#and my sister wants to pull me back into spn
thebeetleboy · 1 year
you bitches got me back into my hannibal obsessions. ill never forgive you
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jasmines-library · 6 months
Hello!! I was hoping I could request for a Winchester sister reader that's taking care of the brothers when they're sick? Maybe making chicken noodle soup for them and stuff! Just something cute, I just need some comfort 🥹 Thank you if you take my request! 🫶
Noodle Soup
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Note: Sorry its a little short, I wanted to get some spn out for you all tonight because its been a hot minute since I wrote for spn and I’m ashamed
Word Count: 1k
You never thought you would ever say this, but the infamous Dean Winchester was sick. Honestly, he wasn’t sure if he would ever say it. Not out loud at least, but this morning, he could hardly drag himself out of bed and he was hit with a migraine and blocked sinuses that completely threw him off balance.
 It put him in a bad mood as he tried to make his way to the kitchen, grumbling something about how he was fine. He was betrayed by the dry cough that left him heaving and leaning heavily on the side of the counter. You considered getting up many times as you watched him from the kitchen table as you scanned the papers for any possible hunts, but you knew his foul mood would more than likely end in an argument that you didn’t want to be involved in. What finally made you push your chair out from the table to put a stop to Dean’s antics was when he was fumbling around with a pan and dropped it on the floor with a clatter. 
“Alright. That’s it. ” You linked an arm around him, pulling him away from the counter. 
“Get the hell off me, Y/N.” Dean tried to push you away. “I’m fine.”
“Dean.” You gave him a look, narrowing your eyes at him stubbornly. “You can barely stand straight.”
He tried to turn back to the kitchen. “Piss off.”
You took his arm and dragged him back to the sofa. He sank back into it with a cough. 
“Stay put.”
Your brother rolled his eyes and grumbled, but made no attempt to stand. 
Sighing in content, you made your way back to the kitchen to make a start on breakfast when you heard another set of lumbering footsteps echoing through the bunker. 
“I swear to god, Dean-” You started, making your way out of the kitchen only to come face to face with a very gruff-looking Sam. His hair was tousled and his eyes had dark shadows beneath them. 
“Sammy?” You frowned. 
“Hey y/n/n” He greeted. His voice was hoarse and scratchy, as if someone had replaced it with sandpaper. Perhaps it was not just one set of coughs and sneezes that kept you up last night. 
“You too, huh?” You asked as he plonked himself on a stool in the kitchen. 
Although less stubborn than his older brother, Sam still hesitated for a moment before sighing. 
“Yep. I think we must have picked it up at the bar on the last hunt.”
It made sense. The two of them had gone out to the bar the other nights while you scouted out the local town. You weren’t sick, so it seemed to add up.
Sam groaned, rubbing his temples to try and ease the pressure. 
“Why don’t you go and join Dean? I’ll bring some food out in a bit.”
Nodding, Sammy took his leave, stumbling back to his brother. 
“Alrighty…” You balanced two bowls of steaming soup in your hands and you pushed open the door with your foot. 
Your brothers didn’t seem to have improved much since this morning. Stubbornly as ever they both sat bundled up in blankets on the couch, wallowing in their own self pity and watching whatever they could find on the TV to keep themselves entertained. In the meantime, you were making sure that they were well cared for: making sure their temperatures didn’t get too high, or handing them painkillers to help with the headache. It was only fair, they had spent countless hours looking after you in the past when you were ill. 
That was why you found yourself in the kitchen nursing a bowl of chicken noodle soup. It was your mother’s recipe; something that John had stashed away at the back of his journal. You could see why: it was the perfect remedy for a day like this. 
Handing a bowl to both of your brothers, you watched as they sipped the steaming liquid and twisted the noodles around on a fork. Glad to see that they could stomach food, you went back into the kitchen to grab your own bowl. Your two brothers had sprawled themselves out across the length of the sofa, so you took a seat on the floor with your head leaning against Sam’s legs. 
“Thank you.” Dean said as you took your seat.
“It’s not a problem.” You told him.
“We should be the ones taking care of you.” Dean continued.
You frowned, deepening the creases on your forehead. “Says who?”
Dean faltered. “Us.”
“Let me take care of you for once.”
The three of you stayed there for the rest of the day, talking and watching films through half lidded eyes and checking that your brothers were feeling okay. But, a few hours and a mountain of tissues later, they had finally drifted off to sleep.
@defonotashleyr @aestheticdaisies @xxrougefangxx
@hell-o-kittys @inlovewhithafairytale @harleycao
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beanzwrites · 1 year
since you write for spn, what about something where the reader is Sam and Dean's little sister and yk when in season 2 they go to the Roadhouse- well, maybe She meets Ash and she gets a crush on him and when they go to the Roadhouse She always stay with him? And maybe they also notice that she has Ash's ring (yeah in my mind he wears a ring with the scrabble's A) and they're like, teasing her, expecially Dean, saying things like 'oh, why don't you come ti the Roadhouse with us? We're pretty sure there's someone waiting for you' and it's just fluff with Ash? Thank you so much, even if you don't write it :3
"Your Frog Prince is Waiting~"
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A/n: Thank you so much for the request; it's my very first one! I hope you enjoy! I'm not used to writing Ash, so I apologize if he seems a bit out of character; I tried my best.
Dean x Sister! reader x Sam, Ash x reader
Warnings: Cursing, potential cringe pet names, teenage crush
Description: As the Winchesters spend more time at the Roadhouse, the youngest gains a little crush on one of the residents. 😊
Latin Translation: mnemosynum (Keepsake)
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
The inside of the saloon was quiet as Dean shuts the creaking front door. All of the lights were off besides a sparking LED light hanging behind the bar. The place was grim, the sun casting through the ragged curtains seeming to be the only bright thing in the place.
(Y/n) stays close to her brothers as they venture deeper inside, only to bump into Sam as he stops suddenly. Her older brother barely spares her a glance, his attention caught on the boy laying across a pool table a few feet away.
"Oh god... is he dead?" She murmurs, eying him with slight trepidation. Sam shrugs in response.
"Hey, Buddy?" Sam calls out, taking a step forward. No response. "I'm guessing that isn't Ellen."
"You think?" (Y/n) snaps, observing the backside of the stranger. Sam snorts in response, before heading towards the back. "Sammy? Sammy, where are you going?"
"Stick beside me, squirt." Dean's voice says lowly, "We don't really know what's going on here."
(Y/n) turns to him to make a sarcastic response, but pales as she sees a woman press a gun to his back. "Dean..."
"Oh god, please let that be a rifle..."
"No, I'm just real happy to see you," the woman responds, cocking the gun.
(Y/n) took a step forward, only for the woman to dig the head of the gun deeper into Dean's back. "Don't move, or I'll shoot his spine out."
"Don't move -- copy that," (Y/n) repeats, making eye contact with her brother with a dry swallow.
"You should know something, miss. When you put a rifle on someone, you don't want to put it right against their back, 'cause it makes it real easy to do..." Dean rambles before turning around swiftly and stealing the rifle away from the woman's grip.
Before Dean can stand his ground fully, the woman throws a full punch at his face, causing him to stagger as she pulls the gun back to her.
"Sammy-" (Y/n) calls in alarm.
"Sorry..." Sam states as he comes back out with his hands over his head, "Can't help right now, I'm a little tied up."
The older woman who has Sam hostage eyes the two men for a moment before glancing at the young girl standing with a distressed look on her face. "Winchesters?"
"Yeah," both (Y/n)'s brothers say in unison.
"Son of a bitch," she laughs, putting her revolver in her back pocket. "Hey, I'm Ellen. That's my daughter, Jo."
"He didn't send you..." Ellen pauses, a look of sadness washing over her expression. Neither (Y/n) or her brothers responded as each of them look away from her. The pain of losing their father is still fresh in their heart. "He's alright, isn't he?"
No," Sam finally states with a sigh, "he isn't. It was the demon, we think. It, um... it just got him before he got it, I guess."
"I'm so sorry."
"It's okay. We're all right," Dean says.
"Really, I know how close you and your Dad-"
"Really, Lady, I'm fine," Dean interjects with a stern look. (Y/n) gently places her hand on his thigh before looking at Ellen with the shake of her head.
"So, look, if you can help..." Sam announces, trying to change the subject, "We could use all the help we can get."
"Well, We can't," Ellen replies, "but Ash will."
"Who's Ash?" (Y/n) questions.
Ellen snorts before yelling out the name. As a response, the guy from before swiftly gets up with a groan. Balls fly from the table as he looks around to where his name was being called, his long hair flipping back and forth erratically.
"What?" Ash's voice booms, looking over at the group huddled by the bar, "closing time?"
"You got to be kidding me. This guy's no genius," Dean grumbles, "He's a Lynyrd Skynyrd Roadie!"
"Dean, give him a chance." (Y/n) grumbles out, kicking him slightly in the leg. Ash cheekily smiles and Dean rolls his eyes.
"Alright. Well, this stuff's about a year's worth of out dad's work," Dean shares as he sits down, "Let's see what you make of it."
Ash looks over the papers that Dean slid over, and scowls. "Come on, this crap ain't real. Ain't nobody can track a demon like this."
"How do you know?" (Y/n) questions, "Our dad was really good at it."
"Well, sweet cheeks. These are nonparametric statistical overviews, cross-spectrum correlations. I mean... damn. They're signs, omens. If you can track them, you can track this demon- You know, like crop failures, electrical storms. You ever been struck by lightning?" (Y/n) shakes her head in response as he looks at her, "It ain't fun."
"Can you track it or not?" Sam asks, giving Ash the stink eye.
"Yeah, with this, I think so."
"Really? How long?" (Y/n) questions with the quirk of her brow.
"It's gonna take time. Give me, 51 hours."
"You can really track down a demon in the span of over two days? I gotta say, that's impressive."
"Oh, you'll be impressed." Ash says with a smirk, "It'll be just like fine wine."
(Y/n) didn't say anything as her face flushes.
"That kid's hair was something else," Dean chuckles out as they go back to Bobby's car. "Looked more like a rat's nest to me."
"I don't know, I kinda liked it," (Y/n) responds with a small smile.
"Liked it?" Dean speaks, whipping his head around, "You mean to tell me you'd get your hair cut that way too?"
"No! What I meant is, it suited him. Not everyone could pull it off," (Y/n) speaks, climbing into the back of the van.
"Yeah, if you call that a suited haircut..."
"Do you really think he'll be able to track Dad's demon in 51 hours?" Sam asks, looking out the passenger side window.
"Psh, my bet is no. Dad spent his entire hunting career looking for that thing. There is no way a kid who sleeps on a pool table can top that!"
"I say he will," (Y/n) replies matter-of-factly.
"What makes you say that?"
"I just got a good feeling about him, is all."
"Did you find the demon?" Sam's breath tickles the back of (Y/n)'s head as he leans over her. Ash sets his computer down, casually placing his arm beside hers as he types away.
"It's nowhere around, at least nowhere I can find. If this fugly bastard raises its head, I'll know. I mean, I'm on it like divine on dog dookie."
"You can really be alerted right away?" (Y/n) asks with awe.
"Any of those signs or omens appear anywhere in the world, my rig will go off like a fire alarm."
"That's amazing..."
"Where did you learn to do all this?" Sam gasps in amazement.
"M.I.T., before I got bounced for fighting." Ash explains with a somewhat embarrassed look on his face.
"What was the fighting about?" (Y/n) responds, amusement crossing over her face.
Ash looks over at her with amusement of his own, "Wouldn't you like to know, sugar cube."
"Okay!" Dean says as he gets up from the table, "Give us a call as soon as you know something?"
"Si, si, compadre."
(Y/n) gets up from her seat, going to head after her brothers who already made their way back to the front, before being stopped by Ash.
"Hey, sugar cube. I wanna give ya somethin' before you hit the road," Ash says, as he leans against one of the chairs.
"Oh? And what's that?" (Y/n) replies with a flirtatious simper.
"Give me your hand," Ash says simply, "and you'll get your big surprise."
"Okay..." (Y/n) chuckles, reaching her arm out. Ash grabs at her wrist softly, eyeing each one of her fingers before placing something cool to the touch over her middle finger.
"mnemosynum," Ash announces with a bow, granting her access to what he put on her. A bulk piece of metal clung to her slim finger; the initial A engraved in it. "Until we meet again."
"Why?" (Y/n) asks. It's not that she didn't like it; it was quite charming. She was just slightly confused on why she got the gift in the first place.
"I have a good feeling about you, sweet cheeks. I think we are going to be tight these next couple months," Ash announces, "You can keep that, by the way."
"Thanks... You know, I can say the same thing for you."
"Is that so?"
"It's so."
"Come on, kiddo. We gotta get going," Dean says as he grabs his keys from the top of the motel's mini fridge.
"Why's that?" (Y/n) responds, not looking up from her book. "I thought you and Sammy were just going to the town over."
"We need some info," Dean pauses as he checks out the ring on his sister's finger, "and I'm sure your roadkill boyfriend would love to see you."
"He's not roadkill, Dean!" (Y/n) shouts, slamming her book shut. "And he's not my boyfriend!"
"Sure, and you aren't red as a tomato right now," Dean smirks. "Seriously though, we gotta go, so... get to moving, princess. Your frog prince is waiting~"
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Kinktober Day 20: Mind Control- Lucifer (SPN)
A/N: ⚠️ please be aware that this is a dark fic with non con themes in it so content warning and please don’t read if you don’t like that ⚠️
Summary: Lucifer finds out how well he can control humans and uses that new ability on the Winchester’s sister
Word count: 1, 129
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As the Impala pulled up to the bunker garage, you were glad to finally be home. The hunt wasn’t very physically taxing but it was mentally exhausting. Your mind felt weak and you just wanted to lay down.
Walking through the halls of the large bunker, you were grateful to be getting to your room. Once you opened the door however, the person, or perhaps a better word would be ‘being’, you saw brought out anything but gratitude in you.
Lucifer stood before you and just as you were about to scream or run, you found you were unable to. Panic began to take over you as you stood before him frozen.
“Hello, little Winchester, I’m so glad you’re finally back. I feel like I’ve been waiting forever for you to return.” He says, the tone of his voice almost toying with you.
Making his way closer to you, you try once again to move or shout, but unfortunately your attempts are in vain. As he stands before you, his finger tips begin to trace over your face and slowly trace across your lips. Being frozen you try to move your face or even close your eyes, but now even that is taken from you.
“You know, an angels grace can give them so many abilities. I only just discovered for myself how well I’m able to control humans. I’ve been practising and as you can see, from your frozen state, I’ve gotten quite good. I can make you do whatever I want.” He taunts you, as he leans his face in closer to yours, your noses now touching.
Fear strikes you as you realise what this means. The more time passes the more frozen you seem to become. Now unable to show any emotion at all, you simply stand there in a trance-like state.
Looking down at you, he now chuckles, happy to see just how well this new ability is working. His once light touches and tracing fingers, now shove their way into your hair, pulling at your scalp and shoving your head back.
“I want to use this new power to my own advantage against your brothers of course, but for now I’d like to have a little fun.” He continues to taunt you.
Looking down into your eyes, he sees nothing but complete compliance, this making his smile wider. He leans down closer until his lips are almost on yours. You believe he’s going to kiss you but you’re grateful that he steps away.
Your gratitude only lasts so long however before it is turned to fear once again.
Walking away, he makes his way over to your desk chair, turning it around so he can sit facing you. He sits down dominantly and you begin to panic as he unzips his jeans and pulls out his impressively hard cock, stroking it lightly as his legs widen.
“Come over here, little one.” He orders.
Your mind becomes terrified as your body begins to move towards him in your zombie state. His smile grows and the hand on his cock lightly speeds up with each step you take.
“Now kneels before your king.” He orders, smirking darkly as you fall to your knees before him.
“Such a good girl.” He praises as he strokes your hair.
You want nothing more than to take his hand and break it, call out to your brothers, scream! But your body is limp and terrifyingly compliant, leaving you with no choice but to do whatever Lucifer orders you.
“Now, put your pretty little mouth and lovely hand around my cock and make me cum. I know you can be a good girl and do that.” Comes his next order.
A tight grip in your hair moves you forward, though there is no need, your body was moving towards him anyway.
You can’t believe the position you’re in, on your knees, in front of the devil himself and sucking his cock.
Your lips wrap around the head of his cock, moving up and down, sucking and licking as your hand pumps the rest of him. He told you that you’d make him cum and that’s exactly what your bodies doing.
If you could look up, you’d see his head thrown back, his eyes squeezed shut and his lip between his teeth.
“Oh fuck. Such a good girl for me.” He moans out in praise as his hand in your hair guides your head down further.
“When I take you back to hell, I’ll have to train you to do this without my grace. You’ll be my good little slave, you’ll beg for my cock to be inside you always.” He moans out darkly, his hips now moving with his hand.
The thought of being his slave and what that means starts to sink in. Surely he can’t do that, you wouldn’t do this from your own free will. Your brothers will find him and save you.
Leaning his head down, his lips ghost by your ear.
“Once I cum in your pretty little mouth, you’re mine. You’ll crave my cock always and do whatever I say to get it. Once my seed makes it’s way into your body you’ll be mine forever.” He tells you, chuckling darkly.
Before you can fully process what he’s said, he begins to stand, his cock still in your mouth.
“Stop sucking and touching me. Keep my cock in your mouth and open your mouth up wide.” He orders and once again your body complies.
Your hands are besides you limply and your mouth is hung open wide. He takes the back of your head with both hands to keep it still and begins to fuck his hips into you.
You begin to gag around him and tears begin to roll down your cheeks but there is nothing you can do.
“Look at me while I fuck your throat, little one.” He orders with a strained moan and you knew he was close.
Looking up you see the devil himself with a smirk on his face in a state of sexual bliss.
“I’m gonna cum down your throat and you will be mine.” He warns as his thrusts become harder and faster.
The back of your throat and your scalp are burning as he continues to thrust into you harshly. With one last particularly harsh thrust, he roars out a moan as his warm seed is forced down your throat.
Slipping his cock out of you, he laughs loudly at your still open mouth and your fucked out face. He chuckles darkly as he gathers your spit and tears, pushing them back into your open mouth.
“Now you’re mine.” He whispers in your ears as he lifts you up and you feel yourself being transported somewhere.
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Duck, Duck, Pitbull
Joel Miller x Winchester!Reader
Summary: You and your brothers picked up two hitch hikers near your compound in Jackson. This follows the important scenes between a Miller and a Winchester.
Word Count: 11k+
Warnings: Fem!reader, i do an abrupt pov shift once, SPN x The Last of Us crossover, age gap ≥10 years, big bro!Winchesters, mentions/depictions of violence, smut (hair pulling, dom/sub dynamic?, vaginal penetration, praise kink, rough sex), mentions/depictions of pregnancy/miscarriage symptoms, slow burn, angst, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: the smut is after the 👹, so you can skip it but i still think MINORS DNI honestly i wanted to just add a brother named dean but then i was like ah what the hell let's put THE Dean™ so i did lol. rekindling the superwholock girlie though i never made it too far in supernatural. Tbh it doesn't warp the plot too much though. Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @sloanexx @igotanidea @multifandom-fangirl4 have since cross posted on ao3
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The sound of a gun's safety being unhinged was what made Joel freeze. He clenches his jaw and feels something poke the back of his head, undoubtedly a gun.
"Hands up," a deep voice calls behind him, "turn around. Slowly."
Joel thinks of Ellie as he raises his hands. Told that damned kid not to wander far. He sighs and hears the sound of his boots crunch the icy snow, melted by the entrance of this abandoned shed.
When he turns around, he sees four people, one of them was holding the gun to his face, and two of them had a hand on Ellie's shoulder.
The woman behind Ellie grins, "I told you he was hot."
Ellie and the man beside her makes a disgusted face and sound.
"Shut up," the man holding a gun to Joel's face barks to his side. He turns back to Joel and sighs, "I'm going to ask you questions, and if your response matches with the information your little girl gave us, we're not going to have any problems."
"And what if they don't," Joel quips back, eyes dark, lips pursed tightly.
"Well, then I assume one of you is lying to me, and that means you can't be trusted," he quips back.
Joel's eyes dart to Ellie.
"Hey, hey, look at me," the man blocks his vision, "what's your name?"
He huffs, "Joel."
"What's her name?"
"Where are you two going?"
"I'm looking for my brother."
"What's your brother's name?"
Joel clenches his jaw, "Tommy."
"Is she your daughter?"
"Who is she then?"
Joel presses his lips together.
"Dean, that's enough," the woman cuts in.
"Don't interrupt me, kid," Dean barks back. He motions with his gun, "well, who is she."
"Cargo," Joel mutters.
Dean tilts his head and purses his lips. He drops his gun and puts it away, "what's your last name?"
Joel hesitates as he watches the two people with Ellie take their hands off her, the woman urging her to walk over to Joel. Ellie does so in a manner that seems somehow reluctant. Only when Joel has his hand on Ellie's arm does he reply to the man that was walking over to the others, "Miller."
Dean makes a fist and grunts victoriously. He turns to the man, "I fucking told you he's Joel Miller."
The taller of the three rolls his eyes and pulls out something from the back of his pocket and gives it to Dean. Joel's attention is averted when the woman pushes past between the two and waves at him, introducing herself with a soft smile. She points her thumb to one side, "this is my brother Dean," then the other, "and Sam. We're the Winchesters."
Joel furrows his brows, almost tempted to say he didn't give a fuck.
Her smile brightens, "just throwing that out there since we know your first and last names and all."
"Also, we know where your brother is," Sam says.
Dean casually walks off. Sam watches as he does so then turns back to his sister. She turns to him then to Joel, "wanna come with us? It would be stupid not to really, since we'll wind up at the same place anyway."
Sam gives Joel and Ellie a look before following after his brother.
Ellie turns to Joel and nudges him. Joel looks down at her, then back to the woman, "describe Tommy to me."
A loud voice calls out her name.
She huffs, "uh... lemme see. Dark hair, tanned skin, uh, uh--
The call is repeated, but much angrier this time.
"No time. But- oh- he does have a mustache like yours!" She waves her hands, "I really can't wait any longer. What do you say?"
Ellie nudges Joel sharper this time.
Joel grunts at the contact.
She sighs and turns to Ellie, saying goodbye when her name is called out like a battle cry, running off for her brothers.
"DUDE!" Ellie barks, turning to Joel.
Joel sighs, shaking his head, "wait!"
"Huh," I scoff, leaning at the side of the car, "I never thought I'd have my brother as competition." I smile to myself as I look past the open hood to see none other than a focused Joel, hands covered in motor oil, towel over his shoulder, brows furrowed with purpose.
He ignores me as I continue my teasing, "when did you and him become besties?"
"I'm just helping him with his car."
I roll my eyes as I walk back and eye the obsolete Impala my eldest brother was hellbent on reviving. I cross my arms and chuckle as I watch Joel dig his hands, armed with a hefty tool, deeper into the engine, lips curling at the action, "you do know Baby is off limits. He doesn't want anyone touching her, much less fixing her."
Joel eyes me before turning back to his work, "you seem affectionate over it too."
