#and not even a fun menace. just a menace
churchydragon · 6 months
Actually, they could realize something is up after this occurs. 1) Solstice doesnt like to fight unless its absolutely necessary, and 2) They're extremely afraid of seeing blood. So that could get them to realize that theres something going on with them. Tho how'd the CSS guys react if they walked in on that?
everyone is scrambling, Red is guarding doors, Harvest, Sun, and Lilac are trying to calm Solar down while Blaze is fixing damages, and Phase is working on trying to repair Solstice and asking them what the hell that was all about? they don't like fighting or blood, what on earth compelled them to attack someone, especially a former Star wielder?!
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seance · 4 months
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THE MUSKETEERS 10TH ANNIVERSARY REWATCH / fave episodes [2/?] ↳ SEASON 1, EPISODE 4 / the good soldier
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monkiinart · 5 months
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made a little village in starbound and got extremely attached to the silly villagers that flocked to it
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definitely-jax · 3 months
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seraphicalsuccubus · 2 months
oh no I smoked too much weed and gave myself zoomies both from the excitement from my new peak pro and the excitement from the new weed itself and def smoked way more than I should have and probs will continue to smoke more than I should because of this double dose of excitement until I finally just pass out after days of hardly sleeping recently lmao
but ANYWAYS before that happens !!! I currently have the strongest urge to go wreck people in fucking battlegrounds to level one of my assorted disc priests and because like …. ever since I got 100k honorable kills achieve, I’ve wanted that goddamn fucking ‘the Bloodthirsty’ title from the 250k honorable kills achieve and I was farming that before I stopped having the drive to game a few months back.
so let’s see how queues go at 2am on a fucking Wednesday morning, I wonder if I’ll give up before I find a bracket with fast pvp queues tonight tbh. it’s more likely I’ll end up pugging a raid on my mistweaver main if it takes too long to get into a battleground just to preoccupy myself for a bit and try to get a chance at trinkets and shit lmao
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nobodysdaydreams · 11 months
Thoughts on Narnia Adaptations
I know I’ve briefly mentioned the pros and cons of someone writing about Susan’s story, and yes I have so many thoughts about that. But do you know what else I have thoughts about fellow Narnia fans?
A movie or tv series about the Ketterley family: Letty, Andrew, and Mable (Digory’s mom).
Because Uncle Andrew gave us one chapter of absolute insanity with his whole “I had an evil fairy godmother who did hard time in prison. She taught me dark magic and I stole a box of magic dust from Atlantis (which is real btw) from her on her death bed and broke a promise just so I could make some sparkly jewelry in my sister’s attic and perform experiments on guinea pigs and children. I’ve traveled the world and discovered secrets you fools could only dream of and learned terrible things!”
…and then never brought any of that stuff up again, or explained it. How much is real? How much is him just making stuff up? It would not surprise me if Uncle Andrew took that box to a charlatan who was like “oh uh… it’s um… Atlantean for sure” and Uncle Andrew was like “haha… I knew it!” (Also what was Andrew like as a kid, did he make his evil fairy godmother curse other students in his class because I feel like he would).
And while we’re on the subject of people who likely lied about or exaggerated a lot of their backstory: Jadis. I don’t know who remembers her whole: “I had an evil older sister who was so much worse than me, and it was all her fault. I might have committed omnicide, but that was only because she drove me to it by challenging me for no reason like an idiot (and she was always weak you know. She never even considered that I or anyone else would actually use omnicide to win a war. What a short-sighted fool). But now she and every other life form that ever existed on the planet are 100% dead. No one escaped I made sure of that we have no portals or magic rings here children, and no one is more powerful than me.”
…uh, yeah… right… your sister who was worse than you, yet “too weak” for omnicide. She might have also been evil or done bad things, I’m not discounting that, but forgive me if I don’t take Jadis and Andrew entirely at their word.
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For your viewing pleasure...
(Please don't re-post/share this video edit anywhere else. Please just only reblog this video edit on Tumblr. Thank you!)
