#and now im supposed to fucking SIT HERE until fucking SEVEN when everyone else comes from the fucking venue
iamjessemccartney · 2 years
i'm so mad i'm so fucking mad
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jae-daddy · 4 years
Duff (6)
jaebum au series
one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight masterlist
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pairing: im jaebum x reader  genre: angst, smut, cheating, CEO! i guess too now “ plot: you are the duff and guys use you to get close to your best friend, Heather, and turns out Jaebum is no exception. but as time goes on the tension between you and your best friend’s unofficial boyfriend grows a/n: im sorry for posting after so long. i got busy with new year celebrations and then started struggling with a creative blog. not edited. hope y’all enjoy it! <3
“So, how is it working for the hot new Director?” Naina asked, watching you take a bite of the fries on your plate. You narrowed your eyes at her anticipating face, waiting for any drop of new information.
You frowned at her instead, “Naina, you ask me this every time we meet.”
Naina only pouted in reply, before picking up a fry from your plate and popping it into her mouth. Before you could complain, she lifted up a quarter of her wrap and dropped it on your plate, “I only ask because you never know when situations can change. One day your secretary and boss, and the next day, you both are hooking up on his sexy desk.”
“Did you just call his desk sexy?”
“Come on,” Naina blew gaping at you as if you were the one insane. “Have you seen that majestic dark wood slick piece of beauty?”
“Oh my god, the Director’s desk right?” Pam settled next to Naina. Naina gave you a told you so look, and you just rolled your eyes at their antics. You didn’t say anything as the other two ladies drifted into a conversation about how sexy furniture could be.
You would have normally joined them, and told them about the three thousand dollar coffee table at Heather’s apartment. But you couldn’t participate in their conversation. Not when your mind was elsewhere; somewhere so much more interesting and sexier than furniture.
What Naina had said had planted another seed in your garden of fantasies about Jaebum and you.
This time you imagined yourself spread on his dark wood desk. Your bodies holding on to each other, desperately trying to get closer as he fucked into you.
You swallowed, as you popped a fry into your mouth, making you choke. You coughed a few times to avail before your hands reached out to your friends who turned towards you with wide eyes.
God, this was so embarrassing. You were going to die from choking on a piece of fry at the company cafeteria.
“Y/n!” Naina and Pam panicked, jumping in their seats. They held your hand staring at you horrified and lost. You had such idiot friends, you were truly about to meet the devil any second now.
Suddenly, you were pulled up from your seat and arms wrapped around your waist. You felt the person behind you press into your stomach from behind, making you heave. The smell of rose and vanilla enveloped you as you felt softness behind you.
“One more time,” a smooth voice grunted into your ear. You nodded, frantically, before the person pressed once more. The piece stuck in your throat flew out. You fell forward, your arms catching the table in front of you. Arms covered in a grey jacket held you steady as you caught your breath.
You heard claps, and you were so embarrassed.
“Are you okay?” You turned around and your breath got caught in your throat from the beauty in front of you. Her almond-shaped eyes crinkled as she gazed at you with concern.
Her pouty pink lips drew into a straight line before her fingers gently brushed the hair from your face. Your heart skipped a beat at the touch, before you nodded, holding in your breath, “I’m okay. Thank you.”
The goddess in front of you smiled, her short hair brushing her shoulders slightly, “Chew your food properly, doll.”
She shot you a wink and walked away with ease and confidence. You remained standing there, your hand over your pounding heart.
“Wow,” Naina gasped from behind you. You slipped into your seat, seeing their face mirror your awe, “I think I'm in love.”
“Me too,” Pam and you replied.
You walked into the office after two quick knocks for the sake of formality, and to piss of Jaebum.
Jaebum hated it whenever you did something that an employee was supposed to do, especially when no one else was around.
Jaebum’s office was supposed to be empty with just him sitting on the couch, he worked from.
So imagine your surprise when you walked into his office to find Jaebum and the gorgeous woman from the cafeteria tangled into one another.
You noticed how she was slightly perched on the dark wood of the sexy desk your friends had gushed about. You noticed how Jaebum’s hands spread on her back, and how her head dipped into his neck.
“Oh,” was all that left you. You didn’t know if you should walk back out or stand there until they noticed your presence.
Jaebum noticed you immediately and untangled himself from the woman instantly. You bit your cheek to hold in the urge to roll your eyes. He was going to pretend that you didn’t just walk into a moment in case you went back and reported to Heather.
All men are trash.
And you knew Jaebum was just like everyone else already. You knew that the moment he decided to jump the boat from you and Heather literally five minutes after meeting you. He was no different to every other sleazy shit head to walk this earth.
The caught look on Jaebum’s face told you couldn’t hide the distaste from your face as your eyes settled on him.
“Hey, it’s you!” Her smooth voice chuckled, “You work for JB?”
“Everyone here does,” you gave her a curt smile back.
She could have saved you from hell but that didn’t excuse whatever her and Jaebum were up to before you walked in.
Your eyes drew back to Jaebum. The top button of his shirt open, his hair a mess and cheeks flushed. Biting your tongue, you tore your gaze away from him and the mess he echoed.
“She’s my assistant, y/n,” Jaebum finally croaked out. His eyes watching you.
You looked at the iPad in your hand instead of the pair in front of you, “You have a meeting with Mr Mark Tuan in twenty minutes, and dinner with Jackson Wang at eight.”
“No mister for Jackson?” the lady rose an eyebrow at you.
You gave her a polite smile, “No.”
She held your gaze for a moment longer, before turning to Jaebum. She let out a sigh as she hugged him once more. Jaebum hugged her back hesitantly this time, aware of your dark eyes watching them.
He patted her back twice and she moved away.
“It was nice seeing you after so long, JB,” she smiled at him. Jaebum smiled back at her this time, nodding in agreement. She patted his shoulder before picking up her bag from the chair next to the desk. “Oh, before I forget, guess who is back in town and wants to get into business with you?”
Jaebum frowned, and you watched the pair, almost sulking from your corner.
Her smile brightened with secrecy that made you listen intently, “Park Jinyoung.”
Your heart stopped.
“Hey y/n!” You blinked back to reality to find Jaebum in front of you. His eyes staring into yours as he rose his brows in question, “You alright?”
The grimace formed on your lips before you could hold it back. You didn’t even know what you were feeling but it wasn’t pleasant.
You felt it towards Jaebum and how he was hugging that girl. Not because of your feelings, but because he was with Heather.
Not that you had feelings for him or anything.
God, this was so confusing. On top of that, he was back in town.
You felt your frown deepen into a scowl as you glared at Jaebum.
You hissed at him, making him jump back slightly, “Get ready for the meeting. I’ve sent you the report for the meeting already.”
He opened his mouth to something, but you cut him off, “With notes, sir.”
You turned and began walking out of his office.
“Y/n,” Jaebum called out, but you ignored him.
Your foot kept tapping against the carpeted floor as you watched the numbers increase on the screen. You hadn't been able to keep still since the moment you heard the news.
Im Jaebum was no help either. All you wanted was to be left alone but he kept on trying to talk to you or kept on sending you to get coffee.
He didn’t take a single sip of those five iced americanos he ordered. All the cups piled on the floor next to the couch he sat on watching you with those dark eyes.
As soon as the clock hit seven-thirty, you called for Jaebum’s driver and rushed out of the office. You didn’t head home, you didn’t even consider going home for a second. Your feet without hesitation led you to Heather’s apartment.
You entered the code, your birthday, and entered the chilly room blasting with the AC high.
“Heather, I need wine and a good movie for crying. You won’t believe what I just- oh MY GOD- AHHHHHHH!” A bloodcurdling scream escaped you, as you fell onto the wall behind you.
When your scream settled as you took in the figure standing in the pink robe belonging to your best friend, you straightened, confused.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” You sneered.
“Wow, such a kind greeting for me,” Bambam rolled his eyes, before continuing to sip the glass of orange juice in his hand. You stared at him, your mind puzzled and trying to figure out what the fuck was going on.
“So what’s the tea?” Bambam smacked his lips before licking the droplets of juice remaining on them. He slammed the glass on the white marble, grinning at you. “Why do you need wine and a sad movie? Time of the month?”
“Why- What- How- Pink robe?” You stammered over your words pointing at him. Bambam stood there as if there was nothing weird about this situation. As if standing in nothing but another girl’s pink robe in a stranger’s kitchen was a normal occurrence for him. Your eyes narrowed at him, “Where’s Heather?”
“Y/n!” Heather appeared through her bedroom door. You took in her wet hair and silk robe, your eyes going to Bambam’s also wet hair. You frowned in confusion, and a fire blazed inside of you as an evil thought sprouted somewhere in the back of your mind.
Did they... Are they cheating on Jaebum?
Jaebum’s face from that night at the club invaded your mind. The smile on his face, the look in his eyes as he watched Heather with such softness, “It’s good she gets to live her life how she wants to.”
God. God.
What do you do?
You glared at Heather. Your eyes burned with betrayal from your friend and the anger that spread through your veins as you thought of Jaebum. You couldn’t bear to even imagine the sight of him heartbroken, defeated and cheated. You would rather the world end than see him like that.
“No, y/n!” Heather huffed taking a step towards you. The droplets from her long ember hair darkening the pink silk wrapped around her body. She took a step towards you and you almost took one back. But your feet remained still, as you saw the panic in her eyes, the desperation, “Let me explain.”
“So, what you’re telling me is that he is homeless?” You grunted at a dressed Heather sitting in front of you.
Bambam sat somewhere behind you, snorting, “I’m not homeless. Just low on cash and have no place to go.”
“That is literally homeless,” you turned towards him, giving him a smile.
“Basically,” Heather nodded, ignoring Bambam’s protest in the background. “I’m letting him stay here for a few weeks until his apartment problem is sorted out. I’m living at home anyways, but I came here today because I spilt coffee all over myself.”
“Oh,” you nodded. You weren’t completely convinced. She could’ve gone home, it was just ten minutes away. And why was both of their hair wet from the shower, when there is only one shower in the apartment. Maybe she might have kicked him out of the shower pulling ownership rank.
You had to believe her. There was no other explanation. The alternative was too cruel, and you would rather believe this than consider the dangerous alternative.
And how could you possibly not believe her? You knew Heather would do this in a heartbeat for anyone, she would do so much more then let others stay in her house. She had done the same for you once upon a time, she had done so much more.
She was even willing to buy you a house and you had to talk her out of it.
Yeah, there was no way anything was going on between Heather and Bambam. Whatever she said was the complete and absolute truth, there was no other alternative explanation needed or present.
Heather would never hurt someone else purposefully, she was pure and kind. She was not you.
“How come you’re here?” Heather asked, changing the subject.
“It’s nothing,” you shook your head.
“She's lying,” Bambam butted in. “She came in asking for wine and a movie that will make her cry. Something happened, or she’s on her period.”
Heather turned to you with a grave look, “What’s wrong, babe?”
You glared at Bambam, before turning to Heather. You let out a sigh as you picked your fingernails nervously. Heather instantly took your hands in hers making you meet her concerned green eyes, “What’s wrong?”
You frowned. Your lower lip trembling, “It’s -”
Ding Dong.
You and Heather turned towards the door, and then at Bambam. He let out an exhausted sigh, before he getting up, groaning.
“What am I meant to do? Send them away or- Oh, it's JB,” and without hesitation, he let the dark-haired male in.
Your frown deepened as you glared at the doorway he appeared through. His eyes landed on you right away and stayed on you. You held his gaze, your face darkening into a glare.
His rosy lips parted, his dark eyes filled with desperateness and despair as he held your gaze. It was as if all he saw in the room was you; as if the rest of the people, all disappeared.
It terrified you. It terrified you how this single moment made your heart flip and race. He terrified you.
“Oh good, you’re here Jaebum,” Heather spoke from behind you, and finally, Jaebum looked away from you. But it didn’t stay there, his dark eyes fell back on you, watching you intently.
Was he scared you would tell Heather what you saw in the office?
You scoffed at him, shaking your head as you looked away from him.
“Take Bambam out for a bit,” you heard your best friend’s sweet voice tell her boyfriend.
“I’m not a dog!” Bambam protested. Heather laughed behind you, but Jaebum and you didn’t as much as attempt to smile. Your eyes glittering with fire remained on him before you smirked at him.
You noticed his jaw tightened.
He was so pathetic.
You couldn’t believe you were worried about Heather cheating on him when he was almost dry humping another girl in his office. Well, you didn't see the humping, all you saw was the embrace, but you never know.
You can never know with guys like Im Jaebum, with their bad-news piercing and bad fuck-boy ways.
“Come on, let’s go,” Bambam began dragging Jaebum away, making him look away from you. “Clearly the ladies want us out.”
The door clicked behind them, and you felt your throat dry up.
Heather felt the tension too. She gently placed her fingers under your chin making you meet her gaze, “Now tell me, why do you need a sob night?”
“Heather,” you breathed. Your heart felt as if it would escape out of your chest. Your palms clasped sweatily, as you fisted them in your lap.
Two thoughts bounced around in your head, debating which one do you tell her.
Do you tell her about Im Jaebum who might have cheated on her if she hadn't walked in? Without any proof, without any certainty?
Or do you tell her what you wanted to, what had been bothering you since the afternoon?
“Heather,” her name left you shaky and weak, you gulped, your throat dry, “he’s back, and I might be seeing him around.”
Heather looked at you confused, and you continued, “He wants to get into business with Jaebum, and I'll have to be there.”
“Who, y/n?”
“Park Jinyoung,” you held in your breath.
Rage blazed through her emerald eyes matching the fire of her ember curls. She shot up from her seat, her fists clenched on her sides, “Fuck off if that asshole thinks he can come anywhere near you.”
You snorted, “He isn’t trying to come near me, Heather. He’s trying to do business with Jaebum.”
“I’ll talk to Jaebum to-”
You shook your head, “No, I can do this.”
Heather looked at you for a long moment.
You leaned into her, letting her engulf you into her arms, “Just let me be sad tonight and get ready for tomorrow.”
“My baby is all grown up,” She kissed your forehead, pulling you closer to her, “I’m so proud of you, but I’m always here for you.”
You nodded, you knew that.
The door of the apartment opened and you slightly turned to find Bambam walk in with four bottles of wine, “Are you guys ready to cry?”
You rolled your eyes, but couldn't help but giggle as he popped one open and offered it to you.
“Fuck yeah!” Heather cheered. You all turned to her, surprised. Heather didn’t talk crude, but tonight she didn't care to act proper. She just rolled her eyes, “Tonight, we are improper human beings.”
Bambam turned to Jaebum who stood a few feet away, “You in?”
His dark eyes travelled to you once again. After a long moment, he nodded, finally, tearing his gaze away from you and to Bambam.
“Good, go get the glasses,” Bambam ordered him laughing. He turned to the front and pulled out the remote, “Notebook, Titanic --”
“One Day,” you say.
They all gasp and stare at you. You just shrug and take a sip of the wine.
“You really chose heartbreak today, huh?” Bambam snickered, pulling up Netflix. “One Day it is. Jaebum get the tissues ready.”
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
Colourless ~ OT7 [Request]
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↬↬↬Word count: 1.7k [It’s so short im sorry :( been having a really rough two weeks in my life im sorry! ]
↬↬↬Genre: Angst, sad, soulmateAU, ot7
↬↬↬Pairing: ot7 x reader
↬↬↬A/N: It’s really short I’m really sorry!
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Namjoon was standing beside the rest of the boys as the rain hammered down above them, he'd always been the most sceptical around everything with you. You'd seemed too good to be true for any of them and he hadn't known how to trust that the soulmate trait was real. Even when the colour first came to him, 
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He was in a rush to get to the studio for work, he'd spent too long trying to find clothes he thought would look okay. Since his whole world was in black and white he couldn't tell if the clothes looked okay or he was wearing a bright colour that made him stand out like a sore thumb. 
"Excuse me!" He said as he tried to push himself through the crowds of people gathering near the markets that morning. You were on the other side trying to push through to get to work and you were running late as it was. 
"Fuck," You whimpered as someone back into you knocking your glasses onto the floor and breaking them with their feet. You were going to have to go to work blind for the day, you got back up from the floor and someone grabbed onto your arms as they almost fell down on top of you. 
"Out of the way children!" Someone yelled pushing you and the person who was holding you out of the crowd and towards the back where you'd started. 
"Sorry, are you okay? You were on the floor." Namjoon said trying to check you over but as soon as you locked eyes together he began to notice something, colours were fading into his eyesight and he frowned. 
"What?" You questioned looking around you as he frantically turned his head around to look at everything going on around him. That was when you saw it, a rose bush was slowly starting to turn into the green colours you'd heard a lot about and then the single rose that was growing there turned into a bright red but it was the only thing changing for you. 
"We're soulmates?" He questioned and you turned to him then back to the bush wondering why you were only seeing partial bits of the colours.
"I erm - I only see- How much colour do you see?" You thought it would be an easier question to ask rather than explaining that you weren't seeing as much as he was.
"I see every colour...why?" His voice sounded defeated, he'd spent most of his life looking for you and now he'd found you you weren't excited to see him.
"I only see the bush, the rest of the world it's in black and white for me." You whispered not wanting to hurt his feelings but it was hurting him already. 
"My grandmother told me that people can have multiple soulmates...maybe I won't see it all until I meet them all?" You questioned, no one knew how the soulmate traits worked. They were just dumped onto you from the moment you were born and you were left to figure out everything for yourself.
"Maybe it takes a while here," You wrote your number down on the back of his hand still in a rush to get to work and he nodded at you not taking notice that the pen hadn't worked and you'd only written the last four digits of your number on his hand. 
"Call me!" You yelled running in the other direction of him and trying to get to work before you got fired for being late yet again. 
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"Namjoon, if it's meant to be it, 'll be, it's been three weeks. I'm sure they'll show up again." Yoongi was giving him yet another lecture since Namjoon had done nothing but pout about you not being with him. But he couldn't stop his mind from going back to you and your smile. The way you stared up at him and the way he felt when he could finally see the colour in his life, all of the boys were jealous. Questioning him on everything he could see, what the colours were like and what they were wearing that day.
"Come in!" Jimin called at the door, they were all sitting in the studio waiting for their coffee to arrive. They were supposed to be working on some new songs but all of them were blocked on what to write, it was hard writing about the same black and white world all of the time. Namjoon had the inspiration but he couldn't seem to find the words to put down onto paper.
"I have seven drinks, one black iced coffee," Your eyes locked with Yoongi's and the wall behind him slowly began to turn into a soft blue colour. 
"S-Strawberry frap." You stuttered out turning to the next boy with blonde hair who was staring at you, confused as to why you were stuttering when his world filled with a sudden burst of colour. His clothes began to fade into colour for you and it continued right until you got to the sixth boy in the room. 
"Chocolate milk," Your voice came out as barely a whisper as the room filled with colour. Namjoon turned around to see what all the muttering was about when he saw you standing there, 
"Hi." He whispered and you dropped the bag you'd been carrying, you couldn't form words you were stuttering over everything you wanted to say and talk to them about. 
"You can see it now, can't you? All of it?" He questioned getting up from his desk, you back up against the door and covered your eyes. They were all talking over one another and it was overwhelming for you, why would the world give you seven soulmates?!
"Guys, one at a time," Namjoon said taking charge of the situation. He sat you down on the sofa in the room and you ran your hand along the black fabric trying to calm yourself down. 
"I'll go," You turned to the one you'd handed a black iced coffee too and he stuck out his hand, 
"I'm Yoongi." You nodded at him that you understood what he was saying and then it moved on until you were introduced to each of them. 
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You'd all learnt from that day that one person could have seven soulmates since not all soulmates were of romantic interest, you all made it work. You began hanging out with them as friends until it started to develop into more with each of them and then you spent a day with them each. There was never anything weird about it though, you all respected the other's boundaries with each other and they all had set days with you. Jungkook let out a sniffle and Namjoon moved closer to the younger member and handed him a tissue from the packet in his pocket. 
"It's not fair," He grumbled at Namjoon as they all stood together crowded under umbrellas looking down at the gravestone. Your name was engraved there with your favourite quote,
"They were too young Namjoon," Yoongi told him as he laid down a bouquet of roses on the ground. They'd made it their mission to come out here once a week to make it easier to deal with the loss that they had all shared. He could still remember the day they all found out what happened. Jimin still blamed himself for it all when it had nothing to do with him, he wasn't there when it happened.
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They weren't even at home, all of them were on tour having the time of their lives. Jimin had been the last one to talk to you that night and he'd told you to lock your door. You lived in a shady part of town that none of them trusted but they were in the process of asking you to move into their place, it was highly secured and they knew they could relax with knowing you were there safely. 
Yoongi was the first one awake as usual and he hadn't noticed that everything was in black and white until he reached his laptop and the photo he had of you and him as his background was in black and white. The glass of coffee he was holding smashed against the floor alerting everyone on the tour bus that something was wrong, 
"What is it!?" Jin panicked before he realised everything was once again in greyscale and all of the bright and happy colours had been sucked out of the air as though they'd never been there. 
"We have to go home," Namjoon said calmly trying not to assume the worst but he already knew what it meant. Once your soulmate died your world went back to the black and white and so did the boys, 
"Namjoon-" Taehyung tried to say something but his voice broke as he started crying at the thought of losing you.
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All of them found it hard to move on from you but there wasn't any moving on. It was always going to be you for them even if someone did come along to bring a small amount of light it was never going to be you. You were the one that brightened up their days with or without the colour. You never failed to make them laugh whenever they were having a bad or stressful day. You were always there to make them feel better and inspire them and just as fast as you came into their life you left all the same.
"We need to get home," Namjoon whispered to the boys, if they didn't get home they would start getting colds and sick and he could never forgive himself. They all slowly made their way back towards the car that was waiting for them in the car parking lot. They were never going to be the same again and they knew that but they had to at least try and move on, or get on with everything going on within their lives though nothing would be the same without you there, the colour of you helping them with everything. 
The songs hadn't been the same and neither had anything else in their lives, they all collectively agreed that it felt like the fun and love for everything had been sucked out of it all leaving nothing behind for them except for the colourless world.
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@writingdreamsnottragedies @snowy-meowl @lyoongx @mitzwinchester​ @fan-ati--c​ @callingmyangel​ @rjsmochii​ @btsiguess-kpop​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​
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Nervous Breakdown // Jay Halstead x Reader
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Photo by @karihighman​
Description: Jay is there when you start to break down.
Words: 1539
Warnings: None
Pairing: Jay x Reader
A/N: So, this I wrote for me. The schedule Reader talks about is my actual schedule. The sign offs are the things I actually need. This was me last night, except I didn’t have someone like Jay to talk me down from my nervous break down, I just had it and then had to be at my clinical this morning (which I’m still at btw lol). But yeah. Hope you enjoy. And if my posting is sporadic in the next month or so, this is why. 
“Come to bed,” Jay told you softly, leaning on the doorframe of your bedroom with his arms crossed over his chest as he looked at you with papers spread across the floor, couch, and coffee table. 
Your movements were frantic as you tried to organize them all, trying to figure out the best system to keep everything together. Every section was chronologically ordered for the online documentation, paper clips holding each stack together. Then, there were the colored sheets that had even more important signatures on them. You had to make sure everything was in order as class was drawing to an end. 
“I’ll sleep when I’m done, Jay,” you snapped at him before closing your eyes and taking a deep breath. “I’m sorry, I just-”
“I know.” He walked over, stepping around the stacks before sitting directly behind you in the only place clear of paper. “Come here.” 
You couldn’t stop yourself from leaning back into his chest, his arms wrapping around you. Grounding you as your mind went a mile a minute. You also couldn’t stop yourself from grabbing your calendar, flipping it open to this month.
“What’s the schedule look like?” His chin rested on your shoulder as he looked at the planner. 
“I have to help with the EMT class Saturday from seven to three. Then I start my shift at work at eight tomorrow night. Then, work Sunday night. So I’m going to try and catch up on some sleep on Sunday. I have my exam in Med Emergencies on Monday. Then, I have an ambulance clinical AM shift at seven. Same on Wednesday. A quiz in Med Emergencies on Thursday. Then, I work Thursday night. Off at eight on Friday morning, but I picked up a shift from two to ten Friday day. Then, ambulance clinical on Saturday AM shift. 