I laugh and shake my head. I shrug, "well I mean, it was our dad's." I walk near him, rubbing the outside of the car Dean spent tireless nights to achieve its sheen, "he passed before the world turned to fungus, so it was special then, and twice as special now." I put my hands behind my back, "reminds all of us of a time when things were..." I drag out and hum.
"Normal." Joel finishes for me.
"Less fungus-y," I correct, "my family's never been normal."
He grunts as he struggles against whatever he was doing.
"Plus, it keeps Dean sane. S'much as he can be."
"Well, I wouldn't worry about him getting bored," he sighs, propping the wrench back on the wheeled toolbox, and grabs his towel, wiping his hands on it. Joel turns to me, "he's got his work cut out for him."
I lick my lips and nibble at it as I smile at the gruff cutie. Joel turns back to Baby and sniffles.
"Tell me, cowboy," I tilt my head as shove my hands in my back pockets, "if you're not besties with my brother, then why are you helping him?"
He finishes wiping his hands when he turns back and says, "he promised me pie."
I pull my head back before I break into a loud cackle. I throw my head back and grip my ribs, "you say that," I sigh, leaning into him, grabbing his arm, "as if that's helping your case."
Joel eyes me as I catch my breath, "you do know that I baked the pie with him cause he," I raise a finger, "AND I QUOTE 'wants to prove to Miller that Winchester's pie is where it's at'. You do know that means you and him have been taking about pie, right? No one just talks about pie."
"What? Am I incapable of small talk?" Joel counters.
My eyes go wide, "yes! Why would either of you even atte-" I grunt, cutting myself off to prove a point. I purse my lips as I place my hands on my hips, "DEEEAN!"
Joel throws his towel back over his shoulder.
I tap my foot as I wait for a response. I get none.
Immediately there is a bustle behind the screen door to the garage, "aw, what?"
Joel and I turn to Dean as he comes out with two plates of pie with a grin. He hands one of them to Joel as he makes a face, "come on, man. You can stay for a slice."
I watch as Joel is urged with the plate. I hold back a laugh as I do so, then mask it by clearing my throat and getting the other plate from Dean. Immediately, he clicks his tongue and raises the plate over his head, scowling at me, "nuh-uh, this is mine," he motions to the door, "get your own plate."
I roll my eyes as grab the one meant for his bestie before Joel can. Dean hisses when I do so and I rush behind Joel as I take a bite. I swirl my fork in the whipped cream he added in the serving, "damn, Dean. Joel is mine. Stop trying to seduce him."
Dean gives me a face.
I lick my lips and push Joel from behind, "he has to wash his hands anyway. Can't let my man get poisoned."
Joel repels my push slightly, so I roll my eyes and grab his arm, dragging him inside. He eventually relents against my strength, tired to fight back at this point I think.
"He's not your plaything, assbutt!" Dean growls, as he follows us.
"Unfortunately," I mutter, turning over my shoulder, smirking at Joel before whispering, "but I'm trying to be."
I stop in my tracks before we reach the kitchen as someone calls my name. I turn and see it's Sam, holding a paper bag of what I assumed to be produce.
He eyes Joel hotly as he mutters out, "Miller."
Joel sucks in a breath and nods, "Winchester."
Sam begins to eye my grip on Joel. The latter then instinctively pulls me off. I give him a pout for it and eye Sam in retrebution.
Dean, at this point, walks in and notices the sasquatch, "oh, hey, Sammy," he stuffs a bite of pie in his face, "put that down over there."
I huff and turn to Joel, giving him a smile, "I'll get you a slice, go wash your hands."
I walk off, past Sam, who was still eyeing Joel, and grab a plate and fork to get a slice of pie, "you want one, Samsquash?"
"No," Sam blurts, eyes still on Joel, "I gotta get back," he pulls his head back and finally moves to set the paper bag down, "Eileen's making stew. Can't stay long."
I perk up at the sound of that, "oooh, is that what she's taking to the potlock?"
Sam smiles at me, "yep. What a' you bringing? Pie?"
Dean takes the plate of pie I sliced up for Joel and hands it to him himself. Joel, who was wiping his hands on the towel hung by the fridge, says a soft thanks.
I eye Dean but then turn to Joel with a smile.
The former points to the latter, "yeah. I couldn't stand the fact Joel said that lady Donna's pecan pie was the best he'd had in a long time."
Sam rolls his eyes and crosses his arms as Joel walks over to me, leaning on the counter same as I. Sam mumbles, "not everyone has access to pie in the apocalypse, Dean."
Sam then turns to Dean with an annoyed look as the eldest Winchester points a finger, "well, he lives here now, and in these parts, there's a hierarchy." He snaps his fingers and points at Joel, who I had been watching the entire time as he began to eat.
I give an expectant look, "good right?"
Joel turns to me, sighing as he takes another munch. He speaks with a full mouth, "really good."
I chuckle as Dean claps his hands before stretching it out, "and at the top: Winchester Apple Pie."
I snort as I turn to Dean.
Sam shakes his head as he withholds a grin, "right."
Dean glares at Sam, waving his hands, "I'm always right. Your point?"
"I'm leaving," Sam nods. He turns to me, ruffling up my hair, "later, kid."
I exaggeratedly grunt and shove him off, "later, loser."
Sam's amused expression flattens when he turns to Joel. He gives a wordless nod and Joel nods back.
"You fucker!" Ellie gasps as she breaks into a laugh.
I narrowed my eyes as I faux examined the surroundings, elbow propped on the sheep fence as I leaned my back on it. I pretend to only just hear Ellie. I give her a look, "you talking to me, punk?"
She snarls through a grin, "yeah, old lady!" Ellie bends down and bunches up snow in her hand, "you're the only one stupid enough to pick a fight with me!"
I raise my hands as she laughs and chucks snow to my face. I easily dodge her attack and whip my hair back, "wow, you call that a fight?"
Ellie groans, "oh, it's soooo on now!"
"Pssh," I eye her as I quickly bunch up snow, "I thought we were already fighting?"
One snowball thrown after another, it doesn't take long for me to yield to Ellie, allowing her the victory, which is all part of my mastermind scheme.
She giggles as she makes it over to me, lying down next to me on the snow I had dramatically fallen onto. I grunt and pant as Ellie plops down on the snow, "since this is the end, tell Joel I think he has a nice butt."
She giggles, "ew! Tell him yourself."
I grab snow and sprinkle it on her face, "I've been trying, Ellie."
She grunts and wipes her face, "well obviously not hard enough!"
I huff and push myself up on my elbows. I look down at Ellie as she purses her lips into a smile, "okay. What do you want me to do?"
She reaches out to me and I pull her up until she was sat down. I brush the snow off her and fix her beanie, "well. I got this dress-"
Ellie squeals out in giggles, "In October?"
"You didn't even know it was October," I growl, "and you didn't let me finish!" I shove her with my shoulder.
She laughs and brushes her hands off, "alright, alright... you got this dress."
I sigh and curl my legs into my chest, "It's more accurately an oversized sweater that I'm thinking to fashion with a belt or something..." I turn to Ellie wrapping my arms around my legs, "I was thinking you'd... ya know... help me get ready though."
Ellie perks up, "you want me to help you get ready?"
I playfully roll my eyes at her, "duhhh, Eileen is too busy for girl talk since he has my smelly brother and smelly nephew keeping her busy. Plus, she's pregnant, so."
Ellie throws her head back in laughter. I break into a chuckle and move to stand up, "and I mean that affectionately for Danny; he really just has some stinky farts. It's not his fault."
She stands up and dusts off the snow on her pants, "I'm in."
I smile at her, pulling her into a side hug, "my girl."
"Sooooo," Ellie trails off as she waddles next to Joel who was isolated at the end of the bar, "notice anything different with," she leans back on the bar top, tilting her head to Joel, wiggling her brows, "your favorite Winchester?"
Joel downs his bourbon and sets his glass on the coaster.
Ellie waits for him to react but then turns and props her elbow on the surface, clarifying who she meant.
"I know who you meant," he grunts.
"Well," she shrugs, "you and Dean have been getting close."
Joel eyes her.
"Hey!" she raises her hands, "you go to their house to fix his car, even though you say it'll take a miracle to make it work."
Joel licks his fang and swivels on his stool, averting his gaze elsewhere. He really didn't mean to see what he did.
Ellie catches it to, groaning in annoyance, "aw what! Not him again," she grunts, patting Joel's arm, "go do something."
Joel watches as the man laughs and leans close. Ellie cringes, "he's been trying to get her all attention all night," he turns to Joel, "cause she looks really cute in that dress, and you didn't even compliment her when I gave you an opening."
Joel's nostrils flare as he turns to Ellie, "you tend not to want to compliment someone when pinched on the side and threatened to do so."
She grumbles the way she did under her breath at that very moment Joel was referencing, "that's because you're an idiot with 0 game!"
He straightens up, "look," he snaps, "whatever it is you're doing, you need to stop."
Ellie glares daggers, "I don't understand your deal, Joel," she raises her voice, shifting in her spot to turn to him, "you don't like her?"
Joel turns from Ellie, off to the side, finding Sam stepped in and had now successfully scared of the guy that was making moves on his sister. He watches as Sam rolls his eyes at something that was said.
Joel turns back to Ellie, lips pursed. He doesn't respond.
"Then I honestly don't understand what your deal is," Ellie shakes her head, "she's made it crystal fucking clear that she likes you too."
"You're being such a wimp about it."
"It's not that simple."
Ellie makes a face, "it kinda is though," she raises a hand, "just go up to her and say 'wanna bang'-"
Joel groans.
"I guarantee-" Ellie hops in her eagerness, "GUARANTEE, that she will say yes."
"You need to hang out with people your age."
"Then make-" clap, "friends-" clap- "my-" clap, "age!"
Joel wipes his face. He doesn't get to respond as Ellie grabs his bicep. She hisses as he pulls him close, "she's on the move. I'm bringing her over. Don't fuck up."
Joel had little say in any of it. Soon enough Ellie came back with a look of vengeance on her face.
I purse my lips into a smile, "you wanted to talk to me Joel?"
Ellie answers for him, "yeah, he wanted to compliment your pie."
She shoves me next to Joel and I give her a look for her unnecessary manhandling. I watch as she gestures to Joel, pointing to fingers to her eyes before pointing them back and forth her and her dad.
I snort, kid is going overboard. I reach out and pinch her cheek, "I got it, baby doll. Go pick a fight with someone else."
"Oh-ho I will," Ellie says, gripping her fist, "Elijah and I are gonna have a rematch and I'm going to smother him in snow."
I chuckle, "yeah, you go do that."
Ellie walks off after that, muttering something under her breath about annihilation.
When I turn to the bar, I am surprised to see Joel reached out for a glass and is now pouring me a drink. He slides it over to me, chilled with ice, propped on a coaster and all and gives himself a refil.
I smile softly and take the cup, "thank you."
He grunts in response.
I take a sip of the drink. I catch him when he looks at me, and how he quickly looks away. He inhales sharply then takes a quick sip of his drink. We put our glasses down at the same time.
"So... that man that talked to you," Joel starts.
I raise my brows and cringe, "you mean that kid," I lean on my elbows, "darling just turned 19 and is ready to mate with anything within eye's view."
Joel can't help but chuckle.
I chuckle right back, leaning my head in my hand, "oh, you find that funny?"
Joel turns from his drink to me, shrugging as the tiniest of smiles laces his lips.
I shake my head, "he was persistent though. Convinced he could change my mind until Samsquash snarled at him," I chuckle lowly, "I'd say I feel bad, but somehow, though he's grown in the apocalypse, there's still a part of him that smells like the dudes that used to hit on me when I was younger. Full of themselves and entitled."
"I saw," Joel says, swirling his cup, "shudda snarled at him yourself. R' scarier than your brother."
I break into a giddy laugh. Joel turns to me then looks out the window past me, seeing that it was beginning to snow outside.
"I'm flattered," I say, straightening up, "twice over to know that you've been watching me."
Joel stills. He darts his eyes over to me. The grin on my lips widen.
Sam grunts at the sight of what was going on at the bar. That, and because his son, sat on his shoulders, was pulling his hair. He mutters lowly, "I don't like it."
Eileen, who was busy fixing the food with Maria and two other volunteers, eyes her husband and looks over her shoulder, spotting what was making Sam's blood boil so much. She sighs, "well, I'm happy to inform you it has nothing to do with you."
Sam turns to Eileen as he shakes his shoulders up for the entertainment of the kid on him, "you're kidding."
Eileen averts her attention to the coleslaw she was fixing, then to Sam, "what? You wanna be their third? That's weird as hell."
Sam grunts as Danny giggles and wraps his arms around his head, "higher, daddy! Higher!"
Sam adjusts his grip on his son's leg and clutches the side of his belly as he makes him bounce on his shoulder.
"Giddy up, horsey!" Dean blurts as he makes his way over to the buffet table, winding his hands up in the air. He lets out an airy sound and smirks at his baby bro, "woooow, fatherhood has made you it's b-" he cuts himself off, just as Sam eyes him. Dean corrects himself, "female dog."
Eileen snorts out a loud laugh as he takes Dean's plate, "you want some coleslaw?"
"Uh," Dean snaps to her, "hard pass," he raises a finger. He motions to the side, "barbeque and apple pie only, please."
Eileen shakes her head, "aye, aye, sheriff."
Dean then averts his attention to his nephew, who then looks down at him. He raises his hands up at Danny, wiggling his fingers, "come one, kid. You're invited to the big boy table."
Danny immediately stirs and leans toward his uncle, forcing Sam to bend down and grip him tightly as he moves to Dean's arms.
Dean graciously takes the four-year-old in his arms and coos at his man Dan. He snuggles into him, "darling, I have no idea how my brother helped make such a cutie baby."
Danny giggles as Dean blows a raspberry to his neck. When he pulls away, Danny places his soft hand on Dean's cheek, "uncle, we-" he inhales deeply, "we play with da animals."
Dean nods, "yep. We're gonna go play with the animals."
Danny squeals in excitement.
Sam cuts in, "later. It's snowing pretty hard out."
Dean turns to his brother, to his nephew, to his sister-in-law, who hands him back his plate. Dean gets it from her and walks off to his table, Sam follows suit.
"What some some pie, sweetheart?" Dean says as he sits with Danny on his lap.
Danny shakes his head though he begins to reach out for Dean's fork. Dean lets him take it as Sam pulls out a toy car from his pocket, "Danny."
Danny turns to his papa.
"Mustang?" Sam asks.
Danny calls, "Mufta!"
Dean gets the car from Sam and hands it to Danny before getting his fork and eating some food.
As Danny amuses himself by pushing the toy car back and forth on the table, his dad turns to his uncle, cocking his head to the side, "you really gonna let that slide?"
Dean chews, eyes flickering off knowingly to the bar, back to Sam, "I," he calls out, "like him."
Sam leans on his chair, crossing his arms, "you like him cos he helps with your car."
"I like him cos he helped us with the goat demon in the mountains and didn't bat a fucking eye."
Danny gasps, turning to his uncle, "bad word!"
Dean makes a guilty face as Danny shakes his head, "that's not good."
"Sorry, my man Dan."
Sam sniffles, rubbing his nose. He crosses his legs and bounces his foot, "well, the last guy helped us out too."
"Yeah, except I never liked or trusted him," Dean cuts, putting his fork down, "you did."
Danny makes a bubbly engine sound with his lips.
Sam and Dean stare at each other. The former clenches his jaw, "you saying I'm a bad judge of character?"
"I'm saying you got cynical," Dean adjusts Danny on his lap. He checks his nephew before looking out to his sister. He sighs, turning to his brother, "he's a man. I'm a man. I know what he's capable of," he explains, "and I'm my baby siblings' protector, so I get where you're coming from. Especially with her, okay. I get it."
Instinctively, Sam looks out and instantly spots Tommy and Maria, arms around each other as they talked. He turns back to Dean, "but you're gonna let her go with someone older than you because you see yourself in him."
Dean rolls his jaw, "I'm gonna let her go with who she wants because I want her to be happy."
Sam shakes his head.
"And," Dean grabs his fork and scoops up some pie, "if things goes sideways, you'll be the first to bark," he stuffs his face, licking his lips, "and I'll be the last to bite."
Sam and Dean stare at each other for a while.
"He's reluctant with his emotions," Sam sighs, "she isn't. I'm just worried it might blow up in her face."
Suddenly, Danny is being hauled of Dean's lap as Eileen comes over, looking at the brothers. She sighs, turning to her son, "how about we go to the big girl's table for a change?" She kisses her son's cheek.
At that moment, Dean spots her sister stand from the bar and walk out of the place, hand gripping Joel's belt and he dragged him out with him, "well fuck. I'm gonna be an uncle all over again."
Sam stiffens and looks over his shoulder.
Dean turns wide eyed at his food, "that's definitely something you can't unsee," he stuff his face again, "but hey, ya know, good for them. Took 'em long enough," his face falls at the thought though, suddenly cringing in mighty disgust, "yeah. I'm gonna be couch surfing at your place tonight."
Sam turns back to him, shaking his head in distaste.
We didn't make it my bed when we got back home. To be honest, I thought it would be me that snapped first, but was Joel. Joel who was so impatient, Joel who was so viscous, Joel who was pent up though it was him fucking holding out for seemingly absolutely no reason.
He didn't even give me a chance to strip him naked and live my fantasies for real. He got me pressed up against the back of the damned couch, spine pressed against his chest as he clawed at my pants as if his life depended on it.
He bunched my top up and pushes me forward as he played with the pulse in between my thighs. He hisses where I whine. I let out a sound, "I fucking told you, old man," I grunt, "need you to fuck me over."
Joel growls and rubs two fingers into my wetness before plunging in, "don't fucking call me that."
My chuckle evaporates into a whiny moan as he shoves me forward and fucks his fingers into me.
My hands grip at the sofa as I try to lift my head up and even my breathing. I dart my tongue out to my teeth as the feel of his thick, calloused digits work into my tenderness. I pant, putting the remnant of my brain cells to good use, "should I call you daddy then?"
Joel hisses, pulling away from me.
I groan in protest at the loss of contact, but chew on my lip and turn around when I hear the sound of him undoing his belt. I feel my slick drip down my thigh as I watch in anticipation. I reach out to help him, but he swats my hand away and cranes his neck forward, "on your knees."
My jaw slacks but I waste no time and drop to my knees, eyes locked on his, then to his pants that were now being unzipped.
Joel shakes his head and grabs my shoulders, "all fours."
The sound I make is embarrassingly desperate and needy when he shoves me down, but I don't give a shit.
I prop myself on my hands and knees and feel my core flutter and weep in anticipation. I tug my lower lip, restless at the wait. I whine, panting heavily, "Joel, hurryyyyyy. I don't want to bruise my knees."
I feel him drop down behind me, "I'll fucking bruise your pussy, you brat."
My jaw drops. He shoves my dress up again. My stomach swirls. I never fucking pegged Joel Miller to have such a dirt-
I let out a loud and obscene sound when I feel him mount me. There was no warning, no calm before the storm, just pure, thrashing, needy, filthy fucking. I suck in a deep, strangled breath, as if I just came out of water at the feel of him ripping into me.
Joel rumbles like a hungry wolf as he flicks his hips. His ferocious presto made the sound of skin slapping echo in the empty house, muted out, of course, by my delirious wailing.
My knees skid and my arms dip as I struggle to hold myself up against his force, hip bones reveling in the strength of his grip and how his fingers were surely, stingingly, and deliciously bruising my flesh.
"Joel," I call out as my voice hikes up and down against his actions.
"That's sir to you, brat," he grunts, grabbing my hair, pulling my head back by it.
I exclaim at the pleasurable discomfort of his strength, feeling my belly begin to tighten and my core follow suit. I moan, "oh, fuck, yes, sir, yes sir, yesir, yezir, yeshr, yea, yu, yuh, hhh, hu, hu, hu-"
"You feel so good, baby girl," he grunts, "so wet, and soft against my hard dick."
I groan and squeal simultaneously, "yes, sir, thank- hu- thnksir-"
The sound of Joel's deep pants make me dig my nails into the hardwood floor. I feel myself reaching closer and closer so quickly to my peak.
I could feel my knees begin to chafe and bruise against the floor, but I really couldn't care less because of how good I felt everywhere else.
"Feel so good, baby," he sighs, one hand coming to my sensitive nub, stroking me there graciously until his fingers were covered in my arousal, "dripping so much. This for me?"
"Yes sir!" I whine, "for you, for you, for you-"
"Good girl."
I squeal at the praise, leaning my face down to the floor as I feel drool slip out of my open mouth as my cheek rubs into the wood."
Joel chuckles darkly, "you a good girl for me?"
"Yes sir. Yes please."
He hums "taking me so good," he grunts, "come around me then, pretty girl. Can you do that for me?"
"YES!" I growl, "yes, sir, please sir, so close, so-"
With the combined sensation of his rapid rocking and steady rubbing, it doesn't take much for me to rupture against him and crumble into wanton sounds. I feel my insides shatter into a million pieces, my lungs fall out of enough air, and my brain get fogged with only the thought of Joel Miller fucking me senseless.
He lets me ride it out. He makes sure I ride it out and fucks into me until I can't bare to keep myself up.
And then when that was over, when my wounded knees were begging for the same relief my aching body just had. Joel pulls out of me and I hear a squelch and a string airy curses.
As I catch my breath, I feel something hot splutter down my left thigh.
"Fuck," Joel sighs and grunts, "I... made a mess on you, darlin."
I whimper as I slide down flat on my stomach, "s'ok sir," I moan as I press my cheek on the floor, "wanna be a mess for you. Wanna be your good girl... wanna be yours... wanna be yours."
Joel doesn't respond even though his chest tightens at that admission. Its the fucking, he thinks. He made it clear that's all it was.
"Did you check the back, Dean?"
"Of course I checked the back, Sam. What am I? Two?"
"Danny's smarter than you now, actually," Sam points.
Dean rolls his eyes, while I walk past them with a chuckle, "it's true. Also, I checked the back."
Sam turns to me, "ok, good."
"Bitch-" Dean starts, but is cut off by Sam, who flares at the sight of Joel following me into the truck.
"Woah," Sam says, raising his hand up, "what is he doing here?"
I give him a look, "he's your replacement, dummy. It's always been a three person job."
Joel turns to Sam as he grunts and climbs into the back. I catch Sam's expression and roll my eyes at him, "dude. Just be with your wife. She's been having really bad headaches and fatigue. She needs you more than we do."
Sam turns to me and snaps, "I know."
I shake my head, "I know you know."
I watch Joel as he finally gets in and sits in front of me. I hold in my laugh as I notice his red face and heavy breathing. I bite my lip and nod at him, "you good, grampa?"
Joel eyes me.
"Does he even know what's gonna go down?" Sam calls, leaning on the truck, ignoring Joel beside him, looking straight across at me.
I give him a look, "of course he knows what's gonna go down, or else he's gonna die."
Sam rolls his jaw and turns to Joel.
"Oh get over it, Samsquash," Dean pushes Sam away, "I'll catch a rabbit for Eileen. It's what she used to crave when she was pregnant with Danny." He places a bag in the front seat, "probably why that kid loves hopping around so much." When he doesn't get a response, he turns to Sam and purses his lips, "and it's not like we're doing an exorcism."
