#and mentally im ready but emotionally im really scared
bromantically · 2 years
does anyone wanna come over and cradle me very soft and pet my hair and tell me everything will be okay
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doumadono · 8 months
So I love your stuff and ofc take your time. Im really sorry to inconvenience you with this request but I'm just very stressed.
I recently moved into a new house with my family and we have been slowly moving things in for months. Apparently the landlord left the door unlocked after he came in to make some final repairs and someone broke in and stole some stuff. Nothing huge, some tools, a toaster oven, drill bits. We didn't think they stole anything else and my family didn't see a reason to make a report till I started looking for one of my boxes I moved previously and it was gone. It had all my cross country stuff in it and I know it's not important to anyone else but CC is my LIFE. I've been running for almost 5 years So all my medals, plaques, times, banners, numbers, memorabilia from courses are gone. And I don't know what anyone would want with any of it. None of it was worth any kind of money but all of it means so much to me emotionally. I SUCKED my first year and it took so much effort to EARN everything. I'm scared they are gonna start melting down my metals or try to pawn them. I know it sounds vain and maybe it is but I was so proud of everything I've accomplished in cross country. I had a mental break down for about 30 mins to an hour and idk what to do. CC helped motivate me to recover from my Annorexia and one of those metals I won right after I got out of the hospital. Im 4'10 (I am a senior in highschool) Im already at a disadvantage considering my legs are half the size of everyone else's. I had to work so hard to be where I am now and all my reward for my work it's just gone because someone was bored? Wanted to make some extra cash?
Do you think If/when you have time you could write MHA comforting someone who's going through this? Maybe Shoji or Amajiki? Or whoever you want and think would fit. Im sorry again I know it's vain to want all of it back but it just meant so much to me.
Shoji & Amajiki with a friend who lost their CC stuff
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Shoji, noticing your distress, approaches quietly, acknowledging the pain without pressing for words.
With his calm demeanor, he approaches the friend, his extra limbs extending to offer a gentle, reassuring touch.
He speaks gently, "I heard what happened. I can't imagine how hard this must be for you. Take your time, but if you want to talk, I'm here."
Shoji respects your initial silence, patiently waiting for you to open up when you're ready.
He remarks, "Your achievements in cross country are a part of who you are. Losing them is like losing a piece of yourself, I bet but you still have the memories."
Shoji invites the friend to a quiet spot in the school, away from prying eyes, where they can share their feelings without judgment. "Sometimes, finding solace in silence can be more comforting than words."
Shoji suggests, "Let's work on a plan together. We'll search for your items and, if needed, involve our friends for more support. Even if the physical items are gone, your achievements and the strength you gained through cross country remain."
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Amajiki cautiously approaches, "I heard about what happened. It's okay if you don't want to talk, but I'm here for you."
Amajiki silently sits with you, understanding that words may not be enough to express the depth of your pain.
He softly says, "Your achievements are not just medals. They're a reflection of your strength and resilience. No one can take that away."
Amajiki's gentle demeanor encourages the distressed friend to open up slowly, sharing the pain and memories associated with the lost stuff.
Amajiki softly suggests involving the authorities, realizing the emotional value of the stolen items. "I think it's important to let the authorities know. They might be able to help recover your belongings, and it's okay to ask for help."
Amajiki spends quiet moments with the distressed friend, acknowledging that sometimes, silent companionship speaks louder than words.
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yellowcabdriver · 2 years
pairing: aged up!bakugou katsuki x f!reader
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wordcount: 1k
genre: (kind of domestic) fluff
a/n: im not a bnha fan, so the character might be a little ooc. this one is an old request that i didn’t have time to commit to. hope it turned out okay :>
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he hates to admit that – teeth grinding and everything – but you got him wrapped around your finger.
bakugou makes a hmph sound at the thought as he shampoos his hair for the second time – like you told him to.
but it’s true, he loves you so much.
he doesn’t like to talk about it, about these overwhelming feelings when he sees you, when he holds you, when he talks to you.
he never once thought he would fall in love like this, crazy, stupid, desperate. on his knees for you, metaphorically and literally. but also how could he not fall in love with you?
you are smart, intelligent, with a hint of a know-it-all. but it’s never snarky, biting type of know-it-all. it’s gentle and fun and ready to share information with someone who’s willing to listen (oh, and bakugou would die to listen to you talk) because, well, you happen to really do know it all.
you are fun. not afraid to laugh at yourself. you would throw an occasional joke at him and he – everyone is shocked – dryly laughs. you are empathetic, kind-hearted, generous.
you are different from him in the best way possible. patient when he is not, impatient when he is patient. bakugou is older now, still a hothead, but he manages his emotions much better (others might disagree, but fuck them, right?) and he owes most of it to you because he subconsciously mimics you, learns from you how to be better. not that you think he’s bad.
you are similar to him in the best way possible. you tend to have very emotional response first and think it over later. you don’t like to talk about your feelings, though you are more open to that than bakugou. your anger is also like an outburst of burning fire. you tend to say things you don’t mean and then end up having regrets eating your insides alive. katsuki usually laughs at your sulking presence when you come to share your grievances with him all while marvelling at how many times he felt exactly the same way as you.
bakugou wants to be the best for you.
you mention something once, remotely, and bakugou makes a mental note of it. whatever food you like, katsuki just happens to make it and has enough to share. whatever show you watch bakugou also (binge)watched it and is reluctantly ready to discuss. hell, he got an undercut because you mentioned that it’s your favourite haircut on men. at first he regretted it a little but after you were gushing over him, with no hint of ridicule and completely serious complimenting the shape of his skull (never has he ever received this type of compliments but it’s you so he is gobbling it up) he found some ease.
at first, he thought it was just a crush. it’d been a while since he had one but after excruciating weeks of mulling over this he finally accepted the fact that he was not having a crush. he was falling in love. and for the first time ever it didn’t scare him.
the lack of fear though kind of terrified him. did he suddenly mature emotionally? ain’t no way.
but in the dissonance of it all, confused and lost and a little angry, as per usual, bakugou finally got the courage to confess to you.
he thought it would be awkward and would end up with something blowing up and catching fire. it fortunately didn’t. he was uncharacteristically calm when he said that he was in love with you, looking down at your astonished face. he bucked the odds and won because after a few seconds of silence you all blushing nodded and said wow well i think i love you too.
katsuki quickly dries himself and leaves the shower in dark blue pyjama pants hanging low on his hips. according to the familiar ritual he drags his feet back to the bedroom where someone on tv was crying rather dramatically.
he enters the room and sees you in your dark blue cotton pyjama pair, bare feet dangling from giant bed, eyes glued to the screen where characters of a korean drama were arguing. katsuki rolls his eyes.
“oi, i went to shower twenty minutes ago and these two are still fighting?”
he says these two as if he doesn’t already know the names of all characters of the show which you’ve been watching every evening for a few weeks now and which he has been watching with his peripheral vision while sitting in bed next to you.
“yeah, but now it’s a different fight,” you argue glancing at katsuki with a smile and returning to the screen. bakugou walks closer to you.
