#and my mouth fell open and i screeched HE IS WEARING A NEW SWEATER AGAIN
sylvieons · 9 months
Not to be weird because I hate when people are weird about celebrities because I am fully aware we don't know these people but. Ever since Tom Hiddleston became a dad it's SO obvious he's SO much happier and that in turn makes me feel warm fuzzies. I'm just like awww isn't that cute he's so happy I'm so happy for him :3
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I Gotta Tell Her
Pairing: Fuckboy!Ransom Drysdale x Fem!Reader
Words: 2000+
Summary: Ransom tries to make the Reader jelous, but it doesn’t work. But it kinda works in his favor. 
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (unprotected vaginal sex, vaginal sex, dirty talk, soft dom/sub vibes), smoking cigarettes, girl fights
a/n: SMUT!!! 18+!!!! NO MINORS!!! So this is a continuation of Can’t Get You Off My Mind. This is the last part. It was only two parts because I have officially ran out of ideas. So please check out my request prompts and request fics. Please!!!
Part 1
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As time went on, she kept ignoring Ransom’s texts, even the apology texts. She was done, no matter how many times she wanted to answer she didn’t. She buried herself in her work, trying to forget him and it worked for a bit. Until one day the texts stopped, and the Instagram posts started. Ransom found himself a new girl. It was photos of him and her on his yacht, in front of the Beemer, up in the mountains, everywhere.
She was jealous of course but why. She left him. He was an asshole but sometimes she would get the soft side of Ransom, and that was the side she loved. She knew though as long as she ignored him, he’ll come crawling back to her. She just had to wait him out. 
After a few weeks, Ransom realized that she wouldn’t answer his texts. So he decided to be petty and get a new girl. He stopped texting and started posting photos of him and his new girl, Haley. She was the daughter of one of Linda’s blue blood friends. Linda had been trying to get Ransom to date Haley, but he always said no. One; because he didn’t want to be a part of his mother’s tricks, and two; he was seeing someone. 
Even though he was sleeping with Haley, his mind couldn’t help but drift to her. He missed her, not that he’d ever admit it. He only started dating Haley to make her jealous. When he posted the first photo of him and Haley, he expected a bunch of texts and calls from her but after a week nothing. So he left it alone, for almost a day. He couldn’t stop thinking about her, every time he checked his phone he wanted to see a text from her. Telling him to come over to her flat, but that text never came. 
Four months passed, and the next time the two see each other is at Richard’s birthday party. It was held at the Thromby’s estate. Ransom brought Haley as his plus one, knowing that she would be there. He pulled the Beemer up and saw her white Mustang parked in front of the sidewalk. He parked as Haley finished her obnoxious rant about how her skirt doesn’t match his sweater.
He internally rolled his eyes then got out of the car. He walked over to the other side and opened Haley’s door, she stepped out and linked arms with him. She looked up at the house as they walked up. 
“Oh, Ransom. I forgot how lovely this house is.” Haley gushed, in her high pitch voice and Ransom faked a smile and nodded. 
They walked in and immediately Ransom’s eyes landed on the one woman that had been avoiding him. She was wearing the same dress she wore when she left him. Her hair was long and she had dyed the ends a bright color and it was curled and it flowed over her shoulder. She turned around and spotted Ransom, she gave him a small smile and a wave, before turning around and walking to the bar. He was going to follow her when Linda and Richard walked up. 
“Hello, Ransom. Hello, Haley. I’m so glad you could come.” Linda smiled, and Ransom turned his attention to his mother. 
“Oh, yeah. Happy Birthday, Dad.” Ransom said, and Linda hugged him then Haley. Richard and Ransom shook hands and he hugged Haley. His parents walked away and Haley dragged Ransom to the bar. 
“Hey, Ran. Isn’t that Y/n?” Haley asked, pointing to the woman Ransom was avoiding. She was pouring herself a glass of red wine. Haley walked up to her despite Ransom’s protests. “Hi, Y/n,” Haley greeted, as she approached her. She turned around and looked between Haley and Ransom. 
“Oh, hello, Haley. Ransom.” She nodded and took a sip of her wine. She and Haley kissed each other on the cheek, and she shook hands with Ransom. “It’s so good to see you two.” She smiled. 
“It’s good to see you too,” Haley said.
“Well, if you’ll excuse me.” She said and walked away from them. She walked out to the balcony, leaned on the railing, and looked out at the stars. She pulled a pack of cigarettes out of her clutch and lit one. She took a puff when she heard the glass doors clicked shut, she knew it was Ransom. Who else would it be? She blew out the smoke into the clear air. “I was wondering if you were going to follow me.” She stated, slightly looking over her shoulder at him. 
“Yeah, and why is that?” Ransom asked as she took another puff of her cigarette. 
“Because I knew you would come crawling back.” She smirked, blowing the smoke out her nose. Ransom rolled his eyes and took her cigarette and took a puff. 
“You’re such a bitch.” He scoffed, she took the cigarette back and turned around. She leaned her back against the railing. 
“Oh, but you love it.” She smiled and winked as she took another drag.
“You do know smoking is bad for you.” He said, and she rolled her eyes. 
“Well, if I die young. I wanna go out with a bang.” She whispered, and took another puff, before bringing Ransom’s face down to her’s. She connected their lips and she kissed him. She blew the smoke into his mouth, he pulled back to quickly blow out the smoke, before kissing her again. She tangled her fingers into his hair as he wrapped his arms around her waist. They pulled back and a satisfied smirk stayed on both of their faces. He pulled her body against his.
“How about we sneak up to the guest room?” He growled and leaned down to kiss her neck but she placed a finger on his lips. 
“You have to break up with Haley before you can get your dick wet.” She said, taking a step back and putting out her cigarette. 
“Why can’t I just ghost her, then fuck you in the bathroom?” He questioned, placing his hands on her ass. She crossed her arms and gave him a pointed look. 
“I mean it, Hugh.” She said, knowing that if she used his first name he’ll listen to her. 
“Fine,” Ransom sighed, and he walked past her to the doors.
“And don’t be a dick about it.” She ordered as he opened the door. He rolled his eyes and walked into the house. She followed him in, wanting to see this go down. What? She was a sucker for drama. She watched from the bar as Ransom met up with Haley. She watched as Haley’s face morphed from happiness to sadness, and finally anger. She snickered into her wine as Haley slapped Ransom across the face, but that amusement turned to confusion as Haley stormed over to her. Haley came up to her and smacked her across the face. 
“You filthy whore!” Haley exclaimed. 
“What the hell?!” She yelled, setting her wine glass on the bar. 
“You are the reason Ransom dumped me! Just because he’s in love with you!” Haley screamed, and she looks at Haley confused. “You are only using Ransom for his money and the occasional fuck!” Haley screeched, and that was when she lost it. Haley lunged at her grabbing a first full of her hair and pulling her down. She brought her fist back and punched Haley square in the nose. Haley slammed her mouth into the bar, but she flipped Haley over her shoulder. Haley grabbed her dress straps and yanked her down on the floor as well. The clear-cut sound of fabric ripping sounds through the house. She stands up and her dress had been ripped down the front, and her breasts have been fully on display. Haley stood up and smiled thinking that she won, but Haley was sadly mistaken. She grabbed Haley by the back of her head and slammed it into the wooden bar. Haley fell to the floor with a broken nose. 
“I win, you bitch.” She spat and covered her chest with her arms. She walked out of the house and towards her Mustang. She heard Ransom calling her name as she walked. She ignored him and got in her car and slammed the door shut. He knocked on her window she looked over at him and rolled down her window. “What do you want, Ransom?”
“I uh… heard what Haley… told you.” He said, and she sighed and opened the car door. She stepped out to face him, he handed her his jacket so she could cover up. 
“Was it true? Are you in love with me?” She asked, and took a deep intake of breath and avoided her eyes. She took his chin between her fingers so he’ll face her. “Hugh, tell me.” She whispered, and he pulled his face away from her hand.
“Fine! Yes, I’m in love with you!” He exclaimed, and she smirked and cupped his face. 
“I was hoping for that answer.” She smiled, and pulled his face to her’s. She kissed him passionately, he slipped his hands into his coat that is covering her. They pulled back and he looked her in the eyes. 
“You’re such a bitch.” He said, and she pushed him back playfully. 
“Asshole.” She smirked, and pulled the back door of her Mustang open. She slid in and he followed, he closed the door behind him and laid over her. She shoved him on his back and crawled on top of him. “Oh, baby. You didn’t think you’d get to top tonight did you?” She asked cockily, and pulled his coat off of her. 
“I was kinda hoping that you’d take control. I’ve missed it.” He growled, as she kissed down his jaw. She sucked a bruise under his ear. 
“Good.” She purred in his ear, and she pulled his sweater up. She kissed his neck and growled when she smelled Haley’s perfume on her claim. “I can still smell her cheap perfume.” She snarled, and nipped against his collarbone. 
“Then let’s change that.” He said, and flipped them over. He pulled the rest of her ripped dress off so she was left in her lace panties. He licked and nipped at her breasts leaving small hickeys on her chest. He gripped her panties with his hand and ripped them off. He quickly stripped out of his clothes and laid over her and kissed her passionately. He kissed down her body and down to her core, but she pulled him up. 
“As much as I want you to make me cum on your tongue. I want you to fuck me.” She purred, and he smirked and lined his cock to her soaking entrance. He teased his cock up and down her folds. She growled low in her throat and flipped them over and sunk down on his cock. 
“Ah, fuck, Y/n!” He yelled, as her warmth engulfed him. She moaned and rotated her hip as a experimental thrust. He groaned and rutted up into her. He flipped them over so he can watch her face better, as he fucked into her. He pulled out till just the tip was in her then slammed into her. She cried out as her eyes rolled into the back of her. He started fucking into her slow and passionately. He entwined their fingers and held her hands over head. Their foreheads connected and their eyes staring into each other’s. The heat from their bodies fogging the windows up. Their ragged breaths and moans mixing as their highs built. She was first to reach her orgasm, she cried out his name and arched her back. Her walls tightened and pulsed around his length, triggering his high. He buried his face in her neck as he yelled her name. His cum coating her inner walls, he slumped on her as they regained their breathing. He pulled up and captured her lips in a passionate kiss. They pulled back but their foreheads connecting. 
“I love you, you asshole.” She whispered, and he chuckled. 
“I love you too, you bitch.” He said, and kissed her again. The couple knew that they wouldn’t want to let go of each other. He finally got to tell her.
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voiceless-terror · 4 years
Of Deadlines and Drama
For @jontim-week Day Three: Late
Rating: T
Words: 2.5k
Summary: Jon’s has trouble with his expenses. Tim helps out. 
“Late again? Really, Jon?”
“I know, I know!” Jon types as fast as his shaking hands will allow, but it’s no use. It’s Wednesday and its half past twelve, meaning Rosie will not be accepting his expense report under any circumstances. She’s a stickler for deadlines- at least, when it comes to Jon. They’ve never been on the best of terms, but ever since what Jon has deemed ‘The Incident,’ she’s been downright unpleasant. 
“I thought you set an alarm this time!” Tim says, coming over to lean against his desk. Tim has an alarm for everything - waking up, eating, exercising, going to bed. Jon doesn't know how he stands it. “I didn’t hear anything go off.”
“I might have told you I set one,” he winces, avoiding Tim’s eyes. “And then forgot to.”
“Jon, Jon, Jon…”
“Don’t triple Jon me!” he snaps, attempting to focus on the meaningless numbers in front of him. “I’m stressed enough as is. God, Elias is going to kill me…”
“Why are you trying to impress him?” Tim plops down in the chair beside him and props his feet up on Jon’s desk, raising an eyebrow. He looks infuriatingly handsome in his button up and sweater, a look that Jon has tried to emulate, only to achieve ‘overworked librarian.’ “The only person you should be trying to impress is me. Your boyfriend. The light of your life, the reason you get up in the morning-”
“The reason these are going to be even later than usual,” Jon snaps and knocks Tim’s feet off of the desk with a sharp elbow. Tim yelps and throws Jon a hurt look that he tries and fails to ignore. “I’m sorry. You did tell me to set an alarm. It’s just...these things get away from me.”
“I know.” Tim’s face softens as he scooches his chair over and leans forward, resting his arms on his thighs. “How can I help?”
“You can convince Rosie to accept these. You’re very persuasive.” He turns and gives Tim his best doe-eyed look, though he already knows the answer.
“I am persuasive, aren’t I?” Jon ignores his preening. “But that’s not going to work. You know as soon as she sees your name…”
Jon sighs, resting his chin in his hand. “Yes, I know.”
“What did you do to her, Jon? Run over her dog? I know they scare you, but still...”
“They don’t scare me,” Jon lies, pointedly looking away. “I just...would rather not have them near my person. And you know I can’t drive.”
“What then?” Jon says nothing, focusing instead on chipping away at a small scratch in the wood of his desk. The whole thing’s rather embarrassing, and he’s gone this long without telling anyone. Tim moves his chair even closer, nudging it against Jon’s and squishing him into his desk. He’s effectively trapped.
“C’mon. Pleeease?”
Jon sighs at the wheedling tone. “I...may have snapped at her.” 
“You do that with everyone, though. Unless you said something especially heinous...” Another nudge to his chair. 
“And then... stumbled.”
Jon closes his eyes. “And spilled my tea all over Elias’s mail.”
Tim guffaws, as expected, and Jon can feel his face warm. It certainly wasn’t his proudest moment, he can still hear Rosie’s screeching and his own stammered apologies. “That’ll do it! God, I wish I’d seen that.”
“It was incredibly embarrassing, and I’m glad you didn’t. Elias wasn’t in, thank god.”
“You could’ve gotten it all over one of those posh suits he wears.” Jon shudders at the thought. Elias is fastidious about his appearance, he would’ve been fired on the spot. Starting to feel claustrophobic, Jon pushes back against Tim’s chair to give himself breathing room and tries to refocus. He’s dawdled long enough.
Tim hums. “Hmm, maybe…”
“Maybe what?” He tucks his head over Jon’s shoulder, probably eying the obvious errors in his report. Jon’s never been good with numbers. 
“Rosie doesn’t accept expenses after twelve, that’s true. But…” Tim trails off, definitely relishing in the small twitch in Jon’s eye when he does it. He enjoys riling him up, and he’s very good at it. Jon contains the urge to elbow him in the stomach.
“But what?” He’s starting to sound like a broken record. 
“But she doesn’t actually give them to Elias until three or four.” Tim smirks at his affronted gasp. Jon’s never been that late, but Rosie’s always going on about ‘deadlines being very important to Mr. Bouchard’ and ‘I’m sorry I just can’t accept these so late, I’ve already given him the pile.’ Jon’s wallet has paid the price for this on more than one occasion- he counts on those reimbursements, and it often leaves him short on cash for the rest of the week. Tim will pick up the check on those days, waving off Jon’s protests and trying to assuage his guilt. Before he can start raging about the newly-discovered arbitrary deadline, Tim cuts in.
“But if I distract her, you can slip them in her little pile and she’ll be none the wiser!” Tim gives him a cheeky grin. It’s...not a bad plan, but Jon’s hesitant at the thought of pulling one over on his boss’s secretary.
“Or I could just wait until she goes to the bathroom and do it then.” Tim’s face falls at the suggestion.
“Or I could distract her.” 
Ah. So that’s what this is about. They haven’t been on an investigation in weeks, and he always gets restless when they’re cooped up in the institute. And a bored Tim is a dangerous Tim.
“C’mon, it’ll be fun! This way we can control the scenario, make sure you have enough time to get in and out.”
Jon raises an eyebrow. “And what if she sees through your antics?”
Tim gives a dramatic gasp, rearing back in his seat and just barely missing a passing librarian. “Are you doubting my acting skills? I’ll have you know you aren’t the only theater kid in this place. And I didn’t want to bring it up, but...you owe me.”
Jon’s heart drops. Of course. Jon can’t coast along on his boyfriend’s paychecks, that’s asking too much. It’s his fault he’s in this predicament, and honestly, he should be thanking Tim for even offering.
“For bailing on that stakeout.” 
Jon pauses, and promptly dismisses his guilt. “I was sick! From a cold you gave me, might I add-”
“Technicalities.” Tim waves a dismissive hand. “C’mon. Do me a favor. Let your boyfriend save the day. Please?” He does his best impression of a kicked puppy, and Jon’s almost afraid he’ll go down on his knees to complete the look.
“Fine,” he sighs, ignoring the answering cheer. “If you must. But how are you going to-”
“Don’t you worry your pretty little head about it,” Tim winks, jumping up from his seat and throwing his bag over his shoulder. “Leave it to me. Finish those up, and I’ll be back before you know it.” He’s already halfway through the door before Jon can say thank you, and only pauses to call back “Have Sasha check for typos! Love you!”
Jon scowls at the snickers that follow this statement, and turns back to his screen. The numbers blurred together, and he’s pretty sure he’s subtracted when he should’ve added. It’s a wonder he ever gets these done at all. 
“Sasha? Can you look at this for me?”
Tim promptly comes back with coffee (which Jon knows he hates) and cronuts, dropping one off at Jon’s desk. “She won’t be able to resist,” he promises with a peck to Jon’s cheek. “When you see us in the hallway, that’s your cue!”
In spite of himself, he starts to feel a little excited. Tim’s exuberance is contagious, and while not as thrilling as an investigation, Jon’s not above a bit of petty revenge. Not even revenge, really, more justice for the pain and suffering of his bank account. And not ten minutes later, Tim and Rosie are chatting amicably as they walk past the library, cronuts in hand. He feels the slightest bit of envy at how easily Tim can make friends, but tamps it down as he tiptoes up the stairs and over to Rosie’s desk. Elias’s door is thankfully closed.
And her desk is...empty. Immaculate. Nothing but a tiny notepad and her usual knickknacks, not a paper in sight. Fuck. Had she already given them to Elias? Is Jon too late? Did Tim waste money on coffee and cronuts for nothing? Calm down, he tells himself, willing his heart to slow. Just...have a look around. 
He tries not to feel too guilty as he rummages through her mail trays and under her place mat. There’s nothing too personal, though he averts his eyes at a list entitled New Year, New Intentions.  It’s when he finally turns to the drawers that he sees it- the corner of a file folder, sticking out of the bottom drawer. Please be it, please be it. He tugs it out, wincing at the small tear it causes and aha! He’s found it. A pile of neatly clipped expense reports is nestled inside, and all he needs to do is stick his in the middle where she can’t see and he’ll be fine-
The voice startles him so badly he lets out a little yelp, the folder flying from his hands and papers littering the floor around him. He puts a hand on his chest to calm his racing heart and turns around to find Elias, who’s just caught him snooping through his secretary’s desk like a little thief. Jon didn’t even hear the door open. Oh god. I’m fucked. I’m fired.
“I-um, h-hello! Elias.” He gives an awkward little wave and immediately curses himself for doing it. It’s like he’s suddenly forgotten what normal people do with their hands. “I was just...looking for a pen. T-To write Rosie. A note.” 
“A note.” Elias raises one eyebrow, and it’s clear he doesn’t believe a word coming out of Jon’s mouth. To be fair, Jon wouldn’t either. When put on the spot, Jon can’t lie to save his life. “And this file…?” He bends down to pick up the folder clearly marked ‘Expenses’ in bold, black print. Jon winces.
“It...fell out?”
“Oh, Jon.” Elias tuts, and Jon refrains from full body flinching. He has a particular hatred of being scolded, and especially by Elias, of all people. The man he’s desperate to impress, who holds his job in his hands. “There’s no need for the ruse. Deadlines aren’t exactly your strong suit, are they?”
“No,” he mumbles, the words barely audible as he struggles to meet Elias’s eyes. He loves having his flaws pointed out to him. Loves it. “I’m sorry.”
“However, you do fine work.” Jon blinks and there it is- a rare, indulgent smile. It’s incongruous with those strange, cold eyes, but it makes Jon feel better all the same. “You’re one of our best researchers. But if you want to move up in the world, timeliness is of the utmost importance, yes?”
“Y-Yes,” Jon stammers, nodding his head up and down like a puppet. Move up in the world? Jon’s never considered himself ‘promotion material,’ but the thought that Elias thinks it possible fills him with excitement. You do fine work, he said. Fine work! “I’ll do my best.”
“Of course.” Elias offers the folder to Jon’s trembling hands, and gives him a conspiratorial smile. “This, however, can be our little secret, hm? I believe I saw Rosie and Mr. Stoker in the break room, but I think they’ll be back any minute. Best to tidy up before she notices.”
Jon can’t help the beam that spreads across his face. “T-Thank you, Elias. Really. It won’t happen again-”
“I know it won’t.” Elias gives him a brisk nod, suddenly all business, and turns back to his office, shutting the door briskly behind him without another word. Jon takes that as his cue to scurry across the floor, grabbing up the papers as frantically as possible while taking care not to crumple them further. It takes him a few moments, but he manages to get them in order and tucks his own into the pile. He places it carefully in the drawer he found it in, corner sticking out just as before. No Rosie in sight. Thank god.
With that, he bolted. Best not to be spotted anywhere near the scene of the crime. 
“Did it work?” Tim rushes into the library, talking entirely too loudly and plopping down on Jon’s desk, sending pens flying. Jon chooses to ignore this. “I brought Rosie her favorites, gave up my choicest gossip to get her out of that seat. Told her if Elias overheard he’d go mental.” Tim pauses to consider this. “Actually, that might’ve been true. It involves a copier and a certain someone-”
“It worked,” Jon quickly cuts him off. He doesn’t need any more info on whatever...that was. “Thank you. But Elias caught me.” Tim looks at him incredulously, as if surprised he survived the encounter. “And he was...okay with it? I mean, he told me it couldn't happen again, but he said ’it’s our little secret.”
Tim blanches at the words. “What?”
“He also said I did fine work,” Jon admits shyly. “I didn’t know he paid attention to me, but-”
“Hang on, ‘our little secret’? Fine work!?” Tim shrieks and Jon hurriedly shushes him, looking anxiously around the library. No one pays attention, used to their antics by now. “What’s that supposed to be, a euphemism?”
“A euphemism? What on earth could that be a euphemism for?”
“I don’t know!” Tim waves a hand around dramatically, and he actually looks a bit put out. Is he...jealous? Jon can’t help the small smirk and Tim notices it right away. “Don’t give me that! I don’t like the way he looks at you. Sasha’s noticed too. It’s downright creepy.”
“The grey is a bit disconcerting, I’ll give you that.”
“It doesn’t match his face! Weird, right?”
“Anyway,” Jon says, eager to cut off yet another tangent. “Your plan worked.”
“Not really.” Tim pouts, kicking his feet out like a toddler and turning away with his arms crossed. Only Tim can manage to make the petulant look work on a twenty-eight year old man.
“Yes, really!” Tim doesn’t turn around and Jon internally rolls his eyes, albeit fondly. “Look, I’ll get my check next Friday with everyone else. And then I’ll take you out to dinner. How does that sound?”
That did it. Tim tilts his head towards him, gives him a playful smile. “Gonna romance me, Sims? Pull out all the stops?”
Jon returns it. “All the second-rate sushi you want.”
“You’re a prince among men.” Tim hops off his desk and gives his forehead a kiss. Jon’s partial to those kisses and he can feel himself melting at the touch, even as his smile turns wicked.
“I could ask Elias if he’s free as well-” 
He doesn’t manage to dodge the pen that flies his way, but he doesn’t mind. Jealousy’s not a bad look on Tim.
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30103509
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hidden-otaku-stuff · 4 years
Different but the Same (pt. 17)
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tw: sex, knotting, marking, cursing, insecurities/anxiety, praise, mentions of rough/degrading sex, mentions of guilt/fighting, discussion about consent
Word count: 6.5k
Rating: R18+/M
Omegaverse AU, Rating: 18+/M
Pairings: Iwaizumi x fem!reader, Ushijima x fem!reader
Summary: An unexpected encounter at the Inter-High tournament tossed you into a whirlwind. Being tugged between two males, two different packs, who will reign supreme in this battle for your heart?
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ch. 17: Honesty Hours
The golden light filtered through the curtains and bathed her face, causing her eyes to flutter open. An arm tightened around her waist, pulling her closer into the muscular chest that vibrated against her back. “Good morning princess,” he rasped, a deep baritone as his own sleepy eyes peeled open. His warm breath tickled the shell of her ear.
“Haji,” she purred, turning slightly so that she could bury her face into his chest. Iwaizumi chuckled, voice husky as a hand carded through her locks.
“Sleep ok?”
The opening of the door surprised Iwaizumi as he glanced up from his dinner, the familiar scent of strawberry filling the room as he stood abruptly - chair screeching as it dragged against the floor. 
“You’re back.”
“Haji.” She beamed back at him. 
His heart stuttered. “I would have picked you up if I knew that you were coming back tonight.”
(Name) shrugged, “I didn’t wanna wait for you, I just wanted to be back.” The words ‘with you’ hung over them.
Iwaizumi’s brown eyes scanned her figure, taking note of the lack of new marks, though the stench of mountains still lingered. He swallowed, nodding. As she opened her mouth, he held up a hand. “I know you’re tired, baby. Why don’t you go shower, and meet me in the nest? We’ll talk about it later.”
Relief filled her features as she bit her bottom lip. “Are you sure?” 
Iwaizumi swallowed his reservations, nodding. She had returned to him as she had promised, and for now, he’ll have to accept that. 
He spent the rest of the night holding her close to him, hoping to completely saturate her with his scent. Not quite ready to give her up just yet.
(Name) nodded, eyes shutting as she took in his warm embrace - the scent comforting her. This was how she preferred to wake up: in Iwaizumi’s arms, surrounded by his love as they cuddled in their nest.
“I’m glad. We have a fun day planned ahead, baby. We need to get ready soon.”
“No.” She snuggled deeper into his chest. 
Iwaizumi chuckled again as Omega’s lips jutted out against his left pectoral. 
“Can we cuddle longer?” She asked childishly, peeking up into his face. (Name) admired the way the sun highlighted the golden flecks in his brown eyes. Iwaizumi nodded, a hand slipping under the shirt she had stolen from him as it gently gripped her hip.
“Of course, princess. Anything for you.”
“Ah, Haji!” She grinned, spinning towards him. The long woolen sweater swaying with the movements. (Name) was wearing an oversized wool sweater paired with some leggings and boots. Iwaizumi was wearing a woolen button-up with dark blue jeans. He grinned at (Name) before they looked around their surroundings. 
They were standing outside the Sendai Aquarium, a place that (Name) had grown up visiting as a child before her parents moved away and before she started high-school. It had been ages since she had last visited.
“Oh Haji, you’d have so much fun!” Her eyes sparkled as she fell into the depths of her memories. “They have all types of awesome marine animals, and their dolphin show was so fun!” 
“Is that right?” 
They were sitting at the kitchen table, working on homework assignments. (Name) had been doing research on marine animals for her science class, which is what spurred on the topic of the local aquarium. Iwaizumi watched with fascination as her expression filled with such wonder as she flitted through the various photos. His brown eyes darted down to the date before opening a private window on his laptop. 
As he viewed the options for extra packages, he glanced back up at his mate. 
Anything to make the love of his life happy.
“You’re the absolute best,” (Name) squealed as she flung herself into his arms. 
Iwaizumi chuckled, swinging her slightly before gently placing her down. “Just wait until you see what else I have planned.”
Her eyes widened, “really?”
