#and my partner wants to match me and have a Link costume
wurm-food · 1 year
I am long overdue for a trip to the fabric store… I have too many projects to make 😭
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zoeykallus · 2 years
What matching costumes would the reader and tbb+rex and howzer wear for Halloween? And maybe a lil blurb about going to a Halloween party with them? Thank you ❤️
Okays becsaue it's the middle of October already and I won't be able to work through my requests on time, I'll pick this to be done first ^^'
The Bad Batch + Rex x Fem!Reader HC's - Halloween Costumes
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Okay, hear me out. Robin Hood and Lady Marian.
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He is the hero of hearts, the thief who steals from the rich and gives to the needy, and you are his fair maiden. Ever watched the movie with Costner? No? It's a bit cheesy but worth a watch.
Hunter talks in a pompous and old-fashioned way. He woos and romances you the whole evening. You definitely earn envious glances.
Wizard Of Ozz theme. The Tin Man and Dorothy.
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It's romantic… somehow. The costume for Echo is more or less quite easy to make.
"Well, I'm already partly a Tin Man," he says with a laugh.
Echo is having fun. He is incredibly cute and proudly shows himself at your side. He shows his playful side and you love it.
Frankenstein and his bride.
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He is tall and broad and "Frankenstein' bride", is one of his favorite movies. You like to play his bride, of course. He will spend the whole evening introducing you as his bride and walking around stiffly as if he were really Frankenstein.
Tech actually has at least 50 ideas for partner costumes. But you agree on one of course. Doctor Who and Amy Pond.
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Tech as the uber-smart Timelord, the last of his kind, you his sassy yet wonderful companion? Perfect. You don't know them? Go watch Doctor Who!
It takes some persuasion and various promises on your part for him to give in. Your costume choice is quite simple but kind of cool. Mr. and Mrs Death.
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Source Online couldn't find a decent link but wanted to use the picture. It's not mine!
Simple? Maybe. But it looks pretty cool.
He has the gloomy look quite naturally. Hot and sinister is the motto.
Batman and Catwoman.
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Yes, since you showed Rex the movies he loves them. You two are definitely a looker.
Could well happen that you become the center of the party. The catsuit attracts some attention, but don't worry, Rex will take care of you.
Gomez and Morticia Addams.
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Howzer loves the idea.
He is a romantic and this couple is so in love with each other that he thinks they are the perfect Halloween partner costume. He idolizes you and treats you like a queen, all evening in public. Just like Gomez does with his Morticia. The envy of some party guests is guaranteed.
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machifuwa · 1 year
Autumn Cafeteria | Chapter 6
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Tsumugi: So, it's our mission to maintain an environment where we can offer round bread. However...
Shu: ...? Is there another problem?
Tsumugi: Yes, there is. It's a fundamental problem. It remains to be seen how much appeal a new idol, who is unknown to the public, will have.
The first move is the key to everything, and I wish I had some good measures. Hmm...
Ahaha. I don't know what to do ♪
Shu: That's really not something to say while laughing, though.
Tsumugi: Well, let's just hope I come up with a good idea soonー
Shu-kun, how is the uniform design coming along?
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Shu: It's almost done.
I'm going to let it sit overnight and do some more work on it though.
Tsumugi: Let me see…
Waah. As expected of Shu-kun, you have really good taste~ ♪
Shu: Well, that's a boring comment. As someone who is in charge of making costumes for my unit, I would like to hear a better comment from you.
Tsumugi: That being said, a quick look at it, and it's impeccable.
The long length of the jacket, which might restrict movement, has deep slits to make it easier to move around.
Above all, it matches the atmosphere of the store very well. It's also fashionable to change the color of the shoes to match the employees.
Shu: Hm? What could be the problem?
Tsumugi: Um... The specifications for fabrics and parts are very detailed. Do you think it's really necessary to have them? I'm just guessing, but I think all of the materials you used are very expensive, knowing you...
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Shu: Well, I don't use inexpensive materials. If I use cheap fabrics, it will look of courseーcheap and I wouldn't like that.
Tsumugi: That's true... Well, I don't want to meddle in too much. Since Shu-kun's helping me with this, I want to make the best possible use of it.
Anyway, how do we come up with a budget? I'm sure NewDi wouldn't do much for the sake of their idols.
It would be nice if a generous sponsor would conveniently appear and give us some money. But in reality, it's impossible for that to happen.
...Even if we're only in charge of promotion, the overall cost of this is going to be extremely expensive. I'm sure that Suou-kun, who works at the same company as me, will lower his fee if I negotiate with him. But that won't be the case for Shu-kun and Yuuta-kun from CosPro, and Koga-kun from Rhythm Link.
And it's also possible for them to say that they'll only work with idols from NewDi.
Ah, if possible...
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Shu: ? What are you looking up on your phone?
Tsumugi: ーFufu, I knew it.
Shu-kun, form a unit with me.
Shu: ...What?
What are you talking about? My only possible partner is Kagehira.
Tsumugi: Oh, I made you misunderstand me because I didn't use the right words. What I meant was "we", the five of us: myself, Shu-kun, Suou-kun, Koga-kun, and Yuuta-kun.
As you may know, there is a Shuffle Unit project across the P Agency office. Fortunately, none of the five of us have been selected yet.
We need to approach the P agency, and if they approve of it, we can work together beyond the boundaries of the office, and we can also work together with other firms.
From what I've seen so far, I'm sure they have a generous budget. I'll start working on a proposal~
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Shu: Umu. You're good at that sort of thing. I'll leave it to you.
...Hey, Aoba. Why are you working so hard for this?
Even though you used to use that café too. Unlike me, you probably felt it was inevitable that the café would close.
What made you change your mind?
Tsumugi: Hmm? I don't know if it was a change of heart, but I thought, "If I'm going to repay Shu-kun, I might as well do it now".
You see, you helped us out when we were stranded on a southern island with Switch, didn't you? I wanted to thank you for that.
Shu: Hm. I only saved the little guy and the kid. You were just a bonus.
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Tsumugi: Waah, say that again~ ♪
Shu: Don't be happy, I'm obviously being cold to you.
Tsumugi: Well, it's not like I'm happy, it's just that Natsume-kun often picks on me, so maybe I'm just tolerant.
Well, in his case, he's more likely to sue me for violence.
Anyway, I'm grateful to Shu-kun. If I had not met him then, I would have been forced to live a life of survival.
If I had not been on that boat, if I had not been on stage as the front runner in the show. I would have ended up with bitter memories.
Thank you so much, truly, Shu-kun.
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Shu: ........
Tsumugi: Actually, I had planned to repay the favor sooner.
Shu-kun is away from Japan a lot, and you're already an adult, so you can take care of yourself, right?
I know it's already been a long time, so I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you, but now, I'm glad to finally be able to pay you back ♪
Shu: ...It's still too early to feel like you've paid your debt. It's not yet certain that the café will survive.
Tsumugi: Fufu. That's true, I haven't even made the proposal yet.
Let's do our best to avoid bitter autumn memories...♪
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translated by machi
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taiyaki-translations · 4 months
Autumn Cafeteria - Fall for All 6
Season: Autumn Characters: Shu, Tsumugi Translator: taiyaki-translations Proofreader: raspberrytls
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Tsumugi: —So, our main goal is to keep the café as a place that can offer round bread. However…
Shu: ……? Is there another problem?
Tsumugi: Yeah, you can even call it the fundamental problem. These idols are new and unknown to the public, so we don’t know how much appeal they will have.
Our first move is key, so I wish we had a good countermeasure in place. Hmm…
Ahaha. I can’t think of anything ♪
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Shu: Is this really a laughing matter?
Tsumugi: Now, now. Hopefully a good idea will pop up soon—
By the way, how is the costume design coming along, Shu-kun?
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Shu: It's almost done. I'm going to let it sit overnight and add some more to it, though. 
Tsumugi: Let’s see…
Wah. As expected of Shu-kun, you have good taste~♪
Shu: Hm, that’s a boring impression. Like me, you are in charge of making costumes for your unit, so please give me at least one constructive opinion.
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Tsumugi: Even if you say that, even with a quick glance, it looks perfect.
The long length of the jacket, which would usually restrict movement, has deep slits to make it easier to move around in.
Most importantly, it matches the atmosphere of the store very well. Changing the color of the shoes to match the employees is also quite fashionable~
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Shu: Hm? What’s the matter?
Tsumugi: Um. The specifications for fabrics and accessories you wrote are very detailed. Do we have to match them to a tee?
I'm just guessing, but knowing you,  I think all of the materials are going to end up being very expensive…
Shu: Hmph, I don't use inexpensive materials. The cheaper the fabric is, the cheaper the overall outfit will look.
Tsumugi: I guess that’s true~.... Well, I don’t want to make you compromise your vision. You put in all this effort on our behalf, after all.
It would be nice if a generous sponsor conveniently appeared to drop some money into our laps. But reality doesn’t work that way.
...Even if we're only in charge of promotion, the overall cost of this is going to be quite high.
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Suou-kun, who is in the same agency as me, might be willing to lower his fee if I negotiate with him. But that won't work for Shu-kun and Yuta-kun from CosPro and Koga-kun from Rhythm Link.
On the other hand, it’ll be a leap of faith if we just leave it to new idols…
Ah, maybe…
Shu: ? What are you looking up on your phone?
Tsumugi: —Fufu, as I thought.
Shu-kun, form a unit with me.
Shu: …Haah?
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What are you talking about? My partner cannot be anyone but Kagehira.
Tsumugi: Ah, you misunderstood because I didn't use the right words. What I meant to say was "us”, as in the five of us: myself, Shu-kun, Suou-kun, Koga-kun, and Yuta-kun.
You might have heard, but there’s a cross-agency project that the P-Association created called “Shuffle Units.” Fortunately, none of us five have been selected for one yet.
We need to approach the P-Association about it, but once we get their approval, we can work together beyond the boundaries of agencies.
From what I've seen of past projects, the budget is pretty generous. I’ll start writing the proposal right away~
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Shu: Mhm. You're good at that sort of thing, so I'll leave it to you.
Even though you used to frequent that café too, unlike me, you felt it was inevitable that it would close.
What made you have a change of heart?
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Tsumugi: Hmm~? I don't know if I had a change of heart necessarily, but I thought, "If I'm going to repay Shu-kun, this is the right time.”
You see, you helped us out when "Switch" was stranded on that southern island, didn't you? I wanted to express my gratitude for that time. (1)
Shu: Hmph. I only saved the boy and Chibisuke. You were just a bonus.
Tsumugi: Wah, you said it again~♪
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Shu: You’re obviously being treated coldly, so don’t look so happy.
Tsumugi: Well, it's not like I'm happy, it's just that Natsume-kun often picks on me, so maybe I’ve developed a tolerance.
Though in his case, he's more likely to resort to violence~ 
Anyway, I'm grateful to you, Shu-kun. If you hadn’t come across us then, we would have been forced to live a life of survival.
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If we couldn’t get on that ship—if we didn’t get that job on stage as the opening act in the show—we would have ended up with bitter memories.
Thank you so much, Shu-kun.
Shu: ……
Tsumugi: Actually, I wanted to repay you sooner, but~
Shu-kun is away from Japan a lot, and since you’re already a proper adult, you can take care of yourself, right? 
A lot of time has passed since then, so I’m sorry this is so late. But I’m happy I’ll finally be able to repay that debt ♪
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Shu: ...It's still too early for you to say that. It's uncertain at the moment if the café will survive.
Tsumugi: Fufu. That's true, I haven't even drafted the proposal yet.
Let's do our best to avoid making any bitter autumn memories...♪
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Translation Notes: 1. Referring to the story Cruise.
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A Winter Solstice Story
Happy Solstice!
The four main holidays in Avalon are the summer and winter solstices and the spring and fall equinoxes. Each one celebrates a different aspect of Avalon life or history, and is mixed in with distinctly human takes on the fae.
Below the cut is a segment of one of the lore stories that will appear in the Made Marion Mega-Guide. It is set on the winter solstice two years before the game begins, when Marion was 18 and running her father's holding on her own. The segment begins as Marion is hosting Glastonbury's solstice gathering for the nobility, having failed to find a partner with whom to spend the Longest Night.
When designing the commoners' winter solstice festival, I was inspired by European folk festivals in which participants don elaborate costumes, mimicking supernatural beings. Enjoy!
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Photo by Alistair MacRobert on Unsplash
Everyone knew that the commoners had a much more interesting method of celebrating the Winter Solstice.I wouldn't be the only young noble to sneak out and join their festivities - in fact, I suspected that was why the Hold's attendees were largely older and married. Still, this was my first time taking the chance. My restless loneliness and Lady Katherine's rejection had pushed me toward the choice.
