#and now hes had 2 baths but he still sp
danifesting · 1 year
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coconox · 5 months
with nostalgia leraye being released, i thought i’d give an update on the “meta” tier list! iirc it's been about over a month since i’ve last posted about it on here, and it’d be cool to see how things have changed!
i put “meta” in quotes considering really the meta is just light types >>>>> every other type 💀
everything discussed here is already in the spreadsheet for the most part, i’m just putting it in post form as a little time capsule + wanted to share for those who haven’t seen it yet
the results of this tier list are based off of testing the character in 2 types of stages: high mob stages (e.g. 4-81, 4-78 (if there’s type advantage), 4-79 (if there’s type advantage)) and boss stages (usually from chapter 4)
build recommendations are in the spreadsheet, i won’t go too in-depth about it here
this tier list is NOT a must follow !! this just gives a general perspective of how a character functions in battle based on what we tested
you are free to agree or disagree with points made on this list, this is simply what windy and i have concluded based on tests that we’ve ran. we’re both very open to discussion about adjusting rankings if anyone wants to discuss about it
i will only talk about characters in the sp and s tier aka the best/must haves/characters to default to for teams (in our opinion), as there’s too many characters in the roster to put it all in one post + you can just go to the spreadsheet if you’re curious about a certain character lol
the sp and s tier list
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"brief" explanations
ult spam = ultimate spam or constantly using ultimate back to back
sig = signature artifact / exclusive artifact
satan (selfie)
[ Sp ]
his kit fully focuses on attack speed. meaning, he’s automatically f2p friendly in terms of investment. a lot of s-rank artifacts (thorny choker, headless teddy bear, teacup) would work very well on him.
his attack range is also the longest most marksman can go, giving him an extra boost to fulfill his passive requirement and in-turn, build more attack speed and kill enemies faster
best gehenna support while still managing to be an insane dps as well
he boosts attack, attack speed, and hp for all gehenna characters on-field, + on top of that he doubles attack and attack speed for all gehenna devils after using his ultimate
just like satan, he also doesn’t need extremely high investment, so any attack speed or attack boosting artifacts would work just as well as his sig (idk why you wouldn't use his sig considering you had to get it in order to get him but the alternatives still stand lol)
[ S ]
satan (bath)
same as satan (selfie) but the only small downside is that his attack speed boost (passive) is dependent on his placement
levi (bloodshed)
without his sig, he essentially works the same as almost every other levi (i.e. ultimate instakills)
with sig however he now has the ability to instakill with his normal attacks
i’m talking about the gabriel obtained from buying the merch bundle
he’s the only s-rank with 3 skills rather than the usual 2 or 1
having the same attack range as a gehenna devil also puts him at a higher advantage
has wide ultimate range that also stuns enemies
if satan (selfie) were an s-rank
since he also borrowed satan’s powers, his attack range matches with satan’s, making him the s-rank with the longest attack range
leraye (nostalgia)
since we get both him and his sig, his kit is the first of the gehenna roster to be focused on ult spam (most gehenna artifacts focus on attack speed)
works very well in high density mob areas considering most of the time he’ll just be instakilling enemies
for boss stages he essentially becomes somewhat like present leraye (the water type ver)
even if you don’t want to use his sig, he still works very well with attack / attack speed artifacts
his ultimate has damage stack on top of each other, meaning, for 12 hits each hit gets stronger and stronger
f2p friendly investment (just needs attack / attack speed artifacts)
in terms of being an s-rank, leraye is one of if not the strongest s-rank marksman in the entire roster (very lore accurate of him given the recent event talking about a bit of his backstory lol)
levi (selfie)
[ S- ]
applies debuff to enemies on ult
ultimate has ability to instakill
sadly outclassed by levi (bloodshed) with sig
levi (attacker)
good passive as it buffs characters that are near him
basically wants you to ult spam, but the difference between him and leraye (nostalgia) is that levi’s ultimate doesn’t instakill
sadly outclassed by levi (bloodshed) with sig
to be clear these levis are still a good alternative if you don’t have levi (bloodshed) with sig, you can even pair them with bloodshed and still perform relatively well
as a general note i’ll try to exclude talking about his hp in battle since it’s basically this:
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meaning, the order of mammons with highest to lowest hp in battle are
i’ll mostly talk about his kit in the explanations
[ Sp ]
mammon (attacker)
widest normal attack and ultimate range out of all mammons
ult doesn’t stun but his wide range makes up for it
you don’t have to worry about him dying for the most part considering his hp even at passive level 1 (see image at the beginning of this section)
ultimate gives him the ability to heal himself
only needs marbas’ sig (blood transfusion pack) to work at his best
mammon (selfie)
ultimate has the ability to stun enemies
makes everyone behind him (including those in the same row as him) invincible for a few seconds after using his ultimate
only needs marbas’ sig (blood transfusion pack) to work at his best
[ S ]
ultimate has the ability to stun enemies
mammon (butt)
useful as a backup tank considering how much hp he has
only needs marbas’ sig (blood transfusion pack) to work at his best
[ S- ]
mammon (bath)
basically the same as mammon (selfie) but the invincibility is only limited to 1 character rather than multiple
only needs marbas’ sig (blood transfusion pack) to work at his best
[ Sp ]
satan (attacker)
literally satan (selfie) in the form of a close-ranger lol
normal attacks also deal damage over time to enemies
passive is more forgiving than satan (selfie)’s, meaning the requirement is just an enemy dying regardless of whether he kills it or someone else
isn’t dependent on sig. he works just as well with attack / attack speed boosting artifacts
[ S ]
beel (bloodshed)
without sig, his healing from attacks (passive + equipped with savage spike) isn’t nearly as forgiving as when he has his sig
with sig, as long as he’s attacking his hp will constantly stay at 100% or close to it, but that doesn’t mean you should use him as a replacement for tanks considering a close-ranger by default is not designed to block enemies which is the whole purpose of a tank
assuming you use his ultimate immediately, you’re essentially put on a 1 minute timer to clear the stage otherwise both his damage and healing output decreases significantly after the ultimate duration is done
wide ultimate range (compared to most s-rank close-rangers) that also stuns enemies
if you have his sig he can also stun enemies in his normal attack
[ S- ]
they’re all s- because their passive cooldown is insanely long and need skill level ups to decrease the cooldown, but otherwise they have pretty good passives that last for a while
good support for close-rangers since he basically has savage spike embedded in his kit
good support for attack speed focused devils (gehenna devils)
good support for characters that focus on ult spam (satan (attacker), levi (attacker), leraye (nostalgia))
[ Sp ]
all mammons equipped with marbas’ sig provide consistently high healing output in a 3x3 area
if you’re wondering where all the actual healers are, they’re ranked lower
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i’ve calculated all the ways characters could be healed in battle as shown below:
the ranking is purely based off of heals per tick, or how high/low and how consistent the heals are.
while lucifer's instakill ability was considered, we wanted to focus on how he performs as a healer, not as an attacker.
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for lucifer with sig, his healing is low in terms of consistency, the artifact itself does provide as high of a healing output as blood transfusion pack
the underlying problem is that a healer’s healing is dependent on who they’re healing rather than their own stats, and for the healers who have healing based off of their own stats, it’s based off of their attack, which is by design significantly low compared to other classes and attack boosting artifacts aren’t enough to compensate for it. a healer’s healing should instead revolve around their own hp in order for them to have a decent healing output since healers’ evolves focus on boosting hp stats.
while yes lucifer does technically have a high healing output in his ultimate (assuming you cast it when there’s a huge wave of enemies), he doesn’t heal outside of that unless he has his sig, and while his sig does provide a good healing output, even then at max sig level you only have a 50/50 chance of being healed if he’s able to dodge an attack. while in battle it may not be entirely noticeable, it’s still inconsistent at the end of the day due to his healing being dependent on 1. chance and 2. the character he’s healing. you could argue that he doesn't need to have a healing ability in his skill set outside of his ultimate, but what if there’s scenarios like realm of seraphim where bosses remove the ability to use ultimates, really only gamigin and marbas (assuming you have a bunch of other characters equip marker so that he can use his ultimate immediately) can provide some sort of healing since healing is embedded in passives or a one-time ultimate usage.
given the length of this post you can probably see why i put all of this in a spreadsheet rather than in a post LOL. all screenshots i’ve shown are in the spreadsheet as well, so if you wanna see the behind the scenes calculations, additional notes, builds, team comps, etc, it’s all there.
in comparison, a tank’s (with marbas’ sig) healing output is based off of a character’s hp in a 3x3 area. it’s basically the same healing output as lucifer’s sig but with a more forgiving requirement (i.e. if the wearer gets hit, everyone around them including the wearer gets some sort of heals). as shown earlier, mammon has insanely high hp, and because of that he in-turn will also have a high healing output, making his survivability on-field significantly longer than other classes. this also applies to bimet, valefor, and eligos, i’m just using mammon as an example. assuming he’s in the frontlines the whole time, mammon would heal 6% of a character’s hp every second (or even less than a second if he encounters ranged enemies with fast attacking patterns), making him serve as both a tank and a healer.
if we were to make a healer equip themselves with marbas' sig, let's use lucifer as an example, his survivability wouldn't be nearly as high as mammon's considering a lvl70 lucifer (selfie) only has a bit over 20k hp while mammon (selfie) (mind you, is one of the earliest cards this game offered) has a bit over 50k hp. as a small side note, lucifer's hp is lower than a marksman's, whose average hp ranges at around or a bit over 25k.
the point is that equipping marbas' sig on anyone that isn't a tank isn't going to have the same outcome, as tanks have over 2x the amount of hp as any other class offered.
tl;dr healers should have higher hp scaling (probably as close to a tank's) and have their healing revolve around that rather than the hp of whoever they're healing.
you can probably also notice that the ones placed in sp are ones that aren’t heavily dependent on their sig. aside from a character’s kit, we also like to consider how much investment needs to be put in for a character to be at their best. not everyone as the ability to get an L-rank character and their respective sig, so being able to perform well without it plays a big factor in our rankings.
anyways if you made it this far, hope it was an interesting read, have a cookie 🫴🍪
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hazelcephalopod · 1 year
The Great Hunt Ch 31: On the Scent
Cairhien Sun symbol.
Reunions are had and plans are lay what new adventures await our poor little guys and very cool autistic granny?
disclaimer: there will be spoilers, I will tag them but this is a book from 30 years ago that I am desperately trying to finish. I am very ADHD and this helps me do that. Also, it’s my first read thru but I am somewhat familiar with the story and what is going to happen, probably not enough to not be surprised tho. Happy reading! 
All WOT spoilers. 
Rand POV
OH! Verin is the Reader. Well that’s not a Wisdom, but an Aes Sedai kinda is! (Sp: this is wrong)
“Lord Rand of House al’Thor.” Tragic main character disease and a nice coat continues to plague this poor Shepard. 
Oh no he thinks he’s done. Oh you poor sweet dipshit
Love how they do behave like a DnD party but we get the narration that no, NPCs are listening and reacting to this very suspicious and concerning conversations happening in the middle of the street. 
Mat: (summarizes the last few weeks for him)… & where the hell have you been? Rand: Perrins a what?!
Ah. Nvm Verin and the Reader are in fact separate people. Still Verin is here!
Inn found: The Great Tree. Innkeeper: Mistress Tiedra. 
Hurin didn’t smell any Trollocs and tbh I’m not sure there ever were any. Sry Rwnd my guy, I still support most of your wrongs. 
… I don’t think Rand is doing well. Like, this is a lot of suspicion. Which is somewhat reasonable but… idk. This is all a lot for anyone and uh, he’s more than anyone regrettably for him
Warm baths are nice tho aren’t they! 
“…he chose the black coat, to suit his mood…”
Fucking “Selene”… this poor guy (just in general not just her, but also her). 
I almost envy Rand. Got mail? Just burn all of it. No mail. Nor responsibilities. Nor choices to make. Just burn it! It’s flammable! 
“Mat was juggling three boiled eggs and trying to appear nonchalant.” A) how? He’s juggling!; b) who is he trying to nonchalantly impress here exactly? 
Really enjoy Loial having pockets large enough for presumably sizable books. 
Switch POV: Perrin. 
Really appreciate leaning into “who knows what and how do they view those things?” Here. 
I am astounded still that it is book 2(!) and magic portals and different worlds have just been dropped like “yup there’s countless other worlds sorta like ours. And teleportation. Anywayyyy….!”
Verin hearing about “Selene” and the portal stones and shit thinking: this is weird and fucking suspicious. “Hey—”
Mmm delicious meal. Oh and we are back to remembering Mat is dying and other sadness? 
Hey! It’s “The Travels of Jain Farstrider”!
Lord Barthanes… hmm. Familiar…
“There are Darkfriends among the high as well as the low.” -Verin. What an interesting thing to say my beloved autistic granny.  
Barthanes Damodred?! Well of course the rumor would be enough. Tbh if the king was smart he’d have the rumor started for the express purpose of destroying Barthanes. You’d think it would make the king suspicious but I’m not so sure anymore that anyone would care or notice. 
“The more he found out about kings, the less he liked them.” -Perrins thoughts. Yup, a shit for sure. 
Rand like: dammit Hurin how will I burn those letters now! 
It’s like a heist thing! Gotta get in and do the things to the rich guy/s! 
That’s not dignity Perrin it’s fear and discomfort. With a good dash of “I hate this” but because of the former. 
Amazing! Verin: looks at the kings letter “well this is trash” burns it. I love her. 
“People see what they expect to see.” -Verin. Truer words madam. 
5!? These fuckers are obsessed with Rand! Rand! (I mean I think he’s adorable but really?)
Oh oh right. So, uh Barthanes has the horn. That’s what the heist is for. It is a literal heist. I mean, this book has almost everything. We got to a heist, we started with an adventure novel, survival, several other things, and now also a heist. I probably should have mentioned -or tbh realized- this earlier. 
Oh right the giant ass buried statues. Which are apparently the largest of the sa’angreal which can be used by channelers and seem very powerful. The one we’ve seen can only be used by men. There’s two in total. Hmm… I’m sure they couldn’t be important at all. The womens one is on Tremalking. Wherever that is. Apparently they were created as weapons which were never used. So. Probably not important at all. /s
I am sure rn Rand is terrified but this is overpowered by him suspecting the ancient statutes are (somehow) part of the plot to control him and still trying to convince himself he is not the Dragon. Mmm mmm nope. This is all part of the plot to frame him as a false dragon. Nothing else. 
Well what a relief they must be used in tandem to Break the World but one wonders how much damage they could do alone?! /s (the big ass sa’angreal)
… you need to be very powerful to use them. Whose that powerful? No *widely* known man, and several women including Moiriane. No worries until the Dragon proclaims himself. *stares off into the distance suspiciously close to Rand* surely no Aes Sedai would help with that tho right? (Yes sure Verin. Wait did she lie…? No… no I think not)
Perrin, Rand knows less than you think you do. By far. And you admit to not knowing much. I mean technically Rand knows a lot, but tbh I feel like he’s too in denial to actually use that information. 
Another great chapter. Bands back together. Verin is here. They are going to do a heist in a nobles house for the Horn which rests on Rand’s shoulders, and his impeccable half-hated new wardrobe of three very nice coats. More letters were burned. Everyone is loosing it a little bit imo. Absolute a+’s all around. 
0 notes
funkymbtifiction · 2 years
ENTP 3w2 sp/so with ESTP 3w2 sp/so friend and our stories
(Please view this after the hiatus, I just wanna share it while it’s fresh)
I just discovered that my coworker/friend is ESTP 3w2 sp/so, essentially mirroring my type except Se-Ne dom divide and our tritype (397 and 369). But we are REALLY different. It’s fascinating how people with almost identical types can be so different we can barely see resemblance.
A bit o’ background, we work in the same production house, he’s one year younger than me (21) but he’s been here for 2-3 years now while I’m here just 1 month. We are on the same shoot rn but he’s more like a unit manager while I’m a production assistant (i.e: do-whatever-I-ask-you-to-do guy). He (and the producer, a very lovely ESFJ 6w7 producer) is training me right now. I stayed the night at his place last night and we had a brief conversation and it revealed a lot about him.
First, we are both 3w2 sp/so but he’s VERY concern about his appearance. He polishes his appearance so well it’s scary. He’s a guy who would apply sunscreen before going on set, using treatments and creams after bath and go to gym near daily. He is a LOT more polished than I am and he’s also more grounded. Basically he looks a lot more mature than I am. We stand together, and he looks like 26-28 y/o guy while I’m like a 22-ish (although he’s like 185-cm buffed guy with good look and me being like 165-ish with average look). He’s always so concerned about his appearance and always maintain professional, “cool” look to the clients. It’s scary how well he can exert control over his image.
Me, appearance goes to shit. If you remember Hypatia, I can totally understand her. I don’t care much about appearances and I couldn’t care less if I’m being goofy. But my mind has to remain sharp as knife and I must get the job done as well as pushing my ideas into fruition. I can totally wear rags so long as my mind and words are sharp enough that I can get (lots of) people on board with my visions. I don’t care about being cool or professional toward our clients. If anything I’m totally fine with being friendly and goofy around them to make them feel at ease. Including joking and teasing. I don’t feel the need to be seen as professional so much as being actually skilled at what I do and be helpful to everyone (also that I can use it to bring about changes).
How we maintain and use image are so different that on the outside no one could ever guess us sharing ExTP 3w2 sp/so type. I think it’s fascinating.
This might just be a plain old Se-dom and Ne-dom thing, one is about taking direct action and another is about seeing things differently. We were both not very rich with not-so-cool family (his family is poorer, far as I know). But he chose to work since he was like 14 while I chose to take advantage of my family and profit out of my them. I value my future too much to risk it all by leaving my money bag. He is too in the moment to consider value of far reaching consequences. Both of us were miserable and we met many hardships. But in the end we still both end up in the same place and will walk in the same lane. Also, he is very physically skilled and I’m absolutely an idiot when it comes to doing things. Which means I have to push myself a lot to keep up with him.
I was off the point. Anyways, I mean. He cares a lot about hands-on experienced while I care more about mind and knowledge. He called me bookworm once (as in being knowledgeable). Because I have like a LOT of knowledge under my belt and I called him jockstrap because he’s being really physically skilled the way I can hardly keep up. Even with all those differences, we are still very similar in some part. Especially the “helpful” stance.  We can be absolute asshole when we try to help people. We unintentionally made people feel like idiots many times. We can be very intruding but we also reaching out to people and console them when they are upset. We are both ‘mother hens’ of our team. And we are both ambitious as hell, it’s just how we interpret that is totally different.
That’s it from my part. If you wanna add anything, please do!
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hikarimiyanaga · 3 years
I'll Always Be Yours (Part 4)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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Fourth Song : Kung ‘Di Rin Lang Ikaw (If it’s not you)
You finally try to move on… but you’ve always had a stubborn heart.
A/N : Had to get help because google translate is making my brain hurt.
Warning : Angst Still
That doesn't get removed until the last three songs. So enjoy.