“let me guess, it’s about the fact that she didn’t tell him that she knew his brother.”
you look at katsuki amazed.
“exactly that, how did you guess?”
he kneels down on the carpet in front of you.
“it’s typical shit, you know.”
you laugh, attention now fully on katsuki.
“it’s not typical! you’ve been watching this, haven’t you?”
bakugou makes a hmph sound and plants a kiss on your right foot.
“no, i haven’t. it’s just predictable.”
you yelp and giggle trying to yank your foot away while katsuki takes your other foot and plants a kiss in the middle of your sole.
“ready to go to sleep?” he asks knowing the answer already. you nod.
“i’ll finish the episode tomorrow.”
it’s dark and the lights of the city that never sleeps are barely making their way through heavy drapes covering giant windows of your bedroom. katsuki is nestled in your embrace, warm and content.
“you smell so good,” you tease. katsuki hums not willing to admit that it’s your vanilla shower gel that he used but you already know that. bakugou just holds your body closer to his as he contemplates that he’s way too deep in his feelings for you. he can’t logically deny this, not after four years you’ve been together, not when he knows all the shows you watch, not when he smells like your shower gel, not when you’re wearing matching pyjamas that he bought.
katsuki hates to admit that out loud but you got him wrapped around your finger. and he’s okay with that.
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kiisuuumii · 3 months
some introspection this morning abt a feeling from last night abt social interactions, letting ppl in, fear of everything coming to a sour end, and hope
up until this past february, i hadnt allowed a completely new person into my life, like really into my life, for quite a long while; the last person was an old coworker, who id met two years ago now. and ive always been the sort to struggle w social interactions and connections of all types, so when i made my first blog and decided to start posting poetry there, i had prepped myself mentally somewhat to interact w others (last time i put myself out onto the internet was in 2020 lol), but i dont think i was as emotionally ready as i shouldve been, to the point of letting my emotions get the better of me and hurting myself and others twice now since march
its safe to say that im scared, of letting ppl in, of my emotions taking over, of hurting someone else again. its safe to say that i dont trust myself to not let any of this happen again. and maybe its a control issue thing. i know that nobody's perfect, let alone me, and yet i find it difficult to extend the sort of grace id give to others, to myself.
so when someone reached out to me last night to tell me that theyre there if id like a friend (and hello friend if youre reading this sorry im making an example of you), it brought up the question of whether i felt i /could/ let someone new in. and ik that its not like i have to be vulnerable, spewing every little thing abt myself, right from the start, and ik that how connections progress varies from one to another. i think the question really becomes whether i trust myself to know how navigate new connections in ways that are not only true to myself, but also with my highest good in mind, and whether im willing to take the risk that someone's presence in my life wont last forever
thats another thing with me; when i grow fond of someone, i want them to always have a presence in my life to some degree, because i love them, and i want to not only be apart of their lives, but also them apart of mine. but thats not what happens every time; people come and go, thats just how it is, and i struggle horribly with letting go, even since i was a kid
but i dont want to let the fear of losing someone keep me from letting people into my life. i crave connection, i crave understanding. i cant have those things without letting someone in and letting them try, and letting myself try.
i want to live this life with as few regrets as i can. yet it seems like ive just been piling them up over the past four months. am i just going to regret letting other people in going forward, too?
theres only one real way to find out. and im terrified. genuinely terrified. bc im sick of hurting others. im sick of beating myself up. but you have to do the thing scared. you have to. or else you wont do it at all. you'll keep making excuses for yourself, saying you arent ready, but when will that be? are we ever truly ready for anything, let alone change?
you have to hope that the next time'll be different. statistically, its not impossible. you have to hope. how else can things change if you dont have hope that they will?
hope doesnt have to mean trusting yourself completely. it just has to mean believing in the small part of you that wants things to change to do what they can with what they have to bring about that change.
i'll always believe that so long as i have the hope that i can change, i'll be able to find whats the best decision for me, in whatever moment i find myself in. that, that hope will eventually usher in the change im striving for, someday, one way, or another.
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im-smart-i-swear · 1 year
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this is the first time ever i made a comic this long im so proud of myself!! im still figuring out how to do this stuff but i think this turned out pretty cool!!!
uhhh so this takes place some time after buddy explained everything(i.e. that theyre clones and all the voltron related stuff). around then it starts to sink in that theyre not getting out of this situation anytime soon, so bud decides to try and help! 
theyre not a family quite yet tho, at this point theyre just kinda in this weird middleground where they all start to trust each other and grow close but its not really found family level just yet
everyone is still adjusting to the new situation and theres a lot of tension between some ppl but theyre getting there!! theyre figuring things out!!!
both buddy and soup want to protect the others, but bud’s really not ready to fight again(getting used to only having one arm is not easy, not to mention the emotional aftermath of almost killing his friends/family) and soup has literally no experience in working w/ other people so they both struggle to find a way to adjust to their new life. 
buddy got better mentally after his secret got out but hes still far from being emotionally stable. soup is, as always, bottling up all of her complicated emotions, and is constantly scared she’ll mess up in her new role as the self-appointed protector of the group.... while simultaneously feeling unworthy of the position and the others’ trust after everything she did as a gladiator. theyre both really fucking messy but also have a lot in common - the galra-related trauma, the way they blame themselves for things beyond their control - but the diffrence is that buddy hit their breaking point already and is slowly trying to piece himself toghether, while soup is.... uh. not doing that
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murlocks · 1 year
hello I'm your competitor in the failboy contest and please tell me about Jeremy I want to hear about your cringefail vampire guy if you're okay talking about him
HI okay yes im always okay talking about him i made a propaganda post abt him but i can probably think up more to say i always have more to say about him
first things first: i hate him. (/pos) i want to wrap him in a rug and roll him down a flight of stairs he is an absolute wet paper bag of a man and i am never not thinking about him.
hes an absolute pussy but hes also an adrenaline junkie so he purposefully provokes his murderous cannibalistic vultureguy boyfriend simply for the entertainment. hes gay and god wont let him die so he finds getting an attractive man to try and kill him quite the emotionally fulfilling activity. asher (his boyfriend) is a little bit fucked up (/pos) so he goes along with it but they both know jeremy will be completely fine its stress relief for both of them tbh
second: some backstory. fair warning for like . vampire-typical religious trauma?? i dunno tbh
he was raised in like . a classic religious town and he was very much a juvenile delinquent so ppl around town didnt really like him and it only got worse when he got turned bc of course everyone in that town was raised to think that vampires were horrible abominations that go against god or whatever stupid shit you can think of theyve probably been taught that. so he kinda internalized all that and obviously when he got turned against his will he had a horrible crisis of faith and was questioning what he did to deserve this fate. obviously if vampires are bad and hes a vampire that means hes bad and he did something to deserve getting turned into one. yeah that boys a little fucked up in the head.