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minipisi-is-dumb · 1 year
while i think it takes away a Bit of suspension of disbelief i find real cute that tails and eggman canonically have the same iq is a nice way to show they're more foils to eachother and gives more parallels that i think are neat
im once again with my "hey giftedness is a recognized neurodivergency but ppl don't talk about it because they think is just an autistic stereotype" propaganda but ALSO i think realizing their symptoms actively affect the way they're not just written but also just. interact with other characters. is insane. like insane how relatable it is. anyways eggman and tails are dope rep and im happy abt it
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shorthaltsjester · 1 year
every sam and laura pc duo has idiot bestie energy when they rp together and i think that’s beautiful
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dayurno · 6 months
i wanna see kevin hooked up to one of those period cramp simulators. would he be a champ or nay?
my man would cry like a baby. but he would not need the simulator. i am well acquainted with kevin day's uterus and, given time, i could even prove its existence to you
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swordmaid · 7 months
for me… FOR ME..!!! and for shri’iia specifically the lock in for astarion’s romance is his graveyard scene in act 3.
i think it is too quick for shri’iia to be moving on to another relationship considering her previous one was with her mistress who essentially groomed and isolated her for like … more than hundred years. learning to chase her own desires and not moulding herself to what anyone wants her to be is something so new to her…!!! and something that she’s still learning how to be comfortable with….
and what I like abt romancing astarion with her is that I usually go for the dialogue path in his act 2 confession scene where you can ask him:
- what do YOU want to do?
and he goes like honestly idk what we’re doing but /this/ is nice. it just feels like two people exploring the option to love for the first time and taking things in their own pace rather than jumping straight into the relationship. they’re going at a snails pace… they don’t know what they’re doing but they like this feeling and the vibe and they want to more of it but they’re not ready to commit to anything yet and it’s fine for them …!! and they’re only committing by the end in the graveyard scene where significant time has passed and they’ve learnt a little more about themselves and they’re both more confident about their own desires and also how they want to be loved.
like it is so fitting I think… and sweet… not to mention astarion being a high elf & a vampire and shri’iia being a drow, they have all the time of the world for themselves so I def think they would want to take their time. except if shri’iia turns into a mindflayer or drider by the end then that plan is out the window lol
#now I’m thinking who else I can romance with her .. maybe lae’zel ??#since the thing with her is that she doesn’t get vulnerable in act 1 so the scenes where the romances#are kind of heart to hearts like shadowheart’s or karlach’s (😭😭😭) is out of the question since it doesn’t fit her …#like she’d rather sleep with someone first than actually get to know them 😭 hence astarion and lae’zel …#gale and wyll… I am hmmm about it on one hand her approval with wyll in act 1 is not even high enough 😭😭#and I don’t think she can be sweet enough to chase after him in the party .. she was kind of like ok fine whatever when he said he’s not in#the mood … gale I think can be a contender .. I actually don’t know how his route goes so I’m not sure abt that …#but the thing is … she gets vulnerable LATER ..!! and why astarion’s romance work for her is i hc after their act 2 scene#they’re just in a situationship rather than actual relationship … like they’re dating (yes!) but also dating (hmmmm)#and it’s only in his last scene where they both lock in bc I think that’s enough time for her to process her OWN trauma and also for her#own character development … like she has to learn how to trust (ack!!!!) which is the thing that you don’t do when you’re raised in lolth’s#cult …. and her mistress manipulated her trust too so it’s even more nerve wracking for her bc she doesn’t want someone to have that power#over her again .. but now she has to learn how to give it away freely … without being scared … bites my hand …!!!!#and astarion graveyard scene where he wants to live again vs shri’iia learning how to trust again and trying to live without the fear of#someone betraying you and using you and the paranoia that comes with it … urck urgh goughhhhhh critical hit …#also I have a hc that she actually is quite good at making poisons since her mother sold alchemy herbs and components#and she gives him poison as a courting gift lol .. also like a way to protect him 🤭 but she won’t admit that … she’s like if you want it#take it if you don’t idc 🤷‍♀️ (she does..) i hc that she gets flustered at sincerity actually#their relationship for me is like they’re both two little shits and a general menace to society (both charlatans)#but if they had to hold hands she’d get too flustered too and he’s like honestly what are you a child? (smug face making fun of her)#I have this little comic idea for them when they held hands for the first time and she’s like ouggghhh 😳😮‍💨 flustered and sweating and he’s#like hihi 🤭😎 but then their hands starts to get sweaty and then he’s like ew that’s disgusting and she’s like ok if u hate it let go then#and he’s like no YOU let go 🙄 but they don’t let go now they have to suffer through the sweaty hand holding alas such is fate …
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lustbcrne · 4 months
Beidou, Childe, Dehya, Kaeya, and Wriothesley are the ones most in the mood to fuck after a high-stakes situation/fight.
