#and most importantly queer survival
laundrybiscuits · 2 years
(Hanahaki AU tag : Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3)
(CONTENT NOTE: equivalent of conversion therapy discussed at the end of this one. just stop reading after the ——— if that's going to be bad for you.)
Eddie twists away from the yellow light of the van, trying to get his body under control. “Sorry,” he wheezes. “Not a singer. Shouldn’tve smoked before trying to belt metal shit.” He hunches over and picks the last jaundiced petals from his mouth, crushing them in his fist before dropping them as casually as he can into a clump of grass. 
His mouth is clean when he turns back around. He climbs back into the van and slumps against the wall, strumming something mindless, more to feel the comfortingly solid corners of his guitar tucked up close to his body than anything else. 
“If you don’t warm up first, with those kinds of vocals, it’ll fuck up your throat,” he says. 
“Never knew that.” Steve hands Eddie a water bottle. “Sounds dangerous.”
Eddie takes a sip, willing the water to drown out whatever’s growing in his guts. He pictures it like a punishing rain. “I live on the edge,” he says.
“Uh-huh,” says Steve. “Drink your water, Evel Knievel.”
Eddie takes another gulp, knowing it won’t do a damn thing. He sits back and starts picking out some chords that resolve into a Springsteen song. It sounds sweeter on a solo acoustic like this and he rolls with it, fingerpicking the melody and humming along, giving it a folky strum to fill it out. 
Steve sings along with the chorus, going da da da when he doesn’t know the words. His voice isn’t too bad; a little unpracticed, but smooth and warm. It feels right for the small space they’re inhabiting, the dim warm van on one side and the rolling shadows of Illinois prairie on the other.
“You’re pretty good at that,” says Steve when the song’s done.
“Don’t sound so shocked, Harrington.” Eddie gets up to tuck the guitar back into its bag. “We should probably turn in. Get an early start tomorrow.”
He’s been pretty carefully not thinking about sleeping arrangements. He doesn’t think Steve’s likely to pitch a fit over sharing a mattress with another guy, but at least he’s got the moral high ground here as the person who didn’t initiate this little buddy-comedy storyline. 
Steve puts up some token bitching, but shucks his jeans and gets under the blanket readily enough.
“Figured you would’ve brought along some silk pyjamas or something,” says Eddie, when the silence makes him feel too fidgety.
“I didn’t have a lot of time to pack, okay?” Steve huffs, throwing an arm over his eyes. “When Henderson told me you’d canceled all your stupid wizard games, I drove over right away. I guess you didn’t see me ‘cause you were just starting to load up the van. Figured I had about a half-hour before you disappeared, so I just raced home and grabbed whatever I could in five minutes.”
“Right,” says Eddie. “And then you decided to launch an ambush.”
“Yeah, yeah, how else was I gonna get you to talk to me?” 
“Well, you’ve got me now, Steve. I’m an open book, what d’you want to know?”
“Why are we on this roadtrip, Eddie?”
I’m here to get away from you, thinks Eddie. You’re here because…I don’t know why you’re here. 
“Freedom,” he says instead. “Adventure. The American Dream.”
There are places, Eddie knows, that specialize in cutting out the bloom for very specific cases. Except it’s not really the bloom they’re trying to cut out. 
There are places, Eddie knows, that will drag you away and put you in a room and tell you that the person you loved will never love you back. They’ll do it again and again, until you believe it, and if you start coughing up flowers, they know they’ve won. They’ll cut it out of you and send you home and tell you that you’re cured. They do it to people, to kids, who fall in the kind of love that needs curing. 
They did it to Wayne. 
Wayne doesn’t like to talk about it, but it’s why Eddie lives with him now: his uncle, the black sheep in a family of jailbirds and junkies. The only one so unforgivable that his parents, Eddie’s grandparents, paid good money to get him sent to a place in Ohio back in ‘46. 
As far as Eddie’s aware, Wayne’s never relapsed. Even had a girl for a while, before Eddie came to live with him. Eddie’s old man wasn’t gonna shell out the cash to send him to any kind of doctors who’d get him fixed, and anyway he’d been too young to have a chance at blooming when they caught him messing with Ollie Peterson from down the way. They don’t talk about it, him and Wayne, but they both know why it’s been the two of them in a trailer in the middle of nowhere, Indiana.
So Eddie thinks Wayne’ll get it, afterwards. Wayne’s never tried to change a single thing about Eddie, just made space for him to be the way he is. Wayne’ll respect that this is how it has to be.
He’ll send a postcard once they’re a few states away. There's still time.
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rudeflower · 9 months
why i think you should watch burn notice
It's great. Like the bad kind of great
Burn Notice is one of the classic 00's Special Maverick White Man shows
Follows the hijinks of burned spy Michael Westen who tries to get back in the CIA (etc) but most importantly earns cash (that he always turns down later out of morality) saving people from bad guys
He does this by putting on various cover identities that are SO FUN bc his actual personality is so flat and it's just like YAYYY whenever he does a fun cover ID
It's the most queer platonic show alive. Michal has 2 (then three) side kicks and they all have platonic relationships for the majority of the show. There is a romance that's honestly mostly smoldering looks and them sleeping in the same bed. They are ride or die to the most literal level and just...are generally obsessed with one another completely in the most lovable dysfunctional way
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6. Some of the best adult survivor of child abuse shit out there! Immediately from the beginning the show explicitly knows and lives in that Michael is an expert in survival, creating new versions of himself and compulsively helping people (and feels guilty for doing so) because of it. But it also knows in lives in that he is FUCKED UP and it isn't the best thing in the world!
7. And depicts navigating a relationship with the remaining family as a painful complicated thing with no "BUT SHE'S YOUR MOM" business
8. When it doesn't take itself to seriously it's the MOST FUN
9. It takes itself more seriously as time goes on. 2nd season is best, 1st is second best and 3rd is third best. The rest are so uneven is nauseating but I still love them all
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cry-ptidd · 4 months
Nev, you absolutely brilliant and beautiful and talented mastermind!
I need to hear about your thoughts and opinions on pre-canon Alucard aka Dracula!
First of all anon I'm gonna kiss you and hug you and serve you burek with a warm drink and a smooch on the forehead
Second of all,
Long, long yapping below 👇 🗣️
Now, I don't know if you meant Dracula as in in-canon Hellsing Dracula or Bram Stoker's Dracula, so I'll do both thanks to the power of autism. Vlad III isn't included bc I don't wanna.
Also this is just my opinion and mild analysis of both medias, not a properly structured essay.
Dracula (1897) - Bram Stoker
Ok so first of all, Dracula is one of my favorite books. I adore gothic horror and the spooky melancholic supernatural atmosphere of most gothic novels. I consider Dracula a masterpiece of horror, even with its faults, idc.
The epistolary structure of it makes the horror progressive and building, despite the fact that alarm bells ring out every single second of Johnathan's stay at Chateau Drac. The various themes of temptation and danger and oh my god the danger followed me home oh god oh fuck are fascinating, and the human group is interesting (also Mina was done dirty).
But also, it's an inherently queer novel, which, as a queer person who loves horror, i adore. Bram Stoker was really fucking queer, but that's something he hated about himself and suppressed; it's no surprise that the count's entire character is so fruity in itself, he represents Stoker's own repressed queerness. Drac is, in the book, inherently sexual - the exchange of fluids to turn pure, virginal ladies into hot deadly sexy vampire seductresses, and the fact that he protects Johnathan from his brides and is always so... Like That with him makes him so interesting.
The scene where the count takes great offense at being told that he has never loved by one of his brides is one of my favorites in terms of characterization, because Dracula doesn't have any need to bullshit at that moment. He could've just told her to stfu and back off, or even let them eat Johnathan. But instead he gets offended because the remark hit a nerve. He wants to love and to be loved, but his methods are rather... unconventional and predatory to the Proper and Orthodox humans of the story. Rip Drac, you would've loved (and been loved by) today's monsterfuckers.
We're gonna ignore the fact that the supercool and awesome expert amazing professor Abraham Van Helsing is Stoker's self-insert and that he's the one that (or at least greatly helps the group) hunt down Dracula, the representation of unorthodox desire and sexy, vampiric existence.
Dracula in the Hellsing universe
Ok so this one is interesting.
First of all I want to address how fucking funny it is that Alucard tried to fuck both Mina and her husband and fumbled them both but that's a topic I think he'd get mopey and very bitter about so let's not.
Hellsing Dracula is really interesting. In the novel, we're not given the count's pov (why would we? He's the villain anyway.) but in Hellsing we do, and we get it very often. We know his childhood, his identity, but most importantly his philosophy and personality.
Alucard's personality changed a bit over the years:
Vlad was arrogant out of desperation and survival; he had to be strong, because if he's not then he'll be crushed and his prayers won't be heard by the god he worships with battle, and he "can't be defeated, ever." He can't afford to be.
Dracula was arrogant because he was powerful and unchained. He was the master, he was a monster not leashed by morality or conventionality and religion and even his body was above what a human could ever do. He knew he was a threat and he relished in it. How could any of those puny humans beat him? The Count Dracula? But they did.
Alucard is a snarky asshole that didn't lose any arrogance but it changed shape; it's not that he can't be defeated, it's by whom. He carefully chooses his fancied opponents and clings to them like a leech, at least emotionally, and puts them on this pedestal where they're the only ones who may. Any other fight is just to pass the time. Those sniveling cowards can't defeat him, but those proud human warriors can. And he's the one who decides what's worthy or not, because he's a top-tier level threat. (When he tried to stop Anderson from using the nail, he basically told him Anderson was created just to defeat him.)
But let's get back to Dracula here for a sec. That arrogance comes with any vampire because that's what they do, they're hot and sexy and broody and egotistical, stealing blood and beauty for their own sakes. But he's also really damn sad. I imagine that he gets bored after a while, after the novelty of cool supernatural tyranny wore off. The count has all reason to be confident; he's on top of the food chain in all aspects.
But what do you do when you're at the top?
You don't have anyone with you. Those brides are companions, not significant others, hell they're not even named in the novel or barely acknowledged by him. Those humans are prey, not equals. He can try to portray himself as basically animalistic, he has emotions and he doesn't like that he has emotions. He's just really fucking sad.