he got chased out of town once he was discovered to be a vampire. after he got turned, he went back home and locked himself away for about a week trying to process it and didnt come out bc he felt like shit physically (obviously, he literally just died and got turned into a vampire, i would feel a little ill about it too) but eventually his like . one singular friend he had in town came to check on him because hed been missing for a while and he told them everything because he thought he could trust them, he told them "there was this guy who attacked me a couple nights ago and i passed out and i woke up in the middle of the street the next morning and the sun hurt and ive been so hungry ever since but none of the food ive eaten has helped and i dont know whats going on. everything hurts and i feel so sick i dont know whats wrong" and his friend is like. Oh. Oh Fuck . and they run off under the guise of finding him medicine/food/whatever but of course instead of doing what they said they would they go straight to one of the towns religious leaders and they gather up a bunch of people to either kill him or chase him out of town.
he escapes, narrowly, but now hes got nowhere to go. hes never left his little town, he has no family or friends to go to, hes basically screwed. he finds himself wandering for days on end just kinda contemplating his life (and beating himself up for getting turned in the first place, because OBVIOUSLY its gotta be his fault somehow. he mustve done something wrong for his friend to be so eager and ready to turn on him its gotta be his fault) and eventually he stumbles upon this little desert town in the middle of nowhere. theres a big old abandoned mansion on a cliff overlooking the town, and, of course, jeremy, the overdramatic (like, theater kid levels of dramatic) idiot that he is, goes, "oh! thats perfect! ill live there!"
and he lives there pretty much undisturbed for approximately 20 years. he has absolutely zero human contact because hes scared of hurting people and he subsists off animal blood from the meager livestock the townspeople own. hes not doing too hot mentally of course, hes a trainwreck with literally nothing to do but sit alone in his house and listen to his own thoughts, but he survives, at least.
until, one day, asher, (my boyfriends oc), one very curious citizen of the nearby town, accepts a dare to go explore the abandoned mansion at the top of the cliff. theres rumors spreading that its haunted, and surely he would earn some respect from his peers if he could survive a night there, right? he can prove theres nothing too dangerous there at all.
until he opens the door. and awakens a very disgruntled vampire from his midday nap.
and the rest is history.
part three: boyfriend endeavors. serious warning for violence and vampire-typical "cannibalism" and less vampire-typical Actual Fucking Cannibalism. also fair warning jeremy and ashers relationship dynamic is more than a little fucked up but theyre both aware of it and its all fully consensual because they are both more than a little fucked up
for a while, they both believe the other is a Completely Normal Guy (albeit, asher is a seemingly Normal Guy with massive fuck-off bird wings and jeremy is. well hes jeremy, but still) until one night jeremy is out and about trying to find some source of food in the town, climbing across rooftops and shit and all of a sudden he stumbles upon asher, elbows deep in a human corpse and absolutely covered in blood. he has the end of a bone sticking out of his mouth. this is completely normal Asher Behavior but jeremy is not aware of that. he loses his footing on the roof he is standing on and goes tumbling down into the street.
asher turns around to look at him and hes got this crazed look on his face and jeremy is just staring at him trying to figure out what the fuck hes supposed to say in this situation because he just fucking walked in on his one and only friend literally Eating A Person but he has no room to judge and asher looks more attractive covered in blood than he has any right to be and jeremy does not have time to unpack all that.
so, after a solid minute of staring at each other, jeremy goes "so. uh. you gonna finish that?" and asher bursts out laughing.
he explains his whole vampire situation and asher explains that he does not have any such situation hes just a bit fucked up and he enjoys eating bones. you know what, fuck it, hes a vulture guy, it makes sense. kinda. whatever. jeremy cant judge.
at this point in time, jeremy is still very much ashamed of who and what he is. he is more than aware that the animal blood he is surviving off of is not very nutritious whatsoever and if he wants any type of proper quality of life hes gonna have to feed off of an actual human person someday. hes not looking forward to it. but asher is just?? fucking sitting there?? eating literal human bones just because he feels like it????? and jeremy doesnt know how to process that. hes morally opposed to it but instinctually he knows thats what he should be doing. and from there on out asher actively endeavors to get jeremy to be less catholic guilt-y about the whole thing. he genuinely doesnt give a fuck and it gives him a headache to see jeremy being all stressed about it so he makes it his life mission to absolutely destroy that boys morals. and it works. it fucking works.
asher is such a horrible influence and he has made jeremy so much worse from an outsider standpoint but jeremys mental health is so much better with ashers involvement in his life and theyre so horrible for each other but theyre also a perfect match. they drive me insane.
ive probably missed a lot in this post and i have so much more i could say about him and asher but thats whats on my brain right now. theyre both so fucked up i hate them (/pos)
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jihyoruri · 5 months
never thought I'd see the day Id do a wowyn analysis... Keep in mind its been a second since I reread all the wowyn works😭
Id like to preface this by saying I do not have a very good grasp on wowyn as a character- I am not entirely sure how you guys view her but I've said this before.. I think wowyn is truly a very sad person. maybe she's not sad emotionally but the way she views things and acts at certain points makes me... I don't know. she does some shit that annoys me 😭I don't view her as a baby or something like that.. she's clearly the "cool" one in the group lmao😭
I'll be focusing on wonyn, and chaeyn for this..
wowyn clearly is uncomfortable with being "known" per se. When she starts to really like someone, she immediately distances herself. I can't tell if it's because she's afraid of getting hurt, or just because her issues with her dad gave her an avoidant attachment style..
I'm not completely sure what happened with her father, and why she's like this now..
wowyn is nonchalant with chaewon. From what we've read, chaewon has started to like(?) wowyn, and finds her cool. I don't think wowyn has started to like chaewon yet, and if she has.. damn😭
I can't tell if wowyn Is avoidant of vulnerability at all, because it seems she keeps up this cool and unaffected front so she doesn't show emotions she doesnt want other people seeing. Shes clearly scared/uncomfortable to love someone(?) because, as you said, she realized she liked minjeong so she broke up with her.
wonyn.. It brings me a sort of satisfaction to know that wowyn will end up with chaewon and not wonyoung. the idea that someone will always come back to you, and that they'll always want you, so you just expect them to ?? chase after you?? rubs me the wrong way. I hope that wowyn will at one point get over wonyoung and actually like chaewon more (even though it seems impossible) cause its CRAZY wonyoung thinks chaewon is delusional (it's not crazy she lowk is)
If she DOESNT get over wonyoung... I feel bad for chaewon. knowing that you'll always be second place SUCKS.
I don't know what made wowyn so attached to wonyoung in the first place, but I'll guess they met when they were a bit younger because the wowyn now seems like she doesn't let people in like that anymore..
In conclusion I do not understand wowyn at all. I know she has an avoidant attachment style and clear vulnerability issues from something with her dad... but fundamentally I find her sad. I can't tell if she wants to be understood and wants people to know her, but she's scared, or she doesn't at all because she's scared, or she doesn't care and I'm reading it wrong?? wowyn seems like the person that never lets people too close, always with a suitcase in hand (metaphorically) ready to leave when she realizes "this person knows me". I mean in that one ask "aeri knows too much about wowyn to date her" or something along those lines.. does she not want to be known, or does she secretly want it?? I don't know.