Dialogues that are in parenthesis are spoken in Japanese in this.
If you were not the reason
Will it force my heart not to be hurt?
If it’s not you then it won’t matter
I will be forced to hope for the two of us
It wasn’t as if you didn’t try to love other girls before… just. When you had the best, others can’t really compare. Even if you have touched others, you still remember her the most. Even if others have kissed you, it was still her lips that you crave the most. Even if others flirt with you, it was still her laughter that you want.
Loving has never been easy for you… Not when someone has stolen your heart and has never given it back.
“Y/N?” Silvia calls out and you hum. The woman besides you stir and you quickly wear your clothes. You sigh and open your hotel room door.
“Had a late night snack?” You groan as you glare at her.
“Where’s Miyuki?” “Right here!” Miyuki greets and she waves a box of donuts at your face. You quickly snatches it and takes one for yourself. You let them inside as the woman from the night before opens the bedroom door.
“Oh. You have visitors.”
“Yeah.” The woman, still naked, goes to you and gets a donut without a care. She goes back inside your bedroom and presumably dresses herself.
“Jesus. What the fuck?” You see Silvia has turned around while Miyuki just gets a donut from the box.
“Seriously? Are you a virgin?”
“Still! GOD!”
“She’s a gentlewoman.” Miyuki answers and you nod.
“Yeah. I got that… have you done it?”
“DAMN IT! Don’t answer, Miyuki! I swear!”
“Oh! Sp-“ Silvia screeches and you laugh at her.
You were listening to music as Silvia and Miyuki flirt in the other room inside the Ryokan that you were in. You decided to travel around Japan while… trying to get over Natasha. Your phone pings. Another video of her. You decide to ignore it this time and look out of the window. You hum along with the music.
“Hey, boss?” After what seemed like hours, Silvia finally checks in on you.
“You okay?”
“You going to go in the baths, boss?” Miyuki asks and you shake your head.
“Maybe tomorrow.”
“Okay. Call us if you need us.” You nod and they close the door to your room.
You’ve been in Japan for a week now. And was it breathtaking. You wonder why your mother never brought you here before… oh.
Natalia hums as you kiss the top of her head.
“What’s that?” You ask as you sit besides her.
“Yeah. It’ where my next target is.”
“Oh. Damn.” Natalia hums and she snuggles into you more. “I wanna go there with you.”
“For real?” You hum.
“Yeah. I want to travel the world with you. No mission, no target. Just us.”
“Is that a promise?” You smirk and nod.
“Of course, for our forever.”
You run a hand through your hair and sigh… that’s why.
“She’s in Japan right now.” Natasha and Clint groans at that.
“Damn it.”
“Oh. Her paintings look beautiful.” Natasha’s ears perk up at that.
“Yeah. Look. The highest price ever of one of her paintings is 10 million dollars… she donates most of them to charities.”
“Oh. Wow.” Natasha smiles at your paintings and her heart stops at a particular portrait… it was her.
“Nat.” Clint calls out and Natasha looks at him. “You’re crying.” Natasha quickly wipes her tears away as Tony zooms on the portrait.
“Is this you?”
“Do you know her?”
“Interesting… I’ll have to go to one of her exhibitions then.”
It's cold and I can't move
My difficult heart wants is all you
You were at a club with Silvia and Miyuki, and the two were clearly grinding to each other. You were cold already but didn’t want to ruin their fun so you stayed despite your freezing ass.
(“Hi?”) A woman asks as she sits besides you.
(“Oh. Hello.”) You reply in Japanese which made her smirk.
(“So you know Japanese. I thought you were a foreigner.”)
(“I am. I just love languages… and learned some of them.”)
“Baby, shouldn’t you be resting when you’re with me?” Natalia bites her finger and hums. “Nat. Come on.”
“But I need to learn this!” She huffs as she plops onto you. You grunt as she settles on your lap.
“Don’t worry.” You pick up the book and smile at her. “I’ll help you.”
You learned together with her.
(“Oh. So you’re smart too.”)
(“You could say that.”) You take a sip of your drink and you check the woman out. She was gorgeous and sexy… but somehow you’re mind can only think of Nat tonight. (“And my friends are so drunk.”) You stand and pay your tab. (“Maybe I’ll see you around, gorgeous.”) She giggles and nods at you. You go to Silvia and Miyuki who are just straight making out in the dancefloor. You break their kiss and drag them to the Ryokan you were staying in.
If it’s not us at the end
Restrain myself not to fall in love again
If it’s not us at the end
Will I stop my heart to love you?
You hum as Silvia and Miyuki groan. The three of you are eating breakfast at the Ryokan. And while you were calmly eating yours, they were both in pain.
“This is what happens, when you two are jealous and are drinking.”
“Silvia is jealous of that man that you called your best friend.”
“Oh. Shinichiro?”
“So many syllables.” You mumble as you drink down your green tea. Miyuki is teasing Silvia when you leave them. Your phone pings and it was an e-mail this time… from Stark Industries? No… from Tony Stark himself.
Jesus. A promise of at least a million if you reserve a spot for your next exhibition. You replied.
“I’m in.” Tony smirks at Natasha and tosses his phone to the table.
“Your girlfriend? The Painter? I got her to reserve me a spot for her next art exhibition.” Natasha smiles and hugs Tony.
“Thanks, Tony.” He nods at her and gets his breakfast.
“Hey, boss?” You hum and look at Silvia. “A woman is trying to get past Miyuki and insists that you know her.” You turn and see the gorgeous woman from the bar.
“I know her. Let her through your girlfriend.”
“You sure?” You nod in confirmation and Silvia leaves to let Miyuki let the woman go through.
(“Your bodyguards are overprotective of you.”) You smirk.
(“That’s what I pay them for.”) She laughs then sits beside you.
(“I haven’t introduced myself yet.”) You hum and look at her. (“The name’s Yukino, I’m a curator.”) You raise your eyebrows at her. (��And you’re master Y/N Y/LN.”) You chuckle.
(“So you have any motives in talking with me?”)
(“Yes?”) You hum. (“A date, if I can.”) You laugh and agree.
It’s been a week since you’ve been casually seeing Yukino. She wasn’t just gorgeous and sexy. She was also kind, smart and a bad-ass… she kinda remind-
You take a sharp breath to stop your mind from going back to her… but you can’t help it. Specially when you think of how Yukino laughs. It sounds so good but. You run a hand through your hair.
“GODDAMN IT!” You shout in frustration and you rip away the sketch that has her face on it. You cry and break down. You have to break up with Yukino. She was amazing… which is why you can’t promise her a relationship. Not when Natasha clearly still has your heart.
You were eating ice cream while binge watching true crime documentaries… they were morbid for other people but you always loved them. Specially when you watched them with her. You had to see a teary-eyed Yukino while you told her that someone else still had your heart. Your stubborn heart would have loved her. If only you had it then you would’ve fall for her.
“Fuck you, Nat.” You mumble, bitter on missing out on a relationship that would’ve been amazing.
If you were not the reason
Will you choose to avoid to not get hurt?
If not you then who else?
The tears in the morning for the two of us
Releasing because I’m unable to move
Do you stop your heart that is shouting another?
You’ve gathered all of your sketchpads that was full of her drawings… and damn was it a lot.
“Damn, boss.” Silvia whistles when the two steps into your room.
“What are you planning to do with all of them?”
“I don’t know either.” You groan and lay on the floor.
“Want us to burn them?” Miyuki punches Silvia’s shoulder who winces.
“No.” You sigh as you sit up. “Just. I need time to myself.” They nod and leave you alone. You cry as you mourn your heart. The what-ifs. Every relationship that could’ve been happy. And you mourn your future. Because you know… you could never truly get over her.
You release all of them as you think about how easy it was for her to kiss Steve. How good they looked together. How being heroes together must’ve cemented their relationship.
You break down as you sob your heart out.
I’m lost and the view is distant
Preventing my heart that is forcing you
You stare out at the view… it was beautiful but you somehow can’t appreciate it enough to draw it.
“Boss, lunch.”
“Wha- Oh.” You get the food and thank Miyuki. They were both worried for you. You’ve been staring but were not moving your pencil.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” You sigh and shake your head at her. “Do you still blame yourself for Yukino?” You chuckle.
“No. I don’t blame me.” You smile weakly at her. “I blame Natasha.”
“Yeah. Romanoff.”
“The Black Widow?” You nod in confirmation and Miyuki tilts her head at you. You smile.
“She used to be mine.”
“Can’t get over her?”
“I don’t think I ever will.” You eat your lunch.
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jay-and-dean · 4 years
Same 1/4  Same eyes
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By Roonyxx and Jay-and-dean
Pairings : AU Dean x reader, Dean x reader
Summary : Two Deans… What could go wrong ?
Warnings : Smut, Angst, hurt (and jealous) Dean, hurt AU Dean, hurt reader… hurt everyone. Swearing, Alcohol.
Wordcount : 6k
Note : This is a collaboration beetween both of us. We can’t both edit the same post, so we decided we would post 1 chapter/2 each. So if you want to read chapter 2, it will be edited on @roonyxx​ ‘s blog… TOMORROW.
We both worked as much on this story and it’s the result of both our brains but also both our hearts.
Please, if you want to show love for this story, don’t forget we were together in this.
Roonyxx Masterlist
Jay’s Masterlist
Same eyes
The bunker was mostly silent apart from Dean’s occasional sighs and Y/n’s strongly beating heart, but only she could hear that… 
While the brothers had their noses buried in the old dusty books, she looked up to him, not realizing she was staring again. She couldn’t see the green of his eyes from here, this green she always got lost into, this green that had the power to light up the darkest days…
Dean didn’t notice she was studying his face again, he never really did. And, when he finally caught her doing it from time to time, he always failed to recognize the expression in her eyes. He just smiled, loving her kindness bathing him.
This time, she was going to allow herself to catch his attention, like she dared to do sometimes, just saying something nice to see him smile… It was a move she saved for the moment she just needed him to look back, like right now. 
But she didn’t had the chance to talk, as the entire bunker started to shake. 
“What the… Dean ? You feel that ?” she said, when the two hunters frowned and looked around.  
A bright light made them avert their eyes, books started falling from the cupboard and the lights started flickering. As soon as the disruption started, it ended. 
The room was empty before, apart from the three hunters, but now two more persons occupied the place. Two more Winchesters to be precise. 
“We did it.”
“Okay what the fuck?” Y/n piped up. Her eyes couldn’t decide where to look first. 
“Who are you? I mean… obvious but from where are you?” 
“They must be from another world, now that God is tearing them down one by one.” Sam moved closer to his doppelganger.
“Our world exploded, we just made it out in time.” Other Dean said.
Y/n was looking at Sam, well not the Sam she knew. This one was more sophisticated, had a completely different style, from his man bun tied on the back of his head to his bare ankles which made her nose scrunch in discomfort. 
She didn’t notice the pair of green eyes on her while she was judging Sam’s silk scarf. When she turned to look at the other well dressed Winchester her eyes crossed the familiar green she loved so much, but these were different. They seemed lighter, they didn’t carry so much remorse and pain in them. But the way he was looking at her, it made her look down at her shirt self consciously. 
“What are you looking at fancy boy ?” she grunted.
He seemed to snap out of it and came closer, grasping her hand in his, bringing it too his face to sweetly kiss her knuckles, “And you are ?” 
She frowned slightly at the gesture.
 “Uhm I’m Y/n” she answered. 
His voice, it wasn’t like the familiar deep rumble she loved so much, it was higher, he sounded somehow more excited and curious. 
Dean stepped between them, looking at this other version of him, he huffed, “Okay, I need a drink, who else ?”
They all moved to take a place at the wooden library table, the two sets of Winchesters sitting opposite of each other while Y/n sat at the head of the table, her head moving between her Dean and the other Dean. 
“This is crazy…”  
Man bun Sam looked at his regular version, “So this is where you live ?”
Sam nodded his head, “Uhm yeah.”
“So this is where your hunting operation is based ?” 
“Well I mean it’s not much of an operation” Sam scoffed.
Dean chuckled at his brother, “We do just fine, we hunt monsters all over the country.” He looked proud at his mirror self.
“And you ? You work with them ?” The light rumble asked her, ignoring Dean’s bragging for a second, focusing on her, like she was actually the only person in the room. 
“Uhm well I wouldn’t say work, we don’t get paid or anything but yeah, I’m part of the team.” She chuckled at the thought of getting paid for hunting.
“Wait, you don’t get paid ?” Other Sam held the beer in his hand with his pinky outstretched, looking at the three of them.
“You d-do ?” Dean questioned. 
The alternate universe men both nodded their heads.
“Wow that’s just…” Dean scoffed and shook his head.
Y/n noticed in the corner of her eye that the new Sam and Dean kept looking at her like she has something between her teeth. 
“What ? Do I have something on my face or something ?” she asked, now slightly annoyed.
“No ! Uhm no, we were wondering, are you family ?” Other universe Dean questioned.
“No, I’m just a friend.” Although she would gladly take on Winchester as her last name, she knew it was highly unlikely to happen. 
“And you live here too?” said that weird version of the man she loved, bending a little more on the table to dive his piercing eyes deeper in hers, his bracelet hitting it on a delicate tinkle.
 “I do” she nodded her head.
“And those two ? They don’t bother you too much?” His plump lips curled up into a smirk.
“They can be a pain in the ass but it’s manageable” she said jokingly. 
“I bet you can handle them just fine.” His smile was like it was just for her. She thrived in his attention, putting her hand on his arm. 
“Oh my you have no idea.” 
She was intently looking at his face, counting his freckles, would they connect in the same way as Dean’s ?… She suddenly realized his eyes were looking at her lips intensely. It made her blush as she looked down at the table, confused.
Dean was looking at Y/n and other Dean. If he keeps staring at her like that I will punch him. Why is she blushing like that? He sipped from his beer as he kept an eye on the two of them.
He cleared his throat breaking their little moment, “So… Dean, no wife or girl or anything back in your world ?”
Other world Dean’s eyes switched to Y/n briefly 
“Uhm no, I mean we have dad, but we got seperated in the rift, so…” the stranger said.
Normal Sam’s head snapped towards the fancy version of his brother.
“Your dad is still around?”
“Yeah he pretty much build up an entire empire  from scratch” white shirt and piercing glares Dean stated. 
“He likes to spoil us, always having his private label scotch at hand.” Man bun Sam said with a gentle smile.
“Sp-spoil you ?” Dean was baffled. Dean was more hoping to hear about a girlfriend or something so this other version of him would back off from Y/n.
Real Sam and Dean looked questioning at each other. But let the matter go, for now.
“What are we going to do with them ? Can we keep them ?” Y/n said jokingly to her boys.
“I would be glad to stay with you, Love.” The white of his shirt matched his teeth when he gave her a dazzling smile.
He was looking at her like her Dean never did, like he probably never will… And, if, at first, that made her slightly uncomfortable, she decided maybe she deserved to enjoy the attention just a little for now, and a radiant smile appeared on her lips.
“Oh would you, now ?” Y/n played along with this gentleman Dean’s game. 
He nodded his head as he licked his lips, pupils dilating a little. 
Dean stood up from the table, a scowl on his face. Seeing himself at the table was enough, but seeing himself flirt with Y/n was making him nauseous. Was she really going to fall in the trap of those stupid smiles and this immaculate shirt ? He needed to get out of here, to think, to breathe, and to rest his tired eyes… 
“They can stay for now, but now way they are gonna live with us.” He grunted. “I’m gonna start make dinner for us all.”
Y/n frowned at her Dean’s behavior. “D. ? You okay ?” 
He gave her a sarcastic smile, not realizing how aggressive it can look for her. 
“Peachy Sweetheart” with that, he left the war room.
Sam rose up from his chair too. 
“Uhm Y/n, I’m gonna get Sam here settled in a room, will you show this Dean his ?”
“I will Sammy.” She gave him a kind smile despite the thorn in her heart, as the set of Sams left.
“So you will give me a room ?” Other Dean smiled at her, his warm grin failing to erase the frown on her face this time.
“Yes, but we can finish our beers first” she mumbled.
“Can I ask a question?” New Dean asked.
“Uhm yes ?”
“Dean is he always so… grumpy ?”
She started to pull at the label of her beer. It wasn’t the first word that came in her mind when she thought of him. Dean was many things, many incredible things. But yes, he could be. Mostly when he was hurt, confused, tired ; and she often understood easily what shadow was darkening his soul… But not always. And when she didn’t, just like now, it made her feel so far away from him. And the snug friendship she lived in suddenly felt unfounded. 
“Not always he is just… he has a lot on his mind and went through a lot of things.” She looked up at him and wondered… “Did you go to Hell ?”
 “Hell ? No.”His eyes widened.
“Purgatory ?”
He shook his head once again. 
“You mean he… he did ?” he asked with a concerned frown.
She looked behind her to the kitchen, like she could see through the walls.
“Forget it.” 
“Wow he must have one tough soul” he scoffed. 
A small smile formed on her lips, thinking of how brave and strong her Dean was, how special. 
“Yeah… the strongest, like diamond” she stated a little dreamingly.
“You care a lot for him, huh ?”
She downed the last bit of her beer, nodding at his assumption.
“I do, he is my best friend. He’s like… family.”
“Yeah, those kind of people are important in this life…” He said as he finished his beer too.
“I…  I’m just going to check on him before I show you your room, okay ?” Y/n asked as she stood up from the table. 
He gave her another charming smile as he nodded politely, but she was already heading to the kitchen, absorbed by her worry.
“Of course, Love, I’ll wait here…”
Y/n entered the kitchen putting her empty beer bottle away. Dean was stirring in a pot on the stove, his back on her.
“D. ? You okay ?”
He didn’t look up from his pot as he answered her.
She hated that word, because Dean only used it in an ironic way. She moved closer, touching his arm so he would look at her.
“What’s wrong ?” she insisted.
“I just don’t trust them.” Dean let out in a big breath. 
 “But they are literally you and Sam ?” Y/n frowned.
He dropped the wooden spoon and turned to her, his back straightening. 
“No they are not ! With their fancy clothes and planes and good manners. We are not the same and you know it !” 
Y/n stepped back a little at his outburst, he was always so defensive. She looked up to search his green eyes but found only black there. She took a step back and her hand away from his arm, he didn’t wanted her there, so she would give him space. 
She couldn’t know space from her was the last thing he needed, after all… 
“Okay, I’m sorry…” she stated. “Do you need some help with the cooking?”
“No I’ve got it” he said, turning back to his pot. “I think I can handle some mac and cheese. Don’t you need to show Romeo out there to his room ? Dinner will be ready in an hour.”
Y/n huffed, he would never let her in…
Leaving the kitchen, she took a deep breath, she needed to stop being that affected by Dean’s words, his silences, everything. She walked shaking her head, she would deal with the heartbreak later.
When she entered the library, a radiant grin welcomed her, Dean’s grin… almost. He had taken off his beige jacket and was moving his spotless white sleeves up, patiently waiting for her. 
 “So, a room ?” she forced a kind smile but after a second, nothing was forced about it anymore.
