#i wish i could just turn my brain off and let someone else take care of me
bromantically · 2 years
does anyone wanna come over and cradle me very soft and pet my hair and tell me everything will be okay
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freakassfemme · 3 months
dealer!crush!ellie making you nervous at a party
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a/n: sfw drabble that's cliche, not reviewed, and hurriedly scribbled in 20 minutes. lots of 'it's in the eyes'. harry's emerald orbs bore into you esque shit. enjoy
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You didn't know why you assumed Ellie wouldn't be at a party like this. It was a frat, and those were always Ellie's best customers. She was their chosen dealer, supplying them with a seemingly-endless amount of weed that had every letter in the Greek alphabet begging her to attend their party that Saturday, not someone else's.
So, you kind of felt stupid when you pranced in behind your friends, already tipsy from pregaming in your ridiculously tight dress and gogo boots and nearly ran face first into her back.
"Oh, shit, fuck -- I'm really sorry," you said, the words uncontrollably tumbling out of your mouth like vomit as you continued, your face still at her shoulder-level until the shock wore off and you finally looked up.
Ellie smirked down at you, leaning against the wall next to her as she held up her cup a little too high up, just above your head, keeping it clear of you.
"Damn, you're a little dangerous there, huh?" She said, raising her eyebrows as her eyes raked over you, ogling your appearance like a piece of candy left out on a platter for her, eat me written so delicately across the expanse of your exposed cleavage.
"Yeah," you giggled out, pushing a piece of hair out of your face. The strobing lights caught on the glistening spit of Ellie's tongue as she licked her lips, taking another sip as her gaze returned unabashedly to your face, still waiting for any leverage she could latch her fangs on to.
After an awkward pause, you cleared your throat.
"So, um, how's business?" You said, trying to make some conversation, but it came out too formal, to standoffish.
You averted your eyes, cringing and mentally cursing yourself, but your cheeks turned pink as you looked right at Ellie's arm, propping herself up against the wall in a way that had her bicep practically bulging out of her tight black tee shirt.
"Business's fine," she murmured against the lip of her cup. "You don't seem the type to really care about that sorta thing, though."
Fuck, you were staring.
You looked back up, blushing even darker when you saw the knowing look in her eyes, her teeth grazing the plump baby pink of her lower lip. Your mind raced as you fidgeted with your hands, trying to come up with anything to play her acknowledgement off in a way that wasn't even more embarrassing, but the words weren't even in your throat, let alone on the tip of your tongue. All your brain was mashing together was a terrified chorus of fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck--
"Relax," she said after a moment, chuckling as she leaned down some to your height. "'M not interrogating you, it's not my business what you do."
"No, you're right," you admitted after a moment, happy with any words coming out of your mouth, even if they admitted how lame you were. "Kinda have my head stuck in different clouds, I guess."
Ellie snorted, rolling her eyes. She held this sort of lazy boredom in her soft smirk and hooded gaze that made you feel plain stupid, like she knew more than you. That she was so high and mighty she couldn't even be bothered to like, fucking stand up straight or give you the time of day. You were surprised she was still even talking to you, let alone that she knew who you were --
"You've heard about me?"
Again, word vomit. It lurched out of you before you could stop it, and out loud it sounded like the same voice you used in your head to narrate your god damn diary. You felt more stupid, and you wished you had your own drink to hide behind.
And jesusfuckingchrist, Ellie full on grinned down at you. She had a strand of hair falling out of the front of her half-up/down/left/right shit thing she's always had going on, the one that made you sometimes wonder if she even knows how to do a real ponytail, and then after that thought you always realized you were staring at the back of her head in the middle of --
"English, right?" She said, tilting her head some. "You sit like, two rows behind me?"
"Yeah, when you show up."
Good god, you should've taken it easier earlier. Who thought multiple rounds of shots was a sane pregame?
Ellie seemed almost surprised at your banter though, and her laugh seemed to stutter a bit as she admitted defeat, putting her hands up in mock surrender. The drink in her hand sloshed a bit as she did so, but she didn't seem to care.
"Damn, you noticed?" She said, almost weirded out for a second, and you could tell. "Do I look good from the back or something?"
It's so embarrassing, and you desperately tried to claw yourself out from the uncomfortableness of it all.
"I mean, yeah, you always look good," you said, attempting to direct the conversation elsewhere, something you could actually work with before you made yourself an excuse to skip class every Tuesday and Thursday morning. She didn't seem very impressed. Maybe you were laying it on too lightly? "Now, too. You look like, really good."
"Really?" She said, a glimmer of something in her eyes seeming to catch on to what you were so pathetically trying to make happen.""S just my usual."
"Your usual is really hot," you said, still fiddling with your hands as you gave her a hopeful smile, trying to really put it on thick.
Her eyebrows raised again, and she set her drink down in the table next to her. Her jaw was sharper than a butcher's knife, and you were trying not to salivate like a freaking dog at her exposed neck when she turned back, grinning.
Yeah, Ellie got your lame ass pick up.
"Yeah, you think so?" she asked, taking a small step forward, like she was testing the waters, unsure if you would match her energy or run away like the scared little fawn you looked like right now. Ellie's smile seemed to only grown bigger, a bit darker even, as she watched you suck in a small breath, your antsy hands dropping to your side.
"Cause, I've always thought you were really hot," she said, much more quietly. Her voice was like velvet, its richness mixing with the adrenaline coursing through your veins like it had been replaced with a warm chocolate, and you melted under her words.
"Yeah?" You asked, sighing almost dreamily below her.
"Yeah," Ellie murmured. "Didn't want to make you uncomfortable, though. Seems like I make you nervous."
She added a small laugh to the end of her sentence, like it was supposed to be a joke. And god, you knew you were a bit ditzy, but you weren't that stupid, so both of you knew how painfully obvious your reactions were.
"Little bit," you whispered, though you didn't mean to. Her strong arm crowding you in, the scent of her cologne (What was that? Cedarwood maybe? Some lavender?) and the way she was almost pushing you back into the wall all seemed to pull the words out of you like a puppet on strings.
"I make you nervous, sweetheart?" Ellie asked, her eyes lighting up at your admission, fueling her ego. She took in a heavy breath, licking over her teeth as she bore fucking holes into your face.
When you couldn't speak again, she shook her head, reaching back for her drink. She took a sip, watching you expectantly, tauntingly, like she thought you'd collapse under the silence any minute. Then, when it really seemed like you might, she leaned in until you backed yourself up fully against the wall, your bare thighs hitting the coldness with a small squeal.
"Here," she mumbled, holding her solo cup to your lips. Her other hand pushed a bit of hair behind your face, caressing your jaw as she tilted the cup for you, letting you stare up at her like she hung the fucking stars in the sky.
"This'll help your nerves."
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silhouetteonpaper · 25 days
Public Figure
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Summary: The world wants to know all about you as the newest addition to the Avengers. But what happens when a normal interview session digs up something you’ve never told a soul… not even Natasha? Natasha Romanoff x Reader WC: 1,616 Warnings: Mentions of killing
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“A new addition to the Avengers leaves the city on the edge of their seats as we all wait to hear more about this young recruit. A public Q&A with the new Avenger in question is set to take place this week. Stay tuned for more coverage on all things current…”
You turn the volume of the TV down, your commitment to attending this public event starting to fill you with regret. It’s been a week of officially being a part of the team, and to say the city is going crazy would be an understatement.
“How’re you feeling?” Natasha sits down beside you on the couch, eyeing the TV as the newscaster spews more words about you and the rest of the team.
You shrug, rubbing your forehead to try and push away the increasing stress. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous.”
“It’s okay to be nervous.” She consoles you, but you’re aware she doesn’t know the real reason why you’re so anxious about the whole ordeal.
“What if the world isn’t ready for… someone like me?” You ask, partially rhetorically—but something in you hopes Nat has a real answer. The city has created turmoil over certain Avengers in the past, and the last thing you want is to cause commotion. All you’re trying to do is save the world, which you’d think would make everyone like you. Unfortunately, it’s never that simple.
Natasha takes a deep breath, seeming to search her brain for the right words. “Look, it’s up to you how you present yourself, but you can’t control how everyone else sees you. I know for a fact you’ve done so much good here, and that’s all I care about.” Nat offers you a smile.
You wish you could return it, but something inside you churns with guilt. “What about my past? All those records… someone’s likely to dig them up. It’ll make me look like the monster I used to be—or maybe still am…” You become lost in your own thoughts, the idea of someone digging up your past haunting your present.
A part of you has never let go of the person you used to be, in the off chance someone betrays your trust or sets you up for failure. You’re physically a different person now, making great waves with the Avengers, doing good all around the world—but that doesn’t mean you’ve forgotten about the person you left behind before moving into the compound.
“If they go low enough to do that to you, we can deal with it,” Natasha’s continued support pulls you out of your thoughts. “You know I understand that better than anyone. Do I look worried?” She raises her eyebrows.
You finally smile, shaking your head. “No, but that’s not fair because you never look worried.”
“Because there’s nothing to be worried about.”
The day of the event finally arrives, and you’re already on the verge of a breakdown. Natasha has prepped everything ahead of time so you wouldn’t have to use extra energy, starting with the freshly ironed outfit hanging in your closet.
You feel mostly prepared when it’s time to drive over to the venue, two of your biggest supporters right at your side. Tony and Natasha are even more ready than you are, the pair ready to defend any harmful questions and comments.
As great as it is to have such powerful people at your side, it only does so much to aid the growing nerves inside you. “Breathe. This’ll be over before you know it. We just need to answer some questions, let them get to know you, and then we’ll go celebrate.” Natasha explains with a calm voice.
You only manage to nod as you worry talking will expel all the air in your lungs. As soon as the sleek van arrives outside the tall pillared building, you’re greeted by a storm of paparazzi camera flashes. Nat warned you about this, but nothing could have prepared you for the intense crowd shoving cameras and microphones your way.
Tony attempts to hold off the extra pushy photographers, but he can only do so much swimming upstream. As soon as you make it into the building, there’s no time to take a breath as a crowd of important looking people sit staring directly at you.
Breath. Natasha mouths, offering yet another warm smile. You take a deep breath, heading forward with one foot in front of the other.
A facilitator guides the three of you to a table on a raised stage, the perfect amount of room for three to sit at the microphone-filled surface. You find a spot right in the middle, knowing exactly what’s coming the second you sit down.
“Over here!
“Miss, question!”
A caucus of voices fills the room, soon being silenced as the facilitator calls on one. “Ma’am, please describe to us the superhuman capabilities you bring to the team.”
You swallow thickly while leaning into the bouquet of microphones. “Well, uhm… I can manipulate energy. Turning off lights, powering machines, emitting beams of light… uh, yeah.” You lean back, taking another deep breath.
The sudden eruption of voices makes you jump, the facilitator following the same routine and calling on another person. “Does the team feel that these abilities have the possibility to be dangerous?”
You knew it was coming, a question like this. Natasha sees your frozen state and is quick to comment before you have the chance. “Anyone can be dangerous with the wrong intentions. We wouldn’t have recruited her if we didn’t feel she was a great asset. Not only is she doing well in training, she’s exceeding our original expectations.” You nod at her in thanks, getting one in return.