I'm glad she'll be with chaewon in the end, but I hope she gets a therapist because if I was chaewon's friend I'd be like.. don't go for someone so painfully emotionally unavailable 😭
(this might be all wrong, I literally don't understand wowyn she has such an insane mindset to me. im ace so ig I've just never had a crush that has me always coming back to them like this?? I don't know man wowyn is confusing to me. the way people act like her stans here scares me cuz what if I get jumped but... wowyn isn't a monolith.. she's cool on stage but her mental state is definitely... a whole trip.. pathetic isn't the right word but I've said sad so many times.. like her mindset and actions just make me frown I kind of pity her???)
it kinda makes me smile when you say that she don’t understand wow!yn cause that means that I did what I wanted to do with her she’s rlly complex like I want people to have a hard time understanding her, like every time ppl try to analyze her they’re completely wrong and it makes me giggle LMAOOOO
you always seem to go back to wow!yn chasing and always going back to wonyoung 😭 and I feel like I’ve said this before but wow!yn doesn’t have some crazy crush on wonyoung she USED to but she doesn’t it’s just wony is that person always in the back of her mind who she find comfort in because she’s someone who yn is so close with it’s not a situation where it’s like omg I love you so much I can’t get over yo, it was never that yn knows her and wony aren’t going to work out I’ve said that before like that’s something that’s something that yn isn’t even waiting for. Honestly I want to know what actions of hers annoy you because from what I’ve written wow!yn is just so chill and nonchalant like you guys she haven’t seen her make any decisions yet besides breaking up with winter.
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stfuviolet1 · 7 months
February has rather been, distressful. I started having fear again. I can't seem to remember what's been consuming my mind but seems like once again, i'm feeling self conscious. the thought of aging scares me. Im so scared of the possibilities, the future the changes that I need to go through, mostly the physical changes. I am scared I won't be competent anymore I won't be fit anymore I won't be active anymore I won't be as attractive anymore i'm scared of watching my youth slipping away each day. I tried to convince myself you can't be young forever fey its okay to grow old you're entering the new phase of life but deep inside I haven't had enough. I don't want to move to the next stage of my life just yet there's so much thing I wanna do and I wanna achieve but im not sure how much time I have left.
Watching each one of my friend settling down sure gives me fomo but overall im fine just being with myself. I know for a fact I will get there I know I will have my own family too my own kids but I need a lil bit more time to enjoy my solitude. I've always wanted to get married at 30 and now that im 28 I only have 2 years left to be on my own and honestly, im not sure if I will be mentally, emotionally, physically and financially ready by that time. It's stressing me out thinking I might need to start saving for my marriage but I haven't spoiled myself enough. I haven't bought myself anything nice nor take myself to places how am I going to spoil someone else.
When I love, I love wholeheartedly. I probably would care about his wellbeing and happiness more than mine but isn't it not fair to myself? When I have never received such treatment and now that im slowly capable of loving and affording myself, I get pressured to get married? all my life I have always been supporting other people. My money, my energy, my time, my feelings, but when it comes to my own happiness nobody really gives a shit. and I guess that answers why I've been disassociating myself from a lot of people cause at the end of the day, they don't get it. and its okay.
fey, #0902224
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ethernetmeep · 7 months
just realized since february vacation is soon ill have about a week of just. no school. nothing. which on the surface seems very fun but is jarring because then im just left alone with my thoughts for a week straight
i might ask my friends if they wish to do anything over the break. i know i wanted to show a friend a certain aquarium. i dont think im ready for that mentally or emotionally. i feel like if i took him i immediately would start crying and shut down. this is.. an awful realization. i may take him to another or simply drop the aquarium idea altogether. its also difficult because other places i may wish to hang out in with him are very likely to make me cry, too. unsure as to why; i think i’d just.. not be able to handle it. even a simple record store would feel too much for me. i realize this is a rather pathetic thing to admit aloud. its quite hard when you don’t get closure and are unsure of your own actions, but im.. trying? i think? i believe i could be worse.
i also wish to hang out with another friend of mine, but im unsure if she actually even likes me. i know she appreciates a trait of mine, but that’s it. i don’t really expect her to like me. i feel like i expect her to inherently dislike me, actually, but she somehow does not. i don’t know. i may ask her. i may ask a few people im friends with if they’d like to hang out over break, but i also wish to pace myself.
im honestly not quite sure what ill do. im a bit scared. im seemingly always scared recently. but i’m still alive, so. thats the best i got
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standingattheend · 9 months
What do I want this year? What do I want.... I think sometimes I am scared of what I really want, or just of not knowing what I really want. Just assuming what is correct to want. how silly. I dont have to stay here, but I don't think I know how to move forward or in any direction really. I think I am feeling a little fomo of seeing peoples lives change, but also feeling a little lucky in my still security because I know whats coming. Everything is changing around me. Maybe I'm not getting the message. Easy to ignore or hide, but not really at the same time.
As my friend puts it, am I bitch made? Despite what seems like my best efforts, I noticed that I am not the same person, I don't have the same thoughts or worries as I use to. My priorities, Im not even sure I had any before. Emotionally more mature, but scared of what that means. I think I know the answers, but I am just stuck at the crossroad unable to pick a path because, I just don't know where one the leads and the other is short and predictable and that scares me too. an eternity of the same thing, literally my worst nightmare, but greatest comfort as well. There is so munch risk in the unknown, but greater rewards. Why do I think this would break me and that I just wouldn't survive?
Would I survive? I would have to, right?
The way the universe will not push, but will give you peaks and shame you for not even trying.
Am I even trying?
Am I distracting myself?
Am I distracting others?
All for the sake of some mental safety fence that I put around my life in my more short sighted but most hurtful moments.
I don't know, its hard to say if I will ever know. I can't make a wrong decision, if I make no decision at all, but then I can't make any right decisions either.
Every action has a consequence, which seems like a negative word, but is just a reaction to every action. But if there is no action, there is no result for me to fear, but how cowardly
Am I a coward?
I think I might be. I think my core is fear of emotional pain and that I have been working my whole life to avoid it even though there a lot of love in it and education in it and growth in it.
Am I stalled here?
Did I break down here?
I think on the path to enlightenment im at the part where I could grab it, but Im scared to because I know exactly what it means and i am having trouble growing beyond my current capacity because I know what I would need to let go of and its just so many things and Im not ready, but I'll never be ready and I don't think the point is to be ready, but to have faith in myself that I wont let me fail, what if I even thive.
But yet, I can't get beyond this fence I built, I made it pretty impenetrable and hard to exit, but maybe one day I'll really believe that I don't need it anymore and I'll just open the gate instead of overcomplicating it as an excuse.
But we'll just have to see.
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imayhavebpd · 1 year
Some context: the rant below may be disturbing, I talk about my relationship that is not going too good at the moment and about my worsening mental health.
Im nb and queer, so is my partner.