Sam huffs, rolls his eyes, and taps his foot, "but you might."
Dean gets into the front seat of the pickup truck, "nah. It'll be fine. Joel's a sharpshooter."
Sam shakes his head, "oh right. I totally forgot."
Dean eyes Sam, raising his brows, "do you wanna come?"
"No," Sam blurts, "I need to be with Eil-"
Dean slams the door shut and opens the engine. I wave at Sam as we drive away, grinning at his annoyed expression.
"That's pretty harsh," Joel mutters to me, hands on the side of the truck.
I turn to him and raise a brow, "oh, like you wouldn't do that to Tommy."
Joel purses his lips.
I chuckle.
Dean laughs as he looks through his binoculars, "man."
Joel cocks his sniper beside him.
I squint as I look out to the distance.
"If you make that shot," my brother says, "I'll be the officiant of your wedding."
I snort at that.
Joel tenses, turns to Dean, then back to his scope.
I huff and grab the binoculars from my brother, who barely mutters out protest in lieu of keeping quiet. He does however say, "fucking rat," very angrily under his breath.
Joel sucks in a breath, "I got eyes on the target."
Dean gives me one last dirty look, then turns to him and nods, "okay, remember. No matter what happens, do not let its form deter you, alright? Shoot it dead. It will take form of someone you won't want to kill to save itself. Don't let it stop you."
Joel lets out a breath that condenses with the cold.
I spot the entity. In its form now, it was a shapeless dark nothing. I suck in a breath, "you can do it, Joel. You got this."
Joel readies himself to take the shot. It was mostly mental preparation because he knew what was gonna happen, who that thing was going to turn into if he doesn't kill it with the first bullet. He was warned over and over. He'd be a fool not to listen.
I bite my lips in anticipation.
Dean begins to get a little restless after a while, especially since he couldn't see that far off. He wants to urge Joel but he doesn't say anything. He's got time.
Then bang.
One shot.
But it wasn't enough.
There is a loud screech.
Joel quickly cocks his gun.
I watch as the entity morphs before my eyes. Joel sees it too. It's a little girl. It sees withers in pain and finally spots its attack. It spots Joel and reaches out to him, hands bloody, face scared and desperate.
Joel hesitates. His finger straining against the trigger, unable to pull it back.
"Joel," I mutter softly, pulling the binoculars away, giving it back to Dean, who eagerly looks out with it.
I lean close to him, placing a hand on his shoulder, "it's not her, Joel. Listen to me, okay? It's not her."
Joel feels his hands shake.
Dean finally sees the target and stiffens, "she's right. That's no little girl, Joel," he explains calmly, though he did not like the fact the thing was inching towards them at a quick pace, "little girls don't have red eyes, Joel."
But Joel doesn't see the red eyes, he sees her. He sucks in a sharp breath then heaves slowly.
"Joel," I call slowly, "it's not her."
Dean gulps as the thing comes closer. He pulls the binoculars away and readies his own gun. Before he can cock it though, another bang rips through the air. This time, there was no more scream.
Joel pulls away from his gun away and breathes heavily.
I grab his arm and look at him, brushing his hair back, repeating over and over again, "it wasn't her. It wasn't her, Joel."
Joel turns to me as I take the firearm from him and place it down on the floor.
Dean pats Joel's shoulder but then motions with his head, "come on, you have to see it with your own eyes."
The three of then walk over to the fallen creature, its form no longer what it was, neither a black entity or a little girl, it was now a blob of corroded flesh.
Joel looks down at it with a tense face. I cling to his arm and pull him close. I feel him shiver against me. Dean throws some magazine papers on the carcass then sets it on fire.
We watch it burn then put out the flame once the smell of burnt flesh was gone. It was always a weird feeling to be comforted by the flames of a monster you killed.
The front door opens.
"Hey El-machine, is your papa here?" I ask.
Ellie cringes as she lets me walk inside her house, "please don't bring your kinks into this."
I turn to her and give her a look, "what?! I'm not-"
"Joel's upstairs," she cuts me off.
I pull my head back at that, "is he sleeping in today too?"
Ellie shrugs, "IDK," she slings her backpack over her shoulder, "I'm heading off to school."
I dash over to her, messing her hair up before she gets out, "be good."
"I'll do my best," she retorts, smoothening out the mess I did on her head before putting on her beanie.
I dash up the stairs and knock on Joel's bedroom door, calling out his name. I don't get a response the first time, but I get a grunt the second time though, and take it as a cue to walk in.
It was clear from the get go that Joel was sick, judging by the layers upon layers of blankets on him. He normally didn't get too cold, or, well, at least not when I slept with him.
I walk over to his laid body and brush his hair back, hissing at the heat on his forehead.
I turn back to get some medicine for him, but before I could run off, he grabs my hand and I gasp at its hotness.
I move close to him and bend down, clutching his burning hand with my cooler ones, "what is it, baby?"
Joel groans, eyelids struggling to open. He mutters softly, "stay wi' me."
I pout at his words, "I will. I promise. I just have to get medicin-"
"Done," he mutters. He sighs, "I did. Please... ... need to... hold..."
I frown. I nod at his words. I take off my shoes, crawl over him, and bring myself under the sheets. I huff at the heat Joel was radiating. I begin to think of the repercussions of cuddling someone with a fever, but I cast it away as I lean into Joel, allowing him to either pull me in or curl into me.
He chooses the latter, rolling over into my arms, his hot face nestling into my cool neck. I let him latch onto me and seal me in a tight hug. I wrap my arms around him and brush his hair back with my fingers.
I feel guilty about his state. It had been a few days since we took him to the woods, and he's been under the weather ever since.
"You need to get better, okay?" I mutter softly, "so that I can learn how to shoot from you and you won't ever have to do this again."
I feel him rub his cheek against me. I swear I hear him mutter 'let me do it' under his breath.
"Ew," I groan as I push back the plate of eggs Joel made for me, "this is raw, Joel."
Joel looks over from the kitchen, giving me a look, "beggars can't be choosers, darlin'."
Ellie grimaces as she chews on her own mushy plate of eggs.
I catch her expression and ask, "is yours raw too?"
"No, its you to that makes me sick," she notes.
I shake my head and turn back to Joel, "it makes me want to puke." I feel disgust at even just the sight of the plate, "please recook it for me."
Joel huffs as he puts out the flame of the stove. He grabs the pan with a towel and brings it over to the table, placing it on a pot holder, "just eat some chicken."
I lean over to look at the meat, finding it charred and black in some places. I feel my stomach react in distaste, "yeah... thanks honey, but I think I'll have some apples instead."
Joel watches me as I stand and hand him my plate. He gets my eggs, turns to the pan then to Ellie, "it's not even that bad."
Ellie shrugs, poking a large piece for herself, "she's been having tummy problems. Must be from eating all your bad cooking, to be honest."
Joel huffs, turning over his shoulder, watching me grab some apples for myself. He walks over to me and watches as I wash it and take a bite.
"Is my cooking really that bad?" he asks.
I chuckle at him and shake my head, "no. My stomach has just been goofy, s'all."
Joel leans one hand on the counter. I chew on the fruit as I rub his belly, "you should hug me til I'm better."
Joel sighs as I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his torso.
"Yo, I'm literally eating over here!" Ellie calls out.
"Yeah, and I'm literally just hugging your dad," I bite on my apple and chew against Joel's chest, inhaling the scent of him, comforting and warm.
"Old people are so gross."
I huff as I jog back to Joel, who was catching his breath. He was hunched over and exhausted after all the walking we did to follow the deer that ran off.
"You good, honey?" I ask.
He huffs, "m'fine."
"Hey, no shame in needing to take a moment."
Joel lifts his eyes and sees Sam and Dean, both steadily treading up the upward slope of this steep, frosty mountain. There is. There is shame in that
I help him straighten up and smile, "I don't know why you find this so hard, to be honest."
Joel eyes me dirtily as he and I begin to laugh and walk, arms linked together.
I giggle, "I'm just saying, we do a lot of cardio as it is. You should be as healthy as a horse."
He snorts through his nostrils, reaching out to push my hair back, "clearly not enough, baby girl."
Joel's entire body hurts. He feels it. It's loud and clear. He's not what he used to be before. It hurt after their hunt. It hurt after he did manual labor. It hurt. He was hurting.
He laid in bed alone tonight because his body hurting. His body hurt too much, too much for him to be of any help to the Winchesters. The three did the right choice leaving him. He'd've died if he tagged along. He'd have been dead weight.
Joel sighs, screwing his eyes shut.
He's old.
He's weak.
He no use. No good.
He thinks about Sam. Maybe this was why he was so irked by him. He knew Joel was about to give out. He's not good enough for his sister. He isn't. He knows it. I mean... he was clear about what he could give anyway. He was clear about it, but lately, he's been letting himself dream. He's been letting himself think.
But he feels it clearly now. He remembers why he kept his distance, why he was so reluctant in the first place despite himself, despite how much he actually wanted to dream. And yet again, despite himself he went for it, despite the sense in his brain that told him not to, he let himself laugh, he let himself feel, he let himself break open, even just a tiny bit.
Joel rolls on the bed and feels like his back was being pulled in the most horrible way possible.
This... This wasn't... He wasn't the sight someone should come home to.
Joel sighs.
He knows what he has to do...
... before it's too late.
"What?" my lips quiver, "what do you mean, Joel?"
Joel licks his lips as he places his hands on his hips. "I'm saying... we had a good run. I think it's better we end things because I can't keep up with you anymore."
"Keep up?" I shake my head.
He sighs, "darling, look at me. I'm not exactly the picture of youth."
I knit my brows tightly and shake my head, "Joel, you're not seriously saying we stop seeing each other because you caught yourself with a few more wrinkles?"
"It's not the wrinkles," he snaps, "it's everything. The stamina, the interests. You deserve someone who can be there to help you and your brothers, and someone who's interested in you."
"Wait," I shake my head, "you're telling me you're not interested in me?"
Joel clenches his jaw.
I scoff.
He mutters, "s'what it is."
"You lying rat," I grunt, nostrils flaring, "you listened to me rant about Pluto and my high school clubs. You don't do that when you're uninterested."
He shakes his head, "I told you that time at the bar, I could only give you half of what you wanted from me and you said that was fine."
I scoff at his words, "so, what? Everything since then was an act so you could keep fucking me?"
Joel does not respond.
I feel my eyes glass, "why would you agree to help me and my brothers then? Don't fucking tell me you let yourself have nightmares just to get into my pants!"
I groan and grab at his collar, "you confided in me. You told me she was your daughter!" I feel myself shake in my anger and frustration, "she was the one you saw in the woods. You told me you dreamt about her! You broke down to me about her!" I hiss, eyes welling with tears, "don't fucking lie to me, Joel."
"I can't--" he quips, "-do it anymore."
I feel my tears roll down my cheeks.
"I can't be with you," he huffs, "I don't want to be with you."
I feel like I'm shot when I hear him say that. I release him and step back, breathe catching in my throat as I tried to calm myself and prevent tears from falling.
Joel's expression begins to harden, "being with you..." he goes quiet before he continues. His voice breaks when he admits, "is exhausting."
A stake to the heart. A bullet to the brain. A slap on the face.
I cannot help but crumble before him. My heart clenches. My lips begin to quiver.
I shake my head, "I can... I can change."
Joel's face twitches.
"I can... I can be what you want... please, Joel, I-"
He steps back when I try to reach out for him again, without the hostility. Joel knit his brows, "you can't change. Not for me."
He doesn't even give me a chance to speak again as he just leaves me and walks away.
"Baby," Eileen gathers my hair and rubs my back.
I groan as I pull away from the toilet I was hunched over.
"S'auntie okay?" Danny, who was peeping through the open bathroom door, mutters. Eileen pulls away from me as I flush the toilet and wash my mouth and hands on the sink.
Danny is picked up by his mom and is kissed on the cheek, "auntie is just a little sick because her tummy didn't like the pancakes."
Danny clutches Eileen's face, "pancake's not yummy for auntie?"
"No, Dan," I huff and turn to Danny, "I liked the pancakes we made but-"
I can't continue because of the look Eileen gives me. I look at her and her solemn expression. I feel my eyes begin to water. I release a breath and yet still get betrayed by my voice, "my- my tummy's just... been a bit upset lately."
Danny looks at me and pouts, "papa rubs my belly and mama makes me soup when I - when my tummy hurts. Maybe you need'a poop auntie."
I rub my eyes and walk over to Danny, brushing his hair back, "thank you, sweetie pie," I pout and sigh, "but I don't have to poop. At least not right now."
Danny reaches out to me, making grabby hands. I let out a breath and take my nephew into my arms. He seals me into a tight embrace and strokes my hair, "it's ok, auntie. I go rub your belly for you."
I sniffle against the child's tiny shoulder. He begins to wrangle out of my hold and I put him down in front of me.
Eileen comes up to my side and grabs my arm as her son steps in front of me and raises both of his hands to my belly, making shushing noises, "there, there. Shhh. It's gonna be okay. It will pass."
Fuck. I bring my face into my hands, unable to hold back the tears that are ripping out of my eyes. Danny sounded so much like Sam. Eileen brings me into a side hug, clutching Danny's head as she did, "baby girl..."
What if... What if Joel... and mine acts like him... and-
Danny embraces my and his mom's legs, leaning his cheek against my thigh, "it's ok auntie. You can cry if it hurts."
I bite my lip and hold in my sobs, feeling my chest begin to cave in and my nose begin to clog. I turn to Eileen, finding that she too was now crying.
"Oh, gosh, I-"
"It's okay," she shakes her head, pulling me close to her, "we'll get through this. It will pass. No matter what. You have me, Danny, Sam, and Dean."
I hold back my miserable whines, reaching out for her belly that was barely beginning to show. My eyes were fogged by tears as I mutter softly, "I'm sorry that this is happening to me when you-"
"Shut up," she quips, "there's nothing to be sorry for," Eileen eagerly disagrees, "in fact, it's exciting to know at the end of it there'll be two babies. They'll be best friends, baby. The best."
"Wait-" a voice cuts, "you're pregnant?"
Eileen and I turn back.
Sam behind us is wide eyed and wholly shocked.
My breath leaves me. Eileen walks up to my brother, grabbing his arm, "Sam."
Sam looks out to me with wide eyes.
"Daddy, auntie's tummy is upset," Danny says, walking over to his dad, "I rubbed it so that it gets better."
Sam ignores his son as he looks at me, awaiting my response.
I shake my head and shrug, "I... I don't know... but I think-" I choke on my tears.
Sam grunts, jaw tightening. He quips, "what did he say?"
I shake my head and shrug again.
"No," he raises a finger, "what does that mean?"
"It means... we haven't been talking for a while before I even found out, Sam."
Sam lets out a deep breath. Eileen mutters something to him.
"I'll fucking kill him," he mutters.
Danny gasps, "daddy bad! You said a bad word!"
Sam turns down, sighing, "fuck- shit- sorry- I- Sorry, Danny-"
Dean huffs as he sits down on the table. He looks across at Ellie, who watches him as he places his hands on the table, "anything?"
She shrugs, "I'm just convinced he's fucking stupid."
He sighs, shaking his head as he looks out the window, "damn fucking straight."
Ellie leans forward, "maybe we should just lock them in a room together, force them to make up."
Dean turns to her, "absolutely not. I'm not locking my sister up with a man too spineless to face the truth about his feelings," he crosses his arms, "plus. She's been staying at Sam & Eileen's. I think she thinks I haven't caught on and that I'd still invite your old man over to fix Baby."
Ellie groans, bringing her face down to the table, knocking on it with her forehead repeatedly, "why did they even break up? They were so lovey-dovey and gross, and now they just... fucking stopped." She groans and pulls at her hair, "they're both fucking miserable too. I don't fucking get it."
Dean makes a face, "lay off the curses, kid."
"You lay off the fucking curses," she snaps, turning to him.
Dean shakes his head and rolls his eyes. He sighs and looks out the window again, watching a bunch of people outside walk by, "I know my sister. She would never have been the one to break things off. And from what I gather from Joel," he turns back to Ellie, voice getting smaller, "he must have pulled some self-righteous shit about being too fucking broken for her or something."
Ellie watches Dean look out the window again. She shifts in her seat, pursing her lips in thought, "yeah... sounds like something he would do."
Dean scoffs, leaning into his elbows, brows knitting tightly, "kick some sense into him, Ellie."
Ellie was about to agree, but then she stopped herself and said, "can't you do?"
Dean pulls his head back.
"You seem to be... speaking from experience."
Dean's lips curve into a smile. He lets out an airy chuckle, "don't make this about me," he stands and moves away from his seat, "and if I talk to him, I'm going to want to leave a few marks for making my sister cry."
Ellie straightens, "has she been crying a lot?"
Dean raises a brow, "probably not as much as Joel."
I freeze when I hear someone call out my name. I wrap my arms around myself and walk faster.
She calls out to me again. I hear her run towards me. Half of my brain urges me to run too. And I want to, but I don't. I let Ellie catch up with me as I rush away from her house.
"Stop!" she calls, grabbing onto my arm, running up in front of me, "please," she sighs, "don't go! Come inside, talk to-"
"I can't-" I shake my head, "I- I..." I feel my eyes water, "I can't Ellie."
Ellie shakes her head, "why not? You know you want to. You both want to. Joel has-"
"You can't tell him I've been coming here," I quip quickly.
She knits her brows and purses her lips, "you've been coming here?"
I shudder at my slip. I shake my head and cover my face, pushing past her.
Ellie calls out my name and holds me back. I power against her but she persists. It causes us to topple over on the snowy ground.
I grunt as try to dodge Ellie as I fall back onto her. I bring my hand out as I fall to my side. I let out a breath as I roll over then turn to Ellie, "are you okay?"
Ellie quickly sits up and grabs onto me, "don't run away please. Please. I miss you."
My voice cracks, "Ellie-"
"I'll help you talk to him if you need me. Please. Give him another sh-"
"He doesn't want me Ellie," I cut her off.
"He doesn't want me."
Ellie makes a face, "that's not true."
"He doesn't want me," I repeat, "he told me that himself."
She scowls, helping me get up, "he's a fucking liar."
"I didn't go here to-" I say as I get to my feet. "I didn't..." I even my breathing, I didn't come here to work things out with him."
Ellie knits her brows as she clings onto my top, afraid I would run away again.
My eyes begin to water. I choke out a sob, "I'm pregnant."
Ellie's eyes widen. Her jaw slacks. Her face falls.
I chuckle dryly as I cup her reddened cheeks, "you're... gonna be a sister."
Ellie looks at me, completely still and silent.
I let out a shaky breath, "he didn't want me before I found out, Ellie. He sure as hell won't want me now."
Ellie blinks heavily then rapidly, "no! I can-"
"You can't tell him," I huff, shaking my head, "it has-" huff, "-it has to be me," I rub her face with my thumbs, "you understand?"
She releases a breath and nods. He places her hands on my wrists then steps closer, "I understand."
I offer her a soft smile and pull away.
She grabs my hands, "... let me help you, okay? ... please?"
I am sitting on the floor, leaning against the door with my legs curled up. There is a chair to my side, jammed up by the knob so that it couldn't be opened from the inside.
I panic when I feel an attempt at opening the door. I jolt and turn to the knob as it shimmies violently.
Bang. Bang. Bang.
More bangs on the door.
I clear my throat, swallowing the lump at the back of my mouth. I suck in a breath and stand, clutching my hands together as I gather the strength to speak.
It goes silent. The banging and the shimmying ceases.
I feel like I need to puke.
My head begins to spin. I move to the stairs and look down at Ellie, stood at the bottom. I want to run away. I dont when I see her shaking her hands as she mouths, "it's okay."
The door begins to get shaken again.
"It's me, Joel," I call out impulsively, speaking my name, as though I was reluctant it was mine. The noise stops again.
I walk back to the door and lick my lips, "I... I need to tell you something."
"So you locked me in?" Joel speaks from inside his bedroom. He doesn't sound mad when he says it, but the sigh at the end of his disappointed sounding words make me feel like I'm insane.
"I can't-" I choke, "can't look at you. If I do, I won't be able to say it."
He doesn't respond.
I sniffle as I feel my tears begin to rush down my face, "but I have to tell you this. I have to-" I gulp, "I have to just say it."
Still, I get no response.
I let out a breath and clench my fists. Quick and clean, quick and clean, come on, you can do this. I blurt, "I'm pregnant."
Then I stand there. I stand there and stare at the blocked door.
Nothing though. I get nothing in response.
I begin to think maybe I spoke too softly. I internally curse and suck in a deep breath, "I said I'm pr-"
"I heard you the first time."
I clench my jaw.
"Asshole," I hear Ellie grunt faintly. I turn over my shoulder and I see her eyeing the door from her spot in the stairs dirtily.
I lick my lips, thinking of what to say next. I don't. I don't know what else to say.
"How... ... are you sure?"
I feel like I've just been spat on. I scoff as I turn back to the door. I wipe my nose, "I'm not, actually," I chew at my lower lip, "I've never been regular, so I... I my symptoms could just really be me being miserable over.... over..." I don't finish my train of thoughts.
"You still can't eat well?"
I chuckle bitterly, "no."
I hear him curse under his breath.
Dread begins to eat me up.
"I'm sorry, Joel. I know you-- I know how you feel. And I don't expect anything from you cause I know... how you feel," I lick my lips, "and maybe I'm wrong. Maybe," I clutch my stomach, "things will still change.
"You wanna know why Sam's really hard on you? Well, last time I liked someone this much, he was really excited for me. He was really excited. But then he turned out to be a jerk, and... he got me pregnant too," I sniffle, "and I didn't know then either," I let out a breath, "I didn't know until my brothers woke me up after I bled so much in my sleep and... and... I thought I was on my period... but it was too much blood and... and..." I shut myself up and bite my lip until I tasted iron.
I hear Ellie call out my name. I turn to her, finding she was already standing beside me, and chuckle through tears as she moves in to give me a hug.
I press my lips into a thin line as I embrace her and attempt to calm myself, "and... maybe that'll happen again."
Ellie calls out my name when I say this.
I chuckle bitterly yet again, "or... Or you know, maybe I really just don't like the food I've been eating."
He calls out my name.
It makes me pull away from Ellie and feel the need to flee.
And this time I do. I give Ellie a smile and silently get out of the house as fast as I can.
When the door finally does open, Joel is caught off guard by Ellie's attacks. She punches and shoves Joel back up until he is able to grab her arms and prevent her from charging. She hisses angrily as she thrashes out of Joel's grip, "WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING, YOU COWARD? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL HER YOU'RE A PATHETIC YELLOWBELLY? WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING?!"
Ellie fumes and only stills when she see's Joel's distraught expression. His face was hard, his eyes were glazed, his breath was shallow. He looked miserable. Good.
Ellie almost feels bad for him, but she doesn't, "go after her, you idiot. Tell her how you really feel before you make things worse."
"I can't-"
"I-" Joel releases her, "I don't deserve..."
Ellie watches Joel as his knees buckle and as he falls to the floor. He sinks his face in his hands and roughly rubs his eyes on his calloused palms. He chokes on a sob.
