#and my cousins/neighbors got their christmas trees from her
creepilywatchingyou · 9 months
Memorable Things of 2023
Memorable Things of 2023
- didn’t end up becoming a commercial fisher
- finally had to learn to change a spare tire after i pulled out of a spot behind a construction dumpster with a rod sticking out. lesbian status achieved.
- my manager at the time tried to fire me after finding out that i was the one who lead and organized a union
- got hired as a case manager and learned that at the end of the day, it’s all about the money and not really about the services clients are provided with
- proud owner of a film fridge
- competed in a denim fading competition
- escorted my client upstate to reunite with her brother after a decade apart
- my parents saw my partner’s “nostalgia” tattoo and thought it said “no spicy” which was a running joke for a bit
- finally went to paddy g with my mom
- engaged
- became hyper fixated on plants and ended up with a DIY greenhouse
- poko chan tattoo
- only went to 7 shows
- my neighbor gave me this LOOOOONG squash
- italian bidets
- carbonara
- although my fiancé already proposed, i gave her a ring when we were in italy
- my contax p&s and my minolta shutter release cable died in rome
- my cousin had a baby shower and i went to buy gifts. ended up buying a kids color changing bunny lamp and brought it everywhere in italy
- my brother is really into collecting sonny angels and he was missing a secret fox from the winter collection. we bought one the night my partner ended up in the ED. then we said if she’s meant to be in the hospital then he’ll get a secret fox and bam! he got it
- went to look at christmas trees and ended up with a monstera
- started collecting swatches
- saw beach fossils live
- finally got covid
0 notes
kariachi · 2 years
I’m still of a mood to rave about one of my oldest OCs and her career so guess who’s getting ranted at about how Marian got into the pig farming business in the first place?
First up, she’s an incredibly lucky woman in that she owns not-unsubstantial amount of acreage, and that it’s been in the family for generations and so is paid the fuck off. Not too very much, few dozen acres of forest, pasture, and a small creek (which may seem like a lot but the average small family farm in the US is over 200 acres, so, she’s making a lot of use out of not so much space, comparatively). Case of people getting 'scammed’ on supposedly useless land, and then making something of it. Buy out neighbors who gave up on the farm deal, or marry into them- her grandmother did that. There’s been a bit of everything on that land- started off with a few cattle that didn’t last and some trees and berry shrubs, moved into chickens and goats, plants fell by the wayside and a good chunk of the land grew back over after a point, were keeping the least amount of critters in over a generation when Mari was a small, and now she’s maining pigs on it. Who knows what her children will do, if she ever manages to get herself some. If she dies without them right now the farm’s set to go to Jadie and he would do so much poultry on it.
So, that gives us a bit of history of the farm, but not of the Marian.
She was a 4-H kid, which isn’t surprising given she grew up in a rural area on a farm. Her family went to the 4-H Fair each year, she knew it existed and exactly when she would be able to join.
(Please picture: you are a volunteer in the local 4-H club, the fair in in full swing, you turn away from discussing the confirmation of a calf with one of the kids to see a small girl, surely no older than six, waiting, practically vibrating with curiosity, for you to not be busy. She proceeds to essentially grill you, wanting every piece of information there in on why all the animals get brought to the fair every year, why is it mostly kids taking care of them, what’s 4-H, how can she get a piece of this action- As you’re explaining that she can’t join until she’s nine (and you can see her consider lying about her age) her father- whose brother you went to school with- approaches, apologizes because he didn’t know sending her over to ask herself was going to end in her picking your brain apart. You aren’t surprised anymore, because from what you remember his brother was the same damn way. As her grandmother calls her away to look at the sheep, the two of you chat about kids and life and livestock and you learn he works at the firehouse with your cousin (because it’s a rural area, he had to have known one of your relatives). You know you won’t be able to work with her for another few years, but that Christmas you hand your cousin a package to give to her father to give to her, a handful of books- some for kids and some just general information- about farming and farm animals. When she does join, you make sure to keep an eye on her, help her out where she needs it. Decades later she comes in to talk to the 4-H kids doing goats and swine a couple times a year, is one of the people you recommend they get their animals from, and she still gifts you your Christmas ham and will until the day you die.)
To the surprise of no one Marian was a heavy focus on the agriculture program, specifically the critter side. At first she focused on poultry- ducks, geese were new and interesting critters she’d never worked with before, and learning more varieties of chickens than her family kept was a big deal. But they didn’t scratch the itch for her. She preferred bigger, smarter animals. She tried out sheep the first year of middle school, wasn’t impressed, backed out of that track and dove into the goats. After all, she already knew them and could not only join in with the kids farther along in the track, but could be a source of more advanced information due to her experience. But even then, much as she likes a good goat- they’re smart, hardy, menaces- she already knew them. They’d been part of her life since she’d been old enough to toddle out to the pasture with her gran. She loved them, but they didn’t hold any real interest. Besides, bringing goats to the fair felt like presenting somebody else’s work, she knew these things through her grandmother and forever she would associate them with her first. She wanted something different, something new, something hers.
So, going into high school, she looked into her options. Could go into horses, but she already knew that wherever life took her (because at that point she was thinking ‘farmer’ or ‘field biologist’), it’d bring her back to the family farm eventually, and the property wasn’t good for horses. Could do cattle, but again it was already known that they didn’t work long term on her eventual land. So, to start off this new chapter in life she took some of the money from selling that year’s goats and invested in a few swine books and a piglet.
Y’all it was like she stepped into sunshine for the first time. That yorkshire (Jack) drove her sideways. Constant escapes, constant mess, constant destruction, constant noise, and she’d have sworn up and down that little bastard thought he was smarter than her. Wouldn’t have promised he was wrong either. For some this would’ve been too much, they’d have said ‘fuck it’ and moved on to something else, maybe felt a new appreciation for the goats, but for the first time in this whole journey Mari was thriving. She’d never been challenged by an animal like this before, every day she was learning something new, and every day it seemed that he was learning something new. The intelligence, the personality, the hardiness, that little porker stole the key to her heart and gave it to his entire damn species. And it didn’t hurt that, once her father had ‘purchased’ him off her and the slaughtering was done, he was damn tasty too.
Marian threw herself into pigs after that. Getting more at a time so they wouldn’t be lonely, heading off escapes before they could happen, learning the best care methods, how to handle medical issues, how to breed them, how to raise them, process them. She developed Opinions and Preferences and recipes. Threw herself in with the meticulous and stubborn forethought with which she does everything and succeeded. Won $700 in scholarship money with a duroc gilt (Goldy).
When she went to college it was with the understanding that she wanted to raise pigs- not quite her favorite animal (partial to an iguana) but damn close and she’d developed a serious love of pork. A couple different scholarships under her belt- pork industry damn near paid for her first year, though even with scholarships and college savings she came out with like $20k in debt she’s still paying down- she went out and got herself a bachelor’s in agricultural management. When she came back the first order of business was getting herself a job at a dairy farm on the other side of the county so she could pay her bills, then the second order of business was investing in her first three berkshires (one boar, two sows (Conn, Alba, Bridget)). She split her time between work and her farm for the first few years, investing her time and money into expanding the holdings. Getting fences up, getting a new shed for the goats so the pigs could have the full barn, adding more sows, moving the pigs to pasture and silvopasture. Her second year she added the Tamworths- a coworker’s uncle had them and she fell for the rare, heritage breed when she went out to see them for herself- and the third Triath followed her home, she quit her job, and pig farming became her full time gig. Through this all the whole family was still at home, so her gran’s retirement and her dad’s salary paid most of the household bills until she reached a point she could pay her fair share and eventually all of it.
As of her ‘present’ she’s been out of school about eleven years, in love with hogs and hog farming for nineteen, and doing so full time for eight. For a while there, while her gran was alive and her dad still at home, she focused her profits on expansion. Getting more of the property set up for the pigs, getting more pigs, getting a building up where she could process and store meat for sale in the amounts she works in, all sort’s of shit. She intends to expand some more, add a few more sows now that she’s got help, but the infrastructure is all there and so now most of the profits go to Jadie’s salary, with the rest getting tossed into savings. Jadie, meanwhile, has been working at the farm for about a year, and doesn’t intend to leave anytime soon.
0 notes
The Nightmare After Halloween
I knew this was coming and I tried my best to brace myself for it.
Now that Halloween's over I know the harder Hollidays are coming up sooner; I haven't really had a traditional Christmas in years - and even longer since a traditional Thanksgiving. The Hollidays always brought out the worst in my family, half the time one half would come at one time, a fourth at a later time, the last quadrant wouldn't show at all.
But at least before I could pretend; I could pretend it was just because I had work and declined the invitation or that someone's car broke down or a cousin got sick and that was why we didn't have Thanksgiving. Or my grandma had to buy an emergency Louis Vuitton or my mom had to pay an extra late fee on the internet bill or I got swamped with homework over the winter break and that's why we couldn't have a normal Christmas.
Now I can't pretend; now it's as a bright as a Christmas tree how my family never loved me, never loved each other. Last Thanksgiving my aunt invited me when I ran into her at the hospital; I had to get my own ride, I couldn't tell mom, and I couldn't talk about anything deeper than the weather, but I was invited. In that moment of ignorance I didn't allow myself to realize how painfully wrong that was. I hear of family flying across the country for each other, but my aunt couldn't drive 20 minutes to get me?
I think the reason why this all hurts me so much is because now it's not just neglect disguised as reasonable excuses, and I truly feel alone; like now, being alone during the Hollidays can't be disguised and gaslit as being my own choice. I don't have a choice, I don't have enough ignorance to pretend legitimate excuses are the reason for it.
I kinda hope no one invites me either. If any of my friends invite me I think it'll make me cry and feel embarrassed. Maybe at the root of it all, I hope none of my friends invite me because it puts the spotlight on the elephant in the room I've so desperately tried to hide; that I'm not just strong, not just resilient. I'm hurt. I've been abandoned and abused and neglected and damaged and it hurts so much. My flesh and blood doesn't love me, doesn't miss me, doesn't give a shit about me - and they never did. It makes me feel so unwanted and so unloved. The people who I was supposed to love and trust forever were my harshest enemies this entire time and it took up to this year almost a quarter of my lifetime to come to terms with it and accept it as the dark brutal truth. And it just makes me so sad and angry. It hurts me so so much. It feels like I'm undesirable, like I was never enough.
So if anyone else who's been abandoned and/or feels alone this holiday season finds this post, just know that you're not truly alone and I sincerely hope and wish you have that feeling of love that you so deserve - whether that comes from a stranger, family member, a friend, a coworker, a neighbor, or even from somewhere within - maybe where your childhood self is so relieved to have all of the generational trauma cycles finally over.
I remember on my birthday last year - just days after bing abandoned by my entire family; it was after two strong shots and just as I was getting ready for bed I wanted to play Animal Crossing - it's one of my stress relievers. The little villagers gathered around K. K. to sing my character a birthday song. Automated messages from the sweetest game writers ever swarmed my screen and my character's mailbox. Canberra came to my little house to hang out and deliver a birthday cake. Villagers came by to party and share a gifts.
And I balled. I cried for a good hour-plus; because in that moment, from that automated birthday program,
I truly felt special and loved.
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the-kneesbees · 2 years
they have so much space why can't they build a drive in theater or a dog park or just leave it as it is and add a few more stands so we could have a farmers market or something. literally anything other than another fucking strip mall
0 notes
aesthetic-day-dream · 3 years
A -short- list of things that were important to me that longer exist or are no longer apart of my life: ✨✨✨✨
- The box of goodies my nanny used to bring whenever she visited on the weekends
- Her big blue truck
- A type of popsicles that I could only get at school on ice cream day
- This tree next to my house that had to be cut down due to power lines
- An old wisteria bush by our porch that no longer blooms
- Our fruit trees, especially the peach one (I miss them)
- The two gardens my dad and nanny used to tend
- All the houses my nanny used to live in
- How I used to spend my summers
- Books I’ve read that I’ve forgotten all about
- The blackberry bush that used to be in my neighbors yard
- The homemade apple sauce my mom used to make
- My papaws potato soup
- Cats that are no longer around
- All the dogs my aunt used to have
- Playing pool in my cousins basement, as in 🎱
- My aunts old house
- Old middle/elementary school lunches (they were so good before they changed them)
- Celebrating my birthday
- My old art classes in high school
- The places my nanny used to take me
- Some stuffed animals I got rid of a long time ago
- Spending time with one of my cousins that I haven’t seen in years
- My old relationship with my brother
- Fishing dates with my dad
- An old friendship from kindergarten
- Seeing my best friend everyday
- How I used to feel about myself
- This old perfume I used to have
- This horrifically ugly sweater I used to own, but it was the softest thing I’ve ever felt and I loved it
- Going out to eat with my papaw and cousins
- Catching frogs and salamanders
- My friendships from high school
- Going sledding in the snow
- Carving pumpkins with my aunt and cousins
- Having a real Christmas tree
The list is always growing, I’m still adding to it 🥹
This is inspired by a post I saw on Pinterest, but there was no original “author/artist”
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fockingnice · 4 years
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@franboos @to-enter-polaris @gucciboner and myself worked on a massive fic recommendation list with all our favourite sobbe fics classed by word count.. enjoy!
< 10k
- hold me close @sincerelysobbe (2,5k)
Robbe is stressed because of a test and Sander comforts him.
- You make me feel like I am whole again @nbrook (2,7k)
Robbe is having an awful day. But it ends in the best way possible.
- A Beautiful Night @Lwritings (3,6k)
Sander has been friends with the Broerrrs for half a year and Robbe has been desperately crushing on him. A game of Never Have I Ever changes everything.
- Love potion no.9 @thekardemomme (3,8k)
they’re best friends. and potions partners. or: it’s amortentia day.
- Croissants @bruisingknees (3,8k)
Robbe thinks that maybe the guy working at the bakery has been flirting with him.
- Paper rings @thekardemomme (4k)
When Sander’s nose twitches, causing him to make this soft little whimpering sound, Robbe can’t help himself. He leans forward enough to kiss Sander’s forehead again, and then he dots one on each cheek, and then finally on his nose. “I can’t wait to marry you,” he whispers.
- You’re an angel in disguise (you’re an angel in my eyes) @thekardemomme (4,1k)
Robbe is Sander’s guardian angel.
- The sun came up and I was looking at you @allforyoumylove (4,2k)
Robbe and Sander waking up on a quiet Sunday morning in June. Sander is a tease, Robbe is awestruck, and both are hopelessly in love.
- I’ve always wanted a (boy)friend @thekardemomme (4,2k)
before sander, robbe never liked christmas. christmas is sander’s favorite holiday.
- Purple lips (underwater) @dottori (5,3k)
it’s a sunny, warm friday at the beginning of march, and sander wants them to go for a swim.
- Day Fifty @beejohnlocked (5,7k)
Robbe makes a plan to confess his feelings to Sander on Christmas.
- The blind date bomb @thekardemomme (5,8k)
”He thinks of the gorgeous man in the picture, and he thinks of how Sander said his YouTube is cute, and how Britt—who hardly even knows Robbe—thinks that he and Sander would be a good match.And he decides… Fuck it. One date can’t hurt, right?” or: robbe and sander go on a blind date
- Let's dance @msleviss (6,2k)
Robbe and his friends go to a club to check out Amber’s DJ cousin.
- 12 things I love about you @nbrook (6,3k)
Sander can't spend the whole day with Robbe on their anniversary, but he still figures out a way to make him fall in love with him all over again.
- Love me while your wrists are bound @alsjeblieft (6,4k)
the cabin trip but with a twist.
- Sun shining from pure desire @skamtrash (6,6k)
Sander has been flirting with his student teacher, Robbe for months now who keeps reminding Sander that he's wasting his time but eventually the flirting and chasing wears Robbe down to where he cant deny his attraction to Sander. University TA/Student AU
-  At ease with you @Skamtrash ( 7,7,k)
robbe tells his mom he and his best friend, sander are dating to get her off his back.
He doesn't expect his mom to congratulate them by getting them tickets to join her on a cruise vacation.
Cue a week of pretending to be a couple.
fake relationship to lovers au
- Besotted with your love @Skamtrash (7,7k)
sander has a photography project and decides to shoot at the skatepark where robbe is his subject. when he approaches robbe and needs him to fill out the release form, he's absolutely smitten from the start.
sander falling in love with robbe who's deaf.
- Taking pictures of you as the light came through @allforyoumylove (7,9k)
Robbe photographs Sander in bed. Things take a steamy turn.
- My midsummer darling @robbesdriesen (8,2k)
Robbe goes on a summer week-long retreat to his aunt's quaint, little villa in Genoa. He doesn't know he has a neighbor close by, one that would capture his entire soul.
Robbe and Sander fall in love in a whirlwind summer romance. One that would change their lives forever.
- Afterglow @Skamtrash (9k)
On vacation in a small winter village during the holidays, Robbe meets one of the hotel's employees, Sander.
All it takes is two weeks. 14 days for them to fall for each other.
- Christmas Dreams @sonderthroughthestreets (9,6k)
Robbe is stuck with his typical 9-5 job as an HR analyst until a conversation with Sander from IT on their company rooftop makes him reconsider his dreams. In the midst of it all, Adam from Accounting has a massive crush on Robbe and wants to ask him to the Christmas Party, so Sander offers to be his "date" to help him. Christmas fluff and flirting ensues.
> 10k 
- Sander Driesen versus a mistletoe @dottori (10,1k)
it’s not a fair match.
(or, sobbe go on a christmas date, and sander really wants a kiss under the mistletoe.)
- This isn't our first time around @noobishere (10,7k)
One moment they are in the kitchen of their shared apartment, the next, they're in this strange but familiar room.
(a.k.a the au in which they accidentally go hopping through multiple universes)
- Our love story is my favorite @robbesdriesen (13k)
a wedding fic for robbe and sander
- It’s an unrequited love @eggsntoast (14,1k)
Sander works part-time at a museum every Sunday. Robbe is a frequent visitor.
- Agents Sliding Down The Chimney @berrevy (14,2k)
The smile that twitches at the corner of Sander's mouth is like the tiniest opening, and Robbe takes that as a challenge. He’s always been good at slipping through small spaces.
“You wanna see a trick?”
Sander sizes him up for a moment, then swivels on his heel to face him fully. “Ok then, magic boy. C’mon.”
(aka a late Christmas fic)
- Come lie with me @allforyoumylove (14,6k)
“When Robbe lifts the blanket and gently tugs on the leg of Sander’s sweatpants, silently inviting him in, Sander doesn’t ask questions, doesn’t hesitate, he just drowsily slips into Robbe’s embrace.”
(or the one where they both have a terrible relationship with sleep but find out that it gets a little better when nestled up against each other)
- Man on a mission @littleliefe (17k)
The agency is under attack but Sander is just thirsty for Robbe. On the other hand, the rest of the agency is more concerned about helping Sander ask Robbe out for dinner.
- life was a willow and it bent right to your wind @nbrook (18k)
Sander and Robbe became best friends before Sander made a move and then Robbe went and got himself another boyfriend, leaving him pining. And it’s fine, really, it is. Sander promised himself that he wouldn’t do anything about it for as long as Robbe was happy. But when Robbe’s boyfriend ridicules his love for everything Christmas, he decides to step in to give him the Christmas traditions he deserves himself.
- You're my stars...and everything in between @aurorawinds (19,7k)
A Star-Crossed Lovers, Romeo & Juliet inspired, AU where Robbe and Sander are the sons of Antwerp’s two most rivaling families of tech companies, head over heels in love with one another as they find it more and more difficult each day to hide their relationship from their families. To hide their love.
- Lovers never lose @dottori (24k)
twelve-ish kisses robbe and sander share at the trip to ardennes (and afterwards).
5k - 20k
- In the middle of the night @Lwritings (complete | 9,3k)
The Broerrrs go on holiday for a week to London. Robbe is very excited for it until there is something wrong in the hotel and he has to share a room with Sander. And not just Sander, no the guy he has been crushing on for 3 months ever since he joined their group. And not just a room, no there is only one bed as well. When it's just the two of them in the night, anything can happen..
- If a June night could talk it would probably boast it invented romance @allforyoumylove (complete | 14,7k)
Robbe and Sander are childhood best friends. They’re also secretly in love with each other. Confessions are made under a beech tree on a warm summer evening at the end of June.
- Drie @skamtrash (complete | 15,4k)
Robbe stands up and finds the voice calling the name and fucking hell, the guy's well fit. He's only dressed in a black t shirt, black jeans and boots but the tattoos that layer his arms immediately entice him. And that platinum hair,  his actual face,  who looks that good. He gets himself together quickly, "I think Bowie's here."
The au in which Robbe finds a toddler hiding in a clothing rack at a store and ends up falling for his dad
- The way we feel @toskyandbeyond (in the works | currently 17,8k)
It’s always been like that. Robbe and Sander, through thick and thin. There was not a thing they didn’t go through together. Moreover, they couldn’t even imagine living without each other’s presence.
The day they met it was almost like two old souls encountered once again. Like they were meant to find each other.
- The finest of the meadow @allforyoumylove (complete | 18,8k)
The universe brings two lonely boys together in a flowering meadow. They fall for each other fast and hard among delicate daisies, warm summer breezes, and shooting stars.
20k - 40k
- Come closer I’ll give you all my love @sonderthroughthestreets (in the works | 22,6k)
Robbe’s ex is a pain and Sander helps get rid of him. The problem? They’ve been friends for as long as they can remember and some point between the blurred lines, they fall in love.
-  Put your head on my shoulder @Aniloracat (in the works | currently 24,9k)
Because of some past mistakes and communication issues, Robbe and Sander can't stand each other anymore, until they are "forced" to stay in quarantine alone and face their feelings.
📌 Or the enemies to lovers, roommates, quarantine fanfic nobody asked for 😅
📌 Title based on Paul Anka's song 'Put your head in my shoulder'
- Waiting down at the station @ivy_seas (in the works | currently 25,5k)
The world is winter, it’s the inconvenient snowfall on the walk to the six-thirty train, it’s falling for the stranger who happens to take the same train. When to take a risk becomes the same question of when to let go of something you’re not really sure you had in the first place. But maybe the world isn’t so cruel.
—strangers to lovers au
- Wings to Earn @to-enter-polaris (complete | 26,6k)
After playing volleyball abroad for two years, Sander comes back home to fix his mistake of leaving in the first place, but Robbe isn't ready to forgive him.
- time may change me, but i can't trace time @abittersweetsong (in the works | currently 30,8k)
“You’re my best friend and I love you.”
It’s a simple admission and it settles gently in Robbe’s soul.
Or Robbe and Sander find each other in every universe, but in this one they're best friends first.
- If You say Run, I'll Run with You @Aniloracat (complete | 32,8k)
Robbe is having a terrible day and a hot, but annoying white-haired photographer that won't stop appearing everywhere is not making it any better. That's it, until sparks fly, and Robbe decides he's found the perfect distraction from his terrible day.
 One-night stand AU that's not meant to be a one-night stand.
- Vrijdag 21:37 @wasteourdaysdreaming (complete | 34,8k)
The same party one Friday night in February, told from different perspectives.
- You know i'm always at your shoulder (take your heart out of its holster) @wafflesofdoom (in the works (but can be read separate from each other) | currently 35,2k)
“I must have been really good, in another universe, to deserve you,” Sander whispered, thumb brushing the line of Robbe’s cheekbone, the pad of his thumb soft against Robbe’s skin.
Robbe simply kissed the inside of Sander’s wrist, shaking his head. “You are good in this universe, too,” he said. “You found me, when I needed you the most.”
learning how to be in a real, actual relationship isn't the easiest thing in the world, and robbe is very new to it all, and he's got a lot to figure out when it comes to being in actual, everyday love with sander. the first six months of a relationship are the best - and they're some of the hardest, too. these are the first six months of robbe and sander's relationship.
- this rough magic @aholynight (complete | 36,4k) 
Though he’s a sixth-prefect and the newest member of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, Muggleborn Robbe can still hardly believe that he’s made of magic.
Sander is the seventh-year Gryffindor beater whose wild behavior and delinquent reputation precedes him.
Though Robbe desperately wants to believe in the angel-faced boy he sees in front of him—and ignore the rumors of Sander’s devilish behavior—he’s not sure his heart can afford the risk.
But when Sander and Robbe are left in a nearly-empty Hogwarts over the Christmas holiday, avoiding Sander might no longer be an option.
40k - 60k
- The night we met @themoongirl (complete | 42,8k)
Robbe Ijzermans has a brain that won't let him sleep, a chest that feels far too heavy and thoughts that never stop.
During his first year of college he meets Sander Driesen. Robbe finds what he never went looking for.
AKA, a college AU.
- Visitations @lucidpantone (complete | 46,1k)
Does Robbe and Sander's relationship survive into adulthood.
This fic takes place in two simultaneously timelines: the past and the present.
The present occurs in one entire day. Both timelines are completely out of chronological order. Everything is in clips.You can be dropped in at anytime of the day in any timeline. So clip by clip you will need to piece together what happen to Sander & Robbe and why the present looks the way it does and what happened in the past that got them there.
This love story is a journey. So be prepared.
In the words of one of our Even's. It’s a complicated love story between complicated people.
- look into my eyes, ignore the rest @robbesdriesen (complete | 47,4k)
a story of how robbe and sander fall in love in front of the camera and behind it (which in their case, the camera isn't needed at all)
- rotten work @aholynight (complete | 50,5k)
Robbe is a college freshman whose reckless habits and excessive drinking are starting to look an awful lot like calculated self-destruction—though his loneliness might be the thing that kills him first.
Sander is a visual arts major a few years above Robbe, with a face nobody can forget and a fuck boy reputation he can't seem to shake.
Everybody warns Robbe to stay away from the Sander, unless he wants to get burned. But Robbe's the kind of boy who likes playing with fire.
- just friends @sincerelysobbe (complete | 51k)
Months ago, after a one-night stand that couldn't stay that way, Robbe and Sander made an agreement—the two of them, no strings attached. But, Sander's feelings for Robbe were strong, to begin with, and they're growing stronger with each passing day—and he knows that he is more in love with Robbe than he should be.
- run and score @robbesdriesen (complete | 59,8k)
Robbe Ijzermans is the star goalie of Antwerp U’s football team, naturally blocking shots as if it were his sixth sense. Sander Driesen is their star striker, having an eagle eye for the goal at all times.
Robbe always had a distaste for his bleached-blonde teammate and the annoying way he carried himself, but Robbe can never mask how much he admires him from a distance.
When they finally begin to learn more about each other, there is no going back for either.
With the looming playoffs in jeopardy for their entire team, will Robbe & Sander be able to manage it together? All while falling in love with each other at the same time?
> 60k
- Eastwood liberty @fockinglevendcliche (in the works | currently 69,7k)
Eastwood Liberty students had only one mission: to always be on top, at everything, no matter the cost.
It took Robbe just a day to realize that people there only cared about two things: money and power. But that was no surprise to him. What he didn't expect was to be confronted by this group of rich and spoiled boys, who used to always get what they wanted, especially their leader, Sander Driesen.
Sander made the rules, but unfortunately for him, Robbe had never been really good at sticking to them.
- Do i know you? @SrtaPepa (in the works | currently 88k)
Robbe has lost his memory from the last three years. He doesn’t remember finishing school and start college with Yasmina; he doesn’t remember going to live to the flatshare, or move out to a new place, or being friends with Milan, neither coming out as gay. And the worst of all of this is that Robbe doesn’t remember meeting Sander or that he is, in fact, truly, madly, deeply in love with him.
Hopefully, sometimes feelings are stronger than memories.