Just had the biggest fight with my partner and now he wants to leave me. after 3.5 years. We are both severely mentally ill and he wants to give up on our relationship. He doesnt care anymore, he has been breaking my trust over and over for the past few months. Suspicious relationship with a friend, going to her house, drinking copious amounts of alcohol and staying the night multiple times. He even confessed to sleeping in her bed once because he "felt light headed" . Her calling him in the middle of the night because she needed comfort. Him being ready to drop everything at any given moment to come to her place. He told me that they have been joking about him cheating on me with her since her newest boyfriend is so similar to him. Couple days ago he told me that he has been smoking weed with her, despite it being illegal in the place we live in. Drugs (each and every one) scare me so much and he knows that and still when I told him that I felt betrayed and disturbed he started calling me conservative and close minded. For the record, I dont think there is anything wrong with using any kind of drug, I just wished he would say something before he started doing drugs with her (and now he talks about doing mushrooms because they have a mutual friend who tries to grow them in her house). He likes to bully and tease me, make me feel bad and says that hes just joking. He lied to me in the past and about something very important too. He has been hiding that thing from me for months and we lived together. His parents are walking all over me, abusing both of us, trying to get us kicked out of our flat, despite being very rich they dont support him financially in any way and since he cant or wont find a job it falls on me to take care of finance (that is rent, food, medicine, transportation). I am beyond tired, Im suicidal and he doesnt care. He just doesnt care anymore. My job is literally killing me and I havent quit yet because the only way we can live together is if I have it. I feel betrayed, I feel emotionally cheated on, Im so disappointed that he would break my trust just to smoke weed with that girl and her friends and have fun.
The thing is.
I love him beyond words. I missed him before we knew each other. We are each others first partners, we are just 20 and we met in high school. Im autistic, and I really cant create deep relationships with other people. I dont know why, I just dont feel that way about the vast majority of people. Before I met him I felt lonely for all my life, there were people around me but no one understood me and they never felt like companions to me. We have been through hell together and its not the first time its bad. Almost every time it goes the same way, I want to fight for our relationship and he wants to leave, says that he doesnt love me anymore, that he doesnt feel anything. Now I lay in our bed, he is in the other room and I wait for him to come and talk to me.
He once crawled into our bed besides me and whispered that he could kill me if he wanted to, since he a lot taller and stronger than me. I never thought too much of it, but always it felt kinda weird.
Im not a good person, I told him that I want to kill myself and when he didnt want to talk earlier I asked what would happen if I left and didnt come back. He says that Im emotionally blackmailing him and he probably is right. I dont know, I have let so many things slide with him. I was screaming and crying and begging and he has been packing his stuff and ignoring me. And then I hit him. On his arm, not to hurt him but I know it was wrong. I wanted him to stop ignoring me but what I did is the worst thing I could have done. He said that this is probably the end as Im in his words "in the worst place mentally that I have ever been in". I cried all night, I cant sleep or eat, Im not thirsty, I just want the pain to stop. I want to hurt myself, I want him gone from my life, I want him to love me and care about what he has done to me, I want him to admit that he has ruined our relationship. I dont know who he is, he is a stranger to me but we have been together for all my life. I love him to death, I want to spend my life with him, I never want to see him again. He is still here, he has been taken away by his new friends and soon probably lovers and he has been taken away by himself and what is left I dont recognise.
Ive always invested more in this relationship, allowed hin to cross my boundaries when it made him happy untill I didnt have any left. I accept him, I love him, Im always there for him, he takes things out on me and I just continue to support him. I help him with his art and studies, I paint his nails and help him with anything he wants or needs help with. I allow him to run different psych. tests on me as he needs them for his studies, I give him my time and attention. Still, he is disgusted with my emotions, made me feel dirty by repeately telling me that I stink for over a month (and then admitted that I dont, he just thought it was a funny joke), told me that my anger is evil and pathological and that I should never feel it. He hates my body, hates that I have a human body and that Im not made out of glass and silicone and plastic. He doesnt kiss me on the lips and he finds my afab genitals to be extremly gross.
I lost so much in the past month, Im scared for my life. I lost a job opportunity that would have been perfect for me, and then I lost even more job opportunities. I may have lost my flat, I will probably have to move out untill the end of april. And now I have lost my boyfriend.
I know how it all sounds, but this is a vent and there is much more good than bad, we have loved each other deeply for a long time now.
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margathecreatughhh · 2 years
It’s.. it’s been a long time since i wrote something on here.
2022, well, it was different. But im gonna walk you through it - put you on the loop.
I spent january this year chasing my then-boyfriend. Don’t know who it is? Of course not, but you believe me if i told you. It’s the dude i liked my entire junior high. Thats right. I dated my crush. Shit was way different than i had imagined - but its done. Anyways, he often hurt my feelings bc he was a very tactless person. He was ugly too. The cum face was unbearable. Sorry to that man. I ended up leaving him, only realizing i wanted him back. I chased after him for some reason. Spent the last of my money on his expensive ass medicine. Went around looking for a specific kind of drink he wanted. Did all that only for him to tell me “what’s not clicking?” Like the fucking asshole he is. That was when i realized i didnt want to do anything with him. I wanted him gone from my life. And he is gone, finally.
Then the next few months happened. I got assaulted twice in the same year. The first time, i realized it only after a few months. I had hooked up with my senior high school crush then. I told my friend dexter about it and he said “why are you so grossed out by xx but you’re so happy about yy”. Then i realized why i slipped into a lot of self-loathing of xx. Its because i didnt consent to it. I didnt want it. I didnt enjoy it. It was fucking traumatizing. I fucking hate every moment that memory crosses my mind. I wish i never had to go through it. The second time it was also with a friend who i trusted naively. Idk why the fuck i decided to go with him. It was the wrong fucking choice. I only realized it wasn’t okay when i drunkenly called my ex-bestie about it, and he told me it wasn’t okay. The trauma for this one was so bad because every time a room would be completely dark, i’d be scared shitless and i’d teleport back into that fucking bedroom. I fucking hate it so much. I don’t know why i had let that night happen.
Despite it all, i was able to date someone. We lived in together, he let me drive his car, i bought him an expensive ass wallet, a lot. Shit ended ugly tho. He ended up man handling me. We would often get into screaming matches.
I hate myself when im angry. When i have to raise my voice in certain situations. I really fucking hate it. To realize that he brought out that version of me makes me fucking sick. Makes me hate the person i allowed myself to become just because of him.
Dont get me wrong. I didnt want a relationship. I wasnt ready for a relationship. Which made me wonder, why the fuck did i ever force anything to develop between the two of us? Even when i got an ick on the first date? If i could turn back time, i honestly would. Because fuck that situationship for real. Makes me so fucking upset he brought out the worst in me. Making me feel all fucking worthless. Like im always the bad guy. He stole my friends from me too. What kind of fucking person does that? He’s so fucking greedy. He doesn’t give a fuck that my friends no longer hang out with me as long as he gets to hang out with them.
I fucking hate the fact i ever dated him. It was the worst fucking emotional and mental turmoil i ever had to fucking go through. Beat my relationship with gg on a whole mile. Yawa jd kaayo gyud. Ngano man kong nipatol adto niya?