“What do you have to say about the murder of Jean Ridley?” An interviewer juts in. Your mouth goes dry, any response unable to form. The cacophony of voices fills the room as you go completely quiet. Jean Ridley, the young girl who was just trying to live her life, in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Back when you were on your streak of crime—before the Avengers took you in—you wouldn’t hesitate to demolish anything in your path to succeed. Including the little girl who didn’t even know what she was a part of. In an attempt to terminate a larger target, Jean just happened to be a casualty. An even larger casualty than you realized at the time.
“I implore you to ask our newest recruit questions about her current position, otherwise we’re done here.” Natasha’s voice brings you back from the overflowing guilt spreading across your mind like wildfire. You slide your hands under the table as they begin to shake, attempting to press them against your thighs before anyone has a chance to see the weak criminal that somehow made it onto the team.
Natasha looks at you and nods, her gaze quickly darting to your hands before she places her own on top. The shaking is soothed, but your nerves aren’t. The crowd of voices continues as the flood of worry destroys your mind. Everyone knows your past now, and there’s nothing you can do to hide it.
The rest of the interview session goes as smooth as it could have, the last of the inappropriate questions ending when Tony finally threatened to expose every document the council is holding, his defense being ‘if I can find it, it’s public information.’
The drive home is silent, but that’s not to say you don’t feel the pressure of Natasha’s eyes on you the whole way back. As soon as you arrive at the compound, you make a swift escape to your room. The only thing you want is to hide yourself from the rest of the world, your entire past seeming to chase you back into the dark abyss you came from.
The second your door slams shut, the noise stops. All the voices in your head screaming you’re a monster, you’ll never be a hero, get trapped in the hallway. The silence is peaceful, no shouting interviewers or civilians with snide questions. Just you and the cold surface of the door on your back.
But it’s unfortunately short lived as a soft knock sounds. You move away from the door, already guessing the person standing on the other side. The overwhelming tornado of insecurities topples into your room as the Widow walks in, a concerned expression painted on her face.
You already know what’s coming, a long winded pep-talk about how you’re more than your past. You don’t even bother lifting your head when Natasha bends down beside you.
“Look,” Her sudden firmness takes you by surprise. “What they said was wrong, but you can’t control what others say or do. You can either sit here and weep, or get out there and prove to them they’re wrong.”
Natasha’s words leave you speechless as your gaze slowly finds her. She’s looking directly at you, her green eyes warm yet expression stern. That’s when you realize you don’t have a choice.
Again and again, Natasha has directed you onto the best path. From recruiting you for the Avengers, to training you, to avoiding utter chaos in the face of the public eye—Nat’s proved she knows what she’s talking about.
“I know it’s hard to keep moving forward when the entire world is trying to paint you as something you’re not, but the only thing you can do is show them who you really are.” She affirms, her eyes still stuck on you.
And in this moment, you know she’s right. There’s no reason to sit here in self pity, rehashing the past that won’t ever just disappear no matter how hard you shove it down. The only thing you can do—the only thing left to do—is prove them all wrong. To show them the hero you can truly be.
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luffysinterlude · 2 months
summary: in which zoro convinces you to see yourself from his point of view.
warnings: named fem!reader/oc, reader has suicidal thoughts (not too explicit, yet not very subtle), cursing, zoro may be ooc, angst/comfort
word count: 2K+ // slightly edited
an (1): this fic started when i got drunk and wanted to read angst. i revised it so many times and i’m still somewhat unsatisfied (hence the rushed ending) but i really love this oc i created and hope i get to write about her more :3 been feeling a lil sad bc i turned 21 and i’m still somewhat stuck in my life and uuuugh. just need zoro so bad..anyway…I’ll probably do an oc introduction next :p
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ZORO thinks you’re the prettiest person in existence. He wishes he could give you his eyes so you could see yourself from his point of view. He watches you as you sit next to Robin: a blanket wrapped around your body, your head leaning on her shoulder as you listen to the conversation she’s having with Franky.
Tonight, something’s different. You don’t have the usual gleam in your eye nor does your laugh echo throughout the Sunny. Instead, your eyes are red and swollen, and you’re quieter than usual — only speaking when you’re spoken to. Your eyes meet Zoro’s for a split second, and understanding flashes in his gaze as he realizes why you’ve been so distant.
You ignore the swordsman’s curious eye, trying to be more interested in the conversation Robin and Franky are having; something about poneglyphs, but you wouldn’t be too sure because your thoughts are louder than their voices, making it hard to focus.
Tonight, everything hits you at once: your past, the present, and the what-ifs. The future remains a distant concept, with its many possible outcomes holding you back.
You think these thoughts that cloud your brain are nothing but selfish. A burning desire of yours is to quietly slip away and let your soul be free from this body and place.
You love the Straw Hats, your captain, and your crewmates. You love the sea and exploring new islands. With every stop, you hope to learn something new to distract yourself from the small part of you that wishes you weren't alive.
But every now and then, it hits you. And you feel like you’re nothing but a waste of space.
Before you realize it, Zoro’s standing next to you, offering his hand. You know the blend of sympathy, disappointment, and sadness on his face. With a deep breath and a small smile to the rest of the crew, you accept it, allowing him to pull your body up and lead you down the corridor.
Roronoa Zoro, pirate hunter turned pirate, was someone you held close to your heart. He was your closest friend, your anchor in times of darkness, and your lover.
He took care of you, even in your absence; he told you that you look out for everyone else that you tend to forget to take care of yourself.
When the crew split up and you had decided to go to Whole Cake Island, Zoro made sure Franky had sent you off with two transponder snails so he could check in on you. He’s still unsure of what happened on the island of sweets, but after your reunion with the rest of the crew he’s noticed the light in your eye had become darker.
He leads you to his room, opening the door for you and placing his swords by the entrance. You take a seat on his bed, a change from your usual behavior of lying down. Your thoughts crowd your mind again as the atmosphere around you grows quieter.
You’re not doing enough. Luffy doesn’t need you, nor do the others; you believe you’re just extra weight they carry because you’re his sister.
“Wanna tell me what’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” You feel the mattress dip as Zoro occupies the space next to you, his body radiating warmth your way. He’s laying down, arms rested behind his head, eyes closed. You stare at the man next to you, taking in his form; despite the number of times he’s smiled in the face of death, scars and stitches scattering his body, you still think he’s the most handsome man on this earth.
“Just been…thinking,” you start. “About everything that’s happened up until now.”
Zoro hums to let you know that he’s listening, a cue for you to continue.
“Nobody on the crew knows this, not even Luffy, but I was there at Marineford.”
This makes Zoro’s eye shoot open, a look of surprise painting his face. As bad as it sounds, he isn’t too interested in learning about where the crew spent the last two years, he’s just glad they all made it back together alive. He knows that you spent time mastering your Haki with your childhood teacher, but that’s all you’ve let the crew know about.
“Grandpa snuck me in disguised as a marine — I promised I wouldn’t tell anyone if I was able to leave quietly. I wanted to see Ace one last time, and he granted me that because he owed me one for keeping an eye on Luffy when we were younger.
I was able to visit his holding cell, and the sight of him…it felt as if I was being punished. Ace was the one person who understood me and how I tend to feel, the one person I shared so much in common with. He was able to find bits and pieces of himself again thanks to the light that shines through Luffy, and when he left us I promised that I’d try and keep him safe despite the distance between us, and hopefully find myself through our crybaby brother as well.”
You’re smiling fondly at the distant memories of you and your brothers, ones that you wished were photographed so you could have physical proof of those events taking place; so even when you’re old and senile you’ll be able to remember them happening.
“Tell me more,” Zoro says. He eyes the spot next to him, and you position yourself to lay there. He allows you to remove his left arm from behind his head to use as a pillow. “Were you safe, at least?”
Of course not. You were infiltrating the World Government, and if you made a tiny mistake, you would’ve been right next to Ace on the execution platform.
“I was — you know I wouldn’t do anything impulsively, unlike some people.” You giggle, remembering the moment Luffy fell from the sky, in the middle of the battlefield. “I ended up being able to sneak away because of him. I found Trafalgar’s submarine and hopped on board and waited…and I can’t help but think that was my biggest mistake, leaving Luffy alone. It’s a heavy guilt that I’ve been carrying.”
Zoro ponders for a moment; it isn’t your weight to carry, he wants to say. Luffy went to Marineford on his own accord, and not every ending is a happy one. He’s also curious about how you were able to find the surgeon and his crew, but that’s something he’ll ask about another time.
“And when I felt Shanks’ presence nearby, I asked Law to take me to his ship — which he declined, of course — so I got off and swam there instead. The waters were surprisingly calm, so don’t panic, I’m sure Jinbe wouldn’t have let me get eaten up,” you confess to him, reassuring him that you were safe every step of the way.
You stare at the left side of his face, your arms wrapped around his body as if he was a teddy bear. The blanket you had previously wrapped around your body now covered parts of his, his arm cuddling you close as if you’d ever slip away.
“How’d it go with the redhead?” Zoro asks. His eyes are still closed but you know he’s interested in knowing; asking questions is somewhat his way of begging to know more. He isn’t as stoic as he thinks he is, at least not towards you.
“It was good seeing Shanks again. He was heading to Marineford to end the war, and allowed me to stay and hide with him until Luffy made the decision to reunite in two years. He’s actually the one who took me to my childhood teacher; it took about three weeks after burying Ace and Whitebeard to get there.”
Zoro’s curious about how you handled Ace’s burial, but again, that’s something he’ll ask about another time.
“They asked about us. It was different being the one to share experiences about life on the sea; but it was refreshing and fun…I told them all about the crazy stuff we went through, and they let me know about the reputation we’ve built for ourselves. It’s actually kind of cool how many people know of us, but also scary at the same time. It really opened my eyes though; it was probably the first time in a long time that I…” you trail off, repositioning your head to be more comfortable, the hand that lay on Zoro’s chest now tracing lines as you daze off. Sensing that he’s lost you, he opens his eye and nudges you lightly.
“I felt like I had a life purpose again. Gaining the knowledge that a lot of people had their eyes set on us as a team, it made me realize the responsibility I hold. The promises I made to both Ace and Sabo, the ones I made to you and the rest of us, and the promise I made to myself as a child — my ultimate dream: to live a long, fulfilled life.”
“Even though I felt great and motivated after that and even now, the thoughts still linger around. The what-ifs: what if I stayed and attempted to save Ace alongside Luffy? What if I got caught by the Marines? What if the five of you never found me in Loguetown?
It’s a never-ending battle, and I’m getting more tired of myself with every passing day. It’s the reason why even now I exhaust myself mentally and physically, just to escape my thoughts. I guess there must be something happening with the planets for me to experience these feelings right now,” your tone is light, almost playful, yet your words place a heavy weight on him.
You let out a sharp sigh, suddenly turning on your back and staring at the wooden ceiling. You release your Haki to see what the rest of the crew is up to, noticing that some of them have already gone to bed. The only other people awake at the moment are Luffy, Sanji, and Jinbe — sharing a late night snack and a hushed conversation.
“You’re stronger and more resilient than you think,” Zoro states. “As a matter of fact, you’re probably the strongest person I know, both physically and mentally.