When our final guests departed at dusk, I rushed upstairs to my parents' rooms. I packed the costume I'd found in my mother's closet into a backpack and headed out on our property with the excuse that I wanted to spend some time with my greatstag, Cróga. Instead, I changed into the costume in a small outbuilding before summoning Cróga to take me into the woods on the edge of town. The moon was rising bright, and I had no trouble finding my way along the well-worn path.
I looked down at my green-clad arms, admiring the craftwork. My costume was lovely and wild, an elegant take on a greenling fae. Silken leaves had been sewn everywhere, entwined with needlework vines and felted flowers. I topped it off with a matching mask, as I certainly did not wish to be recognised.
I wasn't terribly surprised that my mother had a greenling costume in her closet. Sneaking off to the commoners' Winter Solstice festival was just the sort of thing she would do. But did she participate in the Wild Hunt? I couldn't see my father joining her in such shenanigans, and I'd thought their marriage had been a love match. But then again, she'd left him for another. Left us.
Cróga snorted and slowed, sensing my negative thoughts. I forced myself to calm down and send reassuring feelings through our emotive link. Forget my mother. Unlike her, I had no marital or emotional entanglements. I could participate in the Wild Hunt free of guilt.
I dismounted and dismissed Cróga in a glade just outside the bounds of the woodland celebration, snuggling my thick cloak around me. It may have been the first true day of winter, but it had been quite cold already. My boots crunched as they sunk into the icy crust, and the tree boughs were heavy with snow.
Glittering torchlight shone through the trees, lighting my way to the festival. A short walk later, I had anonymously joined the crowd, just one young person among the many dressed as either greenling or wildling fae.
I strolled amongst the boisterous company, a mug of warm mead in-hand, noticing that I drew some curious looks. Even with my costume covered by my cloak,my clothing was more elaborate and of higher quality than most of the others. Still, folk greeted me cheerfully and respected my anonymity.
Soon, the call to assemble for the Wild Hunt came. A crowd of costumed young people gathered in a marked-off grove. About half wore costumes replete with leaves and sticks, representing greenling fae, and the other half wore furs and bones, representing wildling fae. Most participants were couples who had decided ahead of time who would be the greenling and who the wildling. It was a fun debate, deciding who walked closer to the light and would play the greenling or who walked more in shadow, playing the wildling. Couples were not meant to see each others' costumes ahead of time, and the wildling's challenge was to "capture" the correct greenling in their bough so that they could spend the Longest Night together.
Some participants, like me, had no partner arranged. They hoped to meet a compatible partner in the Hunt. I shivered, both from the cold and the anticipation. Soon I would toss aside my cloak and become "prey," though both parties had to agree to spend the night together once the greenling had been captured. Still, it was a risk. I had to bet on being captured by a fellow noble or, if I took a chance with a commoner, they could not know my true identity. It would be the scandal to end all scandals in Glastonbury.
Master Humphrey the Blacksmith, dressed as the King of the Wild Hunt, stood upon a wooden platform and blew his hunting horn once, signaling the beginning of the Hunt. All of us dressed as greenlings threw off our cloaks and bolted into the woods. Some tried harder than others to hide. I decided that if I was going to play this game, I might as well do it right, so I crouched behind a strand of snow-covered bushes. They also served to keep me a bit warm, blocking the wind.
Several minutes later, the horn was blown twice, and we heard the stomping sounds of the wildlings running into the woods. I was quickly flushed from my hiding place by a tall man wearing an intimidating deer skull helmet, but once he saw me running, he merely smirked and turned away. I was not the prey he sought.
I jogged behind a tree, and in front of me, I saw a tall woman dressed as a greenling gently captured by another woman dressed in fox fur.
"Do ye seek a particular prey, Wildling?" The greenling asked the ritual question.
"Yea, and it be ye, my love," I knew the wildling's voice well. Katherine had captured her lover, and they giggled as she snaked her arm around the other woman's waist and lifted her fox mask to kiss her lover.
I sighed softly. It was, indeed, lovely to see Katherine so happy. She'd been miserable under her father's thumb. And yet, I…
My thoughts scattered as a green bough flitted downward past my eyes, tightening around my torso. I'd been so distracted by Katherine that I'd been captured! I attempted to turn and get a look at my captor, but a strong hand gripped one shoulder, holding me in place. My pulse raced and my breath sent rapid puffs of fog into the air.
"Do ye seek a particular prey, Wildling?" I asked, my voice coming out strangely thin.
"I do," a low, half-whisper was voiced some distance above my head. Not the traditional response, though it told me that my captor was a man. But not a man for me, judging by his answer.
"Then I fear I am not the prey ye seek," I answered, trying to spin away to freedom. The hand on my shoulder merely squeezed harder. I felt his other hand against the small of my back tightening around the ends of the garland that held me fast. How could mere greenery be so strong?
My captor shifted, and I felt his breath ghost against the back of my neck. The slightest amount of fear crept up my spine, but a strange thrill overrode it. Noone had ever dared to treat me in this manner, but I wasn't in any grave danger with so many others around us. I only had to shout for assistance if need be. And yet, I did not feel the need. Not yet.
"Let me go, good hunter," I willed more steel into my voice. "I am not the prey you seek."
"But you are the prey I seek, Lady Marion," he spoke softly, for my ears alone. I sucked in a breath in shock. I knew that voice.
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Hand Me Down by Brett Witty
============= Links
Play the game (IFComp) See other reviews of the game
============= Synopsis
Ruby Walker takes a hesitant bus ride to the hospital where her father has spent the last nine months. But he has not called her there to discuss his condition. With James, her supportive partner by her side, Ruby is about to discover a deeply personal project decades in the making.
============= Other Info
Hand Me Down is a Twine(Harlowe)/TADS game, submitted to the 2023 Edition of the IFComp.
Status: Completed Genre: Slice-of-life
CW: Terminal illness, divorce, very mild rough language /- AI asset
============= Playthrough
Played: 9-Oct-2023 Playtime: around 1h Rating: - [IFComp vote] Thoughts: Will pinch your heart...
============= Review
Hand Me Down is a choice-based/parser mix game in three parts, with the middle one being the parser. You play as Ruby, who is visiting her father in the hospital (the Twine bits), during which she is prompted to play a project (the TADS bit) her father made. The parser bit includes an external walkthrough. While there are multiple ways to solve the parser, the story is linear, and with four ending.
Spoilers ahead. It is recommended to play the game first. The review is based on my understanding/reading of the story.
I'm always interested in non-traditional IF, the projects that mix and match elements of different gameplays, and blur the lines of the parser/choice-based divide. I was especially intrigued with this entry how the parser bit was implemented into Twine, especially with code from another parser language (separate files, it turns out).
And the game introduces the inclusion of a parser bit inside the game, and why you play it, quite smartly. Out of all three acts, I felt like the opening of the game was the strongest, introducing the characters and their wants and fears, and the relations between them. It was very touching, and also heartbreaking, to see Ruby and her father interact with one another, as he wants to avoid any negative conversation with her and to focus on showing her his project, while she wants to know what's going on with his health.
The weakest, to me, was the last bit. While the storylet mechanic was pretty well done (really worked with pushing your father to talk things out), there were some issues with that part not taking into account the actions of the previous acts or within that bit itself. For example, when calling the mother for advice, it did not take into account that I lied to her in the opening; or when she calls, disrupting the conversation, she doesn't acknowledge you called her moments ago; or when discussing the game with your dad, you have options to pick invitations or outfits you might not have found in the game (that one felt a bit cheating). Since it's hard to implement different programs into one game, it made sense that the bits didn't "talk" to each other. But it also made it noticeable when things were not fully coherent. I wonder if creating codes for actions in the previous act, to input in the last one could have helped track some choices?
I think I missed quite a bit from the parser bit itself. That part of the game seemed to be quite large (you have essentially 5 solutions for each box to tick), with apparently Easter eggs hidden throughout (notes of the father - I found one). Each item to get come with its personal puzzle, over 15 of them, each of varying length. But if you don't try to find every invitations, or costumes, or gift, or if you used the walkthrough to go through the parser, it's fairly easy to miss the seemingly gargantuan work the father had done over the past 20 years. I shared Ruby's sentiment of "uh... that's it?" when I moved on to the last act, and felt bad for the father for having put so much work into something that seemed so small... I would have loved a map to be included in the walkthrough, some of the directions were confusing...
This was a neat experiment, with a touching story. A real tearjerker.
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mlwritersguild · 2 years
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kiss me quick my romeo, by @halcyyonn
Based on GFRIEND's Lovebug, submitted by @xiueryn
AO3 link; Celebrity AU, Celebrity Crush, Popstar!Ladybug, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, No Powers AU, Adrien didn't go to school, First Meetings, Identity Reveal
Famous model Adrien Agreste attends Chloe Bourgeois' birthday party, only to run into Ladybug, his celebrity crush. When Ladybug gets a drink spilled on her costume, the two of them end up getting much closer than they had expected.
The party was already in full swing when Adrien Agreste stepped out of his father’s limousine, fashionably late. Cameras flashed all around him, eager to capture the latest from the Gabriel Fashion line. Showing up late to his oldest friend’s birthday party wasn’t something Adrien would normally do, but it was his father’s newest marketing scheme. If he was the only one on the gold carpet, he was the only one people would be taking pictures of, and they would all be rushing to be the first to post them.
After what felt like an hour of posing and answering questions about his outfit, Adrien made it inside. Music blared from speakers around the room and lights bounced off the decorations. The Grand Paris Hotel looked like it had been painted with liquid gold for the occasion.
“Adrien!” Chloe appeared, throwing her arms around his neck. “I wondered when you would show up. You’re late!”
“Father wanted me to show off his latest designs. Apparently, the hottest style this spring is chainmail.” Adrien gestured to his costume, a near perfect replica of armour from a new museum exhibit visiting Paris. While the exhibit had also held princess clothes, there was no matching princess, of course. That was fine.
It was easier to go to most events without a partner, considering what he did for a living. Being one of the most popular models in the world meant anything you did, anyone you were seen with, was scrutinised and examined from every angle. It was why he had never publicly been in a romantic relationship. Everything was just easier that way.
“Well, if you’d arrived earlier, you would have been on the carpet at the same time as Ladybug.” Chloe moved one of her costume’s antennae away from her face, acting as if she hadn’t just shocked Adrien into silence.
“Ladybug? From Miraculous? She’s here?” Adrien looked around, trying to catch a glimpse of the pop star he’d had an embarrassing crush on since he and Chloe were teenagers. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I just did. Anyway, I have to get back to my party. Be here on time next party, please.” With a swish of tulle skirts, Chloe was gone, disappearing back into the crowd, and leaving Adrien to fend for himself. Oh well, there must be someone around he could talk to.
Deciding he wanted a drink, Adrien moved through the crowd towards the side of the room. On the way, he bumped into someone, spilling the drink they were holding over both of their costumes. “I’m so sorry!”
Adrien looked at the person in front of him properly, then realised who he had crashed into. “Ladybug?”
Ladybug looked up and seemed to recognise him. “You’re Adrien Agreste, right?”
It was just his luck that he would meet his crush for the first time, spill her drink all over her, and then be recognised. This wasn’t the first impression he wanted to make. “Yeah, that’s me. Is your costume all right? Some of the drinks Chloe put on the menu have enough colouring to stain basically anything.”
Ladybug smiled, just for a second, and Adrien felt like his heart was about to explode. “I should probably try and rinse it, just in case I can save it.”
“The bathrooms upstairs are probably empty. I can show you where they are if you want.”
“That would be nice, thank you.”
Ladybug followed him upstairs and down the hallway to an empty bathroom. He leaned against the wall, trying to look cool, despite everything. “I’ll wait here.”
“Okay. I won’t take too long.” With another smile, Ladybug disappeared into the bathroom, and Adrien got a moment to catch his breath.
Inside the bathroom, Marinette pressed a damp paper towel to her dress, trying to lift some of the colour out of it. She was only partially successful. Adrien was right; Chloe Bourgeois served drinks that were dangerous to white angel costumes.
As if the staining wasn’t bad enough, it had happened in front of Adrien Agreste. The very man she had a crush on and had been nursing a crush on since she released her first music. Of all the people for this to happen in front of.
When she had done as much as she could for her dress, she stepped back into the hallway. She watched as Adrien’s eyes flicked over her. He was probably checking for stains. That’s it. “I’m sorry about your dress.”
“It’s alright. I should have been more careful where I was going. Is your costume alright?”