His face was so genuinely warm that she just forgot her urge to cry.
She guided him toward the room she had chosen for him : not too close to the the brothers rooms, solicitous about their comfort. 
This room looked a lot like Dean’s one, with no red bricks like in Sam’s and her room. She opened the door for him, and tuned on the light.
“There’s no fancy things” she stated, aware that a man that owned planes must find this room a little uncouth.
But, as he looked around, not a hint of disdain appeared on his face. He just bended a little to touch the bed, like her Dean would have done.
“The mattress is really comfy” she said, her eyes studying his back and the way his muscles stretched underneath his crisp white shirt.  
He looked so much like the man she loved, only… 
“Well definitely not as… spacious as my old room but, knowing you’re here, somewhere in this maze, makes it a warmer place. If you need anything, or company, it would be a pleasure, Y/n”
…Only this man actually made her feel special, and… wanted ?
Something dragged her to him, strongly ; and he made her feel confident enough to dare things that took a long time with her best friend. So she got a little closer, searching his face without even hiding it, and, shyly, touched his hair from the tip of her fingers. 
His dimples appeared and the deep green of his eyes made her drown for a second. He let her touch him, easily. Her Dean did too, it was not like she couldn’t get close to him… But not like that. Her tender gestures were always hidden behind friendly moves, or fake indifferences. 
Now she was standing straight in front of that version of the man she loved, silent, lost in the depth of his glare, her hand reaching for his head.
“Is your mattress as comfy as this one ?” he asked softly. 
“It is…” she whispered, not used to react to advances.
“Good” he smiled again. “If it wasn’t, I would have shared mine with pleasure. In fact, I know for a fact that I wouldn’t mind sharing it every night.”
She took her hand away, hearing him mutter a polite apology. What was she doing ? What did she want ? 
“Dean…” she murmured, a little disturbed at the use of this name she cherished. 
She had to say something. Her gestures, her insistent glares, she could have given him ideas, it wasn’t right.
“Yes” he smiled again, getting a little closer. 
“I… My heart belongs to someone. I don’t want you to imagine…” she shrugged shyly, looking down.
But his hand brushed against her chin to make her look up. 
“It’s okay” he stated sincerely with a reassuring nod, but his hand stayed on her face, cupping it almost lovingly.
“You don’t even know me” her murmur died in her throat.
“I know you’re beautiful” he said a little lower, closer to her Dean’s voice. 
Her heart missed a beat at hearing this voice say that, this hand touching her face, this face so close to hers…
“You remind me of someone I knew” he admitted. 
“It’s so weird…” she gently shook her head, closing her eyes for a second. 
“This is weird for me too” he nodded, letting go of her face, to put his hand in the pocket of his fancy pants. 
She looked at his wrist, at the bracelet around it, and her eyes lingered on the dazzling white shirt he was wearing. By the time her glare found his face again, she had lost every coherent thought.
She blushed at what she was about to say. The room suddenly really hotter than she remembered, and the lights softer…
“Can you…” she cleared her throat but his face encouraged her. “Kiss me ?”
A large grin appeared on his face.
“I can do that” he stated, already bending a little. 
Her breath got stuck in her lungs when his plumb lips crushed on hers. She had spent her days and nights dreaming about that for so long. Still, this wasn’t the man she loved…
She forgot that for a second when his pillow lips captured hers ; and, when the tip of his tongue gently caressed her lower lip, she forgot everything.
His strong hand grabbed her neck to keep her close, fingers tangling in the little free strands of her hair, as she opened her mouth.
He didn’t hesitate for a split second, he didn’t tremble. He kissed her like he had spend his life kissing her lips, like she had been made for him to kiss her.
She let out a discreet moan as her hands allowed themselves to wrap around him, enjoying every delicate move of his lips, every caress of his tongue. Finally tasting him, finally feeling this love she craved…
“DINER !” Dean’s powerful voice woke her from her dream, her Dean’s voice.  
She gasped a little, realizing what she was doing, and the other universe Dean broke the kiss, licking his lips.
“Well…” he said softly. “I hope you’re hungry, Love.”
Y/n’s heart started beating again, and the nickname made her frown. All she could do was smile in gratitude, silently begging him to keep what happened for himself. 
The table was set in the library. Five plates on the wooden table, last time it happened was when John and Mary were reunited here. The Winchesters together… and her, as usual. 
The fancy version Sam was already sitting, looking at the big saucepan with a slightly disgusted look. As Y/n walked to her usual place, next to her Dean’s, she felt a hand on her back, the hand of that stranger she just kissed, and a shiver ran down her spine.
Dean didn’t miss that gesture when he entered the room with fresh beers. Just like he didn’t miss the look on her face. Something was on her mind, she was a little flushed, like when he complimented her. Maybe that annoyingly rich version of him complimented her on something, his stupid smile catching her eyes. Dean hated it of course. She was his best friend, his Y/n… right ?
The dinner seemed too long to everyone. 
To Sam, because watching this fancy version of him was making him uncomfortable. It wasn’t enough that the man took off his “pure silk” scarf to eat, but on top of that, he was clearly eating mac and cheese for the first time in his life, thanking Dean for cooking, a disgusted pout poorly hidden on his face.
To Dean, because he was torturing himself, like Dean Winchester always did, with the idea that he could have done better, been better… Made money ? Saved more people… Be nicer to Y/n, too. He spent the dinner watching her avoid to look at him, while she was smiling back to the other him.
To Y/n, of course. She wasn’t hungry anyway, she never was when she was upset. She knew that her best friends knew that and would notice, so she forced herself to eat a little, asking herself how she could be so reckless to ask the man that only got there a few hours a go to kiss her… It wasn’t really a habit of her. 
But he made her reckless, and heedless and, somehow… selfish. 
Why should she care about what other people thought ? Life had finally given her a band-aid for her broken heart.  
Her eyes drifted on the man she loved. He was frowning, his face totally closed, eating in silence with an annoyed expression she knew all too well. Then, feeling a brush on her hand, she turned her head to the same face, smiling kindly at her, showing those wrinkles around light and attentive eyes.
She couldn’t know that it was precisely the tender gesture that caused the frown, and the warm smile that annoyed Dean. 
So she just wrapped her broken heart in that version of Dean’s attention, and the second she decided to indulge in the new Dean’s somehow loving eyes, she stopped suffering. 
She wanted to kiss him again, she needed it, so she will do. Easy as that…
When she got up to clean, Dean didn’t let her, as usual, taking her plate from her hands to wash it himself. She rarely had time to wash anything other than her own clothes or room. The brothers were so used to manage everything that they never let her take care of anything.
But when Dean took her plate from her hands, it was always with a little smile, a kind word. Not this time.
“Let me” he just stated without even looking at her. 
She looked at him while he walked to the kitchen, hearing in the back the slightly snober version of Sam ask his double self about the bunker books and artifacts, offering to share their knowledge. 
“I need a drink” her Dean grunted, coming back in the room.
Of course he did. Dean closing up meant Dean taking a glass of whiskey and stare at the bottom of it, like it was a better friend than her. 
“I’m going to bed” she stated without another word. 
“I think the whole universe trip tired me too” said the white shirt Dean, getting up.
Her heart raced in her chest at just the idea of his lips on hers again. He gave her a discreet knowing corner smile and she felt her hands becoming moist. 
As she always did, she walked to Sam first, kissing the top of his head gently, then to his brother. This was one of her favorite moment of the day because she could do that precise gesture : She walked to Dean, who was standing in the front of the little table on the corner of the room. She put her gentle hand on his shoulder and got to her tiptoes to put a kiss on his temple. 
“Goodnight guys” she said as usual, filling her lungs with Dean’s smell.
“Goodnight Sweetheart” Dean answered, holding back his usual wide smile. 
The second Y/n turned in the corridor, out of their sight, she stopped, her heart pounding in her head. Her ears on alert, she waited a few seconds, and, as she anticipated, Dean appeared behind her. 
Not her Dean, but this version of him she could have, this version she could bring to her by the collar of his white shirt and kiss… 
And so she did.
He gasped a little but his surprise didn’t last long, and before she can fully acknowledge the taste of beer on his lips, he pushed her against the wall. Invading her craving mouth with his hungry tongue right away.
Her hands flew to his neck, devouring every inch of his skin with her fingers, slipping them in his collar to feel the soft skin of the part of his back she could reach and his collarbones. The open buttons of his white shirt allowing her to push it open a little more. The muscles of his shoulders were moving deliciously and she held back a moan. His pillow lips were the most delicious thing she ever taste, light scruff scratching her chin.
He crushed his strong body on hers, from his thighs keeping her legs still on the grey tiles, to his chest, making her feel his crotch on her. 
“Oh f…” she breathed out in his mouth, the feeling of his growing erection against her sending electricity right between her legs.
His lips left her mouth for a moment, going down her neck, his breath burning her skin.
“Y/n” he murmured, and shivers hit every nerves of her body. 
She felt him grow harder against her, twitches after twitches, reacting to her touch like no men ever did ; and a new kind of dizziness hit her.
He looked like that man she craved, he smelled something like him too, even if details were different. Her love was making her drunk, but not enough to forget her Dean could actually walk here.
“Come here” she whispered, grabbing his wrist harshly. 
She pushed him in her room, closing the door cautiously behind her. Voices were screaming in her head. The voices of doubt and fear, and her own voice asking her what she was doing…
But Dean, this Dean, took two determined steps toward her, wrapping his strong arms around her to kiss her more, this time letting his throat grumble in a growl. 
“Y/n… Y/n…” he kept saying.
She was lost in the deepest dream, like the ones she had sometimes about Dean, except this one was real… 
He grabbed her waist, pressing her against him like the lack of friction could kill him and she thought about all this times he had done that with other girls… About all those time he had grown hard in the room next to hers while she cried… 
It is not this Dean… She tried to remember, but his teeth grazed a precise point at the base of her neck, a point she didn’t even know, that no man ever touched. It was clearly directly linked to her core so she let out a surprised moan. 
“Dean !” 
“Mh… Yes, that’s it, Love” he smiled in her neck, sucking more on that little erogenous part of her.
She started to pant, letting her head go back to give him an easier access to her.
“Your mouth…” she breathed out, melting in his strong arms.
“Yes ?” he almost chuckled, walking slowly to the bed, careful not make her fall, as she was so lost in his arms
“I love it.”
“I know” he murmured, tenderly claiming her mouth again.
She felt his perfectly manicured nails graze her back. His hands flattened between her shoulder blades, they felt even more giant here, like they could hold all of her. She couldn’t focus on anything : the kisses of his mouth, of his hands, the pleading of his manhood crushed against her. 
His hands went up, until she had to let go of his lips for a second to let him take off her shirt. 
“I love your body” he said even before his eyes went down on her, and grazed that bad scar on her side from her very first hunt with his thumb.
She shyly started undoing the buttons of his shirt. 
“I really love yours too” she admitted, the line between her Dean and this one becoming a little more blur as she pushed his bleach white shirt down his broad shoulders. 
She bent to kiss his chest, palms gently landing on his velvety soft muscular sides and a smooth slow moan passed her worshiping lips. 
When his hand lifted her chin, she lost herself in his eyes, and let him push her on the bed.
“Dean…” she whispered, chanting the name of the man she loved for years, tricking the man with her as much as her own heart.
“What do you want, Love ?” he smiled again, crawling over her, leaving a trail of hot kisses on her stomach. “Tell me.”
“J-just… take me” she moaned, eager, her hands going in his hair, messing with it a little.
As she was running her hand through the soft strands of his hair, she noticed the man between her hands now looked exactly like her Dean… 
“Yes…” he groaned, letting her change his look, like he didn’t even notice, to open her belt with one hand, landing on his other elbrow.
While he was slowly going down to take her pants off, she got lost in her thoughts, enjoying the light touches of the man above her. She often imagined sex with Dean, in the steamy warmth of the shower, passionate and quick, in the lonely comfort of her bed, slow and loving, sometimes during long rides, in the back of the Impala, hard and fast… 
But nothing really prepared her for the real thing.
And right now everything was overwhelming. His kisses on her lower stomach, his finger crooking in her pants and panties to take them down, the nibbling in her inner thighs…
“Dean…” she repeated, her heart begging without knowing for what.
The gentle bites in the inside of her spread thighs was making her crazy, panting and touching her own breasts. And she wondered how he could just be right with everyone of his moves.  
His burning mouth went a little higher, kissing the junction between leg and her core, and a gasp escaped her mouth, followed by a strangled moan when he kissed her folds.
She looked down, and seeing Dean between her legs made her suddenly a bit nervous, she squirmed, pushing him slightly. 
“ I need you up here” she whined.
And he obliged, crawling on her leaving a trail of open mouth kisses and little bites.
He sat up quickly, getting rid of his fancy pants and white underwear. This was Dean Winchester’s body, kneeling on the bed between her thighs. So when he was about to move down on her again, she sat up a little, putting a hand on his shoulder.
“Wait” she said, her eyes drawing a precise map of his body in her head. 
She will never see this again. Dean…
Her hand shyly traced his chest and stomach, going down to wrap around his shaft gently, the other leaning on his big thigh, memorising them, grazing her nails on it with the care of love.
“You’re so beautiful” she murmured shakily. 
“Mh…” he breathed out hoarsely, letting her enjoy him as much as she wanted, while his cock twitched a little in her hand. 
She moaned, licking her lips. She wanted to taste him, she wanted to make him come in her hand, with her mouth, slowly, and quick, in every ways possible. But, in the back of her head, the idea that this could be a dream, a sin… If she wanted that, it has to be now, it has to be once, and it had to be now. 
He bent to catch her lips before she could remember why this was a bad idea, and she let herself fall back on the mattress again. 
In the daze of desire and love, she somehow remembered she needed to protect herself. She didn’t know this Dean, his habits or anything, and there was no way she was doing this mistake.
“Condom…” she stated against his mouth.
“Where ?” he just said. 
She stretched her arm to point at her nightstand. Keeping some here wasn’t totally useless after all. He crawled on her to reach it, letting her enjoy the rolling muscles of his stomach and shoulders. 
She barely had time to register his move on himself, too engrossed by his beauty, by the shinning sweat in his neck, by his smell everywhere around.
“Y/n” he murmured, spreading her legs a little wider to take place between them.
Dean’s voice, Dean’s face and body… Y/n moaned a little louder.
“Love” he whispered in her ear when the tip of his cock pushed slowly inside her.
She bit his shoulder to avoid crying out. Dean was thick and strong… everywhere, and her body reacted way more intensely to him than to any one.
Nothing had ever felt like this.
A deep groan escaped his lips as he sank slowly but very deep between her throbbing walls, making her feel him inside every cell of her body.
“Fuck” she breathed out.
Y/n hadn’t had sex for a long time, the one night stand occasions being rare, and her love for Dean letting her mostly indifferent to other men… So she had to cling to his shoulders tight, hiding her face against his sweaty neck, to hold back the loud wails threatening to alert the whole bunker. 
“Are you alright, Love ?” he asked in a kiss.
He started thrusting steadily as soon as she nodded, not that fast but impossibly strong, his arms catching her shoulders from behind to prevent her to hit the headboard with each merciless strike of his hungry hips.
“F-fuck… Oh… Fuck” was all she could say now, her lungs crushed by his weight, his thrusts and the involuntary contractions of her body, struggling not to come just yet.
He was precise, expert somehow, and every time he hit perfectly right, she didn’t have to say anything, he dug his finger harder in her collarbones and hit again, and again.
Her brain went blank after a few more thrusts, everything went flying, every coherent thought, and every memory of this man not being the man she loved… She also forgot to stay silent as he groaned and gasped in her ear, begging her to come around him…
Dean put his empty glass in the sink, shaking his head. He knew her by heart, and there was no way she was already sleeping. 
He rubbed his face, he was already missing her, and the image of her getting on her tiptoes to kiss him goodnight made him smile.
He needed her for himself for a second, just a little moment hanging lazily in the night. So, as usual, he would just knock at her door, open it, find her reading some nerd book, she would push her round glasses up, smiling at him. And he would go to bed, his mind pacified by that cute smile she saved for him. 
He walked down the corridor, wondering if tonight she would invite him in a few seconds, to show him an hilarious meme on her phone, or to talk about her book…
“DEAN FUCK YES” she cried out, making him stop in his track a few feet from her door. 
At first, he didn’t realize. He couldn’t know this was the sound she made while her walls clenched around the other him, hard. He couldn’t guess so fast that she was convulsing under him, shaken by an orgasm so powerful, that her body was crushing him inside, milking him for all he had to give.
“Y/N” his own voice groaned loud.
And that precise moment, he knew. 
Dean Winchester’s heart was hit with the speed and violence of a bullet. Everything stopped for a second as the impact cut his breath. 
She had invited that other him in her bed, that man that was him without even being close to being him. She had taken her clothes and given her precious body to that stranger, all her secrets. She had let him sink inside her core, her legs spread for him, her mouth on his lips, breathing the air he breathed. She had let him mark her with his sweat and smell and cum.
Doing that, without even knowing it, she had loaded her gun, pointed slowly at his heart, and pulled the trigger.
And so Dean’s heart broke on that corridor, that invisible heartbreak blood spattered everywhere. He put a hand on his mortal wound, and he had to lean on the wall not to fall on his knees… 
Part 2 will be edited (tomorrow) in @roonyxx​‘s blog
Forever Tags : @parinarain @animegirlgeeky @mogaruke @masterof-agony @rainflowermoon @tftumblin @deans-baby-momma @roonyxx @thefaithfulwriter @vicariouslythruspn @emeow1496 @daryldixonandfrogs @holylulusworld  @cocklesbelli @sandlee44 @screenchingartisancashbailiff @donnaintx @hawaiianohana31 @akshi8278 @magssteenkamp @sister-winchesters99​ @neii3n​  @alanegaming​ @im-a-shrub​ @sadwaywardkid​ @hopelesslydevotedtoyou1912 @slyqueenj​ @i-love-superhero​ @waywardsisterandpie @sunsetsandbooks​ @fangirlxwritesx67​ @mrspeacem1nusone​ @stylesismyhubs​ @deanwanddamons​ @jawritter​ @peridottea91​ @chelsea072498 @chocolateheart​
Roonyxx will put her tags in the reblog
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kagszzy · 4 years
Help me choose the next smut!
Hey there guys, so here’s my list of WIP/Ideas, along with each works various kinks. Note that ideas are yet to be written, it’s mostly just the summary but I do know the overall direction they will go in. Reply with ‘Idea x’ or ‘WIP x’ to make things easier for me to look back on :)
1] Slut Betty needs more funds for a new camera so she have better quality camming, so she sets up a ‘fuck me marathon’ date with four of her most loyal fans. Identities do need to be protected though, so they all get code names and masks. FP-mr snake, Fred-mr dog, Tom-mr bear, Hiram-mr fox. (I may end up scrapping the codenames/masks all together and/or just go with a dubcon/blackmail route)
2] set in s4, Bret decides to give Betty a personal interview for the school paper. -drugging, dubcon, cheating.