You’ve faced nothing but obstacles your entire life, and it makes me wish I had known you when we were younger. You and Kuina would’ve been great friends.” The mention of your lover’s childhood friend makes you smile. He’s only ever confided in you about his upbringing, and you pray to the heavens, hoping that Kuina herself hears you ask for his protection. “I admire you so much.”
And it’s true: Zoro envies how strong you are. He wishes he had unlocked Haki at a young age. He wishes he was as smart as you. There are so many things Zoro admires about you, and he wishes he knew the words to voice it.
“I’m not great with words.” You giggle at his self-awareness but let the laughter die down as he rolls his eye playfully. “But you deserve to be here — alive — regardless of where you came from, what powers and knowledge you possess, and what happened when you were a child. I’ve watched you grow into the person you are today, and it’s been a privilege.
Sometimes, it feels as if I was a saint in my past life to experience this: the open ocean, the different people and places, and you. However you see yourself isn’t how anyone else views you. Chopper looks up to you as a guardian — and despite the small age difference, I’m sure our knucklehead captain does too. Nami, Robin, Usopp, and Franky see you as their sister. I’m sure I heard Jinbe speaking of you like a daughter, and as for the annoying waiter we call a cook, he practically worships the ground you walk on. The skeleton praised you constantly, so I’m not sure how you don’t see the admiration everyone has for you.
You’ve become one of my biggest inspirations. I’ll probably never be in the mood to admit this again, so make sure you’re listening.” He suddenly sits up and rests against the headboard, your movements copying his as he interlocks your hands with his.
He meets your gaze, and you feel like you fall in love with him all over again. He’s looking at you with pure adoration, as if he’s trying to engrave your face into his memory.
Even with tear stains running down your cheeks and puffy eyes, you’re still the prettiest person to exist. Everything about you is perfect, and a demon like me doesn’t even deserve to be in your presence, Zoro thinks.
“The time we spent apart, I took some time to think about our adventures as a crew. I’m not sure if I subconsciously did it because it was a strange feeling being away from you all, or if it was because Perona kept asking too many questions.
After explaining how the ten of us all became a crew, she pointed out that I mentioned you a lot. I didn’t think so at the time, but I guess it’s just something that feels natural to me. What I’m trying to say is…
“I love you. You know this already, but I know sometimes it feels nice to have a verbal reminder. I’m in love with you, and I know I’ll always be. And I’ll help you fight your battles, even when you ask me to give you space. I’ll do anything you want me to, just promise me you’ll let me be there for you. You — in such a short amount of time — have become my greatest weakness.
It hurts when you push yourself away from everyone else, especially me. I know you don’t want to feel like a burden, but you’ll never be one; to me, or the others. Especially to Luffy. Whether you decide to tell him you were there to see Ace, is up to you. I’m positive he won’t react the way you think he would. You’ve always taken on way more than what we ask of you, and applying more pressure to yourself isn’t going to make us look at you any differently. You’re appreciated for all that you do, and will always be.
The only thing I’m asking of you is to take the time and make sure you’re taking care of yourself. Physical battles already take a toll on all of us, and we can always help each other out, but the mental ones we face can only be taken on by ourselves. Even I find it hard to deal with it. But then I’m grounded by remembering the fact that I was put here on this Earth for a reason — everyone was.”
Your jaw is hung open at Zoro’s words; yes, he saves sweet talk for you and you only, but this was an entirely different and unexpected side of him.
You want to cry. You want to kiss him. You want to take all of his pain away and give it to the officials in the World Government. You want to cradle his face in your chest and kiss his cheeks and tell him sweet nothings; yet as you process his words, you sit there in silence.
I’m grounded by remembering the fact that I was put here on this Earth for a reason — everyone was.
Similar to the last words spoken to you by your beloved brother Ace, you feel tears slip out of your eyes and suddenly you’re trapping Zoro in your arms.
“Thank you, Zo.”
The whisper reaches him, and he relaxes comfortably in your embrace. He buries his head in the crook of your shoulder, his arms wrapped around your torso. Even though it took a lot of guts to be that vulnerable, his chest feels lighter. With a soft kiss pressed to the top of his head, you return the words back to him.
“I love you so much. Thank you for always being there for me. You’re truly one of my anchors in this life.”
You wake up the next morning alone in bed. It’s nothing out of the ordinary, except this time a note sits on Zoro’s nightstand.
Woke up to Nami banging on the door. Kind of surprised it didn’t wake you up either. Anyway, we’re docked now and Luffy dragged me out with him to explore. The stupid cook and Robin are still here on the ship, so I asked them to ring me when you wake up. If you decide to leave the ship, come find me. If not, then rest and I’ll come back to you later. Love you, Zoro.
You smile at the sloppy handwriting, your mind quickly flashing to last night’s conversation between the two of you. You sit and think about it and come to the conclusion that you no longer doubt yourself. You feel as light as a feather, hopping out of bed and changing into a new outfit for the day. You’re assuming your lover had taken it upon himself to change you, not remembering when you had put your sleeping clothes on.
You waltz into the kitchen, greeted with heart eyes and the smell of coffee.
“Good morning to you, Athena. We’ve been waiting for you to wake up, Sanji’s desperately wanting to go pick some things up. Are you feeling better now? Zoro said you were feeling under the weather this morning.” Robin’s gentle voice distracts you from worrying about the amount of blood spilling from Sanji’s nose, a soft smile on her face as you greet her back.
“Good morning! I feel much better now, like I can do anything.” You smile. Sanji’s serving you a plate of breakfast as you sit across from the archaeologist. You start to eat, trying to peek at the newspaper she’s holding in her hand. The headline makes you choke on your food.
Your voice is loud enough that Sanji and Robin are sure the entire island could hear it. Before Sanji’s able to fill you in on what was discussed after you and Zoro went to bed, your shrieks were heard throughout the Sunny.
“Well, you and Zoro missed a lot last night. We’re happy to know that you’re feeling better now though!” Robin says, a closed-eye smile sent your way.
You’re in a state of shock: reading the article that was released less than twenty four hours ago, and you hear Sanji’s tongue click.
“Maybe we should take Athena-swan to Chopper for medicine,” Eyes wide and jaw hung, you nod your head. “And probably look for the embarrassment you call your boyfriend.”
With that, you shove Sanji away from you, standing up quickly and taking hold of Robin’s hand. You grab your bag and walk off the ship with the two of them next to you, feeling thousands times better than last night.
Zoro, you say in your mind. Please don’t be lost. Eh — it’s been hours since they left. He’s definitely lost.
With a new sense of confidence and optimism, you hold your head high and continue your journey in making this a life worth living.
an (2): ahhhh yes!! athena (reader) is luffy’s sister…i have her while character outline already written. i kinda hate the ending but i also didn’t want to stay stuck on this lil story for too long…but i do want to write more abt our lovely athena and the life she’s willing to live <3
please do leave feedback! it helps me improve :) especially since i’m still learning & getting back into it!!
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ihavethedreamies · 5 months
First Kisses | NCT Dream
NCT Dream - All Members
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Rating: E for Everyone
Word Count: About 300 for each, so about 2k total
Pairing: NCT Dream x GN!Reader (Separate)
Genre: Reader-Insert, Drabble, Fluff
Summary: Your first kiss with each member of NCT Dream!
Author's Note: I have never wrote drabble-length things before, so I am proud of myself I kept these so short.
I tried to keep these gender-neutral, so let me know if I didn't, but it might still be slightly implied in these the reader is AFAB, I don't think so though…
PS. Mark's and Haechan's are different from the ones for 127…
-> NCT 127 <-
-> WayV <-
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
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"You like someone?!" Mark's voice was way too loud, so you shushed him harshly, pressing on his shoulder to get him to sit back down. Luckily, the fast-food joint had very few people in it, but it just made his shout all the more obvious. "Shush!" You sighed, resting your forehead in your hand. "Yes." "Who?" He didn't sound curious, but it was hard to pinpoint his tone. "Why do you care?" It was him, but you couldn't just announce it right then. He had ruined the mood, plus it was not the place for a confession. "Is it Jeno?" "No." "Jaemin?" "No." "Donghyuck?!" He sounded mad and you looked around, shushing him again. "No! It's not any of our friends." You hoped that your vague answer was enough. "Who is it? What if he doesn't deserve you!?" "It's you, dumbass!" You had hoped to be sweeter about the confession, but your voice was laced with irritation. His upset facial expression fell, red slowly deepening on his face and the tips of his ears. Rubbing your temple, you nodded apologetically to the older couple nearest your table. "It's me?" "Yes." You brushed it off, continuing a normal conversation, changing the subject. He was only kind of listening; you could see his brain going into overdrive. He finally mentioned it again as you left the place. You were walking down the street, past an empty playground. His hand grabbed yours, spinning you to him. Mark's lips pressed to yours, soft at first, then he deepened it with a groan. When he pulled back, he smirked then as the tables had turned, your face red. "I like you too."
He shoved past people, nearly knocking someone over as he fought through the crowd. He wished he wasn't so damn short, weaving through people looking for you. The crowd had formed around the bus, the big vehicle lying on its side, windows cracked and broken. The utility truck that had smashed into it had then hit a pole, smoke rising out of the front. That was the bus you were normally on; he knew it because he had been waiting for you to get off. The bus was so close to the stop down the road that he saw the accident, then ran to the scene. "Watch it!" Someone snapped as he shoved again, still looking for you. "Renjun?" His heart leaped when he heard you, turning around quickly to see you standing on the edge of the crowd. Your phone was in your hand, and you were taking one of your ear buds out. "(Y/N)!" He surged forward, shoving one more person so hard they stumbled, and before you could ask anything else, his arms were around you. You let out a soft, 'oof' your ear bud falling from your hand onto the pavement, luckily you held your phone firm. Renjun was breathing harshly, his cheek pressed to the side of your head, and you felt a tear that fell from his eye. "What happened?" You asked, looking at the bus crash. You were going to get on it like usual, but the bus was full, so you decided to walk instead. Renjun pulled back, his hands cupping your cheeks, turning your head to look over you. "Are you okay?" He was still breathing hard. "Yes? I walked…" You glanced back at the accident, but his hands still on your face, kept you from looking too well. Renjun sighed hard, and turned you back to look at him, capturing your next words with his lips. You squeaked in surprise, then melted into the kiss. It was desperate, not soft, and quick like you thought your first would be. When he finally pulled away, he pulled you back into a hug. Your mind reeled from the whirlwind of events, but you hugged him back, standing in his embrace so he could revel in the fact you weren't hurt.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Jeno had noticed your stare. You blinked to snap yourself out of it, eyes flitting away from his lips to meet his eyes. "What do you mean?" You hummed coyly, taking a sip of your drink. He scoffed playfully. "You've been ogling me more than usual today." He smirked and you glared insincerely. "I have no idea what you are going on about." You brushed it off and you two continued your meal. Dates between you two were not all that much different than when you two would hang out as friends, but there was a lot more flirting going on, of course. Casually drinking your iced coffee, you looked out the window, pretending to people watch. You were able to see his reflection in the glass. Jeno huffed amused, but let it go. As you were walking down the street, not heading anywhere in particular, his fingers linked around yours and you tried to keep your face neutral at the little act. When you two were walking past a park, he halted, his hand in yours pulling you to stop as well. Turning to look at him in question, he watched carefully as your eyes flitted over his face, lingering on his lips before going to his own. "You really want to kiss me that bad?" He smirked and your face turned red so fast he thought steam would come off of it. Were you that obvious? "W-what do you…" You swallowed and he stepped forward, so he was much closer. Glancing around, there was no one in sight, so he leaned in, lips pressing to the corner of your mouth. What a tease he was. You grunted, annoyed, and before he could fully laugh, your arms were around his neck. Jeno allowed you to haul him down to your level, lips sealing over his tightly. Since you were in public, he pulled back before the kiss could deepen further, tongue brushing your lower lip still. "Good?" He smirked. "Yes~"
When you walked into the living room, you had not expected your roommate to be home, let alone spread like a starfish in the middle of the room. "Hyuck?" You questioned him and he gave an acknowledging grunt. "What are you doing?" "Contemplating life. Having an existential crisis." His tone was uncharacteristically flat, but it was clear he was being overdramatic. "Why?" You stopped next to him, and his gaze met yours, looking up at you like a kicked puppy. "You're going to the beach without me…" He pouted and you rolled your eyes. "Hyuck, it’s a family trip. Only family and significant others are going, not friends…" "I'm just a friend?!" He sat up quickly as you left his side, going to the kitchen. You wondered if he got a head rush. "You're my roommate, which is friend category." You jumped when you turned around, he was right there. "Freaking- what?!" You furrowed your brow along with him. "Can't I be a significant other?" His question further threw you off and you just gaped. "W-what?" "Take me as your boyfriend!" "But you're not my boyfriend!" "I am now!" He declared, his hand going to the back of your head, yanking you closer, kissing you to prevent any retort. After getting over the initial shock, you melted into the kiss, and followed after when he pulled back. "Yeah?" His stupid smirk made you want to smack him. "Fine…come as my boyfriend."