Same with that next Sunday. A quiz in Med Emergencies on the seventeenth. Then work that night. Work the night of the eighteenth, but I’m off at four in the morning instead of my usual eight. Mainly because I have an OR clinical on the nineteenth from seven to three. But then I work that night, off at five on the twentieth because I have an exam in Med Emergencies that day. Ambulance clinical AM shift on the twenty-first. Twenty-second, I have an ER shift from seven to three, then I work that night. Work Sunday night, so I’m going to try to catch up on sleep that day. 
Twenty-fourth I have another exam in Med Emergencies. Ambulance AM shift on the twenty-fifth and sixth. Then, we review for our Final in Med Emergencies, but I work that night. I’ll get off at six to get to my ambulance clinical on the twenty-eight at seven. I work that night, but off at five to get to my Maternal-Fetal Truck shift by eight. 
On the thirtieth, I have an ER shift from three to eleven. The thirty-first, I have my final in Med Emergencies, and then work that night. Off the day of the first, but I work that night. Then, an ER shift at three on the second. Then, I work that night, but I’m going to try to switch shifts just because my ER shift won’t finish until eleven. The third, we have our student evals. The fourth, I’m helping the junior class with their Ops day, and then I have an ambulance clinical that night. Off the fifth, but work that night. Off the sixth, but work that night. Seventh is labor day, so completely free. ER shift on the eighth at three. Then, on the ninth, OR shift at seven.
“After that, I don’t know because we haven’t signed up for our capstone. Which all of this,” you said, motioning to the mess of papers, “is me getting everything in order to make sure I have everything done and what I still need. Because we can’t start capstone until all of our skills check offs are done, and we’ve hit all of our demographics.”
“What do you have left to do for your skills?” That question got you to sigh, putting the planner down and grabbing a notebook. You had to push your glasses back up on your face as you looked down at your messy handwriting. 
“Five peer reviews for pediatric intubations. Two peer reviews for needle cricothyrotomy. Three peer and two instructor reviews for trauma assessment. Five peer reviews for trauma intubations. Two instructor reviews for joint splinting -- which I’m already an EMT, why the Hell do I have to sign off on the BLS stuff again? Same with long-bone. I need one peer review and two instructor for traction splint. Again, BLS bullshit. Seven peer reviews for medical and cardiac scenarios. Eleven peer reviews for IV starts, and one instructor. One instructor for IV piggyback. Five peer reviews for IO. Oh, and another instructor. Three peer for IM injection. Three peer for synchronized cardioversion. One peer for defibrillation. Three peer transcutaneous pacing. Four peer reviews and one instructor for adult team lead scenarios. Five peer reviews and one instructor for pediatric team lead scenarios. Eleven peer reviews for being a team member. Three peer reviews for being a team leader for geriatric scenarios. Six peer and one instructor reviews for adult physical assessments. And finally. Six peer and one instructor review for pediatric assessment,” you read off, letting the paper fall to the ground. 
He held you a little tighter. You felt bad. With all the stress you’d been under for the past month, and with how crazy his job was, the two of you hadn’t gotten to spend a lot of time together. And the next month was going to be even crazier. 
“When are you supposed to start your capstone?” He pressed a kiss to your neck, your eyes fluttering closed in response. 
“They want us to start September Ninth, but I’m going to be the last one who gets to sign up because I’m so far behind! Everyone is going to pick the cool preceptors, and I’m going to get stuck with the ones nobody else wants,” you vented before huffing in frustration. 
It was indeed very frustrating, stressful, and downright annoying that you were so far behind compared to everyone else. That’s what happens when you have to be off for six weeks because you tore your knee. Now, it was a constant game of catch-up. 
“Just breathe when I breathe,” Jay instructed in that calming voice, following his breathing pattern. It got your heart rate down as tears came to your eyes, despite your internal protests. You were on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and it wasn’t going to be pretty.
“Maybe you should email your instructor?” he suggested when you had your breathing under control on your own.
“And have her take me off all my clinicals and reschedule everything? No. No fucking way. I can’t just email her and schedule my nervous breakdown, Jay. She was very clear in first semester that if we took on too much and couldn’t handle it, she’d take us off our clinicals and completely reschedule everything. I can’t do that, Jay. I can’t because then I’ll be even further behind.” You were talking a mile a minute, Jay taking a deep breath behind you. You took the hint and matched your breathing again. 
“Okay, then don’t email her. But, I want you to come to bed right now. It’s two in the morning. You have an ambulance clinical in five hours. You need your sleep. All of this will be waiting for you when you come home tonight,” he insisted. You didn’t want to, but you knew he was right. 
The two of you stood up, walking into the bedroom. You couldn’t help it as you collapsed on the bed with a groan, much more comfortable than the hard floor in the living room. He wasted no time in joining you, pulling you close again. This time, you were able to see his face at least, tracing his features gently with soft fingertips. You missed him. 
“How about we do something Labor Day? Just you and me to destress a bit?” you asked, Jay nodding in agreement before lips met gently. “I miss you.”
“I miss you too,” he said with a soft chuckle, kissing you again. “But you’re almost done. This is the worst of it. After your final, you’re pretty much done with lecture. Capstone is your last hoorah. Then, your tests and you’ll finally be a paramedic after over a year. Doing this through a pandemic. Through all your family crap. I’m proud of you.”
“You really know how to sweet talk a lady,” you joked, resting your head on his chest.
It was the exact thing you needed to hear. Jay always knew what to say. You were so close to being done. Then, you’d be in your dream career. All the hard work was going to be worth it. The thousands of hours in clinicals, the hundreds of hours in class. The countless sleepless nights and caffeine filled days. Yes. It would be all worth it. Just a couple more months to go. And Jay was by your side.
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emybain · 5 years
The Mall
im not gonna lie i lowkey based this off of my own (very few) experiences going to the nasty old mall in the next town over with my friends. lets just say: very worried parents, sticky atmosphere, and great people watching but also pedophiles left and right sksksks. the movie is also based on a movie I saw with friends when I was thirteen, but I saw it at the nice, trustworthy outlet mall closer to my house lmao. anyone else ever seen the boy? anyway, enjoy me projecting my awkward young teen experiences on the AU where Nova’s parents live. this is unedited as well:)
Part of the Nova’s family lives AU***
Masterpost of all my Renegades Fics 
    Nova was practically vibrating with happiness. She bounced up and down in the passenger seat of her mom’s car, leg jiggling in excitement. Only half paying attention to the radio, she hummed along to the music playing. Today was a new day. A breakthrough in Nova’s thirteen years of life. 
    For the first time ever, after countless hours and years of begging, Nova was being dropped off at the mall to hang out with her friends. 
    Her parents were what most would call overprotective. By this point, Nova was used to it, but it was still annoying when she had to miss out on fun activities just because Mom said no. They never even gave a clear answer when she asked why, too. It was always “Because we’re the parents and we say so,” usually followed by them telling Nova to go clean her room or entertain her siblings. Even with this new experience, Nova hadn’t been completely honest when her parents grilled her on the details. As far as they knew, Nova was just seeing a movie with a few friends and would not be venturing into the main mall. They were under the illusion that Adrian Everhart, Nova’s best friend and the only boy her parents trusted, was going to be the only male present. Not that it mattered much, anyway, seeing as Nova had expressed her attraction to girls as well at dinner one night about a year ago. Still, according to her parents, adolescent boys were trouble. All except for stupidly perfect Adrian Everhart. He was the kind of kid that everyone and their mother couldn’t help but be friends with. The kind of boy that, after leaving someone’s house, the mom would say “I always liked him. Good kid.” The same couldn't be said about Nova, his partner in crime since they were six and seven years old.  
    Her mom parked the car along the curb outside the movie theater entrance of the mall. Leaning back from the wheel with a heavy sigh, she looked over at Nova. “Just a movie, right?”
    Nova nodded firmly, hand already reaching for the door in her hurry to escape. She could see the silhouettes of her friends, waiting in line for tickets. 
    “Hold on there, young lady.” Nova heard the clicking of the lock and groaned. “I want you to text me once every hour, okay? Stay with Adrian no matter what. If anything happens, call me or your father immediately.” Nova inched toward the door again, this time trying to unlock it subtly. Her mother still noticed. “Don’t talk to anyone you don’t know.”
    Nova felt an evil smile creep onto her lips. “But what if they’re selling candy?”
    “I mean it, Nova Jean.” She swore she saw the flash of fear in her mother’s eyes. “No funny business. You know how I feel about leaving you, and here of all places.” She gestured to the building before them. “Be on your best behavior. There are-”
    “Eyes on me at all times, I know.” She rolled her eyes, thinking back to all the times those words had been repeated to her whenever she went anywhere. When she was younger, they confused her. But now, Nova knew her mom meant the media and how the older Nova got, 
the more people watched her every move. After all, her family had a reputation. “Can I go now? Adrian’s already coming over here.” 
    Closing her eyes, Tala Artino nodded. She reached for Nova’s hand when her eyes reopened, now soft. “I love you, sweetheart, Be safe. I’ll pick you up at 10.” 
    “Love you too, Mom.” Reaching over, Nova pressed a kiss to her mom’s cheek. Then, she was finally allowed to exit the vehicle. Adrian, waiting outside, greeted her with a hug. Nova couldn’t help but notice his growth spurt in recent months. She had always been the short one, but there had been a time once where she didn’t have to tilt her head up to look at him. Now, her neck stretched more and more each time she saw him. She should’ve seen it coming; his mom had been tall, and he was a spitting image of her. 
    “Hi, Mrs. Artino.” Adrian waved as the passenger window rolled down. All traces of a stern parent vanished from her mother’s face when she waved back. 
    “Hi, honey. You’re going to make sure my daughter doesn’t do anything she’s not supposed to, right?” 
    But Adrian laughed and simply nodded, putting on his dumb charming smile that won over every parent. They said bye to her mother. Nova watched until the car had disappeared from view before turning to face her friend. 
“Where should we go first?” 
Adrian frowned. “Are we not seeing the movie? Everyone else already has their tickets.” 
“They can see it if they want.” Nova wrapped an arm around Adrian’s and pulled him forward. “But it honestly looks boring. All horror movies are the same.” 
But Adrian didn’t look convinced, and while Nova wanted nothing more than to explore the mysterious place her mother hated with a passion, she could tell he wanted to see the movie. Well, the movie was only an hour and a half. And it was only 5 in the evening right now. They had plenty of time. 
Nova let out a sigh, then pulled Adrian in the direction of the ticket line. “Fine, but you’re staying in line with me to buy a ticket.” 
Adrian snorted. “Just as long as you sit next to me in case I get scared so I can hold your hand.” He seemed almost shy in saying that, despite trying to be nonchalant and joking. Nova glanced over at him and noticed how his cheeks and neck had darkened. A flutter twirled in her belly, but she pushed it aside. Those feelings were nothing new by now. But for whatever reason, she only felt them when she was around her best friend. 
“That movie was terrible!” Nova said as soon as she exited the theater with her friends. A few people glanced over at her, shooting disapproving looks before recognition dawned on their faces and their eyes flitted between her and Adrian and the linked arms between their bodies. Nova had to refrain from making faces at them, remembering her mother’s warnings. 
“It wasn’t that bad,” Ramona said with an eye roll. “At least it wasn’t the same as every other horror movie.” Ramona was a Renegade, like Nova and Adrian. She had been chosen by Nova at the last trials a few months before to be a part of her team. Usually, the Council didn’t let the younger Renegades participate in the trials other than to watch, but they gave Nova an exemption at the ripe age of thirteen. Why, she wasn’t fully sure, especially when Adrian’s dads were on the Council and still wouldn’t let him create his. She suspected her parents had a bit of a pull in that, as well as the Council recognizing the amount of time Nova put in every day for the organization. After all, she was dedicated to righting the wrongs her uncle had done in the past. Her team couldn’t do much anyway. Patrols were too dangerous, so they were forced to stick to duties inside headquarters, something that quickly grew boring but at least helped Nova’s team bond. 
Benton, Nova’s other recruit, shook his head. “No, I’m with Nova on this one. Possessed dolls? C’mon, it’s been done like, fifty times already.” 
Nova headed the group as they ventured into the main part of the mall. The aroma of pretzels and stinky children pierced her nostrils. Nova hadn’t been inside a mall for some years. Her mom tried to avoid the place as much as possible, as it wasn’t the cleanest place on earth. Usually, if they had to go to a store in the mall, they would spend time only in that store, parking near an entrance by the store in order to spend the least amount of time in the main mall as possible. Tala had practically drilled Nova every single day leading up to her mall escapade on what to do and what not to do, as well as reminding her of the dangers of the media and of course, the splotchy-faced pedophiles who camped out in the food court all day watching teen girls pass by in crop tops and cut off shorts. 
“Okay, but you have to admit the creepy dude at the end was a surprise,” Adrian countered, pushing his glasses up over his nose. Nova bit back a smile; she had promised not to make fun of his scratchy, changing voice. Even if he did squeak every other word. “Living in the walls?” He shuddered. “Spying on her that entire time?” 
Ramona muttered something under her breath in Spanish. “No wonder his parents left. I honestly would’ve left sooner if I were them. Screw his feelings.” 
“Yeah, he was weird, but that kind of came out of nowhere.” Benton ran a hand through his blond locks. “The plot holes are endless. Why didn’t his parents just up and abandon him? What was keeping them there? Why was he in the fucking walls to begin with? Why didn’t they get him mental help sooner?” 
Nova gasped, quieting the group. She had spotted one of her favorite shops, a small store that sold band and other nerdy merch. Her mom wasn’t a big fan, seeing as they sold goth and emo type stuff, and their workers were ‘scary looking’. She grabbed Adrian’s hand in her excitement, missing the way his gaze widened at the gesture, and tugged him in the direction of the shop. 
    “There’s a shirt I’ve had my eyes on for the longest time,” she explained to him as they halted in front of the wall lined with band t-shirts. Benton and Ramona trailed off from them, drifting over to the racks and cubbies of fandom merch. 
    Adrian hummed in understanding. “The West Side?”
    “East Side,” Nova corrected, glaring at his teasing shit eating smile. “If you’re going to their concert with me in November then you better learn their name at least, you asshole.” 
    Adrian bumped her shoulder lightly, but helped her look for the shirt after she gave him a brief description. Just when she was beginning to think they didn’t have it, Adrian let go of her hand to reach forward and to the left. When he turned back to her, he had the shirt, and in a size medium, just as she liked it. The baggier, the better. She grinned and accepted the shirt, wrapping an arm around him in a loose hug. 
    That’s when she saw a flash in the corner of her eye. 
    Flipping around, she saw a girl a few years older than her, the phone in her hand dropping awkwardly. Her group of friends all giggled and whispered to one another. Based on the way they were dressed and were acting, Nova could tell they had followed her and her friends into the store. 
    The girls entire face turned beet red, but that didn’t stop her from tearing her gaze from Nova to look at the photo she had taken. Before Nova could even open her mouth to ask her to delete the photo, the group of girls was gone, flocking out of the store quickly as if they hadn’t even been there.And that was when Nova noticed the hidden phones of quite a few shoppers. One was held in crossed arms as the lady pretended to look at a pair of shoes, another behind a clothing rack. One didn’t even try hiding their camera, or even bother to whisper to the person beside them. 
    A chill ran through Nova’s body, and suddenly she didn’t feel very well. Well, her few minutes of freedom were fun while they lasted. She closed her eyes and practically leaned against Adrian, jaw clenched as she pressed the shirt back into his hands. 
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tipsyylove · 5 years
➵ genre: zombie apocalypse au, angst, dreamies x reader
➵  warnings: language i didn’t proof read it, sorry for any mistakes.
➵ requested: no
➵ a/n: i got inspired oops. sorry for using truth or dare a lot :/. this is kinda longer than what i usually write ooops
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shit. that’s all you could think. you have absolutely nothing and no one around you. since you moved out of your god awful parent’s house, you’ve been alone. and that was not to long ago. you’ve never reached out to anyone after high school, just wanting to be alone. you had friends, but you all eventually stopped talking. which is something you regret right now.
you had gotten up to make sure your doors and windows were locked. your house was very small, so it didn’t take long. you pulled down the blinds to your windows, and kept the lights on. you sat back down on your couch, awaiting updates from the news about the outbreak. the broadcast had been cut. it was just white noise now. something awful happened. this outbreak is spreading fast. way faster than you had expected. you aren’t really sure what to do in this situation. all you have is a couple somewhat sharp kitchen knives. no guns. no bats. no nails. nothing. you got up and grabbed the largest kitchen knife you owned. it could be helpful. you then went back to the couch and just stared at the tv, hoping something would happen. and next thing you knew, you were passed out.
»»——  ☠  ——««
you were very suddenly woken by a loud banging at your door. you’ve never held anything tighter than that kitchen knife at that moment. you peeped through the peephole to see a man standing in front of your door. he was looking at the ground, still banging. you unlocked the door and invited the man in. he was the first real person you’ve seen in a while. you never go outside unless it’s to eat. he looked a little ragged, and his clothes were only a little torn. you were just looking at him. he had a gun in his hand and he was quiet. until now.
“come with us. you’ll be safe from this, i promise.” he spoke. who’s ‘us’? is he insane? “im sorry, who’s 'us’?” you asked, puzzled. he just reached out his hand and said, “come on, it’s not safe here.” what is this guy on? “can i at least get your name?” you asked the man. “jaemin. now come on.” he was dragging you out of the door at this point. you hadn’t even turned off the tv or lights yet. not that it mattered anymore. the world is ending. and sooner than you thought it would.
»»——  ☠  ——««
when walking outside for a bit, you’ve already seen the chaos that’s rained down on you. what was once a beautiful neighborhood was now trashed. it was just you and jaemin outside walking. you hadn’t seen any real people for a while, just some people running and the occasional zombie, in which you ran from. jaemin had seemed to be leading you somewhere. he was very alert, and didn’t let anything hurt you two. you two had been walking for quite a while, before arriving at a huge house. it was all boarded up everywhere, and seemed abandoned. once you and jaemin had walked up to the door, he did some type of knock code, and some other guy opened the door after unlocking everything. the man was very tall. he had a pinkish tint to his hair, and plump lips. he let you guys in, and locked the door behind you.
this was all very sudden. you were just watching the news, and now you’re surrounded by six other men. they all had very distinct features. one very short, yet so handsome. one had a blonde undercut, which was so attractive. another had bright orange hair. the last one had his hair puffed up, forehead out. they looked like trustworthy guys. “okay, so here’s the only bystander i could find who was still inside. she’s rather quiet, which is kinda helpful.” jaemin spoke to the others. they all just kind of investigated you with their eyes. “what’s her name?” the orange haired one asked. “my name’s (y/n).” you spoke, quietly. “(y/n), this is chenle.” he said, pointing to the orange haired one. “that’s renjun.” he said, pointing to the rather short one. “that’s jisung.” pointing to the pinkish haired one. “that’s haechan.” he said, while the one with his forehead out waved. “and that’s jeno.” jaemin said, pointing to the man with the blonde undercut. jeno was quiet, and didn’t even acknowledge your existence. which is understandable, maybe he is just thinking. 
they were all very respectful towards you. they didn’t invade your space, and let you rest for a while. they were all discussing plans on what to do. they let you get some food out of the kitchen, and made sure you were comfortable. they were all so attractive in their own way. they all were just perfect. but, you were extremely exhausted from everything today. you just wanted to sleep. “hey, guys? im getting pretty tired, where should i sleep?” you asked, yawning. they all looked up at you, except for jeno, who just kept focusing on the map in front of him. “there’s two beds in the room upstairs and to the left. first room.” jaemin spoke up. you were assuming jaemin was the leader of this small group, being that he was the only one that really talked to you. “thank you guys so much. i couldn’t thank you enough.” you confessed to all of them, making your way upstairs. 
»»——  ☠  ——««
the room you were met with was surprisingly small, for how big the house was. but, that’s not something you should be complaining about. you have shelter, and you’re no longer alone. which was a good feeling. it’s been quite a while since you’ve been around people who seemed to enjoy your presence. you didn’t have any pajamas, so you just decided to lay down in your daily clothes. the bed was way more comfortable than your own. you were practically melting into it. until you were interrupted by someone stomping into the room. “holy fuck, you scared the shit out of me.” you yelled at the man. “sorry. maybe try not to take over my fucking room next time.” he spoke, clearly angry. this voice could be anyone that wasn’t jaemin. he definitely doesn’t like you, or your guts.
»»——  ☠  ——««
waking up, no one else was in the room with you. you heard someone knock on the door. yawning, you said, “come in.” jaemin walked in. he had a fully cooked breakfast for you in his hands. “jaemin, what did i do to deserve this?” you asked him, sitting up. “i just think you need a better welcoming than what you got last night. we were all planning on how to get into a safer place, and didn’t consider properly welcoming the new member of our team.” he smiled at you. “thank you, so much.” you said, smiling back at him. “we’re all gonna be downstairs. come join us whenever you want.” he smiled again, leaving you alone in the room.
you quickly ate your breakfast, excited to meet everyone properly. you didn’t bother cleaning up your appearance, so you just ran downstairs. as soon as you made it on the last step, you heard a, “hey, (y/n)’s up!” from chenle. everyone was gathered around the island in the kitchen, just talking to one another. you joined them in the circle, and just listened to them talk. everyone looked a bit messier now, everyone’s hair less done than it was yesterday. “i think we need to go to the supermarket to get some food. we have seven people now, we won’t make it very long if we don’t.” haechan said. everyone nodded in approval. “how would we get there, though. we don’t have a car. a couple of us would have to go on foot, and try to make it back alive.” jisung spoke. another group nod of approval. “i’ll go.” jeno spoke. that’s when it hit you. the voice from last night. the one that hated your guts. “me too.” haechan said. “count me in.” renjun said, raising his hand. “anyone else want to go?” jaemin asked, looking at jisung, chenle, and you. “nope.” we all said, in unison. “okay, haechan, jeno, and renjun. be careful out there. we wish you the best of luck. bring everything you need. don’t forget the walkie talkies.” jaemin commanded. it was amazing how prepared these guys were for this. they had all the materials that they needed, and always had plans for different things.
»»——  ☠  ——««
now it was just you, jaemin, chenle, and jisung. you guys were all children on the inside, so you played truth or dare. you gotta have some type of fun during the apocalypse, right? “jaemin, truth or dare?” chenle asked the supposed leader. “truth.” he said. “hmmmm, what’s your biggest fear?” chenle asked, hesitating a bit. “definitely losing you guys, you’re all i have.” jaemin confessed. it was quiet for a few seconds, before jaemin said, “(y/n), truth or dare?” you weren’t expecting to get asked. but, here you are. you’re a coward, so you said, “truth.” it took jaemin a while to think. “do you feel safe with us?” he asked. before you could answer, jaemin’s walkie talkie started to go bonkers. “what do you want us to get, exactly? we’re not sure at all what we should get.” renjun spoke through the walkie. jaemin picked his walkie up. “just grab anything you can. we’ll eat what you get, it doesn’t really matter.” jaemin told the other man. “okay, thank you. see you guys soon.” renjun’s soothing voice said, turning off his walkie, making jaemin’s go static. “okay, anyways. do you?” jaemin looked at you, along with the other two. “y-yeah. i do. i feel a lot safer here than i did at my house. again, thank you.” you said, smiling at all of them. “i’m bored.” you heard chenle speak up. “let’s make a fort!” you suggested. “yeah!” jisung jumped up in excitement.
»»——  ☠  ——««
the fort you guys had made wasn’t the best thing. it had it’s perks, but you were all enjoying a game of uno inside. you guys were laughing a lot. and you were pretty sure that you were gaining a better friendship already. they were all very fun and outgoing people. you liked this side of them. the fun sides of people are always better. you get along with them very well, and you’re glad that they found you. you would be dead now if it weren’t for them. you owe your life to them.  your uno game was suddenly interrupted by a very strategic knock at your door. jaemin quickly got up and let the other men in. they had very large bags full of food from what you could see from the fort. “god, are you guys five?” you heard jeno say, scoffing after. no one responded, but the mood in the room went down. it was no longer a happy mood. chenle and jisung were no longer smiling, along with yourself. you all got out of the fort and started to take it down. “hey, what are you doing? don’t let jeno influence your mood.” you heard renjun speak from the kitchen. but, it was taking up a lot of space in the living room, so you decided to take it down, explaining to renjun why.
it’s been a couple minutes since you had taken down your fort. the house was silent. “hey, jeno. what the fuck is your deal? why are you such an asshole recently?” you heard jaemin ask him broadly. “i have no idea what you’re talking about. am i not allowed to speak my opinion?” jeno stated loudly, but not quite yelling. “well, yeah. you’re allowed an opinion. but does it always have to be in such a nasty tone?” jaemin confronted the blonde man. jeno never responded. he just remained quiet, continuing to put the food away. 