- jij verliest @sincerelysobbe (complete | 104,1k)
For the past three months, Robbe’s life—and what it once was—had been stripped away and rearranged. Now, if anything, his life had become a bit repetitive: homework, stream, ignore Thomas’s Instagram, repeat. But one Friday evening, Robbe meets a hurricane in the form of a platinum-haired tattoo artist who just might show him everything that he’s been missing.
- Remember my name @ijzermans (complete | 106,3k)
The past few weeks, Robbe has noticed a new guy has attended his high school.
Nobody really seems to care about the strange bleached kid, yet Robbe on the other hand, can't help but feel intrigued by him.
The new guy happens to be Sander, and he's not that easy to connect with. He's quiet, distant, and has a past he'd rather not share.
Or will Robbe make a difference?
- Paint me in trust @themoongirl (complete | 116,2k)
“What are you looking for, Robbe?” Sander tilted his head, moving closer.
“A rush.” Robbe whispered, his lips brushing Sander’s.
Robbe Ijzermans has spent the better part of two years chasing the need to feel real again. Though being an adrenaline junkie is hardly a healthy coping mechanism, it’s one of the only things he has left.
Sander Driesen is a vampire with an unspeakable, dreadful past that won't seem to leave him.
When Robbe gets roped into Sander’s life he finds the feeling he has been chasing all along. But Sander's world has a different kind of risk, and it forces them to come face to face with the greatest danger of all. Fear of a life without the other.
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atlafan · 4 years
Office Neighbors - Part Eight
a/n: a very Andy heavy part, not proofread (reblogs and feedback are super helpful!)
warnings: slight angst, fluff, and smut
words: 15K
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“I’m not gonna let you talk to her until you both settle down!” Harry shouts at his mother and sister.
“We’re settled, just dial the number!” Anne shouts back.
“Yeah, the TV can only occupy all the kids for so long.” Gemma says. “She’s probably waiting as it is.”
Harry was ready to throw up. He couldn’t remember the last time he introduced a woman to his family, and it wouldn’t even be a proper introduction since it was over FaceTime.
“Okay, okay, Christ.” He swipes your contact. “Just let me say hi to her first before you two jump in.”
You answer after a moment, you were sitting up on your bed at Phil and Julian’s. You made sure your hair and makeup were done, and your headphones were in, just in case there were wandering ears.
“Hi, Y/N.” Harry smiles warmly.
“Hey! How’s everything going?”
“Good! Everyone’s good. We all decorated my sister’s tree last night.”
“Oh, fun! Phil made sweet potato pancakes they were so good.”
“That’s great.” He smiles.
“Yeah.” You smile.
You see a hand smack Harry’s shoulder and you suck your lips into your mouth to keep from laughing.
“Right, well, my mum and sister are here…” He side eyes Gemma. “Would you like to say hello?”
“I would.” You nod. It was the whole point of the FaceTime, but you thought it was sweet he was being so formal. Both Anne and Gemma come into view and smile. “Hello! It’s nice to sort of meet you both.” You chuckle.
“Same to you, dear!” Anne says brightly. “Oh, Harry, she’s lovely.” She whispers, but you hear her.
“Yeah, I know it’s not the same as in person, but this works.” Gemma says. “Hope we didn’t wake you up too early for this…”
“Not at all! I was up anyways getting some work done. How’s the weather over there? It flurried a bit, but it hasn’t been too bad.”
“Freezing rain here, I’m afraid.” Harry says.
“Is that Y/N? Hi, Y/N!” Andy says as he comes into the kitchen where the meeting was occurring.
“Andy.” Harry sighs. “You’re supposed to be-“
“Oh, just give the damn phone to me. You know her plenty, Mum and I don’t, so shoo!” Gemma snatches the phone from Harry, and Anne follows her into the adjacent room.
“Well…isn’t that just perfect.” Harry says to Andy.
“Auntie Gem told me to do it, sorry.” Andy giggles and runs out of the room while Harry chases him.
“Sorry about that, things can get a little hectic around here.” Anne laughs.
“Oh, it’s no problem.” You chuckle.
“So, where are you this week?” Gemma asks.
“I’m staying at my brother’s place in Boston. I’ll be here until the day after New Year’s. My friends and I usually get together for the fireworks and all that.”
“Oh, that sounds like fun!” Anne says. “I can’t remember the last time I actually stayed up late enough to watch the ball drop.” She laughs. “I’m usually home watching all the kids while Harry and Gemma go out.”
“Yeah, we have a couple of parties of our own to go to. Lots of friends for Harry to see. He’s quite popular amongst our group.”
“That’s nice, you share a lot of the same friends?”
“Oh, sure.” Gemma shrugs. “We’re only a couple of years apart in age, and we worked at the same bakery growing up, sort of attached at the hip.”
“You two were awfully cute. They’d even willingly wear matching Halloween costumes.” Anne says. “Remember the year you were Mario and he was Princess Peach?”
“Now that’s something I’d love to see.” You say.
“Okay!” Harry bolts into the room and snatches his phone. “Think you’ve all chatted long enough.”
“You got an entire meal with her family, I think it’s only fair-“
“Mum! Lizzy won’t stop touching me!”
“I’m not doing anything!”
“Seems like your kids need you.” Harry sneers.
“Wonderful, three brats.” She rolls her eyes. “It was nice chatting, Y/N.” Gemma says as she leaves the room the scope out the scene.
“I better go help her.” Anne chuckles as follows out as well.
“So…Princess Peach, huh? You don’t still happen to have that costume do you? I bet you look lovely in a dress.”
“I was five.” Harry rolls his eyes. “And you’re right, I look exceptional in a dress.”
“They’re very nice, your mum and sister. Um…is Gemma not married, or…?”
“She’s widowed, unfortunately.” Harry whispers. “That’s why my mum lives with her, she needed help with her kids and I obviously wasn’t around. It sucked, he had cancer.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s been a few years, she’s doing much better, but she doesn’t date. She’s tried, but it’s too much.”
“I don’t blame her.”
“Did you have a nice Hanukkah with your family?”
“I did! I refereed a game of dreidel for my younger cousins, it was pretty funny.”
“You really like kids, don’t you?”
“I love kids.” You blush.
“Suppose that’s why you’re so good with them then, huh?” He was blushing too, but he was giving you that toothy smile you loved so much.
“I miss you, Harry.”
“I miss you too.”
“Dad…you better get in there…Lizzy and Ritchie have started to wrestle.”
“Better go pry them apart.” Harry chuckles. “I’ll talk to you soon, love you.”
“Love you too, bye Andy!”
You sigh as you hang up. You knew you’d physically get meet everyone someday so it would be less chaotic, but it was nice to meet them nonetheless.
On New Year’s Eve you throw on a black turtleneck bodysuit and a pair of jeans with some booties. You head out with Phil and Julian once they’re both home from work to meet your other friends at the bar. You send Harry a quick selfie, wanting to still look cute before you inevitably got sweaty and drunk. It was already the New Year in London, and Harry had sent you a selfie before he went out. It was sweet.
“Y/N!” Your best friend Nora squeals as soon as you see her.
“Hey!” You squeal back and hug her.
“It’s so good to see you, I’m so glad we could get together for this.”
“Same here, I know hard it is for you to get away…”
“Oh, don’t be silly. Wouldn’t miss a New Year’s in Boston. Hi Phil, hi, Julian.”
“Hi, Nora.” Phil smiles. “Y/N, we’re gonna go get a booth.”
“Okay, I think I’ll hang by the bar for bit with the crew.”
You say hello to your other friends: Claudia, Mark, and Darcy.
“Okay, so, where’s your man? We’ve been dying to meet him.” Mark says.
“He’s in London with his family.” You shrug. “You’ll meet him eventually, I promise.”
“Too bad, Nora says he’s quite the hunk.” Claudia says.
You side eye your friend as she laughs.
“You send me the best pictures, how could I not share?”
“His tattoos are really interesting.” Darcy says. “Never thought you’d be into a guy so inked up.”
“Neither did I, but I like them a lot.” You bite the rim of your cup and smile.
“I feel like it’s been forever since you’ve been serious with someone.” Mark says. “What’s it about this one?”
“Yeah, doesn’t he have a kid?” Claudia asks.
“He does…and I care a lot about him. His name is Andy, and he’ll be twelve in May.”
“Twelve?!” They all exclaim.
“How old is this guy?” Darcy asks.
“He’ll be thirty-three at the beginning of February. Would you all calm down? He had his son young, it is what it is.” You shrug.
“I knew you wanted to be a mom, but shit.” Nora laughs. “Whatever, you’re happy, right?”
“Then that’s all that matters. Now, I’m much more interested to hear how your love life is going, Mark.”
“Single and ready to find some New Year’s dick tonight.”
You all burst into laughter and clink your glasses. You all end up bar hopping a bit, saying goodbye to your brother and letting him know you’ll be back whenever, which he has no problem with. You get pretty sloshed with your friends, and you ended up at a dance club. You were having an incredible time. The club had plenty of TV’s going so a little before midnight, you all huddle together to watch the ball drop. You all kiss each other’s cheeks, it was cute. You feel your phone buzzing, and it’s a FaceTime request from Harry.
“Hello?!” You shout.
“Happy New Year!” He smiles. You nearly melt. He was still in bed, and he wasn’t wearing his glasses yet, and his hair was all floppy. “Where are you?”
“At a club, and-“
“Is that him?!” Nora shouts and goes behind your shoulder. “Oooo, look at him! Hiya hot stuff!”
“Isn’t it, like, really early in London?” Claudia slurs to Darcy.
“Yeah, babe, isn’t it, like, six in the morning?”
“Yeah.” He chuckles. “I was getting up anyways, and I wanted to call.”
“Aww.” You and your friends swoon.
“Well…I can see you’re busy, so I’ll let you go.”
“Okay! Happy New Year, love you!” You hang up before he can say it back.
“Damn, Y/N, he’s handsome.” Mark says.
“Mhm, and he’s allll mine.” You giggle with your friends.
“There’s my baby!” Paige exclaims as Andy gets off the plane. She throws her arms around him and kisses him. “Did you have a good time?”
“Yeah! Grammy and Auntie Gem say hi.” He holds her hand as they make their way to baggage.
“Oh, that’s nice of them. You had fin with Lizzy and Ritchie?”
“Yeah, we got to play the new game Y/N got me.”
“What game is that?”
“What Do You Meme, it’s a lot of fun.”
“Well, that was very nice of her to get that for you. Seemed like you got a lot of other nice gifts from when we spoke on Christmas.”
“Mhm, and Grammy got me a ton of new clothes. She got me those sneakers I’ve been wanting.”
“She sure has an eye for fashion, huh?” She chuckles. “So, we’re going to grab your bag and then Noah and Rachel are waiting in the car. Are you too tired for lunch?”
“No, I slept pretty well on the plane. One of the attendants sat with me and held my hand when we took off.”
“I love it when they do that for you, that’s so nice.”
“Gram’s not coming for lunch?”
“No, she ended up going to New York with Auntie Allie for New Year’s…she’ll be back tomorrow.”
“Alright, it’ll be nice then, just the four of us.”
“Yeah, it will. Everyone missed you, honey.”
Andy actually enjoys his lunch with everyone. He and Rachel talk about their new gifts. It warmed Paige’s heart to being having some real family time. The few days Andy is home is wonderful, and come Sunday, you show up to pick Andy up. You’d be having brunch with Paige before taking Andy back to Harry’s. You made sure to stock the fridge with all his favorites already. You take a deep breath, and ring the bell. After a couple of moment, Paige answers the door.
“Y/N!” She says brightly. “Come on in, you must be freezing.”
“Hi, thanks.” You smile and enter the home. She takes your coat and hangs it up. It was oddly quiet. “Where is everyone?”
“Oh, well, my sister came back with my mom late last night, so they’re out with Andy now having a brunch of their own, and Rachel has Hebrew school on Sunday mornings, and they usually get lunch together after that. So it’s just us two, I’ve got quite the spread for us, come into the kitchen.”
She really did have quite the spread. Bagels, cream cheese, eggs, juice, and fruit.
“Wow, you didn’t have to do all this…”
“Oh, sure I did. Would you like some coffee?”
“That’d be great, thank you.”
She nods and gestures for you to sit while she gets the coffee.
“I’m so glad we could finally get together to do this. I feel like I know you, but don’t at the same time.” She sips her coffee and makes up a plate, as do you. “Did you have a nice holiday?”
“I did, yeah, thank you. Did you?”
“As good as it could have been, I suppose.” She nods. “It was weird without my dad, but that’s life.” She shrugs.
“I’m so sorry, it must have been difficult.”
“It was weird, all of the fun helped distract us, but I know it was really hard for my mother. The first holidays without them are always the hardest.” You nod at her. “Anyways, I…oh, that’s a lovely necklace.” She points to your palm tree, and you clutch at it.
“Thank you, um, Harry got it for me.” You swallow.
“This doesn’t need to be weird, Y/N.” She smirks. “You’re in his life, which means you’re in my son’s life, and I just wanna know more about you, that’s all. This isn’t a one way street either, if there’s anything you’d like to know about me I’d be happy to answer.”
“I know…I have to admit, I was a little nervous to be one on one with you. I hope you know, I care a lot about Andy.”
“No need to be nervous. Harry trusts you, so I do too.” She shrugs. “He’s always been such a great judge in character.”
“Can I ask…how did you two meet?”
“Oh, god, years ago when we were in college. He came to our school when he was a sophomore, and joined our group. I was dating this other guy at the time, but we became fast friends. He was always so sweet. The other guy and I broke up eventually, and then I can’t quite recall what it was, but long story short Harry and I got together. I graduated a year ahead of him, but we made it work.”
“And Andy was an accident?”
“He certainly wasn’t planned.” She laughs. “I’ll spare you the details, but we were shocked to say the least when we found out. I was already working at the law office, thank god, so I had some decent benefits and maternity leave and all that.”
“Were you scared being so young?”
“A little…I was more so worried at the time about being so far away from Harry. I had started working in this area, so we were long distance. I was grateful he found a grad program in the area that worked for him. I sort of felt guilty for making him grow up so fast, but I got over it. He really stepped up.”
“He’s a great dad.”
“He really is! He was a natural right away.”
“And…it just didn’t work out between you two?”
“I was sort of stubborn, and a little resentful. He was getting to work on his career, and I felt like I was in a rut. My parents were getting to me…and…one morning I woke up and looked at him and realized I just wasn’t in love. When we were dating in school it was just fun, you know? I hadn’t really been given the chance to see if I wanted something future wise with him. For all I knew, he could have decided to go back to London, you know? It was awful because we were living together, and we had Andy, and I just couldn’t figure out how to end it, and then…well, he asked me to marry him, and that was when I knew it had to be over, so I told him no and we broke up. I felt sick over it because I knew I hurt him.”
You blink as you take all of the information in. Sometimes people just weren’t compatible, and that was okay, and maybe Harry had been looking at things with rose colored glasses.
“His parents were divorced growing up, so I think he thought getting married would make everything better. We fought a lot, things just stopped being fun.” She shrugs. “But that was all a long time ago, and we worked on things for Andy’s sake, and I’d like to think we’re doing right by him now. He raves about you, they both do, and it makes me so happy to hear it.”
“You really want what’s best for Harry, huh?”
“I do.” She nods. “And for my son, obviously. I know at times it may seem weird that Harry and I are sort of close…especially after my father died, but it’s really not always like that. It’s not like we text or talk every day. We only meet up when we absolutely have to. I think sometimes when we see each other more we fall into that old patter of friendship, but it doesn’t go further than that, I hope you can see that. I love Noah, I really feel like he’s the person I’m supposed to be with.”
“I…feel that way about Harry.” You mutter and sip your coffee, but you don’t miss her smile.
“That makes me so happy to hear, you have no idea.” She gives your hand a squeeze. “So, tell me, you’re working on your PhD, and then what?”
“Hopefully become a full professor at some point. I really like working at the university, so I won’t be going anywhere once I finish.”
“I just hope they give you a pay bump afterwards. Harry had to fight for his, he honestly almost left when they said no, but they didn’t want to lose him.”
“You’re just on a yearly contract, right?”
“Yeah, I can’t go for tenure until I have my doctorate.”
“Do you have anything planned for while you’re with Andy?”
“I have a couple of craft ideas, yeah. You’re not mad he wanted to stay with me?”
“No, I get it. He was so annoyed last year when he had to get up earlier for school and all that. Plus…right now he still enjoys seeing my mother, my biggest fear is that if he’s here a lot he may not like the visits as much. She’s sweet on him now, but she has this way of saying these little things that eventually just get under your skin.”
“God, I’m so sorry, that must be so difficult.”
“I’m just glad she has her own section of the house to putter around in.”
“Would she ever go back to living in a condo or anything? Maybe there’s some type of old folks community she could go to.”
“They were living in one before, but she really doesn’t want to live alone, and I don’t blame her. As shrill as she can be, I know she likes being around people.” She sighs. “Look, I guess I just wanted to say that I’m glad Harry has you, and I’m glad Andy has you too. Becoming a blended family isn’t easy, and I’m sure Harry having to watch me move on wasn’t easy either. He had started talking about you here and there, his new office neighbor, and how funny she was.” Paige grins. “I knew right away he had a little crush on you. I’d never seen him play it so cool because I’ve only ever known him as a flirt, but I know it’s different when you work with someone.”
“Andy told me something similar. God, how embarrassing for him to be gushing about me.” You chuckle.
“No, it was so sweet! I remember when he asked if he could bring a friend to Andy’s party, as if he needed my permission. We were very excited to meet you. I’m glad things have been going so well for you two.”
“Thanks, that means a lot.”
“You and I don’t need to be best friends or anything, but I definitely want us to be friendly, you know? I look at Noah and Harry, and I know there are times they have their own squabbles, but it’s nice they get along so well. I want you to feel comfortable here.”
“That’s very kind of you, thank you. I definitely don’t feel nervous around you anymore. Um, so, is there anything I should know about taking care of Andy for longer than just a few hours?”
“He’ll try to get more TV time, and he loves talking on the phone with his friends, if you don’t cap it at an hour, he’ll wrack up the phone bill. He won’t admit it, but he still likes the crust cut off his sandwiches. Oh! You’ll need to help him with his hair after he showers.”
“What does he need help with?”
“Well, there’s this special mousse he uses to help his curls really come out. Harry uses it, so he likes using it. You need to dry his hair with a t-shirt, and then comb through it. Then you have to get the mousse in your hands and run it through his hair. It’s best if he doesn’t shower right before bed because then you have to let it air dry.”
“Okay, very good to know. I don’t think I’ve been over when Harry’s helped him with that.”
“Other than that, it’s just helping him with homework and packing lunches. He’s not one of those kids that needs to sleep with you if he has a scary dream or anything like that. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call me, alright?”
“Alright.” You smile at her and she smiles back. You’re able to finish the rest of your meal in peace.
A little while later Andy comes in with his Gram and Auntie Allie.
“Y/N!” He shoots over to you and gives you a hug.
“Hi, did you have a good flight and all that?”
“Yeah! I’ll go up and get my stuff.”
“Okay.” You chuckle as he races upstairs.
“You both remember Y/N from Andy’s birthday party, right?” Paige says to her sister and mother.
“Yes, hi.” Allie smiles and shakes your hand. “Good to see you again.”
“You too.” You smile. “Hello Lydia.” You shake her hand and you watch as she sizes you up.
“Hello, so, you’re taking my grandson from me?”
“Mom, please.” Paige says. “Andy wants to be able to stay at home easier with Harry gone.”
“This is home too.”
“It is, but he goes to school in another town, so it’ll be easier for him to stay with Y/N.”
“You’re always giving in so easily, Paige, you should have never let-“
“Pardon me, but what are you doing?” You say.
“Excuse me?” Lydia says.
“No, I don’t think I will. Were you seriously just about to start an argument with your daughter about her son in front me? What is wrong with you? She’s his mother, I think she knows what she’s doing. You may have zero clue about what it’s like to raise a child with someone you’re not with, but she’s doing her best. I think it takes a lot of strength and courage to change up a living arrangement the way she did. It may not be my place to say because I’m just the girlfriend of the guy who she used to be with, and I know you just lost your husband, but you need to check yourself lady.”
Allie sucks her lips in to keep from laughing, and Paige has to do the same. This was prime entertainment.
“Maybe she feels like she can’t stand up to you because she’s trying to keep the peace, but she shouldn’t have to do that in her own home. You should be grateful she didn’t ship you off to a retirement home. I’m sure you have a lot of things to be angry about, but let it go. Your daughter’s made a wonderful life for herself, and I think you should recognize that before it’s too late.”
Andy comes down with his things, and goes over to give everyone a hug.
“Thanks again for lunch Gram.”
“You’re, um, more than welcome sweetheart.” She was in shock.
“See on Friday, Mum.” Andy says as he hugs his mother. “Bye, Auntie Allie, love you.”
“Love you too.”
“It was nice seeing everyone. Thanks again for brunch, Paige, it was wonderful.” You and Andy head out and leave them all stunned.
“Oh, I like her.” Allie says with a laugh.
“Who speaks to a stranger that way?!” Lydia says.
“She had a point.” Paige says. “Who starts an argument in front of a stranger? And, fuck it, she’s not a stranger! She’s Harry’s girlfriend, his serious girlfriend, who I happen to like, and Andy adores her. She was right mom, you need to check yourself. Take some time to figure out your priorities because I can’t live like this! I’m walking on eggshells in my own home. My home, not yours.”
“Okay, can everyone just take a deep breath?” Allie says. “Let’s just sit down and have a conversation without this becoming a screaming match.”
As you drive Andy to Harry’s, you hear him trying to bite back a laugh.
“What’s so funny back there?”
“Nothing, it’s just…I’ve heard my dad raise his voice at Gram before, and hearing you do the same thing just proves you two are a good couple.”
“Oh god, you heard me?”
“Yeah, but it’s okay. Thanks for standing up for my mom.”
“Of course! She’s a really nice person, she doesn’t deserve to be talked down to in her own home like that. I couldn’t just stand there and let it happen.” You scoff. “Anyways, what do you say when we get back we get you unpacked and then we talk lunches for the week?”
“Sounds good to me. Thanks again for wanting to stay with me.”
“I’m happy to do it. It’ll be fun.”
“Do you think…um, if it goes well, that you’ll move in?”
Your eyes grow wide and your heart skips a beat.
“That’s a conversation I’d need to have with your dad, Andy. It’s sort of a big deal for two people to move in together. I’ll be honest with you, I don’t think I’m ready for that, but I really do enjoy staying over when I do.”
“Alright, I’ll take your word for it.” He shrugs.
You turn up the music and take a deep breath. Once you get Andy inside, and he unpacks his things you go into the kitchen with him to discuss lunches for the week.
“Just pb and j’s are fine, it doesn’t need to be fancy.”
“I know, but I wanna make sure you’re not hungry. I could cut up some carrots for you and put some chips in there too. Would you like that?”
“Yeah, whatever.” He shrugs. “Are you gonna make baked ziti tomorrow? Dad usually gets up early on Monday mornings to get it all together and then he just throws it in the oven when we get home.”
“Sure, I can make that. I don’t know if it’ll come out as good though.”
“I’ll get up early to help you, hold on a second.” Andy goes down to the basement where Harry has another freezer and comes back up with a container of sauce. “This needs to thaw overnight in the fridge.”
“Thank god you remembered, I wouldn’t have even thought about it. So it’s pretty much just boil the pasta and get it together with the sauce?”
“Alright, I shouldn’t need your help then. What time should I wake you up in the morning?”
“Okay.” You nod. “Well, I know you had a big lunch, so just let me know when you feel hungry and I’ll whip up something for dinner.”
“Sounds good, I’m gonna go hang out in my room.”
“I’ll be up in the loft working if you need me.” You smile.
You: hey baby, I’m at your place with Andy. I’m gonna make him pb and j’s for lunch this week :)
Harry: that sounds great! Just make sure to cut the crust off, he won’t tell you to do it, but that’s how he likes it
You: so I’ve heard…I had a nice time with Paige today
Harry: not too awkward?
You: not really no, although, I did tell off her mom
Harry: you did?!
You: yeah, she was about to start some argument with Paige in front of me and I was like uhhh I think the fuck not!
Harry: lmao good for you, like I said, Lydia can be a bitch
You: for real
Harry: what are you up to now?
You: I’m gonna get some work done, wbu
Harry: just reading, the house is finally a little quieter…got my big meeting tomorrow
You: I know! I can’t wait to hear all about it
Harry: maybe we could FaceTime after??
You: definitely!
Harry: maybe we could plan it for when I’m getting ready for bed 😈 😈 😈
You: you’re an idiot
Harry: come on! Could be fun
You: normally I’d be game for phone sex, but at the time you’d be going to bed, I’d be eating dinner with your son, not exactly appropriate
Harry: maybe you could just send me a sexy pic then
You: a sexy pic?! How old are you???
Harry: 32, you’ve got a shit memory babe
You: you’re not helping your case
Harry: just teasing!
You: mhm, I’m going to do some work now
Harry: okay, okay I’m sorry
You: don’t be I just blah because I got my period this morning…so no sexy pics, but maybe when Andy goes back to Paige’s we could get a little frisky over the phone
Harry: sounds like an excellent compromise to me darling
You get up early the next morning to put the baked ziti together, and then you get Andy’s lunch box all set. You take a quick shower, and get dressed before going to wake up Andy. You gently open his door and peep your head in.
“Andy?” You coo. “It’s time to get up.” You hear him groan. “I’ve been told not to leave until you actually get up.”
“Ugh, fine.” He rips his blanket off and puts his feet on the floor. “Happy?”
“Very.” You smile. “Any requests for breakfast?”
“Oatmeal, please.” He yawns and you nod.
You drop Andy off at school on time, and wave to him as he walks inside. Morning one is done, you can do this.
Andy goes to his locker and puts what he doesn’t need away, and grabs his things for his first few classes.
“Andy!” Brandon exclaims and hugs him.
“Oof!” He giggles. “Almost knocked me over.”
“Sorry.” Brandon steps back and clears his throat. “How was London?”
“It was great, I had so much fun. How was your holiday?”
“It was good. Connecticut isn’t as exciting as London though.” He laughs and they both head to homeroom.
They sit in their seats and talk with their other friends. Their teacher comes in speaking with another student. Andy does a double take and his eyes grow wide. It was a girl with long, flowing brown hair. She had it up in a ponytail on the top of her head, held with a blue scrunchie.
“Hey, who’s that?” He asks his friends.
“Never seen her before.” Brandon says.
“Everyone!” The teacher says after the second bell rings. “Let’s settle down. I hope you all had a wonderful break. Today I’m excited to introduce a new student, Caroline Stearn, I hope you all will give her a warm welcome. Caroline, would you like to say a few things about yourself?”
“Um…sure? Hi, I’m Caroline, I just moved here from Maine…my mom just got a teaching job at the university down the road and my dad also just started working at the university, but he works in IT. I have three older sisters, they’re all in high school.”
“Thank you Caroline, why don’t you have a seat in front of Andy over there?”
She nods and does as told. She smiles at Andy and he smiles back. The teacher starts talking about whatever news the students need before homeroom is over.
“I’m Andy.” He whispers, and she turns around almost surprised.
“Nice to meet you.” She smiles.
“I was new here last year…but I came from a school a couple towns over.” He smirks. “You can sit with us at lunch if you want.”
“Really?” She sounds relieved. “That’d be great, thanks.”
He nods and she faces back front. He looks over at Brandon who was making a face at him. Andy mouths ‘what’ at him, and Brandon rolls his eyes. Andy felt nervous, but he wasn’t sure why.
