#thinking about lucy again. its still unbearable without her
bromantically · 2 years
does anyone wanna come over and cradle me very soft and pet my hair and tell me everything will be okay
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Chenford + "it was never just biology..."
It was midnight, and Tim was no closer to falling asleep than he was when he first got in bed an hour ago. The sheets rustled as his legs moved up and down out of restlessness. While it wasn’t an excessively warm evening, the air felt thick and hung over him as if he was covered in extra blankets. If the obnoxiously loud cricket he kept hearing wasn’t already inside it had to be right beside his window, torturing him with its incessant chirping.
He couldn’t take it anymore. Flinging the sheets off, he groaned as he got up and padded to the kitchen. 
He quietly got a glass of water, trying not to wake up Kojo. 
Apparently, this was his life now.
It had been two and a half weeks since Lucy had left for UC school, some of the longest weeks of his life. Weeks that had been filled with an unbearable silence, the longest they’d ever gone without talking since the day she’d been assigned to him. 
He’d expected this, knowing such a compressed time of learning required total focus from her. He didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize that, so he’d kept quiet, not knowing if she’d want to hear from him anyway after how he’d left things with her. 
It wasn’t as though it was permanent, he reasoned. She would be back in a couple of weeks. They would talk again, maybe ride together again, maybe be friends again.
But in the meantime, oh how he missed her. 
So he lay awake every night, torturing himself with guilt over what might have happened when she’d invited him in after Vegas, wondering what to do about Ashley, who didn’t deserve a guy who couldn’t figure out what he really wanted, and debating what exactly to say to Lucy the next time he saw her. 
She told him it was basic biology. She had Chris. There was no way she was sitting around thinking about her former TO. 
It was time for him to move on, too.
As he finished his water, he heard a faint buzzing coming from back in his bedroom and his heart plummeted.
A call after midnight was usually never a good thing.
He sprinted back, grabbing his phone from the nightstand.
“Are you okay?” was all he could think to say.
“Tim, hi. I just, um, I wanted–”
“Are you okay?” he repeated, still fearing the worst.
“Yes, yes I’m fine. I’m in my hotel room for the night.”
Finally able to release the breath he’d been holding, he sank onto the bed, feeling like he’d just aged ten years. “In that case, hi.”
“Um, how are you?”
Such a simple question, yet he didn’t know how to answer. Great made him a lying liar who lies. Good was also a lie. I’ve been miserable since you left, well, far more accurate but there was no way he was telling her that right off the bat. So he went with the old standby. “I’m fine.”
“Good. That’s good,” Lucy said, her voice wistful. He could almost sense her the overactive wheels spinning in her mind, yet she said nothing more, which was never a good sign when it came to Lucy Chen.
Sighing, he tried to break the ice. “Lucy, I know you didn’t call at midnight just to ask how I’m doing. So, start talking.”
He winced, wondering if that came out harsher than he intended. “Please,” he added, barely above a whisper.
He heard a shaky breath on the other end. “I’ve been needing to tell you something, for a while, actually. But calling was a mistake. It had been a long night, and I had wanted to hear your voice, but this was a bad idea.”
“Why don’t you let me be the judge of that and tell me what you need to say?”
“No, I can’t do that to you, Tim. I don’t want to complicate your life.”
“You’ve been complicating my life since the day I met you. What makes this any different?” he teased, trying to lessen the heaviness he could hear in her voice.
But all he was met with was silence.
“In a good way,” he added quickly. “Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood.”
“Not your strong suit.”
He couldn’t help but chuckle. She was able to do it with four words. 
“Please, Lucy, talk to me.”
“It was never just biology,” Lucy whispered.
He gripped the phone tighter, sure he heard her wrong. All words in the English language deserted him. 
“It’s what I should have said in Vegas, when you asked. I told you what I thought you wanted to hear, but it wasn’t what I wanted to say. It wasn’t just biology, and it still isn’t. I felt…so much when we kissed. And I know, I know you’re happy with Ashley, and I would never want to come between the two of you. I’m sorry if this makes you uncomfortable. It’s been weighing on me for weeks, and I felt like you needed to know, because when I come back to LA, everything is going to have to change, and I don’t know really know where we go from here.”
Tim scrambled to process her every word, still not quite believing it. He was desperate to respond, but no words were able to leave his throat. 
“Ok…ok,” she whispered, sniffling. “I get it, you know. You told me to move on, and I’m going to respect your wishes. I won’t get in your way when I come back, I promise.”
“No!” Tim exclaimed, his mouth finally catching up with his brain. “I’m sorry, Lucy, I just needed a second to process. It was never just biology for me, either.”
“What? Really?”
“Really. But you made it seem like you weren’t interested, and then everything with Chris…I was going to try to put it behind me.”
“How was that working out for you?”
“Terribly. You’re impossible to forget, Lucy.”
“Wow. I’ve been overanalyzing all of this for so long, and you’re able to whip out a line like that out of nowhere?”
Tim chuckled as he sank further into the pillows. “Because it’s the truth.”
“But Ashley….”
He felt his stomach churn at the mention of her name. “I’ve been needing to break up with her. I haven’t been fair to her, having feelings for someone else while still trying to make the relationship work.”
“I had already decided to break up with Chris once I got home. That was a decision I made for myself, regardless of what might happen with you. I thought I could stay with him after his attack, but there just isn’t anything there. I don’t feel enough to keep anything going. But I do owe it to him to break up with him in person.”
“Sounds like we both have some things we need to take care of.”
“Can we really do this?”
He ached for her to appear in front of her so he could pull her in his arms and give her all the reassurance in the world, to touch and taste her until she had no doubt in her mind. But right now, all he had were his words.
“We can, Lucy. I know there are obstacles with work, but you matter more than any of those. Sure it will be a risk, but I think we’re worth the risk.”
“I think so, too.”
Tim smiled. “Good.”
Lucy yawned loudly into the phone.
“Get some sleep already. We can talk more tomorrow.”
“Man, have I missed you.”
“Yeah,” Tim said, nodding as if she could see. “Me too.”
“Goodnight, Tim.”
“Goodnight, Lucy.”
He pulled the sheets back over him, unable to get rid of the grin on his face, not that he wanted to. There still wouldn’t be any sleep coming tonight, but at least now it was for a whole different reason.
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inanotherheadspace · 3 years
The Adventures of Team Lune - Chapter Three: The Tale of Two Kitties
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Summary: A dragon slayer, a demon slayer, and a god slayer walk into a Guild Hall… and all goes to hell
Pairings: Natsu x Fem OC, Gajeel x Fem OC, Gray x Fem OC, Sting x Fem OC, Laxus x Fem OC, Loke x Fem OC
Word Count: 2,817
Previous Chapter - Masterlist - Next Chapter
“How long are we talking about?” Gajeel quipped as Calypso poured the Jasmine tea into two matching mugs.  
“Well, I should probably start with how Team Lune was formed-”
“I just wanna know about Astria’s damn cat.”
“That’s the thing, she’s not just Ria’s cat. Opal just likes Ria the best.” Calypso smiled softly to the gruff dragon slayer as she placed his mug in front of him before taking her seat.
“Thank you.” He mumbled before picking up the pale pink mug and blowing on its hot contents. “How’d you join the guild and meet them then?”
“Oh, the wolves set me free after mastering my magic and I just kinda stumbled into the guild hall.” Gajeel almost choked on his tea at her statement.
“Yeah, the only way you can learn Moon magic is from this one eternal wolf pack. Like how you, Ria, and Natsu were trained by dragons. Funny enough, because of my training, I also have a good sense of smell and hearing. My nose isn’t as strong as my ears are though.”
“Just like we do,” Gajeel mumbled, more so to himself than to anyone else. The plumette across from him simply nodded before taking a sip of her tea. “How’d you end up with the wolves?” Calypso’s eyes dropped to her hands as she began to play with her fingers.  
“I don’t know much more than what Leto told me. Apparently, my mother was killed, there was a battle, maybe even a war – all I know is that our home was destroyed. My mother was a student of the wolves when she was a kid, so she left me with them while she fought.”
“Leto, is that your wolf?”
“Hmm, in a sense yes. She’s the pack leader. I have the same loyalty to her and my pack as you dragon slayers have to your respective dragons.” After a momentary pause to drink more tea, the mage continued. “Ria came to the guild with Natsu, and May was found outside the Guild’s doors as a newborn. For the longest time, Ria stuck to Natsu and May was oddly drawn to Mystogan. Both were very shy – all of us were as kids. I became friends with Cana, the two of us would go on the jobs Master approved of. The three of us never really became close until Mystogan left on an S-Class quest. Master demanded that May stay back, that was a dark day. This strong kid that I always looked up to just, broke.” Gajeel kept his eyes on Calypso as her eyebrows drawn together as she focused on the cup in her hands.  
“Master eventually got tired of May’s attitude and moodiness. He decided to take Ria away from Natsu and me away from Cana. Without telling any of us, he sent us out individually to the same job. We all left mere hours apart no less, none of us caught on until we all showed up at the same door for the requested meeting time. It was a simple job – just to find a lost item. Gramps figured we could find it easy. Between mine and Ria’s tracking skills and May’s all-around bossiness – it was done by nightfall. We’ve been together ever since.”
“Thats nice and all, but I only want to know about the cat.” Gajeel grumbled before finishing his tea.  
“A good story is informative and well rounded. It’s a form of art and in this house, you’ll respect it.” She quipped back; her eyes flicked up to meet his in a demanding stare down.  
“What are you going to do if I don’t?” He matched her intense glare as the words left his lips. A sinister smirk spread across Calypso's face, sending a slight shiver down the Iron Dragon Slayer’s spine.  
“Well, for starters, you wouldn’t ever make it out of this house. What happens after that – probably a few broken ribs, lots of chains, and maybe a whip.” She broke eye contact with him as an almost undetectable trace of blush speckled her face. Gajeel’s trained eyes picked up on it quickly, before a faint blush appeared on his own face after her words sunk in. The slight silence became unbearable for Calypso, her hands began to fidget with her mug once more.
“We got Opal as a reward from a quest. It was weird – they gave us this light pink egg with silver and black sparkles and swirls on it. None of us had any clue what to do with it. When we got back to the guild, we found out Natsu and Lisanna had found one in the forest as well. Ria, May and I joined them in the woods to hatch the eggs. Well, whenever May was actually around the five of us kept the two eggs warm – that was really Natsu’s specialty.” As Calypso spoke and reminisced, a smile stayed on her lips. A small laugh escaped her as she thought more on the story before continuing.  
“I was no help at all, and the others realized that pretty quickly. They put me in charge of gathering firewood and food. I mostly just avoided the place; they were holed up in the same woods my wolves are usually in too. So, I just hung around them more than anything. After about two weeks, Happy and Opal’s eggs hatched. They’ve been with us and a part of the guild since.”  
Before either of them could get another word in, the front door opened, and three voices could be heard. Calypso’s face lit up as her friends had arrived home, her tea and Gajeel completely forgotten. Gajeel looked past the plumette and out the kitchen window, the sky was pitch black.  
“I didn’t realize it was this late, I'll head out.” His gruff voice brought Calypso’s attention back to him.  
“Huh?” She asked before whipping around and looking out the window. Pieces of plum-colored locks fell from her bun, framing her face as she turned back to face him. “Sorry about that, I rambled on for too long. I’ll probably have to cook for the others, do you want to stay for dinner?”
“Depends on what you’re cooking,” Gajeel said as he got up from the table, Calypso followed suit and walked behind him towards the front door. Opal was resting in Astria’s arms as the three of them chatted in the living room.
“Hey Gajeel!” Astria called out with a wave.  
“Thanks for holding down the fort, Gajeel.” Natsu offered a small grin, as he turned to Calypso. “So, what’s for dinner?”
“Noodles and chicken thighs.” Calypso offered a shrug in response.  
“I’ll see you four at the guild.” He turned to Calypso and gave he a gentle pat on the head. “See you later brat.” Gajeel headed out the door as Calypso’s face turned bright red.  
“Wait, so you aren’t staying?” The plumette looked offended for a swift second, before her composure regained.
“Nah, I forgot I was going to train tonight since the weathers gonna be alright, since it’s supposed to rain tomorrow.” Gajeel grinned before slipping out the door and past Natsu.     “Did you two have a date? Are we interrupting?” Astria pouted momentarily, before the mocking tone dripped through her second question.   “He likes herrr!” Happy’s snarky comment broke the short pause. “It was nothing like that!” Calypso paused before biting back at her friend, “Did you and Natsu go on a date?” This caused the light blue haired dragon slayer to blush just as heavily as Calypso was. Astria waved her hands in the air as a way to dismiss Calypso’s question.   “Hey! We were training!” The pink haired dragon slayer crossed his arms over his chest before huffing.   “Aye Sir! We were training really hard Calypso!” Happy shouted along. “No yelling in the house! Indoor voices!” Opal folded her arms, before snuggling against Astria’s leg. “Lucy stopped us from training anymore for the night.” “I see, did you guys do that much damage?” “No... Not really...” Astria mumbled, patting Opal on the head softly. Opal offered a small smile in return before simply nodded, “It was some hefty damage, but it was a remote forest.” “Yeah, that sounds like you two. Dinner will be ready in half an hour, go wash up, you all smell disgusting.” Calypso offered a small grin, suppressing the disappointment that she wouldn’t have her company tonight.
The guild hall was filled with noise, booze and the heavenly scent of food – even at 8 in the morning. Astria, and Calypso sat at a table closer to the bar, all still with sleep in their eyes.  
“Do you think I can grab a drink with breakfast?” Calypso asked her teammate.  
“Calypso Lunar. No!” Astria scolded the oldest member as Gray and Loke took up seats at their table.  
“May still hasn’t come back and I’m worried. I need something to take the edge off. What about a splash of something in my coffee? That should be fine right?”
“Okay Cana.” Gray teased the plumette, causing Astria to choke on her water.  
“Hey man, leave my Caly alone.” Loke said as he threw his arm around her shoulder. “Both her and Cana are hot and have huge boobs, if they wanna drink this early in the morning we shouldn’t stop them. Why you ask? Because us hot blooded men benefit from it in the long run. Especially since they both tend to strip when they drink a lot.”
“If you’re so worried about May, why don’t you just go look for her?” Gray asked the two mages. The two women in question just shared a look and nodded once before turning back to him.
“She’s seemed stressed since she’s come back from her mission. We want to give her some breathing room and not harass her about it. She’ll tell us when she’s ready too” Astria sighed before turning away from the guys and letting her eyes wonder around the guild hall.  
“That makes sense at least. How long has she been gone?” The slight worry in the ice mages voice caught Calypso and Loke’s attention. Both had a devious smile cross their lips and a dark look tinted their features.  
“Awwww is ice boy worried about my May?”  
“I think he is Caly. He’s worried about a hot young woman who’s kicked his ass time and time again. What’s the score now Gray? 132 to 0?” Loke added on, poking fun at his tsundere of a friend. Gray scoffed at the two before leaning back and crossing his arms. Before he could give his own witty remark back, the guild hall doors opened. A cross-breeze of wind carried the familiar scent to the Dragon Slayer’s nose.  
“Hey Caly, May’s back.” Astria pointed out as she kept her eyes on their short blonde friend. Caly’s head whipped around and saw her make her way over to them. “She looks unharmed which is good.”
“Her stomach just rumbled; I'll flag Mira down.” Calypso added as she waved over to the white-haired barmaid.  
“Hey guys, what can I get you?” Mira asked in her usual joy-filled tone.  
“Two breakfast specials, a thing of smoked salmon, and three extra strong coffees. Can you put something in one of them for me?” Calypso ordered easily, with her being the oldest of the three she always took care of the others.  
“Of course! I’ll be back with the drinks soon.” She walked back to her spot behind the bar as May finally arrived at the table.
“Hey...” The blonde spoke softly before taking the empty seat next to Calypso and across from Opal. Before the other two could speak, May pulled out two flyers from her pocket and showed them to her teammates. “The two of you should join the Miss Fairy Tail pageant. You guys have a better chance of taking home the gold if there's more than one of youse.”
“Jason’s a judge so I’m guaranteed top three.” Calypso said as she looked over the paper she snatched from May.  
“Didn’t he judge last year too, and Mira still won?” Gray snipped to get back at her from earlier. Loke and Calypso stared daggers at the ice mage.  
“Don’t listen to him. He’s ugly and unlovable, while you’re sexy and powerful. Which to be fair, is the best combo in a woman.” Loke complimented Calypso as her face continued to darken.
“I’ll skin you both alive if either of you continue to speak.”
“And on that note, I’ll be leaving.” Loke took his leave from the table, leaving Calypso’s death glare to Gray.  
“All I have to do is whistle, and I can have a pack of wolves maul you to death.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah I know. You need a new threat Calypso; you’ve used that one too many times already.” As Gray spoke, Mira silently placed the drinks on the table for the three women and scurried away. She valued her life too much to get between the bickering mages.  
“Probably as much as you take your clothes off.” Astria added as she shoved the ice mage away from her in a playful manner.
“As the leader of Team Lune, I need you all to behave while we’re at the guild.” Opal said sarcastically.   “Yes, I’m so sorry, oh great master Opal.” May said as the three mages bowed to the light pink feline.  
“What the actual fuck is your team?” Gray asked with scrunched eyebrows. In a split second, May was behind Gray as her palms were placed on both of his ears, applying a light pressure as she looked to her friends.   “Speak like that again and I’ll blow you up so badly they’ll be piecing you back together for weeks.” Gray hunched back a bit at her words, before sighing.   “Yeah yeah, whatever,” he let out with a huff.
“And we’ll feed your body parts to my wolves.” Calypso added with a smug smile.  
“Do you not feed them? Isn’t that animal cruelty?”
“I do feed them, they just like people meat. And they like it fresh too.”  
“You need psychological help.”
“Everyone in this guild does.” Astria added to as she was looking over Mays shoulder at her pink haired best friend.  
“Open your mouth again and see what happens ice stripper.” May threatened once more.  
“I’ll be taking my leave now too.” Gray sighed as he pushed the chair back and left the table. Mira made her way back to the table with breakfast as May took Gray’s seat.
“Enjoy Ladies!” Mira called as she turned and headed back.  
“So, to confirm – you two are joining the pageant and we’re going on this job.” May stated as she cut into her food.
“Job?” Calypso and Astria asked in unison.
“Oh yeah I forgot to explain that since ice box interrupted us. It’s a simple one for 100,000 jewels. We just need to capture a bandit, so it’ll take us what, an hour at most? Easy money.” May explained as Calypso downed her alcoholic coffee.  
“Yeah, we’ll be fine. When do we leave?”
“Give me two hours to drink a bit more and nap.” Calypso stated as she let out a yawn.
“You can nap on the train.” Opal spoke softly as she snacked on her salmon.  
“This is why you’re in charge!” The three mages said in unison to the cat.  
“Does it have to be a train though? Can’t we fly?” Astria asked with sadness in her voice.  
“Opal can’t carry all three of us Ria.” May stated softly as she picked at her breakfast. The four sat in silence for a few seconds before Calypso spoke up.
“I’m gonna go threaten Gajeel. Do we think I can convince him to let me braid his hair?” Calypso asked as she stood up from the table.
“Maybe if you challenge him to something and use it as your prize.” Astria pitched to the plum haired mage.  
“Say less.” Calypso sauntered over to where Cana, Gajeel and Juvia were seated and sat next to her best friend.  
“So, uhhh. May I'm not going on a train so you’re on your own. I love you!” Astria said as she skipped out off with Opal following behind.  
“Well then, I see how it is.” May spoke to no one before letting out a sigh. She silently continued to eat her meal before heading out on her now solo job. As she continued to pick at her food, she looked over to her friends – Caly was shoving a beer in Gajeel’s hand with a smile on her face. While Ria was happily sitting across from Natsu and Happy with Opal in her lap. The four of them were laughing happily as May sat by herself. They really would be okay without me, May thought to herself with another silent sigh.