»»——  ☠  ——««
the guys getting food took longer than you had expected. it was now night time. and it was fairly dark outside. and rather quiet outside. everyone gradually made their way to the food, all eating what they needed, but not too much. the three that went out for food earlier seemed pretty exhausted. jaemin was rather quiet, as well. which was pretty unusual. you were scared to talk about anything, afraid to be attacked by jeno. he seemed to be extremely aggressive. at least when he talked. which was rare. 
you started to make your way upstairs, and started to get comfy in your so called bed. it was another quiet night until you heard footsteps coming up. you were already prepared for what was about to come. you just knew that jeno didn’t like you invading his space, and probably wishes you were dead. he remained quiet, just laying down in his bed. that’s when you drifted to sleep.
»»——  ☠  ——««
it wasn’t long until you were awoken by some yelling. which was probably a bad idea, since the undead was probably attracted to sound and followed it. it sound like jaemin and someone else. you couldn’t quite point out who, though. you made your way to the door and slightly opened it, trying not to awaken jeno. you walked a couple steps down, and listened to the conversation. “we can’t just put her out on the street! that’s fucked!” you heard jaemin yell. “well she’s an issue! she never does anything and she’s always quiet!” you heard the other man yell. “i don’t care that you don’t like her, jeno! she’s apart of us now! she’s been here for two days. she might be scared to do anything!” jaemin was yelping at this point. “what if she never does anything, jaemin?!? she could be completely useless to us!” jeno boomed. “we could at least give her a chance!” jaemin yelled, ending the conversation. you heard someone start to come closer in your direction. you practically ran to your bed, and faked being asleep. you heard jeno walk in and he was swearing under his breath. he plopped down and you heard extremely aggressive breathing. you drifted to sleep after.
»»——  ☠  ——««
you woke up and made your way downstairs to see what everyone was doing. everything was quiet, once again, and you heard jaemin say “we have to go.”
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part one | part two
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crowkingwrites · 5 years
Something Awful
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Pairing: Ramsay Bolton x Reader // Words: 4697 // Ao3 Link // Masterlist
Author’s Notes: SO THIS HAS TO BE THE LONGEST ONE SHOT I EVER WROTE and it really got away from me lol. 
I actually have an entire series that is based on this request? For those of you who know Vicious, it’s similar to this request. (You can start reading it here.) However! This one-shot is going to take a very different turn. Enjoy!
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You felt your heart breaking when you met Talisa. The muscles in your chest pulled apart string by string which made it all feel so much better to see her pregnant body on the ground bleeding. The last thing you saw inside the Twins was Robb crawling to the girl he loved more. Robb deserved his fate, you thought.
Roose Bolton took you away from the whole thing. You were never meant to be at the Red Wedding, so when Roose saw your face he secretly told his men t not touch you. You were grateful to him while you both rode towards Winterfell.
“I am sorry to have put you through that. You were supposed to be with—
“I know,” you told Roose. You looked down and away from Roose. He bluntly gave you a reminder.
“You would never have been happy with the Young Wolf. He loved someone else much more than you. He already had his family planned with her. You deserve someone with much more loyalty and respect. Don’t cry over a dead man who would have been happy to see you gone.”
Lord Roose Bolton was right. As much as you wanted to follow his advice, it was difficult to harden your heart. Your brown eyes and black hair gave away that you were truly your father’s daughter. Robert told you stories of Lyanna Stark, and it reminded you of how you spoke of Robb Stark.
You desired Robb more than anything. You remembered Sansa’s smile and how her eyes were filled with delight in wanting your brother. You supposed both of you felt differently now. You knew your mother to be a hateful woman towards everyone else except for you and your siblings. You never thought she would go as far as to destroy houses and families to not have you marry a Stark.
Winterfell was in ruins when you arrived. The direwolves were all smashed in. The Stark banners shared a similar fate as Robb; in the ground, covered in shame and almost forgotten. Roose had shared news of your safety with your mother, but you decided to stay north. You weren’t ready to go back home yet.
You didn’t want to face your hateful mother who took Robb away from you. You couldn’t possibly face Sansa who was to be your sister. You figured that what you had with her was now gone. You wouldn’t be surprised if she wished you dead.
You mostly kept to yourself at Winterfell for the first week. Most servants cursed you, and other Northerners had plans to hurt you. Roose had noted that and called you to a meeting to discuss your security here at Winterfell. With power and money and a new lordship in his pocket, Roose had set his sights on a new goal: the Iron Throne.
Keeping you, the Princess of the Seven Kingdoms, safe and sound and happy in his home was in his best interest.
“I’m sure you are aware of the several people who have made threats to you,” Roose explained in front of his other men and you. You sat with your hands folded at a table of men who have betrayed House Stark. A fire crackled behind you.
“I’m aware. I believe my last chambermaid tried to poison me,” you confessed. “It may be time for to return home.”
“I would advise you against that,” Roose said. A map of Westeros sat in front of you. Roose pointed towards the Twins. “The knights of the Vale have boldly positioned themselves near the Twins. It wouldn’t be safe for you to return now with the Riverlands and the North this tense. If I can guarantee your safety here, would you like to stay longer?”
“Guarantee my safety? How?” you laughed at the Lord. It was impossible. You were a lion alone with direwolves and those loyal to them. Even if you attempted to go outside the walls of Winterfell, you were scared of any man or woman who saw your birthmark. Well, at least that’s what Cersei told you.
A large burn mark on your face reminded you how awful your father was. King Robert, the one who liberated the Seven Kingdoms, put your face near a fire as a babe because you were a girl. Cersei couldn’t face him much after that. How could a King hurt his daughter like that? What kind of man was that? Still, no one could know that the King hurt his daughter. Not after he took the throne from the Mad King.
The burn mark went from the corner of your mouth and stretched itself across your left cheek. Joffery always teased you about it. He claimed you and the Hound would make a lovely couple together. He also claimed you would never find any real love unless it was inside a brothel. Of course, you never really searched for any kind of love. You always thought Robb Stark would be your husband.
That is, until you saw Talisa.
Until you saw the way Robb looked at her.
Until you saw Robb crawling on the floor towards her, reaching her. Even in death, he still did not want you.
You could mourn over dead men and their dead lovers or you study at the young man in front of you. He had dark curls, hungry eyes, and a mouth that smiled at you like you were made of gold. His hands were folded in front of him. His emblem was the Bolton cross. Not one thing about him looked off to you.
“This is my bastard son,” Roose introduced you. “Ramsay took Winterfell from the Greyjoys and saw that their rebellion was paid their own blood. I trust him to protect you at all costs.” Ramsay took your hand and kissed the top of it. His hand pulled you up to his level.
“I never thought I would ever protect a future queen, much less meet one,” Ramsay told you. You felt color rush to your cheeks and you couldn’t meet his eyes much longer. Not many men gave you affectionate attention. Cersei would never leave you with a man alone for long, so you didn’t have much experience.
Now, you were going to spend a lot of time with a bastard named Ramsay.
“Who is your mother?” you asked the bastard one day. He sat next to you eating another apple. He used his flaying knife to cut off bit by bit.
“She was a miller’s wife.”
“Did your father—
“No,” Ramsay cut you off. “He didn’t love her. He had his way with her while her new husband hung above them. Did you parents love each other?”
“No, they did not. I hoped things were different up here,” you confessed to him. “According to you, things are more of the same. Maybe worse.”
“Worse? I am to be Lord and Warden of the North one day. You are to be the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. I don’t see much drawback from this.” A guard came into the room before you could go further in the conversation.
“We found another one,” he said. “Caught ‘im trying to send a letter out.”
“Well, what does the letter say?” Ramsay narrowed his eyes.
“Says where she sleeps. How to get past the guards.” Ramsay stopped the guard with his hand. He heard enough. He left his spot next to you by the fire.
“Milady, I expect this threat will take some time to take care of. I’m afraid I won’t see you until tomorrow.” You cocked and eyebrow. “Why does it matter if I won’t see you until tomorrow?”
Ramsay started to close the door behind him. “I was starting to like you. Don’t ruin it with silly questions.”
Ramsay had slain anyone who plotted to hurt you. He had displayed their skins and corpses and parts in the courtyard of Winterfell to remind everyone who House Bolton should be loyal to. Ramsay stood next to you spinning a yarn about the unfortunate soul in front of you. You felt something turning in your stomach.
It could the gruesome sight in front of you. The young woman’s toes were caked in her own blood. Her mouth was agape, and you could see bugs enter and exit her mouth. As if the small critters used her body for warmth and food.
Or it could be Ramsay. As handsome as he was, he was also terribly something awful. His smile when describing how she held strong until the end. He loved what he did to people. He was good at it. Still, something turned your stomach.
“Milady!” The maester came rushing to you. “There’s something you need to see.” His frown and worry concerned you. You followed the maester with Ramsay right behind you. Ramsay followed you wherever you went not because he felt obligated to, but he enjoyed your companionship.
Every morning, you helped take the hounds out for walks. Ramsay and you would share meals together. More recently, your new favorite hobby was mending Ramsay’s clothes. He liked the flaying man you embroidered for him.
The maester handed you the letter from King’s Landing. It was written in your mother’s hand. You read the words, but you couldn’t register them. It wasn’t real. You felt too much all at once. You did the improper thing and started to cry and curse out loud.
“Fuck! Fuck! No, this isn’t—I—No! Fuck this!”
“What? What is it?” Ramsay grabbed the letter from you. He read the words. “Your brother was poisoned by his enemies. The King is dead. Come home.”
You sat in your room alone. It had been a week since your King Brother was laid to rest in the Sept. Myrcella was in Dorne. You were in the North. Your youngest brother held the crown now. You knew gentle, loving Tommen. His grave was already dug. You needed to go home.
You spun a yarn in between your fingers, trying to focus on something, anything. The world around you became a blur of noise and shapes. You didn’t understand how this happened. All you knew was you wanted to destroy who did this to your family. Who put Myrcella in Dorne? Who married Sansa? Who wanted your brother dead? “You need to eat,” you heard behind you.
“I’m not hungry,” you answered back watching Ramsay roll his eyes. He pulled up a chair next to you.
“You mourn them too much,” Ramsay picked at the bread on your tray. “You want to cry and cry and cry. Go on. The world won’t stop for you.”
“That’s mean. My brother just died.”
“And you’re going to sit here and cry about it?”
“What else can I do?” you cried out in frustration. Ramsay laughed at you.
“You are the Princess of the Seven Kingdoms and you believe there’s nothing you can do?” Ramsay shook his head at you. “Do I what I would do.”
“I don’t torture people.”
“No, but you can end them. You could end them all,” Ramsay put the idea in your head. “You told me your uncle did it. So, let’s kill him.”
“He’s being put to trial first. We have processes. It’s only fair.”
“Fair? You want to be fair with a man who has hurt your family more than once? Tyrion has been a stain in your family line since the day he crawled out of your grandmother’s stomach. You know that.”
“With what resources then? I don’t have spies to do this work for me. I know no assassins. My family is a month’s ride away from me. Do you expect me to kill my uncle myself?”
Ramsay shook his head and left the comfort of his seat. He offered you his hand and guided you to a window.
“Look outside. What do you see?”
You did not like this game. You sighed and played along for him. “Snow. Land. Peasants.”
“The North,” Ramsay corrected you. “Five hundred miles that way, you’re still in the North. Another four hundred miles another way and you’re still in the North.”
“Your point?”
“This all belongs to me, but mostly it belongs to you, would you agree?” Ramsay placed his hands on your arms. They slid up to your shoulders.
“I agree. I still don’t see your point.”
“My father has proved his loyalty to your grandfather with what he accomplished at the Red Wedding. Tywin and Joffery made him a lord. Because of your grandfather, I have power, money, and land. I wonder, if I kill your enemies and hurt those who have hurt you, what will you make me?” Ramsay whispered the words into your ear.
You didn’t need spies. You didn’t need the same resources they had in King’s Landing. You had Ramsay Bolton, the flaying bastard.
Ramsay and you arrived in King’s Landing in complete secret. Ramsay didn’t bring an army with him, only twenty good men. You roamed the empty, abandoned brothels that Petyr Baelish left behind. You heard Ramsay exchange words with one of your mother’s spies. He left in haste, leaving you and Ramsay alone.
“Your mother knows you’re here. Along with someone named the Spider?” Ramsay asked, pulling at his shirt. You studied the young man. You noted the sweat on his brow.
“You don’t seem to be enjoying the warmer weather,” you smiled.
“I hate it. Why is it so hot? Isn’t it supposed to be nearing winter? This is ridiculous.” He looked around in disgust. His face made you giggle. Ramsay shot a look at you. “What?”
“You’re so miserable about the weather. It’s funny.” You smiled at him. You watched color rush to his face.
“I’m not funny.” He responded, turning away from you. You grabbed his arm and rested your head on his shoulder. Ramsay often let you do this, but you were never sure why. You’ve known Ramsay to have his girls. He slept with some on the way here, yet all of them had dark, long hair like yours. No, you were being silly. You were awful to look at. Your burn mark made sure of that.
Still, the tension between you was noted whenever a man looked at you wrong or when your fingers touched his sleeve. You wanted to say something was there. You wanted to ask, but your brother’s cruel words echoed in your mind.
“No one could ever stomach to look at that face every morning. The only love you’ll ever find will be in a dark brothel.”
“I’m sorry if I offended you. It wasn’t my intent. I was only teasing,” you said quietly between both of you. Ramsay placed a soft kiss on your head.
“I know, sweetling. We have to leave here. I don’t think your mother would want to find her daughter in a brothel with a bastard.”
Tywin welcomed you back to King’s Landing with open arms. He was more than delighted to see one of his granddaughters. You would claim your grandfather to dote on you, but he was a disciplined, conservative man. He noted how close Ramsay Bolton and you became.
“What happened in the North?” Tywin asked you.
“What do you mean?” you sat drinking wine with your grandfather. You finally wore your favorite summer dresses. It was a purple dress embellished with gold details. Golden flowers, golden stags, golden lions all delicately decorated your new gown. It felt light and pretty, nothing like the heavy layers you had to wear in the North.
“You experienced what happened at the Twins and you chose to stay in the North, why?” Tywin always questioned you like was trying to teach you another lesson.
“I was promised over and over to a young wolf. In one night, he was taken away from me by my family. The same family who told me I would be marrying him. Don’t you think a little distrust would form after that?”
“You don’t trust your family?”
“I needed time. The Boltons have been incredible hosts to me, and they reminded me why the Starks are traitors.”
“Roose Bolton reminded you? Or did his son remind you?”
“If you’re implying something, I suggest you get to the point,” you said in a cross manner. Tywin blinked and smiled.
“If you were a boy, you would have made a better king than your brother.”
“And I can’t be a queen? I’m in line for throne. Remember?” you said to Tywin. Tywin cleared his throat. His eyes followed a figure that entered the room. The first thing you saw were the rich red sleeves and collar. You suspected they hid armor underneath. The next thing you saw was a black tunic with the flaying man sewn into the fabric. A black belt held it together along with his sword and two daggers.
“Am I interrupting?” Ramsay spoke to Tywin. Tywin shook his head.
“Not at all. Is the South treating you better?”
Ramsay narrowed his eyes. “Why do all of you waste time with your small talk?” You quickly stood up from your seat and walked over to Ramsay.
“Forgive him, grandfather,” you smiled. “He wasn’t raised in castles like you and me. He doesn’t know how to be a lord.”
“Because he’s a legitimized bastard. There seems to be a lot of you in the North.” Ramsay’s hand went to his dagger, but you held onto his hand. You guided him away from murdering Tywin and towards the gardens.
“Do not anger my grandfather unless you wish to die,” you warned him.
“Tywin is as weak as his age. I doubt he could hurt me. Tyrion is in the dungeons. I plan to kill him tonight,” Ramsay said.
“Tonight? So soon? Don’t you think we need to wait and pla—
“There’s already a plan. I told you, I only need twenty good men. Do you want your uncle Tyrion to face justice or do you want him to escape?”
“Escape? What are yo—
“Your mother told me her whispers. The Spider has plans to help Tyrion escape justice tonight.”
“No, Tyrion will be put to the sword. There was a trial by combat. He dies tomorrow.” You assured him.
“No, he dies tonight. If you don’t let me do things my way, that throne will never belong to you.” Ramsay pulled you away from the public eye of the gardens. Behind tall bushes, Ramsay grabbed your hand again. “Must I remind you why I followed you here?”
“For the throne? You want power.” You said.
“As true as that sounds, I’m not an idiot. I was never raised in a castle. You were.”
‘Is this another game?” you asked. Ramsay pulled you closer to him.
“No, this is a reminder,” Ramsay brushed away the hair in front of your burn mark. He place his lips on yours and sent you into a trance. You didn’t realize your first kiss would be so wonderful. Ramsay wrapped his arms around you and deepened the kiss. You broke it apart when you felt dizzy in his arms.
“I never thought I would care for a southern girl, yet here I am. Our place is here. I’ll kill every single one of your family that betrays us to get you on that throne.” Ramsay kissed you once more. Leaving you almost breathless and filled with silly thoughts again.
Late in the night, you heard the bells go off. Those were alarm bells. You rushed to your door and locked it. It wasn’t much, but you had hoped you would be safe there. You waited and waited until you heard three sharp knocks.
You opened the door slightly to see the roughed up young lord with a monstrous smile on his face. Five of his men were behind him now. Each of them were a bit bloodied up, but Ramsay had a lovely sword cut on his face. The blood dripped down his cheek.
“My lady, I have some wonderful news to share.”
Ramsay and his men had slaughtered Tyrion who attempted to escape his fate. Tyrion’s mistake was murdering his own whore lover and Tywin. Ramsay was revered as a hero by your younger brother, King Tommen. Ramsay stood before his king, smiling as Tommen stroked his ego.
“You have done Westeros a favor. You and your family have served the realm well. Whatever you ask that is in my power, it is yours,” Tommen smiled to Ramsay. Nearly everyone inside the court that day wore black. Ramsay’s black outfit was outfitted with gold and red details. Your family’s colors and his.
“You honor me, my King. I come to you as a young lord. I come to you humble and grateful, but if I were to ask for one thing,” Ramsay glanced at you for a moment and then met the King’s eyes. “I would ask you for your sister’s hand. I’ve grown quite fond of her. I’d like to make her mine.”
You smiled from ear to ear. You guessed your late brother was right. You did find love in a brothel.
While Tommen tried to be a pure king, you had already consummated with Ramsay several times before your own wedding night. Ramsay’s favorite part of you was your neck and your chest. He left his own marks all over you, so that your mother would know that you belonged to him now.
“You’re covering them up, aren’t you?” Cersei said. “His little love marks.”
“How did you kn—
“Have you forgotten that I know everything?” Cersei smiled at you. You’ve always felt your mother’s warmth. That never changed. She pushed your hair back to see both your burn mark and the marks Ramsay left on you. “I was once your age too. I hid mine better. Try wearing your hair down more.”
“You’re not angry with me?” you asked her.
“No,” Cersei took your hand and lead you with it. The day had begun to cool. You kept your mother close to you. She continued. “I’m not angry with you. I want you to be happy. Are you happy with him?”
“Yes,” you confessed. “I am. He makes me happy.”
“Good,” Cersei held you close. “But the minute he doesn’t make you happy anymore, tell me. And he will be ashes before you could shed a tear. Do you understand?” As you nodded towards your mother, a guard burst into your private moment. The Mountain glared at him with his bright red eyes.
“My queen, my lady,” the guard greeted. “The Sparrows have invaded the Red Keep. We need to get you to safety now.” Locked away in Cersei’s room, both you and she were protected by the Mountain. You heard yelling and fighting on the other side of Cersei’s door. You sucked in all of your breath and held onto her before you heard a familiar voice enter the room.
“Those religious fuckers,” Ramsay laughed. You eyed his armored body and cut arms. “Does your son take criticism? Or do I need to convince him how bad this is?”
You did not need to convince Tommen. He stood there raging, fuming mad at the poor figure of his mother. How little she was. How hurt she was. Tommen no longer hid, he roared.
You see, you only knew Joffery and yourself to have a temper. Myrcella and Tommen both were entirely too gentle to hurt anyone or anything. When Tommen saw the condition of Cersei when she returned from her walk of shame, he looked at your betrothed, Ramsay Bolton, and spoke to him.
“How many men do you need? How many to take down the Sparrows?”
You wished your king’s rage continued. You hoped Tommen would see how terrible the Sparrows were. Once you saw both Queen Margaery and King Tommen join hands with the High Sparrow, you knew it was over.
You clearly remembered that morning. You wore all black just like your mother and your betrothed. Chains hung from Ramsay’s chest and arms. A brand new, obsidian sword was his to touch. You wore your hair down, not to hide Ramsay’s love marks, but to hide the bruise on your neck. Something you earned last night when you challenged your lover to hurt you.
Ramsay’s fingers brushed against yours. You both quietly held hands and watched the sept. Everything had been so quiet. You didn’t realize how quiet King’s Landing could be until you heard the explosion. A bright green colored your vision as smoke filled the air. It was astonishing and awful. Your mother had managed to defeat both threats at once. The Sparrows and Tyrell House were gone.
Ramsay wore the biggest smile on his face. He looked on the spectacle in awe. If your mother could do that, what kind of damage could you do? He started to get ideas in his head. How could he get away with killing the king? How far would he go to put you on the throne? How far could he go to put himself there?
Being a king meant that you had access to power like this. You could do whatever you wanted. Ramsay found himself daydreaming of both of you on the throne. He sat on the iron throne while you stood by, holding a small bundle. Now, he wanted it. He was so close.
Ramsay didn’t realize how easy it was.
You were frozen to the spot when Qyburn came to tell you the news. Cersei had followed Qyburn to his lab while you stood there trying to digest what you had heard.
“Tommen killed himself.” You said quietly. “After everything my family has been through. Joffery was murdered at his wedding. Myrcella was cold before she touched land again, and now Tommen kills himself?” You felt the anger warp you into something awful.
“Y/N. Sweetling,” Ramsay called out to you. He snapped his fingers in front of your face. “Focus.”
“My family is dying around me,” the words came out cold. They cut Ramsay’s face and he delivered the same cold truth to you.
“I told you. You spend too much time mourning the dead. Do you realize who you are now? Who we are? What power we have together?” Ramsay kissed you and you felt the world melt away again. Before you could deepen the kiss, he broke apart from you.
“What’s wrong?” you asked. Ramsay held your face in his hands.
“Nothing,” he shook his head. For the first time, you saw his genuine happiness. His face softened and gazed down at you with something more than what your mother gave you. His fingers combed through your hair. He saw nothing else in the world but you. “This world is ours. Yours and mine.”
Your coronation was held only hours after the incident. Ramsay watched you walk in complete awe. You had never looked more beautiful in your life. A crown of stag antlers was placed on your head. The Seven Kingdoms was now yours to have and control. You looked sad for the occasion, but when you were alone with the man who helped put you there you smiled.
“My king,” you teased him. Ramsay kissed you deeply once more.
“My queen,” he tenderly said back. The pair of you walked together to a small council meeting to discuss immediate issues. The Sept needed to be handled. Your brother’s funeral was to be planned. The people of the city needed to be addressed.
When Ramsay’s lips touched yours in front of the people of Westeros, he became King Ramsay Bolton, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms. Both of you had everything you ever wanted now. A crown adorned his head like a halo. Ramsay felt like a god among his new subjects.
While you rested inside taking in the new feeling of being so very much loved, Ramsay pulled Varys and Littlefinger aside. The small council chambers were empty with the exception of the three men. Everyone enjoyed the wedding estivates outside. Ramsay twirled his flaying knife between his fingers.