"Guess what?" His tone made you roll your eyes. He dropped his bag on the couch next to you and sneered up at him. "What?" You grimaced when he flopped down between you and his bag, sitting back confidently, ankle resting on his opposite knee. "I found out that someone likes me." "A lot of people like you, Jaemin. You have a mirror." You huffed, going back to your show, but he took the remote and paused it again. "I know who." "Yeah?" Your heart skipped; nervous he had figured you out. Hopefully, it was someone else, literally anyone else. Jaemin leaned it, his stupid smirk had evolved into the incredibly sexy one he knew just how to use. "It's you, (Y/N)." He chuckled and you tried to keep your face flat, but he saw your skin tinting pink, almost reddening. "W-who told you that?" "You did." "WHAT?!" You wondered what the hell he was talking about. You hadn't been drunk lately… "You read my letter to my mom!?" "I mean… It was just on the table…" "Ass-munch!" You lunged at him, tackling him back on the couch, landing on top of him. You grabbed the collar of his hoodie, hauling him up to glare at him. Instead of playing along with your fake aggression, he tilted his head, licking your lips. You dropped him, he bounced on the cushions, then he grabbed your waist, rolling forward so you were under him. His lips stopped your protest and you immediately melted, letting him kiss you. Jaemin pulled back, still with that stupid smirk. "You dick." You sneered, pulling him back down.
After another extremely dramatic sigh from Chenle next to you, you stopped tying on your laptop, looking at him. "What now?" "I'm bored." He mumbled and you rolled your eyes. "Lele, we are going to be on this plane for another eight and a half hours, figure something out." You went back to typing and he groaned again. Luckily, he was filthy rich and so you both got to fly in the lap of luxury of first class. For the next fifteen minutes, you half-heartedly listen to him complain about this and that, before he stopped talking abruptly. Casting him a side glance to see what might have piqued his interest, he dug into his backpack, pulling a red box out. Pepero sticks. "What?" You had a feeling where he was going with it, your face a bit warm. He said nothing, for once, and tore the box open, pulling the chocolate covered biscuit stick out. He placed one end in his mouth, leaning closer, his implication clear. You huffed, closing your laptop, relenting. Maybe for once you could call his bluff. Sealing your lips around the other end, you both began to chew on it, lips getting closer and closer to each other. He still remained strong, so when there was barely any left between you, you sealed the deal. Your lips hit it, the rest of the candy entering your mouth. Though, when you went to pull back, he grunted, hand flying to the back of your head, bringing you back to him, kissing you harder. When he let you go, he laughed at your red face. You cursed him out under your breath, and he laughed harder.
You were starting to ramble, panicking at his reaction. When you let it slip out of your mouth, you hadn't even registered, you had confessed. The tone was casual, so much so, he almost didn't catch your meaning. You told him that when a classmate had asked you for his contact, you told her no. You added that you two were more than friends to get her off the topic. This, however, was NOT true. When he asked why you did that, your reply was simple, "Cause you're mine-" He halted his stride and that made you stop too. That's when you started spewing out words, face hot, stomach flipping. So focused on finding the right explanation, you didn't notice Jisung move closer. By the time your eyes met, his big hands cradled your jaw and his lips softly met yours. He swallowed your gasp, pressing closer, his nerves quickly fading. Once you were over the initial shock, you kissed back, your own hands gripping the fabric of his sweatshirt over his ribs. Finally pulling away from each other, you both smiled bashfully, but didn't step away. Jisung even still had his hands on your jaw, thumb stroking the soft, flushed skin of your cheek. "If I'm yours, does that mean you're mine too?" His shyness was growing back at his own words. You blinked, then giggled, fingers messing with his hoodie zipper. "I'm yours, Jisung." Your smile grew when he leaned back in, lips ghosting over yours when he replied. "Let's be each other's then."
-> NCT 127 <-
-> WayV <-
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Master-Master List
NCT Master List
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beenbaanbuun · 5 months
Can we please have more interactions between darling and yeosang 😭 they’re so cute wtf I love the whole addams matz universe so muuuuch! Like when they hang out while mommy and daddy are busy or when she’s cuddling him and he’s annoyed but not annoyed lol or even them eating snacks together
you can tell yeosang is fed up by the way he keeps sighing. the ears atop his head twitch every so often, and his tail keeps flicking in agitation. you can’t lie, you actually find it rather amusing, watching him so desperately try to keep his annoyance to a minimum as you play with the hem of his sweater. you wonder how far you can push him before the switch in his brain flips.
“cant you go and bother someone else?” he grumbles after you ‘accidentally’ scrape your nails against the bare skin of his side. it doesn’t tickle him like you hoped it would, but the irritated grumble you get from him is satisfying enough. you’re about to do it again when he slams his own hand down onto yours and shoots you a glare. “i’m serious! find someone else to annoy before you push me too far.”
you scoff as you let yourself relax fully on top of him. such a boring little mutt, you think as you snuggle the side of your face into his fuzzy jumper. at least he’s good to cuddle with, even if it doesn’t help you release all that mischievous energy that’s been building up inside of you since hongjoong and seonghwa left you to your devices first thing this morning. you could’ve really done with a little help from mommy and daddy to release it all, but since they’re both busy…
you groan into yeosang’s stomach, “who else am i supposed to annoy, hm? daddy is out and mommy told me not to disturb him for another—” you spare a glance at the clock, “—3 fucking hours? please, sangie! i’m going to die of boredom if you expect me to just lie here and do nothing…”
“at least i’ll get a little peace and quiet,” he jests, earning a glare from you. the look on your face only makes him grin, sharp canines glinting under the flames of the candlelit chandelier. it’s such a pretty smile for such a rude creature; you almost wish you could wipe it off of his equally pretty face. you hope the harsh slap to his shoulder with your free hand will do the trick.
“you’re mean, yeosang,” you grumble as you pull your other hand free from his grasp. it’s harder than it looks—damned werewolf and his weirdly muscular body—but you’re more determined than yeosang gives you credit for. sure, it hurts a little as you finally tug your fingers loose, but you still give a cheer of celebration, wiggling them in his face to antagonise him. “i’m sure seonghwa won’t appreciate it when i tell him just how mean you’ve been to me.”
the threat is empty and the both of you know that. seonghwa would turn you away if you rushed to him now. it’s hardly like it’s an emergency, and your lover is far too busy to deal with such trivial matters as yeosang teasing you a little. you wouldn’t get much more than a side-eye and a slap on the thigh before being sent on your way. of course you could wait until seonghwa is finished, but by then you’ll have probably forgotten the whole ‘i’m going to tell on you,’ schtick you have going on right now.
“be my guest, little lady,” yeosang smirks, hands lifting up in a gesture of surrender, “go have a chat with your precious mommy and see where that gets you. but don’t come crying to me when you get saddled with a punishment later, yeah?”
honestly, a punishment sounds nice right about now. something to get all this annoying energy out of you. it would tire you out, make you all floppy and docile like yeosang clearly wants you to be. you’re almost tempted to do as he says; to go and bother seonghwa until he gives you that familiar look that means you’re in deep trouble. maybe he’ll take care of you right there on his workbench…
although probably not. the greenhouse is a sacred space for seonghwa, not to be desecrated by any sort of sexual deviancy. sure, you might be slapped with a punishment, but you’d almost certainly be forced to wait for it. those three hours would be painful for both you and yeosang, and you’re not sure the wolf would put up with your anxious fidgeting for too long. he’d probably abandon you in the living room, taking himself up to his room to do whatever the fuck he does in there. you’d be left and anxious mess, waiting for a punishment that would take entirely too long to come.
you give a dejected sigh before relaxing against the werewolf once more. the low chuckle he gives you rumbles deep within his chest and you can’t help but press your ear against his rib cage in the hopes of hearing more of the pretty sound. a hand finds it way to your head, petting and stoking you as if you’re the pet in this situation. if you weren’t enjoying the feeling of his claws scraping against your scalp, you would’ve scoffed at him and moved away. it really does suck that he’s managed to learn all of your soft spots from all the hours spent watching you with seonghwa and hongjoong. he really does know how to make you submit.
“that’s it, pup,” he chuffs, “just relax for now. you can get all that energy fucked out of you later, hm?”
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devnmon · 7 months
dating sadie adler, kisser of women hcs ♡
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obviously i had to do this for my bbg sadie. she deserves MORE appreciation and if nobody will write for her I WILL!!!! i gladly will. i love her, so enjoy these! luv u all!
[also just pretend this is historically accurate bye!]
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Sadie is a very intelligent woman... she knows how to hunt, how to use a gun, who knows what else is in that brain of hers. She must have so many hidden talents and skills, and you intend to find out what.
Though her addition to the group was somewhat abrupt, you and Abigail do your best to make her feel welcome. You aren't sure if Sadie feels the comfort that you hope your words provide to her at first. Once the group moves to Clemens Point, you find she's coming out of her shell little by little. You see it in her pristine new outfit when she returns from a run with Arthur, and the way she holds herself is much different than before.
This new version of Sadie Adler was fiery, confident and stickin' it to the man– you quickly found out not to get on her bad side. Though you think you'd let her do anything to you if it were the right situation.
The minute Sadie realizes what she's feeling for you is more than platonic... it takes her back a step. She never thought she'd find someone other than Jake to want in that way– but here you are. You're always at her side, perfect to her, and she will protect you like her life depends on it. When she silently swallows her feelings and pretends she doesn't care, you notice.