Iwaizumi threw his arm around her shoulder as they walked into the aquarium, “Really, really.”
He couldn’t help but watch in awe as she led him through the aquarium, following the dimly lit paths as they visited exhibit after exhibit. They had a wonderful morning after their extended cuddle session.
“Haji!” she protested, pouting. “Let me help!”
As she reached for the chopsticks, Iwaizumi smacked her knuckles. “No, this is your birthday and I will spoil my mate,” he scolded, eyes flashing dangerously. 
(Name) pouted, crossing her arms as she plopped back onto her seat - her legs swinging. “C’mon, you don’t have to do all that. What happened to being partners and mates before all else?”
“Yeah we are partners and mates before all else,” Iwaizumi agreed, stirring the eggs in the pan. “But that means that I’m allowed to spoil you whenever I see fit, so take the spoiling!” 
She rolled her eyes, watching patiently as Iwaizumi finished the rolled eggs. It was definitely a different experience to see Iwaizumi taking over her kitchen, though it wasn’t an unwelcome change. It made her heart flutter to see how hard her mate worked in order to treat her, even if it was just for her birthday. Iwaizumi laid out the bowls and plates down in front of her, setting down the grilled salmon in front of her accompanied by the rolled eggs, pickled salad, agedashi tofu, and a bowl of miso soup and rice. A small plate of steamed gyoza sat in between them for them to share. (Name) giggled, of course Iwaizumi would include his favourite food for breakfast.
“Nothing baby.” 
Iwaizumi’s gaze softens as he takes his seat beside her, holding her hand and brushing his lips against her knuckles. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Haji.” She picked up her chopsticks, playfully tapping them together. “This looks so yummy, thank you, baby.”
“Anything for you.”
A soft smile breaches Iwaizumi's face. He glanced at his watch. “Hey baby, let’s make our way back to the stadium, yeah?”
Her face drops slightly as her eyebrows furrowed. “Oh uh, sure?” They had just been about to visit the Oceania exhibit where the fairy penguins were. 
She followed his lead as he gently escorted her to the stadium, fighting back to suppress the excitement that throttled his body and pulsed through her mark. “Haji?” she asked, her free hand covering the mark slightly. “Why are you so excited?”
“Shh, you’ll see in a second.”  They entered the stadium where Iwaizumi had her stop for a moment. “I’ll be right back. Stay here.”
(Name) watched curiously as Iwaizumi went up to the staff before returning with a massive grin. The pangs of his anticipation got harder to ignore. “C’mon.”
“Are you going to tell me what’s going on now?” 
With a splash of water, a dolphin hopped onto the flat surface of the floor right beside the water-side. 
“Oh my gosh!” (Name) gasped as the dolphins squealed at her.
“Happy birthday, princess.” 
“Miss, come with me.” One of the employees stepped forward, extending a hand for (Name).
“Oh okay!” She glanced between Iwaizumi, the employee, and the dolphin - barely able to restrain her own excitement. Iwaizumi watched with crossed arms as (Name) sat beside the dolphin, her eyes widening with unadulterated joy as she was guided to gently stroke the smooth and rubbery skin. 
“You can sit with her, sir.” 
Iwaizumi glanced at the employee, giving them a short nod. “Thank you.” He squatted down beside her, letting one of his arms fall around her waist as they posed for pictures with the dolphin. He couldn’t wait to see how the photos from today would turn out. 
As they walked away from the stadium, (Name) threw herself into Iwaizumi’s arms. “Haji! That was so cool! I’ve always wanted to do that.”
Iwaizumi chuckled, holding her tight. “I’m glad you enjoyed it, babe.” 
“You’re the absolute best,” she sniffed, burying her face into his shoulder.
“You say that, but the surprises aren’t over yet,” he smirked mischievously.
“I feel like my heart is going to give out with all of these surprises,” she mumbles, shaking her head slightly. 
“I promise, you’ll like it.”
“I know I will. That’s why I’m not ready,” she replied looking up at him with semi-glossy eyes. “Thank you. Really. Thank you so much for making this the best birthday a girl could ask for.”
Iwaizumi cupped her face. “You’re the love of my life. My mate. My soulmate. I won’t accept anything but the best for you, alright?” He pressed his lips to her forehead before straightening up, slipping his hand into hers. “Now c’mon, let’s take you to your other surprise,  yeah?” 
 He brings her back to the Plaza of Marine Animals, just outside of The Seas of the World exhibit they had just been at before they had left to interact with the dolphins. Iwaizumi double-checked his watch once more. 
Right on time. 
The staff members grinned, waving at Iwaizumi, recognising him. He had gone to visit the aquarium weeks ago with the rest of the Seijoh third-years in order to see the various programs and to see what would be best for (Name)’s birthday present.
“Hi Iwaizumi-kun. Are you and your mate ready?”
“Yes we are,” he affirmed, squeezing her hand. (Name) looked curiously at them, tilting her head slightly. 
“What are we doing?” 
The employees looked at one another before handing her a bucket. Her eyes widened, making the connection as they led them to the penguin exhibit. “Oh my god, Haji!” She squealed, tears really threatening to overwhelm her now. “Are we-?”
“Well, you never shut up about penguins so I figured you might like to feed them sometime.” Iwaizumi shrugged slightly, hiding his own smile as her entire expression lit up. Her happiness warmed him like the sun on a summer’s afternoon, completely bathing him as if he was a cat sunning itself. 
(Name) squealed, trembling in sheer excitement as she made her way along the glass before setting into the opened gate. “Aw, look at you dapper little fellows,” she cooed before she offered them their fish. 
The employees snapped photos of them together. A photo of the penguins cuddling up and swarming around her legs as (Name) giggled. Iwaizumi crouched by the penguins, a hand extended to offer a fish to the penguin. 
“Haji look!” (Name) gasped, pointing at the penguins who dove back into the water after getting a fish. Baby penguins sauntered out of their den, ruffling their fluffy feathers. “They’re so small!”
“Just as small as you,” Iwaizumi teased, eyes sparkling with mischief. 
“Haji!” She pouted, nudging his shoulder with her knee. 
“You can get your photos at the front.” The employee informed them as the couple took the last of the fish. “Thank you for supporting our aquarium, I hope you have a wonderful day.”
“Thank you so much!” 
The duo bowed before they made their way to the restrooms to wash their hands. 
“Oh Haji, this was so much fun, thank you so much.” Her eyes brimmed with unshed tears as she peered up at her mate, heart racing. After years of being together, and many, many dates, this had to be her all-time favourite. 
“Just wait, there’s more,” Iwaizumi smiled, a hand settling on her hips.
The couple arrived safely home, Iwaizumi closing the door behind him as (Name) shyly looked away. After the fun at the aquarium, the couple had gone to a cafe where Iwaizumi had surprised her with a class on how to make peach nerikiri. From there, the couple had journeyed home.
This was it. 
This was the moment. 
Turning to face her mate, she was surprised to find him standing right in front of her, his hand tilting her face up to his. Minty breath fanned across her lips before he captured them with his own. She could faintly taste the peach from the sweets they had made earlier. 
“Wait.” She put her hands onto Iwaizumi’s chest. “Before we get started...do you wanna help me make my nest?” 
Iwaizumi’s eyes widened, his arms falling around her waist. “Really?” 
(Name) blinked shyly at him, nodding. “It’d feel right. If we had a nest.” He scooped her into his arms, pulling her into a kiss as he carried her towards the room. 
“It would, wouldn’t it?” He purred, nosing the mark he’d placed on her. She reciprocated his movements, placing open-mouthed kisses on the spot where her mark would go; her chest vibrated as her purrs met his. “Now, let’s build a nest, shall we?” 
Iwaizumi pulled away, his brown eyes sparkling as he looked at his perfect mate. She nodded, affectionately nipping his neck before springing out of his arms. Iwaizumi shivered with pleasure, eyes squeezing shut before he opened them to the sight of his Omega grabbing her nesting blankets from her closet. 
“What should I do?”
“Can you grab the other blankets in the closet and scent them for me?” She climbed onto her bed, neatly arranging the blankets. Iwaizumi did as she asked, excitement spiking through him. 
In all of their years of courting, she had never before asked him to help her with a nest. Sure he’s been in her nest before, and definitely scented things for her, but never helped her make it. The act of it now felt so much more intimate than he had expected. The room filled with a flurry of pine and strawberry clashing as Iwaizumi moved to hand her the freshly scented items. The Omega pressed them to her face, letting out a satisfied chirp at the scent, before she padded them into the nest. “Can I get your volleyball stuff too?” She turned, lip jutting out.
“You don’t have to pout like that ‘Mega, you know I’d give it to you if you ask. I’d give you the world if that's what you wanted.” Iwaizumi chuckled, grabbing his duffel and pulling out his volleyball jerseys. “Sorry, I’ve washed them since I used them.” 
He tried to hand them to her only for her to push his hand back, his eyebrows quirking up. “Scent.” His deep baritone laugh filled the air as he complied. 
As soon as he was finished, she yanked it out of his hands, patting it into the nest. With a satisfied trill, she jumped in, disappearing from sight. Iwaizumi stood beside it, waiting patiently as he listened to her happy chirps as she rolled around in it, unseen. Her head popped up, beaming as bright as the afternoon sun. “You can come in, Haji.” 
With a soft purr, he pounced. Diving in, he was quick to wrap his arms around his little Omega. She squealed, curling up into him as he started scenting her. “My beautiful mate,” he breathed, decorating her face with kisses. The setting sunlight trickled in, bathing her in a pool of golden light. Iwaizumi’s eyes sparkled as he took in her beauty, heart fluttering. His hands rested on either side of her head, propping himself up. “I can’t believe you’re mine.” 
Brown eyes roamed her face before settling on her mark. 
His mark. 
His Alpha howled with excitement. 
“I’m yours, Haji. Always have been.” Soft hands found his face, cupping it as she leaned up. Her scent consumed him as tender lips met. Gently at first, until the fire of desire overtook them. His tongue traced her lips only for her to eagerly part them, her breath coming as low pants.  
A hand slipped under her shirt, tracing small circles into her hip as his fingers tightened his grip. “I love you so much baby,” he whispered against her plush lips, peppering kiss after kiss as the fire raged through his body. “So much.”
“Haji, I love you,” (Name) gasped, pulling back. Her eyes blown out with desire and lust. “Please, I need you.” Her hips rolled up, meeting his as her neck tilted to the side, exposing the mark up to him. “I’m yours, Alpha.”
Iwaizumi’s eyes darkened as the sight of his mark filled his vision. His breath catches as his hand comes up to cup her neck, the other sliding down and tugging at the bottom of her shirt. “Take it off,” he demanded, licking his lips - his eyes not leaving the mark.
(Name) purred, scooting back slightly before tearing the shirt off her body. Her fingers tugged at Iwaizumi’s shirt, whining as she glared at the offending material. Iwaizumi’s lips found her mark, gently nibbling on it as his arms reached down to strip the shirt off. 
“You’re so beautiful,” Iwaizumi breathed, inhaling deeply against her mark. “My pretty mate. Mine.”
“I’m yours,” she whimpered. 
Iwaizumi ripped down her leggings, tossing them onto the floor out of his way before he pushed off his own dark-blue jeans. He settled between her legs, the scent of their arousal thick in the air and clashing. 
(Name) whimpered, pressing her hips up against his, slick escaping her. 
“Lemme take care of you baby,” Iwaizumi cooed, nibbling on the side of her neck as he stroked his hard cock. 
“Please,” she gasped, jolting as he tapped the head of his cock against her clit. 
His hips rolled against hers as he pushed himself forward, lips frantically capturing hers. His tongue slipped into her mouth just as his dick sunk in - welcoming him home. Soft, breathy moans met his baritone grunts as she clenched on his cock. “Fuck baby, just like that,” Iwaizumi cursed, sucking on her bottom lip. “Fuck you’re so tight.”
“Feel so good, Haji,” she whimpered, her hands scrambling to grab onto whatever she could until they settled on his biceps. He hissed as her nails dug in, the pleasure overwhelming him. Her velvet walls caressed his dick as he slowly pushed his way in. “So big,” she moaned. Iwaizumi waited patiently as he bottomed out, the tip just kissing her cervix. He leaned closer, a hand gliding up her back as he held her close to him, leaving a trail of goose-bumps. 
Hot, open-mouthed kisses were pressed along the column of her throat. Iwaizumi sucked on her flesh, littering the flesh with darkened marks. Her arms came to rest around his chest under his arms, letting her nails scrap his back. Fingers tapped his back twice, “you can move now Alpha,” she whispered, nosing along his collarbone and planting her own desperate kisses. 
During her heats or his ruts, they were prone to having rough, aggressive sex where he would spit on, slap, and spank her for hours, chasing orgasm after orgasm until they’d both nearly collapsed. He took it slowly this time, enjoying the sensation of each movement as he held her tightly against him.
“I love you so much baby. Never wanna hurt you.” Iwaizumi lapped at the love-bite he had just left on her chest. She whimpered under his caress. Iwaizumi chuckled softly under his breath as he felt her pussy pulse around him. After so much practice, he knew (Name)’s body like the back of his hand. He knew exactly how to position himself, how to hold her, and just how much pressure he needed to bring her to the brink and back. He was hers, and she was his and moments like this just proved how well their souls were meant to be. 
But if all those times were just fucking, then he wanted this to be the time he made love to his mate. This time was special after all - it would be their first time they would have sex since he’s marked her. 
Where she would finally place her mark on him. 
Electricity shot through his spine at the mere thought. 
Finally, he would be able to claim her as fully his - just as he was fully hers from mind, body, and spirit.   
“Please baby, I wanna make you cum on my cock,” Iwaizumi moaned, his nose nudging hers as his eyes squeezed shut. “Make you fall apart on me, wouldn’t you like that, pretty girl?” A sharp thrust had him pressing against her cervix again. He shuddered, his orgasm creeping up on him. “(Name),” he choked out, eyes snapping to her face. She made the prettiest faces when she was falling apart under him. It was a sight that he would never tire of. Nothing could compare to the unbridled pleasure of having his mate in his arms. 
Her eyes snapped open, anxiety squeezing her heart. “Yes, Hajime?”
“Tell me you love me.” His brown eyes glistened as a glimmer of hesitation graced them.
“Haji, I love you. I love you so much.” She cupped his face. “I never want to be without you, ever.” Frantic kisses decorated his face, his chest, anything she could reach. “I’m yours,” she whispered, leaning up to nose his scent gland.
 He let out a stifled moan, shivering under her touch as another wave of pleasure swept over him. “Mark me baby.” His nose brushed against his mark, sending sparks through her. Her pussy clenched onto him.
She pressed a kiss to his gland, licking her dry lips. “Together,” she breathed. His cock twitched at the suggestion. “Wanna be yours,” (Name) murmured, hands tracing along his jaws delicately in contrast to the aggressive way his hips met hers. “Forever.” 
“Always, baby,” Iwaizumi promised, sweat dripping down his forehead. He leaned forward, exposing his gland to her as he nosed along her mark. (Name)’s jaw opened, canines pressing lightly down onto his flesh. Iwaizumi shuddered, groaning at the brief contact, thrusting forward and grinding his dick deeper against her cervix. Delicately placing his teeth onto her mark again, he brought them to the brink. One of his hands slipped down, messily rubbing circles onto the sensitive bud while the other gripped the back of her neck. 
With one final thrust, her walls fluttered so deliciously around him. 
As his orgasm surged forward like a raging flame, his teeth sunk into her flesh, bonding them together once more. Iwaizumi’s eyes rolled back as she placed her mark onto him. An explosion of lights flickered behind his eyelids, every nerve burning as pleasure raged through him.
“Haji!” She cried, pulling back. 
Red coated her teeth as tears flowed down her cheeks. (Name) placed delicate kitten-licks over the mark, body quivering under him as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her.
“Fuck,” Iwaizumi’s body seized up, ropes of cum coating her walls. His movements slowed to languid thrusts, his knot swelling and locking them together. “I love you, (Name),” Iwaizumi panted, licking away the last traces of blood from his marking. 
“I love you too, Haji,” she whimpered under him, eyes fluttering shut as her head fell back onto the bed. He pulled away, wiping the blood away from his lips before he captured her lips with us. He’d never cum as hard as he did when she’d marked him, and based on the wetness between them, she’d felt the same way. “You’re stuck with me for life,” (Name) teased, bright eyes looking up at him.
“I’m okay with that.”  
“I was really scared I’d lose you.” 
A pang shot through her as a wave of sadness slipped through the mark. She shifted, tilting her head up to look at her mate. They were still laying in the nest, his arm around her waist holding her flush against him. 
“Ever since middle school, girls would go out of their way to become my friend or show interest in me, only to go behind my back and confess to Oikawa.” A scoff left his lips. “I was so fucking happy when we met at that volleyball game.” 
A tug, and she was on top of him, legs intertwined with his. Their eyes met, and she could just see her reflection in his glassy eyes. A sigh left his lips, the warm air fanning across her cheeks. 
“Finally I could have something that was mine. I couldn’t catch myself from falling for you.” Calloused fingers reached up to tuck her hair behind her ear. His eyes closed, and she buried her face into the crook of his neck, pressing her lips gently to their mark. “And then that asshole messed around with you, and I thought that I had lost the only person who was supposed to be mine.” 
The wave intensified, becoming a current that they were being dragged out into. His grip tightened while his scent burned. 
“You were so defenseless and I just felt so helpless. I couldn’t protect you, and I was worried that you’d leave me because of it.” Droplets rained onto her skin as she listened. He had never opened up to her like this before, and she didn’t want to interrupt, didn’t want him to close back up. Her hand reached up, caressing his cheek. A soft whimper escaped him as he leaned into her comforting touch before he cleared his throat, willing the icy claws away. 
“But when you stayed, I couldn’t help it, I got so insecure.” His voice quivered as he continued, gulping loudly. “And then you were managing the volleyball team, and that’s when I started feeling worse. Ushiwaka in a position of power over you? Who knows what he could’ve made you do, what fucking shit he’d put you through. All the time we used to be spending together, you’d be spending with him. I just couldn’t help thinking to myself, is he making her happy? Does he know how lucky he is to have you there during practice? Do you prefer his pack over mine? And I just kept thinking about how he’d convince you to leave me, or somehow show you that he was the better option.” 
The droplets became a stream. He sniffled. 
One of his hands reached up, playing with her hair in an attempt to comfort himself. She began to pump some soothing pheromones in the air, letting him rein in some control of his emotions - sensing there was more he needed to say. 
“And after he marked you? I thought it was over for us. Of course you’d choose him, he’s a fucking Apex Alpha. He’s one of the best aces in Japan. How can I compete with that?” 
At this, she pulled away from his grip, sitting up and pulling him up with her. He whimpered at the loss of contact. “Hajime.” Her eyes surveyed his face as her hands went to cup his face. Leaning in, she kissed away his tears. 
“You’re the love of my life.” 
A kiss to his right cheek. 
“There’s nobody more perfectly imperfect than you.” 
To his left cheek. 
“There’s not one day where I don’t think about my future with you, about our future.” 
His nose.
“A life without you is not one that I want to live in.” 
His sniffles got louder as he gripped her hip harder. She pulled his head into her chest, gently combing through his hair as he let go, crying into her flesh. “I’m so sorry that this happened. I promise that you’re the only Alpha for me. This pack - our pack - is the only one I want. I don’t give a fuck about Ushijima. I don’t need an Apex Alpha or the best ace in Japan. I don’t care what people say, you’re the best ace. I only want you, Hajime Iwaizumi. My soulmate, my Alpha.” With that, she pressed a kiss to his forehead.  
His tender sobs became hiccups before he became overwhelmed with emotion once more. “Be mine?” he whimpered.
“I always have been. For now and always, I’m yours.” 
As they laid in the comfort of each other’s company, (Name) couldn’t help the breathy sigh of satisfaction that left her. How lucky was she to find someone who loved her as much as Iwaizumi did? 
“I would like to apologize for my actions.”
The two best friends sat awkwardly in their dorm, Tendou on the top bunk and Ushijima at his desk. 
“I could have died.” 
Ushijima sucked in a harsh gulp of air. “I know.”
“Wakatoshi, you’re my best friend. You know I would do anything for you, right?” 
He let his head hang as he nodded. “I know. But that does not remove my guilt. I am sorry that I put you in danger.”
“I know I shouldn’t have gone back to the dorms, but I was worried.” 
Tendou hummed slightly, fiddling with his white plush dragon, the very same one that (Name) had gifted him after learning about his Studio Ghibli preferences. 
The last remnants of strawberry clung to the room. Ushijima’s rut had eased up after he had knotted (Name) that first time. After proceeding to do so another three or four times that night, Ushijima had regained control over himself. He had felt only extreme remorse since she had left his dorm room.  
“I did not mean to worry you.”
“You were in a lot of pain, Wakatoshi. The whole floor could hear you and I figured that would be the case after you marked her. How are you feeling now though?”
Ushijima’s fingers drummed on his desk. “Guilty.” 
“What for?”
“I should not have marked her.”
Tendou snorted, nodding. “You aren’t wrong there. So what now?”
“What do you mean?”
“What do you plan on doing about your relationship with her?” Tendou raised an eyebrow. “You know as well as I do that she’s our Omega, you essentially trapped her into that.”
Ushijima’s brows furrowed. “I did not trap her. I gave her a choice.”
“A choice where she would have to decide between Alphas she knew and trusted and other Alphas she’s barely interacted with.” 
“But that was still her choice.”
Tendou leaned over the bunk, vermillion eyes fixing Ushijima with a hard stare. The Apex Alpha flinched, unused to such a serious expression on his best friend's face. “Wakatoshi. It doesn’t matter what you or your Alpha believes. (Name) has a bond-mate and you intruded on that relationship by courting her. Did you even ask her?” 
Ushijima’s nerves froze. A bond-mate? Why hadn’t she said something sooner? He shook his head, eyes darkening. 
“I gave her the watch and she accepted.”
“But did you verbally ask her?” 
Ushijima paused before shaking his head. “I did not think that I needed to.” 
Tendou barked with shrill laughter. “Seriously? I would have thought you knew better than that, Wakatoshi. We’ve moved past those traditional times. It’s all about consent these days.” 
“I- I didn’t know.” 
The middle-blocker snorted. “I care about you deeply, Wakatoshi-kun, but this is a difficult situation. You and (Name) need to both talk it out, face-to-face, without any influence from pheromones or your rut and her heat. She’s probably bonded with that wing-spiker by now.”
“I know.”
Tendou gave him a final nod before rolling back over. 
“Are you hurt?” Ushijima asked. 
Tendou looked over his shoulder, giving his friend a small smile. “Nothing that I can’t recover from Wakatoshi. Good night.”
“Good night, Tendou.” 
Ushijima climbed out of his chair, plopping down onto his mattress and laying down. The strawberry scent floating up from his bedsheets. He rolled over, burying his face into the pillow where the scent lingered the strongest. 
He knew he wasn’t guilt-free here.
He knew that (Name) was in a difficult situation. 
He knew that his Alpha, his instincts, had landed them both into this. Why hadn’t he tried harder to control it?
Ushijima huffed, squeezing his eyes shut. He had to fix this. 
He had to. 
“Oooh, Iwa-chan look!” 
Oikawa grabbed the octopus hat, shoving it onto Iwaizumi’s head who scowled at his best friend’s antics. On his other side, Makki and Mattsun were engaged in a swordfish fight, smacking the plushies around in an attempt to force the other to submit. 
“I should have never asked you idiots to come with me,” Iwaizumi growled, snatching the plush swordfish out of Makki and Mattsun hands before using both to smack Oikawa across the head.
“Ouch!” Oikawa whined, rubbing his head. He pouted. “Well why invite us if we can’t even have fun?”
“We aren’t meant to be here for fun!” Iwaizumi replied, replacing the merchandise before apologising to the store owner. “You’re supposed to help me decide which thing (Name) would like better.”
Makki snorted as the group made their way to the exhibits. “Wouldn’t you know that? Since you’re her mate and all.”
Iwaizumi face-palmed. 
Why oh why did he think this would be a good idea?
“Do you think we could kidnap a penguin?”
The third years turned to see a grey-haired lanky male, who had his face pressed against the glass as he stared at the penguins. 
“Y’know what, I’m just going to talk to the employees. Stay here.” Iwaizumi gave Oikawa  a pointed look before he disappeared in search of an aquarium employee. 
“Maybe we should try and steal a penguin too,” Makki muttered to Mattsun. Loud footsteps distracted the Seijoh third-years, drawing their attention to the entrance of the exhibit.
“Lev!” A short Alpha stormed towards the tall multiracial male, kicking him square in the back. “I told you to wait at the entrance for the rest of the pack!” The Alpha glared at the taller Alpha before grabbing his arm and dragging him off. “I swear, we can’t take you anywhere.”
“But Yaku! You can’t lose me.” Lev’s eyes sparkle as he points at the fairy penguins. “You’re as big as these penguins! You’ll see me anywhere you go.”
An angry tick-mark appeared on the libero’s forehead. “Lev!” He snapped, his Alpha tone slipping. 
Lev flinched, a shiver running down his spine as he let out a little whine. “Don’t get mad!” 
“Yaku, stop harassing the first year.” Kuroo appeared, crossing his arms as he tapped his foot. “You already know he’s an idiot, so why do you continue getting upset over it?” 
“Just cause he’s an idiot doesn’t mean he can’t respect me,” Yaku scowled. “Where’s everyone else?”
“Reminds you of anyone else you know?” Makki snickered, glancing between Oikawa and the direction that Iwaizumi had taken off in. Oikawa ignored them, still picking through the various shelves of the gift-shop.
Kuroo shrugged. “Fukunaga and Inuka are taking photos with the seals.”
“You can take photos with the seals here?” Makki asked under his voice, nudging Mattsun.
“Do you think we could steal a seal?” Mattsun joked before they both chuckled. 
“C’mon, let’s go find the rest of the pack. We don’t have much time for this “team-bonding” before we go meet Karasuno.”
“Karasuno?” Oikawa muttered, eyes narrowing as he snapped to attention. He sniffed the air, scanning the Alphas. “Who are they and why are they meeting them?” 
The question was answered by the tall halfie. 
“It was such a long trip from Tokyo,” he whined. “Why can’t we spend more time here?”
“Lev, just do what we say,” Yaku rolled his eyes, his nostrils flaring slightly.
At that moment, Iwaizumi returned. 
“Hey, I got everything booked. You ready to head out?” He checked his wrist. “If we’re lucky, we’ll be able to hangout with (Name) at home and have dinner.”
Makki’s face lit up. “(Name) and food? Sign me up!” 
As they walked off, chatting about their plans, Oikawa kicked the ground angrily muttering under his breath.
Iwaizumi rolled his eyes. “Why are you so pissy?”
“Why do all the other teams get to practice with Tokyo teams? We’re just as good!” 
Irritation filled the wing-spikers face. “Why don’t you talk to the coaches? That’s how Karasuno did it.”
Mattsun raised his eyebrow. “How do you know that?” 
Iwaizumi shoved his hands into his jacket, “I talk to Kageyama sometimes.”
“You what?!” 
Across the town at the Karasuno gym, Kageyama sneezed mid-set. 
“Welcome to this short class! Today, we’ll be learning how to make two different types of nerikiri wagashi, Strawberry Daifuku, and three-colour dango and we’ll be pairing those with matcha green tea that we will brew later.” 