“Carline, how’s your first day going so far?” Tyler asks her during lunch.
“It’s okay. “ She shrugs. “Everyone seems nice so far.”
“Do you miss living in Maine at all?” Andy asks. She was sitting next to him.
“Honestly, not really.” She giggles. “We were from a really small town with nothing to do.” Everyone at the table bursts out laughing. “What?” Her face was red now.
“And this town doesn’t scream small town to you?” Brandon says. “The closest arcade is thirty minutes away, same with the movie theater. There’s literally nothing to do.”
“My class sizes back home were ten people max. There’s like twenty of us here.” She says shyly and takes a bite of her sandwich. She sees Andy’s and smiles. “You don’t like the crust either?”
“No.” He smiles at her. “You know what’s funny? My dad’s girlfriend made this for me, and I didn’t even have to ask her to cut it off. She’s like, psychic or something.”
“Oh yeah, Y/N’s staying with you, right?” Brandon chimes in.
“Mhm, she told off my Gram yesterday. It was so funny. She’s so cool, I’m really glad my dad’s with her. He can be so lame sometimes.” He rolls his eyes, and then looks at Caroline. “Sorry, that must all sound confusing.”
“It’s okay. Maybe we could get together some time and you could explain it to me.”
Andy nearly chokes on his sandwich. He takes a sip of his water, and starts nodding.
“Yeah, um, we could definitely do that.”
“Cool.” She smiles.
“Cool.” He smiles back, and then look up at Brandon who just rolls his eyes.
Since you had time before classes started back up in a couple of more weeks, you decide to go to the library to get some work done, rather than go to your office. It would almost be too quiet. Normally you’d just sleep in, but it was almost good you needed to be up for Andy, it would keep you in a routine. Lisa was hoping to see a very rough draft of your work once the second semester started.
You get a fuck ton done before needing to pick Andy up at 2:30. You decide to stop off at Dunkin beforehand to surprise him with a hot chocolate as a treat. The first day back to school after a break always felt long as a kid, so you thought you’d do something to potentially perk him up. As you pull up you see Andy walking out with Brandon, but also with a young girl. He waves goodbye to Brandon and hangs back with the girl.
“Thanks for being so nice to me today.”
“It’s not like you made it hard…” He blushes. “Um, so, you were thinking maybe Thursday after school?”
“Yeah! It would have to be your house, though, we’re still unpacking.”
“I’ll ask my dad’s girlfriend, I’m sure she won’t mind.”
“Okay…I’m excited.”
“Me too.”
“Oh! There’s my mom’s car, I better go. Bye, Andy.”
“Bye, Caroline.”
Andy sees your car and races over, getting into the back seat.
“Hi, how was school?”
“It was…really great actually.”
“Oh, good. Here, I got you a hot chocolate.”
“You’re the best, Y/N! Thanks.”
“You’re welcome…um, who was that girl you were just talking to?” You ask as you start to drive away.
“Oh, that was Caroline. She’s new, I helped her out a little bit today. I was actually sort of hoping she could come over after school Thursday.” He mutters.
“I’ll have to ask your dad if girls are allowed over.” You smirk. “You might have to hang out in a more open area.”
“Brandon and I don’t have to do that…”
“Very true, but even still, you and Brandon don’t keep the door closed when he’s over.”
“You got me there.” He shrugs. “I’m sure Dad will say yes.”
“When do your basketball practices start?”
“Next Tuesday.”
“Do you have everything you need for that?”
“Yup, I got a ton of new stuff for Christmas.”
“Okay, cool, just wanted to make sure. So…Caroline’s nice?”
“Super nice, and…her smile is pretty, so are her eyes. They’re like…the prettiest brown eyes I’ve ever seen.”
“She…she gave me the butterflies, Y/N.” He runs a hand through his hair.
“Yeah, and now I’m confused because I thought Brandon gave me butterflies.”
“Well…sometimes two people can give you butterflies, that’s okay.”
“But she’s a girl and he’s a boy…why am I so weird?” He groans.
“Oh, Andy, you’re not weird at all. A lot of people feel like you about boys and girls.”
“They do?”
“Sure! One of my really good friends Darcy likes boys and girls.”
“How does she decide which one she likes better?”
“Well, she doesn’t.” You shrug as you pull into the driveway. You both get into the house and sit on the couch to continue your conversation. Andy holds a throw pillow to his stomach. “I’ve been around her when she’s had a boyfriend, and when she’s had a girlfriend, both make her equally happy. I think for her, at the end of the day, she’s attracted to the type of person they are, so the gender doesn’t really matter.”
“My dad said something like that once, he says he just likes the person and the rest doesn’t really matter. And then I asked him if he liked boys like that and he said no, so I was just more confused.”
“Sexuality is an ever evolving thing, Andy. You may decide you like one thing now, but in a few years you could like something else. I know it all feels stressful and confusing, but remember you’re eleven. You have so much time to figure it all out.”
“So…you only like boys?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“How did you know?”
“I don’t know exactly. I’m just not attracted to women in a way that would make me want to date one.”
“Caroline is, like, really pretty. I’ve never really thought girls were pretty before.”
“Could just be a sign you’re growing up.” You give him a soft smile. “Can I ask…if you think Caroline is pretty, what do you think of Brandon?”
“Brandon’s…ugh, Brandon’s cute, Y/N.” Andy runs a hand over his face. “I like his smile too, and I mean, look the bracelet he made me. I made him one too, but he’s not as artsy as I am, and it’s literally perfect.” He holds his wrist out so you can get a better look at the bracelet.
“It’s a beautiful bracelet.”
“Can you do me a favor?”
“Of course.”
“When you ask my dad if Caroline can come over, can you please not mention anything else to him? I don’t want him to know about any of this.”
“Andy, he just wants to be there for you…”
“I know, but…he’ll just be so, like, after school special about it. Then he’ll tell my mom about it, and I really don’t want her knowing.”
“I don’t know if I can keep a secret from your dad, Andy.”
“You wouldn’t be! Please, Y/N?”
“Okay…I’ll keep this stuff between us.”
“Thank you.” He sighs with relief and leans forward to hug you.
After dinner you end up FaceTiming with Harry. He speaks with Andy for a bit first, and then it’s your turn. You take the phone into the bedroom for some privacy while Andy takes a shower.
“Hi.” You smile at him.
“Hey, baby.”
“How was your meeting?”
“Could not have gone better.”
“Really? That’s great!”
“They loved what I had, and signed me write another piece for the journal!”
“Harry, that’s incredible. I’m so proud of you.”
“Thanks. So, how was your first real day with him?”
“It was good.” You bite your bottom lip. “Can he have a friend over Thursday?”
“Sure, I don’t care if Brandon comes over.”
“It’s not Brandon…”
“Oh, Tyler then?”
“No, this is a new friend…a girl named Caroline.”
“A girl?! Wow, yeah, that’s fine. Did he tell you anything about her?”
“We actually had a long conversation about a lot of things today, but he asked me not to tell you and I don’t wanna betray his trust.”
“He…doesn’t want me to know something?”
“He doesn’t want an after school special lecture or whatever.”
“I do not do that.” He scoffs. “You really won’t tell me anything?”
“All I’m going to say is that he’s extremely confused, and I validated his feelings, and then he hugged me.”
“Does he like this girl?”
“He thinks she’s pretty.”
“And what about Brandon?”
“Can’t say.”
“Come on, Y/N.”
“Harry, I’m stuck here. I really wanna respect him. He’s not in any danger or anything so I think it’s okay that the conversation stayed between he and I.”
“I don’t like it.” He pouts.
“I’m sorry, baby doll.” You pout back.
“Y/N?! I need some help with my hair!”
“Welp, duty calls.” You giggle. “I love you.”
“I love you too. Thanks for being there for him. I’m happy he has you to talk to.”
“Me too.”
You end the call and meet Andy in the living room. He looked incredibly cute with the t-shirt wrapped around his head. He sits down on the floor in front of the couch and you sit down. You comb through his hair as carefully as you can, and then you apply the mousse. You hear him sigh and it makes you smile.
“Wanna watch TV before you go read?” You ask him when you’re done.
“Yeah, can I put my show on?”
“Of course.” You smile. He gets cozy next to you, and you smirk when you see he selects Family Guy. “Andy…are you old enough to be watching this?”
“Dad lets me watch this all the time, it’s funny.” He shrugs.
“Do you even get half of the jokes?”
“Not really, but it’s still funny.”
“Okay.” You shake your head.
“Would you play with my hair?”
“Sure, do you wanna rest your head on my lap?”
“Yeah.” He smiles and grabs a pillow to get comfortable. “Y/N?”
“You’d make a good mom.” He says with a yawn as he keeps his eyes on the TV.
“Oh, um, thank you, Andy.”
When Thursday rolls around, you pick Andy up, and you’re also met with Caroline getting into the backseat of your car.
“Hello, you must be Caroline, it’s nice to meet you.” You smile.
“Nice to meet you too.” She smiles.
“I’m Andy’s dad’s girlfriend. I hear your mom works at the university? So do I.”
“Oh, really? She works in the Psychology department…my dad works there too, but he’s in IT.”
“Well, feel free to tell your mom to look out for me and Harry. We teach in the Communication department.”
“Okay.” Caroline smiles.
You get the two of them home and fix them with a snack. You tell them you’ll be up in the loft and you remind Andy to keep his door open.
“She’s really nice.” Caroline says as she sits down on Andy’s bed.
“Yeah, she’s the first girlfriend my dad’s had in a long time. I like her a lot.”
“How long have they been together for?”
“I don’t know…seven months I think.”
“Wow, that’s a long time!”
“Super long. They were friends for a while before they got together too, so they knew each other really well.”
“That’s so sweet! My parents met on a blind date.” She giggles. “How did your mom and dad meet?”
“In college I guess.” He shrugs. “She lives about thirty minutes from here, I see her every other weekend.”
“Does she date anyone?”
“She’s engaged actually. His name is Noah and he has a daughter, Rachel. She’s a year younger than us.”
“Wow, it’s like that movie Blended.”
“Yeah! They’re nice enough, and Noah makes my mum happy, so that’s all I care about.”
“That’s, like, really grown up of you.” Caroline was in awe of Andy. He blushes slightly and clears his throat.  
“Enough about me, what’s it like having three older sisters?”
“It can be fun and annoying. Like, they help me with my hair and clothes, but other times it feels like we’re always fighting. I feel bad for dad.”
“Because they all get their…monthly visits at the same time.”
“Oh! That video they showed us in health class was gross.”
“Did they show you the one about the girl who gets it for the first time, and then they talk about a girl’s insides?”
“Yeah! And then we had to watch the same one, but about boys, and then we had to watch a video about giving birth…”
“Ew, and they actually show the baby coming out, right?”
“Yeah…nasty.” They both shiver and then they both laugh.
“I know you guys said there wasn’t much to do around here, but what do you do for fun?”
“I play basketball with Brandon, his dad is our coach. Winter program on Fridays is fun. Do you ski?”
“I do! I can’t wait for tomorrow. Would you wanna sit with me on the bus?”
“Well…I would, but…I sit with Brandon.”
“Oh, that’s okay. I can just sit near you, maybe? Are you two best friends?”
“Yeah, we are.” Andy blushes. “And yeah, you can definitely sit near me.”
“Cool.” She smiles and grabs her books out of her bag, and Andy does the same. “You’d been so great to me all week. I’m really glad that seat was open in front of you in homeroom.”
“Me too.”
Later that night, after Caroline’s mom picked her up, you and Andy watch a little TV on couch. He had been quiet.
“So, do you have everything together for winter program tomorrow?”
“Yup, got my ski bag ready to go.”
“Make sure to pack what you need for your mum’s, she’s gonna get you after school tomorrow.”
“And then I’ll see you Monday after school, right?”
“That’s right.”
“I had a lot of fun with you this week. You make me not miss my dad as much.”
“Aw, that’s sweet. It’s okay to miss him, though, I miss him a lot too.”
“You forgot to say that you had a lot of fun with me too.” He rolls his eyes.
“Oh, did I?” Andy likes praise too, it seems. “Well, I had loads of fun with you this week, and we’ll have loads more next week.”
“I hope we get a snow day or something. Brandon’s dad usually takes us sledding.”
“Maybe you could bring Caroline with you too. She’s very nice.”
“Yeah, I like her a lot. She asked if she could sit with me tomorrow, but I had to tell her no because I sit on the bus with Brandon.”
“That’s good you didn’t flake on Brandon.”
“He’d kill me if I did, although, I feel like he’s getting a taste of his own medicine.”
“What do you mean?”
“Remember when he was with Molly? Everything was about her, now he knows how it feels.”
“Right, he’d talk about her a lot.”
“Do you talk about Caroline a lot?”
“Pretty much, it’s hard not to. She’s funny, and she always smells like cherries.” He swoons.
“And to think you’ve only known her for four days.” You chuckle.
“I wonder if she’ll go on the lift with me tomorrow, shoot, I should have asked her while she was here.”
“Do you have her number?”
“So text her and ask. Tell her you had a nice time hanging out, and then ask her if she’ll save a run for you tomorrow.”
“You’re brilliant, Y/N! I’m gonna go do that now and then get ready for bed. Goodnight!”
“Night.” You smile and watch him run off to his room.
You felt like a full on basketball-mom sitting at Andy’s practice. Watching all the boys was pretty fun, you never got to see Andy be sporty other than going on hikes. There were some other parents and older siblings in the gym watching as well. You got some funny looks from some, and others were quite friendly. You brought your laptop with you to get some work done, but you ended up taking pictures for Harry to see. You knew it killed him to miss Andy’s first week back in action.
Brandon’s dad had the boys running drills, back and forth, sprinting up and down the court. He had them all working on their dribbling, and at the end he had them scrimmage a bit. You noticed how when the boys had to stand and listen to directions that Brandon and Andy were often leaning on each other mindlessly, or touching in some fashion. When practice ends, Brandon chats with Andy quick.
“Did you wanna do homework over the phone later?” Brandon asks.
“I can’t. I need to shower and eat, and then I told Caroline I’d call her.”
“Sorry, maybe tomorrow?”
“Sure, yeah, maybe you could just come over after school?”
“Well, Y/N is watching me for a reason, you know? You could come to place, though.”
“Yeah! I’ll ask my parents.”
“Great, well, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Andy comes over to you. “Hi, Y/N.”
“Hey, you looked great out there.”
“Thanks, can Brandon come over tomorrow?”
“Sure.” You shrug. “Come on, I ordered a pizza for dinner and I need to go pick it up. Thought it would be a nice break from my cooking.”
“I like the way you cook, but pizza sounds great.”
Brandon was fuming, and you could feel it. Andy had accidentally invited Caroline over too, and you were just trying to keep them all happy. They were all playing video games in the living room, and you popped them some popcorn. They had all done their homework together, but you could feel the tension when you gave them dinner. Luckily they’d be getting picked up soon so you could chat with Andy about it. Caroline’s phone goes off.
“Oh! My dad’s here.” Andy pauses the game to walk her to the door. “Thanks for having me.” She gives Andy a hug goodbye after she gets her coat on, and heads out.
“Isn’t she cool, B? She knows how to play Smash Brothers.” Andy says as he sits back down with Brandon.
“It’s not rocket science.” He mumbles.
“Are you okay? You were sort of quiet…”
“Well, I thought just you and I were hanging out today.”
“I told you at school, when she and talked last night I just sort of told her she could come by. I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal. You used to do it with Molly all the time.”
“Yeah, but Molly was my girlfriend, that’s different.”
“How is that any different?”
“Because she’d let me kiss her after. You wouldn’t say no to someone who lets them kiss you.”
“Maybe you should go back to kissing her then.” Andy rolls his eyes. “I like hanging out with Caroline…”
“More than me?”
“No…it’s just different.”
“Well, it sort of feels like you have a new best friend.”
“Don’t be like that, she’s not my new best friend, she’s just a new friend. She’s really pretty. Who knows, maybe I’ll kiss her.”
“You like her enough to kiss her?”
“Maybe.” He shrugs. “She’s really pretty, don’t you think?”
“She’s okay.” Brandon shrugs, and he sees his phone light up. “My mom’s here, I have to go.”
“Alright, see you tomorrow.”
“See you.” They both hug before Brandon leaves.
“I don’t wanna talk about it.” He huffs and goes to his room. You follow after him and stand in his doorway.
“I was just going to ask if you wanted some ice cream.”
“No, thank you.” He sighs. “I feel Brandon was upset with me. I really didn’t think he’d mind it if she came.”
“Well, now you know. Maybe don’t make it a group thing.”
“He’s the only one of our friends that seems to mind her. I don’t get it.”
“Maybe he’s jealous that you’re suddenly not as available.”
“Then that makes him a hippo because he did the same thing with Molly.”
“I think you mean hypocrite.” You chuckle.
“Whatever it is, you know what I mean. This is so annoying, I acted supportive when he told me he was dating her.”
“Are you saying you want to date Caroline?”
“Maybe! It shouldn’t matter, he should be there for me. I should be able to talk about girls and stuff with him.”
“Andy did you ever stop to think that maybe Brandon is confused in the way that you’re confused?” His eyes widen at that.
“You mean…Brandon could think that I’m cute?”
“He could, yeah.”
“Oh my god.” He looks around like he’s searching for an answer. “But what if Caroline thinks I’m cute too?”
“Do you think that she thinks you’re cute?”
“There are rumors going around that she does!”
“Okay, so what do you want to do?!”
“I have no idea!” He flops onto his bed. He mumbles something into his pillow.
“I think I wanna ask her out!”
“Are you even allowed to date yet?!”
“I don’t know! I didn’t think I’d be feeling this way so soon so I haven’t asked!”
“Well, now I have to tell your dad what’s been going on!”
“No, you can’t!”
“I have to!”
“Okay, everybody just be cool.” Andy stands back up. “Screaming won’t get us anywhere.”
“Andy, you can’t ask her out unless your dad says it’s okay. I don’t know how he feels about you dating. You’re only eleven!”
“But I like her…”
“Then you need to wait until Harry gets home, and you need to talk to him about all of this. I won’t say a word, but you sure as hell will.” You cross your arms and so does he.
“I don’t wanna talk to him about this. He’s too romantic about everything, and then he’s gonna be like ‘my baby has a crush’.”
“Well, his baby does have a crush. It’s adorable when you think about it.”
“God, not you too.” He runs his hands over his face. “Fine, I’ll talk to him when he gets back and I won’t make a move beforehand.”
“Good.” You nod and stick your hand out for him to shake. “Pleasure doing business with you.”
You went to bed exhausted as fuck that night. You needed Harry home, now.
The next morning at school Andy takes a deep breath before going over to Brandon at his locker.
“Hi.” He says shyly.
“Morning.” Brandon says without looking at him.
“I’m sorry about yesterday.” Brandon closes his locker and looks at Andy. “I should have asked first before just inviting someone else over with us.”
“It’s okay.” Brandon sighs. “I get it.”
“You do?”
“Yeah, Caroline is really pretty. Do you, um, think you like like her?”
“I might…I think so, but I’m a little confused. It doesn’t matter anyways, she probably doesn’t like me like that.”
“Why wouldn’t she?” Brandon smirks and throws his arm around Andy’s shoulders as they walk to homeroom. “You’re a great catch.”
“Shut up.” Andy chuckles and nudges Brandon.
Things seemed fine between the boys as basketball practice. You could just tell by their body language. You and Andy share a dinner of pasta and veggies after he showers.
“Did you stay here all weekend while I was at my mum’s? I didn’t even think to ask.”
“No, I went back to my place. I’ll do the same when you go back on Friday. I had water my plants and all that.”
“What’s your place like?”
“It’s just a simple two bedroom.” You shrug. “I like it a lot cause it’s all mine. I love decorating and interior design, so I’ve had fun really making it my own.”
“If you could redecorate here, what do you think you’d change?”
“Hmm…” You look around. “First off, I’d paint…everywhere. It’s dark too dark in the living room. I’d paint it a light grey, and then find some curtains with some color to make it pop. I’d also get blinds for the sliding door, I hate that there’s nothing covering it. In here I’d probably get a round table to save some space. It’s a great size dining area and kitchen, but a round table would just make more sense, I think. I’d also put a glass coffee table in the living room to make it seem like there was more space, not that it’s cramped. It’s a wonderful sized home. More spacious than most ranches I’ve seen.”
“I literally agree with everything. Dad said we could do some painting over his spring break. I think he focused a lot on getting the outside to look nice.”
“Oh, you can tell he loves landscaping. This home has a beautiful curb appeal.”
“Do you think after dinner we could watch House Hunters together again? It was a lot of fun the other night.”
“Definitely!” You smile. “How were things with Brandon today?”
“Good, I apologized for just inviting Caroline over, and he said it was okay.”
“And how was Caroline today?”
“God she…she shared her cosmic brownie with me.” Andy rests his chin his palm and pouts. “I didn’t even ask, she just offered. She’s so nice, Y/N.”
“That was very nice of her.” You chuckle. “Those are the best brownies.”
“Dad never buys them because he says they’re overly processed, so we’ll make them here. It was a real treat.”
Andy helps you clean up dinner, and then you both get settled on the couch. He had gotten into a rhythm of resting his head on a pillow in your lap and wanting you to play with his hair. He had murmured that your nails felt nice like at the hairdresser. He loved listening to your commentary while watching the extremely staged show.
“Oh good, it’s House Hunters: Renovation! I love when they show what they did with the house after they bought it.” You say.
“Me too, I always like seeing if they make it worse or better.”
“I crack up when a lot of them try to do these intricate home projects by themselves. Hire someone for fuck’s sake.” You scoff and then blush. “Sorry.”
“Mum swears all the time.” Andy giggles. “If I tell her about someone that’s bother me, or something she just says fuck ‘em, it’s her…uh…what’s what word that starts with a ph?”
“Yeah! It’s her philosophy.”
“Not a bad one to live by.” You smirk.
After two episodes, you send Andy off to bed, and get ready for bed yourself. You setting into one of Harry’s tee shirts, and decide to listen to one of those mediation bed time stories he’s always suggesting. You plug your headphones into your phone, turn the lights off and settle in. Just as you’re beginning to relax, the story stops, and Harry’s contact photo pops up on the screen, surprising you.
“Hello?” You whisper.
“Hi, baby.”
“Harry, it must be the middle of the night over there, why are you awake?”
“Couldn’t sleep.”
“Why not?”
“My body pillow just isn’t doing it for me tonight, I miss you.”
“Aw, babe, I miss you too…only a few more days. You’re back Saturday, yeah?”
“Mhm...are you gonna be at my place or yours?”
“I’ll probably be at mine since Andy will be at Paige’s. We’re having loads of fun. His basketball practices are going well. You got the pictures I sent?”
“I did, thank you for sending them along. Any other news to report, or are you still holding out on me?” You could practically hear the smirk that was sure to be on his face.
“All I can say is that Andy is going to have an important question to ask you when you get back.”
“Can you give me any hints?”
“He…may want to start dating…”
“No, actually, someone else, but I’ve said too much already. I told him he had to ask you if he even was allowed to date.”
“Oh, it’s so meaningless at this age, I don’t care, but thanks for telling him that.”
“It’s not totally meaningless. There was a boy that asked me out when I was in seventh grade, and I said yes because I thought I had a crush on him, and then I realized I wasn’t ready to date, so the next day I told him I didn’t want to. It was so awkward.”
“And…you remember all this?”
“Of course, a girl never forgets.”
“Changing subject a bit…um…are you still, uh, on the rag?”
“On the rag?!” You nearly cackle. “No, you idiot.”
“I didn’t know how else to phrase it!”
“Just ask me if I’m on my period or not.”
“It’s an awkward question to ask.”
“You don’t seem to have a problem fucking me when I’m ‘on the rag’.”
“Not at all. Makes me a real man if I say so myself.” You hum your response, not having the energy to say something sarcastic. “Are you in bed already?”
“I am, I was even listening to one of those bed time stories you’re always talking about.”
“Is it alright that I’m interrupting?”
“What are you wearing, Y/N?”
“One of your shirts, your Rolling Stones tee.”
“Ah, that’s a good one.”
“What about you?”
“Just my boxers.”
Harry’s voice was low, and gravely. It was sort of nice listening to it with your headphones in. Heating him in surround sound was raising goosebumps on your body. If you closed your eyes it would be like he was there next to you, talking into your ear.
“Harry, did you call to have phone sex with me?”
“Would you me mad if I did?”
“No…just wish I had one of my items here to help me along.”
“Guess you’ll have to do it the old fashioned way and use your hand.”
“What are we in medieval times?”
“Alas, fair maiden, it seems we are.” You giggle softly at him. God, he was so cute. “So, you’re okay with this?”
“Very okay with it.” You bite your bottom lip.
“Are you biting your lip?”
“Yes.” You hear him hum in understanding.
“Wish it was me doing it. I’d bite your lip and then nip across your jaw to your neck.”
“Oh, I like it when you do that. I’d like you bite every inch of me.” You smile. “You know what else I really like?”
“Tell me.”
“I like when you kiss on my tits, and then when you blow on my nipples once they’re all wet.”
“Yeah? Gets your nipples pretty hard, huh?”
“Mhm.” You lift your shirt up over your chest so you could rub your palm over one of your breasts.
“Please tell me you’re touching them.”
“I am.”
“I love your tits, Y/N. Love touching and kneading.”
“I like feeling your big hands on them, and then I like when one of your hands slides between my legs while you’re still kissing on them.”
“And you’re always so wet for me once I get there.”
“M’wet now, Harry.”
“How hard his your dick right now?”
“Very, it’s throbbing for you.”
“Why don’t you lick your palm and wrap your hand around yourself like I would. Want you to touch yourself while I am.” You hear some rustling, and then a grunt from him. “Love when you listen to me.”
“Love when you tell me what to do.” He grunts again. “Tell me what you’re doing.”
“I’m just moving my fingers around myself, feeling myself get more wet.”
“Put a finger inside and then drag it up to your clit.” He hears a soft moan come from you. “Good girl.” He breathes.
Your eyes snap open. He had never said that to you before. You kind of liked it.
“What’s that? I’m your good girl?”
“My very good girl.”
“Christ, Harry.” You groan as your fingers press circles into your clit. “Fuck, I wish you were here, want your mouth on me.”
“Right on my clit so you can suck on it.”
Harry’s tip was leaking so much now that he was able to spread his precome all over his length. It felt incredible, but it was nowhere near as good as being squeezed by your walls.
“I’d do that, and slip my fingers inside, pet that special spot.”
“Oh my fucking god.” Your back arches slightly as you imagine it. “Harry.” You whine.
“That’s it baby, say my name while you make yourself come.”
“Want you to come too.”
“I will once you do. Gotta hear you do it first.”
“Fuck, Harry.” You groan as you rub yourself faster. You were so drenched you had to kick all of the blankets off yourself. You plant your feet into the bed as you bend your legs at the knee. Your arch your back up to get a better angle, and god does it feel good.
“Bet you’re squeezing around nothing, just wishing I was there.” All he could hear was you grunting and moaning.
“Harry.” You grit your teeth. “I, I’m, oh fuck!” You press your face into the pillow so you can moan out, but keep it muffled.
“God.” He breathes. “Blew my load just listening to you, Y/N.”
“Harry.” You whimper. “I’m a mess now and you’re not even here to clean it up.”
“I know, I’m sorry.” He chuckles slightly. “I’m a mess here too if that makes you feel better.”
“It does a little.” You giggle. “I really can’t wait to see you.”
“Me neither, my love.”
His words make you feel all warm and fuzzy.