You all but have to drag her out of camp in the middle of the night to get a minute alone with her; otherwise there's prying eyes and others whose attention you really didn't wish to grab.
Once the two of you are alone you'll go off on how she's been avoiding you at every turn, rambling on and on like you'd done something wrong. "What happened to you?" you'd ask. She sighs and goes "You happened to me."
"I've been a fool. Do you hate me? What have I done?" statements flow from her when she notices you're silent, staring while she stutters over confessing her feelings. It's at that point you shut her up by kissing her and you can almost hear the sparks flying from the two of you. There's a big ass smile on her face afterwards and she kisses you in between her smiles. Sadie Adler is a smitten fool for you.
She's observant, patient and good with her hands. That is: she teaches you how to shoot a rifle, since you're more comfortable to ask her. She gladly shows you, and when you think you've got it, her arms surround you from behind to adjust your aim– and you're blushing. After she takes her hands away, you're flustered by the loss and silently begging for her to put them back.
Will match outfits with you nonchalantly as a statement to your relationship with her. Like say you're wearing an outfit with blue or white, she'll wear a blue scarf and her white shirt to match you. She'll even give you a piece of her jewelry to wear in that instance, or get you a piece of your own to match hers. Sadie's sentimental & cute like that!!!
Sadie will also leave you notes secretly, to which you fawn over every time. She also definitely gushes over the ones you leave her, when you compare her to the sweet flowers you pick for her. [Arthur noticed how hard she was blushing one time and got curious, she's had to read your notes in private ever since!]
Definitely gets veryyy touchy and affectionate when she's had a few drinks. She's slurring out "Heyyy pretty girlll I know where you can find a nice place to stay for the night..." in your ear and you have to excuse yourselves in *attempt* to get her to sleep.
Sadie is definitely the type to say "i owe you a hundred kisses" if you had a bet with her about something. Usually it was silly, harmless contests that either of you could compete against each other in playfully.
Sadie also introduced you to pranks, which she loves to pull on the other guys. One time the two of you messed with Arthur, sending him silly letters from someone named "Hugh Janus". The two of you tried to hold in your laughs when he got frustrated and yelled out "WHO THE HELL IS HUGH JANUS??" in camp unprompted.
Sadie is a huge cuddler at night, intertwining her whole body with yours to keep warm, especially when it gets chilly at night. There's not a smidge of space to have for yourself, it's shared with her always. Other examples of this are her linking her pinkie finger with yours when you're standing around the group. She loves physical touch so much that she'll do anything to have her skin on yours no matter what; if it's riding on the back of the same horse, or pouring her a drink, she's making some sort of contact. It's her way to say "I'm here & I love you". She's such a sweetheart to you.
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Yeah Sadie is a top this Sadie is a top that... may I suggest... she's a switch. On rare occasions, Sadie Loves being on her knees for you. She's a real freak like that. She'll beg and beg and beg until you cave and give her what she wants: you.
“Please, stop teasin’ me, just give me what I want. You know I’ll return the favor, sweet girl.” Her raspy voice, her gentle commands, her pretty thighs spread for you..
But when she's in control? Oh it's absoluuutely over for you. She'll praise you constantly cause she knows it's what you want to hear. “Doin’ so good for me, pretty girl. C’mon, let me hear you, use your words. I know you can.. Such a good girl.”
Her soft little whimpers & pleas as she climbs higher & higher. she’s so desperate for release & your touch, she’s basically sobbing for it. her eyes never leave you once she hears the same needy whine come from your side of the room, wanting to watch you come undone from the sight of her spread out for you.
You can't tell me she doesn't get off on you pulling her hair when it's in a messy braid. You love to run your fingers through it and grip, but it's too hot out for that. Plus she thinks it's easier for her braid to be pulled, and fucking loves it.
Her skilled hands could make you a whimpering mess, easily. She knows her way around, and boy if she isn't good at what she does.
"There you go, you got it, takin me so well..." in that accent of hers.. You'll fold every time. “Oh, look at you, pretty girl. Fallin’ apart for me so easily. D'ya know how whipped you got me?" Yeah, she's a lady who knows how to drive you crazy.
Then again... she's a goddamn tease. Especially if you've been bratty? Oh it's over for you. She feels your body up and down, making you work for any other sensual touches by begging. It's music to her ears. She lovesss to make you work for it.
She'll take her time for however long edging you with her fingers, then her tongue, and once you've had about two orgasms from just that, she sticks her strap inside you and gets another.
For aftercare, she'll ask you if you're feeling alright and lay with you after she cleans you up. Usually the both of you fall asleep afterwards, or take a bath or a shower before you do. Her brown eyes shine in the light while she tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and kisses your cheeks while you lie together.
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willowser · 1 year
i have been in the anti-gojo coalition server for one (1) hour and this is what it has done to me. nerd gojo. EDIT TO SAY: OH MY GOD PHYSICS PROF GOJO !!
the physics professor grades papers in the campus library. way too late.
you're only there until nine, but gojo satoru always comes strolling through the doors sometime after seven with his book bag and sleek laptop, looking entirely too excited to care about quantum field theory. you suppose he always looks like that, though, especially in his classroom, in front of a whiteboard while droning on and on about infinities.
almost immediately after he sits down, he covers the entire surface of the table closest to the front (closest to you) with his belongings; blue and red sharpies, coffee from the shop around the corner, stacks upon stacks of paper. he even hums to himself — in a library — like he's just having the darndest time taking up all of yours.
it would be a lie to say it isn't amusing, though, even on nights like tonight. outside it's storming, albeit quietly, and the day has taken all it could from you; watching him with sleepy eyes as he mutters to himself is — cute, no matter how late it's getting.
"i have a question, professor,"
you're the only two left in the library at such an hour, but he still looks up with raised eyebrows, as if you could be talking to someone else. his grin spreads across his face slowly once he realizes, like a balm.
"and i have an answer."
you snort, tired and amused, when he wiggles his eyebrows. "is it possible for hours to sneak into the day? because it really feels like it's been more than eight today."
"hmm," he makes a show of thinking, tapping his pen against his pursed lips as if he really has to. you know he's full of it, though, because he's only twenty-eight and has more accolades than some of the oldest instructors. "each hour of the day corresponds to a specific duration based on earth's rotation and its orbital motion around the sun." he shrugs, smile dropping the more serious he gets, and — you kind of wish you wouldn't have asked, because you're too tired for this. "time dilation is a thing, but that's more...changes in the perception of time because of differences in realtive—"
gojo suddenly stops, and you can see the quick cut of his eyes over his glasses as he looks at you. when you raise a single eyebrow at him, he sticks out his tongue and blows a long raspberry, before turning to hunch back over his laptop.
"uh," he lets out a quick laugh and taps his pen against his forehead, a little aggressively. "short answer, no!"
and — you're sleepy. tired. the mascara you'd put on today is almost all dried out and flaking off underneath your eyes, you can hear the comfort of some sweatpants and your bed calling your name, but — gojo fiddles with the hair at the nape of his neck, angling his head away from you. embarrassed, maybe.
despite the heaviness to your eyes and the 9: 02 PM that shines in the corner of your computer screen, you ask,
"well, what's the long answer?"
his head snaps up to you again, but he doesn't respond, only watches with parted lips; the smartest man you've ever met needing a hint.
you glance towards the windows, the dark storm beyond them, before sending him a smile that spreads to his own face. "i think we might be here a while with the rain, if you wanna tell me."
he shakes his head at you and lightly clicks his tongue against his teeth, almost like he's disappointed, before reaching into his bag to pull out an umbrella. "should have checked the radar! though i'm happy to share, if you'd like." and despite how much of a dork you think he is, the little wink he sends you over his glasses has your tummy flipping.
but he's still — not getting it.
"satoru," you say, quietly, shaking your head when his playful expression drops and his cheeks turn a little rosy under the fluorescence. "sit here with me and tell me all about time, would you?"
you can see the gears turning in his big, fat brain, and another laugh slips out of him, light and yet full of nerves. after a moment, he runs a hand over his face, takes his glasses off to rub at his eyes, like he's tired, too.
but then he's blinking at you, excited, and you wonder if his eyes have always been so bright.
"well, time is a fundamental dimension in the universe..."
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anjaelle · 11 months
My fave headcanon that I suddenly decided was probable is that Tangerine has a needy sub streak:
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♡ Because of his job (and how much he needs to stay on top of shit) sometimes he likes handing the control over to someone else for once.
♡ He REALLY likes being taken care of and comforted. He likes when you comb his hair or when you help him shave or when you give him mini facials when he’s stressed out. He likes when you wrap your arms around him from behind when he’s cooking or on the phone.
♡ He whines a lot when he’s attention starved and likes curling up with you. He likes being the little spoon in these scenarios.
♡ He likes being called pretty, beautiful, cute, and sweet. Specifically if you say he has pretty hair or a pretty smile.
♡ He gets jealous when you give other people similar compliments. He gets handsy and a little possessive. On more than one occasion he’s caressed your thigh under the table when you talked about how sweet a guy at your job was to you, or rolled his eyes and pouted when you pushed his buttons about a cute waiter.
♡ If he even suspects that you might be upset about something, he might try and coax it out of you with humor, then subtle pleading if he thinks it’s about him. Because he absolutely cannot handle the thought of you being mad at him even though it’s a rarity.
♡ His love language is Acts of Service. So even though he knows he doesn’t HAVE to do these things (picking things up that you’ve forgotten on the way home, paying for your transportation when you go out without him, placing things around the house so you remember them when you go), he likes when you praise him for being helpful.
♡ He fucking loves when you use his work ties to tie his wrists together when you ride him. He likes the feeling of having his movements restricted, and proving to you that he can listen to your instructions exactly as you say them.
♡ The mask slips a bit the first few times he tries to pull his hands out of the knots while you ride him, and when you stop and climb off, he begs for you to come back.
♡ “Wait, wait, babe! Hold on…” While you tighten the knots even harder around his wrists. And when you cross the room—just out of reach—to get yourself off without his help, his pleas turn into a low growl.
♡ “You get the fuck back here.” And it makes you excited, but you keep your upper hand, maintaining eye contact while your fingers dip between your lips to taste yourself. And his gaze softens. And he groans in disappointment. “Baby please? Please!”
♡ The first time you wrap your hand around the base of his throat and squeeze, he practically breaks the headboard he’s tied to in half. As he presses on begging you to use him and take what you need from him, he feels his brain short circuit when you tell him he looks so beautiful.
♡ “Good boy, baby.” “You’re doing so well, honey.” “There’s my sweet boy.” “I love how good you make me feel.”
♡ “I wish you could see how beautiful you look with my hand wrapped around your throat, baby.”
♡ And he’s well aware he’s said that line to you at least once, but the way you purr it in his ear feels so much better.
♡ The first time he let out a high, sweet melodic whimper, he was a little embarrassed…even though it made you damn near feverish. You made it your mission to coax it out of him as often as possible, letting him know that you loved the way he sounded when he was close. And that he didn’t need to be embarrassed.
♡ Between the sweet way he whimpers your name and the way he begs to touch you, it’s so hard to maintain the upper hand. And he keeps urging you to take what you need from him, to use him to make yourself feel good.