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Like. This is literally the most pathetic man I've ever seen.
The fact that he doesn't seem to hold a grudge against Abraham and his crew - on the contrary, he seems to admire them and puts them on a pedestal - shows that he longed to be beaten. He was tired. He needed novelty.
Now i don't know what fucked up experiments Abraham did on that poor thing but clearly he wasn't as powerful as Alucard is, but I doubt that increase in power changed much of anything to be honest. Man is just as miserable as he was before, but now he actually has a purpose - he has someone to serve, a master, someone to cling to.
And boy does he cling to them.
He respects Abraham and Arthur, both men who've undeniably hurt him, Abraham with the experiments and Arthur by leaving him to rot for 20 years (understandable, yes, but still I wouldn't like it if that was me) and yet he's shown them great respect. It's almost Stockholm syndrome (something that I don't believe in and isn't backed by science, but the idea stands) and his idea of any kind of functional relationship is unfathomably fucked up.
I won't dwell on Alucard too much since this is about Dracula, but it's actually rather easy to piece together his mental state and outlook on life with the few pieces we got. Someone please come help this man.
That's that!
I would also like to shoutout to @catsvrsdogscatswin for their wonderful characterization of Dracula and Alucard altogether, but mostly in their fic Kaleidoscope, which is unironically and not hyperbole my favorite fic on ao3 up to date.
Seriously. Go check it out.
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sals-sonic · 11 months
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So what do you think we're supposed to do here? "Stop making problematic content", alright then no more good plots, cause forget having a compelling story or well written characters. Flush down the toilet thousand of years of classic literature and shut down intellectual freedom, cause we all know how much that's problematic and evil, forget even trying to reflect critically on things at all. Most importantly though, let's just fuck over survival victims who dare to even try to express their trauma in a way they feel comfortable with. Of course, the fact that *they* might feel bothered or uncomfortable with your perfectly good and pure content, is simply their problem, it's all about you, don't worry.
Sarcasm aside, let's make one thing clear here: this "ban" (because let's face it, that's what you call censoring media) you're wishing for, is entirely about the content you dislike, stop trying to pretend as if you have a moral high ground when really all you are is selfish at best, and at worst a fascist. Funny how your first thought when you see something that you consider problematic, perhaps even written by a victim, is to censor it immediately cause you think it will "protect" people, as if the content is the issue in the first place. It's not the art, the fics, or the ships that groom you, it's abusers. Stop taking away accountability from their actions and giving them another shield to hide behind. Stop taking away victim's voices in the name of "protecting" imaginary people. You're not helping anyone, you're suffocating artistic freedom just like a conservative who wants to ban all queer media to prevent their child from somehow "turning" queer.
The anon you are referring to has half a brain to realize that you can't control the internet, let alone people's thoughts, so ultimately, YES. It IS your responsibility to block tags, blogs and filter out what you dislike, cause no one will do that for you, and honestly? They shouldn't have to. You say that by ignoring proshippers, you "enable" us, but the truth is, if everyone would bend to the likes of entitled people like you, then we'd be the ones enabling censorship and repression. You're not holding anyone accountable for their "actions", surely not by harassing them relentlessly to bully them off a platform for literal fiction. You know, the opposite of action. Instead of even entertaining the possibility that you may be the one harming real people (which you definitely are by harassing them), all you do is sit there and whine about how your boundaries are being infringed upon, completely disregarding that you're not putting any in place or that you may be violating the boundaries of the people you criticize first and foremost. The difference is that they will block you, but you will constantly leave it up to others, thus making any boundary you have completely useless.
Do better.
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Avra Helvaçi, former field agent of the Arasti Ministry of Intelligence, has accidentally stolen the single most expensive secret in the world―and the only place to flee with a secret that big is the open sea. To find a buyer with deep enough pockets, Avra must ask for help from his on-again, off-again ex, the pirate Captain Teveri az-Haffar. They are far from happy to see him, but together, they hatch a plan: take the information to the isolated pirate republic of the Isles of Lost Souls, fence it, profit. The only things in their way? A calculating new Arasti ambassador to the Isles of Lost Souls who's got his eyes on Avra's every move; Brother Julian, a beautiful, mysterious new member of the crew with secrets of his own and a frankly inconvenient vow of celibacy; the fact that they're sailing straight into sea serpent breeding season and almost certain doom. But if they can find a way to survive and sell the secret on the black market, they’ll all be as wealthy as kings―and, more importantly, they'll be legends.
My thanks to the author for providing an ARC copy.
Alexandra Rowland's Running Close to the Wind is a cozy low-stakes pirate adventure set in the same world of the excellent A Taste of Gold and Iron, loosely connected to it by a plot point. The two books couldn’t be more different, as Running Close to the Wind is funny. Hysterically, being-in-stitches, laughing-on-the-floor funny. It’s so funny that it’s too funny sometimes, but it’s a joy to read a book that doesn’t take itself so seriously while simultaneously delivering some very profound reflections in the more serious segments.
The trio of main characters is a delight, their banter on point as the dynamic between Avra and Teveri expands with the arrival of the mysterious Julian and his wiles. The characters are unapologetically horny, but the book is surprisingly chaste in that regard, while also being incredibly tender in parts. I especially enjoyed the few conversations about having and defending one’s boundaries. The rest of the cast, from the colorful crew to the pirates on the island, were all painted in deft strokes, resulting in vivid characters with so much to say. It really was reminiscent of Our Flag Means Death, as it was pitched, and it was an absolute romp.
The world gets expanded in a really clever subversion of what we know from A Taste of Gold and Iron, showing what the outside world thinks exactly of the choice to keep for themselves the only way to sail safely during a certain time of the year. There’s sea serpents and giant turtles and ghosts that need a complex reference guide to be handled, and it’s all so delightful. This choice to have loosely interconnected stories where the world is explored more and more is an intriguing one, and I can’t wait to see what’s next.
Running Close to the Wind is a fun adventure with hidden depths.
✨ 4 stars
[You can find more of my reviews about queer speculative fiction on my blog MISTY WORLD]
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aclickbaittitle · 1 month
Underated Audio-Dramas
Asking for it
A queer contemporary take of the Goldilocks tale: about love, music and breaking the cycle of abuse. Goldie escapes a chaotic childhood only to go from a partner who starves her of love to a partner who nearly drowns her in it, before learning to be just right on her own.
My two-cents: This audio-drama I believe is a most listen for any queer person, but especially for us sapphics that want and/or have been in a relationship. I think not much is said about how women are able to harm you, I remember that AN in "Nothing Burns as Bright as You" as how as a bisexual woman the author was taught to be wary of men, but never of woman and in her experience woman often hurt her the most. I remember being in a school conference talking about domestic abuse but never did it once touch on same-gender couples.
All of this is to say that as a society we often neglect to take a real look at how abuse in queer relationships look like, how they look especially in sapphic and lesbian relationships. So I am entirely greatfull "Asking For It Does".
I am lucky enough to have never been in any situation that Goldie finds herself in and still I feel that I know her story not in short thanks to the amazing writer.
Also the MUSIC, the music in this podcast is amazing, and it is from a real band, that also exists within the podcast. How awesome is that!
Fanwars: The Empire Claps Back
Two passionate Star Wars fans on opposite sides of the Last Jedi debate argue via Skype after their favorite forum closes down. If you love Star Wars (or call yourself a proud member of any fandom), you’ll love this romantic comedy told via conversations.
My two cents: The trials and tribulations of being a POC in fandom, more importantly in starwars fandom and realizing that, "oh damm right, poc can spill the same dung as yt fans". And amazing if straight rom-com. I'll recommend it to anyone who wants to spend an afternoon laughing. It also futures the ever growing in popularity pair of a black woman with an asian man, whom is just slightly of an asshole.
Average Folks
Join your friendly neighborhood Prophetess Terra, and the dysfunctional Chieftain's family as they navigate life, love and creatures of an unusual sort.
My two-cents: I've binge-listened to the 1st season of this podcast. It has surprisingly great worldbuilding even though the story develops in a relatively small town. Terra is a great protagonist to follow around bu the characters that really stand out for me are the kids of the Chief and their own aspirations/conflicts about the place their family has on society. It is a bit politician/rich/monarch apologist though.
Deep Blue Stars
Dr. Indigo Hale treads upon a mysterious island, inhabited by nothing more than crabs and cranes, where they must find a way to make it past impostor syndrome, the strange and wonderful loneliness, and the secret nature of their life's work: the Star Shell.
My two-cents: This podcast came at the precise moment of my life so I always hold it dear to my heart. I was discovering my gender in my own terms, and as always struggling with my never ending loneliness, so Dr. Indigo Hale's rambles were a soothing salve. I'll never forget that excerpt about how they felt no-human growing up, 'cause yeah, maybe is the queernes, or the neuro-divergency but it hit spot on. If you like stories of people getting stranded on a desert-island and then creating a relationship with a non-human thing/animal to survive, you'll really love this.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 6 months
by Phyllis Chesler
The young women who demonstrate for Hamas are surprisingly vulgar, physically aggressive and self-satisfied. Their body language is, dare I say it, rather male. They curse. They enjoy the discomfort they cause in Jewish onlookers. Some wear hijab and niqab (face masks). Others wear Queers for Palestine t-shirts or sport black-and-white checked keffiyehs as scarves.
These girls and women are super-sonic “mean girls.” They smirk as they triumphantly tear down posters that feature the faces of kidnapped Israeli civilians. They look quite happy with themselves when a Jewish student appears visibly distressed.
Leftist women of all ages, many of whom are Jews, and some of whom are rabbis, lead chants against Israel. They wield megaphones, blow whistles and bang drums. They are seasoned, “in your face” performers and feel utterly righteous about drowning out everything and everyone else.
Of course, the young pro-Hamas men are even louder and more menacing. They are taller and wider. They scream, mullah-style, in hoarse voices of rage and are sometimes armed with knives, sticks and guns. They use their feet and their fists to kick, hit, beat or sucker-punch anyone who dares to carry an Israeli flag, wears a Jewish star or is in any way visibly Jewish. I’ve seen this in videos and heard about it from people who were there.
