#and monster fairy takes her place and she is so happy to finally get the dream job she's been waiting on for generations 💙
magiccowboyhat · 2 years
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Drew some fairies with my partner the other day đŸ’™đŸ§šâ€â™€ïž @soupthatscreams
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writingoddess1125 · 1 year
My Heart Breaks Pt. 2
Warning: Angst then Fluff
Buggy X FemReader
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Part 1
Replaced the Photo! Cause this was too perfect! Art belongs to Vamos_MK on twitter!!
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You stared up at the blue sky with a tired sigh, finally you were free.. Over two fucking decades it had taken to escape and you did it God damn it!
For the last 20 years you had been imprisoned in the Impel Down- It had been awful yo say the least.. constantly you were trying to protect yourself and saw that the man who had sent you here had been extra cruel in doing so- well not you but the women who you took her place..
You still felt guilt in knowing she had died in your place.. but you couldnt help but be greatful she had wanted to die due to her cause in an accidental death. You hoped in her afterlife she was happy..
However death was definitely kinder then the prison- with monsters at every turn and trying to keep sex deprived prisoners from trying to have their way with you it had been a battle. You had scratched, fought and squeezed your way out of that hellhole.
After a changing of guards you had managed to slip out- unlike most of the prisoners in the Impel Down you had the enate abilies to swim so you did. Stealing a dingy that a negligent marine most likely left behind you made it out. Paddling like your life depended on it sway from that place, however you were in no position to cry in relief yet.
It was another 2 days of paddling before you manages to get to an island. Starving and dehydrated you snuck to the back end of the tiny island so no one saw your prison uniform. Stealing some berries and a pair of clothes from a small cottage you made it through the village, it was clear this place was poor- you blended in with the people who were just as hungry as you and with less berries then you had nabbed.
You went into a pub getting what you could afford, which was bread and cheese and a ale. You took these and stood outside to eat your meal which tasted no better then ash in your mouth.
Looking around you saw two better dressed men walk out of the pub, batting a poor boy on the back and laughing. Congratulating him for joining their merchant ship- catching your ear you finished your meal and drink quickly, following the men. Seeing a large ship with a line of young men wanting to join the ship for a better life and opportunity, so you join them.
Once you reached to the top of the ship, a old man held out a cane to your chest to keep you from moving forward.
"What do you want lady?-" The old Captian sneered at you, Glaring down at your dirty form.
"You're looking for sailors correct?" You say sharply, Taking a steady breath to still your nerves.
"What can a thing like you do on a ship? Do you even have sailing experience?" The Captian laughed in your face. You clenched your fist and glared hard at the asshole.
"Yes I have sailed since I was young- I can.. do cleaning and maintance" You lied a bit- not talking about your skills as a thief since this is just a merchant and not pirates like you were used to. The Captian stared at you for a moment before sighing with a shrug.
"Fine- Welcome to the May's Fairy Lady" He grumbled as he gestured for you to get on board. Sighing in relief as you had a way to sea and a income.
However that was better said then in reality-
To say the merchant ship was terrible as well had been an understatement- It was like the Impel Down all over again.. a group of touch starved and angry men who saw you as an easy target. Thankfully due to your skills you were able to evade any advances, during the day you would stay in the Lower Deck to avoid the men, cleaning and eating the stale bread and water you snagged not trusting the cook since he liked to Leer at you far too long.
At night you would travel to the Main Deck and clean up there and sleep till dawn or if the ship rocked a bit too hard. This had been your like for 3 months till one evening.
While mopping the floor of the deck you looked up at the dark sky, remembering the night with Buggy before that big heist. Grabbing him and kissing his suddently as a way to express your interest in him... your heart hurt at remembering his face when you saw him last at the bars of the window, Placing your bandana and kissing a kiss on the back of his hand.
Snapping you from your melancholy thoughs was a loud bang, seeing what looked like a firework shoot up right above you. Several crew mates from below deck also came up at hearing the noise, you watched the firework come directly on top of the ship before exploding in a cloud of red- It was beautiful. Your favorite shade of red too. The crew began to panic at seeing this as the cloud settled on the ship, you felt woozy and uneasy on your feet before you fell to the damp ground before darkness took you a large shadowy form of a ship came closer and you swore you heard circus music.
Groaning you felt yourself sitting up, a harsh digging from metal against your ankles and wrist. Jerking awake you saw you were seated in wooden benches in a dark room, Hearing the groaning and panic of others around you. You pulled at the chains slightly but winced at how tight they were.
Suddently bright lights turned on, You saw your crew chained up and seated next to you staring at a lowered stage. Your breath picking up as circus music started up, watching as different acts come up- it was almost exactly like how you remembered the show you went to in your childhood? Like someone recreating it from memory? People pulled out sighs to applaud which you saw the merchant nervously do.
"No No NO! It's wrong! That is not how a crowd should clap!" You heard a sharp voice say, walking onto the stage- He looked like a pirate Captian and not apart of the circus. You did see clown paint on his face and a red clown nose- which made your eyes narrow at the sight.
Your eyes focused on the grown man- Watching as he commanded the crowd with a twisted smile and yelled at the circus people. He sighed dramtically and looked in the direction of the crowd- chastising them for their lack of enthusiasm and not laughing with the cues. However the wind felt like it was knocked from your lungs.. You knew those eyes.. that blue hair expertly tucked away and real rounded red nose.
"Bugs?" You called out loud by accident- You saw his whole body freezes mid step. A twitch seemed to have shot through his system as your merchant crew mates all looked back at you with a mixture of pity and fear. You swallow a nervous lump as he did a slow turn in your direction, your face still clouded in shadows by the lack of lights in the audience section. Doing a silent hand movement his crewmates assended on you, yanking you from your restraints roughly and pulling you to the stage with little grace and tossing you at Buggy's feet. Rubbing your swore wrist you looked up at your childhood friend through your mess of hair.
"What the Hell Bugs? Shackles!? When the fuck do you use Mph!-" You were cut off as he grabbed your face hard tp pull you to your feet, his eyes wide and overly dilated like he was seeing a ghost. You actually felt afraid? His eyes seemed different and there was a unknown emotion behind them, you tried to wiggle free but he held you firmly taking his free hand and pushing the hair from your face fully at seeing your face you see it looks like all the air has been sucked from his lungs and he releases you quickly, you stumble back barely able to catch yourself as he stares at you with wide eyes.
"You're alive?..." He said in utter shock. You nod and cough a bit as you rub your sore jaw from his grasp. You open your mouth to speak but he holds a hand to you to silence you. His eyes looking more like what you remembered, that swirl of never ending emotions.
"Cabaji- Take her to be washed, fed and dressed. Leave her in my quarters" He commanded, the green man nodded heavily and grabbed you far gentler now to lead you off stage.
Just as instructed a group of people washed you up in a massive copper bath with nice hot water, dressed you in simple trousers and a tunic and quickly dropped you off with a plate on the end table of the large bedroom.
Seated in a massive bed you look down at the hot plate set before you, your manners thrown out the window as you tucked in. Having been far too long since you had a hot filling meal-
Without thinking you rapidly start eating it, it tasted like heaven enough for tears to well in your eyes as you ate. Before long the plate was gone- and you felt nauseous, yout mistake of eating too quickly and food you hadn't experienced in 20 years. You scrambled up to the nearest trashcan and began to vomit- so hard you didn't hear the door open. Only when a gentle hand touched your back which made you flitch and turn around to see Buggy, his eyes wide at your reaction before your body lurches and you vomited again. Buggy held your hair back this time as you vomited into the poor trashcan.
"Sorry... it's been a while since I got a hot meal" You admitted, spitting the taste of bile away from your lips as you sat back.
"It really is you" Buggy said in disbelief still, Getting down on his knees next to you as he looked over you. How you looked so unhealthy and weak- even after being cleaned he could see that abuse had done its work on you.
"Dear Gods... What happened to you?..." Buggy voice finally cracked, his hand reaching out and cupping your cheek his thumb running over the heavy bags under your eyes and the new scars that had set on your face.
"...I survived" You say softly, Leaning into his warm touch feeling tears begin to fall. In seconds Buggy held you tightly in his arms, your face pressed against his chest as ragged sobs left you, maybe it was finally being free from both jail and the hardships on that awful merchant ship but feeling Buggy's arms around you holding you close just finally released that emotional valve and you cried.. Harder then you had in your entire life into his chest.
You felt his hands smooth over your messy hair and rock you side to side as you sobbed against him. You tried to speak but sobbing nonsense was all that left you and was mumbled through Buggy's shirt.
After almost an hour of crying against Buggy you had worn yourself out, sniffling against him as he gently pulled back to look at your reddened face. His own makeup having dripped away from his red eyes- clearly he had been crying too while holding you.
He wiped your face with his gloved hand and laid kisses on your forehead to comfort you.
"You never have to just survive again... I-Im sorry (Y/N) I couldn't save you" His voice cracked at that, you shook your head.
"I-It would have been impossible. You two would have been killed..." You say with a sniffling tone, trying to control your tone and keep from crying again. Buggy asked what had happened, as you told him the story of your escape, prison time, the pain you had suffered and how you'd escaped to be hired by those merchants. He listened dead silent the whole time his hands rubbing circles in your arms to comfort you. However you saw the rage in his eyes at the pain you'd gone through.
Once done explaining yourself he nodded at this, like he was trying to find the words to explain but couldn't. Instead just giving a bitter chuckle at this, shaking his head in anger. He reached up and took off his hat with a angry sigh and tossed it aside. Your eyes catching the bandana underneath and reaching a hand out to touch the fabric.
"You kept that?.. after all these years?" You whispered confused, the anger on his face leaving as he heard this and left your touch. Reaching up and gently pulling off the old bandana for you to see.
"Of course- you gave it to me... W-When you... left. I was destroyed" He admitted, you stared at him with tears starting to fall from you again.
"I couldn't look at myself in the mirror without seeing the face that had let you down.. so I changed- I smiled for you, wore your favorite red and became Buggy the Clown"
He said with a chuckle and gestured to himself. You bit your lip to keep from crying more, he wiped your tears away with a shaky breath.
"You did that for me? Why?" You whispered, he stared at you silently before having a nervous smile.
"I love you"
His words made your heart skip- like that spark of life from when you were 15 had hit you again. Your eyes met his, he also seemed taken aback by his admittance.
"You love me?" You questioned, seeing him nervously mess with his gloves. He always did have little nervous tics like this whenever he was in a odd position, however peeling off one of his gloves to dig his nail into his palm he nodded. You reached forward and took his hand into your own to keep him from harming his hand further.
"Well I'd hope so after giving you my first kiss on that little boat"
You both giggled at this. You rubbing your thumb on his naked palm, seeing the deep scars that covered his hands- like he had dug his nails into them so many times that his palms was covered in smiley faces.
"Of course, didn't hurt it was my first kiss too" He chuckled but you winked at him.
"Don't lie, I remember the story of you and Shanks running on deck and your guys mouth smashing together. That counted" Buggy shiffered in disgust at the memory and wrinkled his face which made you laugh.
"That doesn't count!" He protest which earned more laughter from you, he smiled widely at this.
"Sooo if both of us are still interested, Would you like to continue what should have been?" You asked, giving him a blushing smile which he returned. A big Goofy grin on his face-
"Well, let's get you healthier first. What about a dinner date?" He suggested, almost giddy and you could see that same boy you once knew under that makeup again.
"Sounds perfect"
@oxbunnehxo @starsali @avatar-lover @severesongstarfish @flooftoof @lavalampskyy @blogname-18 @ven1cez
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citruslullabies · 7 months
Heyyy! So, this request is kinda angsty. Hope you don't mind 😅 DogDay and reader are exploring the factory. They are faced with a particularly gruesome scenario. Reader freezes. She is terrified and steps back, shaking her head. Teary-eyed, she apologizes to DogDay and says that she is sorry for not being as brave as they thought, that they deserve someone better. Reader is having an anxiety (or panic?) attack since after all the trauma-inducing stuff that she's been through, this last scenario shattered the little confidence she had left. I guess that I'm asking for comfort with sprinkles of fluff on top. Please and thank you đŸ«¶đŸ»
Are you guys like, allergic to happiness
Trigger warnings: blood, death, just overall uncomfy subjects
Romantic/platonic: unspecified
Requested by: anonymous
Category: heavy angst with a little bitty sprinkle of fairy dust fluff
Ship (romantic or platonic): Dogday x reader
Word count: 531
I'm Sorry
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You were an influential guide to few, but still enough to make such a large impact. You were a shred of hope in a dark place for Poppy, Kissy Missy, and Dogday. So you had to be brave.
You and Dogday were wandering around, Dogday on your back as he still is lacking legs. You thought you had seen it all at this point but.. you were wrong. You wish you never opened that door, you should've taken the smell of blood as a clear sign not to.
You never thought you'd see old blood and bones with rotting meat that the insects were trying to eat before the mini critters could, you felt your stomach become nauseated at the sight of worms and maggots chewing away and eroding bones of children and adults alike. Your eyes were wide as you took in the sight, you had seen the video but you never thought you'd see the remains of some of the victims. “Oh god.. I think I'm gonna..”
You didn't even get to finish your sentence before your body started forcing you to dry heave, trying to force you to vomit with nothing in your stomach to relieve bodily stress as tears pricked your eyes.
Dogday had seen it all before, but it still disturbed him. His attention was quickly drawn to you, clinging just a bit tighter onto you. “Angel? Angel are you-” He let out a little yelp as you suddenly kneeled over, vomiting into the corner and almost making him slide off your back. He was surprised but quickly rubbed your back and held your hair back.
“Angel!? Angel, it'll be alright.” He said, trying to soothe you. He wasn't expecting his angel to react in such a way, yes it was disgusting with the sight of rotting human flesh that was practically meat pudding at this point and insects and little monsters fighting over who got to eat it first, but he hadn't expected you to throw up and force yourself into a frenzy.
You picked yourself back up and walked outside, feeling nauseated even after puking up stomach acid. You started to break down crying as you leaned your head back to press against Dogday’s, not seeing him grimace at the new edition of your throw up and tears being added to his blood and dirt matted fur. “I.. I'm sorry! I'm sorry I.. I couldn't handle it! I'm so sorry!” You said, practically wailing against him as it all finally came crashing down. Dogday was shocked but.. he didn't let that get in the way of his love and care for you. He carefully kept one hand on your shoulder to hold on, and the other hand on your cheek as he pulled you closer.
“Shh.. shh.. angel, it's alright..” he tried to reassure despite your sobbing and denying, he knew that you were strong. You were so brave and he was proud of you, but he didn't know how to put it into words. He knew you'd eventually reach your snapping point; as much as he believed so, you weren't perfect. “Angel.. let's take a break, shall we?”
Even angels had their flaws.
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Thank you for requesting!
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nyxshadowhawk · 9 months
I Read The Silmarillion So You Don't Have To, Part Five
Previous part: https://nyxshadowhawk.tumblr.com/post/728961431368761344/i-read-the-silmarillion-so-you-dont-have-to-part
Chapter 10: Of the Sindar Meanwhile, in Middle-earth

Remember the Sindar? They’re the people of ElwĂ«, the only one of the original three Elven Lords who never made it back to Valinor, and Melian, a Maia who seduced him. The Sindar are basically native to Middle-earth, and save for ElwĂ« himself, none of them have seen the Two Trees of Valinor. That makes them “Grey Elves,” neither light nor dark. They live in Beleriand, the westernmost land mass of Middle-earth, on which most of The Silmarillion takes place, and which is completely gone by the time LotR takes place.
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Elu Thingol by @bohemianweasel
The Sindar know ElwĂ« as Thingol, which is Sindarin for “Greymantle,” and acknowledge him as king. Earlier, I assumed that Thingol and Melian were the ancestors of the Sindar, but this isn’t true; they only have one child, and her name is LĂșthien. She is one of the other major players in The Silmarillion, and was based directly on Tolkien’s wife Edith, so she’s kind of a big deal. She’s born in the forest of Neldoreth, and white flowers spring up to greet her.
While Melkor was being held captive in Valinor, the Dwarves finally enter the picture in Middle-earth. They call themselves KhazĂąd, and the Sindar call them Naugrim, which means “stunted people.” The Elves are somewhat bewildered when the Dwarves come into Beleriand from the East, because they didn’t know that any other people existed. They assumed that they were the only living things who could speak or make things. They don’t learn the Dwarven language, but the Dwarves endeavor to learn Sindarin. When the Noldor eventually show up, the Dwarves really like them, because the Noldor share their reverence for the god AulĂ« and their skill at metalwork and cutting gemstones.