Adrien rapped his knuckles against the armour he wore. “Ready to charge into battle.”
Marinette laughed, unable to help herself at the image of Adrien Agreste, a world-famous model, charging into battle in a party costume. Adrien joined a few seconds later, leaving both of them giggling in a quiet hallway at the most exclusive event of the year.
After a couple of moments, they both stopped, breathing heavily. Marinette looked up at Adrien, her eyes tracing over his face, down to his lips. When she looked back up to his eyes, he was staring at her lips, too. Before she could doubt herself, she slid an arm around Adrien’s neck and pulled him down towards her. “Can I kiss you?”
Adrien was half convinced he was about to wake up at any moment because there was no way he was kissing Ladybug. But he was. Her hands were looped around his neck as they pressed closer to each other, the world around them fading away. They were in their own bubble, away from the noise of the party, unaware of anything but each other. Adrien’s thoughts had all but disappeared, except for one about how he could stay like this forever.
Unfortunately for his plans, a door slammed nearby, popping the bubble. Ladybug pulled away, lipstick smudged, and face flushed. “We can’t do this here. Follow me.”
Ladybug intertwined their fingers and lead him down the hallway, all the way to an unmarked door near the end. Adrien had been here plenty of times, escaping paparazzi when he was staying here as an adult, sitting outside with Chloe and watching the city go by. But how did Ladybug know about it? She even knew that the door got stuck sometimes, opening it with a firm shove. “No one should see us here.”
She was right; this balcony was supposed to be a secret garden. Thick hedges surrounded them, only letting some of the city light. It was as private as you would be able to get with a bustling city outside and a raging party beneath them.
“How did you know about this place?” His hands found Ladybug’s waist again before his hands slid to her back, pulling her closer.
“I found it when I was staying here a few months ago. There were a few people with cameras, and I needed to fix my mask. It was luck mostly.” She pressed even closer to him, running her hands up his arms to rest on his shoulders. “I’m guessing you already knew about it?”
“Chloe and I used to hide out here as children and talk for hours. But that’s probably not why we’re here now.” He lowered his head until his nose was almost touching Ladybug’s. “Unless you’re going to tell me your real name.”
Her breath was warm against his cheek and the low voice she spoke in sent a shiver down his spine. “Marinette Dupain-Cheng. My parents own the bakery you were at a few weeks ago. I had to hide in one of the storage cupboards until your army of fans left.”
Adrien laughed, sounding more breathless than he had expected. “If it helps, I didn’t think they would all appear that quickly.”
“I guess I should forgive you then.” Marinette moved her hand to the back of Adrien’s head, tangling her fingers in his hair and dragging him down to her height, pressing her lips against his. Adrien’s hand moved without thinking, moving up her back so he could pull her even closer before he spun them around and pressed her against the wall next to the door.
If he thought what they were doing inside was heaven on earth, this was even better. There was no space between them, hidden away in the cool air.
They were both so distracted they didn’t notice the person spotting them from the building across the street, or the camera that was pointed at them. They were so caught up in each other that they didn’t know anyone had seen them until the photos were splashed across every gossip magazine the next day.
Exclusive: Ladybug and Adrien Agreste Seen Making Out at Party!
Despite Adrien Agreste never publicly dating someone, he was spotted with pop star Ladybug at Chloe Bourgeois’ invite-only birthday party last night. Is this just some party fun, or has Agreste given up his perpetually single lifestyle? Are we looking at the first images of Paris’ new power couple? Read more…
Photos: Adrien Agreste and Ladybug Spotted on Romantic Date
New photos reveal the new Paris it couple, model Adrien Agreste and pop star Ladybug were seen getting cosy as they took a romantic walk through Paris yesterday. Read more…
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alienikko · 2 years
holy hell i haven’t been on here in awhile and most of you probably don’t know who i am anymore sksksk
uhhh well i was falthlehane on here but i changed my url today to match the rest of my socials, i used to post a lot of tv/movie content, i still love all of those things. this account was major for me in high school because it helped me come to terms with my bisexuality and my difficult home life, i also learned a lot about life in general and being a good person, always learning and getting better.
i also changed my name after coming out this past year as non-binary, so you probably all knew me by my deadname which i won’t be sharing for obvious reasons, so you can call me elle :) i use they/she pronouns, i’m 25, bi/pan idk??, been in a relationship w my partner for 5 years, i smoke a lot of ouid and watch a lot of tv and movies, i’m mentally and chronically ill and chronically tired and my body is lowkey falling apart. i have 2 dogs (buffy and thea) and a cat (sweetie) i really love and connect animals more than anything. i love ashnikko. i love mothica. i love royal & the serpent. i love tarot and practicing my spirituality. most of all i love sleeping.
~ if there’s any links to things on my actual page when you’re on a computer, it’s all years old, probably incorrect now, and i’m too lazy to learn tumblr again and fix any of it lmao… maybe i will eventually if i get on a computer or get booted off twitter. but i’m mostly gonna stick to using mobile if i do come on here. idk if i’ll start posting again but i wanted to make a little check in post since it has been a long time.
hope everyone had a great halloween!!! i’m going to post my mothman costume cause i was serving!!!
feel free to follow me on the musky bird app or instagram both @3ll3rais3r :)
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chaoticspacefam · 11 months
I know it is the end of the spooky season but would any of your OCs enjoy dressing up for Halloween and what in your mind would their costumes be?
I am almost too late to post this in time for "spooky season" woops, been a busy week/day, you know the drill! Thank you so much for this ask Raven, it made me grin and start giggling like a little kid as I started thinking about all of this hehe. Alas, I don't have enough juice to do any doodles to go with it so I'll just be using descriptions and a handful of screenshots where I have specifc ones in mind to hopefully illustrate :3
Off the top of my head, the Ahaszaai twins are both absolutely dressing up for Halloween!
Kas would go all out, I'm talking a proper fancy, handmade costume. She'd probably go for one of the classics like a demoness, and would 100% "over"do it compared to everyone else. Ya girl done made her nails up all fancy with red rhinestones and they look hella ✨aesthetic✨ but incredibly impractical for actually you know....holding things. Ex: (link to the artists Insta by clicking on the picture, I don't claim to have done these I'm not that coordinated or talented with nail art LMAO)
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(I have these saved specifically as "Kas way overdoing something for Aesthetic and/or Intimidation factor and I feel like they'd go really well with an OTT Demoness costume for Halloween ngl - she's probably made horns to match and everything. Andronikos has been roped into a couple's costume as a devil or Hades or something, to sell the look and he'll do it without complaining because holy shit does his wife look hot *wink wink* haha)
Saarai would dress up in one of those classic tacky vampire costumes - but she owns it so well that she somehow pulls it off? Reason for the vampire costume being that when she and Koth were still sort of in the "awkward trying to be nice to eachother" phase, he once asked her, with all seriousness "so you don't drink people's blood?" and Rai has NEVER let him live it down since. She's a tacky ass vampire every Halloween from then on, Koth isn't sure whether to laugh or cry anymore and Lana goes to bed early every Halloween to avoid getting involved in whatever ridiculous inside-joke-annoying-prank thing her partners clearly have going on. She does NOT want to know LOL Rai has also 100% gathered up every kid on the Oddessen base and is 100% chaperoning them while they go trick or treating <3
Aria would dress up too, not with the express purpose of scaring people OR going trick or treating but just because she'll use any excuse to show off and be extra as hell. She's got a whole tuk'ata-themed armour set (which tbh she probably wears sometimes even when it's NOT halloween....) and because Chwûq and Taral tend to follow her around and are almost as tall at the shoulder as Ari is at the waist they end up being a pretty convincing Tuk'ata-Cerberus. Vano doesn't dress up but she does tag along to try and mitigate some of the frights that unsuspecting passersby would get in seeing three tuk'ata heads appear out of nowhere XD
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bombshell23 · 1 year
Wedding Hats, Hatinators & Fascinators On The Wedding Store
Predominantly each trend home will design a alternative of matching headpieces that are bought alongside their beautiful outfits, this helps to create the overall finished look. However we additionally stock an array of beautiful Hats/Fascinators that can be purchased individually for events such as Royal Ascot Race Day, a Royal Garden Party or any other Special Occasion you might have. Coordinate your costume with over a thousand decisions of Mother of The Bride & Wedding hats and Fascinators to complete the right wedding outfit. Fascinators are a staple for so much of formal occasions, significantly at weddings and the races.
Get Smart is an impartial fashion retailer, famend for women clothing, who has been trading for 27 years within the North East. Offering a fastidiously chosen choice of sensible, fashionable, casual Clothes and Accessories, together mother of the bride hats and fascinators with the perfect collection of Hats and Fascinators, for all events. Clip fascinators are appropriate for mild weight fascinators. They are very versitiles because the fascinator may be worn at any angle and on any a part of the top that has hair.
This model of the hat was meant to provide women an air of secrecy however misplaced its enchantment to the public after the 20th century. 's selection is editorial and independently chosen – we solely characteristic items our editors love and approve of. May acquire a share of gross sales or other compensation from the links on this web page. We recommend shopping for one base and one topper to begin your collection and you may add to this for every occasion by buying separate items. Sign in along with your e-mail handle to evaluate your account particulars and orders.
As normal with all our headwear and accessories, we hire hats on a no refund basis. Good afternoon I simply wanted to thank you on your superb shop. You were very sort and patient - you just had a delivery of pink hats and once I tried this hat on I felt amazing.
For smaller fascinators you can also clip them only a bigger fascinator to make bespoke types. Clip fascinators are much less suitable for brief hair or very thin hair. Your headpiece is the final touch to your Mother of the Bride or Special Occasion outfit, so to go with it with a matching print cloth or a matching colour is a must. Essentially, hats cowl the whole head and sport a brim.
And as she has demonstrated on quite a few events Kate usually favours a ­fascinator over a full titfer. I can’t thank Coco Fashion and the stunning affected person Pauline there enough. As Mother of the Bride I didn’t actually have a lot concept of what I wanted simply what I didn’t need. Thanks to Pauline’s skilled eye I have mentioned Yes to my Dress and found that massive hats actually go well with me! Robell is made for girls who are always on the hunt for jeans and trousers with an ideal fit and a stylish design.
Featuring headbands and discs developed from Sinamay that are suitable for these luxury occasions like weddings and those days at the races. Low minimal order worth of £100 and speedy next day supply. There are a couple of options you could go for when choosing what colour fascinator to wear. Firstly, you would match the fascinator to the color of your dress, a popular choice which seems modern and classic. Secondly, you could match your fascinator to equipment you will be carrying similar to your shoes or bag. This could presumably be carried out to create a wonderful pop of color and may actually tie an outfit together.
Mad Hatters Cumbriawas established locally in 2001 and is now run byVanda, inSouth Cumbria. It is located 10 miles west ofKendal.Hats and Fascinatorsavailable to rent for Weddings, Ascot, Royal Garden Parties, and Special Occasions. Stock includes approximately450 Hats and Fascinatorsforhire, andbespoke Fascinatorscan be made to order forpurchase. We have partnered with Klarna to convey hats and fascinators you new ways to pay on-line and in store. Book an appointment for a FREE one-to-one shopping expertise in our London or Manchester boutiques. As the newly appointed High Sheriff of Clwyd, Stephanie Catherall needed a hat to wear to her Declaration of Office.
Every piece is made particularly for every consumer or outfit and is a true one off. Please phone, e-mail or message me for a personal consultation. I truly have purchased a couple wedding hats and fascinators of hats right here over the years but never online before. My sample sale hat arrived today in good condition and suits like a glove.
A fascinator can't stand on the wearer’s head by itself like a hat. In most circumstances, fascinators are additionally designed to have beads, flowers, or feathers on them and to function a decoration. This is why it is also known as the ‘wedding hat’, as its opulence adds to the festivities of the event. Accessorize has a selection of fascinators, and hatinators, in quite so much of colours, styles, sizes and designs. But the Mia creation is our private favorite as it's barely larger than other designs, however still lightweight and not overbearing, as it is created from a sheer crinkle fabric.
0 notes
micromanfever · 2 years
Villano IV interview with Planchitas Diario Pasala
Villano IV interview with Planchitas for Diaro Pasalo  (news outlet)
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Interview video link https://youtu.be/l6crfgYA-Yg
Began training at Shu El Guerrero Gym at 8 years old by taking olympic wrestling classes that were taught by his brother Villano I at the time
He pretty much grew up at the gyms where his father (Ray Mendoza) would train
The feeling that he had to try wrestling grew in him as he was training at the gym. He would begin to look for ways to wrestle without his family knowing
Villano IV, now 15, who had only been training olympic wrestling, was invited to speak with the promoter of Arena RAF
“Would you like to wrestle?”