“Well, unless you wanna listen to me pee, which I really hope you don’t because that’s just one kink I would have to shame you for, I think I should go.”
“Nope, no pee kink here, baby.” He laughs. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Sweet dreams.”
“Back at you.” You sigh and hang up the phone. There was something strangely erotic about getting yourself off alone in Harry’s bed. Calling you like that was sneaky, but you knew you’d sleep better, and he would too.
“Mm, hello?” You groan at 5AM when your phone goes off.
“Due to weather and road conditions, school is cancelled today.”
You sit up right away. You had no idea it was supposed to snow last night, and you also had no idea how to use Harry’s snow blower. You get up and throw your robe on, you needed to tell Andy there was no school. You quietly go into his room, and put your hand on his shoulder.
“Andy, sweetie, you have a snow day today.” You coo.
“M’kay.” He whispers sleepily.
You smile and leave his room so he can go back to sleep. You look outside and see it’s still dark. You figure you should go back to sleep as well. Yours and Harry’s cars were in the garage, so it wasn’t like you need to worry about digging them out. You could tackle the shoveling in a few hours.
You end up starting your day around eight, deciding that sweats would be most comfortable. You think Andy would enjoy some waffles for breakfast, so you get the batter going in the waffle maker. He appears from his room shortly after, the aroma being too intoxicating for him to stay in bed any longer.
“Morning.” He says, knuckling at his eyes.
“Morning, you hungry?”
“Mhm.” He smiles as she places a stack of waffles in front of him at the table. “Thank you.”
“You’re more than welcome.”
“What kind of snow is it?”
“The powdery kind. I need to get out there soon to clean up the driveway. You don’t happen to know how to use the snow blower do you?”
“No idea. I usually stick to shoveling the walkways and the stairs.”
“I’m sure I’ll be able to figure it out. How hard could it be?”
After twenty minutes of tinkering, you Googled how to start a snow blower, and found a video to watch. Once you got it going, it was pretty simple. You cleared the driveway of all the snow as Andy worked to clear the walkway to the front door.
“We make a pretty good team!” You say as you get the snow blower back in the garage.
You both head in through the garage and go into the basement to shed yourselves of your wet jackets, snow-pants, and boots.
Caroline: hey Andy! My sisters are taking me sledding since the roads aren’t too bad, do you wanna come?
Brandon: My dad’s gonna take me skiing today, do you wanna come?
“Shit.” Andy says to himself as he checks his phone.
“What’s up?” You ask him as you hand him a mug of hot chocolate.
“Both Caroline and Brandon invited me to do stuff with them…what should I do?”
“Who asked you first?”
“Caroline did…”
“Which activity would you rather do?”
“I’d rather go skiing, but I’d also like to hang out with Caroline…”
“Well, maybe you could go skiing with Brandon, and then meet up with Caroline later.” You shrug. “She could come over here and I could set a movie up for you in the living room, and I could sit up in the loft while you hang out.”
“You don’t mind me being out all day with my friends?”
“Not at all, snow days are supposed to be fun, and the roads aren’t that bad right now.”
“You’re the best, Y/N!” Andy hugs you, and goes to text his friends.
Andy: Sure! I just need to a few minutes to get my gear together.
Brandon: Awesome! I’ll let my dad know, see you soon! Did Y/N want to come?
Andy: I’ll ask
“Did you want to come skiing?”
“Oh god.” You laugh. “No, I think I’ll save that for your dad, but thank you.”
Andy: she said thanks but no thanks lol
Brandon: okay lmao
Andy smiles and then goes to text Caroline.
Andy: Thanks for thinking of me, I’m actually going skiing with Brandon, but Y/N said you could come over for a movie later if you want???
Caroline: of course! Totally don’t blame you for wanting to go skiing. I’d love to come over later, I’ll ask my parents. Wanna just text me when you get home and we can figure it out from there?
Andy: sounds good to me ☺️
Caroline: ☺️☺️
“Okay, this should all work out.” Andy says to you. “I’m gonna get my stuff together.”
“Alright, will you just let me know once you’re there and all that. Text me updates so I know you didn’t split your head open. I don’t think your dad would like me very much anymore if that happened.”
“Yeah.” Andy laughs. “I think he’d take some brownie points away for sure.”
Andy was having a great time skiing with Brandon and his dad. After a couple of hours they all go into the lodge to get a quick lunch. Mr. Stewart goes up to order all the food while the boys sit at the table.
“Did you want to come back my house after? My mom’s making beef stew for dinner.”
“Aw man, I love your mom’s beef stew.” Andy pouts. “But I can’t, I have plans later.”
“Oh yeah? What are you up to?”
“Um…I invited Caroline over for a movie.”
“Oh.” Brandon’s face falls.
“But only because she invited me to go sledding today, and I said no I could ski with you.”
“Oh.” He perks back up. “What movie do you think you’ll watch?”
“I have no idea, I’ll probably let her decide. Any time me, my dad, and Y/N all watch a movie he always lets her decide.”
“Because it makes her happy.” He shrugs. “And then she’ll kiss him, and he likes that.”
“Right.” Brandon swallows. Before he can say anything else his dad comes over with the food.
You got a fuck ton of work done today, you were really proud of yourself. Harry’s loft was a perfect working space, even if you did miss your office at home. You hear Andy come in the door, and he shouts hello and that he’ll be in the shower. You chuckle to yourself and save what you’re working on for now.
Andy comes out a little while later just as you’re rifling through take out menus.
“I was thinking you could get something yummy for dinner. What do you think she’d like?”
“Pizza and mozzarella sticks sound safe.” He says.
“Alright, I’ll order it in a bit so it’s here when she is. I’m sure a lot of people are doing delivery tonight.”
“And you’ll just be upstairs?”
“Mhm, I don’t need to hover…just… you know, don’t sit on top of each other.”
He makes a face at you like he’s grossed out and then walks away from you. Not too long after the food arrives, so does Caroline.
“Thanks for getting all this, Y/N.” She says to you.
“Oh, you’re more than welcome. Did you two settle on a movie?”
“Cars.” Andy says. “Right, you wanna watch Cars?”
“Mhm.” She smiles.
“Okay, Cars it is.” You smile and set the movie up on Disney+. They both settle on the couch. “I’ll be right upstairs working if you need anything.”
“Thanks.” Andy says and watches you go upstairs. “I like this movie a lot, Brandon and I watch it all the time.”
“It’s one of my favorites. I don’t really like the sequels though.”
“Me either!”
“They suck.”
“Yeah.” Andy smiles.
“I really like Wall-E, too.”
“My dad and I watched that together for the first time a couple years ago and he cried.” Andy laughs.
“He did?!”
“Yeah! I have no idea why. He cries a lot when we watch movies, though.”
“He sounds funny, I can’t wait to meet him.” She smiles and turns her attention to the TV.
About halfway through the movie, once they were done eating, you noticed it had gotten a little quite, so you peer over the banister to see what was going on. They were simply entranced by the film, giggling occasionally. You smile and sit back down.
There was the part in the movie where the town comes back to life, and the cars all pair of to cruise together. Caroline sighs softly, and he hand brushes Andy’s. They both look down at their hands, and Andy makes a bold move in holding her, fingers intertwined and all. She smiles at him and blushes.
“Is this okay?” He asks.
“Yeah.” She nods with a brighter smile.
“Cool.” He sighs with relief, and they continue the movie like that, holding hands.
You stand in the kitchen while Caroline gets her coat on after the movie ended and her oldest sister was in the car outside.
“Thanks again for having me, it was fun.”
She throws her arms around his neck to give him a hug, and out the door she goes. Andy sighs contently and walks into the kitchen with a huge smile on his face. He gives you a surprising hug.
“What was that for?”
“For being so cool to let us chill alone. Knowing my dad, he would have walked by every two seconds, or if I were at Mum’s she would have had Rachel watch the movie with us. We…we held hands, Y/N.”
“Oh my.” You smile. “Big step.”
“No kidding.” He agrees. “I…I need to go call Brandon.” He races into his room and closes the door.
Andy was so innocently sweet, and it warmed your heart like nothing else ever could.
“He was a perfect angel, honestly.” You say over the phone to Janette as you stuff your face with the ice cream you had in your freezer. “He’s very popular, and is always busy. No wonder Harry didn’t make time to date before, I’m exhausted.”
“Doing it alone is tough, but now he’s got a great partner to help him out.”
“I love helping. He and I didn’t have one single disagreement, and he listened to me the whole time.”
“Well, of course he did. You’re his dad’s girlfriend.”
“True, but I was really expecting him to try to get away with something.”
“He probably knew he couldn’t test you. Smart kid.”
You chuckle and talk with her more about her break is going. You survived two weeks with Andy. You kept him alive and well.
Later on, you were snuggled up on your couch in some sweats of Harry’s, and a blanket, watching TV. Your heart skips a beat when you hear the jingle of keys and you front door unlocking. Harry said he’d text you when he landed, and he hadn’t. You stand up and shuffle around, grabbing a fry pan and getting into a batting stance.
“Baby?! I’m back!” He stops short when he sees you ready to attack and then he bursts out laughing.
“Stop it! I thought you were a burglar!”
“So you stood there frozen?!”
“You can go home if you want, I’m not longer happy to see you.” You pout and put the pan on the counter.
“Don’t be like that, I missed you so much, come here.”
Your smile slowly grows on your face, and you jump into his arms. He picks you up and you wrap your legs around him, tucking your face into his neck, getting a good whiff of his cologne.
“How was your flight?” You mumble into him as he holds you close.
“Little bit of turbulence, but it was good.” He says as he starts walking you into your bedroom. “Couldn’t wait to get home to you.”
“Aren’t you tired?”
“Slept plenty on the plane and bus.”
He gets you on the bed, and kicks his shoes off before getting on with you. You both lay on your sides facing each other. He grabs your leg and puts it over his hip so he can slot his leg between yours, and then he pulls you close so you’re chest to chest. He moves some hair behind your ear.
“Hi.” He says with a big smile.
“Hi.” You smile back. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
He leans in and slots his mouth over yours, and your eyes flutter closed. You tug at his shirt to pull him even closer as you rock against the leg that’s between yours. His tongue drags along your bottom lip and you moan softly. He licks into your mouth and you’re met with his familiar minty taste. You tug him completely on top of you as you turn onto your back. You wanted his weight to just crush you.
“Baby.” He coos as he kisses from your jaw to your neck. He sucks on your soft skin and your hips buck up again. His leg moves further between yours and you gasp.
Your fingers lace through his hair and you tug as you grind against his thigh. You were feeling incredibly needy now that he was here with you, and not just a voice through the phone. You could feel him getting hard against her hip, so you reach into his joggers and start pumping him, getting a heft groan from him.
“Need you.” You breathe.
“Need to taste you first.” He says as shifts to tug your sweatpants off.
“No, please just fuck me, we can do all that afterwards.”
“I need to prep you first or it’ll hurt.”
“Harry, I’ve been fucking you for seven months, I’m perfectly adjusted.” He raises his eyebrows at you. “Okay, maybe not perfectly, but I’m feeling impatient so please.” She pouts at him and he physically can’t say no.
He doesn’t bother with your shirt, or his, he just gets his pants off, and you get yours off. He goes to get up in search for a condom, but you grab him and shake your head.
“Wanna feel you, just pull out.”
“Are you sure?”
His lips crash to yours as your legs open up for him. He lines himself up with you and rubs his tip along your clit. You were plenty wet for him. You both groan from the feeling. He slowly pushes inside you, and your head falls back from the stretch. Your mouth was hanging open trying to breathe to help yourself relax.
“Holy shit.” You say as he’s about halfway in.
“Three weeks in a long time, babe, let me take some time to just-“ He starts to pull out but your sink your nails into his ass.
“Just go for it.”
“Y/N, I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t, it’ll feel good. Just give it one good thrust.”
He bites his bottom lip and does as you say, bottoming out immediately. You choke out a gasp. It hurt a little, but it quickly turned to pleasure as you felt full for the first time in weeks. You tighten around him and he grits his teeth.
“I’ll come if you do that.”
“Sorry, go ahead, move, fuck me, Harry.”
He rocks in and out of you, and you pull him closer so his head is buried in your neck. You wrap your legs around his lower back, and get your hands up under his shirt so you can scratch and squeeze at him.
“You feel so fucking good.” He growls into your ear, and it makes your eyes roll back.
“So, so do you, fuck.”
He sits up slightly to get a better angle. He pushes one of your legs back, and lets the other lay flat, and your mouth falls open as he thrusts in and out of you.
“Oh my god, Harry!”
“Hold your leg up f’me.”
You do as he says immediately and hook your arm under your leg as he continues to fuck in and out of you. He was hitting your g-spot perfectly. You reach to rub your clit in time with his thrusts.
“Oh my fucking god, Harry, don’t stop.” You were panting already. “Fuck, fuck, please, don’t stop.”
You knew he wouldn’t dare, but you couldn’t think of what else to say. Tears were starting to form in your eyes because it just felt so fucking good.
“Oh, oh! Fuck!” Your back arches as you come to your release. You squeeze impossibly tight around him.
“Shit, Y/N!” Harry pulls out of you just in time and comes on your stomach, getting a little on your shirt, but your head was so fuzzy you didn’t care.
“S-sorry, I didn’t mean to-oh!”
You look down and see Harry’s head between your legs. He really did want to taste you. He sucks on your clit and your hands go right back into his hair. You tug and squeeze with each stroke. He was moaning into you, and it was driving you crazy. You moan along with him as he gets both of your legs over his shoulders, your heels digging into his back.
“Harry.” You groan.
He was just focusing solely on your clit because he knew you’d be too sensitive for anything else, but he didn’t mind. You could tell he really just wanted to be close with you like this. The tip of his tongue makes circles on your clit and you feel like you go cross-eyed.
“That’s it, Harry, fuck, oh my god, that’s fucking it!” You cry out as you come and press his face further against you.
“Ride me.” He breathes. “Ride my face, I wanna keep going.”
“Are you sure?”
You nod and wait for him to get adjusted. You rip your shirt off so you can be fully naked for him. You center yourself on him, and gasp when you feel his tongue on your again. His fingers sink into the plushy skin of your ass, and you essentially move so you’re twerking on him, which you know he loves. He loves when you really just use him, he was like your person scratching post.
He had you screaming again in no time, he was pretty proud of himself. You inch down his body, and get his shirt off so you can kiss down his chest. You suck marks into his skin, lower and lower, leaving a nasty trail of love bites behind. He was hard again, so you lick up and down his shaft before taking him into your mouth. You suckle his tip with vigor, making nasty noises that was music to his ears. One of your hands massages his balls while the other scratches up and down his stomach.
“Fuck.” He groans as you take him deep, bobbing up and down. You look up at him as best you can and he runs a caring hand through your hair. “Let me come on your tits, Y/N.”
You smirk with him still in your mouth and then you let him go with a pop. You get in a better position between his legs and pump his wet dick furiously.
“Jesus Christ! Just like that, baby. I’m gonna come, I’m gonna come!”
His come shoots in ribbons onto your chest, and you bask in the warmth it has at first. You kiss back up his body, smearing your chest onto his. You both giggle as your mouth reaches his again. He rolls you both back over so he’s on top again.
“Can’t get enough of you right now.” He says as he kisses the corner of your mouth. “Let me use one of your-“
“Harry, baby, I appreciate the enthusiasm, but let’s take a break, yeah?” You chuckle. “You’ve tuckered me out.”
“Mm, guess I’m a little tired too.” He kisses your cheek. “Could we go shower?”
“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.” You nod with a sigh.
You wobbled into the bathroom with him, and he gets the water going. Once it’s warm enough you both stand under the water, just holding each other for a bit. He kisses your neck and shoulder occasionally, and you run your hands through his hair. You take turns washing each other up before you get out and towel off.
You cuddle up in bed with your head on his chest, just listening to his heart beat for bit with his fingers lightly stroking your back.  You prop yourself up on your elbow to look at him.
“You sure got excited earlier, huh?”
“Couldn’t help it, just missed you so much. Do you feel okay? I didn’t hurt you?”
“I’m sure I’ll be a little sore, but it’s alright.” You smile. “Did you have a good time with your family?”
“I did, I feel really recharged. It’s always nice being home. Maybe, um, maybe next year you’d like to try coming with me?”
“Yeah, maybe.” You grin. He sit up a little and so do you. He puts his arm around you and kisses your temple.
“So, you really won’t tell me much about your two weeks with Andy?”
“I told you everything I could. What we ate for meals, how his basketball practices went…oh! We had a snow day and he went skiing with Brandon. I even used the snow blower.”
“You did?!”
“I did.”
“Bet you looked pretty hot.”
“Oh, stop.” You swat at his chest.
“But seriously…”
“You’ll have to talk with him tomorrow when you pick him up.” You bite your bottom lip. “He held hands with the girl, Caroline.”
“Wow.” He blinks a few times. “I wonder if he still might like Brandon.”
“He’s very confused, but I think it’s important to let him sort of test the waters. He said he never really thought girls were pretty before, but he thinks she’s really pretty.”
“God, I’m gonna have to have the talk with him.” He groans. “It was awkward enough when I got him that puberty book.”
“It’s not like you have to go in depth, you just need to remind him to be respectful.”
“You don’t understand…when boys start going through all this…things can get sticky.”
“Ew, enough said.” You both laugh. “I’m so glad you’re home.”
“Me too.”
Sunday morning, you drop Harry off at his place so he can unpack and get himself settled before going to pick Andy up. He exchanges pleasantries with Paige, and then on the road he goes.
“How come we’re taking the long way home?”
“Because we need to chat about some things.”
“What did Y/N tell you?” He rolls his eyes.
“Not much, honestly. Apparently you have a new friend, though.”
“Yeah, her name’s Caroline. She’s new to the school, her and her family just moved here from Maine. She came over to watch a movie the other day and we held hands…she even shared her cosmic brownie with me, Dad, I think we like each other, but…I feel guilty about Brandon.”
“Andy…how do you feel about Brandon, exactly?”
“I don’t know.” He mumbles. “It’s like…it’s like Brandon’s like an oo, and Caroline’s like an ah. I don’t know how else to explain it.”
“That actually makes a lot of sense.” He sighs.
“It does?”
“Yeah…so…you held hands with Caroline?”
“Yeah, it was really nice. Would it be alright if I asked her out?”
“Didn’t you already do that by asking her over for a movie?” Harry chuckles.
“No, I mean…I think I wanna date her. I wanna see if she’ll be my girlfriend.”
“Do you think you’re ready for a girlfriend? It’s a lot of responsibility.”
“It is?”
“Sure! Gotta treat whoever you date really nice, give them a lot of respect.”
“I do respect her. I asked her if it was okay while we were holding hands.”
“Thatta boy.” Harry says proudly. “Always ask before you touch, and if they say no, that means no.”
“I know, Dad.”
“Andy, that’s something I’m gonna say over and over to you for the rest of my life, so get used to it.”
“Did you date a lot of people when you were younger?”
“Um…not really. I mean, I had a couple of girlfriends in secondary school, and I dated a girl at uni in London before I came here and met Mum. So…you’d rather go for it with a girl you barely know rather than with Brandon?”
“I’m not entirely sure how I feel about Brandon, Dad…and I’m scared. Caroline doesn’t make me feel scared.”
“Well…if you’d really like to ask her out, I suppose it’s alright.”
“Sure, we could go on a double date even. Ice skating, maybe?”
“Dad, you’re the coolest! I can’t wait to call her later.”
“You’re gonna ask her out over the phone? Don’t you wanna do it in person?”
“Get with it, Dad.” Andy scoffs. “Everything’s done over the phone now.”
“Well, excuse me.”
“I think you’ll like her, she’s so nice.”
“I’m sure she is.”
“She always smells like cherries too.” Andy sighs.
“You’ve got it bad for her, huh?”
“I’ve never felt this way about a girl before. I think I’m finally catching up with everyone.”
“It’s not a race, son.”
“Sometimes it feels like it is. Whatever, I just feel good about it, about her.”
“I really liked staying with Y/N.”
“She said she had a great time with you.”
“Do you think you’ll ask her to move in with us?”
“Would like me to?”
“Yeah…I want her around more.”
“Me too.” Harry smiles. “I think I’ll ask her soon, maybe when the weather gets a little warmer.”
“She still needs to learn to ski. You should ask her to come with us to the cabin for February break.”
“I think Mum was hoping to do another family trip…”
“So, Y/N’s family now.”
“I’m happy you feel that way, but I don’t know how comfortable she’d feel doing something like that for an entire week.”
“You won’t know unless you ask.”
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aka-indulgence · 4 years
Feliz Naga-dad
Hello AKA! :3
So, after I saw the post with the snake climbing the tree and read your tags, I was inspiried to write a Naga Sans x Reader one-shot based on your idea. I then added a little Christmas spin to it for the holidays. I hope you enjoy my little Christmas gift to you, and thank you so much for all the amazing content you make throughout the year!
Merry Christmas! - Cal
You could still hear them.
The shrill laugh of your aunt who may or may not have had too much eggnog. Your mom’s sweet but stern voice calling your dad to come help her in the kitchen. Your tiny cousin’s squealing as one races to catch the other. Even the blaring Christmas music is audible through the house’s thin suburban walls. Sure it’s muffled, but as much as the wind tries to drown the merriment out with it’s howling, you could still hear it clearly from your old tire swing. You felt as if you were inside with them.
But you aren't.
No. You were outside, in the dim moonlight, in your parent’s backyard, alone. Why? Because you felt better being alone outside with just you and the moon, than alone inside with your parents and relatives. Not that you hated your family or Christmas or anything like that. You just . . . didn’t feel as happy as the rest of them. You didn’t have the same “holiday spirit”. So feeling left out and guilty for not having fun like everyone else, you slipped outside for some fresh air and silence.
Only the air isn’t fresh or silent. The low babble of noise is a constant reminder of what you’re missing out on, and the bitter wind makes you feel as cold and empty as you do within. Tightening your grip on your childhood swing, you rock back and forth, grazing your feet against the ground. You stare blankly at the forest beyond the old fence a few feet away, wallowing in your self-inflicted misery.
There isn't even any snow.
It always snowed in time for Christmas. But tonight is Christmas eve and there’s not so much as a flurry. In fact, it had been unusually warm right up until a week ago. Then all of the cold that this area had expected since October suddenly poured over the mountain peaks surrounding it. But still, not a single snowfall. Logically you know it’s because of abnormal weather patterns and such, but you feel the real reason is because even the snow knows that this Christmas is different.
It's different because this is your first Christmas coming home from university. Having arrived just yesterday, you had missed doing so much. You’d missed helping your mom with the community cookie drive. You’d missed decorating the tree and drinking eggnog with dad. You’d missed watching your little cousin’s school pageant. And instead of spending tonight watching your favorite Christmas movies until 1 a.m, your mom decided to host a family party since you’re in town, effectively ruining the last Christmas tradition you hadn’t missed.
You sniffled, barely able to feel the tears streaming down your numb cheeks.
You know you should be inside enjoying the holiday with the people you love . . . but you can’t bring yourself to do it. Not when it all felt so wrong- so unlike Christmas. You wish you could feel happy like them. You wish Christmas had stayed the same and nothing had changed. You wish you weren’t crying outside in the cold darkness, freezing your bare fingers off, and spending your Christmas eve feeling so utterly alone-
You jolt in your seat. Blinking back to reality, you squint in the direction of the sound. That direction being directly in front of you. You wonder if maybe it was just a blustery wind snapping a dead branch. But as you look, you think you see one of the bushes jostling like it was being tugged at by an animal. It could be a neighbor’s dog or cat that got stuck, or maybe a woodland creature from the nearby mountain. In case it was the former, you stiffly stood up and walked a few steps toward it. 
“Hello?” you call out softly. You don’t expect a response, but you hope if it really is an animal, that it would react to your voice. 
You wait a few more seconds, staring hard at the bush, when you finally spot the creature. At least, you think that’s an animal you’re looking at. You can’t see it’s silhouette, but you can make out two white dots. Probably the moon reflecting off the dark pupils of a lost puppy or a scared doe. You ignore how intensely they stare back and smile at it, hunching over so that you wouldn’t frighten it away.
“Hey . . . it’s okay. Come‘ere. I won’t hurt you, I promise,” you say, holding out your hand.
If it’s a deer, then your approach will probably frighten it away, but if it’s a dog like you hope, then your calm voice and outstretched hand should be enough to coax it to come to you.  
But the creature doesn’t move toward either the forest or you. It just keeps staring. It was so still that you wonder if it’s just the moonlight tricking your eyes. But you wouldn’t give up yet. Maybe it really was stuck inside the bush somehow. If so, you had to help it- otherwise it’ll freeze to death in this cold.
Taking another step forward, you try again.
“Are you stuck? Just hang on and I’ll . . . help . . . y-you . . .”
You falter as the two white dots slowly rise into the air, never breaking eye contact with you. You stand up straight, but the dots keep going higher, forcing you to tilt your head up to look at it. It slipped from out of the shadows and stood underneath the pale light, letting you see what kind of creature stood before you.
It was a skeleton.
It towered over the fence, over you. The bones of its body looked thicker than any human skeleton you’d seen and it’s large head was rounder too. It’s teeth glistened as it smiled at you, but the smile felt fake and not-so-friendly. And the white dots staring at you weren’t reflecting off it’s eyes- they were its eyes. At least, they seemed to function like pupils within it’s hollow sockets. They stared right through you.
Your own eyes widen with terror as you slowly stumble backwards. Your brain wasn’t convinced the skeleton was real, but your gut told you that it was and your body acted accordingly, trying to put as much distance between you and the threat. It occurs to you to scream for help, but your voice is stuck in your throat. With a thud, your back hits the tree behind you, stopping your steady retreat.
The entire time the skeleton stayed still. It’s gaze never left yours, but it hadn’t reacted to you since it moved. You felt a small spark of hope. Maybe it wasn’t going to harm you? Maybe it's just curious? But even if that's true, you didn’t want to spend another moment outside with it. Sprinting the twenty feet to the house was your safest bet, but also your biggest gamble. That left you with only one other choice: your old, dilapidated tree house.
Maneuvering your hands behind you, you felt the wooden blocks that made up the ladder to the fort above. They were nailed into the tree itself, so they would be able to support your weight, right? You’re pretty thin as it is. And while the tree house isn't the best escape route, it is the closest. You remain rooted to the spot with indecision, your shallows breaths creating a barely visible vapour in the air.
The crackling of leaves and twigs break the tense silence as the skeleton starts moving towards you. 
Instantly you spin around and start climbing. The bark catches on your coat and the splintering wood scratches up your hands, but you don’t care. You’re just desperate to get away from the creature. Even if it isn’t real and you aren’t in any danger, you are driven by pure fear now. Fortunately or unfortunately the tree house isn't that high and you reach the top in a matter of seconds. Pulling yourself up through the hole above you and onto the creaky floor, you sit on your knees and pant heavily. 
You made it.
But as safe as you feel in the darkness of your old tree house, you know you aren’t truly safe. Not yet. The skeleton is still down there, and it knows where you are.  ̶Y̶o̶u̶ ̶a̶r̶e̶ ̶s̶o̶ ̶s̶c̶r̶e̶w̶e̶d̶.̶  As much as you want to curl up and close your eyes in the vain hope that doing so would make it go away, you have to check. You have to make sure it’s gone. So lying flat on your stomach, you grip the edge of the opening and peer down.
You gasp sharply.
The skeleton is still down there alright. It stands directly below you, looking up with its unblinking stare. But that isn’t why you gasped. The reason for your shock started at its hips and extended far beyond, looping several times around the base of the tree. A tail. It's massive- much wider than you and covered in glimmering blue scales that seemed to dip in between shades when it moved. 