“Varys, Littlefinger,” King Ramsay began. “Tell me about this girl and her dragons across the sea.”
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bbrandy2002 · 5 years
The Breakfast Club
Chapter Seven
Summary: Things get very heated in the library and between two of the teens. Some major fluff.
Warning: Drugs are mentioned.
Word count: 2417
Characters belong to Pixelberry. Library plot and much of the spoken dialogue written by John Hughes/A&M Films. Everything else is mine.
*please let me know if you want untagged from this story. I promise I won't mind 😊
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Drake sits on the railing leading up to the second level of the library, deep in thought.
He hops down, still feeling the effects of his liquor filled breakfast. "You know what we should do? Close that door.... I've gotta a bottle of whiskey", he pulls it out of his pants and shakes it in the air.
Maxwell perks up and feels an instant rush of energy, "yeah, I'm always down for booze and a party, count me in."
Liam frustrated with Drake and life in general right now wants no part of this, "Come on guys, Vernon said to keep the door open."
Drake scoffs, "so what?"
Liam turns to face him, "so, there's four other people in here who don't want to piss him off and then we all have to deal with my father."
"A prince who can count...aren't you special" Drake says sarcastically.
Liam slams his hands on the table before him and looks at Drake, "Who the hell are you to judge anyway?"
Olivia nods her head in agreement, "yeah!"
Drake methodically walks over to Olivia and leans down to face her, "remember what you told me yesterday, huh?....I'm a nothing...a nobody...I may as well not even exist in this world."
She scowls back at him flatly, "yeah....and I still stand by that."
Drake acts like it doesn't bother him, but, inside, the words fuel him further. He sets his sights elsewhere,  walking toward the entrance doors of the library. He studies it briefly then begins messing with the screw that holds the door open.
Riley carefully watches him before sitting up in her seat, "hey, you're not supposed to be doing that."
The door slams shut and Drake runs back to his seat, "am I a genius or what?"
Olivia speaks up, "No, you're an asshole."
Liam begs Drake to fix the door, but, he ignores his pleas.
Out of no where, Vernon slams the door open, "Damn it, who shut that door?"
Olivia points to Drake, "he did it", she was not about to protect him.
Vernon doesn't act surprised, he scurries through the room and stands at the corner of Drake's table, holding out his hand "Give me that screw Walker."
"I don't have it", he says innocently.
"Give me the screw or I'll shake it outta ya."
"Screws fall out all of the time sir, why would I want to take it?"
Vernon can feel the fury increasing in his chest, "Beaumont...front and center!"
Maxwell quickly stands up and salutes him, "At your disposal, sir."
Vernon motions for him to follow as he walks to a wooden book shelf, "help me move this into the door."
Maxwell barely holds one end as Vernon grabs the other. As they begin moving it into place, Drake feigns concern about fire hazards; the shelf is blocking the door and children's lives could be endangered....he emphasizes the Prince could be put in danger.
Vernon trying to save face looks at a breathless Maxwell who is hunched over, "What's the matter with you Beaumont! What are you doing, huh? Move this back over there".
Maxwell stood there for a moment scratching his head, "I'm so confused, sir."
"Just move it back!", Vernon yelps.
Maxwell sighs then pushes the shelf back to its original place.
He immediately returns to his seat when Vernon addresses him again, "I expected better of a Beaumont."
Maxwell is stunned and looks over at Riley, still not sure of what he had done wrong.
Vernon eyes Drake and points at him, "the next screw that falls out is going to be you!"
Drake mumbles under his breath, "Eat my shorts."
"What was that Walker?", Vernon asks as he quickly spins around from his attempt to leave.
Drake glares at him, "Eat.My.Shorts."
Vernon replies, "You just earned another Saturday of guard duty."
"There's another....you finished?"
"You just bought another one."
"I'm free the Saturday after that too."
"Not anymore.....just say the word...you through?"
"Not yet."
"Im doing Cordonia a favor...you want another one?"
"You got it"
Olivia turns to him, now with actual concern, "Drake, cut it out...stop."
Vernon continues, "Now are you through?"
"Not even close, bud"
"Good, there's another one."
"Do you think I give a shit?"
Drake glances up at him, "how many is that?"
Maxwell innocently speaks up, "That's seven Drake, including the one you got when you asked him if he raids Trumps closet."
Drake gives a knowing look to Maxwell, desperate for him to stay quiet.
"You're mine Walker...for the next two months I got you."
Drake rolls his eyes, "What can I say, I'm thrilled."
Vernon begins his stroll out of the room and turns just before exiting,  "the next time I have to come back in, I'm cracking skulls."
Drake mouths the words silently as Vernon says them.
After the door closes, Drake yells out, "Fuck You!!"
At a quarter to 11 am, everyone is bored. Drake sips on his whiskey quietly at his table with one foot propped up, Olivia rifles through her purse, Maxwell is playing with his balls, Liam is playing with the draw string of his sweatshirt and Riley is wrapping hair around her finger until it turns purple.
A few minutes later...Drake has a lighter burning the rubber of his shoes, Maxwell is playing paper soccer and quietly celebrates his goal, and Riley is emptying a salt packet onto her new drawing.
Eventually, Riley starts singing to herself...I don't mean to brag but I be like put it in the bag.
Then Maxwell joins in while pointing at his head...you like my hair gee thanks just bought it.
Both Olivia and Drake yell at the same time, "shut up!"
Boredom becomes overwhelming and everyone in the room, including himself, is ready to choke the shit out of Drake. One by one, heads lower to the tables in front of them as they peacefully fall asleep.
At noon, Vernon comes in and yells for everyone to get up and asks if anyone needs a drink; they all raise their hands.
Drake volunteers to get them, however, Vernon shirks him and randomly chooses who he feels is the safest options. He points to Liam, then Riley; he instructs them to promptly go to the main kitchen to bring sodas back for everyone.
Riley and Liam walk in silence through the long and winding hallways of the palace. He was troubled by his father's actions this morning and the bruises on his face were throbbing reminders. He felt as if he was in a daze, each minute a dizzying fog of inevitable gloom. Drake's odd behavior in the library was only a temporary reprieve to refocus his thoughts elsewhere, but, now, it all rushes back without his distraction. His eyes are sunken and troubled, his expressions are flat, emotionless. Even when he corrected Drake, the words flowed out without energy or substance.
Riley hesitated to speak as she walked just a half step behind Liam. She could read him like he was a book about her own life. She has wore that face before, even if only seeing it from the side. 
Before she can say anything, he quickly glances at her, with a hollow tone in his voice, "what happened to your eye?"
She ever so slightly turned her head away and toyed with the charm on her bracelet, yet, kept moving. She questioned to herself whether he was like his father, was he leading her into a one way conversation where she would be called a whore again?
Curious by her timid behavior, Liam slowed the pace he was walking and reached out to tap her arm, wanting to gain her attention. She flinched before he made contact and a distressed look played deep in her light brown eyes. He too, knew that particular look..it's the one you wear when you've been conditioned to expect the worst.
Keeping her head down, she slowly moved her eyes back to him, not fully meeting his gaze.
He needed her to face him,  there was an unmistakable force inside that had to know if someone else in the world knew his sorrows....experienced his demons. He tilted her chin up and their eyes engaged for the first time. Both of them felt exposed in that  moment, as if every thought, every painful memory, all the lonliness was out in the open....revealed through the effectual union of their eyes.
Her lips began quivering as two large tears fell rapidly down her cheeks, and with a low shaky voice, almost inaudible "my stepfather."
Her soul felt like the floodgates of hell had opened and she was purged and unequivocally free from her bondage.
She had never trusted anyone to tell her secret, but, somehow, in this moment, she felt safe.
Liam didn't know Riley, had only met her two hours ago, however, the urge to protect her suddenly weighed on him. He felt powerful...strengthened...fearless. Leo described that feeling to him, but, Liam never expected to experience it.
Riley reached up, brushed her thumb along his own facial bruises; he leaned into her touch with eyes closed. There was nothing in the world better than her touch; it sent a powerful charge through his entire body.
They were two broken souls, from opposite ends of society, who now feared only the absense of the other. Seemingly impossible and, yet, suddenly real.
He opened his eyes, turning to gently kiss the palm of her hand. With tears still streaming and a heart that was pounding thunderously, she carefully placed her free hand on the other side of his face and pulled him to her lips. He wasn't a Prince and she wasn't a commoner....it was just Liam and Riley.
Drake is laying on top of a table in the library , while Maxwell and Olivia are still anxiously waiting in their seats.
"Man, where are those drinks at?", Maxwell was getting inpatient and fidgety.
Drake sits up and lets his legs dangle off the table behind Olivia, "Hey Liv...are you still a virgin?
Olivia jumps up and grabs Drake by the back of the neck and wrestles him to the floor, "I will kill you Walker, do you understand me?"
Drake laughs as Olivia has him in a behind the back arm lock. He makes an attempt to break free, however, he is still too inebriated to make a concerted effort.
Olivia shoves his head away and walks back to her seat.
Moments later, Drake pulls out his cell phone and scrolls for a particular picture he has saved, "Liv, you want to see a picture of a guy with elephantitus of the nuts...its pretty tasty."
Maxwell tries to sneak a peak at this picture, while Olivia forces herself to ignore him.
Drake jumps down from his table and walks to the doors, he steadily opens it enough to see that Vernon is no longer at his desk and peaks out into the hallway. He shuts the door and turns to Maxwell and Olivia, "anybody up for taking a stroll in the halls...I need to get something."
As much as Olivia has had it with Drake, she wants to get out of that library more; she couldn't explain it, but, she trusted Drake was stealthy enough they wouldn't get caught.
She and Maxwell follow Drake out. Olivia is keeping pace with him, "how do you know we won't get caught?"
He simply replies, "I don't"
Maxwell whispers to her, "where are we going?"
She shrugs her shoulders, "Beats me".
"Well...what if we get caught?"
"I suppose we'll get in trouble."
"But, what..."
Olivia grabs Maxwell by the collar, "If you don't stop asking questions, Im going to beat the living shit out of you."
Maxwell raises his hands up in defense, "sorry".
Bastien's quarters are not too far from the library, Drake has a small bedroom within it.
As the trio enter Drake's bedroom, Olivia looks around in disgust, pinching her nose, the room was in complete disarray, "Slob".
"Yeah, well my maids on vacation", he replies while stepping through a pile of clothing scattered along his path.
Drake reaches up on the top shelf his closet and pulls down a small bag of marijuana and rolling papers.
Maxwell's eye's widen in surprise as he looks to Olivia to say something, but, she doesn't.
Drake lays his items on the desk and begins to prepare crafting a joint, "I actually haven't done this before."
Olivia slides next to him, carefully watching his hands, "Then why do you have it?"
He chuckles at her, "I was saving it for a rainy day."
She rolls her eyes, but, snickers with him
Maxwell watching this, clears his throat and huddles down between them, "watch out, let me do this." Maxwell is steadfast and makes quick work of his rolling efforts, "Ta-da, she's a beaut." He leans over and starts rolling a second one.
Drake yanks the first one from his hands and inspects Maxwell's work, "that's not half bad Beaumont."
Maxwell give him a coy look and a shrug, "Not my first time".
Olivia looks at Drake with an eyebrow raised, "now what?"
Drake places the joints back in the baggie and shoves it into the front of Maxwell's pants, "Go back to the library...Bas will kill me if he smells that in here."
They quietly make their way back through the halls, trying to be as quiet as possible. Just as they round the corner leading to the library, Vernon steps out of his office.
Liam and Riley pull away from their kiss. It had been slow, gentle and tender; it left them both feeling breathless. Riley bites her bottom lip, still staring up at him, searching his eyes again.
This was his first kiss and he is beaming; it felt as if the earth had temporarily stopped moving. He is thrilled, but, nervous and doesn't know what to do next. He takes a finger and taps her nose with an awkward grin. Riley taps his nose right back as she lets out a light giggle.
As if instinct kicks in, he wrap his arms around her waist and pulls her close to his body, resting his chin on top of her head. The hair was so soft that he couldn't help but rub his cheek along it. They held each other close, both communicating with one another through touch and embrace.
He lightly kissed her forehead, inhaled her rose petal scent, then met her soft lips again. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in closer. Liam reached up and grabbed her hand, laced his fingers through hers and held it to his heart. Constantine, his duties, his bleak life...no longer existed. When the kiss ended, he whispers softly in her ear, "Riley, you're so pretty."
@missameliep @ao719 @dcbbw @carabeth @romanticatheart-posts @emceesynonymroll @drakensword @jemrmax2love @pedudley @moneyfordiamonds @katedrakeohd @sirbeepsalot @kingliam2019 @thisperfectmemory @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria @stopforamoment @silversparrow02 @choiceslife @timmagicktoad @lodberg @burnsoslow @gnatbrain @lovemychoices @hopefulmoonobject
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hamilton-one-shots · 6 years
Hamilton High School AU 33
John came upstairs soon after and scooped him up, holding him close and rocking him. "What happened?.. Are you okay?"
"I'm a jealous dirt bag.." he muttered. He didn't want him to think that Mary had done anything wrong, it was supposed to be all in good fun, but he had to tell him how he felt. "I'm just so used to you saying I'm the cute one. It's stupid and dumb and I.." He paused for a bit. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.."
John frowned and cupped Alexander's face. "Hey.. Breathe. It's okay, I'm right here for you. I didn't mean to hurt you, you are cute to me. You're my boyfriend and I love you so much." He kissed his forehead. "You have my complete attention right now."
"I just feel bitchy... Mary didn't do anything and I just.. I.. Stupid moments!"
"Hey, hey.. It's okay. Deep breaths, Alexander."
Alexander nodded and took deep breaths with John, feeling himself calming down. He sat up after a minute and kissed him, wrapping his arms around his neck and resting his forehead against John's as he pulled away. "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to have a moment like this.."
"I know. I understand." He pecked his lips. "Have you been taking your medicine?.."
Alexander frowned and grabbed the tube from his backpack, knocking back a pill with some water. "I think I forgot yesterday.. But not on purpose, I promise."
"I believe you. I was just asking. You're trying and that's all that matters."
Alexander smiled and put the tube back in his backpack. They'd done wonders for his usually erratic mood lately. "So.. What did your siblings say?..." He knew getting their approval was crucial.
"They were just worried and wanted to make sure you're okay." He kissed his forehead. "We can stay here as long as you need."
Alexander smiled and shook his head. "I think Mary would break my neck if I stole you for too long.."
John's phone buzzed and he checked to find messages from Hercules coming through.
[Herc: yo] [Herc: my parents are throwin a sort of 'welcome home ma' thing 2moro nite] [Herc: you guys in?] [Herc: wait im dumb] [ Herc added Alex to the chat ]
Alexander's phone began to buzz in sync with John's now.
[Herc: party @ mine 2moro] [Herc: bring booze :P] [Herc: also sorry in advance for my terrible, terrible parents]
[Laf: Ooh! Sounds like fun!]
[John: I'm down.]
John smiled. "I think it sounds fun. We can be here for the rest of the day and the day after or find something to do with all of my siblings."
[Laf: Can't wait to get drunk with my friends again 💗]
[John: You're such a sap.]
[Laf: You hush.] [Laf: Can I bring Rosie, please?]
[Herc: I'd be offended if you didn't bring her, kitten! <3]
[Alex: r u calin laf kiten or rosy?]
[Herc: I dont think I called anyone 'kiten' ]
[Alex: u suck] [Alex: OMG] [Alex: LAF] [Alex: bring moer of teh wine frm last tiem if u hve any 💗💗💗] [Alex: it was so goooood]
[Laf: I don't, but I can definitely find another good bottle.]
[Herc: Dad says he's got whiskey and cola if u guys want some]
[Alex: ew]
[Herc: ma's got prosecco?]
[Alex: i forgt how much i love ur mom]
[Laf: You can bring that vodka you were hiding in your room.] [Laf: Unless I wasn't supposed to mention it.] [Laf: Then nevermind.]
[John: Now its sounding like a party.] John chuckled and turned to Alexander with a devious grin. "Hiding vodka in your room? Such a rebel." He teased, repeating what Alexander had texted him during class. "If Laf wasn't supposed to tell me, I could keep it quiet for a kiss." He wiggled his eyebrows playfully and leaned in for a kiss.
[Alex: dam it laf] [Alex: sfine tho] [Alex: #canttameme]
[Herc: hah!] [Herc: Did you use fake id to get it? ;)]
[Alex: No, i told them i was ur son, buyin it 4 his old man]
[Herc: ...touche] [Herc: Jack's gonna be wrecked <3] Alexander laughed at the conversation before turning to John. "What are you gonna do? Tell the teacher?" He smirked back, mirroring John's response before granting him that sweet kiss. He lingered his lips lovingly over John's for a few seconds more than usual before grinning into them and pulling back. "Is my deep, dark secret safe?"
John smiled and kissed back, cupping Alexander's cheek gently. "Your secret's safe. For now. But you owe me more kisses later, once I don't have four kids waiting downstairs for me. Right now, what do you say to going downstairs with them and getting some food?"
[Laf: Glad you're not upset! : D] [Laf: I give it ten minutes before John will be wasted.]
[John: You guys need to fuck off.] .
[Herc: We did that last time and you guys complained ;D]
[ Alex has left the chat ]
[ Herc added Alex to the chat ]
[Alex: dnt traumaties me!] Alexander shoved his phone into his pocket before nodding to John's suggestion.
[Laf: : O] [Laf: Herc has no shame!] [Laf: And neither do I!] [Laf: I was the most sober one and I clearly remember John banging on the door and asking us to stop about halfway through.]
[John: I] [John: was] [John: drunk!] [John: So shut up!]
[Laf: Whats the fun in that? : P]
[John: We'll see you guys tomorrow.] He put his phone in his pocket and held Alexander's hand as he led him downstairs. "Pizza time!" He gave everyone a plate of pizza and they ate in the living room, the kids putting on Moana and John singing along to every song like a kid.
Mary sat up on the couch with Alexander, everyone else on the floor. "Are you okay?"
Alexander nodded. "Of course. John made me feel better." He smiled. "You've got the best big brother in the world."
"I know." She smiled proudly.
Alexander returned the smile and kept eating as he watched the movie, occasionally rubbing his leg against John's side to say 'I'm happy you're here' without being too mushy.
After another minute, Mary couldn't stop herself from asking, "Why does dad hate Johnny so much?.. All he did was like a boy.."
It took a lot of self-restraint for Alexander not to go on a rant about how much of a homophobic ass their father was, but it wasn't up to him to tell her. "Things are complicated.. They won't always be like that, but you have to be strong for him right now."
Mary nodded, accepting that answer. "Okay.. You'd better take care of him until then..."
Alexander smiled. "Of course. But.." He upped his volume since the movie was over. "Does that mean I can't kick his butt at Super Smash Bros?"
John grinned and turned around, the other boys already turning the game on. "I'm going to destroy you."
"We'll see about that," he shrugged as he stretched, smiling at the empty plate in his lap. He only ate one slice, but progress was progress.
John took the plates to the sink and put the pizza in the fridge before coming back and sitting beside Alexander, kissing his cheek.
The boys gave them both a controller and let them duke it out, wanting to watch before joining.
"Promise to love me after I destroy you?" Alexander teased as he chose Jigglypuff.
"I would if you had a chance," John shot back, choosing Kirby before starting the game. For the most part, he only attacked when he had a weapon, button mashing the fan seeming to be his favorite, or when Alexander was weak enough to just be thrown off the side, in which case he just spat his character off the edge of the stage. "So close, but so far." He grinned before leaning in for a kiss.
"Says Mr B-down Kirby," Alexander whined, refusing to give John a kiss in mock heartbreak. "Woe is me," he sighed dramatically. "I'm left so defeated, I can hardly look at you. Mary will have to be my new best friend."
John pouted, but he couldn't stop himself from smiling as Alexander got along with his baby sister. "You're just going to replace me like that? If you're too tired to kiss, the least you can do is let me kiss you," he whined in response before draping himself over Alexander, covering his face in a flurry of kisses.
Alexander laughed before finally letting himself kiss John, smiling lovingly as he did. "Alright, I guess you can still be my best friend. Only because you buy me food." He glanced over at Mary. "You're a close second, though."
She, like the boys, pretended to be heartbroken, groaning. "I guess that's okay."
John chuckled and kissed Alexander again, catching him off guard.
And he was never going to stop loving when he did that. He knew it. But he was a bit embarrassed being around John's siblings. "We're going to gross out your brothers."
"They're all zoned out. They'll be fine." John smiled and kissed Alexander's cheek. "Besides, I've got you trapped." At some point, he had, in fact, trapped Alexander under his weight, though he was careful not to hurt him.
Alexander rolled his eyes playfully and let John be, taking his word for it.
Before long, at least, before what felt like long, all four kids were asleep on the floor and the two older guys were close behind.
"I'll get them up to bed. You go and wait for me." John pecked Alexander's lips one last time before letting him free. He got his siblings one-by-one and put them all in bed, making sure Alexander was upstairs resting as he did. He smiled when he saw him fast asleep in his bed and did one more check on his siblings, finding Martha sitting up, now wide awake.
"Hey.. You okay?.."
She shook her head, tears falling from her eyes.
John frowned and shut the door behind him, going towards her and sitting right in front of her. "What's wrong?.."
"You're going to have to go again.." she whimpered, leaning towards him. "I'm so tired..."
John held her close, cradling her like she was three years old again and he was seven, both adjusting to their new lives. "I'm so sorry.. You are so strong..."
"I'm not as strong as you.. Nothing bad even happens anymore and I can't take it sometimes.. I just want to be a kid.."
"I know.. I'm so sorry.. I promise things will get better. I promise you'll be able to be a kid. You don't have to burden yourself so much.. They're all older than we both know and you know that..."
"I miss mom.."
John held her closer, unable to stop a few tears from hitting her head. "So do I.."
The pair stayed like that, using each other's strength until they both ran out and fell asleep. Early the next morning, John woke up and kissed Martha's forehead before going back to his room and laying with Alexander, sleeping for another few, peaceful hours. Peaceful.. He'd have to take advantage of that.
Naturally, Alexander was the first to wake up after that. He smiled as he saw John's sleeping, peaceful face and took it in for a minute, kissing his forehead. He slowly sat up and got up, wincing lightly as his injured leg felt the pressure of his weight. He took a deep, silent breath and got to his feet, going to the bathroom and taking a quick shower before going downstairs and making breakfast. John did it for him so often, it was only fair. He smiled and made some eggs and bacon, then took the plate up to John's room. He sat beside him and kissed his cheek, gently waking him up. "Hey.. Rise and shine, sleeping beauty.."
John woke up easily and smiled at Alexander, kissing his cheek. "Is that for me?.."
"Yep. I wanted to make you breakfast."
"Thank you." He sat up and ate his breakfast, giving some to Alexander. When he finished, he kissed Alexander's cheek and got up. "Alright. I've had breakfast from my amazing boyfriend, now I'm back to being a spoiling older brother." He went downstairs with Alexander trailing behind him and began going around, making breakfast for the other four Laurens.
Alexander watched him dash expertly around the kitchen. It was as if he never left. And it was heartbreaking. How anyone could tear him away from that, he'd never know. No wonder he was so eager to keep things to himself. His siblings seemed happy as they came downstairs and ate and, to John, that must've been worth the world.
By the time he finished, Alexander began texting in the group chat again.
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wheezyboykaspbrak · 7 years
it’s 5am and i hope i don’t make this a bad habit
i was talking with my new bud and uhh wow so here’s some hcs about eddies first kiss (warning it’s Reddie Y’all)
 - eddie is in his senior year of hs and like. he doesn’t ever really think about dating that much? (maybe this one person ONCE in middle school but he gets way too embarrassed even thinking about it) and besides!! he loves his friends, and he always thought that was enough?