“You wrestle in the ring”
“No, no way, I don’t even know how. I have only been training olympic wrestling”
“That’s all you need! What more is there to know?”
“No. No. How am I going to get in there? I’m not ready.”
“Pfft. You already are a trained olympic wrestler. Come on. Try it.”
“I get left with that spline in my head and finally agree to do it. The day of my birthday was when I debuted.
Planchitas: What name did you use?
VIV: The name was Loden Lei (SP??) with an L… It was against a boy named “El Ovni” from Tabasco.
(shows photo) he was a student of his brother.   Debut - April 9, 1980
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PL: Why the name?
VIV: I was watching a movie and it was one of those junk movies nobody pays attention to. I saw it at night when I came downstairs and I couldn’t fall asleep. It was about a guy that was like a vampire-human that would go in the water and turn into a shark. He would eat people in the water and when he was done, would come back to the surface and turn into a human again. I liked the name so I went with it.
It was a difficult debut for me since there was a lot I didn’t know. The wrestlers should have a proper training period and now many do not want to fight for it or suffer….
I thought that with what I learned about olympic style was enough, but no. The first match I got in there  and the conditioning was the most challenging phase you go through at first. Within 3-4 minutes my mouth was dry. I wanted to drink some water. My legs were shaking. My body wasn’t responding.
“the wrestling is not that easy”
Maybe it was bad what I did, but it was what I needed to go through. It taught me that bad things can be some of the best things to happen to you. (almost cries)
Villano got in the ring to wrestle El Enfermero. Who scolded him for getting in the ring to wrestle and shamed him for demeaning the family name.
VIV: It worked. I took off my gear . Showered. Passed by Carlos Maynez (arena neza).
Carlos: Hey, did you get paid already?
VIV: No. It’s ok. Just leave it.
Carlos: No. No. You did the work. Good or bad? But you did it. So now you will get paid.
Villano goes on to collect his pay and ends up bumping into El Enfermero who only told him “I’m there  Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, 7-10” and left.
Villano then tells another story similar to this one.
VIV had secured 3 dates from this other promoter. After working there the promoter sent his son to the back to cancel the dates they agreed upon because he was so bad.
VIV finally revealed to his brother that he was wrestling now. Who shamed him and told him to go traing with him. Since then VIV trained every morning with him, then trained at Arena Neza during the day.
VIV changed his name to Uron because he was getting bullied about his other name sounding like a famous booby actress name.
He kept secretly taking dates to see how he was progressing as a worker.
Leopardo Negro watched his match and complimented him. Invited him to be his tag partner. He had his costume ready for him and everything. It went really well for them as a team.
Leopardo continued to invite him to work as his partner until he finally proposed to make him Leopardo Negro II. VIV agreed.
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VIV called up the arena looking for dates. He explained how he was now Leopardo Negro II. They were not that impressed but still gave him a trial. Other arenas were and gave him more dates.
A year and a half of working as part of this team. They finally got dates farther away from the city. But once it was too far for Leopardo Negro to take time off from his Volkswagen job. So he found a local wrestler to work as Leopardo I.
One time he got a date with his brother Villano V working Black Shadow, Fishman, Black Man. Legendary opponents at Arena Lopez Mateos.  He got into a fight with Leopardo as the finish. The next week they had a brawl to set up the mask match. Winner would get the mask and name.
VIV won the mask y name match against Leopardo  (82-83)
His father was ok with him wrestling but disappointed. He thought he needed a better physique. Thought he was a skinny kid that would get hurt easily.
VIV considers himself as a dreamer type. Brings up how wrestling was frowned upon during his childhood by society. He learned from his family to protect the wrestling and respect. Witnessed how his brother would teach pseudo tough guys a lesson at the gym.
VIV thinks he can change people’s perception of wrestling with his performance.
PL asks about time with/out father around
VIV brings up not having him around due to him being a star for EMLL. Not getting to see much of him around. Sometimes he would tour for months without being home. He had a lot more time as an independent to be with his family.
Mention of Rene Guajardo doing a move with his father Ray Mendoza that left half his body paralyzed. It severely depressed Ray. VIV almost cries remembering that time. He misses him a lot. He misses feeling the tough of his hands. His advice. Also his mother.
He was impressed by how he could keep going no matter how beat up and hurt he was. How his father trained with such tenacity.
VIV tells story about his father working El Solitario
He thinks El Solitario had the best tope of the time because of how hard they hit and how far he could reach.
“Father took a tope and I heard how the seat they fell into broke. I heard his shriek. I was up in the rafters watching. All the fans got up and I couldn’t see...father had red all over his arm. The fluid from his elbow had all leaked out..”
It was very emotional for him to witness what his father had to do to feed his family.
VIV back talked his mother about his father not being around one night and she slapped him. Told him that he has no idea how he is getting on at the moment, but he is at home, warm, fed, bathed.  
Now he is very proud of his family and what they accomplished.
He learned to not fear anything or anyone.
Overall very thankful for his upbringing and suffering along the way. Parents taught him not to get in other’s business and wish good on others. To have faith.
He puts his success on preparation and discipline as someone that has accomplished every dream they had for themselves.
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VIV transitioned into the Villano name when he picked up the slack for Villano II who was working on becoming a doctor and he was also working with a tough injury. He dropped out of school to become a full time wrestler at this point.
VIV was now working top level names regularly early into his career. He had to quickly rise to the occasion and committed more to training. Working as a Villano took his career to the next level. He went on to collect several masks. Have great matches and collect championships as time went on.
Says it’s one thing gain the respect of fans and family and another to gain it from the other wrestlers. “Like the great Dean Malenko, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, another..a German (Alex Wright?)”
Shinjiro Ohtani story
VIV recalls taking a spinning kick off the ropes. He split his lip from the kick. When he got to the back, Eddie Guerrero was yelling “VIVA MEXICO CABRONES” celebrating the match. He complimented them on the match. Dean Malenko was walking behind him fro the next match. Dean complimented him too. Eddie was shocked. He couldn’t believe Dean just said “very nice match”.
Eddie was beside himself because in the 8 years he had known Dean, he has never complimented anyone before. He hugged him after explaining.
VIV very proud to gain that respect. Thinks his japan matches are what gained him international notoriety.
He thanks Konnan for getting him the opportunity but, believes the references from Eddie, Dean, Chris are what secured him the job in WCW.
VIV feels that retirement is coming up on him. He would be perfectly fine with ending it today. He gave his best and feels he did everything he wanted to do.
But now with the mask match coming up, he wants to leave with Pentagon’s mask
VIV begins crying when thinking that nobody believes he is going to win the mask match on Triplemania. He loves being at the gym and feels safe there.
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VIV wants the people to uphold the values that he stood for when he leaves. To respect the wrestling more. “knowing others will undo what I have built”
In high school, he was given an assignment to make a clay design project. He created his first mask for that school project. This was before he was wrestling.
He recycled the first masks had made by adding some small motifs so he didn’t have to get new ones made.
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Another name he worked under was Moloc. Part of trio. He filled in for an absent worker for a while to gain more experience and help people out.
VIV only wanted to please his parents. But he was going through a rebelious phase as Leopardo Negro II and one time it caused a fight between his parents after his father was disciplining him. Things escalated to where his brother Villano III stepped in to defend him. His father then smacked Villano 3. VIV pleaded with him to stop and felt incredibly guilty. (Villano 3 was on his way to being one of the best already at this point) This fight caused him to dedicate more of himself to his wrestling and made it his goal.
PT2 interview link
VIV flashes more old pictures of times thoughout his career and talks about them.
Chamaco Orduna was assassinated but VIV notes him as a very gifted and charismatic wrestler that would have had an important career if he wasn’t killed so young.
VIV shows picture of him in hospital bed talking about his neck break injury. Shows image of his surgery incision. Recalls being out for a year and a half. The break could have killed him or paralyzed him if he didn’t have such a worked built up neck. He thanks family for making him do all those bridges.
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He arrived at the hospital and the doctor did not let him leave the hospital after they first saw him because of his condition. He had driven his way there himself. They were not going to let him fly home because of the altitude might hurt him.
He proudly shows off a magazine nothing the mask match vs Los Brazos as MOTY
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Message to Pentagon Jr.
You are going to go in to win. So will I. You don’t think about losing. Neither do I. I wish you success. The best man will win. I feel fortunate that a comment I made helped you and helped you to become what you are now. One of the biggest out there now. You only got there with the same struggle I went through. I know it’s going to tough and you will defend your mask with everything. Good luck
VIV calls the fans the key to his motor. He feels supported and a great responsibility to win his mask match. He takes all the fan messages to heart. He hopes that he can repay the support and thanks the fans and his family for letting him keep doing what he does.
follow the reporter here on FB https://www.facebook.com/people/El-Planchitas/100035604926231/
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holland24-7 · 3 years
I’m doing good I’m on some new shit. PART 3 (Social Media AU)
Tom Holland x Reader.
SUMMARY: One where y/n and Tom dated but broke up and she’s finally moving on after months of suffering.
MUSIC CLAIM: Taylor Swift
tomholland2013 ✓
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Liked by yourinstagram, harryholland64, selenagomez and 22,928,872 others.
tomholland2013 ✓ have the happiest of birthdays @yourinstagram (sorry for the picture, forgot I had it in my phone, had to post it, hope you don’t hate me) xxx
View all 392,628 comments
yourinstagram ✓ Nooooo, why are you posting this picture??? You promised you wouldn’t Tom 😭
tomholland2013 ✓ My bad but I had to, you look beautiful!
zendaya ✓ Never trusting you again with a camera, that’s for sure...
hollanderrr12 I would trade my life for y/ns in a heartbeat tbh
spideyboy Is this picture recent? Thought she was dating another guy
y/nno1fan I think he took this on a vacation they took like a year and a half ago when they were still together, y/n has some pictures in those same pajamas around that time
brooklynbeckham ✓
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Liked by yourinstagram, victoriabeckham and 16,929,629 others.
brooklynbeckham ✓ Happy halloween from Mr. and Mrs. Smith @yourinstagram 🔥🖤
View all 236,524 comments
yourinstagram ✓ We’re so hotttttt 🥵
bellahadid ✓ wifey ❤️
brooklyngf.1 favorite matching Halloween costume ever
myworldisy/n I love them sooooooo much
yourinstagram ✓
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Liked by zendaya, tomholland2013, selenagomez and 19,829,923 others.
yourinstagram ✓ Today I want to take a moment to congratulate my favorite Spider-Man of all times @tomholland2013 on having the biggest box office opening of all times! I also wanted to take a moment to address a couple of things I’ve seen on the media lately. It’s not always easy for me to do so but it feels like this time is necessary to do it. First of all I love Tom and I always will, he’s such a dear friend to me and that’s never going to change regardless of the situation, however that doesn’t mean there’s something more than just a friendship, he’s in a very loving and caring relationship just like I am! Secondly I ask you guys to stop sending comments to my partner and Toms partner, I know it all comes from a place of love for the two of us but it’s getting crazy and this is a behavior I don’t condone. Love you all, stay safe and spread love! 💕
View all 382,781 comments
tomholland2013 ✓ ❤️
yourinstagram ✓ 💙
harryholland64 ✓ You might not be dating Tom anymore but that’s no excuse to not visit, we all miss you
yourinstagram ✓ I’ll be visiting next week, let’s make plans, call me! xx
farrahts.17 did someone noticed how Tom put a red heart and y/n a blue one? Spider-Man colors I can’ttttttttt they’re so cute 😭
tomstan18 So mature of you y/n, proud of you 🙌🏼
y/nandtomforever Would’ve love to see you being Tom +1 at the premiere and not Nadia :(
bellsasha Standing up for whats right, love you y/n
dailymail ✓
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dailymail ✓ @yourinstagram opens up in an interview for @vogue where she talks about her relationship with boyfriend Brooklyn Beckham “he’s such a fun guy, he came into my life when I was in a very dark place and I thank him for always being so supportive and loving.” She also spoke about the status of her relationship with ex-boyfriend Tom Holland “It’s funny that people love to make assumptions about us {...} What they don’t know is that after I released Good for u we got the chance to talk and squash everything out and ever since then we’ve been close friends.” When asked about what did her current boyfriend thought about her friendship with Tom she said “I’ve always been open about it with him to avoid any type of misunderstanding, he’s very respectful of my friends, including Tom, I think that this is more than anything a trust thing and he trusts me like I trust him.” Click the link below to go to the full interview.