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magicjesuscup · 5 months
I have feelings towards solo-romanced Halsin's ending/epilogue.
Halsin and Tav celebrate all night, and in the morning Halsin starts throwing out mixed signals. He's leaving to take care of the kids that were orphaned after the netherbrain fight and doesn't give any indication that he wants Tav to go with him, but it also doesn't sound like his feelings for Tav have changed.
I would've been (1) confused by the lack of an option to go with him, (2) hurt because this sounds like a break-up speech (like a "we shouldn't be together anymore, but let's stay friends" type thing), and (3) concerned that something's wrong because he's otherwise been a very good communicator up until this point.
It looks like originally going with him wasn't even an option (which was a weird choice to offer him as a love interest, but not give players a way to stay with him at the end of the game), and when that was patched in, they did it in the meanest way they could. Tav's line is:
Visit as soon as I can? Don't be an ass, Halsin. I'll come with you right now.
Oof. I wouldn't talk to my lover like this, and I don't know that I'd stay with someone who talked to me like that. I also want to note that I think you only get the cute, bragging "I love Halsin" lines to say to the other companions at the party if you call him an ass here first. Thanks, I hate it. I wish it was something more along the lines of:
Why can't I go with you?
Either option could've led to (most) of Halsin's dialog that followed.
But what about all that you'll miss out on? Your name will be feted in this city - there will be parades, medals, feasts, hands to be shaken, babies to be kissed…are you truly sure.
I know in the epilogue he's still surprised Tav chose him, and I'm trying to figure out why, and why he didn't throw out Tav accompanying him as an option. I get that a lot of people he loved/cared about didn't stay in life, but none of them left him voluntarily. His parents, the archdruid before him, and his peers died to either illness or the shadow curse. Thaniel's absence is only temporary if you lift the shadow curse, and the only reason he "left" in the first place was because he was trapped by the curse.
It would've made way more sense to me if he had a little freak out after falling in love with Tav and having the realization that the person he loves could turn into an illithid thrall. They would be gone, and he might have to kill what's left if they tried to eat his or someone else's brain. Also, it would absolutely be horrific to watch Tav go through ceremorphosis. Having a mind flayer parasite isn't the same as being sick, but it is a physical affliction that Halsin can't fix. He's weirdly positive that they'll find a cure, and they never do (at least not in the sense of medication or surgery).
It also would've made sense if he had a bit of a breakdown if Tav asks for one last kiss before the final battle starts ramping up. Things are getting stupid dangerous, and this has historically been when his friends start dying. But, nope he's still super calm here too and optimistic that they'd live (although after their night together, he admits he didn't dare believe they'd actually survive).
I'm not sure if they did the whole, "I'm going to ride off into the sunset, but watch the horizon for you everyday," thing to add some drama, but it feels out of place considering these other options. If Tav was going to "leave" it would've been due to the parasite or not surviving the battle. In the epilogue, those dangers have passed. If anything, it's at this part of the story where he should've felt most secure in their relationship because he's never had someone leave him "just because."
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vykio · 1 month
The game is flash fic Saturday and @merceyca and @billdenbrough and I spun a wheel with these reverse trope prompts. I got dating my enemy's sibling and jane pitched jeremy and neil and I have many thoughts on their potential dynamic HAHA but here's a little AU type thing about it—which I added to LOOL it is now 800 words and some change
“I don’t hate Neil,” Jeremy says, which must be as unconvincing as it sounds if the flat look Cat gives him is any indication. The thing is, he doesn’t, really, because Jeremy thinks hate is an emotion that takes far too much energy, and Neil hasn’t technically done anything to him that would warrant hating him. “I don’t. He and I just…”
“Do whatever the opposite of getting along like a house on fire is?” Cat says casually. She rolls her shoulder back then lifts the sleeveless cup of her dress again with a sigh. It’s been making her uncomfortable all night and it’s the only thing she can do to bear it. She hadn’t chosen to wear the dress tonight but her mother hadn’t given her a choice. Jeremy gives her a sheepish look, wishing he could do something for her, and she waves it off. 
Next to her, Laila shakes her head. She puts one of every buffet option she wants on her own plate, and everything she thinks she’ll like on Cat and Jeremy’s plates, for them to taste first. “More like Jeremy is the house and Nathaniel is the looming forest fire that lights him up,” Laila suggests. Her side-eye is extremely judgemental, which Jeremy thinks is unfair and untrue. Jeremy is always polite first when they’re forced into interaction, and Neil is often aloof or not secretive about the contempt he holds for Jeremy—and Jeremy can’t pinpoint when in the last year Neil became this way.
("Is Neil mad at me?" Jeremy asks Jean once, after an awkward greeting with Neil in their living room. It had  been stilted, but Neil's gaze on him had been intense, as if he'd been waiting for Jeremy to mess up—something. Jeremy wracks his brain to see where he might've misstepped with Neil, but then Jean turns towards him abruptly, bumping chest to chest and knocking him out of his thoughts.
"Hey," Jeremy says, surprised, then "Hey," more suave, with a flirtatious grin. "You don't have to bump into me to get my attention anymore."
Jean rolls his eyes and mumbles, "I've never done that." He exhales, his eyes doing a slow scan of Jeremy's face before he speaks again. "He is not mad at you. He's just weird. I will tell him to be—" Jean waves his hand, searching for words. He settles on, "—less weird."
Jeremy lets out a nervous laugh because he doesn’t know what else to say to that. Though Jean apparently followed through on his promise because now Neil is more careful about being openly wary of Jeremy where Jean can see him.)
“Neil,” Jeremy says to Laila automatically, as Neil has spent much time telling them he prefers the shorter name. 
“And you know what?” Cat spins the spoon in the air once, as if it might draw her thoughts up more clearly. She points at him with the spoon when she lands on what she wants to say. “I don’t even know the full extent of the beef you have with him.”
Before Jeremy can tell her he doesn’t either, there’s commotion at the door that steals their attention. They turn to find a swarm of bodies greeting the Moreau business moguls as they arrive at the charity event with their two children in tow. Jeremy smiles and waves at Jean when he spots him, and Jeremy can see from here how he lights up. Jean is halfway to him when he gets accosted by another guest. That leaves Neil clear in his line of sight. Neil stares so Jeremy stares back, and Jeremy refuses to look away first. Jeremy lifts his hand to wave stiffly at Neil, who rolls his eyes at him, and Jeremy doesn’t hold on to emotions like irritation but they do flare up when someone is being rude. Neil turns away before Jeremy’s fake smile could falter, but he lets it slip when Neil slinks into the crowd.
“We don’t have beef,” Jeremy says lightly, picking up a spoon and gently moving the food around it so it doesn't spill over the edges of his plate. Jeremy considers adding that he’s a vegetarian and he’s not freaking scared of his boyfriend’s brother, but if 3OH!3 makes their way into the conversation, Laila might scream, which would set Cat off screeching with delight, and then they’d have a real scene on their hands and maybe more ammunition for Neil to hate him. “I have a feeling he just hates anyone who talks to Jean.”
“No, it’s just you,” Cat insists, leaning into him. “He has nice, long-winded conversations with me about Animal Crossing and how much he hates this bitch-ass falcon on his island.”
“He talks to me like a normal person,” Laila adds.
Jeremy gasps, “Traitors,” just to be dramatic, and when Cat grins at him wickedly, he grins back.
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echobx · 2 months
Timeloop - JJ Maybank × fem!reader part 2
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summary: y/n meets JJ for the first time and she doesn't know that it will turn her whole life upside down, literally
warnings: none
word count: 1k
author's note: this is so short but I promise I have a vision. pls be patient with me 😭
masterlist part 1
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There's a certain type of person in this world who only thinks of themselves, only wishes the best for their own good, not caring about anyone else, ever. And no matter how much I pride myself to not be this person, my actions have made me into a person like that. Selfish. Egotistical. Narcissistic, maybe.
It starts on a Tuesday, perfect sunshine, warm, bearable 72 °F with a light breeze that is blowing through the trees next to our new house. My room is filled with boxes, most of which contain stuff that I won't even need here. Too warm for that. But I spend my day unpacking, anyway. It's a fresh start, and my parents could have picked a way worse place to live than the Outer Banks.
“Y/n, we're going out for dinner. Come on down!” My mom yells from the foot of the stairs, and I quickly grab my phone and my headphones before running downstairs to meet her. It's just my dad, my mom and my little sister. We left the rest of the family behind, not that I am looking forward to seeing them again at Thanksgiving…
“Can you take the headphones off, honey? We're trying to have dinner,” my dad complains after we sat down and a girl around my age hands us each a menu.
“Hi, I'm Kiara, I'll be your waitress for the night. Welcome to the Wreck,” she says, with a forced smile. “Just call me over when you're ready to order.” And as quickly as she appeared, she's gone again. My eyes follow her inside the establishment, where she starts to talk to a group of boys. One of them turns his head to look at me. Tall, blonde, muscly but not scary looking. And as quickly as his gaze was on me, it's gone again.
After dinner, we make our way out of the restaurant, and while my dad pays, I turn to look back at the boys. They are still just hanging out in a corner, joking around and not paying any mind to the people around them. I like how careless they are, how free.
“Honey?” my mom speaks up and rips me out of my thoughts, pulling me with her towards the door and away from the boys.
The next day, I wake up with a headache. My diary is lying on my face and I have ink stains on my fingers.
A shower helps with the stains and lifts my headache just enough to let me survive breakfast, so I think. But my mother has different ideas.
All morning, she keeps asking me why I was so interested in those boys the night prior, and I really don't have a good answer for her. Maybe because they didn't have parents around them all the time. Maybe the fact that they seemed somewhat mysterious still. Maybe, just maybe, I had, for the first time, actually found someone interesting with a single look, and not because I had to dissect their personality to find the bits that complimented my own.
“I don't know, mom. I don't even know who they are. Can you please let it go,” I huff after she posed another question.
“Fine. Did you finish with your room?” she asks instead, and I sigh in relief.
“Yes. Well… I only need a few poster strips and stuff to decorate, but I'll go buy something later.”
“Sounds lovely,” my dad notes, his eyes solely fixed on his tablet while reading the paper.
“Anything new in the world?” I ask and take another bite of my toast.
“Nothing too important. You can read it yourself if you'd download the app,” he replies.
“Oh no, she can't. Y/n has too many pictures of ugly men on her phone. No storage for news,” my little sister laughs loudly, and I wish to sink down into the core of our planet earth. As if having a five year younger sister isn't already punishment enough. That's also not true. I love my sister, but she also drives me crazy with her 11-year-old brain.
“I'll read it later on my laptop,” I say and my dad just nods.
Getting out of the house feels like finally being able to breathe again. I have learned to take my diary with me everywhere I go, not wanting to have last year's incident repeated where my sister took my diary to school and read it aloud to all of her friends and word had gotten around and soon after every teenager in my area had known my secrets. And not even the funny ones. No, my sister had decided to only share the most embarrassing part of my life. For example the fact that I follow a strict protocol when talking to anyone, even my closest friends at the time. And they all had made fun of me, or mocked me or just called me all kinds of vile things because of it.
But that doesn't matter now because this is a new start. I'll find better friends. Preferably ones who I don't have to pretend for. Ones that don't make me feel the need to script out conversations long before they happen.
