#and my memories of it continue to become memories of memories
perfectlyoongi · 3 days
BOYFRIEND!TAEHYUNG who takes showers with you just for the intimacy. it was the silence of the moment, the purity of the intimacy, the way you two felt so comfortable with each other with something that had become so vile and perverse by society, that made Taehyung venerate your baths together; no words, just Taehyung's gentle touch across your body, as you rest on his chest and feel the tranquility of your love. “i like this, you know? of our intimacy. how none of us feel obliged to be something other than ourselves.”
BOYFRIEND!TAEHYUNG who only trusts your opinion when it comes to his clothes. before leaving the house or when he goes shopping, Taehyung always asks your opinion about his outfit, patiently waiting for your honest reaction, never feeling bad when the feedback comes back negative — after all, he just wanted to continue to impress you, it was only your opinion that mattered. “tomorrow i have to buy a new coat. do you want to come with me? i would like to have your opinion.”
BOYFRIEND!TAEHYUNG who loves coming home and lying down with you, his head resting on your chest. Taehyung couldn't live a whole day without having your affection; in an extremely stressful and quite complicated job, it was in your arms that Taehyung found peace and serenity, the way you touched his hair, his face, his arm, took Taehyung to a distant land of dreams and rest. “today was so tiring. all i could think about was how you would be here for me and make me feel good again.”
BOYFRIEND!TAEHYUNG who takes your perfume with him on tour, just so he can deal with missing you. it was a simple memory, something that could last the long weeks of touring the world without ever losing its value; your perfume was intoxicating, something so delicate and beautiful that made Taehyung remember all the hugs and kisses and caresses and moments he had spent with you. “i promise i won’t spend it all. please. i really need something that reminds me of you or i'll go crazy. seriously!”
BOYFRIEND!TAEHYUNG who accompanies you on any and all purchases you make just to share some mundane time with you. whether it was for groceries or clothes, an electronic item or a gift for someone, Taehyung was always by your side, giving his opinion, holding your hand and always walking with a smile on his lips because he was next to the one he loved. “oh, do you need help picking a gift? i don't mind going with you. can i? i just want to feel normal for a moment. please.”
BOYFRIEND!TAEHYUNG who watches the stars and clouds with you while trying to discover shapes and meanings among them. lying on the grass, your head on his belly, you and Taehyung told stories with the various shapes you saw in the sky, laughter flowing as naturally as time passed, endless memories of tales created comforting your hearts. “that star is so bright! oh, and next to it those stars form a heart. see? even the heavens believe that our future will be bright.”
BOYFRIEND!TAEHYUNG who only said he loved you when you confessed first, a huge weight leaving his heart as soon as the words left his mouth. as soon as he heard your confession, Taehyung's heart began to beat quickly without having any time to assimilate what he just had heard, his words running after yours to try to embrace them. “oh, thank god. yes. finally. i love you. i love you. i love you so much. oh my god.”
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flwrstqr · 23 hours
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── ୨୧ bf!beomgyu x f!reader 𝗀enre. fluff, one shot, 𝒘𝗈𝗋𝖽 counts . . . 1387 𝔀arning not proofread, kisses┊DANi NOTEZ ‎⸝⸝⸝ my first txt post 🤤😱 but had this idea for like over a year so finally posting it >< ◞[ continue on to . . . library , request ]
! feedbacks and reblogs are highly appreciated and encouraged! PLS REBLOG ♡
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YOU SIT CROSS-LEGGED ON THE LIVING ROOM FLOOR, nervously plucking at the strings of beomgyu's guitar. the instrument feels awkward in your hands, but his reassuring smile makes it all seem a little less daunting.
"okay, so this is how you play a G chord," beomgyu says, his fingers effortlessly moving into position on the fretboard. you try to mimic his movements, but your fingers fumble and you end up producing a discordant noise.
"ugh, how do you make it look so easy?" you groan, pouting at him. he chuckles, the sound light and musical.
"years of practice," he replies, leaning closer to adjust your fingers. his touch is gentle, and you can't help but feel a flutter in your chest.
"see, i'm such a good teacher," he teases, flashing you a playful grin. "you should pay me."
"oh really?" you raise an eyebrow, matching his playful tone. "and what exactly do you want as payment, mr. i'm good at guitar?"
he taps his chin, pretending to think hard about it. "hmm, how about a kiss per hour per lesson?"
you laugh, feeling your cheeks heat up. "a kiss per hour? that's your price?"
"yup," he says, leaning in closer, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "it's only fair, don't you think?"
your heart skipped a beat, warmth spreading through your chest. "that's a pretty steep price, don't you think?" you teased, leaning in closer.
he grinned, his eyes locking onto yours. "worth every second."
you closed the distance between you, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. he hummed contentedly, his hands finding their way to your waist.
"well," you said softly as you pulled away, "alright, fine. but you better make me a guitar pro by the end of this."
he grins wider, his face lighting up with excitement. "deal. now, let's get back to that G chord."
with his hands guiding yours, you manage to form the chord correctly this time. the sound that follows is much better, and you look up at beomgyu, who is beaming with pride.
"see? you're already getting the hang of it," he praises, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. "at this rate, I'll be collecting my payment in no time."
you giggle, feeling a surge of affection for him. "i'll hold you to that, bomgyu."
he leans in, his lips brushing against yours in a soft kiss. "i look forward to it," he whispers, before pulling back and picking up the guitar again. "now, let's move on to the next chord."
as the lesson continues, you find yourself more focused on the closeness you share than the guitar itself. by the end of the hour, you're both laughing and exchanging kisses, the guitar lesson becoming a sweet memory you'll cherish.
"see? best teacher ever," beomgyu declares, giving you one last kiss before setting the guitar aside.
"i can't argue with that," you reply, snuggling into his side.
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ohisms · 1 day
↪ 𝑽𝑨𝑵 𝑯𝑬𝑳𝑺𝑰𝑵𝑮 . ( a collection of sentence starters from the 2004 film . adjust phrasing as necessary . mature themes present . )
oh , [ name ] . it's just you .
where are you going to run , [ name ] ?
what are you saying ?
why do you think i brought you here ?
you said you believed in my work .
i would kill myself before helping in such a task .
you've been so kind to me , [ name ] .
you can't kill me , [ name ] .
so , you're the great [ name ] .
we all have our little problems .
let's make it your decision , shall we ?
i wish you a week in hell .
why don't you do something about it ?
this is all a test of faith .
i can curse all i want , dammit .
you . turn around .
strangers don't last long here .
the laws of men mean little to me .
i don't need your help .
you stay here . they're trying to kill me .
nice to see you too , [ name ] .
did i do something to you in a past life ?
i hope you do have a heart , [ name ] . because someday i'd like to drive a stake through it .
your reputation precedes you .
i am hollow ! and i will live ... forever .
please , say you will not try again .
do not fear me ... everybody else fears me .
i was unprepared . it won't happen again .
do you understand forgiveness ?
i would rather die than help you .
don't be boring , everyone who says that always dies .
may he rest in peace .
how long has it been , 300 , 400 years ?
you don't remember , do you ?
what exactly is it i am to be remembering ?
it's no surprise you would know all about me .
we have such history , you and i .
have you ever wondered why you have such horrific nightmares ?
[ name ] , it's alright , i'm taking you home .
what , did you think we haven't tried everything before ?
no one knows how to kill [ name ] .
i could have used that information earlier .
would you like me to refresh your memory a little ?
allow me to ... reintroduce myself .
i think we've overstayed our welcome .
don't give me that look .
you were right . i'm sorry .
monster ? who's the monster here ? i have done nothing wrong !
look , there's still time .
you were right . i'm sorry .
do you have any family , [ name ] ?
if you value your lives , and the lives of your kin , you will kill me .
evil may have created it , may have left its mark on it , but evil does not rule it .
now you know why they call me a murderer .
oh my god ... you've been bitten .
so much trouble ... so much trouble .
now you will become that which you hunted so passionately . may others be as passionate in their hunting of you .
don't worry , god will forgive us .
how many commandments can we break in one day ?
oh my god , you should be terrified .
how does it feel to be a puppet on my string ?
neither of us has ever settled for half .
you make my skin crawl .
i'm not gonna like this , am i ?
one brief moment of pain , and we can be together forever .
you have no heartbeat .
you are nothing but damned bones , and damned souls .
well , that doesn't sound like a good thing .
we don't have a choice . just don't get killed .
you don't understand , it doesn't matter what happens to me .
god is not the only one that can create life .
you can't go until i say you can go , and i say you can go when you're dead !
you're supposed to die .
we are both part of the same great game , [ name ] , we just find ourselves on opposite sides of the board .
you are being used , [ name ] , as was i . but i escaped , so can you .
if you're going to kill someone , kill them . don't stand there talking about it .
all i want is life . the continuation of my kind .
some things are better left forgotten .
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berystraw · 1 day
hi!! I've seen your work on pjo and was wondering if I could request a Percy jackson x reader? Where the reader is Will Solace's twin, but unlike Will, who Apollo Described to have inherited all of his best qualities, the Reader, however, inherited the "worst"?
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[P.J. Masterlist] | [M. Masterlist]
Warning: usage of y/n, Apollo is a bad dad
Pairing: reader x Percy Jackson
W.C: 2k
Note: I'm planning on making my Percy Jackson tag list! Comment if you want to be part of it! Also if you want to be part of my overall taglist!
Synopsis: Apollo!Reader finds solace with friends after her father's hurtful favouritism.
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I stare blankly at the breathtaking scenery of the beach. The sky is painted a vivid blue with fluffy white clouds adding ethereal decorations. The sun shone brightly, radiating warmth and light to all it touched. But no matter how much scorching heat and comforting radiance the sun exuded, I felt only the bone-chilling temperature from the bitter winter.
I exhaled and watched the puff of smoke become visible in the frosty winter air. The sun gave no aid to remove the biting cold I felt, inside and out. I'm freezing, I'm numb, and no amount of heat could dispel the paralyzing chill that gripped my heart.
"It's freezing out here," I was startled to hear Percy's voice. I turned and saw him in a cozy sweater, his hands tucked into his pockets, shielding them from the bitter cold. "Go back to your cabin, Jackson," I looked back at the mesmerizing scenery before him. I didn't hear a sound from him, and I thought he had returned to his cabin, but I was extremely wrong when I felt him sit down beside me.
"You should be in your cabin getting some warmth, sunshine." There it was, that affectionate nickname he had given me ever since we first met. I wasn't claimed when we both met for the initial time, but he called me sunshine, and even after I was claimed, the endearing moniker still followed me around. "Are you alright? I heard about what happened," Percy says, concern evident in his voice. I heard him sigh when I ignored him and continued to watch the waves crash onto the shore.
The memory of what transpired this morning kept replaying in my mind, and no matter how much I tried to forget it, I couldn't. Because it's impossible to erase that your own father shattered your heart even before any man could.
Me and Will were twins, we looked alike but not the same in terms of interests and personality. He was calm, and I was like a ticking time bomb. He's seen as humble, while I'm perceived to be arrogant. His likes were different from mine, and the same with our dislikes. Twins but exactly opposite from each other. Other campers thought I was Ares's child until they found out I was Will's twin sister. I guess that's why my father favoured Will all the time.
"Why can't you be like your brother?" Apollo asks in a booming voice that makes me flinch. "Why are you such a disgrace!" It sounded like a question, but it isn't. He meant it to be a declaration. That I am a disgrace. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes, but I did not let them. The last thing I want to do is to cry in front of my father.
He continued to stare at me with so much loathing and contempt in his eyes. He didn't have to say it in words. I saw it, felt it. He despised me. Every single part of me, he hated it. At that moment, I realized that I would never be his perfect little Will. No matter how much I tried to make him proud, it would be useless because I would always be last to Will. I will always be his least favourite daughter.
"Will inherited all my best qualities, and you, inherited all the worst," He said with venom in his words. I looked down and closed my eyes when he turned into light and disappeared. Will entered the cabin seconds later and was shocked to see me alone with tears behind my eyes.
He opened his mouth to ask me what happened, but I darted out the door before he could even let out a single word.
I didn't even realize I was crying until Percy wrapped his arms around me and ran his fingers through my hair to calm me down. "It's going to be alright," He whispered gently in my ear. I cried my heart out into his chest. I allowed all the tears I've been hiding to flow down. I felt guilty for soaking Percy's sweater with my tears, but he did encourage me to continue until I no longer had any tears to give.
It lasted for almost 20 minutes. 20 minutes of my sobs and gasps for air, and Percy stayed the whole 20 minutes, whispering sweet encouragements and soothing words into my ear. As the last few tears I had finally dried, I gently removed myself from Percy's embrace.
He stared at me with his mesmerizing sea-coloured eyes that were filled with so much concern. I took a few deep breaths to calm me down, and when I finally did, I gave him a soft smile. He smiles back at me and places a tender kiss on my forehead.
I gaze off into the distance, admiring the captivating view of the ocean and the sky. Percy continued to draw delicate circles with his fingertips on my bare skin. I release a breath and allow my eyes to close and, for once, relax.
I rest my head on Percy's shoulder and continue to keep my eyes closed. Percy whispered sweet nothings in my ear. I block out every bad memory and thought that entered my mind and focused on Percy's soothing words.
"We should get out of here, you'll get sick my love," Percy whispered. He helped me stand up from the sand and held my hand as we both walked back to the Apollo cabin.
"Are you feeling better now? You can stay with me at my cabin, love. I don't mind," Said Percy. I gave him a soft smile and shook my head before placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. A soft pink tint on his cheeks was evident.
"I'll see you during dinner, Perc," I wave him goodbye and walked inside the cabin. I was immediately engulfed in a warm hug by 3 of my siblings, the 4 of us falling down on the floor.
"Off! Off! I wave the white flag!" I gasp, and all 3 of them got off and laid down on the floor beside me. "Oh, I think I just had a concussion," I say, holding my chest. "You're overreacting, Twinnie," Will said, and I gave him a playful smack to the arm.
"We heard what happened, sis," Kayla says, and I let out another sigh as I was reminded of the painful memory.
"We think you're the best, Y/n. You're the better twin," Austin joked. "I'm hurt, Austin," Will pretended to cry on my shoulder, which I shoved him away, laughing at his antics.
"We love you, Y/n," Austin, Kayla, and Will said in unison. I smiled and felt myself tear up from their heartfelt words. "Awwww, are you going to cry?" Will asked teasingly. "I never thought you were a crybaby, Y/n," Austin joked. Both of them earned a playful slap from me.
The rest of the day was filled with laughter and smiles. The awful memory from this morning had already slipped my mind. My mind now filled with more happy and better memories created with my siblings. I couldn't ask for more.
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aishangotome · 1 day
Alfons Sylvatica: [Blind Love] Epilogue
Chapter 25
For him, love is fleeting, and everyday life is fragile.