The amount of emotional labour i had to do. Even when he knew my mental state. He’s such a selfish fucking person emotionally. He’s so fucking greedy in the name of “love”. Like what the fuck kind of person makes u feel guilty about leaving them? About wanting some time for yourself? What a stupid fucking situationship. He accuses me of not knowing him when he has this narrative of me being the worst fucking person. Fuck that man for real. I wish all my exes bad luck. I dont care. I know I’ll get guilty once the karma hits them - but shit doesnt happen just because karma wants to. Shit happens to people because they deserve it. The universe thinks they deserve it so its gonna hand it to them.
If im getting my karma. Thats fine. Im the type of person who knows i dont make a lot of great decisions so if karma goes my way, ill let it happen as it should.
I dont know how im gonna move forward from all of this. Ive been feeling so fucking lonely ever since he fucking stole my friends from me. I dont know what to fucking do but i hope i bounce back better when i get back to duma.
I wanna stay optimistic. I wanna have something to look forward to. And yet all ive done since the break up is be so self destructive. I kissed pp, and have him reject me weeks later. Then i hooked up with bb and nn. Then i had kk pick me up and we made out for a bit. He confessed on new year’s but idk i really dont want to deal with anything. I didnt want to do anything with nn because i didnt like his build, his personality is too fucking kind its actually the fucking worst 😭 made me reminiscent of the dude i dated this year. Its always the fucking nice guys who give the most emotional labor so im avoiding nice guys. Or guys in general.
Im in a man-hater phase rn. Fucking pp is crushing on a girl who tried to set me up with him. Yawa. Worst fucking feeling ever. Yawa jd kaayo. It made me see how much of a fucking asshole he is. And i dont wanna deal with him na jd because of how awful he is. Yawa. Pero i might give him cookies still when i get back? Im not sure. I probably will.
I dont know. Im just not bothered to entertain anyone but i am still talking to bb for some fucking reason. It’s probably gonna die out soon. Or probably not. Being with him is fun. But i hope it wont cross to the relationship level. Ill probably just decrease the amount of texting we do. Shits too risky. 2022/3 marga would know why. Hahahahahaha. If something bad happens out of this, you know im gonna either edit this post or make a separate post.
I still dont fucking know if 2023 is gonna be good. Its just making me anxious. Im writing this long ass post knowing i havent finished my plates yet. I havent done anything remotely productive. I dont know why im so fucking depressed. And normally, when i write, i feel a bit better. But only my mood changed. Im not as fucking depressed as i was a few minutes ago but my fucking soul still feels like it has weights on it. Shits so fucking heavy.
I think im still not over the fact that i had to go through months of whatever he put me through shit was so fucking tiring. I did not have to go through that. I did not have to go through every single thing he put me through during and after the relationship. I think my biggest takeaway from all of this is the fact i can feel And see the change that happened in me and it wasnt for the better. I lost so much of my light and life because of him. This is the only relationship i could ever completely say i wish i got back the person i was before him. Yawa jd kaayo. Ambot makalagot nga ing ani na akong state karon. Unta mabalik akong gana sa tanan. Kay sa tinuod lang, nawala gyud. Maka disappoint jd kaayo ang outcome bwiset.
Yawa huhuhuhuhu unta madayon akong mga gi look forward sa 2023.
1. New hair color and hair cut
2. Motor pls
3. cookies for all my friends
4. Mental stability
5. Reclaiming my old self
I really just want to bring the person i was before him. I just want peace. I just want to feel better. I just want to be productive again. I just want to be better.
Ive been rambling for the past few paragraphs as u can see but im just typing as much as i can until i finally lose the dreadful feeling weighing down on me because honestly i still feel like shit. Yawa huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu
I wanna buy a new vape but i think that also contributes to why i feel like shit so i might quit. Im gonna try hard and quit this year because my nicotine addiction is unexpected and unwelcome and i want to be better about it. So i might actually stop vaping. Please God make me stop vaping 😭
Im also so fucking upset because i looked forward to writing something on tumblr hoping it would make me feel better but the dread isnt going away. I want to feel better but i really cant im so fucking sad and upset and i hope its just the estrogen jud but like this has been going on for months and i honestly just need to meditate and be more accepting of my fate and have to look forward to things because theres so much to unfold for 2023 and i really really really hope my looking forward doesnt go in vain. I love you world. Please dont let me down.
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I really dont want to go to college but its really not gonna get better at work and i cant sit around and wait for some promotion that might never come and also i really want to get out of the us !
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betaamity · 4 years
tbh i just
want to hope for a better future but im scared its either bad things i hope for or i jus. will be judged greatly for saying them
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rommahh · 3 years
{Harry in sparkly black….Harry lemme **** *** *** for free}
You hadn’t talked to Harry all day. Not that you were mad at him or anything but your therapy this morning left you feeling a little spacey. There was something about talking about your emotions that left you feeling emotionally drained.
You missed Harry terribly and though it’s only been a short week, you felt very lonely. But on another note, your anxiety wasn’t as bad as it was. You were starting to feel like your normal self again but missing something.
You loved the tight knit life you have with Harry. You like being around him most hours of the day. You two were inseparable. If you were in the shower, he was in the bathroom reading a book from the lounger chair in the corner. If he was writing music on the beach, you were somewhere on the shore collecting shells. If you were going to the grocery store the least he could do was go for the drive with you. You two were close and it was something the both of you were ok with.
Some couples don’t like being so close but it worked for you and Harry. Being away from Harry was a weird experience. It’s only been a week but you feel like it’s been a lifetime. You haven’t minded being on your own but you wanted to be with the person you felt most connected to.
So being you, you purchased a ticket to Chicago. You didn’t know how Harry was going to react but you could only assume it would be a positive reaction. You told Jeff that you were coming so he could get you a hotel key and backstage pass.
As you sat in the airport you felt your back pocket buzz- your music pausing for the call. Your hand slipped into the pocket roughly pulling out the small phone. Harry’s icon, him in a fluffy robe looking as grumpy as ever, met your eyes. You cursed because you were quite obviously in the airport and if he saw you, the surprise would be ruined.
You answered anyways but only for audio. You made sure that your airpods were snug in you ear and there was no chance of them falling out.
“My lover!” Harry greets you a in sing song voice. You could hear his humph as he recognizes that you didn’t answer with the FaceTime video on. “Turn your camera on.”
“Can’t, I’m not feeling good.” You fib nervously. Harry frowned, nervous that he may have done something to upset you.
“Oh, alright. What’s wrong then?” He asks. You chew your lip trying to think of an answer.
“Uh, period.” You stammer.
“Your period doesn’t start for another few day…saw it on the tracker.” Harry may have your period tracker on his phone but it was because he wanted to make sure he was able to comfort you the best way he could when he needed to.
“Must be the meds-“ The sound of your boarding attendant sounded over your head cutting you off. “Hey bubs, I’ve actually got to go but we can’t chat later.”
“Sure, that’s fine I guess. Love you.” He mumbles, confused by the phone call. You hang up leaving Harry a little lost in his thoughts.
