#and maybe even beyond that
tradingjack · 9 months
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guys don't worry the days are gonna keep going by
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cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
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for real! (from kadji amin)
[Image description: Screenshot of text:
What I've realized is that I believe that the matter of gender is practical and relational. It's not about who you are inside, it's more about how you would feel most comfortable in the world. It's not 'Who are you?' but 'How do you want to live?'
Had that been the discourse when I was coming up, I would have breathed a sigh of relief. I don't have to figure out who I am on the inside, I just have to figure out how I want to live.
end of ID]
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lildoodlenoodle · 1 year
Thinking about the way noir and Hobie were most likely treated because of how they look and being severely underestimated because of it.
Hobie looks and acts like a punk. He is just unserious enough to not be taken seriously. The dude is smart enough to recreate a dimension jumping watch from scraps, that people WATCH him steal and go “ugh sorry about that, he’s always like that”. And they treat him like an instigative child. Meanwhile this man is staging an interdimensional coup and is essentially a rebel freedom fighter in his own world. He is incredibly strategic and a genius while also being kind and sticking to his guns. And as a reminder, without knowing Miles or how his powers worked for even two minutes he was able to accurately help him improve his abilities! Man is observant and a quick thinker! But he’s quiet about it!
Noir dresses and sounds like an ‘oldtimer’ bc he’s from the 1930s. People probably went “ah yes grandpa” with the assumption of a mild mannered, old, and jaded private eye. Probably thought of as behind the times and not as intelligent because of lack of experience with technology. But overall first impression was of a sensible hardworking guy, and at worst melodramatic. In reality, dude is more than mildly neurotic, has severe anger issues, and prone to getting into fights. A raised socialist activist, who has very little to lose, and has canonically burned down the Statue of Liberty, shockingly he is a bit of a wildcard. And more than likely got kicked off/quit the ‘elite strike force’ for those reasons. But he’s also resourceful, smart, and quick to adapt.
Both of these characters are going to be a force to be reckoned with when they get together. Very much house on fire that burns down the entire neighborhood type relationship. I’m very excited.
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kagoutiss · 3 months
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din’s champion
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ceaselessly-mad · 1 month
Based on the march update:
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I've been seeing a lotta good " Wally and Eddie (sometimes Sally too) bonding over Witnessing The Horrors ™️ " content...
...so I raise y'all a " Frank and Barnaby putting aside their differences to help them out " comic
Unlikely? Very much so, but here it is anyway!
Also I got super lazy coming up with dialogue, so this basically the run down:
Barnaby is bugging Frank with another one of his classic jokes. That is until they notice Wally consoling a very distressed Eddie.
Before he gets to ask Frank if he knows what's wrong with Eddie, Frank shuts him down, thinking he's just gonna set up another joke about it, which he's especially not in the mood to hear.
However, after mentioning that he had only asked because Wally's been acting off as well, they both start to talk about their strange behaviors, how they can help, what may have caused this ...
But wait- who's that watching over them?
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egophiliac · 3 months
kamen rider shion was just revealed for ride kamens, and he looks like he's themed after the... horse orphnoch? this is an even bigger surprise than the jin and woz homages
trying to speculate on Ride Kamens characters pre-reveal really is like
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endlesspaint · 2 months
"I had to save them"
Rest in peace, Liam. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten. 😔✊
I finally finished this, YAY! This animatic is a mix of digital and traditional art. I definitely learned a lot of tricks while making this (also, can you notice the slight difference between art styles??).
This animatic singlehandedly explains what happened to JD after his mom sacrificed him. He was definitely ready to accept his faith until he discovered Branch's was with him (which almost gave him a panic attack). It was a good thing that everyone decided to help him, and Liam (a troll around his age, maybe older?) helped him escape.
For more context about my au check this post!
I obviously don't own the audio, only the animatic. "Bruno is Orange" by Hop Along featuring Francis Quinlan, so credits to them. Here's the link
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crazymecjc · 7 months
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a modern prometheus.
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tytoalbatross · 24 days
god damn i do not post often but can i talk about intentionality for a second?? one second please
i'm gonna be talking about bg3 but this really applies to any fandom space. people will, surface-level, agree that a Black character is not getting enough content compared to their white counterparts because it's. obvious . take wyll, who is several hours behind on voiced lines compared to other origins despite being one of the original five (before they added karlach and whiteified her too but that's another post). it's hard to deny cold hard facts
but then instead of engaging in content that uplifts Black characters and creators, they'll go right back to pumping out more and more content of just their white faves. on its own, it's not actively harmful, but here's what the implication is, whether they acknowledge it or not: yes wyll has less in-game content, yes his writing didn't get the attention it deserved, therefore i don't like him as much. it only perpetuates wyll's lack of content by contributing to his sidelining in fandom spaces
what i would love for fans who claim to be allies to do is to step out of the comfort zone of their initial favorites (which can, in fact, be biased!) and start pursuing content centering Black characters with intentionality. like all things, anti-racism (actively pushing back against racism rather than simply "Not Being Racist") takes practice and effort. you can't really agree with us that wyll needs more content, then in the same breath say that it's because of that that he's not interesting to you . the point was right in front of you doing a jig and you still missed it
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plant-ago · 6 months
An original work written for The Wizard, the Witch, and the Wild One (@worldsbeyondpod).
