever been in a castle? >> Bishop’s Castle, which was pretty fuckin cool. Are you a lightweight when it comes to alcohol? >> No. Do you like tacos? >> Sure.  
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f4liveblogarchives · 7 years
Fantastic Four Vol. 1 #48
Fri Nov 7 2016 [19:28:26] <Wackd> Okay so [19:28:40] <Wackd> Turns out Maximus' Destory All Humans machine didn't work [19:28:48] <Wackd> Because he set it not to destroy Inhumans [19:28:53] <Wackd> But Inhumans are also humans [19:28:56] <Wackd> Therefore no one died [19:29:17] <Wackd> And since Maximus' anti-human rhetoric is predicated on humans and Inhumans being different races [19:29:24] <Wackd> He's basically got no leg left to stand on [19:31:18] <Wackd> HOLY SHIT MAXIMUS' BACKUP PLAN [19:31:28] <Wackd> MAXIMUS JUST CREATED THE FUCKING NEGATIVE ZONE [19:31:33] <Bocaj> ! [19:31:36] <Wackd> AND TRAPPED ALL THE INHUMANS IN IT WITH HIM [19:31:40] <MousaThe14> Nope [19:31:55] <Wackd> ...nope? [19:32:05] <MousaThe14> I will never be called the negative zone again [19:32:07] <Mukora> You heard him [19:32:15] <Wackd> That's weird [19:32:17] <Wackd> But okay [19:32:19] <Mukora> Positive Zone from now on [19:32:23] <MousaThe14> It's not the actual negative zone we know about [19:32:26] <Bocaj> Hrm [19:32:33] <Wackd> Sure [19:32:34] <MousaThe14> With Annihilus and whatnot. [19:32:36] <maxwellelvis> That doesn't come up until "This Man, This Monster", right? [19:32:56] <Wackd> Anyway that's the Inhumans all squared away [19:33:04] <Wackd> Kinda weird to resolve a plot halfway through the issue like that [19:33:07] <Wackd> But sure [19:33:17] <Wackd> Reed's just like "well there's nothing we can do about THAT" [19:33:36] <maxwellelvis> "Well, that's the end of that, I guess. Who wants chili dogs?" [19:33:52] <Wackd> Johnny is of course distraught [19:33:55] <Wackd> But whatever [19:34:15] <maxwellelvis> "But Crystal's in there!" "CHILI DOGS!" [19:34:25] <Wackd> Nah it's not that harsh [19:34:30] <Wackd> Everyone's trying to console him [19:34:40] <Wackd> And thinking "man, he's...actually being kind of mature about this?" [19:35:13] <Mukora> Wait the Inhumans are a thing already? It feels like the X-Men were introduced like. Two issues ago. Unless I've missed liveblogging sessions [19:35:24] <Wackd> You may have [19:35:39] <Wackd> But I'm only like four years into FF [19:35:47] <Wackd> So yeah it's still shockingly early [19:36:05] <Wackd> "Somewhere in the deep vastness of outer space, an incredible figure hurtles through the cosmos! A being whom we shall call the SILVER SURFER, for want of a better name!" [19:36:15] <MousaThe14> 48 issues, of approximately monthly comics, I think we're in year uh... what, 4 of the Lee-Kirby run? [19:36:16] <Wackd> meanwhile in the bullpen jack flips stan off [19:36:51] <Wackd> Yeah this is issue #48 [19:36:55] <Wackd> So exactly four years in [19:36:58] <maxwellelvis> Stan does the "crank-the-bird" gesture back at him. [19:37:07] <MousaThe14> Besties [19:37:13] <Wackd> "Sorry, I didn't...I didn't know how this machine works" [19:37:41] <Bocaj> Its not discussed quite yet but Stan and Jack had wildly different ideas for the Surfer's origin. Jack wanted the Silver Surfer to be someone that Galactus created from nothing. So he would discover humanity on Earth. Stan decided instead that he sacrificed his autonomy to save his home planet and only rediscovered his humanity on Earth [19:38:06] <Wackd> I mean. Both are good [19:38:14] <Bocaj> Yeah [19:38:24] <Wackd> I do think it's maybe sadder if Surfer had a home he had to abandon [19:38:29] <Wackd> Stan's got a decent eye for drama [19:38:46] <Bocaj> Zenn-La has