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wallwriterstuff · 4 years
The Necessity of Love
So inspired by this post from @lord-diavolo-is-watching 
Okay imagine this : the brothers had a hard time to adjust to the Devildom, so for their first night they all slept together in the living room and the brothers (everyone but Luci, Satan and maybe Mammon) asked if they shouldn't pray because that's what they usually do before going to sleep and Lucifer simply told them:
"Starting from today we don't pray anymore. Father has forsaken us."
Have a fic that literally no one but @ikemen-lover159 asked for :)
Summary: On their first night in the House of Lamentation, Lucifer gives it it’s namesake by lamenting on all the sins that brought them to the Devildom, trying to pinpoint where it all went wrong.
Warnings: Angsty as hell because we don’t know what fluff is here, Satan being somewhat cruel, the boys in distress, questioning the problem of evil.
Words: 2722 because I couldn’t stop once I started please forgive me
I would like to note that for any religious folk reading this, I mean no offence by posing the problem of evil as a way to question God. I followed what seemed like a logical thought process for Lucifer in a time of great grief and pain for all the brothers. In no way is it meant to belittle beliefs of any nature but this fic’s intention is to show how belief might be questioned. I have tried to handle the topic sensitively and apologise if anyone feels it was handled wrong. 
Since their very creation they had been taught to love. They had been taught to be patient, to be kind and to be devout. They had been taught the importance of purity, of chastity and charity. They were supposed to embody the traits that humanity would strive for in their quest for virtue, and they had worked for centuries to become all that He had intended them to be. Among the ranks of angels, there were few higher than them thanks to their devotion and adoration to Him and His cause.
The hypocrisy was stifling.
Lucifer had been created first, famed for his beauty and grace as he diligently served Him. He knew nothing other than the blind loyalty to the man who had breathed life into his lungs and raw power into his soul, not until he was taught compassion and love and everything good. He had been good. He’d been the best at being good! He had been chaste and pure and kind and ensured that his brothers were to. They shared no blood, but they were brothers none the less, created one by one and entrusted to one another to be guided down a virtuous path. They had all been good…hadn’t they?
It had been Him who had asked them to watch humanity, to give the lesser beings something to strive for as they grew into the world gifted to them. His adoration for them was clear so the Celestial Realm had followed suit. Lucifer had devoted himself whole heartedly to learning to love the strange little creatures far below, reaching up their hands as though virtue and grace was something they could snatch from the heavens. He had taught his brothers to do the same and they had spent endless stretches of time watching over the little ones when even He had seemed to grow bored of his creation. Belphegor and Lilith had taken his teachings to heart the most - Lilith perhaps a little too literally.
The agony her name brought was almost unbearable and his fist clenched of its own accord, nails scratching through the delicate fabric of the chair he had sat himself in by the fire. Her love for humanity had been so great it had led her to temptation. The rules were clear, to alter her lover’s lifespan was not an option but his sister was young and as it often did, youth had given way to impetuousness. Lucifer was no fool. He knew the likelihood of their love being accepted amongst the ranks of already sceptical angels, lesser and disobedient angles, was slim. He had thought he had more time to make Him and everyone else see reason, to craft an argument so well made it could be unshattered by any attempts to counter it. He had vetted the man, knew he was virtuous and good and deserving of the love of an angel. If only she hadn’t been so rash in attempting to save his life…
He hissed, the sting in his chest to real to subdue and file away. There was not a moments peace from the grief and the pain he and he alone had to shoulder now. Her only crime had been to love another too much. How could obliteration be the fate she deserved for following His teachings? His crime was worse, he had known it the moment he had suggested it to his brothers, but again it had come from a place of love. He had loved Lilith so deeply the desire to save her had become a maddening need. His own survival had seemingly depended on it, or so it felt like. His brothers had loved him enough to walk right behind him, standing tall as they leapt into the fray. When He had declared that they were all guilty of a grievous sin it had enraged him because…he’d never intended that. His love for his sister had driven him to a rebellion that placed his beloved brothers in just as much danger as she was in.
In the strangely still aftermath of it all he’d come to the conclusion it was his fault, lying on a cold, dirty floor as he waited for something to come and end his misery. When Lilith had began to fall he’d dived with her, his brothers continuing the fight in his stead as he plunged in a desperate attempt to save her. It was all he had ever wanted to do and things had spiralled so far beyond his control it was laughable. Only as she lay dying, his heartfelt goodbye pouring from him as he committed one last act of betrayal out of love for her, did he finally understand exactly how this would end. He had intended to take the blame, to suffer whatever punishment he must in exchange for the lives of his brothers, whose only real crime was to follow a flawed and imperfect angel like him. He still hadn’t seen it even then, the flaws in His Father so many humans were starting to see as they bickered about how best to honour Him.
He hadn’t expected to fly right into the middle of their execution.
He had returned to find them restrained but struggling, fire in their eyes and hope in their hearts. For him to return without Lilith crushed them. Beelzebub, the gentle giant beloved by every angel he had ever met, had gone limp so suddenly that those restraining him sagged to the floor under his sudden dead weight. Dazed at the loss of their sister the six of them had been entirely ready to accept punishment, to join her in returning to the nothingness they’d been created from. He knew differently, he knew she was alive and well now, and as an all-knowing Father Lucifer was sure that the powerful man before him knew it to. Watching Michael’s sword come swinging towards Mammon’s neck, the brother he had known and loved longest, had cleaved his heart in two – quite literally at that.
The bitter anger and betrayal he’d felt, the desperate need for vengeance, it swelled and burst out of him in a great shaft of light that flittered about angrily, the malevolence in it quite obvious. Once its humanoid figure had formed and the light had dimmed, the howl of rage the embodiment of his wrath let loose had shook his very bones. It had taken a lot to restrain Satan when he was first born, and Lucifer knew he had only made things worse by creating him. He honestly hadn’t meant to, but the rage had been too much. Mammon being put to death, his brother calmly taking it as though he deserved to pay for Lucifer’s crimes…it had been too much, and yet not enough. Not enough for their Father, who knew the grief was a greater punishment than death could ever be.
So, with one mighty shove He had pushed them all away.
The fall itself replayed in his head still and he doubted he would ever be granted peace from the memory. Shattering the barrier between the Celestial Realm and the human world had felt like crashing through ice, the shards cold and sharp as they sliced through his skin and the stinging wind did little to soothe the wounds. The cold had quickly become fire, Celestial grace unable to leave the Celestial Realm being dragged up and out through every pore in his body until it combusted and set ablaze the wings so many had fawned over. His brothers screams echoing in his ears, his bones popping like firecrackers as his entire form was diminished. Landing in the Devildom had quite honestly been painless compared to the rest of it all. The slap of cold, hard dirt on his back, stealing his air, was actually a welcome relief, since it meant he no longer had to Fall.
He wasn’t sure what had happened to the others or if they’d tell him their experience, given time to heal, but as his body slowly put itself back together he had been greeted by the animal that would become his familiar. The peacock had strutted regally towards him and pecked at the remaining feather and bone the impact hadn’t quite shed him of. He had stared aimlessly at the sky, letting the peacock preen him as new wings grew in. He had lay there thinking of all that had led him to this moment and reached the conclusion that something had to be flawed. So what was it? Was love flawed? Was humanity? Was it both?
It had been a few days since that moment and he still wasn’t sure of the answer. His brothers were all finally awake, Diavolo granting them power and healing their injuries like an old friend, welcoming them to the Devildom as though they were always meant to have fallen into the depths of its depravity. Their new home was lavish beyond anything they could have imagined and yet…it was too much. To spend all the millennia from the dawn of creation up until now revering the simple things, refuting greed and luxury, made it difficult to be thrust into a world where an opulent lifestyle was not only expected but required. They embodied different virtues now. Pride, greed, envy, wrath, gluttony and sloth. They had been warned of these seven deadly sins and tried their best to aid humans in avoiding them, and now…now they were them. It was all his fault.
Belphegor would happily blame humanity from now till the end of time he was sure, but their predicament to him seemed to stem from love. Lilith had loved a human, and he had loved Lilith, so he started a rebellion and their love for him meant his brothers had joined him on a one-way ride down to the Devildom. He had tried to use that same love since, praying for the forgiveness of his brothers. His Father had quite diligently ignored his pleas and though Lucifer was still undecided if it was love, humanity or both that was a flawed concept, he had reached a conclusion that was equally as harrowing as it was satisfying.
God did not love.
An all-loving Father would have offered a chance at forgiveness, wouldn’t he? An all-loving Father would not have been so cruel as to condemn them to a fate where they would have to endure their grief in a place too unfamiliar still to call home. Death would have been a mercy, so an all-loving Father would have granted them that surely? They were here because they had loved one another too much, and their Father had not loved them enough. It was decided then. Love was a flawed concept. His Father had been wrong to place such high value on such a tempting sin.
“Dammit all!” Leviathan’s howl of irritation and pain had his eyes lifting from the fire crackling in the hearth. Tears pricked at vivid orange eyes, his fingers desperately scratching at the scales that now coated various patches of skin. The digits came back bloody and Mammon’s eyes widened.
“Hey, hey! Stop it Levi, here, here let me see.” He gently forced his brother’s trembling hand away from the self-inflicted wounds. “Hang on, let me get something.” Mammon left in a hurry and Lucifer looked over each of his brothers in turn. The rooms were too lavish, and they weren’t used to sleeping so far apart from one another, so a compromise had been made and plush duvets had been bought down to the living room. Belphegor had yet to wake, his sleeping patterns completely irregular now his body was adjusting to the sloth in him. Satan was engrossed in a book about Devildom history, the only one who was seemingly keen to be down here. Asmodeus had turned his back on them all, huddled in his duvet and staring aimlessly at the bookshelf before him.
When Mammon returned with a bowl of water and a cloth, Levi couldn’t help the quiet sniffle that left him.
“Th-thanks.” He mumbled, trying desperately to keep it together. Beelzebub wasn’t even trying. Protectively wrapped around Belphegor as the latter snored softly, the grief and torment in his eyes was obvious as he watched his older brother hurting.
“The scales are really dry, maybe you should take a bath.” Mammon suggested quietly. His loud, boisterous personality was gone, replaced instead by something horribly timid. Lucifer felt another pang of guilt and anger. He had done this to them all.
“Maybe…maybe we should pray?” Asmodeus’s voice was equally as quiet, weak and uncertain. Lucifer clicked his tongue, his eyes moving back to the flames. He heard the rustle of Amso moving but couldn’t bring himself to look at him. He didn’t want to see any of them if he was honest, the brothers he’d failed. Satan’s quiet snort didn’t go unnoticed.
“We usually do before we go to sleep so what’s the harm?” Beelzebub demanded. He had had little patience for Satan since his appearance, convinced that he was the reason they had been tipped into the Devildom and stripped of any chance of re-joining his beloved sister, the final piece to the puzzle that was Beelzebub, Belphegor and Lilith.
“In case you haven’t noticed, he seems to be done listening to you.” Satan sneered.
“Like you would know, you weren’t even an angel! You don’t understand any of it!” Asmodeus protested, “Right Lucifer?” Lucifer couldn’t bring himself to answer. He had tried. He had prayed and prayed and prayed only to be ignored time and again. Their Father didn’t love them, he had abandoned them to this place. He had taught them all to love and gone back on his own word. Lucifer clenched his fist once more, the anger and grief roiling in his gut and making him feel oh so sick.
“All I’m saying is if your blessed Father was all-knowing he would have foreseen this happening, wouldn’t he? So, if he knew it was coming, and is all-loving, why wouldn’t he correct your course? Why not help you avoid this truly terrible fate?” the way he drawled each word really gave it time to sink in and the answering silence spoke volumes.
“He’s…got a point.” Mammon muttered uncomfortably.
“Of course I do, the sooner you accept it the faster you can start adjusting to life here. It might not be all bad. Did you know the Devildom has over 300 types of demon inhabit it?” Satan stated matter of factly.
“And now we do.” Beelzebub said softly. The silence that rang in his ears made Lucifer’s head spin. He pushed up from his chair, levelling each of his broken, beaten brothers with his calmest stare. They all knew better than to question the tears in his eyes or the slight waver in his voice.
"Starting from today we don't pray anymore. Father has forsaken us."
He quickly buried himself in his own bedding after that so they wouldn’t see how much it truly pained him to say it. He pretended not to hear Asmodeus cry himself to sleep. He pretended he couldn’t hear Mammon trying to calm a pained Levi begging him to take the scales away and give him his wings back. He pretended not to hear Beelzebub’s quite goodnight to Lilith, his solemn vow to look after Belphegor woven into the tender words that carried through the air. He pretended to ignore it all even though every bit of pain his brother’s oozed was soaked up by him like a sponge, adding to his own torment. He pretended not to feel Mammon’s hand on his shoulder to as he passed him to settle down to sleep to.
“Have we really been forsaken?” he asked him quietly. Lucifer swallowed thickly.
“Father has forsaken us…but we will not forsake each other.” It was all he could think to say to comfort his younger brother. He would forsake none of them. He would make them whole again as best he could. He hadn’t made a deal with Diavolo for nothing. Even if the world around them changed, even if he himself became unrecognisable to the people that once loved him, everything he would do from then on would always be in the name of family.
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antialiasis · 4 years
Dave and His Memories Discuss Mia (and Jean)
Back in 2007, when I was writing The Fall of a Leader for NaNo, there was one particular chapter that stuck out. In it, Shadowdart sat down contemplating the roots of his moral system. While I was writing this particular chapter, for whatever reason, I got so intensely into his head that I genuinely felt like I was discovering something legitimately profound and important. By the time I was editing the story in January and got to that part again, it felt pretty unremarkable as a chapter. But the experience of writing it had been something unique. I’d never really felt like that writing before, and never felt it again... until this Saturday, that is.
It's a bit of a long story how that happened. For the past few months I've been participating in the Blacklight RPG on Thousand Roads, as Dave from Morphic, only as a Poochyena (because this is a PMD RP, where any participating humans are turned into Pokémon). Without getting into too much in the way of explanations, the other day on spur of the moment @unrepentantauthor and I started to privately roleplay an imagined interaction between Poochyena Dave and their character's father, a Delphox named Jesse Stranger, where they argue about which of them is less of a terrible father and are both being giant hypocrites going "NO U" at each other and it's great.
Anyway, at a certain point in the argument Jesse the Delphox uses Miracle Eye to mind-probe Dave about whether he's ever had 'violent thoughts' about his kids, and I sat down to write what he'd find. And it happened again! I spent three hours so in his head that I was full-on crying about his feelings and was shaking afterwards and everything. Like thirteen years ago, reading over it again afterwards it's like okay, this is not all that remarkable. But since this stands largely on its own and doesn't require any background knowledge of the RP, here it is anyway, for anyone interested in Morphic extras.
The formatting here is a bit unusual; I originally used Discord spoilers for some of the thoughts in the memories that he refuses to consciously acknowledge, the stuff that wouldn't show up in the narration of his POV of these scenes but is there anyway for a psychic to pick up on. Since Tumblr can't do those, I've replaced them with strikethroughs, which is not quite the same effect, but oh well.
What... what was he doing. Dave's ears flattened back against his head. Miracle Eye? What was that? Was he supposed to have any fucking idea what--
Everything fell in on itself, the Delphox's mind pressing against his own, finding faults, piercing them. He yelled out a panicked string of curses he couldn't hear. Fuck, fuck, what was happening--
--and then, suddenly, a memory. The echoing slam of a door, the unbearable screeching cry of an infant in his arms. she was gone, for good this time, and he knew it, fuck, he fucked it up every time, of course he fucking did Blinking rapidly and standing there and listening to the fucking interminable howls of this freak he never wanted and was somehow stuck with, thanks to these clownish fucking abortion activists. because he'd gotten drunk and fucking bragged about it at a bar, what the fuck was wrong with him A fleeting, angry thought as he looked at the baby, this flailing little bundle: Maybe Jane had the right idea. The mental image of just grabbing her by the ankle and tossing her off the balcony, watching her sail over the trees as the wailing receded into the night, or even just slamming her into the wall, a crack followed by heavenly silence. he didn't want this, he didn't want this, how was he supposed to take care of a fucking baby alone, he couldn't do this, fuck, maybe the police wouldn't even care when the baby wasn't fucking human, or he could just jump after her and get it over with--
His stomach clenched in revulsion, nausea crawling up his throat. What the fuck was this? He barely even remembered that night, hadn't thought of it in fucking years. He wanted to reach out and tear Jean away from this creep, just hold her and keep her safe and make sure nobody could hurt her, ever. Fuck, he just wanted to go home.
--and then a sudden unexpected yank into a series of other memories. Mia, four years old, no idea why she shouldn't hurt people; the abstract realization she was disturbed, weird, but also fascinating. She wasn't a monster; she was just different. Smart. She could figure it out, if he just explained in the right way if he failed that was a problem for later--
--watching the new game Mia and Lucy had invented for the first time a year later, the predatory glint in Mia's eyes as she pounced: it's a game, honestly it's just pretty cute, it's just the same as the little violent impulses they all have this might be more concerning when she has scythes but it's nothing to worry about--
--Mia, seven years old, little scythes beginning to poke out of her arms. Feeling almost giddy analyzing the X-rays: he'd been right, they were growing exactly as he'd predicted. Cheryl taking him aside, asking if she should be worried. No, of course not, she won't do anything, Lucy can stay insubstantial what if -- she won't, she's brilliant, she gets it--
--getting a call from the school, about how Mia, nine, had swiped and cut a girl's hair. Showing up to the principal's office, trying to placate the horrified parents. "She could've killed her!" "Of course she wouldn't have. She knows her own limits. It was just a game, like the games she plays with her sister. We'll talk to her about why she can't do that and that'll be the end of it." the hair's very close to the neck, fuck, Mia, what--
--looking at her in his car one day after one of their weird talks to offer her hotdogs, only to find her staring at him in the sort of way she stared at Lucy during their games, and when he asked what she was thinking she said she was hungry. "Just so we're clear here, when you say 'hungry' you mean 'let's get hotdogs', not 'I want to tear Dave's throat out and eat him', right?" "Both." Fear congealing in his stomach, blood running cold in his veins. She wasn't actually going to, and he knew it -- she was annoyed to even have to explain: "I like talking to you more than I'd like eating you." "That's great, but you can't eat people you don't like either." "I know." "Tell me why." -- but in his mind's eye he saw her lashing out, scythe through his throat, her sharpened fangs tearing at his windpipe, and felt so sick he couldn't breathe. Telling her to please not let him down please before exiting the car, extending his hand towards her and imagining her lunging again and every primal instinct in his brain telling him to get away, but no, she wouldn't, he knew that, and instead holding his hand firm until she took it if she attacked it'd be on him anyway--
--another call. She'd attacked a boy, put a pretty deep cut in his arm. His heart pounding in the office. Mia please don't fucking do this Somehow persuading the principal and the parents that it's a matter of childish impulse control, it's not like she wants to hurt anyone, she knows she shouldn't, they were thinking about making some sheaths for her scythes anyway kind of, maybe, he'd thought about it once and once that happened it wouldn't be a problem. Asking her about it in the car afterwards. Apparently it was this group of kids that kept harassing her about religion, of course it all came down to fucking religion, and she was just defending herself. Like she didn't have that fucking right -- but they talked about it anyway and it'd be fine and they'd make the sheaths Mia please--
--a pang of dread every time he got a call for a while, until at last the third one, when it was clear the principal had already made up his mind when he arrived at the office, and he argued fiercely anyway, they were provoking her, who even does that -- but then she expertly executed a fly on the wall and he couldn't even disagree anymore, she was probably better off homeschooled, and he took her home and they talked about religion on the way and he was glad he'd not have to get any more of these fucking phone calls, and then even fucking Howard was acting like it was all her fucking fault but it wasn't, she wasn't a monster, she was just Mia and she was weird but she was a fucking person and she was his best friend, taking her for hotdogs was like the best part of his week, he couldn't fucking lose her and it wasn't her fault, he'd made her this way and he'd figure it out--
--that horrible day of waking up to all of them gone but Lucy, off on a fucking suicide mission to rescue Gabriel, begging Jean to come home, realizing he'd fucking told them about the trap laid out for them, pacing around the house drinking whatever he could get his hands on trying to imagine they'd all be all right only all he could think was that they were all dying and he should go out there and do something except there was nothing he could do, he'd just be getting himself killed, and fuck, that was fine, fucking bring it, but they'd kill Gabriel too. The utilitarian calculus that rationally they should have just let them kill Gabriel so nobody else would die, they'd all fucking hate him forever but at least they'd be okay, but even then he just fucking couldn't, he was pretty sure Gabriel hated him already but Dave's heart still sank into a bottomless pit at the thought, and all he could do was cling to the fantasy that somehow everyone would be okay and try to drink enough to not remember the rest it'd be his fault, his fucking fault, he told them where to go--
--learning, from Jack's strained recollection of that day, that Mia had died with some kind of psycho fucking grin on her face after slitting somebody's throat, and feeling sick and pressing his lips together as he sat there, but it wasn't her fault, it wasn't her fault, it wasn't her fault, she was fucking unique and he loved her and if they hadn't shot her three times in the head he'd be fucking taking her and driving off, getting her out of the country, he didn't care, they couldn't take Mia he'd made her that way and he hadn't said the right things to her and he'd fucking told them where to go like a fucking idiot--
See, Dave thought, fiercely, in the middle of it, she wasn't a fucking monster, I never thought she was a fucking monster, all I ever wanted was to keep her fucking safe.