This hot Jew-hatred has been brewing for a long, long time. Yet it is being experienced as sudden and unexpected. The sight of Jewish blood on Oct. 7 has activated what we may metaphorically think of as “sleeper cells” that have been well-trained in mob violence against the Jews. These mobs are now on the move around the world and on American campuses.
Young American Jewish students, both women and men, are shocked, reeling, in free fall. They are traumatized. Frightened. Students did not suspect that such Jew-hatred existed so close to home. Like Anne Frank, they truly believed that all people were basically good. (Frank never exactly believed that, however.)
Such Jewish students are not prepared for a pogrom; or for the fact that Israel is now fighting an existential battle for its survival.
From a psychological and practical point of view, here’s what the students must learn. I am now addressing them directly:
First, you must understand that you have suddenly been drafted into a war. You must think like soldiers. In particular, you must accept that it does not matter if your enemies do not like or love you. A soldier’s only duty is to fight to win.
Second, you have to learn not to take anything personally. If you are cursed as “colonialists, racists, Islamophobes, capitalists,” it has nothing to do with you, who you are or anything that you’ve done. Jew hatred/antisemitism/anti-Zionism is a sickness, a virus, a plague that has afflicted Jew-haters. The shame is theirs, not yours.
Third, you must accept the fact that, despite exceptions, most people, both young and old, tend to be cowards and conformists. If you stand up to evil, if you stand up for Israel, you will lose friends, teachers, employers, even family members who may strongly disagree with you. This is the price that telling this particular truth exacts.
Fourth, you—or your parents or Jewish and Christian organizations—must fund armed guards to keep each one of you safe, just as synagogues and Jewish centers require armed guards. More importantly, you must spend at least a year or more learning Krav Maga or some other form of self-defense.
Believe it or not, if civilian haters, even in mobs, know they you know how to fight, they may decide to leave you alone. It’s happened many times before in Jewish history.
Fifth, it is important that you find like-minded students and meet regularly both in person and on the internet.
You have no choice. Please realize that the sight of Jewish blood excites and thrills the Jew-haters. The sight of Jews fighting back brilliantly and methodically, as the IDF is currently doing, enrages the Jew-haters.
We are not going to win any popularity contests no matter what we do. Like Golda Mair, I say: Let’s survive. Let’s win. We are in that kind of battle.
I must thank trauma psychiatrist Dr. Larry Amsel, with whom I discussed these ideas. You will hear more from both of us soon.
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shannankle · 1 year
Queer and Crip Temporality in the Eighth Sense and Giovanni's Room
I've been thinking the last week about how The Eighth Sense represents mental health and queerness through a fractured sense of time. It got me thinking about the concepts of queer and crip time which I think the show is depicting. I've also been thinking about how the parallels between how the The Eighth Sense captures experiences of fracture and abjection in a similar way to the novel Giovanni's Room.
For reference:
Part 1: Queer and Crip Time explained
Part 2: Giovanni's Room
Part 3: The Eighth Sense
Queer time and Crip Time
Queer time is a concept that touches on the way that queer lives don't progress in the normative way that non-queer lives tend to. It's a temporal displacement from the norm that queers expectations of heteronormative progress. As a small example, think of the way that many queer folks don't experience many traditional coming of age milestones in the same form or pace as is often expected; things such as dating or going through one's desired puberty may often come much later in life.
Notions of crip time build on the notion of queer time while thinking about disability. This captures in part the way that many disabled lives run on a different time scale, much like with queerness. From the way that a flare or doctor's visits can run a person ragged, taking up their time. To the way that lying in bed, isolated from society, time expands in ways ablebodied folks rarely experience. Crip time, like forms of queer time, however, also refers to a resistant mode of thinking about disabled futures. It interrogates the ableist impulse to envision the future without disability, while opening up for thinking about what a crip future might look like.
In an important way queer and crip time, and representations of them, are both about capturing a lived experience and about imagining otherwise.
2. Queer Time and Abjection in Giovanni's Room
I want to start first by thinking about Giovanni's Room because I think both this novel and The Eighth Sense use queer time in similar ways, but are striving towards different conclusions. So I think it's useful to use Giovanni's Room as a base.
The novel by James Baldwin follows David, an American man who moves to Paris where he begins to navigate his bisexuality and internalized homophobia when he begins a relationship with an Italian bartender Giovanni. The story is told primarily as a flashback, moving between a telling of David and Giovanni's relationship and fallout and the present moment (what David calls "the night which is leading to the most terrible morning of my life") where David is passing the evening before Giovanni's execution.
While the novel structurally plays with time to tell it's story, it also embeds time into the narrative in more symbolic ways as well. Throughout the novel, Giovanni is associated with atemporality, constantly out of step with the flow of Paris life due to his poverty and queerness which require him to work the night shift at a bar. Giovanni is placed both in opposition to normative time but also dependent on it for his financial survival. He gets off work just before dawn as the rest of the city begins it's day. As a shift laborer (he works as a bartender at a gay bar) he must work within a specific schedule for survival, and his poverty and queerness force him out of step with the rhythms of normative society. In this way, atemporality is a form of abjection or social death.
At the same time, Giovanni also turns to atemporality as a form of queer refuge when he is not working particularly within the space of his room where David spends time with him. David recalls that "life in that room seemed to be occuring beneath the sea. Time flowed past indifferently above us; hours and days had no meaning." Giovanni's room becomes a space where time has no meaning, making it free from social constructs of time. All of this, importantly, is carried by the metaphor of the sea, which on the surface marks time by the movement of the tides and the moon, but deep below the surface these tides become imperceptible. And after Giovanni loses his job, David notes how he feels as if he is sinking deeper.
Unfortunately, in Giovanni's Room Baldwin depicts this queer refuge as unsustainable. Temporal norms demand that the body must labor and do so on a specific schedule or social death turns into literal death. After losing his job when his boss tries to exploit him sexually Giovanni sinks further into poverty before killing his former boss and facing execution. At the same time, conformity is also framed as death. David ultimately struggles with his attraction to men. At one point he sleeps with a woman to test his manhood noting afterwards that at this point "I simply wondered about the dead because their days had ended and I did not know how I would get through mine." Baldwin sets up a tension, where the characters can neither escape the norm nor conform since both bring death.
3. Queer and Crip Time in The Eighth Sense
Like Giovanni's Room, The Eighth Sense relies on a fractured and displacement of time to convey the abject nature of queer experience, particularly through the editing style and the way this conveys JaeWon's experience. Of course, I would argue that The Eighth Sense leans towards a more optimistic resolution (at least so far) while interweaving an exploration of trauma, mental illness, and disability with queerness (in comparison to Giovanni's Room which primarily interweaves social class).
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Throughout the show JaeWon faces the strain of normative time and a lingering feeling of too-lateness. He is on the cusp of graduation, like many of the seniors he is expected to take the next step soon of finding a job and entering the rhythms of the workforce. We can feel the strain of this in many ways. For example, the fact that he would like to try out a different career path (photography) but tells his therapist that he feels it is too late.
This too-lateness, of course, also ties into both his queerness and his experience with trauma. Experiencing his brother's death and feeling that he was to blame, that he was in every way too late to save a life that meant so much to him. This affects his relationship with JiHyun after the accident. Once again he failed someone close to him. And in his eyes we can see how he has given up, that in his mind it is all too late. Too late to choose the happiness JiHyun brings him, too late to remove the mask he wears around others, too late to trace a future that doesn't just repeat the past.
The stylistic way in which the show edits and chops up time shows this fracturing well, capturing the way trauma can crip time and the way non-normativity can lead to an internal sense of abjection. Much like Giovanni's Room we see the pressure of normativity and the way this fractures JeaWon, and of course the show subtly gestures to one potential end point when his therapist asks if he has been considering extreme options.
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In another similarity to Giovanni's Room, the strain of normative time is contrasted with spaces that offer queer escape, where time expands and normative progression is cast aside. The ocean for him is in some ways that space. We see this most in how JiHyun becomes a safe space for JaeWon. He tells his therapist that he is "happy with him" to which she responds "I can tell that he offers you a place to rest." As @respectthepetty and others have noted, this is shown visually as JiHYun brings light to JaeWon's world.
It is also captured on their beach trip in episode 6. The dreamlike quality and temporal jumping can be read as a way of conveying the refuge of queer and crip space that throws of the shackles of normativity through a sense of atemporality. I think we might also consider the therapists office as a quasi space of crip refuge. While these scenes are still darkly lit and not so dreamlike, they similarly serve as a space where JaeWon's trauma is not fully hidden behind a mask or himself in shadow.
It is largely the ocean which centrally stands in symbolically as this space of refuge for JaeWon and of course as JiHyun comes further into his life, the two merge as JaeWon brings him to the ocean for their trip. Yet, as episode 6 closes, we see this space of refuge, much like in Giovanni's Room prove unsustainable, marked by the threat of death and loss when JiHyun is hurt and this refuge slips away in JaeWon's eyes. He is sinking deeper.
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Once again we are faced with both paths leading to abjection and death. However, while the last few episodes have not aired yet, I do believe that The Eighth Sense pushes for a different conclusion than Giovanni's Room and we see this in JiHyun. Like David in Giovanni's Room he comes to find himself in the big city, but instead of internalizing homophobia, he challenges himself to be brave. He is building a network of caring people, many of whom are themselves outcasts in some way, finding new ways to think about queer futures. Even his choice to work sidesteps the grueling constraints of capitalist labor by finding a place where he is valued by his boss (note how often she assures him he doesn't have to work, it's a choice). Again, the final episodes aren't out yet, but I believe the show is building to an alternate conclusion, one where JiHyun and JaeWon can both find it in themselves to choose a future, a future that is crip and queer and not too late, but rather infinite.
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trans-axolotl · 10 months
Hope this isn’t too random, but what are your thoughts on transformative justice? Some of my favorite prison abolitionist writers also advocate for transformative justice, but I know it’s not a universal belief among them (Sorry if you’ve discuss it before, I’m a new follower!)
hi anon!