Ellie scoffs, "deserve? You know what you deserve? You deserve to suffer for being stupid, but she-" she points, "she doesn't deserve to believe that you don't want her when you clearly do."
"Ellie, I-" Joel looks up at the girl, "I... don't know how to do this anymore."
"Well, you can start by apologizing! By being there for her," she quips, "now go," she kicks him, "get out of here and don't you dare come back until you've made amends."
Joel looks at the child.
Dean snarls when he sees Joel's pathetic expression. He clenches his jaw and looks down on him, "she's not here."
Joel shoves his boot between the door before Dean can close it shut.
"Please," he says rather desperately, "just a few moments s'all I need."
Dean flares, ripping the door open. He grabs Joel by the collar and begins shoving him back, "did she fucking tell you?"
Joel moves back as he is charged by the larger, leaner, and younger furious man, unable to do much else against his strength, not really having much fight in him to be honest.
"Answer me!" Dean barks.
"She told me," Joel mutters.
"And what exactly did she tell you?!"
"That she's pregnant."
Dean sucks in a breath and shoves Joel back. He nearly falls on his ass, but manages to stay up.
Joel watches the man wipe his face and kick snow around.
"She thinks I don't know," Dean points, "but I caught her. I caught her when you two had a fall out. And I caught her puking her guts out while she cried over you."
Joel shudders, breath condensing in front of him.
"It took her telling you this to get you to man up and face yourself," Dean paces around and clenches his fist, "you disgust me-" he huffs through his nostrils, steam coming out, "her kid doesn't deserve a pathetic shell of a man as a father," he licks his lip, "don't you agree?"
Joel feels that come at him like a kick to the teeth, a punch in the gut. He is rendered still and silent. A million different things run through his head. Not long after, he is actually does get punched in the gut.
Dean tackles him to the ground, pressing his hands on Joel's throat. His eyes are wild and his grip is deadly, "you're not even going to spew some bullshit to pacify me, you absolute dipshit?!"
Joel grips Dean's wrists as the Winchester chokes the life out of him. In his rage and offence of the fact he wasn't even being fought back, Dean pulls away from him and begins bashing his face in. He gets to beat him twice before he's being pried off.
"WHAT THE FUCK, DEAN!" I scream as Sam rips him away while he wrangles out of his clutch.
"LET ME GO, SAM!" Dean shouts.
Sam locks his arms around Dean's flailing ones as he mutters, "COOL IT, DEAN!"
I drop down next to Joel as I help him sit up.
I hear Joel's pained mewls. I hear his soft voice mutter through it, "I'm sorry."
I whine as I look at his battered face as I help him get up, "Joel-"
"LET ME GO, YOU IDJIT!" Dean shouts even louder.
Sam manages to over power him and shouts, "GET HIM INSIDE, NOW."
"I'm sorry about Dean," I mutter as I place a ice pack on Joel's face.
I sit down next to him on the couch as he takes the pack from me. Joel makes a sound before he says, "don't be."
"He could have killed you," I snap, shaking my head, "he was close. You're lucky Sam came with me here to get some pillows."
Joel looks at me for a long moment, saying absolutely nothing. I turn away from him when he calls my name. I look my my laps and clench my hands.
"Look," I huff, "I know you're here because you're shaken by what I told you earlier. But it's okay-"
"It's not okay," Joel straightens up, pulling the pack away, placing it on the couch.
"No, Joel," I turn back to him, "you were right. It was unfair of me to expect more from you when you told me from the start you could only give me so much."
He says my name again and I can't stand it. I get off the cushion and look down at him. I regret it when I see the looks of his battered face and his damp cheeks. I suck in a breath, "if..." I say carefully, "I manage to take this pregnancy to full term, you'll always have a part in our baby's life. -"
Our baby's life.
"- Always. But please don't come to me telling me shit you don't mean because you feel like you have to now, Joel."
"I lied to you," he blurts.
I gulp a lump in my throat.
He grabs my hand, "when I said I didn't want you... I meant I didn't want you because I was scared."
"Scared of what?" I pull my hand away.
"Of slipping. I was slipping-- I am," he mutters, "you said it yourself, I'm an old man."
"Joel, be for"
"No, I'm not what I used to be."
I purse my lips.
"I'm not what I used to be," he repeats as he stands, placing his hands on my shoulders. He shakes his head and brings his hands up my body. They're shaky when they land on my face.
Joel's tears continue to wet his face, "if you only knew, honey... gosh, if you only knew," he wipes my own wet cheeks, "I'd lock you in my room and never let you out. I'd cuff you to my bed and never let you leave."
I knit my brows deeply at his words.
"I'd build you a house," he mutters like a secret. He pushes my hair back, "two floors, front yard with a garden, backyard with a pool, picket fence, pine tree."
I pull my head back. My face contorts.
"I'd've been the one to help you climb that mountain, you know, thrown you over my shoulder, egg you on for getting tired so quickly," he sniffles, "used to be like that."
"And i used to carry her in my arms," he cuts, "...Sarah."
My breath hitches. I place my hands on his.
"I used to throw her in the air and spin her around," Joel sighs, "build her a tree house, build her a playground, then play with her. Just thinking about it now leaves me winded."
I shake my head, stepping towards him, "you don't have to do any of that. You don't need to. I didn't expect you to."
"No," he disagrees, "that's what you should expect," he blurts, "that's what I would have given you... that's what I would've-- what you should get."
I push his hands off me and sigh. I grab the ice pack that he left on the couch and put it on the side of his bruised face.
Joel watches me as I do this and presses his hands on mine before I pull away. "I'm sorry."
I still.
"I'm sorry it ended up this way. I'm sorry I hurt you first before I told you the truth. I thought it would be easier that way."
I chew on my lip and shake my head. I sigh and speak softly, "can you hold me, Joel?"
Joel doesn't hesitate. Hpulls me in. He pulls me into his arms.
And I missed him. I missed him so bad. Being in his arms made me realize I missed him even after he ripped my heart out. I miss him still. I want him so bad.
But my heart was still bleeding; it was still broken, so I only stayed for so long before pushing him away.
Joel watches me. He licks his lips.
I smile at him, "thank you for telling me the truth, Joel," I step away from him, "you shouldn't stay here long though. You should go out back and try not to show yourself to my brothers."
I motion my head to the side as I lead the way. Joel looks at me for a prolonged moment before following. I turn away from him and even my breath, unwilling to cry any further, not in front of him. I rub my arms as I stand in front of the door, thinking of something to say. When I do think of something, I open the door, "I can't take you back."
Joel stops.
I turn to him, eyes watering all over again, "at least... not now. Not so quickly."
He pulls the pack away from his face and opens his mouth. He says nothing for a moment, then he sighs, "I understand."
I step towards him and place the ice pack back on his face. I pull away, rub my eyes and ten step back, turning to the door, waiting fo him to pass.
Joel turns to his feet before walking out.
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sadbigemini · 2 months
SUPERNATURAL MY BELOVED!!! Sorry, lol... I have some SPN fic prompts today. Let's get started!
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What If Dean Winchester Killed John Before The Pilot?
I saw this post talk about how the initial pilot script implied that Dean killed John instead of hunting down Yellow Eyes (Azazel).
And like just imagine!
John went 'too far' (Dean's opinion) in his abuse and Dean had to kill him. But he felt guilty even after everything that the bastard did to him and Sammy. And he couldn't be alone bc what is Dean Winchester without family, without a purpose?? 😭
So, he went to Stanford and told Sammy that Dad was on a hunting trip.
What if Sam knew? Whether it be from the moment Dean said something or he figured it out during the first hunt (the White Woman/Weeping Woman).
But he let Dean have his whole charade bc he knew he was working through his guilt or for some other reason??? Idk
Also in the post was during their 'first' meeting Cas was like "Dean Winchester I need you to help me kill my father" and like that can happen too lmao
It would be interesting
What if John Winchester died instead of Mary Winchester?
Patchwork Souls (title rec)
John went into the nursery instead because Mary was going to follow through with the deal she made with Azazel.
Mary would still want revenge against the demon though. Especially since she only agreed that she wouldn't enter the nursery and demons are all about technicality. Only when it doesn't apply to themselves apparently (meaning John's entry shouldn't have mattered, Yellow Eyes could have just teleported away).
So, I think she would start hunting again but she would definitely not let her grief control her. Like someone else we know (side-eyes John 😒).
Now I'm going off of Past Mary's personality bc I hate Brought Back Mary (or whatever you wanna call her lol).
Mary raises the boys and still teaches them to hunt but only for self-defense and as a precaution.
She doesn't take Dean on a hunt until he's like sixteen maybe eighteen and only because he wants to. Same with Sam. She also starts them out easy.
Dean definitely would have probably tried hunting on his own tho.
Bobby or Ellen would watch them a lot when Mary went on hunts.
Would that mean that Ellen's husband is still alive??? Whatever you want ig?
She would never leave them alone in a motel until Dean is like at least fourteen. And she would always leave them with enough money. Even if there wasn't quite enough for herself.
But when she wanted to spend some time with her boys she would hand off the case to someone else through Bobby or Ellen.
Jo would be like their little sister and Ash would be like their weird brother lmao
Bobby kinda became like a father figure to Mary and a grandfather like figure to the boys (don't get me started on that while weird relationship in the show please).
Mary makes money by becoming a private detective and solves mostly supernatural crimes. Sometimes it's just cheating husbands.
But when work is slow she works at the Roadhouse for extra cash and also hustles the hunters there.
Bobby/Jody or Jody/Donna??
Dean/Castiel in the future?
Mary encouraged Sam to pursue his dreams of a more normal safe life and becoming a lawyer. She also encouraged Dean's dreams of becoming a hunter even if she wishes he chose a different route.
The story might start with Mary being kidnapped because the demons want the colt? And Dean pulls Sam away from his more apple pie life to find her. Or maybe she went dark because she caught Yellow Eyes’ (Azazel’s) trail?
Maybe she wants to shield her boys from the demon and try to keep them safe?
What about John's deal with Azazel? Would Mary make it instead? Or would that not happen??
Dad Bobby ♡
Bobby adopts the Winchester boys legally.
When Bobby meets the Winchesters he's reminded of his father and he does something about it.
First he goes to rehab, talks to Dean (first about John not his plan yet, when he does it's a year after Dean was sent to the boy's home), starts getting friendlier with the locals, and asks Ellen and some hunters to help fix up his house. Making it not look so blatantly like a hunter's.
They hide it all in his panic room which he then makes a secret passage to so the social worker won't see it. But he keeps his guns locked up in his room.
He also takes a step back from hunting but still helps from pretending to be a FBI superior to giving hunting advice to finding hunts for others to help research lore. He focuses on his car business.
SPN has so SO many plot holes ranging from big to small so some the ages for certain things have been changed.
So, Dean went to the boy's home at 14 instead of 16. Sam was 10. Sam learned about monsters when he was 8 like in canon. Dean learned about them a little younger maybe. Currently Dean is 15 and Sam is 11???
The FBI Has A Secret Task Force Of Hunters
Supernatural and Criminal Minds crossover!!
Dean and Sam are forced to join if they don't want to go to jail. They'd also get paid a salary and have more stability. But it throws the Winchester brothers into a whole new world.
They have mandatory therapy and training tho– HA!
They'd also probably have to share their knowledge and train agents. Obviously the BAU is assigned to them.
So, the BAU works with them and gets brought into a whole new world too.
Maybe Bobby joins later and helps recruit more hunters, so they all could get paid or???
The new hunters have to probably pass a psych eval and stuff though, so???
OH MY GOD CHARLIE AND GARCIA!!!! they would bond over their VERY similar pasts and their VERY similar personalities! Dead parents bc of a car crash? Check. Sunshine nerdy personality? Check. Fangirls? Check. Tech geeks who dabbled in the illegal side of things? Check. Bright colors? Check. Fruity? Check.
Sam and Reid!
Sam And Emily!!
Sam and JJ!!!
OMG Rossi would uncle the hell out of them and I think Bobby would be jealous lmao but they would probably become drinking buddies.
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janicho88 · 1 year
When It All Falls Apart - Chapter 14
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Pairing- ex!Jensen x Padalecki Reader
Word count- 4,754
Warnings- Some language. Dealing with a breakup. Idiots pining, Angst, If I missed something let me know!
A/N- A little off canon, SPN ended after 10 years. We still got all the characters in during that time though. Thank you to @writercole and @leigh70 for your help with this. You two are amazing!!
Summary-Y/N Padalecki loved acting on Supernatural.  Working alongside your older brother and your boyfriend, but after ten seasons the guys have chosen to hang up the guns.  Now the three of you are moving on to other projects, but that’s all that needs to change right?  While you have moved to Austin to be closer to your family and boyfriend, Jensen is working elsewhere.  Distance is only the start of your troubles.
Series Masterlist
When you pull up to Jared and Gen’s Sunday afternoon, you notice Jeff’s car is already in the driveway.  Your parents couldn’t make it up today, so Jared is going to Skype them when Tom is told.  Speaking of your nephew, he is right there when you walk inside. 
“Is that cake? Can I have some?”
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“It is, and after dinner buddy.”
“What about some now and then more after dinner?”
“Good try, but no.”
Setting the cake down where he can’t reach it, you greet the rest of your family then help your sisters-in-law with dinner.  After dinner, but before dessert Jared grabs his laptop and sets up the skype call with your parents.  When they answer, Gen gets up and stands next to Jared at the head of the table and looks at Tom sitting next to you.
“Tom,” she starts, “you know Uncle Jeff is your dad's big brother right?”
Tom looks between the two men before looking back at his mom, “yeah.”
“You know how both dad and Uncle Jeff are Aunt Y/N’s big brothers?”
He looks at you.
“Yeah, both of them,” you tell him.
He just shakes his head at Gen.
“You know how Tyler is Katie’s big brother?” She tries going with someone closer to his age.
“Uh huh.”
“What do you think about being a big brother, too?  Would you want a younger brother or sister?”
“No.  Tyler says he has to share his toys with Katie now.  I like my toys.”
You try to hold back a laugh along with Jeff.  Jared is biting his lip and looking down.  Gen is a little shocked.  You don’t think that was the response she was expecting. 
“You share your toys with me,” you tell him, trying to help.
“I like you.  Tyler doesn’t always like Katie.”
“She’s annoying,” Tyler chimes in. 
MJ quickly works on quietling her oldest to keep him out of the conversation.
“I don’t always like your Aunt Y/N, but I’m still glad she’s my sister,” Jared says, earning a smack from Gen.
“This isn’t how I thought it would go,” you hear Gen mutter.  “Tom,” she says louder now.  “You’re going to be a big brother in a few months.  Mommy is going to have a baby.”
“We love you so much, and that won’t ever change.  We wanted to share that with another baby too.  Maybe not right now, but one day, you might really like having another sibling.”
“Can you take it back, like the ugly shirt?”
“That shirt was not ugly, and no.”
“Why not?”
“It doesn’t work that way buddy.  A new baby is not like a piece of clothing.”
Jared has to turn around and look away to hide his laugh.  His wife isn’t as amused and glares at his back.  From the way he jumped, you’re fairly certain she kicked him under the table.  
“You’ll like being a big brother, Tom.” Jeff tries to help.  “You will get to teach your younger sibling all the neat things you know.”
He shrugs and looks at you.  “When do we get cake?”
“Guess that’s the end of that conversation,” Gen says.
“Um, you’ll have to ask your mom,” you tell him.
“We can have cake now,” she responds. 
“I want a big piece,” he tells you, demonstrating with his hands held wide apart.
“Baby sibling he wants to return, cake he cheers,” your sister-in-law mutters walking into the kitchen.
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You get up to help her.  “Don’t worry, he’ll get there.  We’ll just have to make sure Tyler doesn’t tell him anymore sibling horror stories.”
Jeff and his family leave after dessert, you stay and help clean up before going back to your place. Tom is off playing when you leave, not another thought given to his future sibling.  
You aren’t scheduled to film on Monday, so you spend the day tidying the apartment, doing laundry and working out.  Tuesday, you are back on set. You’re on the couch in your trailer that afternoon when Jared walks in. 
“Hey, how’s it going?” you ask him, looking back over your shoulder. 
He pauses by the counter before continuing to the living room area.    “Alright, I thought I’d come see what you’re doing.”
“What did you stop up there for?”
“Nothing.  What are you up to?”
“Just finished going over the scene for this afternoon.  What are you up to?”
“Jared, is everything alright?”
“It’s fine, it’s just, nothing.  It’s stupid.”
“I doubt it, talk to me.”
“You don’t want to hear it.”  He notices the look you are giving him, and continues on.  “Alright, alright, I just miss having Jackles around.  The cast here is great, but it’s not the same.”
“You miss your partner in crime.  I get it, you two were always together up there.  I’m fairly certain you spent as much or more time with my boyfriend than I did.”
“I didn’t want to bring him up to you.”
“It’s fine, I can handle hearing his name.  Anything I can do to help?”
“What you’re doing now is great, it’s just been one of those days ya know?”
“I get it.”
The two of you hang out in your trailer until you are called back to set.  Jared gets up first and you follow him as he stops at the counter and retrieves his old gum he took out and set there.
“Jared Tristen, that’s gross.  This is not Jensen’s trailer, get a new piece from craft services.”
“It tastes better after.”
“No. No it does not.”
The rest of the week passes quickly, you make plans with Keegan for the weekend.
“How about an escape room?” Keegan asks, coming up to you on set Friday.
“What do you think about getting some people together and going to an escape room tomorrow night?” he questions again.
“That could be fun.”
“Cool, I’m on it.”
You watch as he takes off again heading toward some of your other cast mates.  The next time you have a chance to speak you are both walking back toward the trailers at the end of the day. 
“Your brother thinks he can make it, but he’ll have to check with Gen.   Violet, Lindsey, Matt, Colby and Mitch are in through.  Molly is heading back home with her husband for the weekend since she doesn’t film again until next Wednesday, and Odette won’t be back before the end of next week.”
“That’ll be fun.  What time are we going?  Meeting there?”
“I’ll check out the times available and send out a text.  Might as well ride together, we don’t live that far from each other.”
“Sure, I’ll pick you up this time.”
He laughs, before agreeing and turning toward his own trailer. 
Later that night, your phone dings with a message.  Opening it there is a group text from Keegan.
Toby C- Hey, there are 2 rooms with availability. The Playground room has an open slot at 6:20 or 9:40, they all last an hour.  We could do the first and grab dinner before or after?  Prison break has 9 or 10:30, it’s rated as the most challenging one.  Thoughts?
Violet is the first to respond saying either one works for her.  Jared and Mitch are next both opting for the earlier option.  You send a text agreeing to that one. 
Toby C-Moonshine Grill is just down the street.  Meet there at 5 for dinner?
Everyone agrees and the plans for the next evening are set.  
You spend Saturday morning hitting the gym and then the pool before going back to your apartment.  There is a text from Jared when you get out of the shower.
Jared-Want me to pick you up tonight?
Me- Thanks, but I already told Keegan I would pick him up.
Jared- So anything you want to tell me there?
Me- Nope
Jared- Are you sure?
Me- See you at 5. 
Throwing on jeans and a t-shirt, you dry your hair and put on a little makeup before turning on the television and waiting until it is time for you to leave.  When you notice it’s finally 4:30, you grab your purse, keys and a light jacket then head out the door. 
It’s a quick three-minute drive to Keegan’s apartment complex.  You send him a text when you park out front, and he is down a few minutes later.  It doesn’t even take ten minutes to get to the restaurant.  Keegan heads in first to check on the reservation he made while you wait for the others near the door, but a crack of thunder sends you inside.  The rain moves the reservation from the outdoor Veranda to the covered patio.
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Lindsey arrives first with Violet, Colby is right behind them.  Jared and Mitch are next, Matt texted Keegan that he was running later.  The rest of you are seated and given menus in the meantime.  Your brother orders a few appetizers for the table to share before the waiter leaves with the drink order.  Matt arrives a short time later and you all get your dinner orders in so you will have enough time to get to the escape game.
It’s still raining so everyone runs to their cars to drive to the parking lot down the street. Keegan signs you in once you are all there, someone comes to lead you back and reads the group the mission for this room.
“You are all a group of 4th graders stuck in class on the last day of school.  There is a big game in one hour against the 5th grade class.  The first objective is to finish the class assignments, or the teacher won’t let you out.  Then you need to get a report card, after that make it to the gym all in one hour or you will be forced to forfeit.” 
The rules are next.  Nothing can be forced open or unscrewed.  Cell phones are not supposed to be used for help or to take photos.  You look at Keegan for that one, he’s already been taking pictures of the group out tonight.  Before the clock starts he has everyone gather to get a group photo before putting his phone away for the next hour.
The pressure is on and you hit the classroom looking for the assignments that need to be completed.  Violet and Matt start on the first assignment when they find it, the search for the second is on.  Soon math, science, and social studies are done, leaving art to be finished and english still has to be found. 
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Homework turned in, you have to search the room for the report card before you can leave the room and try to make your way to the gym.  Jared is the one who finally finds it and lets you out of the classroom. Trying to get out to the playground is next.  
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The group makes it with just over two minutes to spare. When you all are outside with your escape passes in hand, Keegan gets everyone together for an after shot.  
The rain has ended and the group is slow to disperse for the night, everyone talking about the evening and laughing.  You were happy to see your brother in the middle of it.  You and Keegan are the last to leave, as you are driving back to his place you make a turn he isn’t expecting and pull into another parking lot.
“Ice cream?” he questions reading the sign.
“Driver’s choice,” you tell him. 
“Alright.” he gets out following you inside.
Once you arrive back at his apartment, he invites you out by the pool to finish your ice cream.  You sit in a chair near the water, while he takes one next to you. 
“Sorry, I would invite you up, but the place is a bit of a mess.  I should probably clean it up tomorrow,” he tells you.
“It’s no problem.  It’s still early and it’s nice out here.”
The two of you talk for a bit after finishing your desserts, before you head home for the evening.   Sunday, you take the opportunity to sleep in, then run a few errands before spending a lazy afternoon around your apartment. Lying on the couch during a Hallmark marathon, you notice notifications on your phone, most from Instagram and one email.  The email was to confirm your flights for the convention this weekend, you had forgotten about that one.  Opening the social media app next you see Keegan posted earlier about the night before.  Pictures from dinner and the group escape photos, along with your ice cream after.  
Fun night, great people!    You comment after hitting the like button.  Closing the app, you place the phone on the table before going back to your movie marathon. 
Sunday morning, a tired Jensen quickly maneuvers through the Dallas airport toward the exit.  He pulls his cap down as he makes his way through the already busy airport, checking his watch he has ten minutes before the car service he arranged is set to arrive.  When the text comes in to notify him of his ride’s arrival he heads outside. 
Once in the backseat he gives the driver his address and sits back trying not to fall asleep before they arrive at his parents house.  Filming had run until 2 am this morning, it was almost 3 before he was back to his hotel, then he had to be at the airport by 6, for his flight.  Now it’s just after 9, no 10, Texas is an hour ahead of New Mexico, and he’s ready for a nap.   He doesn’t know if that will be an option or not once he arrives at his parent’s place.