“Woah, easy there, princess,” a voice rips me out of my thoughts, firm hands grasping my shoulders. “You good? You nearly ran into that shelf.”
“I'm fine, thank you,” I mumble before picking up my head, blinking twice, and a third time. He's even prettier from up close. Disheveled blonde hair falling into his face that is adorned by the bluest eyes I have ever seen. Perfectly matched to his pointy nose and the pink lips.
His eyebrows furrow and I look away, hearing him clear his throat and feeling him drop his hands.
“Thank you for that,” I mumble and smile while looking down, too scared that I might get lost if I look at him for too long.
“Yeah, it's no problem, at all,” he drags out his words and takes a step back. “Just be careful next time.”
I nod, and he's gone, but I'm still nodding. Fate isn't something in my area of expertise. I have never had any luck of any sort whatsoever. But running into him the day after seeing him for the first time- Maybe there truly is something out there that plays our cards, and it played mine just right.
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
taglist: @redhead1180 @spideysimpossiblegirl @drwstarkeyy @princessmaybank @ijustwantttoread @kys4-20 @immyowndefender @julczimocarz @m2m2m2 @th3eternalersi @chiaraanatra @yourmumstoy
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
OH NO ITS MY LAST CHANCE SOOOO I HOPE IM NOT TOO LATE Tired papa after his tour ( just Secondo's reaction because i adore him or short for other papas) and pregnant reader. Secondo lying on the bed almost asleep and reader cuddles to him: Hey big guy..are you asleep?This pregnancy makes me so horny will yo.. Thank you and sorry for bothering you
you made it in time, lmao. have a oneshot, I was feeling generous and fucking lost control apparently. I wrote this shit in one sitting - Jez
„Husbandly duties” ♡ Secondo x pregnant reader oneshot (smut)
No matter how busy and tiring his day was, Secondo would always be happy when he made it back to his chambers. Tired but happy. After all, you would be there.
Oh, you.
His spouse and Prime Mover, laying in bed, sleeping peacefully, your stomach swollen with his child. You looked so pretty, so sweet, so innocent with your stomach nice and round. He could see his baby moving around inside you whenever he held you in his lap and touched around your tummy or even simply talked to his unborn little one. It truly was a beautiful sight.
Even though you were usually asleep by the time he saw you when he returned after work, he didn't mind. Your naked, pregnant body under the blankets was enough to make him fully relaxed. It would be like that every evening. He'd come back, see you and remove his own clothing to join you in bed.
This was meant to be just like that. He laid down beside you and gently pulled your naked body against his, wrapped his arms around your waist, right underneath your wonderfully round belly and burried his face in your neck, giving a small kiss to the back of your shoulder.
Usually that's where it would end, with you being deep asleep and his falling asleep within the next few minutes. Not this time, though. No, this time you were awake, awkwardly turning in his arms to face him, even if your belly made it difficult.
"Babe...?" You called out quietly. He hummed in response, his white eye almost glowing in the dark as he opened it to glance at you. "You know how... There's this little human growing inside my stomach? You know, after you fucked me?"
He chuckled softly, moving one of his hands a bit lower to stroke your hip with his thumb. You moved his other hand yourself, pressing your cheek against his palm. You always liked his hands, they made you feel safer. Like he'd always catch you, no matter how or where you'd fall.
He waited patiently, letting you take your time to just enjoy his touch. He was working so hard, doing as much as he could to get some time off for when your little one would be born that he sadly didn't have as much time for you as he wished he would. It did comfort him, however, that Primo would check up on you everyday. He trusted his older brother with your well-being completely.
But, of course, there was one need that only he could take care of.
"Well... the hormones are hitting me really hard right now. And if you don't fuck my brains out right this instant, I'm gonna break down crying. Do your husbandly duties and take care of me." You looked up at him with the prettiest pout he's ever seen. Sweet Satan, how was he supposed to resist you?
"It would be my honor to take care of you with this, amore." He hummed, carefully laying you on your back before laying a kiss on your cheek and another one on your stomach. It was a matter of weeks before your child would join you outside of your womb and he couldn't wait to hold the baby in his arms. The man seemed to worship your tummy, there was just something about it that made him fall for you even harder. And something that made his monstrous cock even harder.
It didn't matter how tired he was, his spouse needed him to please them. And what kind of husband would he be if he didn't do just that? A terrible one, no doubt. A useless, terrible husband. And while he never doubted your loyalty, the idea of getting someone else to deal with your urges always filled him with dread. And while he knew you'd never do that, there would always be a voice in the back of his head, whispering the quietest of "what if?".
But then he saw your face. He saw how you'd scrunch your nose when a bad dream would try to get its hands on you. He was your flushed cheeks, completely red whenever he'd touch you in an intimate way. He saw your plush lips and how they'd get bruised after all the agressive kisses he'd give you. And he saw your eyes.
He adored your eyes. How they looked at him when you wanted something. How they softened up whenever you got lost in your thoughts while watching him work. How they teared up whenever he abused your sweet spot, bringing you orgasm after orgasm. How they sparkled whenever you offered him one of your sweet smiles.
He saw your face and he knew he could trust you with absolutely everything. He trusted you with his heart, his life and now his unborn child. And you trusted him, too. He could see it, even if it was dark in the room and your beautiful body was only illuminated by the pale moonlight breaking in through the windows. He saw your eyes looking at him longingly and reaching out for more kisses.
He fulfilled your wishes, carefully leaning over your large stomach to once more bruise your lips with his starved kisses. Oh, how he missed feeling your lips move against him, how you'd playfully bit his lower lip to get more attention, how eager you were to let him taste you.
He supported himself on his arms, making sure not to put pressure on your tummy. You wrapped your arms around his neck, trying to pull him closer. As close as the baby growing inside you would let you pull him.
You held onto his shoulders as his lips moved a bit lower, kissing and nibbling on your jaw and neck. You could already feel the piercings on his cock gently rub against your tummy, making you let out a small whimper as you craved to feel him inside you. You loved how the piercings felt against your hot walls as you squeezed him, your body would desperately beg him to fill you with cum, even if you were growing with his child already.
"Please..." you whined softly, making him look up at you as he moved one of his hands back to your waist and then letting it wander lower, down to your thigh, to which he gave a small squeeze to let you know you had his full attention.
"Please what, my darling? Papa needs you to speak up and say exactly what you want." The hand on your thigh slowly moved to your clit, already wet from just a few kisses. You were always so receptive, he loved that. And with the hormones going wild within you, he could probably make you cum with just a few more touches, maybe a couple hickeys.
"Please, just fuck me already... I-I don't need foreplay tonight. I need you to get inside me." You begged. The hormones must've really messed with your brain. You didn't care about anything except getting fucked. Normally he'd take hours to tease you. To touch you, to kiss and bite... But who was he to deny you exactly what you wanted?
"Of course. It would seem I've neglected my duties, haven't I?" he mused, his index and middle finger gently pressing against your hole, checking if you were ready to take him. He was aware of how long and thick he was, so no matter how much you'd insist, he'd always check first. Even with how needy you were, your safety and comfort in taking him always came first.
"I'll be fine, come on... Just put it in me already, damn it..." you groaned, desperate and annoyed. You didn't care if he broke you or literally ripped you in half, you just needed him to fuck you already.
He chuckled at you once more. You truly did seem ready, wet and prepared to take him. He was tempted to let you squirm around for a bit more. And normally, he would. He'd tease you relentlessly. But not this time. He could be a cruel dom, an absolute brat tamer, yes. But he had no intentions of bullying the love of his life in such a fragile state.
He did, however, indulge himself just a little bit, so he could hear you plead just one more time. And you did plead for more, smacking his arm with a teary whine. He gave you and your stomach one last kiss before slowly moving your legs so that you'd both be comfortable and finally shoving his cock inside you in two thrusts, just to make sure it's not too much for you at once.
He watched you squirm a bit, even in the hormonal haze your body seemed to know you needed at least a few seconds to adjust to him. And he gave you that time, looking for the very subtle signs you'd always give when you were ready.
A pleading whine to move. He wondered how many more pleas and whines he could get out of you. He'd have to check that one night once your body becomes more regulated. Not otnight, though, no. Tonight you needed a proper fucking.
And he'd give you a proper fucking.
Taglist: @sirlsplayland @firefirevampire @thatoddboy @ouijaboardemo (send an ask if you'd like to be added! Read the pinned post before asking!)
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hippolotamus · 9 months
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Hello friends, work has been kicking my ass and I am soooooo behind on tags. I am slowly but surely catching up and looking forward to reading all the things! So, small confession... I've been reworking pieces of come close (let me be home) so some of the snippets might look familiar from before. Hoping the writing beans will soon allow me to make new words. Until then, have this Eddie and Christopher moment before the first ball (all prev snippets here) 😘
“This awful, cursed thing— Argh!” Eddie drops the ends of his bowtie in frustration. It’s not like he even wants to attend this wretched ball tonight. Least of all to placate his mother.
It would be different if he were going as someone who could casually stand in the background, sipping lemonade and observing his surroundings. If only it were that simple. Instead he’s expected to not only be there, but socialize, dance, and interact with potential partners. How is he meant to choose who he’ll spend the rest of his life with – someone to care for his son – based on how well they can perform the quadrille or regurgitate meaningless facts? It’s utter insanity.
“Daddy?” The timid voice reaches out from behind him.
Eddie turns to see Christopher hovering in the doorway, watching intently. The welcome sight is enough for the weight of tonight’s expectations to fall away, finally allowing him to breathe. He goes to his son, picking him up and drinking in the surprised sound.
“What can I do for you, sir?”
Christopher’s nose scrunches in amusement at the endearment before he gets a very serious look on his face. “Can I come with you?”
“I wish,” Eddie huffs out a humorless laugh. “It would make things way more interesting. Although, honestly, I’d much rather stay here with you.”
“Why don’t you then?” Christopher blinks owlishly behind his glasses.
Eddie envies his youthful ignorance for not yet understanding the pressures and politics of adulthood. He sighs and rubs his temple with his free hand, trying to think of an explanation that isn’t an outright lie. With everything that’s happened in Christopher’s short life, Eddie always strives to be honest with him.
“Well, because,” he stretches the words out as his brain continues to configure them into an acceptable arrangement. “I– promised your abuela I would go.”
Chris nods thoughtfully, seeming to accept the answer he’s been given. But, of course, he’s always been more perceptive than Eddie gives him credit for.
“Is this because Abuela wants me to have a new mom?” His voice is quieter, the tone colored with hesitation. Eddie wants to somehow pull him closer, to carve a space beneath his ribs to keep him safe.
“Not a new one, exactly. You know that no one could ever replace your mother. This would be someone else to love and take care of you.”
“But I thought that’s why we have Carla,” Chris protests.
Eddie chuckles at his son’s logic and thinks he might be the one person who could match wits with Helena Diaz. “You’re right. She does both of those things. Carla loves and cares about you very much. It’s just… your abuela has some different ideas. She’s a little stuck in the past sometimes.”
“Okay.” Christopher grins brightly, removing any traces of his serious persona. “Then I hope you have fun and find someone nice for us.”
“Me, too, bud. Me, too.”