3] Principle Honey punishes Betty for not delivering the article he had asked for.-dubcon, hard spanking, object insertion;football trophies. slut shaming, mild bondage;medals
4] Wanting to prove she can handle any challenge the Serpents give her, Betty agrees to be their personal ‘dog’ for the day. -pet play, leashes, collars, anal, slut shaming, humiliation. 
5] AU- Betty goes to a spa and receives the best treatment ever.-DP, Slut shaming, cheating(?) (Fangs/Sweet Pea work as the masseuses. Or a random OC drugs her with some aphrodisiac incense/lotion)
6] In the midst of the Riverdale quarantine, and with Jughead and Archie gone, Betty and Veronica find comfort knowing that they still have each other -cheating, breast play, clitoral stimulation
7] AU- Inspired by the comic’s whimsical ideas, and frenemy beronica- Betty and Veronica magically switch lives for a day. Betty takes advantage by calling up all of V’s old boyfriends. 
8] Reggie and the Bulldogs get revenge on Betty for publishing a negative article about them. (although I’m perfectly ok with giving this one up to my gal, cherry ;) ) gangbang, DP, triple penetration, humiliation.
9] Betty and Jughead reluctantly find out that, as part of her new role as Queen, Betty must now fuck any new recruits who want to join the gang. Not wanting to share/oversee that it goes well, a jealous Jughead agrees to a threesome. DP, sloppy seconds, cuckolding,
10]  FP enforces Jug to help him punish Betty for going against Serpent orders/ruining a business deal/losing money/putting the Serpents in danger, etc. threesome, DP, rough sex, cuckolding, dubcon, punishment
11] Veronica catches Betty sucking Hiram off OR Jug catches Betty sucking Sweet Pea/FP/Other off and Veronica/Jughead get off on it. 
12] On a school trip in the mountains, Betty and SweetPea/Reggie sneak off and fuck. (im thinking if I go with SP, it might become a chapter in my SweetB camming-verse)
13] Sweet Pea blackmails Betty to be his slave after finding out her camming secret and fucks her in the pool house at Cheryl’s party. (Note that I have few SP+blackmail/camming ideas in general, but I like the idea of this one since I want Betty to get fucked in her bathing suit) -cheating, blackmail, creampie, size kink, anal
14] AU- Betty buys two tickets in advance to a fancy hot spring retreat for her and Jug’s anniversary, but then they end up breaking things off (possibly after her dance or bc Jug is to invested in the Serpents) A couple months pass, and forgetting to cancel the reservation, Betty reluctantly goes, throwing out the extra ticket and hoping to once and for all, forget about the Southside Serpents. Imagine her surprise when, Sweet Pea shows up at the retreat, with the other ticket. (I feel I might make this one more of a shippy smut with plot, but who knows. I just like the idea alot bc there’s that great photo of Jordan in the pool lol) -teasing, sexual tension, pool/water sex, anal, ass obsession, rough sex.
15] Veronica is annoyed that Hermosa is still loitering around Riverdale, especially when she said she would leave. Wanting to find the reason for her sister’s extended stay, Veronica hides away in Hermosa’s closet and is shocked to find her bff Betty, is having sex with older Lodge daughter. OR, V accidentally stumbles upon them. (also, I plan to make V have a huge crush/obsession with Betty, thus making her insanely jealous when she finds out.) -strap ons, breast play, older sister kink, psudo incest kink+incest, sneaking around, older woman/younger woman, (possible threesome)
16] When the Jones’ move into the Cooper home, Betty finds out FP isn’t a changed man after all. -blackmail, dubcon, cheating, blow jobs, shower sex.
1] Sequel to Perfect Daughter; Betty comes home from a hard day at school. Mommy Hermione and Daddy Hiram help her relax. -schoolgirl uniform, threesome, mommy+daddy kink/roleplay, psudo incest. 
2] Sequel to In His Service; Hiram continues to use Betty as his personal sex maid, But when she finds out he’s still doing shady business behind her back, she lashes out, forgetting her place. This forces Hiram to punish her by lending out her holes to his business associates. -threesome, dubcon, spitroasting, maid uniform, punishment.
3] Sequel to Betty and Sweets make a porno; (will most likely turn this into a series) Betty plays with herself as she recalls the last cam session she had with Sweets. Alternatively; they make another video in his trailer. - masturbation, clitoral stimulation, camming, orgasm denial, squirting
4] a sort of spin off to the Never Going Back series; Jughead, being a huge momma’s boy, is deeply upset when he is forced to go live with FP after Gladys has kicked him out. Things seem to go from bad to worse when he finds out FP is dating his old high school crush, Betty. But determined to make things work, (or alternatively, it’s Jug’s bday)  FP offers up Betty, and Jughead quickly realizes he’s got a huge mommy kink. - lactation, mommy kink, milk kink, breast obsession, breast milk.
5] Also in my Never Going back series; FP takes Betty out shopping, they experience some rude customer service and FP gets his revenge by fucking Betty in the dressing room, while she wears their products. -public sex, lingerie, cum play, creampie. (note; at the time, a friend suggested to me FP take his revenge even further by urinating on the items at the very end, and while I was ok with that because I felt it fit with his plan to mess up the products/get his revenge as much as possible, I'm now unsure whether to keep or change it.  Most likely I’ll change it if people aren’t up for it)
6] Betty/Charles; Charles is obsessed with getting closer to Betty. But it’s only logical she would be reluctant to accept a total stranger not only into her home, but as her older brother. But when Betty wakes up one day with marks on her body, the family asks him to catch the ‘suspect’ who broke in, unaware that it’s Charles who keeps sneaking in and is unable to keep his hand off his darling baby sister. -obsession, incest, noncon, drugged sex, dark themes
7] Betty/Jughead/Reggie; Betty becomes the center of attention from both the hottest AND smartest guy in her class, when she’s dancing at a local night club. She can’t decide who to take home and well, college is a time for some wild fun, right? So why not both? -threesome, DP, spitroasting, couch sex. 
8] Betty/Veronica/Reggie; (this was a halloween inspired idea) Succubi Betty and Veronica struggle to find a young male who can produce enough potent cum to feed them both, and keep their powers strong, that is until they discover Riverdale High’s football captain, Reggie Mantle. -threesome, cum play, cum sluts, creampies, size kink, cum swallowing/swapping, cum marking.
There are other prompts/requests that I was given, but I’d rather try to work on something where I already know the direction I want it to go in, or something that is at least 20% written. But just in case I'll list what I remember off the top of my head;
Betty/Hal- adult breast feeding
Betty/Jug/Reggie-Jug catches Reggie fucking her, Betty and Reggie fuck after bughead break up, Betty and Reggie invite Jug to play.
Betty/Rddads; The dads use Betty during prom.
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larryfanficwriter98 · 4 years
Chapter Four
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{ My idea of the flowers, painting, and pearl necklace because I need visual things. sorry. if you don't want pictures just let me know}
Harry was wrapping the framed painting in bubble wrap when his phone started ringing. He grabbed it. frowning when he saw it was a facetime request from Louis. Which was weird for many reasons especially since it was currently 2 in the morning in Manchester. Harry hesitated but accepted it only to laugh when he saw Louis was completely drunk and squinting at the phone.
"Louis.. Louis no. You can't call your boyfriend drunk off your ass."
"Yes, I can. Leave me alone. I want to call him."
"Louis you will regret in the morning and besides you remember our rule. Friends don't let friends drunk call boyfriends. Or text. Or just handle a phone in general. So give it here."
"No." Harry quickly started recording his screen so he could send it to Louis tomorrow.
"Fine. I need to go find Niall and Zayn then we are leaving got it?"
"Got it, dad."
"Nialler!" Louis frowned at the screen and tapped at it.
"Call Hazzy. Call Hazzy. Siri... Siri.. call- Liam my phone isn't calling him!" Louis yelled over the sound of the music and people in the pub
"Louis do not climb on the table. No get down people are going to think you're a dancer with that ass of yours. No, don't shake it. Fucking christ Louis. How you've not been approached all night is beyond me with the way you do things."
The phone was on the table that Louis was currently standing on with a drink in his hand. He was shaking, what Harry now knew was a very round ass as a song played in the music. Harry put his phone against the stand so he could go back to bubble wrapping while also paying attention to a very cute drunk Louis. Eventually, Louis and the others were dragged to a car than inside a house. Louis had been telling the phone to call ''Hazzy'' for the past ten minutes.
"Go to sleep Louis." Liam said as pushed Louis onto the bed, Louis whined as he looked at his phone.
"Siri. Text Hazzy night night xxx. Kay? Bye." Harry covered his mouth as Louis fell asleep almost immediately
"Night night Louis." Harry said as he looked at the phone screen, studying Louis' features. He was cute and breathtaking even with his flushed face from alcohol and the cold wintery air. Harry ended the recording then the facetime shaking his head we he sent Louis the video.
Night Louis xx
Louis was able to not look at the video until he was soaking in the tub only a few hours later. He had woken up puking and he very much regretted taking Niall up on the drinking contest. He had known of course to never try and out drink an Irish, but he had already been drunk and he was stupid when he drank. He watched the video twice, once to see what he did as he didn’t remember anything and the second time to see Harry's reaction to everything.
They had never spoken about what they looked like, but for some reason, Louis was not at all surprised to see Harry with a curly bun resting on the top of his head as if he hadn't brushed it yet. Which no judgment from Louis, everyone has those days. He also wasn't surprised to see he had soft muscles like he was mo muscular, but not buff and not overly so, just enough to give a soft outline of his forearms. His jawline was perfect and he had a brilliant smile and his emotions portrayed in his eyes open as he glanced at the phone regularly.
Louis watched as he bubbled wrapped what Louis was assuming his next set of gifts there was already a long skinny box taped and closed that Louis thought Harry put a painting in. Louis also saw a scatter of fake flowers again on the ground around him. Louis knew Harry from somewhere, he just couldn't place it and it bothered him as he paused the video staring at Harry's face as he looked at the camera. Not able to think too much on it Louis moved on. He got out of the bath and headed back to bed to sleep some more.
The next few days were without texting because Harry was going from Sydney to Los Angeles, Sydney was almost a full day ahead of L.A, 17 hours to be exact so Harry took two days, after a 13-hour flight, to settle into the time zone differences. It also meant that Harry was now 8 hours behind London which means Louis now woke up first and went to sleep first, not the other way around. It took a few days to adjust to it, but they did adjust eventually. Louis only accidentally woke Harry up once.
Harry had sent the package of Chinese and Australian souvenirs before he had gotten on a flight. Louis had gotten a notification telling him he had packages delivered at the p.o boxes so after work he had headed there excitedly. He headed to the locker and pulled out the two 20x20x20 boxes then pulled out a 37x4x27 picture box. He put the items in his car and grabbed the note that was sticking out and Harry told him to look for.
Before going home head here if it's before 8pm.
There was an address written in the note so Louis typed it into his Maps and headed there parking upfront of a flower shop. He shook his head as he got out walking inside the.
"Hello, can I help you?"
"I don't know. My boyfriend-"
"You're Louis then. This way dear." Louis followed the woman to a back room where she grabbed a beautiful bouquet of flowers, "he told us to pick them for a long-distance partner. We made sure love was represented too much as he told us you guys wanted to wait to see each other in person. He did say you two were exclusive and committed so we made sure represent that. Faithfulness and admiration as well as honesty, trust, and longing." Louis blushed as he accepted the bouquet
"Thank you."
"Of course dear." Louis headed to his car and grabbed his phone texting Harry that the flowers were beautiful and that he'll send pictures when he got home. He had been debating whether to tell Harry his address so he could just send it to the house and as he struggled to only make one trip inside he decided he would do that.
"Need help?" Liam asked already grabbing the picture box and flowers, "how's the boyfriend? Spoiling you rotten still I see.
"Leave him alone. It's cute." Louis set the box on the coffee table then grabbed the picture box and sat that on top of it.
He then headed to where he had put the vase from Denmark at the end table in the hall that had a clutter of mail, keys, and other knick-knacks they didn’t bother to clear away. He filled the vase with water then carried it to the living room, he put his flowers inside the vase then carried it upstairs setting it on his bedside table. Louis adjusted a few things then took a picture of it sending it to Harry.
Hurrying downstairs he was anxious to see the picture, he had let it slip he liked Chinese paintings when Harry was sending pictures of an art gallery he was visiting. Louis hadn't thought of it, but now that he saw what could possibly be a painting he was a little worried that it may have come off wrongly. He didn’t want Harry to think he only wanted these gifts, not that he didn’t appreciate them and love them, but they weren't wanted.
"Open up the long box first." Niall said eagerly
"I was going to Neil." Louis grabbed the box and broke the tape pulling out a beautifully framed painting of pink flowers and black bark that make Louis smile as he thought it matched his real flowers upstairs. He set it off to the side then set the box off to the ground sp he could open a 20x20x20 box. Ripping the tape he laughed seeing Christmas wrapping paper wrapped around different items. There was a letter there and he unfolded it reading its contents,
Do not open until Christmas except the one with the double bow. Open that one on the 24th. I'll be free on the 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 31st, and 1st. Make sure to have it set up as soon as you open it for skyping.
Harry xx.
Louis set the letter off to the side and grabbed the first gift with a green bow. He frowned though when he saw it was addressed to Niall.
"This is for you Niall. Harry says not to open it u too Christmas though."
"What? Really? Sweet." Louis handed him the rectangular package then pulled out another rectangular box with Niall's name. "Is he trying to win us over?" Niall asked
"He's just thoughtful like that." Louis said with a shrug as he pulled out two packages with a lighter green bow.
They had Zayn’s name on them so he handed them to him. Liam's two packages had a white bow on them and the rest had red bows. Louis set them under the tree carefully nothing the one package at the bottom had two bows, a red and green. The second box had a few packaged wrapped in birthday wrapping paper with a note telling him not to open them until his birthday. He set them under the tree as well for now then pulled out the Teddy bears for China and Australia.
The China souvenirs consisted of a few different teas for Louis with descriptions of what they tasted like to Harry without anything added to them. A few large paper cuttings with a note saying they are placed in windows in China and at night with a light on it looked " cool ". Louis chuckled as the simple explanation as he set them aside he did like them, the bright red was beautiful. He was already thinking of ways to decorate his room with a Chinese accent wall above his headboard. Next was a Chinese silk wall hanging that was a beautiful blue shade. Following that was some sweats, a few Chinese knots, a box of beautifully painted chopsticks, and then the last thing was a long rectangular box. The sticky note on it read,
I have a set too. I wear mine often, but you don't have to wear them I just wanted to get you a pair to have. Never know when you may need them.
Louis opened the box revealing a three chain set of pearls. Louis grinned and ran a gentle finger over them. He has seen a glimpse of Harry's pearl's over his shirt during their facetime. Louis still couldn't quite place where he knew Harry from and it's been bugging him.
Moving on for the Australian souvenirs the first thing was a lot of T2 Tea products which Louis was grateful for. He loved trying new teas and the fact Harry has bought at least one tea product from each country meant a lot to Louis and showed him that Harry paid attention. After the tea, it was some classic Vegemite with a note telling Louis it tasted like three days old Thai take out that had Louis laughing. There a side note saying no one was allowed to taste it without it being recorded.
Following the Vegemite was some food and snacks, an adorable koala ceramic mug, a 3D Ned Kelly mug that Zayn took and claimed as his own. Following those, there were some kid-friendly wooden puzzles, 21 kookaburras, koala, kangaroo, emu, and crocodile growing eggs for each child and staff member at the daycare center. 25 paint your own boomerang kits for the daycare and the lads that they were going to paint later that night as they share a bottle of whiskey together. Then the last few items were just small Australian animal bouncy balls for the daycare and of course some teas.
"He really likes those kids." Liam said as he examined the boomerang kit
"We both want a big family one day, that's something we have mentioned in passing and he knows I adore the kids at the daycare. He loves kids."
"You two have talked about kids?"
"Not like that, but yes it sort of came up while we were talking about the daycare." Louis shrugged as he put the kids’ things in the box to take it to the daycare after the holidays. Today had been the last day of work until the 2nd of January. He set that box aside then packed the rest of his stuff in the other box and headed up to his room to decorate.
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ahtohallan-calling · 5 years
part 2 of the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart (a series of love is the only thing we can carry with us drabbles) is up!
Kristoff falls off the roof and has to learn how to be the one getting taken care of.
(set between chapter 22 and 23, after Anna and Kristoff have gotten married.Sorry in advance that I'm skipping around chronologically with these drabbles, I PROMISE I will come back and do the wedding and wedding adjacent stuff!!! There were just a couple of moments/themes in the original fic I wanted to circle back to :) )
all chapters
chapter 2: to have and to hold
“Olaf? What are you doing over here? And what are you doing with those?”
“Oh, hi, Anna!” the little boy said brightly, waving at her with one of the wooden crutches in his hand. “Kris fell off the roof!”
“Yeah, he--”
She didn’t wait to hear the rest; she shoved through the gate and ran the rest of the way to the house, her heart slamming against her ribcage. She burst through the door, eyes wild, fearing the worst.
Kristoff was on the sofa, scowling as his grandfather prodded at a nasty bruise on his temple. He jumped at the sound of the door slamming against the wall and took in the sight of her, his frown immediately melting into concern. “Anna, what’s wrong?”
“I-- Jesus-- what’s wrong with me?” she panted, darting over to hover nervously beside the old man. “You fell off a roof?”
“I’m fine,” he reassured her, though the hiss of pain he let out a moment later when his grandfather moved to examine his shoulder told her he was anything but.
Anna’s knees suddenly felt too weak to support her; she sat down hard on the edge of the sofa. She wanted to ask what had happened, but she could already feel the tears rising and knew if she opened her mouth she wouldn’t be able to hold them in. Kristoff, eyes full of concern, held out his hand, and she took it gladly in both of her own, her fingers trembling against his warm, calloused skin.
“I’m fine, Anna, I promise,” he reassured her softly, but she only shook her head.
The bruise on his left temple was already a nasty shade of blue; its twin spread over his jaw and up towards his ear. His teeth clenched as his grandfather carefully pressed against his shoulder and down his upper arm; Anna followed the movement and looked down the long line of her husband’s frame to see a splint wrapped around his ankle. Something in her chest felt tight and shaky and hollow all at once; she drew his hand up to her lips, pressing a kiss to each knuckle. 
Olaf came in then, whistling cheerily to himself and swinging the crutches without a care in the world. Kristoff, sensing Anna’s confusion, leaned over and murmured in her ear, “It’s just what he does. He doesn’t want you to see him cry.”
“So you’re admitting there’s something to cry about?”
He rolled his eyes but didn’t pull his hand from her grasp. “It looks worse than it is.”
“Objectively, it is pretty bad,” his grandfather said mildly. “You could have broken your neck.”
“But I didn’t,” Kristoff countered, and the old man let out a little laugh before shaking his head with a sigh.