(Name)’s eyes sparkled as she bounced in her seat, eyes flitting from the instructor to her mate. Iwaizumi looked calm and collected as he leaned back in his seat, his elbow on the back of her chair. 
“Since you all have partners, we’ll be working on both two different desserts at once. Please choose one person to work on the nerikiri and the other to work on the daifuku.” 
She carefully followed the instructions to mix the flour, sugar, and water into the pot to dissolve. Beside her, Iwaizumi followed the instructions to make the strawberry daifuku. Amusement filled him at the sweet scent of the fruits. He preferred his mate’s scent to them. 
“Why are we taking this class again?” Someone whispered behind them as the instructor went over the ingredients that they would be using.
“Aone wanted to.” An Alpha snorted. 
The voice seemed vaguely familiar. Iwaizumi’s brow furrowed, throwing a curious glance over his shoulder. He almost choked as he realised who was behind them. 
“Guess even the mighty wall does cute stuff for bonding, huh?” (Name) said softly, grinning as she looked up at her mate. 
Iwaizumi chuckled, shaking his head. He definitely hadn’t expected to see them there, nor did he expect the formidable middle-blocker of Date Tech to be the very reason they were there. 
“Your peach nerikiri is so cute Aone-san!” 
The couple jumped slightly, startled by the loudness of the voice. Heads turned to the tall, blonde-haired male as he eagerly bounced in his seat.
“Kogane!” Futakuchi scowled, face-palming. His nostrils flared as his cedar scent spiked slightly. “What did we say about inside voices?”
Koganegawa pauses, tapping his chin. “To use them when we’re inside?”
“Exactly.” The newly appointed Captain sighed. “Now, let’s be quiet and finish this class, okay?” 
“Yes Captain, sir!” Kogane salutes only to accidentally knock the bowl of dry ingredients, sending it flying all over Aone. Koganegawa’s jaw dropped. “I am so, so sorry Aone-san!” 
Aone blinked. 
Then the middle-blocker gave the young setter a nod before turning his dough. The Alpha carefully smoothed out the wrinkles, shaping it. Futakuchi glanced over from his dango, observing the fluid movements. 
“Have you made these before, Aone?” 
Aone nodded again, eyes locked on the pastries. 
“I didn’t know you were into sweets,” Koganegawa whispered to no avail. His voice still echoed in the classroom. 
“I grew up making them.” Aone replied simply. 
Futakuchi tilted his head. “Was it to impress Omegas?” 
Aone shrugged, remaining silent.
“Omegas like it when you make them desserts?”
(Name) stifled a giggle as she tried to keep her eyes on her own treats. She had no idea who this ‘Kogane’ was, but he reminded her of Goshiki and Kindaichi. Her heart hummed, missing the two young males. Silently, she decided to host a mini-dessert party with her underclassmen as soon as she had a chance. 
“I swear to god, Kogane, I’m glad you’re a Beta.”
“Thanks!” Koganegawa paused. “Wait, was that supposed to be an insult?” 
“Just make your daifuku.”
💟 Iwaizumi had been miserably picking at his dinner and staring at photos of him and his mate when (Name) had unexpectedly arrived
💟 As soon as (Name) felt that Ushijima had enough control, she had left his dorm. She didn’t like the way she had to rush off that morning and how her conversation with Iwaizumi had ended
💟 Regardless of whether or not she was in heat, (Name) had a nest built in her room. She enjoyed the safety it provided and it wouldn’t feel complete without Iwaizumi
💟 Iwaizumi had been invited to that final trip to the aquarium with (Name) and her parents, but had to skip out due to his own family obligations. Outside of visiting it with the Seijoh 4 to plan this date, Iwaizumi had never actually been to the aquarium before
💟 The Alpha typically only cooked with (Name) or cooked for her when she was sick. The Omega typically wouldn’t let him cook by himself if she had a choice
💟 Marine animals are (Name)’s all-time favourite. She can’t choose which she likes the most and will default to ocean documentaries whenever she has a chance. Iwaizumi and the Seijoh boys will get her plushies of the animals whenever they notice one she doesn’t have (which isn’t very many)
💟 The couple got a DVD of all the photos they had taken that day. The employees - knowing that it was (Name)’s birthday - also managed to get some sneaky pictures of the couple around the aquarium. Iwaizumi plans on printing those out and displaying them in their apartment 
💟 Initially, they would take turns planning dates but after a few months of courting, they decided just to plan them together as those dates would end up more fun
💟 Iwaizumi loves to buy (Name) sweets, but he thought it would mean more if he learned how to make it himself. Secretly he was already planning on going to Oikawa’s place to learn how to make other sweets
💟 It wasn’t often that Iwaizumi would voice his insecurities, and it always meant the world to (Name) when he did. She never pressured him because she knew that he would be more stressed out. Instead, she would provide him whatever support he needed
💟 (Name) had been shopping when she saw the plushie of Haku and knew immediately that she had to get it for Tendou
💟 Tendou had never spoken up before about the situation between (Name) and Ushijima. Initially, he was all for Ushijima’s happiness and congratulated the male on finding a mate, but after getting to know her better, Tendou couldn’t help but feel guilty 
💟 During their swordfish fight, Makki had knocked over a glass bowl which would have shattered. Thankfully, Iwaizumi predicted that would happen and was already primed to catch the bowl      
💟 Lev was unsuccessful in his scheme to kidnap a penguin, but Fukunaga - wanting to one-up the first-year - managed to steal one up until they were about to walk out. The two are now banned from the Sendai Aquarium
💟 Date Tech has a monthly hangout where team members all switch off on getting to pick what to do. This month was Aone’s choice
💟 Futakuchi meant his comment as a back-handed compliment. He worries how Koganegawa would treat his Omega if he was an Alpha, especially since it was common knowledge that Omegas love sweets.
AN: I need your help! I’m looking towards the future and planning for a new team-based series and I need your input. Please fill out this form. If you’ve already left a comment or an ask, please fill out the form again! Thank you
Taglist: @sawamooora  @kriswu46 @pantasticalcat @shadowkunoichi @awuariyuh @4lfalfagarlic @kuroowh0r3 @sourapplex @pastelpuffbar @froyopet @michelepiekenma @gywjd0131 @aideen00 @loudpoetry23 @kaizumi @chrisrue15@aideen00 @mayor-chu-of-many-towns @ ephemeralninon @kinkymint  @dabilove27 @sol-demure @dark-mermaid25 @otaku-explosion @fake-id-69 @zlatanakermann @killuaking @hxsxxk-180294  @uwukris @cheerysparkle @seiijixcia @tsumue @shoyomeow @vicassa @newfriendjen @jubilee40  @kiritokunuwu  @cuddlesslut @terminallyvolatile @indecisivehusky @kaitycole @bioticbarbie @queenluce13 @ash-aph​
*Bolded names were unable to be tagged
Please contact me via ask or my inbox to join the ‘Different but the Same’ taglist! 💞  Check out this link for information about my taglists.
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tomhollandstrash · 4 years
Hurt For Me
Hello folks! Happy turkey day! Here is some angst I’ve been working on for the last couple of days. 
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: Angst and swearing 
Word count: 1.8k
p.s. if you really want to get into the feels while reading, i suggest listening to hurt for me by syml!!
Tom couldn’t believe he just let you walk out of his life forever. It had been a few weeks and he thought he was doing better, but tonight was especially hard. Tonight marked two years since the first time he saw you. 
He remembers that night clearly. It was a snowy December evening and he spotted you through the window of a local café. You were wearing a cozy sweater and typing away furiously on your laptop. The little crease in between your eyebrows and the way you bit your lip in concentration was adorable. 
When you looked up and saw Tom staring at you, your cheeks grew warm and you quickly looked away. When he noticed you spotted him watching you, his heart accelerated and butterflies filled his stomach. He didn’t know what came over him, but he found himself walking into the small café and straight to your table. 
“Hi, I’m Tom,” He said breathlessly with a kind smile. 
“Y/N. Would you like to sit down?” 
And in that moment, the two of you knew you would build something special together. The two of you talked until the café owner kicked you out at closing, whatever you were working on long forgotten. As the two of you walked out of the café together, you invited Tom back to your apartment to continue talking. To your surprise, he agreed. That was the night Tom fell in love with you and you fell in love with him.  
He wondered if you were hurting just as much as he was. All Tom wanted was for you to reach out to him, to see you, to feel your warm embrace, for you to come home to him. There was nothing he wanted more. It was too painful being away from you like this. Why did he have to go and ruin everything? You were both hurting that night and both said hurtful things to each other, but he still blamed himself for everything. You were only trying to help him, you just wanted to show him your love. 
“Why can’t you just understand?” Tom huffed, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“Why can’t I understand? You can’t be serious!” You said, exasperated. “Tom, I’m trying to understand. Please don’t push me away,” 
“Y/N, stop,” He held his palm up to you as he paced around the room. “Why can’t you just support my decisions?”
“Tom, I do support you! I’m always here to pick up the pieces!” You countered, voice raised in frustration. 
“I don’t need you to pick up after me, Y/N. I’m not a child!” Tom threw his hands up in the air and looked at you, his anger palpable, frustrated tears forming in his eyes. 
You looked at him with tears spilling freely from your eyes. Tom’s heart broke at the sight of your tears, and how broken you looked. It wasn’t true. He did need you and he knew you supported him, but his pride was more important to him in that moment. The tension in the room was suffocating. A few seconds passed with only the sound of your collective sniffles filling the air. 
“Fine. Fuck you, Tom,” You spat, wiping the tears off of your cheeks. “If you don’t need me, maybe I should just go,” 
“Maybe you should,” He glared at you. “Maybe we shouldn’t even be together anymore,” 
“You know what? Maybe you’re right. Since I apparently can’t possibly understand you anymore, maybe we’re just wasting our time pretending to still know each other at all,” 
You didn’t mean that at all. You were still so in love with Tom, now more than ever, but if he really didn’t want to be with you anymore then there was no point in making him stay with you. His silence was all the confirmation you needed. You nodded at him tearfully as you pushed past him and stood in the doorway, lingering for a moment. 
“Goodbye, Tom,” 
You gave him a chance to stop you, but he didn’t. Why didn’t he stop you? 
Tom pressed his back against the door you used to leave his life and slid down it, his knees in his chest. He wiped the hot tears off of his cheeks with the pink sleeves of his sweatshirt. You used to love borrowing that sweatshirt. It still smelled like your shampoo and reminded him of the many nights you would fall asleep cuddled up in it. What he would give to spend another night with you. 
He really thought that maybe, just maybe, throwing himself into his work would make him move on faster. But everyone Tom talked to always wanted to know how you were doing. When he broke the news that your relationship was over he was always met with pitying glances and hushed tones asking what happened. It was always the same thing and Tom just couldn’t take it anymore. He had to talk to you. 
Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he hit his head against the door a few times. What if you didn’t answer? Would that crush him more than knowing that you probably weren’t hurting the same way he was? You were also so strong, so secure in yourself. Tom knew that he needed you more than you needed him. Before he could stop himself he had his phone up to his ear, waiting for you to answer. Tom almost hung up, resigning to the fact that you didn’t want to hear from him ever again. And honestly? He couldn’t blame you. 
“Hello?” You answered softly. 
“Y/N? Y/N!” Tom paused for a second to take a deep breath. He couldn’t believe that you actually answered his call. “Hi-” 
“What do you want, Tom?” You sounded sad, almost as broken as he felt. “It’s been weeks, I thought you didn’t want me in your life anymore,” 
Tom’s lip trembled as he listened to you speak. It had been a few weeks since he’d heard your voice. It was a sounds he missed so much that he almost started crying again when he heard you talk. He never meant to make you feel like he didn’t want you, or feel unloved. You always deserved more than that, more than what he was giving you. 
“I, uh, I,” He was honestly at a loss for words. “Can you come over? I need to talk to you,” 
“We’re talking now,” You sighed. 
“I meant in person,” Tom said, nervously playing with the hem of his shirt as he waited for you to respond. 
The silence coming from your end was deafening. Tom could hear his heart pounding in his chest, pleading with whatever was out there that you would agree to meet him. He had so much he needed to say to you. 
“Meet me at the park by your house in 20 minutes, yeah?” You said before hanging up. 
Tom leapt up from his place on the ground and practically ran out of the door, almost forgetting to lock the door and grab his keys. The walk to the park was nerve-racking to say the least. 
Tom shoved his hands in his pockets and nervously bit his lip as he waited for you. What was he going to say to you? How was he going to react when he saw you? 
Tom nearly jumped out of his skin at the sound of your voice behind him. He had to resist the urge to run into your arms and pepper your face with kisses and sincere apologies. 
“Hey,” He offered, weakly smiling at you. Tom ran a hand through his hair, looking at the ground. Suddenly everything he thought he wanted to say fell out of his head. 
“Well?” You asked, crossing your arms and stepping a few paces closer to him. 
“I just,” Tom sighed. “I just, needed to talk to you,”
“I’m here, so talk,” You played with your fingers and looked at the ground, suddenly feeling a rush of nerves hit you. 
You would be lying if you said you weren’t hurting and you weren’t missing him. You missed everything about him. The way he would dance around the apartment to make you laugh, his sweet kisses, and how he always remembered to ask you how you were doing. And honestly, you couldn’t put all of the blame on him for that night. You said some hurtful things to him as well. 
“I,” Tom opened and closed his mouth a few times before speaking again. “I really miss you. And I know, I was a massive dick that night. You support me and make me feel loved more than anyone. Even if you don’t want to hear it, I need you to know that you’re so supportive of me even when I don’t deserve it,” 
Tom looked at you, scratching the back of his neck, waiting for your reaction. Time felt like it was coming to a screeching halt as he waited for you to speak. Even if you were going to tell him things really were over forever, he needed to tell you how he felt. He needed to at least try to mend things between the two of you. 
“Tom, I,” You took a deep breath, trying to hold your composure. “I’ve really missed you, too. When I walked out that night, I regretted it. When I got to my friend’s house, I cried to them about how I think I may have made a huge mistake. Yeah, you did hurt me, but I know I hurt you too and I don’t want to give up on what we have,” 
“Will you come back home?” He asked, feeling more hopeful than he had in a while. 
“Yeah, I think I will,” You nodded, giving him a small smile. 
Tom’s face lit up with a bright smile, he couldn’t hide how happy he was that you were agreeing to come home. The two of you still had plenty to talk about, but you knew you were his person and he was yours. Your relationship hit a rough patch and it almost ended, but you were both willing to work it out. 
“You don’t know how happy that makes me, darling,” He breathed out, walking closer to you. 
“It makes me happy too,” You said with a smile of your own, stepping forward and wrapping your arms around him in a tight hug. 
Tom could have melted into the floor, he was ecstatic about feeling your arms around him once again. He returned the hug, unwilling to let you go. As the two of you were hugging, a light snow started to fall from the sky, just like the snow on the night the two of you met. 
“I love you so much,” Tom said, leaning down to kiss your forehead, then your nose, then your lips. 
“I love you too, Tom,” You replied, enjoying his warmth. 
The two of you started the walk back to the home you shared, hearts fuller than they had been in weeks. 
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kodzusken · 4 years
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miles apart // p.p.
summary: peter decides to surprise you for your one-year anniversary.
pairing: peter parker x reader
warnings: MINIMAL angst, fluff
word count: 1.5k
a/n: this is a repost.
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it was your smile that caught his eye first. that dazzling grin that radiated pure happiness and joy. peter wondered what you’d been looking at on your phone that had made you smile so wide. it wasn’t until you looked up in alarm when someone bumped you that he noticed how gorgeous the rest of you was.
his palms tingled as his leg bounced up and down, his heart fluttering fast. he didn’t even know your name, how old you were or where you were from. he just knew he had to get your contact information before you walked off the train.
as peter frantically argued with himself back and forth on how he should go about attempting to talk to you, he nearly missed you as you rose to get off the train. like a bullet, he shot up from his seat and grabbed your wrist.
you shot him an alarmed glance, your expression frozen with fear. peter dropped your wrist immediately, his eyes widening with horror and his face turning beet red. “oh-oh shit, i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to-”
as you watched him stutter his way through an explanation, your fear slowly melted away and a relaxed smile took its place. peter pressed his lips together, hoping he’d get the chance to see it reappear.
“i-i was just-you’re really pretty,” he mumbled unabashedly, then immediately clamping his teeth down into his lower lip. “i was wondering if i could get your number?”
your cheeks flushed red as the train doors slid closed. “you think i’m pretty?”
he nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
peter felt like he was floating as he watched you dig out a pen, take his hand and scribble your number on it. the pen tickled his palm as you wrote, but he was too lost in your failure to hide your smile to notice.
the train lurched forward, sending you sliding forward with a yelp. peter’s strong grip caught you just in time, your eyes meeting in a brief exchange of shock. you immediately bounced up, still feeling peter’s fingers lightly hovering on your back.
“i’m sorry i made you miss your stop,” he apologized quietly, his hand dropping to his side. guilt flooded his body as you reached out and squeezed his shoulder.
“it’s okay,” you reassured, tilting your head to the right. “i can get off at the next one. it’s closest to the airport, anyway.”
and he watched you carefully step off the train once it stopped again, mesmerized as you shot a wave and grin his way. his gaze followed you as you walked away, your hand resting on the top your over-the-shoulder purse. peter glanced down at the ballpoint numbers on his palm. it had already smudged from the nervous sweating. he immediately copied it into his phone.
it wouldn’t be until midnight that he’d finally muster up the courage to properly compose a text that would spark the start of something wonderful.
the first time he’d heard your voice over a phone call, he’d immediately fallen for you all over again. it was nighttime where you lived, and your voice was soft and raspy. you often paused your sentences to yawn, and no matter how many times peter had begged you to sleep, you’d always stay up for ten more minutes just to listen to him talk.
fast forward a year and a million heart-melting texts later, you were floating on cloud nine as your thumb tapped the blue “send” button on your phone. you bit the inside of your cheek as you watched your long paragraph to peter send, showering him with affectionate nicknames and sweet words.
you glanced at the polaroids strung up on your wall, still hardly believing that it had already been a year since the cute boy on the train had prevented you from getting off at the right stop. and boy, were you glad he did.
you kept continuously glancing down at your phone, waiting for it to light up with a new message from peter. when it didn’t, you swallowed the small twinge of hurt. it must’ve been time zones. that was what it was, right?
hours later, you sank down into your bed on top of the covers, rolling over on your side to check your phone one last time before heading off to sleep. still no response. you scrolled up to the last message he’d sent. a week ago.
you swallowed the lump that had risen in your throat, trying to reassure yourself that it was okay as tears dotted your vision.
you wiped your tears away with the heel of your palm, slightly shocked that peter hadn’t bothered to respond to your text on your one-year anniversary. you sniffed, tugging your blankets closer to you. what was he doing all the way in queens, anyway? your tired, sleep-deprived mind immediately assumed the worst. were you breaking up? was he ghosting you because he was tired of you?
a quiet knock on your window made you leap up off your bed, your sleepy body immediately becoming rigid. “who’s there?” you cried, eyes darting around for the nearest object to use as a weapon.
“it’s me,” a familiar voice called. you blinked once, then twice. was your mind playing tricks on you, or was that actually-
“peter?” you asked hesitantly, waiting with bated breath.
you rushed over to the window and ripped open your curtains to see peter perching on your window ledge, wearing his familiar blue midtown sweater he knew you loved. you gasped as you frantically fumbled with the locks on the window, pulling him inside as soon as you got it open. “peter, oh my god, what were you doing out there?”
peter wrapped his arms around you, hugging you close to his chest. “i needed to see you, especially on a special day like this.”
you hugged his waist, your head dropping on his shoulder. “how-how did you get here? and why were you standing on my win-”
he pressed a brief, hasty kiss to your lips, his thumb brushing across your cheek. both your bodies flushed with heat as you pulled away, the question on your mind already forgotten.
“i thought you were mad at me,” you blurted out as his fingers ran through your messy, untidy hair. “where have you been this whole week?”
“i was getting here,” he shrugged. “to see you.”
your bottom lip quivered as you sighed in relief, your fingers playing with his. “i’m such an idiot. i thought you were breaking up with me.”
“darling, i would never,” peter promised, squeezing your hand in response. “i would never.”
your teeth sank into your bottom lip as you threw your arms around him again, hugging him as tight as possible. you felt every muscle in his body relax at your touch, and you melted into his embrace. you couldn’t help it as your tears dotted his sweater-clad shoulder. it had just been too long since you’d seen him.
“can we cuddle?” he asked, his voice muffled by your neck. tingles shot up and down your spine as his lips moved against your skin.
“of course.” you gestured to the bed, where he immediately jumped on the covers like a five year old and opened his arms. a giggle slipped from your mouth as you crawled into them, letting him pull the blankets up and over your bodies. peter smiled. your laugh was even better when he heard it in person.
his hands wrapped around your shoulders as he tugged you closer. it wasn’t until you saw peter’s face up close that you noticed the deep eyebags that looked like they could carry groceries. you ran a thumb over them, shooting him a concerned glance. “have you been-”
“yes, i’ve been sleeping,” peter finished uncomfortably, waving your hand away. you frowned. liar.
“c’mon, peter, don’t lie to me,” you whispered, ruffling his dark brown hair. “y’know i love you.”
he wriggled around in your arms for a while before finally acquiescing to your worried gaze. “fine,” he grumbled, glancing down at your intertwined hands. “i-i’ve been having trouble sleeping-every time i close my eyes, i think of you in some sort of trouble and i can’t do anything from queens, when we’re miles apart, and-and-”
you wiped away the tears that had gathered in his eyes and were spilling softly down his cheeks, and placed a kiss to his cheek. “i’m here now, okay, baby? please sleep for me?”
peter stroked your hair gently. “i don’t deserve you, darling.”
”shut up,” you poked a finger into his side playfully to lighten the mood. he sniffled and chuckled, making you grin. “i love you.”
his arms closed around your body as he placed a series of loving kisses up and down your jawline. you sighed contentedly as you snuggled up into his neck.
after only a few minutes of cuddling into peter’s soft as fuck hoodie, you drifted off to sleep in his arms. peter blinked down at you, unable to keep a goofy grin off his face. it wasn’t until extremely late at night that he finally fell asleep, not because of nightmares. but because, for once, reality was better than his dreams.
permanent taglist:
@stiles-banshees @littlehealer @kehlanis-parrish @im-salt-but-not-salty friend @averyfosterthoughts @parkerslutz @zabdisamor @alopix861 @astronomical-parker @marshyrebelcloud @screeching-student-unknown @boyfriend-cal​ @miraclesoflove @zendayacolema @a-hardcore-romantic @cloudy-zoey​ @hollandsamor​ @aidiastyles @halfblood-princess-505​ @deans-daffodils​ @kickingn-ames​ @stuckonspidey​ @cosmicholland​ @murdermornings​ @imanativeofswlondondahling​ @yaofanblogue​ @thwippeter​ @hollandfangirl​ @musicalkeys​ @starryjiani​
peter parker taglist:
@givelove-always​ @starlightparker​ @kitykatnumber​ @seamusfnngan @im-salt-but-not-salty  @averyfosterthoughts​ @spideygirl2003​ @iam-thevillain-of-thisstory​ @alexxcorona113​ @its-the-unknownspideywrites​ @astronomical-parker​ @yourlocalbisuperhero​ @pastelpeter​ @hobiflowie​ @trustfundparker​ @parkerpeter24​ @herb_the_dino @kelieah​ @shadowsndaisies​ @the-crazy-fanfictionist​ @k-wedgeworth​ @starlight-starks​ @luvgxnya @quaksonhehe​ @awaywithtime​ @gayfeministbroadwayyeet​ @universeoffandoms1​ @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh​ @yoinkyourheart @t-monosapiens-h @throughparisallthroughrome​ @slytherinambitious​ @theamazingtomholland​ @drishtisikarwar​ @1missglum1​ @clara-licht​ @anapocalypseinmymind​
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msiopao · 4 years
The One With the Rise of the Soup Spoon
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pairing: jimin x nobi (x jungkook at the end)
summary: a vlive with nobi and jimin exposes jungkook’s horrifying encounter with a spoon
Laying on his bed, Nobi scrolled through her phone as she continued to read her webtoon while also having a text conversation with Jungkook, who was in the room across the one she was currently in. Jimin was showering in the bathroom since they just got back from rehearsals for their New York Love Yourself World Tour and he was known to sweat quite a lot so Nobi sent him to the shower immediately.
“Park Jimin-ssi, please hurry!” She called out.
“Yes~!” He yelled back and he emerged wearing a black long sleeve and black basketball shorts.
Seeing him, Nobi looked up and she looked at him with wide eyes. “Wah, Park Jimin-ssi! Your thighs! And your bare face! Wah, so handsome!”
The older boy stopped halfway to the bed and giggled at the sudden compliment, sweater paw covering half of his face to hide his blush. “Yah, Asami Sakura, stop it.”
“No thank you~,” she refused sweetly. “You deserve every compliment so let me shower you with them!” She yelled as she suddenly stood up on the bed and ran to Jimin, jumping on his back.
He almost toppled over at the sudden weight on him and caused his phone to fall. “My phone!”
With Nobi’s refusal to get off, Jimin had to carefully lean over to pick up the fallen phone and set it back to the app. He turned his head around to meet Nobi’s grinning face and he placed the phone closer to her finger. “Do you want to do the honors?”
At the hit of the button, they came on live. It must’ve been quite a sight to see the up-close faces of Bangtan’s puppies and there was slowly a lot more watching. Nobi waved for both her and Jimin as he was holding the phone with one hand and the other on her thigh to prevent her from falling.
“Hello, everyone! ARMY, hello!” She greeted, happy to speak to her family again.
Jimn tapped her thigh to signal her to get off and she shuffled over to lean against the headboard, waiting for Jimin to sit beside her. He placed a pillow on his lap to make it easier for him to angle the phone without making his arm sore while Nobi leaned her head on his shoulder.
“Sorry everyone, for the sudden live. Rehearsals ended earlier than expected so we still have time before dinner. So, what better to talk to ARMY while we wait!” Jimin explained after seeing surprised comments from ARMY.
“Oh? ‘Is Nobi having another emergency sleepover?’“ Nobi read out loud, nose scrunching as she focused on it. “No, I am not. I actually left my key in my hotel room and our manager is at the concert hall sorting out something and he is the only one who had the extra.”
Seeing the amount of ARMYs saying how unsurprised they were, Jimin chuckled while patting her head. “Our girlie has done this before so it’s not so shocking. But you’re really not surprised hearing this, right?”
She slapped his thigh with her hand and he faked an expression of pain. “Well, he said he had an emergency so I ran out to help but in the end it was just which face mask to use!”
“Yah! I was torn between the koala and penguin!” He defended himself while she rolled her eyes.
“Everyone knows to pick penguin! Always!” Nobi scolded and Jimin just nodded, a done look on his face.
The live was filled with more questions about their tour and behind the scenes moments to which Nobi was glad to answer but Jimin was too scared to face the wrath of the others.
“You know everyone, Jungkook and I were actually eating dinner the other night and he got up to wash off his spoon for his ice cream and all of a sudden, I hear screaming from the bathroom!” She told, eyes wide. “I really thought he slipped and fell or there was a ghost in there so I ran in with the closest thing I could find: a fork.”
“Why did you bring a fork of all things?” Jimin asked in between his laughs.
She looked at him wildly. “If you were in that situation, anything would do right? So anyways, I was asking him if he was okay and turns out, he just got sprayed with water because of the way it hit the spoon and he was just so shocked.”