Transformative justice is definitely a topic I'm very drawn to (have discussed it a little bit in this post in a psych abolition context.) For any followers who don't know what TJ is, I'll post this quote from Mia Mingus:
"Transformative Justice (TJ) is a political framework and approach for responding to violence, harm and abuse. At its most basic, it seeks to respond to violence without creating more violence and/or engaging in harm reduction to lessen the violence. TJ can be thought of as a way of “making things right,” getting in “right relation,” or creating justice together. Transformative justice responses and interventions 1) do not rely on the state (e.g. police, prisons, the criminal legal system, I.C.E., foster care system (though some TJ responses do rely on or incorporate social services like counseling); 2) do not reinforce or perpetuate violence such as oppressive norms or vigilantism; and most importantly, 3) actively cultivate the things we know prevent violence such as healing, accountability, resilience, and safety for all involved...TJ was created by and for many of these communities (e.g. indigenous communities, black communities, immigrant communities of color, poor and low-income communities, communities of color, people with disabilities, sex workers, queer and trans communities). It is important to remember that many of these people and communities have been practicing TJ in big and small ways for generations–trying to create safety and reduce harm within the dangerous conditions they were and are forced to live in." -Transformative Justice: A brief Description
A great resource for learning more is Transform Harm, which was a whole section on transformative justice. I'd also really reccomend reading Beyond Survival: Strategies and Stories from the Transformative Justice Movement edited by Ejeris Dixon and Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha.
For me, when I'm thinking about psych and prison abolition, something I keep coming back to is that we can't replace these violent systems with a one-size-fits-all solution. Often when people are aren't as familiar with abolition ask us what our solutions are going to be to addressing harm without policing, prisons, and psych wards, they expect one answer in response--essentially creating another system to replace the current one. But it's not enough just to replace psych wards with peer respite, or prisons with community accountability processes. I think as abolitionists, we need to be able to embrace the fact that we will need many different approaches to address harm depending on the communities and contexts involved. In my mind, transformative justice should absolutely be one of the approaches.
And I like the way transformative justice focuses on building up existing efforts that communities are already doing, and transforming the conditions that are contributing to our communities experience of violence and harm. I also think that a lot of the most important transformative justice work is not necessarily labeled as transformative justice and that terminology is not always being used, because it's not terminology that the communities doing that work want to label it as, and i think it's important to expand any discussion of transformative justice beyond just what is labeled as TJ in organizing circles. Sometimes I think people categorize TJ as just community accountability processes and are unaware of how expansive TJ can be, and that can be really detrimental in terms of solidarity building and learning from all the work people are already just doing.
overall I think that transformative justice is a radical and important framework and is one of the approaches we should be engaging with as abolitionists, and that it's crucial for us to honor the work of those who have been engaging in TJ work for decades before it was named!
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transbookoftheday · 1 year
Trans Books To Read If You Love "Bridgerton"
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From the bestselling author of Husband Material comes a lush, sweeping queer historical romance where sparks fly between childhood friends after a life-changing separation—perfect for fans of Bridgerton, Evie Dunmore, and Lisa Kleypas!​ When Viola Carroll was presumed dead at Waterloo she took the opportunity to live, at last, as herself. But freedom does not come without a price, and Viola paid for hers with the loss of her wealth, her title, and her closest companion, Justin de Vere, the Duke of Gracewood. Only when their families reconnect, years after the war, does Viola learn how deep that loss truly was. Shattered without her, Gracewood has retreated so far into grief that Viola barely recognises her old friend in the lonely, brooding man he has become. As Viola strives to bring Gracewood back to himself, fresh desires give new names to old feelings. Feelings that would have been impossible once and may be impossible still, but which Viola cannot deny. Even if they cost her everything, all over again.
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From the USA Today bestselling author of Boyfriend Material comes a riotous Regency romp full of art, expensive hats, and a love that is nothing short of spectacular. Peggy Delancey’s not at all ready to move on from her former flame, Arabella Tarleton. But Belle has her own plans for a love match, and she needs Peggy’s help to make those plans a reality. Still hung up on her feelings and unable to deny Belle what she wants, Peggy reluctantly agrees to help her woo the famous and flamboyant opera singer Orfeo. She certainly doesn’t expect to find common ground with a celebrated soprano, but when Peggy and Orfeo meet, a whole new flame is ignited that she can’t ignore. Peggy finds an immediate kinship with Orfeo, who’s just as nonconforming as she is―and just as affected by their instant connection. They’ve never been able to find their place in the world, but as the pair walks the line between friendship, flirtation, and something more, they may just find their place with each other.
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Emma meets Snow White. Harmony has it all. Apple has nothing left to lose. A chance meeting changes everything. Having none of the “normal inducements” to marriage, Harmony Worth is content to enjoy her family’s fortune, meddle in the lives of her seven older brothers, and master her passion for brewing mead. With wealth, beauty, and wit there is not much she wants for, or so she thinks. Apple Forthwright is many things, a diviner, an illusionist, a potion master, and most importantly they’re a person on the run. Intent on surviving on their charms and staying in the shadows to avoid their wicked Mother, the last thing Apple planned to do was fall in love. With their love blossoming as Apple’s evil Mother is on the hunt, can they learn to lean on each other or will their Happily Ever After be poisoned? If you’re a fan of TV shows like ‘Once Upon a Time,’ ‘Bridgerton,’ And ‘Sanditon,’ or enjoy reading comedies of manners, you’ll love the novella “A Heart To Hold.” Featuring some of your favorite tropes: Sworn off Love They Fall First Opposites Attract The Regency Revisited series is a collection of interconnected novels set in an inventive Regency-inspired world. Each story follows its own protagonist as they go on their own journey of self-discovery, adventure, and ultimately romance. Every book has a guaranteed Happily Ever After! If you enjoy lush fantasy worlds, diverse ensemble casts, comedies of manners, and a heaping helping of humor, the world of the Regency Revisited series is awaiting your visit.
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Fans of Bridgerton will love this “delightful” Regency romp (Julia Quinn, New York Times bestselling author​) named one of the best romances of the year by Entertainment Weekly. As a master of disguise, Thomasina Wynchester can be a polite young lady—or a bawdy old man. She’ll do whatever it takes to solve the cases her family takes on. But when Tommy’s beautiful new client turns out to be the highborn lady she’s secretly smitten with, more than her mission is at stake . . . Bluestocking Miss Philippa York doesn’t believe in love. Her heart didn’t pitter-patter when she was betrothed to a duke, nor did it break when he married someone else. All Philippa desires is to decode a centuries-old manuscript to keep a modern-day villain from claiming credit for work that wasn’t his. She hates that she needs a man’s help to do it—so she’s delighted to discover the clever, charming baron at her side is in fact a woman. But as she and Tommy grow closer and the stakes of their discovery higher, more than just their hearts are at risk.
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Lady Agnes is a scandal, thanks to her sister’s marriage to a prizefighter. Or rather, she should be, but as a charitable spinster-to-be, she remains firmly invisible, even to those she loves. Always dutiful, Lady Agnes should be the toast of her family, but only if she marries well. Finding the prospect of wedding a man unpalatable, Lady Agnes cannot be the social savior of her sister. Suddenly, receiving attentions from the unpredictable and surprisingly resourceful Mr. Jack Townsend, Lady Agnes finds herself believing he might love her and not her dowry. After being overlooked for so long, can she believe he cares for her, or is she a means to an end as her family insists? Jack About Town is London’s best Finder of Lost Things. What few realize is that Jack transcends the spheres of men and women, existing as both, or perhaps neither, sex. True, his most lucrative finds are pornographic artifacts for rich toffs. But now he has found Lady Agnes, a meticulous, generous, knock-down incredible lady who wears men’s boots. Best of all, Lady Agnes accepts him in his entirety—a jewel so rare that even Jack is surprised he could find it. When Jack is commissioned to steal from Lady Agnes’s cousin, can Jack find a way to prove his love and still earn the money he needs to protect himself and his home?
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randomshyperson · 2 years
Yellow Curtains - Chapter Five - Wanda Maximoff Series
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Summary: Wanda Maximoff's senior year at Novi Grad School is duly planned for her. She has good friends, good grades, and a good system to hide who she really is. Or, the one based on Evak from the Norway Skam series, where Wanda is queer and tries to survive the last year without anyone knowing about it.
Warnings: (+18), general warnings about language and violence, legal drug use, mentions of underage drinking, high school, internalized homophobia and discovery of sexuality, explicit mentions of mental disorders (bipolarity and depression), dysfunctional family, making out, and eventual smut.
Skamverse | Series | General Masterlist | AO3 | Wattpad
Chapter Five - The Room
Nedelja 10:27 (Sunday 10:27 am)
Opening her eyes to a Taylor Swift poster in front of the bisexual flag startles Wanda.
She grunts in pain, however, because the hangover bursts on her senses once she fully awakens. She realizes that she is in a messy and cozy room and that in addition to Taylor's poster, there are countless others filling the walls, along with pictures, a dozen books, and most importantly, a glass of water with aspirin on the side of her bed.
As the medicine takes effect, she realizes that she is not alone in the room. 
You clearly did not sleep with her.  The improvised bed on the floor says so. And you are right there, close enough to touch, sitting on a chair with your back to her, nodding your head gently - a clear enjoyment of the music you are listening to in the white headphones.
Wanda lies down and looks up at the ceiling of her room, trying not to panic.
She can do this. Think about last night. Nat's birthday? Check. Much more drinking than I should have done? Check. Moaning your name during almost-sex with Vision? Holy fuck...
"You're awake." Your voice brings her out of her reveries and Wanda sits up at once, almost on alert. You spun the chair you were sitting in to look at her, and in your lap was a school book. And on your face-"
"You wear glasses." She declares, and you frown confused as if you had forgotten about them for a second. Then you chuckle, adjusting the item on your face.
"Yeah, for reading." You say shrugging. "How's your head?"
"Sore." She replies still half abruptly. How dare you find a way to make yourself more attractive than before?
You chuckle again. "Well, that's what you get for getting drunk." You mutter, adjusting the book in hand. "If you want, we always have extra towels and brushes in the bathroom. You are welcome to use any. If you want to leave, just wait for me to finish this chapter and I'll drive you."
Wanda nods, and you offer her a small smile before turning the chair around again and going back to writing. 