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lucidpantone · 3 years
Druck is objectively better than all remakes at making a pointed effort to do better with their pic reps. They actually take in the feedback of their audience and try to execute a better product. There are problems with druck and 80% of it is the fandom. Ofc all remakes have issues tho, so ppl should chill. Druck fans unapologetically shit on other remakes while, wtfock fans and skam fr fans have the courtesy of slyly getting their digs in there. It's quite amusing to watch from the sidelines
this is super long but for you anon.
So I think we need to look at these three remakes as what I call the og period and the original period because they do change alot once they get more freedom some for the absolute worse. Ok so lets talk first about the OG periods. To be perfectly honest s1 in all these remakes are just ok. Jana & Jens are a bit unbearable but Jana as a whole is fine and am happy she doesnt end up with Jens. Same with Hanna and Jonas they aren’t unbearable per-say but I am also not gushing over them but I do like Jonas being a heart throb music man sometimes but once again they dont burn into my core but am happy they reunite. Love Emma and love Yann just not together its that simple. S2 is where we really start to see the difference. Charles is the devil so I hate skamfr s2 and like really Manon stays with him??? ughh why?? Daphne is right at almost bursting into laughter when he talks about doing philanthropy. Ok bruh....sure. Winterberg is fine I dont hate them and I dont love them they are just okay to me. S2 happens to be wtfock best season so its kinda hard to stack them up because this is the best they ever looked. All of the s3 for all these remakes are good. To say they aren’t would just be nonsense some are better then others but all are above average. Now S4....... well well well. What can we say the elusive goldstar Sana season is yet to be made (I will say the script for Italia s4 is fantastic, THE SCRIPT).
Skamfr s4 was a mess and ridiculous and Druck’s s4 was lazy and harbored accents of prejudice all over it.Both seasons undercut their woc and both miss the opportunity to write deep meaningful stories that explored the societal struggles of muslim women. Skamfr s4 just happened to really just shows us their colors but honestly am not shocked this is skam the micro racist decisions are all over the verse. TBD on yasmina season.
 NOW......this all changes when we talk about the original seasons because this is when we see the shows on their own and also we get to see if they have been listening and absorbing the fan commentary or not. So let’s get the obvious out of the way wtFOCK was an absolute mess and maybe the worse season ever created in the skamverse the only thing that made that season even slightly bearable was the Moyo arc which I hear it actually continues in s5 so in a weird way s4 is actually about Moyo since his story continues but we already know thats only because if the fans saw Kato on the screen for a matters of seconds the volcano of hate would explode. I despise how Noa has become the pseudo main of s4 but didnt get the credit. It kills me they did this to him. Maining Romi is the worse mistake ever made by any remake and thats just fact. Now do I want to see a newgen out of wtfock? hmmmm ask me after s5 but am leaning towards probably not but am on the fence. Now skamfr .....let me say this one thing skam fr is nothing without their cast. Talk about fucking talent. Those kids can act their ass off but their writing is atrocious. s5 could have been good they had all the ingredients but the writers bomb it. S6 once again flavie amazing the writing a shit show. S7 lucie was amazing the writing was better but still needs work I think it pretty obvious skam fr is going to step into the thunderdome and finally do what no skam has done before and main bilal but should I really applaud it taking 8 seasons and 35 plus skamverse seasons to get here??? Probably not, but since no one else is gonna pull the trigger I wish them well and at least skamfr listen and lamifex is super rich in diversity and they are honestly a fabulous newgen. They are such a ridiculous squad but god I love them and Jo is an angel. Please please skamfr please write a good story for a brown boy I beg of you!!! Now druck s5 all I can say is Bravo!! If skamfr is their cast then Druck is their writers. That s5 season is a fucking beast. Thats how you write an original skam season. They also listen the cast is super diverse. The girl squad feels natural and their age I actually like that the insta squad are problematic as fuck and happen to be queer. Like just cause your a gay baby doesnt mean you arent an ass. s6 for me personally was ok maybe its unfair of me but I expect amazing writing out of druck and s6 to me was not their best. It could have been amazing they touched so many topics but never deeply explored them and I wanted more for fatou. Also def got the vibes at the end they were panicking on who to main next season so everyone got a little plot thread but that also distracted me from fatou but I love the Mailin plot it was really smart and done well. I didnt hate her but boy did she bug the shit out me.That how you write modern day racism and white privilege. I just wish Ava’s plot was spread more onto fatou they were moments but i wanted more. So I guess I do think out of the original seasons druck s5 is the best. Nora being white didnt matter because she was written well but i do think Tiff being the main out of skamfr wasnt the best choice but then seeing Lucie act am like ok i get it but honestly I expect that from that cast they can all kill it so why not let someone else be the main and not tiff. BTW druck’s cast is good too I just dont think they are as good as the skamfr cast on the acting front but they are some members that are very very good. Like you said because Druck does listen I hope they listen to the honest criticism of s6. I know some people are like its the best ever but like its not....am sorry s5 was way better then s6 and that makes me sad because i want my black girl magic.... I do expect s7 to be good because when the writers for druck have the room to take their time they always kill it but I also feel like they are about to pull a Tiff on us and main Ismail(plus constantine as the side plot) but if I trust anyone with not fucking it up its them. Concerning the fandoms I live off tag and I do that for a reason. The fandom tags are alot but the druck one is almost hostile and honestly you would love the show more if you didnt interact with it. The skamfr tag is hilarious because they are no anti’s its just a bunch of arm chair critics making memes at how ridiculous the frenchies are but in away it makes the remake super fun because no one cares anymore. The wtfock tag has really high highs and really insane lows. When its low its really low so I have decided to live off tag. For those who haven’t..... god speed. Your brave souls!!
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A Fight For My Friends - FFXV fic
A/N: I am SO SORRY that I took forever to write this but it’s finally done!!! Omg I haven’t written for the ffxv boys since 2018, I hope I did this fic justice. This is for @sylleblossomstar and even though you requested a AU, the fic is HALF canon. It’s just a few things tweeked here and there. I hope you enjoy!! Request are NOT open btw!
It had been a few days since the battle with Leviathan and things went terribly wrong. I was knocked out after I had gotten the hydrean’s power so I barely remember much but what I know now is that Luna is dead… We didn’t even get a chance to speak before I had found out from Ignis that she was gone. The pain I felt in my chest was unbearable as I cried alone, looking through the book Luna and I used to talk through. I wish that I was strong enough, that I could have her with me. All I wanted to do was save her… yet I failed at that. I failed my friends also. Ignis is blind now. I don’t know how that happened since I didn’t ask and he didn’t tell me. “It’s just a flesh wound” was all that I was told though it looked like he put up one hell of a fight. Dammit… why can’t I protect the ones I love? First it was Dad… and now Luna is gone too? I must become stronger. Not only will I get the power from the other gods and the rest of the royal arms but I will train harder and work harder. I will make sure that my friends don’t even lift a finger. That’s not how we usually do things but I’m sick and tired of always being protected yet the ones I love keep dying. What kind of Prince can’t even protect his people? Pft…Some kind of King I’ll be someday.
We had to board the train in a few days to head to Cartanica, though we had no money. We were all still pretty worn out from Leviathan and even though Gladio wanted to keep moving forward, Ignis insisted that we have some cash first and at least some rest afterwards. Altissia was a wreck so there would be no way we could find hunts to take up there. With nowhere to stay either, we got on Dad’s boat and headed back to Cape Caem. We wouldn’t go too far into Lucis considering that we had to leave again after a few days. Iris was happy to see us again, though she said we looked a mess and that she should’ve been there to protect us. Of course Gladio didn’t even want to consider the thought of his sister being there and having the possibility of something happening to her but they are Amicitia’s after all. It was their job to protect the Royal family. 
We drove up to a nearby town and found a post about some hunts that needed to be taken care of. With the amount of gil being offered for one of them, we would be set to go. This was my chance to prove myself.. To prove that I can protect my friends. Ignis was in no shape to fight. He can’t even see! He’s using a stick to walk around but without the help of Gladio or Prompto, he keeps knocking into things. All I can keep thinking of is Luna and Dad… Part of me knew I had to get stronger but if I didn’t have to keep fighting anymore, I would just get in bed and sleep for a week. Apparently, Gladio noticed my moping and we got into a huge fight.
“The hell is your problem?” 
I was caught off guard.
“All you do is sit around your ass moping. You need to deal with what happened and move on”.
The hell??
“Move on?? I’m here aren’t I? If I wasn’t moving on then I wouldn’t even be trying to do any of this!”
“Yet you wish you didn’t even have to deal with any of this. You carry that ring around with you yet you don’t wear it. Luna didn’t give her life for nothing. Ignis took one for you too and for what!?”
“Enough Gladio!” I heard Ignis yell out.
“You think you’re a king but you’re a coward.”
I couldn’t even believe what I was hearing right now. Me? A coward? After everything we've been through?? The hell with him.
“Shut up!” 
“Don’t do this!”
I saw out of the corner of my eye that Prompto tried to get involved but Gladio shoved him in the face. Part of me didn’t even care that he was my bodyguard, I was ready to fight him like he was some regular on the street. I decided against it though and just walked away. I didn’t want to deal with any of them right now.
It was night time now and the hunt we got were for the daemons at this time. It was raining too which was just my luck. Anyways, now was my chance to show Gladio that I wasn’t a coward. I didn’t believe in myself as King but I didn’t have any other choice. I was going to do this whether I liked it or not. I was so conflicted in my head, deciding on what I would do. I just had to go through with it. 
It was an Iron Giant for a start. We knew what we were up against but seeing it actually in front of you was a completely different thing. Whatever. I decided to charge head on into the thing. 
“Noct! The hell are you doing!?” I heard Gladio yell out. I didn’t care. As much as he deserved to get punched in the face, I wasn’t going to let anything happen to him. I hit the Iron Giant several times before I was almost hit.
“Hey buddy, you aren’t alone in this! Take it easy and let us help!”. Prompto yelled out as he shot his gun. I ignored him.
All I wanted to do was fight. If I had to take out my frustration in some way, it would be on this Iron Giant. I completely blocked everyone out, distracting the giant from them. 
“I won’t let you hurt my friends!” I yelled out before activating the royal arms that I had for more strength. I knew in the back of my mind that using the royal arms would take a toll on my health if I over did it but with the Giant almost down and so I had to give it the best I had. I slashed through it from every angle. The guys were trying their best to fight and I could hear the constant yelling. I was so lost in the moment that I didn’t realize I ran out of stamina already and felt light headed. The rain made me slip from the Iron Giant’s sword as I fell to the ground, though it wasn’t a high fall. Man, I really wasn’t feeling good at all. I was so out of breath and couldn’t even get to my feet before the thing smacked me out of the way with its sword. The pain was unbearable as I cried out.
“Was that Noct?? Is he alright??” Ignis yelled out in the distance.
“Nocttttt!” Prompto yelled out.
“This thing is on its last legs, just take it down already!” Gladio yelled out before him and Prompto gave the final blow... or so I thought. I was so dizzy and hurt that I passed out.
I awoke in the tent at camp, not knowing what the hell happened. I knew I was fighting the Iron Giant but did I kill it? I tried to sit up but the pain shot up though my body as I hissed at it. I then noticed that I didn’t have a shirt on. I had bandages around my waist covered in some blood and my head. Shit… did I really get hurt that bad? I looked around to see if I could find my shirt which I did and put it on. Knowing the guys were outside, I tried my best to get up. Wincing at the pain, I made it out before I had two eyes staring at me. Ignis heard me leave the tent.
“Noct is that you?” he asked me.
“Yeah” I said as I found a seat by the campfire. There wasn’t any food considering that Ignis couldn’t cook anymore. I would go for anything right now.
“Hey buddy, you’re awake!” Prompto said to me. “This is for you.” Cup noodles. Oh well, it was better than nothing. “Thanks” I told him.
“How are you feeling Noct?” Ignis asked me. I wish I could say I felt great but I was in a lot of pain still.
“Still in pain but I’ll live” I told him.
“The hell were you thinking fighting on your own like that?” Gladio snapped at me. “You could have been killed.”
I sighed as I looked down. That was a little dangerous for me to go all out on my own to the point that I got sick and hurt. But it was for them.
“I know that I acted I reckless like that but… I had to protect you guys. After all that we’ve been through and all that happened so far, I didn’t want to lose you guys too.”
“Yeah well we would have lost you instead for charging into that thing like that. What good would Lucis be without a King?” he said back to me.
King… was I even fit to be King after all of this? I didn’t want to let them in on my doubts and risk being in another fight with Gladio but I would never be the King my Dad was. I stood quiet. 
“We understand that you want to protect us, Noct but our duty is to protect you. True strength does not come from facing danger alone but working together to defeat our enemy” Ignis said. I looked at him as he looked down, holding his empty cup of noodles. I sighed again. He was fight. We were stronger together, we were meant to protect one another. 
“We care for you bud. Can’t have you not being in top shape for what’s to come” Prompto told me. You’re not alone in your fight. We all have people that we lost”.
Lost… I was so caught up in my own act that I didn’t even think of their losses. We all had a home back in Insomnia; a place that we couldn’t return to. I knew Gladio’s Dad was the shield of my father. Did he die too? What about Prompto’s family… or Ignis?
“I didn’t want to let you guys down” I finally said. It was the honest truth.
“Me calling you a coward didn’t mean you had to head on straight to your death. You may be a royal pain in my ass but you’re still my brother. 
I looked up at Gladio when he said that. Sure he was tough about things and the way he spoke sometimes can come off as harsh but he only meant the best for me. He always knew how to get me to pull my head out of my ass and keep fighting no matter what, no matter if I liked how he said it or not. 
“I’m sorry” I said.
Gladio sighed. “Don’t be sorry, just let us do our part next time. We have Ignis to take care of now. We work together as one.” 
I agreed. I don’t regret what I did because the intention of wanting to do better and get stronger was there but I do admit that I had to fight with them and not alone. These guys were my brothers and even though I never said it to them, I loved them. 
“I love you guys” I said. I was never pretty vocal about my emotions but it had to be said. 
“We love you too buddy” Prompto said. Gladio and Ignis agreed.
“When are we heading out to take the train?” I asked.
“Oh we won’t be leaving any time soon” Gladio said. “You aren’t in the shape for it”.
“Gladio is right”, Ignis said. “Judging by what Gladio said about your wounds, you must heal up first before we go.”
Right.. I had forgotten all about the pain, being wrapped up in conversation.
“Aww look at that. A royal prince being taken care of by us. All three of us. Who better yet to take care of you than us?” Prompto cooed out. 
I laughed and shoved his arm before wincing again. They were a pain in my ass as well but what could I do without them...
Tagging: @humanitys-hottestsoldier @paopufruittt @final-fantasy-xv-nut
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x-avavarts-x · 4 years
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A final fantasy fanfiction for my oc and her family.
Characters: Cor Leonis, Laura lucis caelum (my oc), Dariolus Amicitia(my oc) Noctis lucis Caelum, Ignis scientia, Crystalcrown Leonis ( @yutauke28 oc )
 My national language is not English. I apologize for spelling and grammar mistakes.
I can't find a good name for my story and probably changed its name.
When your flesh and blood are mixed with pain and you are nurtured with it, you dedicate your whole being to those who were trying to improve your suffering by touching their love. What's wrong with you? It does hurt to lose these loved ones, even thinking about it bothers you. At that time .. you grab everything to stop the destiny .. like a bird stuck in a cage and trying for freedom, you knock yourself on the door and the wall to find a way ... and if you find it. Nothing can stop you, even if it is a God!
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Part: 2
Cor's voice opened my eyes slowly. I saw that it was a bit blurry and I couldn't see his face clearly! I took a deep breath and tried to sit in my place. He put his hand on my shoulder to oppose me, but I was sitting! I put my feet on the ground and rested my hands on the edge of the bed:
"I'm fine!"
He stood for a while and then sat down next to me. His movements were doubtful because he did not know much about socializing with a woman. He did not expect more from a 45-year-old man who had fought or practiced all his life! I lowered my head and broke the silence with myself:
"I ran away!"
I heard a cold, calm voice:
"This is nothing, Lara! You did what your father wanted!"
My voice was calm and my tone was heavier than ever:
"He kept his promise... he was right!"
I turned my gaze slowly to his blue eyes. His face was cold and serious. It didn't make any sense, and that's why our relationship ended. I didn't know why I came back to him! I took a deep breath and got up to leave the camp:
" I'm sorry I won't take your time."
Before I could even walk away from the bed, he grabbed my wrist and prevented me from leaving. I slowly stood up and turned to face him! His eyes were full of words, but his lips weren't moving, he slowly let go of my hand and got up from his place:
"Rest here. You have just arrived, your body is not strong yet!"
This behavior really bothered me. I couldn't stand it, especially through:
" I'm human .. I sow the death of my loved ones .. My father disappeared, I only lost my companion! I took refuge in you! Isn't that enough to show my feelings?
He was standing quietly before reached his work desk. His thoughts were dumb and silent to me. I couldn't read anything from his look or demeanor. He took a deep breath and I could feel it moving his shoulders. I took a deep breath to calm myself down, laughing so much in my mental anguish that no one thought it might be something that bothered me. I had accepted this, but I needed to embrace someone I loved !! Cor's silence was nothing to me except he was unimportant to me, he never said he wanted me. never! While I was trying for years to restore her soul, he ignored me .. and even now .. !! The headache forced me to sit down. I sat on the bed for the second time and held my head in my hands:
" Do you know about Noctis"
"Not yet!"
I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at its screen. I wanted to call Noctis, but ... what was I told him! I left my phone on the bed and stared at cor again! His gaze was fixed on the map on his desk, and he was looking at it calmly. Sometimes I felt that he had no feelings, but ... I pressed my eyelids tightly and a thick frown settled between my eyebrows:
" I'm tired .. can you calm me down only once ??"