Beidou, Childe and Kaeya are the most inclined to actually fuck at/close by to the battlezone/danger area immediately after than the others.
Dehya, Childe, and Kaeya are the ones who would tend to get carried away by the adrenaline the most, especially if their partner at the moment is spattered in blood.
#hc; beidou#hc; tartaglia#hc; dehya#hc; kaeya#hc; wriothesley#//Taru & Kae the the sorts of menaces that'd be pawing at their partner's clothes almost Immediately#//To try & drag them off; bc HOO BOY they get in a Mood; esp with the kinds of risks they take & Inhibitions they cast to the winds during#//They won't even care if they get absolutely Used; they just NEED to get the battle high out of their systems and FAST#//Or else they're gonna go start a whole other Chaos to try & get rid of it themselves#//Which usually ends up kicking things up Another notch; esp if they accidentally get even More in over their heads in the process#//It's fun#//Bei gets SO hype off the thrill of a good fight; she'd even be in the mood to let a male partner fuck her however they want#//Esp the sooner after the fight#//She likes topping more than anything; but she'll give them some leeway. Even if it means letting then fuck her from behind#//That said; if they let her have their way anyways; she'd ride them fucken cross-eyed and Spent#//Dehya's penchant for bloodplay goes up Extremely High post battle; and lasts for a solid week or so after. It can get ~Messy~#blood mention tw#//Wrios gets ESPECIALLY possessive during sex after a fight#//Marking and manhandling to the MAX; his partner'd gotta let him know beforehand just what their limits with marks are#//Or else he WILL go heckin hogwild; and leave them with hickeys and bitten up aaaaall over#//Whether he tops or bottoms; it doesn't matter; it's the same either way#//Wrios; Taru & Kae just ESPECIALLY worked up if their partner roughs them up even more during sex#//Wrios & Kae especially get all the more vocal; at times even encouraging to take it a tad further#//Dehya & Taru are most likely to leave bruises on their partners; from how tightly they hold onto their hips; shoulders or thighs#//Bei & Wrios REALLY like their titles being used during sex; Wrios esp if it's used while degrading him; Bei in being praised/worshipped#//Titles would piss Kae off & make him get REAL bitey and snarky during; & you'd be hard pressed to get him cooperative again#//If he'd WANTED to be called captain; he'd have gone BACK with the others for debriefing#//Do NOT bring up his title at ALL in a post-dangerous situation/post-battle fuck#//Unless you are REALLY in the mood for a bit of an angry fuck/getting to put him back in place#//In which case; by all means; Do It
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josephslittledeputy · 8 months
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Lucian & Celeste (In her baby vamp era) || Wes & Celeste (Late 1970s/Early 80s) Gabriel & Celeste (Present time) || Sidra & Sel (Scandalizing the public, obvi)
Tagged by @inafieldofdaisies & @jillvalentinesday to do this Holiday Meiker ty beloveds!
Not tagging anyone since this ones already made the rounds and I'm a bit late, but if you want to do this one feel free to tag me!