She decides on the first option and pushes the covers away to get up. When she realizes what she is wearing, she looks up at you.
"You showered me."
You chuckle, turning your face to her again. "You stayed in your underwear, don't worry." 
She grimaces. "That's not very hygienic..."
"Well, you were too drunk." You justify. "No way I was going to get you naked. Plus, I needed a little help getting you up here. You made a bit of a fuss, you know. Miles, my neighbor, helped me bring you in, and I cleaned you up so you wouldn't sleep with vomit on you. It was my bed after all. I know it's not the ideal scenario, but you're whining about Sabbath and I got nervous-"
"Y/N." Wanda interrupts her babble. "I'm not mad. Thank you. For well, everything."
You sigh, looking away. " No worries, Maximoff. The toothbrush is in the bottom drawer. The bathroom is the first door on the right."
Wanda smiles in thanks, and you go back to studying. She runs her gaze briefly through your belongings before exiting into the hallway.
From the number of items around, it is clearly a shared apartment. But everything is very cozy, and Wanda doesn't miss Natalya's organization there.
In the bathroom, there are several labels, and she smiles at the toothbrush compartment. From right to left, she reads on each one: 'Danvers One, Danvers Two, Mrs.Hill, Loki." As soon as she finds new toothbrushes, she brushes her teeth. 
Wanda doesn't want to be snoopy, but somehow she can't help but look around in the bathroom cabinet. There aren't that many things different from the one in her house, except for the number of pills on the top. Before she can read any of the labels, you are in the half-opened door.
"You're kind of nosy, huh?" You don't sound really angry, but Wanda swallows dryly.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to-"
You close the cabinet in front of her and shake your head. "Don't worry about it. Want to eat before you go?"
"Yeah, please.” She agrees almost immediately, and you offer her a weak smile before leading the way to the kitchen.
Wanda is surprised by the presence of another person there - It is a young man about your age, with a sleepy face. 
"Good morning, Loki" You greet as soon as you enter. 
"Good-Oh, hello." He corrects his own tone as soon as he sees Wanda. "You didn't tell me we had visitors, Y/N."
You sigh wearily. "She's leaving." You grumble, rummaging through the cabinets after some cereal. Loki doesn't mind.
"But she's here now." He argues, rising to greet Wanda. "I'm Loki Odinson, the coolest roommate in the house. What's your name?"
Wanda chuckles shyly, shaking his hand. "Wanda Maximoff."
"It's a pleasure." He offers her a charming smile, and you roll your eyes, parting their handshake with your body as you pass between them to grab the trays on the other side. Loki laughs, and Wanda tries to understand the dynamics.
"I told you not to flirt with my friends." You warn, but only get a roll of the eyes in return.
"You gotta learn to share, Danvers." Teases the other, to which you give an indignant laugh. "And beautiful things like that have to be admired..."
Wanda blushes for attention, and you huff in irritation, shoving a pot of cereal into her hand as you enter Loki's field of vision. The boy protests but you nod for Wanda to walk.
"Bye, Wanda, it's been a pleasure." Loki teases and the girl finds the grimace on your face cute.
She eats in your bed, but you go back to studying. The silence is not comfortable.
Wanda has a half-empty bowl of cereal when she finally decides to speak.
"I want to apologize to you." She declares expecting you to look at her. But you offer a quick glance, your attention divided between your notebook and your food.
"I'm all ears."
Wanda sighs, looking down. "I don't know where to begin."
"Usually apologies begin with 'I'm sorry." You mumble, and Wanda raises her eyes to see the mischievous little smile on your lips. She sets the bowl on your corner table, and sits up properly, her body toward you.
"Well, I'm sorry, Y/N."
You sigh, stopping short of smiling because Wanda seems genuinely regretful. You are about to say it's okay when she continues.
"I fucked up." She mutters. "The thing is, I like you. A lot. And the night at the pool was the most incredible night of my life, and when we were there, and it was just the two of us, I knew that. That I'd never felt that way with anyone before, and that it was perfect. But then..." Wanda pauses, swallowing dryly. "We left, and when we weren't together, all I had were my thoughts. And my head was just... Chernobyl. I kept thinking horrible things, and I started acting like an idiot. I was scared, and well, I'm still fucking scared but I know that what I feel, it's not going to go away. Believe me, I tried, and I just-"
"Wanda, stop." You cut her off and she shuts up immediately, aware that she is trembling. You give a small laugh "Breathe."
She hesitates but your eyes are so gentle, she eventually obeys. You repeat your request, again and again until Wanda realizes that the nervousness and anxiety from before are subsiding. "It's just you and me, talking in my room." You whisper at some point, and soon, Wanda realizes that yes, it is just you and her, talking in your room.
"Thank you for apologizing." You say when she is already breathing normally, and Wanda raises her eyes from the blanket to you. You offer her a smile before going back to reading. She becomes restless in less than thirty seconds. "I'm sorry I'm not paying attention to you. I just have to finish this chapter. I've been failing History because I can't stop thinking about a girl."
Wanda's heart skips a beat. She looks up at you, but you have your gaze on the book, the mischievous smile on your lips. "Oh, and... how is she like?" She chuckles at her own question, trying to hide how affected she is.
You grimace thoughtfully. "She's smart. Funny. She knows a lot of people but only has a few real friends. She's kind of a punk, but secretly listens to Taylor Swift."
Wanda lets out a shy giggle, and as she hugs one of her knees, she looks at your poster briefly. "I guess you two have things in common then." She says, and you smile at the innuendo before turning your attention back to the page. Wanda looks at you again. "I thought you didn't think she liked girls."
"Taylor or my girl?"
Wanda's stomach does a whole turn at the way you call her, but she disguises it. "Both?"
You laugh. "Well, after the cabin, I thought about our conversation." You recount. "Actually, I thought about everything. Just...you. And me, talking." You say with a small smile. "I wanted to keep some things so I wouldn't forget. And I can't draw, so I made that poster. I also added The Clash and Evanescence to my Spotify."
Wanda smiled. "How do you know I listen to those?"
You twitched your nose. "Well, maybe, but only maybe, I paid attention to you." You confess with a small smile, and Wanda feels her heart race in her chest. At first, she gets unresponsive, because it seems like a joke that all this time, you felt the same way she did. Failing in the same class because you noticed her as much as she noticed you. 
Shy at her lack of response, you look away, taking off your glasses and closing your book to return it to the table.
"I'll take you home."  You said, getting up, but Wanda looked at you pleadingly.
"Hey, maybe, we can study together." That was the first thing she thought of saying, her stomach jumping with anxiety. You frowned in surprise but laughed lightly.
"Okay? Sure, I mean. Yeah, that would be cool." You mumble clumsily, running a hand through your hair. Wanda thinks you got even more lovely. "Now?"
She is ready to say yes but remembers that she didn't even let Pietro or her mother know where she was. Denying with her head, she stands up. "I have to go home. But how about after school? When you can."
You nod quickly, turning away from her only to go to the calendars on the wall. You take out the red pen and scribble a heart with a 'WM' in it next Tuesday. Wanda thinks she is blushing.
"There, so I don't forget." You say as you return the pen to support.
Nedelja 11:05 (Sunday 11:05 am)
Many minutes later, you drove to the other side of the neighborhood in Carol's truck. Wanda asked about your sister, and you joked about how since she started dating Natasha, she hardly showed up at the apartment. Although I missed her, it was nice to be able to use the truck so often. When Wanda asked about your motorcycle, you said it was old because it belonged to an aunt, and so it was always in need of repair. Wanda vaguely remembered the cottage and how the bike arrived broken on the back of the truck, and understood why.
You dropped her off at the corner of the complex of houses she lived in at her request.
"Can't I leave you at the door?" You asked with a confused laugh, and Wanda, who was taking off her seat belt, denied with her head. "Why?"
Instead of answering, she leaned over you and kissed you deeply.  
You are taken aback by how sudden it is, and Wanda pulls away to say goodbye, but you pursue her mouth, kissing her again with need. She gasps softly, her heart racing like yours, and when your tongues touch, she feels a sharp twinge at the tip of her abdomen and breaks the kiss with an affected grunt.
"I really have to go." She recalls breathlessly, her forehead resting against yours. "And I don't want to risk getting caught like this."
"Like what?" you question equally affected, brushing your lips against theirs as you remain with your eyes closed. "With a girl? Then I won't be a girl. I'll be whatever you want me to be as long as you keep kissing me like this." You whisper, kissing your jaw and down. Wanda thinks she's going to catch fire, every cell in her body begging for your kisses again. One of your hands is firmly on her thigh, but when she feels you brush it higher, so dangerously close to where it's burning, a little bit of sense returns and she remembers that she's around the corner from home and her family must be worried.
"You're perfect just the way you are, dredge. I meant I shouldn't get caught making out in a car, not the first impression my mom should have of you. And I really have to let her know that I didn't die." Wanda jokes breathlessly, and you pull your face away to look at her, in a very passionate way that makes Wanda shudder.
"Then go before I keep you here, pretty girl." You whisper, stealing another kiss from her.
Wanda giggles against your lips, moving her hand to the doorframe and escaping your kisses before she can no longer force herself to leave.
You drive away just as Wanda passes through a gate, offering her a wink as she looks back to wave you goodbye.
Wanda has a stupid, insistent smile on her face as she enters, but it completely disappears when she walks in and sees her brother at the dining table.
Or rather, the purple on his face.
"What the hell happened to you?" she questions in concern, approaching him at a quick pace.
"Language!"  Natalya complains with a cup of coffee in hand, sitting in the front chair. Pietro complains softly about Wanda's fingers on his bruises.
"It was nothing." He grumbles, but the brunette grimaces. Natalya sighs.
"He got involved in a fight." Counters her mother with certain disapproval in her voice. Wanda looks at him indignantly.
"Pietro? He doesn't fight."
"God, you two." Pietro stands up impatiently. "I told you it was nothing-"
"Who did it?"
"Wanda, mind your own business-"
But he stormed angrily out of the kitchen. Before Wanda could go after him, her mother asked her to stay. She turns away with a frustrated grumble.
Natalya watches her intently. "I let you two go to a party together last night. Your brother returned covered in bruises, and you didn't even come back. How are we going to deal with this, Wanda?"