I couldn't believe I asked him to do that. I slowly raised my head to see him, standing right in front of me. A faint smile sat on his lips. Pale and very calm, but the same smile was very unexpected for someone known him. Slowly he sat down on his knees in front of me and hugged me. The touch of his hands gave me a soft feeling, I felt like someone who was addicted to drugs for a long time, and now it has suddenly calmed down using the drug it loves! Cor was an unattainable but lovable drug for me, he was Unattainable, but he has worth it. Slowly, I raised my hands and circled the tension. Hatred of crying puts pressure on my throat and I have no choice but to break it. I put my eyes on his wide, flat shoulders and pressed myself against him. I used to take refuge in it because of the loss of half of my family. Cor always made me happy and I feel like a free girl by him. but now, at the age of 39 ... could I still be happy? While there was almost nothing left of my family ??
"I don't know this confession .. right or not but .. I love you cor..for a long time .. !!
This sudden confession of mine seemed to be very unexpected to him, maybe he thought I wasn't interested in him, but ... his hands sat on my shoulders and he pulled me away from himself. That smile was gone from his face. His face was cold, but his icy eyes injected a certain warmth.
"I didn't think this interest would still exist!"
His words made me laugh. I wiped away my tears and tilted my head to some extent and answered him while my tone was a little warm:
"Can i don't want these eyes ?? You are more bitter than snake venom and more unbearable than a cactus trunk !!
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He laughed softly. He laughs a little, but when he laughs, it feeds my heart with calm and love. From his laughter, only a faint smile remained, he lowered his head for a moment and looked at me again. I grabbed his collar and put my face close to his face. I kissed him gently on the lips. I stared into his eyes. The surprise was clearly in his eyes, and I could feel it! I laughed and raised my head, my smile slowly disappeared, my tone was sad:
"There is no other kingdom .. You no longer need to hide your interest because I am a princess!"
He hugged me again and stroked my hair. I couldn't read his thoughts, but I knew it felt good. He was so proud that he didn't say it, but well, I didn't have that pride. And I was at the forefront of expressing interest in him! Nap pressed on my eyelids, and the warm embrace of Cor made my body lighter! I laughed and separated myself from him:
"I am sleepy!"
He laughed softly and got up from his place. He picked up a gray blanket and threw it over my head:
"Sleep, I'll get to work too!"
I took my tone seriously and pulled the blanket down over my head:
"Sit down and do your works! what I have to do with you !! You act kind of like you hate it so much! It's my fault that I kissed you!"
I took off my boots and threw them on the other side, opened the blanket and threw it on my feet. I opened my hair and continued to growl in front of his benevolent gaze:
"I hope you have a fever that you can't do anything! I hope that the gods your enemy's incurable pain. I hope a green wart is the size of an apple on your nose !!"
He laughed softly and stood behind his desk. I lay on the bed and slept while my back against Cor. When I was sure that my face would no longer see, I dropped into myself. I used all that sorrow to empty the heads of the Nif soldiers. To calm me by shedding their dirty blood. Although .. this bleeding did not revive my loved ones.. it calmed my heart!
As Laura fell asleep, Cor's look was drawn at her. He breaths caught softly, and his eyebrows twitched in a sad frown. He had received the news from Monica in all the details, he didn't bring anything to Laura so as not to make her feel bad. However, He saw Laura stronger than talking about the death of her loved ones. Now Cor had lost his friends, his legendary king, as well as his old master! He took a deep breath and lifted his hands from the desk, Slowly he walked towards Laura and stood over her head! He was happy that she was still alive, and this made him thank Cor of his gods for the second time. Now that he knew Laura was still interested in him, he decided not to miss this opportunity to have her! Years ago, not knowing what he was doing, he felt dependent on Lara, and all this distance had not only made him feel weak but more than ever. he didn't know Laura so much while she was trying to cure him as a child. SHe didn't look at Cor like other people, he didn't hate them and he understood them, maybe because she had a difficult childhood, maybe she also understood the meaning of hating others well. He has been with Laura for a long time, he knows how much Laura suffers! Laura, who, in spite of all this mental pain, was called a bastard and humiliated others, was smiling again, and was happy! That's what made those around him ... especially Cor, remember that he was a continuation! He gently raised his hand and stroked her black and gray hair with a delicate hand. He didn't even cut his hair short because of his knowledge of Cor interest, he put his hand on his arm to pull his fingers and he grabbed them between his hands !! Seven-year-old Laura calmed the pain of Cor failure with these hands so that Cor realized how difficult life is for him without Laura's presence !! He pulled the blanket over her shoulders and kissed her head gently and briefly. He didn't do much of it, so he finished it quickly. They had to do their mission and get the key to noct! He went out of the tent to eat something instead of breakfast!
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Ignis' green look was on Gladio and the prompto that the wanted them that left Noctis and himself alone. He stood behind Noctis, raised his hand hesitantly, and pushed it into his delicate hair, and caressed it. This brief action by Ignis caused Noctis to turn and look at him with tears in his eyes, the news of the death of his loved ones had greatly disturbed him. So hard that he could hold back his tears, now only his friends are with him. He put his hand over his eyes to wipe away his tears and spoke in a voice that was muffled by crying:
"Everyone dies ..!"
Ignis was silent because he could not find the words that were appropriate for Noctis's pain relief, which, of course, did not last long. Noctis 'voice echoed in Ignis' ear. He cried freely and sobbed:
"I can not believe it..!"
A girl's hands gently grasp Noctis' shoulders. Touching those hands, Noctis turned his back slowly, wiping his ocean eyes from the tears. Crystal's hands wiped Noctis' tears from his face. Her face was sad because she seemed to have lost her family too!
"Do you know that you are not alone?"
It didn't take long for Ignis's voice to be heard. He gently put his hand on his friend's shoulder and continued his words seriously:
"We always hold your back. Only death can separate us from you."
Knowing the strength of Ignis' will, and of course, his perseverance and endurance made Noctis's pain somewhat relieved. The touch of crystal caresses also calmed him. His friends were always by his side and that was enough for Noktis ... and all he wanted to be was for him not to lose them either. Crystal hands wrapped around Noctis's waist and led him to the car. At the same time, all three returned to the car to get to their seats. Noctis thoughts were filled with sweet memories of the past. His father's nightly tales of her travels and adventures, Laura's petty mischief to entertain him .. Halloween celebrations and New Year's Eve together .. Laura's sinister plans and his father's opposition to surprise Cor or Clarus. There was nothing left of that family except Noctis. He thought that Laura was also alive because Cor had not given him any information about Laura. he was no longer crying, but his chest was heavy because of this mental pain !! All this time along the way, Noctis stared sadly and frustratedly at the floor of the car .. Even this car was full of memories .. his father's car .. he took a deep breath and frowned at his hatred ... leaving him all alone .. lying to him, Lying next to him, lying with him, staying with him, lying that everything is under control .. Lying behind lies .. !! All the time Noctis's grief and selfishness locked his friend Prampto's eyes on his eyes. Seeing this, his friend had nothing but torment. He had never been so quiet. Unlike Prampto and Ignis, Gladio was disappointed that King Regis had sacrificed his life to save his worthless son. However, he was respectful and did not tell him anything. This was the only sympathy of Gladio!
She was standing outside the garage, leaning against the wall. Her head was down and her gaze was fixed on the ground from behind the irregular strands of her hair. Cid's words about King Regis break his daughter's heart. Slowly she raised her hand and placed it on her chest, took a deep breath, and walked slowly into the garage. The sound of his strong footsteps broke the silence created by Cid's departure. The first look she turned to the princess was Ignis. The gleam of happiness in his large, green eyes was easily recognizable to Laura. As expected from Ignis, he stood respectfully and straight in front of the princess and bowed:
A smile wiped the Cleared her red lip from lipstick. It was as if Ignis's voice had caught Noctis' attention. Because he slowly turned his back and was shocked to see his sister. Perhaps out of joy and perhaps out of surprise, Noctis's inner sense was a positive and joyful one. He took a step away from his place and came to Laura:
"Laura !!"
Laura quickly painted her lips and hugged her brother and squeezed:
"Is my Kitty good?"
Laura's survival was hope for Noctis again. He was not alone !! Her sister was here, by his side! He laughed softly and kissed his sister's cold cheek. This coldness of Laura's body worried her to some extent. Slowly he pulled her away from himself and looked at her with a worried frown:
"Your body is .. cold !!"
As prompto came forward, the sentence that Noctis uttered was forgotten. He stood in front of Laura and happily put his hand behind his head and leaned back a little:
"Wow, Laura, being alive is a miracle !!"
Laura's gentle laughter responded to Prompto's warm, friendly tone:
"I also didn't get well."
The next person was Crystal. She ran happily to Laura and hugged her tightly! It didn't take long for her tongue to open and he began to speak sharply:
" You are alive, Laura, you are alive !! I can not believe it!"
A kind smile sat on Laura's lips. She caressed crystal's red hair gently and kissed her head. The pain was so severe that she did not want to think about the past and the place of that sweet and kind girl!
"No one dares to kill me my strawberry !!!"
Crystal's gaze was fixed on Laura's face and her:
"You are a badass, Laura you know?"
Gladio's gaze was looking for a bigger level than his own. The fact that Dario is not with Laura ... gave him nothing but a negative feeling. He turned to Laura and stared at her smile. If Dario was dead, Laura wouldn't smile !!
" Where is Dario? Is he eating ramen again?
Not to mention that Dariolus took a smile from Laura's lips and made her face look very serious. Laura's silence and her gaze fixed on the unknown corner, made Gladio regret his words. Her guess was correct, Dario was dead! Laura's grief was quickly reflected in her audience. Her deep breath saddened Prompto's kind face. He spoke in a worried tone to find out why Laura was silent:
"He is all right...right?"
A short, faint smile opened Laura's lips, but she couldn't stand it, and the smile went away again. Her emotions erupted subconsciously, and a stubborn drop of tears tried to break the barrier of her eyes, and finally, she quickly dripped and fell on her cheek The slip of that crystal drop made everyone understand what Laura was doing to control herself. However, Laura quickly wiped away the tears and said in a trembling voice:
Her hatred of crying prevented her from continuing. Hardly pressing her lips together, and tried to complete the answer:
" He is gone.. with pride!"
Crystal's sad face was sewn as a good friend. Laura was like her mother, but Crystal loved her more than anything, seeing her suffer so much hurts her kind heart. Noctis' sad look stared at the ground for a moment, again in the form of his sister. He pressed the corners of her eyes so that she wouldn't cry, Laura was that. She hated expressing her sorrows so much !! For the second time, he gently hugged her and kissed her hair. A smile came to Laura's lips and with the help of Noctis, she was able to control her emotions again. Slowly he turned his back and separated herself:
"I'm fine!"
She put her hand on his shoulder and looked at him for a moment, then stared at Noctis' friends:
"Cor in the tomb is waiting for you!"
She looked back at Noctis:
" Well, listen to Cor's words! He has a lot of experience."
" Aren't you coming ??"
Noctis's short sentence didn't put Laura's lips on for a few seconds, but that silence disappeared with a soft smile:
"R u sure?"
"Well, you go, I'll come myself. Because I have to go to Lestallum!"
Noctis stared at his sister's face. He took a deep breath and shook his head once:
Just one word from Noctis' tongue caused Laura to turn back. She slowly distanced himself from him and turned her back on them to go to her car! The brown look of the Gladia was radiant. Like his father, he is jealous of Dario's station. They were both proud to be dead. Calmly breath caught and he walked slowly towards Regalia:
"Let's go."
Ignis's hand calmly sat on Noctis' shoulder and gently led him to the car.
Laura's gaze was fixed on them. Also to the reflect that Regalia had. She smiled softly. The girl was alive because her father loved her. She couldn't even get close to Regalia. She just saw her reap! She slowly put her hands on her car's steering wheel and took a deep breath to control herself as her car window slammed. She turned his head slowly, saw Cindy, lowered the glass, and waited with a warm smile to hear her words:
Cindy's always warm tone made Laura's smile. She cautiously put her hands on the roof of the car and leaned toward Laura:
"Your car is fixed, your highness! I hope you enjoy it!"
This confirmation of Cindy led Laura to turn on the car. She turned it on, and when she heard a bass voice, her engine was overwhelmed with pleasure:
"Great, Cindy! Like always !!"
She turned her head towards her and blinked at her! Laura's blink made her laughed. Suddenly she stood up straight:
"A trivial thing, my lady!
She put her hand in her waist bag and took out a little packet of envelopes, pausing at Laura's side:
"This is what you wanted!"
Deliver Laura's delicate fingers from Cindy's hands. She slowly opened it and stared at her bank cards. She turned his head towards Cindy and smiled at her again:
"Good job Cindy! Let me know if there is a contest again! I need to rebuild my soul!"
Cindy's reaction was to laugh. She leaned back a little and then locked her hands on her chest and leaned to the side:
" There are always competitions! For example, tonight ... at two o'clock ... the mountain route!"
Laura's gaze was fixed on Regalia, that going away. She took a deep breath and then pointed to Cindy:
"Take your time free for sunset, we have to go and check the track"
Her two-colored gaze was fixed on the ground, touching her brother's pain with all her might! She took a deep breath and turned his head slightly toward the tomb, and the light of Noctis's armiger was even thicker than their father's light! What was expected of the chosen! She took a deep breath and took her baton from the stone wall of the tomb, put her hand on the iron door, opened it with pressure, and went inside. Her gaze was on the ground, and she was slowly walking toward the tomb of King Optimus, where her brother was standing:
"You are persecuting Dad when you call him a liar!"
Noctis was still staring at the ground. He felt that Laura did not understand him, he thought that he was more dependent on his father than his sister and that there was more love between them. At that moment ... he couldn't be kind to Laura, anger, and sadness were two feelings that Noctis had no ability to control, quite unlike Lara !!
"I don't think this not better for you than it was better for me !!"
Cor's gaze sat on Noctis with a week frown, unhappy with his behavior. That's why he frowned and looked at his dear Laura. Contrary to his Cor, Gladio came to the surface from this behavior of Noctis, he saw him as a child who has no supply to raise his nose! he didn't keep quiet so that Laura could answer for herself, and while his voice was full of anger, he hit Noctis whit his word:
" He wasn't only your father, Noctis, understand this!"
Noctis's voice was been loud with anger and trembled with hatred and tears:
"Because of this, his dear girl left him to die ??"
There was a heavy silence between each and everyone present. Noctis 'behavior was so difficult that no one could answer, although it wasn't just because of Noctis' harshness that it was to respect Laura. Everyone's eyes turned to Laura's pause to see her reaction. Pointing to Laura's hand, she went out of the tomb one by one, and she was left alone with Noctis. After a long period of silence, a grin settled on Laura's lips, well she could have united Noctis' pride with the soil at that moment !! She could hit him and tell him everything that came out of his mouth, she could tell Noctis and his mother to take his father's attention away from him, she could tell what pain she suffered in the court from Noctis and his mother! She could have emptied his knots, but ... it wasn't in Laura's presence! Laura wasn't weak enough to grab herself by grabbing others! Noctis loved her, even though she was not happy with her mother, she pressed her lips to suppress that hatred so that Noctis would not hurt her wound and break her tender heart, although Noctis didn't care about Laura and was fine with her feelings. Without even noticing the rest! Finally, she spoke in a calm tone:
"As he kept you away from Insomnia, he also wanted to keep me away!"
She walked slowly to the door, feeling the weight of Noctis' gaze:
"Don't think that he was your only father, Noctis .. I touched his pain even more than you ... I realized better than you that he collapsed."
Slowly, stood and turned to Noctis, her gaze tied to Noktis's tear-filled gaze, a kind smile that showed the bitterness of sorrow more than the sweetness of kindness:
"He took me away from Insomnia .. I realized, but I arrived when everything was over! If I stayed, I would die! However .. you are right! It would have been better for me to die. Not ready..!
Embarrassed and hidden in Laura's words, Noctis regretted what he had said. The boy was more emotional than a two- or three-year-old boy, but at that moment he didn't even dare to apologize to his sister! He never understood why Laura suddenly withdrew from the Crown Prince and took refuge in Kingsglaive academy! He never knew exactly why Laura dropped them. Nobody knew that! And that's why Noctis thought Laura didn't want them and her father's death didn't matter to her, but:
"Don't forget the point that I was born of dady. He raised me, he was both a father and a mother to me, unlike you, who had your mother for a few years! Dad, everything was mine and I lost everything. Your thoughts have no truth .. If you can't turn your back on me, I don't want you to see me as your enemy!"
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She put his delicate hand on the door to take refuge in the sleeping music in her car, but her arm stopped as she was captured. She turned his head slowly towards Noctis and looked at her! The fact that Noctis lowered his head meant only one thing! He was ashamed of his sister's feelings. But before he could speak, Laura's embrace settled inside her. Laura couldn't bear to see Noctis 'grief. Laura was the second and last person to know Noctis' fate! She hugged her little brother and squeezed herself. Smell his soft hair and kiss his head, this kindness and gentleness of laura calmed Noctis. He was sure he could trust his sister because he regretted what he had said. He didn't know what he would do if he were there !!
"I just..."
"Shush kitty !! Don't think about it, go with your friends and complete your strength, we have a lot of work to do !! Don't forget that Dad is Healthy and fresh now! OK?
A faint smile settled on Noctis' lips as he let his sister's fingers wipe away his tears:
"Don't ruin a king with the word prophecy!"
Laura's reaction to Noctis was this: she punched him in the shoulder and laughed:
"A kitty always is a kitty! Eat your vegetables!"
And again, this was a good laugh. With his gaze, he chased Laura and was alone in the tomb. He took a deep breath and his hands clenched for a moment:
After the departure of Regalia, Adamentuis finally started. Laura's gaze was still fixed on Regalia's empty place, and she smiled softly and walked away."Do you remember Cor? How much trouble we had in sitting in that car!"
Cor's gaze was fixed on the front, remembering the past, he just pressed his lips together and leaned his head against the back of the chair:
" I just remember that you stood in the trunk to go with your dad !!"
Laura's short laugh was a little loud and open again .. Silence! The squeezed the Car steering wheel in her hand and took a deep breath:
"Apparently, you are the only one who knows how dependent on my Dady!
"Me and cid ..! I guess."
Remembering Cid, it was still a smile that was the guest of Laura's lips, she tilted her head left and right and leaned back in her chair:
" young heart cid! No?
She laughed and cor watched without that laura understood it. Cor's gaze was still fixed on her face, no one was curious about his past, because no one cared about him, but Laura ... He was sure that all the time he left her and didn't want to see her, the worst things happened to her, like Mors's death. ! Cor was the one who knew what a heavy defeat that sudden death was for Laura, and after that ... the suicide of the former queen, means Laura's grandmother. He regretted that he had rejected Laura, he was ashamed of her, as he was still ashamed of his harsh behavior and manliness, he looked at forward, he tried to talk about his feelings once again, he felt ashamed and Sorry:
" Um ... I don't usually talk about these things, but ... I'm sorry!"
At that moment, the only thing that could be seen on Laura's face was a surprise! She turned his head toward Cor for a moment and looked at him, but as she had to watch out for the road, she takes her gaze on him again and stared at the road :
"For what?"
After a thoughtful pause, Cor's cold tone greeted Laura's curiosity:
" I shouldn't have just let you go! You saw me as your trusted friend ... In those circumstances, maybe I wasn't right!"
" I shouldn't let you alone Cor!
Cor's gaze once again focused on Laura to hear the rest of her words, and Laura didn't wait long for him:
"You weren't in a good mood, I shouldn't leave you alone!"
" The one who was released was not me, Laura, it was you!"
"It doesn't matter for me, man! I'm not sad! You wanted to be alone, too !!"
"Don't try to fool me laura!"