A little over twenty minutes later the car pulls up outside his parent’s home.  Giving the driver a tip, he grabs his bag and heads inside.  His dad is in the living room when he walks in, his mom quickly comes out to greet him.  He can’t help the yawns that keep escaping, and his mom is quick to send him to his old room for a nap before the others arrive. 
Multiple pokes to the face wake Jensen all too soon, but a glance at the clock on the nightstand shows almost two hours have passed.  A giggle comes from the person behind the pokes draws Jensen’s attention to his nephew, Levi.  
“What are you up to Mister?” he playfully questions him. 
Levi just laughs again.  Jensen quickly gets out of bed and picks up the young boy who squeals as his uncle makes his way downstairs with him.  Entering the living room, Alan Ackles is watching his eldest son Josh, play on the floor with his son Brayden.  The youngest one is the first to spot his uncle, standing up and hurrying over.  Jensen sets Levi down before bending down to give his other nephew a hug. 
Before the boys can get their uncle on the floor to play with them, Donna comes in to grab everyone for lunch.
“Oh, good you’re already up,” she says looking at Jensen.
“Yeah, someone made sure of that,” he answers as he tickles Levi.  
He picks the boy up and carries him into the dining room where his sister-in-law is setting a platter of sandwiches down amid the other food.  Brayden and Levi both want to sit next to Jensen so he takes the spot in between the two boys.   Small talk fills the air until Brayden unknowingly opens a can of worms. 
“Where’s Aunt Y/N?”
“Um, she’s back in Austin,” Jensen spits out after choking on his drink.
“Will she be here later?”
“No buddy she won’t.”
“How come?”
“Um, well because, um…”
“Because your Uncle Jensen made the biggest mistake of his life,” Kenzie announces as she walks into the room with Jeremy right behind her.
“How come?” Brayden still wants answers.
“Thanks Mack,” Jensen tells her with a glare.
“Hey, I speak the truth.”  She gives the rest of the family hugs as she sits down across from him. 
Josh’s wife LeAnn, distracts the boys, and thankfully the topic changes.  After lunch the boys are playing in the backyard, while the adults watch from the deck.  It doesn’t take his mom long to revisit the topic from lunch.
“How come you didn’t want to tell us the  two of you were having problems the last time you were home?  It was a little obvious when you avoided her birthday.   Although she didn’t say anything when I called her either.  She made it seem like you were going to see her.”
Jensen sighs, “mom.”
“It would have been nice to hear it from the two of you then to be blindsided by some TV interview.  I can’t believe she would go up to Vancouver and do that.  That just doesn’t seem like her at all.”
“She didn’t,” Mack responds first. 
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Jensen glares at his sister before speaking.  “It wasn’t supposed to come out that way,we were still together when I was here before.”
“Are you ever going to tell us what happened?  I thought you were going to marry that girl.”
He takes a deep breath to try and calm himself down.  He was hoping to avoid this, but should have known better. 
“He turned into a scared jackass…”
“Mackenzie, language,” Donna interrupts.
“Well he did, again I only speak the truth.  He managed to break her heart and push her away because of it.  Now she’s living in a closet size apartment until she moves back to LA.
Jensen’s head snaps to his sister at that announcement.  “She’s moving back to California?”
“Oh shoot.  I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone that.”
“Kenzie, why is she moving?  When is she moving?  Next summer?”  
“She didn’t want me to say anything.”
“Too late for that,” Jensen tries to stare his sister down for answers.
“Fine, but you can’t tell Jared this yet.  End of the year, she wants to leave her full time role on Walker for just a guest star.  She moved here for you, and you threw that all away so she wants to leave.”  
Jensen’s quiet while he sits there absorbing that bit of news.  It looks like he has to figure out what he’s going to do quickly if you have already set a time table to leave town.  His dad and brother move inside to turn on the football game, and he doesn't notice his mom shooing Kenzie and LeAnn into the house with the kids.
“Do you want to talk about it?” she softly asks him.  “Tell me what really happened?”
He’s quiet while he thinks about what he wants to say, he knows however he phrases things, his mother isn’t going to be very happy with him.  He finally gets everything out, starting with his worry about being on set, how someone even told him they didn’t want to like him.  Doing what he could to not make any waves.  He lost track of a lot of things while he was there.   When he gets halfway through the weekend that you were there, his mom slaps him upside the head.  
“Jensen Ross, I can not believe you behaved that way,” she scolds him.  “I did not raise you to act like that.”
“I know ma.  Looking back now, I can’t believe I did that either.  I royally screwed up.”
“Yes, you did.  What are you going to do about it?”
“I don’t know.”
He finishes up telling her about that weekend, what happened after, his talks with Jared and Kenzie.
“Do you still love her?”
“Never stopped.  But I don’t know, I told Jared and Kenzie I wasn’t sure if I would try and get back together with her because she deserves better than how I treated her, and I’m still busy with the new show.  She really does deserve better, but I’m also afraid that if I talk to her about it, she is just going to tell me I don’t have a chance in hell.  I would completely deserve that.  Then we really would be over for good.  I think she is already moving on with one of her new co-stars anyways.”
“She deserves to know how you really feel.  Most importantly, that girl deserves an apology.”  With that Donna stands up and makes her way back into the house, leaving Jensen alone on the deck. 
He pulls out his phone and is scrolling through his social media when he decides to hurt himself a little more and search your name.  There are new pictures of you, he follows back to a post from Keegan Allen, your new costar.  Looking through the other man’s posts he sees multiple ones with you.  Some with other cast members, others just with the two of you.  Caught up in his thoughts, he doesn’t hear the sliding glass door open. 
“As much as you deserve it, I can’t leave you to wallow out here all alone,” his sister tells him.  “What are you looking at?”
Standing behind him, she looks down at his phone and sees a photo of you with an ice cream.   Jensen flips back through a few more and she notices the same guy with you in a few of them. 
“Who is that?” she carefully asks her brother.
“Y/N’s new costar, and I’m pretty sure boyfriend.”
“Are you sure she is dating someone already?”
“They look pretty close.”
“What are you going to do about it?”
“What can I do about it?  Besides, look how happy she looks in these.  Both you and Jared told me how awful I had made her feel.  Looks like I lost.”
He gets up and walks into the house with his shoulders slumped.
“With that attitude you did,” Kenzie mumbles behind him.  She decides it's up to her to find out what’s going on.  Taking out her phone she sends you a text about meeting up the following weekend, but you won’t be in town.
Jensen puts a smile on his face as they spend the afternoon celebrating Levi.  He watches his young nephew play with his new toys, and does his best to try and blow out the birthday candles.  Levi seems to have the most fun making a mess out of his cake. 
As Jensen is grabbing his bag to head out, he is surprised his mom is the one to offer him a ride to the airport.  Before he exits the car, his mom reaches out and grabs his arm.  
“You made a mistake, it’s time to fix that.  For both your sakes it’s time to have a conversation with Y/N.  You need to be able to move on one way or another.  If you’re lucky, it will be the two of you together.”
“If I can ever get her to talk to me again.”
After giving her a hug, Jensen gets out of the car and makes his way inside the busy airport to catch his flight to New Mexico.   
You are sitting in your chair on Monday, going through the script for an upcoming scene when you look up and notice Keegan standing in front of you.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“So I saw this poster for…”
“What is up with you and finding posters,” you tease him.
“I look at the bulletin board in the apartment lobby, anyway, I took a picture.”  He holds out his phone for you to look at. 
Taking the phone, you look over the picture he took of the poster. Bat Fest, it says at the top.  You can’t help the slight rise of your lip as you remember the first time that Jensen took you to see the bats a few years before.  This flier says there would be live music, children’s activities and a bat costume contest before it was time for the bats to take flight for the night. 
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“Have you ever seen this? Do you want to check it out with me this weekend?”
“It is a good time or can be.  Jensen took me two years ago when I came down to Austin with him for the weekend.  It actually creeped me out a little bit.” 
“Oh… I guess that’s a no then?”
“I can’t go anyways, we have a convention this weekend in Colorado. Thanks for asking though.   Maybe one of the others will be up to go with you?”
“Yeah, I’ll ask around.”
It isn’t long before you are both called to set and need to get to work. 
Tuesday and Wednesday are long days on set, but the end of your filming week.  You watch Tom on Thursday morning while Jared and Gen are busy.  He helps, or tries to help you pack for the convention you’re leaving for later that afternoon.  You promise to take him to the park after you finish packing, and he tells you about his trip there with Uncle Jensen.
“Why didn’t you come too?.  I miss him, daddy says he comes back soon.”
“Comes back?”  That threw you off a little, not that you had been keeping up with Jensen’s whereabouts.  “Where is he?”
“He’s with work people,” Tom tells you as he tries to take a shirt out of your suitcase without you seeing.
‘Work people?  I wonder if that meant he went off to see Claudia’, you think to yourself.  Focusing back on your nephew, you see him dropping your shirt for karaoke on the closet floor. 
“Dude, what are you doing with that shirt?”
“I don’t want you to pack lots and not come back.”
“I will be back Sunday morning I promise.  I always come back, don't I?”
“Not to my home.”
“Buddy, that was only temporary.  That’s your home with your mom, dad and new brother or sister.  This is mine.  It will only be a couple days, I promise.”
“Unca Jensen packed lots and was gone forever.”
“He was away filming a show, I’m just going to a convention.  It’s only for a few days.  I promise I will be back soon.”
He stares at you for a whole minute before retrieving the shirt back out, along with your pajama top and jeans.  Sneaky little sucker takes after his dad. 
Once you think you have everything you need, you take it all back out and pile it on your bed.  Double checking as it goes back in the luggage that Tom didn’t take anything else out on you.  Finally done you grab two water bottles and a few snacks, throwing it in a bag to take to the park.  
You are pleased to see it’s fairly empty when you arrive, most kids are back in school now.  Tom had you up with him on the slide a few times, but now he wants to do it himself.  When his excitement with that wears out, it’s over to the merry-go-round, but you pushed him too fast as you ran along with it, now he just wants you to sit down with him and push.  It’s definitely much slower.  Taking your phone out, you snap a picture of the two of you.
Before you put your phone back you notice an Instagram notification from Keegan, he posted something from set. After watching that video you go to search for Bri’s page to see if you missed pictures from her recent trip.  The first thing you see on the search page is a picture of Jensen, Claudia and Chase.  You can’t help but click on it. 
It takes you to her page where you see she recently posted two pictures of the two of them and some other cast members. 
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With the caption, Love spending time with some of my favorite people.  You can see Jensen has already liked it, what you don’t see are the various comments from the group about how those were good times during filming.  ‘Must be the work people Tom said he was away with,’ you think. You keep telling yourself to get over it, but you just hate seeing him with her.
A short time later, you need to get Tom in the car so you can take him back to Gen.  She isn’t back to the house yet, so you make him lunch while you wait.  When your sister-in-law returns you spend a few minutes talking with her before going back to your place to get your luggage for the weekend.
Thank you for reading!
Chapter 15- Coming hopefully in the not too distant future.🤞
SPNForevers- @winchest09 @flamencodiva @whatareyousearchingfordean @waywardbeanie @deanwanddamons  @emoryhemsworth  @atc74 @sandlee44 @akshi8278  @fantasydevil2002 @writercole @440mxs-wife   @nervousfandom @lunarmoon8 @thoughts-and-funnies @downanddirtydean @katelyn--renee​ @that-one-gay-girl​ @lyarr24 @pineapleavocado @siospins2 @deans-spinster-witch ​ @ariesbabe1993​  @graciebear73  @stixnstripesworld​ @spnbaby-67  @treat-winchesterswith-kindness @charmed-asylum​ @winchestergirl2 @jawritter @hobby27 @amyzombie1013  @sexyvixen7 @leigh70 @krazykelly @nancymcl @candy-coated-misery0731 @kmc1989 @supraveng
WIAFA Masterlist
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notinthislife50 · 10 months
Chapter 43
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With a sigh tinged with sadness, you secured your bike in storage once more. However, as you settled into the back of the Impala, the familiar scent comforted you slightly.
Continuing your hunts alongside the boys seemed to be going smoothly. You were back to tackling the usual supernatural challenges, and your bond with Dean was as strong as ever.
However, everything changed when Sam decided to take on a solo hunt to give you and Dean some alone time but failed to check in.
Sitting together in the motel, both of you desperately searched for any sign of Sam's whereabouts. Then, unexpectedly, a text message arrived from Sam, providing an address and insisting that you both wear your fed suits.
"That's only 15 minutes away, Dean," you gasped.
Both of you arrived the White Chapel.
"How do we know this isn't a trap?" you whispered.
"We don't," Dean answered, drawing his gun as the lights flickered ominously.
Approaching the door, you watched Dean staring intently at it. When he glanced at you, he appeared surprised to find you looking at him.
"Aren't you going to open it?" he asked.
"Why do I have to be the one to open it?" you retorted.
"Because I'm the cover," he countered.
"I can be the cover," you hissed back.
Just as he was about to reply with something snarky, the door swung open, revealing Sam standing there looking confused.
"Sam, you're okay!" you exclaimed, rushing to hug the man before you. When Sam noticed your guns, he smiled. "You don't need that. Put it away and follow me," he instructed as he pulled you down the aisle.
"So, what are we hunting?" Dean asked, suspecting some kind of siren, "Is this a play?"
"Nothing like that. I'm in love, and I'm getting married," Sam proudly announced.
"Good one, Sam," you chuckled. "Wait, you're serious?" you added when Sam's expression didn't change.
As Dean was about to say something, a woman in white began walking down the aisle.
"Becky!" you and Dean exclaimed simultaneously as Sam unveiled his bride.
Trying to get Dean's attention, you nudged him repeatedly, whispering, "Bride, that's the bride." However, Dean stood frozen in shock.
After the initial surprise settled, Sam sat down, holding Becky's hand.
"Shouldn't she have asked for my permission?" Dean spat out. "I mean, how did this happen?"
As Sam began explaining how they met, you interrupted, "That's nice, but Sam, you're a hunter. How's this going to work? You're putting her in danger."
"But that's the best part. She understands more than anyone; she's read every book," Becky exclaimed excitedly.
"Okay, but how do you know she isn't... you know," Dean nodded at Becky, implying something.
"We've done all the tests—salt, holy water. I passed them all," she smiled.
As the pastor concluded, Becky grabbed the bill, declaring, "I've got it. You two can do your brother thing," then turning to you, she added, "And we'll do our sister thing."
Turning to Dean you mouthed "Help me," but all he could do was shrug, which earned him a glare from you.
"So, Becky," you started, but were taken aback when she suddenly wrapped her arm around you, pulling you in for a hug and snapping a selfie. "This is definitely going on Instagram," she happily stated.
"Instagram?" you queried, puzzled.
Before she could respond, Sam approached both of you.
"Ready, Becky?" he smiled, kissing her, prompting you to turn to Dean, who pretended to be nauseated.
"Where are you headed?" you hurriedly asked. "Don't you want to stick around?"
"No, we're off to Delaware, Becky's hometown. Hopefully, we'll see you up there," Sam said with a smile.
"We need to call Bobby," Dean stated firmly, leaving you nodding in agreement and disbelief.
@deansgirl79 @suckitands33 @deans-baby-momma @dragony937 @linzerrr @deans-spinster-witch @foxyjwls007 @djs8891 @my-obsession-spn @mikaylalala13 @jackles010378 @spnbaby-67
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zepskies · 10 months
I am so happy to see your posts about Dark Angel! I love that show so much, it’s definitely one of my all time favorites, and I’m glad to see you’re enjoying it.
I was wondering what your thought are so far and who your favorite characters are if you don’t mind answering (for me Alec is definitely my number 1 but I really love Zack, Joshua, Original Cindy, and Sketchy for sure.)
Also I was wondering if you’ve seen season 2 episode 11 (The Berrisford Agenda specifically) what you thought of it? If not, I’d love the hear your thoughts when you do watch it:)
Hey lovely!!
Yesss I'm midway through season 2 of Dark Angel and I love this show. I wonder why it was cancelled. The writing was strong enough, the world is so interesting, the cast is great...maybe it just didn't have a broad enough audience at the time.
There were a couple of sci-fi shows like this that got cut too soon in the early 2000s (like Almost Human with Karl Urban and Michael Ealy).
My thoughts so far are that despite the relative simplicity of Max's "everyday" life as a Jam Pony messenger with her ragtag group of friends, this is a big show in a decaying dystopian world -- with interesting (and often horrific) elements of human experimentation, childhood trauma and indoctrination, and a struggle for transgenics like Max and Alec to form emotional connections because of that trauma (their training). It's very Winter Soldier-esque in a way.
And then with Joshua's character, they reinforce in season 2 one of the central themes of the whole show: people are confused by (and afraid of) what they don't understand. It leads Max and other transgenics to hide in plain sight. To try to live "normal" lives while trying not to expose themselves to the curiosity and the potential scorn of the world -- as well as the people trying to hunt them down; there's that too.
But similar to the show Being Human (also of the early-mid 2000s), what does it mean to be normal in society? Especially in this fallen, eat-or-be-eaten world after the Pulse.
My favorite characters:
The entire cast is awesome, but these characters really have my heart for real:
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I mean duh. 🤣 But not just because it's baby Jensen. Alec's character is complex. He's cocky and endlessly flirtatious. (His brother/sister-like bickering with Max is hilarious.) He's highly intelligent and adaptive to change, due to his genetics and training, but because of that cockiness he can also be reckless. It gets him into some "unforeseen situations" that Max has to pull him out of.
But I literally just watched 2.11 "The Barrisford Agenda" last night, and I wept like a little bitch. 😭💔 Not only did we get Meghan Ory guest starring as his first love (she would later guest star on SPN and was Little Red Riding Hood/Ruby on OUAT)...
We also got the layers peeled back on this guy, to reveal just how deeply Manticore fucked with his mind. Rachel, along with her father, was his mission. His first undercover job.
He falls in love with her, despite the fact that he doesn't understand why she's got his head all turned around, cutting through the training in his head that insists he needs to fulfill his mission. (And that alone is so damn sad.)
He realizes too late that he wants to save her (and her father). But without giving too much away for those that haven't seen it, the scene near the end in the hospital room absolutely gutted me.
"I didn't understand. I didn't understand...how much I loved you."
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Played by the lovely Jessica Alba. I love to see a fellow Latina at work! 💅🏽
She's a badass. But she also learns how to fight for more than just herself. And how to actually face and deal with her trauma and start to help others (like Alec) do the same.
Original Cindy
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Another lovely badass who I would lay down my life for! She's funny, unapologetically herself, and she has Max's back, come whatever, while still keeping her honest.
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My heart breaks for Joshua. He's so delightfully weird, childlike at times, while deeply insightful in others.
He longs to belong to the outside world, knowing he can't, without risking exposure to his transgenic friends. He discovers he's an artist! And he's a protector and a lovely friend. As a character says to him, "You're too good for us."
I can't wait to finish the back-half of season 2, though I also don't want it to end!! 😭 But in typical me fashion, my mind is already buzzing with a couple of story ideas for Alec x Reader. 🤣
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drkcnry67 · 2 years
Show me...
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Title: show me
Pairing: Gabriel x reader
Spn kink: wing kink
H&H: Gabriel
Tags: maybe some mentions of sexual acts, maybe some mentions of violence, nudity, course language and more along those lines viewer discretion is advised!!!!
Rating: pg-18 just to be safe
Created for @spnkinkevents @heavenandhellbingo
Summery: not telling....
Winchester that is your family name but when your father died you changed your name so you could travel seperate from your brother's...
Your father was John winchester, your mother was Mary, your brothers were Sam and Dean... this life was never meant to be yours, this isn't what your parents wanted for you.
But this is what you brought upon yourself In order to help your family line survive. To avenge what happened to your parents. To kill every single son of a bitch who means the world harm.
Your brothers trust you about as far as they can throw you. But are very over protective and don't like males coming around trying to ask you out and such.
Today you are making sure that the devils gate has remained sealed, for the apocalypse is impending and dooming, and yucky and a high chance that you could loose both your brothers...
Yn: ok you guys do realize that this might be slight paranoia, I mean this has not had any trouble so far...
Dean: ya well we aren't taking any chances.. Sammy put up that warding over there to, then go and get us some supplies... and put gas in baby, remember cash only and no place that has cameras or mirrors, if you can't find any then I'll get yn to do It when she gets back..
Yn: Dean, you forget yourself, I have baby.. remember... you let me take it, and yes I'm bringing back pie...
Dean: Sam, take a lesson from our sister this is how things are done. You could learn a thing or two... now kiddo, how are...
At that point they hear you scream...
Dean: yn... sis are you okay...
You groan a bit as you yell into the Bluetooth ear piece...
Yn: demons... give me one second bro...
You shoot one with the colt and then a blinding light engulfed the other one and then the light dispursed To reveal a handsome man .
Gabriel: yn, you don't know me yet, but we are destiny we have been written in the stars by my father... but he said I'd know when I was to comes down and this is that time, but I'm afraid that my powers were weakened by my killing of that wretched demon... I must ask for your help... and I fear that once your brothers see me they will not be as happy about me and you...
You sheath your gun and turn off your Bluetooth effectively hanging up on your brother who you knew wouldn't be happy with you...
Yn: who are you?
Gabriel: Gabriel
Yn: as in...
Gabriel: yes...
Yn: lets get you up and into the car, so I can bring you to my uncles, where we can get you rested and healed...
Gabriel: I've been limited access to my powers, my brother and his goon squad didn't like my suggestions and racing about how my destiny was to be with you down here so I surrendered half of my powers and banished myself down here to be with you.
You help him off the ground supporting him as you help him back to the impala... you sit him in the front seat, going back to re seal the barrier around the devils gate.
You get back to the impala and get inside, you pull out your phone and dial your brother. Taking it off Bluetooth but putting it on speaker phone.
Dean: yn, are you okay?
Yn: yes, I'm fine... I have kind of a surprise ish thing for you and Sam when I get back... the devils gate is all sealed and safe nothing is getting in, nothing is getting out.
Dean: what kind of surprise?
Yn: lts a good surprise, one that I hope you both approve of... It Certainly has Changed my perspective... But In the moment It is peaceful. you and Sam @ uncle bobby's?
Dean: yep have been for a bit now... those Poltergeists were easy...
Yn: on route to you see you in a few hours!
You hung up the call, you then turned to Gabriel.
Gabriel: tell me what your thinking
Yn: I need a Shower, I need to eat, I want to kiss you, but maybe once I'm not so covered in Gunk...
Gabriel: well what's wrong with being covered in gunk?
Yn: nothing I guess, you may want to relax for this drive, it's a good 4 hours ish to my uncle Bobby's!
Gabriel: I want to just lay my head against you and breathe in your scent and listen to your voice, and get to know you as I hope you will get to know me...
Yn: well I think that you are very very charming. So I think this is gonna be good for me...
Gabriel just leans over to place his head in your lap as his hands twirl in the loose strands of your hair and he turns on the radio.
This causes you to sing... well your voice soothed him to sleep, you'll slowly ran your fingers through his golden brown hair.
Yn(internally to self): I know he just kinda fell into my arms but I can't help but feel the strong feelings of love.