The brunette swallows dryly, propping her hands on the chair. "I slept over at a friend's house, and my cell phone went off. I was safe. Now about Pietro, I didn't know he was in a fight."
Natalya takes a sip of her coffee quietly, looking thoughtful. "Did you sleep at a girl's or boy's house?"
Wanda sighs. "Does it make a difference?"
Her mother raises an eyebrow, half surprised. "Oh, I suppose not." She says somewhat teasingly, and Wanda swallows her nervousness downward. "As long as you wore protection..."
"Mom!" Wanda cuts in embarrassed. "It wasn't that way. And I'm sorry about Pietro, I'll find out what happened-"
"Don't worry about it." Natalya cuts her off half sad, "He didn't come alone. Your skateboarding buddy, Clint Barton, told me what happened. Pietro is the one who isn't ready to talk about it yet."
Wanda frowns. "And what happened?"
Natalya takes a sip of coffee, shrugging. "It's your brother's place to tell you."
Wanda sighs in frustration. "Okay. I need to take a shower." She leaves the kitchen tapping her feet, and realizes that Pietro has locked the bedroom door.
Ponedeljek 8:08 (Monday 8:08 am)
Wanda was aware that the stares around her were because of the bruises on her twin's face, and she hated every second of the walk to the lockers.
Pietro refused to comment on it, answering her with vague replies that it was a silly argument and she needn't have worried, and Wanda decided to stop insisting before her brother got angry with her.
But when Clint, who always rode his skateboard to school, arrived on Bucky Barnes' bike, both of them displaying identical bruises, Wanda frowned immediately. The school was staring at them, and no one disguised it when Bucky held Clint by the waist and kissed him on the mouth while leaning on the motorcycle.
"They are lovely." Natasha teased, appearing from Wanda's side of the locker and looking in the same direction as her at the entrance to the high school where Clint and Bucky were laughing at the gentle teasing of Steve Rogers and Tony Stark who arrived to greet them. 
Wanda turned her face to her friend. "When did that happen? And you're okay with that? I mean, isn't Bucky kind of your ex?"
Nat laughed through her nose, shrugging and moving to greet Pietro who had finished putting the books away.
"If Clint is happy I'm happy." She replies. "And I guess it's been going on for a while, they were pretty close lately. A shame what happened on Saturday-"
"Nat." Pietro cuts in, shaking his head. The redhead frowns in confusion, and before the twin can insist, Wanda pushes his face away with her hand.
"Shut up Pietro." She says. "Tell me what happened, Nat." Insists the brunette.
Nat laughs at the siblings' dynamics, watching Pietro snort angrily before slamming his locker and storming angrily out into the classroom, leaving the two alone. Wanda doesn't care for his stubborn reaction.
"Didn't your brother tell you?"
"No, he's a stubborn idiot." She retorts. "But my best friend will tell me everything because she loves me deeply."
Nat chuckles, rolling her eyes. "Look, I think you're going to find out anyway, I heard someone manage to get the record of the whole fight from a security camera." Natasha comments, starting to walk towards the room with Wanda at her heels. "Looks like Clint, Bucky, Pietro, and Barry Allen from the race team, you know? They went to buy more drinks for the party and got back on their feet because Carol's sister was using the truck. I'm not sure why the fight started, but they were surrounded by some unknown guys in the market parking lot. It was a nasty fight, and it would have been worse if the owner hadn't threatened to call the police. When Clint called, I ended the party. I wanted to take him to a hospital, but he insisted that everyone was fine, just a little sore. I went to his home yesterday and he told me they were some homophobic bastards, and that was it."
"Fucking shit, Nat." Wanda grumbles in shock, to which the redhead just shrugs and a sad smile. Before they can enter the room, the brunette calls out to her. "Can we go out to lunch together today? I want to talk to you."
Nat raises an eyebrow, but smiles. "Of course, sweetie."
Ponedeljek 13:05 (Monday 01:05 pm)
"Look at this, it looks like I'm unblocked. I find myself obligated to fill your cell phone with memes."
Wanda smiles affectionately at your message. She retorts with a smiley and heart emoji before locking her device and walking over to her friend at the school entrance, wrapped in Carol Danvers' arms.
"Can I be a monster and interrupt the couple, ladies?" She asks aloud, and the two girls break the kiss with giggles. 
"Hey, Maximoff." Carol greets without letting go of Nat, "How are you?"
"Hungry." Wanda replies truthfully receiving a giggle in return. "I will return your girlfriend after I eat, I promise."
The blonde raises an eyebrow and Natasha laughs as she does. Wanda doesn't understand the reaction, nor Carol's insouciance next, "You're going to do what with my girlfriend, Maximoff?"
"Have lunch...?"
"Stop tormenting her Carol." Nat cuts her off with a pat on the shoulder, still laughing, "Come on Wands." Nat kisses her girlfriend before pulling Wanda by the hand, and they walk out together through the schoolyard towards the food trucks and restaurants area down the street. Since they were younger, the Hex Anomaly, a -punk-alternative pub, was their favorite lunch spot. It had a rotating menu and always seemed to serve exactly what Wanda would like to eat.
The girls chatted about various subjects on the way - Wanda talked about school, Pietro and his mysterious fight, and about Erik's missed calls on her cell phone or how she was trying to get a job, and Natasha complained about boys sneaking in to spy on the school ballet practice and causing all her classmates to feel uncomfortable, and also Yelena staying in her home for the holidays this year.
Today the Hex was serving a Mexican menu, and after getting their tacos, tortillas, and nachos, Wanda and Natasha sat down at a table in the back of the crowded pub. 
Natasha had just finished complimenting the food when Wanda cleared her throat and commented: "I wanted to apologize for Saturday." 
But Nat shook her head, her frown slightly frowning.
"Oh, Wands, don't worry about that." She said gesturing a little. "We were both a little drunk, and I've known you for ages, I know you have no problem with me liking girls. Whatever issue you and Y/N are having is your business and I shouldn't be accusing you or yelling at you without knowing what's going on."
Wanda shakes her head. "No, Nat, I mean it. I'm sorry. I've been really jerky lately, and you're right, we've been friends forever. You tell me everything, and I want to be honest with you too."
Natasha smiles warmly, reaching out to give Wanda's hand a gentle squeeze on the top of the table before bringing it back to her lap. "All right, sweetie, tell me what you want to tell me then." Nat speaks with an encouraging smile, and Wanda takes a deep breath.
"Well, I've been acting weird because of someone I like."
Nat hums interested, raising an eyebrow. "Vision, right?"
Wanda chuckles shortly, impressed that she didn't even remember the boy's existence until he was mentioned. "No, not Vision." She says, swallowing her nervousness away. "I'll give you a hint. It's not a boy."
Natasha assumes a thoughtful expression for a moment and takes the opportunity to eat a cheese-stuffed nacho. Wanda awaits her response with her heart racing in her chest.
"Is it me?" Risks the redhead, and Wanda's eyes widen, a nervous giggle escaping her lips.
"What? No! No, of course not!"
The redhead laughs, shrugging. "What? It could be. I'm super hot." She comments, making Wanda laugh and roll her eyes.
"Not you, Nat." Wanda insists, and Natasha chuckles again before sighing.
"Well, then who?"
"Don't wanna guess?"
Nat twitches her nose. "Нет (No)." She laughs. "You have a lot of options, Wands, you know a lot of people. It's not Carol, is it? That would be weird..."
"Of course not, Natasha!" Wanda assures her laughing. She then looks down, swallowing dryly. "But it's a Danvers."
Natasha makes a soft grimace at the surprise and then gives a short laugh. "Of course. That makes sense." She says looking at Wanda. "You two had some weird tension going on, now I understand it was sexual."
Wanda laughs embarrassedly, shaking her head. " Are you not... surprised? That I'm, um... queer too?"
Nat chuckles, denying with her head. "To be honest, I always got the impression."
Wanda's eyes widen slightly. "What? How?"
Nat laughs again. "Wanda, for heaven's sake, it's not often that straight girls agree to kiss their friends at every opportunity. You were my first kiss, and second, and third..."
"Okay, I get it." Wanda interrupts with a nervous laugh, pushing back memories of drunken parties where she and Natasha would make out for 'fun'. She sighs next. "Damn, I wish I'd figured it out sooner."
Nat huffs, patting her on the shoulder. "Hey, relax. It's a hard thing. I thought I only liked girls until last year, don't you remember? And then I met Bucky. Sexuality is a complicated thing for everybody, especially if you're not straight. And let's not even talk about gender..." Wanda hums in agreement, and Natasha tastes more nachos before she speaks again. "What's going on between you and Y/N anyway? Are you two dating or is it casual?"
Wanda sighs. "I have no idea." She says. "We kissed on Sunday when she drove me home, but before that, I and half the school saw her making out with a blonde girl at your birthday party."
Nat twitches her nose. "Oh, I don't think that meant anything, honey." She says. "It was for truth or dare, and everyone was kind of drunk. But Y/N left the party with her ex-boyfriend after that..."
"I saw them arguing." Wanda retorts. "But I don't remember anything at all. I was just going around drinking like crazy instead of dealing with what I was feeling for her. And I was lucky that it was precisely Y/N who drove me to her house."
Nat gives an insinuating little smile. "And you guys slept all cuddled up, huh?"
With flushed cheeks, Wanda denies it. "She was very respectful, even made a bed on the floor for her. And I apologized for the way I was acting, and she drove me home. So we kissed in the car, and tomorrow I'm going to study at her house."
"Human anatomy I suppose." Nat teases getting another embarrassed grunt from her friend.
"History, smarty-pants." Wanda clarifies with flushed cheeks. "We are both failing at that subject."
Nat pretends to believe it. "Oh, and there's no better place to study than in her room right?"
"God, you're the worst." Wanda complains giggling, and Natasha giggles too. They eat between giggles for a moment, until the redhead says:
"I hope things work out between you guys." She says sincerely. "You seem happy. When you talk about her."
Wanda swallows dryly, nodding. "Yeah, that's how I feel around her also."
Nat offers her an assuring smile, and the two go back to eating.