Because Melian is a Maia, she can see the future. She warns Thingol that the peace isn’t going to last. Thingol decides to build a fortress in case worst comes to worst, and enlists the help of the dwarves to build it. The Dwarves oblige, happy to have a new project, and Thingol pays them in pearls, which they’d never seen before. The biggest pearl is called Nimphelos, which the Dwarves particularly value. (Its name sounds a lot like Omphalos, an egg-shaped sacred stone at Delphi that the Ancient Greeks thought was the navel of the world.) The Dwarves build Thingol a mansion underground, in the style of their own. I’m guessing that, like Hobbit holes, this is a reference to Celtic fairy lore that describes fairies as living in mounds. Like the fairies of British and Irish lore, Thingol has a lavish underground palace called Menegroth, the Thousand Caves. Its pillars are carved to look like trees, with carved animals on the walls and in the “branches” of the pillars. Colorful mosaics decorate the floors, banners and tapestries chronicle the deeds of the Valar, there are silver fountains and singing nightingales, and it’s all as beautiful as anything gets outside of Valinor.
Everything’s great for a bit, but Melkor’s monsters still exist, and eventually Orcs and wolves push into Beleriand. The Elves don’t know what the Orcs are. They assume that the Orcs are Avari (Elves that refused to go to Valinor) that turned evil, which is almost right in an indirect way. Thingol needs weapons to fight Melkor’s monsters, but the Sindar don’t have any weapons and don’t know how to make them, because they’ve never needed them before. The Dwarves know how to make them, having used them to fight all the dangerous things in the East, and they teach the Sindar how to make and use them. Dwarves remain the absolute best at making things of steel, and they invented chainmail.
Remember the Nandor? They were another subgroup of Elves who split off from the Teleri while they were traveling to Valinor, and stayed in Middle-earth. They become the Wood Elves, and their descendants will be the elves of Mirkwood. But at this point in history, they come to Thingol, seeking protection from Melkor’s monsters. Thingol lets them stay in an eastern land called Ossiriand.
A Sindar Elf named Daeron invents the runic writing system, which the Elves don’t care for, but the Dwarves readily adopt.
Once again, everything’s great for a while. But then, Morgoth and Ungoliant have their struggle to the north. The Sindar hear Morgoth’s shrieking and know that something is wrong. Melian’s magic keeps Ungoliant from entering their land, but barely. The Sindar are suddenly assaulted by Morgoth’s massive army of Orcs from his northern citadel of Angband. The Orcs aren’t like anything the Sindar have ever seen, and there’s thousands of them. We get a short summary of the ensuing battle (in which Tolkien drops more place names than I can possibly keep track of).
The Elves and Dwarves win, but they lose a lot of lives in the process. The King of the Nandor, an Elf named Denethor, dies in combat. Distraught by his death, many of his people renounce open war. They are called Laiquendi, “Green Elves,” because they wear leaves. The rest of the Nandor join the Sindar, and merge with them. The Sindar fence themselves into their forest with a magic wall of “shadow and bewilderment” that Melian casts to keep the Orcs out. After that, their forest becomes known as Doriath, the “Land of the Girdle,” after the magic wall. The wall protects them, but the peace and bliss are broken.
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Chapter 11: Of the Sun and Moon and the Hiding of Valinor In which the Two Trees have a last hurrah.
Back in Valinor, the Valar are very sad about the Trees, but they’re even sadder about FĂ«anor. FĂ«anor is, without a doubt, the best of the Elves. He may be a narcissist, but he’s right about how great he is: he’s the strongest, the smartest, the cleverest, the most beautiful, the most skilled, and the most capable both mentally and physically. Imagine all the good he could have done in the world, and what beautiful and useful things he might have made, if Morgoth hadn’t corrupted him! Now he’s going to waste his life on a pointless endeavor, and his entire line is cursed. It didn’t have to be like this. When a messenger tells ManwĂ« how FĂ«anor responded to the prophecy of doom, Manwë cries.
However, ManwĂ« doesn’t dispute FĂ«anor’s boast that people will sing of his deeds until the end of the world. After all, songs are beautiful things. If you remember, Eru IlĂșvatar told Melkor that all of his evil deeds will result in more beautiful things, that no one would otherwise have conceived of. Evil always begets good, in spite of itself. FĂ«anor’s evil deeds will result in the creation of beautiful art in the future, thus indirectly producing good things. But that doesn’t make FĂ«anor’s actions any better in the present.
Yavanna, goddess of plants, and Nienna, goddess of sorrow, do their absolute best to heal the Trees. The Trees are beyond saving, but the goddesses’ lamentation does do something: With their last bit of strength, Telperion bears a single silver flower, and Laurelin bears a single golden fruit. Yavanna picks them both off the trees. After that, the Two Trees die for good, with nothing but their lifeless stems remaining in Valinor as a sad monument to what once was. ManwĂ« blesses the flower and the fruit, and AulĂ« makes vessels to hold and preserve them. Then Varda hangs them in the sky as the new lamps: The flower of Telperion is the Moon, and the fruit of Laurelin is the Sun. The two lights will help the Children of IlĂșvatar and hinder Morgoth.
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Creation of the Two Trees by Julia Pelzer
Each group of Elves has a different name for the Moon and the Sun. The Vanyar (the Elves who got to Valinor first and stayed there) call them Isil and Anar. The Noldor call them RĂĄna the Wayward, and VĂĄna the Heart of Fire.
The Moon and Sun also have their own Maiar to guide them through the sky. The Maia of the Sun is called Arien, and the Maia of the Moon is called Tilion. Both Maiar had loved their respective Trees while the Trees were alive, and begged for the position of tending to the Sun and Moon. Arien is a fire goddess who doesn’t fear the heat of the sun, and Tilion is a hunter god who was one of Oromë’s companions. (This mirrors Norse Mythology, in which the Sun is driven by a goddess called Sol or Sunna, and the Moon by a god called MĂĄni.)
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Narsilion by breath-art
The Moon rises first, and brings hope to the Elves. When the Moon rises, Fingolfin and the Noldor begin their long trek into Middle-earth across the frozen north. After the Moon rises and sets seven times, the Sun is hung in the sky, and the first dawn comes. When the Sun sets, it comes to rest in Valinor, briefly reminding the Valar and remaining Elves of the light of the Two Trees and the joy they once had. But the Sun and Moon still pale in comparison to the Two Trees. The only remaining things that preserve the original light, pre-Ungoliant’s destruction, are the Silmarils.
Morgoth is obviously horrified, and immediately sends dark clouds to prevent the Sun from shining upon his land of Angband. Arien, the Maia of the Sun, is the only entity that Morgoth is really afraid of, and he no longer has the strength to attack her. But he does send evil spirits after Tilion, the Maia of the Moon. (This might explain why the moon has phases, but it’s not explicitly said.)
The Valar still remember what happened the last time they put up lamps, and they’re not about to let Morgoth destroy their paradise for a third time. They decide to almost completely cut off Valinor from the rest of the world. They make the PĂ©lori Mountains around Valinor rise impossibly high, with sheer faces like glass. The only way in or out of Valinor is through a mountain pass called the Calacirya, which the Valar leave open to allow the Elves to see the stars. But the pass is heavily guarded. And, as an extra precaution, they fill the sea with enchanted islands that are full of illusions to confuse and trap anyone who tries to sail to Aman. The Noldor are officially, permanently cut off from Valinor — there’s no turning back now.
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Telperion and Laurelin by MrSvein872
Chapter 12: Of Men In which the Men finally show up.
Having sealed themselves away, the Valar basically leave Middle-earth to the mercy of Morgoth. It’s not all bad, though; the Sun keeps Morgoth at bay, and it causes many new things to grow in Beleriand. Beleriand is a pretty nice place, for what it’s worth. Not as nice as Valinor, but, y’know
 it could be worse.
When the Sun rises, the Men finally awaken. The Elves have a lot of different names for them, but the important ones are Atani (“Second People”) and Hildor (“Followers”). The Men didn’t have a Vala to invite them to Valinor. Men fear the Valar, because they don’t really know what the Valar are or why they’re there, and the Valar have stopped paying attention to Middle-earth. Ulmo watches over the Men through all the water of Middle-earth, but Men don’t know how to understand the divine messages brought to them by the water. It’s rumored that the Men befriend the Avari, the Dark Elves who never went to Valinor.
At the time, Men looked more like Elves than they do now. Men were taller, stronger, and longer-lived than they are now, but Elves were still prettier, wiser, and more skilled than Men. Elves are immortal, and do not sicken or age, but they can still be killed. Men have less robust bodies and are more prone to illness and injury. Dark Elves are better than Men, but the High Elves that saw Valinor are significantly better than both Dark Elves and Men. The only Dark Elves that come close to the greatness of the High Elves are the Sindar, and that’s only because their queen is a Maia.
The other big difference between Elves and Men is what happens after they die. When Elves die, they go to the Halls of Mandos and eventually reincarnate. The Elves don’t know what happens to Men after they die. If they go to the Halls of Mandos, they don’t go to the same part of them that the Elves go to. No one but Mandos and ManwĂ« knows what happens to the Men after that. Only one Man ever came back from the dead (we’ll get there). It’s possible that the only entity that knows anything about what happens to Men after death is IlĂșvatar himself.
The relationship between Elves and Men gets steadily worse with time, mostly because of Morgoth (again, we’ll get there). By the time of the Third Age, when LotR takes place, there are very few Elves left. They have retreated away from the sunlight, into lonely woods and caves, and “become as shadows and memories.” The Men take over from the Elves, and forget that the Elves ever existed. But the The Silmarillion is about the First Age, and back then, Elves and Men were friends. Some Men achieved greatness through learning Elven wisdom, and some Men even had children with Elves.
Chapter 13: Of the Return of the Noldor In which we return to the main plot, and a LOT of shit goes down.
Where we last left the Noldor, Fingolfin was leading them on an impossible journey across a frozen wasteland to cross into Middle-earth, because he saw FĂ«anor burn the boats on the opposite shore. FĂ«anor and his sons continued further into Middle-earth, and made a camp in the north.
Morgoth also saw FĂ«anor burn the boats. Even Morgoth was a little afraid of FĂ«anor, so he decides to preemptively attack FĂ«anor’s camp. Despite being taken by surprise, the Elves trounce the Orcs, because they still have the strength of Valinor in them. They’re strong and swift, with sharp and effective weapons, and the Orcs don’t stand a chance. A small handful of Elves — FĂ«anor, his seven sons, and their loyalists — slaughter an entire army’s worth of Orcs in only ten days. Morgoth’s plans for the conquest of Beleriand are ruined, for now.
FĂ«anor assumes that by chasing down the Orcs, he’ll find Morgoth. FĂ«anor is so impassioned, so ready to finally kick Morgoth’s ass, that he pats himself on the back for having defied the Valar. It was such a good idea to tell the Valar to go fuck themselves and come to Middle-earth! Now he gets the opportunity to personally take Morgoth down!
He spoke too soon. FĂ«anor promptly finds himself face-to-face with the fortress of Angband and an entire army of Balrogs. Oops.
Somehow, FĂ«anor manages to hold his own against multiple Balrogs, until Gothmog, the Lord of the Balrogs, nearly kills him. He only survives because his sons arrive at the last minute with reinforcements to fend off the Balrogs.
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FĂ«anor against the Lord of the Balrogs by Evolvana
FĂ«anor doesn’t live for much longer, though. His sons start to carry him back to their camp, but he bleeds out on the way. He curses Morgoth and tells his sons to avenge him with his dying breath. As his spirit leaves him, his body burns to ash, because his soul is just that fiery. And that’s it — FĂ«anor, the mightiest Elf to ever live, is dead. His curse means that his soul is forever trapped in the Halls of Mandos, and he will never reincarnate. No one like him will ever appear in Arda again.
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The Death of Curufinwe Feanaro by Gwenniel
Honestly, I’m surprised that FĂ«anor dies this early. I thought he was the central character, but I’m still only about a third of the way through, maybe less.
Despite having taken out FĂ«anor (mostly due to FĂ«anor’s own arrogance and impulsiveness), Morgoth still lost badly. He sends an envoy to FĂ«anor’s sons, acknowledging defeat and requesting a ceasefire, even offering to surrender a Silmaril. FĂ«anor’s eldest son, Maedhros (MY-thros, ‘th’ as in “this”) takes over from FĂ«anor as the leader of the Noldor. Maedhros doesn’t trust Morgoth as far as he can throw him, but decides to go to the negotiation anyway, with backup. Of course it’s an ambush, and there are Balrogs. All of Maedhros’s backup are killed, and Maedhros himself is captured and taken to Angband.
FĂ«anor’s other sons build themselves a mighty fortress, but Morgoth keeps Maedhros hostage until the Noldor agree to end the war and leave Beleriand. The sons of FĂ«anor doubt that Morgoth will keep his word on that. They also literally can’t stop fighting Morgoth, because of their oath. So, Morgoth hangs Maedhros by the wrist from the face of the Thangorodrim Mountains. The only remaining option is to try to rescue him.
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Maedhros Upon Thangorodrim by Jenny Dolfen
Back with Fingolfin, the rest of the Noldor painstakingly make their way across the land bridge. It’s an agonizing journey, and many Elves die, but when the first dawn finally comes, Fingolfin unfurls his banner and blows his horn in victory. The ice starts to melt, and flowers spring up under his feet. The Sun chases Morgoth to the depths of his citadel, so he doesn’t harass Fingolfin’s group as they arrive in Middle-earth.
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Helcaraxe by Stefan Meisl
Fingolfin is wiser than FĂ«anor, and doesn’t try to attack Angband. Instead, he tries to find the other Noldor. Most of his Fingolfin’s group really hate FĂ«anor and his sons, because it’s their fault that they nearly froze to death. So, they make their own camp near Lake Mithrim.
FĂ«anor’s group hears of their arrival. They’re astounded and impressed that Fingolfin and co. managed to survive, and that they made it to Middle-earth. They would welcome Fingolfin’s group, but they’re too ashamed to offer. Too little, too late.
Fingon, Fingolfin's son, decides to try to heal the relationship between the two groups of Noldor. He recognizes that Morgoth would be thrilled if his enemies were so divided against themselves. If they want to stand a chance against Morgoth, they have to unite. Fingon has the perfect idea for how to bring the two groups together. He was very close to Maedhros. He doesn’t know that Maedhros wanted to go back for him when FĂ«anor burned the ships, so, he assumes that Maedhros betrayed him. Even so, he still cares enough about Maedhros to want to try to rescue him.
He climbs the mountains of Thangorodrim by himself, hidden under the cover of the darkness that Morgoth created to shut out the sun. Then, Fingon takes out a harp and starts singing. He sings a song from Valinor, from long before the unrest took hold. His voice rings throughout the mountains, in which there had never been singing before. He sings in defiance of Morgoth like the Whos singing in defiance of the Grinch on Christmas Day.
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He Sang a Song of Valinor by Jenny Dolfen
Faintly, he hears an answering voice singing the same song. Maedhros is singing, despite his suffering. Fingon climbs up to where Maedhros hangs, and cries when he sees how much pain Maedhros is in. Maedhros has long since given up hope, and begs Fingon to shoot him, to put him out of his misery. Fingon prepares to shoot an arrow, but says a prayer to Manwë, asking him to have mercy.
Fingon’s prayer is answered. ManwĂ« sends the King of the Eagles, Thorondar, who picks up Fingon and carries him up the mountain face to where Maedhros hangs. Fingon can’t find any way to open or break the shackle that holds Maedhros, and can’t detach it from the mountain face. Maedhros again begs Fingon to kill him, but Fingon figures that it’s better to lose a hand than to die. Fingon cuts off Maedhros’ hand, and Thorondar catches him, carrying both Elves back to Lake Mithrim.
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Flight from Thangorodrim by @thegreencarousel
(As you can probably guess, a lot of Silm fans ship Fingon and Maedhros. I almost did, too
 and then I remembered that they’re first cousins.)
After that, the rift between the two groups of Noldor is healed. Fingon is hailed as a hero by both groups of Noldor. Maedhros steadily gets better, and recovers his strength. He pulls and Inigo Montoya and learns to wield a sword just as well with his left hand. He also waives his claim to kingship over the Noldor. He begs Fingon to forgive him for having deserted him back when FĂ«anor burned the boats, and tells Fingon that he’s the rightful heir of the House of FinwĂ«. That’s a nice gesture, but it’s actually part of the curse — The House of FĂ«anor became known as the Dispossessed, because even though they’re the older brother’s children, they permanently lost the rulership of the Noldor.