It was the snake from the mountain.
The one you grew up hearing rumors about. A giant snake monster that no one had seen, but somehow everyone knew existed. The one that was always blamed for the disappearance of daring hikers who never returned. The one you thought about as a kid when looking at the mountain through your bedroom window. The skeleton half is a surprise, but you know without a doubt that this is the snake.
You feel a chill colder than the wintery air shiver through your entire body.  
Why is it in town? It had never come this close before, and you have lived your entire short life here and you're gonna die here too. Maybe hunger drove it to seek food outside its territory? If so, you were the perfect snack for it, just sitting all alone in the cold night. Then in a blind panic, you’d trapped yourself in your small, defenseless tree house, allowing it to easily climb up and eat you. You feel your throat tighten.
Please don’t come up here. Please don’t come up here. Please. Just leave. Don’t climb up here, please. Please!
Finally, the monster breaks eye contact with you and looks at the tree.
Please . . . please just leave. Please go away!
It slowly moves around to the other side of the trunk and out of your line of sight. Your breathing quickens.
Yes! Yes, that’s it! Leave. Go back home and-
The monster suddenly slithered back into view, only this time it was higher. 
It stares up at you, locking you in place with it’s gaze as it grips the tree with its boney hands. Meanwhile its tail circles the tree, loop after loop, until all of it is tightly secured around the trunk. Then its skeleton half moved again, before disappearing and reappearing a moment later, now much higher than before- at least half way up the tree.
It was climbing.
You want to scream. You want your parents, your family, anybody, to come rushing outside and save you. But you can’t scream. You can’t even look away as the monster continues to climb higher and higher, its snake tail slowly coiling around the trunk one loop at a time. 
It was kinda . . . mesmerizing to watch.
In fact, if you didn't feel so horrified by the reality that every time his  tail looped higher up the tree, you were another second closer to your inevitable death, you’d be intrigued by the sight. You can’t help it. You’ve always been fascinated with snakes ever since you were young enough to beg for a pet one. It’s probably why you were so curious about the snake-monster as a child. Now that curiosity is literally about to kill you.  
The skeleton half disappears around the tree again, breaking you out of your hypnotic stupor. When it comes back, it’s so close that if you reached out, you could easily touch its skull. The thought sends you scrambling away from the hole. You toss the debris aside and huddle into one of the corners, hugging your knees to your chest. You take one last look at the opening before squeezing your eyes shut. You’re too scared to cry.
This is it.
This is how you will die. At the hands of a creature that up until two minutes ago you didn’t believe really existed. On Christmas Eve. Alone. And it’s all your fault. If only you’d stayed indoors and tried to enjoy the party, instead of stupidly hosting your own little pity-party outside, then your parents wouldn’t have lost their only child on Christmas. You wish you could see them one last time and tell them goodbye, and that you’re sorry you-
Your eyes fly open and flit over to where you heard the deep, whispery voice. Your heart skips a beat as you see the skeleton in the opening. Its hands grasp the edge of the floor while its skull and shoulders protrude out into the room, blocking almost all light from below. But you don’t need light to see its two burning, white eyes staring at you with the same intensity as before. Only now, the bone above its sockets is slightly furrowed like actual eyebrows.
“what’ssss wrong?”
You gawk at the skeleton-snake monster.
It can talk!?
It . . or he (at least, it sounds like a he) is not only sentient, but can actually communicate with you? With english words? Of course, him being not only a snake-skeleton monster, but a talking snake-skeleton monster isn't the craziest part of your situation. But why is he talking? Why hasn’t he just eaten you already? Why is he just staring and . . . and . . .
 . . . did he just ask what’s wrong?
You blink, realise you haven’t answered him, and fumble for a response. But words keep slipping past your tongue like a wet bar of soap. How are you even supposed to respond to a question like that!? “Oh, nothing’s wrong Mr. Snake-skeleton, except for the fact that you climbed up here to eat me.” Yeah, that'd go over real swell. Your frazzled mind settles for your automatic response to that question.
“N-nothing’s wr-wrong. I-I’m fine,” you croak.
The skeleton’s eyebrows(?) furrow even more and while he’s still smiling, it feels more like a frown.
Oops. Wrong answer.
“tearssss. why?” he hisses, pointing to his cheek.
You lift your fingertips to your face. It’s still damp from earlier. 
He saw you cry? How long had he been there watching you?
As disturbing as that question is, you’re more focused on the monster’s question. More specifically, the way he said it. He sounded curious  ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶k̶i̶n̶d̶a̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶c̶e̶r̶n̶e̶d̶?̶  Maybe . . . maybe he isn’t here to eat you. Maybe if you satisfy his curiosity, he’ll go away? It couldn’t hurt to try. Licking your dry lips, you give him the truth.    
“I, uh . . I cried b-because I was sad. My . . my family, they’re having f-fun without me, and- and I felt left out and alone . . so I came outside to cry.”
It sounds really stupid now that you say it outloud. Like something an angsty teen instead of a mentally-developed adult would do. You should have told him something more believable- like you had injured yourself. But you’re too overwhelmed trying to process what’s happening to think up a lie. 
Fortunately for you, the monster appears to believe you, as his expression changes from  ̶c̶o̶n̶c̶e̶r̶n̶  curiosity to a look of . . . understanding? It’s too dark to tell for certain, but you swear you see his eye, uh, lights, soften for a moment. Maybe it’s just your desperation to live, but he looks less like he’s about to eat you the longer you stare at him.  
“want to sssstay alone?”
You rub your wet nose on your coat sleeve and look away.
“N-no, I don’t really wanna be alone, but I . . . I d-don’t want to make them feel bad, with me being down ‘n all. It’s better if I just stay out here.”
It’s silent for a few moments. You fiddle with your coat sleeve, hoping your answers were enough to get the monster to leave. But he doesn’t move. You rack your brain for something to say but the skeleton speaks first.
“can i ssssstay?”
You stare at him in disbelief.
Did this ginormous, man-eating monster just ask if he could stay with you?
He was 3 times your size. He could break your neck with just two of his fingers. You have no way of stopping him from killing you, much less to stop him from getting inside the tree house. Yet here he is, asking you permission? You eye him suspiciously and wonder if this was some kind of trick- like how vampires can’t enter a house without being invited in. You choose your next words carefully.
“You . . . you just wanna come in here and . . . sit with me? That’s it? You’re not gonna- kill me and swallow me whole -do anything else?” 
The skeleton nods affirmatively. 
It’s so deliberate and solemn, that even though you have no reason to, you believe him. You believe that, for whatever odd and bizarre reason, this sentient snake-skeleton monster just wants to sit with you in your decaying old tree house. 
You should say no. You should take your chance and tell him to leave. Even if he comes in anyway, at least you tried. You have nothing to lose.  
“. . .  o-okay.”
Maybe it’s your own curiosity, or your desire to not be completely alone on Christmas eve. Or maybe you just have a death wish. Regardless of whatever forced that one little word past your blue lips, there’s no going back now. You curl your knees tighter to your chest and watch the monster with bated breath.
Like his nod, he’s slow and deliberate as he heaves the rest of his skeleton half through the opening. How he’s able to fit his broad skeleton shoulders through that square hole is a mystery. Your eyes follow him as he drags his way over to the opposite corner. He sitatues himself, placing his hands-claws-in his ‘lap’ and bending his head over despite it still touching the wooden ceiling. 
You look over at the opening just as his tail starts to slither in. It spills into the tiny tree house like a tube of toothpaste being squeezed. Only instead of toothpaste, it’s thick coils of shining- no, glowing blue scales. You couldn’t tell before in the moonlight, but in the near darkness of the tree house, you see that the tail itself is glowing and pulsating with a soft azure light. It’s hypnotising to look at, and you feel somewhat disappointed when the tip of the tail finally emerges and settles a few inches away from you. 
He’s completely inside now- his enormous tail piling on top of itself in the cramped tree house. You push down your panic as you see that your only escape route is now blocked by his appendage. Despite  feeling somewhat claustrophobic and suffocated, you do your best to ignore them and direct your focus to the skeleton.
Just like he said, he’s not . . . doing anything. He’s just sitting and staring at you. He doesn’t even look like he’s breathing. His unwavering stare pierces through you in the darkness, making you feel a bit uncomfortable. Still, he’s not crushing your windpipes and devouring you, so you suppose you’re alright for now.
Yeah . . . you’re fine.
This is fine.
This is . . . .
. . . . awkward.
You glance down at the floor. Should you say something? The monster knows english, but he doesn't seem like much of a conversationalist. What do you even say to a snake-skeleton-monster  ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶w̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶f̶e̶n̶d̶ ̶h̶i̶m̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶m̶a̶k̶e̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶C̶h̶r̶i̶s̶t̶m̶a̶s̶ ̶d̶i̶n̶n̶e̶r̶? Small talk seems kinda pointless. Maybe you could ask if he is-
Your eyes snap back to the monster, only to see he’s no longer looking at your face, but at your hands. They’re trembling. Whether from fear-shot nerves or the cold, you’re not sure. But you are cold if the quiet chatter of your teeth is anything to go by. You glance sheepishly up at the skeleton and nod.
He pats the only space left in the room between your feet and his skeletal body.
Your body tenses up, but the softness in his voice makes you feel as though he doesn’t have any bad intentions. And it’s not like moving out your corner is putting yourself in more danger than you’re already in. After a second or two, curiosity overcomes your caution and you scoot the few inches over to the spot.
Immediately, his tail begins to move. You freeze as fear shoots through you like electricity, leaving you to helplessly watch as his appendage circles around you. It loops twice around your legs before coiling up to your waist. It finally stops with the tip resting in your lap. You wait for it to squeeze you, but it doesn’t. It’s not even that restricting- feeling more like a weighted blanket tucked around you than the deadly grip of a predator trapping its prey.
You gently lower your hands onto his tail, a little bit excited to finally feel his scales. To your surprise, they’re soft and squishy and warm. Like, really warm. The heat radiating from his tail not only seeps into your numb fingers, but your entire body. And is it just your eyes getting used to the dark, or is his tail glowing even brighter all of a sudden? You look up at the skeleton to see him genuinely smiling.
Your eyes widen a bit. He’s attempting to warm you up with his tail! You’re not sure how, since snakes are supposed to be cold-blooded, but you chalk it up to him being a snake-skeleton monster. But as fascinated as you are by this display of his unique biology, you’re more touched by the gesture itself. You let yourself relax and smile back.
“Y-yes, I’m much warmer now, thank you, um . . .”
You falter, realising you don’t know his name. Does he even have one? You decide you could at least give him yours.
“. . I’m (y/n), by the way.”
The lids of his sockets droop, leaving you baffled at how that even works.
“ssssssans. sssssans the sssssskeleton.”
You giggle. You can’t help it. Not only is it a weird name, but he chooses to introduce himself as a skeleton, when at the same time he hisses his ‘s’ like a snake. It just caught you off guard. 
“what’ssss sssso funny?”
You stop laughing and cough.
“N-nothing. I just . . . t-this has been a really strange Christmas, that’s all,” you lie, not wanting to insult him for laughing at him.
Sans tilts his skull to the side.
“Y-yeah, Christmas. It’s um, it’s a holiday we humans celebrate. Family and friends get together and exchange gifts in the morning, bake cookies, watch Christmas movies, sing carols, and do lots of other fun stuff,” you explain, hoping you don’t sound condescending. 
“That’s just a word for Christmas songs. People a long time ago used to stand outside and sing them together and that’s called ‘caroling’. But it’s not very popular to do that anymore. Although . . .”
You trail off, a smile growing on your face as a favorite memory of yours surfaces in your mind. 
“. . . when I was a kid, I loved the idea of caroling and wanted to do it, but none of my friends would go with me. So it ended up just being me and my dad. We went to every house on the street and I would go up and sing to them. I only knew two songs by heart and I wasn’t very good at singing. My poor dad had to listen to me squeakily sing the same songs over and over for an hour to our neighbors. But my dad wasn't mortified. He was actually proud of me for spreading Christmas cheer and said that we could do it again next Christmas. So we did, on every single Christmas eve after that. I think we did it until I turned 16. That’s when we started watching Christmas movies instead.”
You finish your story, forgetting all about Sans as you reminisce over your past Christmases. You realise just how much they’ve changed as you’ve grown up. How the old traditions were switched out for new, more age-appropriate ones as the years passed. The changes never made your Christmas any less like a Christmas, just a different kind  . . . of . . . one . . . 
“can you sssssing?” 
His gentle hiss jolts you back to the present.
“Oh . . . u-um . . . you want me to sing a Christmas song for you?”
Sans nods, his fuzzy white lights expanding ever so slightly.
“Uh, okay. Um, let’s see . . .”
You absent-mindedly pick at one of his pliable scales as you try to think of a song you know all the words to. A few come to mind, but “Grandma got run over by a reindeer” doesn't feel very fitting at the moment. Your mind drifts back to your caroling days and you remember singing “Carol of the bells”. You still know all the words to that, right? Probably.
Clearing your throat, you take a deep breath and close your eyes.
“Hark how the bells, sweet silver bells, all seem to say, throw cares away, Christmas is here, bringing good cheer, to young and old, meek and the bold . . .”
Your voice is a bit scratchy at first, but it smoothes out as you continue. Even though you’re singing softly, your voice still sounds loud in the still darkness. You feel self-conscious at first, but that quickly wears off. After all, you’ve sung in front of complete strangers before. If you ignore the fact that this particular stranger is a 20 foot snake monster, then it’s not so different. Actually, you’re quite enjoying yourself. Singing always makes you happy, and as you sit comfortably in the warm coils of this gentle beast, you feel your mood improving. 
“. . .merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas . . .”
Your voice fades as you finish singing and the silence returns, feeling even emptier now. You look up at Sans to see his reaction and it’s . . . not what you expected. His eye-socket lids are even lower than before and the white lights in his eyes are the brightest you’ve seen yet. And his smile- it looks so affectionate. You think you see a blue-colored blush on his cheeks, but that could just be the glow from his scales reflecting off his face.
“pretty,” he hums fondly. 
Your cheeks suddenly feel warm, and it’s not from the heat his tail is radiating.
“Thank you,” you mumble bashfully. “I . . . it’s my favorite Christmas song. Do you like it? T-the song, I mean?” 
“yesssss.” He says, but those eyes tell you he’s not talking about the song. 
Sans suddenly raises one of his hands toward your face. Plucking a few strands of wind-blown hair from behind your ear, he runs his boney fingers across it. He’s caressing it so gently that you barely feel anything.
Weirdly enough, you don't feel scared or nervous. Mostly just confused and . . . oddly touched? Against your better judgment, you’re starting to like Sans. He acts more like a curious, docile cat that just wants some company than a fearsome, blood-thirsty predator. He even seemed to like  ̶y̶o̶u̶  your singing.
Your hands move on their own and grab his, pulling it into your lap. It dwarfs both your hands and the bone feels unnatural to touch, but you can feel a faint warmth coming from it. You feel like one of those people in cat videos who hold their cat's paw. It could scratch you, but you trust it won’t. And it doesn’t. 
The skeleton continues smiling at you, and you smile back- this time sincerely. 
“Sans . . . do you-”
  You jump at the sound and stop speaking, letting go of his hand. Your head swivels towards the wall closest to the house and you hold your breath, as if you are afraid of getting caught. Then out of the darkness, you hear your mother’s muffled voice calling for you. 
“(y/n)! (y/n), it’s time for dinner! . . . (y/n)!”
You don’t answer her. You’re not sure why. You could scream now and get rescued by your family. But you don’t need rescuing anymore. So you  stay silent and listen. 
After a moment, you hear the backdoor slam a second time. Now the only thing you hear is your own heavy breathing. You turn back to Sans. The white lights are thin pricks now. They shift their focus from the wall you looked at back to your face. His smile is tight and sharp, giving you the impression he’s on edge. You gently rub his tail, hoping to put him at ease.
“Sorry Sans, but . . . I have to leave now. I uh . . . I need to eat.”
Sans doesn’t respond, his eyelights still razor thin. Instead, you feel his tail squeeze ever so slightly. Not enough to restrict your breathing or anything, but enough to make your heart rate pick up. He . .  he isn’t going to make you stay, is he? He’d let you go if you asked him to, right? 
You swallow thickly and try to keep your smile from faltering.
“Sans . . . I need to go. P-please let go of me now.”
For a second, he doesn’t react. Then he blinks, slowly, and lets out a hiss-y sigh. When he opens his eyes again, the lights are round and fuzzy again. His tail starts to move away until the hole in the floor is exposed, the light from below now pouring in. You let out a quiet sigh of relief at the sight. 
You wait for his tail to start uncoiling itself from around you, only for it to suddenly tighten and travel past your waist and up under your arms. You grip the tail now on your chest, too lost in your confusion to panic. It then picks you and drags you toward the hole. You look frantically to Sans for some explanation, but he just keeps smiling, not at all bothered by your distress. 
The floor suddenly gives out and your legs fall through. You whimper and shut your eyes, expecting to drop the 15 feet to the ground. But you don’t, thanks to Sans’ secure grip on your upper body. You keep your eyes closed until your dangling legs land on solid earth. As you stand, his warm tail slithers up and over you, the tip lingering just a second within your hair. Now that it’s gone, you feel cold again and shiver.
Looking up, you see Sans looking down at you, his blue glow outlining the silhouette of his skull. He’s smiling his neutral perma smile, but his eyelights still look softly at you. You grin and lift a hand to wave goodbye.
“Thanks for keeping me company Sans. I feel much better now. Take care and Merry Christmas!”
He doesn’t say anything back. He doesn’t even wave. Oh well, it’s fine. You're used to his lack of a reaction. You give him one more warm smile before turning on your heels and trudging toward the house. 
Just a few minutes ago, you were ready to run for your life in this direction, but now you don’t even bother to look behind you. And while you’re eager to spend the rest of your night enjoying Christmas with your family, you can’t help but feel a little sad that you have to leave Sans. You’ve just made friends with the snake of the mountain, who as it turns out, is more than just a hungry beast people painted him out to be. And while you don’t live in this area anymore, you hope you can see him again next time you visit.
You stop with your hand on the door knob and turn to look back at the tree house. 
“Until next Christmas, Sans.”
Submitted by @calcium-cat
AWW,, Im,, so happy! Sorry it took long to reading this since Im a little busy but!!! Gah,, this is so sweet... I love it, he just looks scary but he's so gentle... aa,, I wonder how long Sans knew you...and wish you'd have more time with him ahu,,,
Thank you so much for this Cal, it's such a wonderful gift ;w;; Im late but I hope you had a Merry Christmas and have a nice holiday!! ♡♡♡
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gshinisalesbian · 4 years
The Mistletoe in the Kitchen
| Modern AU fic, Aether x Venti and Lumine x Childe. ~5,000 words.
| Lumine didn’t think her last minute decision of hanging up mistletoe in the kitchen would end up with her brother kissing a guy Lumine didn’t even know that well, but what else is new?
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"It looks crooked," Tartaglia's relaxed voice chimed, gazing up towards the top of the tree. Indeed, as if the ginger had ever been correct in his life, the star atop the tree was crooked.
Lumine made a soft "tsk" noise, shaking her head gently. Her amber eyes drifted over to stare at her brother, who had his arms crossed in speculation as he gazed up at the star with a contemplative look.
He, too, seemed to take Tartaglia's side, moving closer to the tallest male in the room. "You're right. For once..." he mumbled under his breath, seeming to share the same thoughts as his sister.
Tartaglia pouted at that, shooting Aether a pointed glare. "I came here to help, and yet all you two seem to do is ridicule me."
"Oh, we appreciate you very much. Especially your height, it's very helpful when someone wants their star placed crooked," Aether pipped up, playfully grinning up at him.
"Don't fight this close to Christmas, or I swear I will throw out both of your presents," Aether's sister interrupted, watching as the two gave her matching disbelieved looks.
"You wouldn't!"
"Ah- Lumine, wait!"
"I absolutely would. You two get it together before the others gets here."
Tartaglia and Aether nodded their heads solemnly, focusing their attention back on trying to correct the position of the star.
Lumine ran her hand through her hair with a gentle sigh, looking at her mental checklist.
The trio had baked cookies and cooked a decent meal. Check. They had set up the Christmas tree with only... minor issues involved. Check. She had prepared presents for everyone coming. Check. Now, all she needed was for the rest of the group to arrive.
She made another mental list in her head, a reminder of all to expect to arrive. The first guests to have been invited were Lumine and Aether's next door neighbors, a pair of brothers named Diluc and Kaeya. They barely knew each other, with the twins having just moved in, but Kaeya had welcomed them to their new house with a playful smirk when they first moved in. When Lumine decided to host a Christmas party, Kaeya was one of the first to pop in her head when thinking of who to invite. The blue-haired male had asked if he could bring along his roommate and brother, Diluc, which Lumine had openly agreed to.
The next to be invited was an upperclassman in Lumine's college. Her name was Jean, and she was incredibly popular at the school for her incredible knowledge, insanely good looks, and natural kindness. Men and women alike seemed to fall on their heels for her. For a while, Lumine was included. Despite having moved on from her small crush, Jean was another person Lumine was determined to invite.
Then, of course, was Tartaglia. Aether and Lumine had grown up with him (and his many siblings) so it was only natural that he came too. Tartaglia and Lumine had been close for many years, but it was only a few months ago that Tartaglia had finally got the nerve to ask her out. Despite now being her boyfriend, he could still be, well, quite a bit to handle. Still, he had offered to help with the preparations, so she was more than grateful.
Then, was Venti. Venti was quite the mystery to Lumine, as he was invited through Aether, but what Lumine did know was that Aether got incredibly flustered and fidgety when Venti's name was brought up. Lumine was especially excited to meet him for that reason. What she did know about the male was that he took many of the same classes as Aether, and they were both freshmen. It wasn't uncommon for Lumine to get random texts from Aether, saying he would be home late because he was spending time with Venti.
Amber and Lisa were Lumine's best friends in high school (and still were!) so it was only natural for them to come too. Lisa was a year above the two, but the three had quickly bonded and became lifelong friends. You can imagine how surprised Lumine was to find out that Jean and Lisa were actually dating. Lisa had mentioned her girlfriend many times, but Lumine never would have guess it was the Jean at the same school as her.
Lastly, was Barbara and Klee. Barbara was Jean's little sister and had been invited by Lumine upon Lisa and Jean's request, and tagging along with Barbara was their younger cousin, Klee. Lumine didn't know much about Klee, but she was warned that she could be quite the handful at times. Well, Lumine was certain it was nothing that she couldn't handle.
Lumine let out a small sigh. Kaeya, Diluc, Jean, Venti, Amber, Lisa, Barbara, and Klee would be arriving soon, so Lumine simply hoped they were prepared enough.
As she left Tartaglia and Aether to fix the star, she focused herself on hanging up mistletoe in front of the doorway to the kitchen. If people wanted to kiss under it (with people meaning Lisa and Jean) than they could. Though of course, they didn't have to.
"Lumine! We fixed it!" She heard Aether's voice call, as she made her short way back to the living room to look at the tree.
Indeed, the star was fixed on top of the tree, though Lumine noticed the ruffled appearances of both Aether and Tartaglia. "Good job, boys," she acknowledged, giving them an amused smile.
"It was so hard," Tartaglia wined, falling backwards onto the couch. Lumine rolled her eyes at him, making her way to his side on the couch.
She poked his cheek coyly, peering down at him while trying to hold back her laughter. "Well, I'm afraid your work isn't over yet, dearest. You and Aether still need to get changed before everyone arrives."
Right as she spoke, the sound of the doorbell pierced through the house.
"Speak of the devil..." Lumine said with a frown, quickly pulling Tartaglia up. "Hurry, you two, go get dressed! I'll go greet the guest."
Lumine's boys quickly scurried upstairs to go change into their Christmas outfits while Lumine hurried over to the door. She adjusted her red Santa dress, making sure her hat was placed correctly on her head. With a gentle sigh, she turned the doorknob and opened the door.
Jean, Barbara, and Klee greeted her at the door, Klee practically bouncing in excitement when she saw Lumine. "Merry Christmas!" She cheered energetically.
Jean gave Lumine an apologetic smile, ruffling Klee's head. "Thank you for inviting us all." Barbara shyly nodded her head behind her older sister.
"Thank you all for coming," Lumine said politely, opening the door further to allow the trio in. "Make yourselves at home! There is cookies and food in the kitchen, and some alcohol for the older ones," Lumine said, shooting Jean a knowing look. "There are Christmas movies playing in the living room, and my brother and boyfriend will be downstairs soon if you want to mess with someone."
Jean let out a small laugh at her words as Klee curiously peaked around inside. Still having not said a word, Barbara clung to her sister's arm while watching Klee's actions. "Let me know if my cousin is being a bit... too much for you. Barbara and I can take care of her, right?" She said playfully, glancing down at Barbara and prompting her to speak.
Barbara timidly nodded her head, with a small, "Yeah."
Tartaglia and Aether announced their arrival downstairs by their arguing voices. Lumine held in a laugh as she saw Tartaglia in his elf costume and Aether in his reindeer getup, with colors matching Lumine. "Look at you two! So handsome," Lumine said with a small snort.
"Only for you, babe," Tartaglia said with a grin, grabbing Lumine's hands and pulling her close to his chest. Lumine gave him a skeptical look with a laugh in her voice.
"I really can't take you seriously when you look like a sunburnt elf." Tartaglia gasped in mock offense, pressing his forehead against her red Santa hat.
"I can't believe you don't love me, even as an elf. I thought we were forever, babe," Tartaglia said against her head, feigning sadness in his voice.
"I'm afraid not," she said with a small laugh, pulling away from Tartaglia's gentle hold. "I just keep you around so you can entertain our new friend, Klee." Lumine looked at the small red girl, shooting her a playful wink.
Klee beamed, nodding her head in agreement. "Yeah, what she said!"
Aether, who had been tiredly watching the interaction between his sister and her boyfriend, jumped when the doorbell rang. He shot Barbara and Jean an awkward smile, before pointing towards the door. "I'll- uh- just go get that."
Aether made his way to the door, opening it to the faces of Amber, Lisa, and Venti. Immediately flustered, Aether smiled gently at the group, who were talking energetically among each other. "I didn't know you two knew Venti," he said, with a certain fond softness.
"We just met!" Amber said with an ever happy smile, looking between Lisa and Venti. "We weirdly all arrived at your porch at the same time. Well, Lisa and I came together, Venti just happened to be here too."
"Aether, it's good to see you!" Venti said with a playful smile on her face, resting a hand on his hip. "You have alcohol here?" He teased.
"Of course. Had to make you come somehow. You better be grateful, because it took a whole lot of convincing to get Lumine to allow it."
"Ah, I see. Thank you, my hero," Venti teased, narrowing his eyes at Aether.
Aether smiled, flustered, watching his mint eyes. He momentarily found it a bit unfair that Lumine could be openly affectionate with Tartaglia, but because Aether wasn't confident enough to tell Venti how he felt, he couldn't do anything like that.
Lisa cleared her throat, sharing a look with Amber.
"Well, if you two are done, can we come inside? It's a bit cold out here, and I'm not getting any younger out here, darling."
"Oh! Of course!" Aether replied, embarrassment tainting his cheeks pink. Lisa, Amber, and Venti made their way inside, Lisa practically throwing herself on her girlfriend, Jean, when she saw her.