 - and he still does, it’s just beginning to bother him when he sees everyone (especially his friends!) pushing him into getting a date (even if they don’t really mean to push)
 - richie is the person who messes around and jokes about it the most, pinching at his sides and always asking when eddie was going to ‘fall in love’
 - (he’s already fallen in love with all of the other losers, he doesn’t need to love anyone else, he’s said this countless times! but he just gets the same ‘awww’s and grins no matter which loser he directs it towards, like maybe they don’t really believe him)
 - but one day richie just gives him the cheesiest grin he’s ever seen and bumps his side with too much force, saying maybe a bit too loudly, 'i know you couldn’t have fucked anyone- but come on, i bet you haven’t even kissed anyone either, eddie. maybe you’ll learn to love outside of the lucky seven if you finally just put on your big boy breeches and kiss someone!’
 - and that just. rubbed eddie the Wrong Way? like he was saying his platonic love with the losers would never be enough? like maybe he was saying eddie wouldn’t really be grown up until he found someone to kiss, and someone ELSE to love, and he got defensive, raising his hands up with a trademarked grimace
 - 'kissing is gross, richie, and-’
 - 'eddie, edster, you’re 18-’
 - 'yeah! well! im sure you’ve heard of mono, influenza, the plague-’ and he was sure getting tired of being interrupted, even if he sounded ‘ridiculous’
 - 'eddie really, the plague?’
 - 'YES! YES, RICHIE, THE PLAGUE. and besides, there is no one i would even want to kiss, so just shut your own damn infested mouth already.’
 - and then richie almost dies laughing, but drops the subject near immediately- alleviating the situation by grabbing eddie by his arm and squeezing, leading him and talking about the dinner plans they had made with the others for tonight- in the same, little place they could at least all agree on
 - eddie is still a little tense but he just knows richie was messing with him, so he falls back into the conversation, letting himself be led to the lunchroom with only a huff in protest
 - but now suddenly it’s around 630pm?
 - and the losers all have met up at the run down italian restaurant, having a hoot, sitting snug on a wrapped, big booth, with eddie sandwiched in between mike and richie- he’s having a good time, they all are
 - and of course, richie, being richie, tried to lady and tramp it with eddie, only to be shoved away and rejected (as he was being eddie)-
 - and richies knee jerk reaction is to roll his eyes, saying out loud that eddie is 'no fun’ that he 'would never make it to big screen productions’ if he ‘wouldn’t even have his first kiss! i mean has eddie even heard of a casting couch?’
 - and eddie gets so flustered at the mention of not being kissed yet that he just freezes, and eddie knows deep down that the losers don’t care, that they love him just as much he loves them, and wouldn’t think any less of him for it but- but the laugh that it gets out of them makes him feel awful. at least mike managed to sense eddie was tense and was able to 'beep’ richie before he could continue to ramble on.
 - the night went swimmingly afterwards, but eddie got a little bit colder after that, only finally warming back up at the end, laughing more comfortably with the others and melting into both richies and mikes sides (more mikes than richies).
 - they all pay and part their ways after that, with hugs and some goofs- but richie walks straight to eddie and just!! offers to walk home with him, even though it’s probably more convenient for richie to walk with bill
 - richie just felt like he really upset eddie, and had an idea on how to make it better!
 - so when they finally get to eddies house, after more jokes and silence (that at times felt comfortable, but this one felt a little tense?), richie follows him up to his bedroom and paces around a bit, before eddie glares and shushes at him, pointing downstairs (to where he knows his mother rests)
 - 'stop, you goddamn stampede of a string bean. if you want to stay and hang out just sit down, and read a comic book or som-’
 - 'eds, let me ask you something.’
 - and there’s a pause, and eddie begins to pick at the dirt underneath his fingernails, and then the pause is too long, and eddie holds his hands out, exasperated (and a little nervous)
 - 'christ- im going gray over here, richie-’
 - 'you love us, the gang, right? i mean of course you obviously love me, i’m your favorite- but you do love us? what if, and i’m a genius so tell me when you’re not following anymore, one of us kissed you? so you’re not so flustered about it anymore- you trust us enough, and maybe it will give you a little boost of confidence! we are all incredibly hot, too, which is just an added bonus.’
 - and now eddie is silent, and he’s stopped picking at his nails, and richie begins to laugh, and it’s painfully nervous, but he just doesn’t know how to stop-
 - 'i knew it was a master plan but jesus fuck, i didn’t know it was that stunning! come on, eddie, whaddya say?’ he stopped before quickly adding, 'if you want to pretend like this never happened let me know edster- and ill strut my ass out of here so quick even your mother won’t notice, and she’s always one to notice my sweet ass whenever i’m in the function.’ finger guns seemed like the only appropriate way to end that sentence, but richie could already feel himself dying inside, just a little bit
 - but then eddie finally mumbles out 'you want me to kiss one of our friends?’ and it only sounds a lttle off
 - 'i mean, i guess- and even if you wanted to kiss me, that would be fine! listen, eddie, i’m an expert. just say the words, i’m all lips, i got you, we got you.’
 - and for being so forward eddie can hear how nervous richie is in his voice, but eddie? himself? could feel his heart beating out of his chest. and he didn’t really know why
 - so. he just says okay, he nods, and he’s shaking and he still just- he doesn’t know why. but now richie looks visibly more relaxed, and he lets out such a heavy sigh eddie almost feels himself getting knocked back.
 - richie sits on the bed and then pats the space beside him, and eddie sinks down into his own sheets before turning towards richie and crossing his legs, fisting the fabric of his shorts
 - richie just wants eddie to relax because! he swears to eddie, he’s in good company! richie has kissed dozens of people before (he doesn’t say that though, he’d get an earful about germs), and he knows just how to make eddie feel right, and seeing eddie in front of him likes this makes him want eddie to feel loved- and woah, he doesn’t know where that’s coming from, but he doesn’t think about it too much now. and now, maybe too fast for eddie, richie turns to face eddie himself, his own legs crossed, and his hands now holding eddies jaw like he was made out of glass
 - 'eddie tell me when this is enough, when we have done enough.’
 - and eddie has been so quiet, and it makes richie a little hesitant, but he does nod in richies grip-
 - right before richie presses the softest kiss to eddies mouth, and it’s a dry one but richie instantly feels his heart go weak at the sigh eddie makes, one he must of been holding in
 - richie keeps on kissing at eddies lax lip, sometimes giving a kiss to his cheek, something familiar, rubbing their noses together just barely, softly, before he goes back to kissing him
 - it’s one of the gentlest kisses richie has ever had??? and he half expects eddie not to kiss back, do anything back at all, but then eddies hands are on richies knees, hooked near his thighs, and richie has to pull away and actually look at eddie, see if anything was wrong, because?? maybe this was his way of telling him to stop?
 - but eddies eyes were closed, and his mouth was only a little red, but his cheeks were vibrant, and now warm under richies thumbs and-
 - richie couldn’t help but go back in- he makes the kiss a little wetter, and eddie seems a little bit confused on what he was supposed to do, still, but richie just does his best to show eddie how- using that big mouth of his for something other than long strings of words-
 - and words?? weren’t really needed at this point, as the boys began to add more hands and tongues and even teeth and christ when richie started kissing down eddies neck eddie made such a heavenly gasp out of his name- 'richie, please’- that richie couldn’t stop himself before leaving a bright red mark, right under eddies ear, the keen his got in response making him want to kiss eddie, again and again and again and again-
 - it was overwhelming
 - but after a kiss to the mark and a few more pecks richie pulled away and got another good look at eddie and wow- that was a mistake, because if the way eddie looked before made richie need to kiss him again, the way eddie looked now made richie want to instantly give him the world
 - and fuck if he knew why
 - eddies lips were wet and this time they were actually swollen, his eyes had opened but they were so, so lidded, his pupils were blown wide, and his eyelashes fluttering with the few stuttering breaths he took and richie-
 - richie had to stand up, now, he should probably leave- but christ he didn’t know how or when it happened but he had a lap full of eddie, who was now slumping himself against richie and tucking his head on his shoulder, and he could hear the shaky sighs that came out of eddie before he heard a soft mumble
 - 'thanks.’
 - and with that eddie climbs out of richies lap, adjusting his shirt looking anywhere, everywhere but the boy beside him
 - richie can deal with that, but he was still just so shocked, at himself, at eddie, so he quickly responds with a 'no problem, happy to do it, make sure you rate your experience in the guestbook upfront- uhh, christ, come do it again, whenever you’re in the area.’ and he has to force himself to stop talking, biting on his tongue-
 - but eddie let’s out a laugh, something loud and genuine and richie still hasn’t resolved this, hasn’t resolved anything, but when eddie laughs he feels the haze clear and everything feels so light in that moment.
 - eddie is just surprised that richie might’ve been right about something- that kissing can help you learn that you love someone (a little bit more than he had previously thought)
srry if thhis is bad i need sleep
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himenation · 6 years
This is a long live report containing things how I even became a fan, to the AMAAAAAZING (not) queue, setlist, live, m&g and random moments. All fan cams and fanpics are uploaded on my twitter which I linked in this post too!
I went to Monsta X’s 2nd Worldtour in Amsterdam this month! I started to get to know Monsta X during their Beautiful promotions and when I heard they would come to Europe the first time (in 2017), I was doubting whether I should go or not. I knew like 10 songs and another fan could go instead of me. It was not close anyway, so I decided to take part in the campaign for Amsterdam. For people who don’t know MMT. MMT is a fan dedicated promoter, in which you can request an artist to come to your city and if you have enough ‘makes’ (so points) they’ll talk with the artist. 
Anyways, I took part in the campaign in august 2017. Uni was about to start and I kinda forgot about the lives for a while. Until it was around the DRAMARAMA period (and their first win omg!), I followed them again; so after their MBC performance, I got a text message from MMT that they’re starting to talk to MONSTA X. At this point I would give this presale code to somebody else, but I didn't know when the actual concert was supposed to be so I waited. So while I was waiting for their JEALOUSY comeback, I started to watch their shows because I was bored and I LITERALLY FELL INTO THE FANDOM (and not just the music). I loved these guys so much? They were so precious and funny. I really wanted to see them live and regretted not going to the Beautiful Tour. So for their Jealousy comeback, I even bought The Connect; I texted every time they had a show and streamed their MVs so they could win another win (and they did!) (I've only done this for BTS before). So just around the time of the MV release, they announced they would be coming to AMSTERDAM. I was so happy. Flash forward to the ticket sale: I went to uni early, had a computer; laptop and my phone ready and immediately bought 2x VIP tickets!!
After counting down the days to the concert, I was finally here. I couldn't wait to hear Destroyer and Lost In the Dream live (My fav songs of the new album). Fans were allowed to queue from 11, but no-one seemed to listen to it :’) Every standing type had to get a wristband (VIP included). So I was kinda late and arrived at 12 , but my wristband number was 139. I quickly had sushi with my sister at ICHI-e and went to Starbucks (and a grocery store) to get some food and drinks for the queue. Just when we were about to leave the restaurant, I got a message from MMT that they messed up the wristband numbers for VIP and it was now FCFS (First Come first Serve). It was also the hottest day of the week, yippie :’)
Queue The queue was one big mess... Fans were incredibly rude and mean and staff didn’t do anything about it either. Girls were screaming at the security and talking very rudely, fans saying to each other ‘shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down’ (this is an actual phrase someone was screaming behind me). The venue staff gave us WATER IN A BUCKET and it wasn't until a monsta x staff came and gave everyone bottles. I also met two very sweet fansites! They gave out free stuff and were overall very sweet! They talked a lot to us and were next to us in the queue. We also met two friends who wanted to go to their friends, but since people were rude; my sis stopped them and they were next to us. Even though we were strangers, me and my sis shared our food and drinks with them. During the queue certain people started to push fans and we told them to stop and they started to fight with us??? and basically telling us ‘are you blind’ :)) (also they thought the fansites were Korean so they were all nice to them but shitty to other people, but the fansites turned out to be Chinese so these rude koreaboos were really boo boo the fools) at around 18:00 we were allowed to go inside but everyone started pushing each other so we were really stuck and could barely breathe. Once we were inside we had to wait another 2 hours and I was so tired, but wow I was 4th row!  Live I also made a big thread of Monsta X on my twitter. Fancams Fanpics Okay first of all, this group has no visual hole. THEY ARE ALL SO VISUALS I COULDNT BELIEVE MY EYES. Honestly they're so beautiful irl??????? Although I knew they were all handsome, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw IM, Kihyun, Shownu and Hyungwon DAMN. 
The live was amazing, they kept playing DRAMARAMA, SHINE FOREVER and STUCK in the venue and we were so hyped! Once the live started; they all came in Swaroski Suits (they looked so expensive) singing Jealousy. The fan chants (at least in the VIP) were A M A Z I N G.  AAHHH I finally saw monsta x im sobbing. They then played Be Quiet (it’s one of my fav older songs) ;; and BEAUTIFUL IN SWAROSKI SUITS GUYSSSSSS. They didn't do the jacket dance since, yeah the jackets were pretty expensive HAHAHAH. Too bad.. They then had a long MC and started with Gravity and Tropical night (still wearing the suits). After changing their clothes (some kind of harness?)  they sung Crazy In love (finally a full version) and All In. The crowd really loved All In!!!!!!!! Then we had 20 minutes of solo stuff; the solo of Wonho, Minhyuk and Kihyun were my absolute favourite! It was so cute. The other solo’s were really good too!! The crowd died at Hyungwons and IMs solo though.  AAAAAAAAAAAAAH AFTER SOLO they sung From Zero (Seven member version) and oh my god Wonho looked so beautiful??? This song is so cute?? I can't remember much of Because of You im sorry ;; White love was really emotional, they didn't expect the banner project (1000days with monbebe) at all and really loved it. Rollercoaster was so cute live as well, they all pretended to sit in a rollercoaster lol. After they went off stage, the destroyer MV played AND I SCREAMED SO LOUD I WAS NOT READY, NO ONE WAS READY NO ONE! LITERALLY IM DEAD. But they bloody sung LOST IN THE DREAM and I was really lost in the dream, wow....... The vocals..... wow.. Im........................... it was so beautiful live. Guys, ive heard Kihyuns iconic high note (well a lot of people shouted OOOOFFFF BUT I STILL HEARD ONE OF MY FAV SONG I! CANT! BELIEVE!). Also very random to mention but Jooheon is one hell of a good performer, he was not even nervous and the stage was HIS BITCH, his rap and his stage aura are so mind-blowing.
I always joked they should play lost in the dream and destroyer after each other to let the fans die but they really did IT! The choreo of Destroyer was so good and fitted the song. In the beginning Wonho waved and gave a finger heart though... I was never a fan of Shine Forever, but It was so nice and also doing the fan chants! Rush is a song I used to skip but ooof, it was also very nice to hear. Monsta X really enjoyed singing Special too AND YESSSSSSSS FINALLYYYYYYY TRESPASS THE WHOLE CROWD WAS SO LIT WE ALL RAPPED ALONG AND IT WAS HONESTLY ONE OF THE BEST PERFORMANCES SO FAR IDGJKDSGS. They all positioned to the Dramarama pose and yes they did Dramarama!!!! but now the concert was about to end too :( Monsta X said they love Falling, Ive heard people say they love performing Falling and yes they REALLY LOVE FALLING. My heart was so full of uwu when I saw them performing falling, I love these babies so much :’). We showed them the banners during If Only again and Wonho, Minhyuk and Kihyun were really emotional and it was so sad to see this ending :( But I was about to meet these guys as well AAAAAAHHH. I dont know if it was Minhyuk or IM but one of them took of Wonho’s shirt lol and he threw it in a crowd. Before that they also took a group pic ;; tbh I wished they did Stuck and Hero as well, but overall I really loved the setlist so much.
Meet and greet Order: Wonho - Shownu - Kihyun - Minhyuk - Hyungwon - Jooheon - IM Usually when fans meet artist, fans are the ones talking to the artist but now Monsta X was rather talking to the fans, they were so sweet and they all had the most genuine and sweetest smile ever. The M&G was unfortunately very fast and I could only say  Wonho: I think he was still very sad and looked like he cried too but his hands are so soft ;; I thanked him and he nodded and gave a thumbs up lol Shownu: I knew it was his birthday in London so I told him a happy belated birthday ;; and he said thank you as well! Kihyun: ok, I may have said I love you instead of thank you AHHGHGHHGHAHAHG and yeah that was kihyuns reaction too he laughed and said thank you lol Minhyuk: He said thank you very much!! NO THANK YOUUU (while smiling so sweet) Hyungwon: Somehow he was very giggly but we both said thank you to each other!! Jooheon: We both said thank you to each other aaaaaahh IM: Since I barely had time (after hyungwon) I just told him thank you and he said the same ;; We then got a poster from the tour and the show was unforunately over :(( MMT announced a week before the concert there would be no merch so I didn't have a lightstick either so it was nice having a poster as a reminder (and the fans we got from the fansites ofc). Setlist (duration 2,5hours) 1. Jealousy 2. Be Quiet 3. Beautiful -- 4. Gravity 5. Tropical Night -- 6. Crazy in Love 7. All in -- 8. Wonho, Minhyuk, Kihyun - Neol Hada 9. Jooheon, Shownu - Versace on the Floor 10. Hyungwon, IM - Fake Love (Drake) 11. Hyungwon, IM - How long // another IM solo (not sure) -- 12. From Zero 13. Because of you 14. White Love 15. Rollercoaster -- 16. Lost in the dream -- 17. Destroyer 18. Shine forever -- 19. Rush 20. Special 21. Trespass -- 22. Dramarama *ENCORE* 23. Falling -- 24. If Only *Group pic*
Random moments -  They talked a lot of Dutch such as ‘I am...’, ‘I love you’, ‘I miss you’, ‘Fries with Mayo’. IM also wanted to say Sexy but he didn’t say Sexy and Jooheon said to erase our minds LMAO KSJKD he was so embarassed - In the beginning when Kihyun was talking about Hyungwon, Hyungwon looked at him and he kinda slapped away his face (Kihyun to Hyungwon) - Just before Crazy in Love, the group was devided into two to talk with fans (one group was changing their clothes) and Jooheon was doing a weird movement with his hand and was saying AY AY AY and the fans said it too, but then the other group came (Kihyun, Shownu, Hyungwon and Minhyuk) and they all looked honestly so confused and Kihyun was like ‘AY go change your clothes now’ and then Kihyun and Hyungwon were showing off their dance moves lol - Also during the live I started as the fourth row, but people behind me kept pushing and I was suddenly 2nd row and there is a higher place for the first row so my knees kept going on that and it hurted so much lmao - Shownu, IM and Jooheon went to Beyonce the day before and talked about how amazing it was (lmao fanboying on their own concert KAJDKSFJFS) and they also said we will make it possible for them to perform there one day ;;A;; - The day of the Amsterdam concert would be 1000 days with Monbebe we would show during If Only, but since London got cut off we weren't sure whether we would hear If Only and decided to do it during White Love. - Wonho, Minhyuk and Kihyun got teary at If Only - Their reactions to White love were so sweet :((  - Our group hyped up every member whenever they were close to us. Hyungwon, Kihyun and Wonho noticed us a lot lol. Hyungwon waved at us too ;; - During FALLING Kihyun was drinking water and then he came to our side and you could see in his face he was about to do something and when the beat dropped he threw WATER ON US and I got so wet :((((( the fan next to me, her fan was all wet lmao.  - I got a lot of confetti in my face :’)  
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blookmallow · 6 years
so i downloaded an alternate program to play rpgmaker games on since ive been having SO much trouble with wine, and the one i got already had space funeral (which ive played already) and something called “schuld” which ive never heard of, so i figure, i got it, i might as well play it 
so far its Okay, seems to be working well though so hopefully this program will work with my other games too but i got way too distracted with the Mysterious Game From The Void to mess with it yet 
also any program that comes to me with space funeral pre-installed for some reason is a good one as far as im concerned
anyway heres schuld
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i put that image as the preview bc its cool but also that thing hanging from. uh. the sky???? was a pair of pliers that i needed to get through a door covered in barbed wire 
like. just. pliers, hangin on a rope. from the sky. for absolutely no discernible reason
a lot of this game feels very intentionally Constructed/intended to be metaphorical rather than logical/None Of This Is Actually Reality, Probably so on the one hand the solutions to puzzles being. bizarre shit like this could actually be intentionally strange to give that sense that things are being given or withheld from you by some omnipotent force that is pulling you through this experience, You See What We Want You To See, You Go Where We Want You To Go
on the other hand, pliers hanging from the sky is hilarious
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anyway here we are
i know absolutely nothing about this game i just opened it because It Was There 
this is very ominous ambiance i like it. the soundtrack sounds vaguely like labored breathing it is very, very unsettling 
looks like we got a zombie apocalypse 
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not gonna like. tell me what the phrases are or anything. ok
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wh....what the fuck 
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IT’S........MONEY :’) 
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the only item you have to start off with is a book containing a list of the seven deadly sins, so this is almost definitely a very very obvious Greed Trap but i dont care lmao 
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oh. thanks
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also this dude told me money is worthless now which comes as no surprise to me (as of where i am now, i never had any consequence or purpose for the money, im not even sure if i still have it i forgot about it until now) 
we got an economy of FLESH and some dudes chased me trying to steal my flesh which is, I’ll be honest, a bit rude
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you guys just gonna hang out there then
i cant interact with anything else in here or go back the way i came so you’re gonna have to move, 
(turns out you have to outrun them, if they pass before you they get stuck in the wall and there’s no way to progress / you die if you touch them) 
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turns out everyone has The Rot and are slowly rotting away, so any possible source of Clean Flesh to replace their gross bits has become incredibly valuable but its also assumed that Everyone has the rot and will die from it eventually, so im not sure whats even actually being accomplished by replacing gross bits with clean bits if the clean bits are gonna get gross soon anyway
shrugs. anyway it’s Not Quite a zombie apocalypse but its close. an interesting direction
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this is a hospital (and it’s still functioning, there’s patients here, there’s a nurse, there’s a doctor, and a kid went in for an amputation when i came in, it’s not abandoned or overrun or anything just in massive disrepair) why are they just leaving this shit all over the floor 
see this kind of medical irresponsibility is probably why you guys are all rotting in the first place 
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strange man wanders into your hospital room, you immediately just start telling him your life story 
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ohhhhh it’s greed. the Rot is greed. they’re all rotting from the Greed inherent in human nature and their Envy for what other people have (unrotten flesh) is turning them into monsters and causing them to tear other people apart except now it’s literally. money is so worthless it now costs an ARM AND A LEG!!! to get anything, i get it. ok :’) 
the allegory seems a lil heavy handed to me but, eh, still pretty fun
anyway then i had to distract the doctor so i could steal his ID and wander into rooms im not supposed to be in so i lit his trash can on fire, as you do, 
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just gonna stand there and watch it, then, i suppose. good thinking, doctor
the Enemy Encounters in this game are a nuisance to navigate but most of the like. logic puzzles/etc are kind of hilariously straight forward as far as “what do i need to do” even if the solutions dont. really make sense
like not to the point that it feels boring, i just set a garbage can on fire in some dude’s office while he was sitting like 5 feet away, it’s fun as hell, it’s just :’) when i interacted with this trash can earlier, before i even knew i needed a distraction or had any means of lighting it, its like “huh this trash would probably burn really well if it were to ignite” and im just like ok apparently im gonna have to set that on fire at some point for SOME REASON, 
idk im too tired to write anymore i have more but ill go through the rest later. this game is weird but im into it thats my review goodnight ill have more adventures in flesh thievery, a LOT of cigarettes, and Gun City for you all later 
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choisgirls · 7 years
🎃 HELLO IT'S TIME FOR SPOOKY SHIT™ 🎃 How about the RFA + Saeran messing around with a Oujia Board on Halloween and something fucks up like. it just goes *really* wrong. maybe seven is chugging holy water out of a hbc bag and some of it spills onto the board while they're talking to some dickhead spirit?? Idk just go wild
A/N: Please for thelove of god you guys do not fuck with Ouija boards- they aren’t fun, theyaren’t cute, and they can be very serious
That being said, thisfic? Is not that serious towards them cause i like to mess around so thank you forrequesting this because hey im an asshole sorry my bbys :^)
But that doesn’t meanthat oujia’s /aren’t/ serious, please guys, I’m not kidding okay thank you loveyou *kisses your forehead and sends you off with a cookie*
Word count: 4,835HAHAHHAHAHA please kill me, under a cut it goes
Warnings: uh..cussing? but you know me, that’s… to be expected, right?