So, every day, every second, I carve it into my heart and body, and hold it dear.
---That is how I love my dear illusion.
Kate: Roger, I found an interesting note in this church's records.
Roger: Hmm? Which one? Let me see.
I occasionally visit the basement like this to continue my joint research with Roger on the "mirror curse."
In addition to reading through materials, we also narrow down places and people to conduct interviews.
(Alfons is...ah, he's asleep.)
Even though he doesn't cooperate with the research, Alfons always comes along for some reason, and he spends his time freely playing with lab equipment, reading books, or sleeping on the examination bed.
Roger: Al, lend me your arm for a bit.
Alfons: Eh...? ...No. You're going to draw blood again, aren't you? Are you that fond of my blood, you pervert?
Roger: Yeah, I am. It's a valuable sample for monitoring the progress of the transfusion.
Although he makes a grumpy face, he does cooperate with the research about once every ten times.
(He's like a fickle cat.)
Encouraged by Alfons's profile, I turned back to the materials.
To remember his profile, this time, because he is cursed by the "mirror."
Kate: Thank you again for accompanying me today.
Alfons: You're welcome. Thank you for your hard work on the research, even though we haven't made any progress yet.
Kate: Hehe, I'll make sure we get results eventually, so don't worry.
Alfons: Yes, yes, I'm looking forward to it.
Alfons sometimes looks at me like this, with his eyes narrowed as if he's dazzled.
(I love this look...it's like he's trying to burn me into his memory.)
I feel like Alfons is trying to carve me into his heart and body, just as much as I'm trying to do the same with him.
It's becoming my happy habit to look for the "truth" in Alfons' subtle gestures, since he rarely says "I love you" or "I like you" in words.
Alfons: Oh, by the way, Kate.
Kate: Yes...?
Alfons: I'm going out tonight. I won't be back until morning, so please go to sleep first.
Where are you going? - I desperately held back the urge to ask.
Alfons: I'm afraid I can't stop going out at night. It's my hobby, my pleasure, and my life's work.
Alfons: Going out drinking, showing illusions… but
Alfons: I want to try to love you properly, so
Alfons: I won’t do that with anyone other than you… no kissing, no caressing, no sex.
**flashback over**
I haven't yet followed him to confirm his "only me" statement.
(Because I believe the words Alfons gave me...)
When he goes out at night, my head is filled with thoughts of him.
But even the time I spend like that at night is proof that Alfons is deeply engraved in me, so it's precious to me.
Kate: ...I understand. Have a good time.
Alfons: Ah ha! Don't make such an obviously lonely face.
Kate: Huh? I'm not lonely, it's normal...
Alfons: That's a problem too. Even if it's normal, please be lonely.
Kate: Wh-what...?
Alfons: Well then, see you tomorrow.
He kissed my cheek and left for the entrance.
(He told me not to make a lonely face, and to be lonely...)
Roger: He's a selfish guy, isn't he?
Kate: R-Roger...were you listening?
I turned around to see Roger standing halfway up the stairs leading to the basement, with a mischievous smile on his face.
Roger: If you're lonely, I can keep you company while he's gone.
Kate: I'm fine, really, I'm not lonely at all.
Roger: Oh really?
After glancing in the direction of Alfons, who had disappeared beyond the entrance,
Roger smoothly placed his hand on my chin and—
Roger: I think I understand what Al was saying. He said it's cute when you pout.
Kate: –Hn!?
He kissed me as if it were natural.
Kate: Wh-what, why so suddenly!?
I hurriedly pushed him away, but Roger just smirked.
Roger: Because you're a good woman who's lonely but acts tough, and Al is too careless.
(Wh-what should I do...)
Kate: Alfons said he wouldn't be with anyone but me...
Roger: ...
Roger: Heh, heh! So that's what you're worried about, huh, little missy?
Roger chuckles gleefully as I turn pale.
Kate: ... Huh? What else is there to worry about?
Roger: Hmm... No, nothing. I was just teasing. Don't worry, I won't do it again.
Roger: But if that guy makes you cry, I might just have to do something about it.
Roger: I have a fondness for tearful faces.
Kate: N-no way...! I don't plan on being made to cry!
I ran up the stairs to escape Roger's egotistical smirk.
And then--the next day.
(Yesterday's kiss... was my fault for letting my guard down.)
(I absolutely, absolutely need to make sure it doesn't happen again.)
(...And it wouldn't do any good to make Alfons feel bad, so it's better to keep it a secret, right?)
Alfons: What's with that troubled look on your face, Kate?
Kate: Eek...!?
I jump up as he pokes me in the side.
Alfons: Ah, you're so sensitive. Is this an erogenous zone too?
Kate: I was just ticklish...!
Alfons, who had just returned from a night out and woken up a moment ago, laughed cheerfully with his shirt still rumpled from sleep.
(I'll keep it a secret after all...)
(Alfons keeps secrets from me too, about where he goes and what he does at night...!)
I changed my mood and announced today's plans.
Kate: More importantly, we promised to draw a portrait of you today, right, Alfons?
Alfons: Of course, I remember. Ah, shall I take this off?
Kate: It's fine as it is!
I stopped Alfons' hand as he reached for the buttons of his shirt and pushed him into a chair.
Alfons: This was an attempt to leave a picture behind in case the ink writing fades, wasn't it?
Alfons: Didn't you take a photo with the same reasoning the other day?
Alfons: And before that, you got your hands on the latest equipment, a phonograph, and recorded my voice, didn't you?
Kate: Just being extra careful! Now, please stay still.
Alfons: Yes, yes.
Alfons teased me a bit more before crossing his long legs and resting his cheek on his hand on the armrest.
I set up the easel and canvas I had prepared and began to sketch.
Alfons: Kate, I didn't know you could draw.
Kate: I can't. That's why I'm practicing.
Alfons: By the time you're a grandmother, you'll have improved and will surely be able to draw a perfect likeness.
Kate: Ah ha! Do you intend to live with me until I'm a grandmother?
Alfons: How optimistic of you, to be involved with a man whose profession is assassination.
(Of course, I know. No one knows when death will come.)
The things I'm accumulating now may not be able to overcome fate.
(Even so...)
Kate: That's why I want to capture the present moment that we're living together.
Alfons: ...Hehe, how straightforward.
Alfons looked at me intently with those dazzling eyes again.
Every time I look at him to confirm his form, my heartbeat quickens as I meet his beloved gaze.
(I, I have to focus.)
I moved the charcoal as if to dispel unnecessary distractions. But...
(This is... It might not just be a lack of talent.)
The more lines I added, the more hopeless the result became.
Alfons: What's wrong? Your face is getting paler and paler.
Kate: Ah, don't move... Don't look!
Alfons: Let me see...
As soon as he saw the disastrous picture I had drawn on the canvas, Alfons pointed at it rudely and burst into laughter.
Alfons: Ahahaha! Ah, you... Is this a human being? Ahahahaha!
Kate: It will be! I'll get better!
Alfons: Ha... You're a really interesting person.
After laughing until tears came out, Alfons snatched the charcoal from my hand.
Kate: Ah...!
Alfons: Hey, Kate.
Alfons: For the sake of improvement, shouldn't you get to know my body... better?
Kate: ...
When his seductive voice poured into my ears, my body ached sweetly as if a switch had been flipped.
Alfons guided my fingertips, which were wandering in the air after the charcoal was taken away, to the buttons of his shirt.
Kate: ...Your shirt... will get dirty with charcoal...
Alfons: Please dirty it, with your fingers.
He was deliberately using suggestive language, enjoying my reaction.
(I know, but...)
As expected, I was made to imagine indecent things, and my body became wet with anticipation.
(...It's like I'm being trained to Alfons' liking.)
(It's embarrassing, but... I'm happy.)
It's because it's proof that he's carving his love into me - I can't help but feel happy.
After letting me unbutton his shirt, Alfons guided my fingertips inside.
Alfons: See, if you touch me like this... you can understand my contours better, can't you?
Kate: ...
As I was guided, my fingertips traced the contours of his muscles, moving down from his chest to his abdomen.
Kate: Ah... Alfons...
Alfons: Remember my form well.
---By the time I touched his warmth, I had already fallen into his sweet trap.
After taking pictures, recording our voices, and even leaving behind drawings... maybe at least one of them will remain.
After our sketching session gradually turned into a sweet moment in bed—
Alfons playfully laughed while languidly twirling my sulking hair.
Alfons: I used to hate photos, you know?
Kate:...Is that so?
Alfons: Yes, you took my photo virginity. You have to take responsibility for it.
My nose was poked, and the sweet ache in my chest made me forget my sulking.
(The Alfons who was trying to irresponsibly abandon our relationship and disappear...)
(To say something like "take responsibility" that ties us to our relationship...)
Joy slowly spread through me—at the same time, I remembered something I felt guilty about.
(Alfons is trying to love me so properly...)
(To keep it a secret... it's not good, is it?)
Kate: U-um... Alfons, there's something I need to apologize for.
Alfons: Oh my, this sounds interesting. What is it?
Kate: I...
Kate: When you weren't around, Roger kissed me.
Alfons: ..........
Kate: I'm so sorry...
Alfons stared blankly for a moment, then started to laugh, his shoulders shaking.
(W-why is he laughing...?)
Alfons: Oh dear... You really are something else... Heh.
Alfons: Go ahead, you can have as many "meaningless kisses" as you want.
Kate: Huh!? But, Alfons, you said you wouldn't kiss anyone but me...
Alfons: Doesn't count if the other person forces it on me, right? That's an accident, an accident.
(Oh, good... Huh? But that means...)
Kate: So you're saying you don't count those kinds of kisses either, Alfons?
Alfons: Oops, I shouldn't have said that.
Kate: ...How many times have you had those kinds of kisses since you said you'd only kiss me?
Alfons: Hmm, I don't remember. Maybe two or three times, maybe not.
(This guy...!)
I leaned over Alfons and roughly pressed my lips against his.
He laughed with glee, and I hated the way his lips received it.
Kate: Nn... Ah, Alphonse, you good-for-nothing!
Alfons: Yes, I know.
Kate: Womanizer! Liar! Pervert!
Alfons: That last part was a compliment, wasn't it?
Kate: You jerk...
My body is rolled over, and our positions reversed.
With a creak of the bedsprings, Alfons leans over me.
Alfons: Do you hate me for being a good-for-nothing, a womanizer, a liar, and a pervert?
Kate: ...uh...y-yes...!
The perpetrator, who knew exactly how I would respond, smiles like a devil.
As if trying to burn each and every one of my reactions into his memory, he narrows his dazzling eyes.
(He's toying with my feelings again, teasing me... He really is an impossible person.)
Kate: ...I...love you...
(I can't imagine a life without you anymore.)
Alfons: Hehe, good.
Alfons: I love you too, Kate.
His curved lips drop a sweet kiss.
I want to continue this playful exchange forever.
Until it's etched into my memory, leaving a mark that will never fade.
As usual, a gloomy darkness lies over London, England.
The man who shows illusions to escape from this reality for a moment was about to throw himself into the darkness again tonight.
Roger: Going again? You're persistent, aren't you?
Alfons: You're persistent too. Do you enjoy talking to me?
Roger: I'd love to expose your true intentions for always making the lil lady sad and anxious.
Alfons: Do you really think I'd tell you honestly?
Roger: Who knows. But if the day comes when you don't come back by morning, I'll take the young lady.
Roger: --What would you do if I said that?
Alfons: Ah ha! Do you think I'd just casually die again?
Laughing with a distorted face, Alfons turned his whole body towards Roger.
Alfons: I'd rather not die before her.
Alfons: I'll die after Kate, even if it's just by a minute or a second.
Alfons: I don't want to be forgotten by her.
Alfons: Oh, and also--
Roger: ....!
Alfons grabbed Roger's chest and pulled him closer. In his smiling face, only his grey eyes were filled with cold murderous intent.
Alfons: ...If you kiss Kate again, I'll bite off those lips.
After spitting out these words, he turned his back on Roger and left the castle without looking back.
Roger: I see. ...Even his way of loving is troublesome.
As Roger sees him off, the sound of two sets of footsteps reaches his ears without a moment's delay.
Kate: ...Roger, you're just in time.
Roger: Hmm? What's wrong, lil lady... and Elbert?
Elbert: I was taking a walk... and Kate called out to me...
Kate: Roger, would you also like to... not follow Alfons' tail, but, um, yes!
Kate: Would you like to accompany us on a walk... while watching his back?
Roger: ...Your way of loving is just as troublesome, lil lady.
Kate: Yes...?
Roger: Never mind. I'm talking to myself.
For him, love is fleeting, and everyday life is fragile.
That's why he plays with me day and night, driving me crazy - that's his way of loving.
And he seems to enjoy it even more since he fell in love with me.
I'm still being swayed by this lovely, indecent illusion today.
If you’d like to support my translations, feel free to buy me a coffee here! :)
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charincharge · 3 days
I Don't Want To Wait, seventy-four
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rowaelin high school bff au masterlist
AN: Well, babes, this is it. The final effing chapter of IDWTW. When I started writing this, almost exactly four years ago (chapter 1 posted on may 29, 2020!), I had no idea what it would become. I thought it was going to be vv casual prompt-based high school pining vignettes, simply to rewrite my own version of Dawson’s Creek – if you’ve ever wondered why it was called IDWTW, that’s why! It was a temp title that stuck! – but 375k+ words later… it’s become so much more. And that is because of YOU. Whether you have been here since 2020 or you joined along the way or you're finding this years after the face, I am infinitely grateful. I don’t know that I would have been able to pull through the last few years without your kindness and enthusiasm for these two idiots (and their friends and fam). I have loved telling this story, but mostly, I’m grateful that this journey introduced me to so many incredible humans and created a community of babes I will hold near and dear to my heart for literally ever (it’s true, I loved one of you so much that I drove across the country to meet her, and in a few short months she will be my WIFE!). This story brought so much good into my life, and I am hella proud to finally conclude it. From the incredible creators who made fanart, to the essays of comments on each chapter, to the back and forth of discussing consent, sexuality, and reproductive rights in my inbox, every gif, comment, reblog, message, ask, and interaction of any kind has been a joy. Thank you.
With all of that said, let’s wrap this mother up.
A soft glowing circle lit up the black beneath Aelin’s feet. Her stomach tightened as she rested on one leg and hitched to the side in a slow exhale. Her breath centered her as she pulled her pointed toes up her calf until it extended into a slow and steady develope. Just as she had barely met the apex of her leg’s vertical reach, she exhaled again and twirled to the floor. The music cascaded over her as she continued to move, her muscles moving on autopilot into seamless choreography. She had beaten out several far more senior company members for this solo and had practiced it so many times that it lived within her, sure to remain there for the rest of time.  With each of her graceful steps, the spotlight followed her and swathed her in its golden column, as if she were being beamed up into the sky above. With how much lift she got in her leaps, she felt like she was, too. Finally, the bass came in signaling the end of her solo and for the rest of the company to join her on stage, but even as the spot widened until it cast a bright haze across the floor, the floor remained empty.