It didn't take long for everyone to make themselves comfortable in Aether and Lumine's house, Jean and Lisa cuddling up on the couch, Klee, Barbara, and Amber exploring the house together, Lumine and Tartaglia teasingly reenacting cringy scenes from the Christmas movies that were playing, finally leaving Aether to seek out Venti in the kitchen, who was helping himself to glasses of wine.
"You sure you can handle all that?" Aether asked him, leaning against the entryway of the kitchen. Venti glanced over at him with a grin, from where he sat atop the counter with a glass in his hand.
"Oh, I'm sure. I've had way more than this before. Remember the time we went to that bar together and you tried to copy how much I was drinking and passed out on me? Cause I definitely remember that," Venti said with a chuckle of laughter, watching the embarrassment take over Aether's face.
"You're never going to let me live that one down, are you?" Aether asked, crossing his arms over his chest (in maybe a small attempt to seem a bit cooler to the boy before him, but no one had to ever know that except for him).
"Absolutely not. That one is filed under stories to tell at your wedding. Better prepare your future wife," he continued nonchalantly, taking another chug of his glass.
"Actually, uh- Venti," Aether started uncertainly, looking down as he scuffed his foot against the hardwood floor. "Venti, I thought you knew, but I'm uh- I'm gay." His eyes immediately darted up to the boy who had paused in the middle of drinking, his face overtaken with surprise. Aether's head immediately started to panic. "I'm sorry if that makes you uncomfortable or anything! I'm not gonna like- weirdly hit on you or anything, so you don't have to worry about-"
"I'm gay." Venti interrupted, his face still covered in shock. He quickly cleared his throat, setting his drink on to the counter. "I mean, I'm gay too, Aether. You don't have to worry about me judging you or anything."
"You're- what? Really?"
"Yeah," Venti said with a small laugh. "I didn't ever tell you because I thought it would make you comfortable. But jokes on me, I guess."
"So your not, then? Uncomfortable?" Aether asked, noticing that he had been holding in his breath throughout the whole encounter. He felt a certain relief, knowing that his crush wasn’t completely unreachable, after all.
"No, I'm not. Are you?"
"No. I could never be," Aether said, letting out his breath as he took a cautious step closer to Venti.
"Good," Venti responded, sounding a bit more breathless than he had a second before, eyes taking in as Aether stepped closer and closer to him. "Good. Aether, I-"
"AETHER! It's so good to see you!" The two were interrupted by Kaeya's loud voice, as the blue-haired man wrapped his arms around Aether's waist and spun the small blond around.
"Kaeya, would you put him down?" Diluc's monotone voice cut through, watching the interaction with bored eyes. He narrowed his eyes at Venti in recognition. "Oh, you're here."
"Diluc, it's so good to see you!" Venti said cheerfully, showing no trace of the breathlessness that he had only moments before. "I've been wondering when you would come pay me a visit, hehe!"
"You two know each other?" Aether asked, having now been released from Kaeya's arms.
"Yep!" Venti answered, picking up his glass from where he had put it down on the counter. "Diluc and I go way back. I work part time at his bar!"
"More like steal from my bar. You don't think I notice how you're drunk too every time you get off of work?" Diluc said with a huff, crossing his arms.
"Oh, humbug. You could never get rid of me," Venti responded cheekily.
Kaeya threw an arm around his brother's shoulders, shooting everyone in the room a large grin. "Hey, Christmas is no time for arguing, now is it? Let's enjoy the party! Get drunk, shake our asses, as you do."
"Yours and my idea of a party is drastically different," Diluc grumbled, but grumpily accepted his brother's words.
Kaeya blatantly ignored Diluc, pushing off of him. "Well, now that that is settled, Diluc and I were actually sent to come find you two. Lumy and Ginger Head are watching the Grinch, and they want everyone to join."
Aether nodded his head, shooting a glance at Venti. "Uh- yeah, sure, we'll come! Just give us a second, I need to make sure- uh- Venti has enough wine," Aether said, despite Venti's glass being clearly still very full.
Kaeya and Diluc shared a look. "Uh-huh," Kaeya said skeptically, before shrugging his shoulders. "Well, we'll see you there, yeah? It's starting in a few minutes."
Aether let out a long sigh as the two left, the room being left in the silence between him and Venti.
"So why'd you want those two to leave?" Venti asked, peering at the blond boy over the top of his glass. He was still sitting on the counter, Aether only a few steps away from him. The distance could easily be closed, but why would it need to be? And why did Venti want it so bad?
"Well... I figured we should probably talk out a few things, right?" Aether asked, dodging Venti's gaze.
"Like what?"
"You're really not going to make this easy for me, huh?"
"Venti," Aether started, gazing up at him. "Look, Venti, I-" Aether looked for the words to tell him what he thought, or even what he felt, but the words got caught in his throat as he gazed into Venti's piercing gaze. "I-" He thought maybe Venti's eyes saw Aether the same way that Aether saw Venti, but how could he really know? He did he know that Venti wouldn't be disgusted if he told him? "I- I just wanted to get something to drink before we sat down for the movie, that's all." Aether sighed, defeated.
Venti let out a sigh too, disappointedly resting his head in the palm of his hand. "Oh. Well, there's plenty to go around, I guess." He jumped off the edge of the counter, eyes avoiding Aether's. "Well, I'll see you in the living room, yeah?"
"Uh- yeah." Aether responded, flustered by the conversation.
With that, Venti left to the living room, Aether harshly slapping his own head. He was so close to saying it- why did he have to overthink so much? Why couldn't he be more like Lumine? She was so much better with words and feelings, and she didn't have to worry about hiding how she felt towards Tartaglia.
It all just felt so frustrating to Aether, and all he wanted was to be able to tell Venti how he felt about him. With another sigh, he poured himself a glass of wine. He was definitely going to need it, to get through the night. With that, he walked to the living room, where everyone at the party had gathered on the long couch Lumine and Aether owned.
Aether sat down next to Jean and Lisa, who were still cuddling against each other. Barbara sat on the other side of him, Klee sitting in her lap while curiously watching everyone in the room. Kaeya sat on the floor near Aether's feet, talking about something to Amber, who sat beside him. Diluc, Lumine, and Tartgalia sat on the opposite end of the couch, with Venti sitting on the arm of the couch near Diluc. Aether and Lumine’s cat, Paimon, bounded onto the couch, curling up in Aether’s lap as soon as he sat down.
The quit ambiance of the room was startled by Klee, who started talking eagerly. "My friend will be here soon!"
Lumine blinked in confusion, sharing a glance with Jean, who looked equally confused. "What?"
"My friend was lonely and no one wanted him around for Christmas. So I invited him here! Is that okay? Am I in trouble?" Klee pouted, looking over at her older cousin.
"Of course not, he's welcome to come!" Lumine said, trying to pacify the girl. "The more than merrier, right?" She asked, holding in a sigh. Hopefully Klee's friend wouldn't be as... energetic as she was. Not that that was a bad thing, but there was only so much Lumine could handle.
"Okay!" Klee beamed. "He's actually here right now!”
"He's... already here?"
"Yep! I'll go get the door!" Klee bounced off of Barbara’s lap to go answer the door, Lumine following shortly behind her after untangling herself from Tartaglia's arms.
Klee opened the door to a boyish looking male with white hair, who blinked sheepishly up at Lumine when he saw her, simply saying, "Hello, I am Razor."
"Razor!" Klee said excitedly, grabbing his hand and practically dragging him inside the house. "Come on, we're about to watch the Grinch!"
Lumine watched as Klee and Razor hurried inside, letting out an exasperated breath. It wasn't that Razor was unwelcome, but it was simply an unexpected turn in what she had believed to be a calm night.
Lumine made her way back to the living room, taking back her seat next to Tartaglia. Razor laid down on the floor next to Klee, blinking innocent eyes around the room. Tartaglia leaned into Lumine's side.
"You enjoying your night?" He teasingly whispered into her ear. She could feel him smile against her skin as she let out a breathy laugh.
"It's definitely something," she responded in a whisper, turning her head to look at him. They were so close to each other, that she could feel his breath on her skin. It made her feel queasy but so, so alive at the same time. She supposed that was always how he made her feel. "I'm just glad your here."
"I'll always be here for you. And I've kept that promise since we were kids, haven't I?" He chuckled quietly, staring into her amber eyes. For a moment, it felt like it was just her and him in the room. Like everyone else had simply vanished and all she could feel was him right next to her.
"Of course you have." She leaned forward, pressing her lips against his, feeling his warmth become a part of her. She had kissed him many times before, but it always felt so new and surreal with him. Like she could do anything or be anything, as long as he was beside her.
The kiss was short, and they had pulled away from each other after only a few seconds, but it left Lumine feeling breathless and warm all over, like she could float away and never return. With a smile on her face, she snuggled against Tartaglia's chest, feeling his heart beat against her ear. And she simply felt so, so alive.
"If you two are done," Lumine heard Lisa say in a teasing voice, turning her attention to her. Lisa wiggled an eyebrow at the two. "The movie is starting, lovebirds."
Lumine rolled her eyes, but shot Tartaglia a mischievous smile as the two got comfortable against each other.
“I think Lumine and Aether could be the Grinch!” Klee shot up energetically only seconds after the movie started. The room shot her a strange glance, with Aether tilting his head curiously at the girl.
“Uh- why?” Aether asked, curiosity getting the best of him. He gently pet Paimon, who was purring in his lap.
“Well, you both have strange names!”
“Our names aren’t strange,” Aether said with a small pout, watching as Venti let out a breathy chuckle out of the corner of his amber eyes.
“Hm... well, Lumine and Aether aren’t our real names, you know. They’re actually Yíng and Kōng, but we go by Lumine and Aether since it’s generally easier for people to pronounce here. And we think it’s cool,” Lumine explained with a nonchalant shrug, amused by Klee’s words.
“Yíng and Kōng,” Razor repeated to himself, as if uncertain how to speak the names. Lumine noticed that the guy didn’t seem to have the biggest vocabulary either, not that that was a bad thing to Lumine anyways.
Klee seemed flabbergasted at this fact, seeming to have no response for the twins in her shock. With a humored smirk, Lumine turned her attention back to the movie. It was because of this, that Lumine didn’t notice her brother’s continued glances at Venti, and how his agitation grew until he eventually chose to excuse himself from the room.
“I’ll be back,” Aether promised apologetically, noticing how Lumine turned to look over at him when a questioning look when he sat up from his place at the couch.
With that, Aether left the group in the living room, heading upstairs to open the balcony door. He closed it behind him, letting out a long breath as he gripped the railing with his tan hands.
It was so frustrating. Why couldn’t he just tell him? Why did his tongue get caught in his throat when he ever he considered the possibility of telling him? It was so unfair. He watched as Venti’s mint eyes would go from watching the movie to shooting Aether a laughing smirk when a funny scene happened. It was like he was whispering a small secret to him with just his eyes, words meant for just him.
He knew it wasn’t just the wine talking, either. He had been feeling this way for so long, had nights were he woke in surprise, flustered about his dream were Venti’s hands ran up his chest and his lips were pressed against his. He felt so silly, and embarrassed, and shy whenever he thought about those nights, nor could he get rid of those feelings when he was around Venti.
Lost in his thoughts, he didn’t notice the door open as someone came to join him on the balcony.
“Aether?” Lumine asked quietly, softly joining his side against the railings. He could sense his sister’s worry, gratitude and fondness instantly running through his body at the thought of his sister coming to check on him. What did he do to deserve being born with someone as amazing as her?
“Yeah?” He questioned, playing oblivious despite knowing exactly why she had came out to see him. Besides, Lumine always seemed to understand what he was thinking someway or another.
“What’s wrong?” She pressed, turning her gaze to stare up at the darkened sky and stars. Aether thought the world felt still around them, as if seeming to understand Aether’s frustration with himself.
“It’s... nothing, really. Nothing important.” Aether let out a small sigh, setting his elbow on the railing and resting his head in his hand. “Just- have you ever felt like you want one thing but... don’t deserve to get it, no matter how hard you try and how much you long for it?”
Lumine turned her head to look at her brother, her eyes seeming to see through him as he spoke.
“Whenever I try to convince myself to reach for it, it’s like my whole body just stops. I guess it just feels like I’m not good enough or I don’t have what it takes, so my body just... stops while it’s ahead.”
“Kōng,” Lumine started, her amber gaze piercing through him. “Kōng, you are more than enough. Remember when we were eleven and my bike broke, and I was so sad about it? You let me use yours everyday, despite that meaning that you wouldn’t be able to go ride around with your friends anymore after school because you knew I liked riding my bike around the park for hours until it was dark. Remember when we were sixteen and sitting on the couch and I started my period without realizing it? I had gotten blood on the couch and I was so embarrassed, and when mom and dad found out, they were so mad. But you said that you had spilt a drink and took the blame for me, getting grounded for weeks. Remember back when we lived in China, but I wanted to travel around the world so badly? You worked your ass off, helping me save up the money so we could move. You even helped me to convince Tartaglia to come with us. You’ve always been there for me, and you’ve always been so selfless, Kōng. If anyone deserves to be happy or to get what they want in life, it’s you. Don’t say that you aren’t good enough for something, brother, because you deserve so much in this life.”
“Thank you, Yíng. I’m... I’m so grateful to have you. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“Probably die from your lack of survival skills,” Lumine said playfully, quickly switching back into her teasing mode. She pulled away from Aether, amusement glistening in her eyes as she gazed up at her brother. “Now, get get ‘em, tiger.”
Aether gawked at her, mindless noises slipping through his lips. “I- How did you know?!”
“We aren’t twins for nothing, Aether. He wanted to come up here and see you, actually, but I told him I wanted to talk to you first. So, if you don’t mind. I’ll be sending him up now. Good luck!”
With that, Lumine left the balcony, her gremlin laughter ringing through the still night air. Aether let out a nervous breath, anticipating Venti’s arrival on the balcony.
Just as Lumine promised, Venti came up shortly after, looking at Aether with an indistinguishable look in his eyes. Venti lifted himself up on the railing, kicking his feet over it and sitting on it.
For once in his life, the male seemed to be thinking about what to say to Aether as he watched his legs kick through the chilly night air.
“Look, Aether, I-”
“Venti, I have to tell you something-”
The two started at the same time, before bursting into laughter as they gazed at each other. Aether clutched the railing, a large grin refusing to fade from his face. “You first.”
Venti wrinkled his nose, surprising Aether by gently leaning against him on his side. Venti stared down at the houses around him, Aether noting with affection that Venti’s legs continued to kick through the air.
“Look, Aether. There’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you for a long time, but- Well, at first I thought maybe you felt the same too, but now, I mean I don’t really know- anyways, Aether, my point is, I really like you. A lot. Like more than Diluc’s wine, a lot. And I get it if you don’t feel the same, but I don’t like seeing you all... upset, you know?” Venti said, Aether noticing as his hands fidgeted in his lap.
The words finally sunk in, Aether snapping his head over to stare at Venti. “Wait- you- you like me? Like... like like me?”
Venti blinked at him with a blunt look, with a “Yes, Aether, that’s what I said.” His face relaxed again, looking almost apologetic at him. “You don’t have to like me back or anything, so don’t feel as if I’m trying to pressure you. I just wanted to get it off my chest, I guess.”
“What? No, no, no, Venti, I... I really, really like you. I like like you,” Aether said, seriousness painted on his face as he stared intently at Venti.
The boy on the railing let out a loud laugh in the night, watching Aether’s face with amusement. “That’s one way to say it but good to know.”
He leaned closer against Aether’s side, with the blond noting that he could almost count the specks in Venti’s eyes at this distance.
“Remember the mistletoe in the kitchen? I wasn’t going to say anything, but I really, really wanted to kiss you when I saw you under it earlier,” Venti said softly, letting out a breathy laugh against Aether. “Mind if I make up for that now?”
“I would love you to,” Aether replied, barely getting the words out before Venti was kissing him, his hair reaching up into Aether’s blond hair, skimming through it.
Aether placed one hand against Venti’s face, the other around his side, hands burning to touch him, and hold him.
The angle was messy, the kiss was sloppy, but neither Aether nor Venti could bring themselves the care. Aether only knew the burning desire in his chest- the rest of the world was nonexistent and invisible.
Eventually they had to pull away, gasping for air with delighted smiles on their lips. Aether pressed his head against Venti’s, closing his eyes and basking in his presence. “You know, I was just about to confess to you, but you just had to come and do it first. My sister even hyped me up and everything.”
“What a shame. You know, I’m not stopping you from doing it now.”
“I like you. I like you so much that I don’t even know what to do sometimes. You make me feel like I’m flying in the wind, Venti. Does that make sense?” Aether whispered to him, the cold air encouraging him.
“Yeah. Yeah, it does,” Venti responded, eyes open as he gazed at Aether’s tan face. “I understand perfectly.”
Aether laughed softly, opening his eyes to gaze into Venti’s. “Merry Christmas, Venti.”
Venti smiled, his nose wrinkling with the movement. “Merry Christmas, Aether.”
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reginaofdoctorwho · 3 years
weird shit that would probably have something to do with me in a horror movie
no one wanted this but i’m bored and found a bottle so you’re all getting it. yes these are all true. check the tags, if u think i’ve missed something please let me know!
there was a murder (technically, i don’t really count it as a murder) next door when i was four years old on christmas morning
the weird antique glass bottle i found half-buried in the woods in the woods yesterday with living bugs in it that made no attempt to leave it once i uncovered it
there is a local cult in the next town over. this is not the same as the local cult that was in the other town over where my mom grew up
random completed animal skeletons in the woods behind our house, i’m talking prey and predator, both laid out like in a goddamn scientific diagram. for a while there’d be ones in the middle of our yard, always the same type of animal, always just the bones and nothing else, laid out like it was posed. this has been happening for over half a decade and we have no fucking clue how, why, or who is doing it
the screaming from the woods that i’m going to assume is a fox
my sister almost dated a murderer. his niece or something is in my class
there is a house that is now part of a “local ghost tour” that belonged to my great+ grand parents during the civil war where my great+ aunt died allegedly murdered by her husband who is actually blood related to me. family history says she died of childbirth, which given that it was the 1800s... probably is true
there was an actual murderer in our family a few generations back but he married in and killed his wife and her sister. they didn’t find out about it until they read his journals after he died where it apparently told everything he did and they decided. “well, that wouldn’t look good for the family, and they’re already dead anyway” and just kept it hidden??
the fact we have my great great grandmother’s dress from probably 1890s or 1900s. even more so the fact that i fit in it. if this was fantasy horror (vampires, some immortal thing or ghost) i’d be fucking dead or cursed
fairly certain i was possessed by the ghost of a puritan as a kid
my family seems to have a curse with babies and nurses? my great uncle died when he was born because long story short, hospitals were the new hot thing, he was perfectly healthy, then a nurse dropped him and he died instantly. my sister died when she was a toddler and the hospital actively tried to delete her hospital records to cover it up and ended up getting fined by the state for it. the nurses responsible were not arrested or punished in any way.
my family all has fucked up connective tissue, in my brother it was bad enough he had to get a steel bar in his chest so it wouldn’t cave in.
the many times i have almost drowned, sometimes due to intentional actions by humans (my dad, it was my dad)
this in addition to the other fucked up shit he did before the divorce when he still lived here, including but not limited to: killing my mom’s favorite pet goat, hanging its skull in a tree, and leaving the body in the woods. not letting his kids learn how to cook. anytime someone asked him to cook he’d put as much pepper/hot sauce in as he could (even for like, scrambled eggs) and give it to the youngest person, usually a toddler. this was me at times. taking his kids out to the woods and threatening murder. taking his kids out to the woods and threatening burning. purposely locked the basement from the inside so we couldn’t get the gaping hole in the stairs leading to one of three kids rooms fixed. tearing up pictures of the kids whenever my mom did something he didn’t like. i had more here but i tried to cut it down a litttle
people have threatened to murder me before. one time a girl didn’t threaten, and actually acted like she was starting to like me, but her cousin read her diary or something and found out she was planning to commit a lot of murder, and told her parents and she got sent to a psychiatric ward for a couple weeks
my mom lived down the street from a family that got axe-murdered by one of their two sons when she was a kid. the murderer did get out on an insanity plea and is still in the area. also their neighbor’s mom “lost her mind” (how the story was told) when she had to protect their kids while her husband went over to try to protect the non murderer son when he got home from school and ran over screaming about his brother trying to kill him and had killed their parents
also she knew a girl who almost got kidnapped by this really fucked up traveling serial killer that has his own wikipedia page that is,,, lengthy. the girl had [alleged] mafia ties, and the guy ended up dying shot by police despite them being told to bring him in, which sounds kinda suspicious
long story short i’d probably be the sequel where one comes back
apparently i go to the “bad” school, which i found out in a coffee shop when i overheard two girls talking about how one’s dad went there and how horrible and dangerous it is
school fights are weird. either they don’t happen or they come freakishly close to murder. people slam heads into lockers, stomp on bones, drag people by hair along the ground. one time in my brother’s class a 4′9″ girl sent a 6′2″ football player to the hospital. there was video of a fight a couple years ago that’s still around. it was brutal, but also one of the girls fighting was taking one for the team in it and got the other kicked out
we don’t have a ceiling in all of the third floor, and the cafeteria has 2. this is not relevant in any way, but it’s important to me that you know this
also the guys kept ripping the heating vents/radiators/whatever off the walls in their bathrooms and got almost all the bathrooms locked. including the girls’ ones.
also everyone kept punching holes in the walls so on some of them it’s just,,, metal sheeting down the whole hallway
there are so many fucking shootings in the next town over. literally five years ago it was this nice place where kids would go on history tours, i did when my sister worked for that group. now there is pretty much one business that has not been held up at gunpoint, and if u look up to the serial killer bullet point, it is for v similar ties. it’s a pizza place and if u ever stop by u gotta try it
women in my family have weirdly good intuition but every couple generations we get doubtful. my great grandma didn’t want a hospital birth but decided “hey it’s the hot new thing for a reason”, my mom switched churches based on nothing but intuition and it turned out someone was a pedophile there (found out years later), i instantly could tell my friend’s boyfriend was a pos and wasn’t surprised later when he told her he’d murder and dismember me in front of her, and upon meeting him told him he was a fucking coward and couldn’t do it. he broke up with her a month later.
i was really good friends for a while with two guys that burned a building down. yes they were arrested. i was friends before and after the fire. they’re pretty nice, but this girl they used to date (at different times, they were brothers, yes it was fucking weird and uncomfortable for everyone involved except her but that’s it’s own thing) said some fucked up shit and it was the closest i ever got to starting a fight. anyway i’m still friends with both on facebook. one of them shares a lot of king of the hill memes
speaking of that fight, i 100% would’ve tried to kill her in that moment. u know that john mulaney quote like “i didn’t understand how a person could want to kill another person. then i got cheated on, and i was like ‘oh, okay.’”? that was me, but replace “cheated on” with she told me it was good my five year old sister was dead because she was a waste, and told me she hoped i’d die of covid”. it was mainly the sister thing. i couldn’t move because if i did i’d start a fight with the [way] above mentioned shit.
my family has a literal feud with a local farming family. i mean, we keep farm animals (sheep, goats, chickens), these people have that, pigs, and crops too. the feud was because their great uncle (or great grand uncle, i’m a little fuzzy on the details) published an autobiography (despite not being anyone famous/important) and in it talked about when he was friends with my grandfather and how creepy my great grandfather was (this was the one with the dead firstborn son) because he kept newspaper clippings of the Lindbergh baby’s kidnapping and murder pinned to a board on the wall of his office/basement. also because he was a child of german immigrants who wanted to fight against nazis in WW2 (how suspicious [sarcasm]). members of their family are in my grade. they charged my sister for almost half an extra pound of goods, too, which just revitalized it.
i live by corn fields. i am surrounded by cornfields. (joke one)
i was friends for a while with this girl whose baby teeth,,, didn’t really fall out completely? she was 17 the last time i saw her in person, she’s probably 19 now and judging by her facebook pictures they’re still Like That. she had a very symmetrical mouth/teeth, which made it weirder. just to clarify, she had some of her baby teeth pushed forward and up, so they kind pointed out a little? and all her adult teeth. she was literally so pretty.
a teacher who is v sexual with his female students came into my english class (he is a science teacher) to demand why i wasn’t signed up for his class. we then both became increasingly passive aggressive and he told the whole class where i live with specific directions and landmarks. the guy sitting next to me had to try to tone things down despite being obviously confused as to why it was even happening (me too buddy). he lives down the road from my sister. when my niece had her birthday party at our house i was outside setting things up and he slowed his car down and honked at me. fuckin creep
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afternoonteawithme · 5 years
Messy Crayon Wishes
(Read it on AO3)
As Levi started up the path towards the creaky old two-story home that held Eren’s daycare, he was glad to see the kid didn’t seem to be showing any signs of distress. Sitting on the porch swing beside his favorite teacher, he looked animated as ever, with his mittened hands waving through the air while he chattered away at Petra.
When her patiently amused gaze shifted up to meet Levi’s, Eren’s head whipped around.
“Levi!” Eren’s face lit up. Scooting forward, he slid off the bench and started running.
The brat hadn’t bothered to put his shoes on again.  
With the ease of long experience, Levi moved quickly to catch the kid before he threw himself off the porch.
Lifting Eren up onto his hip, Levi glanced up at Petra as she stood on the top step, her arms wrapped around herself against the cold.
“Are we all set?”
She nodded. “Yes, Mikasa called and let us know you’d be the one coming for him.” As Eren’s adoptive sister’s biological cousin, Levi wasn’t legally related to him, so even though everyone at the daycare knew their situation they all had to observe the formalities.
“Good.” He looked down at the kid. “You ready?”
Eren threw his hands up in the air as he beamed up at Levi. “Let’s go!”
Levi raised a brow. “Uh-huh. What about your boots?”
Eren’s mouth formed an ‘o’ of surprise as he stuck out a foot and stared at his bright blue sock.
“Oops.” He looked back up, and as the surprise slid away, the look that replaced it told Levi exactly what he was planning on saying next. “Shi-“
Levi’s finger under his chin cut him off.
The brat grinned up at him. “Shoot!”
“Right.” Shaking his head, Levi leaned forward to set Eren back down on the porch. “Go put on your boots.”
“Okay.” The kid scampered back inside, and Levi looked up at Petra.
She had a hand over her mouth, but he could still see the smile on her face.
“He’d better not be doing that all the time.”
She shook her head. “No. Only when you’re around.” She laughed. “But I think he might have overheard Zoe today when they dropped a jar of paint. I saw him mouthing something to himself afterwards, so I’m pretty sure he was memorizing some new words to try out.”
“Great.” Levi huffed out a breath. “I’ll avoid taking him anyplace with too many people for a while.”
Levi shook his head. “He’ll forget it all soon enough.” In any case, both he and Mikasa slipped enough that he was surprised the kid didn’t swear more. “And thank you for keeping him so late this afternoon, Mikasa told me you were supposed to shut early today.”
“It’s okay. He’s a fun kid.”
“He is that.”
“Um, by the way. About tonight.” Petra tightened her arms around herself. “I guess you won’t be able to make it, after all?”
Levi blinked. “Why not? I told Mikasa I’d already promised to do something this evening so I could only look after him for a little while. You said you needed help at your new place, right?”
Her eyes searched his face for a moment, before shifting to the side. “Well actually, I have a thing tonight. So I can’t.”
“A thing?”
“Yeah. A thing. With my parents. Christmas Eve and all.” She laughed, though it sounded a little odd. “I’d forgotten all about it.”
“I thought your parents were driving back into town tomorrow afternoon?”
Her eyes flashed back to his, and she looked surprised, for some reason. She huffed out a laugh. This one didn’t sound quite so forced. “I got it mixed up.”