By now, Jimin disappeared off of the frame as he laughed at the story and the muscle pig maknae who screamed bloody murder from a spoon.
“But it made me feel like I was in a movie like scream or something. The title would be ‘The Rise of the Soup Spoon,’” she giggled. “I was just so shocked at how high-pitched his voice was. That was when I understood how he got his position as vocal,” she nodded with recognition.
“Jungkookie is going to kill you, Bibi.” 
Turning her head with a confident look, she looked at the camera with her finger pointing at the screen. “Don’t worry everyone. Jungkook would never lay a finger on me that’s why I can freely tell embarassing about him.”
“You heard right, everyone. Jungkook spares Bibi even though she does worse things than us! His hyungs!” Jimin exclaimed, outraged at the obvious favoritism.
“Sorry, I can’t help but be his favorite. I guess you just need to try harder,” Nobi teased.
Again, shocked at how he is treated by his younger, Jimin silently opened his mouth. “Bangtan lives like this, ARMY. We live in fear everyday because we don’t know what these two will do!”
“Stop being so dramatic, babo,” she shoved.
Comments about their chemistry and their playfulness filled the comment section as ARMY couldn’t help but scream at their ship. There are many videos in Youtube with Jimin and Nobi but they are always moments in vlives since they love teasing each other in live streams.
“Oh! Also, the story of the underwear shorts!” Nobi hit his thigh again, trying to stop him from exposing her.
“Ah, stop!” She begged but he was already giggling and ready to tell the story.
“So, it was about a year or 2 ago?” Jimin counted, looking at her for the correct answer but she pouted and refused to answer. “Anyways, Jungkook bought these white underwear with Ryan face patterns that has strings to tighten around the waist. And when we do laundry, of course, Nobi has to separate her stuff. But since they both share a room, it must’ve somehow ended up in her basket. Nobi just throws her stuff on the hamper so she probably didn’t see it.”
“Yah,” she whined, hoping to stop him but it didn’t work. “Oppa, stoppp.”
“You called me a fool so that’s not going to work anymore, Asami Sakura!” He sweetly said. “So! Nobi doesn’t remember what her clothes are because she has a lot so she probably just shoved it in their closet. Well, we had practice that day and it was really hot so Nobi usually wears shorts and a big shirt to practice in. So, she took her shower, got dressed, and all that. When she came out of their room, we didn’t really notice what she was wearing. Not that we would know what Jungkook’s underwear would look like in the first place.”
“You wear his underwear too!” Nobi called out, defending herself.
He looked at her with wide eyes and similarly tried to defend himself. “No, I don’t! Taehyung does that! I don’t wear his because it doesn’t fit me!”
Looking at the camera with a look and pursed lips, Nobi turned back to him. “Ah, so you’re saying Jungkook’s bigger than you?”
“Yes!” He answered, not sparing a second to think about his response. A moment of silence fell on them until he realized why she was looking at him so shocked. “YAH!”
Nobi laughed out loud before jumping off the bed to escape Jimin’s headlock. “WAH! SHE’S GETTING SO BOLD! CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS?!” Jimin yelled and ARMY was too shocked to even say anything in the comment section.
Nobi returned and she gestured cutting the scene. “Cut, please.”
“Ah! Asami Sakura, just let me finish my story!” He pleaded. Nobi just nodded.
“Since you told almost all of it, might as well just finish it.”
“Thank you. She probably was thirsty so she was getting a glass or something. Since she’s short, she has to stand on her tippy toes to reach the glasses and the shirt went up and when Jungkook noticed, he choked!” He stopped and joined Nobi’s cackle as she re-lived the memory in her mind.
“Now that it’s in the past, it’s much funnier,” she wheezed out.
“I was sitting next to Jin-hyung as he played Animal Crossing and Jungkookie just started coughing and he choked on the water he was drinking. It was all a mess since Nobi got startled and dropped the glass and it shattered everywhere and everyone didn’t know who to help!”
“I remembered Kook’s face! It was so red, he looked like an apple since his hair was tied up like a little plant!” Together, they cackled and laughed before jumping at the sudden banging at his door. 
Thinking it’s just one of the members, Nobi walked to the door while JImin stayed at the bed. He switched it so it faced away from him and he angled it to the door so he record the members. Suddenly, Nobi screamed and Jungkook emerged from the small hallway, the girl over his shoulder like a potato sack.
“YAH!” Jungkook yelled while Nobi wiggled, trying to get free.
“Jeon Jungkook, put me down!” She screeched but giggled when he hit the back of her thighs.
“Come here, kids!” Jimin beckoned and Jungkoook threw the poor girl on the bed before crawling next to her. Nobi settled between them with Jimin’s arm around her shoulder and Kook’s around her waist
ARMYs greeted the new guest and he raised a hand in greeting to the camera. “Hello, everyone.”
“I don’t think we should continue what we were doing, Bibi.” Jimin off-handedly said that caused Jungkook to look wildly at them. He didn’t even realize what he said until Jungkook’s eyes glared into his face.
It went way past Nobi’s ears and only looked up when she felt Jungkook’s heated stare. “What?” She asked, not knowing what happened.
“What were you doing?” Jungkook questioned while Jimin stared at him, amused.
“Why? Does it matter to you what we were doing?” Jimin pressed as he knew that Jungkook got,,, envious,,,, whenever Nobi was taken from him.
“Yah, stop it, hyung.” She slapped Jimin’s thigh and slightly glared at him for initiating something there. Turning to Jungkook, she laced her fingers into his that was curled into a fist. “You too, stop it. We weren’t doing anything bad. Just telling stories to ARMYs in our live stream.”
Jungkook backed down when she gave him a pointed glare at the mention of being live and to control himself in front of millions of people. “Ah. That’s not fair, I have stories too.”
“We didn’t finish telling the Ryan incident!” Jimin reminded her.
Knowing exactly what it was, Jungkook looked at her betrayed. “And you allowed him?!” She shrugged and that made his jaw clench. “All right. I can play that too. Everyone! Want to hear the story about Kura and the microwave?”
“OH NO!” She leapt and clamped his mouth with her hand and the camera shook due to Jimin’s laughing and him rolling all over the bed.
“Don’t you think it’s unfair that you get to tell a story about me but not you?!” Jungkook yelled and Nobi screamed.
“You don’t think that wasn’t embarassing for me either?! And HOW DARE YOU RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME?!”
There were confused comments from ARMYs as the camera was now facing the ceiling and there was a faint thud that indicated Jimin’s form falling off the bed. There was a mixture of sounds from the screaming and the laughing, ARMYs didn’t know if they should be shocked or amused.
But they knew this was coming since you just can’t put Nobi, Jungkook, and Jimin in the same room together unless you want to unleash ultimate chaos.
a/n: i didn’t exactly know what I was writing about
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jasperwhitcock · 4 years
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equinox | chapter 06 –– “open book”
here is chapter chapter six of my bella as a vampire and edward as a human fanfic inspired by an au that @bellasredchevy​ posted. you can read the new chapter on AO3 or here. i post updates on AO3 or on tumblr using the #equinoxjw tag. but sometimes it doesn’t work. so. um.
the last time i wrote for this, it was BEFORE midnight sun came out. and now, midnight sun has been out for two weeks (oops...now FOUR weeks), i’ve finished it, i am miserable as a result, and finally, SHOOK. here’s why: in the last chapter, i mentioned esme’s aversion to having her floors ruined by rain. in midnight sun, edward mentioned that multiple times. MY MIND.
everyone reading this is thinking like, yeah, sure “your mind” OR you’re dumb and should not be finding any humor that your lizard brain came up with the same basic idea as smeyer, known racist. maybe esme was just written with hardly any personality so it wasn’t that difficult to end up concocting the same idea. and… okay, you’re right. but in those moments, let me tell you, i was really feeling something. smeyer, you reading this?
to catch up since i’ve been busy, i reread my other chapters. and i really need to go back and edit them. so thank u for being here & bearing with me. hehe
also… the beige… that’s for y’all.
just a lil baby warning: there are conversations revolving around religion in this chapter. i wanted to mention that as a warning for the sake of anyone who has had negative experiences with church/religion (like me!) whom this topic makes uncomfortable. the local doctor and his children are VAMPIRES. you have been warned. 
It was entirely unrealistic –– the possibility of running out of time –– but still, I expedited through the forest, the greenery blurring by me in long unfocused streaks. Although if I paid attention, I knew I’d still be able to see every microscopic detail. The fluffy moss growing along the trunks of the ground, the iridescent droplets of rain dotting the ferny leaves, the patterns in the wood of the trees. But I cared little to as I barreled forward, hurtling over uprooted trees and bounding over large pools of rainwater nestled in the muddy forest floor.
I lost a shoe leaping over the last fifty yard stretch of river, so I kicked the other off carelessly in midair. The shoe fell into the water with a powerful splash from the height. Alice could bite me later. I was in too great of a hurry to deal with her chastisement now. If she really cared for this pair of shoes, she could dive for it. Alice! The thought of my sister made me realize a reason I could actually be late. I needed a change of clothes.
As I fell back to the earth, reaching a hand forward to grasp onto a convenient branch, I focused, envisioning my arrival at the house, the flight of the stairs, and the knock on the door of her room. I pictured asking her my request, and though I had no intention of actually following through with these steps, I hoped the thought was enough for Alice to see what I wanted. It should be, because if it wasn’t, I’d have to go into the house anyways, but I really didn’t want to waste time.
I swung lightly onto the bough of another spruce, and nimbly travelled this way from branch to branch, juggling the journal all the while by throwing it into the air between trees and catching it again. I could run fast and delicately enough to avoid muddying my feet, but with how unfocused I was in my hurry, I didn’t want to risk needing to stop to wash off.
If they hadn’t been concerned already, now would really be the time that my family genuinely considered my descent into insanity, seeing me wildly and maniacally swing through the trees towards the house like Tarzan after having only melodramatically left hours prior.
I knew it wouldn’t last, but I felt somehow liberated by the realizations that I’d come to in my wintry jungle. After hours of considering the right way forward navigating my now complicated future, I’d decided to face it head on. To stubbornly confront the problem. I was tired of feeling unlike myself and feeling distanced from my family, though my new resolution might encourage the rift I’d only just mended with Rosalie. Even with my grievances, I still enjoyed this life, the strength I’d found in it. The sense of rightness and belonging that contrasted how I’d felt so weak and out of step as a human. I wanted to bask in that again. I wanted to take action.
I decided the best way to reattain that freedom was rather than leave the boy alone, I’d challenge the vision. Seek him out this morning. Return the journal to him. Sit beside him. And in my ability to do so, I’d then prove his irrelevance to me, his powerlessness over my self control.
And although it was still a ridiculous thought to entertain, if I did find in me some concern or care for him, then that’d be even better. It’d certainly be strange, but it’d also strengthen my resolve to leave him be with his own life rather than make any choices he couldn’t even be knowledgeable enough about to consent to. Then, once I’d done so, I could truly leave him alone for good. I’d toyed with completely ignoring him from the beginning as I said I would, but then I decided that outcome wouldn’t develop from inaction. I was far too headstrong to leave this alone without trying to face it.
I will admit that a part of me was curious about Alice’s vision, curious about a friend or even a partner in this life… But the thought of Edward as that partner made me recoil. He was too irritating –– not the ideal candidate to spend an eternity with.
He was smart, though. And kind too, I noted, thinking of the way he’d cheered up the girl in the hospital… But definitely irritating. I’d have endless time to decode what had made him so relentless and smart-mouthed, but once I’d made the discovery, what then?
I had spent hours turning the little brown journal in my hands over and over, studying the worn leather, the folds and creases, tempted to open it and uncover his secrets. During an hour where I’d been resolved to go forth with pretending he didn’t exist, I’d even considered sneaking back to his house and finding my way in to leave the journal by his side so that I wouldn’t have to give it back to him myself in person. But that –– and also privily reading it without his permission –– seemed indefensibly invasive.
I didn’t mind being a vampire if that’s what I was. But that didn’t mean I had any desire to fulfill some of the creepier of the tropes.
Once I reached the tree closest to the garage, I tightroped onto a thin branch. Then, cautious as to not break it, I gently pushed down and sprung off, diving like a swimmer seventy feet down, the journal clasped between my outstretched hands. The distance was very short, and I landed softly, focusing greatly on doing so in a cautiously tactile way that wouldn’t cannonball me through the building and barreling into the ground. I rolled like a bowling ball to a stop on the vegetative, vine-covered roof in a cluster of silky honeysuckle and tickling lavender wisteria.
Even now all these years later, I felt kind of giddy at the impossible physics of my body’s capability for control, so I couldn’t help but laugh a little. I even laughed a little more thinking again of how my family might see my behavior –– me laughing here in the flowers –– as lunacy in how drastically it differed from the darkness of the personal rain cloud I’d been carrying over me.
From the house, I heard a deep chuckle and the sound of a scoff, confirming that I did have an audience. It must be Emmett mocking the impressiveness of my nosedive. I smiled, feeling very much like myself again.
I hopped off the roof to the ground and entered the garage. Sure enough, Alice had laid out a small pile of clothes for me for the upcoming school day. I stripped, unceremoniously dropping the garments I was wearing into a pile on the floor and reached for the clothing. Then, I groaned.
“Alice!” I hissed her name like an expletive. I thought we’d moved past my sister’s insistence on using me as her personal doll, but it seemed this was her attempt for a revival. Maybe she was determined to punish me for the way I’d destroyed my shoes. Rather than a sensible sweater and jeans, Alice had taken advantage of my hurried need and elected to pick out a cropped turtleneck sweater and a mini skirt, both black. The sweater wasn’t awful in that the crop wouldn’t be exposing with the high waist of the skirt, but the bodycon fit of the skirt, the crocodile print of the polyurethane, and the ludicrous split up the side… Alice was deranged. This had to have come from her own closet.
She had the good sense to include sheer black tights to hide some of the disconcerting flawlessness and freaky whiteness of my skin –– not that that would matter much in how off-putting and contrasting I’d look in all black anyways –– but I’d have preferred converse over the matching black boots. At least the heel of the boot was more reasonable than I’d expect from her. Not more reasonable than converse, though.
I imagined showing up to Edward’s house. Hey, Edward! Here I am to drive you to school, pale and ridiculous. Also, I’m a vampire. Here’s your journal.
I considered the short run to my room in the house, but again, I was already running late…
I tugged the clothes on and hopped into the pearly white car, throwing the journal into the passenger seat. As I reversed out of the garage, I felt thankful for the engine upgrades Rosalie worked on that allowed for the instant rapidity of the acceleration.
I spun sharply, letting the car spin out with an obnoxiously loud screech until I was facing the long drive away from the house. In the rearview mirror, I watched as Rosalie entered the garage, her golden eyes shocked and her mouth open as I sped away.
My reckless driving only warranted a few irritated honks on my way to Edward’s house through the morning traffic –– one dark green Honda specifically gave me a long piece of their mind when I cut them off –– before I was whipping around the corner onto his street.
Just as I pulled in front of the lonely house, I watched as Edward casually jogged down the steps of his porch, his sleek backpack hanging carelessly off one shoulder and an apple in his hand.
His tangle of bronze hair was like a low burning flame against the muted monochromatism of the grey house and the grey sky and the grey pavement. Today, he wore a light tan turtleneck that clung tightly to his chest, slim beige trousers, and a long black coat that ended above the knees. His fancy belt, his long socks, and his suede boots were all black too. I didn’t particularly consider him to be someone who cared much about what others thought about him, but he seemed pretty meticulously dressed. I wondered if he dressed to impress others or dressed for himself. Neither decision particularly mattered, but it’d been so long since I thought about something so human –– the thought process of selecting what to wear and considering how you wanted to present yourself.
The clothes I wore ceased to matter long ago. I never particularly had an interest in fashion, so it was easy to allow Alice to select my wardrobe. And for the most part, she got it right. Only when I found her selections to be impractical, such as today, did I really care. But it was a rarity that she tried to push me too far out of my comfort zone anymore. She’d given up on me, or maybe she had just become more clever about finding the right opportunities to dress me in something absurd… I liked things that I could easily move around in.
Alice would approve of his outfit, I thought. Maybe if he liked fashion, they really would get along. But that didn’t matter because I had no intentions of involving Alice and her freaky little visions in my experiment.
Seeing me parked there, he froze for a moment, before his lips curved into a huge smile. Edward laughed, throwing his apple up in the air and catching it again. He half-jogged forward to meet me. I took a deep, clean breath full of the leather scents of the car’s interior and rolled down the window, leaning forward towards him.
Edward bent over so that his head could duck down to see my face through the window, and he shook his head again, chuckling.
“To what do I owe this pleasure?”
“Hello, Edward,” I smiled pleasantly, trying to play nice.
He eyed me suspiciously, but the glint in his pretty green eyes was teasing, the grin that lit them up never fading.
“I’ve come to bring you this, fresh from the scene of the crime––“ I grasped hold of the leather bound book in my hand, raising it up to wave it before setting it back down, “––and to offer you a ride to school. I’m sure it’d be a humbling experience for you to walk, but I felt bad about your pretty car being flattened like a pancake.”
“You’re not irritated with me?” Edward asked, slightly cocking his head to the side.
“Are you irritated with me?” I countered.
“Never,” he beamed.
“Well, then we can call a truce,” I half smiled. “You’re not curious as to why I’m forcing you to carpool, making your getting to school my business?”
“The wasting of finite resources is everyone’s business. But of course, I am curious.”  
“As usual,” I mumbled under my breath. Hesitantly, I breathed in. It was like pulling the chord on a hot-air ballon with the way his scent ripped my throat into flames. I was grateful for the distraction of someone grumbling to themself as they turned onto the street, because instead of spiraling, I was able to instead laugh as I realized who I had cut off a few traffic lights ago. I looked in the rearview mirror and sure enough recognized Sara, the sandy blonde, driving the ugly green Honda.
“Hmm… Well, I wouldn’t want to upset your girlfriend––” I bit my lip momentarily to keep myself from laughing, “––so I wouldn’t be offended if you said no.”
“Who?” Edward asked, but his smile had faded as his eyes watched my lips intently.
He looked back into my eyes after a second, blinking as he realized I was staring at him staring at me, then up at the car awkwardly pulling in behind me.
“Oh,” he chuckled as he realized who I meant. “I’ll be just a moment.”
I watched in my side-view mirror as Edward approached Sara on the drivers’ side.
“Hey, Sara,” he said as she cranked her window down.
“Hey, Ed,” she grumbled, kind of irritated. I should have felt guilty for disrupting her plan, but her irritation with Edward instead provoked my nerves. Also, the fact that she called him Ed bothered me too. “I guess you made it out alive. I’d have been here sooner, but Cullen cut me off. I got suck at a red light.”
“Did she?” Edward laughed. “Well, I’m really sorry, Sara. This is so nice of you, but Bella offered to drive me to school today. I’d cancel now that you’re here, but after she saved my life, I’d feel terrible doing so. Is it alright if I see you at school?”
“Yeah, that’s fine,” she snapped, trying to seem unbothered despite the tightness of her jaw and the edge in her voice.
“I’m sorry again, Sara. I really appreciate that you came here,” Edward smiled a dazzling smile.
“No big deal. I’ll see you at school,” she lifted the corners of her lips once before turning away, her mouth in a tight line.
He sighed watching as she drove past me and away before a crooked smile reappeared on his face as he walked back to my car. I didn’t have time to wonder if he would have preferred to ride with her. It didn’t seem likely.
“…Ed?” I asked as he crossed back to the passenger side.
“You heard that?” Edward chuckled. He slid his backpack off his back, opened the door, and dipped his tall frame into the car. He picked up the journal before settling into the passenger’s side, adjusting the seat to make room for his legs and backpack. “I’m not particularly fond of that nickname. Or any, for that matter. My mother called me Teddy sometimes. I prefer Edward.”
“I do too,” I agreed, breathing in the potency of his fragrance. I clutched the steering wheel tightly and swallowed dryly.
“So,” he began once he was comfortable. “Are you feeling more open today?”
“No,” I answered as I began to drive towards the school.
Edward sighed, but he shook his head, amused. Clearly, he’d decided to play nice too. “Do you ever get tired of ambiguity, Bella?”
“No,” I teased, rolling my eyes. “I enjoy being mysterious far too much.”
“Mysterious enough to keep me up at night,” he egged on.
“I’m sure you slept just fine.”
“How’d you sleep?” Edward asked. I looked over at him, ignoring the tingling of my tongue in anticipation of the taste of his sweet blood. I should have thought of a response, but I was too busy fighting off my instincts to think of a lie. His pretty eyes narrowed in thought as he analyzed my face and the dark circles beneath my golden eyes.
Suddenly, I froze, my muscles locking down as he reached forward, his hand gently touching my hair. I didn’t dare breathe as the heat of his skin enveloped me in warmth. His hand lingered for a moment before it pulled back, holding up a broken piece of fern.
“You had a leaf in your hair. How’d that get there?” Edward almost whispered, his lips curved into a half-smile.
A strange electricity throbbed through my body, and the sensation was so odd. Like my heartbeat should be thrumming loudly in my ears. Deafening. But my heart was frozen and dead, so I only heard the beat of Edward’s. We sat in silence for a moment as my mind spun in the dizziness.
“Maybe I should have accepted Sara’s offer,” he joked after a moment, laughing, but I wondered what he made of the affliction I was trying to hide on my face. Around him, no matter my attempts at subterfuge, it felt as though my face was an open book in which he could read all my secrets. I refocused my eyes on the road, too distracted by the warmth of his pale face and the prettiness of his green eyes as the forest flew by in the window behind him.
“Maybe,” I agreed, smiling softly, smiling sadly. Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe you should jump out of the car and run before I accidentally kill you.
“But,” he mused gently, trying to keep the mood light and playful. “She probably doesn’t have heated seats.”
His effort to comfort the conflict raging within me that he didn’t even understand worked. I snorted.
I continued driving, thinking of ways to bring up the journal.
“You look lovely today, by the way,” he smiled, appraising me. “Which is not to say that you don’t on any other day, but you do look very pretty.”
I felt oddly incomplete as I waited for reactions my body was no longer capable of. Reactions I’d forgotten. There was another strange sensation in my cheeks as if they should be very warm.
My head whipped towards him in surprise, my eyebrows pulling up.
“What?” He immediately asked in shock, his heart beat picking up. My reaction didn’t totally alarm him though, because his lips were still pulled up at the corners. Edward seemed to always be smiling. Or maybe smirking was the better word. “Do you not get compliments often? I find that rather hard to believe.”
“No, it’s not that,” I relaxed my face. “I was just caught off guard. Lovely…That wasn’t particularly something I’d expect a seventeen year old boy to say.”
“Oh,” he relaxed, easily grinning again.
“Are you even seventeen?” I found myself smiling in return.
“Are you?” He countered.
My mood darkened as my lips dropped immediately, but I fixed the smile back onto my face so he couldn’t see how exposed I felt.
“You know, my mom used to say that I was born thirty five years old, and that I get more middle-aged every year.”
“Hmm…” Edward nodded, his eyes narrowed again as he scrutinized me. I wondered if this clarified some assumption he’d made about me.
I turned into the school parking lot. I saw the gleaming cherry redness of Rosalie’s ostentatious car and desperately hoped she was already inside one of the brick buildings.
“So,” he prompted, his tone mysteriously patronizing. “Did you read this?”
I glanced over to see the accusation in his eyes as he held up the journal, but he didn’t seem angry whatsoever. They were still light. Still playful.
“What? No, of course not,” I defended myself. But my voice was unpersuasive, the pitch coming out a little too high to give my words any credibility.
I parked beside Rosalie. The car was luckily empty, so I relaxed my grip on the steering wheel. Ha! As if my sister would have confronted me here, and I’d have driven away, effectively kidnapping Edward… I scoffed at myself. I clenched the hand Edward couldn’t see into a tight fist, concentrating all of my strength in my fight against temptation into the way my fingers dug into my palm.
I turned my face to look at Edward, whose face was condescending, his thick eyebrows pulled up in disbelief.
“I’m serious! Maybe I look guilty because I considered it, but I didn’t actually follow through.”
His face relaxed into a crooked smile. “Okay, I believe you. I’d have forgiven you anyways.”
“Does that mean if I ask you about the contents, you’ll share?” I asked eagerly. I’d read so many books in my life that this new mystery novel easily became just like another book I was dying to read.
“Absolutely not,” he shook his head, chuckling. Edward reached for his bag, winking at me, and opened his door, ducking his head to get out. I swiftly undid my seatbelt and was out beside him probably much too fast, my backpack slung onto my shoulder. For a moment, I wondered if my siblings needed their useless backpacks too since we typically drove this car to school, but I figured Alice must have rescued them from the trunk after seeing my plans for this morning.
He blinked, looking down at where I suddenly appeared.
“Why?” I inhaled through my mouth, grateful for the influx of fresh rainwater and firs that helped dilute Edward’s scent.
His heart thrummed in his chest, and being so close to him, the sound was like thunder surrounding me as I listened, becoming attuned to it. The splash of puddles as tires hightailed through the parking lot, the slam of locker doors as students got their books, and the chatter of kids as they entered the school all seemed like irrelevant ambiance now.
“Because,” Edward breathed. His breath was shaky, but his face remained cool. The sweetness of the smell washed over my face, and I clenched my fist again. “That wouldn’t be fair whatsoever.”
“And why not?” I demanded.
“You expect me to entrust you with all of my secrets when you won’t trust me with just one of yours?”
He wasn’t wrong. But I couldn’t exactly divulge anything about the accident. I was already breaking too many rules. My own rules. My own promises I’d made to my family.
“How about…” I considered, though my thoughts were headed in a dangerous direction. “If you happen to have any theories, you can share one, and I’ll either confirm or deny it.”
“Just one?”
“How is that worth the very much intimate documentation of my entire mind, Bella? That’s hardly sufficient.”
“Fine, I don’t care about your stinking journal,” I snapped, stubbornly poking my chin in the air a fraction.
He surprised me by actually throwing his head back to laugh.
“Are you done?” I asked.
“You’ve got a bit of a temper, don’t you?” he considered this for a moment, beaming. “Okay, I’ll accept these conditions. But later.”
“Later?” I demanded, feeling a sense of injustice as I froze in place. He continued forward and took a bite of his apple. The juice spilled out sweetly into the air, but the fragrance was unappetizing and certainly not as sweet as Edward’s blood.
“Thank you for the ride, Bella. I’ll see you in biology.” Again, he winked, walking backwards. He saluted me, waving once with the journal in his other hand and then turned around, clearly enjoying having the upper hand as he and temptation disappeared into the crowd of students.
I stood there, my mouth propped open. The sensation of being watched started to creep up on me and sure enough, I turned to find Rosalie ten yards away outside of the building to her first period. Her eyes were dark, cold, and fierce with betrayal. Guiltily, I looked away and headed off towards my first class.
Throughout my morning classes, I tried not to think about my family’s –– or rather, Rosalie’s –– opinions on my decision this morning. At this, I failed miserably. As I imagined explaining how really if I didn’t stay away from the boy, it would prove that I actually could leave him alone and exercise control against Alice’s visions, I started to find my logic extremely flawed and unbelievable. Maybe I was making a mistake. Maybe I was just too pigheaded. I tried not to think about this too.