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wishesofeternity · 2 years
I really do love Goncharov like it's about guns, it's about the mafia, it's about intergenerational trauma, it's about cultural discordance and the alienation of identity, it's about class divisions, it's about the cold war and the iron curtain and the trauma of an era that's apocalyptic and rotting and glorified to gold. it's about Naples. it's about power and exploitation and the inherent corruption of governments. it's about cigarettes and bridges and lonely trains. it's satirical. it's about gender, about femme fatales, about divorce, about tragic women and terrible women and women covered in blood. it's about homoerotic tension and queer subtexts, it's about Jesus and Judas, it's about Arthur and Lancelot and Guinevere, it's about the violence of passion and tenderness of bitter grief. it's about the power and entrapment of names. it's about broken mirrors. it's about boats and the sea and the weight of memory, it's about ghosts that haunt the narrative, it's a tragedy where there are no good choices and no good people, where fate is a prison and time is a monster that is impossible to outrun. it's about the slow ticking of the unstoppable clock. it's about characters trapped by a legacy of violence, trapped in a cycle of death, trapped in a story that begins and ends in blood, because they are starving and will devour each other to survive. it's about corpses who don't know they're dead. it's about the inevitability of tragedy. it's about how love can exist despite it, how love can exist because of it. it's about glimpses of humanity amid so much blood. it's about what could have been and what never was, a mirror into a kinder world that can never exist. and most importantly it's about the power of Tumblr's imagination.
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sitp-recs · 8 months
Hey hey, I just found your blog so I'm sorry if you already recommended these fics (or don't do fic recs).
Do you know any drarry fics were there is some type of makeover like a house makeover, finding a new job, getting new clothes for Harry, ... Or Draco is just really stylish and sure of himself? I'm thinking something like Turn, House Proud, Heal Thyself or Let him lead me to the banquet.
If you know any fics like these which aren't drarry that would also be really nice.
Wishing you a lovely october :)
Hello, Happy October! I adore those fics you’ve mentioned, they’re all incredible. I do feel like astolat captures this proud, confident Draco perfectly - it’s one my fave characterizations! I think you might enjoy these fics if you haven’t read them yet, they’re a mix of makeover trope and fashionista/confident Draco:
Burning Down the House by @peachpety (M, 4k)
Harry is happy as editor-in-chief of The Quibbler. From planning to printing, design to deadlines, he enjoys being in the hot seat. And after vanquishing Voldemort, managing fires is an easy part of the job. Until his scorching crush on his impeccably dressed fashion editor flares out of control, and he's forced to face actual fires.
Sex on Legs in Six-Inch Heels by @tessacrowley (E, 9k)
Draco Malfoy is a brilliant freelance cursebreaker and the only one who can help the Department of Magical Law Enforcement with a very dangerous case, but more importantly, he's wearing six-inch heels, and Harry cannot handle it, he really just can't.
Haute Allure by @lol-zeitgeistic (E, 12k)
Harry is famous for his menswear now. Malfoy is the inside leg that he loves running his tape measure up.
Party of Two by fireflavored (E, 13k)
Drinking, sex, and a total misreading of the concept of fuck buddies.
A Saviour’s Guide to Manners and Decorum by @wolfpants (E, 13k)
Honorary Minister Harry Potter (yes, he's fully aware his job title is meaningless, and he quite likes it that way) is a disaster at public events. After seven years of dealing with his boorish behaviour, cringey table manners, and clumsy dancing, the Ministry's press team take matters into their own hands and hire Wixen Britain's leading Etiquette and Deportment Expert, Draco Malfoy, to take on the challenge of cleaning up Harry's image before the Ministry's 300th Anniversary Celebration Gala.
Queer Eye (For the Wizarding Guy) by Magnolia822 (E, 23k)
Harry’s life is fine. He might be a little disorganised, and maybe he needs a bit of a haircut, but he’s fine. Really. He doesn’t need a lifestyle intervention, especially when the one giving it is Draco sodding Malfoy and his team of queer fashion and design experts. Of course Harry’s friends disagree, and now he is stuck with Malfoy for a week. One of them might not survive.
Slithering by astolat (E, 27k)
Draco found the nest down in the Manor’s cellars, while he was clearing them out.
'Tis a Far Better Thing by @the-sinking-ship (E, 37k)
'Tis a far, far better thing doing stuff for other people — or however the Muggle saying goes — because Potter is in need of professional help, and Draco is just the man to give it to him.
Shine, Even in the Darkness by raitala (E, 41k)
Harry hasn’t seen Draco for over fifteen years, but now he’s showing up everywhere and Harry is sort of weirdly attracted to him, but that can’t be right?
Nights With You by @the-sinking-ship (E, 58k)
Draco is mortified when moments prior to departing for the most anticipated destination wedding of the year, he is cruelly dumped. But when he learns that Harry Potter has, at long last, split with his horrible boyfriend, Draco is certain his luck has changed. Never a man to squander an opportunity for revenge (and what would probably be a spectacular shag), Draco vows to make Potter his for the weekend. Now all Draco has to do is convince him.
Home Truths by @skeptiquewrites (E, 67k)
In the off-season Harry decided to fix up Grimmauld Place and found that Draco Malfoy was the only person who could help him. A demanding career and unrelenting press scrutiny were enough to deal with before Harry added a house with a mind of its own, family history, and a tense, flirty, complicated relationship with his childhood nemesis to the mix.
Life Lessons by @bixgirl1 (E, 68k)
On the cusp of a promotion, Harry needs a little help with his image. Enter Draco Malfoy — who doesn't really do that, Potter — to whip him into shape… and make him feel things he hasn't for a very long time.
Criminal by @the-sinking-ship (E, 83k)
Things were going just fine for Draco Malfoy. He successfully conned and counted cards across Europe and America, amassing a small fortune, along with a lengthy rap sheet. That was until he made the grave mistake of returning to England for a high stakes card game and got himself caught – by Harry Potter no less. Now, Draco is stuck in England under Auror Potter’s guard with no friends, no distractions, and no escape. How the hell will he pass the time? And since when did Potter get so bloody fit?
Bonus: art!
Dropped Dead Gorgeous by dustmouth (T)
Draco Malfoy is hired to organise a funeral party on the anniversary of Harry Potter's first death. This of course has everything to do with how he is a true artiste with lace, fripperies, and dead bodies, and absolutely nothing to do with why Harry Potter keeps inviting him out to dinner.
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schrijverr · 2 years
The Eddie
Steve’s a teacher and constantly talking about his sweet and caring partner, Eddie. When they finally meet him, they are confronted with the fact that sweet Eddie is a metal band leader, who is very intimidating.
This is very much based off this post by @harringtonisms
On AO3.
Ships: Steve x Eddie
Warnings: none really.
Mr. Harrington, or Steve as he begs his students to call him, is an oddity at the local public high school. He is still young, muscled but slender, with most girls fawning over him and his hair. He dresses sporty (expected of a PE teacher) but also soft for his hours as guidance counselor. Most importantly he is openly queer, which is very rare in 90s Indiana.
And Steve probably wouldn’t have gotten far in his career if he didn’t have the biggest ‘I don’t give a fuck’-attitude out there. Whenever parents complain or student comment, he’ll just raise his brow, like their opinion is so far out of the ballpark of his worries that caring about it seems plainly ridiculous.
So, he still works as a teacher and guidance counselor, and despite the setbacks he is massively popular under the students.
His PE classes aren’t like most. He has a rigorous stretching and warming up routine as well as a cooling down period, which everyone is required to follow to a t, though he doesn’t care much about how well they participate with the actual lesson. And he always talks while they go through the routine, either about self care or something he saw or anything random.
Those talks are the reason everyone is aware Steve is not straight, because he always – always – mentions his partner Eddie at least once. It’s like he won’t survive if he doesn’t mention the man every hour.
Jessie absolutely adores Steve. She is currently a Senior and has had Steve for PE throughout her entire school career, a fact she can’t be more glad about. She hates PE and Steve has never cared that she always sat on the bench as long as she participated with stretching, warming up and cooling down. And as a closeted lesbian, Steve is quite a comfort about her own future.
She loves hearing Steve talk about whatever Eddie did that day, because from what she has heard he is the sweetest guy out there. The way Steve talks about him is almost enough for her to go straight at this point.
Today is such a day. They’re stretching, following Steve’s lead as he says: “It is good to stretch. You are all too young to know, but there will come a moment in your life when sleeping wrong will affect you for a whole day. I fell asleep with Eddie on the couch last night. Don’t recommend that at all.”
He changes pose and everyone follows: “Luckily Eddie woke up in the middle of the night and carried me to bed. I guess hauling around his stuff has been good for his muscles. And I have been roping him into regular exercise, because it’s good for you. That’s why I think PE is so important, regular movement is important for everyone. It doesn’t have to be intense, you just have to keep moving every now and then. So, up, up, people, some laps, please.”
There is groaning, but everyone gets ready for laps. They all know there is no set limit or speed, you just need to keep moving for the seven minutes Steve sets. That’s all.
And the next class it is: “A pet is a good way to keep exercising when you’re a professional, since they need love and attention. What I won’t recommend is adopting three kittens.”
“Why did you adopt three then?” Johnny, one of the jocks, asks.
Steve rolls his eyes and says: “Because Eddie didn’t want to separate any of them from their siblings,” in a tone that is too fond for the annoyance he’s trying to convey.
“That’s kinda sweet,” Amanda comments and Jessie can’t help but agree with the cheerleader.
“It is, but he isn’t the one that got woken up at 5:00 AM by multiple kittens on his face,” Steve rolls his eyes, finishing the cooling down. “Anyway, my point is, think of things you enjoy that bring movement into your life. It’s not really homework, more something to consider.”
After that they all file out of the gym to get changed in the musty changing room that has seen the sweat of too many teenagers.
And the talk of Eddie doesn’t stick to his classes. Jessie goes to counseling with him, appreciating how he takes her seriously, how he never presumes to know her better and his suggestions are actually helpful, like he has been through something himself.
But that doesn’t stop him from coming in with a rumpled sweater as he says: “Sorry, I look a mess. Eddie is away right now and he usually irons my clothes in the morning.”