The now-united Noldor decide to explore Beleriand a little more, and they eventually meet the Sindar. The Noldor and Sindar recognize each other as kin, but have a hard time understanding each other because they speak different languages. Eventually, they figure out a way to talk to each other. The Noldor learn about King Thingol and the magic wall around his kingdom of Doriath, and about the Sindar’s battles with the Orcs. The Sindar are delighted that these stronger, smarter elves from Valinor arrived right when they were most needed, and assume that the Valar must have sent them.
Thingol is less enthused about a bunch of hotheaded foreign princes arriving in his land. The only Noldor he trusts to let past the magic wall are Finarfin’s children: Finrod, Angrod, Aegnor, and Galadriel. This is because their mother was EĂ€rwen, one of the Teleri Elves and Thingol’s niece. So, they’re his closest relatives among the Noldor. Angrod is the first of the Noldor to enter Thingol’s palace in Doriath. He tells Thingol all about what happened to the Noldor in the North — how they crossed over, how many of them there are, how they beat back Melkor’s forces, how Finrod saved Maedhros, etc. He leaves out the part about the kinslaying and the curse.
Thingol gives the Noldor his blessing to remain in the northern part of Beleriand, but they can’t displace the Sindar from their homes. They also aren’t allowed to come past Doriath’s magic wall, unless they’re invited, or if they desperately need an audience with Thingol. Thingol is Lord of Beleriand and the Noldor are imposing upon him, so, they’re in no position to argue.
When Angrod brings this message back to the Noldor, Maedhros straight-up laughs. “What kind of king is he? These aren’t his lands. He doesn’t have the power to grant us leave to live here, as if we were his vassals. If it weren’t for us, there’d be Orcs breaking down his door.”
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Maedhros by _starçƒ­çˆ±ç”ŸæŽ»ć‘€ć·Žæ‰Žć˜ż
Caranthir, another one of FĂ«anor’s sons who inherited his father’s fiery temper, also doesn’t like Thingol’s conditions. “Who’s idea was it to send Finarfin’s sons as our spokesmen? I don’t trust a word they say, and I don’t trust this cave-dwelling Dark Elf. Finarfin’s sons should remember that, whoever their mother was, their father was still a Noldo — they should be loyal to the Noldor.”
Angrod is furious at this, and storms out. Maedhros chides Caranthir for going too far. The rest of the Noldor are all concerned that FĂ«anor’s whole family appears to be a ticking time bomb. It’s only a matter of time before one of them snaps and causes violence. Maedhros reads the room, and manages to get his brothers under control. He decides that he and his brothers should leave before things get worse. Not just leave the meeting, but leave the region — it’s better that they and the other Noldor remain friends at a distance, rather than risk another confrontation that tears them apart from within.
Maedhros and his brothers head east. Their new home is more exposed, and has less natural defense against Angband, but Maedhros doesn’t mind this. He and his brothers can be a buffer for the rest of the Noldor if Morgoth attacks again. And of course, the curse is still in effect.
Caranthir and his people are the first to find the Dwarves, who had stopped coming into Beleriand ever since the battle against Morgoth. You’d think that the Dwarves and the Noldor would have a lot in common, since both love to make things from metals and gems, and they both appreciate good craftsmanship. But nope. The Dwarves are too secretive, and Caranthir is too arrogant. He doesn’t even bother to hide that he thinks the Dwarves are ugly, and all his underlings follow suit. Despite that, the Dwarves and Caranthir’s Elves have a common enemy in Morgoth, so, they form an alliance anyway. From that alliance, Caranthir ends up learning a lot of Dwarven secrets about metalworking and masonry. It’ll really pay off for him in the future.
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Caranthir by Miyota
Twenty years pass since the Sun first rose, and Fingolfin decides to throw a feast to unite all the scattered Elves. This feast is such a big deal that it has a name — Mereth Aderthad, the Feast of Reuniting. It’s a last moment of joy and happiness before everything goes to hell again. A number of Sindar attend the feast as well, alongside their leader, an Elf called CĂ­rdan (you’re gonna want to remember him). Thingol does not leave his magically-fortified palace, but he sends two diplomats to the feast — Daeron, the Elf that invented runes, and another called Mablung. There are even some Green Elves from the easternmost part of Beleriand. The main language spoken at the party is Sindarin, because the Noldor have had an easier time learning it than the other Elves have had of learning Quenya. All the Elves are on good terms with each other, and everything is great for a while. The Noldor begin to think that maybe FĂ«anor was right about Middle-earth being a good place for them.
Another thirty years pass. Turgon (Fingon’s brother and a son of Fingolfin) meets up with Finrod (a son of Finarfin). Together, they travel southward on the River Sirion, just to get away for awhile. They sleep on the riverbank, and Ulmo (the Vala of water) sends them a dream. Neither of them remembers the dream, only that it was troubling, and neither realizes that they had the same dream. After that, they’re both burdened with a sense of unease. Troubling dreams can only mean one thing — Morgoth is going to become a problem again. Turgon and Finrod independently decide that it’s a good idea to prepare for the worst.
Finrod and Galadriel, his sister, are briefly guests of King Thingol in Doriath (being two of the few Noldor whom Thingol would allow past the magic wall). Finrod is very impressed by the majesty of Menegroth, the king’s underground palace. He wants his own underground palace just like it, and tells Thingol as much. Thingol could have said, “no, how dare you copy me,” but instead he tells Finrod about a secret place in his realm — there’s a gorge in the River Narog, the river to the west of the Sirion, where there’s a cave complex that Finrod can use to build a palace.
Enlisting the help of some Dwarves, Finrod builds his palace, Nargothrond. He gives the Dwarves treasures from Valinor to thank them. The Dwarves are so impressed with the jewels that they make Finrod a beautiful necklace called the Nauglamír, which is said to be the finest work of the Dwarves in the First Age. It’s set with many, many gemstones from Valinor, but it’s as light as spider silk. The Dwarves are also grateful to Finrod for giving them an excuse to build another cool cave palace. They give him an epithet in their own language, Felegund, which means “Hewer of Caves.” Only a really cool Elf appreciates caves so much that he asks for his own cave palace.
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Finrod by _starçƒ­çˆ±ç”ŸæŽ»ć‘€ć·Žæ‰Žć˜ż
Galadriel decided to stay in Thingol’s court, instead of following her brother to Nargothrond. She happened to meet one of Thingol’s relatives, a certain Sinda named Celeborn, and fell in love with him. Staying with Celeborn gave Galadriel the opportunity to study at the feet of Melian herself. So, if you’re wondering where Galadriel gets her wisdom and power from, it’s because she learned directly from a Maia.
Meanwhile, Turgon is feeling homesick for Valinor. He remembers the city of Tirion on its hill, with its silver tree (not the Silver Tree, one of its descendants). When he returns home, Ulmo personally appears to him, and tells him to go to the Vale of Sirion. He finds a hidden valley surrounded by mountains, in the center of which is a hill. It’s the perfect place to establish a New Tirion.
Throughout all this, Morgoth has been carefully observing the Noldor’s activities, and judging their strength. As soon as the Noldor are too distracted by city-building to prepare for war, Morgoth strikes. The Orcs are still a lot weaker than the Elves. Fingolfin and Maedhros chase the new Orc army all the way back to Angband. They kill every last one, within sight of Angband’s gates. But remember, Morgoth is a Vala, and has more up his sleeve than simply Orc armies. He causes earthquakes, fires, and volcanic eruptions. The Elves realize that there’s only one thing to do: cut the threat off at its source. They lay siege to Angband, and this siege lasts a full four hundred years.
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Angband by gresetdavid
The Orcs are so afraid of the Noldor that they don’t leave Angband. Fingolfin boasts that the only way Morgoth could score a point against them is if the Noldor commit treason amongst themselves, which sounds a lot like tempting fate. Despite his confidence, the siege is a failure. Four hundred years, and the Elves don’t get any closer to capturing Angband, let alone taking back the Silmarils. Morgoth can still send spies out the back way, because the Elves can’t climb the snowy Thangorodrim Mountains. He captures Elves alive, and terrifies them so much that they do his bidding without having to be forced. He also looks for opportunities to sew dissent amongst the Noldor. It worked once, so it can work again.
A hundred years into the siege, Morgoth tries to capture Fingolfin. He knows that Maedhros isn’t about to let himself get captured again, and taking out the king would be an advantageous move. So, Morgoth sends a bunch of Orcs to sneak towards the Elves’ camp using the back way, through the same frozen mountain pass that Fingolfin used to get into Middle-earth. Morgoth should know at this point that Orcs are no problem for Elves. Fingon notices the Orcs, and slaughters them. This battle doesn’t even count as one of the “great battles,” because there aren’t enough Orcs for it to be notable. After that, there’s an interlude of peace that lasts for many years.
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Fingon by _starçƒ­çˆ±ç”ŸæŽ»ć‘€ć·Žæ‰Žć˜ż
Morgoth finally gets the memo that he’s not going to beat the Elves by throwing Orcs at them. So, he tries a new tactic: A fucking dragon! If you think Smaug is bad, he’s a little baby lizard in comparison to Morgoth’s dragons. This one is called Glaurung (“gold worm” in Sindarin), and it’s a fat worm-like thing with a mouth of sharp teeth and fire breath. Glaurung is a young dragon, so, he mostly just thrashes around destroying fields and so forth. But he sufficiently terrifies the Elves.
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Glaurung by Vaejoun
Fingon isn’t afraid, though, and takes a band of archers to pummel Glaurung with arrows. Glaurung’s armored scales haven’t fully developed yet, so the arrows drive him crawling back into Angband. Fingon is endlessly praised by the Noldor for having defeated the dragon, and Morgoth is kicking himself for having shown his hand too soon.
After Glaurung’s defeat comes the Long Peace, which lasts two hundred years. In that time, the Elves have the opportunity to build beautiful cities and write books of lore and create other art. (This time is called the “Long Peace” because Morgoth doesn’t make any attacks, but presumably, the Siege of Angband is still going on.) The Noldor and Sindar also intermix, becoming more like one society, though the biological and cultural differences between them remain: The Noldor are still smarter and stronger, wiser, better warriors, and they like living in stone buildings. The Sindar have better singing voices, and are better musicians in general, and like living in the woods. Some Sindar are nomadic and wander around Beleriand, singing as they go.
*whew.* That’s it for this section.
Next part.
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eternalglitch · 2 years
Right okay so slightly different from my usual programming but after three years of Rise brainrot the turtles have been finally vacated and I must discuss my new blorbos with great fondness at least a little. (Do not worry about my ongoing fic. That is almost my own personal blorbos at this point and I must see them off to a happy ending.)
So I've always had terrible auditory processing skills, to the point where I have made it through one (1) podcast despite my many attempts otherwise and thought this meant I was locked out of the fun dnd content.
And then one of my favorite fanfic authors from a few years back started reblogging Dimension 20's Neverafter art.
Now I had at a problem because if they endorsed this and then I spotted a character that literally seemed to be crafted to fit my interests, I had to at least poke my head into the show. So I sat down and watched episode one.
That was about two weeks ago. Almost immediately I dragged more friends into watch parties to catch up to the campaign and have gotten a SOLID chunk of my close friends into it already. This campaign is something else, the way it just grabs you in a way that I thought would never happen for me for a dnd campaign.
So (and some Neverafter spoilers ahead) Neverafter is a story about fairytale characters fighting against their "destiny" or "roles." As the world changes and their tales progressively darken, they start learning about the concept of authors, and how bad things happen to them just because an impartial outside force finds it the most interesting. The horror of being the wrong version of the story, of knowing your story should have been happy and is not. Or knowing that your story is destined to be tragic and you have no say in the matter.
And honestly every single character is compelling in their own way!
Pinocchio is the one that lured me into the story. A puppet that was given life and, after completing the traditional narrative to his story, breaks his promise to the fairy and lies to save his father's life. His lie transforms him back into a puppet, where he becomes entangled into lying more and more and more and backed into a corner by a cruel warlock patron that is essentially holding his father hostage. He's snapped his own nose off because although his own rules (his nose growing) are still in place, the world has changed. His back is against the wall and this is a scared child trying to save his dad. (He's also hilarious and swears like he just learned what the word fuck is.)
Sleeping Beauty is a victim to her story being events that happen TO her but at no point does she get allowed any initiative. When she wakes up to find no prince waiting for her, she has to learn that maybe waiting for her happily ever after isn't what would make her happy and she has to take matters back into her own hands.
Puss in Boots (Pib) is seemingly (there's more to it) a normal cat that happens to have also tricked an entire kingdom before fleeing and abandoning the kingdom to a dark fate. He lies for fun and is a great partner in crime to Pinocchio.
Red Riding Hood is a child that killed her own family when the big bad wolf gave her lycanthropy before begging her to kill him. She's a girl that is seeking parental love and guidance, and she views herself as a monster unworthy of the very love she seeks.
The Frog Prince is what I consider the dark horse favorite; Gerard got his happily ever after and his standard story happened, but after marrying his true love and time passed, he started to turn back into a frog. As his wife and him argued and started seeing each other's perspectives less and less, he became more and more froglike. Now that she's gone missing after heading off to war, Gerard has to face his own cowardice and come to terms with what really was the thing that drove a wedge in between them. (I love him. So much. He's extremely flawed and such a three-dimensional character.)
Mother Timothy Goose is a man that lost his child to an evil goose called the Gander, and is currently being hunted down by the same creature. He accidentally entered a contractual three wishes deal with it, his own wish being to find a way to save his dead son. This has granted him a magical book that has much deeper abilities than merely bringing his own son back from the dead, and he's one of the people that can help right the wrongs going on in the land of Neverafter even as he is hunted by the Gander as it tries to make him use his final wish.
So, yeah. I recommend trying it if you like horror and fairytales. It's fun. (I am not normal about it.)
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Frozen re watch notes | Analysis
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Cover created by me
Since Frozen 3 is official, I thought I'd re-watch Frozen, Frozen Olaf's Frozen Adventure, Frozen Fever and Frozen 2, all in order in terms of canon. All the things that may not seem right I'll put the pieces together for you. An example being Frozen 2's highly controversial ending.
Warning - This is a long post given the notes from the main canon movies and things story wise, so do read in your own time if not now :)
Frozen II - the beginning:
‱ If you didn't know already, the flashback in Frozen 2 featuring young Elsa and Anna takes place the night before the incident in Frozen. They go to bed after a bedtime story from Agnarr and a lullaby from Iduna, but Anna gets up very early in the Morning while it's still dark and builds a snowman with Elsa. Just before Agnarr tells him about the story, Anna whispers to Elsa, “Let's make a big snowman later.”
‱ Most of you would probably know this by now, but I'm just going to say it anyways, Elsa making a fairy queen on a horse foreshadows herself in 12 years time, when she becomes the fifth spirit and rides in the Nþkk, but also to the title we, the fans know her as, the Snow Queen (which I hope the title will be actually be given to her or said in Frozen 3).
‱ The monster in the play scene is another foreshadow to Marshmallow, the giant snowman monster Elsa created in Frozen.
‱ The scene Elsa and Anna play with their snow figures, “The lost fairies cry out.. They wake the fairy queen who breaks the spell and saves everyone!”, also slightly foreshadow the events of Frozen 2 with the other spirits ("the lost fairies") crying out and causing Elsa to become the fifth spirit (or as young Elsa refers to as the “fairy queen”), saving everyone from her kingdom.
‱ (Young) Anna after says “... And they all get married!”, which is a foreshadow to Frozen 2 and possibly Frozen 3. After saving the forest and being reunited, Kristoff finally proposes to Anna. Their wedding, which is a must, will be in Frozen 3. Elsa could also find a love interest (which I prefer as Hans) and perhaps gets married in the same movie.
‱ Hate to break it to you guys but the story telling scene was the original family's last happy, normal moment together.
‱ The chant/ song at the very beginning of Frozen and when Elsa thaws Arendelle from the eternal winter, is actually from Northuldra as we see the Northuldrinas sing it in Frozen 2. Seeing Frozen after Frozen 2 is actually so cool!
‱ Kristoff was originally with mountain men, and from there we assumed his father is one too. But as he gets adopted by the trolls soon, it's unlikely Kristoff would just abandon his father for Trolls. But though it makes total sense for his father to be a mountain man, it could be that his father died while he was around Anna's age while his mother died sooner so he thought to stick with those he's familiar with, the mountain men, his father's friends. But the trolls adopted him and took care of him since the incident.