All of the sudden an hour and a half later, there is a loud popping sound and the car starts to swerve and slide... you manage to get the car under control once it's stuck in the mud...
You and gabriel look at each other and you put your Bluetooth back in your ear calling your brother.
Yn: bro please don't be mad but something struck the impala, I managed to stop baby but it's also now stuck in the mud...
Dean: where are you
Yn: just outside of clinton falls, we will be waiting on the side of the highway, if we can get out of the mud...
Dean: sit tight Bobby and I are on our way, Sam is gonna follow once the cars that are arriving are finished being checked in... and did you say 'we'
Yn: yes, I think I found my soulmate... or at least that's what he said when he fell literally from the sky... before you go jumping to conclusions bro, let me just say this: if you try to harm him in any way shape or form ill run with him, and you know I will... see you both soon...
You turned off your Bluetooth and rolled down the windows, then turned to meet the eyes of this gorgeous man beside you...
Yn: okay let's crawl out the windows to get out of the car, my brother and my uncle are on their way... with a tow and a ride the rest of the way... I need to grab the garbage bag, and put my bag in it so I am not leaving it in the car...
Gabriel: anything else?
Yn: ya kiss me once we make it to the road... cause I trust you and I want to start my life with you...
Gabriel: that makes me so happy a ppy to hear you say that... okay yn your call how do we do this.. considering the car is sinking slowly...
You hadn't noticed till he said something but he was right... the impala was slowly sinking... you reached behind you stuffing your purse and other bag in the garbage bag tying it up and pulling it up to the front.
Yn: okay I'm lightest ill go first and once I'm out and on the top of the car you crawl out...
Gabriel: or we go together and I can bring out your bag...
Yn: thank you...
Gabriel and you start to at the same time same movements to climb out the window. Once on top of the impala, Gabriel holding the bag slides off the back of baby right into the mud...
Yn: yuck... I want a shower very very badly...
Gabriel: we will have that opportunity once we get back to your uncles... no hold on to my hand and we will have our lives together as ordained by my father...
Yn: mmm I like the sound of our lives...
Gabriel just had a smile on his face as he holds your hand to get back to the road... you were absolutely sure that if he hadn't run away from you yet he probably wouldn't...
Yn: oh shit...
You say as you suddenly stop in your tracks... Gabriel comes up to you and searches your eyes for what could be wrong.
Gabriel: what's wrong my love...
Yn: my runner is stuck... I am gonna have to take it off...
Gabriel: here give me one second...
you watch as he pushes his way through the rest of the mud to place the garbage bag by the road... then he pushes back through the mud to you...
Gabriel: okay I'm gonna bend down in front of you, latch onto my neck take off both your runners and I'll carry you the rest of the way out...
Yn: are you sure? I mean it's....
Gabriel: let me stop you there, we can share the shower later... right now we have to get to the road where your brother and uncle should be coming soon...
You knew he was right but you latched onto his neck and felt his hands lift you up so your legs came round his waist...
Yn: thank you...
Gabriel: for what?
Yn: for showing up when you did, for being here, for not taking off when we got stuck in the mud. For letting me ride on your back when my shoes got stuck in the mud. And fuck that BTW I just got those shoes...
Gabriel laughed and it reverberated through his being... exiting the mud Gabriel get you back on your feet, not lifting his arms off you yet...
Gabriel: you know what I don't care that we are covered in mud, I don't care that we are waiting for your brother and uncle to show up so they can rescue us and the car, I am gonna kiss you and we can start our lives together!
You just stared at him, his eyes meeting yours with a brief pause neither of you noticing that there were headlights coming down the road, instead Gabriel pulled you closer Cupped your cheek, and kissed your lips passionately and gently.
Dean and Bobby watched this from the tow truck...
Bobby: isn't that the...
Dean: ya it is she didn't mention that was who this was...
Bobby: boy get your head together you don't want to push her away... let's just get your car out and let your sister wrap in a blanket with her soulmate and we can discuss this later.
Dean: ya your right... I'll call Sam then exit the truck... you go and tell them to get out of the way so I can get close enough to pull the winch to the impala...
Bobby gets out of the truck and let's out a whistle... you and Gabriel turn to face Bobby...
Yn: hey uncle Bobby, this is Gabriel! Gabriel my love this is my uncle Bobby! Uncle where is Dean!
Bobby shakes hands with Gabriel as he hands you both a towel each...
Bobby: in the truck talking to Sam! And waiting for us all to get out of the way and set up the reflectors for the impala so we can tow it out of here...
You run back through the mud to put the reflectors on the impala and you come back out covered once more in fresh mud.
Gabriel wraps you in the towel as your brother drives up and starts backing up toward the reflectors...
Once in position he gets out of the truck wearing his overalls and boots... he approaches and the words out of his mouth surprise you...
Dean: it's good to see you again, trickster...
He says as he holds his hand out to Gabriel who takes it...
Gabriel: you too Dean no hard feelings about the mystery spot...
Dean: not at all, I have gotten over that... no worries... now, I see you have got my sister on your arm too...
Gabriel: yep, I gave up half of my powers just to be with her.. by the way I'm actually the archangel Gabriel! You may have met Zachariah who is probably trying to get you to say yes to Michael!
You look over at your brother with wide eyes as you had no idea about that...
Yn: wait what... Dean is that true
Dean: yes kiddo Michael wants to use me as his vessel and lucifer wants Sam to be his vessel...
Yn: so that's why you guys have us living with uncle Bobby it's in case of the apocalypse taking you and Sam away from me... which is also why you are also playing nice here bro... your considering it arent you...
dean: now yn its not like that sam and i are doing everything possible to ensure that at least one winchester survives the apocalypse so the family line endures. now i am gonna go through the mud to hook this winch onto baby and pull her out of the mud... but just know that whatever happens to me and sam in the next bit is gonna be challenging and is gonna make you happy that your not living on the road all the time... its gonna make you glad we moved you into uncle bobbys. just know everything we did and have done was and is for you...
you begin pacing as your brain starts to try and process this information... but a hand on your shoulder startles you... you turn around to meet the gaze of your brother.
you take a swing at him and feel him fight back, your rage had come out full swing... you now had him pinned to the ground, you were scared and angry at him, at your brother for concealing this information from you...
dean: yn, listen to me please your not thinking clearly...
dean says as he flips you to pin you to the ground. you were not sure how to feel, you were not sure what to think of your brothers intent... was he telling you the truth did he and sam do all this just for you...
yn: why why should i listen to you...
dean: because since dad died everything sam and i have done has been to protect you, yn your the one who isgonna carry on the winchester legacy... you get a shot at being normal, you have that chance with Gabriel... you can have the hunters life as well as a life of happiness...
yn: can we pull the impala out now and head home so i can take a shower and take rumsfeld out for a walk and so i can spend some time with Gabriel...
dean gets up pulling you up with him... you feel the bruising that you were sure were forming but you didnt care you just wants to be cleared of all mud...
Dean turns to Bobby as he sees you and gabriel standing huddled for warmth near the truck... Dean marches into the mud to hook the winch to the impala...
Bobby stands there dumb founded as he waits for Dean to set up the impala to the winch and he comes out coveralls covered in mud...
Dean: Bobby I don't know what I'm gonna do if anything happens to her cause of me and Sam...
Bobby: when are you gonna get your head out of your ass and see how perfectly happy your sister is right now...
Dean: you really think she is happy?
Bobby: boy I know she is I can tell... now pull your car out of the mud so we can all go home...
Dean does exactly that after however some issues with the winch and such the impala was ready for the journey home...
After a long quiet ride you all arrived back at the house... you lead Gabriel into the house both of you muddy, heading upstairs you lead him into your ensuite(bedroom bathroom with walkin closet).
Yn: do you want to join me?
Gabriel: can I show you something first...
Yn: sure...
Gabriel shakes and shivers a few moments before 2 golden wings spread out of his back...
You go over to the wings, you feel them relax beneath your touch... you hear Gabriel let out a small moan...
Gabriel: can I use my magic to get us out of these clothes and we can go into the shower and clean up using my wings for a comfy towel...
Yn: please let's cause I don't think I can wait anymore.
Gabriel snaps his fingers all of the clothes you and he were wearing.. Gabriel shrinks his wings back a bit as you both walk into the shower...
Running hot water letting it soak all over you, washing away the mud and gunk but also feeling Gabriel's hands on your form, feeling each part, eliciting soft moans from you.
Gabriel: trust me?
Yn: yes!
Gabriel in that moment spun you around, hoisting you up and placing you down on his hard cock...
Waiting a few moments for you to adjust, he smiles as he kisses your lips, leaning your back against the wall as he begins moving in thrust after thrust after thrust...
Yn: oh my God I think I'm close...
You scream in shrills of pleasure after about half an hour already. You feel Gabriel's hands right on your hips, you are feeling every inch of his body pressing on your own.
Gabriel: let it go baby, let it go, let everyone know what mischief we are getting into, let everyone know who you belong too...
You scream feeling his release and letting your own go... you feel him lift you off of him, setting you back on your feet. You both finish washing up and you shut off the water.
Yn: whew I feel different...
Gabriel: good or bad
You reach up to kiss his lips before speaking your answer slowly.
Yn: good
Gabriel and you walk into the bedroom as his wings expand again, he sheaths you both in them as the feathers radiate a light heat that basically quick dried you both...
Gabriel: how's that babe?
Yn: hell ya I definitely landed myself a good man
Gabriel laughs as he starts to look for something to wear...
You pull out a pair of sweats, a pair of boxers and a black muscle shirt... you hand them to him with a gentle smile on your face.
you pull out a pair of capris, a pair of your lace panties and a tank top with a built in bra... you feel his eyes undressing you as you got dressed...
Yn: I know it's gonna take some adjusting to living with my brothers and my uncle but it's something I am looking forward to helping you do...
Gabriel: hmm I can think of a bunch of other things you could help me adjust...
You watch as he motions to his bulge.. you laugh lightly.
Yn: just a little happy hmm...
Gabriel: yes I am and thats all thanks to you... now let's go down to the kitchen I'm hungry...
You lead him downstairs to the kitchen once all dressed and decent... you grab 2 beers and start cooking food...
Footsteps outside coming up the stairs snaps your focus... you jump into the arms of Sam who sets you down once he sees Gabriel...
Sam: so this is why Dean and Bobby were asking me all those questions... it's true then you and he are soulmates...
Gabriel: hello Sam, my actual name is Gabriel... yes it's true I am your sisters soulmate, I gave up half of my heavenly powers to come down to be with her as per ordained by God...
Sam: oh wow, and how do you feel about this jelly bean?
Yn: I feel like I have been given a gift and it's one I don't want to loose.
Gabriel: with your blessing Sam I'd like to ask your blessing for my being with your sister!
You look pleadingly at your brother as you feel the grip of Gabriel's hand tighten round your waist
Sam: well I....
That's when Dean and Bobby walked in...
Dean: what's cooking?
Gabriel: how bout yn finishes cooking this meal and we all sit down I have a question for you all... it will be easier for us to communicate this in a civil matter for YNs sake...
You go out of earshot to finish cooking the food... you feel the stares of your brothers, your soulmate and your uncle.
Yn: okay everyone before another word is said I need to say something...
Now you had everyone's attention they all sat round the table as beers and food were placed down...
Yn: I know you 3 have a complicated history, but please no more hatred for the past, no more fighting, no more arguing, leave the past where it belongs in the past...
you say as you put a bit of steak and potatoes in your mouth... the boys all looking at you basically struck dumb with the fact that you just basically told them to stick it where the sun dont shine.
dean: you're right yn... the only reason why i was still pissed at you Gabriel was cause you killed me so many times in a bunch of different ways and almost orphaned my brother and my sister for some sort of life lesson... then you shoved us in tv land after we had supposedly killed you and told us to 'play the roles that destiny has provided'... but tonight seeing you making my sister smile, has changed my point of view...
yn: what are you saying bro?
dean: im burying the hatchet... i am going to support my sister with everything she does... and if that includes her being with you... then thats what im gonna do...
gabriel squeezes your hand as he proceeds to speak...
gabriel: i speak to the entire table, do any of you object to my being with your sister/niece for the rest of our lives, as long as they may be?
Dean comes up to place one hand on one of your shoulders, Sam goes to your other side to do the same thing...
Sam: yes
Dean: yes
Bobby: hell fucking yes!
Gabriel smiles and now kneels in your eye shot...
Gabriel: then I know it's a little early for asking this question but I feel like doing this now will be beneficial! So yn with everything I have in me, I promise that for the rest of our lives I'll love, honor respect and cherish you as long as we both shall live and if you say yes right now know that we don't need to get married right now we just need to make the statement to show my brother he made the right choice in not forcing me to stay up in heaven. So yn will you marry me?
He shows you his hand which now holds a small black velvet box in it... your eyes go wide as he opens the box to reveal a enchanted ring, the stone was garnet large in dead center of the ring band made in swirls of rose gold, silver and gold... still glowing and absolutely breathtaking...
Yn: in no way does this affect my answer but did your power make that ring...
Gabriel: yes it did... I made it to whT I feel you are, radiant, beautiful, charming, sexy! The vines entined in the ring is my solem vow to love cherish honor respect and protect you always and forever... so what's your answer...
Yn: yes! I accept your proposal of marriage!
Gabriel slides the ring onto your finger. He holds tight your hand and holds them up to heaven...
Gabriel: brother I know you can hear me and are probably seeing the events as they unfold in the book that I'm sure you are probably following along with, but see this we are gonna take our time with this engagement.
Yn: and Michael I know your listening to this so hear me now, I know you want my brother to say yes to being your vessel but I'm here to tell you that he will never be your vessel and if you dare to try, I can promise you it will be the last time you ever live you great big bag of ducks.
Gabriel and you put your hands down and had a celebration with your brothers and your uncle. None of you would know what would come next, no one could predict that which would unfold in the coming year...
But that is a tale for another time!
~that's all folks for now~
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jasmines-library · 6 days
Hey Jasmine, sry idk if ur taking requests of not but I was wondering if I could do a supernatural fic where the boys take their sister out to hunt some werewolves but their sister gets scratched and has a bad cut and has a panic attack, it’s up to the boys to calm her down and get her stitched up…
Caught Off guard.
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hey hey hi! thanks for the request anon! I actually have something fairly (?) similar here! but i wanted to write this for you too. sorry its a little short.
Word Count: 733
Warnings: Blood. stitches. panic attack.
The wound was deep. And it hurt like a bitch. That was for certain. Three, ragged gashes splashed across your torso from just below your ribs to your belly button. Your blood seeped from it like paint, staining the fabric of your shirt and beading across the smooth expanse of your skin. 
The werewolf had caught you off guard. You and your two brothers Sam and Dean had been hunting the pack for just short of a week now and you had managed to take them down without much of a problem once you found them. However, werewolves were clever. And this one had decided to play smart.  It had caught you just as you were about to leave, it had jumped out from its hiding spot at the last second, slashing at you in the process. You screamed, the sound ripping from your lips as your flesh tore open. Your brothers were on the creature quickly. But not quick enough to stop the damage from happening. 
Your wound burnt. Skin searing with an immeasurable pain as you looked down at it, fingers moving to touch it only to come away tainted with blood. And then Sam was in front of you. His slender fingers resting on your cheek, tilting it to look up at him. 
“Hey. hey. Look at me.” Sam said. His voice broke through the haze you hadn’t even realised you were in as he tried to coax you into following his instructions. Despite the panic he was feeling internally, his face betrayed nothing. His eyes were soft and calming as he tried to soothe you. “Breathe,” he told you. 
You hadn’t even noticed until now, too hyper fixated on the wound, that you were hyperventilating. Your chest was heaving, a rasp sounding in the back of your throat as you struggled to suck in air with tears threatening to spill from your eyes. The all too familiar feelings of a panic attack hit you full force.
“Calm down.” Sam told you gently. “You’re okay. You’re alright. Breathe.”
You sucked in a deep breath, trying to steady your breathing. 
“That's it, Sweetheart. Good.” Dean’s hand was on your shoulder. The other one reached to pull your hand away from your wound, placing it on his chest to urge you to follow his breathing. The feeling of his heart beat beneath his shirt was grounding. Slow as steady. 
Another breath. Another second trying to slow your breathing and the rapid rise and fall of your chest which caused a disturbance in your wound, only adding to your pain. 
“Good girl.” Sam said softly as your breathing slowed. “It’s okay. You’re going to be fine.”
Dean gave your shoulder a squeeze, trying to hide the grimace as he looked at your wounds. Red raw and still oozing blood. “....she’s going to need stitches.”
Your breath hitched, but Sam squeezed your hand. “It’ll be over quickly, princess. Okay?”
You bit your lip, swallowing thickly before nodding hesitantly. Dean moved quickly, grabbing the first aid kit from Baby before sanitising the needle and threading it before handing it to Sam, who has a steadier hand. Dean’s hand replaced Sam’s gripping yours tightly as Sam reddied the needle, positioning it over your skin.
“I’ll be gentle as I can, ok kiddo?”
You nodded, trying to look anywhere but Sam and the needle in his hand.
“It’ll be a quick pinch, okay sweetheart?” Dean reassured me. “You can squeeze my hand as much as you need. Okay?”
After taking a breath, Sam pushed the needle into your skin to make the first stitch. His fingers moved with swift precision, determined to get this over as quick as possible and keep it as painless for you as he could. You couldn't help the small whimper that slipped out of your lips as you gripped Dean’s hand tightly.
He squeezed your hand back reassuringly. “That’s it kid. Just a little more.”
Sam worked nimbly, closing the wounds with a  few stitches before covering them with a gauze pad and bandages just in case. When he was done, he pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head, allowing you to take a breath.
“All done sweetheart. It’s all done. It’s over.”
You shuddered a sigh, relaxing back into Dean a little bit who gave your hand one last reassuring squeeze. 
“You did good kid. So good.”
@xxrougefangxx @hell-o-kittys @inlovewhithafairytale @harleycao @that-wannabe-vangoghgurl @rosecentury
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destiel!steddie brainrot pt. 2
Here's the second part to this destiel/spn themed au (first part here, which has updated and made a bit longer!!)~!
i'm brainstorming titles for this, may keep going with little snippets from this universe as they come to me and post them to ao3 too :)
tw/cw: mentions of suicide and suicidal ideations below; nothing described/graphic, but mentions of characters wanting to/who have died by completing suicide (has to do with this part's monster of the week and Real Steve's story from the first part!). and said monster of the week originally died by overdose; again, not said directly, just alluded to. please read with caution!
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Do two different cases of vengeful spirits make him lucky? Or unlucky?
First it was the damn ‘witnesses’ that Steve told him were part of the demons’ (yes, those demons, but from what he gathered from Steve, were different on the whole from crossroads demons) plan to release Lucifer.
“Ah, Lucifer. Of course.”
“Why do you sound unbelieving?”
“Oh I believe you, I’m just surprised that I’m not surprised by it. Because of course, angels, demons, hell, Lucifer is a given. He’s like THE angel, right?”
“He was the first of my father’s children and the first to fall from heaven if that is what you mean.”
“Yes, that’s what I’m getting at.” Eddie goes to pull his hand through his hair, which gets stuck on his rings and on his hand in general because somehow he forgot that he’d put it up about five minutes earlier.
Now, after dealing with those motherfucking ghosts, helping Wayne put together a pyre for one of his good hunter friends who was killed by her own ‘witness’, they got word of a long string of suicides at a high school in a small Indiana town that had the kids’ parents convinced it was some sort of pact.
“Y’know, I grew up here.” Wayne says as they pass the ‘Now Entering Hawkins’ sign.
“Yep. Good ol’ Hawkins, Indiana. Surprised we haven’t been through here yet, there was always weird shit happening here when I was a kid.”
It’s late morning when Eddie’s van rumbles to a stop outside the motel.
“Boy, we really need to get you a new set of wheels if you’re gonna keep pretending to be a professional at anything.”
“What’s wrong with my baby??”
“Ed, you’re about to put on a suit and pretend to be a professional that works with children, and you’re gonna pull up in an late 70s panel van. What do you think is wrong with your baby?”
“...okay, you’ve got a point. You gotta new set of wheels for me at that junkyard of yours then, old man? I’m not exactly flush with cash.”
Wayne thinks for a moment. “I think I might, got it from a hunting buddy of mine after his brother died.”
Eddie just nods, “Whatever you say, Wayne, now c’mon lets get changed and get to the school.”
This time, they’re pretending to be mental health counselors sent to work with the families of the students who’ve passed. The two of them get through a few interviews each, but it’s one of the students’ little sister that has the first inkling of what they are really dealing with. ‘Best thing about young minds,’ Eddie will tell Wayne later, ‘they are sensitive to, and open to, way more than adults are.’
He and Wayne are in this one together, last one of the siblings at the school, and the snarky redhead calls out her mom’s practiced answer of ‘I never saw anything wrong’, calling her out for never being around and putting the pressure of being the parent to her.
Eddie looks at the young girl, then back to her mother. “Ms. Mayfield, may I have a word with Max here, alone?”
She looks unsure, so he continues “We’ll be right here, you can be on just the other side of the door and watch us the whole time, I promise.”
Ms. Mayfield nods her head shakily, and stands, Wayne accompanies her out, to give her some semblance of security.
“So, Max, Max right?” She just eyeballs him incredulously. “I’m going to just start talking, and you stop me if I’m way off base, ‘kay?” She looks away, but doesn’t say anything to the contrary. 
“I think you know the pattern already, that you know this isn’t just some stupid pact, huh? I think you know who may be a target next; that if this thing, this whatever it is, can wheedle its way under your brother’s skin, that it may get to your…” He looks her over “...friends next. Right? Obviously no one in particular, just your friends, huh?” Her head whips back to him and he leans back in the seat he was given, knowing he’s got her pegged. She’s worried about a crush or a boyfriend, or something. He can tell.
The look she has tells him she’s already putting seemingly impossible pieces together on what he and Wayne are doing here.
“Whatever it is, it’s a bully. It’s going after whoever it thinks it can sink its claws in. Like it’s finding those with the biggest insecurities and driving them to their deaths.”
“You’re very astute, you know that, don't you.”
“What do you think it is then, Red?”
“My friends have been calling it Vecna.”
Eddie’s brain stalls. “H-how do you know that name?”
“Ah, so you’re a nerd too, huh?”
“Your friends play D&D.” Eddie breathes; Max just smirks at him, but her face falls just as quickly and that just won’t do. “Hey, don’t worry Red, my uncle and I got this covered. We’ll get this bastard taken care of.” And he means every word. Not one shred of this motherfucker is going to lay a finger on this girl’s friends as long as he has anything to do with it.
She looks down at her feet, “Please hurry,” she mumbles “I can’t lose them too.”
He opens his mouth to speak, but she’s up off the little couch lightning fast and heading to the door. He shoots up to follow, “Thank you Ms. Mayfield,” He says when he exits. “She will be just fine. She’s just worried about her friends too.”
“Thank you.” She says, still a bit out of it as her eyes follow Max down the hall.
“Just make sure she knows you’re there for her, and get some more permanent help for the two of you, real help, not just us temp guys.” Wayne smiles at her.