Confused, she looked into the wings, but all she saw was blackness, not even the barely there violet glow of the stage manager’s lamp. She was grateful for her muscle memory, as her limbs continued their practiced movements as her brain whirled in confusion and panic. She was mid-twirl when the music came to an abrupt stop, and she had to put her entire energy into not tumbling over her own foot. When she finally regained her balance, she looked up and around in confusion. The audience, which she’d thought was packed, was emptied out, only one solitary figure remained. Even barely lit and in silhouette, Aelin would recognize her mother’s haughty posture and signature bouffant. Her slow, delicate clap was a stark contrast to the thrumming pulse of Aelin’s heart pounding against her rib cage.
“Mom?” she breathed, barely a whisper but it still echoed through the empty theater.
“A child bride,” Evalin replied with disgust.
Aelin’s brow shot up. “H-how did you—?”
Evalin cut her off. “You thought you could steal my wedding dress from my closet, and I wouldn’t know about it?”
Aelin looked down in confusion, but sure enough, her recital clothes had transformed into the ivory strapless column sheath she used to admire as a small girl. Rhoe had kept their wedding photo in his bedroom long after Evalin left, only removing the photo when a young Aelin commented with a wistful sigh that she’d never seen Rhoe smile the way he did in the black and white snapshot. The dress was stunning in its simplicity, all clean lines and structured satin.
Her hands pressed against the fabric, as if knowing this wasn’t right, but unsure of the how or why. A soft tinkling laugh drifted across the room, and Aelin’s eyes darted to the noise, hopeful that someone had come to save her from this bizarre encounter and nearly collapsed in relief when Rowan’s shock of icy hair appeared in the doorway.
He looked as handsome as ever in his lacrosse jersey, a wide grin on his face and a giant trophy in his hands. Her smile matched his, realizing that he must have come here straight from his championship. Winning his championship.
“Rowan!” she called out, but he didn’t look up. Instead, he offered his free arm to the source of the tinkling laughter. A beautiful woman accepted his bicep and wrapped both her manicured hands around his forearm possessively. He leaned down and brushed his lips against the top of her head in a gesture so familiar that it physically hurt Aelin to watch. “Rowan?” she called out again, this time much quieter.
Evalin’s cruel bark of laughter was the only response she received. “You offered him everything, and it still wasn’t enough. You’ll never leave this small town. You really are your father’s daughter.”
“No,” Aelin told her mom emphatically. “NO!”
“Yes,” she said simply.
“NO!” Aelin screamed again as unwitting tears streamed down her cheeks, hot under the persisting spotlight. “R-rowan!” she choked out, but he couldn’t hear her, too enraptured by the woman in his arms, eyes — and ears, apparently — only for her. “Rowan!” she sobbed. She went to leap off the stage, but she was caught mid-air, her back hitting something with such a force that it knocked the wind of her.
“Ace?” Rowan’s voice was in her ear, his hand rubbing at her back as she gasped for air. She cracked her eyes open and sagged as she realized that she was safely wrapped in Rowan’s firm embrace. “Whoa, you’re okay.” His voice was a reassuring balm to her heart, which felt bloody and bruised.
“I’m okay,” she forced out, though it came out so shaky that Rowan pulled back to peer into her eyes. She wanted to avert her gaze, hopeful that he wouldn’t be able to see the panic that was still coursing through her body, but the dark green of his irises calmed her, so she stared and focused and thought of things that reminded her of the deep shade of Rowan’s eyes. Emeralds. Yulemas garlands. The long row of lockers in their gym room. Grass and trees in the setting summer sun. The jade plant that Maeve claimed brought her good luck that sat on her kitchen counter. Moss. Green tea leaves. The fake snake he’d placed in her bed every prank week. That knocked her out of her tranquil stupor, and she couldn’t help but frown at him.
“Yeah, you’re okay,” he said, but continued to rub circles into the tense space between her shoulder blades. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Aelin shrugged. “It was weird.” She paused for a long while, trying to think of how to tell him about it. “My dance showcase went off the rails?”
Her admission had its intended effect. He squeezed her tightly and kissed the soft spot of skin behind her ear. “Well, that’s silly, brain,” he said, letting his kisses trail up to the side of her temple. “You already crushed your showcase.”
She grinned in response. It was true. She had crushed the showcase, and Rowan had been there just as she’d dreamed in his jersey and trophy in hand. They’d gone into double overtime, and he’d barely made it to her opening solo. With seconds to spare, he’d slid into a seat in the front row, so she’d be sure to see him cheering her on. But she’d known it the whole time. She could feel his gaze on her as she twirled across the stage. The end of that performance had been, well… not the same as her brain had rewritten it. But, Rowan was right. Her brain was being silly.
“Maybe it’s just acting out because someone kept me up all night,” she said, loving the way that Rowan’s ears still turned pink.
“It’s not my fault,” Rowan said, but his blush said otherwise.
“Sure it’s not,” she said with a lascivious smile.
To celebrate their final week of high school, Aelin and Rowan had planned a movie marathon on Maeve’s rooftop. It included a trifecta of essential graduation movies: Can’t Hardly Wait, Booksmart, and Grease. But what she hadn’t realized was that Rowan wouldn’t be able to help himself from singing along. And he knew what his singing voice did to Aelin’s libido. She couldn’t help herself. Somewhere in the middle of Greased Lightning, the movies were all but forgotten as the pair tangled themselves in each other.
Stretching his limbs to the sky, Rowan looked like a literal god. The early morning sun cast a glow across his stern brow and strong nose, making him look as chiseled as a marble statue.
“If you keep that up, I’m taking you right back to bed,” he said of her lusty gaze and hooded eyes. He poked her side, eliciting a loud squeal.
“Whatever,” she laughed. “It’s not like we have anywhere to be today.”
It was true. Today was the last Monday of the year. AKA, senior skip day. And she’d purposefully not committed to joining anyone’s plans, so she and Rowan could extend their marathon if they wanted to – she also had High School Musical 3, She’s All That, and Dazed & Confused lined up — or just laze around all day. But they had time. Considering where the sun was, it was still very, very early. She imagined Maeve would be in the midst of morning service and briefly considered heading downstairs to grab them some coffee and croissants, but instead she laid back onto the mattress and fluffed a pillow beneath her head. Rowan followed, nuzzling onto her chest. She stroked his hair, not wanting to separate herself from him with the tendrils of her dream still lingering in her consciousness.
“Last week of senior year,” he said. “In three days we’ll be high school graduates. How do you feel?”
“Terrified,” Aelin said, the word blurting out before she could filter it back. Damn that coffee-free brain.
She could feel Rowan tense slightly, but he let her early morning admission slide, and she was grateful for it. “Mm, me too,” he agreed. “The lacrosse boys signed up to do a car wash for community service day, and I’m worried I’m going to see things I can’t unsee,” he said with a shudder.
Aelin couldn’t help but snort. While today was a skip day, tomorrow was a service day. Each senior had to do some sort of community service in order to graduate. Ridiculous. Not like they hadn’t all passed their classes already. She supposed the sentiment was nice, but as someone who’d been volunteering with the hospital for the last two years, it felt a bit shallow. Unauthentic. Forced, if you will. And the athletic teams always used it as an excuse to strip down to their skivvies and wash horny housewives’ cars for an exorbitant amount of money. At least it was better than the Boy Toy auction Lorcan had told them they’d finally outlawed because of the gross raunch factor.
“Just tell them to use a sponge and that their junk isn’t for rubbing against dirty cars,” Aelin advised. Rowan groaned loudly.
“Great, now I can never close my eyes again,” he whined.
“Are the cheerleaders also doing the car wash?” Aelin asked, definitely not thinking about her dream at all. But Rowan was definitely not going to let that comment slide. His head popped up, and she found herself ensconced in his shadow as he peered down at her with an accusatory glare.
“I think a few of them are,” he said. “But… you remember that I’m about to marry you, right?”
“A lot of married people cheat, Rowan,” she said, pushing him off. She hadn’t meant to be so pouty about it, but she couldn’t get the image of his arms wrapped around that dream woman out of her mind.
Rowan looked rightfully hurt, the corners of his mouth turned down and his brow furrowed as he stared her down. “You cannot be serious.” He knocked at her temple. “This has gone beyond your brain being silly. We are so many years beyond this. Do you have amnesia?” He knocked again. “Helloooo, Aelin, are you in there? Have you been possessed by the ghost of your past self?”
“Shut up,” she mumbled, pushing his hand away, but he persisted.
“No,” he said, pulling his pants from last night on. He searched for his shirt briefly, but unable to find it, he simply turned toward Aelin in stoic silence, arms crossed over his bare chest and face looking discontent. “I’m not going to let you say shit like that, Ace. That’s…” He pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation. To be fair, she was exasperating. “That’s hurtful. To me. I know you’re scared about the future, but I thought we established that I’m in this with you.”
Aelin scrambled to her feet. “We did.”
He stood there, tapping his fingers against his bicep which was curled protectively around his torso still. Not letting her in. Waiting.
But she couldn’t explain it to him. That lingering nagging feeling of insecurity and worry and failure. So instead, she apologized. It wasn’t what he wanted, but it was good enough for now.
. . .
Instead of spending senior ditch day in bed, Aelin and Rowan joined their friends for a never ending picnic day in the park. Which wasn’t exactly what Aelin had wanted, but she had a feeling that she needed to loosen the reins on her panic, lest she piss him off even more. She had a feeling that maybe she’d loosened things too much, though, when she realized midway through her community service day that she hadn’t heard from Rowan in hours. She’d been helping the hospice section of the hospital, which was designated for those who needed round the clock medical care. Their rooms varied from being fully decked out with medical equipment and monitors to the one she was in, which simply had a low bed, a tv, and a chair. Not a monitor in sight. Had she not known the woman needed constant care and surveillance each time she rose from her chair to go to the bathroom, she would have thought she was in someone’s grandmother’s house. As the woman made her tenth trip to the bathroom, Aelin took out her phone. Just to peek. There was no text from Rowan, btu there was one from Dorian. It was a link to a TikTok with the side eye emoji, and she clicked it quickly.
She watched as washboard abs and pecs were drenched with soapy suds as they washed dirt-ridden cars. She bit her lip as Rowan came into view, his muscles rippling as he reached across the hood, his biceps flexing and unflexing with each wipe.
“Mmmmm,” Aelin’s elderly patient hummed appreciatively over her shoulder as she exited the bathroom and spotted the phone screen. She scrambled to put it back in her pocket, but her patient simply chuckled dryly as she snatched the phone into her wiry grasp. “A friend of yours?” she asked curiously, peering up from the screen where the video was replaying.
“Boyfriend,” Aelin admitted, her cheeks burning.
“Lucky girl,” the woman giggled, her hazel eyes alight with joy as she handed the phone back to Aelin where it made its way back into her pocket quickly. “What are you doing spending your time here with an old fuddy-duddy like me?” Aelin was about to protest, but the woman continued. “What’s his name?”
“Rowan,” she finally said as the woman wrapped herself in a thin blanket and tucked herself into her favorite upholstered rocking chair.
“Rowan,” she repeated back. “That’s a good name. A strong name. A reliable name.”
Aelin frowned. “Reliable?”
“Well, isn’t he?”
She nodded. “Yes.”
“Sturdy,” the woman continued. “In more ways than one. I can tell.”
Aelin gasped, chastising the woman for her forwardness but she simply laughed it off.
“You’re right,” she whispered, as if she were letting her in on a big secret.
“Go, get out of here,” the woman laughed.
“But I still have two more hours?” Aelin said of her unsigned sheet of volunteer paper, but the woman simply shook her head and beckoned for Aelin to come closer.
“I appreciate your service,” she rasped, “But I just want to nap, and it’d be a shame for you to watch me sleep for two hours. You’ll have the rest of your life to work,” she said signing and dating Aelin’s paper for two hours in the future. “You can fuck around for a few hours.”
Aelin gasped again at the profanity, but smiled regardless.
“Thanks,” she said, but the woman had already nodded off in her chair.
. . .
“Droooooool,” Lysandra laughed as she poked Aelin’s side and pulled her out of her skin-induced stupor.
“Were staring?” Lys cackled, following Aelin’s eyeline to where Rowan was clad only in his old red lifeguard shorts. The backs of his thighs were exposed, the hem of the shorts riding up as he leaned down to clean the back bumper of a particularly dirty sedan. Unlike his teammates who were filming each other and tossing sponges back and forth, Rowan was focused on the task at hand, making sure that the car he was working on was well-cleaned. “I hate to interrupt your literal wet dream,” she continued, “But, I wanted to invite you to a party.”
Aelin grabbed the paper from Lysandra’s hands and looked down at it.
“You’re having a party?” Aelin asked, surprised by the idea of her sober friend having the graduation rager she’d always wanted to throw.
“It’s gonna have booze,” Lys said, “But… I will not be partaking.” She cleared her throat. “I know that this year is not at all what I imagined, but I finally feel like I’m okay, and I would feel like shit if I didn’t throw the graduation party of the century.” She flicked her brown curls over her shoulder. “Just because I’m sober doesn’t mean I can’t party.”
“Certainly not,” Aelin agreed. She looked at her friend who’d been through the wringer and spit out again and had come out seemingly unscathed and couldn’t help but wonder… “Hey, Lys?” she asked before her friend could move to the next person. Lysandra looked up, eyes curious. “Do your parents know you’re having this party?”
If Lysandra was surprised by the question, she didn’t show it. Instead, she half shook her head and half shrugged. “No.”
“Should I be worried about that?” she asked, but to that, Lys gave a hard head shake.
“But you haven’t reconciled with them?” Aelin didn’t know why she was asking these questions, but at the same time, the answers seemed all too important.
“It’s hard to reconcile with someone who doesn’t care,” Lysandra finally said. “But, I will say that I’ve let it go.” She cleared her throat. “The needing them to care.” She smiled then, a small curve but Aelin saw it regardless. “I wanted them to care for so long,” she admitted. “For too long, probably. So I acted out. A lot. Willing them to pay attention, at the very least. But you can’t will someone to care, even your parents,” she laughed softly. “And I’ve been through enough therapy now that I’m starting to realize that as much as that hurts, it’s okay.” She paused. “I don’t need them to care. Because I care enough for all of us. And I realized there are a lot of people out there who care, too.” She paused, looking at Aelin, as if trying to cut through the bullshit and tell Aelin exactly what she wanted to hear, and in that moment… she did. “Does that make sense?”