Instead, I thought again about the secrets of his journal. Wasn’t this essentially the symbol of everything I’d been obsessing over? All of my wonderings and curiosities as for why he was so annoying and his eyes so perceptive could all be unraveled in that little book. I wondered if I’d be disappointed once the mystery was unveiled. Maybe the journal –– and by extension, Edward himself –– was not as interesting as I thought. I may have just been fixating on this because it was something different. But I told myself it’d be better for me to be disappointed. The sooner I could move on with my life.
Throughout the day, a couple of the braver students asked for details about the accident but became disappointed when I didn’t offer up the dramatics they were hoping for. I felt too shameful to discredit Edward’s accounts, so I irresponsibly dismissed the opportunities to ensure the accident yesterday hadn’t exposed anything unusual about me or my family. Eventually, as my monotonous account of the events spread through the tiny school, kids stopped asking.
I was impatient to get to biology, but before then, I’d have to face my siblings at lunch. When the bell rang after fifth period, I walked much too quickly to the cafeteria, dreading arriving but very much eager to get it over with. As I weaseled my way through the hallway –– which wasn’t difficult because even in the familiarity of the school, we were typically provided a wide berth –– I overheard the conversation of two other juniors. I froze in place as my plans shifted for the day. They discussed the difficulty of today’s biology pop exam, and I realized I wouldn’t have the hour of the day the school allotted to speak with Edward, the excuse I could provide my family in my defense. A freshman nearly rammed into me from behind, not expecting my sudden stop. Whoever it was recoiled immediately. 
Well, I wasn’t going to miss out on whatever explanation he planned to provide because of some trivial pop exam. I rearranged my lunch plans, appreciating the excuse to postpone another family confrontation. We could battle it out at the long oval table later if necessary.
I entered the cafeteria and was second in the lunch line, only selecting a glass lemonade bottle so that the emptiness in front of me wouldn’t be unnerving for Edward. I figured it’d be more disconcerting to leave a tray of food in front of me untouched. I headed to a round table in the corner that was typically empty. This wouldn’t surprise my family when they entered. Alice would warn them.
I sat waiting as students filed in, either joining the growing line or meeting at their usual tables with their friends. I avoided Rosalie’s eyes when she entered the room, but I could still feel the iciness of her stare. I listened for Edward’s deep and soft voice to indicate his arrival, then when I couldn’t find it, instead listened for Sara’s to see if she may be with him. Sara was a loud, babbling talker, so it was easy to find her voice in the crowd of the hallway. She seemed to have gotten over her irritation from this morning as she animatedly spoke about some research she’d done the night prior into some potential colleges she might apply to.
I found that although I may feel some irrational resentment of her ability to be so close to Edward, I liked Sara. Maybe we would have even been friends if I was a human. And if her proximity to him didn’t bother me. She was prattling on about her dream of becoming a veterinarian, and her goals seemed so sincere that I almost felt guilty finding any enjoyment in having stolen Edward from her this morning.
But that didn’t mean I didn’t have intentions to do so again.
As I suspected, when Sara walked through the double doors, Edward was by her side. He was actively listening to her words –– always so polite to anyone who wasn’t me –– but once inside the lunch room, his eyes immediately flashed to the table in which my siblings were settling into. His thick eyebrows pulled together in confusion –– and maybe even disappointment? –– at the realization he didn’t find me there.
I was impatient as he purchased his lunch. Once he’d left the line, he still hadn’t noticed me sitting here. Maybe he was less perceptive than I gave him credit for. I felt a moment of awkwardness as I thought about having to get up, walk across the cafeteria, and ask him to join me in front of my family. I would still have done so, but I was immensely relieved when Sara noticed me.
“Are you eating lunch with Bella too?” The sandy blonde asked, her tone suddenly indignant. This time, I felt no pleasure in my thievery. Sara was right to want to reserve Edward to her human world, but I was too entranced with the mystery of his journal and the mystery of his mind to care.
Edward looked up, searching. His sage eyes were bright and animated once he found me here at the table. He held his tray in one large hand while combing the other through his untidy bronze hair. The arrogant confidence in his face made me smirk, and I rolled my eyes, lifting my hand to beckon him forward twice with my finger as if I was reluctantly pacifying a child.
“I guess so,” he laughed a little as he sauntered forward towards the table, leaving Sara behind gawking. I braced myself for the onslaught, inhaling one last fresh breath of air. How habitual this was becoming.
“I’m being gifted your presence outside of our biology class twice in one day? What did I do to deserve this?” He teased once he’d arrived, standing behind the seat across from me.
“Nearly die. I guess that’s a fair enough price to pay for my company,” I played along. If only he knew how true that still was. He grinned, his perfect teeth white and shiny. “Oh, don’t look so smug. I’m only here to uncover a mystery.”
“As am I,” he reminded me. I winced.
“Are you going to sit down?” I asked. He still stood behind the seat, tall and lean, a giant like my brothers. Not quite as towering and much slimmer, but still, I felt small in my seat looking up at him.
Edward leaned down to carefully place his tray on the laminate before comfortably settling into his seat as if we’d done this before. I glanced at his tray, curious as to his selection. A bottle of water, a grilled chicken salad, and a bag of dried fruit. I stared at the food for a moment as if this would provide me any clues about his mind.
“So,” he began. I looked up to meet his eyes and though I knew he’d be looking at me, I felt a jolt pulse through me. He caught something about my reaction, and a crooked smile appeared on his face.
“So,” I continued. “You were going to tell me about your journal.”
“Yes,” he agreed. “But I believe we agreed on a condition, did we not?”
“We did,” I admitted. “Go ahead.”
“Hmm… I’m not sure I’m actually ready to, Bella,” he pondered, and I felt odd again hearing him say my name.
“Why not?” I demanded, restless. Of course I was interested in the book, but I was also definitely interested in his theories. I couldn’t believe it had only been yesterday that the accident occurred. It felt like a lifetime ago. The same way that first day in biology did.
“I’ve only been given about twenty four hours to come up with any explanations.”
“And have you?”
“Maybe, but I have a feeling you’ll be very firm on only allowing one theory, so I want to hold out for the theory I’m most confident on.”
I frowned, and Edward laughed.
“Don’t worry though. I’ll tell you about my journal anyways. As long as you promise–– no, that’d be letting you off too easily. As long as you swear to me that you won’t forget your end of the deal.”
“I swear,” I promised, smiling at the silliness of his command. I took this moment to breath in his powerful scent, to wrestle with my desire.
“Hmm… I wonder if it’ll upset you,” his forehead crumped in thought. My patience was wearing so thin that the inexorable cloud of lust for his blood had little impact in comparison to the sudden aggravation at his procrastination.
“Oh, Edward!” I groaned, exasperated. “Would you just tell me? What could possibly upset me?”
For whatever reason, Edward burst into laughter at my outburst and couldn’t seem to stop.
I glared at him, and he tried to choke back his humor unsuccessfully. The irritation in my eyes didn’t deter him or instill any sense of fear in him. Briefly, I wondered if he was mentally sound.
“Okay, well, you can just go eat lunch with your little friends, and I’ll stay here and talk to myself.”
“Don’t be mad,” he pleaded as another laugh escaped. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself. You’re just so impatient. And for what? My uninteresting little journal?”
“You’re annoying, did you know that?”
“Maybe, but you’ve chosen to sit here with me, so you must like me for some reason,” he pointed out. For some reason indeed. Once again, he was right on target. My mouth gaped open.
“Okay, I’m getting up––”
“No, please, Bella. I’ll behave myself now. I’ll tell you about my journal. I’ll tell you anything you want to know.” His smile was dazzling, and his eyes were fierce, sweet, and sincere. I was mesmerized, stuck in the seat across from him.
“Okay,” I said stupidly.
“My journal,” he began seriously, “is sort of a Bible.”
I waited for him to laugh again.
“No, really,” Edward did laugh but not as though he’d told a joke. “I know that’s kind of strange.”
Religion had never been a major facet of my life. A dozen memories flickered through my mind of the times as a human where my mother Renée had gone through impassioned phases where she attended church, trying on multiple denominations and religions for size. But just like the rest of her sudden and fleeting interests, her spiritual high wore off, and we never spoke about God or church again. Only when I became immortal did religion take a more permanent place in my thoughts. But it was only the proximity to Carlisle that made me consider spiritual beliefs, and even then, it was simply another topic to devote thought to in all the endless space in my head and all the endless time in which to fill it.
I didn’t know particularly what I believed nor if I cared much, but I did know that if Edward was religious enough to tote around a bible at school, he’d definitely not be pleased to know he sat across from an actual vampire.
“You carry around a bible?”
“Well, don’t make any judgments yet, alright? It’s not exactly a bible. It’s kind of difficult to explain.”
“I think I can keep up,” I said simply, feeling slightly awkward but still curious. I glanced down at his untouched food. “But you should probably eat.”
“And what about you?” He asked, eyeing my full lemonade bottle.
I unscrewed the tin cap for his benefit. Following my lead, he opened the plastic container of his salad. I waited impatiently as he slowly ate his food.
I watched him as he ate, but when his eyes flickered curiously up to me, I fixated my attention on the lemonade bottle, tracing the mouth of it with my pinky finger.
After a few moments, Edward spoke up. “What are you thinking?”
I looked up to meet his light green gaze and felt stuck there again, compelled to reveal everything.
“I’m trying to figure out what you think I am,” I admitted only one of my concerns, though even this was much too honest. I thought of the inspiration he could draw from his religious text. The second beast. The Nephilim. Cherubim. Demons. Even though I didn’t have a true understanding of the contents of the book, some of Carlisle’s paintings had provided me with enough of an idea.
“I’m not having much luck with that yet,” he answered.
I laughed, relieved. “Well, you have only been given twenty four hours.”
“What else are you thinking?” he asked again, sensing there was more.
I sighed, feeling uncomfortable under his analyzation. The weight of his watchful eyes was too penetrative.
“That a boy who carries around a bible probably wouldn’t like me very much.”
“Why? Are you a sinner?” He smiled teasingly, but his eyes were soft as he tried to pull me again from the gloominess that seemed to steal me away.
“Something like that.”
“Well, aren’t we all?”
“Not all dogs go to heaven,” I answered. He chuckled at how I butchered the expression.
“Hmm… I’m not sure if I absolutely believe in a heaven, but if I do, I think the prerequisites to make it in are much broader than the Christian faith teaches.”
“You carry around a bible but don’t believe in heaven?”
“I said I’m unsure. And I said it was difficult to explain, didn’t I?”
“I don’t understand what you mean.”
“I hardly understand what you mean the majority of the time either.”
We both laughed, and the synchronicity of the moment made me forget my intentions with bothering him in the first place. It made me realize that in a way, I actually did feel fondly of Edward.
“Here, I’ll explain. I’m done eating anyways.” He used a napkin to dab at the corners of his mouth, then pushed it away on top of his lunch tray.
“My mother was very religious,” Edward began. “She wasn’t pious or bigoted or forceful about her beliefs. She was kind… devout. She believed in goodness. Her entire life had been dedicated to caring for other people. She wasn’t someone whose true intentions were to condemn others with the hope to save them from hell. Rather, she seemed more focused on saving someone from unhappiness. A lot of other believers have been known to connect with someone only for the end goal of forcing them to change the way they live for the sake of feeling as though they saved them. She had always been offended by this insistence to control another’s lifestyle, believing that any Child of God should truly only be concerned with loving others.
“I have pages of verses ripped out from her bible stuck throughout my journal. It may seem sacrilegious to destroy a bible in that way, but she’d read through it so many times that it had completely fallen apart. I tried to save it when she died, but there was no hope to. It was too dilapidated and tattered. So in my own journal, I have all these notes I’ve written on the notes she wrote in her bible. All these confusing erratic writings, these scribbles, I’ve been trying to sort out, just trying to figure out how to be a good person.”
At the end of his speech, my mouth dropped open. Quickly, I closed it again.
“So, do you believe in a god?” I asked after a few moments of silence.
“I’m not sure what I believe. If you don’t believe that all this world could have just happened on its own, which is hard for me to accept myself, then a god seems to be just as reasonable an answer as anything else. But I do believe in science as well. And once again, I don’t believe that any higher being who created the entire universe would be so particular and unyielding on such frivolous, harmless human matters as to what you do…or who you love… I’m hesitant to speak about god publicly, not because I fear any kind of persecution for my complicated beliefs, but because I know that the church has caused a lot of damage to a lot of people. And I don’t want anyone to think I support any of that harm. But for innocent believers, I see nothing wrong with wanting a reason to hold onto hope if that’s what religion is for them.”
“Neither do I,” I agreed, thinking of Carlisle.
“I think at the core of any religion –– and I definitely am interested in studying other religions as well –– is the same message. To do good by others and yourself. Of course, historically, religion has been weaponized as a means to take control over innocent people, but in considering people like my mother… I sincerely hope that there is a god. For her sake.”
I didn’t know what to say.
“Don’t worry.” Edward smiled his crooked smile. “I’m not about to try and sell you some religious propaganda. At no point will I sit you down and ask, ‘do you mind if I take a moment to speak about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ?’ That’s never been my mission. I’m not entirely certain whether or not I even consider myself religious.”
“So what is your mission then with the journal?”
“Perhaps this will sound a little pretentious, but it’s not so much that I’m curious about the chicken or the egg scenario… Evolution versus creation… I don’t care very much as to how we got here. I guess because my mother believed so profusely, and I consider her to be such a great person, I’m curious as to whether our morality is innate as people, or if all goodness is because we have some kind of spirit within us leading us to want to do right by other people. I think overall, it is innate. An atheistic individual can do wonderful things for the world just as someone who claims to love Jesus can do terrible things. I don’t think anyone who doesn’t believe chooses to do good for God, but I wonder if that innate sense of morality, sense of compassion is ingrained into us because of the fact we do have souls. So the question I’ve been trying to answer all these years is… do we? Does my mother die, fade to nothing, with her body? Or did she live on because she had a soul?”
“Those are big questions for a seventeen year old.”
“Those are big questions for anybody, no matter their age. And questions humankind has been trying to answer for thousands of years,” Edward chuckled, shaking his head. “I don’t expect to be the one to stumble upon the answers. More so, I’m really trying to find some purpose in my mother’s life. I do want to honor her, and maybe if I can understand all the things she wrote about people and about God, then I can.”
“So what do you write?”
“I write my thoughts on what she journaled about. And I write about all the good things I see someone do. About the reasons why I think they did them… I study people a lot.”
“Do you ever feel creepy?” I asked.
“Sometimes,” he laughed. “I mean, it’s not that I’d be the type to watch someone while they sleep. But if someone comforts a friend, picks up a stray piece of trash off the ground, smiles at a stranger… I try to take notice. I want to notice people.”
Edward sighed. “I know this must sound arrogant, but I really do believe I’m very sensitive to the thoughts of other people. At least, I try to be. For example, I know Sara must not be very happy that I chose to ride with you this morning, or that I am sitting with you now. I’m not oblivious to her feelings for me. But it’d be very ungentlemanly of me to accuse her of those feelings if she prefers to keep them secretive, so I’ll define a boundary if needed to protect her feelings whenever she chooses to come forth about them. I’d like to retain our friendship, but I still make my own choices.”
“So…” I began, ignoring his point about Sara. “Let’s say we all did have souls. Could someone lose that soul by any chance?”
“Hmm…” he thought, his eyes intent, piercing into mine as though he were trying to read my mind. “Now, that’s a big question for a seventeen year old.”
I laughed along with him.
“Well, I’m not sure whether or not you can lose your soul –– if we have them, of course. Perhaps you could damage the integrity of it or compromise it somehow. Could it be lost in death? If there is something of a heaven, does that automatically imply the existence of a hell? What purpose does hell serve in torturing one’s soul for eternity? Justice? Do some people perhaps deserve that fate? I want to say no, but then you think of awful, malicious people who have done awful, malicious things. Murder. Genocide. Rape. Isn’t the losing of your soul in death, fading into nonexistence too easy of a punishment? Do those people warrant a judge, jury, and executioner? I would hope that there are consequences to evil actions, but I don’t understand the idea that if such a place exists for the most vile of humanity, nonbelievers and sinners would go to the same place as well according to the Christian faith. I would say on that front, the Bible must be profoundly off. That aspect has to be invented by man for a means of control. What creator would wish such a fate on someone so innocent as to simply be uncertain about a god? So does a nonbeliever or sinner simply cease to exist, therefore losing their soul? Or is there some kind of alternative? Like a purgatory in the Catholic faith. That too seems a cruel fate from what should be a loving God.”
I felt slightly uneasy, wondering what he would think of my non-life, if he would consider this to be the alternative for innocent sinners. I wondered if he would believe I had a soul.
Edward softened his expression at my discomfort. His eyes were gentle and kind.
“But I don’t think I believe that. Like I said, I think the division between good and bad, right and wrong, is less black and white than most religious people believe. I think it’s gray, and I think any higher power would realize that too. So if you’re making that face because you’ve sinned a little here and there or murdered somebody, maybe you can make a comeback.”
Edward winked, and I forced myself to laugh. 
“So would yesterday earn me some points?”
“Oh, definitely. You’ve practically merited an angel status.”
This time I did genuinely laugh at the thought of me as an angel.
“But again, as for what’s considered sin… I don’t subscribe to the majority of what’s considered biblical canon.”
“You don’t have to continue with the disclaimers. I believe that you’re not judging my sinful ways.”
“Correction, I don’t believe that God themself is judging you for your sinful ways. I never said anything about my judgment of you.”
I bit my bottom lip to keep from smiling at the smirk on his face. “I’m not at all surprised that you have a god complex. That seems about right –– you do come off like the type to be very judgmental.”
“I’m notoriously difficult to impress,” Edward half-smiled. “Are we continuing this conversation in Biology, or are you growing tired of the dark and the heavy?”
“Not yet,” I answered. “But I overheard that we have a pop quiz, so you’ll have to save your pretty boy disciple thoughts for later.”
He chuckled as I stood up from the table, reaching to grab my untouched lemonade bottle and cap to throw away, then stopped me.
“I’ve got it,” Edward placed the bottle on his tray to dump into the garbage. I watched curiously as he pocketed the bottle cap.
“I’d say thank you, but I know you’re only trying to win points in the eyes of God.”
“Anything to get into heaven,” he laughed.
* * *
y’all know i had to make edward a lil christian boy. u know edward is the i wanna church girl who go to church… and reaaaad her biiiible vine. i do want to clarify again… unlike stephenie mormon, i have no agenda in speaking about religion in this fanfic. i’m not particularly fond of labels, but i am more agnostic than anything so… i’m not tryna convert anybody to anything. it just seemed very “classically edward” as rosalie would say.
i hope u enjoyed! i also wanted to say i really, really appreciate the comments! i haven't replied bc... i'm shy but i read them & truly feel very flattered. ♡
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theworldofanicca · 4 years
Was there ever a time where the expression “Deer In headlights.” Ever really was used much against someone? Well. If you were named Bambi and had the wide shaped eyes that seemed to sparkle in any situation of surprise or wide eyed expression then yes. It was used quite a lot. Especially if you were short, 5′1, Quiet, shy little thing like Bambi Grand.  Quiet, shy, kept to herself Bambi Grand. Long brown hair, always wearing the over sized sweater that hung practically to her knees, tattered and worn but still fit somewhat nice blue jeans, large glasses, always carrying a book, sleeves that hung over those somewhat long nails and that clueless face of hers. It made many wonder how a girl like her....ever snatched the interest of a hero like- “Hawks! Look! It’s Hawks!” Ah...yes him. The Pro-Hero she had an absolute crush on and oddly enough had known in her younger years by another name. His Actual name. Though she had always called him Hawks even before he was a hero.  Bambi flinched as the group of essential teens and young single adults screeched like banshees at the fact that the winged hero was landing in their ‘range of grasp’. Cameras flashing and poor Bambi just wanted to enjoy her morning coffee where she would sneak off and curl up by her fireplace in peace and tranquility without so much of a disturbance but that was likely not going to happen.  Bambi snatched her coffee from the table she was sitting at outside and saw how the fans hovered around Hawks who was trying to spot her within his growing number of fans but Bambi, she was much to sneaky about getting away from the pro-hero. “Ah! Wait-” Hawks shouted as he saw the shy female duck away behind a corner and disappear. It happened almost every time it seemed.  But today he seemed determined not to loose her and shoving through the crowd of people and giving them apologetic smiles as well as quickly fired ‘see ya later’s to several, he was quickly rushing off to catch the female before she did completely get away. And it wasn’t that much of an effort considering Bambi never did seem to stray fast enough away.  “Hey deer. Where ya goin in such a hurry?” Hawks teased with a growing smile as the female he had finally caught up to and walked beside huffed bowing their head shyly as they shoved their nose into the book they had began to open. “Oh come on. Aren’t you happy to see me? I flew all the way to come see y-” “Not that I do not appreciate the effort you put into coming to see someone such as I....but I would kindly appreciate it if you did no such things. You stir up quite a commotion. I prefer my days quiet.” Bambi murmured as she knew he was staring at her again.  “That’s the longest I’ve ever heard you talk to me. And I just showed up. Are you warning up to me little doe.” Hawks grinned and Bambi instantly flushed at his tease. Oh dear. He just knew how to make her flutter didn’t he. Little Doe. It was a new nickname she’d not heard him use ever. Usually it was. Deer. Deerling. Or Shy thing. But now...Little Doe. “You went quiet.” Hawks observed as he saw her peer up at him but once he caught her jewel like blue eyes she instantly shifted her gaze downwards. Sapphire’s...always Sapphires with her.  “So what’s on the agenda?” Hawks asked her. “The weather is too cold. I wish to stay inside near the fire place.” Bambi told him softly and Hawks hummed in agreement. His eyes glancing over her form and his mouth dropped from a smile to a frown. “Where’s your coat little doe?” He asked her curiously. “Forgot it. I was only going to be out for a short while.” Bambi mumbled.  “Oh? That so?” Hawks hummed in amusement seeing her slowly shut the book and tuck it into her sweater pocket. His eyes glancing towards the direction they were walking in seeing her house coming closer into view. “You can stay...if you wish.” Bambi told him gently and Hawks chuckled softly. “Ever the polite one.” Hawks cooed and Bambi huffed softly as she made her way to the front of her house gently opening the door gesturing him inside. Hawks being quick to hang up his jacket but he paused as he saw the coat rack empty.  He specifically remembered she had at least two coats before and now there was none? Did she honestly give her coats away again. Knowing Bambi’s kind and generosity as well as her gentle and shy persona, Hawks can only guess what happened to that ‘forgotten’ coat. “Bambi. You sure you have a coat?” Hawks asked her as he stepped inside after shedding his jacket completely and then shedding his goggles and boots, sliding on the black slippers the female always left for him by the door.  “Is this gonna be one of those talks that you tell me-” “Please don’t tell me you gave away your coats again. Bambi you have to start worrying about your own health.” Hawks immediately cut her off knowing now that he didn’t have to ask her to come to the conclusion. “It was just some kid without a coat. He was practically starving and on the streets Hawks. I couldn’t just leave him without one. His coat was already trash anyways.” Bambi murmured gently. “I’m buyin you a coat as soon as I leave. You got gloves too or am I gonna have to get you some as well.” Hawks chastised the female who ducked her head at his gaze.  “What am I gonna do with you baby doe.” He sighed softly as he saw the look she was giving him. That wide eyed bright sapphire pleading doe look she always gave him when she thought she was in trouble and didn’t want him to be mad. God that look she always gave him pulled at his heart strings. “I’m sorry...I’ll try not to give this one away...especially if You’re gonna buy it.” Bambi murmured as she began to heat up some warm milk on the stove for hot cocoa.  “You better not. I’ll get you one. Gloves and hat included. I better not catch you without it.” Hawks told her gently as he saw her fishing for mugs in her kitchen. Her soft timid smile stretching on those adorable pink lips of hers. “So how’s patrol been?” Bambi asked softly as she turned to Hawks while she waited for the milk to heat up. “Boring. No one to talk to, villain activity is a low. And You still won’t accept that invitation.” Hawks bored tone switched from dull to playful towards the end.  Bambi instantly flushed a dark red as she thought about the specific invitation he was talking about. One that made her stomach flutter but also made her feel as if she wasn’t sure how to respond. “I....” Bambi stuttered and Hawks smiled cheekily. “You thought about it?” Hawks asked coyly. “H-Hawks....w-we talked about t-this.” Bambi began and Hawks chuckled. “Yeah so what. Let the Media talk.” Hawks began and Bambi groaned lowly.  “But I’d be nothing but a nuisance...I’m qui-” Bambi mumbled. “It doesn’t matter what you have and what you don’t. What matters is what you feel. And Don’t think I’ve not seen how you’ve been lookin at me Little Doe. Eyes like mine don’t miss looks like yours.” Hawks told her with a low chuckle. “I Know I’m askin’ a lot here baby but you’re perfect. And if no one can accept that at least I do. and I know you do to. So what’s the verdict?” Hawks concluded with a glance at the female who had turned her back to him once she heard the timer on the stove screech. 
Bambi chewed on her bottom lip as she poured the two cups of warm milk and gently mixed in the chocolate pieces as well as some marshmallows, turning back to Hawks who’s eyes locked with her own. Bambi gently set the cups on the counter between them and slowly began to smile shyly as that ever growing grin began to rise on his face. His fingers gently brushed against her face pushing that strand that always seemed to hide those eyes from him and he tucked the piece behind her ear. “So?” He asked her as he gently tapped her nose and Bambi gave him a soft giggle. “Yes.” Bambi told him confidently and Hawks grinned.  “I like the sound of that.” Hawks told her and Bambi laughed softly. “A bird and a deer. What an Odd combination.” Bambi hummed softly and Hawks chuckled. “Hey. You already agreed, so no take backs. Ain’t happenin. You’re stuck with me officially. And you’re not goin nowhere. You just be you.” Hawks told her softly as he saw that warm smile of hers nearly brighten the whole room. Who would of thought, that the hawk fell for a deer. But she was perfect in every aspect of every angle and way. And he’d of never traded it for anything. 
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im-a-star-boy · 5 years
Harry Osborn, 13, 1, 16 for the drabble game, please and thank you~
Ah yes, it’s taken ridiculously long for me to make this, but IT’S FINALLY HERE!!! Just so you know, in this fic, being soulmates doesn’t exactly mean being in a relationship, so yeah. Here it is!
A loud blaring noise filled the dark, barren room, startling Harry awake. He coughed slightly, the red string tied around his finger wrapped around his throat and choking him slightly. He unwrapped himself and yawned, stretching his sore muscles out. He glanced at the clock. 5:00 flashed in bright red, blocky numbers, as the windows slowly opened to reveal the still-dark purple skyline of a New York City morning. He stood up and began making his way towards the closet, before tripping over the soft red string. He cursed loudly as he fell face-first onto the blue-grey plush rug. He rolled over and glared at the string. "You're just gonna cause all types of problems for me today, aren't you?" He muttered aloud, tugging it playfully.
He got up again and made his way to the closet, feeling drained as he opened the doors. Even when looking past tripping on the string, he could tell today was going to be a very, very long day. He pulled his pajama shirt off as he picked out a comfortable long-sleeved white shirt. He had repeats of several shirts, most of them were different fabrics, however, and he pulled it over his head. He pulled out a separate sweater, a dark blue one, and pulled on black jeans. He looked through his closet, debating on whether to wear casual tennis shoes or his dress shoes. He decided to wear the dress shoes, knowing that his father would have him switch the shoes even if he did decide to wear tennis shoes.