" That you left me alone all that time was nothing to hurt me ... did you notice? I had bigger problems. So much so that I never saw my grandfather's death!"
The faint, permanent frown becomes between Cor's. Slowly he leaned back and stared at Laura:
"I want to know what the problem was!"
Laura's deep breath reflected the faint wave that had crept into her being:
"I'm not used to talking about problems that no longer exist!"
"But you have to tell me about them !! However, you have to solve your problems that year !!"
Deep breath again, only Laura's calmness was captured. She kept the car on the side of the road and turned it off, turned completely to Cor, leaned one hand on the car seat, and stared into those eyes that she loved so much:
"Since when has the past of others become so important to you!"
Cor's strong, cool tone was nothing but pleasing to Laura:
"You are not in others, you are the only woman that I have always had in my life and I have and will have!"
Laura's gentle smile caused Cor frown to lose their strength and move away from a little:
"Stop laughing!"
Just one word was enough to break the barrier of Laura's lips and make her laugh! He clenched his fist tightly, hit Cor's arm, and then pulled herself back:
"You have made great progress! I didn't expect it at all! Does Cor know how to talk about this?"
There was nothing but shame in Cor's heart, they had been together for several years, not they want it to be officially, but they fell in love and were in a relationship. But without saying a word about his feelings, Laura, no matter how strong, was a girl anyway! And because she was strong, she didn't burn herself at the feet of someone who didn't feel it !! But at that moment, Cor's face became very empty of feeling, because he felt that Laura was bolded, while Cor's poker face made Laura laugh more. The resistance to self-restraint was useless, and he laughed alone:
"enough! Just tell me what your problem was !! Don't go under it!
"Do you really know my problem?"
"You can don't say it if you don't want!
Laura's laughter was nothing more than a smile, a smile that slowly settled in the corner of her mouth to let her know that Lara was insignificant in the past:
"It's a complicated execution!"
She took a deep breath and continued:
"The many problems of the daughter of the husband and stepmother, that's it!"
"Did she bother you? You were such a great girl!"
" she did a lot of things without looking at my position and age! Anyway, she's dead!"
The fact that the matter was closed secretly made Cor not insist on opening the case! Laura's suffering was not pleasant for her, so he didn't ask anything anymore, but the previous discussion that had taken place in the middle was also against Cor ... Laura didn't allow silence! Although she was not used to talking about her pain, he was Cor. She believed that Cor was the only reliable person she could talk to about her pain and she was sure that no one would understand them, sometimes it was very good to talk! Even the strongest might need to talk:
"When you imprisoned yourself in the academy and you didn't want to see me, I fell silent. I was no longer so passionate and motivated! As my father said, i have been an ashamed girl !!
She laughed softly and ran her finger over a brand that had settled on the car's roll!
" Aulea got married to my dad when I was 14 and 15 years old! Adolescence is a sensitive period for every person, girl, or boy! At that time, maybe I wasn't even strong, I was very emotional!
" I do not accept this! At that time, you were more strong than even me!"
"Right compared to others ... Well, I easily accepted how I was born and why my father is so young!While this can be painful for anyone! No, I had accepted myself, it was not a problem for me until ... Aulea been my father's life!
"Do you mean Queen Aulea?
To confirm Cor, Laura only raised and lowered her head once and leaned her head back against the leather seat of her car. She raised her hand a little and shook her wrist, and then continued:
"Every woman wants to have power! It was the same! In good looks and intimate, but in secret. The bite of her tongue was more painful than the bite of any snake! These problems are not obvious! Until she became pregnant noctis!!
She took a deep breath, stared at Cor, and continued with the same faint smile:
"Threat behind the threat. She was pulling dad towards her and she was staging it in such a way that it would take me out of my father's eyes! That person was of no value to me! I didn't count on her !! But when Dad believed her words ...
Cor's gaze was still staring at Laura, listening intently! He hears what is happening in the court, big and small. He had even heard from Clarus many times that Laura's behavior was weird, or even annoyed by the queen. But hearing these words from Laura's tongue showed that she wasn't too involved in a joke with the queen, and all this was to make Laura look inferior to the others! Laura's words continued in a colder tone, her gaze still fixed on an unknown point:
" I have slowly lost our supporters, and you know that if one of the royal families does not have a faction behind it ... its power will be reduced! Well, at that time, almost all the people who were my allies fell apart. Every day, the wounds of my tongue and words and the fact that I did not have the authority to be a crown Princess ...for this reason I travel alone you completed my power, even without Dario !! It was just to prove myself .. remember?"
Cor's gaze was still fixed on Laura, and his eyes shone with surprise. She remembered, but he didn't know she had traveled alone !! This was impossible for almost any monarchy:
"I just remember that you were lost for a while, so at that time ... it didn't matter much to me!"
" I wasn't lost .. I was traveling! I was 20 years old, so I managed to join 25 of the weapons of the kings in my armiger ... This trip is dangerous in itself, but it was not the only danger ..!
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Laura's pause was long! Long and long! She turned the opposite side to Cor and slowly loosened the edge of her black shirt. She was sitting with her back was toward Cor! He raised her shirt to her shoulders and tilted her head slightly so that she could see Cor:
"This is the souvenir that the woman gave me! She sent many men to kill me !!"
Cor's look was on the wound that was still visible after even 19 years, the wound that had covered Lara's entire back. Her hand was clenched into a palm and her jaw was clenched:
"Why didn't you say anything!"
Laura's wound was hidden under her shirt again. She turned slowly and leaned back in her chair:
"Noctis had just been born .. I loved that little one in front of the hatred I had for his mother, I didn't want Noctis to grow up without matters kindness. That woman also had the right to want her son to be the Crown Prince!"
"That's why you gave the Crown Prince to Noctis?"
Laura's head moved slowly to the sides. She slowly put his hands on the steering wheel and squeezed it a little:
" When Noctis was born, I wanted to visit him! But when I got to his room, I heard Gentiana's voice. She was talking to my father. Noctis was the king of light, and I was his servant. How could I be the crown princess when he was the true king! I wanted to do this at the same time, but my father objected. He told me to wait until he was five years old.
Finally, Cor's blue eyes parted from Laura and he stared ahead, breath caught Slowly and he opened his fists:
"This is the real king's point, but you shouldn't have kept quiet that day! You should have said what the queen did! You were reprimanded by your father!
"My father had the worst suffering on his chest in those years! Telling the queen of what betrayals only made him even angrier ... It was enough for him to hear the fate of Noctis!"
"fate.. of... Noctis?"
" He is supposed to sacrifice his life for light !!
They both stared at each other. Cor's gaze was startled by the frown, and Laura could feel no emotion on her face!
"next, going to die ??"
" By my father! With my father's sword! But you don't have to talk to anyone about it, Got it?"
Cor shook head up and down. When he accepted something, there was no need to worry! After a short silence, the start-up sound of Adamantoise (herwas the only one that could be broke silence!
"Yes, sir immortal sir!
A half-smiling smile sat on Cor's lips:
"When you call me IMMORTAL, I hate my nickname!
A deep smile sat on Laura's lips:
"Immortal? Immortal! Immortal Immortal !!
And she laughed, the laughter that warmed Cor's heart, of course, secretly! A military man was not used to expressing his feelings!
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Then the next day he went to train with Lucie and Cordelia. Cordelia had brought with her the Carstairs’ famous sword, Cortana, which James had long wanted to admire up close. He didn’t get a chance, though, because ten minutes into their first exercise, he collapsed in a sudden spasm of unbearable pain.
The girls cried out and ran to him. He had crumpled like a puppet with its strings cut, and only the years of training he’d already put in kept him from accidentally falling onto his own blade. By the time he realized where he was and what had happened, he was on the floor.
The look on Lucie’s face as she touched his forehead did not reassure him.
“By the Angel,” she exclaimed, “you’re burning up.”
Cordelia was already racing toward the door, calling, “Mâmân!” in alarm. Her image wavered and faded as James closed his eyes.
Scalding fever, Sona and Elias declared. They’d seen it before. It was a disease unique to Shadowhunters. Most got it as infants, when it was very mild. Once it passed, you could never catch it again. Before James was even up from the floor of the training room, Sona was barking orders, her heavy skirts gripped in both hands. James was carried to his bedroom, Lucie dragged away to her own quarters, and messages dispatched to Will and Tessa, and the Silent Brothers.
Feverish, James lay in his bed and watched the light fade outside. As the night came on, he began to shiver. He wrapped himself in all the blankets available but shook like a leaf. He waited for the Silent Brothers to come—until they had checked him, nobody else could be in the room.
It was Brother Enoch who came, not Uncle Jem, to James’s disappointment. Yes, it is almost certainly scalding fever,he said. Everyone who has not had it before will need to depart the house. I will go to tell them.
Lucie had not had it before. James didn’t know about anyone else. He waited a long time for Enoch to come back, but he must have fallen asleep, because all of a sudden there was morning light casting silvery stripes on the wall, and the sound of a door, and footsteps, and then Cordelia was there.
James rarely saw Cordelia without Lucie. This was not how he would have chosen to present himself for one of their rare moments alone. He was half under his covers, shifting around restlessly, unable to get comfortable. His face was flushed with fever and his nightshirt clung to him, wet with sweat.
He took a breath to speak and broke into a pained cough. “Water?”
Cordelia hurried to pour him a glass from the carafe on the nightstand. She tried to press it into his hand, but he couldn’t grip it. She slid her hand behind his neck, warm against his skin, supporting him as she held the glass to his lips.
He flopped back on the pillows, his eyes closed. “Please tell me you’ve had scalding fever before.”
“Yes. My mother has too,” she said. “And the mundane servants are immune. Everyone else has gone. You should have some more water.”
“Is that the treatment?”
“No,” said Cordelia, “the treatment is a grayish concoction made by Brother Enoch, and I suggest you hold your nose when you try to get it down. It will help with the fever, but apparently there’s nothing else for it but time. I brought books,” she added. “They’re over on top of the chest of drawers. I… I could read to you.”
James flinched at the light but forced himself to look at Cordelia. Tendrils of her deep red hair curled against her cheekbones. They reminded him of the curlicues cut into the surface of his Uncle Jem’s beautiful violin.
He flicked his eyes over to the chest of drawers where, indeed, a surprisingly tall pile of books rested that had not been there before. She gave an apologetic smile. “I wasn’t sure what you might like, so I just took things from all over the house. There’s a copy of A Tale of Two Cities with the second half missing, so maybe it’s only a tale of one city. And a collection of poetry by Byron, but it’s a bit nibbled around the edges, I think by mice, so it might be theirs. Otherwise it’s Persian literature. There aren’t even Shadowhunter books around. Oh, except one copy of a book on demons. I think it’s called Demons, Demons, Demons.”
James let his eyes close again but allowed himself a smile. “I’ve read that one,” he said. “My father is a great admirer of it. You probably don’t even have the newest version, which adds a fourth ‘Demons.’ ”
“As ever, the London Institute’s library puts ours to shame,” said Cordelia, and then Sona came in and stopped short, surprised to see her.
“Cordelia,” she said with what James hoped was mock surprise. “Really? Alone in a boy’s bedroom?”
“Mâmân, he can barely sit up, and I am a trained warrior who wields a mythical sword.”
“Mmm,” said Sona, and waved her out. She descended on James with, she explained, her own remedies from home: pastes and poultices of frankincense, of marigold and haoma.
“I’d like it,” James said, “if Cordelia would come back and read to me later. If she wants to.”
“Mmm,” said Sona again, dabbing his brow with a compress.
Cordelia did come back, and she did read to James. And then she returned again and read again, and again. He was too fevered to track the passage of time. Sometimes it was dark outside and sometimes light. When he was awake, he ate what he could, and drank a little water, and forced down some of Enoch’s loathsome potion. Sometimes his fever would break for a time, and then he would grow overwarm and sweat through his clothes; sometimes it was as though a bitter cold wind tore through his body and no number of blankets or logs in the fireplace would help. Through it all was Cordelia, quietly reading, occasionally reaching out to wipe his brow or refill his water glass.
She read him the poems of Nizami, and especially the story of Layla and Majnun, one she clearly loved and had known since she was very small. Her cheeks grew unexpectedly red at the more romantic parts: the poor boy falling in love with the beautiful Layla on first sight, wandering mad in the desert when they were separated.
“ ‘  That heart’s delight, one single glance his nerves to frenzy wrought, one single glance bewildered every thought. He gazed upon her, and as he gazed, love conquered both. They never dreamed to part.’  ”
She glanced at James and then quickly glanced away. James started. Had he been staring? He was not entirely aware of his own behavior.
“ ‘  The killing witchery that lies, in her black, delicious eyes. And when her cheek the moon revealed, a thousand hearts were won: no pride, no shield, could check her power. Layla, she was called.’  ”
“Layla,” he murmured to himself, but he didn’t think Cordelia had heard. He closed his eyes.
Only once—that he knew of—did he tumble into the shadow realm. He was awake, shaking with fever, his hair matted to his head with cold sweat, agitated. He saw Cordelia’s eyes widen in alarm as the change came over him. She leaped to her feet and he thought, She means to go for help; she is frightened, frightened of me.
He reached for her, and the shadow that was his hand caught hers, darkness against flesh. He wondered how his touch felt to her. His whole body was tensed, like a horse shying from thunder. The room smelled of lightning.
“James, you must hold on. You must. Don’t go anywhere,” Cordelia said. “Stay with me.”
“So cold,” he managed to add, shaking. “Can’t get warm. Can’t ever get warm.”
In his body, he would have squinted his eyes shut, trying to still his trembling. As a shadow, it was as though his eyes were open wide and he could do nothing to close them. He saw Cordelia cast about the room for something, anything to help. It was no use, he knew; the fire was already roaring, he was already wrapped in blankets, there was a hot-water bottle at his feet. Nevertheless, a bitter, raw wind tore through him.
Cordelia made a noise of frustration, then furrowed her brow in determination. The thought drifted through James’s mind, far behind the endless howling wind, that she looked beautiful. It was not the thought he might have chosen, and he did not have time to think about it now.
But then Cordelia carefully laid herself down on the bed next to him. He was under mountains of blankets and she was atop them, of course. But her presence began to force back the cold. Instead of feeling the agony of being whipped raw by ice, his awareness turned to the length of her body, warm and solid, all along his own. Through the many layers between them he could still feel her pressed against his side: her leg shifting into a comfortable position, her hip against his. He was looking up at the ceiling and she was on her side, but her face was very close. Her hair smelled like jasmine and woodsmoke. She put her arm over his chest and pulled herself as close as she could.
It took a strenuous effort, but he turned his head to the side, to look at her. He found her eyes open, luminous and deep, gazing at him. Her breathing was very steady.
“ ‘ I sought not fire, yet is my heart all flame. Layla, this love is not of earth.’   ”
He shuddered and felt himself come back to this world fully, felt his body return to the space he occupied. Cordelia didn’t take her eyes off him, but she released her lower lip from between her teeth, her body slackening in relief.
James was still cold, but not nearly as cold as he had been. Cordelia reached up and pushed a lock of his hair out of his eyes. He shuddered again, but not because of cold, and let his eyes close, and when he awoke again it was morning, and she was gone.
It was only another day or so before James’s fever broke for good. And only another day after that, Brother Enoch deemed him no longer contagious and his parents arrived with Lucie. And then he was well enough to get up, and then he was leaving Cirenworth for Idris and the familiar comforts of Herondale Manor. The weather there, his father reported, was fine.
Once he was out of bed, James and Cordelia returned to their ordinary, cordial way. Neither of them mentioned the time they had shared during James’s illness. No doubt, James thought, Cordelia had simply cared for him with the kindness and generosity she showed to everyone she liked. They did not embrace when they said goodbye. (Lucie clung to Cordelia like a limpet, despite Cordelia’s reassurances that she and her family would be at Herondale Manor themselves later that same summer.) As he stepped into the Portal, James waved to Cordelia, and she, amicably, waved back.
In the night, for a long time to come, James thought of jasmine and woodsmoke, the press of her arm, fathomless dark eyes gazing into his.
“ ‘ The secret path he eager chose, where Layla’s distant mansion rose; he kissed the door. A thousand wings increased his pace, whence, his fond devotions paid, a thousand thorns his course delayed. No rest he found by day or night—Layla, forever, in his sight.’  ”
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mdelpin · 5 years
Stellar Performance - Chapter 2
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Gratsu Bingo 2019 Prompt: Free - Concern AO3 | FF.Net
Ch 1
Chapter 2
Gray had been looking forward to going home. He’d spent the whole day helping out with the construction of the new guild, listening with dismay to all the whispers of how he and Juvia had supposedly “shacked up” for six months. No matter how many times he’d tried to explain that’s not what happened, no one had listened, too intent on the juicy gossip to care about his feelings.
He’d lost track of Natsu sometime during the day, and that saddened him. Things between them had most definitely not been the same since returning from his mission infiltrating the Avatar cult. The disappointment he’d seen on Natsu’s face at seeing him in that place had almost made him forget that he wasn’t there of his own volition.
It had been painful to tell Natsu and Lucy he didn’t consider them friends anymore, but he’d had to do it so as not to jeopardize the mission. He’d explained his actions to them afterward, and although Lucy had accepted his apology, he could tell that something was still bothering Natsu about the whole situation.
They’d barely talked since and that hurt Gray more than he’d let on. The whole year they’d been apart Gray had thought of Natsu often. About how things might have been different if he’d dared to confess his feelings after the Grand Magic Games.
Would Natsu have stayed or would he have asked him along, instead of leaving like a thief in the night with only the briefest of notes to Lucy? Even that had hurt, Gray had known Natsu far longer than Lucy, yet the note had been written to her. Did that mean the dragon slayer was in love with her?
Gray always stopped his thoughts there, not willing to give up on the hope that his feelings might be returned. So instead he’d think of what Natsu might be up to in his absence. Sometimes he’d amuse himself, imagining the types of trouble Natsu might be getting into, but mostly he worried.
Tartaros had opened a lot of wounds in its wake, wounds they were all still slowly recovering from, but the dragon slayers had certainly had it the worst. And none worse than Natsu.
Sure, Gray had lost his father again, but he’d already mourned him once, and he’d chosen to look at the little time he’d gotten to spend with Silver as a gift, no matter how awful the circumstances around it had been.
But Natsu had lost Igneel, who had been his driving force since the day Gray had met him all those years ago. He’d found out his father had been hiding inside him all along and before he even had a chance to talk to him he’d witnessed Igneel brutally killed in front of him by the same dragon that had almost destroyed them at Tenrou.
Gray knew that had to be tearing him apart, and he’d wanted to ask Happy how Natsu was doing, but he was afraid of the answer, knowing that when it came to keeping strong feelings bottled up, Natsu could give him a run for his jewels. He wanted to help him, but he didn’t know how to go about it.
So even though he was tired he walked around Magnolia, trying to come up with a way to talk to Natsu while taking in the subtle changes the city had undergone as it had once again been forced to rebuild.
He kept an eye out for Juvia, aware that she wanted to talk to him about his abrupt departure from the house they’d shared, but he’d been evading that particular conversation just as much as he’d been trying to initiate one with Natsu.
He didn’t feel he owed her anything, she’d guilted him into letting her live with him, it wasn’t something he would’ve chosen for himself. He’d wanted to be on his own, to grieve and to train in the new magic his father had passed on to him, but even training felt empty without Natsu there to push him.
Before he knew it, he’d reached the park and spotted Natsu sitting by himself underneath one of the large trees. He stopped in his tracks and bit his lip, but Natsu had already scented him. He looked up and gave Gray a hesitant smile even as he wiped at his eyes.
Gray decided to take that as an invitation and made his way over, his heart racing as he worried about how it would go. He sat down next to Natsu and remained quiet, taking in the beauty of the park and ignoring the racing of his heart as he wondered where this conversation would lead them .