Later, Harry sang through his rehearsal carelessly, his head clouded with thoughts. He even sang through TBSL and though he was in the worst of moods, fans waiting at the venue thought he never sounded better.
You on the other hand had just sat through the worst flight of your life. There was a woman in the flight who didn’t want to wear her mask causing commotion before the flight could even take off. You had the worst headache halfway through the flight and because of the lack on supplies, the flight couldn’t give you any ginger ale or accommodations.
You didn’t let any of it get to you though as you directed for the chauffeur Jeff sent for you to go to the venue for show.
Harry sat in the common room backstage with the band and Jeff eating dinner grumpily. His fork was stabbing every little piece of lettuce of his salad, everyone watched worried that he may break his bowl.
“HS3 is trending on Twitter today, pretty exciting.” Jeff says to Harry breaking the silence. Jeff just received a text from you saying that you arrived to the venue and were walking towards Harry’s dressing room.
“Mmm great.” Harry grumbles. Jeff rolled his eyes at the diva.
“Someone’s a little pissy this evening. How about you go fix that mood before you greet your fans with a bad attitude.” Jeff scolds him like a child who just got caught doing something they shouldn’t have. Jeff really didn’t care about Harry’s attitude, used to the moods at this point, but he needed a way for Harry to leave the room and see you in the dressing room.
“Fine, didn’t want to be around anyways.” Harry shrugs.
Back in Harry’s dressing room, you rolled your suitcase into a corner where Harry’s outfit for the night resided on a hanger. You smiled at the sparkly black top that you helped pick out. You walked around his dressing room from the hair and makeup table, past the bathroom/ dressing area, and back around to the couch’s and coffee table where you took a seat. You snagged one of his green juices needing the boost of energy from being on the flight.
You heard the door knob jiggle but stayed planted in you seat sipping on the juice. You never made a peep as Harry barged through the room, scowl covering his face. He stormed past the couch not batting an eye at you. He went to the mini fridge where his juices were before letting an exasperated sigh.
“Who fucking took my juice?” He whines. You quietly giggle in your hand at his tone.
“Im sorry, thought I could have it.” You chuckle. Harry leaps from where he stands letting out a yell. He turns to look at you with wide eyes, hand over his chest as if his heart was going to explode from his chest. You stood from the couch waiting for him to react more but he just stood there in shock. When the realization of you actually being there kicked in he let out another yell before bounding over to you.
Before you knew it, you had two strong arms wrapped tightly around you. Your wrapped around his neck, hands and fingers spread through his hair. His face tucked into your lower neck peppering desperate kisses all over just to feel something.
“What are you doing here?” You hear him cry. You pulled away from him to wipe his eyes of the tears that streamed down his face.
“I needed to see you.” Was all you could muster. He pulled you down on the couch, your body cushioning his larger frame. He laid in between your legs, your back flat in the body of the couch.
“Im so happy your here.” Harry couldn’t even put his excitement into words. He knew you were coming in a week but to have you here earlier than that made him feel things. He sat up from suffocating you into the couch, allowing for you to sit up beside him. “What about your therapy? I hope you’re not jeopardizing your mental health to be here with me cause I would much prefer if you put me on the back burner and took care of yourself.”
You rolled your eyes playfully. “I’m ok. I still will see my therapist virtually, I’ve got all new meds that are working fine, and if all goes to shit I will go back home. It’s ok bubs.” You reassure him.
He grabs your face with both hands pulling your face to his. Your lips meet with need. His lips slotting with yours, moving slowly but with rigor as if he was scared you would slip from his fingers. Your bottom lips fit between his lips leaving for him to suck on it slightly. You moaned at the feeling making Harry pull you in tighter. You sat slightly upon his lap, chest against each other tightly. Your tongues pushed at one another, lips loving in tangent.
You pulled away when you felt his lower presence awaken. He whined at the loss of contact making you giggle.
“If we go any further you’re gonna be late for your show. I’ll give you more back at the hotel, yeah?” You say lowly trying to catch your breathe. He groaned resting his forehead on yours chasing your lips with chaste kisses making you smile.
“Fine, you owe my though. This is level three apology situation that can only be resolved with these things; sloppy blowies, butt stuff, or face masks if you catch my drift.” He chastised. You let out a deep belly laugh pushing yourself away from him. You two still sit facing each other, your legs slightly on top of his.
“You’re so nasty, but I may be able to arrange one of those.” You wink making Harry let out a triumphant laugh.
“Are you staying for the show? I understand if your not.” He questions fiddling with your fingers.
“Think it would be best if I didn’t. I’m really tired and I obviously need a nap if I’m going to be up for your post show antics.” You joke giving his nose a poke. He jokingly pretends to bite your finger in retaliation.
Harry went on stage that night happier than ever. He started plotting proposals from the second he walked you to the car with your suitcase and waved goodbye to you. You went to the hotel room and “accidentally” fell asleep wearing one of your most recent purchases curled up in your tour bus blanket.
Let’s just say that Harry not so accidentally woke you up after that concert ready to love all of his adrenaline off in you.
Part 2👀
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proserpina-magnus · 3 years
hi🥺 I’ve got a super cheesy request, but whatever haha can I request a one shot James x fem reader where she is really really stressed all the time over really small things that may not even happen and James tries to calm her down and remind her that everything is going to be alright?
Oh and I just wanted to say that your writing brings a lot of comfort in my life. Thank you so much and you have a real gift for writing!!!💞
Thank you so much for your request, also im gad my writing can bring you comfort!! This was an awesome request to write and i hope you enjoy this!
Distress [ James Potter ]
Word Count: 1812
[ Warning: female reader, stressful/intrusive thoughts, worrying, James Potter being a dork, Kissing, description of distress and panic, slight mention of blood/bruises, petnames such as "love" "baby" and "princess", napping together ]
You flip onto your back, the sheets and pillows under you. You fussed messily, limbs sprawled out on the bed as you try and stop yourself from yanking your hair out. Recently, your thoughts had been consuming your mental state to a point where all you could do was worry about it.
You try and get dressed, brushing out your hair in a small rage as you felt a tangle of hair. You almost broke down crying at the small inconvenience, but you sighed unhappily and slipped on Jame's jumper. The jumper felt huge, it enclosed you with warmth and the slight smell of Jame's cologne filled your nose.
You sighed in relaxation, finding some peace in the jumper. You kept thinking about James, smiling as you fixed your outfit. Once you had finished, a small thought crossed into your head. 'What if your shoes are untied and you fall?'
The small thought made you spiral, walking down the steps carefully with your eyes glued to your shoes. You kept glancing at them, not looking away from them as you made your way to the dining hall.
"There's my girl," Jame's voice rose to catch your attention, you looked up from your shoes and let them look into James's comforting stare.
"Good morning," you mumbled, sliding in between Sirius and James as you felt a strong arm wrap around your side. James pulled you into a side hug, kissing your forehead gently.
"Morning my love, did you sleep well?" He asked, helping you fill your plate with breakfast foods. You leaned your head on his shoulder, a stronger scent of his cologne filling your senses. You relaxed slightly, escaping your thoughts for a hot minute.