He pulled out his collar and strode towards the bathroom, styling his hair back as usual. He brushed his teeth and washed his face, preparing for the rest of the day. He spent a moment, admiring the red string on his finger, before turning and beginning to leave, tripping over the string again. He screeched, catching himself before he hit the ground, and struggled to his feet again. "Wow okay you're just really gonna be a bitch today, aren't you?"
He made his way out of the room, keeping the red string's trail in his gaze. He made his way to the kitchen and made himself a bowl of cereal. The penthouse was unsettlingly quiet as he ate while leaning against the counter, refusing to sit. After he finished, he rinsed out the bowl in the sink and washed it, placing it in the dishwasher, before washing his hands and gathering his-over-the-shoulder bag. He glanced at the clock and startled as he realized he only had a few minutes to get out.
He quickly grabbed a few items he needed, before making his way to the elevator and descending to the first floor to meet his driver, Bernie. He sat down, making himself comfortable as he looked through each of his folders, making sure he had everything. As he checked over his completed homework, he cringed at how difficult it was to hold the paper. He returned the paper to the folder and began searching his bag for his hand lotion. When he couldn't find it in the usual pocket, he began frantically searching through other pockets. When he couldn't it, he groaned loudly. Bernie glanced into the mirror. "Is something wrong?" He asked.
Harry shook his head. "I just forgot my hand lotion and my hands are really dry today."
"Do you want me to turn around?"
"No, it's not the end of the world." He replied, shaking his head.
After a moment, Bernie nodded. He continued the long, tedious drive to Midtown, and when he pulled up, Harry had to convince himself to leave the car and begin the day. After a few moments, he pulled himself out of the car, closing the door. He let out a long sigh as he approached the gates to hell. Oh, my bad, school. He could feel people's prolonged gazes on him as he stepped down the halls, mentally preparing himself for the day.
The first periods passed without a hitch, they were long though. Too long for Harry's enjoyment. As lunch rolled around, he was quick to make his way out of the school to Joe's.
As he strolled down the street, he heard a loud curse from somewhere behind him, before feeling his foot catch on the red string. He screamed as he fell face-first for the third time that day. He quickly rolled over, untying himself, before feeling it tug. He glanced up to see an unfamiliar boy doing something similar, sitting down on the ground and untying a red string from around his legs. He felt his breath hitch as he tugged it lightly. The boy stopped and looked up and the two met each others' eyes for a moment.
Harry felt his heart skip a beat as the boys' shining green eyes met his blue-grey ones. The boy seemed to have the same realization as him as he looked down at the string, then at him again, before gasping loudly. "SOULMATE?!" He shrieked.
Harry laughed ridiculously. "UM?! HI?" He choked out through his laughter.
The boy was quick to untangle himself before quickly standing up and assisting Harry to his feet. "I- uh, hello? My name... I'm Peter?" He managed to say.
Harry rubbed the back of his neck, feeling his face flush. "Uh- yes, hello, I-I'm, my name is Harry." He stuttered out.
The two stood there for a moment, not entirely sure what to do. Finally, Harry took a breath. "Uh, I'm on lunch break, wanna umm... wanna go with me? To Joe's?" He offered.
His soulmate, Peter, swallowed and nodded. "Yeah, uh yeah okay. L-lead the way."
Harry motioned him to follow and began towards Joe's, thankful that the small coffee shop was close by. After a long, silent walk, the two arrived at the lounge. He held the door for Peter, smiling awkwardly. Peter nodded and thanked him, before closing the door behind them. He watched Peter approach the barstools and slide onto the one nearest the door. Harry stopped beside him. "Wh-what drink do you want? And what do you want to eat?" He asked.
Peter smiled awkwardly. "What do they serve?"
Harry pointed to the menu above the cash register. Peter facepalmed lightly. "Of course they have a menu- I'm sorry, I'm not usually this stupid..." He trailed off.
Harry felt a pang in his chest. "Hey, no it's not stupidity, you've never been here before." He mumbled, still unsure how to respond to everything.
Another awkward silence overcame them as Peter glanced at the menu. "I-I'll umm... I'll just get a sandwich, chicken, and mayo I guess..."
Harry nodded. "What do you want to drink?"
Peter hummed. "Soda I guess."
In an effort to shake the awkward silence, Harry grinned. "Milkshake it is."
Peter turned to him, his eyes flashing with curiosity. "They have milkshakes?"
Before Harry could finish nodding, Peter continued. "What kind? Do they have strawberry?"
Harry laughed. "I'll go get you one, I'll be right back."
Peter nodded eagerly as Harry approached the counter. He waited for a moment before Joe appeared around the corner. "Hey, Osborn. What's up, you look flustered."
He rubbed the back of his neck self-consciously. "I found my soulmate and I brought him here, and things got really awkward, but I think I managed to break the ice." He replied.
Joe slapped his shoulder affectionately. "Congrats kid, God knows you've been lookin' for him."
Harry nodded. "Yeah, thanks. Okay, so I'm buying lunch for us. I'll get a strawberry and blueberry milkshake, a chicken and mayo sandwich, a burger, and a boat of fries please."
Joe nodded. "I'll have it out in five, cash or credit?"
"Cash," Harry replied, pulling out his wallet and handing over a 20.
Joe nodded, putting it in the register and pulling out $2.23 in change, handing it back over.
"Thanks, Joe."
"Go on, I got more customers." He snapped playfully.
Harry chuckled and quickly returned to Peter's side. "He'll bring out the food in a second." He said, sliding into a seat beside Peter.
The brunet jumped slightly, before looking up and nodding. "Alright, this is a nice place. How'd you find it?"
Harry shrugged. "School food sucked and I couldn't be bothered to pack a lunch, so I looked for a place nearby and voilà, here I am." He replied cheerfully, motioning to the building around. "It's a great place to calm down at, I come here to study a lot."
Peter nodded curiously. "Well, maybe I should join you. What're you studying?"
"A few different things mostly notes for class and finishing homework. What about you?"
Peter shrugged. "I'm ahead of most of my class so I've kinda just gone along with it until I get to something I don't understand. I mostly just have trouble with my other language classes."
Harry straightened. "Maybe I can help?" He offered.
Peter flushed for a moment, before nodding with a smile. "Sure, it gets boring sometimes."
Harry laughed, the last of his tension fading away. "You can say that again."
Peter smirked. "It gets boring sometimes."
Joe delivered their food before Harry could reply. Peter thanked him and sipped the milkshake excitedly. As he sipped, his face lit up and he pulled away, looking at the cup. "Oh my god, this is amazing." He moaned, before taking another long sip.
Harry laughed. "As I said, the milkshakes here are absolute heaven."
He took a moment to admire Peter's figure. He was slim, attractive, and somehow, he hadn't recognized him. He silently wondered how long he could keep up the facade of being a normal teenage boy, and not the son of the ever famous billionaire, Norman Osborn. He shook his head clear of the thought, before smiling and beginning to eat. He nudged the fries towards Peter, who had begun to dig into his sandwich eagerly. "You can have the fries." He said.
Peter looked up and took a fry, dropping it into his mouth. "You're getting some too, right?"
Harry hummed, swallowing a mouthful of cheeseburger. "Maybe, depends if I'm still hungry after I finish this."
Peter raised an eyebrow. "Well, I'm not gonna eat them if you aren't."
Harry stopped and stared at him, before taking a fry and eating it quietly. "There, I ate one, now you can have the rest."
Peter rolled his eyes. "Yeah, we'll see about that."
The two finished eating, occasionally trading playful banter and small talk. In the time he managed to learn that Peter's name was Peter Parker, his favorite color was red, he was 13, his age, and he was, almost alarmingly smart. His intellect definitely rivaled Harry's and he wasn't quite sure how to feel about it. He's so used to being the smartest one in the room, and now he wasn't, and it was almost thrilling. He felt vibrations go off in his back pocket and he pulled out his phone, cursing softly. "I gotta go, class is starting soon for me."
Peter looked up, looking at the clock on the wall, before nodding. "Same here, we came from the same direction, right? Let's walk together." He offered, throwing the trash into the trash bin.
Harry nodded mutely, doing the same, and following Peter out of the comfortable building. The two walked side by side towards where they had first met, tripping over their strings. Harry laughed softly when they continued going in the same direction. "Where do you go to school?"
"Midtown High,"
He nearly dropped his half-finished milkshake as he sputtered and coughed. Peter glanced up at him. "Are you okay?"
"Oh my God! I go to Midtown too!"
Peter came to a stop. "What?! We've been going to the same school and we've never met?!" He cried out in alarm. "How?!"
"Okay, wait wait wait, okay..." Harry trailed off for a moment, before bursting into laughter. "Well this changes things, we should hang out after school."
Peter hesitated, before nodding. "Y-yeah, that sounds great!"
Harry nodded. "Okay, where do you wanna go?"
Peter hummed for a moment. "I know this little skate park that's usually empty that we can go to, do you know how to skate?"
Harry shook his head. "No,"
Peter grinned. "Looks like I'll have to teach you then, come on, let's get to class. Don't wanna be late." Harry flushed and nodded, a small smile crossing
The walk was quiet and uneventful as they arrived at Midtown High. The two cast each other small glances as the passed through the busying hallways quietly, before reaching a turn. The two stopped and looked at each other, as Peter laughed softly. "I'll, uhh... I'll see you later, I guess, meet me by the statue out front?"
Harry nodded. "I'll see you then, Peter." Harry agreed, a smile crossing his face.
3 Years Later
Harry stared at the window quietly. The lotion he used to use constantly remained where it had been the day he had forgotten to bring it to school, the day he had met Peter.
It's been a long year, what with everything that's happened, and horrifying memories remain ever-present in his mind. Especially with learning that the red-and-blue clad vigilante that performed epic stunts and deadly heroism was his small soulmate. He still remembered it like it was yesterday, the Horizon High scholarship program, the one he desperately wanted Peter to take part in so they could continue schooling together, the one that was crashed by the Vulture. He can still remember his exact thought process when had Peter disappeared and when Spider-Man had taken the stage, the crimson string still wrapped around his hand, leading straight to Harry. Initially, Harry had thought that he had two soulmates. There was absolutely no way that this stunt-performing beetleboy was his glasses-wearing asthmatic soulmate.
But only one string remained on his hand, and it led to him.
The argument that had ensued had resulted in a less-than-pleasant separation of the two, one that they had long gotten over at this point, but tension still remained between them. Tension that was finally beginning to drift.
Harry sat on the barstool, sipping his blueberry milkshake quietly, the strawberry milkshake sitting beside him, still full. Peter had arrived and nearly sprinted into the bathroom before Harry could even greet him. He watched the bathroom door in amusement, and after a few moments, Peter emerged, looking thoroughly relieved. He scanned the room for a brief moment, before locking eyes with Harry, his face lighting up happily as he began a quick stride to the seat. He slid up beside Harry, a smile on his face. "Hey, Harry."
"Hey, Pete, you're late, again." He teased.
Peter rolled his eyes. "Blame the bus, they were late and made me miss my train so I had to jog to the next stop to catch the next one."
Harry snorted. "You ran a mile and beat the train to its next stop?" He questioned.
Peter nodded enthusiastically, causing Harry to chuckle lightly. "Okay then, well I got you your usual milkshake." He said, motioning to the glass.
He eagerly sipped the drink. "So, what's up? Usually, we wait until after school to hang out," Peter hummed curiously.
Harry felt his heart rate immediately spike. He had called Peter because he was planning on confessing his feelings to him. However, now he was having second thoughts. His face was bright red as he attempted to gather his thoughts. He swallowed thickly before taking a deep breath. "U-umm... I just wanted to..."
Peter seemed to notice his discomfort as he set down his milkshake. "Are you okay, Harry?" He asked worriedly.
Harry felt his face darken as he immediately looked away, his heart pounding heavily in his chest. "I-I- umm- I was wondering..." He trailed off as he tried to figure out how to ask Peter.
Finally, he set down his drink and grabbed Peter's hand, suddenly feeling self-conscious about how dry his hands were. "I- uh, I'm sorry, my hands are really dry..." He murmured, pulling his hands away quickly.
Peter reached out and grabbed them. "No, it's okay, what's wrong?" He asked softly, squeezing both of Harry's hands lightly.
Harry looked to his lap, suddenly feeling his chest swell. "I wanted to- I was hoping- do you...  want to- you know... maybe go on a date with me.?" He finally managed out, becoming very quiet at the end.
His silence didn't do much, as Peter's enhanced hearing picked up on it easily. His face turned bright red suddenly and his breath hitched as he released his hands. Harry squeezed his eyes shut. "I-I'm sorry- I shouldn't have-" He began.
Before he could finish, he felt two cold hands grab his cheeks, forcing his head up, then a pair of lips pressed against his. He felt his heart rate suddenly spike as he opened his eyes in alarm, seeing Peter's face close to his. After a few moments, he began kissing back, feeling his entire body practically melt as he rested his hands on Peter's sides. After a long minute, Peter pulled away, taking deep breaths, meeting Harry's flushed expression. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to ask that."
Harry felt a sense of relief overcome him. "You have no idea I've been waiting for me to ask that..." He chuckled lightly. "So, do you want to go on a date?"
Peter shook his head as he laughed. "Was I not clear? Of course, Harry."
Harry leaned forward and pressed a light kiss to Peter's lips again. He could get used to this.
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aalissy · 4 years
Day 7 is done! Kinda late but I hope it's worth it haha ;). It's got a cute lil Marichat date so I hope you like it :D! Lemme know what you think :)
Marinette giggled at the superhero on her balcony, “What in the world are you wearing?”
“What, you don’t like my disguise?” Chat tilted his head up toward the bright sun, his sunglasses glinting on top of his mask. There was a red baseball cap turned to the side on his head, two holes cut out to expose his ears. It complimented his green sweater and blue jeans which had a hole cut out for his tail.
“Are you insane?!” she snorted and then gestured to his outfit, “This is supposed to be a disguise?! You look like an idiot!”
“Aw, come on purrincess,” he purred, his hands over his heart, “I thought I looked absolutely pawfect.”
Marinette snorted, shaking her head at him, “You must be blind. Actually, how can you see through both a mask and sunglasses?”
“Eh, you’d be surprised,” Chat shrugged. Honestly, most of the time it didn’t even feel like he was wearing a mask. He supposed that it was probably a benefit of being a superhero.
She stared at him blankly for a few moments before she burst into laughter once again. Gulping in breaths of air, she managed to stutter out, “S-so why did you come to my balcony dressed like this? I know it’s midday but I don’t think there was any real need for this.”
“I wanted us to go see the movie. Remember, the new one about Miraculous? I can’t exactly go around looking like Chat Noir, now can I?” 
He didn’t exactly mention he could have taken her as his civilian self. The civilian self who knew her and was friends with her. But it just always seemed like she had more fun and was more comfortable around Chat. The fleeting moments he got to spend with her when they watched Solitude together was too short and he really wanted to try it. Besides, it was really fun wearing a disguise before.
Marinette’s eyebrow rose slowly as she looked at him like he was an enigma, “Let me get this straight, you want to go see the new Miraculous movie with me, dressed like that?”
“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” Chat pouted at her.
“Nothing, nothing. It’s not like I’m an aspiring fashion designer or anything,” she said sarcastically but opened up her trapdoor, “If we’re going to the cinema, though then I want to wear a disguise too.” 
Chat chuckled but followed her down into her room. He leaned on her bed, watching Marinette as she pulled on a pink scarf before she grabbed her own pair of sunglasses. After that, she began trying to tug him off her bed, “Come on! We don’t want to be late now, do we?”
“Oh, trust me, we’re not going to be late,” he smirked at her before opening up her trapdoor and gesturing up it with a low bow, “After you, purrincess.”
Marinette’s brow furrowed, “Why are we going up here? Aren’t we going to the cinema?”
“Purrcisely,” Chat winked at her cheekily.
The designer’s frown deepened even more but she climbed onto her balcony all the same. He followed after her before she turned around, flailing her hands around their surroundings, “Mind telling me what we are doing out here?”
Ignoring her question Chat instead leaned in to whisper in her ear, “That’s a clawsome disguise, Marinette. But it’s not as good as mine.”
Her cheeks flamed but she shoved him away with a snort, “You sure about that?”
“Pawsitively,” the superhero chuckled before swooping her up in his arms, not listening to Marinette’s indignant squawk.
“What are you doing!? Put me down!” she screeched.
“Course I will. When we get there, of course,” he winked again before extending his baton, bringing the two up to the top of Paris. Marinette clutched onto him tighter, burying her face in his chest. If Chat’s cheeks turned a light pink then he would have blamed it on the intense sunlight that came from being so high up. 
It took no time at all to land them where he wanted to, setting Marinette back down carefully. As soon as he put her back down on solid ground, however, she swatted at his shoulder, scowling at him, “You could have warned me, you know!! Also, if you’re trying not to be discovered why would you ever do that?!”
“I was trying to be charming and suave,” Chat pouted at her. He watched as Marinette huffed, blowing away a strand of hair that had come loose from one of her pigtails. She continued to glare at him though and the loose hair fell back once again. Instead of watching her blow it away again, he instead brushed it back, tucking it neatly back into one of her pigtails. One of his claws grazed softly against her cheek before he brought it back to his side.
 Marinette’s mouth opened as though she were going to speak before it clamped shut. There was a brief pause of silence before she grabbed his hand, pulling him in, “Let’s just go inside. We’re getting enough stares as it is,” she muttered.
For the first time, Chat looked around their surroundings, finally noticing the amount of people staring at the two of them. Adjusting the baseball cap to fit lower on his head he followed Marinette into the cool building. With their hands still intertwined, she took him up to the counter, ordering them some popcorn as well as their movie tickets. Munching on a few bites of the sweet treat they ducked into the room, finding a pair of empty seats together. It was weird hearing his voice on the big screen. Especially when he had tried hard to make it sound like Chat’s voice but not enough to completely give it away. 
When the movie was over and they were walking back to Marinette’s bakery, they chatted about their feelings about it. It didn’t take long before she brought up his civilian self, “You know Adrien did a really good job mimicking your voice.”
“Pfft, him? I don’t know. I don’t think he’d really make a great Chat Noir,” he smirked, unable to resist the chance to talk about himself.
Marinette scoffed, bumping her shoulder into his, “He’d make a great Chat Noir and you know it! You’re just jealous!”
Though he blushed a bit at her confidence in both versions of him, Chat scoffed at her second statement, “Jealous of what?”
“That he might make a better superhero than you,” she stuck her tongue out at him.
Unable to keep himself from snickering, he brushed it off by teasing her, “Actually, I have it on good authority that he’d make an unfurtunately terrible hero. Ladybug tried to give the snake miraculous to him but he failed using it and she had to give it to someone else.”
Marinette’s face seemed to turn purple as she stared at him for a while before she finally sighed, “O-oh did that really happen?”
“Yep,” Chat popped the p.
“Well, maybe he just had an off day or something,” she waved off and before he could retort they arrived at the bakery, “Anyway, thank you for taking me to go see the new Miraculous movie, Chat. I had a lot of fun today, even if your disguise isn’t the best,” Marinette’s blue eyes sparkled up at him.
“Thanks for spending the day with me too, purrincess,” he leaned down to brush a kiss against her cheek before he pulled back. Giving her one last quick grin he extended his baton and jumped onto a rooftop, ready to race back home.
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stereksecretsanta · 5 years
Merry Christmas, @negativenorth!
Read on AO3
Welcome To The Jingle
Derek was positive he’d never seen so much glitter and tinsel in his life, and he’d grown up with two sisters and seven female cousins.  
“Tell me why we’re here again?” he whispered out the side of his mouth at Boyd, ever his most level-headed beta.  The temperature had dropped with the sun, and his words swirled into mist before they dispersed into the night air.  Derek could admit—only to himself, of course, never out loud—that he was a little desperate to make new holiday traditions with his (officially all adults now thank god) pack.  But his ideas had run more along the lines of a cozy take-out dinner at his new apartment, an ugly sweater or white elephant party, or maybe volunteering at the local soup kitchen. 
It had not involved spending Christmas Eve at Jungle.     
“It was this, or karaoke, Derek,” Erica answered with a grimace.  “And I’ve heard you sing.”
“But this?” Derek motioned to the “Ladies” Night vinyl banner hanging over the front door, flapping in the cool night breeze.  “Male strippers don’t seem especially… festive.”
“Maybe they’ll be wearing red and green thongs,” Isaac supplied, snuggling his red-tipped nose further into the fashionable scarf wrapped artfully around his neck. 
They flashed their IDs at the bouncer, a burly dude Derek recognized from high school, but couldn’t attach a name to the unsmiling face. The guy, decked out head to toe in black except for a necklace of merrily twinkling plastic holiday lights, gave Derek a curious once-over, then addressed Erica.  “Hale, party of ten?”
Derek opened his mouth to refute the number, but Erica flashed a megawatt smile. “That’s us.”
He handed her a white laminated card proclaiming Welcome to The Jingle in blocky stenciled letters.  “You’re at the VIP table, center stage.” He hiked a thumb over his shoulder.  “The rest of your party is already here.”
“Who are we meeting?” Derek asked Boyd.  He really wasn’t up for making conversation with people he didn’t know.  “What’s going on?”
“You’ll see.”  Boyd managed to make the statement, punctuated by a slap on the back, seem ominous. “Don’t say we never gave you anything.” 
Cutting through the thick-as-molasses crowd was slow going.  All around him, sweaty middle-aged women screeched at a beefy guy with thighs to rival Derek’s in circumference, bumping and grinding up on the stage to Lady Gaga’s Christmas Tree. Isaac had been wrong about the red and green thongs; this guys wasn’t wearing anything but a fur-trimmed santa hat. The whole place reeked of stale perfume and cheap baby oil. One woman threw a lacy blue bra on stage.   
Not for the first time that evening—and most of the time, if he was being honest—Derek found himself missing Stiles, who wasn’t due home from his last semester until the day after Christmas.  Right about now Stiles would be riling up the pack good-naturedly, making inappropriate jokes, pulling begrudging smiles from Derek.  Stiles would love the ridiculousness of male strippers on Christmas Eve, would help Derek embrace the fun in every chaotic adventure they found themselves in.   
The throng parted and Derek got a glimpse of some familiar faces sitting around a table with a hot-pink tented Reserved sign.  “Scott! Kira!” Derek exclaimed, heart alight with happiness. “I didn’t think you were due back from Japan until January!”
“Are you kidding?” Kira said with a smile.  “We wouldn’t miss this!”
“Neither would we,” his sister Cora said, motioning to Lydia and leaning over the table to give Derek a kiss on the cheek.
“I would gladly have missed it,” Jackson said in a bored tone, wrapping his arm around Ethan’s shoulder, “but there’s really nothing else to do in this podunk town.”
Allison rolled her eyes. “The population of Beacon Hills is almost thirty-thousand, Jackson.  It’s nothing compared to London’s eight million, or the two million in Paris, but we’re certainly not in the backwoods.” 
“I can’t believe you all traveled home for the holidays, and decided the first thing you wanted to do was go see a strip show.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled to have everyone back, but…” Derek trailed off.  He was honestly a little baffled.  Except for Cora and Lydia, everyone in their ragtag group had twenty-four-seven access to dick, either their own or their partners, and looking around, he’d wager when you counted in all the full-moon runs through the preserve that had ended with naked shifts back from their wolfy forms, they’d all seen more penis over the last year than any of the other customers in the infamous gay club.  Why they wanted to see more, and on Christmas Eve of all nights, made no sense.
“We’re all here for support,” Scott said with a wink. Support?  Supporting who? 
Erica man-handeled Derek into the booth as the stripper on stage ended his dance to uproarious applause and explicit cat-calls, and sat on the end so Derek couldn’t escape.   
  “Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for Sexy Santa!” The announcer called into the hand-held microphone. Santa took a few deep bows and blew several kisses.  ”If you jingle his bells, he’ll give you a white Christmas.”
Derek stood up. Screw traditions and pack bonding.  “Yeah, no. I’m going home. See you all in the morning.”
Erica grabbed him by the back of his leather jacket, seams screaming in protest as she forcefully pulled him back into the booth. “Sit down!  You’re going to miss the main attraction!”
“Why should I care about seeing whomever is taking their clothes off next?”
Erica’s smile was evil.  ”Because you know him.”
”Wha--” The overhead lights dimmed, casting the stage, outlined in dim red rope lighting, into darkness. The opening riff of Welcome to the Jungle screamed through the sound system, foundation accompanied by festive jingling bells and a heavy rolling baseline that pounded the floor under Derek’s feet, vibrating his legs until they felt like jelly.
Welcome to the jingle, get out your toys and games
Got you on the naughty list baby, you’ll call out our names
Hard and rough or slow and kind
whatever you may need
If you got that package, honey
Wrap it up for me
”What the f--” Derek didn’t get to finish.  A good-yellow spotlight came on, sudden and blinding, illuminating a dancer on stage.  He was dressed in knee-high red and white striped socks, ridiculous curved black elf shoes, and a black thong with a wrapped, bow-topped present super glued directly over his crotch.
The dancer was Stiles.
Stiles, so lithe and pale, creamy snow-white skin a stark contrast to the rippling oiled bronze muscles of Sexy Santa, but no less alluring.  He was lean lines of smooth stomach and slightly jutting hip bones.  He was sinewy arms and thin but powerful thighs. A small layer of sweat pooled at the back of Derek’s neck, a single trickle dropping down the back of his t-shirt.
Long-fingered hands grabbed on to a gleaming silver pole as he undulated his body out and in, shoulders and spine rolling, perfectly timed to the music. A murmur of appreciation rippled through Derek’s chest like a growl. After a few sinuous circuits around the pole, Stiles arched back, pulling himself off the ground, curling like a snake around the silver metal as he spun, thighs quivering slightly. The crowd went wild, money raining down on the stage floor.
Stiles uncurled, absurd elf shoes dropping back to the floor. He shimmied toward the edge of the stage, faux-package bobbing before Derek’s eyes as he fell into a deep squat in front of the packs booth. He had the audacity to wink at Derek, who was extremely grateful he was sitting down, the tent in his pants hidden from view under the table. Stiles dropped down onto his elbows and forearms, pelvis oscillating inches above the floor.
Stiles collected a few bills in the strap of his g-string, then crawled back toward the pole on his hands and knees, giving Derek and the rest of the audience a fantastic view of his ass.  He stepped in front of the pole, grabbed it from behind with both hands and thrusts his hips into the air.
The whole pack came to their feet, screaming and whistling so loud Derek missed the last few bastardized lyrics of the song.  Stiles took one final another spin around the pole before taking a bow.
The announcer called for one last round of applause and Stiles disappeared backstage.  
“That was amazing!” Kira screamed, bouncing on her toes.
Jackson huffed. “Why can’t Stilinski ever show that much grace and coordination when we have to take down a threat?”
The announcer slunk over to the edge of the stage and motioned to Derek. “This is for you,” he said, handing Derek a slip of white paper. The pack broke out in a collective “ohhhhhh!” Unfolding it, Derek found a note written in Stiles’ slanted script: Meet me in the parking lot in ten minutes.  
“We’ll see you tomorrow morning to open our presents, Erica said with a smirk, sliding out of the booth and granting Derek his freedom. “Tell Stiles we all enjoyed the show.”