“You know whatwould be hilarious, MC?” you sighed, turning to look at the red head thatsat at the other end of the table, chin sitting on his hands expectantly asgold eyes shined at you.
“No, Saeyoung, Ido not. What would be so funny?” you instantly felt regret asking thatquestion, because you knew in your heart it was going to revolve around somesort of prank-
“This prank Ithought of to do tonight!” and there it was.
You tilted your headwhile simultaneously raising an eyebrow, with a click of your tongue, yougestured for him to go on with this prank of his, knowing you would be suckedin whether you liked it or not. It was Halloween night, and Saeyoung seemed tohave this kink for pranks- though he’s told you time and time again it’s not akink, it doesn’t qualify as one. You still think he was lying.
“Okay, soeveryone’s coming over tonight, right? What if we break out a Ouija board? Iknow I can get a few of them freaked out enough just with that alone, but wecan hype it up! We can fake a haunting!” if his eyes could turn intohearts, they would have been pounding. You already had a bad feeling about thisprank of his, something was bound to go wrong. You weren’t allowed to mess withOuija boards anyway.. right? This has ‘horrible’ written all over it.
“You know youshouldn’t be messing with Ouija boards, yeah? What if something goes wrong-what if it’s real? Haven’t you seen scary movies-” he cut you off byputting a finger to your lips.
“Sshh, MC. Thoseare just that- movies. They’re made up! Fake! Not real in any way, shape, orform! We’ll be fine~” and with a wave of his hand, he dismissed theconversation, running out of the room to finish setting up some spookydecorations for the party and probably gathering whatever he deemed necessaryfor this prank of his. You turned to look at the other red headed boy, quietlysitting at the table this whole time. Fixing his blue eyes on you, offering asympathetic tug at the corner of his lips before also offering a small shrug.
“You know hewould have done it whether you told him no or not-”
“I’m well aware,Saeran, thank you.” You hid your face in your hands before taking in alarge breath. Nothing you would have said could have changed your mind- youknew this. You definitely weren’t ready for tonight. Nobody will be.
“WELCOME TO HELL!AHHAHAHAHA,” the voice boomed through the house surround sound later thatnight- only moments after everyone had gathered into the living room. The groupjumped slightly at the sudden sound, but the fear quickly disbursed when theyrealized the voice belonged to Saeyoung. With a collective sigh, they turn togive the security camera in the corner an uninterested look. “Hey!”he exclaimed over the speakers, “I can’t believe you all saw through mycharade. It was a perfectly spooky greeting!” He huffed into themicrophone when the rest of the group shook their heads in disagreement to hisperformance.
You gestured foreveryone to relax and take a seat as well as grab a snack from the table infront of them. As they all went for snacks, they were met with Saeyoungknocking them out of their hands. With a quick sweep of his arm, everything onthe table was sent flying in the other direction. You stared in disbelief thatthe work you did for the past day flew to the floor, splattering and deemingitself unsalvageable. Replacing your once delicious snacks, was a large, woodenOuija board- following soon after was the planchette. He was really going throughwith this, wasn’t he? And where did he get that board on such short notice?
“I was thinkingall of us could take the opportunity today to talk to those beyond theveil!” the latter half of his sentence was accompanied by the wiggling ofhis fingers. The rest of the group harboured mixed emotions to the news. Youand Saeran already knew Saeyoung was planning something, so neither of you hadthe energy to even amuse him with a fake emotion, while Yoosung lookedabsolutely terrified, Zen seemed a little nervous at the fact the board waseven near him, Jumin seemed to share the same look as you and Saeran-uninterested. If looks could kill, the one Jaehee was shooting in the redhead’sdirection would have set him on fire immediately; Jihyun mustered up a small,nervous laughter as he went along with the idea. Knowing these reactions wereprobably the best he would get, Saeyoung continued. “Now, everyone, gatheraround! Get close! Let’s do this! Saeran, dear  brother, please hit the lights!” With ascoff, Saeran got up to literally hit the light switch. He smacked it hardenough, you could tell he knew exactly what this prank was and he was not happyto be a part of it. The moment the lights went off, you noticed the fact thatthere were several candles lit- how long were those on fire?
“I don’t see howusing a wooden board would allow us to talk to those who have passed,”Jumin stated, moving closer to the board, putting his fingers on the planchettelike Saeyoung had been gesturing. “Can you even speak to those in theafterlife? That shouldn’t be possible.”
“Oh, Mr. Han.Have you not heard of ghosts? The spirits from beyond? The very essence ofthose who-” Jumin threw his hand up to stop the nonsense pouring fromSaeyoung’s mouth.
“Nevermind. I’llgo along with it. The faster we go through this, the faster you will see thereis no such thing, and the faster we can move on to something else,” hesaid with a sigh. Despite being extremely reluctant to do so, everyone else’sfingers joined the planchette. They knew the only way to get past it was tojust… please Saeyoung by joining in this ritual.
“Everyonetouching the marker? Yeah? Okay, now clear your mind and relax!” with anexaggerated shimmy of his shoulders, he lets out a deep sigh before his loudvoice boomed through the room again. “Oh dear spirits from beyond, we lendyou our ears! We welcome you to the RFA! Please, come speak with us!”Jihyun shot him a concerned look- almost like he wanted to tell Saeyoung not toinvite these spirits to join the RFA in case they actually agreed, but kepthimself quiet. Everyone else started to fight to keep their doubts quiet, untilSaeyoung let out a loud gasp- all eyes turned to the planchette slightly movingon the board. “We have made contact! Oh great spirit, what is yourname?” Everyone watched with baited breath as the wooden marker started atthe ’S’, moving to the ‘E’, then to the 'N’, ’D’, 'N’, 'U’, ’D’, 'E’, and ’S’respectively. Throwing his hands up, Zen pushed himself away from the table.
“SAEYOUNG YOUASS, YOU CAN’T PRETEND TO BE A GHOST AND JUST SPELL OUT 'SEND NUDES’. This isridiculous!” he grabbed Saeyoung by the front of the shirt, pulling himclose, his eyes boring into the younger mans. “If you’re going to keepmessing with us, we’re just going to leave.”
“Does that meanyou won’t send the ghost nudes?” Saeyoung muttered under his breath,suddenly waving his hands when everyone started to get up, “Okay okayokay!! I was kidding! Please sit back down, let’s actually try now!” Hegestured for you to hand him something- what were you supposed to do, again? Ohyeah- you grabbed the surprisingly heavy bag of Honey Buddah Chips and handedit to him. “FROM THIS BAG,” he proclaimed, “WE MUST DRINK THEHOLIEST OF WATERS IN ORDER TO TRULY COMMUNICATE WITH THE SPIRITS!”
“Why the hell dowe need to drink holy water from your chip bag, Saeyoung?” Yoosung asked,raising an eyebrow while Jaehee crossed her arms.
“Holy water in achip bag seems to defeat its intended purpose…” she said as she judgedand questioned Saeyoung’s faith once again and watched as he put a hand overhis heart- a dramatic action to show his mock offense.
“Honey BuddahChips are little gifts from God. Please, just take the drink!” Saeyounghanded the bag back to you, throwing puppy dog eyes your way, knowing youcouldn’t resist. You sighed heavily before struggling to take a sip withoutspilling it all on you, passing it off to Saeran who was seated next to you.After shooting daggers at the bag itself, he took a sip and passed it on- therest of the group doing the same with their own looks of disapproval. Once itmade its way back to Saeyoung, he chugged the rest of the bag, spilling quite abit onto the board. The both of you scrambled to dry it off.
“Saeyoung, youidiot! That can’t be good! You can’t mess with things like this!” youhissed at him, trying to pat the board dry. You told him not to fuck with theOuija board. You told him you didn’t want a part of this prank- what in theworld did he have planned next? Once you got the board dry, everyone returnedtheir fingers to the planchette and sit in silence as Saeyoung took in abreath, ready to get down to business.
“Spirits… canyou hear us? Is anyone here with us?” slowly, the planchette started tomove towards 'yes’, and Yoosung let out a little screech. “Haha!Success!” Saeyoung cried out, exaggerating a wiggle of his body to pretendhe could feel the spirit through his body. “Oh spirit! Please, tell uswhat you want! Show yourself! I demand you to do so!”
The candles around theroom started to flicker, blowing out suddenly as an eerie green glow  came from the board accompanying a green fog.The temperature dropped suddenly, the room started to feel like static- justlike the sounds in everyone’s ears. Listening to his friends scream at the topof their lungs, Saeyoung sat back and laughed uncontrollably, wiping a tearfrom his eye. “Oh man! We got you good! Okay Saeran, you can cut off thefog machine-”
He opened his eyes tosee the back of Saeran’s head as he ran out of the room in a panic, droppingthe turned off fog machine to the floor.
The fog grew larger,the wind it created now whipping around the room- a neon green twister formingon top of the board as the room started to fill with loud whispers and hushedscreaming. The group all stumbled to throw themselves away from the board,minus you and Saeyoung. You could see the gears turning on his head and youmoved closer to him, trying to pull him away from the growing horror on thetable in front of him.
“Haha…”Saeyoung laughed nervously, his voice growing higher as his sentence continued,“Saeran, this isn’t funny, you can stop now… We agreed that it would bea simple prank… Come on!” You were able to pull him a little ways awayfrom the table, struggling to get him to his feet to run. Everyone else managedto get up and run out the door, pushing past each other and tripping over theirown feet. You heard the door slam shut and you knew it was up to you to get theidiot off of the floor and figure out how to fix this mess.
Suddenly, there was aboom from within the fog, and the two of you watched in fear as a beam of lightseemed to shoot out of the middle, accompanying this beam were louder moans andhigh pitched screeches- figures that appeared to have faces swirled around,some looked pained, others looked threatening. Frantically, you yanked the redhead to his feet, turning to run from the room- you’ll have to do somethingabout this, but your main goal for the time being is to get to safety. Youwould think Saeyoung would be smart enough to follow you- he has secret agenttraining, shouldn’t his fight-or-flight skills be perfected by now? Apparentlythey weren’t. You here a loud thump and turned to see what had happened- he hadbeen knocked to the floor, this now black and green mass with shadow-like facesnow seemed to form a make-shift claw, grabbing him by the ankle and knockinghim down. It seemed to growl in a low, echoing voice, telling him that he wouldgo nowhere as it started to drag him back towards the board. He was panickingand you ran to grab him by the arms, trying to pull him out of this…. thing’sgrasp. He had to kick frantically at the grip on his leg to free himself,almost knocking you over when he gets up- in fact he accidently pushed you outof the way to run from the room, oh what a brave boy he was. The two of youslam the door shut and he leaned against it, sliding down to sit on the floorwith a sigh.
“That.. thatisn’t a joke anymore, MC. That.. that’s real. That’s scary.. an abomination…a…. a job for real life GHOST HUNTERS!” he exclaimed with a beamingsmile on his face- that you immediately smacked off. He held his cheek with apout, “Ow! And what was that for?”
“THAT! Wasbecause you just HAD to prank everyone. You had to mess around with a Ouijaboard, even after I told you that those things aren’t toys! I told you! And nowyou’re still messing around when there’s literally thousands of angry spiritsin there!” your voice grew higher and higher as your anger rose as well.
“Well, MC, it wasjust a-” You cut him off with a raise of your hand, obvious annoyance inyour face.
“If you fuckingtell me 'it was just a prank, bro’, I will not hesitate to open this door andjust kick you back in there,” you threatened. One look at his face toldyou that he decided to hold his tongue and stand back up, scratching the backof his neck.
“Okay… MC, wehave to get rid of this thing though.. What do we do? I haven’t dealt withghosts before,” he looked at you with hopeful eyes.
Why the fuck did hethink you knew what to do with ghosts?
You pinched the bridgeof your nose and took in a large breath. Sure, you’ll figure it out. There’ssomething you could do, right? ….Right?
…Did the internethave the number for Ghostbusters?
You threw your handout, opening your eyes to look at him once you had an idea. “Okay,listen,” you started out, “This started when you dumped holy wateronto the board, then continued to open the veil, yeah? Well, we need to closethe portal! But that means we need to get back to the board, and at this pointthat is impossible… What are spirits afraid of? Can they really hurtus-” your question was cut off when the point of a large knife flewthrough the door, missing your head by mere inches. Your eyes went wide asthree more wedged into the door at once, “Okay, it can hurt us! It candefinitely hurt us! Let’s go- we gotta go! Move move move!” you shouted,pushing him away from the door and kick starting his sprint down the hallwaymoments before the door was completely covered with the points of sharp knives-when did you all get so many knives?
The two of you burstthrough the closest door in the hall- this thing was definitely going to comeafter you. What the hell did he get you into, you’re too young to die.
“If we make itthrough this, Saeyoung, I’m going to kick your ass,” you yelled, gettingready to throw a punch.
“Don’t punchhim!” Saeran called from his hiding spot on the other side of his bed. Hegot up and ran across his bed, getting ready to jump onto Saeyoung- he had firein his eyes and a snarl on his lips. “I’m gonna kill him myself!” Yousighed and stepped in between the two brothers, shielding Saeyoung and calmingSaeran down.
“You can’t killhim-”
“Thank you,MC!” Saeyoung interrupted, giving his brother a bright smile.
“We need him tohelp get rid of this… thing. Plus, if it comes to it, we can just give him toit and hope it leaves us alone.”
“Yeah! Wait,what? MC!” His smile fell as Saeran stifled a laugh. The three of you satthere for a few moments, racking your brains to come up with a plan. You threwyour hands up in the air in sudden realization.
“Guys, if holywater brought the stupid things to us, shouldn’t we use it to get rid ofthem?” you asked, watching their expressions turn from confused to understanding-you could almost see the light bulbs go off above their heads.
“I have my crosson me… I’m sure we could whip up some holy water right now!” Saeyoungsaid, pulling his necklace out from under his shirt. “But I don’t thinkjust dumping a bunch on the board at once will work… wouldn’t it grab us andkill us before we even got close?” As the two of you tried to work outsome sort of plan to use the holy water, Saeran quietly got up and made his wayto the closet, opening it up to pull out his water gun, staring your way untilyou took notice.
“Saeran… you’rea genius!” you exclaimed, jumping up and clapping to show your approval,Saeyoung had to admit it was a pretty smart plan- after all, he and Saerancould use them pretty well. But you and the redhead needed to get yours fromthe other room- not to mention you had to bless a bunch of water for it. Fornow, the three of you had to make do with what you had. He blessed the watercurrently in Saeran’s gun and told him to cover all of you.
With a quick look tofind the mass of spirits down the hall opposite of you, the group sprinted tothe bathroom down the hall- though it took notice fairly quickly. You keptrunning until you hit the closet a little further- you had to find the gun youhid in there.
Saeyoung stopped atthe bathroom, Saeran standing in the hall between the two of you, watching asthe horror moved closer, the moaning and groaning getting louder. Saeyoung turnon the water to the bath, starting to fill it up so he could bless a bunch ofit at once- but he was interrupted by Saeran’s angry growling at the eeriemass. While the steady stream of holy water from the gun seemed to help, theredefinitely wasn’t enough to stop it completely. It started to stretch and creepinto the bathroom- Saeyoung had to calculate the fastest way past it whiletrying to keep himself safe, but he couldn’t let this thing get his brother.This is when his fight-or-flight instincts finally kicked in, good thing, too.He used his acrobatic skills to tumble over some of the tentacle-likeappendages shooting out at him, sliding underneath others and grabbing hisbrother by the arm, meeting up with you a little ways down the hall.
In the mean time, youhad found the gun in the closet, just in time to see Saeran struggling to holdhis own with this mega spirit coming at him. You stumbled over your words,trying to remember what blessing you needed to recite to make the water in thisgun holy- why, oh why, did you tune out Saeyoung every time he did it? With aquick slideshow of his antics in flashback form- back when you watched himbless things like every chip in a Honey Buddah bag one by one, the goldfishshaped bread he had, even a little figurine he got from a cereal box- yourexpression dropped to an annoyed one and suddenly remembered why you tuned himout. Luckily for you, the boys ran by and you took that as your cue to hand itto him and let him do God’s work. Now the three of you were running, Saeyoungwas blessing a toy gun, and you all were heading towards the kitchen- great.
The three of you had alittle bit of time before the mega spirit reared it’s angry head through thedoorway, and you needed some time to figure out the next move. You ducked downbehind the island in the middle of the room, while Saeyoung hid behind the sideof the fridge and Saeran on the other side of the cupboards. There needed to bea distraction, or none of you were getting out of here. You bit your lip, heartpounding, and pushed yourself to stand up and call out to the beast.
“Hey! Ugly!Yoo-hoo, over here! Yeah hi, here! Come get me!” you teased, ducking downagain when one of its limbs shot out like a whip, cracking over your head.Saeyoung took the opportunity to jump out and shoot at it, turning itsattention towards him while you ran to the other side of the island- Saeranshot at it to take the attention away from his brother so he could move aswell. The three of you seemed to be playing peek-a-boo with the creature until youwere all able to shut it in the pantry and take off down towards Saeyoung’sroom, where the last water gun should be.
All at once, the threeof you duck under the bed, yelling at each other in hushed whispers until youfelt the gun poking at your side. You handed it to Saeyoung and watched asSaeran tried to take it from him.
“I’m faster, I’llrun and fill it up!”
“How are yougoing to do that when I DIDN’T GET TO BLESS THE WATER YET, SAERAN?”
“Will the two ofyou PLEASE shut up and get along? We have bigger problems here, any minutethat.. thing is going to be here, and-”
A strong, yet airylimb wrapped around your ankle, yanking you out from under the bed- youscreeched as it lifted you into the air and hung you upside down. The boysscrambled out and watched in horror as it quickly made its way back to theliving room as you struggled and threw yourself around in hopes of escaping itsgrasp.
Saeyoung was frozen inplace- he heard his brother’s frantic voice, but it was muffled. He justwatched this thing lift and take you away- and in his mind, it finally clicked.He brought this thing in here, despite your warning, and now it took you. Hewas beyond pissed off, now. He took off towards the bathroom, his brother intow. Taking his necklace off and tossing it into the now overflowing bathtub,he recited the blessing as if it were a rap song, impressing even Saeran withhis speed and desperation. Saeran didn’t even bother trying to argue with hisbrother about who could handle the second gun- it didn’t matter now. All thatmattered to the boys was getting you back, and they both clicked intoprotection mode. It had to have been taking you back to the living room- backto the portal, and they had to stop it.
Kicking down thealready broken door to the living room, Saeyoung stared straight at the megaspirit, holding both guns against his hips, anger spread across his features.
“In the words ofsomeone amazing, 'HEY UGLY!’” he started out, watching it turn around toface him, you dangling by your ankle still, “Say hello to my littlefriends!”
If the blood wasn’trushing to your head, you would have groaned your way into next week.
He started to spraythe beast with the holy water, Saeran running in from behind to shoot it aswell. It screamed out in pain, writhing and rolling uncomfortably- dropping youto the floor face first. 'Ow,’ you thought, 'how rude was that?’ By the timethe room stopped spinning due to your now normal blood flow, you saw that theboys both had been lifted into the air- the beat had a hold of them and itsgrip kept getting tighter, it was going to crush them to death. You had to dosomething- you had to end this!
With a deep breath,you pushed against the fog surrounding the board- getting to the board was youronly chance at winning against this monster! You kept moving forward, fightingagainst the wind and you immediately felt your feet raising from the floor. Thecloser you got to the board, the less gravity there seemed to be- but youdidn’t let it stop you. Floating above you was the planchette, you kicked offof the floating table near you to reach and grab it, yet the moment yourfingers wrapped around it, the beast’s attention turned to you- the boys triedto call out only to find the wind being crushed out of their lungs. You heardmore loud screaming to your side, watching the board light up even brighterthan before- as the aura around you started to feel like a vacuum.
'Shit shit shit!’ youthought to yourself, 'I’m going to get sucked into this thing!’
You struggled toswallow the lump in your throat. You had to get to the board and do it fast,which included avoiding getting taken in by spirits… no big deal, right?
Making your way to theboard via some amazing air swimming skills, you grab hold of its side, feelingyour hair starting to be sucked in. Your hair, your side, your whole body hadto struggle to keep itself in place. You got the planchette against the board,success! But this caught the attention of the mega spirit real quick. Keepingthe boys in its grasp, it slithers out another limb, trying to pierce the windssurrounding you and the board. You had to move and fast! It blindly swung atyou, causing you to duck and roll around in the air, fighting to keep thewooden marker against the board. Slowly, you slid it towards the 'Goodbye’,struggling to close the portal in general.
Your grip on the boardslipped, your arm immediately flying towards the portal. You screamed in terroras multitudes of hands threw themselves out of it, grabbing onto your arm andtrying to yank you in to their world. The only thing keeping you grounded nowwas the strong grip on the planchette, but you had to keep moving! With all ofyour might, you move it inch by inch- the hands now grabbing at your legs,clothes, even your face. With hands grabbing at your face, accentuating theangry that it held, you shoved the planchette even closer.
“That’s it! I’mdone with you bastards!” you yelled, “It’s time to go back to Hellwhere you came from!”
With one final burstof your energy, you pushed the planchette completely over 'Goodbye’- the bundleof spirits holding the boys let out an ear piercing, echoing shriek. You couldhear the pain in each and every voice within the monster as it dropped theboys- only to have them levitate due to the energy in the room- and quicklystart to be sucked back to the board one by one. The hands that were onceholding you turned their attention to the returning spirits, letting go of youas the winds pushed you away from the board in general. Once the last spirithad been vacuumed back, the portal closed itself and the three of youimmediately dropped to the floor as well as the furniture with a loud thump.
You guys just laidthere for a few moments, in complete silence, just… breathing. You gotthrough it. This horrifying experience was over, done with. Everything could goback to normal. The three of you could relax.
“You know what wedeserve?” Saeyoung started, “some ice SCREAM!”
“MC, the board.Give it to me. I’m breaking it over his big ass head!” Saeran shouted,pushing himself off of the floor and tripping over his own feet to get to hisbrother. You threw the planchette at him, knocking him in the head before yougrabbed the board and ran over to Saeyoung instead.
“After what I’ve been through, I’m breaking it overhis damn head!”
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notanotherlovepage · 7 years
LiS fanfic
Hey guys! So, long story short, i did a fanfiction inspired on this post. Hope you guys like it!
Today was particularly a sunny, beautiful day. Ninety degrees outside, midst August and every color seemed to be intensified. The leaves on the trees were greener, the sky was bluer and the butterflies shined with their brightest colors.
I resented my mom for having me put a long-sleeved shirt on, and i envied Chloe for her obviously lighter -and prettier- one. Besides, it was embarassing having two big spots of sweat covering my armpits. But i didn’t care. Not if it was my best friend in the whole world next to me. She wouldn’t judge me.
-Come on, Max! Hurry!- I heard Chloe shout. She was some solid 15 feets ahead of me. We were heading towards the big tree. That’s where we hid our time capsule. It was a centric, giant tree placed in the Arcadia Bay forest. It was our place. The place we told eachother every secret, gossip and deepest confessions. And now we were going to dig out the capsule we hid 5 years ago.
We were actually cheating; we promised ourselves we would only see it 10 years after the day we buried it. That would be at age eighteen. When we were eight years old, we decided to make our friendship last forever in the coolest way. We hid a bunch of letters, drawings and others stuff for us to see later on. That way we were forced to come back from wherever we were and join pirate forces to dig out the most awesome treasure ever. But we couldn’t help it. Neither of us remembered what we put in there and we were dying to know.
-This is so wrong but feels so right- i said chuckling, already catching up with Chloe.
-I know, right?! - She said, clearly excited, doing that adorable bouncing she does when she’s hyped up. Chloe was particularly... pretty today. Her long, blond hair was shinning, as if it belonged to some shampoo comercial, waving synchronized with the wind. She always grew these funny freckles all over her nose and cheeks every summer, which made her look like a model, and her blue eyes shined amazingly bright, reflecting the sunlight. Sometimes i didn’t know if it was jealousy i felt every time i looked at her, or just pure... admiration. Whatever it was, it always felt just right.
-Okay, we’re here,- Chloe said- let’s just cut the crap and see whatever in the world is there.