‱ This is the first time that the royal family has met the trolls. With how Grand Pabbie was asking if she was born or cursed and how Agnarr got out a book in the Trolls before visiting them, it seems it's the first interaction. That means Elsa, Anna and Kristoff and Sven have known the Trolls for the same amount of time.
‱ As we know that Elsa gets her powers and the spirits get their magical form from Ahotohallan, being the source of all magic, I wonder if the trolls are aware about Ahotohallan or even got their magic from there too.
‱ The line Pabbie uses to warn Elsa of the extent of her powers, “Fear will be your enemy”, is used as a lyric in another solo, 'Monster', for Elsa in the Broadway adaptation of Frozen. Elsa references the trolls as she sings “ "Fear will be your enemy and death its consequence", that's what they once said to me and it's starting to make sense”. It's such an amazing song to show Elsa's fear of her powers.
‱ Though the trolls erased the incident turning it into fun memories from Anna's mind, it was Agnarr who decided to keep Elsa from the outside world. But this was for her one benefit thinking she would be more able to focus on controlling her powers and not cause anymore accidents. Though I will agree that the isolation may have gotten to her making her want to be alone but that's solely so she herself can focus on controlling her powers and avoid hurting others unintentionally or even the very least, making them fear her.
‱ To Anna it seems Elsa hid away suddenly. Anna only remembers the happy memories they've shared. She doesn't remember the incident or her powers. And also because her parents are focused on Elsa, it gets Anna to make her own ways in life which is why she's so naive and wants to marry Hans the day they met.
‱ "Do you want to build a snowman?" shows Elsa and Anna being separated for 9 years. Another 3 years later, making it 12 years since the incident, their coronation is their reunion (not reconciliation).
‱ Now we know that Iduna and Agnarr actually crossed the dark sea and not the southern sea to go to Ahotohallan in search for answers to Elsa's powers, not knowing the risks it would bring to them.
‱ Moments before their death Iduna confesses that she was the one who saved her when they were younger. Their parents had closures from the mysteries in the life that were unsolved excluding that of Elsa's powers. Which is both heartwarming and heart breaking.
‱ Why didn't the Nþkk save them? I don't think Nþkk knew who they were parents too or even recognized Iduna. Besides, after the most sealed Northuldra, the spirits went quiet or you could say in hibernation. When Elsa hears the voice and ends up waking them up, that's when they go wild. Elsa had the power to tame and bond with him. Though Iduna had the bond with him and the other spirits, they were aware of her and weren't aware of what was going on anywhere. It could've been that actually the Nþkk did try though but all he managed to do was to bring their bodies to Arendelle so they could be buried, otherwise they would've have been missing.
‱ I'm not going into detail here about How Hans isn't faking the good side. @a13thprincefora13thprincess has such an incredible mind blowing analysis of it pinned on her blog profile! But what I will say is that let's remember that before "Let it go", Dela was going to be the villain and Hans was just another protagonist. It was after the song that Disney swapped the roles. So the point is he definitely wasn't faking the good act.
‱ The bishop knows about Elsa's powers. All the palace staff do too and they have worked at the castle for many years and since the gate closed no one has gone in or out of the castle so no one can retire or gain new staff. And the way he tells Elsa about the gloves and the way he looks at the sceptre and the orb then back at Elsa further proves he knows.
‱ I never really put this to mind but Elsa has been seen by Arendelle before when she was younger along with Anna, but they didn't tell the people about her powers. They kept that private way before the incident happened. Perhaps Agnarr and Iduna feared the people's reaction just like Elsa does.
‱ From what we know about Hans from other media around the franchise, we learn his brothers and father abuse him and look done on him because he's the youngest and last in line to the throne hence to them useless. So coming to Arendelle seeking room for love, room to fit in somewhere. Anna putting him in charge is his moment to prove to the citizens that he can treat them well. Then once he's king he can show the men in his family that he's capable of respect.
‱ Elsa didn't want to become Queen yet because the pressures of her powers are enough for her to focus on and control. Ruling a kingdom makes it 10 x harder for her to control herself.
‱ All Elsa thought she needed was to be alone so she can embrace her powers and learn to control it. That way she won't fear hurting anyone. That was her main motive behind being alone in her room and in the North mountain after the death of their parents. Elsa was just doing what she thought her father would want her to do.
‱ Kristoff saw Elsa's let it go sequence! He tells her yes to when she asks did it seem magical! And in the sledge he asks Anna what made the Queen go all ice crazy. These little things I didn't even notice the first plenty full of times we watched it!
‱ The way Kristoff says to Anna, “You almost set me on fire!”, and Anna replies “But I didn't”, a sweet hilarious parallel would be Elsa saying, “You almost killed me!”, and Hans replies “But I didn't.”
‱ Seeing how the horse ran back to Hans gets him believing that Anna's in danger when actually the horse is scared from falling snow (lol). And so Hans could've in theory let Anna hang in trouble and Elsa leave her kingdom but what does he do? He goes after Anna to save her.
‱ When Anna knocks on Elsa's ice palace door, it immediately opens making it a first to Anna. That's because the palace is built and acts on Elsa's subconscious. Elsa has longed to open the door but her powers and her trauma wouldn't allow her to do so but now learning it controls them, she has the freedom to do so.
‱ Elsa living in the North and Anna in Arendelle was a foreshadow in itself for their status after Frozen 2.
‱ I want another troll song in Frozen 3. They deserve more screen time, more story
‱ Okay so some might say Hans was indirectly trying to kill her moving the arrow upwards to hit the chandelier. But naturally that would be someone's quick act to save Elsa. You won't have time to think. Hans did specifically tell those two Weselton guards not to attack the Queen. Not because he wanted to kill himself. He just came here to talk and reason with her.
‱ But the key and most precious thing to notice after this scene is that in the dungeon while Elsa is unconscious, a blanket is put over her. Why would anyone put a blanket on the Queen of snow and ice and to one who froze her own kingdom? The Weselton guards definitely didn't put it on her. Doubt they Arendellian guards would either. Hans however would. Why would he do that? Well it's his act of kindness that even though she appears cold, inside lies warmth and I guess that's what he's trying to bring back by asking her to restore Arendelle's summer.
‱ Everyone thinks Elsa is capable of bringing back summer believing she has control over it but they don't know that Elsa doesn't and can't which gets Hans eventually seeing that death is the only way to save the lives of the innocent. Hans tried to reason with her talking to her twice but upon hearing Elsa hurt Anna when she told him she wouldn't and seeing her ability to break out of the chains got him to that ultimate decision which cost him the reputation and respect he was planning for.
‱ The Duke of Weselton doesn't believe Elsa can control it or doesn't think if anything really he just immediately judges her calling her a monster and having the first thought of killing her and he puts it more into Hans mind to kill her. So really the Duke is the real villain of Frozen.
‱ Hans marked Anna's words “She's my sister, she'd never hurt me”. He knows first hand what brothers love is like but he thought sisters were different. Seeing that it's not, surprises him but enrages him on the inside too.
‱ Hans takes those words personally, “If anything happens to the Princess, you are all Arendelle has left”. He goes into thinking mode and sighs seconds before Anna enters. From looking after the people, to looking for Anna, to reasoning twice with Elsa, to keeping the responsibility of just being in charge (thrown or no throne) all piles up for Hans.
‱ The moment he refuses the kiss and says his no sense original plan, he is thinking Anna deserves to die because she was the one who caused this mess in the first place (as Anna herself admitted when she left to search for Elsa), and he takes that as an opportunity to further prove his loyalty to the Kingdom and being in the spotlight.
‱ Or what if Hans refused the kiss fearing that Anna would not want to marry him anymore seeing the kiss not working not being her true love and knowing she was going to die anyways meaning his plan on being the king and making respect for himself would fail. Elsa is different to Anna and much more difficult to love.
‱ As the in the song "fixer upper", it says “People make bad choice if they're mad or scared or stressed", Hans is an example of this. He was stressed and user pressure which led to him doing bad things. Don't we often make mistakes feeling mad or scared or stressed?
‱ I don't know if you noticed or if it's just me but when Hans says death upon saying he has to sentence Elsa to death, his voice cracked. Proof enough he does not wish to be doing so and feels he has no choice.
‱ Elsa loves Arendelle. Yes I know she ran away from her home but that doesn't mean she doesn't love it. She ran away fearing the worst for it but stayed confronting the best for it - love. That's why she was able to thaw Arendelle.
‱ When Hans gets back in the boat, Elsa looks at him in a neutral way and when she sees Kristoff and Anna's reaction to them she seems confused. It just confirms that Anna was the one who told Elsa about Hans bad deeds and made her despise him.
Olaf's Frozen Adventure:
‱ This is their first Christmas together so it's 5 months after the events of Frozen. Not too long.
‱ "Ring in the season Season" has lyrics “It's the first Christmas in forever since we opened up the gates and it's the first Christmas I remember to date and it's already worth the wait”, which is a nod to Elsa and Anna's parts in "For the first time in forever" in Frozen.
‱ 5 months isn't too long so the trauma still hits Elsa which is why she feels guilty of stripping away Anna's many years of what could have been amazing memories. You could say this reflects Elsa's stages of closure from all of what has happened. This is her guilt stage. At times there will be acceptance.
‱ Olaf being the tradition is so cute! It's perfect. It's genius!
‱ As much as there are more scenes with Anna and Olaf then with Elsa and Olaf, in the franchise so far, in this short you can clearly see the mother son bond Elsa and Olaf have. It's so precious and I wish to see more of it in Frozen 3.
Frozen Fever:
‱ Now a month under a year since the events of Frozen and 6 months since their first Christmas. Elsa here hits the final stages of her grief from the years of being behind a locked door, going lengths to rectify it/ making it up and acceptance.
‱ I love how Elsa uses her magic to put colour and puffiness on Anna's dress and I really really hope she does it for her wedding dress!
‱ Anna's growth of love from assuming love happens within hours to learning it happens over a certain amount of time, such a year or so.
‱ And the big giant snowball that flies across the sea to the Southern Isles? Confidence? I think NOT! I'll explain soon.
World of Frozen Disney Park Storyline:
‱ With the recently announced World of Frozen announcement at Disney Parks, we have gotten to know what went down after Frozen Fever and before Frozen 2 thanks to a snippet of a newspaper in the promo videos. It states that it is set a year after the events of Frozen and a month after Frozen Fever and so to celebrate Anna's sacrifice/ act of true love, Elsa and Anna call this Summer Snow Day. For this event, Elsa decided to call the Southern Isles to reconcile with them with trading and stuff. They sisters had no clue about the giant snowball reaching the Southern Isles until rumours were in that it caused Hans some injuries. So I guess you could say the sisters took advantage of Hans not being able to come to make amends with the Isle. I guess this is what gives Elsa the idea to make fun of Hans every time he is mentioned or seen.
Frozen II - The present:
‱ It has now been 15 years since the incident that had them separated, 6 years since their parents death and 3 years since they reunited and reconciled.
‱ After the 3 year leap to the coronation in Frozen, a woman tells her son, “The Queen has come of age”. This means much more when you watch Frozen 2. 21 is the youngest legal age to be crowned. 3 years later now, Anna is Queen. Is it really a coincidence that Anna was going to be Queen so soon (excluding the whole it's the writers decision excuse) ? In - universe, it's fate. That's why Elsa hasn't heard the voice before. If Elsa went through what she did, then Elsa would have to leave the throne in order to protect and provide Northuldra after its freedom is restored. Anna isn't old enough to be crowned yet. That would lead to others trying to get the crown while it's available.
‱ The phrase the next right thing didn't actually come from Mattias which inspires Anna but actually Grand Pabbie who says it first. I don't know why I didn't notice that.
‱ Again even though at the end of all, she lives in the forest, Elsa still deeply cares about Arendelle and not just for Anna. When Pabbie shows her the images of Arendelle in chaos, she takes a step closer and has fear in her eyes. So upon seeing this she urged to go to the forest to fix things.
‱ As Olaf says the enchanted forest is a place of transformation. It makes Kristoff a prince in waiting or a king consort rather, Anna a Queen, Elsa the fifth spirit, Sven a royal reindeer (?) and Olaf literally gets reborn.
‱ Grand Pabbie's advice to Anna gets Anna to be more sensitive about how Elsa is, making sure she's okay all the time. Elsa however, wants Anna to be safe fearing the consequences of her journey into the unknown.
‱ Originally the “That's my sister” line from the Frozen trailer was going to be in the movie but it got cut, but because it was so iconic they included it in the sequel.
‱ I think that Ryader and Honeymaren act as best friends for Elsa, Anna and Kristoff. We all know why Kristoff and Ryder get along. Honeymaren and Elsa share the knowledge seeking and sharing skills and Anna probably too.
‱ I love Kristoff's ballad and if Hans returns redeemed in Frozen 3 and I would love for him to have one too.
‱ People who say Kristoff was treated horribly in Frozen 2, chasing after love but I have to disagree. It would have been a problem if we didn't know much about Kristoff and who is without love, but we do as seen in Frozen. He loves Anna and is crazy to marry her and I don't blame him if he is seizing the moment to marry her because the same way the sisters worry for each other as they fear the unknown, the same way Kristoff does. Being after love isn't bad at all. He bonded with a Northuldrian who loves reindeers as much as him so that's also something.
‱ I love how Elsa steps in the middle of the four spirits symbol and it creates her Fifth Spirit symbol. Love it!
‱ Elsa saving Arendelle from the flood is so big for herself and for the people of Arendelle. Again when she regained consciousness, she went straight to Arendelle and saved it from the flood. If you look at it in a way, she did all this for Arendelle. She loves Arendelle. It's her home no matter where else she stays or goes.
‱ And grand Pabbie gives her a little nod. I love the roles madly and their bond with Frohana. I want to see more of it in Frozen 3!
‱ I have a theory that just like they marked the day Elsa thawed Arendelle/ Anna saved Elsa, Arendelle and Northuldra this time will mark the day Anna broke the damn and Elsa prevented the flood. Definitely big moments in history
‱ While Anna becomes Queen of Arendelle and Elsa lives in the Enchanted Forest, it's Anna who saves Northuldra, Elsa who saves Arendelle, symbolising their Arendellian and Northuldran background.
‱ Another similarity between both sides is that Northuldra and Arendelle both have magical beings. Arendelle has the Trolls and Northuldra has the spirits.
‱ Ever since day 1, Elsa has been focusing on two primary things to her, the mystery behind and growth of her powers and family or Anna specifically. This is most likely why Elsa hasn't been seen falling in love with anyone yet and why she didn't want to be Queen. Sometimes you need yourself to grow to that certain level, then love finds its way to you. Now that Anna's safe with Kristoff and she knows who she is, love might come to her in Frozen 3 if theories are to become real.
‱ Frozen focused in and about Arendelle while Frozen 2 was set in and about Northuldra. Perhaps Frozen 3 balances the two themes or goes somewhere else.
And that's that! All the things that went through my mind during the rewatch! I'll re-post these when I do a podcast re listen and Frozen 3 rewatch when they're out.
I have so many theories about Hans and I did promise posts on him - so don't worry they're coming!
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skylarmoon71 · 3 months
Matt Murdock (Daredevil) - Chapter 5
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“Foggy stop it you know I’m ticklish!!”
You were laughing to the point of tears on the bed.
“That’s why I’m tickling you!”
“I give up, I give up!!”
He finally relented, stepping away and you were still trying to catch your breath as you let out little breaths. Matt walked in at that point. He just turned to the direction of Foggy’s bed.
“Do I want to know?”
Foggy shook his head.
“Nah man, I had to take some drastic measures. It was necessary.”
You sat up on the bed, pointing at him.
“He almost made me pee myself, tickling me that much!”
“It sounds like you’re accusing me, do you want a round two?”
You jumped off the bed, running behind Matt.
“Save me, he’s a monster!”
Matt lifted his cane slightly.
“Stay back Foggy.”
He batted the air and Foggy snorted.
“I’m not so low as to attack a blind guy. You won this round (Y/N).”
With your head lifted high, you just smiled.
“That’s what I thought.”
“Acting all high and mighty because you got Matt as a shield is kind of cowardly. Do better (Y/N).”
You just stick your tongue out.
Matt turns at the action and you blush when you realize just how close you are now. You release him, stepping back.
“I-I need to get going. See you guys later!”
“Bye pipsqueak!” Foggy yells.
Matt’s eyes are still directed at the door even after you leave.