“It’s my fault, really,” he confessed. “You’ve been telling me for weeks that leak needed looking at. Should have realized it was more than just a little crack in the shingles.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll be back tomorrow to--”
“You most certainly will not,” his grandfather said sternly, cutting him off. “Anna, my dear, do your best to keep him off his feet, will you? And if he insists--”
He motioned towards Olaf, who came over quickly with the crutches. “Let him use these. But only after that shoulder heals up a little.”
She nodded quickly, still having a hard time focusing on anything besides the tense set of Kristoff’s jaw, the glazed look in his eyes. And then they were alone, and he dragged his gaze over to her, managing to give her that crooked smile she loved so much. “I really am okay, Anna, promise.”
“A roof, Kristoff. You fell off a--”
He leaned over and kissed her. “I’m here, aren’t I?”
“So it’s okay. Anyway, I didn’t finish watering the garden, so I--”
“I’ll do it,” Anna insisted. “And everything else.”
“But you just got home. And I’m sure with those meetings you said you had that you’re--”
“No,” she said, as sternly as she could. Kristoff blinked, surprised, and she went on. “You heard your grandfather. I’ll take care of it all, okay? You just sit here and-- and get less bruisey.”
He scowled, looking ready to argue, but she pulled away anyway, whistling as she floated through the house, tidying everything she could keep her hands on and doing her best not to meet Kristoff’s disgruntled gaze as he watched her from the sofa. At last there wasn’t a speck of dust left, and she darted briefly back to him. “I’ll be back in in just a second. Don’t move. Not even an inch.”
She was hoping he’d crack a smile, at least, but instead he looked away from her, jaw clenched. Biting her lip, Anna pulled away and slipped outside to the garden, working as quickly as she could among the rows of vegetables, barely even giving the sunflowers a second glance. There was a rare argument brewing, and she wanted to get it over with-- though she still wasn’t quite sure what it was going to be about. Still, maybe there was time to avoid it altogether; that was what she was trying to figure out when she pushed the door open and found, to her surprise, Kristoff standing, leaning heavily on one of the kitchen chairs.
“Kristoff!” Anna gasped, darting over to him. “You’re supposed to--”
“I’m just trying to get dinner ready, Anna, you’ve worked so hard today and I--”
“But you’re hurt, Kristoff, let me--”
“I don’t want to sit around all day just being useless,” he snapped, and there it was, the storm she was hoping wouldn’t break.
“You’re not useless, you’re hurt, and you need time to recover! Do you think I want to watch you hurt yourself even more?”
“No! But I’m not totally helpless, I don’t want to just sit around and let you do everything for me.”
“But I’m your wife, Kristoff. It’s my job to take care of you when--”
Her breath suddenly caught in her throat. The realization had struck them both at the same time; she knew the guilty expression on Kristoff’s face mirrored her own. She went to his side, putting an arm around his waist, and he hesitantly leaned on her, just a little, letting her help him back to the sofa. He sat down gingerly, and Anna followed, snuggling up against his good side as his arm went around her shoulders, just as it always did.
“Is this really how you feel all the time?” she asked quietly, not daring to meet his eyes just yet.
“Yeah,” he said, his voice so sad she reached down to squeeze his hand. “And you?”
He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry, too.”
She flipped his hand over, gently, and started tracing the lines of his palm, unsure of what to say next. 
“I-- I just keep thinking about-- what if you had-- if that had--” She took a deep, shuddering breath, trying to steady herself, but the tears came anyway. “I could have lost you.”
“Oh, my Anna,” he whispered, curling his arm tighter around her as she sobbed against his shoulder. 
“And I— I hate this, knowing that you’re in pain and I can’t just fix it.”
“I know,” he murmured, resting his forehead against the top of her head. “Believe me.”
“I’m sorry,” she hiccuped. “I wish I was—“
“No. Don’t even think that.”
She peeked up at him, surprised by the determined glint in his eye. “I would give anything to know you were healthy, Anna, to find some kind of cure. But even if you were, that doesn’t mean you’d be okay forever, and the same goes for me. And I don’t have any answers about how either of us is supposed to deal with that, but I do know that if I had died today I would have died knowing how lucky I am to love you.”
“I love you, too,” she said softly, the tears finally beginning to slow. “More than anything. So much I don’t even know how I’m supposed to hold it all sometimes.”
He kissed her forehead, her tear-stained cheeks. She closed her eyes, letting the warmth of him sink in, anchoring herself in the knowledge that he was here. “But now here we are, when I’m supposed to be the one taking care of you.”
He winked at her. “We can take care of each other at the same time. That’s what marriage is, anyway, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, but right now you’re the one with all the bruises, so you get a little extra.” She kissed his cheek, smiling when he blushed a little. “What do you need?”
“You,” he said, leaning down to kiss her. She allowed it for just a moment before pulling away. 
“You have me,” she teased, eyes sparkling at his little disgruntled huff. “But besides that. I’m serious, Kristoff, what will make you feel better?”
“Besides kissing?”
She gave him her sternest gaze, screwing up her face into a frown, and he burst into laughter. “Alright, alright,” he said, giving in. “It’d be really, really nice to take a bath right now and get the mud out of my hair.”
Anna launched to her feet, already going for the kettle. “I’m on it!”
She drew him a bath as quickly as she could, proud of herself when she was able to drag in the big tin washtub without help, although Kristoff had kept his worried gaze on her the whole time. The ease of bathing was one of the few things she did still miss about palace life; she’d have to see if they could do something about that before long. 
She went to help him get into the tub, but he waved her off. “I can do this part by myself,” he assured her. “I promise. But...thank you.”
Instead she sat in their bedroom, wringing her hands and listening to him undress and ease himself in, each little huff of pain feeling like a knife wound in her heart. Still, she stayed put, knowing what it meant to him to do this on his own, but when she heard him curse under his breath, she couldn’t help but go back in. 
Kristoff was too focused on trying to wash his hair to hear her come in. Whenever he tried to raise his left arm high enough, he let out a little hiss of pain, his hand splashing back down into the water a little more furiously each time.
Anna stepped forward, clearing her throat, and knelt beside the tub until she was at his eye level. “Let me help you. Please.” 
He still wouldn’t meet her gaze, instead staring stoically ahead. She leaned forward, nuzzling the tip of her nose over his cheekbone, pressing a feather-light kiss to his jaw. “Please, honey. It’ll make me feel better.”
He sighed then, turning slowly to press his forehead against hers. She kissed him softly, once, twice. “You know,” she murmured against his lips, “someone told me once that everyone needs help sometimes. And that there’s nothing wrong with that.”
He huffed out a little laugh, finally meeting her eyes. “Where’d you hear a dumb thing like that?”
She kissed him again, her mouth lingering until at last she felt him smile against her, relenting. “Fine,” he mumbled, handing her the bar of soap. “But this is for you, not me. Because I’m fine.”
“Of course.” 
Anna kissed his cheek once more for good measure and scooted to the back of the tub, settling behind him. He’d managed to at least get the ends of his hair damp; she scooped up warm handfuls of water, soaking the rest and delighting in the little goosebumps that rose up on the back of his neck. She ran the soap between her palms, forming a lather, and then paused.
“You’ll tell me if I hit something that hurts, right?”
“Don’t worry. I have a thick skull.”
Still, she was careful as she began working the soap through his hair; he was right, it was full of mud. She worked her way gently through the thick, blond strands, humming a little to herself. When her nails scratched lightly over his scalp, a little noise of contentment escaped him, rumbling from somewhere deep in his chest. Anna had to bite back a laugh; it sounded almost like he was purring. 
“Do you feel better now?” she asked teasingly.
He only nodded, his shoulders relaxing a little more with each pass of her fingers. A little twinge of pride unfurled in her chest at the sight, at the thought that with just her touch she could comfort him like this even in the midst of pain. Her chest filled with warm, renewed fondness for him, for this mountain of a man with the softest heart she’d ever known.
“I broke my arm when I was a little boy,” he said, breaking the silence, and Anna’s fingers slowed in his hair. There was something fragile and faraway in his voice; she could picture him as he would have been, a little boy with a freckled nose he had yet to grow into, shaggy blond hair falling into wide brown eyes that tended towards solemnity too often even then. 
“How did it happen?” she asked softly, leaning forward to look at him.
The corner of his mouth quirked up in the tiniest of smiles. “I fell.”
“Who were you trying to help?”
“Am I that predictable?”
She kissed his unbruised temple. “That wonderful.”
He sighed, his eyes sliding shut as he sank into memory. “A cat. In a tree, the one in the town square. It got down okay, but I just...didn’t.”
He was quiet for a long moment after that, and Anna settled back on her heels again, carefully starting to rinse his hair. When she had first met Kristoff, she had thought he was simply a man of few words; now she knew that his quietness wasn’t so much because he didn’t have anything to say but that he was painstakingly careful in how he said it.
When at last he spoke again, it broke her heart. “I-- I was alone when it happened. And I didn’t really know anyone in town yet-- Mama had just taken me in a couple months before. So I just...walked home.”
He opened his eyes then, looking so vulnerable it almost frightened her. She lowered her fingers from his hair, cradling his face as best she could between her little hands. She let her thumb run slowly over his cheekbone, and he leaned into the caress, seeming to draw courage from it. “I was so worried she’d take one look at me and decide I was more trouble than I was worth and just send me away again...that was all I could think about, not even how much it hurt. But she patched me up and put my arm in a sling and when she was done, she told me how proud she was that I was so brave, that I must be really strong since I hadn’t cried even a little bit.”
Anna bit her lip, and his gaze slid away from her, as if he were ashamed. “I did cry later, in the barn while I was taking care of Sven. But that was the last time. Almost, anyway.” A shadow crossed his face then, and with a pang she realized she had a pretty good idea of what exactly almost meant. 
A long silence followed until Anna ran her thumb over his cheekbone again. “Kristoff.”
His gaze slid unwillingly back to hers. She pursed her lips, trying to think of the right thing to say; she’d never had much of a knack for it, but she knew she had to try-- though first she kissed the tip of his nose, hoping that would make up for whatever nonsense might come out of her mouth. “Thank you for telling me,” she said softly.
He nodded a little, and she forged on. “And it’s okay that you got hurt-- wait, no, it’s not okay, that’s not what I-- what I mean is, well, it’s okay that you need help. You’re not...not strong because of that. And if you want to cry, you don’t have to do it in the barn with Sven. That’s what I’m here for.”
“I know,” he said quietly. “But it’s not that easy.”
“I know. But I want to help you when you need it, if I can. If that’s okay.”
He turned in her gentle grasp, kissing her palm. “It’s okay.”
“Love you. And your hair’s finished.”
“Love you, too. And...thank you.”
He insisted on getting out and dressing by himself, and Anna busied herself emptying the tub, still pondering what he’d told her. It was strange sometimes to realize that, as much as she loved him, as close as they already were, there were still little hidden parts of him to be discovered, a thousand little facets of her husband waiting to be brought to light, and it thrilled her to know she had a lifetime to spend exploring them all. 
She slipped back into the bedroom and found him half-dressed, fumbling with the splint on his ankle. Kristoff glanced up at her with a rueful smile. “I, uh...might need some help. If that’s okay.”
She helped him fasten it quickly, then clambered up to perch beside him on the bed. “Need help with your shirt?”
It, uh...I’m kind of sore. Just a little, not b--”
Seeing her expression, he let out a faint chuckle. “Okay, more than a little. And I think even with help it might hurt to try and put it on over this shoulder, so...rather not.”
She could imagine why; even in the candlelight she could see the splotchy purple and green bruises that marked his torso, the worst of them staining his shoulder. It pained her just to look at them, to know the only real cure was time. She leaned over and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. “Okay. Night, honey.”
She started to get up, but Kristoff frowned and caught her arm. “Where are you going?”
“The sofa.”
“Well-- I don’t want to knock into you or something in my sleep. Wouldn’t want to make it worse.”
A lopsided smile spread onto his face. “I seem to recall someone with a broken wrist sneaking into my bed and insisting we both stay.”
He had her there, and besides, she never much liked sleeping apart from him, anyway. And so she stayed, being perhaps a little more careful than normal to keep to her side of the bed, but when she woke up in the middle of the night after heart-pounding dreams of falling and what came after, she felt a gentle brush against her hand; Kristoff, even half-asleep, wanted to let her know it would all be alright.
Anna woke up before Kristoff for once; she had spent the night curled on her side facing him, while he was splayed out on his back, snoring slightly. That had been one of her favorite discoveries, that both of them snored just a little-- and both had been secretly self-conscious about it the first several nights they’d spent together, until they had both snored loud enough to startle the other into waking at the same time.
She smiled at the memory and leaned down to brush a kiss over his forehead, the same way he always did that still filled her heart with butterflies just like it had the night he’d tucked her in after the summer festival. She slid out of bed and padded over to the wardrobe, pulling on one of his sweaters, a big gray one that hung loosely even on his shoulders and hit her right at the knee, and leaned the crutches against the bed just in case of emergencies before tiptoeing outside to check on Sven. 
When she came back in, Kristoff was waiting for her on the sofa, a crooked, sleepy smile on his face. “You’re up early,” he teased. 
“Don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said loftily. “I wake up with the sun.”
“If by ‘the sun’ you mean ‘me telling you you’re already running late’, sure.”
She put on her best grumpy face, but he just laughed and looked so handsome doing it that she couldn’t help but lean down and kiss him. It was nice, really, this Kristoff-having-to-sit thing, because it meant for once she got to be the tall one. 
“Thanks for taking care of me,” he murmured against her lips.
“Of course. For better or for worse, right?”
She gave him one last peck on the cheek and turned away to start making her first pot of tea of the day. He caught her by the hem of her sweater as she moved, tugging gently until she turned to face him. There was something heated in his gaze that sent a slow shiver rolling down her spine, and she found herself going willingly to him, letting him pull her down to straddle his lap.
He pressed an open-mouthed kiss to the juncture of her neck and shoulder, the stubble on his jaw scraping tantalizingly over her collarbone, and she let out a little gasp, her hands going up to press against his chest. “Kristoff-- you’re hurt--”
“So go easy on me,” he said, a wicked gleam in his eye as he began pressing a line of kisses up the column of her throat.
As he reached the underside of her jaw, she slid her hands up to tangle in his hair. He let his head loll back in her grasp; she met his eyes and found them dark with desire. Her mouth met his in a languid, lingering kiss, and he groaned, the sound rumbling through his chest and sending goosebumps over Anna’s skin. He pulled her close against him then and, out of habit, went to stand before falling back against the sofa with a hiss of pain.
Anna pulled away slightly, gently stroking his hair back from his flushed face. “Are you okay?”
“No,” he grumbled, a scowl darkening his expression.
She leaned down and kissed his furrowed brow. “Well, that’s a shame, then, because I was just about to tell you we don’t need to bother with the bed. I think the sofa will do just--”
He captured her mouth again, and she melted against him, unbothered by the interruption. She didn’t need to finish, anyway; it seemed he had the same idea. His hands tugged insistently on her hips, pulling her flush against him as he kissed her greedily. She met him with the same fervor, grateful that they’d given up on his shirt last night as she ran her hands over the broad expanse of his chest, skirting carefully around the bruises on his ribs to settle against his waist, relishing the slight softness there that gave way to hard muscle beneath the gentle press of her fingers. He rolled his hips languorously beneath her, lips traveling back down to her collarbone, and she moaned, feeling him smirk against the crease of her neck. 
“No fair,” she managed to gasp out, fumbling at the waistband of his pants. “I’m supposed to be taking care of you.”
He opened his mouth to argue, but only a hot huff of breath escaped him as Anna’s searching fingers found their target, and then his mouth found better things to do, anyway.
Still, later, when they were contentedly sipping their tea, he looked over at her and gave her rumpled hair a teasing tug. “Your turn as soon as my shoulder’s better.”
Anna snuggled against him, smiling when he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “I look forward to it.”
MEGA shoutout to Johanna (@reindeersweaters /jericks3), Gabi (@gabiwnomagic), and Jilly (@frozenwritingcorner) for helping me struggle through this fic over the last few days!! Thanks for reading the sneak peeks, helping me write all that smoochin', deciding what kind of bathtub they would have, and generally being the most amazing friends possible. Love y'all so so much!!!
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antiquatus · 5 years
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yes, hello, i am henry  (  twenty, gmt+8, they/them  )  and this is my bastard supreme catholic crusader-king wannabe : giulio michele cardinal de medici, archbishop of esztergom and cardinal of the  (  one, holy, catholic, and apostolic and bigoted  ) church. here is his about page , his biography  (  which is basically just the headcanons section of the app  )  , some wanted connections, and  (  if you care to read a whole buncha words  )  here’s the whole application. read down the cut if you want it summarised + the first task! :) if u wanna plot, send me a dm @ i am a mushroom! 🍄#9146 or hmu here on tumblr ims.
content warning for usual mediaeval church brand of bigotry + mentions of: disordered eating, scrupulosity, obsessive-compulsive tendencies
crusader-king wannabe, what else do u need 2 know?
hashtag only 1099 kids will remember
FULL NAME :  giulio michele de medici
giulio — from latin, a cognate of julius, the meaning of which is irrelevant, as it was chosen more to invoke julius caesar
michele — italian form of michael, meaning who is like god?
de medici — medici, plural form of medico, meaning doctor, physician
MONIKERS / NICKNAMES : giulio, papabile
commander of several abbeys, scattered throughout the italian peninsula (multiple dates to present)
administrator of bozen (1538 to present)
archbishop of esztergom-budapest (1540 to present)
cardinal of the roman catholic church (1544 to present)
prelate of the roman inquisition (1550 to present)
vice-camerlengo of the apostolic camera (1556 to present)
GENDER & PRONOUNS : listen... he’s actually Agender but do u rlly expect the church/himself to like... accept anything beyond the gender binary... that being said, the imago dei is inclusive and also inherently non-binary so... there is that... (one day, giulio...... one day...........) — pronouns are he/him
DATE OF BIRTH & AGE: 25th december 1526, thirty-three
ZODIAC SIGN : capricorn sun / virgo moon / sagittarius rising
ORIENTATION : do u know that playlist in spotify that’s just like is this sufjan stevens song gay or just about god? ... yeah, like that exactly.
MARITAL STATUS : married to the LORD
OCCUPATION : cardinal, archbishop, crusader LARPer
PLACE OF BIRTH : florence, tuscany
basilica cattedrale metropolitana di santa maria nascente, milan, lombardy villa d’este, tivoli, lazio
RELIGIOUS VIEWS : roman catholicism, somewhat of a catholic mystic in the vein of pseudo-dionysius, hildegard von bingen, and meister eckhart (hashtag eckhart did nothing wrong!!!)
EDUCATION : private tutoring, ecclesiastical catechism, autodidact in a great deal many things
LANGUAGES SPOKEN : italian, latin, ancient greek, hungarian, bulgarian, serbian, russian, arabic, hebrew, french, german, spanish, english, old church slavonic
ALLEGIANCES : the church & himself (to him? there is no difference)
the house of de medici: only nominally loyal, he thinks there are far better things to pay attention to than temporal matters such as these
the one holy catholic and apostolic church: his #1 bae
papa & mama medici: parents
piero de medici, older brother
francesco de medici, younger brother
giovanna de medici, younger sister
FACECLAIM : james norton
HAIR COLOUR / STYLE : i’m so mad abt this... but yes... he has a tonsure... press F in the chat pls // though he has stopped shearing his hair in switzerland
EYE COLOUR / SHAPE : blue, and idk... eye-shaped? 