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werewolfenthusiast · 10 months
do u have any more shark hc for the other marauders era characters?
hello YES I DO
i may have more for the others later i’ll have to do some more thinking and a lil googling BUT
mako’s are like the athletes of the shark world. they’re SPEEDY. short fin mako sharks can swim up to like 74kph (45mph) they’re very powerful swimmers and can go for long distances. they have the largest brain to body ratio of all sharks and have incredibly impressive critical reasoning and social skills. they’re so intelligent they don’t even rely on electroreception to navigate or hunt they just uses their regular senses. they’re even able to identify if a human is a threat to them or not and have been known to allow researchers they trust to hand feed and touch them. they love warm waters and prefer to live in tropical climates. they are aggressive hunters but almost never attack humans (there’s only been 8 unprovoked attacks recorded and all were non-fatal)
AND there is a video that i’ll link from last year in australia where a group of men were out on their boat fishing and the caught a mako so it jumped out of the water and flipped to dislodge the hook and then just kept zooming around and flipping out the water to show off and THAT is so james
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tenacquity · 11 months
@howthesleeplesswander || cont.
In most cases, Ryunosuke was not one to blatantly lie. For any occasion, any reason, any amount of gain for himself or the receiving party (truly, even “white lies” were of a foreign nature). And so, exactly how he let the Captain talk him into this… he was still internally puzzling out. Long and hard. Strenuous, even, to the point of that already-lacking filter on his tongue being utterly nonexistent with his eventual verbalized musing. And when Kaeya, with that ease and debonair attitude of his, answered the comment as seamlessly as if he were pondering the evening weather, Ryunosuke noticed his mistake.
More importantly, noticed it was exceptionally too late to sew his own mouth shut now.
Worth it? he wondered, marked by a fretful twitch between his brows, an unconscious nibble at his lower lip. As his gaze wandered behind him, twisting his torso to get a look at the lively establishment they had left, Ryunosuke couldn’t help the thought that those free drinks must have had an awful lot to do with the conundrum he found himself in now: astonishingly guiltless, sure, but beyond that… Certainly, the lingering warmth in his face couldn’t be wholly blamed on substances, could it?
A simple explanation. Maybe even preferable. But even now, out in the cooler night air, back to just Ryunosuke and Kaeya—no fabricated strings attached—he struggled to shake the way his companion had looked at him. Talked to him. Treated him.
By the time he finally spun back around to watch where he was going, he heard a squeak. … And seconds later realized it had been himself as he came close to stumbling right into his pretend date.
His breath hung in his throat as that solitary eye shamelessly drank him in. A shudder having nothing to do with the nighttime chill or his company’s Cryo Vision (presumably) skated mercilessly down his spine as he dared to scoot just one meager inch back. Before Ryunosuke even knew what his own face was doing, Kaeya had to remark on it, and only at that precise moment did he find his voice again. Something, that is, more than just an impressively shrill noise.
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“M-mean it?” Step One, it’d seem, was mimicry. “I— Why, that’s not exactly…” He paused in a second attempt to collect himself, revealed through a heavy breath and a downward glance as he carefully moved past the blockade. His shoulder lightly brushed Kaeya’s arm as he went. “I’m only impressed that it worked,” Ryunosuke stated, possibly to convince himself. “Really, I think they would’ve just accepted our words as true without an entire show, Kaeya. That’s all.”
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torchiiko · 6 months
14, 25, 38?
14. smth youve always wanted to do but been scared to: a Lot BUT streaming & making videos is high up on the list bc its smth ive wanted to do since i was a kid, and while the possibility of actually getting to do it in the not-so-distant future is incredibly exciting, its also rlly scary :') im worried ill get everything i need only to back down at the last second. its scarier when it starts feeling Real
25. fav season & why: winter !! the snow is always gorgeous for starters, the cold is perfect for getting cozied up in + i hate hot weather anyway, & all the bugs disappear and stop tormenting the house (our kitchen has a lot of entry points for ants. it sucks)
38. fav song at the moment: rn my brains been rotating thru a few tadc fansongs,,,, for now its The show that never ends by longestsoloever (ft or3o)
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