Aelin nodded. “It does.”
Lysandra tapped the paper in her hands. “Immediately after graduation, and we’ll go all night. Bring your bathing suit,” she said.
“Will do,” Aelin laughed, but she couldn’t help but let her mind wander to Lysandra’s words. Her friend had laid it out plainly for her. What she’d been afraid to admit all along. That she maybe really seriously actually needed to go to therapy. The wounds her mom had imparted on her psyche ran deeper than she knew how to deal with. If her dream was any indication, her mom still controlled some part of her identity, and she needed to release that. Because that had nothing to do with who she was as a human. Not at all.
After the dream, she had thought that maybe she needed to call her mom and let her hear her thoughts, but Lys was right in her assessment: it was impossible to control someone else’s feelings. Even your mom’s. Yes, she wanted her mom to love her and want the best for her, but truly, her mom barely knew her. All Evalin knew was propriety and etiquette and history. She didn’t know that her favorite color was green, like Rowan’s eyes. She didn’t know that her favorite food was Maeve’s chocolate cake. She didn’t know that she was thinking about a career in medicine and how much she loved helping people. And she certainly didn’t know that Aelin wanted at least five kids and to make sure that every single one of them felt loved and adored by both their parents. No. She couldn’t make Evalin care, or pay attention long enough to even try to care. And she had to let that go. It would take a lot of work, but she had to.
With that in mind, she called out Rowan’s name, followed by a whoop and a loud expletive. His answering blush and crooked finger, beckoning her to wrap herself in his half-naked embrace was all she needed to know that she’d been forgiven. But she knew she had to explain anyway. He let his teammates know that he would be back in a minute and let Aelin pull him away from the long line of cars still waiting to be washed.
“I’m sorry,” she apologized, tilting her head upwards where he loomed over her. He softly kissed the top of her head, warming her even more than the mid-afternoon sun. “I could say I don’t what came over me yesterday, but… that’d be a lie,” Aelin continued.
He squeezed her side in response, not interrupting her but acknowledging that he was listening and waiting.
“Did you know that the morning of my sixteenth birthday I woke up and resolved that I would kiss you that year?” she asked, and he barked out a confused laugh.
“Um, what?”
“I was so determined to do it, too. And do you know why?” she asked as she let her hands trace small circles into the soft skin of his back.
“Because you knew you wanted to be with me forever and ever and that we’re perfect together and meant to be and we’re each other’s soul mates and other halves and one of us just needed to make a move?”
Aelin snorted loudly. “No,” she laughed, screwing up her face. “Not at all.”
Rowan’s forehead wrinkled as his brow transformed into a deep furrow. Clearly her words weren’t at all what he expected to hear. But, she knew she needed to get this out.
“When I thought about why I wanted to kiss you so badly, I realized that it was a test. If I kissed you and blew up our entire friendship, then I’d be right about everything I thought about myself. That you could never love me as much as I loved you. And so obviously you’d leave. Because everyone leaves.”
Rowan’s grasp tightened around her waist, locking her against his chest. “But I’m still here.”
“You are.” She paused, finally letting the words come to the surface. “I think…” She shook her head. That wasn’t the right start at all. “I know… that my mom deeply screwed me up.” She took another deep breath. “And watching you get recruited and this whole college limbo thing has made it so much worse. Because every day it feels like I’m just waiting for you to get up and realize that you’ve outgrown me. But you haven’t done anything to make me feel like that at all. And so, I’m really sorry. My issues are my own, and I’m going to work on them.”
“Thank you,” he said. “For the apology, and for letting me know what’s going on in there.” His fingers tucked under the hem of her shirt and matched the circles she was placing on his back. “I’ll try and remember all of that when you inevitably freak out again, but I look forward to proving you wrong every day for the rest of our lives. Because I’ve said it a few hundred times before, but I’ll keep saying it until you believe it: you’re stuck with me. Forever.”
“Forever,” she echoed back.
“Whitethorn,” a rough voice called out. “We need you back!”
In his absence, the line of cars had somehow grown impossibly longer. “Looks like you’ve got work to do,” she said, raising her brow.
“Will I see you later?” he asked, and Aelin couldn’t help but scoff.
“Oh, you thought I was leaving?” she laughed. “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m going to snag a prime spot for ogling and then maybe we can hop into the jeep when you’re finished.”
“Really?” he laughed. “Even smelling like sweat and sunscreen?”
“Ohhhhh yes,” she said, practically drooling as he let her hands climb up the ridges of his defined abs. “That’s even better.”
He responded with a deep kiss that set her body ablaze, tingling from head to toe, that was interrupted by more panicked calls from his teammates. After prying himself away, Aelin found a spot on a nearby bench, giving her the perfect view to fawn over half-naked and half-wet Rowan for the next few hours.
. . .
The next morning, Aelin was awoken much too early. She was pulled from her easy slumber with a dance remix of Pomp & Circumstance coming from her phone alarm. What the hell? As she slapped at the table next to her, attempting to turn off the too-loud music in vain, she felt her dad’s hand cover hers and lead it to the offending object.
“Congrats, graduate,” Rhoe’s warm voice lilted as he gently rubbed at her shoulder.
“Dadddd,” she groaned as she attempted to put her pillow over her head. Now that that music was off she could go back to sleep. Or so she thought. She should have known better than to play tug of war with a man who could bench press and carry three times her weight. Rhoe’s soft laughter was a stark contrast to the forceful way he wrenched the pillow away. She managed to keep it within her grasp, but Rhoe’s strength kept it locked at a significant distance from her face. She tried to pull it closer, but Rhoe wasn’t letting that happen. She guessed it was time to wake up, per Rhoe’s request.
Defeated, Aelin let her fingers drop from the pillow, and finally cracked an eye open. Behind her dad’s head was a swath of green and gold, and she focused she could see that nearly ever inch of the room had been filled with balloons.
“Happy last day of high school,” her dad said with a too-wide smile given the early hour. When she opened her other eye, his smile widened even further, showing off two deep dimples that she recognized from her own reflection.
“It’d be happier if I could sleep more,” Aelin grumbled, but it wasn’t with any real mirth. Hung on the outside of her closet door, Rhoe had steamed her deep emerald graduation robe.
“I have one more day left with my high school student, and I plan on making every second count,” Rhoe said, causing Aelin to smile in reply.
“Tyrant,” she laughed. But she was grateful.
After allowing her to get ready, the pair made their way to Maeve’s, where she’d saved a two top for them by the window. Within seconds of sitting, a large hazelnut coffee and platter of stuffed French toast and bacon appeared in front of her. Yes, being in a small town was sometimes annoying – but no matter where she and Rowan went in the world, she knew a plate of Maeve’s home cooking would be waiting for her when she came back.
She and Rhoe enjoyed a lazy brunch, ordering second and third cups of coffee.
“Fourth?” Rowan asked, coming around with the coffee pot.
“If I have any more coffee I’ll be peeing every twenty minutes for the rest of the day,” she laughed, shoving him away. Though he hadn’t been able to join them for their breakfast because he was helping train a new staff member for Maeve, he’d dropped a soft kiss on her cheek every time he’d passed by their table. Which. Was a perfect way to enjoy her day. They’d planned to have a celebratory brunch the four of them, since they’d all be going to Lysandra’s (family inclusive!) graduation party following their graduation ceremony, but having it just be Rhoe and Aelin felt right, too.  
“As if you don’t do that already,” Rhoe scoffed. “I’m half expecting you to hop off the graduation stage as soon as they hand you your degree to take a pee break.”
“Dad!” she said, cheeks blooming with redness. Yes, she had brought up peeing first, but she couldn’t believe her dad would talk about her like that in front of Rowan.
“Please,” Rowan laughed. “As if I don’t know about your tiny bladder.”
“You’re both the worst,” she grumbled. “Can we talk about something else besides my pee schedule?”
“Yes, I wanted to ask what you’re wearing under your gown today,” he said before his brain caught up to what he said. “Not in a sexy way!” he said, blush raging as Rhoe raised a pointed brow in his direction. It’d been a while since she saw Rowan look so flustered under Rhoe’s gaze, and she forgot how amusing it was. “So we can coordinate,” he finally said. “For photos.”
“Not in a sexy way,” Rhoe muttered to himself. Something akin to a wheeze came out of Rowan’s mouth as he tried to correct himself again, but Aelin thought it was time to put him out of his misery.
“You can wear whatever you want,” she said. “Because I’ll be wearing a white dress.”
Rowan’s widened eyes darted to Rhoe and then back to her, and she didn’t miss the way his throat bobbed with a nervous gulp.
“A white dress?” he croaked.
“Mhm,” she said. “So anything you wear will go with it.” Her eyes sparkled with mischief.
“Speaking of,” Rhoe said, clapping his hands loudly and breaking them from their joint reverie. “We should head out so you can start getting ready.”
Aelin rolled her eyes, knowing that her dad was teasing her about how long it took her to get ready, but as she glanced at the time she realized he wasn’t entirely wrong. They had been so caught up in their lengthy breakfast that it was now well after noon.
With a small kiss, she told Rowan she’d see him out on the lacrosse field in a few hours. Unfortunately, Galathynius and Whitethorn were annoyingly far apart in their grade lineup, so she wouldn’t see him for real until after the ceremony. But all he did was send her away with a smile and a kiss.
“Can’t wait,” he said.
. . .
Of course they were graduating on the hottest day of the year. Though the weather forecast had predicted partly sunny skies and balmy breezes, instead they received a cloudless sky, still and relentlessly hot beneath the beatific sun. The thick polyester robe in dark emerald green created a tent of heat around her, and she could feel every inch of her skin beading with sweat beneath it. She hoped when she took off the gown she still looked somewhat presentable, otherwise her hours of preparation would be for naught.
True to her dad’s prediction, Aelin had taken a while to get ready, shaving her legs thoroughly and straightening each strand of her long blonde locks. Of course, beneath her cap and combined with the thick humidity, her hair was beginning to show its natural wavy texture again. And she had a feeling that as soon as her cap was off, she’d be pulling her tresses into a giant pile on top of her head, pictures be damned. Luckily, she’d sprayed her face with a few layers of setting spray so no matter how much she sweat, her winged eyeliner and flawless complexion weren’t budging.
Beside her, Dorian swiped a bead of sweat that had fallen down his temple. Not even his mop of thick curls was enough to prevent the amounts of sweat from cascading down his cheeks and neck.
“If this speaker doesn’t hurry up, we’re going to boil alive,” he whispered as their graduation speaker drolled on. The man was supposed to be inspiring — he was an author turned executive, but his slow talking pace seemed to be getting slower with each word. Not only that, but each word seemed to be the same tone with no inflection, and Aelin was worried all of them were going to fall asleep before their names were called. Maybe she’d be more inclined to listen to his words of wisdom if the hundreds of them weren’t swimming in pools of their own sweat.
Somewhere in her musings, she heard a round of applause, signaling the end of the speech. Thank god.
The next speaker was their class valedictorian, slash Prom Queen. None other than Elide.
“On behalf of the Seniors, I’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who has been a part of our success,” she began. “The last four years have been filled with bumps in the road, and it hasn’t been easy. But our success is a direct result of everything you’ve given us. Your care and belief in us and faith when we doubted ourselves have been integral in our quest for knowledge. That includes our teachers, who taught us not only school lessons but lessons in life. Our parents and families, who have been there since the beginning. And the families we’ve created along the way.” She paused, searching for a face in the audience, smiling widely when she found her teal-haired girlfriend smiling back at her. “The bond that links us isn’t one of blood. It’s forged in joy and tears and friendship and respect,” Elide’s eyes found Aelin’s at that moment, and she couldn’t help but smile at her friend. “And no matter where this crazy life takes us beyond today, we will always take this place with us. Because home isn’t just a place. It’s a feeling, it’s a light in the darkness. It’s hope. And so, to the Orynth High senior class, I say, as we forge new paths for ourselves, may we never forget home.” She cleared her throat and smiled widely. “Let’s hold onto the memories and camaraderie and picture-perfect moments, for they made us who we are. Congratulations… we did it!”
The whole class whooped and hollered and clapped wildly, none more so than Manon, who beamed up at her girlfriend from the front row.
And just like that, it was time.
Aelin held her breath as Principal Havillard took the podium and started calling out their names. Her heart raced as her row stood, waiting to take the stage. Her nerves were momentarily squashed as Manon made a lewd gesture with her tongue between her fingers after accepting her diploma. She watched as Lysandra proudly plucked the degree and held it over her head. She knew her friend hadn’t been sure she’d be able to graduate, and it was a relief to hear her name.
Before she could process anything else, she was walking up the stairs and hearing her name being called out. “Aelin Ashryver Galathynius.”
She nearly tripped over her own feet at the chorus of shouting that came from the back of the chairs. She looked over at where Rhoe and Lorcan were shouting wildly and realized that they were accompanied by the entire fire squad. Aelin’s breath caught in her throat at the display of raucous hooting and hollering. These people who had known her since she was a child had come to cheer for her and see her graduate. She had not anticipated that at all. And she found herself completely overwhelmed.
Beside the squad, Maeve cheered, and on the other side of the chairs, down by the W’s, Chaol and Rowan stood and shouted with hands on either side of their mouths. A thrill of love and support rushed through her. She couldn’t believe how many people were here for her.
She grabbed the diploma from Principal Havillard’s hands and raised it into the air, causing the cheering to explode again. She stuck out her tongue and crossed her eyes, making a silly face in the direction of her family.
Elide’s words rang in her ears. Her family. The squad, her dad, Lorcan, Maeve, her friends, and of course, Rowan. That vast group was more support than most people got in their lifetime. She’d never forget that.
She made her way back to her seat, laughing as Dorian flipped off his father and then booked it away from him, cackling wildly. Always a troublemaker, that one. And finally, after what seemed like forever, it was Rowan’s turn.
“Rowan Eugene Whitethorn.”
Aelin shot up from her chair, screaming as loud as she could, and despite being many rows back, she could feel Rowan’s eyes lock with hers. His lopsided grin was just for her, and she felt a thrill of joy run up her spine at the look.
“I love you,” she mouthed to him, causing his grin to widen.
“And with that,” Principal Havillard concluded. “I give you the senior class. Congratulations, graduates!”
Aelin stood and joined in the cheering again, her voice starting to go hoarse with the efforts of her support. They did it.
. . .
“Congratulations, Fireheart,” Rhoe said, throwing his arms around Aelin. Despite the heat, she welcomed his embrace.
When he pulled back, she noticed a large bouquet of her favorite flowers in his hand. He held them out to her, the red and orange flowers flickering like a live fire beneath the late afternoon sun.
“Thanks, Dad,” she said, suddenly feeling emotional.
“I’m so proud of you,” he said, and she could tell that despite his dry cheeks, he’d been crying. “And I love you so much.”