You wish you could say that it was nothing but lately a few things have changed. You just hope no one picks up on it. Foggy is pretty oblivious when it comes to that kind of stuff, so you aren’t worried. But Matt..he’s a little more perceptive.
He always seems to know when something is going on with you. You try to shake it out of your head as you return to your apartment. You’re glad that you’ve gotten over your fear of the dark. Although that’s the case, you’re not reckless either. The minute you step inside your place you lock the doors, dropping your bag on the couch.
“Man, I'm tired.”
Sometimes the days feel longer than they are. That’s why you’d stop by Foggy’s to decompress. You’d done just that. You feel much lighter. It's already pretty late, so you should probably head to bed, but..your vigilante friend tends to pop up around this time and you could really use someone to talk to right now.
For the next half an hour or so you just do some minor cleaning. You’re not really focused, just trying to stay awake. The familiar tapping on your window before it slides open makes you smile.
“Sometimes I swear you can read my mind.”
You rush over to the couch to get comfortable. He takes a seat, but this time he’s on the couch. You straighten. You’d like to point it out, because you’re happy that he’s started to get more comfortable, but you hide your smile, shaking your head.
“So how is the vigilante business?”
“Pretty slow lately, I think that’s a good thing.”
“True, true.”
You tuck your legs under you, and when he turns his body to you, you wait for him to speak.
“If you don’t mind me asking, when did you discover your abilities?”
That’s not the question you expected. You know he must spot the way your body tenses.
“Sorry, if you don’t want to talk about it we don’t have to.”
You shake your head.
“It’s fine.”
There isn’t really anyone else you can really talk to about this.
“It was in high school. I was walking home and I saw this kid crying in the park. She fell off her bike and her mom was looking after her younger sister, so she didn’t really see at first. I just wanted her to feel better so I playfully told her that if I touched her leg all the pain would disappear. It was a game, it wasn’t really supposed to happen but then it..it healed right there in front of us. I thought I was going crazy.”
He understands.
“The kid was ecstatic. When her mother came over she told her I was a fairy. She thanked me and they left but I was still trying to wrap my head around what happened. I needed to see if it was real so I tried it on this neighborhood cat. It liked to stop by for food every now and then and it had this limp on the right paw. All I did was touch it and like magic it was healed.”
You still have no idea where the abilities came from. As far as you knew, no one in your family could do what you’d done.
“No one knows about this, not my parents, not even my best friends. More than anything I want to tell someone but I’m terrified that if I do..”
“Then everything will change.” He finally finishes.
His statement is a reflection of how you feel. You nod, eyes sullen.
“I guess in a way I really admire what you do. I have the ability to help people and I hide away, but you go out there everyday and you make a difference. I could never do that. I know that in a sense it makes me a coward, but the idea of even trying just..it terrifies me.”
He can’t really imagine what that’s like. Maybe because he’d grown up around violence, the idea of this has always come natural to him. You weren’t like that. Even if you were scared, it didn’t make you a coward.
“You’re not a coward.”
You smile, because you know he’s just trying to make you feel better.
“I’m serious. Any other person with your abilities would have exploited it. Made billions, possibly trillions. You took the chance of revealing that secret to help me even though I was a stranger you knew nothing about. Regardless of your reasons, that took courage. It takes a strong person to admit when they’re scared and still take action. You’re not a coward, far from it.”
His words make you tear up. You wipe your cheek with a laugh.
“Thanks Mr. Daredevil. You really are good at this therapy thing.”
He smiles.
“If I ever get tired of fighting criminals, at least I have a back up career.”
You laugh, leaning back on the couch.
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neonjellyfishart · 22 days
Demon slayer x monster musume fanfic.
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Death and Beauty
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You were sound asleep before you heard the sound of your alarm, but something was off, you felt something heavy really heavy, but at the same time squishy. You open your eyes but you couldn't see anything. You move your hands around trying to figure out what was blocking your vision.
My, My darling, I didn't think you would be such a pervert~
You finally realized what you were touching. It was Nakime's chest.
The second you realized this you quickly sat up, embarrassed and ashamed of what you have done. Before you could do anything else Nakime grabbed you and pulled you into her chest once more with just enough force to where you couldn't move. She also wrapped her legs around you.
Don't be scared darling~, you can touch me all you like! Nakime, I have to go to work! It's Saturday, we can finally spend some time together. All alone~
you spent the major of the morning trying to escape from Nakime, the only way you were able to escape was by telling her that you two would go to the park. After you both got dressed, you headed to the central park. The sun buring your eyes and the sun making your skin feel like it was on fire. You didn't like going out on a sunny ass day, the afternoon or nighttime was always better. But Nakime hasn't seen the sun in such a long time, you decided to thug it out for her sake.
You two sat by the fountain, Nakime held your hand laying her head onto your head. Although you two weren't saying anything, you two were still enjoying yourselfs. Listening to sounds of nature, enjoying each other's company. Time passed, you two basically asleep, that was until you felt something touch your leg.
You open your eyes thinking it was Nakime but when you look at Nakime she was asleep, you still felt something touching your leg, you looked down and saw a fairy, she had white hair and her wings were big, multi color, and very sparkling. You fully waking up you realized that the girl wasn't just randomly touching your leg, she was her hand into your pocket and her wings despite how beautiful they looked, it was horribly damaged. Fairy's wings are very delicate, not taking proper care of them could end in irreversible damage.
The girl noticed that you were awake and quickly backed up.
O-OH! YOU'RE A-AWAKE! Thank goodness...I-I was just uhh....
The girl was desperately was trying to come up with some lie, but nothing was able to come into her head.
Young lady, what were you trying to do just then?
Don't lie to me young lady, why was your hand going into my pocket?
D-darling, what's goin on?
The commotion had woke up Nakime.
The girl sprinted to you, hand quickly went into your pocket, stealing your wallet then quickly running in the other direction.
Nakime had got up and followed her with you a couple of feet behind them. These two were much faster than what you would ever be. Nakime grabbed the girl and hung her up by the legs. The girl waved her arms and body all over the place, trying to break free. You finally caught up with them and told Nakime to let her go.
Listen, if you needed some money I would've gladly given some to you. You can't go around trying to steal from people, especially since your a monster. Now may I please have my wallet back...
The girl, embarrassed, gives your wallet, about to walk away but you stopped her walking away giving her 71901.25 yen (500 dollars don't know if it's accurate)
Use this appropriately for yourself and be safe out there, OK?
The girl with a happy yet extremely shocked looked quickly bowed then ran away.
Darling, are you sure that was a good idea?
I hope so.
A few days later, you had just recently got done with shopping. Walking out of the store with a shit ton of bags, right when you got done placing all of the bags in the car you heard yelling. You ignored it thinking it was just a people fighting until you felt someone jump on you. You looked and saw that it was that same girl again and this time she was with someone else.
A male grim reaper, Grey looking skin with black patches, black hair that fades to neon green, yellow eyes, and his skeleton was also glowing neon green.
Please help us....
You look back and see that they were getting chased by the police and monster control.
Excuse me, you must get away from those wild freaks
Well sir, you see while I went shopping I let them go explore since it's there first time being in an area like this, I humbly apologize for any problems they have.
There was a hint of anger in your voice, you wanted to beat the dog shit out of these guys.
A-are those things really yours
I see, well you be careful, especially with that ugly Grey skin one.
And you be careful with keeping your hairline!
The police and monster control left
Thank you...for helping us.
No problem, may I please have your names?
My name is Ume I also go as Daki and this is my brother Gyutaro.
Gyutaro didn't say anything all he did was look at you then look away
Siblings of different species? How interesting. But do you guys have anywhere you can call home and stay safe?
Actually, we were wondering if we could temporarily stay at your place-
I beg your pardon.....
STOP FIGHTING, BOTH OF YOU! Now I don't know what your last "owner" did to you guys. But if you guys truly want a place to stay temporarily or not. I'll always be here to help. Not that far from here there is a monster shelter that actually takes care of monsters it's owned by a friend of mine. If you want I can take you both there.
Gyutaro and Ume looked at each other and didn't saw anything for a bit.
We'll go the shel-WE'LL GO TO YOUR HOUSE!
A few hours later
Nakime saw you with a smile on your face, Ume looking around in awe, and Gyutaro with a frown on his face.
Now you won't be so lonely anymore, Nakime!
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inkabelledesigns · 2 years
Hey, been having a pretty rough start to the week, and really, a rough several weeks. Lots going on, lots of dread about the world, honestly just wanna go back to bed. But we're trying to look on the bright side and appreciate the little things. So I'm gonna list some good things that have happened recently and that are coming up so we can psych ourselves up. I find that putting something down on paper or in a place where I can see it makes it easier to embrace and appreciate, makes it more visual.
-Someone left a really sweet comment in the tags of my Gooliope custom. I've noticed a lot of people liking that post, and I love all the kind words in the tags so much. Thank you! She's one of my favorite dolls, and it makes me happy that she sparks joy for more than just me.
-I got to see my middle sister for her spring break. She just left to head back to school, but the time she was here was great. We celebrated my mom's birthday with a lot of great food and laughter, and there were many late night conversations that were fun. It was nice to reconnect.
-I got to play Animal Crossing for the first time and found that I love the fishing in it! It's a really fun game and I want to get back to it soon. I also found the Sanrio Amiibo cards for cheap, and I'm eager to see how they function once I'm a bit farther in.
-I'm slated to go to a convention soon! I can't wait to put my cosplays back on and go to panels. Two really awesome voice actors are going to be there, and I'm gonna try and work up the courage to take photos with other cosplayers. I'm especially excited to see the cosplay performers, I missed that last year but won't be this time!
-Another Splatfest is coming up! I can't wait to play more of Tricolor battles, they're such a good time. Thinking of playing on Team Nessie, but we'll see, depends on what my teammates think. I'm not a competitive player, I just have a group of four that enjoys playing together.
-It's my birthday next week (and also international mermaid day)! I'm not sure how I'm gonna celebrate just yet, but I do want to celebrate. I may ask my mom if we can go out to Goodwill or something during the day, I've wanted to check it out for a long time. I have friends who are streaming that night that I'd like to watch, but I'd also like to make some time for my annual birthday stream that week. Birthdays tend to be a time where you talk to a lot of people who haven't checked in in a while, and while I can get a little overstimulated, I do love having a portion of the night where I get to see a bunch of my friends for some drawing or other art. It's the one time of year where I like being the center of attention, it means getting to decide what I want to do and getting to do it together with the people I love. <3
-My persona doll is closer to done! She has a face, she has hair, she has shoe options that I can paint, she just needs clothes and wings (she's a fairy, and I'm debating how I wanna do them). I have some new clothing patterns that I'm excited to try out for her too. It's so cool to finally have a doll that feels closer to me. I loved drawing a face on G3 Draculaura.
-Dollightful released a new video showing off some of the face sculpts for G3 Monster High dolls, and I'm really excited about that! It got me wanting to customize more of G3, namely Lagoona, I have a great idea for a Shiny Vaporeon doll for her, but we'll have to see if it sticks. It also got me going on collecting resources for customizing G3 dolls, I have a post in my drafts that I wanna share soon that may help other doll customizers out.
-I got to design a character that I absolutely love, and brainstorming about it with my friends has been really fun. It's really pushing me to try more with hair. Been feeling really grateful for my friends in general, both those I talk to daily and the ones I haven't seen in a while. You're all wonderful and I'm so fortunate to have you in my life. <3
-Actually, I'm having a lot of fun all around! I got a great new idea for an AU where Henry is a guardian angel type character to Joey and gets stripped of his powers, so now Susie is watching over him and the studio with a cartoon Alice to show her the ropes, and it's SO FUN! I may have to bring that to my Bendy blog at some point. I'm brimming with ideas and gosh I wish I had more time to do art and audio for it, I'd love to voice some skits with Susie and Alice talking to each other.
-Mario Day passed and I finally got my hands on Bowser's Amiibo (thank you little sister for helping me out). I haven't collected Amiibo in a long time, but the siblings and I used to, and this is one we missed. I look forward to training him in Smash Bros. It'd be fun to pit him against Leg Day (Wii Fit Trainer) and Knave (Sonic).
-Been having a lot of fun at the Streamily Livestreams with the Bendy voice cast, lots of really funny fandom memes have come out of those and it's great. They never fail to make me smile. Been having a lot of fun at the ShazzandBoo Pokemon Livestreams too, what an absolute treat those have been!
Yeah, maybe life isn't so bad. There are a lot of things stressing me out, but there's so much to look forward to and enjoy, and those are the moments I'm gonna live for. Life is too short to let it keep you down, so we're gonna do our best and make it through!
Here's sending all of you the good vibes for a great Tuesday, a great week, and a great rest of March! Love you so much!
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medicslover · 2 years
In Your Bedroom
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THIS IS 18+ !!!! NSFW !!!!
Cross-posted on AO3! The reader is very clearly a self-insert of myself, so be nice! these are MY personal headcanons for Tommy, in which she is transfem and a lesbian, sorry man likers. Do not envision a genderswapped Thomas when reading this please!! My version of Tommy is not going through a transion besides growing out her hair and is happy with the way she looks. Think of canon Thomas with longer hair instead. Have fun!!
Summary ~  Tommy and the reader cuddle while they play Splatoon 3 and then bone.
Warnings: Breeding and sickeningly sweet fluff 
Word count:  1647
Dry Texas heat sticks to your skin, even with the ceiling fan on full blast you are no match for the sheer amount of heat. Thomas, the gentlelady she is, crept downstairs to get you the strawberry Monster you had brought over earlier today to share. The little game system rests in your hands as you wait to be placed into a match, quiet music falling upon deaf ears. You lean back, looking up at the decorations hanging from the walls, and you notice Ozzy staring into the inky depths of your oh-so-edgy soul. Giggling at that thought, you look back at the game; a little pinging noise rings out, Finally!
The internet here sucks ass, you had to have been waiting for at least 5 minutes, but that doesn't stop you from trying. (even if you get kicked out and temporarily banned for an hour.) The match starts, and you can hear the creaky bedroom door open, and the trademark heavy footsteps mixed with the shuffling of their feet against the floor.
"Welcome back Pookie!" You squeal quietly as she sits down next to you on the bed, placing your respective can of Monster on her side table. her face crinkles at the nickname you bestowed upon her. They start typing on their phone, so you go back to killing other players with Aerospray spam, successfully team-killing all four enemy players.
"RAAAAH!! eagle emoji, eagle emoji, eagle emoji, fire emoji, American flag emoji!" you exclaim, making sure to be careful with your voice to not wake up Ms. Luda Mae in the next room. A robotic feminine tone rings out into the quiet room shortly after your outburst,
"Shark attack in the aquarium, shark atta- shark attack in the aquarium, sha- shark- shark attack in the- shark-" you look up at Tommy, her phone in her hand, spamming her TTS app. She looks so proud of herself, a smile playing on her lips like she wants to laugh. They look so pretty like this, leather mask abandoned from her face, scarred cheek on display, you can see into her mouth through the hole. She's missing her nose but it doesn't seem to take away from her beauty. her scarred cleft lip twitches as she notices your staring, smile faltering for a moment.
"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was staring directly at you." You exhale, feeling the warmth of fresh blood rush to your face, you can only hope that the red fairy lights strung from the ceiling can hide it. Looking back at your game, you check the map. The opposing team managed to infiltrate your team's base while you were AFK. With only a few seconds left, you accept your defeat and place the Switch down on the bed next to you. You look back up at Tommy, she's watching you carefully, "You're just really pretty, sometimes I can't help myself, and I space out when I look at you. You know I think you're the prettiest person I've ever been with, right?" you clarify, you lean into her, pressing your face into her meaty shoulder. God, I love this woman. you think, inhaling her honey-like scent.
"You're too sappy. I love you." The robotic tone spits out. Tommy's large hand wraps around your wrist, the one with the matching half-heart pendant to hers. She brings your wrist, and attached hand, up to her face, Pressing her lips against the back of your hand. She begins their little routine of treating you like Morticia Adams, herself playing the role of Gomez. She trails kisses up your arm feverishly, only stopping momentarily when she gets to the sleeve of her T-shirt. You laugh, letting yourself be manhandled by your girlfriend. She reaches for her phone again, "Nice shirt." The monotone voice rings. The voice was right, it is a nice shirt, especially because you stole it from a very pretty lady. It hangs too big on you, even being a bigger person yourself, like a dress more than a shirt, it has the Slipknot logo printed on it.