All she does is nod, then moves to follow her daughter.
“What’dja find out, Ed?”
“Super-powered, cartoonishly evil, bully of a ghost named after a D&D villain?”
He and Wayne split up after that, Wayne goes back to the motel to whip up some extra salt rounds for them, and Eddie heads to the Hawkins Library to do some research on deaths in the area.
After some searching, he comes across Jason Carver. Seemingly the small town’s golden boy tragically killed by an overdose. He seems to match the fleeting glimpses that all the witnesses to the students’ deaths were able to give. Cropped blond hair, 6’2” or so, a flash of green that seemed like it could be a Hawkins High varsity jacket.
The dealer that gave him the drugs was found guilty of manslaughter and he got 10 years and a permanent shun from the town. He, Fred, still lived in Hawkins though, in the Forest Hills trailer park.
Eddie calls Wayne at the hotel, “Whatcha find out, Ed?”
“Looks like a good contender for a high school bully ghost, does the name Jason Carver mean anything to you?”
Wayne scoffs, “Sure does, that kid was horrible to me and my buddies back in the day.”
“Not a golden boy?”
“Didn’t say all that. I think I know who we can talk to.” Eddie can hear him shuffling around and the jingle of keys.
“Is it a man named Fred Jameson, lives out at F–”
“Forest Hills, yeah. Be there soon for ya.”
“How’d you– aand he’s gone.” he says into his receiver to only silence.
“Of course I knew where you were talking about Eddie, I grew up in this park, Fred was one of my best buds back in the day.”
Wayne pulls into Fred’s drive, behind a well-loved red pickup. The rattle of Eddie’s van must’ve alerted Fred to their arrival, because he met them outside before they could even get all the way out of their seats.
“I thought I recognized that rattle, still haven’t hocked that hunk of junk yet, eh Munson?” Fred folds Wayne into a hug, giving him a couple of pats on the back for good measure.
“Hey, that’s my baby you’re talking about.” Eddie grumbles.
“Damn, that you, Teddy?”
“Teddy? Who in the hell–”
“Yeah, he really looks like Margie, huh?” Wayne crinkles a smile at Eddie’s disgust at Fred's nickname.
“You knew my mom?”
“Of course boy, I knew you both back when you were just a little bean. There were a good few months there, after you were born, that Margie and you were living with Wayne.”
Eddie doesn’t really know what to say to that, but luckily Wayne gets right to it.
“Fred, I hate to do this to ya, but we’re here on business.”
The other man’s face falls sickly and pale in an instant.
“I shoulda known you’d be comin’ ‘round. What do you need to know?”
“It’s about Jason Carver.” Eddie winces at how much worse the man’s expression twists.
“C’mon D, you can’t’ve believed that suicide pact shit.”
“I never believed it. He’s been…” Fred pauses, seeming to look for the right words “He’s been haunting my dreams. Nightmares really, telling me all the things he did to those poor kids. Says it was my fault.”
Wayne and Eddie share a look. “D, it wasn’t yo-”
“Sure it was, Wayne. I should’a just stood up to him and said I ain't had shit.”
“You know what he would’a done to ya if you had.”
“Well now there’s six lives lost, not just one!” Fred snaps. “If I had just stuck with it, told him I couldn’t get it until Reefer Rick was back, I wouldn’t’ve gotten that bad shit, he would still be around, and so would those five other kids!”
“I gotta get going, Wayne, y’all should too.” He cuts him off “Good t’see ya Teddy.” and with that, he turns and heads back inside his trailer.
The two Munsons are frozen in Fred’s driveway for a moment longer, before they turn back to their van. They drive in silence on their way back to the motel. It’s only when they’re parked in front of their room again that Eddie says something.
“Fred’s next.”
Wayne’s face sets itself further into its frown. “I think you’re right.”
They go out to the graveyard as soon as night falls, finding Carver’s grave easy enough. They run a salt line around the site, and start digging together, but Wayne’s back has him dropping off only about two feet deep.
It’s just after Wayne settles himself onto the handle of his shovel to rest for a bit when they hear something crunching through the dark towards them.
Eddie hops up immediately, Wayne tossing him one of their shotguns. He skirts off between the taller granite and marble stones around him, getting closer to the intruder’s unskilled footsteps.
He peeks around the base of a way-too-large angel statue and whips up his gun. He’s face to face, shotgun to pistol, with a petite woman in a high ponytail.
This woman looks human enough, definitely not ghost-y, probably just wondering why she just caught a couple guys grave-robbing. Better safe than sorry, though, so Eddie tests her.
“Christo.” There’s no extreme reaction to the word, only confusion. “Who are you and what are you doing here?? It’s not safe!”
“I should ask you the same thing! Are you the one causing all these deaths?” her grip on her handgun does not waver.
“Jesus H. Christ, I don’t have time for this.” Eddie says under his breath, dropping his shotgun and walking back to the grave. “Hawkins High has a ghost in it. We’re trying to kill it before it can convince someone else to do it to themselves.” He hops back down into Jason’s grave and tosses his shotgun to the girl who’d followed behind him, gun still raised. Smart. Eddie thinks, then also notices she was able to cross their salt line easily. Human, then.
She catches it easily, blinks once, and says, “Fine, say I believe you. Now how in the hell do you kill a ghost, also how is a ghost causing these deaths?” she un-cocks her revolver and tucks it back in her waistband.
Eddie’s about to answer when the loose hairs around his face are blown into his mouth with an invisible flap of wings “Eddie, I need to speak with you.”
The girl goes pale at the sight of Steve.
“Yes. Do I know you?” the angel cocks his head at the absolutely bewildered woman.
Eddie has to look between Steve’s confused face and the woman’s heartbroken one a couple times before it clicks.
“Are you kidding me!? You’ve just been using your vessel’s real name? That’s fucked up.” Eddie says around the last few hairs stuck in his mouth.
“It was as good a name as any.”
“Uhm hello? What is happening right now? You’ve been missing for months.”
“We don’t have time for this.” Eddie interrupts, “Eddie, Wayne, you apparently know Steve,” He gestures to the three of them. “Shoot anything that is not us, while I salt and burn this sucker.”
To Eddie's surprise, she steels herself with a roll of her tiny shoulders and cocks the shotgun in her hand, immediately turning her back to him and watching for that damn Jason.
“So, how does a shotgun protect against a ghost?”
“Our own creation, the buckshot is replaced with rocksalt.” Wayne explains, not turning from his vigil.
“Salt repels ghosts?”
“Amongst other things.” Eddie shovels up another pile of dirt. “Steve, my man, I know you needed to talk to me about something, but can you maybe help with this?” Eddie looks at the beautiful man through his bangs, sweaty despite the November chill.
“How would you like me to help, Eddie?” 
Eddie continues shoveling, “Well, there’s another shovel up there, otherwise do you maybe have some special grave-digging angel powers I don’t know about?”
“Angel powers, what are you–” the girl starts as Steve lifts his hand and snaps his fingers.
Eddie’s suddenly standing above a completely cleared out grave, un-sweaty, hair pulled back neatly again from the shambles his bun had been in when he’d started digging, shirt straightened, and his jacket back on. Both shovels are sticking out of the pile of soil nearby.
“Wow..” Eddie breathes.
“Damn, why didn’t you show up sooner? Could’ve saved myself the stress of watching Ed do all that work..” Wayne deadpans to the angel.
“Can it, old man, now help me lift the lid off this thing.” Eddie bites back at his uncle, and jumps back down into the grave. “Stevie, watch her back, make sure Jason doesn’t come barreling in.”
“Her back is fine, Eddie.”
“That’s not what I–you know what, thanks Steve, now watch the opposite side of the grave that she is and make sure Jason doesn’t sneak up on us. Stop him if he does.”
“Oh..” Steve’s voice is quiet at that; he’ll learn eventually.
Eddie helps Wayne climb down and they get to work prying up the coffin lid. 
It’s simple enough work after that, salt, fuel, torch, burn.
Except it never is when you want it to be.
As soon as the first grain of salt hits Jason’s crumbling body, there’s a wail from above them.
“Every time..” Wayne grumbles.
“Everything okay up there?” Eddie calls.
“Yes, we can see him, but he can’t cross the lin–oh shit.” the girl says.
Fuck, he should’ve known this’d happen. Jason has been torturing the poor sensitive souls at his old high school and has thrown things and people. He should’ve known he’d be strong enough to blow a crack through the salt ring.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Damn, why’d he think it’d be okay to leave a random girl that just happened to walk up and what is basically a baby in a yellow sweater to defend against something this strong??
Eddie scrabbles up the inside of the grave out of sheer will, and Wayne tosses one of their pry bars up to him.
“Keep shooting him to keep him back, we just need to stall him while Wayne makes sure he burns!”
Steve and the woman–damn, he really should’ve asked her name–nod at him, and Steve suddenly has some long silver stake looking thing in his hand. 
“Steve! Silver wont work on him, it has to be iron or salt!” Eddie tosses his crowbar to the angel, who catches it easily, turning back to take a swipe at Jason who’d come up from behind him. 
Eddie snatches up Wayne’s salt rifle and takes the third section of the circle, willing the fire to burn faster.
Their new party member seems to be holding her own. She’s found their spare cartridges and makes sure they’re in reach while she keeps aim at the poltergeist’s head.
He only comes at her once, and she fires. That keeps him away long enough for the body in the coffin below to burn enough, banishing him from the mortal plane for good.
Finally, Eddie can relax. They watch as Jason burns down to nothing. “Are you a hunter?” Eddie asks the woman.
“I’m assuming you’re not talking ‘hunter’ in the traditional sense?”
Eddie smirks at her, shakes his head, “You’d be correct.”
“Then no. I have been trying to figure out what’s been happening here for a little while now; I heard there were a couple guys running around asking weird questions so I followed you out here. And NOW I want to know what’s going on with not-Steve.” she directs to Eddie, then turns to said Steve. “Robin is going to be so pissed at you.”
Steve opens his mouth to respond but Eddie cuts in before he even thinks about it “His girlfriend?”
She scoffs, “As if; she’s his best friend.” She looks at Steve with sad eyes, “And Dustin too.”
“Dustin?” Steve cocks his head to the side again. This time it seems like there’s sadness behind his confused look.
“Okay, dinguses, sounds like thi’should be a conversation held over a good meal, not over a fried corpse.” Wayne cuts in. “Name’s Wayne Munson.” He holds out one dirty, time-gnarled hand to the girl.
She smiles and takes it readily, “Nancy Wheeler, sir.”
“None’a that now, Wayne is jus’ fine.”
“Stevie, would you be a dear and fill that back in for us?” Eddie sighs, feeling the adrenaline dropping out of his body, fast.
Steve nods once and snaps his fingers. The hole is refilled and the salt line is gone. The three of them are also cleaned up and straightened out.
“Thanks, Angel, now let's go get some burgers, gotta get our energy back.”
“I do not need to consume anything to replenish my energy.” Steve’s cocks his head.
“I know you don’t, big boy,” Eddie pats him on the shoulder, taking the spare shotgun from Nancy and heading back down to his van.
“I am not much bigger than you in this form, Eddie.” Steve deadpans, as usual, then actual curiosity colors his tone “Have you seen my true form?”
“Can’t say I have, are you much bigger than Steve?” Eddie can feel the double meanings closing in.
“My true form is approximately the size of your Chrysler Building.”
Eddie trips over a divot in the soil. Definitely not over his own feet at that implication.
“Oh, definitely a big boy.” He manages to say, turning to smolder at Steve (What? It’s not like the angel knows the nuance of human facial expressions..) but catches Wayne’s disgusted face and Nancy’s fully amused one (hand over mouth to keep from laughing), over Steve’s adorable confused expression.
“Yes, that is what I am inferring. Eddie, are you alright? Your face is flushing.”
Nancy, the jerk that she is, bursts out laughing. 
“Shut it, Jerk!” 
“Don’t you call me a jerk, Bitch!” she calls back easily.
He grins. Damn, having her around is going to be fun.
“Okay, lemme get this straight.” Eddie says around a mouthful of fries. “You used to date Steve, this Robin chick is his best friend–”
“Platonic soulmate, correct.”
“Right, that, and Dustin is his brother.”
“That’s the best description, yes.”
“So what did you think happened to Steve?”
Eddie sees Steve’s mouth open and claps his hand, that’s not full of burger, over the angel’s mouth, who looks at him with as much anger as he’s learned to express in these couple months on earth. It’s not much.
Nancy gives them a weird look, but starts speaking. “Robin just told me that he drove off one night, one of his bad nights. I don’t know the full extent of what makes a good or bad night, but Robin insists he had been getting better….
“There’s not much more after that, Robin knew where to start looking when he goes off on his own like that, and she found his BMW out at the quarry. Of course, she thought the worst, but they searched every inch of the bottom and no Steve. It was like he disappeared into thin air.”
Eddie nods sadly to himself, thinking as comforting of thoughts he could muster upwards to where Steve had said Real Steve had been brought. Damn, this religious shit being real is really throwing him for a loop. “Nancy, I—EW WHAT THE FUCK??!”
He whips his hand back from Steve’s mouth, now slick with spit. He looks at him incredulously, wiping his palm on his thigh, but his face falters at the absolute dopey look on the angel’s face. Stone-cold blank still, as usual, but his tongue is hanging out between his lips.
Fuck, he’s cute. Damn it! No! Bad Eddie! He’s dead! The real him!
“Where in the hell’d you learn that?”
“The angels have watched humans for a long time, one would pick up a couple things.” He shrugs. Like actually shrugs. “I thought this might get you to remove your hand.”
Eddie doesn’t have a response for that.
“Nancy, Steve was–”
“Wait! Hold on, Stevie, you don’t know this is something she wants to hear.” Eddie murmurs.
“She does; She said as much back at the graveyard. Do you not remember?” Steve retorts in a normal volume.
“Steve. These things are difficult for humans. They’re called emotions. At least ask her first.”
He nods once, still seeming to be confused. “Nancy, you want to know what happened to Steve, correct?” Eddie elbows him, and he feels like concrete against his arm. Steve looks at him confused again, but seems to get what he’s trying to get at. “It may be difficult to hear..?”
Eddie nods, and Steve turns back to Nancy. 
She just looks between the two, confused as all hell. “Uhm, yes?”
“Your Steve did not wish to be of this world any longer.”
Eddie throws his hands up in exasperation. Well, there goes being sensitive about it.
Nancy’s eyes are wide. “...Ah.”
“He offered his body as a vessel, and I brought him to my father’s kingdom of heaven.”
“He is being well looked after, I promise. If he would like to return when my mission is complete here, he has the option, I swear it.”
Eddie thinks Nancy is going to be more upset at that, but she just smiles sadly, and nods. “I should call Robin.”
Eddie splutters, “No! No, bad idea Nance!” She’s out of the booth and at the door before he can even say her name. “Damnit, remind me to not sit against the wall next time.”
“Okay, Eddie.” Steve nods.
“Dude! Move! I gotta stop her! Or do you want to explain to this person too why you aren’t her best friend.” Eddie shoves against the shoulder closest to him.
Steve blinks at him once and is suddenly outside the booth, leaving Eddie to fall onto the bench where the angel had just been.
He scrambles up (finally) and heads to the door, only to meet Nancy there, already coming back in from calling this Robin character.
“She’ll be here in about three minutes. Tops.” She grins.
“Jerk.” Eddie grumbles and follows her back to their booth.
“Bitch.” she retorts happily.
He slumps back down into his spot in the booth, wracking his brain about what to tell her.
“Eddie, would you like me to go?”
He snaps his head up to the angel “Hell no! She’s coming here to see you, you gotta be here for that!”
Steve blinks once, then his eyes dart to the door.
“Don’t you even think about i–”
“I will return momentarily.” And with another soft brush of wind and feathers, he was gone.
“That absolute mother fu–”
“So, tell me about this hunting thing.” Nancy says, and tosses a fry into her mouth.
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Edancy sibling vibes?? Jerk?? Bitch??
Jason having Vecna powers = vengeful spirit in spn land
Wayne calls his friend "D" 'cause, y'know, Fred > Freddy > D
In my head, this is modern AU too so maybe Wayne and his friends dealt with upside-down stuff back in the day and maybe possibly Nancy and current day party have seen some shit too (that's why Nancy's basically unbothered about there being a ghost problem in Hawkins now, too)?
Bobin and Dustin (maybe more?) in the next part!
lastly, i haven't watched spn in what must be a decade now, so continuing on may not follow the show, but just the spn vibes.
Part 3 here! | NOW ON AO3
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asirensrage · 2 years
Find the Word Tag Game
I was tagged by @residentdormouse.
This should be interesting... lol. Let's see if I can find things that aren't already shared.
My words: hushed, cried, screamed, laughed, shuddered
Hushed (so apparently I rarely use this word...this is from At The End of Everything which was a SPN fic that was left open to be a Dean x OC one... - written back in like 2010)
Ace was leading the way out when we heard something behind us. I turned quickly to see a couple of people covered in blood. Ace hushed Mary and they spotted us. "Fuck!" We ran for the entrance as they ran after us. I stopped and turned, letting Ace lead Mary out. There were three of them. I aimed and shot, sending one of them flying back. I turned and jumped through the broken glass front. Ace had stopped in front of the car. I turned and aimed at the two that were coming through the store. I heard two shots and they both went down. They didn't come from next to me though where Ace stood.
Cried - Tammy Thompson Takes on the Upside Down
“Shit!” Dustin cried out again. “Go!” He led us through a side door and we ran down an empty hall. It felt like ages but he finally stopped. “Come on,” he strode out casually and we all tried to follow. I recognized the movie theatre instantly. We went into the first theatre we saw. I was hungry but Steve actually stopped at the garbage, grabbing popcorn out of it.  “Ew,” I grabbed onto Erica instead.
Screamed - This is from an abandoned LOTR wip lol
"You are certain?" "Yes." "Then send her." It hurt. Unable to describe it in words, she screamed.  "Where is she?! Where is my sister?!" "We don't know. She was gone in the morning. She must have left in the night." "She wouldn't leave! Not without letting us know." "She was not here." "We could shield her from the pain." "She needs to go through this to understand."
Laughed - (not me writing out the scene I tried to draw yesterday...)
I don’t know how I did it. I’m scared of heights, if I’m honest, so I’m not sure how I ended up behind its head, legs over its shoulders and my feet crossed under its neck to make sure I didn’t fall off. All I knew was that I needed to stop it. I wasn’t going to let it eat her.  I had one hand under its jaw, trying to keep it closed, while the other was on the side of its head, helping me keep balanced. It just laughed at me.  “You can’t…kill me…” “Run!” I shouted at her as she stared at me in shock. “Get out of here!” “I’m going to eat you–” “No you’re not,” I ground out, pulling back as hard as I could in order to keep it from reaching her.  It sounded like a rip, like the crack that ice makes when you step on it. The thing’s laughter stopped suddenly and I kept pulling, hoping maybe I was giving her some time to get away. I almost fell backwards when the pressure suddenly released.
Shuddered - Another abandoned WIP. This one for From Dusk to Dawn
“How the hell are we supposed to know who we’re looking for?” Seth grumbled, passing around the drinks after paying the bartender.  “It’s her,” Richie said. He motioned at the stage. “She’s the one.” “How the fuck do you know?” Seth snapped. Kate sipped at the coke and listened. The woman was staring at the three of them as she sang.  “They used to be just like me and you They used to be sweet little boys But something went horribly askew Now killing is their only joy” “Well that’s creepy,” she heard Seth mutter. Kate shuddered, an eerie sense of déjà vu upon her as she stared at the stage.
this entire search just made me realize I need to work on my descriptions lol
Your words: tremble, blood, little, asking, cracks
soft tagging: @chickensarentcheap @ninjasawakenedmystar @stanshollaand @starcrossedjedis @nadja-antipaxos @reyofluke-ocs and anyone else who wants to join
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buddyapologist · 1 year
its 6:30 am and i have the spn au on the brain. i feel like my akira au has more substance to it but i tried writing that and man it was like pulling teeth yk? i really like the concept but that just wasn't going to happen lmao. do love the imagery of buddy with tetsuo powers and everyone riding those sick ass bikes tho!!! anyway spn au rambles below
i rly rly rly want to keep Buddy And Dustin's Grand Adventures located around olathe bc i want their not-so-secret main motivation to be to figure out why brad mutated, so yeah there's been instances of mutants all across the country but their dad never left his hometown and that was ground zero and that might mean something. they're driving around with his notebook trying to find the people who knew him when he was trying to get buddy back but there's so few real names that it's hard to find, and sometimes they find them but it's their bodies or their families who hadn't seen them in a week and fear the worst. they find terry and he's like "oh wow you're actually brad's kid! yeah the last time i saw your dad he ditched us on the side of a road? what happened" and they have to explain everything to him and he's like YIKES OKAY. they try to confront people right before they mutate to figure out what's going on, but they just can't find the connection, because joy isn't just joy, it's been laced into other drugs that people have been buying il/legally for years. the cops and the FBI can't figure it out either, and there were too many hunters who mutated for hunters to stay out of it.
they don't even realize the truth until it's staring them in the face, until dustin catches buddy taking a drug he's never seen before and she says it's a painkiller, it makes her a better hunter because she has to be a hunter now, but he knows something's wrong, and it's so wrong. it's almost too late when they find out that this is the drug that's been causing it the whole time. they know there's a ticking clock on buddy's life when they travel to find the source and shut it all down. bernie shows up to say some cryptic shit every now and then because he's in the exact same boat as her but he's terrified at how quickly it's progressing with her, at how it only took her a few months when it had taken him years. he was supposed to get her hooked on it but now he regrets ever taking that job even though it was the only reason he didn't go to prison.
basically i'm thinking joy kinda serves the same purpose as sam and his addiction to demon blood in s4, but when dustin finds out he's just like :( but you're like 18, baby sister, as opposed to dean who gets mad at like 80% of what sam does. but joy is also kiiiiiiiind of like the croatoan virus maybe? i also kinda like the idea that because joy canonically "makes you feel nothing" it could even make ppl act like how soulless!sam acts. it doesn't have a direct spn counterpart. maybe other hunters have started to guess at it and are trying to infiltrate drug operations and drug manufacturers to figure out where exactly normal drugs are being laced with joy? idk i have a LOT of work to do on this before it can really be a thing. it just came to me one night after watching spn, this was the exact thing i made at like 3 am on a google doc one night lmao
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0 notes
magicallymeta · 2 years
Freshly clean, mildly set up, and ready for episode 5 of Wednesday:
1) ooooo the flashback episode! I saw bits in the trailers that showed we be going here, and I'm very excited that it's finally happening. Young Gomez and Morticia are precious.
2) I also love a good Meet The Parents storyline, because you obviously get to see where a character comes from by meeting the people that made them or raised them or whatever. Meeting Enid's parents made a lot of sense, and obviously, since episode 1 we've had Wednesday flat out self awarily telling us about both her parents and her relationship to them. The image of them all at therapy and they hold hands over her face? WOOF. Says so much.
3) Pugsly is fucking AMAZING. Bless this child, can't wait to spend the rest of his career shouting "PUGSLY!" at his face.