 And Derek meant to, as soon as Stiles walked up to him in the parking lot, now fully dressed, but instead what fell out of his mouth was, “Dear God, are those fake elf ears?” Derek reached up and ran a finger along the pointed tip of Stiles’ ear. “You are such a nerd.”
Stiles threw his head back and laughed, exposing the long line of his pale neck, the heat of his breath rolling toward the black sky in white misty clouds. “When I play a part, I commit. I had an extra pair laying around from that Halloween I was Spock.”  He flashed Derek the Vulcan salute.
“Is this a part you’ll be playing a lot now that you’re officially back in Beacon Hills?” Derek asked, gesturing at the “Ladies” Night sign, now hanging haphazardly over the club door. “You were amazing up there.”
“Are you kidding?  My father would kill me. This was just a favor for the girls.  They were short on dancers because of the holiday.” He looked Derek up and down, weighing his words against the line of Derek’s shoulder and the clench of his jaw.  “But there is something I’m hoping to commit to.  Someone.”
Derek stepped closer, pulling Stiles into his chest.  “This someone better appreciate your dance moves.”
Stiles rubbed his hips against Derek’s.  “Oh, I’m absolutely sure he does.”  He came up on top-toe, closing the last few inches of space between their mouths.  
“The pack will be expecting breakfast tomorrow,” Derek gasped, pulling back from the kiss. Stiles’ face followed his, biting playfully at his bottom lip.
“Don’t worry, I make a mean stack of pancakes.” He slipped their hands together and squeezed, a warm, gentle pressure.  “Come on, Derek.” He smiled, cheeks glimmering in the moonlight with iridescent glitter.  “Take me home.”
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k-llama-llama · 5 years
The Fall P.4
Monsta X AU: 8th member
Zoey x Monsta X
The first visit after the accident...and some important news
A/N: let me know what you think!!!
Requests are CLOSED…but your feedback is still super important to me.
Masterlist and other Follow Me links in bio!
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“Zo?” Someone was petting her hair. “You need to wake up.”
“Why.” She protested. “I’m sleeping.”
“Seungcheol is here.”
“What!” Zoey sat up so suddenly that she would’ve wacked her head off the bunk above her if Shownu hadn’t grabbed her forehead. “There’s people here?”
“Yes.” He tried to smooth her hair back. “So get dressed and let’s go see them.”
“Get dressed.” She mumbled, still trying to shake herself awake. “Can you grab me some clothes?”
He pulled open her drawer, leaving her propped up on the bed. “What do you want to wear?”
“Those pink satin shorts.” The were technically pyjama shorts but who cares. “And my rainbow crop sweater please.”
He dug them both out. “Don’t you need...”
“Oh, and my pink bralette, please.”
He picked it up with two fingers, placing all of the clothes in her lap. “I’m going to wait outside, shout if you need help.”
“Will do.” He closed the door behind him.
Zoey carefully swung her leg over the side, managing to shimmy out of her sweatpants without too much movement from her knee, and yanking the shorts back up her legs. The brace looked horrible. There was a plaster cast on her knee, and then a brace reaching up and down to further stabilize her leg. The pink shorts did not go well with it.
But still, she tried to look on the bright side, which was that her friends, and boyfriend, were out there waiting for her. She yanked off her hoodie and pulled on her bralette and sweater, catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror on the back of the door and smiling in satisfaction. 
“I’m done!” She called.
Shownu stepped back in, holding out a hair brush. “You need this, and then we can go.”
She obediently brushed her hair, tossing the brush on the night table and shoving the phone in her pocket before holding out her arms to Shownu. He shook his head and rolled his eyes, but knelt with his back to her so that she could flop forward into a piggy-back ride.
“I know this is terrible and all,” He began as she opened the door so they could step into the hall. “But you are enjoying this a little bit.”
“I mean...” She kissed his cheek. “I’m never going to complain about you guys carrying me.”
“ZOEY!” Someone screeched.
“Hi, Seungkwan.” Zoey said with a small smile.
“Give me a hug!” He demanded. “Are you okay?”
“Talk after we get her sitting down, please.” Kihyun scolded.
“Here!” Wonho called them over.
Shownu backed her up the couch, and Wonho helped her sit down with a pillow supporting her knee. This whole thing felt very familiar, except this time it was much worse.
“Thank you guys so much for visiting.” Zoey turned to Seventeen with a smile. “I’ve missed you guys.”
“You’ve missed me the most, I hope.” She grinned when she felt Seungcheol wrap his arms around her from the back. 
“I don’t know.” She pretended to think about it. “Dokyeom and I have been really hitting it off lately.”
“Why do you always have to bring me into this?” He demanded.
Zoey laughed, looking up at her boyfriend. “I missed you too. Now, what are the chances that you brought food?”
“Great!” Dino exclaimed. “And we’ve all been waiting for you to wake up so we can eat it.”
“Then bring me food!” Zoey demanded playfully.
Seungcheol stood when the rest did, obviously aiming to grab her a plate as well.
Wonho stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. “Sit, I’ll grab you some.”
“But she likes-”
“It’s Zoey.” Wonho interrupted. “She likes food and lots of it. And we’ll get you a plate too.”
Seungcheol nodded with a smile and sat at Zoey’s legs, leaning his head on the couch and smiling at her.
“Why are you smiling like that?” She asked.
“Because you’re pretty.” He said simply. “And I missed you. And I was worried about you.”
“That’s a lot of reasons.” Zoey tilted her head with a smile. 
He grinned, suddenly remembering something. “I got you something.”
“Oh, a present?” She sat up, excited.
“He pulled something out of his hoodie pocket, handing it to her without a word. It was a small, squishy package wrapped in brown paper.
“Why, Seungcheol,” Zoey faked shock. “Is this a drug deal?”
“Maybe for our first anniversary.” He promised with a laugh. “Open it.”
She ripped it open without hesitation, laughing when she was what was inside.
“Cat socks?” 
“Your feet are going to get cold.” He insisted, poking the bottom of her bare foot. “And they’re adorable.”
“They are.” Zoey smiled, leaning forward to put them on, wincing slightly as the motion strained her knee. The smile instantly melted off her face.
“I’ll do it.” Seungcheol said quietly, taking the socks from her and gently rolling them onto her feet.
“They’re really nice.” Zoey said, her voice small.
“I’m glad you like them.” He held out his hand, which she took gently in both of her own. “I spent like four hours wandering the mall after that fansign incident. I figured I should at least get you a ‘get well soon’ gift.”
“It was nice.” Zoey bit her lip. “But I won’t be getting well soon.”
“What do you mean?” He said up straighter. “Jooheon said it was just a bad break. That’ll heal, right?”
“Yeah.” She sighed. “After the tour. I’m benched for the whole thing.”
“Aw, Zo. That sucks.” He rubbed her good knee. “But it’s better that they let you heal so that you can come back better than ever.”
“I guess so.” She looked down.
He poked her toe. “You know you can always talk to me, right?”
“I know.” She gave him a tiny smile. “I love you.”
“I love you more.” He winked.
“FOOD!” Someone shouted, before two plates descended into their line of vision.
“Thanks, Vernon.” Zoey accepted hers. “You’re the best.”
“When you break up with Seungcheol, remember that.”
“Yah!” Seungcheol frowned.
Zoey tucked into the fruit spread out on her plate, thoroughly enjoying what was her first proper meal since before the hospital. The others camped out around them, all chatting happily, but the topic of conversation was very clearly steered away from the incident.
Zoey’s phone rang and she pulled it out of her pocket, her face falling when she saw who it was from. She clicked answer and held it up to her ear.
The room went silent, everyone focused on Zoey as she listened intently to whatever the person on the other end of the line was saying.
“I understand. Thank you.” Zoey hung up the phone, turning back to her plate.
“Zo?” Minhyuk asked. “What was that?”
She swallowed. “Starship Legal Team.”
She heard a series of gasps.
“What did they want?” Wonho asked. “I thought they were going to give you time to rest, before they...”
“They want to pursue a restraining order and assault charges against my parents.”
“So they were just letting you know?” Seungcheol tilted his head. “That’s...decent news, right?”
She shrugged. “I need to make a court appearance next week.”
“No you don’t.” Shownu said simply. “You need to rest. You are not-”
“I have to, Oppa.” She said seriously. “Because I’m an adult, I need to give my consent in front of a judge for the company to pursue legal action on my behalf.”
“Will...um...” Hoshi rubbed the back of his neck. “Will it just be you and the judge?”
“And my parents.” She popped a strawberry into her mouth.
“Like hell.” Kihyun practically growled. “You aren’t going anywhere near them.”
“They’ll be on the opposite side of the room, it’ll be fine.”
“I’m with Kihyun on this, Zo.” Seungcheol told him gently. “They’re nuts. You shouldn’t have to see them.”
“I want to.” She said simply.
“Why?” Wonho demanded.
“To show them that they didn’t break me.” She told them honestly. “That they didn’t win.”
There was a long silence.
“I’m going with you.” Shownu told her, determination in his voice. 
She looked at him for a long moment, deciding that there was no point in arguing. And then she nodded.
“I’ll need someone to help me get in there, anyways.”
He nodded.
Everyone slowly returned to their meals, eating in an uneasy silence.
“Zoey?” Seungcheol finally said.
“Yeah?” Everyone leaned in slightly to hear what he said.
“Have I ever told you that I really don’t like your parents?”
She snorted. “You’ve just decided that now?”
“Who cares?” Changkyun grabbed her plate, aiming to go fill it again. “Anyone who doesn’t like your parents is a friend of mine.”
She groaned dramatically. “I guess I’m almost an orphan.”
“Yah, what about my mom?” Wonho demanded, feigning offence.
“Or mine?” Seungcheol’s mouth fell open.
“You’ve met his parents?” Woozi exclaimed. 
“Changing topic,” Zoey turned to Changkyun. “Is there any bacon?”
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jack-andthestalk · 6 years
Our Son, Arc II, Storytime, Chapter 12
@notevenjokingfic​​ took a small idea I had and used her wonderful mind to help me build on it for this chapter. Both she and @balfeheughlywed​ give me their time, advise and support and I really value it all as I know they've hectic lives outside of fanfic land. As usual @laythornmuse​ and @ladyviolethummingbird have been hugely helpful and supportive, and the DM's over our combined fics could fill a novel lol.
7 weeks later. Boston.
    With my phone tucked under my chin and Jenny Fraser’s persistent questioning in my ear, I fumbled in the bottom of my bag in search of the house keys.
  “Jenny, honestly I’m fine. We're back in a routine now, Willie is happy to see his old school friends. – I – am fine.”
    “Ye have repeated fine twice, so ye must be then.” She quipped sarcastically, before her tone softened – “ye are not and I ken it well, mam and Da want to go out to see ye and Willie in a few weeks would that be ok?”
  “Of course, I would love to see them, and Willie would be delighted.”
  “aye,” Jenny agreed quietly. I could almost hear her mind working over the phone.
  “Wot?” I blurted out more testily than Jenny deserved and kicked myself.
  “Ach, it’s nothing Claire, it’s just I ken ye dinna want to talk about him, but I only wondered if ye had heard anything from Jamie? His calls are becoming less and less frequent here, Mam and Da are worrit and I – don’t want to upset ye, but there is something off about what is going on there.”
  I wasn’t capable of answering without sounding bitter, but I heard the weary, worried tone in Jenny’s voice and wouldn’t hurt her for anything.
  “He rings Willie every second day.” I said sighing, since the first phone call after I returned to Boston, I just hand the phone to Willie, so I haven’t really spoken to him myself – I can’t just yet.” I finished honestly.
  “aye – off course Claire.”
  The vice-tight grip on my heart as I even discussed Jamie was the reason I wasn’t capable of holding a conversation with him. My days and nights spent missing him, followed by the wave of gripping pain overcoming me every time I imagined him with Geneva Dunsany, her high pitched giggle haunting my dreams as I saw her, at work, at play and in his bed.
  Willie tugged impatiently on my coat, “Will ye open the door mama, I’m burst’n.” I looked down at him as he danced from foot to foot while holding his crotch.
  Pushing the door open, I dropped my bag and swapped Jenny to my opposite ear.
  “Look I’m sure, he is just busy there Jen, it’s all new – ” I trailed off lamely.  Geneva is new; I thought to myself and felt the lump run from my stomach up to my throat.
  “Claire – “Jenny began hesitantly “I dinna think Jamie is busy for the reasons you do; I have spoken to him – I told ye what he said.”
  I blinked back tears, “Yes you did – but I really can’t think about it anymore – I need to be strong for Willie and working myself into a weeping heap thinking of the what if’s will not help me function.” I admitted in resigned sigh.
  There was silence on the other end of the phone for a few moments, and Jenny’s tone was almost unrecognisable when she spoke again.
  “As mad as I am with him for putting you in this position, to even give people the chance to question him. I don’t believe it. – Claire, I heard him. There is no way that man loves anyone but ye.”
  The bitterness in my retort surprised me as much as Jenny, “He doesn’t need to love her Jenny.”
  I could hear static and the sound of Jenny picking something up and placing it down again. I didn’t need to see her to know she was pacing, a tell when Jenny was thinking, similar to Jamie’s fingers running a rhythm on his thigh. Fraser quirks.
  “Claire – ya ken ye need to speak to him, yer not being honest with him either. “
  “Not yet- its – too ” I cut off mid-sentence when my eye fell on an envelope amongst the post that was  strewn across the welcome mat. 
  Mr William Fraser, followed by our address and in Jamie’s very distinguishable scrawl.
  “Claire, are ye there?”
  “Oh yes sorry- yes –yes I am.” An urgency to get Jenny off the phone made me blurt out “I promise I will talk to him soon.”
  “Jen I have to go Willie needs – “
  “Aye, aye, go on then I will speak to ye tomorrow.”
  I heard a click at her end and grabbed the envelope from the floor ignoring the rest.
    Willie ripped open the package with gusto, tongue hanging from his mouth in concentration. Toppling the contents on to the table, he clutched something resembling a brightly illustrated, bound journal.
  He cast it up into the air and excitedly declared “Da send me a book.”
  “So it would seem” I replied throwing my dubious gaze over it.
  The front cover was a sweeping landscape of fields and meadows, a little mole family standing front and centre arms and hands entwined with each other. I only needed to glance once to know that it was Jamie’s work. He had inherited Ellen’s artistic streak, and often drew funny cartoon characters to entertain Willie, this work had the same detailed sketching but with bright wisps of colour illuminating it. 
  It wasn’t unusual for Jamie to buy or send books to Willie; bedtime story was their thing whenever they were together. Jamie excelled at it, he read animatedly to Willie, giving each character a funny accent, making background sounds and explaining any detail Willie failed to grasp. In the short time he had lived together in Lallybroch I found myself being lulled into Willie’s room at night to hear Jamie read to him.
  The bound storybook I held in my hand now, was a first; Jamie had made an actual book just for Willie.
  The title at the top of it read, The Mole family and at the bottom, it said written and illustrated by James Fraser.
   “Look Mama” Willie was jumping up and down excitedly, “those moles are us, see.” His little finger jamming each animal. “The big mole looks like Da, he is really tall and has red curly hair, and he is wearing a kilt!” Willie’s eyes were wide as saucers as his gaze drifted to the littlest of the moles, who was wearing Willie’s favourite jeans, sweater combo, this mole had the same straight floppy red hair as Willie that made it so easy to pick him from a crowd.
  “That one is me –” he continued voice getting pitcher with each similarity he could find “oh and look” – he almost screeched – “that pretty mole is you, mama.”
  I had never seen a pretty mole before and had to admit the mole Willie was now jabbing eagerly, was quite eye-catching, and there was little doubt this mole was female.
  She stood out from the rest of her family, wearing a pretty floral dress resembling something I owned and wore regularly, a matching flower stuck in long curly hair.  However, what made her different to the others wasn’t just her lack of red hair or feminine wardrobe, it was the detail Jamie went to in adding golden flecks to her eyes making them look like they were glowing. She had long fluttering eyelashes sweeping wide across her upper lid and a wide smile lighting her face.  Her femininity was further emphasised by the usual lack of roundness moles typically possessed, this mole had an accentuated curvy figure with a controversial voluptuous cleavage for a children’s book.
  Jamie had further personalised this mole to resemble me by adding a shiny stethoscope, which hung loosely around her neck.
  I bristled at the happy little family bounding up from the page, suddenly angry at whatever Jamie was trying to pull off. Paint a picture of a happy mole family running through a pretty garden, make it resemble the woman you fucked over and all should be forgiven?
   Willie peeked inside the front cover which had an inscription a printed version of Jamie’s scrawl, he hastily thrust the book into my hand, “what does it say mama?” rubbing his little hands together, smile wide and brimming with delight.
  I inhaled deeply as I glanced at the typescript and cursed Jamie with everything I possessed.
  “Well” I began evenly, “the name is called the Mole Family” I traced my finger lightly over the title. Imagining Jamie bent over a desk plotting his story out.
  Willie nodded his head, “aye and what does that say at the bottom?”
  I puffed out an incredulous  breath and damned Jamie Fraser to hell and back.
  “It says: Mama please read this to Willie, all my love Da.”
  My childish heart felt like picking up my phone and texting him to read his own bloody story.
  However, I wouldn’t deprive Willie of anything and certainly not something that had lit up his whole face the way this book had.
Letting out a shaky breath I told Willie to brush his teeth and to hop into bed, “I will be there in a minute.”
  Holding Willie under the crook of my arm I opening the first page of Jamie’s book, feeling ridiculously nervous for someone about to undertake what most parents routinely went through every evening.  I couldn’t shake the feeling that this book was more than just a bedtime story.
  Once upon a time, way up in the Scottish highlands lived a mole family.
Da Mole, Mama Mole and Baby Mole.
They loved their home, and their little farm and being together –
    Jamie had illustrated each page, showing the moles living and working happily on their farm, to build the story he had included the moles with different types of dialogue, riding horses, playing with the baby mole,  all lending to the storybook happy family image most children’s books captured.
  I turned a page to find the mole family standing outside a house that looked eerily familiar to what the finished product of our house at Lallybroch should have looked like; Willie didn’t seem to notice my hesitancy at turning the next page, as if I was waiting for something to explode from the book.
  Willie pointed at the smallest mole riding a large black horse, tilting his head up to look at me,
  “look mama I’m riding Donas”  he declared proudly.
  “So you are.” The next page showed the mole talking to a new family of animals. “What are those?” Willie asked, his brows creased in confusion. “Wait until I get to that bit” my curiosity had me skimming ahead quickly, suddenly desperate to know where this story was going.
  One day a weasel family came to visit. They asked Da mole to go and work for them at their home, far away from Scotland.  Da Mole didn’t want to work for the Weasel family, so he said no thank you, he would hate to leave Mama mole and baby mole. However, the Weasels were a mean family and _____
    My heart beat fast in my chest as I read on to Willie, revealing the Weasel family threatened and fought with the moles until Da mole went with them.
  Willie’s brow creased and his chin dimpled while he listened to each twist and turn.
   I couldn’t deny I was more familiar with the beginning of the story but once I turned the page to see Da mole working at the weasel farm and a new character introduced on the page next to him. I almost forgot I was reading a four-year-old story and found my eyes jumping ahead as  I eyed a puffin dressed in a police uniform that Jamie had drawn in great detail.
  The puffin had floppy blonde hair, with boggle eyes, he was dressed head to toe in police uniform.
  Da mole was working one day on the Weasel farm when Puffin the policeman came to see him –
  My lips trembled, and my sweaty palms fumbled with the pages as I read over the piece about the policeman to Willie and again in my head.  The policeman said the weasels had a lot of money that didn’t belong to them, and if Da mole could pretend to be their friend, the weasels might show Da mole where they hid their money.
  I almost forgot to read the bit to Willie where the puffin would watch and listen to everything Da mole did so he could catch the weasels I was so intent on working out what this meant for Jamie in Hellwater.
  “ye skipped a bit mama” Willie pushed his hand to where the puffin was observing Da mole from a distance.
  As the story played out, I found myself ignoring Willie’s requests to put different accents on the animals as Jamie did. Instead carefully piecing  together the plot Jamie was laying out, and the message he sent when the policeman told the mole of the risks to his family should they find out what he was doing.
  Jamie had worked towards Willie seeing how much the mole missed his family, a little thought cloud bubble over the mole’s head, imagining what it would be like to be home again in bed with his family all of them curled up contently in one bed.
  Willie’s head bent solemnly, “that’s like pur Da.”
  I turned the next page to images and text of Da mole befriending the weasels so that they led him to the money. Willie complained I was reading too fast.
   The quality of the bedtime story taking a backseat as I grappled to understand what this all meant.
  As I reached the last few pages, Da mole was stood in a room filled with money, showing it to a little army of puffins. Willie laughed at the funny caricature faces Jamie had given each one.
  I licked my lips nervously as the story concluded with Da mole back and happy with his family. The weasels locked up. Willie sighed contentedly, “that was sooo good mama, will ye read it one more time?”
  I could barely stop myself from tearing out of the room to scan the book alone. Turning off the light I promised Willie I would read it one more time in the morning before school.
  A few minutes later I was bent over the book in the kitchen, going through each detail. Panic rising in my belly as I examined each picture again, this time noticing small details that my addled brain had missed, the puffin pointing at a phone and telling the mole not to use it, ‘if the weasels should find out.”  Written in the dialogue box about the puffins head.
  I let my fingers feel each drawing, feather-light touching the words images of Jamie plotting, planning and taking the time to sketch something to match each twist and turn so that he could tell me a story.
  This wasn’t the action of someone who was cheating with another woman; this was someone who was caught and still found a way – to make me see.
  My fingers suddenly felt something like brail along the last page.
  I traced each letter with my finger before hastily jotting it on a notepad beside me.
  Gaelic words, I knew few but recognised the first two instantly. Jamie used the first one when he slipped his ring on my finger. My bhean, my wife. The second he regularly used when talking about Willie. Mo Mhac, my son.
  I grabbed my phone from the table and typed in the last two, tears flowing down my cheeks when the translation popped up on the screen.
  Mo bhean
Mo mhac
Mo h-uile rud.
Na dìochuimhnich
  My Wife, My Son, My everything, don’t forget.
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sswwimagine · 5 years
A Baby? || George Weasley
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Original Post: on ssimagines
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
Word Count: 1523
Warnings: swearing, unplanned (teen) pregnancy, No editing really.
Request:  Can I get 43, 50, and 101 for pre-war George Weasley please? Thank You! Love your writing❤
Prompts:  43. “Do you think it’s possible that I…might be… pregnant? ”
                 50. “You got her pregnant?! What were you thinking?”
                 101. “Fuck…I feel I’ve been hit by a car.”
Note: I didn’t want them to still be at hogwarts so its like just after the war has started takes place just after the start of the sixth book when everyone else had already gone back to hogwarts. They are still living at the burrow and are 17. You are also a halfblood with your mother being a muggle.  
This would have been a great howler prompt, but I honestly didn’t feel very comfortable putting them at hogwarts for this one.
This is obviously already been posted, but since I started my smaller blogs, I wanted all my work for each fandom in one place. Instead of just reblogging everything I figured that I would repost it.
You finished emptying the contents of your stomach into the toilet bowl. You had puked at least once every day of the past two week with no real explanation. You were starting to get sick of it, no pun intended. 
“Fuck…I feel I’ve been hit by a car,” you said as you stood up off the floor and flushed the toilet moving to the sink. George, your fiancé, moved to stand in the doorway of the bathroom.  The look on his face said it all. Keeping your eye on him, you prepared to brush the acidic vomit taste out of your mouth. 
“I’m sorry you haven’t been feeling well lately,” he said as came in and wrapped his arms around your waist. 
You responded with a grunt with a toothbrush in your mouth. George nuzzled his nose into your neck as he just stood behind you watching. It was comforting being so close to him. He had this way of just setting you at ease. 
“Do you have any plans today?” you said. Leaning forward out of his grasp, you spit into the sink.
“Just working,” he said with a sigh. “Fred was talking about staying late to work on some new product, but I told him I’d have to check with you first.”
“You should. I’m busy today anyway. Molly and I have an exciting day planned where she’s going to teach me how to make a sweater” You rinsed your toothbrush off and placed it back were you kept it next to George’s. 
You loved Molly; she was like a (second) mother to you and had been since you and George started dating your fifth year. When you graduated from Hogwarts, George had proposed to you, and with the war looming so close to your home in London, the two of you thought it best you moved into the burrow with them and spent your days with her. Spending so much time together had just made you closer to her. 
Turning around in his arms you looked at the face of the man you loved. He had opened the joke shop just a few months ago, and it was doing so well. The more products meant more variety and more customers which was great for the both of you. It meant that you would be able to get married sooner and get your own place and eventually have kids. That was the future you wanted with George, but it was something that you had decided to wait on for a better time. One without a war where you were financially stable. 
“Let me get dressed and then let’s go down to breakfast,” you said pulling him out of the bathroom and down the hall to the Percy’s old room which you had commandeered since moving in. A small smile came to his face as he followed behind you. 
George closed the door behind him and sat on your bed as you dug around in the dresser for a shirt and pants to wear. After finding something that sort of matched, you moved to the mirror that you had propped up against the wall. You quickly changed your pants hoping that George’s attention was elsewhere. Every time George was in your room when you changed, he would get a but distracted. It often times ended with you both your bed, and currently, you were trying to avoid that. 
In the mirrors reflection you could see George’s nose buried in a book that your muggle mother had sent you. You let out a soft chuckle at your fiancé before taking off your shirt. You couldn’t help but let your eyes wander over your stomach. You had a thought over the past two week that kept coming back to you. 
“Do you think it’s possible that I…might be… pregnant?” your voice was barely above a whisper. George wasn’t meant to hear it, but from the way his head shot up from his book to you, you could tell that he had.
“Are you serious?” he asked. George closed the book and stood up from the bed. He rushed to stand behind you and placed a hand on your exposed stomach.
“I don’t know, maybe,” you said lacing your fingers in his. 
He placed a kiss on your shoulder and moved his way up your neck. Before he could take it any further, you pulled away. Another chuckle came out of your mouth at the drop of the goofy smile that was painted on his face. You pulled the shirt you had picked out over your head.
George had a gleam in his eye as he snuck up behind him and wrapped his arms around your waist. He picked you up and threw you onto the bed. Laughter poured out of both of you as George landed on you. 
He plastered your face with small kisses and tickled you. You called out for him to stop, but he persisted. After a minute, he fell down beside you, and you settled into his arms. His hand came to rest over your stomach. There was a look in his eyes that you had never seen before. It was soft and full of hope. “Would you want that?” you asked him.
“What, a baby?” George said. “With you, of course.”
You smiled and pressed a kiss to his lips. George’s stomach rumbled. For the fourth time that morning you let a giggle escape your lips.
“Come on,” you said standing up and pulling him with you. “Let’s go eat.”
The two of you sat at the table with Fred and their parents. Everyone else was away at school leaving the house quite empty during the day. You weren’t sure how Molly did it without you. 
“How you’d you sleep, Y/N?” Arthur asked as he shoveled eggs int his house. “Pretty good,” you said.
“Are you still having stomach issues?” Arthur followed up. Molly’s ears perked up awaiting your answer. 
“Yea, I found her puking again this morning,” George said rubbing circles into your back. You gave his father a small smile as you brought a piece of toast to your lips and nibbled a bit off it.
“Maybe you should go to St. Mungo’s,” Fred offered.  You looked to your fiancé and to his twin trying to gauge if he was joking or not, but the impassive look gave you nothing. Molly cleared her throat as she set her cu of orange juice down on the table. 