Eddie’s brought back to reality when his valet announces the carriage is ready. He presses a kiss to Christopher’s temple and gently sets him on the floor. “Be good for Carla?”
“I’m always good for Carla.” Christopher proudly puffs out his chest.
“Of course. How could I forget?” Eddie teases. “I must be remembering a different little boy that got covered in mud while playing and had to be scrubbed clean.”
Chris rolls his eyes. “One time,” he mumbles.
Eddie snorts as he jogs down the staircase, hoping in vain to burn off some of his nervous energy that’s returned. His cloak is nearly arranged when Christopher calls from the upper floor.
“Daddy! Your tie!”
Right. Eddie sighs and makes a final attempt to knot the material together in front of the hall mirror. Miraculously he makes it in one pass this time and turns with a flourish so Christopher can make his assessment.
His son beams down at him with a toothy grin. “Be good for Abuela!”
Eddie responds with an exaggerated bow, drinking in the giggle that floats down. He snaps it up, like something he could keep in his pocket. A protective barrier from whatever he might have to face tonight. With a heavy sense of dread sitting like a stone in his stomach, Eddie waves goodbye and walks outside to the carriage. As he steps up to the plush, velvet, forest green bench, he wishes it felt less like marching to the Tower of London.
“Ready, sir?” His driver asks from the front.
No. “Ready.”
tagged by @malewifediaz @hoodie-buck @daffi-990 @your-catfish-friend thank you loves!
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scaredcrab · 2 years
A farewell kiss (Oneshot)
Character: ☼ Wukong x Reader
✐ Summary: Wukong stubbornness lead you to danger. You ask for one kiss before you die.
✐ Category: Angst. Romance.
✐ Word Count: 1085
Link to read in AO3: Here.
(This is JTTW Wukong, so you can imagine any Wukong you want to.)
It was the last event between you two. It happened long time ago, when everyone were camping at a mountain.
"Wukong! I-I mean... Majesty, would you really consider accepting my courting if I went to that cave with stone fruits to gather some for you to dinner?"
You two had the innocent habit of playing around, competing against each other and challenging one another. Obviously, when you were challenged, things were much more difficult for you than when he received a bet, which made everything more fun in his point of view.
Sometimes the simian would purposely lose those bets you "made him" accept, this would happen when your reward was also interesting to him. Like the countless times when you would compete a race to some point, and he would have to groom your hair if he lost. Wukong would let you have a "heads start", and somehow something in the route would distract him, causing his loss.
Since only you and him were awake to hear the conversation, he promised that yes, he would start going out with you if such gift were delivered.
Normally in this kind of challenges the Tang monk would get in the way saying how cruel it is to take advantage of people's feelings like that, and how he only wouldn't use the crown to lecture the bad monkey because you would cry every time you heard the sage's pain. You didn't want to be the reason why Wukong felt pain, and the monk respected your wishes.
"Really? Will you really start dating me?" - Your voice started to raise with excitement, and that made the people sleeping in the camp start to move.
"Shhhhhh! Yes, this old monkey can assure you that once you came back, I'm going to be your partner or whatever. Just don't take too long, or I'll have to go out look for you. Your king demands your return in 13 minutes, did you hear me?" - Despite the rude speech, his cheeks burned with the thought of you two finally getting together.
It was his manner of saying "Take care of yourself".
You knew him well, he was terrible admitting his romantic feelings since he never felt something like this before, still, it was clear that as time went on the senseless distrust he had about you got turned into a fiery love that he considered difficult to bear.
Wukong always got defensive when anyone else threatened to steal your attention, he hated it when he had to allow you to go off alone to explore any village they passed as your beauty was easily noticed by any citizen with a functioning brain, it was normal for him to have to control his anger, so he wouldn't hurt any idiot who came to flirt with you.
But as you said every time the monkey lost control and said outrageous things to people trying to charm you, "If you're jealous, don't scare others off with bad behavior, just admit that you love me, so you can tell them to go away saying that I'm already yours.".
That always silenced him, his pride spoke louder at these times, if it weren't for this dumb reluctance, things could have been different.
You were smart, but your love for him blinded you at times. You both believed that the cave was safe, not knowing that at night a dangerous creature visited the place.
Rather than getting to check you in 13 minutes, he waited a bit longer wishing for you to win...
"May I have at least one kiss?"
For the first time in the king's life, he experienced the feeling of having his mouth above someone's else lips, as he never thought this was something to be wanted before.
He doomed himself to eternal longing for the softness of that delicate touch.
Helplessly you held your fingers at the side of his face, weak digits that barely did their job in maintaining the man in place, but they could feel the warmth of the thin cascade running through them.
Slowly the thumb brushing against the sage's cheek slid from that position, losing all the heat while it gradually fell.
When the water filled eyes of the warrior got to look at your facade he saw a smile, a gentle and sweet smile, to him that moment was a sad goodbye, to you, it was your first and last kiss, a bittersweet happiness.
Your closed eyelids accompanied by the soft grin brought a vision of peace, it was like the soul were in fact asleep, stuck in a brief dream, instead of living in the realm of the death.
He was alone now.
"Wukong! Where are you?! Did you find our friend?" - The monk cried in the distance.
... His name, he would never hear you calling by his name, ever again.
Wukong remained quiet, feeling stupid for not allowing you to approach him in the way you wanted… In the way he also wanted, but never got the courage to admit.
He wanted to throw up, knowing the reason you got to that cave in the first place. If instead of making those games to be your lover he had admitted his feelings, you would still be alive in his arms.
"... Please, come back. I… I never said to you how I feel..."
Worried about Wukong, Xuanzang commanded his second disciple to go where the older student is supposed to be.
Obeying the master's commands, Bajie went to the top of the mountain and entered its cave. There lying on the floor was the lifeless body of a scary monster, alongside a broken king covered in blood with his lost love in his arms.
"You stupid monkey! Look at what you have done!" - With a broken heart, the pig insulted his older brother.
Wukong remained quiet, only giving a touch in your forehead with his, then sliding his face to give a kiss where he touched earlier.
The pilgrims were obligated to bury the poor victim, they choose a nearby tree that flourished the prettiest flowers to be the place where your gravestone would be. That night, the Earth lost part of their brightness, and the sky gained a new star.
After that, the local population says that every year at the spring is possible to see a sad event. At the top of the highest mountain of that region, next to the oldest tree located there, the Great Sage Equal to Heaven crying at this tiny tomb.
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antisocialmia · 6 months
Dr. W. Afton headcanons
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sfw and nsfw mentioned -> mdni
gen!neutral reader, just silly thoughts and mostly sweet (I hope) probably not readproof so sorry for any writing mistakes.
Dr. W. Afton from the game 'Thats Not My Neighbour'
Disclaimer!! I dont own the character or anything. Just trying to support the creators.
Art credits: @_.calitryx on TikTok
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probably about 5'11 to 6'0 tall
takes really good care of his facial hair (the maximum it gets are two days before he shaves again)
see him something between slim and yet muscular, sleeper build
slim waist and his shoulders on the broader side
Cake. Thats it.
his hands are rather on the rough side but he tries to take care of them
long fingers and takes the cleaning of his hands very seriously??
he has defined features but not like too sharp
he has knee issues
addicted to coffee, also his very first thought after waking up
has a habit of sleeping in when he has a day off
or so he says ─ the first time you slept over he was awake at 7.
takes a lot of time for his hair in the bathroom
was insecure about his nose in his teens but learned to accept it nonetheless
he's left-handed
randomly mutturs out some facts throughout the day
he needs to push up his glasses pretty often because he once broke them by sitting down on them but refused to get them fixed
"its only a little bent." Yeah, a whole 90 degrees
he has a picture of you in his wallet
probably all his colleges know about you at this point
he's such a yapper once talking about a topic he enjoys maybe just a little too much ─ but you let him because who can say no to someone like him?
notices the tiniest changes of literally anything
going from things laying somewhere else in his apartment to the act of a person he's talking to
also the type of guy who watches you look at something a little too long and buys it for you as a present later
he remembers everything, literally has the brain of an elephant. 'I remember you saying you wish you had that so I got it for you.'
you might actually mistake him for a phyics teacher (that damn checker pattern)
closet is mostly filled with linen shirts and some suit pants
'thats all he ever needed' ─ his words
color variates, he has almost every color but those bright ones.
of course he has some home clothes (you love to steal)
comfortable sweats and cozy sweaters
great taste when it comes for comfortable clothing ─ always manages to get the most fluffy ones too.
for jewlery, he only wears his watch around his left wrist
he probably has a gym membership but never actually goes
if you go tho, he might join you
in his freetime he loves to jog
loves to explore new things, like new recipes to new games (If mobile or not)
playfights usually end up with him laying down on you with his full weight
always has a stupid grin on his face when he does that
he's completely clean, not freaky clean tho
there's not a single dust grain
but hes not too pressed about it ─ he simply enjoys tidying his apartment
gives him some sort of comfort
you can also find sometimes his clothes over the couch or laying on the ground, which is rare but it happens
his job doesnt require too much of his time so he has plenty of time at home
like said before, he had some insecurities
confidence wasnt his thing in his teens (He was probably one of those 'uhm actually' kids but unintentionally.)
changed in his 20's ─ went out regulary but never found anything that could have gone further
which changed when you came around
so, he indeed was experienced but you taught him things aswell
love language is physical touch and acts of service (also words of affirmation)
loves random hugs and gives them too
huge on pda and shows it too
he really loves to just embrace you and cuddle with you on the couch or in bed while watching a movie or show
sleeping with him is hell
he's tussing and turning all night long, but only If you arent in his grasp
once youre trapped in his arms there's no way out and he wont move a single inch
small snores, but only once in a while ─ barely noticable too.
has all sorts of nicknames for you 'baby' , 'love' , 'honey' , 'sugar' , 'cupcake' you name it.
NSFW -> mdni
a complete switch
service dom
lives to do what you tell him to
to the location -> probably everywhere in the apartment when youre up to it
high-sex drive and probably lasts atleast 2 rounds
gets super touchy when he's worked up and just hints what he wants instead of saying it directly
he's shy! Just catch up to what he's implying.
knows the difference between harder and faster
also, not exactly into hard bdsm but isnt shy to explore with you either
praising to the top with him
you wont catch him letting out one word that would degrade
loves physical touch so this is his time to shine
body worshiping
kisses every inch of skin his lips can reach and then again
always tells you how good youre doing and how proud he is of you for taking him that well.
he's not.. exactly small either
a true mystery how he keeps it hidden beneath those forbidden pants
he loves to mark you, not for claiming and only for his eyes to see (maybe on the nape of your neck but not further)
basically, he does it how you want it. Romantic, slow and tender? He's in with all at it. Rose pedals even.
in the mood for something more rough and- ahem- man handling? Sure. He's in. But expect a godly aftercare ─ he can't stand the thought of hurting you
whenever, he's all sweet and gentle
acting as If youre made out of glass and will break any moment
once again he'll do anything you ask him to do.
a bath? 'Of course, my love.' Just a simple glass of water? Its already on your nightstand. Cuddles? Thats already happening before you had the thought. A massage? 'Just relax,'
a dream, literally.
he'll clean you both up without a second thought and wont let you lift a finger
if you do, youre met with a pouty expression on his face.
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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it. A little rushed.
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