She sighed, and glanced back at the still closed front door before moving down to the bottom step, only a foot away from Levi. “Eren was acting a little strange this morning, so I called his house to find out if he’d had one of his fevers, and Mr. Yeager-” She cut herself off as Eren came stomping back out with boots on.
“Got everything?”  Levi leaned down to pick him up and settle him back on his hip.
Levi looked up at Petra. She’d backed up a step and was shifting uncomfortably. “Mr. Yeager sounded…unwell.” Glancing down at Eren, she bit her lip. “And a little upset. So when he didn’t show to pick up Eren when he was supposed to I… and Mikasa told me she’s on the long shift today. I just was thinking it’d be better if Eren had another place to stay tonight.”
“Got it.” Levi felt the small arms tighten around his neck, and a wave of familiar anger ran through his gut. Petra was saying – as delicately as possible – that the bastard had sounded drunk, and violent with it. She had no way of knowing that Eren was well aware of all the euphemisms for his father’s particular illness. “Then it’s lucky your parents are in town this evening, after all. Let me know If you still need help with the heavy lifting. Or I can come over one afternoon and get it done while you’re at work, if that’s easier.”
“Sure, Levi.” She smiled softly, even as she retreated backwards, up another stair. “See you around.”
 “You idiot. That had nothing to do with ‘heavy lifting’. She’s been trying to seduce you.”
“That’s impossible, Mikasa.” Levi glanced in the rearview mirror. Eren was staring out the window, his lips moving and his feet bopping along to whatever music was coming out of the headphones Levi had jammed over his head before they’d set out. “She just needed help moving some stuff, that’s all.”
Mikasa snorted, the sound clear and disdainful as it poured out of Levi’s phone on the dash of his car. “It’s Christmas Eve, moron. She pretended her parents were out of town. She moved into her new place months ago and now all of a sudden she has all these still packed boxes she needs help moving? Petra? I don’t think so.”
“It’s not like that. She said she just needed some help with the last few boxes, and then she wanted someone to test the dinner she was making for her parents for tomorrow, since she’d never made it before.”
“Yeah, and then she’d probably pull out a bottle of wine and be all like ‘Oh you’ve helped me so much, let me treat you to a glass as a thank you.’” Mikasa’s voice lilted in a bad imitation of Petra. “And then she’d say ‘why don’t we just finish this bottle?’, and then she’d strip herself naked and drag you off to bed for a fun night of Christmas sex.”
Levi shot a glance back at Eren, relieved to find him still staring out the window. The distraction wouldn’t last, he knew, but at least he wouldn’t have to explain that particular word just yet. “Petra isn’t interested in me like that.”  
“Uh-huh. This is the woman who ‘tripped’ over nothing and landed in your lap at last month’s reading night at the library?”
“That was an accident.”
“Right. And that time you went over to fix her leaky pipe that turned out to be nothing, did she or did she not call you into her bedroom to help her zip up her dress, said dress being almost completely nonexistent and her wearing nothing but skimpy undies underneath?”
“It wasn’t underwear, it was some sort of lace slip thing. And the zipper really was stuck.” Levi ignored the sound Mikasa made as he continued, “I think I’d know if she was trying for me.”
“Yeah, sure. For a smart guy you’re a real idiot when it comes to shi- to stuff like that.”
“You’re not exactly great at reading signals, either.”
“And that’s just one of the many reasons both of us are single on Christmas Eve.” Mikasa sighed, and Levi heard a burst of noise in the background. She’d be in the nurse’s breakroom, he knew, taking what escape she could from the madness that was a hospital during the holidays. “The poor girl has been trying to get in your pants for forever, and you just keep blowing her off. She’ll start taking it personally soon.”
Levi thought of the look on Petra’s face, just before he’d walked away. He shifted a little uncomfortably in his seat. “Maybe.”  
“Still, she’s a good person. Giving up her hot date so you can be with Eren. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do.” Mikasa paused, sighed again. “It’s flu season, so not only are all the wards full, but we’re shorthanded too.”
“Its fine. I don’t have any shifts for a couple days, and no classes until after New Years.” He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. “Will your dad cause trouble if we keep Eren away from home for a bit?”  
“Not my dad. Grisha.” Mikasa corrected absently, as she always did. She was quiet for a long moment, and Levi heard the noise amp up as a door opened in the background again. “Is the nosy one occupied?”
“Now you ask? If he starts asking me what Christmas sex is, I’m telling him to ask you.” But Levi glanced in rearview mirror to double check. “Yeah, for now.”
“I went by the house, when Dad didn’t pick up Eren, just to make sure he hadn’t keeled over. No such luck, but he’d trashed the tree, ripped all the decorations off the walls all over the house. Took the cupcakes some nice neighbor dropped off and smashed them on the kitchen floor. I asked him what I was supposed to tell Eren. He said he didn’t give a fuc- a fudge, it’s his house, his tree, his kid, he pays the dam- darned bills. Blah blah blah.”
As always, she didn’t seem to notice she’d called her adoptive father ‘Dad’. And, as always, Levi didn’t mention it. “Being his usual wonderful drunk self, then.”
“Yeah. I told him to go fudge himself, and that Eren was staying at a friend’s house for a few days. Didn’t mention you by name, of course, since he hates your guts.”
“Break someone’s nose once and they never let it go. Did he trash Eren’s presents too?”
“No, I kept those hidden in the trunk of my car, since the nosy one gets more nosy by the day. I’ll bring them over after my shift finishes. Supposed to be nine, so way things are going I figure I’ll see you maybe by eleven.”
“Ok. Tomorrow it is, then.”
“Hah-hah. Man, I hope not.”
Even as Levi hung up, he saw something bright and orange out of the corner of his eye. Almost as soon as he realized what it was he was pulling the car into a tight u-turn and parking at the side of the road. He opened the back door to find Eren scowling up at him, the headphones in his hands.
“Why’d we stop?” He stretched in the carseat, looking around the outside of the car warily. “This isn’t your house.”
“It’s a surprise.” Levi eyed Eren’s bare feet. He’d managed to pull his shoes off again, and this time his socks had disappeared too. “But you have to wear your boots to find out.”
Eren puffed out his cheeks, eying Levi suspiciously. “Do I really have to?”
Levi nodded. “But if you don’t want to know what the surprise is, you can just stay like this and we’ll go home.” He moved back, as if to close the door again.
Eren let out a long-suffering sigh. “It better be a good surprise.”
Socks, boots, coat, scarf, hat, and favorite backpack finally back on, they walked hand in hand down the street and into a small Christmas tree lot, surrounded by orange plastic fencing laced through with strings of lights, glowing dimly in the winter sunlight.
Eren glanced around the almost empty enclosure, clearly not understanding why they were there.
Levi squeezed his hand. “Okay, Eren. Let’s pick one.”
“Pick one?”
“Right. Pick a tree. This will be our tree. Yours, Mikasa’s, and mine.”
Eren’s tiny hand squeezed Levi’s fingers as he stared up at him, his wide eyes fastening onto Levi’s face. “Ours?”
“Only ours?”
“Right. We’ll put it up and decorate it so Mikasa can see when she comes over.”
Eren hesitated, and moved in a little closer to Levi’s leg before asking, in a much quieter, softer voice, “Is Dad coming over, too?”
The look on his face almost broke Levi’s heart. “Not this time, kid. It’ll just be the three of us.”
“Alright.” Eren nodded slowly, and then smiled up at Levi. “Then we have to pick out the very, very best tree, okay?”
“It’s a deal.”
 One huge tree and one relatively inexpensive trip to the store later – it was already Christmas Eve, after all, and almost everything tree related was on sale – they finally had the thing up in Levi’s apartment. It was so big that the top branches bent over against the ceiling.
Dancing with excitement, Eren darted around the tree, directing Levi as they hung the baubles they’d picked up.
“No, higher!”
“Are you sure? We have a lot of empty space in the middle now.”
“It needs to go high up.”
“Okay then.” Since Eren could only reach about halfway up, and since he’d insisted Levi hang all his decorations near the top, there was a good two feet almost entirely empty of decorations in the middle.
But hey, at least the kid was happy.  
“When will Mikasa be here?” Eren asked, for possibly the millionth time.
“Your sister is coming late tonight, after you go to bed. You’ll see her in the morning.”
“But what time after I go to bed?”
“What does it matter? You’ll be asleep.”
Eren stopped dancing around long enough to scowl up at Levi. “Just answer the question, will you?”
Levi felt his lip twitch, and quickly turned his face away so Eren wouldn’t see his smile. It was always best not to encourage the brat. “She said work might keep her late, so she wasn’t sure.”
“She’ll be here before midnight, right?”  
“She’ll try.”  
“Okay.” Eren nodded to himself, evidently satisfied, and stood on tiptoe to hang a sparkly bauble on the lower half of the tree.
 Long after Eren had fallen asleep on the couch in front of the tree, Levi poured boiling water into two mugs as Mikasa hitched herself up onto the counter beside him.
He shot her a look. “That’s for food. You’re not food. Get off.”
“Don’t be so fussy. You’ll hose it down before you cook anything on it, anyway.”
“That doesn’t mean I want your ass on there in the meantime.” But the shadows under Mikasa’s eyes were deep enough that Levi let it go, mostly. He pulled out a bottle of bleach wipes and pointedly set it next to her hip. “Wipe it off when you get down. Thoroughly.”
She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah. You’re such a clean freak.”
“And you’re such a heathen.” Levi lifted the tea bag from her cup, strained it.
“And proud of it.” Mikasa rested her head back against the cabinet behind her and smiled ruefully at Levi. “Who would believe we’re actually related?”
“It’s a mystery.” Handing Mikasa one of the mugs, Levi took his own, leaning back against the oven as he studied her. She really did look tired. And there was something else in her eyes. Something sad.
It made him want to break something.
He’d tracked her down mainly out of curiosity, but it had taken less than an hour of her prickly company for him to realize he actually liked her. It hadn’t taken him much longer than that to realize she wasn’t happy. Over the years she’d become his family, and since he’d do anything for his family, he’d rearranged his life to try and make hers a little better.
And then her baby brother had wrapped his sticky little fingers around Levi’s heart, and the family had grown by one more.
“It must have been a bad scene, when you went back home today.”
“No worse than usual. I just thought- Dad hadn’t been this drunk in a while. I was starting to think maybe something had changed.”
“It won’t be that simple.”
“I know it.” She stared down at the steam rising out of her cup. “I just- I had to leave for work early this morning. Mr. Arlert called me and said Eren was waiting outside the house, by the street, when he came by with Armin to pick him up for the daycare carpool. He wondered why we’d let him outside on his own. He said Eren was a little quiet, nothing too alarming, but just- quiet.”
She lifted her gaze back up to meet Levi’s, and he saw there was guilt mixed in, too. “I think Dad must have done at least some of the house trashing while Eren was home. And from the garbage he spewed out when I was there, he maybe said something to him too.”  She shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m just not sure we’re doing the right thing.”
“This isn’t forever. When we have the resources saved up, you’ll file for custody.”
“And in the meantime?”
“Eren’ll be okay for now. He’s got us.”
“He does. He always will” Her chin jutted up, and Levi was relieved to see heat start to replace the complicated mix of emotions in her eyes.
“See? It’s just a matter of time.”
She blinked, and then cocked her head at him. “You’re pretty smart for such a stupid guy, aren’t you?”
Levi paused, mug halfway to his lips. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me. You and Petra, huh?”  
“There is no me and Petra.”
She lifted the cup he’d handed her, took her first delicate sip. “She wants there to be.”
“So you say.”
“Come on, Levi, I was mostly kidding about the stupid. Even if you are signal-blind, you have to have figured it out, now that I said something, right?”
Scowling down into his tea, Levi shrugged. “Maybe. So what? It wouldn’t work, anyway.”
“Not with that attitude it won’t.”
“I’m not interested in a relationship right now.”
“It’d just get complicated. There’s too much going on.”
Mikasa studied Levi for a long minute, and then shifted her eyes away as she took another sip from her cup. “Bet you wish you’d never tracked me down now, huh?”
Levi stretched a leg out, kicked at Mikasa’s foot. “Knock it off, Mikasa. I don’t regret finding you, or Eren, and I never will.”
She wrinkled her nose at him. “That’s so sappy. I think I’m gonna vomit.”
“Not in here you won’t.”
She laughed, and he knew she’d gotten over the worst of the sadness. “We’ll keep him here as long as possible. Dad’ll sober up, remember he’s supposed to be a father. I’ll have to bring him home.”
“And then when your dad gets drunk again we’ll-”  
“Not my dad.” She interrupted him.
“Sorry. Grisha. When he gets drunk again we’ll-”
“Which hopefully won’t be for a while.”
“When it does,” Levi continued on, “We’ll step in. Bring him back here for a while.” He considered for a long second, remembering that afternoon. “I think by next year I’ll have to find an apartment with taller ceilings for the tree he’ll insist on. I had a hard time talking him into this one.”
Mikasa grinned at him. “He’s a great kid.”
“Levi?” Eren’s voice made them both turn towards the door of the kitchen. Scrubbing at his eyes, hair stuck up all over his head, Eren wandered in. His eyes landed on his sister and he brightened. “Mikasa!”  
“Hey kid.” She slid off the counter and moved to scrub at his hair, turning it into even more of a mess.
He ducked away, grabbing her hand and tugging urgently at it until she crouched in front of him. He side-eyed Levi as he whispered loudly into her ear, “Did you bring it?”
“Bring what?”
“The thing. You know.”
Clearly playing with him, she tapped a finger on her lips and looked up at the ceiling. “What thing would that be?”
She grinned at him. “Aren’t you happy to see me?”
“I am, but, Mikasa.” He was almost dancing in place from impatience.
She kissed his cheek with a loud smooch, making him giggle, then turned him to face the living room. “It’s in my purse, by the door. Don’t look in the other bag, oh nosy one.”
With another giggle, Eren ran out of the room.
Mikasa shot Levi a look as she stood. “I bet you’re gonna cry.”
“I am not.”
She picked her tea back up, took a slow sip. “Bet.”
Eren dashed back in and handed Levi a brown envelope.
Slowly, Levi ripped it open. There was a sheet of paper inside, folded in half. When he opened it, he found a hand drawn message, written in messy crayon over neat pencil lines.
To Levi. Happy Birthday. I like you a lot. Thanks for being my family. Eren
Levi ran the pad of his finger over the waxy crayon, and felt something burning the back of his eyes.
“Mikasa helped me write it, but I picked the words.” Bouncing on his toes, Eren watched Levi’s face. “I had to wake up tonight because I had to tell you happy birthday as soon as I could, and give you your card.”
“Thanks kid.” Levi folded the paper delicately, treating it like the treasure it was. “It’s the best birthday card, ever.”
“Yeah.” When Levi crouched down and wrapped Eren in a hug, he looked up at Mikasa.
And wasn’t even mad when she mouthed ‘told you so’ at him.
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foreveratlas · 4 years
Eulogy For My Grandfather
On June 13th, my grandfather passed away. It has been an emotional nightmare to process. Two days after he passed, it was requested that I write eulogy. These are my thoughts and words for the man who raised and supported me better than I could probably understand. Be aware this is written for my family in attendance at his funeral.
Many people knew him as Charles. His closest friends called him Dean. Dad to his daughters; Uncle Dean to his nieces. But I was given the honor of bestowing his most important name of all time, and that was Poppy. But it wasn't just an endearing nickname replacement for "grandpa." It stood more as a title or a badge of honor. He was Poppy. And to all my friends, he introduced himself as Poppy. Though he may not have been blood to them, I really do think that when he encouraged people to call him Poppy, he was infact adopting them to be his surrogate grandchildren. I'm only slightly jealous because he was my Poppy, no one else's. Whenever I brought a new friend home, he would introduce himself as Poppy. If he came to school to visit, he was Poppy, not Nick's Grandpa. The name Poppy was as much a part of his personality as was his enjoyment of wine or gin and tonics.
The name Poppy has a backstory. A long time ago, when we lived in Texas, he had a favorite restaurant he enjoyed taking me to, Papa Tio's. It was just like any other Tex-Mex grill, complete with a mariachi band. We'd go and dance and laugh and carry on. And at first, he was Papa Tio, but eventually that just shortened to Poppy, which he wore proudly. If you asked him how he came to be called Poppy, he would recall the story of how the name became his, and even recite the song that he got the mariachi band to play, which started "A rappe papa Tio." He twirled his R's and would dance in his seat to the memory. He found such joy in those little memories even with the end approaching as it did.
That was his best trait, his ability to recall these elaborate, excruciatingly detailed accounts of his life, reaching all the way back to his youth. Everyone in the family has heard at least one story: Whether it was the infamous bicycle rally where his mother wouldn't buy him an actual bicycle, so he removed the wheel off the one side of his trike and came riding around the neighborhood with the other kids, just so all the neighbors would laugh and carry on. His father made sure he got a real bicycle. Or of the time he had earned an ice cream, but when his father had stopped to get the sweet treat, he didn't realize the back passenger door was still open, and drove right into a light pole, ripping the door right off its hinges. Or one of my favorites from when he was a bit older, how one Christmas his mother-in-law complained so much about the Christmas tree's needles falling that he picked up the whole tree and threw it right out the front window. His stories live on in us, especially if we were paying attention. And he had a lot of stories. He didn't like how I used a bit of creative license to compact some of thosr stories together when I started writing the fictional adaptation of his life, but the stories are all still here. And going forward, I'd like to invite people let me know their favorite story of his so I can chronicle it and finish the book he wanted to see written.
We all know of how he rose through JCPenney and eventually retired among the upper echelons of the company. I always aspired to find a job like that, a job that didn't feel like work. He always said, "If you love what you do, you won't work a day in your life." Finding that today is difficult, but he did something I don't believe many people really consider. He worked from the ground floor up, literally started by sweeping the stock room, and eventually retired as Vice President. That's nothing to scoff at, and it proves his tenacity and work ethic. That's one job he held for almost 50 years. I'm thirty one, and my position now is my longest held job at three years. So I can't really wrap my mind around doing one thing for so long. But he didn't really do just one thing. He was all over the country, opening stores and providing for his family the best way he knew how. It wasn't always perfect, but it was what he felt was best.
Poppy loved his family more than anything, and some of his fondest memories came from his daughters. He used to tell me of how during New Years, he, my mother, and my aunt would go around the house banging pots and pans to welcome in the New Year, and then they would go into a dark room, and Poppy and Aunt Dena would go hide, leaving my mother alone, before they would jump out and scare her. He found so much joy in those moments, and did everything he could to bring as much joy as possible to every moment. He always made sure we were taken care of and supported, even when we screwed up in life and had to ask for help. Having that safety net was so important and I never realized how much I was taking advantage of those kindnesses.
I was five years old when Poppy married Andrea, and the inclusion of the DiBrienza family into the Saddler family was nothing short of exciting, fun, and very, very loud. I walked right up to Andrea, put my hand on her belly and asked, "Is there a baby in there?" Which, understandably, freaked her right out. But, Poppy's love and adoration that he received from his connection to the DiBrienza's was so profound and so important. He wasted no time indoctrinating his new nieces into the fun. He used to make up stories that the Middle Branch Reservoir was the site of an old mining community called Middle Branch. He told the stories to my cousins that they had to flood the old town, and late at night you could still hear the old church bell ring. He'd then give a loud, "Bong!" And my cousins, who were wiser than their years at such young ages would unanimously proclaim, "Oh Uncle Dean!"
When I got the call late Saturday night, I honestly couldn't process what was happening. I had just spoken to him the day prior. I tried to call every day. He would always answer, "Hello my dear lad, what's new?" To which I would immediately respond, "Not a whole lot, just thought I would call and say hello." I had no idea that that conversation, which felt so innocent, and so normal would be the last time. And maybe that's how he wanted it to be, not something full of despair, not something full of long winded goodbyes. No lengthy moments of "Is this it? Is this the moment?" It was just normal. He asked me if I needed anything, like he always did, and then told me to have a tasty dinner and a good weekend. And that stuck with me, especially after the news arrived late Saturday. I have felt a myriad of emotions based on that last conversation but at that moment, my focus was on how could I have a good weekend? The biggest part of my life had departed. In therapy, I have been told that it's ok to be upset at that, to feel like all my weekends won't be good. It's ok for me to grieve that way. But I know someday, the weekends won't hurt anymore, and I'll be able to wake up Saturday morning, and Poppy's words, "Have a good weekend," will give me peace. Just right now, I don't think I'll be fond of Saturdays for a while.
I have to believe that this was a part of his plan, in a way. As most of you know, he was bed ridden, unable to see, losing his hearing rapidly. He was very adamant in his faith, and I believe that that faith is what guided him in the end. The Bible says that heaven is a paradise, where the crippled may walk and the blind may see. I can only hope that he is able to walk again, able to see again, able to be every bit the amazing potential he remembered himself to be from his youth. And I hope his loud scream-sneezes are scaring the crap out of everyone with him. But most importantly, I have to trust that this was the right time, and that his faith and adoration of his family will guide us, make us stronger, and help us live and love better. He wouldn't have left us knowing we couldn't stand tall and keep moving forward.
There are so many things I wish I had said to him and so many moments I realize now that I have taken for granted. I always believed I had more time, when really, he was trying prepare me for the inevitable. It was easier to believe that he would always be here as a central piece of everything. If immortality was possible, it was my belief that my Poppy could accomplish it. Every time he said that he wouldn't be here forever was a moment I'd respond with, "You'll outlive us all." He would remind me every day that I was the last of the Saddler line, and I honestly didn't want to give that thought any weight because he was still here. Still very much the powerhouse that his name commanded. And now that I am here to carry his legacy forward, I feel like I am hardly worthy of the weight that has been gently handed to me. I'm not ready to live each day without him, and it will be a long time before I wake up and say that I am ok. This past week has been difficult. Every day going forward will be the equivalent of wading through slowly drying cement. But, I imagine, if he didn't think we would be ok without him then he would have held on a little longer. So maybe, I need to trust that belief in us that we will be ok.
Grief is the living honoring the departed. It hurts, it hurts more than words can adequately describe. But it's proof that that person is one who held so much love and adoration. And Poppy was loved dearly by all. His light will fill us every hour and encourage us to be better than ourselves, to enjoy the moments, take stock of the memories, and live every day with love. He loved us, and he still loves us. Our family is strong, and despite the fact that he is not physically here, so long as we remain connected, his love stays with us. It will be like he never left. I am looking forward to all the memories and all the love his light will bring.
We will get through this together as a family.
One day at a time.
One step at a time.
And he will be with us, in our hearts, on our minds; never lost, and never forgotten.
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ai-katsuu · 4 years
Wonderland Ball (2/4)
Chapters: 1  2  3  4
previous chapter   next chapter
featuring several characters from other fairy tales!!
The door opened to a maid with a curious face on, “Is everything alright..oh! Miss Audrey, Where did everyone go? I heard something and everything started shaking.” 
“Isabella,” she said, “Um...yeah. Everyone just left.” 
“Pardon?” she asked, still confused. 
Audrey shook her hand, “Nevermind that, we’re spending Christmas Eve without them. So what should we do?” 
Deciding not to press on the matter Isabella asked, “This is your first Christmas here in Golden Goose is it not? Last year you all traveled.” 
Audrey nodded, “What do you guys usually do around here?” 
Isabella smiled “There’s a lovely festival organized by the townspeople! Food as a far as the eye can see, music, children getting presents, colorful lights and trees to decorate...oh my lady, you really must see it, it’s wonderful!”
Audrey thought for a bit before nodding, “That sounds amazing, Isabella. How about a change of location?”
Meanwhile on the far end of the Island the group had resurfaced to a large room. As the purple smoke cleared the group were in their original positions, just in a different setting. 
“Were we just transported here?” Merlin looked around. “Is everyone alright?” 
“Yeah,” Goldie said, fingers on her temples, “Just a little hazy..” 
“This interior looks like the Wonderland Palace.” Gretel said looking around 
“So the cat really did bring us all here.” Arthur said. 
“All our stuff seems to be here too.” Kio walked around. 
“Wait, where’s Audrey?” Jack looked around. The group indeed saw that all of them were here except for her. 
“Do you think she got left behind?” Gwen looked left and right. 
“That Cat was very particular in singling her out when he was greeting all of us.” Pino thought, “Do you think he left her behind on purpose?” 
Jack frowned at that response, to which Pino raised both his hands “I’m just saying that’s a possibility.” 
“The doors are locked too.” Briar shook the handles. 
“You must first change to your proper attire!” 
Briar jumped back as soon as she saw a little white mouse appear from the keyhole. “Hurry! Quickly! Hastily! The ball is soon! Please change to your highness’ formal attire!” As soon as the mouse had left, thirteen closet doors had opened with their old gowns and uniforms that represented their Kingdom. They always had to wear those whenever there was an audience or social obligations. 
“Uh oh..” Peter frowned at his uniform. 
It took a bit but they were all able to fit in their outfits. The triplets had matching blue, yellow, and brown uniforms, as did Hans and Gretel with their green, yellow, and brown colors. Merlin’s donned blue as well as a red sash. Snow had blue, yellow, and red. Jack had blue, purple and brown. Arthur had red and orange, Goldie had blue white and yellow, and Peter’s was green and brown. Briar Rose’s dress was interesting as it often changed between pink and blue, depending on how you looked at it. 
“Wow, you look like Mama.” Hans looked at Gretel. She looked at him for a bit before looking at herself in the mirror, twirling occasionally, 
“Thanks, you look nothing like Papa.” 
Hans playfully rolled his eyes as she laughed. On the other end of the room stood Goldie helping Peter with his cuffs. “I don’t understand, what’s not to like? I love my dress, always have.” she said.
“Makes me feel stiff,” Peter told her. 
Jack usually looked for any excuse to bring out his uniform, but he wasn’t feeling it very much around this time. And the others could tell once they started making their way to the ballroom and he didn’t gawk at the jewels and roses they had on display.
An uptight looking man donned with a white suit stood beside them as a pair of twins held their hands on the knobs of the double doors. “Ah, finally! You know just because you’re the Island’s greatest heroes, that does not mean you get to be late! Time is of the essence!” the man scolded them. He took out a pocket watch and wiped his forehead, “You just barely made it..” he muttered.
“Get ready,” he quickly made his way to the door as one of the twins opened it for him. The F7 heard his loud voice through the doors.
“Here ye, here ye!” 
“Told him his voice was too loud.” one of the twins holding the door handles said.
“Honestly, never listens.” The other responded. 
The man's voice continued, “Announcing the arrival of Fairy Tale Island’s greatest and bravest heroes. Who suddenly disappeared but have now resurfaced. The princes who heroically protect this land from danger with their strength, prestigious backgrounds, and talents. The princes’ we have all been awaiting, The Fearless Seven!”
“Let’s go, boys.” Merlin told them.
The twins had opened the door on cue, and as if they were used to this, the F7 had walked in the ballroom with an overwhelming amount of presence. Their perfect formation and aura as a group lived up to their reputation. And the fact that they have been gone for years only made their entrance bigger, as this was their first formal reappearance.
“Prince Arthur, Prince Hansel, Prince Kio, Prince Noki, Prince Pino, Prince Jack, and their leader, Prince Merlin!”
 Familiar faces to them were around the room, faces they had only seen occasionally but knew each other from previous balls. Faces that were now in awe, some princes and princesses looking at them with lovestruck gazes, some that were much too happy with their reappearance, and others who couldn’t believe they were in the same room as them. 
And although they knew better now, they would be lying if they said they didn’t miss this just a little bit. 
Once they had reached the altar, they knelt on one knee, put their right hand on their chests, and bowed their heads in perfect synchronization to the woman sitting on the throne. 