“Eddie irons your clothes every morning?” Jessie asks, unable to help herself, craving to know more about her teacher’s domestic life, even though it’s a bit strange.
However, going off Steve’s soft look, he doesn’t mind one bit to talk about his partner. “Yeah, he’s really sweet. He has looser hours, but he gets up with me anyway. Always says that since he doesn’t have to get dressed that it’s the least he can do.”
“That’s really sweet,” Jessie smiles.
“It is,” Steve agrees, before shuffling through his notes, glasses perched on his face. “Now, you said last time you’ve been sleeping a little better, that still the case?” And with that they move back to Jessie and her problems.
Still, even without guidance counselor sessions the Senior class has a pretty good idea of who Eddie is. He is a sweetheart and a softy, but overall an average caring dude, who has managed to capture the heart of their PE teacher.
But when they actually meet the man, no one recognizes him.
They’re in PE class, doing the cooling down when Jessie notices a man at the doorway, who instantly makes her uncomfortable with the way they are all bend over. He is dressed in black ripped jeans, a dark gray shirt with red letters reading ‘The Devil Was an Angel Too’ and has a leather jacket on. His neck is full of chains and his hands adorned by rings, hints of tattoos peaking out everywhere.
Yet, he does nothing but stand there for a moment, leaning against the door frame. His long dark, curly hair hides his expression, so Jessie doesn’t know what he’s staring at exactly. Though he seems relaxed, one leg crossed over the other, heavy boot resting on its tip.
Obliviously Steve continues on, moving into another stretch as he continues: “This is very good for you back, important for you all since you’re carrying a heavy bag around. I try to get Eddie to do this every night, but he’s so stubborn.”
“You shouldn’t be spreading lies like that, sweetheart,” the man speaks up, immediately getting the attention of everyone.
A hushed whispers go to the group of students as everyone notices the man, who at least sounds much nicer than he looks like, despite the words. However, more notable is how Steve lights up at the sudden appearance as he loudly exclaims: “Eddie! What are you doing here?”
That gets even more attention as multiple people repeat the name in surprise. Everyone giving up the pretense of cooling down in favor of gawking at The Eddie.
The Eddie in question looses a bit of his confidence under the students, before puffing himself up and grinning, revealing a sweet face. “That’s my name, don’t wear it out,” before turning to Steve and asking: “Have you been talking about me, princess?”
Steve has finally made his way through the crowd and is hugging the man closely. His soft colorful work out clothes contrast heavily against the metal look of Eddie. He is beaming as he shrugs: “I can’t help that you’re my favorite topic.”
“You flatter me,” Eddie smiles and his face and voice speaks to how much he adores the man in his arms.
“Not that I don’t love to see you, but you were supposed to come home tonight. Did something happen on tour?” Steve asks, brow furrowing as he tucks a bit of hair behind Eddie’s ear.
“Nah, all good,” Eddie assures him. “We got home early, because I drove for a bit so our driver could rest.”
Steve snorts: “Probably not that restful with you behind the wheel.”
“Uhm, excuse you,” Eddie guffaws, faux offended. “I distinctly remember one very eventful drive in that stolen RV.”
“Special circumstances and we gave that back,” Steve protests as the class raises their eyebrows to each other at the information they’re learning about their nice teacher.
“Sure, sweetheart,” Eddie smirks, before procuring a bag. “I was planning on crashing, but saw you forgot your lunch, so, you know, two birds on stone. You need the food and I was starved off your face, pretty boy.”
Suddenly the caring softie they’ve come to know through the stories. Because no matter how intimidating Eddie looks, that all falls away in how he looks at Steve. Not to mention how he came here, despite the fact that he was tired, just to see Steve and make sure he’s okay.
Jessie is near tears at the thought of someone caring so much, before she starts to think closer. Her little brother had mentioned one of his bands to her, shown her pictures too. And this man before her seemed very familiar for some reason.
“Oh my god,” she’s suddenly loudly yelling, despite hating attention, “you’re Eddie Munson! You’re the lead singer of Corroded Coffin. My brother loves you.”
Everyone is looking at her, but she’s looking at Eddie, who first looks surprised then a big smile breaks out on his face. “Your brother has great taste,” Eddie tells her.
“Wait he’s famous?” Amanda asks.
Now Eddie looks bashful as he explains: “I won’t say famous-famous. We can get a crowd, but we’re not doing world tours exactly. It’s a metal band.”
“I’m glad you don’t,” Steve interjects. “I don’t think I could miss you for that long.”
“If I ever get that famous, you can quit your job and travel with me,” Eddie promises, kissing Steve’s temple. Before he teases: “You can finally embrace your trophy wife tendencies.”
Steve playfully slaps his chests and protests: “I don’t have trophy wife tendencies.”
“Tell that to the mayor after they cleared my name.” Eddie hip bumps him.
“He deserved that,” Steve replies, face darkening.
“Alright, lets not get into that now,” Eddie placates him. “You obviously have a class to teach and I’ve distracted you enough. I should go and let you get back to teaching.”
And Jessie swears she’s seen her little cousins pull similar faces to Steve’s as he pleads: “My break is right after. You can wait for a little, right?” Eddie looks on the fence, so Steve pulls out the big guns. “I haven’t seen you in a month, Eds. Please.”
“Alright, alright, sweetheart,” Eddie gives in. “I’ll wait in your office.”
“Great,” Steve smiles in that smug way that one smiles after winning an argument or getting their way. Then he turns to the class and says: “Come on, walking people. No running. This is to cool down, not to get you pumped up again.”
As they walk, Jessie suddenly has more friends than before as everyone comes to question her what she knows about Eddie. She doesn’t know much, often tuning her little brother out, but she knows more than most.
So, they spend the last minutes of class gossiping about how different Eddie is to what they though he’d be like. At first Jessie can talk along, until they start mention how hot he is. To save herself, she mumbles something about him having a nice voice, before quickly making her way to the changing rooms.
Once she’s done, she hesitates. If she tells her brother about this and she didn’t get Eddie’s autograph, he’ll kill her, but she also doesn’t want to interrupt the recent reunion of the two. In the end, she swings by at the end of her lunch period.
Tentatively she knocks on the door until she gets permission to enter. Then she opens the door, popping in her head. Eddie is sitting on the usual talking chair, though he’s sprawled over it, while Steve sits in his own chair, leaning heavily on the table to be closer to Eddie. When he sees her, he smiles: “Ah, Jessie, anything I can help you with?”
“Oh, uhm,” she stumbles. “This is a bit embarrassing, but my little brother will murder me, if I didn’t ask for your autograph, Mr. Munson.”
Eddie snorts. “Mr. Munson, did ya hear that, princess? They have some respect for me, unlike your rascals.”
“My rascals are also yours and I had nothing to do with their manners,” Steve protests.
“Yeah, yeah,” Eddie waves him away, before focusing back on Jessie and giving her a disarming and sweet smile. “And it’s no problem, I’m glad your brother likes our music so much. You have anything particular to sign?”
“Uhm, not really and thanks so much,” she tells him.
“Here,” Steve hands him a piece of paper alongside a pen.
Eddie raises a brow at him and asks: “Do you have always our merch just lying around in your office like that?” before signing and handing Jessie a card with the full band on it.
Steve shrugs: “Of course.”
“God, your perfect, I love you,” Eddie breathes as if he’s in awe of Steve. It makes Jessie feel a bit like she’s intruding on a special moment, but she can’t bring herself to look away either. Because Steve is blushing and having a soft smile in turn and they just look so goddamn happy.
Unable to stop herself, she says: “Thanks again. I hope you get to catch up properly, you’re an adorable couple.”
Both of them send her a knowing smile, before thanking her and sending her on her merry way. She doesn’t know what she feels exactly, but she feels mostly seen and happy. Maybe hopeful for the future.
With lighter spirit she walks through the hallways, she can’t wait for next PE class.
I considered making Steve a History teacher, because it would make the story easier to get him talking and he does seem like someone who could become a History teacher, but actually cool PE teacher!Steve lives in my brain rent free XP
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scifrey · 3 months
Tumblr media
I am BEYOND thrilled with the gorgeous cover the WBYWATTPAD team created. It's whimsical, and romantic, and most importantly it's the colors of the bi flag.
The book itself drops November 2024, and you can pre-order it here.
About the Book
Armed with a newly minted university degree and a plane ticket to Barcelona, Sam’s plan was to celebrate graduation, kissing as many drunk Spanish girls (or boys, she’s not picky) as she can. Only, she never makes it. When her plane goes down mid-Atlantic she’s pulled from what should have been a watery grave by an intriguing British Naval Captain—in 1805!
Stuck in Regency-era England, Sam is left with no choice but to b come a lodger of the Captain’s sister to survive this strange new time. But she didn’t reckon on the sister being Margaret Goodenough, the world-famous authoress whose yet-to-be-completed novel was the first lesbian kiss in the history of British Literature.
And Sam’s not just entranced by Margaret’s powerful words…
As their attraction grows, Sam must tread the tenuous line between finding her own happiness in a world where she is alone, and accidentally changing the future of the queer rights movement. Is Sam’s duty to preserve Margaret’s history-making book? Or to the happiness of its author, the woman she’s learning to love?
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Propaganda masterpost for Suletta Mercury x Miorine Rembran (Gundam: the witch from Mercury)
Their whole show is basically a giant utena reference but with mechs. Episode one they got engaged and since then a major part of the plot is their relationship and how its developed into choosing each other rather than being forced. They love each other so much and dream of getting married in pretty dresses.
their relationship is basically one of the emotional cores in the show (especially on season one) and most importantly… They got canon married!!! I think a great gift for this newly wed couple would be for them to sweep not only this specific poll, but all the polls in the badass queer couple!!! Sulleta is canonically a top tier pilot for the robot machines, dealing with rescue work since she was a child, and her only loss in the entire show being because the opponent RIGGED THE DUEL. And her wife Miorine is badass not in physical strenght, but in sweet-talking her gf’s way out of jail. Multiple times. Making up a company on the spot to save Sulleta and Ericht (Suletta's sister) and it WORKED and was an excellent company.
They're canonically married at the end of the show, they both survived, and they've gotten their happily ever after!
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