I realized i was stupidly nervous by the whole thing. My heart was rapidly pounding in my chest and my hands were sweating, but i didn’t care. It was the good kind of nervous.
-I’m actually really nervous- Chloe said, as if she had read my mind.
-Dude, me too- I responded, with an akward laugh.
-Let’s do this- Chloe picked the shovels next to her and handed me one- Now, you lazy ass, show me watcha’ got.
-Okay...-I breathed out- let’s do this.
I was sitting in my dorm bed at Blackwell, looking at a photo I had forgotten it even existed. Actually, i had deleted the entire day in which the photo was taken from my brain, although it was kind of a “big deal”. It was the day Chloe and i buried the time-capsule.
It had been two weeks since Chloe’s funeral. Jefferson was in jail, Nathan was in a psychiatric hospital, with a restriction order to keep his asshole father away from him, and Kate and Victoria were alive. Everything had fallen into place. Every piece of this life puzzle was starting to click again.
Except for me.
This wasn’t like any cringy, sugarcoated movie i had ever watched before. This wasn’t some tragic novel about life being a bitch. This wasn’t like anything i had ever heard or seen. This was so much worse.
The first three days i was in denial. I never actually stopped to think Chloe’s death was forever. I was like a zombie, or in autopilot mode. I even smiled an laughed. I just couldn’t accept it.
But one day i went to the Two Whales, and found myself having my pancakes all alone, and i didn’t see Joyce there because from what David told me, she couldn’t get out of bed, and there was barely any client there because the fucking place smelled like tragedy and pain. And then it hit me.
Chloe is dead.
I never knew it was possible to feel this kind of pain and not die. Or have a heart attack. Or just for nothing to occur. I just felt this horrible sensation, all the goddamn time, but nothing else seemed to happen. There was just pain and the only thing i had left to do was feel it.
I mean, pain is supposed to be some kind of body mechanism to warn you about danger. If you accidentally fall from a tree and break your arm or cut your leg your body makes you feel pain, so you know something is not right with you and you should take care of it. But suddenly your best friend and soulmate in the fucking world dies and you feel this unbearable pain in your chest, way worse than a fucking broken arm, and you would give anything for that so called god everyone assures it exists to just break every single bone in your body if it meant not feeling this, and everything feels so wrong and you feel like you are going to die all the time but the worst part is you don’t, and you are expected to just get over it? How can this kind of pain not mean im in danger? That i’m not going to just stop breathing anytime? How can physical pain mean so much while emotional pain just means you suffered a stupid trauma that you can get through? That nothing is actually wrong? That the love of your life died but you will be ‘just fine’? How can people say that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger?
Because to me, what doesn’t kill you makes you wish it fucking did.
Sitting at the dinner, thinking all of this in one goddamn second, as if a brainstorm had just hit my head, made me realize; i was not living in a world without Chloe. Either both of us lived here... or both of us went up there.
I suddenly understood Kate so much more once i started planning it. See, if you don’t live it, you don’t get it, it’s as simple as that. You just can’t understand what depression is like if you never went through it, no matter how hard you try. That’s what happened to me on the rooftop with Kate. As much as i tried, i was just not able to understand how could people consider taking their own lives. Isn’t there always hope? Always someone who loves you? Always something to live for?
Thing is, sometimes, there’s not.
It just hit me like a train. I didn’t even care. I couldn’t. It would destroy my parents, Kate, Warren, even Joyce, but i didn’t have the energy to give a fuck. I was so hopeless. Everything was so pointless. I really don’t know if it was depression i was suffering, but it sure as hell felt like it.
I had decided to binge on the pills the doctor gave me for Post Traumatic Disorder. I heard they were pretty strong, so i was pretty confident they would do the job. But then i saw the box Joyce gave me at the Two Whales, resting in the corner of my room; it was Chloe’s box, with every single memory she had ever owned. Pictures, letters, postcards, everything. I had put it away to rot; i just couldn’t look at it without falling into pieces. But at that moment, i figured i might as well see what was in there; i wanted my last memories to relive those of the love of my life.
I don’t remember crying like i did then in a long time, if not ever. I was pretty sure i was starting to dehidratate, and at some point, i even thought i was going to faint. There was that awful drawing i sent her when she had chickenpox. There was a silly love letter i remember her neighbour wrote her when we were ten years old. Chloe never liked him and after five letters like that with no response, he finally got the hint and never spoke to her again. But what shattered my heart the most was this pink sea shell. I found it on a beach in Playa del Carmen; my parents and i took a cruise for two weeks and i promised Chloe i would collect one for each day we spent apart, so she knew i wouldn’t  forget her. All of them eventually broke into pieces except for this one. I painted it with a cheap pink nail polish my mom used to own and gave it to her. We were seven years old. I never knew she would keep it to this day, it seemed so redundant and useless to me, but so meaningful to her...
I was not sure how much more i could take, but then, i found the photo. The time-capsule photo.
The memories suddenly hit me as a punch in the face. It was as if some kind of hipnosis suddenly unleashed from that picture to free the memories that had been so long repressed. I remember that our parents took us on a silly journey through the Arcadia Bay forest. It lasted 5 days. My mom absolutely hated camping in the ‘wilds’, but my father and William did a great job calming her down. One week earlier, Chloe and i decided to secretly bury a time capsule in which we hid some stuff to open up in ten years, which would ironically be this year, at age eighteen. But we opened it five years before, us being twelve, because we couldn’t help ourselves. We opened it two months before William passed away.. It was the last good moment we had until everything started falling apart for Chloe.
My parents took a picture Chloe and me in our pirate costumes, right before we went for the giant tree and hid the capsule. I don’t really remember what we hid in it, but it was probably silly. I’m actually glad we opened it up earlier. Today, it would only be some silly kid stuff.
I looked at the picture with a nostalgic, genuine smile, without realising i was crying again until some droplets hit the picture. But suddenly, one droplet fell on the wrong -or right?- place. And as i looked, i stood in shock.
-What... the hell?- i exclaimed. I frowned my eyebrows and rubbed my eyes to get a better view of the picture, and then, i saw it. It felt as if i was suddenly stang by a paralising bug. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t believe what i was seeing. It just felt as if the nightmare would never stop. I started sobbing and yelling. I was pulling my hair without realizing it. I didn’t give a crap of all the fuzz i was making. In the picture, right behind us, was a translucent doe, staring right at the camera, with a tiny beautiful blue butterfly resting in his snout.
After some minutes of pure desesperation and chaos, i decided to calm myself down. I was getting nowhere being like this. Fucking hell, a few minutes ago i was all ready to kill myself. What was going on with me? Was i hallucinating? Had i finally lost it? Was i officially crazy?
-Okay, Max. Calm the fuck down- I said out loud- Let’s think, what the hell does this mean?
As if my voice was like a ridiculous lullaby, i did calm down. I took a few breaths, and started to think.
First of all, if anything, this could be good news. If shit like this keeps happening after Chloe died, could this mean the universe was still not content with the outcome of things? Could this mean that life, or god, or what-fucking-ever did not want Chloe to die? Was Chloe not supposed to die?
A feeling i had not felt in two weeks, but seemed like forever, started growing in my chest. I was feeling hope. Hope that my best friend could maybe, just maybe, be brought back. Hope that i would be able to kiss my lover again. Hope that maybe, life was not as miserable as it seemed.
Calm down, Maxine. I thought to myself. This is still not clicking.
I spent some good hour going through all of it. Thinking of everything i could have missed. Every detail, every second i spent with Chloe. Every goddamn tragedy of that unholy week. What was i taking for granted? What was the universe trying to tell me? Was it even trying to tell me something? Was life just... weird?
And then it clicked. The puzzle clicked. That fucking piece found it’s place in all of this drama and everything suddenly made sense. All this time, i made everything revolve around me. It seems fair, as i am the one with a crazy fucking superpower. But what if it’s... not? What if it’s not about me? I may be one in a million, being able to control the fucking time, but the universe is sure as hell not only about my life, so... what if i am missing a detail because im not supposed to know that detail? What if it’s not my life i should change, but someone elses? What if i have been searching for the answer in that horrible week when in fact it came from... before?
What if it’s not Chloe that’s supposed to die? What if... it’s Rachel that’s supposed to live?
I realised i had been starring at the mirror with the picture in my hands all of the time i spent thinking. I almost saw the switch in my eyes as i finally made the decision; i would try to make things right one last time. After all, i had nothing left to lose.
I focused on the picture, sitting in my bed, as all the familiar but still weird-as-hell feelings started to hit once again; the pounding in my head, the blurr in my eyes, the sensation of passing out, the world menacing to tremble... and just like that, i was back in the forest.
The first thing i did was to look for the doe and the butterfly. As i expected, they were not there. Being 12 years old at Chloe’s house, back when i tried to save William, was weird enough, but being eight felt so... wrong. I was an eighteen years old in the body of a little girl. I could actually feel the physical change; my hands and feet felt tinier, my skin felt softer, and it seemed to me that i was on my knees when i looked around, when in fact, i was just shorter.
-Max, sweetie, are you okay?- my mom asked. As there was no response, she continued- Come here baby, you look pale. Do you want some chocolate?- She turned to look at my father- What did i tell you, Ryan? This was such a bad idea, we shouldn’t have come.
-Wait, mommy! I’m okay!- I cringed at how high-pitched my voice was, but managed to fake a smile.
-Are you sure, baby?- Dad asked.
-Of course she’s okay! She’s a pirate! Right, Max?- I heard a little girl’s voice say. I knew exactly who that voice was from, but i needed to really see it. I just couldn’t start to even comprehend how lucky i was. To have the ability to see what i shouldn’t be seeing. To defy the universe, just like that. To be able to appreciate the existence of the love of my life as many times as i wanted to. To love her and be able to tell her again and again, without the fear of time running out. Because time meant nothing to me. I owned time, and it made me feel incredibly alive. It was so wrong but so right. And when i finally turned around to see her, i realized life was just fucking incredible for creating such amazing and lovable beings like her, no matter how temporary they were.
-Chloe!- I shouted, and ran to her embrace- You are my best friend, did you know that?
-Of course i do! We will rule the world with our swords and patches, right, Dad?!
-Sure thing darling. I believe in you two- William said with a soothing voice. Only then did i realize how much i had missed him. But i needed to calm my nostalgic self down. I had to start acting like an eight year old, and they were never really that great at showing mature feelings. Besides, it would be just plain weird to hug William out of the blue. Sadly, no one there but me knew how little time had he left- Okay girls, ready for the walk?- He said with a playful smile, letting go a tiny wink from his left eye. I understood this was the sign Chloe, William and i had agreed on to go bury the time-capsule- Everything ready?
-Yes dad!- Chloe shouted- Let me just get my backpack- She said, while turning back to head the tents.
-Wait! i need to go get something too- I jumped. I saw Chloe turning around to face us once again, this time with a frown. I guess we agreed at some time that she would get the capsule while i kept the adults busy- It will be just a second.
-Okay...- Chloe replied.
-What would you two be up to...- Joyce whispered suspiciously, with a grin on her face, shaking her head left and right. I followed Chloe to the tent and entered with her.
-Please tell me you brought some paper and crayons- I said nervously. My heart started to accelerate as my brain finally focused on my plan.
-Yeah... i think so. Why?- she asked, half curious, half worried.
-I just forgot something i wanted to draw.
-Okay, let me check- Chloe said, revolving her backpack, and then taking out what i had requested- You are being kind of weird.
-Don’t worry, it’s just a second- I replied- No peeking!- I said, smiling at her while hiding my paper so she couldn’t see. This time, the smile was genuine. I could never fake-smile that adorable face of hers, even if i tried.
And then she was the one to smile. A wide, playful smile, covered childishly by her tiny hands, followed by a girly, amazingly cute chuckle.
Suddenly, i was just overwhelmed by this relaxing but exciting feeling, as i started drawing my message to the future Max, in the hope that this time, she would remember it and be able to fix things from the very start. I just kind of knew that this time, things would turn out to be alright.
-Oh my god, this is so cringy, i really dont know how much more i can take- I said, tears of laughter falling from my eyes.
-Dude, i know, i think i’m gonna throw up anytime now- Chloe responded, with her cheeks filled with an intense red, grabbing her tummy and gasping for air, trying to regain control of herself.
We had spent hours now checking everything out. We found two chocolate cookies that smelled awful, two drawings that looked exactly the same -probably both of us agreed to draw the same scenario- of Chloe and me dressed as pirates while navigating the sea, two coins, two bracelets, a pink one and a blue one, and so on. We also found letters we wrote to eachother, barely legibles, about how much we loved eachother and that how we would be the best pirate friends in the whole world, which made us gag on the outside but smile warmly on the inside. There were only two more letters to read, each one with our names respectively signed on them. We understood they were letters we wrote to our future selves. I picked them both and read them to myself.
-How about mine? What did I write?- Chloe asked, excited.
-You were really funny- I responded with a tiny chuckle. It said, written with a blue crayon; ‘Dear Chloe, if you are not dressed up as a pirate right now, and Max is right next to you, tell her to punch you. Love, Chloe’. It was just so incredible to know Chloe was, is and would always be this funny and sassy person. But the best of all, was knowing that this person would always be my best friend in the world, and i was gonna be hers. I handed it to her, and when she read it, she started to laugh like crazy. Joining her laugh, i picked my letter, and gave it a quick, uninterested look. But that was all it took to send a chill down my spine- Mine was so serious...- I let out, failing to keep the thought to myself.
-Well, yeah, that’s you- Chloe reasoned, when i lended it to her and she saw it, not giving it its spooky credit- Serious and genuine- She smiled.
-Yeah, i guess- I said, but was left more nervous and anxious than i was willing to admit.
-Okay, mom is totally gonna kill us- Chloe suddenly exclaimed, zonning me out from my thoughts- We told her we would be there by five! Its half past six! Shit, let’s hurry- She said, getting up to her feet and starting to pack our things.
I followed her lead and helped myself up with my hands on the ground, to start helping her pick up the stuff. Once we were finished, i decided to take one last look at my letter, in the hope that it wouldn’t seem so creepy once i re-checked it.
It was the drawing of a girl, apparently older than us, with long, blond hair, seemingly waving with a fictional wind. At first it thought it was just a drawing of Chloe, but her eyes were green, and she was not dressed like Chloe at all. She had a red flannel, a pair of teared up jeans and some black boots. Besides, Chloe never got her ears pierced, and this girl had a blue feather hanging from one of hers. I found it strange how my eight year old self could draw such a realistic girl. I was never that good with crayons.
But what made me skip a heart beat was what it said below the girl. It was a simple sentence in capitals but had enough impact on me. It said ‘SAVE HER’.
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Bucky Barnes (Part 5)
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Bucky Barnes x Reader (soon)
Warnings: Language, Violence, ex boyfriends, angst, Bucky to the rescue
You can stop being a jerk at any time, you think, crossing your arms as you listen to Stark address everyone. All the Avengers, or at least the ones on earth, are gathered in the conference room, surrounded by glass walls and expensive electronics.
Rogers is sitting across from you, frowning as he listens, blonde brows drawn together. Bucky sits on his right, looking uninterested. He's not even sure why he had to come to the meeting, if this is another one of Steve's ploys to try to get him more involved with what's going on. After all Bucky has done, with as much guilt as he feels, he just wants to pretend he doesn't exist.
"That's all we know about what's going on so far. Destroying the aliens weapon has got them retreating, but we don't know for how long," Stark is saying, looking down at the phone in his hand. "We can't relax, not until we know for sure they're not coming back for a rematch. Defeating them showed we're a force to be reckoned with, but if they bring friends to the next party ---."
"We'll defeat them too." Rogers says firmly, although you know how unlikely that is. "We're going to defend this world from anyone who thinks they can take it."
So confidant.
"How's the Hydra search going?" Natasha asks, her hands clasped in front of her on the table. "Any news?"
"They're underground again," Stark shrugs his shoulders, but you don't miss the look on Rogers face. "I have sources all over the world looking, but they're good at keeping to the shadows."
You purse your lips as you lean back in your chair, wondering how the kitten is doing. You've had him a few days now and he seems like he's gaining weight, he's lively --- you're probably going to need to worm him though. You've gotten him some toys, a little box in the bathroom, and he seems to be making himself at home.
You still need a name for him, though. He's an orange fluff of chaos.
"So far, I think we have a little time to relax." Stark eventually says, the first thing to grab your attention again.
Time to focus on your bakery, you suppose.
You glance at Bucky, his eyes flicking up just as you look at him. You offer him a small smile, one he slightly returns before looking away. You lean against the table, propping your chin on your hand.
Really, you wonder how bad of condition your bakery is in. Is there a lot of structural damage? Can the beam be replaced and everything be fine?
Is everything doomed?
It's doomed, isn't it?
It feels doomed.
You feel your pocket buzz, and you frown as you reach down for your phone, the screen still cracked. Stark obviously hasn't replaced it from the jungle incident, but it still works for the most part. You slide the screen open as you see the unfamiliar number, frowning.
Unknown number: Cora we need to talk
The fuck?
You hesitate, your eyes flicking around the room before you lean back, dropping your phone into your lap nervously. Is this those Hydra freaks again? You'd told Stark about them, how you'd surprised them with a tree. It's not impossible that they'd get your number, but it's also not a good thing.
You: Who is this ?
Unknown number: an old friend. we need to talk.
You: not until i know who the fuck this is
Unknown number: meet me at your bakery at five.
You: like fuck i am. leave me alone.
You click the screen, making it go dark. You're not meeting anyone like that, that's incredibly suspicious! Freaky, ominous, terrifying --- a bunch of other words you can't currently think of. You're a little curious as to who it might be, how they have your number considering you've switched alias's three-four times.
How did someone from Cora's life make it to this one?
You glance around the room, but everyone is getting into a deep discussion and you're suddenly not interested.
Your phone lights up again, and you tense.
Unknown number: i know youre coming tonight. you never let me down.
You: who the FUCK is this?
Unknown number: come tonight and you'll see
You: yeah im not doing that
You stuff your phone into your pocket, deciding to ignore anymore texts you get.
You give the room one more glance, and push away from the table. This conversation doesn't concern you anyway, you're tired.  You'd rather stuff carrots in your ears then listen to Stark drone on for another hour.
"Uh, (Y/L/N), where are you going?" he asks the second you stand up, your long hair trailing down your shoulders.
"Uh, I'm leaving," you retort, heading for the glass doors.
"You can't just walk out on an Avengers meeting!" He blusters instantly, and you roll your eyes.
"I'm not an Avenger," you remind him, tugging the door open. "Adios." You give a half salute before walking out, shaking your head at how stupid they all were.
People overcomplicate things.
"That girl I swear," Stark growls as he sees you disappear, crossing his black suited arms. "She doesn't care about anything!"
Bucky sighs, leaning back in his chair. Who had texted you? You'd tensed the moment you'd first looked at your phone, so something was bothering you. The way you'd walked out, all stiff, nervous --- he noticed, even if the others didn't.
Something's wrong.
You can't believe you're doing this.
You frown as you stand in front of your bakery, looking at the gutted remains. Your hands slip into your jacket pockets, and you lean back on your heels. This is a bad idea, you know it is. You shouldn't be here, you should've told someone --- yeah, but who? You don't exactly have any friends.
Bucky doesn't count; besides, he would have told you no.
You chew your lip nervously, then tug your phone from your back pocket. Well, it's already a few minutes after five, and you don't exactly see anyone around. This could just be a fluke, some stupid game, and you're the idiot for falling for it.
You sigh, and your fingers tap rapidly across your screen, sending a quick text to Bucky. You hadn't meant to be so abrupt leaving the meeting, but those texts had made you nervous. You'd paced about it all day, the kitten preoccupied with the new toys you'd bought him. He should be okay on his own for a few hours, but you still want Bucky to check on him.
You: can you check on firecracker for me? I'm gonna be at my bakery for a bit
You're honestly a little surprised Bucky knew how to use a cellphone, but it wasn't like he was incased in ice for the time he was brainwashed. He was up to date on technology, although you can't imagine it's easy to text with only one hand --- you don't suppose the metal fingers are much help on a touch screen.
Barnes: sure. Did we forget something?
You: just doing some scoping
You don't have a good excuse honestly. You click your screen, tapping your phone against your lips a few moments. The breeze catches your hair, brushing it off your shoulders; you'd put it up before you left, so it's in a long ponytail now, out of your way. You glance around, your skin crawling, as if someone is watching you.
The street isn't completely deserted, it has the normal occupants, although a lot of them are living in tents in the middle of the street. You send one of your neighbors a wave before you step into the bakery, tugging open the door; you almost feel silly for using it now.
You sigh as you step inside, seeing spiders are already taking occupancy in the corners.
"Enjoy it while it lasts," you murmur, walking around the corner. "I'm going to get this place fixed and you guys are gonna have to move out."
"Still bad mouthing the arachnids, I see."
You twist from behind the counter, startled; the door didn't ding, so the person must have come through the giant fucking hole in the wall. So silent, though, you hadn't heard them.
You frown, twisting to face the person. They're wearing a baseball hat pulled low to hide their face, supporting the local ball team. They're clothing is average, red shirt beneath a brown jacket, old jeans over worn shoes.
"Who are you?" You ask warily, crossing your arms. "As you can see, we're closed."
"And still so sarcastic," the man sighs, but his voice is familiar. You tilt your head a little as he tugs on his cap, bringing it up so you can see his face. You tense immediately, staring at him in shock.
No fucking way.
You take a step back instinctively, your flight mode immediately kicking in as you see the guy who'd put you in fifty thousand dollars worth of debt, the one who'd made you have to take a new identity before his fucking loansharks killed you!
"Eloquent. You've really not changed any, Cora." Cody laughs, his blonde hair framing his tan face. His blue eyes are pale, and there's a scar across his nose from where he got beat up because he couldn't pay his loans. He was sent to prison from trying to rob a convenience store, and when he'd left, you'd gotten the brunt of his loans just because you were his girlfriend. You were twenty years old, trying to save up, working in a bakery part time.
You hadn't had that sort of cash.
"You shouldn't be out yet," you mutter, tense as he approaches the counter. His sentence was ten years, seven for good behavior, but it hasn't even been that long! He's older looking now, more mature, with broader shoulders and a less desperate look in his eyes. You'd met in a foster home, and your relationship had gone on from there.
"Turns out, people like me don't belong in prisons." Cody shrugs his shoulders as he presses his palms against the counter, glancing around your destroyed bakery. "When we get found out, we get drafted. Just like you did."
Just like... shit.
He knew about the Avengers.
What else did he know?
You narrow your gaze at him, frowning. "What do you mean?"
"Well," he lifted his hand, snapping his fingers; a small flame appeared above his nail, flickering bright orange and yellow in the dark room. "Turns out, people like my talents. They got me out of prison early."
"People like who?" you ask warily; your heart is beating hard in your chest, you feel like an idiot for not realizing who you'd be meeting. It seems so obvious now, this ex boyfriend who'd caused you so much grief.
"I'm not gonna tell ya," Cody shakes his head, the flame disappearing as he lowered his hand. "But they're interested in you too. They gave me all the details so I could find you."
Find.... fucking Hydra!
"Are you crazy?" you hiss immediately, your eyes flicking nervously to the front of the store. "Hydra?"
He couldn't be serious!
"Ah, so you know them, cool. But yeah. They got me out of prison within the first few years." Cody was always a talker, so you're not surprised you're going to get his whole "back story drama." You're not interested, the moment you realized who he worked for, you were ready to bolt. You couldn't leave out the back door, though, considering there was still a wrecked car smooshed against the other side.
"I don't care," you snap, restlessly shifting. "What do you want? I don't want anything to do with them!"
"Don't get all hasty, Cor. You don't want to make any kind of decisions like that spur of the moment." He says, glancing over his shoulder, and your eyes follow; did he bring others here?
"Please don't tell me you brought them here." Your voice tightens; you don't want to deal with that scary bald guy again!
"What? No way." Cody instantly shook his head. "I wanted this meeting to be between us. I mean we haven't seen each other in years!"
"It's not been long enough!" You hiss, glaring at him. "Do you know what sort of trouble you got me in, Cody? Those loan-sharks were going to kill me because of you! I had to disappear and I lost everything!"