"I slept okay," you sighed, remembering how you couldn't fall asleep until late in the night because of your cautious thoughts.
"Only okay? That's not good, how about after class you go and take a nap in my dorm?" James suggested, his hand on your jaw as he tilted your face up to look at him. His worried eyes looked over your face, seeing how tired you looked.
"I'm fine James, promise," you assured half-heartedly, you remembered you had a small quiz in Transfiguration. The thoughts started instantly, abruptly like bombs as they piled you with terrible thoughts. 'What if you failed? What if all the studying was for nothing?'
"Okay, if you're sure. You wanna hear about the new broomstick that is coming out?" James asked, a small sigh on his lips as he knew you weren't exactly telling the truth. James was aware of your stressful demeanor, he tried his best to distract you, but it seemed to be doing the opposite.
"Sure," you say, listening to him ramble for the next few minutes about the broomstick. You listen mostly to what he says, but his words don't make sense to you. You just nod and ask questions, finishing up your breakfast.
'What if he gets hurt next quidditch match?' The thought was hurting your head, making you gulp. Jame's loved quidditch, but it was such a competitive sport, it scared you sometimes.
You fixated on the thought, your mind flashing with images of James bleeding and bruised, your heart started to race. James was easy to read your expression, his hand on your knee to give it a quick rub for reassurance.
"You okay love?" He asked, you gave a small nod and grabbed his hand with yours. You squeezed his fingers pretty tightly, not wanting to let go in case he left and got hurt.
"I'm okay," you say, but James doesn't believe you. He lets you hold his fingers, giving you a small smile. He kisses your head, leaning down to whisper a small, "nothing going to happen, princess,"
"You don't know that," you tell him, leaning closer to him as everyone around you gets ready to head to class. You quickly move away, standing and flattening your outfit so it wasn't crumpled.
James follows, along with his other friends as you all began to walk to your first class. James pulls you back slightly, making you both walk slower so everyone walks ahead.
"What are you worrying about? I promise you I can debunk it," James promised, his fingers wiggled between yours as he started to swing your hands together. He slowed his pace, making sure that he was walking at your rhythm.
"What if my shoes get untied and I fall? And what if you get hurt during a quidditch game?" You say, not believing that he could possibly find a way to fix your thoughts. But James only smiled and pulled you to the side, stopping near an open area.
"Sit on the ledge," he says, helping you up on the ledge. You watched him crouch down, giving your knee a small kiss.
"Well, I can help your first worry, I can simply just cast a spell to make sure your shoes stay tied," James chuckled, a wide smile on his face as he beams up at you. He takes out his wand, muttering a small spell as he taps your shoes.
"And the second worry?" You asked, happy that you had someone to soothe your thoughts. You felt a lot better at the small spell James casted, feeling safe.
"Lucky for you, I'm the best at quidditch, so if I was to get hurt, it would totally be on purpose," James said with a cocky smirk, leaning up to kiss you gently. You pushed yourself onto your feet, leaning into his body to get closer.
"And I can assure you, love, I will never deliberately put myself in pains way when it comes to quidditch," He muttered against your lips, pushing his fingers along yours. He brought your hand to his lips, giving it a small kiss.
"Only quidditch?" You asked, wondering if James would hurt himself for the greater deed. Sometimes, you thought that James was too forgiving and daring, he would do anything for the people he loved. It made you worry.
James didn't respond, looking at you with soft eyes as he debated his response. He knew he wouldn't lie, so he simply pulled you along the corridor.
"Come on love, let's get to class," James says, as you both head to Transfiguration, you remember the quiz you had and started to panic slightly. The stressful thoughts beginning again.
"What if I fail the quiz?" You asked him frantically, changing the subject to another of your worry's. You felt a small dread at the fact James would hurt himself for the greater good, but you knew you couldn't change him, so you simply sighed and tried not to think about it. Your brain focused on the quiz, images of failing grades flashed through your head. You bit your lip, chewing on it anxiously.
"We studied all yesterday! There is no way you will fail, you're just too brilliant," He assured, kissing your head as you both settled into your chairs. You looked at him, not believing his words. James only gave you a generous smile, he knew you would pass the quiz.
"Hey, even if you do super bad, which you won't! Your grade won't change that much, it's only worth 10 points, it won't affect anything!"
Realizations hit you, making you relax in your seat. James was right, the quiz wasn't even worth that much and you both did study. You could recite the whole transfiguration textbook back to front, there was no way you could fail.
You felt a strong wave of proudness wash over you, there wasn't any possible way you would fail. Confidence filled your veins, a proud smile on your lips as you shared it with James. He only smiled back, mouthing a small 'I believe in you' and that was enough for you to believe his words, you wouldn't fail.
During the quiz, you felt like you were answering every question wrong. You kept crossing out answers then filling them in again. Your page was a mess, full of scratches and messy words. You sighed quietly, your forehead pressed into your hand.
You finished anxiously, passing in the paper. You bit the inside of your cheek, knowing that you couldn't have possibly passed. You almost felt like crying when the thoughts kept pouring into you, the day hasn't even started yet and you were completely exhausted.
"See, it wasn't that bad!" James says while you both walk to Potions, but you only shake your head and hold back stressed tears. James frowns, rubbing your forearm as he pets your head, he tried his best to soothe you.
"Oh love, there isn't a need to shed tears over it! You probably did great," James tells you, you both walk into the potions classroom, settling down near a desk in the back.
"No James, I didn't! I'm going to fail the quiz, I kept scratching out my answers! I didn't know anything," you quavered, feeling emotionally drained.
James picked up on your struggle, a frown on his lips as his hand came to pat your thigh. You let your head fall against the desk hard and you hear James wince at the sound, his hand on your back.
"After this class, I'm going to take you to my dorm and you can get some sleep okay?" James stated, rubbing your back gently as he watched you with saddened eyes. James wished he could take away your stressful thoughts, he hated seeing you worry.
"I'm fine," you lied, not even trying to cover up your obvious distress.
"No you're not princess, and that's okay. But you have to take care of yourself," James worries himself, his hands twitching. You look up at him through your eyelashes, heaving a small sigh.
"Okay," you mumble and the class continues. The hour passes slowly, James doing most of the classwork as he lets you lean against him. The only thing keeping you from spiralling and having a mental breakdown is James kissing your forehead periodically and his sweet words.
Your eyes blur for a few moments as you let James lead you through Hogwarts. You don't remember how you got here, but you laid in James' embrace, his hands in your hair as his warm blankets swallows you in sleepiness.
"What if I sleep through my next class?" You asked, your body twitching as you move to get a comfortable position. You felt tired, but thoughts kept your attention.
"I'll stay awake, I'll make sure you get to class on time," James kisses your head, his fingers massaging your scalp in a wonderful motion. You lay completely into James's body, letting your eyes close.
"Go to sleep baby. I've got you now," James whispered, you felt your nerves relax. Before you knew it, you fall asleep against his chest, curling yourself closer to your protector.
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