given a lot of good mileage, story wise [19:39:09] <Wackd> The Skrulls see the Surfer flying by and are like "oh shit" [19:39:23] <Wackd> "Black out the planet black out the ENTIRE FUCKING PLANET. HIDE. FUCKING HIDE" [19:39:36] <Bocaj> Fuckin skrulls [19:39:44] <Wackd> Which is a good way of establishing exactly what level of menace we're dealing with here [19:39:46] <Wackd> I like that a lot [19:40:11] <maxwellelvis> That's a good variation on having your previous big bad getting worfed by the new one [19:40:24] <maxwellelvis> this one man on a board has an interstellar empire running scared. [19:41:01] <Wackd> I mean I like it better than Worfing because it's scarier if the existing threat knows they'd lose [19:41:07] <MousaThe14> @Wack'd his eye for drama is part of what made this all popular regardless of his other qualities [19:41:14] <maxwellelvis> True [19:41:22] <maxwellelvis> To you both. [19:41:24] <Wackd> It's honestly scarier than the big dude charging into battle and immediately getting his ass whooped, because you can chalk that up to bad tactics [19:41:45] <maxwellelvis> I'm trying to think of some other time it happened. [19:41:47] <MousaThe14> Perfect way to establish threat level [19:42:12] <MousaThe14> I can't help but find it funny and frightening that the Skrull's first response is "TURN IT OFF! TURN IT ALL OFF!" [19:44:24] <Wackd> Johnny is getting beat up because people think he set the sky on fire [19:44:35] <Wackd> So Ben did the Superman flick on one of Johnny's assailants [19:44:38] <Wackd> That's pretty great [19:44:43] <Mukora> Wait sorry [19:44:48] <Mukora> Set the sky. On fire [19:45:20] <Wackd> Yeah Mukora the sky is just filled with fucking fire [19:45:26] <Wackd> It's a miracle people aren't melting in the streets [19:45:29] <Wackd> But yeah [19:45:35] <Bocaj> Does the sky fill with rocks? [19:45:40] <maxwellelvis> The Surfer's coming. [19:46:09] <Wackd> YEP [19:46:14] <Wackd> THERE ARE THE SKY ROCKS [19:46:26] <Bocaj> WHATS NEXT? SKY WATER? SKY AIR? ... wait [19:46:57] <Wackd> GALACTUS: why the fuck did you set the planet on fire and cover it in boulders [19:47:04] <Wackd> SURFER: i thought it'd be fancier this way [19:47:13] <Bocaj> SURFER: #aesthetic [19:47:26] <Wackd> GALACTUS: well nope it's ruined *scrapes earth off his plate into the garbage* [19:47:35] <Bocaj> hah [19:47:37] <MousaThe14> SURFER: Well HOW ELSE were they supposed to know the world was ending? I couldn't just go down there and tell them individually! [19:48:53] <Wackd> Sue is getting increasingly frustrated with Reed not taking care of himself and so barges in on him [19:48:59] <Wackd> Only to find the Watcher's stopped by [19:49:21] <Wackd> Turns out the fire and the sky holders are NOT Surfer’s doing [19:49:42] <Wackd> Watcher is trying to shield the Earth from Galactus [19:49:50] <Wackd> He turned off the fire because it was freaking everyone out [19:50:12] <Wackd> And replaced it with space rocks [19:51:21] <Wackd> Watcher is afraid Galactus is more powerful than him [19:51:24] <Wackd> And he's right [19:51:31] <Wackd> Surfer penetrates the shields with incredible ease [19:51:55] <Wackd> Anyway then Thing punches him in the face and knocks him off a building, thus beginning a rivalry that will last for decades [19:51:58] <Mukora> Please tell me he uses the pointy end of his surfboard to do it [19:52:14] <Wackd> His surfboard doesnt have a pointy end [19:52:49] <Mukora> What the fuck is even the point then [19:54:20] <Wackd> And so our issue ends with a hearty HO HO HO! MEEEEERRY CHRISTMAS! [19:54:43] <MousaThe14> Merry ol' Saint Galactus
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