HEIGHT : 1.85m / 6′1″
BUILD : fluctates: for reasons specified in the neurological conditions section below, this isn’t very consistent; however, if this was modern day, redditors would just spam him with “delete facebook, hit the gym, lawyer up!!!!”
SPEECH STYLE : mellifluous to the point of inane verbosity, uses more words than he should; that being said, he possesses the uncanny ability to pick up a language easily and quickly, inserting local colloquialisms to the point that he sounds like a native speaker; nevertheless, he consistently speaks in a formal register (sometimes! even to family members!) and has a very blunted affect, diminishing the effect if only slightly
BEAUTY HABITS : for a mediaeval european, he is actually very hygienic; takes baths obsessively, definitely more than once a week, which does link to his fixation with purity both metaphysical and temporal; hates public bathhouses with a passion; combs his hair and parts it to the side, favouring his left
TROPES : the chessmaster, bookworm, our angels are different, knight templar, lack of empathy, lonely rich kid, affably evil, & raised catholic (duh).
INSPIRATIONS : lenny belardo (the young pope), crusader kings ii (the game), pope julius ii (history), adso (the name of the rose), john the beloved (history, the bible), jacopo belbo (foucault’s pendulum), henry winter (the secret history), the prince (the prince, niccolo macchiaveli)
MBTI : intj-t (the architect) 
ENNEAGRAM: 5w4 1w9 4w3 (the researcher) sp/sx
ALIGNMENT : lawful good, insofar as goodness is aligned to catholicism
TEMPERAMENT : choleric but perhaps more arguably a choleric-sanguine hybrid
HOGWARTS HOUSE : slytherin
POSITIVE TRAITS : charitable (to catholics), brilliant, prodigious
NEGATIVE TRAITS : manipulative, narcissistic, self-serving, self-righteous
HABITS : has a tendency to fidget his fingers; gnaws on his lower lip to the point of bleeding when thinking, not that he realises it
HOBBIES : reading, writing, playing this new thing called chess
USUAL DEMEANOR : affable to the point of boring people, charming to catholics but cooler against non-catholics, somewhat easy to talk to but one has the niggling feeling that he’s not as invested in the conversation as he should be, people hear the word cardinal and thinks he’s bigoted to the extreme (which he is) but he always deflects and he can be agreeable (but probably slips by still calling istanbul constantinople though!), very learned and nerdy and will talk about theology all the goddamn day if nobody stops him, presents as a very non-threatening (affably bland) cardinal who albeit has very fixed opinions about All The Things
NEUROLOGICAL CONDITION : thinks of himself and presents as neurotypical but probably has szpd (schizoid personality disorder), a form of scrupulosity in the vein of alissa (in strait is the gate by andré gide); also arguably has some form of disordered eating, cycling between binging and extreme fasting, which gives him a weight leaning toward lanky
PHOBIAS : haphephobia, fear of touch; his scrupulosity can also be arguably defined as a phobia of sinning, but that’s basically a whole other complex
ALLERGIES : allergic to SIN!!!! n/a
SLEEPING HABITS : an insomniac, though he thinks it a common affliction; has a habit of reading until late as a way of staving off boredom; may sleep a grand total of only three to four hours at nighttime, though he makes up for it through a post-lunch siesta (which is a habit he picked up from the pope)
SOCIABILITY : presents as a social butterfly, if albeit sterner than most; can slip into conversations of any kind easily, but always ever in a professional context; has no real friends, but can lay claim to easy acquaintanceships; forever holding people at an arm’s length, which is just the way he likes it
ADDICTIONS : drinks the communion wine more often than he should; other than that, he can be almost puritanically temperate, to the point of self-affliction (?); addicted to the idea of purity
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xserpentlife · 5 years
Forever And Then Some
Requested: Halloween Request: SP and Fangs find a female reader that's a vampire. SP freaks out and #36 happens. They make uneasy friendship with you and leave. On their way home, the Ghouls catch them and try to hurt them, but you rush in and save the day, almost burning to death in the process. You go back to hiding and Fangs finds you and it's all cute with #41 and #54. Maybe even a Part 2 where reader turns fangs into a vampire? You're so talented, I can't wait to see whatever spooky stuff you write!
A/N: So I hope you guys like this, oh and there is an Epilogue at the end because I did not want to leave you guys hanging but it was not long enough to make a separate part two
Word Count: 4740
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Fangs' POV
“I told you we shouldn’t be here Fangs”
“What’s the harm Pea it’s just an abandoned building”
“Haven't you ever heard the myth that people who go off exit 66 never come back”
“Exactly Pea,  a myth we will be fine no one lives here it’s abandoned besides were just exploring”
“I don’t know Fangs”
“Let’s go, unless you wanna go wait by the mailbox”
“No, uh it’s fine”
“That’s what I thought” Pea and I walked into the house the door opening right away no lock or anything. A beautiful home. It seemed like even though the outside was abandoned the inside was kept pristine.
“This is…”
“Beautiful, I know thank you” Pea and I looked to the right to see a beautiful girl cascading down the staircase.
“I uh”
“So sorry uh we thought this house was abandoned” That’s when her teeth flashed before us.
“You're a… Your a”
“Vampire, well yes, I am”
“You are not welcome here get out!”
“Pea that is not going to work”
“Yes it is Fangs shut up, Get out vampire lady you are not welcome in this home!”
“I am centuries old. You need to do more than that to get rid of me.”
“But I thought…”
“Plus this is my house, not yours, and that shit is a myth anyways”
“I told you Pea, plus if she wanted to hurt us she would have already isn't that right?”
“Yes you could have been dead long ago if I wanted that, by the way, I’m Y/N”
“Thank you…”
“Fangs, so Y/N how long have you lived here”
“A few centuries or so” Our faces dropped, she did not look more than 18
“You look so young”
“Well after you’re turned you do not age, I was 19 when it happened to me”
“It’s okay I quite enjoy it actually”
“Is it like the movies?”
“What do you mean?”
“Do you, you know, run fast, sparkle, have super strength”
“Can you turn into a bat”
“Pea there is no way she can turn into a bat!”
“Actually he’s right”
“I am?”
“I uh, yeah he is. I can turn into a bat, however, I can not sparkle”
“That is so cool, I wish I could fly”
“Do you sleep?”
“I do just not as much as a normal person, I try to sleep during the day, but yeah I do sleep a bit, and yes I can sleep in a coffin but I prefer a super dark room with a bed”
“I wasn’t gonna say a coffin”
“Yes you were”
“Okay fine”
“Haha you know Fangs, Pea you're the first people that haven’t ran after meeting me”
“I’m sorry”
“It’s okay I am used to it by now, I just wish they wouldn’t run, everything would be okay if they didn’t”
“What do you…” Oh my god the myth, the reason everyone disappears. But she couldn’t, could she?”
“Oh my god, it’s you!”
“What do you mean Sweet Pea?”
“When the run do you kill them? Is that where the myth comes from!”
“How dare you ever say that! Get out of my home!” She flashed her teeth at us before retreating up the staircase.
Readers POV
You watch out your window as they slowly exited. It was not your fault that they thought that of you. Everyone thinks that once they meet you, but that is why they all run. That is why they all get killed. Because you can not protect them once they run, it always happens during the day. During the time you can't go out and help save them. The ghouls wait for it, wait for the time that the people run.
You heard a scream come from outside the window, your supersonic hearing letting the scream of Fangs ring through your ears. But you couldn’t go out it was daylight. You knew you needed to save them though. They were the first people that had a true liking for you, a true conversation. So you risked it, risked going out into the daylight for the boy you felt so, so drawn too.
You crashed down to the ground transforming. “Get off of them, need I remind you that you are on my territory”
“That never stopped you before Y/N”
“Yeah, maybe not but I care about them! Either you get off of them or it ends badly Malachai”
“I’d like to see you try Y/N, you against all of us, remember the last time you tried” You felt the burning of your skin but you ignored it.
“I will say it once more Malachai, get off of them” He stepped up to you.
“Wrong choice, brother!” You lurched at him slamming him into the nearest tree before you heard his back crack. Then you went over to Shawn, your brother's right hand. Yanking him off of Sweet Pea before cracking his neck right in front of him. You sped over to James, pushing him to the ground as he tried stabbing you, and you stepped on his leg hearing it crack in half. You then saw Mel waiting to stab her knife into Fangs' chest.
“Don’t Mel!”
“Why not!”
“Because you do that and I kill your husband, and I bet you don't want that baby to be fatherless do you” You sped over to Malachai grabbing him by the neck. “You have one chance, Mel, he has three broken ribs. I heard each crack individually but I could crack his skull open too, I mean if you wanted, then maybe the house of the dead would have a true name”
“You wouldn't! He is your brother!”
“He lost that title when he left me for dead! Let him go”
“Fine” She dropped Fangs to the ground before grabbing Malachai from your grasp.
“I suggest you find another place to rule territory, go to Greenville, Centerville I do not care, but this land is mine. If I see you on my territory again I will not hesitate to snap your neck do you understand.
“I’ll make him stay away this time”
“There are no second chances Mel, one foot past the line and he's dead, now get off my land!” You watched them climb into their trucks and onto their bikes before speeding off. You fell to the ground in a fit of pain feeling the fabric stick to your charred skin. If out for much longer you would be drained of all abilities and be on the cusp of death, you needed to drink, you needed to heal. So you fled transforming and flying back to your home. You collapsed onto the ground once inside. You crawled up to your bedroom slowly making your way into the bath the skin burning with every inch of water that touched it. Luckily as a vampire, you healed fairly quickly but that did not mean the pain was any less. You stepped out of the bath trying to wrap your wounds but the pain was just too much to bear. You threw on a long shirt and laid on your couch by the window in your room. The moon, still shining so bright that the light seeped in through the open curtains.
“You saved my life” Your head whipped around to see Fangs standing in your doorway “sorry for intruding like this”
“It didn’t stop you before, where is Sweet Pea?”
“Back home”
“Oh, is he alright?”
“Yeah, thanks to you”
“Why are you so far away Fangs”
“I don’t want to intrude, I did that once already and we see how that turned out”
“Come closer.”
“Are you sure”
“Of course, I said it didn’t I” he stepped towards you taking a seat on the opposite end of the couch before looking into your eyes. You shifted your weight more to the edge to allow him more room and a grimace of pain crossed your face as you looked down to your arm.
“Y/N your skin!”
“Shh, I’ll be fine”
“I don’t sparkle in the sun Fangs, I burn”
“Did this happen when you came and rescued us?”
“Yes, it did”
“Why, why would you hurt yourself like that Y/N. Fuck you could have died”
“I heal fast, I will be fine”
“That is not the point Y/N, you could have died, why would you do that”
“We aren’t all that bad.”
“I knew that from the start”
“Sweet Pea didn’t, I'm surprised you did. Everyone when they find me always assumes I am the reason for the myth but I am not. I don’t feed on human blood. I mean I have, I used to at first but then I didn’t want to do that. I don’t kill people”
“You did earlier to that one guy”
“He was a vampire Fangs, I do not count him as any guy, he deserved it he was going to hurt you.”
“Why aren't you running, why did you come here”
“To make sure you were alright, and to thank you for saving Sweet Pea and I”
“Like I said…”
“You're not all bad. I know that but that does not change the fact that you saved us even after Pea blamed you”
“It is not his fault, barely anyone knows that vampires exist, and when they find me I am automatically blamed for the myth, but it is not me at all it is Malachai. Every time I try to stop someone from running they just run out, and before I can stop them Malachai catches them. I can’t stay in the sun for long so I could never save them. I could never save them not one, and it kills me. I don’t want to be the scary vampire that is known for killing people it is not who I am”
“That is not your fault, but Why can Malachai be in the sun?”
“Drugs, Every time his kind mutates a new drug is formed, it prevents the sun from hurting them”
“Why don’t you…”
“It has a cost. You become hungrier so much hungrier. Animal blood would never satisfy it, human blood barely does. That is why he constantly kills. When I found out what he did I cut all ties with him. I should’ve cut them long ago when he, my own brother would not save me but as they say family forever. I just wanted him, he was the only family I had left. But as soon as I found out I left, moved in here. That is when people started coming around at first it was old friends he killed them, but one got away and that is where the myth started. For centuries it has been occurring, but no matter how hard I try I was never strong enough to stop him, until tonight”
“How did you do it?”
“What do you mean me”
“I do not know why, and I do not know-how. But something about tonight felt different. The sun was burning me but I was continuing. I felt strong in your presence. Felt a need to save your life without so much so as barely knowing your full name. I needed to save you. I know I am dead but I felt a bigger part of my soul would have died if you did tonight. I can not pinpoint why nor can I explain the connection I feel to you”
“I feel the same Y/N I can’t explain it either, it is the reason I came back here tonight, the reason that I wanted to see no needed to see that you were alright. I feel connected just as you said, in a way that can’t be explained by words. I want to know you, I want to understand you Y/N, would you tell me your story”
“Of course Fangs, what would you like to know?”
“Why are you so angry with your brother, I mean aside from the drugs. In the fight, you said he left you for dead what did you mean”
“Ah, the grand tale of how I was turned into the creature I am today. When I was little I was a very sick child, in and out of the hospital on constant medications. As I got older I grew better out of nowhere, my body started growing, my lungs working way better than their capacity had been and my heart beating and the normal tempos, ironic isn't it. Well anyway. My father and mother were a part of the gang called the Ghoulies. Within that gang, there was a variety of creatures that a human as yourself would call mythical. Most are not in existence today. However, my mother found an individual a warlock healer, she sold things to him in return for him to practice his magic on me, she was trying to make me better. Things went south when the warlocks believed he had gained enough skills to take over my parents' territory and that he did. But in doing so he had completely wiped his magic out of my system causing me to grow sick very very quickly. My mother, father, as well as Malachai and myself, had begun to flee, making it a few towns over to get out of his line of sight for a while. I lived a year being very sick but alive. That is when the warlock found us, he never stopped felt my parents were a massive threat to the empire he felt he had built. They died protecting me and Malachai. I could not fight I was too weak. It was up to my parents and him to destroy the warlock but it was to no avail. My parents died protecting us, protecting me because I myself was not strong enough to fight. Malachai blamed me, and I grew sicker and sicker. Before my parents defeated the warlock I was cursed by one of his followers, a witch that he had bed. She cursed me saying that once the love of my family dies I die as well. Malachai slowly lost love for me, stopped taking care of me, due to feeling like I was to blame for our parents' death. During a fight of territory, he had left me in my room as many of the gang fled. The further Malachai got the sicker I grew. I was found by a woman. She brought her friend who was a vampire. She tried curing me however her powers were not strong enough to heal me so she had to have her vampire friend turn me. She apologized for hours as her venom coursed through my veins, stayed with me as I turned. It was the most painful experience of my life, but without her, I would not be alive. After I was turned, and after I healed she released the curse from me. She had also put a new spell on me, however, I still do not know what it means. I wish I could find her but the only detail of her I remember to this day is the snake tattoo that she bared on her hand. It was a serpent of sorts that started upon her hand and climbed its way up her arm”
“That is my story I am sorry to bore you with the details it is a sad one, but I am happy as I am now however I am sorry that you had to meet me, then you would have never had to be in danger”
“Y/N you saved us you do not have to apologize for us meeting you. You know I always felt a hole in my heart, a place that never quite felt full after my Abuela died. But I think I find the perfect fit to patch that hole up”
“What do you mean Fangs?”
“You Y/N you are the cover to the hole that I have felt since I was young. The woman in your story, the one that saved your life that was my Abuela”
“What, how do you…”
“I know because she is the only Serpent in history to have gotten a snake on her hand that wrapped up her entire arm like you described”
“Fangs that is very unlik…” You felt the burn, but not in the same way that you normally do, this was a warm feeling not a painful torturous one. As you watched a snake appear onto your skin, now you finally understood the spell that was put on you all those years ago.
“Fangs, I remember some of the spell, but I do not remember it all.. Could we talk to your grandmother”
“I Uh, she passed a few years ago”
“I am so sorry for asking Fangs”
“It’s alright, anyway what do you remember about the spell”
“It was long, it started with something about healing me, healing my soul and that would happen when a met someone I remember one part it was something like ‘When a soul is complete with a love so true” but that is all I can remember why is that all I can remember, I wish I had known more, wish I could know what it always meant for me...
“My grandma always said before I would fall asleep ‘May a snake appear and wrap around to seal the soul between two’
“That’s it Fangs, that is the rest of the spell”
“I guess it does all make sense. “When a soul is complete with a love so true may a snake appear and wrap around to seal the soul between two” You felt the burning once again before the snake moved almost showing a connection between the one on your and Fangs’s arm. “Ow, what the fuck was that”.
“I think you just permanently linked our souls even more than your grandmother once had, uh Fangs I think you may be a warlock”
“You mean to tell me that I am a warlock, and I just sealed our souls forever, I am so sorry”
“Why are you apologizing, I have no issue being your soulmate Fangs, unless you are upset because you have an issue with yours being a vampire”
“I would never be upset with you being a vampire, honestly kind of badass to be honest”
“Oh shut up Fogarty, oh look we talked through the night, what are you going to do today, since you now know you have abilities beyond what you once knew”
“I want to practice, and get better at spells, But I need to work hard, I want to make my first spell to be one that helps you to be in the sun. I want to spend my life with you out in the openness in pure happiness”
“You would do that, it could take years…”
“Then years it will be Y/N, we are soul mates after all, but if we are going to spend our lives together, I can die at some point I may need you to turn me”
“I can’t do that to you”
“You can if I am asking”
“Forever and then some Y/N” could you turn him? What if it went haywire? What if he lost his warlock abilities? What if he died? But he wanted to spend his life with you? Was it worth it? Maybe? But forever? Forever…
“Forever and then some Fangs”
It had been three years since Fangs and yourself had met and realized you were soulmates. Things had happened so quickly but you wouldn’t change it any other way. He was the love of your life, your soulmate. You began to wonder whether it was his grandmothers doing all along. Did she knew he would be your soulmate from the start? She did. Fangs and yourself had been scouring her house on any spell books that he could use and practice with, and you came across a journal that she had written throughout her entire life. Fangs had assumed she died of old age but that was not the case. She traded her life for that of another, but it was not sad because as she mentioned in her book saving and protecting others was her life's work. The journals had told you both that the day Sweet Pea was shot she traded her life for the eternal life of his own, meaning Sweet Pea would live and never die. Without her Sweet Pea would have been dead. Fangs always wondered why she had passed right after he was shot and still in a coma. It gave Fangs closure, she knew he would fine you, that you would grant him eternity as well. Wondered why the day he came out of it was the day she died, but now it had all made sense along with so much more. The journal also contained your story. The way she found you, how she knew that you were linked to her lifeline, her grandson. How she had to save you or Fangs would never have survived. They say people with soulmates are each other's lifeline. Without one the other wilts away. You were soulmates, yes, but the love you feel for one another went far beyond that.