Lyon and his team had just entered the guild after a particularly difficult mission. They were tired but happy to have completed it successfully with minimal injuries, although Toby had managed to poison himself once again. Lyon looked for Ooba, their wizened guild master, wanting to report on their mission before heading home to a shower and bed.
He spotted her sitting at a table talking to a man with orange hair, and he began to feel uneasy. Ooba was smiling, which by itself was strange, but Lyon could swear his guild master was flirting with the much younger man. He stopped in his tracks, heartbeat quickening a bit as he hoped against hope that it wasn’t who he thought it was.
“Isn’t that the Celestial Spirit guy?” Yuka muttered, “What was his name?”
“Loke,” Lyon replied, keeping his voice low and wondering if he could leave the guild before the man noticed him.
He would be lying if he said he hadn’t spent a lot of time thinking about the night of the Orochi Fin attack. He’d convinced himself it had been a fluke, he was way too old to be having a sexuality crisis.
Lyon told himself the nascent attraction he’d felt towards the man was just interest at meeting a Celestial Spirit. But just being in the same room with the guy was making him feel jumpy, which wasn’t normal for him.
Ooba took that moment to notice their arrival, her smile withering into her usual scowl as she addressed her mages.
“Well? How did it go?”
“It went just fine, ” Lyon snapped, irritated that she would question them. “We were able to complete it without much trouble.”
“Is that so?” Ooba studied Toby carefully, “Then why does Toby look like he’s injured?”
“He injured himself,” Yuka informed her, “Again.”
“Toby, how many times have I told you to be careful? I’m going to spin you!” Ooba yelled as she moved her index finger in a circular motion, Toby’s body rotating in mid-air as he moaned piteously.
Lyon had been so fixated on what was going on with his team that he’d failed to notice Loke getting up from his chair and coming to stand next to him.
“Hey there,” Loke greeted him, making no effort to hide the fact that he was admiring Lyon. “I was looking for you.”
Lyon could feel himself getting flustered as a result of Loke’s ardent gaze. He willed ice into his veins, refusing to give the Celestial Spirit the reaction he was so obviously after.
“I hope you weren’t waiting for long?” Lyon replied politely, and he was pleased to see the Celestial Spirit deflate a bit at his aloofness, that was until he countered with a grin that went through Lyon like a bolt of lightning.
The poor ice mage thought he’d seen stars sparkle around Loke. This time he wasn’t able to hold the flush from adorning his cheeks as the room became unbearably warm.
“I could wait an eternity for someone like you,” Loke grabbed Lyon’s hand and kissed it. As much as Lyon wanted to protest, to say he wasn’t a woman and he didn’t like to be touched so freely he was so outside of his comfort zone, his brain didn’t seem capable of reacting as it usually would.
“You don’t know anything about me!” Lyon wrestled his hand out of the Celestial Mage’s grip, wiping it on his pants leg.
“A misfortune I would love to rectify,” Loke winked and just like last time it affected Lyon in ways he didn’t understand.
What the hell was happening to him? Why did this guy stir him up like this? Ugh! One thing was for sure he didn’t like it at all. Lyon didn’t like losing control, he preferred his world to be ordered, and Loke was a distraction he was beginning to resent, and he’d only met him twice.
Why was he putting up with it again? His brain helpfully reminded him that he was doing this for a good reason. Gray. They were trying to get Gray together with Natsu.
“So does your visit mean you have news?” Lyon asked with interest, now that he had Gray on his mind he used him as a shield against Loke’s charm.
“How about we go for a walk, I’ve heard the gardens are beautiful this time of year?” Loke suggested, looking around the guildhall with obvious distaste.
“Here is just fine,” Lyon was determined to stay, he had no desire to be alone with Loke. He was starting to look at this as a battle, and he could already tell he’d need the home advantage.
Loke just shrugged and took a seat at the nearest table. He made a gesture to one of the servers and ordered them some food and drink.
“I can order for myself, you know,” Lyon muttered wryly.
“You looked tired, I thought you might enjoy being taken care of for a bit,” Loke smiled innocently, his eyes sparkling behind his glasses.
“Look, I don’t know what you’re playing at, but I’m only in this for Gray,” Lyon made sure to imbue his voice with as much of his element as he was able, but Loke only laughed.
“Are you sure you and Gray aren’t related by blood?”
Lyon arched an eyebrow, but Loke didn’t expand on his comment. “There’s nothing wrong with having some fun as part of a job is there?” Loke asked, but he backed off.
“I came to offer you news of Gray, but I don’t think you’re going to like it much.”
“What do you mean, is he alright?” Lyon immediately tensed up, as much as he’d been asking around he hadn’t been able to find any news.
“Well good news first, Fairy Tail has reformed with Erza as their Master,” Loke informed the Lamia Scale wizard.
“Erza?” Lyon scratched his chin as he gave the matter some thought. He would have expected Laxus to take over as guild master, Erza was a somewhat scary thought. As capable as the requip mage was, she was volatile. Then again, they all were.
Loke nodded, “They’re still rebuilding the guildhall, and most everyone is back, but Makarov is still missing.
"What about Gray?” Their food arrived, and Lyon had to admit everything Loke had ordered looked incredible, he made no comment though, knowing it would only encourage Loke.
Loke studied him for a moment, and Lyon was instantly worried, he had the look of a man that was trying to figure out how to best phrase something. “He is alright?”
“He joined a dark cult called Avatar.”
“HE DID WHAT?!” Lyon shrieked at the top of his lungs, causing everyone in the guild to stop what they were doing and look over at him with concern.
Lyon stood up from the table, grabbing Loke by the arm and dragging him outside.
“Avatar, that mess everyone’s been talking about?” He hissed, “Gray was a part of that?”
When Loke nodded, Lyon was almost blinded by the rage, “That goddamned idiot, what the hell was he thinking?”
Loke tried to talk, but Lyon was in no condition to listen to anything he had to say, having already made a hasty decision and walking away.
“Lyon, wait!” Loke chased after him, his initial enjoyment at seeing this side of the cold mage turning to worry as he witnessed the fury that was fueling him. “Where are you going?”
“Magnolia,” Lyon grunted as he walked ever faster.
“Shit!” Loke winced, not sure who was going to kill him first, Lucy for having shown up at Lamia Scale without discussing it with her first or Gray for bringing Lyon’s rage down on him.“
He ran after Lyon, hoping that he could calm him down during the train ride.
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Chapter 97: After You Part 2
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Hey everybody, welcome back to Whose Drama is it, Anyway!  The show where the plot’s made up, and the ship’s what matters!  I’m your host, Lt. Amazil and we’re going back in to talk about After You.  Today to start us off we’re going to be playing Scenes From My Ass, where Taeshi is going to give us a scene from their ass, and we’re going to figure out what the hell they’re referring to.  And the scene is:
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Paulo heard Lucy’s parents forced her to move away!  Let’s see, when did this happen?   The closest thing to a clue I can find was from all the way back in Happy Hour.
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And even that was more just a speculation/rumor.  But I especially wanted to bring this up, before we get into the real reason we’re here, because the first time I read this, and then the second time I read It for writing this, and THE THIRD TIME READING THIS JUST TO SET UP THIS STUPID JOKE! I had no fucking clue what Paulo was referring to here.  Because HOW THE FUCK DID PAULO HEAR THAT LUCY’S PARENTS FORCED LUCY TO GO TO A NEW SCHOOL?!  By all accounts, Paulo shouldn’t have had any idea as to what happened.  No one knew what happened to Lucy except maybe, Mike and Jordan.  But Paulo never talked to Jordan about Lucy, and he wouldn’t want to tell Paulo about Lucy, because Jordan distrusts Paulo.  So Paulo didn’t know what happened to Lucy except for when she finally came back.  So maybe he found out when she returned?   Maybe Lucy told the group when she came back except, wait.  No, she didn’t we actually saw her.  And she didn’t tell the group anything about her time, where she was, what she was doing, or anything like that.  Much to my frustration.  But maybe the two had some off-screen time, and they hung out and that’s how he heard about it.
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Except nope, that don’t work.  Well maybe she told it to someone inbetween that chapter, and this chapter except that doesn’t work either because THIS CHAPTER IS LITERALLY THE NEXT DAY FROM WHEN SHE CAME BACK!  As a reader I was in the dark for years about what happened to Lucy.  I think it’s safe to say EVERYONE was in the dark when it came to what happened to Lucy.  In fact, the one thing I wanted out of this chapter was that we’d finally learn WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO LUCY!  BUT NOW THIS MOTHERFUCKER’S GONNA ACT LIKE WE KNEW WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO LUCY?!  And again the only mention of this being a thing, is a comment that had little evidence behind it that we could’ve easily just dismissed, but was significant enough that we were supposed to hold onto it for
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Oh but this is but the precursor!  This but an appetizer to the main course of shit that we are going to be served.  
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There are only 6 pages left in this chapter…And each one is just a new fucking level of pain and confusion. But you already know this, let’s talk about…
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And what it fucking means. So let’s play Scenes From my Ass again, and deduce where it’s coming from.  This time, it’s a lot easier because clearly what Lucy’s referring to is: Curtain Call, specifically this bit.
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Now, I know you’re thinking cause it’s the same thing I was thinking on the initial read, when I came back with a fresh mind. “That’s an odd thing to say.  I think you’re just beating yourself up, Lucy.  Why are you comparing yourself to Jess? What’s the big deal?  It was just a kiss.” Right?
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Lucy…had sex with Paulo at the play…
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*groan* This is so fucked up… firstly.  And secondly, there is no way this could’ve happened in the play.
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Lucy was about to go on, it was clearly stated that they had a very short amount of time.  Not nearly enough time to have sex, unless Paulo was literally a one-pump chump.  And even that, I would dispute given how Paulo already has had sex at this point, so he should have experience to last longer.  But EVEN MORE THAN THAT,
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There was enough time afterwards, that Mike supposedly had a quick read-through with her before they went on.  So, HOW! HOW THE FUCK DID THEY HAVE SEX! And I know, “Oh LT, why are you spending so much time on this little panel.  It’s not like this is Abbey choking Paulo, or Lucy falling onto ketchup packets, why is this panel so important to make a fuss about?  Well, my sweet child it’s important, because put into the context of the rest of this scene makes it unbearably fucking disgusting:
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What she is saying here, which has been deciphered to me from my resident readers who tread the path I am too weak to follow, of reading this comic page by page as it comes.  Is that the “kiss” at the play was Lucy trying to give Paulo what she thought he wanted, before killing herself.  It was supposedly her final gift, so to speak.  Which alright, fair enough. Wanna talk about some serious, dark subjects, and get into the psychological behavior of people contemplating suicide?  Fine! But WHY DID YOU NEED TO MAKE IT ABOUT LUCY FUCKING PAULO?!  WHY DO THAT?! YOU COULD VERY EASILY MAKE THIS SAME ARGUMENT, HAVE THIS SAME FUCKING DISCUSSION, THIS SAME OUTCOME, WITHOUT AT THE SAME TIME MAKING THE AUDIENCE’S SKIN CRAWL BY THINKING ABOUT LUCY FUCKING PAULO AT THE PLAY!  And no, I don’t have a problem necessarily with the characters having sex, what I have a problem with, is that that sex when you think about it is REALLY FUCKED UP!  
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Lucy was in a distressed state, and she was going to kill herself.  The idea that Lucy fully committed to fucking Paulo, and then dying before she could deal with the consequences destroys her character!  She had no intentions of following through on that! I could argue about how that’s a shit thing to do as a person, but you know what you can’t argue?  The fact that now, that in this comic.  We witnessed a 16 year old girl, lose her virginity, in less than a minute, because she was so sunk in a depression, that she gave it up to Paulo, who has shown that if he had known how she really felt would not have had sex with her.  AND THAT IS SO NEEDLESSLY FUCKED UP!  You didn’t have to make this a sex thing, you literally didn’t I FUCKING WROTE A WHOLE FUCKING RANT EXPLAINING WHY AND HOW YOU COULD MAKE THIS WORK WITHOUT HAVING TO BRING SEX INTO IT!   I say a lot of things about this comic, I throw a multitude of insults and derogatory terms at this comic.  But very few times do I say this.
What Taeshi did…What this chapter has done…Is fucking disgusting.  It is abhorrent, and I honestly can not believe that Taeshi would do this to the characters, and the desperate dedicated readers who relate to them, who see themselves in them, and now get to see them ruined further and further.
But we’re not even past page 21.  And there’s still more to talk about.
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But even ignoring that, and trying to move past that, this scene suffers from the same problems I’ve had with pretty much the rest of this chapter. The tone is constantly going back and forth, between Lucy being sad, somber, remorseful, to being frustrated, and angry.  
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“Why can’t you just shut up and let me go, GOD!”  I get that it’s meant to be Lucy professing her guilt, but this part feels so disjointed in how we’re supposed to be taking this, I feel like I’m supposed to be really invested, and moved, and this is meant to be very serious and gripping, but it’s really not because these don’t feel like these characters! Case in point:
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Lacie’s behavior, and reactions in this scene feel selfish which really drags down the weight of her guilt.  For instance,
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Here, Lacie is confessing what she did was wrong, and it shows that she knows that.  This SHOULD be very touching, this SHOULD be us getting a moment to see Lucy’s progression, how she’s changed after being away, how better she has become.  But instead it’s solely used to push Paulo away, and that might be fine!  That might be good, except that it’s so fucking blatant with what it’s trying to do, that it feels unreal!  It…It doesn’t even feel like BCB anymore.
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The greatest strength Taeshi has with her writing, is the fact that many things are up for interpretation.  The fact that it’s not clear where things are really going, how it’ll pan out.  We don’t know how this is going to end, how these relationships are going to work themselves out, if they do at all.  It is something that I pick on a lot, because you can only fool the audience so many times before they say enough is enough, but Taeshi usually had a good idea of when to give the audience what they want. Throw them a bone, reveal a few answers, hint at some stuff.  It’s why so many people are so engrossed with the comic.  The characters are very complex, which can be frustrating at times when that complexity leaves you only asking more questions, but on the flipside…
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Having your character just outright say this, and be this blunt and brutal, after all those complexities, after all the bullshit we had to infer, deduce, and review…it feels like a slap to the face.  The fact this is what Lucy has become, after waiting so long to see her again, to get answers, to see her recover, to see her be better, to see her grow and learn.   To forgive herself, to make things right, to know this is what we get instead… It is the greatest insult BCB has ever done to its readers.  
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Seriously, fuck you Taeshi.
But now!
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We have only gotten to 3 fucking pages…  And we haven’t even gotten to the worst offender.
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Remember that tone I was talking about?
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Yeah I think Taeshi forgot about that too.  
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I’ve had a lot of people talk about that Jess line, and it infuriates the crap out of me.  It really does…  But this? Oh this is what kills it for me. This is the absolute worst part of this fucking chapter, and where it goes too damn far for me.  Lucy banged Paulo?  That’s just poor fucking writing, and Taeshi fucking with the audience to add more drama to a situation that really didn’t need it!  
It’s not enough that she confessed to using Paulo, it’s not enough that we get that horrible imagery of depression Lucy having sex with Paulo.  It’s not even enough that she OUTRIGHT SAYS THAT SHE WAS SIMPLY USING PAULO, OUT OF DESPERATION! SHE HAS TO BERATE, AND INSULT THE MAN FOR TRYING TO DEFEND HER, OR TRYING TO HOLD OUT HOPE!  IT’S ALMOST LIKE TAESHI IS DELIBERATELY TRYING TO MAKE US HATE LUCY, AND SEE HER AS A BAD PERSON!  
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Oh my god, all these tonal whiplash moments have completely snapped my neck.  Sadly I can not die until this comic is finished, so my head is just floppin’ around my shoulders just barely holding on.  But now we see what this was all about, now Lacie finally shows her fucking hand. See, she’s happy now, she’s not upset because she finally got what she fucking wanted!  It’s like one of the albums from one of my favorite bands because
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She’s not happy until you’re not happy.  And the bitch of it is that all this…all that shit we just went through?
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Was to get Paulo to go to Daisy’s birthday party… I am not joking.  That is it.  With that scene just going back and forth, hammering the same message of “I am Lucy, I used Paulo!  Hate me!” all that is meant to lead to is to forcibly destroy the Paulo X Lucy ship, so that they can forcibly sail Paulo X Daisy, BECAUSE THAT’S ALL THAT FUCKING MATTERS IN THIS COMIC NOW!  THAT’S WHAT BCB HAS DEVOLVED TO!  ALL THIS MENTAL ILNESS AND PSYCHOLOGY TALK IS ALL JUST IN SERVICE OF THE SHIPS!  IT IS SO GOD DAMN INFURIATING, ESPECIALLY BECAUSE THIS COULD’VE EASILY BEEN DONE WITHOUT ANY OF THIS!  Paulo was already debating whether he would go to the party as established in the previous chapter.  In fact, it would’ve been a lot more effective for Paulo to show up to that party of his own volition instead having to be hammered over the head and literally forced into going from Lucy as you see here.
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And this goes back to what I was saying earlier about how hamfisted and forced this comic has become with its characters.  It’s abundantly clear what Taeshi is trying to do with this scene, in forcing Paulo to go to Daisy’s party and sail that ship, and at the same time make us hate Lacie by making her this unforgivable wretch of a person.  It’s like Taeshi channeled every single negative aspect of Lucy’s character, and decided to make that all that she is for this scene.  Except, as anyone who actually cared and liked her character would know that’s not how she fucking is, and she was never THIS FUCKED UP.   Her entire character in this scene is:
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Why the hell is Taeshi doing this to her main character?  Lucy had several problems to her, some of which I’ve already stated in here. But in this one scene it’s like all of that is amplified, it’s like Taeshi was fed up with Lucy being characterized as nothing but a selfish and violent cunt of a person, and decided “fuck it!  That’s what you think she is, that’s what you like about her?  Fine!  She is like that now, happy?”  And it feels so spiteful, and the worst part about it, the absolute worst part about this scene?  Is the ending.
So we are down to our very last page.  The final ending to this dreadful chapter.  I WROTE 3000 WORDS IN RESPONSE TO THESE 6 FUCKING PAGES!  And how is Taeshi going to end this?  How are we going to cap off this abosolutely dreadful wreck of a scene and chapter?  Well, we’ve had Lucy show her absolute cunty new personality, that we now have to just shut up and accept!  But wait, Paulo’s still seemed like an empathetic character!  We still feel sorry for him, we can’t have that! We need to remind the audience that he’s fucking ruined too!
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…Y’know what, given all the bullshit that was in that last scene this is par for the fucking course right now. I can not think of a more fitting ending.  
 Overall, I give it a 1/10 this chapter was a complete mess by all accounts.  The emotional tone of this chapter shifts more often and suddenly than the fucking Sahara during a magnitude 10 earthquake!  The pacing is awful with 80% of this chapter being pointless, the characters are ARRRGGGHHHH, and to top it all off!  In a chapter that should’ve been a moment with Lucy, and finding out more about her time away, finding out what happened, finding out how her recovery is like, and how it has affected her.  What we got was reiterating to Lucy things that we already know, going back to talk about drama that we already went through and know, and worse CHANGING THINGS ALREADY ESTABLISHED, AND RUINING LUCY IN THE PROCESS! It is so fucking ham fisted with it too, which only makes it worse!  
In its defense though, compared to other chapters like Guest of Honor, or Golden Hour, or hell any of the other chapters I’ve covered with these rants... It’s not as bad as those to a degree.  The only really bad part of this was just these 6 pages, but the bitch of it is that the rest of this chapter may not be so insulting, but rather it’s BORING. Like I said, it covers things we already know, and when it’s not doing that it’s ship baiting with Paulo and Lucy, which gets immediately undone by this ending.  