She hugged him again, pulling him tight and not letting go for a long while. After they parted, Aelin was passed around for hugs to the entire squad, each one of them telling her a story of something she did when she was a small girl hanging out at the station, imbuing her with joyful memories.
Then it was Maeve’s turn, who didn’t hold back her tears at all. Fat blobs rolled down her face, and she didn’t both to move them away, seeing as they were coming in a steady stream.
“Oh, hon, I’m so proud of you,” she said as she practically squeezed the life out of Aelin. She was grateful she’d unzipped her graduation robe, otherwise she was sure she would have passed out from heat stroke by now.
“And what about me?” Rowan low voice interjected. Maeve burst into a fresh round of sobs as she pulled him close.
She blubbered into his shoulder about how proud she was of him, of both of them, of all their achievements and how grown up they were, and Aelin could feel her heart expanding. It felt like she was going to burst wide open.
By the time everyone had said their piece, the field had mostly emptied out. Aelin heard a soft ripple of groans as a few of the firefighters took out their pagers.
“Fire?” Aelin asked as she peeled the sweaty gown from her shoulders.
Rhoe shook his head. “Worse. Graduation pranks abound, apparently.”
Aelin laughed, understanding that her dad was probably in for a long night of nonsense work.
“So I shouldn’t expect you at Lysandra’s?”
Rhoe shook his head. “You don’t want your old man crashing anyway.” He narrowed his eyes at her, as if he was blinking back more tears and sniffed loudly. “Have fun. You deserve it.”
“I will,” Aelin said, hugging her dad one more time. As he left her with a wave, she looked around for Rowan, who was standing just a few feet away, talking with Maeve. She took a deep breath and lifted her chin.
“Hey, you” he said, offering his arm out to her with a wide smile. She leaned into his side and took a deep breath, letting her happiness flow through her.
A flash went off in their face, and Aelin knew that whatever moment Maeve had just captured that she’d be framing it.
“You ready?” she asked, and his smile widened.
“You headed to Lysandra’s?” Maeve asked, completely unaware of the real conversation happening between the two of them.
Rowan nodded. “Do you want to meet us there?” he asked Maeve, but she shook her head and waved them off. Apparently she had a big night of dinner service ahead of her, but she sent them off with a joint hug and another tearful smile.
And just like that, it was time.
. . .
 In the days, months, and years that followed, whenever Aelin was asked about her wedding, she would say that it went by so quickly that she couldn’t remember it, and that was mostly true.
From the time the pair entered city hall to when they exited, a total of maybe ten minutes had passed. There was no aisle to walk down, no verbose exchanging of vows, no romantic readings or passages, but it was perfect nonetheless.
Aelin clasped her bouquet of kingsflames in one hand and Rowan’s hand in another, letting her skirt swish as she swayed back and forth. She had no idea what words the city official said. All she remembered was the brightness in Rowan’s eyes as they stared down at her and the way he kissed her when they’d been pronounced husband and wife.
As they made their way back to his car, Aelin was giddy. They rolled the windows down, letting the cooler air whip through the jeep, a wild giggle bubbling up in her throat and fizzing like champagne with each second that passed. Delicious and lightheaded inducing.
They had done it. They’d actually gotten married.
She looked over at Rowan, who was already staring back at her, a soft dreamy smile on his face. She couldn’t help but grin wider at him, laughing again as his smile pressed against hers. She loved when they kissed like this – a smashing of two smiles that wasn’t quite a kiss at all.
The stress that they’d felt over the last however many weeks, months, years, wasn’t present at all in his posture. She glanced down at his hands poised on the steering wheel, his fingers curling around the black leather in a loose grasp and tapping along to some silent tune in his head. The late afternoon sun filtered through the window casting him in a glow that made him look like a bronzed god, and Aelin sighed happily. This man was all hers. Forever.
She’d always known their lives would be intertwined, but to actually make it official was something else. The light turned green and the car lurched forward as he pressed on the gas and began driving again. But the adrenaline surging through her was too much. She couldn’t just sit in this passenger seat, she needed to do something.
“Pull over,” she said, eyes flashing at their surroundings.
“Huh?” Rowan’s head whipped toward hers, confused.
“Pull over!” she said again, louder this time. Verging on panic.  
Rowan’s relaxed posture immediately reversed, the thick corded muscles of his shoulders and neck tensing as he looked for a spot to pull over.
“There!” she said, her pulse racing wildly.
Up ahead was the empty parking lot of the library. Though it was usually sparse there, there was not a car in sight, and Rowan wasted no time swerving into the lot and putting his hands on Aelin’s shoulders, examining her up and down.
“Are you okay?” he asked, green eyes taking in every detail of her body as if searching for a gaping wound or sudden injury.
“I’m perfect,” she replied. And she was. She was elated. Running on adrenaline and joy.
To calm her suddenly worried boyfriend — no, husband — down, she placed her hands on both his cheeks and kissed his mouth in a soft, sweet kiss.
“Keep the car running,” she said, picking up Rowan’s phone where it was plugged into the car and adding a song to his Spotify queue.
“What are you doing, Ace?” Rowan sighed, exasperated with her antics. Panic was nowhere to be seen anymore in his posture, only annoyance. Which only made her smile wider. As the first notes of the song came onto the stereo, she cranked up the volume and hopped out of the car. She smiled up at the sky, swaying to the beat, basking in the first signs of sunset and pink tinged clouds overhead.
To his credit, Rowan didn’t ask any more questions. He simply followed her lead and exited the jeep.
“Husband,” Aelin said, offering out her hand. “May I have this dance?”
Rowan’s returning smile was so large she thought it might crack his whole face. Gods, he was gorgeous.
He pulled her close, swaying with her as their song played. “I can’t believe our first dance is to Dancing In The Moonlight,” he chuckled.
“We wouldn’t be us if it weren’t,” she said, leaning into his chest as his arms circled her waist and pulled her close.
And though the song was upbeat, they stayed embraced and tangled up in each other, slowly swaying, chest to chest, hearts beating in rapid tandem with the beat of the song. They were so wrapped up in each other that Aelin barely noticed the sun disappearing behind an ominously dark cloud until a large raindrop plopped onto her nose.
And another.
And another.
She thought they would run back into the car and seek shelter, but neither of them made a move. In fact, the rain just seemed to invigorate them. Rowan stared up at the sky and laughed, Aelin following right after him. He lifted his hand and spun her in a circle, both of them laughing with reckless abandon as Aelin’s skirt flared out around them. He spun her again and this time ended his flourish with a dip, kissing her deeply.
Time seemed to cease to exist as they danced. Under the raining sky they became a mess of water-drenched spinning, laughing, kissing, and singing.
The skies continued to pour, until they were both soaked through. But as the last notes of the song played, their little magic bubble disappeared.
Aelin looked at Rowan and then back at her white dress, which was now dripping.
“Omg I look like a drowned rat!” she shouted through the rain.
Rowan laughed, pulling her back into the jeep and grabbing a towel from his back seat to dry his own hair off before sliding into the driver’s seat.
“But a very cute rat,” he said, causing them both to burst into laughter once again as they took off toward their graduation party.
By the time they arrived at Lysandra’s, they were still water-logged, giggling messes. Lys gasped at their disheveled appearance, eyeing them up and down with a wary eye.
“Ummm, no,” she said.
“No?” Aelin laughed, feeling drunk on endorphins.
Lysandra’s wary eye morphed into a blinding smile at the pair of them. “Get out of here and go celebrate on your own,” she laughed. “And congratulations,” she whispered.
“For graduating…?” Aelin asked, and Lysandra couldn’t help but snort loudly.
“Babe, you’re wearing a white dress and a shit-eating grin.” She paused. “I’m happy for you.”
She embraced the pair of them. “Now get out of here before anyone sees you.”
Aelin and Rowan didn’t need any more prompting. Apparently they were not subtle enough to pull off seeing other people right now.
“Where to?” Aelin asked Rowan as they slid back into the car.
Rowan smiled back at her. “Anywhere we want.”
“Let’s go,” she said.
And with that, they hit the road. Overwhelmed from the day, Aelin promptly fell asleep in the passenger seat, letting the feel of the car lull her into a dreamless sleep.
. . .
“Aceeee,” Rowan whispered, pulling her from her slumber. It was completely dark outside and the pair were stopped at a gas station slash motel. “You gotta get out of the car and then you can go right back to sleep,” he said softly.
“I’m awake,” she mumbled through a wide yawn. “Where are we?”
Rowan chuckled as she practically poured out of the car into his arms. She hadn’t realized how exhausted she truly was until after they’d checked into the motel, which was surprisingly not seedy, and she was sitting back on the bed. Her dress wasn’t wet anymore, but it certainly wasn’t going to be comfortable to sleep in. She wished they’d thought to prepare better for this sudden excursion. Of course, Rowan had.
“I picked up some essentials at a rest stop,” Rowan said, as if reading her mind. He pulled out an oversized tee that read “Geck Yo Act Together,” with a large picture of a gecko on it and tossed it to her, along with a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a little thing of mouthwash. He also pulled out giant sandwiches and chips and bottles of water and a Terrasen mountains tee for himself.
“Smart,” Aelin laughed, realizing the last time she ate was her (albeit giant) brunch, hours ago. “Is that where we are?” she asked, realizing she had no idea where they were.
“No,” he said, grinning softly. “I thought maybe we’d drive south. Explore for a while.”
“Is this our honeymoon?” Aelin laughed, looking around the small, dingy motel room. It wasn’t exactly what she’d imagined, but she also had never imagined getting married at eighteen.
“You told me you wanted to find the continent’s best chocolate piece of cake,” he said, and she couldn’t help but bark out a loud laugh.
“That could take weeks!”
“You got somewhere to be?” he asked, brow raised. And she loved the way his smile promised devious, devious things. And suddenly, she wasn’t so tired anymore.  
“I also got one more thing,” he said. She watched as he pulled a thick gold band out of his pocket, and she suddenly couldn’t breathe. He sat on the bed beside her and slid it onto her finger and her heart nearly stopped as he pulled another to slide onto his own. They were practically matching, except while a red stone sat in the middle of her ring, a dark green one that matched the shade of his eyes sat on his.
“Oh,” she said, her throat feeling remarkably dry. She tried to swallow, but it was too rough. A lump in her throat that wouldn’t abate. She tried again as she stared at the ring on her finger, her heart pounding as the red stone flickered in the dim motel room lighting. Why couldn’t she swallow?
“It’s just temporary,” Rowan rushed out, mistaking her silence as dislike. “The rest stop had a pawn shop, and I just knew we needed them, but they’re just for now…”
She cut him off with a swift and forceful kiss. “They’re perfect.”
“Hey, where’s my phone?” she asked. “I need to take a picture of this immediately.”
“I plugged it in,” he said, pointing to where he’d already set up a little charging station.
She picked it up, intending to take a picture of her ring, but an alert from literal hours ago disrupted that. She couldn’t believe it. An email in her inbox that read: Wendlyn University Admissions Update. Oh gods.
Without another word, she clicked into the email, heart pounding. Her eyes skimmed quickly, hoping to get the band-aid ripped off quickly, but she paused on the word CONGRATULATIONS.
“Oh my god. OH MY GOD!” she screamed, throwing the phone at Rowan. He picked up the phone and smiled widely, whooping and wrapping her into a bear hug so tight she couldn’t breathe.
“You did it,” he mumbled through kisses. “I knew you were going to do it.”
Unable to control themselves, their kisses increased, heating up wildly until his kisses seared through her, worshipping each inch of her skin. She was breathing hard as he peeled her out of her dress and pushed her onto the bed and continued to whisper adorations and plans of their future. How proud of her he was, and how he was never going to let her forget it. She shivered as he let his mouth skimmed against her, and she promised in that moment to never take him or his love for granted. This is why she didn’t need handwritten wedding vows — because they vowed to each other all the time with a simple kiss. And more than kisses. They brought each other to orgasm again and again, until they were both sweaty and spent and shaking with pleasure. They both poured every ounce of joy and relief into their intertwining bodies, finding their own perfect rhythm, until long after they should have gone to sleep. But neither wanted this magical day to end.
He was twirling the ring around her finger when Aelin remembered that she hadn’t taken a picture of it yet. She reached for her phone and started at a text from her dad, which just said: Checking in.
“Oh my god,” Aelin said again, bolting upright.
But Rowan just chuckled sleepily, reaching out with one of his hands to squeeze her bare backside. “Yeah, baby. Oh my god. You’re incredible.”
“NO, ROWAN,” she said smacking his shoulder. “What were we thinking? We got married! And then left home without telling anyone?” She actually couldn’t believe she had done that. What was she supposed to write back to her dad? “Rhoe is going to KILL ME,” she said, finally realizing what had occurred over the last twelve hours. “No, wait. He’s going to kill YOU! He’s going to arrest you for kidnapping his only daughter!”
At that Rowan really did laugh and pulled her back down into his embrace. “Ace, are you serious?” his laughter poured over her, silky smooth. “You think I would marry you and take you out of state without explicitly asking your father for permission and telling him our plans?”
Aelin’s eyes widened as she looked at Rowan with serious eyes. “He knew?”
Rowan kissed her shoulder and mumbled a soft, “Go to sleep. I’ll tell you everything in the morning.”
She paused. “You made a plan, but didn’t think to pack a bag for me?”
He chuckled again, pulling her tighter against his side. “I did pack a bag for you,” he said. ”I just forgot toothpaste and a nightshirt,” he said, his lips loosening as sleep threatened to take him over. “You didn’t need it, though.” And with that, he was asleep.
“I love you, too,” she replied, pushing his hair from his eyes and loving the way he smiled at her touch, even asleep. Unable to help herself, she laced her fingers through his and snapped a quick pic of their intertwined hands before sending it off to her dad. As she rested the phone down and closed her eyes, she felt ready for the next chapter. Except, it wasn’t really a chapter, she guessed. It was the rest of her life. A new book she was writing. She didn’t know what it would entail, but she knew that she couldn’t wait.
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This idea randomly popped into my head and I just wanted to write it down.
Just imagining Helen if he didn’t become a creep. Helen growing up and doing everything he can to get away from his abusive parents. Helen buried himself in his art, trying to perfect and improve it and make something out of it. Helen goes on to become a very well-known artist, making a living off of his work, so much so that he starts to travel so that he can experience new things and further his creativity with all the different views he sees and people he meets. Helen who saw you one day in a park and knew immediately you were the most gorgeous person he’d ever seen. Helen keeps going back to that park hoping to see you again, and he does.