Finding the book gave you so much insight, but nothing about how Fangs could fix what the sun chooses to do to you. Two years he tried He tried using a spell to call upon mother nature but that went badly (she doesn't like to be disturbed). He called upon an old friend, but they knew nothing to aid in his search. For two years now he has been non stop researching ways that he could help you. And through every tria,l a little bit more of him wilted away. You could feel every failure, every scare he had when it wouldn;t work and you would get burned. He constantly blamed himself for causing you pain when he was just trying to help. You had finally made him understand that it was alright, that you did not need to live able to go into the sun to enjoy life you had. He was the light of your life, all you wanted was him and if you had gotten the sun that was just a bonus.
But another year of non step tests and trials came to no avail. He did not give up though it was the only thing he worked on for 2 months straight until he was called upon to go on a serpent mission. He was not going to go but you forced Pea to take him. Saying that he needed time away. A month later he came back with two gifts you only had seen in your dreams. A daylighter ring was the first. A ring that contained Lapis Lazuli a gemstone that when combined with magic could protect a vampire that it was intended for against daylight. You remember it like it was yesterday. The second gift came right after.
“Fangs you have just come back do we have to try another experiment so soon?”
“Yes Y/N we do I just finished this one and I am sure that it will work, just rub this lotion on you” It was a trick but one you did not fall for instantly.
“Now let’s go” he covered you in a weighted blanket like many times before, one that blocked the sun's UV rays from penetrating your sensitive skin. He brought you to the top of the mountain behind your home, the one that overlooked the entire town.  He told you to take the blanket off and you did, finding him down on one knee. The burning had started but before it could hurt you a ring was slid over your finger and you did not feel anything after.
“It works, oh my god it fucking works, Y/N you’re not burning!”
“Oh right sorry got excited. Y/N Y/LN with this wring I protect you for eternity, the suns ray never harm a cell of your skin again. But that isn’t all it is meant for. I am using this write to make us eternal as well.Y/N will you do me the honor of being my wife”
“Forever and then some”
Fangs begged for months for you to turn him before the wedding, he wanted to be eternal with you, to never have the fear of dying. But you couldn’t you did not want to cause him the same pain that you felt all those years ago. That was until you felt drawn to his grandmother's grave. There you found a book lying upon the dirt. A book that contained a letter written by her, to you. “My dear Y/N if you are finding this book it has ascended from beneath, haha yes I do watch over the both of you. You have found my boy, my grandson, and he now means just as much to you as he once did to me. I know you are scared, terrified by what he is asking but I know deep down it is his true desire. With you, with him, he can live a life of eternity by your side, but for that to happen you have to make a decision. Now I can float here, get it cause I'm a ghost, I am kidding dear we have feet, anyway I could tell you all the reasons you should, all the reasons he wants to be turned but there is only one that truly matters. His love for you. Without you, he would have died of an empty heart when I passed. I knew my time had come I was alright with that because I knew he would be led to you when he found an old map I had to your home. Regardless, I know you are a stubborn girl, I know you will bear in mind all the things I have said, but I know all too well you will choose whatever you want in the end. Remember the quote you said to each other when you first met “forever and then some”. Make that a reality my dear girl. There is much love and happiness in store for the both of you, please tell my Fangsy that I love him” That letter helped you understand so much. You always felt you had a guardian angel and now you knew she was yours. You now knew where fangs' jokes came from, and you now knew your final decision.
Your wedding day was one made of magic and love. Fangs had officially been a vampire for a few months. It hurt when you turned him, it hurt you to see him hurting but you knew it was needed. You knew that if you did not turn him he would have found a way to become eternal and it would not have gone over well. The morning of your wedding was magical. It was in the woods a beautiful ceremony with your closest family and friends. Oh, and did I mention that Malachai and yourself made amends. Fangs found a way to extract tiny amounts of lapis lazuli from the core that he had found while on the serpent mission. He kept some so that you would have backups if needed but he made additional jewelry for Malachai and his wife. You needed to make amends and you knew that the only reason hatred brewed between the two of you was over bloodthirst. Yes, he had left you but he was angry upset that your parents had died and not realized the true reasons why. Abuelas book helped with that as well. Regardless Malachai though he had his own territory now was welcome onto your land. And you found out you were an aunt to a little girl.
But that was not the best gift that you received on your wedding day, and neither was the man that you were going to be with for eternity, no. The best gift you received was growing inside of you. You were pregnant. Pregnant with three children. Each of whom were born with gifts much like you and fangs.
Your Vows, Simple and Sweet.
“Forever and then some Fangs”
“Forever and then some princess”
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A Lifetime of Waiting, Part 2
Author: Nat / @idontgiveaflyinggrayson69
Requested: Yes
Fandom: Avengers
Relationship: Pre-Established; Loki x Reader.
Summary: “Perhaps we could meet up.” Loki read aloud to himself. “I wish we could…” But this is just a dream.
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: None.
Link to Part 1
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You weren’t expecting to get an answer that quickly. The majority of you believed that you weren’t going to get an answer at all.
But a messy hellowas written on your wrist from your soulmate.
Your soulmate. You had a soulmate who was alive.
Your soulmate, which you didn’t know how long you kept them waiting for. Years? Decades? Centuries?
Not that any of that mattered now because you were here and they were here and everything was going to be as it should be.
Your hand shook as you raised the pen to your wrist. What were you going to say this time?You already said hello, was it too early to say your name? There was no ‘correct’ way to communicate with your soulmate—everyone was different and everyone had a different experience.
You settled on how are you?
Loki’s heart was started to beat faster every moment that you didn’t reply to his hello. His fingers were roughly holding the pen as he waited for your answer. He had waited a millennium for this, he didn’t want to wait any longer.
At least, that’s what his subconscious was saying. The conscious part of Loki’s mind didn’t believe that this was really happening. It had to be another one of his dreams where he dreamt about meeting his soulmate and getting to live the life the Norns wanted him to have. He would wake up and none of it would have happened, his wrist would be bare of writing and he would go about his day with a re-shattered heart.
Finally, Loki felt a tingle on his arm and looked down to see a nicely written how are you?
How am I?Loki thought to himself. I’m scared. I’m terrified. I’m dreaming.
Loki shook his head and placed the pen back down on the table.
“This isn’t real. It’s all a dream… I must have fallen asleep out in the gardens and this is my pay back for reading a romance novel…” Loki whispered to himself as he shook his head, his throat tightening around his words. “How stupid of me…”
With his right hand now free, he lightly traced over the new words with his fingertips. The writing was so nice. Everything about this was so nice. Loki hated the Norns and the universe and everything that he couldn’t have this. This illusion was all he ever wanted, but it was something he would never have.
I’m fine. Loki settled on. If this was a dream, he might as well play it out. How are you?
Due to how fast your soulmate responded to your hello, the minutes that it took your soulmate to reply to your how are you? Felt like years. Finally, I’m fine, how are you?Appeared on your arm in much nicer writing than the messy hello.
I’m well. You answered.
Loki smiled sadly at his arm as the writing appeared. This had to be the most realistic dream he had ever had. Never before had he actually felt the tingling on his arm as the writing appeared.
But it was all just a dream. Wasn’t it?
I’m glad you’re well. Loki wrote back to you.
You smiled when his words. So far your soulmate seemed like a good person, which was such a relief.
Perhaps we could meet up?You wrote, your hand writing becoming shaky from the nerves.
“Perhaps we could meet up.”Loki read aloud to himself with a sigh. “I wish we could…” But this is just a dream.
“Wish we could do what?” Thor asked, walking into the room in the midst of chewing.
Loki shrugged his shoulders and held his arm out to his brother. “I’m having another dream that she isn’t dead.”
When Thor caught sight of Loki’s arm and the writing along his pale skin, he dropped his snack and spit out all the food in his mouth. “ODIN’S BEARD!”
Loki shrugged and went to pull his arm back from Thor, but Thor caught his wrist and brought it closer to his eyes.
Thor’s grip was tight on Loki’s wrist and it hurt. You weren’t supposed to feel pain in dreams. Loki wasn’t supposed to feel the tingling of the writing in his dreams. This wasa dream, right?
Contrasting to his grip, Thor lightly traced over the words on his brother’s skin. “Loki… this isn’t a dream.”
Loki laughed lowly and pulled his arm back from his brother. “You’re just saying that because you’re also in the dream.”
Thor looked at Loki for a moment before smacking him right across the face.
“What the fuck, Thor?!” Loki asked, pressing his hand to his now red and throbbing face.
“This isn’t a dream, brother! Your soulmate is alive and you’re in here denying her existence!” Thor shouted rather angrily, grabbing Loki’s wrist once again to reveal the writing. “And she wants to meet you. What in Odin’s name are you still doing here mopping like a little lost puppy?”
Loki blinked at Thor, fear and confusion running through his veins. This was real? His soulmate was alive?
Thor shook his head at his brother’s reaction, grabbing the discarded pen from the table and writing 7:30 tonight at town squareon Loki’s arm.
Loki looked down at his arm in disbelief. The confusion was beginning to fade, but the confusion was instead filled with the complete and utter disbelief.
Loki’s wrist and cheek stun with pain and he felt the tingling on his arm from the writing. I’ll see you there. Can’t want to meet you!Was written on his arm.
Those were things you weren’t supposed to be able to feel in a dream.
That meant this wasn’t a dream.
You, his soulmate, really were alive. And you he was going to meet you for the first time tonight.
“Thor…” Loki whispered, looking up in fear.
Thor smiled at his little brother and clapped him on the shoulder. “There we go! Have fun on your date tonight, Loki.”
Thor smiled again before walking out of the room, and Loki felt his heart begin to beat faster. Loki scrambled to find a clock.
He had less than four hours to make himself look good enough to meet his soulmate, calm himself down and accept the fact that his soulmate, the very soulmate he thought had died and he would, therefore, spend eternity alone, was actually alive and well.
Four hours was not enough time, but it was what he was given.
Loki bathed and scrubbed at his skin, desperate to wash away a millennium of meaningless sex, self loathing and depression. But he was careful to not wash away the ink on his arm. If the words faded from his skin, he would be sure that this was all a dream and none of it was real. He needed your words staring back at him, grounding him.
Loki combed his hair and pushed it back, but was careful not to straighten his hair—he was told by multiple women that he looked better with his natural curly hair—or appear greasy.
Finally, Loki dawned his best outfit. Free of armor and blood, and not a single tear in the cloth.
Loki arrived at the town square ten minutes before your scheduled meeting time. His heart was beating harder than it had ever beat in his life.
Loki was scared, nervous and …excited?
He didn’t know what to expect.
Would this be a happy meeting? Would you be disappointed? Would you have heard all the rumors and stories (that had way too much truth to them than Loki ever cared to admit) about him and decided that he wasn’t worth it?
Or would this all turn out to be a cruel, painful joke.
Loki was at the town square early, but when he got there, he noticed two things. One, there weren’t every many people there, which was unusual. And two, there was one woman standing out from the rest. She was dressed in fine cloth and her hair was done with not a strand out of place.
When he laid his eyes on you, his heart began to calm and Loki knew that you were his soulmate.
Growing up he had heard all the stories people meeting their soulmate for the first time, and this, what Loki was experiencing was so similar.
His heart slowed back down to his resting heartrate and he didn’t feel scared anymore. Loki felt calm, relieved, happy. Something he hadn’t felt in centuries.
And my god, you were beautiful.
Loki felt his lips twitch up into a smile, happy smile that carried too much sadness.
Loki willed himself not to cry as he pulled his pen from his pocket and wrote with shaking hands. Found you.
When you felt the tingle on your arm, you looked down to find two words staring back at you. Found you.
You turned around and looked up, meeting the teary eyes of Asgard’s Prince, Loki, who had tears in his eyes and who was holding a pen.
Loki, who was over a thousand years old.
Loki, whose soulmate was supposed long dead.
Meeting his eyes, you knew that his soulmate wasn’t long dead because you were his soulmate. All your fears faded away the longer you stared into the coolness of his eyes.
You smiled at the Prince, crossing the distance of town square to stand before him.
“Found you.” You whispered, your voice shaking.
Loki looked at you in disbelief, his free hand coming up to touch a stand of your hair. When he made contact with you, Loki release a half sigh, half sob strangled noise from the back of his throat as a few tears fell freely from his eyes.
You couldn’t blame him.
You heard the stories about him, about what he had gone through. The centuries of believing his soulmate, you, were dead, and that he was cursed to spend eternity alone.
Then, Loki dropped the pen and pulled you into a tight hug. You felt the air leave your lungs at your sudden impact with his chest, but you couldn’t complain. You wrapped you’re arms tightly around him as Loki pressed his face into your hair.
“I found you. I actually found you…” Loki whispered, relief flooding his words.
Tagging: @1xxmrsalphaxx1 @queenofthebuskers17 @loki-laufeyson14 @alina-barnes @the-resident-demon @winter111502 @fire-in-her-veinz @bookwormy @boldlyoriginalkoala @peaches-roses-sins @imaginesbybria @hakuoyuki @ihclipse @sarahivi @awkwardpagan @imagines-by-loki-and-kylo @aszaleas @zeddlocket @passionatewriter07 @unknownuserhasjoined @squirrellover1967 @millasivusalo @metalpalace @silverhart93 @spideypnw @bbogi1999 @saviioiivas @leilei-draws @dangit-mary @loving-life-my-way @mystupidproblems @lushlavenderskies @zakonprirode @saucystiles
(A/N: A strikethrough means you were asked to be tagged but tumblr wouldn’t let me tag you)
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aaronhotchnerlover · 7 years
Sweet Pea Being Protective Headcannon
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·         You would be walking home from a late-night shift at Pop’s.
·         When a group of ghoulies would block your path.
·         At this point you’re already getting a bit nervous.
·         So, you discreetly reach into your back pocket.
·         Dialing your best friend’s Toni’s number, as you know there’s a pool match tonight.
·         Toni immediately answering, “Heyyy!”
·         She overhears the conversation with the ghoulies,
·         “What do you want Malachi?”
·         “Just wanted to say hi to my beautiful serpent.”
·         “I’m not yours, now leave me alone.” You scoffed and walked past them.
·         Malachi and another ghoulie grab you and pull towards them.
·         Currently Toni is still on line, running up to Sweet Pea (your boyfriend) and Fangs (your other best friend).
·         Toni yells “Sweets! Y/N is in trouble!”
·         Upon hearing that, Sweets and Fangs throw down their pool sticks and run to their motorcycles, along with Toni (of course) and a group of serpents.
·         Meanwhile, the ghoulies roughed you up a bit, meaning you have bruises and a couple of scrapes.
·         You’re fighting back, but only managing to hit them a couple times, due to it being 1 against 10.
·         You’re crying out in pain and lying on the ground.
·         Suddenly a group of motorcycles are racing down the street, and the serpents jump off.
·         Sweet Pea and Fangs getting the 2 ghoulies off you.
·         Sweets starts beating Malachi and yells “Stay the fuck away from my girl!”
·         It’s a full-on Serpents vs Ghoulies brawl in the middle of the Southside.
·         Toni runs up to you, almost in tears by the look of pain on your face.
·         She helps you into FP’s truck, who had just arrived.
·         FP stops Sweet Pea and Fangs from beating Malachi into unconsciousness.
·         Sweet Pea runs up to you, “Baby, God what the hell did they do to you?”
·         He gets into FP’s truck but not before lets him know and thanks the others.
·         When you open your eyes, you’re at Sweets’ trailer.
·         He hurriedly enters his trailer, and carries you into the bathroom, setting you on the counter.
·         While he runs the bath, he gets the first aid kit, and starts disinfecting the wounds.
·         “Ugh, baby?” you groan to your boyfriend.
·         “Yea?” “Can you please get me water?”, halfway through that sentence SP is already in the kitchen.
·         Once he helps you get in the bath, he joins you, carefully cleaning you to not hurt you any further.
·         Not many words were spoken but it was a peaceful silence.
·         He helps you into bed and cuddles you real tight.
·         Once he’s sure you’re asleep, he texts the Serpent group chat, thanking them and assuring that you’re safe and not too hurt, and that they can come see you tomorrow.
·         With that, he shuts his phone off, sets it on the bedside table, turning to you and kissing the top of your head tenderly.
·         He thanks god that you’re okay and falls asleep.
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jacks-tracks · 3 years
Birds and butterflys
A cackle of grackles. The grackle family continue to arrive at the pool right on time, 4 pm daily. Up to 10 of them, landing and fluttering nervously around the lip of the pool. Once the dominant one has drunk and bathed, the younger ones who have been dipping their beaks in the water spilled from the outdoor shower, strut over to the pool steps, and with much eye rolling , hop into the water, first to drink, then to enthusiasticaly splash. Everyone gets a turn, then as if at a signal, they all flock off.
The trees around the pool continue to be a source of birds and butterflys. This neighbourhood has infilled with housing, so habitat has shrunk, concentrating the wildlife. Here's a list of the ones I,ve seen this week:Hummingbirds ;all black or all tan. Small robin sized birds with robin red belly, throat and cape, with another splash of fox red under the tail. All else black. They were feeding in the tall roadside tree which last week was in full bloom, covered in more flowers than leaves, long pendant clusters of white bells. Once the flowers matured, the birds were replaced by very large black bees. Livelier were the sparrow sized chitterers, whose red bellys and throats were in sharp contrast to their black backs and sharp white wing bars. There are many lesser yellow bellied flycatchers, whose sharp cry is a a signal to others about territory. They flutter up out of the tree tops, snag bugs and plane back into the undergrowth. They don't seem interested in the many butterflys which vary from all yellow tiny flitterers, to big sulpher yellow gliders. Some are all black, some are all black except for crimson wing bars that flash in the sun. The most common are all white with very faint black veins traced in their wing tops. I saw a few honeybees in the beach front bush, probably survivors from Rafaela.s hives she kept there(her restaurant is now a surf crash pad, and presumably her husband died from guzzling that excellent Mescal he got from the hills.) Dinner at Rafaellas, started with a big glass for an appetizer, and a bigger glass for those who were able to finish the huge portions of good food. That beach front bush is all that survives development, and remains a grey green twisted tangle of thorny limbs, impenatrible (sp?) to anything but birds or iguanas. Grey iguanas with bold white markings still run along the tops of walls, pausing to do push ups and flare their throat sacks in territorial display. Vegetarians, they have fierce claws for tree climbing. There don't seem to be as many geckos, but i did see a 2 foot long lizard(half tail) who had red flashing under his throat. Even cooler was a little one a foot long whose skinny tail was capped with tourqoise.(sp) He paused on a low limb, and as long as I stayed still, he fixed me with his cold black beady eye. Regretably all this fauna has been out of cameras range. Next blog will be flowers seen with some pictures from the extensive garden here.