View all 189,791 comments
noturaveragegirl Well at least we finally get some answers
mespiderman13 I think the way they handled this was very mature, I like the idea of them being friends, they have great chemistry
holland4life If it works for them why not? But I still think they’re getting back together at one point
yourinstagram ✓
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Liked by brooklybeckham, harryholland64, taylorswift and 16,261,826 others.
yourinstagram ✓ Always matching because why not? Love youuuuuuu @brooklynbeckham 💙
View all 238,613 comments
brooklynbeckham ✓ Love you too babe 🖤 FaceTime tonight?
yourinstagram ✓ Didn’t even have to ask 💕
taylorswift ✓ I love seeing you so happy
beckhamismine Say what you want, they’re GOALS 😭
yourinstagram ✓
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Liked by tomholland2013, gigihadid, bellahadid and 18,612,531 others.
yourinstagram ✓ Flying to Australia, I’m recording something very special, can’t wait for you guys to hear it. I’m going to be off social media for a couple of days so I can focus on this, see you all soon xoxo
View all 271,552 comments
tomholland2013 ✓ So proud of you!
selenagomez ✓ Can’t wait to listen to your new music ❤️
taylorswift ✓ Collab?
yourinstagram ✓ 😉😉😉
dailymail ✓
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dailymail ✓ BREAKING NEWS! Just as @yourinstagram announces that she’s taking a couple of days off social media to focus on her new music in Australia, boyfriend @brooklynbeckham is photographed in L.A kissing ex-girlfriend Nicola Peltz! Fans outraged after photographs emerge and take to social media to ask y/n if she’s okay and send her positive messages. So far y/n hasn’t commented on the situation, it’s unclear if she even has heard about the news since she’s in an isolated place. What do you think?
View all 389,712 comments
y/nno1fan WTF IS GOING ON????
y/nismylife My heart is breaking for her :(
beckhamismine Oh boy, he in danger ...
hadidaremyfavs That’s two of her boyfriends 🤔
y/nholland.71 Tom never cheated tho, she said that in an interview.
yourinstagram ✓
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Liked by tomholland2013, selenagomez, bellahadid and 25,819,992 others
yourinstagram ✓ You say that the past is the past, you need one chance it was a moment of weakness and you said yes ...
Should’ve said no is out now in all streaming platforms, link in bio.
View all 472,945 comments
tomholland2013 ✓ I love you so much, you’re the strongest girl I’ve ever met
yourinstagram ✓ Love you too, can you catch me in Australia?
tomholland2013 ✓ Flying out tonight, see you soon ❤️
taylorswift ✓ Y/n I’m so proud of you, you’re awesome!
bellahadid ✓ You’re so worth it babe ❤️
selenagomez ✓ Ilysm, if you need anything please call ✨
y/nno1fan I cried listening this and watching the video 😢
dailymail ✓
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dailymail ✓ After weeks of disappearance @yourinstagram comes back to social media to promote new song Should’ve said no. The video has collected over 50M views, fans pointed out the Brooklyn Beckham lookalike casted for the video and how they can see y/ns raw emotions in her acting. Close source says she and boyfriend are still together trying to figure out how to go about things “She’s heartbroken, I’ve seen her cry for days, but he managed to convince her to stay together I don’t know how. Her friends are very upset but they’re trying to support her any way they can” Source also explains that this new song has nothing to do with the project she was recording initially “y/n wrote this when she found out about the photos. He called her and as soon as she hanged up she locked herself in a room and didn’t come out for days, when she finally did she went directly to the recording studio and started recording the song, everyone was confused and didn’t knew exactly what was going on but all the team heard her instructions and started working with her, Should’ve said no is the result of that.” Celebrity friends show their support through loving messages in y/ns social media including ex Tom Holland who visited her in Australia per y/n request about this the source said “They’re really close, specially now that they’re spending more time together, she trusts him and feels like she can tell him how she’s feeling, for what I’ve hear Toms girlfriend is not very happy with this friendship and it’s causing them to have problems but Tom is set on supporting y/n no matter what. Brooklyn doesn’t like this either but y/n made clear the fact that he has no say in this since he’s the one who cheated” In the meantime nor Brooklyn or any member of his family have spoke about the situation. Check out the full story in the link down below!
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y/nno1fan Of course Brooklyn has no say in anything really, how could he do this to her?
myworldisy/n So she’s staying with him? I really thought they would break up, I mean she broke up with Tom and he didn’t even cheat, he was just in touch with Nadia ...
valentina.sg12 It’s really weird but we just have to support her whatever she decides, one thing for sure I’ll never be able to forgive Brooklyn, I thought he really loved her
tomholland2013 ✓
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Liked by yourinstagram, harryholland64, nadia.parkes and 21,103,928 others.
tomholland2013 ✓ Look who decided to get up from bed. Thanks for the hairstyle @yourinstagram 😏
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yourinstagram ✓ You owe me one Holland!
samholland1999 I’m next!
zendaya ✓ This is probably the best you’ve ever looked, thank y/n for that!
nadia.parkes ✓ Mineeeeeeee 🔥
y/nandtomforever Ugh girl let them be 😒
A/N: Sorry for any typos English is not my first language. So here’s the 3rd part as promised yay! I know this is a little bit messy but have patience with me we’re getting there I promise (: If you want the whole experience please listen to Should’ve said no by Taylor Swift when y/n posts about the release of the song. 
UPDATE! Looks like you guys are enjoying this so I’m currently working on a 4th part that should be up by tonight! Thanks everyone 💕
UPDATE 2 Part 4 is here!
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etherealdizzle · 3 years
DBD Danny x Frank x Male Reader
I have a request, Frank and Danny(Ghostface) are soulmates, but they recently found out that a male survivor reader(that is new to the entity’s realm) is also their soulmate.
Trigger Warnings: Violence
When you’re born, the mark on your wrist appears. It slowly fades into existence. Once you’re ten, the mark is clear. It’s a pair of initials. Different for everyone. Some people have one, some get two, and very few get nothing. What are the initials for, exactly? Simple.
Your soulmate.
Those who are born with a mark search their whole lives for the person they are meant to be with. Often, they travel all across the world, searching. Some get to meet them. They get to love and to be loved with the other half of their soul. Nearly everyone gets initials. But not everyone gets to meet their soulmate.
Frank Morrison figured that would be his fate. He was stuck in a shitty town with the same group of people. He’d been moved from adoption home to adoption home, never staying in a new place for long. He hadn’t met his soulmate. So, he figured it was time to move. That was until he met a girl named Julie.
Their friendship bloomed into a series of theft, violence, and eventually murder. The group now found themselves in the Fog, a new realm away from the real world. While some accepted their new fates, others were dissatisfied. The marks on their wrists stayed, reminding them of a lost love they would never find.
Frank had two marks. Two initials. Two people he would never get to see. Two people who he would never get the chance to love. He was angry. He kept his marks covered, hoping to forget about them and begin his new life. The life that took his soulmates away from him.
But others didn’t stop searching. Danny Johnson believed the Entity was on his head. He knew it would bring his soulmates to him. He was right. For one of them, at least.
“Danny Johnson,” He introduced himself to the man standing before him. The man’s eyes widened, jaw opening slightly in shock. “...What?”
Frank scrambled, nearly tearing the fabric as he tried to take a look at his wrist. D.J. But maybe it was a fluke, like so many times before. Initials were unique, of course. Frank reached forward and grabbed Danny’s hands. Danny pulled back, but stopped his effort once he saw what the man was trying to do. And Frank saw it. In black text read ‘F.M.’
Frank slowly looked up, eyes still wide, and let out a shaky breath. “It’s you…”
✯ ✯ ✯
It was hard at first. Danny was clingy, and Frank was still processing. But now, they two were in love and they couldn’t be happier. Danny was definitely the more affectionate of the two, but that didn’t mean Frank didn’t care for him. He just showed it in a different way. Less touchy and more words. Danny didn’t mind. As long as Frank was happy, he was happy.
But both of them felt like something was off. Sometimes, the initials burned. Danny didn’t mind as much, just pulled his costume over his wrist and pretended it wasn’t there. But Frank would sit and stare at it. Two letters. An initial. A person. Someone was out there, alone. Were they searching, too? Danny trusted in the Entity to bring the missing link to them. Frank wanted to believe. All he could do was ask.
He asked, and the Entity listened.
✯ ✯ ✯
“Pretty pleaseeee?”
Danny rolled his eyes. “Why not!?”
Frank crossed his arms and looked to his lover. “Because I don’t even think they exist here!”
Danny huffed, upset. “Maybe we could ask the Entity…?”
“I doubt the Entity would give you a cat.”
“If I asked nicely!”
Danny heard the ringing bells in his ears. He sighed, deciding to move the conversation to another time. If Frank had anything to do with it, the conversation would never come up again. The ringing came again and Danny winced, the loudness of the bell something he would never get used to.
“You gotta go?” Frank asked, uncrossing his arms. Danny nodded, and Frank stepped closer to his partner. “Have fun,” He grinned, kissing Danny gently.
“Always do, boss,” Danny winked, waving goodbye as the Entity took him into a trial.
It was Autohaven Wreckers. Ghostface liked it, it had lots of cover for him to hide with. But he also hated it because it was open as well. He just had to figure out where to go. He crouched, moving and making his way until he heard a noise. A voice. He didn’t recognize it. Using the tires as cover, he leaned to see who it was.
“I don’t even know how to repair this,” It was a man. He talked to himself, standing over a generator. He began to connect wires, but the generator exploded. He sighed, trying again. He wasn’t someone Danny knew. He was new! Ghostface had a different way of greeting new survivors to this world.
Danny ran at him, jumping on him. The man landed on his back with a thud, grunting as the air escaped his lungs. “What the fuck!?” The man yelped, trying to push Ghostface off. But it was no use. Ghostface had his legs on either side of the men and pinned his arms down, holding them above his head. He was stuck. The man struggled for a moment, but realized there was no use. He gave up, looking angrily at the killer above him.
Ghostface chuckled. He liked seeing their reactions to his unusual greeting. Danny studied the man. He was well-built, with a face Danny could only describe as handsome. And attractive. And beautiful. Okay, he had a few ways to describe him. Danny flipped his arms so he could see the initials. Actually, it was a pair of them. The first read, ‘F.M.’ … Wait. What? Danny shook his head, thinking of it merely as a coincidence. He read the other one. ‘D.J.’ …
The Entity had listened! It brought him the last piece of his soul! And what a beautiful piece he was. Ghostface released his tight grip of the man’s arms, and the man began to rub the sore spots. Danny grabbed his own mask and pushed it off his head, smiling at the man before him. “Tell me - Am I better or worse than you were expecting?”
The man looked to him with confusion. “What are you talking about…?” And once Danny revealed his markings to the man, he understood. “O-oh… well… fuck…” The man said, unsure what to say.
Danny grinned. “I’m your soulmate! Oh! We can go on dates together! Go on strolls, you can watch me kill your friends! It’ll be great!”
The man was still processing. “You’re… my soulmate?”
Danny simply nodded.
“And what about-”
“Frank Morrison! You’ll love him, he’s great!” Danny got off of the man, putting his hand out. He grabbed it, and Danny helped pull him up. The man was shaking, and Danny felt responsible for helping him out. He slung an arm over the man’s shoulder and winked. “Don’t worry, now that you’re my soulmate, I won’t hurt you.”
“And the others?”
“I can’t promise anything.”
✯ ✯ ✯
There was no way for Ghostface to show Frank to the man. All he could do was give him a description of Frank and hoped he could figure it out. Danny kissed him on the cheek, perhaps a little too eager, and pushed him down the hatch. And thus began the search.
He hadn’t found him yet. He saw a pig, a cannibal, twins, a plague… He was starting to give up hope. But then, he found him. At least, he thought it was him. Matched what Danny had told him.
Frank spotted him. The man was hesitant to walk towards him, scared it wasn’t him. But Frank broke the distance between them. He pulled his mask off, smiling gently at the man before him. “Danny told me. I can’t…”
“Can’t believe it either, huh?” The man laughed. “Never thought I’d find my soulmates here, of all places. Was hoping for a little more romantic qualities.”
“It’s as romantic as we make it,” Frank flirted. “Speaking of, wouldn’t it be better with just us two?” Frank slipped his mask on. “Wait here.”
The man waited, slipping into cover every once in a while when he saw his teammates. They’d probably figured he’d died already. To be quite frank, he sucked at looping. Wasn’t good at it yet. Perhaps Danny and Frank could help him.
“There,” Frank tossed his mask off, grinning at the man. “Isn’t that better?”