RIP Lucy and RIP Paulo
You were both flawed characters, who were likable and redeemable.  Now you are nothing but caricatures and shadows of your former selves.
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qqueenofhades · 6 years
Can you write a garcy first kiss? Maybe mid to late S3?
The woods are dark except for the eerie glow of the charging Lifeboat, hooked up to the mobile generator that Rufus, Connor, and Jiya cobbled up for it a while back. It’s around 1900 in the wild backwoods of Montana, far from anything recognizable as civilization, and this is home for the foreseeable (ha) future. They just jumped away from October 30, 1938, in New York City: the War of the Worlds radio broadcast by Orson Welles, which Rittenhouse co-opted to cause actual mass panic and stage a real invasion. They’ve seized control of important government offices, they are about to ensure FDR doesn’t get re-elected in 1940, that the New Deal and American involvement in WWII and God knows what else doesn’t happen, and the team is, not to put too fine a point on it, fucked. As if that wasn’t enough, Rittenhouse found the bunker and attacked it with a full SWAT team, and they had to make two desperate trips to ferry everyone out in time, pick somewhere and somewhen far enough to be a hideout. And the bunker was a shithole, but it was their home. Now that’s gone too. Everything might be. They have to gather themselves and fight back, and they have no idea how. It’s too much. They’ve gotten Rufus back, and they can’t regret that – but war of the worlds is far from a metaphor now. It’s everything.
Flynn sits on a log, moodily throwing twigs into the low fire and watching the embers flicker. Nobody has had enough to eat, they can’t really relax, and the options for sleeping are either in the Lifeboat (not comfortable) or the ground (even less). Denise and Connor are trying to make the most of this unexpected excursion (the first ever, in Denise’s case), like Scout den parents trying to convince their grumpy time-traveling children that camping is fun, but nobody’s buying it. Their hearts aren’t in it, anyway. They know this is bad.
Everyone has preferred to be left to brood alone, and Flynn looks up with a start when someone perches next to him. It’s Lucy, still in her torn 1938 blouse and skirt, and Flynn struggles for a smile for her. At last he says, “So how many unexplained UFO events will this make us responsible for, do you think?”
Lucy’s mouth quirks, but she doesn’t answer. They sit side by side, watching the fire struggle, as the lonely wind sighs through the firs, off the distant rocky crags. At least the stars are great, so they get to appreciate the view before they die. Then she says, “We should try it again. Traveling back on our own timeline.”
“You and Bear Grylls from senior year told us it was very dangerous,” Flynn reminds her. “We’re lucky we managed one do-over of a mission to save Rufus. If we go back for a second crack at 1938 – ”
“Maybe we should risk it.” Lucy’s voice is cool and level and more than a little frightening. “Given everything that’s at stake.”
Flynn opens his mouth, then shuts it. He can’t say she’s wrong, after all. If ever there was a time to say fuck it and go all in, stopping Rittenhouse from world domination is probably it. But there’s a certain desolation on Lucy’s face that, bad as things are history-wise, seems a little different, more personal. He knows her well enough by now to see that, and he even has an inkling what it might be, but he doesn’t know if he should push. There’s another pause, and then, well. Likewise to hell with it. “You want to know that it works again,” he says. “You want to know it wasn’t a one-off miracle, and then you can go and finally save your sister.”
It’s Lucy’s turn to be taken aback. She stares into the fire with more concentration than necessary. Then she says, “I know it wouldn’t make sense to bring her back into this world, where Rittenhouse has almost won, if they might just kill her again anyway. That she might not even be herself if I did. That there’s – there’s just no way it could be guaranteed. But I…”
She trails off, and Flynn sees a shudder go through her. He reaches out unthinkingly to take her hand, and Lucy looks up with a start as their fingers lock, but she does anything but pull away. Instead, she grips tighter, staring ahead, as the words tumble out of her. “I’m – I’m starting to forget her, Garcia. I can’t remember things that I know I used to, and sometimes I go days without thinking about her any more. I tried to retell this one funny story, the summer we went on a road trip around the Southwest, and I couldn’t bring it to mind. I find myself wondering what she looked like, outside of those two tiny pictures, and I can’t really see her any more. If I don’t save her now, it feels like I – that I won’t. That even in a few more months, I might not care enough to do it, after all this time. And that terrifies – that terrifies me.”
Flynn doesn’t know what to say. He has never wished more in his life that the journal told him if Lucy got Amy back or not, because if he knew that, he would tell her. To hell with fucking up the future or not. But it doesn’t, and he has wondered what that absence means – she did and just didn’t want to confuse the picture, or she never did, and has learned to live with it somehow. He tries to choose his words carefully. Finally he says, “Grief is cruel that way.”
Lucy looks at him, eyes a little wet. “Like what?”
“The way time goes on. For all of us, even us, when we live it like no one else does.” Flynn’s thumb runs lightly over her fingers, still clenched around his. “It’s inevitable. We forget. We go on. We get used to anything. It’s just how we are, as people. So then the grief comes back one day and make us fear we never really loved that missing piece, or shames us for feeling its loss so badly, or wonders if we do any more. It plays tricks. It tells lies.” His throat feels thick. “Nothing can ever justify it to itself. It doesn’t go away. It… changes.”
The fire spits. The big sky is quiet and vast and spangled with stars. It occurs to Flynn that their light here is younger. Not by much, but still. It hasn’t traveled as long from its origin galaxies as it will have in 2019, which seems increasingly impossible to return to, at least in any familiar form. It changes. Grief and time alike. And for them, it so happens that theirs changes everyone, everything else.
“I just…” Lucy starts, then stops. “I don’t know what’s worse. That I couldn’t stand forgetting her. Or that I could.”
Flynn wants to tell her that he knows that, he knows that. That he has lost the shape of Lorena’s smile and the sound of Iris’s laugh, and it’s almost crueler than the deaths themselves, that even the afterimage, the scanty solace fades. That you let go whether you want to or not, whether or not you feel ready, and it feels too quiet and fragile and unbearable to fit into one soul alone. At last he says, “I’m sorry, Lucy. That it was me.”
“What?” Lucy’s lip trembles. “What do you mean?”
“That you gave me the journal, and I was the reason you lost your sister. Indirectly, and I never meant it, but… still.” Flynn pauses to wet his lips. “And if you have the chance in the future, if you want to use the trip that you originally took to give me the journal to save Amy instead, I’ll understand. I’ll – “
Lucy leans over, grips his face in her free hand, and turns her head. Before a very startled Flynn can ask what she’s doing, she kisses him.
It’s raw and clumsy and shy, and in fact, she almost misses. There’s a moment when both of them clearly decide whether to excuse it as a mistake, and then their hands pull loose so they can cradle the other’s heads instead. Their mouths open, their noses brush, as it ventures into passionate and hungry but is still too heartbroken and tender to bite and bait. Just needs to keep giving to each other on both sides, breathing each other, as they hold each other desperately, as if in recognition that they can. That this is neither gone, nor forgotten, nor lost in the flames. That for whatever it’s worth, they’re here together, tonight. That tomorrow will come, and be faced, but not now. Not yet.
After a very long, dazzled moment, Lucy finally pulls back, wiping her mouth shakily with the back of her hand. “I’m not sorry,” she whispers fiercely. “I’m not sorry that it was you.”
Garcia Flynn isn’t lost for words often, but he is then. He opens his mouth, and it stays that way. His hand remains in the air where her head just was, until he slowly lowers it, feeling like a badly wound automaton. Their eyes meet, fleetingly. Then Lucy gets up from the log, he thinks he sees her shoulders shake, and she vanishes into the night.
126 notes · View notes
Borne on the Wings of Steel Part 2: Soaring on the Wings of Dawn
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Summary:  You always felt like you didn’t belong, that something was inadvertently wrong with your surroundings.  Your life was simple; had a rental you called home, a normal and routine job, and a couple of friends from college.  One day, however, you wake up in a strange room with symbols covering every surface of the walls.  After two disgruntled and confused hunters find you, you discover that you are now in your favorite T.V. show.  The Winchesters try to help you get back to your universe, but what if maybe it isn’t where you were meant to be?
Pairing: Castiel x Reader
Genre/Warnings: Soulmate!AU, Season 13 spoilers, fluff, multiple universes, mommy issues, Gabriel, Luci, cursing, and of course shit writing.
Words: ~2.4 k
a/n: I never thought so many would enjoy part 1!  I have been so excited to write this next part that I only hope it lives up to half the hype you guys have for this series.  This is literally my second fic, and I never thought I would see over 100 notes on one chapter ever.  Not to mention all the lovely comments you all have been leaving.  Thank you for making a girl feel special! :’)
FYI SEASON 13 SPOILERS and slight deviation from cannon!  This story begins during and after 13x18.
Series List | Part 1 | Part 3 --> (coming soon)
The tension in the room was almost unbearable.  Sam, Dean, and Castiel all watched Gabriel closely, almost ready to pounce on him should he move; something must have happened that you did not witness. Apparently finding his courage, Castiel moved towards you and the weeping angel with something metallic in his hands; it wasn’t his angel blade, but you knew whatever it was it would harm Gabriel.  Your muscles reacted instantly as you side stepped out of Gabriel’s grip and walked around him to use yourself as a barrier between the two angels.
“Cas…” You trailed off in warning.
Disregarding your threat, he reached up to push you out of the way, preparing what you now recognized as a grace extractor in his other hand.  Angered by his audacity to ignore you, you swatted his hand away. “Castiel, this is not a good time. Back off.”
He rolled his eyes and continued his advance.  When you wouldn’t budge, he spoke harshly to you.  “Get out of the way.  We lost him once, and I am not failing again.  He has more than enough grace, extracting a little won’t hurt him.”
You placed a hand behind you on Gabriel’s back, reassuring him that you weren’t going to abandon him. Glaring back into Castiel’s predatorial eyes, you berated him.  “Is this what you meant by ‘Whatever it takes.’?  To go against so many of your vows – do you even having any vows left to break?  This is your brother, who has been beaten and nearly destroyed.  He has done so much for you, yet here you stand to milk him of his grace like a cow.  Stand. Down. NOW.”
The Winchesters gasped at your bravery.  To order an Angel to stand down, that took some guts.  What was even more surprising is that he listened.  Your words were knives straight into his very soul; how many times had he done this?  How many times had he gone too far, how many more times would he before he learned?  His stance relaxed, and his arms fell to his sides. You watched as his wings fluttered and shrunk in embarrassment, the reaction reminding you of a dog tucking its tail between its legs.  With his head down, he walked out of the room without another word.
After a few moments of silence, you shared uneasy glances with the brothers.  “Look,” You started. “I’ve got him.  It’s obvious he wants me, although I don’t know why.  I will take care of Gabriel; can you guys just go figure out how the hell I got here?  I kinda have work in the morning, so…”
With knowing nods, the two brothers left the room.  You turned around to see a stone-faced Gabriel and your heart became heavy yet again. As you walked back to his front, you noticed that you could not see his wings; the lack of feathers had you wondering if maybe you had been imagining Castiel’s.  Crouching down to his eye level, you spoke softly to him.  “Hey Gabe, everything’s okay.  No one is going to hurt you, I won’t let them.  Why don’t we get you into bed, hmm?”
When he didn’t react, you placed a hand on each of his shoulders.  “Gabe, everything is okay.  You don’t have to shut down.  I’m not going anywhere.”
With that, his eyes snapped to meet yours.  “I don’t want you to leave, not again.”  He whimpered.
“I’m not, I promise. I’m right here.”
“But you want the Winchesters to send you back.  I don’t want you to go back, A.  I need you; we all need you.”  He pleaded.
His nickname reminded you of some distant memory, but you couldn’t quite place it.  Shaking it off, you replied to the angel.  “Gabe, do you know how I got here?  Castiel keeps calling me Ariel and I – I don’t know who that is.  My name is Y/N.”
He was taken aback by your words, but only briefly.  “You don’t know who that is because you don’t remember.  I… I did something bad, A.  Not just like, making life slightly difficult for Heaven, I mean bad.  I had to, otherwise – It would have been worse if I hadn’t.”
Stroking his cheek, you consoled him.  “It’s okay. Whatever you did, Gabe, I’m sure it was the right thing to do.”
Leaning into your hand, Gabriel whispered.  “I hope you’re right, A.  I hope you’re right.”
The two flannel-clad Winchesters entered the war room to find Castiel pacing with his hands messaging his temples.  Wasting no time, Sam walked into the library to grab his laptop while Dean began speaking to Castiel.  “Okay, okay, so we somehow got Gabriel back.  That’s a positive!  We just need to get this woman back to her universe and then we can get back to business.”
“Dean, this isn’t going to go like you think.”  Castiel said with a stoic expression.  “Gabriel coming back here just confirms that he summoned her.  He is not going to let Ariel leave.  Also, did the two of you leave them alone?  What’s going to stop him from leaving with her?”
“Well, while you were getting your ass roasted, I placed that sigil you taught me that prevents angels from teleporting on the door frame.  Technically, he’s stuck in that room.” Dean retorted.
Thankful for the older Winchester’s quick thinking, the angel took a seat at the war table and sighed. “I didn’t know that Gabriel would have this connection with her.”
“Connection or not, who the hell is this Ariel chick?  You said she was Heaven’s guide?”
Before Castiel could answer, Sam reentered the war room carrying his now open laptop.  “So, get this.  Ariel is an angel from old Christian and Jewish theology.  She was briefly mentioned in Paradise Lost and according to this poorly written Wikipedia article, she is known as the personification of Israel?  She is also sometimes referred to as a Demon.”
“Which means?” Dean asked.
“That the internet has no clue who she is.” He sighed.  The two brothers turned their questioning glances to Castiel.  
“Cas, care to fill us in on what the hell is going on?” The older Winchester inquired.
Clearing his throat, he explained.  “Back during the dawn of man, angels and human lived amongst each other very briefly – the consequences were instantaneous.  Nephilim were in the dozens, and Heaven worried about their ability to protect all of creation.  Angels were then ordered to stay away from humans as much as possible, only intervening when necessary.  This created a new problem.  As centuries passed, angels no longer knew how to act amongst humanity.  Society has always been drastically changing for your species, and if an angel wants to investigate undercover, they had to learn how to blend in.”
“Well, you’ve been here for years and you still don’t blend in.” Dean laughed.
Castiel scrunched his brows together in irritation.  His attempt at a bitch face made Dean go silent instantly.  “Sorry.” The older Winchester mumbled under his breath while rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
The annoyed angel continued. “As I was saying, it became obvious that Heaven needed someone on the ground at all times.  Their duty would be to live among you and be able to teach newly arrived angels about modern society.  God was displeased by the amount of Nephilim that were created before, so He refused to assign an angel to this task.  Therefore, he created Ariel.  She was neither an angel or human; she is somewhere in between, yet different from a Nephilim.  Her powers are limited, and she cannot mate.  She was – is – referred to as the Earthly Mother of Angels.  Before they are sent to their assignment here on Earth, every angel reported to her for social training.”
“But you said she’s been dead for two thousand years, what happened?” Sam asked.
“She was living in Jerusalem, preparing for the flood of angels that would arrive when the Christ child was born.  That’s probably why that article called her the ‘personification of Israel’.  She had been there for almost a century when she was murdered.  As soon as the angels felt her signature die, Heaven swarmed Israel.”  Pausing, Castiel chose his next words carefully.
“Lucifer’s blade was found in her chest and armies of Heavenly hosts were called to arms in preparation for war against Lucifer.  It was discovered that he was still locked in the cage, and it hadn’t been tampered with either.  No one knows what happened, the evidence didn’t make any sense.  In the end, there was nothing done because the Christ child was on its way, which obviously took priority; she was all but forgotten.”
Silence fell over the room as the Winchesters debated what to do.  It was then that Sam realized Castiel was hiding something.  “Wait, if all angels were sent to her, why did you say you never met her before?”
Castiel stood up to resume his pacing before answering.  “I was ordered to never meet her.  During that time, I was still an – uh – unquestioning soldier.  To this day, I still don’t know why.”
Raising his eyebrows, Dean began to rant.  “Great. We have the Mother of Angels in a room with a broken archangel, who by the way, summoned her.  You were ordered to never meet her, which add a whole new layer to the already messed up cake.  She may or may not be super powerful but doesn’t remember a damn thing. Oh, and she thinks this is a T.V. show?”
“Do the two of you now understand why I was so upset?” Castiel snarked.
A few hours passed, during which Gabriel lay next to you in the tiny bed.  Although angels don’t sleep, his grace put him into a slumber like state since his wounds were still healing.  His large frame clung to yours like a child would when woken up from a nightmare.  Your fingers softly stroked his hair as you considered what to do next.
It was becoming clearer and clearer that this was in fact not a dream.  That thought alone was enough to make you want to run for the hills. No matter how much you loved the show, you never wanted to step foot into a world like it.  Now, you had hunters and angels claiming you were someone you clearly were not, and their refusal to elaborate on their accusation was even worse.
A knock at the door broke your rambling thoughts.  Someone was finally coming to talk to you.  “Come in.” You whispered quietly, as to not wake Gabriel.
The door slowly opened to reveal a concerned Castiel.  His trench and sport coats had been discarded, making him appear more approachable somehow. He walked cautiously to the bed before taking a seat, careful to not wake Gabriel up as well.  “How’s he doing?”
You took the opportunity to insult the angel.  “Well, now that someone isn’t trying to do the exact same thing that was used to torture him for six years, fine.”
Castiel flinched; a reaction you expected would please you, but instead made you feel worse.  Your guilt was soon replaced with surprise, yet again, when Castiel’s wings unfolded, their tips resting against the bed.
The angel brought a hand up to rub his cheek before speaking to you.  “I’m sorry.  You were right.  I have done so much wrong in the last decade.  I just… I don’t want to fail the Winchesters.  It so hard to balance between two families, them and Heaven.  I don’t want to harm Gabriel, I just want to save Jack and Mary.”
Hesitation was never common for you but being in the universe had changed that completely.  You wanted to comfort Castiel, but how you did not know. Strange, considering you so easily consoled the archangel that was now asleep in your embrace.
Not knowing what else to do, you reached for Castiel’s other hand that rested in his lap.  Stroking the top of it lightly with your thumb, you glanced down at your clasped hands.  “You will save them Castiel, I know it.  It may look impossible now, but you’ve always done the impossible.  It’s okay to make mistakes, that what makes us…” You trailed off, trying to find the right words.
Castiel chuckled at your pause.  “Human? I am not human, Ariel, and neither are you.”
“I was going to say real.  Reality isn’t about orderly, step-by-step actions and events.  The overall picture happens for a reason, but they way you get there is not a straight line.  Life isn’t about point A and point B, it isn’t about the journey either.  Being real is understanding that sometimes you have to go to point C and D to unlock B.  There is no logic behind it, only motion.  People who say, ‘You’re only human’ don’t consider that.”  You had more you wanted to say, but Gabriel began stirring beside you. Once stilled, you continued.
“Also, for the last God – Chuck – damn time, my name is Y/N.  You can believe that I am this Ariel chick, but I want to be called Y/N.”  You stated flatly.
With a shy nod, Castiel submitted.  “Alright, Y/N it is.  Just a warning though, almost every single Heavenly being is going to call you Ariel.”
“Who was she anyway?  If I am at least going to be accused of being this woman, I may as well know what she was.”
It was then that Castiel explained to you the Mother of Angels.  A Heavenly host who taught the angels how to live among humans.  She was a teacher, an informant, a sanctuary, but most importantly, a motherly guide.  She was there to help angels who were grieving over their now lifeless Nephilim and lovers after their initial destruction.  She was councilor who prevented new Nephilim from being created.  She was the barrier between Heaven and Earth, sometimes even between angels and God.
When she was stripped away from the angels, they wept and mourned for their mother.  They were ready to strike down whatever evil had done this to her but were silenced by God’s orders to protect the Christ child.  