"Thanks! You'll never guess where I got it," You giggle. Thomas continues her kisses up your neck, craning down to meet its height. She moves up, kissing where your face meets your ear, trailing to kisses all over your face. She lets out a dramatic airy sigh, placing their final kiss on your lips. You lift your leg and use the hand that is holding your wrist to create the momentum needed to fling yourself on her lap. You wrap your thighs around her hips as much as possible, fitting together like a puzzle piece. Your head is right at her chest level because of the height difference, so you lean forward and pretend to sleep, your head in between her very muscly and meaty breasts.
"I'm so in love with you, Tommy." You lift your head to look at her, a small smile playing on your lips. Her eyes light up, and she softly wraps her arms around your waist. She stares down at you for a few moments, tilting her head as if that would help her read your mind. She tests her luck, rolling her hips in an attempt to grind into you. "Oh, um, if you're asking if we can do that then it's a yes!" you squeak, quickly adding, "Only if you want to though! I didn't mea-" You're cut off by her face smooshing against yours.
She rolls you onto your back, towering over you as she takes off her tightly fitted shirt, and slips out of their jean shorts. They grab their phone again, scrolling for a little bit before the red stereo blinks on with a "Bluetooth connected!"  She smiles with her teeth, showing off her bigger-than-average canines. You're a mess, giggling and blushing and rocking side to side from where you lay, giddy with excitement and sheer love for the dork on top of you. Custer by Slipknot comes on before quickly Tommy lets out a nervous yelp, quickly changing it to No More Tears by Ozzy Osbourne.
"Nice save," You giggle, Tommy is quick to glare and bare her teeth, pushing up your (her) shirt and biting down on your plush stomach. You let out a yelp, attempting to cover your stomach with your hands, but Thomas is quick to catch them. Grabbing both wrists in one hand, she takes off your (her) shirt carefully, making sure your hands can't escape her grasp. She uses one hand to slide your pink and white skull-and-crossbones shorts and underwear out from under you by lifting you. All the while you just can't stop giggling, She's so cute when she's like this.
She places her open hand between your legs, finding your clit with two fingers, she swirls around it gently for a few seconds before checking if you're prepared for her. She deems you adequate and lays herself on top of you very carefully, treating you like glass. She keeps their hand on your wrists, holding herself up some as she finds your entrance with the head of her penis. She pushes in with an audible whimper, burring her head into your neck and biting down hard. Her hair spills over your face, but you're too focused on her being inside of you for you to notice how it tickles your nose and cheeks. She groans into your neck as she starts rocking her hips, rutting into you. Her back is extremely arched so she can even reach your neck with her face.
She removes her face from your neck, lifting herself so she can hump into you better. She isn't even pulling out much, just chasing her pleasure inside of your tight walls. She's shaking with pleasure as she begins to finally pull out and push in normally, taking her open palm and covering her mouth to stop herself from moaning. Hot breaths escape from the hole in her cheek, and so do some soft, high-pitched, and whiny sighs. She grabs her phone in a shaking hand, and over the music, you hear "I want to breed you." in that same monotone voice. You know exactly what she wants to hear.
"Please? Will you breed me, please?" You whine, bucking your hips to meet hers. She quickens her pace, and soft slapping flesh sounds surround your ears. She lets go of your wrists and lifts your legs to her waist, motioning for you to keep them there. She slides her knees underneath your thighs and ass, holding you in a Breeding Press. You can feel your release approaching, but she looks closer. Tommy catches onto that fact at about the same time, rubbing into your clit softly with their open palm.
You grab onto the sheets tightly as an orgasm wracks through your body, and Tommy places her hand on your throat with a gentle squeeze. She rocks into you, and something warm spills into you as they keep going. When she's sure she's filled you enough, she collapses on top of you, soft belly pressing into your ribs and abdomen. She's quick to roll off and wrap her arms around you, grabbing her phone once again.
"Are you okay? did I hurt you?" she asks, nuzzling her face into my hair.
"Yeah, I'm okay! Are you?" You sigh with contentment, and she nods, almost purring as she curls around me, cuddling like a human pretzel. I turn my head to face her, placing a few kisses on her face. Her phone still in her hand,
"You looked so pretty begging to be bred, I bet you'll look prettier with my baby inside of you." The monotone voice mocks like it doesn't even know what it's saying.
"God you are such a lesbian, Tommy." You giggle, finally burying your head in her neck and falling asleep.
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dd122004dd · 7 months
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Originally posted by weak-hero
Little Witch - 1 & 2  (Completed)
Pairing: Ryan Clarke x Witch!Reader
Genre: Angst with eventual fluff and a happy ending.
Summary: Ryan Clarke finally met someone to love him, a place of solace in his turbulent world. But what will happen when Malivore finds out about his son’s love? Will they ever get to be together or will they wither away apart? (Set in pre-puddle Malivore time + modern era)
Painting a New Beginning
Pairing: Human!Ryan Clarke x Painter!Reader
Genre: Pure fluff with a happy ending
Summary: After Ryan Clarke turned human, he began re-building his life in the human world. But, what do humans do when they get bored? They join a painting class!
“I Won’t Forget You.” (Requested)
Paring: Ryan Clarke x Sister!Reader
Genre: Angst with character death
Summary:  Ryan Clarke has grown to be more defiant of Malivore, so as punishment he takes away something precious from him, forever.
Soulmate One-shot Series:
A Soulmate for Christmas
Pairing: Ryan Clarke x Heretic!Reader
Genre: Pure angst, no happy ending. (Real tear-jerker if I do say so myself.)
Bond: You’re born with your soulmate’s name on your wrist
Summary: Y/N was a particularly rebellious heretic with a penchant for getting into trouble with Malivore’s monsters. So, what is a girl to do when Hope warns her about a monster in the dungeon? Disregard the warning and visit it, of course!
Bleeding Gold
Pairing: Ryan Clarke x Fairy!Reader
Genre: Angst with eventual fluff and a happy ending.
Bond: Eye contact for the first time.
Summary: A soulmate is one of the most revered bonds in the supernatural world, but what happens when your soulmate rejects you? Will you survive? Will he regret his decision? Well, you’ll just have to read and find out.
‘Calm, little one’
Pairing: Ryan Clarke x Vampire!Reader
Genre: Fluff with a hint of action (Not THAT kind of action, I meant fighting, get your mind out of the gutter)
Bond: A mark showing the place where your soulmate first touches you
Summary: What happens when you’re an immortal vampire and practically Hope Mikaelson’s foster mother and mated to Ryan Clarke, her enemy? And what happens when you find out he’s your mate right when he’s about to stab Hope with a magical artifact? Chaos ensues, of course.
Rings of Fate
Pairing: Ryan Clarke x Human!Reader
Genre: Angst with fluff and a happy ending.
Bond: You’re born with a ring on your finger that changes colors with your soulmate’s mood and turns gold when you meet your soulmate. (Also, IF YOU LIKE A THING YOU SHOULD’A PUT A RING ON IT!)
Summary: What happens when your soul-ring dissipates, signifying your soulmate died, then a few months later your soul-ring re-materializes. Did you get a second soulmate or is resurrection real? Maybe you should’ve paid more attention in Bible class.
The Moon and the Star
Paring: Ryan Clarke x Reader (Medieval Au)
Genre: Slight angst and fluff with a happy ending.
Bond: Eye contact for the first time.
Summary:  Y/N Cavendish is a member of nobility while her soulmate Ryan Clarke is a commoner. Will they ever be able to be together or will their different stations keep them apart?
“Paint me like one of your French Boys.”
Pairing: Ryan Clarke x Reader (Rennaisance Au)
Genre: Slight angst and fluff with a happy ending.
Bond: Body swapping.
Summary: Ryan Clarke is on a mission to track down a monster but what  he doesn’t expect to find is his soulmate. He meets her in such circumstances that would leave you clutching your pearls.
The Goddess of my Heart
Pairing: Ryan Clarke x Greek Goddess!Reader
Genre: Pain, torture, punishment and revenge
Bond: Soulmate Bond 
Summary:  Hope Mikaelson tore apart the earth looking for Ryan Clarke but she was in for a big surprise when she finally found him.
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So let's try again.
In DQ9, there are 3 gods:
Zenus: the God, the Great Architect, the Almighty.
Celestria: his daughter, later named Yggdrasil.
Corvus: simple angel gone rogue, took Zenus's place in the end game and is called the Mighty.
So chronogically, it starts with Zenus being disappointed in mortals because they're selfish, ungrateful, why is he even wasting time on them, so he tries to make apocalypse. His daughter blocks the attacks and announces mortal are worthy and she'll ~~hold her breath~~ transform into a tree until they prove it to him. So he builds the Observatory (flying island-building) and Celestrians (angels) tasked to take care of mortals.
So there are angels everywhere in towns, on the road, invisible and doing side quests like finding lost items and keeping monsters away from villages. Mortals make bubbles of gratitude energy and angels believe if they bring enough of these to Yggdrasil (who they ignore is the daughter of god), then god will allowed them to live forever in his realm and they'll all be retreated.
Your story begins as you're being tested by your mentor Aquila, who wants to trust you with guarding his assigned village, so he can go search his own mentor who disappeared 300 years ago. But when you passed the test, turns out you have brought the last required Benevolessence. The tree starts glowing and bearing Fyggs (wish granting fruits), the angels are happy to be finally retreated and they're going to see god in person! The magical flying train lands on the Observatory, but suddenly, dark rays coming from the mortal land and strike the Observatory, the train and the realm of the Almighty. You learn later that this attack harmed Zenus who split into 10 post game bosses you can beat again and again for your greatest pleasure. But also the train, the fruits and you fall. You loose your wings and aureola (which made you invisible and able to see benevolessence). You learn down there that the attack also caused earthquakes that put people in danger and agitated monsters (therefore victims of a god). Searching for a way to get back up, you find a fairy who's related to the train and you try to gather benevolessence to fuel the train. You manage to do that and Yggdrasil chooses to talk to you, saying you're a chosen one and you have to gather the fyggs before they harm anyone, because its magic goes wrong with mortal (take a note of this).
So your mission is to find people who made wishes that went inevitably wrong, make people renounce to them and you get the fruit back. Including a priest (Jack of Alltrades) who wants to guide his people better, but his fygg made him a monster who "convinces" people to obey through pain and fear. A fisherman (Dylan Jones) who died at sea and wished his orphan girl to be safe and he became a leviathan, worshipped and abused by his village, he had to fish for those lazy bastards. A rich orphan girl (Marion) who was very sick and had no friends, instead of wishing health she made her human sized copy doll alive to be her friend and died in the hour, and the doll tried to make friend with people who only pretended to be so they'd get her wealth, then she gets kidnapped, and this conversation happens https://youtu.be/GP8VyADuQ-c at 12:52, the doll gives up on her life because she can't make friends. Another victim of the fruit is a lizard pet (Drak) who fell in love with his human owner and his wish didn't transform him into a human, but a dragon who kidnaps his owner. The other fyggs didn't really have such tragic outcomes so anyway you are going back to the Observatory with the 7 fyggs, but on the way you meet Aquila, who attacks you (note, you're completely paralysed if you try to attack a fellow angel who's your superior. Remember that for later) and steals the fruits. More adventures later you get back to the Observatory where you learn Aquila did give the fruits. You go where Aquila has gone and turns out he's double agent for king Godwin who imprisoned Corvus, Aquila's mentor. He harms Aquila, you defeat him then he tries to kill you in his last breath, but Aquila protects you and dies. You freed Corvus who attacks you and you can't do anything, then he goes to the realm of the Almighty and claim his throne. You bring the fruits to Yggdrasil who transforms back, Celestria makes one more fruit out of all the friends you made on the way and tells you to wish to be mortal. You do it and go beat Corvus, who is now very demonic. But as you defeat him, his love interest who died and became a ghost 300 years before appears and he reverts to being an angel, and they go together to the afterlife. Back at the Observatory, Celestria says she makes all the angels (so not you since you're a mortal now) become stars in the sky (which is how after angel's death was described to you after Aquila died), she also destroys the Observatory, then she asks you to keep doing your job like an angel, but on the whole mortal realm, and the magical train brings you in the mortal world, then your mortality takes fully effect as you cease to see the train, your fairy friend, etc.
Then a fygg falls from the sky and if you follow it, the village with the leviathan has a real leviathan (not the girl's dad who is dead for good) who gives you the fruit. You're given the choice to eat it and if you refuse, the fairy hits you until you eat it. Reminder, you're a mortal and the fyggs don't grant correct wishes to mortals. And when you do, the only thing that changes is that you can see people like that fairy and stuff like the train.
So yeah pretty much everyone suffered from one or several gods, but especially the Celestrians and the mortals who found a fygg.
anon im obsessed w you?? wow. like seriously this is amazing
anyways whoa i might have to play dq9. god seems sucky i think its so funny that theyre called fyggs i cant believe aquila died go corvus meeting his dead girlfriend? i love that you become mortal i think its so fitting that angels become stars in the sky
anyways ill do a quick search on dq9 to gauge how popular it is before deciding whether it goes in the major or minor bracket but it definitely is guaranteed a slot!!
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thegeminisage · 1 year
plan of sitting atop zelda to farm her for parts ruined by 1. i have adhd and to get all my parts would be up to 90 minutes of doing absolutely nothing 2. star fell, had to get it
got lucky! she was really close to the great sky islands so i've gotten back to her by flinging myself off those
oh boy she's taking us through this storm lol
just doing this for an hour seems excruciating. she's been doing it for 10,000 YEARS. i'm gonna kermit
AAAAAUGH another fallen star................this is HORRIBLE i already gave up a naydra opportunity to sit up here! if i go get this one i definitely won't get lucky enough to get back on her back, she's head towards the sparse and UNEXPLORED skies over the gerudo desert so i'd have no way to fast travel back to her...i wish i could leave a medallion on her head
i got another spike so it'll be at least another 10m anyway...might as well go
goodbye babygirl 😱
i got it! AND without the bike lol
i've left epona out forever but right near a stable. felt bad so i let her run on the road to a different stable where i finally boarded her, except first she disappeared for a second?? which was a terrifying little glitch lol
forced my bike into this big cave with me which was good because i got to skip what would have been a very difficult climb in cave-rain
unfortunately even though i was a cheapskate about it i can't get it out of here :( rip. i hate having to spend fans...
a chest ALSO vanished on me :/ weird 1.0 glitches........
i only have one korok seed left in this little area but its next to a lynel :///
might as well try to fight it while i'm here i suppose.........
i actually got him?! man NICE......
even tho lurelin was my fav place from botw (and totk, bc i simply Love The Beach) i feel kinda bad coming here now like let me PAY you for stuff!!! i have moneyyy
but those koroks arent gonna fly themselves.........
awww the skyview tower rito is here. now that i've got them all he gets to get a wife and settle down here lol
ah! the proper heart shaped lake had SO many fairies but i dropped my bike before they loaded and then they loaded as it dropped which ofc scared all of them away :(
ugh my bike despawned AGAIN...............life is so hard all the time
ugh!!!!!!! i thought about going to get that shrine in eventide i missed since i'm sort of in the area but like. i'd have to kill ALL those pirate monsters again. this is why i turn shrines on sometimes. i want them to be a surprise but also missing one like that fucking SUCKS
naydra sighted again, but i feel like i see her a lot around here so i'm passing her up for now. i got shit to do which requires my bike. also the little list i used to know how much stuff i need was on r*ddit and it's shut down now lol so like
ok nvm i got my last seed on this route and she's literally right above me. i'd have to ditch the bike anyways
god i love riding dragons. can't wait until i can do this with farosh
i think she's about to go into the depths...maybe i'll see if i can stay on and go with her lol
oh maybe not...she's going sharply upward suddenly
girl where are we GOING???
oh no i think this may be it, she's descending again and there's a chasm ahead...