Otherwise laying low, avoiding the big crowds of Mexican vacationers. Very Covid aware, keeping my bubble down to 3 couples who shared a BBQ poolside last night. Omicron is on the horizon, and if things get goofy, we will all fly home. Meanwhile, it's very nice here, the chief complaint being that last night the temperature fell to 18 degrees. Locals in fleecys, hoods up. With a foot of snow on Lasqueti, and below zero temps all week, this looks pretty good here. Stocked up on fresh fruit, and gave the maids and gardener a canteloupe, pineapple, orange smoothy at lunch. I'm experimenting making bananna ice cream. Dorado tacos, sprouts for salad, endless tomatoes/peppers/fruit. Life is good. Jack
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otherluces · 7 years
Happy freaking Valentine's Day to me! Thank you Metro, I loves you (although if I really wanted to, I probably could have been lame and sent an anon message to myself ^^() ). Also I’m basically answering these through the lens of my story because...I don’t know, it helps me flesh it out more. Also @andiamaprincess I see you sent me this one, too.
Rate the Ship -  
Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs - I generally don’t like to call various ships OTPs cause I ship nearly everything, but given my obsession with these little fuckers lately, I’ll use the term for nowHow long will they last? - Til death, but that doesn’t mean they won’t have their struggles and rough patches - just because you’re total bros with your partner doesn’t mean you don’t fight about stupid shitHow quickly did/will they fall in love? - a couple months, but that was more of that puppy love/new relationship energy dynamic...it takes about a year for them to say I love you and really mean it on a deep, meaningful levelHow was their first kiss? -Drunken, but sweet...unfortunately Clyde doesn’t remember it in the morning, but Kenny...
Who proposed? - Clyde tried to, but his plan went horribly wrong and he got really upset (maybe a little crying). Kenny caught the gist of what he was trying to do, and by the end of the night, Kenny just said yes while they were snuggling in bed (it takes a few minutes for Clyde to catch on, but once he does, he practically smothers Kenny with kisses and a bear hug)Who is the best man/men? - CraigWho is the Maid of Honor? - KarenWho did the most planning? -They were pretty equal in the planning. It wasn’t intense planning, like long sessions with binders and stuff, but whenever one of them thought of something they wanted, they just sort of blurt it out to the other. Clyde even sometimes woke up Kenny in the middle of the night to tell him something like “we should have a big screen TV with Super Smash Bros. hooked up at the reception!”Who stressed the most? - ClydeHow fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big. -(borrowing from my own un-fancy wedding) They rented a cheap hall for a venue, had a potluck reception, and went DIY for most everything else. They’re not destitute, but not wealthy, and they both agree that spending a lot of money on a big fancy wedding is fucking dumb.Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? -Stuart, but he shows up anyway, promising that he won’t drink...he does, but thankfully only drinks like two beers and generally behaves himself (this is my father in law from my wedding...he called me a bitch like 3 days before our wedding, probably cause I said he couldn’t drink there (and he was drunk when I said this to him))
Who is on top? - They switch, but if they had to pick a preference, Clyde likes to top more often because he has to be in the right mindset for receivingWho is the one to instigate things? - Whomever has the erection first and starts grinding on the otherHow healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right nowHow kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s headHow long do they normally last? -Kenny is kinkier than Clyde, but Clyde does enjoy the getting occasional spanking...really I’d probably call them a 5, but the description of a 5 includes butt stuff which...well most of what the do is butt stuff, so....Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - They try, but some days you just can’t finish, some days you manage to have a couple. They don’t stress about it.How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it. -depends on their mood, Kenny is typically the dirty talker, as when Clyde has tried, it just ends up sounding more silly than sexy, they tend to like rougher sex, but sometimes they enjoy more gentle “lovemaking”How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - again, no ABO hereHow many children will they adopt? - one...Clyde would probably make a kickass dad, but Kenny was nervous, afraid he’d become his parents...Clyde tells him he’s nothing like his parents and that he can help break the cycleWho gets stuck with the most diapers? - They take turns, they’re not assholesWho is the stricter parent? -Kenny, who overcorrected a bit from his extremely passive parents. He’s not authoritarian though.Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? -Neither...they’re usually filming their kids doing the stuntsWho remembers to pack the lunch(es)? -Kenny Who is the more loved parent? -I like to think that their kid would brag about how they had the two coolest dads in the worldWho is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? They try to help out with fundraisers when they can, but they don’t really attend PTA meetings...Who cried the most at graduation? -ClydeWho is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? -Kenny
Who does the most cooking? - ClydeWho is the most picky in their food choice? -Clyde (cause Kenny is still stoked to be eating at all)Who does the grocery shopping? -BothHow often do they bake desserts? -once a week for Sunday dinnerAre they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? -They love their meat, but they eat well-balanced meals (they want to instill healthy eating on their kid, Clyde because he ate a bit too much as a kid, Kenny because he barely ate at all)Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? -Kenny - Clyde always cooks tasty food, so Kenny tries to plan a fancy anniversary dinner, but it never turns out quite like the recipe said it wouldWho is more likely to suggest going out? -Kenny - Clyde likes to go out, but he prefers to stay at home and snuggle on the couchWho is more likely to burn the house down accidentally while cooking? -you’d think Clyde because he can get forgetful, but he’s an ace cook - Kenny is more likely to get distracted preparing a side dish and forgetting that the stove was on
Who cleans the room? - RoombaWho is really against chores? -ClydeWho cleans up after the pets? -They’re both actually good about this because they love their pets and want their living area to be cleanWho is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? -both - it’s a quick, effective cleaning technique ^^()Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? -Their child - they love their dads, but they can be kind of embarrassing...Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? -Kenny - Clyde loses his petty cash all the time
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - ClydeWho takes the dog out for a walk? -The whole family goes to the dog park (cause SP had a dog park by this point....)How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? -Kenny and Karen get a little extreme with holidays, as it was some of the better times they had as kids, so Kenny has Karen come over and they decorate the shit out of the living roomWhat are their goals for the relationship? -To be happyWho is most likely to sleep till noon? -They’re both sleeping to noon on the weekends. When their kid is young, they climb into bed and sleep between themWho plays the most pranks? -Clyde
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sp4c3-0ddity · 7 years
i actually wrote college AU fluff that’s gen, for once. i would like to thank everyone in the Pidgance Positivity Discord for enabling my chemist Hunk headcanons
and I would like to apologize to Hunk for having to deal with Lance in lab
Read it on Ao3
or read all ~2500 words below!!
Hunk regretted telling Lance his lab section number approximately three minutes into the first experiment.
“Hey, Hunk,” Lance said from his own hood, “can I borrow your scoop?”
Hunk, scanning his procedure for the third time since he wrote it, glanced towards him and asked, “What’s wrong with yours?”
Lance held up the metal scoop. “It’s got these white spots on it,” he said, pointing to one. “What if they contaminate my experiment?”
Hunk raised an eyebrow, surprised by Lance’s concern, but rather than pass over his own scoop, he took Lance’s and looked at it more closely. “Uh, Lance,” he said, “these spots are calcium carbonate.”
“Which is…?”
Hunk pinched his lips together and carefully asked, “How the heck did you pass general chemistry?”
Lance stared at him for a beat before snatching the scoop out of Hunk’s hand and walking over to the sink, mumbling something about all his friends being jerks. And Hunk took advantage of his temporary absence to start setting up his experiment.
“You doing okay, Hunk?” Shiro, the TA, asked when he came over.
“Yep,” Hunk said. Now he held the separatory funnel in his hand, prepared to shake it.
“And you, Lance?” Shiro prompted.
“Peachy,” said Lance.
Shiro crossed his arms as he eyed Lance. “Then why aren’t you wearing your safety goggles?”
Lance’s separatory funnel almost slid from his grip, but he recovered it before it could fall. “I’m fine though,” he said.
“Then make sure you stay that way by putting on your goggles.” Shiro patted Lance’s shoulder as he passed, approaching another pair of students in the middle of their experiments.
Lance looked at Hunk. “You…wouldn’t happen to have an extra pair of goggles I can borrow, do you?”
Hunk sighed as he vented gas from his funnel and set in place, turning the stopper and draining the bottom layer of fluid. “I thought I reminded you to bring your own pair.”
“Yeah, well…I forgot. And then I thought hey, at least I avoid those red lines I get after lab.”
Hunk rolled his eyes. “Lance, one day you’re gonna be that guy that people tell stories about.”
“Sounds good to me,” Lance said, already busy with draining his own separatory funnel.
They worked in blessed silence for a good few minutes, at least until Lance said, “Hey, Hunk, I think I threw the wrong layer away.”
It wasn’t that Lance was completely inept, exactly. It was that Lance was inept at certain things…like chemistry, and Hunk, for the life of him, could not figure out why the hell Lance chose a major so heavy with it.
“I like marine biology,” Lance said once when Pidge asked him, “and marine biology needs it.”
Pidge, for her part, did not like chemistry and did her best to avoid it, though luckily her interests did not align with it beyond a single semester of general chemistry that she currently procrastinated. “I’ll take it next year,” she said if anyone asked, and then mimed gagging whenever she caught sight of Hunk’s and Lance’s organic chemistry textbooks.
“Chemistry is just applied physics, Pidge,” Hunk told her.
“Well, keep it away,” Pidge retorted, holding her computer over her head as if chemistry was contagious.
Hunk glanced at her computer screen, curious about what she worked on. “Pidge, is that file’s name Mordor?”
“Yup,” she said, glaring at him.
“What is it?”
“It’s the worst coding assignment ever,” she explained.
“And it does…?”
“Well, one does not simply code for Mordor, that’s for sure.”
Hunk took that as a pointed sign that he was invading her privacy and didn’t press her for more details. Odds were it was a differential equation solver…or something like that.
Lance, for once, elected not to participate in their conversation, instead keeping his eyes on the chemistry textbook open in front of him. He pressed his hands to the back of his head, looking focused, at least until Hunk noticed that his eyes weren’t moving and had glazed over.
“What’re you stuck on, buddy?” Hunk asked.
“Huh?” Lance glanced up at him. “Oh, hybridization. Why is a carbon with a double bond sp2 hybridized again?”
Hunk set to explaining, but Lance interrupted him, “Wait, wait, wait. What’s this about pi bonds?”
He looked at Pidge, though he knew beseeching her for help was pointless, and sure enough she focused on her computer again, mumbling something about for loops and iterations.
“You know what?” Lance said after Hunk tried yet again to explain the finer points of hybridization. He stretched across the table until his arms were on either side of Pidge’s laptop, forehead pressed to his open book. “Why don’t we take a break and get some coffee?”
“It’s four o’clock,” said Hunk.
“You don't even like coffee," Lance said.
Hunk looked between his friends:  from Lance, unfocused and annoyed, to Pidge, frustrated and open to his idea. So, despite the knowledge that he and Lance had a midterm in two days, he agreed.
“See, Hunk, here’s the thing,” Lance said as they left the lecture hall, their exam behind them, out of sight and out of mind, at least until the professor graded it. “This isn’t the right kind of chemistry.”
“Oh, yeah?” said Hunk, raising an eyebrow at him. “What’s the right kind then?”
“Well, you know…” Lance waved a hand dismissively. “The kind you have with someone, like romantic chemistry. Like what you and Shay have.”
Hunk rolled his eyes and said, “For the last time, Shay is just a person I met and admire.”
“She gave you a rock,” Lance pointed out with a smirk.
“She’s a geology major,” Hunk said.
“It was a very pretty rock,” Lance said. “There were those crystals on it.”
“See?” Lance elbowed him in the side. “You even remember! And I know for a fact you keep it on your desk.”
“All right, fine,” Hunk said with an impish smile of his own. But before Lance could gloat about being correct, he added, “I admire the rock she gave me too.”
“You—” Lance lightly punched his arm, and they both laughed.
Lab got even worse after the midterm when Keith switched into their section.
“What happened that you had to switch this late in the semester?” Hunk wondered.
To his amazement, Keith flushed red and admitted, “I…went out with the TA.”
Lance’s jaw dropped, and Hunk stared at him incredulously. “Like…on a date?”
“Yes,” Keith said tersely, but from the way he very pointedly set up his experiment without even glancing towards Hunk or Lance, he refused to speak further on the matter.
“Now Keith and his old TA had chemistry,” Lance grumbled under his breath.
“We have chemistry now,” Hunk said when he noticed how far behind Lance was in his experiment. He’d only just finished setting up his reaction in the sand bath, but Hunk’s was nearly done, the color inside the flask already changing.
To be fair, today’s experiment was fairly short.
But within a few weeks, Hunk noticed a pattern emerging:  Keith finishing first, and Lance’s work turning sloppier while he tried to catch up.
“You know it’s not a race, right?” Hunk told him.
“I know but I’m still gonna win,” Lance retorted as he scooped his reaction’s product onto a piece of weigh paper while it was still damp.
“You’re gonna get over a hundred percent yield if you weigh it like that,” Hunk pointed out.
“Even better.”
“So you’re okay claiming to create matter?” Hunk asked.
“Shiro doesn’t care,” Lance said. He put the paper on the balance and, without waiting for it to stabilize, jotted a number down in his notebook. “He only cares that we have a number.”
“Okay, this is true,” Hunk conceded, “but you do know that scientific accuracy is kind of…important?”
“Oh, now you sound like Pidge.”
Hunk rolled his eyes and gave Lance up for a lost cause, but he had his revenge when he ‘forgot’ to reply to a text message asking him to correct his post-lab report.
Somehow, Lance survived the lab that semester with decent grades on all of his reports – though Pidge predicted that it was all thanks to Hunk.
“You’re not even in our class,” Lance grumbled.
“I don’t need to be there to know it’s true,” Pidge retorted.
“Well, Pidge, I guess I can’t see that movie you wanted to see on Friday after all,” Lance threatened, arms tightly crossed.
“That’s okay,” Pidge said, sounding unbothered. “I’ll take Matt with me instead since he’s visiting.”
Lance narrowed his eyes at her. “Then I’m changing my Netflix password.”
Pidge’s eyes snapped from her physics textbook to his face. “You take that back!”
“Only if you take back what you said about Hunk enabling my grades!”
“Why would I take back the truth?” Pidge demanded. “What are you, the Catholic Church?”
“Oh, comparing yourself to Galileo again? How high and mighty of you, Pidge!”
“You understood that reference?” Hunk wondered, interrupting their budding argument and surprised despite himself.
Lance gestured towards Pidge, who rolled her eyes before returning her attention to her studying. And he said, “She’s used it before. I’m just adapting to her.”
“Then why can’t you remember what the Grignard reaction is?” Hunk asked, pointing to the organic chemistry notes spread out over the table between them. “We’ve been over it so many times.”
“Grignard?” Lance narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. “That’s the one with manganese, right?”
“Magnesium,” Hunk corrected, “but that’s closer than your last guess.”
Lance grinned. “Ha, I’ll ace the final then. Wait and see, Hunk.”
“There’s a really big difference between manganese and magnesium,” Pidge then pointed out. “I don’t have to have taken chemistry to know that.” But when both Hunk and Lance glared at her, she smiled sheepishly and added, “But good job, Lance.”
“Thanks, Pidge,” Lance said wryly. “I guess I won’t change my Netflix password after all.”
They had assigned seats during the final exam, so Hunk didn’t have to deal with Lance’s leg bouncing and vibrating the whole row of desks. But he did have to deal with the stress of seeing Lance finish before him, and wonder if he managed to answer every question on the exam or simply gave up.
Then again, it wasn’t like Lance to give up, even if he had no skill at something, which, well… They’d studied together every day for hours at a time for almost two weeks, and though Lance spent half that time distracted by one thing or another – usually a game on his phone or a conversation with Pidge – he still learned something.
Hunk ignored the anxious churning in his stomach as he returned his focus to the exam. He thought he’d paced himself quite well so far, but between the time on the clock and the questions he had left to answer, he started to doubt himself. It didn’t help that someone in the row in front of him kept swearing under his breath.
Chair, and…a boat, Hunk thought as he drew cyclohexane in its two most stable molecular configurations. He was careful to count sides on each shape, to make sure that the hexagons had six corners and the pentagons had five.
He would not lose points on mistakes that wouldn’t have happened if he’d paid more careful attention to detail.
Name the following organic compounds. Easy, Hunk thought.
Propose a synthetic pathway between the reagent and the product. Oh, and this one had suggestions.
By the time Hunk reached the last question, he was grinning, feeling better about this particular exam than he had about anything in the last eighteen weeks of the semester…at least until Shiro called time.
Hunk glanced up at his lab TA before writing his best guess for a question he’d barely scanned, then, after passing the paper over to the TA that collected them, he mentally calculated what his score would be based on questions he knew he got correct.
Well, at least he would pass, right?
Hunk walked with Keith out of the lecture hall; he tried to ask him what he got for that last question, but Keith said, “I’d rather not talk about it.”
“Why?” Hunk wondered, eyebrow raised. “Did your girlfriend tell you what was on the exam?”
“No!” Keith said quickly. “I just don’t like talking about exams after the fact.” He crossed his arms, and after a beat added, “And the TAs don’t know what’s on the test until we do.”
“I knew that,” Hunk said. “Shiro refused to tell us anything.”
He and Keith parted after that, and Hunk met Lance at the cafe on campus, where Pidge waited for them at a table in the corner. “What time did you have to get here to get a table?” Hunk asked her.
Pidge didn’t look up from the old history exam she held in her hand when she replied, “Two minutes ago.”
“Right on the hour, when people go to class.”
“Nice,” Hunk said appreciatively, sitting down right as Lance joined them with three drinks:  hot chocolate for Hunk, who didn’t enjoy coffee, black coffee for Pidge, who didn’t like milk, and iced coffee for Lance, who didn’t know the meaning of the word ‘cold’.
“So how do you think you did?” Lance asked Hunk.
Hunk sipped his drink, considering. “Not too bad,” he said. “I think I’ll get at least an eighty percent.”
“Not too bad?” Lance said. “I’d kill for that.”
“You’ll pass,” Pidge said after shooting a brief glance at him. “You’ve been studying your ass off.”
“Look who finally noticed all my hard work!”
“Your lab report grades might bring you down though,” Pidge continued as if she hadn’t heard Lance. She stared straight at him as she emptied three sugar packets into her coffee and drank deeply from it.
“I got decent grades on those,” Lance whined.
“Shiro’s an easy grader then,” Pidge said. “I saw your reports, and I may not know what half those molecules are called, but reports are supposed to be easy enough to follow. And yours were kind of—”
“Don’t say it, Pidge,” Hunk beseeched her.
Hunk sighed, but to his surprise Lance admitted, “I guess I could’ve done better, but I would’ve done a lot worse without Hunk’s help.” When Hunk threw a glance at him, he added, “I was in good hands.”
“That’s true,” Pidge agreed.
Hunk smiled, glad Lance could confess to needing his help in regular conversation, but the smile disappeared when Lance said, “Oh, yeah, that reminds me:  which section are you taking next semester?”
Hunk wondered if it was too late for him to drop out.
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