Oh, my roots, grow gentle Oh, my words, go free Go where the world is simple Cross o’er the farthest sea
Sail away, my little darling To a place that will be kind; May the waves and currents guide you May you bloom in your own time
There will come times of sorrow, But my darling, do not fear Though you’ll learn to make your own way When you call, I will be here
May your spirit ne’er be broken And your judgement always wise; And your heart and garden growing All as free as wind and sky
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skylessnights · 7 months
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EVILIVE (2023) | EP 3
But I assume your request to me...goes beyond...the role of a lawyer, right?
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iamumbra195 · 16 days
Ashlyn Spider-woman AUs are genuinely so funny because this girl would hate it so much.
She already has to deal with sensitive hearing now she has to worry about super strength, spider senses and sticky hands that only relax when she's calm which is like never because how on Earth is she supposed to calm down when she can punch through walls without breaking her arms and can practically sense everything within a mile-radius?!
The sensory overload would be painful as hell too.
If it was set in the canon universe, I think she'd tell her parents and they would all work together to figure out her powers. They'd probably use all the junk in the bus graveyard to gauge how much she could carry and how strong she was overall.
Over time, she'd probably get used to her powers, maybe even find some of them fun. Sticking to the ceiling and just chilling there for hours without all the blood rushing to her head was kinda nice and seeing her dad's reaction to her sticking to the ceiling for the first was entertaining. Plus, the powers made her even more flexible and she's into ballet. This girl would love being able to jump super high.
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But she only really uses her powers at home where she feels like she doesn't need to hide it anymore. I don't think she'd feel the need to ever become a spider-woman. They'd managed just fine without her before and Alto was a pretty boring town. She wasn't a superhero anyway. I don't think her parents would ever want her to put herself in danger like that either. Plus, they don't their daughter to get attention from any unsavoury people or the government. They were both in the military after all. They knew how corrupt and messed up the government could be and they didn't want Ashlyn anywhere near it.
But then the new school year starts and there's a weird new kid that makes her senses prickle with unease. In fact, almost everything about her first day back at school makes her uneasy. The new kid. The shoe that almost took her head off. The new teacher. The field trip. The new kid.
Aiden just won't leave her alone and it was irritating. He was loud and talked too much as well. Still, her dad wanted her to give it a shot and it couldn't be that bad. It was just a field trip, she'd been to plenty of those.
Although the last field trip she went on was the reason she ended up with her superpowers... She really didn't want to go. Especially with Aiden constantly pestering her about it. Agreeing to go felt like losing. Urgh.
She ends up going and at first, it's not bad. All until a woman offers to give them a free tour of a 'haunted' house. Ashlyn doesn't want to go. Something about the whole situation was making her uneasy. But the others all wanted to go so she went with them. The uneasy feeling along with the phantom noises that kept getting louder made it even worse, sweat collecting in her palms and the urge to flee only getting stronger.
So when she sees that creature and the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end, she doesn't catch her reaction fast enough, hastily taking a few steps back.
"Ash?" Aiden said and there was a hint of concern in his voice. The others were all staring at her with varying looks on their faces, from concern to irritation. It wasn't real. She needed to calm down. It was just a hallucination. It wasn't real. It wasn't real.
But what if it was, the paranoid voice in her mind whispered. She had superpowers, who's to say that demons or ghosts couldn't be real?
She shook the thought away, tearing her eyes away from the creature and taking a deep breath before turning back to her classmates. She was being ridiculous. "Sorry, I thought I saw some-"
She was paralyzed in place when she saw them staring past her with terrified expressions, senses blaring with warning as a cold, slippery hand wrapped around her arm.
It was real.
And it was right behind her.
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smallsies · 1 year
sorry but. something about how fanfiction is vastly undervalued by readers in fandom culture. how people love to read stories about their favorite characters but only if they're in love, or if they at least sleep with each other. there's so many incredible stories that are just missed because fandom culture struggles to see beyond romantic pairings and relationships.
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sibmakesart · 4 months
I don't think this is an unpopular opinion, but I hate the light washing they do on the characters with like dark/tan like skin. Like Robin, and Zoro, and DEFINITELY Usopp and he already wasn't really that colourful to begin with. There's others I'm sure, but definitely those three as far as I've seen. Like it feels so..weird??? How white they got in the post, like the colour kept getting sucked out of them!! Why are they basically paper now!! Huh!! I just don't get it, they can draw darker skins we've seen it, so why couldn't they keep the originals for those three, and probably some others too?? It's confusing
yeah it sucks
given the diversity of characters there is in one piece its a bit disappointing to have so little black characters, and whiten (is that a word) the little there is
and yeah its confusing, like they just spent the time skip in a fuckin cave or something
theres this video i saw a while back on the subject (presented by a guy who has more credentials than me i.e. isnt white af)
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iwasbored777 · 8 months
Y'all since we already know that Gwen can and probably does look at Peter B being happy now and think how her Peter never got a chance for a better life cuz he died so young because she accidentally killed him now imagine she goes to Earth-42 and finds Miles-42 fatherless and she knows that she almost let that happen to this Miles. I get that we assume Miles will understand that she had her own problems and was forced to be in Spider Society and he would eventually forgive her but I'm saying that I don't think she will forgive herself, ever.
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unreal · 5 days
My Name Is Kanaya Maryam
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You Fucked My Wife
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