With her mysterious return, and no Father in sight to order them, loyalties in Heaven were about to be questioned.
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xxccxy · 6 years
A Tale from Thelua
He was in the middle of sword training when I first saw him. I was hiding behind a tree, but he noticed me without even glancing. He could find me almost immediately.
That was when I saw his eyes. Obsidian black, and so did his hair.
I thought that he would be so cold. But God knew I shouldn't be judging someone by his look. I was so wrong about that.
A Tale from Thelua
[15] honored flower knight
Wendy's voice rung in her ears, loud and clear. The girl ran to the man who stood beside his horse and hugged him. She was smiling, almost laughing when she was lifted from the ground and placed on the horse. The man had a gentle smile, one that Lucy thought would never see again after all this time. One that Lucy thought would never bear to see.
"What are you doing here?" Wendy asked. "I thought you'll be back by the noon!"
The man, with smile still graced his face, replied, "We arrived sooner than planned. The others were eager to get some proper rest so we paced up."
His voice, too, was as gentle as she remembered. He had such a calm voice, smooth and soft despite how he looked. Obsidian black eyes then met hers and Lucy caught herself throwing her gaze somewhere else. He caught her off guard. He always catch me off guard.
He approached her, standing before her and said, "Greetings, princess."
"Good day," Lucy managed to swallow the lump in her throat and greeted back the knight, "Zeref."
He gave her a smile, knelt, and took her hand to place a kiss on its back. Lucy couldn't tear her eyes away from the sight of him kissing her hand. It made a memory to resurface, and suddenly, Lucy was drowned in the memory of the same man who kissed her hand several years ago. The same man whose hair was as dark as his eyes, whose kiss lingered a couple beats longer.
But she managed to prevent it from replaying. She didn't really want to remember that. She didn't see the importance of remembering it, despite the fact the she was suddenly feeling a little bit better than before. Smile. She should be smiling.
"What brings Thelua's most honored knight here?" Lucy asked calmly, as if nothing was different from any other day, as if he was nothing new to her.
Zeref chuckled. "I received a distressed complaint from Sir Larry. He said that his student is missing so I volunteered on searching," he glanced to Wendy, "and apparently I have found her."
"I thought Sir Larry said yesterday that we will have no class today!" Wendy pouted. "That's why I went with sister."
"Yes, but apparently he changed his mind," Zeref patted Wendy's hair, giving her a wry smile. "You should be going now."
"But what about sister?"
"I'll accompany her."
Lucy blinked. He would?
"I should be going as well," Lucy quickly spoke, walking to her horse. "I would like to apologize to Sir Larry for taking his student with me."
"It's fine, sister. I will explain it to him. Well, then, I'm returning first, sister," Wendy said as she rode the horse, followed by her nanny, leaving Lucy with a slightly ajar mouth, ready to stop Wendy if only she didn't ride so quickly.
The wind blew and Lucy caught the faintest smell of cinnamon. Cinnamon and other spices that brought more memories to resurface. It was his -- Zeref's scent; it was still the same as before. To be able to smell it, he must be somewhere near her. He must be standing right behind her. She didn't know how he did it without her noticing, but the sound of a fluttering cape told her enough.
She didn't turn at him. Her hand found its way to the horse's coat, brushing it as a poor attempt of not arousing his interest. But she knew it was all in vain. Thus, Lucy spoke.
"Surely there is something else than volunteering for Sir Larry," Lucy said.
"I've been missing you."
He wasted no more than a beat to say it, and Lucy was left without able to reply with anything. That simple phrase reminded her of his question from long time ago, one where they made a promise but left with him breaking it. She had forgotten all about it until just now. Until he showed.
There was a sigh from him. And then, a whisper, "I've been wanting to see you."
The gust of wind blew once again and Lucy suddenly found herself in an embrace. The scent of cinnamon and spices filled her and she was stunned. Her arms hung limp on her sides and she felt the distance between them grew narrower.
It was something she didn't anticipate. He caught her off guard – always caught her off guard. If anything, she could never catch him off guard. But when she pushed him away, she saw astonishment came across his face, his eyes.
"I'm sorry," she whispered.
For what?
"No. I should be the one who apologize," Zeref said. "I wasn't aware that... we aren't like how we used to be. I'm sorry for startling you, princess."
Princess. She didn't like it when he called her that, even now. But she couldn't tell him. She could never tell him about that one. Because you might distance yourself from me and I didn't want that.
There was a pause, and she wondered if the expression she forced on was a smile when he spoke.
"Congratulation on your marriage, Lucy."
When he said that, he wasn't looking at her. His gaze lingered on her fingers, on a finger where the golden ring settled, and Lucy could feel a slight tug on her heart. When he took her hand and pressed another kiss, brushing against her ring, a lump was formed once again in her throat, a tug grew stronger, a mixture of feelings formed in her chest.
"And I wished for your happiness."
Happiness. There was something bitter when he said that. The wish almost sounded like it was forced. Just like how she forced her smile to linger, just like how she forced herself to stay here. The urge to drove off with her horse was getting unbearable. She had wanted to find peace here, to kept some unwanted thought away from her head. She'd certainly never expected this encounter.
This was just too soon. Lucy wasn't ready for this.
"I.." she stuttered. "Thank you, Zeref."
The smile he gave her was as gentle as she remembered. She couldn't deny the fact that there was something in him that calmed her. Was it his eyes? His gaze? His voice?
Because it is him, because it is Zeref.
Lucy climbed her horse, glanced to Zeref and said, "You should return and have a proper rest. Good day, Zeref."
She took off, leaving Zeref and then rode deeper into the forest while minding not to cross the border of the hunting ground. She needed this, as much as she knew she was being rather rude to him, she needed her own time. To think.
Zeref. She had forgotten all about him when she first arrived here. Maybe she just had her mind on the marriage. That was why she forgot about him. The thought never once crossed her mind. But now she had met him, all memories about him resurfaced. While it wasn't unpleasant, she just preferred not to be reminded much about it.
I just don't want to regret anything.
I just don't want to make anything harder.
Chapter Index
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Deepest Darkest Secret
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16
Chapter 17. Baz.
We don’t speak to each other.
‘I didn’t mean any of it,’ I tried telling him when I came back late that night.
‘Okay,’ he said, turning to face the wall. I think he just said it so I’d know he heard me, and he didn’t care. Either he doesn’t believe me, or it doesn’t change anything.
I understand. I know why he’s doing this, why he won’t speak to me now, why he doesn’t want to listen or try to fix things. It was foolish of me – of both of us – to think this could work. To think that we could be together just because we are soulmates, and that none of the rest of it would matter. The war, and the Old Families, and the Mage, and the prophecy. Our true destinies.
I’m at my desk now, and he’s sitting on his bed with some homework. I usually go to the library or the Catacombs to avoid him when I know he’ll be here. I don’t know why I’ve come back today, maybe because I’m weak and I can’t stay away. I keep hoping he’ll say something to me. I can’t stand this. It’s worse than the fighting was.
At least he doesn’t stand up and leave when I come in. He just keeps his head down and pretends I’m not here.
I can’t focus. The minutes are ticking by and I’m staring at the same page I was looking at half an hour ago. I can feel it every time he shifts, every time he turns a page or sighs quietly. I can feel the distance between us like a gaping black hole. It hurts.
When the little sounds of him stop – the rustling of pages, the tapping of his pen, his quiet and constant breathing – I turn my head slightly to look at him, and catch him as his eyes fly away from mine, back to the page in front of him. That’s the only way I know that he’s as aware of me as I am of him, that he feels the tension in the air, thick and almost unbearable, the same way I do.
I wonder if it makes him want to scream. I wonder if it makes him want to spit curse words at me. I wonder if it makes him want to kiss me.
(When I put it like that, it’s not much different to how I felt when we were fighting.)
I look at him again. He’s hunched over a textbook, perfectly still, not even blinking. He turns a page. If I asked, I doubt he’d be able to repeat a single thing that he’s just read.
I sigh quietly.
I don’t know what to say to make him forgive me. I don’t know if I deserve to be forgiven.
There’s a knock on the door.
Simon looks up and meets my eyes. I hold my breath.
‘Who is it?’ I say, after a long moment where neither of us moves. I tear my gaze away and walk over to open the door.
‘Baz. Is Simon here?’
I step aside and look back at him, expecting him to get up and leave with her. They don’t talk about anything important around me anymore. Instead, Bunce walks past me and sits cross-legged on my bed.
‘Hey –’ I start to protest, but the look she gives me silences me.
‘I’ve found something out,’ she announces. ‘Something huge. Something… kind of awful.’ She pushes her glasses up her nose and looks at Simon, frowning.
I straighten up and cross my arms. ‘What is it?’
‘It’s about… Simon, it’s about your parents.’
His face pales. The textbook snaps shut in front of him, but he doesn’t seem to notice. ‘What? What is it?’
Bunce glances back at me. ‘Is…’ She looks back at Simon and inclines her head in my direction. I sneer.
Simon looks at me and opens his mouth.
Please don’t tell me to go.
‘I – just tell me,’ he says.
‘Okay,’ Bunce says, and takes a deep breath. ‘I think – no, I’m sure – that the Mage is your father.’
My fangs pop. What?
‘What?’ Simon echoes.
She pulls a photo out of her pocket and shows it to him. I lean forward and try to see it, but I don’t dare come any closer. I don’t want them to remember I’m here and make me leave.
Bunce explains what her mother told her about Lucy and Davy and his secret. She thinks that the Mage made Simon the Greatest Mage intentionally, and in doing so, created the Humdrum. Having started the war and created the thing that’s eating the magic out of the atmosphere, he’s the greatest threat the World of Mages has ever known.
It makes sense.
By the time she finishes explaining it, my hands are clenched into fists by my sides and I’m seeing red. The absolute bastard. How could he do this to Simon? How can he act like a saviour, like a hero, when he’s the reason for all our problems? How dare he sit in the office that once belonged to my mother and feel proud about it all?
‘That makes no sense,’ Simon says. His face is red and I can tell he’s struggling to breathe, to hold down his magic. I want to walk over to him and calm him down. I want to take him in my arms and make the world go away. Fuck everything. ‘He had to make me his heir to get me into Watford. He wouldn’t have done that if I was already his son. Penny, this is stupid.’
‘Simon, look at them,’ she says gently. ‘Lucy looks so much like you.’
‘No,’ he says. ‘The Mage would have said something.’
‘How else can he be the greatest threat?’ she says. ‘The Humdrum is the greatest threat, and we already know that’s you. But the Humdrum itself isn’t malicious. Its creator is the threat – or was, at the time Lucy was alive and you weren’t born yet.’
‘My parents are Normals,’ Simon says. ‘That’s why my magic is all wrong. That’s why I’m different. Mages never give their kids away. You said that.’
‘I was wrong,’ Penny says. ‘Simon, everything fits together. It has to be the Mage. It explains everything.’
‘But he would have known where I was the whole time. Why wouldn’t he have just kept me? Raised me as a mage?’ He presses his palms to his forehead, shaking his head.
I can’t take it anymore. ‘Because then everyone would have realised he’s a tyrant who created you as a weapon,’ I growl.
Simon’s head whips up. ‘Shut up.’
I flinch. ‘I’m sorry.’
A heavy silence settles between us. Bunce is still staring at Simon, willing him to understand, willing him to believe her. And he will; he trusts her. He doesn’t need me here, upsetting him more, giving him more reason to want to trust the Mage. He doesn’t need to see how furious I am, how tempting it is for me to confront the Mage right now, fangs at the ready. He doesn’t need to know how much I hate seeing him like this, how my heart hurts for him.
Besides, it isn’t my confrontation to have. So I turn and leave the room, fleeing to the darkness of the Catacombs, alone with the rats and my angry tears.
He’ll do the right thing. If nothing else, he’ll save us all, with or without me there to help. I just need him to be okay at the end of it all.
‘That’s all I want,’ I say to my mother’s tomb. ‘Forget everything else, forget everything I ever said I wanted. I don’t care. I just need him to be okay.’
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aldigond · 7 years
Acnologia’s Legacy Chapter 3: A Fairy’s Lullaby
tag for people who might be interested in this or I asked if I could tag: @marumigamer @chychymazzu and @theupcomingstorm19
feel free to comment or leave some critic for me and have fun. and if you wantt to be tagged, just message me or comment down below.
Meanwhile, in the Alvarez Empire.
Brandish and Dimaria are walking through the Halls of the old Palace. Taking care of everything and preparing the Coronation of the next Emperor. A young and wise Mage, who respects the other Kingdoms and tries to maintain Peace between them and the Empire.
Brandish looks at the Hallway she once entered so proud and full of herself. She changed a lot since the War. Dimaria too, although she still has a small grudge against Lucy and Natsu.
“What are you thinking about?”, asks Dimaria her best friend.
She looks at Dimaria, with her passive expression mixed with a little nostalgia in it.
“It’s been so long since the day we were accepted as two of the Emperors closest Mages. But I still remember the day, when we first meet here”. Brandish responds.
“Well it WAS quite fun coming here for the first time! Remember when you meet Invel for the first time?”, Dimaria asks her.
“How could I forget? I said to him he looks like a icicle! And his snotty-nosed behaviour. Unbearable!”, Brandish answers again.
Both of them break out in a chuckle. Ignoring their new ruler, who is standing right behind them.
“I see you two have fun?”.
Both of them turn quickly turn around and show their respect to him.
A man around 22-26 years stands before them. Black and short hair with a blond and white strand of hair on the right side, in green white noble clothing and not to forget the purple eyes.
“Emperor Viridor. Forgive us. We didn’t notice you were here”, Dimaria says as she kneels before him.
He raises his hand to her offering a helping hand and saying:” you two don’t have to be so formal to me. Just like the others you can call me Viridor until the Coronation day”.
She takes his hand and stands up. Both of the girls are a bit taller than him, but his Wisdom and Intelligence is far beyond his age.
“Is there something that you would like to talk to us?”, the green haired girl asks him.
He nods:” yes, you two are familiar with the Kingdom Fiore, right?”.
Both of them nod. He continues:” there is a mage I would like you two to get here. He saved my live multiple times so I would like him to be here on my coronation day”.
Brandish looks at him questioning the order:” Why won’t you send a letter to him?”
“Unfortunately I don’t know where he’s living or where he is right now. But I do know that he was working for the magic council”, He answers.
“I have a Picture of him right here. Take it and find him, please”
He hands over the photo to Brandish. The Moment when Dimaria sees the face of the Mage she grinds her teeth:” don’t worry, Emperor. We will find him”.
After Viridor leaves them, Brandish asks her friend:” I’ll go and look for him. You still have a grudge against him from all these years ago”
The blond time mage snaps the picture out of Brandish’s hand and waves with it:” if you don’t hurry the ship will go without us”.
Brandish follows her concerned of what will happen.
Back in Fairy tail.
Wendy stands in front of Polyushka, waiting for her to tell her, if he is ok. The old Lady moves to the side and Wendy runs inside. She looks at the bed where Jonathan is lays. She slowly comes closer to the bed and looks at him. He is sweating a lot. He breaths rapidly and he looks a little pale.
“He will be ok. He just needs some rest. This poison is a really rare one. Its effects are determined by the temperature it’s released in. The hotter it gets the stronger it is. Even with your help he shouldn’t have been able to survive this”, says Polyushka to Wendy.
She looks back at her Teacher, but Polyushka just tells her with a smile on her face:” he has incredible willpower”.
With that she leaves the room, leaving Wendy and Jonathan alone. As the blue haired Girl turns around she looks at a barely awake Jonathan looking directly at her.
“How do you feel?”, Wendy asks him.
“Better. But a little thirsty”.
Wendy takes a clean glass pours some water in it and hands it to Jonathan. He tries to lift himself up a bit so he could drink. Wendy immediately helps him, acting as his support and slowly leading the glass to his lips. He takes small sips of it to not swallow everything at once. When he’s finished, Wendy puts the glass on the table and helps him lie back down.
Mirajane looks trough the slightly opened door inside and walks away smiling.
(“How cute”), she thinks.
She takes her place behind the Bar, but as soon as she wants to start working, her daughter pulls on her cute dress. She turns around and goes down to her.
“Mommy. I’m sleepy”, the little girls say as she rubs her eyes.
Mira takes her in her arm and walks to one of the benches close to the bar, holding Nova in her arms. She sits down and sways her.
Nova asks her Mother quite sleepy already:” Mommy? Could you sing me a song?”.
Mirajane replies with a gentle smile on her face: ”Of course, darling”.
As she keeps swaying her daughter she starts singing a slow song:” sleep my little child. Close your eyes just for a while. Know that the fairies watch over you. And they will play with you too. So close your little eyes. And let’s sleep until the sunrise. So go now and set your sail. ‘Cause tomorrow you’ll be in fairy tail”.
She continues to hum the melody of the song to Nova until she falls asleep. Suddenly Mira feels a hand slowly lying down on her shoulder, hearing an all too familiar voice in a whisper tone.
“Your voice is as beautiful as ever”. Laxus says to her.
She keeps swaying Nova and answers him whispering:” I’s been quite a long time since I was singing to someone”
Laxus slowly bows down to her hugging her from behind over the backrest, kissing her neck.
“I missed that singing voice of yours”, he whispers in her ear making her blush a little.
Time flows by and the sun starts to rise. Wendy fell asleep on a chair next to Jonathan, so she could watch over him. Mira and Laxus also didn’t leave the Building. They slept on the spare beds in the next room.
Wendy wakes up to a rather surprising sight. Jonathan isn’t laying in bed but instead he sits there on it, meditating.
She slowly stands up and looks at him. She feels his temperature with her hand and then with her forehead. Then she checks his pulls and after that his breathing.
Her diagnosis is surprisingly normal. No fever, no heart problems and no problems with his lungs.
She sighs in relieve.
But as she does that he suddenly asks her:” Is everything alright? Or is there a problem Doctor?”
Wendy gets startled by him and answers him hesitant:” y-your fine. Don’t startle me like that, please”.
He smiles a bit and sits normal on the bed in front of the Sky Dragonslayer.
He looks at his hand for a second and tries to clench it to a fist.
“Is something wrong?”, Wendy asks him.
He looks back at her with a smile, but there is disappointment in his eyes:” well. I’m still not back at full strength. I’m still weakened by the poison”
Wendy crosses her arm and leans herself on her right leg.
”well, what did you expect after taking so much of it?”, she asks him with a small grin on her face.
He looks at her for a moment, responding to her:”...Thank you. You know, for helping me”
Wendy smiles at him. They have a short moment of silence. Gajeel and Levy smash open the door, running in with Emma in Levy’s arms.
“Mommy, I’m fine. I just tripped”, the small black haired girl says.
“You are not! Your knee is bleeding! We have to take care of that!”, Levy tells her slightly panicking.
All three of them haven’t noticed either Wendy or Jonathan, despite the fact that they just passed by them.
Gajeel looks around, rummaging through the cabinets, looking for some bandages. Wendy walks up to Gajeel, opening one of the cabinets he was hastily rampaging through and giving him one. He looks at her for a moment processing what is happening.
“Thanks kid”, he says and walks to Levy and Emma.
Wendy gets a little upset and responds to him:” could you NOT call me that? I’m already 20!”.
“And you’re still a kid to me”, Gajeel responds.
He looks behind Wendy and notices Jonathan standing behind him.
“And who is this punk?”, he asks her.
After applying the Bandage on Emma’s knee she also takes a look at the stranger.
“Wait. I have seen you before”, she says.
Jonathan takes a formal stance and bows down before both Gajeel and Levy.
“Ex-Commander Redfox. Miss McGarden. Or should I say Miss Redfox now?” he says to them, with a modest smile on his face.
Thanks to @marumigamer again. for helping me with the grammatic
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