He walks up to where you’re sitting and politely asks to sit next to you, and he’s elated when you agree. He absentmindedly draws the landscape around you, catching your eyes as you compliment him on his work. He bashfully thanks you, explaining he’s an artist and does it by trade. You ask to see more of his pieces, and he shows you photos of them, explaining all of the details and inspirations that went into them. You talk for a few hours, and at the end of it, Helen asks if it would be alright to get your number. Despite fearing rejection more than when publishing any art piece, you accept again, and he feels elation flowing through him.
He decides to stay in your city for a much longer period of time than he originally intended, halting his travel plans. The two of you keep talking, and eventually, Helen asks for you to model for him. You’re unsure at first, not really convinced you’d be the best model for him, but he insists, citing his beliefs; that you’re a very attractive person and he’d love to capture you artistically. Though flustered, you agree to his request and begin casually modeling for him. Soon, all of his sketchbooks are filled with you. Once Helen draws you a few times it becomes muscle memory to him, and he finds himself absentmindedly sketching you whenever he’s distracted. The two of you continue to grow closer, meeting up for lunches and dinners, hanging out when the two of you are free, and occasionally with you modeling for him in between.
Helen knows a few weeks into talking to you that he’d like to ask you on a date, but it takes a few months in truth before he gets there. Months where he was supposed to be leaving your area, but instead he’s renting an apartment, buying furniture, creating a permanent space he never planned on doing, but he can’t force himself to leave. By the time he’s finally confident enough to ask you, you’re equally as interested in him, and soon one date becomes two, and then three, and then four, and then Helen is convinced he’s never going to be able to move away from you.
You’re the most charming and wonderful person he’s ever met, with all of your quirks and habits, and he just can’t help but fall deeper and deeper in love with you every day. Sketches of you become paintings, some of which are subtle enough to obscure your identity he publishes, but those that truly follow his work and online presence begin to recognize the silhouette in his pieces with the person he’s regularly taking photos with when the two of you are on excursions, although nobody has definitive proof of it being you, it’s obvious that you’ve enamored the once lonely artist.
Helen continues to grow, amassing a bigger audience and obtaining a much more stable financial income from his work, taking up commissions in his spare time that contribute heavily. He still travels on occasion but is no longer alone. He takes you with him, showing you his favorite places, all of the beautiful areas you’d never been to before, but can’t help but recognize from some of the photos he once showed you on that fateful day at the park. Months turn into years, a lonely apartment turns into one with warmth and two bodies to occupy it together, and Helen can’t help but relish in the fact that you are the best decision he’s ever made.
Eventually, of course, he asks you to marry him. He takes you to a spot he said he’d been planning on scouting for a painting, a gorgeous area, one of the most beautiful he’d ever taken you to. While you’re admiring the scenery, he kneels down behind you, and of course, when you turn to face him finally and he pops the question, you can’t help but say yes. The next piece he publishes is of a hand, adorned by a beautiful engagement ring in front of a gorgeous view. Then, it becomes two people in love on their wedding day, the same ring spotted in the painting, now accompanied by a wedding band. Through all his early trials and tribulations, Helen never thought he’d find someone to settle down with, but he’s never been more thankful for anything than he is for meeting you. His art started so dark, so moody, but after growing with you it’s become filled with so much warmth and expression. The once lonely artist found his muse that changed his life for the better, his muse that he’ll continue to paint for the rest of his days, so long as he is able.
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seoul-bros · 1 day
Jikook Week 27 Complete ✔️(11/06 - 18/06/2024)
Their twenty seventh week in the military is now complete. They are hanging in there even though it is far from being the place either of them really want to be. Physically they look well but their handwritten Festa letters speak to how much they miss performing. I hope the fact that there is now less than a year to go and that Jin is out there carrying the BTS torch for them all will give them strength to continue even on the most tedious and slow days.
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This week we celebrate another seven days under their belt with a look at what they were up to in June 2019.
Festa 2019 was in full swing and on 11/06 Big Hit released this JK memories of BTS video with a Euphoria remix as a backing track. Lots and lots of JK and Jimin is either there in front of the camera with him (albeit mostly cropped out) or behind the camera with lens focused lovingly on his Jungkook. They've been causing problems for Big Hit content editors for years.
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For the big day itselt (13/06) Jimin prepared a gift for ARMY. It's the first time I've ever seen this video and I love how he captures the personality of each of the members (Hobi and RM in particular are hilarious) as well as giving us a glimpse of what it means to go on tour together.
It was a time of peak happiness for the BTS team before COVID sent them spiraling along with the rest of the planet. The BTS Festa dinner that year was Bangtan Attic a festival of yellow and purple. Gone were the doubts of the previous year and they had a pretty frank and humorous conversation about their past, their present and future.
There is so much going on here it's difficult to pick out highlights but one thing is very clear, BTS really begin to move forward as a team when the powers that be let Jin and Jimin drop the personas they had been assigned at debut and let them be themselves.
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On 15-16/06, BTS were in Busan for 5th Muster Magic Shop.
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5th Muster is one of the holy grails of jikook's history so much so that there are already full posts exploring this concert series including this amazing post by @wingzie. The ring incident in Busan still has me scratching my head. We never heard anything about it after that day.
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The Busan boys were also in action on Vlive while BTS was in Busan. Jimin went live on the 15/06 and was positively glowing. The show had gone well and he was still on a high from the overseas tour. He wanted us to know how thankful he was for ARMY's support. He showed us Gwangan Bridge all lit up in purple...
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... and he spent time talking about his martial arts training including cutting bamboo, newspaper slicing and extinguishing candles with a sword (a skill he retains to this day).
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The next day it was Jungkook's turn. His room set up was identical to Jimin's so also overlooking the river but he had the blinds down so no view of the Gwangan Bridge that night.
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He was in an excellent mood and opened a bottle of wine to celebrate - just two glasses - a rule he has since put aside. He talked about how he wanted to get back to GCF filming but with their schedule he hadn't been able to settle upon a topic.
He explained that he couldn't make the live very long because some of the staff were staying up to monitor it and wouldn't be able to rest until he had finished. This is what he said about that.
"We need to be considerate of others. Only then can we understand each other and get close to each other and become one"
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I don't think he was still talking about the staff at this point. Look at that cheeky satisfied smile behind the glass. Happy times in 2019.
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Post Date: 18/06/2024
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poomphuripan · 1 day
what are your thoughts on ming seeming not very emotional in that sex scene of ep 7?
hi nonnie (❁´◡`❁)
i think you probably mean this NC scene in ep 8 right?
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actually i had a little discussion with @clowncroccharms about this scene in ep. 8 this week so shoutout to them first for making my gears turn whenever i think about this adaptational change.
so i think it's really interesting that they cheekily brought back that 'sneezing during orgasm' as the final straw for ming to confirm that joe 2.0 is definitely related to joe 1.0 somehow. but i wouldn't say that this particular scene was ming actual realization that joe 2.0 is joe 1.0. i felt this entire episode corresponds more with chapters 75 to 85, with this sex scene corresponding most closely to chapter 80, where sex is just one of the tests ming had for joe 2.0.
In the beginning, it was just like usual, a silent, unilateral venting sex act. Joe was still like an ostrich, concealing his face and emotions. Ming still didn’t utter a word as he forcefully thrust into him. Ming slammed his body with such powerful force that Joe’s head almost hit the headboard. He had experienced Ming’s abilities and strength in bed a long time ago. But at that time, both of them enjoyed it. They often did it throughout the night, satiating themselves. But now, this was for Ming to vent his desires and emotions. Joe merely took it as a job, never complaining. It’s good that this deal is settled to each of their satisfaction. However, something is oddly going on with Ming today. Whether it is intentional or unintentional, he’d touch his body a few times. These touches were like… like he is feeling him out. The areas that Ming touched were all his (older Joe’s) sensitive spots. Although he’s in a different body, he’s come to realize that he is still not immune to these touches. Very soon, he started to feel a different kind of sensation. He instinctively felt that Ming is trying to test him; that he is doubting him. This hasn’t just been once or twice; he just didn’t expect Ming to choose this method… Joe tried hard to control himself from making any sounds but Ming seemed to be doing it deliberately by prolonging his thrusts, very slowly entering and then very slowly pulling out, completely shattering his willpower. For the first time, Joe felt pleasure, making him endlessly terrified. He suppressed his body’s reaction but could not resist the increasing turbulent waves of intense pleasure. Ming also became unusual, his breathing becoming particularly heavy, as if he is trying to repress something. Joe voiced hoarsely, “Enough… you’ve had too much to drink.” Ming turned a deaf ear and continued to change the angle of his thrusts. It is the first time he has the desire to penetrate this body and the feeling is actually this good. It is as if the person beneath him is the one who had been constantly on his mind. At this time, how could he stop? He didn’t care whether it is his drunken delusion or what it may be, he just wanted to grasp firmly onto this current feeling. For the longest time, he had not felt this kind of satisfaction. Both of them are caught in an unprecedented state of ecstasy. Besides desires, there was nothing on their minds. In fact, who they are actually having sex with became insignificant. Joe felt like he is on the verge of drowning to death. He clutched onto the bed sheets tightly, withstanding the thrills of passion that seemed to have separated from his body a long time ago. In this moment, he couldn’t tell which body he is in, whether it is his past life or this present life. This kind of familiar feeling invaded all his memories, causing him to forget where he’s at. Or it could be said that whichever body he was in, at this moment is no longer important.
of course, the series did take the initiative and shuffled things around, making this event right before joe & ming learns that the body of joe 2.0 has been discovered so i actually don't consider that that scene in this week ep as ming's realization of joe 2.0 being joe 1.0, it's more closer to 'ming aggressively accuses that joe 2.0 must be joe 1.0 while joe denies it profusely'.
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all gifs courtesy of @jimmysea
and honestly if you look at it from ming's perspective, he might even have just thought that joe 2.0 was actually joe 1.0 who had plastic surgery to look completely different so i don't really think the news/realization has actually hit ming like a rock yet in that moment. not to mention that right after him trying to accuse that joe 2.0 is his p'joe, he receives the news that they've discovered joe 1.0's corpse... i mean can you imagine how insane the thoughts in his head must be... that news is probably going to mess with his crazy theory of joe 2.0 being joe 1.0 as well so i understand why he seems... not very remorseful at this point (ep 8) of the story...
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but not to fret because this week's ep 9 is already the moment everyone has been waiting for where ming starts begging on his knees for forgiveness so i can't wait for the actual realization scene where ming figures out how joe 2.0 is truly his joe 1.0 because the remorse definitely hits much harder after these two have seen joe 1.0's corpse face to face.
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i hope that answers your question nonnie \( ̄︶ ̄*\))
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moonselune · 13 hours
Hello! I've absolutely been enjoying reading all of your stories, especially the Astarion ones.
I was wondering if you could do an Astarion x femreader where the reader has a hard ti1me falling asleep due to their own personal traumas, but finds some comfort when with him, and is able to fall asleep. Bonus if he can give extra comfort by rubbing their back, playing with their hair (that kinda stuff).
Keep up the good work! ❤️
Thank you so much!! I'm having so much fun with these and I am glad people are enjoying it!
Astarion x reader: Sleep, my darling
The nights had always been difficult for you, filled with the ghosts of past traumas that refused to let you rest. Sleep had become an elusive companion, one that seemed determined to keep its distance. But ever since you and Astarion had become closer, there was a flicker of hope that you might find some semblance of peace.
You lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling of your shared tent, your mind racing with the memories and fears that haunted you. The sound of Astarion’s soft breathing next to you was a comforting reminder that you were not alone, but tonight, even that seemed insufficient to calm your restless mind.
Astarion, ever perceptive, noticed your distress. He turned to you, his gaze gentle and understanding. “Darling, can’t sleep again?” he murmured, his voice a soothing balm to your troubled thoughts.
You sighed, turning to face him. “No, it’s just… everything. It’s hard to shut it all out.”
He reached out, brushing a strand of hair away from your face, his touch tender and reassuring. “Come here,” he said softly, pulling you closer to him. You nestled into his embrace, feeling the warmth of his body against yours. His presence was a source of comfort, a reminder that you were safe.
As you rested your head on his chest, Astarion began to gently rub your back, his fingers tracing soothing patterns on your skin. “Just breathe, my love,” he whispered. “Focus on the now. You’re safe with me.”
His words, coupled with the rhythmic motion of his hand on your back, started to have a calming effect. You closed your eyes, allowing yourself to be enveloped in the security of his embrace. The tension in your body began to melt away, replaced by a growing sense of tranquility.
Astarion’s other hand moved to your hair, his fingers weaving through the strands with a gentle touch. He played with your hair, the sensation both soothing and intimate. “You’re not alone anymore,” he continued. “I’m here, and I’ll stay with you for the whole night.”
You felt a lump form in your throat, overwhelmed by the depth of his care and understanding. “Thank you, Astarion,” you whispered, your voice tinged with emotion. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
He pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head. “You don’t have to find out,” he replied. “I’m not going anywhere.”
With his comforting presence, your mind began to quiet. The nightmares and anxieties that had plagued you started to fade, replaced by the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. You focused on that sound, letting it lull you into a state of calm.
As you drifted off to sleep, Astarion continued to hold you, his hands never ceasing their comforting motions. Even in your slumber, you could feel the safety and love that he provided, a constant shield against the darkness that had once seemed insurmountable.
And for the first time in a long while, you slept peacefully, cradled in the arms of the one who loved you truly.
I reckon I would have the best sleep in Astarion's arms, this was definitely a little self-indulgent teehee - Seluney xoxo
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inumakisangel · 2 days
Things for you to put in your dr script
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a little post showing some things from my dr script to give you ideas for your own hehe :3
all pics (except from the toge one above) are from pinterest. if you own any of them and want creds, lmk!
♡ Security things ♡
1 - (VERY IMPORTANT!!) Everything is exactly how you wanted and imagined
I personally did not have any problems regarding how the reality is because of that. Not saying things will be 100% different from how you thought it would be, but putting that everything is exactly how you imagined will make the experience so much better (and will save you from stress if something is not how you wanted)
2 - (ALSO VERY IMPORTANT!!) Memories of before you shifted to DR come to you naturally
Just so you can know what stuff happened before you shifted
3 - (optional, but important) Any wish granter
Have you ever imagined having something happen in your dr that is totally out of your control and that you can't resolve? Create some way to make what you want to happen, happen regardless of the circumstances. Some ideas are:
2.1: Wish diary
A magical diary where, anything you write in it, no matter how difficult it is to happen, will happen one way or another, and exactly how you wanted, imagined and specified
2.2: Magical sentence
If you say (sentence of your choice) right after or before saying something that you wanted to happen, it will happen no matter what
2.3: Magical signal
If you do (action of your choice, for example, drawing a little heart on your nose with your finger) right after or before saying something that you wanted to happen, it will happen no matter what
2.4: Naturally happens just through your emotions!