The man nodded, unsure what to say. “So… we’re soulmates, right?”
“With Danny,” Frank agreed, stepping closer to the man.
He hesitated, freezing up. His heart was pounding. “S-Sorry… just…”
“I get it,” Frank reassured. He placed a hand on the man’s shoulder. Testing. Once he saw he was allowed, he moved it down, gripping his waist. “It’s not like how you imagined it. Me neither. But you know what?” His other hand found the man’s waist. The man felt his heart slow. “At least we found each other. Some don’t get that much.”
The man nodded, putting his hands on either side of Frank’s upper arms. “I’m happy to have found you, Frank.”
“I’m the lucky one.” Frank leaned forward, closing the distance. He pressed their lips together and was happy once the man kissed him back. He meant it, too. He was lucky. Hell, he didn’t deserve this. He would never take it for granted.
✯ ✯ ✯
Danny met him with enthusiasm. “Frank told me you kissed him!” Danny practically tore his mask off. He pulled off the best puppy dog look he could.
The man chuckled. “It’s your turn, then, right?”
Danny agreed, practically jumping on the man as he smashed their lips together. It was sweet and rough at the same time, but it felt so good.
The man knew he had his hands full with these two.
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la douleur de l'amour - georgenotfound x f!reader
author: @thegirlwhowritesawksh-t​ me!
word count: 4.7k +
warnings: hella angst, mentions of blood/scabs/injuries. if there’s any you think that you see, please let me know!
a/n: hi y’all :)) first off, to whoever’s reading this: stay hydrated, smile and laugh! and second: this is my submission for @bozowrites​ writing event! <33 congrats!!
**this is my second fic, and i’m hoping to push more out as i get more comfortable with writing! i’m thinking to maybe make a part two to this but i don't know yet. please let me know what you think! *sending besitos to y’all :))*
Prompt: Why are you crying?
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1:15 p.m.
In the corner of a dimly lit studio in front of the barre, (y/n) leans over to her left, counting four beats before resetting and proceeding to stretch over her right side. After months spent choreographing, picking costumes, and endless bandages wrapped around her feet, it has led to the final product: her first piece in her dance company’s annual recital premiering tonight.
All (y/n) could feel was pure energy and pride at what she has created. It’s her baby after all and nothing could ruin the day for her.
Feeling her joints start to loosen up, she runs through a mental list in her head making sure each dancer had their costumes, knew where all the dancers would start and end on stage, as well as remembering her own choreography, seeing as she had an important section to end her piece. After double-checking, (y/n) then begins to travel to the center of the studio, and begins to run over the piece.
Remember the triple pirouette here, before you end with a leap to fourth position. Finishing in the fourth position, she lets out a curse as she accidently stubs her right thumb toe, a small scab already tearing at the edge. Shaking out her pain, she reattempts the move, succeeding with an effortless bow.
“You know, your piece is going to be excellent. Why are you so worried?”, a voice calls out in the quiet studio, with (y/n) yelping and trying to find where the voice came from. Standing against the edge of the doorway stood Liam, her dance partner and best friend. (y/n) begins to chuckle and runs the piece over again.
“Can’t help but make sure it’s perfect. I have drenched all my blood, sweat and tears creating this dance, this- this masterpiece. It is my first, and most certainly not my last choreographing piece at this company. There’s too much riding on this for me.”, she replies.
“Even if so, I’d like to think you’ll be fine. Don’t stress, it’s amazing. Otherwise, how are you feeling?”
“Kind of excited, kind of feeling like I should run away.”, (y/n) replies. Avoiding to answering the question entirely, she begins to run the piece over again. She continues,
“I think regardless, it should be a great night. George is coming to the recital tonight and it’ll be the first time he’ll be seeing this dance.” With George editing and recording videos for the Dream Team, his Twitch channel, and YouTube channels, (y/n)’s barely seen him since the start of the dance season. The only time she’s been able to spend time with him has been going to bed with him - even if it’s been a bit more rare lately - and sometimes, a free day on a weekend with no dance practice or no recording for George.
“So that’s why you are nervous, how cute.”, Liam laughs, with (y/n) leaping over to Liam and swatting their arm lightly.
“He swore that he’d come tonight, and he knows how much time I’ve spent perfecting this. I just can’t imagine tonight going any other way. I made sure to get him a seat right in the front, so he’ll be able to see the whole performance, and me.”, (y/n) smirks. As soon as (y/n) found out she would be choreographing one of the pieces in the recital, she immediately told George her good news. George had told her she deserved it for working her butt off since the start of her being at the dance academy. Making him pinky swear, George swore that he would be there for her first performance with her also starring as a choreographer.
“So focus on that instead of thinking your piece is going to crash and burn! Relax a bit. We only have a bit of time before we start getting ready, so let’s run it over a few more times. And don’t even think about slacking off now, missy, we’ll stretch and go get ready after.” Liam decides, and she nods, thinking it’s probably for the best. Running to her bag, (y/n) sends a quick message to George.
George J: hey, can’t wait to see you tonight! i left your ticket on your nightstand, and remember to dress up slightly, it’s a dance recital after all ;) lub you xo - sent at 1:34 p.m.
Content with her message, she tosses her phone back into her bag, and heads back to run over the piece with Liam once more.
6:47 p.m.
Sticking the last bobby-pin to her bun, (y/n) glances in the mirror to make sure no mistake is in place. Eyeing her look, she can’t help but smile looking at her dance attire, admiring how her purple leotard and dress matches her eyeshadow. Paired with a dark nude lip, she smirks and turns to check her phone for any messages, hoping that one could be from George.
Out of the nine messages she received, most were from friends and family, wishing her luck on her performance tonight. She replied with a thanks and a heart emoji before finally reading the last message coming from George about two hours ago.
George J: hi darling, i saw the ticket, i am so excited for you! can’t wait for you to take my breath away, as you always do. love you more xo  - sent at 4:48 p.m.
Smiling even wider, (y/n) puts her phone on silent, before walking towards the backstage area, passing dancers along the way. Grabbing their hands and wishing them good luck, she arrives at the destination, nerves buzzing as members of the audience start gathering at their seats. Deciding to take a peek, (y/n) rushes to the curtains, peeking her eyes out towards the front rows, trying to spot the pale boy who danced into her heart. First row, seat G for George, she giggles to herself.
“Trying to find your lover? I’m right here!” Liam asks, with (y/n) turning around.
“As much as I’d love that, I’m no Harry Styles, so I don’t think I’m your type…” (y/n) smirks.
“Hm. Where’s George, I want to see him!”
“I’m looking for him right now, Liam. Give me a second.”, (y/n) laughs as she turns back to the audience. Finding his seat, she subtly frowns seeing as he’s not in his seat yet. He’s probably in the bathroom, or still in line to get to his seat, (y/n) tries to explain to herself.
“He’s not here yet, I think he’s in the bathroom or something. But give him time, he’ll be here.” (y/n) mutters as Liam frowns at her.
“He better show up, it’s your night, (y/n).”, they grumble. They start to say more however-
“Places, everyone! Take your places! We’re starting at seven sharp!” the stage manager yells out. He continues,
“We start in five minutes!” Rushing to get off the stage, she sees dancers brush past another wishing them luck. As the ballet dancers start to move into their places for the intro piece, she then walks over to Liam, helping them set up the microphone as they begin to breathe slowly.
“Hey, you got this. It’s just reading off of cue cards and announcing pieces. And then you’ll be set for my piece. You’re going to do great, Liam.”, (y/n) tries to motivate, with Liam smiling shyly at her.
“And your piece is going to kick ass, (y/n). It’s perfection. Just wait until George sees you dance. I’m a hundred percent sure he’s going to fall for you even more.”
“Yeah, yeah, we’ll see…” (y/n) laughs. Liam clears their throat a bit before raising the microphone to their lips. (y/n) proceeds to head to the viewing room, where a broadcast of the show would play for other dancers to watch and support their fellow castmates.
Taking a deep breath, Liam starts to speak as (y/n)’s nerves start to palpitate.
“Hello, how are you this evening? And welcome to the 67th Annual Recital for the London Dance Academy! I am your emcee, Liam Barrings, and let me introduce you to the first dance of the night created by Sam Hastings. Here is Invictus!”
8:51 p.m.
An hour later, seven dances, and many whispered good jobs, it is finally time for (y/n) to step on stage and premiere her masterpiece. Slowly tip-toeing to her first position on stage, she glances at her castmates, thanking them silently in her mind for them to trust her to bring her visions to life. Before the curtains open, she turns to Liam on her right, kneeling down and grabbing her thighs, and they smile back at her.
“Ready for it?”, they smirk. Thinking to herself, she nods and turns back to the front of the curtains waiting for the music to begin. Remember the triple pirouette after Liam grabs you. And try to look like you’re in pain from loving him. It is exquisite pain, right (y/n)? Liam is toxic, yet you still love them. Make it believable. And finally, breathe.
Another emcee, Josh begins to speak.
“And now, I present to you (y/n - y/ln)’s dance. This is her first piece with her own choreography with the London Dance Academy, and tonight, we are the very first group of people to watch her story come to life. Please let me introduce you to (y/n) and her piece, La Douleur Exquise!” the audience claps softly, before the curtains open its wings to reveal the creation.
The background, a stark white, yet the lights casts hues of soft lilacs, with streaks of dark reds splattering across the dancers’ bodies. With a small pause, music begins to sing out of the speakers. Liam and (y/n) begin the piece with a small duet. Following closely behind, a quad of dancers mimicking their moves with childlike innocence.
Liam turns to (y/n), conveying an I love you through their linked hands and they abruptly pull her to their arms, as she looks at them with confusion in her eyes and pulling away. Gliding towards the middle, the quad walks slowly to (y/n), enveloping her with open arms, before having a dance section with (y/n) in the middle as Liam looks on, hellbent on grasping (y/n) once more. Every other beat, (y/n) turns to Liam, feeling lost as if they were missing from her.
As the quad looks away, having their own small solos, (y/n) slips away from the group only to leap back into Liam’s arms with her hands grasping their face as Liam slowly grips her waist. Looking at her with renewed interest, his face morphs into fury as one of the dancers pass by her, softly guiding his fingers from her shoulder down to her inner wrist. An angry duet starts, with Liam and (y/n) clashing against each other, as if saying they hate but love each other at the same time.
(y/n) leaps into Liam’s arms, before slowly sliding herself off him as the quad of dancers, follow closely behind, lifting (y/n) to her feet. Everyone proceeds to move as one, with the quad dancing in the center, whereas Liam paces their way to (y/n), lifting her into the air once again, before they land in a small leap. Conversing with their bodies, Liam guides (y/n)’s hands to their heart, slightly pulling her along. Finally coming to the end of the dance, (y/n) runs to the center of the stage, facing the audience.
Grabbing her left arm is Liam, pulling her to their side, and the quad of dancers are pulling her on her right. The war between the two goes back and forth in a tug-of-war before (y/n) seemingly gives up and slams herself to the ground, as the music fades into silence. The audience erupts into booming claps and cheers, and (y/n) feels herself being pulled up from the ground by Liam as a light blush covers her skin. Glancing up at the audience, she tries to smile despite the stage lights burning into her. I did it, I managed to make a story, my story come to life. Hearing the audience continuing to clap, realization sets in and she finds her eyes wandering over to the front row, seat G for George. Seat empty, her smile falters and her eyes become glassy. Some would think because of her success with her piece. She couldn’t tell if she was happy or sad, maybe it was a little bit of both.
9:23 p.m.
He’s here, he has to be. He’s probably peeing or waiting for me in the front with flowers, or in the dressing room. He has to be here, I know it, (y/n) mutters to herself, hellbent on her beliefs that George is here. Yet the bitter taste of rejection starts to seep into her bones. Shaking her head a bit and attempting to put on the brightest smile, she starts to rush back to the dressing room, a sinking feeling residing in her stomach with each looming step.
Facing the dressing room door, (y/n) can’t help but hope that maybe George is standing there with a bouquet of flowers and kisses reserved for her. Slowly opening the door, her hopes slip through with her mouth curling as she stares at only her reflection in the mirror. He swore that he’d be here. He swore that he would be here for my first performance, (y/n) softly whispers to herself, tears threatening to fall. Gasping, she finally lets herself breathe as she repeats to herself again and again that he wasn’t here.
A soft knock on the door interrupts her thoughts, causing (y/n) to quickly wipe her tears before foolishly yelling out,
“George?”, as the door opens to reveal Liam and the Director himself, Nicholas Anderson.
“(y/n)? It’s us. Where’s George?” Liam asks, a frown settling into his brows.