OHHH there's zelda in the distance :( i can't go to her now!!! i might literally not be able to lol, she's not near anything. but i really wanna see if naydra will go into a chasm while i'm on her back...
i climbed a spike to be sure i wouldn't fall off lol
and the kakariko chasm too! i haven't dove in here yet...
just realized she's going to be an eternity getting to the bottom. it takes ME forever falling at maximum velocity
still cool af tho
oh, i haven't been down this chasm but i have explored and lit up the world beneath it lol. let's see which direction she goes ig
I SEE A LIGHTROOT FROM HERE........i'm not ready to leave her yet tho. if i'm really lucky she'll take me right to it
there's an area, which tbh i'm just as happy to pass over for now...and a yiga hideout!! and we are literally going in the right direction. so cool.
ok bestie this is my stop! ugh i just realized i took video in the chasm but now when we went through it...whatever
i'm glad zelda doesn't come down here. poor girl.
i used the springs here and there were so many i sprung myself up to the ceiling lol
i see a flux construct and a lightroot. i could go down and fight it but that would make getting the lightroot much harder unless i spent fans on a bike.......
fuck it ig
easy peasy! i havent fought one of these guys in awhile and i'm pleased to see how much easier it's become
oh duh. i can just fast travel back to the lightroot i just got. i don't have to climb lol
oh COOL i'm just in time to see naydra exit the chasm!
this is such a fun little lightroot trail. every time i get to one another pops up. i actually see TWO from here. they're so addictive...
omg you can fuse stuff to the master sword 😭 i was out of weapons to fuse this flux heart thingy to and i tried and it worked but it is SO UGLY :( im so sorry fi
i am near the spring of wisdom i think!! im gonna ignore this lightroot (HARD.......) and see if there's a poe statue guy there
...i think i flew right into it. i cheated by checking my interactive map lol
oh no just kidding i was climbing to the ceiling! i flew OVER it. anyway i got there
GIRL YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM DARK LINK AT LAST
dark link my beloved.......................................
onto this last lightroot and then i'm outta here. too bad i didn't collect any zonaite...
oh good god. im on top of a mountain which means valley down here. UGH i have to climb
no way. bike time. this is what it's for.
lol and meanwhile i pass a monster camp with zonaite and can't be assed to get off the bike. and i've just seen ANOTHER lightroot. we are in hell
ok yeah i've had enough. i don't see anymore lightroots, i'm getting out of here. even though i REALLY need zonaite.
GOD i love dark link armor...night speed UP babey. i only wish u could upgrade it (monkeys paw activates and i have to fight hands to do so)
i basically only have 3 areas left on the right side of the map - lanayru which i do not wanna do bc i hate the snowy mountain and the waterway makes me nervous, and the zora area, and death mountain. and i guess the tingle islands so that's technically 4
gonna start w the zora area tomorrow unless a different mood strikes me - there's a shit ton of caves and seeds i missed all clustered together that will be easy to knock out
for now tho bed. sorry for anyone scrolling past this i did the whole day in one post lol
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How does Taro change into a more human-ish form? And does he and Machiko swap stories of their lives? I'm curious about how they get to know each other
These are very spoilery so I'll put them under a readmore
Spoilers for a new character and some plot points
Basically for your first question, after Taro, Machiko and Eito become close family, Machiko wants to travel the world with the 2 of them looking for more cryptids. The event that kicks this off is her being invited to something of a cryptid hunter convention in another country. She doesn’t want to leave Taro alone so she ends up making a deal with a character I have yet to introduce, Maize.
Maize is a fairy and faries in this world work closely with the government for convoluted plot reasons
(tldr: creatures and humans used to kill each other until a pact was finally formed by higher ups to change things. Now the majority of people aren't aware of the existence of monsters and the faries intend to keep it that way. Basically another story of mine, Grandchild, takes place in the same universe but before the pact was made)
Faires are also known for being kinda jerks so when Machiko begrudgingly asks Maize to make it so Taro can come with them undetected, Maize makes it so Taro is like 8ft 8 and changes nothing else besides giving him legs. The Very Long tail is also still there. Machiko isn't happy with that and asks to make him smaller and Maize uses the opportunity to basically make him a snake sized version of his regular sea monster form. So Taro has 2 forms he can change to from there on out
For your other question, basically after the submarine explodes, Machiko continues trying to get proof of Taro or when that fails at least watch him for a while. He's still wary of her at first cuz he's scared of humans but overtime he gets used to her and eventually starts enjoying her company since he's very lonely. He starts waiting for her to show up and eventually they pick a meeting point, the beach close to Machiko’s house, to see each other regularly.
In terms of exchanging stories, Machiko talks about her own life whenever Taro's curious about something she said and Taro uses charades and later sign language after Machiko teaches him to share his own when she gets curious
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inky2556 · 11 months
Magix Ultra
Chapter 21
It took a few days of planning before the Winx departed for Aeros. Chiara knew she had to do it someday but no matter what she didn't feel ready. Her old home didn't feel like home anymore. Not since that day.
After checking into their lodging, the Winx spared no time and went down to the van they rented that was waiting outside. Originally Stella wanted to be the driver but due to past events,Chiara and Bloom pulled her off of the driver's seat and let Aisha take over.
Which was a good call too since Stella would've been distracted by all the fashion pieces put on the display by the many boutiques in the city. Chiara could only smile at her antics as Musa scolded her to focus on the task at hand.
"So Chiara...you got a crush on an alien." Aisha suddenly said from the driver's seat. Which made said fairy choke on air.
Oh no.
"Wha-Uh-Umm I-I don't have a crush on Zero!" Chiara denied. Upon seeing Aisha's smirk from the rearview mirror, she immediately realised her hiccup.
"Funny,I didn't say anything about this Zero guy."
Chiara suddenly felt a sense of deja vu coming on. It didn't help that all the attention was on her now. Not wanting to restart the cycle of denial,she decided to mind as well just come clean.
"...Yes, I have a massive crush on him."
A silence followed before it was broken by Stella's ear piercing squeal which made Aisha almost swivel off the road.
"Sorry! I'm just happy that she finally has a boyfriend!"
"Okay first, he is not my boyfriend. And second, yes I like him but I don't if he likes me. Third, my first boyfriend was... you know, him." They all knew that him referred to a certain blue bird vigilante. The universe of the Young Justice League wasn't something Chiara liked to talk about.
"Yeah well,first love isn't everything. What matters is how you feel now." Bloom advised.
How she felt now? After more than one near death experiences, Chiara was more than confident of how she felt for the ultra.
"While you're right on that one, how about you poke at my none existent love life after we finish this." Now she did have a point.
The place that they were headed to was about two hours away from where they left. Normally, magical transportation pads are used to get around from one place to another. But the pad at that place had been destroyed during that day.
Since dealing with the aftermath of that day was hard enough for her Chiara, being the only who could decide what to do next about that place, kept putting off making plans of what to do. Which is why the pad there had never been repaired up to this day.
Abandoning it felt wrong and horrible. Yet there was always something holding her back from not only getting the job done, but finally starting it. Be it a mission or most of the time, herself. Which she now realizes is coming back to bite her since they'll sure be having a hard time finding anything under all the rubble. _________________________________________
"Dont give up so easily!...."
"The thing with liking someone is...It might hurt a lot."
"But...it makes you happy just being near the person you like."
"Meeting someone like that is amazing!"
"So... you can't leave them..."
"No matter what happens!"
"If you really like that girl,then go and see her now!"
"Standing around here and doing nothing won't get you anywhere!...."
Those were the words said,or more like yelled, by Geed's human friend amd AIB agent from earth, Moa. The words of wisdom came when a monster was throwing a tantrum just because the girl he likes was being distant. Back then,Zero thought the situation itself was ridiculous.
But now he can see that it's coming back to bite him. If a monster could man up and admit his feelings then why couldn't he? The words Chiara uttered before vanishing kept playing in his mind.
"...I like you!..."
The feeling was mutual. She liked him back. According to Zett and the rest of the new generation, she has for a while now.
"You found anything Hikari?" Zero asked as he stepped into the Chief Scientist's lab. Earlier on, Hikari had done some tests on Zero's Ultimate Bracelet at the ultra's request. This was because right before she vanished, Chiara did something to it. Since then, it kept pulsing with her familiar energy so much that it was hard to ignore.
Did she cast some sort of protection spell? Or did it now hold the answers to finding her? Wherever she may be.
Unfortunately, Hikari had no definitive answer other then it being Chiara's magic. And he could only get a proper reading on magic using a piece of tech that he helped her develop. Hikari did most of the building whereas Chiara incorporated magic into it thanks to what she learned from her friend Tecna, a literal fairy of technology.
Using regular tech would only give them scrambled up results when used on magic. So, Chiara proposed on making a device that was compatible with magic. With it, they're now able to achieve clearer and more informative results using the tech they made. Although it didn't it help much with finding the fairy, it was still useful for their current problem. Which was the threat of Armadus looming over them.
Nera had been making herself known across the galaxy by taking lives and spreading Armadus's name. She kept marvelling on the fact that even though the first time was a failure, her darling will rise again. Within a short span of time, Armadus became a threat that was the same level as Belial.
All of a sudden, alarms were going of in the lab.The systems that the device was connected to showed warnings and high distress levels.
"What? What's going on?" Zero questioned, his voice nearly drowned in all the siren noises that were blaring. He followed Hikari's line of sight to two enlarged holo screens. One showed the outside of the M78 planet, seemingly empty with a few meteors passing by.
The other holo screen however had a big circle which symbolizes the planet. But on the left side of it were dozens of red dots slowly coming near it. Realizing what was happening,Hikari gravely uttered,
"It's an ambush!" _________________________________________
"You ready?"
Chiara nodded and with that, they made their way onto the grounds of her old family estate. The lush greenery and colourful flowers that once greeted guests were now withered and dried up. Small and large cracks covered the pavement of the walkway.Each step she took felt heavy. Chiara could hear echoes of her childhood all along their walk.
It took a while until they finally reached the threshold of the manor. Or rather, the ruins of it. They didn't know where or how to start. It seemed like even the slightest touch would cause more damage.
But Chiara knew this place well. Since going inside seemed very unlikely, they could start with other areas first. And there was one spot Chiara felt drawn to the most.
"Alright girls, we shou-" turning back Chiara found herself alone.
"Girls? Stella? Bloom? Tecna?" She called out to them. Everything was quiet. Too quiet. That's when she realised that the ruins they stood at just moments ago was no more.
In its place was an open field of green grass and colourful flowers. The eerie atmosphere was replaced with one that felt calm and lively.
Suddenly, a female figure passed right beside her. Her silver hair, longer than Chiara's, and flowing white dress momentarily covered her line of sight.
"Dear!" Said the woman as she approached a man in black robes. He too had long jet black hair. But not as long as the woman's. Hearing her voice, the man turned around. Chiara caught sight of his tense amber eyes that immediately softened once he laid eyes on the woman.
His small frown curved up into a gentle smile as he opened his arms to embrace the woman in white.
"I've missed you,Armadus..."
Can also be found on: Wattpad & AO3
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soysaucevictim · 1 year
“it feels like my brain (was floating in a fishtank)”
(See warnings/summary on Ao3.)
[ Prologue/Start ] [ Previous ]
Chapter 9: Levitation Nation
Roman sat in his room and dug around for where he shoved the Disney pins out of sight for the better part of the last year.
He hesitated briefly to pull one of those things out, to open his eyes with it in his hands. But when he did, he found himself crying. He carefully rubbed the enamel, actually enjoying the experience for the first time, since before everything. He could still do other things, like look around his room and actually think.
The sting in his chest was gone.
He couldn’t feel his Horror stirring at all. It was strange.
His head felt a clarity and quiet he never had before. As much as the idea of flying around still sounded like fun, he felt like a human being. He was curious about seeing his Horror sleeping soundly, but he couldn’t open up a gate to his own Lair.
He knew distantly, how vulnerable he was like this. That if someone found him like this, he wouldn’t be able to defend himself. Neither in the real world or the Primordial Dream. The weight being lifted was just too profound to register it.
He wished he could have a few more days like this. His parents were happy he seemed happy.
If he hadn’t gotten a surprise message on his phone, reminding him of the main reason WHY he finally managed to shake off Steve’s touch, he would think the risk of it all was worthwhile.
It took several replays of the voice-mail for Roman to properly process what he was hearing.
“Robro, it’s been awhile. Can we, uh, catch up later? Halloween is just around the corner and I know you won’t pass up going to Disneyland. I have some promising news to share! You will be there, won’t you? Please, please be there. I-I need-!”
Remus hung up before he could finish the sentence, Roman was rattled by how his brother’s tone shifted too. From this confident, if kind of stilted casualness, to trembling with fear.
When he shared it with his parents, the color in their faces drained.
Everyone was happy to have heard from him, after being sick with worry. But, Roman knew this also meant it was time to reawaken his Horror. He was scared for his brother. He was scared for his parents’ safety in the Primordial Dream. He was also selfishly scared about what it would take to do so – he worried if he was going to hate or hurt his parents after this.
But they reassured him. “We’re only doing this out of necessity, we love you. We love all of you. Dearly.”
Carrie remembered the time Roman vanished after he was shot by Steve. She remembered the feeling of the world disappearing beneath her, staring at the trail of blood he left behind. She was bereft with grief, so many things happened in what felt like an instant and her mind was playing catch-up.
She started having nearly constant nightmares after that happened.
At first they were clear 1:1 trauma flashbulbs, the events playing out in sharp fragments etching deeply into her heart. After Steve had died, the nightmares started to warp into some kind of fairy tale. She realized she had been Called by the Bright Dream, when her broken leg healed so much faster than it should have.
There was a brief moment of elation, to get that cast off and walk normally again. Before long, she started to understand what it really meant to be a Hero. Most of the time, she just wanted to be a normal human mother again. Just concerned with her work at the hangar, staying connected with the extended relatives, and taking care of her immediate family and home.
Those desires would then be tainted by the Bright Dream, “Maybe if your children weren’t monsters in the first place, you could’ve had that.”
Whether she liked it or not, that wasn’t the reality she lived in. Ruminating on it wasn’t helping anyone, least of all herself.
She and Vic stood before Roman’s bedroom. As she looked into her child’s expectant eyes, she knew this was going to be one of those times she might actually be grateful for its Gifts. She hoped it wasn’t going to be the last time.
She held her husband’s hand and they stepped through the shimmering rift into Roman’s very soul, together.
The entrance point the Espinozas had taken led into a long, winding burrow. The only way was forward.
The first thing they were met with were unrelenting gusts of wind, within the Lair. It was surprising how the tunnel’s torches even stayed lit in there – with how the winds stretched them to near-nothingness with each pulse. Thankfully, they had entered with some climbing gear, relying on picks to leverage themselves further inside.
It was a boon granted by Roman’s invitation that the air inside wasn’t too thin to breathe. It was also probably the only reason why they didn’t contend with a bellows effect on those flames while there.
The wind made it hard to communicate. Carrie was taking point, shouting, “I see the first chamber ahead, dear!”
Soon enough they were there, the winds had more room to churn about, but there were other concerns in front of them. Namely, most of the space wasn’t level or stable footing but a deep chasm below. There was barely enough room to sidle along the walls toward the next tunnel.
Roman told them this place technically went to two chambers. Across the top? His beloved Hoard chamber, the place they wanted to be. Down the drop? Smack dab in the Heart Chamber, where the dragon slept, and it was a very, very long fall.
There was a burrow connecting Heart to Hoard as well, so that gave them a couple routes to get there. Either try the direct path to carefully cross the pit, or rappel down and take the scenic route. Hearing about it beforehand, Carrie thought they’d do the former. But, after actually seeing it for herself? “I think our only option is down.”
“Do you think we packed enough rope?”
“We can only hope.”
The noises of the ropes twisting, of cracking stone and fall-away rocks made time feel sluggish and tense. The wind making the two sway with even a little too much slack forced them to slow even more. Carrie was worried her husband wouldn’t keep up, until his magic flared up again, part of the way down. It almost broke her control of her descent – how a wave of adrenaline and goosebumps overcame her. She had to pause to catch her breath, “V-Vic!?”
He cackled, riding the thrill of the spell he just cast, “Just trying to give myself a second wind!”
Vic redoubled his speed of progress down into the Heart, she was worried he was going to get reckless at that rate. Again, her thoughts returned to Remus. “Careful!”
They managed to get close enough to the floor to see the hearth fire that lit up Roman’s Heart and to get a sense of just how short the rope was. It had to be just over a storey’s fall height, by Carrie’s reckoning. She was about to tell Vic to let her jump first, but he let go first.
He wasn’t the most graceful about it, and she followed with a more stable landing. She fretted a bit over him only to find him a little scraped up on landing. They went quiet to the sound of noises, a mix of growling and snoring, loud and low enough to reverberate deeply through the two of them.
They looked across the chamber to see just the immense scale of Roman’s Horror. As Carrie carefully approached her son’s soul, she figured the dragon could eat several people in one go, no issue. She shook her head as the Bright Dream’s echoes pierced her thoughts, “It would be so easy to-”
Vic noticed her starting to shake, “What’s wrong?”
“I-I can’t stay here, we need to get to his Hoard. Now.”