"Hey, it looks like stuff worked out for you!" he defended himself. "You got yourself a fancy bakery now, dontcha? Don't be such a whiner!"
"Whin --- get the fuck out!" You snarl, feeling your temper flare. "I can't fucking believe you'd show your face after all these years! Did you think I'd just forgive you after what you did?"
"Well, I, uh, thought after all this time ---."
"Fuck you!" You take a step, tempted to drop the ceiling on his head. "You're so --- I can't believe you! What the hell is wrong with you? I never want to see you again, I told you that!"
"Yeah, in a shitty letter six years ago!" You're pissing him off, but you don't care! You stride around the counter, your eyes on the door. "You sent me a letter, you never even visited me in prison!"
"You're the one who was stupid enough to rob a store!"
"It was your fault! If you had come with me, everything would have been fine!"
"I told you I didn't want to do that anymore!" You hiss, your chest tightening; you'd done a lot of shady shit, but you'd had to to survive. You'd stopped when you'd gotten a steady job, when you hadn't been so worried about sleeping on the streets anymore. "I was tired of that sort of life! I had a job, we were going to be okay ---!"
"No we fucking weren't! Do you think that rent came easy for me, Cora?" Cody steps in front of you, blocking your way out. "I was trying my fucking hardest to make sure we survived! That shitty apartment was expensive, and ---."
"And we could have made it!" You press, wishing he'd understand. "We could have made it, and you never would have had to worry about taking out loans! What did you even need that much money for!? Did you really think we could pay it back!?"
"I --- I wanted to get us a house, alright?" Cody flushes, and you pause slightly, staring at him.
"I wanted a house. Somewhere we could stay that didn't have rats, with an actual yard. I thought if I had enough money, that I could find us somewhere. Y'know, be normal."
"We're not normal people, Cody." You mutter, shaking your head. "We weren't born that way."
"But it's what I wanted for us." He says, his shoulders slightly slumping, and your eyes flick nervously to his face. "I wanted normal. I wanted easy."
"Then you should have bought a house." You sigh, crossing your arms. "You shouldn't have gambled all that money away."
"I was a stupid kid, okay? I thought I could double it! Get enough to pay some of it back!"
"Well, it was foolish! Look at the trouble it got you in!"
"Well sorry I didn't have my head on my shoulders like you always did!" He snaps defensively, reminding you of how childish of a person he's always been. "I tried my best!"
You stare at him, feeling your chest start to hurt. You can't stand to look at him, it brings back too many memories. You need to go, you never should have come here. You never should have seen him again.
And Hydra?
How could he be so foolish?
They were awful!
Did he not know what they did?
You swallow, looking away from him.
"I need to go," you mutter, but his hand closes around your arm before you can.
"Cora, please," he begs, tightening his grip so you can't leave. "Let's just talk about this. Come back with me."
"No way!" You strain back from him, twitching at his touch; he'd always been too rough with you when you were dating, you realize that now. You know the signs of an abusive relationship. but as a kid he'd been all you had, the light in the darkness. He'd taken care of you, helped you get on your feet, made you realize you weren't the only freak in the world of normal people. You both had a gift, it's what brought you together --- ultimately, it destroyed you as well.
"Do you know what those people do?" You demand, wincing as his fingers dig into your jacket sleeve, your arm starting to ache. "What their plans are?"
"Some bullshit about taking over the world, yeah. It's not like they'll ever succeed." Cody snorts. "People won't let them. But they got me out of prison, I can't bounce on them, Cora."
You fucking hate that name!
Fuck it!
You'd changed your name twice since then, and lately you'd gotten used to hearing your birth name. Why did you think Cora was ever nice sounding?
You hate it so much.
"Just --- let go, Cody! I'm not going anywhere with a fucking idiot like you!" You finally wrench away, taking a few steps back. "Get out of here or move out of my way!"
"Don't turn me down," He presses, his entire body tensing. "Don't do that."
"I don't want anything to do with you!"
"Cor ---."
"Stop calling me that!" Your voice rises nearly into a shriek as you glower at him, and you see something move out of the corner of your eye. He's always been able to get under your skin, make you lose control; it's like he's your kryptonite. "Leave me alone!"
"Don't raise your voice at me! We both know this is the best option!"
"Stop trying to make choices for me that I don't want!" It's like deja vu as you hiss at him, taking another step back, trying to put some distance between you. You want to run away, you want to get as far as possible. You don't want anything to do with him, or those stupid Hydra people! They're all stupid and ridiculous and ---.
You run.
Cody's blocking the way to the front, so you turn tail, making a mad dash around the counters and towards the back. You're hoping you can just move the car with your power --- if you can take down an alien ship, this should be easy, right?
You make it around and to the kitchen door before he catches up with you, his hand latching onto the back of your jacket and dragging you back. You shriek in alarm as he slings you, causing your to crash into the wall so hard your head rings.
You turn just as his hand presses by your face, the heat so hot from his palm you strain away.
"You have to come with me," he hisses, his hand still tight in your jacket. He presses harder against you, forcing you to stay against the wall. You could throw him across the room, out the window, into the sky if you wanted, and yet ---- you can't make anything work. Your eyes are wide in fear, and your throat is so tight you can't speak. You're frightened of him, that teenage fear is overwhelming you again.
In the beginning, you'd been afraid of losing him, but towards the end of your relationship --- you'd been afraid to even see him. He'd gotten rough, and although he'd never outright hit you, the grabbing, the jerking around and the yelling, it had gotten to be too much. You knew he was stressed back then, those sharks had been all over him for that money, but still, that was no excuse.
He was selfish.
You don't want him touching you.
"Get off me!" You snarl, your nails digging into the wall as you squirm. "Let go!"
"Come with me peacefully and this will be okay," He says, his voice inches from your ear. "If you don't, Hydra is going to get you kicking and screaming. If you come willingly, there won't be any problems."
"Fuck you!" How's that for eloquent?
You hear him give a frustrated sigh, and about the time you make the decision to bring your foot back as hard as you can, he's letting go of you with a gasp. You blink, your head turning as you see him go sailing into the kitchen with a flash of silver.
You didn't do that.
Your head turns, eyes widening as you see what's happened.
"Bucky!" You shriek, seeing his metal hand wrapped around Cody's neck, lifting him up against a row of cabinets. Your ex boyfriend squirms, his hands wrapped around the metal wrist. Your eyes flick to Cody in fright before back to Bucky.
What the hell!?
"Put him down!" You gasp, hastily stepping up. Your hand curls around Bucky's shoulder, feeling the muscles strain at your touch. "Bucky!"
"No! Who the hell is this guy!?" Bucky demands, his blue eyes flicking to yours, jaw clenched. He'd thought something weird was going on, so he'd come to the bakery. He'd only caught the end of the conversation, heard you shriek and then saw this guy holding you against the wall. He's not sure why you didn't defend yourself, but he'd instinctively come to your rescue.
"I'm her boyfriend, asswipe," Cody rasps, his face turning a bright red. You can see blood on his lips, and you don't know if Bucky hit him or not.
"Boyfriend!?" Bucky seems startled.
"Ex!" You say hastily. "He's not --- that was years ago, he's ---."
You don't know what to say, this is turning to shit!
"Just put him down!" Your voice is strained, panicked --- what are you supposed to do?
Bucky hesitates, his metal grip flexing before he takes a step back, releasing Cody and letting him collapse to the ground. You stare at the blonde man, not going to his side, you don't care that much. He coughs, his hand rising to his throat in pain.
You're still holding onto Bucky.
Bucky turns to you, seeing your face is bloodless.
What the hell is going on?
Cody finally staggers to his feet, looking wounded. "You're gonna regret that," he growls, cutting his eyes at Bucky.
"Don't!" You snap, but Cody ignores you. His hand raises, and you feel Bucky tense, his body going rigid as flames suddenly eat at the blonde mans palm and fingers, lashing angrily up at the air. His arm sweeps in front of you, attempting to shield you; he always has to be a gentleman, doesn't he?
"No one fucking touches me like that!"
Yeah right!
Your eyes flick to the faucet, and the squeaky knobs twist, water starting to trickle out of them. Cody glances over nervously before back at you.
"I'll do it," you warn him. "I'll drench you."
"Cora ---."
"Don't fucking call me that!" You hiss, pressing at Bucky's arm in front of you. "So help me God, I will drown you."
You remember exactly why you left him now.
Cody hovers a moment, and the water pressure increases. He winces, the flames immediately disappearing from the air, although the heat remains. He glances around nervously, and Bucky presses, forcing the two of you to step back.
Cody leaves.
He just --- he glances at you as he passes by, but he doesn't make another move. He just tucks his tail and escapes while he has a chance. His blue eyes are burned into your mind, though, the look in them --- nothing is ever easy, huh?
You step into your apartment, feeling exhausted. Bucky closes the door behind you, completely silent. He'd been quiet the entire walk home, and that's what makes everything worse; usually there's some small talk, a little chatter, not this --- cold shoulder?
It's making you even more tense.
You glance behind you, seeing a streak of orange as the kitten comes racing across the room. You kneel, catching him just as his teeth latch into your shoe laces. You sigh as you lift him up into your arms, not caring if you get orange hair all over your shirt.
"Hey, fireball," you mumble, rubbing his head until he purs. "You have fun by yourself?"
You walk to the kitchen, sitting him on the table as you go to get some milk, your mind buzzing. You don't want to think, you don't want to talk about what just happened. You want to go and get some milk, heat it, and give it to the kitten. You never want to explain to Bucky what just happened.
Or anyone, for that matter.
Bucky waits, watching as you warm the milk, a blank look on your face. He's furious, his hands are clenched at his sides, and if he opens his mouth he knows he's going to say something he regrets. What the hell is going on with you? That guy was an ex? When? Where?
You wince.
You lean down, setting the saucer on the tiled floor before reluctantly straightening and looking at him, twisting your fingers nervously.
"Who was that?"
"That... that was..." You flounder a moment; what all did he hear? Did he know about Hydra? Hydra wasn't Bucky's problem, it's yours. You can handle them, you can run and find a nice place to hide --- Canada is nice this time of year.
You frown, glancing at the windows before you begin to shirk out of your jacket, tossing it along the back of a chair as your hands go to your hips.  
What a day.
"He's... he should be in prison." You bite your lip, glancing nervously at Bucky as he neared you. He kept the table between the two of you, the sounds of the kitten lapping at milk the only noise. "He... I was a kid, and he was..."
You don't know where to start, you've never had to before.
You exhale heavily, pressing your hands against your face.
You can't do this.
You just need to go.
You need to get your things, and just leave.
"Did he hurt you?" Bucky asked after a moment, sounding startled. You lower your hands, blinking when he's already in front of you.
He reaches forward, and you look down, seeing the vague marks on your arm where Cody had grabbed you. You wrinkle your nose, twisting, but they're not that bad; he didn't mean too.
Yeah, that's the line you need to repeat to yourself.
Bucky frowns, his fingers lightly brushing the marks. He doesn't like them on you, and he especially didn't like who put them there. It makes him angry, an anger that burns in the pit of his stomach for days. He wants to go back, hit that guy, make him whimper in pain.
"Don't worry about it," your voice interrupts his thoughts, his blue eyes flicking to your face. "I've had worse, obviously."
"That doesn't mean it should be there."
"Don't go all knight in shining armor on me, Bucky." You snap restlessly, stepping away from him; you don't like being so close. "Why were you even there, huh? Were you following me?"
"You acted weird today, I just wanted to make sure you were alright." He mutters, looking a little guilty. "Something was wrong."
"That gives you no right ---."
"Are you mad at me because I helped, or because I interrupted him?" Bucky snaps, the first time he's ever sounded cross with you. You dislike it instantly, it reminds you of the person he is, what he can do. You immediately don't like him angry, but you're not going to back down at all! You're tired of that!
"It was none of your business!"
"When it concerns Hydra, it's all of our business!" He spit back at you, seeing your face whiten.
He'd heard that?
You hadn't wanted him to know about that!
"It --- just --- just let it go!" You take another step back, your palms growing damp as you press them against your jeans. "Please, Bucky, just ---."
"You don't want me to tell, do you?" Bucky stares at you incredulously. "You're in danger, that man is Hydra, and he can ----."
"I know what he can do." Your face pinches. "Trust me. He's a danger to himself and everyone else, but he's supposed to be in prison! He shouldn't be out, he shouldn't ---."
You squeeze your eyes shut as you turn away from him, sucking in a deep breath. Even talking about it is hard!
"I just... I need to go." you finally say, opening your eyes, staring at the bare wall. "I just need to get out of here."
"You want to run." Bucky's voice is flat.
"I have too." You turn, gazing at him. "It's what I'm good at. I can get out of here, I can disappear again. He won't be able to find me this time, the ---."
"Hydra will always find you, no matter where you go." Bucky's voice is bitter, and that look is in his eyes again --- sad, wounded. "I've tried running, I've tried fighting, none of it works. This is the only place I've ever been where I've found some resemblance of peace."
You don't want to hear that.
"I don't want to be trapped here."
"You're not trapped. This isn't a prison."
"You say that, but I don't have a choice. I'll go to prison if I don't help you people," you mutter, tucking your hair behind your ears as it escapes your band. "If I don't stay around, Coulson will have me sent off for identity theft."
"No, he won't," Bucky crosses his arms. "He won't do it, he just says that. Besides, with your power, you have nothing to worry about. You can fight anyone off."
"But I don't want to hurt them. I just... I want to be left alone, why is that so hard?" Your voice is miserable, and your eyes are burning; all you've ever wanted was to have a bakery, a normal life, hand out treats to make people smile. It's the only way you know to make anyone happy, and it's all that you're good at. You've worked over a decade for it, and now it's all crumbling around you! Everything is going to hell and you don't know what to do!
What do you do!?
Your throat swells, and you hastily wipe at your eyes, but that doesn't stop the tears from falling. Bucky tenses the instant he sees the glisten on your cheeks, and the look in your eyes --- he knows that. You feel lost, devastated because everything you care about is crashing and burning around you.
He knows exactly.
"Don't do that," he mumbles, stepping up to you. He's not sure why his thumb brushes at your tears, why he feels such a strong need to comfort you. "Don't."
"So, sweet," you snort, cheeks heating in embarrassment. You don't mean to cry in front of him, that's not like you, they'd just --- happened. You feel miserable all over again, just like as a child. You can't seem to get your life together no matter what you do.
The moment Bucky mentions what happened, you'd never be able to leave the tower. Any sense of freedom you have would end, you'd be trapped. You want to be able to go outside, you want to be able to go out and get the things you want.
You want normal.
Why can't you have normal?
Tags:  @riegan, @miss-evil-one, @theonlyprincessoftheworld, @1voice-behind-the-silnce, @lilmissmoony, @lizandbooks, @sophia-wyszkowski, @isaxhorror, @shayx5, @theonlyprincessoftheworld, @iamwarrenspeace      @bigdaddyfairywinkle @itstrashleydude.   @davros2004. @vidiasnow.  @scarlet-witch-baby​.  @samijolles.   @soaringren.  @sophs-the-name.  @naturalistamisslyn     @sarahfhealy    @tienna-lauferson16    @fluentinfiction​
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mysplaced-pen · 7 years
Heyo~ Its Stars Anon here ! Like I said yesterday, todays request is gonna be kind of an angst one (???) So, how would the RFA + V + Saeran help MC get out of an unwanted abusive relationship? Sorry if its a bit much but I crave angst mk. Anyways I hope you have a good day/night ! Be safe and stay positive ! (Lolol thats becoming my catchphrase i guess) -Stars Anon
Stars Anon, I like,,, really like this request. I don’t know why, but I got so excited when I read this. i think its cause i need to practice my angst so let’s go! (⌐■_■) look its a V emoji
thanks for the daily request! good night/day to you too, and stay safe as well!! (i think it is lol
this got hella long;;; EDIT: but i rly liked this one so..i took off the cut...whoops
 v and saeran are here!  [tw: violence, abuse, language, unhealthy relationships smh] 
zen was highkey upset when they learned that mc was taken already
but as long as they were happy, well, he was too 
they did grow close, though! the two of them were good friends
zen actually met the person mc was dating 
they seemed nice and seemed to have a connection to mc
but he’d be lying if he said that it didn’t hurt a little
mc’s date mate kissed them in front of zen once and wow did that sting  
but one night, zen heard a knock on his door. and he was so confused because it was past midnight
he opened the door to find mc, crying and with a developing black eye 
automatically brought them inside and had them sit on the couch
“mc! are you alright? no, that was stupid, what happened? who hurt you?” 
they can’t answer through their tears at first so zen kneels in front of them and wipes them gently 
“take your time..i’m right here, mc. you can tell me anything”
they manage to choke out that their date mate hit them during a fight
zen was shocked. their date mate did that? they hit mc? 
what he wanted to do, was get up and punch mc’s date mate right then 
but he focused on mc first. pulled them into a hug and offered them to stay the night 
once they stopped crying, zen brought them an ice pack and some tea
zen told them they had to get out of that relationship, but mc refused at first 
“mc. they hit you.” “I know zen, but I can’t leave them..I shouldn’t even be here right now. oh my god, this is all my fault-”
“how is this your fault, mc? babe, you did nothing wrong.” “Don’t call me that! Please..don’t” they yelled that first part, which surprised zen 
he was about to ask, but there was a bang on his door 
mc yelped, sitting back on the couch. “they found me…” 
oh now zen is Angry. he opened the door and found mc’s date mate
“I know they’re in there! Give them back to me, right now. I wasn’t done with them.” mc is shaking in the back
zen, however, stood his ground. “how about you fuck off. mc isn’t going anywhere”
they punch zen (!) mc yelled out for him when they saw him stumble back 
zen is quick to recover though and punches them in return, harder. 
he manages to get them out of his house, but goes back to mc with a face worse than theirs
“zen! you shouldn’t have done that, I’m so sorry!” 
“they won’t bother you anymore, mc. you don’t have to apologize.”
“but-” “how about instead of apologizing, you stay with me instead?” “…i’d like that”
yoosung was happy just having mc as a friend, at first
but then he developed a crush on them, which would’ve been fine and all, but they were already dating! 
he thought he was cursed for a few hours tbh 
unlike zen, yoosung never met mc’s date mate, but he’s heard stories 
mc smiles every time they tell those stories, so he tries to smile along with them, but it’s hard
and it was getting harder, but today was the day yoosung was supposed to meet mc’s date mate. he was going to go over to mc’s so they could all have lunch
when he got there, however, they were arguing.
“why do we have to have his kid over? I’m sure he just wants to get in your pants. And you’re gonna let him, aren’t you?” an unfamiliar voice. “of course not! yoosung is my friend..” mc’s voice 
“you don’t need friends! you’re dating me. I’m all you need, you whore” 
ok yoosung hates language like that, so he knocks on the door
mc’s date mate spoke again. “fuck off! you can’t have them, they’re mine.” “i’m sorry yoosung, maybe we can reschedule?” “reschedule my ass”..yoosung kind of lost his patience
he takes off his hair clip and picks the lock wow someone’s a badass
the door slams open and he can see mc flinch, but their date mate stands up
“mc is coming with me” and mc tries to go over to yoosung, but their date mate pulls them back over “take them from me, if you can” they smirk
yoosung knows that he probably can’t fight the person, but there’s something else he can do
no one is exactly sure how this happened, but now mc’s date mate is laid on the table, with yoosung holding them there 
“let me say this again. mc is coming with me.” “yeah, ok, sure dude.” 
yoosung lets them up and goes to take mc’s hand, but then the other person tackles yoosung instead
“yoosung!” mc yells out, running after the two of them, trying to get yoosung free
they eventually do get him off and mc slaps their date mate(ex date mate now) 
they run out and when they’re far enough, mc tells him that stuff like this has happened a lot..
yoosung hugged mc and kissed their forehead, “it’s over now, ill protect you”
jaehee knew that mc was dating someone else, but that was fine, jaehee just wanted mc to be her friend, anyways. r u sure jaehee?
things were just fine! they all got along, everything was fine
until, out of nowhere, mc started hanging out with jaehee less
by now, they haven’t hung out with her in going on 2 weeks
jaehee gets a little worried, so she calls mc
and they pick up! but she can hear…sniffling?
“hey jaehee, sorry I haven’t been over lately” “I’m more worried about you, mc….is everything alright?” “oh, yeah! everything is ok, just..i don’t think i can hang out with you anymore, im so sorry-” 
and then mc hung up. well….that was weird
jaehee had a feeling there was probably more to this than mc let on
so she decided to head over to their place to check on them
but they weren’t there. their date mate’s house, then.
jaehee knocked on the door, mc’s date mate opened it and crossed their arms. 
“what do you want?” “is mc here?” “that’s none of your business” jaehee raised an eyebrow. “as their friend, it is a bit of my business…so they are here” “even if they were, you can’t see them.” 
jaehee takes a step forward, mc’s date mate doesn’t move. “mc?” she hears a little noise from inside. oh, they’re in there.
“you can’t keep them in here.” she says. “watch me.” they answer
“I won’t let you.” jaehee says, “i’d like to see you try.” they say in response
and then they spit on jaehee’s face
she wastes no time at all and literally flips them out on the ground outside. jaehee walks inside and picks up mc, leaving
they go back to jaehee’s apartment and she wraps mc in a blanket with hot chocolate 
“mc, love that person did not deserve you. and no one can keep you from doing whatever you like, okay? i’ll make sure of that now”
mc’s date mate showed up to the party
mc was talking to jumin while they walked up and pulled mc’s face over to kiss them
jumin found that both odd and unneeded, but he didn’t understand couples
he also found himself a bit…jealous? except he wouldn’t kiss mc that roughly in public..
so it was already off to a bad start 
things got really bad, however, when mc’s date mate decided to interrupt an rfa meeting at jumin’s penthouse
they made a ruckus. the guards were having trouble because it seemed like they were throwing a temper tantrum
mc stayed quiet when the others asked if they wanted their date mate to come in, so jumin decided to check it out
when he found mc’s date mate with his guards, they were drunk. it wasn’t even one in the afternoon. 
“you fuckers give mc back to me right now.” they said. “do you need them for something important?” he asked. “yeah, I need some sugar. now.” 
jumin han is…disgusted. and could only imagine how mc felt. 
“we’re in the middle of an important meeting. if you could wait for-” they cut him off. “i don’t wait! i’ll have mc whenever I damn well want mc.” 
and now, jumin han has a little brain click and he is angry
“hm. well, you can’t have mc at all anymore.” he tells the guards to take them outside, as well as one or two other things
but, of course, this drunk asshole decides to punch jumin first 
oh, now it’s only fair. jumin punches them back, and they are out. thanks alcohol
the guards are surprised, but he tells them he’s fine and to do what they’re told
he comes back into the meeting room, everyone but mc really surprised
*clears throat* “i’m afraid i ran into mc’s ex..but they’re taken care of”
707 / luciel / saeyoung
oh, this one knew about mc’s relationship alright
and he knew that their choice in significant others wasn’t the best 
he also knew that they needed to get out of that relationship asap 
but how to tell them that discretely?
turns out, he didn’t need to. 
he got a call from mc, which he answered right away 
“seven? can you give me a ride?…and stay on the phone with me?” “of course”
he put it on speaker, hopped into one of his babe cars, and started driving over to mc 
he heard their argument over the phone
“you’re not leaving, mc.” “yes I am! I’m done with you cheating on me! i’m done with you acting like you’re sorry about it and then doing it again!” 
saeyoung was proud of them for that
“but, babe…you know i love you, i couldn’t live without you. i’m nothing without you.”  mc made a sound, one that sounded like they were believing that
“that’s bullshit, mc. and you know that. i’m almost there.” he said 
“don’t listen to that stupid redhead, mc. i’m in love with you…you’ve helped me with so much..i’m getting better, love”
saeyoung was two minutes away. “i…seven, hurry” 
he pushed the gas harder. “be walking outside.” 
he could tell mc was doing what he said, they were moving. “let go of me!” they yelled, presumably because that ass was holding them back.
seven pulled up, got out of the car, and took mc’s bag, using it to hit their arm off of mc. “watch your back, okay?” was all he said before taking mc with him
when they drove off, saeyoung took mc’s hand again. “thank you for calling me..” they sighed, wiping a tear away. “i knew you could take care of me..”
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