“Queen Alice, it is an honor to be here. You have my gratitude for extending the invitation to us.” Merlin said with his head down.
Her Majesty warmly smiled, “Nonsense, it is my honor to have you here at my party. I’m glad Cheshire convinced you all to be here, I wasn’t sure if he’d be successful!” she lightly laughed. To her right was the gentleman Chesire Cat who only grinned at her, and to her left was the person who everyone knew to be the Mad Hatter, who rolled his eyes at the man. “Please, raise your heads.” Alice told them. 
They did as she said and stood up from her throne. “Everyone! Please join me in giving a warm round of applause to our Island’s greatest heroes. The Fearless Seven!” 
After the formalities were over, the F7 had made their way back to their friends. “Wow, some introduction they gave you guys.” Gretel rolled her eyes. 
“Oh don’t be jealous, Gret.” Hans handed her a drink.
“I’m not jealous.” she frowned at him.
“She is, she looks at me the same way whenever I finish repairing something faster than her.” Pino laughed.
“Gretel? I’ve missed you!” a woman with the longest braid they had seen walked up to them. 
“Rapunzel? Wow, it’s been so long.” Gretel greeted her former neighbor. 
“Aw Hans look at you!” Rapunzel cooed at the ginger haired boy who sheepishly rubbed the back of his hair, “You’re so big now! I remember when me and your sister used to dress you up in my old clothes when you were a baby. We used to put all sorts of accessories on him,” she then suddenly remembered, “We called him Princess Hannah!” 
Gretel gasped and grinned at her brother, “Oh my god, Princess Hannah. I forgot about that!” Hans’ smile had only morphed in disapproval when he heard the name. Briar Rose listened in to the conversation, a mischievous gleam in her eyes.
“Wait is this why I get scared when I smell freshly made leather bracelets? And why I hate the sounds of corsets? Gretel that caused me trauma.” he told her.
She scoffed, “Yeah, you're the one who has PTSD between the both of us.” to which Hans frowned at, “Kidding, kidding,” she told him, “So are you here with anyone Raps?” 
“Yeah, my cousins are here. The Snow Queen and her sister.” she gestured to the other side of the room.
“Look at all the royalty here,” Jack said in awe, “I almost forgot what it feels like.” 
Arthur took a sip of the champagne, “Ten o’clock. Snow Queen is approaching you.” 
Jack looked towards the woman with the white gown who curtsied in front of him, “Prince Jack, a pleasure to see you.” 
Jack returned the gesture by kissing her hand, “Your Majesty, I am honored by your presence.” 
She smiled and averted her gaze slightly, “Forgive me for being so blunt, but I want to ask, have you met a man that goes by Jack Frost?”
Jack humored her by rolling his eyes, “I want to tell you I haven’t, Your Majesty. Unfortunately the opposite is true.” 
The Snow Queen let out a giggle as her eyes began to quite literally sparkle with tiny snowflakes, “Do you see him often? What is he like? Oh! Does he do that thing where he balances on his staff then pretends to fall, only to surprise you from behind?” 
“I would be mortified if he ever did that to me. Do you know him?” he asked her.
“A little,” she bashfully tucked her long white hair behind her ear. It was a sight for Jack and Arthur as they had always expected the Snow Queen to be serious and formal. “He comes by my castle sometimes, and oh, we have the loveliest conversations but they’re always cut so short.” 
“If I may be so bold, Your Majesty, I’d say you fancy the lad.” Arthur smiled. 
“Fancy? Me?” At Arthur’s suggestion she laughed and accidentally froze his drink with her hands, “Oh, sorry. But I don’t know what you're talking about, Prince Arthur. What a silly imagination you have. Excuse me.” she bowed smiling. But not soon before she mumbled to Jack, “Please mention me next time? Thank you, Your Highness.” and she ran off to her sister.
“I wanted to tell her ‘run away’.” Jack sipped his drink. 
“Arthur!” Merlin called out from behind, “You remember these buffoons don’t you?”
“Shut it, Merlin. I’ll throw you off the balcony again.” Edmund laughed as he gently pushed the wizard. 
“Arthur! You’ve gained weight!” Peter punched his chest, “Oof, nevermind.” 
Arthur laughed and pulled him in for hugs, “Oh I’ve missed you jackasses too.”  
“Hello, Prince Arthur,” two ladies stood beside Merlin. 
Susan smiled, “You and Merlin are still getting along well, I’m glad.” 
“We caught up with Gwen earlier, I’m so happy for you two!” Lucy beamed.
“Ah, meeting the two fairest ladies in all of Narnia, and now their brave and heroic sisters Susan and Lucy. Seeing all four of you brings tears to my eyes.” Arthur dramatically said, followed up by an angry Peter and Edmund trying to bring him down. 
“Well look at that. I’m not surprised to see Arthur being beaten up by a bunch of princes at a ball.” Goldie noted. 
Peter Pan laughed, “I’ll say, it wouldn’t be a shock if he got kicked out early by destroying Queen Alice’s tea set.” 
The triplets let out a loud laughter and spilled their drinks on the carpeted floor. 
“Boys, I am quite disappointed.”
The familiar voice that reached the triplets' ears immediately made them stand up straight as they quickly removed their hats. 
“Honestly, making a scene like that. Your father was right to send me here.” a man in a black coat and blue top hat held his head high as he examined the boys one by one. “Good posture, clear skin...oh your hair is a mess, Kio.” he rubbed Kio’s blind hair with his hands. “Mind your manners, boys.” 
“Yes, Jiminy...” they let out a dragged response to which Jiminy eyed them and they said a clearer response, “Yes, Jiminy, sir.”
“Good, I suppose these are your beloveds, Noki and Kio.” he looked at the pair, “Princess Goldilocks and Peter Pan.” 
“Oh thank god you got my name right.” Peter sighed in relief.
“I hope my boys have been treating you well. I did not raise them to act otherwise. Thank you for blessing them with your affections” 
Noki and Kio flushed a bright red when they heard that, “C’mon, Jiminy. Stop that, nobody says that anymore!” Noki frowned at him. 
“Afraid I’m embarrassing you in front of your girlfriend, Noki?” he raised his eyebrows and proceeded to whisper to Goldie, “When he was younger he had problems wetting the bed at night. Use that information however you please.” to which she let out a laugh. 
“Oh I will definitely use that as ammunition.” she told him. 
“Have you met Gretel, Jiminy?” Pino asked. 
“Oh, red hair, glasses? I met her earlier along with Princess Snow White. Lovely woman, polite manners, well done.” Jiminy responded, “If I’m not mistaken that's her and Princess Rapunzel chasing Prince Hansel, am I right?” 
Pino raised eyebrows before putting his hat back on, “Should probably see what that's about…” and ran off.   
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plumandfinch · 5 years
Noble Adjustment of Things
My Steggy Secret Santa gift (finally) for @sheafrotherdon. Happy Holidays and a very Happy 2020! 
A/N: mildly influenced by the central structure of the A Christmas Carol ghosts (past, present, future), title from the same. Past is after Season 1 of Agent Carter, Present is between Civil War and Infinity War, Future is post-Endgame. 
Read it on Ao3
- Past -
Angie announces the first week of December that she’s off to Staten Island on the 23rd after her shift and then to Jersey for an unspecified amount of time, “Cousins,” she says firmly with a roll of her eyes. 
“You know you’re always welcome to join us, Peg. It isn’t like Thanksgiving, you celebrate this one, right?” 
In the end, she demurs. There’s a short and sharp letter from her mother with curt tidings of the season and a shaky postscript from her father. She can feel their disappointment from across the Atlantic, even though it’s been four Christmases since she was last tucked into the too warm front parlor with its fug of woodsmoke and pine. 
She stays late in the office on Christmas Eve. There’s a skeleton crew on the night shift but Thompson takes everyone else out for a round before Midnight Mass or dinner or whatever lay ahead. 
“Aw, c’mon Carter, just one? What, ya got somewhere else to be?” 
She declines his offer and waves them off, making her way much later to a quiet hole-in-the-wall that was known to keep her favorite scotch in stock before a morose trudge back to the apartment. The off-kilter jingle of the bells on the wreath that Angie had gaily arrived home with hung on her arm weeks ago shepherds her into the darkened entryway. 
It’s not until later, when she makes her way into the kitchen to wash out her tumbler that she sees the small pile on the table. Two brightly wrapped boxes from Angie, a brown paper parcel from England despite the tone of her mother’s letter, a trio of neatly packaged gifts from the Jarvises, and one absurd box with Howard’s scrawl on the note. 
She feels the smooth luxurious paper on the box from Howard and sighs heavily when the sound of laughter echoes up from the street. 
And with that she sets her tumbler in the sink, picks up her library book, and walks down the silent hallway to bed. 
- Present -
you know you catch watch st. pat’s right on tv now. no invites needed and no ties he texts to Bucky sometime mid-November. 
even in my new place?
He thinks about the shepherd’s dwelling that Bucky moves into gratefully and without complaint - i’m sure we could work something out
yeah but you could get an invite right?
yeah, I could get an invite he replies, feeling oddly warmed, like he could feel Ma being proud of him. Then a thought occurs to him.
wait - do you want to go to st. pat’s?
It turned out that no, Bucky did not want to go to St. Patrick’s. He would have hated to say that it wasn’t a good year and that he didn’t have as many strings to pull so it was a relief when get outta here, punk, i’m not leaving paradise came back.
There are no gifts this year, he’s moved around a lot and no one would know where to find him anyway. The tenuous connections he has are being held together via the highly secure and almost indestructible cell phone that Shuri slipped into his hand with a knowing look before he stepped onto the plane. 
He throws that phone and the rest of his meager possessions back into his rucksack three days before Christmas and drops the key in his landlord’s mailbox. 
There’s an all-night diner off of the highway with only a handful of other diners eating alone with the exception of one couple near the door. It’s a Wonderful Life plays quietly on the couple of screens and he has to look away from the swing of Donna Reed’s curls. The food tastes like ashes in his mouth, as it has for months, but he cleans his plate out of habit. 
His waitress tops up his coffee and murmurs a quiet “happy holidays” before making her rounds.  He leaves a stack of bills under his plate and steps out into the night.
- Future -
When he looks at her, with that open face and endless blue eyes, there’s almost nothing that he can ask for that she would deny him, so she hands over all holiday arrangements. By December 1st, their little bungalow, her first run at homeownership, is bedecked in fresh pine garlands wrapped lovingly around the porch railings, a wreath two sizes too big that tends to slam alarmingly on their front door, and small electric candles in every window. 
To her utter astonishment given his usual thriftiness, she finds herself inquiring about the household expenses when a nine foot tree appears around the 15th sitting slightly squashed under the living room ceiling and bedecked in brand new Shiny Brite ornaments. After his ears turn gently pink, “Don’t worry, Peg, I’m doing some odd jobs for Mr. Johnson at the corner store,” she doesn’t bring it up again, even when she notices that his bottom drawer no longer closes all the way and that a large brown package has been half hidden on the top shelf of the coat closet. 
Shortly, she also notices the tightness around his eyes and how he keeps tensing his jaw even as he wraps piles of cookies to drop off to the neighbors and sends her to the office with a basket full of sweets for her staff. By December 20th, his previous manic energy has shifted to a low hum. 
They curl up on the couch after dinner one night, her stocking feet tucked under her, basking in the glow of the tree. 
“Darling,” she says quietly, the word luxurious still in her mouth. And he looks at her for a moment before looking away. She leans over to gently rub his cheek.
“This time of year can be hard,” she posits. 
He looks at her again. They sit in quiet for awhile, she learned long ago that what is closest to his heart he is not always willing to relinquish. 
“I thought…” he trails off and she waits, “I thought if I hit the ground running...it’s just…”
He runs his hand through his hair and huffs before shifting so that he can face her with those endless eyes again. 
“Peggy, I am so happy to be here with you, finally. I don’t ever want to you think differently. But…”
She squeezes his hands, “A lot happened to you since the last time we were together.” 
He nods, “You’re right, it can be a hard time of year.” 
She leans over into his arms and they stay there until moving, hand-in-hand to bed, together. 
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ficstogo · 5 years
Christmas With You
Pairing: John x Reader
Summary: You spend your first christmas with John.
Word Count: 2875
Warnings: None
A/N: What was suppose to be a fic at first I turned this headcannon to what you see here now. Sorry for the mix up! I need to learn how to read things over.
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Exams were Exams. You were on your last one for the day and you were happy it was the easiest one you’ve taken before your holiday break officially began. You didn’t care much for the holidays all too much, the older you got the less magic it had. You didn’t hate it but you didn’t care for it either. You were mainly looking forward to spring and the warm weather to come back. That and the end of the semester. Happy that you were on the last question, you smiled at your freedom. Walking out the door, you see John waiting with his books in his hand and all snuggled up in a winter coat. It made him look cute, like a small child.
“Hi.” You said as you give him a peck on his lips.
“Hi.” Walking out, holding your hand with a smile, he asks, “How’d you think you did?”
“Pretty sure I passed. It wasn’t too hard of an exam.” You said with a smile to return.
“Well how about we get some coffee to celebrate.” He responded back as you gave a nod. Even if there was nothing to celebrate, it was a ritual to go to the coffee shop whenever the both of you got done with classes. It was your guys thing even before you two started dating about a month ago.
As relaxed as two people can be, you and John spent the time conversing with each other about whatever came to the top of your heads, no matter how ridiculous. The conversation then turned to the reason why everyone was out for classes. Christmas.
“So what are you up to for Krimble?” John asks as he takes a cautious sip of his refill.
“Uh, nothing really. Sleep in and all. My parents are actually away on holiday now that I’m in school so, no plans really.” You explained to him. Although you would like to spend the holidays with them, you were actually happy that they finally had some time to spend together alone.
John looked at you with a bit of concern. He didn’t like the idea that you would spend the holidays on your own but he was going to be visiting his parents also. “Oh, well I’m going to be with my parents to help them set up a small christmas party but I’d really like it if you’d come along to it, if you want.”
You only smiled at his kindness as you went to hold his hand. “I’m sure it’d be a fun time if I went.” You didn’t think too much of it. You already met his parents beforehand but as a friend. This would be the first time you would see them as his girlfriend but it didn’t worry you that much. They did like you, which you appreciated and they were always so kind to you, a second family you could say.
During the days leading up to the party, You spent your time doing the usual errands and going to work while John did the same coming in and out of your apartment to spend time or have dinner with you. There was that day you hadn’t seen John. He rang you up a little late since he went to help his parents. He sounded so tired but he wanted to talk to you before he went to bed for you him to go out tomorrow.
“I really wish I brought you along today, really. There was a street fair happening and there were so many knick knacks and paintings and just so many things I wish you’d seen…” He sighed out in content. You could only imagine his sweet smile as he was telling you about his day. You could honestly fall asleep to the sound of his voice, always so soft in your ears. Gentle as though he’s never shouted a day in his life.
As he went on about his day while you listened to his sweet voice, he brought up the plan for tomorrow. “So I was thinking maybe we’d stop and have lunch and then go round my parents house to help them set up. Julia should be there a little later.”
“And what do you suppose we should have for lunch then, love?” You smirked as you asked.
“Of course the usual! A great big lobster with some oysters! Maybe even snails! Fancy enough for you, dove?”
“Oh very!” You laughed. His sarcasm and sense of humor is what made you swoon over him, even when you first met him. After the laughter has subsided, you then ask “What time should I expect you dear?”
“Sometime around noon. We’re not expected at a specific time, so we’ll just goof around beforehand.”
After things were settled and planned, morning seemed to come by in a flash. You were up and ready to take on the day. The day of christmas eve seemed so busy as you and John walked around town noticing all the last minute shoppers. The two of you only enjoyed your time together before heading over to the Deacon household, where there was a whirlwind of activity going on in there, and being the good samaritans that you are, helped with these chores.
Soon evening came around, you helped Julia and her mom with making dinner while tidying everything up. John went out with his father to finish up some errands and making sure the guests found their way to their residence.
The night was filled with laughter, stories, family, friends, and of course, some alcohol. Although it was a fun time for you all, you only found yourself speaking to either Julia or their parents as all the other guests were unfamiliar faces. John on the other hand, had to be the good son and speak with all the guests, such as his uncles and cousins as well as some work friends and neighbors. It was a bit hectic to say the least but fun over all. At times you find yourself talking to John in the kitchen before he gets dragged out to see another aunt from a far away land, but as the night dwindled down, you found yourselves to each other once more as you huddled up against his side while his arm was slung around your shoulder, his fingers playing at the tips of your hair.
You realized the time and how the both of you were beginning to be in the state of fatigue. Everyone else seemed to still have some energy as they kept at talking to each other, eating, and drinking. Lifting John up by his arm, he was ready to fall asleep. “It’s about that time we get home now, don’t you think so love?” He only nodded his head as his eyes were trying to keep open. You went to go find John’s family to let them know you both were heading out, giving them your thanks and goodbyes, you both found yourselves out in the cold. Walking a couple blocks with the both of you looking as if you were connected to the hip, you headed to the direction where most of the taxis would drive by.
The feeling of his hand holding on to yours while his head rested on top of yours as a temporary pillow only made you smile. Your poor boy was tipsy and tired and he only wanted to sleep. It was your mission now to get you both home and tuck him in for a good night’s rest.
You were happy that there was at least one taxi out this late at night for this time of the month because you didn’t know how long you were able to hold to John. You only relished on to the feeling of John snuggled up so close to you with his head still on top of yours as you rode all the way to his apartment. These little moments were what you really liked to think about and to live in.
Once you both arrived to John’s apartment, you fished for his keys in his pockets as he chuckles, saying, “Getting a little handsy there bean?”
“Come off it John, you know that’s for tomorrow morning.” You replied with a wink, unlocking his apartment door. He mainly spent time at your place as it was a little more spacious than his, at least by a few units. He also felt more at home there with you then he ever felt here by himself. And he’s lived in his apartment for a good amount of time. The thought crossed his mind to express that feeling but he thought that that should be saved for the morning as well.
The last time you were at John’s apartment was right before he asked you out. Both studying in his small living area as he left all the necessities to do so at home. A fond memory it is as it was out of the blue yet it was bound to come up at some point. Everything was the same since then. Neat, orderly, clean yet bare. There was nothing there to really indicate that there was actually someone living here. What made you chuckle though was the small plastic christmas tree that was on the coffee table with lights twinkling around it. It was cute in the sense that that was definitely a John thing to do. It was small gesture yet it showed how he was very much into the christmas spirit.
You two once again dropped yourselves on his couch, a comfortable silence taking over as your heads leaned against each other. You only had a smile on your face as you made sure to save this to memory bank. Taking a peek at John, you see that his eyes are closed. You leaned in to kiss his cheek and asked, “Got any hot chocolate?”
“Yes. In the cabinet left of the sink.”
“Would you like a cuppa?”
“Yes please, love.” He says in a small polite demeanor, as if he were a child.
Getting up, you took a second to look at John again, brushing his hair to the side of his forehead while he smiled at the touch. In the cabinets were packets of hot chocolate as you had the kettle going on the stove. With your back against the counter and arms crossed, you looked at the sight before you. All small and dimlitted, quiet and peaceful. For some reason you wanted to save this particular memory in your storage system as well. Nothing was going on but you could only assume that you wanted to save the atmosphere, the way everything felt in this exact moment.
Heading to John, you nudge him a bit as he was close to being knocked out and passed him his hot chocolate. Sitting up straight, he takes the mug from you and asks, “I hope you had a good time. I prayed that nothing embarrassing happened while you were there. Julie told me nothing did but, you know…” He chuckled.
You smiled at him taking your spot next to him. It was cute how he still worried about his family embarrassing him even though many of those occurrences have already happened. Baby pictures, 11 year old girlfriends from grade school, and so on. What else could possibly embarrass him that you hadn’t already witnessed? “No, I had a good time. I just didn’t know most of the guests there.”
“Neither did I and the funny thing is that the majority of them are family.” he chuckled taking a sip from his mug. You two talked about the events of today until you finished your mugs of hot chocolate. Looking up at the clock that faced you both, you knew you two were going to sleep in later than usual as it was nearing 1:30 in the morning.
The night ends with his arms wrapped around you and your head against his chest. His breathing soothes you into a deeper sleep while his head rests on top of yours once again, loving the feeling of someone holding onto him throughout the night.
Before you know it, morning takes over and you find yourself staring at one of the walls at your side of the bed. You blink a few times as you try to recollect the events from last night as well as what today is. You were excited about today as you quietly got off the bed and headed into the living you room where you left your bag to retrieve John’s present. Before you could even take it out, you hear John calling out your name in his raspy and groggy voice. “I’ll be right in!” you say in a tired yet happy tone.
Slipping back in the room, you see John with his back facing you while he stretched out his limbs. Taking a seat next to him, he raises an eyebrow at the package you have in your hands. You have a wide smile as you landed the package right on his lap, only for him to look down, realizing what the box is. “Seems that father Christmas has left me a gift!”
You scoff at his comment and say, “Ppff, father Christmas, it’s me you should be thanking!”
“Oh, I’m sorry love! Of course!” He says as he leans in to kiss your cheek. He then looks back down at your gift and starts to unravel what’s inside. His eyes go wide as he sees the gift that you got him. He’s in shock to see that you got him a brand new camera, obviously a replacement for his broken one. “Jesus! Y/N, this must of cost you all your savings! You didn’t have to get me this!”
“Deaky! Of course I had to get it! This was the one thing I was really looking forward to and I wanted to get the best for you. You deserve it.” John could feel his heart constraint a bit. He sees how the devotion and care in your eyes and it only made him question how lucky he is to find someone like you. You were too sweet to him and terribly caring. He knew from there how thoughtful you were and attentive you are to his needs. He only wished that he could be up to par with you as you deserved much more than him.
John leans in to give you a peck on your lips as he looks back down to his camera with heated cheeks. “Thank you love. I think it’s perfect, especially for what’s coming next.” He then gets up to his dresser that’s nearby and pulls out a dark blue velvet box and starts handing it to you but when you reach for it, he pulls away. You look up to him in confusion when he explains, “Now I don’t want to hear any “you shouldn’t have”s because if we’re being honest, your gift might’ve costed a lot more than mines.” He then hands you back the box as you look at him in wonderment. Inside contained a beautifully crafted wired necklace where it wraps around a crystal of your favorite color. You’re taken back at the fact that he had gotten you such a wonderful gift.
He takes back his seat as he looks down at the necklace in your hand. “Remember how I went to my parents to help them with some errands while there was also a street fair going on? Well I might’ve asked this nice lady to make a gift for my special girl and, well, I think she did a right job, don’t you?” You turn to look at him, feeling some tears pricking at the corner of your eyes. You wrapped your arms around his neck while burying your head into his neck. You were so happy in that moment, knowing that out of all the men that you have dated or would have possibly dated, he was the one that made you the absolute happiest. If anything, he was far better than any gift you had ever received and you never wanted to lose him. His face heats up once more as he feels you kiss his neck and ask him to put it on you. You blink away the small amount of tears that were piling up in your eyes and hand John the necklace. Sweeping your hair to the side to clasp your necklace, he kisses your shoulder while rubbing them as well and then lays his chin on top.
“Merry christmas dear.I hope there are many more to come…”
You turn to wrap your arms around him again saying “I’ll bet money on that. I can’t possibly imagine that this is the last christmas I’ll spend with you.” John gives you the biggest smile you’ve ever seen as he plants a passionate kiss to your lips. His heart swelled at hearing you say that. He loves where his relationship with you is and where it’s going and the fact that you felt this wouldn’t be the last of you two not only eased his mind, but made him think of future with you.
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words-and-seeds · 5 years
Multiples of 3 for Lovisa?
You’re the first person to ask about my girl! I’m so excited to share.
Behind a cut for length.
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3. How tall is your OC? 
Fairly tall for a woman of the time, around 5′6. 5′7 in boots.
6. What is one word you would use to describe your OC’s appearances?
9. What does your OC’s bedroom look like?  His/her living area? 
She lives in a tiny, one room apartment in a St. Denis slum. The wallpaper is soot stained, the furniture old, but obviously well made and kept clean and in good repair. Her bed is a single, brass frame, with an old mattress that has molded to her her sleep position. The quilt is black on one side, white on the other, with flowers quilted into it.
12. What is your OC’s relationship with her father?
Lovisa was daddy’s little princess. She was his pride and joy, his crown jewel, his little angel. Her mother died when she was eleven, and Lovisa basically became the lady of the house at that point. Her father was a doctor in Stockholm, and she became the hostess, receptionist, and nurse all in one. Nothing changed when they emigrated to America, except that she took on more of a medical role as he got older. His dream was for her to go to medical school and become a doctor herself.
15. What was your OC’s childhood like?
It was happy. There never seemed to be a lot of time for playing, but reading was encouraged, and reading is her greatest joy.
18. How many times did your OC move as a child?  Which area was his/her favorite?
Once that she can remember, but that was the big one. She was miserably sick the entire journey from Sweden to America, and she could barely step food on deck without vomiting. She was very excited to see everything up until they got to St. Denis. Then it was just a city, like all other cities. People spoke funny, but they were just the same kinds of people as before.
21. Who are your OC’s closest relatives?
She has some aunts and uncles, and a few cousins, back home. They write occasionally.
24. Who are the people your OC dislikes/hates?
She hates bullies. They are thieves of the worst kind, because they steal people’s humanity, with a look, or a word, or a fist. She can’t stand it.
27. What are some things your OC admires about his/her soulmate?
He’s kind. He’s so kind.
30. Did your OC participate in extracurricular activities, and if so, what were they?
Ehh, not really.
33. What subjects interested your OC?
Medicine! She wants to be a doctor so badly.
36. What are your OC’s thoughts/opinions of his/her current profession?
She likes helping people, it makes her happy.
39. How does your OC handle anger?
One brief explosion, and then it’s over and forgotten.
42. What makes your OC happy?
Rainy mornings, hot coffee, walks along the waterfront. She is a woman of simple pleasures.
45. What are some things that annoy your OC?
St. Denis. Seriously, she hates it there. People are packed in like sardines, everyone is so grumpy, no one ever smiles. She really doesn’t like it when people don’t smile back when she smiles at them.
48. What are some of your OC’s vices?
She’s a cinnamon roll, she doesn’t have any.
51. What are some of your OC’s morals?
She is generosity itself with her time and her skills. She’s always there to lend a helping hand.
54. Does your OC think with his/her head or heart?
Heart, she’s all heart.
57. What are some of your OC’s weaknesses?
She’s a little timid, a little passive, very content to go with the flow. Stuck in a rut.
60. If your OC could change one thing about him/herself, what would it be?
She wouldn’t mind being a little more aggressive. She can be a pushover, but only when it comes to herself. When it’s a “patient” or a friend, then she gets the mom-friend override.
63. How does your OC display love?
Quality time and physical touch are Lovisa’s love language.
66. What is your OC’s favorite food?
Risgrynsgröt. It was always served at Christmas, and it reminds her of home and family.
69. What is your OC’s favorite kind of weather?
Lovisa loves the rain. She loves the patter on the roof, and the way it pushes down all the soot and pollution in the air.
72. What is your OC’s favorite kind music (and song if there is one)?
Whatever it is her neighbors play on the gramophone. It comes through the walls, and she likes the ambience.
75. What is your OC’s favorite scent?
She likes the smell of grass and trees, because it means she’s not in the city. She’s also very fond of rosewater in her baths.
78. What is your OC’s favorite time of day?
Sunrise or sunset. When the sun paints the sky in different shades of pink and purple. It’s glorious.
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