“Oh, he’s just in the bathroom, he hasn’t been feeling good.” She lies, feeling bile itch her throat. A little white lie shouldn’t hurt anyone, (y/n) thought.
“Hello, (y/n). You looked wonderful out there! Your dance was easily one of the highlights of the night, I couldn’t stop replaying the duet between you and Liam in my head. Your dance truly captured the aspects of a toxic relationship not from one side but from both of point of views. It truly showed exquisite pain, knowing that you would always go back to Liam, but would Liam be there for you?” Nicholas explains, his words smacking (y/n) at full force. Is- is George there for me?, (y/n) thinks to herself. Nicholas continues on,
“I think you are a great addition to our Academy, and tonight truly proved how ready you are to become a full-time member. So how about it? Next season, we’ll be adding you to the roster of choreographers.” Eyes wide, (y/n) nods furiously with a yes and hugs Liam. Nicholas smiles and exits the room, leaving behind two excited dancers jumping around.
“You did it! Now we have to celebrate! Club night, I don’t care. We are going to get plastered! Bring George!” Liam laughs. At the mention of George, her stomach turns as she then realizes George wasn’t here. What sounded like good news turns to rot as she starts thinking of George.
“Let me check my phone, it has been a while in the bathroom, huh?” (y/n) tries to joke, trying hard to not let her voice waver and letting her brain scramble to come up with another small lie. Reaching through her phone, she reads over the texts once again sent from family and friends, finding the conversation between her and George. No new messages, her heart sinks as she slowly starts to open up the rest of her notifications, scrolling to most likely find the purple box that would always stay permanently stuck on her home screen. With bright white letters glaring at her, her heart begins to ebb away feeling a familiar sense of loneliness.
Relying on her emotions, she turns to face Liam, hoping that her excitement of her promotion would overcome the feeling of abandonment of the man she loved. Plastering a sad smile through watery eyes, she forces out,
“George isn’t feeling well, he’s got an upset stomach. I think it’s the stomach flu going around.” If you can convey pain through dance, you can lie through this as well, (y/n) thought. She continues,
“I don’t know if I should be going out since he’s sick.” (y/n) mutters.
“So we go without him! It’s your celebration, his loss.” Liam rolls their eyes. His loss, my loss - seems like the same.
“I- I don’t know, Liam… I’d want to celebrate with him as well.”
“And I get that, but at least go out with us. You always have tomorrow with him, or later tonight. Do it for tonight, do it because you’re going to be a choreographer next season! At least do it for me and the group. We’ve worked our ass all season and we made your vision come true.” Liam explains. Contemplating with herself, (y/n) resolves with a soft smile and mutters an okay. Pumping their fist in the air, Liam excuses themselves to notify the others of the good news and plans.
Once again facing the mirror, (y/n) repeats with determination to celebrate her night. It’s her night to celebrate with loved ones, even if the one she loved the most isn’t there beside her. So much trying to take your breath away when you weren’t even here, George. Taking a breath, she forces out a shaky laugh and tries to smile. Let’s go celebrate, (y/n).
1:39 a.m.
Slightly stumbling out of the taxi, (y/n) manages to slowly walk her way up to his doorsteps, phone still showing that George was still streaming. Pausing her hand on the doorknob, she resolves to try to wait until morning to confront him, not trusting herself completely to be okay in front of him. Opening the door softly, she walk in, attempting to not make a sound. With small steps, she closes and locks the door before setting her bags down. That can be cleaned tomorrow, (y/n) thought. Rubbing her eyes, she decides to make herself tea before she goes to bed, most likely not with George until he finishes his stream.
While making her tea, (y/n) thinks of everything that she has worked for in the last few months. Endless changes to her dance, countless small injuries, whether it be a jammed toe/finger, scrapes of blood scattered around her feet from dragging her feet too hard across the floor, everything. Why is it that with her triumph, she is beyond proud yet the idea of George not being there to witness her moment shatters that accomplishment? Mulling it over, she doesn’t notice George bustling down the stairs, finished with his successful 5 hour stream with Dream and Sapnap. Spotting (y/n) making her tea, he slowly approaches her and wraps his arms around her waist, landing a soft kiss to her shoulders.
“Why are you home late, Darling? It’s nearly almost two in the morning.”, George chuckles, as (y/n) freezes in his arms. Softly shaking her head, she tries to side-step out of his arms and brings her tea to the opposite side of the room, wrapping an arm around herself. Clearly, he didn’t remember, (y/n) slowly starts to think and repeat to herself.
“Why do you think I was out, George?” she softly asks, taking a sip of tea to calm her nerves. I guess we’re just going to have to hash it out now.
“I don’t know, but did you see the stream? I beat Dream at the last second and he was this close to defeating the Ender Dragon!”, George starts to explain while laughing, with (y/n) taking a harsh breath in. Pinching in-between her brows, she snaps,
“No, George, I didn’t see the stream because I went out to celebrate.”, she mutters, tears slowly starting to escape.
“(y/n)? Is there something wrong? Why are you crying?“ Turning around, (y/n) tries to look anywhere but him. She settles on looking at the clock, watching as time went by, and her nerves increasing with each second. George starts to say more-
“I needed you tonight. Do you remember what tonight was? To my career? To me?”, (y/n) cuts him off. Standing there without a thought, dread slowly seeps in as George realizes that he missed her performance. He starts to stutter,
“Darling, I- “
“No! No. You do not get to apologize. I needed you and where were you? Sitting on your ass playing Minecraft with Dream and Sapnap! I get that your career is very reliant on you being consistent with your uploads, but you couldn’t have taken a night off? For me? I- ”
“(y/n), it’s not like that at- “
“Don’t- just don’t try to explain or come up with excuses. I just don’t want to hear it George. I spent months working on this, exhausted yet still pushing myself for the damn Academy. You swore that you would be there. I left you the ticket on your nightstand, you even texted me saying that you were excited to come! So imagine me standing on stage, looking at the front row, seat G, and where the hell were you? Not there, George. You were not there. I looked like a fool waiting for you to see me perform and dance. Do you remember Nicholas Anderson?”, (y/n) tries to ask calmly. George only stare at her with defeated eyes as he shakes his head no. Cursing, she heaves out a breath before continuing,
“He’s the director of the Academy, George. He’s offered me a position to be a permanent member and choreographer for the London Dance Academy. So please, let me ask again: where were you? I had to lie to Liam and say that you had an upset stomach and that you couldn’t come out! So, Liam invited me to celebrate with the dancers, to celebrate tonight’s success.”
“(y/n)- (y/n), we can celebrate now. I know- I truly know I messed up, but I can fix it, we can celebrate right now!” George stumbles out, walking towards her to grab her hands. Stepping back, she glares at George, appalled that he truly thinks he could resolve this. Shaking her head harshly, she bites out,
“I don’t want to celebrate with you. I’ve already celebrated with loved ones.” Rolling his eyes, George tries to reason with (y/n).
“Okay, I get it. I’m the bad guy in this scenario. But I’m trying to make this right. I am so sorry, darling, but I want to make it up to you, you know I am sorry.”
“You know, I never ask you to cancel a stream or get off of the stream. I always try to understand for the life of me why the streams have to be long, but I try. I always watch your streams and interact with your fans for your sake. I’ve had to explain countless reasons as to why you never show up to my performances, or why you can’t go out with me with the other dancers. And I am okay with it, don’t get me wrong. I know how much Twitch and YouTube and the Dream Team means to you. But you mean everything to me as well. So forgive me if I wanted to be a little selfish and ask you to support me in one of the biggest performances of my life.”
“I can go to the next one, (y/n). It’s not like it’s the last performance.” George snaps.
“You don’t get it, do you?”, she asks, wiping furiously at her tears, trying to not stutter through her words.
“What is there to get? Clearly I’m trying my hardest to make it up to you.”, he replies.
“I love you. I’m so much in love with you, it hurts. But you don’t get it. I have been there for everything in your career. Your first hundred subscribers, your first million subscribers, when you won the MCC back to back, everything. This was- is the important night of my life, and you didn’t show up. You stuck with Dream and Sapnap and decided to stream instead. This night was important for my career, and you knew! I told you months and weeks in advance. I wanted you to take charge and clear your schedule for today and- and sit in the damn seat that I chose because G stood for George. It was for you.” She sobs out, chest shaking as she tries to collect the words tumbling out of her mouth. With eyes flashing in annoyance, George tries to speak over her tears,
“(y/n)- “
“I created this dance for you! For me and- and for us. Because we believed in each other and had the support for each other. Clearly, it was one-sided and tonight proved that.”
“(y/n), listen to me- ”, George stops himself. Watching (y/n) fall apart, he takes a shaky breath and tries to walk closer to (y/n). However, (y/n) takes more steps back, leaving a distance of hostility and guilt between the two lovers.
“I love you. I love you with all of my heart. And… and I know you love me. But I needed you. Do you even need me?” she asks, the thick silence covering the air.
“Yes! How- how could you even say that, (y/n)?“ George replies just as quick as she finished asking. Looking at him for the first time tonight, she lets out a sob. With cheeks red, hands tugging at his hair, and George frantically looking at her, (y/n) can’t help but cry a little more.
“Because tonight proved otherwise. I wanted a night of you to myself to watch me be pretty and dance, and you didn’t even give up one night for me.”, she says, tugging at her sweater. Looking up, she further goes on to say,
“How stupid would it be if I were to ask to choose between me or the Dream Team? Or- Or your career?”, barking out a bitter laugh as George stares with guilt. As silence meets her ears, (y/n) slowly starts to sober up, eyes slightly widening with shock.
“I’d find a way to make it work, I’ve been making it work for us since the beginning!” George snaps.
“George, you know I would never ask that, because I personally think it’s a selfish question. But if I decided to ask seriously, right now. What’s your answer?”
“And I’m telling you, I am making both work. Please believe me, (y/n).”, George says quietly, grasping at whatever opportunities there are left to resolve this potentially fatal matter.
“I can’t tell anymore.”, her voice cracking as fresh tears pool down her cheeks.
“I don’t think I can stay here for a while. At least until I’ve had some time to think.”, she manages to force out.
“(y/n), you can’t be serious. No, we are fixing this now!” George tries to say with an unwavering voice, eyes slowly becoming glassy.
“I can’t look at you George without wanting to cry, and- and scream- yet tell you I love you, even if you don’t deserve my love, especially right now. I need to go- I’m going to go. I’ll be back in a while.”, (y/n) says, choking on her words. Walking backwards, she turns to the door, with George following her and watching her pick up her dance bags. Lying on the ground was a bouquet of flowers, crumpled amongst her heart. Choosing not to pick up the bouquet, she mumbles out,
“I’ll call you when I’m ready.” Pausing, (y/n) looks up at George for the final time tonight, willing herself to not run back to him, despite how much the desire is growing to do so.
“I love you, George.”, opening the door, George yells out,
“I love- “, the door cutting through his confession, acting as a wall between the two. George tries to reach the door knob, ready to run after the love of his life. Yet… he’s frozen on the spot, with tears finally trickling down his cheeks, and pushing deep breaths out to steady his shaking heart.
Why are you crying, George?
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wrestlingplaylists · 3 years
Tam Nakano & Kagetsu’s Greatest Hits: Being a summary of my favorite wrestling feud with links
NOTE: This post assumes you have a Stardom World subscription or know someone who does. In 2017, Tam Nakano, the Stardom Dream, hasn’t been in World Wonder Ring Stardom very long. She was an idol singer first, then she got famous doing exploding bat deathmatches (which are more or less what they sound like). Stardom signed her, but she’s out of her element, there’s no gimmicks here. With no friends and no bats, she hasn’t been winning much and she’s starting to feel really lost.