If you're going to a reality where it's a bit dangerous, this is especially good, and i reccomend doing the first three together or the last one alone. In my dr, i only scripted the 2.1 and 2.2, and i only use it when it's an emergency since i prefer to see how things go on their own
And it will help you a lot if the writer of the fiction of your dr is a menace who kills every single character without a hint of pity and humanity in blood. gege. WHEN I CATCH YOU, GEGE.
4 - (optional) You will not go through any type of stress, and you only feel the good emotions
I mean... you're going to another whole reality in which you can do every single thing you want. Why are you subjecting youself to go through stressful situations?
5 - (really optional) Days have more/less time
This one is for the girlies like me who want to spend as much time as possible with the people from your dr ‼️
In my DR, days last 34 hours, 19 hours of day and 15 hours of night
6 - Same artists, bands, shows, brands, anime and social media exists there
This is actually one of the best things i scripted because i could scroll on tiktok, reccomend songs to my friends, continue to watch One Piece, buy sanrio things, eat kfc, etc
7 - (optional but really important!!) When you go back to cr, time in dr stops
Also one of the best things i scripted. You just get super giddy and excited to shift back and do whatever you want to do, and you can also plan things way better!
Tiny things
8 - You're immune to lose items/immune to them become damaged or dirty
9 - You're immune of getting lost (you always know the way of every place)
10 - You always have enough money to buy whatever you want
11 - You're always clean and smelling nice
12 - You can eat anything you want at any amount you want and you don't gain any weight
13 - You always know when someone is lying
14 - You're immune of getting sick
15 - All food tastes amazing
16 - You always know when you're in danger and when you're being stalked
17 - You always know if your food has been poisoned
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♡ Material things ♡
1 - Flip phones
The canon year in JJK is 2018, so technically, technology is advanced, but i wanted to have flip phones so bad!! And i think would be weird for me to use an old ass phone while everyone uses iphones or smth. So i scripted that technology is advanced as in 2018, however, phone brands simply continued the trend of creating phones with old designs!
And these are the phones i have:
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2 - (product brand of choice) is cheap and accessible in dr
This lines up with the one talking about how brands and media that exist in cr, exists in dr. I can finally buy dior and sanrio stuff without having to sell my organs!!!!
3 - There are many brands of products in the exact style you like (and that are cheap and accessible)
For the girlies who have underrated type of style in which stuff is difficult to find. I specifically did with hime gyaru and coquette clothing!
4 - People always give you good gifts
In cases like spending your birthday there and someone gives you like a dead bug or something
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♡ More + random ♡
1 - You always know exactly what the other person wants to hear
2 - Your breath is always nice
3 - You will remember everything that happened in dr in great detail and very clearly
4 - You are enchantingly beautiful from every angle (not only in dr🤭🤭 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒓𝒊𝒛𝒛)
5 - You know how to kiss really well, and everyone who has ever kissed you says it was the best kiss they've ever had in their entire lives
6 - Your skin is really soft and healthy
7 - You always give off the impression you want to give
8 - Your diction is really good and you never make mistakes in words/names.
9 - Everyone has a good first impression of you
10 - Everyone likes to talk to you and be around you all the time + no one feels uncomfortable/irritated with you around
11 - You are immune to experiencing uncomfortable situations
12 - You have the number of everyone you know
13 - (insert favorite fanfiction of your choice) happens
14 - No one secretly makes fun of you/thinks anything bad of you
15 - (insert character of your choice) exists in dr as a normal person
16 - All clothing looks fabulous on you/matches how you look
17 - You're not bothered by loud noises/loud people
18 - Your phone battery never runs out when you need it
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♡ Scenarios ♡
☆ "X person invites me to lunch with them everyday"
☆ "X person sends me a lot of messages everyday"
☆ "X person loves to listen to music with me, and thinks my music taste is amazing"
☆ "X person loves my hair and asks to touch it a lot of times"
☆ "X person adores my cooking/baking"
☆ "X person visits me everyday"
☆ "X person sends me tiktoks everyday"
☆ "X person acts as if they don't like me, but i'm actually their favorite person"
☆ "X person gives me letters and tiny gifts everyday"
☆ "X person is pratically glued to me from how much time they spend with me"
☆ "X person and I have matching pfps on (app of choice)"
☆ "I have a lot of pictures of me and X person"
☆ "X person loves taking pictures with me, and of me when i'm not looking"
☆ "X person thinks about me everyday"
☆ "X person always worries about me and how i'm feeling"
☆ "X person admires my pictures everyday"
☆ "X person has me as their phone wallpaper"
☆ "X person wants to be around me all the time"
☆ "X person has the same sense of humour as me, and finds me really funny"
☆ "X people always want me around"
☆ "X person always jokingly flirts with me (but they're secretly serious)"
☆ "X person admires me when i'm not looking"
☆ "X person loves to stargaze because the stars reminds them of me"
☆ "X person's first instinct when they're bored is to think of me"
☆ "X person thinks i'm the best person they've ever met"
☆ "X person wouldn't trade time with me for anything in the world"
☆ "X person feels really comforted when i'm around them"
☆ "X person can't look at my lips too much or else they won't resist the urge to kiss me"
☆ "X person invites me to play videogames with them everyday"
☆ "X person buys a lot of things for me"
☆ "(song of choice) always make X person remind of me"
☆ "It's obvious to everyone that X person loves me"
☆ "X people always ships me with X person"
☆ "X person gets sad when i'm not around them"
☆ "X person only feels comfortable venting with me"
☆ "X person has a diary, and they write about me a lot in it"
☆ "X person always calls me by (nickname of choice)"
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this was so fun to make! i'll gladly make a part two if y'all want! <3
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sophrosynesworld · 17 hours
Nostalgia's Table
I don't know if this is good, I haven't really edited it, so be warned haha.
"I’m so sorry I ran late, you guys. Apparently, villains never take a break for dinner," I apologize, shrugging off my coat as I join my friends. The chill from outside still clings to me, but the warmth radiating from the stoves inside the cozy restaurant makes it much more bearable.
Ochaco stands up from her seat and wraps me in a welcoming hug. "You can sit next to Sero," she says with a warm smile, gesturing to the empty spot beside him. I return her smile and slide into the seat, feeling a sense of relief and comfort in the familiar company.
The table is already covered with plates of food and steaming mugs of hot tea, the rich aroma mingling with the scent of beef and sauces.
"So, how did it go with the villain?" Ochaco asks, her eyes sparkling with curiosity as she sips her drink.
I let out a sigh. "It was a tough one. He had this really tricky ability to create illusions, making it a real pain to pin him down. But we finally managed to corner him in an old warehouse. The fight was intense, but we got him."
"Sounds like you had all the fun," Bakugo grumbles, though there's a hint of admiration in his voice.
"Yeah, it wasn't fun at all," I chuckle, rubbing the back of my neck. "The paperwork was the worst part. By the time I finished, my hand felt like it was going to fall off."
Kirishima laughs, a bright, infectious sound. "Well, at least you're here now. We've missed you."
I smile, feeling a warmth that has nothing to do with the stoves. "I've missed you guys too. It's good to be back."
As the night goes on, our drunken conversations flow easily, filled with laughter and stories. We share our recent adventures, joke about our mishaps, and for a little while, the worries of hero work fade into the background.
"Remember that time in our first year when Kaminari short-circuited himself trying to show off?" Kirishima chuckles, shaking his head.
"Oh man, he was out of it for hours," Mina giggles. "Kept asking if he could borrow someone's 'brain waves' to recharge."
"And then there was that one time when Sero's tape got stuck on Principal Nezu's chair," I chime in. "He tried to play it cool, but you could see the panic in his eyes."
"Yeah, and who can forget Deku saving the world a million times," Bakugo smirks, rolling his eyes. "Who has that much beef with a 15-year-old?"
Midoriya, sitting across from us, blushes but laughs along. "Hey, it worked out in the end, didn't it?"
"We were such a mess back then," Momo smiles holding up her bottle of sake. "I can’t believe they let us become pro heroes after all." Sizzling sounds of meat cooking on the grill and the aroma of seasoned beef, pork, and vegetables fill the air.
"Pass me the tongs," Bakugo says, reaching for another slice of marinated beef. "You all remember the first time we did this? Half of you didn't even know how to use the grill."
"Yeah, like that time when Kaminari almost set the place on fire," Kirishima laughs, nudging Kaminari playfully. "You poured way too much oil, dude!"
Kaminari grins sheepishly. "Hey, it was an honest mistake. Plus, it made for a good story!"
The grill sizzles with new additions of meat and vegetables, the table fills with side dishes like kimchi, pickled radish, and bowls of steaming rice.
"And who can forget the time when Uraraka tried to use her Quirk to make the meat float?" I add, grinning. "We ended up with a piece of beef stuck to the ceiling."
Uraraka laughs, covering her face with her hands. "I was just trying to make it more fun! Who knew it would stick like that?"
"Good times," Kirishima says, raising his glass. "We've come a long way from those days, but it's nice to know we can still get together and have fun."
We all raise our glasses, toasting to friendship and the shared memories that have shaped us. The conversation continues with more stories and laughter as we savor the delicious BBQ. Bakugo, despite his tough exterior, expertly grills the meat, ensuring everyone has their fill.
"So, what's next for everyone?" I ask between bites, curious about my friends' plans.
"More hero work, of course," Midoriya replies, his eyes shining with determination. "We've got to keep improving and protecting everyone."
"Maybe we can go to the beach this summer" Todoroki suggests.
With a shared enthusiasm, everyone nods, anticipation already building for the next gathering. Our phones buzz in unison, agencies summoning us. Our gazes dart from one another, ensuring we share the same urgent message.
Phones are stashed in pockets, coats hurriedly donned, and cash tossed onto the counter to settle the bill.
"Ready for a team-up?"
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spenceragnewfics · 3 days
I love softboi Spence but can we get something slightly more agro maybe a jealousy lead up? Thanks xxx
Hope you enjoy!!
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TW: Unwanted suggestive comments, small violence, unprotected sex, public sex, sex on games stage.
Word Count: 1.4k
Description: After a childhood friend joins Smosh, Spencer gets a little jealous when he steps over a boundary Y/N has set many times.
Smosh is a channel filled with many people, whether permanent cast or guest stars.  Y/N is a cast member who has been around since 2016 and is well-loved by the cast, crew, and fans.
During this time, Y/N and Spencer became very close and started dating, becoming a beloved couple among their friends. This soon became public knowledge in 2020 when the two announced they moved in together after being a couple for two years.
Over the years, the couple have been very secure. Neither gets jealous or anxious about their relationship. That was until a new cast member joined recently.
Y/N and Spencer were on the games stage, figuring out how to play a new board game for Board AF when Ian and Anthony walked in. “Oh, well here is our favorite couple,” Anthony says, smiling at the two. “Hey guys, what’s up?” Y/N asks as Spencer moves to sit with her on the couch.
“We wanted to introduce you to our newest cast member. He should be here in a second.” Ian says when he notices the man not behind him. “So is he going to be on games or more on the main and pit channels?” Spencer asks, wrapping his arm around Y/N’s shoulders.
“We don’t know yet, we’re still trying to see what he’s good at.” Ian says and a voice rings through the studio, “I’m good at comedy, if that helps.” Y/N leans over to see who it is and gasps. “Oh my gosh, no fucking way!” She says as she gets off the couch.
The three men are confused as she runs over to the tall man, “James? It’s been so long!” She says affectionately. “Y/N/N! It’s so good to see you again.” He says, hugging the shorter woman tightly, lifting her a bit as he does. “Wait, you two know each other?” Spencer asks, his voice a bit dry.
“Of course, I used to babysit James when I was back home. I can’t believe you’re here!” Spencer watches only a few feet away with his arms crossed. While Y/N’s face and voice are friendly, he knows the look on James’ face. He used to have the same look and it makes him feel agitated.
The conversation doesn’t last much longer as Anthony and Ian continue to show Trevor around. Y/N walks over to her boyfriend, an excited smile on her face, “I can’t believe Jae is here! God, I have so many stories from when he was young that could embarrass him.” She says laughing at the memories.
Noticing how quiet Spencer is, she looks at him concerned. Her brows frowned as her hand touched his bearded cheeks, “Spence, what’s wrong? You’re not seeming like yourself.”
“I’m fine, just thinking about all of the things going on. I’m okay.” He assures her, kissing her palm. She sighs, not believing him but also not wanting to dig much deeper for now, “Should we get back to the game? I don’t want Angela talking my ear off again about the rules.” She jokes and he cracks a smile. “Of course.” He says, kissing her cheek before moving back to where he was.
Weeks go by and Spencer only gets more and more jealous, well he calls it annoyed, but he’s jealous. Especially since Selina thought that James and Y/N were a good duo in videos, fans agree with her thoughts and love seeing them together.
James had gotten more bold with his gestures. He would wrap his arm around her, hold her hand, and call her sweet names, and it kills Spencer. It does make him feel better that Y/N made sure to tell him when he stepped over a line and made sure Spencer knew if something happened while he wasn’t there.
Spencer’s line got crossed when they were filming Werewolf. It was him, Y/N, James, Shayne, Courtney, Damien, and Chanse. James was the werewolf and tried to kill Chanse but got accused by Courtney. “You say you were with someone last night, who was it?!” They yell, jumping on the couch.
James looks across from him to Y/N and smirks, “I think you already know.” She looks at him shocked as he laughs but no one else does, “What? Bad joke?” He asks, not getting that no one found it funny. The video soon finishes and everyone starts to walk off, the only people left are James, Spencer, and Y/N.
“Hey, Y/N/N, no hard feelings right?” James asks, acting like what he said was nothing. “James, I have told you a million times, I am dating Spencer. I have been for six years now.” The younger man rolls his eyes, “Look, no offense Spencer, but there is a lot of history between Y/N and I. So I think-”
Spencer doesn’t let him continue as he grabs the taller man by his collar, pinning him against a wall. “You have no say in this. This is between Y/N and I. This is the final straw, dude. You’re done here at Smosh and I will make sure you don’t get work anywhere else.” He threatens before pushing him off the set. Locking the door and leaving him and Y/N alone.
“Spence, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what’s-”
“Just shut up and kiss me.” He says before pulling her into a heated kiss. Teeth and lips clashing with the passionate movements, weeks of pent-up feeling being released.
The couple moves to the couch, not breaking the kiss as Spencer lays Y/N on the couch. The two quickly get out of their clothes and Spencer lines himself up to her entrance. “I’m going to make sure you know you’re mine.” He practically growls before plunging inside her.
“Spencer!” Y/N screams at the sudden force, the feeling of him inside her taking her by sweet surprise. “Yes, moan my name baby.” He groans as his hips go at a fast pace. His hands hold her hips down while her legs are wrapped around his waist, keeping him close to her so she can feel as much as she can.