Vic understood, this place filled him with a constant feeling of unease. Seeing Roman’s Horror reminded him where they were, a realm he wasn’t really at home in. Carrie was more in her element, scarily so. She knew which of the burrows to take for the target Chamber.
Before long, they were in the Hoard Chamber and it was stunning and so neatly organized. Everything had this preserved sheen to it, both the brand new items and the vintage ones. They looked around for something to wake up Roman with, and destroy it. Carrie dreaded hurting her son like this, knowing that these were more than simple objects to him. The Bright Dream, however, was gleeful and spoiled for choice.
She winced and grabbed something and Vic’s arm. They were to find the chamber that looked like the Marketplace from there, destroy it, and take a gateway out there. As soon as something was held, a lethargic growl shook the halls.
They couldn’t stop to appreciate the surreal sight when Carrie took a Br’er Bear fursuit from one of the piles and tore it apart with her estoc. Carrie knew it to be an artifact from one of the more ignoble pieces of Disney history. When reminded of the inspiration behind Splash Mountain, it made her son squirm with shame taking it from the Whites. Even if the dirt was necessary to dig up.
Despite all of this, in an instant, an ear-splitting screech was heard. It was filled with pain and fury and froze Carrie. An irrational part of her wanted to face the Horror, some fucked up sense of honor. Vic’s attempts to shake her out of it fell through. The Bright Dream’s compulsions being way too strong.
In moments, the Horror stared them down, snarling. There was no reasoning with it, no illusion of human thought, it simply wanted them to die. It took a swipe and Carrie parried and took a quick stab, almost on auto-pilot. Vic started to panic, “CARRIE. ¡DETENER! ”
After more exchanged blows and screaming from both sides, Carrie suddenly relaxed just enough to realize she was hurting her son. Again. When she grew tired, she knew Vic was casting another spell over her. This wasn’t part of the plan.
Vic carried her off and out barely before they could be licked by Roman’s flames.
The only solace for Carrie was knowing she hadn’t killed him or undid the work to break his anathema.
The plan was for Janus to have Annie wait at the marketplace to pick up the Espinoza parents once they were done. And it was Virgil’s job to make sure Roman didn’t do anything rash upon his Horror waking up.
Virgil had taken him to a safe room they all agreed to convene at, it was Ellis’s old place. Ellis had reinforced and soundproofed it with his magic over the years, making it basically a bunker. It was also good that it was roughly halfway between the Espinoza’s place and the market. It gave them the time to soften the landing ahead of them all.
As soon as his parents had destroyed something from his prized Hoard, Roman was incensed. An intensity well beyond the fury he held towards Virgil or anything in recent memory. He screamed and flailed and cried, as his eyes flared red. Roman was beyond words, growling and screeching like the monster he was. He really was a horrible monster, it was stupid to think he could pretend otherwise.
Virgil was cautious about how he restrained him. He wasn’t sure if Roman was going to have access to his atavisms, like this. Or if Roman was going to hurt himself or anyone else.
The Espinozas looked worse for wear, once they arrived. There, they immediately heard Virgil's speech mixed in with Roman's screaming, “C’mon Roman, you can pull through this. I know you’re strong enough to survive even the worst that heroes can do, let alone one who only wants to help you.”
When Virgil appeared to notice them there, he clearly fumbled to change his tack, “Because you’re an absolute piece of shit who refuses to die. You’ll survive out of spite. You can't just give the world that favor.”
As Carrie and Vic looked at their son with worry, Virgil stepped aside.
Roman thrashed about in the webs as his parents carefully approached him. Carrie was welling up, unable to get close, “Roise, I’m sorry. I’m just so sorry.”
Vic stepped closer to his son, “Te queremos mucho, Champ. I know it was hard...”
The thrashing started to slow down, Roman had nearly destroyed his voice, “N-nanay? Papa?”
Carrie stepped closer, wincing about how he flinched. Vic appeared to grow tired as he used his magic to soothe his son, it worked a little bit. It only tapped the brakes on the autonomic nervous system, in hope that his son’s mind would catch up.
Eventually, Virgil thought Roman wasn’t going to do anything and released him. Roman was immediately hugged by his parents.
The present Espinozas, simply needed to have this moment, Virgil allowed them the space.
It took a couple days for everyone to recover from that endeavor to more completely purge Steve’s grip.
There was still an air of uncertainty about Remus. His spawn didn’t relent and Roman was still in that gorged haze. He knew he needed to make himself hungrier, just in case he needed his claws and fire again.
Carrie wounding his Horror helped that along by itself. He had so much more to worry about then, than how much that whole ordeal hurt to heal from. They all did, there was a heaviness in the air as Halloween approached.
Despite Janus and Ellis’s best efforts, they never could get a bead on where Remus was. There were too many of Remus’s Horrorspawn for Carrie to effectively track her son either. On top of wanting to look forward to Halloween to celebrate instead of dread.
Roman noticed Remus had blocked off the entrance into his Lair, from the chamber they had shared, at some point. So he couldn’t find a way to contact him in the Primordial Dream.
Eventually, after enough run-ins with those things and Roman stewing about how it felt having his Horror being awakened again, his thoughts went somewhere that he was uncomfortable with. He didn’t have much time left to do it, but it was to make his own Horrorspawn.
He learned from Janus that one of their boons was making it easier to deflect anathema. Roman shivered as the phantom aches of Steve’s curse briefly came to his mind. At that point, with it gone, he understood even more why Virgil was so wary of his mother.
He didn’t realize how much mental energy he put in just to manage its effects on his life.
He wasn’t sure who he’d even pick to hold some piece of his Horror inside them, to inflict more nightmares on. He hated that the immediate choices were his own parents, they’ve already been through so much.
He had to ask Janus what to do.
Janus had told the twins a few different ways to conjure Nightmares, over their times together. Remus even shared a few with Roman, before. Janus also said they could learn new nightmares from those considered kin, mages being an example. So on their advisement, Roman went to meet Ellis.
Roman found Ellis in the library again, reading something. “Hey, are you busy?”
Ellis glared back at Roman, “What does it look like?”
“R-right. Janus said you could teach me about Nightmares.”
Ellis sighed, “Yes and no. I need time to make preparations for our Halloween operation. However, I do have a colleague better equipped to help you out with this.”
“Mr. Pfeifer, Virgil works for him. He’s one of those warlock colleagues of mine. I referenced them to your father, once. Let me contact him.”
Ellis pulled out a phone, “Hello. Mr. Pfeifer, are you open for a consult? Good, please come to the estate to-.”
Suddenly, a third person was in the room, startling Roman. It was probably a good thing he was too gorged to claw anyone up, let alone this guy. Ellis looked at them and rolled his eyes, muttering as he returned to his reading, “Show off.”
The stranger chuckled about that. He wore a bright smile, glasses, and had a lot of pink and light brown elements to his outfit. “Mr. Pfeifer?”
Mr. Pfeifer nodded, “Oh. You must be Roman? I guess you desire a little inspiration? I can help with that. All you have to do is ask.”
Roman stammered, “I-I didn’t say anything.”
Ellis groaned at this, only making Pfeifer laugh more. “I suppose Lo-Ellis and Vi- Val didn’t tell you much about the Arcana stuff. Well-”
“H-how do you know my-?”
Pfeifer continued, but his mouth didn’t move, speaking from inside Roman’s head, “Mind stuff is kind of my thing and Beasts are basically my beautiful planar neighbors! You can call me Milo, by the way.”
Roman stepped back and looked around himself, “The hell-?”
Ellis glared at Milo, “Sir. You already know why I asked for your attendance. Get on with it. I have delicate matters to process over here.”
Roman was suddenly more uncomfortable, knowing he was getting pried into, “How about a warning, next time!?”
Milo laughed heartily before speaking aloud again, “You really are a lot like my best hire, huh?”
Roman simply pouted and Ellis was staring daggers into that tome of his. Milo continued, “Alright, you’re lucky you have a lot I can work with in there
Roman shuddered, “What?”
“Notice the lack of a certain kind of insight in Disney’s Rogue’s Gallery? Believing their questionable aspects are badges of pride, justifying it just a tad too much? Even though it’s clearly leading to their failures? How do you think you can use that to your advantage out there, Jake?”
“My name’s not JAKE!”
“You’re a dragon and American too, sooo-”
Ellis grumbled, “And THERE it is.”
Roman started to realize what Milo was getting at, after a moment, “Oh. OH. You cheeky-!”
“I-I guess I have some ideas
Milo spoke inside Roman’s head again, “You can do a whole lot with that intimidating specimen. Hmmm, I wonder how many omelets you could make with five dozen eggs?”
Roman stared Milo down, deliberately thinking, “Great. Now I’m thinking about Mom’s cooking
Milo laughed and answered aloud, “Looks like you got a good one lined up there, I knew you could do it! I’d love for a follow-up later.”
Milo looked down at his watch, “Oh my ears and whiskers, how late it’s getting!”
Ellis piped up, “Are you quite done?”
Milo nodded at them both, with a more serious expression, “Oh and good luck with the Remus situation. Adieu.”
In a blink, Milo vanished. Leaving Roman to remember how worried he was getting for his brother.
There was a long silence, as Roman tried to process what happened. He had more in his arsenal, the next step was where to use it. Who to use it on.
Ellis stopped reading, looked at Roman, and took a deep breath, “I’m supposing you didn’t miss him almost spilling our True Names?”
“I-I was kind of wondering about that too.”
“Know that if we can’t destroy this threat, we’ll need to at least seal it away. I am nearing the end of those preparations. I think you will be needing mine, and you have permission to share this with your parents. No one else, understand?”
Roman nodded.
“It’s Logan. Sumner.”
Roman snorted, “So. I can call you Nerdy Wolverine, then?”
Logan groaned, “I imagine you will even if I told you no. Given what we’re facing here – I have more important things to be concerned with.”
“Wait, what do you mean sealing?”
“We’re going to need some objects to serve as reliquaries, as there is some documentation on addressing Insatiables in that way. Plural, just in case.”
“Can they be anything?”
Roman went on to discuss some of his ideas with Logan. “
 and a jar of dirt? Oh well, I’ll take it on board. Oh, and I want to make it clear that I’m also worried about your brother’s wellbeing, too.”
Roman smiled slightly at that, “Thanks.”
Roman visited the Disneyland Park about two weeks before Halloween. Partly to find some solace. Partly to memorize the layout again, to prepare for what may happen. Partly to find potential incubators. He just had to find someone he could stomach doing that to.
The park entrance already had some festive decorations. The line going out into the esplanade was really long and it wasn’t even an hour past opening time for Guests. It was a weekend Carrie had off, and she insisted on coming along with him.
Roman would be annoyed, if not for his peace of mind too.
So there they were in line, there was a woman with a stroller past the person right in front of them. She also had a child, maybe Patton’s age, to her side. The children took her attention away from the line a few times, leaving enough space for a pair of young men to cut in front of this lady.
She didn’t seem to notice, neither did Carrie, but Roman certainly did.
Roman told her, “Will you keep my spot, Mom? I think I recognize those guys from high school
Roman didn’t really tell her that third reason he wanted to come here.
Carrie narrowed her eyes a bit, “Sure. But I AM watching you.”
This was totally for that lady’s honor and rightful place in line. Not because Roman took the thought of waiting even longer to actually get in the park personally. Roman definitely wasn’t being petty.
Roman first went for one of the guys that looked like he was just following the other. He seemed a little less sure about the stunt they pulled, even more so as Roman approached them. Roman could smell some anxiety coming from him. Roman smiled. “My, do you look familiar! Remember me?”
“Uh, no?”
“Does the name Isaac ring any bells?”
“Not really?”
The other guy, pretended to look like this was always his spot in line and was annoyed with Roman butting in. He looked at the first guy, “Dash, who are you talking too?”
Dash shrugged, “This guy says he’s Isaac. Do we know any Isaacs?” 
Roman piped up overly cheery, “I think you were on the football team, right? I was one of the band guys.”
The line took a few steps forward, as Dash narrowed his eyes at Roman. and then at his friend, “You buy that, Kwan?”
Kwan crossed his arms, scowling at Roman, “You know what? I don’t think I do. The fuck is your angle, man?”
“Oh, fine. You got me. You don’t know me. I’m just gonna say it was really clever of you two taking advantage of a distraction like that! And all you did with that was jump the line. How droll.”
Roman’s eyes flickered red as he stared into Dash and then Kwan’s eyes, pulling them into the same nightmare, smiling eerily.
They were pulled into a tavern, more worn in and dreary than in the movie. The taxidermied trophies were more fantastical and horrifying -  dragons, griffons, harpies. The trophy chair was made from dragon hide and so was the rug. There were suspicious splatters of blood in various spots of the venue. The patrons took the facsimiles of the crowd in the real world. Even a few confused looking children.
But what immediately struck terror in those two is how their bodies and mouths were forced to re-enact the scene Roman was pulling. Kwan was Gaston and Dash was Lefou.  As Kwan shifted this way and that in the seat, some of its scales sheared off into his shirt collar. As the performance started to get violent – Kwan had taken a disturbing amount of glee in beating the shit out of his presumed friend. Dash just smiled along and sang praises, as blood oozed out of his mouth.
It was all a very grim and uncanny scene. The lyrics were a distorted parody and personalized to these two troublemakers’ “values”. Dash was totally elsewhere when he got crushed by that chair, munching pieces of that rug in the process. He was laughing like a fool as his “friend” smiled down approvingly at him.
As the nightmare took hold, Kwan barked an order at Dash, “Hey! This crone and brat were small fry. We totally could hop those fucking turnstiles.”
Kwan smiled and stammered, “Sure thing, boss!”
Roman tried not to laugh as the predictable happened – them getting pulled aside by security to be disciplined. The woman they cut in front of was utterly baffled as Roman let her through with a bow.
He rejoined Carrie, who knew exactly what Roman just did. Roman flinched when she stage-whispered, “Roman. Isaac. Espinoza. What did you do!?”
Roman whispered into her ear what he did and why. She deeply sighed, “
 If all of this wasn’t for Remus, I would probably have you by the ear and shipped home for that, mister.”
Roman sighed with relief, as they made their way into the park.
He felt a heaviness inside his Lair before long, he managed to do it. It was strangely distracting, as he was trying to take in the whole park again. He was kind of scared of checking on it later.
He at least had the presence of mind to grab a park map and schedule along the way.
Roman hesitated to check on his own spawn when he got back from the trip to Disneyland.
He lasted only a day before he got too restless and worried about them being reincorporated.
He used the portal in his bedroom again to get into the Lair. He went to his Hoard chamber, where he knew where the nest was. He passed by the Magic Mirror and noticed his draconic form inside there had a few scars – one across his left jowl and few on both his forelimbs. He gave a low growl, lowering and shaking his head, his thoughts melancholic, “I guess there’s no forgetting what led to all of this.”
After a continued scan, Roman saw a nest made of Disney plushies and themed blankets. It held a pair of his own eggs. He stepped closer, they were pearl-white, with red and gold freckling all over their surface. They looked more like bird eggs than lizard eggs, even though he wasn’t as avid about biology as his dad and brother were. He heard the shape prevented them from rolling away too far.
He cautiously approached the eggs, lightly tapping one with one of his claws. The shells were hard enough that he felt comfortable with the urge to nestle up to them and warm them. It was almost instinctual.
They truly were pieces of him, he started to understand what Remus was going on about.
A distant part of his mind bothered him. The part that looked at the monster he was, disturbed by all the new things he was learning about what he was. Here though? It was barely even a whisper.
When his whole self was within the Lair, he knew he could protect his creations.
The next week seemed to fly by for Roman. He visited his Lair, practically every other day, and time just seemed to stop and a lot of his other worries did, too.
That didn’t stop his parents from getting worried and the mixed responses from the rest of the Brood. Apparently, he was acting strange to them. He was elsewhere, distantly recognizing that this behavior might have looked a little too much like Remus just before he left them all. Not long after that car accident.
Roman vaguely remembered downplaying it to them. At least Janus and Virgil left it alone, once they knew what he was doing. Logan and Vic seemed to be mildly intrigued. Patton followed him around more, whenever they were at the estate together.
Time inexorably marched on until eventually, when Roman returned to his Lair, he saw the spawn starting to hatch. He was so excited to see them emerge! They were fully formed, tiny drakes that made Roman make this strange rumbling purring noise at how they looked. He was taken by surprise by how adorable they looked, precociously galloping and gliding about inside his Lair.
One was a little more red and the other was a little more gold. Roman held the names RubĂ­ and Oro, for them.
They were ready to debut into the real world.
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