In the 5 Star Grand Prix Tournament, she fights Io Shirai, the ace of Stardom and leader of Queen’s Quest (a faction of super competitive tomboy types). The girls who check on her after her match are Hana Kimura and Kagetsu from Oedo Tai (a faction of hot goths who don’t play by the rules). Queen’s Quest and Oedo Tai fucking hate each other and this will be important later. https://www.stardom-world.com/set/1412/contents/1403?fcid=14
Hana and Kagetsu face each other later in the same show. All of Oedo Tai is pulling for Hana to win the tournament, but Kagetsu believes her job as the leader is to make her juniors prove themselves, so she isn’t about to go easy on Hana. When the match is over, Tam sees the way Oedo Tai takes care of each other and she asks to join. More than anything, Tam wants a family, and Oedo Tai seems like that to her. https://www.stardom-world.com/set/1412/contents/1405?fcid=14 
Tam gets injured pretty soon after joining and gets kind of shunted off into a manager role. It’s not the coolest thing ever, but at least she has a cool new costume and a panda stuffy. Meanwhile, another new member (Natsu Sumire) has joined Oedo Tai and the rivalry between them and Queen’s Quest has really started heating up. After an epic 4v4 match, Kagetsu has a special request for a final faceoff between the entirety of both factions. Tam is also here and she is a delight. https://www.stardom-world.com/set/298/contents/297?fcid=2
At the January 2018 Anniversary show, Oedo Tai and Queen’s Quest have a 5v5 elimination match with the stipulation that the last wrestler eliminated will be kicked out of their team. It’s a huge match for both teams and Tam is back for it. Finally, she will prove her worth to Oedo Tai now that she’s back from her injury and can fight alongside her chosen family. https://www.stardom-world.com/set/1593/contents/1592?fcid=2 
Tam and her new tag partner, Mayu Iwatani, announce their intention to win the Goddess of Stardom tag team belts. The belts that Hana and Kagetsu took from Mayu and another partner not that long before all this. Needless to say, Oedo Tai sees this as a betrayal. Tam was supposed to find her own way but not like this. This is personal. https://www.stardom-world.com/set/1613/contents/1611?fcid=2 
Tam and Mayu challenge for the tag belts and, well, it’s emotionally intense for everyone involved, but at least it means the feud is over right? Right? https://www.stardom-world.com/set/1620/contents/1617?fcid=2 
Lol nah, Oedo Tai is as pissed as ever. Things are still extremely tense and personal. Natsu challenges Tam and a partner of Tam’s choice to a tag match against her and Kagetsu to end the feud once and for all. Any stipulation Tam wants. https://www.stardom-world.com/set/1687/contents/1686?fcid=2 
IF YOU ONLY WATCH ONE MATCH IN THIS POST PLEASE MAKE IT THIS ONE!! I don’t know what else I could say here. Tam and Io get their revenge on Oedo Tai with the gimmick that made Tam famous. An exploding bat death match. I don’t want to overhype it too much, but it’s a real good capper for the feud and I just, yeah, I go back to this one a lot. https://www.stardom-world.com/set/1073/contents/1072?fcid=2 
With the Oedo Tai feud more or less ended, Tam spends some time working on herself and helping to build Mayu’s new faction, Stars. She mostly plays supporting roles in other people’s stories for a long time and doesn’t get a ton to do specifically with Kagetsu. But she does have a few tense moments with Hana, and it’s interesting to see Hana and Oedo Tai starting to begrudgingly respect Tam again. She’s stronger and more confident than ever.
It’s the last match of the 2018 5 Star Grand Prix Tournament before finals. Tam hasn’t been having the best tournament. She only has one win so far, but she hasn’t been letting it get to her. Though she’s lost and lost, she’s kept her spirits up and she’s going into her match with Kagetsu with her head held high. Kagetsu, for her part, is the World Champion now and she’s won nearly all her tournament matches despite increasing tension within Oedo Tai, She only needs one more win to secure her place in finals. https://www.stardom-world.com/set/1678/contents/1676?fcid=2
At the January 2019 Anniversary show, Tam challenges Momo Watanabe for the Wonder of Stardom belt, but it’s not really about the belt. Tam remembers losing to Momo a year ago. She remembers being kicked out of Oedo Tai, losing her family and having to start over. She’s dyed her hair black like the old days, she’s made her peace with her past. And whether she wins or not, Tam is determined to prove that Stars has made her better and that she can no longer be disregarded. https://www.stardom-world.com/set/19/contents/70?fcid=1 
The Cinderella tournament, a one day tournament where competitors are eliminated over the top rope, hasn’t historically gone great for Tam. She just never seems to take it especially seriously. Even meeting Kagetsu in the first round doesn’t seem to bother her. She says she thinks about fighting Kagetsu all the time. She says it nonchalantly and with a smile. Tam’s not angry anymore. She and Kagetsu are finally equals and this will be the night that proves it. https://www.stardom-world.com/set/346/contents/352?fcid=1 
Through 2019, Tam’s main focus is Stars and her relationship with her teammates. She has something of a rivalry with her teammate Arisa, at first they fight over Mayu’s affections and then over the Wonder of Stardom belt after Arisa takes it off Momo. The rivalry grows into a grudging respect and I could make a whole playlist for that storyline. What’s relevant here is that by the time the Goddess of Stardom Tag League rolls around, Tam’s tense friendship with Arisa has consumed all her time and energy. When the two face Kagetsu and her new partner Andras Miyagi, Tam isn’t even thinking about Oedo Tai. What matters to her is the hope of winning the tournament and the relationship she’s built along the way. Though of course, Kagetsu hasn’t forgotten, and the draw at the Cinderella tournament was only salt on the wound. It’s been two years since the bat match and the humiliating Grand Prix defeat, and Kagetsu is still too angry for words. https://www.stardom-world.com/set/876/contents/885?fcid=1 
It’s the January 2020 Anniversary show. Kagetsu has announced her retirement. Tonight is Tam and Kagetsu’s last match together and they’re going to leave it all in the ring. I have a lot of feelings about this one. I’m just gonna let you watch it.
A month later, Kagetsu prepares for her last match in Stardom. A gauntlet match against the entire Stardom roster. Every friendship, every rivalry, every weird tense relationship in between, it all ends here for Kagetsu. Tam is here too, but for once it isn't about Tam. Here, Kagetsu gets to be the hero of her own story and pass the torch to a generation of wrestlers she helped train. And I'll be damned if it doesn't make me cry every time.
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so ik we aren’t sure if the camo kiss was cut or not, but i wrote it just in case:) this takes place directly after 11x04!
(also i am still working on prompts after a little break, those will b up soon!<3)
Ian stumbled up the front steps of the Gallagher house, trying not to pay too much attention to the heavy metal music and the roar of the bonfire coming from the lot beside the house. He fumbled in the cheap fabric pockets of his military outfit to try and find his housekeys (Frank had started being vigilant about locking the front door since what he was calling the “Great Milkovich Invasion”). Mickey was a couple of steps behind him, stopping to lean over the chain link fence and flipping off one of his more scraggly-looking cousins who had just taken it upon himself to yell “military pussies” as Ian and Mickey walked by- honestly, not the worst insult they could have shouted, considering they’d had all day to brew up new combinations of slurs after seeing Mickey and Ian walk by in their uniforms on their way to Kev and V’s that morning.
Ian slid the key in the lock, and turned around to call to Mickey, who was still hurling insults at his bearded cousin as the moonlight bounced off his face.
“Better watch your fucking back, Gary, ‘cause my window’s right up there above you, and I’d hate to accidentally do some target practice during your little sleepover under the stars out here.”
Ian rolled his eyes. “Hey, sharpshooter, you wanna come inside?”
Mickey cast one more glare at the tattered group of Milkoviches, then reached over the fence to take the can of beer one of them was holding.
“Better sleep with one eye open, assholes.”
Mickey turned and finally ambled up the creaking front steps, ducking under Ian’s arm that was holding the door open into the warm glow of the living room. Mickey kicked off his boots and threw them onto the living room floor, then took a sip of his stolen lukewarm beer and grinned, his defensive facade completely melting away now that they were safely indoors.
“Nice first day, Gallagher. Might have to give you a promotion soon.”
Ian rolled his eyes even more aggressively as he crouched down and untied the shoelaces of his bulky pleather military boots.
“Oh yeah? I don’t remember saying I was interested in being employed on a regular basis.”
Mickey took a final sip of the stolen beer and winced, then crushed the can on the back of the couch. “Well I guess today’s your lucky day then, lover. I ended your job hunt right before it even started.”
Mickey took off the flimsy camo pageboy hat and tossed it on the ground next to his shoes. “You want a beer? That shit was disgusting.”
Ian smirked, pulling off his boots and putting them by the door. “Yeah, sure.”
Mickey strode into the kitchen, while Ian scooped up Mickey’s discarded boots and hung up his hat by the door.
“I still can’t believe they had all that fucking weed just lying around, man!” Mickey called from the kitchen, opening the fridge and making the bottles clang as he fumbled for two beers.
Ian smirked and ambled into the kitchen, settling against the edge of the countertop. Mickey handed him a beer, which Ian opened on the side of the counter and slowly took a sip.
“Yeah. It’s fuckin’ crazy.”
Mickey was standing inches in front of him, twisting off the cap of his own beer and smiling with bright eyes, like he was glowing from this absurdly weird day going exactly as he had planned. Ian had the sudden thought that maybe it had- while Mickey seemed to act like he didn’t want to wear the camo gear that Ian discovered in the back corner of the dingy army supply store, Ian was starting to realize that Mickey getting him to play dress-up all day while they did the security job might have been exactly what Mickey had in mind when he was giving Ian shit at the store. As if confirming Ian’s thoughts, Mickey smiled a half-smile and poked him in the chest, giddy.
“Gallavich security, bitch. No more faking pay stubs for my P.O., the two of us are gonna make a killing just fucking hauling weed around all day.”
Ian barked out a laugh as he set his bottle down on the counter and pulled himself up to sit on the edge. “Gallavich security?”
“Fuck yeah, bitch. We’re going official. The name sounds totally badass anyways, gotta let everyone know what we mean business.”
Ian smirked. “Hm, okay. And since both of our names are in the business title, does that mean I still work for you? Or does it mean that we’re partners now?”
Mickey stepped closer, eyebrows raised and his tone playful. “Well, I don’t know. That depends on how hard you work, how you do in your employee review. You’re the one always talking about work ethic and all that shit.”
Ian rolled his eyes, but reached his arms up to comfortably rest over Mickey’s shoulders. “Oh yeah, boss? And how’d I do today?”
Mickey took a second to respond, leaning in closer now that he was ensnared in Ian’s grasp. His eyes flickered to Ian’s lips, then back up to meet Ian’s eyes with that intoxicated, heavy-lidded look he always had when Ian’s face was inches from his.
“Not sure yet. You gonna work with me again tomorrow?” Mickey retorted, a little more softly.
Ian sighed. “If I say yes, will you get off my fucking back about the fact that you have a job and I don’t?”
Mickey leaned his face in closer, then reached up and pulled Ian’s cheap camo hat off of his head.
And then they were kissing, and Ian’s arms were pulling Mickey closer and cradling the back of his head in his hands—they were kissing, and for the first time in weeks they weren’t kissing because they had been fighting, or because they wanted a quick fuck and needed to blow off some steam, but because they wanted to be closer to each other, kissing because they were finally on the same team. He and Mickey were wearing matching fucking costumes, and they probably looked fucking ridiculous—but they were actually working together for once, were actually standing hand in hand in front of whoever crossed their path. While the day had begun with Ian reeling in panic that Mickey would do something illegal or stupid or both and end up in prison and away from him again, now Ian couldn’t shake the warmth that overtook him, sitting on the kitchen counter with his legs wrapped around a warm and thrumming Mickey, who had softened the second that Ian decided to get off the couch and be with him all day.
Perching on the kitchen counter, feeling his husband’s hungry lips press against his again and again, Ian couldn’t help but think that this wasn’t the way he’d envisioned wearing camo someday back when he was 16 and in ROTC; hell, he never would have imagined that he would have gone to jail someday when he was 16, or that he would preach in a church to crowds of hundreds of people, or that he would be bipolar— but the most surprising thing of all in his life was the fact that he would actually get to love Mickey Milkovich, that he was married to the dirt-smudged shit-talking teenage boy he’d spent his whole life wanting to be close to. The Gallagher kitchen had undoubtedly seen its fair share of make-out sessions, between him and Trevor or Caleb or whoever—but Ian couldn’t help but think that this moment with Mickey felt like the only kiss that mattered, the only time that Ian wasn’t putting on an act. Mickey was the only person that Ian didn’t have to pretend for, the only one who was his exact brand of crazy— Mickey was the only one Ian could think of who wouldn’t scoff at Ian’s idea of wearing matching outfits to do a security job, and instead got dressed and walked down the street beside him, got giddy at the fact they could spend the day together. Ian had never known where his life would take him, but building a business with the love of his life seemed like a pretty good start.
Ian’s hand slid from the back of Mickey’s head and down his neck, and he let his fingers rest over the camo-printed lapels of Mickey’s shirt, right in the spot he knew Mickey’s tattoo was. Mickey trailed kisses down the side of Ian’s neck, pulling him in closer.
“Love you, love you so fucking much,” Mickey mumbled as he crashed their lips together again.
And as Ian grasped the back of Mickey’s hair once more, breathing him in, he knew that this was exactly where he was supposed to be.
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