The sound of skin hitting skin is loud and intimate. Her fingers are tangled in his curls while he leaves hickeys on her body for people to see. His hands move to trace her body, every curve hitting into his hands as her soft skin feels tender in his hands. 
His hands stop at her breasts, and he plays with her right nipple before putting his mouth on her left one. His lips wrap around the bud, making her moan at the feeling. The waves of pleasure coming from his thrusts and his lips make her eyes roll back.
Spencer pulls away from her chest as she squeezes around him. His eyes squeezed shut at the feeling, reveling in the warmth wrapped around him. He rests his forehead against hers, his breath coming out short and fast matching Y/N’s pace.
Despite the intimate sweet moment, his thrusts are fast and rough. Making her usual feeling of enjoying the slow and intimate nature of sex, more on edge with the fast and passionate thrusts. She isn’t complaining about it, enjoying the new sensations.
His moans and groans are loud, louder than normal, his caution thrown to the wind as he gets closer and closer. His fingers rub a quick pattern onto her clit as he gets close, wanting her to release with him.
“Spencer, please, don’t stop.” She begs, feeling the coil in her stomach tighten as she grips the couch. Only moments later does she release on his cock, she releases with a squeal of his name. He pulls out and quickly strokes himself, releasing onto her chest.
His eyes glaze over as he looks at his cum on her tits before leaning in and kissing her. The two pull away after a moment, looking into each other’s eyes as their foreheads meet. “That was different.” She says, her voice is breathy as she tries to regulate to a normal pace again.
“Yeah, I couldn’t help it. A lot of stuff built up, but I don’t think you mind.” He smirks as he moves hair from her face. “Yeah, I think I might try to make you jealous more honestly.” She teases, he rolls his eyes as she laughs and wraps her arms around his neck.
“Let’s get you cleaned up and out of here before people get suspicious.” He says, caressing her face, staring at her with hearts in his eyes. “I think I want to stay like this for a bit.” She says as she runs her hand down his chest, her nails almost getting caught in his chest hair.
“Whatever you say, babe.”
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kseniyagreen · 3 days
In the deathcar, we're alive (part 1)
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My final thoughts about Mysterious lotus casebook.
As we can see at the very beginning of the drama, the theme of death is declared as the main one from the first episodes. Or rather, the theme of life, death and everything in between. This “between” is the main theme of the drama and the dominant state of the main characters.
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This “betweenness” is embodied in the theme of ghosts and in the Lotus Tower itself - remade by Li Lianhua from the lost ship of Di Feisheng.
That is, in a sense, the mobile home of the main characters is a ghost house, the fragments of their past life with Di Feisheng collected into a single whole by the hand of the miracle healer Li Lianhua.
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"Because the 'dead' may not really be the dead"
But the living are also not always alive. And sometimes you need to “die” in order to truly live.
The state between life and death is familiar to all the main characters. Fang Duobing was so weak for the first ten years that he was not even given a name. Li Xiangyi and Di Feisheng are also in a state of “semi-existent” ten years after the Battle of the East Sea.
Ten years ago, Li Xiangyi became Fang Duobing's guide to the world of the living.
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Ten years later, Fang Duobing, as a detective investigating murders, becomes Li Lianhua's guide to the world of the dead. Lianhua helps Fang Duobing get on his feet - not literally now, but in the social sense, to take his place in this world.
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And Fang Duobing helps Li Lianhua to close the story of Li Xiangyi’s life.
But a special relationship of life and death binds Li Xiangyi and Di Feisheng. Because they are partners in this ghostly existence. This partnership is emphasized many times in the drama quite literally.
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So, if Li Lianghua puts on the costume of a dead bride, then Di Feisheng portrays the deceased person with whom that dead bride tried to run away from her wedding.
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Di Feisheng, who has lost his memory and is half-alive, is dressed in the costume of a husband for a dead man - and in this outfit Li Lianhua buys him.
They are partners - in life and death, and in this half-existence they are stuck together.
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Two people who meant to become the closest to each other, but became the cause of each other’s downfall.
They fell in here together and must come out together. But here’s the problem - there can be two ways out of a half-broken state - fix it, or break it completely . And on this issue they cannot agree for a long time.
(To be continued..)
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aishangotome · 2 days
Alfons Sylvatica: [Blind Love] Chapter 24
Chapter 23
If I were to disappear from here...
She would meet someone she could truly love and find happiness.
When her time finally came, she would be surrounded by family, cherishing the memories of her loved ones as she closed her eyes.
A warm, peaceful, and ordinary ending, unlike any play ever performed on stage.
(The thought of you forgetting me and meeting such an end...)
(It's the most...)
Alfons: ...fucking bullshit scenario.
Gore: ...What?
(No matter how much we loved each other, if I lost my life, in that instant...)
(Her happy days would become an illusion, plunging her into despair.)
Even knowing that, I want to leave my mark.
Deeper, irrevocably.
(With such a precarious happiness that could turn into despair...)
(I want to ruin your life.)
Before I knew it, I was unexpectedly wishing for that, strongly.
The desire to hurt you is far from kindness or compassion, but...
--For now, shall we call this love?
Alfons: Oh dear... Kate, what have you done?
Alfons: Leaving me with such a troublesome thing... You'll have to take responsibility, you know.
Alfons: Don't you think so?
Gore: ...I don't understand what you're saying. Have you lost your mind?
Alfons: No, I'm at least saner than you.
Reading the opponent's breathing, I draw my saber in the momentary lapse of consciousness during a blink.
Using dance steps taught by the Greetia family tutor, I circled behind him.
Gore: !.....
To the old gentleman's dismay, the cold blade was already at his throat.
The guards were too afraid to pull the trigger for fear of shooting their master, so they just pointed their muzzles pointlessly.
(Yes, yes, that's a good boy)
Gore finally seemed to realize he was the one on trial, with his fate hanging by a thread.
Gore: Wh-what do you want...? State your... demands...
Alfons: Ah ha! You know we're an assassination organization, don't you?
Alfons: If someone from an assassination organization comes all this way to see you, then their goal must be—your life, of course.
Gore: ...!?
(Drawing my saber is no longer a threat to incite an attack)
I apparently wish to continue acting out this stale tragedy a little longer, even though it doesn't matter when or where it ends.
Elbert: ...Al, good work.
Roger: Ah...you went all out again, huh?
Alfons: I got a little carried away and made a mess of the killing.
Five minutes later, Elbert and Roger opened the door to find several mangled bodies of what appeared to be guards.
In the center, an old man - Councilman Gore - was looking up at the sky in an unusual state of excitement, which Alfons was watching with amusement.
Roger: What about him? Why didn't you kill him?
Roger pointed his chin at Councilman Gore, who had completely lost his mind.
Alfons: Because it would be boring to just kill him and end it.
Alfons: I was given permission to "destroy the organization by any means necessary"...
Alfons: So I thought I'd let him go wild for the rest of his life.
Gore: The celestial god is real! We are all slaves!
Gore: That's why I had to offer a living sacrifice...yes, I have to tell everyone about my great achievement!
Councilman Gore ran out of the room with a crazed look on his face, ignoring Alfons and the others.
Roger: What the hell did you put in his head...?
Alfons: "The massacre in the East End was a ritual to offer a living sacrifice to the celestial god."
Alfons: "The fact that you led it is an honor that all mankind, who are slaves to God, should praise."
Alfons: "You must proclaim this fact to everyone attending this banquet!"
Alfons gestures theatrically as he relays the full extent of the illusion he showed Councilman Gore.
Roger: I see... You made the old man confess to the whole thing, while making his cronies think he's gone crazy.
Elbert: ...If they saw that, the young councilmen who followed him out of admiration would leave him.
Roger: The old man will be sent to prison or a mental hospital.
Roger: The members of the "Purification" club will want to continue their activities, but...
Roger: If they're seen as followers of the old man, it will hinder their activities as councilmen... They'll have no choice but to lie low.
Alfons: That's right.
Roger: But how do you come up with these tall tales so easily?
Alfons: It's my specialty.
Alfons places a hand on his chest and smiles deeply.
Roger: Well, I'm glad you're safe.
Alfons: I'm sorry for taking your job away from you.
Roger: Don't worry about it. I got some good information out of it too.
Alfons: What kind of information?
Roger: You think I'm a "competent doctor."
Alfons: ...It's just flattery, don't take it seriously.
Roger: Oh really? I thought so too, but judging by your reaction, you're being honest.
Alfons: I truly admire your optimistic way of thinking.
Their pointless conversation blossoms.
Then, a low, calm voice coughs softly.
Elbert: ...Al.
Alfons: Yes?
Elbert: Was there anything "lovely" inside of you...?
Alfons: .....
**flashback to earlier**
Alfons: That's why I want to test it.
Alfons: Whether love really exists within me.
Alfons: Whether it's something so wonderful that I would desperately cling to life for it.
**flashback over**
Alfons: ...No.
Alfons: But...there was something unbearably troublesome.
Elbert: ...I see.
I want to hurt it, to ruin it beyond repair.
It's not worthy of being called by the same name as what she gives, but...
---It was definitely there.
(Back to Kate's POV)
(I hope Alfons is safe... I hope he's not injured.)
Inside the carriage, I waited restlessly for Alfons' return.
(...Perhaps from now on, like this...)
(...Many nights may come when I wait for Alfons, my heart burning with worry.)
Even so...I want to believe he will come back.
As long as he resides in my mind – for as long as possible.
Just as I clasped my hands together in prayer...I heard the sound of multiple footsteps.
(...Could it be?)
With trembling fingertips, I peeked outside through the carriage window curtain.
The moment I saw him, I opened the door and rushed out.
Kate: ...Welcome back! Are you hurt...?
Alfons: ..........
He, who was walking at the front, shook his wet, raven hair and blinked.
Kate: Ah, wait a minute. You don't have to answer. And don't try to dodge the question.
Kate: I'll check your entire body myself.
Kate: Take off your coat, please.
As I reached for his clothes, Alfons suddenly burst out laughing.
Alfons: ....hehehe
Kate: ...? What is it...?
Alfons: No...haha, excuse me...hehehe, ahaha!
Kate: Wh-What!? What's so funny...?
Alfons: Ha...well, I was looking forward to seeing what kind of seductive face you'd be waiting with.
Alfons: But you greeted me with such a wholesome face, and now you're trying to undress me without a shred of sexiness.
Alfons: ...It's a bit anticlimactic, or rather, funny.
Kate: Eh...seductive, you say–
Kate: I'll give you a special reward when you come back.
Alfons: ...Huh?
Kate: B-because... you said... you wanted me to reward you for making you wait...?
Alfons: ...I see, that's certainly something I can't help but come back for.
Alfons: I wonder what kind of seductive face you'll greet me with.
**flashback over**
Remembering what I had said before sending him off, my face flushed red.
Alfons: Ah, you remembered?
Alfons: Make sure you provide the special reward later, okay?
Kate: ! ?
His whisper in my ear filled my head with indecent thoughts.
Just a moment ago, I was worried sick about his life.
Elbert: Reward...?
Roger: Oh? Did you make such a promise, little lady?
Roger: You've been quite influenced by Al, haven't you?
Kate: Th-This isn't what you think it is–
Liam: What, what? What do you mean, influenced?
Ellis: Kate, your face is bright red. Are you okay?
Kate: Uh, well...
Overwhelmed by everyone's curious faces, I became flustered.
Alfons: Well, how should we answer this...right, Kate?
Kate: ...!
Yes, Alfons is that kind of person.
Harrison: Eh, what? Al, you already made a move?
Alfons: Hehe, How should I answer this...? What do you think, Kate?
**flashback over**
Ever since that night when he first showed me the illusion of being "lovers" and we slept together.
(He only says nonsensical things.)
(He plays with my sincere feelings as if they were a ball in his palm.)
(He doesn't give me even a glimpse of his true feelings.)
With just a few words, he messes with my head and fills it with thoughts of him.
You, the foolish person who resided within me,
Drove away my pain and sorrow,
Showed me pleasant dreams, and then tried to disappear.
That's why I love your "truth" so much–.
Kate: ...
I pulled Alfons' collar and pressed my lips against his.
Elbert and Roger: .....
Liam: Whoa.
Alfons: .........
Kate: ... I've been influenced by you enough to do something like this.
I want to leave my mark on Alfons, just like the scars he leaves on me.
It may be just a small scratch compared to the ones he carves into me.
Kate: Will you continue to influence me more from now on?
I glared at him with teary eyes, embarrassed, and he laughed as if amused.
Alfons: ...You're a fool.
Alfons: You'll regret it if it turns into a terrible color, you know.
I won't regret it even if it turns out to be a terrible color
No one knows what color it will turn into
Colors are more beautiful when mixed together
Kate: But no one knows what color it will turn into.
Kate: It might turn into a messy color.
Kate: Or it might turn into a very beautiful color, like a mosaic mural or stained glass.
Alfons: If it turns into such a color...I'd love to see it too.
I'll dig my claws into his heart over and over again, filling it with scratches.
He's not an illusion or a mirage–he's right here, right now.
–That's what I was thinking, but...
When I actually stood in front of his room's door, my heart felt like it was going to break.
(I said I'd give him a special reward, but I didn't think about what I'd actually do...!)
I can't look at Alfons standing next to me, so I end up staring at the door for no reason.
(To begin with, Alfons must have done a lot of amazing things in the past...)
(What if he's disappointed and thinks this is nothing special...? What should I do?)
Such thoughts swirl around in my head.
Alfons: ...ahaha
A laugh, as if he couldn't hold it in any longer, leaked from beside me, and my shoulders shook with a start.
I fearfully look to my side and see him looking at me as if I were something adorable.
Just like he's looking at a kitten tangled in yarn.
Alfons: At the tavern when you were drunk, you were so passionate, saying "I want to feel good."
Alfons: But today you're quite quiet, aren't you?
Kate: ...Ah... At that time, I was drunk...
Alfons: So it was just the alcohol talking?
Kate: Th-that's not true...
Kate: Even after you rejected me, my feelings for you wouldn't go away... There was nothing I could do.
The more I spoke, the more I felt like my limbs were getting tangled in yarn.
Alfons: But now it's not like that, so you can't be that bold, huh?
Alfons: It's a common story, isn't it? Once the obstacle is gone, the passion disappears.
Kate: Th-that's not true! I like you even more now than I did then...!
Alfons: Oh really?
His beautiful smiling face fills my vision.
Kate: Ah...!
By the time I realized I had been tricked into saying something embarrassing again, I was already trapped in his arms...
Alfons: Then, tell me about it... properly.
He opened the door with his hand behind his back and led me into the room, dancing while holding me close.
His scent suddenly intensifies.
The moment I felt it, my body instantly heated up.
Alfons: You won't keep me waiting again tonight, will you?
Blind Love: Chapter 24 Normal Story
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asfodeltide · 1 year
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