4) Obsessed with the fact that we're getting to meet Bianca's mother and learn so much about her. OH MY GOSHHHH. I love her so much, I'm so obsessedf with this storyline. I'm thrilled that the white boys have stopped being so important and taking up so much screen time.
5) Thing watching Eugene is ruining me. Wednesday meeting his mothers and them calling the bees his "fuzzy, wuzzy babies" has me fucked.
6) remember when I was like "I don't give a shit about any of these adults"? I lied. It's just the Sheriff. Like, truly from the bottom of my heart, Fuck This Guy. Like Miss Therapist, I feel like I'm supposed ot recognize that he represents bullshit, but it's so heavy. There is never a moment for me to give a shit about him at all. And the way he so desperately wants to fuck with Gomez is just... goddamn.
7) Love this back story and love the way that Wednesday discusses her father. As someone working through her own feelings on her later father, it was really beautiful and it's a good thing I've taken a mild break from the cocktail because otherwise that might've made me cry.
8) I hate Enid's mother so much. They want to send her to conversion therapy??? Just when I was like "man, they're not being completely disgusting on this show" they were like, "let's do it!" Fucking Aye, man.
9) Obsessed with this representation of Wendeseday and Pugsly. Love their little pond time. From the moment the show started, I've loved them. I'm so glad we're getting more scenes, but I want more!
10) Poor Morticia. This back end stuff is fantastic, give me more, I love it! I also love seeing her and Wednesday work together and for them to be open and honest with each other.
11) The Sheriff/Gomez moment was.... goodness gracious. Pull it out of the show, adorable. In the show, disgusting and so fucking weird to me. Don't ask me to elaborate, I'm tired. Each episode is an hour long and I sometimes have to pause to type.
12) NEW THOUGHT: Christina Ricci is the little sister that "drowned" but instead is the monster. I don't know the levels to which the Principal is helping her or how their plans tie together -- are THEY girlfriends? I doubt that. I'm thinking the Principal isn't going to end up being THAT big of a threat in the grand scheme of things. I could be wrong, but I'm still leaning towards Christina Ricci being the monster here. She's so hot, of course she's also that goblin monster, ya'll! I get that life.
13) oh fuck, oh no. Enid's dad and his line. It was like hearing my Poppa come back for a moment. NOW I'm crying.
14) no lie, when I say "FIRE WILL RAIN" my brain kicked to life in a whir-whir way into "and I set FIRE to th RAIN, let it POURED as I touched your FAY-ACE" and man, again, the spn-life will never leave me be, man. (Yes, I know that's an Adele song. But I listened to that song paired with Mumford and Sons for a very dark period in my life where reading Supernatural fanfic was my emotional crutch and bad habit and it was only season 7, ya'll -- but the brain worms, it's such a real condition.)
I'm not going to allow myself to fall asleep until I've finished this show, no matter what sort of weird dreams that may give me. Maybe I'll have my own ancestor visions throughout the night. How horrifyingly delightful.
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janicho88 · 1 year
When It All Falls Apart - Chapter 13
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Pairing- ex!Jensen x Padalecki Reader
Word count- 4,363
Warnings- Some language. Dealing with a breakup. Sad reader. Angst, If I missed something let me know!
A/N-Jensen finally realizes how bad he screwed up, but someone else is coming in for the reader's attention. A little off canon, SPN ended after 10 years. We still got all the characters in during that time though. Thank you to @writercole and @leigh70 for your help with this. You two are amazing!!
Summary-Y/N Padalecki loved acting on Supernatural.  Working alongside your older brother and your boyfriend, but after ten seasons the guys have chosen to hang up the guns.  Now the three of you are moving on to other projects, but that’s all that needs to change right?  While you have moved to Austin to be closer to your family and boyfriend, Jensen is working elsewhere.  Distance is only the start of your troubles.
Series Masterlist
A ringing phone wakes you from a deep sleep Saturday morning, you fumble to answer it not bothering to see who it is.
“What?” you finally groan out when you hit the right button.
“Well good morning to you too, little sis,” Jeff greets you on the other end. 
“It’s Saturday, I don’t have to work.  I was sleeping, Jeffery.”
He just chuckles on the other end.
“What do you want brother dear?”
“Your niece and nephew have been asking about you.  I wondered if you had any plans today, or if you would like to come over and hang out?  I’ll even make you lunch before I send you home.”
When you don’t respond right away he continues.  “Did you fall back to sleep on me?”
“I’m thinking.  Yes, I’ll come over, but only because Tyler and Katie want me, and because you’re feeding me.”
“I thought that might get you.  Bring your suit, I’ll see you in a little bit.”
“Alright, see ya.”
With a groan you push yourself out of bed to get yourself ready.  You’re looking forward to seeing your niece and nephew, but your bed had been so comfortable.  Forty minutes later you are stopping for a frappuccino and bagel before arriving at their house.   
It’s maybe thirty seconds after you pull in the driveway, that the front door opens and two excited children run out to greet you, with their father watching from the porch.
“What, I don’t get you running out to greet me at my car too?” you tease Jeff, walking up to the house.
 “Uh no.  I don’t think you ever have, or ever will.”
“Fine, whatever.  You don’t love me I get it,” you tease.
“You’re so dramatic.” 
The two kids are telling you all about the plans they have for you today.  The list is a long one and you aren’t sure one day is going to be enough to get it all done.  Tyler wants to show you his newly rearranged room, so that is stop number one.  You leave there with a handful of hot wheel cars he wants to play with.  Of course Katie isn’t going to be left out and her room is next.  She shows off a new doll she wants the two of you to play with also. 
When you reach the living room Mary Jo is just coming in the front door from a store run.  You go offer to help carry in the bags, but Jeff waves you away to go back to the kids.  Sitting in the living room you take turns playing with the toys they each chose.
It doesn’t take too long for the both of them to become bored and want to move on to something else.  Jeff suggests swimming, and everyone changes into their suits and head out back to the pool.  Your brother gets in the water with the kids first and you follow.  MJ sits on the steps watching.   As you are playing with Katie in the shallow end, your sister-in-law questions you about working on Walker.   
Tyler wants you to come swim with him, so you and Jeff switch places, and you play around with him in the water.  When the kids tire out, their parents call them up on the deck to sit and try off while Jeff goes in to throw lunch together.  Tyler is already trying to figure out what you can all do next before he is halfway through his lunch.  He isn’t very happy when MJ tells him his food needs to settle before he can start running around playing tag like he was hoping.
You end up staying until after dinner and the kids wore both themselves and you out.  Back in your apartment you curl up on the couch with a movie when your phone beeps, signaling a text. A smile crosses your face when you see the contact name you gave your new costar.
Toby C- Any plans tomorrow?
Me- Oh yeah, super busy!  Sleep in, possibly watch a movie or if I get up the energy go workout.  What’s up?
Toby C- I heard tonight there was some Summer night thing, it ends tomorrow.  Wasn’t sure if you would be interested?
Toby C- Am I supposed to persuade you somehow?  If so I’m going to need some help with how to do that.
Me- Haha.  What time?  If you tell me before noon it’s an automatic no Mr. Allen.
Toby C- How’s 4?
Me- That could work. Do you want to meet there?”
 Toby C- I’ll pick you up, send me your address.  
Me- Done, See you tomorrow, have a good night.
Toby C- Night.
Turning the movie back on, you look up Summer Nights on your phone.  Hot Summer Nights is something the city has apparently put on for five years now.  There are 12 different venues which host different live acts each over four days.  Pulling up the list of venues you aren’t familiar with any of them.  There are a couple that interest you and some that might be a little much, but you’ll see what Keegan is thinking tomorrow. 
The ringing phone wakes you from a sound sleep Sunday morning.  With a frustrated groan you reach for the offending device from your night stand and manage to answer it without opening your eyes.
“This better be important,” you growl out to the person on the other line.
“Well good morning to you too,” comes with a chuckle from the other end.
“Seriously, Jared?  Why are you calling me this early?  It was Jeff yesterday, now you.  If you two keep this up, I’m going to be an only child.”
“Okay, nine am isn’t that early.  We have earlier call times through the week.”
“We do, that’s why I like sleeping later on the weekends.”
“Yeah, yeah, when you have kids that doesn’t happen.  Do you want to come over this afternoon?  Hang out and have dinner?”
“Thanks, but I already have plans.”
“Real plans, or eating popcorn on your couch plans?”
“Real plans, after I get more sleep.  Thank you, but maybe another time.”
“With who?”
“Ugh, does it matter?”
“Just making sure you’re safe.”
“Keegan, happy?  I’m going back to sleep now.  Bye Jared.”
You hang up before he can say anything else, rolling over you try and go fall back to sleep but it doesn’t happen.  Giving up an hour later you drag yourself from the bed and change into workout clothes to take some of your morning frustrations out on the spin bike in the workout room. 
After showering, laundry and going over the script for this week’s scenes take up the rest of your day.  Just before four there is a knock on your apartment door, opening it you welcome Keegan in.
“Hey, come on in.”
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“Hi, thanks.”  He takes a look around slightly shocked, “Um, nice place.”
“It’s small, I know.  That’s the first thing everyone notices.”  Picking up your purse you turn back to him.  “Did you already have a venue in mind you want to check out?”
“I thought it was just music downtown?  I thought the flier I saw said something about coming downtown to check out live bands, I guess I didn’t read too far into it.”
“I pulled it up last night after you texted.  There are twelve different venues with live acts.  Some smaller, some fairly big.”
Grabbing your phone off the table you pull the site back up to show him.  He takes a minute to look through it before turning back to you.
“Have you been to any of these places before?”
“I haven’t, but I didn’t think the last one listed sounded bad.  It’s supposed to be a smaller venue, they serve food, and are featuring different types of music.  The other one.”  You have to look over his shoulder at your phone to find the name.  “That one, The Green Jay seemed similar to the first.  The others all talk about multiple stages and big parties.  I think those might be kinda packed.”
“You’re probably right about that.  Okay, let’s check out, what’s the name of the first one?”  He looks at the screen, “Valhalla.”
Taking out his own phone he types in the address to pull up directions.  They two of you exit the apartment and after you lock up he follows you down the steps.  Getting in the car, you hear his phone announce the bar is 8 minutes away.  He pulls into a parking lot on the corner across the street from the bar.  Looking up, you see The Green Jay is across the other street.
Keegan waits at the front of the car for you and the two of you make your way toward the first stop, to find that they don’t open until 6 pm.
“Oops, guess we should have checked that huh?” you say sheepishly, turning to him.
“Probably.  Well, let’s try the other one.”
That one opens at 5pm, the two of you have forty minutes to kill.  Looking around at your surroundings you see an open business across the street. 
“We could go to the Chess Club.”
Keegan looks at you with raised brows, “I think I’ll see what our other choices are first.”
Turning the other way you see a number of people down the street.  “Stubb’s Bar-B-Q, is down there.  It’s another venue, maybe they’ll be open.”
They were, and also already packed at the outdoor stage.
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Inside the bar wasn’t too bad, but the outside area in front of the stage was packed.  Going back inside you find an empty table and sit down. A waitress comes over for your drink order and Keegan adds an order of Nachos. 
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“No sense drinking on an empty stomach.”
“You’re a smart one Mr. Allen.”
The drinks arrive and he looks around the restaurant, a band is playing in the background.   “So you live 8 minutes away and haven’t been to any of these places?”  he questions with disbelief.
“Well, I haven’t even been living there a month yet.  I was staying with Jared before that, it’s probably 25, 30 minutes from there.  I was living at Jensen’s place first, when I moved here from LA.  He might have ordered from here before and picked it up, but I don’t think we ever came down here.”
“I didn’t mean to bring up that.  I um…”
“Heard the gossip about that breakup?  It was announced on TV, so it doesn’t really surprise me if you did.”
You just shrug, not wanting to get into it too much and bring the mood down.  “How are you liking Texas so far?”
“Good.  Not quite as crazy as California.”
“True.  Which is nice sometimes.”
“It is,” he agrees.
“So where did you find to call home while you’re staying here?”
“I’m leasing an apartment at The District at SoCo.  It’s like 2-3 minutes away from your place.”
“I’ve driven by there, looks nice.”
“It is.  Clean, roomy.  I like it.”
“That’s good.”
The nachos arrive and the conversation slows.  A little after five the tab is paid and the two of you make your way over to The Green Jay.  
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The place is already filling up.  You ask Keegan to find a table and you grab some soft drinks from the bar to start.  Trying to slow the pace of your night out.  While at the bar, you find out they don’t serve food but allow you to bring it in from other local restaurants.  The band takes the stage and it’s so loud you aren’t able to hold much of a conversation.  After listening to a few songs from their second band of the night, Keegan asks if you want to check out Valhalla, which should be open now.  
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The bands there are just staring for the night, and the place is still fairly empty.  Grabbing drinks first the two of you make your way to a table.  Keegan notices some foosball tables off the side and challenges you to a game.  He ends up winning two rounds and you go back to the table to put in a dinner order.  While you wait, you talk Keegan into an air hockey game.  This time you come out the victor.
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When dinner arrives you make your way back to the table and enjoy the music while you eat.  It’s after 9, when the two of you are finally ready to head out.  
Getting to your apartment complex, he walks you up to the door, before saying goodnight.
“Thanks for hanging out with me tonight.”
“It was fun.  Thanks for inviting me,” you respond.
“We’ll have to plan something else again.  See you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, have a good night, drive safe.”
“Will do.  Night.”
You wake up Monday to a number of Instagram notifications on your phone.  Opening up the app as you get out of bed you see Keegan tagged you in a post last night.  There are some videos and photos from the different bars, you never even noticed him taking any. Scrolling through he has pictures of the various bands, a video of you singing along with a song, you standing at the air hockey table looking away from the camera, and one with the outside of each bar.
Fun night exploring more of Austin.  Thanks for the company @Y/NPadalecki  
You skim the various comments as you're brushing your teeth.  There are more than a few that question if you two are dating now and if that’s why you broke up with Jensen.  Shaking your head, you continue to get yourself ready for work. 
The morning on set goes by quickly, as you are walking to the catering tent Keegan comes up beside.  
“Hey, can we take lunch in your trailer or mine?  We should talk.”
“Okay, yeah, sure.”
When you both have your food, he follows you over to your trailer. As he sits across from you at the table you speak first.
“Is something wrong?”
“Not really, maybe, I don’t know.  I’m not sure if you were on Instagram today, or…”
“I was.”
You notice the brief frown on his face before he hides it. “I saw some of the comments about the two of us dating, and I realized we never really talked about what we were, and what that was.” 
He looks up at you, but you stay silent to see where he is going.  Your mind is racing, you aren’t sure if you are ready to get back out in the dating pool yet.
“When I asked you to go with me I was asking as a friend, I didn’t mean to lead you on.  We’ve just gotten along so well on set, and I don’t know many people around.  I thought we could be friends, hangout and whatever.  I have a girlfriend, it dawned on me this morning I don’t think I ever told you about Ali.  I’m sorry.”
“Honestly, I wasn’t thinking along those lines either.  I’m not sure I’m ready to get back out there yet.  I could use another friend though, I don’t know too many more than you do here.”
“Friends?” he questions.
“Friends.  I’d like to hear more about Ali sometime. If she's in town sometime maybe we could all hang out.”
“I think she’d be okay with that.  I’ve told her about you.”
Going back to your food, it isn’t long before you are being called back to set. While you are packing up at the end of the day, there’s a knock on your trailer door. 
“It’s open!”
Your brother walks in a moment later. 
“Hey Jare, what’s up?”
“So how was your night out?”
“It was fine.  I’ve never been to that part of downtown before.”
“So you and Keegan, huh?”
“Jared Tristen Padalekci, don’t you dare even start with me, don’t go there.  Whatever it was or is or isn’t, is no one’s business but our own.  I’m not involving you in my love life one way or the other anymore.”
You know there is nothing between the two of you, but you don’t want your older brother’s opinions or interference either way.  He stands there staring at you a moment, slightly taken back. 
“I just want to make sure you don’t get hurt again.”
“I do appreciate that, but if there was something to tell, I would do it in my own time.”
He stares at you for a moment, “alright, fine.  Leaving it alone.  Do you want to come over for dinner Sunday? We were going to tell Tom about the baby.”
“That’s a family moment, I don’t want to intrude.”
“You are family too.  Plus Jeff’s family is coming. ”
“Then sure, just let me know what time.”
The rest of the week went by quickly, you were on set everyday this week.  Thursday is a lighter day for you.  Gen and Jared have a few scenes, so you hang out with Tom in your trailer while they are busy.   He helps you pick out what dessert to make for Sunday. 
“I want that one!” he exclaims pointing to a cake. 
“The orange one?”
“Yeah! Can we have those on top too?” He points to a cupcake with orange chew candies on top.
“Alright, let’s see what that cake entails.  I’ll see if I can find the candies.”
The cake he chose is an orange dreamsicle with orange cream cheese frosting. 
“I think it’s doable buddy.”
“Can we have it tonight?”
“Um, no.  It’s going to be for Sunday.  But we can go see if they have any cookies at craft services.  How about that?”
“Okay,” he reluctantly agrees.
After returning to your trailer with a cookie or three, Tom settles down on the couch and eventually drifts off for his nap.  You go over your scenes for the next day until Gen comes to take him home. 
You’re grumbling to yourself as you walk through the crowded grocery store late Saturday morning. You should have come after work yesterday and it wouldn’t have been so bad.  You’re trying to grab a few groceries for your apartment and the ingredients for tomorrow’s cake. Somehow you spend almost an hour in the crowded store, before you are finally on your way back home.  Stopping at a nearby sub shop, you grab lunch to take with you. 
Once the groceries are put away, you pull up the directions for the cake and pull out the ingredients needed.  Thankfully the apartment actually came with two round baking pans.  When it’s in the oven you set out the frosting ingredients that need to rise to room temp and collapse over on the couch. 
When the cakes are out you whip up the crumb coating frosting so it’s ready to go when the two layers cool. The orange layer of filling is next.  As you are working you realize just how much you miss having a normal size kitchen, and your own pans and utensils. This little one really isn’t meant to spend much time in. 
You hit the apartment gym while waiting for the crumb coating to harden so you can finish the frosting.  Returning later, you clean up the kitchen after the cake is finished, hit the shower and spend the evening on the couch watching Hallmark.
Over at Jared’s house one excited Tom is waiting for his Unca Jensen to arrive.  Watching out the front window he excitedly yells when the familiar truck pulls up.
“He’s here, he’s here, he’s here!”  He waits for the truck to stop before running outside, Jared right behind him.
“Tom, how’s it going buddy?” Jensen asks, picking him up and carrying him toward the house.
Little man wastes no time filling him in on the week he’s had. Jensen greets Jared as he walks up to him, and the three retreat into the house.  Tom is showing off a new toy and telling him about a blanket fort he built with his dad one night. When it becomes obvious the young boy has some energy to burn, they change clothes and move down to the pool.
It’s later in the swim when Tom brings up his Aunt Y/N.  Jared notices the quick look of sadness that comes across his friend's face, and the way he has to look away.  The two of them haven’t talked a lot lately, and none of it’s been anything very deep.  Gen told him what was said when she picked up Tom, and he is wondering exactly what Jensen might be thinking about his sister.
When Tom tires of the water and they get out of the pool, he decides to bring it up.  Making sure his son is occupied with his toy in the yard he turns to Jensen.
“Gen told me about the conversation the two of you had last week.”
Jensen looks up at his friend, but doesn’t speak.
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“I’ve heard Y/N’s side of things, and I know what happened here, but I haven’t really heard much of yours.”
Taking a deep breath Jensen looks over at his friend, “What do you want me to say?”
“The truth, what happened?  I really thought she meant something to you, or I would have put up a bigger fight when you first told me you wanted to ask her out years ago.”
He thinks over how he wants to explain everything.  “Honestly, I didn’t realize how bad things between us had become until after she left Toronto. I really never meant for things to go as bad as they did. I got so caught up with trying not to screw up and piss anyone off on set, and get along with them all, I…I just lost sight of the people who were most important to me.”
He brings back up the Dark Angel set, Jared understands that, Jensen has told him before just how bad things there had been.  He can understand his friend not wanting a repeat, especially working with a much larger cast.    
“It took a few weeks after she was gone for me to get over the hurt of her leaving and breaking up.  Then I started to notice I was waiting for her to call, I realized then she was right. I expected her to call, I stopped picking up the phone and reaching out to her, I stopped putting time and effort into the one thing I should have been terrified to lose.  But I was too stuck in my head to recognize what was going on. Suddenly, I didn’t have the one person I wanted to share everything I was working hard for with. I really had nothing at all then.”
They are both quiet for a minute before Jensen continues.
“I’ve talked to Gen and Mack, I’ve told them both she deserves better than me, and she does.  But I’ve come to realize, I want to be selfish. I want her back, I need her.  I’m just not sure if she’ll take me.”
Jared studies his friend’s face and can tell he really means that.  He knows how bad he screwed up, he does seem to be hurting too.  “She is still upset, I have no idea if she will or won’t give you another shot.  If you hurt her again, I won’t be able to hold back from punching you.”
“I have no intention of messing up again if she is willing to give this another chance. But I don’t know if I can do that to her right now.”
“What’s that mean?”
“I’m going to be working in New Mexico some over the next few months.  I’ll be back and forth between here and there, then there is press for The Boys and the movie coming up later on.”
“Are you trying to talk yourself out of this now?  Or just giving excuses for why you won’t try?”
“She deserves someone who’s around.”
“That’s up to her.  Both of you understand how this industry works.  You need to decide if you really want her back before you just start playing games and leading her on.  Until you do, maybe you both need some space.”
Jared leaves Jensen sitting out there with Tom, while he goes to see if Gen needs any help with dinner.  The four of them sit out on the patio for dinner and Tom asks when Jensen is going to come back over.
“I’m not sure buddy.  I leave tomorrow for work out of town again.  We’ll do something when I get back alright?”
“How long are you gone for?” Jared asks, as he walks back over.
“I’m in New Mexico until Saturday, I fly to Dallas for Levi’s birthday, then go back to New Mexico.  I think I’m here again the Friday before we leave for the Colorado Convention.”
“So you really will be coming back here some?” He questions, trying to get a feel for his friends' plans.
“Yes.  It’s just going to be a recurring role.  They’ve already started filming, they’re done with me in early November for the most part. I might be in an episode or two filming in the spring.”
“So this one won’t be months at a time, seems like it’s already different from what you were doing earlier this year.”
After dinner Tom runs off to play leaving the adults sitting at the table.  Jared starts clearing off the table when Gen goes to get up.
“I got it, you take a break.  You’ve been going long enough today.”
It takes him a minute, but what Jared is referring to finally clicks in Jensen’s head.  “That’s right, how are you doing?  How is baby number 2 treating you?”
“We’re both fine.  Not as active as Tom was yet.  I’m sure that will change.”
“Does Tom know, he hasn’t mentioned the baby.”
“No, we're telling him tomorrow.”
Jensen helps Jared clean up before heading back home to finish packing.  His head is full with thoughts of you, and what he should do.  He knows what he wants to do, but he isn’t sure he can face your rejection, even if he does deserve it.
Thank you for reading!
Chapter 14- Coming soon
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