“That wouldn’t be necessary,” Molly said with a sweet smile. “It’s just morning sickness. It will pass.”
Your eyes widened at the words that just slipped past Molly’s lips. Beside you, George choked on his toast and Fred coughed up some of his orange juice. You laid your hands palm down on table as if to ground you. George’s hand still sat on your back, but it was no longer rubbing circles there. 
No one spoke for a long time as you just shifted your eye line around to see everyone’s shocked expressions. There was a small smug smile on Molly’s face. “What?” Arthur said at last.
“Y/N is pregnant,” Molly said returning to her food. 
“How do you know?” Fred was baffled at his mother’s statement. You could see the wheels turning in his said. 
“A mother just knows,” she said offering you a smile. She placed her hand over yours. There was another moment of silence.
Arthur pushed his chair away from the table letting the screech of the chair against the floor echo around the room. He stood up and looked at George. 
“George, a word,” his words were tight and hard, something you had never heard from him before. 
Your gaze snapped to George who stood up. He nervously rubbed his hands against his pants and followed his father out of the house. You could still see them from the window. Arthur didn’t look happy, and the look on George’s face told you he knew it. 
“Well, this should be interesting,” Fred said with a smile as he leaned over to hit your arm lightly.
Molly smiled before turning around in her seat to watch as well. 
“You got her pregnant?! What were you thinking?” Arthur yelled at his son. At first George slunk back, but after a moment, his shoulders rolled back and he stood tall in front of his father. 
“I love her,” his voice was confident, “this doesn’t change that.”
Arthur took a deep breath. He held his face in his hands. It was clear that he was trying to gather his thoughts. 
“George, I know how you feel about her,” Arthur was calmer this time. “You know how much your mother and I love her, but George this is the worst possible time. There is a war on the horizon. You are just children. There is so much against you. Are you ready for that?”
“Of course,” George didn’t even waste a beat. “She is my whole world. I want this with her. Even if it’s a little early.”
Those words were enough for you. They were everything you could ever hope for.  
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raspberryparker · 6 years
chocolate orange | two
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Peter Parker x Fem!Omega!Reader — A/B/O Verse AU
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word count: 5,504 too long? what’s that? summary: peter’s acting a little... odd. and y/n is getting worried. warnings: see masterlist quick n*fw warning: mast*rbation. other than that, i think we good. i’m censoring the warning bc tumblr is dumb.
read it on ao3 add yourself to my taglist! like my work? consider buying me a coffee!
  He was wearing that… ridiculous telekinesis shirt again and, frankly, she was having trouble breathing.
 Each breath kept catching in her throat, sticking to the back of her tongue and making her mouth go dry. She didn’t know when Peter had started going to the gym, but if she was being honest, it was more than working for him.
  Despite the cold that seemed to permeate the halls of the school, Y/N was acutely aware of the beads of sweat lining Peter’s upper lip. She didn’t understand how that was possible. Before she’d left home that morning, she’d thrown on two sweaters and stuffed an extra jacket in her backpack just in case it got too bad. Across the table, it seemed Betty had already reached that point of ‘too bad’; she was wrapped in a comfy looking blue blanket and leaning into Ned’s soft side for extra warmth. Winter was tough in New York, but it was especially tough on the Omegas living there. The overwhelming urge to nest through the cold season was almost too much for them, and they ended up hauling around soft items to make themselves feel warmer during school. Thankfully, the rules of their small public school—despite it being a school for more gifted students—weren’t that strict.
  It wasn’t just the omegas that felt the cold, though they felt it more intensely. Everyone was wearing more layers.
  Except for Peter.
  His usual garb of a hoodie or a sweater was replaced with just the thin grey shirt, one that Y/N was all too familiar with. The first time she saw it was when Ned had tossed it at her head when she’d asked for something more comfortable wear. MJ had offered to bring her something for the sleepover but, like the stubborn girl she was, Y/N declined the offer only to find her jeans and scratchy sweater combo incredibly uncomfortable as she reclined on Aunt May’s couch, MJ’s legs draped over her own. As she held up the shirt and looked at it, she couldn’t help the bubbling laugh that emerged from her throat at the words printed on it. Pulling it over her head, she had looked up to find Peter smiling sheepishly to himself, his cheeks and ears rosy.
  “Hey, Peter?”
  Y/N jumped when Peter did, but her eyes never left the spot where the seam of the short sleeve looked like it’d burst over the taut muscle of his bicep. Her gaze travelled down his arm to his hand, where his fingers were clutched tightly around his metal water bottle, knuckles white from the force of it. His eyes were wide and startled, the deep brown irises darting across the concerned faces around him.
  Everyone was looking at him.
  “You okay?” Ned asked, continuing his earlier question.
  Y/N watched as Peter relaxed into his seat, the tension in his shoulders dropping. His tongue darted out quickly, swiping over his lips and removing the thin sheen of moisture from them.
  “Yeah,” he said. His voice was strained and he furrowed his eyebrows, clearing his throat. “Yeah. I’m fine.”
  Looking across the table, Y/N noticed the look Ned was giving him. His eyebrow was arched, head tilted one way in an obvious air of disbelief. But he shrugged, nodding quickly and turning back to his food. He had to use his left hand since Betty was clinging to his right, and he struggled to pick up his plastic fork comfortably.
  “If you say so.”
  “So, who are we all going to the dance with?” MJ asked from Y/N’s other side, her mouth chewing thoughtfully on a piece of her granola bar. “Anybody got someone special in mind?”
  “Aren’t we going as a group again?” Y/N said. “I mean, we do every year. Why stop now?”
  “Exactly!” MJ exclaimed. She threw her hands up as if in defeat. “We all go as one big group every year, but let’s be real here, we only do that so we don’t look like losers individually. Strength in numbers, or whatever. But it’s different this year, you guys.”
  Y/N looked up at her expression and noticed the seriousness on her face.
  “This is senior year,” she said, her voice lowering. “We all have to start… we gotta— fuck, you know what I mean.”
  A silence fell over the table, heavy and stifling and suddenly Y/N was struggling to breathe for a different reason. Abraham’s bright eyes darted around his friend’s faces, his mouth unmoving around his fork. Ned was still, his gaze glued to the tufts of blue yarn that fell from Betty’s blanket and clung to his jacket.
  They all knew what MJ meant. The words were right there, out in the open. They hung in the air between them and their weight was incomparable. It made Y/N’s mouth go dry.
  They needed to start looking for their mates.
  “Well.” Betty was the first to break the silence, her usually timid voice uncharacteristically strong and steady. “I was gonna tell you, but might as well say it now. I asked Ned to go with me.”
  Y/N looked up, seeing Betty slide a little closer into his side and Ned’s cheeks rosier than they had been earlier. She smiled softly, a knowing look on her face as she regarded her friends.
  “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I figured,” MJ said. Betty smiled and shrugged. “What about you, Abe? Anyone on your mind?”
  “I was thinking of asking Cindy,” the Beta said, his usual easy demeanour back into his frame. “She is cute. And nice.”
  “I think she might have a little crush on you, Abe,” Betty smiled. “You should go for it.”
  MJ smiled widely, lips still pressed together and her expression smug. “Me, personally, I was gonna ask out Gwen. We have chemistry together. And I don’t mean the class, but we have that too.”
  Y/N hummed to herself. She’d seen the way the blonde Omega acted around MJ, giggling like a nervous child with rosy cheeks and a playful grin. They’d be great together. She could see it.
  “And Y/N? You got anyone special?”
  “What?” She glanced up quickly, eyes wide at the sudden question.
  Everyone was looking at her, waiting for an answer. She felt her breath catch in her throat, her mouth falling open and shut like a fish out of water as she tried to register what was happening around her. And there it was again.
  That smell.
  She looked around to try to find the origin of it but found nothing. It was warm and sweet, like melted chocolate and caramel. But no one had any chocolate with them, unless MJ’s chocolate chip granola bar counted, but she doubted she’d be able to smell it that strongly. It was sickeningly sweet, choking her from the inside out as if she were drowning in a chocolate fountain. She swallowed thickly and could have sworn the warmth of it slid down her throat as she did.
  “I… I don’t—”
  The snap of the green cafeteria tray as it broke in two made everyone at the table jump about three feet off their seats. Five pairs of eyes landed on the two halves of the once whole tray, both clutched in each of Peter’s hands. They shook with each shuddering breath he took, the beads of sweat running down the side of his face much more prominent. His eyes were wide and frightened as he looked around at the faces of his friends.
  “I gotta go.”
  His backpack was over his shoulder and he was walking across the crowded cafeteria before anybody could ask what happened.
  Y/N blinked, watching his retreating figure as he stumbled into the corner of a table, cursing and clutching his leg as he left the room. She was too preoccupied with the shock of what had just transpired to realize that the smell that had been suffocating her was now mysteriously gone.
  “He looked pretty sick,” Betty frowned. “Maybe he’s got a fever.”
  “Are we just going to ignore that he snapped a tray in half?” MJ whispered, as if the idea of it was scandalous. “We all saw that, right?”
  Ned shook his head. “Just don’t let the janitor see it and it’ll be fine.”
  The rest of their lunch break carried on bathed in an air of discomfort. Y/N was acutely aware of the empty spot to her right, the warmth that had been radiating from Peter’s person now absent. She found herself missing it, the cold in the school seeping through the many layers she had on and bleeding into her skin.
  She shivered.
  But it wasn’t because of the cold.
  Too much. That’s all there was. Too much… everything.
  Too much noise. He could hear Aunt May humming to herself quietly in the kitchen of their apartment, an old record scratching softly as she cooked. The cars outside his window screeched and groaned as they braked, tires rubbing against asphalt and making his skin crawl. His own breath was deafeningly loud, panting gasps stuttering past quivering lips and filling the atmosphere of his bedroom.
  He didn’t know what came over him that afternoon. One moment he’d been fine, albeit a bit on the warm side but he’d brushed it off, opting to remove his hoodie. But then MJ started asking about the upcoming winter dance, and he’d felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.
  Too much emotion. His heart was hammering away, as it if was trying to bludgeon its way out of his ribcage. He felt angry with himself for acting the way he did. He felt ashamed. Peter tried to ignore the feeling of arousal that began below his navel and crawled its way through his veins until his very fingertips thrummed with the heat of it. But most of all he felt… jealous.
  Then MJ had asked Y/N if there was anybody she was planning to take to the dance and the familiar flicker of anger that Peter had felt that fateful morning in the Tower’s training facility when he’d lost control returned. All he could see was red. He couldn’t understand it, why everyone was staring at him as if he’d grown two more heads, until he looked down at his hands and noticed he’d actually snapped the cafeteria tray in half during his moment of fury.
  Too much going on. His back, pressed against the soft sheets of his bottom bunk, was sweating as he lay there. He raised his hands to his face, wiping at his eyes as he tried to compose himself, only to find them shaking. Where was Y/N right now? She must have been worried. Usually, they’d be sitting side by side in calculus, cracking jokes under their breath while their mousy teacher droned on and on with little regard as to whether her pupils were actually paying attention. He didn’t want to worry her. He wanted to be with her. He wanted—
  One look at the state of him and the secretary at the main office had allowed him to call May, let her know he’d be coming home early. He didn’t understand what was happening to him. When he’d stumbled in through the front door, May was on him in an instant, her small cold hands pressing against his cheeks, his forehead. She said he was burning up. Pushing him toward his bedroom, she instructed him to lie down while she made some soup for him. He vaguely remembered her mumbling something about not being bundled up during the winter and getting a fever, but as soon as he was in his room, his shirt and pants were off and the window was pushed wide open. The cool winter air on his skin was such a welcome relief.
  Too much… everything.
  This time, he didn’t try to stop himself as his hand toyed with the elastic waistband of his boxers. He let out a breath through his lips. His tongue was dry as he pressed it to the roof of his mouth, the tang of ripe clementines mingling with his saliva.
  God, Y/N smelled so good.
  Like pink lemonade on a hot summer’s day. Like orange zest cookies. Fresh citrus. Tart and syrupy. If she smelled this good to him when they merely sat beside each other at lunch, he allowed himself to wonder.
  What would she smell like during her heats?
  Would the sweetness of it become too much to bear? Would her voice mirror the way her scent curled through the air, wispy and light as she pleaded?
  Pleaded for what?
  “Peter.” His eyes shot open. It was so clear he could have sworn she was there, beside him, above him, around him. He felt her breath on his ear as he heard her gasp. “Please.”
  Scrambling for his backpack on the floor beside his bed, he dug through its contents until he extracted one of his webshooters. He slapped it onto his wrist and with one fluid motion sent a spray of webbing toward his door, over the knob and the wall adjacent to it to make sure he wasn’t disturbed by any nosy Aunts. And as quickly as it was on, he’d thrown it across his room with little regard as to where it ended up, his hand already too busy sinking below his boxers.
  There was one image that wouldn’t leave his mind as his index finger swiped over his tip, his hand smearing the precum that had gathered there over the rest of him. It hadn’t taken him long at all to get hard. He would have been embarrassed, had the taste of blood orange not been coating his tongue.
  She’d be so good for him. His girl.
  He imagined her every way he could. Above him. Below him. Her soft lips at his throat, the ghost of a touch against his Adam’s apple. Her hands on his abdomen, nails pressing into the creases between his muscles.
  “Please, Peter.”
  Oh, her voice would be better than any sound he’d ever heard. Better than any song, any orchestra, any symphony. The feel of a gasp against his chest, the rumble of a moan against his ear. He wanted to know what she sounded like as his tongue traced the dip of her clavicle. What noise she’d make as his fingers brushed her inner thigh.
  “I— I need…”
  He wanted to know what the skin behind her ear felt like against his nose. He imagined the sharp breath she’d take in as he mouthed the scent gland on her neck, pressing himself against her more intimately than he ever could have imagined. He’d give her all of him. Let her use him however she wanted if that’s what would make her happy. He’d do everything she asked and more. She’d be so good. So giving. So open and honest and he’d return it all tenfold, adoring every inch of her and then some.
  “I need you.”
  What would she look like spread over these very sheets, her cheek and chest against his pillow as she presented herself to him? The perfect display, the perfect view.  His fingers spread over the skin of her ass, wide and firm as he gripped what was his. She’d give it to him. All for him.
  That’s what she was.
  She was his. His Omega.
  He was panting as he tugged at himself, his movements rough and frantic. He was desperate for relief, his dick hot and swollen and he wanted nothing more than to bury it so far into her she’d feel it in her throat. Would she shake as she came around him? Would she bite him? Cling to him and beg for a knot?
  Peter froze.
  The taste of oranges was replaced by the bitter sting of lemon juice and he grimaced.
  His hand stilled. Peter suddenly felt more turned off than he ever thought was possible, his length already softening in his grip. The realization came crashing over him as if someone had dumped a bucket of freezing water on his head. His skin prickled with goosebumps and he quickly pushed himself back into his boxers. The sour taste lingered.
  Peter couldn’t give her a knot. He wasn’t an Alpha.
  She’d never want to be with him during her heats, or any time for that matter, if he couldn’t give her what she needed. He was a natureless runt. Why would she ever want him the way he wanted her?
  He suddenly felt very cold, the frigid air that bled through his open window making him shiver. He stood, the sweat over his body already cooling, and pulled on a pair of plaid pyjama pants and a sweater. Pausing in front of the mirror, Peter regarded his reflection. His hair was sticking up in so many different directions, one might think he was struck by lightning. His chest rose and fell with each easy breath he took, no longer panting.
  Using the solvent spray he kept for emergencies, he removed the webbing from the door and stepped out into the apartment.
  May was still humming and the air smelled of chicken noodle soup.
  Peter shut his eyes, breathing heavily through his nose, before he plastered a smile on his face and set out for the kitchen. His bare feet stuck on the wood flooring as he walked.
  Whatever it was, it had passed.
  But Peter couldn’t tell if he was feeling better or worse. Only time would tell.
  Something was off, but she couldn’t tell what.
  Peter had returned to school the following day looking healthier and less like a complete mess. He’d stuttered his way through an apology for making his friends worry about him and assured them that he was fine, and they’d all accepted it, happy he was back and feeling better.
  But not Y/N.
  No, she could tell there was something wrong. If not by the way his face was always pinched in a pained expression, then it was because of the smell that lingered wherever he’d go.
  It was that scent she’d noticed before, chocolatey and warm, but this time it was too warm. It smelled burnt. Peter had never had a strong, defined scent of his own—he hadn’t presented yet after all—so when he sat down beside her in biology reeking of a campfire and charred s’mores, she was taken aback. He smelled… angry. Distraught.
  It made her stomach flip.
  He’d been like that for the last week. There was definitely something bothering him, but it was odd that Y/N would be able to pick it up. For everyone else, that was normal. Scents tell a lot about a person, including their emotions more often than not. But this was the first time she’d been able to pick up on Peter’s so intensely—before it had just been flickers of him whenever he got too excited. His loud laugh was always accompanied by the faintest traces of cocoa in the air. It reminded Y/N of cold winter nights and cozying up by the fire. It was always comforting.
  Even though he hadn’t presented yet, his scent was there. Y/N found herself loving it, missing it when she was alone. She’d never admit it to anyone but there was always something at the back of her mind pulling her toward Peter. He was just… so good.
  But lately, he’d been anything but okay, and it was worrying her.
  “Have you… noticed anything about Peter lately?”
  Betty glanced up at her, her brows furrowing as she thought about the question. Around them, their chemistry class buzzed like a swarm of bees, each pair of students busy working on their own assignments. Y/N was supposed to be writing notes on their observations, but instead, she had been too preoccupied.
  “Other than that day he got sick, not really,” Betty replied. The safety goggles made her eyes look even bigger and bluer than they already were. “Why?”
  “Nothing?” Y/N asked again. “Like, not even his scent?”
  Betty stopped then, setting down the beaker in her hands and pulling the goggles up to rest on her forehead. She leaned back in her chair and looked over at her friend, eyes wide.
  “Y/N,” she said. “Have you noticed anything in his scent?”
  “I—I guess,” she stammered. Bringing a hand up to her forehead, she rubbed at the skin there as she continued. “He just… something’s wrong with him.”
  “Isn’t there always something wrong with him?” Betty half-joked. “You know him.”
  “Yeah but this is different.”
  Y/N wanted to throw her hands up in frustration, slam her head against the table in front of her and groan out loud. It was too hard to explain without telling Betty that she almost undeniably, incontestably, and inarguably had a crush on him and that was why she cared so much. Instead, she let out a huff and glanced around her. Each pair of students around them was invested in their own work.
  “He—” she started, but felt the words catch in her throat. “God, it’s hard to explain.”
  “It’s not that hard.” Betty was giving her a look that she couldn’t quite read and it made her stomach tighten. “I mean, what’s so complicated about you liking him?”
  If there had been any liquid in her mouth, Y/N would probably have either started choking on it or she would have spit it halfway across the lab.
  “Don’t give me that look,” Betty smiled. “You and Peter are probably the only two people in the world who are oblivious to the fact that you like him. Seriously, we all know.”
  “How?” Y/N asked, her expression one of shock.
  “If it wasn’t painfully obvious because of how you act around him, then maybe it’s the fact that whenever you’re around him it smells like summer vacation. Where do oranges come from, again? Oh right, Florida. You are what I imagine an orange grove in Florida smells like. I mean it probably smells way worse but whatever. You get my point. You’re lucky Peter hasn’t presented yet or he would have definitely been able to pick up on that by now.”
  If there was any possible way that Y/N could have melted into the floor and disappeared from existence, she would have done it. But she was still there sitting next to Betty, the blonde Omega beside her giving her a soft smile.
  “Oh, God,” she groaned, letting her face fall into her hands. “That bad, huh?”
  “It’s cute,” Betty laughed. “Also Ned and MJ may or may not have a bet in place about when you two are gonna get together.”
  “Oh, perfect.”
  “In Ned’s defence, it was MJ’s idea.”
  The bell rang then, shrill and loud but all the more welcome to their ears. Betty busied herself with cleaning up their supplies and Y/N started putting her books back in her bag. Once their shared desk was clean and everything was put away, the two girls stepped out into the hallway, students bustling past them in all directions as they rushed to get home.
  “You should talk to him,” Betty said, bumping her shoulder against Y/N’s softly as they walked. “I’m sure whatever’s wrong, it’s not as bad as you think.”
  “Yeah, I might,” she replied. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
  Betty was warm when she hugged her quickly, and Y/N watched as she waved and walked in the opposite direction.
  Suddenly, there was a weight in Y/N’s stomach that hadn’t been there before. She swallowed the lump in her throat and walked toward her locker, where Peter would inevitably be waiting for her. His locker was on the other side of the school, but somehow he was always able to get to hers before she did. They got on the same train home every day after school, before inevitably parting ways once they got to their station. Every day she had to stand next to Peter on the crowded subway for twenty minutes, and every day she had to restrain herself from just wrapping her arms around his middle and nosing at his neck.
  It would be a little inappropriate to scent him in public, but that wasn’t the only reason she never did it. They weren’t dating. As much as that thought pained her.
  Peter was where he always was, leaning with his back against her locker and one foot propped up on the one below it, typing something on his phone as he waited. He looked amazing with the checkered collar of his shirt folded over the neckline of his pullover, but then again, when did he not look good to her? When he saw her coming toward him, his face broke into a soft smile.
  It made Y/N’s stomach tug.
  “You ready?” he asked her. She only nodded in response, her throat too dry to form words.
  They didn’t say anything to each other until they were on the train. If anything, it was more crowded than usual. Y/N had to stand with her back to Peter’s chest, his hand raised and gripping the rail above them. He was so warm behind her, it was hard not to lean into it. Novembers in New York weren’t her favourite, but the cold also gave her an excuse to be closer to her friends, especially Betty. She only wished she could be closer to Peter, too.
  “Hey, Peter,” she said, turning around to face him properly. They were a couple stops away from their station and she had finally steeled her nerves enough to ask him about what was bothering him. “Has everything been okay lately?”
  For a moment she could have sworn the skin of his cheeks paled, his dark eyes widening only a fraction of an inch before he shook his head and furrowed his brows.
  “Yeah,” he said. “I’m good. You?”
  “I’m okay, I guess.”
  “You sure?”
  Y/N froze, her body tensing when she felt Peter’s warm hand grip her arm softly. He spread his fingers and squeezed gently, trying to get her to relax. She wasn’t sure if he even knew what he was doing, the effect it was having on her, but she allowed the pads of his fingers to press against her skin through the soft sweater she wore and her body relaxed.
  “Yeah, I’m okay,” she sighed. “But I’m worried about you.”
  The only tell that Peter had heard her was the way the tops of his ears reddened.
  “Don’t,” he said softly, looking away. “I’m fine.”
  The air was colder than she remembered when they stepped out from their station. The street was shiny with black ice and they had to watch their footing whenever they took a step in case they slipped and fell. They crossed the road and Y/N turned to Peter, ready to say goodbye and wish him a good night, but she was cut off.
  “Let me walk you home.”
  Y/N pulled back, not expecting his sudden words.
  “What? Why?” She didn’t mean for it to be as harsh as it sounded, she was just genuinely confused. At this Peter looked down at the ground, his own eyebrows furrowing as if he himself was unaware why he said that. He met her eyes again, still looking a little out of sorts.
  “I don’t know, but,” he began. “I have to… I gotta make sure you get back okay.”
  “Peter, I’ll be fine,” she said. “You live, like, ten blocks in the other direction. I can’t ask you to go so far out of your way.”
  “I’m offering.” Now his expression was serious, no trace of confusion left in his eyes. “Let me do this for you.”
  And then, as if by some cruel cue from the universe because it was most definitely out to get her, it hit her again. That damn smell.
  She blinked rapidly, as if it were in her eyes. It wasn’t burnt this time. No, now it was strong and steady, like dark chocolate melted over strawberries. It was soft and velvety, wrapping around her and holding her in place on the sidewalk. She felt… strangely safe. Somehow very at ease when she looked back into Peter’s eyes and noticed his hadn’t left hers. His brows were furrowed, concerned at her reaction.
  She only assumed he was going to ask her if she was okay as he opened his mouth, but it was her turn to cut him off.
  “Okay,” she breathed. “Okay. You can walk me home.”
  She tried to ignore the smile he gave her as they set off toward her parents’ apartment.
  In all honesty, she was used to this kind of stuff from the rest of their pack. She and Betty were usually the subject of concern for everyone because they were Omegas. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing; it was in people’s nature to want to protect them. MJ especially was very protective of her Omega friends, but Y/N knew it came from a place of love and respect for them. She never meant to demean them in any way, nor did anyone really, but given their status some Omegas found it offensive when they were babied and treated like they were fragile.
  She knew Betty didn’t mind it, but Y/N actually found herself feeling very grateful whenever her friends showed that extra concern for her. It made her feel important. Loved. Like she was really part of the pack.
  When she moved to New York, she was scared she wouldn’t make any friends and that she’d spend the rest of her high school years alone. Being alone had a huge effect on Omegas, and she was nervous for the first few days. But, thankfully, she met Betty.
  So yeah, she was used to it. She just didn’t expect it from Peter.
  He was usually indifferent to his friends’ classifications. He never tried to jokingly compete with MJ the way Alpha friends did with each other, he wasn’t level headed enough to be like Ned or Abraham, and he was never vulnerable like the Omegas. He never showed any sign at being affected by Y/N or Betty when they were distressed, compared to how the other three scrambled to make them feel better. He knew, or at least she thought he knew, that she was able to take care of herself. Just because she was Omega didn’t mean she was helpless.
  Deep down, however, there was a tug at the back of her mind that wanted Peter to see her like that. It wanted Peter to love her enough to protect her from anything he deemed dangerous or unsafe. She knew it was because of her feelings for him and her biological instinct to find a mate. But, contrary to popular belief, instincts suck ass.
  They’re nothing short of annoying.
  As they walked together, their breath forming small clouds of vapour in front of them in the cold, that tug was stronger than ever.
  Her mind was going haywire. She felt giddy, as if she were being courted by him, but wait, no, that was ridiculous. He wouldn’t… would he? Why was she so happy about the fact that he insisted on walking her home?
  She told herself that her cheeks were red because of the cold.
  When they arrived at the front door of her apartment building, she turned to look at him. His cheeks and the tip of his nose were rosy and she felt bad he’d have to walk all the way back to the station and keep going until he got home in the cold.
  “Thanks for walking me home,” she said. “I appreciate it. A lot.”
  “I know,” he smiled. His teeth were just as perfect as the rest of him, and she had to look away. “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
  “Yeah,” she smiled.
  He waved at her through the glass doors as she went through the first floor, unmoving until she was inside the elevator. Inside her apartment, her mother was already busy making dinner and she pulled Y/N into a hug, kissing her cheek and jokingly remarking about how cold it must have been because of how red she was. Y/N went straight to her room, shutting the door behind her and pressing her back against it.
  Her heart was racing.
  She didn’t know what, but something compelled her to move toward her window. As she looked through the glass down at the street below her, she saw Peter still standing there, looking up at her.
  He smiled wide and gave one last wave before he spun on his heel and walked back the way they came.
  She couldn’t breathe. But she was okay with that.
A/N: do not look at me. also this is going to end up being four parts. it really got away from me.
part three comin out tomorrow!
read it on ao3 add yourself to my taglist! like my work? consider buying me a coffee!
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